/* ** cscan.l ** ** Does the major work of removing identifiers and constants ** from the input stream, for Cxref. Its output is then extensively ** postprocessed. ** ** Arnold Robbins, Information and Computer Science, Georgia Tech ** gatech!arnold ** Copyright (c) 1984 by Arnold Robbins. ** All rights reserved. ** This program may not be sold, but may be distributed ** provided this header is included. */ %{ extern int line_no; extern char *fname, *basename(); %} letter [A-Za-z_] digit [0-9] %% int | char | float | double | struct | union | long | short | unsigned | auto | extern | register | typedef | static | goto | return | sizeof | break | continue | if | else | for | do | while | switch | case | default | entry | enum | void | const | volatile | define | undef | include | ifdef | ifndef | elif | defined | pragma | endif ; /* ignore C and cpp keywords */ "<".+">" outid(); /* DON'T forget about include-file names */ "\n" line_no++; "/*" { /* get rid of comments */ register char c, c1; loop: while((c = input()) != '*' && c != 0) if(c == '\n') line_no++; if(c == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unexpected EOF in comment at line %d, file %s\n", line_no, basename(fname)); exit(1); } if((c1 = input()) != '/') { unput(c1); /* could be '*' before '/' */ goto loop; } } {letter}({letter}|{digit})* outid(); /* what we actually want */ '[^\\']' | '\\{digit}{1,3}' | '\\[\\bfrnlt']' outchar(); \" { /* collect quoted strings */ register char c; register int i; for(i = 1, c = input(); ; i++, c = input()) switch (c) { case '"': yytext[i] = c; yytext[++i] = '\0'; yyleng = i - 1; goto fini; case '\\': yytext[i] = '\\'; yytext[++i] = input(); if (yytext[i] == '\n') { line_no++; yytext[i] = 'N'; /* make visible */ } break; case 0: fprintf(stderr, "unexpected EOF inside string at line %d, file %s\n", line_no, basename(fname)); exit(1); break; default: yytext[i] = c; break; } fini: outstring(); } [+-]?{digit}+[lL]? | [+-]?0[Xx]({digit}|[a-fA-F])+[lL]? outint(); [+-]?{digit}*"."{digit}+([Ee][+-]?{digit}+)? | [+-]?{digit}+"."{digit}*([Ee][+-]?{digit}+)? | [+-]?{digit}+[Ee][+-]?{digit}+ outfloat(); . ; /* delete everything else */ %% yywrap() /* wrap up for lex, return 1 */ { return(1); } #include "constdefs.h" extern char *fname; extern char *basename(); outchar() { outtext(CHAR); } outstring() { outtext(STRING); } outint() { int i = strlen(yytext); /* handle long integer constants */ if (yytext[i-1] == 'l' || yytext[i-1] == 'L') yytext[i-1] = '\0'; outtext(INT); } outfloat() { outtext(FLOAT); } outtext(type) char type; { printf("~%c%s\t%s\t%d\n", type, yytext, basename(fname), line_no); }