// TLCockpit // Copyright 2017-2018 Norbert Preining // Licensed according to GPLv3+ // // Front end for tlmgr package TLCockpit import TLCockpit.ApplicationMain.{stage, tlmgr, tlpkgs} import TLCockpit.Utils._ import TeXLive.{OsTools, TLPackage} import scalafx.Includes._ import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer import scalafx.geometry.{HPos, Insets, Orientation} import scalafx.scene.Cursor import scalafx.scene.layout.{ColumnConstraints, GridPane, Priority, VBox} import scalafx.scene.control._ import scalafx.scene.input.MouseEvent import scalafx.scene.paint.Color class PkgInfoDialog(tlp: TLPackage) extends Dialog { val dialog = new Dialog() { initOwner(stage) title = s"Package Information for $pkg" headerText = s"Package Information for $pkg" resizable = true } dialog.dialogPane().buttonTypes = Seq(ButtonType.OK) val isInstalled = tlp.installed val grid = new GridPane() { hgap = 10 vgap = 10 padding = Insets(20) } def copyableTextfield(k: String): TextField = { new TextField() { text = k editable = false style = "-fx-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);" margin = Insets(0) padding = Insets(0) } } def do_one(k: String, v: String, row: Int): Int = { grid.add(copyableTextfield(k), 0, row) grid.add(copyableTextfield(v), 1, row) // grid.add(new Label(k), 0, row) // grid.add(new Label(v) { // wrapText = true // }, 1, row) row + 1 } var crow = 0 val pkg = tlp.name crow = do_one("package", pkg, crow) crow = do_one("category", tlp.category, crow) crow = do_one("shortdesc", tlp.shortdesc.getOrElse(""), crow) crow = do_one("longdesc", tlp.longdesc.getOrElse(""), crow) crow = do_one("installed", if (tlp.installed) "Yes" else "No", crow) crow = do_one("available", if (tlp.available) "Yes" else "No", crow) if (tlp.installed) crow = do_one("local revision", tlp.lrev.toString, crow) if (tlp.available) crow = do_one("remote revision", tlp.rrev.toString, crow) val binsizesum = tlp.binsize.values.toList.sum * TeXLive.tlBlockSize val binsizestr = if (binsizesum > 0) "bin " + humanReadableByteSize(binsizesum) + " " else "" val runsizestr = if (tlp.runsize > 0) "run " + humanReadableByteSize(tlp.runsize) + " " else "" val srcsizestr = if (tlp.srcsize > 0) "src " + humanReadableByteSize(tlp.srcsize) + " " else "" val docsizestr = if (tlp.docsize > 0) "doc " + humanReadableByteSize(tlp.docsize) + " " else "" crow = do_one("sizes", runsizestr + docsizestr + binsizestr + srcsizestr, crow) val catdata = tlp.cataloguedata if (catdata.version.isDefined) crow = do_one("cat-version", catdata.version.get, crow) if (catdata.date.isDefined) crow = do_one("cat-date", catdata.date.get, crow) if (catdata.license.isDefined) crow = do_one("cat-license", catdata.license.get, crow) if (catdata.topics.isDefined) crow = do_one("cat-topics", catdata.topics.get, crow) if (catdata.related.isDefined) crow = do_one("cat-related", catdata.related.get, crow) // add files section //println(tlpkgs(pkg)) val docFiles = tlp.docfiles if (docFiles.nonEmpty) { // grid.add(new Label("doc files"), 0, crow) grid.add(copyableTextfield("doc files"), 0, crow) grid.add(doListView(docFiles.map(s => s.file.replaceFirst("RELOC", "texmf-dist")), isInstalled), 1, crow) crow += 1 } val runFiles = tlp.runfiles if (runFiles.nonEmpty) { // grid.add(new Label("run files"), 0, crow) grid.add(copyableTextfield("run files"), 0, crow) grid.add(doListView(runFiles.map(s => s.replaceFirst("RELOC", "texmf-dist")), false), 1, crow) crow += 1 } val srcFiles = tlp.srcfiles if (srcFiles.nonEmpty) { // grid.add(new Label("src files"), 0, crow) grid.add(copyableTextfield("src files"), 0, crow) grid.add(doListView(srcFiles.map(s => s.replaceFirst("RELOC", "texmf-dist")), false), 1, crow) crow += 1 } val binFiles = tlp.binfiles if (binFiles.nonEmpty) { // grid.add(new Label("bin files"), 0, crow) grid.add(copyableTextfield("bin files"), 0, crow) grid.add(doListView(binFiles.flatMap(_._2).toSeq.map(s => s.replaceFirst("RELOC", "texmf-dist")), false), 1, crow) crow += 1 } grid.columnConstraints = Seq(new ColumnConstraints(100, 200, 200), new ColumnConstraints(100, 400, 5000, Priority.Always, new HPos(HPos.Left), true)) dialog.dialogPane().content = grid dialog.width = 600 dialog.height = 1500 // dialog def showAndWait(): Unit = this.dialog.showAndWait() def doListView(files: Seq[String], clickable: Boolean): scalafx.scene.Node = { if (files.length <= 5) { val vb = new VBox() vb.children = files.map { f => val fields = f.split(" ") val foo = copyableTextfield(fields(0)) if (clickable) { foo.style = foo.getStyle + "-fx-text-fill: blue;" foo.onMouseClicked = { me: MouseEvent => OsTools.openFile(tlmgr.tlroot + "/" + fields(0)) } foo.cursor = Cursor.Hand } foo // new Label(fields(0)) { // if (clickable) { // textFill = Color.Blue // onMouseClicked = { me: MouseEvent => OsTools.openFile(tlmgr.tlroot + "/" + fields(0)) } // cursor = Cursor.Hand // } // } } vb } else { val vb = new ListView[String] {} vb.minHeight = 100 vb.prefHeight = 100 vb.maxHeight = 200 vb.vgrow = Priority.Always vb.orientation = Orientation.Vertical vb.cellFactory = { p => { val foo = new ListCell[String] // ensure tighter spacing similar to the other entires foo.padding = Insets(0) foo.item.onChange { (_, _, str) => foo.text = str } if (clickable) { foo.textFill = Color.Blue foo.onMouseClicked = { me: MouseEvent => OsTools.openFile(tlmgr.tlroot + "/" + foo.text.value) } foo.cursor = Cursor.Hand } foo } } // vb.children = docFiles.map { f => vb.items = ObservableBuffer(files.map { f => val fields = f.split(" ") fields(0) }) vb } } }