package BibTeX::Parser; { $BibTeX::Parser::VERSION = '1.02'; } # ABSTRACT: A pure perl BibTeX parser use warnings; use strict; use BibTeX::Parser::Entry; my $re_namechar = qr/[a-zA-Z0-9\!\$\&\*\+\-\.\/\:\;\<\>\?\[\]\^\_\`\|]/o; my $re_name = qr/$re_namechar+/o; sub new { my ( $class, $fh ) = @_; return bless { fh => $fh, strings => { jan => "January", feb => "February", mar => "March", apr => "April", may => "May", jun => "June", jul => "July", aug => "August", sep => "September", oct => "October", nov => "November", dec => "December", }, line => -1, buffer => "", }, $class; } sub _slurp_close_bracket; sub _parse_next { my $self = shift; while (1) { # loop until regular entry is finished return 0 if $self->{fh}->eof; local $_ = $self->{buffer}; until (/@/m) { my $line = $self->{fh}->getline; return 0 unless defined $line; $_ .= $line; } my $current_entry = new BibTeX::Parser::Entry; if (/@($re_name)/cgo) { my $type = uc $1; $current_entry->type( $type ); my $start_pos = pos($_) - length($type) - 1; # read rest of entry (matches braces) my $bracelevel = 0; $bracelevel += tr/\{/\{/; #count braces $bracelevel -= tr/\}/\}/; while ( $bracelevel != 0 ) { my $position = pos($_); my $line = $self->{fh}->getline; last unless defined $line; $bracelevel = $bracelevel + ( $line =~ tr/\{/\{/ ) - ( $line =~ tr/\}/\}/ ); $_ .= $line; pos($_) = $position; } # Remember text before the entry my $pre = substr($_, 0, $start_pos-1); if ($start_pos == 0) { $pre = ''; } $current_entry->pre($pre); # Remember raw bibtex code my $raw = substr($_, $start_pos); $raw =~ s/^\s+//; $raw =~ s/\s+$//; $current_entry->raw_bibtex($raw); my $pos = pos $_; tr/\n/ /; pos($_) = $pos; if ( $type eq "STRING" ) { if (/\G\{\s*($re_name)\s*=\s*/cgo) { my $key = $1; my $value = _parse_string( $self->{strings} ); if ( defined $self->{strings}->{$key} ) { warn("Redefining string $key!"); } $self->{strings}->{$key} = $value; /\G[\s\n]*\}/cg; } else { $current_entry->error("Malformed string!"); return $current_entry; } } elsif ( $type eq "COMMENT" or $type eq "PREAMBLE" ) { /\G\{./cgo; _slurp_close_bracket; } else { # normal entry $current_entry->parse_ok(1); # parse key if (/\G\s*\{(?:\s*($re_name)\s*,[\s\n]*|\s+\r?\s*)/cgo) { $current_entry->key($1); # fields while (/\G[\s\n]*($re_name)[\s\n]*=[\s\n]*/cgo) { $current_entry->field( $1 => _parse_string( $self->{strings} ) ); my $idx = index( $_, ',', pos($_) ); pos($_) = $idx + 1 if $idx > 0; } return $current_entry; } else { $current_entry->error("Malformed entry (key contains illegal characters) at " . substr($_, pos($_) || 0, 20) . ", ignoring"); _slurp_close_bracket; return $current_entry; } } $self->{buffer} = substr $_, pos($_); } else { $current_entry->error("Did not find type at " . substr($_, pos($_) || 0, 20)); return $current_entry; } } } sub next { my $self = shift; return $self->_parse_next; } # slurp everything till the next closing brace. Handles # nested brackets sub _slurp_close_bracket { my $bracelevel = 0; BRACE: { /\G[^\}]*\{/cg && do { $bracelevel++; redo BRACE }; /\G[^\{]*\}/cg && do { if ( $bracelevel > 0 ) { $bracelevel--; redo BRACE; } else { return; } } } } # parse bibtex string in $_ and return. A BibTeX string is either enclosed # in double quotes '"' or matching braces '{}'. The braced form may contain # nested braces. sub _parse_string { my $strings_ref = shift; my $value = ""; PART: { if (/\G(\d+)/cg) { $value .= $1; } elsif (/\G($re_name)/cgo) { warn("Using undefined string $1") unless defined $strings_ref->{$1}; $value .= $strings_ref->{$1} || ""; } elsif (/\G"(([^"\\]*(\\.)*[^\\"]*)*)"/cgs) { # quoted string with embeded escapes $value .= $1; } else { my $part = _extract_bracketed( $_ ); $value .= substr $part, 1, length($part) - 2; # strip quotes } if (/\G\s*#\s*/cg) { # string concatenation by # redo PART; } } $value =~ s/[\s\n]+/ /g; return $value; } sub _extract_bracketed { for($_[0]) # alias to $_ { /\G\s+/cg; my $start = pos($_); my $depth = 0; while(1) { /\G\\./cg && next; /\G\{/cg && (++$depth, next); /\G\}/cg && (--$depth > 0 ? next : last); /\G([^\\\{\}]+)/cg && next; last; # end of string } return substr($_, $start, pos($_)-$start); } } # Split the $string using $pattern as a delimiter with # each part having balanced braces (so "{$pattern}" # does NOT split). # Return empty list if unmatched braces sub _split_braced_string { my $string = shift; my $pattern = shift; my @tokens; return () if $string eq ''; my $buffer; while (!defined pos $string || pos $string < length $string) { if ( $string =~ /\G(.*?)(\{|$pattern)/cgi ) { my $match = $1; if ( $2 =~ /$pattern/i ) { $buffer .= $match; push @tokens, $buffer; $buffer = ""; } elsif ( $2 =~ /\{/ ) { $buffer .= $match . "{"; my $numbraces=1; while ($numbraces !=0 && pos $string < length $string) { my $symbol = substr($string, pos $string, 1); $buffer .= $symbol; if ($symbol eq '{') { $numbraces ++; } elsif ($symbol eq '}') { $numbraces --; } pos($string) ++; } if ($numbraces != 0) { return (); } } else { $buffer .= $match; } } else { $buffer .= substr $string, (pos $string || 0); last; } } push @tokens, $buffer if $buffer; return @tokens; } 1; # End of BibTeX::Parser __END__ =pod =head1 NAME BibTeX::Parser - A pure perl BibTeX parser =head1 SYNOPSIS Parses BibTeX files. use BibTeX::Parser; use IO::File; my $fh = IO::File->new("filename"); # Create parser object ... my $parser = BibTeX::Parser->new($fh); # ... and iterate over entries while (my $entry = $parser->next ) { if ($entry->parse_ok) { my $type = $entry->type; my $title = $entry->field("title"); my @authors = $entry->author; # or: my @editors = $entry->editor; foreach my $author (@authors) { print $author->first . " " . $author->von . " " . $author->last . ", " . $author->jr; } } else { warn "Error parsing file: " . $entry->error; } } =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 new Creates new parser object. Parameters: * fh: A filehandle =head2 next Returns the next parsed entry or undef. =head1 NOTES The fields C and C are canonized, see L =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item L =item L =back =head1 VERSION version 1.02 =head1 AUTHOR Gerhard Gossen and Boris Veytsman =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013-2016 by Gerhard Gossen and Boris Veytsman This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut