Instructions for installing Octave on Windows NT/95 systems using the beta 18 release of the gnu-win32 tools from Cygnus Support. 1. Install the Cygnus gnu-win32 tools. You only need the user tools, but you can install the full development kit instead (either will work -- the development kit contains all the user tools plus the GNU compilers and other development tools that are not needed to just run Octave). The gnu-win32 tools are available from, and also from -- Download usertools.exe or cdk.exe. -- Install the tools by running the file usertools.exe (or cdk.exe) and following the directions. The default install location is /gnuwin32/b18 (the rest of the examples in this document assume that you've used the default location). -- Create a /bin directory and put a copy of sh.exe there. You can find the sh.exe file in /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/bin. -- Create a /tmp directory. -- Add C:\gnuwin32\b18\H-i386-cygwin32\bin to your $PATH. -- Create a /etc directory and put a copy of the termcap file there. You can find a suitable termcap file in the directory /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/etc. -- There is a bug in the main gnu-win32 dll that will cause Octave to fail. You need to fix it by either editing the file (using an editor like Emacs that can handle binary files) or by replacing it with the file cygwin-setpwent-fixed.dll from To fix the problem by editing the file, open the file /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/bin/cygwin.dll and replace the string setpwend with setpwent. This change needs to be made in three places in the same file. Next, copy the fixed file to /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/i386-cygwin32/lib/cygwin.dll. To fix the problem by replacing the file with a version that's already been fixed, download the file cygwin-setpwent-fixed.dll from and copy it to /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/bin/cygwin.dll and /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/i386-cygwin32/lib/cygwin.dll. 2. Install less for gnuwin32. A copy is available from -- Download the file less-gnu-win32.tar.gz. -- Install it along with the gnu-win32 tools. Change your directory to /gnuwin32/b18/H-i386-cygwin32/bin and untar the less-gnu-win32.tar.gz file (bash syntax): tar zxf /path/to/less-gnu-win32.tar.gz -- Set the environment variable TERM to linux. 3. Install Octave. -- Download the file octave-2.0.10-i386-pc-cygwin32.tar.gz from -- Untar the distribution: tar zxf octave-2.0.10-i386-pc-cygwin32.tar.gz The files will be unpacked into a subdirectory called octave-2.0.10-i386-pc-cygwin32. -- Change your directory to octave-2.0.10-i386-pc-cygwin32 and install the files using the command ./install-octave (running bash). -- The default installation directory is /octave. If you choose a different installation directory, you will have to set the environment variable OCTAVE_HOME to the name of that directory (using Unix file name syntax) in order for Octave to work. -- Add C:\octave\bin to your path. -- Set the environment variable TERM to linux. -- Optionally set the environment variables HOME (for your home direoctory using Unix file name syntax) and USER (for your user name). Note that Octave requires gnuplot for plotting, but the normal Windows version of gnuplot will not work because it only reads from the GUI and refuses to read input from stdin. Mumit Khan has written a patch that fixes the problem, but the gnuplot license does not allow us to distribute modified versions of gnuplot in binary form. The patch is available from Eventually, I hope to automate most of this process and make it much simpler. Please contact me if you are interested in helping out with this task. Thanks, John W. Eaton University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Chemical Engineering Fri Feb 13 19:24:01 1998