Table of contents for issues of Journal of Cell Biology

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Volume 128, Number 1, January, 1995
Volume 128, Number 3, February, 1995
Volume 128, Number 4, February, 1995
Volume 128, Number 5, March, 1995
Volume 128, Number 6, March, 1995
Volume 129, Number 1, April, 1995
Volume 129, Number 2, April, 1995
Volume 129, Number 3, May, 1995
Volume 129, Number 4, May, 1995
Volume 129, Number 5, June, 1995
Volume 129, Number 6, June, 1995
Volume 130, Number 1, July, 1995
Volume 130, Number 2, July, 1995
Volume 130, Number 3, August, 1995
Volume 130, Number 4, August, 1995
Volume 130, Number 5, September, 1995
Volume 130, Number 6, September, 1995
Volume 131, Number 1, October, 1995
Volume 131, Number 2, October, 1995
Volume 131, Number 3, November, 1995
Volume 131, Number 4, November, 1995
Volume 131, Number 5, December, 1995
Volume 131, Number 6, December, 1995
Volume 132, Number 1, January, 1996
Volume 132, Number 3, February, 1996
Volume 132, Number 4, February, 1996
Volume 132, Number 5, March, 1996
Volume 132, Number 6, March, 1996
Volume 133, Number 1, April, 1996
Volume 133, Number 2, April, 1996
Volume 133, Number 3, May, 1996
Volume 133, Number 4, May, 1996
Volume 133, Number 5, June, 1996
Volume 133, Number 6, June, 1996
Volume 134, Number 1, July, 1996
Volume 134, Number 2, July, 1996
Volume 134, Number 3, August, 1996
Volume 134, Number 4, August, 1996
Volume 134, Number 5, September, 1996
Volume 134, Number 6, September, 1996
Volume 135, Number 1, October, 1996
Volume 135, Number 2, October, 1996
Volume 135, Number 3, November, 1996
Volume 135, Number 4, November, 1996
Volume 135, Number 5, December, 1996
Volume 135, Number 6, December, 1996
Volume 136, Number 1, January, 1997
Volume 136, Number 2, January, 1997
Volume 136, Number 3, February, 1997
Volume 136, Number 4, February, 1997
Volume 136, Number 5, March, 1997
Volume 136, Number 6, March, 1997
Volume 137, Number 1, April, 1997
Volume 137, Number 2, April, 1997
Volume 137, Number 3, May, 1997
Volume 137, Number 4, May, 1997
Volume 137, Number 5, June, 1997
Volume 137, Number 6, June, 1997
Volume 137, Number 7, June, 1997
Volume 138, Number 1, July, 1997
Volume 138, Number 2, July, 1997
Volume 138, Number 3, August, 1997
Volume 138, Number 4, August, 1997
Volume 138, Number 5, September, 1997
Volume 138, Number 6, September, 1997
Volume 139, Number 1, October, 1997
Volume 139, Number 2, October, 1997
Volume 139, Number 3, November, 1997
Volume 139, Number 4, November, 1997
Volume 139, Number 5, December, 1997
Volume 139, Number 6, December, 1997
Volume 139, Number 7, December, 1997
Volume 140, Number 1, January, 1998
Volume 140, Number 2, January, 1998
Volume 140, Number 3, February, 1998
Volume 140, Number 4, February, 1998
Volume 140, Number 5, March, 1998
Volume 140, Number 6, March, 1998
Volume 141, Number 1, April, 1998
Volume 141, Number 2, April, 1998
Volume 141, Number 3, May, 1998
Volume 141, Number 4, May, 1998
Volume 141, Number 5, June, 1998
Volume 141, Number 6, June, 1998
Volume 141, Number 7, June, 1998
Volume 142, Number 1, July, 1998
Volume 142, Number 2, July, 1998
Volume 142, Number 3, August, 1998
Volume 142, Number 4, August, 1998
Volume 142, Number 5, September, 1998
Volume 142, Number 6, September, 1998
Volume 143, Number 1, October, 1998
Volume 143, Number 2, October, 1998
Volume 143, Number 3, November, 1998
Volume 143, Number 4, November, 1998
Volume 143, Number 5, November, 1998
Volume 143, Number 6, December, 1998
Volume 143, Number 7, December, 1998
Volume 144, Number 1, January, 1999
Volume 144, Number 2, January, 1999
Volume 144, Number 3, February, 1999
Volume 144, Number 4, February, 1999
Volume 144, Number 5, March, 1999
Volume 144, Number 6, March, 1999
Volume 145, Number 1, April, 1999
Volume 145, Number 2, April, 1999
Volume 145, Number 3, May, 1999
Volume 145, Number 4, May, 1999
Volume 145, Number 5, May, 1999
Volume 145, Number 6, June, 1999
Volume 145, Number 7, June, 1999
Volume 146, Number 1, July, 1999
Volume 146, Number 2, July, 1999
Volume 146, Number 3, August, 1999
Volume 146, Number 4, August, 1999
Volume 146, Number 5, September, 1999
Volume 146, Number 6, September, 1999
Volume 147, Number 1, October, 1999
Volume 147, Number 2, October, 1999
Volume 147, Number 3, November, 1999
Volume 147, Number 4, November, 1999
Volume 147, Number 5, November, 1999
Volume 147, Number 6, December, 1999
Volume 147, Number 7, December, 1999

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 128, Number 1, January, 1995

                   A. Desai and   
                T. J. Mitchison   A new role for motor proteins as
                                  couplers to depolymerizing microtubules  1
               U. F. Greber and   
                      L. Gerace   Depletion of calcium from the lumen of
                                  endoplasmic reticulum reversibly
                                  inhibits passive diffusion and
                                  signal-mediated transport into the
                                  nucleus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
        M. A. Garcia-Blanco and   
               D. D. Miller and   
                   M. P. Sheetz   Nuclear spreads: I. Visualization of
                                  bipartite ribosomal RNA domains  . . . . 15
                  P. S. Kim and   
                       P. Arvan   Calnexin and BiP act as sequential
                                  molecular chaperones during
                                  thyroglobulin folding in the endoplasmic
                                  reticulum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
                   A. Chang and   
                     G. R. Fink   Targeting of the yeast plasma membrane
                                  [H+]ATPase: a novel gene AST1 prevents
                                  mislocalization of mutant ATPase to the
                                  vacuole  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
                     M. Way and   
                 M. Sanders and   
                  C. Garcia and   
                   J. Sakai and   
                  P. Matsudaira   Sequence and domain organization of
                                  scruin, an actin-cross-linking protein
                                  in the acrosomal process of Limulus
                                  sperm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
              D. A. Schafer and   
                     C. Hug and   
                   J. A. Cooper   Inhibition of CapZ during
                                  myofibrillogenesis alters assembly of
                                  actin filaments  . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
                    H. Deng and   
                  J. K. Lee and   
            L. S. Goldstein and   
                     D. Branton   Drosophila development requires spectrin
                                  network formation  . . . . . . . . . . . 71
                 Y. H. Song and   
                   E. Mandelkow   The anatomy of flagellar microtubules:
                                  polarity, seam, junctions, and lattice   81
                L. Wordeman and   
                T. J. Mitchison   Identification and partial
                                  characterization of mitotic
                                  centromere-associated kinesin, a
                                  kinesin-related protein that associates
                                  with centromeres during mitosis  . . . . 95
             V. A. Lombillo and   
                  C. Nislow and   
                  T. J. Yen and   
              V. I. Gelfand and   
                 J. R. McIntosh   Antibodies to the kinesin motor domain
                                  and CENP--E inhibit microtubule
                                  depolymerization-dependent motion of
                                  chromosomes in vitro . . . . . . . . . . 107
                A. A. Hyman and   
         D. Chrétien and   
                   I. Arnal and   
                     R. H. Wade   Structural changes accompanying GTP
                                  hydrolysis in microtubules: information
                                  from a slowly hydrolyzable analogue
                                  guanylyl-(alpha,beta)-methylene-diphosphonate  117
                  E. Tanaka and   
                M. W. Kirschner   The role of microtubules in growth cone
                                  turning at substrate boundaries  . . . . 127
                  E. Tanaka and   
                      T. Ho and   
                M. W. Kirschner   The role of microtubule dynamics in
                                  growth cone motility and axonal growth   139
               K. M. Albers and   
                F. E. Davis and   
              T. N. Perrone and   
                  E. Y. Lee and   
                     Y. Liu and   
                        M. Vore   Expression of an epidermal keratin
                                  protein in liver of transgenic mice
                                  causes structural and functional
                                  abnormalities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
                A. S. Woolf and   
         M. Kolatsi-Joannou and   
                 P. Hardman and   
            E. Andermarcher and   
                  C. Moorby and   
                 L. G. Fine and   
                  P. S. Jat and   
                M. D. Noble and   
                    E. Gherardi   Roles of hepatocyte growth
                                  factor/scatter factor and the met
                                  receptor in the early development of the
                                  metanephros  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
                 T. Timmusk and   
                 U. Lendahl and   
               H. Funakoshi and   
                  E. Arenas and   
                 H. Persson and   
                      M. Metsis   Identification of brain-derived
                                  neurotrophic factor promoter regions
                                  mediating tissue-specific, axotomy-, and
                                  neuronal activity-induced expression in
                                  transgenic mice  . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
                I. Martinou and   
            P. A. Fernandez and   
               M. Missotten and   
                   E. White and   
                   B. Allet and   
                  R. Sadoul and   
                 J. C. Martinou   Viral proteins E1B19K and p35 protect
                                  sympathetic neurons from cell death
                                  induced by NGF deprivation . . . . . . . 201
                M. K. Byeon and   
                    Y. Sugi and   
             R. R. Markwald and   
                     S. Hoffman   NCAM polypeptides in heart development:
                                  association with Z discs of forms that
                                  contain the muscle-specific domain . . . 209
                K. S. Cheah and   
                    A. Levy and   
              P. A. Trainor and   
                  A. W. Wai and   
                 T. Kuffner and   
                   C. L. So and   
                K. K. Leung and   
         R. H. Lovell-Badge and   
                      P. P. Tam   Human COL2A1-directed SV40 T antigen
                                  expression in transgenic and chimeric
                                  mice results in abnormal skeletal
                                  development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
                V. Lefebvre and   
                S. Garofalo and   
              B. de Crombrugghe   Type X collagen gene expression in mouse
                                  chondrocytes immortalized by a
                                  temperature-sensitive simian virus 40
                                  large tumor antigen  . . . . . . . . . . 239

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 128, Number 3, February, 1995

                    F. Buss and   
                     M. Stewart   Macromolecular interactions in the
                                  nucleoporin p62 complex of rat nuclear
                                  pores: binding of nucleoporin p54 to the
                                  rod domain of p62  . . . . . . . . . . . 251
              J. Staudinger and   
                    J. Zhou and   
                 R. Burgess and   
              S. J. Elledge and   
                    E. N. Olson   PICK1: a perinuclear binding protein and
                                  substrate for protein kinase C isolated
                                  by the yeast two-hybrid system . . . . . 263
               J. D. Miller and   
                  S. Tajima and   
                 L. Lauffer and   
                      P. Walter   The beta subunit of the signal
                                  recognition particle receptor is a
                                  transmembrane GTPase that anchors the
                                  alpha subunit, a peripheral membrane
                                  GTPase, to the endoplasmic reticulum
                                  membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
                B. U. Barth and   
             J. M. Wahlberg and   
                      H. Garoff   The oligomerization reaction of the
                                  Semliki Forest virus membrane protein
                                  subunits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
     J. Lippincott-Schwartz and   
                 N. B. Cole and   
                 A. Marotta and   
               P. A. Conrad and   
                    G. S. Bloom   Kinesin is the motor for
                                  microtubule-mediated Golgi--to--ER
                                  membrane traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
                     X. Tan and   
             H. R. Waterham and   
                M. Veenhuis and   
                    J. M. Cregg   The Hansenula polymorpha PER8 gene
                                  encodes a novel peroxisomal integral
                                  membrane protein involved in
                                  proliferation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
             S. Höning and   
                    W. Hunziker   Cytoplasmic determinants involved in
                                  direct lysosomal sorting, endocytosis,
                                  and basolateral targeting of rat lgp120
                                  (lamp--I) in MDCK cells  . . . . . . . . 321
                   C. F. Lu and   
              R. C. Montijn and   
                J. L. Brown and   
                    F. Klis and   
                  J. Kurjan and   
                  H. Bussey and   
                    P. N. Lipke   Glycosyl phosphatidylinositol-dependent
                                  cross-linking of alpha-agglutinin and
                                  beta 1,6-glucan in the
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae cell
                                  wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
                M. Raichman and   
              M. C. Panzeri and   
                E. Clementi and   
              P. Papazafiri and   
                  M. Eckley and   
                D. O. Clegg and   
                   A. Villa and   
                   J. Meldolesi   Differential localization and functional
                                  role of calsequestrin in growing and
                                  differentiated myoblasts . . . . . . . . 341
               C. Pasternak and   
                    S. Wong and   
                    E. L. Elson   Mechanical function of dystrophin in
                                  muscle cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
                  A. H. Ahn and   
                   L. M. Kunkel   Syntrophin binds to an alternatively
                                  spliced exon of dystrophin . . . . . . . 363
                  A. Suzuki and   
                 M. Yoshida and   
                       E. Ozawa   Mammalian alpha 1- and beta
                                  $1$-syntrophin bind to the alternative
                                  splice-prone region of the dystrophin
                                  COOH terminus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
                   B. Drees and   
                   C. Brown and   
              B. G. Barrell and   
                   A. Bretscher   Tropomyosin is essential in yeast, yet
                                  the TPM1 and TPM2 products perform
                                  distinct functions . . . . . . . . . . . 383
          A. Ayme-Southgate and   
               R. Southgate and   
                   J. Saide and   
               G. M. Benian and   
                   M. L. Pardue   Both synchronous and asynchronous muscle
                                  isoforms of projectin (the
                                  \bionameDrosophila bent locus product)
                                  contain functional kinase domains  . . . 393
               J. E. Segall and   
                   A. Kuspa and   
                G. Shaulsky and   
                    M. Ecke and   
                   M. Maeda and   
                 C. Gaskins and   
               R. A. Firtel and   
                   W. F. Loomis   A MAP kinase necessary for
                                  receptor-mediated activation of adenylyl
                                  cyclase in \bionameDictyostelium . . . . 405
                J. S. Zhang and   
                    F. M. Longo   LAR tyrosine phosphatase receptor:
                                  alternative splicing is preferential to
                                  the nervous system, coordinated with
                                  cell growth and generates novel isoforms
                                  containing extensive CAG repeats . . . . 415
                 J. Arribas and   
             J. Massagué   Transforming growth factor-alpha and
                                  beta-amyloid precursor protein share a
                                  secretory mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . 433

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 128, Number 4, February, 1995

            L. G. Marschall and   
                      L. Clarke   A novel cis-acting centromeric DNA
                                  element affects S. pombe centromeric
                                  chromatin structure at a distance  . . . 445
                     M. Sym and   
                   G. S. Roeder   Zip1-induced changes in synaptonemal
                                  complex structure and polycomplex
                                  assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
              E. E. Schmidt and   
                    U. Schibler   Cell size regulation, a mechanism that
                                  controls cellular RNA accumulation:
                                  consequences on regulation of the
                                  ubiquitous transcription factors Oct1
                                  and NF--Y and the liver-enriched
                                  transcription factor DBP . . . . . . . . 467
                 R. Fischer and   
               W. E. Timberlake   Aspergillus nidulans apsA (anucleate
                                  primary sterigmata) encodes a
                                  coiled-coil protein required for nuclear
                                  positioning and completion of asexual
                                  development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
                R. C. Piper and   
                      X. Xu and   
              D. G. Russell and   
               B. M. Little and   
                 S. M. Landfear   Differential targeting of two glucose
                                  transporters from Leishmania enriettii
                                  is mediated by an NH2-terminal domain    499
                 R. Erdmann and   
                      G. Blobel   Giant peroxisomes in oleic acid-induced
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae lacking
                                  the peroxisomal membrane protein Pmp27p  509
             S. Silberstein and   
              P. G. Collins and   
             D. J. Kelleher and   
             P. J. Rapiejko and   
                     R. Gilmore   The alpha subunit of the
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae
                                  oligosaccharyltransferase complex is
                                  essential for vegetative growth of yeast
                                  and is homologous to mammalian
                                  ribophorin I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
                   C. Haass and   
                  E. H. Koo and   
                  A. Capell and   
               D. B. Teplow and   
                   D. J. Selkoe   Polarized sorting of beta-amyloid
                                  precursor protein and its proteolytic
                                  products in MDCK cells is regulated by
                                  two independent signals  . . . . . . . . 537
                R. N. Ghosh and   
                 F. R. Maxfield   Evidence for nonvectorial, retrograde
                                  transferrin trafficking in the early
                                  endosomes of HEp2 cells  . . . . . . . . 549
               J. M. Venuti and   
               J. H. Morris and   
               J. L. Vivian and   
                E. N. Olson and   
                    W. H. Klein   Myogenin is required for late but not
                                  early aspects of myogenesis during mouse
                                  development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
           C. A. McGoldrick and   
                  C. Gruver and   
                      G. S. May   myoA of Aspergillus nidulans encodes an
                                  essential myosin I required for
                                  secretion and polarized growth . . . . . 577
                 S. Muallem and   
             K. Kwiatkowska and   
                      X. Xu and   
                      H. L. Yin   Actin filament disassembly is a
                                  sufficient final trigger for exocytosis
                                  in nonexcitable cells  . . . . . . . . . 589
                      R. Li and   
                   Y. Zheng and   
                   D. G. Drubin   Regulation of cortical actin
                                  cytoskeleton assembly during polarized
                                  cell growth in budding yeast . . . . . . 599
             W. S. Saunders and   
                D. Koshland and   
                   D. Eshel and   
              I. R. Gibbons and   
                     M. A. Hoyt   Saccharomyces cerevisiae kinesin- and
                                  dynein-related proteins required for
                                  anaphase chromosome segregation  . . . . 617
                M. Gesemann and   
               A. J. Denzer and   
                    M. A. Ruegg   Acetylcholine receptor-aggregating
                                  activity of agrin isoforms and mapping
                                  of the active site . . . . . . . . . . . 625
          C. Walch-Solimena and   
                   J. Blasi and   
                L. Edelmann and   
              E. R. Chapman and   
          G. F. von Mollard and   
                        R. Jahn   The t--SNAREs syntaxin 1 and SNAP-25 are
                                  present on organelles that participate
                                  in synaptic vesicle recycling  . . . . . 637
                  L. Aigner and   
                      P. Caroni   Absence of persistent spreading,
                                  branching, and adhesion in
                                  GAP-43-depleted growth cones . . . . . . 647
                K. L. Moore and   
                K. D. Patel and   
               R. E. Bruehl and   
                      F. Li and   
              D. A. Johnson and   
          H. S. Lichenstein and   
             R. D. Cummings and   
              D. F. Bainton and   
                   R. P. McEver   P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1
                                  mediates rolling of human neutrophils on
                                  P-selectin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
              D. G. Jackson and   
                 J. I. Bell and   
               R. Dickinson and   
                  J. Timans and   
                 J. Shields and   
                     N. Whittle   Proteoglycan forms of the lymphocyte
                                  homing receptor CD44 are alternatively
                                  spliced variants containing the v3 exon  673
              K. L. Bennett and   
              D. G. Jackson and   
                J. C. Simon and   
                 E. Tanczos and   
                   R. Peach and   
                 B. Modrell and   
             I. Stamenkovic and   
                 G. Plowman and   
                      A. Aruffo   CD44 isoforms containing exon V3 are
                                  responsible for the presentation of
                                  heparin-binding growth factor  . . . . . 687
                A. Beauvais and   
             C. A. Erickson and   
                   T. Goins and   
                S. E. Craig and   
            M. J. Humphries and   
               J. P. Thiery and   
                      S. Dufour   Changes in the fibronectin-specific
                                  integrin expression pattern modify the
                                  migratory behavior of sarcoma S180 cells
                                  in vitro and in the embryonic
                                  environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 128, Number 5, March, 1995

               M. A. Powers and   
                C. Macaulay and   
              F. R. Masiarz and   
                   D. J. Forbes   Reconstituted nuclei depleted of a
                                  vertebrate GLFG nuclear pore protein,
                                  p97, import but are defective in nuclear
                                  growth and replication . . . . . . . . . 721
                  F. Poulat and   
                  F. Girard and   
              M. P. Chevron and   
             C. Gozé and   
               X. Rebillard and   
                   B. Calas and   
                    N. Lamb and   
                       P. Berta   Nuclear localization of the testis
                                  determining gene product SRY . . . . . . 737
           A. V. Strunnikov and   
               J. Kingsbury and   
                    D. Koshland   CEP3 encodes a centromere protein of
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 749
                 S. Z. Wang and   
                       R. Adler   Chromokinesin: a DNA-binding,
                                  kinesin-like nuclear protein . . . . . . 761
             D. A. Shaywitz and   
                    L. Orci and   
               M. Ravazzola and   
                 A. Swaroop and   
                   C. A. Kaiser   Human SEC13Rp functions in yeast and is
                                  located on transport vesicles budding
                                  from the endoplasmic reticulum . . . . . 769
                 T. A. Vida and   
                      S. D. Emr   A new vital stain for visualizing
                                  vacuolar membrane dynamics and
                                  endocytosis in yeast . . . . . . . . . . 779
                  K. Hanada and   
                   R. E. Pagano   A Chinese hamster ovary cell mutant
                                  defective in the non-endocytic uptake of
                                  fluorescent analogs of
                                  phosphatidylserine: isolation using a
                                  cytosol acidification protocol . . . . . 793
                A. Shartava and   
             C. A. Monteiro and   
             F. A. Bencsath and   
               K. Schneider and   
                B. T. Chait and   
                  R. Gussio and   
        L. A. Casoria-Scott and   
                 A. K. Shah and   
             C. A. Heuerman and   
                  S. R. Goodman   A posttranslational modification of
                                  beta-actin contributes to the slow
                                  dissociation of the spectrin-protein
                                  4.1-actin complex of irreversibly
                                  sickled cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805
                     D. Cox and   
             J. A. Ridsdale and   
               J. Condeelis and   
                     J. Hartwig   Genetic deletion of ABP-120 alters the
                                  three-dimensional organization of actin
                                  filaments in \bionameDictyostelium
                                  pseudopods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819
              C. B. Shuster and   
                   I. M. Herman   Indirect association of ezrin with
                                  F-actin: isoform specificity and calcium
                                  sensitivity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837
                  K. Ookata and   
                S. Hisanaga and   
             J. C. Bulinski and   
               H. Murofushi and   
                  H. Aizawa and   
                 T. J. Itoh and   
                  H. Hotani and   
                 E. Okumura and   
               K. Tachibana and   
                   T. Kishimoto   Cyclin B interaction with
                                  microtubule-associated protein 4 (MAP4)
                                  targets p34cdc2 kinase to microtubules
                                  and is a potential regulator of M-phase
                                  microtubule dynamics . . . . . . . . . . 849
                   A. Spang and   
                I. Courtney and   
                   K. Grein and   
                 M. Matzner and   
                    E. Schiebel   The Cdc31p-binding protein Kar1p is a
                                  component of the half bridge of the
                                  yeast spindle pole body  . . . . . . . . 863
                       V. Allan   Protein phosphatase 1 regulates the
                                  cytoplasmic dynein-driven formation of
                                  endoplasmic reticulum networks in vitro  879
                G. Giannini and   
                   A. Conti and   
              S. Mammarella and   
               M. Scrobogna and   
                  V. Sorrentino   The ryanodine receptor/calcium channel
                                  genes are widely and differentially
                                  expressed in murine brain and peripheral
                                  tissues  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893
             P. E. Ceccaldi and   
                F. Grohovaz and   
               F. Benfenati and   
             E. Chieregatti and   
               P. Greengard and   
                    F. Valtorta   Dephosphorylated synapsin I anchors
                                  synaptic vesicles to actin cytoskeleton:
                                  an analysis by videomicroscopy . . . . . 905
         E. Posse de Chaves and   
                D. E. Vance and   
             R. B. Campenot and   
                    J. E. Vance   Axonal synthesis of phosphatidylcholine
                                  is required for normal axonal growth in
                                  rat sympathetic neurons  . . . . . . . . 913
              B. Allinquant and   
                P. Hantraye and   
                P. Mailleux and   
                    K. Moya and   
                C. Bouillot and   
                  A. Prochiantz   Downregulation of amyloid precursor
                                  protein inhibits neurite outgrowth in
                                  vitro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 919
             S. Higashiyama and   
                 R. Iwamoto and   
                  K. Goishi and   
                    G. Raab and   
               N. Taniguchi and   
               M. Klagsbrun and   
                      E. Mekada   The membrane protein CD9/DRAP 27
                                  potentiates the juxtacrine growth factor
                                  activity of the membrane-anchored
                                  heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor   929
                  J. Y. Roh and   
                  J. R. Stanley   Intracellular domain of desmoglein 3
                                  (pemphigus vulgaris antigen) confers
                                  adhesive function on the extracellular
                                  domain of E-cadherin without binding
                                  catenins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 939
               S. Shibamoto and   
                M. Hayakawa and   
                K. Takeuchi and   
                    T. Hori and   
                K. Miyazawa and   
                N. Kitamura and   
              K. R. Johnson and   
             M. J. Wheelock and   
              N. Matsuyoshi and   
                    M. Takeichi   Association of p120, a tyrosine kinase
                                  substrate, with E-cadherin/catenin
                                  complexes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 949
                N. Funayama and   
                 F. Fagotto and   
                  P. McCrea and   
                 B. M. Gumbiner   Embryonic axis induction by the
                                  armadillo repeat domain of beta-catenin:
                                  evidence for intracellular signaling . . 959
                    S. Pfau and   
              D. Leitenberg and   
                  H. Rinder and   
                B. R. Smith and   
                   R. Pardi and   
                   J. R. Bender   Lymphocyte adhesion-dependent calcium
                                  signaling in human endothelial cells . . 969
            R. Fässler and   
                   M. Pfaff and   
                  J. Murphy and   
               A. A. Noegel and   
               S. Johansson and   
                   R. Timpl and   
                    R. Albrecht   Lack of beta 1 integrin gene in
                                  embryonic stem cells affects morphology,
                                  adhesion, and migration but not
                                  integration into the inner cell mass of
                                  blastocysts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 128, Number 6, March, 1995

               K. L. Taneja and   
               M. McCurrach and   
               M. Schalling and   
                 D. Housman and   
                   R. H. Singer   Foci of trinucleotide repeat transcripts
                                  in nuclei of myotonic dystrophy cells
                                  and tissues  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995
               P. J. Peters and   
                  V. W. Hsu and   
                  C. E. Ooi and   
                 D. Finazzi and   
                 S. B. Teal and   
                V. Oorschot and   
            J. G. Donaldson and   
                 R. D. Klausner   Overexpression of wild-type and mutant
                                  ARF1 and ARF6: distinct perturbations of
                                  nonoverlapping membrane compartments . . 1003
                  K. Sadoul and   
                    J. Lang and   
              C. Montecucco and   
                  U. Weller and   
                 R. Regazzi and   
                S. Catsicas and   
             C. B. Wollheim and   
                   P. A. Halban   SNAP-25 is expressed in islets of
                                  Langerhans and is involved in insulin
                                  release  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1019
             B. F. Roettger and   
              R. U. Rentsch and   
                   D. Pinon and   
                 E. Holicky and   
                   E. Hadac and   
               J. M. Larkin and   
                   L. J. Miller   Dual pathways of internalization of the
                                  cholecystokinin receptor . . . . . . . . 1029
                 K. Fiedler and   
                  F. Lafont and   
               R. G. Parton and   
                      K. Simons   Annexin XIIIb: a novel epithelial
                                  specific annexin is implicated in
                                  vesicular traffic to the apical plasma
                                  membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1043
                B. Govindan and   
                  R. Bowser and   
                      P. Novick   The role of Myo2, a yeast class V
                                  myosin, in vesicular transport . . . . . 1055
                   R. J. Hu and   
                 S. Moorthy and   
                     V. Bennett   Expression of functional domains of beta
                                  G-spectrin disrupts epithelial
                                  morphology in cultured cells . . . . . . 1069
                  M. Martin and   
         C. Andréoli and   
                A. Sahuquet and   
            P. Montcourrier and   
                 M. Algrain and   
                     P. Mangeat   Ezrin NH2-terminal domain inhibits the
                                  cell extension activity of the
                                  COOH-terminal domain . . . . . . . . . . 1081
               J. Z. Chuang and   
                  D. C. Lin and   
                         S. Lin   Molecular cloning, expression, and
                                  mapping of the high affinity
                                  actin-capping domain of chicken cardiac
                                  tensin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1095
                 C. Rosette and   
                       M. Karin   Cytoskeletal control of gene expression:
                                  depolymerization of microtubules
                                  activates NF-kappa B . . . . . . . . . . 1111
                  B. G. Wallace   Regulation of the interaction of
                                  nicotinic acetylcholine receptors with
                                  the cytoskeleton by agrin-activated
                                  protein tyrosine kinase  . . . . . . . . 1121
                  E. Sontag and   
         V. Nunbhakdi-Craig and   
                G. S. Bloom and   
                    M. C. Mumby   A novel pool of protein phosphatase 2A
                                  is associated with microtubules and is
                                  regulated during the cell cycle  . . . . 1131
               J. E. Turner and   
              C. G. Minkoff and   
               K. H. Martin and   
                   R. Misra and   
                  K. I. Swenson   Oocyte activation and passage through
                                  the metaphase/anaphase transition of the
                                  meiotic cell cycle is blocked in clams
                                  by inhibitors of HMG--CoA reductase
                                  activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1145
             D. R. Robinson and   
                 T. Sherwin and   
               A. Ploubidou and   
                E. H. Byard and   
                        K. Gull   Microtubule polarity and dynamics in the
                                  control of organelle positioning,
                                  segregation, and cytokinesis in the
                                  trypanosome cell cycle . . . . . . . . . 1163
                    T. Yang and   
              K. M. Kozopas and   
                    R. W. Craig   The intracellular distribution and
                                  pattern of expression of Mcl-1 overlap
                                  with, but are not identical to, those of
                                  Bcl-2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1173
                G. R. Merlo and   
                  F. Basolo and   
                   L. Fiore and   
                   L. Duboc and   
                    N. E. Hynes   p53-dependent and p53-independent
                                  activation of apoptosis in mammary
                                  epithelial cells reveals a survival
                                  function of EGF and insulin  . . . . . . 1185
            I. Västrik and   
               A. Kaipainen and   
        T. L. Penttilä and   
            A. Lymboussakis and   
                 R. Alitalo and   
                M. Parvinen and   
                     K. Alitalo   Expression of the mad gene during cell
                                  differentiation in vivo and its
                                  inhibition of cell growth in vitro . . . 1197
              N. A. Hotchin and   
             A. Gandarillas and   
                     F. M. Watt   Regulation of cell surface beta 1
                                  integrin levels during keratinocyte
                                  terminal differentiation . . . . . . . . 1209
                A. Hanneken and   
                P. A. Maher and   
                       A. Baird   High affinity immunoreactive FGF
                                  receptors in the extracellular matrix of
                                  vascular endothelial cells--implications
                                  for the modulation of FGF-2  . . . . . . 1221
                 J. Fawcett and   
                 C. Buckley and   
              C. L. Holness and   
                 I. N. Bird and   
               J. H. Spragg and   
                J. Saunders and   
                  A. Harris and   
                  D. L. Simmons   Mapping the homotypic binding sites in
                                  CD31 and the role of CD31 adhesion in
                                  the formation of interendothelial cell
                                  contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1229
                    R. Alon and   
              P. D. Kassner and   
                 M. W. Carr and   
               E. B. Finger and   
               M. E. Hemler and   
                 T. A. Springer   The integrin VLA-4 supports tethering
                                  and rolling in flow on VCAM-1  . . . . . 1243

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 129, Number 1, April, 1995

                     H. Yan and   
                     J. Newport   An analysis of the regulation of DNA
                                  synthesis by cdk2, Cip1, and licensing
                                  factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
          I. Firmbach-Kraft and   
                       R. Stick   Analysis of nuclear lamin isoprenylation
                                  in \bionameXenopus oocytes:
                                  isoprenylation of lamin B3 precedes its
                                  uptake into the nucleus  . . . . . . . . 17
                 S. Gratzer and   
                 T. Lithgow and   
                R. E. Bauer and   
                 E. Lamping and   
                 F. Paltauf and   
             S. D. Kohlwein and   
                  V. Haucke and   
                   T. Junne and   
                  G. Schatz and   
                       M. Horst   Mas37p, a novel receptor subunit for
                                  protein import into mitochondria . . . . 25
             S. F. Nothwehr and   
                E. Conibear and   
                  T. H. Stevens   Golgi and vacuolar membrane proteins
                                  reach the vacuole in vps1 mutant yeast
                                  cells via the plasma membrane  . . . . . 35
                  C. Lamaze and   
                   S. L. Schmid   Recruitment of epidermal growth factor
                                  receptors into coated pits requires
                                  their activated tyrosine kinase  . . . . 47
            A. Hémar and   
                  A. Subtil and   
                    M. Lieb and   
                 E. Morelon and   
                  R. Hellio and   
               A. Dautry-Varsat   Endocytosis of interleukin 2 receptors
                                  in human T lymphocytes: distinct
                                  intracellular localization and fate of
                                  the receptor alpha, beta, and gamma
                                  chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
                J. W. Zhang and   
                  P. B. Lazarow   PEB1 (PAS7) in \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae encodes a hydrophilic,
                                  intra-peroxisomal protein that is a
                                  member of the WD repeat family and is
                                  essential for the import of thiolase
                                  into peroxisomes . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
     F. Garcia-del Portillo and   
                   B. B. Finlay   Targeting of Salmonella typhimurium to
                                  vesicles containing lysosomal membrane
                                  glycoproteins bypasses compartments with
                                  mannose $6$-phosphate receptors  . . . . 81
                 K. Lollike and   
              N. Borregaard and   
                      M. Lindau   The exocytotic fusion pore of small
                                  granules has a conductance similar to an
                                  ion channel  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
               E. P. Garcia and   
            P. S. McPherson and   
             T. J. Chilcote and   
                   K. Takei and   
                  P. De Camilli   rbSec1A and B colocalize with syntaxin 1
                                  and SNAP-25 throughout the axon, but are
                                  not in a stable complex with syntaxin    105
              A. Taraboulos and   
                   M. Scott and   
                 A. Semenov and   
                D. Avrahami and   
                  L. Laszlo and   
             S. B. Prusiner and   
                     D. Avraham   Cholesterol depletion and modification
                                  of COOH-terminal targeting sequence of
                                  the prion protein inhibit formation of
                                  the scrapie isoform  . . . . . . . . . . 121
                H. S. Kruth and   
            S. I. Skarlatos and   
                   K. Lilly and   
                   J. Chang and   
                       I. Ifrim   Sequestration of acetylated LDL and
                                  cholesterol crystals by human
                                  monocyte-derived macrophages . . . . . . 133
                  H. Q. Sun and   
             K. Kwiatkowska and   
               D. C. Wooten and   
                      H. L. Yin   Effects of CapG overexpression on
                                  agonist-induced motility and second
                                  messenger generation . . . . . . . . . . 147
                    Y. Noda and   
          R. Sato-Yoshitake and   
                   S. Kondo and   
                 M. Nangaku and   
                    N. Hirokawa   KIF2 is a new microtubule-based
                                  anterograde motor that transports
                                  membranous organelles distinct from
                                  those carried by kinesin heavy chain or
                                  KIF3A/B  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
            C. G. Wilkerson and   
                 S. M. King and   
               A. Koutoulis and   
               G. J. Pazour and   
                   G. B. Witman   The 78,000 M(r) intermediate chain of
                                  Chlamydomonas outer arm dynein isa
                                  WD-repeat protein required for arm
                                  assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
              M. Kreitmeier and   
                 G. Gerisch and   
                  C. Heizer and   
    A. Müller-Taubenberger   A talin homologue of
                                  \bionameDictyostelium rapidly assembles
                                  at the leading edge of cells in response
                                  to chemoattractant . . . . . . . . . . . 179
               A. M. Fannon and   
              D. L. Sherman and   
        G. Ilyina-Gragerova and   
               P. J. Brophy and   
            V. L. Friedrich and   
                   D. R. Colman   Novel E-cadherin-mediated adhesion in
                                  peripheral nerve: Schwann cell
                                  architecture is stabilized by autotypic
                                  adherens junctions . . . . . . . . . . . 189
           M. G. Lampugnani and   
                  M. Corada and   
                  L. Caveda and   
               F. Breviario and   
                  O. Ayalon and   
                  B. Geiger and   
                      E. Dejana   The molecular organization of
                                  endothelial cell to cell junctions:
                                  differential association of plakoglobin,
                                  beta-catenin, and alpha-catenin with
                                  vascular endothelial cadherin
                                  (VE-cadherin)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
             T. J. Chilcote and   
                   T. Galli and   
                 O. Mundigl and   
                L. Edelmann and   
            P. S. McPherson and   
                   K. Takei and   
                  P. De Camilli   Cellubrevin and synaptobrevins: similar
                                  subcellular localization and biochemical
                                  properties in PC12 cells . . . . . . . . 219
                A. Bikfalvi and   
                   S. Klein and   
                G. Pintucci and   
                  N. Quarto and   
                P. Mignatti and   
                   D. B. Rifkin   Differential modulation of cell
                                  phenotype by different molecular weight
                                  forms of basic fibroblast growth factor:
                                  possible intracellular signaling by the
                                  high molecular weight forms  . . . . . . 233
               H. A. Franch and   
                 J. W. Shay and   
               R. J. Alpern and   
                  P. A. Preisig   Involvement of pRB family in TGF
                                  beta-dependent epithelial cell
                                  hypertrophy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
               J. Wesseling and   
         S. W. van der Valk and   
                  H. L. Vos and   
              A. Sonnenberg and   
                     J. Hilkens   Episialin (MUC1) overexpression inhibits
                                  integrin-mediated cell adhesion to
                                  extracellular matrix components  . . . . 255
            T. A. Mitsiadis and   
               T. Muramatsu and   
               H. Muramatsu and   
                    I. Thesleff   Midkine (MK), a heparin-binding
                                  growth/differentiation factor, is
                                  regulated by retinoic acid and
                                  epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in
                                  the developing mouse tooth, and affects
                                  cell proliferation and morphogenesis . . 267

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 129, Number 2, April, 1995

              D. B. Bregman and   
                      L. Du and   
             S. van der Zee and   
                   S. L. Warren   Transcription-dependent redistribution
                                  of the large subunit of RNA polymerase
                                  II to discrete nuclear domains . . . . . 287
               S. Reinbothe and   
               C. Reinbothe and   
                   S. Runge and   
                        K. Apel   Enzymatic product formation impairs both
                                  the chloroplast receptor-binding
                                  function as well as translocation
                                  competence of the NADPH:
                                  protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase, a
                                  nuclear-encoded plastid precursor
                                  protein  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
         G. Miesenböck and   
                  J. E. Rothman   The capacity to retrieve escaped ER
                                  proteins extends to the trans-most
                                  cisterna of the Golgi stack  . . . . . . 309
                J. H. Stack and   
               D. B. DeWald and   
                K. Takegawa and   
                      S. D. Emr   Vesicle-mediated protein transport:
                                  regulatory interactions between the
                                  Vps15 protein kinase and the Vps34
                                  PtdIns $3$-kinase essential for protein
                                  sorting to the vacuole in yeast  . . . . 321
                   A. Stahl and   
                  B. M. Mueller   The urokinase-type plasminogen activator
                                  receptor, a GPI-linked protein, is
                                  localized in caveolae  . . . . . . . . . 335
             P. A. Marshall and   
           Y. I. Krimkevich and   
                 R. H. Lark and   
                 J. M. Dyer and   
                M. Veenhuis and   
                  J. M. Goodman   Pmp27 promotes peroxisomal proliferation 345
           W. J. LaRochelle and   
               O. R. Dirsch and   
                P. W. Finch and   
                H. G. Cheon and   
                     M. May and   
                C. Marchese and   
               J. H. Pierce and   
                 S. A. Aaronson   Specific receptor detection by a
                                  functional keratinocyte growth
                                  factor-immunoglobulin chimera  . . . . . 357
                    T. Adam and   
                   M. Arpin and   
       M. C. Prévost and   
                  P. Gounon and   
               P. J. Sansonetti   Cytoskeletal rearrangements and the
                                  functional role of T-plastin during
                                  entry of Shigella flexneri into HeLa
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
                   R. Kelly and   
                  S. Alonso and   
               S. Tajbakhsh and   
                   G. Cossu and   
                  M. Buckingham   Myosin light chain 3F regulatory
                                  sequences confer regionalized cardiac
                                  and skeletal muscle expression in
                                  transgenic mice  . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
                P. Turowski and   
               A. Fernandez and   
                   B. Favre and   
                 N. J. Lamb and   
                 B. A. Hemmings   Differential methylation and altered
                                  conformation of cytoplasmic and nuclear
                                  forms of protein phosphatase 2A during
                                  cell cycle progression . . . . . . . . . 397
                T. Nakagawa and   
                    J. Chen and   
                   Z. Zhang and   
                   Y. Kanai and   
                    N. Hirokawa   Two distinct functions of the
                                  carboxyl-terminal tail domain of NF--M
                                  upon neurofilament assembly:
                                  cross-bridge formation and longitudinal
                                  elongation of filaments  . . . . . . . . 411
                T. Yamazaki and   
               D. J. Selkoe and   
                      E. H. Koo   Trafficking of cell surface beta-amyloid
                                  precursor protein: retrograde and
                                  transcytotic transport in cultured
                                  neurons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
                S. Einheber and   
             M. J. Hannocks and   
                 C. N. Metz and   
               D. B. Rifkin and   
                   J. L. Salzer   Transforming growth factor-beta 1
                                  regulates axon/Schwann cell interactions 443
               N. Benlimame and   
                  D. Simard and   
                     I. R. Nabi   Autocrine motility factor receptor is a
                                  marker for a distinct membranous tubular
                                  organelle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
                L. Spinardi and   
                S. Einheber and   
                  T. Cullen and   
               T. A. Milner and   
                F. G. Giancotti   A recombinant tail-less integrin beta 4
                                  subunit disrupts hemidesmosomes, but
                                  does not suppress alpha 6 beta
                                  $4$-mediated cell adhesion to laminins   473
            M. L. Hermiston and   
                   J. I. Gordon   In vivo analysis of cadherin function in
                                  the mouse intestinal epithelium:
                                  essential roles in adhesion, maintenance
                                  of differentiation, and regulation of
                                  programmed cell death  . . . . . . . . . 489
                J. A. Marrs and   
        C. Andersson-Fisone and   
                M. C. Jeong and   
             L. Cohen-Gould and   
                 C. Zurzolo and   
                 I. R. Nabi and   
        E. Rodriguez-Boulan and   
                   W. J. Nelson   Plasticity in epithelial cell phenotype:
                                  modulation by expression of different
                                  cadherin cell adhesion molecules . . . . 507
                  Y. Kadoya and   
                  K. Kadoya and   
                 M. Durbeej and   
                K. Holmvall and   
                 L. Sorokin and   
                      P. Ekblom   Antibodies against domain E3 of
                                  laminin-1 and integrin alpha 6 subunit
                                  perturb branching epithelial
                                  morphogenesis of submandibular gland,
                                  but by different modes . . . . . . . . . 521
                 R. Killick and   
                P. K. Legan and   
               C. Malenczak and   
               G. P. Richardson   Molecular cloning of chick
                                  beta-tectorin, an extracellular matrix
                                  molecule of the inner ear  . . . . . . . 535

