Table of contents for issues of ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications

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Volume 1, Number 1, February, 2005
Volume 1, Number 2, May, 2005
Volume 1, Number 3, August, 2005
Volume 1, Number 4, November, 2005
Volume 2, Number 1, February, 2006
Volume 2, Number 2, May, 2006
Volume 2, Number 3, August, 2006
Volume 2, Number 4, November, 2006
Volume 3, Number 1, February, 2007
Volume 3, Number 2, May, 2007
Volume 3, Number 3, August, 2007
Volume 3, Number 4, December, 2007
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2008
Volume 4, Number 2, May, 2008
Volume 4, Number 3, August, 2008
Volume 4, Number 4, October, 2008
Volume 5, Number 1, October, 2008
Volume 5, Number 2, November, 2008
Volume 5, Number 3, August, 2009
Volume 5, Number 4, October, 2009
Volume 6, Number 1, February, 2010
Volume 6, Number 2, March, 2010
Volume 6, Number 3, August, 2010
Volume 6, Number 4, November, 2010
Volume 7, Number 1, January, 2011
Volume 7, Number 2, February, 2011
Volume 7, Number 3, August, 2011
Volume 7S, Number 1, 2011
Volume 7, Number 4, November, 2011
Volume 8, Number 1, January, 2012
Volume 8s, Number 1, February, 2012
Volume 8, Number 2, May, 2012
Volume 8, Number 2S, September, 2012
Volume 8, Number 3, July, 2012
Volume 8, Number 3s, September, 2012
Volume 8, Number 4, November, 2012
Volume 9, Number 1, February, 2013
Volume 9, Number 1s, October, 2013
Volume 9, Number 2, May, 2013
Volume 9, Number 3, June, 2013
Volume 9, Number 4, August, 2013
Volume 10, Number 1, December, 2013
Volume 10, Number 2, February, 2014
Volume 10, Number 3, April, 2014
Volume 10, Number 4, June, 2014
Volume 11, Number 1, August, 2014
Volume 11, Number 1s, September, 2014
Volume 11, Number 2, December, 2014
Volume 11, Number 2s, February, 2015
Volume 11, Number 3, January, 2015
Volume 11, Number 4, April, 2015
Volume 12, Number 1, August, 2015
Volume 12, Number 1s, October, 2015
Volume 12, Number 2, March, 2016
Volume 12, Number 3, June, 2016
Volume 12, Number 4, August, 2016
Volume 13, Number 1, January, 2017
Volume 13, Number 2, May, 2017
Volume 13, Number 3, August, 2017
Volume 13, Number 3s, August, 2017
Volume 13, Number 4, October, 2017
Volume 14, Number 1, January, 2018
Volume 14, Number 2, May, 2018
Volume 14, Number 2s, May, 2018
Volume 14, Number 3, August, 2018
Volume 14, Number 3s, August, 2018
Volume 14, Number 4, November, 2018
Volume 15, Number 1, February, 2019
Volume 15, Number 1s, February, 2019
Volume 15, Number 2, June, 2019
Volume 15, Number 3, September, 2019
Volume 15, Number 3s, January, 2020
Volume 15, Number 4, January, 2020
Volume 16, Number 1, April, 2020
Volume 16, Number 1s, April, 2020
Volume 16, Number 2, June, 2020
Volume 16, Number 2s, July, 2020
Volume 16, Number 3, September, 2020
Volume 16, Number 3s, January, 2021
Volume 16, Number 4, January, 2021
Volume 17, Number 1, April, 2021
Volume 17, Number 1s, March, 2021
Volume 17, Number 2, June, 2021
Volume 17, Number 2s, June, 2021
Volume 17, Number 3, August, 2021
Volume 17, Number 3s, October, 2021
Volume 17, Number 4, November, 2021
Volume 18, Number 1, January, 2022
Volume 18, Number 1s, February, 2022
Volume 18, Number 2, May, 2022
Volume 18, Number 2s, June, 2022
Volume 18, Number 3, August, 2022
Volume 18, Number 3s, October, 2022
Volume 18, Number 4, November, 2022
Volume 19, Number 1, January, 2023
Volume 19, Number 1s, February, 2023
Volume 19, Number 2, March, 2023
Volume 19, Number 2s, April, 2023
Volume 19, Number 3, May, 2023
Volume 19, Number 3s, June, 2023
Volume 19, Number 4, July, 2023
Volume 19, Number 5, September, 2023
Volume 19, Number 5s, October, 2023
Volume 19, Number 6, November, 2023
Volume 20, Number 1, January, 2024
Volume 20, Number 2, February, 2024
Volume 20, Number 3, March, 2024
Volume 20, Number 4, April, 2024
Volume 20, Number 5, May, 2024
Volume 20, Number 6, June, 2024
Volume 20, Number 7, July, 2024
Volume 20, Number 8, August, 2024
Volume 20, Number 9, September, 2024

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 1, Number 1, February, 2005

           Nicolas D. Georganas   Editorial: The birth of the ACM
                                  Transactions on Multimedia Computing,
                                  Communications and Applications
                                  (TOMCCAP)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--2
           Lawrence A. Rowe and   
                    Ramesh Jain   ACM SIGMM Retreat report on future
                                  directions in multimedia research  . . . 3--13
                Ramesh Jain and   
           Thomas Plagemann and   
                 Ralf Steinmetz   Guest editorial: The International ACM
                                  Multimedia Conference 1993 --- ten years
                                  after  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14--15
             Laura Teodosio and   
                  Walter Bender   Salient stills . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16--36
             A. L. N. Reddy and   
                 Jim Wyllie and   
           K. B. R. Wijayaratne   Disk scheduling in a multimedia I/O
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37--59
        M. Cecelia Buchanan and   
             Polle T. Zellweger   Automatic temporal layout mechanisms
                                  revisited  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60--88
       Dick C. A. Bulterman and   
                  Lynda Hardman   Structured multimedia authoring  . . . . 89--109
          Ketan Mayer-Patel and   
             Brian C. Smith and   
               Lawrence A. Rowe   The Berkeley software MPEG-1 video
                                  decoder  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110--125

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 1, Number 2, May, 2005

           Thomas Plagemann and   
            Prashant Shenoy and   
                  John R. Smith   Selected papers from the ACM Multimedia
                                  Conference 2003  . . . . . . . . . . . . 127--127
               Sang-Uok Kum and   
              Ketan Mayer-Patel   Real-time multidepth stream compression  128--150
                Wu-Chi Feng and   
                  Ed Kaiser and   
              Wu Chang Feng and   
              Mikael Le Baillif   Panoptes: scalable low-power video
                                  sensor networking technologies . . . . . 151--167
                Kingshy Goh and   
                  Beitao Li and   
                Edward Y. Chang   Semantics and feature discovery via
                                  confidence-based ensemble  . . . . . . . 168--189
            H. Harlyn Baker and   
                Nina Bhatti and   
             Donald Tanguay and   
                Irwin Sobel and   
                   Dan Gelb and   
            Michael E. Goss and   
        W. Bruce Culbertson and   
              Thomas Malzbender   Understanding performance in Coliseum,
                                  an immersive videoconferencing system    190--210

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 1, Number 3, August, 2005

                Brett Adams and   
           Svetha Venkatesh and   
                    Ramesh Jain   IMCE: Integrated media creation
                                  environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211--247
      Christian Poellabauer and   
                 Karsten Schwan   Flexible cross-domain event delivery for
                                  quality-managed multimedia applications  248--268
             Matthew Cooper and   
             Jonathan Foote and   
         Andreas Girgensohn and   
                    Lynn Wilcox   Temporal event clustering for digital
                                  photo collections  . . . . . . . . . . . 269--288
                   Keqiu Li and   
                      Hong Shen   Coordinated enroute multimedia object
                                  caching in transcoding proxies for tree
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289--314

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 1, Number 4, November, 2005

                  Huahui Wu and   
              Mark Claypool and   
                 Robert Kinicki   Adjusting forward error correction with
                                  temporal scaling for TCP-friendly
                                  streaming MPEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315--337
                Jianfei Cai and   
                Xiangjun Li and   
                 Chang Wen Chen   Layered unequal loss protection with
                                  pre-interleaving for fast progressive
                                  image transmission over packet-loss
                                  channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338--353
                Yi-Cheng Tu and   
              Jianzhong Sun and   
            Mohamed Hefeeda and   
                Sunil Prabhakar   An analytical study of peer-to-peer
                                  media streaming systems  . . . . . . . . 354--376

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 2, Number 1, February, 2006

             Michael S. Lew and   
                  Nicu Sebe and   
            Chabane Djeraba and   
                    Ramesh Jain   Content-based multimedia information
                                  retrieval: State of the art and
                                  challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--19
          Alberto Del Bimbo and   
                    Pietro Pala   Content-based retrieval of $3$D models   20--43
                  Huaxin Xu and   
                  Tat-Seng Chua   Fusion of AV features and external
                                  information sources for event detection
                                  in team sports video . . . . . . . . . . 44--67
               Dhiraj Joshi and   
              James Z. Wang and   
                         Jia Li   The Story Picturing Engine---a system
                                  for automatic text illustration  . . . . 68--89

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 2, Number 2, May, 2006

           Cees G. M. Snoek and   
             Marcel Worring and   
         Alexander G. Hauptmann   Learning rich semantics from news video
                                  archives by style analysis . . . . . . . 91--108
                 Guang Yang and   
                   Tony Sun and   
                Mario Gerla and   
             M. Y. Sanadidi and   
                  Ling-Jyh Chen   Smooth and efficient real-time video
                                  transport in the presence of wireless
                                  errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109--126
                    Xi Shao and   
              Changsheng Xu and   
          Namunu C. Maddage and   
                    Qi Tian and   
       Mohan S. Kankanhalli and   
                   Jesse S. Jin   Automatic summarization of music videos  127--148
        Viktor S. Wold Eide and   
     Ole-Christoffer Granmo and   
             Frank Eliassen and   
Jòrgen Andreas Michaelsen   Real-time video content analysis:
                                  QoS-aware application composition and
                                  parallel processing  . . . . . . . . . . 149--172

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 2, Number 3, August, 2006

    K. Selçuk Candan and   
          Augusto Celentano and   
                  Wolfgang Klas   Introduction to special issue on the use
                                  of context in multimedia information
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173--176
              Alfio Ferrara and   
           Luca A. Ludovico and   
         Stefano Montanelli and   
            Silvana Castano and   
                  Goffredo Haus   A Semantic Web ontology for
                                  context-based classification and
                                  retrieval of music resources . . . . . . 177--198
         Anne-Muriel Arigon and   
           Anne Tchounikine and   
               Maryvonne Miquel   Handling multiple points of view in a
                                  multimedia data warehouse  . . . . . . . 199--218
                Kanav Kahol and   
        Priyamvada Tripathi and   
              Troy Mcdaniel and   
              Laura Bratton and   
        Sethuraman Panchanathan   Modeling context in haptic perception,
                                  rendering, and visualization . . . . . . 219--240

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 2, Number 4, November, 2006

        Stephen R. Gulliver and   
              Gheorghita Ghinea   Defining user perception of distributed
                                  multimedia quality . . . . . . . . . . . 241--257
             Kartik Gopalan and   
                  Lan Huang and   
                  Gang Peng and   
            Tzi-Cker Chiueh and   
                   Yow-Jian Lin   Statistical admission control using
                                  delay distribution measurements  . . . . 258--281
                      H. Li and   
                      M. Li and   
                 B. Prabhakaran   Middleware for streaming $3$D
                                  progressive meshes over lossy networks   282--317
                Yoav Etsion and   
                Dan Tsafrir and   
              Dror G. Feitelson   Process prioritization using output
                                  production: Scheduling for multimedia    318--342
                Pablo Cesar and   
             Petri Vuorimaa and   
                  Juha Vierinen   A graphics architecture for high-end
                                  interactive television terminals . . . . 343--357
   Chitra L. Madhwacharyula and   
                 Marc Davis and   
            Philippe Mulhem and   
           Mohan S. Kankanhalli   Metadata handling: a video perspective   358--388

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 3, Number 1, February, 2007

           Pradeep K. Atrey and   
       Mohan S. Kankanhalli and   
                 John B. Oommen   Goal-oriented optimal subset selection
                                  of correlated multimedia streams . . . . ??
                Datong Chen and   
                   Jie Yang and   
              Robert Malkin and   
              Howard D. Wactlar   Detecting social interactions of the
                                  elderly in a nursing home environment    ??
                Rachel Heck and   
            Michael Wallick and   
               Michael Gleicher   Virtual videography  . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Ba Tu Truong and   
               Svetha Venkatesh   Video abstraction: a systematic review
                                  and classification . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Changsheng Xu and   
          Namunu C. Maddage and   
                    Xi Shao and   
                        Qi Tian   Content-adaptive digital music
                                  watermarking based on music structure
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Wei-Qi Yan and   
           Mohan S. Kankanhalli   Multimedia simplification for optimized
                                  MMS synthesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 3, Number 2, May, 2007

               Tiecheng Liu and   
                 John R. Kender   Computational approaches to temporal
                                  sampling of video sequences  . . . . . . 7:1--7:??
            Simon Moncrieff and   
           Svetha Venkatesh and   
                     Geoff West   Online audio background determination
                                  for complex audio environments . . . . . 8:1--8:??
               Chika Oshima and   
          Kazushi Nishimoto and   
                Norihiro Hagita   A piano duo support system for parents
                                  to lead children to practice musical
                                  performances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:??
                 Xiaofei He and   
                   Deng Cai and   
                Ji-Rong Wen and   
                Wei-Ying Ma and   
               Hong-Jiang Zhang   Clustering and searching WWW images
                                  using link and page layout analysis  . . 10:1--10:??
              Byunghee Jung and   
               Junehwa Song and   
                   Yoonjoon Lee   A narrative-based abstraction framework
                                  for story-oriented video . . . . . . . . 11:1--11:??
                Ron Shacham and   
        Henning Schulzrinne and   
         Srisakul Thakolsri and   
              Wolfgang Kellerer   Ubiquitous device personalization and
                                  use: The next generation of IP
                                  multimedia communications  . . . . . . . 12:1--12:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 3, Number 3, August, 2007

             Herng-Yow Chen and   
                   Sheng-Wei Li   Exploring many-to-one speech-to-text
                                  correlation for Web-based language
                                  learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:??
                Surong Wang and   
            Manoranjan Dash and   
            Liang-Tien Chia and   
                         Min Xu   Efficient sampling of training set in
                                  large and noisy multimedia data  . . . . 14:1--14:??
               Suiping Zhou and   
                Wentong Cai and   
          Stephen J. Turner and   
                Bu-Sung Lee and   
                      Junhu Wei   Critical causal order of events in
                                  distributed virtual environments . . . . 15:1--15:??
                Chuanjun Li and   
                S. Q. Zheng and   
                 B. Prabhakaran   Segmentation and recognition of motion
                                  streams by similarity search . . . . . . 16:1--16:??
               David E. Ott and   
              Ketan Mayer-Patel   An open architecture for transport-level
                                  protocol coordination in distributed
                                  multimedia applications  . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:??
                  Ziad Sakr and   
           Nicolas D. Georganas   Robust content-based MPEG-4 XMT scene
                                  structure authentication and multimedia
                                  content location . . . . . . . . . . . . 18:1--18:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 3, Number 4, December, 2007

          Gheorghita Ghinea and   
            Chabane Djeraba and   
           Stephen Gulliver and   
             Kara Pernice Coyne   Introduction to special issue on
                                  eye-tracking applications in multimedia
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:4
              Carlo Colombo and   
           Dario Comanducci and   
              Alberto Del Bimbo   Robust tracking and remapping of eye
                                  appearance with passive computer vision  2:1--2:20
                   Jun Wang and   
                  Lijun Yin and   
                    Jason Moore   Using geometric properties of
                                  topographic manifold to detect and track
                                  eyes for human-computer interaction  . . 3:1--3:20
              D. Agrafiotis and   
            S. J. C. Davies and   
             N. Canagarajah and   
                     D. R. Bull   Towards efficient context-specific video
                                  coding based on gaze-tracking analysis   4:1--4:15
             Thierry Urruty and   
              Stanislas Lew and   
           Nacim Ihadaddene and   
                Dan A. Simovici   Detecting eye fixations by projection
                                  clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:20
        Andrew T. Duchowski and   
      Arzu Çöltekin   Foveated gaze-contingent displays for
                                  peripheral LOD management, $3$D
                                  visualization, and stereo imaging  . . . 6:1--6:18
          Lester C. Loschky and   
              Gary S. Wolverton   How late can you update gaze-contingent
                                  multiresolutional displays without
                                  detection? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:10
              Norman Murray and   
               Dave Roberts and   
              Anthony Steed and   
               Paul Sharkey and   
             Paul Dickerson and   
                       John Rae   An assessment of eye-gaze potential
                                  within immersive virtual environments    8:1--8:17
         Dorothy Rachovides and   
           James Walkerdine and   
                 Peter Phillips   The conductor interaction method . . . . 9:1--9:23

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 4, Number 1, January, 2008

                Hangzai Luo and   
                   Yuli Gao and   
              Xiangyang Xue and   
                 Jinye Peng and   
                   Jianping Fan   Incorporating feature hierarchy and
                                  boosting to achieve more effective
                                  classifier training and concept-oriented
                                  video summarization and skimming . . . . 1:1--1:??
            Mohamed Hefeeda and   
                 Cheng-Hsin Hsu   Rate-distortion optimized streaming of
                                  fine-grained scalable video sequences    2:1--2:??
              Fulvio Babich and   
            Marco D'orlando and   
                Francesca Vatta   Video quality estimation in wireless IP
                                  networks: Algorithms and applications    3:1--3:??
           Phani S. Kotharu and   
                 B. Prabhakaran   Partial query resolution for animation
                                  authoring  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
              Alan T. S. Ip and   
             John C. S. Lui and   
                 Jiangchuan Liu   A revenue-rewarding scheme of providing
                                  incentive for cooperative proxy caching
                                  for media streaming systems  . . . . . . 5:1--5:??
                  Cha Zhang and   
                   Yong Rui and   
               Jim Crawford and   
                      Li-Wei He   An automated end-to-end lecture capture
                                  and broadcasting system  . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:??
        Giang Phuong Nguyen and   
                 Marcel Worring   Optimization of interactive
                                  visual-similarity-based search . . . . . 7:1--7:??
             Helmut Hlavacs and   
              Shelley Buchinger   Hierarchical video patching with optimal
                                  server bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1--8:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 4, Number 2, May, 2008

              Songqing Chen and   
               Shiping Chen and   
                Huiping Guo and   
                    Bo Shen and   
                 Sushil Jajodia   Achieving simultaneous distribution
                                  control and privacy protection for
                                  Internet media delivery  . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:??
                     Rui Li and   
                  Bir Bhanu and   
                     Anlei Dong   Feature synthesized EM algorithm for
                                  image retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:??
                     Min Xu and   
              Changsheng Xu and   
                Lingyu Duan and   
               Jesse S. Jin and   
                     Suhuai Luo   Audio keywords generation for sports
                                  video analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:1--11:??
            Sunand Tullimas and   
               Thinh Nguyen and   
              Rich Edgecomb and   
               Sen-ching Cheung   Multimedia streaming using multiple TCP
                                  connections  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:??
         Dian Tjondronegoro and   
        Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen and   
                    Adrien Joly   A scalable and extensible
                                  segment-event-object-based sports video
                                  retrieval system . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:??
           Roger Zimmermann and   
                Elaine Chew and   
           Sakire Arslan Ay and   
                    Moses Pawar   Distributed musical performances:
                                  Architecture and stream management . . . 14:1--14:??
             Cheng-Hsin Hsu and   
                Mohamed Hefeeda   On the accuracy and complexity of
                                  rate-distortion models for fine-grained
                                  scalable video sequences . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:??
                  Bing Wang and   
                 Jim Kurose and   
            Prashant Shenoy and   
                    Don Towsley   Multimedia streaming via TCP: an
                                  analytic performance study . . . . . . . 16:1--16:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 4, Number 3, August, 2008

               Tsungnan Lin and   
               Chiapin Wang and   
                  Po-Chiang Lin   A neural-network-based context-aware
                                  handoff algorithm for multimedia
                                  computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:??
           Ingmar S. Franke and   
         Sebastian Pannasch and   
            Jens R. Helmert and   
              Robert Rieger and   
                Rainer Groh and   
          Boris M. Velichkovsky   Towards attention-centered interfaces:
                                  an aesthetic evaluation of perspective
                                  with eye tracking  . . . . . . . . . . . 18:1--18:??
                   Chuan Wu and   
                 Baochun Li and   
                   Shuqiao Zhao   Exploring large-scale peer-to-peer live
                                  streaming topologies . . . . . . . . . . 19:1--19:??
                Ashvin Goel and   
             Charles Krasic and   
               Jonathan Walpole   Low-latency adaptive streaming over TCP  20:1--20:??
               Seung-Ho Lim and   
               Yo-Won Jeong and   
                    Kyu Ho Park   Data placement and prefetching with
                                  accurate bit rate control for
                                  interactive media server . . . . . . . . 21:1--21:??
                     Li Jie and   
                 James J. Clark   Video game design using an
                                  eye-movement-dependent model of visual
                                  attention  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22:1--22:??
        Oleg V. Komogortsev and   
                  Javed I. Khan   Predictive real-time perceptual
                                  compression based on eye-gaze-position
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23:1--23:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 4, Number 4, October, 2008

                Pablo Cesar and   
       Dick C. A. Bulterman and   
     Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares   Introduction to special issue:
                                  Human-centered television --- directions
                                  in interactive digital television
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24:1--24:??
             Marian F. Ursu and   
             Maureen Thomas and   
                  Ian Kegel and   
              Doug Williams and   
               Mika Tuomola and   
            Inger Lindstedt and   
             Terence Wright and   
             Andra Leurdijk and   
            Vilmos Zsombori and   
              Julia Sussner and   
               Ulf Myrestam and   
                      Nina Hall   Interactive TV narratives:
                                  Opportunities, progress, and challenges  25:1--25:??
                  Bin Cheng and   
                  Lex Stein and   
                    Hai Jin and   
               Xiaofei Liao and   
                    Zheng Zhang   GridCast: Improving peer sharing for P2P
                                  VoD  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26:1--26:??
             Crysta Metcalf and   
              Gunnar Harboe and   
                 Joe Tullio and   
                Noel Massey and   
                 Guy Romano and   
            Elaine M. Huang and   
                  Frank Bentley   Examining presence and lightweight
                                  messaging in a social television
                                  experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27:1--27:??
          Renan G. Cattelan and   
             Cesar Teixeira and   
           Rudinei Goularte and   
Maria Da Graça C. Pimentel   Watch-and-comment as a paradigm toward
                                  ubiquitous interactive video editing . . 28:1--28:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 5, Number 1, October, 2008

            Brian P. Bailey and   
                  Nicu Sebe and   
                  Alan Hanjalic   Special section from the ACM Multimedia
                                  Conference 2007  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:??
        Michael L. Gleicher and   
                       Feng Liu   Re-cinematography: Improving the
                                  camerawork of casual video . . . . . . . 2:1--2:??
                 Guo-Jun Qi and   
             Xian-Sheng Hua and   
                   Yong Rui and   
                Jinhui Tang and   
                    Tao Mei and   
                  Meng Wang and   
               Hong-Jiang Zhang   Correlative multilabel video annotation
                                  with temporal kernels  . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:??
               Yinpeng Chen and   
                  Weiwei Xu and   
              Hari Sundaram and   
          Thanassis Rikakis and   
                  Sheng-Min Liu   A dynamic decision network framework for
                                  online media adaptation in stroke
                                  rehabilitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
            Frederic Thouin and   
                    Mark Coates   Equipment allocation in video-on-demand
                                  network deployments  . . . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:??
              Prakash Kolan and   
                  Ram Dantu and   
        João W. Cangussu   Nuisance level of a voice call . . . . . 6:1--6:??
            Qing-Fang Zheng and   
                        Wen Gao   Constructing visual phrases for
                                  effective and efficient object-based
                                  image retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:??
              Phillipa Gill and   
                   Liqi Shi and   
            Anirban Mahanti and   
                Zongpeng Li and   
                 Derek L. Eager   Scalable on-demand media streaming for
                                  heterogeneous clients  . . . . . . . . . 8:1--8:??
                Dawoon Jung and   
                Jaegeuk Kim and   
                Jin-Soo Kim and   
                    Joonwon Lee   ScaleFFS: a scalable log-structured
                                  flash file system for mobile multimedia
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 5, Number 2, November, 2008

            Simon Moncrieff and   
           Svetha Venkatesh and   
                     Geoff West   Dynamic privacy assessment in a smart
                                  house environment using multimodal
                                  sensing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:??
                Brett Adams and   
                 Dinh Phung and   
               Svetha Venkatesh   Sensing and using social context . . . . 11:1--11:??
          Saraju P. Mohanty and   
             Bharat K. Bhargava   Invisible watermarking based on creation
                                  and robust insertion-extraction of image
                                  adaptive watermarks  . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:??
            Wai-Pun Ken Yiu and   
           Shueng-Han Gary Chan   Offering data confidentiality for
                                  multimedia overlay multicast: Design and
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:??
            Minoru Nakayama and   
              Yosiyuki Takahasi   Estimation of certainty for responses to
                                  multiple-choice questionnaires using eye
                                  movements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:1--14:??
              Frank Shipman and   
         Andreas Girgensohn and   
                    Lynn Wilcox   Authoring, viewing, and generating
                                  hypervideo: an overview of
                                  Hyper-Hitchcock  . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:??
                   Wenbo He and   
            Klara Nahrstedt and   
                        Xue Liu   End-to-end delay control of multimedia
                                  applications over multihop wireless
                                  links  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1--16:??
                   Leon Pan and   
                 Chang N. Zhang   A criterion-based multilayer access
                                  control approach for multimedia
                                  applications and the implementation
                                  considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 5, Number 3, August, 2009

    K. Selçuk Candan and   
          Alberto Del Bimbo and   
            Carsten Griwodz and   
               Alejandro Jaimes   Introduction to the special section for
                                  the best papers of ACM Multimedia 2008   18:1--18:??
                Pablo Cesar and   
       Dick C. A. Bulterman and   
                Jack Jansen and   
               David Geerts and   
             Hendrik Knoche and   
                 William Seager   Fragment, tag, enrich, and send:
                                  Enhancing social sharing of video  . . . 19:1--19:??
                  H. Knoche and   
                    M. A. Sasse   The big picture on small screens
                                  delivering acceptable video quality in
                                  mobile TV  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20:1--20:??
           Sebastien Mondet and   
                  Wei Cheng and   
            Geraldine Morin and   
           Romulus Grigoras and   
            Frederic Boudon and   
                  Wei Tsang Ooi   Compact and progressive plant models for
                                  streaming in networked virtual
                                  environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21:1--21:??
                   Yong Wei and   
    Suchendra M. Bhandarkar and   
                        Kang Li   Client-centered multimedia content
                                  adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22:1--22:??
        G. S. V. S. Sivaram and   
       Mohan S. Kankanhalli and   
             K. R. Ramakrishnan   Design of multimedia surveillance
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23:1--23:??
                Xiaotao Liu and   
                Mark Corner and   
                Prashant Shenoy   SEVA: Sensor-enhanced video annotation   24:1--24:??
                  Bing Wang and   
                    Wei Wei and   
                  Zheng Guo and   
                    Don Towsley   Multipath live streaming via TCP:
                                  Scheme, performance and benefits . . . . 25:1--25:??
                 Mingzhe Li and   
              Mark Claypool and   
                 Robert Kinicki   Playout buffer and rate optimization for
                                  streaming over IEEE 802.11 wireless
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26:1--26:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 5, Number 4, October, 2009

             Danielle Sauer and   
                  Yee-Hong Yang   Music-driven character animation . . . . 27:1--27:??
             Robert H. Deng and   
                  Yanjiang Yang   A study of content authentication in
                                  proxy-enabled multimedia delivery
                                  systems: Model, techniques, and
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28:1--28:??
                Jongeun Cha and   
                Mohamad Eid and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   Touchable $3$D video system  . . . . . . 29:1--29:??
 Fabrício Benevenuto and   
            Tiago Rodrigues and   
           Virgilio Almeida and   
            Jussara Almeida and   
                     Keith Ross   Video interactions in online video
                                  social networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 30:1--30:??
              Maike Erdmann and   
            Kotaro Nakayama and   
              Takahiro Hara and   
                 Shojiro Nishio   Improving the extraction of bilingual
                                  terminology from Wikipedia . . . . . . . 31:1--31:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 6, Number 1, February, 2010

            Niklas Carlsson and   
                 Derek L. Eager   Server selection in large-scale
                                  video-on-demand systems  . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:??
              Parag Agarwal and   
       Balakrishnan Prabhakaran   Blind robust watermarking of $3$D motion
                                  data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1--2:??
                        Bo Yang   DSI: a model for distributed multimedia
                                  semantic indexing and content
                                  integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:??
        Marcus Nyström and   
              Kenneth Holmqvist   Effect of compressed offline foveated
                                  video on viewing behavior and subjective
                                  quality  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
             Yuri V. Ivanov and   
                 C. J. Bleakley   Real-time H.264 video encoding in
                                  software with fast mode decision and
                                  dynamic complexity control . . . . . . . 5:1--5:??
            Mohamed Hefeeda and   
            Kianoosh Mokhtarian   Authentication schemes for multimedia
                                  streams: Quantitative analysis and
                                  comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 6, Number 2, March, 2010

                Zhenyu Yang and   
                  Wanmin Wu and   
            Klara Nahrstedt and   
           Gregorij Kurillo and   
                  Ruzena Bajcsy   Enabling multi-party $3$D tele-immersive
                                  environments with \em ViewCast . . . . . 7:1--7:??
                  Junwen Wu and   
               Mohan M. Trivedi   An eye localization, tracking and blink
                                  pattern recognition system: Algorithm
                                  and evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1--8:??
                   Xing Jin and   
                S.-H. Gary Chan   Detecting malicious nodes in
                                  peer-to-peer streaming by peer-based
                                  monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:??
               Chih-Yi Chiu and   
              Hsin-Min Wang and   
                  Chu-Song Chen   Fast min-hashing indexing and robust
                                  spatio-temporal matching for detecting
                                  video copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:??
            Nabil J. Sarhan and   
       Mohammad A. Alsmirat and   
               Musab Al-Hadrusi   Waiting-time prediction in scalable
                                  on-demand video streaming  . . . . . . . 11:1--11:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 6, Number 3, August, 2010

              Changsheng Xu and   
         Eckehard Steinbach and   
     Abdulmotaleb El Saddik and   
                  Michelle Zhou   Introduction to the best papers of ACM
                                  Multimedia 2009  . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:??
              Zheng-Jun Zha and   
                Linjun Yang and   
                    Tao Mei and   
                  Meng Wang and   
                Zengfu Wang and   
              Tat-Seng Chua and   
                 Xian-Sheng Hua   Visual query suggestion: Towards
                                  capturing user intent in Internet image
                                  search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:??
                  Wei Jiang and   
           Courtenay Cotton and   
              Shih-Fu Chang and   
                  Dan Ellis and   
              Alexander C. Loui   Audio-visual atoms for generic video
                                  concept classification . . . . . . . . . 14:1--14:??
        Rodrigo De Oliveira and   
            Mauro Cherubini and   
                   Nuria Oliver   Looking at near-duplicate videos from a
                                  human-centric perspective  . . . . . . . 15:1--15:??
                    Hao Yin and   
                Xuening Liu and   
                Tongyu Zhan and   
                 Vyas Sekar and   
                   Feng Qiu and   
                 Chuang Lin and   
                  Hui Zhang and   
                          Bo Li   LiveSky: Enhancing CDN with P2P  . . . . 16:1--16:??
            Arthur G. Money and   
                    Harry Agius   ELVIS: Entertainment-Led VIdeo Summaries 17:1--17:??
           Steven C. h. Hoi and   
                    Wei Liu and   
                  Shih-Fu Chang   Semi-supervised distance metric learning
                                  for collaborative image retrieval and
                                  clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18:1--18:??
          Namunu C. Maddage and   
               Khe Chai Sim and   
                     Haizhou Li   Word level automatic alignment of music
                                  and lyrics using vocal synthesis . . . . 19:1--19:??
               Bashar Qudah and   
                Nabil J. Sarhan   Efficient delivery of on-demand video
                                  streams to heterogeneous receivers . . . 20:1--20:??
    João V. P. Gomes and   
  Pedro R. M. Inácio and   
               Branka Lakic and   
     Mário M. Freire and   
    Henrique J. A. Da Silva and   
              Paulo P. Monteiro   Source traffic analysis  . . . . . . . . 21:1--21:??
               Susanne Boll and   
                  Jiebo Luo and   
                Ramesh Jain and   
                        Dong Xu   Call for papers: ACM Transactions on
                                  Multimedia Computing, Communications and
                                  Applications special issue on social
                                  media  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22:1--22:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 6, Number 4, November, 2010

                 Ralf Steinmetz   Obituary to our dear friend Professor
                                  Dr. Nicolas D. Georganas, PhD  . . . . . 23:1--23:??
             Thomas Haenselmann   Foreword to the special issue on
                                  multimedia sensor fusion . . . . . . . . 24:1--24:??
               Xiangyu Wang and   
              Mohan Kankanhalli   MultiFusion: a boosting approach for
                                  multimedia fusion  . . . . . . . . . . . 25:1--25:??
              Girija Chetty and   
                  Matthew White   Multimedia sensor fusion for retrieving
                                  identity in biometric access control
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26:1--26:??
           Gerald Friedland and   
                Chuohao Yeo and   
                    Hayley Hung   Dialocalization: Acoustic speaker
                                  diarization and visual localization as
                                  joint optimization problem . . . . . . . 27:1--27:??
Abu Saleh Md Mahfujur Rahman and   
           M. Anwar Hossain and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   Spatial-geometric approach to physical
                                  mobile interaction based on
                                  accelerometer and IR sensory data fusion 28:1--28:??
                Zhenyu Yang and   
                  Wanmin Wu and   
            Klara Nahrstedt and   
           Gregorij Kurillo and   
                  Ruzena Bajcsy   Enabling multiparty $3$D tele-immersive
                                  environments with ViewCast . . . . . . . 29:1--29:??
            Damien Marshall and   
      Séamus Mcloone and   
              Tomás Ward   Optimizing consistency by maximizing
                                  bandwidth usage in distributed
                                  interactive applications . . . . . . . . 30:1--30:??
                    Long Vu and   
             Indranil Gupta and   
            Klara Nahrstedt and   
                      Jin Liang   Understanding overlay characteristics of
                                  a large-scale peer-to-peer IPTV system   31:1--31:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 7, Number 1, January, 2011

                Marek Meyer and   
          Christoph Rensing and   
                 Ralf Steinmetz   Multigranularity reuse of learning
                                  resources  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:??
            Samia Bouyakoub and   
             Abdelkader Belkhir   SMIL builder: an incremental authoring
                                  tool for SMIL Documents  . . . . . . . . 2:1--2:??
           M. Anwar Hossain and   
           Pradeep K. Atrey and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   Modeling and assessing quality of
                                  information in multisensor multimedia
                                  monitoring systems . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:??
                 Jianke Zhu and   
           Steven C. H. Hoi and   
             Michael R. Lyu and   
                  Shuicheng Yan   Near-duplicate keyframe retrieval by
                                  semi-supervised learning and nonrigid
                                  image matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
             Cheng-Hsin Hsu and   
                Mohamed Hefeeda   A framework for cross-layer optimization
                                  of video streaming in wireless networks  5:1--5:??
           Surendar Chandra and   
                       Xuwen Yu   An empirical analysis of serendipitous
                                  media sharing among campus-wide wireless
                                  users  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 7, Number 2, February, 2011

            Ajay Gopinathan and   
                    Zongpeng Li   Optimal layered multicast  . . . . . . . 7:1--7:??
             Cheng-Hsin Hsu and   
                Mohamed Hefeeda   Using simulcast and scalable video
                                  coding to efficiently control channel
                                  switching delay in mobile TV broadcast
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1--8:??
                  Yohan Jin and   
       Balakrishnan Prabhakaran   Knowledge discovery from $3$D human
                                  motion streams through semantic
                                  dimensional reduction  . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:??
                  Wei Cheng and   
              Wei Tsang Ooi and   
           Sebastien Mondet and   
           Romulus Grigoras and   
         Géraldine Morin   Modeling progressive mesh streaming:
                                  Does data dependency matter? . . . . . . 10:1--10:??
                  Susmit Bagchi   A fuzzy algorithm for dynamically
                                  adaptive multimedia streaming  . . . . . 11:1--11:??
             Cheng-Hsin Hsu and   
                Mohamed Hefeeda   Statistical multiplexing of
                                  variable-bit-rate videos streamed to
                                  mobile devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 7, Number 3, August, 2011

                 Ralf Steinmetz   Editorial notice . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:??
            Pavel Korshunov and   
                  Wei Tsang Ooi   Video quality for face detection,
                                  recognition, and tracking  . . . . . . . 14:1--14:??
                 Pei-Yu Lin and   
               Jung-San Lee and   
                Chin-Chen Chang   Protecting the content integrity of
                                  digital imagery with fidelity
                                  preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:??
      Reinier H. Van Leuken and   
              Remco C. Veltkamp   Selecting vantage objects for similarity
                                  indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1--16:??
                Wu-Chi Feng and   
                 Thanh Dang and   
             John Kassebaum and   
                     Tim Bauman   Supporting region-of-interest cropping
                                  through constrained compression  . . . . 17:1--17:??
              Qingzhong Liu and   
             Andrew H. Sung and   
                    Mengyu Qiao   Derivative-based audio steganalysis  . . 18:1--18:??
         Frederick W. B. Li and   
           Rynson W. H. Lau and   
                Danny Kilis and   
                 Lewis W. F. Li   Game-on-demand:: an online game engine
                                  based on geometry streaming  . . . . . . 19:1--19:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 7S, Number 1, 2011

      Shervin Shirmohammadi and   
                  Jiebo Luo and   
                   Jie Yang and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   Introduction to ACM Multimedia 2010 best
                                  paper candidates . . . . . . . . . . . . 20:1--20:??
    Subhabrata Bhattacharya and   
           Rahul Sukthankar and   
                   Mubarak Shah   A holistic approach to aesthetic
                                  enhancement of photographs . . . . . . . 21:1--21:??
                Shulong Tan and   
                  Jiajun Bu and   
                  Chun Chen and   
                     Bin Xu and   
                   Can Wang and   
                     Xiaofei He   Using rich social media information for
                                  music recommendation via hypergraph
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22:1--22:??
              Simone Milani and   
             Giancarlo Calvagno   A cognitive approach for effective
                                  coding and transmission of $3$D video    23:1--23:??
               Richang Hong and   
                  Meng Wang and   
             Xiao-Tong Yuan and   
                  Mengdi Xu and   
              Jianguo Jiang and   
              Shuicheng Yan and   
                  Tat-Seng Chua   Video accessibility enhancement for
                                  hearing-impaired users . . . . . . . . . 24:1--24:??
               Susanne Boll and   
                Ramesh Jain and   
                  Jiebo Luo and   
                        Dong Xu   Introduction to special issue on social
                                  media  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25:1--25:??
               Yu-Ching Lin and   
              Yi-Hsuan Yang and   
                  Homer H. Chen   Exploiting online music tags for music
                                  emotion classification . . . . . . . . . 26:1--26:??
            Mohamad Rabbath and   
           Philipp Sandhaus and   
                   Susanne Boll   Automatic creation of photo books from
                                  stories in social media  . . . . . . . . 27:1--27:??
                 Weiming Hu and   
               Haiqiang Zuo and   
                      Ou Wu and   
                Yunfei Chen and   
             Zhongfei Zhang and   
                    David Suter   Recognition of adult images, videos, and
                                  web page bags  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28:1--28:??
                  Yu-Ru Lin and   
   K. Selçcuk Candan and   
              Hari Sundaram and   
                     Lexing Xie   SCENT: Scalable compressed monitoring of
                                  evolving multirelational social networks 29:1--29:??
                 Jitao Sang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Browse by chunks: Topic mining and
                                  organizing on web-scale social media . . 30:1--30:??
                Rongrong Ji and   
                    Yue Gao and   
               Bineng Zhong and   
                Hongxun Yao and   
                        Qi Tian   Mining flickr landmarks by modeling
                                  reconstruction sparsity  . . . . . . . . 31:1--31:??
          Michael I. Mandel and   
             Razvan Pascanu and   
                Douglas Eck and   
              Yoshua Bengio and   
             Luca M. Aiello and   
        Rossano Schifanella and   
                Filippo Menczer   Contextual tag inference . . . . . . . . 32:1--32:??
            Joan-Isaac Biel and   
            Daniel Gatica-Perez   VlogSense: Conversational behavior and
                                  social attention in YouTube  . . . . . . 33:1--33:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 7, Number 4, November, 2011

                      Anonymous   Table of Contents: Online Supplement
                                  Volume 7S, Number 1  . . . . . . . . . . 34:1--34:??
               Richang Hong and   
                Jinhui Tang and   
             Hung-Khoon Tan and   
              Chong-Wah Ngo and   
              Shuicheng Yan and   
                  Tat-Seng Chua   Beyond search: Event-driven
                                  summarization for Web videos . . . . . . 35:1--35:??
              Wen-Kuang Kuo and   
                     Kuo-Wei Wu   Traffic prediction and QoS transmission
                                  of real-time live VBR videos in WLANs    36:1--36:??
          Namunu C. Maddage and   
                     Haizhou Li   Beat space segmentation and octave scale
                                  cepstral feature for sung language
                                  recognition in pop music . . . . . . . . 37:1--37:??
                 Simone Santini   Efficient computation of queries on
                                  feature streams  . . . . . . . . . . . . 38:1--38:??
             Renato Verdugo and   
            Miguel Nussbaum and   
                Pablo Corro and   
        Pablo Nuñnez and   
                Paula Navarrete   Interactive films and coconstruction . . 39:1--39:??
    Shahram Ghandeharizadeh and   
               Shahin Shayandeh   Domical cooperative caching for
                                  streaming media in wireless home
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40:1--40:??
    Shahram Ghandeharizadeh and   
               Shahin Shayandeh   Call for papers: Special issue on $3$D
                                  mobile multimedia  . . . . . . . . . . . 41:1--41:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 8, Number 1, January, 2012

                 Ralf Steinmetz   Editorial note and call for nominations:
                                  Nicolas D. Georganas best paper award    1:1--1:??
           Georghita Ghinea and   
              Oluwakemi Ademoye   The sweet smell of success: Enhancing
                                  multimedia applications with olfaction   2:1--2:??
            Mohamed Hefeeda and   
                 Cheng-Hsin Hsu   Design and evaluation of a testbed for
                                  mobile TV networks . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:??
                  Yu-Ru Lin and   
              Hari Sundaram and   
        Munmun De Choudhury and   
               Aisling Kelliher   Discovering multirelational structure in
                                  social media streams . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
                   Xu Cheng and   
                 Jiangchuan Liu   Exploring interest correlation for
                                  peer-to-peer socialized video sharing    5:1--5:??
                    Tao Mei and   
                  Lusong Li and   
             Xian-Sheng Hua and   
                     Shipeng Li   ImageSense: Towards contextual image
                                  advertising  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:??
              Lauro Snidaro and   
           Ingrid Visentini and   
              Gian Luca Foresti   Fusing multiple video sensors for
                                  surveillance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:??
            Jiun-Long Huang and   
            Shih-Chuan Chiu and   
                  Man-Kwan Shan   Towards an automatic music arrangement
                                  framework using score reduction  . . . . 8:1--8:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 8s, Number 1, February, 2012

                 Ralf Steinmetz   Editorial note . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:??
                 Dongyu Liu and   
                     Fei Li and   
                    Bo Shen and   
                  Songqing Chen   Building an efficient transcoding
                                  overlay for P2P streaming to
                                  heterogeneous devices  . . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:??
                Zhijie Shen and   
               Roger Zimmermann   ISP-friendly P2P live streaming: a
                                  roadmap to realization . . . . . . . . . 11:1--11:??
               Xiaosong Lou and   
                      Kai Hwang   Quality of data delivery in peer-to-peer
                                  video streaming  . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:??
                   Chuan Wu and   
                 Baochun Li and   
                   Shuqiao Zhao   Diagnosing network-wide P2P live
                                  streaming inefficiencies . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:??
                   Chuan Wu and   
                Zongpeng Li and   
                Xuanjia Qiu and   
              Francis C. M. Lau   Auction-based P2P VoD streaming:
                                  Incentives and optimal scheduling  . . . 14:1--14:??
              Tieying Zhang and   
                Xueqi Cheng and   
                Jianming Lv and   
                 Zhenhua Li and   
                    Weisong Shi   Providing hierarchical lookup service
                                  for P2P--VoD systems . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 8, Number 2, May, 2012

                      Anonymous   Table of Contents: Online Supplement
                                  Volume 8S, Number 1  . . . . . . . . . . 16:1--16:??
              Fadi Dornaika and   
                 James H. Elder   Image registration for foveated
                                  panoramic sensing  . . . . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:??
                  Xin Zhang and   
          Tomás Ward and   
          Séamus Mcloone   Comparison of predictive contract
                                  mechanisms from an information theory
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18:1--18:??
               Dan R. Olsen and   
                 Derek Bunn and   
              Trent Boulter and   
                    Robert Walz   Interactive television news  . . . . . . 19:1--19:??
         Grenville Armitage and   
                    Amiel Heyde   REED: Optimizing first person shooter
                                  game server discovery using network
                                  coordinates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20:1--20:??
                Xiaobai Liu and   
              Shuicheng Yan and   
              Tat-Seng Chua and   
                        Hai Jin   Image label completion by pursuing
                                  contextual decomposability . . . . . . . 21:1--21:??
                    Yi Chen and   
      Abhidnya A. Deshpande and   
         Ramazan S. Aygüun   Sprite generation using sprite fusion    22:1--22:??
             Ming-Fang Weng and   
                 Yung-Yu Chuang   Collaborative video reindexing via
                                  matrix factorization . . . . . . . . . . 23:1--23:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 8, Number 2S, September, 2012

           Mohan S. Kankanhalli   Introduction to special issue on
                                  multimedia security  . . . . . . . . . . 31:1--31:??
              Jonathan Weir and   
                  Weiqi Yan and   
           Mohan S. Kankanhalli   Image hatching for visual cryptography   32:1--32:??
                    Jian Li and   
                Hongmei Liu and   
                 Jiwu Huang and   
                     Yun Q. Shi   Reference index-based H.264 video
                                  watermarking scheme  . . . . . . . . . . 33:1--33:??
                 Xifeng Gao and   
              Caiming Zhang and   
                  Yan Huang and   
                   Zhigang Deng   A robust high-capacity
                                  affine-transformation-invariant scheme
                                  for watermarking $3$D geometric models   34:1--34:??
                   Rui Yang and   
                 Zhenhua Qu and   
                     Jiwu Huang   Exposing MP3 audio forgeries using frame
                                  offsets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35:1--35:??
                   Hui Feng and   
                 Hefei Ling and   
                  Fuhao Zou and   
                  Weiqi Yan and   
                   Zhengding Lu   A collusion attack optimization strategy
                                  for digital fingerprinting . . . . . . . 36:1--36:??
                Amit Sachan and   
              Sabu Emmanuel and   
           Mohan S. Kankanhalli   Aggregate licenses validation for
                                  digital rights violation detection . . . 37:1--37:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 8, Number 3, July, 2012

              Haakon Riiser and   
              Tore Endestad and   
             Paul Vigmostad and   
            Carsten Griwodz and   
            Pâl Halvorsen   Video streaming using a location-based
                                  bandwidth-lookup service for bitrate
                                  planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24:1--24:??
              Victor Valdes and   
               Jose M. Martinez   Automatic evaluation of video summaries  25:1--25:??
                Xinmei Tian and   
                Dacheng Tao and   
                       Yong Rui   Sparse transfer learning for interactive
                                  video search reranking . . . . . . . . . 26:1--26:??
                  Xin Zhang and   
       Tomás E. Ward and   
          Séamus Mcloone   An information-based dynamic
                                  extrapolation model for networked
                                  virtual environments . . . . . . . . . . 27:1--27:??
                Linjun Yang and   
                    Bo Geng and   
              Alan Hanjalic and   
                 Xian-Sheng Hua   A unified context model for web image
                                  retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28:1--28:??
                Paul Patras and   
              Albert Banchs and   
                  Pablo Serrano   A control theoretic scheme for efficient
                                  video transmission over IEEE 802.11e
                                  EDCA WLANs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29:1--29:??
                Xinglei Zhu and   
                  Chang W. Chen   A joint layered scheme for reliable and
                                  secure mobile JPEG-2000 streaming  . . . 30:1--30:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 8, Number 3s, September, 2012

        Daniel Gatica-Perez and   
                   Gang Hua and   
              Wei Tsang Ooi and   
            Pål Halvorsen   Introduction to the special section of
                                  best papers of ACM Multimedia 2011 . . . 38:1--38:??
                  Wanmin Wu and   
               Ahsan Arefin and   
           Gregorij Kurillo and   
              Pooja Agarwal and   
            Klara Nahrstedt and   
                  Ruzena Bajcsy   CZLoD: a psychophysical approach for
                                  $3$D tele-immersive video  . . . . . . . 39:1--39:??
                Rongrong Ji and   
                Felix X. Yu and   
              Tongtao Zhang and   
                  Shih-Fu Chang   Active query sensing: Suggesting the
                                  best query view for mobile visual search 40:1--40:??
      Shervin Shirmohammadi and   
            Mohamed Hefeeda and   
              Wei Tsang Ooi and   
               Romulus Grigoras   Introduction to special section on $3$D
                                  mobile multimedia  . . . . . . . . . . . 41:1--41:??
                 Yanwei Liu and   
                    Song Ci and   
                   Hui Tang and   
                     Yun Ye and   
                     Jinxia Liu   QoE-oriented $3$D video transcoding for
                                  mobile streaming . . . . . . . . . . . . 42:1--42:??
                 Shujie Liu and   
                 Chang Wen Chen   A novel $3$D video transcoding scheme
                                  for adaptive $3$D video transmission to
                                  heterogeneous terminals  . . . . . . . . 43:1--43:??
               Hoda Roodaki and   
       Mahmoud Reza Hashemi and   
          Shervin Shirmohammadi   A new methodology to derive objective
                                  quality assessment metrics for scalable
                                  multiview $3$D video coding  . . . . . . 44:1--44:??
                Ahmed Hamza and   
                Mohamed Hefeeda   Energy-efficient multicasting of
                                  multiview $3$D videos to mobile devices  45:1--45:??
                    Shu Shi and   
            Klara Nahrstedt and   
                   Roy Campbell   A real-time remote rendering system for
                                  interactive mobile graphics  . . . . . . 46:1--46:??
                   Wei Guan and   
                   Suya You and   
                 Ulrich Newmann   Efficient matchings and mobile augmented
                                  reality  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47:1--47:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 8, Number 4, November, 2012

                  TOMCCAP-STAFF   Table of contents: Online supplement
                                  volume 8, number 2s, online supplement
                                  volume 8, number 3s  . . . . . . . . . . 48:1--48:??
                 Ralf Steinmetz   Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49:1--49:??
                Xiaobai Liu and   
              Shuicheng Yan and   
                  Bin Cheng and   
                Jinhui Tang and   
             Tat-Sheng Chua and   
                        Hai Jin   Label-to-region with continuity-biased
                                  bi-layer sparsity priors . . . . . . . . 50:1--50:??
               Ork De Rooij and   
                 Marcel Worring   Efficient targeted search using a focus
                                  and context video browser  . . . . . . . 51:1--51:??
          Gheorghita Ghinea and   
              Oluwakemi Ademoye   User perception of media content
                                  association in olfaction-enhanced
                                  multimedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52:1--52:??
                Ryan Spicer and   
                  Yu-Ru Lin and   
           Aisling Kelliher and   
                  Hari Sundaram   NextSlidePlease: Authoring and
                                  delivering agile multimedia
                                  presentations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53:1--53:??
                    Heng Qi and   
                   Keqiu Li and   
               Yanming Shen and   
                       Wenyu Qu   Object-based image retrieval with kernel
                                  on adjacency matrix and local combined
                                  features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54:1--54:??
                 Guangda Li and   
                  Meng Wang and   
                   Zheng Lu and   
               Richang Hong and   
                  Tat-Seng Chua   In-video product annotation with Web
                                  information mining . . . . . . . . . . . 55:1--55:??
            Ajay Gopinathan and   
                    Zongpeng Li   Algorithms for stochastic optimization
                                  of multicast content delivery with
                                  network coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56:1--56:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 9, Number 1, February, 2013

              Mark Hendrikx and   
          Sebastiaan Meijer and   
       Joeri Van Der Velden and   
                Alexandru Iosup   Procedural content generation for games:
                                  a survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:??
                   Dong Liu and   
              Shuicheng Yan and   
               Rong-Rong Ji and   
             Xian-Sheng Hua and   
               Hong-Jiang Zhang   Image retrieval with query-adaptive
                                  hashing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1--2:??
              Yan-Tao Zheng and   
              Shuicheng Yan and   
              Zheng-Jun Zha and   
                   Yiqun Li and   
             Xiangdong Zhou and   
              Tat-Seng Chua and   
                    Ramesh Jain   GPSView: a scenic driving route planner  3:1--3:??
               Wengang Zhou and   
                Houqiang Li and   
                  Yijuan Lu and   
                        Qi Tian   SIFT match verification by geometric
                                  coding for large-scale partial-duplicate
                                  web image search . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
            Jong-Seung Park and   
                    Ramesh Jain   Identification of scene locations from
                                  geotagged images . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:??
               Yichuan Wang and   
                Ting-An Lin and   
             Cheng-Hsin Hsu and   
                        Xin Liu   Region- and action-aware virtual world
                                  clients  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:??
       Naghmeh Khodabakhshi and   
                Mohamed Hefeeda   Spider: a system for finding $3$D video
                                  copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:??
              Austin Abrams and   
                   Robert Pless   Web-accessible geographic integration
                                  and calibration of webcams . . . . . . . 8:1--8:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 9, Number 1s, October, 2013

                 Ralf Steinmetz   Editorial note . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31:1--31:??
            Klara Nahrstedt and   
            Rainer Lienhart and   
                 Malcolm Slaney   Introduction to the special section on
                                  the 20th anniversary of the ACM
                                  International Conference on Multimedia   32:1--32:??
                 Baochun Li and   
                   Zhi Wang and   
             Jiangchuan Liu and   
                      Wenwu Zhu   Two decades of Internet video streaming:
                                  a retrospective view . . . . . . . . . . 33:1--33:??
                Zixia Huang and   
            Klara Nahrstedt and   
                 Ralf Steinmetz   Evolution of temporal multimedia
                                  synchronization principles: a historical
                                  viewpoint  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34:1--34:??
       Dick C. A. Bulterman and   
                Pablo Cesar and   
Rodrigo Laiola Guimarães   Socially-aware multimedia authoring:
                                  Past, present, and future  . . . . . . . 35:1--35:??
                  Lei Zhang and   
                       Yong Rui   Image search-from thousands to billions
                                  in 20 years  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36:1--36:??
               Lawrence A. Rowe   Looking forward 10 years to multimedia
                                  successes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37:1--37:??
                Prashant Shenoy   Multimedia systems research: The first
                                  twenty years and lessons for the next
                                  twenty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38:1--38:??
                    Kien A. Hua   Online video delivery: Past, present,
                                  and future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39:1--39:??
        Viswanathan Swaminathan   Are we in the middle of a video
                                  streaming revolution?  . . . . . . . . . 40:1--40:??
                 Philip A. Chou   Advances in immersive communication: (1)
                                  Telephone, (2) Television, (3)
                                  Teleportation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41:1--41:??
                  Shih-Fu Chang   How far we've come: Impact of 20 years
                                  of multimedia information retrieval  . . 42:1--42:??
            Wolfgang Effelsberg   A personal look back at twenty years of
                                  research in multimedia content analysis  43:1--43:??
                  Alan Hanjalic   Multimedia retrieval that matters  . . . 44:1--44:??
                   Matthew Turk   Over twenty years of eigenfaces  . . . . 45:1--45:??
                  Brian Whitman   Care and scale: Fifteen years of music
                                  retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46:1--46:??
           Richard Szeliski and   
               Noah Snavely and   
                Steven M. Seitz   Navigating the worldwide community of
                                  photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47:1--47:??
                Elisabeth Andre   Exploiting unconscious user signals in
                                  multimodal human-computer interaction    48:1--48:??
                  Hari Sundaram   Experiential media systems . . . . . . . 49:1--49:??
Ioannis (Yiannis) Kompatsiaris and   
        Wenjun (Kevin) Zeng and   
                   Gang Hua and   
                 Liangliang Cao   Introduction to the special section of
                                  best papers of ACM multimedia 2012 . . . 50:1--50:??
                   Heng Liu and   
                    Tao Mei and   
                Houqiang Li and   
                  Jiebo Luo and   
                     Shipeng Li   Robust and accurate mobile visual
                                  localization and its applications  . . . 51:1--51:??
                   Zhi Wang and   
                  Wenwu Zhu and   
              Xiangwen Chen and   
                 Lifeng Sun and   
             Jiangchuan Liu and   
               Minghua Chen and   
                   Peng Cui and   
                  Shiqiang Yang   Propagation-based social-aware
                                  multimedia content distribution  . . . . 52:1--52:??
                 Jitao Sang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Social influence analysis and
                                  application on multimedia sharing
                                  websites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53:1--53:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 9, Number 2, May, 2013

              Juan M. Silva and   
            Mauricio Orozco and   
                Jongeun Cha and   
     Abdulmotaleb El Saddik and   
                 Emil M. Petriu   Human perception of haptic-to-video and
                                  haptic-to-audio skew in multimedia
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:??
          Chidansh A. Bhatt and   
           Pradeep K. Atrey and   
           Mohan S. Kankanhalli   A reward-and-punishment-based approach
                                  for concept detection using adaptive
                                  ontology rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:??
        Fawaz A. Alsulaiman and   
                 Nizar Sakr and   
     Julio J. Valdés and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   Identity verification based on
                                  handwritten signatures with haptic
                                  information using genetic programming    11:1--11:??
               Qianni Zhang and   
               Ebroul Izquierdo   Multifeature analysis and semantic
                                  context learning for image
                                  classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:??
              Zhen Wei Zhao and   
             Sameer Samarth and   
                  Wei Tsang Ooi   Modeling the effect of user interactions
                                  on mesh-based P2P VoD streaming systems  13:1--13:??
                  Yang Yang and   
                    Yi Yang and   
                  Heng Tao Shen   Effective transfer tagging from image to
                                  video  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:1--14:??
              Zhen Wei Zhao and   
                  Wei Tsang Ooi   APRICOD: an access-pattern-driven
                                  distributed caching middleware for fast
                                  content discovery of noncontinuous media
                                  access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 9, Number 3, June, 2013

                      Anonymous   Call for papers: Multiple sensorial
                                  (MulSeMedia) multi-modal media: Advances
                                  and applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:??
                    Tao Mei and   
               Lin-Xie Tang and   
                Jinhui Tang and   
                 Xian-Sheng Hua   Near-lossless semantic video
                                  summarization and its applications to
                                  video analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1--16:??
       Oluwakemi A. Ademoye and   
              Gheorghita Ghinea   Information recall task impact in
                                  olfaction-enhanced multimedia  . . . . . 17:1--17:??
                 Lo-Yao Yeh and   
                Jiun-Long Huang   A conditional access system with
                                  efficient key distribution and
                                  revocation for mobile pay-TV systems . . 18:1--18:??
             Ruchira Naskar and   
       Rajat Subhra Chakraborty   A generalized tamper localization
                                  approach for reversible watermarking
                                  algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19:1--19:??
           Jonathan Doherty and   
               Kevin Curran and   
                  Paul Mckevitt   A self-similarity approach to repairing
                                  large dropouts of streamed music . . . . 20:1--20:??
            Edmond S. L. Ho and   
           Jacky C. P. Chan and   
                Taku Komura and   
                   Howard Leung   Interactive partner control in close
                                  interactions for real-time applications  21:1--21:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 9, Number 4, August, 2013

                 Ralf Steinmetz   Editorial: Reviewers . . . . . . . . . . 22:1--22:??
               Kazuya Sakai and   
               Wei-Shinn Ku and   
                 Min-Te Sun and   
               Roger Zimmermann   Privacy preserving continuous multimedia
                                  streaming in MANETs  . . . . . . . . . . 23:1--23:??
                  Jian Dong and   
                  Bin Cheng and   
               Xiangyu Chen and   
              Tat-Seng Chua and   
              Shuicheng Yan and   
                        Xi Zhou   Robust image annotation via simultaneous
                                  feature and sample outlier pursuit . . . 24:1--24:??
         Arantxa Villanueva and   
              Victoria Ponz and   
        Laura Sesma-Sanchez and   
                 Mikel Ariz and   
                Sonia Porta and   
                  Rafael Cabeza   Hybrid method based on topography for
                                  robust detection of iris center and eye
                                  corners  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25:1--25:??
                    Bo Wang and   
               Jinqiao Wang and   
                     Hanqing Lu   Exploiting content relevance and social
                                  relevance for personalized ad
                                  recommendation on Internet TV  . . . . . 26:1--26:??
          Kazi Masudul Alam and   
Abu Saleh Md Mahfujur Rahman and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   Mobile haptic e-book system to support
                                  $3$D immersive reading in ubiquitous
                                  environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27:1--27:??
              Tam V. Nguyen and   
                     Si Liu and   
                Bingbing Ni and   
                    Jun Tan and   
                   Yong Rui and   
                  Shuicheng Yan   Towards decrypting attractiveness via
                                  multi-modality cues  . . . . . . . . . . 28:1--28:??
                Jinhui Tang and   
                 Qiang Chen and   
                  Meng Wang and   
              Shuicheng Yan and   
              Tat-Seng Chua and   
                    Ramesh Jain   Towards optimizing human labeling for
                                  interactive image tagging  . . . . . . . 29:1--29:??
            Bogdan Carbunar and   
            Rahul Potharaju and   
             Michael Pearce and   
        Venugopal Vasudevan and   
                Michael Needham   A framework for network aware caching
                                  for video on demand systems  . . . . . . 30:1--30:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 10, Number 1, December, 2013

                  Zechao Li and   
                   Jing Liu and   
                  Meng Wang and   
              Changsheng Xu and   
                     Hanqing Lu   Enhancing news organization for
                                  convenient retrieval and browsing  . . . 1:1--1:??
                Peter Knees and   
                  Markus Schedl   A survey of music similarity and
                                  recommendation from music context data   2:1--2:??
              Yi-Liang Zhao and   
                 Qiang Chen and   
              Shuicheng Yan and   
              Tat-Seng Chua and   
                   Daqing Zhang   Detecting profilable and overlapping
                                  communities with user-generated
                                  multimedia contents in LBSNs . . . . . . 3:1--3:??
           Gaurav Bhatnagar and   
          Q. M. Jonathan Wu and   
               Pradeep K. Atrey   Secure randomized image watermarking
                                  based on singular value decomposition    4:1--4:??
                Luntian Mou and   
               Tiejun Huang and   
              Yonghong Tian and   
              Menglin Jiang and   
                        Wen Gao   Content-based copy detection through
                                  multimodal feature representation and
                                  temporal pyramid matching  . . . . . . . 5:1--5:??
               Xiangyu Chen and   
                  Yadong Mu and   
                Hairong Liu and   
              Shuicheng Yan and   
                   Yong Rui and   
                  Tat-Seng Chua   Large-scale multilabel propagation based
                                  on efficient sparse graph construction   6:1--6:??
           Michael E. Houle and   
               Vincent Oria and   
            Shin'ichi Satoh and   
                     Jichao Sun   Annotation propagation in image
                                  databases using similarity graphs  . . . 7:1--7:??
             Anupama Mallik and   
             Hiranmay Ghosh and   
          Santanu Chaudhury and   
                   Gaurav Harit   MOWL: an ontology representation
                                  language for Web-based multimedia
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1--8:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 10, Number 2, February, 2014

                Yunhua Deng and   
               Rynson W. H. Lau   Dynamic load balancing in distributed
                                  virtual environments using heat
                                  diffusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1--16:??
                  James She and   
              Jon Crowcroft and   
                     Hao Fu and   
                       Flora Li   Convergence of interactive displays with
                                  smart mobile devices for effective
                                  advertising: a survey  . . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:??
           Ekaterina Gonina and   
           Gerald Friedland and   
            Eric Battenberg and   
       Penporn Koanantakool and   
           Michael Driscoll and   
        Evangelos Georganas and   
                   Kurt Keutzer   Scalable multimedia content analysis on
                                  parallel platforms using Python  . . . . 18:1--18:??
           Surendar Chandra and   
              John Boreczky and   
               Lawrence A. Rowe   High performance many-to-many intranet
                                  screen sharing with DisplayCast  . . . . 19:1--19:??
                 Ya-Lin Lee and   
                Wen-Hsiang Tsai   A new data hiding method via revision
                                  history records on collaborative writing
                                  platforms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20:1--20:??
                   Jin Yuan and   
              Yi-Liang Zhao and   
                Huanbo Luan and   
                  Meng Wang and   
                  Tat-Seng Chua   Memory recall based video search:
                                  Finding videos you have seen before
                                  based on your memory . . . . . . . . . . 21:1--21:??
              Xianglong Liu and   
                  Yadong Mu and   
                    Bo Lang and   
                  Shih-Fu Chang   Mixed image-keyword query adaptive
                                  hashing over multilabel images . . . . . 22:1--22:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 10, Number 3, April, 2014

                      Anonymous   Table of Contents: Online Supplement
                                  Volume 10, Number 1s . . . . . . . . . . 22:1--22:??
                   Ning Liu and   
                 Huajie Cui and   
            S.-H. Gary Chan and   
               Zhipeng Chen and   
                  Yirong Zhuang   Dissecting User Behaviors for a
                                  Simultaneous Live and VoD IPTV System    23:1--23:??
              Rossano Gaeta and   
            Marco Grangetto and   
                  Lorenzo Bovio   DIP: Distributed Identification of
                                  Polluters in P2P Live Streaming  . . . . 24:1--24:??
    Mohammad Asharful Hoque and   
            Matti Siekkinen and   
          Jukka K. Nurminen and   
               Sasu Tarkoma and   
                     Mika Aalto   Saving Energy in Mobile Devices for
                                  On-Demand Multimedia Streaming --- A
                                  Cross-Layer Approach . . . . . . . . . . 25:1--25:??
                  Feng Wang and   
               Wan-Lei Zhao and   
              Chong-Wah Ngo and   
               Bernard Merialdo   A Hamming Embedding Kernel with
                                  Informative Bag-of-Visual Words for
                                  Video Semantic Indexing  . . . . . . . . 26:1--26:??
                  Ying Yang and   
           Ioannis Ivrissimtzis   Mesh Discriminative Features for $3$D
                                  Steganalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27:1--27:??
           Abdelwahab Hamam and   
     Abdulmotaleb El Saddik and   
                  Jihad Alja'am   A Quality of Experience Model for Haptic
                                  Virtual Environments . . . . . . . . . . 28:1--28:??
                Marco Botta and   
           Davide Cavagnino and   
                Victor Pomponiu   Protecting the Content Integrity of
                                  Digital Imagery with Fidelity
                                  Preservation: An Improved Version  . . . 29:1--29:??
                     Da Luo and   
                  Weiqi Luo and   
                   Rui Yang and   
                     Jiwu Huang   Identifying Compression History of Wave
                                  Audio and Its Applications . . . . . . . 30:1--30:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 10, Number 4, June, 2014

              Tianzhu Zhang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Cross-Domain Multi-Event Tracking via
                                  CO-PMHT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31:1--31:??
              Qinghua Huang and   
               Bisheng Chen and   
              Jingdong Wang and   
                        Tao Mei   Personalized Video Recommendation
                                  through Graph Propagation  . . . . . . . 32:1--32:??
                  Haitao Li and   
                   Xu Cheng and   
                 Jiangchuan Liu   Understanding Video Sharing Propagation
                                  in Social Networks: Measurement and
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33:1--33:??
                 Zhiyu Wang and   
                   Peng Cui and   
                 Lexing Xie and   
                  Wenwu Zhu and   
                   Yong Rui and   
                  Shiqiang Yang   Bilateral Correspondence Model for
                                  Words-and-Pictures Association in
                                  Multimedia-Rich Microblogs . . . . . . . 34:1--34:??
               Yanqiang Lei and   
                Guoping Qiu and   
               Ligang Zheng and   
                     Jiwu Huang   Fast Near-Duplicate Image Detection
                                  Using Uniform Randomized Trees . . . . . 35:1--35:??
                Che-Hua Yeh and   
            Brian A. Barsky and   
                  Ming Ouhyoung   Personalized Photograph Ranking and
                                  Selection System Considering Positive
                                  and Negative User Feedback . . . . . . . 36:1--36:??
                   Song Tan and   
              Yu-Gang Jiang and   
                  Chong-Wah Ngo   Placing Videos on a Semantic Hierarchy
                                  for Search Result Navigation . . . . . . 37:1--37:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 11, Number 1, August, 2014

                 Ralf Steinmetz   Editorial Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:??
               Yong-Jin Liu and   
                 Cui-Xia Ma and   
                 Qiufang Fu and   
                 Xiaolan Fu and   
             Sheng-Feng Qin and   
                     Lexing Xie   A Sketch-Based Approach for Interactive
                                  Organization of Video Clips  . . . . . . 2:1--2:??
               Junshi Huang and   
                     Si Liu and   
              Junliang Xing and   
                    Tao Mei and   
                  Shuicheng Yan   Circle & Search: Attribute-Aware Shoe
                                  Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:??
              Genliang Guan and   
               Zhiyong Wang and   
                Shaohui Mei and   
                    Max Ott and   
                  Mingyi He and   
               David Dagan Feng   A Top-Down Approach for Video
                                  Summarization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
           Richard W. Pazzi and   
             Azzedine Boukerche   PROPANE: a Progressive Panorama
                                  Streaming Protocol to Support
                                  Interactive $3$D Virtual Environment
                                  Exploration on Graphics-Constrained
                                  Devices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:??
               Xiangyu Wang and   
                   Yong Rui and   
              Mohan Kankanhalli   Up-Fusion: an Evolving Multimedia Fusion
                                  Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:??
                 Xinxi Wang and   
                    Yi Wang and   
                  David Hsu and   
                        Ye Wang   Exploration in Interactive Personalized
                                  Music Recommendation: a Reinforcement
                                  Learning Approach  . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:??
               Harish Katti and   
      Anoop Kolar Rajagopal and   
          Mohan Kankanhalli and   
          Ramakrishnan Kalpathi   Online Estimation of Evolving Human
                                  Visual Interest  . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1--8:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 11, Number 1s, September, 2014

          Gheorghita Ghinea and   
         Christian Timmerer and   
                  Weisi Lin and   
               Stephen Gulliver   Introduction to Special Issue on
                                  Multiple Sensorial (MulSeMedia)
                                  Multimodal Media: Advances and
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:??
                  Zhihan Lv and   
              Alaa Halawani and   
            Shengzhong Feng and   
                   Haibo Li and   
        Shafiq Ur Réhman   Multimodal Hand and Foot Gesture
                                  Interaction for Handheld Devices . . . . 10:1--10:??
               Manoj Prasad and   
              Murat Russell and   
               Tracy A. Hammond   Designing Vibrotactile Codes to
                                  Communicate Verb Phrases . . . . . . . . 11:1--11:??
               Niall Murray and   
                  Brian Lee and   
              Yuansong Qiao and   
           Gabriel-Miro Muntean   Multiple-Scent Enhanced Multimedia
                                  Synchronization  . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:??
               Eleni Kroupi and   
             Ashkan Yazdani and   
            Jean-Marc Vesin and   
               Touradj Ebrahimi   EEG Correlates of Pleasant and
                                  Unpleasant Odor Perception . . . . . . . 13:1--13:??
            Benjamin Rainer and   
             Christian Timmerer   A Generic Utility Model Representing the
                                  Quality of Sensory Experience  . . . . . 14:1--14:??
               Zhenhui Yuan and   
             Shengyang Chen and   
          Gheorghita Ghinea and   
           Gabriel-Miro Muntean   User Quality of Experience of Mulsemedia
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:??
      Francisco Pedro Luque and   
               Iris Galloso and   
             Claudio Feijoo and   
Carlos Alberto Martín and   
             Guillermo Cisneros   Integration of Multisensorial Stimuli
                                  and Multimodal Interaction in a Hybrid
                                  $3$DTV System  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1--16:??
          Gheorghita Ghinea and   
         Christian Timmerer and   
                  Weisi Lin and   
            Stephen R. Gulliver   Mulsemedia: State of the Art,
                                  Perspectives, and Challenges . . . . . . 17:1--17:??
              Zheng-Jun Zha and   
                  Lei Zhang and   
   Max Mühlhäuser and   
                Alan F. Smeaton   Introduction to the Special Issue Best
                                  Papers of ACM Multimedia 2013  . . . . . 18:1--18:??
                  Quan Fang and   
                 Jitao Sang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Discovering Geo-Informative Attributes
                                  for Location Recognition and Exploration 19:1--19:??
                  Luoqi Liu and   
              Junliang Xing and   
                     Si Liu and   
                     Hui Xu and   
                    Xi Zhou and   
                  Shuicheng Yan   ``Wow! You Are So Beautiful Today!'' . . 20:1--20:??
              Hanwang Zhang and   
              Zheng-Jun Zha and   
                  Yang Yang and   
              Shuicheng Yan and   
                    Yue Gao and   
                  Tat-Seng Chua   Attribute-Augmented Semantic Hierarchy:
                                  Towards a Unified Framework for
                                  Content-Based Image Retrieval  . . . . . 21:1--21:??
                   Xin Zhao and   
                     Xue Li and   
                Chaoyi Pang and   
              Quan Z. Sheng and   
                   Sen Wang and   
                         Mao Ye   Structured Streaming Skeleton --- A New
                                  Feature for Online Human Gesture
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22:1--22:??
            Bogdan Carbunar and   
            Rahul Potharaju and   
             Michael Pearce and   
        Venugopal Vasudevan and   
                Michael Needham   Errata for: A Framework for Network
                                  Aware Caching for Video on Demand
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23:1--23:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 11, Number 2, December, 2014

                 Ying Zhang and   
               Luming Zhang and   
               Roger Zimmermann   Aesthetics-Guided Summarization from
                                  Multiple User Generated Videos . . . . . 24:1--24:??
             Kiana Calagari and   
     Mohammad Reza Pakravan and   
      Shervin Shirmohammadi and   
                Mohamed Hefeeda   ALP: Adaptive Loss Protection Scheme
                                  with Constant Overhead for Interactive
                                  Video Applications . . . . . . . . . . . 25:1--25:??
                 Dongni Ren and   
                 Yisheng Xu and   
                S.-H. Gary Chan   Beyond 1Mbps Global Overlay Live
                                  Streaming: The Case of Proxy Helpers . . 26:1--26:??
            Shengsheng Qian and   
              Tianzhu Zhang and   
              Changsheng Xu and   
              M. Shamim Hossain   Social Event Classification via Boosted
                                  Multimodal Supervised Latent Dirichlet
                                  Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27:1--27:??
                     Jun Ye and   
                    Kien A. Hua   Octree-Based $3$D Logic and Computation
                                  of Spatial Relationships in Live Video
                                  Query Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . 28:1--28:??
                 Yifang Yin and   
                Zhijie Shen and   
               Luming Zhang and   
               Roger Zimmermann   Spatial-Temporal Tag Mining for
                                  Automatic Geospatial Video Annotation    29:1--29:??
               Chih-Wei Lin and   
              Kuan-Wen Chen and   
              Shen-Chi Chen and   
              Cheng-Wu Chen and   
                   Yi-Ping Hung   Large-Area, Multilayered, and
                                  High-Resolution Visual Monitoring Using
                                  a Dual-Camera System . . . . . . . . . . 30:1--30:??
               Zhengyu Deng and   
                   Ming Yan and   
                 Jitao Sang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Twitter is Faster: Personalized
                                  Time-Aware Video Recommendation from
                                  Twitter to YouTube . . . . . . . . . . . 31:1--31:??
                 Yongtao Hu and   
                  Jan Kautz and   
                  Yizhou Yu and   
                   Wenping Wang   Speaker-Following Video Subtitles  . . . 32:1--32:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 11, Number 2s, February, 2015

               Kuan-Ta Chen and   
              Songqing Chen and   
                  Wei Tsang Ooi   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  MMSys 2014 and NOSSDAV 2014  . . . . . . 41:1--41:??
            Philipp Schaber and   
               Stephan Kopf and   
                Sina Wetzel and   
              Tyler Ballast and   
            Christoph Wesch and   
            Wolfgang Effelsberg   CamMark: Analyzing, Modeling, and
                                  Simulating Artifacts in Camcorder Copies 42:1--42:??
                 Laura Toni and   
       Ramon Aparicio-Pardo and   
               Karine Pires and   
              Gwendal Simon and   
              Alberto Blanc and   
                Pascal Frossard   Optimal Selection of Adaptive Streaming
                                  Representations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 43:1--43:??
                 Liang Chen and   
                Yipeng Zhou and   
                  Dah Ming Chiu   Analysis and Detection of Fake Views in
                                  Online Video Services  . . . . . . . . . 44:1--44:??
               Minseok Song and   
                Yeongju Lee and   
                    Jinhan Park   Scheduling a Video Transcoding Server to
                                  Save Energy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45:1--45:??
    Mohsen Jamali Langroodi and   
              Joseph Peters and   
          Shervin Shirmohammadi   Decoder-Complexity-Aware Encoding of
                                  Motion Compensation for Multiple
                                  Heterogeneous Receivers  . . . . . . . . 46:1--46:??
               Shannon Chen and   
               Zhenhuan Gao and   
            Klara Nahrstedt and   
                 Indranil Gupta   $3$DTI Amphitheater: Towards $3$DTI
                                  Broadcasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47:1--47:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 11, Number 3, January, 2015

                    Ke Chen and   
                 Zhong Zhou and   
                         Wei Wu   Progressive Motion Vector Clustering for
                                  Motion Estimation and Auxiliary Tracking 33:1--33:??
                Liquan Shen and   
                    Ping An and   
             Zhaoyang Zhang and   
                Qianqian Hu and   
                Zhengchuan Chen   A $3$D--HEVC Fast Mode Decision
                                  Algorithm for Real-Time Applications . . 34:1--34:??
              Xiaoshan Yang and   
              Tianzhu Zhang and   
              Changsheng Xu and   
                Ming-Hsuan Yang   Boosted Multifeature Learning for
                                  Cross-Domain Transfer  . . . . . . . . . 35:1--35:??
                     Pei-Yu Lin   Double Verification Secret Sharing
                                  Mechanism Based on Adaptive Pixel Pair
                                  Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36:1--36:??
                Shuang Wang and   
                 Shuqiang Jiang   INSTRE: a New Benchmark for
                                  Instance-Level Object Retrieval and
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37:1--37:??
              Ankita Lathey and   
               Pradeep K. Atrey   Image Enhancement in Encrypted Domain
                                  over Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38:1--38:??
                 Yifang Yin and   
                Beomjoo Seo and   
               Roger Zimmermann   Content vs. Context: Visual and
                                  Geographic Information Use in Video
                                  Landmark Retrieval . . . . . . . . . . . 39:1--39:??
             Hong-Ying Yang and   
            Xiang-Yang Wang and   
                Pan-Pan Niu and   
                   Ai-Long Wang   Robust Color Image Watermarking Using
                                  Geometric Invariant Quaternion Polar
                                  Harmonic Transform . . . . . . . . . . . 40:1--40:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 11, Number 4, April, 2015

     Dilip Kumar Krishnappa and   
               Michael Zink and   
            Carsten Griwodz and   
            Pål Halvorsen   Cache-Centric Video Recommendation: an
                                  Approach to Improve the Efficiency of
                                  YouTube Caches . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48:1--48:??
                   Yu Zhang and   
              James Z. Wang and   
                         Jia Li   Parallel Massive Clustering of Discrete
                                  Distributions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49:1--49:??
                Eilwoo Baik and   
                 Amit Pande and   
              Prasant Mohapatra   Efficient MAC for Real-Time Video
                                  Streaming over Wireless LAN  . . . . . . 50:1--50:??
           Stefanos Antaris and   
           Dimitrios Rafailidis   Similarity Search over the Cloud Based
                                  on Image Descriptors' Dimensions Value
                                  Cardinalities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51:1--51:??
                Yin-Tzu Lin and   
                 I-Ting Liu and   
       Jyh-Shing Roger Jang and   
                     Ja-Ling Wu   Audio Musical Dice Game: a
                                  User-Preference-Aware Medley Generating
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52:1--52:??
                Bo-Hao Chen and   
                Shih-Chia Huang   An Advanced Visibility Restoration
                                  Algorithm for Single Hazy Images . . . . 53:1--53:??
               Bing-Kun Bao and   
              Changsheng Xu and   
                Weiqing Min and   
        Mohammod Shamim Hossain   Cross-Platform Emerging Topic Detection
                                  and Elaboration from Multimedia Streams  54:1--54:??
                    Yang Li and   
             Azzedine Boukerche   QuGu: a Quality Guaranteed Video
                                  Dissemination Protocol Over Urban
                                  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks  . . . . . . . 55:1--55:??
     Vamsidhar Reddy Gaddam and   
                Ragnhild Eg and   
            Ragnar Langseth and   
            Carsten Griwodz and   
            Pål Halvorsen   The Cameraman Operating My Virtual
                                  Camera is Artificial: Can the Machine Be
                                  as Good as a Human?  . . . . . . . . . . 56:1--56:??
           Prabhu Natarajan and   
           Pradeep K. Atrey and   
              Mohan Kankanhalli   Multi-Camera Coordination and Control in
                                  Surveillance Systems: a Survey . . . . . 57:1--57:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 12, Number 1, August, 2015

          Shingchern D. You and   
                      Yi-Han Pu   Using Paired Distances of Signal Peaks
                                  in Stereo Channels as Fingerprints for
                                  Copy Identification  . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:??
             Ali El Essaili and   
                 Zibin Wang and   
         Eckehard Steinbach and   
                     Liang Zhou   QoE-Based Cross-Layer Optimization for
                                  Uplink Video Transmission  . . . . . . . 2:1--2:??
                  Li-Jia Li and   
            David A. Shamma and   
              Xiangnan Kong and   
             Sina Jafarpour and   
            Roelof Van Zwol and   
                   Xuanhui Wang   CelebrityNet: a Social Network
                                  Constructed from Large-Scale Online
                                  Celebrity Images . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:??
                   Bo Zhang and   
               Nicola Conci and   
      Francesco G. B. De Natale   Segmentation of Discriminative Patches
                                  in Human Activity Video  . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
                   Hui Wang and   
             Mun Choon Chan and   
                  Wei Tsang Ooi   Wireless Multicast for Zoomable Video
                                  Streaming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:??
              Simone Bianco and   
               Gianluigi Ciocca   User Preferences Modeling and Learning
                                  for Pleasing Photo Collage Generation    6:1--6:??
                      Bo Fu and   
               Dirk Staehle and   
            Gerald Kunzmann and   
         Eckehard Steinbach and   
              Wolfgang Kellerer   QoE-Based SVC Layer Dropping in LTE
                                  Networks Using Content-Aware Layer
                                  Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:??
                  Siqi Shen and   
                Shun-Yun Hu and   
            Alexandru Iosup and   
                     Dick Epema   Area of Simulation: Mechanism and
                                  Architecture for Multi-Avatar Virtual
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1--8:??
                Suk Kyu Lee and   
                Seungho Yoo and   
              Jongtack Jung and   
               Hwangnam Kim and   
                    Jihoon Ryoo   Link-Aware Reconfigurable Point-to-Point
                                  Video Streaming for Mobile Devices . . . 9:1--9:??
                 Ming-Ju Wu and   
              Jyh-Shing R. Jang   Combining Acoustic and Multilevel Visual
                                  Features for Music Genre Classification  10:1--10:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 12, Number 1s, October, 2015

                  James She and   
                 Alvin Chin and   
                   Feng Xia and   
                  Jon Crowcroft   Introduction to: Special Issue on
                                  Smartphone-Based Interactive
                                  Technologies, Systems, and Applications  11:1--11:??
                   Biao Zhu and   
              Hongxin Zhang and   
                   Wei Chen and   
                   Feng Xia and   
               Ross Maciejewski   ShotVis: Smartphone-Based Visualization
                                  of OCR Information from Images . . . . . 12:1--12:??
Seshadri Padmanabha Venkatagiri and   
             Mun Choon Chan and   
                  Wei Tsang Ooi   Automated Link Generation for
                                  Sensor-Enriched Smartphone Images  . . . 13:1--13:??
                  Chung-Hua Chu   Visual Comfort for Stereoscopic $3$D by
                                  Using Motion Sensors on $3$D Mobile
                                  Devices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:1--14:??
                 Kaikai Liu and   
                     Xiaolin Li   Enabling Context-Aware Indoor Augmented
                                  Reality via Smartphone Sensing and
                                  Vision Tracking  . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:??
                  Junho Ahn and   
           James Williamson and   
              Mike Gartrell and   
                Richard Han and   
                     Qin Lv and   
               Shivakant Mishra   Supporting Healthy Grocery Shopping via
                                  Mobile Augmented Reality . . . . . . . . 16:1--16:??
                  Sixuan Ma and   
                      Zheng Yan   PSNController: an Unwanted Content
                                  Control System in Pervasive Social
                                  Networking Based on Trust Management . . 17:1--17:??
                    Fei Hao and   
               Mingjie Jiao and   
                 Geyong Min and   
               Laurence T. Yang   Launching an Efficient Participatory
                                  Sensing Campaign: a Smart Mobile
                                  Device-Based Approach  . . . . . . . . . 18:1--18:??
         Yogesh Singh Rawat and   
           Mohan S. Kankanhalli   Context-Aware Photography Learning for
                                  Smart Mobile Devices . . . . . . . . . . 19:1--19:??
             Sergio Canazza and   
             Carlo Fantozzi and   
                Niccol`o Pretto   Accessing Tape Music Documents on Mobile
                                  Devices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20:1--20:??
                  Xiping Hu and   
                 Junqi Deng and   
                  Jidi Zhao and   
                  Wenyan Hu and   
           Edith C.-H. Ngai and   
                Renfei Wang and   
                Johnny Shen and   
                  Min Liang and   
                  Xitong Li and   
         Victor C. M. Leung and   
                  Yu-Kwong Kwok   SAfeDJ: a Crowd-Cloud Codesign Approach
                                  to Situation-Aware Music Delivery for
                                  Drivers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21:1--21:??
           Matthias Baldauf and   
        Peter Fröhlich and   
           Florence Adegeye and   
                  Stefan Suette   Investigating On-Screen Gamepad Designs
                                  for Smartphone-Controlled Video Games    22:1--22:??
            Diana S. Bental and   
         Eliza Papadopoulou and   
         Nicholas K. Taylor and   
         M. Howard Williams and   
         Fraser R. Blackmun and   
           Idris S. Ibrahim and   
                Mei Yii Lim and   
         Ioannis Mimtsoudis and   
            Stuart W. Whyte and   
                  Edel Jennings   Smartening Up the Student Learning
                                  Experience with Ubiquitous Media . . . . 23:1--23:??
                Hayley Hung and   
                George Toderici   Introduction to: Special Issue on
                                  Extended Best Papers from ACM Multimedia
                                  2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24:1--24:??
                  Yelin Kim and   
            Emily Mower Provost   Emotion Recognition During Speech Using
                                  Dynamics of Multiple Regions of the Face 25:1--25:??
             Fangxiang Feng and   
               Xiaojie Wang and   
                  Ruifan Li and   
                    Ibrar Ahmad   Correspondence Autoencoders for
                                  Cross-Modal Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . 26:1--26:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 12, Number 2, March, 2016

               Longyu Zhang and   
                Haiwei Dong and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   From $3$D Sensing to Printing: a Survey  27:1--27:??
         Stefano Petrangeli and   
              Jeroen Famaey and   
               Maxim Claeys and   
        Steven Latré and   
                 Filip De Turck   QoE-Driven Rate Adaptation Heuristic for
                                  Fair Adaptive Video Streaming  . . . . . 28:1--28:??
                Shaoyan Sun and   
               Wengang Zhou and   
                    Qi Tian and   
                    Houqiang Li   Scalable Object Retrieval with Compact
                                  Image Representation from Generic Object
                                  Regions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29:1--29:??
            Mansoor Ebrahim and   
                 Wai Chong Chia   Multiview Image Block Compressive
                                  Sensing with Joint Multiphase Decoding
                                  for Visual Sensor Network  . . . . . . . 30:1--30:??
                   Lei Pang and   
                  Chong-Wah Ngo   Opinion Question Answering by Sentiment
                                  Clip Localization  . . . . . . . . . . . 31:1--31:??
   Vasileios Papapanagiotou and   
              Christos Diou and   
          Anastasios Delopoulos   Improving Concept-Based Image Retrieval
                                  with Training Weights Computed from Tags 32:1--32:??
                Xuyong Yang and   
                    Tao Mei and   
               Ying-Qing Xu and   
                   Yong Rui and   
                     Shipeng Li   Automatic Generation of Visual-Textual
                                  Presentation Layout  . . . . . . . . . . 33:1--33:??
                 Xuelong Li and   
                 Mulin Chen and   
                        Qi Wang   Measuring Collectiveness via Refined
                                  Topological Similarity . . . . . . . . . 34:1--34:??
               Gareth Tyson and   
             Yehia Elkhatib and   
            Nishanth Sastry and   
                    Steve Uhlig   Measurements and Analysis of a Major
                                  Adult Video Portal . . . . . . . . . . . 35:1--35:??
                Bart Thomee and   
           Ioannis Arapakis and   
                David A. Shamma   Finding Social Points of Interest from
                                  Georeferenced and Oriented Online
                                  Photographs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36:1--36:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 12, Number 3, June, 2016

              Alberto del Bimbo   From the Past Editor-In-Chief  . . . . . 37:1--37:??
               Luming Zhang and   
                 Xuelong Li and   
                Liqiang Nie and   
                    Yan Yan and   
               Roger Zimmermann   Semantic Photo Retargeting Under Noisy
                                  Image Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37:1--37:??
                     Liang Zhou   Mobile Device-to-Device Video
                                  Distribution: Theory and Application . . 38:1--38:??
               Hareesh Ravi and   
          A. V. Subramanyam and   
                  Sabu Emmanuel   Forensic Analysis of Linear and
                                  Nonlinear Image Filtering Using
                                  Quantization Noise . . . . . . . . . . . 39:1--39:??
                 Xianjun Hu and   
              Weiming Zhang and   
                      Ke Li and   
                Honggang Hu and   
                     Nenghai Yu   Secure Nonlocal Denoising in Outsourced
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40:1--40:??
             Kiana Calagari and   
              Tarek Elgamal and   
                Khaled Diab and   
          Krzysztof Templin and   
                Piotr Didyk and   
           Wojciech Matusik and   
                Mohamed Hefeeda   Depth Personalization and Streaming of
                                  Stereoscopic Sports Videos . . . . . . . 41:1--41:??
                   Qiong Wu and   
               Pierre Boulanger   Enhanced Reweighted MRFs for Efficient
                                  Fashion Image Parsing  . . . . . . . . . 42:1--42:??
                     Yao Hu and   
                  Chen Zhao and   
                   Deng Cai and   
                 Xiaofei He and   
                     Xuelong Li   Atom Decomposition with Adaptive Basis
                                  Selection Strategy for Matrix Completion 43:1--43:??
                   Dan Miao and   
                Jingjing Fu and   
                     Yan Lu and   
                 Shipeng Li and   
                 Chang Wen Chen   A High-Fidelity and
                                  Low-Interaction-Delay Screen Sharing
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44:1--44:??
                Stefan Wilk and   
               Stephan Kopf and   
            Wolfgang Effelsberg   Collaborative Annotation of Videos
                                  Relying on Weak Consistency  . . . . . . 45:1--45:??
         Maria Luisa Merani and   
                   Laura Natali   Adaptive Streaming in P2P Live Video
                                  Systems: a Distributed Rate Control
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46:1--46:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 12, Number 4, August, 2016

