Look at STARPAC ftp://ftp.ucar.edu/starpac/ and Statlib http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/ for more ideas 0. Clean up the documentation to reduce the proliferation of prototypes for all the different types (float double etc). e.g. Just document the double versions and explain how to call the others by analogy. 1. Try using the Kahan summation formula to improve accuracy for the NIST tests (see Brian for details, below is a sketch of the algorithm). sum = x(1) c = 0 DO i = 2, 1000000, 1 y = x(i) - c t = sum + y c = (t - sum) - y sum = t ENDDO 2. Allow weighted values, mean(x) = \sum_i w_i x_i / \sum w_i, mean_weight(x) = \sum w_i, etc 3. Prevent incorrect use of unsorted data for quartile calculations using a typedef for sorted data. 4. Rejection of outliers 5. Time series. Auto correlation, cross-correlation, smoothing (moving average), detrending, various econometric things. Integrated quantities (area under the curve). Interpolation of noisy data/fitting -- maybe add that to the existing interpolation stuff.What about missing data and gaps? 6. Statistical tests (equal means, equal variance, etc).