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 129, Number 3, May, 1995

                   H. Siomi and   
                    G. Dreyfuss   A nuclear localization domain in the
                                  hnRNP A1 protein . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
            D. Weisenberger and   
                      U. Scheer   A possible mechanism for the inhibition
                                  of ribosomal RNA gene transcription
                                  during mitosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
                 U. Acharya and   
            J. M. McCaffery and   
                  R. Jacobs and   
                    V. Malhotra   Reconstitution of vesiculated Golgi
                                  membranes into stacks of cisternae:
                                  requirement of NSF in stack formation    577
              C. H. Streuli and   
            C. Schmidhauser and   
                  N. Bailey and   
               P. Yurchenco and   
              A. P. Skubitz and   
               C. Roskelley and   
                  M. J. Bissell   Laminin mediates tissue-specific gene
                                  expression in mammary epithelia  . . . . 591
               C. Rabouille and   
                 T. Misteli and   
                  R. Watson and   
                      G. Warren   Reassembly of Golgi stacks from mitotic
                                  Golgi fragments in a cell-free system    605
              A. Gorodinsky and   
                   D. A. Harris   Glycolipid-anchored proteins in
                                  neuroblastoma cells form
                                  detergent-resistant complexes without
                                  caveolin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
               D. Hamburger and   
                 M. Egerton and   
                     H. Riezman   Yeast Gaa1p is required for attachment
                                  of a completed GPI anchor onto proteins  629
                P. M. Haney and   
                 M. A. Levy and   
               M. S. Strube and   
                    M. Mueckler   Insulin-sensitive targeting of the GLUT4
                                  glucose transporter in L6 myoblasts is
                                  conferred by its COOH-terminal
                                  cytoplasmic tail . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
                  X. H. Sun and   
                 F. Protasi and   
               M. Takahashi and   
               H. Takeshima and   
             D. G. Ferguson and   
          C. Franzini-Armstrong   Molecular architecture of membranes
                                  involved in excitation-contraction
                                  coupling of cardiac muscle . . . . . . . 659
                 S. L. Carl and   
                   K. Felix and   
              A. H. Caswell and   
               N. R. Brandt and   
                 W. J. Ball and   
                P. L. Vaghy and   
                G. Meissner and   
                 D. G. Ferguson   Immunolocalization of sarcolemmal
                                  dihydropyridine receptor and
                                  sarcoplasmic reticular triadin and
                                  ryanodine receptor in rabbit ventricle
                                  and atrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
             C. C. Gregorio and   
                   V. M. Fowler   Mechanisms of thin filament assembly in
                                  embryonic chick cardiac myocytes:
                                  tropomodulin requires tropomyosin for
                                  assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
               K. S. Warren and   
                  J. L. Lin and   
            J. P. McDermott and   
                      J. J. Lin   Forced expression of chimeric human
                                  fibroblast tropomyosin mutants affects
                                  cytokinesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697
             B. C. Williams and   
                M. F. Riedy and   
             E. V. Williams and   
                   M. Gatti and   
                 M. L. Goldberg   The \bionameDrosophila kinesin-like
                                  protein KLP3A is a midbody component
                                  required for central spindle assembly
                                  and initiation of cytokinesis  . . . . . 709
               I. A. Dawson and   
                    S. Roth and   
          S. Artavanis-Tsakonas   The \bionameDrosophila cell cycle gene
                                  fizzy is required for normal degradation
                                  of cyclins A and B during mitosis and
                                  has homology to the CDC20 gene of
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 725
                  D. J. Lew and   
                     S. I. Reed   A cell cycle checkpoint monitors cell
                                  morphogenesis in budding yeast . . . . . 739
                   J. Chant and   
                  J. R. Pringle   Patterns of bud-site selection in the
                                  yeast \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae   751
                   J. Chant and   
                 M. Mischke and   
                E. Mitchell and   
              I. Herskowitz and   
                  J. R. Pringle   Role of Bud3p in producing the axial
                                  budding pattern of yeast . . . . . . . . 767
                R. S. Slack and   
             I. S. Skerjanc and   
                    B. Lach and   
                   J. Craig and   
                 K. Jardine and   
                 M. W. McBurney   Cells differentiating into neuroectoderm
                                  undergo apoptosis in the absence of
                                  functional retinoblastoma family
                                  proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779
                   L. Cheng and   
                    M. Khan and   
                    A. W. Mudge   Calcitonin gene-related peptide promotes
                                  Schwann cell proliferation . . . . . . . 789
                P. Lorenzon and   
               D. Zacchetti and   
                 F. Codazzi and   
               G. Fumagalli and   
               J. Meldolesi and   
                    F. Grohovaz   Ca$^{2+}$ waves in PC12 neurites: a
                                  bidirectional, receptor-oriented form of
                                  Ca$^{2+}$ signaling  . . . . . . . . . . 797
                 C. Elfgang and   
                  R. Eckert and   
H. Lichtenberg-Fraté and   
              A. Butterweck and   
                   O. Traub and   
                R. A. Klein and   
          D. F. Hülser and   
                    K. Willecke   Specific permeability and selective
                                  formation of gap junction channels in
                                  connexin-transfected HeLa cells  . . . . 805
        H. E. Stöffler and   
                 C. Ruppert and   
                J. Reinhard and   
                 M. Bähler   A novel mammalian myosin I from rat with
                                  an SH3 domain localizes to Con
                                  A-inducible, F-actin-rich structures at
                                  cell--cell contacts  . . . . . . . . . . 819
              C. Guinebault and   
               B. Payrastre and   
           C. Racaud-Sultan and   
               H. Mazarguil and   
                  M. Breton and   
                   G. Mauco and   
               M. Plantavid and   
                        H. Chap   Integrin-dependent translocation of
                                  phosphoinositide $3$-kinase to the
                                  cytoskeleton of thrombin-activated
                                  platelets involves specific interactions
                                  of p85 alpha with actin filaments and
                                  focal adhesion kinase  . . . . . . . . . 831
                   J. Zheng and   
                 O. Saksela and   
              S. Matikainen and   
                      A. Vaheri   Keratinocyte growth factor is a
                                  bifunctional regulator of HPV16
                                  DNA-immortalized cervical epithelial
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843
                G. Zambruno and   
            P. C. Marchisio and   
                 A. Marconi and   
               C. Vaschieri and   
               A. Melchiori and   
               A. Giannetti and   
                     M. De Luca   Transforming growth factor-beta 1
                                  modulates beta 1 and beta 5 integrin
                                  receptors and induces the de novo
                                  expression of the alpha v beta 6
                                  heterodimer in normal human
                                  keratinocytes: implications for wound
                                  healing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853
                 P. Huhtala and   
            M. J. Humphries and   
             J. B. McCarthy and   
              P. M. Tremble and   
                    Z. Werb and   
                   C. H. Damsky   Cooperative signaling by alpha 5 beta 1
                                  and alpha 4 beta 1 integrins regulates
                                  metalloproteinase gene expression in
                                  fibroblasts adhering to fibronectin  . . 867
             D. Aeschlimann and   
                   O. Kaupp and   
                    M. Paulsson   Transglutaminase-catalyzed matrix
                                  cross-linking in differentiating
                                  cartilage: identification of osteonectin
                                  as a major glutaminyl substrate  . . . . 881

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 129, Number 4, May, 1995

                T. Mustonen and   
                     K. Alitalo   Endothelial receptor tyrosine kinases
                                  involved in angiogenesis . . . . . . . . 895
           K. M. Neugebauer and   
                J. A. Stolk and   
                     M. B. Roth   A conserved epitope on a subset of SR
                                  proteins defines a larger family of
                                  Pre-mRNA splicing factors  . . . . . . . 899
                 M. Cockell and   
               F. Palladino and   
                 T. Laroche and   
                  G. Kyrion and   
                     C. Liu and   
               A. J. Lustig and   
                   S. M. Gasser   The carboxy termini of Sir4 and Rap1
                                  affect Sir3 localization: evidence for a
                                  multicomponent complex required for
                                  yeast telomeric silencing  . . . . . . . 909
              B. M. Paschal and   
                      L. Gerace   Identification of NTF2, a cytosolic
                                  factor for nuclear import that interacts
                                  with nuclear pore complex protein p62    925
               L. C. Gorsch and   
          T. C. Dockendorff and   
                     C. N. Cole   A conditional allele of the novel
                                  repeat-containing yeast nucleoporin
                                  RAT7/NUP159 causes both rapid cessation
                                  of mRNA export and reversible clustering
                                  of nuclear pore complexes  . . . . . . . 939
            C. V. Nicchitta and   
               E. C. Murphy and   
                  R. Haynes and   
                 G. S. Shelness   Stage- and ribosome-specific alterations
                                  in nascent chain--Sec61p interactions
                                  accompany translocation across the ER
                                  membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 957
              F. Letourneur and   
                S. Hennecke and   
     C. Démolli\`ere and   
                      P. Cosson   Steric masking of a dilysine endoplasmic
                                  reticulum retention motif during
                                  assembly of the human high affinity
                                  receptor for immunoglobulin E  . . . . . 971
             G. Schlenstedt and   
                  S. Harris and   
                   B. Risse and   
                    R. Lill and   
                   P. A. Silver   A yeast DnaJ homologue, Scj1p, can
                                  function in the endoplasmic reticulum
                                  with BiP/Kar2p via a conserved domain
                                  that specifies interactions with Hsp70s  979
           E. P. Berthiaume and   
                  C. Medina and   
                  J. A. Swanson   Molecular size-fractionation during
                                  endocytosis in macrophages . . . . . . . 989
              K. V. Kandror and   
             J. M. Stephens and   
                    P. F. Pilch   Expression and compartmentalization of
                                  caveolin in adipose cells: coordinate
                                  regulation with and structural
                                  segregation from GLUT4 . . . . . . . . . 999
                M. D. Henry and   
         C. Gonzalez Agosti and   
                     F. Solomon   Molecular dissection of radixin:
                                  distinct and interdependent functions of
                                  the amino- and carboxy-terminal domains  1007
           J. M. Schumacher and   
                     K. Lee and   
                S. Edelhoff and   
                    R. E. Braun   Spnr, a murine RNA-binding protein that
                                  is localized to cytoplasmic microtubules 1023
                   I. Hagan and   
                    M. Yanagida   The product of the spindle formation
                                  gene sad1+ associates with the fission
                                  yeast spindle pole body and is essential
                                  for viability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1033
                R. Kuriyama and   
                  M. Kofron and   
                  R. Essner and   
                    T. Kato and   
          S. Dragas-Granoic and   
                C. K. Omoto and   
                   A. Khodjakov   Characterization of a minus end-directed
                                  kinesin-like motor protein from cultured
                                  mammalian cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1049
                    K. Goto and   
                  C. H. Johnson   Is the cell division cycle gated by a
                                  circadian clock? The case of
                                  Chlamydomonas reinhardtii  . . . . . . . 1061
                   B. Goldstein   Cell contacts orient some cell division
                                  axes in the \bionameCaenorhabditis
                                  elegans embryo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071
               A. J. Otsuka and   
                  R. Franco and   
                    B. Yang and   
                 K. H. Shim and   
                 L. Z. Tang and   
                Y. Y. Zhang and   
     P. Boontrakulpoontawee and   
             A. Jeyaprakash and   
               E. Hedgecock and   
                  V. I. Wheaton   An ankyrin-related gene (unc-44) is
                                  necessary for proper axonal guidance in
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans . . . . . 1081
                M. W. Cohen and   
                C. Jacobson and   
              E. W. Godfrey and   
             K. P. Campbell and   
                  S. Carbonetto   Distribution of alpha-dystroglycan
                                  during embryonic nerve-muscle
                                  synaptogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093
                 H. G. Wang and   
               J. A. Millan and   
                  A. D. Cox and   
                  C. J. Der and   
                 U. R. Rapp and   
                    T. Beck and   
                     H. Zha and   
                     J. C. Reed   R-Ras promotes apoptosis caused by
                                  growth factor deprivation via a Bcl-2
                                  suppressible mechanism . . . . . . . . . 1103
                  C. Q. Lin and   
              P. J. Dempsey and   
               R. J. Coffey and   
                  M. J. Bissell   Extracellular matrix regulates whey
                                  acidic protein gene expression by
                                  suppression of TGF-alpha in mouse
                                  mammary epithelial cells: studies in
                                  culture and in transgenic mice . . . . . 1115
              S. N. Gettner and   
                  C. Kenyon and   
                L. F. Reichardt   Characterization of beta pat-3
                                  heterodimers, a family of essential
                                  integrin receptors in \bionameC. elegans 1127
                      R. Li and   
                     J. Xie and   
                  C. Kantor and   
               V. Koistinen and   
              D. C. Altieri and   
                 P. Nortamo and   
                 C. G. Gahmberg   A peptide derived from the intercellular
                                  adhesion molecule-2 regulates the
                                  avidity of the leukocyte integrins
                                  CD11b/CD18 and CD11c/CD18  . . . . . . . 1143
              F. M. Pavalko and   
               D. M. Walker and   
                  L. Graham and   
                  M. Goheen and   
            C. M. Doerschuk and   
                   G. S. Kansas   The cytoplasmic domain of L-selectin
                                  interacts with cytoskeletal proteins via
                                  alpha-actinin: receptor positioning in
                                  microvilli does not require interaction
                                  with alpha-actinin . . . . . . . . . . . 1155
                   H. Zhang and   
                      W. Hu and   
                     F. Ramirez   Developmental expression of fibrillin
                                  genes suggests heterogeneity of
                                  extracellular microfibrils . . . . . . . 1165

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 129, Number 5, June, 1995

                R. Zarnegar and   
            G. K. Michalopoulos   The many faces of hepatocyte growth
                                  factor: from hepatopoiesis to
                                  hematopoiesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1177
               A. G. Matera and   
                 M. R. Frey and   
                K. Margelot and   
                    S. L. Wolin   A perinucleolar compartment contains
                                  several RNA polymerase III transcripts
                                  as well as the polypyrimidine
                                  tract-binding protein, hnRNP I . . . . . 1181
             M. S. Campbell and   
                  G. J. Gorbsky   Microinjection of mitotic cells with the
                                  3F3/2 anti-phosphoepitope antibody
                                  delays the onset of anaphase . . . . . . 1195
                  H. Mehlin and   
                B. Daneholt and   
                    U. Skoglund   Structural interaction between the
                                  nuclear pore complex and a specific
                                  translocating RNP particle . . . . . . . 1205
              L. S. Arneson and   
                      J. Miller   Efficient endosomal localization of
                                  major histocompatibility complex class
                                  II-invariant chain complexes requires
                                  multimerization of the invariant chain
                                  targeting sequence . . . . . . . . . . . 1217
                 D. M. Ward and   
                C. M. Perou and   
                   M. Lloyd and   
                      J. Kaplan   ''Synchronized'' endocytosis and
                                  intracellular sorting in alveolar
                                  macrophages: the early sorting endosome
                                  is a transient organelle . . . . . . . . 1229
                 H. Y. Naim and   
                D. T. Dodds and   
               C. B. Brewer and   
                     M. G. Roth   Apical and basolateral coated pits of
                                  MDCK cells differ in their rates of
                                  maturation into coated vesicles, but not
                                  in the ability to distinguish between
                                  mutant hemagglutinin proteins with
                                  different internalization signals  . . . 1241
                 I. S. Yuen and   
                    R. Jain and   
               J. D. Bishop and   
              D. F. Lindsey and   
                W. J. Deery and   
         P. J. Van Haastert and   
                    R. H. Gomer   A density-sensing factor regulates
                                  signal transduction in
                                  \bionameDictyostelium  . . . . . . . . . 1251
        A. Rodríguez and   
               M. G. Rioult and   
                     A. Ora and   
                  N. W. Andrews   A trypanosome-soluble factor induces IP3
                                  formation, intracellular Ca$^{2+}$
                                  mobilization and microfilament
                                  rearrangement in host cells  . . . . . . 1263
                J. V. Small and   
                  M. Herzog and   
                    K. Anderson   Actin filament organization in the fish
                                  keratocyte lamellipodium . . . . . . . . 1275
                   D. Zhang and   
                  R. B. Nicklas   The impact of chromosomes and
                                  centrosomes on spindle assembly as
                                  observed in living cells . . . . . . . . 1287
                 J. Gaertig and   
                 M. A. Cruz and   
                   J. Bowen and   
                      L. Gu and   
              D. G. Pennock and   
                 M. A. Gorovsky   Acetylation of lysine 40 in
                                  alpha-tubulin is not essential in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena thermophila  . . . . 1301
         D. Chrétien and   
               S. D. Fuller and   
                    E. Karsenti   Structure of growing microtubule ends:
                                  two-dimensional sheets close into tubes
                                  at variable rates  . . . . . . . . . . . 1311
                   C. Lloyd and   
                   Q. C. Yu and   
                   J. Cheng and   
                 K. Turksen and   
              L. Degenstein and   
                  E. Hutton and   
                       E. Fuchs   The basal keratin network of stratified
                                  squamous epithelia: defining K15
                                  function in the absence of K14 . . . . . 1329
                    Y. Xiao and   
             U. Grieshammer and   
                   N. Rosenthal   Regulation of a muscle-specific
                                  transgene by retinoic acid . . . . . . . 1345
               K. K. Briggs and   
              A. J. Silvers and   
             K. M. Johansen and   
                    J. Johansen   Calsensin: a novel calcium-binding
                                  protein expressed in a subset of
                                  peripheral leech neurons fasciculating
                                  in a single axon tract . . . . . . . . . 1355
                   P. J. Lu and   
                   Q. L. Lu and   
                A. Rughetti and   
        J. Taylor-Papadimitriou   bcl-2 overexpression inhibits cell death
                                  and promotes the morphogenesis, but not
                                  tumorigenesis of human mammary
                                  epithelial cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 1363
           C. Murphy-Erdosh and   
              C. K. Yoshida and   
                N. Paradies and   
                L. F. Reichardt   The cadherin-binding specificities of
                                  B-cadherin and LCAM  . . . . . . . . . . 1379
                 J. Balsamo and   
                   H. Ernst and   
                M. K. Zanin and   
                 S. Hoffman and   
                      J. Lilien   The interaction of the retina cell
                                  with an endogenous proteoglycan ligand
                                  results in inhibition of
                                  cadherin-mediated adhesion . . . . . . . 1391
                  S. Godyna and   
                    G. Liau and   
                    I. Popa and   
              S. Stefansson and   
                 W. S. Argraves   Identification of the low density
                                  lipoprotein receptor-related protein
                                  (LRP) as an endocytic receptor for
                                  thrombospondin-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1403
             T. Takebayashi and   
                 M. Iwamoto and   
                   A. Jikko and   
               T. Matsumura and   
         M. Enomoto-Iwamoto and   
                 F. Myoukai and   
                  E. Koyama and   
                  T. Yamaai and   
               K. Matsumoto and   
                    T. Nakamura   Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor
                                  modulates cell motility, proliferation,
                                  and proteoglycan synthesis of
                                  chondrocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1411
                 J. Rossert and   
            H. Eberspaecher and   
              B. de Crombrugghe   Separate cis-acting DNA elements of the
                                  mouse pro-alpha 1(I) collagen promoter
                                  direct expression of reporter genes to
                                  different type I collagen-producing
                                  cells in transgenic mice . . . . . . . . 1421

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 129, Number 6, June, 1995

              I. T. Todorov and   
                 A. Attaran and   
                  S. E. Kearsey   BM28, a human member of the MCM2-3-5
                                  family, is displaced from chromatin
                                  during DNA replication . . . . . . . . . 1433
                  G. Sluder and   
             E. A. Thompson and   
               C. L. Rieder and   
                   F. J. Miller   Nuclear envelope breakdown is under
                                  nuclear not cytoplasmic control in sea
                                  urchin zygotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1447
                   E. Meier and   
               B. R. Miller and   
                   D. J. Forbes   Nuclear pore complex assembly studied
                                  with a biochemical assay for annulate
                                  lamellae formation . . . . . . . . . . . 1459
         I. Török and   
                  D. Strand and   
                 R. Schmitt and   
                    G. Tick and   
         T. Török and   
                    I. Kiss and   
                  B. M. Mechler   The overgrown hematopoietic organs-31
                                  tumor suppressor gene of
                                  \bionameDrosophila encodes an
                                  Importin-like protein accumulating in
                                  the nucleus at the onset of mitosis  . . 1473
             P. Küssel and   
                      M. Frasch   Pendulin, a \bionameDrosophila protein
                                  with cell cycle-dependent nuclear
                                  localization, is required for normal
                                  cell proliferation . . . . . . . . . . . 1491
                E. W. Marsh and   
              P. L. Leopold and   
                N. L. Jones and   
                 F. R. Maxfield   Oligomerized transferrin receptors are
                                  selectively retained by a lumenal
                                  sorting signal in a long-lived endocytic
                                  recycling compartment  . . . . . . . . . 1509
              C. C. Mastick and   
                M. J. Brady and   
                  A. R. Saltiel   Insulin stimulates the tyrosine
                                  phosphorylation of caveolin  . . . . . . 1523
           D. J. FitzGerald and   
              C. M. Fryling and   
               A. Zdanovsky and   
            C. B. Saelinger and   
                 M. Kounnas and   
              J. A. Winkles and   
              D. Strickland and   
                      S. Leppla   Pseudomonas exotoxin-mediated selection
                                  yields cells with altered expression of
                                  low-density lipoprotein receptor-related
                                  protein  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1533
              T. W. Gadella and   
                    T. M. Jovin   Oligomerization of epidermal growth
                                  factor receptors on A431 cells studied
                                  by time-resolved fluorescence imaging
                                  microscopy. A stereochemical model for
                                  tyrosine kinase receptor activation  . . 1543
                    Y. Sako and   
                      A. Kusumi   Barriers for lateral diffusion of
                                  transferrin receptor in the plasma
                                  membrane as characterized by receptor
                                  dragging by laser tweezers: fence versus
                                  tether . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1559
                 V. Mermall and   
                   K. G. Miller   The 95F unconventional myosin is
                                  required for proper organization of the
                                  \bionameDrosophila syncytial blastoderm  1575
               C. C. Cunningham   Actin polymerization and intracellular
                                  solvent flow in cell surface blebbing    1589
                   M. Winey and   
                C. L. Mamay and   
              E. T. O'Toole and   
          D. N. Mastronarde and   
             T. H. Giddings and   
             K. L. McDonald and   
                 J. R. McIntosh   Three-dimensional ultrastructural
                                  analysis of the \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae mitotic spindle . . . . . . . 1601
             R. M. Golsteyn and   
                K. E. Mundt and   
                  A. M. Fry and   
                     E. A. Nigg   Cell cycle regulation of the activity
                                  and subcellular localization of Plk1, a
                                  human protein kinase implicated in
                                  mitotic spindle function . . . . . . . . 1617
                   P. H. Tu and   
                   G. Elder and   
            R. A. Lazzarini and   
                  D. Nelson and   
          J. Q. Trojanowski and   
                      V. M. Lee   Overexpression of the human NFM subunit
                                  in transgenic mice modifies the level of
                                  endogenous NFL and the phosphorylation
                                  state of NFH subunits  . . . . . . . . . 1629
                     X. Zhu and   
                    I. Lindberg   7B2 facilitates the maturation of proPC2
                                  in neuroendocrine cells and is required
                                  for the expression of enzymatic activity 1641
                    Y. Geng and   
                        M. Lotz   Increased intracellular Ca$^{2+}$
                                  selectively suppresses IL-1-induced NO
                                  production by reducing iNOS mRNA
                                  stability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1651
                P. J. Lilly and   
                P. N. Devreotes   Chemoattractant and GTP gamma S-mediated
                                  stimulation of adenylyl cyclase in
                                  \bionameDictyostelium requires
                                  translocation of CRAC to membranes . . . 1659
                      L. Wu and   
                 R. Valkema and   
         P. J. Van Haastert and   
                P. N. Devreotes   The G protein beta subunit is essential
                                  for multiple responses to
                                  chemoattractants in
                                  \bionameDictyostelium  . . . . . . . . . 1667
           R. H. Brakenhoff and   
               M. Gerretsen and   
             E. M. Knippels and   
                M. van Dijk and   
               H. van Essen and   
              D. O. Weghuis and   
                R. J. Sinke and   
                 G. B. Snow and   
               G. A. van Dongen   The human E48 antigen, highly homologous
                                  to the murine Ly-6 antigen ThB, is a
                                  GPI-anchored molecule apparently
                                  involved in keratinocyte cell--cell
                                  adhesion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1677
                K. Nakamura and   
                 R. Iwamoto and   
                      E. Mekada   Membrane-anchored heparin-binding
                                  EGF-like growth factor (HB--EGF) and
                                  diphtheria toxin receptor-associated
                                  protein (DRAP27)/CD9 form a complex with
                                  integrin alpha 3 beta 1 at cell--cell
                                  contact sites  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1691
                 P. Tremble and   
               C. H. Damsky and   
                        Z. Werb   Components of the nuclear signaling
                                  cascade that regulate collagenase gene
                                  expression in response to
                                  integrin-derived signals . . . . . . . . 1707

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 130, Number 1, July, 1995

                 F. Korioth and   
                C. Gieffers and   
                 G. G. Maul and   
                        J. Frey   Molecular characterization of NDP52, a
                                  novel protein of the nuclear domain 10,
                                  which is redistributed upon virus
                                  infection and interferon treatment . . . 1
                 B. Soullam and   
                   H. J. Worman   Signals and structural features involved
                                  in integral membrane protein targeting
                                  to the inner nuclear membrane  . . . . . 15
               E. E. Wanker and   
                     Y. Sun and   
               A. J. Savitz and   
                    D. I. Meyer   Functional characterization of the
                                  180-kD ribosome receptor in vivo . . . . 29
               J. F. Simons and   
            S. Ferro-Novick and   
                 M. D. Rose and   
                    A. Helenius   BiP\slash Kar2p serves as a molecular
                                  chaperone during carboxypeptidase Y
                                  folding in yeast . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
               E. A. Wiemer and   
              W. M. Nuttley and   
            B. L. Bertolaet and   
                      X. Li and   
                 U. Francke and   
             M. J. Wheelock and   
          U. K. Anné and   
              K. R. Johnson and   
                   S. Subramani   Human peroxisomal targeting signal-1
                                  receptor restores peroxisomal protein
                                  import in cells from patients with fatal
                                  peroxisomal disorders  . . . . . . . . . 51
              K. A. Knudsen and   
                A. P. Soler and   
              K. R. Johnson and   
                 M. J. Wheelock   Interaction of alpha-actinin with the
                                  cadherin/catenin cell--cell adhesion
                                  complex via alpha-catenin  . . . . . . . 67
                 M. Durbeej and   
                 E. Larsson and   
  O. Ibraghimov-Beskrovnaya and   
              S. L. Roberds and   
             K. P. Campbell and   
                      P. Ekblom   Non-muscle alpha-dystroglycan is
                                  involved in epithelial development . . . 79
                D. J. Sharp and   
                      W. Yu and   
                     P. W. Baas   Transport of dendritic microtubules
                                  establishes their nonuniform polarity
                                  orientation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
                 R. Balczon and   
                     L. Bao and   
               W. E. Zimmer and   
                   K. Brown and   
            R. P. Zinkowski and   
                 B. R. Brinkley   Dissociation of centrosome replication
                                  events from cycles of DNA synthesis and
                                  mitotic division in hydroxyurea-arrested
                                  Chinese hamster ovary cells  . . . . . . 105
            S. B. Hopkinson and   
                S. E. Baker and   
                    J. C. Jones   Molecular genetic studies of a human
                                  epidermal autoantigen (the 180-kD
                                  bullous pemphigoid antigen/BP180):
                                  identification of functionally important
                                  sequences within the BP180 molecule and
                                  evidence for an interaction between
                                  BP180 and alpha 6 integrin . . . . . . . 117
                 J. A. Loeb and   
                G. D. Fischbach   ARIA can be released from extracellular
                                  matrix through cleavage of a
                                  heparin-binding domain . . . . . . . . . 127
                   M. Trupp and   
            M. Rydén and   
           H. Jörnvall and   
               H. Funakoshi and   
                 T. Timmusk and   
                  E. Arenas and   
     C. F. Ibáñez   Peripheral expression and biological
                                  activities of GDNF, a new neurotrophic
                                  factor for avian and mammalian
                                  peripheral neurons . . . . . . . . . . . 137
               M. D. Ehlers and   
               D. R. Kaplan and   
                D. L. Price and   
                V. E. Koliatsos   NGF-stimulated retrograde transport of
                                  trkA in the mammalian nervous system . . 149
                P. X. Petit and   
                 H. Lecoeur and   
                    E. Zorn and   
                 C. Dauguet and   
                B. Mignotte and   
                  M. L. Gougeon   Alterations in mitochondrial structure
                                  and function are early events of
                                  dexamethasone-induced thymocyte
                                  apoptosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
                   W. C. Li and   
               J. R. Kuszak and   
                    K. Dunn and   
                 R. R. Wang and   
                      W. Ma and   
                 G. M. Wang and   
                 A. Spector and   
                    M. Leib and   
              A. M. Cotliar and   
                       M. Weiss   Lens epithelial cell apoptosis appears
                                  to be a common cellular basis for
                                  non-congenital cataract development in
                                  humans and animals . . . . . . . . . . . 169
               I. Screpanti and   
                  S. Scarpa and   
                    D. Meco and   
                D. Bellavia and   
                 L. Stuppia and   
                   L. Frati and   
                 A. Modesti and   
                      A. Gulino   Epidermal growth factor promotes a
                                  neural phenotype in thymic epithelial
                                  cells and enhances neuropoietic cytokine
                                  expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
            K. E. Bornfeldt and   
               L. M. Graves and   
               E. W. Raines and   
                Y. Igarashi and   
                  G. Wayman and   
                S. Yamamura and   
                  Y. Yatomi and   
                J. S. Sidhu and   
                E. G. Krebs and   
                    S. Hakomori   Sphingosine-$1$-phosphate inhibits
                                  PDGF-induced chemotaxis of human
                                  arterial smooth muscle cells: spatial
                                  and temporal modulation of PDGF
                                  chemotactic signal transduction  . . . . 193
          D. G. Chalupowicz and   
            Z. A. Chowdhury and   
                 T. L. Bach and   
               C. Barsigian and   
                    J. Martinez   Fibrin II induces endothelial cell
                                  capillary tube formation . . . . . . . . 207
               H. Yamashita and   
               P. ten Dijke and   
             D. Huylebroeck and   
              T. K. Sampath and   
                 M. Andries and   
                J. C. Smith and   
               C. H. Heldin and   
                    K. Miyazono   Osteogenic protein-1 binds to activin
                                  type II receptors and induces certain
                                  activin-like effects . . . . . . . . . . 217
                     X. Liu and   
                      H. Wu and   
                   M. Byrne and   
                 J. Jeffrey and   
                   S. Krane and   
                    R. Jaenisch   A targeted mutation at the known
                                  collagenase cleavage site in mouse type
                                  I collagen impairs tissue remodeling . . 227

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 130, Number 2, July, 1995

                    G. Fang and   
                     T. R. Cech   Telomerase RNA localized in the
                                  replication band and spherical
                                  subnuclear organelles in hypotrichous
                                  ciliates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
                  T. Tagawa and   
                  T. Kuroki and   
                 P. K. Vogt and   
                       K. Chida   The cell cycle-dependent nuclear import
                                  of v--Jun is regulated by
                                  phosphorylation of a serine adjacent to
                                  the nuclear localization signal  . . . . 255
                  N. C. Chi and   
                 E. J. Adam and   
                     S. A. Adam   Sequence and characterization of
                                  cytoplasmic nuclear protein import
                                  factor p97 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
                C. J. Gallo and   
                 A. R. Hand and   
                T. L. Jones and   
                    L. A. Jaffe   Stimulation of \bionameXenopus oocyte
                                  maturation by inhibition of the
                                  G-protein alpha S subunit, a component
                                  of the plasma membrane and yolk platelet
                                  membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
             J. M. Wahlberg and   
                  I. Geffen and   
                 F. Reymond and   
                  T. Simmen and   
                      M. Spiess   trans-Golgi retention of a plasma
                                  membrane protein: mutations in the
                                  cytoplasmic domain of the
                                  asialoglycoprotein receptor subunit H1
                                  result in trans-Golgi retention  . . . . 285
              D. R. TerBush and   
                      P. Novick   Sec6, Sec8, and Sec15 are components of
                                  a multisubunit complex which localizes
                                  to small bud tips in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 299
               L. L. Peters and   
                 K. M. John and   
                   F. M. Lu and   
               E. M. Eicher and   
                 A. Higgins and   
                M. Yialamas and   
               L. C. Turtzo and   
               A. J. Otsuka and   
                      S. E. Lux   Ank3 (epithelial ankyrin), a widely
                                  distributed new member of the ankyrin
                                  gene family and the major ankyrin in
                                  kidney, is expressed in alternatively
                                  spliced forms, including forms that lack
                                  the repeat domain  . . . . . . . . . . . 313
             J. B. Marchand and   
                  P. Moreau and   
                A. Paoletti and   
                 P. Cossart and   
              M. F. Carlier and   
                   D. Pantaloni   Actin-based movement of \bionameListeria
                                  monocytogenes: actin assembly results
                                  from the local maintenance of uncapped
                                  filament barbed ends at the bacterium
                                  surface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
                V. R. Simon and   
               T. C. Swayne and   
                      L. A. Pon   Actin-dependent mitochondrial motility
                                  in mitotic yeast and cell-free systems:
                                  identification of a motor activity on
                                  the mitochondrial surface  . . . . . . . 345
                J. H. Chang and   
                    S. Gill and   
               J. Settleman and   
                  S. J. Parsons   c-Src regulates the simultaneous
                                  rearrangement of actin cytoskeleton,
                                  p190RhoGAP, and p120RasGAP following
                                  epidermal growth factor stimulation  . . 355
              J. M. Staddon and   
                  C. Smales and   
                 C. Schulze and   
                 F. S. Esch and   
                    L. L. Rubin   p120, a p120-related protein (p100), and
                                  the cadherin/catenin complex . . . . . . 369
               M. Demetriou and   
                 I. R. Nabi and   
               M. Coppolino and   
                  S. Dedhar and   
                   J. W. Dennis   Reduced contact-inhibition and
                                  substratum adhesion in epithelial cells
                                  expressing GlcNAc-transferase V  . . . . 383
                  F. Strutz and   
                   H. Okada and   
                   C. W. Lo and   
                  T. Danoff and   
               R. L. Carone and   
          J. E. Tomaszewski and   
                  E. G. Neilson   Identification and characterization of a
                                  fibroblast marker: FSP1  . . . . . . . . 393
            T. A. Mitsiadis and   
                M. Lardelli and   
                 U. Lendahl and   
                    I. Thesleff   Expression of Notch 1, 2 and 3 is
                                  regulated by epithelial-mesenchymal
                                  interactions and retinoic acid in the
                                  developing mouse tooth and associated
                                  with determination of ameloblast cell
                                  fate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
                R. Sullivan and   
                       C. W. Lo   Expression of a connexin
                                  43/beta-galactosidase fusion protein
                                  inhibits gap junctional communication in
                                  NIH3T3 cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
              S. J. Pittler and   
             S. J. Fliesler and   
               P. L. Fisher and   
               P. K. Keller and   
                     L. M. Rapp   In vivo requirement of protein
                                  prenylation for maintenance of retinal
                                  cytoarchitecture and photoreceptor
                                  structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
              E. J. Filardo and   
               P. C. Brooks and   
               S. L. Deming and   
                  C. Damsky and   
                  D. A. Cheresh   Requirement of the NPXY motif in the
                                  integrin beta 3 subunit cytoplasmic tail
                                  for melanoma cell migration in vitro and
                                  in vivo  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
                   L. Piali and   
                  P. Hammel and   
                  C. Uherek and   
                F. Bachmann and   
               R. H. Gisler and   
                   D. Dunon and   
                    B. A. Imhof   CD31\slash PECAM-1 is a ligand for alpha
                                  v beta 3 integrin involved in adhesion
                                  of leukocytes to endothelium . . . . . . 451
                M. S. Kinch and   
                G. J. Clark and   
                  C. J. Der and   
                    K. Burridge   Tyrosine phosphorylation regulates the
                                  adhesions of ras-transformed breast
                                  epithelia  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
          U. Nörenberg and   
                  M. Hubert and   
        T. Brümmendorf and   
           A. Tárnok and   
                  F. G. Rathjen   Characterization of functional domains
                                  of the tenascin--R (restrictin)
                                  polypeptide: cell attachment site,
                                  binding with F11, and enhancement of
                                  F11-mediated neurite outgrowth by
                                  tenascin--R  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
                   Z. Zheng and   
                   S. Katoh and   
                      Q. He and   
                 K. Oritani and   
                  K. Miyake and   
                  J. Lesley and   
                   R. Hyman and   
                   A. Hamik and   
            R. M. Parkhouse and   
                     A. G. Farr   Monoclonal antibodies to CD44 and their
                                  influence on hyaluronan recognition  . . 485

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 130, Number 3, August, 1995

                   P. Bornstein   Diversity of function is inherent in
                                  matricellular proteins: an appraisal of
                                  thrombospondin 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
                    H. Liao and   
             R. J. Winkfein and   
                    G. Mack and   
              J. B. Rattner and   
                      T. J. Yen   CENP-F is a protein of the nuclear
                                  matrix that assembles onto kinetochores
                                  at late G2 and is rapidly degraded after
                                  mitosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
                    S. Wang and   
                   H. Sakai and   
                    M. Wiedmann   NAC covers ribosome-associated nascent
                                  chains thereby forming a protective
                                  environment for regions of nascent
                                  chains just emerging from the peptidyl
                                  transferase center . . . . . . . . . . . 519
                 J. S. Rush and   
                 C. J. Waechter   Transmembrane movement of a
                                  water-soluble analogue of
                                  mannosylphosphoryldolichol is mediated
                                  by an endoplasmic reticulum protein  . . 529
                    B. Volz and   
                G. Orberger and   
                 S. Porwoll and   
                H. P. Hauri and   
                      R. Tauber   Selective reentry of recycling cell
                                  surface glycoproteins to the
                                  biosynthetic pathway in human
                                  hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells  . . . . . . 537
               A. E. Gammie and   
             L. J. Kurihara and   
               R. B. Vallee and   
                     M. D. Rose   DNM1, a dynamin-related gene,
                                  participates in endosomal trafficking in
                                  yeast  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
                D. Karaoglu and   
             D. J. Kelleher and   
                     R. Gilmore   Functional characterization of Ost3p.
                                  Loss of the 34-kD subunit of the
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae
                                  oligosaccharyltransferase results in
                                  biased underglycosylation of acceptor
                                  substrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
             B. F. Roettger and   
              R. U. Rentsch and   
                E. M. Hadac and   
               E. H. Hellen and   
            T. P. Burghardt and   
                   L. J. Miller   Insulation of a G protein-coupled
                                  receptor on the plasmalemmal surface of
                                  the pancreatic acinar cell . . . . . . . 579
               I. C. Baines and   
       A. Corigliano-Murphy and   
                     E. D. Korn   Quantification and localization of
                                  phosphorylated myosin I isoforms in
                                  Acanthamoeba castellanii . . . . . . . . 591
                C. G. Burns and   
                   M. Reedy and   
                  J. Heuser and   
                  A. De Lozanne   Expression of light meromyosin in
                                  \bionameDictyostelium blocks normal
                                  myosin II function . . . . . . . . . . . 605
            Z. M. Goeckeler and   
              R. B. Wysolmerski   Myosin light chain kinase-regulated
                                  endothelial cell contraction: the
                                  relationship between isometric tension,
                                  actin polymerization, and myosin
                                  phosphorylation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
               L. G. Tilney and   
               M. S. Tilney and   
                    G. M. Guild   F actin bundles in \bionameDrosophila
                                  bristles. I. Two filament cross-links
                                  are involved in bundling . . . . . . . . 629
                K. R. Olson and   
             J. R. McIntosh and   
                  J. B. Olmsted   Analysis of MAP 4 function in living
                                  cells using green fluorescent protein
                                  (GFP) chimeras . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
                D. McCollum and   
      M. K. Balasubramanian and   
              L. E. Pelcher and   
           S. M. Hemmingsen and   
                    K. L. Gould   \bionameSchizosaccharomyces pombe cdc4+
                                  gene encodes a novel EF-hand protein
                                  essential for cytokinesis  . . . . . . . 651
              D. R. Kellogg and   
                 A. Kikuchi and   
            T. Fujii-Nakata and   
                C. W. Turck and   
                   A. W. Murray   Members of the NAP/SET family of
                                  proteins interact specifically with
                                  B-type cyclins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
              D. R. Kellogg and   
                   A. W. Murray   NAP1 acts with Clb1 to perform mitotic
                                  functions and to suppress polar bud
                                  growth in budding yeast  . . . . . . . . 675
                     E. Yeh and   
             R. V. Skibbens and   
                J. W. Cheng and   
               E. D. Salmon and   
                       K. Bloom   Spindle dynamics and cell cycle
                                  regulation of dynein in the budding
                                  yeast, \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae  687
                 M. D. Mark and   
                     Y. Liu and   
                 S. T. Wong and   
                T. R. Hinds and   
                    D. R. Storm   Stimulation of neurite outgrowth in PC12
                                  cells by EGF and KCl depolarization: a
                                  Ca(2+)-independent phenomenon  . . . . . 701
                S. D. Gross and   
              D. P. Hoffman and   
              P. L. Fisette and   
                    P. Baas and   
                 R. A. Anderson   A phosphatidylinositol
                                  4,5-bisphosphate-sensitive casein kinase
                                  I alpha associates with synaptic
                                  vesicles and phosphorylates a subset of
                                  vesicle proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . 711
                  V. Kundra and   
              B. Anand-Apte and   
                 L. A. Feig and   
                   B. R. Zetter   The chemotactic response to PDGF--BB:
                                  evidence of a role for Ras . . . . . . . 725
              M. P. Burgoon and   
                R. B. Hazan and   
             G. R. Phillips and   
              K. L. Crossin and   
              G. M. Edelman and   
               B. A. Cunningham   Functional analysis of posttranslational
                                  cleavage products of the neuron-glia
                                  cell adhesion molecule, Ng--CAM  . . . . 733
             S. D. Blystone and   
             F. P. Lindberg and   
             S. E. LaFlamme and   
                    E. J. Brown   Integrin beta 3 cytoplasmic tail is
                                  necessary and sufficient for regulation
                                  of alpha 5 beta 1 phagocytosis by alpha
                                  v beta 3 and integrin-associated protein 745

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 130, Number 4, August, 1995

