@Comment{ Database converted by ref2bib Tue Nov 8 21:53:16 MST 1988 on plot79.utah.edu} @Book{ ANON85, Title = { Proceedings of {COMPINT} 85: Computer Aided Technologies, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 8-12 Sept. 1985 }, Note = { 820 pp., ISBN: 0~8186~0621~5 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I3m computer aided learning } } @Book{ ANON85a, Title = { Proceedings of the {USENIX} Association Second Computer Graphics Workshop, held in Monterey, {CA}, 12-13 Dec. 1985 }, Note = { VI+88 pp }, Publisher = { USENIX Assoc., El Cerrito, CA }, Year = 1985 } @Book{ ANON85b, Title = { Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics '85, held in London, England, 16-18 Oct. 1985 }, Note = { XIV+413 pp., ISBN: 0~86353~040~0 }, Publisher = { Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England }, Year = 1985 } @Book{ ANON85c, Title = { Proceedings of {SEAS} Anniversary Meeting 1985: User Friendly Computing, held in Zurich, Switzerland, 23-27 Sept. 1985 }, Note = { 2 Vols. XII+1381 pp }, Publisher = { Share Eur. Assoc., Nijmegen, Netherlands }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I36 user interfaces } } @Book{ ANON85d, Title = { Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing: Corporate and Commercial Publishing, held in London, England, 5-7 Nov. 1985 }, Note = { XIV+404 pp., ISBN: 0~86353~039~7 }, Publisher = { Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 viewdata } } @Book{ ANON85e, Title = { Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, {CA}, 11-14 Nov. 1985 }, Note = { XII+303 pp., ISBN: 0~8186~0649~5 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I32 workstations } } @Book{ ANON85f, Title = { Digest of Technical Papers on {IEEE} International Conference on Computer-Aided Design: {ICCAD}-85, held in Santa Clara, {CA}, 18-21 Nov. 1985 }, Note = { XV+361 pp., ISBN: 0~8186~0687~8 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 simulation } } @Book{ ANON86, Title = { Les Nouveaux Outils Du Specialiste De L'Information, Service Des Relations Exterieures 'Cours Et Seminaires' (New Tools for the Information Specialist), held in Les Arcs, France, 10-14 March 1986 }, Note = { 259+Suppl. pp }, Publisher = { Inria, Le Chesnay, France }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 user interfaces } } @Misc{ ANON86a, Title = { Proceedings of the 1986 {AIC} Interim Meeting on Color in Computer Generated Displays; held in Toronto, Ont., Canada, 19-20 June 1986 }, Note = { Color Res. and Appl., 11 Suppl. }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 color } } @Book{ ANON86b, Title = { Proceedings of 1986 {IEEE} Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages, held in Dallas, {TX}, 25-27 June 1986 }, Note = { X+179 pp., ISBN: 0~81~86~0722~X }, Publisher = { IEEE Computer Society Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 simulation } } @Book{ ANON86c, Title = { {IEE} Colloquium on Electronic Design Interchange Format --- {EDIF} (Digest No. 27), held in London, England, 27 Feb. 1986 }, Publisher = { IEE, London, England }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 standards } } @Misc{ ANON86d, Title = { Proceedings of Eurographics ({UK}) Conference, held in Glasgow, Scotland, 26-28 March 1986 }, Note = { CGF, 5, 2 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I32 graphics systems, token-based } } @Article{ AbiBun86, Author = { S.S. Abi~Ezzi and A.J. Bunshaft }, Title = { An Implementer's View of {PHIGS} }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 2, Pages = { 12-23 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 PHIGS } } @Article{ AbiKad86, Author = { S.S. Abi~Ezzi and S.E. Kader }, Title = { {PHIGS} in {CAD} }, Journal = { CME }, Volume = 5, Number = 1, Pages = { 28-36 }, Month = jul, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 CAD } } @InCollection{ AbrFuc85, Author = { G.D. Abram and H. Fuchs }, Title = { {VLSI} Architectures for Computer Graphics }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Microarchitecture of {VLSI} Computers, held in Urbino, Italy, 9-20 July 1984 }, Editor = { P. Antognetti and F. Anceau and J. Vuillemin }, Pages = { 189-205 }, Publisher = { Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, Netherlands }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I31 parallel processing } } @Article{ Agu86, Author = { L. Aguilar }, Title = { A Format for a Graphical Communications Protocol }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 3, Pages = { 52-62 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 graphical communication protocols } } @Article{ Ala85, Author = { J. Alander }, Title = { On Interval Arithmetic Range Approximation Methods of Polynomials and Rational Functions }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 9, Number = 4, Pages = { 365-372 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 rational functions } } @Article{ AliMarTan86, Author = { G. Alia and E. Martinelli and N. Tani }, Title = { Fast Hardware Graphic Generators of Curve Families }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 1, Pages = { 27-36 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I31 special purpose hardware } } @InCollection{ AllZal85, Author = { D.J. Allerton and E.J. Zaluska }, Title = { Computer Image Generation in Real Time }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Electronic Displays 1985 Conference, held in London, England, 29-31 Oct. 1985 }, Volume = 2, Pages = { 17-31 }, Publisher = { Network Events, Buckingham, England }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I3m aerospace simulation } } @Article{ AmbGraWhi86, Author = { P. Amburn and E. Grant and T. Whitted }, Title = { Managing Geometric Complexity with Enhanced Procedural Models }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 189-195 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 parametric surfaces } } @Article{ And85, Author = { D.P. Anderson }, Title = { Efficient Algorithms for Automatic Viewer Orientation }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 9, Number = 4, Pages = { 407-413 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I33 automatic viewer orientation } } @InCollection{ And86, Author = { R. Anderson }, Title = { {UNIX} Through Windows }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of COMUNIX '86, held in London, England, 3-5 June 1986 }, Pages = { 115-121 }, Publisher = { Emap Int. Exhibitions, London, England }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 window systems } } @Article{ And86a, Author = { H.J. Andree }, Title = { Fundamentals of the Production of Computer Films (in German) }, Journal = { Fernseh. and Kino-Tech. (Germany) }, Volume = 40, Number = 2, Pages = { 44-50 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m computer films, generation } } @Article{ AonTakTan85, Author = { Y. Aono and Y. Takeda and N. Tanabe and H. Iwaki }, Title = { A Data Tablet using Electromagnetic Induction }, Journal = { Syst. and Comput. Jpn. }, Volume = 16, Number = 3, Pages = { 1-9 }, Month = { May-June }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I31 tablet, electromagnetic induction } } @Article{ AraOli86, Author = { H.R. Arabnia and M.A. Oliver }, Title = { Fast Operations on Raster Images with {SIMD} Machine Architectures }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 3, Pages = { 178-188 }, Month = sep, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I31 SIMD architectures } } @InCollection{ AriWakShi85, Author = { Y. Ariki and K. Wakimoto and H. Shieh and T. Sakai }, Title = { Automatic Transformation of Drawing Images based on Geometrical Structures }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of COMPINT 85: Computer Aided Technologies, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 8-12 Sept. 1985 }, Pages = { 719-723 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 CAD } } @Article{ AsaGuiHer86, Author = { T. Asano and L. Guibas and J. Hershberger and H. Imai }, Title = { Visibility of Disjoint Polygons }, Journal = { Algorithmica (Germany) }, Volume = 1, Number = 1, Pages = { 49-63 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 visibility polygon } } @Article{ Aso86, Author = { K. Aso }, Title = { Present Trend of Flight Simulators (in Japanese) }, Journal = { J. Jpn. Soc. Simulation Technol. (Japan) }, Volume = 5, Number = 1, Pages = { 3-12 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m computer aided instruction } } @Article{ AtkGarWal86, Author = { H.H. Atkinson and I. Gargantini and T.R.S. Walsh }, Title = { Filling by Quadrants or Octants }, Journal = { Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. }, Volume = 33, Number = 2, Pages = { 138-155 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 linear quadtrees } } @InCollection{ BaiOpp86, Author = { C.S. Bailey and R. Opp }, Title = { A Curve-Drawing Algorithm for Raster Graphics }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 19th Annual Small College Computing Symposium --- {SCCS}, held in Rapid City, {SD}, 11-12 April 1986 }, Pages = { 276-287 }, Publisher = { Small Coll. Comput. Symposium, Rapid City, SD }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 curve-drawing algorithm } } @InCollection{ BarSmiWan85, Author = { G.M. Barnes and P.D. Smith and Chiann Wang and G. Haus }, Title = { {CAI} for Computer Science: A Visible Algorithms Update }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of 1985 Western Educational Computing Conference and Trade Show, held in Oakland, {CA}, 21-22 Nov. 1985 }, Editor = { H. Garrett }, Pages = { 85-90 }, Publisher = { California Educ. Comput. Consortium, Oakland, CA }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I36 visible algorithms } } @Article{ Bar86, Author = { A.H. Barr }, Title = { Ray Tracing Deformed Surfaces }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 287-296 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 deformation } } @Article{ BenKer86, Author = { J.L. Bentley and B.W. Kernighan }, Title = { {GRAP} --- A Language for Typesetting Graphs }, Journal = cacm, Volume = 29, Number = 8, Pages = { 782-792 }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 typesetting graphs } } @Article{ BerFucGra86, Author = { L Bergman and H. Fuchs and E. Grant and S. Spach }, Title = { Image Rendering by Adaptive Refinement }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 29-37 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 hidden-surface elimination } } @Article{ Ber86, Author = { H. Bergmann }, Title = { Data Acquisition via Handwriting Terminal, Display Screen, and Optoelectronic Keyboard (in German) }, Journal = { Radio Fernsehen Elektron. (Germany) }, Volume = 35, Number = 1, Pages = { 24-25 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I31 optoelectronic devices } } @Misc{ Ber86a, Author = { P. Bertrand }, Title = { Presentation Des Normes Graphiques {GKS}. (Presentation of the {GKS} Graphical Standard) Second Edition }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 books } } @InCollection{ Bet86, Author = { J. Bettels }, Title = { {PHIGS} --- The Standard and the {IBM} Implementation }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the SEAS Spring Meeting --- Expert Systems, held in Heidelberg, Germany, 6-11 April 1986 }, Pages = { 717-725 }, Publisher = { SEAS, Nijmegen, Netherlands }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 PHIGS, implementation } } @Article{ BieSto86, Author = { E.A Bier and M.C. Stone }, Title = { Snap-Dragging }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 233-240 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 constraints } } @Article{ Bin86, Author = { Ho Bin }, Title = { Inputting Constructive Solid Geometry Representations Directly from 2D Orthographic Engineering Drawings }, Journal = { Comput. Aided Des. (GB) }, Volume = 18, Number = 3, Pages = { 147-155 }, Month = apr, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 CSG } } @Article{ BisWei86, Author = { G. Bishop and D.M. Weimer }, Title = { Fast Phong Shading }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 103-106 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 shading, phong } } @Article{ Boe86, Author = { W. Boehm }, Title = { Multivariate Spline Methods in {CAGD} }, Journal = { Comput. Aided Des. (GB) }, Volume = 18, Number = 2, Pages = { 102-104 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 multivariate