$Id: english.bib,v 1.7 2018/04/29 19:39:51 boris Exp $ Please notify Adrian F Clark of any additions or corrections to this list. @BOOK{Carey, AUTHOR="G. V. Carey", TITLE="Mind the Stop: A Brief Guide to Punctuation", PUBLISHER="Penguin", YEAR="1958"} @BOOK{Cooper, AUTHOR="Bruce M. Cooper", TITLE="Writing Technical Reports", PUBLISHER="Penguin", YEAR="1964"} @BOOK{Fowler-ModernEnglish, AUTHOR="H. W. Fowler", TITLE="[A Dictionary of] Modern {E}nglish Usage", PUBLISHER="Oxford University Press", EDITION="2", YEAR="1965"} (but first published in 1926) @BOOK{Fowler-KingsEnglish, AUTHOR="H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler", TITLE="The {K}ing's {E}nglish", PUBLISHER="Oxford University Press", EDITION="3", YEAR="1931"} (but first published in 1906) @BOOK{Gowers, AUTHOR="Sir Ernest Gowers", TITLE="The Complete Plain Words", PUBLISHER="Penguin", YEAR="1954"} (but first published by HMSO) @BOOK{Hart, AUTHOR="Horace Hart", TITLE="[Hart's] Rules for Compositors and Readers [at the Oxford University Press]", PUBLISHER="Oxford University Press", EDITION="39", YEAR="1983"} (but first published in 1893) @BOOK{Partridge, AUTHOR="Eric Partridge", TITLE="Use and Abuse: a Guide to Good {E}nglish", PUBLISHER="Hamish Hamilton", EDITION="4", YEAR="1970"} (but first published in 1947) @BOOK{Quirk-CompGram, AUTHOR="Randolph Quirk and Sydney Greenbaum and Geoffrey Leach and Jan Svartnik", TITLE="A Comprehensive Grammar of the {E}nglish Language", PUBLISHER="Longman", YEAR="1985"}