% -*-LaTeX-*- % ERRATA.LTX.9, 16-Oct-89 18:39:10, Edit by BEEBE %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % EVERYTHING TO THE RIGHT OF A % IS A REMARK TO YOU AND IS IGNORED BY % LaTeX. % % WARNING! DO NOT TYPE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING 10 CHARACTERS AS NORMAL TEXT % CHARACTERS: % & $ # % _ { } ^ ~ \ % % The following seven are printed by typing a backslash in front of them: % \$ \& \# \% \_ \{ and \}. %------------------------------------------------------------------------ \documentstyle[]{article} \newcommand{\web}{{\tt WEB}} \newcommand{\cweb}{{\tt CWEB}} \newcommand{\mweb}{{\tt MWEB}} \newcommand{\jch}[1]{{\tt #1}} \newcommand{\wcmd}[1]{{\tt @#1}} \newcommand{\id}[1]{{\it #1}} \newcommand{\rw}[1]{{\bf #1}} \newcommand{\tangle}{{\tt TANGLE}} \newcommand{\weave}{{\tt WEAVE}} \newcommand{\quo}[1]{``#1''} \newcommand{\shouldbe}[2]{\quo{#1} should be \quo{#2}} \newcommand{\pageline}[2]{p. #1, l. #2} \begin{document} \section*{Errata in {\it Weaving a Program}} This file summarizes errata found in the book \begin{verbatim} @string{VNR = "Van Nostrand Reinhold"} @Book{Sewell:web, author = "Wayne Sewell", title = "Weaving a Program: Literate Programming in {WEB}", publisher = VNR, year = "1989", ISBN = "0-442-31946-0", } \end{verbatim} In the following list, negative line numbers count from the bottom of the page. \begin{description} \item[\pageline{54}{-8}] sentence should have period. \item[\pageline{82}{-10}] \shouldbe{except for white space}{except for trailing blanks}. \item[\pageline{82}{-4}] Delete last two sentences of this page. They are not true. \item[\pageline{85}{-8}] \quo{processing of the contents} has a leading large backward prime; this is a printing error, a smudge on the master page image, not a \TeX{} error. \item[\pageline{102}{-7}] \shouldbe{Clearlake}{Northlake}. \item[\pageline{115}{17, -14}] should be single quotes around \jch{@<...@>}. \item[\pageline{115}{-13}] should be single quotes around \jch{@<...@>=}. \item[\pageline{117}{2}] \shouldbe{Northlake}{the Northlake}. \item[\pageline{136}{3, 6, 8}] \shouldbe{\id{zyz}}{\id{xyz}}. \item[\pageline{138}{10}] \shouldbe{\id{zyz}}{\id{xyz}}. \item[\pageline{139}{20}] \shouldbe{\jch{O40}}{\jch{040}}; C uses a leading zero to denote octal constants, not a leading letter \quo{\jch{O}}. \item[\pageline{142}{-11, -13, -16}] \shouldbe{\id{zyz}}{\id{xyz}}. \item[\pageline{148}{-1}] This line should not have a paragraph indent. \item[\pageline{155}{-6}] \shouldbe{consisting a command}{consisting of a command}. \item[\pageline{159}{8}] \shouldbe{While that this means}{While this means}. \item[\pageline{174}{15}] \shouldbe{$s_1$}{$s_2$}. \item[\pageline{182}{-8}] Spurious dot between \quo{\tangle} and \quo{does}. \item[\pageline{189}{-10}] \shouldbe{format file}{format files}. \item[\pageline{195}{-15}] \shouldbe{C \web}{\cweb}. \item[\pageline{196}{-9}] \shouldbe{statment}{statement}. \item[\pageline{197}{-10}] \shouldbe{behave}{behaved}. \item[\pageline{199}{-7}] \shouldbe{\mweb}{the new \web}. \item[\pageline{203}{18}] \shouldbe{to define of the}{to define the}. \item[\pageline{224}{-4, -6}] These two definitions are reversed. \item[\pageline{229}{9}] \shouldbe{IF}{If}. \item[\pageline{233}{1}] \shouldbe{Pascal comments}{Vertical bar}. \item[\pageline{233}{-11, -12}] \shouldbe{C \web}{\cweb}. \item[\pageline{246}{4}] Spurious mark on \quo{-1}. \item[\pageline{254}{13}] A line was accidentally left out of the \jch{paslines.ch} file. After \quo{\jch{if brace\_level...}} add new line: \begin{quote} \jch{else send\_out(misc,"]");} \end{quote} \item[\pageline{442}{-9}] After \quo{\rw{if} \id{brace\_level}\ldots} add new line: \begin{quote} \rw{else} \id{send\_out}(\id{misc},\jch{"]"}); \end{quote} \item[\pageline{548}{-4}] \shouldbe{Group.See}{Group. See}. \end{description} \end{document}