% arara: lualatex: {draft: yes} % arara: makeindex: {style: gind} % arara: lualatex: {draft: yes} % arara: lualatex % arara: clean: { files:[ltximg-doc.ilg, ltximg-doc.out, ltximg-doc.ind, ltximg-doc.aux, ltximg-doc.idx, ltximg-doc.log, ltximg-doc.toc] } % \iffalse meta-comment %<*internal> \iffalse % %<*readme> ## LTXimg – LaTeX environments to image format ## Description **ltximg** is a perl *script* that automates the process of extracting and converting environments provided by **tikz**, **pstricks** and other packages from input file to image formats in individual files using `ghostscript` and `poppler-utils`. Generates a file with only extracted environments and other with environments converted to `\includegraphics`. ## Syntax ``` $ ltximg [] [] [--] . ``` ## Usage ``` $ ltximg --latex [] $ ltximg --arara [] $ ltximg [] $ ltximg ``` If used without `[]` and `[]` the extracted environments are converted to `pdf` image format and saved in the `/images` directory using `pdflatex` and `preview` package. Relative or absolute `paths` for files and directories is not supported and if the last `[]` take a list separated by commas you need `--` at the end. ## Default environments extract ``` pspicture tikzpicture pgfpicture psgraph postscript PSTexample ``` ## Options ``` [default] -h, --help Display command line help and exit [off] -l, --license Display GPL license and exit [off] -v, --version Display current version (v1.5) and exit [off] -t, --tif Create .tif files using ghostscript [gs] -b, --bmp Create .bmp files using ghostscript [gs] -j, --jpg Create .jpg files using ghostscript [gs] -p, --png Create .png files using ghostscript [gs] -e, --eps Create .eps files using poppler-utils [pdftops] -s, --svg Create .svg files using poppler-utils [pdftocairo] -P, --ppm Create .ppm files using poppler-utils [pdftoppm] -g, --gray Gray scale for images using ghostscript [off] -f, --force Capture "\psset" and "\tikzset" to extract [off] -n, --noprew Create images files whitout "preview" package [off] -d , --dpi Dots per inch resolution for images [150] -m , --margin Set margins for pdfcrop [0] --imgdir Set name of directory to save images [images] -o , --output Create output file [off] --verbose Verbose printing [off] --srcenv Create files whit only code environment [off] --subenv Create files whit preamble and code [off] --latex Using latex>dvips>ps2pdf for compiler input and pdflatex for compiler output [off] --dvips Using latex>dvips>ps2pdf for compiler input and latex>dvips>ps2pdf for compiler output [off] --arara Use arara for compiler input and output [off] --xetex Using xelatex for compiler input and output [off] --dvipdf Using dvipdfmx for compiler input and output [off] --luatex Using lualatex for compiler input and output [off] --prefix Set prefix append to each image file [off] --norun Run script, but no create images files [off] --nopdf Don't create a ".pdf" image files [off] --nocrop Don't run pdfcrop [off] --verbcmd Set "\cmdname" verbatim command [myverb] --clean (doc|pst|tkz|all|off) Removes specific text in output file [doc] --extrenv Add new environments to extract [empty] --skipenv Skip environments to extract [empty] --verbenv Add verbatim environments [empty] --writenv Add verbatim write environments [empty] --deltenv Delete environments in output file [empty] ``` ## Example ``` $ ltximg --latex -e -p --srcenv --imgdir=mypics -o test-out test-in.ltx ``` ``` $ ltximg --latex -ep --srcenv --imgdir mypics -o test-out test-in.ltx ``` Create a `/mypics` directory whit all extracted environments converted to image formats(`.pdf`, `.eps`, `.png`), individual files whit source code (`.tex`) for all extracted environments, a file `test-out.ltx` whit all environments converted to `\includegraphics` and file `test-in-fig-all.tex` with only the extracted environments using `latex>dvips>ps2pdf` and `preview` package for `` and `pdflatex` for ``. ## Documentation For full documentation use: ``` $ texdoc ltximg ``` ## Licence This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ## Author Written by Pablo González L , last update 2018-04-12. ## Copyright Copyright 2013 - 2018 by Pablo González L % %<*changues> ## Changues ``` v1.5. (d) 2018-04-12 - Use GitHub to control version - Rewrite and optimize most part of code and options - Changue pdf2svg for pdftocairo - Complete support for pst-exa packpage - Clean take and optional v1.4. (d) 2016-11-29 - Remove and rewrite code for regex and system call - Append arara compiler, clean and comment code - Append dvips and dvipdfm for creation images - Append bmp, tif image format v1.3. (d) 2016-10-16 - All options its read from cmd line and input file - Rewrite some part of code (norun, nocrop, clean) - Suport minted and tcolorbox packpage for verbatim - Use /tmp dir for work process - Escape some characters in regex according to v5.2xx v1.2 (p) 2015-04-22 - Remove unused modules v1.1 (p) 2015-04-21 - Change mogrify to gs for image formats - Create output file - Rewrite source code and fix regex - Add more image format - Change date to iso format v1.0 (p) 2013-12-01 - First public release ``` Copyright 2013 - 2018 by Pablo González L . % %<*internal> \fi \def\nameofplainTeX{plain} \ifx\fmtname\nameofplainTeX\else \expandafter\begingroup \fi % %<*internal> \input docstrip.tex \keepsilent \askforoverwritefalse \nopreamble\nopostamble \generate{ \file{README.md}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{readme}} \file{CHANGUES.md}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{changues}} } \ifx\fmtname\nameofplainTeX \expandafter\endbatchfile \else \expandafter\endgroup \fi % %<*documentation> \documentclass{ltxdoc} 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% Logo whit libertine font for title \newsavebox{\logobox} \savebox{\logobox}{% \normalsize% {\libertineInitial% \textcolor{red}{L}\hspace{-3.0pt}% \raisebox{-0.2em}{\small \textcolor{green}{T}}% \hspace{-2.9pt}\textcolor{blue}{X}}% \hspace{-1pt}\textffmw{\textcolor{gray}{img}}% }% close box \makeatletter % changes the catcode of @ to 11 \newcommand{\LTXimg}{% \settoheight{\@tempdima}{L}% \resizebox{!