Pred-Prey eq3; A=1.5,B=.05,C=5.0; Domain=2000 Eve-R16 Array sizes (double precision only): len(u) = length of u len(v) = 4500000 len(rwork) = 54240 len(rhsf) = 4500000 len(sf) = 4500000 len(su) = 4500000 len(oldf) = 4500000 len(of) = 3000 len(c) = 12001 len(r) = 12001 Total = 22581242 Bytes = 180649936 ---------------------------------------- Parameters A = 1.500000000000000 B = 5.0000000000000003E-02 C = 5.000000000000000 Vector subsampling = 3 Effective gridsize for gridview = 500 x, 500 file: eve_16.soln will record the solution data file: eve_16.drop will be a restart file loading initial condition Loop slice (for fixed time stepping) = 6000 grid = 1500 X 1500 => 4500000 equations Time step = 0.5000000000000000 Final Time = 4000.000000000000 adi/ftol = 1.0000000000000000E-03 adi/stptol = 0.0000000000000000E+00 ICs = Traveling Wave, Length = 1500 Width = 100 Predator initial density = 0.0000000000000000E+00 Prey initial density = 0.8000000000000000 Predator initial density = 0.4000000000000000 Prey initial density = 0.6000000000000000 Perturbation in positive x-y direction = 10 setup complete