              P. K. Jackson and   
               S. Chevalier and   
                M. Philippe and   
                M. W. Kirschner   Early events in DNA replication require
                                  cyclin E and are blocked by p21CIP1  . . 755
                C. Labriola and   
              J. J. Cazzulo and   
                   A. J. Parodi   Retention of glucose units added by the
                                  UDP--GLC: glycoprotein
                                  glucosyltransferase delays exit of
                                  glycoproteins from the endoplasmic
                                  reticulum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771
                W. J. Brown and   
               D. B. DeWald and   
                  S. D. Emr and   
                 H. Plutner and   
                    W. E. Balch   Role for phosphatidylinositol $3$-kinase
                                  in the sorting and transport of newly
                                  synthesized lysosomal enzymes in
                                  mammalian cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 781
                 H. W. Davidson   Wortmannin causes mistargeting of
                                  procathepsin D. Evidence for the
                                  involvement of a phosphatidylinositol
                                  $3$-kinase in vesicular transport to
                                  lysosomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797
           S. Vijayasaradhi and   
                      Y. Xu and   
                B. Bouchard and   
                 A. N. Houghton   Intracellular sorting and targeting of
                                  melanosomal membrane proteins:
                                  identification of signals for sorting of
                                  the human brown locus protein, gp75  . . 807
            A. W. van Weert and   
                 K. W. Dunn and   
                H. J. Gueze and   
             F. R. Maxfield and   
                  W. Stoorvogel   Transport from late endosomes to
                                  lysosomes, but not sorting of integral
                                  membrane proteins in endosomes, depends
                                  on the vacuolar proton pump  . . . . . . 821
             T. A. Nicolson and   
              L. S. Weisman and   
                G. S. Payne and   
                  W. T. Wickner   A truncated form of the Pho80 cyclin
                                  redirects the Pho85 kinase to disrupt
                                  vacuole inheritance in S. cerevisiae . . 835
             C. Bastianutto and   
                E. Clementi and   
                 F. Codazzi and   
                  P. Podini and   
               F. De Giorgi and   
                 R. Rizzuto and   
               J. Meldolesi and   
                      T. Pozzan   Overexpression of calreticulin increases
                                  the Ca$^{2+}$ capacity of rapidly
                                  exchanging Ca$^{2+}$ stores and reveals
                                  aspects of their lumenal
                                  microenvironment and function  . . . . . 847
             L. D. Walensky and   
                   S. H. Snyder   Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors
                                  selectively localized to the acrosomes
                                  of mammalian sperm . . . . . . . . . . . 857
              L. Castellani and   
                M. C. Reedy and   
               M. C. Gauzzi and   
              C. Provenzano and   
                 S. Alem\`a and   
                     G. Falcone   Maintenance of the differentiated state
                                  in skeletal muscle: activation of v--Src
                                  disrupts sarcomeres in quail myotubes    871
              C. Chaponnier and   
                M. Goethals and   
               P. A. Janmey and   
                F. Gabbiani and   
                G. Gabbiani and   
              J. Vandekerckhove   The specific NH2-terminal sequence
                                  Ac--EEED of alpha-smooth muscle actin
                                  plays a role in polymerization in vitro
                                  and in vivo  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887
              D. E. Discher and   
                 R. Winardi and   
        P. O. Schischmanoff and   
                   M. Parra and   
               J. G. Conboy and   
                    N. Mohandas   Mechanochemistry of protein 4.1's
                                  spectrin-actin-binding domain: ternary
                                  complex interactions, membrane binding,
                                  network integration, structural
                                  strengthening  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 897
                  B. Mickey and   
                      J. Howard   Rigidity of microtubules is increased by
                                  stabilizing agents . . . . . . . . . . . 909
                B. M. Lange and   
                        K. Gull   A molecular marker for centriole
                                  maturation in the mammalian cell cycle   919
              R. B. Nicklas and   
                 S. C. Ward and   
                  G. J. Gorbsky   Kinetochore chemistry is sensitive to
                                  tension and may link mitotic forces to a
                                  cell cycle checkpoint  . . . . . . . . . 929
               C. L. Rieder and   
                 R. W. Cole and   
               A. Khodjakov and   
                      G. Sluder   The checkpoint delaying anaphase in
                                  response to chromosome monoorientation
                                  is mediated by an inhibitory signal
                                  produced by unattached kinetochores  . . 941
                 W. A. Kues and   
              H. R. Brenner and   
                 B. Sakmann and   
                   V. Witzemann   Local neurotrophic repression of gene
                                  transcripts encoding fetal AChRs at rat
                                  neuromuscular synapses . . . . . . . . . 949
                  C. Antony and   
                  M. Huchet and   
             J. P. Changeux and   
                     J. Cartaud   Developmental regulation of membrane
                                  traffic organization during
                                  synaptogenesis in mouse diaphragm muscle 959
               M. Bastmeyer and   
                     H. Ott and   
              C. A. Leppert and   
                 C. A. Stuermer   Fish E587 glycoprotein, a member of the
                                  L1 family of cell adhesion molecules,
                                  participates in axonal fasciculation and
                                  the age-related order of ganglion cell
                                  axons in the goldfish retina . . . . . . 969
         S. M. Brady-Kalnay and   
                 D. L. Rimm and   
                    N. K. Tonks   Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase
                                  PTPmu associates with cadherins and
                                  catenins in vivo . . . . . . . . . . . . 977
                   M. Koval and   
                S. T. Geist and   
            E. M. Westphale and   
              A. E. Kemendy and   
               R. Civitelli and   
                E. C. Beyer and   
                T. H. Steinberg   Transfected connexin45 alters gap
                                  junction permeability in cells
                                  expressing endogenous connexin43 . . . . 987
                  T. Ochiya and   
                H. Sakamoto and   
               M. Tsukamoto and   
                T. Sugimura and   
                      M. Terada   Hst-1 (FGF-4) antisense oligonucleotides
                                  block murine limb development  . . . . . 997
                    M. Koch and   
                B. Bohrmann and   
               M. Matthison and   
                  C. Hagios and   
                   B. Trueb and   
                     M. Chiquet   Large and small splice variants of
                                  collagen XII: differential expression
                                  and ligand binding . . . . . . . . . . . 1005

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 130, Number 5, September, 1995

              A. H. Corbett and   
                D. M. Koepp and   
             G. Schlenstedt and   
                  M. S. Lee and   
               A. K. Hopper and   
                   P. A. Silver   RNA1p, a Ran/TC4 GTPase activating
                                  protein, is required for nuclear import  1017
                 T. Misteli and   
                      G. Warren   A role for tubular networks and a COP
                                  I-independent pathway in the mitotic
                                  fragmentation of Golgi stacks in a
                                  cell-free system . . . . . . . . . . . . 1027
                  C. Desnos and   
           L. Clift-O'Grady and   
                    R. B. Kelly   Biogenesis of synaptic vesicles in vitro 1041
                   S. Jones and   
                 R. J. Litt and   
           C. J. Richardson and   
                       N. Segev   Requirement of nucleotide exchange
                                  factor for Ypt1 GTPase mediated protein
                                  transport  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1051
          L. H. Chamberlain and   
                    D. Roth and   
                  A. Morgan and   
                 R. D. Burgoyne   Distinct effects of alpha--SNAP, 14-3-3
                                  proteins, and calmodulin on priming and
                                  triggering of regulated exocytosis . . . 1063
               K. J. Verhey and   
                  J. I. Yeh and   
                 M. J. Birnbaum   Distinct signals in the GLUT4 glucose
                                  transporter for internalization and for
                                  targeting to an insulin-responsive
                                  compartment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071
                B. J. Marsh and   
                  R. A. Alm and   
             S. R. McIntosh and   
                    D. E. James   Molecular regulation of GLUT-4 targeting
                                  in 3T3-L1 adipocytes . . . . . . . . . . 1081
              A. R. Robbins and   
                 R. D. Ward and   
                      C. Oliver   A mutation in glyceraldehyde
                                  $3$-phosphate dehydrogenase alters
                                  endocytosis in CHO cells . . . . . . . . 1093
                 R. W. Mays and   
              K. A. Siemers and   
                B. A. Fritz and   
                 A. W. Lowe and   
                G. van Meer and   
                   W. J. Nelson   Hierarchy of mechanisms involved in
                                  generating Na/K--ATPase polarity in MDCK
                                  epithelial cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 1105
                    A. Shaw and   
               P. A. Fortes and   
                C. D. Stout and   
                 V. D. Vacquier   Crystal structure and subunit dynamics
                                  of the abalone sperm lysin dimer: egg
                                  envelopes dissociate dimers, the monomer
                                  is the active species  . . . . . . . . . 1117
                 S. J. Kang and   
                 K. S. Shin and   
                 W. K. Song and   
                   D. B. Ha and   
                C. H. Chung and   
                     M. S. Kang   Involvement of transglutaminase in
                                  myofibril assembly of chick embryonic
                                  myoblasts in culture . . . . . . . . . . 1127
                  H. B. Shu and   
                    H. C. Joshi   Gamma-tubulin can both nucleate
                                  microtubule assembly and self-assemble
                                  into novel tubular structures in
                                  mammalian cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1137
                  M. Moritz and   
            M. B. Braunfeld and   
                 J. C. Fung and   
                J. W. Sedat and   
              B. M. Alberts and   
                    D. A. Agard   Three-dimensional structural
                                  characterization of centrosomes from
                                  early \bionameDrosophila embryos . . . . 1149
      C. M. Waterman-Storer and   
                 J. Gregory and   
              S. F. Parsons and   
                   E. D. Salmon   Membrane\slash microtubule tip
                                  attachment complexes (TACs) allow the
                                  assembly dynamics of plus ends to push
                                  and pull membranes into tubulovesicular
                                  networks in interphase \bionameXenopus
                                  egg extracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1161
                    S. Haas and   
              P. Thatikunta and   
              A. Steplewski and   
              E. M. Johnson and   
                 K. Khalili and   
                       S. Amini   A 39-kD DNA-binding protein from mouse
                                  brain stimulates transcription of myelin
                                  basic protein gene in oligodendrocytic
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1171
             M. D. Schaller and   
                 C. A. Otey and   
           J. D. Hildebrand and   
                  J. T. Parsons   Focal adhesion kinase and paxillin bind
                                  to peptides mimicking beta integrin
                                  cytoplasmic domains  . . . . . . . . . . 1181
              R. Pasqualini and   
                E. Koivunen and   
                   E. Ruoslahti   A peptide isolated from phage display
                                  libraries is a structural and functional
                                  mimic of an RGD-binding site on
                                  integrins  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1189
                      Y. He and   
                    F. Grinnell   Role of phospholipase D in the cAMP
                                  signal transduction pathway activated
                                  during fibroblast contraction of
                                  collagen matrices  . . . . . . . . . . . 1197
                K. Watanabe and   
                  H. Yamada and   
                   Y. Yamaguchi   K-glypican: a novel GPI-anchored heparan
                                  sulfate proteoglycan that is highly
                                  expressed in developing brain and kidney 1207
                Y. Ninomiya and   
                  M. Kagawa and   
                   K. Iyama and   
                   I. Naito and   
                 Y. Kishiro and   
                J. M. Seyer and   
                M. Sugimoto and   
                 T. Oohashi and   
                        Y. Sado   Differential expression of two basement
                                  membrane collagen genes, COL4A6 and
                                  COL4A5, demonstrated by
                                  immunofluorescence staining using
                                  peptide-specific monoclonal antibodies   1219

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 130, Number 6, September, 1995

                  H. Yokota and   
            G. van den Engh and   
               J. E. Hearst and   
                R. K. Sachs and   
                    B. J. Trask   Evidence for the organization of
                                  chromatin in megabase pair-sized loops
                                  arranged along a random walk path in the
                                  human G0/G1 interphase nucleus . . . . . 1239
            A. Böttger and   
                   B. A. Spruce   Proenkephalin is a nuclear protein
                                  responsive to growth arrest and
                                  differentiation signals  . . . . . . . . 1251
                  P. Grandi and   
                    S. Emig and   
                   C. Weise and   
                   F. Hucho and   
                    T. Pohl and   
                     E. C. Hurt   A novel nuclear pore protein Nup82p
                                  which specifically binds to a fraction
                                  of Nsp1p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1263
              M. E. Hurwitz and   
                      G. Blobel   NUP82 is an essential yeast nucleoporin
                                  required for poly(A)+ RNA export . . . . 1275
                E. A. Elion and   
               J. Trueheart and   
                     G. R. Fink   Fus2 localizes near the site of cell
                                  fusion and is required for both cell
                                  fusion and nuclear alignment during
                                  zygote formation . . . . . . . . . . . . 1283
                  J. Rohrer and   
               A. Schweizer and   
              K. F. Johnson and   
                    S. Kornfeld   A determinant in the cytoplasmic tail of
                                  the cation-dependent mannose
                                  $6$-phosphate receptor prevents
                                  trafficking to lysosomes . . . . . . . . 1297
                K. Matsuoka and   
              D. C. Bassham and   
              N. V. Raikhel and   
                    K. Nakamura   Different sensitivity to wortmannin of
                                  two vacuolar sorting signals indicates
                                  the presence of distinct sorting
                                  machineries in tobacco cells . . . . . . 1307
              G. Schmalzing and   
              H. P. Richter and   
                  A. Hansen and   
                 W. Schwarz and   
                    I. Just and   
                    K. Aktories   Involvement of the GTP binding protein
                                  Rho in constitutive endocytosis in
                                  \bionameXenopus laevis oocytes . . . . . 1319
               M. Benghezal and   
                P. N. Lipke and   
                  A. Conzelmann   Identification of six complementation
                                  classes involved in the biosynthesis of
                                  glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 1333
              A. L. Samuels and   
             T. H. Giddings and   
                L. A. Staehelin   Cytokinesis in tobacco BY-2 and root tip
                                  cells: a new model of cell plate
                                  formation in higher plants . . . . . . . 1345
                H. Sawitzky and   
                      F. Grolig   Phragmoplast of the green alga Spirogyra
                                  is functionally distinct from the higher
                                  plant phragmoplast . . . . . . . . . . . 1359
                 D. Pellman and   
                  M. Bagget and   
                   Y. H. Tu and   
                 G. R. Fink and   
                          H. Tu   Two microtubule-associated proteins
                                  required for anaphase spindle movement
                                  in \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae  . . 1373
                H. Yamazaki and   
                  T. Nakata and   
                   Y. Okada and   
                    N. Hirokawa   KIF3A\slash B: a heterodimeric kinesin
                                  superfamily protein that works as a
                                  microtubule plus end-directed motor for
                                  membrane organelle transport . . . . . . 1387
             I. Huttenlauch and   
                 N. Geisler and   
               U. Plessmann and   
                 R. K. Peck and   
                   K. Weber and   
                       R. Stick   Major epiplasmic proteins of ciliates
                                  are articulins: cloning, recombinant
                                  expression, and structural
                                  characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . 1401
                 P. C. Wong and   
               J. Marszalek and   
             T. O. Crawford and   
                      Z. Xu and   
                S. T. Hsieh and   
              J. W. Griffin and   
                D. W. Cleveland   Increasing neurofilament subunit NF--M
                                  expression reduces axonal NF--H,
                                  inhibits radial growth, and results in
                                  neurofilamentous accumulation in motor
                                  neurons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413
             A. D. Goodearl and   
                  A. G. Yee and   
             A. W. Sandrock and   
                  G. Corfas and   
                G. D. Fischbach   ARIA is concentrated in the synaptic
                                  basal lamina of the developing chick
                                  neuromuscular junction . . . . . . . . . 1423
                   S. Wyatt and   
                   A. M. Davies   Regulation of nerve growth factor
                                  receptor gene expression in sympathetic
                                  neurons during development . . . . . . . 1435
                 M. de Hoop and   
               C. von Poser and   
                   C. Lange and   
                  E. Ikonen and   
                W. Hunziker and   
                    C. G. Dotti   Intracellular routing of wild-type and
                                  mutated polymeric immunoglobulin
                                  receptor in hippocampal neurons in
                                  culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1447
                 A. Poliard and   
                  A. Nifuji and   
                 D. Lamblin and   
                    E. Plee and   
                  C. Forest and   
                  O. Kellermann   Controlled conversion of an immortalized
                                  mesodermal progenitor cell towards
                                  osteogenic, chondrogenic, or adipogenic
                                  pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1461
              M. S. Diamond and   
                    R. Alon and   
               C. A. Parkos and   
                M. T. Quinn and   
                 T. A. Springer   Heparin is an adhesive ligand for the
                                  leukocyte integrin Mac-1 (CD11b/CD1) . . 1473

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 131, Number 1, October, 1995

               K. G. Miller and   
                  D. P. Kiehart   Fly division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
J. F. Giménez-Abián and   
               D. J. Clarke and   
            A. M. Mullinger and   
               C. S. Downes and   
                  R. T. Johnson   A postprophase topoisomerase
                                  II-dependent chromatid core separation
                                  step in the formation of metaphase
                                  chromosomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
   C. Strambio-de-Castillia and   
                  G. Blobel and   
                     M. P. Rout   Isolation and characterization of
                                  nuclear envelopes from the yeast
                                  Saccharomyces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
                 H. Taniura and   
                   C. Glass and   
                      L. Gerace   A chromatin binding site in the tail
                                  domain of nuclear lamins that interacts
                                  with core histones . . . . . . . . . . . 33
                T. Carvalho and   
               J. S. Seeler and   
                   K. Ohman and   
                  P. Jordan and   
              U. Pettersson and   
          G. Akusjärvi and   
           M. Carmo-Fonseca and   
                      A. Dejean   Targeting of adenovirus E1A and E4-ORF3
                                  proteins to nuclear matrix-associated
                                  PML bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
                    C. Itin and   
               R. Schindler and   
                    H. P. Hauri   Targeting of protein ERGIC-53 to the
                                  ER/ERGIC/cis-Golgi recycling pathway . . 57
                   H. Damke and   
                    T. Baba and   
        A. M. van der Bliek and   
                   S. L. Schmid   Clathrin-independent pinocytosis is
                                  induced in cells overexpressing a
                                  temperature-sensitive mutant of dynamin  69
                  P. Y. Lum and   
                      R. Wright   Degradation of HMG--CoA
                                  reductase-induced membranes in the
                                  fission yeast,
                                  \bionameSchizosaccharomyces pombe  . . . 81
                  A. Motley and   
                 M. J. Lumb and   
                P. B. Oatey and   
             P. R. Jennings and   
             P. A. De Zoysa and   
              R. J. Wanders and   
                H. F. Tabak and   
                  C. J. Danpure   Mammalian alanine/glyoxylate
                                  aminotransferase 1 is imported into
                                  peroxisomes via the PTS1 translocation
                                  pathway. Increased degeneracy and
                                  context specificity of the mammalian
                                  PTS1 motif and implications for the
                                  peroxisome-to-mitochondrion mistargeting
                                  of AGT in primary hyperoxaluria type 1   95
                  E. Prchla and   
                   C. Plank and   
                  E. Wagner and   
                   D. Blaas and   
                       R. Fuchs   Virus-mediated release of endosomal
                                  content in vitro: different behavior of
                                  adenovirus and rhinovirus serotype 2 . . 111
                  S. Parpal and   
              J. Gustavsson and   
             P. Strålfors   Isolation of
                                  glycan from caveolae and cytosol of
                                  insulin-stimulated cells . . . . . . . . 125
                   R. Mayer and   
              J. Kartenbeck and   
            M. Büchler and   
             G. Jedlitschky and   
                   I. Leier and   
                     D. Keppler   Expression of the MRP gene-encoded
                                  conjugate export pump in liver and its
                                  selective absence from the canalicular
                                  membrane in transport-deficient mutant
                                  hepatocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
                   S. Eaton and   
                 P. Auvinen and   
                     L. Luo and   
                  Y. N. Jan and   
                      K. Simons   CDC42 and Rac1 control different
                                  actin-dependent processes in the
                                  \bionameDrosophila wing disc epithelium  151
                C. M. Field and   
                  B. M. Alberts   Anillin, a contractile ring protein that
                                  cycles from the nucleus to the cell
                                  cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
               L. P. Cramer and   
                T. J. Mitchison   Myosin is involved in postmitotic cell
                                  spreading  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
            S. N. Martineau and   
           P. R. Andreassen and   
                 R. L. Margolis   Delay of HeLa cell cleavage into
                                  interphase using dihydrocytochalasin B:
                                  retention of a postmitotic spindle and
                                  telophase disc correlates with
                                  synchronous cleavage recovery  . . . . . 191
                      Q. Li and   
                    H. C. Joshi   gamma-tubulin is a minus end-specific
                                  microtubule binding protein  . . . . . . 207
                    Y. Yang and   
                 E. Spitzer and   
                   D. Meyer and   
                   M. Sachs and   
                 C. Niemann and   
                G. Hartmann and   
              K. M. Weidner and   
              C. Birchmeier and   
                  W. Birchmeier   Sequential requirement of hepatocyte
                                  growth factor and neuregulin in the
                                  morphogenesis and differentiation of the
                                  mammary gland  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
              O. Kranenburg and   
             V. Scharnhorst and   
           A. J. Van der Eb and   
                     A. Zantema   Inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinase
                                  activity triggers neuronal
                                  differentiation of mouse neuroblastoma
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
                     Z. Fan and   
                      Y. Lu and   
                      X. Wu and   
                A. DeBlasio and   
                    A. Koff and   
                  J. Mendelsohn   Prolonged induction of
                                  p21Cip1/WAF1/CDK2/PCNA complex by
                                  epidermal growth factor receptor
                                  activation mediates ligand-induced A431
                                  cell growth inhibition . . . . . . . . . 235
                 S. Armeanu and   
         H. J. Bühring and   
             M. Reuss-Borst and   
          C. A. Müller and   
                       G. Klein   E-cadherin is functionally involved in
                                  the maturation of the erythroid lineage  243
              M. F. Gebbink and   
               G. C. Zondag and   
          G. M. Koningstein and   
                  E. Feiken and   
             R. W. Wubbolts and   
                W. H. Moolenaar   Cell surface expression of receptor
                                  protein tyrosine phosphatase RPTP mu is
                                  regulated by cell--cell contact  . . . . 251
                 K. D. Puri and   
               E. B. Finger and   
              G. Gaudernack and   
                 T. A. Springer   Sialomucin CD34 is the major L-selectin
                                  ligand in human tonsil high endothelial
                                  venules  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 131, Number 2, October, 1995

            T. G. Wolfsberg and   
               P. Primakoff and   
                D. G. Myles and   
                    J. M. White   ADAM, a novel family of membrane
                                  proteins containing A Disintegrin And
                                  Metalloprotease domain: multipotential
                                  functions in cell--cell and cell-matrix
                                  interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
                   Y. Urata and   
             S. J. Parmelee and   
                D. A. Agard and   
                    J. W. Sedat   A three-dimensional structural
                                  dissection of \bionameDrosophila
                                  polytene chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . 279
                  E. Harsay and   
                   A. Bretscher   Parallel secretory pathways to the cell
                                  surface in yeast . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
              P. Espenshade and   
               R. E. Gimeno and   
              E. Holzmacher and   
                   P. Teung and   
                   C. A. Kaiser   Yeast SEC16 gene encodes a multidomain
                                  vesicle coat protein that interacts with
                                  Sec23p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
               R. E. Gimeno and   
              P. Espenshade and   
                   C. A. Kaiser   SED4 encodes a yeast endoplasmic
                                  reticulum protein that binds Sec16p and
                                  participates in vesicle formation  . . . 325
            D. J. Opstelten and   
             M. J. Raamsman and   
                   K. Wolfs and   
             M. C. Horzinek and   
                  P. J. Rottier   Envelope glycoprotein interactions in
                                  coronavirus assembly . . . . . . . . . . 339
                M. S. Marks and   
                P. A. Roche and   
           E. van Donselaar and   
                L. Woodruff and   
               P. J. Peters and   
               J. S. Bonifacino   A lysosomal targeting signal in the
                                  cytoplasmic tail of the beta chain
                                  directs HLA--DM to MHC class II
                                  compartments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
             S. Silberstein and   
              P. G. Collins and   
             D. J. Kelleher and   
                     R. Gilmore   The essential OST2 gene encodes the
                                  16-kD subunit of the yeast
                                  oligosaccharyltransferase, a highly
                                  conserved protein expressed in diverse
                                  eukaryotic organisms . . . . . . . . . . 371
             J. F. Kelleher and   
             S. J. Atkinson and   
                  T. D. Pollard   Sequences, structural models, and
                                  cellular localization of the
                                  actin-related proteins Arp2 and Arp3
                                  from Acanthamoeba  . . . . . . . . . . . 385
                 S. M. King and   
           R. S. Patel-King and   
            C. G. Wilkerson and   
                   G. B. Witman   The 78,000-M(r) intermediate chain of
                                  Chlamydomonas outer arm dynein is a
                                  microtubule-binding protein  . . . . . . 399
                 M. McGrail and   
                  J. Gepner and   
             A. Silvanovich and   
                 S. Ludmann and   
                    M. Serr and   
                     T. S. Hays   Regulation of cytoplasmic dynein
                                  function in vivo by the
                                  \bionameDrosophila Glued complex . . . . 411
               G. J. Pazour and   
         O. A. Sineshchekov and   
                   G. B. Witman   Mutational analysis of the
                                  phototransduction pathway of
                                  Chlamydomonas reinhardtii  . . . . . . . 427
                   T. Meier and   
                G. M. Perez and   
                  B. G. Wallace   Immobilization of nicotinic
                                  acetylcholine receptors in mouse C2
                                  myotubes by agrin-induced protein
                                  tyrosine phosphorylation . . . . . . . . 441
           J. Frisén and   
            C. B. Johansson and   
         C. Török and   
                 M. Risling and   
                     U. Lendahl   Rapid, widespread, and longlasting
                                  induction of nestin contributes to the
                                  generation of glial scar tissue after
                                  CNS injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
                J. P. Doyle and   
              J. G. Stempak and   
                   P. Cowin and   
               D. R. Colman and   
                      D. D'Urso   Protein zero, a nervous system adhesion
                                  molecule, triggers epithelial reversion
                                  in host carcinoma cells  . . . . . . . . 465
                H. I. Roach and   
              J. Erenpreisa and   
                      T. Aigner   Osteogenic differentiation of
                                  hypertrophic chondrocytes involves
                                  asymmetric cell divisions and apoptosis  483
             M. A. del Pozo and   
   P. Sánchez-Mateos and   
                   M. Nieto and   
       F. Sánchez-Madrid   Chemokines regulate cellular
                                  polarization and adhesion receptor
                                  redistribution during lymphocyte
                                  interaction with endothelium and
                                  extracellular matrix. Involvement of
                                  cAMP signaling pathway . . . . . . . . . 495
             T. Y. Nakamura and   
                I. Yamamoto and   
               H. Nishitani and   
                T. Matozaki and   
                  T. Suzuki and   
             S. Wakabayashi and   
               M. Shigekawa and   
                     K. Goshima   Detachment of cultured cells from the
                                  substratum induced by the
                                  neutrophil-derived oxidant NH2Cl:
                                  synergistic role of phosphotyrosine and
                                  intracellular Ca$^{2+}$ concentration    509
                 E. Crowley and   
                  A. F. Horwitz   Tyrosine phosphorylation and
                                  cytoskeletal tension regulate the
                                  release of fibroblast adhesions  . . . . 525
               S. L. Dallas and   
                K. Miyazono and   
               T. M. Skerry and   
                G. R. Mundy and   
                 L. F. Bonewald   Dual role for the latent transforming
                                  growth factor-beta binding protein in
                                  storage of latent TGF-beta in the
                                  extracellular matrix and as a structural
                                  matrix protein . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
       L. Bruckner-Tuderman and   
                 O. Nilssen and   
           D. R. Zimmermann and   
     M. T. Dours-Zimmermann and   
              D. U. Kalinke and   
              T. Gedde-Dahl and   
                  J. O. Winberg   Immunohistochemical and mutation
                                  analyses demonstrate that procollagen
                                  VII is processed to collagen VII through
                                  removal of the NC-2 domain . . . . . . . 551

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 131, Number 3, November, 1995

                 M. Bellini and   
              J. C. Lacroix and   
                     J. G. Gall   A zinc-binding domain is required for
                                  targeting the maternal nuclear protein
                                  PwA33 to lampbrush chromosome loops  . . 563
                F. Melchior and   
                    T. Guan and   
                N. Yokoyama and   
               T. Nishimoto and   
                      L. Gerace   GTP hydrolysis by Ran occurs at the
                                  nuclear pore complex in an early step of
                                  protein import . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
                    G. Jedd and   
              C. Richardson and   
                    R. Litt and   
                       N. Segev   The Ypt1 GTPase is essential for the
                                  first two steps of the yeast secretory
                                  pathway  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
              T. M. Harding and   
               K. A. Morano and   
                S. V. Scott and   
                 D. J. Klionsky   Isolation and characterization of yeast
                                  mutants in the cytoplasm to vacuole
                                  protein targeting pathway  . . . . . . . 591
                R. C. Piper and   
               A. A. Cooper and   
                    H. Yang and   
                  T. H. Stevens   VPS27 controls vacuolar and endocytic
                                  traffic through a prevacuolar
                                  compartment in \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
                 L. J. Page and   
                 M. S. Robinson   Targeting signals and subunit
                                  interactions in coated vesicle adaptor
                                  complexes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
             J. A. Lorenzen and   
              C. Y. Dadabay and   
                  E. H. Fischer   COOH-terminal sequence motifs target the
                                  T cell protein tyrosine phosphatase to
                                  the ER and nucleus . . . . . . . . . . . 631
            I. van Genderen and   
                    G. van Meer   Differential targeting of
                                  glucosylceramide and galactosylceramide
                                  analogues after synthesis but not during
                                  transcytosis in Madin--Darby canine
                                  kidney cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
               C. M. Fanger and   
                    M. Hoth and   
             G. R. Crabtree and   
                    R. S. Lewis   Characterization of T cell mutants with
                                  defects in capacitative calcium entry:
                                  genetic evidence for the physiological
                                  roles of CRAC channels . . . . . . . . . 655
         C. W. van den Berg and   
                   T. Cinek and   
              M. B. Hallett and   
                 V. Horejsi and   
                   B. P. Morgan   Exogenous glycosyl
                                  phosphatidylinositol-anchored CD59
                                  associates with kinases in membrane
                                  clusters on U937 cells and becomes
                                  Ca(2+)-signaling competent . . . . . . . 669
             G. B. Melikyan and   
                J. M. White and   
                    F. S. Cohen   GPI-anchored influenza hemagglutinin
                                  induces hemifusion to both red blood
                                  cell and planar bilayer membranes  . . . 679
                  T. Gaglio and   
                  A. Saredi and   
                  D. A. Compton   NuMA is required for the organization of
                                  microtubules into aster-like mitotic
                                  arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
             K. G. Hardwick and   
                   A. W. Murray   Mad1p, a phosphoprotein component of the
                                  spindle assembly checkpoint in budding
                                  yeast  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
                    Y. Zhai and   
           P. J. Kronebusch and   
                   G. G. Borisy   Kinetochore microtubule dynamics and the
                                  metaphase-anaphase transition  . . . . . 721
               F. Shibasaki and   
                      F. McKeon   Calcineurin functions in
                                  Ca(2+)-activated cell death in mammalian
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
            M. P. Demlehner and   
            S. Schäfer and   
                   C. Grund and   
                   W. W. Franke   Continual assembly of half-desmosomal
                                  structures in the absence of cell
                                  contacts and their frustrated
                                  endocytosis: a coordinated Sisyphus
                                  cycle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
               J. M. Rodier and   
        A. M. Vallés and   
               M. Denoyelle and   
               J. P. Thiery and   
                       B. Boyer   pp60c-src is a positive regulator of
                                  growth factor-induced cell scattering in
                                  a rat bladder carcinoma cell line  . . . 761
                 C. A. Owen and   
             M. A. Campbell and   
               P. L. Sannes and   
             S. S. Boukedes and   
                 E. J. Campbell   Cell surface-bound elastase and
                                  cathepsin G on human neutrophils: a
                                  novel, non-oxidative mechanism by which
                                  neutrophils focus and preserve catalytic
                                  activity of serine proteinases . . . . . 775
                S. Miyamoto and   
                H. Teramoto and   
                 O. A. Coso and   
              J. S. Gutkind and   
              P. D. Burbelo and   
              S. K. Akiyama and   
                   K. M. Yamada   Integrin function: molecular hierarchies
                                  of cytoskeletal and signaling molecules  791
              S. J. Shattil and   
                 T. O'Toole and   
             M. Eigenthaler and   
                    V. Thon and   
                M. Williams and   
               B. M. Babior and   
                 M. H. Ginsberg   Beta $3$-endonexin, a novel polypeptide
                                  that interacts specifically with the
                                  cytoplasmic tail of the integrin beta 3
                                  subunit  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 131, Number 4, November, 1995

                 K. Bohmann and   
             J. A. Ferreira and   
                   A. I. Lamond   Mutational analysis of p80 coilin
                                  indicates a functional interaction
                                  between coiled bodies and the nucleolus  817
                  K. Afshar and   
                 J. Scholey and   
                   R. S. Hawley   Identification of the chromosome
                                  localization domain of the
                                  \bionameDrosophila nod kinesin-like
                                  protein  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
                   R. Dorer and   
              P. M. Pryciak and   
                 L. H. Hartwell   Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells execute a
                                  default pathway to select a mate in the
                                  absence of pheromone gradients . . . . . 845
                   N. Valtz and   
                   M. Peter and   
                  I. Herskowitz   FAR1 is required for oriented
                                  polarization of yeast cells in response
                                  to mating pheromones . . . . . . . . . . 863
                  M. Aridor and   
              S. I. Bannykh and   
                    T. Rowe and   
                    W. E. Balch   Sequential coupling between COPII and
                                  COPI vesicle coats in endoplasmic
                                  reticulum to Golgi transport . . . . . . 875
           S. Schröder and   
        F. Schimmöller and   
      B. Singer-Krüger and   
                     H. Riezman   The Golgi-localization of yeast Emp47p
                                  depends on its di-lysine motif but is
                                  not affected by the ret1-1 mutation in
                                  alpha--COP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895
                 M. Lussier and   
                A. M. Sdicu and   
                  T. Ketela and   
                      H. Bussey   Localization and targeting of the
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae
                                  Kre2p/Mnt1p alpha
                                  1,2-mannosyltransferase to a media-Golgi
                                  compartment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913
                E. J. Smart and   
                 Y. S. Ying and   
                 R. G. Anderson   Hormonal regulation of caveolae
                                  internalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . 929
            E. M. Danielsen and   
                   B. van Deurs   A transferrin-like GPI-linked
                                  iron-binding protein in
                                  detergent-insoluble noncaveolar
                                  microdomains at the apical surface of
                                  fetal intestinal epithelial cells  . . . 939
               W. I. Lencer and   
               C. Constable and   
                     S. Moe and   
              M. G. Jobling and   
                 H. M. Webb and   
                  S. Ruston and   
               J. L. Madara and   
                T. R. Hirst and   
                   R. K. Holmes   Targeting of cholera toxin and
                                  \bionameEscherichia coli heat labile
                                  toxin in polarized epithelia: role of
                                  COOH-terminal KDEL . . . . . . . . . . . 951
                    I. Sase and   
                 T. Okinaga and   
                   M. Hoshi and   
            G. W. Feigenson and   
                    K. Kinosita   Regulatory mechanisms of the acrosome
                                  reaction revealed by multiview
                                  microscopy of single starfish sperm  . . 963
              J. T. Vilquin and   
                  E. Wagner and   
               I. Kinoshita and   
                     R. Roy and   
                 J. P. Tremblay   Successful histocompatible myoblast
                                  transplantation in dystrophin-deficient
                                  mdx mouse despite the production of
                                  antibodies against dystrophin  . . . . . 975
           A. B. Verkhovsky and   
             T. M. Svitkina and   
                   G. G. Borisy   Myosin II filament assemblies in the
                                  active lamella of fibroblasts: their
                                  morphogenesis and role in the formation
                                  of actin filament bundles  . . . . . . . 989
             M. Farkasovsky and   
                H. Küntzel   Yeast Num1p associates with the mother
                                  cell cortex during S/G2 phase and
                                  affects microtubular functions . . . . . 1003
                  D. Masson and   
                    T. E. Kreis   Binding of E--MAP--115 to microtubules
                                  is regulated by cell cycle-dependent
                                  phosphorylation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015
                  S. Loukin and   
                        C. Kung   Manganese effectively supports yeast
                                  cell-cycle progression in place of
                                  calcium  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1025
                  T. Nakata and   
                    N. Hirokawa   Point mutation of adenosine
                                  triphosphate-binding motif generated
                                  rigor kinesin that selectively blocks
                                  anterograde lysosome membrane transport  1039
                 M. Ogawara and   
                 N. Inagaki and   
               K. Tsujimura and   
                   Y. Takai and   
                M. Sekimata and   
                   M. H. Ha and   
             S. Imajoh-Ohmi and   
                   S. Hirai and   
                    S. Ohno and   
                     H. Sugiura   Differential targeting of protein kinase
                                  C and CaM kinase II signalings to
                                  vimentin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055
                D. M. Suter and   
           G. E. Pollerberg and   
             A. Buchstaller and   
                R. J. Giger and   
               W. J. Dreyer and   
                 P. Sonderegger   Binding between the neural cell adhesion
                                  molecules axonin-1 and Nr-CAM\slash
                                  Bravo is involved in neuron-glia
                                  interaction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067
                   S. Arber and   
                      P. Caroni   Thrombospondin-4, an extracellular
                                  matrix protein expressed in the
                                  developing and adult nervous system
                                  promotes neurite outgrowth . . . . . . . 1083
                    Z. Feng and   
                   A. Marti and   
                    B. Jehn and   
            H. J. Altermatt and   
                G. Chicaiza and   
                       R. Jaggi   Glucocorticoid and progesterone inhibit
                                  involution and programmed cell death in
                                  the mouse mammary gland  . . . . . . . . 1095
                  L. Gnessi and   
                   A. Emidi and   
              E. A. Jannini and   
                  E. Carosa and   
                 M. Maroder and   
                  M. Arizzi and   
                  S. Ulisse and   
                       G. Spera   Testicular development involves the
                                  spatiotemporal control of PDGFs and PDGF
                                  receptors gene expression and action . . 1105

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 131, Number 5, December, 1995

                   D. Zhang and   
                  R. B. Nicklas   Chromosomes initiate spindle assembly
                                  upon experimental dissolution of the
                                  nuclear envelope in grasshopper
                                  spermatocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1125
            J. D. Aitchison and   
                 M. P. Rout and   
                 M. Marelli and   
                  G. Blobel and   
                  R. W. Wozniak   Two novel related yeast nucleoporins
                                  Nup170p and Nup157p: complementation
                                  with the vertebrate homologue Nup155p
                                  and functional interactions with the
                                  yeast nuclear pore-membrane protein
                                  Pom152p  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1133
                  K. I. Lin and   
                  S. H. Lee and   
               R. Narayanan and   
              J. M. Baraban and   
             J. M. Hardwick and   
                    R. R. Ratan   Thiol agents and Bcl-2 identify an
                                  alphavirus-induced apoptotic pathway
                                  that requires activation of the
                                  transcription factor NF-kappa B  . . . . 1149
                S. K. Lyman and   
                    R. Schekman   Interaction between BiP and Sec63p is
                                  required for the completion of protein
                                  translocation into the ER of
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 1163
              D. Steverding and   
             Y. D. Stierhof and   
                   H. Fuchs and   
                  R. Tauber and   
                     P. Overath   Transferrin-binding protein complex is
                                  the receptor for transferrin uptake in
                                  Trypanosoma brucei . . . . . . . . . . . 1173
                 T. Whalley and   
                M. Terasaki and   
                  M. S. Cho and   
                    S. S. Vogel   Direct membrane retrieval into large
                                  vesicles after exocytosis in sea urchin
                                  eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1183
                D. W. Laird and   
                M. Castillo and   
                    L. Kasprzak   Gap junction turnover, intracellular
                                  trafficking, and phosphorylation of
                                  connexin43 in brefeldin A-treated rat
                                  mammary tumor cells  . . . . . . . . . . 1193
                K. D. Novak and   
             M. D. Peterson and   
                M. C. Reedy and   
                    M. A. Titus   \bionameDictyostelium myosin I double
                                  mutants exhibit conditional defects in
                                  pinocytosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205
              F. Castellino and   
                     S. Ono and   
               F. Matsumura and   
                       A. Luini   Essential role of caldesmon in the actin
                                  filament reorganization induced by
                                  glucocorticoids  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1223
                M. Berryman and   
                    R. Gary and   
                   A. Bretscher   Ezrin oligomers are major cytoskeletal
                                  components of placental microvilli: a
                                  proposal for their involvement in
                                  cortical morphogenesis . . . . . . . . . 1231
             K. C. Gunsalus and   
              S. Bonaccorsi and   
                E. Williams and   
                   F. Verni and   
                   M. Gatti and   
                 M. L. Goldberg   Mutations in twinstar, a
                                  \bionameDrosophila gene encoding a
                                  cofilin/ADF homologue, result in defects
                                  in centrosome migration and cytokinesis  1243
                  K. Oegema and   
            W. G. Whitfield and   
                     B. Alberts   The cell cycle-dependent localization of
                                  the CP190 centrosomal protein is
                                  determined by the coordinate action of
                                  two separable domains  . . . . . . . . . 1261
                 G. Gurland and   
                G. G. Gundersen   Stable, detyrosinated microtubules
                                  function to localize vimentin
                                  intermediate filaments in fibroblasts    1275
                    J. Liao and   
             L. A. Lowthert and   
                   N. O. Ku and   
               R. Fernandez and   
                    M. B. Omary   Dynamics of human keratin 18
                                  phosphorylation: polarized distribution
                                  of phosphorylated keratins in simple
                                  epithelial tissues . . . . . . . . . . . 1291
                   N. O. Ku and   
                  S. Michie and   
               R. G. Oshima and   
                    M. B. Omary   Chronic hepatitis, hepatocyte fragility,
                                  and increased soluble
                                  phosphoglycokeratins in transgenic mice
                                  expressing a keratin 18 conserved
                                  arginine mutant  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1303
               R. L. Morris and   
               P. J. Hollenbeck   Axonal transport of mitochondria along
                                  microtubules and F-actin in living
                                  vertebrate neurons . . . . . . . . . . . 1315
                  R. Brandt and   
            J. Léger and   
                         G. Lee   Interaction of tau with the neural
                                  plasma membrane mediated by tau's
                                  amino-terminal projection domain . . . . 1327
                   L. Adams and   
              B. M. Carlson and   
               L. Henderson and   
                     D. Goldman   Adaptation of nicotinic acetylcholine
                                  receptor, myogenin, and MRF4 gene
                                  expression to long-term muscle
                                  denervation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1341
               R. St-Arnaud and   
              J. Prud'homme and   
        C. Leung-Hagesteijn and   
                      S. Dedhar   Constitutive expression of calreticulin
                                  in osteoblasts inhibits mineralization   1351

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 131, Number 6, December, 1995

             J. R. McIntosh and   
                     R. R. West   A cell biological perspective on genome
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1361
                  J. Bednar and   
             R. A. Horowitz and   
                J. Dubochet and   
                 C. L. Woodcock   Chromatin conformation and salt-induced
                                  compaction: three-dimensional structural
                                  information from cryoelectron microscopy 1365
                P. Mayinger and   
            V. A. Bankaitis and   
                    D. I. Meyer   Sac1p mediates the adenosine
                                  triphosphate transport into yeast
                                  endoplasmic reticulum that is required
                                  for protein translocation  . . . . . . . 1377
          J. C. Stinchcombe and   
                  H. Nomoto and   
               D. F. Cutler and   
                  C. R. Hopkins   Anterograde and retrograde traffic
                                  between the rough endoplasmic reticulum
                                  and the Golgi complex  . . . . . . . . . 1387
                  G. Raposo and   
           H. M. van Santen and   
            R. Leijendekker and   
                H. J. Geuze and   
                   H. L. Ploegh   Misfolded major histocompatibility
                                  complex class I molecules accumulate in
                                  an expanded ER--Golgi intermediate
                                  compartment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1403
               P. A. Conrad and   
                E. J. Smart and   
                 Y. S. Ying and   
             R. G. Anderson and   
                    G. S. Bloom   Caveolin cycles between plasma membrane
                                  caveolae and the Golgi complex by
                                  microtubule-dependent and
                                  microtubule-independent steps  . . . . . 1421
                    Y. Feng and   
                   B. Press and   
              A. Wandinger-Ness   Rab 7: an important regulator of late
                                  endocytic membrane traffic . . . . . . . 1435
              R. K. Szilard and   
            V. I. Titorenko and   
                M. Veenhuis and   
              R. A. Rachubinski   Pay32p of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica
                                  is an intraperoxisomal component of the
                                  matrix protein translocation machinery   1453
                A. Houmeida and   
                    J. Holt and   
            L. Tskhovrebova and   
                     J. Trinick   Studies of the interaction between titin
                                  and myosin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1471
              T. S. Karpova and   
                K. Tatchell and   
                   J. A. Cooper   Actin filaments in yeast are unstable in
                                  the absence of capping protein or
                                  fimbrin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1483
                D. C. Shutt and   
                 D. Wessels and   
             K. Wagenknecht and   
           A. Chandrasekhar and   
                 A. L. Hitt and   
                 E. J. Luna and   
                     D. R. Soll   Ponticulin plays a role in the
                                  positional stabilization of pseudopods   1495
              K. T. Vaughan and   
                   R. B. Vallee   Cytoplasmic dynein binds dynactin
                                  through a direct interaction between the
                                  intermediate chains and p150Glued  . . . 1507
            K. G. Kozminski and   
                P. L. Beech and   
                J. L. Rosenbaum   The Chlamydomonas kinesin-like protein
                                  FLA10 is involved in motility associated
                                  with the flagellar membrane  . . . . . . 1517
                   F. Verde and   
                    J. Mata and   
                       P. Nurse   Fission yeast cell morphogenesis:
                                  identification of new genes and analysis
                                  of their role during the cell cycle  . . 1529
                D. C. Chang and   
                        C. Meng   A localized elevation of cytosolic free
                                  calcium is associated with cytokinesis
                                  in the zebrafish embryo  . . . . . . . . 1539
               A. J. Denzer and   
                M. Gesemann and   
              B. Schumacher and   
                    M. A. Ruegg   An amino-terminal extension is required
                                  for the secretion of chick agrin and its
                                  binding to extracellular matrix  . . . . 1547
                   C. Vozzi and   
                 S. Ullrich and   
              A. Charollais and   
                J. Philippe and   
                    L. Orci and   
                        P. Meda   Adequate connexin-mediated coupling is
                                  required for proper insulin production   1561
               V. Brinkmann and   
                H. Foroutan and   
                   M. Sachs and   
              K. M. Weidner and   
                  W. Birchmeier   Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor
                                  induces a variety of tissue-specific
                                  morphogenic programs in epithelial cells 1573
                     J. Rak and   
              Y. Mitsuhashi and   
                   V. Erdos and   
                S. N. Huang and   
                  J. Filmus and   
                   R. S. Kerbel   Massive programmed cell death in
                                  intestinal epithelial cells induced by
                                  three-dimensional growth conditions:
                                  suppression by mutant c--H--ras oncogene
                                  expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1587
            B. A. McCormick and   
               P. M. Hofman and   
                     J. Kim and   
               D. K. Carnes and   
               S. I. Miller and   
                   J. L. Madara   Surface attachment of Salmonella
                                  typhimurium to intestinal epithelia
                                  imprints the subepithelial matrix with
                                  gradients chemotactic for neutrophils    1599
                  M. Conese and   
                 A. Nykjaer and   
             C. M. Petersen and   
                 O. Cremona and   
                   R. Pardi and   
            P. A. Andreasen and   
                J. Gliemann and   
          E. I. Christensen and   
                       F. Blasi   alpha-2 Macroglobulin receptor/Ldl
                                  receptor-related protein(Lrp)-dependent
                                  internalization of the urokinase
                                  receptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1609
              K. L. Bennett and   
                 B. Modrell and   
              B. Greenfield and   
              A. Bartolazzi and   
             I. Stamenkovic and   
                   R. Peach and   
              D. G. Jackson and   
                  F. Spring and   
                      A. Aruffo   Regulation of CD44 binding to hyaluronan
                                  by glycosylation of variably spliced
                                  exons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1623
                    Y. Xing and   
              C. V. Johnson and   
                 P. T. Moen and   
               J. A. McNeil and   
                    J. Lawrence   Nonrandom gene organization: structural
                                  arrangements of specific pre-mRNA
                                  transcription and splicing with SC-35
                                  domains  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1635
             M. R. Jacobson and   
                  L. G. Cao and   
                 Y. L. Wang and   
                    T. Pederson   Dynamic localization of RNase MRP RNA in
                                  the nucleolus observed by fluorescent
                                  RNA cytochemistry in living cells  . . . 1649
            J. D. Aitchison and   
                  G. Blobel and   
                     M. P. Rout   Nup120p: a yeast nucleoporin required
                                  for NPC distribution and mRNA transport  1659
                C. V. Heath and   
             C. S. Copeland and   
               D. C. Amberg and   
              V. Del Priore and   
                  M. Snyder and   
                     C. N. Cole   Nuclear pore complex clustering and
                                  nuclear accumulation of poly(A)+ RNA
                                  associated with mutation of the
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae
                                  RAT2/NUP120 gene . . . . . . . . . . . . 1677
               M. K. Iovine and   
              J. L. Watkins and   
                    S. R. Wente   The GLFG repetitive region of the
                                  nucleoporin Nup116p interacts with
                                  Kap95p, an essential yeast nuclear
                                  import factor  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1699
                N. Nakamura and   
               C. Rabouille and   
                  R. Watson and   
                 T. Nilsson and   
                     N. Hui and   
             P. Slusarewicz and   
                T. E. Kreis and   
                      G. Warren   Characterization of a cis-Golgi matrix
                                  protein, GM130 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1715
                S. V. Scott and   
                 D. J. Klionsky   In vitro reconstitution of cytoplasm to
                                  vacuole protein targeting in yeast . . . 1727
                  K. Miyake and   
                   P. L. McNeil   Vesicle accumulation and exocytosis at
                                  sites of plasma membrane disruption  . . 1737
                   G. Q. Bi and   
             J. M. Alderton and   
               R. A. Steinhardt   Calcium-regulated exocytosis is required
                                  for cell membrane resealing  . . . . . . 1747
                 P. von Arx and   
                  S. Bantle and   
                 T. Soldati and   
                 J. C. Perriard   Dominant negative effect of cytoplasmic
                                  actin isoproteins on cardiomyocyte
                                  cytoarchitecture and function  . . . . . 1759
                S. G. Sobel and   
                      M. Snyder   A highly divergent gamma-tubulin gene is
                                  essential for cell growth and proper
                                  microtubule organization in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 1775
                   Y. Takei and   
                  A. Harada and   
                  S. Takeda and   
               K. Kobayashi and   
                  S. Terada and   
                    T. Noda and   
               T. Takahashi and   
                    N. Hirokawa   Synapsin I deficiency results in the
                                  structural change in the presynaptic
                                  terminals in the murine nervous system   1789
                 K. Stenius and   
                    R. Janz and   
          T. C. Südhof and   
                        R. Jahn   Structure of synaptogyrin (p29) defines
                                  novel synaptic vesicle protein . . . . . 1801
                 L. Bö and   
              R. H. Quarles and   
                  N. Fujita and   
            Z. Bartoszewicz and   
                    S. Sato and   
                    B. D. Trapp   Endocytic depletion of L--MAG from CNS
                                  myelin in quaking mice . . . . . . . . . 1811
                    M. Kunimoto   A neuron-specific isoform of brain
                                  ankyrin, 440-kD ankyrinB, is targeted to
                                  the axons of rat cerebellar neurons  . . 1821
                A. Benmerah and   
                  J. Gagnon and   
                 B. B\`egue and   
 B. Mégarbané and   
           A. Dautry-Varsat and   
              N. Cerf-Bensussan   The tyrosine kinase substrate eps15 is
                                  constitutively associated with the
                                  plasma membrane adaptor AP-2 . . . . . . 1831
                  H. Takeda and   
               A. Nagafuchi and   
                S. Yonemura and   
                 S. Tsukita and   
                 J. Behrens and   
              W. Birchmeier and   
                     S. Tsukita   V-src kinase shifts the cadherin-based
                                  cell adhesion from the strong to the
                                  weak state and beta catenin is not
                                  required for the shift . . . . . . . . . 1839
            M. H. Driessens and   
             P. J. Stroeken and   
      N. F. Rodriguez Erena and   
         M. A. van der Valk and   
        E. A. van Rijthoven and   
                        E. Roos   Targeted disruption of CD44 in MDAY--D2
                                  lymphosarcoma cells has no effect on
                                  subcutaneous growth or metastatic
                                  capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1849
              N. A. Hotchin and   
                        A. Hall   The assembly of integrin adhesion
                                  complexes requires both extracellular
                                  matrix and intracellular rho/rac GTPases 1857
                 Y. Shimizu and   
               J. L. Mobley and   
          L. D. Finkelstein and   
                     A. S. Chan   A role for phosphatidylinositol
                                  $3$-kinase in the regulation of beta 1
                                  integrin activity by the CD2 antigen . . 1867
                 M. Ruppert and   
                  S. Aigner and   
                   M. Hubbe and   
                  H. Yagita and   
                    P. Altevogt   The L1 adhesion molecule is a cellular
                                  ligand for VLA-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1881
                K. D. Patel and   
              M. U. Nollert and   
                   R. P. McEver   P-selectin must extend a sufficient
                                  length from the plasma membrane to
                                  mediate rolling of neutrophils . . . . . 1893
                O. Langholz and   
             D. Röckel and   
                   C. Mauch and   
               E. Kozlowska and   
                    I. Bank and   
                   T. Krieg and   
                       B. Eckes   Collagen and collagenase gene expression
                                  in three-dimensional collagen lattices
                                  are differentially regulated by alpha 1
                                  beta 1 and alpha 2 beta 1 integrins  . . 1903

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 132, Number 1, January, 1996

                S. A. Lewis and   
                    G. Tian and   
             I. E. Vainberg and   
                    N. J. Cowan   Chaperonin-mediated folding of actin and
                                  tubulin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                C. Macaulay and   
                   D. J. Forbes   Assembly of the nuclear pore:
                                  biochemically distinct steps revealed
                                  with NEM, GTP gamma S, and BAPTA . . . . 5
              W. Stoorvogel and   
                V. Oorschot and   
                    H. J. Geuze   A novel class of clathrin-coated
                                  vesicles budding from endosomes  . . . . 21
               S. Rijnboutt and   
                  G. Jansen and   
                G. Posthuma and   
                J. B. Hynes and   
           J. H. Schornagel and   
                   G. J. Strous   Endocytosis of GPI-linked membrane
                                  folate receptor-alpha  . . . . . . . . . 35
                S. Zimmerli and   
                  M. Majeed and   
              M. Gustavsson and   
                O. Stendahl and   
                D. A. Sanan and   
                    J. D. Ernst   Phagosome-lysosome fusion is a
                                  calcium-independent event in macrophages 49
                S. V. Scott and   
                     S. M. Theg   A new chloroplast protein import
                                  intermediate reveals distinct
                                  translocation machineries in the two
                                  envelope membranes: energetics and
                                  mechanistic implications . . . . . . . . 63
                R. Prekeris and   
               M. W. Mayhew and   
               J. B. Cooper and   
                  D. M. Terrian   Identification and localization of an
                                  actin-binding motif that is unique to
                                  the epsilon isoform of protein kinase C
                                  and participates in the regulation of
                                  synaptic function  . . . . . . . . . . . 77
                M. Yasunaga and   
                    T. Yagi and   
                 N. Hanzawa and   
                  M. Yasuda and   
               Y. Yamanashi and   
                T. Yamamoto and   
                  S. Aizawa and   
                Y. Miyauchi and   
                   S. Nishikawa   Involvement of Fyn tyrosine kinase in
                                  progression of cytokinesis of B
                                  lymphocyte progenitor  . . . . . . . . . 91
               M. F. Kolman and   
                L. M. Futey and   
                 T. T. Egelhoff   \bionameDictyostelium myosin heavy chain
                                  kinase A regulates myosin localization
                                  during growth and development  . . . . . 101
                   E. Weiss and   
                       M. Winey   The \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae
                                  spindle pole body duplication gene MPS1
                                  is part of a mitotic checkpoint  . . . . 111
                 E. Okumura and   
                  T. Sekiai and   
                S. Hisanaga and   
               K. Tachibana and   
                   T. Kishimoto   Initial triggering of M-phase in
                                  starfish oocytes: a possible novel
                                  component of maturation-promoting factor
                                  besides cdc2 kinase  . . . . . . . . . . 125
        G. Mondésert and   
                     S. I. Reed   BED1, a gene encoding a
                                  galactosyltransferase homologue, is
                                  required for polarized growth and
                                  efficient bud emergence in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 137
              J. B. Bachant and   
               M. W. Klymkowsky   A nontetrameric species is the major
                                  soluble form of keratin in
                                  \bionameXenopus oocytes and rabbit
                                  reticulocyte lysates . . . . . . . . . . 153
                O. Rossetto and   
                   L. Gorza and   
                 G. Schiavo and   
                 N. Schiavo and   
             R. H. Scheller and   
                  C. Montecucco   VAMP\slash synaptobrevin isoforms 1 and
                                  2 are widely and differentially
                                  expressed in nonneuronal tissues . . . . 167
                 S. Yoshida and   
         A. Fujisawa-Sehara and   
                    T. Taki and   
                    K. Arai and   
                   Y. Nabeshima   Lysophosphatidic acid and bFGF control
                                  different modes in proliferating
                                  myoblasts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
              A. Erlebacher and   
                     R. Derynck   Increased expression of TGF-beta 2 in
                                  osteoblasts results in an
                                  osteoporosis-like phenotype  . . . . . . 195
               A. M. Belkin and   
             N. I. Zhidkova and   
                  F. Balzac and   
                 F. Altruda and   
                 D. Tomatis and   
                   A. Maier and   
                  G. Tarone and   
          V. E. Koteliansky and   
                    K. Burridge   Beta $1$D integrin displaces the beta 1A
                                  isoform in striated muscles:
                                  localization at junctional structures
                                  and signaling potential in nonmuscle
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
              K. Wennerberg and   
              L. Lohikangas and   
                D. Gullberg and   
                   M. Pfaff and   
               S. Johansson and   
                R. Fässler   Beta 1 integrin-dependent and
                                  -independent polymerization of
                                  fibronectin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
                      J. Xu and   
                    R. A. Clark   Extracellular matrix alters PDGF
                                  regulation of fibroblast integrins . . . 239

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 132, Number 3, February, 1996

                S. A. Hayes and   
                     J. F. Dice   Roles of molecular chaperones in protein
                                  degradation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
              C. M. Clemson and   
               J. A. McNeil and   
              H. F. Willard and   
                 J. B. Lawrence   XIST RNA paints the inactive X
                                  chromosome at interphase: evidence for a
                                  novel RNA involved in nuclear/chromosome
                                  structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
             V. V. Lupashin and   
                S. Hamamoto and   
                 R. W. Schekman   Biochemical requirements for the
                                  targeting and fusion of ER-derived
                                  transport vesicles with purified yeast
                                  Golgi membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
            A. A. McCracken and   
                  J. L. Brodsky   Assembly of ER-associated protein
                                  degradation in vitro: dependence on
                                  cytosol, calnexin, and ATP . . . . . . . 291
                J. Dietrich and   
                  A. Neisig and   
                     X. Hou and   
              A. M. Wegener and   
                 M. Gajhede and   
                     C. Geisler   Role of CD3 gamma in T cell receptor
                                  assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
            T. Häusler and   
             Y. D. Stierhof and   
                   E. Wirtz and   
                     C. Clayton   Import of a DHFR hybrid protein into
                                  glycosomes in vivo is not inhibited by
                                  the folate-analogue aminopterin  . . . . 311
                J. W. Zhang and   
                  P. B. Lazarow   Peb1p (Pas7p) is an intraperoxisomal
                                  receptor for the NH2-terminal, type 2,
                                  peroxisomal targeting sequence of
                                  thiolase: Peb1p itself is targeted to
                                  peroxisomes by an NH2-terminal peptide   325
                  H. Aizawa and   
                   K. Sutoh and   
                      I. Yahara   Overexpression of cofilin stimulates
                                  bundling of actin filaments, membrane
                                  ruffling, and cell movement in
                                  \bionameDictyostelium  . . . . . . . . . 335
                 X. M. Wang and   
             J. G. Peloquin and   
                    Y. Zhai and   
             J. C. Bulinski and   
                   G. G. Borisy   Removal of MAP4 from microtubules in
                                  vivo produces no observable phenotype at
                                  the cellular level . . . . . . . . . . . 345
                E. F. Smith and   
                 P. A. Lefebvre   PF16 encodes a protein with armadillo
                                  repeats and localizes to a single
                                  microtubule of the central apparatus in
                                  Chlamydomonas flagella . . . . . . . . . 359
              K. P. Wedaman and   
                D. W. Meyer and   
               D. J. Rashid and   
                 D. G. Cole and   
                  J. M. Scholey   Sequence and submolecular localization
                                  of the 115-kD accessory subunit of the
                                  heterotrimeric kinesin-II (KRP85/95)
                                  complex  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
             R. D. Paladini and   
               K. Takahashi and   
                N. S. Bravo and   
                 P. A. Coulombe   Onset of re-epithelialization after skin
                                  injury correlates with a reorganization
                                  of keratin filaments in wound edge
                                  keratinocytes: defining a potential role
                                  for keratin 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
                   H. Fares and   
                 L. Goetsch and   
                  J. R. Pringle   Identification of a developmentally
                                  regulated septin and involvement of the
                                  septins in spore formation in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 399
                 I. Vincent and   
                  M. Rosado and   
                      P. Davies   Mitotic mechanisms in Alzheimer's
                                  disease? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
                 N. Cabrera and   
E. Díaz-Rodríguez and   
                  E. Becker and   
     D. Martín-Zanca and   
                   A. Pandiella   TrkA receptor ectodomain cleavage
                                  generates a tyrosine-phosphorylated
                                  cell-associated fragment . . . . . . . . 427
               C. A. Parkos and   
               S. P. Colgan and   
                T. W. Liang and   
                  A. Nusrat and   
              A. E. Bacarra and   
               D. K. Carnes and   
                   J. L. Madara   CD47 mediates post-adhesive events
                                  required for neutrophil migration across
                                  polarized intestinal epithelia . . . . . 437
          A. K. Rajasekaran and   
                    M. Hojo and   
                   T. Huima and   
            E. Rodriguez-Boulan   Catenins and zonula occludens-1 form a
                                  complex during early stages in the
                                  assembly of tight junctions  . . . . . . 451
               M. L. Dustin and   
             L. M. Ferguson and   
                 P. Y. Chan and   
             T. A. Springer and   
                    D. E. Golan   Visualization of CD2 interaction with
                                  LFA-3 and determination of the
                                  two-dimensional dissociation constant
                                  for adhesion receptors in a contact area 465
           A. M. Montgomery and   
               J. C. Becker and   
                  C. H. Siu and   
               V. P. Lemmon and   
              D. A. Cheresh and   
              J. D. Pancook and   
                    X. Zhao and   
                 R. A. Reisfeld   Human neural cell adhesion molecule L1
                                  and rat homologue NILE are ligands for
                                  integrin alpha v beta 3  . . . . . . . . 475
                 G. Mertens and   
        B. Van der Schueren and   
          H. van den Berghe and   
                       G. David   Heparan sulfate expression in polarized
                                  epithelial cells: the apical sorting of
                                  glypican (GPI-anchored proteoglycan) is
                                  inversely related to its heparan sulfate
                                  content  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 132, Number 4, February, 1996

                   D. T. Ng and   
                      P. Walter   ER membrane protein complex required for
                                  nuclear fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
                 H. L. Pahl and   
                  M. Sester and   
              H. G. Burgert and   
                 P. A. Baeuerle   Activation of transcription factor
                                  NF-kappaB by the adenovirus E3/19K
                                  protein requires its ER retention  . . . 511
               A. S. Dittie and   
             N. Hajibagheri and   
                    S. A. Tooze   The AP-1 adaptor complex binds to
                                  immature secretory granules from PC12
                                  cells, and is regulated by
                                  ADP-ribosylation factor  . . . . . . . . 523
                   E. Grote and   
                    R. B. Kelly   Endocytosis of VAMP is facilitated by a
                                  synaptic vesicle targeting signal  . . . 537
            E. E. Swartzman and   
          M. N. Viswanathan and   
                     J. Thorner   The PAL1 gene product is a peroxisomal
                                  ATP-binding cassette transporter in the
                                  yeast \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae   549
                  J. Rohrer and   
               A. Schweizer and   
                 D. Russell and   
                    S. Kornfeld   The targeting of Lamp1 to lysosomes is
                                  dependent on the spacing of its
                                  cytoplasmic tail tyrosine sorting motif
                                  relative to the membrane . . . . . . . . 565
               A. Schweizer and   
                S. Kornfeld and   
                      J. Rohrer   Cysteine34 of the cytoplasmic tail of
                                  the cation-dependent mannose
                                  $6$-phosphate receptor is reversibly
                                  palmitoylated and required for normal
                                  trafficking and lysosomal enzyme sorting 577
                   Y. K. Oh and   
                  J. A. Swanson   Different fates of phagocytosed
                                  particles after delivery into macrophage
                                  lysosomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
                H. Shpetner and   
                    M. Joly and   
                 D. Hartley and   
                     S. Corvera   Potential sites of PI-3 kinase function
                                  in the endocytic pathway revealed by the
                                  PI-3 kinase inhibitor, wortmannin  . . . 595
                A. Tanimura and   
                   R. J. Turner   Calcium release in HSY cells conforms to
                                  a steady-state mechanism involving
                                  regulation of the inositol
                                  1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor Ca$^{2+}$
                                  channel by luminal [Ca$^{2+}$] . . . . . 607
            C. J. Echeverri and   
              B. M. Paschal and   
              K. T. Vaughan and   
                   R. B. Vallee   Molecular characterization of the 50-kD
                                  subunit of dynactin reveals function for
                                  the complex in chromosome alignment and
                                  spindle organization during mitosis  . . 617
                M. Sekimata and   
               K. Tsujimura and   
                  J. Tanaka and   
                Y. Takeuchi and   
                 N. Inagaki and   
                     M. Inagaki   Detection of protein kinase activity
                                  specifically activated at
                                  metaphase-anaphase transition  . . . . . 635
              G. Goulielmos and   
                 F. Gounari and   
               S. Remington and   
             S. Müller and   
              M. Häner and   
                    U. Aebi and   
                S. D. Georgatos   Filensin and phakinin form a novel type
                                  of beaded intermediate filaments and
                                  coassemble de novo in cultured cells . . 643
           V. Andrés and   
                       K. Walsh   Myogenin expression, cell cycle
                                  withdrawal, and phenotypic
                                  differentiation are temporally separable
                                  events that precede cell fusion upon
                                  myogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
                N. Hirokawa and   
               T. Funakoshi and   
             R. Sato-Harada and   
                       Y. Kanai   Selective stabilization of tau in axons
                                  and microtubule-associated protein 2C in
                                  cell bodies and dendrites contributes to
                                  polarized localization of cytoskeletal
                                  proteins in mature neurons . . . . . . . 667
               B. Götz and   
                 A. Scholze and   
                 A. Clement and   
                 A. Joester and   
            K. Schütte and   
                  F. Wigger and   
                   R. Frank and   
                  E. Spiess and   
                  P. Ekblom and   
                    A. Faissner   Tenascin-C contains distinct adhesive,
                                  anti-adhesive, and neurite outgrowth
                                  promoting sites for neurons  . . . . . . 681
                   I. Dunia and   
                 J. J. Smit and   
         M. A. van der Valk and   
              H. Bloemendal and   
                   P. Borst and   
                E. L. Benedetti   Human multidrug resistance
                                  3-P-glycoprotein expression in
                                  transgenic mice induces lens membrane
                                  alterations leading to cataract  . . . . 701
                 G. Weskamp and   
        J. Krätzschmar and   
                 M. S. Reid and   
                   C. P. Blobel   MDC9, a widely expressed cellular
                                  disintegrin containing cytoplasmic SH3
                                  ligand domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
                     Y. Xia and   
                  S. G. Gil and   
                   W. G. Carter   Anchorage mediated by integrin
                                  alpha6beta4 to laminin 5 (epiligrin)
                                  regulates tyrosine phosphorylation of a
                                  membrane-associated 80-kD protein  . . . 727
                C. Sundberg and   
                       K. Rubin   Stimulation of beta1 integrins on
                                  fibroblasts induces PDGF independent
                                  tyrosine phosphorylation of PDGF
                                  beta-receptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 132, Number 5, March, 1996

          S. K. Sapperstein and   
             V. V. Lupashin and   
              H. D. Schmitt and   
                   M. G. Waters   Assembly of the ER to Golgi SNARE
                                  complex requires Uso1p . . . . . . . . . 755
             J. N. Glickman and   
               P. A. Morton and   
                 J. W. Slot and   
                S. Kornfeld and   
                    H. J. Geuze   The biogenesis of the MHC class II
                                  compartment in human I-cell disease B
                                  lymphoblasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769
                      Z. Xu and   
                     W. Wickner   Thioredoxin is required for vacuole
                                  inheritance in \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787
               M. M. Sauter and   
        A. Pelchen-Matthews and   
                    R. Bron and   
                   M. Marsh and   
            C. C. LaBranche and   
                P. J. Vance and   
                  J. Romano and   
             B. S. Haggarty and   
                 T. K. Hart and   
                  W. M. Lee and   
                    J. A. Hoxie   An internalization signal in the simian
                                  immunodeficiency virus transmembrane
                                  protein cytoplasmic domain modulates
                                  expression of envelope glycoproteins on
                                  the cell surface . . . . . . . . . . . . 795
            P. van der Bijl and   
           M. Lopes-Cardozo and   
                    G. van Meer   Sorting of newly synthesized
                                  galactosphingolipids to the two surface
                                  domains of epithelial cells  . . . . . . 813
                 K. M. Marr and   
          D. N. Mastronarde and   
                     M. K. Lyon   Two-dimensional crystals of photosystem
                                  II: biochemical characterization,
                                  cryoelectron microscopy and localization
                                  of the D1 and cytochrome b559
                                  polypeptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823
               G. M. Benian and   
               T. L. Tinley and   
                    X. Tang and   
                  M. Borodovsky   The \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans gene
                                  unc-89, required fpr muscle M-line
                                  assembly, encodes a giant modular
                                  protein composed of Ig and signal
                                  transduction domains . . . . . . . . . . 835
                      L. Li and   
                J. M. Miano and   
                  B. Mercer and   
                    E. N. Olson   Expression of the SM22alpha promoter in
                                  transgenic mice provides evidence for
                                  distinct transcriptional regulatory
                                  programs in vascular and visceral smooth
                                  muscle cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 849
               J. A. Waddle and   
              T. S. Karpova and   
            R. H. Waterston and   
                   J. A. Cooper   Movement of cortical actin patches in
                                  yeast  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861
                     H. Abe and   
                 T. Obinata and   
             L. S. Minamide and   
                  J. R. Bamburg   \bionameXenopus laevis
                                  actin-depolymerizing factor/cofilin: a
                                  phosphorylation-regulated protein
                                  essential for development  . . . . . . . 871
            A. D. Donaldson and   
                J. V. Kilmartin   Spc42p: a phosphorylated component of
                                  the S. cerevisiae spindle pole body
                                  (SPD) with an essential function during
                                  SPB duplication  . . . . . . . . . . . . 887
             D. B. Friedman and   
             H. A. Sundberg and   
                E. Y. Huang and   
                    T. N. Davis   The 110-kD spindle pole body component
                                  of \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae is a
                                  phosphoprotein that is modified in a
                                  cell cycle-dependent manner  . . . . . . 903
                    T. Kono and   
                K. T. Jones and   
              A. Bos-Mikich and   
          D. G. Whittingham and   
                     J. Carroll   A cell cycle-associated change in
                                  Ca$^{2+}$ releasing activity leads to
                                  the generation of Ca$^{2+}$ transients
                                  in mouse embryos during the first
                                  mitotic division . . . . . . . . . . . . 915
               R. M. Porter and   
                 S. Leitgeb and   
               D. W. Melton and   
                O. Swensson and   
                 R. A. Eady and   
                    T. M. Magin   Gene targeting at the mouse cytokeratin
                                  10 locus: severe skin fragility and
                                  changes of cytokeratin expression in the
                                  epidermis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925
                   M. Ferns and   
                  M. Deiner and   
                        Z. Hall   Agrin-induced acetylcholine receptor
                                  clustering in mammalian muscle requires
                                  tyrosine phosphorylation . . . . . . . . 937
                 A. H. Ross and   
                 M. C. Daou and   
             C. A. McKinnon and   
               P. J. Condon and   
           M. B. Lachyankar and   
             R. M. Stephens and   
               D. R. Kaplan and   
                     D. E. Wolf   The neurotrophin receptor, gp75, forms a
                                  complex with the receptor tyrosine
                                  kinase TrkA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 945
                 H. Okazawa and   
                 J. Shimizu and   
                   M. Kamei and   
                 I. Imafuku and   
                  H. Hamada and   
                    I. Kanazawa   Bcl-2 inhibits retinoic acid-induced
                                  apoptosis during the neural
                                  differentiation of embryonal stem cells  955
               V. F. Rafuse and   
                  L. Landmesser   Contractile activity regulates isoform
                                  expression and polysialylation of NCAM
                                  in cultured myotubes: involvement of
                                  Ca$^{2+}$ and protein kinase C . . . . . 969

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 132, Number 6, March, 1996

               S. L. Harris and   
                   M. G. Waters   Localization of a yeast early Golgi
                                  mannosyltransferase, Och1p, involves
                                  retrograde transport . . . . . . . . . . 985
                  M. N. Oda and   
                S. V. Scott and   
          A. Hefner-Gravink and   
           A. D. Caffarelli and   
                 D. J. Klionsky   Identification of a cytoplasm to vacuole
                                  targeting determinant in aminopeptidase
                                  I  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999
               C. E. Futter and   
                  A. Pearse and   
              L. J. Hewlett and   
                  C. R. Hopkins   Multivesicular endosomes containing
                                  internalized EGF--EGF receptor complexes
                                  mature and then fuse directly with
                                  lysosomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011
                 F. Santini and   
                     J. H. Keen   Endocytosis of activated receptors and
                                  clathrin-coated pit formation:
                                  deciphering the chicken or egg
                                  relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1025
               T. Fukushima and   
              T. K. Waddell and   
               S. Grinstein and   
                 G. G. Goss and   
                J. Orlowski and   
                   G. P. Downey   Na$^+$ /H$^+$ exchange activity during
                                  phagocytosis in human neutrophils: role
                                  of Fcgamma receptors and tyrosine
                                  kinases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1037
                E. M. Ostap and   
                  T. D. Pollard   Biochemical kinetic characterization of
                                  the Acanthamoeba myosin--I ATPase  . . . 1053
                C. D. Myers and   
                  P. Y. Goh and   
                T. S. Allen and   
               E. A. Bucher and   
                     T. Bogaert   Developmental genetic analysis of
                                  troponin T mutations in striated and
                                  nonstriated muscle cells of
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans . . . . . 1061
               C. E. Creutz and   
               S. L. Snyder and   
               S. N. Daigle and   
                      J. Redick   Identification, localization, and
                                  functional implications of an abundant
                                  nematode annexin . . . . . . . . . . . . 1079
               A. Khodjakov and   
                 R. W. Cole and   
                A. S. Bajer and   
                   C. L. Rieder   The force for poleward chromosome motion
                                  in Haemanthus cells acts along the
                                  length of the chromosome during
                                  metaphase but only at the kinetochore
                                  during anaphase  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093
                 F. Fagotto and   
                N. Funayama and   
                   U. Gluck and   
                 B. M. Gumbiner   Binding to cadherins antagonizes the
                                  signaling activity of beta-catenin
                                  during axis formation in \bionameXenopus 1105
                  I. Fialka and   
                 H. Schwarz and   
               E. Reichmann and   
                     M. Oft and   
              M. Busslinger and   
                        H. Beug   The estrogen-dependent c--JunER protein
                                  causes a reversible loss of mammary
                                  epithelial cell polarity involving a
                                  destabilization of adherens junctions    1115
                G. D. Block and   
                  J. Locker and   
                W. C. Bowen and   
             B. E. Petersen and   
                  S. Katyal and   
                S. C. Strom and   
                   T. Riley and   
               T. A. Howard and   
            G. K. Michalopoulos   Population expansion, clonal growth, and
                                  specific differentiation patterns in
                                  primary cultures of hepatocytes induced
                                  by HGF/SF, EGF and TGF alpha in a
                                  chemically defined (HGM) medium  . . . . 1133
                  K. Hannon and   
                A. J. Kudla and   
               M. J. McAvoy and   
                K. L. Clase and   
                    B. B. Olwin   Differentially expressed fibroblast
                                  growth factors regulate skeletal muscle
                                  development through autocrine and
                                  paracrine mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . 1151
                    J. Wada and   
                   A. Kumar and   
                     Z. Liu and   
               E. Ruoslahti and   
               L. Reichardt and   
                J. Marvaldi and   
                   Y. S. Kanwar   Cloning of mouse integrin alphaV cDNA
                                  and role of the alphaV-related matrix
                                  receptors in metanephric development . . 1161
                P. Koolwijk and   
             M. G. van Erck and   
              W. J. de Vree and   
              M. A. Vermeer and   
                H. A. Weich and   
             R. Hanemaaijer and   
            V. W. van Hinsbergh   Cooperative effect of TNFalpha, bFGF,
                                  and VEGF on the formation of tubular
                                  structures of human microvascular
                                  endothelial cells in a fibrin matrix.
                                  Role of urokinase activity . . . . . . . 1177
           M. F. Champliaud and   
             G. P. Lunstrum and   
               P. Rousselle and   
               T. Nishiyama and   
                D. R. Keene and   
                 R. E. Burgeson   Human amnion contains a novel laminin
                                  variant, laminin 7, which like laminin
                                  6, covalently associates with laminin 5
                                  to promote stable epithelial-stromal
                                  attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1189
              A. Bartolazzi and   
                   A. Nocks and   
                  A. Aruffo and   
                  F. Spring and   
                 I. Stamenkovic   Glycosylation of CD44 is implicated in
                                  CD44-mediated cell adhesion to
                                  hyaluronan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1199
             C. S. Lebakken and   
                A. C. Rapraeger   Syndecan-1 mediates cell spreading in
                                  transfected human lymphoblastoid (Raji)
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1209

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 133, Number 1, April, 1996

                  J. M. Scholey   Kinesin-II, a membrane traffic motor in
                                  axons, axonemes, and spindles  . . . . . 1
                    N. Visa and   
              E. Izaurralde and   
                J. Ferreira and   
                B. Daneholt and   
                   I. W. Mattaj   A nuclear cap-binding complex binds
                                  Balbiani ring pre-mRNA
                                  cotranscriptionally and accompanies the
                                  ribonucleoprotein particle during
                                  nuclear export . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
               K. N. Burger and   
            P. van der Bijl and   
                    G. van Meer   Topology of sphingolipid
                                  galactosyltransferases in ER and Golgi:
                                  transbilayer movement of monohexosyl
                                  sphingolipids is required for higher
                                  glycosphingolipid biosynthesis . . . . . 15
                 F. Aniento and   
                      F. Gu and   
               R. G. Parton and   
                   J. Gruenberg   An endosomal beta COP is involved in the
                                  pH-dependent formation of transport
                                  vesicles destined for late endosomes . . 29
           Y. Ando-Akatsuka and   
                  M. Saitou and   
                  T. Hirase and   
                   M. Kishi and   
              A. Sakakibara and   
                    M. Itoh and   
                S. Yonemura and   
                  M. Furuse and   
                     S. Tsukita   Interspecies diversity of the occludin
                                  sequence: cDNA cloning of human, mouse,
                                  dog, and rat-kangaroo homologues . . . . 43
                W. L. Zeile and   
               D. L. Purich and   
                F. S. Southwick   Recognition of two classes of
                                  oligoproline sequences in
                                  profilin-mediated acceleration of
                                  actin-based Shigella motility  . . . . . 49
               L. G. Tilney and   
               M. S. Tilney and   
                    G. M. Guild   Formation of actin filament bundles in
                                  the ring canals of developing
                                  \bionameDrosophila follicles . . . . . . 61
                W. A. Wells and   
                   A. W. Murray   Aberrantly segregating centromeres
                                  activate the spindle assembly checkpoint
                                  in budding yeast . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
                A. Yamamoto and   
                  V. Guacci and   
                    D. Koshland   Pds1p is required for faithful execution
                                  of anaphase in the yeast,
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 85
                A. Yamamoto and   
                  V. Guacci and   
                    D. Koshland   Pds1p, an inhibitor of anaphase in
                                  budding yeast, plays a critical role in
                                  the APC and checkpoint pathway(s)  . . . 99
             H. A. Sundberg and   
                 L. Goetsch and   
                   B. Byers and   
                    T. N. Davis   Role of calmodulin and Spc110p
                                  interaction in the proper assembly of
                                  spindle pole body compenents . . . . . . 111
                M. Dogterom and   
         M. A. Félix and   
                 C. C. Guet and   
                     S. Leibler   Influence of M-phase chromatin on the
                                  anisotropy of microtubule asters . . . . 125
                   Y. Takai and   
                 M. Ogawara and   
                  Y. Tomono and   
                 C. Moritoh and   
             S. Imajoh-Ohmi and   
                O. Tsutsumi and   
                Y. Taketani and   
                     M. Inagaki   Mitosis-specific phosphorylation of
                                  vimentin by protein kinase C coupled
                                  with reorganization of intracellular
                                  membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
                      W. Yu and   
               M. J. Schwei and   
                     P. W. Baas   Microtubule transport and assembly
                                  during axon growth . . . . . . . . . . . 151
                   A. Saada and   
                F. Reichert and   
                  S. Rotshenker   Granulocyte macrophage colony
                                  stimulating factor produced in lesioned
                                  peripheral nerves induces the
                                  up-regulation of cell surface expression
                                  of MAC-2 by macrophages and Schwann
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
               S. K. Sastry and   
              M. Lakonishok and   
               D. A. Thomas and   
                J. Muschler and   
                  A. F. Horwitz   Integrin alpha subunit ratios,
                                  cytoplasmic domains, and growth factor
                                  synergy regulate muscle proliferation
                                  and differentiation  . . . . . . . . . . 169
              J. T. Vilquin and   
               I. Kinoshita and   
                     B. Roy and   
                  M. Goulet and   
                 E. Engvall and   
             F. Tomé and   
                 M. Fardeau and   
                 J. P. Tremblay   Partial laminin alpha2 chain restoration
                                  in alpha2 chain-deficient dy/dy mouse by
                                  primary muscle cell culture
                                  transplantation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
                  I. Simcha and   
                  B. Geiger and   
        S. Yehuda-Levenberg and   
                 D. Salomon and   
                   A. Ben-Ze'ev   Suppression of tumorigenicity by
                                  plakoglobin: an augmenting effect of
                                  N-cadherin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
                R. P. Huang and   
                   J. X. Wu and   
                     Y. Fan and   
                  E. D. Adamson   UV activates growth factor receptors via
                                  reactive oxygen intermediates  . . . . . 211

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 133, Number 2, April, 1996

                E. M. Ostap and   
                  T. D. Pollard   Overlapping functions of myosin--I
                                  isoforms?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
                  P. Jordan and   
               M. Mannervik and   
                    L. Tora and   
               M. Carmo-Fonseca   In vivo evidence that TATA-binding
                                  protein/SL1 colocalizes with UBF and RNA
                                  polymerase I when rRNA synthesis is
                                  either active or inactive  . . . . . . . 225
                 P. Roussel and   
            C. André and   
                   L. Comai and   
            D. Hernandez-Verdun   The rDNA transcription machinery is
                                  assembled during mitosis in active NORs
                                  and absent in inactive NORs  . . . . . . 235
               T. Yoshimori and   
                  P. Keller and   
                 M. G. Roth and   
                      K. Simons   Different biosynthetic transport routes
                                  to the plasma membrane in BHK and CHO
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
              P. E. Scherer and   
          G. Z. Lederkremer and   
                S. Williams and   
                M. Fogliano and   
                 G. Baldini and   
                   H. F. Lodish   Cab45, a novel (Ca$^{2+}$)-binding
                                  protein localized to the Golgi lumen . . 257
                 J. M. Dyer and   
                J. A. McNew and   
                  J. M. Goodman   The sorting sequence of the peroxisomal
                                  integral membrane protein PMP47 is
                                  contained within a short hydrophilic
                                  loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
            P. A. Warmerdam and   
                 E. O. Long and   
                    P. A. Roche   Isoforms of the invariant chain regulate
                                  transport of MHC class II molecules to
                                  antigen processing compartments  . . . . 281
             J. R. Sevinsky and   
                  L. V. Rao and   
                         W. Ruf   Ligand-induced protease receptor
                                  translocation into caveolae: a mechanism
                                  for regulating cell surface proteolysis
                                  of the tissue factor-dependent
                                  coagulation pathway  . . . . . . . . . . 293
                    G. Jung and   
                      X. Wu and   
                   J. A. Hammer   \bionameDictyostelium mutants lacking
                                  multiple classic myosin I isoforms
                                  reveal combinations of shared and
                                  distinct functions . . . . . . . . . . . 305
                     Y. Liu and   
                   R. N. Kitsis   Induction of DNA synthesis and apoptosis
                                  in cardiac myocytes by E1A oncoprotein   325
               L. E. French and   
                   M. Hahne and   
                   I. Viard and   
              G. Radlgruber and   
                  R. Zanone and   
                  K. Becker and   
             C. Müller and   
                     J. Tschopp   Fas and Fas ligand in embryos and adult
                                  mice: ligand expression in several
                                  immune-privileged tissues and
                                  coexpression in adult tissues
                                  characterized by apoptotic cell turnover 335
                    J. Liao and   
                    M. B. Omary   14-3-3 proteins associate with
                                  phosphorylated simple epithelial
                                  keratins during cell cycle progression
                                  and act as a solubility cofactor . . . . 345
              N. A. Chitaev and   
                R. E. Leube and   
          R. B. Troyanovsky and   
              L. G. Eshkind and   
               W. W. Franke and   
              S. M. Troyanovsky   The binding of plakoglobin to desmosomal
                                  cadherins: patterns of binding sites and
                                  topogenic potential  . . . . . . . . . . 359
                 G. Piperno and   
                    K. Mead and   
                   S. Henderson   Inner dynein arms but not outer dynein
                                  arms require the activity of kinesin
                                  homologue protein KHP1(FLA10) to reach
                                  the distal part of flagella in
                                  Chlamydomonas  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
              R. Ramanathan and   
           M. F. Wilkemeyer and   
                  B. Mittal and   
                 G. Perides and   
                 M. E. Charness   Alcohol inhibits cell--cell adhesion
                                  mediated by human L1 . . . . . . . . . . 381
                     X. Zhu and   
                 M. Ohtsubo and   
          R. M. Böhmer and   
              J. M. Roberts and   
                  R. K. Assoian   Adhesion-dependent cell cycle
                                  progression linked to the expression of
                                  cyclin D1, activation of cyclin E-cdk2,
                                  and phosphorylation of the
                                  retinoblastoma protein . . . . . . . . . 391
               R. Steinfeld and   
          H. Van Den Berghe and   
                       G. David   Stimulation of fibroblast growth factor
                                  receptor-1 occupancy and signaling by
                                  cell surface-associated syndecans and
                                  glypican . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
           A. De Arcangelis and   
                P. Neuville and   
                R. Boukamel and   
                O. Lefebvre and   
                M. Kedinger and   
               P. Simon-Assmann   Inhibition of laminin alpha $1$-chain
                                  expression leads to alteration of
                                  basement membrane assembly and cell
                                  differentiation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
              D. C. Hocking and   
                R. K. Smith and   
            P. J. McKeown-Longo   A novel role for the integrin-binding
                                  III-10 module in fibronectin matrix
                                  assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
                 M. Yoshida and   
              W. F. Westlin and   
                    N. Wang and   
               D. E. Ingber and   
              A. Rosenzweig and   
                 N. Resnick and   
                 M. A. Gimbrone   Leukocyte adhesion to vascular
                                  endothelium induces E-selectin linkage
                                  to the actin cytoskeleton  . . . . . . . 445
               C. Shukunami and   
                 C. Shigeno and   
                  T. Atsumi and   
                K. Ishizeki and   
                  F. Suzuki and   
                      Y. Hiraki   Chondrogenic differentiation of clonal
                                  mouse embryonic cell line ATDC5 in
                                  vitro: differentiation-dependent gene
                                  expression of parathyroid hormone
                                  (PTH)/PTH-related peptide receptor . . . 457
                   M. Satoh and   
               K. Hirayoshi and   
                  S. Yokota and   
                N. Hosokawa and   
                      K. Nagata   Intracellular interaction of
                                  collagen-specific stress protein HSP47
                                  with newly synthesized procollagen . . . 469

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 133, Number 3, May, 1996

                I. Palacios and   
                    K. Weis and   
                   C. Klebe and   
               I. W. Mattaj and   
                    C. Dingwall   RAN\slash TC4 mutants identify a common
                                  requirement for snRNP and protein import
                                  into the nucleus . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
               A. Verschoor and   
              S. Srivastava and   
               R. Grassucci and   
                       J. Frank   Native $3$D structure of eukaryotic 80s
                                  ribosome: morphological homology with
                                  \bionameE. coli 70S ribosome . . . . . . 495
                M. Nagahama and   
                    L. Orci and   
               M. Ravazzola and   
                 M. Amherdt and   
                 L. Lacomis and   
                  P. Tempst and   
              J. E. Rothman and   
             T. H. Söllner   A v--SNARE implicated in intra-Golgi
                                  transport  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
                  P. S. Kim and   
                 O. Y. Kwon and   
                       P. Arvan   An endoplasmic reticulum storage disease
                                  causing congenital goiter with
                                  hypothyroidism . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
               A. A. Cooper and   
                  T. H. Stevens   Vps10p cycles between the late-Golgi and
                                  prevacuolar compartments in its function
                                  as the sorting receptor for multiple
                                  yeast vacuolar hydrolases  . . . . . . . 529
              A. Müsch and   
                      H. Xu and   
                 D. Shields and   
            E. Rodriguez-Boulan   Transport of vesicular stomatitis virus
                                  G protein to the cell surface is signal
                                  mediated in polarized and nonpolarized
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
                 T. Danieli and   
            S. L. Pelletier and   
                Y. I. Henis and   
                    J. M. White   Membrane fusion mediated by the
                                  influenza virus hemagglutinin requires
                                  the concerted action of at least three
                                  hemagglutinin trimers  . . . . . . . . . 559
            J. P. Schroeter and   
          J. P. Bretaudiere and   
                 R. L. Sass and   
                M. A. Goldstein   Three-dimensional structure of the Z
                                  band in a normal mammalian skeletal
                                  muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
                  J. Niclas and   
                V. J. Allan and   
                     R. D. Vale   Cell cycle regulation of dynein
                                  association with membranes modulates
                                  microtubule-based organelle transport    585
                    H. Wein and   
                    M. Foss and   
                   B. Brady and   
                    W. Z. Cande   DSK1, a novel kinesin-related protein
                                  from the diatom Cylindrotheca fusiformis
                                  that is involved in anaphase spindle
                                  elongation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
                C. M. Field and   
                 O. al-Awar and   
              J. Rosenblatt and   
                 M. L. Wong and   
                 B. Alberts and   
                T. J. Mitchison   A purified \bionameDrosophila septin
                                  complex forms filaments and exhibits
                                  GTPase activity  . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
               A. M. Murphy and   
                  D. J. Montell   Cell type-specific roles for Cdc42, Rac,
                                  and RhoL in \bionameDrosophila oogenesis 617
                   I. Neveu and   
                      E. Arenas   Neurotrophins promote the survival and
                                  development of neurons in the cerebellum
                                  of hypothyroid rats in vivo  . . . . . . 631
             R. R. Dubreuil and   
                G. MacVicar and   
             S. Dissanayake and   
                     C. Liu and   
                   D. Homer and   
                     M. Hortsch   Neuroglian-mediated cell adhesion
                                  induces assembly of the membrane
                                  skeleton at cell contact sites . . . . . 647
           A. P. DeBernardo and   
                       S. Chang   Heterophilic interactions of DM--GRASP:
                                  GRASP--NgCAM interactions involved in
                                  neurite extension  . . . . . . . . . . . 657
                   Y. Kanai and   
             M. Kanai-Azuma and   
                    T. Noce and   
                T. C. Saido and   
               T. Shiroishi and   
                 Y. Hayashi and   
                      K. Yazaki   Identification of two Sox17 messenger
                                  RNA isoforms, with and without the high
                                  mobility group box region, and their
                                  differential expression in mouse
                                  spermatogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
                P. L. James and   
              C. E. Stewart and   
                     P. Rotwein   Insulin-like growth factor binding
                                  protein-5 modulates muscle
                                  differentiation through an insulin-like
                                  growth factor-dependent mechanism  . . . 683
                G. M. Zinkl and   
                     A. Zuk and   
            P. van der Bijl and   
                G. van Meer and   
                   K. S. Matlin   An antiglycolipid antibody inhibits
                                  Madin--Darby canine kidney cell adhesion
                                  to laminin and interferes with
                                  basolateral polarization and tight
                                  junction formation . . . . . . . . . . . 695
              R. H. Schwall and   
                L. Y. Chang and   
             P. J. Godowski and   
                 D. W. Kahn and   
               K. J. Hillan and   
                K. D. Bauer and   
                T. F. Zioncheck   Heparin induces dimerization and confers
                                  proliferative activity onto the
                                  hepatocyte growth factor antagonists NK1
                                  and NK2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 133, Number 4, May, 1996

                   S. Huang and   
                  D. L. Spector   Intron-dependent recruitment of pre-mRNA
                                  splicing factors to sites of
                                  transcription  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
               T. Sakaguchi and   
                G. P. Leser and   
                     R. A. Lamb   The ion channel activity of the
                                  influenza virus M2 protein affects
                                  transport through the Golgi apparatus    733
                 F. Simpson and   
               N. A. Bright and   
                 M. A. West and   
               L. S. Newman and   
              R. B. Darnell and   
                 M. S. Robinson   A novel adaptor-related protein complex  749
               J. R. Henley and   
                  M. A. McNiven   Association of a dynamin-like protein
                                  with the Golgi apparatus in mammalian
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761
               I. V. Majoul and   
            P. I. Bastiaens and   
              H. D. Söling   Transport of an external
                                  Lys--Asp--Glu--Leu (KDEL) protein from
                                  the plasma membrane to the endoplasmic
                                  reticulum: studies with cholera toxin in
                                  Vero cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
                 M. Deckert and   
               M. Ticchioni and   
                     A. Bernard   Endocytosis of GPI-anchored proteins in
                                  human lymphocytes: role of
                                  glycolipid-based domains, actin
                                  cytoskeleton, and protein kinases  . . . 791
                 P. Lupetti and   
               J. E. Heuser and   
                 R. Manetti and   
                 P. Massari and   
            S. Lanzavecchia and   
               P. L. Bellon and   
                  R. Dallai and   
                R. Rappuoli and   
                  J. L. Telford   Oligomeric and subunit structure of the
                                  Helicobacter pylori vacuolating
                                  cytotoxin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801
                  G. W. Moy and   
              L. M. Mendoza and   
               J. R. Schulz and   
              W. J. Swanson and   
                C. G. Glabe and   
                 V. D. Vacquier   The sea urchin sperm receptor for egg
                                  jelly is a modular protein with
                                  extensive homology to the human
                                  polycystic kidney disease protein, PKD1  809
               P. Devarajan and   
              P. R. Stabach and   
                 A. S. Mann and   
                  T. Ardito and   
              M. Kashgarian and   
                   J. S. Morrow   Identification of a small cytoplasmic
                                  ankyrin (AnkG119) in the kidney and
                                  muscle that binds beta I sigma spectrin
                                  and associates with the Golgi apparatus  819
             E. A. Vaisberg and   
              P. M. Grissom and   
                 J. R. McIntosh   Mammalian cells express three distinct
                                  dynein heavy chains that are localized
                                  to different cytoplasmic organelles  . . 831
            B. M. McCartney and   
                    R. G. Fehon   Distinct cellular and subcellular
                                  patterns of expression imply distinct
                                  functions for the \bionameDrosophila
                                  homologues of moesin and the
                                  neurofibromatosis 2 tumor suppressor,
                                  merlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843
                   M. Galou and   
           E. Colucci-Guyon and   
              D. Ensergueix and   
                J. L. Ridet and   
       M. Gimenez y Ribotta and   
                  A. Privat and   
                 C. Babinet and   
                     P. Dupouey   Disrupted glial fibrillary acidic
                                  protein network in astrocytes from
                                  vimentin knockout mice . . . . . . . . . 853
                  Y. Matsui and   
                  R. Matsui and   
                   R. Akada and   
                       A. Toh-e   Yeast src homology region 3
                                  domain-binding proteins involved in bud
                                  formation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865
                  L. Bender and   
                   H. S. Lo and   
                     H. Lee and   
                 V. Kokojan and   
                V. Peterson and   
                      A. Bender   Associations among PH and SH3
                                  domain-containing proteins and Rho-type
                                  GTPases in Yeast . . . . . . . . . . . . 879
               C. A. Lowell and   
               L. Fumagalli and   
                      G. Berton   Deficiency of Src family kinases
                                  p59/61hck and p58c-fgr results in
                                  defective adhesion-dependent neutrophil
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895
               R. N. Knibbs and   
                R. A. Craig and   
                 S. Natsuka and   
                   A. Chang and   
                 M. Cameron and   
                 J. B. Lowe and   
                 L. M. Stoolman   The fucosyltransferase FucT--VII
                                  regulates E-selectin ligand synthesis in
                                  human T cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911
                X. Z. Huang and   
                   J. F. Wu and   
                    D. Cass and   
                 D. J. Erle and   
                   D. Corry and   
                S. G. Young and   
               R. V. Farese and   
                    D. Sheppard   Inactivation of the integrin beta 6
                                  subunit gene reveals a role of
                                  epithelial integrins in regulating
                                  inflammation in the lung and skin  . . . 921

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 133, Number 5, June, 1996

           G. Baurén and   
                W. Q. Jiang and   
                K. Bernholm and   
                      F. Gu and   
                  L. Wieslander   Demonstration of a dynamic,
                                  transcription-dependent organization of
                                  pre-mRNA splicing factors in polytene
                                  nuclei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 929
               Y. N. Osheim and   
               E. B. Mougey and   
                  J. Windle and   
                M. Anderson and   
                M. O'Reilly and   
               O. L. Miller and   
                   A. Beyer and   
                B. Sollner-Webb   Metazoan rDNA enhancer acts by making
                                  more genes transcriptionally active  . . 943
                    J. Fang and   
                   R. M. Benbow   Nuclear proteins of quiescent
                                  \bionameXenopus laevis cells inhibit DNA
                                  replication in intact and permeabilized
                                  nuclei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955
                D. J. Sweet and   
                      L. Gerace   A GTPase distinct from Ran is involved
                                  in nuclear protein import  . . . . . . . 971
                K. L. Carey and   
             S. A. Richards and   
            K. M. Lounsbury and   
                   I. G. Macara   Evidence using a green fluorescent
                                  protein-glucocorticoid receptor chimera
                                  that the Ran/TC4 GTPase mediates an
                                  essential function independent of
                                  nuclear protein import . . . . . . . . . 985
              M. H. Cardone and   
                B. L. Smith and   
              P. A. Mennitt and   
            D. Mochly-Rosen and   
               R. B. Silver and   
                   K. E. Mostov   Signal transduction by the polymeric
                                  immunoglobulin receptor suggests a role
                                  in regulation of receptor transcytosis   997
         L. K. Timson Gauen and   
               M. E. Linder and   
                     A. S. Shaw   Multiple features of the p59fyn src
                                  homology 4 domain define a motif for
                                  immune-receptor tyrosine-based
                                  activation motif (ITAM) binding and for
                                  plasma membrane localization . . . . . . 1007
               A. E. Cleves and   
               D. N. Cooper and   
             S. H. Barondes and   
                    R. B. Kelly   A new pathway for protein export in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 1017
               S. P. Denker and   
            J. M. McCaffery and   
               G. E. Palade and   
                P. A. Insel and   
                 M. G. Farquhar   Differential distribution of alpha
                                  subunits and beta gamma subunits of
                                  heterotrimeric G proteins on Golgi
                                  membranes of the exocrine pancreas . . . 1027
             M. D. Jacobsen and   
                    M. Weil and   
                     M. C. Raff   Role of Ced-3/ICE-family proteases in
                                  staurosporine-induced programmed cell
                                  death  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041
                    M. Weil and   
             M. D. Jacobson and   
                H. S. Coles and   
               T. J. Davies and   
              R. L. Gardner and   
                 K. D. Raff and   
                     M. C. Raff   Constitutive expression of the machinery
                                  for programmed cell death  . . . . . . . 1053
                      Z. Xu and   
            J. R. Marszalek and   
                  M. K. Lee and   
                 P. C. Wong and   
                  J. Folmer and   
             T. O. Crawford and   
                S. T. Hsieh and   
              J. W. Griffin and   
                D. W. Cleveland   Subunit composition of neurofilaments
                                  specifies axonal diameter  . . . . . . . 1061
                  C. C. Lai and   
                    K. Hong and   
                 M. Kinnell and   
                 M. Chalfie and   
                    M. Driscoll   Sequence and transmembrane topology of
                                  MEC-4, an ion channel subunit required
                                  for mechanotransduction in
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans . . . . . 1071
              C. Kretz-Remy and   
                  P. Mehlen and   
              M. E. Mirault and   
                   A. P. Arrigo   Inhibition of I kappa B-alpha
                                  phosphorylation and degradation and
                                  subsequent NF-kappa B activation by
                                  glutathione peroxidase overexpression    1083
                   M. Sachs and   
              K. M. Weidner and   
               V. Brinkmann and   
                 I. Walther and   
               A. Obermeier and   
                 A. Ullrich and   
                  W. Birchmeier   Motogenic and morphogenic activity of
                                  epithelial receptor tyrosine kinases . . 1095
                 P. Lastres and   
       A. Letamendía and   
                   H. Zhang and   
                    C. Rius and   
                N. Almendro and   
                    U. Raab and   
         L. A. López and   
                   C. Langa and   
                   A. Fabra and   
                 M. Letarte and   
             C. Bernabéu   Endoglin modulates cellular responses to
                                  TGF-beta 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1109
               M. A. Torres and   
          J. A. Yang-Snyder and   
              S. M. Purcell and   
             A. A. DeMarais and   
               L. L. McGrew and   
                     R. T. Moon   Activities of the Wnt-1 class of
                                  secreted signaling factors are
                                  antagonized by the Wnt-5A class and by a
                                  dominant negative cadherin in early
                                  \bionameXenopus development  . . . . . . 1123

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 133, Number 6, June, 1996

                   U. Zabel and   
                    V. Doye and   
                 H. Tekotte and   
                    R. Wepf and   
                  P. Grandi and   
                     E. C. Hurt   Nic96p is required for nuclear pore
                                  formation and functionally interacts
                                  with a novel nucleoporin, Nup188p  . . . 1141
                U. Nehrbass and   
                 M. P. Rout and   
                 S. Maguire and   
                  G. Blobel and   
                  R. W. Wozniak   The yeast nucleoporin Nup188p interacts
                                  genetically and physically with the core
                                  structures of the nuclear pore complex   1153
                D. M. Koepp and   
                 D. H. Wong and   
              A. H. Corbett and   
                   P. A. Silver   Dynamic localization of the nuclear
                                  import receptor and its interactions
                                  with transport factors . . . . . . . . . 1163
               R. A. Chavez and   
               S. G. Miller and   
                    H. P. Moore   A biosynthetic regulated secretory
                                  pathway in constitutive secretory cells  1177
                 K. Geering and   
                  A. Beggah and   
                    P. Good and   
                S. Girardet and   
                     S. Roy and   
                  D. Schaer and   
                      P. Jaunin   Oligomerization and maturation of
                                  Na,K--ATPase: functional interaction of
                                  the cytoplasmic NH2 terminus of the beta
                                  subunit with the alpha subunit . . . . . 1193
             H. Krämer and   
                     M. Phistry   Mutations in the \bionameDrosophila hook
                                  gene inhibit endocytosis of the boss
                                  transmembrane ligand into multivesicular
                                  bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205
         S. Chasserot-Golaz and   
                  N. Vitale and   
                   I. Sagot and   
                B. Delouche and   
                  S. Dirrig and   
               L. A. Pradel and   
                J. P. Henry and   
                   D. Aunis and   
                    M. F. Bader   Annexin II in exocytosis: catecholamine
                                  secretion requires the translocation of
                                  p36 to the subplasmalemmal region in
                                  chromaffin cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 1217
                   K. Takei and   
                 O. Mundigl and   
                 L. Daniell and   
                  P. De Camilli   The synaptic vesicle cycle: a single
                                  vesicle budding step involving clathrin
                                  and dynamin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1237
                  S. Aubert and   
                    E. Gout and   
                  R. Bligny and   
            D. Marty-Mazars and   
                 F. Barrieu and   
             J. Alabouvette and   
                   F. Marty and   
                       R. Douce   Ultrastructural and biochemical
                                  characterization of autophagy in higher
                                  plant cells subjected to carbon
                                  deprivation: control by the supply of
                                  mitochondria with respiratory substrates 1251
               L. A. Hannan and   
                      M. Edidin   Traffic, polarity, and detergent
                                  solubility of a
                                  protein after LDL-deprivation of MDCK
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1265
              H. V. Goodson and   
             B. L. Anderson and   
              H. M. Warrick and   
                  L. A. Pon and   
                  J. A. Spudich   Synthetic lethality screen identifies a
                                  novel yeast myosin I gene (MYO5): myosin
                                  I proteins are required for polarization
                                  of the actin cytoskeleton  . . . . . . . 1277
                 R. Hopmann and   
               J. A. Cooper and   
                   K. G. Miller   Actin organization, bristle morphology,
                                  and viability are affected by actin
                                  capping protein mutations in
                                  \bionameDrosophila . . . . . . . . . . . 1293
                    K. Song and   
                 K. E. Mach and   
                 C. Y. Chen and   
                T. Reynolds and   
                 C. F. Albright   A novel suppressor of ras1 in fission
                                  yeast, byr4, is a dosage-dependent
                                  inhibitor of cytokinesis . . . . . . . . 1307
           D. A. Larochelle and   
            K. K. Vithalani and   
                  A. De Lozanne   A novel member of the rho family of
                                  small GTP-binding proteins is
                                  specifically required for cytokinesis    1321
                 S. Biggins and   
               I. Ivanovska and   
                     M. D. Rose   Yeast ubiquitin-like genes are involved
                                  in duplication of the microtubule
                                  organizing center  . . . . . . . . . . . 1331
               T. Funakoshi and   
                  S. Takeda and   
                    N. Hirokawa   Active transport of photoactivated
                                  tubulin molecules in growing axons
                                  revealed by a new electron microscopic
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1347
               K. E. Miller and   
                    H. C. Joshi   Tubulin transport in neurons . . . . . . 1355
                   E. Allen and   
                   Q. C. Yu and   
                       E. Fuchs   Mice expressing a mutant desmosomal
                                  cadherin exhibit abnormalities in
                                  desmosomes, proliferation, and epidermal
                                  differentiation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1367
                G. Di Paolo and   
                 V. Pellier and   
                M. Catsicas and   
               B. Antonsson and   
                S. Catsicas and   
                 G. Grenningloh   The phosphoprotein stathmin is essential
                                  for nerve growth factor-stimulated
                                  differentiation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1383
                N. Demaurex and   
               G. P. Downey and   
              T. K. Waddell and   
                   S. Grinstein   Intracellular pH regulation during
                                  spreading of human neutrophils . . . . . 1391
    M. Chrzanowska-Wodnicka and   
                    K. Burridge   Rho-stimulated contractility drives the
                                  formation of stress fibers and focal
                                  adhesions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1403

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 134, Number 1, July, 1996

               S. Henderson and   
                 R. Allsopp and   
                 D. Spector and   
                 S. S. Wang and   
                      C. Harley   In situ analysis of changes in telomere
                                  size during replicative aging and cell
                                  transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                   S. Grimm and   
                M. K. Bauer and   
             P. A. Baeuerle and   
             K. Schulze-Osthoff   Bcl-2 down-regulates the activity of
                                  transcription factor NF-kappaB induced
                                  upon apoptosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
                   S. Voigt and   
              B. Jungnickel and   
                E. Hartmann and   
                 T. A. Rapoport   Signal sequence-dependent function of
                                  the TRAM protein during early phases of
                                  protein transport across the endoplasmic
                                  reticulum membrane . . . . . . . . . . . 25
                   Y. Sakai and   
                A. Saiganji and   
                H. Yurimoto and   
                  K. Takabe and   
                   H. Saiki and   
                        N. Kato   The absence of Pmp47, a putative yeast
                                  peroxisomal transporter, causes a defect
                                  in transport and folding of a specific
                                  matrix enzyme  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
                   J. Q. Xu and   
               B. A. Harder and   
                    P. Uman and   
                       R. Craig   Myosin filament structure in vertebrate
                                  smooth muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
    L. Rònnov-Jessen and   
                 O. W. Petersen   A function for filamentous alpha-smooth
                                  muscle actin: retardation of motility in
                                  fibroblasts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
                  M. Maroto and   
               J. Arredondo and   
                D. Goulding and   
                   R. Marco and   
                 B. Bullard and   
                     M. Cervera   Drosophila paramyosin/miniparamyosin
                                  gene products show a large diversity in
                                  quantity, localization, and isoform
                                  pattern: a possible role in muscle
                                  maturation and function  . . . . . . . . 81
               J. A. Rafael and   
                  G. A. Cox and   
                 K. Corrado and   
                    D. Jung and   
             K. P. Campbell and   
              J. S. Chamberlain   Forced expression of dystrophin deletion
                                  constructs reveals structure-function
                                  correlations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
                   A. Debec and   
               R. F. Kalpin and   
                D. R. Daily and   
             P. D. McCallum and   
             W. F. Rothwell and   
                    W. Sullivan   Live analysis of free centrosomes in
                                  normal and aphidicolin-treated
                                  \bionameDrosophila embryos . . . . . . . 103
                  V. Moreau and   
                 A. Madania and   
               R. P. Martin and   
                      B. Winson   The \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae
                                  actin-related protein Arp2 is involved
                                  in the actin cytoskeleton  . . . . . . . 117
                  R. T. Cox and   
             C. Kirkpatrick and   
                      M. Peifer   Armadillo is required for adherens
                                  junction assembly, cell polarity, and
                                  morphogenesis during \bionameDrosophila
                                  embryogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
          H. A. Müller and   
                   E. Wieschaus   armadillo, bazooka, and stardust are
                                  critical for early stages in formation
                                  of the zonula adherens and maintenance
                                  of the polarized blastoderm epithelium
                                  in \bionameDrosophila  . . . . . . . . . 149
          I. S. Näthke and   
                C. L. Adams and   
                 P. Polakis and   
               J. H. Sellin and   
                   W. J. Nelson   The adenomatous polyposis coli tumor
                                  suppressor protein localizes to plasma
                                  membrane sites involved in active cell
                                  migration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
              D. B. Constam and   
                  M. Calfon and   
                E. J. Robertson   SPC4, SPC6, and the novel protease SPC7
                                  are coexpressed with bone morphogenetic
                                  proteins at distinct sites during
                                  embryogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
                   S. Soddu and   
                G. Blandino and   
               R. Scardigli and   
                    S. Coen and   
               A. Marchetti and   
                M. G. Rizzo and   
                   G. Bossi and   
                  L. Cimino and   
               M. Crescenzi and   
                      A. Sacchi   Interference with p53 protein inhibits
                                  hematopoietic and muscle differentiation 193
                M. Igarashi and   
                  S. Kozaki and   
                S. Terakawa and   
                  S. Kawano and   
                     C. Ide and   
                      Y. Komiya   Growth cone collapse and inhibition of
                                  neurite growth by Botulinum neurotoxin
                                  C1: a t--SNARE is involved in axonal
                                  growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
       M. D. Martin-Bermudo and   
                    N. H. Brown   Intracellular signals direct integrin
                                  localization to sites of function in
                                  embryonic muscles  . . . . . . . . . . . 217
                J. W. Ramos and   
                 D. W. DeSimone   \bionameXenopus embryonic cell adhesion
                                  to fibronectin: position-specific
                                  activation of RGD/synergy site-dependent
                                  migratory behavior at gastrulation . . . 227
                F. Mainiero and   
                    A. Pepe and   
                    M. Yeon and   
                     Y. Ren and   
                F. G. Giancotti   The intracellular functions of
                                  alpha6beta4 integrin are regulated by
                                  EGF  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
             J. J. Campbell and   
                     S. Qin and   
                K. B. Bacon and   
               C. R. Mackay and   
                  E. C. Butcher   Biology of chemokine and classical
                                  chemoattractant receptors: differential
                                  requirements for adhesion-triggering
                                  versus chemotactic responses in lymphoid
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 134, Number 2, July, 1996

                   D. T. Ng and   
                J. D. Brown and   
                      P. Walter   Signal sequences specify the targeting
                                  route to the endoplasmic reticulum
                                  membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
                    M. Sato and   
                    K. Sato and   
                      A. Nakano   Endoplasmic reticulum localization of
                                  Sec12p is achieved by two mechanisms:
                                  Rer1p-dependent retrieval that requires
                                  the transmembrane domain and
                                  Rer1p-independent retention that
                                  involves the cytoplasmic domain  . . . . 279
            N. T. Ktistakis and   
                H. A. Brown and   
               M. G. Waters and   
            P. C. Sternweis and   
                     M. G. Roth   Evidence that phospholipase D mediates
                                  ADP ribosylation factor-dependent
                                  formation of Golgi coated vesicles . . . 295
              H. M. McBride and   
               I. S. Goping and   
                    G. C. Shore   The human mitochondrial import receptor,
                                  hTom20p, prevents a cryptic matrix
                                  targeting sequence from gaining access
                                  to the protein translocation machinery   307
                      Y. Ma and   
                A. Kouranov and   
               S. E. LaSala and   
                  D. J. Schnell   Two components of the chloroplast
                                  protein import apparatus, IAP86 and
                                  IAP75, interact with the transit
                                  sequence during the recognition and
                                  translocation of precursor proteins at
                                  the outer envelope . . . . . . . . . . . 315
                S. S. Vogel and   
                P. S. Blank and   
                  J. Zimmerberg   Poisson-distributed active fusion
                                  complexes underlie the control of the
                                  rate and extent of exocytosis by calcium 329
              J. Lazarovits and   
                 H. Y. Naim and   
            A. C. Rodriguez and   
                 R. H. Wang and   
                    E. Fire and   
                    C. Bird and   
                Y. I. Henis and   
                     M. G. Roth   Endocytosis of chimeric influenza virus
                                  hemagglutinin proteins that lack a
                                  cytoplasmic recognition feature for
                                  coated pits  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
        A. Rodríguez and   
                  E. Samoff and   
               M. G. Rioult and   
                   A. Chung and   
                  N. W. Andrews   Host cell invasion by trypanosomes
                                  requires lysosomes and
                                  microtubule/kinesin-mediated transport   349
             M. A. Scidmore and   
              E. R. Fischer and   
                   T. Hackstadt   Sphingolipids and glycoproteins are
                                  differentially trafficked to the
                                  \bionameChlamydia trachomatis inclusion  363
               J. A. Powell and   
            L. Petherbridge and   
                  B. E. Flucher   Formation of triads without the
                                  dihydropyridine receptor alpha subunits
                                  in cell lines from dysgenic skeletal
                                  muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
                K. Barkalow and   
                   W. Witke and   
          D. J. Kwiatkowski and   
                  J. H. Hartwig   Coordinated regulation of platelet actin
                                  filament barbed ends by gelsolin and
                                  capping protein  . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
         F. T. van der Loop and   
                 G. Schaart and   
               E. D. Timmer and   
            F. C. Ramaekers and   
                  G. J. van Eys   Smoothelin, a novel cytoskeletal protein
                                  specific for smooth muscle cells . . . . 401
              S. L. Sanders and   
                  I. Herskowitz   The BUD4 protein of yeast, required for
                                  axial budding, is localized to the
                                  mother/BUD neck in a cell
                                  cycle-dependent manner . . . . . . . . . 413
                   A. Spang and   
                S. Geissler and   
                   K. Grein and   
                    E. Schiebel   gamma-Tubulin-like Tub4p of
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae is
                                  associated with the spindle pole body
                                  substructures that organize microtubules
                                  and is required for mitotic spindle
                                  formation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
            L. G. Marschall and   
                 R. L. Jeng and   
              J. Mulholland and   
                     T. Stearns   Analysis of Tub4p, a yeast
                                  gamma-tubulin-like protein: implications
                                  for microtubule-organizing center
                                  function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
             H. J. Matthies and   
             H. B. McDonald and   
            L. S. Goldstein and   
                W. E. Theurkauf   Anastral meiotic spindle morphogenesis:
                                  role of the non-claret disjunctional
                                  kinesin-like protein . . . . . . . . . . 455
               M. G. Tansey and   
                  G. C. Chu and   
                   J. P. Merlie   ARIA/HRG regulates AChR epsilon subunit
                                  gene expression at the neuromuscular
                                  synapse via activation of
                                  phosphatidylinositol $3$-kinase and
                                  Ras/MAPK pathway . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
                   P. Liesi and   
                   J. M. Wright   Weaver granule neurons are rescued by
                                  calcium channel antagonists and
                                  antibodies against a neurite outgrowth
                                  domain of the B2 chain of laminin  . . . 477
               K. M. Albers and   
              T. N. Perrone and   
             T. P. Goodness and   
                M. E. Jones and   
                M. A. Green and   
                    B. M. Davis   Cutaneous overexpression of NT-3
                                  increases sensory and sympathetic neuron
                                  number and enhances touch dome and hair
                                  follicle innervation . . . . . . . . . . 487
                C. Paillart and   
              J. L. Boudier and   
              J. A. Boudier and   
                  H. Rochat and   
                 F. Couraud and   
                     B. Dargent   Activity-induced internalization and
                                  rapid degradation of sodium channels in
                                  cultured fetal neurons . . . . . . . . . 499
                 T. Sakurai and   
          R. E. Westenbroek and   
                  J. Rettig and   
                    J. Hell and   
                W. A. Catterall   Biochemical properties and subcellular
                                  distribution of the BI and rbA isoforms
                                  of alpha 1A subunits of brain calcium
                                  channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
                    P. A. Maher   Nuclear Translocation of fibroblast
                                  growth factor (FGF) receptors in
                                  response to FGF-2  . . . . . . . . . . . 529
              T. A. Starich and   
                  R. Y. Lee and   
              C. Panzarella and   
                   L. Avery and   
                     J. E. Shaw   eat-5 and unc-7 represent a multigene
                                  family in \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans
                                  involved in cell--cell coupling  . . . . 537
                  B. Angres and   
                   A. Barth and   
                   W. J. Nelson   Mechanism for transition from initial to
                                  stable cell--cell adhesion: kinetic
                                  analysis of E-cadherin-mediated adhesion
                                  using a quantitative adhesion assay  . . 549
                 J. Dowling and   
                   Q. C. Yu and   
                       E. Fuchs   Beta4 integrin is required for
                                  hemidesmosome formation, cell adhesion
                                  and cell survival  . . . . . . . . . . . 559
              J. L. Sechler and   
                  Y. Takada and   
             J. E. Schwarzbauer   Altered rate of fibronectin matrix
                                  assembly by deletion of the first type
                                  III repeats  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 134, Number 3, August, 1996

                      T. Hu and   
                    T. Guan and   
                      L. Gerace   Molecular and functional
                                  characterization of the p62 complex, an
                                  assembly of nuclear pore complex
                                  glycoproteins  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
                 B. Schilke and   
                 J. Forster and   
                   J. Davis and   
                   P. James and   
                  W. Walter and   
                S. Laloraya and   
                 J. Johnson and   
                    B. Miao and   
                       E. Craig   The cold sensitivity of a mutant of
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae lacking
                                  a mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 is
                                  suppressed by loss of mitochondrial DNA  603
                  D. Kasper and   
                 F. Dittmer and   
              K. von Figura and   
                    R. Pohlmann   Neither type of mannose $6$-phosphate
                                  receptor is sufficient for targeting of
                                  lysosomal enzymes along intracellular
                                  routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
                  S. Martin and   
                  J. Tellam and   
             C. Livingstone and   
                 J. W. Slot and   
                G. W. Gould and   
                    D. E. James   The glucose transporter (GLUT-4) and
                                  vesicle-associated membrane protein-2
                                  (VAMP-2) are segregated from recycling
                                  endosomes in insulin-sensitive cells . . 625
                 C. Arnoult and   
                    Y. Zeng and   
                  H. M. Florman   ZP3-dependent activation of sperm cation
                                  channels regulates acrosomal secretion
                                  during mammalian fertilization . . . . . 637
               H. Schroeder and   
                R. Leventis and   
               S. Shahinian and   
               P. A. Walton and   
                  J. R. Silvius   Lipid-modified, cysteinyl-containing
                                  peptides of diverse structures are
                                  efficiently S-acylated at the plasma
                                  membrane of mammalian cells  . . . . . . 647
                 A. F. Roth and   
                    N. G. Davis   Ubiquitination of the yeast a-factor
                                  receptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
               C. A. Kelley and   
              J. R. Sellers and   
                 D. L. Gard and   
                     D. Bui and   
            R. S. Adelstein and   
                   I. C. Baines   Xenopus nonmuscle myosin heavy chain
                                  isoforms have different subcellular
                                  localizations and enzymatic activities   675
                    P. Chen and   
       J. E. Murphy-Ullrich and   
                       A. Wells   A role for gelsolin in actuating
                                  epidermal growth factor
                                  receptor-mediated cell motility  . . . . 689
                 K. Iwasaki and   
                J. McCarter and   
                 R. Francis and   
                      T. Schedl   emo-1, a \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans
                                  Sec61p gamma homologue, is required for
                                  oocyte development and ovulation . . . . 699
                C. Ruhrberg and   
          M. A. Hajibagheri and   
                   M. Simon and   
               T. P. Dooley and   
                     F. M. Watt   Envoplakin, a novel precursor of the
                                  cornified envelope that has homology to
                                  desmoplakin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
                N. K. Haass and   
           M. A. Kartenbeck and   
                    R. E. Leube   Pantophysin is a ubiquitously expressed
                                  synaptophysin homologue and defines
                                  constitutive transport vesicles  . . . . 731
              C. Bertolotto and   
                   K. Bille and   
              J. P. Ortonne and   
                    R. Ballotti   Regulation of tyrosinase gene expression
                                  by cAMP in B16 melanoma cells involves
                                  two CATGTG motifs surrounding the TATA
                                  box: implication of the microphthalmia
                                  gene product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747
               E. J. Morris and   
                   H. M. Geller   Induction of neuronal apoptosis by
                                  camptothecin, an inhibitor of DNA
                                  topoisomerase--I: evidence for cell
                                  cycle-independent toxicity . . . . . . . 757
                 K. Oritani and   
                  P. W. Kincade   Identification of stromal cell products
                                  that interact with pre--B cells  . . . . 771
               S. Garfinkel and   
                      X. Hu and   
            I. A. Prudovsky and   
              G. A. McMahon and   
               E. M. Kapnik and   
             S. D. McDowell and   
                      T. Maciag   FGF-$1$-dependent proliferative and
                                  migratory responses are impaired in
                                  senescent human umbilical vein
                                  endothelial cells and correlate with the
                                  inability to signal tyrosine
                                  phosphorylation of fibroblast growth
                                  factor receptor-1 substrates . . . . . . 783
               S. M. Frisch and   
                   K. Vuori and   
               E. Ruoslahti and   
                 P. Y. Chan-Hui   Control of adhesion-dependent cell
                                  survival by focal adhesion kinase  . . . 793
                 J. Balsamo and   
                   T. Leung and   
                   H. Ernst and   
                M. K. Zanin and   
                 S. Hoffman and   
                      J. Lilien   Regulated binding of PTP1B-like
                                  phosphatase to N-cadherin: control of
                                  cadherin-mediated adhesion by
                                  dephosphorylation of beta-catenin  . . . 801

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 134, Number 4, August, 1996

                A. M. Ishov and   
                     G. G. Maul   The periphery of nuclear domain 10
                                  (ND10) as site of DNA virus deposition   815
                K. Reynolds and   
               A. M. Zimmer and   
                      A. Zimmer   Regulation of RAR beta 2 mRNA
                                  expression: evidence for an inhibitory
                                  peptide encoded in the 5'-untranslated
                                  region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
                J. A. Gogos and   
                R. Thompson and   
                   W. Lowry and   
               B. F. Sloane and   
               H. Weintraub and   
                     M. Horwitz   Gene trapping in differentiating cell
                                  lines: regulation of the lysosomal
                                  protease cathepsin B in skeletal
                                  myoblast growth and fusion . . . . . . . 837
               P. E. Purdue and   
                  P. B. Lazarow   Targeting of human catalase to
                                  peroxisomes is dependent upon a novel
                                  COOH-terminal peroxisomal targeting
                                  sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 849
                 M. Kielian and   
             M. R. Klimjack and   
                   S. Ghosh and   
                   W. A. Duffus   Mechanisms of mutations inhibiting
                                  fusion and infection by Semliki Forest
                                  virus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863
                 K. Corrado and   
               J. A. Rafael and   
                P. L. Mills and   
                 N. M. Cole and   
             J. A. Faulkner and   
                    K. Wang and   
              J. S. Chamberlain   Transgenic mdx mice expressing
                                  dystrophin with a deletion in the
                                  actin-binding domain display a ``mild
                                  Becker'' phenotype . . . . . . . . . . . 873
               E. B. Maryon and   
                R. Coronado and   
                    P. Anderson   unc-68 encodes a ryanodine receptor
                                  involved in regulating \bionameC.
                                  elegans body-wall muscle contraction . . 885
                  F. Kinose and   
                 S. X. Wang and   
              U. S. Kidambi and   
              C. L. Moncman and   
               D. A. Winkelmann   Glycine 699 is pivotal for the motor
                                  activity of skeletal muscle myosin . . . 895
               A. Dembinsky and   
                   H. Rubin and   
                       S. Ravid   Chemoattractant-mediated increases in
                                  cGMP induce changes in
                                  \bionameDictyostelium myosin II heavy
                                  chain-specific protein kinase C
                                  activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911
                C. X. Zhang and   
                  M. P. Lee and   
                 A. D. Chen and   
                S. D. Brown and   
                       T. Hsieh   Isolation and characterization of a
                                  \bionameDrosophila gene essential for
                                  early embryonic development and
                                  formation of cortical cleavage furrows   923
            H. Radhakrishna and   
             R. D. Klausner and   
                J. G. Donaldson   Aluminum fluoride stimulates surface
                                  protrusions in cells overexpressing the
                                  ARF6 GTPase  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935
                  S. Saitoh and   
               K. Takahashi and   
               K. Nabeshima and   
               Y. Yamashita and   
                Y. Nakaseko and   
                  A. Hirata and   
                    M. Yanagida   Aberrant mitosis in fission yeast
                                  mutants defective in fatty acid
                                  synthetase and acetyl CoA carboxylase    949
                     P. Jin and   
                      Y. Gu and   
                   D. O. Morgan   Role of inhibitory CDC2 phosphorylation
                                  in radiation-induced G2 arrest in human
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 963
              R. D. Goldman and   
                   S. Khuon and   
                 Y. H. Chou and   
                    P. Opal and   
                 P. M. Steinert   The function of intermediate filaments
                                  in cell shape and cytoskeletal integrity 971
          E. A. Bornslaeger and   
             C. M. Corcoran and   
          T. S. Stappenbeck and   
                    K. J. Green   Breaking the connection: displacement of
                                  the desmosomal plaque protein
                                  desmoplakin from cell--cell interfaces
                                  disrupts anchorage of intermediate
                                  filament bundles and alters
                                  intercellular junction assembly  . . . . 985
                 B. H. Keon and   
            S. Schäfer and   
                    C. Kuhn and   
                   C. Grund and   
                   W. W. Franke   Symplekin, a novel type of tight
                                  junction plaque protein  . . . . . . . . 1003
                      H. Li and   
                  T. F. Liu and   
                  A. Lazrak and   
               C. Peracchia and   
             G. S. Goldberg and   
                P. D. Lampe and   
                  R. G. Johnson   Properties and regulation of gap
                                  junctional hemichannels in the plasma
                                  membranes of cultured cells  . . . . . . 1019
                M. S. Balda and   
              J. A. Whitney and   
                  C. Flores and   
         S. González and   
               M. Cereijido and   
                      K. Matter   Functional dissociation of paracellular
                                  permeability and transepithelial
                                  electrical resistance and disruption of
                                  the apical-basolateral intramembrane
                                  diffusion barrier by expression of a
                                  mutant tight junction membrane protein   1031
                 F. Castets and   
                 M. Bartoli and   
              J. V. Barnier and   
                 G. Baillat and   
                   P. Salin and   
                 A. Moqrich and   
            J. P. Bourgeois and   
                 F. Denizot and   
                  G. Rougon and   
                 G. Calothy and   
                    A. Monneron   A novel calmodulin-binding protein,
                                  belonging to the WD-repeat family, is
                                  localized in dendrites of a subset of
                                  CNS neurons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1051
                   C. Weber and   
                    R. Alon and   
                   B. Moser and   
                 T. A. Springer   Sequential regulation of alpha 4 beta 1
                                  and alpha 5 beta 1 integrin avidity by
                                  CC chemokines in monocytes: implications
                                  for transendothelial chemotaxis  . . . . 1063
                R. A. Clark and   
                    R. Alon and   
                 T. A. Springer   CD44 and hyaluronan-dependent rolling
                                  interactions of lymphocytes on tonsillar
                                  stroma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
        A. R. Günthert and   
            J. Sträter and   
              U. von Reyher and   
                   C. Henne and   
                    S. Joos and   
                  K. Koretz and   
             G. Moldenhauer and   
              P. H. Krammer and   
                 P. Möller   Early detachment of colon carcinoma
                                  cells during CD95(APO-1/Fas)-mediated
                                  apoptosis. I. De-adhesion from
                                  hyaluronate by shedding of CD44  . . . . 1089

