
* README for IBM Visualization Data Explorer for Suns running Solaris 2 
* (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1991-1997 
* All Rights Reserved. 
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
The information contained in this file consists of hints for using the 
system, help with functions that may not be apparent, and last minute updates 
to the existing documentation.  It is advisable to review this file any time 
Data Explorer updates are applied. 
    To go directly to an item, search for the item number beginning 
    at the left margin. 
    1. System Configuration  
       A. Default Keyboard Mappings 
       B. Memory Usage 
       C. Error message "cannot get shared memory segment" 
    2. Hardware Rendering Considerations 
       A. Shared Library Support for Hardware Rendering  
       B. Hardware Rendering Not Available Message 
       C. Transparency for Hardware Rendering 
       D. Lines are redrawn in black 
    3. On Line Help Path Menu 
    4. Runtime-loadable modules  
1. System Configuration  
A. Default Keyboard Mappings 
On the Sun SPARCstations, Ctrl+Delete is Ctrl+Del.  "Del" is found 
on the numeric keypad.  Data Explorer responds to the "End" key and arrow 
keys found on the numeric keypad.  The mnemonic key to pull down the menus 
uses the diamond key as the modifier, instead of the Alt key. 
B. Memory Usage 
Under Solaris, Data Explorer uses shared memory in 256 megabyte segments. 
The default configuration for Solaris only allows 1 megabyte shared memory 
segments.  To allow Data Explorer to run, log in as root, and follow these 
    1)  Copy /etc/system to /etc/system.pre-dx 
    2)  edit /etc/system 
    3)  add the line "set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax = 0x10000000" 
    4)  reboot the system 
If this cannot be done, see the DXSHMEMSEGMAX environment variable, described 
in Appendix C of the User Guide.  
C. Error message "cannot get shared memory segment" 
This error message is caused by one of two problems: 
    1)  The system hasn't been configured for 256 megabyte shared memory 
        segments.  Follow the rules above under Memory Usage. 
    2)  There is insufficient swap space available on the workstation. 
        Type "swap -l" to determine available space.  You must either 
        increase swap space or run Data Explorer with the -memory option 
        to reduce its use of memory.  For example, type "dx -memory 32" to 
        restrict Data Explorer to 32 megabytes of memory. 
2. Hardware Rendering Considerations 
A. Shared Library Support for Hardware Rendering 
When hardware rendering is requested for the first time, the executive 
dynamically loads /usr/lpp/dx/bin_solaris/DXhwdd.so and the xgl shared 
libraries.  If one of these is not present then hardware rendering will 
be disabled. 
B. Hardware Rendering Not Available Message 
When the message 'Hardware rendering not available: /usr/lib/libxgl.so not 
found' appears, then xgl shared library or run-time support has not been 
C. Transparency 
Transparency is not handled by the Sun Hardware Renderer. 
D. Lines are redrawn in black 
When using direct interactors which draw lines on the image (e.g. zoom 
box), the lines will be redrawn in black.  They will persist until 
the image is redrawn. 
3. On Line Help Path Menu 
In the current implementation of Data Explorer, the pop-up menu 
providing the current help path is not supported. 
4. Runtime-loadable modules  
You need to use -mdf flag on dx to load runtime modules from the 
command line if you are using more than 1 processor. That is, 
you cannot use the "Load Module Description" option of the File menu 
to load them after Data Explorer has started. 
The following trademarks apply to this information: 
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. 
IBM Visualization Data Explorer is a trademark of International 
    Business Machines Corporation. 
SPARCstation is a trademark of SPARC International. 
Sun, Sun-4, XGL, and OpenWindows are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.