* Will be new in gsl-0.5: ** There is now a KNOWN-PROBLEMS file which lists compilation problems and test failures which are known to the developers. ** Many improvements have been made to the special functions directory. ** The extrapolations from the Levin u-transform are now more reliable. ** Linear algebra and Eigensystem routines are now available. ** ODE solvers are now available. ** Multidimensional root finding algorithms are available. ** Minimization now keeps track of function values. ** Matrices and vectors now use a BLAS compatible format, and have a separate memory handling layer (gsl_block). ** Roots of general polynomials can now be found using gsl_poly_complex_solve ** IEEE modes support on Sparclinux, Tru64, AIX and IRIX ** We have added the second generation RANLUX generators RANLXS and RANLXD ** Minimization algorithms are available (one-dimensional) ** Documentation now works out of the box with the standard Texinfo. ** Full reimplementation of the QUADPACK integration library ** Introduced THANKS file. We appreciate all patches from people on the net, even those which are too small to warrant adding the author to the AUTHORS file. The THANKS file should include everyone who sent in patches. They should also be mentioned in the ChangeLog entry. * What was new in gsl-0.4.1: ** Two changes not making their way into the documentation A couple of things are not getting into the docs, so here are the errata: *** The FFT routines now take a stride parameter. Passing 1 for the stride will make them behave as documented. *** The complex numbers are now an opaque type, and no assumptions can be made about the format in which they are stored (they are not stored as a simple structure anymore, since that is not portable). The type is now gsl_complex (or gsl_complex_long_double or gsl_complex_float), and the macros to access them are GSL_REAL(z) GSL_IMAG(z) GSL_COMPLEX_P_REAL(zp) GSL_COMPLEX_P_IMAG(zp) GSL_COMPLEX_EQ(z1,z2) GSL_SET_COMPLEX(zp,x,y) GSL_SET_REAL(zp,x) GSL_SET_IMAG(zp,y) This change in the complex number API makes it important that you start working with 0.4.1 or later. ** 0.4.1 is being released in occasion of the Red Hat 6.0 release. The specfunc module is still in an alpha state; if you run "make check" in the specfunc directory you will see that some tests still fail. ** Most Alpha specific problems have been fixed. In particular the random number generators rand48 and ranf now work on the Alpha ** Additional random number distributions: Rayleigh distribution n-dimensional spherical distribution (ie, points at random on an n-dimensional sphere) Gaussian tail distribution (ie, choosing values from a gaussian distribution subject to a constraint that they be larger than some fixed value, eg 5 sigmas) Walker's algorithm for arbitrary discrete distributions * What was new in gsl-0.4: ** A single libgsl.a file is built in the top level directory and installed, instead of separate .a files for each subdirectory. ** The parts of the complex struct gsl_complex, .real and .imag, are not supported anymore. The macros GSL_REAL(z) and GSL_IMAG(z) do the same job. All complex numbers are considered as packed arrays of floating point numbers, for portability since the layout of structs or arrays of structs is not guaranteed. ** The interface for matrices and vectors has changed. Vectors now support strides, and can be used to access rows and columns of a matrix. Many more types are available (float, double, long double, int, long, sort, char, signed and unsigned, plus complex floats, doubles and long doubles) due to improvements in our preprocessor template system. ** The random number generators have a completely new thread-safe interface and have moved from the random directory to the rng directory. Any program using random numbers will have to be updated. You can also choose generators and seeds using the environment variables GSL_RNG_TYPE and GSL_RNG_SEED. ** Some additional random number distributions have been added in the randist directory. The available distributiosn are: bernoulli, beta, binomial, cauchy, chisq, erlang, exponential, fdist, flat, gamma, gauss, geometric, levy, logistic, lognormal, nbinomial, pareto, poisson, sphere, tdist, twosidedexp, weibull. ** The FFT interface has be extended to support strides, but the implementation hasn't been finished for all the cases yet, The FFT allocation functions now return a pointer to a newly allocated wavetable struct, instead of taking the pointer to an existing struct as an argument. e.g. status = gsl_fft_wavetable_alloc(n, w) is now w = gsl_fft_wavetable_alloc(n) in accordance with usual practice ** The statistics directory now works with all the builtin types. It has a new function for computing the lag1-autocorrelation and an extra set of numerical accuracy tests from NIST as part of 'make check'. ** The simulated annealing routines no longer set the random number seed with the time of day. You'll need to reseed the generator yourself if you want subsequent runs to use different random numbers. ** Work is in progress on a reimplementation of QUADPACK in the `integration' subdirectory, but it is not finished yet. ** Work is in progress on reimplementations of the VEGAS and MISER Monte Carlo algorithms in the monte' subdirectory. They work just fine, but the code is still evolving. ** Work has started on a portable blas system in the `blas' subdirectory. ** You can now set the IEEE arithmetic mode for your programs from the environment variable GSL_IEEE_MODE by calling the function gsl_ieee_env_setup(). Currently this only works with the Linux kernel, HP-UX, SunOS4 and Solaris. ** There are some simple spline interpolation functions in the `interp' subdir. ** The NEWS file now uses outline mode, like the Emacs NEWS file * This covers changes made *after* the gsl-0.2 snapshot ** Added several new modules: histogram, integration, matrix, specfunc and vectors. ** Changed libgsl_statisctics.a to libgslstatistics.a and libgsl_siman.a to libgslsiman.a, since most of the packages don't have the underscore. Users will have to remove the old files, unless they do a "make uninstall" on the previous release before they install this new one. ** Changes to the random number suite Incorporated the gauss, poisson and exponential distributions in the standard libgslrandom.a Local variables: mode: outline paragraph-separate: "[ ]*$" end: