# **CHANGES** # # pst-marble v. 1.4 # # 2019/02/25 # Source: pst-marble.tex, pst-marble.sty, pst-marble.pro Author: Aubrey Jaffer Maintainers: Jürgen Gilg, Manuel Luque Info: Draw marble-like pattern with PSTricks License: LPPL 1.3c --- ## Changes in v. 1.0: ## Complete reorganization of the basic deformation commands We reorganized the marbling primitives to have consistent units which model a 1 m by 1 m region of a much larger tank. All lengths are in mm, velocities (in mm/s), angles (in degrees), angular velocity (in degrees/s), and viscosity and circulation (in mm^2/s). For a convex stylus or tine, **D** (in mm) is the ratio of its submerged volume to its wetted surface area. For a long cylinder it is diameter. The deformations take a single argument, **viscosity** (in mm^2/s), which is also viscosity relative to 20 °C water. Negative viscosity specifies (raster) reverse-marbling. ## /drop **\[ cx cy radinc \[ bgc \] \[ rgb \] /drop \]** Replaces **/ink**; works as before. ## /offset ## **\[ dx dy /offset \]** As before. Maybe should be changed to take angle and length. ## /stir **\[ cx cy \[ r \] w th D /stir \]** replaces **/circle**. Tines follow concentric circular tracks. cx, cy Center coordinates in mm [ r ] List of radii in mm w Angular velocity th Displacement at tines D Tine diameter ## /vortex **\[ cx cy circ t /vortex \]** Models a **Lamb-Oseen** vortex. cx, cy Center coordinates in mm circ Circulation (in mm^2/s) is a simple scale factor. Typical value: 30e3 mm^2/s. t Time after circulation impulse at center. As t gets very large, the whole surface returns to its original pattern, possibly with rigid rotation. Typical value 10 s. ## /stroke **\[ bx by ex ey V D /stroke \]** As before; short stroke. bx, by Beginning of stroke ex, ey End of stroke V Stylus velocity in mm/s D Stylus diameter in mm. Make larger to affect paint farther away. ## /rake **\[ angle \[ r \] V tU D /rake \]** replaces **/line**. Draws a stylus or parallel stylii across the tank. angle Angle from y-axis in degrees; 0 is up. [ r ] List of distances from center of image (0,0). V Stylus velocity in mm/s tU Distance points on the stylus track are moved. D Stylus diameter in mm. Make larger to affect paint farther away. ## /wiggle **\[ angle {func} /wiggle \]** Parameters changed. angle Wiggle will be perpendicular to angle from y-axis up. {func} Input is distance in mm; output is wiggle displacement in mm. ## NEW ACTIONS ## random-drops **\[ size \[ color \] count random-drops \]** count Number of the drops size Size of the drops color Color of the drops ## random-drops-colors **\[ size count random-drops-colors \]** count Number of the drops size Size of the drops ## concentric-bands **\[ cx cy RadiusIncrement NumberOfBands concentric-bands \]** cx, cy Center coordinates RadiusIncrement Multiplication coefficient between the bands NumberOfBands Number of the elements within the [array of colors] list [array of colors]: this is the list of colors within the colors= key ## ADDITIONAL HINTS Having stylus diameter, velocity, and viscosity as parameters means this system has an extra degree of freedom. If you want to reduce the width of the affected region of a rake by a factor of 10, either reduce **V** by a factor of 10 or reduce **D** by a factor of 3.1 (sqrt 10). --- ## Changes in v. 1.1: ## Customer friendly setup of the actions. No \[ ... \] around the actions needed anymore. And no **/** for the actions. ## NEW ACTIONS ## arc-drops **xc yc r ang-strt ang-step \[rgb\] cnt drad arc-drops** cnt Number of drops drad Radius of the drops rgb Color of the drop series xc,yc Center coordinates of the arc r Radius of the arc ang-strt Starting angle ## spiral-drops **xc yc r ang-strt ang-step rinc \[rgb\] cnt drad spiral-drops** Like arc-drops, but increments (or decrements if negative) r by rinc after each drop ## concentric-bands is now obsolete To be setup now with: **concentric-rings** under more customer friendly conditions - see documentation ## rake For the **rake** action there is the possibility to setup the rakes with the PostScript command *tines* ## tines **cnt spacing ofst tines** cnt Number of rakes spacing displacement between the rakes ofst offset of the middle rake to the left (negative), to the right (positive) ## background The **background** option now can use the color schemes **rgb** and **RGB** With **rgb** we use decimals between 0 and 1 With **RGB** we use integers between 0 and 255 The colors then are automatically detected correctly. ## rgb and RGB color schemes They are available for these following actions as well: drop arc-drops spiral-drops and automatically