The c code requires the meschach library for the matrix handling, solving, etc. The source code for the library is in ./meschach. Or, change the appropriate parts of the C code to use, e.g. LAPACK++. The Makefile's first two lines will need some modifications for your system. To run: 1. Define all relevant functions in, and run it (in maple) 2. Do a "make sinc3n3" 3. run sinc3n3 4. The computed answer is put into tmp.u, the derivative in tmp.up The file reads the calculated answers in Maple. They can be plotted,e.g. with plot(ucalc); By defining the exact answer in, and doing read ``; edp := pld(ucalc, exa); plot({ucalc, edp}); one gets a plot showing the exact answer against the computed one, at the computed answer's grid points.