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 134, Number 5, September, 1996

              J. B. Rattner and   
              M. J. Hendzel and   
               C. S. Furbee and   
               M. T. Muller and   
             D. P. Bazett-Jones   Topoisomerase II alpha is associated
                                  with the mammalian centromere in a cell
                                  cycle- and species-specific manner and
                                  is required for proper
                                  centromere/kinetochore structure . . . . 1097
               H. Scherthan and   
                   S. Weich and   
               H. Schwegler and   
                 C. Heyting and   
              M. Härle and   
                      T. Cremer   Centromere and telomere movements during
                                  early meiotic prophase of mouse and man
                                  are associated with the onset of
                                  chromosome pairing . . . . . . . . . . . 1109
             B. C. Williams and   
                   M. Gatti and   
                 M. L. Goldberg   Bipolar spindle attachments affect
                                  redistributions of ZW10, a
                                  centromere/kinetochore component
                                  required for accurate chromosome
                                  segregation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1127
                  R. Bastos and   
                     A. Lin and   
                 M. Enarson and   
                       B. Burke   Targeting and function in mRNA export of
                                  nuclear pore complex protein Nup153  . . 1141
             S. A. Richards and   
            K. M. Lounsbury and   
                K. L. Carey and   
                   I. G. Macara   A nuclear export signal is essential for
                                  the cytosolic localization of the Ran
                                  binding protein, RanBP1  . . . . . . . . 1157
                E. J. Smart and   
                   C. Mineo and   
                 R. G. Anderson   Clustered folate receptors deliver
                                  $5$-methyltetrahydrofolate to cytoplasm
                                  of MA104 cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1169
             B. E. Stronach and   
             S. E. Siegrist and   
                 M. C. Beckerle   Two muscle-specific LIM proteins in
                                  \bionameDrosophila . . . . . . . . . . . 1179
                A. M. Sydor and   
                   A. L. Su and   
                 F. S. Wang and   
                      A. Xu and   
                      D. G. Jay   Talin and vinculin play distinct roles
                                  in filopodial motility in the neuronal
                                  growth cone  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1197
             K. I. Anderson and   
                 Y. L. Wang and   
                    J. V. Small   Coordination of protrusion and
                                  translocation of the keratocyte involves
                                  rolling of the cell body . . . . . . . . 1209
                 T. A. Ryan and   
                      L. Li and   
                 L. S. Chin and   
               P. Greengard and   
                    S. J. Smith   Synaptic vesicle recycling in synapsin I
                                  knock-out mice . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1219
              J. P. Norcott and   
                  R. Solari and   
                   D. F. Cutler   Targeting of P-selectin to two regulated
                                  secretory organelles in PC12 cells . . . 1229
       T. Imaizumi-Scherrer and   
                D. M. Faust and   
      J. C. Bénichou and   
                  R. Hellio and   
                    M. C. Weiss   Accumulation in fetal muscle and
                                  localization to the neuromuscular
                                  junction of cAMP-dependent protein
                                  kinase A regulatory and catalytic
                                  subunits RI alpha and C alpha  . . . . . 1241
               D. J. Milner and   
                 G. Weitzer and   
                    D. Tran and   
                 A. Bradley and   
                  Y. Capetanaki   Disruption of muscle architecture and
                                  myocardial degeneration in mice lacking
                                  desmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1255
                  Y. S. Tao and   
              R. A. Edwards and   
                    B. Tubb and   
                    S. Wang and   
                   J. Bryan and   
                   P. D. McCrea   beta-Catenin associates with the
                                  actin-bundling protein fascin in a
                                  noncadherin complex  . . . . . . . . . . 1271
                 S. Orsulic and   
                      M. Peifer   An in vivo structure-function study of
                                  armadillo, the beta-catenin homologue,
                                  reveals both separate and overlapping
                                  regions of the protein required for cell
                                  adhesion and for wingless signaling  . . 1283
                      J. Xu and   
               M. M. Zutter and   
              S. A. Santoro and   
                    R. A. Clark   PDGF induction of alpha 2 integrin gene
                                  expression is mediated by protein kinase
                                  C-zeta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1301
             F. P. Lindberg and   
              H. D. Gresham and   
             M. I. Reinhold and   
                    E. J. Brown   Integrin-associated protein
                                  immunoglobulin domain is necessary for
                                  efficient vitronectin bead binding . . . 1313
                J. M. Lewis and   
              D. A. Cheresh and   
                 M. A. Schwartz   Protein kinase C regulates alpha v beta
                                  $5$-dependent cytoskeletal associations
                                  and focal adhesion kinase
                                  phosphorylation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1323
             G. Bou-Gharios and   
              L. A. Garrett and   
                 J. Rossert and   
           K. Niederreither and   
            H. Eberspaecher and   
                   C. Smith and   
                   C. Black and   
                 B. Crombrugghe   A potent far-upstream enhancer in the
                                  mouse pro alpha 2(I) collagen gene
                                  regulates expression of reporter genes
                                  in transgenic mice . . . . . . . . . . . 1333

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 134, Number 6, September, 1996

               J. A. Cooper and   
                  D. P. Kiehart   Septins may form a ubiquitous family of
                                  cytoskeletal filaments . . . . . . . . . 1345
                   M. Gotta and   
                 T. Laroche and   
               A. Formenton and   
                 L. Maillet and   
               H. Scherthan and   
                   S. M. Gasser   The clustering of telomeres and
                                  colocalization with Rap1, Sir3, and Sir4
                                  proteins in wild-type
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 1349
                S. Nakielny and   
                    G. Dreyfuss   The hnRNP C proteins contain a nuclear
                                  retention sequence that can override
                                  nuclear export signals . . . . . . . . . 1365
                 M. Schmitt and   
                 W. Neupert and   
                      T. Langer   The molecular chaperone Hsp78 confers
                                  compartment-specific thermotolerance to
                                  mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1375
                  J. H. Kim and   
             C. A. Lingwood and   
             D. B. Williams and   
                  W. Furuya and   
             M. F. Manolson and   
                   S. Grinstein   Dynamic measurement of the pH of the
                                  Golgi complex in living cells using
                                  retrograde transport of the verotoxin
                                  receptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1387
                 J. Prestle and   
             K. Pfizenmaier and   
                 J. Brenner and   
                 F. J. Johannes   Protein kinase C mu is located at the
                                  Golgi compartment  . . . . . . . . . . . 1401
         B. Sönnichsen and   
                  R. Watson and   
                 H. Clausen and   
                 T. Misteli and   
                      G. Warren   Sorting by COP I-coated vesicles under
                                  interphase and mitotic conditions  . . . 1411
                 L. Pierini and   
                 D. Holowka and   
                       B. Baird   Fc epsilon RI-mediated association of
                                  $6$-micron beads with RBL-2H3 mast cells
                                  results in exclusion of signaling
                                  proteins from the forming phagosome and
                                  abrogation of normal downstream
                                  signaling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1427
             W. M. Obermann and   
                  M. Gautel and   
                 F. Steiner and   
          P. F. van der Ven and   
                   K. Weber and   
               D. O. Fürst   The structure of the sarcomeric M band:
                                  localization of defined domains of
                                  myomesin, M-protein, and the 250-kD
                                  carboxy-terminal region of titin by
                                  immunoelectron microscopy  . . . . . . . 1441
                 B. Nikolic and   
               E. Mac Nulty and   
                     B. Mir and   
                       G. Wiche   Basic amino acid residue cluster within
                                  nuclear targeting sequence motif is
                                  essential for cytoplasmic
                                  plectin-vimentin network junctions . . . 1455
                D. F. Woods and   
                   C. Hough and   
                    D. Peel and   
                G. Callaini and   
                   P. J. Bryant   Dlg protein is required for junction
                                  structure, cell polarity, and
                                  proliferation control in
                                  \bionameDrosophila epithelia . . . . . . 1469
               P. H. Vachon and   
                 F. Loechel and   
                      H. Xu and   
                U. M. Wewer and   
                     E. Engvall   Merosin and laminin in myogenesis;
                                  specific requirement for merosin in
                                  myotube stability and survival . . . . . 1483
                  C. Hagios and   
                    M. Koch and   
                  J. Spring and   
                 M. Chiquet and   
           R. Chiquet-Ehrismann   Tenascin-Y: a protein of novel domain
                                  structure is secreted by differentiated
                                  fibroblasts of muscle connective tissue  1499
               G. C. Zondag and   
            W. H. Moolenaar and   
                  M. F. Gebbink   Lack of association between receptor
                                  protein tyrosine phosphatase RPTP mu and
                                  cadherins  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1513
                R. M. Kypta and   
                      H. Su and   
                L. F. Reichardt   Association between a transmembrane
                                  protein tyrosine phosphatase and the
                                  cadherin-catenin complex . . . . . . . . 1519
                 M. H. Wong and   
                   M. T. Filbin   Dominant-negative effect on adhesion by
                                  myelin Po protein truncated in its
                                  cytoplasmic domain . . . . . . . . . . . 1531
         P. J. Van Haastert and   
               J. D. Bishop and   
                    R. H. Gomer   The cell density factor CMF regulates
                                  the chemoattractant receptor cAR1 in
                                  \bionameDictyostelium  . . . . . . . . . 1543
            A. Huttenlocher and   
             M. H. Ginsberg and   
                  A. F. Horwitz   Modulation of cell migration by
                                  integrin-mediated cytoskeletal linkages
                                  and ligand-binding affinity  . . . . . . 1551
                    G. Deng and   
             S. A. Curriden and   
                    S. Wang and   
               S. Rosenberg and   
                D. J. Loskutoff   Is plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 the
                                  molecular switch that governs urokinase
                                  receptor-mediated cell adhesion and
                                  release? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1563
                 N. Tsumaki and   
                  T. Kimura and   
                  Y. Matsui and   
                  K. Nakata and   
                        T. Ochi   Separable cis-regulatory elements that
                                  contribute to tissue- and site-specific
                                  alpha 2(XI) collagen gene expression in
                                  the embryonic mouse cartilage  . . . . . 1573

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 135, Number 1, October, 1996

                  B. Distel and   
                 R. Erdmann and   
                S. J. Gould and   
                  G. Blobel and   
                D. I. Crane and   
                J. M. Cregg and   
                    G. Dodt and   
                  Y. Fujiki and   
              J. M. Goodman and   
                 W. W. Just and   
                 J. A. Kiel and   
                W. H. Kunau and   
              P. B. Lazarow and   
            G. P. Mannaerts and   
                H. W. Moser and   
                   T. Osumi and   
          R. A. Rachubinski and   
                 A. Roscher and   
               S. Subramani and   
                H. F. Tabak and   
               T. Tsukamoto and   
                   D. Valle and   
            I. van der Klei and   
        P. P. van Veldhoven and   
                    M. Veenhuis   A unified nomenclature for peroxisome
                                  biogenesis factors . . . . . . . . . . . 1
             H. P. Erickson and   
                    D. Stoffler   Protofilaments and rings, two
                                  conformations of the tubulin family
                                  conserved from bacterial FtsZ to
                                  alpha/beta and gamma tubulin . . . . . . 5
                   G. Zhang and   
                 M. L. Zapp and   
                     G. Yan and   
                    M. R. Green   Localization of HIV-1 RNA in mammalian
                                  nuclei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
              S. I. Bannykh and   
                    T. Rowe and   
                    W. E. Balch   The organization of endoplasmic
                                  reticulum export complexes . . . . . . . 19
                   M. Hirao and   
                    N. Sato and   
                   T. Kondo and   
                S. Yonemura and   
                  M. Monden and   
                  T. Sasaki and   
                   Y. Takai and   
                 S. Tsukita and   
                     S. Tsukita   Regulation mechanism of ERM
                                  (ezrin/radixin/moesin) protein/plasma
                                  membrane association: possible
                                  involvement of phosphatidylinositol
                                  turnover and Rho-dependent signaling
                                  pathway  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
               D. Faulstich and   
                S. Auerbach and   
                    L. Orci and   
               M. Ravazzola and   
              S. Wegchingel and   
              F. Lottspeich and   
                G. Stenbeck and   
                  C. Harter and   
              F. T. Wieland and   
                  H. Tschochner   Architecture of coatomer: molecular
                                  characterization of delta--COP and
                                  protein interactions within the complex  53
              R. Blumenthal and   
               D. P. Sarkar and   
                  S. Durell and   
               D. E. Howard and   
                   S. J. Morris   Dilation of the influenza hemagglutinin
                                  fusion pore revealed by the kinetics of
                                  individual cell--cell fusion events  . . 63
                   S. Bagai and   
                     R. A. Lamb   Truncation of the COOH-terminal region
                                  of the paramyxovirus SV5 fusion protein
                                  leads to hemifusion but not complete
                                  fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
                S. J. Gould and   
               J. E. Kalish and   
              J. C. Morrell and   
                J. Bjorkman and   
             A. J. Urquhart and   
                    D. I. Crane   Pex13p is an SH3 protein of the
                                  peroxisome membrane and a docking factor
                                  for the predominantly cytoplasmic PTs1
                                  receptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
                Y. Elgersma and   
                   L. Kwast and   
                   A. Klein and   
           T. Voorn-Brouwer and   
            M. van den Berg and   
                  B. Metzig and   
                 T. America and   
                H. F. Tabak and   
                      B. Distel   The SH3 domain of the
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae
                                  peroxisomal membrane protein Pex13p
                                  functions as a docking site for Pex5p, a
                                  mobile receptor for the import
                                  PTS1-containing proteins . . . . . . . . 97
                 R. Erdmann and   
                      G. Blobel   Identification of Pex13p a peroxisomal
                                  membrane receptor for the PTS1
                                  recognition factor . . . . . . . . . . . 111
             P. A. Marshall and   
                 J. M. Dyer and   
                M. E. Quick and   
                  J. M. Goodman   Redox-sensitive homodimerization of
                                  Pex11p: a proposed mechanism to regulate
                                  peroxisomal division . . . . . . . . . . 123
                G. Odorizzi and   
                  A. Pearse and   
                 D. Domingo and   
           I. S. Trowbridge and   
                  C. R. Hopkins   Apical and basolateral endosomes of MDCK
                                  cells are interconnected and contain a
                                  polarized sorting mechanism  . . . . . . 139
            J. Peränen and   
                 P. Auvinen and   
                   H. Virta and   
                    R. Wepf and   
                      K. Simons   Rab8 promotes polarized membrane
                                  transport through reorganization of
                                  actin and microtubules in fibroblasts    153
              D. A. Schafer and   
             P. B. Jennings and   
                   J. A. Cooper   Dynamics of capping protein and actin
                                  assembly in vitro: uncapping barbed ends
                                  by polyphosphoinositides . . . . . . . . 169
                    A. Muto and   
                    S. Kume and   
                   T. Inoue and   
                   H. Okano and   
                   K. Mikoshiba   Calcium waves along the cleavage furrows
                                  in cleavage-stage \bionameXenopus
                                  embryos and its inhibition by heparin    181
                 M. Wilding and   
               E. M. Wright and   
                   R. Patel and   
            G. Ellis-Davies and   
                    M. Whitaker   Local perinuclear calcium signals
                                  associated with mitosis-entry in early
                                  sea urchin embryos . . . . . . . . . . . 191
                    Y. Zhai and   
           P. J. Kronebusch and   
                P. M. Simon and   
                   G. G. Borisy   Microtubule dynamics at the G2/M
                                  transition: abrupt breakdown of
                                  cytoplasmic microtubules at nuclear
                                  envelope breakdown and implications for
                                  spindle morphogenesis  . . . . . . . . . 201
                    P. Ruiz and   
               V. Brinkmann and   
               B. Ledermann and   
                 M. Behrend and   
                   C. Grund and   
              C. Thalhammer and   
                   F. Vogel and   
              C. Birchmeier and   
           U. Günthert and   
               W. W. Franke and   
                  W. Birchmeier   Targeted mutation of plakoglobin in mice
                                  reveals essential functions of
                                  desmosomes in the embryonic heart  . . . 215
                M. Blessing and   
             P. Schirmacher and   
                      S. Kaiser   Overexpression of bone morphogenetic
                                  protein-6 (BMP-6) in the epidermis of
                                  transgenic mice: inhibition or
                                  stimulation of proliferation depending
                                  on the pattern of transgene expression
                                  and formation of psoriatic lesions . . . 227
                  S. Fazeli and   
                D. J. Wells and   
                   C. Hobbs and   
                    F. S. Walsh   Altered secondary myogenesis in
                                  transgenic animals expressing the neural
                                  cell adhesion molecule under the control
                                  of a skeletal muscle alpha-actin
                                  promoter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
                    S. Kunz and   
                 U. Ziegler and   
                    B. Kunz and   
                 P. Sonderegger   Intracellular signaling is changed after
                                  clustering of the neural cell adhesion
                                  molecules axonin-1 and NgCAM during
                                  neurite fasciculation  . . . . . . . . . 253
                  F. Guinet and   
               J. A. Dvorak and   
                 H. Fujioka and   
              D. B. Keister and   
                O. Muratova and   
               D. C. Kaslow and   
                  M. Aikawa and   
               A. B. Vaidya and   
                  T. E. Wellems   A developmental defect in Plasmodium
                                  falciparum male gametogenesis  . . . . . 269
               D. S. Friend and   
                N. Ghildyal and   
               K. F. Austen and   
               M. F. Gurish and   
               R. Matsumoto and   
                  R. L. Stevens   Mast cells that reside at different
                                  locations in the jejunum of mice
                                  infected with Trichinella spiralis
                                  exhibit sequential changes in their
                                  granule ultrastructure and chymase
                                  phenotype  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 135, Number 2, October, 1996

                     R. D. Vale   Switches, latches, and amplifiers:
                                  common themes of G proteins and
                                  molecular motors . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
                  E. Bridge and   
               K. U. Riedel and   
            B. M. Johansson and   
                  U. Pettersson   Spliced exons of adenovirus late RNAs
                                  colocalize with snRNP in a specific
                                  nuclear domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
               A. Khodjakov and   
                   C. L. Rieder   Kinetochores moving away from their
                                  associated pole do not exert a
                                  significant pushing force on the
                                  chromosome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
                  N. Shulga and   
                 P. Roberts and   
                      Z. Gu and   
                   L. Spitz and   
                 M. M. Tabb and   
                  M. Nomura and   
                 D. S. Goldfarb   In vivo nuclear transport kinetics in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae: a role
                                  for heat shock protein 70 during
                                  targeting and translocation  . . . . . . 329
                M. S. Marks and   
                L. Woodruff and   
                    H. Ohno and   
               J. S. Bonifacino   Protein targeting by tyrosine- and
                                  di-leucine-based signals: evidence for
                                  distinct saturable components  . . . . . 341
                J. P. Simon and   
               I. E. Ivanov and   
                 M. Adesnik and   
                 D. D. Sabatini   The production of post-Golgi vesicles
                                  requires a protein kinase C-like
                                  molecule, but not its phosphorylating
                                  activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
                P. E. Hoppe and   
                R. H. Waterston   Hydrophobicity variations along the
                                  surface of the coiled-coil rod may
                                  mediate striated muscle myosin assembly
                                  in \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans  . . . 371
                 V. Muresan and   
                C. P. Godek and   
                T. S. Reese and   
                  B. J. Schnapp   Plus-end motors override minus-end
                                  motors during transport of squid axon
                                  vesicles on microtubules . . . . . . . . 383
                  T. Gaglio and   
                  A. Saredi and   
              J. B. Bingham and   
              M. J. Hasbani and   
                 S. R. Gill and   
              T. A. Schroer and   
                  D. A. Compton   Opposing motor activities are required
                                  for the organization of the mammalian
                                  mitotic spindle pole . . . . . . . . . . 399
                    W. Wang and   
               P. A. Hansen and   
             B. A. Marshall and   
             J. O. Holloszy and   
                    M. Mueckler   Insulin unmasks a COOH-terminal Glut4
                                  epitope and increases glucose transport
                                  across T-tubules in skeletal muscle  . . 415
               J. C. Engert and   
             E. B. Berglund and   
                   N. Rosenthal   Proliferation precedes differentiation
                                  in IGF--I--stimulated myogenesis . . . . 431
              B. G. Novitch and   
             G. J. Mulligan and   
                   T. Jacks and   
                   A. B. Lassar   Skeletal muscle cells lacking the
                                  retinoblastoma protein display defects
                                  in muscle gene expression and accumulate
                                  in S and G2 phases of the cell cycle . . 441
                R. M. Jotte and   
                     J. T. Holt   Myristylation of FBR v-fos dictates the
                                  differentiation pathways in malignant
                                  osteosarcoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
        M. Oulad-Abdelghani and   
                P. Bouillet and   
           D. Décimo and   
              A. Gansmuller and   
               S. Heyberger and   
            P. Dollé and   
                 S. Bronner and   
                    Y. Lutz and   
                     P. Chambon   Characterization of a premeiotic germ
                                  cell-specific cytoplasmic protein
                                  encoded by Stra8, a novel retinoic
                                  acid-responsive gene . . . . . . . . . . 469
                   B. Allet and   
                A. Hochmann and   
                I. Martinou and   
                  A. Berger and   
               M. Missotten and   
               B. Antonsson and   
                  R. Sadoul and   
             J. C. Martinou and   
                  L. Bernasconi   Dissecting processing and apoptotic
                                  activity of a cysteine protease by
                                  mutant analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
              W. M. Brieher and   
                  A. S. Yap and   
                 B. M. Gumbiner   Lateral dimerization is required for the
                                  homophilic binding activity of
                                  C-cadherin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
             A. Del Maschio and   
                 A. Zanetti and   
                  M. Corada and   
                   Y. Rival and   
                    L. Ruco and   
           M. G. Lampugnani and   
                      E. Dejana   Polymorphonuclear leukocyte adhesion
                                  triggers the disorganization of
                                  endothelial cell-to-cell adherens
                                  junctions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
               R. Menegazzi and   
                 S. Busetto and   
                     P. Dri and   
                  R. Cramer and   
                   P. Patriarca   Chloride ion efflux regulates adherence,
                                  spreading, and respiratory burst of
                                  neutrophils stimulated by tumor necrosis
                                  factor-alpha (TNF) on biologic surfaces  511
                O. Spertini and   
               A. S. Cordey and   
                   N. Monai and   
               L. Giuffr\`e and   
                    M. Schapira   P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 is a
                                  ligand for L-selectin on neutrophils,
                                  monocytes, and CD34+ hematopoietic
                                  progenitor cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
                  A. G. Gao and   
             F. P. Lindberg and   
              J. M. Dimitry and   
                E. J. Brown and   
                  W. A. Frazier   Thrombospondin modulates alpha v beta 3
                                  function through integrin-associated
                                  protein  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 135, Number 3, November, 1996

               R. D. Shelby and   
                 K. M. Hahn and   
                 K. F. Sullivan   Dynamic elastic behavior of
                                  alpha-satellite DNA domains visualized
                                  in situ in living human cells  . . . . . 545
                  N. C. Chi and   
                 E. J. Adam and   
               G. D. Visser and   
                     S. A. Adam   RanBP1 stabilizes the interaction of Ran
                                  with p97 nuclear protein import  . . . . 559
                E. M. Stone and   
                      L. Pillus   Activation of an MAP kinase cascade
                                  leads to Sir3p hyperphosphorylation and
                                  strengthens transcriptional silencing    571
                M. J. Kuehn and   
                R. Schekman and   
                P. O. Ljungdahl   Amino acid permeases require COPII
                                  components and the ER resident membrane
                                  protein Shr3p for packaging into
                                  transport vesicles in vitro  . . . . . . 585
               J. S. Chuang and   
                 R. W. Schekman   Differential trafficking and timed
                                  localization of two chitin synthase
                                  proteins, Chs2p and Chs3p  . . . . . . . 597
                R. Wubbolts and   
         M. Fernandez-Borja and   
                   L. Oomen and   
                D. Verwoerd and   
                 H. Janssen and   
                 J. Calafat and   
                    A. Tulp and   
               S. Dusseljee and   
                     J. Neefjes   Direct vesicular transport of MHC class
                                  II molecules from lysosomal structures
                                  to the cell surface  . . . . . . . . . . 611
                    E. Hong and   
             A. R. Davidson and   
                   C. A. Kaiser   A pathway for targeting soluble
                                  misfolded proteins to the yeast vacuole  623
                   A. Wilde and   
                  F. M. Brodsky   In vivo phosphorylation of adaptors
                                  regulates their interaction with
                                  clathrin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
                G. A. Smith and   
              J. A. Theriot and   
                  D. A. Portnoy   The tandem repeat domain in the
                                  \bionameListeria monocytogenes ActA
                                  protein controls the rate of actin-based
                                  motility, the percentage of moving
                                  bacteria, and the localization of
                                  vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein
                                  and profilin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
             I. N. Rybakova and   
                K. J. Amann and   
                  J. M. Ervasti   A new model for the interaction of
                                  dystrophin with F-actin  . . . . . . . . 661
                A. J. Kreuz and   
                  A. Simcox and   
                     D. Maughan   Alterations in flight muscle
                                  ultrastructure and function in
                                  \bionameDrosophila tropomyosin mutants   673
              M. O. Trielli and   
           P. R. Andreassen and   
              F. B. Lacroix and   
                 R. L. Margolis   Differential Taxol-dependent arrest of
                                  transformed and nontransformed cells in
                                  the G1 phase of the cell cycle, and
                                  specific-related mortality of
                                  transformed cells  . . . . . . . . . . . 689
                B. Campenot and   
                    K. Lund and   
                   D. L. Senger   Delivery of newly synthesized tubulin to
                                  rapidly growing distal axons of
                                  sympathetic neurons in compartmented
                                  cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701
            J. R. Marszalek and   
           T. L. Williamson and   
                  M. K. Lee and   
                      Z. Xu and   
              P. N. Hoffman and   
               M. W. Becher and   
             T. O. Crawford and   
                D. W. Cleveland   Neurofilament subunit NF--H modulates
                                  axonal diameter by selectively slowing
                                  neurofilament transport  . . . . . . . . 711
                   N. Valtz and   
                  I. Herskowitz   Pea2 protein of yeast is localized to
                                  sites of polarized growth and is
                                  required for efficient mating and
                                  bipolar budding  . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
                    L. Elia and   
                       L. Marsh   Role of the ABC transporter Ste6 in cell
                                  fusion during yeast conjugation  . . . . 741
             S. M. Marfatia and   
        J. H. Morais Cabral and   
                     L. Lin and   
                   C. Hough and   
               P. J. Bryant and   
                   L. Stolz and   
                  A. H. Chishti   Modular organization of the PDZ domains
                                  in the human discs-large protein
                                  suggests a mechanism for coupling PDZ
                                  domain-binding proteins to ATP and the
                                  membrane cytoskeleton  . . . . . . . . . 753
                  N. Uchida and   
                   Y. Honjo and   
              K. R. Johnson and   
             M. J. Wheelock and   
                    M. Takeichi   The catenin/cadherin adhesion system is
                                  localized in synaptic junctions
                                  bordering transmitter release zones  . . 767
                   C. Soans and   
               J. A. Holash and   
                 Y. Pavlova and   
                 E. B. Pasquale   Developmental expression and distinctive
                                  tyrosine phosphorylation of the
                                  Eph-related receptor tyrosine kinase
                                  Cek9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781
               J. H. Koenig and   
                       K. Ikeda   Synaptic vesicles have two distinct
                                  recycling pathways . . . . . . . . . . . 797
                 Z. Z. Wang and   
                S. F. Hardy and   
                     Z. W. Hall   Membrane tethering enables an
                                  extracellular domain of the
                                  acetylcholine receptor alpha subunit to
                                  form a heterodimeric ligand-binding site 809
               F. Reichsman and   
                   L. Smith and   
                 S. Cumberledge   Glycosaminoglycans can modulate
                                  extracellular localization of the
                                  wingless protein and promote signal
                                  transduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819
                 J. T. Yang and   
                T. A. Rando and   
               W. A. Mohler and   
                 H. Rayburn and   
                 H. M. Blau and   
                    R. O. Hynes   Genetic analysis of alpha 4 integrin
                                  functions in the development of mouse
                                  skeletal muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 829
           R. C. Fuhlbrigge and   
                    R. Alon and   
                 K. D. Puri and   
                 J. B. Lowe and   
                 T. A. Springer   Sialylated, fucosylated ligands for
                                  L-selectin expressed on leukocytes
                                  mediate tethering and rolling adhesions
                                  in physiologic flow conditions . . . . . 837
                    R. Alon and   
           R. C. Fuhlbrigge and   
               E. B. Finger and   
                 T. A. Springer   Interactions through L-selectin between
                                  leukocytes and adherent leukocytes
                                  nucleate rolling adhesions on selectins
                                  and VCAM-1 in shear flow . . . . . . . . 849

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 135, Number 4, November, 1996

       M. E. Ludérus and   
            B. van Steensel and   
                   L. Chong and   
                O. C. Sibon and   
              F. F. Cremers and   
                    T. de Lange   Structure, subnuclear distribution, and
                                  nuclear matrix association of the
                                  mammalian telomeric complex  . . . . . . 867
                A. F. Davis and   
                  D. A. Clayton   In situ localization of mitochondrial
                                  DNA replication in intact mammalian
                                  cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883
                    T. Rowe and   
                  M. Aridor and   
            J. M. McCaffery and   
                 H. Plutner and   
                 C. Nuoffer and   
                    W. E. Balch   COPII vesicles derived from mammalian
                                  endoplasmic reticulum microsomes recruit
                                  COPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895
                 O. Ullrich and   
                 S. Reinsch and   
             S. Urbé and   
                  M. Zerial and   
                   R. G. Parton   Rab11 regulates recycling through the
                                  pericentriolar recycling endosome  . . . 913
             S. E. Holstein and   
             H. Ungewickell and   
                 E. Ungewickell   Mechanism of clathrin basket
                                  dissociation: separate functions of
                                  protein domains of the DnaJ homologue
                                  auxilin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925
               J. M. Leiper and   
                P. B. Oatey and   
                  C. J. Danpure   Inhibition of alanine: glyoxylate
                                  aminotransferase 1 dimerization is a
                                  prerequisite for its
                                  peroxisome-to-mitochondrion mistargeting
                                  in primary hyperoxaluria type 1  . . . . 939
                     G. Liu and   
                    J. Tang and   
              B. T. Edmonds and   
                  J. Murray and   
                   S. Levin and   
                   J. Condeelis   F-actin sequesters elongation factor
                                  1alpha from interaction with
                                  aminoacyl-tRNA in a pH-dependent
                                  reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 953
                  F. Rivero and   
                R. Furukawa and   
               A. A. Noegel and   
                  M. Fechheimer   \bionameDictyostelium discoideum cells
                                  lacking the 34,000-dalton actin-binding
                                  protein can grow, locomote, and develop,
                                  but exhibit defects in regulation of
                                  cell structure and movement: a case of
                                  partial redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . 965
             S. P. Wheatley and   
                        Y. Wang   Midzone microtubule bundles are
                                  continuously required for cytokinesis in
                                  cultured epithelial cells  . . . . . . . 981
             T. M. Svitkina and   
           A. B. Verkhovsky and   
                   G. G. Borisy   Plectin sidearms mediate interaction of
                                  intermediate filaments with microtubules
                                  and other components of the cytoskeleton 991
                 C. Mertens and   
                    C. Kuhn and   
                   W. W. Franke   Plakophilins 2a and 2b: constitutive
                                  proteins of dual location in the
                                  karyoplasm and the desmosomal plaque . . 1009
                  P. Ouyang and   
                   S. P. Sugrue   Characterization of pinin, a novel
                                  protein associated with the
                                  desmosome-intermediate filament complex  1027
                   F. Q. Li and   
                 A. Coonrod and   
                     M. Horwitz   Preferential MyoD homodimer formation
                                  demonstrated by a general method of
                                  dominant negative mutation employing
                                  fusion with a lysosomal protease . . . . 1043
                 H. Volkmer and   
               R. Leuschner and   
               U. Zacharias and   
                  F. G. Rathjen   Neurofascin induces neurites by
                                  heterophilic interactions with axonal
                                  NrCAM while NrCAM requires F11 on the
                                  axonal surface to extend neurites  . . . 1059
                J. H. Hecht and   
               J. A. Weiner and   
                 S. R. Post and   
                        J. Chun   Ventricular zone gene-1 (vzg-1) encodes
                                  a lysophosphatidic acid receptor
                                  expressed in neurogenic regions of the
                                  developing cerebral cortex . . . . . . . 1071
                R. S. Slack and   
            D. J. Belliveau and   
               M. Rosenberg and   
                   J. Atwal and   
         H. Lochmüller and   
                   R. Aloyz and   
                A. Haghighi and   
                    B. Lach and   
                    P. Seth and   
                  E. Cooper and   
                   F. D. Miller   Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of the
                                  tumor suppressor, p53, induces apoptosis
                                  in postmitotic neurons . . . . . . . . . 1085
                   J. Brock and   
               K. Midwinter and   
                   J. Lewis and   
                      P. Martin   Healing of incisional wounds in the
                                  embryonic chick wing bud:
                                  characterization of the actin
                                  purse-string and demonstration of a
                                  requirement for Rho activation . . . . . 1097
                M. C. Brown and   
             J. A. Perrotta and   
                   C. E. Turner   Identification of LIM3 as the principal
                                  determinant of paxillin focal adhesion
                                  localization and characterization of a
                                  novel motif on paxillin directing
                                  vinculin and focal adhesion kinase
                                  binding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1109
                  R. A. Lue and   
                 E. Brandin and   
                 E. P. Chan and   
                     D. Branton   Two independent domains of hDlg are
                                  sufficient for subcellular targeting:
                                  the PDZ1-2 conformational unit and an
                                  alternatively spliced domain . . . . . . 1125
                 J. Sleeman and   
                    W. Rudy and   
                 M. Hofmann and   
                    J. Moll and   
                P. Herrlich and   
                       H. Ponta   Regulated clustering of variant CD44
                                  proteins increases their hyaluronate
                                  binding capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139
                    H. Wang and   
                     Z. Xie and   
                    R. E. Scott   Differentiation modulates the balance of
                                  positive and negative Jun/AP-1 DNA
                                  binding activities to regulate cellular
                                  proliferative potential: different
                                  effects in nontransformed and
                                  transformed cells  . . . . . . . . . . . 1151
               P. Braghetta and   
                  C. Fabbro and   
                 S. Piccolo and   
                D. Marvulli and   
                 P. Bonaldo and   
                  D. Volpin and   
                  G. M. Bressan   Distinct regions control transcriptional
                                  activation of the alpha1(VI) collagen
                                  promoter in different tissues of
                                  transgenic mice  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1163
                 S. Erdmann and   
             W. Müller and   
                 S. Bahrami and   
              S. I. Vornehm and   
                   H. Mayer and   
                P. Bruckner and   
            K. von der Mark and   
                   H. Burkhardt   Differential effects of parathyroid
                                  hormone fragments on collagen gene
                                  expression in chondrocytes . . . . . . . 1179

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 135, Number 5, December, 1996

                    A. Kurz and   
                  S. Lampel and   
           J. E. Nickolenko and   
                   J. Bradl and   
                  A. Benner and   
               R. M. Zirbel and   
                  T. Cremer and   
                     P. Lichter   Active and inactive genes localize
                                  preferentially in the periphery of
                                  chromosome territories . . . . . . . . . 1195
               S. J. Lawlis and   
               S. M. Keezer and   
                   J. R. Wu and   
                  D. M. Gilbert   Chromosome architecture can dictate
                                  site-specific initiation of DNA
                                  replication in \bionameXenopus egg
                                  extracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1207
                M. T. Sweet and   
                   K. Jones and   
                    C. D. Allis   Phosphorylation of linker histone is
                                  associated with transcriptional
                                  activation in a normally silent nucleus  1219
                 G. L. Bush and   
                    D. I. Meyer   The refolding activity of the yeast heat
                                  shock proteins Ssa1 and Ssa2 defines
                                  their role in protein translocation  . . 1229
                    K. Sohn and   
                    L. Orci and   
               M. Ravazzola and   
                 M. Amherdt and   
                 M. Bremser and   
              F. Lottspeich and   
                 K. Fiedler and   
                J. B. Helms and   
                  F. T. Wieland   A major transmembrane protein of
                                  Golgi-derived COPI-coated vesicles
                                  involved in coatomer binding . . . . . . 1239
                   N. Araki and   
              M. T. Johnson and   
                  J. A. Swanson   A role for phosphoinositide $3$-kinase
                                  in the completion of macropinocytosis
                                  and phagocytosis by macrophages  . . . . 1249
                  I. De Bie and   
           M. Marcinkiewicz and   
                  D. Malide and   
                  C. Lazure and   
                K. Nakayama and   
                M. Bendayan and   
                   N. G. Seidah   The isoforms of proprotein convertase
                                  PC5 are sorted to different subcellular
                                  compartments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1261
                   S. Eaton and   
                    R. Wepf and   
                      K. Simons   Roles for Rac1 and Cdc42 in planar
                                  polarization and hair outgrowth in the
                                  wing of \bionameDrosophila . . . . . . . 1277
               L. G. Tilney and   
                P. Connelly and   
                   S. Smith and   
                    G. M. Guild   F-actin bundles in \bionameDrosophila
                                  bristles are assembled from modules
                                  composed of short filaments  . . . . . . 1291
               J. W. Murray and   
              B. T. Edmonds and   
                     G. Liu and   
                   J. Condeelis   Bundling of actin filaments by
                                  elongation factor 1 alpha inhibits
                                  polymerization at filament ends  . . . . 1309
         I. Irminger-Finger and   
                    E. Hurt and   
                 A. Roebuck and   
              M. A. Collart and   
                S. J. Edelstein   MHP1, an essential gene in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae
                                  required for microtubule function  . . . 1323
                M. Deshmukh and   
               J. Vasilakos and   
            T. L. Deckwerth and   
                P. A. Lampe and   
              B. D. Shivers and   
                  E. M. Johnson   Genetic and metabolic status of
                                  NGF-deprived sympathetic neurons saved
                                  by an inhibitor of ICE family proteases  1341
                J. Q. Davis and   
                 S. Lambert and   
                     V. Bennett   Molecular composition of the node of
                                  Ranvier: identification of
                                  ankyrin-binding cell adhesion molecules
                                  neurofascin (mucin+/third FNIII domain-)
                                  and NrCAM at nodal axon segments . . . . 1355
              V. V. Didenko and   
                  P. J. Hornsby   Presence of double-strand breaks with
                                  single-base 3' overhangs in cells
                                  undergoing apoptosis but not necrosis    1369
               S. M. Frisch and   
                   K. Vuori and   
                 D. Kelaita and   
                       S. Sicks   A role for Jun--N--terminal kinase in
                                  anoikis; suppression by bcl-2 and crmA   1377
           J. E. Hungerford and   
              M. T. Compton and   
               M. L. Matter and   
            B. G. Hoffstrom and   
                     C. A. Otey   Inhibition of pp125FAK in cultured
                                  fibroblasts results in apoptosis . . . . 1383
                  S. Vagner and   
                 C. Touriol and   
                    B. Galy and   
                S. Audigier and   
               M. C. Gensac and   
                 F. Amalric and   
                  F. Bayard and   
                   H. Prats and   
                    A. C. Prats   Translation of CUG- but not
                                  AUG-initiated forms of human fibroblast
                                  growth factor 2 is activated in
                                  transformed and stressed cells . . . . . 1391
                J. H. Miner and   
                    J. R. Sanes   Molecular and functional defects in
                                  kidneys of mice lacking collagen alpha
                                  3(IV): implications for Alport syndrome  1403
             J. K. Marchant and   
                 R. A. Hahn and   
          T. F. Linsenmayer and   
                     D. E. Birk   Reduction of type V collagen using a
                                  dominant-negative strategy alters the
                                  regulation of fibrillogenesis and
                                  results in the loss of corneal-specific
                                  fibril morphology  . . . . . . . . . . . 1415

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 135, Number 6, December, 1996

                    R. Eils and   
                 S. Dietzel and   
                  E. Bertin and   
            E. Schröck and   
             M. R. Speicher and   
                    T. Ried and   
           M. Robert-Nicoud and   
                  C. Cremer and   
                      T. Cremer   Three-dimensional reconstruction of
                                  painted human interphase chromosomes:
                                  active and inactive X chromosome
                                  territories have similar volumes but
                                  differ in shape and surface structure    1427
                     L. Rao and   
                   D. Perez and   
                       E. White   Lamin proteolysis facilitates nuclear
                                  events during apoptosis  . . . . . . . . 1441
              M. J. Matunis and   
                E. Coutavas and   
                      G. Blobel   A novel ubiquitin-like modification
                                  modulates the partitioning of the
                                  Ran--GTPase--activating protein RanGAP1
                                  between the cytosol and the nuclear pore
                                  complex  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1457
               C. D. Austin and   
                     D. Shields   Formation of nascent secretory vesicles
                                  from the trans-Golgi network of
                                  endocrine cells is inhibited by tyrosine
                                  kinase and phosphatase inhibitors  . . . 1471
                B. Wendland and   
            J. M. McCaffery and   
                    Q. Xiao and   
                      S. D. Emr   A novel fluorescence-activated cell
                                  sorter-based screen for yeast
                                  endocytosis mutants identifies a yeast
                                  homologue of mammalian eps15 . . . . . . 1485
                 N. Borgese and   
                D. Aggujaro and   
                 P. Carrera and   
                G. Pietrini and   
                    M. Bassetti   A role for N-myristoylation in protein
                                  targeting: NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase
                                  requires myristic acid for association
                                  with outer mitochondrial but not ER
                                  membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1501
                 W. Rodgers and   
                     J. K. Rose   Exclusion of CD45 inhibits activity of
                                  p56lck associated with
                                  glycolipid-enriched membrane domains . . 1515
       M. L. Gonzalez-Garay and   
                      F. Cabral   alpha-Tubulin limits its own synthesis:
                                  evidence for a mechanism involving
                                  translational repression . . . . . . . . 1525
                 K. L. Hill and   
              N. L. Catlett and   
                  L. S. Weisman   Actin and myosin function in directed
                                  vacuole movement during cell division in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 1535
              V. J. Fincham and   
                    M. Unlu and   
              V. G. Brunton and   
                J. D. Pitts and   
                 J. A. Wyke and   
                    M. C. Frame   Translocation of Src kinase to the cell
                                  periphery is mediated by the actin
                                  cytoskeleton under the control of the
                                  Rho family of small G proteins . . . . . 1551
                    C. Wang and   
              W. F. Pralong and   
               M. F. Schulz and   
                  G. Rougon and   
                J. M. Aubry and   
                S. Pagliusi and   
                  A. Robert and   
                     J. Z. Kiss   Functional N--methyl--D--aspartate
                                  receptors in O-2A glial precursor cells:
                                  a critical role in regulating polysialic
                                  acid-neural cell adhesion molecule
                                  expression and cell migration  . . . . . 1565
           R. Brandenberger and   
             R. A. Kammerer and   
                   J. Engel and   
                     M. Chiquet   Native chick laminin-4 containing the
                                  beta 2 chain (s-laminin) promotes motor
                                  axon growth  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1583
             A. Buchstaller and   
                    S. Kunz and   
                  P. Berger and   
                    B. Kunz and   
                 U. Ziegler and   
                   C. Rader and   
                 P. Sonderegger   Cell adhesion molecules NgCAM and
                                  axonin-1 form heterodimers in the
                                  neuronal membrane and cooperate in
                                  neurite outgrowth promotion  . . . . . . 1593
                      D. Lu and   
                    H. Yang and   
                  M. K. Raizada   Angiotensin II regulation of
                                  neuromodulation: downstream signaling
                                  mechanism from activation of
                                  mitogen-activated protein kinase . . . . 1609
            R. H. Scannevin and   
               H. Murakoshi and   
               K. J. Rhodes and   
                  J. S. Trimmer   Identification of a cytoplasmic domain
                                  important in the polarized expression
                                  and clustering of the Kv2.1 K+ channel   1619
                S. Miyamoto and   
                H. Teramoto and   
              J. S. Gutkind and   
                   K. M. Yamada   Integrins can collaborate with growth
                                  factors for phosphorylation of receptor
                                  tyrosine kinases and MAP kinase
                                  activation: roles of integrin
                                  aggregation and occupancy of receptors   1633
                   S. Islam and   
                T. E. Carey and   
                 G. T. Wolf and   
             M. J. Wheelock and   
                  K. R. Johnson   Expression of N-cadherin by human
                                  squamous carcinoma cells induces a
                                  scattered fibroblastic phenotype with
                                  disrupted cell--cell adhesion  . . . . . 1643
                  O. Vainio and   
                   D. Dunon and   
                F. A\"\issi and   
                J. P. Dangy and   
              K. M. McNagny and   
                    B. A. Imhof   HEMCAM, an adhesion molecule expressed
                                  by c-kit+ hemopoietic progenitors  . . . 1655
            C. M. Alexander and   
               E. W. Howard and   
              M. J. Bissell and   
                        Z. Werb   Rescue of mammary epithelial cell
                                  apoptosis and entactin degradation by a
                                  tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1
                                  transgene  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1669
             C. C. Robinett and   
                A. Straight and   
                      G. Li and   
                C. Willhelm and   
                  G. Sudlow and   
                  A. Murray and   
                  A. S. Belmont   In vivo localization of DNA sequences
                                  and visualization of large-scale
                                  chromatin organization using lac
                                  operator/repressor recognition . . . . . 1685
                 H. A. Lane and   
                     E. A. Nigg   Antibody microinjection reveals an
                                  essential role for human polo-like
                                  kinase 1 (Plk1) in the functional
                                  maturation of mitotic centrosomes  . . . 1701
                  P. Collas and   
            J. C. Courvalin and   
                      D. Poccia   Targeting of membranes to sea urchin
                                  sperm chromatin is mediated by a lamin B
                                  receptor-like integral membrane protein  1715
                 V. Brizzio and   
               A. E. Gammie and   
                G. Nijbroek and   
               S. Michaelis and   
                     M. D. Rose   Cell fusion during yeast mating requires
                                  high levels of a-factor mating pheromone 1727
                N. Masumoto and   
                  T. Sasaki and   
                  M. Tahara and   
                 A. Mammoto and   
                Y. Ikebuchi and   
                  K. Tasaka and   
                M. Tokunaga and   
                   Y. Takai and   
                      A. Miyake   Involvement of Rabphilin-3A in cortical
                                  granule exocytosis in mouse eggs . . . . 1741
              A. O. Johnson and   
                R. N. Ghosh and   
                 K. W. Dunn and   
                 R. Garippa and   
                    J. Park and   
                   S. Mayor and   
             F. R. Maxfield and   
                   T. E. McGraw   Transferrin receptor containing the
                                  SDYQRL motif of TGN38 causes a
                                  reorganization of the recycling
                                  compartment but is not targeted to the
                                  TGN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1749
                    G. Dodt and   
                    S. J. Gould   Multiple PEX genes are required for
                                  proper subcellular distribution and
                                  stability of Pex5p, the PTS1 receptor:
                                  evidence that PTS1 protein import is
                                  mediated by a cycling receptor . . . . . 1763
             N. D. Chilcoat and   
                S. M. Melia and   
                  A. Haddad and   
                A. P. Turkewitz   Granule lattice protein 1 (Grl1p), an
                                  acidic, calcium-binding protein in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena thermophila
                                  dense-core secretory granules,
                                  influences granule size, shape, content
                                  organization, and release but not
                                  protein sorting or condensation  . . . . 1775
                  P. K. Tan and   
               J. P. Howard and   
                    G. S. Payne   The sequence NPFXD defines a new class
                                  of endocytosis signal in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 1789
                L. M. Traub and   
              S. I. Bannykh and   
                J. E. Rodel and   
                  M. Aridor and   
                W. E. Balch and   
                    S. Kornfeld   AP-$2$-containing clathrin coats
                                  assemble on mature lysosomes . . . . . . 1801
             E. A. Holleran and   
               M. K. Tokito and   
                   S. Karki and   
                 E. L. Holzbaur   Centractin (ARP1) associates with
                                  spectrin revealing a potential mechanism
                                  to link dynactin to intracellular
                                  organelles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1815
                 I. Plonsky and   
                  J. Zimmerberg   The initial fusion pore induced by
                                  baculovirus GP64 is large and forms
                                  quickly  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1831
             M. Suomalainen and   
                K. Hultenby and   
                      H. Garoff   Targeting of Moloney murine leukemia
                                  virus gag precursor to the site of virus
                                  budding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1841
                    G. Rupp and   
                 E. O'Toole and   
              L. C. Gardner and   
             B. F. Mitchell and   
                   M. E. Porter   The sup-pf-$2$ mutations of
                                  Chlamydomonas alter the activity of the
                                  outer dynein arms by modification of the
                                  gamma-dynein heavy chain . . . . . . . . 1853
                   S. Wahle and   
                     W. Stoffel   Membrane topology of the high-affinity
                                  L-glutamate transporter (GLAST-1) of the
                                  central nervous system . . . . . . . . . 1867
              M. I. Morasso and   
              N. G. Markova and   
                  T. D. Sargent   Regulation of epidermal differentiation
                                  by a Distal-less homeodomain gene  . . . 1879
             D. Schadendorf and   
                 M. A. Kern and   
                   M. Artuc and   
                 H. L. Pahl and   
               T. Rosenbach and   
                I. Fichtner and   
           W. Nürnberg and   
            S. Stüting and   
              E. von Stebut and   
                    M. Worm and   
                   A. Makki and   
               K. Jurgovsky and   
                   G. Kolde and   
                     B. M. Henz   Treatment of melanoma cells with the
                                  synthetic retinoid CD437 induces
                                  apoptosis via activation of AP-1 in
                                  vitro, and causes growth inhibition in
                                  xenografts in vivo . . . . . . . . . . . 1889
                C. L. Adams and   
               W. J. Nelson and   
                    S. J. Smith   Quantitative analysis of
                                  cadherin-catenin-actin reorganization
                                  during development of cell--cell
                                  adhesion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1899
                    M. Opas and   
  M. Szewczenko-Pawlikowski and   
                 G. K. Jass and   
                 N. Mesaeli and   
                    M. Michalak   Calreticulin modulates cell adhesiveness
                                  via regulation of vinculin expression    1913
               D. M. Glover and   
                  H. Ohkura and   
                     A. Tavares   Polo kinase: the choreographer of the
                                  mitotic stage? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1681

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 136, Number 1, January, 1997

             Richard K. Assoian   Anchorage-dependent Cell Cycle
                                  Progression  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                     Lei Du and   
              Stephen L. Warren   A Functional Interaction between the
                                  Carboxy--Terminal Domain of RNA
                                  Polymerase II and Pre-mRNA Splicing  . . 5
               Euikyung Kim and   
                     Lei Du and   
           David B. Bregman and   
              Stephen L. Warren   Splicing Factors Associate with
                                  Hyperphosphorylated RNA Polymerase II in
                                  the Absence of Pre-mRNA  . . . . . . . . 19
         Paul R. Andreassen and   
Françoise B. Lacroix and   
             Robert L. Margolis   Chromosomes with Two Intact Axial Cores
                                  Are Induced by G$_2$ Checkpoint
                                  Override: Evidence That DNA Decatenation
                                  Is not Required to Template the
                                  Chromosome Structure . . . . . . . . . . 29
          Agn\`es Saint-Pol and   
              Chantal Bauvy and   
            Patrice Codogno and   
             Stuart E. H. Moore   Transfer of Free Polymannose-type
                                  Oligosaccharides from the Cytosol to
                                  Lysosomes in Cultured Human
                                  Hepatocellular Carcinoma HEPG2 Cells . . 45
               Willisa Liou and   
              Hans J. Geuze and   
         Math. J. H. Geelen and   
                    Jan W. Slot   The Autophagic and Endocytic Pathways
                                  Converge at the Nascent Autophagic
                                  Vacuoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
          Erik A. C. Wiemer and   
             Thibaut Wenzel and   
         Thomas J. Deerinck and   
           Mark H. Ellisman and   
               Suresh Subramani   Visualization of the Peroxisomal
                                  Compartment in Living Mammalian Cells:
                                  Dynamic Behavior and Association with
                                  Microtubules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
     Leonid V. Chernomordik and   
            Eugenia Leikina and   
               Vadim Frolov and   
                Peter Bronk and   
              Joshua Zimmerberg   An Early Stage of Membrane Fusion
                                  Mediated by the Low pH Conformation of
                                  Influenza Hemagglutinin Depends upon
                                  Membrane Lipids  . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
             Beatriz Santos and   
                 Michael Snyder   Targeting of Chitin Synthase 3 to
                                  Polarized Growth Sites in Yeast Requires
                                  Chs5p and Myo2p  . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
               Shirley Yang and   
        Kathryn R. Ayscough and   
                David G. Drubin   A Role for the Actin Cytoskeleton of
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae in
                                  Bipolar Bud--Site Selection  . . . . . . 111
          Hiro M. Mahbubani and   
          James P. J. Chong and   
         Stephane Chevalier and   
           Pia Thömmes and   
                 J. Julian Blow   Cell Cycle Regulation of the Replication
                                  Licensing System: Involvement of a
                                  Cdk-dependent Inhibitor  . . . . . . . . 125
           Robert G. Parton and   
                Michael Way and   
              Natasha Zorzi and   
                    Espen Stang   Caveolin-3 Associates with Developing
                                  T-tubules during Muscle Differentiation  137
             Elly M. Tanaka and   
       Alexander A. F. Gann and   
           Phillip B. Gates and   
              Jeremy P. Brockes   Newt Myotubes Reenter the Cell Cycle by
                                  Phosphorylation of the Retinoblastoma
                                  Protein  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
       Geoffrey Habermacher and   
               Winfield S. Sale   Regulation of Flagellar Dynein by
                                  Phosphorylation of a 138-kD Inner Arm
                                  Dynein Intermediate Chain  . . . . . . . 167
            Stephen J. King and   
               Susan K. Dutcher   Phosphoregulation of an Inner Dynein Arm
                                  Complex in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Is
                                  Altered in Phototactic Mutant Strains    177
              Yuji Nakajima and   
             Kohei Miyazono and   
             Mitsuyasu Kato and   
               Masao Takase and   
        Toshiyuki Yamagishi and   
               Hiroaki Nakamura   Extracellular Fibrillar Structure of
                                  Latent TGF$ \beta $ Binding Protein-1:
                                  Role in TGF$ \beta $-dependent
                                  Endothelial--Mesenchymal Transformation
                                  during Endocardial Cushion Tissue
                                  Formation in Mouse Embryonic Heart . . . 193
             Michael Amling and   
                  Lynn Neff and   
               Sakae Tanaka and   
              Daisuke Inoue and   
              Keisuke Kuida and   
               Eleanor Weir and   
       William M. Philbrick and   
          Arthur E. Broadus and   
                   Roland Baron   Bcl-2 Lies Downstream of Parathyroid
                                  Hormone--related Peptide in a Signaling
                                  Pathway That Regulates Chondrocyte
                                  Maturation during Skeletal Development   205
         Nicola J. McCarthy and   
          Moira K. B. Whyte and   
     Christopher S. Gilbert and   
                 Gerard I. Evan   Inhibition of Ced-3/ICE-related
                                  Proteases Does Not Prevent Cell Death
                                  Induced by Oncogenes, DNA Damage, or the
                                  Bcl-2 Homologue Bak  . . . . . . . . . . 215

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 136, Number 2, January, 1997

           Alexey Khodjakov and   
            Richard W. Cole and   
            Bruce F. McEwen and   
          Karolyn F. Buttle and   
                Conly L. Rieder   Chromosome Fragments Possessing Only One
                                  Kinetochore Can Congress to the Spindle
                                  Equator  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
          Maureen A. Powers and   
         Douglass J. Forbes and   
          James E. Dahlberg and   
                   Elsebet Lund   The Vertebrate GLFG Nucleoporin, Nup98,
                                  Is an Essential Component of Multiple
                                  RNA Export Pathways  . . . . . . . . . . 241
                  Peng Chen and   
   Stephanie K. Sapperstein and   
           Jonathan D. Choi and   
                Susan Michaelis   Biogenesis of the \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae Mating Pheromone a--Factor    251
     Konomi Fujimura-Kamada and   
         Franklin J. Nouvet and   
                Susan Michaelis   A Novel Membrane-associated
                                  Metalloprotease, Ste24p, Is Required for
                                  the First Step of NH$_2$-terminal
                                  Processing of the Yeast a-Factor
                                  Precursor  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
              Nia J. Bryant and   
                 Tom H. Stevens   Two Separate Signals Act Independently
                                  to Localize a Yeast Late Golgi Membrane
                                  Protein through a Combination of
                                  Retrieval and Retention  . . . . . . . . 287
                   Zuoyu Xu and   
              Andreas Mayer and   
                Eric Muller and   
                William Wickner   A Heterodimer of Thioredoxin and I$^B_2$
                                  Cooperates with Sec18p (NSF) to Promote
                                  Yeast Vacuole Inheritance  . . . . . . . 299
              Andreas Mayer and   
                William Wickner   Docking of Yeast Vacuoles Is Catalyzed
                                  by the Ras-like GTPase Ypt7p after
                                  Symmetric Priming by Sec18p (NSF)  . . . 307
             Jean M. Wilson and   
               Tamara L. Colton   Targeting of an Intestinal Apical
                                  Endosomal Protein to Endosomes in
                                  Nonpolarized Cells . . . . . . . . . . . 319
           R. Dyche Mullins and   
         Walter F. Stafford and   
              Thomas D. Pollard   Structure, Subunit Topology, and
                                  Actin-binding Activity of the Arp2/3
                                  Complex from \bionameAcanthamoeba  . . . 331
                Sam S. Yang and   
                 Elaine Yeh and   
               E. D. Salmon and   
                    Kerry Bloom   Identification of a Mid-anaphase
                                  Checkpoint in Budding Yeast  . . . . . . 345
                Paola Pizzo and   
          Cristina Fasolato and   
                  Tullio Pozzan   Dynamic Properties of an Inositol
                                  1,4,5-Trisphosphate- and
                                  Thapsigargin-insensitive Calcium Pool in
                                  Mammalian Cell Lines . . . . . . . . . . 355
         Richard L. Rotundo and   
            Susana G. Rossi and   
                 Lili Anglister   Transplantation of Quail Collagen-tailed
                                  Acetylcholinesterase Molecules Onto the
                                  Frog Neuromuscular Synapse . . . . . . . 367
        Daniel J. Belliveau and   
               Irena Krivko and   
                  Judi Kohn and   
         Christian Lachance and   
          Christine Pozniak and   
             Dmitri Rusakov and   
               David Kaplan and   
                Freda D. Miller   NGF and Neurotrophin-3 Both Activate
                                  TrkA on Sympathetic Neurons but
                                  Differentially Regulate Survival and
                                  Neuritogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
                Eleni Dicou and   
                 Beth Pflug and   
            Marilyn Magazin and   
      Thér\`ese Lehy and   
             Daniel Djakiew and   
            Pascual Ferrara and   
Véronique Nerri\`ere and   
                 Douglas Harvie   Two Peptides Derived from the Nerve
                                  Growth Factor Precursor Are Biologically
                                  Active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
                Vivian Wong and   
              Barry M. Gumbiner   A Synthetic Peptide Corresponding to the
                                  Extracellular Domain of Occludin
                                  Perturbs the Tight Junction Permeability
                                  Barrier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
             Kris Vleminckx and   
                 Ellen Wong and   
                Kathy Guger and   
           Bonnee Rubinfeld and   
               Paul Polakis and   
              Barry M. Gumbiner   Adenomatous Polyposis Coli Tumor
                                  Suppressor Protein Has Signaling
                                  Activity in \bionameXenopus laevis
                                  Embryos Resulting in the Induction of an
                                  Ectopic Dorsoanterior Axis . . . . . . . 411
                Laura Airas and   
         Jussi Niemelä and   
                Marko Salmi and   
             Tarja Puurunen and   
             David J. Smith and   
                 Sirpa Jalkanen   Differential Regulation and Function of
                                  CD73, a
                                  70-kD Adhesion Molecule, on Lymphocytes
                                  and Endothelial Cells  . . . . . . . . . 421
               Rong-Rong Wu and   
               John R. Couchman   cDNA Cloning of the Basement Membrane
                                  Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan Core
                                  Protein, Bamacan: a Five Domain
                                  Structure Including Coiled--Coil Motifs  433
              David E. Cash and   
             Cheryl B. Bock and   
            Klaus Schughart and   
              Elwood Linney and   
           T. Michael Underhill   Retinoic Acid Receptor $ \alpha $
                                  Function in Vertebrate Limb
                                  Skeletogenesis: a Modulator of
                                  Chondrogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
              Kin Ming Kwan and   
         Michael K. M. Pang and   
                Sheila Zhou and   
            Soot Keng Cowan and   
         Richard Y. C. Kong and   
                Tim Pfordte and   
             Bjorn R. Olsen and   
          David O. Sillence and   
          Patrick P. L. Tam and   
            Kathryn S. E. Cheah   Abnormal Compartmentalization of
                                  Cartilage Matrix Components in Mice
                                  Lacking Collagen X: Implications for
                                  Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
                  Jiahua Xu and   
            Richard A. F. Clark   A Three-dimensional Collagen Lattice
                                  Induces Protein Kinase C-$ \zeta $
                                  Activity: Role in $ \alpha_2 $ Integrin
                                  and Collagenase mRNA Expression  . . . . 473

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 136, Number 3, February, 1997

             Dana Halverson and   
                  Mary Baum and   
              Janet Stryker and   
                John Carbon and   
                  Louise Clarke   A Centromere DNA-binding Protein from
                                  Fission Yeast Affects Chromosome
                                  Segregation and Has Homology to Human
                                  CENP--B  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
          Richard D. Shelby and   
                  Omid Vafa and   
              Kevin F. Sullivan   Assembly of CENP--A into Centromeric
                                  Chromatin Requires a Cooperative Array
                                  of Nucleosomal DNA Contact Sites . . . . 501
           Volker C. Cordes and   
           Sonja Reidenbach and   
      Hans-Richard Rackwitz and   
               Werner W. Franke   Identification of Protein p270/Tpr as a
                                  Constitutive Component of the Nuclear
                                  Pore Complex--attached Intranuclear
                                  Filaments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
               Mark Fricker and   
        Michael Hollinshead and   
                 Nick White and   
                     David Vaux   Interphase Nuclei of Many Mammalian Cell
                                  Types Contain Deep, Dynamic, Tubular
                                  Membrane-bound Invaginations of the
                                  Nuclear Envelope . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
            Karen H. Berger and   
              L. Farah Sogo and   
               Michael P. Yaffe   Mdm12p, a Component Required for
                                  Mitochondrial Inheritance That Is
                                  Conserved between Budding and Fission
                                  Yeast  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
                 Utpal Tatu and   
                   Ari Helenius   Interactions between Newly Synthesized
                                  Glycoproteins, Calnexin and a Network of
                                  Resident Chaperones in the Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
         Jaisri R. Lingappa and   
            Rebecca L. Hill and   
               Mei Lie Wong and   
             Ramanujan S. Hegde   A Multistep, ATP-dependent Pathway for
                                  Assembly of Human Immunodeficiency Virus
                                  Capsids in a Cell-free System  . . . . . 567
              Agathe Subtil and   
          Muriel Delepierre and   
            Alice Dautry-Varsat   An $ \alpha $-Helical Signal in the
                                  Cytosolic Domain of the Interleukin 2
                                  Receptor $ \beta $ Chain Mediates
                                  Sorting Towards Degradation after
                                  Endocytosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
         Christian Erxleben and   
             Norbert Klauke and   
  Matthias Flötenmeyer and   
     Marie-Pierre Blanchard and   
              Claudia Braun and   
                Helmut Plattner   Microdomain Ca$^{2+}$ Activation during
                                  Exocytosis in Paramecium Cells.
                                  Superposition of Local Subplasmalemmal
                                  Calcium Store Activation by Local
                                  Ca$^{2+}$ Influx . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
        Barbara A. Burleigh and   
          Elisabet V. Caler and   
               Paul Webster and   
               Norma W. Andrews   A Cytosolic Serine Endopeptidase from
                                  Trypanosoma cruzi Is Required for the
                                  Generation of Ca$^{2+}$ Signaling in
                                  Mammalian Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
               Daixing Zhou and   
      Connie S. Birkenmeier and   
          McRae W. Williams and   
              John J. Sharp and   
             Jane E. Barker and   
                Robert J. Bloch   Small, Membrane-bound, Alternatively
                                  Spliced Forms of Ankyrin 1 Associated
                                  with the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of
                                  Mammalian Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . . . 621
          Kristine D. Novak and   
              Margaret A. Titus   Myosin I Overexpression Impairs Cell
                                  Migration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
                        Rong Li   Bee1, a Yeast Protein with Homology to
                                  Wiscott--Aldrich Syndrome Protein, Is
                                  Critical for the Assembly of Cortical
                                  Actin Cytoskeleton . . . . . . . . . . . 649
                 Wenqian Yu and   
             David J. Sharp and   
             Ryoko Kuriyama and   
             Prabhat Mallik and   
                  Peter W. Baas   Inhibition of a Mitotic Motor
                                  Compromises the Formation of
                                  Dendrite-like Processes from
                                  Neuroblastoma Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 659
                Eunjoon Kim and   
             Scott Naisbitt and   
              Yi-Ping Hsueh and   
               Anuradha Rao and   
            Adam Rothschild and   
            Ann Marie Craig and   
                   Morgan Sheng   GKAP, a Novel Synaptic Protein That
                                  Interacts with the Guanylate Kinase-like
                                  Domain of the PSD-95/SAP90 Family of
                                  Channel Clustering Molecules . . . . . . 669
                Pico Caroni and   
              Ludwig Aigner and   
              Corinna Schneider   Intrinsic Neuronal Determinants Locally
                                  Regulate Extrasynaptic and Synaptic
                                  Growth at the Adult Neuromuscular
                                  Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679
         Angela I. M. Barth and   
            Anne L. Pollack and   
           Yoram Altschuler and   
            Keith E. Mostov and   
                W. James Nelson   NH$_2$-terminal Deletion of $ \beta
                                  $-Catenin Results in Stable
                                  Colocalization of Mutant $ \beta
                                  $-Catenin with Adenomatous Polyposis
                                  Coli Protein and Altered MDCK Cell
                                  Adhesion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
          Olaf Zöllner and   
           Martin C. Lenter and   
            James E. Blanks and   
                Eric Borges and   
          Martin Steegmaier and   
   Hans-Günther Zerwes and   
              Dietmar Vestweber   L-Selectin from Human, but Not from
                                  Mouse Neutrophils Binds Directly to
                                  E--Selectin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
        Michael B. Lawrence and   
         Geoffrey S. Kansas and   
             Eric J. Kunkel and   
                      Klaus Ley   Threshold Levels of Fluid Shear Promote
                                  Leukocyte Adhesion through Selectins
                                  (CD62L,P,E)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
         Keith G. Danielson and   
           Helene Baribault and   
            David F. Holmes and   
               Helen Graham and   
             Karl E. Kadler and   
                Renato V. Iozzo   Targeted Disruption of Decorin Leads to
                                  Abnormal Collagen Fibril Morphology and
                                  Skin Fragility . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 136, Number 4, February, 1997

          Na\"\ima Belgareh and   
            Valérie Doye   Dynamics of Nuclear Pore Distribution in
                                  Nucleoporin Mutant Yeast Cells . . . . . 747
      Vladimir I. Bashkirov and   
            Harry Scherthan and   
         Jachen A. Solinger and   
      Jean-Marie Buerstedde and   
            Wolf-Dietrich Heyer   A Mouse Cytoplasmic Exoribonuclease
                                  (mXRN1p) with Preference for G4
                                  Tetraplex Substrates . . . . . . . . . . 761
               Kay N. Meyer and   
             Eigil Kjeldsen and   
              Tobias Straub and   
        Birgitta R. Knudsen and   
             Ian D. Hickson and   
            Akihiko Kikuchi and   
                Hans Kreipe and   
                    Fritz Boege   Cell Cycle--coupled Relocation of Types
                                  I and II Topoisomerases and Modulation
                                  of Catalytic Enzyme Activities . . . . . 775
             Erin C. Gaynor and   
                   Scott D. Emr   COPI-independent Anterograde Transport:
                                  Cargo-selective ER to Golgi Protein
                                  Transport in Yeast COPI Mutants  . . . . 789
             Pei-Hsin Huang and   
                Hui-Ling Chiang   Identification of Novel Vesicles in the
                                  Cytosol to Vacuole Protein Degradation
                                  Pathway  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803
            Sanne van Delft and   
     Christopher Schumacher and   
                Willem Hage and   
           Arie J. Verkleij and   
Paul M. P. van Bergen en Henegouwen   Association and Colocalization of Eps15
                                  with Adaptor Protein-2 and Clathrin  . . 811
                Ralph Henry and   
           Matthew Carrigan and   
          Michael McCaffery and   
                 Xianyue Ma and   
                  Kenneth Cline   Targeting Determinants and Proposed
                                  Evolutionary Basis for the Sec and the
                                  Delta pH Protein Transport Systems in
                                  Chloroplast Thylakoid Membranes  . . . . 823
          Donner F. Babcock and   
           James Herrington and   
            Paul C. Goodwin and   
             Young Bae Park and   
                   Bertil Hille   Mitochondrial Participation in the
                                  Intracellular Ca$^{2+}$ Network  . . . . 833
        C. Casey Cunningham and   
             Nicole Leclerc and   
           Lisa A. Flanagan and   
                     Mei Lu and   
             Paul A. Janmey and   
               Kenneth S. Kosik   Microtubule-associated Protein 2c
                                  Reorganizes Both Microtubules and
                                  Microfilaments into Distinct Cytological
                                  Structures in an Actin-binding
                                  Protein-280--deficient Melanoma Cell
                                  Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
          Claire E. Walczak and   
                Suzie Verma and   
           Timothy J. Mitchison   XCTK2: a Kinesin-related Protein That
                                  Promotes Mitotic Spindle Assembly in
                                  \bionameXenopus laevis Egg Extracts  . . 859
              R. Mark Grady and   
             John P. Merlie and   
                Joshua R. Sanes   Subtle Neuromuscular Defects in
                                  Utrophin-deficient Mice  . . . . . . . . 871
          Anne E. Deconinck and   
          Allyson C. Potter and   
        Jonathon M. Tinsley and   
              Sarah J. Wood and   
                 Ruth Vater and   
                Carol Young and   
          Laurent Metzinger and   
             Angela Vincent and   
           Clarke R. Slater and   
                  Kay E. Davies   Postsynaptic Abnormalities at the
                                  Neuromuscular Junctions of
                                  Utrophin-deficient Mice  . . . . . . . . 883
          Stefan Schumacher and   
    Hansjürgen Volkmer and   
                 Fritz Buck and   
              Albrecht Otto and   
       Attila Tárnok and   
             Siegfried Roth and   
               Fritz G. Rathjen   Chicken Acidic Leucine-rich EGF-like
                                  Domain Containing Brain Protein (CALEB),
                                  a Neural Member of the EGF Family of
                                  Differentiation Factors, Is Implicated
                                  in Neurite Formation . . . . . . . . . . 895
            Takeshi Sakurai and   
                Marc Lustig and   
                Moshe Nativ and   
           John J. Hemperly and   
        Joseph Schlessinger and   
                Elior Peles and   
                  Martin Grumet   Induction of Neurite Outgrowth through
                                  Contactin and Nr--CAM by Extracellular
                                  Regions of Glial Receptor Tyrosine
                                  Phosphatase $ \beta $  . . . . . . . . . 907
              Jani E. Lewis and   
              James K. Wahl and   
            Kristin M. Sass and   
           Pamela J. Jensen and   
           Keith R. Johnson and   
           Margaret J. Wheelock   Cross-Talk between Adherens Junctions
                                  and Desmosomes Depends on Plakoglobin    919
             Christine Sers and   
           Urban Emmenegger and   
               Knut Husmann and   
           Katharina Bucher and   
       Ann-Catherine Andres and   
          Reinhold Schäfer   Growth-inhibitory Activity and
                                  Downregulation of the Class II
                                  Tumor-suppressor Gene H-rev107 in Tumor
                                  Cell Lines and Experimental Tumors . . . 935
            Laura Giuffr\`e and   
         Anne-Sophie Cordey and   
              Natacha Monai and   
                Yanik Tardy and   
              Marc Schapira and   
               Olivier Spertini   Monocyte Adhesion to Activated Aortic
                                  Endothelium: Role of L--Selectin and
                                  Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans  . . . . . 945

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 136, Number 5, March, 1997

            Albert V. Smith and   
             G. Shirleen Roeder   The Yeast Red1 Protein Localizes to the
                                  Cores of Meiotic Chromosomes . . . . . . 957
              Amy R. Schutz and   
         Thomas H. Giddings and   
            Estelle Steiner and   
                     Mark Winey   The Yeast CDC37 Gene Interacts with MPS1
                                  and Is Required for Proper Execution of
                                  Spindle Pole Body Duplication  . . . . . 969
              Mitsuru Akita and   
               Erik Nielsen and   
               Kenneth Keegstra   Identification of Protein Transport
                                  Complexes in the Chloroplastic Envelope
                                  Membranes via Chemical Cross--Linking    983
        Grigory B. Melikyan and   
            Sofya A. Brener and   
                 Dong C. Ok and   
               Fredric S. Cohen   Inner but Not Outer Membrane Leaflets
                                  Control the Transition from
                                  Influenza Hemagglutinin-induced
                                  Hemifusion to Full Fusion  . . . . . . . 995
               Beate Sodeik and   
        Melanie W. Ebersold and   
                   Ari Helenius   Microtubule-mediated Transport of
                                  Incoming Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Capsids
                                  to the Nucleus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007
          Wouter van 't Hof and   
                Marilyn D. Resh   Rapid Plasma Membrane Anchoring of Newly
                                  Synthesized p59$^{\rm fyn}$: Selective
                                  Requirement for NH$_2$-Terminal
                                  Myristoylation and Palmitoylation at
                                  Cysteine-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1023
           Theodore M. Shih and   
                 Alan L. Goldin   Topology of the Shaker Potassium Channel
                                  Probed with Hydrophilic Epitope
                                  Insertions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1037
            Monroe W. Cohen and   
         Christian Jacobson and   
         Peter D. Yurchenco and   
            Glenn E. Morris and   
           Salvatore Carbonetto   Laminin-induced Clustering of
                                  Dystroglycan on Embryonic Muscle Cells:
                                  Comparison with Agrin-induced Clustering 1047
            Thomas C. Hoock and   
           Luanne L. Peters and   
                  Samuel E. Lux   Isoforms of Ankyrin-3 That Lack the
                                  NH$_2$-terminal Repeats Associate with
                                  Mouse Macrophage Lysosomes . . . . . . . 1059
                Alice D. Ma and   
          Lawrence F. Brass and   
              Charles S. Abrams   Pleckstrin Associates with Plasma
                                  Membranes and Induces the Formation of
                                  Membrane Projections: Requirements for
                                  Phosphorylation and the NH$_2$-terminal
                                  PH Domain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071
          Andrea J. Pereira and   
                Brian Dalby and   
         Russell J. Stewart and   
          Stephen J. Doxsey and   
       Lawrence S. B. Goldstein   Mitochondrial Association of a Plus
                                  End--Directed Microtubule Motor
                                  Expressed during Mitosis in
                                  \bionameDrosophila . . . . . . . . . . . 1081
           Katsuya Takenaka and   
               Yukiko Gotoh and   
                 Eisuke Nishida   MAP Kinase Is Required for the Spindle
                                  Assembly Checkpoint but Is Dispensable
                                  for the Normal M Phase Entry and Exit in
                                  \bionameXenopus Egg Cell Cycle Extracts  1091
              Jingdong Tian and   
                   Hui Gong and   
          Gerald H. Thomsen and   
             William J. Lennarz   Gamete Interactions in \bionameXenopus
                                  laevis: Identification of Sperm Binding
                                  Glycoproteins in the Egg Vitelline
                                  Envelope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1099
              Bertolt Kreft and   
          Dietmar Berndorff and   
        Anja Böttinger and   
           Silvia Finnemann and   
              Doris Wedlich and   
            Michael Hortsch and   
              Rudolf Tauber and   
          Reinhard Geßner   LI-Cadherin-mediated Cell--Cell Adhesion
                                  Does Not Require Cytoplasmic
                                  Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1109
        Carolyn A. Larabell and   
              Monica Torres and   
           Brian A. Rowning and   
               Cynthia Yost and   
          Jeffrey R. Miller and   
                    Mike Wu and   
             David Kimelman and   
                Randall T. Moon   Establishment of the Dorso-ventral Axis
                                  in \bionameXenopus Embryos Is Presaged
                                  by Early Asymmetries in $ \beta
                                  $-Catenin That Are Modulated by the Wnt
                                  Signaling Pathway  . . . . . . . . . . . 1123
        Katsutoshi Furukawa and   
               Steven Estus and   
                 Weiming Fu and   
             Robert J. Mark and   
                Mark P. Mattson   Neuroprotective Action of Cycloheximide
                                  Involves Induction of Bcl-2 and
                                  Antioxidant Pathways . . . . . . . . . . 1137
                Irene Nunes and   
    Pierre-Emmanuel Gleizes and   
          Christine N. Metz and   
               Daniel B. Rifkin   Latent Transforming Growth Factor-$
                                  \beta $ Binding Protein Domains Involved
                                  in Activation and
                                  Cross--Linking of Latent Transforming
                                  Growth Factor-$ \beta $  . . . . . . . . 1151

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 136, Number 6, March, 1997

               Julie A. Theriot   Accelerating on a Treadmill: ADF/Cofilin
                                  Promotes Rapid Actin Filament Turnover
                                  in the Dynamic Cytoskeleton  . . . . . . 1165
             D. Mark Eckley and   
     Alexandra M. Ainsztein and   
         Alastair M. Mackay and   
           Ilya G. Goldberg and   
            William C. Earnshaw   Chromosomal Proteins and Cytokinesis:
                                  Patterns of Cleavage Furrow Formation
                                  and Inner Centromere Protein Positioning
                                  in Mitotic Heterokaryons and
                                  Mid-anaphase Cells . . . . . . . . . . . 1169
              Mirella Bucci and   
                 Susan R. Wente   In Vivo Dynamics of Nuclear Pore
                                  Complexes in Yeast . . . . . . . . . . . 1185
           Timothy P. Spann and   
             Robert D. Moir and   
            Anne E. Goldman and   
               Reimer Stick and   
              Robert D. Goldman   Disruption of Nuclear Lamin Organization
                                  Alters the Distribution of Replication
                                  Factors and Inhibits DNA Synthesis . . . 1201
            Edwin C. Murphy and   
               Tianli Zheng and   
       Christopher V. Nicchitta   Identification of a Novel Stage of
                                  Ribosome/Nascent Chain Association with
                                  the Endoplasmic Reticulum Membrane . . . 1213
      Amitabha Mukhopadhyay and   
      Alejandro M. Barbieri and   
             Kouichi Funato and   
            Richard Roberts and   
                Philip D. Stahl   Sequential Actions of Rab5 and Rab7
                                  Regulate Endocytosis in the
                                  \bionameXenopus Oocyte . . . . . . . . . 1227
               Jun Katahira and   
            Norimitsu Inoue and   
         Yasuhiko Horiguchi and   
           Morihiro Matsuda and   
                Nakaba Sugimoto   Molecular Cloning and Functional
                                  Characterization of the Receptor for
                                  Clostridium perfringens Enterotoxin  . . 1239
      Stephen K. Doberstein and   
          Richard D. Fetter and   
             Anand Y. Mehta and   
               Corey S. Goodman   Genetic Analysis of Myoblast Fusion:
                                  blown fuse Is Required for Progression
                                  Beyond the Prefusion Complex . . . . . . 1249
       Edward H. Kislauskis and   
              Xiao-chun Zhu and   
               Robert H. Singer   $ \beta $-Actin Messenger RNA
                                  Localization and Protein Synthesis
                                  Augment Cell Motility  . . . . . . . . . 1263
             Greg Buczynski and   
                Bryon Grove and   
               Anson Nomura and   
              Maurice Kleve and   
                  John Bush and   
          Richard A. Firtel and   
                 James Cardelli   Inactivation of Two
                                  \bionameDictyostelium discoideum Genes,
                                  DdPIK1 and DdPIK2, Encoding Proteins
                                  Related to Mammalian
                                  Phosphatidylinositide $3$-kinases,
                                  Results in Defects in Endocytosis,
                                  Lysosome to Postlysosome Transport, and
                                  Actin Cytoskeleton Organization  . . . . 1271
           Louise P. Cramer and   
           Margaret Siebert and   
           Timothy J. Mitchison   Identification of Novel Graded Polarity
                                  Actin Filament Bundles in Locomoting
                                  Heart Fibroblasts: Implications for the
                                  Generation of Motile Force . . . . . . . 1287
       Marie-France Carlier and   
     Valérie Laurent and   
Jérôme Santolini and   
               Ronald Melki and   
            Dominique Didry and   
               Gui-Xian Xia and   
                   Yan Hong and   
               Nam-Hai Chua and   
            Dominique Pantaloni   Actin Depolymerizing Factor
                                  (ADF/Cofilin) Enhances the Rate of
                                  Filament Turnover: Implication in
                                  Actin-based Motility . . . . . . . . . . 1307
            Jody Rosenblatt and   
             Brian J. Agnew and   
                Hiroshi Abe and   
           James R. Bamburg and   
           Timothy J. Mitchison   \bionameXenopus Actin Depolymerizing
                                  Factor/Cofilin (XAC) Is Responsible for
                                  the Turnover of Actin Filaments in
                                  \bionameListeria monocytogenes Tails . . 1323
             Luca Borradori and   
              Peter J. Koch and   
          Carien M. Niessen and   
            Stefan Erkeland and   
      Manuel R. van Leusden and   
              Arnoud Sonnenberg   The Localization of Bullous Pemphigoid
                                  Antigen 180 (BP180) in Hemidesmosomes Is
                                  Mediated by Its Cytoplasmic Domain and
                                  Seems to be Regulated by the $ \beta $4
                                  Integrin Subunit . . . . . . . . . . . . 1333
                  Su Hao Lo and   
               Qian-Chun Yu and   
           Linda Degenstein and   
                Lan Bo Chen and   
                   Elaine Fuchs   Progressive Kidney Degeneration in Mice
                                  Lacking Tensin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349
           Brigitte Lelongt and   
            Germain Trugnan and   
             Gillian Murphy and   
                Pierre M. Ronco   Matrix Metalloproteinases MMP2 and MMP9
                                  Are Produced in Early Stages of Kidney
                                  Morphogenesis but Only MMP9 Is Required
                                  for Renal Organogenesis In Vitro . . . . 1363
      Mariella F. Carlevaro and   
             Adriana Albini and   
           Domenico Ribatti and   
             Chiara Gentili and   
            Roberto Benelli and   
            Silvia Cermelli and   
           Ranieri Cancedda and   
     Fiorella Descalzi Cancedda   Transferrin Promotes Endothelial Cell
                                  Migration and Invasion: Implication in
                                  Cartilage Neovascularization . . . . . . 1375
               Tsung H. Lin and   
            Andrew E. Aplin and   
                    Yu Shen and   
                Qiming Chen and   
           Michael Schaller and   
                Lewis Romer and   
          Ikramuddin Aukhil and   
                  R. L. Juliano   Integrin-mediated Activation of MAP
                                  Kinase Is Independent of FAK: Evidence
                                  for Dual Integrin Signaling Pathways in
                                  Fibroblasts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1385

