#!/bin/csh -f # # shell script to start DX. normally called indirectly from /usr/bin/dx # so that $DXROOT can be interpreted if dx isn't installed in the default # directory. # # Name as reported with -version option set version_name="IBM Visualization Data Explorer Script" # machine type, hostname, version etc # current machine hostname & version set thissys=`/bin/uname -s | sed -e 's/ ..*$//'` set thismach=`/bin/uname -m` set thishost=`hostname | sed -e 's/\..*$//'` set thisver=`/bin/uname -r` set remote=/usr/bin/rsh set showversion=0 # determine the machine type, and set uiarch, exarch and thisver defaults switch ( $thissys ) case AIX*: set exarch=ibm6000 set uiarch=ibm6000 set thisver=`/bin/uname -v` set thisver2=`/bin/uname -v`.`/bin/uname -r` # # The following is a work-around for a problem involved with NLS support # and .net file reading on AIX. # setenv LANG C setenv LC_ALL C # this is for AIX 3.2.3e, so we get the right libs at run time setenv LIBPATH /usr/lib:/lib breaksw case IRIX*: set exarch=sgi set uiarch=sgi set remote=/usr/bsd/rsh if ( $thisver == ) setenv __SGI_NO_REMOTE_GL unsetenv XUSERFILESEARCHPATH breaksw case SunOS*: # the version comes out as A.B.C - we want just A set majorver=$thisver:r set majorver=$majorver:r if ( $majorver >= 5 ) then set exarch=solaris set uiarch=solaris setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/openwin/lib:/opt/SUNWits/Graphics-sw/xgl-3.0/lib:/usr/ucblib else set exarch=sun4 set uiarch=sun4 set remote=/usr/ucb/rsh # # This is to work around a problem on SunOS4, in which a reference # to a directory that is included by default causes # 'dlopen:stub interception failed' messages to appear when attempting # hw rendering. # if ( ! $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "" endif setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH `echo "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" | sed -e 's?/usr/ucblib??g' -e 's?/usr/lib??g' -e 's?:[:]*?:?g'` endif endif # make sure we don't use openwin files unsetenv XFILESEARCHPATH breaksw case HP-UX*: set exarch=hp700 set uiarch=hp700 set thisver=`/bin/uname -m | cut -c1-6` set remote=/usr/bin/remsh breaksw case dgux: set exarch=aviion set uiarch=aviion set remote=/usr/bin/remsh breaksw case OSF1*: set exarch=alphax set uiarch=alphax breaksw case Linux: set exarch=linux86 set uiarch=linux86 set remote=/usr/bin/rsh breaksw default: echo unknown machine type exit 1 breaksw endsw # default to running locally, from /usr/lpp/dx set exhost=$thishost set dxroot=/usr/lpp/dx set startup=1 # run the startup window by default # initialize these so later they can be used, even the first time. set xparms= set dxargs="" set envargs="" set uiflags="" set prompterflags="" set exmdf="" set uimdf="" set errmsg="" set FileName="" # Name of filename given on command line w/o option set uirestrict="" set echoparms= set seecomline= set exlic= set motifcmd= set motifbind= # # if DXARGS defined, use them as the default args to this command. # append any other command line args afterwards # if ($?DXARGS) then set dxargs="$DXARGS" endif # have to use all env variables here to set parms, because if we use rsh # to start dx on another machine, environment vars don't get propagated. # if ($?DXHOST) then set envargs="$envargs -host $DXHOST" endif if ($?DXPROCESSORS) then set envargs="$envargs -processors $DXPROCESSORS" endif if ($?DXMEMORY) then set envargs="$envargs -memory $DXMEMORY" endif if ($?DXEXEC) then set envargs="$envargs -exec $DXEXEC" endif if ($?DXMDF) then set envargs="$envargs -mdf $DXMDF" endif if ($?DXUI) then set envargs="$envargs -ui $DXUI" endif if ($?DXMACROS) then set envargs="$envargs -macros $DXMACROS" endif if ($?DXMODULES) then set envargs="$envargs -modules $DXMODULES" endif if ($?DXDATA) then set envargs="$envargs -data $DXDATA" endif if ($?DXINCLUDE) then set envargs="$envargs -include $DXINCLUDE" endif if ($?DXCOLORS) then set envargs="$envargs -colors $DXCOLORS" endif if ($?DX8BITCMAP) then set envargs="$envargs -8bitcmap $DX8BITCMAP" endif if ($?DXROOT) then set envargs="$envargs -dxroot $DXROOT" endif if ($?DXEXECROOT) then set envargs="$envargs -execroot $DXEXECROOT" endif if ($?DXUIROOT) then set envargs="$envargs -uiroot $DXUIROOT" endif set arglist=($dxargs $envargs $argv) # # parse input parameters here # while ($#arglist > 0) switch ($arglist[1]) case -host: # start the executive on this machine if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-host: missing hostname" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-host: missing hostname" goto out endif set exhost=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -local: # ignore DXHOST and run local set exhost=$thishost breaksw case -directory: # cd here before starting exec if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-directory: missing directory name" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-directory: missing directory name" goto out endif set cdto="$arglist[2]" shift arglist breaksw case -memory: # how much memory to use if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-memory: missing parameter, must give number of Megabytes" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-memory: missing parameter, must give number of Megabytes" goto out endif set exmem="-M$arglist[2]" set uimem="-memory $arglist[2]" shift arglist breaksw case -processors: # how many processors to use (for MP) if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-processors: missing number of processors to use" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-processors: missing number of processors to use" goto out endif set exproc="-p$arglist[2]" set uiproc="-processors $arglist[2]" shift arglist breaksw case -port: # what socket number to use if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-port: missing port number" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-port: missing port number" goto out endif switch ($arglist[2]) case [0-9]*: set port=$arglist[2] breaksw default: set errmsg="-port: port must be specified as a number" goto out endsw shift arglist breaksw case -image: # start UI in image mode case -edit: # start UI in edit mode case -kiosk: # start UI in kiosk/menubar mode set uimode=$arglist[1] set exonly=0 set exmode=-r unset startup breaksw case -wizard: set wizard=1 breaksw case -menubar: # start UI in kiosk/menubar mode set uimode=-kiosk set exonly=0 set exmode=-r unset startup breaksw case -encode: # Encode a .net file set encoder=1 unset startup breaksw case -key: # the key for encoding .net files if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-key: missing number" goto out endif switch ($arglist[2]) case [A-Fa-f0-9]*: set key=$arglist[2] breaksw default: set errmsg="-key: key must be specified as a number" goto out endsw set uiflags="$uiflags -cryptKey $key" shift arglist breaksw case -execute: # in image mode, execute once automatically set uiflags="$uiflags -execute" breaksw case -execute_on_change: # in image mode, stay in exec-on-change mode set uiflags="$uiflags -execute_on_change" breaksw case -suppress: # in image mode, don't automatically open control panels set uiflags="$uiflags -suppress" breaksw case -display: # explicitly set output device if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-display: missing X name" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-display: missing X name" goto out endif setenv DISPLAY $arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -log: # executive logging: on or off if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-log: missing parameter, must be on or off" goto out endif switch ($arglist[2]) case on: set exlog=-l set uilog="-log on" breaksw case off: set exlog= set uilog="-log off" breaksw default: set errmsg="-log: bad parameter, must be on or off" goto out endsw shift arglist breaksw case -cache: # executive cache: on or off if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-cache: missing parameter, must be on or off" goto out endif switch ($arglist[2]) case on: set excache= set uicache="-cache on" breaksw case off: set excache=-c set uicache="-cache off" breaksw default: set errmsg="-cache: bad parameter, must be on or off" goto out endsw shift arglist breaksw case -trace: # executive trace: on or off if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-trace: missing parameter, must be on or off" goto out endif switch ($arglist[2]) case on: set extrace=-T set uitrace="-trace on" breaksw case off: set extrace= set uitrace="-trace off" breaksw default: set errmsg="-trace: bad parameter, must be on or off" goto out endsw shift arglist breaksw case -readahead: # executive readahead: on or off if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-readahead: missing parameter, must be on or off" goto out endif switch ($arglist[2]) case off: set exread=-u set uiread="-readahead off" breaksw case on: set exread= set uiread="-readahead on" breaksw default: set errmsg="-readahead: bad parameter, must be on or off" goto out endsw shift arglist breaksw case -timing: # executive module timing: on or off if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-timing: missing parameter, must be on or off" goto out endif switch ($arglist[2]) case on: set extime=-m set uitime="-timing