# Fred Adler, 1/21/94 # A couple of routine to compute the left hand and right hand estimates of # an integral using Riemann sums. Each has arguments (f,n,a,b), respectively # the function to be integrated, the number of steps, the lower limit and # the upper limit. riemannl uses the value of the function at the left # end of the interval, and riemannr uses the value of the function at the # right end of the interval. The routines routine the value of the Riemann # sum. Trapezoid rule can be recovered as the average of riemannl and # riemannr. riemannl := proc(f,n,a,b) local val,value,i,xup,step; step := (b-a)/n ; xup := a ; val := 0.0 ; for i from 0 to n-1 do val := val + step*f(xup) ; xup := xup + step ; od; value := evalf(val); RETURN(value); end: riemannr := proc(f,n,a,b) local val,value,i,xup,step; step := (b-a)/n ; xup := a ; val := 0.0 ; for i from 1 to n do xup := xup + step ; val := val + step*f(xup) ; od; value := evalf(val); RETURN(value); end: