local M = {} local mkutils = require "mkutils" local lfs = require "lfs" local os = require "os" local kpse = require "kpse" local filter = require "make4ht-filter" local domfilter = require "make4ht-domfilter" local xtpipeslib = require "make4ht-xtpipes" function M.prepare_parameters(settings, extensions) settings.tex4ht_sty_par = settings.tex4ht_sty_par ..",docbook" settings = mkutils.extensions_prepare_parameters(extensions, settings) return settings end local move_matches = xtpipeslib.move_matches -- call xtpipes from Lua local function call_xtpipes(make) -- we must find root of the TeX distribution local selfautoparent = xtpipeslib.get_selfautoparent() if selfautoparent then local matchfunction = xtpipeslib.get_xtpipes(selfautoparent) make:match("xml$", matchfunction) move_matches(make) else print "Cannot locate xtpipes. Try to set TEXMFROOT variable to a root directory of your TeX distribution" end end function M.modify_build(make) -- use xtpipes to fix some common docbook issues call_xtpipes(make) return make end return M