--[[ Copyright 2016, 2018 ARATA Mizuki This file is part of ClutTeX. ClutTeX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ClutTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ClutTeX. If not, see . ]] local srcdir = "src/" local mode local default_os if arg[1] == "--unix-shellscript" then default_os, mode = "unix", "shellscript" table.remove(arg, 1) elseif arg[1] == "--windows-batchfile" then default_os, mode = "windows", "batchfile" table.remove(arg, 1) end local outfile = arg[1] local modules = { { name = "texrunner.pathutil", path = "texrunner/pathutil.lua", path_unix = "texrunner/pathutil_unix.lua", path_windows = "texrunner/pathutil_windows.lua", }, { name = "texrunner.shellutil", path = "texrunner/shellutil.lua", path_unix = "texrunner/shellutil_unix.lua", path_windows = "texrunner/shellutil_windows.lua", }, { name = "texrunner.fsutil", path = "texrunner/fsutil.lua", }, { name = "texrunner.option", path = "texrunner/option.lua", }, { name = "texrunner.tex_engine", path = "texrunner/tex_engine.lua", }, { name = "texrunner.reruncheck", path = "texrunner/reruncheck.lua", }, { name = "texrunner.auxfile", path = "texrunner/auxfile.lua", }, { name = "texrunner.luatexinit", path = "texrunner/luatexinit.lua", }, { name = "texrunner.recovery", path = "texrunner/recovery.lua", }, { name = "texrunner.handleoption", path = "texrunner/handleoption.lua", }, { name = "texrunner.isatty", path = "texrunner/isatty.lua", }, { name = "texrunner.message", path = "texrunner/message.lua", }, } local imported_globals = {"io", "os", "string", "table", "package", "require", "assert", "error", "ipairs", "type", "select", "arg"} -- TODO: This code may interfere with the string literal embedded in luatexinit.lua local function strip_global_imports(code) local function repl(s1, s2) if s1 == s2 then for i, v in ipairs(imported_globals) do if v == s1 then return "" end end end return nil end return (code:gsub("local (%w+) = (%w+)\n", repl)) end local function strip_test_code(code) return (code:gsub("%-%- TEST CODE\n(.-)%-%- END TEST CODE\n", "")) end local function load_module_code(path) assert(loadfile(srcdir .. path)) -- Check syntax return strip_test_code(assert(io.open(srcdir .. path, "r")):read("*a")) end assert(loadfile(srcdir .. "cluttex.lua")) -- Check syntax local shebang = nil local main = assert(io.open(srcdir .. "cluttex.lua", "r")):read("*a") if main:sub(1,2) == "#!" then -- shebang shebang,main = main:match("^([^\n]+\n)(.*)$") end local lines = {} if mode == "batchfile" then lines[1] = [=[ ::dummy:: --[[ @texlua "%~f0" %* @goto :eof ]] ]=] else if shebang then lines[1] = shebang end end table.insert(lines, string.format("local %s = %s\n", table.concat(imported_globals, ", "), table.concat(imported_globals, ", "))) table.insert(lines, "local CLUTTEX_VERBOSITY, CLUTTEX_VERSION\n") if default_os then table.insert(lines, string.format("os.type = os.type or %q\n", default_os)) end -- LuajitTeX doesn't seem to set package.loaded table... table.insert(lines, "if lfs and not package.loaded['lfs'] then package.loaded['lfs'] = lfs end\n") for _,m in ipairs(modules) do if m.path_windows or m.path_unix then table.insert(lines, 'if os.type == "windows" then\n') table.insert(lines, string.format("package.preload[%q] = function(...)\n%send\n", m.name, load_module_code(m.path_windows or m.path))) table.insert(lines, 'else\n') table.insert(lines, string.format("package.preload[%q] = function(...)\n%send\n", m.name, load_module_code(m.path_unix or m.path))) table.insert(lines, 'end\n') else table.insert(lines, string.format("package.preload[%q] = function(...)\n%send\n", m.name, load_module_code(m.path))) end end table.insert(lines, strip_global_imports(main)) if outfile then io.output(assert(io.open(outfile, "wb"))) end io.write(table.concat(lines, ""))