IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Guide

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IBM Visualization Data Explorer
User's Guide

Version 3 Release 1 Modification 4


Table of Contents

About This Guide
Summary of Changes in Data Explorer Version 3.1.4
Chapter 1. Overview
Chapter 2. Introduction to Visualization
Chapter 3. Understanding the Data Model
Chapter 4. Data Explorer Execution Model
Chapter 5. Graphical User Interface: Basics
Chapter 6. Graphical User Interface: Important Windows
Chapter 7. Graphical User Interface: Control Panels, Interactors, and Macros
Chapter 8. Graphical User Interface: Menus, Options, and the Message Window
Chapter 9. Graphical User Interface: For Advanced Users
Chapter 10. Data Explorer Scripting Language
Appendix A. Using Data Explorer: Some Useful Hints
Appendix B. Importing Data: File Formats
Appendix C. Environment Variables and Command Line Options
Appendix D. User Interface Configuration
Appendix E. Data Explorer Fonts
Appendix F. Data Explorer Colors
Appendix G. Accelerator Keys
Chapter 11. Glossary


  1. Examples of Data Dependency
  2. Example of a Field Object
  3. Shared Components among Different Fields
  4. Order of Vertices in Triangles and Tetrahedra
  5. Order of Vertices in Quads and Cuboids
  6. Examples of Grid Types
  7. Use of Faces, Loops, and Edge Components
  8. Example of an Irregular Array
  9. Example of a Regular Array
  10. Example of a Product Array
  11. Product Array of Two Regular Arrays
  12. Example of a Path Array
  13. Example of a Mesh Array
  14. Mesh Array of Two Path Arrays (with Regular Connections)
  15. Example of a Constant Array
  16. Example of a Group
  17. Example of a Series Group
  18. Example 1
  19. Example 2
  20. Example 3
  21. Example 4
  22. Example 5
  23. Example 6
  24. Example 7
  25. Example 8
  26. Example 9
  27. Example 10
  28. Example 11
  29. Example 12
  30. Visual Program Editor Window
  31. Example of an Option Box
  32. Sample Help Window
  33. Sequence Control Panel
  34. Sequencer Frame Control Dialog Box
  35. View Control Dialog Box
  36. View Control Modes with Accelerator Keys
  37. Set View Option Box
  38. Navigate Portion of the View Control Dialog Box
  39. Camera Settings Portion of the View Control Dialog Box
  40. 3-D Cursor with a Selected Point
  41. AutoAxes Configuration dialog box
  42. Expanded AutoAxes Configuration Dialog Box
  43. Rendering Options Dialog Box
  44. Throttle Dialog Box
  45. Save Image Dialog Box
  46. Print Image Dialog Box
  47. VPE Window
  48. Example of a Tool Icon
  49. How Tabs Work
  50. Typical Configuration Dialog Box
  51. Typical Dialog Box for the Compute Module
  52. Find Tool Dialog Box
  53. Grid Dialog Box
  54. Save As Dialog Box
  55. Open Dialog Box
  56. Fragment of Visual Program Using Colormap
  57. Colormap Editor
  58. Colormap's Add Control Points Dialog Box
  59. Generate Waveforms Dialog Box
  60. Control Panel Window
  61. Set Attributes Dialog Box
  62. Set Attributes Dialog Box for a Selector Interactor
  63. Set Interactor Label Dialog Box
  64. Control Panel Group Dialog Box
  65. Control Panel Access Dialog Box
  66. Stepper Style
  67. Dial Style
  68. Slider Style
  69. Text Style
  70. String Interactor
  71. Sample Vector List Interactor
  72. Selector Interactor (Radio-button Style)
  73. FileSelector Interactor
  74. File Selection Dialog Box
  75. Example of a Macro
  76. Input Configuration Dialog Box
  77. Macro Name Dialog Box
  78. MapAndDeform Macro Icon
  79. Execution Group Dialog Box
  80. Execution Group Assignment Dialog Box
  81. Start Server Dialog Box
  82. Start Server Options Dialog Box
  83. Data Imbedded in a Header Section
  84. Header Referring to Data in Another File
  85. Header and Data in the Same File
  86. Regular Grid Example
  87. Regular Skewed Grid Example
  88. Warped Regular Grid Example
  89. Irregular Grid Example
  90. Product Array Example with Irregular Points in the XY Plane
  91. Product Array Example with Irregular Points in the Z Direction
  92. Example of Faces, Loops, and Edges
  93. Example of Faces, Loops, and Edges with a Hole
  94. Example of a Surface Using Faces, Edges, and Loops

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