Last update:
Tue Apr 30 13:26:25 MDT 2024
Don Towsley and Carey Williamson Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:1 Ahmad Lashgar and Amirali Baniasadi Employing Software-Managed Caches in OpenACC: Opportunities and Benefits . . 2:1--2:34 Deli Zhang and Jeremiah Wilke and Gilbert Hendry and Damian Dechev Validating the Simulation of Large-Scale Parallel Applications Using Statistical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:22 Stefanie Roos and Thorsten Strufe Dealing with Dead Ends: Efficient Routing in Darknets . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:30 A. Izagirre and U. Ayesta and I. M. Verloop Sojourn Time Approximations for a Discriminatory Processor Sharing Queue 5:1--5:31
Peter G. Harrison and Naresh M. Patel and William J. Knottenbelt Energy--Performance Trade-Offs via the EP Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:31 Arash Tavakkol and Pooyan Mehrvarzy and Mohammad Arjomand and Hamid Sarbazi-Azad Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Page Allocation Strategies in SSDs . . . . . 7:1--7:33 Cheng-Shang Chang and Jay Cheng and Tien-Ke Huang and Duan-Shin Lee and Cheng-Yu Chen Coding Rate Analysis of Forbidden Overlap Codes in High-Speed Buses . . . 8:1--8:25 Paola Bermolen and Matthieu Jonckheere and Federico Larroca and Pascal Moyal Estimating the Transmission Probability in Wireless Networks with Configuration Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:23
Feng Yan and Xenia Mountrouidou and Alma Riska and Evgenia Smirni PREFiguRE: An Analytic Framework for HDD Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:27 Nelson Antunes and Vladas Pipiras Estimation of Flow Distributions from Sampled Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:1--11:28 Michele Garetto and Emilio Leonardi and Valentina Martina A Unified Approach to the Performance Analysis of Caching Systems . . . . . . 12:1--12:28 Hong Xie and John C. S. Lui and Don Towsley Design and Analysis of Incentive and Reputation Mechanisms for Online Crowdsourcing Systems . . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:27
Javad Ghaderi and Sanjay Shakkottai and R. Srikant Scheduling Storms and Streams in the Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:1--14:28 Alessandro Vittorio Papadopoulos and Ahmed Ali-Eldin and Karl-Erik Årzén and Johan Tordsson and Erik Elmroth PEAS: A Performance Evaluation Framework for Auto-Scaling Strategies in Cloud Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:31 Christine Fricker and Fabrice Guillemin and Philippe Robert and Guilherme Thompson Analysis of an Offloading Scheme for Data Centers in the Framework of Fog Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1--16:18 Luca De Cicco and Yixi Gong and Dario Rossi and Emilio Leonardi A Control-Theoretic Analysis of Low-Priority Congestion Control Reprioritization under AQM . . . . . . . 17:1--17:33 Linquan Zhang and Shaolei Ren and Chuan Wu and Zongpeng Li A Truthful Incentive Mechanism for Emergency Demand Response in Geo-Distributed Colocation Data Centers 18:1--18:23 Yongquan Fu and Ernst Biersack False-Positive Probability and Compression Optimization for Tree-Structured Bloom Filters . . . . . 19:1--19:39 Anonymous List of Reviewers . . . . . . . . . . . 20:1--20:2
Karsten Molka and Giuliano Casale Contention-Aware Workload Placement for In-Memory Databases in Cloud Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:29 Ekhiotz Jon Vergara and Simin Nadjm-Tehrani and Mikael Asplund Fairness and Incentive Considerations in Energy Apportionment Policies . . . . . 2:1--2:29 Neda Nasiriani and Cheng Wang and George Kesidis and Bhuvan Urgaonkar and Lydia Y. Chen and Robert Birke On Fair Attribution of Costs Under Peak-Based Pricing to Cloud Tenants . . 3:1--3:28 Philippe Nain and Don Towsley File Dissemination in Dynamic Graphs: The Case of Independent and Correlated Links in Series . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:23 Qingyun Liu and Xiaohan Zhao and Walter Willinger and Xiao Wang and Ben Y. Zhao and Haitao Zheng Self-Similarity in Social Network Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:26 Subhashini Krishnasamy and Rajat Sen and Sanjay Shakkottai and Sewoong Oh Detecting Sponsored Recommendations . . 6:1--6:29
Thanasis Petsas and Antonis Papadogiannakis and Michalis Polychronakis and Evangelos P. Markatos and Thomas Karagiannis Measurement, Modeling, and Analysis of the Mobile App Ecosystem . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:33 Xiaomeng Yi and Fangming Liu and Di Niu and Hai Jin and John C. S. Lui Cocoa: Dynamic Container-Based Group Buying Strategies for Cloud Computing 8:1--8:31 Yu-Hang Liu and Xian-He Sun Evaluating the Combined Effect of Memory Capacity and Concurrency for Many-Core Chip Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:25 Eran Simhon and David Starobinski Advance Reservation Games . . . . . . . 10:1--10:21 Jaimie Kelley and Christopher Stewart and Nathaniel Morris and Devesh Tiwari and Yuxiong He and Sameh Elnikety Obtaining and Managing Answer Quality for Online Data-Intensive Services . . . 11:1--11:31 Gauri Joshi and Emina Soljanin and Gregory Wornell Efficient Redundancy Techniques for Latency Reduction in Cloud Systems . . . 12:1--12:30
Yuhuan Du and Gustavo De Veciana Scheduling for Cloud-Based Computing Systems to Support Soft Real-Time Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:?? Fang Dong and Kui Wu and Venkatesh Srinivasan Copula Analysis of Temporal Dependence Structure in Markov Modulated Poisson Process and Its Applications . . . . . . 14:1--14:?? Andres Ferragut and Fernando Paganini and Adam Wierman Controlling the Variability of Capacity Allocations Using Service Deferrals . . 15:1--15:?? Hao Li and Xinhai Xu and Miao Wang and Chao Li and Xiaoguang Ren and Xuejun Yang Insertion of PETSc in the OpenFOAM Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1--16:?? Yanpei Liu and Guilherme Cox and Qingyuan Deng and Stark C. Draper and Ricardo Bianchini Fast Power and Energy Management for Future Many-Core Systems . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:??
Jonatha Anselmi and Danilo Ardagna and John C. S. Lui and Adam Wierman and Yunjian Xu and Zichao Yang The Economics of the Cloud . . . . . . . 18:1--18:?? Di Niu and Hong Xu and Baochun Li Resource Auto-Scaling and Sparse Content Replication for Video Storage Systems 19:1--19:?? Renan C. A. Alves and Cíntia B. Margi Behavioral Model of IEEE 802.15.4 Beacon-Enabled Mode Based on Colored Petri Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20:1--20:?? Giovanni Neglia and Damiano Carra and Mingdong Feng and Vaishnav Janardhan and Pietro Michiardi and Dimitra Tsigkari Access-Time-Aware Cache Algorithms . . . 21:1--21:?? Elisabetta Biondi and Chiara Boldrini and Andrea Passarella and Marco Conti What You Lose When You Snooze: How Duty Cycling Impacts on the Contact Process in Opportunistic Networks . . . . . . . 22:1--22:?? Alhussein Abouzeid List of Reviewers . . . . . . . . . . . 23:1--23:??