detected. --- ## Changes in v. 1.2: The actions **arc-drops** and **spiral-drops** are erased and bundled together under the action: ## **coil-drops** **xc yc r ang-strt arcinc rinc \[ rgb \] cnt drad coil-drops** xc, yc Coordinates of the center r Radius of the circle where the drops will lay on ang-str Start angle from vertical: if 0 it starts North, if 90 it starts East, ... arcinc Arc-distance between the drops rinc Increment of r: if taken 0 it gives a circle, if taken >0 it spirals outwards, if taken <0 it spirals inwards. rgb Color of the drops or color series cnt Number of the drops drad Radius of the drops The actions **random-drops** and **random-drops-colors** are erased and substituted by *two new fully parameterized actions*: ## **Gaussian-drops** Defines a randomly calculated series of drops within a circle/ellipse **xc yc r ang eccentricity \[ rgb \] cnt drad Gaussian-drops** Drops **cnt** paint drops with radius **drad** in normal (Gaussian) distribution centered at **xc, yc** with radius **r**, **ang** degrees from vertical and length to width ratio **eccentricity** (1 is circular). ## **uniform-drops** Defines a randomly calculated series of drops within a rectangled box **xc yc xsid ysid angle \[ rgb \] cnt drad uniform-drops** Drops **cnt** paint drops with radius **drad** in a uniform distribution in a **xsid** by **ysid** box centered at **xc, yc** and rotated by **angle**. ## **wiggle** is made more customer friendly: **angle period ofst depth wiggle** Applies sinsusoidal wiggle: y = depth sin(360 x/period + ofst) angle Wiggle will be perpendicular to angle from y-axis up. period Period of the sinusoidal wiggle (in degrees) depth Amplitude of the sinusoidal wiggle ofst Displacement of the sinusoidal wiggle ## **background** option This color option for the background is now to typeset like: **background=\{\[rgb\]\}** or **background=\{\[RGB\]\}** to be consistent to all other color settings ## rgb and RGB color schemes They are available for these following actions as well: drop the 4 -drops actions ## Colors The colors now set up: **\[rgb/RGB\]** or as a series of colors (an array) One can use as well hexadecimal color constants, like **(e7cc9b)** or with capital letters **(E7CC9B)** which are setup in parentheses and not square brackets. **\[\[rgb/RGB\] \[rgb/RGB\] \[rgb/RGB\] \[rgb/RGB\] ...\]** ## New option **seed** This is set to *Mathematical Marbling* by default to keep the drops to their initial randomly chosen places. Made for **Gaussian-drops** and **uniform-drops**. --- ## Changes in v. 1.3: ## **stroke** action now becomes **stylus** action, however **stroke** still can be used. ## Rotations now are consistent. From vertical clockwise ## New action **serpentine-drops** **serpentine-drops** deposits a series of drops on a user-specified *grid* in a serpentine sequence. ## New option **oversample** This option pixels the image. If taken *oversample=0* we get no-pixeled images. If taken *oversample=1* we get the same as with *viscosity= negative* (v1.2) which now is obsolete, but still works. The smaller the *oversample* value is taken (between 0<*oversample*<1) the more blocky the image gets rastered. ## Transparency and Blendmodes A patch from **A. Grahn** now makes it possible to use these options the *normal* PSTricks way and needn't be introduced within the **actions=\{...\}** with raw PostScript code. Equal now for ps2pdf, xelatex and distiller. ## Bug fixes --- ## Changes in v. 1.3a: ## Bug fixes --- ## Changes in v. 1.4: ## The command **\\psMarble** is now available in two forms: **\psMarble\[parameter-assignment,...,parameter-assignment\](width,height)** **\psMarble\[parameter-assignment,...,parameter-assignment\](x−,y−)(x+,y+)** ## New option **overscan** When the overscan value is greater than 1, proportionally more image (outside of the specified area) is shown, and the specified area is outlined with a dashed rectangular border. ## New option **spractions** with new post-marble actions Specifies the sequence of spray commands to perform. Spray commands are performed after marbling. ## **Gaussian-spray** **xc yc r ang eccentricity \[ rgb \] n Rd Gaussian-spray** Places **n** drops of colors **\[rgb\]** randomly in a circular or elliptical disk centered at **xc, yc** having mean radius **Rd**, **ang** degrees clockwise from vertical, and length-to-width ratio **eccentricity**. ## **uniform-spray** **xc yc xsid ysid angle \[ rgb \] n Rd uniform-spray** Places **n** drops of colors **\[rgb\]** randomly in a **xsid** by **ysid** rectangle centered at location **xc, yc** and rotated by **ang** degrees clockwise from vertical.