-- texdoclib-config.tlu: handling config of texdoc -- -- The TeX Live Team, GPLv3, see texdoclib.tlu for details -- shortcuts local M = {} local C = require('texdoclib-const') -- config is local to this file local config = {} -------------------------- handling dependencies -------------------------- -- in this file, dependencies should be required ondemand to prevent infinite -- recursion. local texdoc = {} -- import specified function from the submodule local function import_function(mod, func) texdoc[mod] = texdoc[mod] or require('texdoclib-' .. mod) return texdoc[mod][func] end -------------------------- hide the config table -------------------------- -- config is read-only (but not "deep" read-only) local function set_read_only(table, name) assert(next(table) == nil, 'Internal error: ' .. name .. ' should be empty at this point.') local ro = 'Internal error: attempt to update read-only table ' local real = {} setmetatable(table, { __index = real, __newindex = function() error(ro .. name .. '.') end, }) return function(k, v) real[k] = v end end local real_set_config = set_read_only(config, 'config') -- the accessor function M.get_value(key) return config[key] end ------------------------- general config functions ------------------------ -- interpreting 'context' in this section local function context_to_string(context) if not context then return '(no context)' end if context.src == 'cl' then return 'from command line option "' .. context.name .. '"' elseif context.src == 'env' then return 'from environment variable "' .. context.name .. '"' elseif context.src == 'loc' then return 'from operating system locale' elseif context.src == 'file' then return 'in file "' .. context.file .. '" on line ' .. context.line elseif context.src == 'def' then return 'from built-in defaults' else return 'from unkown source (should not happen, please report)' end end -- a helper function for warning messages in this section local function config_warn(key, value, context, unknown) local err_print = import_function('util', 'err_print') local begin = unknown and string.format('Unknown option "%s"', key) or string.format('Illegal value "%s" for option "%s"', key, tostring(value)) texdoc.util.err_print('warning', '%s %s. Skipping.', begin, context_to_string(context)) end -- set a config parameter, but don't overwrite it if already set -- three special types: *_list (list), *_switch (boolean), *_level (number) function M.set_config_element(key, value, context) local dbg_print = import_function('util', 'dbg_print') local parse_error = false local is_known = false -- is key a valid option? local option for _, option in ipairs(C.known_options) do if string.match(key, '^' .. option .. '$') then is_known = true break end end -- warn and exit if key is not a known option if not is_known then config_warn(key, nil, context, true) return end -- exit if key is already set (/!\ must test for nil, not false) if not (config[key] == nil) then if context.src ~= 'def' then dbg_print('config', 'Ignoring "%s=%s" %s.', key, tostring(value), context_to_string(context)) end return nil end -- record the source of the setting real_set_config(key .. '_src', context.src) -- detect the type of the key if string.match(key, '_list$') then -- coma-separated list local values if value == '' then values = {} else values = string.explode(value, ',') end local inverse = {} for i, j in ipairs(values) do -- sanitize values... j = string.gsub(j, '%s*$', '') j = string.gsub(j, '^%s*', '') values[i] = j inverse[j] = i -- ... and build inverse mapping on the way end real_set_config(key, values) real_set_config(key .. '_inv', inverse) real_set_config(key .. '_max', #values) elseif string.find(key, '_switch$') then -- boolean if value == 'true' then real_set_config(key, true) elseif value == 'false' then real_set_config(key, false) else config_warn(key, value, context) parse_error = true end elseif string.find(key, '_level$') then -- integer local val = tonumber(value) if val then real_set_config(key, val) else config_warn(key, value, context) parse_error = true end else -- string real_set_config(key, value) end -- special case: if we just set debug_list, print version info now if key == 'debug_list' then dbg_print('version', '%s v%s', C.fullname, C.version) end -- now tell what we have just done, for debugging if not parse_error then dbg_print('config', 'Setting "%s=%s" %s.', key, tostring(value), context_to_string(context)) end end local set_config_element = M.set_config_element -- set a whole list, also without overwriting local function set_config_list(conf, context) for key, value in pairs(conf) do set_config_element(key, value, context) end end ------------------------ config from command line ------------------------ -- set config from the command line -- Note: Make sure to set a default value in setup_config_from_defaults() -- if relevant. local function setup_config_from_cl(cl_config) for _, e in ipairs(cl_config) do set_config_element(e[1], e[2], {src='cl', name=e[3]}) end end ------------------------- config from environment -------------------------- -- set config from environment if available local function setup_config_from_env() local function set_config_elt_from_vars(key, vars) for _, var in ipairs(vars) do local value = os.getenv(var) if value then set_config_element(key, value, {src='env', name=var}) end end end set_config_elt_from_vars('viewer_pdf', {'PDFVIEWER_texdoc', 'PDFVIEWER', 'TEXDOCVIEW_pdf', 'TEXDOC_VIEWER_PDF'}) set_config_elt_from_vars('viewer_ps', {'PSVIEWER_texdoc', 'PSVIEWER', 'TEXDOCVIEW_ps', 'TEXDOC_VIEWER_PS'}) set_config_elt_from_vars('viewer_dvi', {'DVIVIEWER_texdoc', 'DVIVIEWER', 'TEXDOCVIEW_dvi', 'TEXDOC_VIEWER_DVI'}) set_config_elt_from_vars('viewer_html', {'BROWSER_texdoc', 'BROWSER', 'TEXDOCVIEW_html', 'TEXDOC_VIEWER_HTML'}) set_config_elt_from_vars('viewer_md', {'MDVIEWER_texdoc', 'MDVIEWER', 'TEXDOCVIEW_md', 'TEXDOC_VIEWER_MD'}) set_config_elt_from_vars('viewer_txt', {'PAGER_texdoc', 'PAGER', 'TEXDOCVIEW_txt', 'TEXDOC_VIEWER_TXT'}) end ---------------------- options and aliases from files ---------------------- -- interpret a confline as a config setting or return false local function confline_to_config(line, file, pos) local key, val = string.match(line, '^([%a%d_]+)%s*=%s*(.+)') if key and val then set_config_element(key, val, {src='file', file=file, line=pos}) return true end return false end -- set config and aliases from a particular config file assumed to exist local function read_config_file(configfile) local err_print = import_function('util', 'err_print') local confline_to_alias = import_function('alias', 'confline_to_alias') local confline_to_score = import_function('score', 'confline_to_score') local cnf = assert(io.open(configfile, 'r')) local lineno = 0 while true do local line=cnf:read('*line') lineno = lineno + 1 if line == nil then break end -- EOF line = string.gsub(line, '%s*#.*$', '') -- comments begin with # line = string.gsub(line, '%s*$', '') -- remove trailing spaces line = string.gsub(line, '^%s*', '') -- remove leading spaces -- try to interpret the line local ok = string.match(line, '^%s*$') or confline_to_alias(line, configfile, lineno) or confline_to_score(line, configfile, lineno) or confline_to_config(line, configfile, lineno) -- complain if it failed if not ok then err_print('warning', 'syntax error in %s at line %d.', configfile, lineno) end end cnf:close() end -- return the list of configuration files local function get_config_files() -- get names local platform = string.match(kpse.var_value('SELFAUTOLOC'), '.*/(.*)$') local names = { 'texdoc-' .. platform .. '.cnf', 'texdoc.cnf', 'texdoc-dist.cnf', } -- get dirs local sep = (os.type == 'windows') and ';' or ':' local texmf_texdoc = kpse.expand_path('$TEXMF/texdoc') local dirs = texmf_texdoc:explode(sep) -- merge them local ret = {} for _, dir in ipairs(dirs) do for _, name in ipairs(names) do local pathname = dir .. '/' .. name table.insert(ret, pathname) end end return ret end -- the config_files table is shared by the following two functions local setup_config_from_files do -- begin scope of config_files local config_files = {} -- set config/aliases from all config files setup_config_from_files = function() local file_list = get_config_files() for i, file in ipairs(file_list) do -- determine the status of the config file local status if lfs.isfile(file) then status = config.lastfile_switch and 'disabled' or 'active' else status = 'not found' end -- register it config_files[i] = { path = file, status = status, } -- read only if active if status == 'active' then read_config_file(file) end end end -- now a special information function (see -f,--file option) function M.show_config_files(is_action) local w32_path = import_function('util', 'w32_path') local dbg_print = import_function('util', 'dbg_print') -- controled print_func local indent = is_action and ' ' or '' local print_func = is_action and print or function(s) dbg_print('files', s) end -- show the list of configuration files print_func('Configuration files are:') for i, file in ipairs(config_files) do -- if not verbose, do not show "not found" files for -f if file.status ~= "not found" or (not is_action or config.verbosity_level == 3) then print_func(indent .. file.status .. '\t' .. w32_path(file.path)) end end -- show the recommendation (only for the "files" action) if is_action then print_func('Recommended file(s) for personal settings:') local sep = (os.type == 'windows') and ';' or ':' local texmfhomes = string.explode(kpse.var_value('TEXMFHOME'), sep) for _, home in ipairs(texmfhomes) do print_func(indent .. w32_path(home .. '/texdoc/texdoc.cnf')) end end end end -- end scope of config_files ---------------------- config from locale settings ------------------------- local function setup_config_from_locale() local current = os.setlocale(nil, 'all') os.setlocale('', 'all') local native = os.setlocale(nil, 'time') os.setlocale(current, 'all') local lang = string.match(native, '^[a-z][a-z]') if lang then set_config_element('lang', lang, {src='loc'}) end end ---------------------- options from built-in defaults ---------------------- -- for default viewer on general Unix, we have a list; the following function is -- used to check in the path which program is available -- check if "name" is the name of a file in the path -- Warning: to be used only on Unix! (separators, and PATH irrelevant on win32) -- the value of PATH is cached local is_in_path do local path_list = string.explode(os.getenv('PATH'), ':') is_in_path = function(name) for _, path in ipairs(path_list) do if lfs.isfile(path .. '/' .. name) then return true end end return false end end -- returns a viewer specific to a desktop environment if relevant -- doesn't work on windows (uses io.popen) -- logic stolen from xdg-open (http://www.freedesktop.org/) and adapted local function desktop_environment_viewer() local xdg_current_desktop = os.getenv('XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP') or '' if (os.getenv('KDE_SESSION_VERSION') or os.getenv('KDE_FULL_SESSION')) or string.match(xdg_current_desktop, '.*KDE.*') then if is_in_path('kde-open') then return '(kde-open %s) &' end if is_in_path('kfmclient') then return '(kfmclient exec %s) &' end end if os.getenv('GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID') or string.match(xdg_current_desktop, '.*GNOME.*') then -- gnome if is_in_path('gvfs-open') then return '(gvfs-open %s) &' end if is_in_path('gnome-open') then return '(gnome-open %s) &' end end if not is_in_path('xprop') then return end local xprop_fh = io.popen('xprop -root _DT_SAVE_MODE 2>/dev/null') local xprop_out = xprop_fh:read('*line') xprop_fh:close() if xprop_out and string.find(xprop_out, '= "xfce4"$') then -- xfce return '(exo-open %s) &' end end -- guess a viewer from a list: -- - xdg-open from freedesktop if available -- - try detecting desktop environments -- - or return the first element of "list" whose name is found in path -- - or nil -- caches results of desktop environment detection local guess_viewer do local de_viewer guess_viewer = function(cmds) -- try