Chubo Liu and Kenli Li and Zhuo Tang and Keqin Li Bargaining Game-Based Scheduling for Performance Guarantees in Cloud Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:?? Alessandro Nordio and Alberto Tarable and Emilio Leonardi and Marco Ajmone Marsan Selecting the Top-Quality Item Through Crowd Scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1--2:?? Bin Li and Aditya Ramamoorthy and R. Srikant Mean-Field Analysis of Coding Versus Replication in Large Data Storage Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:?? Cing-Yu Chu and Shannon Chen and Yu-Chuan Yen and Su-Ling Yeh and Hao-Hua Chu and Polly Huang EQ: A QoE-Centric Rate Control Mechanism for VoIP Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:?? Ruiting Zhou and Zongpeng Li and Chuan Wu An Online Emergency Demand Response Mechanism for Cloud Computing . . . . . 5:1--5:??
Anne Koziolek and Evgenia Smirni Special Issue: Selected Paper From the 8th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2017) . . 6:1--6:?? Cheng Wang and Qianlin Liang and Bhuvan Urgaonkar An Empirical Analysis of Amazon EC2 Spot Instance Features Affecting Cost-Effective Resource Procurement . . 6:1--6:?? Benjamin Cassell and Tyler Szepesi and Jim Summers and Tim Brecht and Derek Eager and Bernard Wong Disk Prefetching Mechanisms for Increasing HTTP Streaming Video Server Throughput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:?? Alexey Ilyushkin and Ahmed Ali-Eldin and Nikolas Herbst and André Bauer and Alessandro V. Papadopoulos and Dick Epema and Alexandru Iosup An Experimental Performance Evaluation of Autoscalers for Complex Workflows . . 8:1--8:?? Kashif Nizam Khan and Mikael Hirki and Tapio Niemi and Jukka K. Nurminen and Zhonghong Ou RAPL in Action: Experiences in Using RAPL for Power Measurements . . . . . . 9:1--9:??
Yuhuan Du and Gustavo De Veciana Efficiency and Optimality of Largest Deficit First Prioritization: Dynamic User Prioritization for Soft Real-Time Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:?? Shutong Chen and Zhi Zhou and Fangming Liu and Zongpeng Li and Shaolei Ren CloudHeat: An Efficient Online Market Mechanism for Datacenter Heat Harvesting 11:1--11:?? Elizabeth Varki GPSonflow: Geographic Positioning of Storage for Optimal Nice Flow . . . . . 12:1--12:?? Avik Ray and Sujay Sanghavi and Sanjay Shakkottai Searching for a Single Community in a Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:?? Maria Malik and Setareh Rafatirad and Houman Homayoun System and Architecture Level Characterization of Big Data Applications on Big and Little Core Server Architectures . . . . . . . . . . 14:1--14:??
Jian Li and Bainan Xia and Xinbo Geng and Hao Ming and Srinivas Shakkottai and Vijay Subramanian and Le Xie Mean Field Games in Nudge Systems for Societal Networks . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:?? Ljubica Pajevic and Viktoria Fodor and Gunnar Karlsson Ensuring Persistent Content in Opportunistic Networks via Stochastic Stability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1--16:?? Weikun Wang and Giuliano Casale and Ajay Kattepur and Manoj K. Nambiar QMLE: A Methodology for Statistical Inference of Service Demands from Queueing Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:?? Reza Azimi and Tyler Fox and Wendy Gonzalez and Sherief Reda Scale-Out vs Scale-Up: A Study of ARM-based SoCs on Server-Class Workloads 18:1--18:?? Nikolas Herbst and André Bauer and Samuel Kounev and Giorgos Oikonomou and Erwin Van Eyk and George Kousiouris and Athanasia Evangelinou and Rouven Krebs and Tim Brecht and Cristina L. Abad and Alexandru Iosup Quantifying Cloud Performance and Dependability: Taxonomy, Metric Design, and Emerging Challenges . . . . . . . . 19:1--19:?? Bo Jiang and Philippe Nain and Don Towsley On the Convergence of the TTL Approximation for an LRU Cache under Independent Stationary Request Processes 20:1--20:?? Amine Abid List of Reviewers . . . . . . . . . . . 21:1--21:??
Ping Yin and Sen Yang and Jun Xu and Jim Dai and Bill Lin Efficient Traffic Load-Balancing via Incremental Expansion of Routing Choices 1:1--1:?? Hao Chen and Yijia Zhang and Michael C. Caramanis and Ayse K. Coskun EnergyQARE: QoS-Aware Data Center Participation in Smart Grid Regulation Service Reserve Provision . . . . . . . 2:1--2:?? Zhenhua Li and Yongfeng Zhang and Yunhao Liu and Tianyin Xu and Ennan Zhai and Yao Liu and Xiaobo Ma and Zhenyu Li A Quantitative and Comparative Study of Network-Level Efficiency for Cloud Storage Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:?? Samarth Gupta and Sharayu Moharir Effect of Recommendations on Serving Content with Unknown Demand . . . . . . 4:1--4:?? P. G. Harrison and N. M. Patel and J. F. Pérez and Z. Qiu Managing Response Time Tails by Sharding 5:1--5:?? Wasiur R. KhudaBukhsh and Sounak Kar and Amr Rizk and Heinz Koeppl Provisioning and Performance Evaluation of Parallel Systems with Output Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:??
Da Wang and Gauri Joshi and Gregory W. Wornell Efficient Straggler Replication in Large-Scale Parallel Computing . . . . . 7:1--7:?? Ramin Izadpanah and Benjamin A. Allan and Damian Dechev and Jim Brandt Production Application Performance Data Streaming for System Monitoring . . . . 8:1--8:?? Tim Hellemans and Benny Van Houdt Performance of Redundancy($d$) with Identical/Independent Replicas . . . . . 9:1--9:?? Qingyang Wang and Shungeng Zhang and Yasuhiko Kanemasa and Calton Pu and Balaji Palanisamy and Lilian Harada and Motoyuki Kawaba Optimizing $N$-Tier Application Scalability in the Cloud: A Study of Soft Resource Allocation . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:?? Alireza Namazi and Saeed Safari and Siamak Mohammadi and Meisam Abdollahi SORT: Semi Online Reliable Task Mapping for Embedded Multi-Core Systems . . . . 11:1--11:?? T. T. Hang Nguyen and Olivier Brun and Balakrishna J. Prabhu Performance of a Fixed Reward Incentive Scheme for Two-hop DTNs with Competing Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:??
Robin Verschoren and Benny Van Houdt On the Endurance of the $d$-Choices Garbage Collection Algorithm for Flash-Based SSDs . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:?? Tien-Dat Phan and Guillaume Pallez and Shadi Ibrahim and Padma Raghavan A New Framework for Evaluating Straggler Detection Mechanisms in MapReduce . . . 14:1--14:?? Chiun Lin Lim and Ki Suh Lee and Han Wang and Hakim Weatherspoon and Ao Tang Packet Clustering Introduced by Routers: Modeling, Analysis, and Experiments . . 15:1--15:?? Khalid Bakhshaliyev and Muhammed Abdullah Canbaz and Mehmet Hadi Gunes Investigating Characteristics of Internet Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1--16:?? Emmanouil Skevakis and Ioannis Lambadaris and Hassan Halabian Scheduling for Optimal File-Transfer Delay using Chunked Random Linear Network Coding Broadcast . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:?? Eric Friedlander and Vaneet Aggarwal Generalization of LRU Cache Replacement Policy with Applications to Video Streaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18:1--18:??
Amir Kalbasi and Diwakar Krishnamurthy and Jerry Rolia AMIR: Analytic Method for Improving Responsiveness by Reducing Burstiness 19:1--19:36 Xiaohu Wu and Francesco De Pellegrini and Guanyu Gao and Giuliano Casale A Framework for Allocating Server Time to Spot and On-Demand Services in Cloud Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20:1--20:31 Daniel Vial and Vijay Subramanian On the Role of Clustering in Personalized PageRank Estimation . . . . 21:1--21:33 Xiaoming Wang and Di Xiao and Xiaoyong Li and Daren B. H. Cline and Dmitri Loguinov Consistent Sampling of Churn Under Periodic Non-Stationary Arrivals in Distributed Systems . . . . . . . . . . 22:1--22:33 Sem Borst and Carey Williamson List of Reviewers . . . . . . . . . . . 23:1--23:2
Annabelle Mciver and András Horváth Introduction to the Special Section on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2018) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:1 Mahmoud Salamati and Sadegh Soudjani and Rupak Majumdar A Lyapunov Approach for Time-Bounded Reachability of CTMCs and CTMDPs . . . . 2:1--2:29 Andrea Marin and Sabina Rossi and Matteo Sottana Dynamic Resource Allocation in Fork--Join Queues . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:28 Jinfeng Yang and Bingzhe Li and David J. Lilja Exploring Performance Characteristics of the Optane $3$D Xpoint Storage Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:28 Claudina Rattaro and Laura Aspirot and Ernesto Mordecki and Pablo Belzarena QoS Provision in a Dynamic Channel Allocation Based on Admission Control Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:29 Qingye Jiang and Young Choon Lee and Albert Y. Zomaya The Limit of Horizontal Scaling in Public Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:22
Mahmoud Awad and Daniel A. Menascé iModel: Automatic Derivation of Analytic Performance Models . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:30 Luca Vassio and Michele Garetto and Carla Chiasserini and Emilio Leonardi User Interaction with Online Advertisements: Temporal Modeling and Optimization of Ads Placement . . . . . 8:1--8:26 Maria Plakia and Evripides Tzamousis and Thomais Asvestopoulou and Giorgos Pantermakis and Nick Filippakis and Henning Schulzrinne and Yana Kane-Esrig and Maria Papadopouli Should I Stay or Should I Go: Analysis of the Impact of Application QoS on User Engagement in YouTube . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:32 Manu K. Gupta and N. Hemachandra and J. Venkateswaran Some Parameterized Dynamic Priority Policies for Two-Class M/G/1 Queues: Completeness and Applications . . . . . 10:1--10:37
Christian Sieber and Susanna Schwarzmann and Andreas Blenk and Thomas Zinner and Wolfgang Kellerer Scalable Application- and User-aware Resource Allocation in Enterprise Networks Using End-Host Pacing . . . . . 11:1--11:41 Georges DA Costa and Jean-Marc Pierson and Leandro Fontoura-Cupertino Effectiveness of Neural Networks for Power Modeling for Cloud and HPC: It's Worth It! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:36 Jianwei Liao and Zhibing Sha and Zhigang Cai and Zhiming Liu and Kenli Li and Wei-Keng Liao and Alok N. Choudhary and Yutaka Ishiakwa Toward Efficient Block Replication Management in Distributed Storage . . . 13:1--13:27 Majid Raeis and Almut Burchard and Jörg Liebeherr Analysis of a Queueing Model for Energy Storage Systems with Self-discharge . . 14:1--14:26
Leana Golubchik A Message from the New Editor-in-Chief 15:1--15:1 Eduardo H. M. Cruz and Matthias Diener and Laércio L. Pilla and Philippe O. A. Navaux Online Thread and Data Mapping Using a Sharing-Aware Memory Management Unit . . 16:1--16:28 Abubakr O. Al-Abbasi and Vaneet Aggarwal VidCloud: Joint Stall and Quality Optimization for Video Streaming over Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:32 Hosein Mohamamdi Makrani and Hossein Sayadi and Najmeh Nazari and Sai Mnoj Pudukotai Dinakarrao and Avesta Sasan and Tinoosh Mohsenin and Setareh Rafatirad and Houman Homayoun Adaptive Performance Modeling of Data-intensive Workloads for Resource Provisioning in Virtualized Environment 18:1--18:24