splines } } @Article{ Boe86a, Author = { W. Boehm }, Title = { Curvature Continuous Curves and Surfaces }, Journal = { Comput. Aided Des. (GB) }, Volume = 18, Number = 2, Pages = { 105-106 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 cubic spline curves } } @Article{ Bon86, Author = { L. Bonfigliolo }, Title = { An Algorithm for Silhouette of Curved Surfaces based on Graphical Relations }, Journal = { Comput. Aided Des. (GB) }, Volume = 18, Number = 2, Pages = { 95-101 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 silhouette } } @InCollection{ BooCowFor85, Author = { K.S. Booth and W.B. Cowan and D.R. Forsey }, Title = { Multitasking Support in a Graphics Workstation }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, {CA}, 11-14 Nov. 1985 }, Pages = { 82-89 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I36 message-based operating system } } @InCollection{ BouMen86, Author = { G. Bouvier and R. Mengko }, Title = { A Shape Preprocessing Unit }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the ISMM International Symposium: Mini and Microcomputers and their Applications, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 3-5 June 1985 }, Editor = { P.J. Zsombor~Murray and L.J. Vroomen and M.H. Hamza }, Pages = { 54-57 }, Publisher = { Acta Press, Calgary, Alta., Canada }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 shape preprocessing } } @Article{ BriLaf86, Author = { S. Bright and S. Laflin }, Title = { Shading of Solid Voxel Models }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 2, Pages = { 131-137 }, Note = { Proceedings of Eurographics (UK) Conference, held in Glasgow, Scotland, 26-28 March 1986 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 voxel } } @Article{ BroKlo85, Author = { W.F. Bronsvoort and F. Klok }, Title = { Ray Tracing Generalized Cylinders }, Journal = { ACMTOG }, Volume = 4, Number = 4, Pages = { 291-303 }, Month = oct, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I37 ray tracing } } @InCollection{ BroJud85, Author = { B.E. Brown and R.L. Judd }, Title = { Benchmarking --- Graphics Workstations }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, {CA}, 11-14 Nov. 1985 }, Pages = { 116-123 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I32 workstations, benchmarking } } @Article{ BroCul86, Author = { J.R. Brown and D. Culanag }, Title = { Careers in Computer Graphics }, Journal = { CG }, Volume = 20, Number = 1, Pages = { 5-7 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 careers, computer graphics } } @Article{ Bro86, Author = { P.B. Brown }, Title = { {DORSALVIEW}: A Program which Displays Horizontal Views of Histological Material in Transverse Spinal Section }, Journal = { J. Electrophysiol. Tech. (GB) }, Volume = 13, Number = 1, Pages = { 27-42 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m biology computing } } @InCollection{ Bru86, Author = { J.D. Brule }, Title = { A Braille --- Graphics Workstation }, Booktitle = { Conference Proceedings IEEE Workstation Technology and Systems, held in Atlantic City, {NJ}, 17-20 March 1986 }, Pages = 30, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I32 workstations } } @Article{ BurKolKol86, Author = { F.W. Burton and V.J. Kollias and J.G. Kollias }, Title = { Real-Time Raster to Quadtree and Quadtree to Raster Conversion Algorithms with Modest Storage Requirements }, Journal = { Angew. Inf. (Germany) }, Volume = 28, Number = 4, Pages = { 170-174 }, Month = apr, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 quadtree to raster conversion } } @Article{ Cal86, Author = { T.W. Calvert }, Title = { Towards a Language for Human Movement }, Journal = { Computers and Humanities }, Volume = 20, Number = 1, Pages = { 35-43 }, Month = { Jan.-March }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m dance } } @Article{ CamDeFFre86, Author = { G. Campbell and T.A. DeFanti and J. Frederiksen and S.A. Joyce and L.A. Leske and J.A. Lindberg and D.J Sandin }, Title = { Two Bit/Pixel Full Color Encoding }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 215-223 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 encoding } } @InCollection{ CamKub85, Author = { R.H. Campbell and W.J. Kubitz }, Title = { The Professional Workstation Research Project }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, {CA}, 11-14 Nov. 1985 }, Pages = { 222-230 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 programming environments } } @Article{ CamKub86, Author = { R.H. Campbell and W.J. Kubitz }, Title = { The Professional Workstation Research Project }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 5, Pages = { 11-24 }, Month = may, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 programming environments } } @Article{ CarMcG86, Author = { G.S. Carson and E. McGinnis }, Title = { The Reference Model for Computer Graphics }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 8, Pages = { 17-23 }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 standards, reference models } } @Article{ CavFanTur86, Author = { S. Cavaliere and M. Fantini and A. Turtur }, Title = { Text, Images and Graphics Management System for Editorial Environment }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 1, Pages = { 51-56 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m electronic publishing } } @Article{ ChaDut86, Author = { B.B. Chaudhuri and S. Dutta }, Title = { Interactive Curve Drawing by Segmented Bezier Approximation with a Control Parameter (Computer Graphics) }, Journal = { Pattern Recognition Letters (Netherlands) }, Volume = 4, Number = 3, Pages = { 171-176 }, Month = jul, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 bezier approximation, segmented } } @InCollection{ CheJia86, Author = { Fuhua Cheng and Wein~Chung Jiaan }, Title = { Finding the Intersection Points of a Line With a Polygon and its Applications }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of 1986 ACM Fourteenth Annual Computer Science Conference: {CSC} '86, held in Cincinnati, {OH}, 4-6 Feb. 1986 }, Pages = 448, Publisher = { ACM, New York, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 intersections points } } @Article{ Chr86, Author = { A. Chryssafis }, Title = { Anti-Aliasing of Computer-Generated Images: A Picture Independent Approach }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 2, Pages = { 125-129 }, Note = { Proceedings of Eurographics (UK) Conference, held in Glasgow, Scotland, 26-28 March 1986 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 anti-aliasing } } @Article{ CleWyvBir86, Author = { J.G. Cleary and B.M. Wyvill and G.M. Birtwistle and R. Vatti }, Title = { Multiprocessor Ray Tracing }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 1, Pages = { 3-12 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I31 multiprocessor system } } @Article{ CogFayFog86, Author = { J.M. Coggins and F.S. Fay and K.E. Fogarty }, Title = { Development and Application of a Three-Dimensional Artificial Visual System }, Journal = { Comput. Methods and Programs Biomed. (Netherlands), }, Volume = 22, Number = 1, Pages = { 69-77 }, Note = { Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care ({SCAMC}), held in Baltimore, {MD}, 10-13 Nov. 1985 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m medical computing } } @Article{ CohSmiIve86, Author = { E.S. Cohen and E.T. Smith and L.A. Iverson }, Title = { Constraint-Based Tiled Windows }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 5, Pages = { 35-45 }, Note = { also in the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, {CA}, 11-14 Nov. 1985; {IEEE} Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, {DC}, 2-11 }, Month = may, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 windows, constraint-based tiled } } @Article{ CohGreImm86, Author = { M.F. Cohen and D.P. Greenberg and D.S. Immel and P.J. Brock }, Title = { An Efficient Radiosity Approach for Realistic Image Synthesis }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 3, Pages = { 26-35 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 radiosity } } @Article{ Col86, Author = { A.J. Cole }, Title = { Pure Mathematics Applied (Scanning Theory of Bit-Mapped Monitors) }, Journal = { Univ. Comput. (GB) }, Volume = 8, Number = 1, Pages = { 2-7 }, Month = { Spring }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 scanning theory } } @Article{ Col86a, Author = { R.B. Collender }, Title = { 3-D Television, Movies and Computer Graphics without Glasses }, Journal = { Disp. Technol. and Appl. (GB) }, Volume = 7, Number = 3, Pages = { 121-130 }, Month = jul, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I31 holograms } } @Article{ Col86b, Author = { R.B. Collender }, Title = { 3-D Display System Permits Viewing Without Glasses }, Journal = { Inf. Disp. }, Volume = 2, Number = 3, Pages = { 19-20 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I31 3D displays } } @InCollection{ Col85, Author = { R.P. Colwell }, Title = { Display Architecture for Driving Two Different Bitmapped Displays from One Frame Buffer }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, {CA}, 11-14 Nov. 1985 }, Pages = { 30-37 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I31 display architectures } } @Article{ Coo86, Author = { S. Cooper }, Title = { Raising the Standards (Graphic Standards) }, Journal = { Comput. Syst. (GB) }, Volume = 6, Number = 3, Pages = { 37-39 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 standards, review } } @InCollection{ CorMar85, Author = { S.A. Cortazar~Ferral and F.C. Martin~Polo }, Title = { {SEDG} --- A Graphic Display Editing System }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, held in Pittsburgh, {PA}, 25-26 April 1985 }, Editor = { R. Hanham and W. Vogt and M.H. Mickle }, Pages = { 1063-1067 }, Publisher = { ISA, Research Triangle Park, NC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 display editing system } } @Article{ CouBre86, Author = { S.M. Courter and J.A. Brewer }, Title = { Automated Conversion of Curvilinear Wire-Frame Models to Surface Boundary Models; A Topological Approach }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 171-178 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 surface boundary models } } @InCollection{ DatGujBha86, Author = { N.N. Datar and U.G. Gujar and V.C. Bhavsar }, Title = { Analytical Representation of Three Dimensional Objects }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of 1986 ACM Fourteenth Annual Computer Science Conference: {CSC} '86, held in Cincinnati, {OH}, 4-6 Feb. 1986 }, Pages = 453, Publisher = { ACM, New York, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 3D object representation } } @InCollection{ DavTam86, Author = { W.A. Davis and Yiu~Wing Tam }, Title = { An Efficient Method for Displaying 3D Images }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the ISMM International Symposium: Mini and Microcomputers and their Applications, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 3-5 June 1985 }, Editor = { P.J. Zsombor~Murray and L.J. Vroomen and M.H. Hamza }, Pages = { 201-204 }, Publisher = { Acta Press, Calgary, Alta., Canada }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 surface representations } } @Article{ DenTur86, Author = { M.J. Denber and P.M. Turner }, Title = { A Differential Compiler for Computer Animation }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 21-27 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 animation } } @TechReport{ DenHegMan85, Author = { E. Denes and S. Hegyi and I. Manno }, Title = { Histogram Editor (In Hungarian) }, Number = { KFKI-1985-104 }, Institution = { Hungarian Acad. Sci., Budapest, Hungary }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 histrogram editor } } @Article{ Den86, Author = { D. Denham }, Title = { High Performance Colour Displays for Computer Graphics }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 1, Pages = { 57-63 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I31 high-performance displays } } @InCollection{ DeFFalPie86, Author = { L. De~Floriani and B. Falcidieno and C. Pienovi and D. Allen and G. Nagy }, Title = { A Visibility-Based Model for Terrain Features }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, held in Seattle, {WA}, 5-10 July 1986 }, Pages = { 235-250 }, Publisher = { Int. Geogr. Union, Williamsville, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 terrain features } } @Article{ DubDoz86, Author = { R.O. Dubayah and J. Dozier }, Title = { Orthographic Terrain Views using Data Derived from Digital Elevation Models }, Journal = { Photogram. Eng. and Remote Sensing }, Volume = 52, Number = 4, Pages = { 509-518 }, Month = apr, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 orthographic terrain } } @InCollection{ Duc85, Author = { D.A. Duce }, Title = { Standards for Computer Graphics }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Electronic Displays 1985 Conference, held in London, England, 29-31 Oct. 1985 }, Volume = 2, Pages = { 1-13 }, Publisher = { Network Events, Buckingham, England }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I30 standards } } @InCollection{ Duf85, Author = { T. Duff }, Title = { Quaternion Splines for Animating Orientation }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the USENIX Association Second Computer Graphics Workshop, held in Monterey, {CA}, 12-13 Dec. 1985 }, Pages = { 54-62 }, Publisher = { USENIX Assoc., El~Cerrito, CA }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I37 animation orientation } } @Article{ Egl86, Author = { P. Egloff }, Title = { Graphics and Communication: Computer Graphics in an Open Systems Environment }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 2, Pages = { 87-96 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 standardisation activities, survey } } @Article{ EklKje85, Author = { J.O. Eklundh and L. Kjelldahl }, Title = { Computer Graphics and Computer Vision --- Some Unifying and Discriminating Features }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 9, Number = 4, Pages = { 339-349 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I30 computer vision } } @InCollection{ EppSnyMut86, Author = { B.W. Epps and H.L. Snyder and W.H. Muto }, Title = { Comparison of Six Cursor Devices on a Target Acquisition Task }, Booktitle = { Digest of Technical Papers on 1986 SID International Symposium, held in San Diego, {CA}, 6-8 May 1986 }, Pages = { 302-305 }, Publisher = { Palisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I31 input devices, comparison } } @InCollection{ FabSan85, Author = { V.I. Fabrikant and T.S. Sankar }, Title = { An Efficient Graphical Method for {CAD} }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of COMPINT 85: Computer Aided Technologies, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 8-12 Sept. 1985 }, Pages = { 183-187 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 CAD } } @InCollection{ FanLi86, Author = { Zhixi Fang and Xiaobo Li }, Title = { Parallel Image Processing Algorithms }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of 1986 ACM Fourteenth Annual Computer Science Conference: {CSC} '86, held in Cincinnati, {OH}, 4-6 Feb. 1986 }, Pages = 454, Publisher = { ACM, New York, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I31 parallel processing } } @Article{ FarSch86, Author = { H. Farhoosh and G. Schrack }, Title = { {CNS} --- {HLS} Mapping using Fuzzy sets }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 6, Pages = { 28-35 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 color, CNS-HLS mapping } } @Article{ Fie86, Author = { D. Field }, Title = { Algorithms for Drawing Anti-Aliased Circles and Ellipses }, Journal = { Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. }, Volume = 33, Number = 1, Pages = { 1-15 }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 anti-aliasing, prefiltered } } @Article{ Fil86, Author = { D.J. Filip }, Title = { Adaptive Subdivision Algorithms for a Set of Bezier Triangles }, Journal = { Comput. Aided Des. (GB) }, Volume = 18, Number = 2, Pages = { 74-78 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 adaptive subdivision algorithm } } @Article{ Fio86, Author = { R. Fiorini }, Title = { Imaging, Confusion and Complexity (in Italian) }, Journal = { Pixel. Comput. Graphics, CAD/CAM, ImageProcess. (Italy) }, Volume = 7, Number = 4, Pages = { 13-21 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m human eye-brain systems } } @Article{ FolMcM86, Author = { J.D. Foley and C.F. McMath }, Title = { Dynamic Process Visualization }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 3, Pages = { 16-25 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 dynamic process visualization } } @InCollection{ For85, Author = { P. Forestier }, Title = { The {CATIA} Integrated Geometry Modeler }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics '85, held in London, England, 16-18 Oct. 1985 }, Pages = { 381-391 }, Publisher = { Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 geometry modeler } } @Article{ FouRee86, Author = { A. Fournier and W.T. Reeves }, Title = { A Simple Model of Ocean Waves }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 75-84 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 wave refraction } } @InCollection{ FraFee85, Author = { R.P. Frail and R.S. Feedman }, Title = { Da Vinci: An Extendible Knowledge-based Software Tool for Graphics }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Conference on Software Tools, held in New York, 15-17 April 1985 }, Pages = { 65-70 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 paint systems } } @Article{ Fre86, Author = { D.D. Freund }, Title = { An Interactive Procedure for Constructing Line and Circle Tangencies }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 4, Pages = { 59-63 }, Month = apr, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 circle tangencies } } @InCollection{ FucPou85, Author = { H. Fuchs and J. Poulton }, Title = { Parallel Processing in Pixel-Planes, A {VLSI} Logic-Enhanced Memory for Raster Graphics }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: {VLSI} in Computers, held in Port Chester, {NY}, 7-10 Oct. 1985 }, Pages = { 193-197 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I31 parallel processing } } @Article{ FujTanIwa86, Author = { A. Fujimoto and T. Tanaka and K. Iwata }, Title = { {ARTS}: Accelerated Ray-Tracing System }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 4, Pages = { 16-26 }, Month = apr, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 ray tracing } } @Article{ GagMa86, Author = { A. Gagalowicz and Song De Ma }, Title = { Model Driven Synthesis of Natural Textures for 3-D Scenes }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 2, Pages = { 161-170 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 3D scenes } } @InCollection{ GenDea85, Author = { T. Genin and R. Dean }, Title = { Computer Graphics and the Arts }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the IFIP TC3 4th World Conference on Computers in Education --- {WCCE} 85, held in Norfolk, {VA}, 29 July-2 Aug. 1985 }, Editor = { K. Duncan and D. Harris }, Pages = 665, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I3m arts } } @InCollection{ Ger85, Author = { L.A. Gerhardt }, Title = { The Sensing and Display of Three-Dimensional Information with Emphasis on Solid Modeling --- Status and Applications }, Booktitle = { Proceedings on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (ARGARD-LS-142), held in Trondheim, Norway, 26-27 Sept. 1985 }, Pages = { 5/1-8 }, Publisher = { Agard, Neuilly Sur Seine, France }, Month = sep, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I31 3D displays } } @Article{ GhoPat86, Author = { D. Ghosal and L.M. Patnaik }, Title = { Parallel Polygon Scan Conversion Algorithms: Performance Evaluation on a Shared Bus Architecture }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 1, Pages = { 7-25 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I31 multiprocessing architecture } } @Article{ Gif86, Author = { J.G. Giffiths }, Title = { An Algorithm for Displaying a Class of Space-Filling Curves }, Journal = { Software Pract. and Exper. (GB) }, Volume = 16, Number = 5, Pages = { 403-411 }, Month = may, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 space filling curves } } @Article{ Gla86, Author = { A. Glassner }, Title = { Adaptive Precision in Texture Mapping }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 297-306 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 adaptive refinement } } @InCollection{ Gli85, Author = { J. Glicksman }, Title = { Identifying Objects in Interactive Workstation Environments }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, {CA}, 11-14 Nov. 1985 }, Pages = { 144-150 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I36 object identification } } @InCollection{ Gli86, Author = { E.P. Glinert }, Title = { Towards Second Generation Interactive, Graphical Programming Environments }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of 1986 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages, held in Dallas, {TX}, 25-27 June 1986 }, Pages = { 61-70 }, Publisher = { IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, DC }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 2nd generation environments } } @Article{ Gol86, Author = { M. Goldapp }, Title = { Fast Scan-Line Conversion using Vectorisation }, Journal = { Parallel Comput. (Netherland) }, Volume = 3, Number = 2, Pages = { 141-152 }, Month = may, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 scan-conversion } } @Article{ GolHulFuc86, Author = { J. Goldfeather and J.P.M. Hultquist and H. Fuchs }, Title = { Fast Constructive Solid Geometry Display in the Pixel-Powers Graphics System }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 107-116 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m computer-aided engineering } } @Misc{ Goo, Author = { M.J. Goodfellow }, Title = { {WHIM} --- the Window Handler and Input Manager } } @Article{ Goo86, Author = { M.J. Goodfellow }, Title = { {WHIM} --- Window Handler and Input Manager }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 5, Pages = { 46-52 }, Note = { Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, {CA}, 11-14 Nov. 1985; {IEEE} Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, {DC} }, Month = may, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 user interfaces } } @Article{ GooUns86, Author = { T.N.T. Goodman and K. Unsworth }, Title = { Manipulating Shape and Producing Geometric Conductivity in {Beta}-Spline Curves }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 2, Pages = { 50-56 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 tension parameters } } @InCollection{ Gor86, Author = { K.K. Gorowara }, Title = { Representation of Two Bezier Cubic Curves }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the IEEE 1986 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference --- {NAECON} 1986, held in Dayton, {OH}, 19-23 May 1986 }, Volume = 3, Pages = { 733-734 }, Publisher = { IEEE, New York, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 bezier curves } } @InCollection{ Gra86, Author = { M. Grave }, Title = { Introduction of Graphic Information Technology (in French) }, Booktitle = { Les Nouveaux Outils Du Specialiste De L'Information, Service Des Relations Exterieures 'Cours Et Seminaires' (New Tools for the Information Specialist), held in Les Arcs, France, 10-14 March 1986 }, Pages = { 103-117 }, Publisher = { Inria, Le Chesnay, France }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 animated sequencing } } @Article{ GreHec86, Author = { N. Greene and P.S. Heckbert }, Title = { Creating Raster Omnimax Images from Multiple Perspectives Views using the Elliptical Weighted Average Filter }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 6, Pages = { 21-27 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 multiple perspective views } } @Article{ Gri86, Author = { A. Grimm }, Title = { Graphics Standards for Efficient Applications (in German) }, Journal = { CAE J. (Germany) }, Number = 4, Pages = { 16-17 }, Month = { July-Aug. }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 standards } } @InCollection{ Gro85, Author = { D.J. Grover }, Title = { Methods for the Protection of Computer Graphics Software }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Electronic Displays 1985 Conference, held in London, England, 29-31 Oct. 1985 }, Volume = 2, Pages = { 14-16 }, Publisher = { Network Events, Buckingham, England }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I30 legislation } } @InCollection{ GuTanSun85, Author = { K. Gu and Z. Tang and J. Sun }, Title = { Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Orthographic Projections }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of COMPINT 85: Computer Aided Technologies, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 8-12 Sept. 1985 }, Pages = { 807-811 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I37 reconstruction } } @InCollection{ Ham85, Author = { J.A. Hamilton }, Title = { Productivity Features in a Workstation Window Manager }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, {CA}, 11-14 Nov. 1985 }, Pages = 281, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 window manager } } @Article{ Har86, Author = { J.G. Harries }, Title = { Symmetry and Notation: Regularity and Symmetry in Notated Computer Graphics }, Journal = { Comput. and Math. with Appl. (GB) }, Volume = { 12B }, Number = { 1-2 }, Pages = { 303-314 }, Month = { Jan.