%% /u/ftp/pub/tex/dosfonts/index, Mon Apr 10 12:16:35 1995 %% Edit by Nelson H. F. Beebe %% %% This directory contains TeX fonts in arc format for PC DOS only. %% If you want these fonts for VAX VMS, get them instead from %% ctrsci.math.utah.edu. For TOPS-20 and UNIX, get them from %% math.utah.edu or science.utah.edu. The 00readme.txt files on %% each machine give instructions for doing so. %% %% Some users have trouble sustaining Internet transfers for %% large files, so the *.arc files are split into pieces %% *.arc-nnn. Their sizes (except possibly for the last) are %% multiples of 512, so as to match disk block sizes on all %% machines. They must be concatenated in order to get the %% original file (e.g. on UNIX: cat cm.arc-* >cm.arc). %% %% For retrievals to PC DOS, files xx.arc-nnn are linked to %% names xx-nnn.arc; the contents are identical. %% %% PC DOS imposes serious length restrictions on filenames, so %% different font file naming conventions are used for it than %% for the other operating systems. The font file contents are %% identical; in fact, the PC DOS font tree is created by making %% hard file links to the UNIX font tree, so no significant %% additional space is required for it. %% %% The fonts have all been created with METAFONT's \mode=imagen; %% they are suitable for 300dpi black-writing laser printers %% (engines from Canon), such as those from Apple, %% Hewlett-Packard, and QMS/Imagen. They will be too faint on %% white-writing printers (engines from Ricoh and Xerox), such as %% the AST, DEC LN03, Personal Computer Products, and Xerox %% printers. %% %% In major font families, a wide range of magnifications has %% been prepared, so that negative magsteps of the 300dpi family %% can also serve for low resolution devices, such as screen %% previewers and dot matrix printers. %% %% For PC DOS, transfer the *.arc files you want, plus UNPACK*.BAT. %% Put these files in the directory you want to unpack the fonts %% in, and then type UNPACK to unbundle them. You will need %% pkunpak to do so. If you have only arc, pkarc, or pkzip, then %% a simple edit to the *.BAT files will fix them for use with one %% of those. %% %% For example: %% mkdir c:\tex\fonts %% ftp ...get *.arc and *.BAT... %% UNPACK %% %% This will create the directory tree %% c:\tex\fonts\ams %% c:\tex\fonts\ams\300 %% ... %% c:\tex\fonts\ams\896 %% c:\tex\fonts\cm %% c:\tex\fonts\cm\83 %% ... %% c:\tex\fonts\cm\1075 %% c:\tex\fonts\concrete %% c:\tex\fonts\concrete\300 %% ... %% c:\tex\fonts\concrete\896 %% c:\tex\fonts\euler %% c:\tex\fonts\euler\300 %% ... %% c:\tex\fonts\euler\360 %% c:\tex\fonts\greek %% c:\tex\fonts\greek\300 %% c:\tex\fonts\music %% c:\tex\fonts\music\300 %% c:\tex\fonts\pandora %% c:\tex\fonts\pandora\83 %% ... %% c:\tex\fonts\pandora\1075 %% %% For AMSTeX, LaTeX, SLiTeX, and TeX, you can use them provided %% you do %% %% set TEXFONTS=c:\tex\fonts\cm;c:\tex\fonts\ams %% %% If you use fonts from some of the other families, then just %% add the corresponding directories to the end of the TEXFONTS %% list. %% %% If you want the style files for pandora accessible, do %% something like %% %% set TEXINPUTS=c:\tex\inputs;c:\tex\latex;c:\tex\bibtex;c:\tex\amstex;c:\tex\fonts\pandora %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Summary of files available: 00dir.cmd FTP command file in alphabetical order 00dir.lst verbose alphabetical directory listing 00tdir.cmd FTP command file in reverse-time order 00tdir.lst verbose reverse-time order directory listing UNPACK.BAT .bat file to unpack archives UNPACK2.BAT auxiliary file for UNPACK.BAT ams-001.arc AMS fonts ams-002.arc AMS fonts ams.arc-lst contents list of ams-*.arc aptexsty.arc AP-TeX font style files cm-001.arc Computer Modern fonts cm-002.arc "" "" "" cm-003.arc "" "" "" cm-004.arc "" "" "" cm-005.arc "" "" "" cm-006.arc "" "" "" cm-007.arc "" "" "" cm-008.arc "" "" "" cm-009.arc "" "" "" cm-010.arc "" "" "" cm-011.arc "" "" "" cm-012.arc "" "" "" cm-013.arc "" "" "" cm.arc-lst contents listing of cm-*.arc concrete.arc Concrete Roman fonts euler.arc Euler fonts greek.arc Greek fonts index this file music.arc music fonts pandora-001.arc Pandora fonts pandora-002.arc "" "" pandora.arc-lst contents listing of pandora-*.arc unpack.bat .bat file to unpack archives unpack2.bat auxiliary file for UNPACK.BAT