Tiancheng Qin and S. Rasoul Etesami Optimal Online Algorithms for File-Bundle Caching and Generalization to Distributed Caching . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:23 Guilherme Domingues and Gabriel Mendonça and Edmundo De Souza E.Silva and Rosa M. M. Leão and Daniel S. Menasché and Ori Rottenstreich and Mostafa Dehghan and Don Towsley The Role of Hysteresis in Caching Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1--2:38 Zhengchun Liu and Rajkumar Kettimuthu and Joaquin Chung and Rachana Ananthakrishnan and Michael Link and Ian Foster Design and Evaluation of a Simple Data Interface for Efficient Data Transfer across Diverse Storage . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:25 Hani Nemati and Seyed Vahid Azhari and Mahsa Shakeri and Michel Dagenais Host-Based Virtual Machine Workload Characterization Using Hypervisor Trace Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:25
Bo Jiang and Philippe Nain and Don Towsley Covert Cycle Stealing in a Single FIFO Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:33 Nikki Sonenberg and Grzegorz Kielanski and Benny Van Houdt Performance Analysis of Work Stealing in Large-scale Multithreaded Computing . . 6:1--6:28 Diogo Marques and Aleksandar Ilic and Leonel Sousa Mansard Roofline Model: Reinforcing the Accuracy of the Roofs . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:23 V. S. Ch Lakshmi Narayana and Sharayu Moharir and Nikhil Karamchandani On Renting Edge Resources for Service Hosting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1--8:30
Anna Engelmann and Admela Jukan A Combinatorial Reliability Analysis of Generic Service Function Chains in Data Center Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:24 Caixiang Fan and Sara Ghaemi and Hamzeh Khazaei and Yuxiang Chen and Petr Musilek Performance Analysis of the IOTA DAG-Based Distributed Ledger . . . . . . 10:1--10:20 Stefan Geissler and Stanislav Lange and Leonardo Linguaglossa and Dario Rossi and Thomas Zinner and Tobias Hossfeld Discrete-Time Modeling of NFV Accelerators that Exploit Batched Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:1--11:27 Rossano Gaeta and Marco Grangetto Malicious Node Identification in Coded Distributed Storage Systems under Pollution Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:27
Bingqian Du and Zhiyi Huang and Chuan Wu Adversarial Deep Learning for Online Resource Allocation . . . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:?? Sam Mansfield and Kerry Veenstra and Katia Obraczka Modeling Communication over Terrain for Realistic Simulation of Outdoor Sensor Network Deployments . . . . . . . . . . 14:1--14:?? Claudio Rubattu and Francesca Palumbo and Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya and Maxime Pelcat PathTracer: Understanding Response Time of Signal Processing Applications on Heterogeneous MPSoCs . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:?? Theodoros Giannakas and Anastasios Giovanidis and Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos MDP-based Network Friendly Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1--16:??
Niloofar Bayat and Richard T. B. Ma and Vishal Misra and Dan Rubenstein Big Winners and Small Losers of Zero-rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:?? Bai Liu and Qiaomin Xie and Eytan Modiano RL-QN: a Reinforcement Learning Framework for Optimal Control of Queueing Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1--2:?? Ranjan Hebbar and Aleksandar Milenkovi'c PMU-Events-Driven DVFS Techniques for Improving Energy Efficiency of Modern Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:?? Sanjeev Sondur and Krishna Kant Performance Health Index for Complex Cyber Infrastructures . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
Nitish K. Panigrahy and Philippe Nain and Giovanni Neglia and Don Towsley A New Upper Bound on Cache Hit Probability for Non-Anticipative Caching Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:?? Nitish K. Panigrahy and Thirupathaiah Vasantam and Prithwish Basu and Don Towsley and Ananthram Swami and Kin K. Leung On the Analysis and Evaluation of Proximity-based Load-balancing Policies 6:1--6:?? Farhana Islam and Dorina Petriu and Murray Woodside Focused Layered Performance Modelling by Aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:??