               Adele Lu Jia and   
                  Siqi Shen and   
           Dick H. J. Epema and   
                Alexandru Iosup   When Game Becomes Life: The Creators and
                                  Spectators of Online Game Replays and
                                  Live Streaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47:1--47:??
              Shuvendu Rana and   
                     Arijit Sur   Depth-Based View-Invariant Blind $3$D
                                  Image Watermarking . . . . . . . . . . . 48:1--48:??
          Bruno M. C. Silva and   
    Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues and   
Neeraj Kumar Mario L. Proença, Jr. and   
                   Guangjie Han   MobiCoop: an Incentive-Based Cooperation
                                  Solution for Mobile Applications . . . . 49:1--49:??
          Shivendra Shivani and   
                Suneeta Agarwal   Progressive Visual Cryptography with
                                  Unexpanded Meaningful Shares . . . . . . 50:1--50:??
       Oluwakemi A. Ademoye and   
               Niall Murray and   
       Gabriel-Miro Muntean and   
              Gheorghita Ghinea   Audio Masking Effect on Inter-Component
                                  Skews in Olfaction-Enhanced Multimedia
                                  Presentations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51:1--51:??
            Sheng-Hua Zhong and   
                    Yan Liu and   
                    Kien A. Hua   Field Effect Deep Networks for Image
                                  Recognition with Incomplete Data . . . . 52:1--52:??
                   Ming Yan and   
                 Jitao Sang and   
              Changsheng Xu and   
              M. Shamim Hossain   A Unified Video Recommendation by
                                  Cross-Network User Modeling  . . . . . . 53:1--53:??
               Yijing Jiang and   
                Shanyu Tang and   
               Liping Zhang and   
               Muzhou Xiong and   
                    Yau Jim Yip   Covert Voice over Internet Protocol
                                  Communications with Packet Loss Based on
                                  Fractal Interpolation  . . . . . . . . . 54:1--54:??
              Xiaoshan Yang and   
              Tianzhu Zhang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Semantic Feature Mining for Video Event
                                  Understanding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55:1--55:??
              Tommy Nilsson and   
               Carl Hogsden and   
             Charith Perera and   
               Saeed Aghaee and   
           David J. Scruton and   
               Andreas Lund and   
              Alan F. Blackwell   Applying Seamful Design in
                                  Location-Based Mobile Museum
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56:1--56:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 13, Number 1, January, 2017

                      Zheng Yan   Learning from Collective Intelligence:
                                  Feature Learning Using Social Images and
                                  Tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:??
                Ming Cheung and   
                  James She and   
                Alvin Junus and   
                        Lei Cao   Prediction of Virality Timing Using
                                  Cascades in Social Media . . . . . . . . 2:1--2:??
               Chih-Yi Chiu and   
              Yu-Cyuan Liou and   
           Amorntip Prayoonwong   Approximate Asymmetric Search for Binary
                                  Embedding Codes  . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:??
          Konstantin Miller and   
      Abdel-Karim Al-Tamimi and   
                    Adam Wolisz   QoE-Based Low-Delay Live Streaming Using
                                  Throughput Predictions . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
         Nimesha Ranasinghe and   
               Ellen Yi-Luen Do   Digital Lollipop: Studying Electrical
                                  Stimulation on the Human Tongue to
                                  Simulate Taste Sensations  . . . . . . . 5:1--5:??
               Xiongkuo Min and   
              Guangtao Zhai and   
                      Ke Gu and   
                  Xiaokang Yang   Fixation Prediction through Multimodal
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:??
                 Wei-Ta Chu and   
                  Chih-Hao Chiu   Predicting Occupation from Images by
                                  Combining Face and Body Context
                                  Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:??
                  Jingxi Xu and   
                Benjamin W. Wah   Consistent Synchronization of Action
                                  Order with Least Noticeable Delays in
                                  Fast-Paced Multiplayer Online Games  . . 8:1--8:??
            Rodrigo Schramm and   
      Helena De Souza Nunes and   
     Cláudio Rosito Jung   Audiovisual Tool for Solf\`ege
                                  Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:??
                  Haojun Wu and   
                  Yong Wang and   
                     Jiwu Huang   Identification of Reconstructed Speech   10:1--10:??
                 Sibaji Gaj and   
            Aditya Kanetkar and   
                 Arijit Sur and   
              Prabin Kumar Bora   Drift-Compensated Robust Watermarking
                                  Algorithm for H.265/HEVC Video Stream    11:1--11:??
               Tanima Dutta and   
             Hari Prabhat Gupta   An Efficient Framework for Compressed
                                  Domain Watermarking in $P$ Frames of
                                  High-Efficiency Video Coding
                                  (HEVC)-Encoded Video . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 13, Number 2, May, 2017

           Giuseppe Lisanti and   
             Svebor Karaman and   
                    Iacopo Masi   Multichannel-Kernel Canonical
                                  Correlation Analysis for Cross-View
                                  Person Reidentification  . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:??
                     Jun Ye and   
                     Hao Hu and   
                 Guo-Jun Qi and   
                    Kien A. Hua   A Temporal Order Modeling Approach to
                                  Human Action Recognition from Multimodal
                                  Sensor Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:1--14:??
                 Shuai Wang and   
                  Yang Cong and   
                 Huijie Fan and   
                 Baojie Fan and   
               Lianqing Liu and   
              Yunsheng Yang and   
               Yandong Tang and   
                Huaici Zhao and   
                      Haibin Yu   Multi-Class Latent Concept Pooling for
                                  Computer-Aided Endoscopy Diagnosis . . . 15:1--15:??
            Edip Demirbilek and   
   Jean-Charles Grégoire   Machine Learning-Based Parametric
                                  Audiovisual Quality Prediction Models
                                  for Real-Time Communications . . . . . . 16:1--16:??
             Vineet Gokhale and   
          Jayakrishnan Nair and   
             Subhasis Chaudhuri   Congestion Control for Network-Aware
                                  Telehaptic Communication . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:??
             Ashkan Sobhani and   
         Abdulsalam Yassine and   
          Shervin Shirmohammadi   A Video Bitrate Adaptation and
                                  Prediction Mechanism for HTTP Adaptive
                                  Streaming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18:1--18:??
             Jason M. Grant and   
               Patrick J. Flynn   Crowd Scene Understanding from Video: a
                                  Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19:1--19:??
            Fairouz Hussein and   
               Massimo Piccardi   V-JAUNE: a Framework for Joint Action
                                  Recognition and Video Summarization  . . 20:1--20:??
              Burak Cizmeci and   
                    Xiao Xu and   
            Rahul Chaudhari and   
        Christoph Bachhuber and   
                Nicolas Alt and   
             Eckehard Steinbach   A Multiplexing Scheme for Multimodal
                                  Teleoperation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21:1--21:??
                    Zhuo Su and   
                   Kun Zeng and   
                  Hanhui Li and   
                    Xiaonan Luo   A Dual-Domain Perceptual Framework for
                                  Generating Visual Inconspicuous
                                  Counterparts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22:1--22:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 13, Number 3, August, 2017

             Priyanka Singh and   
      Balasubramanian Raman and   
            Nishant Agarwal and   
               Pradeep K. Atrey   Secure Cloud-Based Image Tampering
                                  Detection and Localization Using POB
                                  Number System  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23:1--23:??
    Ishwarya Thirunarayanan and   
           Khimya Khetarpal and   
             Sanjeev Koppal and   
            Olivier Le Meur and   
                  John Shea and   
                     Eakta Jain   Creating Segments and Effects on Comics
                                  by Clustering Gaze Data  . . . . . . . . 24:1--24:??
           Michael E. Houle and   
                   Xiguo Ma and   
               Vincent Oria and   
                     Jichao Sun   Query Expansion for Content-Based
                                  Similarity Search Using Local and Global
                                  Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25:1--25:??
            Michael Riegler and   
       Konstantin Pogorelov and   
     Sigrun Losada Eskeland and   
       Peter Thelin Schmidt and   
              Zeno Albisser and   
               Dag Johansen and   
            Carsten Griwodz and   
        Pål Halvorsen and   
                Thomas De Lange   From Annotation to Computer-Aided
                                  Diagnosis: Detailed Evaluation of a
                                  Medical Multimedia System  . . . . . . . 26:1--26:??
                   Xun Yang and   
                  Meng Wang and   
               Richang Hong and   
                    Qi Tian and   
                       Yong Rui   Enhancing Person Re-identification in a
                                  Self-Trained Subspace  . . . . . . . . . 27:1--27:??
               Shih-Yao Lin and   
                 Yen-Yu Lin and   
              Chu-Song Chen and   
                   Yi-Ping Hung   Recognizing Human Actions with Outlier
                                  Frames by Observation Filtering and
                                  Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28:1--28:??
        Georgios Karafotias and   
            Akiko Teranishi and   
            Georgios Korres and   
          Friederike Eyssel and   
              Scandar Copti and   
                    Mohamad Eid   Intensifying Emotional Reactions via
                                  Tactile Gestures in Immersive Films  . . 29:1--29:??
                Ming Cheung and   
                      James She   An Analytic System for User Gender
                                  Identification through User Shared
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30:1--30:??
      Herman A. Engelbrecht and   
                John S. Gilmore   Pithos: Distributed Storage for Massive
                                  Multi-User Virtual Environments  . . . . 31:1--31:??
                  Jun Zhang and   
                  Meng Wang and   
                  Liang Lin and   
                   Xun Yang and   
                    Jun Gao and   
                       Yong Rui   Saliency Detection on Light Field: a
                                  Multi-Cue Approach . . . . . . . . . . . 32:1--32:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 13, Number 3s, August, 2017

                  Kaoru Ota and   
               Minh Son Dao and   
          Vasileios Mezaris and   
      Francesco G. B. De Natale   Introduction to Special Issue on Deep
                                  Learning for Mobile Multimedia . . . . . 33:1--33:??
                  Kaoru Ota and   
               Minh Son Dao and   
          Vasileios Mezaris and   
      Francesco G. B. De Natale   Deep Learning for Mobile Multimedia: a
                                  Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34:1--34:??
          Lorenzo Seidenari and   
            Claudio Baecchi and   
           Tiberio Uricchio and   
           Andrea Ferracani and   
              Marco Bertini and   
              Alberto Del Bimbo   Deep Artwork Detection and Retrieval for
                                  Automatic Context-Aware Audio Guides . . 35:1--35:??
         Parisa Pouladzadeh and   
          Shervin Shirmohammadi   Mobile Multi-Food Recognition Using Deep
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36:1--36:??
            Sailesh Bharati and   
       Hassan Aboubakr Omar and   
                  Weihua Zhuang   Enhancing Transmission Collision
                                  Detection for Distributed TDMA in
                                  Vehicular Networks . . . . . . . . . . . 37:1--37:??
      Florian Vandecasteele and   
        Karel Vandenbroucke and   
          Dimitri Schuurman and   
               Steven Verstockt   Spott: On-the-Spot e-Commerce for
                                  Television Using Deep Learning-Based
                                  Video Analysis Techniques  . . . . . . . 38:1--38:??
             Qingchen Zhang and   
           Laurence T. Yang and   
                Xingang Liu and   
                Zhikui Chen and   
                        Peng Li   A Tucker Deep Computation Model for
                                  Mobile Multimedia Feature Learning . . . 39:1--39:??
         Christian Timmerer and   
                   Ali C. Begen   Best Papers of the 2016 ACM Multimedia
                                  Systems (MMSys) Conference and Workshop
                                  on Network and Operating System Support
                                  for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV)
                                  2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40:1--40:??
           Stefano D'aronco and   
                Sergio Mena and   
                Pascal Frossard   Distributed Rate Allocation in
                                  Switch-Based Multiparty
                                  Videoconferencing System . . . . . . . . 41:1--41:??
            Giuseppe Cofano and   
              Luca De Cicco and   
              Thomas Zinner and   
            Anh Nguyen-Ngoc and   
             Phuoc Tran-Gia and   
                Saverio Mascolo   Design and Performance Evaluation of
                                  Network-assisted Control Strategies for
                                  HTTP Adaptive Streaming  . . . . . . . . 42:1--42:??
           Piotr Wisniewski and   
       Jordi Mongay Batalla and   
              Andrzej Beben and   
              Piotr Krawiec and   
             Andrzej Chydzinski   On Optimizing Adaptive Algorithms Based
                                  on Rebuffering Probability . . . . . . . 43:1--43:??
   Jan Willem Kleinrouweler and   
             Sergio Cabrero and   
                    Pablo Cesar   An SDN Architecture for Privacy-Friendly
                                  Network-Assisted DASH  . . . . . . . . . 44:1--44:??
                  Cong Wang and   
             Divyashri Bhat and   
                   Amr Rizk and   
                   Michael Zink   Design and Analysis of QoE-Aware Quality
                                  Adaptation for DASH: a Spectrum-Based
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45:1--45:??
                 Cong Zhang and   
             Jiangchuan Liu and   
                   Haiyang Wang   Cloud-Assisted Crowdsourced Livecast . . 46:1--46:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 13, Number 4, October, 2017

                   Minh Son Dao   This is the Table of Contents for the
                                  most recent online-only supplemental
                                  issue TOMM 13(3s). Please find this
                                  supplemental issue in the ACM Digital
                                  Library and enjoy reading them!  . . . . 47:1--47:??
              Hong-Bo Zhang and   
               Bineng Zhong and   
                   Qing Lei and   
                Ji-Xiang Du and   
                Jialin Peng and   
             Duansheng Chen and   
                        Xiao Ke   Sparse Representation-Based
                                  Semi-Supervised Regression for People
                                  Counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47:1--47:??
              Shahid Akhtar and   
                 Andre Beck and   
                    Ivica Rimac   Caching Online Video: Analysis and
                                  Proposed Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . 48:1--48:??
       Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen and   
                 Luca Piras and   
           Giorgio Giacinto and   
               Giulia Boato and   
      Francesco G. B. De Natale   Multimodal Retrieval with
                                  Diversification and Relevance Feedback
                                  for Tourist Attraction Images  . . . . . 49:1--49:??
     Luciana Fujii Pontello and   
        Pedro H. F. Holanda and   
            Bruno Guilherme and   
João Paulo V. Cardoso and   
          Olga Goussevskaia and   
       Ana Paula Couto Da Silva   Mixtape: Using Real-Time User Feedback
                                  to Navigate Large Media Collections  . . 50:1--50:??
          Abukari M. Yakubu and   
          Namunu C. Maddage and   
               Pradeep K. Atrey   Securing Speech Noise Reduction in
                                  Outsourced Environment . . . . . . . . . 51:1--51:??
          Fabrizio Guerrini and   
               Nicola Adami and   
              Sergio Benini and   
           Alberto Piacenza and   
             Julie Porteous and   
               Marc Cavazza and   
              Riccardo Leonardi   Interactive Film Recombination . . . . . 52:1--52:??
             Mingliang Zhou and   
              Yongfei Zhang and   
                      Bo Li and   
                     Xupeng Lin   Complexity Correlation-Based CTU-Level
                                  Rate Control with Direction Selection
                                  for HEVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53:1--53:??
          Yousef O. Sharrab and   
                Nabil J. Sarhan   Modeling and Analysis of Power
                                  Consumption in Live Video Streaming
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54:1--54:??
                Pai Chet Ng and   
                  James She and   
              Kang Eun Jeon and   
               Matthias Baldauf   When Smart Devices Interact With
                                  Pervasive Screens: a Survey  . . . . . . 55:1--55:??
           Pasi Fränti and   
      Radu Mariescu-Istodor and   
                Lahari Sengupta   O-Mopsi: Mobile Orienteering Game for
                                  Sightseeing, Exercising, and Education   56:1--56:??
           Farouk Messaoudi and   
             Adlen Ksentini and   
              Gwendal Simon and   
                Philippe Bertin   Performance Analysis of Game Engines on
                                  Mobile and Fixed Devices . . . . . . . . 57:1--57:??
                Ming Cheung and   
                Xiaopeng Li and   
                      James She   An Efficient Computation Framework for
                                  Connection Discovery using Shared Images 58:1--58:??
                Xiaopeng Li and   
                Ming Cheung and   
                      James She   A Distributed Streaming Framework for
                                  Connection Discovery Using Shared Videos 59:1--59:??
       Maaike H. T. De Boer and   
                  Yi-Jie Lu and   
                  Hao Zhang and   
             Klamer Schutte and   
              Chong-Wah Ngo and   
                  Wessel Kraaij   Semantic Reasoning in Zero Example Video
                                  Event Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . 60:1--60:??
               Jianting Guo and   
               Peijia Zheng and   
                     Jiwu Huang   An Efficient Motion Detection and
                                  Tracking Scheme for Encrypted
                                  Surveillance Videos  . . . . . . . . . . 61:1--61:??
          Mohammad Motamedi and   
              Philipp Gysel and   
                  Soheil Ghiasi   PLACID: a Platform for FPGA-Based
                                  Accelerator Creation for DCNNs . . . . . 62:1--62:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 14, Number 1, January, 2018

     Oryina Kingsley Akputu and   
             Kah Phooi Seng and   
                  Yunli Lee and   
                    Li-Minn Ang   Emotion Recognition Using Multiple
                                  Kernel Learning toward E-learning
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:??
                     Kai Li and   
                 Guo-Jun Qi and   
                    Kien A. Hua   Learning Label Preserving Binary Codes
                                  for Multimedia Retrieval: a General
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1--2:??
           Rodrigo Ceballos and   
           Beatrice Ionascu and   
                Wanjoo Park and   
                    Mohamad Eid   Implicit Emotion Communication: EEG
                                  Classification and Haptic Feedback . . . 3:1--3:??
                   Jiyan Wu and   
                   Bo Cheng and   
                  Yuan Yang and   
                  Ming Wang and   
                  Junliang Chen   Delay-Aware Quality Optimization in
                                  Cloud-Assisted Video Streaming System    4:1--4:??
               Shuhui Jiang and   
                     Yue Wu and   
                         Yun Fu   Deep Bidirectional Cross-Triplet
                                  Embedding for Online Clothing Shopping   5:1--5:??
               Peisong Wang and   
                 Qinghao Hu and   
                Zhiwei Fang and   
              Chaoyang Zhao and   
                     Jian Cheng   DeepSearch: a Fast Image Search
                                  Framework for Mobile Devices . . . . . . 6:1--6:??
                 Sicong Liu and   
   Silvestro Roberto Poccia and   
    K. Selçuk Candan and   
         Maria Luisa Sapino and   
                   Xiaolan Wang   Robust Multi-Variate Temporal Features
                                  of Multi-Variate Time Series . . . . . . 7:1--7:??
                    Dan Guo and   
               Wengang Zhou and   
                Houqiang Li and   
                      Meng Wang   Online Early-Late Fusion Based on
                                  Adaptive HMM for Sign Language
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1--8:??
             Huei-Fang Yang and   
                 Bo-Yao Lin and   
             Kuang-Yu Chang and   
                  Chu-Song Chen   Joint Estimation of Age and Expression
                                  by Combining Scattering and
                                  Convolutional Networks . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:??
                 Shao Huang and   
              Weiqiang Wang and   
               Shengfeng He and   
               Rynson W. H. Lau   Egocentric Hand Detection Via Dynamic
                                  Region Growing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:??
                 Jiqing Wen and   
                  James She and   
                Xiaopeng Li and   
                        Hui Mao   Visual Background Recommendation for
                                  Dance Performances Using Deep Matrix
                                  Factorization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:1--11:??
               Zhaoqing Pan and   
                Jianjun Lei and   
               Yajuan Zhang and   
                    Fu Lee Wang   Adaptive Fractional-Pixel Motion
                                  Estimation Skipped Algorithm for
                                  Efficient HEVC Motion Estimation . . . . 12:1--12:??
              Zhedong Zheng and   
                Liang Zheng and   
                        Yi Yang   A Discriminatively Learned CNN Embedding
                                  for Person Reidentification  . . . . . . 13:1--13:??
                 Weiwei Sun and   
               Jiantao Zhou and   
                Shuyuan Zhu and   
                  Yuan Yan Tang   Robust Privacy-Preserving Image Sharing
                                  over Online Social Networks (OSNs) . . . 14:1--14:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 14, Number 2, May, 2018

               Stefano Berretti   Improved Audio Steganalytic Feature and
                                  Its Applications in Audio Forensics  . . 43:1--43:??
              Abhinav Gupta and   
                  Divya Singhal   Analytical Global Median Filtering
                                  Forensics Based on Moment Histograms . . 44:1--44:??
                  Min Huang and   
                Song-Zhi Su and   
              Hong-Bo Zhang and   
               Guo-Rong Cai and   
              Dongying Gong and   
                Donglin Cao and   
                     Shao-Zi Li   Multifeature Selection for $3$D Human
                                  Action Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . 45:1--45:??
              Amir Mazaheri and   
                Boqing Gong and   
                   Mubarak Shah   Learning a Multi-Concept Video Retrieval
                                  Model with Multiple Latent Variables . . 46:1--46:??
           Aurora Tulilaulu and   
           Matti Nelimarkka and   
           Joonas Paalasmaa and   
             Daniel Johnson and   
                Dan Ventura and   
               Petri Myllys and   
                 Hannu Toivonen   Data Musicalization  . . . . . . . . . . 47:1--47:??
            Marcella Cornia and   
            Lorenzo Baraldi and   
             Giuseppe Serra and   
                 Rita Cucchiara   Paying More Attention to Saliency: Image
                                  Captioning with Saliency and Context
                                  Attention  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48:1--48:??
                Longyin Wen and   
                Honggang Qi and   
                      Siwei Lyu   Contrast Enhancement Estimation for
                                  Digital Image Forensics  . . . . . . . . 49:1--49:??
              Yu-Gang Jiang and   
                  Minjun Li and   
                    Xi Wang and   
                    Wei Liu and   
                 Xian-Sheng Hua   DeepProduct: Mobile Product Search With
                                  Portable Deep Features . . . . . . . . . 50:1--50:??
               Kashif Ahmad and   
    Mohamed Lamine Mekhalfi and   
               Nicola Conci and   
              Farid Melgani and   
            Francesco De Natale   Ensemble of Deep Models for Event
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51:1--51:??
                     Wei Hu and   
              Mozhdeh Seifi and   
                  Erik Reinhard   Over- and Under-Exposure Reconstruction
                                  of a Single Plenoptic Capture  . . . . . 52:1--52:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 14, Number 2s, May, 2018

           Lea Skorin-Kapov and   
       Martín Varela and   
       Tobias Hoßfeld and   
                   Kuan-Ta Chen   Guest Editorial: Special Issue on ``QoE
                                  Management for Multimedia Services'' . . 28:1--28:??
           Lea Skorin-Kapov and   
       Martín Varela and   
       Tobias Hoßfeld and   
                   Kuan-Ta Chen   A Survey of Emerging Concepts and
                                  Challenges for QoE Management of
                                  Multimedia Services  . . . . . . . . . . 29:1--29:??
                     Yi Zhu and   
    Sharath Chandra Guntuku and   
                  Weisi Lin and   
          Gheorghita Ghinea and   
                 Judith A. Redi   Measuring Individual Video QoE: a
                                  Survey, and Proposal for Future
                                  Directions Using Social Media  . . . . . 30:1--30:??
         Stefano Petrangeli and   
       Jeroen Van Der Hooft and   
                Tim Wauters and   
                 Filip De Turck   Quality of Experience-Centric Management
                                  of Adaptive Video Streaming Services:
                                  Status and Challenges  . . . . . . . . . 31:1--31:??
             Divyashri Bhat and   
                   Amr Rizk and   
               Michael Zink and   
                 Ralf Steinmetz   SABR: Network-Assisted Content
                                  Distribution for QoE-Driven ABR Video
                                  Streaming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32:1--32:??
            Valentin Burger and   
              Thomas Zinner and   
              Lam Dinh-Xuan and   
             Florian Wamser and   
                 Phuoc Tran-Gia   A Generic Approach to Video Buffer
                                  Modeling Using Discrete-Time Analysis    33:1--33:??
            Matti Siekkinen and   
Teemu kämäräinen and   
           Leonardo Favario and   
                  Enrico Masala   Can You See What I See?
                                  Quality-of-Experience Measurements of
                                  Mobile Live Video Broadcasting . . . . . 34:1--34:??
   Joachim Bruneau-Queyreix and   
       Jordi Mongay Batalla and   
             Mathias Lacaud and   
                   Daniel Negru   PMS: a Novel Scale-Adaptive and
                                  Quality-Adaptive Hybrid P2P\slash
                                  Multisource Solution for Live Streaming  35:1--35:??
          Alessandro Floris and   
               Arslan Ahmad and   
                   Luigi Atzori   QoE-Aware OTT-ISP Collaboration in
                                  Service Management: Architecture and
                                  Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36:1--36:??
                    Yan Yan and   
                Liqiang Nie and   
                 Rita Cucchiara   Guest Editorial: Special Section on
                                  ``Multimedia Understanding via
                                  Multimodal Analytics'' . . . . . . . . . 37:1--37:??
            Akanksha Tiwari and   
     Christian Von Der Weth and   
           Mohan S. Kankanhalli   Multimodal Multiplatform Social Media
                                  Event Summarization  . . . . . . . . . . 38:1--38:??
                 Anran Wang and   
                Jianfei Cai and   
                   Jiwen Lu and   
                   Tat-Jen Cham   Structure-Aware Multimodal Feature
                                  Fusion for RGB-D Scene Classification
                                  and Beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39:1--39:??
                 Cheng Wang and   
                Haojin Yang and   
               Christoph Meinel   Image Captioning with Deep Bidirectional
                                  LSTMs and Multi-Task Learning  . . . . . 40:1--40:??
              Zhenguang Liu and   
                Yingjie Xia and   
                     Qi Liu and   
                 Qinming He and   
                 Chao Zhang and   
               Roger Zimmermann   Toward Personalized Activity Level
                                  Prediction in Community Question
                                  Answering Websites . . . . . . . . . . . 41:1--41:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 14, Number 3, August, 2018

                  Maha Abdallah   Aesthetic Highlight Detection in Movies
                                  Based on Synchronization of Spectators'
                                  Reactions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68:1--68:??
                 Yalong Bai and   
               Kuiyuan Yang and   
                    Tao Mei and   
                Wei-Ying Ma and   
                    Tiejun Zhao   Automatic Data Augmentation from Massive
                                  Web Images for Deep Visual Recognition   69:1--69:??
                    Min Tan and   
                     Jun Yu and   
                    Zhou Yu and   
                    Fei Gao and   
                   Yong Rui and   
                    Dacheng Tao   User-Click-Data-Based Fine-Grained Image
                                  Recognition via Weakly Supervised Metric
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70:1--70:??
          Abdelhak Bentaleb and   
               Ali C. Begen and   
               Roger Zimmermann   ORL--SDN: Online Reinforcement Learning
                                  for SDN-Enabled HTTP Adaptive Streaming  71:1--71:??
              Lingchao Kong and   
                        Rui Dai   Efficient Video Encoding for Automatic
                                  Video Analysis in Distributed Wireless
                                  Surveillance Systems . . . . . . . . . . 72:1--72:??
                  Anqi Wang and   
                 Haifeng Hu and   
                     Liang Yang   Image Captioning with Affective Guiding
                                  and Selective Attention  . . . . . . . . 73:1--73:??
              Marjan Sikora and   
               Mladen Russo and   
               Jurica Derek and   
                Ante Jurcevi\'c   Soundscape of an Archaeological Site
                                  Recreated with Audio Augmented Reality   74:1--74:??
         Heiner Kirchhoffer and   
               Detlev Marpe and   
              Heiko Schwarz and   
                 Thomas Wiegand   Properties and Design of
                                  Variable-to-Variable Length Codes  . . . 75:1--75:??
             Johannes Kiess and   
               Stephan Kopf and   
           Benjamin Guthier and   
            Wolfgang Effelsberg   A Survey on Content-Aware Image and
                                  Video Retargeting  . . . . . . . . . . . 76:1--76:??
                   J. Cecil and   
              Avinash Gupta and   
             M. Pirela-Cruz and   
             Parmesh Ramanathan   A Network-Based Virtual Reality
                                  Simulation Training Approach for
                                  Orthopedic Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . 77:1--77:??
               Husheng Dong and   
                    Ping Lu and   
               Chunping Liu and   
                      Yi Ji and   
                 Shengrong Gong   Learning Multiple Kernel Metrics for
                                  Iterative Person Re-Identification . . . 78:1--78:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 14, Number 3s, August, 2018

              Maha Abdallah and   
               Kuan-Ta Chen and   
            Carsten Griwodz and   
                 Cheng-Hsin Hsu   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Delay-Sensitive Video Computing in the
                                  Cloud  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53:1--53:??
              Maha Abdallah and   
            Carsten Griwodz and   
               Kuan-Ta Chen and   
              Gwendal Simon and   
              Pin-Chun Wang and   
                 Cheng-Hsin Hsu   Delay-Sensitive Video Computing in the
                                  Cloud: a Survey  . . . . . . . . . . . . 54:1--54:??
                   Yusen Li and   
                Yunhua Deng and   
                Xueyan Tang and   
                Wentong Cai and   
              Xiaoguang Liu and   
                      Gang Wang   Cost-Efficient Server Provisioning for
                                  Cloud Gaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55:1--55:??
                Ivan Slivar and   
            Mirko Suznjevic and   
               Lea Skorin-Kapov   Game Categorization for Deriving
                                  QoE-Driven Video Encoding Configuration
                                  Strategies for Cloud Gaming  . . . . . . 56:1--56:??
                  Mark Claypool   Game Input with Delay-Moving Target
                                  Selection with a Game Controller
                                  Thumbstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57:1--57:??
                 Xueshi Hou and   
                     Yao Lu and   
                      Sujit Dey   Novel Hybrid-Cast Approach to Reduce
                                  Bandwidth and Latency for Cloud-Based
                                  Virtual Space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58:1--58:??
                  Chang Liu and   
              Wei Tsang Ooi and   
                Jinyuan Jia and   
                       Lei Zhao   Cloud Baking: Collaborative Scene
                                  Illumination for Dynamic Web$3$D Scenes  59:1--59:??
                Pablo Cesar and   
             Cheng-Hsin Hsu and   
            Chun-Ying Huang and   
                        Pan Hui   Best Papers of the ACM Multimedia
                                  Systems (MMSys) Conference 2017 and the
                                  ACM Workshop on Network and Operating
                                  System Support for Digital Audio and
                                  Video (NOSSDAV) 2017 . . . . . . . . . . 60:1--60:??
            Ahmed H. Zahran and   
           Jason J. Quinlan and   
         K. K. Ramakrishnan and   
              Cormac J. Sreenan   ASAP: Adaptive Stall-Aware Pacing for
                                  Improved DASH Video Experience in
                                  Cellular Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . 61:1--61:??
                  Chao Zhou and   
                 Zhenhua Li and   
                 Joe Osgood and   
                        Yao Liu   On the Effectiveness of Offset
                                  Projections for $ 360$-Degree Video
                                  Streaming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62:1--62:??
            Kanchan Bahirat and   
              Chengyuan Lai and   
            Ryan P. Mcmahan and   
       Balakrishnan Prabhakaran   Designing and Evaluating a Mesh
                                  Simplification Algorithm for Virtual
                                  Reality  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63:1--63:??
                Junjue Wang and   
               Brandon Amos and   
                 Anupam Das and   
         Padmanabhan Pillai and   
               Norman Sadeh and   
         Mahadev Satyanarayanan   Enabling Live Video Analytics with a
                                  Scalable and Privacy-Aware Framework . . 64:1--64:??
Gylfi \Thornór Gudmundsson and   
Björn \Thornór Jónsson and   
            Laurent Amsaleg and   
            Michael J. Franklin   Prototyping a Web-Scale Multimedia
                                  Retrieval Service Using Spark  . . . . . 65:1--65:??
                    Ming Ma and   
                  Lei Zhang and   
             Jiangchuan Liu and   
                   Zhi Wang and   
               Haitian Pang and   
                 Lifeng Sun and   
                  Weihua Li and   
              Guangling Hou and   
                     Kaiyan Chu   Characterizing User Behaviors in Mobile
                                  Personal Livecast: Towards an Edge
                                  Computing-assisted Paradigm  . . . . . . 66:1--66:??
                  Lei Huang and   
                 Bowen Ding and   
                Aining Wang and   
                 Yuedong Xu and   
                Yipeng Zhou and   
                       Xiang Li   User Behavior Analysis and Video
                                  Popularity Prediction on a Large-Scale
                                  VoD System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67:1--67:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 14, Number 4, November, 2018

              Junfeng Zhang and   
                     Haifeng Hu   Joint Head Attribute Classifier and
                                  Domain-Specific Refinement Networks for
                                  Face Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79:1--79:??
       Lucas Pascotti Valem and   
   Carlos Renan De Oliveira and   
Daniel Carlos Guimarães Pedronette and   
                Jurandy Almeida   Unsupervised Similarity Learning through
                                  Rank Correlation and kNN Sets  . . . . . 80:1--80:??
                 Hui-Yin Wu and   
           Francesca Pal\`u and   
              Roberto Ranon and   
                  Marc Christie   Thinking Like a Director: Film Editing
                                  Patterns for Virtual Cinematographic
                                  Storytelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81:1--81:??
                     Tuo Yu and   
                Haiming Jin and   
               Wai-Tian Tan and   
                Klara Nahrstedt   SKEPRID: Pose and Illumination
                                  Change-Resistant Skeleton-Based Person
                                  Re-Identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 82:1--82:??
                   Hehe Fan and   
                Liang Zheng and   
              Chenggang Yan and   
                        Yi Yang   Unsupervised Person Re-identification:
                                  Clustering and Fine-tuning . . . . . . . 83:1--83:??
                Xiaodan Lin and   
                   Xiangui Kang   Robust Electric Network Frequency
                                  Estimation with Rank Reduction and
                                  Linear Prediction  . . . . . . . . . . . 84:1--84:??
                     Yue Li and   
                 Gaobo Yang and   
                  Yapei Zhu and   
             Xiangling Ding and   
                  Rongrong Gong   Probability Model-Based Early Merge Mode
                                  Decision for Dependent Views Coding in
                                  $3$D-HEVC  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85:1--85:??
      Joel A. F. Dos Santos and   
Débora C. Muchaluat-Saade and   
       Cécile Roisin and   
               Nabil Laya\"\ida   A Hybrid Approach for Spatio-Temporal
                                  Validation of Declarative Multimedia
                                  Documents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86:1--86:??
                     Jie Wu and   
                 Haifeng Hu and   
                          Yi Wu   Image Captioning via Semantic Guidance
                                  Attention and Consensus Selection
                                  Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87:1--87:??
          Gjorgji Strezoski and   
                 Marcel Worring   OmniArt: a Large-scale Artistic
                                  Benchmark  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88:1--88:??
             Christian Koch and   
                Moritz Lode and   
                Denny Stohr and   
                   Amr Rizk and   
                 Ralf Steinmetz   Collaborations on YouTube: From
                                  Unsupervised Detection to the Impact on
                                  Video and Channel Popularity . . . . . . 89:1--89:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 15, Number 1, February, 2019

                      Wei Zhang   Efficient QoE-Aware Scheme for Video
                                  Quality Switching Operations in Dynamic
                                  Adaptive Streaming . . . . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:??
           Mariem Ben Yahia and   
         Yannick Le Louedec and   
              Gwendal Simon and   
              Loutfi Nuaymi and   
               Xavier Corbillon   HTTP/2-based Frame Discarding for
                                  Low-Latency Adaptive Video Streaming . . 18:1--18:??
                 Xianguo Li and   
                  Yemei Sun and   
                 Yanli Yang and   
                  Changyun Miao   Symmetrical Residual Connections for
                                  Single Image Super-Resolution  . . . . . 19:1--19:??
                      Yi Yu and   
                 Suhua Tang and   
           Francisco Raposo and   
                       Lei Chen   Deep Cross-Modal Correlation Learning
                                  for Audio and Lyrics in Music Retrieval  20:1--20:??
                    Jia Sun and   
                   Di Huang and   
               Yunhong Wang and   
                    Liming Chen   Expression Robust $3$D Facial
                                  Landmarking via Progressive
                                  Coarse-to-Fine Tuning  . . . . . . . . . 21:1--21:??
                 Yuxin Peng and   
                      Jinwei Qi   CM-GANs: Cross-modal Generative
                                  Adversarial Networks for Common
                                  Representation Learning  . . . . . . . . 22:1--22:??
                Pietro Pala and   
               Stefano Berretti   Reconstructing $3$D Face Models by
                                  Incremental Aggregation and Refinement
                                  of Depth Frames  . . . . . . . . . . . . 23:1--23:??
                     Han Hu and   
                 Yichao Jin and   
               Yonggang Wen and   
                Cedric Westphal   Orchestrating Caching, Transcoding and
                                  Request Routing for Adaptive Video
                                  Streaming Over ICN . . . . . . . . . . . 24:1--24:??
                    Bo Yuan and   
                  Xinbo Gao and   
               Zhenxing Niu and   
                        Qi Tian   Discovering Latent Topics by Gaussian
                                  Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Spectral
                                  Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25:1--25:??
                    Chen He and   
                     Haifeng Hu   Image Captioning With Visual-Semantic
                                  Double Attention . . . . . . . . . . . . 26:1--26:??
                  Ruoyu Liu and   
                   Yao Zhao and   
                 Shikui Wei and   
                Liang Zheng and   
                        Yi Yang   Modality-Invariant Image-Text Embedding
                                  for Image-Sentence Matching  . . . . . . 27:1--27:??
                  Ruijun Ma and   
                 Haifeng Hu and   
               Weixuan Wang and   
                     Jia Xu and   
                   Zhengming Li   Photorealistic Face Completion with
                                  Semantic Parsing and Face
                                  Identity-Preserving Features . . . . . . 28:1--28:??
                Jakub Lokoc and   
     Gregor Kovalcík and   
          Bernd Münzer and   
      Klaus Schöffmann and   
              Werner Bailer and   
               Ralph Gasser and   
         Stefanos Vrochidis and   
          Phuong Anh Nguyen and   
     Sitapa Rujikietgumjorn and   
                Kai Uwe Barthel   Interactive Search or Sequential
                                  Browsing? A Detailed Analysis of the
                                  Video Browser Showdown 2018  . . . . . . 29:1--29:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 15, Number 1s, February, 2019

                  Wei Zhang and   
                   Ting Yao and   
                  Shiai Zhu and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   Editorial to Special Issue on Deep
                                  Learning for Intelligent Multimedia
                                  Analytics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:??
                  Wei Zhang and   
                   Ting Yao and   
                  Shiai Zhu and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   Deep Learning-Based Multimedia
                                  Analytics: a Review  . . . . . . . . . . 2:1--2:??
                Hongtao Xie and   
             Shancheng Fang and   
              Zheng-Jun Zha and   
                Yating Yang and   
                     Yan Li and   
                 Yongdong Zhang   Convolutional Attention Networks for
                                  Scene Text Recognition . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:??
               Zhineng Chen and   
                Shanshan Ai and   
                     Caiyan Jia   Structure-Aware Deep Learning for
                                  Product Image Classification . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
             Shuqiang Jiang and   
               Gongwei Chen and   
               Xinhang Song and   
                      Linhu Liu   Deep Patch Representations with Shared
                                  Codebook for Scene Classification  . . . 5:1--5:??
               Rui-Wei Zhao and   
                   Qi Zhang and   
                  Zuxuan Wu and   
                 Jianguo Li and   
                  Yu-Gang Jiang   Visual Content Recognition by Exploiting
                                  Semantic Feature Map with Attention and
                                  Multi-task Learning  . . . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:??
               Xueliang Liu and   
                  Meng Wang and   
              Zheng-Jun Zha and   
                   Richang Hong   Cross-Modality Feature Learning via
                                  Convolutional Autoencoder  . . . . . . . 7:1--7:??
                 Jiawei Liu and   
              Zheng-Jun Zha and   
                Xuejin Chen and   
                 Zilei Wang and   
                 Yongdong Zhang   Dense $3$D-Convolutional Neural Network
                                  for Person Re-Identification in Videos   8:1--8:??
                 Liang Zhao and   
                Zhikui Chen and   
           Laurence T. Yang and   
              M. Jamal Deen and   
                   Z. Jane Wang   Deep Semantic Mapping for Heterogeneous
                                  Multimedia Transfer Learning Using
                                  Co-Occurrence Data . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:??
          M. Shamim Hossain and   
             Syed Umar Amin and   
         Mansour Alsulaiman and   
                Ghulam Muhammad   Applying Deep Learning for Epilepsy
                                  Seizure Detection and Brain Mapping
                                  Visualization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:??
      Xavier Alameda-Pineda and   
                Miriam Redi and   
         Mohammad Soleymani and   
                  Nicu Sebe and   
              Shih-Fu Chang and   
                 Samuel Gosling   Special Section on Multimodal
                                  Understanding of Social, Affective, and
                                  Subjective Attributes  . . . . . . . . . 11:1--11:??
              Chuan-Shen Hu and   
             Yi-Tsung Hsieh and   
              Hsiao-Wei Lin and   
                   Mei-Chen Yeh   Virtual Portraitist: an Intelligent Tool
                                  for Taking Well-Posed Selfies  . . . . . 12:1--12:??
                Shogo Okada and   
         Laurent Son Nguyen and   
                   Oya Aran and   
            Daniel Gatica-Perez   Modeling Dyadic and Group Impressions
                                  with Intermodal and Interperson Features 13:1--13:??
               Sicheng Zhao and   
          Amir Gholaminejad and   
              Guiguang Ding and   
                    Yue Gao and   
                Jungong Han and   
                   Kurt Keutzer   Personalized Emotion Recognition by
                                  Personality-Aware High-Order Learning of
                                  Physiological Signals  . . . . . . . . . 14:1--14:??
               Rim Trabelsi and   
     Jagannadan Varadarajan and   
                   Le Zhang and   
                Issam Jabri and   
                   Yong Pei and   
                Fethi Smach and   
           Ammar Bouallegue and   
                  Pierre Moulin   Understanding the Dynamics of Social
                                  Interactions: a Multi-Modal Multi-View
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 15, Number 2, June, 2019

                   Tian Gan and   
                  Junnan Li and   
              Yongkang Wong and   
           Mohan S. Kankanhalli   A Multi-sensor Framework for Personal
                                  Presentation Analytics . . . . . . . . . 30:1--30:??
               Pengjie Tang and   
                 Hanli Wang and   
                       Qinyu Li   Rich Visual and Language Representation
                                  with Complementary Semantics for Video
                                  Captioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31:1--31:??
                  Chen Shen and   
              Zhongming Jin and   
                Wenqing Chu and   
              Rongxin Jiang and   
                 Yaowu Chen and   
                 Guo-Jun Qi and   
                 Xian-Sheng Hua   Multi-level Similarity Perception
                                  Network for Person Re-identification . . 32:1--32:??
                    Yu Miao and   
                Haiwei Dong and   
      Jihad Mohamad Al Jaam and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   A Deep Learning System for Recognizing
                                  Facial Expression in Real-Time . . . . . 33:1--33:??
         Gebremariam Mesfin and   
              Nadia Hussain and   
           Alexandra Covaci and   
              Gheorghita Ghinea   Using Eye Tracking and Heart-Rate
                                  Activity to Examine Crossmodal
                                  Correspondences QoE in Mulsemedia  . . . 34:1--34:??
                Ming Cheung and   
                  James She and   
                 Weiwei Sun and   
                   Jiantao Zhou   Detecting Online Counterfeit-goods
                                  Seller using Connection Discovery  . . . 35:1--35:??
       Hema Kumar Yarnagula and   
           Parikshit Juluri and   
          Sheyda Kiani Mehr and   
      Venkatesh Tamarapalli and   
                     Deep Medhi   QoE for Mobile Clients with
                                  Segment-aware Rate Adaptation Algorithm
                                  (SARA) for DASH Video Streaming  . . . . 36:1--36:??
           Pradeep K. Atrey and   
               Bakul Trehan and   
                Mukesh K. Saini   Watch Me from Distance (WMD): a
                                  Privacy-Preserving Long-Distance Video
                                  Surveillance System  . . . . . . . . . . 37:1--37:??
               Chih-Fan Hsu and   
              Yu-Shuen Wang and   
             Chin-Laung Lei and   
                   Kuan-Ta Chen   Look at Me! Correcting Eye Gaze in Live
                                  Video Communication  . . . . . . . . . . 38:1--38:??
               Kashif Ahmad and   
                   Nicola Conci   How Deep Features Have Improved Event
                                  Recognition in Multimedia: a Survey  . . 39:1--39:??
                Yadang Chen and   
               Chuanyan Hao and   
                Alex X. Liu and   
                       Enhua Wu   Appearance-consistent Video Object
                                  Segmentation Based on a Multinomial
                                  Event Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40:1--40:??
          Pierdicca Roberto and   
          Frontoni Emanuele and   
           Zingaretti Primo and   
            Mancini Adriano and   
           Loncarski Jelena and   
                Paolanti Marina   Design, Large-Scale Usage Testing, and
                                  Important Metrics for Augmented Reality
                                  Gaming Applications  . . . . . . . . . . 41:1--41:??
        Aliaksandr Siarohin and   
                 Gloria Zen and   
           Cveta Majtanovic and   
      Xavier Alameda-Pineda and   
                Elisa Ricci and   
                      Nicu Sebe   Increasing Image Memorability with
                                  Neural Style Transfer  . . . . . . . . . 42:1--42:??
              Thanh-Toan Do and   
                 Tuan Hoang and   
           Dang-Khoa Le Tan and   
                     Huu Le and   
              Tam V. Nguyen and   
                Ngai-Man Cheung   From Selective Deep Convolutional
                                  Features to Compact Binary
                                  Representations for Image Retrieval  . . 43:1--43:??
                Liquan Shen and   
                    Ping An and   
                    Guorui Feng   Low-Complexity Scalable Extension of the
                                  High-Efficiency Video Coding (SHVC)
                                  Encoding System  . . . . . . . . . . . . 44:1--44:??
                     Jun Hu and   
            Shengsheng Qian and   
                  Quan Fang and   
               Xueliang Liu and   
                  Changsheng Xu   A$^2$ CMHNE: Attention-Aware
                                  Collaborative Multimodal Heterogeneous
                                  Network Embedding  . . . . . . . . . . . 45:1--45:??
            Khalid M. Hosny and   
             Mohamed M. Darwish   Resilient Color Image Watermarking Using
                                  Accurate Quaternion Radial Substituted
                                  Chebyshev Moments  . . . . . . . . . . . 46:1--46:??
                Wenxuan Mou and   
               Hatice Gunes and   
                 Ioannis Patras   Alone versus In-a-group: a Multi-modal
                                  Framework for Automatic Affect
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47:1--47:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 15, Number 3, September, 2019

