subroutine clarea(t,n,x,y,th) * calculate the area and the center of the reactive region. integer j,n double precision hp,hp2,pi,p2,h,sa,t double precision x(0:8192),y(0:8192),th(0:8192) double precision tem1(0:8192),tem2(0:8192) double precision area,xc,yc common/salpha/sa common/gridsz/h,hp common/valupi/pi,p2 hp2 = 2.D0*hp do 20 j=0,n tem1(j) = x(j)*dsin(th(j)) - y(j)*dcos(th(j)) 20 continue call fin2(n,h,p2,tem2,tem1) area = 0.5D0*sa*tem2(n) do 30 j=0,n tem1(j) = y(j)*y(j)*dcos(th(j)) 30 continue call fin2(n,h,p2,tem2,tem1) yc = -0.5D0*sa*tem2(n)/area write(13,101) t,area c write(14,101) t,xc write(15,101) t,yc 101 format(2(f16.12,2x)) end