README for guile-gtk version 0.16 ********************************* This is some glue code to make Gtk accessible from Guile. New versions of this package will be available from You can also get at the most recent development sources thru the Gnome CVS repository. Guile-gtk is contained in the gnome-guile module. See for details. I tried hard to make this as generic as possible. As a result, it should be easy to extend it to new widgets and other Gtk extensions. It might even be possible to use some of this code for wrapping completely different C libraries, but that was not my goal. To somewhat unify the different high-level language bindings (such as the ones for Perl, Python, Objective C, maybe Java, etc.) I tried to collect the salient bits of the Gtk API into a formal description. You should be able to generate large parts of the language specific glue code from it. Unfortunately, this formal description hasn't stabilized yet and I'm currently more interested in completeness than in generality. Table of Contents - Acknowledgements - Bugs - Gtk versions - Related stuff - Package contents - Installing - Testing - Dynamic Linking - Wrapping Your Own Widgets - Composite Types and `call-by-reference' - Documentation Acknowledgements ---------------- Many people have contributed to guile-gtk by now. Many thanks to all of them! Please refer to the ChangeLog for details. Bugs ---- My main aim still is robustness, with an eye towards completeness. It should not be possible to crash your program from Scheme. Guile-gtk has to cope with anything. So if you find that your program crashes and you think it is due to a bug in your Scheme code, you have actually found a bug in guile-gtk or Gtk. Please report these bugs to me . Gtk Versions ------------ [ Whoa, can anyone put this into more simple words? Seems like I can't see the forest for all the trees. ] There are two lines of Gtk versions in active development, modeled after the Linux kernel scheme, I think. One is the stable branch that will maintain binary compatability, and the other is the development branch, where new features are tried out. The stable branch has version numbers like 1.2.x; the development branch is labeled 1.3.x and the absolutely latest version is made available thru CVS. Guile-gtk can be built for both gtk-1.2 and gtk-1.3. It is possible to have these two versions of guile-gtk installed and in use simultanously, but the sources can only be configured for one of them at any one time. That is, when you want to switch between Gtk versions, be sure to make distclean and re-configure. The version number of gtk that guile-gtk has been built for will be reflected in the names of the installed programs and libraries. When you are building for gtk-1.2, for example, you will get guile-gtk-1.2 and libguilegtk-1.2. Likewise, the guile modules include the version of gtk in their prefix. The modules for gtk-1.2 are named `(gtk-1.2 )', for example. When you want to use a specific version of gtk, you thus just have to use the right module names. You can't mix gtk-1.2 and gtk-1.3 modules and you will receive an error when you try to do so. This package will also install generic aliases for both the modules and the guile-gtk programs that refer to the gtk version that has been used while building it. In addition to "guile-gtk-1.2" or "guile-gtk-1.3" there will also be a symlink from plain "guile-gtk" to one of them. There will also be modules called `(gtk )' that will dispatch to the `appropriate' version of gtk. What is `appropriate' is determined in two steps: when one of the specific modules has already been activated, the generic modules will just refer to them. When no specific gtk module has been used before, they will refer to the version of gtk that has been used for building the package. Both guile-gtk-1.2 and guile-gtk-1.3 will activate their specific versions of the gtk modules at startup. Thus, the generic modules `(gtk )' always refer to gtk version used by the guile-gtk executable used to run them. Guile-gtk should always target the latest released versions of Gtk in both lines of development. There is no reason to use anything else than the latest `bug-fixing' gtk-1.2, and everybody who is using the unstable gtk-1.3 series can be expected to be up-to-date, right? Related Stuff ------------- Jeff Dike is writing a layer of macros/functions on top of guile-gtk that makes it simpler and fairly uniform to create widgets within Guile. It is available here David Lutterkort is writing a tool that makes it easy to give command line programs with too many options a nice GUI. Available here Package Contents ---------------- guile-gtk.c guile-gtk.h Support for converting between Scheme types and Gtk types and the basic machine for making it all happen. gtk-support.c Some handwritten glue code. guile-compat.c Code to adapt to different versions of Guile. gtk-compat.c Code to adapt to different versions of Gtk. gdk-1.2.defs The formal description of the Gdk API for gtk-1.2. gtk-1.2.defs The formal description of the Gtk API for gtk-1.2. gdk-1.3.defs The formal description of the Gdk API for gtk-1.3. gtk-1.3.defs The formal description of the Gtk API for gtk-1.3. build-guile-gtk A Scheme program to generate much of the glue code. gtk/gtk.scm The Scheme part of the (gtk gtk) module. gtk/gdk.scm The Scheme part of the (gtk gdk) module. gtk/dynlink.scm Alternative dlopening that works better than the one in Guile. gtk/event-repl.scm Support for event driven read-eval-print loops. gtk-1.2/ Scheme modules for Gtk-1.2 gtk-1.3/ Scheme modules for Gtk-1.3 examples/ Some example programs. The rest is the usual configuration and building cruft. Installing ---------- See INSTALL for generic installation instructions. This package will build a new program, "guile-gtk" that is a regular Guile