--[[ File l3build-arguments.lua Copyright (C) 2018 The LaTeX3 Project It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in the file http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This file is part of the "l3build bundle" (The Work in LPPL) and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The development version of the bundle can be found at https://github.com/latex3/l3build for those people who are interested. --]] local exit = os.exit local stderr = io.stderr local find = string.find local gmatch = string.gmatch local match = string.match local sub = string.sub local insert = table.insert -- Parse command line options option_list = { config = { desc = "Sets the config(s) used for running tests", short = "c", type = "table" }, date = { desc = "Sets the date to insert into sources", type = "string" }, debug = { desc = "Runs target in debug mode (not supported by all targets)", type = "boolean" }, dirty = { desc = "Skip cleaning up the test area", type = "boolean" }, ["dry-run"] = { desc = "Dry run for install", type = "boolean" }, email = { desc = "Email address of CTAN uploader", type = "string" }, engine = { desc = "Sets the engine(s) to use for running test", short = "e", type = "table" }, epoch = { desc = "Sets the epoch for tests and typesetting", type = "string" }, file = { desc = "Take the upload announcement from the given file", short = "F", type = "string" }, first = { desc = "Name of first test to run", type = "string" }, force = { desc = "Force tests to run if engine is not set up", short = "f", type = "boolean" }, full = { desc = "Install all files", type = "boolean" }, ["halt-on-error"] = { desc = "Stops running tests after the first failure", short = "H", type = "boolean" }, help = { short = "h", type = "boolean" }, quiet = { desc = "Suppresses TeX output when unpacking", short = "q", type = "boolean" }, last = { desc = "Name of last test to run", type = "string" }, message = { desc = "Text for upload announcement message", short = "m", type = "string" }, rerun = { desc = "Skip setup: simply rerun tests", type = "boolean" }, shuffle = { desc = "Shuffle order of tests", type = "boolean" }, texmfhome = { desc = "Location of user texmf tree", type = "string" } } -- This is done as a function (rather than do ... end) as it allows early -- termination (break) local function argparse() local result = { } local names = { } local long_options = { } local short_options = { } -- Turn long/short options into two lookup tables for k,v in pairs(option_list) do if v["short"] then short_options[v["short"]] = k end long_options[k] = k end local args = args -- arg[1] is a special case: must be a command or "-h"/"--help" -- Deal with this by assuming help and storing only apparently-valid -- input local a = arg[1] result["target"] = "help" if a then -- No options are allowed in position 1, so filter those out if a == "--version" then result["target"] = "version" elseif not match(a, "^%-") then result["target"] = a end end -- Stop here if help or version is required if result["target"] == "help" or result["target"] == "version" then return result end -- An auxiliary to grab all file names into a table local function remainder(num) local names = { } for i = num, #arg do insert(names, arg[i]) end return names end -- Examine all other arguments -- Use a while loop rather than for as this makes it easier -- to grab arg for optionals where appropriate local i = 2 while i <= #arg do local a = arg[i] -- Terminate search for options if a == "--" then names = remainder(i + 1) break end -- Look for optionals local opt local optarg local opts -- Look for and option and get it into a variable if match(a, "^%-") then if match(a, "^%-%-") then opts = long_options local pos = find(a, "=", 1, true) if pos then opt = sub(a, 3, pos - 1) optarg = sub(a, pos + 1) else opt = sub(a, 3) end else opts = short_options opt = sub(a, 2, 2) -- Only set optarg if it is there if #a > 2 then optarg = sub(a, 3) end end -- Now check that the option is valid and sort out the argument -- if required local optname = opts[opt] if optname then -- Tidy up arguments if option_list[optname]["type"] == "boolean" then if optarg then local opt = "-" .. (match(a, "^%-%-") and "-" or "") .. opt stderr:write("Value not allowed for option " .. opt .."\n") return {"help"} end else if not optarg then optarg = arg[i + 1] if not optarg then stderr:write("Missing value for option " .. a .."\n") return {"help"} end i = i + 1 end end else stderr:write("Unknown option " .. a .."\n") return {"help"} end -- Store the result if optarg then if option_list[optname]["type"] == "string" then result[optname] = optarg else local opts = result[optname] or { } for hit in gmatch(optarg, "([^,%s]+)") do insert(opts, hit) end result[optname] = opts end else result[optname] = true end i = i + 1 end if not opt then names = remainder(i) break end end if next(names) then result["names"] = names end return result end options = argparse() -- Sanity check function check_engines() if options["engine"] and not options["force"] then -- Make a lookup table local t = { } for _, engine in pairs(checkengines) do t[engine] = true end for _, engine in pairs(options["engine"]) do if not t[engine] then print("\n! Error: Engine \"" .. engine .. "\" not set up for testing!") print("\n Valid values are:") for _, engine in ipairs(checkengines) do print(" - " .. engine) end print("") exit(1) end end end end