-April }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 symmetry } } @InCollection{ Hav86, Author = { W. Havens }, Title = { {PIPS}: A Portable Image Processing System }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of 1986 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages, held in Dallas, {TX}, 25-27 June 1986 }, Pages = { 125-135 }, Publisher = { IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, DC }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 image processing } } @InCollection{ HawLef85, Author = { M.J. Hawley and S.J. Leffler }, Title = { Windows for {UNIX} at Lucasfilm }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the USENIX Association Summer Conference, held in Portland, {OR}, 11-14 June 1985 }, Pages = { 393-406 }, Publisher = { USENIX Assoc., El~Cerrito, CA }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I36 UNIX } } @Article{ Hec86, Author = { P.S. Heckbert }, Title = { Filtering by Repeated Integration }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 315-321 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 filtering } } @Article{ HenJouOsl86, Author = { L. Henderson and M. Journey and C. Osland }, Title = { The Computer Graphics Metafile }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 8, Pages = { 24-32 }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 metafile } } @Article{ HerRevTol86, Author = { I. Herman and J. Reviczky and T. Tolnay~Knefely }, Title = { A Concept for a {GKS} Machine }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 2, Pages = { 177-182 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 GKS, machine concept } } @TechReport{ HofHop85, Author = { C. Hoffmann and J. Hoppcroft }, Type = { TR }, Title = { Potential Method for Blending Surfaces and Curves }, Number = { 85-699 }, Institution = { Cornell University, Ithaca, NY }, Month = sep, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 solid geometry } } @Article{ Van86, Author = { T. Van~Hook }, Title = { Real-Time Shaded {NC} Milling Display }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 15-20 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 solid modeling } } @InCollection{ Hua85, Author = { Z.J. Hua }, Title = { The Design and Implementation of a Graphics Language Oriented to Computer Aided Mechanical Design }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of COMPINT 85: Computer Aided Technologies, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 8-12 Sept. 1985 }, Pages = { 152-154 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I36 graphical language } } @Article{ HubMar86, Author = { W. Hubner and Z.I. Markov }, Title = { {GKS} based Graphics Programming in Prolog }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 1, Pages = { 41-50 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 GKS } } @InCollection{ Hum85, Author = { A. Hume }, Title = { Folding Regular Polyhedra }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the USENIX Association Second Computer Graphics Workshop, held in Monterey, {CA}, 12-13 Dec. 1985 }, Pages = { 76-81 }, Publisher = { USENIX Assoc., El~Cerrito, CA }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 folding } } @Article{ Hur86, Author = { R.D. Hurrion }, Title = { Visual Interactive Modeling }, Journal = { Eur. J. Oper. Res. (Netherlands) }, Volume = 23, Number = 3, Pages = { 281-287 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 modeling } } @Article{ ImmCohGre86, Author = { D.S. Immel and M.F. Cohen and D.P. Greenberg }, Title = { A Radiosity Method for Non-Diffuse Environments }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 133-142 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 non-diffuse reflection } } @InCollection{ Jar86, Author = { G.E.M. Jared }, Title = { Solid Modeling }, Booktitle = { IEE Colloquium on `Design Databases' (Digest No. 29), held in London, England, 3 March 1986 }, Pages = { 3/1-3 }, Publisher = { IEE, London, England }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 solid modeling } } @Article{ Jer85, Author = { M. Jern }, Title = { The Raster Graphics Approach in Mapping }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 9, Number = 4, Pages = { 373-381 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I36 mapping } } @Book{ JohCoo85, Author = { P. Johnson and S. Cook }, Title = { People and Computers: Designing the Interface, Proceedings of the Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group, Held in Norwich, England, 17-20 Sept. 1985 }, Note = { 448 pp., ISBN: 0~521~32066~6 }, Publisher = { Cambridge, Cambridge, England }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I36 user interfaces } } @Article{ JoyBhe86, Author = { K.I. Joy and M.N. Bhetanabhotla }, Title = { Ray Tracing Parametric Surface Patches Utilizing Numerical Techniques and Ray Coherence }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 279-285 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 parametric surfaces } } @Article{ Kaj86, Author = { J.T. Kajiya }, Title = { The Rendering Equation }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 143-150 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 radiosity } } @Article{ Kau86, Author = { A. Kaufman }, Title = { Computer Artist's Color Naming System }, Journal = { Visual Comput. (Germany) }, Volume = 2, Number = 4, Pages = { 255-260 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 color naming system } } @Article{ KayKaj86, Author = { T.L. Kay and J.T. Kajiya }, Title = { Ray Tracing Complex Scenes }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 269-278 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 ray tracing } } @Article{ Ket85, Author = { R.L. Ketcham }, Title = { A High-Speed Algorithm for Generating Anti-Aliased Lines }, Journal = { Proceedings of S.I.D. }, Volume = 26, Number = 4, Pages = { 329-336 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I33 anti-aliased lines } } @Article{ KimAguNak86, Author = { H. Kimijiri and T. Agui and M. Nakajima }, Title = { Anti-Aliasing Algorithm for Digital Figures using Masks (in Japanese) }, Journal = { TIECE }, Volume = { J69D }, Number = 3, Pages = { 383-390 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 anti-aliasing } } @Book{ Kin86, Author = { R. Kingslake }, Title = { Introductory Course in Computer Graphics }, Note = { 144 pp., ISBN: 0~86238~073~1 }, Publisher = { Chartwell-Bratt, Bromley, Kent, England }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 graphics, introductory course } } @InCollection{ Kne85, Author = { H. Kneissler }, Title = { An Image is Worth a Thousand Words (Iman/Age) }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of SEAS Anniversary Meeting 1985: User Friendly Computing, held in Zurich, Switzerland, 23-27 Sept. 1985 }, Volume = 2, Pages = { 1337-1350 }, Publisher = { Share Eur. Assoc., Nijmegan, Netherlands }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 information retrieval system } } @InCollection{ Kol85, Author = { M.A. Kolitsky }, Title = { The Electronic Blackboard: A New Way of Teaching Biology }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of 1985 Western Educational Computing Conference and Trade Show, held in Oakland, {CA}, 21-22 Nov. 1985 }, Editor = { H. Garrett }, Pages = { 36-40 }, Publisher = { California Educ. Comput. Consortium, Oakland, CA }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 electronic blackboards } } @Article{ Kom86, Author = { K. Komatsu }, Title = { Human Skin Model Capable of Natural Shape Variation }, Journal = { NHK Lab. Note (Japan) }, Volume = 329, Pages = { 1, 3-12 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m body shape } } @Article{ KonKimTaz85, Author = { K. Kondo and F. Kimura and T. Tazima }, Title = { Representation of 3-D Shapes with the Interactive Rendering System (in Japanese) }, Journal = { Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Joho Shori) (Japan) }, Volume = 26, Number = 11, Pages = { 1401-1408 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I32 interactive rendering system } } @Article{ KovShn86, Author = { L. Koved and B. Shneiderman }, Title = { Embedded Menus: Selecting Items in Context }, Journal = cacm, Volume = 29, Number = 4, Pages = { 312-318 }, Month = apr, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 embedded menus } } @Article{ KriPat86, Author = { D. Krishnan and L.M. Patnaik }, Title = { {GEODERM}: Geometric Shape Design System using An Entity-Relationship Model }, Journal = { Comput. Aided Des. (GB) }, Volume = 18, Number = 4, Pages = { 207-218 }, Month = may, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 shape design system } } @Article{ KuhAlh86, Author = { H.W. Kuhlmann and B.W. Alheit }, Title = { Communicating via Graphics Standard Interfaces }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 2, Pages = { 97-102 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 GKS } } @Article{ LaiTruHug86, Author = { D.H. Laidlaw and W.B. Trumbore and J.F. Hughes }, Title = { Constructive Solid Geometry for Polyhedral Objects }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 161-170 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 polyhedral objects } } @InCollection{ Lak86, Author = { A.L. Lakshminarasimhan }, Title = { Computer Assisted Instruction for Teaching Curve and Surface Generation }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the ISMM International Symposium: Mini and Microcomputers and their Applications, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 3-5 June 1985 }, Editor = { P.J. Zsombor~Murray and L.J. Vroomen and M.H. Hamza }, Pages = { 90-95 }, Publisher = { Acta Press, Calgary, Alta., Canada }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m computer aided instruction } } @Article{ Lea85, Author = { R.J. Leach }, Title = { Graphical Control Systems and Multiple Displays }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 9, Number = 4, Pages = { 415-422 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I31 multiple displays } } @Article{ LeeLin86, Author = { D.T. Lee and A.K. Lin }, Title = { Computing the Visibility Polygon from an Edge }, Journal = { Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. }, Volume = 34, Number = 1, Pages = { 1-19 }, Month = apr, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 visibility polygon } } @InCollection{ Lia86, Author = { Yao~Tang Liao }, Title = { The Prime 9955 Implementation of the Graphical Kernel System }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of 1986 ACM Fourteenth Annual Computer Science Conference: {CSC} '86, held in Cincinnati, {OH}, 4-6 Feb. 1986 }, Pages = 457, Publisher = { ACM, New York, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 GKS, implementation } } @InCollection{ LowDir86, Author = { K.K. Low and S.W. Director }, Title = { {PED}: A Graphical Process Editor }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 1986 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, held in San Jose, {CA}, 5-7 May 1986 }, Volume = 2, Pages = { 560-563 }, Publisher = { IEEE, New York, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 graphic process editor } } @InCollection{ LuBieGra86, Author = { Ai~Chang Lu and M.J. Biernat and T. Grace }, Title = { Two Algorithms for Image Display using Redefinable Character Sets }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of 1986 ACM Fourteenth Annual Computer Science Conference: {CSC} '86, held in Cincinnati, {OH}, 4-6 Feb. 1986 }, Pages = 455, Publisher = { ACM, New York, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 character sets } } @Article{ MaGag86, Author = { Song De Ma and A. Gagalowicz }, Title = { Determination of Local Coordinate Systems for Texture Synthesis on 3-D Surfaces }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 2, Pages = { 171-176 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 texture synthesis } } @Article{ MacKle85, Author = { A.A. Maciejewski and C.A. Klein }, Title = { {SAM} --- Animation Software for Simulating Articulated Motion }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 9, Number = 4, Pages = { 383-391 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I3m engineering computing } } @InCollection{ MagTha86, Author = { N. Magnenat~Thalmann and D. Thalmann }, Title = { Three-Dimensional Computer Animation based on Simultaneous Differential Equations }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Conference on Continuous System Simulation Languages, held in San Diego, {CA}, 23-25 Jan. 1986 }, Editor = { F.E. Cellier }, Pages = { 73-77 }, Publisher = { SCS, San Diego, CA }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 actor motions } } @Article{ MagTha86a, Author = { N. Magnenat~Thalmann and D. Thalmann }, Title = { Special Cinematographic Effects with Virtual Movie Cameras }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 4, Pages = { 43-50 }, Month = apr, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 virtual movie camera } } @Article{ MagTha86b, Author = { N. Magnenat~Thalmann and D. Thalmann }, Title = { Building Complex Bodies: Combining Computer Animation with {CAD} }, Journal = { CME }, Volume = 4, Number = 6, Pages = { 26-33 }, Month = may, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 3D animation } } @InCollection{ Mah85, Author = { L.M. Mahony }, Title = { A Computer Graphics Terminal with a Cylindrical Screen }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Frontiers of Engineering and Computing in Health Care, held in Chicago, {IL}, 27-30 Sept. 1985 }, Editor = { J.C. Lin and B.N. Feinberg }, Volume = 2, Pages = 1001, Publisher = { IEEE, New York, NY }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I31 cylindrical screens } } @InCollection{ MarSetWal86, Author = { B.J. Martin and B. Setzer and R. Walker }, Title = { The Implementation of a Graphics Package in {ADA} }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of 4th Annual National Conference on ADA Technology, held in Atlanta, {GA}, 19-20 March 1986 }, Pages = { 100-103 }, Publisher = { US Army Commun. Electron. Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 ADA } } @Article{ Mas86, Author = { A. Mastaff }, Title = { Engineering Workstations }, Journal = { Comput. Syst. (GB) }, Volume = 6, Number = 2, Pages = { 43-45 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I32 engineering workstations } } @Article{ Max86, Author = { N.L. Max }, Title = { Atmospheric Illumination and Shadows }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 117-124 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 shadow polygons } } @Article{ Max86a, Author = { N.L. Max }, Title = { Light Diffusion through Clouds and Haze }, Journal = { Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. }, Volume = 33, Number = 3, Pages = { 280-292 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 light scattering } } @Article{ McG86, Author = { J.D. McGregor }, Title = { An Introductory Course in Graphics }, Journal = { SIGCSE Bull. }, Volume = 18, Number = 1, Pages = { 222-224 }, Note = { Seventeenth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education; held in Cincinnati, {OH}, 6-7 Feb. 1986 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 graphics, introductory course } } @Article{ Mea86, Author = { J.A. Meads }, Title = { The Standards Pipeline }, Journal = { CG }, Volume = 20, Number = 3, Pages = { 164-166 }, Month = jul, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 standards } } @Article{ MeyGre86, Author = { G.W. Meyer and D.P. Greenberg }, Title = { Color Education and Colour Synthesis in Computer Graphics }, Journal = { Color Res. and Appl. }, Volume = { 11 Suppl. }, Pages = { S39-44 }, Note = { Proceedings of the 1986 AIC Interim Meeting on Color in Computer Generated Displays; held in Toronto, Ont., Canada, 19-20 June 1986 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 color synthesis } } @Article{ Mil86, Author = { G.S.P. Miller }, Title = { The Definition and Rendering of Terrain Maps }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 39-48 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 rendering } } @Article{ MolBurMor86, Author = { C.R. Mol and J.M. Burridge and A.J. Morffew }, Title = { Three-Dimensional Graphics Display of X-ray Angiography Data }, Journal = { Comput. and Biomed. Res. }, Volume = 19, Number = 1, Pages = { 47-55 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m medical computing } } @InCollection{ MorKinNau85, Author = { S.L. Morgan and J.J. Kindon and A. Nauda }, Title = { A Man-Machine Interface Simulator }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 1985 Winter Simulation Conference, held in San Francisco, {CA}, 11-13 Dec. 1985 }, Editor = { D.T. Gantz and G.C. Blais and S.L. Solomon }, Pages = { 199-207 }, Publisher = { IEEE, New York, NY }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I36 man-machine interface } } @Article{ MorFloDea86, Author = { R. Morrison and A.L. Florianis and A. Dearle and M.P. Atkinson }, Title = { An Integrated Graphics Programming Environment }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 2, Pages = { 147-157 }, Note = { Proceedings of Eurographics (UK) Conference, held in Glasgow, Scotland, 26-28 March 1986 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 programming environments } } @InCollection{ Mow86, Author = { J.E. Mower }, Title = { Name Placement of Point Features through Constraint Propagation }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, held in Seattle, {WA}, 5-10 July 1986 }, Pages = { 65-73 }, Publisher = { Int. Geogr. Union, Williamsville, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 constraint propagation } } @Article{ Mul86, Author = { H. Muller }, Title = { Image generation by Space Sweep }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 3, Pages = { 189-195 }, Month = sep, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 space sweep } } @Article{ MyeBux86, Author = { B.A. Myers and W. Buxton }, Title = { Creating Highly-Interactive and Graphical User Interfaces by Demonstration }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 249-258 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 user interface management systems } } @Article{ NakHarKan85, Author = { E. Nakamae and K. Harada and K. Kaneda and M. Yasuda and A. Sato }, Title = { Reconstruction and Semi-Transparent Stereographic Display of an Object consisting of Multiple Surfaces (in Japanese) }, Journal = { Trans. Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Japan) }, Volume = 26, Number = 1, Pages = { 181-188 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I37 image reconstruction } } @Article{ NakHarIsh86, Author = { E. Nakamae and K. Harada and T. Ishizaki and T. Nishita }, Title = { A Montage Method: The Overlaying of the Computer Generated Images onto a Background Photograph }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 207-214 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 display algorithms } } @InCollection{ NakOkuYos85, Author = { H. Nakanishi and S. Okuda and T. Yoshida and T. Sugawara }, Title = { A High Resolution Color {CRT} for {CAD/CAM} Use }, Booktitle = { Conference Records of the 1985 International Display Research Conference, held in San Diego, {CA}, 15-17 Oct. 1985 }, Pages = { 197-199 }, Publisher = { IEEE, New York, NY }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I31 CRT, high-resolution } } @Article{ NarYosTak86, Author = { T. Naruse and M. Yoshida and T. Takahashi and H. Kaneko }, Title = { An Architecture of a Graphics Computer --- {SIGHT} (in Japanese) }, Journal = { TIECE }, Volume = 3, Pages = { 474-476 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 ray tracing } } @Article{ NavAyaBru86, Author = { I. Navazo and D. Ayala and P. Brunet }, Title = { A Geometric Modeler based on the Exact Octree Representation of Polyhedra }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 2, Pages = { 91-104 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 polyhedral objects } } @Article{ Nea86, Author = { M. Neal }, Title = { Tour of Computer Graphics in Japan }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 6, Pages = { 11-20 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 graphics in japan, overview } } @Article{ NelSam86, Author = { R.C. Nelson and H. Samet }, Title = { A Consistent Hierarchical Representation for vector Data }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 197-206 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 data structures } } @Book{ NieHin85, Author = { J. Nievergelt and K. Hinrichs }, Title = { Storage and Access Structures for Geometric Databases }, Pages = { 335-345 }, Publisher = { Kyoto Sangyo Univ., Kyoto, Japan }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 geometric databases } } @Article{ NisOkaNak85, Author = { T. Nishita and I. Okamura and E. Nakamae }, Title = { Shading Models for Point and Linear Sources }, Journal = { ACMTOG }, Volume = 4, Number = 2, Pages = { 124-146 }, Month = apr, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I37 shading models } } @Article{ NisNak86, Author = { T. Nishita and E. Nakamae }, Title = { Continuous Tone Representation of Three-Dimensional Objects }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 125-132 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 shadows } } @Article{ Now86, Author = { H. Nowacki }, Title = { Modeling in Networks }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 2, Pages = { 113-117 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 standards } } @InCollection{ NunLeaWan85, Author = { K.C. Nunan and A.G. Lean and C.P. Wang }, Title = { The Shading Engine --- Low Cost Parallel Processor for Rendering High Quality Color Images in Graphics Workstations }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, {CA}, 11-14 Nov. 1985 }, Pages = { 38-44 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I37 shading engine } } @TechReport{ OHa86, Author = { B. O'Hagan~Eich }, Title = { Object Oriented Graphics Library }, Number = { UIUCDCS-R-86-1273 }, Institution = { University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL }, Month = may, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 graphics library, object-oriented } } @InCollection{ Oak86, Author = { D. Oakley }, Title = { Dejagging Raster Graphics by Pixel Phasing }, Booktitle = { Digest of Technical Papers on 1986 SID International Symposium, held in San Diego, {CA}, 6-8 May 1986 }, Pages = { 344-347 }, Publisher = { Palisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 pixel phasing } } @Article{ Ohl86, Author = { M.R. Ohlson }, Title = { The Role and Position of Graphics in Computer Science Education }, Journal = { SIGCSE Bull. }, Volume = 18, Number = 1, Pages = { 232-237 }, Note = { Seventeenth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education; held in Cincinnati, {OH}, 6-7 Feb. 1986 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m education } } @Article{ Opp86, Author = { P.E. Oppenheimer }, Title = { Real Time Design and Animation of Fractal Plants and Trees }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 55-64 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m arts } } @Article{ Owe86, Author = { J. Owen }, Title = { Computer Graphics and {CAD} Literature --- A Keyword-Indexed Bibliography }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 3, Pages = { 233-263 }, Month = sep, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 bibliography, CAD } } @InCollection{ Pal85, Author = { A. Paller }, Title = { The Next Twelve Months: Trends Shaping the Business Graphics Industry }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics '85, held in London, England, 16-18 Oct. 1985 }, Pages = { 99-105 }, Publisher = { Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I30 trends, business graphics } } @Article{ Par86, Author = { M.S. Parsons }, Title = { Generating Lines using Quadgraph Patterns }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 1, Pages = { 33-39 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 quadgraph patterns } } @Article{ Pat85, Author = { R.R. Patterson }, Title = { Projective Transformations of the Parameter of a Bernstein-Bezier Curve }, Journal = { ACMTOG }, Volume = 4, Number = 4, Pages = { 276-290 }, Month = oct, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 projective transformations } } @Article{ Pea86, Author = { D.R. Peachey }, Title = { Modeling Waves and Surf }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 65-74 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 particle systems } } @Article{ Pen85, Author = { A.P. Pentland }, Title = { On Describing Complex Surface Shapes }, Journal = { Image and Vision Comput. (GB), }, Volume = 3, Number = 4, Pages = { 153-162 }, Note = { Proceedings of 1985 Alvey Computer Vision and Image Interpretation Meeting, held in Brighton, England, Sept. 1985 }, Month = nov, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I37 fractal surface model } } @InCollection{ Pfa86, Author = { G.E. Pfaff }, Title = { {GKSGRAL}: A {GKS} Implementation for {IBM} Mainframes and {PC}s }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the SEAS Spring Meeting --- Expert Systems, held in Heidelberg, Germany, 6-11 April 1986 }, Pages = { 701-715 }, Publisher = { SEAS, Nijmegen, Netherlands }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 GKS, implementation } } @Article{ Pie86, Author = { L. Piegl }, Title = { Curve Fitting Algorithm for Rough Cutting }, Journal = { Comput. Aided Des. (GB) }, Volume = 18, Number = 2, Pages = { 79-82 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 continuous parametric curves } } @Article{ PliPso86, Author = { D.B. Pliske and J. Psotika }, Title = { Exploratory Programming Environments for Designing {ICAI} }, Journal = { J. Comput. Based Instr. }, Volume = 13, Number = 2, Pages = { 52-57 }, Month = { Spring }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 programming environments } } @Article{ PowFraArn86, Author = { T. Powers and A. Frankel and D. Arnold }, Title = { The Computer Graphics Virtual Device Interface }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 8, Pages = { 33-41 }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 standardisation } } @Article{ PucSch86, Author = { W. Puchtler and J. Schoenhut }, Title = { {ERLNET} --- Distributed Components of the {Erlang}en Graphics System }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 2, Pages = { 143-149 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 ERLGRAPH } } @Article{ PukMcC86, Author = { R.F. Puk and J.I. McConnell }, Title = { {GKS}-3D: A Three-Dimensional Extension to the Graphical Kernel System }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 8, Pages = { 42-49 }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 GKS, 3D extensions } } @Article{ PutSub86, Author = { L.K. Putnam and P.A. Subrahmanyam }, Title = { Boolean Operations on n-Dimensional Objects }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 6, Pages = { 43-51 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 boundary classification techniques } } @Article{ Rag86, Author = { J.E. Rager }, Title = { Graphics Packages for Teaching Graphics }, Journal = { SIGCSE Bull. }, Volume = 18, Number = 1, Pages = { 225-231 }, Note = { Seventeenth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education; held in Cincinnati, {OH}, 6-7 Feb. 1986 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m computer science education } } @InCollection{ Raw86, Author = { M.G. Rawlins }, Title = { {UNIX} and Graphics }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of COMUNIX '86, held in London, England, 3-5 June 1986 }, Pages = { 95-99 }, Publisher = { Emap Int. Exhibitions, London, England }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 UNIX } } @Article{ Rea86, Author = { P.W. Reach }, Title = { Technovision --- An Advanced Mechanical {CAD/CAM} System }, Journal = { Comput.-Aided Eng. J. (GB) }, Volume = 3, Number = 1, Pages = { 9-16 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m CAD/CAM } } @InCollection{ RecGut86, Author = { A. Recuero and J.P. Gutierrez }, Title = { Computerized Logical Operations with Polygonal Domains }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Microcomputers in Engineering: Development and Application of Software, held in Swansea, Wales, 7-10 April 1986 }, Editor = { B.A. Schrefler and R.W. Lewis }, Pages = { 303-312 }, Publisher = { Pineridge Press, Swansea, Wales }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 polygonal domains } } @InCollection{ Ree86, Author = { C.N. Reed }, Title = { Deltamap --- Just Another New {GIS} }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, held in Seattle, {WA}, 5-10 July 1986 }, Pages = { 375-383 }, Publisher = { Int. Geogr. Union, Williamsville, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m geographical information system } } @Article{ Rei85, Author = { M. Reiss }, Title = { Pixel Phasing --- Graphics Display Without Steps (in German) }, Journal = { CAE J. (Germany) }, Number = 3, Pages = { 27-30 }, Month = { May-June }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I33 pixel phasing } } @InCollection{ ReiPatBro85, Author = { S.P. Reiss and J.N. Pato and M.H. Brown }, Title = { An Environment for Workstations }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Conference on Software Tools, held in New York, {NY}, 15-17 April 1985 }, Pages = { 112-117 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I32 workstations } } @Article{ ReqCha86, Author = { A.A.G. Requicha and S.C. Chan }, Title = { Representation of Geometric Features, Tolerances, and Attributes in Solid Modelers based on Constructive Geometry }, Journal = { IEEE J. Robotics and Autom. }, Volume = { RA-26 }, Number = 3, Pages = { 156-166 }, Month = sep, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 surface features } } @Article{ Rey86, Author = { G.J. Reynolds }, Title = { A Token based Graphics System }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 2, Pages = { 139-145 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I32 graphics systems, process oriented } } @Article{ RicOnw86, Author = { T.H. Richards and G.C. Onwubolu }, Title = { Automatic Interpretation of Engineering Drawings for 3D Surface Representation in {CAD} }, Journal = { Comput. Aided Des. (GB) }, Volume = 18, Number = 3, Pages = { 156-160 }, Month = apr, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 CAD } } @Article{ RobOCa85, Author = { P.K. Robertson and J.F. O'Callaghan }, Title = { The Application of Scene Synthesis Techniques to the Display of Multidimensional Image Data }, Journal = { ACMTOG }, Volume = 4, Number = 4, Pages = { 247-275 }, Month = oct, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I37 scene synthesis } } @Article{ RobOCa86, Author = { P.K. Robertson and J.F. O'Callaghan }, Title = { The Generation of Color Sequences for Univariate and Bivariate Mapping }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 2, Pages = { 24-32 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 color } } @Article{ RogRog86, Author = { D.F. Rogers and S.D. Rogers }, Title = { A Raster Display Package for Education }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 4, Pages = { 51-58 }, Month = apr, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m education } } @TechReport{ Rog86, Author = { G.S. Rogers }, Title = { {UIGKS}: A Distributed Graphics System }, Number = { UIUCDCS-R-86-1253 }, Institution = { University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I32 graphics systems, distributed } } @TechReport{ Rog86a, Author = { G.S. Rogers }, Title = { University of Illinois Graphical Kernel System {C} Language Binding }, Number = { UIUCDCS-R-86-1280 }, Institution = { University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 C } } @TechReport{ Rog86b, Author = { G.S. Rogers }, Title = { University of Illinois Graphical Kernel System Virtual Workstation Server Specification }, Number = { UIUCDCS-R-86-1281 }, Institution = { University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I32 virtual workstation server } } @Article{ Ros86, Author = { A. Rosenfeld }, Title = { Axial Representations of Shape }, Journal = { Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. }, Volume = 33, Number = 2, Pages = { 156-173 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 computational geometry } } @Article{ RosReq86, Author = { J.R. Rossignac and A.A.G. Requicha }, Title = { Offsetting Operations in Solid Modeling }, Journal = { Computer-Aided Geometric Design (Netherlands) }, Volume = 3, Number = 2, Pages = { 129-148 }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 computational geometry } } @Article{ Row86, Author = { J.H. Rowe }, Title = { Metafiles and Computer Graphics }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 2, Pages = { 103-106 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 metafile } } @Article{ SakOhs86, Author = { M. Sakauchi and Y. Ohsawa }, Title = { Pattern Data Representation and Management in Image Database Systems }, Journal = { Syst. and Comput. Jpn. }, Volume = 17, Number = 1, Pages = { 83-91 }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 image database systems } } @InCollection{ SakOhs85, Author = { M. Sakuchi and Y. Ohsawa }, Title = { The {AI}-{MUDAMS}: The Drawing Processor based on the Multidimensional Pattern Data Structure }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 1986 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image Database Management, held in Miami Beach, {FL}, 18-20 Nov. 1985 }, Pages = { 154-161 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 data structures } } @Article{ SalBar86, Author = { D. Salesin and R. Barzel }, Title = { Two-Bit Graphics (Alpha Bit Mapping) }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 6, Pages = { 36-42 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 alpha bitmap } } @InCollection{ SalOCoSmi85, Author = { D. Salzman and M. O'Conner and R. Smith and A. Goodman and D. Breslau }, Title = { A Unified Environment for Image Processing, Graphics, and Instrument Control }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, {CA}, 11-14 Nov. 1985 }, Pages = { 173-180 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 unified environment } } @Article{ San85, Author = { J. Sandor }, Title = { Octree Data Structures and Perspective Imagery }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 9, Number = 4, Pages = { 393-405 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I33 perspective imagery } } @InCollection{ San85a, Author = { H.P. Santo }, Title = { Engineering Graphics + Computer Graphics = Computational Engineering }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the IFIP TC3 4th World Conference on Computers in Education --- {WCCE} 85, held in Norfolk, {VA}, 29 July-2 Aug. 1985 }, Editor = { K. Duncan and D. Harris }, Pages = { 643-656 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 computational engineering } } @Article{ SawYouSun86, Author = { S.J. Sawicki and R.D. Young and S.E. Sund }, Title = { A New Program to Create Chemical Process Flow Diagrams }, Journal = { Comput. and Chem. Eng. (GB) }, Volume = 10, Number = 3, Pages = { 297-301 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 flowcharting } } @InCollection{ Sch85, Author = { R.J. Schalkoff }, Title = { A Parallel Decomposition and Architecture for Implementing Geometric Image Transforms }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 1986 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image Database Management, held in Miami Beach, {FL}, 18-20 Nov. 1985 }, Pages = { 292-297 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 geometric transforms } } @Article{ Sch86, Author = { A. Scheller }, Title = { Integrated Processing of Text and Graphics within the German Research Network }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 2, Pages = { 133-142 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 standards } } @Article{ SchBarDu86, Author = { F.J.M. Schmitt and B.A. Barsky and Wen~Hui Du }, Title = { An Adaptive Subdivision Method for Surface-Fitting from Sampled Data }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 179-188 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 bernstein-bezier patches } } @Article{ Sch86a, Author = { J. Schoenhut }, Title = { Classification of Graphics Metafile Encodings }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 2, Pages = { 107-111 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 metafile } } @Article{ SchKot86, Author = { H. Schumann and A. Kotzauer }, Title = { A Method of Displaying Transformed Picture Rectangles using {GKS} Raster Functions }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 2, Pages = { 119-123 }, Note = { Proceedings of Eurographics (UK) Conference, held in Glasgow, Scotland, 26-28 March 1986 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 GKS } } @Article{ SchMer86, Author = { E.L. Schwartz and B. Merker }, Title = { Computer-Aided Neuroanatomy: Differential Geometry of Cortical Surfaces and an Optimal Flattening Algorithm }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 3, Pages = { 36-44 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 differential geometry } } @InCollection{ Sch85a, Author = { W. Schweikhardt }, Title = { Teaching the Blind to Read Tactile Graphics by Computer }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the IFIP TC3 4th World Conference on Computers in Education --- {WCCE} 85, held in Norfolk, {VA}, 29 July-2 Aug. 1985 }, Editor = { K. Duncan and D. Harris }, Pages = { 719-724 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 tactile graphics } } @InCollection{ SchNeuGru85, Author = { U. Schweitzer and R. Neuser and K. Grundey }, Title = { A User Friendly Multi user Concept of Digital Terrain Models with Real Interactive Graphical Techniques }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the First National Conference on Computer Applications, held in Lagos, Nigeria, 28 Feb.-1 March 1985 }, Pages = { 71-79 }, Publisher = { Committee of Directors Nigerian Univ. Comput. Centres, Lagos, Nigeria }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I36 interactive techniques } } @Article{ ScoIye86, Author = { D.S. Scott and S.S. Iyengar }, Title = { {TID} --- A Translation Invariant Data Structure for Storing Images }, Journal = cacm, Volume = 29, Number = 5, Pages = { 418-429 }, Month = may, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 data structures, translation invariant } } @Article{ SedPar86, Author = { T.W. Sederberg and S.R. Parry }, Title = { Free-Form Deformation of Solid Geometric Models }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 151-160 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 solid modeling } } @Article{ SedGol86, Author = { T.W. Sederberg and R.N. Goldman }, Title = { Algebraic Geometry for Computer-Aided Geometric Design }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 6, Pages = { 52-59 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 algebraic geometry } } @InCollection{ Seq85, Author = { C.H. Sequin }, Title = { Berkeley Unigrafix --- A Modular Rendering and Modeling System }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the USENIX Association Second Computer Graphics Workshop, held in Monterey, {CA}, 12-13 Dec. 1985 }, Pages = { 38-53 }, Publisher = { USENIX Assoc., El~Cerrito, CA }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 modeling system } } @Article{ Sha85, Author = { S.A. Shafer }, Title = { Using Color to Separate Reflection Components }, Journal = { Color Res. and Appl. }, Volume = 10, Number = 4, Pages = { 210-218 }, Month = { Winter }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I37 light reflection } } @Article{ ShiMud86, Author = { Y.N. Shinde and S.P. Mudur }, Title = { Algorithms for Handling the Fill Area Primitive of {GKS} }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 2, Pages = { 105-117 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 GKS, 3D extensions } } @Book{ Shi85, Author = { T. Shipman }, Title = { Proceedings of 1985 Conference on Lasers in Graphics: Electronic Publishing in the 80's, held in Nashville, {TN}, 29 Sept.-3 Oct. 1985 }, Note = { 2 Vol. LXV+666+XXIII+737 pp. }, Publisher = { Dunn Technol., Vista, Ca }, Month = dec, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 facsimile } } @Article{ ShuBaiMor86, Author = { D. Shuey and D. Bailey and T.P. Morrissey }, Title = { {PHIGS}: A Standard, Dynamic, Interactive Graphics Interface }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 8, Pages = { 50-57 }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 PHIGS } } @Article{ SibHurBle86, Author = { J.L. Sibert and W.D. Hurley and T.W. Bleser }, Title = { An Object-Oriented User Interface Management System }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 259-268 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 user interface management systems } } @Article{ Sie86, Author = { G.R. Siebers }, Title = { An Introduction to Computer Graphics }, Journal = { Comput. Aided Des. (GB) }, Volume = 18, Number = 3, Pages = { 161-169 }, Month = apr, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 bibliography, graphics } } @Article{ SinSch-1, Author = { B. Singh and G. Schrack }, Title = { Computer Graphics Literature for 1985: A Bibliography }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 3, Year = { 85-145 }, Keywords = { I30 bibliography, graphics } } @InCollection{ Ska85, Author = { V. Skala }, Title = { Hidden Line Solution by the Bresenham Algorithm }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the First National Conference on Computer Applications, held in Lagos, Nigeria, 28 Feb.-1 March 1985 }, Pages = { 252-61 }, Publisher = { Committee of Directors Nigerian Univ. Comput. Centres, Lagos, Nigeria }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I33 bresenham algorithm } } @Article{ Ska86, Author = { M.W. Skall }, Title = { {NBS}'s Role in Computer Graphics Standards }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 8, Pages = { 66-70 }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 national bureau of standards } } @InCollection{ Smi86, Author = { R.B. Smith }, Title = { The Alternate Reality Kit --- An Animated Environment for Creating Interactive Simulations }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of 1986 IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Visual Languages, held in Dallas, {TX}, 25-27 June 1986 }, Pages = { 99-106 }, Publisher = { IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, DC }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 user interfaces } } @InCollection{ Spa85, Author = { K. Sparks }, Title = { Making the Best Use of Color Graphics }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Controls West Conference --- Part of the International Industrial Controls Conference and Exhibition/Controls West '85, held in Long Beach, {CA}, 16-18 Sept. 1985 }, Pages = { 419-422 }, Publisher = { Tower Conference Manage. Co., Wheaton, IL }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I37 color } } @Article{ SpaGal86, Author = { M.R. Sparks and J.R. Gallop }, Title = { Language Bindings for Computer Graphic Standards }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 8, Pages = { 58-65 }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 standards, language binding } } @Article{ Spi85, Author = { R.G. Spiers }, Title = { The Realization and Application of an Intelligent {GKS} Workstation }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 5, Pages = { 254-261 }, Note = { Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, {CA}, 11-14 Nov. 1985; {IEEE} Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, {DC} }, Month = may, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I32 workstations, GKS } } @Article{ SriMan86, Author = { P. Srinivas~Kumar and M. Manohar }, Title = { On Probability of Forest of Quadtrees Reducing to Quadtrees }, Journal = ipl, Volume = 22, Number = 3, Pages = { 109-111 }, Month = { 3 March }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 data structures } } @InCollection{ SriKopMoh85, Author = { R. Sriraman and J. Koplowitz and S. Mohan }, Title = { Tree Searched Chain Coding for Subpixel Reconstruction of Line Drawings }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, held in Monticello, {IL}, 2-4 Oct. 1985 }, Pages = { 324-325 }, Publisher = { University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I33 chain coding } } @InCollection{ Sta86, Author = { M.J. Stapleton }, Title = { {UNIX} and Graphical Kernel System }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of COMUNIX '86, held in London, England, 3-5 June 1986 }, Pages = { 101-106 }, Publisher = { Emap Int. Exhibitions, London, England }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 UNIX } } @Article{ Sta86a, Author = { G.K. Starkweather }, Title = { A Color-Correction Scheme for Color Electronic Printers }, Journal = { Color Res. and Appl. }, Volume = { 11 Suppl. }, Pages = { S67-6 }, Note = { Proceedings of the 1986 AIC Interim Meeting on Color in Computer Generated Displays; held in Toronto, Ont., Canada, 19-20 June 1986 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 color correction scheme, printers } } @InCollection{ Sta86b, Author = { M. Starling }, Title = { Visualization by Solid Modeling }, Booktitle = { IEE Colloquium on Design Databases (Digest No. 29), held in London, England, 3 March 1986 }, Pages = { 1/1-3 }, Publisher = { IEE, London, England }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m engineering computing } } @Article{ SteNea86, Author = { R.H. Stern and M. Neal }, Title = { Are Your Images being Ripped Off (Legal Rights over Computer Graphic Images) }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 3, Pages = { 45-51 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 legislation } } @Article{ Ste86, Author = { S.D. Stewart }, Title = { Computer Generated Molecular Modeling }, Journal = { Simulation }, Volume = 47, Number = 1, Pages = { 18-23 }, Month = jul, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m molecular modeling } } @Article{ Sto86, Author = { M.C. Stone }, Title = { Color, Graphic Design, and Computer Systems }, Journal = { Color Res. and Appl. }, Volume = { 11 Suppl. }, Pages = { S75-82 }, Note = { Proceedings of the 1986 AIC Interim Meeting on Color in Computer Generated Displays; held in Toronto, Ont., Canada, 19-20 June 1986 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m graphic design } } @Article{ Str86, Author = { S. Strassmann }, Title = { Hairy Brushes }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 225-232 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 paint brush, model } } @Article{ SwaTha86, Author = { R.W. Swanson and L.J. Thayer }, Title = { A Fast Shaded-Polygon Renderer }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 95-101 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 multiple-axis interpolator } } @Article{ TabTakMac86, Author = { K. Tabata and H. Takeda and T. Machida }, Title = { High Speed Rotation of Digital Images by Raster Scanning and Table-Lookup Operations }, Journal = { Trans. Inst. Electron. and Commun. Eng. Jpn. Part D (Japan) }, Volume = { J69D }, Number = 1, Pages = { 80-90 }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 image processing algorithms } } @Article{ TamJan85, Author = { M. Tamminen and F.W. Jansen }, Title = { An Integrity Filter for Recursive Subdivision Meshes }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 9, Number = 4, Pages = { 351-363 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 recursive subdivision meshes } } @Article{ TanSugSug85, Author = { T. Tanaka and K. Sugihara and N. Sugie }, Title = { A Method for Checking the Correctness of Dimensioning for Polyhedral Objects (in Japanese) }, Journal = { Trans. Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Japan) }, Volume = 26, Number = 1, Pages = { 104-111 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 polyhedral objects } } @Article{ TanMacSte86, Author = { P.P. Tanner and S.A. MacKay and D.A. Stewart and M. Wein }, Title = { A Multitasking Switchboard Approach to User Interface Management }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 241-248 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I32 workstations } } @InCollection{ TapShaKim86, Author = { C.C. Tappert and A. Shawhan~Fox and Joonki Kim and S.E. Levy and L.L. Zimmerman }, Title = { Handwriting Recognition on Transparent Tablet Over Flat Display }, Booktitle = { Digest of Technical Papers on 1986 SID International Symposium, held in San Diego, {CA}, 6-8 May 1986 }, Pages = { 308-312 }, Publisher = { Palisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I34 character recognition } } @Article{ Tay86, Author = { J. Tayima }, Title = { Color Image Display Algorithms (in Japanese) }, Journal = { Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Joho Shori) (Japan) }, Volume = 27, Number = 1, Pages = { 11-20 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 color } } @Article{ TayMur86, Author = { J.M. Taylor and G.M. Murch }, Title = { The Effective Use of Color in Visual Displays: Text and Graphics Applications }, Journal = { Color Res. and Appl. }, Volume = { 11 Suppl. }, Pages = { S3-10 }, Note = { Proceedings of the 1986 AIC Interim Meeting on Color in Computer Generated Displays; held in Toronto, Ont., Canada, 19-20 June 1986 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 color } } @Article{ Tho86, Author = { A.L. Thomas }, Title = { Overlap Operations and Raster Graphics }, Journal = { CGF }, Volume = 5, Number = 1, Pages = { 13-32 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 volume definition } } @Article{ Tin86, Author = { G.L. Tindle }, Title = { Fermi Surface Display }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 1, Pages = { 77, 79 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 triangulation algorithm } } @InCollection{ Tom85, Author = { S. Tominaga }, Title = { A Color-Naming Method for Computer Color Vision }, Booktitle = { 1985 IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybernetics and Society, held in Tucson, {AZ}, 12-15 Nov. 1985 }, Pages = { 573-577 }, Publisher = { IEEE, New York, NY }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I37 color naming method } } @Article{ TorSatUed86, Author = { H. Toriya and T. Satoh and K. Ueda and H. Chiyokura }, Title = { Undo and Redo Operations for Solid Modeling }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 4, Pages = { 35-42 }, Month = apr, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 solid modeling } } @InCollection{ TosMaiAze86, Author = { E. Tosan and P. Maillot and J. Azencot and B. Decoret }, Title = { On Process for the Construction of Scenes: An Attempt of Formalization }, Booktitle = { Preprints of the Second International Conference on Computer Applications in Production and Engineering --- {CAPE}~'86, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 20-23 May 1986 (2 vols.) }, Editor = { K. Bo and E.A. Warman and L. Estensen }, Volume = 1, Pages = { 349-362 }, Publisher = { Databe Handlingsforeningens Forlag Aps, Copenhagen, Denmark }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 mathematical formalization } } @Article{ Tri86, Author = { S.S. Trivedi }, Title = { Interactive Manipulation of Three Dimensional Binary Scenes }, Journal = { Visual Comput. (Germany) }, Volume = 2, Number = 4, Pages = { 209-218 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 3D binary scenes } } @Article{ Tru86, Author = { J. Truckenbrod }, Title = { Creative Computer Imaging }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 2, Pages = { 191-197 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 visual expression } } @InCollection{ TruMiz86, Author = { J. Trueblood and M. Mizuno }, Title = { An Efficient Anti-Aliasing Software Algorithm }, Booktitle = { Digest of Technical Papers on 1986 SID International Symposium, held in San Diego, {CA}, 6-8 May 1986 }, Pages = { 348-351 }, Publisher = { Palisades Inst. Res. Services, New York, NY }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I33 anti-aliasing } } @Article{ Tur86, Author = { K. Turkowski }, Title = { Anti-Aliasing in Topological Color Spaces }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 307-314 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 color } } @Article{ UchTok86, Author = { T. Uchiki and M. Tokoro }, Title = { {SCOPE}: Solid and Colored Object Projection Environment }, Journal = { Syst. and Comput. Jpn. }, Volume = 17, Number = 2, Pages = { 97-104 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 object projection environment } } @InCollection{ Van86a, Author = { J. Vandore }, Title = { The Illustrated Merger Text and Graphics }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the SEAS Spring Meeting --- Expert Systems, held in Heidelberg, Germany, 6-11 April 1986 }, Volume = 1, Pages = { 113-121 }, Publisher = { SEAS, Nijmegen, Netherlands }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m publishing } } @Article{ VanNov85, Author = { J. Van~Aken and M. Novak }, Title = { Curve-Drawing Algorithms for Raster Displays }, Journal = { ACMTOG }, Volume = 4, Number = 2, Pages = { 147-169 }, Month = apr, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 curve drawing algorithms } } @InCollection{ Van85, Author = { F.L. Van~Nes }, Title = { A New Character Set for Teletext with Improved Legibility }, Booktitle = { Conference Records of the 1985 International Display Research Conference, held in San Diego, {CA}, 15-17 Oct. 1985 }, Pages = { 114-117 }, Publisher = { IEEE, New York, NY }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 character sets } } @InCollection{ Ver86, Author = { W.L. Verplank }, Title = { Graphics in Human-Computer Communication: Principles of Graphical User-Interface Design }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the IFIP-IMIA Second Stockholm Conference on Human-Computer Communications in Health Care, held in Stockholm, Sweden, 10-14 June 1985 }, Editor = { H.E. Peterson and W. Schneider }, Pages = { 113-130 }, Publisher = { North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I36 human-computer communications } } @Article{ Ver85, Author = { A. Verroust }, Title = { Visualisation Method for Constructive Solid Geometry using Polygon Clipping }, Journal = { DEC }, Volume = 461, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I37 ray-casting algorithm } } @InCollection{ WalEdm85, Author = { J.D. Waldern and E.A. Edmonds }, Title = { A Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics Workstation }, Booktitle = { State of the Art Report on Computer-Aided Design and Manufacture }, Editor = { S.A.R. Scrivener }, Pages = 71, Publisher = { Pergamon Infotech, Maidenhead, Berks, England }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 spatial design tools } } @InCollection{ WalHan85, Author = { M.B. Waldron and R.I. Hang }, Title = { Computer Graphics and Teaching Descriptive Geometry }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the IFIP TC3 4th World Conference on Computers in Education --- {WCCE} 85, held in Norfolk, {VA}, 29 July-2 Aug. 1985 }, Editor = { K. Duncan and D. Harris }, Pages = { 657-661 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I3m computer aided instruction } } @Article{ WarBle86, Author = { J.R. Ward and B. Blesser }, Title = { Interactive Recognition of Handprinted Characters for Computer Input }, Journal = { SIGCHI Bull. }, Volume = 18, Number = 1, Pages = { 44-57 }, Month = jul, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I32 interactive systems } } @Article{ WarBea86, Author = { C. Ware and J.C. Beatty }, Title = { Using Colour to Display Structures in Multidimensional Discrete Data }, Journal = { Color Res. and Appl. }, Volume = { 11 Suppl. }, Pages = { S11-14 }, Note = { Proceedings of the 1986 AIC Interim Meeting on Color in Computer Generated Displays; held in Toronto, Ont., Canada, 19-20 June 1986 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 color } } @Article{ Wei86, Author = { J. Weil }, Title = { The Synthesis of Cloth Objects }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 49-54 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 cloth objects } } @InCollection{ Wei85, Author = { D.E. Weisberg }, Title = { Technology Trends in {CAD/CAM} }, Booktitle = { Conference Records on 1985 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 6-11 Oct. 1985 }, Pages = { 129-133 }, Publisher = { IEEE, New York, NY }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I30 technological forecasting } } @Article{ Wil86, Author = { U. Willumsen }, Title = { Interior Colour-Combination Schemes by Computer }, Journal = { Color Res. and Appl. }, Volume = { 11 Suppl. }, Pages = { S89-90 }, Note = { Proceedings of the 1986 AIC Interim Meeting on Color in Computer Generated Displays; held in Toronto, Ont., Canada, 19-20 June 1986 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I3m spectrophotometry } } @Article{ Wis86, Author = { P. Wisskirchen }, Title = { Towards Object-Oriented Graphics Standards }, Journal = { CGGB }, Volume = 10, Number = 2, Pages = { 183-187 }, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 standards, object-oriented } } @Article{ Wit85, Author = { I.H. Witten }, Title = { Elements of Computer Typography }, Journal = { Int. J. Man-Mach. Stud. (GB) }, Volume = 23, Number = 6, Pages = { 623-687 }, Month = dec, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 typography } } @Article{ WooBow86, Author = { J. Woodwark and A. Bowyer }, Title = { Better and Faster Pictures from Solid Models }, Journal = { Comput.-Aided Eng. (GB) }, Volume = 3, Number = 1, Pages = { 17-24 }, Month = feb, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I35 solid modeling } } @InCollection{ WorAreDod85, Author = { D.A. Workman and F. Arefi and M. Dodani }, Title = { {GRIP}: A Formal Framework for Developing a Support Environment for Graphical Interactive Programming }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the Conference on Software Tools, held in New York, 15-17 April 1985 }, Pages = { 138-153 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I34 programming environments } } @Article{ Wri86, Author = { T. Wright }, Title = { Graphics Standards --- A Personal Assessment }, Journal = { CG }, Volume = 20, Number = 2, Pages = { 71-72 }, Month = may, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I30 standards, assessment } } @Article{ WyvMcPGar86, Author = { B. Wyvill and C. McPheeters and R. Garbutt }, Title = { University of Calgary 3-D Computer Animation System }, Journal = { SMPTE J. }, Volume = 95, Number = 6, Pages = { 629-636 }, Month = jun, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I32 animation system } } @Article{ WyvKunShi86, Author = { G. Wyvill and T.L. Kunli and Y. Shirai }, Title = { Space Division for Ray Tracing in {CSG} (Constructive Solid Geometry) }, Journal = { IEEECGA }, Volume = 6, Number = 4, Pages = { 28-34 }, Month = apr, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 ray tracing } } @Article{ YaeUpsMye86, Author = { L. Yaeger and C. Upson and R. Myers }, Title = { Combining Physical and Visual Simulation --- Creation of the Planet Jupiter for the Film ``2010" }, Journal = { Computer Graphics }, Volume = 20, Number = 4, Pages = { 85-93 }, Note = { Proceedings of SIGGRAPH' 86, held in Dallas, Texas, August 18-22, 1986, David {C}. Evans and Rusell {J}. Athay (ed.) }, Month = jan, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 texture mapping } } @Article{ YanKimChe86, Author = { M.C.K. Yang and Chong~Kyo Kim and Kuo~Young Cheng and Chung~Chun Yang and S.S. Liu }, Title = { Automatic Curve Fitting with Quadratic B-Spline Functions and its Applications to Computer-Assisted Animation }, Journal = { Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. }, Volume = 33, Number = 3, Pages = { 346-363 }, Month = mar, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 computer assisted animation } } @Article{ YasYokTsu85, Author = { T. Yasuda and S. Yokoi and S. Tsuruoka and Y. Miyake }, Title = { An Improved Ray Tracing Algorithm for Rendering Transparent Objects (in Japanese) }, Journal = { Trans. Inf. Process. Soc. Jpn. (Japan) }, Volume = 26, Number = 4, Pages = { 591-599 }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I37 reflection } } @Article{ You86, Author = { S. Youssef }, Title = { A New Algorithm for Object Oriented Ray Tracing }, Journal = { Comput. Vision, Graphics and Image Process. }, Volume = 34, Number = 2, Pages = { 125-137 }, Month = may, Year = 1986, Keywords = { I37 ray tracing, object oriented } } @InCollection{ ZouTanSun85, Author = { B. Zou and Z. Tang and J. Sun }, Title = { Solid Modeling System ({ASMS}) Using Algebraic Method }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of COMPINT 85: Computer Aided Technologies, held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 8-12 Sept. 1985 }, Pages = { 812-816 }, Publisher = { IEEE Comput. Soc. Press }, Address = { Washington, DC }, Year = 1985, Keywords = { I35 algebraic methods } }