:#======================================================================== :# UNPACK.BAT [23-Jan-1990] -- Nelson H.F. Beebe :# :# Unpack PC DOS font family archives :# :# Usage: :# :# cd fontdirectory # where the *.arc files are :# then :# UNPACK family1 family2 ... familyn # selective unpacking :# or :# UNPACK # unpack everything :# :# This will create a subdirectory for each family containing *.tfm :# files, and within those, subdirectories for each available :# magnification. :# :# It is harmless to specify non-existent families; such requests will :# simply be ignored. :# :# Magnifications available (not all are used in each family) :# 83 100 121 145 174 208 250 300 329 360 432 518 622 746 896 1075 :#======================================================================== if NOT x%1x == xx goto choose command /c UNPACK ams cm concrete euler greek music pandora goto done :next shift :choose if x%1x == xx goto done goto %1 :ams if EXIST ams.arc command /c UNPACK2 ams 300 329 360 432 518 622 746 896 goto next :cm if EXIST cm.arc command /c UNPACK2 cm 83 100 121 145 174 208 250 300 329 360 432 518 622 746 896 1075 goto next :concrete if EXIST concrete.arc command /c UNPACK2 concrete 300 329 360 432 518 622 746 896 goto next :euler if EXIST euler.arc command /c UNPACK2 euler 300 329 360 goto next :greek if EXIST greek.arc command /c UNPACK2 greek 300 goto next :music if EXIST music.arc command /c UNPACK2 music 300 goto next :pandora if EXIST pandora.arc command /c UNPACK2 pandora 83 100 121 145 174 208 250 300 329 360 432 518 622 746 896 1075 goto next :done echo "[Done]"