interpreter with the Gtk support already linked in. It accepts the usual "guile" command line options and in addition to that, it also understands the Gtk options. On a few systems, this package is also able to arrange things so that you can just use the (gtk gtk) module from a vanilla "guile". In fact, "guile-gtk" is only a kludge until dynamic linking works well enough. The package will also install "build-guile-gtk", a program for generating glue code for arbitrary *.defs files. It can also produce new executables that are variants of guile-gtk, with a different set of glue code pre-linked. NOTE: This package installs its Scheme code in a location determined by the prefix given to the configure script. It does not pay attention to where your Guile is installed. When Guile and this package are installed under the same prefix, everything is fine. When you use a different prefix for this package, you need to make sure that Guile knows about this location. For example, when you install this package under /usr/local/stuff/guile-gtk, you may want to add GUILE_LOAD_PATH=/usr/local/stuff/guile-gtk/share/guile to your environment. Or you might want to make some symlinks. This package does not try to be clever about these issues, as there are too many variations and potential solutions. Testing ------- % cd examples/ % ../guile-gtk -s test-gtk.scm should pop up a familiar pile of buttons. Not every test has been implemented, tho. All unexpected behaviour is probably a bug and I would be glad if you would tell me about it. Dynamic Linking --------------- Guile-gtk uses its own approach to dynamic linking of compiled code modules. The experimental mechanism provided by Guile itself proved to be troublesome in the real world. As long as you build your shared libraries with libtool, and you have the dlopen function, everything should just work. At least in theory. Please refer to gtk/dynlink.scm for the implementation and gtk/gdk.scm for a simple application. The code in gtk/dynlink.scm parses the *.la files installed by libtool and uses the information contained therein to resolve inter-library dependencies on its own. When a library is requested that has no associated *.la file, it simply calls dlopen with a ".so" suffix. When this ".so" library can't be opened it is simply ignored (with a warning). So the rule is: you must make sure that you have correct inter-library dependencies. Either use libtool, which will put these dependencies into its *.la files where we can find them; or build your shared libraries `by hand', so that dlopen can resolve the dependencies. In either case, do not include static libraries in the inter-library dependencies. As an exception, you do not need to include the Guile libraries (-lguile, -lqthreads, etc) in your dependencies, because they are always there. You *do* need -lguilegtk and the Gtk libraries, tho. We need to use the RTLD_GLOBAL flag to make all this happen, but unfortunately, Guile calls dlopen without this flag. This is why we have a very simple libguiledlopenhelper. The code in gtk/dynlink.scm tries to emulate the way the linker searches for libraries: First, each directory in LD_LIBRARY_PATH is tried, then "/usr/local/lib", "/usr/lib", "/lib", in that order. I expect things to change for the better in the future, of course, but shared libraries and dlopening are a very effective time-sink, it seems. UPDATE: when configure detects a recent version of libtool that looks like it can handle inter-library dependencies on its own, gtk/dynlink.scm just opens the library and does not try to be clever about *.la files. Libtool 1.2e works for me in this way. Wrapping Your Own Widgets ------------------------- There is a complete autoconfed/automade example for this. After installing the guile-gtk package, change to the examples/ directory: % cd examples % ./configure % make Again: you need to have guile-gtk installed for this to work! Now you should have a new executable `guile-foo' that has glue code for the function `foo-new' in the `(gtk foo)' module. You can test it thus: % ./guile-foo -s test-foo.scm Here is the general procedure: When you have some Gtk widgets that are not described in gtk.defs or gdk.defs, you can use build-guile-gtk to automatically generate glue code for them. Here is how to wrap the hypothetical GtkFoo widget and its related function gtk-foo-new. They are assumed to live in gtkfoo.h and libfoo. - Write the foo.defs file ;; We use the types defined in gtk-1.2.defs (import "gtk-1.2.defs") (define-object GtkFoo (GtkWidget)) (define-func gtk_foo_new GtkFoo ()) (options ;; Includes needed to compile code that uses GtkFoo. (includes "#include ") ;; The name of the generated initialization function. (init-func "foo_init_glue") ;; Libraries needed to link. libguilefoo will contain ;; the glue code and libfoo contains the widget itself. (libs "-lguilefoo -lfoo")) - Write the foo.scm file (define-module (gtk foo) :use-module (gtk dynlink)) ;; Call the init function, either using a pre-linked -lguilefoo or ;; dynamically linking it. (merge-compiled-code "foo_init_glue" "libguilefoo") - Generate the glue code % build-guile-gtk glue foo.defs >foo-glue.c - Compile the glue code into a shared library, using libtool [This will be simplified and then explained. Right now, keep in mind to use gtk-config and build-guile to get all necessary flags and libraries.] % libtool --mode=link ... -o ... - Install the shared library, again using libtool. % libtool --mode=install cp /lib/ - Install the foo.scm file % cp foo.scm /share/guile/gtk/foo.scm - Install the *.defs files for other people to use. % cp foo.defs foo.defs.guile /share/guile-gtk/ Now you should be able to just (use-modules (gtk foo)). When dynamic linking does not work for you, you might want to try % build-guile-gtk link foo.defs -o guile-foo This will link a new executable named guile-foo that will have the libguilefoo library pre-linked into it so that you do not need dynamic-link. This will work with any number of *.defs files. Composite Types and `call-by-reference' --------------------------------------- Guile-gtk has (still experimental) support for composite types like lists and vectors. On the Gtk+ side, the types GSList (singly linked list), GList (doubly linked list), and counted and fixed length vectors are supported. On the Scheme side, you can use Scheme lists and Scheme vectors. You can mix these types freely. That is you can use a list on the Scheme side to represent a vector on the Gtk+ side, and vice versa. Composite types have modes associated with them. They can be `in', `out', or `inout'. When a composite type is marked with a `in' mode, the Gtk+ side is not allowed to make changes to the contents of the composite. When it is `out', it must initialize the contents before it returns and is not allowed to read it prior to initialization. Consequently, mode `inout' indicates that the Gtk+ side may both read and write the composite freely, and that the contents has been initialized by the caller. On the Scheme side, mode `out' turns off type checking for the contents of composites and the initial values of the composite passed to Gtk+ will be undefined. The default mode is `in'. The available variations are: [ *.defs file syntax ] [ C side function arguments ] [ Comment ] (slist []) GSList *lst For singly linked lists. Scheme owns the memory of the list nodes. (list []) GList *lst For doubly linked lists. Scheme owns the memory of the list nodes. (cvec []) int len, * vec For counted vectors. The length of the Scheme composite is passed to the Gtk+ function. Scheme owns the memory of the vector. (cvecr []) * vec, int len For counted vectors, reverse order of arguments. Scheme owns the memory of the vector. (fvec []) * vec For fixed length vectors. The Scheme composite must be of length . Scheme owns the memory of the vector. (ret ) * vec Abbreviation for (fvec 1 out) These composite types are also intended to be used for call-by-reference arguments. Neither Scheme nor C really has these call-by-reference arguments, so guile-gtk wont either. In C, you would pass a pointer to the desired object; in Scheme you use a one-element list or a vector of length one. For guile-gtk, these types are modelled with a `fvec' composite type of length one and mode out, or equivalently but shorter with the `ret' type. For example, when you have a Gtk+ function with a prototype like void gtk_foo (char **strptr); that deposits some string in *STRPTR (whose memory should be taken over by the caller), you can wrap it like this: (define-func gtk_foo none ((ret string) strptr)) Usage is a little cumbersome from Scheme. This code snippet (let ((strptr (list #f))) (gtk-foo strptr) (car strptr)) would yield the returned string. Documentation ------------- Nothing available yet, but the Scheme interface to Gtk is very similar to the C one. Almost all functions take the same arguments as their C counterparts. Exceptions are: - To access the Gtk functions, you need to use the `(gtk gtk)' module. You can do this with (use-modules (gtk gtk)) or (define-module (your module) :use-modules (gtk gtk)) Likewise, you need to use the `(gtk gdk)' module if you want to use functions from Gdk. - Booleans are expressed with Scheme's real boolean values #f and #t. - Enumerations are expressed with symbols. For example GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL is written as 'toplevel. The symbols should be easy to guess from their C counterparts, but they are not completely systematic. See gtk.defs for the definite details. - Flags (or bitmasks) are expressed as lists of symbols. For example GTK_EXPAND|GTK_FILL is '(expand fill). - Callbacks don't take a client-data argument, so you don't have to specify one to gtk_signal_connect, or gtk_timeout_add, etc. - Signal handlers don't get the Object as their first argument. In my view, this would be more often annoying than helpful. - NULL pointers are expressed as #f. - Some parameters are optional and get a default value when left unspecified. - Each type that is derived from GtkObject has an associated predicate function to test whether a Scheme value is of that type. The predicate for GtkObject is called `gtk-object?', the one for GtkRadioButton `gtk-radio-button?', etc. - gtk-radio-button-new and gtk-radio-button-new-with-label don't take a list as their group argument but a GtkWidget whose group is used instead. - Likewise for gtk-radio-menu-item. - Colors and fonts can be specified with strings, like "red" or "fixed". If you want to convert from these strings to the real values (for efficiency reasons, say) you can use the functions `gdk-color-intern' and `gdk-font-intern'. - It might be that your code is loaded into an application that already has an event loop running (or will run one after initialization is complete). You should then restrain from calling `gtk-main' yourself (except maybe for modal dialog boxes) and you should not terminate the program. You can use the function `gtk-standalone?' to find out whether your code is `standalone', i.e. whether you should call `gtk-main' yourself. For convenience you can also use gtk-standalone-main TOPLEVEL This will arrange things so that the program is terminated with `gtk-exit' when the TOPLEVEL widget is destroyed and will call `gtk-main'. All these things will only happen when `gtk-standalone?' returns true. And all the things I forgot about. Be sure to read the NEWS file as it is currently the only place that documents most details. "examples/calc.scm" is quite heavily commented, but does not explain Gtk programming. It is more an example about extensibility. Have fun!