RIVA X server FAQ ================= This document is meant to describe the X server and GLX module being made available for NVIDIA RIVA graphics' processors. ========================================================================= The 3D support is for development on XFree86 3.3.5 only, and IS NOT a high performance architecture. The upcoming XFree86 X server 4.0 will use the Direct Rendering Infrastructure required to take full advantage of the RIVA processors. For more information look at: http://www.precisioninsight.com Suse also has done work toward a high performance interface. Look at: http://www.suse.de/~sim ========================================================================= There are source code and binaries available for download. The components being made available are: 1. XFree86 X Server for NVIDIA NV1, RIVA 128, RIVA 128ZX, RIVA TNT, RIVA TNT2, GeForce 256. 2. Development Mesa/GLX module for 3D graphics support for RIVA 128, RIVA 128ZX, RIVA TNT, RIVA TNT2, GeForce 256. Source Code files The source code is being released with two different license agreements. The GLX module and the RIVA source files have the same license as the XFree86 organization's license. That is, you are free to include those files in a commercial product without having to redistribute the source. The Mesa 3.0 code is GPLed. Mesa 3.1 for the X window system will use the XFree86 style license. The GLX code has been compiled with the beta of Mesa 3.1, however due to bugs and great changes in the future for Mesa 3.1, this distribution is using Mesa 3.0. The build processes for the X server, GLX, and Mesa, are all very involved. Please read all the documentation for each project. The source files are provided as either gzipped diff files, or a tarred and gzipped directory structure. The X server and Mesa files are patches for currently available source distributions. http://www.xfree86.org and http://www.mesa3d.org have the full source for each project. The source for the X server requires the tar files for version 3.3.5. The source files are: nvidia-xf86-335-src.tar.gz - file containing NVIDIA source files for XF86. nvidia-glx-09b-src.tar.gz - file containing NVIDIA source files for GLX. Binary files The binary files being released are compiled for Linux, glibc (libc6). Make sure you download the correct version for your Linux distribution (most current distributions are glibc, like RedHat 5.x, Suse 6.x). You must upgrade your X installation to at least XFree86 No other version has been tested. There are two or three binary files. They are: XF86_SVGA - The X server. glx.so - GLX/Mesa loadable module. libGL.so.1.0 - The client side library for GLX/Mesa. This is basically a replacement for libMesaGL.so.3.0. FAQ Q: How do I install the binaries? A: This is long so its broken up into sections. I. First, you must have XFree86 3.3.5 dated after Jan 7 1999. II. Downloads ftp://ftp.xfree86.org (use a mirror site) prebuilt: /pub/XFree86/3.3.5/binaries/* Read the RELNOTES file on how to install. Kind of tricky. /pub/XFree86/3.3.5/source/X335src-1.tgz /pub/XFree86/3.3.5/source/X335src-2.tgz /pub/XFree86/3.3.5/source/X335src-3.tgz Must know what you are doing. This is a pretty big build. OR ftp://metalab.unc.edu RPMS: /pub/Linux/distributions/redhat/redhat-6.1/i386/RedHat/RPMS You want to get the base XFree86-3.3.5-3.i386.rpm and the XFree86-libs-3.3.5-3.i386.rpm. Use glint or rpm to install the RPMs. AND http://www.nvidia.com prebuilt: nvidia-X-GLX-335-i386-dyn.tar.gz source: nvidia-xf86-335-src.tar.gz nvidia-glx-09b-src.tar.gz NOTE: When exctracting the source (src) files, the nvidia-xf86-335-src.tar.gz file should be extracted from the directory containing the XServer's xc directory. The nvidia-glx-09b-src.tar.gz should be extracted in the directory containing GLX's servGL directory. Also note that these source tarballs will overwrite the nv source already there, so if you want to save the original source, do it before extracting these files. i.e. move the following directories: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/vga256/drivers/nv servGL/hwglx/nv Download the binary package. Uncompress with tar xzf nvidia-X-GLX-335-i386-dyn.tar.gz then, as root, 'cd' into the new directory just created, and run the 'riva_install' script. IMPORTANT: You must exit the X server before running the script. III. Setup If you don't already have your X server configured for your RIVA card: I use xf86config to set up the cards, even though it is very low-level. I don't select an individual card. Just press enter at the prompt, and select the XF86_SVGA server. When it asks to make the symbolic link, enter 'Y'. Enter whatever resolutions you want. The monitor timings need to match your monitor or else you might not get a viewable display. When prompted for the video card, just press 'Enter'. Select XF86_SVGA as the server to use at the next question. Q. What's new in 2D? A. More 2D acceleration has been added. Support has been added to support NVIDIA Geforce 256 GPU based products. Q. How do I get applications to use the 3D hardware acceleration? A. If you have applications that were linked against Mesa, then you probably already have Mesa installed. In the directory where the Mesa libraries are installed (I put mine in /usr/X11R6/lib), copy /usr/X11R6/libGL.so.1.0 on top of the libMesaGL.so.3.0 (or whatever version you have). Alternatively, you can remove the libMesaGL.so.3.0 and make a symbolic link to /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.0. All the applications linked with Mesa will now use the hardware accelerated version of Mesa inside the X server. If you don't have Mesa yet, check http://www.mesa3d.org for source tarballs, or check http://rufus.w3.org/linux/RPM/index.html for RPMs to install (get Mesa-3.0). !!! A note about color depth and resolution !!! Mesa/GLX is only accelerated in 15 and 16 bit color modes on RIVA 128. If you are running in 8 BPP or 32 BPP, all the rendering will fall back to software. Start X in 16 BPP mode like this startx -- -bpp 16 or startx -- -bpp 15 for 15 BPP mode. Because 3D requires lots of framebuffer memory, your current virtual desktop resolution may consume too much memory to run 3D applications. They quit saying something to the effect of not being able to find the required visual. With a 4 MB RIVA 128, the highest virtual screen size you can have and still run 3D applications that require a depth buffer and a back buffer is 800x600. Applications that have lots of textures may not run well unless you reduce the virtual screen size to 640x480. Notice that it's the virtual screen, not just the screen scan-out resolution, that matters. The virtual screen is the "slippery" scroll that happens when your mouse runs into the edge of the screen, not the virtual desktop managed by the window manager. The virtual screen size is set in the XF86Config file located either in /etc/X11 or /etc. The Display Subsection in the Screen Section for the SVGA looks something like this: Section "Screen" Driver "svga" DefaultColorDepth 16 Device "TNT" Monitor "My Monitor" Subsection "Display" Depth 15 Modes "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" EndSubsection The value of the highest resolution would be used as the virtual screen size,1152x864, in this case. Although I could change the scan-out resolution to 640x480, the virtual screen size would still be 1152x864 (given this example). The only way to make it work is to remove all the higher resolutions, like this: Subsection "Display" Depth 15 Modes "640x480" EndSubsection Of course this puts a serious cramp on your visible desktop. The best way around this I have found is to use 15 BPP mode for 3D programs running at a reduced desktop size, then use the 16 BPP mode for my high resolution desktop. My XF86Config file looks like: Section "Screen" Driver "svga" DefaultColorDepth 16 # Use Device "Generic VGA" for Standard VGA 320x200x256 #Device "Generic VGA" Device "TNT" Monitor "My Monitor" Subsection "Display" Depth 15 Modes "640x480" EndSubsection Subsection "Display" Depth 16 Modes "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" EndSubsection I start one X server in 15 BPP mode, then switch to a new virtual terminal (CTRL-ALT-2 for instance) and start another X server like this: startx -- :1 -bpp 16 I can switch back and forth to my high res desktop and low res desktop by using CTRL-ALT-7 and CTRL-ALT-8 (your virtual terminal numbers may vary). Of course the more framebuffer memory you have, the less of a need there is for using these kind of tricks. The RIVA 128 benefits, as does the RIVA 128ZX to some extent. The TNT and TNT2 have enough memory that 1024x768 (or even 1600x1200) doesn't impact their style too much. Q. What is new in the 3D acceleration module? A. The 3D portion of the driver has been in updated to take better advantage of the RIVA TNT/TNT2 products. 3D rendering in 32bpp is now supported and textures are no longer limited to be square powers of 2. Support for NVIDIA GeForce 256 based products has also been added. Q. How do I write OpenGL programs using GLX/Mesa? A. Easily. You need to get the Mesa source tarballs from http://www.mesa3d.org. Get MesaLib-3.0.tar.gz and MesaDemos- 3.0.tar.gz. Untar the files and build with make linux-elf Make sure glut gets built also. I copy the lib and include directories to /usr/X11R6/lib and /usr/X11R6/include. That may not be the best place for them, but I don't have to change any include directories or library searches from regular X applications. Take note of overwriting or symbolic linking libMesaGL.so.3.0 to libGL.so.1.0 from above. You should be able to run all the demos and sample files included in the Mesa distribution. Use those as starting points. Also, make sure you have Mark Kilgard's most excellent book, "OpenGL Programming for the X Window System" (he made me say that). Check http://www.opengl.org for many other links to OpenGL programming. Q. How do I run Quake 2 accelerated? A. Follow the instructions in the Linux release from ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake2/unix/quake2-3.20- xxx.tar.gz Use OpenGL glx as the renderer. You may have to supply the name of the GL library, libGL.so in this case. If performance is slow, try reducing texture quality. This will reduce the framebuffer texture requirements (there is no AGP memory support yet) and reduce the amount of data being sent to the GLX module over the X protocol. Also, see above for reducing the virtual screen resolution. This, too, makes more memory available to textures. Don't send me email if you can't get it to work. I'm sorry, but I don't have the bandwidth to support Quake2 issues. It does work, so a little diligence may be required. Q. How do I run Quake 3 accelerated? A. Due to the high demands Quake 3 puts on the client/server architecture of this implemetation, running Quake 3 is not recommended. XFree86 4.0 will have a direct rendering architecture needed to use the 3D hardware effectively with Quake 3. Q. OpenGL applications I have for both Windows and Linux run faster in Windows. What gives? A. This 3D support is for development only. It is not a high performance implementation, but meant to write and test OpenGL applications and drivers under Linux. NVIDIA has well over 10 man years in our OpenGL driver for Windows. Our Windows driver is also a direct-renderer. This means the application goes straight through to the hardware for the best performance. This requires lots of OpenGL driver work and kernel driver support. The Mesa/GLX code runs in the context of the X server which means all the OpenGL commands and data have to be sent from the application to the X server through a "pipe". Not very efficient, but robust and much easier to implement. You can also run an OpenGL application on one computer and have it display on another, just like regular X applications can (you can be running network Quake2 on one computer and displaying the output on another - even the one you're playing against, although I don't recommend it). Progress is being made to implement a more efficient transport for the next major release of the XFree86 server, version 4.0, which will include its own version of Mesa/GLX. Check out http://www.precisioninsight.com for more details. This distribution is meant to tide-us-over until that time, as well as provide source for other platforms that want RIVA support. So, it may not be as fast as our Windows OpenGL driver, but it sure beats software rasterization!