package LatexIndent::Else; # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # See # # Chris Hughes, 2017 # # For all communication, please visit: use strict; use warnings; use LatexIndent::Tokens qw/%tokens/; use LatexIndent::TrailingComments qw/$trailingCommentRegExp/; use LatexIndent::Switches qw/$is_m_switch_active $is_t_switch_active $is_tt_switch_active/; use LatexIndent::LogFile qw/$logger/; use LatexIndent::Braces qw/$braceBracketRegExpBasic/; use LatexIndent::Special qw/$specialBeginAndBracesBracketsBasicRegExp/; use LatexIndent::Heading qw/$allHeadingsRegexp/; use Data::Dumper; use Exporter qw/import/; our @ISA = "LatexIndent::Document"; # class inheritance, Programming Perl, pg 321 our @EXPORT_OK = qw/check_for_else_statement/; our $elseCounter; sub check_for_else_statement{ my $self = shift; # we call the else routine from different places; see and my %input = @_; # store the regular expresssion for matching and replacing the \else statements my $elseRegExp = qr/ ( $input{elseNameRegExp} \h* # possible horizontal space (\R*) # possible line breaks after \else statement ) ( (?: (?!$input{elseNameRegExp}). )*? # body, which can't include another \else ) $ /sx; $logger->trace("*Looking for $input{elseNameRegExp} statement (${$self}{name})") if $is_t_switch_active; while(${$self}{body} =~ m/$elseRegExp(\h*)($trailingCommentRegExp)?/){ ${$self}{body} =~ s/$elseRegExp(\h*)($trailingCommentRegExp)? / # create a new IfElseFi object my $else = LatexIndent::Else->new(begin=>$1, name=>${$self}{name}, storageNameAppend=>$input{storageNameAppend}, body=>$3, end=>q(), linebreaksAtEnd=>{ begin=>$2?1:0, body=>0, end=>0, }, aliases=>{ # begin statements BeginStartsOnOwnLine=>$input{ElseStartsOnOwnLine}, # end statements BodyStartsOnOwnLine=>$input{ElseFinishesWithLineBreak}, }, modifyLineBreaksYamlName=>${$self}{modifyLineBreaksYamlName}, endImmediatelyFollowedByComment=>0, horizontalTrailingSpace=>q(), ); # log file output $logger->trace("*$input{logName} found: ${$self}{name}")if $is_t_switch_active; # the settings and storage of most objects has a lot in common $self->get_settings_and_store_new_object($else); ${@{${$self}{children}}[-1]}{replacementText}; /xse; } return; } sub remove_line_breaks_begin{ # the \else command can need a trailing white space if the line breaks have been removed after it and # there is no white space my $self = shift; my $BodyStringLogFile = ${$self}{aliases}{BodyStartsOnOwnLine}||"BodyStartsOnOwnLine"; $logger->trace("Removing linebreak at the end of begin (see $BodyStringLogFile)"); ${$self}{begin} =~ s/\R*$//sx; ${$self}{begin} .= " " unless(${$self}{begin} =~ m/\h$/s or ${$self}{body} =~ m/^\h/s or ${$self}{body} =~ m/^\R/s ); ${$self}{linebreaksAtEnd}{begin} = 0; } sub tasks_particular_to_each_object{ my $self = shift; # search for headings (important to do this before looking for commands!) $self->find_heading if ${$self}{body} =~ m/$allHeadingsRegexp/s; # search for commands and special code blocks $self->find_commands_or_key_equals_values_braces_and_special if ${$self}{body} =~ m/$specialBeginAndBracesBracketsBasicRegExp/s; # search for arguments $self->find_opt_mand_arguments if ${$self}{body} =~ m/$braceBracketRegExpBasic/s; return; } sub yaml_get_indentation_information{ return q(); } sub create_unique_id{ my $self = shift; $elseCounter++; ${$self}{id} = "$tokens{else}$elseCounter"; return; } 1;