the freedesktop method if is_in_path('xdg-open') then return '(xdg-open %s) &' end -- try desktop environment if not de_viewer then de_viewer = desktop_environment_viewer() end if de_viewer then return de_viewer end -- or look along path for _, cmd in ipairs(cmds) do if is_in_path(cmd[1]) then return cmd[2] end end end end -- set viewers from defaults (done only if necessary) function M.get_default_viewers() local function set_config_ls(ls) set_config_list(ls, {src='def'}) end if (os.type == 'windows') then set_config_ls { -- Use 'start' to get file associations. -- We need to quote the filenames, but the first quoted argument -- is considered as the title by start, so we provide a dummy title. -- Also, since the command line parser removes quotes if there -- is no space inside, the dummy title must contain spaces. viewer_dvi = 'start "texdoc dvi viewer"', viewer_html = 'start "texdoc html viewer"', viewer_pdf = 'start "texdoc pdf viewer"', viewer_ps = 'start "texdoc ps viewer"', -- 'more' is always available. -- However, we can't assume texdoc is called from a cmd.exe window -- (it can be run from the start->run menu), hence we make sure -- to open a new window if needed. viewer_txt = 'start cmd /k more', viewer_md = viewer_txt, } elseif (os.name == 'macosx') then set_config_ls { viewer_dvi = 'open', viewer_html = 'open', viewer_pdf = 'open', viewer_ps = 'open', viewer_txt = 'less', viewer_md = viewer_txt, } else -- generic Unix set_config_ls { viewer_dvi = guess_viewer { {'xdvi', '(xdvi %s) &'}, {'evince', '(evince %s) &'}, {'okular', '(okular %s) &'}, {'kdvi', '(kdvi %s) &'}, {'xgdvi', '(xgdvi %s) &'}, {'spawg', '(spawg %s) &'}, {'spawx11', '(spawx11 %s) &'}, {'tkdvi', '(tkdvi %s) &'}, {'dvilx', '(dvilx %s) &'}, {'advi', '(advi %s) &'}, {'xdvik-ja', '(xdvik-ja %s) &'}, {'see', '(see %s) &'} }, viewer_html = guess_viewer { {'firefox', '(firefox %s) &'}, {'seamonkey', '(seamonkey %s) &'}, {'mozilla', '(mozilla %s) &'}, {'konqueror', '(konqueror %s) &'}, {'epiphany', '(epiphany %s) &'}, {'opera', '(opera %s) &'}, {'w3m', 'w3m'}, {'links', 'links'}, {'lynx', 'lynx'}, {'see', 'see'} }, viewer_pdf = guess_viewer { {'xpdf', '(xpdf %s) &'}, {'evince', '(evince %s) &'}, {'okular', '(okular %s) &'}, {'kpdf', '(kpdf %s) &'}, {'acroread', '(xpdf %s) &'}, {'see', '(see %s) &'} }, viewer_ps = guess_viewer { {'gv', '(gv %s) &'}, {'evince', '(evince %s) &'}, {'okular', '(okular %s) &'}, {'kghostview', '(kghostview %s) &'}, {'see', '(see %s) &'} }, viewer_txt = guess_viewer { {'most', 'most'}, {'less', 'less'}, {'more', 'more'} }, viewer_md = viewer_txt, } end end -- set some fall-back default values if no previous value is set local function setup_config_from_defaults() local function set_config_ls(ls) set_config_list(ls, {src='def'}) end local function set_config_elt(key, val) set_config_element(key, val, {src='def'}) end -- various, platform independent, stuff set_config_ls { mode = 'view', interact_switch = 'true', machine_switch = 'false', ext_list = 'pdf, htm, html, txt, md, ps, dvi, ', basename_list = 'readme, 00readme', badext_list = 'txt, ', badbasename_list = 'readme, 00readme', suffix_list = '', verbosity_level = C.def_verbosity, debug_list = '', max_lines = '20', fuzzy_level = '5', } -- zip-related options set_config_ls { zipext_list = '', rm_file = 'rm -f', rm_dir = 'rmdir', } end -------------------------- set all configuration --------------------------- -- populate the config and alias arrays function M.setup_config_and_alias(cl_config) -- setup config from all sources setup_config_from_cl(cl_config) setup_config_from_env() setup_config_from_files() setup_config_from_locale() setup_config_from_defaults() -- machine mode implies no interaction if config.machine_switch == true then real_set_config('interact_switch', false) end -- debug implies verbose if #config.debug_list > 0 then real_set_config('verbosity_level', tonumber(C.max_verbosity)) end -- we were waiting for config.debug_list to be known to do this M.show_config_files() end return M -- vim: ft=lua: