This is a rewrite of the FvwmPager Module, so that it can be used by the panel as an applet. It uses Gnome, Gtk, and Gdk functions instead of the raw Xlib functions of the original FvwmPager Module. There's also a "headless" mode, so which emulates the gnome WM properties under fvwm2. This enables the use opf the gnomepager applet and better application behaviour. 1) go to the root directory of the gnome-core package and call with the --with-window-manager=fvwm2 option ./ --with-included-gettext --with-window-manager=fvwm2 2) after installation of the gnome-core package you can either a) make a symlink from the /bin/fvwm-pager to your fvwm2 module directory b) add the /bin directory to the module path of fvwm2 in your fvwm2 setup file (usually ~/.fvwm2rc). 3) I'm using the fvwm-pager in headless mode. Therefore i have an entry like `AddToFunc InitFunction "I" Module fvwm-pager HeadLess 0 4' and `AddToFunc RestartFunction "I" Module fvwm-pager HeadLess 0 4' in my ~/.fvwm2rc file which gives me 5 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) virtual desktops. 4) After starting the panel, you may add the pager to the panel by clickung on the gnomepager menu entry. This applies nonly to the fvwmpager GUI. if you're using the pager in headless mode, as i'm doing right now, you get the "native" gnomepager applet. How to use it: Because the panel grabs the mouse button 2 and 3, we have to do everything with one mouse button. Button1: grab item (window or icon) and drag it around. Button1 double click: change desktop Shift + Button1: change desktop The look is not pretty now, and you can't change the colors or anything else, but i'm working on it. Since version 0.2 it's possible to start the module without connecting to the panel. This mode is indicated with the `HeadLess' parameter to the module. For example it's now possible to do: 1) Make a suymlink from fvwm-pager to fvwm-eemu in the module directory of fvwm2 2) Add a line: AddToFunc InitFunction "I" Module fvwm-eemu HeadLess 0 4 This will start the fvwm-pager in the enlightment emulation mode. In this mode the pager doesn't have a display, but manages the X Properites of the various windows in such a way that the gnome-pager applet think it's running with enlightment (at least to a certain extent). This means you can use the gnome-pager applet in the panel.