Table of contents for issues of Scientometrics

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Volume 80, Number 3, September, 2009
Volume 82, Number 1, January, 2010
Volume 82, Number 2, February, 2010
Volume 82, Number 3, March, 2010
Volume 83, Number 1, April, 2010
Volume 83, Number 2, May, 2010
Volume 83, Number 3, June, 2010
Volume 84, Number 1, July, 2010
Volume 84, Number 2, August, 2010
Volume 84, Number 3, September, 2010
Volume 85, Number 1, October, 2010
Volume 85, Number 2, November, 2010
Volume 85, Number 3, December, 2010
Volume 86, Number 1, January, 2011
Volume 86, Number 2, February, 2011
Volume 86, Number 3, March, 2011
Volume 87, Number 1, April, 2011
Volume 87, Number 2, May, 2011
Volume 87, Number 3, June, 2011
Volume 88, Number 1, July, 2011
Volume 88, Number 2, August, 2011
Volume 88, Number 3, September, 2011
Volume 89, Number 1, October, 2011
Volume 89, Number 2, November, 2011
Volume 89, Number 3, December, 2011
Volume 90, Number 1, January, 2012
Volume 90, Number 2, February, 2012
Volume 90, Number 3, March, 2012
Volume 91, Number 1, April, 2012
Volume 91, Number 2, May, 2012
Volume 91, Number 3, June, 2012
Volume 92, Number 1, July, 2012
Volume 92, Number 2, August, 2012
Volume 92, Number 3, September, 2012
Volume 93, Number 1, October, 2012
Volume 93, Number 2, November, 2012
Volume 93, Number 3, December, 2012
Volume 94, Number 1, January, 2013
Volume 94, Number 2, February, 2013
Volume 94, Number 3, March, 2013
Volume 95, Number 1, April, 2013
Volume 95, Number 2, May, 2013
Volume 95, Number 3, June, 2013
Volume 96, Number 1, July, 2013
Volume 96, Number 2, August, 2013
Volume 96, Number 3, September, 2013
Volume 97, Number 1, October, 2013
Volume 97, Number 2, November, 2013
Volume 97, Number 3, December, 2013
Volume 98, Number 1, January, 2014
Volume 98, Number 2, February, 2014
Volume 98, Number 3, March, 2014
Volume 99, Number 1, April, 2014
Volume 99, Number 2, May, 2014
Volume 99, Number 3, June, 2014
Volume 100, Number 1, July, 2014
Volume 100, Number 2, August, 2014
Volume 100, Number 3, September, 2014
Volume 101, Number 1, October, 2014
Volume 101, Number 2, November, 2014
Volume 101, Number 3, December, 2014
Volume 102, Number 1, January, 2015
Volume 102, Number 2, February, 2015
Volume 102, Number 3, March, 2015
Volume 103, Number 1, April, 2015
Volume 103, Number 2, May, 2015
Volume 103, Number 3, June, 2015
Volume 104, Number 1, July, 2015
Volume 104, Number 2, August, 2015
Volume 104, Number 3, September, 2015
Volume 105, Number 1, October, 2015
Volume 105, Number 2, November, 2015
Volume 105, Number 3, December, 2015
Volume 106, Number 1, January, 2016
Volume 106, Number 2, February, 2016
Volume 106, Number 3, March, 2016
Volume 107, Number 1, April, 2016
Volume 107, Number 2, May, 2016
Volume 107, Number 3, June, 2016
Volume 108, Number 1, July, 2016
Volume 108, Number 2, August, 2016
Volume 108, Number 3, September, 2016
Volume 109, Number 1, October, 2016
Volume 109, Number 2, November, 2016
Volume 109, Number 3, December, 2016
Volume 110, Number 1, January, 2017
Volume 110, Number 2, February, 2017
Volume 110, Number 3, March, 2017
Volume 111, Number 1, April, 2017
Volume 111, Number 2, May, 2017
Volume 111, Number 3, June, 2017
Volume 112, Number 1, July, 2017
Volume 112, Number 2, August, 2017
Volume 112, Number 3, September, 2017
Volume 113, Number 1, October, 2017
Volume 113, Number 2, November, 2017
Volume 113, Number 3, December, 2017
Volume 114, Number 1, January, 2018
Volume 114, Number 2, February, 2018
Volume 114, Number 3, March, 2018
Volume 115, Number 1, April, 2018
Volume 115, Number 2, May, 2018
Volume 115, Number 3, June, 2018
Volume 116, Number 1, July, 2018
Volume 116, Number 2, August, 2018
Volume 116, Number 3, September, 2018
Volume 117, Number 1, October, 2018
Volume 117, Number 2, November, 2018
Volume 117, Number 3, December, 2018
Volume 118, Number 1, January, 2019
Volume 118, Number 2, February, 2019
Volume 118, Number 3, March, 2019
Volume 119, Number 1, April, 2019
Volume 119, Number 2, May, 2019
Volume 119, Number 3, June, 2019
Volume 120, Number 1, July, 2019
Volume 120, Number 2, August, 2019
Volume 120, Number 3, September, 2019
Volume 121, Number 1, October, 2019
Volume 121, Number 2, November, 2019
Volume 121, Number 3, December, 2019
Volume 123, Number 2, May, 2020
Volume 127, Number 3, March, 2022
Volume 102, Number 56, November 15, 2005
Volume 1, Number 1, 12, 2006
Papers beginning August 1, 2006
Volume 20, Number 1, January, 2007

Volume 80, Number 3, September, 2009

                 Milan Randi\'c   Citations versus limitations of
                                  citations: beyond Hirsch index . . . . . 809--818

Volume 82, Number 1, January, 2010

                    Tibor Braun   Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--2
                Tibor Braun and   
     András Schubert and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--3
             Pao-Long Chang and   
               Chao-Chan Wu and   
                  Hoang-Jyh Leu   Using patent analyses to monitor the
                                  technological trends in an emerging
                                  field of technology: a case of carbon
                                  nanotube field emission display  . . . . 5--19
              Chen-Yuan Liu and   
                Jhen-Cheng Wang   Forecasting the development of the biped
                                  robot walking technique in Japan through
                                  $S$-curve model analysis . . . . . . . . 21--36
               Yi-Chia Chiu and   
              Hsien-Che Lai and   
              Yi-Ching Liaw and   
                     Tai-Yu Lee   Technological scope: diversified or
                                  specialized  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37--58
                Alka Chadha and   
                Raffaele Oriani   R&D market value under weak intellectual
                                  property rights protection: the case of
                                  India  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59--74
               Yu-Shan Chen and   
                 Ke-Chiun Chang   Analyzing the nonlinear effects of firm
                                  size, profitability, and employee
                                  productivity on patent citations of the
                                  US pharmaceutical companies by using
                                  artificial neural network  . . . . . . . 75--82
                   Yong-Gil Lee   Sectoral strategic differences of
                                  technological development between
                                  electronics and chemistry: a historical
                                  view from analyses of Korean-invented US
                                  patents during the period of 1989--1992  83--92
              Antje Klitkou and   
             Magnus Gulbrandsen   The relationship between academic
                                  patenting and scientific publishing in
                                  Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93--108
                 Szu-chia S. Lo   Scientific linkage of science research
                                  and technology development: a case of
                                  genetic engineering research . . . . . . 109--120
              Shiu-Wan Hung and   
                   An-Pang Wang   Examining the small world phenomenon in
                                  the patent citation network: a case
                                  study of the radio frequency
                                  identification (RFID) network  . . . . . 121--134
               Yong-Gil Lee and   
                    Ji-Hoon Lee   Different characteristics between
                                  auctioned and non-auctioned patents  . . 135--148
               Dar-Zen Chen and   
              Chang-Pin Lin and   
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
                  Chen-Yu Huang   Constructing a new patent bibliometric
                                  performance measure by using modified
                                  citation rate analyses with dynamic
                                  backward citation windows  . . . . . . . 149--163
             Jiancheng Guan and   
                    Kaihua Chen   Modeling macro--R&D production frontier
                                  performance: an application to Chinese
                                  province-level R&D  . . . . . . . . . . . 165--173
              Yin-Hui Cheng and   
               Fu-Yung Kuan and   
          Shih-Chieh Chuang and   
                        Yun Ken   Profitability decided by patent quality?
                                  An empirical study of the U.S.
                                  semiconductor industry . . . . . . . . . 175--183
            Rainer Frietsch and   
                 Ulrich Schmoch   Transnational patents and international
                                  markets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185--200
               Yu-Shan Chen and   
                 Ke-Chiun Chang   The nonlinear nature of the
                                  relationships between the patent traits
                                  and corporate performance  . . . . . . . 201--210

Volume 82, Number 2, February, 2010

               Themis Lazaridis   Ranking university departments using the
                                  mean $h$-index . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211--216
              Scott D. Bass and   
               Lukasz A. Kurgan   Discovery of factors influencing patent
                                  value based on machine learning in
                                  patents in the field of nanotechnology   217--241
                       L. Egghe   A model showing the increase in time of
                                  the average and median reference age and
                                  the decrease in time of the Price Index  243--248
                   Guang Yu and   
                      Yi-Jun Li   Identification of referencing and
                                  citation processes of scientific
                                  journals based on the citation
                                  distribution model . . . . . . . . . . . 249--261
              Ismael Rafols and   
                   Martin Meyer   Diversity and network coherence as
                                  indicators of interdisciplinarity: case
                                  studies in bionanoscience  . . . . . . . 263--287
               Tom Magerman and   
              Bart Van Looy and   
                   Xiaoyan Song   Exploring the feasibility and accuracy
                                  of Latent Semantic Analysis based text
                                  mining techniques to detect similarity
                                  between patent documents and scientific
                                  publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289--306
Antonio Perianes-Rodríguez and   
 Carlos Olmeda-Gómez and   
Félix Moya-Anegón   Detecting, identifying and visualizing
                                  research groups in co-authorship
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307--319
                  Susanne Mikki   Comparing Google Scholar and ISI Web of
                                  Science for Earth Sciences . . . . . . . 321--331
            Goio Etxebarria and   
             Mikel Gomez-Uranga   Use of Scopus and Google Scholar to
                                  measure social sciences production in
                                  four major Spanish universities  . . . . 333--349
                  Dan Ben-David   Ranking Israel's economists  . . . . . . 351--364
            Alberto Baccini and   
                 Lucio Barabesi   Interlocking editorship. A network
                                  analysis of the links between economic
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365--389
                  S. Alonso and   
            F. J. Cabrerizo and   
          E. Herrera-Viedma and   
                     F. Herrera   $ h g$-index: a new index to
                                  characterize the scientific output of
                                  researchers based on the $h$- and
                                  $g$-indices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391--400
               Yves Gingras and   
             Matthew L. Wallace   Why it has become more difficult to
                                  predict Nobel Prize winners: a
                                  bibliometric analysis of nominees and
                                  winners of the chemistry and physics
                                  prizes (1901--2007)  . . . . . . . . . . 401--412
                Antonio Quesada   More axiomatics for the Hirsch index . . 413--418
              Hanna-Mari Puuska   Effects of scholar's gender and
                                  professional position on publishing
                                  productivity in different publication
                                  types. Analysis of a Finnish university  419--437
            Reinhilde Veugelers   Towards a multipolar science world:
                                  trends and impact  . . . . . . . . . . . 439--456

Volume 82, Number 3, March, 2010

                      Anonymous   Selected papers of the 10th
                                  International Conference on Science and
                                  Technology Indicators  . . . . . . . . . 457--458
               Juan Gorraiz and   
                  Henk Moed and   
                 Edgar Schiebel   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459--460
                  Peter Vinkler   The $ \pi_v$-index: a new indicator to
                                  characterize the impact of journals  . . 461--475
          Isidro F. Aguillo and   
      José L. Ortega and   
     Mario Fernández and   
                 Ana M. Utrilla   Indicators for a webometric ranking of
                                  open access repositories . . . . . . . . 477--486
                   Asefeh Asemi   A citation analysis of Iranian journals
                                  to open access (OA) articles and
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487--494
                 Judit Bar-Ilan   Citations to the ``Introduction to
                                  informetrics'' indexed by WOS, Scopus
                                  and Google Scholar . . . . . . . . . . . 495--506
                    Aparna Basu   Does a country's scientific
                                  `productivity' depend critically on the
                                  number of country journals indexed?  . . 507--516
             Rodrigo Costas and   
        Thed N. van Leeuwen and   
           María Bordons   Self-citations at the meso and
                                  individual levels: effects of different
                                  calculation methods  . . . . . . . . . . 517--537
            Richard Klavans and   
                Kevin W. Boyack   Toward an objective, reliable and
                                  accurate method for measuring research
                                  leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539--553
                Jin-kun Wan and   
              Ping-huan Hua and   
            Ronald Rousseau and   
                    Xiu-kun Sun   The journal download immediacy index
                                  (DII): experiences using a Chinese
                                  full-text database . . . . . . . . . . . 555--566
         Christian Schloegl and   
                   Juan Gorraiz   Comparison of citation and usage
                                  indicators: the case of oncology
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567--580
           Nees Jan van Eck and   
               Ludo Waltman and   
            Ed C. M. Noyons and   
              Reindert K. Buter   Automatic term identification for
                                  bibliometric mapping . . . . . . . . . . 581--596
                  Ping Zhou and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   In-depth analysis on China's
                                  international cooperation in science . . 597--612
         Sebastian K. Boell and   
    Concepción S. Wilson   Journal Impact Factors for evaluating
                                  scientific performance: use of $h$-like
                                  indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613--626
       Milos M. Jovanovi\'c and   
                Marcus John and   
                 Stefan Reschke   Effects of civil war: scientific
                                  cooperation in the republics of the
                                  former Yugoslavia and the province of
                                  Kosovo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627--645
           Patricia Laurens and   
                Michel Zitt and   
             Elise Bassecoulard   Delineation of the genomics field by
                                  hybrid citation-lexical methods:
                                  interaction with experts and validation
                                  process  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647--662
                Ivana Roche and   
          Dominique Besagni and   
     Claire François and   
 Marianne Hörlesberger and   
                 Edgar Schiebel   Identification and characterisation of
                                  technological topics in the field of
                                  Molecular Biology  . . . . . . . . . . . 663--676
                   Yuan Sun and   
              Masamitsu Negishi   Measuring the relationships among
                                  university, industry and other sectors
                                  in Japan's national innovation system: a
                                  comparison of new approaches with mutual
                                  information indicators . . . . . . . . . 677--685
                  Lin Zhang and   
             Frizo Janssens and   
               Liming Liang and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Journal cross-citation analysis for
                                  validation and improvement of
                                  journal-based subject classification in
                                  bibliometric research  . . . . . . . . . 687--706

Volume 83, Number 1, April, 2010

             Alireza Abbasi and   
          Jörn Altmann and   
                  Junseok Hwang   Evaluating scholars based on their
                                  academic collaboration activities: two
                                  indices, the RC-index and the CC-index,
                                  for quantifying collaboration activities
                                  of researchers and scientific
                                  communities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--13
           S. Phineas Upham and   
                    Henry Small   Emerging research fronts in science and
                                  technology: patterns of new knowledge
                                  development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15--38
                  Hajar Sotudeh   Are Iranian scientists recognized as
                                  their productivity enhances? A
                                  comparison of Iran's impact to global
                                  norms in different subfields of Science
                                  Citation Index during 2002--2005 . . . . 39--54
     Leonardo Costa Ribeiro and   
       Ricardo Machado Ruiz and   
Américo Tristão Bernardes and   
      Eduardo Motta Albuquerque   Matrices of science and technology
                                  interactions and patterns of structured
                                  growth: implications for development . . 55--75
            Chang Hoon Yang and   
               Han Woo Park and   
                    Jungeun Heo   A network analysis of interdisciplinary
                                  research relationships: the Korean
                                  government's R&D grant program  . . . . . 77--92
       Ángel Borrego and   
              Maite Barrios and   
            Anna Villarroya and   
            Candela Ollé   Scientific output and impact of
                                  postdoctoral scientists: a gender
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93--101
               Jiri Vanecek and   
               Martin Fatun and   
              Vladimir Albrecht   Bibliometric evaluation of the FP-5 and
                                  FP-6 results in the Czech Republic . . . 103--114
                  Erjia Yan and   
                  Ying Ding and   
                    Qinghua Zhu   Mapping library and information science
                                  in China: a coauthorship network
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115--131
      Waister Silva Martins and   
Marcos André Gonçalves and   
      Alberto H. F. Laender and   
                  Nivio Ziviani   Assessing the quality of scientific
                                  conferences based on bibliographic
                                  citations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133--155
                Pamela Lang and   
    Fábio C. Gouveia and   
                Jacqueline Leta   Site co-link analysis applied to small
                                  networks: a new methodological approach  157--166
                   Koen Jonkers   Models and orphans; concentration of the
                                  plant molecular life science research
                                  agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167--179
            Torben Schubert and   
        Radhamany Sooryamoorthy   Can the centre-periphery model explain
                                  patterns of international scientific
                                  collaboration among threshold and
                                  industrialised countries? The case of
                                  South Africa and Germany . . . . . . . . 181--203
 Aristoklis D. Anastasiadis and   
  Marcelo P. de Albuquerque and   
   Marcio P. de Albuquerque and   
                 Diogo B. Mussi   Tsallis $q$-exponential describes the
                                  distribution of scientific citations ---
                                  a new characterization of the impact . . 205--218
            Dorothea Jansen and   
      Regina von Görtz and   
                Richard Heidler   Knowledge production and the structure
                                  of collaboration networks in two
                                  scientific fields  . . . . . . . . . . . 219--241
            Massimo Franceschet   A comparison of bibliometric indicators
                                  for computer science scholars and
                                  journals on Web of Science and Google
                                  Scholar  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243--258
                   Guang Yu and   
              Dong-Hui Yang and   
                     Wang Liang   Reliability-based citation impact factor
                                  and the manipulation of impact factor    259--270
               Poh Kam Wong and   
                  Annette Singh   University patenting activities and
                                  their link to the quantity and quality
                                  of scientific publications . . . . . . . 271--294
                   Bo Jarneving   Regional research and foreign
                                  collaboration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295--320
            Chiara Franzoni and   
    Christopher L. Simpkins and   
                   Baoli Li and   
                     Ashwin Ram   Using content analysis to investigate
                                  the research paths chosen by scientists
                                  over time  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321--335

Volume 83, Number 2, May, 2010

               A. J. M. Linmans   Why with bibliometrics the Humanities
                                  does not need to be the weakest link . . 337--354
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
                   Martin Meyer   The decline of university patenting and
                                  the end of the Bayh--Dole effect . . . . 355--362
          Anton J. Nederhof and   
        Thed N. van Leeuwen and   
         Anthony F. J. van Raan   Highly cited non-journal publications in
                                  political science, economics and
                                  psychology: a first exploration  . . . . 363--374
               Maja Joki\'c and   
            Kresimir Zauder and   
               Srebrenka Letina   Croatian scholarly productivity
                                  1991--2005 measured by journals indexed
                                  in Web of Science  . . . . . . . . . . . 375--395
                   Olle Persson   Are highly cited papers more
                                  international? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397--401
          Phil Yihsing Yang and   
               Yuan-Chieh Chang   Academic research commercialization and
                                  knowledge production and diffusion: the
                                  moderating effects of entrepreneurial
                                  commitment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403--421
                       Gad Saad   Applying the $h$-index in exploring
                                  bibliometric properties of elite
                                  marketing scholars . . . . . . . . . . . 423--433
               Si Hyung Joo and   
                    Yeonbae Kim   Measuring relatedness between
                                  technological fields . . . . . . . . . . 435--454
                       L. Egghe   Characteristic scores and scales in a
                                  Lotkaian framework . . . . . . . . . . . 455--462
                Ivica Vilibi\'c   How much the shared ocean or lake basins
                                  connect the researchers in neighbouring
                                  countries? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463--470
                   K. Brad Wray   Rethinking the size of scientific
                                  specialties: correcting Price's estimate 471--476
             Gangfeng Zhang and   
               Shaodong Xie and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   A bibliometric analysis of world
                                  volatile organic compounds research
                                  trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477--492
              Lutz Bornmann and   
         Christophe Weymuth and   
             Hans-Dieter Daniel   A content analysis of referees'
                                  comments: how do comments on manuscripts
                                  rejected by a high-impact journal and
                                  later published in either a low- or
                                  high-impact journal differ?  . . . . . . 493--506
            Günter Krampen   Acceleration of citing behavior after
                                  the millennium? Exemplary bibliometric
                                  reference analyses for psychology
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507--513
            Catherine Dehon and   
             Alice McCathie and   
               Vincenzo Verardi   Uncovering excellence in academic
                                  rankings: a closer look at the Shanghai
                                  ranking  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515--524
           S. Phineas Upham and   
             Lori Rosenkopf and   
                  Lyle H. Ungar   Innovating knowledge communities . . . . 525--554
           S. Phineas Upham and   
             Lori Rosenkopf and   
                  Lyle H. Ungar   Positioning knowledge: schools of
                                  thought and new knowledge creation . . . 555--581
                Lars H. Breimer   Swedish biomedical PhD examination: an
                                  international forum and a proposed
                                  procedure for Europe . . . . . . . . . . 583--587
     András Schubert and   
      Sándor Soós   Mapping of science journals based on
                                  $h$-similarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589--600
               Juan Gorraiz and   
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
          Stefan Hornbostel and   
              Sybille Hinze and   
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
             Koenraad Debackere   European Summer School for
                                  Scientometrics (ESSS) to be launched . . 601--602

Volume 83, Number 3, June, 2010

            Jacqueline Leta and   
              Birger Larsen and   
            Ronald Rousseau and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   The 12th International Conference on
                                  Scientometrics and Informetrics  . . . . 603--604
        Elba Mauleón and   
           María Bordons   Male and female involvement in patenting
                                  activity in Spain  . . . . . . . . . . . 605--621
            Isola Ajiferuke and   
                Dietmar Wolfram   Citer analysis as a measure of research
                                  impact: library and information science
                                  as a case study  . . . . . . . . . . . . 623--638
              Jun Peng Yuan and   
               Wei Ping Yue and   
                   Cheng Su and   
                   Zheng Wu and   
                   Zheng Ma and   
                Yun Tao Pan and   
                     Nan Ma and   
                  Zhi Yu Hu and   
                    Fei Shi and   
                Zheng Lu Yu and   
                     Yi Shan Wu   Patent activity on water pollution and
                                  treatment in China-a scientometric
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639--651
                Howard D. White   Some new tests of relevance theory in
                                  information science  . . . . . . . . . . 653--667
               Chaomei Chen and   
                 Jian Zhang and   
             Michael S. Vogeley   Making sense of the evolution of a
                                  scientific domain: a visual analytic
                                  study of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669--688
                       L. Egghe   The distribution of the uncitedness
                                  factor and its functional relation with
                                  the impact factor  . . . . . . . . . . . 689--695
          Wolfgang Glänzel   The role of the $h$-index and the
                                  characteristic scores and scales in
                                  testing the tail properties of
                                  scientometric distributions  . . . . . . 697--709
Cristhian Fabián Ruiz and   
            Ricardo Bonilla and   
             Diego Chavarro and   
        Luis Antonio Orozco and   
             Roberto Zarama and   
                 Xavier Polanco   Efficiency measurement of research
                                  groups using Data Envelopment Analysis
                                  and Bayesian networks  . . . . . . . . . 711--721
    Ricardo Arencibia-Jorge and   
    Felix de Moya-Anegón   Challenges in the study of Cuban
                                  scientific output  . . . . . . . . . . . 723--737
         Vladimir Pislyakov and   
            Ekaterina Dyachenko   Citation expectations: are they
                                  realized? Study of the Matthew index for
                                  Russian papers published abroad  . . . . 739--749
                  John T. Bruer   Can we talk? How the cognitive
                                  neuroscience of attention emerged from
                                  neurobiology and psychology, 1980--2005  751--764
             Edgar Schiebel and   
 Marianne Hörlesberger and   
                Ivana Roche and   
     Claire François and   
              Dominique Besagni   An advanced diffusion model to identify
                                  emergent research issues: the case of
                                  optoelectronic devices . . . . . . . . . 765--781
           Yoshiyuki Takeda and   
                  Yuya Kajikawa   Tracking modularity in citation networks 783--792
                Yasar Tonta and   
        Yurdagül Ünal   Does Urquhart's Law hold for consortial
                                  use of electronic journals?  . . . . . . 793--808
                 Judit Bar-Ilan   Web of Science with the Conference
                                  Proceedings Citation Indexes: the case
                                  of computer science  . . . . . . . . . . 809--824
Maria Cristina Piumbato Innocentini Hayashi and   
            Danilo Rothberg and   
  Carlos Roberto Massao Hayashi   Scientific knowledge and digital
                                  democracy in Brazil: how to assess
                                  public health policy debate with applied
                                  Scientometrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825--833
                    Henry Small   Maps of science as interdisciplinary
                                  discourse: co-citation contexts and the
                                  role of analogy  . . . . . . . . . . . . 835--849
                   Kim Holmberg   Co-inlinking to a municipal Web space: a
                                  webometric and content analysis  . . . . 851--862
           Katy Börner and   
               Weixia Huang and   
           Micah Linnemeier and   
           Russell J. Duhon and   
           Patrick Phillips and   
                  Nianli Ma and   
             Angela M. Zoss and   
                Hanning Guo and   
                  Mark A. Price   Rete-netzwerk-red: analyzing and
                                  visualizing scholarly networks using the
                                  Network Workbench Tool . . . . . . . . . 863--876

Volume 84, Number 1, July, 2010

                 Siluo Yang and   
                Junping Qiu and   
                   Zunyan Xiong   An empirical study on the utilization of
                                  web academic resources in humanities and
                                  social sciences based on web citations   1--19
               Virginia Trimble   A generation of astronomical telescopes,
                                  their users, and publications  . . . . . 21--34
         Juan Miguel Campanario   Distribution of changes in impact
                                  factors over time  . . . . . . . . . . . 35--42
               Stefano Vannucci   Dominance dimension: a common parametric
                                  formulation for integer-valued
                                  scientific impact indices  . . . . . . . 43--48
               S. L. Sangam and   
               Liang Liming and   
            Gireesh A. Ganjihal   Modeling the growth of Indian and
                                  Chinese liquid crystals literature as
                                  reflected in Science Citation Index
                                  (1997--2006) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49--52
              Chunjuan Luan and   
               Chunyan Zhou and   
                      Aiyun Liu   Patent strategy in Chinese universities:
                                  a comparative perspective  . . . . . . . 53--63
               Pascal Bador and   
                Thierry Lafouge   Comparative analysis between impact
                                  factor and $h$-index for pharmacology
                                  and psychiatry journals  . . . . . . . . 65--79
                   Guang Yu and   
             Ming-Yang Wang and   
                      Da-Ren Yu   Characterizing knowledge diffusion of
                                  Nanoscience & Nanotechnology by citation
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81--97
               Andrew J. Oswald   A suggested method for the measurement
                                  of world-leading research (illustrated
                                  with data on economics)  . . . . . . . . 99--113
                       L. Egghe   On the relation between Schubert's
                                  $h$-index of a single paper and its
                                  total number of received citations . . . 115--117
               Chih-Hao Lin and   
                 Show-Ling Jang   The impact of M&As on company innovation:
                                  evidence from the US medical device
                                  industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119--131
         András Schubert   A reference-based Hirschian similarity
                                  measure for journals . . . . . . . . . . 133--147
                 Gangan Prathap   Going much beyond the Durfee square:
                                  enhancing the $ h_T $ index  . . . . . . 149--152
                 Gangan Prathap   Is there a place for a mock $h$-index?   153--165
                 Gangan Prathap   The 100 most prolific economists using
                                  the $p$-index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167--172
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                  Marco Solazzi   Assessing public-private research
                                  collaboration: is it possible to compare
                                  university performance?  . . . . . . . . 173--197
   Konstantin Hyppönen and   
       Vivian Michael Paganuzzi   Computer science research articles: the
                                  locations of different section types,
                                  and a proposal for standardization in
                                  the structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199--220
                 Alesia Zuccala   The mathematical review system: does
                                  reviewer status play a role in the
                                  citation process?  . . . . . . . . . . . 221--235
       Jean-Charles Billaut and   
             Denis Bouyssou and   
                Philippe Vincke   Should you believe in the Shanghai
                                  ranking? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237--263
           Jennifer H. Chen and   
             Show-Ling Jang and   
                   Sonya H. Wen   Measuring technological diversification:
                                  identifying the effects of patent scale
                                  and patent scope . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--275

Volume 84, Number 2, August, 2010

               David M. Schultz   Are three heads better than two? How the
                                  number of reviewers and editor behavior
                                  affect the rejection rate  . . . . . . . 277--292
                   Dangzhi Zhao   Characteristics and impact of
                                  grant-funded research: a case study of
                                  the library and information science
                                  field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293--306
             Marco Pautasso and   
             Hanno Schäfer   Peer review delay and selectivity in
                                  ecology journals . . . . . . . . . . . . 307--315
              G. E. Derrick and   
                   H. Sturk and   
               A. S. Haynes and   
                 S. Chapman and   
                     W. D. Hall   A cautionary bibliometric tale of two
                                  cities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317--320
    José Luis Ortega and   
              Isidro F. Aguillo   Describing national science and
                                  technology systems through a
                                  multivariate approach: country
                                  participation in the 6th Framework
                                  Programmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321--330
             Jiancheng Guan and   
                    Gangbo Wang   A comparative study of research
                                  performance in nanotechnology for
                                  China's inventor-authors and their
                                  non-inventing peers  . . . . . . . . . . 331--343
         Anne Gentil-Beccot and   
             Salvatore Mele and   
               Travis C. Brooks   Citing and reading behaviours in
                                  high-energy physics  . . . . . . . . . . 345--355
               Ammar Nejati and   
    Seyyed Mehdi Hosseini Jenab   A two-dimensional approach to evaluate
                                  the scientific production of countries
                                  (case study: the basic sciences) . . . . 357--364
              Kiran Savanur and   
                    R. Srikanth   Modified collaborative coefficient: a
                                  new measure for quantifying the degree
                                  of research collaboration  . . . . . . . 365--371
        Radhamany Sooryamoorthy   Science and scientific collaboration in
                                  South Africa: apartheid and after  . . . 373--390
             Chung-Souk Han and   
               Su Kyung Lee and   
                   Mark England   Transition to postmodern science-related
                                  scientometric data . . . . . . . . . . . 391--401
            Dilruba Mahbuba and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Scientific research in the Indian
                                  subcontinent: selected trends and
                                  indicators 1973--2007 comparing
                                  Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka with
                                  India, the local giant . . . . . . . . . 403--420
                 Ling Zhang and   
                  Huan Zhao and   
                  Qiushi Li and   
                  Juan Wang and   
                        Xin Tan   Establishment of paper assessment system
                                  based on academic disciplinary
                                  benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421--429
                 Fred Y. Ye and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Probing the $h$-core: an investigation
                                  of the tail-core ratio for rank
                                  distributions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431--439
                Werner Marx and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   How accurately does Thomas Kuhn's model
                                  of paradigm change describe the
                                  transition from the static view of the
                                  universe to the big bang theory in
                                  cosmology? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441--464
           Monika Henzinger and   
         Jacob Suñol and   
                   Ingmar Weber   The stability of the $h$-index . . . . . 465--479
                 Nelius Boshoff   South--South research collaboration of
                                  countries in the Southern African
                                  Development Community (SADC) . . . . . . 481--503
                   Mee-Jean Kim   Visibility of Korean science journals:
                                  an analysis between citation measures
                                  among international composition of
                                  editorial board and foreign authorship   505--522
           Nees Jan van Eck and   
                   Ludo Waltman   Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer
                                  program for bibliometric mapping . . . . 523--538
          Christopher J. Lortie   Letter to the Editor: A global comment
                                  on scientific publications,
                                  productivity, people, and beer . . . . . 539--541

Volume 84, Number 3, September, 2010

               Hyojeong Lim and   
                   Yongtae Park   Identification of technological
                                  knowledge intermediaries . . . . . . . . 543--561
         Kazuaki Yanagisawa and   
               Keishiro Ito and   
            Chisato Katsuki and   
              Kei Kawashima and   
                Masashi Shirabe   An outcome of nuclear safety research in
                                  JAERI: case study for LOCA . . . . . . . 563--573
        Peder Olesen Larsen and   
                 Markus von Ins   The rate of growth in scientific
                                  publication and the decline in coverage
                                  provided by Science Citation Index . . . 575--603
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                  Marco Solazzi   National research assessment exercises:
                                  a measure of the distortion of
                                  performance rankings when labor input is
                                  treated as uniform . . . . . . . . . . . 605--619
           Ana Rute Cardoso and   
     Paulo Guimarães and   
            Klaus F. Zimmermann   Comparing the early research performance
                                  of PhD graduates in labor economics in
                                  Europe and the USA . . . . . . . . . . . 621--637
              Chun-Yang Yin and   
           Mohd Jindra Aris and   
                        Xi Chen   Combination of Eigenfactor\TM and
                                  $h$-index to evaluate scientific
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639--648
         Irene Ramos-Vielba and   
Manuel Fernández-Esquinas and   
 Elena Espinosa-de-los-Monteros   Measuring university-industry
                                  collaboration in a regional innovation
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649--667
             Chan-Yuan Wong and   
                   Kim-Leng Goh   Modeling the behaviour of science and
                                  technology: self-propagating growth in
                                  the diffusion process  . . . . . . . . . 669--686
               Alberto Pepe and   
             Marko A. Rodriguez   Collaboration in sensor network
                                  research: an in-depth longitudinal
                                  analysis of assortative mixing patterns  687--701
    C. A. Macías-Chapula   Influence of local and regional
                                  publications in the production of public
                                  health research papers in Latin America  703--716
               Gregory John Lee   Assessing publication performance of
                                  research units: extensions through
                                  operational research and economic
                                  techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717--734
            Jyun-Cheng Wang and   
          Cheng-hsin Chiang and   
                    Shu-Wei Lin   Network structure of innovation: can
                                  brokerage or closure predict patent
                                  quality? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735--748
              Eva Lillquist and   
                  Sheldon Green   The discipline dependence of citation
                                  statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749--762
                    Li Tang and   
                  John P. Walsh   Bibliometric fingerprints: name
                                  disambiguation based on approximate
                                  structure equivalence of cognitive maps  763--784
                  Nils T. Hagen   Harmonic publication and citation
                                  counting: sharing authorship credit
                                  equitably --- not equally, geometrically
                                  or arithmetically  . . . . . . . . . . . 785--793
                      Leo Egghe   Letter to the editor: On Randi\'c's
                                  $H$-sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795--797
Esther García-Carpintero and   
    Begoña Granadino and   
                  Luis M. Plaza   The representation of nationalities on
                                  the editorial boards of international
                                  journals and the promotion of the
                                  scientific output of the same countries  799--811
            Ming-Huang Wang and   
                 Te-Chen Yu and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   A bibliometric analysis of the
                                  performance of Water Research  . . . . . 813--820
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   Citations versus journal impact factor
                                  as proxy of quality: could the latter
                                  ever be preferable?  . . . . . . . . . . 821--833
    José Luis Ortega and   
              Isidro F. Aguillo   Network collaboration in the 6th
                                  Framework Programmes: country
                                  participation in the health thematic
                                  area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835--844
      Katharina Maria Hofer and   
   Angela Elisabeth Smejkal and   
           F. Zeynep Bilgin and   
             Gerhard A. Wuehrer   Conference proceedings as a matter of
                                  bibliometric studies: the Academy of
                                  International Business 2006--2008  . . . 845--862
        Radhamany Sooryamoorthy   Medical research in South Africa: a
                                  scientometric analysis of trends,
                                  patterns, productivity and partnership   863--885
         A. Peter W. Hodder and   
               Catherine Hodder   Research culture and New Zealand's
                                  performance-based research fund: some
                                  insights from bibliographic compilations
                                  of research outputs  . . . . . . . . . . 887--901
               Louis de Mesnard   On Hochberg et al.'s ``The tragedy of
                                  the reviewer commons'' . . . . . . . . . 903--917

Volume 85, Number 1, October, 2010

André Andrian Padial and   
  João Carlos Nabout and   
             Tadeu Siqueira and   
         Luis Mauricio Bini and   
José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho   Weak evidence for determinants of
                                  citation frequency in ecological
                                  articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--12
         Francesco Giuliani and   
      Michele Pio De Petris and   
                  Giovanni Nico   Assessing scientific collaboration
                                  through coauthorship and content sharing 13--28
                Erik Fisher and   
         Catherine P. Slade and   
           Derrick Anderson and   
                  Barry Bozeman   The public value of nanotechnology?  . . 29--39
         Christoph Bartneck and   
                         Jun Hu   The fruits of collaboration in a
                                  multidisciplinary field  . . . . . . . . 41--52
          Farzaneh Aminpour and   
               Payam Kabiri and   
     Mohammad Ali Boroumand and   
         Abbas Ali Keshtkar and   
        Seyed Shamsoddin Hejazi   Iranian Medical Universities in SCIE:
                                  evaluation of address variation  . . . . 53--63
               Hsin-Ning Su and   
                   Pei-Chun Lee   Mapping knowledge structure by keyword
                                  co-occurrence: a first look at journal
                                  papers in Technology Foresight . . . . . 65--79
             Mark R. Elkins and   
       Christopher G. Maher and   
          Robert D. Herbert and   
            Anne M. Moseley and   
          Catherine Sherrington   Correlation between the Journal Impact
                                  Factor and three other journal citation
                                  indices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81--93
              Martin G. Moehrle   Measures for textual patent
                                  similarities: a guided way to select
                                  appropriate approaches . . . . . . . . . 95--109
          Ryosuke L. Ohniwa and   
                Aiko Hibino and   
                 Kunio Takeyasu   Trends in research foci in life science
                                  fields over the last 30 years monitored
                                  by emerging topics . . . . . . . . . . . 111--127
             John N. Parker and   
         Christopher Lortie and   
               Stefano Allesina   Characterizing a scientific elite: the
                                  social characteristics of the most
                                  highly cited scientists in environmental
                                  science and ecology  . . . . . . . . . . 129--143
             Anastassios Pouris   A scientometric assessment of the
                                  Southern Africa Development Community:
                                  science in the tip of Africa . . . . . . 145--154
           Laura I. Schultz and   
             Frederick L. Joutz   Methods for identifying emerging General
                                  Purpose Technologies: a case study of
                                  nanotechnologies . . . . . . . . . . . . 155--170
         Jonathan M. Levitt and   
                  Mike Thelwall   Does the higher citation of
                                  collaborative research differ from
                                  region to region? A case study of
                                  Economics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171--183
                 Gangan Prathap   An iCE map approach to evaluate
                                  performance and efficiency of scientific
                                  production of countries  . . . . . . . . 185--191
                 Marco Pautasso   Worsening file-drawer problem in the
                                  abstracts of natural, medical and social
                                  science databases  . . . . . . . . . . . 193--202
      Fiorenzo Franceschini and   
           Domenico Maisano and   
               Anna Perotti and   
                   Andrea Proto   Analysis of the $ c h$-index: an
                                  indicator to evaluate the diffusion of
                                  scientific research output by citers . . 203--217
             Theresa Velden and   
              Asif-ul Haque and   
                    Carl Lagoze   A new approach to analyzing patterns of
                                  collaboration in co-authorship networks:
                                  mesoscopic analysis and interpretation   219--242
          Isidro F. Aguillo and   
             Judit Bar-Ilan and   
                Mark Levene and   
        José Luis Ortega   Comparing university rankings  . . . . . 243--256
             Lawrence D. Fu and   
         Constantin F. Aliferis   Using content-based and bibliometric
                                  features for machine learning models to
                                  predict citation counts in the
                                  biomedical literature  . . . . . . . . . 257--270
José María Gómez-Sancho and   
María Jesús Mancebón-Torrubia   A new approach to measuring scientific
                                  production in JCR journals and its
                                  application to Spanish public
                                  universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271--293
          Fred L. Bookstein and   
              Horst Seidler and   
              Martin Fieder and   
                 Georg Winckler   Too much noise in the Times Higher
                                  Education rankings . . . . . . . . . . . 295--299
               Karol Zyczkowski   Citation graph, weighted impact factors
                                  and performance indices  . . . . . . . . 301--315
               Louise Wiles and   
               Timothy Olds and   
                 Marie Williams   Evidence base, quantitation and
                                  collaboration: three novel indices for
                                  bibliometric content analysis  . . . . . 317--328
      Pedro Albarrán and   
             Juan A. Crespo and   
      Ignacio Ortuño and   
           Javier Ruiz-Castillo   A comparison of the scientific
                                  performance of the U.S. and the European
                                  union at the turn of the 21st century    329--344
              Grant Lewison and   
                Thomas Turnbull   News in brief and features in New
                                  Scientist magazine and the biomedical
                                  research papers that they cite, August
                                  2008 to July 2009  . . . . . . . . . . . 345--359
                   Har Kaur and   
                    B. M. Gupta   Mapping of dental science research in
                                  India: a scientometric analysis of
                                  India's research output, 1999--2008  . . 361--376
    José Luis Ortega and   
              Isidro F. Aguillo   Shaping the European research
                                  collaboration in the 6th Framework
                                  Programme health thematic area through
                                  network analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 377--386

Volume 85, Number 2, November, 2010

             Michael Calver and   
      Grant Wardell-Johnson and   
             Stuart Bradley and   
                    Ross Taplin   What makes a journal international? A
                                  case study using conservation biology
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387--400
            Lars H. Breimer and   
       Torbjörn K. Nilsson   A longitudinal and cross-sectional study
                                  of Swedish biomedical PhD processes
                                  1991--2009 with emphasis on
                                  international and gender aspects . . . . 401--414
               N. Assimakis and   
                        M. Adam   A new author's productivity index:
                                  $p$-index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415--427
              Primoz Juznic and   
              Stojan Peclin and   
              Matjaz Zaucer and   
              Tilen Mandelj and   
                Miro Pusnik and   
                  Franci Demsar   Scientometric indicators: peer-review,
                                  bibliometric methods and conflict of
                                  interests  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429--441
Bárbara S. Lancho-Barrantes and   
   Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote and   
Félix Moya-Anegón   The Iceberg Hypothesis revisited . . . . 443--461
            Cheng-Chung Cho and   
                Ming-Wen Hu and   
                  Meng-Chun Liu   Improvements in productivity based on
                                  co-authorship: a case study of published
                                  articles in China  . . . . . . . . . . . 463--470
                Gaby Haddow and   
                    Paul Genoni   Citation analysis and peer ranking of
                                  Australian social science journals . . . 471--487
            Mario De Marchi and   
                Maurizio Rocchi   Note on R&D expenditures and fixed
                                  capital formation  . . . . . . . . . . . 489--494
              Sandra Miguel and   
Félix Moya-Anegón and   
   Víctor Herrero-Solana   The impact of the socio-economic crisis
                                  of 2001 on the scientific system of
                                  Argentina from the scientometric
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495--507
Máxima Bolaños-Pizarro and   
                 Bart Thijs and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Cardiovascular research in Spain. A
                                  comparative scientometric study  . . . . 509--526
                   M. Meyer and   
               K. Debackere and   
                W. Glänzel   Can applied science be `good science'?
                                  Exploring the relationship between
                                  patent citations and citation impact in
                                  nanoscience  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527--539
              Senator Jeong and   
                   Hong-Gee Kim   Intellectual structure of biomedical
                                  informatics reflected in scholarly
                                  events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541--551
         Pandelis Perakakis and   
             Michael Taylor and   
                Marco Mazza and   
               Varvara Trachana   Natural selection of academic papers . . 553--559
                 Gangan Prathap   The iCE approach for journal evaluation  561--565
                  Nils T. Hagen   Deconstructing doctoral dissertations:
                                  how many papers does it take to make a
                                  PhD? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567--579
            Jung Cheol Shin and   
            William K. Cummings   Multilevel analysis of academic
                                  publishing across disciplines: research
                                  preference, collaboration, and time on
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581--594
             Philip Shapira and   
                 Jan Youtie and   
                 Alan L. Porter   The emergence of social science research
                                  on nanotechnology  . . . . . . . . . . . 595--611
               John Mingers and   
Evangelia A. E. C. G. Lipitakis   Counting the citations: a comparison of
                                  Web of Science and Google Scholar in the
                                  field of business and management . . . . 613--625

Volume 85, Number 3, December, 2010

         Pedro Cosme Vieira and   
          Aurora A. C. Teixeira   Are finance, management, and marketing
                                  autonomous fields of scientific
                                  research? An analysis based on journal
                                  citations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627--646
                Robert Lopresti   Citation accuracy in environmental
                                  science journals . . . . . . . . . . . . 647--655
           Kristof De Witte and   
                    Nicky Rogge   To publish or not to publish? On the
                                  aggregation and drivers of research
                                  performance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657--680
              Lutz Bornmann and   
             Hans-Dieter Daniel   The validity of staff editors' initial
                                  evaluations of manuscripts: a case study
                                  of Angewandte Chemie International
                                  Edition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681--687
               Pei-Chun Lee and   
               Hsin-Ning Su and   
                     Te-Yi Chan   Assessment of ontology-based knowledge
                                  network formation by Vector-Space Model  689--703
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                    Fulvio Viel   Peer review research assessment: a
                                  sensitivity analysis of performance
                                  rankings to the share of research
                                  product evaluated  . . . . . . . . . . . 705--720
            Carla Taramasco and   
      Jean-Philippe Cointet and   
                   Camille Roth   Academic team formation as evolving
                                  hypergraphs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721--740
                   J. E. Hirsch   An index to quantify an individual's
                                  scientific research output that takes
                                  into account the effect of multiple
                                  coauthorship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741--754
                 Siluo Yang and   
                    Feng Ma and   
                Yanhui Song and   
                    Junping Qiu   A longitudinal analysis of citation
                                  distribution breadth for Chinese
                                  scholars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755--765
             Mary K. Feeney and   
               Margarita Bernal   Women in STEM networks: who seeks advice
                                  and support from women scientists? . . . 767--790
    Francisco Collazo-Reyes and   
     Ma. Elena Luna-Morales and   
            Jane M. Russell and   
Miguel Ángel Pérez-Angón   Enriching knowledge production patterns
                                  of Mexican physics in particles and
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791--802
               Byungun Yoon and   
                Sungjoo Lee and   
                   Gwanghee Lee   Development and application of a
                                  keyword-based knowledge map for
                                  effective R&D planning  . . . . . . . . . 803--820
Guillermo Armando Ronda-Pupo and   
Luis Ángel Guerras-Martín   Dynamics of the scientific community
                                  network within the strategic management
                                  field through the Strategic Management
                                  Journal 1980--2009: the role of
                                  cooperation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821--848
           Choong Kwai Fatt and   
          Ephrance Abu Ujum and   
                 Kuru Ratnavelu   The structure of collaboration in the
                                  \booktitleJournal of Finance . . . . . . 849--860
                     P. Vinkler   Indicators are the essence of
                                  scientometrics and bibliometrics . . . . 861--866

Volume 86, Number 1, January, 2011

                 Jian Zhang and   
         Michael S. Vogeley and   
                   Chaomei Chen   Scientometrics of big science: a case
                                  study of research in the Sloan Digital
                                  Sky Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--14
           Morteza Maghrebi and   
                 Ali Abbasi and   
                Saeid Amiri and   
               Reza Monsefi and   
                    Ahad Harati   A collective and abridged lexical query
                                  for delineation of nanotechnology
                                  publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15--25
     Mauro Vitor Mendlowicz and   
Evandro Silva Freire Coutinho and   
                Jerson Laks and   
Leonardo Franklin Fontenelle and   
Alexandre Martins Valença and   
             William Berger and   
              Ivan Figueira and   
Gláucia Azambuja de Aguiar   Is there a `gender gap' in authorship of
                                  the main Brazilian psychiatric journals
                                  at the beginning of the 21st century?    27--37
       Catalina Martínez   Patent families: When do different
                                  definitions really matter? . . . . . . . 39--63
             Show-Ling Jang and   
               Jennifer H. Chen   What determines how long an innovative
                                  spell will last? . . . . . . . . . . . . 65--76
                Domingo Docampo   On using the Shanghai ranking to assess
                                  the research performance of university
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77--92
              Lutz Bornmann and   
          Christoph Neuhaus and   
             Hans-Dieter Daniel   The effect of a two-stage publication
                                  process on the Journal Impact Factor: a
                                  case study on the interactive open
                                  access journal Atmospheric Chemistry and
                                  Physics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93--97
    Cathelijn J. F. Waaijer and   
    Cornelis A. van Bochove and   
               Nees Jan van Eck   On the map: \booktitleNature and
                                  \booktitleScience editorials . . . . . . 99--112
          João Claro and   
             Carlos A. V. Costa   A made-to-measure indicator for
                                  cross-disciplinary bibliometric ranking
                                  of researchers performance . . . . . . . 113--123
              Hamid Bouabid and   
             Mohamed Dalimi and   
                  Zayer ElMajid   Impact evaluation of the voluntary early
                                  retirement policy on research and
                                  technology outputs of the faculties of
                                  science in Morocco . . . . . . . . . . . 125--132
        Balázs Borsi and   
         András Schubert   Agrifood research in Europe: a global
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133--154
          Dragan Ivanovi\'c and   
                Dusan Surla and   
               Milos Rackovi\'c   A CERIF data model extension for
                                  evaluation and quantitative expression
                                  of scientific research results . . . . . 155--172
                  Lutz Bornmann   Mimicry in science?  . . . . . . . . . . 173--177
           Heinrich Behrens and   
                   Peter Luksch   Mathematics 1868--2008: a bibliometric
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179--194
          Ronald N. Kostoff and   
               Stephen A. Morse   Structure and infrastructure of
                                  infectious agent research literature:
                                  SARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195--209
        Radhamany Sooryamoorthy   Scientific publications of engineers in
                                  South Africa, 1975--2005 . . . . . . . . 211--226
               Lana Bosnjak and   
               Livia Puljak and   
       Katarina Vukojevi\'c and   
                  Ana Marusi\'c   Analysis of a number and type of
                                  publications that editors publish in
                                  their own journals: case study of
                                  scholarly journals in Croatia  . . . . . 227--233
               Juan Gorraiz and   
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
         Koenraad Debackere and   
          Stefan Hornbostel and   
                  Sybille Hinze   ESSS 2010: A review of the
                                  inaugurational European Summer School
                                  for Scientometrics in Berlin . . . . . . 235--236
                Domingo Docampo   Erratum to: On using the Shanghai
                                  ranking to assess the research
                                  performance of university systems  . . . 237--237

Volume 86, Number 2, February, 2011

                 Gangan Prathap   The fractional and harmonic $p$-indices
                                  for multiple authorship  . . . . . . . . 239--244
                Samuel Arbesman   Quantifying the ease of scientific
                                  discovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245--250
               David M. Schultz   Rejection rates for multiple-part
                                  manuscripts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251--259
                B. M. Gupta and   
            Avinash Kshitij and   
                    Charu Verma   Mapping of Indian computer science
                                  research output, 1999--2008  . . . . . . 261--283
                Jingda Ding and   
                    Junping Qiu   An approach to improve the indicator
                                  weights of scientific and technological
                                  competitiveness evaluation of Chinese
                                  universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285--297
                    Li Tang and   
                 Philip Shapira   Regional development and interregional
                                  collaboration in the growth of
                                  nanotechnology research in China . . . . 299--315
             Jiann-wien Hsu and   
                 Ding-wei Huang   Correlation between impact and
                                  collaboration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317--324
          Reindert K. Buter and   
           Ed. C. M. Noyons and   
         Anthony F. J. Van Raan   Searching for converging research using
                                  field to field citations . . . . . . . . 325--338
      Fiorenzo Franceschini and   
               Domenico Maisano   Criticism on the $ h g$-index  . . . . . 339--346
            Giovanni Abramo and   
        Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo   National-scale research performance
                                  assessment at the individual level . . . 347--364
               Yu-Chun Chen and   
              Hsiao-Yun Yeh and   
               Jau-Ching Wu and   
              Ingo Haschler and   
              Tzeng-Ji Chen and   
                  Thomas Wetter   Taiwan's National Health Insurance
                                  Research Database: administrative health
                                  care database as study object in
                                  bibliometrics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365--380
                  Chihmao Hsieh   Explicitly searching for useful
                                  inventions: dynamic relatedness and the
                                  costs of connecting versus synthesizing  381--404
             Moritaka Hosotsubo   A statistical study of transferral and
                                  promotion mechanisms relating to the
                                  appointment of professors at Japanese
                                  national universities based on cross
                                  tabulation and log-linear model analysis 405--430
             Norrin Halilem and   
                Nabil Amara and   
           Réjean Landry   Is the academic Ivory Tower becoming a
                                  managed structure? A nested analysis of
                                  the variance in activities of
                                  researchers from natural sciences and
                                  engineering in Canada  . . . . . . . . . 431--448
            Cassidy R. Sugimoto   Looking across communicative genres: a
                                  call for inclusive indicators of
                                  interdisciplinarity  . . . . . . . . . . 449--461
      Fiorenzo Franceschini and   
               Domenico Maisano   Bibliometric positioning of scientific
                                  manufacturing journals: a comparative
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463--485
             Christoph Bartneck   The end of the beginning: a reflection
                                  on the first five years of the HRI
                                  conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487--504
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                      Ping Zhou   Publication activity, citation impact
                                  and bi-directional links between
                                  publications and patents in
                                  biotechnology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505--525
                   R. Kenna and   
                      B. Berche   Critical mass and the dependency of
                                  research quality on group size . . . . . 527--540
             Anthipi Pouris and   
             Anastassios Pouris   Scientometrics of a pandemic: HIV/AIDS
                                  research in South Africa and the World   541--552

Volume 86, Number 3, March, 2011

                  Dalibor Fiala   Mining citation information from
                                  CiteSeer data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553--562
              D. Gnana Bharathi   Methodology for the evaluation of
                                  scientific journals: Aggregated
                                  Citations of Cited Articles  . . . . . . 563--574
               Carmen Osuna and   
          Laura Cruz-Castro and   
      Luis Sanz-Menéndez   Overturning some assumptions about the
                                  effects of evaluation systems on
                                  publication performance  . . . . . . . . 575--592
              Rongying Zhao and   
                        Ju Wang   Visualizing the research on pervasive
                                  and ubiquitous computing . . . . . . . . 593--612
             Claire Creaser and   
          Charles Oppenheim and   
             Mark A. C. Summers   What do UK academics cite? An analysis
                                  of references cited in UK scholarly
                                  outputs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613--627
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                  Marco Solazzi   The relationship between scientists'
                                  research performance and the degree of
                                  internationalization of their research   629--643
                Oguz K. Baskurt   Time series analysis of publication
                                  counts of a university: what are the
                                  implications?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645--656
              Chang-Ping Hu and   
                 Ji-Ming Hu and   
                    Yan Gao and   
                  Yao-Kun Zhang   A journal co-citation analysis of
                                  library and information science in China 657--670
          Eleni Fragkiadaki and   
       Georgios Evangelidis and   
           Nikolaos Samaras and   
             Dimitris A. Dervos   $f$-Value: measuring an article's
                                  scientific impact  . . . . . . . . . . . 671--686
             Janghyeok Yoon and   
              Sungchul Choi and   
                   Kwangsoo Kim   Invention property-function network
                                  analysis of patents: a case of
                                  silicon-based thin film solar cells  . . 687--703
          Björn Hammarfelt   Interdisciplinarity and the intellectual
                                  base of literature studies: citation
                                  analysis of highly cited monographs  . . 705--725
          Stefanie Haustein and   
                Dirk Tunger and   
           Gerold Heinrichs and   
                     Gesa Baelz   Reasons for and developments in
                                  international scientific collaboration:
                                  does an Asia--Pacific research area
                                  exist from a bibliometric point of view? 727--746
              Chien Hsiang Liao   How to improve research quality?
                                  Examining the impacts of collaboration
                                  intensity and member diversity in
                                  collaboration networks . . . . . . . . . 747--761
Françoise Salager-Meyer and   
María Ángeles Alcaraz-Ariza and   
Marianela Luzardo Briceño and   
                Georges Jabbour   Scholarly gratitude in five geographical
                                  contexts: a diachronic and cross-generic
                                  approach of the acknowledgment paratext
                                  in medical discourse (1950--2010)  . . . 763--784
                    Igor Kissin   Can a bibliometric indicator predict the
                                  success of an analgesic? . . . . . . . . 785--795

Volume 87, Number 1, April, 2011

            Mihail Cocosila and   
          Alexander Serenko and   
                     Ofir Turel   Exploring the management information
                                  systems discipline: a scientometric
                                  study of ICIS, PACIS and ASAC  . . . . . 1--16
             Chia-Lin Chang and   
            Michael McAleer and   
                      Les Oxley   What makes a great journal great in the
                                  sciences? Which came first, the chicken
                                  or the egg?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17--40
              Anthony Nasir and   
          Tariq Mahmood Ali and   
             Sheikh Shahdin and   
                Tariq Ur Rahman   Technology achievement index 2009:
                                  ranking and comparative study of nations 41--62
              Manuel Acosta and   
            Daniel Coronado and   
    Esther Ferrándiz and   
         M. Dolores León   Factors affecting inter-regional
                                  academic scientific collaboration within
                                  Europe: the role of economic distance    63--74
     Juan Miguel Campanario and   
     Jesús Carretero and   
              Vera Marangon and   
             Antonio Molina and   
              Germán Ros   Effect on the journal impact factor of
                                  the number and document type of citing
                                  records: a wide-scale study  . . . . . . 75--84
         Christoph Bartneck and   
             Servaas Kokkelmans   Detecting $h$-index manipulation through
                                  self-citation analysis . . . . . . . . . 85--98
           Pauline Mattsson and   
        Carl Johan Sundberg and   
                  Patrice Laget   Is correspondence reflected in the
                                  author position? A bibliometric study of
                                  the relation between corresponding
                                  author and byline position . . . . . . . 99--105
                Antonio Quesada   Further characterizations of the Hirsch
                                  index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107--114
               Dangzhi Zhao and   
              Andreas Strotmann   Intellectual structure of stem cell
                                  research: a comprehensive author
                                  co-citation analysis of a highly
                                  collaborative and multidisciplinary
                                  field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115--131
                   Raf Guns and   
                Yu Xian Liu and   
                Dilruba Mahbuba   Q-measures and betweenness centrality in
                                  a collaboration network: a case study of
                                  the field of informetrics  . . . . . . . 133--147
            Reinhold Kliegl and   
                  Douglas Bates   International collaboration in
                                  psychology is on the rise  . . . . . . . 149--158
               Qingjun Zhao and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   International collaboration of three
                                  `giants' with the G7 countries in
                                  emerging nanobiopharmaceuticals  . . . . 159--170
                Ronald Rousseau   Comments on the modified collaborative
                                  coefficient  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171--174
                  Jia Zheng and   
               Zhi-yun Zhao and   
                   Xu Zhang and   
               Dar-zen Chen and   
             Mu-hsuan Huang and   
              Xiao-ping Lei and   
                Ze-yu Zhang and   
               Yun-hua Zhao and   
                  Run-sheng Liu   Industry evolution and key technologies
                                  in China based on patent analysis  . . . 175--188
         Juan Miguel Campanario   Empirical study of journal impact
                                  factors obtained using the classical
                                  two-year citation window versus a
                                  five-year citation window  . . . . . . . 189--204
Mohammad A. Abolghassemi Fakhree and   
             Abolghasem Jouyban   Scientometric analysis of the major
                                  Iranian medical universities . . . . . . 205--220

Volume 87, Number 2, May, 2011

            Hiroko Nakamura and   
              Shinji Suzuki and   
            Tomobe Hironori and   
              Yuya Kajikawa and   
                  Ichiro Sakata   Citation lag analysis in supply chain
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221--232
               Pawe\l Sobkowicz   Simulations of opinion changes in
                                  scientific communities . . . . . . . . . 233--250
                  Ali Gazni and   
              Fereshteh Didegah   Investigating different types of
                                  research collaboration and citation
                                  impact: a case study of Harvard
                                  University's publications  . . . . . . . 251--265
           Gohar Feroz Khan and   
              Junghoon Moon and   
               Han Woo Park and   
                 Bobby Swar and   
                  Jae Jeung Rho   A socio-technical perspective on
                                  e-government issues in developing
                                  countries: a scientometrics approach . . 267--286
                       L. Egghe   Mathematical derivation of the
                                  scale-dependence of the $h$-index and
                                  other $h$-type indices . . . . . . . . . 287--292
                       Hui Fang   Peer review and over-competitive
                                  research funding fostering mainstream
                                  opinion to monopoly  . . . . . . . . . . 293--301
         Thomas Hugh Feeley and   
      Katherine Hart LaVail and   
              George A. Barnett   Predicting faculty job centrality in
                                  communication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303--314
     Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha and   
           Jan Resenga Maluleka   Knowledge production through
                                  collaborative research in sub-Saharan
                                  Africa: how much do countries contribute
                                  to each other's knowledge output and
                                  citation impact? . . . . . . . . . . . . 315--336
            Lars H. Breimer and   
                 Janeth Leksell   Longitudinal and cross-sectional study
                                  of registered nurses in Sweden who
                                  undertake a PhD showing that nurses
                                  continue to publish in English after
                                  their PhD but male nurses are more
                                  productive than female nurses  . . . . . 337--345
      Alexander N. Larcombe and   
                  Sasha C. Voss   Self-citation: comparison between
                                  Radiology, European Radiology and
                                  Radiology for 1997--1998 . . . . . . . . 347--356
  Sándor Soós and   
                  George Kampis   Towards a typology of research
                                  performance diversity: the case of top
                                  Hungarian players  . . . . . . . . . . . 357--371
                    Henry Small   Interpreting maps of science using
                                  citation context sentiments: a
                                  preliminary investigation  . . . . . . . 373--388
             Henri Delanghe and   
                Brian Sloan and   
                    Ugur Muldur   European research policy and
                                  bibliometric indicators, 1990--2005  . . 389--398
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   A national-scale cross-time analysis of
                                  university research performance  . . . . 399--413
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
     András Schubert and   
                 Bart Thijs and   
             Koenraad Debackere   A priori vs. a posteriori normalisation
                                  of citation indicators. The case of
                                  journal ranking  . . . . . . . . . . . . 415--424

Volume 87, Number 3, June, 2011

                   Hsu-Hao Tsai   Research trends analysis by comparing
                                  data mining and customer relationship
                                  management through bibliometric
                                  methodology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425--450
             Takao Furukawa and   
         Nobuyuki Shirakawa and   
                   Kumi Okuwada   Quantitative analysis of collaborative
                                  and mobility networks  . . . . . . . . . 451--466
               Ludo Waltman and   
           Nees Jan van Eck and   
        Thed N. van Leeuwen and   
          Martijn S. Visser and   
         Anthony F. J. van Raan   Towards a new crown indicator: an
                                  empirical analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 467--481
        Vincent Larivi\`ere and   
Etienne Vignola-Gagné and   
       Christian Villeneuve and   
      Pascal Gélinas and   
                   Yves Gingras   Sex differences in research funding,
                                  productivity and impact: an analysis of
                                  Québec university professors  . . . . . . 483--498
            Giovanni Abramo and   
        Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo   Evaluating research: from informed peer
                                  review to bibliometrics  . . . . . . . . 499--514
                 Gangan Prathap   The Energy--Exergy--Entropy (or EEE)
                                  sequences in bibliometric assessment . . 515--524
     Andreas Bjurström and   
                   Merritt Polk   Climate change and interdisciplinarity:
                                  a co-citation analysis of IPCC Third
                                  Assessment Report  . . . . . . . . . . . 525--550
            Kun-Yang Chuang and   
            Ming-Huang Wang and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   High-impact papers presented in the
                                  subject category of water resources in
                                  the essential science indicators
                                  database of the Institute for Scientific
                                  Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551--562
                   Jue Wang and   
                 Philip Shapira   Funding acknowledgement analysis: an
                                  enhanced tool to investigate research
                                  sponsorship impacts: the case of
                                  nanotechnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563--586
             Veljko Jeremic and   
             Milica Bulajic and   
               Milan Martic and   
                Zoran Radojicic   A fresh approach to evaluating the
                                  academic ranking of world universities   587--596
              Guillaume Cabanac   Accuracy of inter-researcher similarity
                                  measures based on topical and social
                                  clues  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597--620
             Roberto Todeschini   The $j$-index: a new bibliometric index
                                  and multivariate comparisons between
                                  other common indices . . . . . . . . . . 621--639
            Giovanni Abramo and   
             Tindaro Cicero and   
        Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo   The dangers of performance-based
                                  research funding in non-competitive
                                  higher education systems . . . . . . . . 641--654
       Hans-Jürgen Czerwon   Obituary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655--656
        José Luis Ortega   Collaboration patterns in patent
                                  networks and their relationship with the
                                  transfer of technology: the case study
                                  of the CSIC patents  . . . . . . . . . . 657--666
               Marco Geraci and   
               M. Degli Esposti   Where do Italian universities stand? An
                                  in-depth statistical analysis of
                                  national and international rankings  . . 667--681
                       L. Egghe   The impact factor rank-order
                                  distribution revisited . . . . . . . . . 683--685
        Günter Krampen and   
          Alexander von Eye and   
                  Gabriel Schui   Forecasting trends of development of
                                  psychology from a bibliometric
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687--694
              Mingyang Wang and   
                   Guang Yu and   
                       Daren Yu   Mining typical features for highly cited
                                  papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695--706

Volume 88, Number 1, July, 2011

                    Li Tang and   
                 Philip Shapira   China--US scientific collaboration in
                                  nanotechnology: patterns and dynamics    1--16
            Peter W. Liesch and   
        Lars Håkanson and   
          Sara L. McGaughey and   
           Stuart Middleton and   
                Julia Cretchley   The evolution of the international
                                  business field: a scientometric
                                  investigation of articles published in
                                  its premier journal  . . . . . . . . . . 17--42
               Sotaro Shibayama   Distribution of academic research funds:
                                  a case of Japanese national research
                                  grant  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43--60
               Young Man Ko and   
               Soo-Ryun Cho and   
                 Yong Seok Park   A study on the optimization of KCI-based
                                  index (Kor-Factor) in evaluating Korean
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61--71
                Zifeng Chen and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   Mapping of biotechnology patents of
                                  China from 1995--2008  . . . . . . . . . 73--89
             Mathieu Ouimet and   
Pierre-Olivier Bédard and   
François Gélineau   Are the $h$-index and some of its
                                  alternatives discriminatory of
                                  epistemological beliefs and
                                  methodological preferences of faculty
                                  members? The case of social scientists
                                  in Quebec  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91--106
             Ash Mohammad Abbas   Weighted indices for evaluating the
                                  quality of research with multiple
                                  authorship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107--131
                Xin Ying An and   
                  Qing Qiang Wu   Co-word analysis of the trends in stem
                                  cells field based on subject heading
                                  weighting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133--144
             Rodrigo Costas and   
           María Bordons   Do age and professional rank influence
                                  the order of authorship in scientific
                                  publications? Some evidence from a
                                  micro-level perspective  . . . . . . . . 145--161
                Attila V. Varga   Measuring the semantic integrity of
                                  scientific fields: a method and a study
                                  of sociology, economics and biophysics   163--177
Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas and   
        Raimundas Kirvaitis and   
               Eleonora Dagiene   Scientific publications released in the
                                  Baltic States  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179--190
                       Fang Lin   A study on power-law distribution of
                                  hostnames in the URL references  . . . . 191--198
                  Hamid Bouabid   Revisiting citation aging: a model for
                                  citation distribution and life-cycle
                                  prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199--211
             Janghyeok Yoon and   
                   Kwangsoo Kim   Identifying rapidly evolving
                                  technological trends for R&D planning
                                  using SAO-based semantic patent networks 213--228
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   National research assessment exercises:
                                  the effects of changing the rules of the
                                  game during the game . . . . . . . . . . 229--238
            Stefano Breschi and   
                 Franco Malerba   Assessing the scientific and
                                  technological output of EU Framework
                                  Programmes: evidence from the FP6
                                  projects in the ICT field  . . . . . . . 239--257
             Dong Geun Choi and   
                Heesang Lee and   
                 Tae-kyung Sung   Research profiling for `standardization
                                  and innovation'  . . . . . . . . . . . . 259--278
      Fiorenzo Franceschini and   
               Domenico Maisano   Proposals for evaluating the regularity
                                  of a scientist's research output . . . . 279--295
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                     Bart Thijs   Using `core documents' for the
                                  representation of clusters and topics    297--309
                Paula Leite and   
    Rogério Mugnaini and   
                Jacqueline Leta   A new indicator for international
                                  visibility: exploring Brazilian
                                  scientific community . . . . . . . . . . 311--319
           Martin Ravallion and   
                  Adam Wagstaff   On measuring scholarly influence by
                                  citations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321--337
             Stephen J. Bensman   Anne-Wil Harzing: The publish or perish
                                  book: Your guide to effective and
                                  responsible citation analysis  . . . . . 339--342

Volume 88, Number 2, August, 2011

                    Xia Gao and   
             Jiancheng Guan and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Mapping collaborative knowledge
                                  production in China using patent
                                  co-inventorships . . . . . . . . . . . . 343--362
                       L. Egghe   The influence of random removal of
                                  sources and items on the $h$-index . . . 363--370
        Jens Peter Andersen and   
          Björn Hammarfelt   Price revisited: on the growth of
                                  dissertations in eight research fields   371--383
      Pedro Albarrán and   
             Juan A. Crespo and   
      Ignacio Ortuño and   
           Javier Ruiz-Castillo   The skewness of science in 219
                                  sub-fields and a number of aggregates    385--397
                Peng Hui Lv and   
              Gui-Fang Wang and   
                   Yong Wan and   
                    Jia Liu and   
                   Qing Liu and   
                   Fei-cheng Ma   Bibliometric trend analysis on global
                                  graphene research  . . . . . . . . . . . 399--419
     Juan Miguel Campanario and   
   María Angeles Coslado   Benford's Law and citations, articles
                                  and impact factors of scientific
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421--432
                   Yu-Shan Chen   Using patent analysis to explore
                                  corporate growth . . . . . . . . . . . . 433--448
          George A. Barnett and   
              Catherine Huh and   
                Youngju Kim and   
                   Han Woo Park   Citations among communication journals
                                  and other disciplines: a network
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449--469
            Hannes Toivanen and   
              Branco Ponomariov   African regional innovation systems:
                                  bibliometric analysis of research
                                  collaboration patterns 2005--2009  . . . 471--493
     Anthony F. J. van Raan and   
        Thed N. van Leeuwen and   
              Martijn S. Visser   Severe language effect in university
                                  rankings: particularly Germany and
                                  France are wronged in citation-based
                                  rankings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495--498
               Loet Leydesdorff   ``Structuration'' by intellectual
                                  organization: the configuration of
                                  knowledge in relations among structural
                                  components in networks of science  . . . 499--520
                Sherif Sakr and   
               Mohammad Alomari   A decade of database research
                                  publications: a look inside  . . . . . . 521--533
               S. Hennemann and   
                    T. Wang and   
                     I. Liefner   Measuring regional science networks in
                                  China: a comparison of international and
                                  domestic bibliographic data sources  . . 535--554
                 Gangan Prathap   Quasity, when quantity has a quality all
                                  of its own-toward a theory of
                                  performance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555--562
Carmen López-Illescas and   
Félix de Moya-Anegón and   
                   Henk F. Moed   A ranking of universities should account
                                  for differences in their disciplinary
                                  specialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563--574
              Ranjeet Kumar and   
             R. C. Tripathi and   
                   M. D. Tiwari   A case study of impact of patenting in
                                  the current developing economies in Asia 575--587
                Igor Kissin and   
          Edwin L. Bradley, Jr.   Top Journals Selectivity Index: is it
                                  acceptable for drugs beyond the field of
                                  analgesia? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589--597
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                    Fulvio Viel   The field-standardized average impact of
                                  national research systems compared to
                                  world average: the case of Italy . . . . 599--615
                Jun-Ying Fu and   
                   Xu Zhang and   
               Yun-Hua Zhao and   
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
                   Dar-Zen Chen   Bibliometric analysis of complementary
                                  and alternative medicine research over
                                  three decades  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617--626
               Juan Gorraiz and   
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
                 Martin Wieland   Galton 2011 revisited: a bibliometric
                                  journey in the footprints of a universal
                                  genius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627--652
            Hamid R. Jamali and   
                   Mahsa Nikzad   Article title type and its relation with
                                  the number of downloads and citations    653--661
                       L. Egghe   Problems with ``natural selection of
                                  academic papers''  . . . . . . . . . . . 663--667
         Pandelis Perakakis and   
             Michael Taylor and   
             Marco G. Mazza and   
               Varvara Trachana   Understanding the role of open peer
                                  review and dynamic academic articles . . 669--673
               Loet Leydesdorff   Katy Börner: Atlas of science:
                                  visualizing what we know . . . . . . . . 675--677

Volume 88, Number 3, September, 2011

         M. Angeles Zulueta and   
       Gisela Cantos-Mateos and   
Benjamín Vargas-Quesada and   
          Carmen Sánchez   Research involving women and health in
                                  the Medline database, 1965--2005:
                                  co-term analysis and visualization of
                                  main lines of research . . . . . . . . . 679--706
          Stanislaw Kosecki and   
           Robbin Shoemaker and   
            Charlotte Kirk Baer   Scope, characteristics, and use of the
                                  U.S. Department of Agriculture's
                                  intramural research  . . . . . . . . . . 707--728
Pablo Dorta-González and   
María-Isabel Dorta-González   Central indexes to the citation
                                  distribution: a complement to the
                                  $h$-index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729--745
         Roula Inglesi-Lotz and   
             Anastassios Pouris   Scientometric impact assessment of a
                                  research policy instrument: the case of
                                  rating researchers on scientific outputs
                                  in South Africa  . . . . . . . . . . . . 747--760
               Xianwen Wang and   
                   Xi Zhang and   
                    Shenmeng Xu   Patent co-citation networks of Fortune
                                  500 companies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761--770
      Daniel Torres-Salinas and   
      Jose G. Moreno-Torres and   
Emilio Delgado-López-Cózar and   
              Francisco Herrera   A methodology for Institution--Field
                                  ranking based on a bidimensional
                                  analysis: the IFQ$^2$A index . . . . . . 771--786
                Torben Schubert   Assessing the value of patent
                                  portfolios: an international country
                                  comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787--804
            Ming-Chao Huang and   
            Shih-Chieh Fang and   
                 Shao-Chi Chang   Tracking R&D behavior: bibliometric
                                  analysis of drug patents in the Orange
                                  Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805--818
                 Xinhai Liu and   
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                   Bart De Moor   Hybrid clustering of multi-view data via
                                  Tucker-2 model and its application . . . 819--839
                Hui-Zhen Fu and   
            Kun-Yang Chuang and   
            Ming-Huang Wang and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Characteristics of research in China
                                  assessed with Essential Science
                                  Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841--862
              Sungchul Choi and   
             Janghyeok Yoon and   
               Kwangsoo Kim and   
               Jae Yeol Lee and   
                  Cheol-Han Kim   SAO network analysis of patents for
                                  technology trends identification: a case
                                  study of polymer electrolyte membrane
                                  technology in proton exchange membrane
                                  fuel cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863--883
                Ozlem Inanc and   
                    Onur Tuncer   The effect of academic inbreeding on
                                  scientific effectiveness . . . . . . . . 885--898
   Esther Lapon-Kandelshein and   
                    Gila Prebor   Bibliographical research in the study of
                                  Hebrew printing: a bibliometric analysis 899--913
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   Research productivity: Are higher
                                  academic ranks more productive than
                                  lower ones?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 915--928
                 N. Nikolic and   
         J.-L. Baglini\`ere and   
                  C. Rigaud and   
                  C. Gardes and   
           M. L. Masquilier and   
                     C. Taverny   Bibliometric analysis of diadromous fish
                                  research from 1970s to 2010: a case
                                  study of seven species . . . . . . . . . 929--947
                    Mei-Chih Hu   Evolution of knowledge creation and
                                  diffusion: the revisit of Taiwan's
                                  Hsinchu Science Park . . . . . . . . . . 949--977
          George Emm Halkos and   
          Nickolaos G. Tzeremes   Measuring economic journals' citation
                                  efficiency: a data envelopment analysis
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979--1001
                       L. Egghe   The single publication $H$-index and the
                                  indirect $H$-index of a researcher . . . 1003--1004
                 Gangan Prathap   Letter to the Editor: Comments on the
                                  paper of Franceschini and Maisano:
                                  Proposals for evaluating the regularity
                                  of a scientist's research output . . . . 1005--1010
              Tobias Opthof and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   A comment to the paper by Waltman et
                                  al., \booktitleScientometrics, \bf 87,
                                  467--481, 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011--1016
               Ludo Waltman and   
           Nees Jan van Eck and   
        Thed N. van Leeuwen and   
          Martijn S. Visser and   
         Anthony F. J. van Raan   On the correlation between bibliometric
                                  indicators and peer review: reply to
                                  Opthof and Leydesdorff . . . . . . . . . 1017--1022

Volume 89, Number 1, October, 2011

          Aurora A. C. Teixeira   Mapping the (in)visible college(s) in
                                  the field of entrepreneurship  . . . . . 1--36
                    Ugo Finardi   Time relations between scientific
                                  production and patenting of knowledge:
                                  the case of nanotechnologies . . . . . . 37--50
                 Limei Zhao and   
                   Qingpu Zhang   Mapping knowledge domains of Chinese
                                  digital library research output,
                                  1994--2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51--87
                   Chen Liu and   
                   Wei Shan and   
                        Jing Yu   Shaping the interdisciplinary knowledge
                                  network of China: a network analysis
                                  based on citation data from 1981 to 2010 89--106
             Tuan V. Nguyen and   
                     Ly T. Pham   Scientific output and its relationship
                                  to knowledge economy: an analysis of
                                  ASEAN countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . 107--117
                 Selen Onel and   
                   Abe Zeid and   
                 Sagar Kamarthi   The structure and analysis of
                                  nanotechnology co-author and citation
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119--138
              Grant Lewison and   
            Valentina Markusova   Female researchers in Russia: have they
                                  become more visible? . . . . . . . . . . 139--152
                  M. Benito and   
                      R. Romera   Improving quality assessment of
                                  composite indicators in university
                                  rankings: a case study of French and
                                  German universities of excellence  . . . 153--176
             Rodrigo Costas and   
        Thed N. van Leeuwen and   
         Anthony F. J. van Raan   The ``Mendel syndrome'' in science:
                                  durability of scientific literature and
                                  its effects on bibliometric analysis of
                                  individual scientists  . . . . . . . . . 177--205
              Ryan D. Duffy and   
              Alex Jadidian and   
         Gregory D. Webster and   
                Kyle J. Sandell   The research productivity of academic
                                  psychologists: assessment, trends, and
                                  best practice recommendations  . . . . . 207--227
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   Overall prestige of journals with
                                  ranking score above a given threshold    229--243
                   Qiang Wu and   
                Dietmar Wolfram   The influence of effects and phenomena
                                  on citations: a comparative analysis of
                                  four citation perspectives . . . . . . . 245--258
             Show-Ling Jang and   
                Yun-Chen Yu and   
                    Tzu-Ya Wang   Emerging firms in an emerging field: an
                                  analysis of patent citations in
                                  electronic-paper display technology  . . 259--272
                    Igor Kissin   A surname-based bibliometric indicator:
                                  publications in biomedical journal . . . 273--280
            Virgina Trimble and   
                   Jose A. Ceja   Are American astrophysics papers
                                  accepted more quickly than others? . . . 281--289
              Richard S. J. Tol   Credit where credit's due: accounting
                                  for co-authorship in citation counts . . 291--299
               Ludo Waltman and   
                  Erjia Yan and   
               Nees Jan van Eck   A recursive field-normalized
                                  bibliometric performance indicator: an
                                  application to the field of library and
                                  information science  . . . . . . . . . . 301--314
      Fiorenzo Franceschini and   
               Domenico Maisano   On the analogy between the evolution of
                                  thermodynamic and bibliometric systems:
                                  a breakthrough or just a bubble? . . . . 315--327
                        M. Zitt   Behind citing-side normalization of
                                  citations: some properties of the
                                  journal impact factor  . . . . . . . . . 329--344
                      Anonymous   Selected contributions, resulting from
                                  presentations at the workshop ``Modeling
                                  Science--Understanding, Forecasting and
                                  Communicating the Science System,'' held
                                  in Amsterdam, October 6--9, 2009 . . . . 345--345
           Katy Börner and   
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
         Andrea Scharnhorst and   
        Peter van den Besselaar   Modeling science: studying the structure
                                  and dynamics of science  . . . . . . . . 347--348
             Peter Mutschke and   
               Philipp Mayr and   
             Philipp Schaer and   
                      York Sure   Science models as value-added services
                                  for scholarly information systems  . . . 349--364
                    Serge Galam   Tailor based allocations for multiple
                                  authorship: a fractional gh-index  . . . 365--379
                T. S. Evans and   
               R. Lambiotte and   
                   P. Panzarasa   Community structure and patterns of
                                  scientific collaboration in Business and
                                  Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381--396
          M. Laura Frigotto and   
              Massimo Riccaboni   A few special cases: scientific
                                  creativity and network dynamics in the
                                  field of rare diseases . . . . . . . . . 397--420
                Hanning Guo and   
             Scott Weingart and   
               Katy Börner   Mixed-indicators model for identifying
                                  emerging research areas  . . . . . . . . 421--435
          Christopher Watts and   
                  Nigel Gilbert   Does cumulative advantage affect
                                  collective learning in science? An
                                  agent-based simulation . . . . . . . . . 437--463

Volume 89, Number 2, November, 2011

               Ling-Chu Lee and   
                Pin-Hua Lin and   
             Yun-Wen Chuang and   
                    Yi-Yang Lee   Research output and economic
                                  productivity: a Granger causality test   465--478
                 Muaz Niazi and   
                   Amir Hussain   Agent-based computing from multi-agent
                                  systems to agent-based models: a visual
                                  survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479--499
                R. Karpagam and   
          S. Gopalakrishnan and   
               M. Natarajan and   
                 B. Ramesh Babu   Mapping of nanoscience and
                                  nanotechnology research in India: a
                                  scientometric analysis, 1990--2009 . . . 501--522
Alfonso Ibáñez and   
     Pedro Larrañaga and   
                  Concha Bielza   Using Bayesian networks to discover
                                  relationships between bibliometric
                                  indices. A case study of computer
                                  science and artificial intelligence
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523--551
                      Qi Yu and   
              Hongfang Shao and   
                  Zhiguang Duan   Research groups of oncology
                                  co-authorship network in China . . . . . 553--567
                 Georg Groh and   
                Christoph Fuchs   Multi-modal social networks for modeling
                                  scientific fields  . . . . . . . . . . . 569--590
                 Ming-yueh Tsay   A bibliometric analysis and comparison
                                  on three information science journals:
                                  JASIST, IPM, JOD, 1998--2008 . . . . . . 591--606
        Elizabeth S. Vieira and   
     José A. N. F. Gomes   An impact indicator for researchers  . . 607--629
        Elizabeth S. Vieira and   
     José A. N. F. Gomes   The journal relative impact: an
                                  indicator for journal assessment . . . . 631--651
   Carolina Cañibano and   
         F. Javier Otamendi and   
         Francisco Solís   International temporary mobility of
                                  researchers: a cross-discipline study    653--675
André Frazão Helene and   
            Pedro Leite Ribeiro   Brazilian scientific production,
                                  financial support, established
                                  investigators and doctoral graduates . . 677--686
             Alireza Abbasi and   
            Liaquat Hossain and   
             Shahadat Uddin and   
            Kim J. R. Rasmussen   Evolutionary dynamics of scientific
                                  collaboration networks: multi-levels and
                                  cross-time analysis  . . . . . . . . . . 687--710
          Daniel Teodorescu and   
                 Tudorel Andrei   The growth of international
                                  collaboration in East European scholarly
                                  communities: a bibliometric analysis of
                                  journal articles published between 1989
                                  and 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711--722
      Sándor Soós   The functional anatomy of science
                                  mapping  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723--726

Volume 89, Number 3, December, 2011

                       L. Egghe   The single publication $H$-index of
                                  papers in the Hirsch-core of a
                                  researcher and the indirect $H$-index    727--739
Antonio J. Gómez-Núñez and   
Benjamín Vargas-Quesada and   
Félix de Moya-Anegón and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Improving SCImago Journal & Country Rank
                                  (SJR) subject classification through
                                  reference analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 741--758
           Gohar Feroz Khan and   
              Junghoon Moon and   
                   Han Woo Park   Network of the core: mapping and
                                  visualizing the core of scientific
                                  domains  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 759--779
               Yu-Shan Chen and   
                   Chun-Yu Shih   Re-examine the relationship between
                                  patents and Tobin's $q$  . . . . . . . . 781--794
                Ta-Shun Cho and   
                   Hsin-Yu Shih   Patent citation network analysis of core
                                  and emerging technologies in Taiwan:
                                  1997--2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795--811
                George Messinis   Triadic citations, country biases and
                                  patent value: the case of
                                  pharmaceuticals  . . . . . . . . . . . . 813--833
              Lutz Bornmann and   
             Hermann Schier and   
                Werner Marx and   
             Hans-Dieter Daniel   Does the $h$ index for assessing single
                                  publications really work? A case study
                                  on papers published in chemistry . . . . 835--843
                 Chung-Souk Han   On the demographical changes of U.S.
                                  research doctorate awardees and
                                  corresponding trends in research fields  845--865
             Liang-Chu Chen and   
                 Yen-Hsuan Lien   Using author co-citation analysis to
                                  examine the intellectual structure of
                                  e-learning: A MIS perspective  . . . . . 867--886
   Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz and   
             Aleksandra Parteka   Efficiency of European public higher
                                  education institutions: a two-stage
                                  multicountry approach  . . . . . . . . . 887--917
                   Huang Yi and   
                       Wang Jie   A bibliometric study of the trend in
                                  articles related to eutrophication
                                  published in Science Citation Index  . . 919--927
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   National research assessment exercises:
                                  a comparison of peer review and
                                  bibliometrics rankings . . . . . . . . . 929--941
          Sebastian Grauwin and   
                   Pablo Jensen   Mapping scientific institutions  . . . . 943--954
            Jacob B. Slyder and   
              Beth R. Stein and   
              Brent S. Sams and   
            David M. Walker and   
             B. Jacob Beale and   
        Jeffrey J. Feldhaus and   
         Carolyn A. Copenheaver   Citation pattern and lifespan: a
                                  comparison of discipline, institution,
                                  and individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955--966
           Seongkyoon Jeong and   
             Jae Young Choi and   
                     Jaeyun Kim   The determinants of research
                                  collaboration modes: exploring the
                                  effects of research and researcher
                                  characteristics on co-authorship . . . . 967--983

Volume 90, Number 1, January, 2012

           Gohar Feroz Khan and   
                   Han Woo Park   Editorial: Triple Helix and innovation
                                  in Asia using scientometrics,
                                  webometrics, and informetrics  . . . . . 1--7
              Seong Eun Cho and   
                   Han Woo Park   Government organizations' innovative use
                                  of the Internet: The case of the Twitter
                                  activity of South Korea's Ministry for
                                  Food, Agriculture, Forestry and
                                  Fisheries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--23
                     Sujin Choi   Core-periphery, new clusters, or rising
                                  stars?: international scientific
                                  collaboration among `advanced' countries
                                  in the era of globalization  . . . . . . 25--41
                 Sujin Choi and   
              Ji-young Park and   
                   Han Woo Park   Using social media data to explore
                                  communication processes within South
                                  Korean online innovation communities . . 43--56
          Md. Dulal Hossain and   
              Junghoon Moon and   
            Hyoung Goo Kang and   
              Sung Chul Lee and   
                Young Chan Choe   Mapping the dynamics of knowledge base
                                  of innovations of R&D in Bangladesh:
                                  triple helix perspective . . . . . . . . 57--83
           Gohar Feroz Khan and   
              Seong Eun Cho and   
                   Han Woo Park   A comparison of the Daegu and Edinburgh
                                  musical industries: a triple helix
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85--99
                 Haneul Kim and   
              Minghao Huang and   
                 Furong Jin and   
               David Bodoff and   
              Junghoon Moon and   
                Young Chan Choe   Triple helix in the agricultural sector
                                  of Northeast Asian countries: a
                                  comparative study between Korea and
                                  China  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101--120
               Minjeong Kim and   
                   Han Woo Park   Measuring Twitter-based political
                                  participation and deliberation in the
                                  South Korean context by using social
                                  network and Triple Helix indicators  . . 121--140
                 Masayuki Kondo   A public research institute that created
                                  and led a large industrial group in
                                  Japan  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--162
               Ki-Seok Kwon and   
               Han Woo Park and   
                   Minho So and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   Has globalization strengthened South
                                  Korea's national research system?
                                  National and international dynamics of
                                  the Triple Helix of scientific
                                  co-authorship relationships in South
                                  Korea  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163--176
               Ki-Seok Kwon and   
                  Ben R. Martin   Synergy or separation mode: the
                                  relationship between the academic
                                  research and the knowledge-transfer
                                  activities of Korean academics . . . . . 177--200
                Moosung Lee and   
                   Han Woo Park   Exploring the web visibility of
                                  world-class universities . . . . . . . . 201--218
                   Yong-Gil Lee   Strengthening competency linkage to
                                  innovation at Korean universities  . . . 219--230
              Xiao-Ping Lei and   
               Zhi-Yun Zhao and   
                   Xu Zhang and   
               Dar-Zen Chen and   
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
                   Yun-Hua Zhao   The inventive activities and
                                  collaboration pattern of
                                  university-industry-government in China
                                  based on patent analysis . . . . . . . . 231--251
               Liming Liang and   
                 Lixin Chen and   
                  Yishan Wu and   
                   Junpeng Yuan   The role of Chinese universities in
                                  enterprise-university research
                                  collaboration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253--269
         Matthew A. Shapiro and   
                   Han Woo Park   Regional development in South Korea:
                                  accounting for research area in
                                  centrality and networks  . . . . . . . . 271--287
             Matthew A. Shapiro   Receiving information at Korean and
                                  Taiwanese universities, industry, and
                                  GRIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289--309
            Jung Cheol Shin and   
              Soo Jeung Lee and   
                    Yangson Kim   Knowledge-based innovation and
                                  collaboration: a triple-helix approach
                                  in Saudi Arabia  . . . . . . . . . . . . 311--326

Volume 90, Number 2, February, 2012

                      Anonymous   Olle Persson wins the 2011 Derek John de
                                  Solla Price Medal  . . . . . . . . . . . 327--330
          Dieter Vanderelst and   
            Sara Speybroeck and   
                Niko Speybroeck   The perceived impact of publications on
                                  Neglected Tropical Zoonoses as measured
                                  by their impact factor . . . . . . . . . 331--342
          Wen-Yau Cathy Lin and   
                 Mu-Hsuan Huang   The relationship between co-authorship,
                                  currency of references and author
                                  self-citations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343--360
               Nuno Quental and   
Júlia M. Lourenço   References, authors, journals and
                                  scientific disciplines underlying the
                                  sustainable development literature: a
                                  citation analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . 361--381
             Heidi Prozesky and   
                 Nelius Boshoff   Bibliometrics as a tool for measuring
                                  gender-specific research performance: an
                                  example from South African invasion
                                  ecology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383--406
             Stephen Carley and   
                 Alan L. Porter   A forward diversity index  . . . . . . . 407--427
        Eduardo A. Oliveira and   
         Enrico A. Colosimo and   
       Daniella R. Martelli and   
          Isabel G. Quirino and   
Maria Christina L. Oliveira and   
           Leonardo S. Lima and   
Ana Cristina Simões e Silva and   
Hercílio Martelli-Júnior   Comparison of Brazilian researchers in
                                  clinical medicine: are criteria for
                                  ranking well-adjusted? . . . . . . . . . 429--443
             Janghyeok Yoon and   
                   Kwangsoo Kim   Detecting signals of new technological
                                  opportunities using semantic patent
                                  analysis and outlier detection . . . . . 445--461
            Vincent Larivi\`ere   On the shoulders of students? The
                                  contribution of PhD students to the
                                  advancement of knowledge . . . . . . . . 463--481
                Dongbo Wang and   
                 Danhao Zhu and   
                     Xinning Su   Lotka phenomenon in the words' syntactic
                                  distribution complexity  . . . . . . . . 483--498
                  Erjia Yan and   
                  Ying Ding and   
                  Elin K. Jacob   Overlaying communities and topics: an
                                  analysis on publication networks . . . . 499--513
              Hyunseok Park and   
             Janghyeok Yoon and   
                   Kwangsoo Kim   Identifying patent infringement using
                                  SAO based semantic technological
                                  similarities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515--529
                    Feng Li and   
                    Yong Yi and   
               Xiaolong Guo and   
                         Wei Qi   Performance evaluation of research
                                  universities in Mainland China, Hong
                                  Kong and Taiwan: based on a
                                  two-dimensional approach . . . . . . . . 531--542
               Chuanfu Chen and   
                    Yuan Yu and   
                 Qiong Tang and   
                  Kuei Chiu and   
                    Yan Rao and   
                 Xuan Huang and   
                        Kai Sun   Assessing the authority of free online
                                  scholarly information  . . . . . . . . . 543--560
               Qingjun Zhao and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   Modeling the dynamic relation between
                                  science and technology in nanotechnology 561--579
               Justus Baron and   
                  Henry Delcamp   The private and social value of patents
                                  in discrete and cumulative innovation    581--606
              Xuan Zhen Liu and   
                       Hui Fang   Peer review and over-competitive
                                  research funding fostering mainstream
                                  opinion to monopoly. Part II . . . . . . 607--616
            Michael Eckmann and   
             Anderson Rocha and   
                 Jacques Wainer   Relationship between high-quality
                                  journals and conferences in computer
                                  vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617--630
             Luka Kronegger and   
                 Franc Mali and   
            Anuska Ferligoj and   
                Patrick Doreian   Collaboration structures in Slovenian
                                  scientific communities . . . . . . . . . 631--647
                 Tingcan Ma and   
              Gui-Fang Wang and   
                    Ke Dong and   
                      Mukun Cao   The Journal's Integrated Impact Index: a
                                  new indicator for journal evaluation . . 649--658
                  Ying Yang and   
                 Mingzhi Wu and   
                        Lei Cui   Integration of three visualization
                                  methods based on co-word analysis  . . . 659--673
        Cristian Colliander and   
                    Per Ahlgren   Experimental comparison of first and
                                  second-order similarities in a
                                  scientometric context  . . . . . . . . . 675--685
             Shahadat Uddin and   
            Liaquat Hossain and   
             Alireza Abbasi and   
                  Kim Rasmussen   Trend and efficiency analysis of
                                  co-authorship network  . . . . . . . . . 687--699
                Domingo Docampo   Adjusted sum of institutional scores as
                                  an indicator of the presence of
                                  university systems in the ARWU ranking   701--713
                 I. Jari\'c and   
                     J. Gessner   Analysis of publications on sturgeon
                                  research between 1996 and 2010 . . . . . 715--735
                 Gangan Prathap   A comment to the papers by Opthof and
                                  Leydesdorff, \booktitleScientometrics,
                                  \bf 88, 1011--1016, 2011 and Waltman et
                                  al., \booktitleScientometrics, \bf 88,
                                  1017--1022, 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . 737--743
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
                  Tobias Opthof   A rejoinder on energy versus impact
                                  indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745--748

Volume 90, Number 3, March, 2012

                    Xia Gao and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   Network model of knowledge diffusion . . 749--762
              Richard S. J. Tol   Shapley values for assessing research
                                  production and impact of schools and
                                  scholars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763--780
               Carlo Caputo and   
              Jaime Requena and   
                 Domingo Vargas   Life sciences research in Venezuela  . . 781--805
              Yu-Chiung Lou and   
                 Hsiao-Fang Lin   Estimate of global research trends and
                                  performance in family therapy in Social
                                  Science Citation Index . . . . . . . . . 807--823
               Yu-Shan Chen and   
                 Ke-Chiun Chang   Using the entropy-based patent measure
                                  to explore the influences of related and
                                  unrelated technological diversification
                                  upon technological competences and firm
                                  performance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825--841
     Johannes Hönekopp and   
                     Julie Khan   Future publication success in science is
                                  better predicted by traditional measures
                                  than by the $h$ index  . . . . . . . . . 843--853
              Zhong-Yi Wang and   
                    Gang Li and   
                 Chun-Ya Li and   
                         Ang Li   Research on the semantic-based co-word
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855--875
                  Jordi Ardanuy   Scientific collaboration in Library and
                                  Information Science viewed through the
                                  Web of Knowledge: the Spanish case . . . 877--890
                Daniele Fanelli   Negative results are disappearing from
                                  most disciplines and countries . . . . . 891--904
        Wladys\law Marek Kolasa   Specific character of citations in
                                  historiography (using the example of
                                  Polish history)  . . . . . . . . . . . . 905--923
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
           J. Fdez-Valdivia and   
              J. Martinez-Baena   On first quartile journals which are not
                                  of highest impact  . . . . . . . . . . . 925--943
                Jun-Ying Fu and   
                   Xu Zhang and   
               Yun-Hua Zhao and   
               Dar-Zen Chen and   
                 Mu-Hsuan Huang   Global performance of traditional
                                  Chinese medicine over three decades  . . 945--958
         Keith D. Brouthers and   
                Ram Mudambi and   
                  David M. Reeb   The blockbuster hypothesis: influencing
                                  the boundaries of knowledge  . . . . . . 959--982
            Fabrizio Natale and   
             Gianluca Fiore and   
                 Johann Hofherr   Mapping the research on aquaculture. A
                                  bibliometric analysis of aquaculture
                                  literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 983--999
         Caroline S. Wagner and   
                 Shing Kit Wong   Unseen science? Representation of BRICs
                                  in global science  . . . . . . . . . . . 1001--1013
                Sangyoon Yi and   
                     Jinho Choi   The organization of scientific
                                  knowledge: the structural
                                  characteristics of keyword networks  . . 1015--1026
      Alexander N. Larcombe and   
                  Sasha C. Voss   Erratum to: Self-citation in American
                                  Physiological Society Journals . . . . . 1027--1027

Volume 91, Number 1, April, 2012

              Renat Karamourzov   The development trends of science in the
                                  CIS countries on the basis of some
                                  scientometric indicators . . . . . . . . 1--14
Antonio Fernández-Cano and   
            Manuel Torralbo and   
          Mónica Vallejo   Time series of scientific growth in
                                  Spanish doctoral theses (1848--2009) . . 15--36
              Xuan Zhen Liu and   
                       Hui Fang   Fairly sharing the credit of
                                  multi-authored papers and its
                                  application in the modification of
                                  $h$-index and $g$-index  . . . . . . . . 37--49
                   Hang Wen and   
                       Yi Huang   Trends and performance of oxidative
                                  stress research from 1991 to 2010  . . . 51--63
                  Jia Zheng and   
               Zhi-Yun Zhao and   
                   Xu Zhang and   
               Dar-Zen Chen and   
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
              Xiao-Ping Lei and   
                Ze-Yu Zhang and   
                   Yun-Hua Zhao   International scientific and
                                  technological collaboration of China
                                  from 2004 to 2008: a perspective from
                                  paper and patent analysis  . . . . . . . 65--80
                  Seung-Pyo Jun   An empirical study of users' hype cycle
                                  based on search traffic: the case study
                                  on hybrid cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81--99
                 O. Mryglod and   
              Yu. Holovatch and   
                     I. Mryglod   Editorial process in scientific
                                  journals: analysis and modeling  . . . . 101--112
       Mónica Benito and   
                 Rosario Romera   Modeling the enrollment demand of
                                  masters programs for the Spanish public
                                  university system  . . . . . . . . . . . 113--130
                Igor Kissin and   
          Edwin L. Bradley, Jr.   Top journals selectivity index and
                                  ``me-too'' drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . 131--142
        Abdulkader A. Murad and   
               Dimiter T. Tomov   Institutionalization and
                                  internationalization of research on the
                                  applications of the geographical
                                  information systems in health planning   143--158
Alireza Isfandyari-Moghaddam and   
        Mohammad Hasanzadeh and   
                Zainab Ghayoori   A study of factors affecting research
                                  productivity of Iranian women in ISI . . 159--172
                Sherif Sakr and   
               Mohammad Alomari   A decade of database conferences: a look
                                  inside the program committees  . . . . . 173--184
             Takao Furukawa and   
         Nobuyuki Shirakawa and   
               Kumi Okuwada and   
                  Kazuya Sasaki   International mobility of researchers in
                                  robotics, computer vision and electron
                                  devices: A quantitative and comparative
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185--202
               Gao-Yong Liu and   
                 Ji-Ming Hu and   
                  Hui-Ling Wang   A co-word analysis of digital library
                                  field in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203--217
                  Lieh-Ming Luo   Optimal diversification for R&D project
                                  portfolios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219--229
                  Hajar Sotudeh   How sustainable a scientifically
                                  developing country could be in its
                                  specialties? The case of Iran's
                                  publications in SCI in the 21st century
                                  compared to 1980s  . . . . . . . . . . . 231--243
                   P. Nishy and   
              Yatish Panwar and   
              Suresh Prasad and   
               G. K. Mandal and   
                 Gangan Prathap   An impact-citations-exergy (iCX)
                                  trajectory analysis of leading research
                                  institutions in India  . . . . . . . . . 245--251
            Goio Etxebarria and   
         Mikel Gomez-Uranga and   
                   Jon Barrutia   Tendencies in scientific output on
                                  carbon nanotubes and graphene in global
                                  centers of excellence for nanotechnology 253--268
                 Gangan Prathap   The quality--quantity--quasity and
                                  energy--exergy--entropy exegesis of
                                  expected value calculation of citation
                                  performance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269--275
             Lorelei R. Vinluan   Research productivity in education and
                                  psychology in the Philippines and
                                  comparison with ASEAN countries  . . . . 277--294
                  Leo Egghe and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Theory and practice of the shifted Lotka
                                  function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295--301
         András Schubert   A Hirsch-type index of co-author
                                  partnership ability  . . . . . . . . . . 303--308
                Ronald Rousseau   Comments on ``A Hirsch-type index of
                                  co-author partnership ability''  . . . . 309--310
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
               Juan Gorraiz and   
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
          Koenrad Debackere and   
          Stefan Hornbostel and   
                  Sybille Hinze   Event report: esss 2011 ----
                                  Scientometric education in Indian summer
                                  at the University of Vienna  . . . . . . 311--313

Volume 91, Number 2, May, 2012

             Dennis Ocholla and   
            Peter Ingwersen and   
            Ed C. M. Noyons and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   The 13th International Conference on
                                  Scientometrics and Informetrics  . . . . 315--316
             Anastassios Pouris   Scientometric research in South Africa
                                  and successful policy instruments  . . . 317--325
      Robert K. Abercrombie and   
      Akaninyene W. Udoeyop and   
               Bob G. Schlicher   A study of scientometric methods to
                                  identify emerging technologies via
                                  modeling of milestones . . . . . . . . . 327--342
              Isidro F. Aguillo   Is Google Scholar useful for
                                  bibliometrics? A webometric analysis . . 343--351
                Aparna Basu and   
           Roland Wagner Dobler   `Cognitive mobility' or migration of
                                  authors between fields used in mapping a
                                  network of mathematics . . . . . . . . . 353--368
             Victor Bucheli and   
        Adriana Díaz and   
 Juan Pablo Calderón and   
              Pablo Lemoine and   
    Juan Alejandro Valdivia and   
José Luis Villaveces and   
                 Roberto Zarama   Growth of scientific production in
                                  Colombian universities: an intellectual
                                  capital-based approach . . . . . . . . . 369--382
             Julie Callaert and   
             Joris Grouwels and   
                  Bart Van Looy   Delineating the scientific footprint in
                                  technology: Identifying scientific
                                  publications within non-patent
                                  references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383--398
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                     Bart Thijs   Using `core documents' for detecting and
                                  labelling new emerging topics  . . . . . 399--416
               Juan Gorraiz and   
              Ralph Reimann and   
         Christian Gumpenberger   Key factors and considerations in the
                                  assessment of international
                                  collaboration: a case study for Austria
                                  and six countries  . . . . . . . . . . . 417--433
              Thomas Gurney and   
             Edwin Horlings and   
        Peter van den Besselaar   Author disambiguation using multi-aspect
                                  similarity indicators  . . . . . . . . . 435--449
                 Xiaojun Hu and   
            Ronald Rousseau and   
                       Jin Chen   Structural indicators in citation
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451--460
                  Xuemei Li and   
              Mike Thelwall and   
                  Dean Giustini   Validating online reference managers for
                                  scholarly impact measurement . . . . . . 461--471
                 Xinhai Liu and   
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                   Bart De Moor   Optimal and hierarchical clustering of
                                  large-scale hybrid networks for
                                  scientific mapping . . . . . . . . . . . 473--493
                Shengbo Liu and   
                   Chaomei Chen   The proximity of co-citation . . . . . . 495--511
            V. A. Markusova and   
              A. N. Libkind and   
           A. E. Varshavsly and   
                 C. N. M. Jansz   Research performance and collaboration
                                  in the Novosibirsk region  . . . . . . . 513--526
                 Ülle Must   Alone or together: examples from history
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527--537
                    Bulent Ozel   Individual cognitive structures and
                                  collaboration patterns in academia . . . 539--555
                 Edgar Schiebel   Visualization of research fronts and
                                  knowledge bases by three-dimensional
                                  areal densities of bibliographically
                                  coupled publications and co-citations    557--566
           Gunnar Sivertsen and   
                  Birger Larsen   Comprehensive bibliographic coverage of
                                  the social sciences and humanities in a
                                  citation index: an empirical analysis of
                                  the potential  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567--575
                Fengjun Sun and   
                      Lijun Zhu   Citation genetic genealogy: a novel
                                  insight for citation analysis in
                                  scientific literature  . . . . . . . . . 577--589
               Xianwen Wang and   
                     Di Liu and   
                   Kun Ding and   
                    Xinran Wang   Science funding and research output: a
                                  study on 10 countries  . . . . . . . . . 591--599
                    Ryan Zelnio   Identifying the global core-periphery
                                  structure of science . . . . . . . . . . 601--615
                  Lin Zhang and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Where demographics meets scientometrics:
                                  towards a dynamic career analysis  . . . 617--630
             Angela M. Zoss and   
               Katy Börner   Mapping interactions within the evolving
                                  science of science and innovation policy
                                  community  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631--644

Volume 91, Number 3, June, 2012

              Jan M. Gerken and   
              Martin G. Moehrle   A new instrument for technology
                                  monitoring: novelty in patents measured
                                  by semantic patent analysis  . . . . . . 645--670
  Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro   Access to universities' public
                                  knowledge: who's more nationalist? . . . 671--691
                  Yuan Wang and   
                  Ruimin Ma and   
               Tianhao Tang and   
                    Xia Liu and   
                   Ping Xie and   
               Jianxin Wang and   
              Jianxiang Liu and   
               Haideng Zhou and   
                    Siwei Zhang   The comprehensive competitiveness
                                  evaluation of American universities in
                                  Bridge Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . 693--701
                  Weina Hua and   
                Shunbo Yuan and   
               Miaomiao Yan and   
                          Yu Li   A quantitative analysis of Arctic
                                  related articles in the humanities and
                                  social sciences appearing in the world
                                  core journals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703--718
           Seongkyoon Jeong and   
                 Jae Young Choi   The taxonomy of research collaboration
                                  in science and technology: evidence from
                                  mechanical research through
                                  probabilistic clustering analysis  . . . 719--735
               Xianwen Wang and   
                Shenmeng Xu and   
                     Di Liu and   
                  Yongxia Liang   The role of Chinese--American scientists
                                  in China--US scientific collaboration: a
                                  study in nanotechnology  . . . . . . . . 737--749
          Jerome K. Vanclay and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   Metrics to evaluate research performance
                                  in academic institutions: a critique of
                                  ERA 2010 as applied in forestry and the
                                  indirect $ H_2 $ index as a possible
                                  alternative  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751--771
             Chan-Yuan Wong and   
                  Xiao-Shan Yap   Mapping technological innovations
                                  through patent analysis: a case study of
                                  foreign multinationals and indigenous
                                  firms in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773--787
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
                   Yu-Wei Chang   A comparative study of interdisciplinary
                                  changes between information science and
                                  library science  . . . . . . . . . . . . 789--803
          Martin G. Moehrle and   
                  Jan M. Gerken   Measuring textual patent similarity on
                                  the basis of combined concepts: design
                                  decisions and their consequences . . . . 805--826
              D. R. Amancio and   
             M. G. V. Nunes and   
        O. N. Oliveira, Jr. and   
                 L. da F. Costa   Using complex networks concepts to
                                  assess approaches for citations in
                                  scientific papers  . . . . . . . . . . . 827--842
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                Markus Wolf and   
             Hans-Dieter Daniel   Closed versus open reviewing of journal
                                  manuscripts: how far do comments differ
                                  in language use? . . . . . . . . . . . . 843--856
                  Lutz Bornmann   The Hawthorne effect in journal peer
                                  review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857--862
                  Helmut A. Abt   A publication index that is independent
                                  of age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863--868
         Leonidas Akritidis and   
         Dimitrios Katsaros and   
             Panayiotis Bozanis   Identifying attractive research fields
                                  for new scientists . . . . . . . . . . . 869--894
         Nobuyuki Shirakawa and   
             Takao Furukawa and   
              Minoru Nomura and   
                   Kumi Okuwada   Global competition and technological
                                  transition in electrical, electronic,
                                  information and communication
                                  engineering: quantitative analysis of
                                  periodicals and conference proceedings
                                  of the IEEE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895--910
         Lawrence Smolinsky and   
                  Aaron Lercher   Citation rates in mathematics: a study
                                  of variation by subdiscipline  . . . . . 911--924
                Duk Hee Lee and   
                 Il Won Seo and   
              Ho Chull Choe and   
                    Hee Dae Kim   Collaboration network patterns and
                                  research performance: the case of Korean
                                  public research institutions . . . . . . 925--942
                Mathieu Leblond   Author self-citations in the field of
                                  ecology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 943--953
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                  Marco Solazzi   A bibliometric tool to assess the
                                  regional dimension of
                                  university-industry research
                                  collaborations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955--975
  Mauricio Uriona-Maldonado and   
  Raimundo N. M. dos Santos and   
              Gregorio Varvakis   State of the art on the Systems of
                                  Innovation research: a bibliometrics
                                  study up to 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . 977--996
                 Gangan Prathap   Energy indicators and percentile ranking
                                  normalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 997--1003
                Tianzhu Tao and   
                  Lulong Bo and   
                   Fei Wang and   
                  Jinbao Li and   
                  Xiaoming Deng   Equal contributions and credit given to
                                  authors in anesthesiology journals
                                  during a $ 10$-year period . . . . . . . 1005--1010
                Feifei Wang and   
                Junping Qiu and   
                    Houqiang Yu   Research on the cross-citation
                                  relationship of core authors in
                                  scientometrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011--1033
            Saeed-Ul Hassan and   
              Peter Haddawy and   
         Pratikshya Kuinkel and   
      Alexander Degelsegger and   
                   Cosima Blasy   A bibliometric study of research
                                  activity in ASEAN related to the EU in
                                  FP7 priority areas . . . . . . . . . . . 1035--1051
                 Keshra Sangwal   On the age-independent publication index 1053--1058
             Quentin L. Burrell   Comments on ``A publication index that
                                  is independent of age'' by Abt . . . . . 1059--1060
            Kun-Yang Chuang and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Comments on ``A bibliometric study of
                                  the trend in articles related to
                                  eutrophication published in Science
                                  Citation Index'' . . . . . . . . . . . . 1061--1065
                   Yi Huang and   
                       Jie Wang   Response to Chuang and Ho's comments on
                                  ``A bibliometric study of the trend in
                                  articles related to eutrophication
                                  published in Science Citation Index''    1067--1071

Volume 92, Number 1, July, 2012

                 Ming-Yueh Tsay   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5
              Wen-Yau Cathy Lin   Research status and characteristics of
                                  library and information science in
                                  Taiwan: a bibliometric analysis  . . . . 7--21
        Angela Yung-Chi Hou and   
                Martin Ince and   
               Chung-Lin Chiang   A reassessment of Asian Pacific
                                  excellence programs in higher education:
                                  the Taiwan experience  . . . . . . . . . 23--42
                 Hao-Ren Ke and   
                   Ya-Ning Chen   Structure and pattern of social tags for
                                  keyword selection behaviors  . . . . . . 43--62
                   Wen Chi Hung   Measuring the use of public research in
                                  firm R&D in the Hsinchu Science Park  . . 63--73
                 Chiang Kao and   
             Shiang-Tai Liu and   
                   Hwei-Lan Pao   Assessing improvement in management
                                  research in Taiwan . . . . . . . . . . . 75--87
             Kuang-hua Chen and   
                    Pei-yu Liao   A comparative study on world university
                                  rankings: a bibliometric survey  . . . . 89--103
                Tsung Teng Chen   The development and empirical study of a
                                  literature review aiding system  . . . . 105--116
               Yu-Shan Chen and   
               Chun-Yu Shih and   
               Ching-Hsun Chang   The effects of related and unrelated
                                  technological diversification on
                                  innovation performance and corporate
                                  growth in the Taiwan's semiconductor
                                  industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117--134
                  Ju-O Wang and   
              Tzeng-Ji Chen and   
               Senyeong Kao and   
                Te-Chun Yeh and   
               Li-Fang Chou and   
                   Shung-Tai Ho   Scientific publications by anesthesia
                                  departments in East Asia . . . . . . . . 135--143
                Hsuan-I Liu and   
              Bi-Chun Chang and   
                 Kuan-Chia Chen   Collaboration patterns of Taiwanese
                                  scientific publications in various
                                  research areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145--155
           Jennifer H. Chen and   
                 Shihmin Lo and   
             Show-Ling Jang and   
                  Chi-Cho Huang   Strategic partnership and its effect on
                                  external learning of technology
                                  descendants  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--179
               Hsin-Ning Su and   
         Carey Ming-Li Chen and   
                   Pei-Chun Lee   Patent litigation precaution method:
                                  analyzing characteristics of US
                                  litigated and non-litigated patents from
                                  1976 to 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181--195
             Nobuko Miyairi and   
                  Han-Wen Chang   Bibliometric characteristics of highly
                                  cited papers from Taiwan, 2000--2009 . . 197--205

Volume 92, Number 2, August, 2012

                    Tibor Braun   Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207--208
                      Anonymous   Discussion Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . 209--209
              Jerome K. Vanclay   Impact factor: outdated artefact or
                                  stepping-stone to journal certification? 211--238
                      Anonymous   Comments on the Discussion Paper . . . . 239--239
           Alexandru T. Balaban   Positive and negative aspects of
                                  citation indices and journal impact
                                  factors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--247
                 Judit Bar-Ilan   Journal report card  . . . . . . . . . . 249--260
                 Judit Bar-Ilan   Erratum to: Journal report card  . . . . 261--261
             Stephen J. Bensman   The impact factor: its place in
                                  Garfield's thought, in science
                                  evaluation, and in library collection
                                  management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263--275
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                    Werner Marx   The effect of several versions of one
                                  and the same manuscript published by a
                                  journal on its journal impact factor . . 277--279
      Gualberto Buela-Casal and   
                   Izabela Zych   What do the scientists think about the
                                  impact factor? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281--292
         Juan Miguel Campanario   Some research ideas on Journal Impact
                                  Factors as a crucial topic in science
                                  dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293--295
Gregorio González-Alcaide and   
Juan Carlos Valderrama-Zurián and   
     Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent   The Impact Factor in
                                  non-English-speaking countries . . . . . 297--311
                  James Hartley   To cite or not to cite: author
                                  self-citations and the impact factor . . 313--317
                Peter Ingwersen   The pragmatics of a diachronic journal
                                  impact factor  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319--324
                    Peter Jacso   Grim tales about the impact factor and
                                  the $h$-index in the Web of Science and
                                  the Journal Citation Reports databases:
                                  reflections on Vanclay's criticism . . . 325--354
               Loet Leydesdorff   Alternatives to the journal impact
                                  factor: I3 and the top-10% (or top-25%?)
                                  of the most-highly cited papers  . . . . 355--365
               Henk F. Moed and   
              Lisa Colledge and   
                Jan Reedijk and   
          Felix Moya-Anegon and   
      Vicente Guerrero-Bote and   
               Andrew Plume and   
                     Mayur Amin   Citation-based metrics are appropriate
                                  tools in journal assessment provided
                                  that they are accurate and used in an
                                  informed way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367--376
          Rüdiger Mutz and   
             Hans-Dieter Daniel   The generalized propensity score
                                  methodology for estimating unbiased
                                  journal impact factors . . . . . . . . . 377--390
                  Francis Narin   Decades of progress, or the progress of
                                  decades? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391--393
        David A. Pendlebury and   
                 Jonathan Adams   Comments on a critique of the Thomson
                                  Reuters journal impact factor  . . . . . 395--401
                 Gangan Prathap   Evaluating journal performance metrics   403--408
             A. I. Pudovkin and   
                Eugene Garfield   Rank normalization of impact factors
                                  will resolve Vanclay's dilemma with TRIF 409--412
                Ronald Rousseau   Updating the journal impact factor or
                                  total overhaul?  . . . . . . . . . . . . 413--417
                 Derek R. Smith   Impact factors, scientometrics and the
                                  history of citation-based research . . . 419--427
                  Mike Thelwall   Journal impact evaluation: a webometric
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429--441
               Thed van Leeuwen   Discussing some basic critique on
                                  Journal Impact Factors: revision of
                                  earlier comments . . . . . . . . . . . . 443--455
         Anthony F. J. van Raan   Properties of journal impact in relation
                                  to bibliometric research group
                                  performance indicators . . . . . . . . . 457--469
           Péter Vinkler   The Garfield Impact Factor, one of the
                                  fundamental indicators in scientometrics 471--483
                    Michel Zitt   The journal impact factor: angel, devil,
                                  or scapegoat? A comment on J. K.
                                  Vanclay's article 2011 . . . . . . . . . 485--503

Volume 92, Number 3, September, 2012

              Zahed Bigdeli and   
                      Ali Gazni   Authors' sources of information: a new
                                  dimension in information scattering  . . 505--521
             Chan-Yuan Wong and   
                   Kim-Leng Goh   The pathway of development: science and
                                  technology of NIEs and selected Asian
                                  emerging economies . . . . . . . . . . . 523--548
               V. Rodriguez and   
                  A. Soeparwata   ASEAN benchmarking in terms of science,
                                  technology, and innovation from 1999 to
                                  2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549--573
                 Keshra Sangwal   Progressive nucleation mechanism for the
                                  growth behavior of items and its
                                  application to cumulative papers and
                                  citations of individual authors  . . . . 575--591
                Ehsan Mohammadi   Knowledge mapping of the Iranian
                                  nanoscience and technology: a text
                                  mining approach  . . . . . . . . . . . . 593--608
          Satya Ranjan Sahu and   
          Krushna Chandra Panda   A deductive approach to select or rank
                                  journals in multifaceted subject,
                                  Oceanography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609--619
      Fiorenzo Franceschini and   
           Maurizio Galetto and   
           Domenico Maisano and   
             Luca Mastrogiacomo   The success-index: an alternative
                                  approach to the $h$-index for evaluating
                                  an individual's research output  . . . . 621--641
                 Keshra Sangwal   Application of progressive nucleation
                                  mechanism for the citation behavior of
                                  individual papers of different authors   643--655
                H. Martinez and   
                   A. Jaime and   
                     J. Camacho   Relative absorptive capacity: a research
                                  profiling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657--674
            Alan Peter Matthews   South African universities in world
                                  rankings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675--695
         Renato X. Coutinho and   
  Eliziane S. Dávila and   
       Wendel M. dos Santos and   
    João B. T. Rocha and   
          Diogo O. G. Souza and   
           Vanderlei Folmer and   
               Robson L. Puntel   Brazilian scientific production in
                                  science education  . . . . . . . . . . . 697--710
        Marcelo Alves Ramos and   
           Joabe Gomes Melo and   
    Ulysses Paulino Albuquerque   Citation behavior in popular scientific
                                  papers: what is behind obscure
                                  citations? The case of ethnobotany . . . 711--719
           Fuyuki Yoshikane and   
              Yutaka Suzuki and   
                    Keita Tsuji   Analysis of the relationship between
                                  citation frequency of patents and
                                  diversity of their backward citations
                                  for Japanese patents . . . . . . . . . . 721--733
               Xiaofeng Cao and   
                   Yi Huang and   
                   Jie Wang and   
                   Shengji Luan   Research status and trends in limnology
                                  journals: a bibliometric analysis based
                                  on SCI database  . . . . . . . . . . . . 735--746
               Xingjian Liu and   
           F. Benjamin Zhan and   
                  Song Hong and   
                 Beibei Niu and   
                     Yaolin Liu   A bibliometric study of earthquake
                                  research: 1900--2010 . . . . . . . . . . 747--765
                Per Ahlgren and   
        Cristian Colliander and   
                   Olle Persson   Field normalized citation rates, field
                                  normalized journal impact and Norwegian
                                  weights for allocation of university
                                  research funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767--780
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   Testing differences statistically with
                                  the Leiden ranking . . . . . . . . . . . 781--783
                Lav R. Varshney   The Google effect in doctoral theses . . 785--793
                   Jiang Li and   
                     Fred Y. Ye   The phenomenon of
                                  all-elements-sleeping-beauties in
                                  scientific literature  . . . . . . . . . 795--799

Volume 93, Number 1, October, 2012

         Hildrun Kretschmer and   
      Bülent Özel and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   The 7th International Conference on
                                  Webometrics, Informetrics and
                                  Scientometrics & 12th COLLNET Meeting . . 1--2
                A. Pudovkin and   
              H. Kretschmer and   
                J. Stegmann and   
                    E. Garfield   Research evaluation. Part I:
                                  productivity and citedness of a German
                                  medical research institution . . . . . . 3--16
         Kretschmer Hildrun and   
         Pudovkin Alexander and   
              Stegmann Johannes   Research evaluation. Part II: gender
                                  effects of evaluation: are men more
                                  productive and more cited than women?    17--30
         Hildrun Kretschmer and   
         Alexander Pudovkin and   
              Johannes Stegmann   Erratum to: Research evaluation. Part
                                  II: gender effects of evaluation: are
                                  men more productive and more cited than
                                  women? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31--31
             Donald deB. Beaver   Quantity is only one of the qualities    33--39
Maria Benavent-Pérez and   
               Juan Gorraiz and   
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
Félix de Moya-Anegón   The different flavors of research
                                  collaboration: a case study of their
                                  influence on university excellence in
                                  four world regions . . . . . . . . . . . 41--58
         Sujit Bhattacharya and   
                     Shilpa and   
                Madhulika Bhati   China and India: The two new players in
                                  the nanotechnology race  . . . . . . . . 59--87
      Fiorenzo Franceschini and   
               Domenico Maisano   Publication and patent analysis of
                                  European researchers in the field of
                                  production technology and manufacturing
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89--100
            Pitambar Gautam and   
               Ryuichi Yanagiya   Reflection of cross-disciplinary
                                  research at Creative Research
                                  Institution (Hokkaido University) in the
                                  Web of Science database: appraisal and
                                  visualization using bibliometry  . . . . 101--111
          Wolfgang Glänzel   The role of core documents in
                                  bibliometric network analysis and their
                                  relation with $h$-type indices . . . . . 113--123
            Teresa H. Jones and   
             Claire Donovan and   
                   Steve Hanney   Tracing the wider impacts of biomedical
                                  research: a literature search to develop
                                  a novel citation categorisation
                                  technique  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125--134
         Hildrun Kretschmer and   
              Ramesh Kundra and   
         Donald deB. Beaver and   
                Theo Kretschmer   Gender bias in journals of gender
                                  studies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135--150
           Jean-Charles Lamirel   A new approach for automatizing the
                                  analysis of research topics dynamics:
                                  application to optoelectronics research  151--166
              Grant Lewison and   
                     Philip Roe   The evaluation of Indian cancer
                                  research, 1990--2010 . . . . . . . . . . 167--181
                    Bulent Ozel   Collaboration structure and knowledge
                                  diffusion in Turkish management academia 183--206
            Chung Joo Chung and   
                   Han Woo Park   Web visibility of scholars in media and
                                  communication journals . . . . . . . . . 207--215
              Liwen Vaughan and   
    Esteban Romero-Frías   Exploring Web keyword analysis as an
                                  alternative to link analysis: a
                                  multi-industry case  . . . . . . . . . . 217--232

Volume 93, Number 2, November, 2012

                 Kiduk Yang and   
                   Jongwook Lee   Analysis of publication patterns in
                                  Korean library and information science
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233--251
                 Norio Ohba and   
                   Kumiko Nakao   Sleeping beauties in ophthalmology . . . 253--264
Clarice Gameiro da Fonseca Pachi and   
     Jorge Futoshi Yamamoto and   
 Anna Paula Amadeu da Costa and   
           Luis Fernandez Lopez   Relationship between connectivity and
                                  academic productivity  . . . . . . . . . 265--278
              Jean A. Pratt and   
              Karina Hauser and   
            Cassidy R. Sugimoto   Defining the intellectual structure of
                                  information systems and related college
                                  of business disciplines: a bibliometric
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279--304
                  R. G. Raj and   
                   A. N. Zainab   Relative measure index: a metric to
                                  measure the quality of journals  . . . . 305--317
           Milica Jovanovic and   
             Veljko Jeremic and   
              Gordana Savic and   
             Milica Bulajic and   
                   Milan Martic   How does the normalization of data
                                  affect the ARWU ranking? . . . . . . . . 319--327
         Philippe Le Moigne and   
                 Pascal Ragouet   Science as instrumentation. The case for
                                  psychiatric rating scales  . . . . . . . 329--349
            Nicolas Carayol and   
      Ghislaine Filliatreau and   
                 Agenor Lahatte   Reference classes: a tool for
                                  benchmarking universities' research  . . 351--371
           Tim C. E. Engels and   
    Truyken L. B. Ossenblok and   
              Eric H. J. Spruyt   Changing publication patterns in the
                                  Social Sciences and Humanities,
                                  2000--2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373--390
                  Jian Wang and   
            Kaspars Berzins and   
                Diana Hicks and   
              Julia Melkers and   
                  Fang Xiao and   
                 Diogo Pinheiro   A boosted-trees method for name
                                  disambiguation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391--411
              S. Monteleone and   
                     B. Torrisi   Geographical analysis of the academic
                                  brain drain in Italy . . . . . . . . . . 413--430
           James D. O'Leary and   
                Owen O'Sullivan   Research productivity among trainee
                                  anaesthetists in Ireland: a
                                  cross-sectional study  . . . . . . . . . 431--438
              Aashish Mehta and   
             Patrick Herron and   
          Yasuyuki Motoyama and   
          Richard Appelbaum and   
                 Timothy Lenoir   Globalization and de-globalization in
                                  nanotechnology research: the role of
                                  China  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439--458
                Ji-ping Gao and   
                   Kun Ding and   
                    Li Teng and   
                       Jie Pang   Hybrid documents co-citation analysis:
                                  making sense of the interaction between
                                  science and technology in technology
                                  diffusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459--471
                T. S. Evans and   
                 N. Hopkins and   
                    B. S. Kaube   Universality of performance indicators
                                  based on citation and reference counts   473--495
               Li Ying Yang and   
                   Ting Yue and   
               Jie Lan Ding and   
                        Tao Han   A comparison of disciplinary structure
                                  in science between the G7 and the BRIC
                                  countries by bibliometric methods  . . . 497--516
            Peter A. Schulz and   
       Edmilson J. T. Manganote   Revisiting country research profiles:
                                  learning about the scientific cultures   517--531
                  Anton Oleinik   Publication patterns in Russia and the
                                  West compared  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533--551

Volume 93, Number 3, December, 2012

                Nabil Amara and   
           Réjean Landry   Counting citations in the field of
                                  business and management: why use Google
                                  Scholar rather than the Web of Science   553--581
              Luigi Di Caro and   
              Mario Cataldi and   
            Claudio Schifanella   The $d$-index: Discovering dependences
                                  among scientific collaborators from
                                  their bibliographic data records . . . . 583--607
             Jiancheng Guan and   
                       Yuan Shi   Transnational citation, technological
                                  diversity and small world in global
                                  nanotechnology patenting . . . . . . . . 609--633
              Mingyang Wang and   
                   Guang Yu and   
                  Shuang An and   
                       Daren Yu   Discovery of factors influencing
                                  citation impact based on a soft fuzzy
                                  rough set model  . . . . . . . . . . . . 635--644
                      Ruimin Ma   Discovering and analyzing the
                                  intellectual structure and its evolution
                                  of LIS in China, 1998--2007  . . . . . . 645--659
          Belén Vela and   
      Paloma Cáceres and   
José María Cavero   Participation of women in software
                                  engineering publications . . . . . . . . 661--679
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   A comparison of top economics
                                  departments in the US and EU on the
                                  basis of the multidimensional prestige
                                  of influential articles in 2010  . . . . 681--698
Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez and   
            Anuska Ferligoj and   
              Sandra Miguel and   
             Luka Kronegger and   
Félix de Moya-Anegón   Blockmodeling of co-authorship networks
                                  in library and information science in
                                  Argentina: a case study  . . . . . . . . 699--717
      Aurora A. C. Teixeira and   
                     Luisa Mota   A bibliometric portrait of the
                                  evolution, scientific roots and
                                  influence of the literature on
                                  university-industry links  . . . . . . . 719--743
           Richard J. Ladle and   
              Peter A. Todd and   
             Ana. C. M. Malhado   Assessing insularity in global science   745--750
               Lana Bosnjak and   
                  Ana Marusi\'c   Prescribed practices of authorship:
                                  review of codes of ethics from
                                  professional bodies and journal
                                  guidelines across disciplines  . . . . . 751--763
              Alfio Ferrara and   
                  Silvia Salini   Ten challenges in modeling bibliographic
                                  data for bibliometric analysis . . . . . 765--785
                 Qiuju Zhou and   
            Ronald Rousseau and   
                Liying Yang and   
                   Ting Yue and   
                  Guoliang Yang   A general framework for describing
                                  diversity within systems and similarity
                                  between systems with applications in
                                  informetrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787--812
               Ling-Chu Lee and   
                Yi-Yang Lee and   
                  Yi-Ching Liaw   Bibliometric analysis for development of
                                  research strategies in agricultural
                                  technology: the case of Taiwan . . . . . 813--830
            Carolin Michels and   
                 Ulrich Schmoch   The growth of science and database
                                  coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831--846
             Alireza Noruzi and   
         Mohammadhiwa Abdekhoda   Mapping Iranian patents based on
                                  International Patent Classification
                                  (IPC), from 1976 to 2011 . . . . . . . . 847--856
      Pleun van Arensbergen and   
       Inge van der Weijden and   
        Peter van den Besselaar   Gender differences in scientific
                                  productivity: a persisting phenomenon?   857--868
  Sándor Soós and   
                  George Kampis   Beyond the basemap of science: mapping
                                  multiple structures in research
                                  portfolios: evidence from Hungary  . . . 869--891
                Thijs A. Velema   The contingent nature of brain gain and
                                  brain circulation: their foreign context
                                  and the impact of return scientists on
                                  the scientific community in their
                                  country of origin  . . . . . . . . . . . 893--913
              Lutz Bornmann and   
               Hanna Herich and   
                 Hanna Joos and   
             Hans-Dieter Daniel   In public peer review of submitted
                                  manuscripts, how do reviewer comments
                                  differ from comments written by
                                  interested members of the scientific
                                  community? A content analysis of
                                  comments written for
                                  \booktitleAtmospheric Chemistry and
                                  Physics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 915--929
             Jasna Dravec Braun   Effects of war on scientific production:
                                  mathematics in Croatia from 1968 to 2008 931--936
              Stojan Peclin and   
              Primoz Juznic and   
                 Rok Blagus and   
          Mojca Cizek Sajko and   
                    Janez Stare   Effects of international collaboration
                                  and status of journal on impact of
                                  papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937--948
         Daniela De Filippo and   
            Fernando Casani and   
Carlos García-Zorita and   
Preiddy Efraín-García and   
       Elías Sanz-Casado   Visibility in international rankings.
                                  Strategies for enhancing the
                                  competitiveness of Spanish universities  949--966
             Ernesto R. Gantman   Economic, linguistic, and political
                                  factors in the scientific productivity
                                  of countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967--985
                 Keshra Sangwal   On the relationship between citations of
                                  publication output and Hirsch index $h$
                                  of authors: conceptualization of tapered
                                  Hirsch index $ h_T$, circular citation
                                  area radius $R$ and citation
                                  acceleration $a$ . . . . . . . . . . . . 987--1004
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                 Tindaro Cicero   What is the appropriate length of the
                                  publication period over which to assess
                                  research performance?  . . . . . . . . . 1005--1017
                Deqiao Tian and   
                 Yunzhou Yu and   
                 Yumin Wang and   
                      Tao Zheng   Comparison of trends in the quantity and
                                  variety of Science Citation Index (SCI)
                                  literature on human pathogens between
                                  China and the United States  . . . . . . 1019--1027
                B. M. Gupta and   
                    Adarsh Bala   S&T publications output of Nepal: a
                                  quantitative analysis, 2001--10  . . . . 1029--1046
                 Quan'e Ren and   
                    Xuemei Gong   Evaluation index system for academic
                                  papers of humanities and social sciences 1047--1060
                Jun-Ying Fu and   
                   Xu Zhang and   
               Yun-Hua Zhao and   
               He-Feng Tong and   
               Dar-Zen Chen and   
                 Mu-Hsuan Huang   Scientific production and citation
                                  impact: a bibliometric analysis in
                                  acupuncture over three decades . . . . . 1061--1079
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
           J. Fdez-Valdivia and   
      Daniel Torres-Salinas and   
              Francisco Herrera   Ranking of research output of
                                  universities on the basis of the
                                  multidimensional prestige of influential
                                  fields: Spanish universities as a case
                                  of study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081--1099
                 Bensi Dong and   
                Guoqiang Xu and   
                  Xiang Luo and   
                     Yi Cai and   
                        Wei Gao   A bibliometric analysis of solar power
                                  research from 1991 to 2010 . . . . . . . 1101--1117
              Jui-Kuei Chen and   
                    I-Shuo Chen   An Inno--Qual performance system for
                                  higher education . . . . . . . . . . . . 1119--1149
                 Caifeng Ma and   
                   Cheng Su and   
               Junpeng Yuan and   
                      Yishan Wu   Papers written by Nobel Prize winners in
                                  physics before they won the prize: an
                                  analysis of their language and journal
                                  of publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1151--1163

Volume 94, Number 1, January, 2013

              Manuel Acosta and   
            Daniel Coronado and   
       Rosario Marín and   
                    Pedro Prats   Factors affecting the diffusion of
                                  patented military technology in the
                                  field of weapons and ammunition  . . . . 1--22
               Anne-Wil Harzing   Document categories in the ISI Web of
                                  Knowledge: Misunderstanding the Social
                                  Sciences?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23--34
               Loet Leydesdorff   An evaluation of impacts in
                                  ``Nanoscience & nanotechnology'': steps
                                  towards standards for citation analysis  35--55
                     John Rigby   Looking for the impact of peer review:
                                  does count of funding acknowledgements
                                  really predict research impact?  . . . . 57--73
                Hsi-Yin Yeh and   
               Yi-Shan Sung and   
             Hsiao-Wen Yang and   
               Wan-Chu Tsai and   
                   Dar-Zen Chen   The bibliographic coupling approach to
                                  filter the cited and uncited patent
                                  citations: a case of electric vehicle
                                  technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75--93
               Changling Li and   
               Fengjiao Guo and   
                   Ling Zhi and   
                Zhiping Han and   
                     Feifan Liu   Knowledge management research status in
                                  China from 2006 to 2010: based on
                                  analysis of the degree theses  . . . . . 95--111
               Qingjun Zhao and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   Love dynamics between science and
                                  technology: some evidences in
                                  nanoscience and nanotechnology . . . . . 113--132
          Michael Gowanlock and   
                     Rich Gazan   Assessing researcher
                                  interdisciplinarity: a case study of the
                                  University of Hawaii NASA Astrobiology
                                  Institute  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133--161
            Saeed-Ul Hassan and   
                  Peter Haddawy   Measuring international knowledge flows
                                  and scholarly impact of scientific
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163--179
                       Jiang Wu   Geographical knowledge diffusion and
                                  spatial diversity citation rank  . . . . 181--201
          Michael N. Mavros and   
          Vangelis Bardakas and   
       Petros I. Rafailidis and   
            Thalia A. Sardi and   
            Elena Demetriou and   
             Matthew E. Falagas   Comparison of number of citations to
                                  full original articles versus brief
                                  reports  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203--206
           Fernanda Morillo and   
            Javier Aparicio and   
 Borja González-Albo and   
                     Luz Moreno   Towards the automation of address
                                  identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207--224
             Louis Y. Y. Lu and   
                    John S. Liu   An innovative approach to identify the
                                  knowledge diffusion path: the case of
                                  resource-based theory  . . . . . . . . . 225--246
             Teemu Makkonen and   
         Robert P. van der Have   Benchmarking regional innovative
                                  performance: composite measures and
                                  direct innovation counts . . . . . . . . 247--262
         Antonio Abatemarco and   
              Roberto Dell'Anno   Certainty equivalent citation:
                                  generalized classes of citation indexes  263--271
Fernando Jiménez-Sáez and   
Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia and   
         Jose Luis Zofío   Who leads research productivity growth?
                                  Guidelines for R&D policy-makers  . . . . 273--303
Rocío Guardiola-Wanden-Berghe and   
         Javier Sanz-Valero and   
          Carmina Wanden-Berghe   Medical subject headings versus American
                                  Psychological Association Index Terms:
                                  indexing eating disorders  . . . . . . . 305--311
             Janghyeok Yoon and   
              Hyunseok Park and   
                   Kwangsoo Kim   Identifying technological competition
                                  trends for R&D planning using dynamic
                                  patent maps: SAO-based content analysis  313--331
                R. S. Bajwa and   
                 K. Yaldram and   
                     S. Rafique   A scientometric assessment of research
                                  output in nanoscience and
                                  nanotechnology: Pakistan perspective . . 333--342
                    Bryn Lander   Sectoral collaboration in biomedical
                                  research and development . . . . . . . . 343--357
               Louise Wiles and   
               Timothy Olds and   
                 Marie Williams   Twenty-five years of Australian nursing
                                  and allied health professional journals:
                                  bibliometric analysis from 1985 through
                                  2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359--378
         Cyril Labbé and   
         Dominique Labbé   Duplicate and fake publications in the
                                  scientific literature: how many SCIgen
                                  papers in computer science?  . . . . . . 379--396
          Mei Hsiu-Ching Ho and   
                    John S. Liu   The motivations for knowledge transfer
                                  across borders: the diffusion of data
                                  envelopment analysis (DEA) methodology   397--421
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
               Huei-Ru Dong and   
                   Dar-Zen Chen   The unbalanced performance and regional
                                  differences in scientific and
                                  technological collaboration in the field
                                  of solar cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423--438

Volume 94, Number 2, February, 2013

             David Roessner and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
        Nancy J. Nersessian and   
                 Stephen Carley   Validating indicators of
                                  interdisciplinarity: linking
                                  bibliometric measures to studies of
                                  engineering research labs  . . . . . . . 439--468
             John N. Parker and   
           Stefano Allesina and   
          Christopher J. Lortie   Characterizing a scientific elite (B):
                                  publication and citation patterns of the
                                  most highly cited scientists in
                                  environmental science and ecology  . . . 469--480
           Jennifer H. Chen and   
             Show-Ling Jang and   
                Chiao-Hui Chang   The patterns and propensity for
                                  international co-invention: the case of
                                  China  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481--495
       Roberta Piergiovanni and   
              Enrico Santarelli   The more you spend, the more you get?
                                  The effects of R&D and capital
                                  expenditures on the patenting activities
                                  of biotechnology firms . . . . . . . . . 497--521
           Hans P. W. Bauer and   
              Gabriel Schui and   
          Alexander von Eye and   
            Günter Krampen   How does scientific success relate to
                                  individual and organizational
                                  characteristics? A scientometric study
                                  of psychology researchers in the
                                  German-speaking countries  . . . . . . . 523--539
               Tasso Brandt and   
                Torben Schubert   Is the university model an
                                  organizational necessity? Scale and
                                  agglomeration effects in science . . . . 541--565
                Domingo Docampo   Reproducibility of the Shanghai academic
                                  ranking of world universities results    567--587
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
             Stephen Carley and   
                  Ismael Rafols   Global maps of science based on the new
                                  Web-of-Science categories  . . . . . . . 589--593
                Werner Marx and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   The emergence of plate tectonics and the
                                  Kuhnian model of paradigm shift: a
                                  bibliometric case study based on the
                                  Anna Karenina principle  . . . . . . . . 595--614
                    Yong Yi and   
                     Wei Qi and   
                      Dandan Wu   Are CIVETS the next BRICs? A comparative
                                  analysis from scientometrics perspective 615--628
            Jae-Yong Choung and   
                  Hye-Ran Hwang   The evolutionary patterns of knowledge
                                  production in Korea  . . . . . . . . . . 629--650
                     Masaki Eto   Evaluations of context-based co-citation
                                  searching  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651--673
      Christopher J. Lortie and   
          Lonnie W. Aarssen and   
            Amber E. Budden and   
                    Roosa Leimu   Do citations and impact factors relate
                                  to the real numbers in publications? A
                                  case study of citation rates, impact,
                                  and effect sizes in ecology and
                                  evolutionary biology . . . . . . . . . . 675--682
               Osmo Kivinen and   
                Juha Hedman and   
           Päivi Kaipainen   Productivity analysis of research in
                                  Natural Sciences, Technology and
                                  Clinical Medicine: an input-output model
                                  applied in comparison of Top 300 ranked
                                  universities of 4 North European and 4
                                  East Asian countries . . . . . . . . . . 683--699
                Daniele Fanelli   Positive results receive more citations,
                                  but only in some disciplines . . . . . . 701--709
        Thangavel Rajagopal and   
       Govindaraju Archunan and   
       Muthuraj Surulinathi and   
           Ponnirul Ponmanickam   Research output in pheromone biology: a
                                  case study of India  . . . . . . . . . . 711--719
                 A. Abrizah and   
               A. N. Zainab and   
                   K. Kiran and   
                      R. G. Raj   LIS journals scientific impact and
                                  subject categorization: a comparison
                                  between Web of Science and Scopus  . . . 721--740
          K. K. Mueen Ahmed and   
                    B. M. Gupta   India's contribution on antioxidants: a
                                  bibliometric analysis, 2001--10  . . . . 741--754
                Kamal Badar and   
              Julie M. Hite and   
                Yuosre F. Badir   Examining the relationship of
                                  co-authorship network centrality and
                                  gender on academic research performance:
                                  the case of chemistry researchers in
                                  Pakistan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755--775
             Stephen Carley and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
                     Jan Youtie   Toward a more precise definition of
                                  self-citation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777--780
              Qian-Jin Zong and   
             Hong-Zhou Shen and   
              Qin-Jian Yuan and   
                Xiao-Wei Hu and   
               Zhi-Ping Hou and   
                  Shun-Guo Deng   Doctoral dissertations of Library and
                                  Information Science in China: A co-word
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781--799
              Benedetto Torrisi   Academic productivity correlated with
                                  well-being at work . . . . . . . . . . . 801--815

Volume 94, Number 3, March, 2013

Bárbara S. Lancho-Barrantes and   
   Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote and   
Félix de Moya-Anegón   Citation increments between
                                  collaborating countries  . . . . . . . . 817--831
           Chiang-Ping Chen and   
                  Jin-Li Hu and   
                  Chih-Hai Yang   Produce patents or journal articles? A
                                  cross-country comparison of R&D
                                  productivity change  . . . . . . . . . . 833--849
                      Jian Wang   Citation time window choice for research
                                  impact evaluation  . . . . . . . . . . . 851--872
                       L. Egghe   A rationale for the relation between the
                                  citer $h$-index and the classical
                                  $h$-index of a researcher  . . . . . . . 873--876
                  Lili Wang and   
                  Ad Notten and   
            Alexandru Surpatean   Interdisciplinarity of nano research
                                  fields: a keyword mining approach  . . . 877--892
Jorge Mañana-Rodríguez and   
     Elea Giménez-Toledo   Scholarly publishing in social sciences
                                  and humanities, associated probabilities
                                  of belonging and its spectrum: a
                                  quantitative approach for the Spanish
                                  case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893--910
Eustache Mêgnigbêto   Scientific publishing in Benin as seen
                                  from Scopus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911--928
               Henk F. Moed and   
             M'hamed Aisati and   
                   Andrew Plume   Studying scientific migration in Scopus  929--942
           Georgina Guilera and   
              Maite Barrios and   
      Juana Gómez-Benito   Meta-analysis in psychology: a
                                  bibliometric study . . . . . . . . . . . 943--954
               Saeed Asgary and   
              Leili Mehrdad and   
                 Sanam Kheirieh   High-level evidences in endodontics  . . 955--962
                 Yu-tao Sun and   
                  Feng-chao Liu   Measuring international trade-related
                                  technology spillover: a composite
                                  approach of network analysis and
                                  information theory . . . . . . . . . . . 963--979
                      Weimao Ke   A fitness model for scholarly impact
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981--998
             Rickard Danell and   
                   Mikael Hjerm   Career prospects for female university
                                  researchers have not improved  . . . . . 999--1006
                    Aparna Basu   Some differences in research
                                  publications of Indian scientists in
                                  India and the diaspora, 1986--2010 . . . 1007--1019
             Show-Ling Jang and   
                 Li-Ju Chen and   
           Jennifer H. Chen and   
                  Yu-Chieh Chiu   Innovation and production in the global
                                  solar photovoltaic industry  . . . . . . 1021--1036
                    Guifeng Liu   Visualization of patents and papers in
                                  terahertz technology: a comparative
                                  study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1037--1056
               Anne-Wil Harzing   A preliminary test of Google Scholar as
                                  a source for citation data: a
                                  longitudinal study of Nobel Prize
                                  winners  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057--1075
               Ssu-Han Chen and   
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
                   Dar-Zen Chen   Driving factors of external funding and
                                  funding effects on academic innovation
                                  performance in
                                  university-industry-government linkages  1077--1098
              J. Martin van Zyl   The generalized Pareto distribution
                                  fitted to research outputs of countries  1099--1109
             Ahmad Barirani and   
                Bruno Agard and   
              Catherine Beaudry   Discovering and assessing fields of
                                  expertise in nanomedicine: a patent
                                  co-citation network perspective  . . . . 1111--1136
             Edwin Horlings and   
                  Thomas Gurney   Search strategies along the academic
                                  lifecycle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1137--1160
                 Chaoqun Ni and   
        Cassidy R. Sugimoto and   
                  Blaise Cronin   Visualizing and comparing four facets of
                                  scholarly communication: producers,
                                  artifacts, concepts, and gatekeepers . . 1161--1173
                Sjoerd Hardeman   Organization level research in
                                  scientometrics: a plea for an explicit
                                  pragmatic approach . . . . . . . . . . . 1175--1194
                 Wenjia Zhu and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   A bibliometric study of service
                                  innovation research: based on complex
                                  network analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 1195--1216
          Sidonia von Proff and   
                  Anja Dettmann   Inventor collaboration over distance: a
                                  comparison of academic and corporate
                                  patents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1217--1238
  Tânia F. G. G. Cova and   
      Alberto A. C. C. Pais and   
 Sebastião J. Formosinho   Iberian universities: a characterisation
                                  from ESI rankings  . . . . . . . . . . . 1239--1251
               Takanori Ida and   
                 Naomi Fukuzawa   Effects of large-scale research funding
                                  programs: a Japanese case study  . . . . 1253--1273
             B. S. Kademani and   
                 Anil Sagar and   
             Ganesh Surwase and   
                 K. Bhanumurthy   Publication trends in materials science:
                                  a global perspective . . . . . . . . . . 1275--1295
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   The top-cited research works in the
                                  Science Citation Index Expanded  . . . . 1297--1312
                   E. Krauskopf   Standardization of the institutional
                                  address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1313--1315
             Wen-Lung Shiau and   
              Yogesh K. Dwivedi   Citation and co-citation analysis to
                                  identify core and emerging knowledge in
                                  electronic commerce research . . . . . . 1317--1337

Volume 95, Number 1, April, 2013

                   Zheng Ma and   
                 Yuntao Pan and   
                 Zhenglu Yu and   
              Jingting Wang and   
                    Jia Jia and   
                      Yishan Wu   A quantitative study on the
                                  effectiveness of peer review for
                                  academic journals  . . . . . . . . . . . 1--13
              Maite Barrios and   
            Anna Villarroya and   
           Ángel Borrego   Scientific production in psychology: a
                                  gender analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 15--23
                       L. Egghe   Theoretical justification of the central
                                  area indices and the central interval
                                  indices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25--34
                Haijun Wang and   
                 Minyan Liu and   
                  Song Hong and   
                  Yanhua Zhuang   A historical review and bibliometric
                                  analysis of GPS research from 1991--2010 35--44
           Virginia Trimble and   
                   Jose A. Ceja   Are American astrophysics papers
                                  accepted more quickly than others? Part
                                  II: correlations with citation rates,
                                  subdisciplines, and author numbers . . . 45--54
                  Leo Egghe and   
                   Raf Guns and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Measuring co-authors' contribution to an
                                  article's visibility . . . . . . . . . . 55--67
            Alan Peter Matthews   Physics publication productivity in
                                  South African universities . . . . . . . 69--86
        Elba Mauleón and   
        Laura Hillán and   
                 Luz Moreno and   
        Isabel Gómez and   
           María Bordons   Assessing gender balance among journal
                                  authors and editorial board members  . . 87--114
                 O. Mryglod and   
                   R. Kenna and   
              Yu. Holovatch and   
                      B. Berche   Absolute and specific measures of
                                  research group excellence  . . . . . . . 115--127
            R. Inglesi-Lotz and   
                      A. Pouris   The influence of scientific research
                                  output of academics on economic growth
                                  in South Africa: an autoregressive
                                  distributed lag (ARDL) application . . . 129--139
          Stasa Milojevi\'c and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   Information metrics (iMetrics): a
                                  research specialty with a
                                  socio-cognitive identity?  . . . . . . . 141--157
               Gohar Feroz Khan   Social media-based systems: an emerging
                                  area of information systems research and
                                  practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159--180
               Gohar Feroz Khan   Erratum to: Social media-based systems:
                                  an emerging area of information systems
                                  research and practice  . . . . . . . . . 181--182
              Jason Li-Ying and   
                Yuandi Wang and   
        Sòren Salomo and   
               Wim Vanhaverbeke   Have Chinese firms learned from their
                                  prior technology in-licensing? An
                                  analysis based on patent citations . . . 183--195
          Elias Sanz-Casado and   
    J. Carlos Garcia-Zorita and   
Antonio Eleazar Serrano-López and   
              Birger Larsen and   
                Peter Ingwersen   Renewable energy research 1995--2009: a
                                  case study of wind power research in EU,
                                  Spain, Germany and Denmark . . . . . . . 197--224
   Péter Érdi and   
               Kinga Makovi and   
Zoltán Somogyvári and   
       Katherine Strandburg and   
              Jan Tobochnik and   
          Péter Volf and   
László Zalányi   Prediction of emerging technologies
                                  based on analysis of the US patent
                                  citation network . . . . . . . . . . . . 225--242
          Michael C. Calver and   
              Maggie Lilith and   
         Christopher R. Dickman   A `perverse incentive' from
                                  bibliometrics: could National Research
                                  Assessment Exercises (NRAEs) restrict
                                  literature availability for nature
                                  conservation?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243--255
             Liang-Chu Chen and   
               Ting-Jung Yu and   
                Chia-Jung Hsieh   KeyGraph-based chance discovery for
                                  exploring the development of e-commerce
                                  topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257--275
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
               Juan Gorraiz and   
             Martin Wieland and   
                Ivana Roche and   
             Edgar Schiebel and   
          Dominique Besagni and   
         Claire François   Exploring the bibliometric and semantic
                                  nature of negative results . . . . . . . 277--297
                  Xiang Liu and   
                    Feicheng Ma   Transfer and distribution of knowledge
                                  creation activities of bio-scientists in
                                  knowledge space  . . . . . . . . . . . . 299--310
            Giovanni Abramo and   
             Tindaro Cicero and   
        Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo   National peer-review research assessment
                                  exercises for the hard sciences can be a
                                  complete waste of money: the Italian
                                  case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311--324
             V. M. Stefenon and   
            L. F. W. Roesch and   
                  A. B. Pereira   Thirty years of Brazilian research in
                                  Antarctica: ups, downs and perspectives  325--331
               Liming Liang and   
            Ronald Rousseau and   
                     Zhen Zhong   Non-English journals and papers in
                                  physics and chemistry: bias in
                                  citations? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333--350
            Sanjay K. Arora and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
                 Jan Youtie and   
                 Philip Shapira   Capturing new developments in an
                                  emerging technology: an updated search
                                  strategy for identifying nanotechnology
                                  research outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . 351--370
Mohammad Reza Falahati Qadimi Fumani and   
            Marzieh Goltaji and   
                   Pardis Parto   Inconsistent transliteration of Iranian
                                  university names: a hazard to Iran's
                                  ranking in ISI Web of Science  . . . . . 371--384
                     Kyle Siler   Citation choice and innovation in
                                  science studies  . . . . . . . . . . . . 385--415
                Marc Correa and   
Lucinio González-Sabaté and   
                Ignacio Serrano   Home bias effect in the management
                                  literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417--433
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
           J. Fdez-Valdivia and   
Nicolas Robinson-García and   
          Daniel Torres-Salinas   Benchmarking research performance at the
                                  university level with information
                                  theoretic measures . . . . . . . . . . . 435--452
               Neus Herranz and   
           Javier Ruiz-Castillo   The end of the ``European Paradox''  . . 453--464
             Chih-Fong Tsai and   
                    Chihli Hung   Popular research topics in multimedia    465--479

Volume 95, Number 2, May, 2013

               Pablo D'Este and   
                  Puay Tang and   
                Surya Mahdi and   
                 Andy Neely and   
Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo   The pursuit of academic excellence and
                                  business engagement: is it
                                  irreconcilable?  . . . . . . . . . . . . 481--502
           Yuen-Hsien Tseng and   
                 Ming-Yueh Tsay   Journal clustering of library and
                                  information science for subfield
                                  delineation using the bibliometric
                                  analysis toolkit: CATAR  . . . . . . . . 503--528
                R. S. Bajwa and   
                     K. Yaldram   Bibliometric analysis of biotechnology
                                  research in Pakistan . . . . . . . . . . 529--540
         Gerhard A. Wuehrer and   
       Angela Elisabeth Smejkal   The knowledge domain of the Academy of
                                  International Business Studies (AIB)
                                  conferences: a longitudinal
                                  scientometric perspective for the years
                                  2006--2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541--561
                 Gangan Prathap   Second order indicators for evaluating
                                  international scientific collaboration   563--570
 Benedita Marta Gomes Costa and   
     Edilson da Silva Pedro and   
       Gorete Ribeiro de Macedo   Scientific collaboration in
                                  biotechnology: the case of the northeast
                                  region in Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . 571--592
Enrique Orduña-Malea and   
José-Antonio Ontalba-Ruipérez   Selective linking from social platforms
                                  to university websites: a case study of
                                  the Spanish academic system  . . . . . . 593--614
César A. Macías-Chapula   Comparative analysis of health public
                                  policy research results among Mexico,
                                  Chile and Argentina  . . . . . . . . . . 615--628
                Chris W. Belter   A bibliometric analysis of NOAA's Office
                                  of Ocean Exploration and Research  . . . 629--644
   P. Dorta-González and   
    M. I. Dorta-González   Comparing journals from different fields
                                  of science and social science through a
                                  JCR subject categories normalized impact
                                  factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645--672
    Cristina Gomes de Souza and   
Marta Lúcia Azevedo Ferreira   Researchers profile, co-authorship
                                  pattern and knowledge organization in
                                  information science in Brazil  . . . . . 673--687
Alfonso Ibáñez and   
              Concha Bielza and   
         Pedro Larrañaga   Relationship among research
                                  collaboration, number of documents and
                                  number of citations: a case study in
                                  Spanish computer science production in
                                  2000--2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689--716
               Xianwen Wang and   
                   Zhi Wang and   
                    Shenmeng Xu   Tracing scientist's research trends
                                  realtimely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717--729
                Yuandi Wang and   
              Xiongfeng Pan and   
                Yantai Chen and   
                         Xin Gu   Do references in transferred patent
                                  documents signal learning opportunities
                                  for the receiving firms? . . . . . . . . 731--752
Maria Cláudia Cabrini Gracio and   
Ely Francina Tannuri de Oliveira and   
Júlio de Araujo Gurgel and   
      Maria Isabel Escalona and   
      Antonio Pulgarin Guerrero   Dentistry scientometric analysis: a
                                  comparative study between Brazil and
                                  other most productive countries in the
                                  area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753--769
                Per Ahlgren and   
               Olle Persson and   
                 Robert Tijssen   Geographical distance in bibliometric
                                  relations within epistemic communities   771--784
              M. L. Bougnol and   
              J. H. Dulá   A mathematical model to optimize
                                  decisions to impact multi-attribute
                                  rankings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785--796
Alireza Isfandyari-Moghaddam and   
            Mohammad Hasanzadeh   A study of factors inhibiting research
                                  productivity of Iranian women in ISI . . 797--815
           Thed van Leeuwen and   
             Rodrigo Costas and   
        Clara Calero-Medina and   
                 Martijn Visser   The role of editorial material in
                                  bibliometric research performance
                                  assessments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817--828

Volume 95, Number 3, June, 2013

Alfonso Ávila-Robinson and   
                Kumiko Miyazaki   Evolutionary paths of change of emerging
                                  nanotechnological innovation systems:
                                  the case of ZnO nanostructures . . . . . 829--849
        Cassidy R. Sugimoto and   
                  Blaise Cronin   Citation gamesmanship: testing for
                                  evidence of ego bias in peer review  . . 851--862
Enrique Orduña-Malea and   
José-Antonio Ontalba-Ruipérez   Proposal for a multilevel university
                                  cybermetric analysis model . . . . . . . 863--884
               Xianwen Wang and   
                Shenmeng Xu and   
                   Zhi Wang and   
                  Lian Peng and   
                   Chuanli Wang   International scientific collaboration
                                  of China: collaborating countries,
                                  institutions and individuals . . . . . . 885--894
                     M. Ausloos   A scientometrics law about co-authors
                                  and their ranking: the co-author core    895--909
               Necmi K. Avkiran   An empirical investigation of the
                                  influence of collaboration in Finance on
                                  article impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911--925
                  Thomas Heinze   Creative accomplishments in science:
                                  definition, theoretical considerations,
                                  examples from science history, and
                                  bibliometric findings  . . . . . . . . . 927--940
         Jesus Iñigo and   
         Jose-Alberto Palma and   
              Jorge Iriarte and   
              Elena Urrestarazu   Evolution of the publications in
                                  clinical neurology: scientific impact of
                                  different countries during the
                                  2000--2009 period  . . . . . . . . . . . 941--952
           Fernanda Morillo and   
Ignacio Santabárbara and   
                Javier Aparicio   The automatic normalisation challenge:
                                  detailed addresses identification  . . . 953--966
               Zhongqiu Liu and   
                 Yaolin Liu and   
                Yangjie Guo and   
                       Hua Wang   Progress in global parallel computing
                                  research: a bibliometric approach  . . . 967--983
            Chung Joo Chung and   
          George A. Barnett and   
                  Kitae Kim and   
                  Derek Lackaff   An analysis on communication theory and
                                  discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985--1002
             Judith Czellar and   
              Jacques Lanar\`es   Quality of research: which underlying
                                  values?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1003--1021
          David W. Johnston and   
               Marco Piatti and   
                  Benno Torgler   Citation success over time: theory or
                                  empirics?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1023--1029
           Juana Paul Moiwo and   
                       Fulu Tao   The changing dynamics in citation index
                                  publication position China in a race
                                  with the USA for global leadership . . . 1031--1050
                Yunwei Chen and   
           Katy Börner and   
                       Shu Fang   Evolving collaboration networks in
                                  \booktitleScientometrics in 1978--2010:
                                  a micro-macro analysis . . . . . . . . . 1051--1070
         María Pinto and   
María Isabel Escalona-Fernández and   
        Antonio Pulgarín   Information literacy in social sciences
                                  and health sciences: a bibliometric
                                  study (1974--2011) . . . . . . . . . . . 1071--1094
               Rolf Ketzler and   
            Klaus F. Zimmermann   A citation-analysis of economic research
                                  institutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1095--1112
Eustache Mêgnigbêto   Scientific publishing in West Africa:
                                  comparing Benin with Ghana and Senegal   1113--1139
           Yuen-Hsien Tseng and   
             Chun-Yen Chang and   
          M. Shane Tutwiler and   
              Ming-Chao Lin and   
             James P. Barufaldi   A scientometric analysis of the
                                  effectiveness of Taiwan's educational
                                  research projects  . . . . . . . . . . . 1141--1166
                Daniele Fanelli   Any publicity is better than none:
                                  newspaper coverage increases citations,
                                  in the UK more than in Italy . . . . . . 1167--1177
      Fiorenzo Franceschini and   
           Domenico Maisano and   
             Luca Mastrogiacomo   The effect of database dirty data on
                                  $h$-index calculation  . . . . . . . . . 1179--1188
            Sanjay K. Arora and   
                 Jan Youtie and   
             Philip Shapira and   
                  Lidan Gao and   
                    TingTing Ma   Entry strategies in an emerging
                                  technology: a pilot web-based study of
                                  graphene firms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1189--1207

Volume 96, Number 1, July, 2013

              Guillaume Cabanac   Experimenting with the partnership
                                  ability $ \phi $-index on a million
                                  computer scientists  . . . . . . . . . . 1--9
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
               Hui-Yun Sung and   
            Chun-Chieh Wang and   
                   Dar-Zen Chen   Exploring patent performance and
                                  technology interactions of universities,
                                  industries, governments and individuals  11--26
      Peter Neuhäusler and   
                Rainer Frietsch   Patent families as macro level patent
                                  value indicators: applying weights to
                                  account for market differences . . . . . 27--49
    Amalia Más-Bleda and   
              Isidro F. Aguillo   Can a personal website be useful as an
                                  information source to assess individual
                                  scientists? The case of European highly
                                  cited researchers  . . . . . . . . . . . 51--67
      Christopher L. Benson and   
           Christopher L. Magee   A hybrid keyword and patent class
                                  methodology for selecting relevant sets
                                  of patents for a technological field . . 69--82
      Christopher L. Benson and   
           Christopher L. Magee   Erratum to: A hybrid keyword and patent
                                  class methodology for selecting relevant
                                  sets of patents for a technological
                                  field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83--83
      Fiorenzo Franceschini and   
           Domenico Maisano and   
             Luca Mastrogiacomo   Evaluating research institutions: the
                                  potential of the success-index . . . . . 85--101
              Zahed Bigdeli and   
             Morteza Kokabi and   
         Gholam Reza Rajabi and   
                      Ali Gazni   Patterns of authors' information
                                  scattering: towards a causal explanation
                                  of information scattering from a
                                  scholarly information-seeking behavior
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--131
                   Lie Yang and   
                Zhulei Chen and   
                   Ting Liu and   
                   Zhe Gong and   
                Yingjian Yu and   
                       Jia Wang   Global trends of solid waste research
                                  from 1997 to 2011 by using bibliometric
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133--146
                Ruobing Chi and   
                 Jonathan Young   The interdisciplinary structure of
                                  research on intercultural relations: a
                                  co-citation network analysis study . . . 147--171
           Javier Ruiz-Castillo   The role of statistics in establishing
                                  the similarity of citation distributions
                                  in a static and a dynamic context  . . . 173--181
                   Min Song and   
                    Su Yeon Kim   Detecting the knowledge structure of
                                  bioinformatics by mining full-text
                                  collections  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183--201
              Yanhua Zhuang and   
               Xingjian Liu and   
             Thuminh Nguyen and   
                Qingqing He and   
                      Song Hong   Global remote sensing research trends
                                  during 1991--2010: a bibliometric
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203--219
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
María-Antonia Ovalle-Perandones and   
                   Juan Gorraiz   On the impact of Gold Open Access
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221--238
                    Bo Yang and   
                       Ying Sun   An exploration of link-based knowledge
                                  map in academic web space  . . . . . . . 239--253
                   Stuart Brody   Impact factor: Imperfect but not yet
                                  replaceable  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255--257
                Hui-Zhen Fu and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Comparison of independent research of
                                  China's top universities using
                                  bibliometric indicators  . . . . . . . . 259--276
                    Du Jian and   
                    Tang Xiaoli   Perceptions of author order versus
                                  contribution among researchers with
                                  different professional ranks and the
                                  potential of harmonic counts for
                                  encouraging ethical co-authorship
                                  practices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277--295
                Derya Akcan and   
           Susanna Axelsson and   
            Christina Bergh and   
            Thomas Davidson and   
        Måns Rosén   Methodological quality in clinical
                                  trials and bibliometric indicators: no
                                  evidence of correlations . . . . . . . . 297--303
         András Schubert   Measuring the similarity between the
                                  reference and citation distributions of
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--313
                Lars H. Breimer   Impact of foreign external PhD examiners
                                  on academic collaboration patterns . . . 315--322
                 Chan-Yuan Wong   On a path to creative destruction:
                                  science, technology and science-based
                                  technological trajectories of Japan and
                                  South Korea  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323--336
           Kristof De Witte and   
               Lenka Hudrlikova   What about excellence in teaching? A
                                  benevolent ranking of universities . . . 337--364
               Fuyuki Yoshikane   Multiple regression analysis of a
                                  patent's citation frequency and
                                  quantitative characteristics: the case
                                  of Japanese patents  . . . . . . . . . . 365--379
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                   Henk F. Moed   Opinion paper: thoughts and facts on
                                  bibliometric indicators  . . . . . . . . 381--394

Volume 96, Number 2, August, 2013

             Jacques Wainer and   
                   Paula Vieira   Correlations between bibliometrics and
                                  peer evaluation for all disciplines: the
                                  evaluation of Brazilian scientists . . . 395--410
               Vinod Mishra and   
                  Russell Smyth   Are more senior academics really more
                                  research productive than junior
                                  academics? Evidence from Australian law
                                  schools  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411--425
              Xiao-Ping Lei and   
               Zhi-Yun Zhao and   
                   Xu Zhang and   
               Dar-Zen Chen and   
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
                  Jia Zheng and   
              Run-Sheng Liu and   
                 Jing Zhang and   
                   Yun-Hua Zhao   Technological collaboration patterns in
                                  solar cell industry based on patent
                                  inventors and assignees analysis . . . . 427--441
       María Bordons and   
            Javier Aparicio and   
                 Rodrigo Costas   Heterogeneity of collaboration and its
                                  relationship with research impact in a
                                  biomedical field . . . . . . . . . . . . 443--466
        Christopher McCarty and   
            James W. Jawitz and   
            Allison Hopkins and   
                   Alex Goldman   Predicting author $h$-index using
                                  characteristics of the co-author network 467--483
        Cathelijn J. F. Waaijer   Careers in science: policy issues
                                  according to \booktitleNature and
                                  \booktitleScience editorials . . . . . . 485--495
                Olof Hallonsten   Introducing `facilitymetrics': a first
                                  review and analysis of commonly used
                                  measures of scientific leadership among
                                  synchrotron radiation facilities
                                  worldwide  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497--513
         Allison L. Hopkins and   
            James W. Jawitz and   
        Christopher McCarty and   
               Alex Goldman and   
                Nandita B. Basu   Disparities in publication patterns by
                                  gender, race and ethnicity based on a
                                  survey of a random sample of authors . . 515--534
                   Yu-Wei Chang   A comparison of citation contexts
                                  between natural sciences and social
                                  sciences and humanities  . . . . . . . . 535--553
                     Tianwei He   Retraction of global scientific
                                  publications from 2001 to 2010 . . . . . 555--561
                       L. Egghe   On the correction of the $h$-index for
                                  career length  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563--571
              Minghua Zhang and   
          Michael L. Grieneisen   The impact of misconduct on the
                                  published medical and non-medical
                                  literature, and the news media . . . . . 573--587
               Woondong Yeo and   
                 Seonho Kim and   
            Byoung-Youl Coh and   
                    Jaewoo Kang   A quantitative approach to recommend
                                  promising technologies for SME
                                  innovation: a case study on knowledge
                                  arbitrage from LCD to solar cell . . . . 589--604
                     Yu Liu and   
                    Wei Zuo and   
                   Ying Gao and   
                   Yanhong Qiao   Comprehensive geometrical interpretation
                                  of $h$-type indices  . . . . . . . . . . 605--615
            Giovanni Anania and   
                Annarosa Caruso   Two simple new bibliometric indexes to
                                  better evaluate research in disciplines
                                  where publications typically receive
                                  less citations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617--631
                 Alireza Abbasi   $h$-Type hybrid centrality measures for
                                  weighted networks  . . . . . . . . . . . 633--640
                   Lie Yang and   
                Zhulei Chen and   
                   Ting Liu and   
                    Rui Wan and   
                   Jia Wang and   
                    Wengang Xie   Research output analysis of municipal
                                  solid waste: a case study of China . . . 641--650
           Peep Küngas and   
                 Siim Karus and   
         Svitlana Vakulenko and   
               Marlon Dumas and   
            Cristhian Parra and   
                   Fabio Casati   Reverse-engineering conference rankings:
                                  what does it take to make a reputable
                                  conference?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651--665

Volume 96, Number 3, September, 2013

                 Bart Thijs and   
             Edgar Schiebel and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Do second-order similarities provide
                                  added-value in a hybrid approach?  . . . 667--677
           Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn   Cluttered writing: adjectives and
                                  adverbs in academia  . . . . . . . . . . 679--681
                   Jiang Wu and   
                   Xiu-Hao Ding   Author name disambiguation in scientific
                                  collaboration and mobility cases . . . . 683--697
               Ludo Waltman and   
               Nees Jan van Eck   Source normalized indicators of citation
                                  impact: an overview of different
                                  approaches and an empirical comparison   699--716
                   Yang Cao and   
                Sixing Zhou and   
                    Guobin Wang   A bibliometric analysis of global
                                  laparoscopy research trends during
                                  1997--2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717--730
               Loet Leydesdorff   Statistics for the dynamic analysis of
                                  scientometric data: the evolution of the
                                  sciences in terms of trajectories and
                                  regimes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731--741
              Xiaorui Jiang and   
               Xiaoping Sun and   
                      Hai Zhuge   Graph-based algorithms for ranking
                                  researchers: not all swans are white!    743--759
Eustache Mêgnigbêto   International collaboration in
                                  scientific publishing: the case of West
                                  Africa (2001--2010)  . . . . . . . . . . 761--783
            Dilruba Mahbuba and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Year-based $h$-type indicators . . . . . 785--797
        Cornelis A. van Bochove   Economic statistics and scientometrics   799--818
                    J. Lobo and   
                D. Strumsky and   
                    J. Rothwell   Scaling of patenting with urban
                                  population size: evidence from global
                                  metropolitan areas . . . . . . . . . . . 819--828
                Zuo-Qi Ding and   
               Jian-Ping Ge and   
               Xiao-Ming Wu and   
                 Xiao-Nan Zheng   Bibliometrics evaluation of research
                                  performance in pharmacology/pharmacy:
                                  China relative to ten representative
                                  countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829--844
          Vladimir Batagelj and   
                Monika Cerinsek   On bibliographic networks  . . . . . . . 845--864
            Muzammil Tahira and   
          Rose Alinda Alias and   
                   Aryati Bakri   Scientometric assessment of engineering
                                  in Malaysian universities  . . . . . . . 865--879
              Young-Don Cho and   
                   Hoo-Gon Choi   Principal parameters affecting R&D
                                  exploitation of nanotechnology research:
                                  a case for Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . 881--899
Miguel A. García-Pérez   Limited validity of equations to predict
                                  the future $h$ index . . . . . . . . . . 901--909
                      Li Xu and   
                  Dora Marinova   Resilience thinking: a bibliometric
                                  analysis of socio-ecological research    911--927
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Comments on ``A bibliometric study of
                                  earthquake research: 1900--2010''  . . . 929--931
               Xingjian Liu and   
           F. Benjamin Zhan and   
                  Song Hong and   
                 Beibei Niu and   
                     Yaolin Liu   Replies to comments on ``a bibliometric
                                  study of earthquake research:
                                  1900--2010'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933--936
               Alex De Visscher   A new Price's estimate on the size of
                                  scientific specialties based on
                                  scientific community structure . . . . . 937--940
                Henry Etzkowitz   Paula Stephan: How economics shapes
                                  science and how science shapes the
                                  economy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941--946

Volume 97, Number 1, October, 2013

         Hildrun Kretschmer and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   The 8th International Conference on
                                  Webometrics, Informetrics and
                                  Scientometrics & 13th COLLNET Meeting . . 1--1
              R. D. Shelton and   
                  Grant Lewison   Scientific collaboration as a window and
                                  a door into North Korea  . . . . . . . . 3--11
          Wolfgang Glänzel   High-end performance or outlier?
                                  Evaluating the tail of scientometric
                                  distributions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--23
         Hildrun Kretschmer and   
                Theo Kretschmer   Gender bias and explanation models for
                                  the phenomenon of women's
                                  discriminations in research careers  . . 25--36
               Xianwen Wang and   
                  Wenli Mao and   
               Chuanli Wang and   
                  Lian Peng and   
                     Haiyan Hou   Chinese elite brain drain to USA: an
                                  investigation of 100 United States
                                  national universities  . . . . . . . . . 37--46
               Pascal Cuxac and   
       Jean-Charles Lamirel and   
              Valerie Bonvallot   Efficient supervised and semi-supervised
                                  approaches for affiliations
                                  disambiguation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47--58
María-Antonia Ovalle-Perandones and   
               Juan Gorraiz and   
             Martin Wieland and   
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
     Carlos Olmeda-Gómez   The influence of European Framework
                                  Programmes on scientific collaboration
                                  in nanotechnology  . . . . . . . . . . . 59--74
              Philip S. Cho and   
          Huy Hoang Nhat Do and   
 Muthu Kumar Chandrasekaran and   
                    Min-Yen Kan   Identifying research facilitators in an
                                  emerging Asian Research Area . . . . . . 75--97
           Hamidreza Eslami and   
               Ashkan Ebadi and   
           Andrea Schiffauerova   Effect of collaboration network
                                  structure on knowledge creation and
                                  technological performance: the case of
                                  biotechnology in Canada  . . . . . . . . 99--119
             Michael Bonitz and   
             Andrea Scharnhorst   Remembering Manfred Bonitz
                                  (7.3.1931--14.8.2012) on the first
                                  anniversary of his death . . . . . . . . 121--128

Volume 97, Number 2, November, 2013

 Marianne Hörlesberger and   
                Ivana Roche and   
          Dominique Besagni and   
          Thomas Scherngell and   
     Claire François and   
               Pascal Cuxac and   
             Edgar Schiebel and   
                Michel Zitt and   
                    Dirk Holste   A concept for inferring `frontier
                                  research' in grant proposals . . . . . . 129--148
    Eduardo Araujo Oliveira and   
      Roberto Peicots-Filho and   
     Daniella Reis Martelli and   
       Isabel Gomes Quirino and   
Maria Christina Lopes Oliveira and   
      Mariana Guerra Duarte and   
     Sergio Veloso Pinheiro and   
    Enrico Antonio Colosimo and   
Ana Cristina Simões e Silva and   
Hercílio Martelli-Júnior   Is there a correlation between journal
                                  impact factor and researchers'
                                  performance? A study comprising the
                                  fields of clinical nephrology and
                                  neurosciences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149--160
               Yu-Shan Chen and   
               Chun-Yu Shih and   
               Ching-Hsun Chang   Patents and market value in the U.S.
                                  pharmaceutical industry: new evidence
                                  from panel threshold regression  . . . . 161--176
                 J. W. Fedderke   The objectivity of national research
                                  foundation peer review in South Africa
                                  assessed against bibliometric indexes    177--206
                Yuandi Wang and   
              Jiashun Huang and   
                Yantai Chen and   
              Xiongfeng Pan and   
                       Jin Chen   Have Chinese universities embraced their
                                  third mission? New insight from a
                                  business perspective . . . . . . . . . . 207--222
           Vicente Safón   What do global university rankings
                                  really measure? The search for the X
                                  factor and the X entity  . . . . . . . . 223--244
               Poh Kam Wong and   
                  Annette Singh   Do co-publications with industry lead to
                                  higher levels of university technology
                                  commercialization activity?  . . . . . . 245--265
                  Ping Zhou and   
             Yongfeng Zhong and   
                      Meigen Yu   A bibliometric investigation on
                                  China--UK collaboration in food and
                                  agriculture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267--285
Elenara Chaves Edler de Almeida and   
 Jorge Almeida Guimarães   Brazil's growing production of
                                  scientific articles --- how are we doing
                                  with review articles and other
                                  qualitative indicators?  . . . . . . . . 287--315
             Azzurra Ragone and   
       Katsiaryna Mirylenka and   
               Fabio Casati and   
              Maurizio Marchese   On peer review in computer science:
                                  analysis of its effectiveness and
                                  suggestions for improvement  . . . . . . 317--356
                Igor Kissin and   
          Edwin L. Bradley, Jr.   A surname-based patent-related
                                  indicator: the contribution of Jewish
                                  inventors to US patents  . . . . . . . . 357--368
              Chang-Ping Hu and   
                 Ji-Ming Hu and   
              Sheng-Li Deng and   
                       Yong Liu   A co-word analysis of library and
                                  information science in China . . . . . . 369--382
            Ehsan Mohammadi and   
                  Mike Thelwall   Assessing non-standard article impact
                                  using F1000 labels . . . . . . . . . . . 383--395
                   Sam Arts and   
      Francesco Paolo Appio and   
                  Bart Van Looy   Inventions shaping technological
                                  trajectories: do existing patent
                                  indicators provide a comprehensive
                                  picture? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397--419
Félix Moya-Anegón and   
   Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote and   
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                   Henk F. Moed   The research guarantors of scientific
                                  papers and the output counting: a
                                  promising new approach . . . . . . . . . 421--434
                 Danhao Zhu and   
                Dongbo Wang and   
            Saeed-Ul Hassan and   
                  Peter Haddawy   Small-world phenomenon of keywords
                                  network based on complex network . . . . 435--442
              Han-Wen Chang and   
                 Mu-Hsuan Huang   Prominent institutions in international
                                  collaboration network in astronomy and
                                  astrophysics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443--460
              Chunjuan Luan and   
                 Zeyuan Liu and   
                   Xianwen Wang   Divergence and convergence:
                                  technology-relatedness evolution in
                                  solar energy industry  . . . . . . . . . 461--475
        Selçuk Bilir and   
      Ersin Gögüs and   
     Özgecan Önal and   
Nazli Derya Öztürkmen and   
                   Talar Yontan   Research performance of Turkish
                                  astronomers in the period of 1980--2010  477--489

Volume 97, Number 3, December, 2013

               Sameer Kumar and   
               Jariah Mohd. Jan   Mapping research collaborations in the
                                  business and management field in
                                  Malaysia, 1980--2010 . . . . . . . . . . 491--517
            J. Corey Miller and   
             Keith H. Coble and   
                 Jayson L. Lusk   Evaluating top faculty researchers and
                                  the incentives that motivate them  . . . 519--533
                  Maki Kato and   
                      Asao Ando   The relationship between research
                                  performance and international
                                  collaboration in chemistry . . . . . . . 535--553
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                    Fulvio Viel   The suitability of $h$ and $g$ indexes
                                  for measuring the research performance
                                  of institutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . 555--570
Alfonso Ibáñez and   
     Pedro Larrañaga and   
                  Concha Bielza   Cluster methods for assessing research
                                  performance: exploring Spanish computer
                                  science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571--600
           Giancarlo Ruocco and   
                  Cinzia Daraio   An empirical approach to compare the
                                  performance of heterogeneous academic
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601--625
           Filippo Radicchi and   
             Claudio Castellano   Analysis of bibliometric indicators for
                                  individual scholars in a large data set  627--637
                Aziz Kutlar and   
              Ali Kabasakal and   
              Mehmet Sena Ekici   Contributions of Turkish academicians
                                  supervising PhD dissertations and their
                                  universities to economics: an evaluation
                                  of the 1990--2011 period . . . . . . . . 639--658
         Prabir G. Dastidar and   
                Ajoy Mallik and   
           Nripendranath Mandal   Contribution of shrimp disease research
                                  to the development of the shrimp
                                  aquaculture industry: an analysis of the
                                  research and innovation structure across
                                  the countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659--674
              Tai Quan Peng and   
                 Zhen-Zhen Wang   Network closure, brokerage, and
                                  structural influence of journals: a
                                  longitudinal study of journal citation
                                  network in Internet research
                                  (2000--2010) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675--693
              Hamid Bouabid and   
            Vincent Larivi\`ere   The lengthening of papers' life
                                  expectancy: a diachronous analysis . . . 695--717
                 Keshra Sangwal   Some citation-related characteristics of
                                  scientific journals published in
                                  individual countries . . . . . . . . . . 719--741
Luz M. Romo-Fernández and   
   Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote and   
Félix Moya-Anegón   Co-word based thematic analysis of
                                  renewable energy (1990--2010)  . . . . . 743--765
                 O. Mryglod and   
                   R. Kenna and   
              Yu. Holovatch and   
                      B. Berche   Comparison of a citation-based indicator
                                  and peer review for absolute and
                                  specific measures of research-group
                                  excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767--777
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
               Francesco Rosati   Measuring institutional research
                                  productivity for the life sciences: the
                                  importance of accounting for the order
                                  of authors in the byline . . . . . . . . 779--795
                   Lili Lin and   
                Zhuoming Xu and   
                  Ying Ding and   
                  Xiaozhong Liu   Finding topic-level experts in scholarly
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797--819
              Michael Schreiber   How much do different ways of
                                  calculating percentiles influence the
                                  derived performance indicators? A case
                                  study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821--829
     Clément Bosquet and   
         Pierre-Philippe Combes   Are academics who publish more also more
                                  cited? Individual determinants of
                                  publication and citation records . . . . 831--857
               Xuezhao Wang and   
                Yajuan Zhao and   
                    Rui Liu and   
                     Jing Zhang   Knowledge-transfer analysis based on
                                  co-citation clustering . . . . . . . . . 859--869
             Lawrence D. Fu and   
   Yindalon Aphinyanaphongs and   
         Constantin F. Aliferis   Computer models for identifying
                                  instrumental citations in the biomedical
                                  literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871--882
              Hyunseok Park and   
             Janghyeok Yoon and   
                   Kwangsoo Kim   Identification and evaluation of
                                  corporations for merger and acquisition
                                  strategies using patent information and
                                  text mining  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883--909
                  James Hartley   New ways of sending Christmas greetings  911--912
                Henry Etzkowitz   Mistaking dawn for dusk: quantophrenia
                                  and the cult of numerology in technology
                                  transfer analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . 913--925
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
                   Martin Meyer   A reply to Etzkowitz' comments to
                                  Leydesdorff and Martin (2010):
                                  technology transfer and the end of the
                                  Bayh--Dole effect  . . . . . . . . . . . 927--934

Volume 98, Number 1, January, 2014

                Eugene Garfield   Farewell Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . 1--2
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Greetings from the new Editor-in-Chief   3--4
                      Anonymous   Blaise Cronin wins the 2013 Derek John
                                  de Solla Price Medal . . . . . . . . . . 5--10
             Wei Hong Cheng and   
               Sheng Li Ren and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Digital publishing and China's core
                                  scientific journals: a position paper    11--22
      Sándor Soós   Age-sensitive bibliographic coupling
                                  reflecting the history of science: The
                                  case of the Species Problem  . . . . . . 23--51
                     Pu Han and   
                    Jin Shi and   
                 Xiaoyan Li and   
                Dongbo Wang and   
                    Si Shen and   
                     Xinning Su   International collaboration in LIS:
                                  global trends and networks at the
                                  country and institution level  . . . . . 53--72
             Kazuko Morooka and   
              Mila M. Ramos and   
           Fonseca N. Nathaniel   A bibliometric approach to
                                  interdisciplinarity in Japanese rice
                                  research and technology development  . . 73--98
               Martin Barth and   
          Stefanie Haustein and   
                Barbara Scheidt   The life sciences in German--Chinese
                                  cooperation: an institutional-level
                                  co-publication analysis  . . . . . . . . 99--117
                Hui-Zhen Fu and   
                  Xiao Long and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   China's research in chemical engineering
                                  journals in Science Citation Index
                                  Expanded: a bibliometric analysis  . . . 119--136
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Classic articles on social work field in
                                  Social Science Citation Index: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 137--155
           Ibrahim Alhaider and   
          Mueen K. K. Ahmed and   
                    B. M. Gupta   Global research output on date palm (\em
                                  Pheonix dactylifera): a 12 years
                                  scientometric perspective  . . . . . . . 157--171
   Alexandre Donizeti Alves and   
     Horacio Hideki Yanasse and   
             Nei Yoshihiro Soma   Benford's Law and articles of scientific
                                  journals: comparison of JCR\reg and
                                  Scopus data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173--184
               Samuel Bjork and   
                Avner Offer and   
         Gabriel Söderberg   Time series citation data: the Nobel
                                  Prize in Economics . . . . . . . . . . . 185--196
        Francisco Collazo-Reyes   Growth of the number of indexed journals
                                  of Latin America and the Caribbean: the
                                  effect on the impact of each country . . 197--209
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                    Werner Marx   How should the societal impact of
                                  research be generated and measured? A
                                  proposal for a simple and practicable
                                  approach to allow interdisciplinary
                                  comparisons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211--219
               Fei-Cheng Ma and   
               Peng-Hui Lyu and   
                  Qiang Yao and   
                    Lan Yao and   
                 Shi-Jing Zhang   Publication trends and knowledge maps of
                                  global translational medicine research   221--246
                    Xia Gao and   
                     Xi Guo and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   An analysis of the patenting activities
                                  and collaboration among
                                  industry--university-research institutes
                                  in the Chinese ICT sector  . . . . . . . 247--263
           Jayshree Mamtora and   
 Jacqueline K. Wolstenholme and   
                    Gaby Haddow   Environmental sciences research in
                                  northern Australia, 2000--2011: a
                                  bibliometric analysis within the context
                                  of a national research assessment
                                  exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--281
Félix de Moya-Anegón and   
Carmen López-Illescas and   
                   Henk F. Moed   How to interpret the position of private
                                  sector institutions in bibliometric
                                  rankings of research institutions  . . . 283--298
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   The selection of high-quality
                                  manuscripts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299--313
Enrique Orduña-Malea and   
                John J. Regazzi   U.S. academic libraries: understanding
                                  their web presence and their
                                  relationship with economic indicators    315--336
                Xiaoyan Jia and   
                  Xufei Tan and   
                  Yuehong Zhang   Replication of the methods section in
                                  biosciences papers: is it plagiarism?    337--345
               Zehra Taskin and   
                        Umut Al   Standardization problem of author
                                  affiliations in citation indexes . . . . 347--368
            Carolin Michels and   
                 Ulrich Schmoch   Impact of bibliometric studies on the
                                  publication behaviour of authors . . . . 369--385
               Sameer Kumar and   
               Jariah Mohd. Jan   Research collaboration networks of two
                                  OIC nations: comparative study between
                                  Turkey and Malaysia in the field of
                                  `Energy Fuels', 2009--2011 . . . . . . . 387--414
       Daniel Henrique Roos and   
     Luciana Calabró and   
      Sandra Lopes de Jesus and   
         Diogo Onofre Souza and   
       Nilda Vargas Barbosa and   
João Batista Teixeira da Rocha   Brazilian scientific production in areas
                                  of biological sciences: a comparative
                                  study on the modalities of full
                                  doctorate in Brazil or abroad  . . . . . 415--427
                   Ching-Yan Wu   Comparisons of technological innovation
                                  capabilities in the solar photovoltaic
                                  industries of Taiwan, China, and Korea   429--446
       Pablo Álvarez and   
             Houria Boulaiz and   
         Celia Vélez and   
Fernando Rodríguez-Serrano and   
                 Raul Ortiz and   
Consolación Melguizo and   
         Esmeralda Carrillo and   
Antonio Martínez-Amat and   
                    Jose Prados   Qualitative and quantitative analyses of
                                  anatomists' research: evaluation of
                                  multidisciplinarity and trends in
                                  scientific production  . . . . . . . . . 447--456
              Hajar Sotudeh and   
                 Nahid Khoshian   Gender differences in science: the case
                                  of scientific productivity in Nano
                                  Science & Technology during 2005--2007    457--472
                   M. Meyer and   
                 D. Libaers and   
                   B. Thijs and   
                   K. Grant and   
            W. Glänzel and   
                   K. Debackere   Origin and emergence of entrepreneurship
                                  as a research field  . . . . . . . . . . 473--485
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                    Werner Marx   How to evaluate individual researchers
                                  working in the natural and life sciences
                                  meaningfully? A proposal of methods
                                  based on percentiles of citations  . . . 487--509
                 Beibei Niu and   
                  Song Hong and   
                Jiefei Yuan and   
                   Sha Peng and   
                  Zhen Wang and   
                       Xu Zhang   Global trends in sediment-related
                                  research in earth science during
                                  1992--2011: a bibliometric analysis  . . 511--529
        Radhamany Sooryamoorthy   Publication productivity and
                                  collaboration of researchers in South
                                  Africa: new empirical evidence . . . . . 531--545
             Jonathan Adams and   
               Karen Gurney and   
                Daniel Hook and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   International collaboration clusters in
                                  Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547--556
                      Jiyuan Ye   Development, significance and background
                                  information about the ``Chinese Book
                                  Citation Index'' (CBkCI) demonstration
                                  database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557--564
               Anne-Wil Harzing   A longitudinal study of Google Scholar
                                  coverage between 2012 and 2013 . . . . . 565--575
     J. A. Tenreiro Machado and   
 Alexandra M. S. F. Galhano and   
               Juan J. Trujillo   On development of fractional calculus
                                  during the last fifty years  . . . . . . 577--582
              Russell Smyth and   
                   Vinod Mishra   Academic inbreeding and research
                                  productivity and impact in Australian
                                  law schools  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583--618
               Pablo Jensen and   
         Katsiaryna Lutkouskaya   The many dimensions of laboratories'
                                  interdisciplinarity  . . . . . . . . . . 619--631
               Woondong Yeo and   
                 Seonho Kim and   
                Jae-Min Lee and   
                    Jaewoo Kang   Aggregative and stochastic model of main
                                  path identification: a case study on
                                  graphene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633--655
                   Jiri Vanecek   The effect of performance-based research
                                  funding on output of R&D results in the
                                  Czech Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657--681
                  Jia Zheng and   
               Zhi-yun Zhao and   
                   Xu Zhang and   
               Dar-zen Chen and   
                 Mu-hsuan Huang   International collaboration development
                                  in nanotechnology: a perspective of
                                  patent network analysis  . . . . . . . . 683--702
                Bulent Ozel and   
         Hildrun Kretschmer and   
                Theo Kretschmer   Co-authorship pair distribution patterns
                                  by gender  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703--723
             Quentin L. Burrell   The individual author's
                                  publication-citation process: theory and
                                  practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725--742
                Yuandi Wang and   
          Nadine Roijakkers and   
               Wim Vanhaverbeke   How fast do Chinese firms learn and
                                  catch up? Evidence from patent citations 743--761
         András Schubert   How to rank if you must: two useful
                                  guiding books  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763--765
                Ai-Yuan Liu and   
                Hui-Zhen Fu and   
                Shi-Ying Li and   
                    Yu-Qing Guo   Comments on ``Global trends of solid
                                  waste research from 1997 to 2011 by
                                  using bibliometric analysis''  . . . . . 767--774
                 I. Jari\'c and   
                     J. Gessner   Erratum to: Analysis of publications on
                                  sturgeon research between 1996 and 2010  775--775

Volume 98, Number 2, February, 2014

            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   Variability of research performance
                                  across disciplines within universities
                                  in non-competitive higher education
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777--795
            David Wilkinson and   
                Pardeep Sud and   
                  Mike Thelwall   Substance without citation: evaluating
                                  the online impact of grey literature . . 797--806
        Jenny-Ann Brodin Danell   Reception of integrative and
                                  complementary medicine (ICM) in
                                  scientific journals: a citation and
                                  co-word analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 807--821
          Hanna-Mari Puuska and   
             Reetta Muhonen and   
                Yrjö Leino   International and domestic co-publishing
                                  and their citation impact in different
                                  disciplines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823--839
               Juan Gorraiz and   
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
              Philip J. Purnell   The power of book reviews: a simple and
                                  transparent enhancement approach for
                                  book citation indexes  . . . . . . . . . 841--852
              Hyunseok Park and   
                 Janghyeok Yoon   Assessing coreness and intermediarity of
                                  technology sectors using patent
                                  co-classification analysis: the case of
                                  Korean national R&D . . . . . . . . . . . 853--890
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
               Francesco Rosati   Career advancement and scientific
                                  performance in universities  . . . . . . 891--907
              Xuan Zhen Liu and   
                       Hui Fang   Scientific group leaders' authorship
                                  preferences: an empirical investigation  909--925
             Sergey Parinov and   
             Mikhail Kogalovsky   Semantic linkages in research
                                  information systems as a new data source
                                  for scientometric studies  . . . . . . . 927--943
               Gupeng Zhang and   
             Jiancheng Guan and   
                     Xielin Liu   The impact of small world on patent
                                  productivity in China  . . . . . . . . . 945--960
            David Michayluk and   
                 Ralf Zurbruegg   Do lead articles signal higher quality
                                  in the digital age? Evidence from
                                  finance journals . . . . . . . . . . . . 961--973
                Euiseok Kim and   
                Yongrae Cho and   
                    Wonjoon Kim   Dynamic patterns of technological
                                  convergence in printed electronics
                                  technologies: patent citation network    975--998
                   Mee-Jean Kim   A bibliometric analysis of publications
                                  by the School of Biological Sciences,
                                  Seoul National University, South Korea   999--1019
                    Li Zhai and   
               Xiangbin Yan and   
                        Bin Zhu   The $ H_l $-index: improvement of
                                  $H$-index based on quality of citing
                                  papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021--1031
            Teja Koler-Povh and   
              Primoz Juznic and   
                     Goran Turk   Impact of open access on citation of
                                  scholarly publications in the field of
                                  civil engineering  . . . . . . . . . . . 1033--1045
                Hassan Bougrine   Subfield effects on the core of
                                  coauthors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1047--1064
                Yuandi Wang and   
                  Jason Li-Ying   How do the BRIC countries play their
                                  roles in the global innovation arena? A
                                  study based on USPTO patents during
                                  1990--2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065--1083
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
               Ssu-Han Chen and   
              Chia-Ying Lin and   
                   Dar-Zen Chen   Exploring temporal relationships between
                                  scientific and technical fronts: a case
                                  of biotechnology field . . . . . . . . . 1085--1100
            Manjari Manisha and   
                      G. Mahesh   Bibliometric characteristics of champion
                                  works of China and India . . . . . . . . 1101--1111
     Juan Miguel Campanario and   
                  William Cabos   The effect of additional citations in
                                  the stability of Journal Citation Report
                                  categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1113--1130
                Pardeep Sud and   
                  Mike Thelwall   Evaluating altmetrics  . . . . . . . . . 1131--1143
               Yu-Shan Chen and   
               Chun-Yu Shih and   
               Ching-Hsun Chang   Explore the new relationship between
                                  patents and market value: a panel smooth
                                  transition regression (PSTR) approach    1145--1159
              James Hartley and   
              Guillaume Cabanac   Do men and women differ in their use of
                                  tables and graphs in academic
                                  publications?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1161--1172
         Tatiana Plotnikova and   
                   Bastian Rake   Collaboration in pharmaceutical
                                  research: exploration of country-level
                                  determinants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1173--1202
               Jingqiu Liao and   
                       Yi Huang   Global trend in aquatic ecosystem
                                  research from 1992 to 2011 . . . . . . . 1203--1219
                Fenggao Niu and   
                    Junping Qiu   Network structure, distribution and the
                                  growth of Chinese international research
                                  collaboration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1221--1233
         María Pinto and   
     David Guerrero Quesada and   
                   Ximo Granell   Dissemination of information and
                                  visibility of the European Higher
                                  Education Area through the websites of
                                  Spanish universities: a longitudinal
                                  metric analysis, 2007--2012  . . . . . . 1235--1255
            Philip Hans Franses   Trends in three decades of rankings of
                                  Dutch economists . . . . . . . . . . . . 1257--1268
                     Yue Hu and   
                    Jun Sun and   
                  Weimin Li and   
                    Yunlong Pan   A scientometric study of global electric
                                  vehicle research . . . . . . . . . . . . 1269--1282
            Enar Ruiz-Conde and   
Aurora Calderón-Martínez   University institutional repositories:
                                  competitive environment and their role
                                  as communication media of scientific
                                  knowledge  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1283--1299
                Edoardo Magnone   A novel graphical representation of
                                  sentence complexity: the description and
                                  its application  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1301--1329
            Srdan Bojovi\'c and   
               Rada Mati\'c and   
           Zorica Popovi\'c and   
      Miroslava Smiljani\'c and   
        Milena Stefanovi\'c and   
               Vera Vidakovi\'c   An overview of forestry journals in the
                                  period 2006--2010 as basis for
                                  ascertaining research trends . . . . . . 1331--1346
            Domingo Docampo and   
                  Lawrence Cram   On the internal dynamics of the Shanghai
                                  ranking  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1347--1366
        Nikolaos A. Kazakis and   
  Anastasios D. Diamantidis and   
       Leonidas L. Fragidis and   
            Miltos K. Lazarides   Evaluating the research performance of
                                  the Greek medical schools using
                                  bibliometrics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1367--1384
      Juan Sepúlveda and   
          Adriana Paternina and   
           Andrés Suarez   Patent applications as source for
                                  measuring technological performance  . . 1385--1395
     András Schubert and   
            András Telcs   A note on the Jaccardized Czekanowski
                                  similarity index . . . . . . . . . . . . 1397--1399
           Fernanda Morillo and   
Adrián A. Díaz-Faes and   
 Borja González-Albo and   
                     Luz Moreno   Do networking centres perform better? An
                                  exploratory analysis in Psychiatry and
                                  Gastroenterology\slash Hepatology in
                                  Spain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1401--1416
               Olle Persson and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Discouraging honorific authorship  . . . 1417--1419
                 Gangan Prathap   Big data and false discovery: analyses
                                  of bibliometric indicators from large
                                  data sets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1421--1422
                       Li Zhang   Growing trend of China's contribution to
                                  tissue engineering . . . . . . . . . . . 1423--1433
                    Li Zhai and   
               Xiangbin Yan and   
          Joshana Shibchurn and   
                  Xiaohong Song   Evolutionary analysis of international
                                  collaboration network of Chinese
                                  scholars in management research  . . . . 1435--1454
    Hamzehali Nourmohammadi and   
                  Fateme Hodaei   Perspective of Iranian women's
                                  scientific production in high priority
                                  fields of science and technology . . . . 1455--1471
                  Jiang Tan and   
                Hui-Zhen Fu and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   A bibliometric analysis of research on
                                  proteomics in Science Citation Index
                                  Expanded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1473--1490
               Tomaz Bartol and   
            Gordana Budimir and   
      Doris Dekleva-Smrekar and   
                Miro Pusnik and   
                  Primoz Juznic   Assessment of research fields in Scopus
                                  and Web of Science in the view of
                                  national research evaluation in Slovenia 1491--1504
               Sergi Lozano and   
Xosé-Pedro Rodríguez and   
                    Alex Arenas   Atapuerca: evolution of scientific
                                  collaboration in an emergent large-scale
                                  research infrastructure  . . . . . . . . 1505--1520
                Wah Yun Low and   
              Kwan Hoong Ng and   
                M. A. Kabir and   
                Ai Peng Koh and   
               Janaki Sinnasamy   Trend and impact of international
                                  collaboration in clinical medicine
                                  papers published in Malaysia . . . . . . 1521--1533
               Weichao Wang and   
                  Yishan Wu and   
                     Yuntao Pan   An investigation of collaborations
                                  between top Chinese universities: a new
                                  quantitative approach  . . . . . . . . . 1535--1545
      Joost C. F. de Winter and   
            Amir A. Zadpoor and   
                  Dimitra Dodou   The expansion of Google Scholar versus
                                  Web of Science: a longitudinal study . . 1547--1565

Volume 98, Number 3, March, 2014

                 Xinning Su and   
               Sanhong Deng and   
                        Si Shen   The design and application value of the
                                  Chinese Social Science Citation Index    1567--1582
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
             Duncan Kushnir and   
                  Ismael Rafols   Interactive overlay maps for US patent
                                  (USPTO) data based on International
                                  Patent Classification (IPC)  . . . . . . 1583--1599
          Maarten van Wesel and   
                Sally Wyatt and   
                Jeroen ten Haaf   What a difference a colon makes: how
                                  superficial factors influence subsequent
                                  citation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1601--1615
             Julie Callaert and   
             Maikel Pellens and   
                  Bart Van Looy   Sources of inspiration? Making sense of
                                  scientific references in patents . . . . 1617--1629
              Guillaume Cabanac   Extracting and quantifying eponyms in
                                  full-text articles . . . . . . . . . . . 1631--1645
             Timothy D. Fry and   
                Joan M. Donohue   Exploring the Author Affiliation Index   1647--1667
              Pierre Dubois and   
        Jean-Charles Rochet and   
            Jean-Marc Schlenker   Productivity and mobility in academic
                                  research: evidence from mathematicians   1669--1701
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
                      Ping Zhou   Measuring the knowledge-based economy of
                                  China in terms of synergy among
                                  technological, organizational, and
                                  geographic attributes of firms . . . . . 1703--1719
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
                 Chia-Pin Chang   Detecting research fronts in OLED field
                                  using bibliographic coupling with
                                  sliding window . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1721--1744
               Xuefeng Wang and   
                Rongrong Li and   
                Shiming Ren and   
                Donghua Zhu and   
                 Meng Huang and   
                    Pengjun Qiu   Collaboration network and pattern
                                  analysis: case study of dye-sensitized
                                  solar cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1745--1762
                   K. Brad Wray   Specialization in philosophy: a
                                  preliminary study  . . . . . . . . . . . 1763--1769
                 K. C. Garg and   
                       S. Kumar   Scientometric profile of Indian
                                  scientific output in life sciences with
                                  a focus on the contributions of women
                                  scientists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1771--1783
                Yongrae Cho and   
                    Wonjoon Kim   Technology-industry networks in
                                  technology commercialization: evidence
                                  from Korean university patents . . . . . 1785--1810
              Byunghoon Kim and   
           Gianluca Gazzola and   
                Jae-Min Lee and   
                 Dohyun Kim and   
                Kanghoe Kim and   
                 Myong K. Jeong   Inter-cluster connectivity analysis for
                                  technology opportunity discovery . . . . 1811--1825
                  Erzi Tang and   
               Fengchao Liu and   
                    Jia Sun and   
                 Zulfqar Haider   The relationship between scientists and
                                  science: knowledge-based innovation
                                  output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1827--1835
               Embiya Celik and   
                Nuray Gedik and   
         Güler Karaman and   
             Turgay Demirel and   
                  Yuksel Goktas   Mistakes encountered in manuscripts on
                                  education and their effects on journal
                                  rejections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1837--1853
          Iñaki Ucar and   
Felipe López-Fernandino and   
   Pablo Rodriguez-Ulibarri and   
        Laura Sesma-Sanchez and   
 Veronica Urrea-Micó and   
         Joaquín Sevilla   Growth in the number of references in
                                  engineering journal papers during the
                                  1972--2013 period  . . . . . . . . . . . 1855--1864
                 Huaqi Chen and   
                 Yuehua Wan and   
               Shuian Jiang and   
                   Yanxia Cheng   Alzheimer's disease research in the
                                  future: bibliometric analysis of
                                  cholinesterase inhibitors from 1993 to
                                  2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1865--1877
           Fuyuki Yoshikane and   
                Takafumi Suzuki   Diversity of fields in patent citations:
                                  synchronic and diachronic changes  . . . 1879--1897
   Manuel Portugal Ferreira and   
 Cláudia Frias Pinto and   
         Fernando Ribeiro Serra   The transaction costs theory in
                                  international business research: a
                                  bibliometric study over three decades    1899--1922
               Xianwen Wang and   
                  Wenli Mao and   
                Shenmeng Xu and   
                   Chunbo Zhang   Usage history of scientific literature:
                                  \booktitleNature metrics and metrics of
                                  \booktitleNature publications  . . . . . 1923--1933
                Yuandi Wang and   
                    Xin Pan and   
                 Xinyu Wang and   
                   Jin Chen and   
                 Lutao Ning and   
                       Ying Qin   Visualizing knowledge space: a case
                                  study of Chinese licensed technology,
                                  2000--2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1935--1954
Nicolás Robinson-García and   
            Clara Calero-Medina   What do university rankings by fields
                                  rank? Exploring discrepancies between
                                  the organizational structure of
                                  universities and bibliometric
                                  classifications  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1955--1970
      M. A. Martínez and   
                 M. Herrera and   
J. López-Gijón and   
              E. Herrera-Viedma   $H$-Classics: characterizing the concept
                                  of citation classics through $H$-index   1971--1983
               Qinghua Zhai and   
                    Jing Su and   
                     Minghai Ye   Focus on China: the current status of
                                  entrepreneurship research in China . . . 1985--2006
            Fatemeh Rostami and   
     Asghar Mohammadpoorasl and   
             Mohammad Hajizadeh   The effect of characteristics of title
                                  on citation rates of articles  . . . . . 2007--2010
                Ajoy Mallik and   
           Nripendranath Mandal   Bibliometric analysis of global
                                  publication output and collaboration
                                  structure study in microRNA research . . 2011--2037
            Lars H. Breimer and   
       Torbjörn K. Nilsson   Considerations for appointing an
                                  external examiner of a PhD in the
                                  biomedical sciences in Sweden: a
                                  questionnaire-based survey . . . . . . . 2039--2049
               Jyh-Wen Shiu and   
             Chan-Yuan Wong and   
                    Mei-Chih Hu   The dynamic effect of knowledge capitals
                                  in the public research institute:
                                  insights from patenting analysis of ITRI
                                  (Taiwan) and ETRI (Korea)  . . . . . . . 2051--2068
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   Inefficiency in selecting products for
                                  submission to national research
                                  assessment exercises . . . . . . . . . . 2069--2086
                  Jia Zheng and   
                Zhiyun Zhao and   
                   Xu Zhang and   
             Mu-hsuan Huang and   
                   Dar-zen Chen   Influences of counting methods on
                                  country rankings: a perspective from
                                  patent analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 2087--2102
José María Cavero and   
          Belén Vela and   
          Paloma Cáceres   Computer science research: more
                                  production, less productivity  . . . . . 2103--2111
      Daniel Torres-Salinas and   
Nicolás Robinson-García and   
Álvaro Cabezas-Clavijo and   
Evaristo Jiménez-Contreras   Analyzing the citation characteristics
                                  of books: edited books, book series and
                                  publisher types in the book citation
                                  index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2113--2127
             Jiancheng Guan and   
                     Wenjia Zhu   How knowledge diffuses across countries:
                                  a case study in the field of management  2129--2144
           Navonil Mustafee and   
          Korina Katsaliaki and   
                  Paul Fishwick   Exploring the modelling and simulation
                                  knowledge base through journal
                                  co-citation analysis . . . . . . . . . . 2145--2159
          Satya Ranjan Sahu and   
          Krushna Chandra Panda   Does the multi-authorship trend
                                  influence the quality of an article? . . 2161--2168
         Anastassios Pouris and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Research emphasis and collaboration in
                                  Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2169--2184
              Ghulam Akhmat and   
               Khalid Zaman and   
                 Tan Shukui and   
                  Tauseef Ahmed   RETRACTED ARTICLE: Educational reforms
                                  and internationalization of
                                  universities: evidence from major
                                  regions of the world . . . . . . . . . . 2185--2205
       Marie-Violaine Tatry and   
         Dominique Fournier and   
       Beno\^\it Jeannequin and   
         Françoise Dosba   EU27 and USA leadership in fruit and
                                  vegetable research: a bibliometric study
                                  from 2000 to 2009  . . . . . . . . . . . 2207--2222
Ricardo Cartes-Velásquez and   
       Carlos Manterola Delgado   Bibliometric analysis of articles
                                  published in ISI dental journals,
                                  2007--2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2223--2233
           Maree R. Yarwood and   
          Michael A. Weston and   
             Stephen T. Garnett   From little things, big things grow;
                                  trends and fads in 110 years of
                                  Australian ornithology . . . . . . . . . 2235--2254
                    Jia Zhu and   
                    Yi Yang and   
                   Qing Xie and   
                 Liwei Wang and   
                Saeed-Ul Hassan   Robust hybrid name disambiguation
                                  framework for large databases  . . . . . 2255--2274
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Gianluca Murgia   Variation in research collaboration
                                  patterns across academic ranks . . . . . 2275--2294
     Muhammad Imran Qureshi and   
        Saquib Yusaf Janjua and   
               Khalid Zaman and   
       Mohammad Saeed Lodhi and   
                Yasir Bin Tariq   Internationalization of higher education
                                  institutions: implementation of DMAIC
                                  cycle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2295--2310
         María Pinto and   
    Antonio Pulgarín and   
             M. Isabel Escalona   Viewing information literacy concepts: a
                                  comparison of two branches of knowledge  2311--2329
     David I. Méndez and   
  M. Ángeles Alcaraz and   
 Françoise Salager-Meyer   Titles in English-medium Astrophysics
                                  research articles  . . . . . . . . . . . 2331--2351
Enrique Orduña-Malea and   
Emilio Delgado López-Cózar   Google Scholar Metrics evolution: an
                                  analysis according to languages  . . . . 2353--2367
                      Leo Egghe   Comments on ``Year-based $h$-type
                                  indicators'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2369--2370

Volume 99, Number 1, April, 2014

            Chung Joo Chung and   
                   Han Woo Park   Mapping Triple Helix innovation in
                                  developing and transitional economies:
                                  webometrics, scientometrics, and
                                  informetrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--4
          George A. Barnett and   
               Han Woo Park and   
                   Ke Jiang and   
                 Chuan Tang and   
              Isidro F. Aguillo   A multi-level network analysis of
                                  web-citations among the world's
                                  universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--26
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
               Han Woo Park and   
                 Balazs Lengyel   A routine for measuring synergy in
                                  relations: mutual information as a
                                  Triple-Helix and Quadruple-Helix
                                  indicator  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27--35
                Daniel Fink and   
              Youngsun Kwon and   
              Jae Jeung Rho and   
                       Minho So   S&T knowledge production from 2000 to
                                  2009 in two periphery countries: Brazil
                                  and South Korea  . . . . . . . . . . . . 37--54
                   Yi Zhang and   
                  Xiao Zhou and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
     Jose M. Vicente Gomila and   
                         An Yan   Triple Helix innovation in China's
                                  dye-sensitized solar cell industry:
                                  hybrid methods with semantic TRIZ and
                                  technology roadmapping . . . . . . . . . 55--75
                Hee Dae Kim and   
                Duk Hee Lee and   
               Hochull Choe and   
                     Il Won Seo   The evolution of cluster network
                                  structure and firm growth: a study of
                                  industrial software clusters . . . . . . 77--95
                Yangson Kim and   
                Hee Jin Lim and   
                  Soo Jeung Lee   Applying research collaboration as a new
                                  way of measuring research performance in
                                  Korean universities  . . . . . . . . . . 97--115
                 Bobby Swar and   
               Gohar Feroz Khan   Mapping ICT knowledge infrastructure in
                                  South Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117--137
                Chung Joo Chung   An analysis of the status of the Triple
                                  Helix and university-industry-government
                                  relationships in Asia  . . . . . . . . . 139--149
               Martin Meyer and   
                Kevin Grant and   
            Piera Morlacchi and   
              Dagmara Weckowska   Triple Helix indicators as an emergent
                                  area of enquiry: a bibliometric
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151--174
                Marko M. Skoric   The implications of big data for
                                  developing and transitional economies:
                                  Extending the Triple Helix?  . . . . . . 175--186
                   Han Woo Park   Mapping election campaigns through
                                  negative entropy: Triple and Quadruple
                                  Helix approach to South Korea's 2012
                                  presidential election  . . . . . . . . . 187--197
                   Han Woo Park   An interview with Loet Leydesdorff: the
                                  past, present, and future of the triple
                                  helix in the age of big data . . . . . . 199--202
                   Han Woo Park   Transition from the Triple Helix to
                                  $N$-Tuple Helices? An interview with
                                  Elias G. Carayannis and David F. J.
                                  Campbell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203--207

Volume 99, Number 2, May, 2014

          Daniel Teodorescu and   
                 Tudorel Andrei   An examination of ``citation circles''
                                  for social sciences journals in Eastern
                                  European countries . . . . . . . . . . . 209--231
                Mei-Chih Hu and   
               Ching-Yan Wu and   
              Jung Hoon Lee and   
                     Yun-Chu Lu   The influence of knowledge source and
                                  ambidexterity in the thin film
                                  transistor and liquid crystal display
                                  industry: evidence from Japan, Korea,
                                  and Taiwan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233--260
          Eleni Fragkiadaki and   
           Georgios Evangelidis   Review of the indirect citations
                                  paradigm: theory and practice of the
                                  assessment of papers, authors and
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--288
         Juan Miguel Campanario   The effect of citations on the
                                  significance of decimal places in the
                                  computation of journal impact factors    289--298
           Paola Cerchiello and   
                  Paolo Giudici   On a statistical $h$ index . . . . . . . 299--312
          Saveria Capellari and   
            Domenico De Stefano   University-owned and university-invented
                                  patents: a network analysis on two
                                  Italian universities . . . . . . . . . . 313--329
                 Marcel Ausloos   Binary scientific star coauthors core
                                  size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331--351
                Tainyi Luor and   
                Hsi-Peng Lu and   
                  Hueiju Yu and   
                 Kuoliang Chang   Trends in and contributions to
                                  entrepreneurship research: a broad
                                  review of literature from 1996 to June
                                  2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353--369
                Ai-Yuan Liu and   
                Shi-Ying Li and   
                    Yu-Qing Guo   Characteristics of research on
                                  bioinformatics in China assessed with
                                  Science Citation Index Expanded  . . . . 371--391
                Torben Schubert   Are there scale economies in scientific
                                  production? On the topic of locally
                                  increasing returns to scale  . . . . . . 393--408
     David Gunnarsson Lorentzen   Webometrics benefitting from web mining?
                                  An investigation of methods and
                                  applications of two research fields  . . 409--445
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   How the same organizational structures
                                  can arise across seemingly unrelated
                                  domains of human activities: the example
                                  of academic publishing and stock market  447--461
    Radu Silaghi-Dumitrescu and   
                  Augusta Sabau   Scientometric analysis of relative
                                  performance in a key university in
                                  Romania  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463--474
                  Mikael Laakso   Green open access policies of scholarly
                                  journal publishers: a study of what,
                                  when, and where self-archiving is
                                  allowed  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475--494
Katarína Cechlárová and   
       Tamás Fleiner and   
          Eva Potpinková   Assigning evaluators to research grant
                                  applications: the case of Slovak
                                  Research and Development Agency  . . . . 495--506
                 Weishu Liu and   
                  Mengdi Gu and   
               Guangyuan Hu and   
                    Chao Li and   
               Huchang Liao and   
                    Li Tang and   
                 Philip Shapira   Profile of developments in biomass-based
                                  bioenergy research: a $ 20$-year
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507--521
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
           J. Fdez-Valdivia and   
       F. de Moya-Anegón   A web application for aggregating
                                  conflicting reviewers' preferences . . . 523--539
                Salih Selek and   
                    Ayman Saleh   Use of $h$ index and $g$ index for
                                  American academic psychiatry . . . . . . 541--548
            Saeed-Ul Hassan and   
              Peter Haddawy and   
                        Jia Zhu   A bibliometric study of the world's
                                  research activity in sustainable
                                  development and its sub-areas using
                                  scientific literature  . . . . . . . . . 549--579
           Saeideh Ebrahimy and   
                 Farideh Osareh   Design, validation, and reliability
                                  determination a citing conformity
                                  instrument at three levels: normative,
                                  informational, and identification  . . . 581--597
                   Yu-Wei Chang   Exploring scientific articles
                                  contributed by industries in Taiwan  . . 599--613

Volume 99, Number 3, June, 2014

        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
           J. Fdez-Valdivia and   
Nicolas Robinson-García and   
          Daniel Torres-Salinas   Best-in-class and strategic benchmarking
                                  of scientific subject categories of Web
                                  of Science in 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . 615--630
           Michael Schymura and   
           Andreas Löschel   Incidence and extent of co-authorship in
                                  environmental and resource economics:
                                  evidence from the \booktitleJournal of
                                  Environmental Economics and Management   631--661
             Mario Paolucci and   
             Francisco Grimaldo   Mechanism change in a simulation of peer
                                  review: from junk support to elitism . . 663--688
                  Cui Huang and   
                     Jun Su and   
                  Xiang Xie and   
                       Jiang Li   Basic research is overshadowed by
                                  applied research in China: a policy
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689--694
                  Ping Zhou and   
                    Huibao Tian   Funded collaboration research in
                                  mathematics in China . . . . . . . . . . 695--715
              Hajar Sotudeh and   
                 Nahid Khoshian   Gender, web presence and scientific
                                  productivity in nanoscience and
                                  nanotechnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717--736
                    Wei Gao and   
                 Huai-Cheng Guo   Nitrogen research at watershed scale: a
                                  bibliometric analysis during 1959--2011  737--753
              Benedetto Torrisi   A multidimensional approach to academic
                                  productivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755--783
                 Naomi Fukuzawa   An empirical analysis of the
                                  relationship between individual
                                  characteristics and research
                                  productivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785--809
           Anne-Wil Harzing and   
             Satu Alakangas and   
                    David Adams   hIa: an individual annual $h$-index to
                                  accommodate disciplinary and career
                                  length differences . . . . . . . . . . . 811--821
             Shuiqing Huang and   
                    Bo Yang and   
                  Sulan Yan and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Institution name disambiguation for
                                  research assessment  . . . . . . . . . . 823--838
                Werner Marx and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   Tracing the origin of a scientific
                                  legend by reference publication year
                                  spectroscopy (RPYS): the legend of the
                                  Darwin finches . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839--844
            Kadri Ukrainski and   
                 Jaan Masso and   
                    Hanna Kanep   Cooperation patterns in science within
                                  Europe: the standpoint of small
                                  countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845--863
              Xuan Zhen Liu and   
                       Hui Fang   The impact of publications from mainland
                                  China on the trends in alphabetical
                                  authorship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865--879
               Xiaofeng Jia and   
                    Tao Dai and   
                    Xinbiao Guo   Comprehensive exploration of urban
                                  health by bibliometric analysis: 35
                                  years and 11,299 articles  . . . . . . . 881--894
           Satoshi Yasukawa and   
                    Shingo Kano   Validating the usefulness of examiners'
                                  forward citations from the viewpoint of
                                  applicants' self-selection during the
                                  patent application procedure . . . . . . 895--909
      Waldemar W. Koczkodaj and   
          Konrad Kulakowski and   
                  Antoni Ligeza   On the quality evaluation of scientific
                                  entities in Poland supported by
                                  consistency-driven pairwise comparisons
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911--926
            Inga A. Ivanova and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   A simulation model of the Triple Helix
                                  of university-industry-government
                                  relations and the decomposition of the
                                  redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927--948
               Robert Braam and   
        Peter van den Besselaar   Indicators for the dynamics of research
                                  organizations: a biomedical case study   949--971
         Jason Cory Brunson and   
              Steve Fassino and   
            Antonio McInnes and   
            Monisha Narayan and   
         Brianna Richardson and   
         Christopher Franck and   
                Patrick Ion and   
          Reinhard Laubenbacher   Evolutionary events in a mathematical
                                  sciences research collaboration network  973--998
              Om N. Baghele and   
     Abhijeet S. Mohkhedkar and   
               Pooja S. Malpani   Intellectual contribution of Indian
                                  periodontists to world literature: a
                                  bibliometric evaluation of Pubmed
                                  database till 1st March, 2012  . . . . . 999--1010

Volume 100, Number 1, July, 2014

         András Schubert   Sentences to remember from the first 100
                                  volumes of the journal
                                  \booktitleScientometrics . . . . . . . . 1--13
              Dongwook Shin and   
                Taehwan Kim and   
              Joongmin Choi and   
                    Jungsun Kim   Author name disambiguation using a graph
                                  model with node splitting and merging
                                  based on bibliographic information . . . 15--50
                  Arho Suominen   Phases of growth in a green tech
                                  research network: a bibliometric
                                  evaluation of fuel cell technology from
                                  1991 to 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51--72
              Pim Vugteveen and   
                Rob Lenders and   
        Peter Van den Besselaar   The dynamics of interdisciplinary
                                  research fields: the case of river
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73--96
            Shih-Chang Hung and   
                John S. Liu and   
             Louis Y. Y. Lu and   
                Yu-Chiang Tseng   Technological change in lithium iron
                                  phosphate battery: the key-route main
                                  path analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97--120
                T. Gorjiara and   
                     C. Baldock   Nanoscience and nanotechnology research
                                  publications: a comparison between
                                  Australia and the rest of the world  . . 121--148
          Mei Hsiu-Ching Ho and   
             Vincent H. Lin and   
                    John S. Liu   Exploring knowledge diffusion among
                                  nations: a study of core technologies in
                                  fuel cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149--171
                Jongwuk Ahn and   
               Dong-hyun Oh and   
                 Jeong-Dong Lee   The scientific impact and partner
                                  selection in collaborative research at
                                  Korean universities  . . . . . . . . . . 173--188
              Baogang Zhang and   
                     Ye Liu and   
               Caixing Tian and   
                Zhijun Wang and   
                 Ming Cheng and   
                   Nan Chen and   
                 Chuanping Feng   A bibliometric analysis of research on
                                  upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB)
                                  from 1983 to 2012  . . . . . . . . . . . 189--202
         Roula Inglesi-Lotz and   
            Mehmet Balcilar and   
                   Rangan Gupta   Time-varying causality between research
                                  output and economic growth in US . . . . 203--216
                 Judit Bar-Ilan   Astrophysics publications on arXiv,
                                  Scopus and Mendeley: a case study  . . . 217--225
                 Yongho Lee and   
               So Young Kim and   
                Inseok Song and   
               Yongtae Park and   
                  Juneseuk Shin   Technology opportunity identification
                                  customized to the technological
                                  capability of SMEs through two-stage
                                  patent analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 227--244
                     Kun Lu and   
            Isola Ajiferuke and   
                Dietmar Wolfram   Extending citer analysis to journal
                                  impact evaluation  . . . . . . . . . . . 245--260
           Ian A. Navarrete and   
                 Victor B. Asio   Research productivity in soil science in
                                  the Philippines  . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--272
                  Weina Hua and   
                      Yu Li and   
                    Shunbo Yuan   A quantitative analysis of Antarctic
                                  related articles in humanities and
                                  social sciences appearing in the world
                                  core journals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273--286
                 Philip Roe and   
              Grant Lewison and   
                 Richard Webber   The sex and ethnicity or national
                                  origins of researchers in astronomy and
                                  oncology in four countries, 2006--2007
                                  and 2011--2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287--296
       Michael T. Henderson and   
        Natalia Fijalkowski and   
               Sean K. Wang and   
           Mitch Maltenfort and   
              Luo Luo Zheng and   
               John Ratliff and   
        Andrew A. Moshfeghi and   
            Darius M. Moshfeghi   Gender differences in compensation in
                                  academic medicine: the results from four
                                  neurological specialties within the
                                  University of California Healthcare
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297--306

Volume 100, Number 2, August, 2014

            Carolin Michels and   
                    Jun-Ying Fu   Systematic analysis of coverage and
                                  usage of conference proceedings in Web
                                  of Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307--327
                Zhiwei Zhou and   
                   Rui Xing and   
                   Jing Liu and   
                    Feiyue Xing   Landmark papers written by the Nobelists
                                  in physics from 1901 to 2012: a
                                  bibliometric analysis of their citations
                                  and journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329--338
              Brenda Cheang and   
         Samuel Kai Wah Chu and   
               Chongshou Li and   
                     Andrew Lim   OR/MS journals evaluation based on a
                                  refined PageRank method: an updated and
                                  more comprehensive review  . . . . . . . 339--361
                 Limei Zhao and   
               Qingpu Zhang and   
                     Liang Wang   Benefit distribution mechanism in the
                                  team members' scientific research
                                  collaboration network  . . . . . . . . . 363--389
                     Leo Freyer   Robust rankings  . . . . . . . . . . . . 391--406
                      Erjia Yan   Topic-based PageRank: toward a
                                  topic-level scientific evaluation  . . . 407--437
                Feicheng Ma and   
                  Yating Li and   
                   Baitong Chen   Study of the collaboration in the field
                                  of the Chinese humanities and social
                                  sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439--458
              Chunjuan Luan and   
                 Haiyan Hou and   
               Yongtao Wang and   
                   Xianwen Wang   Are significant inventions more
                                  diversified? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459--470
                    Rahul Panat   On the data and analysis of the research
                                  output of India and China: India has
                                  significantly fallen behind China  . . . 471--481
                Olof Hallonsten   How expensive is Big Science?
                                  Consequences of using simple publication
                                  counts in performance assessment of
                                  large scientific facilities  . . . . . . 483--496
           Benedetto Lepori and   
          Isidro F. Aguillo and   
                   Marco Seeber   Size of web domains and interlinking
                                  behavior of higher education
                                  institutions in Europe . . . . . . . . . 497--518
               Ivan Jari\'c and   
  Jelena Knezevi\'c-Jari\'c and   
               Mirjana Lenhardt   Relative age of references as a tool to
                                  identify emerging research fields with
                                  an application to the field of ecology
                                  and environmental sciences . . . . . . . 519--529
                    Aparna Basu   The Albuquerque model and efficiency
                                  indicators in national scientific
                                  productivity with respect to manpower
                                  and funding in science . . . . . . . . . 531--539
             Jiancheng Guan and   
                     Kairui Zuo   A cross-country comparison of innovation
                                  efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541--575
               Hui-Yun Sung and   
            Chun-Chieh Wang and   
               Dar-Zen Chen and   
                 Mu-Hsuan Huang   A comparative study of patent counts by
                                  the inventor country and the assignee
                                  country  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577--593
                       Jiang Li   Citation curves of
                                  ``flash in the pan'' first and then
                                  ``delayed recognition''  . . . . . . . . 595--601
                  Lutz Bornmann   Ranking institutions by the handicap
                                  principle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603--604
               Jyh-Wen Shiu and   
             Chan-Yuan Wong and   
                    Mei-Chih Hu   Erratum to: The dynamic effect of
                                  knowledge capitals in the public
                                  research institute: insights from
                                  patenting analysis of ITRI (Taiwan) and
                                  ETRI (Korea) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605--605
                Wah Yun Low and   
              Kwan Hoong Ng and   
                M. A. Kabir and   
                Ai Peng Koh and   
               Janaki Sinnasamy   Erratum to: Trend and impact of
                                  international collaboration in clinical
                                  medicine papers published in Malaysia    607--607
 Marianne Hörlesberger and   
                Ivana Roche and   
          Dominique Besagni and   
          Thomas Scherngell and   
     Claire François and   
               Pascal Cuxac and   
             Edgar Schiebel and   
                Michel Zitt and   
                    Dirk Holste   Erratum to: A concept for inferring
                                  `frontier research' in grant proposals   609--610

Volume 100, Number 3, September, 2014

                Alan Porter and   
               Denise Chiavetta   Introduction to Special Issue on
                                  TechMining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611--612
                     Jan Youtie   The use of citation speed to understand
                                  the effects of a multi-institutional
                                  science center . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613--621
              Ronald N. Kostoff   Literature-related discovery: common
                                  factors for Parkinson's Disease and
                                  Crohn's Disease  . . . . . . . . . . . . 623--657
         Jose M. Vicente-Gomila   The contribution of syntactic-semantic
                                  approach to the search for complementary
                                  literatures for scientific or technical
                                  discovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659--673
Leonardo da Silva Sant'Anna and   
Maria Simone de Menezes Alencar and   
          Aldo Pacheco Ferreira   Nanomaterials patenting in Brazil: some
                                  considerations for the national
                                  regulatory framework . . . . . . . . . . 675--686
                 Jon Garner and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
                 Nils C. Newman   Distance and velocity measures: using
                                  citations to determine breadth and speed
                                  of research impact . . . . . . . . . . . 687--703
                  Xiao Zhou and   
                   Yi Zhang and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
                   Ying Guo and   
                    Donghua Zhu   A patent analysis method to trace
                                  technology evolutionary pathways . . . . 705--721
                   F. Zhang and   
                       X. Zhang   Patent activity analysis of
                                  vibration-reduction control technology
                                  in high-speed railway vehicle systems in
                                  China  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723--740
                Leah G. Nichols   A topic model approach to measuring
                                  interdisciplinarity at the National
                                  Science Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . 741--754
          Ilya V. Ponomarev and   
            Brian K. Lawton and   
          Duane E. Williams and   
              Joshua D. Schnell   Breakthrough paper indicator 2.0: can
                                  geographical diversity and
                                  interdisciplinarity improve the accuracy
                                  of outstanding papers prediction?  . . . 755--765
              Chyi-Kwei Yau and   
                Alan Porter and   
                Nils Newman and   
                  Arho Suominen   Clustering scientific documents with
                                  topic modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767--786
                Zhengyin Hu and   
                   Shu Fang and   
                     Tian Liang   Empirical study of constructing a
                                  knowledge organization system of patent
                                  documents using topic modeling . . . . . 787--799

Volume 101, Number 1, October, 2014

              J. J. Winnink and   
           Robert J. W. Tijssen   R&D dynamics and scientific breakthroughs
                                  in HIV/AIDS drugs development: the case
                                  of Integrase Inhibitors  . . . . . . . . 1--16
              Yi-Ching Liaw and   
                 Te-Yi Chan and   
              Chin-Yuan Fan and   
              Cheng-Hsin Chiang   Can the technological impact of academic
                                  journals be evaluated? The practice of
                                  non-patent reference (NPR) analysis  . . 17--37
               Jieyong Wang and   
                     Zhigao Liu   A bibliometric analysis on rural studies
                                  in human geography and related
                                  disciplines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39--59
     Leonardo Costa Ribeiro and   
               Glenda Kruss and   
             Gustavo Britto and   
Américo Tristão Bernardes and   
 Eduardo da Motta e Albuquerque   A methodology for unveiling global
                                  innovation networks: patent citations as
                                  clues to cross border knowledge flows    61--83
   Fernando A. B. Colugnati and   
               Sergio Firpo and   
Paula F. Drummond de Castro and   
          Juan E. Sepulveda and   
      Sergio L. M. Salles-Filho   A propensity score approach in the
                                  impact evaluation on scientific
                                  production in Brazilian biodiversity
                                  research: the BIOTA Program  . . . . . . 85--107
                Pin-Hua Lin and   
             Jong-Rong Chen and   
                  Chih-Hai Yang   Academic research resources and academic
                                  quality: a cross-country analysis  . . . 109--123
            Lorna Wildgaard and   
        Jesper W. Schneider and   
                  Birger Larsen   A review of the characteristics of 108
                                  author-level bibliometric indicators . . 125--158
           Oguzhan Alasehir and   
   Murat Perit Çakir and   
       Cengiz Acartürk and   
              Nazife Baykal and   
                   Ural Akbulut   URAP-TR: a national ranking for Turkish
                                  universities based on academic
                                  performance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159--178
                Edoardo Magnone   The extreme case of terrorism: a
                                  scientometric analysis . . . . . . . . . 179--201
               Tom Z. J. Fu and   
              Qianqian Song and   
                  Dah Ming Chiu   The academic social network  . . . . . . 203--239
         Ekaterina L. Dyachenko   Internationalization of academic
                                  journals: Is there still a gap between
                                  social and natural sciences? . . . . . . 241--255
       João M. Fernandes   Authorship trends in software
                                  engineering  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257--271
         Tahereh Dehdarirad and   
            Anna Villarroya and   
                  Maite Barrios   Research trends in gender differences in
                                  higher education and science: a co-word
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273--290
               Guijie Zhang and   
                 Luning Liu and   
               Yuqiang Feng and   
                  Zhen Shao and   
                      Yongli Li   Cext-N index: a network node centrality
                                  measure for collaborative relationship
                                  distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291--307
              Meen Chul Kim and   
            Yoo Kyung Jeong and   
                       Min Song   Investigating the integrated landscape
                                  of the intellectual topology of
                                  bioinformatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309--335
           Amalia Mas-Bleda and   
              Mike Thelwall and   
              Kayvan Kousha and   
              Isidro F. Aguillo   Do highly cited researchers successfully
                                  use the social web?  . . . . . . . . . . 337--356
  Constantinos K. Coursaris and   
               Wietske Van Osch   A scientometric analysis of social media
                                  research (2004--2011)  . . . . . . . . . 357--380
Antonio García-Romero and   
José Manuel Estrada-Lorenzo   A bibliometric analysis of plagiarism
                                  and self-plagiarism through Déj\`a vu . . 381--396
                   Min Song and   
                 Go Eun Heo and   
                    Su Yeon Kim   Analyzing topic evolution in
                                  bioinformatics: investigation of
                                  dynamics of the field with conference
                                  data in DBLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397--428
                    Jia Zhu and   
            Saeed-Ul Hassan and   
          Hamid Turab Mirza and   
                       Qing Xie   Measuring recent research performance
                                  for Chinese universities using
                                  bibliometric methods . . . . . . . . . . 429--443
     Stéphane Maraut and   
       Catalina Martínez   Identifying author-inventors from Spain:
                                  methods and a first insight into results 445--476
            Michele Pezzoni and   
          Francesco Lissoni and   
             Gianluca Tarasconi   How to kill inventors: testing the
                                  Massacrator\copyright algorithm for
                                  inventor disambiguation  . . . . . . . . 477--504
            Nikolaos A. Kazakis   Bibliometric evaluation of the research
                                  performance of the Greek civil
                                  engineering departments in National and
                                  European context . . . . . . . . . . . . 505--525
                Anja Schoen and   
           Dominik Heinisch and   
                Guido Buenstorf   Playing the `Name Game' to identify
                                  academic patents in Germany  . . . . . . 527--545
               Jacek Bogocz and   
                Andrzej Bak and   
              Jaroslaw Polanski   No free lunches in nature? An analysis
                                  of the regional distribution of the
                                  affiliations of \booktitleNature
                                  publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547--568
                 A. Abrizah and   
   Mohammadamin Erfanmanesh and   
            Vala Ali Rohani and   
              Mike Thelwall and   
         Jonathan M. Levitt and   
              Fereshteh Didegah   Sixty-four years of informetrics
                                  research: productivity, impact and
                                  collaboration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569--585
                Jinseok Kim and   
                   Jana Diesner   A network-based approach to coauthorship
                                  credit allocation  . . . . . . . . . . . 587--602
          Dragan Ivanovi\'c and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Independent publications from Serbia in
                                  the Science Citation Index Expanded: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 603--622
      Francesco Paolo Appio and   
          Fabrizio Cesaroni and   
               Alberto Di Minin   Visualizing the structure and bridges of
                                  the intellectual property management and
                                  strategy literature: a document
                                  co-citation analysis . . . . . . . . . . 623--661
                Yuandi Wang and   
                    Jian Li and   
                 Lutao Ning and   
                Deming Zeng and   
                         Xin Gu   Dynamic patterns of technology
                                  collaboration: a case study of the
                                  Chinese automobile industry, 1985--2010  663--683
                    Bo Wang and   
                Shengbo Liu and   
                   Kun Ding and   
                 Zeyuan Liu and   
                        Jing Xu   Identifying technological topics and
                                  institution-topic distribution
                                  probability for patent competitive
                                  intelligence analysis: a case study in
                                  LTE technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685--704
                    Shue Wu and   
              Zhenlei Huang and   
                  Weizhou Zhong   Does inertia matter for parts
                                  manufacturers' innovation? . . . . . . . 705--716
          Bradford Demarest and   
                Guo Freeman and   
            Cassidy R. Sugimoto   The reviewer in the mirror: examining
                                  gendered and ethnicized notions of
                                  reciprocity in peer review . . . . . . . 717--735
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
               Francesco Rosati   Relatives in the same university
                                  faculty: nepotism or merit?  . . . . . . 737--749
                  Qiang Yao and   
               Peng-Hui Lyu and   
             Lian-Ping Yang and   
                    Lan Yao and   
                   Zhi-Yong Liu   Current performance and future trends in
                                  health care sciences and services
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751--779
 Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent and   
Vicent Montalt-Resurecció and   
Juan Carlos Valderrama-Zurián   A descriptive study of inaccuracy in
                                  article titles on bibliometrics
                                  published in biomedical journals . . . . 781--791
                Ho Fai Chan and   
              Bruno S. Frey and   
                Jana Gallus and   
           Markus Schaffner and   
              Benno Torgler and   
                  Stephen Whyte   Do the best scholars attract the highest
                                  speaking fees? An exploration of
                                  internal and external influence  . . . . 793--817
          Waleed M. Sweileh and   
             Sa'ed H. Zyoud and   
           Samah W. Al-Jabi and   
               Ansam F. Sawalha   Bibliometric analysis of diabetes
                                  mellitus research output from Middle
                                  Eastern Arab countries during the period
                                  (1996--2012) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819--832
     Omar Hernando Avila-Poveda   Technical report: the trend of author
                                  compound names and its implications for
                                  authorship identity identification . . . 833--846
               Sameer Kumar and   
            Vala Ali Rohani and   
                 Kuru Ratnavelu   International research collaborations of
                                  ASEAN Nations in economics, 1979--2010   847--867
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
        J. A. García and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   Evolutionary games between subject
                                  categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869--888
                 Gangan Prathap   A three-dimensional bibliometric
                                  evaluation of research in polymer solar
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 889--898
                  Hamid Bouabid   Science and technology metrics for
                                  research policy evaluation: some
                                  insights from a Moroccan experience  . . 899--915
               Sung-Seok Ko and   
                   Namuk Ko and   
                 Doyeon Kim and   
              Hyunseok Park and   
                 Janghyeok Yoon   Analyzing technology impact networks for
                                  R&D planning using patents: combined
                                  application of network approaches  . . . 917--936

Volume 101, Number 2, November, 2014

               Juan Gorraiz and   
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
 Marianne Hörlesberger and   
                  Henk Moed and   
                 Edgar Schiebel   The 14th International Conference of the
                                  International Society for Scientometrics
                                  and Informetrics . . . . . . . . . . . . 937--938
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                 Bart Thijs and   
             Koenraad Debackere   The application of citation-based
                                  performance classes to the disciplinary
                                  and multidisciplinary assessment in
                                  national comparison and institutional
                                  research assessment  . . . . . . . . . . 939--952
                 Jan Youtie and   
                  Barry Bozeman   Social dynamics of research
                                  collaboration: norms, practices, and
                                  ethical issues in determining
                                  co-authorship rights . . . . . . . . . . 953--962
      Fiorenzo Franceschini and   
           Domenico Maisano and   
             Luca Mastrogiacomo   The citer-success-index: a citer-based
                                  indicator to select a subset of elite
                                  papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 963--983
              Rongying Zhao and   
                     Bikun Chen   Applying author co-citation analysis to
                                  user interaction analysis: a case study
                                  on instant messaging groups  . . . . . . 985--997
                Masashi Shirabe   Identifying SCI covered publications
                                  within non-patent references in U.S.
                                  utility patents  . . . . . . . . . . . . 999--1014
         Patrick Kenekayoro and   
              Kevan Buckley and   
                  Mike Thelwall   Automatic classification of academic web
                                  page types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015--1026
               Kim Holmberg and   
                  Mike Thelwall   Disciplinary differences in Twitter
                                  scholarly communication  . . . . . . . . 1027--1042
   Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote and   
Félix Moya-Anegón   Relationship between downloads and
                                  citations at journal and paper levels,
                                  and the influence of language  . . . . . 1043--1065
                   J. Rigby and   
                      K. Julian   On the horns of a dilemma: does more
                                  funding for research lead to more
                                  research or a waste of resources that
                                  calls for optimization of researcher
                                  portfolios? An analysis using funding
                                  acknowledgement data . . . . . . . . . . 1067--1075
               Juan Gorraiz and   
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
         Christian Schlögl   Usage versus citation behaviours in four
                                  subject areas  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077--1095
   Douglas Henrique Milanez and   
Leandro Innocentini Lopes de Faria and   
 Roniberto Morato do Amaral and   
       Daniel Rodrigo Leiva and   
José Angelo Rodrigues Gregolin   Patents in nanotechnology: an analysis
                                  using macro-indicators and forecasting
                                  curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1097--1112
     Christian Schlögl and   
               Juan Gorraiz and   
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
                  Kris Jack and   
                   Peter Kraker   Comparison of downloads, citations and
                                  readership data for two information
                                  systems journals . . . . . . . . . . . . 1113--1128
            Giovanni Abramo and   
        Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo   How do you define and measure research
                                  productivity?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1129--1144
          Stefanie Haustein and   
            Isabella Peters and   
             Judit Bar-Ilan and   
                Jason Priem and   
                Hadas Shema and   
                Jens Terliesner   Coverage and adoption of altmetrics
                                  sources in the bibliometric community    1145--1163
              Rongying Zhao and   
                    Shengnan Wu   Study on themes and authors' influence
                                  of open access in China  . . . . . . . . 1165--1177
                 K. Jonkers and   
              G. E. Derrick and   
          C. Lopez-Illescas and   
           P. Van den Besselaar   Measuring the scientific impact of
                                  e-research infrastructures: a citation
                                  based approach?  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1179--1194
                   Pei-Shan Chi   Which role do non-source items play in
                                  the social sciences? A case study in
                                  political science in Germany . . . . . . 1195--1213
                Yunwei Chen and   
                       Shu Fang   Mapping the evolving patterns of patent
                                  assignees' collaboration networks and
                                  identifying the collaboration potential  1215--1231
                    Tian Yu and   
                   Guang Yu and   
                 Peng-Yu Li and   
                     Liang Wang   Citation impact prediction for
                                  scientific papers using stepwise
                                  regression analysis  . . . . . . . . . . 1233--1252
             Xiaoguang Wang and   
                Qikai Cheng and   
                         Wei Lu   Analyzing evolution of research topics
                                  with NEViewer: a new method based on
                                  dynamic co-word networks . . . . . . . . 1253--1271
            Peter Ingwersen and   
              Birger Larsen and   
    J. Carlos Garcia-Zorita and   
Antonio Eleazar Serrano-López and   
              Elias Sanz-Casado   Influence of proceedings papers on
                                  citation impact in seven sub-fields of
                                  sustainable energy research 2005--2011   1273--1292
                Shengbo Liu and   
               Chaomei Chen and   
                   Kun Ding and   
                    Bo Wang and   
                     Kan Xu and   
                       Yuan Lin   Literature retrieval based on citation
                                  context  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1293--1307
Nicolás Robinson-García and   
      Daniel Torres-Salinas and   
Emilio Delgado López-Cózar and   
              Francisco Herrera   An insight into the importance of
                                  national university rankings in an
                                  international context: the case of the
                                  I-UGR rankings of Spanish universities   1309--1324
            Peter Ingwersen and   
                  Birger Larsen   Influence of a performance indicator on
                                  Danish research production and citation
                                  impact 2000--12  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1325--1344
               Jun-Ping Qiu and   
                    Ke Dong and   
                   Hou-Qiang Yu   Comparative study on structure and
                                  correlation among author co-occurrence
                                  networks in bibliometrics  . . . . . . . 1345--1360
                 Lihua Zhai and   
                 Yuntao Pan and   
                     Yu Guo and   
                   Zheng Ma and   
                         Fei Bi   International comparative study on
                                  nanofiltration membrane technology based
                                  on relevant publications and patents . . 1361--1374
                   Yi Zhang and   
                  Xiao Zhou and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
         Jose M. Vicente Gomila   How to combine term clumping and
                                  technology roadmapping for newly
                                  emerging science & technology competitive
                                  intelligence: ``problem & solution''
                                  pattern based semantic TRIZ tool and
                                  case study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1375--1389
              Dag W. Aksnes and   
        Thed N. van Leeuwen and   
               Gunnar Sivertsen   The effect of booming countries on
                                  changes in the relative specialization
                                  index (RSI) on country level . . . . . . 1391--1401
           Linda Reijnhoudt and   
             Rodrigo Costas and   
                  Ed Noyons and   
           Katy Börner and   
             Andrea Scharnhorst   `Seed $+$ expand': a general methodology
                                  for detecting publication oeuvres of
                                  individual researchers . . . . . . . . . 1403--1417
          Björn Hammarfelt   Using altmetrics for assessing research
                                  impact in the humanities . . . . . . . . 1419--1430
      Frederik T. Verleysen and   
               Tim C. E. Engels   Internationalization of peer reviewed
                                  and non-peer reviewed book publications
                                  in the Social Sciences and Humanities    1431--1444
            Katherine W. McCain   Assessing obliteration by incorporation
                                  in a full-text database: JSTOR,
                                  Economics, and the concept of ``bounded
                                  rationality''  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1445--1459
                   Raf Guns and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Recommending research collaborations
                                  using link prediction and random forest
                                  classifiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1461--1473
         Yasuhiro Yamashita and   
              Daisuke Yoshinaga   Influence of researchers' international
                                  mobilities on publication: a comparison
                                  of highly cited and uncited papers . . . 1475--1489
              Zohreh Zahedi and   
             Rodrigo Costas and   
                   Paul Wouters   How well developed are altmetrics? A
                                  cross-disciplinary analysis of the
                                  presence of `alternative metrics' in
                                  scientific publications  . . . . . . . . 1491--1513
                Shino Iwami and   
             Junichiro Mori and   
              Ichiro Sakata and   
                  Yuya Kajikawa   Detection method of emerging leading
                                  papers using time transition . . . . . . 1515--1533
            Robert P. Light and   
            David E. Polley and   
               Katy Börner   Open data and open code for big science
                                  of science studies . . . . . . . . . . . 1535--1551
                 Zhigang Hu and   
               Chaomei Chen and   
                     Zeyuan Liu   How are collaboration and productivity
                                  correlated at various career stages of
                                  scientists?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1553--1564

Volume 101, Number 3, December, 2014

                 Marcel Ausloos   Zipf--Mandelbrot--Pareto model for
                                  co-authorship popularity . . . . . . . . 1565--1586
              Han-Wen Chang and   
                 Mu-Hsuan Huang   Cohesive subgroups in the international
                                  collaboration network in astronomy and
                                  astrophysics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1587--1607
   Claudia N. Gonzalez-Brambila   Social capital in academia . . . . . . . 1609--1625
           Daniel Graziotin and   
              Xiaofeng Wang and   
              Pekka Abrahamsson   A framework for systematic analysis of
                                  open access journals and its application
                                  in software engineering and information
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1627--1656
                    Li Zhai and   
                 Xiujuan Li and   
               Xiangbin Yan and   
                     Weiguo Fan   Evolutionary analysis of collaboration
                                  networks in the field of information
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1657--1677
               Zhihui Zhang and   
                 Ying Cheng and   
                   Nian Cai Liu   Comparison of the effect of mean-based
                                  method and $z$-score for field
                                  normalization of citations at the level
                                  of Web of Science subject categories . . 1679--1693
          Timothy D. Bowman and   
                Andrew Tsou and   
                 Chaoqun Ni and   
            Cassidy R. Sugimoto   Post-interdisciplinary frames of
                                  reference: exploring permeability and
                                  perceptions of disciplinarity in the
                                  social sciences  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1695--1714
             Ferenc Moksony and   
             Rita Heged\Hus and   
  Melinda Császár   Rankings, research styles, and
                                  publication cultures: a study of
                                  American sociology departments . . . . . 1715--1729
           C. O. S. Sorzano and   
                  J. Vargas and   
G. Caffarena-Fernández and   
                     A. Iriarte   Comparing scientific performance among
                                  equals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1731--1745
M. Teresa Antonio-García and   
 Irene López-Navarro and   
         Jesús Rey-Rocha   Determinants of success for biomedical
                                  researchers: a perception-based study in
                                  a health science research environment    1747--1779
                 Gangan Prathap   Single parameter indices and
                                  bibliometric outliers  . . . . . . . . . 1781--1787
                H. Martinez and   
                   A. Jaime and   
                     J. Camacho   Biotechnology profile analysis in
                                  Colombia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1789--1804
              Milos Savi\'c and   
         Mirjana Ivanovi\'c and   
        Milos Radovanovi\'c and   
         Zoran Ognjanovi\'c and   
       Aleksandar Pejovi\'c and   
   Tatjana Jaksi\'c Krüger   The structure and evolution of
                                  scientific collaboration in Serbian
                                  mathematical journals  . . . . . . . . . 1805--1830
                Pardeep Sud and   
                  Mike Thelwall   Linked title mentions: a new automated
                                  link search candidate  . . . . . . . . . 1831--1849
            Ampere A. Tseng and   
             Miroslav Raudensky   Assessments of technology transfer
                                  activities of US universities and
                                  associated impact of Bayh--Dole Act  . . 1851--1869
              Lorenzo Cassi and   
         Wilfriedo Mescheba and   
  Élisabeth de Turckheim   How to evaluate the degree of
                                  interdisciplinarity of an institution?   1871--1895
            Slavo Radosevic and   
                     Esin Yoruk   Are there global shifts in the world
                                  science base? Analysing the catching up
                                  and falling behind of world regions  . . 1897--1924
                    Qing Ji and   
              Xiaoping Pang and   
                        Xi Zhao   A bibliometric analysis of research on
                                  Antarctica during 1993--2012 . . . . . . 1925--1939
          S. Varun Shrivats and   
             Sujit Bhattacharya   Forecasting the trend of international
                                  scientific collaboration . . . . . . . . 1941--1954
                     Hao Wu and   
                      Bo Li and   
                 Yijian Pei and   
                         Jun He   Unsupervised author disambiguation using
                                  Dempster--Shafer theory  . . . . . . . . 1955--1972
               Liming Liang and   
                 Zhen Zhong and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Scientists' referencing (mis)behavior
                                  revealed by the dissemination network of
                                  referencing errors . . . . . . . . . . . 1973--1986
               Henk F. Moed and   
                    Gali Halevi   A bibliometric approach to tracking
                                  international scientific migration . . . 1987--2001
  Yuniol Alvarez-Betancourt and   
         Miguel Garcia-Silvente   An overview of iris recognition: a
                                  bibliometric analysis of the period
                                  2000--2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003--2033
                 A. Baccini and   
                L. Barabesi and   
                   M. Cioni and   
                      C. Pisani   Crossing the hurdle: the determinants of
                                  individual scientific performance  . . . 2035--2062
             Dimitar Todorovsky   Follow-up study: on the working time
                                  budget of a university teacher. 45 years
                                  self-observation . . . . . . . . . . . . 2063--2070
                      Leo Egghe   Comments on the paper of J. M.
                                  Campanario: The effect of citations on
                                  the significance of decimal places in
                                  the computation of journal impact
                                  factors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2071--2075
Roberto de Camargo Penteado Filho   Comments on the article ``Brazil's
                                  growing production of scientific
                                  articles --- how are we doing with
                                  review articles and other qualitative
                                  indicators?'' by Elenara Chaves Edler de
                                  Almeida and Jorge Almeida Guimarães:
                                  \booktitleScientometrics (2013) \bf
                                  97:287--315. doi: 10.1007/s11192-$
                                  013$-0967-y  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2077--2078
Jorge Almeida Guimarães and   
Elenara Chaves Edler de Almeida   Response to the comments on the article:
                                  Brazil's growing production of
                                  scientific articles-how are we doing
                                  with review articles and other
                                  qualitative indicators?  . . . . . . . . 2079--2080
                  James Hartley   New technology and Christmas greetings   2081--2082

Volume 102, Number 1, January, 2015

      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                Tibor Braun and   
     András Schubert and   
          Guido Zosimo-Landolfo   Coping with copying  . . . . . . . . . . 1--3
             Kishen Iyengar and   
          Venugopal Balijepally   Ranking journals using the dominance
                                  hierarchy procedure: an illustration
                                  with IS journals . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--23
             Maaike Verbree and   
             Edwin Horlings and   
          Peter Groenewegen and   
       Inge Van der Weijden and   
        Peter van den Besselaar   Organizational factors influencing
                                  scholarly performance: a multivariate
                                  study of biomedical research groups  . . 25--49
                    Hakyeon Lee   Uncovering the multidisciplinary nature
                                  of technology management: journal
                                  citation network analysis  . . . . . . . 51--75
             Ansgar Moeller and   
              Martin G. Moehrle   Completing keyword patent search with
                                  semantic patent search: introducing a
                                  semiautomatic iterative method for
                                  patent near search based on semantic
                                  similarities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77--96
             Kuang-hua Chen and   
             Muh-chyun Tang and   
              Chun-mei Wang and   
                    Jieh Hsiang   Exploring alternative metrics of
                                  scholarly performance in the social
                                  sciences and humanities in Taiwan  . . . 97--112
              J. J. Winnink and   
           Robert J. W. Tijssen   Early stage identification of
                                  breakthroughs at the interface of
                                  science and technology: lessons drawn
                                  from a landmark publication  . . . . . . 113--134
          Guillaume Cabanac and   
              Gilles Hubert and   
         Béatrice Milard   Academic careers in Computer Science:
                                  continuance and transience of lifetime
                                  co-authorships . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135--150
               Mario Coccia and   
            Greta Falavigna and   
             Alessandro Manello   The impact of hybrid public and
                                  market-oriented financing mechanisms on
                                  the scientific portfolio and
                                  performances of public research labs: a
                                  scientometric analysis . . . . . . . . . 151--168
         Sujit Bhattacharya and   
                Arshia Kaul and   
                     Shilpa and   
                 Praveen Sharma   Role of bilateral institution in
                                  influencing collaboration: case study of
                                  CEFIPRA --- a bilateral S&T institution
                                  established by India and France  . . . . 169--194
            Edita G. Gzoyan and   
     Lusine A. Hovhannisyan and   
        Sofya A. Aleksanyan and   
        Narine A. Ghazaryan and   
          Simon R. Hunanyan and   
            Ahmed Bourghida and   
          Shushanik A. Sargsyan   Comparative analysis of the scientific
                                  output of Armenia, Azerbaijan and
                                  Georgia  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195--212
             Jonathan M. Levitt   What is the optimal number of
                                  researchers for social science research? 213--225
             María Pinto   Viewing and exploring the subject area
                                  of information literacy assessment in
                                  higher education (2000--2011)  . . . . . 227--245
              Djuro Kutlaca and   
             Dragan Babi\'c and   
           Lazar Zivkovi\'c and   
                  Dijana Strbac   Analysis of quantitative and qualitative
                                  indicators of SEE countries scientific
                                  output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247--265
 Vinicius da Silva Almendra and   
            Denis Enachescu and   
             Cornelia Enachescu   Ranking computer science conferences
                                  using self-organizing maps with dynamic
                                  node splitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267--283
            Avinash Kshitij and   
              Jaideep Ghosh and   
               Brij Mohan Gupta   Embedded information structures and
                                  functions of co-authorship networks:
                                  evidence from cancer research
                                  collaboration in India . . . . . . . . . 285--306
         András Schubert   X-centage: a Hirsch-inspired indicator
                                  for distributions of percentage-valued
                                  variables and its use for measuring
                                  heterodisciplinarity . . . . . . . . . . 307--313
           S. Douglas Beets and   
           Andrea S. Kelton and   
                 Bruce R. Lewis   An assessment of accounting journal
                                  quality based on departmental lists  . . 315--332
             Jiancheng Guan and   
                    Yan Yan and   
                 Jingjing Zhang   How do collaborative features affect
                                  scientific output? Evidences from wind
                                  power field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333--355
  João Carlos Nabout and   
       Micael Rosa Parreira and   
Fabrício Barreto Teresa and   
     Fernanda Melo Carneiro and   
Hélida Ferreira da Cunha and   
     Luciana de Souza Ondei and   
Samantha Salomão Caramori and   
      Thannya Nascimento Soares   Publish (in a group) or perish (alone):
                                  the trend from single- to
                                  multi-authorship in biological papers    357--364
                Yanhui Song and   
                    Feng Ma and   
                     Siluo Yang   Comparative study on the obsolescence of
                                  humanities and social sciences in China:
                                  under the new situation of web . . . . . 365--388
                 Yonghan Ju and   
                  So Young Sohn   Identifying patterns in rare earth
                                  element patents based on text and data
                                  mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389--410
            Jesper W. Schneider   Null hypothesis significance tests. A
                                  mix-up of two different theories: the
                                  basis for widespread confusion and
                                  numerous misinterpretations  . . . . . . 411--432
            Mario Karlovcec and   
               Dunja Mladeni\'c   Interdisciplinarity of scientific fields
                                  and its evolution based on graph of
                                  project collaboration and co-authoring   433--454
              Lutz Bornmann and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   Topical connections between the
                                  institutions within an organisation
                                  (institutional co-authorships, direct
                                  citation links and co-citations) . . . . 455--463
           Diego R. Amancio and   
   Osvaldo N. Oliveira, Jr. and   
            Luciano da F. Costa   Topological-collaborative approach for
                                  disambiguating authors' names in
                                  collaborative networks . . . . . . . . . 465--485
                 Ming-yueh Tsay   Knowledge flow out of the domain of
                                  information science: a bibliometric and
                                  citation analysis study  . . . . . . . . 487--502
                 Weishu Liu and   
                    Li Tang and   
                  Mengdi Gu and   
                   Guangyuan Hu   Feature report on China: a bibliometric
                                  analysis of China-related articles . . . 503--517
   E. M. Murgado-Armenteros and   
M. Gutiérrez-Salcedo and   
          F. J. Torres-Ruiz and   
                     M. J. Cobo   Analysing the conceptual evolution of
                                  qualitative marketing research through
                                  science mapping analysis . . . . . . . . 519--557
        Mercedes Echeverria and   
               David Stuart and   
                  Tobias Blanke   Medical theses and derivative articles:
                                  dissemination of contents and
                                  publication patterns . . . . . . . . . . 559--586
               Zhihui Zhang and   
                 Ying Cheng and   
                   Nian Cai Liu   Improving the normalization effect of
                                  mean-based method from the perspective
                                  of optimization: optimization-based
                                  linear methods and their performance . . 587--607
Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez and   
Grisel Zacca-González and   
Benjamín Vargas-Quesada and   
Félix Moya-Anegón   Latin American scientific output in
                                  Public Health: combined analysis using
                                  bibliometric, socioeconomic and health
                                  indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609--628
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
          Floortje Alkemade and   
           Gaston Heimeriks and   
                 Rinke Hoekstra   Patents as instruments for exploring
                                  innovation dynamics: geographic and
                                  technological perspectives on
                                  ``photovoltaic cells'' . . . . . . . . . 629--651
          Abdullah Gök and   
            Alec Waterworth and   
                 Philip Shapira   Use of web mining in studying innovation 653--671
            Giulio Cainelli and   
          Mario A. Maggioni and   
            T. Erika Uberti and   
           Annunziata de Felice   The strength of strong ties: How
                                  co-authorship affect productivity of
                                  academic economists? . . . . . . . . . . 673--699
            David Minguillo and   
             Robert Tijssen and   
                  Mike Thelwall   Do science parks promote research and
                                  technology? A scientometric analysis of
                                  the UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701--725
           Anne-Wil Harzing and   
              Wilfred Mijnhardt   Proof over promise: towards a more
                                  inclusive ranking of Dutch academics in
                                  Economics & Business  . . . . . . . . . . 727--749
           Anne-Wil Harzing and   
              Wilfred Mijnhardt   Erratum to: Proof over promise: towards
                                  a more inclusive ranking of Dutch
                                  academics in Economics & Business . . . . 751--752
       Leila Tahmooresnejad and   
          Catherine Beaudry and   
           Andrea Schiffauerova   The role of public funding in
                                  nanotechnology scientific production:
                                  Where Canada stands in comparison to the
                                  United States  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753--787
Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez and   
              Sandra Miguel and   
Félix de Moya-Anegón   What factors affect the visibility of
                                  Argentinean publications in humanities
                                  and social sciences in Scopus? Some
                                  evidence beyond the geographic realm of
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 789--810
                    Jing Ma and   
                 Alan L. Porter   Analyzing patent topical information to
                                  identify technology pathways and
                                  potential opportunities  . . . . . . . . 811--827
Enrique Orduña-Malea and   
Emilio Delgado López-Cózar   The dark side of open access in Google
                                  and Google Scholar: the case of
                                  Latin--American repositories . . . . . . 829--846
                Ho Fai Chan and   
                  Benno Torgler   The implications of educational and
                                  methodological background for the career
                                  success of Nobel laureates: an
                                  investigation of major awards  . . . . . 847--863
            Peter James Bentley   Cross-country differences in publishing
                                  productivity of academics in research
                                  universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865--883
               Hui Xuan Tan and   
          Ephrance Abu Ujum and   
           Kwai Fatt Choong and   
                 Kuru Ratnavelu   Impact analysis of domestic and
                                  international research collaborations: a
                                  Malaysian case study . . . . . . . . . . 885--904
                   Min Song and   
                 Go Eun Heo and   
                      Dahee Lee   Identifying the landscape of Alzheimer's
                                  disease research with network and
                                  content analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 905--927
               S. Ravikumar and   
          Ashutosh Agrahari and   
                    S. N. Singh   Mapping the intellectual structure of
                                  scientometrics: a co-word analysis of
                                  the journal \booktitleScientometrics
                                  (2005--2010) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 929--955
                B. M. Gupta and   
          K. K. Mueen Ahmed and   
                 Ritu Gupta and   
                   Rishi Tiwari   World camel research: a scientometric
                                  assessment, 2003--2012 . . . . . . . . . 957--975
            Monika Cerinsek and   
              Vladimir Batagelj   Network analysis of
                                  \booktitleZentralblatt MATH data . . . . 977--1001
                  Yongli Li and   
               Guijie Zhang and   
               Yuqiang Feng and   
                       Chong Wu   An entropy-based social network
                                  community detecting method and its
                                  application to scientometrics  . . . . . 1003--1017
 Ana Paula dos Santos Rubem and   
       Ariane Lima de Moura and   
João Carlos Correia Baptista Soares de Mello   Comparative analysis of some individual
                                  bibliometric indices when applied to
                                  groups of researchers  . . . . . . . . . 1019--1035
                      Ton Mooij   Exploring a prototype framework of
                                  web-based and peer-reviewed ``European
                                  Educational Research Quality
                                  Indicators'' (EERQI) . . . . . . . . . . 1037--1055
            David Minguillo and   
                  Mike Thelwall   Which are the best innovation support
                                  infrastructures for universities?
                                  Evidence from R&D output and commercial
                                  activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057--1081

Volume 102, Number 2, February, 2015

                 A. Abrizah and   
            A. Noorhidawati and   
                   A. N. Zainab   LIS journals categorization in the
                                  Journal Citation Report: a stated
                                  preference study . . . . . . . . . . . . 1083--1099
               Marcin Kozak and   
              Lutz Bornmann and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   How have the Eastern European countries
                                  of the former Warsaw Pact developed
                                  since 1990? A bibliometric study . . . . 1101--1117
                 Hoyeop Lee and   
                 Jueun Kwak and   
                   Min Song and   
                  Chang Ouk Kim   Coherence analysis of research and
                                  education using topic modeling . . . . . 1119--1137
                    Ugo Finardi   Scientific collaboration between BRICS
                                  countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139--1166
                Adriana Bin and   
        Sergio Salles-Filho and   
       Luiza Maria Capanema and   
Fernando Antonio Basile Colugnati   What difference does it make? Impact of
                                  peer-reviewed scholarships on scientific
                                  production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1167--1188
           Satoshi Yasukawa and   
                    Shingo Kano   Comparison of examiners' forward
                                  citations in the United States and Japan
                                  with pairs of equivalent patent
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1189--1205
              Jaideep Ghosh and   
            Avinash Kshitij and   
                 Sandeep Kadyan   Functional information characteristics
                                  of large-scale research collaboration:
                                  network measures and implications  . . . 1207--1239
             Hugo Confraria and   
            Manuel Mira Godinho   The impact of African science: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 1241--1268
               Wen-Chi Hung and   
             Cherng G. Ding and   
              Hung-Jui Wang and   
               Meng-Che Lee and   
                 Chieh-Peng Lin   Evaluating and comparing the university
                                  performance in knowledge utilization for
                                  patented inventions  . . . . . . . . . . 1269--1286
                   Chris Fields   How small is the center of science?
                                  Short cross-disciplinary cycles in
                                  co-authorship graphs . . . . . . . . . . 1287--1306
                 Shiji Chen and   
   Clément Arsenault and   
               Yves Gingras and   
            Vincent Larivi\`ere   Exploring the interdisciplinary
                                  evolution of a discipline: the case of
                                  Biochemistry and Molecular Biology . . . 1307--1323
            Domingo Docampo and   
                  Lawrence Cram   On the effects of institutional size in
                                  university classifications: the case of
                                  the Shanghai ranking . . . . . . . . . . 1325--1346
             Eline Poelmans and   
                Sandra Rousseau   Factors determining authors' willingness
                                  to wait for editorial decisions from
                                  economic history journals  . . . . . . . 1347--1374
            Paula A. Rochon and   
                     Wei Wu and   
           Jerry H. Gurwitz and   
           Sunila R. Kalkar and   
               Joel Thomson and   
                 Sudeep S. Gill   Prospective evaluation of the
                                  accessibility of Internet references in
                                  leading general medical journals . . . . 1375--1384
       María Bordons and   
 Borja González-Albo and   
            Javier Aparicio and   
                     Luz Moreno   The influence of R&D intensity of
                                  countries on the impact of international
                                  collaborative research: evidence from
                                  Spain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1385--1400
                 Xiaojun Hu and   
                Ronald Rousseau   A simple approach to describe a
                                  company's innovative activities and
                                  their technological breadth  . . . . . . 1401--1411
             Frank Havemann and   
                  Birger Larsen   Bibliometric indicators of young authors
                                  in astrophysics: Can later stars be
                                  predicted? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413--1434
Guillermo Armando Ronda-Pupo and   
Carlos Díaz-Contreras and   
Guillermo Ronda-Velázquez and   
        Jorge Carlos Ronda-Pupo   The role of academic collaboration in
                                  the impact of Latin--American research
                                  on management  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1435--1454
                Marek Kosmulski   Careers of young Polish chemists . . . . 1455--1465
Pablo Dorta-González and   
María Isabel Dorta-González and   
      Rafael Suárez-Vega   An approach to the author citation
                                  potential: measures of scientific
                                  performance which are invariant across
                                  scientific fields  . . . . . . . . . . . 1467--1496
 Antonio Perianes-Rodriguez and   
           Javier Ruiz-Castillo   Within- and between-department
                                  variability in individual productivity:
                                  the case of economics  . . . . . . . . . 1497--1520
                  Cui Huang and   
                     Jun Su and   
                  Xiang Xie and   
                Xuanting Ye and   
                   Zhang Li and   
                Alan Porter and   
                       Jiang Li   A bibliometric study of China's science
                                  and technology policies: 1949--2010  . . 1521--1539
           Ad\`ele Paul-Hus and   
  Rébecca L. Bouvier and   
                 Chaoqun Ni and   
        Cassidy R. Sugimoto and   
         Vladimir Pislyakov and   
            Vincent Larivi\`ere   Forty years of gender disparities in
                                  Russian science: a historical
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 1541--1553
         María Pinto and   
         M. Isabel Escalona and   
    Antonio Pulgarín and   
         Alejandro Uribe-Tirado   The scientific production of
                                  Ibero--American authors on information
                                  literacy (1985--2013)  . . . . . . . . . 1555--1576
                    Fang Xu and   
                 Wenbin Liu and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Introducing sub-impact factor (SIF-)
                                  sequences and an aggregated
                                  SIF-indicator for journal ranking  . . . 1577--1593
             Jingjing Zhang and   
                    Yan Yan and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   Scientific relatedness in solar energy:
                                  a comparative study between the USA and
                                  China  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1595--1613
      Pranpreya Sriwannawit and   
             Ulf Sandström   Large-scale bibliometric review of
                                  diffusion research . . . . . . . . . . . 1615--1645
         András Schubert   Rescaling the $h$-index  . . . . . . . . 1647--1653
Miguel A. García-Pérez   Online supplemental information: a
                                  sizeable black hole for citations  . . . 1655--1659
               Antonio Cavacini   Is the CE\slash BCE notation becoming a
                                  standard in scholarly literature?  . . . 1661--1668
     Oscar J. Alejo-Machado and   
Juan Manuel Fernández-Luna and   
                  Juan F. Huete   Bibliometric study of the scientific
                                  research on ``Learning to Rank'' between
                                  2000 and 2013  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1669--1686
                   Ali Daud and   
             Muhammad Ahmad and   
             M. S. I. Malik and   
                     Dunren Che   Using machine learning techniques for
                                  rising star prediction in co-author
                                  network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1687--1711
      M. A. Martínez and   
                 M. Herrera and   
               E. Contreras and   
             A. Ruíz and   
              E. Herrera-Viedma   Characterizing highly cited papers in
                                  Social Work through $H$-Classics . . . . 1713--1729
        Anastasios Zopiatis and   
     Antonis L. Theocharous and   
           Panayiotis Constanti   `The past is prologue to the future': an
                                  introspective view of hospitality and
                                  tourism research . . . . . . . . . . . . 1731--1753
            Giovanni Abramo and   
              Corrado Costa and   
        Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo   A multivariate stochastic model to
                                  assess research performance  . . . . . . 1755--1772
             J. C. F. de Winter   The relationship between tweets,
                                  citations, and article views for PLOS
                                  ONE articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1773--1779
                  Ping Zhou and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   An overview of academic publishing and
                                  collaboration between China and Germany  1781--1793
              Daniela Godoy and   
           Alejandro Zunino and   
                Cristian Mateos   Publication practices in the Argentinian
                                  Computer Science community: a
                                  bibliometric perspective . . . . . . . . 1795--1814
               Xianwen Wang and   
                   Chen Liu and   
                      Wenli Mao   Does a paper being featured on the cover
                                  of a journal guarantee more attention
                                  and greater impact?  . . . . . . . . . . 1815--1821
                Werner Marx and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   On the causes of subject-specific
                                  citation rates in Web of Science . . . . 1823--1827
           Robin Haunschild and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   Discussion about the new Nature Index    1829--1830
              Nick Campbell and   
               Michelle Grayson   A response to `Discussion about the new
                                  Nature Index'  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1831--1833

Volume 102, Number 3, March, 2015

             Chien-Lung Hsu and   
                Chun-Hao Chiang   A bibliometric study of SSME in
                                  information systems research . . . . . . 1835--1865
  José Manuel Pastor and   
            Lorenzo Serrano and   
                    Irene Zaera   The research output of European higher
                                  education institutions . . . . . . . . . 1867--1893
                     Na Liu and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   Dynamic evolution of collaborative
                                  networks: evidence from nano-energy
                                  research in China  . . . . . . . . . . . 1895--1919
Angélica María Sánchez-Riofrío and   
Luis Ángel Guerras-Martín and   
     Francisco Javier Forcadell   Business portfolio restructuring: a
                                  comprehensive bibliometric review  . . . 1921--1950
                    Wei Gao and   
                   Yan Chen and   
                   Yong Liu and   
                 Huai-cheng Guo   Scientometric analysis of phosphorus
                                  research in eutrophic lakes  . . . . . . 1951--1964
      Christopher L. Benson and   
           Christopher L. Magee   Technology structural implications from
                                  the extension of a patent search method  1965--1985
               K. Brad Wray and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   Philosophy of science viewed through the
                                  lense of ``Referenced Publication Years
                                  Spectroscopy'' (RPYS)  . . . . . . . . . 1987--1996
                   Jiang Li and   
                     Yueting Li   Patterns and evolution of coauthorship
                                  in China's humanities and social
                                  sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1997--2010
               Glenn D. Walters   Measuring the quantity and quality of
                                  scholarly productivity in criminology
                                  and criminal justice: a test of three
                                  integrated models  . . . . . . . . . . . 2011--2022
         Patrick Kenekayoro and   
              Kevan Buckley and   
                  Mike Thelwall   Clustering research group website
                                  homepages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2023--2039
             Mu-hsuan Huang and   
                 Chia-Pin Chang   A comparative study on detecting
                                  research fronts in the organic
                                  light-emitting diode (OLED) field using
                                  bibliographic coupling and co-citation   2041--2057
               Antonio Cavacini   What is the best database for computer
                                  science journal articles?  . . . . . . . 2059--2071
                 Shesen Guo and   
              Ganzhou Zhang and   
                 Qiuhong Ju and   
                    Yu Chen and   
              Qianfeng Chen and   
                        Lulu Li   The evolution of conceptual diversity in
                                  economics titles from 1890 to 2012 . . . 2073--2088
                   Xue Yang and   
                     Xin Gu and   
                Yuandi Wang and   
               Guangyuan Hu and   
                        Li Tang   The Matthew effect in China's science:
                                  evidence from academicians of Chinese
                                  Academy of Sciences  . . . . . . . . . . 2089--2105
           Anke Piepenbrink and   
              Elkin Nurmammadov   Topics in the literature of transition
                                  economies and emerging markets . . . . . 2107--2130
                  Dejan Paji\'c   Globalization of the social sciences in
                                  Eastern Europe: genuine breakthrough or
                                  a slippery slope of the research
                                  evaluation practice? . . . . . . . . . . 2131--2150
              Grant Lewison and   
               Richard Sullivan   Conflicts of interest statements on
                                  biomedical papers  . . . . . . . . . . . 2151--2159
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                   Juan Gorraiz   Usage metrics versus altmetrics:
                                  confusing terminology? . . . . . . . . . 2161--2164
                 O. Mryglod and   
                   R. Kenna and   
              Yu. Holovatch and   
                      B. Berche   Predicting results of the Research
                                  Excellence Framework using departmental
                                  $h$-index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2165--2180
      Fiorenzo Franceschini and   
           Domenico Maisano and   
             Luca Mastrogiacomo   Errors in DOI indexing by bibliometric
                                  databases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2181--2186
              Lutz Bornmann and   
               Robin Haunschild   The interest of the scientific community
                                  in expert opinions from journal peer
                                  review procedures  . . . . . . . . . . . 2187--2188
                      Anonymous   Selected papers of the Workshop
                                  ``Combining Bibliometrics and
                                  Information Retrieval'' held as special
                                  event at the 14th International
                                  Conference of Scientometrics and
                                  Informetrics, Vienna, 15 July 2013 . . . 2189--2189
               Philipp Mayr and   
             Andrea Scharnhorst   Combining bibliometrics and information
                                  retrieval: preface . . . . . . . . . . . 2191--2192
               Philipp Mayr and   
             Andrea Scharnhorst   Scientometrics and information
                                  retrieval: weak-links revitalized  . . . 2193--2199
                Dietmar Wolfram   The symbiotic relationship between
                                  information retrieval and informetrics   2201--2214
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Bibliometrics-aided retrieval: where
                                  information retrieval meets
                                  scientometrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2215--2222
                    Michel Zitt   Meso-level retrieval: IR-bibliometrics
                                  interplay and hybrid citation-words
                                  methods in scientific fields delineation 2223--2245
             Judit Bar-Ilan and   
                    Mark Levene   The $ h w $-rank: an $h$-index variant
                                  for ranking web pages  . . . . . . . . . 2247--2253
         Alexander Karlsson and   
      Björn Hammarfelt and   
          H. Joe Steinhauer and   
         Göran Falkman and   
              Nasrine Olson and   
             Gustaf Nelhans and   
                      Jan Nolin   Modeling uncertainty in bibliometrics
                                  and information retrieval: an
                                  information fusion approach  . . . . . . 2255--2274
                Howard D. White   Co-cited author retrieval and relevance
                                  theory: examples from the humanities . . 2275--2299
     Muhammad Kamran Abbasi and   
                 Ingo Frommholz   Cluster-based polyrepresentation as
                                  science modelling approach for
                                  information retrieval  . . . . . . . . . 2301--2322
             Peter Mutschke and   
                   Philipp Mayr   Science models for search: a study on
                                  combining scholarly information
                                  retrieval and scientometrics . . . . . . 2323--2345

Volume 103, Number 1, April, 2015

       Antonis Sidiropoulos and   
         Dimitrios Katsaros and   
            Yannis Manolopoulos   Ranking and identifying influential
                                  scientists versus mass producers by the
                                  Perfectionism Index  . . . . . . . . . . 1--31
            Saeed-Ul Hassan and   
                  Peter Haddawy   Analyzing knowledge flows of scientific
                                  literature through semantic links: a
                                  case study in the field of energy  . . . 33--46
                Per Ahlgren and   
                Peter Pagin and   
               Olle Persson and   
                 Maria Svedberg   Bibliometric analysis of two subdomains
                                  in philosophy: free will and sorites . . 47--73
              Marco Campani and   
                 Ruggero Vaglio   A simple interpretation of the growth of
                                  scientific/technological research impact
                                  leading to hype-type evolution curves    75--83
José María Cavero and   
          Belén Vela and   
      Paloma Cáceres and   
              Carlos Cuesta and   
         Almudena Sierra-Alonso   The evolution of female authorship in
                                  computing research . . . . . . . . . . . 85--100
                   Peng Liu and   
                   Haoxiang Xia   Structure and evolution of co-authorship
                                  network in an interdisciplinary research
                                  field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101--134
                 Zhigao Liu and   
                  Yimei Yin and   
                Weidong Liu and   
                Michael Dunford   Visualizing the intellectual structure
                                  and evolution of innovation systems
                                  research: a bibliometric analysis  . . . 135--158
              Brenda Cheang and   
               Chongshou Li and   
                 Andrew Lim and   
                 Zhenzhen Zhang   Identifying patterns and structural
                                  influences in the scientific
                                  communication of business knowledge  . . 159--189
                  Martin Ricker   A numerical algorithm with preference
                                  statements to evaluate the performance
                                  of scientists  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191--212
              Michal Brzezinski   Power laws in citation distributions:
                                  evidence from Scopus . . . . . . . . . . 213--228
            Nikolaos A. Kazakis   The research activity of the current
                                  faculty of the Greek chemical
                                  engineering departments: a bibliometric
                                  study in national and international
                                  context  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229--250
Andrés Marroquín and   
                  Julio H. Cole   Economical writing (or, ``Think
                                  Hemingway'') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251--259
                Jan Oosterhaven   Too many journals? Towards a theory of
                                  repeated rejections and ultimate
                                  acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--265
                   Chris Fields   Close to the edge: co-authorship
                                  proximity of Nobel laureates in
                                  Physiology or Medicine, 1991--2010, to
                                  cross-disciplinary brokers . . . . . . . 267--299
         William H. Walters and   
         Esther Isabelle Wilder   Worldwide contributors to the literature
                                  of library and information science: top
                                  authors, 2007--2012  . . . . . . . . . . 301--327
                  James Hartley   Inaccuracies in titles . . . . . . . . . 329--330
 Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent and   
Vicent Montalt Resurrecció and   
Juan Carlos Valderrama-Zurián   Inaccuracies in titles on bibliometrics
                                  in biomedical journals . . . . . . . . . 331--332
  François Brischoux and   
Frédéric Angelier   Academia's never-ending selection for
                                  productivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333--336

Volume 103, Number 2, May, 2015

            Liaquat Hossain and   
              Faezeh Karimi and   
             Rolf T. Wigand and   
               John W. Crawford   Evolutionary longitudinal network
                                  dynamics of global zoonotic research . . 337--353
Luiz Gustavo Antonio de Souza and   
Márcia Azanha Ferraz Dias de Moraes and   
 Maria Ester Soares Dal Poz and   
José Maria Ferreira Jardim da Silveira   Collaborative Networks as a measure of
                                  the Innovation Systems in
                                  second-generation ethanol  . . . . . . . 355--372
     Bo-Christer Björk and   
                  David Solomon   Article processing charges in OA
                                  journals: relationship between price and
                                  quality  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373--385
         Sujit Bhattacharya and   
                     Shilpa and   
                    Arshia Kaul   Emerging countries assertion in the
                                  global publication landscape of science:
                                  a case study of India  . . . . . . . . . 387--411
      Francesca De Battisti and   
              Alfio Ferrara and   
                  Silvia Salini   A decade of research in statistics: a
                                  topic model approach . . . . . . . . . . 413--433
               Tomaz Bartol and   
                  Karmen Stopar   Nano language and distribution of
                                  article title terms according to power
                                  laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435--451
                 Qing Cheng and   
                     Xin Lu and   
                  Zhong Liu and   
                   Jincai Huang   Mining research trends with anomaly
                                  detection models: the case of social
                                  computing research . . . . . . . . . . . 453--469
            Sabine Loudcher and   
            Wararat Jakawat and   
Edmundo Pavel Soriano Morales and   
            Cécile Favre   Combining OLAP and information networks
                                  for bibliographic data analysis: a
                                  survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471--487
                Nabil Amara and   
       Réjean Landry and   
                 Norrin Halilem   What can university administrators do to
                                  increase the publication and citation
                                  scores of their faculty members? . . . . 489--530
    Seyedamir Tavakoli Taba and   
            Liaquat Hossain and   
        Simon Reay Atkinson and   
                    Sarah Lewis   Towards understanding longitudinal
                                  collaboration networks: a case of
                                  mammography performance research . . . . 531--544
               Natalia Hanazaki   Why are we so attached to the ``ethno''
                                  prefix in Brazil?  . . . . . . . . . . . 545--554
               Xianwen Wang and   
                   Chen Liu and   
                  Wenli Mao and   
                   Zhichao Fang   The open access advantage considering
                                  citation, article usage and social media
                                  attention  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555--564
           Andrew Rodriguez and   
              Byunghoon Kim and   
              Mehmet Turkoz and   
                Jae-Min Lee and   
            Byoung-Youl Coh and   
                 Myong K. Jeong   New multi-stage similarity measure for
                                  calculation of pairwise patent
                                  similarity in a patent citation network  565--581
            Marcel Clermont and   
          Alexander Dirksen and   
                Harald Dyckhoff   Returns to scale of Business
                                  Administration research in Germany . . . 583--614
     Christopher Kullenberg and   
                 Gustaf Nelhans   The happiness turn? Mapping the
                                  emergence of ``happiness studies'' using
                                  cited references . . . . . . . . . . . . 615--630
          Anthony Breitzman and   
                 Patrick Thomas   Inventor team size as a predictor of the
                                  future citation impact of patents  . . . 631--647
       Jose Luis Aleixandre and   
Jose Luis Aleixandre-Tudó and   
Máxima Bolaños-Pizarro and   
     Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent   Global trends in scientific production
                                  in enology and viticulture in selected
                                  emerging economies (BRIC)  . . . . . . . 649--668
                   Jiang Wu and   
                   Miao Jin and   
                   Xiu-Hao Ding   Diversity of individual research
                                  disciplines in scientific funding  . . . 669--686
Aurora González-Teruel and   
Gregorio González-Alcaide and   
              Maite Barrios and   
María-Francisca Abad-García   Mapping recent information behavior
                                  research: an analysis of co-authorship
                                  and co-citation networks . . . . . . . . 687--705
                   Guo Chen and   
                    Lu Xiao and   
              Chang-ping Hu and   
                   Xue-qin Zhao   Identifying the research focus of
                                  Library and Information Science
                                  institutions in China with
                                  institution-specific keywords  . . . . . 707--724
                Yuandi Wang and   
                     Die Hu and   
                 Weiping Li and   
                   Yiwei Li and   
                       Qiang Li   Collaboration strategies and effects on
                                  university research: evidence from
                                  Chinese universities . . . . . . . . . . 725--749

Volume 103, Number 3, June, 2015

               Youngim Jung and   
                Jayhoon Kim and   
                   Minho So and   
                    Hwanmin Kim   Statistical relationships between
                                  journal use and research output at
                                  academic institutions in South Korea . . 751--777
Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez and   
    Ricardo Arencibia-Jorge and   
Félix de Moya-Anegón and   
    Elena Corera-Álvarez   Somes patterns of Cuban scientific
                                  publication in Scopus: the current
                                  situation and challenges . . . . . . . . 779--794
         Tahereh Dehdarirad and   
            Anna Villarroya and   
                  Maite Barrios   Research on women in science and higher
                                  education: a bibliometric analysis . . . 795--812
   Murat Perit Çakir and   
       Cengiz Acartürk and   
           Oguzhan Alasehir and   
          Canan Çilingir   A comparative analysis of global and
                                  national university ranking systems  . . 813--848
              Justus Haucap and   
                  Johannes Muck   What drives the relevance and reputation
                                  of economics journals? An update from a
                                  survey among economists  . . . . . . . . 849--877
               Harlley Lima and   
         Thiago H. P. Silva and   
            Mirella M. Moro and   
       Rodrygo L. T. Santos and   
          Wagner Meira, Jr. and   
          Alberto H. F. Laender   Assessing the profile of top Brazilian
                                  computer science researchers . . . . . . 879--896
                Nadine V. Kegen   Cohesive subgroups in academic networks:
                                  unveiling clique integration of
                                  top-level female and male researchers    897--922
           Fernanda Morillo and   
             Rodrigo Costas and   
           María Bordons   How is credit given to networking
                                  centres in their publications? A case
                                  study of the Spanish CIBER research
                                  structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 923--938
 Irene López-Navarro and   
              Ana I. Moreno and   
Miguel Ángel Quintanilla and   
         Jesús Rey-Rocha   Why do I publish research articles in
                                  English instead of my own language?
                                  Differences in Spanish researchers'
                                  motivations across scientific domains    939--976
           Saikou Y. Diallo and   
               Ross J. Gore and   
            Jose J. Padilla and   
           Christopher J. Lynch   An overview of modeling and simulation
                                  using content analysis . . . . . . . . . 977--1002
               Zehra Taskin and   
             Arsev U. Aydinoglu   Collaborative interdisciplinary
                                  astrobiology research: a bibliometric
                                  study of the NASA Astrobiology Institute 1003--1022
                 Shuqing Li and   
                   Ying Sun and   
               Dagobert Soergel   A new method for automatically
                                  constructing domain-oriented term
                                  taxonomy based on weighted word
                                  co-occurrence analysis . . . . . . . . . 1023--1042
             Jane G. Payumo and   
              Taurean C. Sutton   A bibliometric assessment of ASEAN
                                  collaboration in plant biotechnology . . 1043--1059
         Hirotaka Kawashima and   
              Hiroyuki Tomizawa   Accuracy evaluation of Scopus Author ID
                                  based on the largest funding database in
                                  Japan  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1061--1071
              James Hartley and   
              Guillaume Cabanac   An academic odyssey: writing over time   1073--1082
      Fiorenzo Franceschini and   
           Domenico Maisano and   
             Luca Mastrogiacomo   Influence of omitted citations on the
                                  bibliometric statistics of the major
                                  Manufacturing journals . . . . . . . . . 1083--1122
                  Lutz Bornmann   Alternative metrics in scientometrics: a
                                  meta-analysis of research into three
                                  altmetrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1123--1144
                  Lutz Bornmann   Letter to the Editor: On the
                                  conceptualisation and theorisation of
                                  the impact caused by publications  . . . 1145--1148
               Xianwen Wang and   
                   Chen Liu and   
                  Wenli Mao and   
                   Zhichao Fang   Erratum to: The open access advantage
                                  considering citation, article usage and
                                  social media attention . . . . . . . . . 1149--1149
     Muhammad Kamran Abbasi and   
                 Ingo Frommholz   Erratum to: Cluster-based
                                  polyrepresentation as science modelling
                                  approach for information retrieval . . . 1151--1152

Volume 104, Number 1, July, 2015

        José Luis Ortega   How is an academic social site
                                  populated? A demographic study of Google
                                  Scholar Citations population . . . . . . 1--18
                Ho Fai Chan and   
              Malka Guillot and   
                Lionel Page and   
                  Benno Torgler   The inner quality of an article: Will
                                  time tell? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19--41
               Xiaoling Sun and   
                Hongfei Lin and   
                     Kan Xu and   
                       Kun Ding   How we collaborate: characterizing,
                                  modeling and predicting scientific
                                  collaborations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43--60
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
               Dar-Zen Chen and   
                 Danqi Shen and   
               Mona S. Wang and   
                     Fred Y. Ye   Measuring technological performance of
                                  assignees using trace metrics in three
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61--86
         Hildrun Kretschmer and   
        Donald de B. Beaver and   
                Theo Kretschmer   Three-dimensional visualization and
                                  animation of emerging patterns by the
                                  process of self-organization in
                                  collaboration networks . . . . . . . . . 87--120
              Sasa Batistic and   
                    Robert Kase   The organizational socialization field
                                  fragmentation: a bibliometric review . . 121--146
             Jiancheng Guan and   
                         He Wei   A bilateral comparison of research
                                  performance at an institutional level    147--173
                 D. Docampo and   
                   D. Egret and   
                        L. Cram   The effect of university mergers on the
                                  Shanghai ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . 175--191
            Thierry Lafouge and   
         Abdellatif Agouzal and   
              Genevieve Lallich   The deconstruction of a text: the
                                  permanence of the generalized Zipf
                                  law-the inter-textual relationship
                                  between entropy and effort amount  . . . 193--217
    Truyken L. B. Ossenblok and   
               Tim C. E. Engels   Edited books in the Social Sciences and
                                  Humanities: Characteristics and
                                  collaboration analysis . . . . . . . . . 219--237
              Meen Chul Kim and   
                   Chaomei Chen   A scientometric review of emerging
                                  trends and new developments in
                                  recommendation systems . . . . . . . . . 239--263
                   Jungwon Yoon   The evolution of South Korea's
                                  innovation system: moving towards the
                                  triple helix model?  . . . . . . . . . . 265--293
            Richard Heidler and   
                Olof Hallonsten   Qualifying the performance evaluation of
                                  Big Science beyond productivity, impact
                                  and costs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295--312
              Tehmina Amjad and   
                  Ying Ding and   
                   Ali Daud and   
                    Jian Xu and   
                  Vincent Malic   Topic-based heterogeneous rank . . . . . 313--334
                Yongjun Zhu and   
                      Erjia Yan   Dynamic subfield analysis of
                                  disciplines: an examination of the
                                  trading impact and knowledge diffusion
                                  patterns of computer science . . . . . . 335--359
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   The author-editor game . . . . . . . . . 361--380
      João M. Santos and   
                     Hugo Horta   The generational gap of science: a
                                  dynamic cluster analysis of doctorates
                                  in an evolving scientific system . . . . 381--406

Volume 104, Number 2, August, 2015

                Gita Ghiasi and   
            Vincent Larivi\`ere   Sectoral systems of innovation: the case
                                  of robotics research activities  . . . . 407--424
               Jordan A. Comins   Data-mining the technological importance
                                  of government-funded patents in the
                                  private sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425--435
            Hiroko Nakamura and   
              Shinji Suzuki and   
              Yuya Kajikawa and   
                 Masataka Osawa   The effect of patent family information
                                  in patent citation network analysis: a
                                  comparative case study in the drivetrain
                                  domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437--452
                 Nusa Erman and   
              Ljupco Todorovski   The effects of measurement error in case
                                  of scientific network analysis . . . . . 453--473
                Ho Fai Chan and   
                  Benno Torgler   Do great minds appear in batches?  . . . 475--488
                    Xia Fan and   
               Xiaowan Yang and   
                    Liming Chen   Diversified resources and academic
                                  influence: patterns of
                                  university-industry collaboration in
                                  Chinese research-oriented universities   489--509
             Ling Ling Wang and   
              Xuan Zhen Liu and   
                       Hui Fang   Investigation of the degree to which
                                  articles supported by research grants
                                  are published in open access health and
                                  life sciences journals . . . . . . . . . 511--528
          Vivek Kumar Singh and   
               Ashraf Uddin and   
                    David Pinto   Computer science research: the top 100
                                  institutions in India and in the world   529--553
           Alexander Dilger and   
Laura Lütkenhöner and   
              Harry Müller   Scholars' physical appearance, research
                                  performance, and feelings of happiness   555--573
           Jordan A. Comins and   
               Thomas W. Hussey   Detecting seminal research contributions
                                  to the development and use of the global
                                  positioning system by reference
                                  publication year spectroscopy  . . . . . 575--580
              Hajar Sotudeh and   
           Zahra Ghasempour and   
                 Maryam Yaghtin   The citation advantage of author-pays
                                  model: the case of Springer and Elsevier
                                  OA journals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581--608

Volume 104, Number 3, September, 2015

                  Jan Kozlowski   Innovation indices: the need for
                                  positioning them where they properly
                                  belong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609--628
               Thomas Bolli and   
       Jörg Schläpfer   Job mobility, peer effects, and research
                                  productivity in economics  . . . . . . . 629--650
          R. Álvarez and   
            E. Cahué and   
       J. Clemente-Gallardo and   
                  A. Ferrer and   
   D. Íñiguez and   
                 X. Mellado and   
                  A. Rivero and   
                    G. Ruiz and   
                    F. Sanz and   
                 E. Serrano and   
         A. Tarancón and   
                     Y. Vergara   Analysis of academic productivity based
                                  on Complex Networks  . . . . . . . . . . 651--672
                     Xin Xu and   
               Alice M. Tan and   
                   Star X. Zhao   Funding ratios in social science: the
                                  perspective of countries/territories
                                  level and comparison with natural
                                  sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673--684
           Fernanda Morillo and   
          Preiddy Efrain-Garcia   A bibliometric analysis of Technology
                                  Centres  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685--713
             Sofia Liberman and   
             Kurt Bernardo Wolf   Independent simultaneous discoveries
                                  visualized through network analysis: the
                                  case of linear canonical transforms  . . 715--735
                   Ping Liu and   
                   Qiong Wu and   
               Xiangming Mu and   
                 Kaipeng Yu and   
                     Yiting Guo   Detecting the intellectual structure of
                                  library and information science based on
                                  formal concept analysis  . . . . . . . . 737--762
               Juntao Zheng and   
                    Niancai Liu   Mapping of important international
                                  academic awards  . . . . . . . . . . . . 763--791
           Christopher Claassen   Measuring university quality . . . . . . 793--807
                   Chris Fields   Co-authorship proximity of A. M. Turing
                                  Award and John von Neumann Medal winners
                                  to the disciplinary boundaries of
                                  computer science . . . . . . . . . . . . 809--825
        Günter Krampen and   
              Peter Weiland and   
  Jürgen Wiesenhütter   Citation success of different
                                  publication types: a case study on all
                                  references in psychology publications
                                  from the German-speaking countries
                                  (D-A-CH-L-L) in 2009, 2010, and 2011 . . 827--840
           Seongkyoon Jeong and   
              Jong-Chan Kim and   
                 Jae Young Choi   Technology convergence: What
                                  developmental stage are we in? . . . . . 841--871
                Lorna Wildgaard   A comparison of 17 author-level
                                  bibliometric indicators for researchers
                                  in Astronomy, Environmental Science,
                                  Philosophy and Public Health in Web of
                                  Science and Google Scholar . . . . . . . 873--906
Aurora Calderón-Martínez and   
                Enar Ruiz-Conde   Leading emerging markets: capturing and
                                  diffusing scientific knowledge through
                                  research-oriented repositories . . . . . 907--930
       Enrique Orduna-Malea and   
      Juan M. Ayllón and   
Alberto Martín-Martín and   
Emilio Delgado López-Cózar   Methods for estimating the size of
                                  Google Scholar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 931--949
Adrián Kovács and   
              Bart Van Looy and   
                 Bruno Cassiman   Exploring the scope of open innovation:
                                  a bibliometric review of a decade of
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 951--983
            Anuska Ferligoj and   
             Luka Kronegger and   
                 Franc Mali and   
         Tom A. B. Snijders and   
                Patrick Doreian   Scientific collaboration dynamics in a
                                  national scientific system . . . . . . . 985--1012
                 O. Mryglod and   
                   R. Kenna and   
              Yu. Holovatch and   
                      B. Berche   Predicting results of the research
                                  excellence framework using departmental
                                  $h$-index: revisited . . . . . . . . . . 1013--1017

Volume 105, Number 1, October, 2015

      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
         András Schubert   Foreword to the ``Case Studies in
                                  Scientometrics'' special issues  . . . . 1--3
                    Yuqing Fang   Visualizing the structure and the
                                  evolving of digital medicine: a
                                  scientometrics review  . . . . . . . . . 5--21
                  Vahid Garousi   A bibliometric analysis of the Turkish
                                  software engineering research community  23--49
                Zhu-Mei Sun and   
                     Wei-Na Hua   A comparative study of Ocean Engineering
                                  research between China and the world . . 51--63
              Zongshui Wang and   
                  Hong Zhao and   
                       Yan Wang   Social networks in marketing research
                                  2001--2014: a co-word analysis . . . . . 65--82
                   Ho Dung Manh   Scientific publications in Vietnam as
                                  seen from Scopus during 1996--2013 . . . 83--95
               Ashraf Uddin and   
          Vivek Kumar Singh and   
                David Pinto and   
                     Ivan Olmos   Scientometric mapping of computer
                                  science research in Mexico . . . . . . . 97--114
                      Dejian Yu   A scientometrics review on aggregation
                                  operator research  . . . . . . . . . . . 115--133
               Xiaodong Liu and   
                      Qi Xu and   
                       Meina Li   A comparative analysis of scientific
                                  publications in management journals by
                                  authors from Mainland China, Hong Kong,
                                  Taiwan, and Macau: 2003--2012  . . . . . 135--143
          Dragan Ivanovi\'c and   
                Hui-Zhen Fu and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Publications from Serbia in the Science
                                  Citation Index Expanded: a bibliometric
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145--160
             Chien-Lung Hsu and   
                Chun-Hao Chiang   The financial crisis research: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 161--177
                   Jiban K. Pal   Scientometric dimensions of
                                  cryptographic research . . . . . . . . . 179--202
          Sai Kranthi Vanga and   
             Ashutosh Singh and   
      Brinda Harish Vagadia and   
                Vijaya Raghavan   Global food allergy research trend: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 203--213
             Wen-Lung Shiau and   
          Yogesh K. Dwivedi and   
                  Chia-Han Tsai   Supply chain management: exploring the
                                  intellectual structure . . . . . . . . . 215--230
               Xiaodan Zhou and   
                    Guohui Zhao   Global liposome research in the period
                                  of 1995--2014: a bibliometric analysis   231--248
                    Lin Zhu and   
                Xiantao Liu and   
                     Sha He and   
                    Jun Shi and   
                      Ming Pang   Keywords co-occurrence mapping knowledge
                                  domain research base on the theory of
                                  Big Data in oil and gas industry . . . . 249--260
      Noorhidawati Abdullah and   
    Siti Hajar Mohd Roffeei and   
       Yusniza Kamarulzaman and   
          Farrah Dina Yusop and   
                Azian Madun and   
                  Kwan Hoong Ng   Evaluating the performance of
                                  electromagnetic fields (EMF) research
                                  work (2003--2013)  . . . . . . . . . . . 261--278
                Liang Zhang and   
                    Sisi Li and   
    Hugo A. Loáiciga and   
              Yanhua Zhuang and   
                         Yun Du   Opportunities and challenges of
                                  interbasin water transfers: a literature
                                  review with bibliometric analysis  . . . 279--294
José Luis Aleixandre and   
José Luis Aleixandre-Tudó and   
Máxima Bolaños-Pizarro and   
     Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent   Mapping the scientific research in
                                  organic farming: a bibliometric review   295--309
           James D. O'Leary and   
           Mark W. Crawford and   
                Eva Jurczyk and   
                  Alison Buchan   Benchmarking bibliometrics in biomedical
                                  research: research performance of the
                                  University of Toronto's Faculty of
                                  Medicine, 2008--2012 . . . . . . . . . . 311--321
                 Farshad Madani   `Technology Mining' bibliometrics
                                  analysis: applying network analysis and
                                  cluster analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 323--335
          Bapan Kumar Maity and   
             Sudip Ranjan Hatua   Research trends of library management in
                                  LIS in India since 1950--2012  . . . . . 337--346
                Yuling Peng and   
                  Aiwen Lin and   
                    Ke Wang and   
               Fenglian Liu and   
                  Fang Zeng and   
                        Li Yang   Global trends in DEM-related research
                                  from 1994 to 2013: a bibliometric
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347--366
                    Fida Medina   The output of researchers in Morocco
                                  compared to some North African countries
                                  from 1996 to 2012, and its relationship
                                  to governmental major decisions on
                                  higher education and scientific research 367--384
             Shao-jie Zhang and   
               Peng-hui Lyu and   
                        Yan Yan   Global geographical and scientometric
                                  analysis of tourism-themed research  . . 385--401
                 Bei-Ni Yan and   
             Tian-Shyug Lee and   
                  Tsung-Pei Lee   Analysis of research papers on
                                  E-commerce (2000--2013): based on a text
                                  mining approach  . . . . . . . . . . . . 403--417
                Xiaoyun Sui and   
               Yongxia Chen and   
                     Zhi Lu and   
                    Yifeng Chen   A bibliometric analysis of research
                                  papers related to the Mekong River . . . 419--434
                   Juan Tao and   
               Rongxiao Che and   
                   Dekui He and   
                 Yunzhi Yan and   
                Xiaoyun Sui and   
                    Yifeng Chen   Trends and potential cautions in food
                                  web research from a bibliometric
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435--447
              Liang-xing Su and   
               Peng-hui Lyu and   
                 Zheng Yang and   
                 Shuai Ding and   
                    Kai-le Zhou   Scientometric cognitive and evaluation
                                  on smart city related construction and
                                  building journals data . . . . . . . . . 449--470
        Stéphane Fay and   
      Sébastien Gautrias   A scientometric study of general
                                  relativity and quantum cosmology from
                                  2000 to 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471--484
                Deqiao Tian and   
                      Tao Zheng   Emerging infectious disease: trends in
                                  the literature on SARS and H7N9
                                  influenza  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485--495
              Ozcan Saritas and   
               Serhat Burmaoglu   The evolution of the use of Foresight
                                  methods: a scientometric analysis of
                                  global FTA research output . . . . . . . 497--508
                  Xing Zhai and   
                 Zhihong Li and   
                    Kuo Gao and   
             Youliang Huang and   
                    Lin Lin and   
                        Le Wang   Research status and trend analysis of
                                  global biomedical text mining studies in
                                  recent 10 years  . . . . . . . . . . . . 509--523
                   Lie Yang and   
                   Lizi Han and   
                Zhulei Chen and   
                Jiabin Zhou and   
                       Jia Wang   Growing trend of China's contribution to
                                  haze research  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525--535
                 Jacob Wood and   
               Gohar Feroz Khan   International trade negotiation
                                  analysis: network and semantic knowledge
                                  infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537--556
             Youliang Huang and   
              Mingquan Zhou and   
             Qingqiong Deng and   
                 Juan Zhang and   
                Pengbo Zhou and   
                 XianGang Shang   Bibliometric analysis for the literature
                                  of traditional Chinese medicine in
                                  PubMed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557--566
  Shanmugam Sachithanantham and   
                 Selvaraju Raja   Scientometric analysis of rabies
                                  research literature in India: 1950--2014 567--575
                Yunrong Dai and   
               Yonghui Song and   
                Hongjie Gao and   
                  Siyu Wang and   
                        Yu Yuan   Bibliometric analysis of research
                                  progress in membrane water treatment
                                  technology from 1985 to 2013 . . . . . . 577--591
 Gilson Correia de Carvalho and   
Raymundo José de Sá-Neto and   
               Francisco Barros   Thirty years of use of multivariate
                                  quantitative methods in benthic
                                  community ecology of marine and coastal
                                  habitats: looking to the past to
                                  planning the future  . . . . . . . . . . 593--610
                       Ping Xie   Study of international anticancer
                                  research trends via co-word and document
                                  co-citation visualization analysis . . . 611--622
            Nicholas V. Olijnyk   An algorithmic historiography of the
                                  Ebola research specialty: mapping the
                                  science behind Ebola . . . . . . . . . . 623--643
                Linqing Liu and   
                      Shiye Mei   How can an indigenous concept enter the
                                  international academic circle: the case
                                  of guanxi  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645--663
            Daphne R. Raban and   
                 Avishag Gordon   The effect of technology on learning
                                  research trends: a bibliometric analysis
                                  over five decades  . . . . . . . . . . . 665--681
                   Har Kaur and   
                 Preeti Mahajan   Collaboration in medical research: a
                                  case study of India  . . . . . . . . . . 683--690
        Alireza Mesdaghinia and   
           Masoud Younesian and   
              Simin Nasseri and   
     Ramin Nabizadeh Nodehi and   
                     Mahdi Hadi   Analysis of the microbial risk
                                  assessment studies from 1973 to 2015: a
                                  bibliometric case study  . . . . . . . . 691--707
               Ozlem Baydas and   
                Sevda Kucuk and   
        Rabia Meryem Yilmaz and   
             Melike Aydemir and   
                  Yuksel Goktas   Educational technology research trends
                                  from 2002 to 2014  . . . . . . . . . . . 709--725

Volume 105, Number 2, November, 2015

          Vivek Kumar Singh and   
        Sumit Kumar Banshal and   
           Khushboo Singhal and   
                   Ashraf Uddin   Scientometric mapping of research on
                                  `Big Data' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727--741
              Yanhua Zhuang and   
                    Chao Du and   
                Liang Zhang and   
                     Yun Du and   
                        Sisi Li   Research trends and hotspots in soil
                                  erosion from 1932 to 2013: a literature
                                  review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743--758
      Mohammad Reza Maghami and   
          Shahin navabi asl and   
   Mohammad esmaeil Rezadad and   
          Nader Ale Ebrahim and   
                 Chandima Gomes   Qualitative and quantitative analysis of
                                  solar hydrogen generation literature
                                  from 2001 to 2014  . . . . . . . . . . . 759--771
         Seyyed Ali Delbari and   
                Siew Imm Ng and   
         Yuhanis Abdul Aziz and   
                      Jo Ann Ho   Measuring the influence and impact of
                                  competitiveness research: a Web of
                                  Science approach . . . . . . . . . . . . 773--788
     Mohammadmahdi Vakilian and   
    Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis and   
                 Maryam Mousavi   A bibliometric analysis of lab-on-a-chip
                                  research from 2001 to 2013 . . . . . . . 789--804
Felipe de Araújo Nascimento and   
   Flávia Melo Rodrigues   Growth trend of scientific literature on
                                  genetic improvement through the database
                                  Scopus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805--816
             Newton Paulo Bueno   Are opinion leaders important to spread
                                  information to cope with extreme
                                  droughts in (all) irrigation systems? A
                                  network analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 817--824
                  Ping Zhou and   
                    Youneng Pan   A comparative analysis of publication
                                  portfolios of selected economies . . . . 825--842
                   Lei Wang and   
                 Bart Thijs and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Characteristics of international
                                  collaboration in sport sciences
                                  publications and its influence on
                                  citation impact  . . . . . . . . . . . . 843--862
             Tianlong Zheng and   
                  Juan Wang and   
                Qunhui Wang and   
               Chunhong Nie and   
             Nicholas Smale and   
                Zhining Shi and   
                    Xiaona Wang   A bibliometric analysis of industrial
                                  wastewater research: current trends and
                                  future prospects . . . . . . . . . . . . 863--882
            Nicholas V. Olijnyk   A quantitative examination of the
                                  intellectual profile and evolution of
                                  information security from 1965 to 2015   883--904
                 Su Jin Seo and   
                Eun Jin Han and   
                  So Young Sohn   Trend analysis of academic research and
                                  technical development pertaining to gas
                                  hydrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905--920
            R. Santha Kumar and   
               K. Kaliyaperumal   A scientometric analysis of mobile
                                  technology publications  . . . . . . . . 921--939
Níssia C. R. Bergiante and   
        Marcio P. S. Santos and   
Respício A. Espírito Santo, Jr.   Bibliometric study of the relationship
                                  between business model and air transport 941--958
           Gohar Feroz Khan and   
                     Jacob Wood   Information technology management
                                  domain: emerging themes and keyword
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 959--972
                   Har Kaur and   
                 Preeti Mahajan   National versus international growth of
                                  medical research of India: a case study  973--989
               Ondrej Pecha and   
            Jirí Vanecek   Analysis of the Czech and Hungarian
                                  physiology publications 1994--2011 . . . 991--1003
                Haibin Chen and   
                  Wei Jiang and   
                   Yan Yang and   
                    Xin Man and   
                    Mingyi Tang   A bibliometric analysis of waste
                                  management research during the period
                                  1997--2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005--1018
     J. Gómez-Verjan and   
        I. Gonzalez-Sanchez and   
          E. Estrella-Parra and   
                R. Reyes-Chilpa   Trends in the chemical and
                                  pharmacological research on the tropical
                                  trees \bionameCalophyllum brasiliense
                                  and \bionameCalophyllum inophyllum, a
                                  global context . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1019--1030
               Huei-Chen Ho and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Publications in dance field in Arts &
                                  Humanities Citation Index: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 1031--1040
                   Ziyun Xu and   
        Éric Archambault   Chinese interpreting studies: structural
                                  determinants of MA students' career
                                  choices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041--1058
              Raheem Sarwar and   
                Saeed-Ul Hassan   A bibliometric assessment of scientific
                                  productivity and international
                                  collaboration of the Islamic World in
                                  science and technology (S&T) areas  . . . 1059--1077
                   Hsu-Hao Tsai   The research trends forecasted by
                                  bibliometric methodology: a case study
                                  in e-commerce from 1996 to July 2015 . . 1079--1089
             Chun-Hua Hsiao and   
                Kai-Yu Tang and   
                    John S. Liu   Citation-based analysis of literature: a
                                  case study of technology acceptance
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1091--1110
                 Dahui Dong and   
                  Meng-Lin Chen   Publication trends and co-citation
                                  mapping of translation studies between
                                  2000 and 2015  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1111--1128
                   Har Kaur and   
                 Preeti Mahajan   Ranking of medical institutes of India
                                  for quality and quantity: a case study   1129--1139
                 Su-mei Yan and   
                    Ji-qing Sun   Assessing China's salt lake resources R&D
                                  based on bibliometrics analysis  . . . . 1141--1155
                 Sumeer Gul and   
            Nahida Tun Nisa and   
           Tariq Ahmad Shah and   
              Sangita Gupta and   
                  Asifa Jan and   
                   Suhail Ahmad   Middle East: research productivity and
                                  performance across nations . . . . . . . 1157--1166
                Chunmei Gan and   
                    Weijun Wang   Research characteristics and status on
                                  social media in China: A bibliometric
                                  and co-word analysis . . . . . . . . . . 1167--1182
    Igor Rosa Dias de Jesus and   
             Helder Gomes Costa   Interfaces between production
                                  engineering and the public affairs:
                                  evidences from bibliometric analysis . . 1183--1193
               Huimin Xiang and   
                Jiaen Zhang and   
                   Qiandong Zhu   Worldwide earthworm research: a
                                  scientometric analysis, 2000--2015 . . . 1195--1207
               Rada Mati\'c and   
        Srdan Stamenkovi\'c and   
           Zorica Popovi\'c and   
        Milena Stefanovi\'c and   
           Vera Vidakovi\'c and   
      Miroslava Smiljani\'c and   
                Srdan Bojovi\'c   Tree responses, tolerance and
                                  acclimation to stress: Does current
                                  research depend on the cultivation
                                  status of studied species? . . . . . . . 1209--1222
                Lixian Wang and   
                    Xi Chen and   
                 Anming Bao and   
              Xiaoyun Zhang and   
                    Miao Wu and   
                    Yun Hao and   
                    Jingjing He   A bibliometric analysis of research on
                                  Central Asia during 1990--2014 . . . . . 1223--1237
         Claudio A. Bonilla and   
José M. Merigó and   
           Carolina Torres-Abad   Economics in Latin America: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 1239--1252
               Dengsheng Wu and   
                  Minglu Li and   
               Xiaoqian Zhu and   
              Hongfang Song and   
                    Jianping Li   Ranking the research productivity of
                                  business and management institutions in
                                  Asia--Pacific region: empirical research
                                  in leading ABS journals  . . . . . . . . 1253--1272
                     Jie Li and   
       Aleksandar Jovanovic and   
               Peter Klimek and   
                   Xiaohong Guo   Bibliometric analysis of fracking
                                  scientific literature  . . . . . . . . . 1273--1284
                 Bei-Ni Yan and   
             Tian-Shyug Lee and   
                  Tsung-Pei Lee   Mapping the intellectual structure of
                                  the Internet of Things (IoT) field
                                  (2000--2014): a co-word analysis . . . . 1285--1300
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
             Hsiao-Wen Yang and   
                   Dar-Zen Chen   Industry-academia collaboration in fuel
                                  cells: a perspective from paper and
                                  patent analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1301--1318

Volume 105, Number 3, December, 2015

              Guan-Can Yang and   
                    Gang Li and   
                 Chun-Ya Li and   
               Yun-Hua Zhao and   
                 Jing Zhang and   
                   Tong Liu and   
               Dar-Zen Chen and   
                 Mu-Hsuan Huang   Using the Comprehensive Patent Citation
                                  network (CPC) to evaluate patent value   1319--1346
     Therese Söderlund and   
                    Guy Madison   Characteristics of gender studies
                                  publications: a bibliometric analysis
                                  based on a Swedish population database   1347--1387
             Silje Lundgren and   
          Margrit Shildrick and   
                 David Lawrence   Rethinking bibliometric data concerning
                                  gender studies: a response to Söderlund
                                  and Madison  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1389--1398
                   Sungmin Park   The R&D logic model: Does it really work?
                                  An empirical verification using
                                  successive binary logistic regression
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1399--1439
               Loet Leydesdorff   Can technology life-cycles be indicated
                                  by diversity in patent classifications?
                                  The crucial role of variety  . . . . . . 1441--1451
                 Bart Thijs and   
                  Lin Zhang and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Bibliographic coupling and hierarchical
                                  clustering for the validation and
                                  improvement of subject-classification
                                  schemes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1453--1467
               Wei-dong Zhu and   
                   Fang Liu and   
               Yu-wang Chen and   
               Jian-bo Yang and   
               Dong-ling Xu and   
                 Dong-peng Wang   Research project evaluation and
                                  selection: an evidential reasoning
                                  rule-based method for aggregating peer
                                  review information with reliabilities    1469--1490
     Jennifer Ann Stevenson and   
                      Jin Zhang   A temporal analysis of institutional
                                  repository research  . . . . . . . . . . 1491--1525
             Xiangfeng Meng and   
                 Xinhai Liu and   
                YunHai Tong and   
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                    Shaohua Tan   Multi-view clustering with exemplars for
                                  scientific mapping . . . . . . . . . . . 1527--1552
                Kamal Badar and   
              Julie M. Hite and   
                   Naeem Ashraf   Knowledge network centrality, formal
                                  rank and research performance: evidence
                                  for curvilinear and interaction effects  1553--1576
             S. R. Goldberg and   
                 H. Anthony and   
                    T. S. Evans   Modelling citation networks  . . . . . . 1577--1604
                      Lu An and   
                    Xia Lin and   
               Chuanming Yu and   
                   Xinwen Zhang   Measuring and visualizing the
                                  contributions of Chinese and American
                                  LIS research institutions to emerging
                                  themes and salient themes  . . . . . . . 1605--1634
            Hamid R. Jamali and   
                   Majid Nabavi   Open access and sources of full-text
                                  articles in Google Scholar in different
                                  subject fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1635--1651
                    Tolga Yuret   Interfield comparison of academic output
                                  by using department level data . . . . . 1653--1664
           Charles H. Smith and   
            Patrick Georges and   
                    Ngoc Nguyen   Statistical tests for `related records'
                                  search results . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1665--1677
                       Munan Li   A novel three-dimension perspective to
                                  explore technology evolution . . . . . . 1679--1697
               Juan Gorraiz and   
         Christian Gumpenberger   A flexible bibliometric approach for the
                                  assessment of professorial appointments  1699--1719
            Chipo Chimhundu and   
             Kylie de Jager and   
                  Tania Douglas   Sectoral collaboration networks for
                                  cardiovascular medical device
                                  development in South Africa  . . . . . . 1721--1741
                 Rok Blagus and   
          Brane L. Leskosek and   
                    Janez Stare   Comparison of bibliometric measures for
                                  assessing relative importance of
                                  researchers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1743--1762
          Diego Raphael Amancio   Comparing the topological properties of
                                  real and artificially generated
                                  scientific manuscripts . . . . . . . . . 1763--1779
                 B. Pritychenko   Intriguing trends in nuclear physics
                                  authorship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1781--1786
              Fabio Landini and   
             Franco Malerba and   
                Roberto Mavilia   The structure and dynamics of networks
                                  of scientific collaborations in Northern
                                  Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1787--1807
              Ole Ellegaard and   
                Johan A. Wallin   The bibliometric analysis of scholarly
                                  production: How great is the impact? . . 1809--1831
                   Pei-Shan Chi   Changing publication and citation
                                  patterns in political science in Germany 1833--1848
       Enrique Orduna-Malea and   
                  Selenay Aytac   Revealing the online network between
                                  university and industry: the case of
                                  Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1849--1866
                    Si Shen and   
            Ronald Rousseau and   
                Dongbo Wang and   
                 Danhao Zhu and   
                  Huoyu Liu and   
                     Ruilun Liu   Editorial delay and its relation to
                                  subsequent citations: the journals
                                  \booktitleNature, \booktitleScience and
                                  \booktitleCell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1867--1873
                  Ping Zhou and   
                     Xiaozan Lv   Academic publishing and collaboration
                                  between China and Germany in physics . . 1875--1887
                   Wenqiang Fan   Contribution of the institutional
                                  repositories of the Chinese Academy of
                                  Sciences to the webometric indicators of
                                  their home institutions  . . . . . . . . 1889--1909
           Gianfranco Ennas and   
            Battista Biggio and   
         Maria Chiara Di Guardo   Data-driven journal meta-ranking in
                                  business and management  . . . . . . . . 1911--1929
    Cornelius J. König and   
            Clemens B. Fell and   
           Linus Kellnhofer and   
                  Gabriel Schui   Are there gender differences among
                                  researchers from
                                  industrial/organizational psychology?    1931--1952
                   Xuan Liu and   
                 Shan Jiang and   
              Hsinchun Chen and   
        Catherine A. Larson and   
                 Mihail C. Roco   Modeling knowledge diffusion in
                                  scientific innovation networks: an
                                  institutional comparison between China
                                  and US with illustration for
                                  nanotechnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1953--1984
                  Xiaotian Chen   Questionable University-sponsored
                                  supplements in high-impact journals  . . 1985--1995
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                   Johann Bauer   Evaluation of the highly-cited
                                  researchers' database for a country:
                                  proposals for meaningful analyses on the
                                  example of Germany . . . . . . . . . . . 1997--2003
                 Ying Huang and   
            Jannik Schuehle and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
                     Jan Youtie   A systematic method to create search
                                  strategies for emerging technologies
                                  based on the Web of Science: illustrated
                                  for `Big Data' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2005--2022
                Lisa Geraci and   
               Steve Balsis and   
       Alexander J. Busch Busch   Gender and the $h$ index in psychology   2023--2034
                     Wei Du and   
      Raymond Yiu Keung Lau and   
                    Jian Ma and   
                         Wei Xu   A multi-faceted method for science
                                  classification schemes (SCSs) mapping in
                                  networking scientific resources  . . . . 2035--2056
     Jesús Rey-Rocha and   
 Irene López-Navarro and   
M. Teresa Antonio-García   Opening doors to basic-clinical
                                  collaboration and translational research
                                  will improve researchers' performance    2057--2069
               Yu-Wei Chang and   
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
                  Chiao-Wen Lin   Evolution of research subjects in
                                  library and information science based on
                                  keyword, bibliographical coupling, and
                                  co-citation analyses . . . . . . . . . . 2071--2087
           A. Ferrer-Sapena and   
E. A. Sánchez-Pérez and   
      L. M. González and   
                   F. Peset and   
         R. Aleixandre-Benavent   Mathematical properties of weighted
                                  impact factors based on measures of
                                  prestige of the citing journals  . . . . 2089--2108
        Regina Negri Pagani and   
 João Luiz Kovaleski and   
          Luis Mauricio Resende   Methodi Ordinatio: a proposed
                                  methodology to select and rank relevant
                                  scientific papers encompassing the
                                  impact factor, number of citation, and
                                  year of publication  . . . . . . . . . . 2109--2135
                 Ding-wei Huang   Temporal evolution of multi-author
                                  papers in basic sciences from 1960 to
                                  2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2137--2147
           Benedetto Lepori and   
             Valerio Veglio and   
       Barbara Heller-Schuh and   
          Thomas Scherngell and   
                 Michael Barber   Participations to European Framework
                                  Programs of higher education
                                  institutions and their association with
                                  organizational characteristics . . . . . 2149--2178
 Shamsul Arifeen Khan Mamun and   
        Mohammad Mafizur Rahman   Is there any feedback effect between
                                  academic research publication and
                                  research collaboration? Evidence from an
                                  Australian university  . . . . . . . . . 2179--2196
               Loet Leydesdorff   Can intellectual processes in the
                                  sciences also be simulated? The
                                  anticipation and visualization of
                                  possible future states . . . . . . . . . 2197--2214
                Ho Fai Chan and   
        Ali Sina Önder and   
                  Benno Torgler   Do Nobel laureates change their patterns
                                  of collaboration following prize
                                  reception? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2215--2235
              Hajar Sotudeh and   
              Zahra Mazarei and   
             Mahdieh Mirzabeigi   CiteULike bookmarks are correlated to
                                  citations at journal and author levels
                                  in library and information science . . . 2237--2248
                Khaled Moustafa   Is there bias in editorial choice? Yes   2249--2251
                Omid Mahian and   
     Mohammad Mehdi Rashidi and   
           Giulio Lorenzini and   
              Somchai Wongwises   Fame bias in editorial choice: Yes or
                                  No?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2253--2254
               Daniel David and   
                Petre Frangopol   The lost paradise, the original sin, and
                                  the Dodo bird: a scientometrics Sapere
                                  Aude manifesto as a reply to the Leiden
                                  manifesto on scientometrics  . . . . . . 2255--2257
               Anne-Wil Harzing   Health warning: might contain multiple
                                  personalities-the problem of homonyms in
                                  Thomson Reuters Essential Science
                                  Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2259--2270
                Khaled Moustafa   Don't infer anything from unavailable
                                  data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2271--2272

Volume 106, Number 1, January, 2016

        Thed N. van Leeuwen and   
              Erik van Wijk and   
                Paul F. Wouters   Bibliometric analysis of output and
                                  impact based on CRIS data: a case study
                                  on the registered output of a Dutch
                                  university . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--16
                  Yutao Sun and   
                  Seamus Grimes   The emerging dynamic structure of
                                  national innovation studies: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 17--40
                Xiaoxi Ling and   
                     Yu Liu and   
                 Zhen Huang and   
            Parantu K. Shah and   
                       Cheng Li   A graphical article-level metric for
                                  intuitive comparison of large-scale
                                  literatures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41--50
                   Henk F. Moed   Comprehensive indicator comparisons
                                  intelligible to non-experts: the case of
                                  two SNIP versions  . . . . . . . . . . . 51--65
              Finn Valentin and   
         Maria Theresa Norn and   
                 Lars Alkaersig   Orientations and outcome of
                                  interdisciplinary research: the case of
                                  research behaviour in translational
                                  medical science  . . . . . . . . . . . . 67--90
          Darrin J. Griffin and   
                 San Bolkan and   
       Jennifer L. Holmgren and   
                 Frank Tutzauer   Central journals and authors in
                                  communication using a publication
                                  network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91--104
              Grant Lewison and   
                 Philip Roe and   
             Richard Webber and   
               Richard Sullivan   Lung cancer researchers, 2008--2013:
                                  their sex and ethnicity  . . . . . . . . 105--117
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
               Francesco Rosati   Gender bias in academic recruitment  . . 119--141
    Peter van den Besselaar and   
             Ulf Sandström   Gender differences in research
                                  performance and its impact on careers: a
                                  longitudinal case study  . . . . . . . . 143--162
              Marjan Cugmas and   
            Anuska Ferligoj and   
                 Luka Kronegger   The stability of co-authorship
                                  structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163--186
        Jurriën Bakker and   
           Dennis Verhoeven and   
                  Lin Zhang and   
                  Bart Van Looy   Patent citation indicators: One size
                                  fits all?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187--211
           Philippe Mongeon and   
               Ad\`ele Paul-Hus   The journal coverage of Web of Science
                                  and Scopus: a comparative analysis . . . 213--228
                 Laura Vana and   
          Ronald Hochreiter and   
                    Kurt Hornik   Computing a journal meta-ranking using
                                  paired comparisons and adaptive lasso
                                  estimators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229--251
            Mario De Marchi and   
             Edoardo Lorenzetti   Measuring the impact of scholarly
                                  journals in the humanities field . . . . 253--261
Chérifa Boukacem-Zeghmouri and   
               Pascal Bador and   
            Thierry Lafouge and   
          Hél\`ene Prost   Relationships between consumption,
                                  publication and impact in French
                                  universities in a value perspective: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 263--280
         William A. Reiners and   
           Derek S. Reiners and   
            Jeffrey A. Lockwood   Differentiation of U.S. ecologists into
                                  professional guilds based on
                                  professional traits  . . . . . . . . . . 281--298
          Rajesh Kumar Bhardwaj   Scientometric analysis and dimensions on
                                  international business literature  . . . 299--317
           Krzysztof Klincewicz   The emergent dynamics of a technological
                                  research topic: the case of graphene . . 319--345
             Marcel Ausloos and   
               Olgica Nedic and   
             Agata Fronczak and   
                 Piotr Fronczak   Quantifying the quality of peer
                                  reviewers through Zipf's law . . . . . . 347--368
                  Lin Zhang and   
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                     Fred Y. Ye   The dynamic evolution of core documents:
                                  an experimental study based on
                                  $h$-related literature (2005--2013)  . . 369--381
            Masatsura Igami and   
                     Ayaka Saka   Decreasing diversity in Japanese
                                  science, evidence from in-depth analyses
                                  of science maps  . . . . . . . . . . . . 383--403
             Dragan Babi\'c and   
               Duro Kutlaca and   
           Lazar Zivkovi\'c and   
              Dijana Strbac and   
              Dusica Semencenko   Evaluation of the quality of scientific
                                  performance of the selected countries of
                                  Southeast Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . 405--434
                      Lili Wang   The structure and comparative advantages
                                  of China's scientific research:
                                  quantitative and qualitative
                                  perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435--452
            David Hsiehchen and   
             Magdalena Espinoza   Detecting editorial bias in medical
                                  publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453--456
                   Ivan Jari\'c   High time for a common plagiarism
                                  detection system . . . . . . . . . . . . 457--459
                 B. Pritychenko   Fractional authorship in nuclear physics 461--468
 Fabrício Benevenuto and   
      Alberto H. F. Laender and   
                 Bruno L. Alves   The $H$-index paradox: your coauthors
                                  have a higher $H$-index than you do  . . 469--474

Volume 106, Number 2, February, 2016

             Ming-yueh Tsay and   
              Tung-mei Shen and   
                Ming-hsin Liang   A comparison of citation distributions
                                  of journals and books on the topic
                                  ``information society''  . . . . . . . . 475--508
                Ho Fai Chan and   
        Ali Sina Önder and   
                  Benno Torgler   The first cut is the deepest: repeated
                                  interactions of coauthorship and
                                  academic productivity in Nobel laureate
                                  teams  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509--524
 Raymundo das Neves Machado and   
Benjamín Vargas-Quesada and   
                Jacqueline Leta   Intellectual structure in stem cell
                                  research: exploring Brazilian scientific
                                  articles from 2001 to 2010 . . . . . . . 525--537
 Antonio Perianes-Rodriguez and   
           Javier Ruiz-Castillo   A comparison of two ways of evaluating
                                  research units working in different
                                  scientific fields  . . . . . . . . . . . 539--561
              Karmen Stopar and   
             Damjana Drobne and   
                Klemen Eler and   
                   Tomaz Bartol   Citation analysis and mapping of
                                  nanoscience and nanotechnology:
                                  identifying the scope and
                                  interdisciplinarity of research  . . . . 563--581
                  Haiyun Xu and   
                   Ting Guo and   
                Zenghui Yue and   
                   Lijie Ru and   
                       Shu Fang   Interdisciplinary topics of information
                                  science: a study based on the terms
                                  interdisciplinarity index series . . . . 583--601
                  Qiang Zhi and   
                 Tianguang Meng   Funding allocation, inequality, and
                                  scientific research output: an empirical
                                  study based on the life science sector
                                  of Natural Science Foundation of China   603--628
             Naomi Fukuzawa and   
                   Takanori Ida   Science linkages between scientific
                                  articles and patents for leading
                                  scientists in the life and medical
                                  sciences field: the case of Japan  . . . 629--644
         Lucio Bertoli-Barsotti   Normalizing the $g$-index  . . . . . . . 645--655
          Eleni Fragkiadaki and   
           Georgios Evangelidis   Three novel indirect indicators for the
                                  assessment of papers and authors based
                                  on generations of citations  . . . . . . 657--694
            Michail Kovanis and   
       Raphaël Porcher and   
            Philippe Ravaud and   
              Ludovic Trinquart   Complex systems approach to scientific
                                  publication and peer-review system:
                                  development of an agent-based model
                                  calibrated with empirical journal data   695--715
                 M. Ferrara and   
                F. Lamperti and   
                     R. Mavilia   Looking for best performers: a pilot
                                  study towards the evaluation of science
                                  parks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717--750
               Fenglian Liu and   
                  Aiwen Lin and   
              Huanhuan Wang and   
                Yuling Peng and   
                      Song Hong   Global research trends of geographical
                                  information system from 1961 to 2010: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 751--768
               Glenn D. Walters   Adding authorship order to the quantity
                                  and quality dimensions of scholarly
                                  productivity: evidence from group- and
                                  individual-level analyses  . . . . . . . 769--785
           Anne-Wil Harzing and   
                 Satu Alakangas   Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of
                                  Science: a longitudinal and
                                  cross-disciplinary comparison  . . . . . 787--804
               Jianlin Zhou and   
                    An Zeng and   
                   Ying Fan and   
                      Zengru Di   Ranking scientific publications with
                                  similarity-preferential mechanism  . . . 805--816
                  James Hartley   Is it true that papers written by
                                  joint-authors are cited more than papers
                                  written by single ones? What else
                                  matters? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817--818
                      Anonymous   Towards standardisation, harmonisation
                                  and integration of data from
                                  heterogeneous sources for funding and
                                  evaluation purposes  . . . . . . . . . . 819--819
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                   Hans Willems   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821--823
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
               Raphael Beck and   
              Katrin Milzow and   
     Stig Slipersæter and   
   Gábor Tóth and   
        Michal Kolodziejski and   
                   Pei-Shan Chi   Data collection and use in research
                                  funding and performing organisations.
                                  General outlines and first results of a
                                  project launched by Science Europe . . . 825--835
        Sophie Biesenbender and   
              Stefan Hornbostel   The Research Core Dataset for the German
                                  science system: challenges, processes
                                  and principles of a contested
                                  standardization project  . . . . . . . . 837--847
               Gunnar Sivertsen   Data integration in Scandinavia  . . . . 849--855
              Cinzia Daraio and   
         Maurizio Lenzerini and   
          Claudio Leporelli and   
               Henk F. Moed and   
               Paolo Naggar and   
          Andrea Bonaccorsi and   
          Alessandro Bartolucci   Data integration for research and
                                  innovation policy: an Ontology-Based
                                  Data Management approach . . . . . . . . 857--871

Volume 106, Number 3, March, 2016

              Hamid Bouabid and   
           Ad\`ele Paul-Hus and   
            Vincent Larivi\`ere   Scientific collaboration and
                                  high-technology exchanges among BRICS
                                  and G-7 countries  . . . . . . . . . . . 873--899
            Christopher Zou and   
             Jordan B. Peterson   Quantifying the scientific output of new
                                  researchers using the $ z p$-index . . . 901--916
       João R. Faria and   
     Franklin G. Mixon, Jr. and   
             Kamal P. Upadhyaya   Human capital, collegiality, and stardom
                                  in economics: empirical analysis . . . . 917--943
           George Masterton and   
             Erik J. Olsson and   
                 Staffan Angere   Linking as voting: how the Condorcet
                                  jury theorem in political science is
                                  relevant to webometrics  . . . . . . . . 945--966
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   Why the referees' reports I receive as
                                  an editor are so much better than the
                                  reports I receive as an author?  . . . . 967--986
          Christina H. Drew and   
    Kristianna G. Pettibone and   
      Fallis Owen Finch III and   
              Douglas Giles and   
                    Paul Jordan   Automated Research Impact Assessment: a
                                  new bibliometrics approach . . . . . . . 987--1005
José Willer do Prado and   
Valderí de Castro Alcântara and   
Francisval de Melo Carvalho and   
      Kelly Carvalho Vieira and   
  Luiz Kennedy Cruz Machado and   
     Dany Flávio Tonelli   Multivariate analysis of credit risk and
                                  bankruptcy research data: a bibliometric
                                  study involving different knowledge
                                  fields (1968--2014)  . . . . . . . . . . 1007--1029
                   K. Brad Wray   No new evidence for a citation benefit
                                  for Author-Pay Open Access Publications
                                  in the social sciences and humanities    1031--1035
                Yuandi Wang and   
                 Ruifeng Hu and   
                 Weiping Li and   
                  Xiongfeng Pan   Does teaching benefit from
                                  university-industry collaboration?
                                  Investigating the role of academic
                                  commercialization and engagement . . . . 1037--1055
              Seokbeom Kwon and   
                Alan Porter and   
                     Jan Youtie   Navigating the innovation trajectories
                                  of technology by combining
                                  specialization score analyses for
                                  publications and patents: graphene and
                                  nano-enabled drug delivery . . . . . . . 1057--1071
        A. Fernández and   
        E. Ferrándiz and   
              M. D. León   Proximity dimensions and scientific
                                  collaboration among academic
                                  institutions in Europe: The closer, the
                                  better?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1073--1092
               Ashkan Ebadi and   
           Andrea Schiffauerova   How to boost scientific production? A
                                  statistical analysis of research funding
                                  and other influencing factors  . . . . . 1093--1116
                   Yu-Wei Chang   Influence of the principle of least
                                  effort across disciplines  . . . . . . . 1117--1133
               Ashraf Uddin and   
         Jaideep Bhoosreddy and   
             Marisha Tiwari and   
              Vivek Kumar Singh   A sciento-text framework to characterize
                                  research strength of institutions at
                                  fine-grained thematic area level . . . . 1135--1150
                 O. Mryglod and   
              Yu. Holovatch and   
                   R. Kenna and   
                      B. Berche   Quantifying the evolution of a
                                  scientific topic: reaction of the
                                  academic community to the Chornobyl
                                  disaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1151--1166
José-Antonio Ontalba-Ruipérez and   
       Enrique Orduna-Malea and   
           Adolfo Alonso-Arroyo   Identifying institutional relationships
                                  in a geographically distributed public
                                  health system using interlinking and
                                  co-authorship methods  . . . . . . . . . 1167--1191
             Teemu Makkonen and   
                     Timo Mitze   Scientific collaboration between `old'
                                  and `new' member states: Did joining the
                                  European Union make a difference?  . . . 1193--1215
            Günter Krampen   Scientometric trend analyses of
                                  publications on the history of
                                  psychology: Is psychology becoming an
                                  unhistorical science?  . . . . . . . . . 1217--1238
Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez and   
Grisel Zacca-González and   
Benjamín Vargas-Quesada and   
Félix de Moya-Anegón   Benchmarking scientific performance by
                                  decomposing leadership of Cuban and
                                  Latin American institutions in public
                                  health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1239--1264
                Mario De Marchi   A taxonomy of S&T indicators  . . . . . . 1265--1268
                     Weishu Liu   Comments on ``A comparative analysis of
                                  scientific publications in management
                                  journals by authors from Mainland China,
                                  Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau:
                                  2003-2012''  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1269--1272
                 Weishu Liu and   
               Guangyuan Hu and   
                      Mengdi Gu   The probability of publishing in
                                  first-quartile journals  . . . . . . . . 1273--1276
        Tom Van der Stocken and   
           Jean Hugé and   
         Evelien Deboelpaep and   
      Maarten P. M. Vanhove and   
  Luc Janssens de Bisthoven and   
                    Nico Koedam   Academic capacity building: holding up a
                                  mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1277--1280
             Houcemeddine Turki   Usefulness of the single publication
                                  $h$-index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1281--1282

Volume 107, Number 1, April, 2016

 Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent and   
Luz María Moreno-Solano and   
      Antonia Ferrer Sapena and   
Enrique Alfonso Sánchez Pérez   Correlation between impact factor and
                                  public availability of published
                                  research data in Information Science and
                                  Library Science journals . . . . . . . . 1--13
             Olgica Nedi\'c and   
            Aleksandar Dekanski   Priority criteria in peer review of
                                  scientific articles  . . . . . . . . . . 15--26
                Jinseok Kim and   
                  Liang Tao and   
            Seok-Hyoung Lee and   
                   Jana Diesner   Evolution and structure of scientific
                                  co-publishing network in Korea between
                                  1948--2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27--41
              Vadim Kufenko and   
                   Niels Geiger   Business cycles in the economy and in
                                  economics: an econometric analysis . . . 43--69
         Catherine P. Slade and   
         Saundra J. Ribando and   
               C. Kevin Fortner   Faculty research following merger: a job
                                  stress and social identity theory
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71--89
Antonio García-Romero and   
       Daniel Santín and   
               Gabriela Sicilia   Another brick in the wall: a new ranking
                                  of academic journals in Economics using
                                  FDH  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91--101
          ParvezAhamad Kazi and   
          Manasi Patwardhan and   
               Pushkar Joglekar   Towards a new perspective on context
                                  based citation index of research
                                  articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--121
              Meen Chul Kim and   
                Yongjun Zhu and   
                   Chaomei Chen   How are they different? A quantitative
                                  domain comparison of information
                                  visualization and data visualization
                                  (2000--2014) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123--165
          Vittorio Fuccella and   
        Domenico De Stefano and   
    Maria Prosperina Vitale and   
               Susanna Zaccarin   Improving co-authorship network
                                  structures by combining multiple data
                                  sources: evidence from Italian academic
                                  statisticians  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167--184
        Brian W. van Wilgen and   
             Nelius Boshoff and   
            Izak P. J. Smit and   
     Sofia Solano-Fernandez and   
           Luanita van der Walt   A bibliometric analysis to illustrate
                                  the role of an embedded research
                                  capability in South African National
                                  Parks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185--212
María del Carmen Calatrava Moreno and   
            Thomas Auzinger and   
                Hannes Werthner   On the uncertainty of
                                  interdisciplinarity measurements due to
                                  incomplete bibliographic data  . . . . . 213--232
María del Carmen Calatrava Moreno and   
            Thomas Auzinger and   
                Hannes Werthner   Erratum to: On the uncertainty of
                                  interdisciplinarity measurements due to
                                  incomplete bibliographic data  . . . . . 233--234
José Osvaldo De Sordi and   
     Marco Antonio Conejero and   
                Manuel Meireles   Bibliometric indicators in the context
                                  of regional repositories: proposing the
                                  D-index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235--258
                  Diana Tal and   
                 Avishag Gordon   Leadership of the present, current
                                  theories of multiple involvements: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 259--269
        Maciej J. Mrowinski and   
             Agata Fronczak and   
             Piotr Fronczak and   
               Olgica Nedic and   
                 Marcel Ausloos   Review time in peer review: quantitative
                                  analysis and modelling of editorial
                                  workflows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271--286
              Andrey Guskov and   
             Denis Kosyakov and   
               Irina Selivanova   Scientometric research in Russia: impact
                                  of science policy changes  . . . . . . . 287--303
      Bakthavachalam Elango and   
              Lutz Bornmann and   
             Govindaraju Kannan   Detecting the historical roots of
                                  tribology research: a bibliometric
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--313
            Thomas C. Erren and   
   J. Valérie Groß   Research metrics: What about weighted
                                  citations? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315--316
       Mohammad Reza Safaei and   
            Marjan Goodarzi and   
                Omid Mahian and   
            Mahidzal Dahari and   
              Somchai Wongwises   A survey of using multiple affiliations
                                  by scholars in scientific articles . . . 317--318

Volume 107, Number 2, May, 2016

         Almila Akdag Salah and   
           Cassidy Sugimoto and   
                    Umut Al and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Selected papers of the 15th
                                  International Conference of the
                                  International Society for Scientometrics
                                  and Informetrics (ISSI), Bogaziçi
                                  University, Istanbul, Turkey, 29 June--4
                                  July 2015  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319--320
      Fiorenzo Franceschini and   
           Domenico Maisano and   
             Luca Mastrogiacomo   Do Scopus and WoS correct ``old''
                                  omitted citations? . . . . . . . . . . . 321--335
       Jan Resenga Maluleka and   
     Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha and   
                Isola Ajiferuke   Factors influencing research
                                  collaboration in LIS schools in South
                                  Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337--355
               Gunnar Sivertsen   Patterns of internationalization and
                                  criteria for research assessment in the
                                  social sciences and humanities . . . . . 357--368
               Wan Jing Low and   
                Paul Wilson and   
                  Mike Thelwall   Stopped sum models and proposed variants
                                  for citation data  . . . . . . . . . . . 369--384
           Arzu Tugce Guler and   
    Cathelijn J. F. Waaijer and   
                Magnus Palmblad   Scientific workflows for bibliometrics   385--398
       Seyed Reza Mirnezami and   
              Catherine Beaudry   The effect of holding a research chair
                                  on scientists' productivity  . . . . . . 399--454
                Dorte Henriksen   The rise in co-authorship in the social
                                  sciences (1980--2013)  . . . . . . . . . 455--476
               Ashkan Ebadi and   
           Andrea Schiffauerova   iSEER: an intelligent automatic computer
                                  system for scientific evaluation of
                                  researchers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477--498
          Dragan Ivanovi\'c and   
          Milos Jovanovi\'c and   
                 Frank Fritsche   Analysis of scientific productivity and
                                  cooperation in the republics of former
                                  Yugoslavia before, during and after the
                                  Yugoslav wars  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499--519
            Muzammil Tahira and   
          Rose Alinda Alias and   
               Aryati Bakri and   
                     A. Abrizah   Meso-level institutional and journal
                                  related indices for Malaysian
                                  engineering research . . . . . . . . . . 521--535
            Chun-Chieh Wang and   
               Hui-Yun Sung and   
                 Mu-Hsuan Huang   Technological evolution seen from the
                                  USPC reclassifications . . . . . . . . . 537--553
              Chi-Tung Chen and   
                   Dar-Zen Chen   Who files provisional applications in
                                  the United States? . . . . . . . . . . . 555--568
              Hamid Darvish and   
                    Yasar Tonta   Diffusion of nanotechnology knowledge in
                                  Turkey and its network structure . . . . 569--592
  Alexis-Michel Mugabushaka and   
             Anthi Kyriakou and   
                Theo Papazoglou   Bibliometric indicators of
                                  interdisciplinarity: the potential of
                                  the Leinster--Cobbold diversity indices
                                  to study disciplinary diversity  . . . . 593--607
                  Ali Gazni and   
              Fereshteh Didegah   The relationship between authors'
                                  bibliographic coupling and citation
                                  exchange: analyzing disciplinary
                                  differences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609--626
   Douglas Henrique Milanez and   
                  Ed Noyons and   
Leandro Innocentini Lopes de Faria   A delineating procedure to retrieve
                                  relevant publication data in research
                                  areas: the case of nanocellulose . . . . 627--643
            Maria Karaulova and   
          Abdullah Gök and   
          Oliver Shackleton and   
                 Philip Shapira   Science system path-dependencies and
                                  their influences: nanotechnology
                                  research in Russia . . . . . . . . . . . 645--670
            Alberto Anfossi and   
             Alberto Ciolfi and   
              Filippo Costa and   
             Giorgio Parisi and   
               Sergio Benedetto   Large-scale assessment of research
                                  outputs through a weighted combination
                                  of bibliometric indicators . . . . . . . 671--683
 Elea Giménez-Toledo and   
Jorge Mañana-Rodríguez and   
           Tim C. E. Engels and   
            Peter Ingwersen and   
    Janne Pölönen and   
           Gunnar Sivertsen and   
      Frederik T. Verleysen and   
              Alesia A. Zuccala   Taking scholarly books into account:
                                  current developments in five European
                                  countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685--699
                    Tetsuo Wada   Obstacles to prior art searching by the
                                  trilateral patent offices: empirical
                                  evidence from \booktitleInternational
                                  Search Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701--722
            Isabella Peters and   
               Peter Kraker and   
              Elisabeth Lex and   
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
                   Juan Gorraiz   Research data explored: an extended
                                  analysis of citations and altmetrics . . 723--744
                Jianjun Sun and   
                   Chao Min and   
                       Jiang Li   A vector for measuring obsolescence of
                                  scientific articles  . . . . . . . . . . 745--757
                Yuehua Zhao and   
                  Rongying Zhao   An evolutionary analysis of
                                  collaboration networks in scientometrics 759--772
             Philippe Gorry and   
                 Pascal Ragouet   ''Sleeping Beauty'' and her restless
                                  sleep: Charles Dotter and the birth of
                                  interventional radiology . . . . . . . . 773--784
  Gabriel-Alexandru V\^\iiu and   
             Mihai Paunescu and   
                  Adrian Miroiu   Research-driven classification and
                                  ranking in higher education: an
                                  empirical appraisal of a Romanian policy
                                  experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785--805
           Holly N. Wolcott and   
           Matthew J. Fouch and   
           Elizabeth R. Hsu and   
            Leo G. DiJoseph and   
     Catherine A. Bernaciak and   
          James G. Corrigan and   
              Duane E. Williams   Modeling time-dependent and-independent
                                  indicators to facilitate identification
                                  of breakthrough research papers  . . . . 807--817
          Manuel Castriotta and   
         Maria Chiara Di Guardo   Disentangling the automotive technology
                                  structure: a patent co-citation analysis 819--837
        Antal van den Bosch and   
               Toine Bogers and   
              Maurice de Kunder   Estimating search engine index size
                                  variability: a $9$-year longitudinal
                                  study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839--856
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
              Sarah Heeffer and   
                     Bart Thijs   A triangular model for publication and
                                  citation statistics of individual
                                  authors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857--872
               Juan Gorraiz and   
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
                   Thomas Glade   On the bibliometric coordinates of four
                                  different research fields in geography   873--897

Volume 107, Number 3, June, 2016

                    Tolga Yuret   International trade in ideas . . . . . . 899--916
Guillermo Armando Ronda-Pupo and   
Luis Ángel Guerras-Martín   Collaboration network of knowledge
                                  creation and dissemination on management
                                  research: ranking the leading
                                  institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917--939
        Fredrik Niclas Piro and   
  Kristoffer Ròrstad and   
                  Dag W. Aksnes   How does prolific professors influence
                                  on the citation impact of their
                                  university departments?  . . . . . . . . 941--961
       Geoffrey S. Shideler and   
        Rafael J. Araújo   Measures of scholarly journal quality
                                  are not universally applicable to
                                  determining value of advertised annual
                                  subscription price . . . . . . . . . . . 963--973
            Teresa H. Jones and   
                   Steve Hanney   Tracing the indirect societal impacts of
                                  biomedical research: development and
                                  piloting of a technique based on
                                  citations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 975--1003
           Saikou Y. Diallo and   
       Christopher J. Lynch and   
                  Ross Gore and   
                Jose J. Padilla   Identifying key papers within a journal
                                  via network centrality measures  . . . . 1005--1020
Francisco García-Lillo and   
Mercedes Úbeda-García and   
  Bartolomé Marco-Lajara   Organizational ambidexterity: exploring
                                  the knowledge base . . . . . . . . . . . 1021--1040
                  Lutz Bornmann   Is the promotion of research reflected
                                  in bibliometric data? A network analysis
                                  of highly cited papers on the Clusters
                                  of Excellence supported under the
                                  Excellence Initiative in Germany . . . . 1041--1061
            Calogero Guccio and   
 Marco Ferdinando Martorana and   
                  Isidoro Mazza   Efficiency assessment and convergence in
                                  teaching and research in Italian public
                                  universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1063--1094
                 K. A. Khor and   
                       L.-G. Yu   Influence of international co-authorship
                                  on the research citation impact of young
                                  universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1095--1110
                 Jinbo Song and   
             Honglian Zhang and   
                     Wanli Dong   A review of emerging trends in global
                                  PPP research: analysis and visualization 1111--1147
                 Jing Zhang and   
                Xiaomin Liu and   
                        Lili Wu   The study of subject-classification
                                  based on journal coupling and expert
                                  subject-classification system  . . . . . 1149--1170
                Aparna Basu and   
        Sumit Kumar Banshal and   
           Khushboo Singhal and   
              Vivek Kumar Singh   Designing a Composite Index for research
                                  performance evaluation at the national
                                  or regional level: ranking Central
                                  Universities in India  . . . . . . . . . 1171--1193
              Iman Tahamtan and   
      Askar Safipour Afshar and   
            Khadijeh Ahamdzadeh   Factors affecting number of citations: a
                                  comprehensive review of the literature   1195--1225
                 Ryan Light and   
                     jimi adams   Knowledge in motion: the evolution of
                                  HIV/AIDS research  . . . . . . . . . . . 1227--1248
             Peyman Akhavan and   
          Nader Ale Ebrahim and   
         Mahdieh A. Fetrati and   
                 Amir Pezeshkan   Major trends in knowledge management
                                  research: a bibliometric study . . . . . 1249--1264
               Peter Klimek and   
    Aleksandar S. Jovanovic and   
              Rainer Egloff and   
                 Reto Schneider   Successful fish go with the flow:
                                  citation impact prediction based on
                                  centrality measures for term-document
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1265--1282
                     Jan Schulz   Using Monte Carlo simulations to assess
                                  the impact of author name disambiguation
                                  quality on different bibliometric
                                  analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1283--1298
                   H. Simon and   
                        N. Sick   Technological distance measures: new
                                  perspectives on nearby and far away  . . 1299--1320
             Jiann-wien Hsu and   
                 Ding-wei Huang   Impact factor distribution revisited
                                  with graphical representation  . . . . . 1321--1329
  Lakshmi Balachandran Nair and   
                Michael Gibbert   What makes a `good' title and (how) does
                                  it matter for citations? A review and
                                  general model of article title
                                  attributes in management science . . . . 1331--1359
                        Lei Lei   When science meets cluttered writing:
                                  adjectives and adverbs in academia
                                  revisited  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1361--1372
                  Yong Zhao and   
                    Dong Li and   
                Mingjie Han and   
                Chenying Li and   
                     Dongmei Li   Characteristics of research
                                  collaboration in biotechnology in China:
                                  evidence from publications indexed in
                                  the SCIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1373--1387
         Thiago H. P. Silva and   
              Gustavo Penha and   
   Ana Paula Couto da Silva and   
                Mirella M. Moro   A performance indicator for academic
                                  communities based on external
                                  publication profiles . . . . . . . . . . 1389--1403
              Lutz Bornmann and   
               Robin Haunschild   How to normalize Twitter counts? A first
                                  attempt based on journals in the Twitter
                                  Index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1405--1422
Guillermo Armando Ronda-Pupo and   
                 J. Sylvan Katz   The scaling relationship between
                                  citation-based performance and
                                  international collaboration of Cuban
                                  articles in natural sciences . . . . . . 1423--1434
              Qingqing Zhou and   
             Chengzhi Zhang and   
               Star X. Zhao and   
                     Bikun Chen   Measuring book impact based on the
                                  multi-granularity online review mining   1435--1455
               Zhenquan Lin and   
                 Shanci Hou and   
                     Jinshan Wu   The correlation between editorial delay
                                  and the ratio of highly cited papers in
                                  \booktitleNature, \booktitleScience and
                                  \booktitlePhysical Review Letters  . . . 1457--1464
         Péter Bruck and   
 István Réthy and   
               Judit Szente and   
              Jan Tobochnik and   
       Péter Érdi   Recognition of emerging technology
                                  trends: class-selective study of
                                  citations in the U.S. Patent Citation
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1465--1475
Alberto Martín-Martín and   
       Enrique Orduna-Malea and   
      Juan M. Ayllón and   
Emilio Delgado López-Cózar   Back to the past: on the shoulders of an
                                  academic search engine giant . . . . . . 1477--1487
   Alexandre Donizeti Alves and   
     Horacio Hideki Yanasse and   
             Nei Yoshihiro Soma   An analysis of bibliometric indicators
                                  to JCR according to Benford's Law  . . . 1489--1499
               Yanping Dong and   
                Panzhi Wang and   
                    Lan Guo and   
                    Hongqun Liu   ''Listing author contribution'' does not
                                  alter the author inflation in the
                                  publications in basic research in four
                                  major gastroenterology journals in 10
                                  years  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1501--1507
           Jordan A. Comins and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   RPYS i/o: software demonstration of a
                                  web-based tool for the historiography
                                  and visualization of citation classics,
                                  sleeping beauties and research fronts    1509--1517
               Andrea Polonioli   Debunking unwarranted defenses of the
                                  status quo in the humanities and social
                                  sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1519--1522
                  James Hartley   Is time up for the Flesch measure of
                                  reading ease?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1523--1526
                   K. Brad Wray   Still no new evidence: Author-Pay Open
                                  Access in the social sciences and
                                  humanities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1527--1529

Volume 108, Number 1, July, 2016

             Tudorel Andrei and   
          Daniel Teodorescu and   
                 Andreea Mirica   Beyond the Impact Factor: measuring the
                                  international visibility of Romanian
                                  social sciences journals . . . . . . . . 1--20
              Mark R. Costa and   
                   Jian Qin and   
                    Sarah Bratt   Emergence of collaboration networks
                                  around large scale data repositories: a
                                  study of the genomics community using
                                  GenBank  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21--40
             Carlos B. Amat and   
      François Perruchas   Evolving cohesion metrics of a research
                                  network on rare diseases: a longitudinal
                                  study over 14 years  . . . . . . . . . . 41--56
                     John T. Li   What we learn from the shifts in highly
                                  cited data from 2001 to 2014?  . . . . . 57--82
         Slobodan Perovi\'c and   
       Sandro Radovanovi\'c and   
           Vlasta Sikimi\'c and   
                  Andrea Berber   Optimal research team composition: data
                                  envelopment analysis of Fermilab
                                  experiments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83--111
            Clemens B. Fell and   
        Cornelius J. König   Is there a gender difference in
                                  scientific collaboration? A
                                  scientometric examination of
                                  co-authorships among
                                  industrial-organizational psychologists  113--141
                      Yi Bu and   
                Tian-yi Liu and   
                  Win-bin Huang   MACA: a modified author co-citation
                                  analysis method combined with general
                                  descriptive metadata of citations  . . . 143--166
           Ad\`ele Paul-Hus and   
          Nadine Desrochers and   
                 Rodrigo Costas   Characterization, description, and
                                  considerations for the use of funding
                                  acknowledgement data in Web of Science   167--182
           David Guy Brizan and   
            Kevin Gallagher and   
             Arnab Jahangir and   
                 Theodore Brown   Predicting citation patterns: defining
                                  and determining influence  . . . . . . . 183--200
                  Yutao Sun and   
                        Kai Liu   Proximity effect, preferential
                                  attachment and path dependence in
                                  inter-regional network: a case of
                                  China's technology transaction . . . . . 201--220
         Noriyuki Morichika and   
               Sotaro Shibayama   Use of dissertation data in science
                                  policy research  . . . . . . . . . . . . 221--241
          Elias Sanz-Casado and   
Carlos García-Zorita and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Using $h$-cores to study the most-cited
                                  articles of the twenty-first century . . 243--261
     Tuomas Höylä and   
         Christoph Bartneck and   
                  Timo Tiihonen   The consequences of competition:
                                  simulating the effects of research grant
                                  allocation strategies  . . . . . . . . . 263--288
            Bambang Winarko and   
                 A. Abrizah and   
                Muzammil Tahira   An assessment of quality,
                                  trustworthiness and usability of
                                  Indonesian agricultural science
                                  journals: stated preference versus
                                  revealed preference study  . . . . . . . 289--304
                   Henk F. Moed   Iran's scientific dominance and the
                                  emergence of South-East Asian countries
                                  as scientific collaborators in the
                                  Persian Gulf Region  . . . . . . . . . . 305--314
               Fala Cramond and   
                Cadi Irvine and   
                  Jing Liao and   
              David Howells and   
                 Emily Sena and   
             Gillian Currie and   
                Malcolm Macleod   Protocol for a retrospective, controlled
                                  cohort study of the impact of a change
                                  in \booktitleNature journals' editorial
                                  policy for life sciences research on the
                                  completeness of reporting study design
                                  and execution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315--328
                Guy Madison and   
         Therese Söderlund   Can gender studies be studied? Reply to
                                  comments on Söderlund and Madison . . . . 329--335
                  Mike Thelwall   Interpreting correlations between
                                  citation counts and other indicators . . 337--347
        Graziella Bertocchi and   
        Alfonso Gambardella and   
            Tullio Jappelli and   
         Carmela Anna Nappi and   
                Franco Peracchi   Comment to: Do they agree? Bibliometric
                                  evaluation versus informed peer review
                                  in the Italian research assessment
                                  exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349--353
      Francesco Paolo Appio and   
          Antonella Martini and   
               Silvia Massa and   
                 Stefania Testa   Unveiling the intellectual origins of
                                  Social Media-based innovation: insights
                                  from a bibliometric approach . . . . . . 355--388
                      Anonymous   Grand challenges in data integration for
                                  research and innovation (R&I) policy:
                                  handling big data, coping with quality
                                  issues and anticipating new policy
                                  needs-state of the art and future
                                  perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389--389
              Cinzia Daraio and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Grand challenges in data
                                  integration-state of the art and future
                                  perspectives: an introduction  . . . . . 391--400
        Sophie Biesenbender and   
              Stefan Hornbostel   The Research Core Dataset for the German
                                  science system: developing standards for
                                  an integrated management of research
                                  information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401--412
              Stefanie Haustein   Grand challenges in altmetrics:
                                  heterogeneity, data quality and
                                  dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413--423
       Sadia Vancauwenbergh and   
         Pieter De Leenheer and   
              Geert Van Grootel   On research information and
                                  classification governance in an
                                  inter-organizational context: the
                                  Flanders Research Information Space  . . 425--439
              Cinzia Daraio and   
         Maurizio Lenzerini and   
          Claudio Leporelli and   
               Paolo Naggar and   
          Andrea Bonaccorsi and   
          Alessandro Bartolucci   The advantages of an Ontology--Based
                                  Data Management approach: openness,
                                  interoperability and data quality  . . . 441--455
                   Joost Kosten   A classification of the use of research
                                  indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457--464
             Alesia Zuccala and   
             Roberto Cornacchia   Data matching, integration, and
                                  interoperability for a metric assessment
                                  of monographs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465--484

Volume 108, Number 2, August, 2016

              Kayvan Kousha and   
                Jonathan Levitt   Michael Thelwall wins the 2015 Derek
                                  John de Solla Price Medal  . . . . . . . 485--488
                    Shaon Sahoo   Analyzing research performance:
                                  proposition of a new complementary index 489--504
            Chin-Chang Tsai and   
        Elizabeth A. Corley and   
                  Barry Bozeman   Collaboration experiences across
                                  scientific disciplines and cohorts . . . 505--529
           Gohar Feroz Khan and   
               Sungjoon Lee and   
              Ji Young Park and   
                   Han Woo Park   Theories in communication science: a
                                  structural analysis using webometrics
                                  and social network approach  . . . . . . 531--557
José M. Merigó and   
       Christian A. Cancino and   
            Freddy Coronado and   
                   David Urbano   Academic research in innovation: a
                                  country analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 559--593
         Corrado Cuccurullo and   
               Massimo Aria and   
                 Fabrizia Sarto   Foundations and trends in performance
                                  management. A twenty-five years
                                  bibliometric analysis in business and
                                  public administration domains  . . . . . 595--611
  Noémi Gaskó and   
          Rodica Ioana Lung and   
          Mihai Alexandru Suciu   A new network model for the study of
                                  scientific collaborations: Romanian
                                  computer science and mathematics
                                  co-authorship networks . . . . . . . . . 613--632
                Antonio Zinilli   Competitive project funding and dynamic
                                  complex networks: evidence from Projects
                                  of National Interest (PRIN)  . . . . . . 633--652
                Metin Doslu and   
                Haluk O. Bingol   Context sensitive article ranking with
                                  citation context analysis  . . . . . . . 653--671
               Wenqiang Fan and   
                    Qinghui Liu   Open scholarship ranking of Chinese
                                  research universities  . . . . . . . . . 673--691
                     Xin Gu and   
             Karen L. Blackmore   Recent trends in academic journal growth 693--716
           Marta Zdravkovic and   
     Linley Chiwona-Karltun and   
                      Eren Zink   Experiences and perceptions of
                                  South--South and North--South scientific
                                  collaboration of mathematicians,
                                  physicists and chemists from five
                                  southern African universities  . . . . . 717--743
            Nazim Choudhury and   
                 Shahadat Uddin   Time-aware link prediction to explore
                                  network effects on temporal knowledge
                                  evolution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745--776
          Fahimeh Ghasemian and   
           Kamran Zamanifar and   
        Nasser Ghasem-Aqaee and   
              Noshir Contractor   Toward a better scientific collaboration
                                  success prediction model through the
                                  feature space expansion  . . . . . . . . 777--801
             Hongbing Jiang and   
                  Chen Yang and   
                    Jian Ma and   
             Thushari Silva and   
                   Huaping Chen   A social voting approach for scientific
                                  domain vocabularies construction . . . . 803--820
                   Jiang Li and   
                     Fred Y. Ye   Distinguishing sleeping beauties in
                                  science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821--828
              Katalin Orosz and   
     Illés J. Farkas and   
           Péter Pollner   Quantifying the changing role of past
                                  publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829--853
     Sakiru Adebola Solarin and   
                   Yuen Yee Yen   A global analysis of the impact of
                                  research output on economic growth . . . 855--874
         Yurij L. Katchanov and   
           Yulia V. Markova and   
             Natalia A. Shmatko   How physics works: scientific capital in
                                  the space of physics institutions  . . . 875--893
    Hanaa M. H. Alam El-Din and   
         Ahmed Sharaf Eldin and   
           Amro M. S. A. Hanora   Bibliometric analysis of Egyptian
                                  publications on Hepatitis C virus from
                                  PubMed using data mining of an in-house
                                  developed database (HCVDBegy)  . . . . . 895--915
           Stephan B. Bruns and   
                 David I. Stern   Research assessment using early citation
                                  information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917--935
             John P. Conley and   
        Ali Sina Önder and   
                  Benno Torgler   Are all economics graduate cohorts
                                  created equal? Gender, job openings, and
                                  research productivity  . . . . . . . . . 937--958
             Angelito Calma and   
                  Martin Davies   Academy of Management Journal,
                                  1958--2014: a citation analysis  . . . . 959--975
     Christian Gumpenberger and   
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                   Juan Gorraiz   The ecstasy and the agony of the
                                  Altmetric score  . . . . . . . . . . . . 977--982
                Mario De Marchi   First steps towards a consistent
                                  classification of innovation . . . . . . 983--985
               Andrea Polonioli   Metrics, flawed indicators, and the case
                                  of philosophy journals . . . . . . . . . 987--994
            Mario De Marchi and   
                  E. Lorenzetti   Measuring the impact of journals, a
                                  reprise  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995--997
              Ghulam Akhmat and   
               Khalid Zaman and   
                 Tan Shukui and   
                  Tauseef Ahmed   Retraction Note to: Educational reforms
                                  and internationalization of
                                  universities: evidence from major
                                  regions of the world . . . . . . . . . . 999--999
                 Limei Zhao and   
               Qingpu Zhang and   
                     Liang Wang   Erratum to: Benefit distribution
                                  mechanism in the team members'
                                  scientific research collaboration
                                  network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1001--1001
     David I. Méndez and   
  M. Ángeles Alcaraz and   
 Françoise Salager-Meyer   Erratum to: Titles in English-medium
                                  Astrophysics research articles . . . . . 1003--1003
                 Shuqing Li and   
                   Ying Sun and   
               Dagobert Soergel   Erratum to: A new method for
                                  automatically constructing
                                  domain-oriented term taxonomy based on
                                  weighted word co-occurrence analysis . . 1005--1005
               Xiaodong Liu and   
                      Qi Xu and   
                       Meina Li   Erratum to: A comparative analysis of
                                  scientific publications in management
                                  journals by authors from Mainland China,
                                  Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau: 2003--2012 1007--1009
          Eleni Fragkiadaki and   
           Georgios Evangelidis   Erratum to: Three novel indirect
                                  indicators for the assessment of papers
                                  and authors based on generations of
                                  citations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011--1011

Volume 108, Number 3, September, 2016

                   Oleg Ena and   
            Nadezhda Mikova and   
              Ozcan Saritas and   
                  Anna Sokolova   A methodology for technology trend
                                  monitoring: the case of semantic
                                  technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1013--1041
             Gangan Prathap and   
                    S. Mini and   
                       P. Nishy   Does high impact factor successfully
                                  predict future citations? An analysis
                                  using Peirce's measure . . . . . . . . . 1043--1047
Teodoro Luque-Martínez and   
Salvador del Barrio-García   Constructing a synthetic indicator of
                                  research activity  . . . . . . . . . . . 1049--1064
               Mario Coccia and   
                  Barry Bozeman   Allometric models to measure and analyze
                                  the evolution of international research
                                  collaboration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065--1084
                    Lu Xiao and   
                   Guo Chen and   
                Jianjun Sun and   
               Shuguang Han and   
                 Chengzhi Zhang   Exploring the topic hierarchy of digital
                                  library research in China using keyword
                                  networks: a K-core decomposition
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1085--1101
         Jonathan M. Levitt and   
                  Mike Thelwall   Long term productivity and collaboration
                                  in information science . . . . . . . . . 1103--1117
              James M. Cook and   
                   Dawn Plourde   Do scholars follow Betteridge's Law? The
                                  use of questions in journal article
                                  titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1119--1128
            Torben Schubert and   
                  Guoliang Yang   Institutional change and the optimal
                                  size of universities . . . . . . . . . . 1129--1153
                    Lei Lei and   
                      Sheng Yan   Readability and citations in information
                                  science: evidence from abstracts and
                                  articles of four journals (2003--2012)   1155--1169
    Leonardo Reyes-Gonzalez and   
Claudia N. Gonzalez-Brambila and   
               Francisco Veloso   Using co-authorship and citation
                                  analysis to identify research groups: a
                                  new way to assess performance  . . . . . 1171--1191
               Fernanda Morillo   Public-private interactions reflected
                                  through the funding acknowledgements . . 1193--1204
              Aaron Lercher and   
             Lawrence Smolinsky   Persistent value of older scientific
                                  journal articles . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205--1220
                   Yi Zhang and   
               Mingting Kou and   
                Kaihua Chen and   
             Jiancheng Guan and   
                      Yuchen Li   Modelling the Basic Research
                                  Competitiveness Index (BR-CI) with an
                                  application to the biomass energy field  1221--1241
                 Hugo Horta and   
          João M. Santos   An instrument to measure individuals'
                                  research agenda setting: the
                                  multi-dimensional research agendas
                                  inventory  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1243--1265
                   Stephen Webb   Twitter use in physics conferences . . . 1267--1286
                       Tara Das   Measuring production and scholarly use
                                  of National Center for Health Statistics
                                  publications: a citation analysis in US
                                  government information . . . . . . . . . 1287--1298
                     Zhi Li and   
                 Qinke Peng and   
                        Che Liu   Two citation-based indicators to measure
                                  latent referential value of papers . . . 1299--1313
           Rahman Sahragard and   
                Hussein Meihami   A diachronic study on the information
                                  provided by the research titles of
                                  applied linguistics journals . . . . . . 1315--1331
                  Yuan Wang and   
               Cuiyun Xiang and   
                  Peng Zhao and   
                 Guozhu Mao and   
                      Huibin Du   A bibliometric analysis for the research
                                  on river water quality assessment and
                                  simulation during 2000--2014 . . . . . . 1333--1346
                Marcel Clermont   Effectiveness and efficiency of research
                                  in Germany over time: an analysis of
                                  German business schools between 2001 and
                                  2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1347--1381
                   Yi Zhang and   
                Kaihua Chen and   
                Guilong Zhu and   
          Richard C. M. Yam and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   Inter-organizational scientific
                                  collaborations and policy effects: an
                                  ego-network evolutionary perspective of
                                  the Chinese Academy of Sciences  . . . . 1383--1415
Hannu Vähänikkilä and   
          Jorma I. Virtanen and   
                Pentti Nieminen   How do statistics in dental articles
                                  differ from those articles published in
                                  highly visible medical journals? . . . . 1417--1424
             J. M. Calabuig and   
           A. Ferrer-Sapena and   
E. A. Sánchez-Pérez   Vector-valued impact measures and
                                  generation of specific indexes for
                                  research assessment  . . . . . . . . . . 1425--1443
        Estevao Alves-Silva and   
Ana Carolina Figueira Porto and   
             Carine Firmino and   
    Henrique Venancio Silva and   
              Ingrid Becker and   
              Liegy Resende and   
               Livia Borges and   
              Luana Pfeffer and   
            Marcela Silvano and   
     Melina Santos Galdiano and   
       Rafaella Silvestrini and   
                    Renan Moura   Are the impact factor and other
                                  variables related to publishing time in
                                  ecology journals?  . . . . . . . . . . . 1445--1453
            Michael Mimouni and   
            Motti Ratmansky and   
               Yaron Sacher and   
             Sharon Aharoni and   
            Aviva Mimouni-Bloch   Self-citation rate and impact factor in
                                  pediatrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1455--1460
                Yongjun Zhu and   
                  Erjia Yan and   
                       Min Song   Understanding the evolving academic
                                  landscape of library and information
                                  science through faculty hiring data  . . 1461--1478
                Gouri Ginde and   
             Snehanshu Saha and   
             Archana Mathur and   
         Sukrit Venkatagiri and   
          Sujith Vadakkepat and   
      Anand Narasimhamurthy and   
               B. S. Daya Sagar   ScientoBASE: a framework and model for
                                  computing scholastic indicators of
                                  non-local influence of journals via
                                  native data acquisition algorithms . . . 1479--1529
               Cuiqian Huai and   
                      Lihe Chai   A bibliometric analysis on the
                                  performance and underlying dynamic
                                  patterns of water security research  . . 1531--1551
Cristina López-Duarte and   
Marta M. Vidal-Suárez and   
Belén González-Díaz and   
                 Nuno Rosa Reis   Understanding the relevance of national
                                  culture in international business
                                  research: a quantitative analysis  . . . 1553--1590
                   Ping Liu and   
                Bao-Li Chen and   
                    Kan Liu and   
                        Hao Xie   Magnetic nanoparticles research: a
                                  scientometric analysis of development
                                  trends and research fronts . . . . . . . 1591--1602
                    Tolga Yuret   Does alphabetization significantly
                                  affect academic careers? . . . . . . . . 1603--1619
    Ricardo Arencibia-Jorge and   
       Elena Corera-Alvarez and   
Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez and   
Félix de Moya-Anegón   Scientific output of the emerging Cuban
                                  biopharmaceutical industry: a
                                  scientometric approach . . . . . . . . . 1621--1636
               Anne-Wil Harzing   Microsoft Academic (Search): a Phoenix
                                  arisen from the ashes? . . . . . . . . . 1637--1647
                Khaled Moustafa   A proposal for print-online hybrid
                                  publishing system  . . . . . . . . . . . 1649--1650
            Alberto Baccini and   
            Giuseppe De Nicolao   Do they agree? Bibliometric evaluation
                                  versus informed peer review in the
                                  Italian research assessment exercise . . 1651--1671
                      Anonymous   Editorial correction . . . . . . . . . . 1673--1673
            Alberto Baccini and   
            Giuseppe De Nicolao   Reply to the comment of Bertocchi et al. 1675--1684
                 Gangan Prathap   Letter to the editor: comments on the
                                  paper of Aparna Basu et al.: Designing a
                                  composite index for research performance
                                  evaluation at the national or regional
                                  level: ranking central universities in
                                  India  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1685--1687
                Aparna Basu and   
        Sumit Kumar Banshal and   
           Khushboo Singhal and   
              Vivek Kumar Singh   Response to the Letter to the Editor by
                                  Gangan Prathap on the article: Designing
                                  a composite index for research
                                  performance evaluation at the national
                                  or regional level: ranking Central
                                  Universities in India  . . . . . . . . . 1689--1691
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Rebuttal to: Liu et al. ``Progress in
                                  global parallel computing research: a
                                  bibliometric approach'', vol. 95, pp
                                  967--983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1693--1694
                Aparna Basu and   
        Sumit Kumar Banshal and   
           Khushboo Singhal and   
              Vivek Kumar Singh   Erratum to: ``Designing a Composite
                                  Index for research performance
                                  evaluation at the national or regional
                                  level: ranking Central Universities in
                                  India''  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1695--1697

Volume 109, Number 1, October, 2016

João José M. Ferreira and   
      Cristina I. Fernandes and   
                 Vanessa Ratten   A co-citation bibliometric analysis of
                                  strategic management research  . . . . . 1--32
              Vincent C. Ma and   
                    John S. Liu   Exploring the research fronts and main
                                  paths of literature: a case study of
                                  shareholder activism research  . . . . . 33--52
             Tianlong Zheng and   
                  Juan Wang and   
                Qunhui Wang and   
               Chunhong Nie and   
                Zhining Shi and   
                Xiaona Wang and   
                       Zhen Gao   A bibliometric analysis of
                                  micro/nano-bubble related research:
                                  current trends, present application, and
                                  future prospects . . . . . . . . . . . . 53--71
         Zivar Sabaghinejad and   
             Farideh Osareh and   
                Fatima Baji and   
     Parastou Parsaei Mohammadi   Estimating the partnership ability of
                                  \booktitleScientometrics journal authors
                                  based on WoS from 2001 to 2013 according
                                  to $ \varphi $-index . . . . . . . . . . 73--84
       Mauricio Johnny Loos and   
             Eugenio Merino and   
Carlos Manuel Taboada Rodriguez   Mapping the state of the art of
                                  ergonomics within logistics  . . . . . . 85--101
           Nicola Bernab\`o and   
                Luana Greco and   
             Mauro Mattioli and   
                Barbara Barboni   A scientometric analysis of reproductive
                                  medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--120
Natascha Helena Franz Hoppen and   
Samile Andréa de Souza Vanz   Neurosciences in Brazil: a bibliometric
                                  study of main characteristics,
                                  collaboration and citations  . . . . . . 121--141
               Yu-Wei Chang and   
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
                 Hsiao-Wen Yang   Analysis of coactivity in the field of
                                  fuel cells at institutional and
                                  individual levels  . . . . . . . . . . . 143--158
             Chengliang Liu and   
                   Qinchang Gui   Mapping intellectual structures and
                                  dynamics of transport geography
                                  research: a scientometric overview from
                                  1982 to 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159--184
               Arif Mehmood and   
              Gyu Sang Choi and   
    Otto F. von Feigenblatt and   
                   Han Woo Park   Proving ground for social network
                                  analysis in the emerging research area
                                  ``Internet of Things'' (IoT) . . . . . . 185--201
            Mehmet Ali Koseoglu   Mapping the institutional collaboration
                                  network of strategic management
                                  research: 1980--2014 . . . . . . . . . . 203--226
                Rongzhen Ma and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Comparison of environmental laws
                                  publications in \booktitleScience
                                  Citation Index Expanded and
                                  \booktitleSocial Science Index: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 227--239
     Joao Victor Rojas Luiz and   
              Daniel Jugend and   
Charbel José Chiappeta Jabbour and   
       Octaviano Rojas Luiz and   
     Fernando Bernardi de Souza   Ecodesign field of research throughout
                                  the world: mapping the territory by
                                  using an evolutionary lens . . . . . . . 241--259
Concepción Foronda-Robles and   
Luis Galindo-Pérez-de-Azpillaga   From initial dissemination to
                                  consolidated impact: the concept of
                                  crisis in the field of tourism . . . . . 261--281
            Jane M. Russell and   
Yoscelina Hernández-García and   
              Mina Kleiche-Dray   Collaboration dynamics of Mexican
                                  research in Chemistry and its
                                  relationship with communication patterns 283--316
                 Jacob Wood and   
               Woocheol Kim and   
               Gohar Feroz Khan   Work engagement in organizations: a
                                  social network analysis of the domain    317--336
                Hui-Zhen Fu and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Highly cited Antarctic articles using
                                  \booktitleScience Citation Index
                                  Expanded: a bibliometric analysis  . . . 337--357
                  Wei Zhang and   
                 Xiaolin Xu and   
              Chenghan Ming and   
                  Zijun Mao and   
                   Jing Shi and   
                   Yaqian Xiang   Surviving in the dispute: A bibliometric
                                  analysis of global GMF-related research,
                                  1995--2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359--375
            Gonzalo Lorenzo and   
Asunción Lledó and   
              Jorge Pomares and   
               Rosabel Roig and   
                   Pilar Arnaiz   Bibliometric indicators in the study of
                                  Asperger syndrome between 1990 and 2014  377--388
Ibrahim Abaker Targio Hashem and   
           Nor Badrul Anuar and   
              Abdullah Gani and   
               Ibrar Yaqoob and   
                   Feng Xia and   
               Samee Ullah Khan   MapReduce: Review and open challenges    389--422
               Antonio Cavacini   Recent trends in Middle Eastern
                                  scientific production  . . . . . . . . . 423--432
                Ugo Finardi and   
                 Andrea Buratti   Scientific collaboration framework of
                                  BRICS countries: an analysis of
                                  international coauthorship . . . . . . . 433--446
                Yunfei Wang and   
                 Siming Tan and   
                  Yanyan Ma and   
                   Xia Zhao and   
               Zhiling Wang and   
                Zhiyong Chu and   
                    Honghua Qin   Application of bibliometrics in analysis
                                  of output differences among countries
                                  under International Ocean Discovery
                                  Program  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447--462
               Star X. Zhao and   
                  Shuang Yu and   
               Alice M. Tan and   
                     Xin Xu and   
                      Haiyan Yu   Global pattern of science funding in
                                  economics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463--479
            Chong-Chen Wang and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Research trend of metal-organic
                                  frameworks: a bibliometric analysis  . . 481--513
        Alison M. J. Buchan and   
                Eva Jurczyk and   
              Ruth Isserlin and   
                  Gary D. Bader   Global neuroscience and mental health
                                  research: a bibliometrics case study . . 515--531
               Sameer Kumar and   
             Bernd Markscheffel   Bonded-communities in HantaVirus
                                  research: a research collaboration
                                  network (RCN) analysis . . . . . . . . . 533--550
          Ricardo Eito-Brun and   
María Ledesma Rodríguez   50 years of space research in Europe: a
                                  bibliometric profile of the European
                                  Space Agency (ESA) . . . . . . . . . . . 551--576
                  James C. Ryan   A validation of the individual annual
                                  $h$-index (hIa): application of the hIa
                                  to a qualitatively and quantitatively
                                  different sample . . . . . . . . . . . . 577--590
             Masoud Shakiba and   
               Azam Zavvari and   
           Nader Aleebrahim and   
              Mandeep Jit Singh   Evaluating the academic trend of RFID
                                  technology based on SCI and SSCI
                                  publications from 2001 to 2014 . . . . . 591--614

Volume 109, Number 2, November, 2016

                  Ross Gore and   
              Saikou Diallo and   
                   Jose Padilla   Classifying modeling and simulation as a
                                  scientific discipline  . . . . . . . . . 615--628
             Patrick Herron and   
              Aashish Mehta and   
                   Cong Cao and   
                 Timothy Lenoir   Research diversification and impact: the
                                  case of national nanoscience development 629--659
 Jorge Rodriguez Miramontes and   
        C. N. Gonzalez-Brambila   The effects of external collaboration on
                                  research output in engineering . . . . . 661--675
       Robert J. W. Tijssen and   
      Alfredo Yegros-Yegros and   
                 Jos J. Winnink   University-industry R&D linkage metrics:
                                  validity and applicability in world
                                  university rankings  . . . . . . . . . . 677--696
Alexandre Rodrigues de Oliveira and   
          Carlos Fernando Mello   Importance and susceptibility of
                                  scientific productivity indicators: two
                                  sides of the same coin . . . . . . . . . 697--722
Elisabeth Maria Schlagberger and   
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                   Johann Bauer   At what institutions did Nobel laureates
                                  do their prize-winning work? An analysis
                                  of biographical information on Nobel
                                  laureates from 1994 to 2014  . . . . . . 723--767
               Tamara Turko and   
          Gennady Bakhturin and   
               Vitaly Bagan and   
         Stanislav Poloskov and   
                   Dmitry Gudym   Influence of the program ``5-top 100''
                                  on the publication activity of Russian
                                  universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769--782
             Elisa Bellotti and   
             Luka Kronegger and   
                Luigi Guadalupi   The evolution of research collaboration
                                  within and across disciplines in Italian
                                  Academia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783--811
   Edmilson J. T. Manganote and   
            Peter A. Schulz and   
  Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz   Effect of high energy physics large
                                  collaborations on higher education
                                  institutions citations and rankings  . . 813--826
                   Hao Wang and   
               Hua-Wei Shen and   
                   Xue-Qi Cheng   Scientific credit diffusion: Researcher
                                  level or paper level?  . . . . . . . . . 827--837
                  Ruimin Ma and   
                      Erjia Yan   Uncovering inter-specialty knowledge
                                  communication using author citation
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839--854
      Claudia Tania Picinin and   
       Luiz Alberto Pilatti and   
 João Luiz Kovaleski and   
      Alexandre Reis Graeml and   
                  Bruno Pedroso   Comparison of performance of researchers
                                  recipients of CNPq productivity grants
                                  in the field of Brazilian production
                                  engineering  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855--870
                    John Hudson   An analysis of the titles of papers
                                  submitted to the UK REF in 2014:
                                  authors, disciplines, and stylistic
                                  details  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871--889
      Lina M. Cortés and   
Andrés Mora-Valencia and   
                  Javier Perote   The productivity of top researchers: a
                                  semi-nonparametric approach  . . . . . . 891--915
               Xianwen Wang and   
               Zhichao Fang and   
                   Xiaoling Sun   Usage patterns of scholarly articles on
                                  Web of Science: a study on Web of
                                  Science usage count  . . . . . . . . . . 917--926
   Heather Keathley-Herring and   
            Eileen Van Aken and   
     Fernando Gonzalez-Aleu and   
         Fernando Deschamps and   
               Geert Letens and   
       Pablo Cardenas Orlandini   Assessing the maturity of a research
                                  area: bibliometric review and proposed
                                  framework  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927--951
                Linqing Liu and   
                      Shiye Mei   Visualizing the GVC research: a
                                  co-occurrence network based bibliometric
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 953--977
               Tomaz Bartol and   
            Gordana Budimir and   
              Primoz Juznic and   
                  Karmen Stopar   Mapping and classification of
                                  agriculture in Web of Science: other
                                  subject categories and research fields
                                  may benefit  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979--996
        Cassidy R. Sugimoto and   
         Thomas J. Sugimoto and   
                Andrew Tsou and   
          Stasa Milojevi\'c and   
            Vincent Larivi\`ere   Age stratification and cohort effects in
                                  scholarly communication: a study of
                                  social sciences  . . . . . . . . . . . . 997--1016
               Han Woo Park and   
               Jungwon Yoon and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   The normalization of co-authorship
                                  networks in the bibliometric evaluation:
                                  the government stimulation programs of
                                  China and Korea  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017--1036
Juliana Loureiro Almeida Campos and   
        André Sobral and   
       Josivan Soares Silva and   
Thiago Antonio Sousa Araújo and   
Washington Soares Ferreira-Júnior and   
 Flávia Rosa Santoro and   
   Gilney Charll dos Santos and   
    Ulysses Paulino Albuquerque   Insularity and citation behavior of
                                  scientific articles in young fields: the
                                  case of ethnobiology . . . . . . . . . . 1037--1055
        Eli Rudinow Saetnan and   
         Richard Philip Kipling   Evaluating a European knowledge hub on
                                  climate change in agriculture: Are we
                                  building a better connected community?   1057--1074
 Aurelia Magdalena Pisoschi and   
      Claudia Gabriela Pisoschi   Is open access the solution to increase
                                  the impact of scientific journals? . . . 1075--1095
         Moritaka Hosotsubo and   
                   Ryuei Nishii   Relation between awarding of
                                  Grants-in-aid for scientific research
                                  and characteristics of applicants in
                                  Japanese universities  . . . . . . . . . 1097--1116
              Mojisola Erdt and   
           Aarthy Nagarajan and   
       Sei-Ching Joanna Sin and   
                 Yin-Leng Theng   Altmetrics: an analysis of the
                                  state-of-the-art in measuring research
                                  impact on social media . . . . . . . . . 1117--1166
              Mikael Laakso and   
                   Juho Lindman   Journal copyright restrictions and
                                  actual open access availability: a study
                                  of articles published in eight top
                                  information systems journals
                                  (2010--2014) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1167--1189
             Ulrich Schmoch and   
           Habib M. Fardoun and   
          Abdulfattah S. Mashat   Establishing a World--Class University
                                  in Saudi Arabia: intended and unintended
                                  effects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1191--1207
                  Ali Gazni and   
        Vincent Larivi\`ere and   
              Fereshteh Didegah   The effect of collaborators on
                                  institutions' scientific impact  . . . . 1209--1230
           Ibrahim Shehatta and   
                 Khalid Mahmood   Correlation among top 100 universities
                                  in the major six global rankings: policy
                                  implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1231--1254
  José Manuel Pastor and   
                Lorenzo Serrano   The determinants of the research output
                                  of universities: specialization, quality
                                  and inefficiencies . . . . . . . . . . . 1255--1281
Gregorio González-Alcaide and   
             Pedro Llorente and   
           José M. Ramos   Bibliometric indicators to identify
                                  emerging research fields: publications
                                  on mass gatherings . . . . . . . . . . . 1283--1298
           Kjetil K. Haugen and   
               Frode E. Sandnes   The new Norwegian incentive system for
                                  publication: from bad to worse . . . . . 1299--1306
      Christoph Emanuel Mueller   Accurate forecast of countries' research
                                  output by macro-level indicators . . . . 1307--1328
            Christopher Carroll   Measuring academic research impact:
                                  creating a citation profile using the
                                  conceptual framework for implementation
                                  fidelity as a case study . . . . . . . . 1329--1340
              Mike Thelwall and   
                  Kayvan Kousha   Are citations from clinical trials
                                  evidence of higher impact research? An
                                  analysis of \tt . . . 1341--1351
        José Luis Ortega   To be or not to be on Twitter, and its
                                  relationship with the tweeting and
                                  citation of research papers  . . . . . . 1353--1364
               Xianwen Wang and   
               Zhichao Fang and   
                     Xinhui Guo   Tracking the digital footprints to
                                  scholarly articles from social media . . 1365--1376
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   Authors and reviewers who suffer from
                                  confirmatory bias  . . . . . . . . . . . 1377--1395
                Werner Marx and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   Change of perspective: bibliometrics
                                  from the point of view of cited
                                  references --- a literature overview on
                                  approaches to the evaluation of cited
                                  references in bibliometrics  . . . . . . 1397--1415

Volume 109, Number 3, December, 2016

                Marc Bertin and   
            Iana Atanassova and   
        Cassidy R. Sugimoto and   
              Vincent Lariviere   The linguistic patterns and rhetorical
                                  structure of citation context: an
                                  approach using $n$-grams . . . . . . . . 1417--1434
            Daiji Kawaguchi and   
                Ayako Kondo and   
                    Keiji Saito   Researchers' career transitions over the
                                  life cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1435--1454
            Arthur Jing Lin and   
             Chien-Lung Hsu and   
                Chun-Hao Chiang   Bibliometric study of Electronic
                                  Commerce Research in Information Systems
                                  & MIS Journals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1455--1476
              Lutz Bornmann and   
           Robin Haunschild and   
                    Werner Marx   Policy documents as sources for
                                  measuring societal impact: how often is
                                  climate change research mentioned in
                                  policy-related documents?  . . . . . . . 1477--1495
           Saeideh Ebrahimy and   
               Jafar Mehrad and   
            Fatemeh Setareh and   
           Massoud Hosseinchari   Path analysis of the relationship
                                  between visibility and citation: the
                                  mediating roles of save, discussion, and
                                  recommendation metrics . . . . . . . . . 1497--1510
               Samreen Ayaz and   
          Muhammad Tanvir Afzal   Identification of conversion factor for
                                  completing-$h$ index for the field of
                                  mathematics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1511--1524
    Mehmet Ali Abdulhayoglu and   
                 Bart Thijs and   
                  Wouter Jeuris   Using character n-grams to match a list
                                  of publications to references in
                                  bibliographic databases  . . . . . . . . 1525--1546
             Youliang Huang and   
                 Qian Huang and   
                  Sajid Ali and   
                  Xing Zhai and   
                Xiaoming Bi and   
                    Renquan Liu   Rehabilitation using virtual reality
                                  technology: a bibliometric analysis,
                                  1996--2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1547--1559
            Mario Karlovcec and   
                Borut Luzar and   
               Dunja Mladeni\'c   Core-periphery dynamics in collaboration
                                  networks: the case study of Slovenia . . 1561--1578
         Ercilia de Stefano and   
Marcio Peixoto de Sequeira Santos and   
             Ronaldo Balassiano   Development of a software for metric
                                  studies of transportation engineering
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1579--1591
                Xuelian Pan and   
                  Erjia Yan and   
                      Weina Hua   Disciplinary differences of software use
                                  and impact in scientific literature  . . 1593--1610
             Simen G. Enger and   
             Fulvio Castellacci   Who gets Horizon 2020 research grants?
                                  Propensity to apply and probability to
                                  succeed in a two-step analysis . . . . . 1611--1638
    A. I. M. Jakaria Rahman and   
                   Raf Guns and   
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
               Tim C. E. Engels   Measuring the match between evaluators
                                  and evaluees: cognitive distances
                                  between panel members and research
                                  groups at the journal level  . . . . . . 1639--1663
Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo and   
          Valerio Cosentino and   
                    Jordi Cabot   Analysis of co-authorship graphs of
                                  CORE-ranked software conferences . . . . 1665--1693
          Miguel R. Guevara and   
           Dominik Hartmann and   
    Manuel Aristarán and   
            Marcelo Mendoza and   
        César A. Hidalgo   The research space: using career paths
                                  to predict the evolution of the research
                                  output of individuals, institutions, and
                                  nations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1695--1709
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
        Anastasiia Soldatenkova   The dispersion of the citation
                                  distribution of top scientists'
                                  publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1711--1724
                   Hao Wang and   
               Sanhong Deng and   
                     Xinning Su   A study on construction and analysis of
                                  discipline knowledge structure of
                                  Chinese LIS based on CSSCI . . . . . . . 1725--1759
                Keeheon Lee and   
               Hyojung Jung and   
                       Min Song   Subject-method topic network analysis in
                                  communication studies  . . . . . . . . . 1761--1787
           Sonia R. Zanotto and   
          Cristina Haeffner and   
      Jorge A. Guimarães   Unbalanced international collaboration
                                  affects adversely the usefulness of
                                  countries' scientific output as well as
                                  their technological and social impact    1789--1814
                Zhenbin Yan and   
                   Qiang Wu and   
                    Xingchen Li   Do Hirsch-type indices behave the same
                                  in assessing single publications? An
                                  empirical study of 29 bibliometric
                                  indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1815--1833
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
                 Chia-Pin Chang   A comparative study on three citation
                                  windows for detecting research fronts    1835--1853
                 Ronald Snijder   Revisiting an open access monograph
                                  experiment: measuring citations and
                                  tweets 5 years later . . . . . . . . . . 1855--1875
              Grant Lewison and   
               Sameer Kumar and   
             Chan-Yuan Wong and   
                 Philip Roe and   
                 Richard Webber   The contribution of ethnic groups to
                                  Malaysian scientific output, 1982--2014,
                                  and the effects of the new economic
                                  policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1877--1893
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   The effect of a country's name in the
                                  title of a publication on its visibility
                                  and citability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1895--1909
               Negin Salimi and   
                   Jafar Rezaei   Measuring efficiency of
                                  university-industry Ph.D. projects using
                                  best worst method  . . . . . . . . . . . 1911--1938
          Branco Ponomariov and   
                 Craig Boardman   What is co-authorship? . . . . . . . . . 1939--1963
                  Yutao Sun and   
               Belle Selene Xia   The scholarly communication of economic
                                  knowledge: a citation analysis of Google
                                  Scholar  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1965--1978
                  Liping Yu and   
                    Houqiang Yu   Does the average JIF percentile make a
                                  difference?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1979--1987
              Dong-Hui Yang and   
                     Xin Li and   
                Xiaoxia Sun and   
                        Jie Wan   Detecting impact factor manipulation
                                  with data mining techniques  . . . . . . 1989--2005
           Amalia Mas-Bleda and   
                  Mike Thelwall   Can alternative indicators overcome
                                  language biases in citation counts? A
                                  comparison of Spanish and UK research    2007--2030
          Bapan Kumar Maity and   
             Sudip Ranjan Hatua   Designing a model to evaluate scholarly
                                  publications with special reference to
                                  social sciences in India . . . . . . . . 2031--2048
               Andreas Thor and   
                Werner Marx and   
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   New features of CitedReferencesExplorer
                                  (CRExplorer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2049--2051
            Giovanni Abramo and   
        Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo   Refrain from adopting the combination of
                                  citation and journal metrics to grade
                                  publications, as used in the Italian
                                  national research assessment exercise
                                  (VQR 2011--2014) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2053--2065
                 B. Pritychenko   Evolving landscape of low-energy nuclear
                                  physics publications . . . . . . . . . . 2067--2076
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
           Jordan A. Comins and   
          Aaron A. Sorensen and   
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                  Iina Hellsten   Cited references and Medical Subject
                                  Headings (MeSH) as two different
                                  knowledge representations: clustering
                                  and mappings at the paper level  . . . . 2077--2091
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
               Francesco Rosati   The north--south divide in the Italian
                                  higher education system  . . . . . . . . 2093--2117
              James Hartley and   
              Guillaume Cabanac   Are two authors better than one? Can
                                  writing in pairs affect the readability
                                  of academic blogs? . . . . . . . . . . . 2119--2122
              James Hartley and   
                 John Cowan and   
             Cynthia Deeson and   
                   Peter Thomas   Book reviews in time . . . . . . . . . . 2123--2128
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
               Paul Wouters and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   Professional and citizen bibliometrics:
                                  complementarities and ambivalences in
                                  the development and use of indicators
                                  --- a state-of-the-art report  . . . . . 2129--2150
                  Romina Rodela   On the use of databases about research
                                  performance: comments on Karlovcec and
                                  Mladeni\'c (2015) and others using the
                                  SICRIS database  . . . . . . . . . . . . 2151--2157
                      Anonymous   Research organizations under scrutiny
                                  new indicators and analytical results    2159--2159
           Benedetto Lepori and   
              Sybille Hinze and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Special issue: papers from the 20th
                                  International Conference on Science and
                                  Technology Indicators  . . . . . . . . . 2161--2164
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                 Bart Thijs and   
                   Pei-Shan Chi   The challenges to expand bibliometric
                                  studies from periodical literature to
                                  monographic literature with a new data
                                  source: the book citation index  . . . . 2165--2179
       Robert J. W. Tijssen and   
                    Jos Winnink   Twenty-first century macro-trends in the
                                  institutional fabric of science:
                                  bibliometric monitoring and analysis . . 2181--2194
                   Valeria Aman   How collaboration impacts citation flows
                                  within the German science system . . . . 2195--2216
         Torger Möller and   
             Marion Schmidt and   
              Stefan Hornbostel   Assessing the effects of the German
                                  Excellence Initiative with bibliometric
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2217--2239
              Jonas Lindahl and   
                 Rickard Danell   The information value of early career
                                  productivity in mathematics: a ROC
                                  analysis of prediction errors in
                                  bibliometricly informed decision making  2241--2262
        Fredrik Niclas Piro and   
               Gunnar Sivertsen   How can differences in international
                                  university rankings be explained?  . . . 2263--2278
           Benedetto Lepori and   
               Michael Wise and   
            Diana Ingenhoff and   
              Alexander Buhmann   The dynamics of university units as a
                                  multi-level process. Credibility cycles
                                  and resource dependencies  . . . . . . . 2279--2301
                Nobuya Fukugawa   Knowledge creation and dissemination by
                                  Kosetsushi in sectoral innovation
                                  systems: insights from patent data . . . 2303--2327
                  James Hartley   Erratum to: Is time up for the Flesch
                                  measure of reading ease? . . . . . . . . 2329--2329

Volume 110, Number 1, January, 2017

               Jessie S. Barrot   Research impact and productivity of
                                  Southeast Asian countries in language
                                  and linguistics  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--15
                Zhifeng Yin and   
                      Qiang Zhi   Dancing with the academic elite: a
                                  promotion or hindrance of research
                                  production?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17--41
             Mikko Packalen and   
               Jay Bhattacharya   Neophilia ranking of scientific journals 43--64
          Mei Hsiu-Ching Ho and   
                John S. Liu and   
               Kerr C.-T. Chang   To include or not: the role of review
                                  papers in citation-based analysis  . . . 65--76
Elio Atenógenes Villaseñor and   
    Ricardo Arencibia-Jorge and   
       Humberto Carrillo-Calvet   Multiparametric characterization of
                                  scientometric performance profiles
                                  assisted by neural networks: a study of
                                  Mexican higher education institutions    77--104
                 Qiu-Ju Lyu and   
              Qiang-Hong Pu and   
                      Jin Zhang   Bibliometric analysis of scientific
                                  publications in endocrinology and
                                  metabolism from China, Japan, and South
                                  Korea  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105--112
                  Feifei Wu and   
                   Ruiyu Li and   
              Lucheng Huang and   
                  Hong Miao and   
                         Xin Li   Theme evolution analysis of
                                  electrochemical energy storage research
                                  based on CitNetExplorer  . . . . . . . . 113--139
             JingJing Zhang and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   Scientific relatedness and intellectual
                                  base: a citation analysis of un-cited
                                  and highly-cited papers in the solar
                                  energy field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--162
           Péter Vinkler   The size and impact of the elite set of
                                  publications in scientometric
                                  assessments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163--177
             Christoph Bartneck   Reviewers' scores do not predict impact:
                                  bibliometric analysis of the proceedings
                                  of the human--robot interaction
                                  conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179--194
              Milos Savi\'c and   
         Mirjana Ivanovi\'c and   
           Bojana Dimi\'c Surla   Analysis of intra-institutional research
                                  collaboration: a case of a Serbian
                                  faculty of sciences  . . . . . . . . . . 195--216
          Andrea Bonaccorsi and   
             Tindaro Cicero and   
              Peter Haddawy and   
                Saeed-Ul Hassan   Explaining the transatlantic gap in
                                  research excellence  . . . . . . . . . . 217--241
              Babak Sohrabi and   
                   Hamideh Iraj   The effect of keyword repetition in
                                  abstract and keyword frequency per
                                  journal in predicting citation counts    243--251
             Dinesh Pradhan and   
        Partha Sarathi Paul and   
            Umesh Maheswari and   
              Subrata Nandi and   
             Tanmoy Chakraborty   $ C^3 $-index: a PageRank based
                                  multi-faceted metric for authors'
                                  performance measurement  . . . . . . . . 253--273
Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa and   
    Milene Selbach Silveira and   
              Isabela Gasparini   What publications metadata tell us about
                                  the evolution of a scientific community:
                                  the case of the Brazilian
                                  human--computer interaction conference
                                  series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275--300
                Yuh-Shan Ho and   
                  James Hartley   Sleeping beauties in psychology  . . . . 301--305
                  Mike Thelwall   Avoiding obscure topics and generalising
                                  findings produces higher impact research 307--320
            David Hsiehchen and   
         Magdalena Espinoza and   
                   Antony Hsieh   Disease burden and the advancement of
                                  biomedical knowledge . . . . . . . . . . 321--333
                Werner Marx and   
           Robin Haunschild and   
               Andreas Thor and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   Which early works are cited most
                                  frequently in climate change research
                                  literature? A bibliometric approach
                                  based on Reference Publication Year
                                  Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335--353
                 Weishu Liu and   
                Yishan Ding and   
                      Mengdi Gu   Book reviews in academic journals:
                                  patterns and dynamics  . . . . . . . . . 355--364
 Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and   
       Helmar Bornemann-Cimenti   Why do some retracted papers continue to
                                  be cited?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365--370
           Anne-Wil Harzing and   
                 Satu Alakangas   Microsoft Academic: is the phoenix
                                  getting wings? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371--383
                      Anonymous   Simulating the processes of science,
                                  technology, and innovation . . . . . . . 385--385
           Katy Börner and   
              Bruce Edmonds and   
          Stasa Milojevi\'c and   
             Andrea Scharnhorst   Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387--390
                Petra Ahrweiler   Agent-based simulation for science,
                                  technology, and innovation policy  . . . 391--415
         Sabine Brunswicker and   
           Sorin Adam Matei and   
            Michael Zentner and   
               Lynn Zentner and   
                Gerhard Klimeck   Creating impact in the digital space:
                                  digital practice dependency in
                                  communities of digital scientific
                                  innovations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417--442
               Jeff Alstott and   
            Giorgio Triulzi and   
                  Bowen Yan and   
                     Jianxi Luo   Mapping technology space by normalizing
                                  patent networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 443--479
              David Chavalarias   What's wrong with Science?: Modeling the
                                  collective discovery processes with the
                                  Nobel game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481--503
               Rogier De Langhe   Towards the discovery of scientific
                                  revolutions in scientometric data  . . . 505--519
               Johan Bollen and   
             David Crandall and   
                Damion Junk and   
                  Ying Ding and   
               Katy Börner   An efficient system to fund science:
                                  from proposal review to peer-to-peer
                                  distributions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521--528

Volume 110, Number 2, February, 2017

   João M. Fernandes and   
             Miguel P. Monteiro   Evolution in the number of authors of
                                  computer science publications  . . . . . 529--539
      Aurora A. C. Teixeira and   
         Pedro Cosme Vieira and   
      Ana Patrícia Abreu   Sleeping Beauties and their princes in
                                  innovation studies . . . . . . . . . . . 541--580
                   Mehdi Rhaiem   Measurement and determinants of academic
                                  research efficiency: a systematic review
                                  of the evidence  . . . . . . . . . . . . 581--615
Jorge Mañana Rodríguez   Disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity
                                  in citation and reference dimensions:
                                  knowledge importation and exportation
                                  taxonomy of journals . . . . . . . . . . 617--642
          Thalita Laua Reis and   
Maria Augusta Siqueira Mathias and   
        Otavio Jose de Oliveira   Maturity models: identifying the
                                  state-of-the-art and the scientific gaps
                                  from a bibliometric study  . . . . . . . 643--672
                  Maki Kato and   
                      Asao Ando   National ties of international
                                  scientific collaboration and researcher
                                  mobility found in \booktitleNature and
                                  \booktitleScience  . . . . . . . . . . . 673--694
    Francisco Collazo-Reyes and   
   Maria Elena Luna-Morales and   
            Evelia Luna-Morales   Change in the publishing regime in Latin
                                  America: from a local to universal
                                  journal, \booktitleArchivos de
                                  investigación Médica/Archives of Medical
                                  Research (1970--2014)  . . . . . . . . . 695--709
          Hiran H. Lathabai and   
          Thara Prabhakaran and   
                  Manoj Changat   Contextual productivity assessment of
                                  authors and journals: a network
                                  scientometric approach . . . . . . . . . 711--737
            Domingo Docampo and   
                  Lawrence Cram   Academic performance and institutional
                                  resources: a cross-country analysis of
                                  research universities  . . . . . . . . . 739--764
               Peter Wittek and   
Sándor Darányi and   
                 Gustaf Nelhans   Ruling out static latent homophily in
                                  citation networks  . . . . . . . . . . . 765--777
                 Zhigang Hu and   
                 Fangqi Guo and   
                     Haiyan Hou   Mapping research spotlights for
                                  different regions in China . . . . . . . 779--790
             Andrej Kastrin and   
             Jelena Klisara and   
                Borut Luzar and   
                     Janez Povh   Analysis of Slovenian research community
                                  through bibliographic networks . . . . . 791--813
            Mohammad Rabiei and   
Seyyed-Mahdi Hosseini-Motlagh and   
              Abdorrahman Haeri   Using text mining techniques for
                                  identifying research gaps and
                                  priorities: a case study of the
                                  environmental science in Iran  . . . . . 815--842
                  Ali Najmi and   
            Taha H. Rashidi and   
             Alireza Abbasi and   
               S. Travis Waller   Reviewing the transport domain: an
                                  evolutionary bibliometrics and network
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843--865
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
        Anastasiia Soldatenkova   How long do top scientists maintain
                                  their stardom? An analysis by region,
                                  gender and discipline: evidence from
                                  Italy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867--877
            Jurriën Bakker   The log--linear relation between patent
                                  citations and patent value . . . . . . . 879--892
                    Jie Zhu and   
                    Weijian Hua   Visualizing the knowledge domain of
                                  sustainable development research between
                                  1987 and 2015: a bibliometric analysis   893--914
                   Rey-Long Liu   A new bibliographic coupling measure
                                  with descriptive capability  . . . . . . 915--935
              Lutz Bornmann and   
               Robin Haunschild   Does evaluative scientometrics lose its
                                  main focus on scientific quality by the
                                  new orientation towards societal impact? 937--943
       Bruno V. L. Siqueira and   
            Bruno E. Soares and   
      Danilo R. de Oliveira and   
     Cássia M. Sakuragui   The regionalization of medicalized
                                  vernacular names of medicinal plants in
                                  Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 945--966
                   Henk F. Moed   A critical comparative analysis of five
                                  world university rankings  . . . . . . . 967--990
     Antonio Fernandez-Cano and   
Inés M. Fernández-Guerrero   A multivariate model for evaluating
                                  emergency medicine journals  . . . . . . 991--1003
                Xuemei Wang and   
                     Mingguo Ma   The luminous intensity of regional
                                  `night-light' output can predict the
                                  growing volume of published scientific
                                  research by `luminaries' in developing
                                  countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005--1010
                  Nannan Yi and   
          Nicolas Standaert and   
              Benoit Nemery and   
                  Kris Dierickx   Research integrity in China: precautions
                                  when searching the Chinese literature    1011--1016
              Rongying Zhao and   
                    Mingkun Wei   Impact evaluation of open source
                                  software: an Altmetrics perspective  . . 1017--1033
             Tuan V. Nguyen and   
              Thao P. Ho-Le and   
                       Ut V. Le   International collaboration in
                                  scientific research in Vietnam: an
                                  analysis of patterns and impact  . . . . 1035--1051
                 Xiaojun Hu and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Nobel Prize winners 2016: Igniting or
                                  sparking foundational publications?  . . 1053--1063
                Yuh-Shan Ho and   
                  James Hartley   Highly cited publications in World War
                                  II: a bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . 1065--1075
              Lutz Bornmann and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Applying the CSS method to bibliometric
                                  indicators used in (university) rankings 1077--1079
                  James Hartley   Authors and their citations: a point of
                                  view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081--1084

Volume 110, Number 3, March, 2017

                 Gangan Prathap   A three-dimensional bibliometric
                                  evaluation of recent research in India   1085--1097
       Frederick Owusu-Nimo and   
                 Nelius Boshoff   Research collaboration in Ghana:
                                  patterns, motives and roles  . . . . . . 1099--1121
         Anthony F. J. van Raan   Sleeping beauties cited in patents: Is
                                  there also a dormitory of inventions?    1123--1156
   Lucas Oliveira Rodrigues and   
Marcos Martins Gouvêa and   
Flávia Ferreira de Carvalho Marques and   
  Samanta Cardozo Mourão   Overview of the scientific production in
                                  the Pharmacy area in Brazil: profile and
                                  productivity of researchers granted with
                                  fellowships by the National Council for
                                  Scientific and Technological Development 1157--1171
       Janaína Gomes and   
                   Homero Dewes   Disciplinary dimensions and social
                                  relevance in the scientific
                                  communications on biofuels . . . . . . . 1173--1189
   Guillermo Armando Ronda-Pupo   The effect of document types and sizes
                                  on the scaling relationship between
                                  citations and co-authorship patterns in
                                  management journals  . . . . . . . . . . 1191--1207
           Robin Haunschild and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   How many scientific papers are mentioned
                                  in policy-related documents? An
                                  empirical investigation using Web of
                                  Science and Altmetric data . . . . . . . 1209--1216
          Alexander I. Terekhov   Bibliometric spectroscopy of Russia's
                                  nanotechnology: 2000--2014 . . . . . . . 1217--1242
           Isabel Diez-Vial and   
        Angeles Montoro-Sanchez   Research evolution in science parks and
                                  incubators: foundations and new trends   1243--1272
                 Siluo Yang and   
            Dietmar Wolfram and   
                    Feifei Wang   The relationship between the author
                                  byline and contribution lists: a
                                  comparison of three general medical
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1273--1296
        Ali Sina Önder and   
              Sascha Schweitzer   Catching up or falling behind? Promising
                                  changes and persistent patterns across
                                  cohorts of economics PhDs in
                                  German-speaking countries from 1991 to
                                  2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1297--1331
                     Xin Gu and   
                Karen Blackmore   Characterisation of academic journals in
                                  the digital age  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1333--1350
                 Yifan Qian and   
                 Wenge Rong and   
                  Nan Jiang and   
                   Jie Tang and   
                    Zhang Xiong   Citation regression analysis of computer
                                  science publications in different
                                  ranking categories and subfields . . . . 1351--1374
              Tapasree Basu and   
                Ajoy Mallik and   
           Nripendranath Mandal   Evolving importance of anticancer
                                  research using herbal medicine: a
                                  scientometric analysis . . . . . . . . . 1375--1396
                Michal Krawczyk   Are all researchers male? Gender
                                  misattributions in citations . . . . . . 1397--1402
           Hsiang-chi Tseng and   
             Wei-neng Huang and   
                 Ding-wei Huang   Modified Benford's law for two-exponent
                                  distributions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1403--1413
          Yoshi-aki Shimada and   
           Naotoshi Tsukada and   
                     Jun Suzuki   Promoting diversity in science in Japan
                                  through mission-oriented research grants 1415--1435
                    Jianhua Hou   Exploration into the evolution and
                                  historical roots of citation analysis by
                                  referenced publication year spectroscopy 1437--1452
          Christophe Boudry and   
             Ghislaine Chartron   Availability of Digital Object
                                  Identifiers in publications archived by
                                  PubMed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1453--1469
          Jennifer A. Byrne and   
             Cyril Labbé   Striking similarities between
                                  publications from China describing
                                  single gene knockdown experiments in
                                  human cancer cell lines  . . . . . . . . 1471--1493
           Jordan A. Comins and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   Citation algorithms for identifying
                                  research milestones driving biomedical
                                  innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1495--1504
    Francisco Collazo-Reyes and   
María Elena Luna-Morales and   
            Jane M. Russell and   
Miguel Ángel Pérez-Angón   Emergence of modern scientific discourse
                                  in the American continent: knowledge
                                  claims in the discovery of
                                  Erythronium/Vanadium in Mexico
                                  (1802--1832) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1505--1521
       Muhammad Salman Khan and   
                Muhammad Younas   Analyzing readers behavior in
                                  downloading articles from IEEE Digital
                                  Library: a study of two selected
                                  journals in the field of education . . . 1523--1537
            Marcel Dunaiski and   
          Gillian J. Greene and   
                  Bernd Fischer   Exploratory search of academic
                                  publication and citation data using
                                  interactive tag cloud visualizations . . 1539--1571
           Matthias Gnewuch and   
                 Klaus Wohlrabe   Title characteristics and citations in
                                  economics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1573--1578
             Angelito Calma and   
                  Martin Davies   Geographies of influence: a citation
                                  network analysis of Higher Education
                                  1972--2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1579--1599
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
              Lutz Bornmann and   
             Caroline S. Wagner   Generating clustered journal maps: an
                                  automated system for hierarchical
                                  classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1601--1614
                  Yawen Zou and   
          Manfred D. Laubichler   Measuring the contributions of Chinese
                                  scholars to the research field of
                                  systems biology from 2005 to 2013  . . . 1615--1631
         Caroline S. Wagner and   
         Travis A. Whetsell and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   Growth of international collaboration in
                                  science: revisiting six specialties  . . 1633--1652
 Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and   
        Judit Dobránszki   Highly cited retracted papers  . . . . . 1653--1661

Volume 111, Number 1, April, 2017

                      Anonymous   Obituary: Eugene Garfield (1925--2017)   1--1
               Xuefeng Wang and   
                Pingping Ma and   
                 Ying Huang and   
                Junfang Guo and   
                Donghua Zhu and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
                    Zhinan Wang   Combining SAO semantic analysis and
                                  morphology analysis to identify
                                  technology opportunities . . . . . . . . 3--24
            Hung-Chun Huang and   
               Hsin-Yu Shih and   
                   Tsung-Han Ke   Structure of a patent transaction
                                  network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25--45
                 Jeeeun Kim and   
                    Sungjoo Lee   Forecasting and identifying
                                  multi-technology convergence based on
                                  patent data: the case of IT and BT
                                  industries in 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . 47--65
               Jungkyu Park and   
              Eunnyeong Heo and   
                    Dongjun Lee   Effective R&D investment planning based
                                  on technology spillovers: the case of
                                  Korea  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67--82
     Iciar Dominguez Lacasa and   
          Alexander Giebler and   
              Slavo Radosevi\'c   Technological capabilities in Central
                                  and Eastern Europe: an analysis based on
                                  priority patents . . . . . . . . . . . . 83--102
              Lothar Walter and   
             Alfred Radauer and   
              Martin G. Moehrle   The beauty of brimstone butterfly:
                                  novelty of patents identified by near
                                  environment analysis based on text
                                  mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--115
                    Xia Fan and   
                 Wenjie Liu and   
                    Guilong Zhu   Scientific linkage and technological
                                  innovation capabilities: international
                                  comparisons of patenting in the solar
                                  energy industry  . . . . . . . . . . . . 117--138
          Amy J. C. Trappey and   
         Charles V. Trappey and   
              Curry L. S. Chung   IP portfolios and evolution of
                                  biomedical additive manufacturing
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139--157
                 Yutaka Niidome   The relation of patent description and
                                  examination with validity: an empirical
                                  study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159--183
                 Ying Huang and   
                Donghua Zhu and   
                   Yue Qian and   
                   Yi Zhang and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
                  Yuqin Liu and   
                       Ying Guo   A hybrid method to trace technology
                                  evolution pathways: a case study of $3$D
                                  printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185--204
                    Zhao Qu and   
             Shanshan Zhang and   
                   Chunbo Zhang   Patent research in the field of library
                                  and information science: Less useful or
                                  difficult to explore?  . . . . . . . . . 205--217
            Brett Buttliere and   
              Jürgen Buder   Personalizing papers using Altmetrics:
                                  comparing paper `Quality' or `Impact' to
                                  person `Intelligence' or `Personality'   219--239
      Pedro Albarrán and   
            Raquel Carrasco and   
           Javier Ruiz-Castillo   Geographic mobility and research
                                  productivity in a selection of top world
                                  economics departments  . . . . . . . . . 241--265
                    Houqiang Yu   Context of altmetrics data matters: an
                                  investigation of count type and user
                                  category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267--283
           Hanna Hottenrott and   
                Cornelia Lawson   A first look at multiple institutional
                                  affiliations: a study of authors in
                                  Germany, Japan and the UK  . . . . . . . 285--295
                 Hanlin You and   
                 Mengjun Li and   
             Keith W. Hipel and   
                Jiang Jiang and   
                Bingfeng Ge and   
                     Hante Duan   Development trend forecasting for
                                  coherent light generator technology
                                  based on patent citation network
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297--315
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   Do interdisciplinary research teams
                                  deliver higher gains to science? . . . . 317--336
        Antoine Archambault and   
           Philippe Mongeon and   
            Vincent Larivi\`ere   On the effects of the reunification on
                                  German researchers' publication patterns 337--347
              Xuan Zhen Liu and   
                       Hui Fang   What we can learn from tweets linking to
                                  research papers  . . . . . . . . . . . . 349--369
                Sven E. Hug and   
            Michael Ochsner and   
         Martin P. Brändle   Citation analysis with Microsoft
                                  Academic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371--378
        Radhamany Sooryamoorthy   Do types of collaboration change
                                  citation? A scientometric analysis of
                                  social science publications in South
                                  Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379--400
    Therese Kennelly Okraku and   
             Raffaele Vacca and   
            James W. Jawitz and   
            Christopher McCarty   Identity and publication in
                                  non-university settings: academic
                                  co-authorship and collaboration  . . . . 401--416
          Emanuel Kulczycki and   
                 Ewa A. Rozkosz   Does an expert-based evaluation allow us
                                  to go beyond the Impact Factor?
                                  Experiences from building a ranking of
                                  national journals in Poland  . . . . . . 417--442
             Hyoungjoo Park and   
                Dietmar Wolfram   An examination of research data sharing
                                  and re-use: implications for data
                                  citation practice  . . . . . . . . . . . 443--461
     Gustavo Cattelan Nobre and   
                 Elaine Tavares   Scientific literature analysis on big
                                  data and Internet of Things applications
                                  on circular economy: a bibliometric
                                  study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463--492
                        Ning Li   Evolutionary patterns of national
                                  disciplinary profiles in research:
                                  1996--2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493--520
                  Dejian Yu and   
                 Wanru Wang and   
                Shuai Zhang and   
                Wenyu Zhang and   
                     Rongyu Liu   A multiple-link, mutually reinforced
                                  journal-ranking model to measure the
                                  prestige of journals . . . . . . . . . . 521--542
              Lutz Bornmann and   
               Johann Bauer and   
   Elisabeth Maria Schlagberger   Characteristics of highly cited
                                  researchers 2015 in Germany  . . . . . . 543--545
     Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva   Nested self-citation: the citation of a
                                  paper's least divisible unit . . . . . . 547--552
 Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and   
              Aamir Raoof Memon   CiteScore: A cite for sore eyes, or a
                                  valuable, transparent metric?  . . . . . 553--556

Volume 111, Number 2, May, 2017

                      Yimei Zhu   Who support open access publishing?
                                  Gender, discipline, seniority and other
                                  factors associated with academics' OA
                                  practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557--579
            W. W. Koczkodaj and   
             T. Kakiashvili and   
             A. Szyma\'nska and   
           J. Montero-Marin and   
                   R. Araya and   
          J. Garcia-Campayo and   
               K. Rutkowski and   
                    D. Strzalka   How to reduce the number of rating scale
                                  items without predictability loss? . . . 581--593
                   Wonchang Hur   The patterns of knowledge spillovers
                                  across technology sectors evidenced in
                                  patent citation networks . . . . . . . . 595--619
               Guijie Zhang and   
                   Guang Yu and   
               Yuqiang Feng and   
                 Luning Liu and   
                   Zhenhua Yang   Improving the publication delay model to
                                  characterize the patent granting process 621--637
                   Chul Lee and   
                 Gunno Park and   
              Klaus Marhold and   
                      Jina Kang   Top management team's innovation-related
                                  characteristics and the firm's
                                  explorative R&D: an analysis based on
                                  patent data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639--663
                Inchae Park and   
                Yujin Jeong and   
                   Byungun Yoon   Analyzing the value of technology based
                                  on the differences of patent citations
                                  between applicants and examiners . . . . 665--691
                 Hanlin You and   
                 Mengjun Li and   
                Jiang Jiang and   
                Bingfeng Ge and   
                  Xueting Zhang   Evolution monitoring for innovation
                                  sources using patent cluster analysis    693--715
               Sanghoon Lee and   
                    Wonjoon Kim   The knowledge network dynamics in a
                                  mobile ecosystem: a patent citation
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717--742
         Florian Kreuchauff and   
              Vladimir Korzinov   A patent search strategy based on
                                  machine learning for the emerging field
                                  of service robotics  . . . . . . . . . . 743--772
                 Hai-Yun Xu and   
               Zeng-Hui Yue and   
                  Chao Wang and   
                   Kun Dong and   
             Hong-Shen Pang and   
                  Zhengbiao Han   Multi-source data fusion study in
                                  scientometrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773--792
Antoine Dechezleprêtre and   
      Yann Méni\`ere and   
                    Myra Mohnen   International patent families: from
                                  application strategies to statistical
                                  indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793--828
                 Bart Thijs and   
         Koenraad Debackere and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Improved author profiling through the
                                  use of citation classes  . . . . . . . . 829--839
             Chan-Yuan Wong and   
                  Hon-Ngen Fung   Science-technology-industry correlative
                                  indicators for policy targeting on
                                  emerging technologies: exploring the
                                  core competencies and promising
                                  industries of aspirant economies . . . . 841--867
                 Xuerong Li and   
                   Han Qiao and   
                  Shouyang Wang   Exploring evolution and emerging trends
                                  in business model study: a co-citation
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869--887
                   Yibo Lyu and   
               Quanshan Liu and   
                 Binyuan He and   
                    Jingfei Nie   Structural embeddedness and innovation
                                  diffusion: the moderating role of
                                  industrial technology grouping . . . . . 889--916
               Hochull Choe and   
                    Duk Hee Lee   The structure and change of the research
                                  collaboration network in Korea
                                  (2000--2011): network analysis of joint
                                  patents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917--939
               Sercan Ozcan and   
                   Nazrul Islam   Patent information retrieval:
                                  approaching a method and analysing
                                  nanotechnology patent collaborations . . 941--970
           Kevin M. Kallmes and   
           Waleed Brinjikji and   
             Ahmed T. Ahmed and   
               David F. Kallmes   Difficulty in finding manuscript
                                  reviewers is not associated with
                                  manuscript acceptance rates: a study of
                                  the peer-review process at the journal
                                  \booktitleRadiology  . . . . . . . . . . 971--978
                      Anonymous   Same data-different results? Towards a
                                  comparative approach to the
                                  identification of thematic structures in
                                  science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979--979
         Jochen Gläser and   
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
             Andrea Scharnhorst   Same data-different results? Towards a
                                  comparative approach to the
                                  identification of thematic structures in
                                  science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981--998
                Kevin W. Boyack   Investigating the effect of global data
                                  on topic detection . . . . . . . . . . . 999--1015
              Shenghui Wang and   
                    Rob Koopman   Clustering articles based on semantic
                                  similarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017--1031
             Theresa Velden and   
                 Shiyan Yan and   
                    Carl Lagoze   Mapping the cognitive structure of
                                  astrophysics by infomap clustering of
                                  the citation network and topic affinity
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1033--1051
           Nees Jan van Eck and   
                   Ludo Waltman   Citation-based clustering of
                                  publications using CitNetExplorer and
                                  VOSviewer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1053--1070
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                     Bart Thijs   Using hybrid methods and `core
                                  documents' for the representation of
                                  clusters and topics: the astronomy
                                  dataset  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071--1087
             Frank Havemann and   
         Jochen Gläser and   
                  Michael Heinz   Memetic search for overlapping topics
                                  based on a local evaluation of link
                                  communities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1089--1118
                Rob Koopman and   
              Shenghui Wang and   
             Andrea Scharnhorst   Contextualization of topics: browsing
                                  through the universe of bibliographic
                                  information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1119--1139
                Kevin W. Boyack   Thesaurus-based methods for mapping
                                  contents of publication sets . . . . . . 1141--1155
                Rob Koopman and   
                  Shenghui Wang   Mutual information based labelling and
                                  comparing clusters . . . . . . . . . . . 1157--1167
             Theresa Velden and   
            Kevin W. Boyack and   
         Jochen Gläser and   
                Rob Koopman and   
         Andrea Scharnhorst and   
                  Shenghui Wang   Comparison of topic extraction
                                  approaches and their results . . . . . . 1169--1221
               Kevin Boyack and   
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
         Jochen Gläser and   
             Frank Havemann and   
         Andrea Scharnhorst and   
                 Bart Thijs and   
           Nees Jan van Eck and   
             Theresa Velden and   
                  Ludo Waltmann   Topic identification challenge . . . . . 1223--1224

Volume 111, Number 3, June, 2017

           Kevin M. Kniffin and   
                Andrew S. Hanks   Antecedents and near-term consequences
                                  for interdisciplinary dissertators . . . 1225--1250
          Sheng-qiang Jiang and   
                  An-na Shi and   
              Zhi-hang Peng and   
                         Xin Li   Major factors affecting cross-city R&D
                                  collaborations in China: evidence from
                                  cross-sectional co-patent data between
                                  224 cities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1251--1266
               Hui-Yun Sung and   
                Hsi-Yin Yeh and   
               Jin-Kwan Lin and   
                   Ssu-Han Chen   A visualization tool of patent topic
                                  evolution using a growing cell structure
                                  neural network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1267--1285
               Guijie Zhang and   
               Yuqiang Feng and   
                   Guang Yu and   
                 Luning Liu and   
                    Yanqiqi Hao   Analyzing the time delay between
                                  scientific research and technology
                                  patents based on the citation
                                  distribution model . . . . . . . . . . . 1287--1306
    Fabian Meyer-Brötz and   
             Edgar Schiebel and   
                     Leo Brecht   Experimental evaluation of parameter
                                  settings in calculation of hybrid
                                  similarities: effects of first- and
                                  second-order similarity, edge cutting,
                                  and weighting factors  . . . . . . . . . 1307--1325
              Kuei-Kuei Lai and   
               Chien-Yu Lin and   
              Yu-Hsin Chang and   
            Ming-Chung Yang and   
                 Wen-Goang Yang   A structured approach to explore
                                  technological competencies through R&D
                                  portfolio of photovoltaic companies by
                                  patent statistics  . . . . . . . . . . . 1327--1351
          Davit Khachatryan and   
             Brigitte Muehlmann   Determinants of successful patent
                                  applications to combat financial fraud   1353--1383
               Nuha Zamzami and   
           Andrea Schiffauerova   The impact of individual collaborative
                                  activities on knowledge creation and
                                  transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1385--1413
     Lucio Bertoli-Barsotti and   
                  Tommaso Lando   A theoretical model of the relationship
                                  between the $h$-index and other simple
                                  citation indicators  . . . . . . . . . . 1415--1448
               Fengchao Liu and   
                   Na Zhang and   
                       Cong Cao   An evolutionary process of global
                                  nanotechnology collaboration: a social
                                  network analysis of patents at USPTO . . 1449--1465
 Mark-Christoph Müller and   
              Florian Reitz and   
                    Nicolas Roy   Data sets for author name
                                  disambiguation: an empirical analysis
                                  and a new resource . . . . . . . . . . . 1467--1500
                   Fang Liu and   
               Wei-dong Zhu and   
               Yu-wang Chen and   
               Dong-ling Xu and   
                   Jian-bo Yang   Evaluation, ranking and selection of R&D
                                  projects by multiple experts: an
                                  evidential reasoning rule based approach 1501--1519
                   Jia Feng and   
              Yun Qiu Zhang and   
                      Hao Zhang   Improving the co-word analysis method
                                  based on semantic distance . . . . . . . 1521--1531
              Liwen Vaughan and   
                  Juan Tang and   
                   Rongbin Yang   Investigating disciplinary differences
                                  in the relationships between citations
                                  and downloads  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1533--1545
           T. Edison Carter and   
            Thomas E. Smith and   
               Philip J. Osteen   Gender comparisons of social work
                                  faculty using H-Index scores . . . . . . 1547--1557
                  Lin Zhang and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   A citation-based cross-disciplinary
                                  study on literature ageing: part II ---
                                  diachronous aspects  . . . . . . . . . . 1559--1572
                  Lin Zhang and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   A citation-based cross-disciplinary
                                  study on literature aging: part I ---
                                  the synchronous approach . . . . . . . . 1573--1589
         Renato Matos Lopes and   
Daniel José Garcia dos Santos de Faria and   
Antonio Augusto Fidalgo-Neto and   
             Fabio Batista Mota   Facebook in educational research: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 1591--1621
              Qian-Ru Zhang and   
                     Yue Li and   
                Jia-Shu Liu and   
                Yi-Dan Chen and   
                     Li-He Chai   A dynamic co-word network-related
                                  approach on the evolution of China's
                                  urbanization research  . . . . . . . . . 1623--1642
          Ana Luiza-Andrade and   
Luciano Fogaça de Assis Montag and   
                   Leandro Juen   Functional diversity in studies of
                                  aquatic macroinvertebrates community . . 1643--1656
                Jane Payumo and   
             Taurean Sutton and   
                Derek Brown and   
              Dan Nordquist and   
                 Marc Evans and   
                Danna Moore and   
                    Prema Arasu   Input-output analysis of international
                                  research collaborations: a case study of
                                  five U.S. universities . . . . . . . . . 1657--1671
      Frederik T. Verleysen and   
        Truyken L. B. Ossenblok   Profiles of monograph authors in the
                                  social sciences and humanities: an
                                  analysis of productivity, career stage,
                                  co-authorship, disciplinary affiliation
                                  and gender, based on a regional
                                  bibliographic database . . . . . . . . . 1673--1686
             Wai Ching Poon and   
               Gareth D. Leeves   Is there gender gap unequivocally?
                                  Evidence from research output 1958--2008 1687--1701
    Marcelo Werneck Barbosa and   
     Marcelo Bronzo Ladeira and   
    Alberto de la Calle Vicente   An analysis of international
                                  coauthorship networks in the supply
                                  chain analytics research area  . . . . . 1703--1731
          Julia H. Chariker and   
               Yihang Zhang and   
               John R. Pani and   
                Eric C. Rouchka   Identification of successful mentoring
                                  communities using network-based analysis
                                  of mentor--mentee relationships across
                                  Nobel laureates  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1733--1749
           Antonia Gogoglou and   
       Antonis Sidiropoulos and   
         Dimitrios Katsaros and   
            Yannis Manolopoulos   The fractal dimension of a citation
                                  curve: quantifying an individual's
                                  scientific output using the geometry of
                                  the entire curve . . . . . . . . . . . . 1751--1774
       Daniel Fonseca Costa and   
Francisval de Melo Carvalho and   
Bruno César de Melo Moreira and   
    José Willer do Prado   Bibliometric analysis on the association
                                  between behavioral finance and decision
                                  making with cognitive biases such as
                                  overconfidence, anchoring effect and
                                  confirmation bias  . . . . . . . . . . . 1775--1799
        Ramiro H. Gálvez   Assessing author self-citation as a
                                  mechanism of relevant knowledge
                                  diffusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1801--1812
             Martin Grancay and   
          Jolita Vveinhardt and   
                   Erika Sumilo   Publish or perish: how Central and
                                  Eastern European economists have dealt
                                  with the ever-increasing academic
                                  publishing requirements 2000-2015  . . . 1813--1837
                Mengjiao Qi and   
                    An Zeng and   
                 Menghui Li and   
                   Ying Fan and   
                      Zengru Di   Standing on the shoulders of giants: the
                                  effect of outstanding scientists on
                                  young collaborators' careers . . . . . . 1839--1850
                  Martin Ricker   Letter to the Editor: About the quality
                                  and impact of scientific articles  . . . 1851--1855
              Lutz Bornmann and   
               Robin Haunschild   Quality and impact considerations in
                                  bibliometrics: a reply to Ricker (in
                                  press) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1857--1859
                  Helmut A. Abt   Citations and author numbers in six
                                  sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1861--1867
                  Lutz Bornmann   Confidence intervals for Journal Impact
                                  Factors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1869--1871
                   Yi Zhang and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
               Denise Chiavetta   Scientometrics for Tech Mining . . . . . 1875--1878
                 Hongqi Han and   
              Changqing Yao and   
                    Yuan Fu and   
               Yongsheng Yu and   
             Yunliang Zhang and   
                        Shuo Xu   Semantic fingerprints-based author name
                                  disambiguation in Chinese documents  . . 1879--1896
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
              Sarah Heeffer and   
                     Bart Thijs   Lexical analysis of scientific
                                  publications for nano-level
                                  scientometrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1897--1906
     Jose M. Vicente-Gomila and   
                 Anna Palli and   
  Begoña de la Calle and   
          Miguel A. Artacho and   
                   Sara Jimenez   Discovering shifts in competitive
                                  strategies in probiotics, accelerated
                                  with TechMining  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1907--1923
                   Yi Zhang and   
                   Yue Qian and   
                 Ying Huang and   
                   Ying Guo and   
            Guangquan Zhang and   
                         Jie Lu   An entropy-based indicator system for
                                  measuring the potential of patents in
                                  technological innovation: rejecting
                                  moderation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1925--1946
          Konstantin Fursov and   
                 Alina Kadyrova   How the analysis of transitionary
                                  references in knowledge networks and
                                  their centrality characteristics helps
                                  in understanding the genesis of growing
                                  technology areas . . . . . . . . . . . . 1947--1963
    Mehmet Ali Abdulhayoglu and   
                     Bart Thijs   Use of ResearchGate and Google CSE for
                                  author name disambiguation . . . . . . . 1965--1985
           Gaizka Garechana and   
     Rosa Río-Belver and   
     Iñaki Bildosola and   
Marisela Rodríguez Salvador   Effects of innovation management system
                                  standardization on firms: evidence from
                                  text mining annual reports . . . . . . . 1987--1999
         Ricardo B. Sampaio and   
        Bruna P. F. Fonseca and   
            Ashwin Bahulkar and   
          Boleslaw K. Szymanski   Network analysis to support public
                                  health: evolution of collaboration among
                                  leishmaniasis researchers  . . . . . . . 2001--2021
               Xuefeng Wang and   
                Zhinan Wang and   
                 Ying Huang and   
                   Yun Chen and   
                   Yi Zhang and   
                Huichao Ren and   
                Rongrong Li and   
                    Jinhui Pang   Measuring interdisciplinarity of a
                                  research system: detecting distinction
                                  between publication categories and
                                  citation categories  . . . . . . . . . . 2023--2039
                 Ying Huang and   
                Donghua Zhu and   
                      Qi Lv and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
     Douglas K. R. Robinson and   
                   Xuefeng Wang   Early insights on the Emerging Sources
                                  Citation Index (ESCI): an overlay
                                  map-based bibliometric study . . . . . . 2041--2057
              Pavel Bakhtin and   
              Ozcan Saritas and   
           Alexander Chulok and   
              Ilya Kuzminov and   
                 Anton Timofeev   Trend monitoring for linking science and
                                  strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2059--2075
          Stephen F. Carley and   
             Nils C. Newman and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
                  Jon G. Garner   A measure of staying power: Is the
                                  persistence of emergent concepts more
                                  significantly influenced by technical
                                  domain or scale? . . . . . . . . . . . . 2077--2087

Volume 112, Number 1, July, 2017

Alcione Lino de Araújo and   
Bethânia Ávila Rodrigues and   
    Leomara Battisti Telles and   
Mônica Cristine S. Vaz and   
Juliana Vitória M. Bittencourt   A bibliometric analysis of the Scielo
                                  database: a Brazilian portfolio of the
                                  solidarity economy . . . . . . . . . . . 1--20
                Patrick Georges   Western classical music development: a
                                  statistical analysis of composers
                                  similarity, differentiation and
                                  evolution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21--53
                Jianping Li and   
                Yongjia Xie and   
               Dengsheng Wu and   
                  Yuanping Chen   Underestimating or overestimating the
                                  distribution inequality of research
                                  funding? The influence of funding
                                  sources and subdivision  . . . . . . . . 55--74
                Sichao Tong and   
                    Per Ahlgren   Evolution of three Nobel Prize themes
                                  and a Nobel snub theme in chemistry: a
                                  bibliometric study with focus on
                                  international collaboration  . . . . . . 75--90
                  Jiming Hu and   
                      Yin Zhang   Discovering the interdisciplinary nature
                                  of Big Data research through social
                                  network analysis and visualization . . . 91--109
              Nazmus Saquib and   
   Mohammed Saddik Zaghloul and   
         AbdulRahman Mazrou and   
                 Juliann Saquib   Cardiovascular disease research in Saudi
                                  Arabia: a bibliometric analysis  . . . . 111--140
   Guillermo Armando Ronda-Pupo   The citation-based impact of complex
                                  innovation systems scales with the size
                                  of the system  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--151
              Hajdeja Iglic and   
            Patrick Doreian and   
             Luka Kronegger and   
                Anuska Ferligoj   With whom do researchers collaborate and
                                  why? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153--174
                 Kairui Zuo and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   Measuring the R&D efficiency of regions
                                  by a parallel DEA game model . . . . . . 175--194
                   Negin Salimi   Quality assessment of scientific outputs
                                  using the BWM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195--213
              Manuel Acosta and   
            Daniel Coronado and   
    Esther Ferrándiz and   
     M. Dolores León and   
                Pedro J. Moreno   The geography of university scientific
                                  production in Europe: an exploration in
                                  the field of Food Science and Technology 215--240
                Hamid R. Jamali   Copyright compliance and infringement in
                                  ResearchGate full-text journal articles  241--254
         Alberto Gherardini and   
              Alberto Nucciotti   Yesterday's giants and invisible
                                  colleges of today. A study on the
                                  `knowledge transfer' scientific domain   255--271
                    Shino Iwami   Study on the destination of research via
                                  knowledge flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . 273--288
   Manuel Portugal Ferreira and   
               Nuno R. Reis and   
           Roberta M. Paula and   
            Claudia Frias Pinto   Structural and longitudinal analysis of
                                  the knowledge base on spin-off research  289--313
      Stepán Jurajda and   
          Stanislav Kozubek and   
         Daniel Münich and   
                   Samuel Skoda   Scientific publication performance in
                                  post-communist countries: still lagging
                                  far behind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315--328
                   Wei Wang and   
                    Shuo Yu and   
     Teshome Megersa Bekele and   
              Xiangjie Kong and   
                       Feng Xia   Scientific collaboration patterns vary
                                  with scholars' academic ages . . . . . . 329--343
               Julia Vainio and   
                   Kim Holmberg   Highly tweeted science articles: who
                                  tweets them? An analysis of Twitter user
                                  profile descriptions . . . . . . . . . . 345--366
                 Omar Mubin and   
         Abdullah Al Mahmud and   
                   Muneeb Ahmad   HCI down under: reflecting on a decade
                                  of the OzCHI conference  . . . . . . . . 367--382
               Leihan Zhang and   
                      Ke Xu and   
                   Jichang Zhao   Sleeping beauties in meme diffusion  . . 383--402
               Pei-Shan Chi and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   An empirical investigation of the
                                  associations among usage, scientific
                                  collaboration and citation impact  . . . 403--412
                 Shesen Guo and   
                  Ganzhou Zhang   Analyzing concept complexity, knowledge
                                  ageing and diffusion pattern of MOOC . . 413--430
         Martin S. Andersen and   
             Jeremy W. Bray and   
                 Albert N. Link   On the failure of scientific research:
                                  an analysis of SBIR projects funded by
                                  the U.S. National Institutes of Health   431--442
       Enrique Orduna-Malea and   
Alberto Martín-Martín and   
              Mike Thelwall and   
Emilio Delgado López-Cózar   Do ResearchGate Scores create ghost
                                  academic reputations?  . . . . . . . . . 443--460
             Elham Erfanian and   
          Amir B. Ferreira Neto   Scientific output: labor or capital
                                  intensive? An analysis for selected
                                  countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461--482
                  Zheng Xie and   
                Zonglin Xie and   
                    Miao Li and   
                Jianping Li and   
                     Dongyun Yi   Modeling the coevolution between
                                  citations and coauthorship of scientific
                                  papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483--507
              Mike Thelwall and   
              Kayvan Kousha and   
                 Mahshid Abdoli   Is medical research informing
                                  professional practice more highly cited?
                                  Evidence from AHFS DI Essentials in \tt
                          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509--527
         Cristina Fernandes and   
    João J. Ferreira and   
     Mário L. Raposo and   
    Cristina Estevão and   
          Marta Peris-Ortiz and   
          Carlos Rueda-Armengot   The dynamic capabilities perspective of
                                  strategic management: a co-citation
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529--555
     Iñaki Bildosola and   
             Pilar Gonzalez and   
                      Paz Moral   An approach for modelling and
                                  forecasting research activity related to
                                  an emerging technology . . . . . . . . . 557--572
          Kuku Joseph Aduku and   
              Mike Thelwall and   
                  Kayvan Kousha   Do Mendeley reader counts reflect the
                                  scholarly impact of conference papers?
                                  An investigation of computer science and
                                  engineering  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573--581
             Hongguang Dong and   
                 Menghui Li and   
                     Ru Liu and   
               Chensheng Wu and   
                     Jinshan Wu   Allometric scaling in scientific fields  583--594
                   Peng Bao and   
                Chengxiang Zhai   Dynamic credit allocation in scientific
                                  literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595--606
          Andrea Bonaccorsi and   
              Cinzia Daraio and   
            Stefano Fantoni and   
                Viola Folli and   
             Marco Leonetti and   
               Giancarlo Ruocco   Do social sciences and humanities behave
                                  like life and hard sciences? . . . . . . 607--653
              James Hartley and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   The decline and fall of book reviews in
                                  psychology: a bibliometric analysis  . . 655--657
               Anand Bihari and   
              Sudhakar Tripathi   EM-index: a new measure to evaluate the
                                  scientific impact of scientists  . . . . 659--677
               Osmo Kivinen and   
                Juha Hedman and   
                  Kalle Artukka   Scientific publishing and global
                                  university rankings. How well are top
                                  publishing universities recognized?  . . 679--695
             Jaroslav Fiala and   
       Jirí J. Mares and   
         Jaroslav Sesták   Reflections on how to evaluate the
                                  professional value of scientific papers
                                  and their corresponding citations  . . . 697--709

Volume 112, Number 2, August, 2017

                  Shu-Hao Chang   The evolutionary growth estimation model
                                  of international cooperative patent
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711--729
          Christopher W. Belter   A relevance ranking method for
                                  citation-based search results  . . . . . 731--746
      Janaína Gomide and   
                 Hugo Kling and   
              Daniel Figueiredo   Name usage pattern in the synonym
                                  ambiguity problem in bibliographic data  747--766
               Mi Kyung Lee and   
              Ho Young Yoon and   
                 Marc Smith and   
               Hye Jin Park and   
                   Han Woo Park   Mapping a Twitter scholarly
                                  communication network: a case of the
                                  association of Internet researchers'
                                  conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767--797
            Lukas D. Filser and   
Fábio Francisco da Silva and   
Otávio José de Oliveira   State of research and future research
                                  tendencies in lean healthcare: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 799--816
          Laurie Ciaramella and   
   Catalina Martínez and   
          Yann Méni\`ere   Tracking patent transfers in different
                                  European countries: methods and a first
                                  application to medical technologies  . . 817--850
                    Jin Mao and   
                  Yujie Cao and   
                     Kun Lu and   
                        Gang Li   Topic scientific community in science: a
                                  combined perspective of scientific
                                  collaboration and topics . . . . . . . . 851--875
Pablo Dorta-González and   
Sara M. González-Betancor and   
María Isabel Dorta-González   Reconsidering the gold open access
                                  citation advantage postulate in a
                                  multidisciplinary context: an analysis
                                  of the subject categories in the Web of
                                  Science database 2009--2014  . . . . . . 877--901
             Charlotte Wien and   
            Bertil F. Dorch and   
      Asger Væring Larsen   Contradicting incentives for research
                                  collaboration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903--915
                Isabelle Dorsch   Relative visibility of authors'
                                  publications in different information
                                  services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917--925
                    Chao Lu and   
                  Ying Ding and   
                 Chengzhi Zhang   Understanding the impact change of a
                                  highly cited article: a content-based
                                  citation analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . 927--945
        José Luis Ortega   Are peer-review activities related to
                                  reviewer bibliometric performance? A
                                  scientometric analysis of Publons  . . . 947--962
              Vahid Garousi and   
       João M. Fernandes   Quantity versus impact of software
                                  engineering papers: a quantitative study 963--1006
                 Naomi Fukuzawa   Characteristics of papers published in
                                  journals: an analysis of open access
                                  journals, country of publication, and
                                  languages used . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007--1023
                    Yixi Li and   
                  Yuan Wang and   
                    Xue Rui and   
                   Yaxiu Li and   
                    Yang Li and   
               Huanzhi Wang and   
                   Jian Zuo and   
                   Yindong Tong   Sources of atmospheric pollution: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 1025--1045
          Matthias Potthoff and   
              Fabian Zimmermann   Is there a gender-based fragmentation of
                                  communication science? An investigation
                                  of the reasons for the apparent gender
                                  homophily in citations . . . . . . . . . 1047--1063
              James Hartley and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Who woke the sleeping beauties in
                                  psychology?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065--1068
Francisco González Sala and   
           Julia Osca Lluch and   
      Francisco Tortosa Gil and   
María Peñaranda Ortega   Characteristics of monographic special
                                  issues in Ibero--American psychology
                                  journals: visibility and relevance for
                                  authors and publishers . . . . . . . . . 1069--1077
                Werner Marx and   
           Robin Haunschild and   
              Bernie French and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   Slow reception and under-citedness in
                                  climate change research: A case study of
                                  Charles David Keeling, discoverer of the
                                  risk of global warming . . . . . . . . . 1079--1092
     Therese Söderlund and   
                    Guy Madison   Objectivity and realms of explanation in
                                  academic journal articles concerning
                                  sex/gender: a comparison of Gender
                                  studies and the other social sciences    1093--1109
               John Mingers and   
                   Martin Meyer   Normalizing Google Scholar data for use
                                  in research evaluation . . . . . . . . . 1111--1121
               John Mingers and   
                   Martin Meyer   Erratum to: Normalizing Google Scholar
                                  data for use in research evaluation  . . 1123--1124
              Mike Thelwall and   
                  Kayvan Kousha   ResearchGate versus Google Scholar:
                                  Which finds more early citations?  . . . 1125--1131
                 Gangan Prathap   Letter to the editor: Comments on the
                                  paper of Lucio Bertoli-Barsotti and
                                  Tommaso Lando: A theoretical model of
                                  the relationship between the $h$-index
                                  and other simple citation indicators . . 1133--1136
         Lucio Bertoli-Barsotti   Reply to the comments of Prathap . . . . 1137--1140
         András Schubert   Science dynamics: from production to
                                  evaluation --- two recent books  . . . . 1141--1145

Volume 112, Number 3, September, 2017

          Andrea Bonaccorsi and   
                   Luca Secondi   The determinants of research performance
                                  in European universities: a large scale
                                  multilevel analysis  . . . . . . . . . . 1147--1178
                Olga Popova and   
             Dmitry Romanov and   
          Alexander Drozdov and   
         Alexander Gerashchenko   Citation-based criteria of the
                                  significance of the research activity of
                                  scientific teams . . . . . . . . . . . . 1179--1202
              Bo Kyeong Lee and   
                  So Young Sohn   Exploring the effect of dual use on the
                                  value of military technology patents
                                  based on the renewal decision  . . . . . 1203--1227
                  Chao Yang and   
                Donghua Zhu and   
               Xuefeng Wang and   
                   Yi Zhang and   
            Guangquan Zhang and   
                         Jie Lu   Requirement-oriented core technological
                                  components' identification based on SAO
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1229--1248
                    Ming Li and   
             Xiangdong Chen and   
                   Gupeng Zhang   How does firm size affect technology
                                  licensing? Empirical evidence from China 1249--1269
              Joaquin Chapa and   
                Zeeshan Haq and   
                   Adam S. Cifu   Comparative analysis of the factors
                                  associated with citation and media
                                  coverage of clinical research  . . . . . 1271--1283
Guillermo Armando Ronda-Pupo and   
                 J. Sylvan Katz   The scaling relationship between degree
                                  centrality of countries and their
                                  citation-based performance on Management
                                  Information Systems  . . . . . . . . . . 1285--1299
                  Jun Zhang and   
              Zhaolong Ning and   
                Xiaomei Bai and   
              Xiangjie Kong and   
               Jinmeng Zhou and   
                       Feng Xia   Exploring time factors in measuring the
                                  scientific impact of scholars  . . . . . 1301--1321
Enrique Arbeláez-Cortés and   
Andrés R. Acosta-Galvis and   
       Carlos DoNascimiento and   
        Diana Espitia-Reina and   
Arturo González-Alvarado and   
              Claudia A. Medina   Knowledge linked to museum specimen
                                  vouchers: measuring scientific
                                  production from a major biological
                                  collection in Colombia . . . . . . . . . 1323--1341
            R. Lopez-Olmedo and   
         R. Marmolejo-Leyva and   
          M. A. Perez-Angon and   
        L. L. Villa-Vazquez and   
                  E. Zayago-Lau   The role of public policies in the
                                  decentralization process of Mexican
                                  science and the formation of new
                                  researchers in institutions outside the
                                  Mexico City area . . . . . . . . . . . . 1343--1366
            Wynne E. Norton and   
             Alina Lungeanu and   
          David A. Chambers and   
              Noshir Contractor   Mapping the growing discipline of
                                  dissemination and implementation science
                                  in health  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1367--1390
                  Diana Tal and   
                 Avishag Gordon   Publication attributes of leadership:
                                  what do they mean? . . . . . . . . . . . 1391--1402
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   Specialization versus diversification in
                                  research activities: the extent,
                                  intensity and relatedness of field
                                  diversification by individual scientists 1403--1418
           Serhat Burmaoglu and   
              Ozcan Saritas and   
         Levent Bekir Kidak and   
              Ipek Camuz Berber   Evolution of connected health: a network
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1419--1438
             Philip Shapira and   
              Seokbeom Kwon and   
                     Jan Youtie   Tracking the emergence of synthetic
                                  biology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1439--1469
Antonio Eleazar Serrano-López and   
            Peter Ingwersen and   
              Elias Sanz-Casado   Wind power research in Wikipedia: Does
                                  Wikipedia demonstrate direct influence
                                  of research publications and can it be
                                  used as adequate source in research
                                  evaluation?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1471--1488
                     Wei Du and   
                Xusen Cheng and   
                  Chen Yang and   
               Jianshan Sun and   
                        Jian Ma   Establishing interoperability among
                                  knowledge organization systems for
                                  research management: a social network
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1489--1506
        Carlos G. Figuerola and   
Francisco Javier García Marco and   
             María Pinto   Mapping the evolution of library and
                                  information science (1978--2014) using
                                  topic modeling on LISA . . . . . . . . . 1507--1535
                Paul Kudlow and   
          Matthew Cockerill and   
         Danielle Toccalino and   
       Devin Bissky Dziadyk and   
              Alan Rutledge and   
               Aviv Shachak and   
          Roger S. McIntyre and   
             Arun Ravindran and   
              Gunther Eysenbach   Online distribution channel increases
                                  article usage on Mendeley: a randomized
                                  controlled trial . . . . . . . . . . . . 1537--1556
              Mingyang Wang and   
                     Shi Li and   
                Guangsheng Chen   Detecting latent referential articles
                                  based on their vitality performance in
                                  the latest 2 years . . . . . . . . . . . 1557--1571
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
        Dieter Franz Kogler and   
                      Bowen Yan   Mapping patent classifications:
                                  portfolio and statistical analysis, and
                                  the comparison of strengths and
                                  weaknesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1573--1591
           Jessica Petersen and   
              Fabian Hattke and   
                     Rick Vogel   Editorial governance and journal impact:
                                  a study of management and business
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1593--1614
Francisco Javier Ramos-Pardo and   
Pablo Sánchez-Antolín   Production of educational theory
                                  doctoral theses in Spain (2001--2015)    1615--1630
                 Katja Rost and   
          Thorsten Teichert and   
                Alan Pilkington   Social network analytics for advanced
                                  bibliometrics: referring to actor roles
                                  of management journals instead of
                                  journal rankings . . . . . . . . . . . . 1631--1657
             Maxim Kotsemir and   
                Sergey Shashnov   Measuring, analysis and visualization of
                                  research capacity of university at the
                                  level of departments and staff members   1659--1689
Alfonso Ávila-Robinson and   
               Shintaro Sengoku   Tracing the knowledge-building dynamics
                                  in new stem cell technologies through
                                  techno-scientific networks . . . . . . . 1691--1720
         András Schubert   Power positions in cardiology
                                  publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1721--1743
        Ferenc Jankó and   
   Judit Papp Vancsó and   
          Norbert Móricz   Is climate change controversy good for
                                  science? IPCC and contrarian reports in
                                  the light of bibliometrics . . . . . . . 1745--1759
                Yufeng Duan and   
                   Zequan Xiong   Download patterns of journal papers and
                                  their influencing factors  . . . . . . . 1761--1775
              Rongying Zhao and   
                    Mingkun Wei   Academic impact evaluation of Wechat in
                                  view of social media perspective . . . . 1777--1791
Belén Álvarez-Bornstein and   
           Fernanda Morillo and   
           María Bordons   Funding acknowledgments in the Web of
                                  Science: completeness and accuracy of
                                  collected data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1793--1812
           Salil Gunashekar and   
             Steven Wooding and   
                  Susan Guthrie   How do NIHR peer review panels use
                                  bibliometric information to support
                                  their decisions? . . . . . . . . . . . . 1813--1835
     Franklin G. Mixon, Jr. and   
              Benno Torgler and   
             Kamal P. Upadhyaya   Scholarly impact and the timing of major
                                  awards in economics  . . . . . . . . . . 1837--1852
     Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva   Does China need to rethink its metrics-
                                  and citation-based research rewards
                                  policies?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1853--1857
              Lutz Bornmann and   
             Klaus Wohlrabe and   
           Felix de Moya Anegon   Calculating the excellence shift: How
                                  efficiently do institutions produce
                                  highly cited papers? . . . . . . . . . . 1859--1864
             Robert Tomaszewski   Citations to chemical resources in
                                  scholarly articles: \booktitleCRC
                                  Handbook of Chemistry and Physics and
                                  \booktitleThe Merck Index  . . . . . . . 1865--1879
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   Problems with open participation in peer
                                  review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1881--1885
           Anne-Wil Harzing and   
                 Satu Alakangas   Microsoft Academic is one year old: the
                                  Phoenix is ready to leave the nest . . . 1887--1894

Volume 113, Number 1, October, 2017

              Byunghoon Kim and   
           Gianluca Gazzola and   
              Jaekyung Yang and   
                Jae-Min Lee and   
            Byoung-Youl Coh and   
             Myong K. Jeong and   
               Young-Seon Jeong   Two-phase edge outlier detection method
                                  for technology opportunity discovery . . 1--16
              Jia-Yen Huang and   
                    Hung-Tu Hsu   Technology-function matrix based network
                                  analysis of cloud computing  . . . . . . 17--44
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   STRATEGY: a tool for the formulation of
                                  peer-review strategies . . . . . . . . . 45--60
               Jungwon Yoon and   
        Joshua SungWoo Yang and   
                   Han Woo Park   Quintuple helix structure of
                                  Sino--Korean research collaboration in
                                  science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61--81
                 Timo Tohmo and   
              Jutta Viinikainen   Does intersectoral labour mobility pay
                                  for academics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83--103
         Ekaterina L. Dyachenko   Internal migration of scientists in
                                  Russia and the USA: the case of
                                  physicists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105--122
               Jesus Palomo and   
   Cristina Figueroa-Domecq and   
                   Pilar Laguna   Women, peace and security state-of-art:
                                  a bibliometric analysis in social
                                  sciences based on SCOPUS database  . . . 123--148
         Malik Khizar Hayat and   
                       Ali Daud   Anomaly detection in heterogeneous
                                  bibliographic information networks using
                                  co-evolution pattern mining  . . . . . . 149--175
                   Wei Wang and   
                Xiaomei Bai and   
                   Feng Xia and   
     Teshome Megersa Bekele and   
                 Xiaoyan Su and   
                      Amr Tolba   From triadic closure to conference
                                  closure: the role of academic
                                  conferences in promoting scientific
                                  collaborations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177--193
 Carlos Olmeda-Gómez and   
Maria-Antonia Ovalle-Perandones and   
Antonio Perianes-Rodríguez   Co-word analysis and thematic landscapes
                                  in Spanish information science
                                  literature, 1985--2014 . . . . . . . . . 195--217
                    Paul Donner   Document type assignment accuracy in the
                                  journal citation index data of Web of
                                  Science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219--236
         Thiago H. P. Silva and   
      Alberto H. F. Laender and   
     Clodoveu A. Davis, Jr. and   
   Ana Paula Couto da Silva and   
                Mirella M. Moro   A profile analysis of the top Brazilian
                                  Computer Science graduate programs . . . 237--255
                  Ben Zhang and   
                  Xiaohong Wang   Empirical study on influence of
                                  university--industry collaboration on
                                  research performance and moderating
                                  effect of social capital: evidence from
                                  engineering academics in China . . . . . 257--277
                Jungpyo Lee and   
                  So Young Sohn   What makes the first forward citation of
                                  a patent occur earlier?  . . . . . . . . 279--298
                   Gad Yair and   
                Nofar Gueta and   
              Nitza Davidovitch   The law of limited excellence:
                                  publication productivity of Israel Prize
                                  laureates in the life and exact sciences 299--311
         Yurij L. Katchanov and   
               Yulia V. Markova   The ``space of physics journals'':
                                  topological structure and the Journal
                                  Impact Factor  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313--333
            Kavitha Karunan and   
          Hiran H. Lathabai and   
              Thara Prabhakaran   Discovering interdisciplinary
                                  interactions between two research fields
                                  using citation networks  . . . . . . . . 335--367
              Xiangjie Kong and   
              Huizhen Jiang and   
                   Wei Wang and   
     Teshome Megersa Bekele and   
                Zhenzhen Xu and   
                      Meng Wang   Exploring dynamic research interest and
                                  academic influence for scientific
                                  collaborator recommendation  . . . . . . 369--385
           Sotaro Shibayama and   
               Yoshie Kobayashi   Impact of Ph.D. training: a
                                  comprehensive analysis based on a
                                  Japanese national doctoral survey  . . . 387--415
              Anton Oleinik and   
  Svetlana Kirdina-Chandler and   
               Irina Popova and   
              Tatyana Shatalova   On academic reading: citation patterns
                                  and beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417--435
                 Jan Youtie and   
             Stephen Carley and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
                 Philip Shapira   Tracking researchers and their outputs:
                                  new insights from ORCIDs . . . . . . . . 437--453
             Aida Pooladian and   
           Ángel Borrego   Methodological issues in measuring
                                  citations in Wikipedia: a case study in
                                  Library and Information Science  . . . . 455--464
                 Charles W. Fox   Difficulty of recruiting reviewers
                                  predicts review scores and editorial
                                  decisions at six journals of ecology and
                                  evolution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465--477
           Marion Maisonobe and   
           Michel Grossetti and   
     Béatrice Milard and   
       Laurent Jégou and   
                   Denis Eckert   The global geography of scientific
                                  visibility: a deconcentration process
                                  (1999--2011) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479--493
                   Qiang Wu and   
                     Peng Zhang   Some indices violating the basic
                                  domination relation  . . . . . . . . . . 495--500
         Flaminio Squazzoni and   
               Elise Brezis and   
                  Ana Marusi\'c   Scientometrics of peer review  . . . . . 501--502
          Vladimir Batagelj and   
            Anuska Ferligoj and   
             Flaminio Squazzoni   The emergence of a field: a network
                                  analysis of research on peer review  . . 503--532
          Niccol\`o Casnici and   
         Francisco Grimaldo and   
              Nigel Gilbert and   
           Pierpaolo Dondio and   
             Flaminio Squazzoni   Assessing peer review by gauging the
                                  fate of rejected manuscripts: the case
                                  of the Journal of Artificial Societies
                                  and Social Simulation  . . . . . . . . . 533--546
             Judit Bar-Ilan and   
                    Gali Halevi   Post retraction citations in context: a
                                  case study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547--565
               Marco Seeber and   
              Alberto Bacchelli   Does single blind peer review hinder
                                  newcomers? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567--585
               Simone Righi and   
    Károly Takács   The miracle of peer review and
                                  development in science: an agent-based
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587--607
          Emre Sarigöl and   
               David Garcia and   
              Ingo Scholtes and   
               Frank Schweitzer   Quantifying the effect of editor--author
                                  relations on manuscript handling times   609--631
             Janine Huisman and   
                   Jeroen Smits   Duration and quality of the peer review
                                  process: the author's perspective  . . . 633--650
            Michail Kovanis and   
          Ludovic Trinquart and   
            Philippe Ravaud and   
           Raphaël Porcher   Evaluating alternative systems of peer
                                  review: a large-scale agent-based
                                  modelling approach to scientific
                                  publication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651--671

Volume 113, Number 2, November, 2017

              Giacomo Marzi and   
             Marina Dabi\'c and   
                Tugrul Daim and   
                   Edwin Garces   Product and process innovation in
                                  manufacturing firms: a 30-year
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 673--704
             Ming-yueh Tsay and   
                   Chia-ning Li   Bibliometric analysis of the journal
                                  literature on women's studies  . . . . . 705--734
                    John Hudson   Identifying economics' place amongst
                                  academic disciplines: a science or a
                                  social science?  . . . . . . . . . . . . 735--750
               E. Decullier and   
             H. Maisonneuve and   
                   J. N. Besson   Publication in 6 rehabilitation
                                  professions: a five-year
                                  professional-based bibliometric overview 751--764
                  Lili Wang and   
               Xianwen Wang and   
             Niels J. Philipsen   Network structure of scientific
                                  collaborations between China and the EU
                                  member states  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765--781
                Yoonjung An and   
                 Mintak Han and   
                   Yongtae Park   Identifying dynamic knowledge flow
                                  patterns of business method patents with
                                  a hidden Markov model  . . . . . . . . . 783--802
         Marjolaine Gautret and   
            Stefano Messori and   
        André Jestin and   
               Marina Bagni and   
                   Alain Boissy   Development of a semi-automatic
                                  bibliometric system for publications on
                                  animal health and welfare: a
                                  methodological study . . . . . . . . . . 803--823
        Marcello D'Agostino and   
        Valentino Dardanoni and   
         Roberto Ghiselli Ricci   How to standardize (if you must) . . . . 825--843
                  Jie Zheng and   
                Jianya Gong and   
                     Rui Li and   
                     Kai Hu and   
                   Huayi Wu and   
                     Siluo Yang   Community evolution analysis based on
                                  co-author network: a case study of
                                  academic communities of the journal of
                                  ``\booktitleAnnals of the Association of
                                  American Geographers'' . . . . . . . . . 845--865
  Oriana Rainho Brás and   
      Jean-Philippe Cointet and   
          Alberto Cambrosio and   
               Leonor David and   
João Arriscado Nunes and   
      Fátima Cardoso and   
         Carmen Jerónimo   Oncology research in late twentieth
                                  century and turn of the century
                                  Portugal: a scientometric approach to
                                  its institutional and semantic
                                  dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867--888
 Konstantinos Chatzimichael and   
     Pantelis Kalaitzidakis and   
           Vangelis Tzouvelekas   Measuring the publishing productivity of
                                  economics departments in Europe  . . . . 889--908
        Marlene K. Kirchner and   
        Lubor Kostál and   
        Boris Bilcík and   
             Christoph Winckler   Mapping farm animal welfare research in
                                  an enlarged Europe: international
                                  collaboration, bibliometric output,
                                  research resources and relation to
                                  economic indices . . . . . . . . . . . . 909--922
                 Gangan Prathap   Scientific wealth and inequality within
                                  nations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 923--928
  Carla Mara Hilário and   
Maria Cláudia Cabrini Grácio   Scientific collaboration in Brazilian
                                  researches: a comparative study in the
                                  information science, mathematics and
                                  dentistry fields . . . . . . . . . . . . 929--950
                Svein Kyvik and   
                Ingvild Reymert   Research collaboration in groups and
                                  networks: differences across academic
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 951--967
  Nasrin Mohabbati-Kalejahi and   
 Mohammad Ali Alamdar Yazdi and   
           Fadel M. Megahed and   
         Sydney Y. Schaefer and   
               Lara A. Boyd and   
          Catherine E. Lang and   
                 Keith R. Lohse   Streamlining science with structured
                                  data archives: insights from stroke
                                  rehabilitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 969--983
             Muh-Chyun Tang and   
              Yun Jen Cheng and   
                 Kuang Hua Chen   A longitudinal study of intellectual
                                  cohesion in digital humanities using
                                  bibliometric analyses  . . . . . . . . . 985--1008
                     Xin Gu and   
                Karen Blackmore   Quantitative study on Australian
                                  academic science . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009--1035
            Saeed-Ul Hassan and   
             Mubashir Imran and   
              Uzair Gillani and   
         Naif Radi Aljohani and   
          Timothy D. Bowman and   
              Fereshteh Didegah   Measuring social media activity of
                                  scientific literature: an exhaustive
                                  comparison of Scopus and novel
                                  altmetrics big data  . . . . . . . . . . 1037--1057
           Jens Jirschitzka and   
             Aileen Oeberst and   
       Richard Göllner and   
                   Ulrike Cress   Inter-rater reliability and validity of
                                  peer reviews in an interdisciplinary
                                  field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1059--1092
                Xingchen Li and   
                   Qiang Wu and   
                   Yuanyuan Liu   A quantitative analysis of researcher
                                  citation personal display considering
                                  disciplinary differences and influence
                                  factors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093--1112
              C. Sean Burns and   
                 Charles W. Fox   Language and socioeconomics predict
                                  geographic variation in peer review
                                  outcomes at an ecology journal . . . . . 1113--1127
                  Cui Zhang and   
                       Jing Guo   China's international research
                                  collaboration: evidence from a panel
                                  gravity model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1129--1139
         Juan Miguel Campanario   JIF-Plots: using plots of citations
                                  versus citable items as a tool to study
                                  journals and subject categories and
                                  discover new scientometric relationships 1141--1154
                     Fuli Zhang   Evaluating journal impact based on
                                  weighted citations . . . . . . . . . . . 1155--1169
       Geoffrey S. Shideler and   
        Rafael J. Araújo   Reviewer interest in a manuscript may
                                  predict its future citation potential    1171--1176
                 Chao Zhang and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   How to identify metaknowledge trends and
                                  features in a certain research field?
                                  Evidences from innovation and
                                  entrepreneurial ecosystem  . . . . . . . 1177--1197
            Victoria Bakare and   
                  Grant Lewison   Country over-citation ratios . . . . . . 1199--1207
     Lucio Bertoli-Barsotti and   
                  Tommaso Lando   The $h$-index as an almost-exact
                                  function of some basic statistics  . . . 1209--1228
                        Fei Shu   Comment to: Does China need to rethink
                                  its metrics- and citation-based research
                                  rewards policies?  . . . . . . . . . . . 1229--1231

Volume 113, Number 3, December, 2017

                      Anonymous   Judit Bar-Ilan wins the 2017 Derek John
                                  de Solla Price Medal . . . . . . . . . . 1233--1234
                  Mike Thelwall   Judit Bar-Ilan: information scientist,
                                  computer scientist, scientometrician . . 1235--1244
                Pitambar Gautam   An overview of the Web of Science record
                                  of scientific publications (2004--2013)
                                  from Nepal: focus on disciplinary
                                  diversity and international
                                  collaboration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1245--1267
              Muhammad Omar and   
               Arif Mehmood and   
              Gyu Sang Choi and   
                   Han Woo Park   Global mapping of artificial
                                  intelligence in Google and Google
                                  Scholar  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1269--1305
                  Ying Chen and   
                         Can Wu   The hot spot transformation in the
                                  research evolution of maker  . . . . . . 1307--1324
       Mohammad Mahbub Alam and   
          Maizatul Akmar Ismail   RTRS: a recommender system for academic
                                  researchers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1325--1348
        Kerstin J. Schaefer and   
                   Ingo Liefner   Offshore versus domestic: Can EM MNCs
                                  reach higher R&D quality abroad?  . . . . 1349--1370
      Daniel Torres-Salinas and   
Nicolás Robinson-Garcia and   
                   Juan Gorraiz   Filling the citation gap: measuring the
                                  multidimensional impact of the academic
                                  book at institutional level with PlumX   1371--1384
            Maksym Polyakov and   
            Serhiy Polyakov and   
              Md Sayed Iftekhar   Does academic collaboration equally
                                  benefit impact of research across
                                  topics? The case of agricultural,
                                  resource, environmental and ecological
                                  economics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1385--1405
        Andreas Reinstaller and   
             Peter Reschenhofer   Using PageRank in the analysis of
                                  technological progress through patents:
                                  an illustration for biotechnological
                                  inventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1407--1438
     Liliana Arroyo Moliner and   
      Eva Gallardo-Gallardo and   
         Pedro Gallo de Puelles   Understanding scientific communities: a
                                  social network approach to
                                  collaborations in talent management
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1439--1462
          Yoshi-aki Shimada and   
                     Jun Suzuki   Promoting scientodiversity inspired by
                                  biodiversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1463--1479
             Chencheng Fang and   
             Jiantong Zhang and   
                        Wei Qiu   Online classified advertising: a review
                                  and bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . 1481--1511
            Tove Faber Frandsen   Are predatory journals undermining the
                                  credibility of science? A bibliometric
                                  analysis of citers . . . . . . . . . . . 1513--1528
                  Susanne Mikki   Scholarly publications beyond pay-walls:
                                  increased citation advantage for open
                                  publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1529--1538
       Micael Rosa Parreira and   
      Karine Borges Machado and   
             Ramiro Logares and   
José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho and   
      João Carlos Nabout   The roles of geographic distance and
                                  socioeconomic factors on international
                                  collaboration among ecologists . . . . . 1539--1550
                Sven E. Hug and   
         Martin P. Brändle   The coverage of Microsoft Academic:
                                  analyzing the publication output of a
                                  university . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1551--1571
               Sultan Orazbayev   Sequential order as an extraneous factor
                                  in editorial decision  . . . . . . . . . 1573--1592
       Massimiliano Ferrara and   
            Roberto Mavilia and   
          Bruno Antonio Pansera   Extracting knowledge patterns with a
                                  social network analysis approach: an
                                  alternative methodology for assessing
                                  the impact of power inventors  . . . . . 1593--1625
               John Mingers and   
          Jesse R. O'Hanley and   
             Musbaudeen Okunola   Using Google Scholar institutional level
                                  data to evaluate the quality of
                                  university research  . . . . . . . . . . 1627--1643
              Ratnadeep Dey and   
                 Anurag Roy and   
         Tanmoy Chakraborty and   
                Saptarshi Ghosh   Sleeping beauties in computer science:
                                  characterization and early
                                  identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1645--1663
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                 Adam Y. Ye and   
                     Fred Y. Ye   Sequence analysis of annually normalized
                                  citation counts: an empirical analysis
                                  based on the characteristic scores and
                                  scales (CSS) method  . . . . . . . . . . 1665--1680
           Samantha Vilkins and   
                  Will J. Grant   Types of evidence cited in Australian
                                  Government publications  . . . . . . . . 1681--1695
Alejandro Sáez-Martín and   
Antonio M. López-Hernandez and   
              Carmen Caba-Perez   Access to public information: a
                                  scientometric study of legal versus
                                  voluntary transparency in the public
                                  sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1697--1720
                  Mike Thelwall   Are Mendeley reader counts useful impact
                                  indicators in all fields?  . . . . . . . 1721--1731
              Yu-Hsin Chang and   
              Kuei-Kuei Lai and   
               Chien-Yu Lin and   
                Fang-Pei Su and   
                Ming-Chung Yang   A hybrid clustering approach to identify
                                  network positions and roles through
                                  social network and multivariate analysis 1733--1755
        Christian Weismayer and   
                  Ilona Pezenka   Identifying emerging research fields: a
                                  longitudinal latent semantic keyword
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1757--1785
             Giovanni Colavizza   The structural role of the core
                                  literature in history  . . . . . . . . . 1787--1809
                 David I. Stern   Comment on Bornmann (2017): Confidence
                                  intervals for Journal Impact Factors . . 1811--1813
                    Fan Pan and   
                    Guoxiao Tao   Alex Chengyu, Fang and Jing, Cao: Text
                                  Genres and Registers: The Computation of
                                  Linguistic Features  . . . . . . . . . . 1815--1818
          Fahimeh Ghasemian and   
           Kamran Zamanifar and   
       Nasser Ghasem-Aghaee and   
              Noshir Contractor   Erratum to: Toward a better scientific
                                  collaboration success prediction model
                                  through the feature space expansion  . . 1819--1819
                    Tetsuo Wada   Erratum to: Obstacles to prior art
                                  searching by the trilateral patent
                                  offices: empirical evidence from
                                  \booktitleInternational Search Reports   1821--1821
         Ekaterina L. Dyachenko   Correction to: Internal migration of
                                  scientists in Russia and the USA: the
                                  case of physicists . . . . . . . . . . . 1823--1823
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
        Anastasiia Soldatenkova   Erratum to: How long do top scientists
                                  maintain their stardom? An analysis by
                                  region, gender and discipline: evidence
                                  from Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1825--1825
             Chien-Lung Hsu and   
                Chun-Hao Chiang   Retraction Note to: The financial crisis
                                  research: a bibliometric analysis  . . . 1827--1828

Volume 114, Number 1, January, 2018

                Feiheng Luo and   
                  Aixin Sun and   
              Mojisola Erdt and   
 Aravind Sesagiri Raamkumar and   
                 Yin-Leng Theng   Exploring prestigious citations sourced
                                  from top universities in bibliometrics
                                  and altmetrics: a case study in the
                                  computer science discipline  . . . . . . 1--17
    Jorge Mannana-Rodriguez and   
     Elea Giménez-Toledo   Specialization and multidisciplinarity
                                  of scholarly book publishers:
                                  differences between Spanish University
                                  Presses and other scholarly publishers   19--30
     António Correia and   
               Hugo Paredes and   
               Benjamim Fonseca   Scientometric analysis of scientific
                                  publications in CSCW . . . . . . . . . . 31--89
           Patricia Laurens and   
             Lionel Villard and   
             Antoine Schoen and   
         Philippe Larédo   The artificial patents in the PATSTAT
                                  database: How much do they matter when
                                  computing indicators of
                                  internationalisation based on worldwide
                                  priority patents?  . . . . . . . . . . . 91--112
             Matteo Migheli and   
      Giovanni Battista Ramello   The market of academic attention . . . . 113--133
                   Sung Kim and   
               Derek Hansen and   
                  Richard Helps   Computing research in the academy:
                                  insights from theses and dissertations   135--158
     Leonardo Costa Ribeiro and   
Márcia Siqueira Rapini and   
        Leandro Alves Silva and   
      Eduardo Motta Albuquerque   Growth patterns of the network of
                                  international collaboration in science   159--179
         Hector G. Ceballos and   
              Sara E. Garza and   
             Francisco J. Cantu   Factors influencing the formation of
                                  intra-institutional formal research
                                  groups: group prediction from
                                  collaboration, organisational, and
                                  topical networks . . . . . . . . . . . . 181--216
                   Wei Chen and   
               Qin-Rui Xing and   
                   Hui Wang and   
                       Tao Wang   Retracted publications in the biomedical
                                  literature with authors from mainland
                                  China  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217--227
              Hajar Sotudeh and   
                Mojgan Houshyar   Comparing discrimination powers of text
                                  and citation-based context types . . . . 229--251
          Bhaskar Mukherjee and   
           Sinisa Suboti\'c and   
             Ajay Kumar Chaubey   And now for something completely
                                  different: the congruence of the
                                  Altmetric Attention Score's structure
                                  between different article groups . . . . 253--275
                   Munan Li and   
                 Alan L. Porter   Facilitating the discovery of relevant
                                  studies on risk analysis for
                                  three-dimensional printing based on an
                                  integrated framework . . . . . . . . . . 277--300
            Sergio Copiello and   
                Pietro Bonifaci   A few remarks on ResearchGate score and
                                  academic reputation  . . . . . . . . . . 301--306
       Johannes van der Pol and   
         Jean-Paul Rameshkoumar   The co-evolution of knowledge and
                                  collaboration networks: the role of the
                                  technology life-cycle  . . . . . . . . . 307--323
                  Mike Thelwall   Does Microsoft Academic find early
                                  citations? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325--334
               Zehra Taskin and   
                        Umut Al   A content-based citation analysis study
                                  based on text categorization . . . . . . 335--357
                   Fang Liu and   
               Guangyuan Hu and   
                    Li Tang and   
                     Weishu Liu   The penalty of containing more
                                  non-English articles . . . . . . . . . . 359--366
           Robin Haunschild and   
                Sven E. Hug and   
     Martin P. Brändle and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   The number of linked references of
                                  publications in Microsoft Academic in
                                  comparison with the Web of Science . . . 367--370

Volume 114, Number 2, February, 2018

            W. Glänzel and   
                A. Schubert and   
                       T. Braun   Editorial preface to the Eugene Garfield
                                  Memorial Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371--372
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   The effects of gender, age and academic
                                  rank on research diversification . . . . 373--387
                 Judit Bar-Ilan   Eugene Garfield on the Web in 2001 . . . 389--399
             Sujit Bhattacharya   Eugene Garfield: brief reflections . . . 401--407
           Katy Börner and   
            Adam H. Simpson and   
            Andreas Bueckle and   
            Robert L. Goldstone   Science map metaphors: a comparison of
                                  network versus hexmap-based
                                  visualizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409--426
              Lutz Bornmann and   
           Robin Haunschild and   
                    Sven E. Hug   Visualizing the context of citations
                                  referencing papers published by Eugene
                                  Garfield: a new type of keyword
                                  co-occurrence analysis . . . . . . . . . 427--437
              Lutz Bornmann and   
           Robin Haunschild and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   Reference publication year spectroscopy
                                  (RPYS) of Eugene Garfield's publications 439--448
            Kevin W. Boyack and   
                Caleb Smith and   
                Richard Klavans   Toward predicting research proposal
                                  success  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449--461
                      Yi Bu and   
           Dakota S. Murray and   
                  Ying Ding and   
                 Yong Huang and   
                    Yiming Zhao   Measuring the stability of scientific
                                  collaboration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463--479
              Guillaume Cabanac   What is the primordial reference for
                                  \ldots? --- Redux  . . . . . . . . . . . 481--488
                   Chaomei Chen   Eugene Garfield's scholarly impact: a
                                  scientometric review . . . . . . . . . . 489--516
               Yves Gingras and   
                Mahdi Khelfaoui   Assessing the effect of the United
                                  States' ``citation advantage'' on other
                                  countries' scientific impact as measured
                                  in the Web of Science (WoS) database . . 517--532
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
      Mehmet Ali Abdulhayo\uglu   Garfield number: on some characteristics
                                  of Eugene Garfield's first and second
                                  order co-authorship networks . . . . . . 533--544
                    Peter Jacso   The scientometric portrait of Eugene
                                  Garfield through the free ResearcherID
                                  service from the Web of Science Core
                                  Collection of 67 million master records
                                  and 1.3 billion references . . . . . . . 545--555
                Marek Kosmulski   Are you in top 1% (1\permil)?  . . . . . 557--565
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
         Caroline S. Wagner and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   Betweenness and diversity in journal
                                  citation networks as measures of
                                  interdisciplinarity --- a tribute to
                                  Eugene Garfield  . . . . . . . . . . . . 567--592
        Valentina Markusova and   
           Valentin Bogorov and   
              Alexander Libkind   Usage metrics vs classical metrics:
                                  analysis of Russia's research output . . 593--603
            Katherine W. McCain   Beyond Garfield's Citation Index: an
                                  assessment of some issues in building a
                                  personal name Acknowledgments Index  . . 605--631
                Bluma C. Peritz   Gene and his influence on my research
                                  and promotion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633--635
                 Gangan Prathap   Eugene Garfield: from the metrics of
                                  science to the science of metrics  . . . 637--650
            Ronald Rousseau and   
                     Xiaojun Hu   Under-cited influential work by Eugene
                                  Garfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651--657
     András Schubert and   
          Gábor Schubert   Whatever happened to Garfield's
                                  constant?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659--667
                  Mike Thelwall   A decade of Garfield readers . . . . . . 669--674
Gerardo Tibaná-Herrera and   
María Teresa Fernández-Bajón and   
Félix de Moya-Anegón   Global analysis of the E-learning
                                  scientific domain: a declining category? 675--685
       Robert J. W. Tijssen and   
                 Jos J. Winnink   Capturing `R&D excellence': indicators,
                                  international statistics, and innovative
                                  universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687--699
     Anthony F. J. van Raan and   
                 Jos J. Winnink   Do younger Sleeping Beauties prefer a
                                  technological prince?  . . . . . . . . . 701--717
              M. D. Ribeiro and   
           S. M. R. Vasconcelos   Retractions covered by Retraction Watch
                                  in the 2013--2015 period: prevalence for
                                  the most productive countries  . . . . . 719--734
              M. D. Ribeiro and   
           S. M. R. Vasconcelos   Correction to: Retractions covered by
                                  Retraction Watch in the 2013--2015
                                  period: prevalence for the most
                                  productive countries . . . . . . . . . . 735--735
                  Peter Vinkler   Structure of the scientific research and
                                  science policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737--756
                Howard D. White   Pennants for Garfield: bibliometrics and
                                  document retrieval . . . . . . . . . . . 757--778
                      Anonymous   Editorial Comment on the papers of
                                  Bakare and Lewison (DOI:
                                  10.1007/s11192-017-2490-z), and
                                  Campanario (DOI:
                                  10.1007/s11192-017-2506-8) . . . . . . . 779--779

Volume 114, Number 3, March, 2018

                    Jia Zhu and   
               Xingcheng Wu and   
                 Xueqin Lin and   
             Changqin Huang and   
    Gabriel Pui Cheong Fung and   
                      Yong Tang   A novel multiple layers name
                                  disambiguation framework for digital
                                  libraries using dynamic clustering . . . 781--794
  Sándor Soós and   
         Zsófia Vida and   
         András Schubert   Long-term trends in the
                                  multidisciplinarity of some typical
                                  natural and social sciences, and its
                                  implications on the SSH versus STM
                                  distinction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795--822
                     Yu Liu and   
                    Dan Lin and   
                 Xiujuan Xu and   
                Shimin Shan and   
                  Quan Z. Sheng   Multi-views on \booktitleNature Index of
                                  Chinese academic institutions  . . . . . 823--837
                 Yannick Berker   Golden-ratio as a substitute to
                                  geometric and harmonic counting to
                                  determine multi-author publication
                                  credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839--857
       Aliakbar Akbaritabar and   
          Niccol\`o Casnici and   
             Flaminio Squazzoni   The conundrum of research productivity:
                                  a study on sociologists in Italy . . . . 859--882
             Cristian Mejia and   
                  Yuya Kajikawa   Using acknowledgement data to
                                  characterize funding organizations by
                                  the types of research sponsored: the
                                  case of robotics research  . . . . . . . 883--904
              CholMyong Pak and   
                   Guang Yu and   
                    Weibin Wang   A study on the citation situation within
                                  the citing paper: citation distribution
                                  of references according to mention
                                  frequency  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905--918
Guillermo Armando Ronda-Pupo and   
                 J. Sylvan Katz   The power law relationship between
                                  citation impact and multi-authorship
                                  patterns in articles in Information
                                  Science & Library Science journals  . . . 919--932
 Thor-Erik Sandberg Hanssen and   
      Finn Jòrgensen and   
                  Berner Larsen   The relation between the quality of
                                  research, researchers' experience, and
                                  their academic environment . . . . . . . 933--950
                  Shu-Hao Chang   A pilot study on the connection between
                                  scientific fields and patent
                                  classification systems . . . . . . . . . 951--970
                        Yu Meng   Gender distinctions in patenting: Does
                                  nanotechnology make a difference?  . . . 971--992
               Samreen Ayaz and   
              Nayyer Masood and   
          Muhammad Arshad Islam   Predicting scientific impact based on
                                  $h$-index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 993--1010
             Tanmoy Chakraborty   Role of interdisciplinarity in computer
                                  sciences: quantification, impact and
                                  life trajectory  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011--1029
                     Kai Hu and   
                   Huayi Wu and   
                  Kunlun Qi and   
                 Jingmin Yu and   
                 Siluo Yang and   
                Tianxing Yu and   
                  Jie Zheng and   
                         Bo Liu   A domain keyword analysis approach
                                  extending Term Frequency--Keyword Active
                                  Index with Google Word2Vec model . . . . 1031--1068
                 Ho F. Chan and   
     Franklin G. Mixon, Jr. and   
                  Benno Torgler   Relation of early career performance and
                                  recognition to the probability of
                                  winning the Nobel Prize in Economics . . 1069--1086
                   J. Rigby and   
                     D. Cox and   
                      K. Julian   Journal peer review: a bar or bridge? An
                                  analysis of a paper's revision history
                                  and turnaround time, and the effect on
                                  citation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087--1105
            Muhammad Raheel and   
               Samreen Ayaz and   
          Muhammad Tanvir Afzal   Evaluation of $h$-index, its variants
                                  and extensions based on publication age &
                                  citation intensity in civil engineering  1107--1127
                Jacek Pietrucha   Country-specific determinants of world
                                  university rankings  . . . . . . . . . . 1129--1139
                     Kai Hu and   
                  Kunlun Qi and   
                 Siluo Yang and   
               Shengyu Shen and   
            Xiaoqiang Cheng and   
                   Huayi Wu and   
                  Jie Zheng and   
            Stephen McClure and   
                    Tianxing Yu   Identifying the ``Ghost City'' of domain
                                  topics in a keyword semantic space
                                  combining citations  . . . . . . . . . . 1141--1157
                 Omar Mubin and   
           Mudassar Arsalan and   
             Abdullah Al Mahmud   Tracking the follow-up of work in
                                  progress papers  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1159--1174
               Anand Bihari and   
              Sudhakar Tripathi   Year based EM-index: a new approach to
                                  evaluate the scientific impact of
                                  scholars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1175--1205
                 Lukas Kuld and   
                   John O'Hagan   Rise of multi-authored papers in
                                  economics: Demise of the `lone star' and
                                  why? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1207--1225
             Matteo Pedrini and   
         Valentina Langella and   
    Mario Alberto Battaglia and   
                  Paola Zaratin   Assessing the health research's social
                                  impact: a systematic review  . . . . . . 1227--1250
Alberto Martín-Martín and   
       Enrique Orduna-Malea and   
Emilio Delgado López-Cózar   A novel method for depicting academic
                                  disciplines through Google Scholar
                                  Citations: The case of Bibliometrics . . 1251--1273
    Talita Mariane Cristino and   
         Antonio Faria Neto and   
  Antonio Fernando Branco Costa   Energy efficiency in buildings: analysis
                                  of scientific literature and
                                  identification of data analysis
                                  techniques from a bibliometric study . . 1275--1326
               Jianlin Zhou and   
                    An Zeng and   
                   Ying Fan and   
                      Zengru Di   Identifying important scholars via
                                  directed scientific collaboration
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1327--1343
              Yongjun Zhang and   
                  Jialin Ma and   
                Zijian Wang and   
                 Bolun Chen and   
                     Yongtao Yu   Collective topical PageRank: a model to
                                  evaluate the topic-dependent academic
                                  impact of scientific papers  . . . . . . 1345--1372
               Maja Joki\'c and   
              Andrea Mervar and   
               Stjepan Mateljan   Scientific potential of European fully
                                  open access journals . . . . . . . . . . 1373--1394
                Dorte Henriksen   What factors are associated with
                                  increasing co-authorship in the social
                                  sciences? A case study of Danish
                                  Economics and Political Science  . . . . 1395--1421
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Expression of concern: Bibliometric
                                  study of Electronic Commerce Research in
                                  Information Systems & MIS Journals,
                                  \booktitleScientometrics, 2016, \bf
                                  109(3), 1455--1476
                                  (  1423--1423

Volume 115, Number 1, April, 2018

                     Kai Li and   
              Jason Rollins and   
                      Erjia Yan   Web of Science use in published research
                                  and review papers 1997-2017: a
                                  selective, dynamic, cross-domain,
                                  content-based analysis . . . . . . . . . 1--20
                 Bart Thijs and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   The contribution of the lexical
                                  component in hybrid clustering, the case
                                  of four decades of
                                  ``\booktitleScientometrics'' . . . . . . 21--33
          Stephen F. Carley and   
             Nils C. Newman and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
                  Jon G. Garner   An indicator of technical emergence  . . 35--49
                    Yan Yan and   
                 Jiancheng Guan   How multiple networks help in creating
                                  knowledge: evidence from alternative
                                  energy patents . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51--77
Maria Del Rosario Benavides and   
        Marcus Antonius Ynalvez   Academics' ``ambidextrous behavior'' and
                                  doctoral science mentoring practices . . 79--109
         Juan Miguel Campanario   Are leaders really leading? Journals
                                  that are first in Web of Science subject
                                  categories in the context of their
                                  groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111--130
                 Siviwe Bangani   The impact of electronic theses and
                                  dissertations: a study of the
                                  institutional repository of a university
                                  in South Africa  . . . . . . . . . . . . 131--151
               Star X. Zhao and   
                    Wen Lou and   
               Alice M. Tan and   
                      Shuang Yu   Do funded papers attract more usage? . . 153--168
              Sebnem Cansun and   
                     Engin Arik   Political science publications about
                                  Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169--188
          Aleksandra Cislak and   
      Magdalena Formanowicz and   
                    Tamar Saguy   Bias against research on gender bias . . 189--200
             Jiancheng Guan and   
                    Lanxin Pang   Bidirectional relationship between
                                  network position and knowledge creation
                                  in \booktitleScientometrics  . . . . . . 201--222
                 Andi Rexha and   
            Mark Kröll and   
               Hermann Ziak and   
                     Roman Kern   Authorship identification of documents
                                  with high content similarity . . . . . . 223--237
      Drahomira Herrmannova and   
           Robert M. Patton and   
                 Petr Knoth and   
           Christopher G. Stahl   Do citations and readership identify
                                  seminal publications?  . . . . . . . . . 239--262
             Frode Eika Sandnes   Do Norwegian academics who publish more
                                  earn higher salaries?  . . . . . . . . . 263--281
         Christine Meschede and   
              Tobias Siebenlist   Cross-metric compatability and
                                  inconsistencies of altmetrics  . . . . . 283--297
                 Weiwei Yan and   
                  Yin Zhang and   
                Wendy Bromfield   Analyzing the follower-followee ratio to
                                  determine user characteristics and
                                  institutional participation differences
                                  among research universities on
                                  ResearchGate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299--316
        Radhamany Sooryamoorthy   The production of science in Africa: an
                                  analysis of publications in the science
                                  disciplines, 2000--2015  . . . . . . . . 317--349
               S. L. Sangam and   
               Uma B. Arali and   
                C. G. Patil and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Growth of the hepatitis literature over
                                  the period 1976--2015: What can the
                                  relative priority index teach us?  . . . 351--368
                  Erjia Yan and   
               Chaojiang Wu and   
                       Min Song   The funding factor: a cross-disciplinary
                                  examination of the association between
                                  research funding and citation impact . . 369--384
              Lutz Bornmann and   
               Robin Haunschild   Plots for visualizing paper impact and
                                  journal impact of single researchers in
                                  a single graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385--394
           Saad Ahmed Javed and   
                     Sifeng Liu   Predicting the research output/growth of
                                  selected countries: application of Even
                                  GM(1, 1) and NDGM models . . . . . . . . 395--413
                    Marek Kwiek   High research productivity in vertically
                                  undifferentiated higher education
                                  systems: Who are the top performers? . . 415--462
                     Wei Lu and   
                 Yong Huang and   
                      Yi Bu and   
                    Qikai Cheng   Functional structure identification of
                                  scientific documents in computer science 463--486
              Rafael Repiso and   
                 Josu Ahedo and   
                  Julio Montero   The presence of the encyclicals in Web
                                  of Science: a bibliometric approach  . . 487--500
                Chuchu Chen and   
             Albert N. Link and   
              Zachary T. Oliver   U.S. federal laboratories and their
                                  research partners: a quantitative case
                                  study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501--517
                     Bikun Chen   Usage pattern comparison of the same
                                  scholarly articles between Web of
                                  Science (WoS) and Springer . . . . . . . 519--537
          Hale Turhan Damar and   
                Ozlem Bilik and   
            Guzin Ozdagoglu and   
            Askin Ozdagoglu and   
                 Muhammet Damar   Evaluating the nursing academicians in
                                  Turkey in the scope of Web of Science:
                                  scientometrics of original articles  . . 539--562
              Hajar Sotudeh and   
                 Zohreh Estakhr   Sustainability of open access citation
                                  advantage: the case of Elsevier's
                                  author-pays hybrid open access journals  563--576
                 Gangan Prathap   Totalized input-output assessment of
                                  research productivity of nations using
                                  multi-dimensional input and output . . . 577--583
                    Jill Johnes   University rankings: What do they really
                                  show?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585--606
       Alberto Falk Delgado and   
              Anna Falk Delgado   Home institution bias in the
                                  \booktitleNew England Journal of
                                  Medicine? A noninferiority study on
                                  citation rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607--611
                Sergio Copiello   On the money value of peer review  . . . 613--620
                     Jinshan Wu   Is there an intrinsic logical error in
                                  null hypothesis significance tests?
                                  Commentary on: ``Null hypothesis
                                  significance tests. A mix-up of two
                                  different theories: the basis for
                                  widespread confusion and numerous
                                  misinterpretations'' . . . . . . . . . . 621--625
            Jesper W. Schneider   NHST is still logically flawed . . . . . 627--635

Volume 115, Number 2, May, 2018

                  Yaoyu Wei and   
                     Weiwei Fan   A study of book reviews in
                                  SCI--Expanded, SSCI, and A&HCI journals
                                  by researchers from five countries:
                                  2006--2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637--654
           Lindsey E. Wylie and   
         Katherine P. Hazen and   
            Lori A. Hoetger and   
             Joshua A. Haby and   
                   Eve M. Brank   Four decades of the journal
                                  \booktitleLaw and Human Behavior: a
                                  content analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 655--693
               Qingzhou Luo and   
       Jianhong Cecilia Xia and   
                Gaby Haddow and   
            Michele Willson and   
                       Jun Yang   Does distance hinder the collaboration
                                  between Australian universities in the
                                  humanities, arts and social sciences?    695--715
                  Mike Thelwall   Differences between journals and years
                                  in the proportions of students,
                                  researchers and faculty registering
                                  Mendeley articles  . . . . . . . . . . . 717--729
             Michael Calver and   
                Kate Bryant and   
          Grant Wardell-Johnson   Quantifying the internationality and
                                  multidisciplinarity of authors and
                                  journals using ecological statistics . . 731--748
       Frederick H. Wallace and   
               Timothy J. Perri   Economists behaving badly: publications
                                  in predatory journals  . . . . . . . . . 749--766
        Thomas P. Kenworthy and   
             W. Edward McMullan   In consideration of entrepreneurship
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767--783
                Gita Ghiasi and   
              Matthew Harsh and   
           Andrea Schiffauerova   Inequality and collaboration patterns in
                                  Canadian nanotechnology: implications
                                  for pro-poor and gender-inclusive policy 785--815
     Bruno Miranda Henrique and   
   Vinicius Amorim Sobreiro and   
                 Herbert Kimura   Building direct citation networks  . . . 817--832
             Mu-Hsuan Huang and   
                 Mei-Jhen Huang   An analysis of global research funding
                                  from subject field and funding agencies
                                  perspectives in the G9 countries . . . . 833--847
                   Kun Dong and   
                  Haiyun Xu and   
                    Rui Luo and   
                   Ling Wei and   
                       Shu Fang   An integrated method for
                                  interdisciplinary topic identification
                                  and prediction: a case study on
                                  information science and library science  849--868
                Jianhua Hou and   
                Xiucai Yang and   
                   Chaomei Chen   Emerging trends and new developments in
                                  information science: a document
                                  co-citation analysis (2009--2016)  . . . 869--892
                Yashuang Qi and   
                     Na Zhu and   
                 Yujia Zhai and   
                      Ying Ding   The mutually beneficial relationship of
                                  patents and scientific literature: topic
                                  evolution in nanoscience . . . . . . . . 893--911
               Michael Thelwall   Can Microsoft Academic be used for
                                  citation analysis of preprint archives?
                                  The case of the Social Science Research
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913--928
Remedios Hernández-Linares and   
            Soumodip Sarkar and   
                 Manuel J. Cobo   Inspecting the Achilles heel: a
                                  quantitative analysis of 50 years of
                                  family business definitions  . . . . . . 929--951
                Gina Santos and   
       Carla Susana Marques and   
        João J. Ferreira   A look back over the past 40 years of
                                  female entrepreneurship: mapping
                                  knowledge networks . . . . . . . . . . . 953--987
              Giulio Marini and   
              Viviana Meschitti   The trench warfare of gender
                                  discrimination: evidence from academic
                                  promotions to full professor in Italy    989--1006
  João Carlos Nabout and   
Fabrício Barreto Teresa and   
      Karine Borges Machado and   
Vitor Hugo Mendonça do Prado and   
         Luis Mauricio Bini and   
José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho   Do traditional scientometric indicators
                                  predict social media activity on
                                  scientific knowledge? An analysis of the
                                  ecological literature  . . . . . . . . . 1007--1015
                 Siluo Yang and   
                   Xin Xing and   
                Dietmar Wolfram   Difference in the impact of open-access
                                  papers published by China and the USA    1017--1037
                    Si Shen and   
            Ronald Rousseau and   
                    Dongbo Wang   Do papers with an institutional e-mail
                                  address receive more citations than
                                  those with a non-institutional one?  . . 1039--1050
                       Hui Fang   Analysing the variation tendencies of
                                  the numbers of yearly citations for
                                  sleeping beauties in science by using
                                  derivative analysis  . . . . . . . . . . 1051--1070
            Amnah Alluqmani and   
                    Lior Shamir   Writing styles in different scientific
                                  disciplines: a data science approach . . 1071--1085
           Pilar Valderrama and   
            Manuel Escabias and   
Evaristo Jiménez-Contreras and   
Alberto Rodríguez-Archilla and   
          Mariano J. Valderrama   Proposal of a stochastic model to
                                  determine the bibliometric variables
                                  influencing the quality of a journal:
                                  application to the field of Dentistry    1087--1095
              Lutz Bornmann and   
               Robin Haunschild   Allegation of scientific misconduct
                                  increases Twitter attention  . . . . . . 1097--1100
              Lutz Bornmann and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Which differences can be expected when
                                  two universities in the Leiden Ranking
                                  are compared? Some benchmarks for
                                  institutional research evaluations . . . 1101--1105
 Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and   
        Judit Dobránszki   Multiple versions of the $h$-index:
                                  cautionary use for formal academic
                                  purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107--1113
                 Judit Bar-Ilan   Comments on the Letter to the Editor on
                                  ``Multiple versions of the $h$-index:
                                  cautionary use for formal academic
                                  purposes'' by Jaime A. Teixera da Silva
                                  and Judit Dobránszki  . . . . . . . . . . 1115--1117
              Lutz Bornmann and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   Count highly-cited papers instead of
                                  papers with $h$ citations: use
                                  normalized citation counts and compare
                                  ``like with like''!  . . . . . . . . . . 1119--1123
             Rodrigo Costas and   
                Thomas Franssen   Reflections around `the cautionary use'
                                  of the $h$-index: response to Teixeira
                                  da Silva and Dobránszki . . . . . . . . . 1125--1130
 Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and   
        Judit Dobránszki   Rejoinder to ``Multiple versions of the
                                  $h$-index: cautionary use for formal
                                  academic purposes''  . . . . . . . . . . 1131--1137

Volume 115, Number 3, June, 2018

            Sonia E. Monroy and   
                  Hernando Diaz   Time series-based bibliometric analysis
                                  of the dynamics of scientific production 1139--1159
                Guy Madison and   
         Therese Söderlund   Comparisons of content and scientific
                                  quality indicators across peer-reviewed
                                  journal articles with more or less
                                  gender perspective: gender studies can
                                  do better  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1161--1183
                 Zhigang Hu and   
                   Gege Lin and   
                  Taian Sun and   
                   Xianwen Wang   An EU without the UK: mapping the UK's
                                  changing roles in the EU scientific
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185--1198
          Köksal Sahin and   
       Gökçe Candan   Scientific productivity and cooperation
                                  in Turkic world: a bibliometric analysis 1199--1229
                  Mike Thelwall   Early Mendeley readers correlate with
                                  later citation counts  . . . . . . . . . 1231--1240
                   Varsha Singh   Comparing research productivity of
                                  returnee-PhDs in science, engineering,
                                  and the social sciences  . . . . . . . . 1241--1252
             Sebastian Vogl and   
            Thomas Scherndl and   
           Anton Kühberger   #Psychology: a bibliometric analysis of
                                  psychological literature in the online
                                  media  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1253--1269
            Otmane Azeroual and   
               Gunter Saake and   
              Jürgen Wastl   Data measurement in research information
                                  systems: metrics for the evaluation of
                                  data quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1271--1290
                  Beuy Joob and   
               Viroj Wiwanitkit   Post retraction citations in context: a
                                  comment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1291--1292
                   Shu Zhao and   
                 Dong Zhang and   
                  Zhen Duan and   
                   Jie Chen and   
             Yan-ping Zhang and   
                       Jie Tang   A novel classification method for
                                  paper-reviewer recommendation  . . . . . 1293--1313
   M. K. Yanti Idaya Aspura and   
            A. Noorhidawati and   
                     A. Abrizah   An analysis of Malaysian retracted
                                  papers: Misconduct or mistakes?  . . . . 1315--1328
    Dennys Eduardo Rossetto and   
   Roberto Carlos Bernardes and   
       Felipe Mendes Borini and   
        Cristiane Chaves Gattaz   Structure and evolution of innovation
                                  research in the last 60 years: review
                                  and future trends in the field of
                                  business through the citations and
                                  co-citations analysis  . . . . . . . . . 1329--1363
     Mariano Esteban Ibarra and   
        Juan Pablo Ferreira and   
          Milagros Torrents and   
        Magalí Hamui and   
            Fernando Torres and   
            Paula Dominguez and   
María Fabiana Ossorio and   
               Fernando Ferrero   Changes in PubMed affiliation indexing
                                  improved publication identification by
                                  country  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1365--1370
             Elizabeth Gadd and   
                  Jenny Fry and   
                 Claire Creaser   The influence of journal publisher
                                  characteristics on open access policy
                                  trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1371--1393
            Vasilios D. Kosteas   Predicting long-run citation counts for
                                  articles in top economics journals . . . 1395--1412
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   Competition between academic journals
                                  for scholars' attention: the
                                  `\booktitleNature effect' in scholarly
                                  communication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413--1432
                 Gangan Prathap   Letter to the editor: Dimensionless
                                  citation indicators  . . . . . . . . . . 1433--1435
                      Anonymous   Latin American science and technology in
                                  a global context . . . . . . . . . . . . 1437--1437
            Jane M. Russell and   
María Victoria Guzmán   Connecting and empowering the Latin
                                  American research community in the
                                  global sphere: an introduction to the
                                  special issue on the metric study of
                                  regional science and technology  . . . . 1439--1441
              Jaime Aboites and   
            Claudia Díaz   Inventors' mobility in Mexico in the
                                  context of globalization . . . . . . . . 1443--1461
          Shirley Ainsworth and   
                Jane M. Russell   Has hosting on science direct improved
                                  the visibility of Latin American
                                  scholarly journals? A preliminary
                                  analysis of data quality . . . . . . . . 1463--1484
Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez and   
              Sandra Miguel and   
Antonio Perianes-Rodríguez and   
            Cassidy R. Sugimoto   Dependencies and autonomy in research
                                  performance: examining nanoscience and
                                  nanotechnology in emerging countries . . 1485--1504
      Xochitl Flores-Vargas and   
Silvano Habrajam Vitar-Sandoval and   
Jazmín Ivonne Gutiérrez-Maya and   
Pavel Collazo-Rodríguez and   
        Francisco Collazo-Reyes   Determinants of the emergence of modern
                                  scientific knowledge in mineralogy
                                  (Mexico, 1975--1849): a
                                  geohistoriometric approach . . . . . . . 1505--1515
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                      Lin Zhang   Scientometric research assessment in the
                                  developing world: A tribute to Michael
                                  J. Moravcsik from the perspective of the
                                  twenty-first century . . . . . . . . . . 1517--1532
Maria Victoria Guzmán-Sánchez and   
Maybel Piñón-Lora and   
Elio Atenógenes Villaseñor-García and   
José Luis Jiménez-Andrade and   
       Humberto Carrillo-Calvet   Characterization of the Cuban
                                  biopharmaceutical industry from
                                  collaborative networks . . . . . . . . . 1533--1548
     Randelys Molina Castro and   
Maria Victoria Guzmán Sánchez and   
Yaidelyn Macías Rivero and   
         Romel Calero Ramos and   
Ivet Álvarez Díaz   Global and Latin American scientific
                                  production related to pneumococcal
                                  vaccines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1549--1559
Guadalupe Palacios-Núñez and   
Gabriel Vélez-Cuartas and   
                 Juan D. Botero   Developmental tendencies in the academic
                                  field of intellectual property through
                                  the identification of invisible colleges 1561--1574
      Soleidy Rivero Amador and   
Maidelyn Díaz Pérez and   
María José López-Huertas and   
Reinaldo Javier Rodríguez Font   Indicator system for managing science,
                                  technology and innovation in
                                  universities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1575--1587
      Soleidy Rivero Amador and   
Maidelyn Díaz Pérez and   
María José López-Huertas Pérez and   
Reinaldo Javier Rodríguez Font   Correction to: Indicator system for
                                  managing science, technology and
                                  innovation in universities . . . . . . . 1589--1589
         Alba Santa Soriano and   
Carolina Lorenzo Álvarez and   
Rosa María Torres Valdés   Bibliometric analysis to identify an
                                  emerging research area: Public Relations
                                  Intelligence --- a challenge to
                                  strengthen technological observatories
                                  in the network society . . . . . . . . . 1591--1614
Marcela Suárez-Tamayo and   
    Francisco Collazo-Reyes and   
Miguel Ángel Pérez-Angón   Emerging roles of regional journals in
                                  the accreditation of knowledge in
                                  tropical medicine: \booktitleBiomédica
                                  and \booktitleMemorias do Instituto
                                  Oswaldo Cruz, 2007--2015 . . . . . . . . 1615--1625
    Rosa Lidia Vega-Almeida and   
   Humberto Carrillo-Calvet and   
        Ricardo Arencibia-Jorge   Diseases and vector: a 10 years view of
                                  scientific literature on \bionameAedes
                                  aegypti  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1627--1634
Grisel Zacca-González and   
Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez and   
 Benjamín Vargas-Quesada   Medical scientific output and
                                  specialization in Latin American
                                  countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1635--1650

Volume 116, Number 1, July, 2018

     Nelson Casimiro Zavale and   
 Patrício Vitorino Langa   University-industry linkages' literature
                                  on Sub-Saharan Africa: systematic
                                  literature review and bibliometric
                                  account  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--49
         Swapan Kumar Patra and   
                   Mammo Muchie   Research and innovation in South African
                                  universities: from the triple helix's
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51--76
                       Munan Li   Classifying and ranking topic terms
                                  based on a novel approach: role
                                  differentiation of author keywords . . . 77--100
                    Tolga Yuret   Tenure and turnover of academics in six
                                  undergraduate programs in the United
                                  States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101--124
Gerardo Urrutia Sánchez and   
               Lilian Prado and   
            Wolfgang Bietenholz   Theoretical high energy physics in Latin
                                  America from 1990 to 2012: a statistical
                                  study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125--146
           Georgios Stoupas and   
       Antonis Sidiropoulos and   
           Antonia Gogoglou and   
         Dimitrios Katsaros and   
            Yannis Manolopoulos   Rainbow ranking: an adaptable,
                                  multidimensional ranking method for
                                  publication sets . . . . . . . . . . . . 147--160
                Jiaying Liu and   
                   Tao Tang and   
              Xiangjie Kong and   
                  Amr Tolba and   
         Zafer Al-Makhadmeh and   
                       Feng Xia   Understanding the advisor-advisee
                                  relationship via scholarly data analysis 161--180
                  Ole Ellegaard   The application of bibliometric
                                  analysis: disciplinary and user aspects  181--202
                  Yaowu Sun and   
                        Yi Zhai   Mapping the knowledge domain and the
                                  theme evolution of appropriability
                                  research between 1986 and 2016: a
                                  scientometric review . . . . . . . . . . 203--230
               Wooseok Jang and   
               Heeyeul Kwon and   
               Yongtae Park and   
                    Hakyeon Lee   Predicting the degree of
                                  interdisciplinarity in academic fields:
                                  the case of nanotechnology . . . . . . . 231--254
          Marcelo S. Perlin and   
          Takeyoshi Imasato and   
               Denis Borenstein   Is predatory publishing a real threat?
                                  Evidence from a large database study . . 255--273
                      Yi Bu and   
                Binglu Wang and   
              Win-bin Huang and   
               Shangkun Che and   
                     Yong Huang   Using the appearance of citations in
                                  full text on author co-citation analysis 275--289
              Mikael Laakso and   
               Andrea Polonioli   Open access in ethics research: an
                                  analysis of open access availability and
                                  author self-archiving behaviour in light
                                  of journal copyright restrictions  . . . 291--317
Gregorio González-Alcaide and   
      Inés Poveda-Pastor   Emerging roles in Library and
                                  Information Science: consolidation in
                                  the scientific literature and
                                  appropriation by professionals of the
                                  discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319--337
                   Liu Yang and   
                  Keping Li and   
                  Hangfei Huang   A new network model for extracting text
                                  keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339--361
Guillermo Armando Ronda-Pupo and   
                     Thong Pham   The evolutions of the rich get richer
                                  and the fit get richer phenomena in
                                  scholarly networks: the case of the
                                  strategic management journal . . . . . . 363--383
          Adil El Aichouchi and   
                 Philippe Gorry   Delayed recognition of Judah Folkman's
                                  hypothesis on tumor angiogenesis: when a
                                  Prince awakens a Sleeping Beauty by
                                  self-citation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385--399
                  Lili Yuan and   
                  Yanni Hao and   
                  Minglu Li and   
               Chunbing Bao and   
                Jianping Li and   
                   Dengsheng Wu   Who are the international research
                                  collaboration partners for China? A
                                  novel data perspective based on NSFC
                                  grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401--422
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   The effect of multidisciplinary
                                  collaborations on research
                                  diversification  . . . . . . . . . . . . 423--433
               Kim Holmberg and   
                   Julia Vainio   Why do some research articles receive
                                  more online attention and higher
                                  altmetrics? Reasons for online success
                                  according to the authors . . . . . . . . 435--447
             Olga Moskaleva and   
         Vladimir Pislyakov and   
             Ivan Sterligov and   
                 Mark Akoev and   
             Svetlana Shabanova   Russian Index of Science Citation:
                                  Overview and review  . . . . . . . . . . 449--462
          Emanuel Kulczycki and   
           Tim C. E. Engels and   
    Janne Pölönen and   
               Kasper Bruun and   
       Marta Dusková and   
                   Raf Guns and   
           Robert Nowotniak and   
                Michal Petr and   
           Gunnar Sivertsen and   
    Andreja Istenic Starcic and   
                 Alesia Zuccala   Publication patterns in the social
                                  sciences and humanities: evidence from
                                  eight European countries . . . . . . . . 463--486
  João Ricardo Faria and   
             Peter F. Wanke and   
    João J. Ferreira and   
         Franklin G. Mixon, Jr.   Research and innovation in higher
                                  education: empirical evidence from
                                  research and patenting in Brazil . . . . 487--504
                    Fei Shu and   
                    Wen Lou and   
              Stefanie Haustein   Can Twitter increase the visibility of
                                  Chinese publications?  . . . . . . . . . 505--519
      Wolfgang Glänzel and   
                     Bart Thijs   The role of baseline granularity for
                                  benchmarking citation impact. The case
                                  of CSS profiles  . . . . . . . . . . . . 521--536
               Pei-Shan Chi and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Comparison of citation and usage
                                  indicators in research assessment in
                                  scientific disciplines and journals  . . 537--554
     Veronica Perez-Cabezas and   
       Carmen Ruiz-Molinero and   
    Ines Carmona-Barrientos and   
     Enrique Herrera-Viedma and   
             Manuel J. Cobo and   
            Jose A. Moral-Munoz   Highly cited papers in rheumatology:
                                  identification and conceptual analysis   555--568
Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez and   
                      Yi Bu and   
Nicolás Robinson-García and   
             Rodrigo Costas and   
            Cassidy R. Sugimoto   Travel bans and scientific mobility:
                                  utility of asymmetry and affinity
                                  indexes to inform science policy . . . . 569--590
               Andreas Thor and   
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                Werner Marx and   
              Rüdiger Mutz   Identifying single influential
                                  publications in a research field: new
                                  analysis opportunities of the CRExplorer 591--608
        William M. Cockriel and   
              James B. McDonald   The influence of dispersion on journal
                                  impact measures  . . . . . . . . . . . . 609--622
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
         Caroline S. Wagner and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   Discontinuities in citation relations
                                  among journals: self-organized
                                  criticality as a model of scientific
                                  revolutions and change . . . . . . . . . 623--644
                Ronald Rousseau   The repeat rate: from Hirschman to
                                  Stirling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645--653

Volume 116, Number 2, August, 2018

              Lutz Bornmann and   
                 Adam Y. Ye and   
                     Fred Y. Ye   Identifying ``hot papers'' and papers
                                  with ``delayed recognition'' in
                                  large-scale datasets by using
                                  dynamically normalized citation impact
                                  scores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655--674
                Binglu Wang and   
                      Yi Bu and   
                        Yang Xu   A quantitative exploration on reasons
                                  for citing articles from the perspective
                                  of cited authors . . . . . . . . . . . . 675--687
        Jussi Heikkilä and   
                  Michael Verba   The role of utility models in patent
                                  filing strategies: evidence from
                                  European countries . . . . . . . . . . . 689--719
              Mengyang Wang and   
                      Lihe Chai   Three new bibliometric
                                  indicators/approaches derived from
                                  keyword analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 721--750
             Patrick Kenekayoro   Identifying named entities in academic
                                  biographies with supervised learning . . 751--765
                   Fang Han and   
           Christopher L. Magee   Testing the science/technology
                                  relationship by analysis of patent
                                  citations of scientific papers after
                                  decomposition of both science and
                                  technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767--796
                  Chi-Shiou Lin   An analysis of citation functions in the
                                  humanities and social sciences research
                                  from the perspective of problematic
                                  citation analysis assumptions  . . . . . 797--813
Elaine Aparecida Regiani de Campos and   
        Regina Negri Pagani and   
      Luis Mauricio Resende and   
                 Joseane Pontes   Construction and qualitative assessment
                                  of a bibliographic portfolio using the
                                  methodology Methodi Ordinatio  . . . . . 815--842
                   Zewen Hu and   
                  Yishan Wu and   
                    Jianjun Sun   A quantitative analysis of determinants
                                  of non-citation using a panel data model 843--861
                    Ping Ni and   
                     Xinying An   Relationship between international
                                  collaboration papers and their citations
                                  from an economic perspective . . . . . . 863--877
               Xiancheng Li and   
                 Wenge Rong and   
                 Haoran Shi and   
                   Jie Tang and   
                    Zhang Xiong   The impact of conference ranking systems
                                  in computer science: a comparative
                                  regression analysis  . . . . . . . . . . 879--907
                  Philipp Korom   Does scientific eminence endure? Making
                                  sense of the most cited economists,
                                  psychologists and sociologists in
                                  textbooks (1970--2010) . . . . . . . . . 909--939
          Takahiro Kawamura and   
         Katsutaro Watanabe and   
            Naoya Matsumoto and   
              Shusaku Egami and   
                      Mari Jibu   Funding map using paragraph embedding
                                  based on semantic diversity  . . . . . . 941--958
                    Jian Du and   
                      Yishan Wu   A parameter-free index for identifying
                                  under-cited sleeping beauties in science 959--971
            Saeed-Ul Hassan and   
                Iqra Safder and   
                 Anam Akram and   
                 Faisal Kamiran   A novel machine-learning approach to
                                  measuring scientific knowledge flows
                                  using citation context analysis  . . . . 973--996
           Robin Haunschild and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   Field- and time-normalization of data
                                  with many zeros: an empirical analysis
                                  using citation and Twitter data  . . . . 997--1012
                Tiening Cui and   
                    Jimei Zhang   Bibliometric and review of the research
                                  on circular economy through the
                                  evolution of Chinese public policy . . . 1013--1037
                  Nan Zhang and   
               Shanshan Wan and   
               Peiling Wang and   
                 Peng Zhang and   
                       Qiang Wu   A bibliometric analysis of highly cited
                                  papers in the field of Economics and
                                  Business based on the Essential Science
                                  Indicators database  . . . . . . . . . . 1039--1053
            Hamid R. Jamali and   
    Ghasem Azadi-Ahmadabadi and   
                    Saeid Asadi   Interdisciplinary relations of
                                  converging technologies:
                                  Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) . . . . . . . 1055--1073
               Zhihui Zhang and   
           Jason E. Rollins and   
            Evangelia Lipitakis   China's emerging centrality in the
                                  contemporary international scientific
                                  collaboration network  . . . . . . . . . 1075--1091
                   Raf Guns and   
                 Linda Sile and   
              Joshua Eykens and   
      Frederik T. Verleysen and   
               Tim C. E. Engels   A comparison of cognitive and
                                  organizational classification of
                                  publications in the social sciences and
                                  humanities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093--1111
      Henrique F. de Arruda and   
             Cesar H. Comin and   
            Luciano da F. Costa   How integrated are theoretical and
                                  applied physics? . . . . . . . . . . . . 1113--1121
              Eugenio Petrovich   Accumulation of knowledge in
                                  para-scientific areas: the case of
                                  analytic philosophy  . . . . . . . . . . 1123--1151
               Henk F. Moed and   
        Valentina Markusova and   
                     Mark Akoev   Trends in Russian research output
                                  indexed in Scopus and Web of Science . . 1153--1180
                 Omar Mubin and   
          Dhaval Tejlavwala and   
           Mudassar Arsalan and   
               Muneeb Ahmad and   
                  Simeon Simoff   An assessment into the characteristics
                                  of award winning papers at CHI . . . . . 1181--1201
           Pilar Valderrama and   
            Manuel Escabias and   
Evaristo Jiménez-Contreras and   
      Mariano J. Valderrama and   
                     Pilar Baca   A mixed longitudinal and cross-sectional
                                  model to forecast the journal impact
                                  factor in the field of Dentistry . . . . 1203--1212
 Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and   
        Judit Dobránszki   Citation inflation: the effect of not
                                  correcting the scientific literature
                                  sufficiently, a case study in the plant
                                  sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213--1222
                      Anonymous   Bibliometric-enhanced Information
                                  Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1223--1223
          Guillaume Cabanac and   
             Ingo Frommholz and   
                   Philipp Mayr   Bibliometric-enhanced information
                                  retrieval: preface . . . . . . . . . . . 1225--1227
    Mehmet Ali Abdulhayoglu and   
                     Bart Thijs   Use of locality sensitive hashing (LSH)
                                  algorithm to match Web of Science and
                                  Scopus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1229--1245
           Nguyen Minh Tien and   
             Cyril Labbé   Detecting automatically generated
                                  sentences with grammatical structure
                                  similarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1247--1271
              Luca Cagliero and   
                Paolo Garza and   
   Mohammad Reza Kavoosifar and   
                  Elena Baralis   Discovering cross-topic collaborations
                                  among researchers by exploiting weighted
                                  association rules  . . . . . . . . . . . 1273--1301
                 Shutian Ma and   
                     Jin Xu and   
                 Chengzhi Zhang   Automatic identification of cited text
                                  spans: a multi-classifier approach over
                                  imbalanced dataset . . . . . . . . . . . 1303--1330
             Samaneh Karimi and   
                Luis Moraes and   
                 Avisha Das and   
             Azadeh Shakery and   
                   Rakesh Verma   Citance-based retrieval and
                                  summarization using IR and machine
                                  learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1331--1366
            Kevin Heffernan and   
                  Simone Teufel   Identifying problems and solutions in
                                  scientific text  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1367--1382
                Ameni Kacem and   
                   Philipp Mayr   Analysis of search stratagem utilisation 1383--1400

Volume 116, Number 3, September, 2018

           Federico Bianchi and   
         Francisco Grimaldo and   
          Giangiacomo Bravo and   
             Flaminio Squazzoni   The peer review game: an agent-based
                                  model of scientists facing resource
                                  constraints and institutional pressures  1401--1420
         Francisco Grimaldo and   
             Mario Paolucci and   
              Jordi Sabater-Mir   Reputation or peer review? The role of
                                  outliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1421--1438
                  Junmo Kim and   
                  Juneseuk Shin   Mapping extended technological
                                  trajectories: integration of main path,
                                  derivative paths, and technology
                                  junctures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1439--1459
           Tracy Klarenbeek and   
                 Nelius Boshoff   Measuring multidisciplinary health
                                  research at South African universities:
                                  a comparative analysis based on
                                  co-authorships and journal subject
                                  categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1461--1485
              Guiyang Zhang and   
                  Chaoying Tang   How R&D partner diversity influences
                                  innovation performance: an empirical
                                  study in the nano-biopharmaceutical
                                  field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1487--1512
            Thomas E. Smith and   
              Kat S. Jacobs and   
           Philip J. Osteen and   
               T. Edison Carter   Comparing the research productivity of
                                  social work doctoral programs using the
                                  $h$-Index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1513--1530
                   Feng Guo and   
                    Chao Ma and   
               Qingling Shi and   
                  Qingqing Zong   Succinct effect or informative effect:
                                  the relationship between title length
                                  and the number of citations  . . . . . . 1531--1539
             Tae-Young Park and   
               Hyungjoo Lim and   
                      Ilyong Ji   Identifying potential users of
                                  technology for technology transfer using
                                  patent citation analysis: a case
                                  analysis of a Korean research institute  1541--1558
       Margarita Kyriakidou and   
           Aigli Kyriakoudi and   
      Nikolaos A. Triarides and   
   Konstantinos Z. Vardakas and   
             Matthew E. Falagas   Biomedical research productivity and
                                  economic crisis in Greece: a 22-year
                                  study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1559--1564
                Yury Dranev and   
             Maxim Kotsemir and   
                   Boris Syomin   Diversity of research publications:
                                  relation to agricultural productivity
                                  and possible implications for STI policy 1565--1587
                   Yu-Wei Chang   Examining interdisciplinarity of library
                                  and information science (LIS) based on
                                  LIS articles contributed by non-LIS
                                  authors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1589--1613
                    Yan Yan and   
                Zhewen Liao and   
                  Xiaosong Chen   Fixed-income securities: bibliometric
                                  review with network analysis . . . . . . 1615--1640
    Pablo Contreras Kallens and   
                      Rick Dale   Exploratory mapping of theoretical
                                  landscapes through word use in abstracts 1641--1674
              Sara Sassetti and   
              Giacomo Marzi and   
         Vincenzo Cavaliere and   
              Cristiano Ciappei   Entrepreneurial cognition and socially
                                  situated approach: a systematic and
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 1675--1718
                  Hans Pohl and   
                  Jason E. Lane   Research contributions of international
                                  branch campuses to the scientific wealth
                                  of academically developing countries . . 1719--1734
               Xiaoling Sun and   
                       Kun Ding   Identifying and tracking scientific and
                                  technological knowledge memes from
                                  citation networks of publications and
                                  patents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1735--1748
                   Ni Cheng and   
                        Ke Dong   Knowledge communication on social media:
                                  a case study of Biomedical Science on
                                  Baidu Baike  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1749--1770
             Judit Bar-Ilan and   
                    Gali Halevi   Temporal characteristics of retracted
                                  articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1771--1783
              Cinzia Daraio and   
           Francesco Fabbri and   
             Giulia Gavazzi and   
          Maria Grazia Izzo and   
                Luca Leuzzi and   
          Giammarco Quaglia and   
               Giancarlo Ruocco   Assessing the interdependencies between
                                  scientific disciplinary profiles . . . . 1785--1803
            Erwin Krauskopf PhD   An analysis of discontinued journals by
                                  Scopus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1805--1815
                Jielan Ding and   
                Per Ahlgren and   
                Liying Yang and   
                       Ting Yue   Disciplinary structures in
                                  \booktitleNature, \booktitleScience and
                                  \booktitlePNAS: journal and country
                                  levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1817--1852
          Anderson Matos Medina   Why do ecologists search for
                                  co-authorships? Patterns of
                                  co-authorship networks in ecology
                                  (1977--2016) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1853--1865
                    Jinseok Kim   Evaluating author name disambiguation
                                  for digital libraries: a case of DBLP    1867--1886
                  Qing Ping and   
                   Chaomei Chen   LitStoryTeller+: an interactive system
                                  for multi-level scientific paper visual
                                  storytelling with a supportive text
                                  mining toolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1887--1944
Rafael Henrique Mainardes Ferreira and   
          Claudia Tania Picinin   Bibliometric analysis for
                                  characterization of oil production in
                                  Brazilian territory  . . . . . . . . . . 1945--1974
              Naser Rashidi and   
                Hussein Meihami   Informetrics of \booktitleScientometrics
                                  abstracts: a rhetorical move analysis of
                                  the research abstracts published in
                                  \booktitleScientometrics journal . . . . 1975--1994
          Sergey Kolesnikov and   
             Eriko Fukumoto and   
                  Barry Bozeman   Researchers' risk-smoothing publication
                                  strategies: Is productivity the enemy of
                                  impact?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1995--2017
          Anna A. Avanesova and   
           Tatyana A. Shamliyan   Comparative trends in research
                                  performance of the Russian universities  2019--2052
             Selcuk Besir Demir   Pros and cons of the new financial
                                  support policy for Turkish researchers   2053--2068
Antonio Fernández-Cano and   
        Elvira Curiel-Marin and   
Manuel Torralbo-Rodríguez and   
     Mónica Vallejo-Ruiz   Questioning the Shanghai Ranking
                                  methodology as a tool for the evaluation
                                  of universities: an integrative review   2069--2083
             Juliann Saquib and   
    Mohamed Saddik Zaghloul and   
         AbdulRahman Mazrou and   
                  Nazmus Saquib   A quality assessment of clinical
                                  research on type 2 diabetes in Saudi
                                  Arabia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2085--2096
                    Tolga Yuret   Author-weighted impact factor and
                                  reference return ratio: can we attain
                                  more equality among fields?  . . . . . . 2097--2111
               Loet Leydesdorff   Diversity and interdisciplinarity: how
                                  can one distinguish and recombine
                                  disparity, variety, and balance? . . . . 2113--2121
        José Luis Ortega   Reliability and accuracy of altmetric
                                  providers: a comparison among
                        , PlumX and Crossref Event
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2123--2138
                       Yang Bai   Has the Global South become a playground
                                  for Western scholars in information and
                                  communication technologies for
                                  development? Evidence from a
                                  three-journal analysis . . . . . . . . . 2139--2153
         Franklin G. Mixon, Jr.   Do academics swing for the fences after
                                  tenure? Analysis of attributions data
                                  from economics research  . . . . . . . . 2155--2160
   António Osório   On the impossibility of a perfect
                                  counting method to allocate the credits
                                  of multi-authored publications . . . . . 2161--2173
Alberto Martín-Martín and   
       Enrique Orduna-Malea and   
Emilio Delgado López-Cózar   Coverage of highly-cited documents in
                                  Google Scholar, Web of Science, and
                                  Scopus: a multidisciplinary comparison   2175--2188
Alexandre Galvão Patriota   Is NHST logically flawed? Commentary on:
                                  ``NHST is still logically flawed'' . . . 2189--2191
            Jesper W. Schneider   Response to commentary on ``Is NHST
                                  logically flawed'' . . . . . . . . . . . 2193--2194

Volume 117, Number 1, October, 2018

             Toni Cunillera and   
               Georgina Guilera   Twenty years of statistical learning:
                                  from language, back to machine learning  1--8
                   You Song and   
              Fangling Situ and   
                Hongjun Zhu and   
                     Jinzhi Lei   To be the Prince to wake up Sleeping
                                  Beauty: the rediscovery of the delayed
                                  recognition studies  . . . . . . . . . . 9--24
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
        J. A. García and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   Editorial decisions with informed and
                                  uninformed reviewers . . . . . . . . . . 25--43
    Doris Klingelhöfer and   
         David A. Groneberg and   
               Markus Braun and   
 Dörthe Brüggmann and   
                    Jenny Jaque   Fifteen years after September 11: Where
                                  is the medical research heading? A
                                  scientometric analysis . . . . . . . . . 45--60
                    Shuo Xu and   
                 Junwan Liu and   
             Dongsheng Zhai and   
                     Xin An and   
                 Zheng Wang and   
                  Hongshen Pang   Overlapping thematic structures
                                  extraction with mixed-membership
                                  stochastic blockmodel  . . . . . . . . . 61--84
                    Yang Li and   
                 Huajiao Li and   
                Nairong Liu and   
                    Xueyong Liu   Important institutions of
                                  interinstitutional scientific
                                  collaboration networks in materials
                                  science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85--103
                    Tolga Yuret   Path to success: an analysis of US
                                  educated elite academics in the United
                                  States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105--121
          R. Basurto-Flores and   
    L. Guzmán-Vargas and   
                 S. Velasco and   
                  A. Medina and   
             A. Calvo Hernandez   On entropy research analysis:
                                  cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer    123--139
        Santiago Ruiz-Navas and   
                Kumiko Miyazaki   A complement to lexical query's
                                  search-term selection for emerging
                                  technologies: the case of ``big data''   141--162
             Michael Quayle and   
                  Maura Adshead   The resilience of regional African
                                  HIV/AIDS research networks to the
                                  withdrawal of international authors in
                                  the subfield of public administration
                                  and governance: lessons for funders and
                                  collaborators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163--173
             Robert Tomaszewski   A comparative study of citations to
                                  chemical encyclopedias in scholarly
                                  articles: Kirk--Othmer
                                  \booktitleEncyclopedia of Chemical
                                  Technology and Ullmann's
                                  \booktitleEncyclopedia of Industrial
                                  Chemistry  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175--189
                    Wen Lou and   
                Yuehua Zhao and   
                Yuchen Chen and   
                      Jin Zhang   Research or management? An investigation
                                  of the impact of leadership roles on the
                                  research performance of academic
                                  administrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191--209
               Baitong Chen and   
                  Ying Ding and   
                    Feicheng Ma   Semantic word shifts in a scientific
                                  domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211--226
                   Valeria Aman   A new bibliometric approach to measure
                                  knowledge transfer of internationally
                                  mobile scientists  . . . . . . . . . . . 227--247
                    A. Basu and   
                  P. Foland and   
               G. Holdridge and   
                  R. D. Shelton   China's rising leadership in science and
                                  technology: quantitative and qualitative
                                  indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249--269
                  Lin Zhang and   
                 Beibei Sun and   
Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez and   
                 Lixin Chen and   
                     Ying Huang   Interdisciplinarity and collaboration:
                                  on the relationship between disciplinary
                                  diversity in departmental affiliations
                                  and reference lists  . . . . . . . . . . 271--291
              Igor Barahona and   
Daría Micaela Hernández and   
Héctor Hugo Pérez-Villarreal and   
María del Pilar Martínez-Ruíz   Identifying research topics in marketing
                                  science along the past decade: a content
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293--312
    Peter van den Besselaar and   
         Ulf Sandström and   
  Hél\`ene Schiffbaenker   Studying grant decision-making: a
                                  linguistic analysis of review reports    313--329
               John McLevey and   
        Alexander V. Graham and   
         Reid McIlroy-Young and   
             Pierson Browne and   
           Kathryn S. Plaisance   Interdisciplinarity and insularity in
                                  the diffusion of knowledge: an analysis
                                  of disciplinary boundaries between
                                  philosophy of science and the sciences   331--349
        Dominik P. Heinisch and   
                Guido Buenstorf   The next generation (plus one): an
                                  analysis of doctoral students' academic
                                  fecundity based on a novel approach to
                                  advisor identification . . . . . . . . . 351--380
                   Wen Zhou and   
                   Jiayi Gu and   
                      Yifan Jia   $h$-Index-based link prediction methods
                                  in citation network  . . . . . . . . . . 381--390
            David Hsiehchen and   
         Magdalena Espinoza and   
                   Antony Hsieh   Evolution of collaboration and
                                  optimization of impact:
                                  self-organization in multinational
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391--407
    Balázs Gy\Horffy and   
          Andrea Magda Nagy and   
        Péter Herman and   
Ádám Török   Factors influencing the scientific
                                  performance of Momentum grant holders:
                                  an evaluation of the first 117 research
                                  groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409--426
                     Hugo Horta   The declining scientific wealth of Hong
                                  Kong and Singapore . . . . . . . . . . . 427--447
        Sabrina L. Woltmann and   
            Lars Alkærsig   Tracing university-industry knowledge
                                  transfer through a text mining approach  449--472
                        Qu Zhao   Electromobility research in Germany and
                                  China: structural differences  . . . . . 473--493
                Liwei Zhang and   
                       Jue Wang   Why highly cited articles are not highly
                                  tweeted? A biology case  . . . . . . . . 495--509
                Jinseok Kim and   
                      Jenna Kim   The impact of imbalanced training data
                                  on machine learning for author name
                                  disambiguation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511--526
                Robin Cowan and   
                Giulia Rossello   Emergent structures in faculty hiring
                                  networks, and the effects of mobility on
                                  academic performance . . . . . . . . . . 527--562
               Radek Zdenek and   
           Jana Lososová   An analysis of editorial board members'
                                  publication output in agricultural
                                  economics and policy journals  . . . . . 563--578
             Alireza Abbasi and   
               Mahdi Jalili and   
     Abolghasem Sadeghi-Niaraki   Influence of network-based structural
                                  and power diversity on research
                                  performance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579--590
             Fengqing Zhang and   
                  Erjia Yan and   
                    Xin Niu and   
                    Yongjun Zhu   Joint modeling of the association
                                  between NIH funding and its three
                                  primary outcomes: patents, publications,
                                  and citation impact  . . . . . . . . . . 591--602
               Kim Holmberg and   
                   Han Woo Park   An altmetric investigation of the online
                                  visibility of South Korea-based
                                  scientific journals  . . . . . . . . . . 603--613
           Johanna M. Askeridis   An $h$ index for Mendeley: comparison of
                                  citation-based $h$ indices and a
                                  readership-based $ h_{men}$ index for 29
                                  authors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615--624
             David E. Allen and   
                Michael McAleer   Fake news and indifference to scientific
                                  fact: President Trump's confused tweets
                                  on global warming, climate change and
                                  weather  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625--629
     Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva   The Google Scholar $h$-index: useful but
                                  burdensome metric  . . . . . . . . . . . 631--635
                  Lutz Bornmann   Field classification of publications in
                                  \booktitleDimensions: a first case study
                                  testing its reliability and validity . . 637--640
           Christian Herzog and   
         Brian Kierkegaard Lunn   Response to the letter `Field
                                  classification of publications in
                                  \booktitleDimensions: a first case study
                                  testing its reliability and validity'    641--645
                   K. Brad Wray   A note on measuring normal science . . . 647--650
              Eugenio Petrovich   Reply to Wray  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651--654
                     Nina Lykke   Can't bibliometric analysts do better?
                                  How quality assessment without field
                                  expertise does not work  . . . . . . . . 655--666

Volume 117, Number 2, November, 2018

     Alex Fabianne de Paulo and   
Evandro Marcos Saidel Ribeiro and   
         Geciane Silveira Porto   Mapping countries cooperation networks
                                  in photovoltaic technology development
                                  based on patent analysis . . . . . . . . 667--686
                  Hong Gong and   
                      Shan Peng   Effects of patent policy on innovation
                                  outputs and commercialization: evidence
                                  from universities in China . . . . . . . 687--703
                   Valeria Aman   Does the Scopus author ID suffice to
                                  track scientific international mobility?
                                  A case study based on Leibniz laureates  705--720
                  Shaobo Li and   
                     Jie Hu and   
                  Yuxin Cui and   
                     Jianjun Hu   DeepPatent: patent classification with
                                  convolutional neural networks and word
                                  embedding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721--744
  Miriam Palacios-Callender and   
             Stephen A. Roberts   Scientific collaboration of Cuban
                                  researchers working in Europe:
                                  understanding relations between origin
                                  and destination countries  . . . . . . . 745--769
                Hyejin Park and   
                   Han Woo Park   Research evaluation of Asian countries
                                  using altmetrics: comparing South Korea,
                                  Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and China  . . 771--788
                 Tingcan Ma and   
                  Ruinan Li and   
                  Guiyan Ou and   
                  Mingliang Yue   Topic based research competitiveness
                                  evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 789--803
               Cleusa Pavan and   
              Marcia C. Barbosa   Article processing charge (APC) for
                                  publishing open access articles: the
                                  Brazilian scenario . . . . . . . . . . . 805--823
                    Tetsuo Wada   The choice of examiner patent citations
                                  for refusals: evidence from the
                                  trilateral offices . . . . . . . . . . . 825--843
                Shenmeng Xu and   
                Houqiang Yu and   
       Bradley M. Hemminger and   
                       Xie Dong   Who, what, why? An exploration of JoVE
                                  scientific video publications in tweets  845--856
                   Yu Zhang and   
             Morteza Saberi and   
                Elizabeth Chang   A semantic-based knowledge fusion model
                                  for solution-oriented information
                                  network development: a case study in
                                  intrusion detection field  . . . . . . . 857--886
       Catalin Emilian Boja and   
           Claudiu Herteliu and   
       Marian Dârdala and   
           Bogdan Vasile Ileanu   Day of the week submission effect for
                                  accepted papers in \booktitlePhysica A,
                                  \booktitlePLOS ONE, \booktitleNature and
                                  \booktitleCell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887--918
              Luis Cisneros and   
             Mihai Ibanescu and   
             Christian Keen and   
     Odette Lobato-Calleros and   
           Juan Niebla-Zatarain   Bibliometric study of family business
                                  succession between 1939 and 2017:
                                  mapping and analyzing authors' networks  919--951
        Tanya Araújo and   
                 Elsa Fontainha   Are scientific memes inherited
                                  differently from gendered authorship?    953--972
                    Jian Xu and   
                      Yi Bu and   
                  Ying Ding and   
                 Sinan Yang and   
               Hongli Zhang and   
                    Chen Yu and   
                        Lin Sun   Understanding the formation of
                                  interdisciplinary research from the
                                  perspective of keyword evolution: a case
                                  study on joint attention . . . . . . . . 973--995
            Federico Scarpa and   
            Vincenzo Bianco and   
             Luca A. Tagliafico   The impact of the national assessment
                                  exercises on self-citation rate and
                                  publication venue: an empirical
                                  investigation on the engineering
                                  academic sector in Italy . . . . . . . . 997--1022
              Alona Zharova and   
      Janine Tellinger-Rice and   
      Wolfgang Karl Härdle   How to measure the performance of a
                                  Collaborative Research Center  . . . . . 1023--1040
              K. Reji Kumar and   
                   Shibu Manuel   Collaborations of Indian institutions
                                  which conduct mathematical research: A
                                  study from the perspective of social
                                  network analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041--1051
           Andrey E. Guskov and   
          Denis V. Kosyakov and   
            Irina V. Selivanova   Boosting research productivity in top
                                  Russian universities: the circumstances
                                  of breakthrough  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1053--1080
                  Cui Huang and   
                  Chao Yang and   
                         Jun Su   Policy change analysis based on ``policy
                                  target-policy instrument'' patterns: a
                                  case study of China's nuclear energy
                                  policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081--1114
            Sergey Shashnov and   
                 Maxim Kotsemir   Research landscape of the BRICS
                                  countries: current trends in research
                                  output, thematic structures of
                                  publications, and the relative influence
                                  of partners  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1115--1155
             Andrej Kastrin and   
             Jelena Klisara and   
                Borut Luzar and   
                     Janez Povh   Is science driven by principal
                                  investigators? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1157--1182
                     Ran Xu and   
           Navid Ghaffarzadegan   Neuroscience bridging scientific
                                  disciplines in health: Who builds the
                                  bridge, who pays for it? . . . . . . . . 1183--1204
            Peter Ingwersen and   
Antonio Eleazar Serrano-López   Smart city research 1990--2016 . . . . . 1205--1236
               Shunshun Shi and   
                Wenyu Zhang and   
                Shuai Zhang and   
                       Jie Chen   Does prestige dimension influence the
                                  interdisciplinary performance of
                                  scientific entities in knowledge flow?
                                  Evidence from the e-government field . . 1237--1264
                   Mario Coccia   General properties of the evolution of
                                  research fields: a scientometric study
                                  of human microbiome, evolutionary
                                  robotics and astrobiology  . . . . . . . 1265--1283
         Houcemeddine Turki and   
     Mohamed Ali Hadj Taieb and   
            Mohamed Ben Aouicha   The value of letters to the editor . . . 1285--1287
            Christopher Zou and   
                 Julia Tsui and   
             Jordan B. Peterson   The publication trajectory of graduate
                                  students, post-doctoral fellows, and new
                                  professors in psychology . . . . . . . . 1289--1310
            Christopher Zou and   
                 Julia Tsui and   
             Jordan B. Peterson   Correction to: The publication
                                  trajectory of graduate students,
                                  post-doctoral fellows, and new
                                  professors in psychology . . . . . . . . 1311--1311
          Konstantin Fursov and   
                 Alina Kadyrova   Correction to: How the analysis of
                                  transitionary references in knowledge
                                  networks and their centrality
                                  characteristics helps in understanding
                                  the genesis of growing technology areas  1313--1313
               Anand Bihari and   
              Sudhakar Tripathi   Correction to: EM-index: a new measure
                                  to evaluate the scientific impact of
                                  scientists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1315--1315
               Anand Bihari and   
              Sudhakar Tripathi   Correction to: Year based EM-index: a
                                  new approach to evaluate the scientific
                                  impact of scholars . . . . . . . . . . . 1317--1317

Volume 117, Number 3, December, 2018

Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro and   
                   Elena M. Tur   Examiner trust in applicants to the
                                  European Patent Office: country
                                  specificities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1319--1348
                  Diana Tal and   
                 Avishag Gordon   Antisemitism and Islamophobia: what does
                                  a bibliometric study reveal? . . . . . . 1349--1359
          Rodica Ioana Lung and   
  Noémi Gaskó and   
          Mihai Alexandru Suciu   A hypergraph model for representing
                                  scientific output  . . . . . . . . . . . 1361--1379
         Meva Bayrak Karsli and   
              Sinem Karabey and   
      Nergiz Ercil Cagiltay and   
                  Yuksel Goktas   Comparison of the discussion sections of
                                  PhD dissertations in educational
                                  technology: the case of Turkey and the
                                  USA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1381--1403
                 Riaz Ahmad and   
          Muhammad Tanvir Afzal   CAD: an algorithm for citation-anchors
                                  detection in research papers . . . . . . 1405--1423
René Lezama-Nicolás and   
Marisela Rodríguez-Salvador and   
     Rosa Río-Belver and   
         Iñaki Bildosola   A bibliometric method for assessing
                                  technological maturity: the case of
                                  additive manufacturing . . . . . . . . . 1425--1452
Jefferson Seide Molléri and   
               Kai Petersen and   
                  Emilia Mendes   Towards understanding the relation
                                  between citations and research quality
                                  in software engineering studies  . . . . 1453--1478
                    Qian Ma and   
                      Wenlan Li   Growing scientific collaboration between
                                  Hong Kong and Mainland China since the
                                  handover: a 20-year bibliometric
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1479--1491
Mohammad Reza Zare Banadkouki and   
     Mohammad Ali Vahdatzad and   
       Mohammad Saleh Owlia and   
           Mohammad Mahdi Lotfi   Ranking Iranian universities: an
                                  interpretative structural modeling
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1493--1512
     Sandro Mendonça and   
        João Pereira and   
          Manuel Ennes Ferreira   Gatekeeping African studies: what does
                                  ``editormetrics'' indicate about journal
                                  governance?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1513--1534
Carlos Eduardo M. Viegas da Silva and   
               Rubens Nunes and   
  Elisabete Maria Macedo Viegas   A genealogy of the Brazilian scientific
                                  research on freshwater fish farming by
                                  means of the academic supervision
                                  linkage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1535--1553
                  Bahaa Ibrahim   Arab Spring's effect on scientific
                                  productivity and research performance in
                                  Arab countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1555--1586
      Monica Aniela Zaharie and   
                   Marco Seeber   Are non-monetary rewards effective in
                                  attracting peer reviewers? A natural
                                  experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1587--1609
          Thara Prabhakaran and   
          Hiran H. Lathabai and   
               Susan George and   
                  Manoj Changat   Towards prediction of paradigm shifts
                                  from scientific literature . . . . . . . 1611--1644
            Saeed-Ul Hassan and   
             Mubashir Imran and   
              Sehrish Iqbal and   
         Naif Radi Aljohani and   
                   Raheel Nawaz   Deep context of citations using
                                  machine-learning models in scholarly
                                  full-text articles . . . . . . . . . . . 1645--1662
           Sabrina J. Mayer and   
          Justus M. K. Rathmann   How does research productivity relate to
                                  gender? Analyzing gender differences for
                                  multiple publication dimensions  . . . . 1663--1693
           Olesia Iefremova and   
                 Kamil Wais and   
                   Marcin Kozak   Biographical articles in scientific
                                  literature: analysis of articles indexed
                                  in Web of Science  . . . . . . . . . . . 1695--1719
               Jianlin Zhou and   
                    An Zeng and   
                   Ying Fan and   
                      Zengru Di   The representative works of scientists   1721--1732
            Muhammad Farooq and   
              Muhammad Asim and   
             Muhammad Imran and   
               Shahid Imran and   
               Jameel Ahmad and   
         Muhammad Rizwan Younis   Mapping past, current and future energy
                                  research trend in Pakistan: a
                                  scientometric assessment . . . . . . . . 1733--1753
           Fernanda Morillo and   
Belén Álvarez-Bornstein   How to automatically identify major
                                  research sponsors selecting keywords
                                  from the WoS Funding Agency field  . . . 1755--1770
                  Yaoyu Wei and   
                        Lei Lei   Institution bias in the \booktitleNew
                                  England Journal of Medicine? A
                                  bibliometric analysis of publications
                                  (1997--2016) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1771--1775
           Camil Demetrescu and   
           Andrea Ribichini and   
                  Marco Schaerf   Accuracy of author names in
                                  bibliographic data sources: an Italian
                                  case study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1777--1791
Aurora González-Teruel and   
   Francisca Abad-García   The influence of Elfreda Chatman's
                                  theories: a citation context analysis    1793--1819
            Hamid R. Jamali and   
               Majid Nabavi and   
                    Saeid Asadi   How video articles are cited, the case
                                  of \booktitleJoVE: Journal of Visualized
                                  Experiments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1821--1839
             ZhangJian Zong and   
               XuanZhen Liu and   
                       Hui Fang   Sleeping beauties with no prince based
                                  on the co-citation criterion . . . . . . 1841--1852
    Eduardo Kunzel Teixeira and   
                Mirian Oliveira   Editorial board interlocking in
                                  knowledge management and intellectual
                                  capital research field . . . . . . . . . 1853--1869
          Hiran H. Lathabai and   
               Susan George and   
          Thara Prabhakaran and   
                  Manoj Changat   An integrated approach to path analysis
                                  for weighted citation networks . . . . . 1871--1904
             Sergio Minniti and   
            Valeria Santoro and   
                   Simone Belli   Mapping the development of Open Access
                                  in Latin America and Caribbean
                                  countries. An analysis of Web of Science
                                  Core Collection and SciELO Citation
                                  Index (2005--2017) . . . . . . . . . . . 1905--1930
                 Zara Nasar and   
          Syed Waqar Jaffry and   
          Muhammad Kamran Malik   Information extraction from scientific
                                  articles: a survey . . . . . . . . . . . 1931--1990
          Chien Hsiang Liao and   
                    Mu-Yen Chen   Exploring knowledge patterns of library
                                  and information science journals within
                                  the field: a citation analysis from 2009
                                  to 2016  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1991--2008
               K. Brad Wray and   
           Line Edslev Andersen   Retractions in Science . . . . . . . . . 2009--2019
                   Li Zhang and   
                    Erin Watson   The prevalence of green and grey open
                                  access: Where do physical science
                                  researchers archive their publications?  2021--2035
                 Gangan Prathap   Performance of research universities in
                                  post-communist countries . . . . . . . . 2037--2039
                Dirk Tunger and   
                  Marc Eulerich   Bibliometric analysis of corporate
                                  governance research in German-speaking
                                  countries: applying bibliometrics to
                                  business research using a custom-made
                                  database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2041--2059
               Georg P. Mueller   When the search for truth fails: A
                                  computer simulation of the impact of the
                                  publication bias on the meta-analysis of
                                  scientific literature  . . . . . . . . . 2061--2076
       Saif Aldeen AlRyalat and   
           Khaled Rawashdeh and   
            Osama El khatib and   
                Abeer Yasin and   
               Fadwa Alqadi and   
                 Noor Saleh and   
                Lna Malkawi and   
                Ola Hijjawi and   
                Mohammad Alessa   The change from an eponym to a
                                  representative name: Wegener to
                                  granulomatosis with polyangiitis . . . . 2077--2089
                  Fan Jiang and   
                    Niancai Liu   The hierarchical status of international
                                  academic awards in social sciences . . . 2091--2115
             Giovanni Colavizza   A diachronic study of historiography . . 2117--2131
                  Mike Thelwall   Do gendered citation advantages
                                  influence field participation? Four
                                  unusual fields in the USA 1996--2017 . . 2133--2144
     Juliana A. Ivar do Sul and   
          Alexander S. Tagg and   
               Matthias Labrenz   Exploring the common denominator between
                                  microplastics and microbiology: a
                                  scientometric approach . . . . . . . . . 2145--2157
        Rogheyeh Eskrootchi and   
                    Nadia Sanee   Comparison of medical research
                                  performance by thermodynamic and
                                  citation analysis methods  . . . . . . . 2159--2168
                 Gangan Prathap   A bibliometric tale of two cities: Hong
                                  Kong and Singapore . . . . . . . . . . . 2169--2175
                 Yong Huang and   
                      Yi Bu and   
                  Ying Ding and   
                         Wei Lu   Number versus structure: towards citing
                                  cascades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2177--2193
         David A. Groneberg and   
               Axel Fischer and   
    Doris Klingelhöfer and   
      Michael H. K. Bendels and   
              David Quarcoo and   
     Dörthe Brüggmann   The story behind Oncotarget? A
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 2195--2205

Volume 118, Number 1, January, 2019

                   Zewen Hu and   
                 Angela Lin and   
                  Peter Willett   Identification of research communities
                                  in cited and uncited publications using
                                  a co-authorship network  . . . . . . . . 1--19
               Faiza Qayyum and   
          Muhammad Tanvir Afzal   Identification of important citations by
                                  exploiting research articles' metadata
                                  and cue-terms from content . . . . . . . 21--43
               Kyuwoong Kim and   
             Kyeongmin Park and   
                    Sungjoo Lee   Investigating technology opportunities:
                                  the use of SAOx analysis . . . . . . . . 45--70
                 Linda Sile and   
             Raf Vanderstraeten   Measuring changes in publication
                                  patterns in a context of
                                  performance-based research funding
                                  systems: the case of educational
                                  research in the University of Gothenburg
                                  (2005--2014) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71--91
          Fabio S. V. Silva and   
            Peter A. Schulz and   
           Everard C. M. Noyons   Co-authorship networks and research
                                  impact in large research facilities:
                                  benchmarking internal reports and
                                  bibliometric databases . . . . . . . . . 93--108
               Fenghua Wang and   
                   Ying Fan and   
                    An Zeng and   
                      Zengru Di   Can we predict ESI highly cited
                                  publications?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109--125
       Leila Tahmooresnejad and   
              Catherine Beaudry   Capturing the economic value of triadic
                                  patents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127--157
               Zhou Chunlei and   
               Kong Xiangyi and   
                    Lin Zhipeng   Research on Derek John de Solla Price
                                  Medal: Prediction Based on Academic
                                  Credit Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 159--175
             Michael Gusenbauer   Google Scholar to overshadow them all?
                                  Comparing the sizes of 12 academic
                                  search engines and bibliographic
                                  databases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177--214
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   The collaboration behavior of top
                                  scientists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215--232
 Elea Giménez-Toledo and   
Jorge Mañana-Rodríguez and   
           Tim C. E. Engels and   
                   Raf Guns and   
          Emanuel Kulczycki and   
            Michael Ochsner and   
    Janne Pölönen and   
           Gunnar Sivertsen and   
              Alesia A. Zuccala   Taking scholarly books into account,
                                  part II: a comparison of 19 European
                                  countries in evaluation and funding  . . 233--251
                Jinseok Kim and   
                  Jinmo Kim and   
               Jason Owen-Smith   Generating automatically labeled data
                                  for author name disambiguation: an
                                  iterative clustering method  . . . . . . 253--280
                Danielle H. Lee   Predictive power of conference-related
                                  factors on citation rates of conference
                                  papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281--304
    Christoph Steinbrüchel   A citation index for principal
                                  investigators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--320
         William H. Walters and   
               Susanne Markgren   Do faculty journal selections correspond
                                  to objective indicators of citation
                                  impact? Results for 20 academic
                                  departments at Manhattan College . . . . 321--337
        S. P. J. M. Horbach and   
                    W. Halffman   The ability of different peer review
                                  procedures to flag problematic
                                  publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339--373
                  James Hartley   Some reflections on being cited 10,000
                                  times  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375--381
                    Jinseok Kim   Correction to: Evaluating author name
                                  disambiguation for digital libraries: a
                                  case of DBLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383--383

Volume 118, Number 2, February, 2019

       Chakresh Kumar Singh and   
               Shivakumar Jolad   Structure and evolution of Indian
                                  physics co-authorship networks . . . . . 385--406
          Manuel Castriotta and   
                Michela Loi and   
                Elona Marku and   
                   Luca Naitana   What's in a name? Exploring the
                                  conceptual structure of emerging
                                  organizations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407--437
 Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent and   
      Antonia Ferrer Sapena and   
     Silvia Coronado Ferrer and   
             Fernanda Peset and   
Alicia García García   Policies regarding public availability
                                  of published research data in pediatrics
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439--451
                  Liwei Cai and   
                Jiahao Tian and   
                Jiaying Liu and   
                Xiaomei Bai and   
                   Ivan Lee and   
              Xiangjie Kong and   
                       Feng Xia   Scholarly impact assessment: a survey of
                                  citation weighting solutions . . . . . . 453--478
              Karmen Stopar and   
                   Tomaz Bartol   Digital competences, computer skills and
                                  information literacy in secondary
                                  education: mapping and visualization of
                                  trends and concepts  . . . . . . . . . . 479--498
Bárbara S. Lancho-Barrantes and   
Francisco J. Cantú-Ortiz   Science in Mexico: a bibliometric
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499--517
                  Mike Thelwall   The influence of highly cited papers on
                                  field normalised indicators  . . . . . . 519--537
  Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese and   
           Paolo Ciancarini and   
               Aldo Gangemi and   
              Silvio Peroni and   
            Francesco Poggi and   
             Valentina Presutti   Do altmetrics work for assessing
                                  research quality?  . . . . . . . . . . . 539--562
                   Yu-Wei Chang   Definition of authorship in social
                                  science journals . . . . . . . . . . . . 563--585
                        Jing Tu   What connections lead to good scientific
                                  performance? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587--604
                Ho Fai Chan and   
     Franklin G. Mixon, Jr. and   
                  Benno Torgler   Fame in the sciences: a culturomics
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605--615
                Jiaying Liu and   
                Jiahao Tian and   
              Xiangjie Kong and   
                   Ivan Lee and   
                       Feng Xia   Two decades of information systems: a
                                  bibliometric review  . . . . . . . . . . 617--643
           Daniel Stockemer and   
           Michael J. Wigginton   Publishing in English or another
                                  language: An inclusive study of
                                  scholar's language publication
                                  preferences in the natural, social and
                                  interdisciplinary sciences . . . . . . . 645--652
                 Zhesi Shen and   
                Liying Yang and   
                  Zengru Di and   
                     Jinshan Wu   Large enough sample size to rank two
                                  groups of data reliably according to
                                  their means  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653--671
                   J. E. Hirsch   $ h_\alpha $: An index to quantify an
                                  individual's scientific leadership . . . 673--686
               Raynell Lang and   
                Marcy Mintz and   
          Hartmut B. Krentz and   
                   M. John Gill   An approach to conference selection and
                                  evaluation: advice to avoid
                                  ``predatory'' conferences  . . . . . . . 687--698
              Biplab Sarkar and   
            Anusheel Munshi and   
         Arjunan Manikandan and   
        Tharmarnadar Ganesh and   
           Bidhu Kalyan Mohanti   Radiation oncology and social media
                                  platforms --- Use, benefits, pitfalls    699--703
              Lutz Bornmann and   
               Alexander Tekles   Productivity does not equal usefulness   705--707
                 Junwen Zhu and   
               Guangyuan Hu and   
                     Weishu Liu   DOI errors and possible solutions for
                                  Web of Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709--718
              Giulio Marini and   
              Viviana Meschitti   Correction to: The trench warfare of
                                  gender discrimination: evidence from
                                  academic promotions to full professor in
                                  Italy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719--719

Volume 118, Number 3, March, 2019

               Guijie Zhang and   
                 Luning Liu and   
                   Fangfang Wei   Key nodes mining in the inventor--author
                                  knowledge diffusion network  . . . . . . 721--735
                Jiaojiao Ji and   
          George A. Barnett and   
                    Jianxun Chu   Global networks of genetically modified
                                  crops technology: a patent citation
                                  network analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 737--762
                   Juan Xie and   
                 Kaile Gong and   
                 Ying Cheng and   
                        Qing Ke   The correlation between paper length and
                                  citations: a meta-analysis . . . . . . . 763--786
                 Mikko Packalen   Edge factors: scientific frontier
                                  positions of nations . . . . . . . . . . 787--808
               Rizwan Ghani and   
               Faiza Qayyum and   
      Muhammad Tanvir Afzal and   
                 Hermann Maurer   Comprehensive evaluation of $h$-index
                                  and its extensions in the domain of
                                  mathematics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 809--822
           Serhat Burmaoglu and   
                  Ozcan Saritas   An evolutionary analysis of the
                                  innovation policy domain: Is there a
                                  paradigm shift?  . . . . . . . . . . . . 823--847
                  Philipp Korom   A bibliometric visualization of the
                                  economics and sociology of wealth
                                  inequality: a world apart? . . . . . . . 849--868
            Jussi Heikkilä   IPR gender gaps: a first look at utility
                                  model, design right and trademark
                                  filings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869--883
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   Do the best papers have the highest
                                  probability of being cited?  . . . . . . 885--890
                Erin Leahey and   
        Sondra N. Barringer and   
             Misty Ring-Ramirez   Universities' structural commitment to
                                  interdisciplinary research . . . . . . . 891--919
                Weimin Kang and   
              Shuliang Zhao and   
                   Wei Song and   
                     Tao Zhuang   Triple helix in the science and
                                  technology innovation centers of China
                                  from the perspective of mutual
                                  information: a comparative study between
                                  Beijing and Shanghai . . . . . . . . . . 921--940
          Thara Prabhakaran and   
          Hiran H. Lathabai and   
                   Susan George   Competing, complementary and co-existing
                                  paradigms in techno-scientific
                                  literature: A case study of
                                  Nanotechnology for engineering . . . . . 941--977
               Qingqiang Wu and   
               Yichen Kuang and   
                Qingqi Hong and   
                   Yingying She   Frontier knowledge discovery and
                                  visualization in cancer field based on
                                  KOS and LDA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979--1010
            Domingo Docampo and   
                  Lawrence Cram   Highly cited researchers: a moving
                                  target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011--1025
                Amy Richter and   
         Kelvin Tsun Wai Ng and   
                 Bahareh Fallah   Bibliometric and text mining approaches
                                  to evaluate landfill design standards    1027--1049
             John G. Benjafield   Keyword frequencies in anglophone
                                  psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1051--1064
         Maziar Montazerian and   
        Edgar Dutra Zanotto and   
                 Hellmut Eckert   A new parameter for (normalized)
                                  evaluation of $H$-index: countries as a
                                  case study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065--1078
                Henry Small and   
            Kevin W. Boyack and   
                Richard Klavans   Citations and certainty: a new
                                  interpretation of citation counts  . . . 1079--1092
             Alan L. Porter and   
         David J. Schoeneck and   
                 Jan Youtie and   
        Gregg E. A. Solomon and   
              Seokbeom Kwon and   
              Stephen F. Carley   Learning about learning: patterns of
                                  sharing of research knowledge among
                                  Education, Border, and Cognitive Science
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093--1117
                   Fen Zhao and   
                   Yi Zhang and   
                 Jianguo Lu and   
                      Ofer Shai   Measuring academic influence using
                                  heterogeneous author-citation networks   1119--1140
             Ulrich Schmoch and   
              Bernd Beckert and   
           Petra Schaper-Rinkel   Impact assessment of a support programme
                                  of science-based emerging technologies   1141--1161
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                  Tobias Opthof   $ h_\alpha $: the scientist as
                                  chimpanzee or bonobo . . . . . . . . . . 1163--1166
                   J. E. Hirsch   Response to comment ``$ h_\alpha $: the
                                  scientist as chimpanzee or bonobo'', by
                                  Leydesdorff, Bornmann and Opthof . . . . 1167--1172

Volume 119, Number 1, April, 2019

            Zeljko Stevi\'c and   
              Irena Dali\'c and   
             Dragan Pamucar and   
            Zdravko Nuni\'c and   
          Slavko Veskovi\'c and   
         Marko Vasiljevi\'c and   
                 Ilija Tanackov   A new hybrid model for quality
                                  assessment of scientific conferences
                                  based on Rough BWM and SERVQUAL  . . . . 1--30
             Faatiema Salie and   
             Kylie de Jager and   
             Carsten Dreher and   
               Tania S. Douglas   The scientific base for orthopaedic
                                  device development in South Africa:
                                  spatial and sectoral evolution of
                                  knowledge development  . . . . . . . . . 31--54
       Roberto Lopez-Olmedo and   
   Miguel Angel Perez-Angon and   
Norma Georgina Gutiérrez-Serrano   Participation of Mexican Civil Society
                                  Organizations in scientific publications 55--72
     Muhammad Touseef Ikram and   
          Muhammad Tanvir Afzal   Aspect based citation sentiment analysis
                                  using linguistic patterns for better
                                  comprehension of scientific knowledge    73--95
           Serhat Burmaoglu and   
          Olivier Sartenaer and   
                Alan Porter and   
                       Munan Li   Analysing the theoretical roots of
                                  technology emergence: an evolutionary
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97--118
  Jose Luis Aleixandre-Tudo and   
Lourdes Castelló-Cogollos and   
       Jose Luis Aleixandre and   
     Rafael Aleixandre-Benavent   Unravelling the scientific research on
                                  grape and wine phenolic compounds: a
                                  bibliometric study . . . . . . . . . . . 119--147
                 Kiran Kaur and   
              Kwan Hoong Ng and   
                   Ray Kemp and   
                Yin Yee Ong and   
              Zaharah Ramly and   
                    Ai Peng Koh   Knowledge generation in the wake of the
                                  Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
                                  disaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149--169
                Anna Tietze and   
                 Philip Hofmann   The $h$-index and multi-author $
                                  h_m$-index for individual researchers in
                                  condensed matter physics . . . . . . . . 171--185
               Qurat-ul Ain and   
                  Hira Riaz and   
          Muhammad Tanvir Afzal   Evaluation of $h$-index and its citation
                                  intensity based variants in the field of
                                  mathematics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187--211
Alonso Rodríguez-Navarro and   
                  Ricardo Brito   Probability and expected frequency of
                                  breakthroughs: basis and use of a robust
                                  method of research assessment  . . . . . 213--235
                  Arif Khan and   
            Nazim Choudhury and   
                 Shahadat Uddin   Few research fields play major role in
                                  interdisciplinary grant success  . . . . 237--246
                 Gangan Prathap   Balance: a thermodynamic perspective . . 247--255
                Iqra Safder and   
                Saeed-Ul Hassan   Bibliometric-enhanced information
                                  retrieval: a novel deep feature
                                  engineering approach for algorithm
                                  searching from full-text publications    257--277
             Marcel Ausloos and   
               Olgica Nedic and   
            Aleksandar Dekanski   Correlations between submission and
                                  acceptance of papers in peer review
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279--302
      Rafael J. P. Damaceno and   
              Luciano Rossi and   
    Rogério Mugnaini and   
    Jesús P. Mena-Chalco   The Brazilian academic genealogy:
                                  evidence of advisor--advisee
                                  relationships through quantitative
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303--333
      Ivone de Bem Oliveira and   
              Rhewter Nunes and   
            Lucia Mattiello and   
       Stela Barros-Ribeiro and   
 Isabela Pavanelli de Souza and   
Alexandre Siqueira Guedes Coelho and   
       Rosane Garcia Collevatti   Research and partnership in studies of
                                  sugarcane using molecular markers: a
                                  scientometric approach . . . . . . . . . 335--355
                 Chan-Yuan Wong   A century of scientific publication:
                                  towards a theorization of growth
                                  behavior and research-orientation  . . . 357--377
                John S. Liu and   
             Louis Y. Y. Lu and   
              Mei Hsiu-Ching Ho   A few notes on main path analysis  . . . 379--391
                Zahid Halim and   
                    Shafaq Khan   A data science-based framework to
                                  categorize academic journals . . . . . . 393--423
            Helena H. Zhang and   
          Alesia A. Zuccala and   
                     Fred Y. Ye   Tracing the `swan groups' of physics and
                                  economics in the key publications of
                                  Nobel Laureates  . . . . . . . . . . . . 425--436
             Young-Sun Jang and   
                   Young Joo Ko   How latecomers catch up to leaders in
                                  high-energy physics as Big Science:
                                  transition from national system to
                                  international collaboration  . . . . . . 437--480
            Saeed-Ul Hassan and   
          Timothy D. Bowman and   
           Mudassir Shabbir and   
                Aqsa Akhtar and   
             Mubashir Imran and   
             Naif Radi Aljohani   Influential tweeters in relation to
                                  highly cited articles in altmetric big
                                  data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481--493
                 Weilong Bi and   
                Ho Fai Chan and   
                  Benno Torgler   Self-esteem, self-symbolizing, and
                                  academic recognition: behavioral
                                  evidence from curricula vitae  . . . . . 495--525
           Katelyn Horstman and   
               Virginia Trimble   A citation history of measurements of
                                  Newton's constant of gravity . . . . . . 527--541
                Erwin Krauskopf   Missing documents in Scopus: the case of
                                  the journal \booktitleEnfermeria
                                  Nefrologica  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543--547
            David A. Pendlebury   Charting a path between the simple and
                                  the false and the complex and unusable:
                                  Review of Henk F. Moed,
                                  \booktitleApplied Evaluative
                                  Informetrics [in the series Qualitative
                                  and Quantitative Analysis of Scientific
                                  and Scholarly Communication, Wolfgang
                                  Glänzel, Andras Schubert (eds.)]  . . . . 549--560

Volume 119, Number 2, May, 2019

             Chongfeng Wang and   
                   Gupeng Zhang   Examining the moderating effect of
                                  technology spillovers embedded in the
                                  intra- and inter-regional collaborative
                                  innovation networks of China . . . . . . 561--593
Péter Sasvári and   
    András Nemeslaki and   
      László Duma   Exploring the influence of scientific
                                  journal ranking on publication
                                  performance in the Hungarian social
                                  sciences: the case of law and economics  595--616
                Juste Raimbault   Exploration of an interdisciplinary
                                  scientific landscape . . . . . . . . . . 617--641
                 Raja Habib and   
          Muhammad Tanvir Afzal   Sections-based bibliographic coupling
                                  for research paper recommendation  . . . 643--656
                Liming Zhao and   
              Haihong Zhang and   
                     Wenqing Wu   Cooperative knowledge creation in an
                                  uncertain network environment based on a
                                  dynamic knowledge supernetwork . . . . . 657--685
                Jinseok Kim and   
                   Jana Diesner   Formational bounds of link prediction in
                                  collaboration networks . . . . . . . . . 687--706
          James W. H. Sonne and   
           Nicole T. Dawson and   
                Gerald V. Smith   Research productivity of Doctor of
                                  Physical Therapy faculty promoted in the
                                  Western United States  . . . . . . . . . 707--719
                Xionghe Qin and   
                   Debin Du and   
                    Mei-Po Kwan   Spatial spillovers and value chain
                                  spillovers: evaluating regional R&D
                                  efficiency and its spillover effects in
                                  China  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721--747
             Agniv Adhikari and   
               Paramita Das and   
                Abhik Mukherjee   Generating a representative keyword
                                  subset pertaining to an academic
                                  conference series  . . . . . . . . . . . 749--770
               Han Woo Park and   
                   Jungwon Yoon   Structural characteristics of
                                  institutional collaboration in North
                                  Korea analyzed through domestic
                                  publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771--787
             Shahadat Uddin and   
            Nazim Choudhury and   
             Md Ekramul Hossain   A research framework to explore
                                  knowledge evolution and scholarly
                                  quantification of collaborative research 789--803
Belén Álvarez-Bornstein and   
Adrián A. Díaz-Faes and   
           María Bordons   What characterises funded biomedical
                                  research? Evidence from a basic and a
                                  clinical domain  . . . . . . . . . . . . 805--825
                Diana Hicks and   
              Julia Melkers and   
             Kimberley R. Isett   A characterization of professional media
                                  and its links to research  . . . . . . . 827--843
               Nasrin Asadi and   
               Kambiz Badie and   
        Maryam Tayefeh Mahmoudi   Automatic zone identification in
                                  scientific papers via fusion techniques  845--862
              Evelien Cools and   
             Julia Ausserer and   
          Marc Van de Velde and   
                 Peter Hamm and   
                     Peter Paal   Publications from university-affiliated
                                  anaesthesiology departments: a look at
                                  Belgium, France and the Netherlands from
                                  2001 to 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863--878
             Angelito Calma and   
José Martí-Parreño and   
                  Martin Davies   \booktitleJournal of the Academy of
                                  Marketing Science 1973--2018: an
                                  analytical retrospective . . . . . . . . 879--908
                Yanwen Wang and   
                  Song Hong and   
                 Yifei Wang and   
                    Xi Gong and   
                    Chao He and   
                Zhendong Lu and   
               F. Benjamin Zhan   What is the difference in global
                                  research on Central Asia before and
                                  after the collapse of the USSR: a
                                  bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . . 909--930
                R. Bjòrk   The age at which Nobel Prize research is
                                  conducted  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 931--939
              Rafael Repiso and   
  Antonio Castillo-Esparcia and   
          Daniel Torres-Salinas   Altmetrics, alternative indicators for
                                  Web of Science Communication studies
                                  journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941--958
                Ji-ping Gao and   
                   Cheng Su and   
               Hai-yan Wang and   
                Li-hua Zhai and   
                    Yun-tao Pan   Research fund evaluation based on
                                  academic publication output analysis:
                                  the case of Chinese research fund
                                  evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 959--972
        Jesper W. Schneider and   
           Thed van Leeuwen and   
             Martijn Visser and   
                  Kaare Aagaard   Examining national citation impact by
                                  comparing developments in a fixed and a
                                  dynamic journal set  . . . . . . . . . . 973--985
             Maryam Yaghtin and   
              Hajar Sotudeh and   
         Mahdieh Mirzabeigi and   
   Seyed Mostafa Fakhrahmad and   
                Mehdi Mohammadi   In quest of new document relations:
                                  evaluating co-opinion relations between
                                  co-citations and its impact on
                                  Information retrieval effectiveness  . . 987--1008
             W. Pluskiewicz and   
             B. Drozdzowska and   
                P. Adamczyk and   
                        K. Noga   Scientific Quality Index: a composite
                                  size-independent metric compared with
                                  $h$-index for 480 medical researchers    1009--1016
                 Xiaolan Wu and   
                 Chengzhi Zhang   Finding high-impact interdisciplinary
                                  users based on friend discipline
                                  distribution in academic social
                                  networking sites . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017--1035
                  Paul Sebo and   
       Jean Pascal Fournier and   
               Claire Ragot and   
Pierre-Henri Gorioux François R. Herrmann and   
             Hubert Maisonneuve   Factors associated with publication
                                  speed in general medical journals: a
                                  retrospective study of bibliometric data 1037--1058
             Mu-hsuan Huang and   
            Wang-Ching Shaw and   
                  Chi-Shiou Lin   One category, two communities: subfield
                                  differences in ``Information Science and
                                  Library Science'' in Journal Citation
                                  Reports  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1059--1079
      Bakthavachalam Elango and   
               Marcin Kozak and   
          Periyaswamy Rajendran   Analysis of retractions in Indian
                                  science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081--1094
            Fredrik Niclas Piro   The R&D composition of European
                                  countries: concentrated versus dispersed
                                  profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1095--1119
               Waleed Iqbal and   
               Junaid Qadir and   
               Gareth Tyson and   
            Adnan Noor Mian and   
            Saeed-ul Hassan and   
                  Jon Crowcroft   A bibliometric analysis of publications
                                  in computer networking research  . . . . 1121--1155
             Andrey Lovakov and   
               Elena Agadullina   Bibliometric analysis of publications
                                  from post-Soviet countries in
                                  psychological journals in 1992--2017 . . 1157--1171
                 Gangan Prathap   The Pinski--Narin influence weight and
                                  the Ramanujacharyulu power-weakness
                                  ratio indicators revisited . . . . . . . 1173--1185
              Lutz Bornmann and   
           Alexander Tekles and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   How well does I3 perform for impact
                                  measurement compared to other
                                  bibliometric indicators? The convergent
                                  validity of several (field-normalized)
                                  indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1187--1205
            Domingo Docampo and   
          Jean-Jacques Bessoule   A new approach to the analysis and
                                  evaluation of the research output of
                                  countries and institutions . . . . . . . 1207--1225
           Jeppe Nicolaisen and   
            Tove Faber Frandsen   Zero impact: a large-scale study of
                                  uncitedness  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1227--1254
            Sergio Copiello and   
                Pietro Bonifaci   ResearchGate Score, full-text research
                                  items, and full-text reads: a follow-up
                                  study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1255--1262
             Paul Monsarrat and   
              Jean-Noel Vergnes   The progressive substitution of hazard
                                  ratios for relative risks in biomedical
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1263--1267
                 Gangan Prathap   Scale-dependent stratification: a
                                  skyline-shoreline scatter plot . . . . . 1269--1273
                 Gangan Prathap   Expected, observed and relative paper
                                  scores from heterogeneous
                                  author-paper-citation networks . . . . . 1275--1279
                  Leo Egghe and   
                Ronald Rousseau   A geometric relation between the
                                  $h$-index and the Lorenz curve . . . . . 1281--1284
              Paul Frijters and   
                  Benno Torgler   Improving the peer review process: a
                                  proposed market system . . . . . . . . . 1285--1288

Volume 119, Number 3, June, 2019

    Seyed Mahmoud Zanjirchi and   
    Mina Rezaeian Abrishami and   
                 Negar Jalilian   Four decades of fuzzy sets theory in
                                  operations management: application of
                                  life-cycle, bibliometrics and content
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1289--1309
                   Xi Zhang and   
               Xianhai Wang and   
                Hongke Zhao and   
Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos and   
              Yongqiang Sun and   
                      Hui Xiong   An effectiveness analysis of altmetrics
                                  indices for different levels of
                                  artificial intelligence publications . . 1311--1344
Francisco González-Sala and   
           Julia Osca-Lluch and   
                Julia Haba-Osca   Are journal and author self-citations a
                                  visibility strategy? . . . . . . . . . . 1345--1364
        Radhamany Sooryamoorthy   Scientific knowledge in South Africa:
                                  information trends, patterns and
                                  collaboration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1365--1386
               Mark Kibanov and   
       Raphael H. Heiberger and   
         Simone Rödder and   
          Martin Atzmueller and   
                    Gerd Stumme   Social studies of scholarly life with
                                  sensor-based ethnographic observations   1387--1428
                   Juan Xie and   
                 Kaile Gong and   
                   Jiang Li and   
                    Qing Ke and   
              Hyonchol Kang and   
                     Ying Cheng   A probe into 66 factors which are
                                  possibly associated with the number of
                                  citations an article received  . . . . . 1429--1454
                 Zhichao Ba and   
                  Yujie Cao and   
                    Jin Mao and   
                        Gang Li   A hierarchical approach to analyzing
                                  knowledge integration between two fields
                                  --- a case study on medical informatics
                                  and computer science . . . . . . . . . . 1455--1486
  Adilson Marcos Montefusco and   
 Felipe Parra do Nascimento and   
      Luiz Ubirajara Sennes and   
     Ricardo Ferreira Bento and   
                    Rui Imamura   Influence of international authorship on
                                  citations in Brazilian medical journals:
                                  a bibliometric analysis  . . . . . . . . 1487--1496
                   Qi Zhang and   
                    Rui Mao and   
                         Rui Li   Spatial-temporal restricted supervised
                                  learning for collaboration
                                  recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1497--1517
    Przemys\law Korytkowski and   
              Emanuel Kulczycki   Examining how country-level science
                                  policy shapes publication patterns: the
                                  case of Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1519--1543
 Carlos Olmeda-Gómez and   
   Carlos Romá-Mateo and   
Maria-Antonia Ovalle-Perandones   Overview of trends in global epigenetic
                                  research (2009--2017)  . . . . . . . . . 1545--1574
              Mingyang Wang and   
                Zhenyu Wang and   
                Guangsheng Chen   Which can better predict the future
                                  success of articles? Bibliometric
                                  indices or alternative metrics . . . . . 1575--1595
                    Jian Xu and   
                  Ying Ding and   
                      Yi Bu and   
               Shuqing Deng and   
                    Chen Yu and   
                  Yimin Zou and   
                  Andrew Madden   Interdisciplinary scholarly
                                  communication: an exploratory study for
                                  the field of joint attention . . . . . . 1597--1619
              Mingyang Wang and   
                Jiaqi Zhang and   
            Guangsheng Chen and   
                   Kah-Hin Chai   Examining the influence of open access
                                  on journals' citation obsolescence by
                                  modeling the actual citation process . . 1621--1641
              Dominik Grega and   
             Jozef Kolár   Historical analysis of pharmacoeconomic
                                  terms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1643--1654
               Fenghua Wang and   
                   Ying Fan and   
                    An Zeng and   
                      Zengru Di   A nonlinear collective credit allocation
                                  in scientific publications . . . . . . . 1655--1668
           Loet Leydesdorff and   
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                 Jonathan Adams   The integrated impact indicator
                                  revisited (I3*): a non-parametric
                                  alternative to the journal impact factor 1669--1694
                    Lukun Zheng   Using mutual information as a cocitation
                                  similarity measure . . . . . . . . . . . 1695--1713
               Qianjin Zong and   
                  Yafen Xie and   
               Rongchan Tuo and   
              Jingshi Huang and   
                      Yang Yang   The impact of video abstract on citation
                                  counts: evidence from a retrospective
                                  cohort study of \booktitleNew Journal of
                                  Physics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1715--1727
        Tove Faber Frandsen and   
       Mette Brandt Eriksen and   
David Mortan Gròne Hammer and   
         Janne Buck Christensen   Fragmented publishing: a large-scale
                                  study of health science  . . . . . . . . 1729--1743
                 Junwen Zhu and   
                   Fang Liu and   
                     Weishu Liu   The secrets behind Web of Science's DOI
                                  search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1745--1753

Volume 120, Number 1, July, 2019

               Yu-Shan Chen and   
               Yu-Hsien Lin and   
                 Tai-Hsi Wu and   
               Shu-Tzu Hung and   
           Pei-Ju Lucy Ting and   
                 Chen-Han Hsieh   Re-examine the determinants of market
                                  value from the perspectives of patent
                                  analysis and patent litigation . . . . . 1--17
           José Lobo and   
               Deborah Strumsky   Sources of inventive novelty: two patent
                                  classification schemas, same story . . . 19--37
               Vincent Chandler   Identifying emerging scholars: seeing
                                  through the crystal ball of scholarship
                                  selection committees . . . . . . . . . . 39--56
         María Pinto and   
Rosaura Fernández-Pascual and   
   David Caballero-Mariscal and   
                 Dora Sales and   
             David Guerrero and   
                Alejandro Uribe   Scientific production on mobile
                                  information literacy in higher
                                  education: a bibliometric analysis
                                  (2006--2017) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57--85
             Tobias Mistele and   
                  Tom Price and   
            Sabine Hossenfelder   Predicting authors' citation counts and
                                  $h$-indices with a neural network  . . . 87--104
     Oscar Rodriguez-Prieto and   
             Lourdes Araujo and   
             Juan Martinez-Romo   Discovering related scientific
                                  literature beyond semantic similarity: a
                                  new co-citation approach . . . . . . . . 105--127
             Xiaoqian Zhang and   
                      Feng Yang   Rural informatization policy evolution
                                  in China: a bibliometric study . . . . . 129--153
                 Yanan Wang and   
                    An Zeng and   
                   Ying Fan and   
                      Zengru Di   Ranking scientific publications
                                  considering the aging characteristics of
                                  citations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155--166
                  Yuan Zhou and   
                   Heng Lin and   
                  Yufei Liu and   
                       Wei Ding   A novel method to identify emerging
                                  technologies using a semi-supervised
                                  topic clustering model: a case of $3$D
                                  printing industry  . . . . . . . . . . . 167--185
                Jianhua Hou and   
                    Xiucai Yang   Patent sleeping beauties: evolutionary
                                  trajectories and identification methods  187--215
                 Anwar Said and   
          Timothy D. Bowman and   
         Rabeeh Ayaz Abbasi and   
         Naif Radi Aljohani and   
            Saeed-Ul Hassan and   
                   Raheel Nawaz   Mining network-level properties of
                                  Twitter altmetrics data  . . . . . . . . 217--235
                    Igors Skute   Opening the black box of academic
                                  entrepreneurship: a bibliometric
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237--265
        Henry Laverde-Rojas and   
                 Juan C. Correa   Can scientific productivity impact the
                                  economic complexity of countries?  . . . 267--282
        Cristian Colliander and   
                    Per Ahlgren   Comparison of publication-level
                                  approaches to ex-post citation
                                  normalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283--300
              Thomas Rotolo and   
                  Scott Frickel   When disasters strike environmental
                                  science: a case-control study of changes
                                  in scientific collaboration networks . . 301--317
                     Petr Praus   High-ranked citations percentage as an
                                  indicator of publications quality  . . . 319--329
              Lutz Bornmann and   
               Alexander Tekles   Disruptive papers published in
                                  Scientometrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331--336
         Houcemeddine Turki and   
        Mohamed Ben Aouicha and   
         Mohamed Ali Hadj Taieb   Discussing Arab Spring's effect on
                                  scientific productivity and research
                                  performance in Arab countries  . . . . . 337--339
               Anne-Wil Harzing   Two new kids on the block: How do
                                  Crossref and Dimensions compare with
                                  Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic,
                                  Scopus and the Web of Science? . . . . . 341--349
                Sergio Copiello   Research Interest: another undisclosed
                                  (and redundant) algorithm by
                                  ResearchGate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351--360

Volume 120, Number 2, August, 2019

         Hirokuni Mizoguchi and   
                    Shingo Kano   Comparative analysis of correlations of
                                  research and development indicators for
                                  rare diseases among Japan, the US, and
                                  Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361--374
             Stepan Zemtsov and   
                 Maxim Kotsemir   An assessment of regional innovation
                                  system efficiency in Russia: the
                                  application of the DEA approach  . . . . 375--404
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Flavia Di Costa   A gender analysis of top scientists'
                                  collaboration behavior: evidence from
                                  Italy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405--418
              Lutz Bornmann and   
             Julian N. Marewski   Heuristics as conceptual lens for
                                  understanding and studying the usage of
                                  bibliometrics in research evaluation . . 419--459
                 Yubing Nie and   
                  Yifan Zhu and   
                   Qika Lin and   
                Sifan Zhang and   
                Pengfei Shi and   
                   Zhendong Niu   Academic rising star prediction via
                                  scholar's evaluation model and machine
                                  learning techniques  . . . . . . . . . . 461--476
               Manika Lamba and   
             Margam Madhusudhan   Mapping of topics in DESIDOC
                                  \booktitleJournal of Library and
                                  Information Technology, India: a study   477--505
                 Lijun Yang and   
               Liangxiu Han and   
                      Naxin Liu   A new approach to journal co-citation
                                  matrix construction based on the number
                                  of co-cited articles in journals . . . . 507--517
                JongWuk Ahn and   
                Hyundo Choi and   
                   Dong-hyun Oh   Leveraging bridging universities to
                                  access international knowledge: Korean
                                  universities' R&D internationalization    519--537
           R. Fileto Maciel and   
           P. Saskia Bayerl and   
     Marta Macedo Kerr Pinheiro   Technical research innovations of the US
                                  national security system . . . . . . . . 539--565
Priscila Pereira Suzart de Carvalho and   
Ricardo de Araújo Kalid and   
Jorge Laureano Moya Rodríguez and   
         Sandro Breval Santiago   Interactions among stakeholders in the
                                  processes of city logistics: a
                                  systematic review of the literature  . . 567--607
                  S. Lozano and   
         L. Calzada-Infante and   
      B. Adenso-Díaz and   
               S. García   Complex network analysis of keywords
                                  co-occurrence in the recent efficiency
                                  analysis literature  . . . . . . . . . . 609--629
         Candelaria Barrios and   
              Esther Flores and   
M. Ángeles Martínez and   
     Marta Ruiz-Martínez   Is there convergence in international
                                  research collaboration? An exploration
                                  at the country level in the basic and
                                  applied science fields . . . . . . . . . 631--659
                    Jinseok Kim   A fast and integrative algorithm for
                                  clustering performance evaluation in
                                  author name disambiguation . . . . . . . 661--681
                       Munan Li   Visualizing the studies on smart cities
                                  in the past two decades: a
                                  two-dimensional perspective  . . . . . . 683--705
                   Wei Quan and   
           Philippe Mongeon and   
        Maxime Sainte-Marie and   
              Rongying Zhao and   
            Vincent Larivi\`ere   On the development of China's leadership
                                  in international collaborations  . . . . 707--721
                  Mike Thelwall   Are classic references cited first? An
                                  analysis of citation order within
                                  article sections . . . . . . . . . . . . 723--731
                  Petr Heneberg   The troubles of high-profile open access
                                  megajournals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733--746
              Dag W. Aksnes and   
        Fredrik Niclas Piro and   
      Kristoffer Ròrstad   Gender gaps in international research
                                  collaboration: a bibliometric approach   747--774
           Ibrahim Shehatta and   
         Abdullah M. Al-Rubaish   Impact of country self-citations on
                                  bibliometric indicators and ranking of
                                  most productive countries  . . . . . . . 775--791
               Yanmeng Xing and   
                    An Zeng and   
                   Ying Fan and   
                      Zengru Di   The strong nonlinear effect in academic
                                  dropout  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793--805
               Fernanda Morillo   Collaboration and impact of research in
                                  different disciplines with international
                                  funding (from the EU and other foreign
                                  sources) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807--823
                     Adam Emmer   The careers behind and the impact of
                                  solo author articles in \booktitleNature
                                  and \booktitleScience  . . . . . . . . . 825--840
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                 Klaus Wohlrabe   Normalisation of citation impact in
                                  economics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841--884
                Mark Levene and   
              Trevor Fenner and   
                 Judit Bar-Ilan   Characterisation of the $ \chi $-index
                                  and the rec-index  . . . . . . . . . . . 885--896
                     Brady Lund   Examination of correlates of $H$-index
                                  as a measure of research productivity
                                  for library and information science
                                  faculty in the United States and Canada  897--915
   Mohammadamin Erfanmanesh and   
     Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva   Is the soundness-only quality control
                                  policy of open access mega journals
                                  linked to a higher rate of published
                                  errors?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917--923
           Robin Haunschild and   
              Lutz Bornmann and   
                 Jonathan Adams   R package for producing beamplots as a
                                  preferred alternative to the $h$ index
                                  when assessing single researchers (based
                                  on downloads from Web of Science)  . . . 925--927

Volume 120, Number 3, September, 2019

         Saulo Cardoso Maia and   
Gideon Carvalho de Benedicto and   
José Willer do Prado and   
        David Alastair Robb and   
Oscar Neto de Almeida Bispo and   
     Mozar José de Brito   Mapping the literature on credit unions:
                                  a bibliometric investigation grounded in
                                  Scopus and Web of Science  . . . . . . . 929--960
          Stephen F. Carley and   
              Seokbeom Kwon and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
                  Jan L. Youtie   The relationship between forward and
                                  backward diversity in CORE datasets  . . 961--974
            Patrick Georges and   
                    Ngoc Nguyen   Visualizing music similarity: clustering
                                  and mapping 500 classical music
                                  composers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 975--1003
               Maja Joki\'c and   
              Andrea Mervar and   
               Stjepan Mateljan   Comparative analysis of book citations
                                  in social science journals by Central
                                  and Eastern European authors . . . . . . 1005--1029
Juan-Carlos Valderrama-Zurián and   
      Remedios Aguilar-Moya and   
                   Juan Gorraiz   On the bibliometric nature of a
                                  foreseeable relationship: open access
                                  and education  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1031--1057
Estela Hernández-Martín and   
             Fernando Calle and   
      Juan C. Dueñas and   
             Miguel Holgado and   
Asunción Gómez-Pérez   Participation of women in doctorate,
                                  research, innovation, and management
                                  activities at Universidad Politécnica de
                                  Madrid: analysis of the decade
                                  2006--2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1059--1089
              Rongying Zhao and   
                        Xu Wang   Evaluation and comparison of influence
                                  in international Open Access journals
                                  between China and USA  . . . . . . . . . 1091--1110
              Pancheng Wang and   
                  Shasha Li and   
               Haifang Zhou and   
                Jintao Tang and   
                      Ting Wang   Cited text spans identification with an
                                  improved balanced ensemble model . . . . 1111--1145
        Nida ul Habib Bajwa and   
        Cornelius J. König   How much is research in the top journals
                                  of industrial/organizational psychology
                                  dominated by authors from the U.S.?  . . 1147--1161
             David Doloreux and   
  Jose Gaviria de la Puerta and   
   Iker Pastor-López and   
   Igone Porto Gómez and   
                 Borja Sanz and   
Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia   Territorial innovation models: to be or
                                  not to be, that's the question . . . . . 1163--1191
             Guoqiang Liang and   
                 Haiyan Hou and   
                Xiaodan Lou and   
                     Zhigang Hu   Qualifying threshold of ``take-off''
                                  stage for successfully disseminated
                                  creative ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1193--1208
Sara M. González-Betancor and   
    Pablo Dorta-González   Publication modalities `article in
                                  press' and `open access' in relation to
                                  journal average citation . . . . . . . . 1209--1223
       Alberto Falk Delgado and   
          Gregory Garretson and   
              Anna Falk Delgado   The language of peer review reports on
                                  articles published in the BMJ,
                                  2014--2017: an observational study . . . 1225--1235
               Sungbin Youk and   
                   Hee Sun Park   Where and what do they publish? Editors'
                                  and editorial board members' affiliated
                                  institutions and the citation counts of
                                  their endogenous publications in the
                                  field of communication . . . . . . . . . 1237--1260
              Toluwase Asubiaro   How collaboration type, publication
                                  place, funding and author's role affect
                                  citations received by publications from
                                  Africa: A bibliometric study of LIS
                                  research from 1996 to 2015 . . . . . . . 1261--1287
              Ahmad Firdaus and   
       Mohd Faizal Ab Razak and   
              Ali Feizollah and   
Ibrahim Abaker Targio Hashem and   
              Mohamad Hazim and   
               Nor Badrul Anuar   The rise of ``blockchain'': bibliometric
                                  analysis of blockchain study . . . . . . 1289--1331
                Yundong Xie and   
                   Qiang Wu and   
                    Xingchen Li   Editorial team scholarly index (ETSI):
                                  an alternative indicator for evaluating
                                  academic journal reputation  . . . . . . 1333--1349
        Nida ul Habib Bajwa and   
              Markus Langer and   
    Cornelius J. König and   
                Hannah Honecker   What might get published in management
                                  and applied psychology? Experimentally
                                  manipulating implicit expectations of
                                  reviewers regarding hedges . . . . . . . 1351--1371
      Jorge Chamorro-Padial and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
           J. Fdez-Valdivia and   
                   J. A. Garcia   An evolutionary explanation of assassins
                                  and zealots in peer review . . . . . . . 1373--1385
               Guoliang Lyu and   
                     Ganwei Shi   On an approach to boosting a journal's
                                  citation potential . . . . . . . . . . . 1387--1409
                  Ali Gazni and   
               Zahra Ghaseminik   The increasing dominance of science in
                                  the economy: Which nations are
                                  successful?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1411--1426
                    Shuo Xu and   
                 Liyuan Hao and   
                     Xin An and   
             Dongsheng Zhai and   
                  Hongshen Pang   Types of DOI errors of cited references
                                  in Web of Science with a cleaning method 1427--1437
                 Kaile Gong and   
                   Juan Xie and   
                 Ying Cheng and   
        Vincent Larivi\`ere and   
            Cassidy R. Sugimoto   The citation advantage of foreign
                                  language references for Chinese social
                                  science papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1439--1460
               Pei-Shan Chi and   
               Juan Gorraiz and   
          Wolfgang Glänzel   Comparing capture, usage and citation
                                  indicators: an altmetric analysis of
                                  journal papers in chemistry disciplines  1461--1473
                Nobuya Fukugawa   Determinants and impacts of public
                                  agricultural research: product-level
                                  evidence from agricultural Kohsetsushi
                                  in Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1475--1498
                   Qianjin Zong   Response to Dr. Copiello's comments on
                                  ``The impact of video abstract on
                                  citation counts''  . . . . . . . . . . . 1499--1504
           Saad Ahmed Javed and   
                     Sifeng Liu   Correction to: Predicting the research
                                  output/growth of selected countries:
                                  application of Even GM (1, 1) and NDGM
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1505--1505
              Guiyang Zhang and   
                  Chaoying Tang   Correction to: How R&D partner diversity
                                  influences innovation performance: an
                                  empirical study in the
                                  nano-biopharmaceutical field . . . . . . 1507--1507

Volume 121, Number 1, October, 2019

               Xuefeng Wang and   
                Huichao Ren and   
                   Yun Chen and   
                  Yuqin Liu and   
                  Yali Qiao and   
                     Ying Huang   Measuring patent similarity with SAO
                                  semantic analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . 1--23
     Kathryn Rudie Harrigan and   
                    Yunzhe Fang   Financial implications of
                                  technology-class code popularity and
                                  usage among industry competitors . . . . 25--51
                    Sumiko Asai   Changes in revenue structure of a
                                  leading open access journal publisher:
                                  the case of BMC  . . . . . . . . . . . . 53--63
                  Daisuke Sakai   Who is peer reviewed? Comparing
                                  publication patterns of peer-reviewed
                                  and non-peer-reviewed papers in Japanese
                                  political science  . . . . . . . . . . . 65--80
                   Yu-Wei Chang   Are articles in library and information
                                  science (LIS) journals primarily
                                  contributed to by LIS authors? . . . . . 81--104
    Metwaly Ali Mohamed Eldakar   Who reads international Egyptian
                                  academic articles? An altmetrics
                                  analysis of Mendeley readership
                                  categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105--135
                    Lin Zhu and   
                Donghua Zhu and   
               Xuefeng Wang and   
        Scott W. Cunningham and   
                    Zhinan Wang   An integrated solution for detecting
                                  rising technology stars in co-inventor
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137--172
Cristina López-Duarte and   
Marta M. Vidal-Suárez and   
Belén González-Díaz   Cross-national distance and
                                  international business: an analysis of
                                  the most influential recent models . . . 173--208
             Tingting Zhang and   
                Baozhen Lee and   
                    Qinghua Zhu   Semantic measure of plagiarism using a
                                  hierarchical graph model . . . . . . . . 209--239
           Péter Vinkler   Core journals and elite subsets in
                                  scientometrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--259
              Mingyang Wang and   
                Shijia Jiao and   
               Kah-Hin Chai and   
                Guangsheng Chen   Building journal's long-term impact:
                                  using indicators detected from the
                                  sustained active articles  . . . . . . . 261--283
    Bareerah Hafeez Hoorani and   
  Lakshmi Balachandran Nair and   
                Michael Gibbert   Designing for impact: the effect of
                                  rigor and case study design on citations
                                  of qualitative case studies in
                                  management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285--306
                       Hui Fang   A transition stage co-citation criterion
                                  for identifying the awakeners of
                                  sleeping beauty publications . . . . . . 307--322
              Rongying Zhao and   
                  Xinlai Li and   
               Zhisen Liang and   
                     Danyang Li   Development strategy and collaboration
                                  preference in S&T of enterprises based on
                                  funded papers: a case study of Google    323--347
                Xiuwen Chen and   
                Jianping Li and   
                Xiaolei Sun and   
                   Dengsheng Wu   Early identification of intellectual
                                  structure based on co-word analysis from
                                  research grants  . . . . . . . . . . . . 349--369
              Paul S. Pagel and   
             Julie K. Freed and   
                Cynthia A. Lien   A 50-year analysis of gender differences
                                  in United States authorship of original
                                  research articles in two major
                                  anesthesiology journals  . . . . . . . . 371--386
    Judit Dobránszki and   
     Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva   Corrective factors for author- and
                                  journal-based metrics impacted by
                                  citations to accommodate for retractions 387--398
                   Yi Zhang and   
                   Fen Zhao and   
                     Jianguo Lu   P2V: large-scale academic paper
                                  embedding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399--432
       Enrique Orduna-Malea and   
              Selenay Aytac and   
                  Clara Y. Tran   Universities through the eyes of
                                  bibliographic databases: a retroactive
                                  growth comparison of Google Scholar,
                                  Scopus and Web of Science  . . . . . . . 433--450
         David A. Groneberg and   
    Doris Klingelhöfer and   
 Dörthe Brüggmann and   
           Cristian Scutaru and   
               Axel Fischer and   
                  David Quarcoo   New quality and quantity indices in
                                  science (NewQIS): results of the first
                                  decade-project progress review . . . . . 451--478
              Ruben Miranda and   
       Esther Garcia-Carpintero   Comparison of the share of documents and
                                  citations from different quartile
                                  journals in 25 research areas  . . . . . 479--501
                      Zheng Xie   A cooperative game model for the
                                  multimodality of coauthorship networks   503--519
   Mohammadamin Erfanmanesh and   
            A. Noorhidawati and   
                     A. Abrizah   What can Bookmetrix tell us about the
                                  impact of Springer Nature's books  . . . 521--536
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                 Emanuela Reale   Peer review versus bibliometrics: Which
                                  method better predicts the scholarly
                                  impact of publications?  . . . . . . . . 537--554
           Thomas Feliciani and   
                 Junwen Luo and   
                     Lai Ma and   
                Pablo Lucas and   
         Flaminio Squazzoni and   
            Ana Maru\vsi\'c and   
                Kalpana Shankar   A scoping review of simulation models of
                                  peer review  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555--594
Mohammad Javad Mansourzadeh and   
         Behrooz Shahmoradi and   
         Hossein Dehdarirad and   
                  Elmira Janavi   A note on using revealed comparative
                                  advantages in scientometrics studies . . 595--599

Volume 121, Number 2, November, 2019

                      Anonymous   Obituary: Judit Bar-Ilan (1958--2019)    601--601
              Changyong Lee and   
                     Gyumin Lee   Technology opportunity analysis based on
                                  recombinant search: patent landscape
                                  analysis for idea generation . . . . . . 603--632
               Changbae Mun and   
                 Sejun Yoon and   
                  Hyunseok Park   Structural decomposition of
                                  technological domain using patent
                                  co-classification and classification
                                  hierarchy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633--652
               Madiha Ameer and   
          Muhammad Tanvir Afzal   Evaluation of $h$-index and its
                                  qualitative and quantitative variants in
                                  neuroscience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653--673
             Jane G. Payumo and   
               Jamie Monson and   
                Amy Jamison and   
             Bradley W. Fenwick   Metrics-based profiling of university
                                  research engagement with Africa:
                                  research management, gender, and
                                  internationalization perspective . . . . 675--698
                  Xiao Zhou and   
                   Lu Huang and   
                   Yi Zhang and   
                    Miaomiao Yu   A hybrid approach to detecting
                                  technological recombination based on
                                  text mining and patent network analysis  699--737
              Jia-Yen Huang and   
                Rong-Chang Chen   Exploring the intellectual structure of
                                  cloud patents using non-exhaustive
                                  overlaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739--769
       Mónica Benito and   
                  Pilar Gil and   
                 Rosario Romera   Funding, is it key for standing out in
                                  the university rankings? . . . . . . . . 771--792
       Holman Ospina-Mateus and   
Leonardo Augusto Quintana Jiménez and   
  Francisco J. Lopez-Valdes and   
       Katherinne Salas-Navarro   Bibliometric analysis in motorcycle
                                  accident research: a global overview . . 793--815
        Barbara McGillivray and   
                 Mathias Astell   The relationship between usage and
                                  citations in an open access mega-journal 817--838
         Stefano Scarazzati and   
                      Lili Wang   The effect of collaborations on
                                  scientific research output: the case of
                                  nanoscience in Chinese regions . . . . . 839--868
Julián David Cortés-Sánchez   Innovation in Latin America through the
                                  lens of bibliometrics: crammed and
                                  fading away  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869--895
           Vicente Safón   Inter-ranking reputational effects: an
                                  analysis of the Academic Ranking of
                                  World Universities (ARWU) and the Times
                                  Higher Education World University
                                  Rankings (THE) reputational relationship 897--915
Fernando Martín-Alcázar and   
 Marta Ruiz-Martínez and   
  Gonzalo Sánchez-Gardey   Assessing social capital in academic
                                  research teams: a measurement instrument
                                  proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917--935
                    Xi Chen and   
             Huan-jing Zhao and   
                   Shu Zhao and   
                   Jie Chen and   
                 Yan-ping Zhang   Citation recommendation based on
                                  citation tendency  . . . . . . . . . . . 937--956
  Liária Nunes-Silva and   
             Alan Malacarne and   
      Ricardo Fontes Macedo and   
            Robelius De-Bortoli   Generation of intangible assets in
                                  higher education institutions  . . . . . 957--975
    Matheus Becker Da Costa and   
Leonardo Moraes Aguiar Lima Dos Santos and   
Jones Lu\'ìs Schaefer and   
   Ismael Cristofer Baierle and   
     Elpidio Oscar Benitez Nara   Industry 4.0 technologies basic network
                                  identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 977--994
                Sergio Copiello   The open access citation premium may
                                  depend on the openness and inclusiveness
                                  of the indexing database, but the
                                  relationship is controversial because it
                                  is ambiguous where the open access
                                  boundary lies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995--1018
Ernesto Galbán-Rodr\'ìguez and   
Déborah Torres-Ponjuán and   
Yohannis Mart\'ì-Lahera and   
        Ricardo Arencibia-Jorge   Measuring the Cuban scientific output in
                                  scholarly journals through a
                                  comprehensive coverage approach  . . . . 1019--1043
             J. Sylvan Katz and   
   Guillermo Armando Ronda-Pupo   Cooperation, scale-invariance and
                                  complex innovation systems: a
                                  generalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1045--1065
               Jingbei Wang and   
                   Naiding Yang   Dynamics of collaboration network
                                  community and exploratory innovation:
                                  the moderation of knowledge networks . . 1067--1084
             Daria Maltseva and   
              Vladimir Batagelj   Social network analysis as a field of
                                  invasions: bibliographic approach to
                                  study SNA development  . . . . . . . . . 1085--1128
      Debarshi Kumar Sanyal and   
      Plaban Kumar Bhowmick and   
          Partha Pratim Das and   
      Samiran Chattopadhyay and   
            T. Y. S. S. Santosh   Enhancing access to scholarly
                                  publications with surrogate resources    1129--1164
           Juan Ruiz-Rosero and   
   Gustavo Ramirez-Gonzalez and   
          Jesus Viveros-Delgado   Software survey: ScientoPy, a
                                  scientometric tool for topics trend
                                  analysis in scientific publications  . . 1165--1188
         Naveed Naeem Abbas and   
              Tanveer Ahmed and   
      Syed Habib Ullah Shah and   
              Muhammad Omar and   
                   Han Woo Park   Investigating the applications of
                                  artificial intelligence in cyber
                                  security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1189--1211
                 Ivan Heibi and   
              Silvio Peroni and   
                  David Shotton   Software review: COCI, the OpenCitations
                                  Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI
                                  citations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213--1228
           Kjetil K. Haugen and   
                   Kai A. Olsen   Could requiring a presentation of the
                                  paper and adding a formalized
                                  contributor list solve academia's
                                  credibility problem? . . . . . . . . . . 1229--1233

Volume 121, Number 3, December, 2019

             Hans-Dieter Daniel   Lutz Bornmann: Recipient of the 2019
                                  Derek John de Solla Price Medal  . . . . 1235--1238
              Juan Carlos Gomez   Analysis of the effect of data
                                  properties in automated patent
                                  classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1239--1268
João Mateus de Freitas Veneroso and   
                Marlon Dias and   
               Alberto Ueda and   
                Sabir Ribas and   
      Berthier Ribeiro-Neto and   
              Nivio Ziviani and   
       Edmundo de Souza e Silva   $P$-score: a reputation bibliographic
                                  index that complements citation counts   1269--1291
                Csaba Kozma and   
            Clara Calero-Medina   The role of South African researchers in
                                  intercontinental collaboration . . . . . 1293--1321
             Ming-yueh Tsay and   
               Yu-wei Tseng and   
                    Tai-luan Wu   Comprehensiveness and uniqueness of
                                  commercial databases and open access
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1323--1338
                Murat Kocak and   
Carlos García-Zorita and   
Sergio Marugán-Lázaro and   
Murat Perit Çakìr and   
     El\'ìas Sanz-Casado   Mapping and clustering analysis on
                                  neuroscience literature in Turkey: a
                                  bibliometric analysis from 2000 to 2017  1339--1366
         David B. Audretsch and   
             Albert N. Link and   
            Martijn van Hasselt   Knowledge begets knowledge: university
                                  knowledge spillovers and the output of
                                  scientific papers from U.S. Small
                                  Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
                                  projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1367--1383
              Hei-Chia Wang and   
               Tzu-Ting Hsu and   
                    Yunita Sari   Personal research idea recommendation
                                  using research trends and a hierarchical
                                  topic model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1385--1406
                 Weiwei Pan and   
                Lirong Jian and   
                        Tao Liu   Grey system theory trends from 1991 to
                                  2018: a bibliometric analysis and
                                  visualization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1407--1434
        J. A. García and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
           J. Fdez-Valdivia and   
          Jorge Chamorro-Padial   The author's ignorance on the
                                  publication fees is a source of power
                                  for publishers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1435--1445
               Simone Belli and   
                   Joan Balt\`a   Stocktaking scientific publication on
                                  bi-regional collaboration between Europe
                                  28 and Latin America and the Caribbean   1447--1480
                Danielle H. Lee   Predicting the research performance of
                                  early career scientists  . . . . . . . . 1481--1504
          Maribel Vega-Arce and   
              Gonzalo Salas and   
Gastón Núñez-Ulloa and   
Cristián Pinto-Cortez and   
  Ivelisse Torres Fernandez and   
                    Yuh-Shan Ho   Research performance and trends in child
                                  sexual abuse research: a Science
                                  Citation Index Expanded-based analysis   1505--1525
                       Ch Peidu   Can authors' position in the ascription
                                  be a measure of dominance? . . . . . . . 1527--1547
          Ryosuke L. Ohniwa and   
                    Aiko Hibino   Generating process of emerging topics in
                                  the life sciences  . . . . . . . . . . . 1549--1561
               Kokil Jaidka and   
     Christopher S. G. Khoo and   
                   Jin-Cheon Na   Characterizing human summarization
                                  strategies for text reuse and
                                  transformation in literature review
                                  writing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1563--1582
             Marie Katsurai and   
                   Shunsuke Ono   TrendNets: mapping emerging research
                                  trends from dynamic co-word networks via
                                  sparse representation  . . . . . . . . . 1583--1598
                 Shan Jiang and   
                  Hsinchun Chen   Examining patterns of scientific
                                  knowledge diffusion based on knowledge
                                  cyber infrastructure: a
                                  multi-dimensional network approach . . . 1599--1617
                  Zhijun LI and   
                      Jinfen XU   The evolution of research article
                                  titles: the case of \booktitleJournal of
                                  Pragmatics 1978--2018  . . . . . . . . . 1619--1634
              Iman Tahamtan and   
                  Lutz Bornmann   What do citation counts measure? An
                                  updated review of studies on citations
                                  in scientific documents published
                                  between 2006 and 2018  . . . . . . . . . 1635--1684
               J. A. Garcia and   
Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
               J. Fdez-Valdivia   The optimal amount of information to
                                  provide in an academic manuscript  . . . 1685--1705
                  Leo Egghe and   
                Ronald Rousseau   Measures of linear type lead to a
                                  characterization of Zipf functions . . . 1707--1715
          Veronika Frigyesi and   
              Patrice Laget and   
                     Mark Boden   Exploitation of patent information in R&D
                                  output analysis for policymaking . . . . 1717--1736
Antonio Perianes-Rodríguez and   
     Carlos Olmeda-Gómez   Effects of journal choice on the
                                  visibility of scientific publications: a
                                  comparison between subscription-based
                                  and full Open Access models  . . . . . . 1737--1752
                     Pin Li and   
                 Guoli Yang and   
                   Chuanqi Wang   Visual topical analysis of library and
                                  information science  . . . . . . . . . . 1753--1791
              Mike Thelwall and   
                  Tamara Nevill   No evidence of citation bias as a
                                  determinant of STEM gender disparities
                                  in US biochemistry, genetics and
                                  molecular biology research . . . . . . . 1793--1801
   Miguel-Angel Vera-Baceta and   
           Michael Thelwall and   
                  Kayvan Kousha   Web of Science and Scopus language
                                  coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1803--1813
                     Weishu Liu   The data source of this study is Web of
                                  Science Core Collection? Not enough  . . 1815--1824
                 Gangan Prathap   Letter to the editor: Second-order
                                  $h$-type indicators  . . . . . . . . . . 1825--1827
                 Gangan Prathap   Letter to the editor: Revisiting the
                                  $h$-index and the $p$-index  . . . . . . 1829--1833
                Ronald Rousseau   Balassa = revealed competitive advantage
                                  = activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1835--1836

Volume 123, Number 2, May, 2020

              Lutz Bornmann and   
                 Klaus Wohlrabe   Correction to: Normalisation of citation
                                  impact in economics  . . . . . . . . . . 1167--1167
                  Petr Heneberg   Correction to: The troubles of
                                  high-profile open access megajournals    1169--1171
                     Bikun Chen   Correction to: Usage pattern comparison
                                  of the same scholarly articles between
                                  Web of Science (WoS) and Springer  . . . 1173--1173

Volume 127, Number 3, March, 2022

                   Xi Zhang and   
               Xianhai Wang and   
                      Hui Xiong   Correction to: An effectiveness analysis
                                  of altmetrics indices for different
                                  levels of artificial intelligence
                                  publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1657--1657

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Volume 102, Number 56, November 15, 2005

                Jorge E. Hirsch   An index to quantify an individual's
                                  scientific research output . . . . . . . 16569--16572

PLoS One
Volume 1, Number 1, 12, 2006

           John P. A. Ioannidis   Concentration of the Most-Cited Papers
                                  in the Scientific Literature: Analysis
                                  of Journal Ecosystems  . . . . . . . . . e5:1--e5:7
Papers beginning August 1, 2006

           José M. Soler   A Rational Indicator of Scientific
                                  Creativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Physics World
Volume 20, Number 1, January, 2007

                 Lokman I. Meho   The rise and rise of citation analysis   32--36