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Chen, M.~Kessler, and S.~Pitluck. \newblock Structure transfer between sets of three-dimensional medical imaging data. \newblock In {\em Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, {TX}; 14-18 April 1985}, pages 171--177. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985. \bibitem[Cla84]{Cla84} J.J. Clancy. \newblock Directions for engineering data exchange for computer aided design and manufacturing. \newblock In {\em Fifth Symposium on Automation Technology in Engineering Data Handling and CAD/CAM; held in Monterey, {CA}; 2-4 Nov. 1983}, pages 1--72. Autom. Technol. Inst., Pebble Beach, CA, 1984. \bibitem[Cla85a]{Cla85} A.L. Clark. \newblock Roughing it: Realistic surface types and textures in solid modeling. \newblock {\em Comput. Mech. Eng. (USA)}, 3(5):12--16, March 1985. \bibitem[Cla85b]{Cla85a} T.B. Clarkson. \newblock Standardized graphics on the {IBM} personal computer. \newblock {\em IBM Systems Journal}, 24(1):3--13, 1985. \bibitem[CLM85]{CheLipMau85} H.~Cheng, P.~Lipp, and H.~Maurer. \newblock {GASC}: A low-cost, no-nonsense graphic and software communication system. \newblock {\em Electron. Publ. Rev. (GB)}, 5(2):141--155, June 1985. \bibitem[CLR85]{CleLepRan85} R.~Cleroux, Y.~Lepage, and N.~Ranger. \newblock Computer graphics for multivariate data. \newblock In M.~Wein and E.M. Kidd, editors, {\em Proc. Graphics Interface '85 (Canada); held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 27-31 May 1985}, pages 29--36. Canadian Inf. Process. Soc., Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1985. \bibitem[CM85a]{CleMcG85} W.S. Cleveland and R.~McGill. \newblock Graphical perception and graphical methods for analyzing scientific data. \newblock {\em Science (USA)}, 229(4716):828--833, 30 Aug. 1985. \bibitem[CM85b]{CooMcC85} R.L. Cook and W.~McClelland. \newblock Solid modeling application to manufacturing. \newblock In {\em Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, {TX}; 14-18 April 1985}, pages 656--662. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985. \bibitem[CM86]{CarMcG86} G.S. Carson and E.~McGinnis. \newblock The reference model for computer graphics. \newblock {\em IEEECGA}, 6(8):17--23, January 1986. \bibitem[Coa85]{Coa85} R.~Coates. \newblock Colour display for the kingfisher computer navigator. \newblock In {\em Int. Conf. on Colour in Information Technology and Visual Displays (Publ. No. 61); held in Guildford, England; 27-28 March 1985}, pages 69--74. IERE, London, England, 1985. \bibitem[Coh84]{ANON84d} G.S. Cohen, editor. \newblock {\em Proc. the 8th Ann. Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care; held in Washington, {DC}; 4-7 Nov. 1984}. \newblock IEEE Computer Soc. 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Schwieder. \newblock Data analysis through a generalized computer animation method ({DATICAM}). \newblock {\em Comput. and Graphics (GB)}, 9(2):153--157, 1985. \bibitem[CSFT85]{ChuSesFei85} C.~L. Chu, S.B. Seshadri, E.~Feingold, and O.J. Tretiak. \newblock A low-cost image processing system. \newblock In {\em 1985 IEEE Microprocessor Forum; held Atlantic City, NJ; 2-4 April 1985}, pages 93--97. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, Silver Springs, MD, 1985. \bibitem[CSG84]{CorSamGer84} D.~Cornell, A.~Sambura, and J.~Gero. \newblock Icon-driven interfaces for drafting systems. \newblock In {\em Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984}, pages 131--140. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984. \bibitem[CSI86]{CohSmiIve86} E.S. Cohen, E.T. Smith, and L.A. Iverson. \newblock Constraint-based tiled windows. \newblock {\em IEEECGA}, 6(5):35--45, May 1986. \newblock also in the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, held in San Jose, {CA}, 11-14 Nov. 1985; {IEEE} Comput. Soc. Press, Washington, {DC}, 2-11. \bibitem[CT84]{CogTur84} G.S. Coggins and D.J. Turcke. \newblock Interactive graphics for large databases on microcomputers. \newblock In B.A. Schrefler, R.W. Lewis, and S.A. Odorizzi, editors, {\em Proc. the First Int. Conference on Eng. Software for Microcomputers; held in Venice, Italy; 2-5 April 1984}, pages 739--746. Pineridge Press, Swansea, Wales, 1984. \bibitem[CT85]{ColTro85} B.~Colyer and C.W. Trowbridge. \newblock Finite element analysis using a single user computer. \newblock {\em Comput. Aided Des. (GB)}, 17(3):142--148, April 1985. \bibitem[Cul84]{Cul84} N.~Cullmann. \newblock {GKSGRAL} --- a portable implementation of the {GKS} standard. \newblock {\em Comput. and Graphics (GB)}, 8(3):303--307, 1984. \bibitem[Cun85]{Cun85} S.~Cunnigham. \newblock Computer graphics education directory. \newblock {\em Comput. Graphics (USA)}, 19(4):113--150, November 1985. \bibitem[CWA84]{ClaWalAda84} A.~Clark, G.~Walter, and C.R. Adams. \newblock Optical disk-based image systems. \newblock In {\em Proc. the Int. Conference on Computer Graphics '84; held in London, England; 9-11 Oct. 1984}, pages 39--71. Online Publications, Pinner, Middx., England, 1984. \bibitem[CWBV86]{CleWyvBir86} J.G. Cleary, B.M. Wyvill, G.M. Birtwistle, and R.~Vatti. \newblock Multiprocessor ray tracing. \newblock {\em CGF}, 5(1):3--12, March 1986. \bibitem[Dal85]{Dal85} R.~Dallimonti. \newblock Man/machine interface in system control (in japanese). \newblock {\em J. Soc. Instrum. and Control Eng. 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Dunn Technol., Vista, CA, 1984. \bibitem[Dem85]{Dem85} S.~Demetrescu. \newblock High speed image rasterization using scan line access memories. \newblock In H.~Fuchs, editor, {\em 1985 Chapel Hill Conference on Very Large Scale Integration; held in Chapel Hill, NC}, pages 221--243. Computer Science Press, Rockville, MD, 1985. \bibitem[Den86]{Den86} D.~Denham. \newblock High performance colour displays for computer graphics. \newblock {\em CGF}, 5(1):57--63, March 1986. \bibitem[Des84]{Des84} G.~Desanctis. \newblock Computer graphics as decision aids: Directions for research. \newblock {\em Decis. Sci. (USA)}, 15(4):463--487, Fall 1984. \bibitem[Des85]{Des85} D.L. Desjardins. \newblock Photocomposition and graphics --- yesterday, today, and tomorrow. \newblock In {\em Proc. the Sixth Annual Conference and Exposition: Computer Graphics '85, Vol. III, Technical Sessions; held in Dallas, {TX}; 14-18 April 1985}, pages 703--712. Nat. Comput. Graphics Assoc., Fairfax, VA, 1985. \bibitem[Dev85]{Dev85} B.J. Devereux. \newblock The construction of digital terrain models on small computers. \newblock {\em Comput. and Geosci. (GB)}, 11(6):713--724, 1985. \bibitem[DF85]{DucFie85} D.A. Duce and E.V.C. Fielding. \newblock Better understanding through formal specification ({GKS} standard). \newblock {\em Comput. Graphics Forum (Netherlands)}, 4(4):333--348, December 1985. \bibitem[DG84]{DeiGra84} R.A. Deininger and R.H. Gray. \newblock Laboratory computer applications (low-cost graphics for the clinical laboratory). \newblock {\em J. Clin. Lab. Autom. (USA)}, 4(5):321--326, Sept.-Oct. 1984. \bibitem[DGB86]{DatGujBha86} N.N. Datar, U.G. Gujar, and V.C. Bhavsar. \newblock Analytical representation of three dimensional objects. \newblock In {\em Proceedings of 1986 ACM Fourteenth Annual Computer Science Conference: {CSC} '86, held in Cincinnati, {OH}, 4-6 Feb. 1986}, page 453. 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