}{\@tempdima}{\usebox{\logobox}}% } \makeatother % changes the catcode of @ back to 12 % oldstyle for libertine, need after \LTXimg \useosf % logo for body docuement \newcommand*{\ltximg}{% \normalsize\texttt{\bfseries \textcolor{NavyBlue}{ltximg}}\xspace% }% close ltximg % Identification \def\myscript{ltximg} \def\fileversion{1.5} \def\filedate{2018-04-12} % Config hyperref \hypersetup{ linkcolor = blue!50, citecolor = red!50,% urlcolor = magenta,% colorlinks = true,% pdftitle ={.::ltximg v1.5 (2018-04-12) --- LaTeX environments to image formats::.},% pdfauthor= {Pablo Gonz\'{a}lez Luengo},% á fails pdfsubject={Documentation for version 1.5},% pdfstartview={FitH},% bookmarksopenlevel=2,% } % Configuration fancyhdr \fancypagestyle{plain}{% \fancyhf{}% \fancyfoot[R]{\small\textsf{\thepage{} /\pageref{LastPage}}} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}% }% close plain style \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{ \markboth{\textsf{\scshape\small\S\thesection. #1}}{} }% \fancypagestyle{myheader}{% \fancyhf{}% \fancyhead[L]{\raisebox{-0.75\baselineskip}[0pt][0pt]{% \textsf{\small \textcolor{gray}{Documentation for version \fileversion{} [\filedate]}}% }% }% \fancyhead[R]{\raisebox{-0.75\baselineskip}[0pt][0pt]{% \small\nouppercase{\leftmark}% }% }% \fancyfoot[R]{\small\textsf{\thepage{} /\pageref{LastPage}}} \fancyfoot[L]{% \small\sffamily% \LTXimg{} \textcolor{gray}{% \raisebox{-1pt}{\textcopyright}{}2013--2018 by Pablo González L% }% }% \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.5pt}% \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}% \renewcommand{\headrule}{% \hbox to\headwidth{% \color{NavyBlue}\leaders\hrule height \headrulewidth\hfill}% }% } % close myheader % add headheight \setlength{\headheight}{21pt}% % Custom \meta[...]{...}, \marg[...]{...} and \oarg[...]{...} for color \ExplSyntaxOn %^^A user level commands \RenewDocumentCommand{\meta}{O{}m} { \ltximg_meta_generic:Nnn \ltximg_meta:n { #1 } { #2 } } \RenewDocumentCommand{\marg}{O{}m} { \ltximg_meta_generic:Nnn \ltximg_marg:n { #1 } { #2 } } \RenewDocumentCommand{\oarg}{O{}m} { \ltximg_meta_generic:Nnn \ltximg_oarg:n { #1 } { #2 } } %^^A variables and keys \tl_new:N \l_ltximg_meta_font_tl \keys_define:nn { ltximg/meta } { type .choice:, type / tt .code:n = \tl_set:Nn \l_ltximg_meta_font_tl { \ttfamily }, type / rm .code:n = \tl_set:Nn \l_ltximg_meta_font_tl { \rmfamily }, type .initial:n = tt, cf .tl_set:N = \l_ltximg_meta_color_tl, cf .initial:n = black, ac .tl_set:N = \l_ltximg_meta_anglecolor_tl, ac .initial:n = black, sbc .tl_set:N = \l_ltximg_meta_brackcolor_tl, sbc .initial:n = black, cbc .tl_set:N = \l_ltximg_meta_bracecolor_tl, cbc .initial:n = black, } %^^A internal commands \cs_new_protected:Npn \ltximg_meta_generic:Nnn #1 #2 #3 { \group_begin: \keys_set:nn { ltximg/meta } { #2 } \color{ \l_ltximg_meta_color_tl } \l_ltximg_meta_font_tl #1 { #3 } % #1 is \ltximg_meta:n, \ltximg_marg:n or \ltximg_oarg:n \group_end: } \cs_new_protected:Npn \ltximg_meta:n #1 { \ltximg_meta_angle:n { \textlangle } \ltximg_meta_meta:n { #1 } \ltximg_meta_angle:n { \textrangle } } \cs_new_protected:Npn \ltximg_marg:n #1 { \ltximg_meta_brace:n { \textbraceleft } \ltximg_meta:n { #1 } \ltximg_meta_brace:n { \textbraceright } } \cs_new_protected:Npn \ltximg_oarg:n #1 { \ltximg_meta_brack:n { [ } \ltximg_meta:n { #1 } \ltximg_meta_brack:n { ] } } \cs_new_protected:Npn \ltximg_meta_meta:n #1 { \textnormal{\textit{#1}} } \cs_new_protected:Npn \ltximg_meta_angle:n #1 { \group_begin: \fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont \textcolor{\l_ltximg_meta_anglecolor_tl}{#1} \group_end: } \cs_new_protected:Npn \ltximg_meta_brace:n #1 { \group_begin: \color{\l_ltximg_meta_bracecolor_tl} #1 \group_end: } \cs_new_protected:Npn \ltximg_meta_brack:n #1 { \textcolor{\l_ltximg_meta_brackcolor_tl}{#1} } \ExplSyntaxOff % \prgname{sm} : #1 index compiler, #2 index programs: \DeclareDocumentCommand\prgname{sm}{% \IfBooleanTF{#1} { \textcolor{ForestGreen}{\ttfamily\bfseries{#2}}\xspace% \SortIndex{compiler}{Compiler>\small\textsf{#2}}% } { \textcolor{ForestGreen}{\ttfamily\bfseries{#2}}\xspace% \SortIndex{programs}{Programs>\small\textsf{#2}}% } }% % \prgopt{sm} : #1 compiler opt, #2 program opt: \DeclareDocumentCommand\prgopt{sm}{% \IfBooleanTF{#1} { \textcolor{gray}{\ttfamily\bfseries{-{}#2}}%\xspace% \SortIndex{compiler options}{Compiler options>\small\texttt{-{}#2}}% } { \mbox{\texttt{-{}#2}}% \SortIndex{#2}{\texttt{-{}#2} (program option)}% } } % \scriptname*{m} \DeclareDocumentCommand\scriptname{m}{% \textcolor{ForestGreen}{\ttfamily\bfseries{#1}}\xspace \SortIndex{scripts}{Scripts>\textsf{#1}}% }% % \scriptopt{m} \DeclareDocumentCommand\scriptopt{m}{% \mbox{\texttt{#1}}\xspace% \SortIndex{script option}{Script options>\small\textsf{#1}}% } % \pkgname{m} \DeclareDocumentCommand\pkgname{m}{% \textsf{\textcolor{SlateBlue}{#1}}% \SortIndex{packages}{Packages>\textsf{#1}}% %\SortIndex{#1}{\textsf{#1} (package)}% }% % \pkgopt{m} \DeclareDocumentCommand\pkgopt{m}{% \textsf{\textcolor{Orange}{#1}}% \SortIndex{package options}{Package options>\textsf{#1}}% \SortIndex{#1}{\textsf{#1} (package option)}% }% % \env{sm}, #1 not used now \DeclareDocumentCommand\env{sm}{ \textcolor{optcolor}{\sffamily{#2}}% \SortIndex{environment}{Environments>\small\textsf{#2}}% } % \ics{sm}, #1 not used now \DeclareDocumentCommand\ics{sm}{ \textcolor{optcolor}{\ttfamily{\textbackslash#2}}% \SortIndex{#2}{\textsf{\small\textbackslash#2}} } % file extention \DeclareDocumentCommand\fext{m}{% \mbox{\textcolor{optcolor}{\ttfamily\bfseries{.#1}}\xspace}% \SortIndex{files extention}{File extentions (input)>\small\textsf{.