Gayane Vardoyan and Philippe Nain and Saikat Guha and Don Towsley On the Capacity Region of Bipartite and Tripartite Entanglement Switching . . . 1:1--1:?? Tianming Zhao and Wei Li and Boyu Qin and Ling Wang and Albert Y. Zomaya Pulsed Power Load Coordination in Mission- and Time-critical Cyber-physical Systems . . . . . . . . . 2:1--2:?? Benny Van Houdt On the Cost of Near-Perfect Wear Leveling in Flash-Based SSDs . . . . . . 3:1--3:?? Shih-hao Tseng and Soojean Han and Adam Wierman Trading Throughput for Freshness: Freshness-aware Traffic Engineering and In-Network Freshness Control . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
Kiran Chaudhary and Veeraruna Kavitha and Jayakrishnan Nair Dynamic Scheduling in a Partially Fluid, Partially Lossy Queueing System . . . . 5:1--5:?? Xiaohu Wu and Francesco De Pellegrini and Giuliano Casale Delay and Price Differentiation in Cloud Computing: a Service Model, Supporting Architectures, and Performance . . . . . 6:1--6:?? Walther Carballo-Hernández and Maxime Pelcat and Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya and Ricardo Carmona Galán and François Berry Flydeling: Streamlined Performance Models for Hardware Acceleration of CNNs through System Identification . . . . . 7:1--7:?? Wenkai Dai and Klaus-Tycho Foerster and David Fuchssteiner and Stefan Schmid Load-optimization in Reconfigurable Data-center Networks: Algorithms and Complexity of Flow Routing . . . . . . . 8:1--8:??
Thomas Tournaire and Hind Castel-Taleb and Emmanuel Hyon Efficient Computation of Optimal Thresholds in Cloud Auto-scaling Systems 9:1--9:?? Gargi Alavani and Jineet Desai and Snehanshu Saha and Santonu Sarkar Program Analysis and Machine Learning-based Approach to Predict Power Consumption of CUDA Kernel . . . . . . . 10:1--10:?? Tareq Si Salem and Giovanni Neglia and Stratis Ioannidis No-regret Caching via Online Mirror Descent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:1--11:?? Ashok Krishnan K. S. and Chandramani Singh and Siva Theja Maguluri and Parimal Parag Optimal Pricing in a Single Server System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:??
Elvio Amparore and Marco Beccuti and Paolo Castagno and Simone Pernice and Giuliana Franceschinis and Marzio Pennisi From Compositional Petri Net Modeling to Macro and Micro Simulation by Means of Stochastic Simulation and Agent-Based Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:?? V. S. Ch Lakshmi Narayana Borusu and Mohit Agarwala and Sri Prakash R. and Nikhil Karamchandani and Sharayu Moharir Online Partial Service Hosting at the Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1--2:?? Alexandre Brandwajn and Thomas Begin Approximation Method for a Non-preemptive Multiserver Queue with Quasi-Poisson Arrivals . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:?? Jit Gupta and Krishna Kant and Amitangshu Pal and Joyanta Biswas Configuring and Coordinating End-to-end QoS for Emerging Storage Infrastructure 4:1--4:??
Yixuan Zhang and Shuyu Zheng and Haoyu Wang and Lei Wu and Gang Huang and Xuanzhe Liu VM Matters: a Comparison of WASM VMs and EVMs in the Performance of Blockchain Smart Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:?? Diletta Olliaro and Giuliano Casale and Andrea Marin and Sabina Rossi A Product-form Network for Systems with Job Stealing Policies . . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:?? Andrea Marin and Michela Meo and Matteo Sereno and Marco Ajmone Marsan Queuing Network Models of Multiservice RANs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:?? Jonatha Anselmi and Josu Doncel Load Balancing with Job-Size Testing: Performance Improvement or Degradation? 8:1--8:??