package LatexIndent::FileExtension; # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # See # # Chris Hughes, 2017 # # For all communication, please visit: use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use PerlIO::encoding; use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)'; use File::Basename; # to get the filename and directory path use Exporter qw/import/; use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels); use LatexIndent::GetYamlSettings qw/%masterSettings/; use LatexIndent::Switches qw/%switches/; our @EXPORT_OK = qw/file_extension_check/; sub file_extension_check{ my $self = shift; # grab the logger object my $logger = get_logger("Document"); # grab the filename my $fileName = ${$self}{fileName}; # grab the file extension preferences my %fileExtensionPreference= %{$masterSettings{fileExtensionPreference}}; # sort the file extensions by preference my @fileExtensions = sort { $fileExtensionPreference{$a} <=> $fileExtensionPreference{$b} } keys(%fileExtensionPreference); # get the base file name, allowing for different extensions (possibly no extension) my ($name, $dir, $ext) = fileparse($fileName, @fileExtensions); ${$self}{baseName} = $name; # check to make sure given file type is supported if( -e $fileName and !$ext ){ my $message = "The file $fileName exists , but the extension does not correspond to any given in fileExtensionPreference; consinder updating fileExtensionPreference."; $logger->fatal("*$message"); die($message); } # if no extension, search according to fileExtensionPreference if ($fileName ne "-"){ if (!$ext) { $logger->info("*File extension work:"); $logger->info("latexindent called to act upon $fileName with a file extension;\nsearching for file with an extension in the following order (see fileExtensionPreference):"); $logger->info(join("\n",@fileExtensions)); my $fileFound = 0; # loop through the known file extensions (see @fileExtensions) foreach (@fileExtensions ){ if ( -e $fileName.$_ ) { $logger->info("$fileName$_ found!"); $fileName .= $_; $logger->info("Updated fileName to $fileName"); ${$self}{fileName} = $fileName ; $fileFound = 1; $ext = $_; last; } } unless($fileFound){ $logger->fatal("*I couldn't find a match for $fileName in fileExtensionPreference (see defaultSettings.yaml)"); foreach (@fileExtensions ){ $logger->fatal("I searched for $fileName$_"); } $logger->fatal("but couldn't find any of them.\nConsider updating fileExtensionPreference.\nExiting, no indendation done."); die "I couldn't find a match for $fileName in fileExtensionPreference.\nExiting, no indendation done."; } } else { # if the file has a recognised extension, check that the file exists unless( -e $fileName ){ my $message = "I couldn't find $fileName, are you sure it exists?.\nNo indentation done.\nExiting."; $logger->fatal("*$message"); die $message; } } } # store the file extension ${$self}{fileExtension} = $ext; # check to see if -o switch is active if($switches{outputToFile}){ $logger->info("*-o switch active: output file check"); if ($fileName eq "-" and $switches{outputToFile} =~ m/^\+/){ $logger->info("STDIN input mode active, -o switch is removing all + symbols"); $switches{outputToFile} =~ s/\+//g; } # the -o file name might begin with a + symbol if($switches{outputToFile} =~ m/^\+(.*)/ and $1 ne "+"){ $logger->info("-o switch called with + symbol at the beginning: $switches{outputToFile}"); $switches{outputToFile} = ${$self}{baseName}.$1; $logger->info("output file is now: $switches{outputToFile}"); } my $strippedFileExtension = ${$self}{fileExtension}; $strippedFileExtension =~ s/\.//; $strippedFileExtension = "tex" if ($strippedFileExtension eq ""); # grab the name, directory, and extension of the output file my ($name, $dir, $ext) = fileparse($switches{outputToFile}, $strippedFileExtension); # if there is no extension, then add the extension from the file to be operated upon if(!$ext){ $logger->info("-o switch called with file name without extension: $switches{outputToFile}"); $switches{outputToFile} = $name.($name=~m/\.\z/ ? q() : ".").$strippedFileExtension; $logger->info("Updated to $switches{outputToFile} as the file extension of the input file is $strippedFileExtension"); } # the -o file name might end with ++ in which case we wish to search for existence, # and then increment accordingly $name =~ s/\.$//; if($name =~ m/\+\+$/){ $logger->info("-o switch called with file name ending with ++: $switches{outputToFile}"); $name =~ s/\+\+$//; $name = ${$self}{baseName} if ($name eq ""); my $outputFileCounter = 0; my $fileName = $name.$outputFileCounter.".".$strippedFileExtension; $logger->info("will search for existence and increment counter, starting with $fileName"); while( -e $fileName ){ $logger->info("$fileName exists, incrementing counter"); $outputFileCounter++; $fileName = $name.$outputFileCounter.".".$strippedFileExtension; } $logger->info("$fileName does not exist, and will be the output file"); $switches{outputToFile} = $fileName; } } # read the file into the Document body my @lines; if($fileName ne "-"){ open(MAINFILE, $fileName) or die "Could not open input file, $fileName"; push(@lines,$_) while(); close(MAINFILE); } else { push(@lines,$_) while (<>) } # the all-important step: update the body ${$self}{body} = join("",@lines); } 1;