#1}}% } % image format/extention \DeclareDocumentCommand\iext{m}{% \textcolor{optcolor}{\ttfamily\bfseries{#1}}% \SortIndex{Image format}{Image formats>\small\textsf{#1}}% } % \DescribeIF{m}, #1 image format \newsavebox{\marginIF} \NewDocumentCommand\DescribeIF{m}{% \begin{lrbox}{\marginIF}% \begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}% \raggedleft \iext{#1} \end{minipage}% \end{lrbox}% \leavevmode% \marginpar{\usebox{\marginIF}}% \ignorespaces% }% % \sysydir{m} \DeclareDocumentCommand\sysdir{m}{% \mbox{\textcolor{NavyBlue}{\ttfamily{/#1}}}% } % \sysfile{m} ...only for color in some examples \DeclareDocumentCommand\sysfile{m}{% \mbox{\textcolor{gray}{\ttfamily{#1}}}\xspace% } % \OSsystem{m} ...only for color in some examples \DeclareDocumentCommand\OSsystem{m}{% \mbox{\textcolor{NavyBlue}{\ttfamily\bfseries{#1}}}% \SortIndex{Operating system}{Operating system>\small\textsf{#1}}% } % \cmdopt[short]{long} \NewDocumentCommand\cmdopt{om}{% \IfNoValueTF{#1}% {\textcolor{optcolor}{\ttfamily\bfseries{-\/-#2}}\xspace}% {\textcolor{optcolor}{\ttfamily\bfseries{-{}#1}}, \textcolor{optcolor}{\ttfamily\bfseries{-\/-#2}}\xspace}% \SortIndex{options}{\textsf{\myscript}\ options in command line>\small\texttt{-\/-#2}}% } % \myenv{environ} \DeclareDocumentCommand\myenv{m}{% \moveright 0.0pt \hbox{% \begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}% \raggedleft\ttfamily%\small% {\textcolor{gray}{\textbackslash begin\{}}{\bfseries\textcolor{optcolor}{#1}}\textcolor{gray}{\}}\par% \meta[ac=gray,cf=gray]{env content}\par% {\textcolor{gray}{\textbackslash end\{}}{\bfseries\textcolor{optcolor}{#1}}\textcolor{gray}{\}}% \end{minipage}% } % close hbox \SortIndex{Environment}{Environments suport by default>\small\textsf{#1}}% }% % \mytag{dtxtag} \DeclareDocumentCommand\mytag{m}{% \moveright 0.0pt \hbox{% \begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}% \raggedleft\ttfamily%\small% \textcolor{gray}{\%<*}{\bfseries\textcolor{optcolor}{#1}}\textcolor{gray}{>}\par% \meta[ac=gray,cf=gray]{content}\par% \textcolor{gray}{\%}% \end{minipage}% } % close hbox \SortIndex{docstrip}{Docstrip tag>\textsf{#1}}% }% % \DescribeTE{sm}, #1 tag, #2 env \newsavebox{\marginenvtag} \NewDocumentCommand\DescribeTE{sm}{% \begin{lrbox}{\marginenvtag}% \begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}% \raggedleft \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\mytag{#2}}{\myenv{#2}} \end{minipage}% \end{lrbox}% \leavevmode% \marginpar{\usebox{\marginenvtag}}% \ignorespaces% }% % DescribeOptFile*{options}{example}[!] \newsavebox{\optinfile} \NewDocumentCommand\DescribeOptFile{s m m O{\hphantom{!}}}{ \begin{lrbox}{\optinfile}% \begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}% \raggedleft\ttfamily\bfseries% \textcolor{optcolor}{\%{#4}\myscript\hspace*{1.5pt}}% \end{minipage}% \end{lrbox}% \leavevmode% \marginpar{\usebox{\optinfile}}% \lapbox[0pt]{-0.85\marginparsep}{\textcolor{red}{\texttt{:}}}% \textcolor{optcolor}{\bfseries\texttt{{#2}}}% \textcolor{red}{\hspace*{2.5pt}\texttt{:}} \hspace*{-1pt}\marg[cbc=optcolor,ac=gray,cf=gray]{#3} \vspace*{2pt}\par% \IfNoValueTF{#1} {}%% {% \SortIndex{options}{\textsf{\myscript}\ options in input file>\small\texttt{#2}}% }% } % \DescribeCmd[...]{...}{...}{...}, need changue to \DescribeOptCmd \newsavebox{\optcmdline} \NewDocumentCommand\DescribeCmd{ommm}{ \begin{lrbox}{\optcmdline}% \begin{minipage}[t]{\marginparwidth}% \ttfamily\bfseries\raggedleft% \IfNoValueTF{#1} {\textcolor{optcolor}{-\/-#2}} {\textcolor{optcolor}{-{#1}}\textcolor{gray}{,} \textcolor{optcolor}{-\/-#2}}% \end{minipage}% \SortIndex{options}{\textsf{\myscript}\ options in command line>\small\texttt{-\/-#2}}% \end{lrbox}% \leavevmode% \marginpar{\usebox{\optcmdline}}% \ignorespaces \meta[ac=gray,cf=gray]{\textnormal{\sffamily{#3}}} \hfill\textcolor{gray}{\textsf{(default: {#4})}}% \vspace*{2pt}\par% } % Create a language for documentation \lstdefinelanguage{ltximg-doc}{ texcsstyle=*,% escapechar=`,% showstringspaces=false,% extendedchars=true, % stringstyle = {\color{red}},% % comments morecomment=[l]{\%},% commentstyle=\itshape\color{lightgray},% % Important words 1 keywordstyle=[1]{\bfseries\color{NavyBlue}},% keywords=[1]{AtBeginDocument,begin,end,documentclass,BEGIN,END},% % Other words 2 keywordstyle=[2]{\color{blue!75}},% keywords=[2]{usepackage,graphicspath,RequirePackage,renewcommand,% PreviewBbAdjust,usetikzlibrary,tikzexternalize,psset,tikzset,PrependGraphicsExtensions,% DefineShortVerb,lstMakeShortInline,MakeSpecialShortVerb,UndefineShortVerb},% % Other words 3 keywordstyle=[3]{\color{optcolor!85}},% keywords=[3]{document,graphicx,preview,active,tightpage,article,grfext,description,filecontents,% external,tikz,clean,pst,tkz,eps,pdf,xetex,latex,luatex,dvips,png,srcenv,noprew,imgdir,prefix,output},% % Reserved words 4(inputfile options) keywordstyle=[4]{\bfseries\color{optcolor}},% keywords=[4]{ltximg,noltximg,remove,options,pspicture,endpspicture,% PSTexample,pgfpicture, endpgfpicture, tikzpicture, endtikzpicture, % psgraph, endpsgraph,nopreview,postscript, arara,extrenv,deltenv,skipenv},% % Reserved in orange keywordstyle=[5]{\color{OrangeRed}},% keywords=[5]{images,includegraphics,env,file-out,pics,doc},% % Reserved in orange keywordstyle=[6]{\color{red}},% keywords=[6]{verb},% }[keywords,tex,comments,strings]% end languaje % \begin{examplecode}[optlst]...\end{examplecode} \lstnewenvironment{examplecode}[1][]{% \lstset{ language=ltximg-doc,% stringstyle = {\color{red}},% basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,% numbersep=1em,% numberstyle=\tiny\color{lightgray}\noaccsupp,% % literateee literate=*{\{}{{\bfseries\textcolor{gray}{\{}}}{1} {\}}{{\bfseries\textcolor{gray}{\}}}}{1} {[}{{\bfseries\textcolor{optcolor}{[}}}{1} {]}{{\bfseries\textcolor{optcolor}{]}}}{1} {*}{{\bfseries\textcolor{red}{*}}}{1} {:}{{\textcolor{red}{:}}}{1} {,}{{\textcolor{gray}{,}}}{1} {=}{{\textcolor{gray}{=}}}{1} {/}{{\textcolor{gray}{/}}}{1} {\%\ ltximg}{{\textcolor{gray}{\%}\space\bfseries\textcolor{optcolor}{ltximg}}}{8} {\%\ arara}{{\textcolor{gray}{\%}\space\bfseries\textcolor{optcolor}{arara}}}{7} {\{arara}{{\textcolor{gray}{\{arara}}}{6} {\%<*remove>}{{\bfseries\textcolor{gray}{\%<*remove>}}}{10} {\%}{{\bfseries\textcolor{gray}{\%}}}{10} {\%<*ltximg>}{{\bfseries\textcolor{gray}{\%<*ltximg>}}}{10} {\%}{{\bfseries\textcolor{gray}{\%}}}{10} {\%<*noltximg>}{{\bfseries\textcolor{gray}{\%<*noltximg>}}}{12} {\%}{{\bfseries\textcolor{gray}{\%}}}{12},% #1,% }% close lstset }% {}% close examplecode % \begin{examplecmd}...\end{examplecmd} \lstnewenvironment{examplecmd}{% \lstset{ language=ltximg-doc,% basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,% frame=single,% rulecolor=\color{gray!50},% framesep=\fboxsep,% framerule=\fboxrule,% xleftmargin=\dimexpr\fboxsep+\fboxrule\relax,% xrightmargin=\dimexpr\fboxsep+\fboxrule\relax,% % Reserved words (cmd line options) classoffset=7,% keywordstyle=\bfseries\color{optcolor},% morekeywords={ltximg},% % % Reserved words (cmd line options) classoffset=8,% keywordstyle={\bfseries\color{ForestGreen}},% morekeywords={gs,pdftoppm,pdftocairo,pdftops},% % Only for command line options classoffset=5,% keywordstyle=\color{blue},% keywords={user,machine},% % literateee literate=*{[}{{\textcolor{darkgray}{[}}}{1} {]}{{\textcolor{darkgray}{]}}}{1} {@}{{\textcolor{blue}{@}}}{1} {\$}{{\textcolor{blue}{\$}}}{1} {:}{{\textcolor{blue}{:}}}{1} {§}{{\textcolor{red}{\$}}}{1} {"}{{\textcolor{red}{\textquotedbl}}}{1} {~}{{\textcolor{blue}{\bfseries\textasciitilde}}}{1}% }% close lstset {~} }% {}% close examplecmd % \lstinline[style=inline]|...| \lstdefinestyle{inline} { language=ltximg-doc,% basicstyle=\ttfamily\color{gray},% % literateee literate=*{\%}{{\bfseries\textcolor{gray}{\%}}}{1} } % set default style \lstset{style=inline} % email https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/663 \catcode`\_=11\relax% \newcommand\email[1]{\_email #1\q_nil}% \def\_email#1@#2\q_nil{% \href{mailto:#1@#2}{{\emailfont #1\emailampersat #2}}% }% \newcommand\emailfont{\sffamily}% \newcommand\emailampersat{{\color{NavyBlue}\footnotesize@}}% \catcode`\_=8\relax% % % Table of contents, need change font style \def\rulecolor{\color{NavyBlue}} \tocsetup{% title=Contents\quad{\rulecolor\leaders\vrule height3.4pt depth-3pt\hfill\null}, title/after= \vspace{3pt}, title/font= \sffamily\bfseries\Large,% title/top=10pt,% title/bottom=0pt,% twocolumns, section/skip=4pt plus2pt minus2pt,% subsection/skip=0pt plus2pt minus2pt, section/leaders,section/dotsep,% after=\vspace{-3pt}\noindent{\rulecolor\hrule height3.4pt depth-3pt\relax}, } \begin{document} \title{% \textffm{latex environments}\\[3pt]% \scalebox{3.4}{\LTXimg}\\[2pt]% \textls[150]{\textffm{to image format}}\\% \Large v\fileversion{} --- \filedate\thanks{% This file describes a documentation for version \fileversion, last revised \filedate.}\\[25pt]% \author{% \large% \raisebox{-1pt}{\textcopyright}{}2013--2018 by Pablo González L% \thanks{E-mail:<\email{pablgonz@yahoo.com}>}% }% \small \textsc{ctan}: \url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/ltximg}\\ \textsc{git}: \url{https://github.com/pablgonz/ltximg} \vspace*{-2cm} }% \date{} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \ltximg is a \prgname{perl} \emph{script} that automates the process of extracting and converting environments provided by \pkgname{tikz}, \pkgname{pstricks} and other packages from input file to image formats in individual files using \prgname{ghostscript} and \prgname{poppler-utils}. Generates a file with only extracted environments and another with environments converted to \ics{includegraphics}. \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \setlength{\parskip}{3pt} \section{Motivation} The original idea was to extend the functionality of the \scriptname{pst2pdf} script (only for \env{pspicture} and \env{postscript}) to work with \env{tikzpicture} and other environments. The \pkgname{tikz} package allows to externalize the environments, but, the idea was to be able to extend this to any type of environment covering three central points: \begin{enumerate}[font=\small, noitemsep,leftmargin=*] \item Generate separate files for environments and converted into images. \item Generate a file with only the extracted environments. \item Generate a file replacing the environments by \ics{includegraphics}. \end{enumerate} From the side of \TeX{} there are some packages that cover several of these points such as the \pkgname{preview}, \pkgname{xcomment}, \pkgname{external} and \pkgname{cachepic} packages among others, but none covered all points. In the network there are some solutions in \texttt{bash} that were able to extract and convert environments, but in general they presented problems when the document contained \emph{verbatim style} code or were only available for \OSsystem{Linux}. Analysed the situation the best thing was to create a new \emph{script} that was able to cover the three points and was multi platform, the union of all these ideas is born \ltximg. Finding the correct \emph{regular expressions} and writing \emph{documentation} would be the great mission (which does not end yet). \thispagestyle{plain} \newpage \pagestyle{myheader} \section{Required Software}\label{sec:software} For the complete operation of \ltximg{} you need to have a modern \hologo{TeX} distribution such as \hologo{TeX}Live 2017 or \hologo{MiKTeX} 2.9, have a version equal to or greater than \liningnums{5.22} of \prgname{perl}, a version equal to or greater than \liningnums{9.19} of \prgname{ghostscript} and have a version equal to or greater than \liningnums{0.52} of \prgname{poppler-utils}. The distribution of \hologo{TeX}Live 2017 for \OSsystem{Windows} includes \ltximg{} and all requirements, \hologo{MiKTeX} users must install the appropriate software for full operation. The script has been tested on \OSsystem{Windows} (version 10) and \OSsystem{Linux} (fedora 27) in x64 architecture using \prgname{ghostscript} \liningnums{v9.20}, \prgname{poppler-utils} \liningnums{v0.52} to \liningnums{v0.60} and \prgname{perl} from \liningnums{v5.22} to \liningnums{v5.26}. \section{How it works}\label{sec:howtowork} It is important to have a general idea of how the \emph{extraction and conversion} process works and the requirements that must be fulfilled so that everything works correctly, for this we must be clear about some concepts related to how to work with the \meta{verbatim content}, the \meta{input file}, the \meta{output file} and the \meta{steps process}. \subsection{The input file}\label{sec:inputfile} The \meta{input file} must comply with certain characteristics in order to be processed, the content at the beginning and at the end of the \meta{input file} is treated in a special way, before \lstinline|\documentclass| can only be commented lines and after \lstinline|\end{document}| can go any type of content, internally will split the \meta{input file} at this points. If the \meta{input file} contains files using \ics{input} or \ics{include} these will not be processed, from the side of the \emph{script} they only represent lines within the file, if you want them to be processed it is better to use the \scriptname{latexpand} first and then process the file. Like \ics{input} or \ics{include}, blank lines, vertical spaces and tab characters are treated literally, for the \emph{script} the \meta{input file} is just a set of characters, as if it was a simple text file. It is advisable to format the source code \meta{input file} using utilities such as lines such as \prgname{chktex} and \scriptname{latexindent}, especially if you want to extract the source code of the environments. An example of the \meta{input file}: \begin{examplecode} % some commented lines at begin document \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} Some text \begin{tikzpicture} Some code \end{tikzpicture} Always use \verb|\begin{tikzpicture}| and \verb|\end{tikzpicture}| to open and close environment \begin{tikzpicture} Some code \end{tikzpicture} Some text \end{document} % some lines after end document \end{examplecode} \subsection{Verbatim contents}\label{sec:verbatim} One of the greatest capabilities of \ltximg{} script is to skip the complications that \emph{verbatim style} content produces with the extraction of environments. In order to skip the complications, the verbatim content is classified into three types: \begin{itemize} \item Verbatim in line \item Verbatim standard \item Verbatim write \end{itemize} Each of these classifications works differently within the creation and extraction process using different regular expressions for it. \newpage \subsubsection{Verbatim in line}\label{sec:verbatim:inline} The small pieces of code written in the same line using a verbatim command are considered \meta{verbatim in line}, such as \lstinline+\verb||+. Most verbatim commands provide by packages \pkgname{minted}, \pkgname{fancyvrb} and \pkgname{listings} have been tested and are fully supported. They are automatically detected the verbatim command generates by \ics{newmint} and \ics{newmintinline} and the following command list: \begin{multicols}{3} \begin{itemize}[font=\sffamily\small, noitemsep,leftmargin=*] \small \item \ics{mint} \item \ics{spverb} \item \ics{qverb} \item \ics{fverb} \item \ics{verb} \item \ics{Verb} \item \ics{lstinline} \item \ics{pyginline} \item \ics{pygment} \item \ics{tcboxverb} \item \ics{mintinline} \end{itemize} \end{multicols} Some packages define abbreviated versions for verbatim commands as \ics{DefineShortVerb}, \ics{lstMakeShortInline} and \ics{MakeSpecialShortVerb}, will be detected automatically if are declared explicitly in \meta{input file}. The following consideration should be kept in mind for some packages that use abbreviations for verbatim commands, such as \pkgname{shortvrb} or \pkgname{doc} for example in which there is no explicit command in the document by means of which the abbreviated form can be detected, for automatic detection need to find \ics{DefineShortVerb} explicitly to process it correctly. The solution is quite simple, just add in \meta{input file}: \begin{examplecode} \UndefineShortVerb{\|} \DefineShortVerb{\|} \end{examplecode} depending on the package you are using. If your verbatim command is not supported by default or can not detect, use the options described in \ref{sec:optline} and \ref{sec:optfile}. \subsubsection{Verbatim standard}\label{sec:verbatim:std} These are the classic environments for writing code are considered \meta{verbatim standard}, such as \env{verbatim} and \env{lstlisting} environments. The following list is considered as \meta{verbatim standard} environments: \begin{multicols}{4} \begin{itemize}[font=\sffamily\small, noitemsep,leftmargin=*] \sffamily\small \item Example \item CenterExample \item SideBySideExample \item PCenterExample \item PSideBySideExample \item verbatim \item Verbatim \item BVerbatim \item LVerbatim \item SaveVerbatim \item PSTcode \item LTXexample \item tcblisting \item spverbatim \item minted \item listing \item lstlisting \item alltt \item comment \item chklisting \item verbatimtab \item listingcont \item boxedverbatim \item demo \item sourcecode \item xcomment \item pygmented \item pyglist \item program \item programl \item programL \item programs \item programf \item programsc \item programt \end{itemize} \end{multicols} They are automatically detected \meta{verbatim standard} environments generates by commands: \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{itemize}[font=\sffamily\small, noitemsep,leftmargin=*] \small \item \ics{DefineVerbatimEnvironment} \item \ics{NewListingEnvironment} \item \ics{DeclareTCBListing} \item \ics{ProvideTCBListing} \item \ics{lstnewenvironment} \item \ics{newtabverbatim} \item \ics{specialcomment} \item \ics{includecomment} \item \ics{newtcblisting} \item \ics{NewTCBListing} \item \ics{newverbatim} \item \ics{NewProgram} \item \ics{newminted} \end{itemize} \end{multicols} If any of the \meta{verbatim standard} environments is not supported by default or can not detected, you can use the options described in \ref{sec:optline} and \ref{sec:optfile}. \subsubsection{Verbatim write}\label{sec:verbatim:write} Some environments have the ability to write external files directly, these environments are considered \meta{verbatim write}, such as \env{filecontents} or \env{VerbatimOut} environments. The following list is considered as \meta{verbatim write} environments: \begin{multicols}{3} \begin{itemize}[font=\sffamily\small, noitemsep,leftmargin=*] \small \item filecontents \item tcboutputlisting \item tcbexternal \item extcolorbox \item extikzpicture \item VerbatimOut \item verbatimwrite \item filecontentsdef \item filecontentshere \end{itemize} \end{multicols} They are automatically detected \meta{verbatim write} environments generates by commands: \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{itemize}[font=\sffamily\small, noitemsep,leftmargin=*] \small \item \ics{renewtcbexternalizetcolorbox} \item \ics{renewtcbexternalizeenvironment} \item \ics{newtcbexternalizeenvironment} \item \ics{newtcbexternalizetcolorbox} \end{itemize} \end{multicols} If any of the \meta{verbatim write} environments is not supported by default or can not detected, you can use the options described in \ref{sec:optline} and \ref{sec:optfile}. \subsection{Steps process}\label{sec:steps:process} For creation of the image formats, extraction of code and creation of an output file, \ltximg{} need a various steps. Let's assume that the \meta{input file} is \sysfile{test.tex}, \meta{output file} is \sysfile{test-out}, the working directory are \sysdir{workdir}, the directory for images are \sysdir{workdir/images} and the user's temporary directory is \sysdir{tmp} and we want to generate images in \iext{pdf} format together with the source codes of the environments. \begin{description}[font=\sffamily\small, leftmargin=0em,style=nextline] \item[Comment and ignore] The first step is read and validated \oarg[type=rm,cf=gray,sbc=optcolor,ac=gray]{options} from the command line and \sysfile{test.tex}, verifying that \sysfile{test.tex}, \sysfile{test-out} and the directory \sysdir{images} are in \sysdir{workdir}, create the directory \sysdir{workdir/images} if it does not exist and a temporary directory \sysdir{tmp/hG45uVklv9}. The entire file \sysfile{test.tex} is loaded in memory and proceeds (in general terms) as follows: \begin{quotation} Search the words \lstinline|\begin{| and \lstinline|\end{| in verbatim standard, verbatim write, verbatim in line and commented lines, if it finds them, converts to \lstinline|\BEGIN{| and \lstinline|\END{|, then places all code to extract inside the \lstinline|\begin{preview}| \ldots \lstinline|\end{preview}|. \end{quotation} At this point all the code you want to extract is inside \lstinline|\begin{preview}| \ldots \lstinline|\end{preview}| and the files \sysfile{test-fig-1.tex}, \sysfile{test-fig-2.tex}, \ldots{} are generated and saved in \sysdir{images}. \item[Create random file] In the second step, with the file already loaded in memory, creating a temporary file with a random number (1981 for example) and proceed in two ways according to the \oarg[type=rm,cf=gray,sbc=optcolor,ac=gray]{options} passed to the script: \begin{enumerate} \item If script is call \emph{whitout} \cmdopt[n]{noprew} options, adds the following lines to the beginning of the \sysfile{test.tex} (in memory): \begin{examplecode} \AtBeginDocument{% \RequirePackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \renewcommand\PreviewBbAdjust{-60pt -60pt 60pt 60pt}}% % rest of input file \end{examplecode} And save in a temporary file \sysfile{test-fig-1981.tex} in \sysdir{workdir}. \item If script is call \emph{whit} \cmdopt[n]{noprew} options, all code to extract its put inside the \env{preview} environment. The \lstinline|\begin{preview}|\ldots \lstinline|\end{preview}| lines are only used as delimiters for extracting the content \emph{without} using the package \pkgname{preview}. Creating a temporary file \sysfile{test-fig-1981.tex} in \sysdir{workdir} whit the same preamble of \sysfile{test.tex} but the body only contains code that you want to extract. \end{enumerate} \item[Generate image formats] In the third step the script run: \begin{examplecmd} [user@machine ~:]§`\small\meta[type=tt,cf=ForestGreen,ac=ForestGreen]{compiler}` -recorder -shell-escape `\small\sysfile{test-fig-1981.tex}` \end{examplecmd} generating the file \sysfile{test-fig-1981.pdf} whit all code extracted, move \sysfile{test-fig-1981.pdf} to \sysdir{tmp/hG45uVklv9}, separate in individual files \sysfile{test-fig-1.pdf}, \sysfile{test-fig-2.pdf}, \ldots{} and copy to \sysdir{workdir/images/}. The file \sysfile{test-fig-1981.tex} is moved to the \sysdir{workdir/images/} and rename to \sysfile{test-fig-all.tex}. Note the options passed to \meta[type=tt,cf=ForestGreen,ac=ForestGreen]{compiler} does not include \prgopt*{output-directory} (it is not supported) and always use \prgopt*{recorder} \prgopt*{shell-escape} you must keep this in mind if you use \prgname{arara}. \item[Create output file] In the fourth step the script creates the output file \sysfile{test-out.tex} converting all extracted code to \ics{includegraphics} and adding the following lines at end of preamble: \begin{examplecode} \usepackage{graphicx} \graphicspath{{images/}} \usepackage{grfext} \PrependGraphicsExtensions*{.pdf} \end{examplecode} If the packages \pkgname{graphicx} and \pkgname{grfext} are already loaded and the command \ics{graphicspath} is found in the input file were detected automatically and only the changes will be added then proceed to run: \begin{examplecmd} [user@machine ~:]§`\small\meta[type=tt,cf=ForestGreen,ac=ForestGreen]{compiler}` -recorder -shell-escape `\small\sysfile{test-out.tex}` \end{examplecmd} generating the file \sysfile{test-out.pdf}. \end{description} Now the script read the files \sysfile{test-fig-1981.fls} and \sysfile{test-out.fls}, extract the information from the temporary files generated in the process and then delete them together with the directory \sysdir{tmp/hG45uVklv9}. An example for input and output file: \begin{minipage}[c]{0.5\textwidth} \begin{examplecode} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} Some text \begin{tikzpicture} Some code \end{tikzpicture} Always use \verb|\begin{tikzpicture}| and \verb|\end{tikzpicture}| to open and close environment \begin{tikzpicture} some code \end{tikzpicture} Some text \end{document} \end{examplecode} \begin{flushleft} \sysfile{test.tex} \end{flushleft} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[c]{0.5\textwidth} \begin{examplecode} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{graphicx} \graphicspath{{images/}} \usepackage{grfext} \PrependGraphicsExtensions*{.pdf} \begin{document} Some text \includegraphics[scale=1]{test-fig-1} Always use \verb|\begin{tikzpicture}| and \verb|\end{tikzpicture}| to open and close environment \includegraphics[scale=1]{test-fig-2} Some text \end{document} \end{examplecode} \begin{flushleft} \sysfile{test-out.tex} \end{flushleft} \end{minipage} \newpage \section{Extract content}\label{sec:extract} The script provides two ways to extract content from \meta{input file}, using \meta[type=rm,cf=optcolor,ac=gray]{environments} and \meta[type=rm,cf=optcolor,ac=gray]{docstrip tags}. Some environment (including a starred \texttt{\small\bfseries\textcolor{red}{*}} version) are supported by default and if the environments are nested, the outermost will be extracted. \subsection{Default environments} \label{sec:extract:env} \DescribeTE{preview} Environment provide by \pkgname{preview} package. If \env{preview} environments found in the input file will be extracted and converted these. Internally converts all environments to extract in \env{preview} environments. Is better comment this package in preamble unless the option \cmdopt[n]{noprew}{} is used. \vspace{\baselineskip} \DescribeTE{pspicture} Environment provide by \pkgname{pstricks} package. The plain syntax \lstinline|\pspicture ... \endpspicture| its converted to \lstinline|\begin{pspicture} ... \end{pspicture}|. \vspace{\baselineskip} \DescribeTE{psgraph} Environment provide by \pkgname{pst-plot} package. The plain syntax \lstinline|\psgraph ... \endpsgraph| its converted to \lstinline|\begin{psgraph} ... \end{psgraph}|. \vspace{\baselineskip} \DescribeTE{postscript} Environment provide by \pkgname{pst-pdf} and \pkgname{auto-pst-pdf} packages. Since the \pkgname{pst-pdf} and \pkgname{auto-pst-pdf} packages internally use the \pkgname{preview} package, is better comment this in preamble. \vspace{\baselineskip} \DescribeTE{tikzpicture} Environment provide by \pkgname{tikz} package. The plain syntax \lstinline|\tikzpicture ... \tikzpicture| its converted to \lstinline|\begin{tikzpicture} ... \end{tikzpicture}| but no a short \lstinline|\tikz...;|. \vspace{\baselineskip} \DescribeTE{pgfpicture} Environment provide by \pkgname{pgf} package. Since the script uses a \emph{recursive regular expression} to extract environments, no presents problems if present \lstinline|pgfinterruptpicture|. \vspace{\baselineskip} \DescribeTE{PSTexample} Environment provide by \pkgname{pst-exa} packages. The script automatically detects the \lstinline|\begin{PSTexample}| \lstinline|...\end{PSTexample}| environments and processes them as separately compiled files. The user should have loaded the package with the [\pkgopt{swpl}] or [\pkgopt{tcb}] option and run the script using \cmdopt{latex}{} or \cmdopt{xetex}. If you need to extract more environments you can use one of the options described in \ref{sec:optline} or \ref{sec:optfile}. \subsection{Extract whit docstrip tags} \label{sec:extract:tag} \DescribeTE*{ltximg} All content included between \lstinline|%<*ltximg> ... %| is extracted. The tags can not be nested and should be at the beginning of the line and in separate lines. \begin{examplecode} % no space before open tag %<* %<*ltximg> code to extract % % no space before close tag % ... %| are ignored and no extract. The start and closing of the tag must be at the beginning of the line. \begin{examplecode} % no space before open tag %<* %<*noltximg> no extract this % % no space before close tag % ... %| are deleted in the \meta{output file}. The start and closing of the tag must be at the beginning of the line. \begin{examplecode} % no space before open tag %<* %<*remove> lines removed in output file % % no space before close tag % : {options: "-recorder"}| \DescribeCmd{xetex}{bolean}{off} Using \prgname*{xelatex} compiler \meta{input file} and \meta{output file}. \DescribeCmd{latex}{bolean}{off} Using \prgname*{latex}\texttt{\bfseries\guillemotright}\prgname*{dvips}\texttt{\bfseries\guillemotright}\scriptname{ps2pdf} compiler in \meta{input file} and \prgname*{pdflatex} for \meta{output file}. \DescribeCmd{dvips}{bolean}{off} Using \prgname*{latex}\texttt{\bfseries\guillemotright}\prgname*{dvips}\texttt{\bfseries\guillemotright}\scriptname{ps2pdf} for compiler \meta{input file} and \meta{output file}. \DescribeCmd{dvipdf}{bolean}{off} Using \prgname*{latex}\texttt{\bfseries\guillemotright}\prgname*{dvipdfmx} for compiler \meta{input file} and \meta{output file}. \DescribeCmd{luatex}{bolean}{off} Using \prgname*{lualatex} for compiler \meta{input file} and \meta{output file}. \DescribeCmd{prefix}{string}{fig} Add prefix append to each files created. \DescribeCmd{norun}{bolean}{off} Run script, but no create images. This option is designed to debug the file and when you only need to extract the code \DescribeCmd{nopdf}{bolean}{off} Don't create a .\iext{pdf} image files. \DescribeCmd{nocrop}{bolean}{off} Don't run \scriptname{pdfcrop} in image files. \DescribeCmd{clean}{doc\textbar pst\textbar tkz\textbar all\textbar off}{doc} Removes specific content in \meta{output file}. Valid values for this option are: \begin{description}[font=\small\sffamily, nosep, noitemsep, leftmargin=*] \item[doc] All content after \lstinline+\end{document}+ is removed. \item[pst] All \lstinline|\psset{...}| and \pkgname{pstricks} package is removed. \item[tkz] All \lstinline|\tikzset{...}| is removed. \item[all] Activates doc, pst and tkz. \item[off] Deactivate all. \end{description} \newpage \DescribeCmd{verbcmd}{command name}{myverb} Set custom verbatim command \lstinline+\myverb||+. \DescribeCmd{extrenv}{list separate by comma}{empty} List of environments to extract, need \texttt{-\/-} at end.\par \DescribeCmd{skipenv}{list separate by comma}{empty} List of environments that should not be extracted and that the script supports by default, need \texttt{-\/-} at end.\par \DescribeCmd{verbenv}{list separate by comma}{empty} List of \meta{verbatim standard} environment support, need \texttt{-\/-} at end.\par \DescribeCmd{writenv}{list separate by comma}{empty} List of \meta{verbatim write} environment support, need \texttt{-\/-} at end.\par \DescribeCmd{deltenv}{list separate by comma}{empty} List of environment deleted in \meta{output file}, need \texttt{-\/-} at end. \subsection{Options in input file}\label{sec:optfile} Many of the ideas in this section are inspired by the \prgname{arara} program (I adore it). A very useful way to pass options to the script is to place them in commented lines at the beginning of the file, very much in the style of \prgname{arara}. \DescribeOptFile*{\meta[ac=gray,cf=gray]{argument}}{option one, option two, option three, \ldots} \DescribeOptFile*{\meta[ac=gray,cf=gray]{argument}}{option one, option two, option three, \ldots}[!] The vast majority of the options can be passed into the \meta{input file}. These should be put at the beginning of the file in commented lines and everything must be on the same line, the exclamation mark deactivates the option. Valid values for \meta[ac=gray,cf=gray]{argument} are the following: \DescribeOptFile{options}{option one = value, option two = value, option three = value, \ldots} This line is to indicate to the script which options need to process. \DescribeOptFile{extrenv}{environment one, environment two, environment three, \ldots} This line is to indicate to the script which environments, not supported by default, are extracted. \DescribeOptFile{skipenv}{environment one, environment two, environment three, \ldots} This line is to indicate to the script which environments, of the ones supported by default, should not be extracted. \DescribeOptFile{verbenv}{environment one, environment two, environment three, \ldots} This line is to indicate to the script which environments, its considerate a \meta{verbatim standard}. \DescribeOptFile{writenv}{environment one, environment two, environment three, \ldots} This line is to indicate to the script which environments its consider \meta{verbatim write}. \DescribeOptFile{deltenv}{environment one, environment two, environment three, \ldots} This line is to indicate to the script which environments are deleted. If you are going to create an \meta{output file} and you do not want these lines to remain, it is better to place them inside the \lstinline|%<*remove> ... %|. Like this: \begin{examplecode} %<*remove> % ltximg : options : {png,srcenv,xetex} % ltximg : extrenv : {description} % \end{examplecode} \newpage \section{Examples} \label{sec:examples} \begin{examplecmd} [user@machine ~:]§ ltximg --latex -s -o test-out test-in.ltx \end{examplecmd} Create a \sysdir{images} directory whit all extracted environments converted to image formats (\iext{pdf}, \iext{svg}) in individual files, an \meta{output file} \sysfile{test-out.ltx} whit all supported environments converted to \ics{includegraphics} and a single file \sysfile{test-in-fig-all.ltx} with only the extracted environments using \prgname*{latex}\texttt{\bfseries\guillemotright}\prgname*{dvips}\texttt{\bfseries\guillemotright}\scriptname{ps2pdf} and \pkgname{preview} package for \meta{input file} and \prgname*{pdflatex} for \meta{output file}. Adding the following lines to the beginning of the file \sysfile{file-in.tex}: \begin{examplecode} %<*remove> % ltximg : options : {output = file-out, noprew, imgdir = pics, prefix = env, clean = doc} % ltximg : skipenv : {tikzpicture} % ltximg : deltenv : {filecontents} % \end{examplecode} and run: \begin{examplecmd} [user@machine~:]§ ltximg file-in.tex \end{examplecmd} Create a \sysdir{pics} directory whit all extracted environments, except \env{tikzpicture}, converted to image formats (\iext{pdf}) in individual files, an \meta{output file} \sysfile{file-out.tex} whit all extracted environments converted to \ics{includegraphics} and environment \env{filecontents} removed, a single file \sysfile{test-in-env-all.ltx} with only the extracted environments using \prgname*{pdflatex} and \pkgname{preview} package for \meta{input file} and \meta{output file}. \section{Change history}\label{sec:change:history} Some of the notable changes in the history of the \ltximg{} along with the versions, both development (devp) and public (ctan). \setlist[itemize, 1]{label=\textendash, wide=0.5em, nosep, noitemsep, leftmargin=10pt} % length for change history \newlength\descrwidth \settowidth{\descrwidth}{\textsf{v1.4.5, (ctan), 2013-01-23}} \begin{description}[font=\small\sffamily, wide=0pt, style=multiline, leftmargin=\descrwidth, nosep, noitemsep] \item [v1.5 (ctan), 2017-04-12] \begin{itemize} \item Use \texttt{GitHub} to control version \item Rewrite and optimize most part of code and options \item Change \texttt{pdf2svg} for \texttt{pdftocairo} \item Complete support for \texttt{pst-exa} package \item Escape characters in regex according to v5.4x.x \end{itemize} \item [v1.4 (devp), 2016-11-29] \begin{itemize} \item Remove and rewrite code for regex and system call \item Append \texttt{arara} compiler, clean and comment code \item Append \texttt{dvips} and \texttt{dvipdfm(x)} for creation images \item Append \texttt{bmp}, \texttt{tiff} image format \end{itemize} \item [v1.3 (devp), 2016-08-14] \begin{itemize} \item Rewrite some part of code (norun, nocrop, clean) \item Suport \texttt{minted} and \texttt{tcolorbox} package for verbatim \item Escape some characters in regex according to v5.2x.x \item All options read from command line and input file \item Use \texttt{/tmp} dir for work process \end{itemize} \item [v1.2 (ctan), 2015-04-22] \begin{itemize} \item Remove unused modules \item Add more image format \item Fix regex \end{itemize} \item [v1.1 (ctan), 2015-04-21] \begin{itemize} \item Change \texttt{mogrify} to \texttt{gs} for image formats \item Create output file \item Rewrite source code and fix regex \item Change format date to iso format \end{itemize} \item [v1.0 (ctan), 2013-12-01] \begin{itemize} \item First public release \end{itemize} \end{description} \newpage \clearpage \PrintIndex \end{document} %