subroutine recons(n,phi,x,y,xst,yst,dcut) * given (phi, sa), reconstruct the curve and give (x,y) * note theta = phi + alpha (0 < alpha < 2 pi) integer j,n double precision phi(0:8192),x(0:8192),y(0:8192) double precision tx(0:8192),ty(0:8192) double precision h,hp,ad,xst,yst,xclose,yclose,sa,pi,p2, + hp2,dcut,theta common/salpha/sa common/gridsz/h,hp common/valupi/pi,p2 hp2 = 2.D0*hp call kfilter(n,dcut,phi) do 10 j=0,n x(j) = 0.D0 y(j) = 0.D0 theta = phi(j) + dble(j)*hp2 tx(j) = sa*dcos(theta) ty(j) = sa*dsin(theta) 10 continue call fin2(N,h,p2,x,tx) call fin2(N,h,p2,y,ty) xclose = x(n) yclose = y(n) do 20 j=0,n ad = dble(j)*h x(j) = xst + x(j) - ad*xclose y(j) = yst + y(j) - ad*yclose 20 continue call kfilter(n,dcut,x) call kfilter(n,dcut,y) end