on" breaksw case off: set extime= set uitime="-timing off" breaksw default: set errmsg="-timing: bad parameter, must be on or off" goto out endsw shift arglist breaksw case -highlight: # executive highlight: on or off if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-highlight: missing parameter, must be on or off" goto out endif switch ($arglist[2]) case on: set exhilite=-B set uihilite="-highlight on" breaksw case off: set exhilite= set uihilite="-highlight off" breaksw default: set errmsg="-highlight: bad parameter, must be on or off" goto out endsw shift arglist breaksw case -license : if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-license : missing parameter" goto out endif switch ($arglist[2]) case runtime: # Force a runtime licese set exlic="-Lruntime" set uiflags="$uiflags -forceLicense runtime" breaksw case develop: # Force a development license set exlic="-Ldevelop" set uiflags="$uiflags -forceLicense develop" breaksw case timed: # Force a timed license (implemented by the ui only) set uiflags="$uiflags -forceLicense timed" breaksw case self: # Force the exec to license itself (even in remote mode) set exlic="-Lself" breaksw default: set errmsg="-license: $arglist[2] bad parameter" goto out endsw shift arglist breaksw case -nodeid: exec $DXROOT/bin/NodeID # not reached breaksw case -trialkey: exec $DXROOT/bin/NodeID trial # not reached breaksw case -optimize: if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-optimize: missing parameter" goto out endif switch ($arglist[2]) case memory: # Use delayed colors and use 24bit colors setenv DXPIXELTYPE DXByte setenv DXDELAYEDCOLORS 1 breaksw case precision: setenv DXPIXELTYPE DXFloat unsetenv DXDELAYEDCOLORS breaksw default: set errmsg="-optimize: $arglist[2] bad parameter" goto out endsw shift arglist breaksw case -script: # exec input script, if next parm != -something set exonly=1 set exmode=-R unset startup if ($#arglist < 2) then breaksw endif switch ($arglist[2]) case -*: breaksw case *: set FileName=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw endsw breaksw case -connect: # start the distributed exec set exonly=1 set exmode=-R unset startup if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-connect: missing host:portnum" goto out endif set exconnect=$arglist[2] set chost=`echo $exconnect | sed -e 's/^\(.*\):.*$/\1/'` set cnum=`echo $exconnect | sed -e 's/^.*:\([0-9.]*\)$/\1/'` set exdist="-s -C $cnum -H $chost" shift arglist breaksw case -program: # filename of network if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-program: missing program name" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-program: missing program name" goto out endif unset startup set FileName=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -cfg: # configuration file to use with .net given by -program if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-cfg: missing configuration file name" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-cfg: missing configuration file name" goto out endif set uiflags="$uiflags -cfg $arglist[2]" shift arglist breaksw case -uionly: # startup the ui only set uionly=1 unset startup breaksw case -exonly: # startup the executable only case -execonly: set exonly=1 unset startup breaksw case -dxroot: # override root directory for all dx files if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-dxroot: missing directory name" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-dxroot: missing directory name" goto out endif set dxroot=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -execroot: # override root directory for all exec files case -exroot: if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-execroot: missing directory name" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-execroot: missing directory name" goto out endif set dxexroot=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -uiroot: # override root directory for all ui files if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-uiroot: missing directory name" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-uiroot: missing directory name" goto out endif set dxuiroot=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -exec: # specific name of exec to use if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-exec: missing filename" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-exec: missing filename" goto out endif set dxexec=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -mdf: # name of local mdf to use if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-mdf: missing filename" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-mdf: missing filename" goto out endif set dxmdf=$arglist[2] set exmdf="$exmdf -F $arglist[2]" set uimdf="$uimdf -mdf $arglist[2]" shift arglist breaksw case -dxmdf: # name of overriding dx.mdf file to use if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-dxmdf: missing filename" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-dxmdf: missing filename" goto out endif set uimdf="$uimdf -dxmdf $arglist[2]" shift arglist breaksw case -uimdf: # name of overriding ui.mdf file to use if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-uimdf: missing filename" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-uimdf: missing filename" goto out endif set uimdf="$uimdf -uimdf $arglist[2]" shift arglist breaksw case -ui: # name of ui executable to use if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-ui: missing filename" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-ui: missing filename" goto out endif set dxui=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -data: # pathlist of directories to search for data files if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-data: missing directory list" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-data: missing directory list" goto out endif set dxdata=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -macros: # pathlist of dirs to search for UI macros if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-macros: missing directory list" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-macros: missing directory list" goto out endif set dxmacros=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -modules: # pathlist of directories to search for outboards if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-modules: missing directory list" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-modules: missing directory list" goto out endif set dxmodules=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -include: # pathlist of directories to search for script files if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-include: missing directory list" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-include: missing directory list" goto out endif set dxinclude=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -colors: # filename of replacement colors file if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-colors: missing filename" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-colors: missing filename" goto out endif set dxcolors=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -8bitcmap: # set tolerance for colormap match if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-8bitcmap: missing threshold" goto out endif set dx8bitcmap=$arglist[2] if ( "$dx8bitcmap" == "private" ) then set dx8bitcmap=-1.0 else if ( "$dx8bitcmap" == "shared" ) then set dx8bitcmap=1.0 endif shift arglist breaksw case -hwrender: # force which hardware rendering lib to use if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-hwrender: missing parameter, must be gl or opengl" goto out endif switch ($arglist[2]) case gl: setenv DXHWMOD DXhwdd.o breaksw case opengl: setenv DXHWMOD DXhwddOGL.o breaksw default: set errmsg="-hwrender: missing parameter, must be gl or opengl" goto out endsw shift arglist breaksw case -xrm: # explicitly set an X resource name if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-xrm: missing parameter" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-xrm: missing parameter" goto out endif set xparms="$xparms -xrm $arglist[2]" shift arglist breaksw case -verbose: # echo stuff set seecomline=1 breaksw case -uidebug: # private flag - enable ui debugging messages set uidebug=-uidebug breaksw case -outboarddebug: # the exec will ask the user to start the outboard set exoutdb="-D" set uioutdb="-outboarddebug" breaksw case -echo: # debug this file - only echos command line set echoparms=echo breaksw case -remoteecho: # debug this file - echos the remote command line set envargs="$envargs -echo" breaksw case -help: # print short help message case -shorthelp: case -h: goto shorthelp breaksw case -morehelp: # print long help message case -longhelp: goto longhelp breaksw case -server: # obsolete options which took an arg case -arch: case -uiarch: case -minprocessors: case -maxprocessors: case -minmemory: case -maxmemory: # echo $arglist[1] obsolete, ignored if ($#arglist >= 2) then switch ($arglist[2]) case -*: # Ignore incorrect usage too. breaksw default: shift arglist breaksw endsw endif breaksw case -wait: # obsolete options w/o args case -queue: case -ibm6000: # echo $arglist[1] obsolete, ignored breaksw case -version: # print the exec and ui versions set showversion=1 breaksw case -prompter: # don't start DX, start the Data Prompter instead set prompter=1 unset startup breaksw case -startup: # don't start DX, start the Startup window instead set startup=1 breaksw case -tutor: # don't start DX, start the tutorial instead case -tutorial: set tutor=1 unset startup breaksw case -builder: # don't start DX, start the Module Builder instead set builder=1 unset startup breaksw case -no*: # ui restriction flags case -limitImageOptions: set uirestrict="$uirestrict $arglist[1]" breaksw case -metric: # make default units metric in postscript printing set uiflags="$uiflags -metric" breaksw case -restrictionLevel: if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-restrictionLevel: missing level" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-restrictionLevel: missing level" goto out endif set uirestrict="$uirestrict -restrictionLevel $arglist[2]" shift arglist breaksw case -appHost: if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-appHost: missing host" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-appHost: missing host" goto out endif set uiflags="$uiflags -appHost $arglist[2]" shift arglist breaksw case -appPort: if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-appPort: missing port" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-appPort: missing port" goto out endif set uiflags="$uiflags -appPort $arglist[2]" shift arglist breaksw case -file: if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-file: missing input filename" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-file: missing input filename" goto out endif set FileName=$arglist[2] shift arglist breaksw case -full: set prompterflags="$prompterflags -full" breaksw case -view: if ($#arglist < 2) then set errmsg="-view: missing object filename" goto out endif if ("$arglist[2]" =~ -* ) then set errmsg="-view: missing input filename" goto out endif set uiflags="$uiflags -view $arglist[2]" shift arglist breaksw case -*: # -anything else set errmsg="unrecognized parameter: $arglist[1]" goto out default: # filename of network if ( $FileName != "" ) then set errmsg="input filename already set to '$FileName'; '$arglist[1]' unrecognized" goto out endif set FileName=$arglist[1] breaksw endsw shift arglist end # # supply any variable values not set yet # if (! $?dxexroot) set dxexroot=$dxroot # root directory for exec set dxexecdef=$dxexroot/bin_${exarch}/dxexec if (! $?dxexec) set dxexec=$dxexecdef if (! $?exonly) set exonly=0 # start exec only? yes (1) or no (0) if (! $?exmode) set exmode=-r # ui (-r) or standalone () if (! $?excache) set excache= # on () or off (-c) if (! $?exread) set exread= # on () or off (-u) if (! $?exlog) set exlog= # on (-l) or off () if (! $?exmem) set exmem= # unlimited () or # Mbytes (-M#) if (! $?exproc) set exproc= # unlimited () or # of processors (-p#) if (! $?exerrlvl) set exerrlvl= # off () or verbose (-E#) if (! $?extrace) set extrace= # on (-T) or off () if (! $?extime) set extime= # on (-m) or off () if (! $?exoutdb) set exoutdb= # off () or on (-D) if (! $?exhilite) set exhilite=-B # on (-B) or off () if (! $?exdist) set exdist= # flags for distributed if (! $?dxuiroot) set dxuiroot=$dxroot # root directory for ui if (! $?dxui) then set dxui=$dxuiroot/bin_${uiarch}/dxui endif if (! $?uionly) set uionly=0 # start ui only? yes (1) or no (0) if (! $?wizard) set wizard=0 # dxui wizard windows if (! $?uimode) set uimode=-edit # vse (-edit) or image (-image) if (! $?uidepth) set uidepth= # 24bit or 8bit if (! $?uidebug) set uidebug= # off () or on (-uidebug) if (! $?uimem) set uimem= # -memory flag (ui sends to exec) if (! $?uiproc) set uiproc= # -processors flag (ui sends to exec) if (! $?uilog) set uilog= # ui logging on or off if (! $?uicache) set uicache= # exec cache on or off if (! $?uiread) set uiread= # exec readahead on or off if (! $?uitrace) set uitrace= # exec tracing on or off if (! $?uitime) set uitime= # exec timing on or off if (! $?uioutdb) set uioutdb= # off () or on (-outboarddebug) if (! $?uihilite) set uihilite= # module highlighting on or off if (! $?port) set port=1900 # default socket if (! $?cdto) set cdto=`pwd` # default current dir for exec if (! $?dxdata) set dxdata="/usr/lpp/dx/samples/data" # # set the env variables which the executables will read with getenv() # (the following lines can't be single line if statements because # evidently the cshell reads and tries to parse the whole line # before it looks at the results of the test. this provokes 'undefined # variable' error messages. # if ($?dxmacros) then setenv DXMACROS $dxmacros