; This file is part of babel. For further details see: ; https://www.ctan.org/pkg/babel ; Data has been collected mainly from the following sources: ; * babel language styles (license LPPL): ; https://www.ctan.org/pkg/babel-contrib ; * polyglossia language styles (license LPPL) ; https://www.ctan.org/pkg/polyglossia ; * Common Locale Data Repository (license Unicode): ; http://cldr.unicode.org/ ; http://unicode.org/copyright.html [identification] charset = utf8 version = 1.0 date = 2017-09-01 name.local = magyar name.english = Hungarian name.babel = hungarian tag.bcp47 = hu tag.opentype = HUN script.name = Latin script.tag.bcp47 = Latn script.tag.opentype = latn level = 1 encodings = T1 OT1 LY1 derivate = no [captions] preface = Előszó ref = Hivatkozások abstract = Kivonat bib = Irodalomjegyzék chapter = fejezet appendix = függelék contents = Tartalomjegyzék listfigure = Ábrák jegyzéke listtable = Táblázatok jegyzéke index = Tárgymutató figure = ábra table = táblázat part = rész encl = Melléklet cc = Körlevél–címzettek headto = Címzett page = oldal see = lásd also = lásd még proof = Bizonyítás glossary = Szójegyzék [captions.licr] preface = El\H osz\'o ref = Hivatkoz\'asok abstract = Kivonat bib = Irodalomjegyz\'ek chapter = fejezet appendix = f\"uggel\'ek contents = Tartalomjegyz\'ek listfigure = \'Abr\'ak jegyz\'eke listtable = T\'abl\'azatok jegyz\'eke index = T\'argymutat\'o figure = \'abra table = t\'abl\'azat part = r\'esz encl = Mell\'eklet cc = K\"orlev\'el\textendash c\'\i mzettek headto = C\'\i mzett page = oldal see = l\'asd also = l\'asd m\'eg proof = Bizony\'\i t\'as glossary = Sz\'ojegyz\'ek [date.gregorian] date.long = [y].[ ][MMMM] [d]. date.short = [y]. [MM]. [dd]. months.wide.1 = január months.wide.2 = február months.wide.3 = március months.wide.4 = április months.wide.5 = május months.wide.6 = június months.wide.7 = július months.wide.8 = augusztus months.wide.9 = szeptember months.wide.10 = október months.wide.11 = november months.wide.12 = december months.narrow.1 = J months.narrow.2 = F months.narrow.3 = M months.narrow.4 = Á months.narrow.5 = M months.narrow.6 = J months.narrow.7 = J months.narrow.8 = A months.narrow.9 = Sz months.narrow.10 = O months.narrow.11 = N months.narrow.12 = D days.wide.mon = hétfő days.wide.tue = kedd days.wide.wed = szerda days.wide.thu = csütörtök days.wide.fri = péntek days.wide.sat = szombat days.wide.sun = vasárnap days.abbreviated.mon = H days.abbreviated.tue = K days.abbreviated.wed = Sze days.abbreviated.thu = Cs days.abbreviated.fri = P days.abbreviated.sat = Szo days.abbreviated.sun = V days.narrow.mon = H days.narrow.tue = K days.narrow.wed = Sz days.narrow.thu = Cs days.narrow.fri = P days.narrow.sat = Sz days.narrow.sun = V dayPeriods.abbreviated.am = de. dayPeriods.abbreviated.pm = du. dayPeriods.narrow.am = de. dayPeriods.narrow.pm = du. dayPeriods.wide.am = de. dayPeriods.wide.pm = du. [date.gregorian.licr] months.wide.1 = janu\'ar months.wide.2 = febru\'ar months.wide.3 = m\'arcius months.wide.4 = \'aprilis months.wide.5 = m\'ajus months.wide.6 = j\'unius months.wide.7 = j\'ulius months.wide.8 = augusztus months.wide.9 = szeptember months.wide.10 = okt\'ober months.wide.11 = november months.wide.12 = december [time.gregorian] time.medium = [H]:[mm]:[ss] time.short = [H]:[mm] [typography] frenchspacing = no hyphenrules = hungarian lefthyphenmin = 2 righthyphenmin = 2 hyphenchar = prehyphenchar = posthyphenchar = exhyphenchar = preexhyphenchar = postexhyphenchar = hyphenationmin = [characters] delimiters.quotes = „”»« auxiliary = [à ă â å ä ã ā æ ç è ĕ ê ë ē ì ĭ î ï ī ñ ò ŏ ô ø ō œ q ù ŭ û ū w x y ÿ] exemplarCharacters = [a á b c {cs} {ccs} d {dz} {ddz} {dzs} {ddzs} e é f g {gy} {ggy} h i í j k l {ly} {lly} m n {ny} {nny} o ó ö ő p r s {sz} {ssz} t {ty} {tty} u ú ü ű v z {zs} {zzs}] index = [A Á B C {CS} D {DZ} {DZS} E É F G {GY} H I Í J K L {LY} M N {NY} O Ó Ö Ő P Q R S {SZ} T {TY} U Ú Ü Ű V W X Y Z {ZS}] punctuation = [\\- – , ; \\: ! ? . … ' ’ \" ” „ « » ( ) \\[ \\] \\{ \\} ⟨ ⟩ § @ * / \\& # ~ ⁒] [numbers] defaultNumberingSystem = latn minimumGroupingDigits = 1 decimal = , exponential = E group =   infinity = ∞ list = ; minusSign = - nan = NaN perMille = ‰ percentSign = % plusSign = + superscriptingExponent = × [counters] alph = Alph = ordinals =