                   Richang Hong   Advanced Stereo Seam Carving by
                                  Considering Occlusions on Both Sides . . 69:1--69:??
                  Yun Zhang and   
                      Na Li and   
                  Sam Kwong and   
               Gangyi Jiang and   
                 Huanqiang Zeng   Statistical Early Termination and Early
                                  Skip Models for Fast Mode Decision in
                                  HEVC INTRA Coding  . . . . . . . . . . . 70:1--70:??
              Abhinav Gupta and   
                  Divya Singhal   A Simplistic Global Median Filtering
                                  Forensics Based on Frequency Domain
                                  Analysis of Image Residuals  . . . . . . 71:1--71:??
                     Kan Wu and   
                 Guanbin Li and   
                 Haofeng Li and   
              Jianjun Zhang and   
                      Yizhou Yu   Harvesting Visual Objects from Internet
                                  Images via Deep-Learning-Based
                                  Objectness Assessment  . . . . . . . . . 72:1--72:??
                  Yuan Yuan and   
                   Jie Fang and   
               Xiaoqiang Lu and   
                  Yachuang Feng   Spatial Structure Preserving Feature
                                  Pyramid Network for Semantic Image
                                  Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73:1--73:??
              Junxuan Zhang and   
                 Haifeng Hu and   
                     Xinlong Lu   Moving Foreground-Aware Visual Attention
                                  and Key Volume Mining for Human Action
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74:1--74:??
                  Amit More and   
             Subhasis Chaudhuri   A Pseudo-likelihood Approach for
                                  Geo-localization of Events from
                                  Crowd-sourced Sensor-Metadata  . . . . . 75:1--75:??
                Mohsin Shah and   
              Weiming Zhang and   
                Honggang Hu and   
                     Nenghai Yu   Paillier Cryptosystem based Mean Value
                                  Computation for Encrypted Domain Image
                                  Processing Operations  . . . . . . . . . 76:1--76:??
               Guanghui Yue and   
               Chunping Hou and   
                   Tianwei Zhou   Subtitle Region Selection of S$3$D
                                  Images in Consideration of Visual
                                  Discomfort and Viewing Habit . . . . . . 77:1--77:??
                   Yehao Li and   
                Yingwei Pan and   
                   Ting Yao and   
              Hongyang Chao and   
                   Yong Rui and   
                        Tao Mei   Learning Click-Based Deep
                                  Structure-Preserving Embeddings with
                                  Visual Attention . . . . . . . . . . . . 78:1--78:??
                Tengfei Cao and   
               Changqiao Xu and   
                    Mu Wang and   
             Zhongbai Jiang and   
               Xingyan Chen and   
                Lujie Zhong and   
           Luigi Alfredo Grieco   Stochastic Optimization for Green
                                  Multimedia Services in Dense $5$G
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79:1--79:??
                     Jie Wu and   
                 Haifeng Hu and   
                     Liang Yang   Pseudo-$3$D Attention Transfer Network
                                  with Content-aware Strategy for Image
                                  Captioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80:1--80:??
                   Min Wang and   
               Wengang Zhou and   
                    Qi Tian and   
                    Houqiang Li   Deep Scalable Supervised Quantization by
                                  Self-Organizing Map  . . . . . . . . . . 81:1--81:??
         Ihsan Mert Ozcelik and   
                      Cem Ersoy   Chunk Duration-Aware SDN-Assisted DASH   82:1--82:??
              Naifan Zhuang and   
                 Guo-Jun Qi and   
               The Duc Kieu and   
                    Kien A. Hua   Rethinking the Combined and Individual
                                  Orders of Derivative of States for
                                  Differential Recurrent Neural Networks:
                                  Deep Differential Recurrent Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83:1--83:??
            Zhangcheng Wang and   
                      Ya Li and   
               Richang Hong and   
                    Xinmei Tian   Eigenvector-Based Distance Metric
                                  Learning for Image Classification and
                                  Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84:1--84:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 15, Number 3s, January, 2020

                Pietro Pala and   
                Liming Chen and   
                   Di Huang and   
               Xiaoming Liu and   
             Stefanos Zafeiriou   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Face Analysis Applications . . . . . . . 1--2
              Zhen-Hua Feng and   
              Josef Kittler and   
             Bill Christmas and   
                    Xiao-Jun Wu   A Unified Tensor-based Active Appearance
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--22
                 Gil Shamai and   
              Ron Slossberg and   
                     Ron Kimmel   Synthesizing Facial Photometries and
                                  Corresponding Geometries Using
                                  Generative Adversarial Networks  . . . . 1--24
               Xueping Wang and   
               Yunhong Wang and   
                      Weixin Li   U-Net Conditional GANs for
                                  Photo-Realistic and Identity-Preserving
                                  Facial Expression Synthesis  . . . . . . 1--23
                 Zhiwei Liu and   
                Xiangyu Zhu and   
                  Ming Tang and   
                   Zhen Lei and   
                   Jinqiao Wang   Efficient Face Alignment with Fast
                                  Normalization and Contour Fitting Loss   1--16
                 Huiyu Duan and   
               Xiongkuo Min and   
                    Yi Fang and   
                    Lei Fan and   
              Xiaokang Yang and   
                  Guangtao Zhai   Visual Attention Analysis and Prediction
                                  on Human Faces for Children with Autism
                                  Spectrum Disorder  . . . . . . . . . . . 1--23
              Mingxing Duan and   
                   Kenli Li and   
               Xiangke Liao and   
                   Keqin Li and   
                        Qi Tian   Features-Enhanced Multi-Attribute
                                  Estimation with Convolutional Tensor
                                  Correlation Fusion Network . . . . . . . 1--23
               Sicheng Zhao and   
               Dhiraj Joshi and   
         Mohammad Soleymani and   
                       Qiang Ji   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Affective Computing for Large-scale
                                  Heterogeneous Multimedia Data  . . . . . 1--2
               Sicheng Zhao and   
              Shangfei Wang and   
         Mohammad Soleymani and   
               Dhiraj Joshi and   
                       Qiang Ji   Affective Computing for Large-scale
                                  Heterogeneous Multimedia Data: a Survey  1--32
              Xiaopeng Hong and   
                   Wei Peng and   
           Mehrtash Harandi and   
                Ziheng Zhou and   
     Matti Pietikäinen and   
                   Guoying Zhao   Characterizing Subtle Facial Movements
                                  via Riemannian Manifold  . . . . . . . . 1--24
                 Junjie Zhu and   
                 Yuxuan Wei and   
                 Yifan Feng and   
                 Xibin Zhao and   
                        Yue Gao   Physiological Signals-based Emotion
                                  Recognition via High-order Correlation
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--18
                 Dongyu She and   
                   Ming Sun and   
                    Jufeng Yang   Learning Discriminative Sentiment
                                  Representation from Strongly- and Weakly
                                  Supervised CNNs  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--19
                   Liang Li and   
                  Xinge Zhu and   
                 Yiming Hao and   
                Shuhui Wang and   
                 Xingyu Gao and   
                 Qingming Huang   A Hierarchical CNN-RNN Approach for
                                  Visual Emotion Classification  . . . . . 1--17
                 Liang Yang and   
                Yuexue Wang and   
                  Junhua Gu and   
               Xiaochun Cao and   
                  Xiao Wang and   
                     Di Jin and   
              Guiguang Ding and   
                Jungong Han and   
                 Weixiong Zhang   Autonomous Semantic Community Detection
                                  via Adaptively Weighted Low-rank
                                  Approximation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--22
                  Yuxin Hou and   
                Hongxun Yao and   
              Xiaoshuai Sun and   
                      Haoran Li   Soul Dancer: Emotion-Based Human Action
                                  Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--19
               Shenghong Hu and   
                     Min Xu and   
               Haimin Zhang and   
               Chunxia Xiao and   
                       Chao Gui   Affective Content-aware Adaptation
                                  Scheme on QoE Optimization of Adaptive
                                  Streaming over HTTP  . . . . . . . . . . 1--18

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 15, Number 4, January, 2020

                 Weizhi Nie and   
                Weijie Wang and   
                   Anan Liu and   
                  Yuting Su and   
                        Jie Nie   HGAN: Holistic Generative Adversarial
                                  Networks for Two-dimensional Image-based
                                  Three-dimensional Object Retrieval . . . 1--24
                  Mading Li and   
                Jiaying Liu and   
                Xiaoyan Sun and   
                   Zhiwei Xiong   Image/Video Restoration via Multiplanar
                                  Autoregressive Model and Low-Rank
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--23
            Sheng-Hua Zhong and   
              Yuantian Wang and   
                Tongwei Ren and   
              Mingjie Zheng and   
                    Yan Liu and   
                    Gangshan Wu   Steganographer Detection via Multi-Scale
                                  Embedding Probability Estimation . . . . 1--23
    Marcos Alves de Almeida and   
    Carolina Coimbra Vieira and   
Pedro Olmo Stancioli Vaz De Melo and   
Renato Martins Assunção   Random Playlists Smoothly Commuting
                                  Between Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--20
                  Zhaoda Ye and   
                     Yuxin Peng   Sequential Cross-Modal Hashing Learning
                                  via Multi-scale Correlation Mining . . . 1--20
               Shiguang Liu and   
                   Ziqing Huang   Efficient Image Hashing with Geometric
                                  Invariant Vector Distance for Copy
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--22
               Zhandong Liu and   
               Wengang Zhou and   
                    Houqiang Li   AB-LSTM: Attention-based Bidirectional
                                  LSTM Model for Scene Text Detection  . . 1--23
           Deepayan Bhowmik and   
            Charith Abhayaratne   Embedding Distortion Analysis in
                                  Wavelet-domain Watermarking  . . . . . . 1--24
                  Ling Shen and   
               Richang Hong and   
               Haoran Zhang and   
                Xinmei Tian and   
                      Meng Wang   Video Retrieval with
                                  Similarity-Preserving Deep Temporal
                                  Hashing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--16
       Jeroen Van der Hooft and   
          Maria Torres Vega and   
         Stefano Petrangeli and   
                Tim Wauters and   
                 Filip De Turck   Tile-based Adaptive Streaming for
                                  Virtual Reality Video  . . . . . . . . . 1--24
Roberto Iraja Tavares Da Costa Filho and   
  Marcelo Caggiani Luizelli and   
         Stefano Petrangeli and   
          Maria Torres Vega and   
       Jeroen Van der Hooft and   
                Tim Wauters and   
             Filip De Turck and   
       Luciano Paschoal Gaspary   Dissecting the Performance of VR Video
                                  Streaming through the VR-EXP
                                  Experimentation Platform . . . . . . . . 1--23
              Yunpeng Zheng and   
                 Xuelong Li and   
                   Xiaoqiang Lu   Unsupervised Learning of Human Action
                                  Categories in Still Images with Deep
                                  Representations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--20
                  Meng Xing and   
               Zhiyong Feng and   
                    Yong Su and   
                  Jianhai Zhang   An Image Cues Coding Approach for $3$D
                                  Human Pose Estimation  . . . . . . . . . 1--20
                Jinhuan Liu and   
               Xuemeng Song and   
                Liqiang Nie and   
                   Tian Gan and   
                         Jun Ma   An End-to-End Attention-Based Neural
                                  Model for Complementary Clothing
                                  Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--16
               Jonathan Kua and   
         Grenville Armitage and   
              Philip Branch and   
                      Jason But   Adaptive Chunklets and AQM for
                                  Higher-Performance Content Streaming . . 1--24

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 16, Number 1, April, 2020

                   Bin Chen and   
               Lingyan Ruan and   
                   Miu-Ling Lam   LFGAN: $4$D Light Field Synthesis from a
                                  Single RGB Image . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1--2:20
                Yuhang Ding and   
                   Hehe Fan and   
               Mingliang Xu and   
                        Yi Yang   Adaptive Exploration for Unsupervised
                                  Person Re-identification . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:19
          Abdelhak Bentaleb and   
        Praveen Kumar Yadav and   
              Wei Tsang Ooi and   
               Roger Zimmermann   DQ-DASH: a Queuing Theory Approach to
                                  Distributed Adaptive Video Streaming . . 4:1--4:24
                  Xin Huang and   
                 Yuxin Peng and   
                      Zhang Wen   RCE-HIL: Recognizing Cross-media
                                  Entailment with Heterogeneous
                                  Interactive Learning . . . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:21
                Miaopeng Li and   
                Zimeng Zhou and   
                     Xinguo Liu   Cross Refinement Techniques for
                                  Markerless Human Motion Capture  . . . . 6:1--6:18
          Gazi Karam Illahi and   
          Thomas Van Gemert and   
            Matti Siekkinen and   
              Enrico Masala and   
           Antti Oulasvirta and   
Antti Ylä-Jääski   Cloud Gaming with Foveated Video
                                  Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:24
              Duc V. Nguyen and   
           Huyen T. T. Tran and   
              Truong Cong Thang   An Evaluation of Tile Selection Methods
                                  for Viewport-Adaptive Streaming of
                                  360-Degree Video . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1--8:24
               Zhenguo Yang and   
                 Zehang Lin and   
                Peipei Kang and   
                Jianming Lv and   
                    Qing Li and   
                     Wenyin Liu   Learning Shared Semantic Space with
                                  Correlation Alignment for Cross-Modal
                                  Event Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:22
              Junfeng Zhang and   
                 Haifeng Hu and   
                    Guobin Shen   Joint Stacked Hourglass Network and
                                  Salient Region Attention Refinement for
                                  Robust Face Alignment  . . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:18
                   Shuji Tasaka   Causal Structures of Multidimensional
                                  QoE in Haptic-Audiovisual
                                  Communications: Bayesian Modeling  . . . 11:1--11:23
        Narinder Singh Punn and   
                 Sonali Agarwal   Inception U-Net Architecture for
                                  Semantic Segmentation to Identify Nuclei
                                  in Microscopy Cell Images  . . . . . . . 12:1--12:15
      Chandramani Chaudhary and   
               Poonam Goyal and   
              Navneet Goyal and   
            Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen   Image Retrieval for Complex Queries
                                  Using Knowledge Embedding  . . . . . . . 13:1--13:23
               Guoliang Luo and   
               Zhigang Deng and   
                   Xin Zhao and   
               Xiaogang Jin and   
                   Wei Zeng and   
               Wenqiang Xie and   
                     Hyewon Seo   Spatio-temporal Segmentation Based
                                  Adaptive Compression of Dynamic Mesh
                                  Sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:1--14:24
               Zhaoqing Pan and   
                 Xiaokai Yi and   
                  Yun Zhang and   
                   Hui Yuan and   
                Fu Lee Wang and   
                      Sam Kwong   Frame-level Bit Allocation Optimization
                                  Based on Video Content Characteristics
                                  for HEVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:20
            Jean-Paul Ainam and   
                     Ke Qin and   
                Guisong Liu and   
              Guangchun Luo and   
              Brighter Agyemang   Enforcing Affinity Feature Learning
                                  through Self-attention for Person
                                  Re-identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1--16:22
                 Mengyan Li and   
               Zhaoyu Zhang and   
                Guochen Xie and   
                         Jun Yu   A Deep Learning Approach for Face
                                  Hallucination Guided by Facial Boundary
                                  Responses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:23
                    Zan Gao and   
                 Yinming Li and   
                    Shaohua Wan   Exploring Deep Learning for View-Based
                                  $3$D Model Retrieval . . . . . . . . . . 18:1--18:21

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 16, Number 1s, April, 2020

            Shengping Zhang and   
                 Huiyu Zhou and   
                    Dong Xu and   
             M. Emre Celebi and   
               Thierry Bouwmans   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Multimodal Machine Learning for Human
                                  Behavior Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . 19:1--19:2
              Changyong Guo and   
              Zhaoxin Zhang and   
                Jinjiang Li and   
              Xuesong Jiang and   
                  Jun Zhang and   
                      Lei Zhang   Robust Visual Tracking Using Kernel
                                  Sparse Coding on Multiple Covariance
                                  Descriptors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20:1--20:22
              Zhaoxin Zhang and   
              Changyong Guo and   
                Fanzhi Meng and   
                Taizhong Xu and   
                   Junkai Huang   CovLets: a Second-Order Descriptor for
                                  Modeling Multiple Features . . . . . . . 21:1--21:14
              Quanling Meng and   
                  Heyan Zhu and   
              Weigang Zhang and   
               Xuefeng Piao and   
                    Aijie Zhang   Action Recognition Using Form and Motion
                                  Modalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22:1--22:16
        Pourya Shamsolmoali and   
         Masoumeh Zareapoor and   
                 Huiyu Zhou and   
                       Jie Yang   AMIL: Adversarial Multi-instance
                                  Learning for Human Pose Estimation . . . 23:1--23:23
             Yueting Zhuang and   
                  Dejing Xu and   
                    Xin Yan and   
              Wenzhuo Cheng and   
                  Zhou Zhao and   
                Shiliang Pu and   
                       Jun Xiao   Multichannel Attention Refinement for
                                  Video Question Answering . . . . . . . . 24:1--24:23
           Aleksei Grigorev and   
                Shaohui Liu and   
               Zhihong Tian and   
              Jianxin Xiong and   
               Seungmin Rho and   
                     Jiang Feng   Delving Deeper in Drone-Based Person
                                  Re-Id by Employing Deep Decision Forest
                                  and Attributes Fusion  . . . . . . . . . 25:1--25:15
                  Zhaoju Li and   
               Zongwei Zhou and   
                  Nan Jiang and   
                Zhenjun Han and   
              Junliang Xing and   
                   Jianbin Jiao   Spatial Preserved Graph Convolution
                                  Networks for Person Re-identification    26:1--26:14
                   Hui Chen and   
              Guiguang Ding and   
                  Zijia Lin and   
               Sicheng Zhao and   
                Xiaopeng Gu and   
                 Wenyuan Xu and   
                    Jungong Han   ACMNet: Adaptive Confidence Matching
                                  Network for Human Behavior Analysis via
                                  Cross-modal Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . 27:1--27:21
                Anran Zhang and   
             Xiaolong Jiang and   
             Baochang Zhang and   
                    Xianbin Cao   Multi-scale Supervised Attentive
                                  Encoder--Decoder Network for Crowd
                                  Counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28:1--28:20
                 M. Tanveer and   
                  P. Khanna and   
                  M. Prasad and   
                      C. T. Lin   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Computational Intelligence for
                                  Biomedical Data and Imaging  . . . . . . 29:1--29:4
                 M. Tanveer and   
              B. Richhariya and   
                 R. U. Khan and   
               A. H. Rashid and   
                  P. Khanna and   
                  M. Prasad and   
                      C. T. Lin   Machine Learning Techniques for the
                                  Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease: a
                                  Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30:1--30:35
               Shweta Yadav and   
             Pralay Ramteke and   
                 Asif Ekbal and   
              Sriparna Saha and   
          Pushpak Bhattacharyya   Exploring Disorder-Aware Attention for
                                  Clinical Event Extraction  . . . . . . . 31:1--31:21
           Suvidha Tripathi and   
             Satish Kumar Singh   Cell Nuclei Classification in
                                  Histopathological Images using Hybrid O
                                  L ConvNet  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32:1--32:22
                Nengjun Zhu and   
                   Jian Cao and   
                Kunwei Shen and   
              Xiaosong Chen and   
                       Siji Zhu   A Decision Support System with
                                  Intelligent Recommendation for
                                  Multi-disciplinary Medical Treatment . . 33:1--33:23
              Qingyong Wang and   
                   Yun Zhou and   
               Weiping Ding and   
               Zhiguo Zhang and   
              Khan Muhammad and   
                     Zehong Cao   Random Forest with Self-Paced Bootstrap
                                  Learning in Lung Cancer Prognosis  . . . 34:1--34:12
               Naveen Saini and   
              Sriparna Saha and   
      Pushpak Bhattacharyya and   
                Himanshu Tuteja   Textual Entailment-Based Figure
                                  Summarization for Biomedical Articles    35:1--35:24
                  Chao Tong and   
                Baoyu Liang and   
               Mengze Zhang and   
              Rongshan Chen and   
        Arun Kumar Sangaiah and   
               Zhigao Zheng and   
                    Tao Wan and   
               Chenyang Yue and   
                     Xinyi Yang   Pulmonary Nodule Detection Based on
                                  ISODATA-Improved Faster RCNN and
                                  $3$D-CNN with Focal Loss . . . . . . . . 36:1--36:9
            Utkarsh Agrawal and   
                Jatin Arora and   
                Rahul Singh and   
               Deepak Gupta and   
              Ashish Khanna and   
               Aditya Khamparia   Hybrid Wolf--Bat Algorithm for
                                  Optimization of Connection Weights in
                                  Multi-layer Perceptron . . . . . . . . . 37:1--37:20
         Ranjeet Kumar Rout and   
           Sk. Sarif Hassan and   
          Sanchit Sindhwani and   
          Hari Mohan Pandey and   
                    Saiyed Umer   Intelligent Classification and Analysis
                                  of Essential Genes Using Quantitative
                                  Methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38:1--38:21
               Hongyi Zhang and   
                Haoke Zhang and   
          Sandeep Pirbhulal and   
                 Wanqing Wu and   
  Victor Hugo C. De Albuquerque   Active Balancing Mechanism for
                                  Imbalanced Medical Data in Deep
                                  Learning-Based Classification Models . . 39:1--39:15

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 16, Number 2, June, 2020

         Shanthi Vellingiri and   
            Ryan P. McMahan and   
       Balakrishnan Prabhakaran   SCeVE: a Component-based Framework to
                                  Author Mixed Reality Tours . . . . . . . 40:1--40:23
                Jiaying Liu and   
                 Sijie Song and   
                Chunhui Liu and   
                 Yanghao Li and   
                       Yueyu Hu   A Benchmark Dataset and Comparison Study
                                  for Multi-modal Human Action Analytics   41:1--41:24
              Mingxing Duan and   
                   Kenli Li and   
               Aijia Ouyang and   
            Khin Nandar Win and   
                   Keqin Li and   
                        Qi Tian   EGroupNet: a Feature-enhanced Network
                                  for Age Estimation with Novel Age Group
                                  Schemes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42:1--42:23
Abraham Báez-Suárez and   
                 Nolan Shah and   
 Juan Arturo Nolazco-Flores and   
        Shou-Hsuan S. Huang and   
          Omprakash Gnawali and   
                    Weidong Shi   SAMAF: Sequence-to-sequence Autoencoder
                                  Model for Audio Fingerprinting . . . . . 43:1--43:23
              Pascal Mettes and   
           Dennis C. Koelma and   
               Cees G. M. Snoek   Shuffled ImageNet Banks for Video Event
                                  Detection and Search . . . . . . . . . . 44:1--44:21
        Farzan Majeed Noori and   
            Michael Riegler and   
               Md Zia Uddin and   
                   Jim Torresen   Human Activity Recognition from Multiple
                                  Sensors Data Using Multi-fusion
                                  Representations and CNNs . . . . . . . . 45:1--45:19
               Silvia Rossi and   
              Cagri Ozcinar and   
              Aljosa Smolic and   
                     Laura Toni   Do Users Behave Similarly in VR?
                                  Investigation of the User Influence on
                                  the System Design  . . . . . . . . . . . 46:1--46:26
                  Xiao Wang and   
                     Wu Liu and   
                   Jun Chen and   
                Xiaobo Wang and   
              Chenggang Yan and   
                        Tao Mei   Listen, Look, and Find the One: Robust
                                  Person Search with Multimodality Index   47:1--47:20
                Xiaofan Luo and   
               Fukoeng Wong and   
                     Haifeng Hu   FIN: Feature Integrated Network for
                                  Object Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . 48:1--48:18
           Kutalmis Akpinar and   
                    Kien A. Hua   PPNet: Privacy Protected CDN--ISP
                                  Collaboration for QoS-aware Multi-CDN
                                  Adaptive Video Streaming . . . . . . . . 49:1--49:23
       Vishesh Kumar Tanwar and   
      Balasubramanian Raman and   
       Amitesh Singh Rajput and   
                  Rama Bhargava   CryptoLesion: a Privacy-preserving Model
                                  for Lesion Segmentation Using Whale
                                  Optimization over Cloud  . . . . . . . . 50:1--50:23
              Zhedong Zheng and   
                Liang Zheng and   
            Michael Garrett and   
                    Yi Yang and   
               Mingliang Xu and   
                   Yi-Dong Shen   Dual-path Convolutional Image-Text
                                  Embeddings with Instance Loss  . . . . . 51:1--51:23
              Xiaowen Huang and   
            Shengsheng Qian and   
                  Quan Fang and   
                 Jitao Sang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Meta-path Augmented Sequential
                                  Recommendation with Contextual
                                  Co-attention Network . . . . . . . . . . 52:1--52:24
               Lingxiang Wu and   
                     Min Xu and   
            Shengsheng Qian and   
                    Jianwei Cui   Image to Modern Chinese Poetry Creation
                                  via a Constrained Topic-aware Model  . . 53:1--53:21
                 Zhili Zhou and   
          Q. M. Jonathan Wu and   
                 Yimin Yang and   
                   Xingming Sun   Region-Level Visual Consistency
                                  Verification for Large-Scale
                                  Partial-Duplicate Image Search . . . . . 54:1--54:25
                   Jiale He and   
                 Gaobo Yang and   
                    Xin Liu and   
                 Xiangling Ding   Spatio-temporal Saliency-based Motion
                                  Vector Refinement for Frame Rate
                                  Up-conversion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55:1--55:18
            Francesco Gelli and   
           Tiberio Uricchio and   
                Xiangnan He and   
          Alberto Del Bimbo and   
                  Tat-Seng Chua   Learning Visual Elements of Images for
                                  Discovery of Brand Posts . . . . . . . . 56:1--56:21
               Xian-Hua Han and   
             Yinqiang Zheng and   
                 Jiande Sun and   
                   Yen-Wei Chen   Hyperspectral Reconstruction with
                                  Redundant Camera Spectral Sensitivity
                                  Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57:1--57:15

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 16, Number 2s, July, 2020

                Honghao Gao and   
                   Yudong Zhang   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Smart Communications and Networking for
                                  Future Video Surveillance  . . . . . . . 58:1--58:2
              Yizhang Jiang and   
                Xiaoqing Gu and   
               Dingcheng Ji and   
             Pengjiang Qian and   
                   Jing Xue and   
             Yuanpeng Zhang and   
                  Jiaqi Zhu and   
                Kaijian Xia and   
                   Shitong Wang   Smart Diagnosis: a Multiple-Source
                                  Transfer TSK Fuzzy System for EEG
                                  Seizure Identification . . . . . . . . . 59:1--59:21
              Shui-Hua Wang and   
                  Yu-Dong Zhang   DenseNet-201-Based Deep Neural Network
                                  with Composite Learning Factor and
                                  Precomputation for Multiple Sclerosis
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60:1--60:19
                Kaijian Xia and   
              Hongsheng Yin and   
                   Yong Jin and   
                    Shi Qiu and   
                    Hongru Zhao   Cross-Domain Brain CT Image Smart
                                  Segmentation via Shared Hidden Space
                                  Transfer FCM Clustering  . . . . . . . . 61:1--61:21
                Yonggang Li and   
               Chunping Liu and   
                      Yi Ji and   
             Shengrong Gong and   
                      Haibao Xu   Spatio-Temporal Deep Residual Network
                                  with Hierarchical Attentions for Video
                                  Event Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . 62:1--62:21
                     Wen Si and   
                   Cong Liu and   
                Zhongqin Bi and   
                   Meijing Shan   Modeling Long-Term Dependencies from
                                  Videos Using Deep Multiplicative Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63:1--63:19
                  Suguo Zhu and   
              Xiaoxian Yang and   
                     Jun Yu and   
              Zhenying Fang and   
                  Meng Wang and   
                 Qingming Huang   Proposal Complementary Action Detection  64:1--64:12
               Chenxi Huang and   
                  Yisha Lan and   
               Guokai Zhang and   
                  Gaowei Xu and   
                Landu Jiang and   
               Nianyin Zeng and   
                Jenhong Tan and   
                E. Y. K. Ng and   
            Yongqiang Cheng and   
                Ningzhi Han and   
                Rongrong Ji and   
                  Yonghong Peng   A New Transfer Function for Volume
                                  Visualization of Aortic Stent and Its
                                  Application to Virtual Endoscopy . . . . 65:1--65:14
               Michael Zink and   
                 Laura Toni and   
                   Ali C. Begen   Introduction to the Best Papers from the
                                  ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys) 2019 and
                                  Co-Located Workshops . . . . . . . . . . 66:1--66:2
             Rui-Xiao Zhang and   
                    Ming Ma and   
              Tianchi Huang and   
               Haitian Pang and   
                    Xin Yao and   
                Chenglei Wu and   
                     Lifeng Sun   A Practical Learning-based Approach for
                                  Viewer Scheduling in the Crowdsourced
                                  Live Streaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67:1--67:22
             Sa'di Altamimi and   
          Shervin Shirmohammadi   QoE-Fair DASH Video Streaming Using
                                  Server-side Reinforcement Learning . . . 68:1--68:21
          Abdelhak Bentaleb and   
         Christian Timmerer and   
               Ali C. Begen and   
               Roger Zimmermann   Performance Analysis of ACTE: a
                                  Bandwidth Prediction Method for
                                  Low-latency Chunked Streaming  . . . . . 69:1--69:24
                Stefan Pham and   
             Patrick Heeren and   
             Calvin Schmidt and   
             Daniel Silhavy and   
              Stefan Arbanowski   Evaluation of Shared Resource Allocation
                                  Using SAND for ABR Streaming . . . . . . 70:1--70:18
            Craig Gutterman and   
              Katherine Guo and   
              Sarthak Arora and   
             Trey Gilliland and   
              Xiaoyang Wang and   
                     Les Wu and   
         Ethan Katz-Bassett and   
                    Gil Zussman   Requet: Real-Time QoE Metric Detection
                                  for Encrypted YouTube Traffic  . . . . . 71:1--71:28
                  Xinjue Hu and   
              Jingming Shan and   
                     Yu Liu and   
                  Lin Zhang and   
          Shervin Shirmohammadi   An Adaptive Two-Layer Light Field
                                  Compression Scheme Using GNN-Based
                                  Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72:1--72:23
              Mark Claypool and   
              Andy Cockburn and   
                    Carl Gutwin   The Impact of Motion and Delay on
                                  Selecting Game Targets with a Mouse  . . 73:1--73:24

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 16, Number 3, September, 2020

                      Anonymous   Table of Contents: Online Supplement
                                  Volume 16, Number 1s . . . . . . . . . . 74:1--74:5
                 Liang Yang and   
                 Haifeng Hu and   
              Songlong Xing and   
                     Xinlong Lu   Constrained LSTM and Residual Attention
                                  for Image Captioning . . . . . . . . . . 75:1--75:18
               Donghuo Zeng and   
                      Yi Yu and   
                    Keizo Oyama   Deep Triplet Neural Networks with
                                  Cluster-CCA for Audio-Visual Cross-Modal
                                  Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76:1--76:23
                 Yu-Ting Su and   
                 Wen-Hui Li and   
                Wei-Zhi Nie and   
                      An-An Liu   Multi-View Graph Matching for $3$D Model
                                  Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77:1--77:20
                   Hehe Fan and   
                Linchao Zhu and   
                    Yi Yang and   
                         Fei Wu   Recurrent Attention Network with
                                  Reinforced Generator for Visual Dialog   78:1--78:16
               Feiran Huang and   
                 Kaimin Wei and   
                  Jian Weng and   
                     Zhoujun Li   Attention-Based Modality-Gated Networks
                                  for Image-Text Sentiment Analysis  . . . 79:1--79:19
              Shangfei Wang and   
                Longfei Hao and   
                       Qiang Ji   Posed and Spontaneous Expression
                                  Distinction Using Latent Regression
                                  Bayesian Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . 80:1--80:18
                 Fangyu Liu and   
         Rémi Lebret and   
                Didier Orel and   
            Philippe Sordet and   
                    Karl Aberer   Upgrading the Newsroom: an Automated
                                  Image Selection System for News Articles 81:1--81:28
                 Chenlei Lv and   
                 Zhongke Wu and   
                Xingce Wang and   
                  Mingquan Zhou   $3$D Facial Similarity Measurement and
                                  Its Application in Facial Organization   82:1--82:20
                   Jin Yuan and   
                  Lei Zhang and   
                Songrui Guo and   
                    Yi Xiao and   
                     Zhiyong Li   Image Captioning with a Joint Attention
                                  Mechanism by Visual Concept Samples  . . 83:1--83:22
                   Xun Wang and   
                   Yan Tian and   
                 Xuran Zhao and   
                   Tao Yang and   
           Judith Gelernter and   
                Jialei Wang and   
               Guohua Cheng and   
                         Wei Hu   Improving Multiperson Pose Estimation by
                                  Mask-aware Deep Reinforcement Learning   84:1--84:18
              Shenming Feng and   
                     Haifeng Hu   Learning Joint Structure for Human Pose
                                  Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85:1--85:17
                   Feng Lin and   
                     Bin Li and   
               Wengang Zhou and   
                Houqiang Li and   
                         Yan Lu   Single-stage Instance Segmentation . . . 86:1--86:19
             Shuqiang Jiang and   
                Weiqing Min and   
              Yongqiang Lyu and   
                      Linhu Liu   Few-shot Food Recognition via Multi-view
                                  Representation Learning  . . . . . . . . 87:1--87:20
               Trang-Thi Ho and   
       John Jethro Virtusio and   
              Yung-Yao Chen and   
              Chih-Ming Hsu and   
                   Kai-Lung Hua   Sketch-guided Deep Portrait Generation   88:1--88:18
           Gargi Srivastava and   
              Rajeev Srivastava   Design, Analysis, and Implementation of
                                  Efficient Framework for Image Annotation 89:1--89:24
             Dongyang Zhang and   
                   Jie Shao and   
                  Heng Tao Shen   Kernel Attention Network for Single
                                  Image Super-Resolution . . . . . . . . . 90:1--90:15
                  Yutao Liu and   
                      Ke Gu and   
                     Xiu Li and   
                 Yongbing Zhang   Blind Image Quality Assessment by
                                  Natural Scene Statistics and Perceptual
                                  Characteristics  . . . . . . . . . . . . 91:1--91:91
              Jobin Francis and   
                 Baburaj M. and   
              Sudhish N. George   A Unified Tensor Framework for
                                  Clustering and Simultaneous
                                  Reconstruction of Incomplete Imaging
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92:1--92:24

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 16, Number 3s, January, 2021

               Suraj Sharma and   
                Xuyun Zhang and   
            Hesham El-Sayed and   
                    Zhiyuan Tan   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Privacy and Security in Evolving
                                  Internet of Multimedia Things  . . . . . 93:1--93:3
                Xiaolong Xu and   
                 Qihe Huang and   
                Yiwen Zhang and   
                Shancang Li and   
                Lianyong Qi and   
                    Wanchun Dou   An LSH-based Offloading Method for IoMT
                                  Services in Integrated Cloud-Edge
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94:1--94:19
          Nicholaus J. Gati and   
           Laurence T. Yang and   
                   Jun Feng and   
                   Yijun Mo and   
                  Mamoun Alazab   Differentially Private Tensor Train Deep
                                  Computation for Internet of Multimedia
                                  Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95:1--95:20
               Haoran Liang and   
                     Jun Wu and   
                   Xi Zheng and   
              Mengshi Zhang and   
                 Jianhua Li and   
                Alireza Jolfaei   Fog-based Secure Service Discovery for
                                  Internet of Multimedia Things: a
                                  Cross-blockchain Approach  . . . . . . . 96:1--96:23
                  Zhihan Lv and   
                 Liang Qiao and   
                   Houbing Song   Analysis of the Security of Internet of
                                  Multimedia Things  . . . . . . . . . . . 97:1--97:16
         Kshira Sagar Sahoo and   
                  Deepak Puthal   SDN-Assisted DDoS Defense Framework for
                                  the Internet of Multimedia Things  . . . 98:1--98:18
            Suyel Namasudra and   
          Rupak Chakraborty and   
          Abhishek Majumder and   
         Nageswara Rao Moparthi   Securing Multimedia by Using DNA-Based
                                  Encryption in the Cloud Computing
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99:1--99:19
                Liming Fang and   
              Changchun Yin and   
                 Juncen Zhu and   
                Chunpeng Ge and   
                 M. Tanveer and   
            Alireza Jolfaei and   
                     Zehong Cao   Privacy Protection for Medical Data
                                  Sharing in Smart Healthcare  . . . . . . 100:1--100:18
                    A. K. Singh   Data Hiding: Current Trends, Innovation
                                  and Potential Challenges . . . . . . . . 101:1--101:16
                  Hezhen Hu and   
               Wengang Zhou and   
                  Xingze Li and   
                   Ning Yan and   
                    Houqiang Li   MV2Flow: Learning Motion Representation
                                  for Fast Compressed Video Action
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102:1--102:19
                Chaoran Cui and   
               Peiguang Lin and   
                Xiushan Nie and   
                 Muwei Jian and   
                     Yilong Yin   Social-sensed Image Aesthetics
                                  Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103:1--103:19

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 16, Number 4, January, 2021

                   Suraj Sharma   Table of Contents: Online Supplement
                                  Volume 16, Number 3s . . . . . . . . . . 117e-1:117e-2
                 Huiru Shao and   
                    Jing Li and   
                  Jia Zhang and   
                     Hui Yu and   
                     Jiande Sun   Eye-based Recognition for User
                                  Identification on Mobile Devices . . . . 117:1--117:19
                 Zuquan Liu and   
                  Guopu Zhu and   
              Yuan-Gen Wang and   
              Jianquan Yang and   
                      Sam Kwong   A Novel $ (t, s, k, n)$-Threshold Visual
                                  Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Access
                                  Structure Partition  . . . . . . . . . . 118:1--118:21
         Federico Becattini and   
           Tiberio Uricchio and   
          Lorenzo Seidenari and   
            Lamberto Ballan and   
              Alberto Del Bimbo   Am I Done? Predicting Action Progress in
                                  Videos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119:1--119:24
               Weijian Ruan and   
                 Chao Liang and   
                      Yi Yu and   
                 Zheng Wang and   
                     Wu Liu and   
                   Jun Chen and   
                       Jiayi Ma   Correlation Discrepancy Insight Network
                                  for Video Re-identification  . . . . . . 120:1--120:21
                   Xin Yang and   
                    Yu Qiao and   
               Shaozhe Chen and   
               Shengfeng He and   
                 Baocai Yin and   
                Qiang Zhang and   
               Xiaopeng Wei and   
               Rynson W. H. Lau   Smart Scribbles for Image Matting  . . . 121:1--121:21
              Chenggang Yan and   
                Zhisheng Li and   
             Yongbing Zhang and   
                  Yutao Liu and   
               Xiangyang Ji and   
                 Yongdong Zhang   Depth Image Denoising Using Nuclear Norm
                                  and Learning Graph Model . . . . . . . . 122:1--122:17
                    Lin Zhu and   
              Xiurong Jiang and   
                 Jianing Li and   
               Yuanhong Hao and   
                  Yonghong Tian   Motion-Aware Structured Matrix
                                  Factorization for Foreground Detection
                                  in Complex Scenes  . . . . . . . . . . . 123:1--123:23
                   Yang Wei and   
                Zhuzhu Wang and   
                   Bin Xiao and   
                 Ximeng Liu and   
                  Zheng Yan and   
                    Jianfeng Ma   Controlling Neural Learning Network with
                                  Multiple Scales for Image Splicing
                                  Forgery Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . 124:1--124:22
                   Kun Zeng and   
              Jiangchuan Hu and   
                Yongyi Gong and   
      Kanoksak Wattanachote and   
                 Runpeng Yu and   
                    Xiaonan Luo   Vertical Retargeting for Stereoscopic
                                  Images via Stereo Seam Carving . . . . . 125:1--125:22
                   Tao Tian and   
                 Hanli Wang and   
                  Sam Kwong and   
                  C.-C. Jay Kuo   Perceptual Image Compression with
                                  Block-Level Just Noticeable Difference
                                  Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126:1--126:15
                     Xin He and   
                  Qiong Liu and   
                       You Yang   Make Full Use of Priors: Cross-View
                                  Optimized Filter for Multi-View Depth
                                  Enhancement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127:1--127:19
               Xiaoxiao Liu and   
                    Qingyang Xu   Adaptive Attention-based High-level
                                  Semantic Introduction for Image Caption  128:1--128:22
      Muhammad Abu Ul Fazal and   
               Sam Ferguson and   
                Andrew Johnston   Evaluation of Information Comprehension
                                  in Concurrent Speech-based Designs . . . 129:1--129:19
                Yucheng Zhu and   
              Guangtao Zhai and   
               Xiongkuo Min and   
                   Jiantao Zhou   Learning a Deep Agent to Predict Head
                                  Movement in 360-Degree Images  . . . . . 130:1--130:23
                 Weizhi Nie and   
                   Qi Liang and   
                 Yixin Wang and   
                   Xing Wei and   
                      Yuting Su   MMFN: Multimodal Information Fusion
                                  Networks for $3$D Model Classification
                                  and Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131:1--131:22
             Zhongying Zhao and   
               Yonghao Yang and   
                    Chao Li and   
                    Liqiang Nie   GuessUNeed: Recommending Courses via
                                  Neural Attention Network and Course
                                  Prerequisite Relation Embeddings . . . . 132:1--132:17
                   Yi Huang and   
              Xiaoshan Yang and   
                  Junyu Gao and   
                 Jitao Sang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Knowledge-driven Egocentric Multimodal
                                  Activity Recognition . . . . . . . . . . 133:1--133:133
                   Yaoyu Li and   
                 Hantao Yao and   
              Tianzhu Zhang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Part-based Structured Representation
                                  Learning for Person Re-identification    134:1--134:22

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 17, Number 1, April, 2021

                    Xin Jin and   
                Jianfeng Xu and   
            Kazuyuki Tasaka and   
                     Zhibo Chen   Multi-task Learning-based All-in-one
                                  Collaboration Framework for Degraded
                                  Image Super-resolution . . . . . . . . . 21:1--21:21
           Huyen T. T. Tran and   
              Nam Pham Ngoc and   
       Tobias Hoßfeld and   
            Michael Seufert and   
              Truong Cong Thang   Cumulative Quality Modeling for HTTP
                                  Adaptive Streaming . . . . . . . . . . . 22:1--22:24
                    Tong Xu and   
                Peilun Zhou and   
                 Linkang Hu and   
                Xiangnan He and   
                     Yao Hu and   
                    Enhong Chen   Socializing the Videos: a Multimodal
                                  Approach for Social Relation Recognition 23:1--23:23
                  Xuehu Yan and   
                 Lintao Liu and   
                Longlong Li and   
                     Yuliang Lu   Robust Secret Image Sharing Resistant to
                                  Noise in Shares  . . . . . . . . . . . . 24:1--24:22
               Mingliang Xu and   
                Qingfeng Li and   
                Jianwei Niu and   
                     Hao Su and   
                 Xiting Liu and   
                  Weiwei Xu and   
                     Pei Lv and   
                  Bing Zhou and   
                        Yi Yang   ART-UP: a Novel Method for Generating
                                  Scanning-Robust Aesthetic QR Codes . . . 25:1--25:23
                Peihao Yang and   
                Linghe Kong and   
                Meikang Qiu and   
                    Xue Liu and   
                    Guihai Chen   Compressed Imaging Reconstruction with
                                  Sparse Random Projection . . . . . . . . 26:1--26:25
                     Lei Qi and   
                   Lei Wang and   
                   Jing Huo and   
               Yinghuan Shi and   
                       Yang Gao   GreyReID: a Novel Two-stream Deep
                                  Framework with RGB-grey Information for
                                  Person Re-identification . . . . . . . . 27:1--27:22
          Said Chehabeddine and   
      Muhammad Hassan Jamil and   
                Wanjoo Park and   
             Dianne L. Sefo and   
            Peter M. Loomer and   
                    Mohamad Eid   Bi-manual Haptic-based Periodontal
                                  Simulation with Finger Support and
                                  Vibrotactile Feedback  . . . . . . . . . 28:1--28:17
                 Jianshu Li and   
                  Jian Zhao and   
               Congyan Lang and   
                  Yidong Li and   
                Yunchao Wei and   
                Guodong Guo and   
                Terence Sim and   
              Shuicheng Yan and   
                    Jiashi Feng   Multi-human Parsing with a Graph-based
                                  Generative Adversarial Model . . . . . . 29:1--29:21
                Yusuf Cinar and   
                Peter Pocta and   
           Desmond Chambers and   
                    Hugh Melvin   Improved Jitter Buffer Management for
                                  WebRTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30:1--30:20
           Lukasz Czekierda and   
      Krzysztof Zieli\'nski and   
          S\lawomir Zieli\'nski   Automated Orchestration of Online
                                  Educational Collaboration in Cloud-based
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31:1--31:26
                    My Kieu and   
         Andrew D. Bagdanov and   
                  Marco Bertini   Bottom-up and Layerwise Domain
                                  Adaptation for Pedestrian Detection in
                                  Thermal Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32:1--32:19
                Wenjie Wang and   
               Ling-Yu Duan and   
                  Hao Jiang and   
              Peiguang Jing and   
               Xuemeng Song and   
                    Liqiang Nie   Market$2$Dish: Health-aware Food
                                  Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33:1--33:19
                 Yiding Liu and   
                  Siyu Yang and   
                     Bin Li and   
               Wengang Zhou and   
                 Jizheng Xu and   
                Houqiang Li and   
                         Yan Lu   Affinity Derivation for Accurate
                                  Instance Segmentation  . . . . . . . . . 34:1--34:20
                      Yi Yu and   
        Abhishek Srivastava and   
                  Simon Canales   Conditional LSTM-GAN for Melody
                                  Generation from Lyrics . . . . . . . . . 35:1--35:20
                   Xin Yang and   
               Xuemeng Song and   
                  Fuli Feng and   
                 Haokun Wen and   
               Ling-Yu Duan and   
                    Liqiang Nie   Attribute-wise Explainable Fashion
                                  Compatibility Modeling . . . . . . . . . 36:1--36:21
                  Zhixin Li and   
                    Lan Lin and   
              Canlong Zhang and   
                 Huifang Ma and   
              Weizhong Zhao and   
                    Zhiping Shi   A Semi-supervised Learning Approach
                                  Based on Adaptive Weighted Fusion for
                                  Automatic Image Annotation . . . . . . . 37:1--37:23
                 Yanwei Liu and   
                 Jinxia Liu and   
          Antonios Argyriou and   
                   Siwei Ma and   
                Liming Wang and   
                        Zhen Xu   $ 360$-Degree VR Video Watermarking
                                  Based on Spherical Wavelet Transform . . 38:1--38:23