endif if ($?dxmodules) then setenv DXMODULES $dxmodules endif if ($?dxdata) then setenv DXDATA $dxdata endif if ($?dxinclude) then setenv DXINCLUDE $dxinclude endif if ($?dxmdf) then setenv DXMDF $dxmdf endif if ($?dxcolors) then setenv DXCOLORS $dxcolors endif if ($?dx8bitcmap) then setenv DX8BITCMAP $dx8bitcmap endif # # guarenteed to be have values # setenv DXROOT $dxroot if ($dxroot != $dxexroot) setenv DXEXECROOT $dxexroot if ($dxroot != $dxuiroot) setenv DXUIROOT $dxuiroot # the old syntax was host,port. disabled for now. # setenv DXHOST "$exhost,$port" setenv DXHOST "$exhost" # # Now that the environment is set up we can test the version if requested # if ($showversion) then $dxexec -v $dxui -version echo $version_name, 03.01.0004B exit 0 endif # # set the DISPLAY var, if not already set (and if local, unix:0 is faster) # if (! $?DISPLAY) then if ( $exhost != $thishost ) then setenv DISPLAY "${thishost}:0" else setenv DISPLAY unix:0 endif endif # # Set some special motif bindings for the various user interfaces # switch ( $uiarch ) case aviion: set motifcmd="-xrm" set motifbind="*defaultVirtualBindings: osfDelete : Delete \n osfBackSpace: BackSpace \n osfLeft : Left \n osfRight : Right \n osfUp : Up \n osfDown : Down \n osfPageUp : Prior \n osfPageDown : Next \n osfInsert : Insert" breaksw case alphax: setenv XNLSPATH $dxroot/lib_alphax/nls #set motifbind="DX*officialmascot: fred" breaksw default: #set motifbind="DX*officialmascot: fred" breaksw endsw # # start programs here. by default, this script prepares the parameters # for both the exec and the ui, and passes them all to the ui, which # starts the exec. if the 'exonly' flag is set, then this script only # starts the exec. # if ( $exonly ) then if ( $uionly ) then set errmsg="-uionly and -execonly are mutually exclusive." goto out endif endif # # starting the tutorial instead of starting DX # if ($?tutor) then set cmd="$DXROOT/bin_${uiarch}/tutor" if ($seecomline) then env echo $echoparms exec $cmd $xparms endif $echoparms exec $cmd $xparms exit 1 endif # # starting the Data Prompter instead of starting DX # if ($?prompter) then if ("$FileName" != "") set prompterflags="$prompterflags -file $FileName" set cmd="$DXROOT/bin_${uiarch}/prompter $prompterflags" if ($seecomline) then env echo $echoparms exec $cmd $xparms endif $echoparms exec $cmd $xparms exit 1 endif # # starting the Startup Window instead of starting DX # if ($?startup) then set cmd="$DXROOT/bin_${uiarch}/startupui $*" if ($seecomline) then env echo $echoparms exec $cmd $xparms endif $echoparms exec $cmd $xparms exit 1 endif # # starting the Module Builder instead of starting DX # if ($?builder) then if ($seecomline) then env echo exec $DXROOT/bin_${uiarch}/builder $xparms $motifcmd "$motifbind" $FileName endif $echoparms exec $DXROOT/bin_${uiarch}/builder $xparms $motifcmd "$motifbind" $FileName exit 1 endif # # starting the network encoder instead of starting DX # if ($?encoder) then if (! $?key) then echo Encoding requires a key be specified with the -key option exit 1 endif set Base=`echo $FileName | sed -e 's/\.net//'` set CfgName="${Base}.cfg" set FileBase=`basename $Base` set EncodedBase="${Base}-e" echo "Creating encoded version of $FileName in ${EncodedBase}.net " set cmd1="$DXROOT/bin_${uiarch}/dxencode -p $key $FileName" if ( -f $CfgName ) then echo "Copying $CfgName to ${EncodedBase}.cfg" set cmd2="cp $CfgName ${EncodedBase}.cfg" else set cmd2="" endif if ("$seecomline" || "$echoparms" == "echo" ) then if ($seecomline) then env endif echo $cmd1 \> ${EncodedBase}.net echo $cmd2 endif if ("$echoparms" != "echo") then $cmd1 > ${EncodedBase}.net $cmd2 endif exit 1 endif # # start executive # if ($exonly) then # # do any system specific things # switch ( $exarch ) case ibm6000: # this is so we can find our dummy gl lib if necessary if ($?DXEXECROOT) then setenv LIBPATH "$LIBPATH"":$DXEXECROOT/lib_ibm6000" else setenv LIBPATH "$LIBPATH"":$DXROOT/lib_ibm6000" endif breaksw default: breaksw endsw # # parse the DISPLAY environment variable to pick out the machine name # and display number. also, if the local host and the execution host are # different strings, use the host command or scan the /etc/hosts file to # try to decide if perhaps they are simply aliases for the same machine. # if you don't recognize they are the same machine, you will loop forever. # set dhost=`echo $DISPLAY | sed -e 's/^\(.*\):.*$/\1/'` set dnum=`echo $DISPLAY | sed -e 's/^.*:\([0-9.]*\)$/\1/'` if ( "$thishost" != "$exhost" ) then if ( -x /bin/host ) then set myent=`host $thishost` set exent=`host $exhost` else set myent=`sed 's/#.