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 17, Number 1s, March, 2021

                  Yang Wang and   
                  Meng Fang and   
           Joey Tianyi Zhou and   
                Tingting Mu and   
                    Dacheng Tao   Introduction to Big Multimodal
                                  Multimedia Data with Deep Analytics  . . 1:1--1:3
                    Xing Xu and   
                Jialin Tian and   
                  Kaiyi Lin and   
                  Huimin Lu and   
                   Jie Shao and   
                  Heng Tao Shen   Zero-shot Cross-modal Retrieval by
                                  Assembling AutoEncoder and Generative
                                  Adversarial Network  . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:17
                  Sichao Fu and   
                Weifeng Liu and   
                 Weili Guan and   
                Yicong Zhou and   
                 Dapeng Tao and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Dynamic Graph Learning Convolutional
                                  Networks for Semi-supervised
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:13
                 Zhao Zhang and   
                Jiahuan Ren and   
               Haijun Zhang and   
                Zheng Zhang and   
               Guangcan Liu and   
                  Shuicheng Yan   DLRF-Net: a Progressive Deep Latent
                                  Low-Rank Fusion Network for Hierarchical
                                  Subspace Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:24
                   Yi Zhang and   
                Miaomiao Li and   
                 Siwei Wang and   
                   Sisi Dai and   
                    Lei Luo and   
                     En Zhu and   
                 Huiying Xu and   
               Xinzhong Zhu and   
                Chaoyun Yao and   
                    Haoran Zhou   Gaussian Mixture Model Clustering with
                                  Incomplete Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:14
                 Jing Zhang and   
                  Jiaqi Guo and   
                   Yonggong Ren   Robust Ordinal Regression: User Credit
                                  Grading with Triplet Loss-Based Sampling 7:1--7:20
                     Xin Xu and   
                Shiqin Wang and   
                 Zheng Wang and   
             Xiaolong Zhang and   
                      Ruimin Hu   Exploring Image Enhancement for Salient
                                  Object Detection in Low Light Images . . 8:1--8:19
                 Yanchun Li and   
              Jianglian Cao and   
                  Zhetao Li and   
                Sangyoon Oh and   
               Nobuyoshi Komuro   Lightweight Single Image
                                  Super-resolution with Dense Connection
                                  Distillation Network . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:17
                      Yang Wang   Survey on Deep Multi-modal Data
                                  Analytics: Collaboration, Rivalry, and
                                  Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:25
                  Yang Wang and   
                  Meng Fang and   
           Joey Tianyi Zhou and   
                Tingting Mu and   
                    Dacheng Tao   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Fine-grained Visual Computing  . . . . . 11:1--11:3
                   Yutao Hu and   
                  Xuhui Liu and   
             Baochang Zhang and   
                Jungong Han and   
                    Xianbin Cao   Alignment Enhancement Network for
                                  Fine-grained Visual Categorization . . . 12:1--12:20
                 Weili Guan and   
             Zhaozheng Chen and   
                  Fuli Feng and   
                Weifeng Liu and   
                    Liqiang Nie   Urban Perception: Sensing Cities via a
                                  Deep Interactive Multi-task Learning
                                  Framework  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:20
                  Huimin Lu and   
                   Rui Yang and   
              Zhenrong Deng and   
              Yonglin Zhang and   
               Guangwei Gao and   
                      Rushi Lan   Chinese Image Captioning via Fuzzy
                                  Attention-based DenseNet-BiLSTM  . . . . 14:1--14:18
              Junsheng Xiao and   
                   Huahu Xu and   
                Honghao Gao and   
                Minjie Bian and   
                        Yang Li   A Weakly Supervised Semantic
                                  Segmentation Network by Aggregating Seed
                                  Cues: The Multi-Object Proposal
                                  Generation Perspective . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:19
                 Chao Zhang and   
                 Xiaopei Wu and   
                Jianchao Lu and   
                   Xi Zheng and   
            Alireza Jolfaei and   
              Quan Z. Sheng and   
                     Dongjin Yu   RICA-MD: a Refined ICA Algorithm for
                                  Motion Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:17
            MD Abdur Rahman and   
          M. Shamim Hossain and   
           Nabil A. Alrajeh and   
                    B. B. Gupta   A Multimodal, Multimedia Point-of-Care
                                  Deep Learning Framework for COVID-19
                                  Diagnosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18:1--18:24
                  Yidong Li and   
                 Wenhua Liu and   
                     Yi Jin and   
                Yuanzhouhan Cao   SPGAN: Face Forgery Using Spoofing
                                  Generative Adversarial Networks  . . . . 19:1--19:20
                Lianyong Qi and   
               Houbing Song and   
                Xuyun Zhang and   
          Gautam Srivastava and   
                Xiaolong Xu and   
                        Shui Yu   Compatibility-Aware Web API
                                  Recommendation for Mashup Creation via
                                  Textual Description Mining . . . . . . . 20:1--20:19

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 17, Number 2, June, 2021

         Prabhakar Krishnan and   
            Kurunandan Jain and   
         Pramod George Jose and   
      Krishnashree Achuthan and   
                 Rajkumar Buyya   SDN Enabled QoE and Security Framework
                                  for Multimedia Applications in 5G
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39:1--39:29
           S. Sambath Kumar and   
                    M. Nandhini   Entropy Slicing Extraction and Transfer
                                  Learning Classification for Early
                                  Diagnosis of Alzheimer Diseases with
                                  sMRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40:1--40:22
                Xiaolong Xu and   
                 Zijie Fang and   
                Lianyong Qi and   
                Xuyun Zhang and   
                   Qiang He and   
                  Xiaokang Zhou   TripRes: Traffic Flow Prediction Driven
                                  Resource Reservation for Multimedia IoV
                                  with Edge Computing  . . . . . . . . . . 41:1--41:21
                  Wei Liang and   
                  Jing Long and   
              Kuan-Ching Li and   
                  Jianbo Xu and   
                  Nanjun Ma and   
                        Xia Lei   A Fast Defogging Image Recognition
                                  Algorithm Based on Bilateral Hybrid
                                  Filtering  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42:1--42:16
                  Chao Tong and   
               Mengze Zhang and   
                  Chao Lang and   
                   Zhigao Zheng   An Image Privacy Protection Algorithm
                                  Based on Adversarial Perturbation
                                  Generative Networks  . . . . . . . . . . 43:1--43:14
                  Yunfei Fu and   
               Hongchuan Yu and   
               Chih-Kuo Yeh and   
               Tong-Yee Lee and   
                  Jian J. Zhang   Fast Accurate and Automatic Brushstroke
                                  Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44:1--44:24
                 Mythili K. and   
                Manish Narwaria   Assessment of Machine Learning-Based
                                  Audiovisual Quality Predictors: Why
                                  Uncertainty Matters  . . . . . . . . . . 45:1--45:22
                 Kenta Hama and   
          Takashi Matsubara and   
             Kuniaki Uehara and   
                    Jianfei Cai   Exploring Uncertainty Measures for
                                  Image-caption Embedding-and-retrieval
                                  Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46:1--46:19
          Phuong-Anh Nguyen and   
                  Chong-Wah Ngo   Interactive Search vs. Automatic Search:
                                  an Extensive Study on Video Retrieval    47:1--47:24
                    Yang Li and   
               Guangcan Liu and   
                  Yubao Sun and   
               Qingshan Liu and   
                 Shengyong Chen   $3$D Tensor Auto-encoder with
                                  Application to Video Compression . . . . 48:1--48:18
              Abbas Mehrabi and   
            Matti Siekkinen and   
Teemu Kämäräinen and   
Antti Ylä-Jääski   Multi-Tier CloudVR: Leveraging Edge
                                  Computing in Remote Rendered Virtual
                                  Reality  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49:1--49:24
                     Lu Sun and   
           Hussein Al Osman and   
                    Jochen Lang   An Augmented Reality Online Assistance
                                  Platform for Repair Tasks  . . . . . . . 50:1--50:23
                 Meiqi Zhao and   
              Jianmin Zheng and   
                   Elvis S. Liu   Server Allocation for Massively
                                  Multiplayer Online Cloud Games Using
                                  Evolutionary Optimization  . . . . . . . 51:1--51:23
                Haiyang Wei and   
                  Zhixin Li and   
             Feicheng Huang and   
              Canlong Zhang and   
                 Huifang Ma and   
                   Zhongzhi Shi   Integrating Scene Semantic Knowledge
                                  into Image Captioning  . . . . . . . . . 52:1--52:22
               Shikha Gupta and   
             Krishan Sharma and   
        Dileep Aroor Dinesh and   
           Veena Thenkanidiyoor   Visual Semantic-Based Representation
                                  Learning Using Deep CNNs for Scene
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53:1--53:24
            Chun-ying Huang and   
             Yun-chen Cheng and   
           Guan-zhang Huang and   
             Ching-ling Fan and   
                 Cheng-hsin Hsu   On the Performance Comparisons of Native
                                  and Clientless Real-Time Screen-Sharing
                                  Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54:1--54:26
                   Xin Yang and   
               Zongliang Ma and   
                  Letian Yu and   
                   Ying Cao and   
                 Baocai Yin and   
               Xiaopeng Wei and   
                Qiang Zhang and   
               Rynson W. H. Lau   Automatic Comic Generation with
                                  Stylistic Multi-page Layouts and
                                  Emotion-driven Text Balloon Generation   55:1--55:19
        Prasen Kumar Sharma and   
                Sujoy Ghosh and   
                     Arijit Sur   High-quality Frame Recurrent Video
                                  De-raining with Multi-contextual
                                  Adversarial Network  . . . . . . . . . . 56:1--56:24
              Xiangyuan Lan and   
                 Zifei Yang and   
                  Wei Zhang and   
                   Pong C. Yuen   Spatial-temporal Regularized
                                  Multi-modality Correlation Filters for
                                  Tracking with Re-detection . . . . . . . 57:1--57:16

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 17, Number 2s, June, 2021

           Amit Kumar Singh and   
                  Zhihan Lv and   
                        Hoon Ko   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Recent Trends in Medical Data Security
                                  for e-Health Applications  . . . . . . . 58:1--58:3
                A. K. Singh and   
                   A. Anand and   
                      Z. Lv and   
                      H. Ko and   
                       A. Mohan   A Survey on Healthcare Data: a Security
                                  Perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59:1--59:26
                Hongjiao Wu and   
      Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi and   
              Gautam Srivastava   Security and Privacy of Patient
                                  Information in Medical Systems Based on
                                  Blockchain Technology  . . . . . . . . . 60:1--60:17
                  Ting Wang and   
                Xiangjun Ji and   
                 Aiguo Song and   
              Kurosh Madani and   
               Amine Chohra and   
                  Huimin Lu and   
                   Ramon Monero   Output-Bounded and RBFNN-Based Position
                                  Tracking and Adaptive Force Control for
                                  Security Tele-Surgery  . . . . . . . . . 61:1--61:15
            Lamya Alkhariji and   
              Nada Alhirabi and   
       Mansour Naser Alraja and   
           Mahmoud Barhamgi and   
                  Omer Rana and   
                 Charith Perera   Synthesising Privacy by Design Knowledge
                                  Toward Explainable Internet of Things
                                  Application Designing in Healthcare  . . 62:1--62:29
                 M. Tanveer and   
                Tarun Gupta and   
                 Miten Shah and   
For the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative   Pinball Loss Twin Support Vector
                                  Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63:1--63:23
           Amiya Kumar Sahu and   
               Suraj Sharma and   
                  Deepak Puthal   Lightweight Multi-party Authentication
                                  and Key Agreement Protocol in IoT-based
                                  E-Healthcare Service . . . . . . . . . . 64:1--64:20
       Amitesh Singh Rajput and   
       Vishesh Kumar Tanwar and   
          Balasubramanian Raman   -Score-Based Secure Biomedical Model for
                                  Effective Skin Lesion Segmentation Over
                                  eHealth Cloud  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65:1--65:19
               Ashima Singh and   
           Arwinder Dhillon and   
               Neeraj Kumar and   
          M. Shamim Hossain and   
            Ghulam Muhammad and   
                    Manoj Kumar   eDiaPredict: an Ensemble-based Framework
                                  for Diabetes Prediction  . . . . . . . . 66:1--66:26
                Flora Amato and   
           Valentina Casola and   
         Giovanni Cozzolino and   
   Alessandra De Benedictis and   
            Nicola Mazzocca and   
              Francesco Moscato   A Security and Privacy Validation
                                  Methodology for e-Health Systems . . . . 67:1--67:22
               Harsh Kasyap and   
              Somanath Tripathy   Privacy-preserving Decentralized
                                  Learning Framework for Healthcare System 68:1--68:24
        Pourya Shamsolmoali and   
                 Ruili Wang and   
                    A. H. Sadka   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Advanced Approaches for Multiple
                                  Instance Learning on Multimedia
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69:1--69:2
                    Ruyi Ji and   
                   Zeyu Liu and   
                 Libo Zhang and   
                Jianwei Liu and   
                    Xin Zuo and   
                  Yanjun Wu and   
                  Chen Zhao and   
               Haofeng Wang and   
                       Lin Yang   Multi-peak Graph-based Multi-instance
                                  Learning for Weakly Supervised Object
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70:1--70:21
               Yaoling Ding and   
               Liehuang Zhu and   
                    An Wang and   
                    Yuan Li and   
              Yongjuan Wang and   
               Siu Ming Yiu and   
                       Keke Gai   A Multiple Sieve Approach Based on
                                  Artificial Intelligent Techniques and
                                  Correlation Power Analysis . . . . . . . 71:1--71:21
                 Wanting Ji and   
                     Ruili Wang   A Multi-instance Multi-label Dual
                                  Learning Approach for Video Captioning   72:1--72:18
         Masoumeh Zareapoor and   
                       Jie Yang   Equivariant Adversarial Network for
                                  Image-to-image Translation . . . . . . . 73:1--73:14
        Mazin Abed Mohammed and   
           Mohamed Elhoseny and   
  Karrar Hameed Abdulkareem and   
          Salama A. Mostafa and   
              Mashael S. Maashi   A Multi-agent Feature Selection and
                                  Hybrid Classification Model for
                                  Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis  . . . . . 74:1--74:22
                      Na An and   
                     Wei Qi Yan   Multitarget Tracking Using Siamese
                                  Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 75:1--75:16
             Xiaochuan Tang and   
                Mingzhe Liu and   
                  Hao Zhong and   
                Yuanzhen Ju and   
                   Weile Li and   
                       Qiang Xu   MILL: Channel Attention-based Deep
                                  Multiple Instance Learning for Landslide
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76:1--76:11

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 17, Number 3, August, 2021

                     Yue Li and   
                     Yan Yi and   
                   Dong Liu and   
                      Li Li and   
                     Zhu Li and   
                    Houqiang Li   Neural-Network-Based Cross-Channel Intra
                                  Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77:1--77:23
               Zhandong Liu and   
               Wengang Zhou and   
                    Houqiang Li   MFECN: Multi-level Feature Enhanced
                                  Cumulative Network for Scene Text
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78:1--78:22
                Xingbo Dong and   
               Soohyong Kim and   
                    Zhe Jin and   
            Jung Yeon Hwang and   
                Sangrae Cho and   
           Andrew Beng Jin Teoh   Secure Chaff-less Fuzzy Vault for Face
                                  Identification Systems . . . . . . . . . 79:1--79:22
                  Hezhen Hu and   
               Wengang Zhou and   
                   Junfu Pu and   
                    Houqiang Li   Global-Local Enhancement Network for
                                  NMF-Aware Sign Language Recognition  . . 80:1--80:19
                   Feng Lin and   
               Wengang Zhou and   
                Jiajun Deng and   
                     Bin Li and   
                     Yan Lu and   
                    Houqiang Li   Residual Refinement Network with
                                  Attribute Guidance for Precise Saliency
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81:1--81:19
               Hongdi Zheng and   
               Junfeng Wang and   
             Jianping Zhang and   
                      Ruirui Li   IRTS: an Intelligent and Reliable
                                  Transmission Scheme for Screen Updates
                                  Delivery in DaaS . . . . . . . . . . . . 82:1--82:24
                   Rui Wang and   
                 Dong Liang and   
               Xiaochun Cao and   
                   Yuanfang Guo   Semantic Correspondence with Geometric
                                  Structure Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 83:1--83:21
                Xinfang Liu and   
                Xiushan Nie and   
                 Junya Teng and   
                    Li Lian and   
                     Yilong Yin   Single-shot Semantic Matching Network
                                  for Moment Localization in Videos  . . . 84:1--84:14
                   Bechir Alaya   Payoff-based Dynamic Segment Replication
                                  and Graph Classification Method with
                                  Attribute Vectors Adapted to Urban VANET 85:1--85:22
              Chhavi Dhiman and   
   Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma and   
                  Paras Agarwal   Part-wise Spatio-temporal Attention
                                  Driven CNN-based $3$D Human Action
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86:1--86:24
                    Jie Nie and   
              Zhi-Qiang Wei and   
                 Weizhi Nie and   
                      An-An Liu   PGNet: Progressive Feature Guide
                                  Learning Network for Three-dimensional
                                  Shape Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . 87:1--87:17
               Shiguang Liu and   
                Huixin Wang and   
                   Xiaoli Zhang   Video Decolorization Based on the CNN
                                  and LSTM Neural Network  . . . . . . . . 88:1--88:18
              Zhenzhen Yang and   
                 Pengfei Xu and   
              Yongpeng Yang and   
                   Bing-Kun Bao   A Densely Connected Network Based on
                                  U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation . . 89:1--89:14
              Donglin Zhang and   
                Xiao-Jun Wu and   
                         Jun Yu   Label Consistent Flexible Matrix
                                  Factorization Hashing for Efficient
                                  Cross-modal Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . 90:1--90:18
                Jakub Lokoc and   
       Patrik Veselý and   
   Frantisek Mejzlík and   
     Gregor Kovalcík and   
        Tomás Soucek and   
              Luca Rossetto and   
          Klaus Schoeffmann and   
              Werner Bailer and   
              Cathal Gurrin and   
               Loris Sauter and   
                Jaeyub Song and   
         Stefanos Vrochidis and   
                  Jiaxin Wu and   
Björn \thornóR Jónsson   Is the Reign of Interactive Search
                                  Eternal? Findings from the Video Browser
                                  Showdown 2020  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91:1--91:26
                  Qianli Xu and   
      Ana Garcia Del Molino and   
                    Jie Lin and   
                   Fen Fang and   
     Vigneshwaran Subbaraju and   
                  Liyuan Li and   
                   Joo-Hwee Lim   Lifelog Image Retrieval Based on
                                  Semantic Relevance Mapping . . . . . . . 92:1--92:18
                 Gaoming Du and   
                  Jiting Wu and   
               Hongfang Cao and   
                   Kun Xing and   
                 Zhenmin Li and   
                Duoli Zhang and   
                   Xiaolei Wang   A Real-Time Effective Fusion-Based Image
                                  Defogging Architecture on FPGA . . . . . 93:1--93:21
           Chenglizhao Chen and   
              Hongmeng Zhao and   
                  Huan Yang and   
                    Teng Yu and   
                 Chong Peng and   
                       Hong Qin   Full-reference Screen Content Image
                                  Quality Assessment by Fusing Multilevel
                                  Structure Similarity . . . . . . . . . . 94:1--94:21
                 Honglin Li and   
               Xiaoyang Mao and   
                  Mengdi Xu and   
                   Xiaogang Jin   Deep-based Self-refined Face-top
                                  Coordination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95:1--95:23
                Minxuan Lin and   
                   Fan Tang and   
               Weiming Dong and   
                    Xiao Li and   
              Changsheng Xu and   
                   Chongyang Ma   Distribution Aligned Multimodal and
                                  Multi-domain Image Stylization . . . . . 96:1--96:17
                    Yong Du and   
                Yangyang Xu and   
                Taizhong Ye and   
                  Qiang Wen and   
               Chufeng Xiao and   
                 Junyu Dong and   
               Guoqiang Han and   
                   Shengfeng He   Invertible Grayscale with Sparsity
                                  Enforcing Priors . . . . . . . . . . . . 97:1--97:17
            Shengsheng Qian and   
                     Jun Hu and   
                  Quan Fang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Knowledge-aware Multi-modal Adaptive
                                  Graph Convolutional Networks for Fake
                                  News Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98:1--98:23

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 17, Number 3s, October, 2021

              Yu-Dong Zhang and   
         Juan Manuel Gorriz and   
                 Zhengchao Dong   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Explainable Deep Learning for Medical
                                  Image Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . 99:1--99:2
               Tongguang Ni and   
                   Yan Ding and   
                   Jing Xue and   
                Kaijian Xia and   
                Xiaoqing Gu and   
                  Yizhang Jiang   Local Constraint and Label Embedding
                                  Multi-layer Dictionary Learning for
                                  Sperm Head Classification  . . . . . . . 100:1--100:16
               Bingzhi Chen and   
                  Yishu Liu and   
                Zheng Zhang and   
                Yingjian Li and   
                 Zhao Zhang and   
               Guangming Lu and   
                    Hongbing Yu   Deep Active Context Estimation for
                                  Automated COVID-19 Diagnosis . . . . . . 101:1--101:22
               Xiangbin Liu and   
                Jiesheng He and   
                Liping Song and   
                  Shuai Liu and   
              Gautam Srivastava   Medical Image Classification based on an
                                  Adaptive Size Deep Learning Model  . . . 102:1--102:18
                  Siyuan Lu and   
                      Di Wu and   
                Zheng Zhang and   
                  Shui-Hua Wang   An Explainable Framework for Diagnosis
                                  of COVID-19 Pneumonia via Transfer
                                  Learning and Discriminant Correlation
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103:1--103:16
     Roohallah Alizadehsani and   
          Danial Sharifrazi and   
        Navid Hoseini Izadi and   
Javad Hassannataj Joloudari and   
             Afshin Shoeibi and   
             Juan M. Gorriz and   
              Sadiq Hussain and   
               Juan E. Arco and   
        Zahra Alizadeh Sani and   
           Fahime Khozeimeh and   
             Abbas Khosravi and   
            Saeid Nahavandi and   
Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam and   
            U. Rajendra Acharya   Uncertainty-Aware Semi-Supervised Method
                                  Using Large Unlabeled and Limited
                                  Labeled COVID-19 Data  . . . . . . . . . 104:1--104:24
            Ambeshwar Kumar and   
    Ramachandran Manikandan and   
                  Utku Kose and   
               Deepak Gupta and   
            Suresh C. Satapathy   Doctor's Dilemma: Evaluating an
                                  Explainable Subtractive Spatial
                                  Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network
                                  for Brain Tumor Diagnosis  . . . . . . . 105:1--105:26
                      Ge Su and   
                     Bo Lin and   
                    Wei Luo and   
                Jianwei Yin and   
             Shuiguang Deng and   
                Honghao Gao and   
                      Renjun Xu   Hypomimia Recognition in Parkinson's
                                  Disease With Semantic Features . . . . . 106:1--106:20
                     Qi Xin and   
                 Shaohao Hu and   
                Shuaiqi Liu and   
                  Ling Zhao and   
                   Shuihua Wang   WTRPNet: an Explainable Graph Feature
                                  Convolutional Neural Network for
                                  Epileptic EEG Classification . . . . . . 107:1--107:18
            Wen-Huang Cheng and   
                Jiaying Liu and   
                  Nicu Sebe and   
               Junsong Yuan and   
                 Hong-Han Shuai   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Explainable AI on Multimedia Computing   108:1--108:2
                   Jiguo Li and   
              Xinfeng Zhang and   
                 Jizheng Xu and   
                   Siwei Ma and   
                        Wen Gao   Learning to Fool the Speaker Recognition 109:1--109:21
              Chenggang Yan and   
                  Tong Teng and   
                  Yutao Liu and   
             Yongbing Zhang and   
               Haoqian Wang and   
                   Xiangyang Ji   Precise No-Reference Image Quality
                                  Evaluation Based on Distortion
                                  Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110:1--110:21
              Yung-Yao Chen and   
               Sin-Ye Jhong and   
            Chih-Hsien Hsia and   
                   Kai-Lung Hua   Explainable AI: a Multispectral
                                  Palm-Vein Identification System with New
                                  Augmentation Features  . . . . . . . . . 111:1--111:21
               Yu-Sheng Lin and   
                 Zhe-Yu Liu and   
                 Yu-An Chen and   
              Yu-Siang Wang and   
             Ya-Liang Chang and   
                 Winston H. Hsu   xCos: an Explainable Cosine Metric for
                                  Face Verification Task . . . . . . . . . 112:1--112:16
      Mohammad Shorfuzzaman and   
          M. Shamim Hossain and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   An Explainable Deep Learning Ensemble
                                  Model for Robust Diagnosis of Diabetic
                                  Retinopathy Grading  . . . . . . . . . . 113:1--113:24
                  Zhenyu Wu and   
               Zhaowen Wang and   
                    Ye Yuan and   
             Jianming Zhang and   
             Zhangyang Wang and   
                     Hailin Jin   Black-Box Diagnosis and Calibration on
                                  GAN Intra-Mode Collapse: a Pilot Study   114:1--114:18
                  Bohui Xia and   
               Xueting Wang and   
             Toshihiko Yamasaki   Semantic Explanation for Deep Neural
                                  Networks Using Feature Interactions  . . 115:1--115:19
                  Yang Wang and   
                   Yang Cao and   
                 Jing Zhang and   
                    Feng Wu and   
                  Zheng-Jun Zha   Leveraging Deep Statistics for
                                  Underwater Image Enhancement . . . . . . 116:1--116:20

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 17, Number 4, November, 2021

                   Junyi Wu and   
                  Yan Huang and   
                   Qiang Wu and   
                Zhipeng Gao and   
             Jianqiang Zhao and   
                    Liqin Huang   Dual-Stream Guided-Learning via a Priori
                                  Optimization for Person
                                  Re-identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 117:1--117:22
               Zhaoliang He and   
                Hongshan Li and   
                   Zhi Wang and   
                 Shutao Xia and   
                      Wenwu Zhu   Adaptive Compression for Online Computer
                                  Vision: an Edge Reinforcement Learning
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118:1--118:23
                Yingwei Pan and   
                   Yue Chen and   
                   Qian Bao and   
                 Ning Zhang and   
                   Ting Yao and   
                 Jingen Liu and   
                        Tao Mei   Smart Director: an Event-Driven
                                  Directing System for Live Broadcasting   119:1--119:18
                 Chunyan Xu and   
                   Rong Liu and   
                 Tong Zhang and   
                   Zhen Cui and   
                  Jian Yang and   
                    Chunlong Hu   Dual-Stream Structured Graph Convolution
                                  Network for Skeleton-Based Action
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120:1--120:22
                   Jie Wang and   
                Kaibin Tian and   
                Dayong Ding and   
                  Gang Yang and   
                      Xirong Li   Unsupervised Domain Expansion for Visual
                                  Categorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121:1--121:24
       Candy Olivia Mawalim and   
                Shogo Okada and   
               Yukiko I. Nakano   Task-independent Recognition of
                                  Communication Skills in Group
                                  Interaction Using Time-series Modeling   122:1--122:27
                   Bo Zhang and   
                  Rui Zhang and   
            Niccolo Bisagno and   
               Nicola Conci and   
  Francesco G. B. De Natale and   
                     Hongbo Liu   Where Are They Going? Predicting Human
                                  Behaviors in Crowded Scenes  . . . . . . 123:1--123:19
             Ellen P. Silva and   
      Natália Vieira and   
              Glauco Amorim and   
            Renata Mousinho and   
             Gustavo Guedes and   
          Gheorghita Ghinea and   
          Joel A. F. Dos Santos   Using Multisensory Content to Impact the
                                  Quality of Experience of Reading Digital
                                  Books  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124:1--124:18
               Weitao Jiang and   
               Weixuan Wang and   
                     Haifeng Hu   Bi-Directional Co-Attention Network for
                                  Image Captioning . . . . . . . . . . . . 125:1--125:20
              Xiangjun Shen and   
               Jinghui Zhou and   
               Zhongchen Ma and   
                Bingkun Bao and   
                   Zhengjun Zha   Cross-Domain Object Representation via
                                  Robust Low-Rank Correlation Analysis . . 126:1--126:20
                    Xing Xu and   
                 Yifan Wang and   
                  Yixuan He and   
                  Yang Yang and   
              Alan Hanjalic and   
                  Heng Tao Shen   Cross-Modal Hybrid Feature Fusion for
                                  Image-Sentence Matching  . . . . . . . . 127:1--127:23
             Nicola Messina and   
             Giuseppe Amato and   
               Andrea Esuli and   
            Fabrizio Falchi and   
            Claudio Gennaro and   
Stéphane Marchand-Maillet   Fine-Grained Visual Textual Alignment
                                  for Cross-Modal Retrieval Using
                                  Transformer Encoders . . . . . . . . . . 128:1--128:23
                    Xuan Ma and   
              Xiaoshan Yang and   
                  Junyu Gao and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Health Status Prediction with
                                  Local-Global Heterogeneous Behavior
                                  Graph  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129:1--129:21
              Guangtao Zhai and   
                    Wei Sun and   
               Xiongkuo Min and   
                   Jiantao Zhou   Perceptual Quality Assessment of
                                  Low-light Image Enhancement  . . . . . . 130:1--130:24
              Prerna Mishra and   
              Santosh Kumar and   
         Mithilesh Kumar Chaube   Dissimilarity-Based Regularized Learning
                                  of Charts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131:1--131:23
           Lokesh Nandanwar and   
  Palaiahnakote Shivakumara and   
            Divya Krishnani and   
    Raghavendra Ramachandra and   
                    Tong Lu and   
                Umapada Pal and   
              Mohan Kankanhalli   A New Foreground-Background based Method
                                  for Behavior-Oriented Social Media Image
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132:1--132:25
          Mohannad Alahmadi and   
                Peter Pocta and   
                    Hugh Melvin   An Adaptive Bitrate Switching Algorithm
                                  for Speech Applications in Context of
                                  WebRTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133:1--133:21
                    Wei Gao and   
                Linjie Zhou and   
                     Lvfang Tao   A Fast View Synthesis Implementation
                                  Method for Light Field Applications  . . 134:1--134:20
              Jianhai Zhang and   
               Zhiyong Feng and   
                    Yong Su and   
                      Meng Xing   Bayesian Covariance Representation with
                                  Global Informative Prior for $3$D Action
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135:1--135:22
                   Anqi Zhu and   
                  Lin Zhang and   
                Juntao Chen and   
                    Yicong Zhou   Pedestrian-Aware Panoramic Video
                                  Stitching Based on a Structured Camera
                                  Array  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136:1--136:24
                Yizhen Chen and   
                     Haifeng Hu   Y-Net: Dual-branch Joint Network for
                                  Semantic Segmentation  . . . . . . . . . 137:1--137:22
                Jinwei Wang and   
                  Wei Huang and   
              Xiangyang Luo and   
               Yun-Qing Shi and   
                  Sunil Kr. Jha   Detecting Non-Aligned Double JPEG
                                  Compression Based on Amplitude-Angle
                                  Feature  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138:1--138:18
                    Wei Jia and   
                      Li Li and   
                     Zhu Li and   
                Xiang Zhang and   
                       Shan Liu   Residual-guided In-loop Filter Using
                                  Convolution Neural Network . . . . . . . 139:1--139:19
                  Zhihan Lv and   
                   Houbing Song   Trust Mechanism of Feedback Trust Weight
                                  in Multimedia Network  . . . . . . . . . 140:1--140:26

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 18, Number 1, January, 2022

                   Peng Yao and   
                   Jieqing Feng   Sparse LIDAR Measurement Fusion with
                                  Joint Updating Cost for Fast Stereo
                                  Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:18
     Theodoros Karagkioules and   
        Georgios S. Paschos and   
       Nikolaos Liakopoulos and   
         Attilio Fiandrotti and   
      Dimitrios Tsilimantos and   
                 Marco Cagnazzo   Online Learning for Adaptive Video
                                  Streaming in Mobile Networks . . . . . . 2:1--2:22
             Ching-Ling Fan and   
               Tse-Hou Hung and   
                 Cheng-Hsin Hsu   Modeling the User Experience of Watching
                                  360${}^\circ $ Videos with Head-Mounted
                                  Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:23
                Baiju P. S. and   
              Sudhish N. George   TTV Regularized LRTA Technique for the
                                  Estimation of Haze Model Parameters in
                                  Video Dehazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:22
               Samah Aloufi and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   MMSUM Digital Twins: a Multi-view
                                  Multi-modality Summarization Framework
                                  for Sporting Events  . . . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:25
               Zhoutao Wang and   
                   Qian Xie and   
              Mingqiang Wei and   
                   Kun Long and   
                       Jun Wang   Multi-feature Fusion VoteNet for $3$D
                                  Object Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1--6:17
             Md Azher Uddin and   
       Joolekha Bibi Joolee and   
              Young-Koo Lee and   
                  Kyung-Ah Sohn   A Novel Multi-Modal Network-Based
                                  Dynamic Scene Understanding  . . . . . . 7:1--7:19
               Shiguang Liu and   
                Huixin Wang and   
                        Min Pei   Facial-expression-aware Emotional Color
                                  Transfer Based on Convolutional Neural
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1--8:19
   Ana Daniela Peres Rebelo and   
Guedes De Oliveira Inês and   
           D. E. Verboom Damion   The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on
                                  the Creativity of Videos . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:27
               Yaguang Song and   
                  Junyu Gao and   
              Xiaoshan Yang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Learning Hierarchical Video Graph
                                  Networks for One-Stop Video Delivery . . 10:1--10:23
                  Aihua Mao and   
                 Yuan Liang and   
                Jianbo Jiao and   
                Yongtuo Liu and   
                   Shengfeng He   Mask-Guided Deformation Adaptive Network
                                  for Human Parsing  . . . . . . . . . . . 11:1--11:20
        Lohic Fotio Tiotsop and   
               Tomas Mizdos and   
           Marcus Barkowsky and   
                Peter Pocta and   
           Antonio Servetti and   
                  Enrico Masala   Mimicking Individual Media Quality
                                  Perception with Neural Network based
                                  Artificial Observers . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:25
              William Thong and   
               Cees G. M. Snoek   Diversely-Supervised Visual Product
                                  Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:22
             Farshid Farhat and   
      Mohammad Mahdi Kamani and   
                  James Z. Wang   CAPTAIN: Comprehensive Composition
                                  Assistance for Photo Taking  . . . . . . 14:1--14:24
         Amanda K. Holloman and   
              Chris S. Crawford   Defining Scents: a Systematic Literature
                                  Review of Olfactory-based Computing
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:22
               Xian-Hua Han and   
             Yinqiang Zheng and   
                   Yen-Wei Chen   Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction Using
                                  Multi-scale Fusion Learning  . . . . . . 16:1--16:21
                   Shuji Tasaka   An Empirical Method for Causal Inference
                                  of Constructs for QoE in
                                  Haptic-Audiovisual Communications  . . . 17:1--17:24
               Dongbao Yang and   
                    Yu Zhou and   
                    Wei Shi and   
                   Dayan Wu and   
                   Weiping Wang   RD-IOD: Two-Level
                                  Triple-Network for Incremental Object
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18:1--18:23
               Chih-Fan Hsu and   
               Tse-Hou Hung and   
                 Cheng-Hsin Hsu   Optimizing Immersive Video Coding
                                  Configurations Using Deep Learning: a
                                  Case Study on TMIV . . . . . . . . . . . 19:1--19:25
      Rémy Siegfried and   
               Jean-Marc Odobez   Robust Unsupervised Gaze Calibration
                                  Using Conversation and Manipulation
                                  Attention Priors . . . . . . . . . . . . 20:1--20:27
                  Jing Wang and   
                Weiqing Min and   
                 Sujuan Hou and   
                Shengnan Ma and   
              Yuanjie Zheng and   
                 Shuqiang Jiang   LogoDet-3K: a Large-scale Image Dataset
                                  for Logo Detection . . . . . . . . . . . 21:1--21:19
                 Da-Chun Wu and   
                   Yu-Tsung Hsu   Authentication of LINE Chat History
                                  Files by Information Hiding  . . . . . . 22:1--22:23
              Changming Liu and   
                Xiaojing Ma and   
                 Sixing Cao and   
                  Jiayun Fu and   
                     Bin B. Zhu   Privacy-preserving Motion Detection for
                                  HEVC-compressed Surveillance Video . . . 23:1--23:27

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 18, Number 1s, February, 2022

             Shiliang Zhang and   
                 Guorong Li and   
              Weigang Zhang and   
             Qingming Huang and   
               Tiejun Huang and   
               Mubarak Shah and   
                      Nicu Sebe   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Fine-Grained Visual Recognition and
                                  Re-Identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 24:1--24:3
                   La Zhang and   
                 Haiyun Guo and   
                   Kuan Zhu and   
               Honglin Qiao and   
               Gaopan Huang and   
                  Sen Zhang and   
              Huichen Zhang and   
                   Jian Sun and   
                   Jinqiao Wang   Hybrid Modality Metric Learning for
                                  Visible-Infrared Person
                                  Re-Identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 25:1--25:15
                   Sheng Xu and   
                  Chang Liu and   
             Baochang Zhang and   
              Jinhu Lü and   
                Guodong Guo and   
                 David Doermann   BiRe-ID: Binary Neural Network for
                                  Efficient Person Re-ID . . . . . . . . . 26:1--26:22
              Zhongwei Zhao and   
                   Ran Song and   
                 Qian Zhang and   
                  Peng Duan and   
                   Youmei Zhang   JoT-GAN: a Framework for Jointly
                                  Training GAN and Person
                                  Re-Identification Model  . . . . . . . . 27:1--27:18
               Liqian Liang and   
               Congyan Lang and   
                     Zun Li and   
                  Jian Zhao and   
                   Tao Wang and   
                    Songhe Feng   Seeing Crucial Parts: Vehicle Model
                                  Verification via a Discriminative
                                  Representation Model . . . . . . . . . . 28:1--28:22
              Chenggang Yan and   
                Lixuan Meng and   
                   Liang Li and   
               Jiehua Zhang and   
                  Zhan Wang and   
                   Jian Yin and   
               Jiyong Zhang and   
                  Yaoqi Sun and   
                    Bolun Zheng   Age-Invariant Face Recognition by
                                  Multi-Feature Fusionand Decomposition
                                  with Self-attention  . . . . . . . . . . 29:1--29:18
                Deming Zhai and   
                Ruifeng Shi and   
               Junjun Jiang and   
                   Xianming Liu   Rectified Meta-learning from Noisy
                                  Labels for Robust Image-based Plant
                                  Disease Classification . . . . . . . . . 30:1--30:17
                    Min Tan and   
                    Fu Yuan and   
                     Jun Yu and   
                Guijun Wang and   
                    Xiaoling Gu   Fine-grained Image Classification via
                                  Multi-scale Selective Hierarchical
                                  Biquadratic Pooling  . . . . . . . . . . 31:1--31:23
             Rita Cucchiara and   
                  Matteo Fabbri   Fine-grained Human Analysis under
                                  Occlusions and Perspective Constraints
                                  in Multimedia Surveillance . . . . . . . 32:1--32:23
                     Lei Wu and   
                 Hefei Ling and   
                 Yuxuan Shi and   
                   Baiyan Zhang   Instance Correlation Graph for
                                  Unsupervised Domain Adaptation . . . . . 33:1--33:23
             Daniele Mugnai and   
           Federico Pernici and   
         Francesco Turchini and   
              Alberto Del Bimbo   Fine-Grained Adversarial Semi-Supervised
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34:1--34:19
                 Dezhao Luo and   
                    Yu Zhou and   
                    Bo Fang and   
                 Yucan Zhou and   
                   Dayan Wu and   
                   Weiping Wang   Exploring Relations in Untrimmed Videos
                                  for Self-Supervised Learning . . . . . . 35:1--35:21
                 Yabin Wang and   
                 Zhiheng Ma and   
                   Xing Wei and   
                Shuai Zheng and   
                Yaowei Wang and   
                  Xiaopeng Hong   ECCNAS: Efficient Crowd Counting Neural
                                  Architecture Search  . . . . . . . . . . 36:1--36:19
                   Wenxu Li and   
                   Gang Pan and   
                  Chen Wang and   
                  Zhen Xing and   
                    Zhenjun Han   From Coarse to Fine: Hierarchical
                                  Structure-aware Video Summarization  . . 37:1--37:16
          M. Shamim Hossain and   
             Rita Cucchiara and   
            Ghulam Muhammad and   
      Diana P. Tobón and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   Special Section on AI-empowered
                                  Multimedia Data Analytics for Smart
                                  Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38:1--38:2
                   Min Chen and   
               Wenjing Xiao and   
                    Miao Li and   
                  Yixue Hao and   
                    Long Hu and   
                  Guangming Tao   A Multi-feature and Time-aware-based
                                  Stress Evaluation Mechanism for Mental
                                  Status Adjustment  . . . . . . . . . . . 39:1--39:18
               Mehedi Masud and   
        Mohammed F. Alhamid and   
                      Yin Zhang   A Convolutional Neural Network Model
                                  Using Weighted Loss Function to Detect
                                  Diabetic Retinopathy . . . . . . . . . . 40:1--40:16
                  Debin Liu and   
           Laurence T. Yang and   
                Puming Wang and   
                Ruonan Zhao and   
                 Qingchen Zhang   TT-TSVD: a Multi-modal Tensor Train
                                  Decomposition with Its Application in
                                  Convolutional Neural Networks for Smart
                                  Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41:1--41:17
              Chun-Wei Yang and   
            Thanh Hai Phung and   
             Hong-Han Shuai and   
                Wen-Huang Cheng   Mask or Non-Mask? Robust Face Mask
                                  Detector via Triplet-Consistency
                                  Representation Learning  . . . . . . . . 42:1--42:20
                  Zhihan Lv and   
                Zengchen Yu and   
                Shuxuan Xie and   
                    Atif Alamri   Deep Learning-based Smart Predictive
                                  Evaluation for Interactive
                                  Multimedia-enabled Smart Healthcare  . . 43:1--43:20