*$//' /etc/hosts | egrep '(^| | )'"$thishost"'( | |$)'` set exent=`sed 's/#.*$//' /etc/hosts | egrep '(^| | )'"$exhost"'( | |$)'` endif else set myent=$thishost set exent=$thishost endif # # if the hostname isn't localhost or unix, look closer to see if it # is just another alias for the local machine, or if it really is a # different machine. if a different machine, reset the display variable # back to this machine, if necessary, and then execute a remote shell # if ( "$exhost" != "localhost" && "$exhost" != "unix" ) then if ( "$exent" != "$myent" ) then if ( "$dhost" == "unix" ) then echo resetting DISPLAY variable from $DISPLAY to "${thishost}:$dnum" setenv DISPLAY "${thishost}:$dnum" endif set dxcom="$remote $exhost $0 -directory $cdto -display $DISPLAY $envargs $*" echo "Starting remote command on $exhost" $echoparms exec $dxcom endif endif set dxmsg="Starting DX executive" echo $dxmsg set dxcom=$dxexec set exflags="$exmode $excache $exlog $exread $exmem $exproc $exerrlvl $extrace $exhilite $extime $exdist $exoutdb $exlic $exmdf" if ($seecomline) then env echo $dxcom $exflags endif if ( `pwd` != "$cdto" ) then if ( ! -d "$cdto") then echo directory $cdto not found, current directory `pwd` else cd $cdto if ( $status == 0 ) then echo current directory now `pwd` else set errmsg="cannot change to directory $cdto" goto out endif endif endif if ( $FileName != "" ) then if ( "$echoparms" != "" ) then $echoparms $dxcom $exflags "< $FileName" else $dxcom $exflags < $FileName endif set exstatus = $status else $echoparms $dxcom $exflags set exstatus = $status endif exit $exstatus endif # # start UI # set dxmsg="Starting DX user interface" # # check system version # switch ( $uiarch ) case ibm6000: if ( ("$thisver2" != "3.2") && ("$thisver" != "4") ) then echo "WARNING! AIX Version seems to be other than 3.2 or 4.x" echo "Continuing, but unexpected errors may result." endif breaksw case sgi: # add version check here? breaksw case hp700: if ( ("$thisver" != "9000/7") && ("$thisver" != "9000/8") ) then echo "WARNING! This machine appears to NOT be a model 7xx/8xx" echo "Continuing, but unexpected errors may result." endif breaksw case sun4: case solaris: case aviion: case alphax: case linux86: breaksw default: echo "DX user interface does not run on this architecture" echo "to start the executive, use the -execonly flag" goto out breaksw endsw set dxcom="$dxui" # add all UI flags here set uiflags="$uimode $uidepth $uidebug $uimem $uiproc $uilog $uicache $uiread $uitrace $uitime $uioutdb $uihilite $uimdf $xparms $uirestrict $uiflags" if ("$FileName" != "") set uiflags="$uiflags -program $FileName" if ($uionly) set uiflags="$uiflags -uionly" if ($wizard) set uiflags="$uiflags -wizard" if ("$cdto" != "") set uiflags="$uiflags -directory $cdto" if ($dxexec != $dxexecdef) set uiflags="$uiflags -exec $dxexec" echo $dxmsg if ($seecomline) then env echo exec $dxcom $uiflags $motifcmd "$motifbind" endif $echoparms exec $dxcom $uiflags $motifcmd "$motifbind" # does not normally get here -- only if echo is set exit $status # # simple help section # shorthelp: cat << EOFshorthelp command line parameters: -program filename start UI with this network -image start DX with an image window as the anchor window -edit start DX with an editor window as the anchor window -menubar start DX with a small menubar as the anchor window -startup start DX with an initial startup panel (default) -uionly start the UI only (no exec) -script filename start the exec only, in script mode, running this script -script start the exec only, in script mode -host hostname start executive on this machine -memory #Mbytes set the amount of memory the exec uses -macros pathlist directory list to search for UI macros -data pathlist directory list to search for data files -prompter start the DX Data Prompter -builder start the DX Module Builder -tutor start the DX Tutorial -morehelp print man page with information about other options EOFshorthelp exit 1 # # complete help section # longhelp: if ( -f $dxroot/man/catl/dx.l ) then more $dxroot/man/catl/dx.l else echo cannot find $dxroot/man/catl/dx.l echo set the DXROOT environment variable to the root of the echo dx installation tree and try again. endif exit 1 cat << EOFlonghelp command line parameters: -host hostname start executive on this machine -local start executive on the current machine (default) -program filename start UI with this network -script filename run exec only, in script mode, with this script -script run exec only, in script mode -image start DX with an image window as the anchor window -edit start DX with the VP Editor as the anchor -menubar start DX with a small menubar as the anchor window -startup start DX with an initial dialog (default) -uionly start the UI only (no exec) -execonly start the exec only (no UI) in remote mode -connect host:port start a distributed exec only (no UI) -prompter start the DX Data Prompter -full start the Full Data Prompter -file filename start the Data Prompter with this header file -builder start the DX Module Builder -tutor start the DX Tutorial -suppress do not open control panels at startup in image mode -execute execute the program automatically at startup -execute_on_change go into execute_on_change mode at startup -optimize [memory|precision] select whether to minimize memory usage or to produce more color-accurate images. When memory is optimized, image objects are generated with 24 bits/pixel instead of 96, and ReadImage will produce delayed color images if supported by the format. (default = precision) -memory #Mbytes set the amount of memory the exec uses -processors #proc set the number of processors the exec uses (SMP versions only) -log [on|off] executive and ui logging: (default = off) -cache [on|off] executive cache: (default = on) -trace [on|off] executive trace: (default = off) -readahead [on|off] executive readahead: (default = on) -timing [on|off] module timing: (default = off) -highlight [on|off] node execution highlighting: (default = on) -directory dirname cd to this directory before starting exec -display hostname:0 set X display destination -metric have the UI use metric units when possible -exec filename execute this user executive -mdf filename use this user .mdf file -key <64bit hex> 16 character hexidecimal (64 bit) number that is used to encode and decode .net files. -encode Encode a .net file into a binary format with a key that must be specified with the -key option. For example, dx -encode -key 193495946952abed foo.net The resulting file can only be decoded by the DX user interface when using the same -key option. For example, dx -key 193495946952abed bar.net -dxroot dirname dx root directory; defaults to /usr/lpp/dx -macros pathlist directory list to search for UI macros -data pathlist directory list to search for data files -include pathlist directory list to search for script files -modules pathlist directory list to search for outboard modules -colors filename replace default color names/RGB values file -8bitcmap [private|shared|0-1|-1] private/shared colormap error threshold (default=0.1) -1 is equivalent to private. -hwrender [gl|opengl] override default hardware rendering library on platforms where both are supported. (default = opengl). -license force a specific license for either the UI or executive. type should be one of: runtime force a run-time license (UI or executive) timed force a timed (limited function) license (UI only) develop force a developer license (UI or executive) (default) -nodeid print out the node id which is used for licensing -verbose echo command lines before executing -echo echo the command lines without executing them -outboarddebug let user start outboard modules by hand -version show version numbers of the dxexec and dxui -help print a short help message -morehelp print this help message environment variables: DXHOST sets hostname for -host DXPROCESSORS sets number of processors for multiprocessor DX DXMEMORY sets memory limit in megabytes DXEXEC sets filename for -exec DXMDF sets filename for -mdf DXMACROS sets pathlist for -macros DXDATA sets pathlist for -data DXINCLUDE sets pathlist for -include DXMODULES sets pathlist for -modules DXCOLORS sets filename for -colors DX8BITCMAP sets threshold for -8bitcmap DXGAMMA sets gamma correction for displayed images. Default is 2. DXGAMMA_8BIT DXGAMMA_12BIT DXGAMMA_24BIT sets the gamma correction factor for the windows with the indicated window depth. Overrides the value set by DXGAMMA. DXHWMOD specifies the name of the hardware rendering library to use when more than one is supported. Should be either DXhwdd.o or DXhwddOGL.o DXTRIALKEY specifies the trial license key, and overrides the trial license file. DXTRIALKEYFILE specifies the name of the expiration file containing the trial license key. (default = $DXROOT/expiration) DXROOT sets directory for -dxroot DXARGS prepends these args to the command line command line parameters override environment variables. If conflicting parameters are given, the last one has precedence. Also, there are some other less frequently used command line options that are not documented here. See the User's Guide for a complete list of options. EOFlonghelp exit 1 out: echo $0 : $errmsg echo \(use -help to get usage information\) exit 1