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 18, Number 2, May, 2022

              Hadi Amirpour and   
           Antonio Pinheiro and   
            Manuela Pereira and   
       Fernando J. P. Lopes and   
              Mohammad Ghanbari   Efficient Light Field Image Compression
                                  with Enhanced Random Access  . . . . . . 44:1--44:18
              Pedro Morillo and   
José J. Navarro-Pérez and   
      Juan M. Orduña and   
        Marcos Fernández   Evaluation of an Intervention Program
                                  Based on Mobile Apps to Learn Sexism
                                  Prevention in Teenagers  . . . . . . . . 45:1--45:20
               Yansong Tang and   
                 Xingyu Liu and   
                   Xumin Yu and   
              Danyang Zhang and   
                   Jiwen Lu and   
                       Jie Zhou   Learning from Temporal Spatial Cubism
                                  for Cross-Dataset Skeleton-based Action
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46:1--46:24
            Burak Kizilkaya and   
                 Enver Ever and   
         Hakan Yekta Yatbaz and   
                   Adnan Yazici   An Effective Forest Fire Detection
                                  Framework Using Heterogeneous Wireless
                                  Multimedia Sensor Networks . . . . . . . 47:1--47:21
                   Yehao Li and   
                 Jiahao Fan and   
                Yingwei Pan and   
                   Ting Yao and   
                 Weiyao Lin and   
                        Tao Mei   Uni-EDEN: Universal Encoder-Decoder
                                  Network by Multi-Granular
                                  Vision-Language Pre-training . . . . . . 48:1--48:16
              Shenming Feng and   
             Xingzhong Nong and   
                     Haifeng Hu   Cascaded Structure-Learning Network with
                                  Using Adversarial Training for Robust
                                  Facial Landmark Detection  . . . . . . . 49:1--49:20
              Sam Van Damme and   
          Maria Torres Vega and   
                 Filip De Turck   Machine Learning Based Content-Agnostic
                                  Viewport Prediction for 360-Degree Video 50:1--50:24
               Chih-Kuo Yeh and   
           Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le and   
               Zhi-Ying Hou and   
                   Tong-Yee Lee   Generating Virtual Wire Sculptural Art
                                  from $3$D Models . . . . . . . . . . . . 51:1--51:23
                   Teng Sun and   
                  Chun Wang and   
               Xuemeng Song and   
                  Fuli Feng and   
                    Liqiang Nie   Response Generation by Jointly Modeling
                                  Personalized Linguistic Styles and
                                  Emotions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52:1--52:20
              Jobin Francis and   
                 M. Baburaj and   
              Sudhish N. George   An $ l_{1 / 2} $ and Graph Regularized
                                  Subspace Clustering Method for Robust
                                  Image Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . 53:1--53:24
                Jiahao Wang and   
               Yunhong Wang and   
                  Nina Weng and   
               Tianrui Chai and   
                   Annan Li and   
                 Faxi Zhang and   
                       Samsi Yu   Will You Ever Become Popular? Learning
                                  to Predict Virality of Dance Clips . . . 54:1--54:24
            Sheng-Hua Zhong and   
                 Jingxu Lin and   
                Jianglin Lu and   
                Ahmed Fares and   
                    Tongwei Ren   Deep Semantic and Attentive Network for
                                  Unsupervised Video Summarization . . . . 55:1--55:21
                 Yawen Zeng and   
                     Da Cao and   
                 Shaofei Lu and   
              Hanling Zhang and   
                    Jiao Xu and   
                      Zheng Qin   Moment is Important: Language-Based
                                  Video Moment Retrieval via Adversarial
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56:1--56:21
                  Hanjie Wu and   
                Yongtuo Liu and   
                Hongmin Cai and   
                   Shengfeng He   Learning Transferable Perturbations for
                                  Image Captioning . . . . . . . . . . . . 57:1--57:18
                   Ziyi Sun and   
              Yunfeng Zhang and   
                Fangxun Bao and   
                  Ping Wang and   
               Xunxiang Yao and   
                  Caiming Zhang   SADnet: Semi-supervised Single Image
                                  Dehazing Method Based on an Attention
                                  Mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58:1--58:23
               Feifei Zhang and   
               Mingliang Xu and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Tell, Imagine, and Search: End-to-end
                                  Learning for Composing Text and Image to
                                  Image Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . 59:1--59:23
                   Haoyu Ma and   
              Bingchen Gong and   
                      Yizhou Yu   Structure-aware Meta-fusion for Image
                                  Super-resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . 60:1--60:25
               Madiha Tahir and   
                Zahid Halim and   
             Atta Ur Rahman and   
             Muhammad Waqas and   
                Shanshan Tu and   
                 Sheng Chen and   
                        Zhu Han   Non-Acted Text and Keystrokes Database
                                  and Learning Methods to Recognize
                                  Emotions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61:1--61:24
             Matteo Fincato and   
            Marcella Cornia and   
             Federico Landi and   
               Fabio Cesari and   
                 Rita Cucchiara   Transform, Warp, and Dress: a New
                                  Transformation-guided Model for Virtual
                                  Try-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62:1--62:24
                   Ning Han and   
              Jingjing Chen and   
                  Hao Zhang and   
               Huanwen Wang and   
                       Hao Chen   Adversarial Multi-Grained Embedding
                                  Network for Cross-Modal Text-Video
                                  Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63:1--63:23
                    Bo Pang and   
                Deming Zhai and   
               Junjun Jiang and   
                   Xianming Liu   Fully Unsupervised Person
                                  Re-Identification via Selective
                                  Contrastive Learning . . . . . . . . . . 64:1--64:15
              Wenlin Zhuang and   
                Congyi Wang and   
              Jinxiang Chai and   
               Yangang Wang and   
                  Ming Shao and   
                       Siyu Xia   Music2Dance: DanceNet for Music-Driven
                                  Dance Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . 65:1--65:21
                Eva Cetinic and   
                      James She   Understanding and Creating Art with AI:
                                  Review and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . 66:1--66:22

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 18, Number 2s, June, 2022

                Zheng Zhang and   
              Jianning Wang and   
                    Lei Zhu and   
                   Guangming Lu   Discriminative Visual Similarity Search
                                  with Semantically Cycle-consistent
                                  Hashing Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . 114:1--114:??
                 Shiming Ge and   
                Fanzhao Lin and   
                  Chenyu Li and   
               Daichi Zhang and   
               Weiping Wang and   
                       Dan Zeng   Deepfake Video Detection via Predictive
                                  Representation Learning  . . . . . . . . 115:1--115:??
           Leonardo Galteri and   
          Lorenzo Seidenari and   
             Pietro Bongini and   
              Marco Bertini and   
              Alberto Del Bimbo   LANBIQUE: LANguage-based Blind Image
                                  QUality Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . 116:1--116:??
                  Zhihan Lv and   
             Dongliang Chen and   
                      Haibin Lv   Smart City Construction and Management
                                  by Digital Twins and BIM Big Data in
                                  COVID-19 Scenario  . . . . . . . . . . . 117:1--117:??
               Ashima Anand and   
               Amit Kumar Singh   A Comprehensive Study of Deep
                                  Learning-based Covert Communication  . . 118:1--118:??
                 Haotian Xu and   
                 Xiaobo Jin and   
               Qiufeng Wang and   
               Amir Hussain and   
                   Kaizhu Huang   Exploiting Attention-Consistency Loss
                                  For Spatial-Temporal Stream Action
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119:1--119:??
                 Sara Salim and   
              Nour Moustafa and   
          Benjamin Turnbull and   
                   Imran Razzak   Perturbation-enabled Deep Federated
                                  Learning for Preserving Internet of
                                  Things-based Social Networks . . . . . . 120:1--120:??
                   An-Qi Bi and   
             Xiao-Yang Tian and   
              Shui-Hua Wang and   
                  Yu-Dong Zhang   Dynamic Transfer Exemplar based Facial
                                  Emotion Recognition Model Toward Online
                                  Video  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121:1--121:??
          Marjan Golmaryami and   
               Rahim Taheri and   
            Zahra Pooranian and   
          Mohammad Shojafar and   
                       Pei Xiao   SETTI: a Self-supervised AdvErsarial
                                  Malware DeTection ArchiTecture in an IoT
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122:1--122:??
                 Abbas Khan and   
                Ijaz Ul Haq and   
            Tanveer Hussain and   
              Khan Muhammad and   
             Mohammad Hijji and   
            Muhammad Sajjad and   
Victor Hugo C. De Albuquerque and   
                 Sung Wook Baik   PMAL: a Proxy Model Active Learning
                                  Approach for Vision Based Industrial
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123:1--123:??
                Chenyi Yang and   
                Xiaolong Xu and   
              Xiaokang Zhou and   
                    Lianyong Qi   Deep Q Network-Driven Task Offloading
                                  for Efficient Multimedia Data Analysis
                                  in Edge Computing-Assisted IoV . . . . . 124:1--124:??
                Arti Tiwari and   
                    Millie Pant   Optimized Deep-Neural Network for
                                  Content-based Medical Image Retrieval in
                                  a Brownfield IoMT Network  . . . . . . . 125:1--125:??
                  Wei Huang and   
                 Yuze Zhang and   
                    Shaohua Wan   A Sorting Fuzzy Min-Max Model in an
                                  Embedded System for Atrial Fibrillation
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126:1--126:??
                   Xun Yang and   
                Liang Zheng and   
                Elisa Ricci and   
                      Meng Wang   Introduction to the Special Section on
                                  Learning Representations, Similarity,
                                  and Associations in Dynamic Multimedia
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127:1--127:??
                     Jun He and   
               Richang Hong and   
               Xueliang Liu and   
               Mingliang Xu and   
                     Qianru Sun   Revisiting Local Descriptor for Improved
                                  Few-Shot Classification  . . . . . . . . 127:1--127:??
              Yingying Jiao and   
               Haipeng Chen and   
               Runyang Feng and   
               Haoming Chen and   
                   Sifan Wu and   
                 Yifang Yin and   
                  Zhenguang Liu   GLPose: Global-Local Representation
                                  Learning for Human Pose Estimation . . . 128:1--128:??
                   Qing Han and   
                Huiting Liu and   
                Weidong Min and   
               Tiemei Huang and   
                   Deyu Lin and   
                        Qi Wang   $3$D Skeleton and Two Streams Approach
                                  to Person Re-identification Using
                                  Optimized Region Matching  . . . . . . . 129:1--129:??
                     Xin Xu and   
                   Xin Yuan and   
                 Zheng Wang and   
                  Kai Zhang and   
                      Ruimin Hu   Rank-in-Rank Loss for Person
                                  Re-identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 130:1--130:??
                 Kunpeng Li and   
                  Chang Liu and   
                 Mike Stopa and   
                  Jun Amano and   
                         Yun Fu   Guided Graph Attention Learning for
                                  Video-Text Matching  . . . . . . . . . . 131:1--131:??
      Niccoló Biondi and   
           Federico Pernici and   
               Matteo Bruni and   
             Daniele Mugnai and   
              Alberto Del Bimbo   CL$^2$R: Compatible Lifelong Learning
                                  Representations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 132:1--132:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 18, Number 3, August, 2022

                Yonghua Pan and   
                  Zechao Li and   
                Liyan Zhang and   
                    Jinhui Tang   Causal Inference with Knowledge
                                  Distilling and Curriculum Learning for
                                  Unbiased VQA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67:1--67:23
             Rintaro Yanagi and   
                   Ren Togo and   
             Takahiro Ogawa and   
                  Miki Haseyama   Interactive Re-ranking via Object
                                  Entropy-Guided Question Answering for
                                  Cross-Modal Image Retrieval  . . . . . . 68:1--68:17
             Qinghongya Shi and   
              Hong-Bo Zhang and   
                     Zhe Li and   
                Ji-Xiang Du and   
                   Qing Lei and   
                   Jing-Hua Liu   Shuffle-invariant Network for Action
                                  Recognition in Videos  . . . . . . . . . 69:1--69:18
                    Di Yuan and   
              Xiaojun Chang and   
                  Zhihui Li and   
                      Zhenyu He   Learning Adaptive Spatial-Temporal
                                  Context-Aware Correlation Filters for
                                  UAV Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70:1--70:18
                 Guofei Sun and   
              Yongkang Wong and   
       Mohan S. Kankanhalli and   
               Xiangdong Li and   
                   Weidong Geng   Enhanced $3$D Shape Reconstruction With
                                  Knowledge Graph of Category Concept  . . 71:1--71:20
                 Jinfeng Li and   
                Weifeng Liu and   
                Yicong Zhou and   
                     Jun Yu and   
                 Dapeng Tao and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Domain-invariant Graph for Adaptive
                                  Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation  . . . 72:1--72:18
                    Ran Shi and   
                    Jing Ma and   
              King Ngi Ngan and   
                 Jian Xiong and   
                      Tong Qiao   Objective Object Segmentation Visual
                                  Quality Evaluation: Quality Measure and
                                  Pooling Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73:1--73:19
               Linghua Zeng and   
                    Xinmei Tian   CRAR: Accelerating Stereo Matching with
                                  Cascaded Residual Regression and
                                  Adaptive Refinement  . . . . . . . . . . 74:1--74:19
              Lingxiang Yao and   
       Worapan Kusakunniran and   
                   Qiang Wu and   
                Jingsong Xu and   
                     Jian Zhang   Recognizing Gaits Across Walking and
                                  Running Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75:1--75:22
                     Qun Li and   
                    Fu Xiao and   
                  Bir Bhanu and   
                Biyun Sheng and   
                   Richang Hong   Inner Knowledge-based Img2Doc Scheme for
                                  Visual Question Answering  . . . . . . . 76:1--76:21
            Marcella Cornia and   
               Matteo Tomei and   
            Lorenzo Baraldi and   
                 Rita Cucchiara   Matching Faces and Attributes Between
                                  the Artistic and the Real Domain: the
                                  PersonArt Approach . . . . . . . . . . . 77:1--77:23
               Guanghao Yin and   
               Shouqian Sun and   
                    Dian Yu and   
                  Dejian Li and   
                    Kejun Zhang   A Multimodal Framework for Large-Scale
                                  Emotion Recognition by Fusing Music and
                                  Electrodermal Activity Signals . . . . . 78:1--78:23
         Himanshu Buckchash and   
          Balasubramanian Raman   GraSP: Local Grassmannian
                                  Spatio-Temporal Patterns for
                                  Unsupervised Pose Sequence Recognition   79:1--79:23
              Xiaoguang Zhu and   
                     Ye Zhu and   
                 Haoyu Wang and   
                Honglin Wen and   
                    Yan Yan and   
                     Peilin Liu   Skeleton Sequence and RGB Frame Based
                                  Multi-Modality Feature Fusion Network
                                  for Action Recognition . . . . . . . . . 80:1--80:24
     Debanjan Roy Chowdhury and   
              Sukumar Nandi and   
                Diganta Goswami   Distributed Gateway Selection for Video
                                  Streaming in VANET Using IP Multicast    81:1--81:24
               Bechir Alaya and   
                  Lamaa Sellami   Multilayer Video Encoding for QoS
                                  Managing of Video Streaming in VANET
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82:1--82:19
                    Yike Wu and   
                Shiwan Zhao and   
                 Ying Zhang and   
               Xiaojie Yuan and   
                       Zhong Su   When Pairs Meet Triplets: Improving
                                  Low-Resource Captioning via
                                  Multi-Objective Optimization . . . . . . 83:1--83:20
               Kai-Wei Yang and   
              Yen-Yun Huang and   
              Jen-Wei Huang and   
                 Ya-Rou Hsu and   
              Chang-Lin Wan and   
             Hong-Han Shuai and   
               Li-Chun Wang and   
                Wen-Huang Cheng   Improving Crowd Density Estimation by
                                  Fusing Aerial Images and Radio Signals   84:1--84:23
                 Zhihua Xia and   
                   Qiuju Ji and   
                      Qi Gu and   
            Chengsheng Yuan and   
                   Fengjun Xiao   A Format-compatible Searchable
                                  Encryption Scheme for JPEG Images Using
                                  Bag-of-words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85:1--85:18
     Iynkaran Natgunanathan and   
     Purathani Praitheeshan and   
              Longxiang Gao and   
                 Yong Xiang and   
                        Lei Pan   Blockchain-Based Audio Watermarking
                                  Technique for Multimedia Copyright
                                  Protection in Distribution Networks  . . 86:1--86:23
                  Kehua Guo and   
                     Min Hu and   
                  Sheng Ren and   
                Fangfang Li and   
                 Jian Zhang and   
                  Haifu Guo and   
                    Xiaoyan Kui   Deep Illumination-Enhanced Face
                                  Super-Resolution Network for Low-Light
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87:1--87:19
               Xiaoming Liu and   
                  Shuo Wang and   
                 Ying Zhang and   
                      Quan Yuan   Scribble-Supervised Meibomian Glands
                                  Segmentation in Infrared Images  . . . . 88:1--88:23
           Kedar Nath Singh and   
               Amit Kumar Singh   Towards Integrating Image Encryption
                                  with Compression: a Survey . . . . . . . 89:1--89:21

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 18, Number 3s, October, 2022

Carlos Enrique Montenegro Marin and   
      Dinesh Jackson Samuel and   
          Nallappan Gunasekaran   Introduction to the Special Issue on 6G
                                  Enabled Interactive Multimedia
                                  Communication Systems  . . . . . . . . . 133:1--133:??
                     Ran Li and   
                    Wei Wei and   
                 Peinan Hao and   
                    Jian Su and   
                   Fengyuan Sun   Context-aware Pseudo-true Video
                                  Interpolation at 6G Edge . . . . . . . . 133:1--133:??
           Abdullah Alharbi and   
         Mohammed Aljebreen and   
                  Amr Tolba and   
      Konstantinos A. Lizos and   
          Saied Abd El-Atty and   
                   Farid Shawki   A Normalized Slicing-assigned
                                  Virtualization Method for 6G-based
                                  Wireless Communication Systems . . . . . 134:1--134:??
                  Yin Zhang and   
                Iztok Humar and   
                    Jia Liu and   
                Alireza Jolfaei   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Affective Services based on
                                  Representation Learning  . . . . . . . . 135:1--135:??
                   Kexin Xu and   
               Haijun Zhang and   
                Keping Long and   
              Jianquan Wang and   
                        Lei Sun   DRL based Joint Affective Services
                                  Computing and Resource Allocation in
                                  ISTN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135:1--135:??
               Yazhou Zhang and   
              Prayag Tiwari and   
                    Lu Rong and   
                   Rui Chen and   
          Nojoom A. Alnajem and   
              M. Shamim Hossain   Affective Interaction: Attentive
                                  Representation Learning for Multi-Modal
                                  Sentiment Classification . . . . . . . . 136:1--136:??
               Xiaoqin Wang and   
                  Chen Chen and   
                  Rushi Lan and   
                Licheng Liu and   
               Zhenbing Liu and   
                 Huiyu Zhou and   
                    Xiaonan Luo   Binary Representation via Jointly
                                  Personalized Sparse Hashing  . . . . . . 137:1--137:??
                    Xin Jin and   
                 Xinning Li and   
                    Hao Lou and   
                 Chenyu Fan and   
                 Qiang Deng and   
                Chaoen Xiao and   
                  Shuai Cui and   
               Amit Kumar Singh   Aesthetic Attribute Assessment of Images
                                  Numerically on Mixed Multi-attribute
                                  Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138:1--138:??
                    Jie Cao and   
               Youquan Wang and   
               Haicheng Tao and   
                      Xiang Guo   Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition
                                  Using Graph LSTM and Multi-task
                                  Classification Model . . . . . . . . . . 139:1--139:??
               Jiawei Huang and   
                  Qichen Su and   
                   Weihe Li and   
                Zhuoran Liu and   
                  Tao Zhang and   
                    Sen Liu and   
                 Ping Zhong and   
              Wanchun Jiang and   
                   Jianxin Wang   Opportunistic Transmission for Video
                                  Streaming over Wild Internet . . . . . . 140:1--140:??
           Zhengfang Duanmu and   
                 Wentao Liu and   
                  Diqi Chen and   
                 Zhuoran Li and   
                  Zhou Wang and   
                Yizhou Wang and   
                        Wen Gao   A Bayesian Quality-of-Experience Model
                                  for Adaptive Streaming Videos  . . . . . 141:1--141:??
                 Oana Ignat and   
            Santiago Castro and   
                Yuhang Zhou and   
                 Jiajun Bao and   
                Dandan Shan and   
                  Rada Mihalcea   When Did It Happen? Duration-informed
                                  Temporal Localization of Narrated
                                  Actions in Vlogs . . . . . . . . . . . . 142:1--142:??
                 Wuzhen Shi and   
                    Shaohui Liu   Hiding Message Using a Cycle Generative
                                  Adversarial Network  . . . . . . . . . . 143:1--143:??
                   Chen Hui and   
                Shaohui Liu and   
                 Wuzhen Shi and   
                 Feng Jiang and   
                     Debin Zhao   Spatio-Temporal Context Based Adaptive
                                  Camcorder Recording Watermarking . . . . 144:1--144:??
                  Jian Zhao and   
                Xianhui Liu and   
                   Weidong Zhao   Balanced and Accurate Pseudo-Labels for
                                  Semi-Supervised Image Classification . . 145:1--145:??
           Lorenzo Stacchio and   
             Alessia Angeli and   
           Giuseppe Lisanti and   
            Daniela Calanca and   
                 Gustavo Marfia   Toward a Holistic Approach to the
                                  Socio-historical Analysis of Vernacular
                                  Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146:1--146:??
               Hui-Chu Xiao and   
               Wan-Lei Zhao and   
                    Jie Lin and   
               Yi-Geng Hong and   
                  Chong-Wah Ngo   Deeply Activated Salient Region for
                                  Instance Search  . . . . . . . . . . . . 147:1--147:??
                 Zuquan Liu and   
                  Guopu Zhu and   
                  Feng Ding and   
              Xiangyang Luo and   
                  Sam Kwong and   
                        Peng Li   Contrast-Enhanced Color Visual
                                  Cryptography for $ (k, n) $ Threshold
                                  Schemes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148:1--148:??
                    Zhe Liu and   
                   Xian-Hua Han   Deep Self-Supervised Hyperspectral Image
                                  Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149:1--149:??
             Gurinder Singh and   
                   Puneet Goyal   SDCN2: a Shallow Densely Connected CNN
                                  for Multi-Purpose Image Manipulation
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150:1--150:??
                 Yunfei Liu and   
                      Yu Li and   
                 Shaodi You and   
                        Feng Lu   Semantic Guided Single Image Reflection
                                  Removal  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151:1--151:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 18, Number 4, November, 2022

                Jingjing Wu and   
              Jianguo Jiang and   
                  Meibin Qi and   
                Cuiqun Chen and   
                      Yimin Liu   Improving Feature Discrimination for
                                  Object Tracking by
                                  Structural-similarity-based Metric
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90:1--90:23
              Xiaowen Huang and   
                 Jitao Sang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Image-Based Personality Questionnaire
                                  Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91:1--91:??
                 Shijie Hao and   
                     Xu Han and   
                Yanrong Guo and   
                      Meng Wang   Decoupled Low-Light Image Enhancement    92:1--92:19
                 Yibing Liu and   
               Yangyang Guo and   
                Jianhua Yin and   
               Xuemeng Song and   
                Weifeng Liu and   
                Liqiang Nie and   
                      Min Zhang   Answer Questions with Right Image
                                  Regions: a Visual Attention
                                  Regularization Approach  . . . . . . . . 93:1--93:18
                    Yang Yu and   
                Rongrong Ni and   
                  Wenjie Li and   
                       Yao Zhao   Detection of AI-Manipulated Fake Faces
                                  via Mining Generalized Features  . . . . 94:1--94:23
                Yuhao Cheng and   
              Xiaoguang Zhu and   
               Jiuchao Qian and   
                    Fei Wen and   
                     Peilin Liu   Cross-modal Graph Matching Network for
                                  Image-text Retrieval . . . . . . . . . . 95:1--95:23
              Mihai Dogariu and   
      Liviu-Daniel \cStefan and   
      Bogdan Andrei Boteanu and   
              Claudiu Lamba and   
                   Bomi Kim and   
                 Bogdan Ionescu   Generation of Realistic Synthetic
                                  Financial Time-series  . . . . . . . . . 96:1--96:27
                   Yi Zheng and   
                  Yong Zhou and   
                 Jiaqi Zhao and   
                  Ying Chen and   
                    Rui Yao and   
                   Bing Liu and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   Clustering Matters: Sphere Feature for
                                  Fully Unsupervised Person
                                  Re-identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 97:1--97:18
              Zengming Tang and   
                      Jun Huang   Harmonious Multi-branch Network for
                                  Person Re-identification with Harder
                                  Triplet Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98:1--98:21
                   Yifan Xu and   
                Kekai Sheng and   
               Weiming Dong and   
                 Baoyuan Wu and   
              Changsheng Xu and   
                    Bao-Gang Hu   Towards Corruption-Agnostic Robust
                                  Domain Adaptation  . . . . . . . . . . . 99:1--99:16
                 Jinzhi Lin and   
                  Yun Zhang and   
                      Na Li and   
                 Hongling Jiang   Joint Source-Channel Decoding of Polar
                                  Codes for HEVC-Based Video Streaming . . 100:1--100:23
                 Yongrui Li and   
                Zengfu Wang and   
                         Jun Yu   Densely Enhanced Semantic Network for
                                  Conversation System in Social Media  . . 101:1--101:24
                    Kai Lin and   
               Chuanmin Jia and   
              Xinfeng Zhang and   
               Shanshe Wang and   
                   Siwei Ma and   
                        Wen Gao   NR-CNN: Nested-Residual Guided CNN
                                  In-loop Filtering for Video Coding . . . 102:1--102:22
                 Hanbin Dai and   
                 Hailin Shi and   
                     Wu Liu and   
               Linfang Wang and   
                 Yinglu Liu and   
                        Tao Mei   FasterPose: a Faster Simple Baseline for
                                  Human Pose Estimation  . . . . . . . . . 103:1--103:16
                    Xin Man and   
             Deqiang Ouyang and   
               Xiangpeng Li and   
              Jingkuan Song and   
                       Jie Shao   Scenario-Aware Recurrent Transformer for
                                  Goal-Directed Video Captioning . . . . . 104:1--104:17
              Tianjun Zhang and   
                   Hao Deng and   
                  Lin Zhang and   
              Shengjie Zhao and   
                   Xiao Liu and   
                    Yicong Zhou   Online Correction of Camera Poses for
                                  the Surround-view System: a Sparse
                                  Direct Approach  . . . . . . . . . . . . 106:1--106:24
                  Quan Wang and   
                   Sheng Li and   
              Xinpeng Zhang and   
                    Guorui Feng   Multi-granularity Brushstrokes Network
                                  for Universal Style Transfer . . . . . . 107:1--107:17
               Nidhi Saxena and   
          Balasubramanian Raman   Pansharpening Scheme Using
                                  Bi-dimensional Empirical Mode
                                  Decomposition and Neural Network . . . . 108:1--108:22
                Jingjing Wu and   
              Jianguo Jiang and   
                  Meibin Qi and   
                Cuiqun Chen and   
                 Jingjing Zhang   An End-to-end Heterogeneous Restraint
                                  Network for RGB-D Cross-modal Person
                                  Re-identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 109:1--109:22
                 Caixia Liu and   
                 Dehui Kong and   
               Shaofan Wang and   
                 Jinghua Li and   
                     Baocai Yin   A Spatial Relationship Preserving
                                  Adversarial Network for $3$D
                                  Reconstruction from a Single Depth View  110:1--110:22
                 Ruyong Ren and   
              Shaozhang Niu and   
                    Hua Ren and   
               Shubin Zhang and   
                Tengyue Han and   
                   Xiaohai Tong   ESRNet: Efficient Search and Recognition
                                  Network for Image Manipulation Detection 111:1--111:23
              Mingxing Duan and   
                   Kenli Li and   
                Jiayan Deng and   
                   Bin Xiao and   
                        Qi Tian   A Novel Multi-Sample Generation Method
                                  for Adversarial Attacks  . . . . . . . . 112:1--112:21
                   Yang Guo and   
                    Wei Gao and   
                   Siwei Ma and   
                          Ge Li   Accelerating Transform Algorithm
                                  Implementation for Efficient Intra
                                  Coding of 8K UHD Videos  . . . . . . . . 113:1--113:20

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 19, Number 1, January, 2023

                  Xuan Shao and   
                  Ying Shen and   
                  Lin Zhang and   
              Shengjie Zhao and   
                 Dandan Zhu and   
                    Yicong Zhou   SLAM for Indoor Parking: a Comprehensive
                                  Benchmark Dataset and a Tightly Coupled
                                  Semantic Framework . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:??
              Prasen Sharma and   
                  Ira Bisht and   
                     Arijit Sur   Wavelength-based Attributed Deep Neural
                                  Network for Underwater Image Restoration 2:1--2:??
                     Jie Li and   
                   Ling Han and   
                Chong Zhang and   
                   Qiyue Li and   
                        Zhi Liu   Spherical Convolution Empowered Viewport
                                  Prediction in 360 Video Multicast with
                                  Limited FoV Feedback . . . . . . . . . . 3:1--3:??
           Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le and   
               Chih-Kuo Yeh and   
               Ying-Chi Lin and   
                   Tong-Yee Lee   Animating Still Natural Images Using
                                  Warping  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
                Lizhi Xiong and   
                   Xiao Han and   
            Ching-Nung Yang and   
                     Zhihua Xia   RDH-DES: Reversible Data Hiding over
                                  Distributed Encrypted-Image Servers
                                  Based on Secret Sharing  . . . . . . . . 5:1--5:??
               Peining Zhen and   
                 Shuqi Wang and   
               Suming Zhang and   
                Xiaotao Yan and   
                   Wei Wang and   
                 Zhigang Ji and   
                   Hai-Bao Chen   Towards Accurate Oriented Object
                                  Detection in Aerial Images with Adaptive
                                  Multi-level Feature Fusion . . . . . . . 6:1--6:??
                   Yue Song and   
                   Hao Tang and   
                  Nicu Sebe and   
                       Wei Wang   Disentangle Saliency Detection into
                                  Cascaded Detail Modeling and Body
                                  Filling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:??
                 Yong Zhang and   
                Yingwei Pan and   
                   Ting Yao and   
                  Rui Huang and   
                    Tao Mei and   
                 Chang-Wen Chen   Boosting Scene Graph Generation with
                                  Visual Relation Saliency . . . . . . . . 8:1--8:??
               Jingwen Chen and   
                Jianjie Luo and   
                Yingwei Pan and   
                   Yehao Li and   
                   Ting Yao and   
              Hongyang Chao and   
                        Tao Mei   Boosting Vision-and-Language Navigation
                                  with Direction Guiding and Backtracing   9:1--9:??
                  Yunbo Rao and   
               Ziqiang Yang and   
              Shaoning Zeng and   
                Qifeng Wang and   
                      Jiansu Pu   Dual Projective Zero-Shot Learning Using
                                  Text Descriptions  . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:??
                    Hang Yu and   
              Chilam Cheang and   
                  Yanwei Fu and   
                  Xiangyang Xue   Multi-view Shape Generation for a $3$D
                                  Human-like Body  . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:1--11:??
               Weidong Chen and   
                 Guorong Li and   
              Xinfeng Zhang and   
                Shuhui Wang and   
                   Liang Li and   
                 Qingming Huang   Weakly Supervised Text-based
                                  Actor-Action Video Segmentation by
                                  Clip-level Multi-instance Learning . . . 12:1--12:??
               Feihong Shen and   
                        Jun Liu   Quantum Fourier Convolutional Network    13:1--13:??
                Xiaotian Wu and   
                       Peng Yao   Boolean-based Two-in-One Secret Image
                                  Sharing by Adaptive Pixel Grouping . . . 14:1--14:??
               Ashima Yadav and   
       Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma   A Deep Multi-level Attentive Network for
                                  Multimodal Sentiment Analysis  . . . . . 15:1--15:??
                Honghao Gao and   
                 Baobin Dai and   
               Huaikou Miao and   
              Xiaoxian Yang and   
     Ramon J. Duran Barroso and   
                Hussain Walayat   A Novel GAPG Approach to Automatic
                                  Property Generation for Formal
                                  Verification: The GAN Perspective  . . . 16:1--16:??
               Pengyi Zhang and   
              Huanzhang Dou and   
                Wenhu Zhang and   
                 Yuhan Zhao and   
                  Zequn Qin and   
                Dongping Hu and   
                    Yi Fang and   
                          Xi Li   A Large-Scale Synthetic Gait Dataset
                                  Towards in-the-Wild Simulation and
                                  Comparison Study . . . . . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:??
                   Wei Zhou and   
                  Zhiwu Xia and   
                   Peng Dou and   
                     Tao Su and   
                     Haifeng Hu   Double Attention Based on Graph
                                  Attention Network for Image Multi-Label
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18:1--18:??
              Xianlin Zhang and   
              Mengling Shen and   
                 Xueming Li and   
                   Xiaojie Wang   AABLSTM: a Novel Multi-task Based
                                  CNN-RNN Deep Model for Fashion Analysis  19:1--19:??
                  Deyin Liu and   
            Lin (Yuanbo) Wu and   
               Richang Hong and   
                Zongyuan Ge and   
                Jialie Shen and   
             Farid Boussaid and   
             Mohammed Bennamoun   Generative Metric Learning for
                                  Adversarially Robust Open-world Person
                                  Re-Identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 20:1--20:??
                  Shuo Wang and   
                 Huixia Ben and   
                 Yanbin Hao and   
                Xiangnan He and   
                      Meng Wang   Boosting Hyperspectral Image
                                  Classification with Dual Hierarchical
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21:1--21:??
                   Dayan Wu and   
                     Qi Dai and   
                      Bo Li and   
                   Weiping Wang   Deep Uncoupled Discrete Hashing via
                                  Similarity Matrix Decomposition  . . . . 22:1--22:??
                Ming Cheung and   
                 Weiwei Sun and   
                  James She and   
                   Jiantao Zhou   Social Network Analytic-Based Online
                                  Counterfeit Seller Detection using User
                                  Shared Images  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23:1--23:??
                 Lu Feihong and   
                  Chen Hang and   
                    Li Kang and   
               Deng Qiliang and   
                  Zhao Jian and   
              Zhang Kaipeng and   
                       Han Hong   Toward High-quality Face-Mask Occluded
                                  Restoration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24:1--24:??
                 Yajing Liu and   
               Zhiwei Xiong and   
                      Ya Li and   
                  Yuning Lu and   
                Xinmei Tian and   
                  Zheng-Jun Zha   Category-Stitch Learning for Union
                                  Domain Generalization  . . . . . . . . . 25:1--25:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 19, Number 1s, February, 2023

            Claudio Ferrari and   
         Federico Becattini and   
           Leonardo Galteri and   
              Alberto Del Bimbo   (Compress and Restore) N: a Robust
                                  Defense Against Adversarial Attacks on
                                  Image Classification . . . . . . . . . . 26:1--26:??
               Yaguang Song and   
              Xiaoshan Yang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Self-supervised Calorie-aware
                                  Heterogeneous Graph Networks for Food
                                  Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27:1--27:??
                   Feng Xue and   
                  Tian Yang and   
                   Kang Liu and   
                 Zikun Hong and   
                Mingwei Cao and   
                    Dan Guo and   
                   Richang Hong   LCSNet: End-to-end Lipreading with
                                  Channel-aware Feature Selection  . . . . 28:1--28:??
                  Zilong Fu and   
                Hongtao Xie and   
             Shancheng Fang and   
                 Yuxin Wang and   
              Mengting Xing and   
                 Yongdong Zhang   Learning Pixel Affinity Pyramid for
                                  Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection  . . . . 29:1--29:??
João Baptista Cardia Neto and   
            Claudio Ferrari and   
    Aparecido Nilceu Marana and   
           Stefano Berretti and   
              Alberto Del Bimbo   Learning Streamed Attention Network from
                                  Descriptor Images for Cross-Resolution
                                  $3$D Face Recognition  . . . . . . . . . 30:1--30:??
                      Xin Huang   On Teaching Mode of MTI Translation
                                  Workshop Based on IPT Corpus for Tibetan
                                  Areas of China . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31:1--31:??
                  Liming Xu and   
               Xianhua Zeng and   
                Weisheng Li and   
                  Bochuan Zheng   MFGAN: Multi-modal Feature-fusion for CT
                                  Metal Artifact Reduction Using GANs  . . 32:1--32:??
                 Yuzhang Hu and   
                Wenhan Yang and   
                Jiaying Liu and   
                   Zongming Guo   Deep Inter Prediction with
                                  Error-Corrected Auto-Regressive Network
                                  for Video Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . 33:1--33:??
                     Yue Li and   
                   Li Zhang and   
                      Kai Zhang   iDAM: Iteratively Trained Deep In-loop
                                  Filter with Adaptive Model Selection . . 34:1--34:??
        Rahul Kumar Jaiswal and   
             Rajesh Kumar Dubey   CAQoE: a Novel No-Reference
                                  Context-aware Speech Quality Prediction
                                  Metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35:1--35:??
                  Tao Xiang and   
              Honghong Zeng and   
                 Biwen Chen and   
                   Shangwei Guo   BMIF: Privacy-preserving
                                  Blockchain-based Medical Image Fusion    36:1--36:??
                 Xiaoke Zhu and   
               Changlong Li and   
               Xiaopan Chen and   
                Xinyu Zhang and   
                 Xiao-Yuan Jing   Distance and Direction Based Deep
                                  Discriminant Metric Learning for Kinship
                                  Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37:1--37:??
             Weiming Zhuang and   
                    Xin Gan and   
               Yonggang Wen and   
                    Shuai Zhang   Optimizing Performance of Federated
                                  Person Re-identification: Benchmarking
                                  and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38:1--38:??
        Lavinia De Divitiis and   
         Federico Becattini and   
            Claudio Baecchi and   
              Alberto Del Bimbo   Disentangling Features for Fashion
                                  Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39:1--39:??
                Ka-Hou Chan and   
                     Sio-Kei Im   Using Four Hypothesis Probability
                                  Estimators for CABAC in Versatile Video
                                  Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40:1--40:??
                Mengqi Yuan and   
               Bing-Kun Bao and   
                  Zhiyi Tan and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Adaptive Text Denoising Network for
                                  Image Caption Editing  . . . . . . . . . 41:1--41:??
               Xiaoyu Zhang and   
                    Wei Gao and   
                      Ge Li and   
              Qiuping Jiang and   
                    Runmin Cong   Image Quality Assessment-driven
                                  Reinforcement Learning for Mixed
                                  Distorted Image Restoration  . . . . . . 42:1--42:??
              Chongyang Bai and   
            Maksim Bolonkin and   
             Viney Regunath and   
             V. S. Subrahmanian   DIPS: a Dyadic Impression Prediction
                                  System for Group Interaction Videos  . . 43:1--43:??
                 Yuqing Liu and   
              Xinfeng Zhang and   
               Shanshe Wang and   
                   Siwei Ma and   
                        Wen Gao   Sequential Hierarchical Learning with
                                  Distribution Transformation for Image
                                  Super-Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . 44:1--44:??
               Haidong Wang and   
                    Xuan He and   
                 Zhiyong Li and   
                   Jin Yuan and   
                      Shutao Li   JDAN: Joint Detection and Association
                                  Network for Real-Time Online
                                  Multi-Object Tracking  . . . . . . . . . 45:1--45:??
               Mengyao Xiao and   
                Xiaolong Li and   
                   Yao Zhao and   
                     Bin Ma and   
                    Guodong Guo   A Novel Reversible Data Hiding Scheme
                                  Based on Pixel-Residual Histogram  . . . 46:1--46:??
                 Jiazhi Liu and   
                       Feng Liu   Modified $2$D-Ghost-Free Stereoscopic
                                  Display with Depth-of-Field Effects  . . 47:1--47:??
               Jingwen Chen and   
                Yingwei Pan and   
                   Yehao Li and   
                   Ting Yao and   
              Hongyang Chao and   
                        Tao Mei   Retrieval Augmented Convolutional
                                  Encoder-decoder Networks for Video
                                  Captioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48:1--48:??
                 Guanyu Zhu and   
                  Yong Zhou and   
                    Rui Yao and   
               Hancheng Zhu and   
                     Jiaqi Zhao   Cyclic Self-attention for Point Cloud
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49:1--49:??
               Dinghao Yang and   
                    Wei Gao and   
                      Ge Li and   
                   Hui Yuan and   
                 Junhui Hou and   
                      Sam Kwong   Exploiting Manifold Feature
                                  Representation for Efficient
                                  Classification of $3$D Point Clouds  . . 50:1--50:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 19, Number 2, March, 2023

                Xiaohan Lan and   
                Yitian Yuan and   
                   Xin Wang and   
                   Zhi Wang and   
                      Wenwu Zhu   A Survey on Temporal Sentence Grounding
                                  in Videos  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51:1--51:??
                    Yu Qiao and   
                  Yuhao Liu and   
                   Ziqi Wei and   
                 Yuxin Wang and   
                  Qiang Cai and   
              Guofeng Zhang and   
                       Xin Yang   Hierarchical and Progressive Image
                                  Matting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52:1--52:??
                   Fei Peng and   
               Wenyan Jiang and   
                       Min Long   A Low Distortion and
                                  Steganalysis-resistant Reversible Data
                                  Hiding for $2$D Engineering Graphics . . 53:1--53:??
                  Sijie Mai and   
              Songlong Xing and   
                 Jiaxuan He and   
                  Ying Zeng and   
                     Haifeng Hu   Multimodal Graph for Unaligned
                                  Multimodal Sequence Analysis via Graph
                                  Convolution and Graph Pooling  . . . . . 54:1--54:??
                   Qi Zheng and   
              Jianfeng Dong and   
                  Xiaoye Qu and   
                   Xun Yang and   
                Yabing Wang and   
                   Pan Zhou and   
                Baolong Liu and   
                       Xun Wang   Progressive Localization Networks for
                                  Language-Based Moment Localization . . . 55:1--55:??
                  Yue Zhang and   
              Fanghui Zhang and   
                     Yi Jin and   
                 Yigang Cen and   
         Viacheslav Voronin and   
                    Shaohua Wan   Local Correlation Ensemble with GCN
                                  Based on Attention Features for
                                  Cross-domain Person Re-ID  . . . . . . . 56:1--56:??
           Jacob Chakareski and   
              Mahmudur Khan and   
           Tanguy Ropitault and   
                 Steve Blandino   Millimeter Wave and Free-space-optics
                                  for Future Dual-connectivity 6DOF Mobile
                                  Multi-user VR Streaming  . . . . . . . . 57:1--57:??
               Yun-Shao Lin and   
               Yi-Ching Liu and   
                   Chi-Chun Lee   An Interaction-process-guided Framework
                                  for Small-group Performance Prediction   58:1--58:??
                   Na Zheng and   
               Xuemeng Song and   
                  Tianyu Su and   
                Weifeng Liu and   
                    Yan Yan and   
                    Liqiang Nie   Egocentric Early Action Prediction via
                                  Adversarial Knowledge Distillation . . . 59:1--59:??
                    Li Wang and   
                      Ke Li and   
              Jingjing Tang and   
                   Yuying Liang   Image Super-Resolution via Lightweight
                                  Attention-Directed Feature Aggregation
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60:1--60:??
                Jiaying Lin and   
                    Xin Tan and   
                      Ke Xu and   
                Lizhuang Ma and   
               Rynson W. H. Lau   Frequency-aware Camouflaged Object
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61:1--61:??
               Shuang Liang and   
                  Anjie Zhu and   
             Jiasheng Zhang and   
                       Jie Shao   Hyper-node Relational Graph Attention
                                  Network for Multi-modal Knowledge Graph
                                  Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62:1--62:??
                   Yaya Shi and   
                 Haiyang Xu and   
              Chunfeng Yuan and   
                    Bing Li and   
                 Weiming Hu and   
                  Zheng-Jun Zha   Learning Video-Text Aligned
                                  Representations for Video Captioning . . 63:1--63:??
                  Yang Yang and   
               Yingqiu Ding and   
                 Ming Cheng and   
                  Weiming Zhang   No-reference Quality Assessment for
                                  Contrast-distorted Images Based on Gray
                                  and Color-gray-difference Space  . . . . 64:1--64:??
                   Jia Wang and   
               Jingcheng Ke and   
             Hong-Han Shuai and   
                Yung-Hui Li and   
                Wen-Huang Cheng   Referring Expression Comprehension Via
                                  Enhanced Cross-modal Graph Attention
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65:1--65:??
             Dengyong Zhang and   
                   Pu Huang and   
             Xiangling Ding and   
                    Feng Li and   
                 Wenjie Zhu and   
                   Yun Song and   
                     Gaobo Yang   L$^2$BEC$^2$: Local Lightweight
                                  Bidirectional Encoding and Channel
                                  Attention Cascade for Video Frame
                                  Interpolation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66:1--66:??
                Yushu Zhang and   
                   Qing Tan and   
                  Shuren Qi and   
                     Mingfu Xue   PRNU-based Image Forgery Localization
                                  with Deep Multi-scale Fusion . . . . . . 67:1--67:??
              Shanshan Dong and   
                 Tianzi Niu and   
                    Xin Luo and   
                     Wu Liu and   
                     Xinshun Xu   Semantic Embedding Guided Attention with
                                  Explicit Visual Feature Fusion for Video
                                  Captioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68:1--68:??
                 Shunxin Xu and   
                     Ke Sun and   
                   Dong Liu and   
               Zhiwei Xiong and   
                  Zheng-Jun Zha   Synergy between Semantic Segmentation
                                  and Image Denoising via Alternate
                                  Boosting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69:1--69:??
                   Dan Song and   
             Chu-Meng Zhang and   
             Xiao-Qian Zhao and   
                  Teng Wang and   
                Wei-Zhi Nie and   
                 Xuan-Ya Li and   
                      An-An Liu   Self-supervised Image-based $3$D Model
                                  Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70:1--70:??
            Stavros Nousias and   
        Gerasimos Arvanitis and   
                 Aris Lalos and   
         Konstantinos Moustakas   Deep Saliency Mapping for $3$D Meshes
                                  and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 71:1--71:??
                    Yun Liu and   
                Xiaohua Yin and   
                Zuliang Wan and   
               Guanghui Yue and   
                      Zhi Zheng   Toward A No-reference Omnidirectional
                                  Image Quality Evaluation by Using
                                  Multi-perceptual Features  . . . . . . . 72:1--72:??
                     Hua Wu and   
                     Xin Li and   
                  Gang Wang and   
                Guang Cheng and   
                     Xiaoyan Hu   Resolution Identification of Encrypted
                                  Video Streaming Based on HTTP/2 Features 73:1--73:??
                   Qipu Qin and   
                  Cheolkon Jung   Quality Enhancement of Compressed $
                                  360$-Degree Videos Using Viewport-based
                                  Deep Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . 74:1--74:??
                   Wei Zhou and   
                  Zhiwu Xia and   
                   Peng Dou and   
                     Tao Su and   
                     Haifeng Hu   Aligning Image Semantics and Label
                                  Concepts for Image Multi-Label
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75:1--75:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 19, Number 2s, April, 2023

            Summaira Jabeen and   
                      Xi Li and   
        Muhammad Shoib Amin and   
              Omar Bourahla and   
                Songyuan Li and   
                   Abdul Jabbar   A Review on Methods and Applications in
                                  Multimodal Deep Learning . . . . . . . . 76:1--76:??
           Sophie C. C. Sun and   
              Yongkang Zhao and   
                Fang-Wei Fu and   
                      Yawei Ren   Improved Random Grid-based Cheating
                                  Prevention Visual Cryptography Using
                                  Latin Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77:1--77:??
                 Jiong Dong and   
                  Kaoru Ota and   
                 Mianxiong Dong   Video Frame Interpolation: a
                                  Comprehensive Survey . . . . . . . . . . 78:1--78:??
                Gaofeng Cao and   
                   Fei Zhou and   
                Kanglin Liu and   
                 Anjie Wang and   
                    Leidong Fan   A Decoupled Kernel Prediction Network
                                  Guided by Soft Mask for Single Image HDR
                                  Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79:1--79:??
                 Yipeng Liu and   
                    Qi Yang and   
                  Yiling Xu and   
                        Le Yang   Point Cloud Quality Assessment: Dataset
                                  Construction and Learning-based
                                  No-reference Metric  . . . . . . . . . . 80:1--80:??
                   Cheng Xu and   
                 Zejun Chen and   
                 Jiajie Mai and   
                 Xuemiao Xu and   
                   Shengfeng He   Pose- and Attribute-consistent Person
                                  Image Synthesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 81:1--81:??
              Jae Hyun Park and   
               Sanghoon Kim and   
               Joo Chan Lee and   
                   Jong Hwan Ko   Scalable Color Quantization for
                                  Task-centric Image Compression . . . . . 82:1--82:??
 Joan Manuel Marqu\`es Puig and   
         Helena Rif\`a-Pous and   
                 Samia Oukemeni   From False-Free to Privacy-Oriented
                                  Communitarian Microblogging Social
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83:1--83:??
                Yiming Tang and   
                          Yi Yu   Query-Guided Prototype Learning with
                                  Decoder Alignment and Dynamic Fusion in
                                  Few-Shot Segmentation  . . . . . . . . . 84:1--84:??
                Zhiming Liu and   
                    Kai Niu and   
                    Zhiqiang He   ML-CookGAN: Multi-Label Generative
                                  Adversarial Network for Food Image
                                  Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85:1--85:??
            Basheer Alwaely and   
            Charith Abhayaratne   GHOSM: Graph-based Hybrid Outline and
                                  Skeleton Modelling for Shape Recognition 86:1--86:??
        Sankaraganesh Jonna and   
             Moushumi Medhi and   
             Rajiv Ranjan Sahay   Distill-DBDGAN: Knowledge Distillation
                                  and Adversarial Learning Framework for
                                  Defocus Blur Detection . . . . . . . . . 87:1--87:??
                Xuewei Ding and   
                Yingwei Pan and   
                   Yehao Li and   
                   Ting Yao and   
                   Dan Zeng and   
                        Tao Mei   Boosting Relationship Detection in
                                  Images with Multi-Granular
                                  Self-Supervised Learning . . . . . . . . 88:1--88:??
                 Binfei Chu and   
                 Yiting Lin and   
               Bineng Zhong and   
               Zhenjun Tang and   
                Xianxian Li and   
                      Jing Wang   Robust Long-Term Tracking via Localizing
                                  Occluders  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89:1--89:??
                   Huisi Wu and   
                Zhaoze Wang and   
                Zhuoying Li and   
                Zhenkun Wen and   
                       Jing Qin   Context Prior Guided Semantic Modeling
                                  for Biomedical Image Segmentation  . . . 90:1--90:??
                     Jun Wu and   
              Tianliang Zhu and   
                 Jiahui Zhu and   
                  Tianyi Li and   
                   Chunzhi Wang   A Optimized BERT for Multimodal
                                  Sentiment Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 91:1--91:??
                Yongzong Xu and   
               Zhijing Yang and   
              Tianshui Chen and   
                     Kai Li and   
                   Chunmei Qing   Progressive Transformer Machine for
                                  Natural Character Reenactment  . . . . . 92:1--92:??
             Chong Hong Tan and   
              Koksheik Wong and   
       Vishnu Monn Baskaran and   
           Kiki Adhinugraha and   
                   David Taniar   Is it Violin or Viola? Classifying the
                                  Instruments' Music Pieces using
                                  Descriptive Statistics . . . . . . . . . 93:1--93:??
                   KN Singh and   
                   OP Singh and   
           Amit Kumar Singh and   
            Amrit Kumar Agrawal   EiMOL: a Secure Medical Image Encryption
                                  Algorithm based on Optimization and the
                                  Lorenz System  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94:1--94:??
                Ziteng Qiao and   
                 Dianxi Shi and   
                Xiaodong Yi and   
                 Yanyan Shi and   
                Yuhui Zhang and   
                   Yangyang Liu   UEFPN: Unified and Enhanced Feature
                                  Pyramid Networks for Small Object
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95:1--95:??
                 Linwei Zhu and   
                  Yun Zhang and   
                      Na Li and   
               Gangyi Jiang and   
                      Sam Kwong   Deep Learning-Based Intra Mode
                                  Derivation for Versatile Video Coding    96:1--96:??
               Donghuo Zeng and   
                Jianming Wu and   
                Gen Hattori and   
                    Rong Xu and   
                          Yi Yu   Learning Explicit and Implicit Dual
                                  Common Subspaces for Audio-visual
                                  Cross-modal Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . 97:1--97:??
                   Qiqi Gao and   
                     Jie Li and   
                Tiejun Zhao and   
                    Yadong Wang   Real-time Image Enhancement with
                                  Attention Aggregation  . . . . . . . . . 98:1--98:??
                Yucheng Zhu and   
               Xiongkuo Min and   
                 Dandan Zhu and   
              Guangtao Zhai and   
              Xiaokang Yang and   
               Wenjun Zhang and   
                      Ke Gu and   
                   Jiantao Zhou   Toward Visual Behavior and Attention
                                  Understanding for Augmented 360 Degree
                                  Videos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99:1--99:??
                Haiyang Mei and   
                  Letian Yu and   
                      Ke Xu and   
                  Yang Wang and   
                   Xin Yang and   
               Xiaopeng Wei and   
               Rynson W. H. Lau   Mirror Segmentation via Semantic-aware
                                  Contextual Contrasted Feature Learning   100:1--100:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 19, Number 3, May, 2023

                   Yi Zhang and   
               Fang-Yi Chao and   
          Wassim Hamidouche and   
               Olivier Deforges   PAV-SOD: a New Task towards Panoramic
                                  Audiovisual Saliency Detection . . . . . 101:1--101:??
                    Chi Xie and   
               Zikun Zhuang and   
              Shengjie Zhao and   
                   Shuang Liang   Temporal Dropout for Weakly Supervised
                                  Action Localization  . . . . . . . . . . 102:1--102:??
               Yangyang Guo and   
                Liqiang Nie and   
                Harry Cheng and   
              Zhiyong Cheng and   
          Mohan Kankanhalli and   
              Alberto Del Bimbo   On Modality Bias Recognition and
                                  Reduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103:1--103:??
                    Kang Xu and   
                  Weixin Li and   
                   Xia Wang and   
                 Xiaoyan Hu and   
                     Ke Yan and   
               Xiaojie Wang and   
                      Xuan Dong   CUR Transformer: a Convolutional
                                  Unbiased Regional Transformer for Image
                                  Denoising  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104:1--104:??
               Wenxin Huang and   
                 Xuemei Jia and   
                 Xian Zhong and   
                  Xiao Wang and   
                  Kui Jiang and   
                     Zheng Wang   Beyond the Parts: Learning
                                  Coarse-to-Fine Adaptive Alignment
                                  Representation for Person Search . . . . 105:1--105:??
               Hongchuan Yu and   
             Mengqing Huang and   
                 Jian Jun Zhang   Domain Adaptation Problem in Sketch
                                  Based Image Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . 106:1--106:??
                    Han Yan and   
               Haijun Zhang and   
               Jianyang Shi and   
               Jianghong Ma and   
                     Xiaofei Xu   Toward Intelligent Fashion Design: a
                                  Texture and Shape Disentangled
                                  Generative Adversarial Network . . . . . 107:1--107:??
                   Peng Dou and   
                  Ying Zeng and   
               Zhuoqun Wang and   
                     Haifeng Hu   Multiple Temporal Pooling Mechanisms for
                                  Weakly Supervised Temporal Action
                                  Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108:1--108:??
                     Lei Li and   
               Zhiyuan Zhou and   
                  Suping Wu and   
                   Yongrong Cao   Multi-scale Edge-guided Learning for
                                  $3$D Reconstruction  . . . . . . . . . . 109:1--109:??
              Zhengxue Wang and   
               Guangwei Gao and   
                Juncheng Li and   
                    Hui Yan and   
                  Hao Zheng and   
                      Huimin Lu   Lightweight Feature De-redundancy and
                                  Self-calibration Network for Efficient
                                  Image Super-resolution . . . . . . . . . 110:1--110:??
               Zhijie Huang and   
                    Jun Sun and   
                   Xiaopeng Guo   FastCNN: Towards Fast and Accurate
                                  Spatiotemporal Network for HEVC
                                  Compressed Video Enhancement . . . . . . 111:1--111:??
               Xiaohan Wang and   
                Linchao Zhu and   
                     Fei Wu and   
                        Yi Yang   A Differentiable Parallel Sampler for
                                  Efficient Video Classification . . . . . 112:1--112:??
                  Junjie Li and   
                   Jin Yuan and   
                     Zhiyong Li   TP-FER: an Effective Three-phase
                                  Noise-tolerant Recognizer for Facial
                                  Expression Recognition . . . . . . . . . 113:1--113:??
               Baojin Huang and   
             Zhongyuan Wang and   
            Guangcheng Wang and   
                   Zhen Han and   
                      Kui Jiang   Local Eyebrow Feature Attention Network
                                  for Masked Face Recognition  . . . . . . 114:1--114:??
             Bin-Cheng Yang and   
                    Gangshan Wu   Efficient Single-image Super-resolution
                                  Using Dual path Connections with
                                  Multiple scale Learning  . . . . . . . . 115:1--115:??
                   Wei Zhou and   
                  Yanke Hou and   
                  Dihu Chen and   
                 Haifeng Hu and   
                         Tao Su   Attention-Augmented Memory Network for
                                  Image Multi-Label Classification . . . . 116:1--116:??
             Shuaixiong Hui and   
                  Qiang Guo and   
                Xiaoyu Geng and   
                  Caiming Zhang   Multi-Guidance CNNs for Salient Object
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117:1--117:??
                   Kai Xing and   
                     Tao Li and   
                   Xuanhan Wang   ProposalVLAD with Proposal-Intra
                                  Exploring for Temporal Action Proposal
                                  Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118:1--118:??
                   Hao Tang and   
                   Lei Ding and   
                Songsong Wu and   
                    Bin Ren and   
                  Nicu Sebe and   
                     Paolo Rota   Deep Unsupervised Key Frame Extraction
                                  for Efficient Video Classification . . . 119:1--119:??
                 Ling Zhang and   
            Chengjiang Long and   
             Xiaolong Zhang and   
                   Chunxia Xiao   Exploiting Residual and Illumination
                                  with GANs for Shadow Detection and
                                  Shadow Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120:1--120:??
                Yushu Zhang and   
                   Nuo Chen and   
                  Shuren Qi and   
                 Mingfu Xue and   
                   Zhongyun Hua   Detection of Recolored Image by Texture
                                  Features in Chrominance Components . . . 121:1--121:??
                    Han Xue and   
                   Jun Ling and   
                  Anni Tang and   
                    Li Song and   
                   Rong Xie and   
                   Wenjun Zhang   High-Fidelity Face Reenactment Via
                                  Identity-Matched Correspondence Learning 122:1--122:??
                Haozhe Chen and   
                  Hang Zhou and   
                  Jie Zhang and   
              Dongdong Chen and   
              Weiming Zhang and   
               Kejiang Chen and   
                   Gang Hua and   
                     Nenghai Yu   Perceptual Hashing of Deep Convolutional
                                  Neural Networks for Model Copy Detection 123:1--123:??
                   Wei Duan and   
                      Yi Yu and   
               Xulong Zhang and   
                 Suhua Tang and   
                     Wei Li and   
                    Keizo Oyama   Melody Generation from Lyrics with Local
                                  Interpretability . . . . . . . . . . . . 124:1--124:??
               Shiguang Liu and   
                    Huixin Wang   Talking Face Generation via Facial
                                  Anatomy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125:1--125:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 19, Number 3s, June, 2023

                Zengri Zeng and   
               Baokang Zhao and   
             Han-Chieh Chao and   
                  Ilsun You and   
                Kuo-Hui Yeh and   
                    Weizhi Meng   Towards Intelligent Attack Detection
                                  Using DNA Computing  . . . . . . . . . . 126:1--126:??
                Jinxia Wang and   
                   Rui Chen and   
                      Zhihan Lv   DNA Computing-Based Multi-Source Data
                                  Storage Model in Digital Twins . . . . . 127:1--127:??
                Fawad Ahmed and   
           Muneeb Ur Rehman and   
                Jawad Ahmad and   
      Muhammad Shahbaz Khan and   
              Wadii Boulila and   
          Gautam Srivastava and   
         Jerry Chun-Wei Lin and   
            William J. Buchanan   A DNA Based Colour Image Encryption
                                  Scheme Using A Convolutional Autoencoder 128:1--128:??
           Vignesh V. Menon and   
              Hadi Amirpour and   
          Mohammad Ghanbari and   
             Christian Timmerer   EMES: Efficient Multi-encoding Schemes
                                  for HEVC-based Adaptive Bitrate
                                  Streaming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129:1--129:??
                Jiwei Zhang and   
                      Yi Yu and   
                 Suhua Tang and   
                Jianming Wu and   
                         Wei Li   Variational Autoencoder with CCA for
                                  Audio-Visual Cross-modal Retrieval . . . 130:1--130:??
           Thi-Ngoc-Hanh Le and   
              Ya-Hsuan Chen and   
                   Tong-Yee Lee   Structure-aware Video Style Transfer
                                  with Map Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131:1--131:??
                 Sirui Zhao and   
               Hongyu Jiang and   
                Hanqing Tao and   
                    Rui Zha and   
                  Kun Zhang and   
                    Tong Xu and   
                    Enhong Chen   PEDM: a Multi-task Learning Model for
                                  Persona-aware Emoji-embedded Dialogue
                                  Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132:1--132:??
                 Heyu Huang and   
                Runmin Cong and   
                Lianhe Yang and   
                    Ling Du and   
                  Cong Wang and   
                      Sam Kwong   Feedback Chain Network for Hippocampus
                                  Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133:1--133:??
               Xuanrong Yao and   
                   Xin Wang and   
                    Yue Liu and   
                      Wenwu Zhu   Continual Recognition with Adaptive
                                  Memory Update  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134:1--134:??
               Jingyao Wang and   
                Luntian Mou and   
                     Lei Ma and   
               Tiejun Huang and   
                        Wen Gao   AMSA: Adaptive Multimodal Learning for
                                  Sentiment Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 135:1--135:??
              Shaoning Zeng and   
                  Yunbo Rao and   
                  Bob Zhang and   
                        Yong Xu   Joint Augmented and Compressed
                                  Dictionaries for Robust Image
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136:1--136:??
              Yuyang Wanyan and   
              Xiaoshan Yang and   
                    Xuan Ma and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Dual Scene Graph Convolutional Network
                                  for Motivation Prediction  . . . . . . . 137:1--137:??
                    Fei Lei and   
                Zhongqi Cao and   
                Yuning Yang and   
                  Yibo Ding and   
                     Cong Zhang   Learning the User's Deeper Preferences
                                  for Multi-modal Recommendation Systems   138:1--138:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 19, Number 4, July, 2023

                  Xuehu Yan and   
                Longlong Li and   
                    Lei Sun and   
                   Jia Chen and   
                   Shudong Wang   Fake and Dishonest Participant Immune
                                  Secret Image Sharing . . . . . . . . . . 139:1--139:??
                  Song Yang and   
                   Qiang Li and   
                  Wenhui Li and   
                 Xuan-Ya Li and   
                    Ran Jin and   
                      Bo Lv and   
                   Rui Wang and   
                       Anan Liu   Semantic Completion and Filtration for
                                  Image-Text Retrieval . . . . . . . . . . 140:1--140:??
                    Xuan Ma and   
              Xiaoshan Yang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Multi-Source Knowledge Reasoning Graph
                                  Network for Multi-Modal Commonsense
                                  Inference  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141:1--141:??
                 Shangxi Wu and   
                 Jitao Sang and   
                 Kaiyuan Xu and   
              Jiaming Zhang and   
                        Jian Yu   Attention, Please! Adversarial Defense
                                  via Activation Rectification and
                                  Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142:1--142:??
                   Kan Wang and   
             Changxing Ding and   
               Jianxin Pang and   
                    Xiangmin Xu   Context Sensing Attention Network for
                                  Video-based Person Re-identification . . 143:1--143:??
               Wenjing Wang and   
                 Lilang Lin and   
                  Zejia Fan and   
                    Jiaying Liu   Semi-supervised Learning for Mars
                                  Imagery Classification and Segmentation  144:1--144:??
                    Hui Liu and   
                Shanshan Li and   
                Jicheng Zhu and   
                   Kai Deng and   
                   Meng Liu and   
                    Liqiang Nie   DDIFN: a Dual-discriminator Multi-modal
                                  Medical Image Fusion Network . . . . . . 145:1--145:??
                 Xintian Wu and   
                Huanyu Wang and   
                  Yiming Wu and   
                          Xi Li   D$^3$T-GAN: Data-Dependent Domain
                                  Transfer GANs for Image Generation with
                                  Limited Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146:1--146:??
                 Dandan Zhu and   
                  Xuan Shao and   
            Qiangqiang Zhou and   
               Xiongkuo Min and   
              Guangtao Zhai and   
                  Xiaokang Yang   A Novel Lightweight Audio-visual
                                  Saliency Model for Videos  . . . . . . . 147:1--147:??
             Amr Abdussalam and   
                 Zhongfu Ye and   
              Ammar Hawbani and   
             Majjed Al-Qatf and   
                    Rashid Khan   NumCap: a Number-controlled
                                  Multi-caption Image Captioning Network   148:1--148:??
                    Hao Liu and   
                 Zhaoyu Yan and   
                   Bing Liu and   
                 Jiaqi Zhao and   
                  Yong Zhou and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   Distilled Meta-learning for Multi-Class
                                  Incremental Learning . . . . . . . . . . 149:1--149:??
                   Jin Yuan and   
                Shikai Chen and   
                  Yao Zhang and   
              Zhongchao Shi and   
                   Xin Geng and   
               Jianping Fan and   
                       Yong Rui   Graph Attention Transformer Network for
                                  Multi-label Image Classification . . . . 150:1--150:??
                 Guojia Hou and   
                  Yuxuan Li and   
                  Huan Yang and   
                 Kunqian Li and   
                   Zhenkuan Pan   UID2021: an Underwater Image Dataset for
                                  Evaluation of No-Reference Quality
                                  Assessment Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . 151:1--151:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 19, Number 5, September, 2023

            Niklas Carlsson and   
                    Derek Eager   Cross-User Similarities in Viewing
                                  Behavior for 360${}^\circ $ Video and
                                  Caching Implications . . . . . . . . . . 152:1--152:??
                 Ziqiang Li and   
                Pengfei Xia and   
                    Xue Rui and   
                         Bin Li   Exploring the Effect of High-frequency
                                  Components in GANs Training  . . . . . . 153:1--153:??
                Haibing Yin and   
               Hongkui Wang and   
                      Li Yu and   
               Junhui Liang and   
                  Guangtao Zhai   Feedforward and Feedback Modulations
                                  Based Foveated JND Estimation for Images 154:1--154:??
                Taocun Yang and   
               Yaping Huang and   
                 Yanlin Xie and   
                  Junbo Liu and   
                 Shengchun Wang   MixOOD: Improving Out-of-distribution
                                  Detection with Enhanced Data Mixup . . . 155:1--155:??
                    Hao Wei and   
                       Rui Chen   A Multi-Level Consistency Network for
                                  High-Fidelity Virtual Try-On . . . . . . 156:1--156:??
               Jiachang Hao and   
                Haifeng Sun and   
                Pengfei Ren and   
               Yiming Zhong and   
                Jingyu Wang and   
                      Qi Qi and   
                   Jianxin Liao   Fine-Grained Text-to-Video Temporal
                                  Grounding from Coarse Boundary . . . . . 157:1--157:??
                  Weixin Li and   
               Tiantian Cao and   
                  Chang Liu and   
                   Xue Tian and   
                      Ya Li and   
               Xiaojie Wang and   
                      Xuan Dong   Dual-Lens HDR using Guided $3$D Exposure
                                  CNN and Guided Denoising Transformer . . 158:1--158:??
                   Xin Yang and   
                 Hengrui Li and   
               Xiaochuan Li and   
                         Tao Li   HIFGAN: a High-Frequency
                                  Information-Based Generative Adversarial
                                  Network for Image Super-Resolution . . . 159:1--159:??
                        Yang Li   Detection of Moving Object Using
                                  Superpixel Fusion Network  . . . . . . . 160:1--160:??
                Yingwei Pan and   
                   Yehao Li and   
                   Ting Yao and   
                        Tao Mei   Bottom-up and Top-down Object Inference
                                  Networks for Image Captioning  . . . . . 161:1--161:??
                Duoduo Feng and   
               Xiangteng He and   
                     Yuxin Peng   MKVSE: Multimodal Knowledge Enhanced
                                  Visual-semantic Embedding for Image-text
                                  Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162:1--162:??
                Mengyi Zhao and   
                   Hao Tang and   
                    Pan Xie and   
                Shuling Dai and   
                  Nicu Sebe and   
                       Wei Wang   Bidirectional Transformer GAN for
                                  Long-term Human Motion Prediction  . . . 163:1--163:??
                  Jian Wang and   
                 Qiang Ling and   
                      Peiyan Li   Robust Video Stabilization based on
                                  Motion Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . 164:1--164:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 19, Number 5s, October, 2023

           Pasi Fränti and   
                    Nancy Fazal   Design Principles for Content Creation
                                  in Location-Based Games  . . . . . . . . 165:1--165:??
              Chenchi Zhang and   
                   Wenbo Ma and   
                   Jun Xiao and   
              Hanwang Zhang and   
                  Jian Shao and   
             Yueting Zhuang and   
                      Long Chen   VL-NMS: Breaking Proposal Bottlenecks in
                                  Two-stage Visual-language Matching . . . 166:1--166:??
        Micha\l Ma\'ckowski and   
               Piotr Brzoza and   
            Mateusz Kawulok and   
              Rafa\l Meisel and   
               Dominik Spinczyk   Multimodal Presentation of Interactive
                                  Audio-Tactile Graphics Supporting the
                                  Perception of Visual Information by
                                  Blind People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167:1--167:??
                    Xin Man and   
                   Jie Shao and   
                 Feiyu Chen and   
             Mingxing Zhang and   
                  Heng Tao Shen   TEVL: Trilinear Encoder for
                                  Video-language Representation Learning   168:1--168:??
               Simone Ricci and   
           Tiberio Uricchio and   
              Alberto Del Bimbo   Meta-learning Advisor Networks for
                                  Long-tail and Noisy Labels in Social
                                  Image Classification . . . . . . . . . . 169:1--169:??
                    Chen Li and   
                    Li Song and   
                   Rong Xie and   
                   Wenjun Zhang   Local Bidirection Recurrent Network for
                                  Efficient Video Deblurring with the
                                  Fused Temporal Merge Module  . . . . . . 170:1--170:??
                Tian-Zi Niu and   
              Zhen-Duo Chen and   
                    Xin Luo and   
             Peng-Fei Zhang and   
                   Zi Huang and   
                    Xin-Shun Xu   Video Captioning by Learning from Global
                                  Sentence and Looking Ahead . . . . . . . 171:1--171:??
                  Yang Wang and   
                    Bo Dong and   
                      Ke Xu and   
                Haiyin Piao and   
                 Yufei Ding and   
                 Baocai Yin and   
                       Xin Yang   A Geometrical Approach to Evaluate the
                                  Adversarial Robustness of Deep Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172:1--172:??
             Suncheng Xiang and   
                Dahong Qian and   
              Mengyuan Guan and   
                 Binjie Yan and   
                   Ting Liu and   
                  Yuzhuo Fu and   
                    Guanjie You   Less Is More: Learning from Synthetic
                                  Data with Fine-Grained Attributes for
                                  Person Re-Identification . . . . . . . . 173:1--173:??
            Matti Siekkinen and   
Teemu Kämäräinen   Neural Network Assisted Depth Map
                                  Packing for Compression Using Standard
                                  Hardware Video Codecs  . . . . . . . . . 174:1--174:??
 Bianca Jansen van Rensburg and   
            Pauline Puteaux and   
              William Puech and   
            Jean-Pierre Pedeboy   $3$D Object Watermarking from Data
                                  Hiding in the Homomorphic Encrypted
                                  Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175:1--175:??
                    Hao Liu and   
              Xiaoshan Yang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Counterfactual Scenario-relevant
                                  Knowledge-enriched Multi-modal Emotion
                                  Reasoning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176:1--176:??
             Melika Ayoughi and   
              Pascal Mettes and   
                     Paul Groth   Self-contained Entity Discovery from
                                  Captioned Videos . . . . . . . . . . . . 177:1--177:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 19, Number 6, November, 2023

                    Jin Xie and   
                Yanwei Pang and   
                   Jing Pan and   
                   Jing Nie and   
                  Jiale Cao and   
                    Jungong Han   Complementary Feature Pyramid Network
                                  for Object Detection . . . . . . . . . . 178:1--178:??
                Tianyi Wang and   
                Harry Cheng and   
               Kam Pui Chow and   
                    Liqiang Nie   Deep Convolutional Pooling Transformer
                                  for Deepfake Detection . . . . . . . . . 179:1--179:??
         Patrick P. K. Chan and   
                 Xiaoman Hu and   
                Haorui Song and   
                  Peng Peng and   
                      Keke Chen   Learning Disentangled Features for
                                  Person Re-identification under Clothes
                                  Changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180:1--180:??
               Rongfei Zeng and   
                     Mai Su and   
                  Ruiyun Yu and   
                   Xingwei Wang   CD$^2$: Fine-grained $3$D Mesh
                                  Reconstruction with Twice Chamfer
                                  Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181:1--181:??
                Tian-Zi Niu and   
             Shan-Shan Dong and   
              Zhen-Duo Chen and   
                    Xin Luo and   
               Shanqing Guo and   
                   Zi Huang and   
                    Xin-Shun Xu   Semantic Enhanced Video Captioning with
                                  Multi-feature Fusion . . . . . . . . . . 182:1--182:??
                     Kun Li and   
                  Jiaxiu Li and   
                    Dan Guo and   
                   Xun Yang and   
                      Meng Wang   Transformer-Based Visual Grounding with
                                  Cross-Modality Interaction . . . . . . . 183:1--183:??
                Jiayuan Xie and   
                 Jiali Chen and   
                     Yi Cai and   
              Qingbao Huang and   
                        Qing Li   Visual Paraphrase Generation with Key
                                  Information Retained . . . . . . . . . . 184:1--184:??
              Bingzheng Liu and   
                Jianjun Lei and   
                    Bo Peng and   
                 Chuanbo Yu and   
                 Wanqing Li and   
                       Nam Ling   Novel View Synthesis from a Single
                                  Unposed Image via Unsupervised Learning  186:1--186:??
             Mingliang Zhou and   
               Hongyue Leng and   
                   Bin Fang and   
                  Tao Xiang and   
                 Xuekai Wei and   
                     Weijia Jia   Low-light Image Enhancement via a
                                  Frequency-based Model with Structure and
                                  Texture Decomposition  . . . . . . . . . 187:1--187:??
              Hongguang Zhu and   
                Yunchao Wei and   
                   Yao Zhao and   
              Chunjie Zhang and   
                  Shujuan Huang   AMC: Adaptive Multi-expert Collaborative
                                  Network for Text-guided Image Retrieval  188:1--188:??
           Tomaso Fontanini and   
                Luca Donati and   
           Massimo Bertozzi and   
                   Andrea Prati   Unsupervised Discovery and Manipulation
                                  of Continuous Disentangled Factors of
                                  Variation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189:1--189:??
               Puneet Kumar and   
               Gaurav Bhatt and   
                Omkar Ingle and   
                Daksh Goyal and   
          Balasubramanian Raman   Affective Feedback Synthesis Towards
                                  Multimodal Text and Image Data . . . . . 190:1--190:??
                   Yikun Xu and   
               Xingxing Wei and   
                Pengwen Dai and   
                   Xiaochun Cao   A$^2$SC: Adversarial Attacks on Subspace
                                  Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191:1--191:??
               Xianhua Zeng and   
               Saiyuan Chen and   
                  Yicai Xie and   
                  Tianxing Liao   3V3D: Three-View Contextual Cross-slice
                                  Difference Three-dimensional Medical
                                  Image Segmentation Adversarial Network   192:1--192:??
         Federico Becattini and   
             Pietro Bongini and   
                Luana Bulla and   
          Alberto Del Bimbo and   
         Ludovica Marinucci and   
         Misael Mongiov\`\i and   
             Valentina Presutti   VISCOUNTH: a Large-scale Multilingual
                                  Visual Question Answering Dataset for
                                  Cultural Heritage  . . . . . . . . . . . 193:1--193:??
                Wei-Yen Hsu and   
                   Pei-Wen Jian   Recurrent Multi-scale
                                  Approximation-Guided Network for Single
                                  Image Super-Resolution . . . . . . . . . 194:1--194:??
                      Bo Li and   
                 Yong Zhang and   
            Chengyang Zhang and   
               Xinglin Piao and   
                     Baocai Yin   Hypergraph Association Weakly Supervised
                                  Crowd Counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195:1--195:??
                 Yichun Tai and   
                 Hailin Shi and   
                   Dan Zeng and   
                    Hang Du and   
                    Yibo Hu and   
              Zicheng Zhang and   
             Zhijiang Zhang and   
                        Tao Mei   Multi-Agent Semi-Siamese Training for
                                  Long-Tail and Shallow Face Learning  . . 196:1--196:??
                     Rui Li and   
              Baopeng Zhang and   
                    Wei Liu and   
                   Zhu Teng and   
                   Jianping Fan   PANet: an End-to-end Network Based on
                                  Relative Motion for Online Multi-object
                                  Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197:1--197:??
                    Ye Yuan and   
                   Jiawan Zhang   Shot Boundary Detection Using Color
                                  Clustering and Attention Mechanism . . . 198:1--198:??
                 Cong Huang and   
               Xiulian Peng and   
                   Dong Liu and   
                         Yan Lu   Text Image Super-Resolution Guided by
                                  Text Structure and Embedding Priors  . . 199:1--199:??
                    Jie Zhu and   
                    Bo Peng and   
                 Wanqing Li and   
               Haifeng Shen and   
             Qingming Huang and   
                    Jianjun Lei   Modeling Long-range Dependencies and
                                  Epipolar Geometry for Multi-view Stereo  200:1--200:??
                Xiumei Chen and   
             Xiangtao Zheng and   
                   Xiaoqiang Lu   Identity Feature Disentanglement for
                                  Visible-Infrared Person
                                  Re-Identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 201:1--201:??
                 Zhenyu Shu and   
                   Ling Gao and   
                    Shun Yi and   
                  Fangyu Wu and   
                   Xin Ding and   
                   Ting Wan and   
                    Shiqing Xin   Context-Aware $3$D Points of Interest
                                  Detection via Spatial Attention
                                  Mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202:1--202:??
                  Zhen Chen and   
                  Ming Yang and   
                 Shiliang Zhang   Complementary Coarse-to-Fine Matching
                                  for Video Object Segmentation  . . . . . 203:1--203:??
         Kankanala Srinivas and   
          Ashish Kumar Bhandari   Context-Based Novel Histogram Bin
                                  Stretching Algorithm for Automatic
                                  Contrast Enhancement . . . . . . . . . . 204:1--204:??
               Zhenjun Tang and   
               Zhiyuan Chen and   
                  Zhixin Li and   
               Bineng Zhong and   
             Xianquan Zhang and   
                  Xinpeng Zhang   Unifying Dual-Attention and Siamese
                                  Transformer Network for Full-Reference
                                  Image Quality Assessment . . . . . . . . 205:1--205:??
                  Geyu Tang and   
                 Xingyu Gao and   
                    Zhenyu Chen   Learning Semantic Representation on
                                  Visual Attribute Graph for Person
                                  Re-identification and Beyond . . . . . . 206:1--206:??
                 Zijun Deng and   
               Xiangteng He and   
                     Yuxin Peng   LFR-GAN: Local Feature Refinement based
                                  Generative Adversarial Network for
                                  Text-to-Image Generation . . . . . . . . 207:1--207:??
                Yongchao Du and   
                   Min Wang and   
                  Zhenbo Lu and   
               Wengang Zhou and   
                    Houqiang Li   Weakly Supervised Hashing with
                                  Reconstructive Cross-modal Attention . . 208:1--208:??
                  Meng Wang and   
                 Jizheng Xu and   
                   Li Zhang and   
                   Junru Li and   
                  Kai Zhang and   
                 Shiqi Wang and   
                       Siwei Ma   Compressed Screen Content Image Super
                                  Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209:1--209:??
                 Boqiang Xu and   
                 Jian Liang and   
                Lingxiao He and   
                  Jinlin Wu and   
                   Chao Fan and   
                     Zhenan Sun   Color-Unrelated Head-Shoulder Networks
                                  for Fine-Grained Person
                                  Re-identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 210:1--210:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 20, Number 1, January, 2024

                  Zhenbo Xu and   
                Hai-Miao Hu and   
                    Liu Liu and   
             Dongping Zhang and   
              Shifeng Zhang and   
                    Wenming Tan   Instance-Based Continual Learning: a
                                  Real-World Dataset and Baseline for
                                  Fresh Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1--1:??
             Xiaoping Liang and   
               Zhenjun Tang and   
                  Zhixin Li and   
                 Mengzhu Yu and   
               Hanyun Zhang and   
                 Xianquan Zhang   Robust Hashing via Global and Local
                                  Invariant Features for Image Copy
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1--2:??
             Sandipan Sarma and   
                     Arijit Sur   DiRaC-I: Identifying Diverse and Rare
                                  Training Classes for Zero-Shot Learning  3:1--3:??
              Chengyu Zheng and   
                  Ning Song and   
                Ruoyu Zhang and   
                  Lei Huang and   
               Zhiqiang Wei and   
                        Jie Nie   Scale-Semantic Joint Decoupling Network
                                  for Image-Text Retrieval in Remote
                                  Sensing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1--4:??
                 Jiankai Li and   
               Yunhong Wang and   
                      Weixin Li   Zero-shot Scene Graph Generation via
                                  Triplet Calibration and Reduction  . . . 5:1--5:??
                Abid Yaqoob and   
           Gabriel-Miro Muntean   Advanced Predictive Tile Selection Using
                                  Dynamic Tiling for Prioritized
                                  360${}^\circ $ Video VR Streaming  . . . 6:1--6:??
                   Jia Wang and   
             Hong-Han Shuai and   
                Yung-Hui Li and   
                Wen-Huang Cheng   Language-guided Residual Graph Attention
                                  Network and Data Augmentation for Visual
                                  Grounding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1--7:??
                Haoran Wang and   
                 Yajie Wang and   
                Baosheng Yu and   
                Yibing Zhan and   
              Chunfeng Yuan and   
                    Wankou Yang   Attentional Composition Networks for
                                  Long-Tailed Human Action Recognition . . 8:1--8:??
              Zi-Chao Zhang and   
              Zhen-Duo Chen and   
                Zhen-Yu Xie and   
                    Xin Luo and   
                    Xin-Shun Xu   S3Mix: Same Category Same Semantics
                                  Mixing for Augmenting Fine-grained
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1--9:??
                Mingkui Tan and   
                Zhiquan Wen and   
                Leyuan Fang and   
                          Qi Wu   Transformer-Based Relational Inference
                                  Network for Complex Visual Relational
                                  Reasoning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1--10:??
                Yiming Yang and   
                 Weipeng Hu and   
                     Haifeng Hu   Syncretic Space Learning Network for
                                  NIR-VIS Face Recognition . . . . . . . . 11:1--11:??
                Chenghua Li and   
                  Zongze Li and   
                   Jing Sun and   
                  Yun Zhang and   
             Xiaoping Jiang and   
                      Fan Zhang   Dynamic Weighted Gradient Reversal
                                  Network for Visible-infrared Person
                                  Re-identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1--12:??
                Jiajun Song and   
                    Zhuo Li and   
                Weiqing Min and   
                 Shuqiang Jiang   Towards Food Image Retrieval via
                                  Generalization-Oriented Sampling and
                                  Loss Function Design . . . . . . . . . . 13:1--13:??
                 Yiting Jin and   
                     Jie Wu and   
              Wanliang Wang and   
                 Yidong Yan and   
               Jiawei Jiang and   
                  Jianwei Zheng   Cascading Blend Network for Image
                                  Inpainting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:1--14:??
                  Kehua Guo and   
                 Liang Chen and   
              Xiangyuan Zhu and   
                Xiaoyan Kui and   
                 Jian Zhang and   
                     Heyuan Shi   Double-Layer Search and Adaptive Pooling
                                  Fusion for Reference-Based Image
                                  Super-Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1--15:??
                  Jing Zhao and   
                     Bin Li and   
                  Jiahao Li and   
               Ruiqin Xiong and   
                         Yan Lu   A Universal Optimization Framework for
                                  Learning-based Image Codec . . . . . . . 16:1--16:??
               Liping Zhang and   
                Shukai Chen and   
                    Fei Lin and   
                    Wei Ren and   
     Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo and   
                     Geyong Min   $1$DIEN: Cross-session Electrocardiogram
                                  Authentication Using $1$D Integrated
                                  EfficientNet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17:1--17:??
                 Baian Chen and   
                Zhilei Chen and   
                 Xiaowei Hu and   
                     Jun Xu and   
                 Haoran Xie and   
                   Jing Qin and   
                  Mingqiang Wei   Dynamic Message Propagation Network for
                                  RGB-D and Video Salient Object Detection 18:1--18:??
                  Xiang Gao and   
                     Wei Hu and   
                     Guo-Jun Qi   Self-supervised Multi-view Learning via
                                  Auto-encoding $3$D Transformations . . . 19:1--19:??
                Dewang Wang and   
                 Gaobo Yang and   
                Zhiqing Guo and   
                     Jiyou Chen   Enhancing Adversarial Embedding based
                                  Image Steganography via Clustering
                                  Modification Directions  . . . . . . . . 20:1--20:??
               Xiaojia Zhao and   
                Tingting Xu and   
            Qiangqiang Shen and   
                  Youfa Liu and   
              Yongyong Chen and   
                    Jingyong Su   Double High-Order Correlation Preserved
                                  Robust Multi-View Ensemble Clustering    21:1--21:??
                   Shuji Tasaka   Usefulness of QoS in Multidimensional
                                  QoE Prediction for Haptic-Audiovisual
                                  Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22:1--22:??
            Ching-Nung Yang and   
                Xiaotian Wu and   
                 Min-Jung Chung   Enhancement of Information Carrying and
                                  Decoding for Visual Cryptography with
                                  Error Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . 23:1--23:??
               Yuqing Zhang and   
                 Yong Zhang and   
               Shaofan Wang and   
                  Yun Liang and   
                     Baocai Yin   Semi-supervised Video Object
                                  Segmentation Via an Edge Attention Gated
                                  Graph Convolutional Network  . . . . . . 24:1--24:??
                Wenying Wen and   
              Minghui Huang and   
                Yushu Zhang and   
                Yuming Fang and   
                      Yifan Zuo   Visual Security Index Combining CNN and
                                  Filter for Perceptually Encrypted Light
                                  Field Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25:1--25:??
                 Linlin Liu and   
               Haijun Zhang and   
                     Qun Li and   
               Jianghong Ma and   
                     Zhao Zhang   Collocated Clothing Synthesis with GANs
                                  Aided by Textual Information: a
                                  Multi-Modal Framework  . . . . . . . . . 26:1--26:??
                  Xulei Lou and   
                 Tinghui Wu and   
                 Haifeng Hu and   
                      Dihu Chen   Self-Supervised Consistency Based on
                                  Joint Learning for Unsupervised Person
                                  Re-identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 27:1--27:??
                Yichi Zhang and   
              Gongchun Ding and   
                Dandan Ding and   
                    Zhan Ma and   
                         Zhu Li   On Content-Aware Post-Processing:
                                  Adapting Statistically Learned Models to
                                  Dynamic Content  . . . . . . . . . . . . 28:1--28:??
                    Jing Xu and   
                   Bing Liu and   
                  Yong Zhou and   
               Mingming Liu and   
                    Rui Yao and   
                    Zhiwen Shao   Diverse Image Captioning via Conditional
                                  Variational Autoencoder and Dual
                                  Contrastive Learning . . . . . . . . . . 29:1--29:??
                   Cong Zou and   
                   Rui Wang and   
                  Cheng Jin and   
                Sanyi Zhang and   
                       Xin Wang   S$^2$CL-LeafNet: Recognizing Leaf Images
                                  Like Human Botanists . . . . . . . . . . 30:1--30:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 20, Number 2, February, 2024

            Suyel Namasudra and   
              Pascal Lorenz and   
            Seifedine Kadry and   
        Syed Ahmad Chan Bukhari   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  DNA-centric Modeling and Practice for
                                  Next-generation Computing and
                                  Communication Systems  . . . . . . . . . 31:1--31:??
                Shaohua Wan and   
                     Yi Jin and   
               Guangdong Xu and   
                  Michele Nappi   Editorial to Special Issue on Multimedia
                                  Cognitive Computing for Intelligent
                                  Transportation System  . . . . . . . . . 32:1--32:??
                Ruonan Zhao and   
           Laurence T. Yang and   
                  Debin Liu and   
                   Wanli Lu and   
                 Chenlu Zhu and   
                    Yiheng Ruan   Tensor-Empowered LSTM for
                                  Communication-Efficient and
                                  Privacy-Enhanced Cognitive Federated
                                  Learning in Intelligent Transportation
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33:1--33:??
               Hongjian Shi and   
                   Hao Wang and   
                   Ruhui Ma and   
                   Yang Hua and   
                   Tao Song and   
                Honghao Gao and   
                   Haibing Guan   Robust Searching-Based Gradient
                                  Collaborative Management in Intelligent
                                  Transportation System  . . . . . . . . . 34:1--34:??
                 Zejia Weng and   
                  Zuxuan Wu and   
                 Hengduo Li and   
              Jingjing Chen and   
                  Yu-Gang Jiang   HCMS: Hierarchical and Conditional
                                  Modality Selection for Efficient Video
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35:1--35:??
             Shixiong Zhang and   
                Wenmin Wang and   
                 Honglei Li and   
                 Shenyong Zhang   E-detector: Asynchronous Spatio-temporal
                                  for Event-based Object Detection in
                                  Intelligent Transportation System  . . . 36:1--36:??
           Ram Prasad Padhy and   
            Pankaj Kumar Sa and   
             Fabio Narducci and   
             Carmen Bisogni and   
                  Sambit Bakshi   Monocular Vision-aided Depth Measurement
                                  from RGB Images for Autonomous UAV
                                  Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37:1--37:??
                  Zhihan Lv and   
               Fabio Poiesi and   
                    Qi Dong and   
               Jaime Lloret and   
                   Houbing Song   Special Issue on Deep Learning for
                                  Intelligent Human Computer Interaction   38:1--38:??
               Wenjuan Gong and   
                  Yue Zhang and   
                   Wei Wang and   
                 Peng Cheng and   
               Jordi Gonz\`alez   Meta-MMFNet: Meta-learning-based
                                  Multi-model Fusion Network for
                                  Micro-expression Recognition . . . . . . 39:1--39:??
            Youcef Djenouri and   
               Asma Belhadi and   
          Gautam Srivastava and   
             Jerry Chun-Wei Lin   An Efficient and Accurate GPU-based Deep
                                  Learning Model for Multimedia
                                  Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40:1--40:??
              Gaur Loveleen and   
             Bhandari Mohan and   
      Bhadwal Singh Shikhar and   
                 Jhanjhi Nz and   
      Mohammad Shorfuzzaman and   
                   Mehedi Masud   Explanation-Driven HCI Model to Examine
                                  the Mini-Mental State for Alzheimer's
                                  Disease  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41:1--41:??
                      Mi Li and   
                  Wei Zhang and   
                     Bin Hu and   
               Jiaming Kang and   
                  Yuqi Wang and   
                     Shengfu Lu   Automatic Assessment of Depression and
                                  Anxiety through Encoding Pupil-wave from
                                  HCI in VR Scenes . . . . . . . . . . . . 42:1--42:??
               Abdul Qayyum and   
               Imran Razzak and   
                 M. Tanveer and   
                   Moona Mazher   Spontaneous Facial Behavior Analysis
                                  Using Deep Transformer-based Framework
                                  for Child-computer Interaction . . . . . 43:1--43:??
               Xiaowei Chen and   
                 Xiao Jiang and   
              Lishuang Zhan and   
                 Shihui Guo and   
              Qunsheng Ruan and   
               Guoliang Luo and   
              Minghong Liao and   
                     Yipeng Qin   Full-body Human Motion Reconstruction
                                  with Sparse Joint Tracking Using
                                  Flexible Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . 44:1--44:??
               Shanbao Qiao and   
              Neal N. Xiong and   
                Yongbin Gao and   
                Zhijun Fang and   
                  Wenjun Yu and   
                 Juan Zhang and   
                  Xiaoyan Jiang   Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and
                                  Ego-Motion for $3$D Perception in Human
                                  Computer Interaction . . . . . . . . . . 45:1--45:??
                   Yan Kang and   
                     Bin Pu and   
                 Yongqi Kou and   
                   Yun Yang and   
               Jianguo Chen and   
              Khan Muhammad and   
                    Po Yang and   
                    Lida Xu and   
                 Mohammad Hijji   A Deep Graph Network with Multiple
                                  Similarity for User Clustering in
                                  Human-Computer Interaction . . . . . . . 46:1--46:??
               Bahar Mahmud and   
                  Guan Hong and   
                   Bernard Fong   A Study of Human--AI Symbiosis for
                                  Creative Work: Recent Developments and
                                  Future Directions in Deep Learning . . . 47:1--47:??
                Xiaoling Gu and   
                  Jie Huang and   
              Yongkang Wong and   
                     Jun Yu and   
               Jianping Fan and   
                   Pai Peng and   
           Mohan S. Kankanhalli   PAINT: Photo-realistic Fashion Design
                                  Synthesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48:1--48:??
               Qingfeng Dai and   
              Yongkang Wong and   
                 Guofei Sun and   
                Yanwei Wang and   
                  Zhou Zhou and   
       Mohan S. Kankanhalli and   
               Xiangdong Li and   
                   Weidong Geng   Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Causal
                                  Learning for Biometric Signal-based HCI  49:1--49:??
                    Yi Xiao and   
                   Tong Liu and   
                     Yu Han and   
                    Yue Liu and   
                  Yongtian Wang   Realtime Recognition of Dynamic Hand
                                  Gestures in Practical Applications . . . 50:1--50:??
               Jianping Gou and   
                 Liyuan Sun and   
                Baosheng Yu and   
                Shaohua Wan and   
                    Dacheng Tao   Hierarchical Multi-Attention Transfer
                                  for Knowledge Distillation . . . . . . . 51:1--51:??
            Subhrajyoti Deb and   
               Abhilash Das and   
                   Nirmalya Kar   An Applied Image Cryptosystem on Moore's
                                  Automaton Operating on $ \delta (q_k) /
                                  F_2 $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52:1--52:??
                   Sisi You and   
                  Yukun Zuo and   
                 Hantao Yao and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Incremental Audio-Visual Fusion for
                                  Person Recognition in Earthquake Scene   53:1--53:??
                  Shiqi Sun and   
               Danlan Huang and   
               Xiaoming Tao and   
              Chengkang Pan and   
                Guangyi Liu and   
                  Changwen Chen   Boosting Scene Graph Generation with
                                  Contextual Information . . . . . . . . . 54:1--54:??
              Jianwei Zheng and   
                     Yu Liu and   
                Yuchao Feng and   
                 Honghui Xu and   
                    Meiyu Zhang   Contrastive Attention-guided Multi-level
                                  Feature Registration for Reference-based
                                  Super-resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . 55:1--55:??
                 Shangxi Wu and   
                 Jitao Sang and   
                  Kaiyan Xu and   
              Guanhua Zheng and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Adaptive Adversarial Logits Pairing  . . 56:1--56:??
                  Ying Chen and   
                    Rui Yao and   
                  Yong Zhou and   
                 Jiaqi Zhao and   
                   Bing Liu and   
         Abdulmotaleb El Saddik   Black-box Attack against Self-supervised
                                  Video Object Segmentation Models with
                                  Contrastive Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . 57:1--57:??
               Shuang Liang and   
                  Wentao Ma and   
                        Chi Xie   Relation with Free Objects for Action
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58:1--58:??
                 Qiaolin He and   
               Zhijie Zheng and   
                     Haifeng Hu   A Feature Map is Worth a Video Frame:
                                  Rethinking Convolutional Features for
                                  Visible-Infrared Person
                                  Re-identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 59:1--59:??
              Wuliang Huang and   
               Yiqiang Chen and   
              Xinlong Jiang and   
                 Teng Zhang and   
                      Qian Chen   GJFusion: a Channel-Level Correlation
                                  Construction Method for Multimodal
                                  Physiological Signal Fusion  . . . . . . 60:1--60:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 20, Number 3, March, 2024

               Chengji Shen and   
              Zhenjiang Liu and   
                    Xin Gao and   
                Zunlei Feng and   
                    Mingli Song   Self-Adaptive Clothing Mapping Based
                                  Virtual Try-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61:1--61:??
           Alberto Baldrati and   
              Marco Bertini and   
           Tiberio Uricchio and   
              Alberto Del Bimbo   Composed Image Retrieval using
                                  Contrastive Learning and Task-oriented
                                  CLIP-based Features  . . . . . . . . . . 62:1--62:??
                   Yan Wang and   
                   Peize Li and   
                  Qingyi Si and   
               Hanwen Zhang and   
                 Wenyu Zang and   
                  Zheng Lin and   
                        Peng Fu   Cross-modality Multiple Relations
                                  Learning for Knowledge-based Visual
                                  Question Answering . . . . . . . . . . . 63:1--63:??
                  Qiang Guo and   
                  Zhi Zhang and   
             Mingliang Zhou and   
                   Hong Yue and   
                  Huayan Pu and   
                        Jun Luo   Image Defogging Based on Regional
                                  Gradient Constrained Prior . . . . . . . 64:1--64:??
                 Jintao Guo and   
                     Lei Qi and   
               Yinghuan Shi and   
                       Yang Gao   PLACE Dropout: a Progressive Layer-wise
                                  and Channel-wise Dropout for Domain
                                  Generalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65:1--65:??
                 Yuan Xiong and   
                Jingru Wang and   
                     Zhong Zhou   VirtualLoc: Large-scale Visual
                                  Localization Using Virtual Images  . . . 66:1--66:??
               Yiheng Zhang and   
                   Ting Yao and   
                Zhaofan Qiu and   
                        Tao Mei   Explaining Cross-domain Recognition with
                                  Interpretable Deep Classifier  . . . . . 67:1--67:??
                Ruimin Wang and   
               Fasheng Wang and   
                  Yiming Su and   
                   Jing Sun and   
                 Fuming Sun and   
                      Haojie Li   Attention-guided Multi-modality
                                  Interaction Network for RGB-D Salient
                                  Object Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . 68:1--68:??
                Jemily Rime and   
           Alan Archer-Boyd and   
                    Tom Collins   How Will You Pod? Implications of
                                  Creators' Perspectives for Designing
                                  Innovative Podcasting Tools  . . . . . . 69:1--69:??
                    Ming Cheung   Learning from the Past: Fast NAS for
                                  Tasks and Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . 70:1--70:??
                  Xinyue Li and   
                 Haiyong Xu and   
               Gangyi Jiang and   
                     Mei Yu and   
                   Ting Luo and   
                Xuebo Zhang and   
                   Hongwei Ying   Underwater Image Quality Assessment from
                                  Synthetic to Real-world: Dataset and
                                  Objective Method . . . . . . . . . . . . 71:1--71:??
                 Sujuan Hou and   
                Jiacheng Li and   
                Weiqing Min and   
                  Qiang Hou and   
                 Yanna Zhao and   
              Yuanjie Zheng and   
                 Shuqiang Jiang   Deep Learning for Logo Detection: a
                                  Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72:1--72:??
                Yunjie Peng and   
                  Jinlin Wu and   
                 Boqiang Xu and   
               Chunshui Cao and   
                     Xu Liu and   
                 Zhenan Sun and   
                    Zhiqiang He   Deep Learning Based Occluded Person
                                  Re-Identification: a Survey  . . . . . . 73:1--73:??
    Muhammad Arslan Manzoor and   
              Sarah Albarri and   
                Ziting Xian and   
               Zaiqiao Meng and   
              Preslav Nakov and   
                Shangsong Liang   Multimodality Representation Learning: a
                                  Survey on Evolution, Pretraining and Its
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74:1--74:??
                 Yanyan Shi and   
                Shaowu Yang and   
               Wenjing Yang and   
                 Dianxi Shi and   
                      Xuehui Li   Boosting Few-shot Object Detection with
                                  Discriminative Representation and Class
                                  Margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75:1--75:??
                Harry Cheng and   
               Yangyang Guo and   
                Tianyi Wang and   
                      Qi Li and   
              Xiaojun Chang and   
                    Liqiang Nie   Voice-Face Homogeneity Tells Deepfake    76:1--76:??
                     Jin Ye and   
                   Meng Dan and   
                  Wenchao Jiang   A Visual Sensitivity Aware ABR Algorithm
                                  for DASH via Deep Reinforcement Learning 77:1--77:??
                  Jian Wang and   
                  Xiao Wang and   
                  Guosheng Zhao   Task Recommendation via Heterogeneous
                                  Multi-modal Features and Decision Fusion
                                  in Mobile Crowdsensing . . . . . . . . . 78:1--78:??
                Si-Chao Lei and   
              Yue-Jiao Gong and   
              Xiao-Lin Xiao and   
               Yi-cong Zhou and   
                      Jun Zhang   Boosting Diversity in Visual Search with
                                  Pareto Non-Dominated Re-Ranking  . . . . 79:1--79:??
               Huijie Zhang and   
                      Pu Li and   
                Xiaobai Liu and   
              Xianfeng Yang and   
                          Li An   An Iterative Semi-supervised Approach
                                  with Pixel-wise Contrastive Loss for
                                  Road Extraction in Aerial Images . . . . 80:1--80:??
                  Jing Fang and   
                   Yinbo Yu and   
             Zhongyuan Wang and   
                   Xin Ding and   
                      Ruimin Hu   An Image Arbitrary-Scale
                                  Super-Resolution Network Using
                                  Frequency-domain Information . . . . . . 81:1--81:??
                   Xiao Luo and   
                     Wei Ju and   
                  Yiyang Gu and   
                 Yifang Qin and   
                    Siyu Yi and   
                  Daqing Wu and   
                 Luchen Liu and   
                     Ming Zhang   Toward Effective Semi-supervised Node
                                  Classification with Hybrid Curriculum
                                  Pseudo-labeling  . . . . . . . . . . . . 82:1--82:??
                    Wen Guo and   
                Wuzhou Quan and   
                  Junyu Gao and   
              Tianzhu Zhang and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Feature Disentanglement Network:
                                  Multi-Object Tracking Needs More
                                  Differentiated Features  . . . . . . . . 83:1--83:??
           Mohammed Khaleel and   
                Azeez Idris and   
        Wallapak Tavanapong and   
             Jacob R. Pratt and   
                Junghwan Oh and   
               Piet C. de Groen   VisActive: Visual-concept-based Active
                                  Learning for Image Classification under
                                  Class Imbalance  . . . . . . . . . . . . 84:1--84:??
               Honghua Chen and   
                   Zhiqi Li and   
               Mingqing Wei and   
                       Jun Wang   Geometric and Learning-Based Mesh
                                  Denoising: a Comprehensive Survey  . . . 85:1--85:??
                   Ning Han and   
                 Yawen Zeng and   
                 Chuhao Shi and   
               Guangyi Xiao and   
                   Hao Chen and   
                  Jingjing Chen   BiC-Net: Learning Efficient
                                  Spatio-temporal Relation for Text-Video
                                  Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86:1--86:??
                  Yuan Feng and   
                  Yaojun Hu and   
               Pengfei Fang and   
                  Sheng Liu and   
               Yanhong Yang and   
                 Shengyong Chen   Asymmetric Dual-Decoder U-Net for Joint
                                  Rain and Haze Removal  . . . . . . . . . 87:1--87:??
                  Yurui Xie and   
                      Ling Guan   Sparsity-guided Discriminative Feature
                                  Encoding for Robust Keypoint Detection   88:1--88:??
              Nicolas Beuve and   
          Wassim Hamidouche and   
        Olivier Déforges   Hierarchical Learning and Dummy Triplet
                                  Loss for Efficient Deepfake Detection    89:1--89:??
             Suncheng Xiang and   
                Dahong Qian and   
              Jingsheng Gao and   
                Zirui Zhang and   
                   Ting Liu and   
                      Yuzhuo Fu   Rethinking Person Re-Identification via
                                  Semantic-based Pretraining . . . . . . . 90:1--90:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 20, Number 4, April, 2024

                   Min Peng and   
                Xiaohu Shao and   
                     Yu Shi and   
                 Xiangdong Zhou   Hierarchical Synergy-Enhanced Multimodal
                                  Relational Network for Video Question
                                  Answering  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91:1--91:??
                    Bin Ren and   
                   Hao Tang and   
               Fanyang Meng and   
                Ding Runwei and   
          Philip H. S. Torr and   
                      Nicu Sebe   Cloth Interactive Transformer for
                                  Virtual Try-On . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92:1--92:??
                Xiushan Nie and   
                   Yang Shi and   
                  Ziyu Meng and   
                  Jin Huang and   
                 Weili Guan and   
                     Yilong Yin   Complex Scenario Image Retrieval via
                                  Deep Similarity-aware Hashing  . . . . . 93:1--93:??
                 Jiawei Tan and   
              Hongxing Wang and   
                   Junsong Yuan   Characters Link Shots: Character
                                  Attention Network for Movie Scene
                                  Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94:1--94:??
             Mingliang Zhou and   
                Xinwen Zhao and   
                 Futing Luo and   
                    Jun Luo and   
                  Huayan Pu and   
                      Tao Xiang   Robust RGB-T Tracking via Adaptive
                                  Modality Weight Correlation Filters and
                                  Cross-modality Learning  . . . . . . . . 95:1--95:??
              Zicheng Zhang and   
                    Wei Sun and   
               Yingjie Zhou and   
                    Jun Jia and   
              Zhichao Zhang and   
                   Jing Liu and   
               Xiongkuo Min and   
                  Guangtao Zhai   Subjective and Objective Quality
                                  Assessment for in-the-Wild Computer
                                  Graphics Images  . . . . . . . . . . . . 96:1--96:??
               Shuvendu Roy and   
                     Ali Etemad   Contrastive Learning of View-invariant
                                  Representations for Facial Expressions
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97:1--97:??
                    Jun Liu and   
               Jiantao Zhou and   
                  Haiwei Wu and   
                 Weiwei Sun and   
                     Jinyu Tian   Generating Robust Adversarial Examples
                                  against Online Social Networks (OSNs)    98:1--98:??
                    Tao Yao and   
                    Yiru Li and   
                    Ying Li and   
               Yingying Zhu and   
                  Gang Wang and   
                        Jun Yue   Cross-modal Semantically Augmented
                                  Network for Image-text Matching  . . . . 99:1--99:??
               Ahmed Telili and   
            Sid Ahmed Fezza and   
          Wassim Hamidouche and   
   Hanene F. Z. Brachemi Meftah   2BiVQA: Double Bi-LSTM-based Video
                                  Quality Assessment of UGC Videos . . . . 100:1--100:??
              Hongzhou Chen and   
                Haihan Duan and   
              Maha Abdallah and   
                 Yufeng Zhu and   
               Yonggang Wen and   
     Abdulmotaleb El Saddik and   
                        Wei Cai   Web3 Metaverse: State-of-the-Art and
                                  Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101:1--101:??
                Lilong Wang and   
                 Yunhui Shi and   
                   Jin Wang and   
                Shujun Chen and   
                 Baocai Yin and   
                       Nam Ling   Graph Based Cross-Channel Transform for
                                  Color Image Compression  . . . . . . . . 102:1--102:??
                    Kai Han and   
                     Yu Liu and   
                  Rukai Wei and   
                    Ke Zhou and   
                  Jinhui Xu and   
                       Kun Long   Supervised Hierarchical Online Hashing
                                  for Cross-modal Retrieval  . . . . . . . 103:1--103:??
                  Fengyi Fu and   
             Shancheng Fang and   
               Weidong Chen and   
                   Zhendong Mao   Sentiment-Oriented Transformer-Based
                                  Variational Autoencoder Network for Live
                                  Video Commenting . . . . . . . . . . . . 104:1--104:??
               Yuxiang Peng and   
                   Chong Fu and   
                Guixing Cao and   
                   Wei Song and   
                Junxin Chen and   
                 Chiu-Wing Sham   JPEG-compatible Joint Image Compression
                                  and Encryption Algorithm with File Size
                                  Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105:1--105:??
                Daizong Liu and   
                  Xiaoye Qu and   
              Jianfeng Dong and   
                   Pan Zhou and   
                 Zichuan Xu and   
               Haozhao Wang and   
                    Xing Di and   
                 Weining Lu and   
                       Yu Cheng   Transform-Equivariant Consistency
                                  Learning for Temporal Sentence Grounding 106:1--106:??
                   Yijie Hu and   
                   Bin Dong and   
               Kaizhu Huang and   
                   Lei Ding and   
                   Wei Wang and   
              Xiaowei Huang and   
                  Qiu-Feng Wang   Scene Text Recognition via Dual-path
                                  Network with Shape-driven Attention
                                  Alignment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107:1--107:??
             Rongjiao Liang and   
              Shichao Zhang and   
              Wenzhen Zhang and   
              Guixian Zhang and   
                    Jinyun Tang   Nonlocal Hybrid Network for Long-tailed
                                  Image Classification . . . . . . . . . . 108:1--108:??
                   Piao Shi and   
                     Min Hu and   
                Xuefeng Shi and   
                       Fuji Ren   Deep Modular Co-Attention Shifting
                                  Network for Multimodal Sentiment
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109:1--109:??
                 Jing Zhang and   
                    Dan Guo and   
                   Xun Yang and   
                Peipei Song and   
                      Meng Wang   Visual-linguistic-stylistic Triple
                                  Reward for Cross-lingual Image
                                  Captioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110:1--110:??
               Zhaoyang Jia and   
                     Yan Lu and   
                    Houqiang Li   Exploring Neighbor Correspondence
                                  Matching for Multiple-hypotheses Video
                                  Frame Synthesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 111:1--111:??
                 Sheng Zhou and   
                    Dan Guo and   
                   Xun Yang and   
              Jianfeng Dong and   
                      Meng Wang   Graph Pooling Inference Network for
                                  Text-based VQA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112:1--112:??
                Hengtong Hu and   
                 Lingxi Xie and   
                 Xinyue Huo and   
               Richang Hong and   
                        Qi Tian   One-Bit Supervision for Image
                                  Classification: Problem, Solution, and
                                  Beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113:1--113:??
                  Hang Yuan and   
                    Wei Gao and   
                   Siwei Ma and   
                    Yiqiang Yan   Divide-and-conquer-based RDO-free CU
                                  Partitioning for 8K Video Compression    114:1--114:??
                  Mingyu Li and   
                   Tao Zhou and   
                 Zhuo Huang and   
                  Jian Yang and   
                   Jie Yang and   
                      Chen Gong   Dynamic Weighted Adversarial Learning
                                  for Semi-Supervised Classification under
                                  Intersectional Class Mismatch  . . . . . 115:1--115:??
                  Hui Huang and   
                    Di Xiao and   
                      Jia Liang   Secure Low-complexity Compressive
                                  Sensing with Preconditioning Prior
                                  Regularization Reconstruction  . . . . . 116:1--116:??
             Nathan Clement and   
                Alan Schoen and   
         Arnold Boedihardjo and   
                 Andrew Jenkins   Synthetic Data and Hierarchical Object
                                  Detection in Overhead Imagery  . . . . . 117:1--117:??
                 Jiang Bian and   
                  Xuhong Li and   
                   Tao Wang and   
             Qingzhong Wang and   
                  Jun Huang and   
                   Chen Liu and   
                   Jun Zhao and   
                Feixiang Lu and   
                 Dejing Dou and   
                    Haoyi Xiong   P$^2$ANet: a Large-Scale Benchmark for
                                  Dense Action Detection from Table Tennis
                                  Match Broadcasting Videos  . . . . . . . 118:1--118:??
                 Jifan Yang and   
             Zhongyuan Wang and   
            Guangcheng Wang and   
               Baojin Huang and   
                Yuhong Yang and   
                     Weiping Tu   Auxiliary Information Guided
                                  Self-attention for Image Quality
                                  Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119:1--119:??
              Zhanzhou Feng and   
                 Jiaming Xu and   
                     Lei Ma and   
                 Shiliang Zhang   Efficient Video Transformers via
                                  Spatial-temporal Token Merging for
                                  Action Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . 120:1--120:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 20, Number 5, May, 2024

               Shupei Zhang and   
               Chenqiu Zhao and   
                      Anup Basu   Principal Component Approximation
                                  Network for Image Compression  . . . . . 121:1--121:??
               Tianyu Zhang and   
                Weiqing Min and   
                    Tao Liu and   
             Shuqiang Jiang and   
                       Yong Rui   Toward Egocentric Compositional Action
                                  Anticipation with Adaptive Semantic
                                  Debiasing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122:1--122:??
                     Yu Liu and   
                Mingbo Zhao and   
                 Zhao Zhang and   
                 Yuping Liu and   
                  Shuicheng Yan   Arbitrary Virtual Try-on Network:
                                  Characteristics Preservation and
                                  Tradeoff between Body and Clothing . . . 123:1--123:??
              Shih-Wei Yang and   
             Li-Hsiang Shen and   
             Hong-Han Shuai and   
                   Kai-Ten Feng   CMAF: Cross-Modal Augmentation via
                                  Fusion for Underwater Acoustic Image
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124:1--124:??
               Yazhou Zhang and   
                    Yang Yu and   
               Mengyao Wang and   
                  Min Huang and   
              M. Shamim Hossain   Self-Adaptive Representation Learning
                                  Model for Multi-Modal Sentiment and
                                  Sarcasm Joint Analysis . . . . . . . . . 125:1--125:??
                     Lei Qi and   
                  Peng Dong and   
                  Tan Xiong and   
                    Hui Xue and   
                       Xin Geng   DoubleAUG: Single-domain Generalized
                                  Object Detector in Urban via Color
                                  Perturbation and Dual-style Memory . . . 126:1--126:??
                    Dan Shi and   
                    Lei Zhu and   
                Jingjing Li and   
                Guohua Dong and   
                 Huaxiang Zhang   Incomplete Cross-Modal Retrieval with
                                  Deep Correlation Transfer  . . . . . . . 127:1--127:??
               Xianhua Zeng and   
                 Xinyu Wang and   
                      Yicai Xie   Multiple Pseudo-Siamese Network with
                                  Supervised Contrast Learning for Medical
                                  Multi-modal Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . 128:1--128:??
                   Sisi You and   
                 Hantao Yao and   
               Bing-Kun Bao and   
                  Changsheng Xu   Multi-object Tracking with
                                  Spatial-Temporal Tracklet Association    129:1--129:??
 Gülnaziye Bingöl and   
               Simone Porcu and   
          Alessandro Floris and   
                   Luigi Atzori   QoE Estimation of WebRTC-based
                                  Audio-visual Conversations from Facial
                                  and Speech Features  . . . . . . . . . . 130:1--130:??
                 Heqian Qiu and   
               Hongliang Li and   
                  Qingbo Wu and   
                Hengcan Shi and   
               Lanxiao Wang and   
                Fanman Meng and   
                     Linfeng Xu   Learning Offset Probability Distribution
                                  for Accurate Object Detection  . . . . . 131:1--131:??
          Alessandro Floris and   
               Simone Porcu and   
                   Luigi Atzori   Controlling Media Player with Hands: a
                                  Transformer Approach and a Quality of
                                  Experience Assessment  . . . . . . . . . 132:1--132:??
                  Jingyu Li and   
               Zhendong Mao and   
                     Hao Li and   
               Weidong Chen and   
                 Yongdong Zhang   Exploring Visual Relationships via
                                  Transformer-based Graphs for Enhanced
                                  Image Captioning . . . . . . . . . . . . 133:1--133:??
                    Zeyu Ma and   
                 Siwei Wang and   
                   Xiao Luo and   
                Zhonghui Gu and   
                 Chong Chen and   
                 Jinxing Li and   
             Xian-Sheng Hua and   
                   Guangming Lu   HARR: Learning Discriminative and
                                  High-Quality Hash Codes for Image
                                  Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134:1--134:??
            Chengyang Zhang and   
                 Yong Zhang and   
                      Bo Li and   
               Xinglin Piao and   
                     Baocai Yin   CrowdGraph: Weakly supervised Crowd
                                  Counting via Pure Graph Neural Network   135:1--135:??
                   Jie Wang and   
                Guoqiang Li and   
                    Jie Shi and   
                      Jinwen Xi   Weighted Guided Optional Fusion Network
                                  for RGB-T Salient Object Detection . . . 136:1--136:??
                 Yibo Zhang and   
                 Weiguo Lin and   
                     Junfeng Xu   Joint Audio-Visual Attention with
                                  Contrastive Learning for More General
                                  Deepfake Detection . . . . . . . . . . . 137:1--137:??
                 Depei Wang and   
                 Ruifeng Xu and   
             Lianglun Cheng and   
                   Zhuowei Wang   Knowledge-integrated Multi-modal Movie
                                  Turning Point Identification . . . . . . 138:1--138:??
                 Chunpu Liu and   
              Guanglei Yang and   
               Wangmeng Zuo and   
                    Tianyi Zang   DPDFormer: a Coarse-to-Fine Model for
                                  Monocular Depth Estimation . . . . . . . 139:1--139:??
                 Yunyao Yan and   
              Guoqing Xiang and   
                 Huizhu Jia and   
                   Jie Chen and   
             Xiaofeng Huang and   
                   Xiaodong Xie   Two-Stage Perceptual Quality Oriented
                                  Rate Control Algorithm for HEVC  . . . . 140:1--140:??
                  Zongyi Li and   
                 Yuxuan Shi and   
                 Hefei Ling and   
              Jiazhong Chen and   
                 Boyuan Liu and   
              Runsheng Wang and   
                  Chengxin Zhao   Viewpoint Disentangling and Generation
                                  for Unsupervised Object Re-ID  . . . . . 141:1--141:??
                   Kuai Dai and   
                   Xutao Li and   
                 Huiwei Lin and   
                  Yin Jiang and   
                Xunlai Chen and   
                 Yunming Ye and   
                        Di Xian   TinyPredNet: a Lightweight Framework for
                                  Satellite Image Sequence Prediction  . . 142:1--142:??
                 Yingnan Ma and   
               Chenqiu Zhao and   
              Bingran Huang and   
                  Xudong Li and   
                      Anup Basu   RAST: Restorable Arbitrary Style
                                  Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143:1--143:??
                Wei-Yen Hsu and   
                  Hsien-Wen Lin   Context-detail-aware United Network for
                                  Single Image Deraining . . . . . . . . . 144:1--144:??
                    Yao Liu and   
               Gangfeng Cui and   
                 Jiahui Luo and   
              Xiaojun Chang and   
                       Lina Yao   Two-stream Multi-level Dynamic Point
                                  Transformer for Two-person Interaction
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145:1--145:??
              Chengxin Chen and   
                 Pengyuan Zhang   Modality-collaborative Transformer with
                                  Hybrid Feature Reconstruction for Robust
                                  Emotion Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . 146:1--146:??
              Jiafeng Huang and   
              Tianjun Zhang and   
              Shengjie Zhao and   
                  Lin Zhang and   
                    Yicong Zhou   An Underwater Organism Image Dataset and
                                  a Lightweight Module Designed for Object
                                  Detection Networks . . . . . . . . . . . 147:1--147:??
                   Jing Liu and   
                Litao Shang and   
                  Yuting Su and   
                 Weizhi Nie and   
                    Xin Wen and   
                       Anan Liu   Privacy-preserving Multi-source
                                  Cross-domain Recommendation Based on
                                  Knowledge Graph  . . . . . . . . . . . . 148:1--148:??
                 Xingyu Liu and   
               Zhongyun Hua and   
                  Shuang Yi and   
                Yushu Zhang and   
                    Yicong Zhou   Bi-directional Block Encoding for
                                  Reversible Data Hiding over Encrypted
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149:1--149:??
                    Peng Yi and   
             Zhongyuan Wang and   
                 Laigan Luo and   
                  Kui Jiang and   
                   Zheng He and   
               Junjun Jiang and   
                     Tao Lu and   
                       Jiayi Ma   Omniscient Video Super-Resolution with
                                  Explicit-Implicit Alignment  . . . . . . 150:1--150:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 20, Number 6, June, 2024

           Amit Kumar Singh and   
               Deepa Kundur and   
                    Mauro Conti   Introduction to the Special Issue on
                                  Integrity of Multimedia and Multimodal
                                  Data in Internet of Things . . . . . . . 151:1--151:??
               Wenyuan Yang and   
                Shaocong Wu and   
                Jianwei Fei and   
              Xianwang Zeng and   
                Yuemin Ding and   
                     Zhihua Xia   A Bitcoin-based Secure Outsourcing
                                  Scheme for Optimization Problem in
                                  Multimedia Internet of Things  . . . . . 152:1--152:??
                Qingzhi Liu and   
               Yuchen Huang and   
                Chenglu Jin and   
               Xiaohan Zhou and   
                   Ying Mao and   
              Cagatay Catal and   
                     Long Cheng   Privacy and Integrity Protection for IoT
                                  Multimodal Data Using Machine Learning
                                  and Blockchain . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153:1--153:??
               Simon Jonker and   
            Malthe Jelstrup and   
                Weizhi Meng and   
                   Brooke Lampe   Detecting Post Editing of Multimedia
                                  Images using Transfer Learning and Fine
                                  Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154:1--154:??
             Carmen Bisogni and   
              Lucia Cascone and   
              Michele Nappi and   
                    Chiara Pero   IoT-enabled Biometric Security:
                                  Enhancing Smart Car Safety with
                                  Depth-based Head Pose Estimation . . . . 155:1--155:??
              Saif E. Nouma and   
                Attila A. Yavuz   Trustworthy and Efficient Digital Twins
                                  in Post-Quantum Era with Hybrid
                                  Hardware-Assisted Signatures . . . . . . 156:1--156:??
                     Fan Li and   
              Yanxiang Chen and   
                Haiyang Liu and   
                Zuxing Zhao and   
                Yuanzhi Yao and   
                       Xin Liao   Vocoder Detection of Spoofing Speech
                                  Based on GAN Fingerprints and Domain
                                  Generalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157:1--157:??
                   Jing Gao and   
                    Peng Li and   
           Asif Ali Laghari and   
          Gautam Srivastava and   
     Thippa Reddy Gadekallu and   
                Sidra Abbas and   
                  Jianing Zhang   Incomplete Multiview Clustering via
                                  Semidiscrete Optimal Transport for
                                  Multimedia Data Mining in IoT  . . . . . 158:1--158:??
                 Zhenyu Liu and   
                      Da Li and   
                Xinyu Zhang and   
                Zhang Zhang and   
                 Peng Zhang and   
               Caifeng Shan and   
                    Jungong Han   Pedestrian Attribute Recognition via
                                  Spatio-temporal Relationship Learning
                                  for Visual Surveillance  . . . . . . . . 159:1--159:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 20, Number 7, July, 2024

      Roberto García and   
                 Ana Cediel and   
     Merc\`e Teixidó and   
                       Rosa Gil   Semantics and Non-fungible Tokens for
                                  Copyright Management on the Metaverse
                                  and Beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186:1--186:??
                Tianxiu Xie and   
                   Keke Gai and   
               Liehuang Zhu and   
                  Shuo Wang and   
                   Zijian Zhang   RAC-Chain: an Asynchronous
                                  Consensus-based Cross-chain Approach to
                                  Scalable Blockchain for Metaverse  . . . 187:1--187:??
                Yongjun Ren and   
                 Zhiying Lv and   
              Neal N. Xiong and   
                       Jin Wang   HCNCT: a Cross-chain Interaction Scheme
                                  for the Blockchain-based Metaverse . . . 188:1--188:??
             Shuangmin Chen and   
                     Rui Xu and   
                    Jian Xu and   
                Shiqing Xin and   
                 Changhe Tu and   
              Chenglei Yang and   
                         Lin Lu   QuickCSGModeling: Quick CSG Operations
                                  Based on Fusing Signed Distance Fields
                                  for VR Modeling  . . . . . . . . . . . . 189:1--189:??
               Qinnan Zhang and   
                Zehui Xiong and   
               Jianming Zhu and   
                  Sheng Gao and   
                   Wanting Yang   A Privacy-preserving Auction Mechanism
                                  for Learning Model as an NFT in
                                  Blockchain-driven Metaverse  . . . . . . 190:1--190:??
                   Han Wang and   
                     Hui Li and   
                 Abla Smahi and   
                  Feng Zhao and   
                    Yao Yao and   
           Ching Chuen Chan and   
                 Shiyu Wang and   
               Wenyuan Yang and   
             Shuo-Yen Robert Li   MIS: a Multi-Identifier Management and
                                  Resolution System in the Metaverse . . . 191:1--191:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 20, Number 8, August, 2024

               Jinliang Liu and   
              Zhedong Zheng and   
               Zongxin Yang and   
                        Yi Yang   High Fidelity Makeup via $2$D and $3$D
                                  Identity Preservation Net  . . . . . . . 230:1--230:??
              Junjian Huang and   
                    Hao Ren and   
                 Shulin Liu and   
                   Yong Liu and   
                 Chuanlu Lv and   
                  Jiawen Lu and   
              Changyong Xie and   
                        Hong Lu   Real-Time Attentive Dilated $U$-Net for
                                  Extremely Dark Image Enhancement . . . . 231:1--231:??
               Mingfu Xiong and   
                 Kaikang Hu and   
                 Zhihan Lyu and   
                   Fei Fang and   
             Zhongyuan Wang and   
                  Ruimin Hu and   
                  Khan Muhammad   Inter-camera Identity Discrimination for
                                  Unsupervised Person Re-identification    232:1--232:??
                   Jiaqi Yu and   
                Jinhai Yang and   
                   Hua Yang and   
                 Renjie Pan and   
                Pingrui Lai and   
                  Guangtao Zhai   Psychology-Guided Environment Aware
                                  Network for Discovering Social
                                  Interaction Groups from Videos . . . . . 233:1--233:??
                     Qi Liu and   
                Xinchen Liu and   
                    Kun Liu and   
                 Xiaoyan Gu and   
                         Wu Liu   SigFormer: Sparse Signal-guided
                                  Transformer for Multi-modal Action
                                  Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234:1--234:??
                    Jun Lyu and   
                Shouang Yan and   
              M. Shamim Hossain   DBGAN: Dual Branch Generative
                                  Adversarial Network for Multi-Modal MRI
                                  Translation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235:1--235:??
                Dejun Zhang and   
                 Mian Zhang and   
                Xuefeng Tan and   
                        Jun Liu   Bridging the Domain Gap in Scene Flow
                                  Estimation via Hierarchical Smoothness
                                  Refinement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236:1--236:??
                  Ning Chen and   
              Zhipeng Cheng and   
                  Xuwei Fan and   
                  Zhang Liu and   
             Bangzhen Huang and   
                Yifeng Zhao and   
              Lianfen Huang and   
               Xiaojiang Du and   
                 Mohsen Guizani   Integrated Sensing, Communication, and
                                  Computing for Cost-effective Multimodal
                                  Federated Perception . . . . . . . . . . 237:1--237:??
                 Jiayu Yang and   
               Chunhui Yang and   
                  Fei Xiong and   
                Yongqi Zhai and   
                  Ronggang Wang   Learned Video Compression with Adaptive
                                  Temporal Prior and Decoded Motion-aided
                                  Quality Enhancement  . . . . . . . . . . 238:1--238:??
                Xiaoling Gu and   
                 Junkai Zhu and   
              Yongkang Wong and   
                  Zizhao Wu and   
                     Jun Yu and   
               Jianping Fan and   
              Mohan Kankanhalli   Recurrent Appearance Flow for
                                  Occlusion-Free Virtual Try-On  . . . . . 239:1--239:??
                Yuanjie Lyu and   
               Penggang Qin and   
                    Tong Xu and   
                   Chen Zhu and   
                    Enhong Chen   InteractNet: Social Interaction
                                  Recognition for Semantic-rich Videos . . 240:1--240:??
      Mrinmoy Bhattacharjee and   
    Prasanna Mahadeva S. R. and   
                Prithwijit Guha   Exploration of Speech and Music
                                  Information for Movie Genre
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241:1--241:??
                 Sara Sarto and   
            Marcella Cornia and   
            Lorenzo Baraldi and   
        Alessandro Nicolosi and   
                 Rita Cucchiara   Towards Retrieval-Augmented
                                  Architectures for Image Captioning . . . 242:1--242:??
                Kaihui Yang and   
                 Junwei Han and   
                Guangyu Guo and   
               Chaowei Fang and   
                 Yingzi Fan and   
               Lechao Cheng and   
                  Dingwen Zhang   Progressive Adapting and Pruning:
                                  Domain-Incremental Learning for Saliency
                                  Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243:1--243:??
                    Lv Tang and   
                  Xinfeng Zhang   High Efficiency Deep-learning Based
                                  Video Compression  . . . . . . . . . . . 244:1--244:??
    Pedro de Medeiros Gomes and   
               Silvia Rossi and   
                     Laura Toni   AGAR --- Attention Graph-RNN for
                                  Adaptative Motion Prediction of Point
                                  Clouds of Deformable Objects . . . . . . 245:1--245:??
                   Jiabo Ye and   
               Junfeng Tian and   
                   Ming Yan and   
                 Haiyang Xu and   
                 Qinghao Ye and   
                   Yaya Shi and   
              Xiaoshan Yang and   
                  Xuwu Wang and   
                   Ji Zhang and   
                   Liang He and   
                        Xin Lin   UniQRNet: Unifying Referring Expression
                                  Grounding and Segmentation with QRNet    246:1--246:??
                   Wei Zhou and   
                    Qi Yang and   
                    Wu Chen and   
              Qiuping Jiang and   
              Guangtao Zhai and   
                      Weisi Lin   Blind Quality Assessment of Dense $3$D
                                  Point Clouds with Structure Guided
                                  Resampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247:1--247:??
                  Yuli Zhao and   
                  Yin Zhang and   
          Francis C. M. Lau and   
                     Hai Yu and   
               Zhiliang Zhu and   
                      Bin Zhang   Expanding-Window Zigzag Decodable
                                  Fountain Codes for Scalable Multimedia
                                  Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248:1--248:??
                 Xuanyu Jin and   
                      Ni Li and   
               Wanzeng Kong and   
                Jiajia Tang and   
                      Bing Yang   Unbiased Semantic Representation
                                  Learning Based on Causal Disentanglement
                                  for Domain Generalization  . . . . . . . 249:1--249:??
                    Bo Peng and   
                    Lin Sun and   
                Jianjun Lei and   
              Bingzheng Liu and   
               Haifeng Shen and   
                 Wanqing Li and   
                 Qingming Huang   Self-Supervised Monocular Depth
                                  Estimation via Binocular Geometric
                                  Correlation Learning . . . . . . . . . . 250:1--250:??
                  Yang Yang and   
              Shuailong Qiu and   
               Lanling Zeng and   
                    Zhigeng Pan   Detail-preserving Joint Image Upsampling 251:1--251:??
                  Xiao Kang and   
                 Xingbo Liu and   
                    Wen Xue and   
                Xiushan Nie and   
                     Yilong Yin   Online Cross-modal Hashing With Dynamic
                                  Prototype  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252:1--252:??
                Yuqing Yang and   
            Boris Joukovsky and   
José Oramas Mogrovejo and   
           Tinne Tuytelaars and   
              Nikos Deligiannis   SNIPPET: a Framework for Subjective
                                  Evaluation of Visual Explanations
                                  Applied to DeepFake Detection  . . . . . 253:1--253:??
                Jinwang Pan and   
               Xianming Liu and   
               Yuanchao Bai and   
                Deming Zhai and   
               Junjun Jiang and   
                     Debin Zhao   Illumination-Aware Low-Light Image
                                  Enhancement with Transformer and
                                  Auto-Knee Curve  . . . . . . . . . . . . 254:1--254:??
        Lohic Fotio Tiotsop and   
           Antonio Servetti and   
                Peter Pocta and   
       Glenn Van Wallendael and   
           Marcus Barkowsky and   
                  Enrico Masala   Multiple Image Distortion DNN Modeling
                                  Individual Subject Quality Assessment    255:1--255:??
                  Yunhui Xu and   
                   Youru Li and   
                   Muhao Xu and   
               Zhenfeng Zhu and   
                       Yao Zhao   HKA: a Hierarchical Knowledge Alignment
                                  Framework for Multimodal Knowledge Graph
                                  Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256:1--256:??
                    Li Zhou and   
                 Zhenyu Liu and   
                  Yutong Li and   
                 Yuchi Duan and   
                  Huimin Yu and   
                         Bin Hu   Multi Fine-Grained Fusion Network for
                                  Depression Detection . . . . . . . . . . 257:1--257:??
                 Chenlei Lv and   
                  Dan Zhang and   
             Shengling Geng and   
                 Zhongke Wu and   
                      Hui Huang   Color Transfer for Images: a Survey  . . 258:1--258:??
               Zhihao Zhang and   
                   Jun Wang and   
                Shengjie Li and   
                    Lei Jin and   
                     Hao Wu and   
                  Jian Zhao and   
                       Bo Zhang   Review and Analysis of RGBT Single
                                  Object Tracking Methods: a Fusion
                                  Perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259:1--259:??

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
Volume 20, Number 9, September, 2024

             Yuantong Zhang and   
                Daiqin Yang and   
             Zhenzhong Chen and   
                   Wenpeng Ding   Continuous Space-Time Video
                                  Super-Resolution with Multi-Stage Motion
                                  Information Reorganization . . . . . . . 273:1--273:??
                Caijuan Shi and   
              Yuanfan Zheng and   
                      Zhen Chen   Domain Adaptive Thermal Object Detection
                                  with Unbiased Granularity Alignment  . . 274:1--274:??
                   Ziyi Liu and   
                   You Yang and   
                   Kejun Wu and   
                  Qiong Liu and   
                 Xinghua Xu and   
                Xiaoxuan Ma and   
                     Jiang Tang   ASIFusion: an Adaptive Saliency
                                  Injection-Based Infrared and Visible
                                  Image Fusion Network . . . . . . . . . . 275:1--275:??
                      Xu Wu and   
                 Zhihui Lai and   
                   Jie Zhou and   
                 Xianxu Hou and   
             Witold Pedrycz and   
                    Linlin Shen   Light-Aware Contrastive Learning for
                                  Low-Light Image Enhancement  . . . . . . 276:1--276:??
             Yoanes Bandung and   
   Mokhamad Arfan Wicaksono and   
               Sean Pribadi and   
         Armein Z. R. Langi and   
                   Dion Tanjung   IoT Video Delivery Optimization through
                                  Machine Learning-Based Frame Resolution
                                  Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277:1--277:??
                 Jingwei Ma and   
              Kangkang Bian and   
                    Yang Xu and   
                        Lei Zhu   ANAGL: a Noise-Resistant and Anti-Sparse
                                  Graph Learning for Micro-Video
                                  Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278:1--278:??
                Wuyang Chen and   
                 Boqing Zhu and   
                    Kele Xu and   
                   Yong Dou and   
                     Dawei Feng   VoiceStyle: Voice-Based Face Generation
                                  via Cross-Modal Prototype Contrastive
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279:1--279:??
                   Chen Cai and   
                Kim-Hui Yap and   
                    Suchen Wang   Toward Attribute-Controlled Fashion
                                  Image Captioning . . . . . . . . . . . . 280:1--280:??
                     Kai Lv and   
                 Haobo Chen and   
               Chuyang Zhao and   
                     Kai Tu and   
                 Junru Chen and   
                  Yadong Li and   
                   Boxun Li and   
                    Youfang Lin   Style Variable and Irrelevant Learning
                                  for Generalizable Person
                                  Re-identification  . . . . . . . . . . . 281:1--281:??
                 Mengran Li and   
              Ronghui Zhang and   
                 Yong Zhang and   
               Xinglin Piao and   
                 Shiyu Zhao and   
                     Baocai Yin   SCAE: Structural Contrastive
                                  Auto-Encoder for Incomplete Multi-View
                                  Representation Learning  . . . . . . . . 282:1--282:??
              Hanzhang Wang and   
                Deming Zhai and   
                 Xiong Zhou and   
               Junjun Jiang and   
                   Xianming Liu   Mix-DDPM: Enhancing Diffusion Models
                                  through Fitting Mixture Noise with
                                  Global Stochastic Offset . . . . . . . . 283:1--283:??
                Wenxuan Hou and   
                Guangyao Li and   
                Yapeng Tian and   
                          Di Hu   Toward Long Form Audio-Visual Video
                                  Understanding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284:1--284:??
                 Encheng Yu and   
                Jianer Zhou and   
                  Zhenyu Li and   
               Gareth Tyson and   
                 Weichao Li and   
                Xinyi Zhang and   
                  Zhiwei Xu and   
                    Gaogang Xie   Mustang: Improving QoE for Real-Time
                                  Video in Cellular Networks by Masking
                                  Jitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285:1--285:??
                     Yan Li and   
              Xiangyuan Lan and   
               Haifeng Chen and   
                      Ke Lu and   
                  Dongmei Jiang   Multimodal PEAR Chain-of-Thought
                                  Reasoning for Multimodal Sentiment
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286:1--286:??
               Zechen Liang and   
              Yuan-Gen Wang and   
                     Wei Lu and   
                   Xiaochun Cao   Boosting Semi-Supervised Learning with
                                  Dual-Threshold Screening and Similarity
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287:1--287:??
                  Chen Chen and   
                Lingfeng Qu and   
              Hadi Amirpour and   
               Xingjun Wang and   
         Christian Timmerer and   
                   Zhihong Tian   On the Security of Selectively Encrypted
                                  HEVC Video Bitstreams  . . . . . . . . . 288:1--288:??
                    Tai Qin and   
                      Ge Li and   
                    Wei Gao and   
                       Shan Liu   Multi-Grained Point Cloud Geometry
                                  Compression via Dual-Model Prediction
                                  with Extended Octree . . . . . . . . . . 289:1--289:??
               Jiehua Zhang and   
                   Liang Li and   
              Chenggang Yan and   
                  Zhan Wang and   
              Changliang Xu and   
               Jiyong Zhang and   
                   Chuqiao Chen   Learning Domain Invariant Features for
                                  Unsupervised Indoor Depth Estimation
                                  Adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290:1--290:??
                  Yiling Xu and   
                Yujie Zhang and   
                    Qi Yang and   
               Xiaozhong Xu and   
                       Shan Liu   Compressed Point Cloud Quality Index by
                                  Combining Global Appearance and Local
                                  Details  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291:1--291:??
                 Zhilei Liu and   
               Xiaoxing Liu and   
                   Sen Chen and   
                Jiaxing Liu and   
              Longbiao Wang and   
                     Chongke Bi   Multimodal Fusion for Talking Face
                                  Generation Utilizing Speech-Related
                                  Facial Action Units  . . . . . . . . . . 292:1--292:??
                  Zizhao Wu and   
                   Siyu Liu and   
                 Peioyan Lu and   
                  Ping Yang and   
              Yongkang Wong and   
                Xiaoling Gu and   
           Mohan S. Kankanhalli   KF-VTON: Keypoints-Driven Flow Based
                                  Virtual Try-On Network . . . . . . . . . 293:1--293:??
                Linhai Zhuo and   
                  Yuqian Fu and   
              Jingjing Chen and   
                  Yixin Cao and   
                  Yu-Gang Jiang   Unified View Empirical Study for Large
                                  Pretrained Model on Cross-Domain
                                  Few-Shot Learning  . . . . . . . . . . . 294:1--294:??
                 Ruifan Zuo and   
              Chaoqun Zheng and   
                Fengling Li and   
                    Lei Zhu and   
                    Zheng Zhang   Privacy-Enhanced Prototype-Based
                                  Federated Cross-Modal Hashing for
                                  Cross-Modal Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . 295:1--295:??
                   Xue Song and   
              Jingjing Chen and   
                    Bin Zhu and   
                  Yu-Gang Jiang   Text-Driven Video Prediction . . . . . . 296:1--296:??