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 137, Number 1, April, 1997

             Paul L. McNeil and   
          Richard A. Steinhardt   Loss, Restoration, and Maintenance of
                                  Plasma Membrane Integrity  . . . . . . . 1
               Hank W. Bass and   
        Wallace F. Marshall and   
              John W. Sedat and   
             David A. Agard and   
               W. Zacheus Cande   Telomeres Cluster De Novo before the
                                  Initiation of Synapsis: a
                                  Three-dimensional Spatial Analysis of
                                  Telomere Positions before and during
                                  Meiotic Prophase . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
              Luca Falciola and   
                Fabio Spada and   
            Sabina Calogero and   
         Gernot Längst and   
                Renate Voit and   
              Ingrid Grummt and   
               Marco E. Bianchi   High Mobility Group 1 Protein Is Not
                                  Stably Associated with the Chromosomes
                                  of Somatic Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
           Elisa Izaurralde and   
          Artur Jarmolowski and   
           Christina Beisel and   
             Iain W. Mattaj and   
            Gideon Dreyfuss and   
                    Utz Fischer   A Role for the M9 Transport Signal of
                                  hnRNP A1 in mRNA Nuclear Export  . . . . 27
            Steven Bassnett and   
                Danijela Mataic   Chromatin Degradation in Differentiating
                                  Fiber Cells of the Eye Lens  . . . . . . 37
     Valérie Brachet and   
        Graça Raposo and   
        Sebastian Amigorena and   
                    Ira Mellman   Ii Chain Controls the Transport of Major
                                  Histocompatibility Complex Class II
                                  Molecules to and from Lysosomes  . . . . 51
                Akiko Okada and   
        Catherine Tomasetto and   
                  Yves Lutz and   
        Jean-Pierre Bellocq and   
        Marie-Christine Rio and   
                    Paul Basset   Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases
                                  during Rat Skin Wound Healing: Evidence
                                  that Membrane Type-1 Matrix
                                  Metalloproteinase Is a Stromal Activator
                                  of Pro--Gelatinase A . . . . . . . . . . 67
       Matthew N. J. Seaman and   
          Eric G. Marcusson and   
         Joan Lin Cereghino and   
                   Scott D. Emr   Endosome to Golgi Retrieval of the
                                  Vacuolar Protein Sorting Receptor,
                                  Vps10p, Requires the Function of the
                                  VPS29, VPS30, and VPS35 Gene Products    79
       Ana Rodríguez and   
               Paul Webster and   
              Javier Ortego and   
               Norma W. Andrews   Lysosomes Behave as Ca$^{2+}$-regulated
                                  Exocytic Vesicles in Fibroblasts and
                                  Epithelial Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
               Ruiyong Yuan and   
             Paul Primakoff and   
                 Diana G. Myles   A Role for the Disintegrin Domain of
                                  Cyritestin, a Sperm Surface Protein
                                  Belonging to the ADAM Family, in Mouse
                                  Sperm--Egg Plasma Membrane Adhesion and
                                  Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
              Ariel Blocker and   
           Fedor F. Severin and   
         Janis K. Burkhardt and   
           James B. Bingham and   
                   Hanry Yu and   
      Jean-Christophe Olivo and   
           Trina A. Schroer and   
           Anthony A. Hyman and   
               Gareth Griffiths   Molecular Requirements for
                                  Bi-directional Movement of Phagosomes
                                  Along Microtubules . . . . . . . . . . . 113
            K. David Becker and   
           Kim R. Gottshall and   
                Reed Hickey and   
       Jean-Claude Perriard and   
               Kenneth R. Chien   Point Mutations in Human $ \beta $
                                  Cardiac Myosin Heavy Chain Have
                                  Differential Effects on Sarcomeric
                                  Structure and Assembly: an ATP Binding
                                  Site Change Disrupts Both Thick and Thin
                                  Filaments, Whereas Hypertrophic
                                  Cardiomyopathy Mutations Display Normal
                                  Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
            Greg J. Hermann and   
             Edward J. King and   
                  Janet M. Shaw   The Yeast Gene, MDM20, Is Necessary for
                                  Mitochondrial Inheritance and
                                  Organization of the Actin Cytoskeleton   141
           Antonio S. Sechi and   
        Jürgen Wehland and   
                J. Victor Small   The Isolated Comet Tail Pseudopodium of
                                  \bionameListeria monocytogenes: a Tail
                                  of Two Actin Filament Populations, Long
                                  and Axial and Short and Random . . . . . 155
                 Fred Chang and   
               David Drubin and   
                     Paul Nurse   cdc12p, a Protein Required for
                                  Cytokinesis in Fission Yeast, Is a
                                  Component of the Cell Division Ring and
                                  Interacts with Profilin  . . . . . . . . 169
           Xuequn Helen Hua and   
                   Hong Yan and   
                   John Newport   A Role for Cdk2 Kinase in Negatively
                                  Regulating DNA Replication during S
                                  Phase of the Cell Cycle  . . . . . . . . 183
           Jacalyn M. Vogel and   
                Tim Stearns and   
            Conly L. Rieder and   
              Robert E. Palazzo   Centrosomes Isolated from Spisula
                                  solidissima Oocytes Contain Rings and an
                                  Unusual Stoichiometric Ratio of $ \alpha
                                  $ /$ \beta $ Tubulin . . . . . . . . . . 193
               Han-qing Xie and   
              Dale W. Laird and   
              Tsg-Hui Chang and   
                  Valerie W. Hu   A Mitosis-specific Phosphorylation of
                                  the Gap Junction Protein Connexin43 in
                                  Human Vascular Cells: Biochemical
                                  Characterization and Localization  . . . 203
          Timothy Vartanian and   
            Andrew Goodearl and   
       Andrea Viehöver and   
               Gerald Fischbach   Axonal Neuregulin Signals Cells of the
                                  Oligodendrocyte Lineage through
                                  Activation of HER4 and Schwann Cells
                                  through HER2 and HER3  . . . . . . . . . 211
            Sara M. Mariani and   
               Bernd Matiba and   
         Elena A. Armandola and   
               Peter H. Krammer   Interleukin 1$ \beta $-converting Enzyme
                                  Related Proteases/Caspases Are Involved
                                  in TRAIL-induced Apoptosis of Myeloma
                                  and Leukemia Cells . . . . . . . . . . . 221
               V. M. Weaver and   
             O. W. Petersen and   
                    F. Wang and   
             C. A. Larabell and   
                  P. Briand and   
                  C. Damsky and   
                  M. J. Bissell   Reversion of the Malignant Phenotype of
                                  Human Breast Cells in Three--Dimensional
                                  Culture and In Vivo by Integrin Blocking
                                  Antibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
            Yousef Abu-Amer and   
            F. Patrick Ross and   
           Paul Schlesinger and   
        M. Mehrdad Tondravi and   
           Steven L. Teitelbaum   Substrate Recognition by Osteoclast
                                  Precursors Induces C-src/Microtubule
                                  Association  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 137, Number 2, April, 1997

              Jose C. Reyes and   
         Christian Muchardt and   
                    Moshe Yaniv   Components of the Human SWI/SNF Complex
                                  Are Enriched in Active Chromatin and Are
                                  Associated with the Nuclear Matrix . . . 263
         Sharon Wald Krauss and   
        Carolyn A. Larabell and   
            Stephen Lockett and   
           Philippe Gascard and   
             Sheldon Penman and   
             Narla Mohandas and   
               Joel Anne Chasis   Structural Protein 4.1 in the Nucleus of
                                  Human Cells: Dynamic Rearrangements
                                  during Cell Division . . . . . . . . . . 275
             Peter Buchenau and   
           Harald Saumweber and   
           Donna J. Arndt-Jovin   The Dynamic Nuclear Redistribution of an
                                  hnRNP K-homologous Protein during
                                  \bionameDrosophila Embryo Development
                                  and Heat Shock. Flexibility of
                                  Transcription Sites In Vivo  . . . . . . 291
                 Armin Rehm and   
                Hidde L. Ploegh   Assembly and Intracellular Targeting of
                                  the $ \beta \gamma $ Subunits of
                                  Heterotrimeric G Proteins  . . . . . . . 305
              Jochen Scheel and   
           Rainer Pepperkok and   
                Martin Lowe and   
           Gareth Griffiths and   
                Thomas E. Kreis   Dissociation of Coatomer from Membranes
                                  Is Required for Brefeldin A--induced
                                  Transfer of Golgi Enzymes to the
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum  . . . . . . . . . 319
           Roland Le Borgne and   
                Bernard Hoflack   Mannose 6-Phosphate Receptors Regulate
                                  the Formation of Clathrin-coated
                                  Vesicles in the TGN  . . . . . . . . . . 335
  Sven C. D. van IJzendoorn and   
        Mirjam M. P. Zegers and   
             Jan Willem Kok and   
                  Dick Hoekstra   Segregation of Glucosylceramide and
                                  Sphingomyelin Occurs in the Apical to
                                  Basolateral Transcytotic Route in HepG2
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
          Pedro J. I. Salas and   
       Marcelo L. Rodriguez and   
             Ana L. Viciana and   
         Dora E. Vega-Salas and   
               Hans-Peter Hauri   The Apical Submembrane Cytoskeleton
                                  Participates in the Organization of the
                                  Apical Pole in Epithelial Cells  . . . . 359
          Timothy A. Lohret and   
           Robert E. Jensen and   
           Kathleen W. Kinnally   Tim23, a Protein Import Component of the
                                  Mitochondrial Inner Membrane, Is
                                  Required for Normal Activity of the
                                  Multiple Conductance Channel, MCC  . . . 377
             Frits Michiels and   
               Jord C. Stam and   
           Peter L. Hordijk and   
      Rob A. van der Kammen and   
   Lisette Ruuls-Van Stalle and   
      Constance A. Feltkamp and   
                John G. Collard   Regulated Membrane Localization of
                                  Tiam1, Mediated by the NH$_2$-terminal
                                  Pleckstrin Homology Domain, Is Required
                                  for Rac-dependent Membrane Ruffling and
                                  C--Jun NH$_2$-terminal Kinase Activation 387
        Kathryn R. Ayscough and   
               Joel Stryker and   
               Navin Pokala and   
            Miranda Sanders and   
                 Phil Crews and   
                David G. Drubin   High Rates of Actin Filament Turnover in
                                  Budding Yeast and Roles for Actin in
                                  Establishment and Maintenance of Cell
                                  Polarity Revealed Using the Actin
                                  Inhibitor Latrunculin--A . . . . . . . . 399
           William Saunders and   
              David Hornack and   
            Valerie Lengyel and   
                 Changchun Deng   The \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae
                                  Kinesin-related Motor Kar3p Acts at
                                  Preanaphase Spindle Poles to Limit the
                                  Number and Length of Cytoplasmic
                                  Microtubules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
              Xiao Min Wang and   
                    Ye Zhai and   
               James E. Ferrell   A Role for Mitogen-activated Protein
                                  Kinase in the Spindle Assembly
                                  Checkpoint in XTC Cells  . . . . . . . . 433
               Anne Schmidt and   
          Matthew J. Hannah and   
             Wieland B. Huttner   Synaptic-like Microvesicles of
                                  Neuroendocrine Cells Originate from a
                                  Novel Compartment That Is Continuous
                                  with the Plasma Membrane and Devoid of
                                  Transferrin Receptor . . . . . . . . . . 445
             Bruce D. Trapp and   
            Akiko Nishiyama and   
                David Cheng and   
                  Wendy Macklin   Differentiation and Death of
                                  Premyelinating Oligodendrocytes in
                                  Developing Rodent Brain  . . . . . . . . 459
          Marion MacFarlane and   
                Kelvin Cain and   
              Xiao-Ming Sun and   
            Emad S. Alnemri and   
                Gerald M. Cohen   Processing\slash Activation of At Least
                                  Four Interleukin-1$ \beta $ Converting
                                  Enzyme-like Proteases Occurs during the
                                  Execution Phase of Apoptosis in Human
                                  Monocytic Tumor Cells  . . . . . . . . . 469
          Richard L. Klemke and   
                 Shuang Cai and   
            Ana L. Giannini and   
      Patricia J. Gallagher and   
        Primal de Lanerolle and   
               David A. Cheresh   Regulation of Cell Motility by
                                  Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase . . . . 481
      Miguel Angel del Pozo and   
      Carlos Cabañas and   
    María C. Montoya and   
                   Ann Ager and   
Paloma Sánchez-Mateos and   
Francisco Sánchez-Madrid   ICAMs Redistributed by Chemokines to
                                  Cellular Uropods as a Mechanism for
                                  Recruitment of T Lymphocytes . . . . . . 493
           Douglas J. Goetz and   
            Daniel M. Greif and   
                   Han Ding and   
      Raymond T. Camphausen and   
               Steven Howes and   
          Kenneth M. Comess and   
             Karen R. Snapp and   
         Geoffrey S. Kansas and   
          Francis W. Luscinskas   Isolated P-selectin Glycoprotein
                                  Ligand-1 Dynamic Adhesion to P- and
                                  E-selectin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 137, Number 3, May, 1997

                   Jun Yang and   
                  Jimin Liu and   
             Donald B. DeFranco   Subnuclear Trafficking of Glucocorticoid
                                  Receptors In Vitro: Chromatin Recycling
                                  and Nuclear Export . . . . . . . . . . . 523
        Heather B. McDonald and   
                    Breck Byers   A Proteasome Cap Subunit Required for
                                  Spindle Pole Body Duplication in Yeast   539
        Johanna M. Wahlberg and   
                  Martin Spiess   Multiple Determinants Direct the
                                  Orientation of Signal--Anchor Proteins:
                                  The Topogenic Role of the Hydrophobic
                                  Signal Domain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
               Gregory Jedd and   
             Jon Mulholland and   
                     Nava Segev   Two New Ypt GTPases Are Required for
                                  Exit From the Yeast trans -Golgi
                                  Compartment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
           Ellen J. Tisdale and   
              Helen Plutner and   
            Jeanne Matteson and   
               William E. Balch   p53/58 Binds COPI and Is Required for
                                  Selective Transport through the Early
                                  Secretory Pathway  . . . . . . . . . . . 581
            Regina Kuliawat and   
          Judith Klumperman and   
              Thomas Ludwig and   
                    Peter Arvan   Differential Sorting of Lysosomal
                                  Enzymes Out of the Regulated Secretory
                                  Pathway in Pancreatic $ \beta $-Cells    595
                   John Kim and   
            Sidney V. Scott and   
             Michael N. Oda and   
             Daniel J. Klionsky   Transport of a Large Oligomeric Protein
                                  by the Cytoplasm to Vacuole Protein
                                  Targeting Pathway  . . . . . . . . . . . 609
            Lucinda I. Chen and   
         Melanie K. Webster and   
             April N. Meyer and   
             Daniel J. Donoghue   Transmembrane Domain Sequence
                                  Requirements for Activation of the
                                  p185$^{c - neu}$ Receptor Tyrosine
                                  Kinase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
                Markus Hoth and   
      Christopher M. Fanger and   
               Richard S. Lewis   Mitochondrial Regulation of
                                  Store-operated Calcium Signaling in T
                                  Lymphocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
        Takako Kato-Minoura and   
            Masafumi Hirono and   
                   Ritsu Kamiya   Chlamydomonas Inner--Arm Dynein Mutant,
                                  ida5, Has a Mutation in an
                                  Actin-encoding Gene  . . . . . . . . . . 649
              Zhao-hui Yang and   
           G. Ian Gallicano and   
               Qian-Chun Yu and   
                   Elaine Fuchs   An Unexpected Localization of Basonuclin
                                  in the Centrosome, Mitochondria, and
                                  Acrosome of Developing Spermatids  . . . 657
            Alain J. Denzer and   
        Ralph Brandenberger and   
          Matthias Gesemann and   
           Matthias Chiquet and   
                Markus A. Ruegg   Agrin Binds to the Nerve--Muscle Basal
                                  Lamina via Laminin . . . . . . . . . . . 671
           Jeffrey H. Miner and   
            Bruce L. Patton and   
           Stephen I. Lentz and   
           Debra J. Gilbert and   
          William D. Snider and   
           Nancy A. Jenkins and   
           Neal G. Copeland and   
                Joshua R. Sanes   The Laminin $ \alpha $ Chains:
                                  Expression, Developmental Transitions,
                                  and Chromosomal Locations of $ \alpha
                                  $1-5, Identification of Heterotrimeric
                                  Laminins 8--11, and Cloning of a Novel $
                                  \alpha $3 Isoform  . . . . . . . . . . . 685
          Timothy D. Garver and   
                    Qun Ren and   
               Shmuel Tuvia and   
                   Vann Bennett   Tyrosine Phosphorylation at a Site
                                  Highly Conserved in the L1 Family of
                                  Cell Adhesion Molecules Abolishes
                                  Ankyrin Binding and Increases Lateral
                                  Mobility of Neurofascin  . . . . . . . . 703
               Stefan Magez and   
           Maurice Geuskens and   
              Alain Beschin and   
          Herwig del Favero and   
        Hendrik Verschueren and   
                 Ralf Lucas and   
               Etienne Pays and   
          Patrick de Baetselier   Specific Uptake of Tumor Necrosis
                                  Factor-$ \alpha $ Is Involved in Growth
                                  Control of Trypanosoma brucei  . . . . . 715
        C. Michael DiPersio and   
 Kairbaan M. Hodivala-Dilke and   
            Rudolf Jaenisch and   
        Jordan A. Kreidberg and   
               Richard O. Hynes   $ \alpha $3$ \beta $1 Integrin Is
                                  Required for Normal Development of the
                                  Epidermal Basement Membrane  . . . . . . 729
              Jian-Guo Geng and   
             Thomas J. Raub and   
           Carolyn A. Baker and   
             Geri A. Sawada and   
                      Li Ma and   
          Åke P. Elhammer   Expression of a P-selectin Ligand in
                                  \bionameZona Pellucida of Porcine
                                  Oocytes and P-selectin on Acrosomal
                                  Membrane of Porcine Sperm Cells.
                                  Potential Implications for Their
                                  Involvement in Sperm--Egg Interactions   743
           Rachael A. Clark and   
         Harold P. Erickson and   
            Timothy A. Springer   Tenascin Supports Lymphocyte Rolling . . 755
                      W. Yu and   
                     J. Kim and   
                    L. Ossowski   Reduction in Surface Urokinase Receptor
                                  Forces Malignant Cells into a Protracted
                                  State of Dormancy  . . . . . . . . . . . 767
               Paola Franco and   
             Ciro Iaccarino and   
     Ferdinando Chiaradonna and   
             Anna Brandazza and   
             Carlo Iavarone and   
    M. Rosaria Mastronicola and   
             M. Luisa Nolli and   
          M. Patrizia Stoppelli   Phosphorylation of Human Pro--Urokinase
                                  on Ser$^{138 \slash 303}$ Impairs Its
                                  Receptor-dependent Ability to Promote
                                  Myelomonocytic Adherence and Motility    779

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 137, Number 4, May, 1997

          J. Troy Littleton and   
            Manzoor A. Bhat and   
                 Hugo J. Bellen   Deciphering the Function of Neurexins at
                                  Cellular Junctions . . . . . . . . . . . 793
          M. Kathryn Iovine and   
                 Susan R. Wente   A Nuclear Export Signal in Kap95p Is
                                  Required for Both Recycling the Import
                                  Factor and Interaction with the
                                  Nucleoporin GLFG Repeat Regions of
                                  Nup116p and Nup100p  . . . . . . . . . . 797
                 Nina Saris and   
              Heidi Holkeri and   
           Rachel A. Craven and   
          Colin J. Stirling and   
                  Marja Makarow   The Hsp70 Homologue Lhs1p Is Involved in
                                  a Novel Function of the Yeast
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum, Refolding and
                                  Stabilization of Heat-denatured Protein
                                  Aggregates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813
    Fernando A. Agarraberes and   
        Stanley R. Terlecky and   
                   J. Fred Dice   An Intralysosomal hsp70 Is Required for
                                  a Selective Pathway of Lysosomal Protein
                                  Degradation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825
              Fiona Simpson and   
            Andrew A. Peden and   
         Lina Christopoulou and   
           Margaret S. Robinson   Characterization of the Adaptor-related
                                  Protein Complex, AP-3  . . . . . . . . . 835
              Michael Koval and   
            James E. Harley and   
             Elizabeth Hick and   
            Thomas H. Steinberg   Connexin46 Is Retained as Monomers in a
                                  trans -Golgi Compartment of Osteoblastic
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847
          Feliciano Protasi and   
   Clara Franzini-Armstrong and   
            Bernhard E. Flucher   Coordinated Incorporation of Skeletal
                                  Muscle Dihydropyridine Receptors and
                                  Ryanodine Receptors in Peripheral
                                  Couplings of BC$_3$ H1 Cells . . . . . . 859
               Ji Woong Han and   
               Jong Ho Park and   
                 Misook Kim and   
                     JooHun Lee   mRNAs for Microtubule Proteins Are
                                  Specifically Colocalized during the
                                  Sequential Formation of Basal Body,
                                  Flagella, and Cytoskeletal Microtubules
                                  in the Differentiation of Naegleria
                                  gruberi  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871
      Robert D. C. Saunders and   
      Maria do Carmo Avides and   
              Thomas Howard and   
          Cayetano Gonzalez and   
                David M. Glover   The \bionameDrosophila Gene abnormal
                                  spindle Encodes a Novel
                                  Microtubule-associated Protein That
                                  Associates with the Polar Regions of the
                                  Mitotic Spindle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 881
            Hiroyuki Adachi and   
         Yasuhiro Takahashi and   
             Takeshi Hasebe and   
            Mikako Shirouzu and   
         Shigeyuki Yokoyama and   
                    Kazuo Sutoh   \bionameDictyostelium IQGAP-related
                                  Protein Specifically Involved in the
                                  Completion of Cytokinesis  . . . . . . . 891
         Hiroyuki Nishiyama and   
             Katsuhiko Itoh and   
           Yoshiyuki Kaneko and   
       Masamichi Kishishita and   
              Osamu Yoshida and   
                     Jun Fujita   A Glycine-rich RNA-binding Protein
                                  Mediating Cold-inducible Suppression of
                                  Mammalian Cell Growth  . . . . . . . . . 899
                Frank Rauch and   
            Bernhard Polzar and   
             Harald Stephan and   
             Silvia Zanotti and   
          Renate Paddenberg and   
            Hans Georg Mannherz   Androgen Ablation Leads to an
                                  Upregulation and Intranuclear
                                  Accumulation of Deoxyribonuclease I in
                                  Rat Prostate Epithelial Cells
                                  Paralleling Their Apoptotic Elimination  909
         Jill E. Hungerford and   
          James P. Hoeffler and   
         Chauncey W. Bowers and   
               Lisa M. Dahm and   
            Rocco Falchetto and   
        Jeffrey Shabanowitz and   
             Donald F. Hunt and   
              Charles D. Little   Identification of a Novel Marker for
                                  Primordial Smooth Muscle and Its
                                  Differential Expression Pattern in
                                  Contractile vs Noncontractile Cells  . . 925
         Robert A. Screaton and   
              Linda Z. Penn and   
           Clifford P. Stanners   Carcinoembryonic Antigen, a Human Tumor
                                  Marker, Cooperates with Myc and Bcl-2 in
                                  Cellular Transformation  . . . . . . . . 939
        Kanaga T. Sabapathy and   
          Michael S. Pepper and   
          Friedemann Kiefer and   
   Uta Möhle-Steinlein and   
  Fabienne Tacchini-Cottier and   
               Ingrid Fetka and   
               Georg Breier and   
               Werner Risau and   
            Peter Carmeliet and   
          Roberto Montesano and   
                Erwin F. Wagner   Polyoma Middle T-induced Vascular Tumor
                                  Formation: The Role of the Plasminogen
                                  Activator/Plasmin System . . . . . . . . 953

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 137, Number 5, June, 1997

                  Sui Huang and   
         Thomas J. Deerinck and   
           Mark H. Ellisman and   
               David L. Spector   The Dynamic Organization of the
                                  Perinucleolar Compartment in the Cell
                                  Nucleus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965
    Margarida Gama-Carvalho and   
            Randy D. Krauss and   
              Lijian Chiang and   
      Juan Valcárcel and   
           Michael R. Green and   
            Maria Carmo-Fonseca   Targeting of U2AF$^{65}$ to Sites of
                                  Active Splicing in the Nucleus . . . . . 975
             Ricardo Bastos and   
    Lluis Ribas de Pouplana and   
               Mark Enarson and   
             Khaldon Bodoor and   
                    Brian Burke   Nup84, A Novel Nucleoporin That Is
                                  Associated With CAN/Nup214 on the
                                  Cytoplasmic Face of the Nuclear Pore
                                  Complex  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989
    Bettina Lenz-Böhme and   
             Jasmine Wismar and   
                Silke Fuchs and   
           Rita Reifegerste and   
              Erich Buchner and   
              Heinrich Betz and   
                Bertram Schmitt   Insertional Mutation of the
                                  \bionameDrosophila Nuclear Lamin Dm$_0$
                                  Gene Results in Defective Nuclear
                                  Envelopes, Clustering of Nuclear Pore
                                  Complexes, and Accumulation of Annulate
                                  Lamellae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1001
                 Inbok Paek and   
                 Lelio Orci and   
         Mariella Ravazzola and   
   Hediye Erdjument-Bromage and   
             Mylene Amherdt and   
                Paul Tempst and   
     Thomas H. Söllner and   
               James E. Rothman   ERS-24, a Mammalian v--SNARE Implicated
                                  in Vesicle Traffic between the ER and
                                  the Golgi  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017
Marie-José J. E. Bijlmakers and   
      Misako Isobe-Nakamura and   
         Lindsay J. Ruddock and   
                     Mark Marsh   Intrinsic Signals in the Unique Domain
                                  Target p56 $^{\rm lck}$ to the Plasma
                                  Membrane Independently of CD4  . . . . . 1029
              Toku Kanaseki and   
          Kazunori Kawasaki and   
            Masayuki Murata and   
               Yoko Ikeuchi and   
              Shun-ichi Ohnishi   Structural Features of Membrane Fusion
                                  between Influenza Virus and Liposome as
                                  Revealed by Quick--Freezing Electron
                                  Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041
            Sergio Anastasi and   
            Silvia Giordano and   
             Olga Sthandier and   
        Giovanna Gambarotta and   
            Rossella Maione and   
             Paolo Comoglio and   
                    Paolo Amati   A Natural Hepatocyte Growth
                                  Factor/Scatter Factor Autocrine Loop in
                                  Myoblast Cells and the Effect of the
                                  Constitutive Met Kinase Activation on
                                  Myogenic Differentiation . . . . . . . . 1057
          Anthony Koutoulis and   
          Gregory J. Pazour and   
        Curtis G. Wilkerson and   
                Kazuo Inaba and   
                 Hong Sheng and   
               Saeko Takada and   
               George B. Witman   The Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ODA3 Gene
                                  Encodes a Protein of the Outer Dynein
                                  Arm Docking Complex  . . . . . . . . . . 1069
       Ramila S. Patel-King and   
        Sharon E. Benashski and   
          Alistair Harrison and   
                Stephen M. King   A Chlamydomonas Homologue of the
                                  Putative Murine t Complex Distorter
                                  Tctex-2 Is an Outer Arm Dynein Light
                                  Chain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081
              Peter J. Koch and   
              M. G. Mahoney and   
          Hiroyasu Ishikawa and   
            Leena Pulkkinen and   
                Jouni Uitto and   
             Leonard Shultz and   
           George F. Murphy and   
     Diana Whitaker-Menezes and   
                John R. Stanley   Targeted Disruption of the
                                  \bionamePemphigus Vulgaris Antigen
                                  (Desmoglein 3) Gene in Mice Causes Loss
                                  of Keratinocyte Cell Adhesion with a
                                  Phenotype Similar to \bionamePemphigus
                                  Vulgaris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1091
         Jolanda van Hengel and   
               Lionel Gohon and   
              Erik Bruyneel and   
           Stefan Vermeulen and   
          Maria Cornelissen and   
                Marc Mareel and   
                  Frans van Roy   Protein Kinase C Activation Upregulates
                                  Intercellular Adhesion of $ \alpha
                                  $-Catenin--negative Human Colon Cancer
                                  Cell Variants via Induction of
                                  Desmosomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1103
          David M. Farschon and   
     Clément Couture and   
             Tomas Mustelin and   
             Donald D. Newmeyer   Temporal Phases in Apoptosis Defined by
                                  the Actions of Src Homology 2 Domains,
                                  Ceramide, Bcl-2, Interleukin-1$ \beta $
                                  Converting Enzyme Family Proteases, and
                                  a Dense Membrane Fraction  . . . . . . . 1117
           Andrzej Ptasznik and   
         Gillian M. Beattie and   
            Martin I. Mally and   
           Vincenzo Cirulli and   
                  Ana Lopez and   
                  Alberto Hayek   Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Is a
                                  Negative Regulator of Cellular
                                  Differentiation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1127
          Johannes M. Weiss and   
           Jonathan Sleeman and   
           Andreas C. Renkl and   
            Henning Dittmar and   
       Christian C. Termeer and   
               Sabine Taxis and   
              Norma Howells and   
             Martin Hofmann and   
       Gabriele Köhler and   
          Erwin Schöpf and   
               Helmut Ponta and   
             Peter Herrlich and   
                   Jan C. Simon   An Essential Role for CD44 Variant
                                  Isoforms in Epidermal Langerhans Cell
                                  and Blood Dendritic Cell Function  . . . 1137
            Thorsten Kirsch and   
              Hyun-Duck Nah and   
          Irving M. Shapiro and   
              Maurizio Pacifici   Regulated Production of
                                  Mineralization-competent Matrix Vesicles
                                  in Hypertrophic Chondrocytes . . . . . . 1149
             Nancy R. Gough and   
           Douglas M. Fambrough   Different Steady State Subcellular
                                  Distributions of the Three Splice
                                  Variants of Lysosome-associated Membrane
                                  Protein LAMP-2 Are Determined Largely by
                                  the COOH-terminal Amino Acid Residue . . 1161
         Patricia L. Graham and   
         Jeffrey J. Johnson and   
                Shaoru Wang and   
           Marion H. Sibley and   
            Malini C. Gupta and   
                James M. Kramer   Type IV Collagen Is Detectable in Most,
                                  but Not All, Basement Membranes of
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans and
                                  Assembles on Tissues That Do Not Express
                                  It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1171
            Malini C. Gupta and   
         Patricia L. Graham and   
                James M. Kramer   Characterization of $ \alpha $1(IV)
                                  Collagen Mutations in
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans and the
                                  Effects of $ \alpha $1 and $ \alpha
                                  $2(IV) Mutations on Type IV Collagen
                                  Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 137, Number 6, June, 1997

                    Li Yang and   
                Tinglu Guan and   
                   Larry Gerace   Integral Membrane Proteins of the
                                  Nuclear Envelope Are Dispersed
                                  throughout the Endoplasmic Reticulum
                                  during Mitosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1199
             David T. Shima and   
             Kasturi Haldar and   
           Rainer Pepperkok and   
                Rose Watson and   
                  Graham Warren   Partitioning of the Golgi Apparatus
                                  during Mitosis in Living HeLa Cells  . . 1211
        Caroline Whitehouse and   
               Joy Burchell and   
       Stephen Gschmeissner and   
           Inka Brockhausen and   
           Kenneth O. Lloyd and   
     Joyce Taylor-Papadimitriou   A Transfected Sialyltransferase That Is
                                  Elevated in Breast Cancer and Localizes
                                  to the medial/trans -Golgi Apparatus
                                  Inhibits the Development of
                                  core-$2$--based O--Glycans . . . . . . . 1229
                Jan W. Slot and   
          Gabriella Garruti and   
               Sally Martin and   
             Viola Oorschot and   
            George Posthuma and   
          Edward W. Kraegen and   
               Ross Laybutt and   
     Gaétan Thibault and   
                 David E. James   Glucose Transporter (GLUT-4) Is Targeted
                                  to Secretory Granules in Rat Atrial
                                  Cardiomyocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1243
              Greg Odorizzi and   
              Ian S. Trowbridge   Structural Requirements for Basolateral
                                  Sorting of the Human Transferrin
                                  Receptor in the Biosynthetic and
                                  Endocytic Pathways of Madin--Darby
                                  Canine Kidney Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 1255
             Gary A. Eitzen and   
          Rachel K. Szilard and   
         Richard A. Rachubinski   Enlarged Peroxisomes Are Present in
                                  Oleic Acid--grown Yarrowia lipolytica
                                  Overexpressing the PEX16 Gene Encoding
                                  an Intraperoxisomal Peripheral Membrane
                                  Peroxin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1265
           Jens Lübeck and   
                 Lisa Heins and   
               Jürgen Soll   A Nuclear-coded Chloroplastic Inner
                                  Envelope Membrane Protein Uses a Soluble
                                  Sorting Intermediate upon Import into
                                  the Organelle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1279
                Tama Hasson and   
         Peter G. Gillespie and   
            Jesus A. Garcia and   
       Richard B. MacDonald and   
               Yi-dong Zhao and   
                 Ann G. Yee and   
           Mark S. Mooseker and   
                 David P. Corey   Unconventional Myosins in Inner--Ear
                                  Sensory Epithelia  . . . . . . . . . . . 1287
           Chikako Kitayama and   
             Asako Sugimoto and   
              Masayuki Yamamoto   Type II Myosin Heavy Chain Encoded by
                                  the myo2 Gene Composes the Contractile
                                  Ring during Cytokinesis in
                                  \bionameSchizosaccharomyces pombe  . . . 1309
            Sharyn A. Endow and   
                Donald J. Komma   Spindle Dynamics during Meiosis in
                                  \bionameDrosophila Oocytes . . . . . . . 1321
             Lynne D. Berry and   
              Kathleen L. Gould   Fission Yeast dim1$^+$ Encodes a
                                  Functionally Conserved Polypeptide
                                  Essential for Mitosis  . . . . . . . . . 1337
      Margaret Husta Butler and   
                Carol David and   
           Gian-Carlo Ochoa and   
           Zachary Freyberg and   
             Laurie Daniell and   
               Detlev Grabs and   
            Ottavio Cremona and   
              Pietro De Camilli   Amphiphysin II (SH3P9; BIN1), a Member
                                  of the Amphiphysin/Rvs Family, Is
                                  Concentrated in the Cortical Cytomatrix
                                  of Axon Initial Segments and Nodes of
                                  Ranvier in Brain and around T Tubules in
                                  Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1355
               Stefan Ruepp and   
        André Furger and   
              Ursula Kurath and   
     Christina Kunz Renggli and   
            Andrew Hemphill and   
                  Reto Brun and   
                  Isabel Roditi   Survival of Trypanosoma brucei in the
                                  Tsetse Fly Is Enhanced by the Expression
                                  of Specific Forms of Procyclin . . . . . 1369
    Hél\`ene Marquis and   
            Howard Goldfine and   
              Daniel A. Portnoy   Proteolytic Pathways of Activation and
                                  Degradation of a Bacterial Phospholipase
                                  C during Intracellular Infection by
                                  \bionameListeria monocytogenes . . . . . 1381
           Akira Sakakibara and   
               Mikio Furuse and   
            Mitinori Saitou and   
        Yuhko Ando-Akatsuka and   
              Shoichiro Tsukita   Possible Involvement of Phosphorylation
                                  of Occludin in Tight Junction Formation  1393
            Pierre Savagner and   
          Kenneth M. Yamada and   
               Jean Paul Thiery   The Zinc--Finger Protein Slug Causes
                                  Desmosome Dissociation, an Initial and
                                  Necessary Step for Growth
                                  Factor--induced Epithelial--Mesenchymal
                                  Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1403
          Vania M. M. Braga and   
          Laura M. Machesky and   
                  Alan Hall and   
                Neil A. Hotchin   The Small GTPases Rho and Rac Are
                                  Required for the Establishment of
                                  Cadherin-dependent Cell--Cell Contacts   1421
         Hirokazu Kashiwagi and   
         Martin A. Schwartz and   
         Martin Eigenthaler and   
                K. A. Davis and   
           Mark H. Ginsberg and   
             Sanford J. Shattil   Affinity Modulation of Platelet Integrin
                                  $ \alpha_{\rm IIb} \beta_3 $ by $
                                  \beta_3 $-Endonexin, a Selective Binding
                                  Partner of the $ \beta_3 $ Integrin
                                  Cytoplasmic Tail . . . . . . . . . . . . 1433
           Brian K. Pilcher and   
               Jo Ann Dumin and   
           Barry D. Sudbeck and   
           Stephen M. Krane and   
           Howard G. Welgus and   
               William C. Parks   The Activity of Collagenase-1 Is
                                  Required for Keratinocyte Migration on a
                                  Type I Collagen Matrix . . . . . . . . . 1445

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 137, Number 7, June, 1997

             James R. Abney and   
               Bryan Cutler and   
          Misty L. Fillbach and   
             Daniel Axelrod and   
             Bethe A. Scalettar   Chromatin Dynamics in Interphase Nuclei
                                  and Its Implications for Nuclear
                                  Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1459
            Kevin J. Roberg and   
                Neil Rowley and   
                Chris A. Kaiser   Physiological Regulation of Membrane
                                  Protein Sorting Late in the Secretory
                                  Pathway of \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1469
               Ann K. Corsi and   
                 Randy Schekman   The Lumenal Domain of Sec63p Stimulates
                                  the ATPase Activity of BiP and Mediates
                                  BiP Recruitment to the Translocon in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 1483
  Christiane Walch-Solimena and   
            Ruth N. Collins and   
                Peter J. Novick   Sec2p Mediates Nucleotide Exchange on
                                  Sec4p and Is Involved in Polarized
                                  Delivery of Post-Golgi Vesicles  . . . . 1495
Gabriele Fischer von Mollard and   
         Steven F. Nothwehr and   
                 Tom H. Stevens   The Yeast v--SNARE Vti1p Mediates Two
                                  Vesicle Transport Pathways through
                                  Interactions with the t--SNAREs Sed5p
                                  and Pep12p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1511
                Jianwei Liu and   
           Thomas E. Hughes and   
               William C. Sessa   The First 35 Amino Acids and Fatty
                                  Acylation Sites Determine the Molecular
                                  Targeting of Endothelial Nitric Oxide
                                  Synthase into the Golgi Region of Cells:
                                  a Green Fluorescent Protein Study  . . . 1525
            Nedra F. Wilson and   
          Mary J. Foglesong and   
               William J. Snell   The Chlamydomonas Mating Type Plus
                                  Fertilization Tubule, a Prototypic Cell
                                  Fusion Organelle: Isolation,
                                  Characterization, and In Vitro Adhesion
                                  to Mating Type Minus Gametes . . . . . . 1537
         Anne-Marie Bashour and   
         Aaron T. Fullerton and   
            Matthew J. Hart and   
                George S. Bloom   IQGAP1, a Rac- and Cdc42-binding
                                  Protein, Directly Binds and Cross-links
                                  Microfilaments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1555
            Bruce F. McEwen and   
              Amy B. Heagle and   
          Grisel O. Cassels and   
          Karolyn F. Buttle and   
                Conly L. Rieder   Kinetochore Fiber Maturation in PtK$_1$
                                  Cells and Its Implications for the
                                  Mechanisms of Chromosome Congression and
                                  Anaphase Onset . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1567
            Valter D. Longo and   
            Lisa M. Ellerby and   
           Dale E. Bredesen and   
          Joan S. Valentine and   
                Edith B. Gralla   Human Bcl-2 Reverses Survival Defects in
                                  Yeast Lacking Superoxide Dismutase and
                                  Delays Death of Wild--Type Yeast . . . . 1581
             Rytis Prekeris and   
               David M. Terrian   Brain Myosin V Is a Synaptic
                                  Vesicle-associated Motor Protein:
                                  Evidence for a Ca$^2 + $-dependent
                                  Interaction with the
                                  Synaptobrevin--Synaptophysin Complex . . 1589
   Martijn F. B. G. Gebbink and   
            Onno Kranenburg and   
               Mieke Poland and   
    Francis P. G. van Horck and   
              Brahim Houssa and   
            Wouter H. Moolenaar   Identification of a Novel, Putative
                                  Rho-specific GDP/GTP Exchange Factor and
                                  a RhoA-binding Protein: Control of
                                  Neuronal Morphology  . . . . . . . . . . 1603
               Yosuke Takei and   
               Satoru Kondo and   
             Akihiro Harada and   
             Satomi Inomata and   
                Tetsuo Noda and   
              Nobutaka Hirokawa   Delayed Development of Nervous System in
                                  Mice Homozygous for Disrupted
                                  Microtubule-associated Protein 1B
                                  (MAP1B) Gene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1615
      Veronique Vandevoorde and   
               Guy Haegeman and   
                   Walter Fiers   Induced Expression of Trimerized
                                  Intracellular Domains of the Human Tumor
                                  Necrosis Factor (TNF) p55 Receptor
                                  Elicits TNF Effects  . . . . . . . . . . 1627
         Russell D. J. Huby and   
             Makio Iwashima and   
               Arthur Weiss and   
                  Steven C. Ley   ZAP-70 Protein Tyrosine Kinase Is
                                  Constitutively Targeted to the T Cell
                                  Cortex Independently of its SH2 Domains  1639
            Anne L. Pollack and   
         Angela I. M. Barth and   
           Yoram Altschuler and   
            W. James Nelson and   
                Keith E. Mostov   Dynamics of $ \beta $-Catenin
                                  Interactions with APC Protein Regulate
                                  Epithelial Tubulogenesis . . . . . . . . 1651
Frédérique Monier-Gavelle and   
               Jean-Loup Duband   Cross Talk between Adhesion Molecules:
                                  Control of N-cadherin Activity by
                                  Intracellular Signals Elicited by $
                                  \beta $1 and $ \beta $3 Integrins in
                                  Migrating Neural Crest Cells . . . . . . 1663

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 138, Number 1, July, 1997

          Sergei I. Bannykh and   
               William E. Balch   Membrane Dynamics at the Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum-Golgi Interface  . . . . . . . 1
         Alexander M. Ishov and   
        Richard M. Stenberg and   
                   Gerd G. Maul   Human Cytomegalovirus Immediate Early
                                  Interaction with Host Nuclear
                                  Structures: Definition of an Immediate
                                  Transcript Environment . . . . . . . . . 5
         Robert A. Arkowitz and   
                      Nick Lowe   A Small Conserved Domain in the Yeast
                                  Spa2p Is Necessary and Sufficient for
                                  Its Polarized Localization . . . . . . . 17
            Sidney V. Scott and   
                Misuzu Baba and   
           Yoshinori Ohsumi and   
             Daniel J. Klionsky   Aminopeptidase I Is Targeted to the
                                  Vacuole by a Nonclassical Vesicular
                                  Mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
             Anna M. Castle and   
               Amy Y. Huang and   
                J. David Castle   Passive Sorting in Maturing Granules of
                                  AtT-20 Cells: The Entry and Exit of
                                  Salivary Amylase and Proline-rich
                                  Protein  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
           Noriko Takahashi and   
           Takashi Kadowaki and   
              Yoshio Yazaki and   
          Yasushi Miyashita and   
                    Haruo Kasai   Multiple Exocytotic Pathways in
                                  Pancreatic $ \beta $ Cells . . . . . . . 55
          Dirk Görlich and   
         Marylena Dabrowski and   
           F. Ralf Bischoff and   
               Ulrike Kutay and   
                  Peer Bork and   
              Enno Hartmann and   
            Siegfried Prehn and   
               Elisa Izaurralde   A Novel Class of RanGTP Binding Proteins 65
          Matthew F. Peters and   
            Marvin E. Adams and   
            Stanley C. Froehner   Differential Association of Syntrophin
                                  Pairs with the Dystrophin Complex  . . . 81
              Terry Lechler and   
                        Rong Li   In Vitro Reconstitution of Cortical
                                  Actin Assembly Sites in Budding Yeast    95
                 P. T. Tran and   
               R. A. Walker and   
                   E. D. Salmon   A Metastable Intermediate State of
                                  Microtubule Dynamic Instability That
                                  Differs Significantly between Plus and
                                  Minus Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
               Roger Altman and   
                Douglas Kellogg   Control of Mitotic Events by Nap1 and
                                  the Gin4 Kinase  . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
             Olivier Seksek and   
            Joachim Biwersi and   
                  A. S. Verkman   Translational Diffusion of
                                  Macromolecule-sized Solutes in Cytoplasm
                                  and Nucleus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
              Yueqiao Huang and   
               John Jellies and   
        Kristen M. Johansen and   
         Jòrgen Johansen   Differential Glycosylation of Tractin
                                  and LeechCAM, Two Novel Ig Superfamily
                                  Members, Regulates Neurite Extension and
                                  Fascicle Formation . . . . . . . . . . . 143
          James P. O'Malley and   
         Charlotte T. Moore and   
             Miriam M. Salpeter   Stabilization of Acetylcholine Receptors
                                  by Exogenous ATP and Its Reversal by
                                  cAMP and Calcium . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
       Craig M. Coopersmith and   
      Chitra Chandrasekaran and   
           M. Shane McNevin and   
              Jeffrey I. Gordon   Bi-transgenic Mice Reveal that
                                  K-ras$^{\rm Val12}$ Augments a
                                  p53-independent Apoptosis When Small
                                  Intestinal Villus Enterocytes Reenter
                                  the Cell Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
              Masahiko Itoh and   
            Akira Nagafuchi and   
                Seiji Moroi and   
              Shoichiro Tsukita   Involvement of ZO-1 in Cadherin-based
                                  Cell Adhesion through Its Direct Binding
                                  to $ \alpha $ Catenin and Actin
                                  Filaments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
         Nikolai A. Chitaev and   
          Sergey M. Troyanovsky   Direct Ca$^{2+}$-dependent Heterophilic
                                  Interaction between Desmosomal
                                  Cadherins, Desmoglein and Desmocollin,
                                  Contributes to Cell--Cell Adhesion . . . 193
              Jong-Sun Kang and   
                    Min Gao and   
        Jessica L. Feinleib and   
           Philip D. Cotter and   
          Sarah N. Guadagno and   
               Robert S. Krauss   CDO: an Oncogene-, Serum-, and
                                  Anchorage-regulated Member of the
                                  Ig/Fibronectin Type III Repeat Family    203

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 138, Number 2, July, 1997

   Javier F. Cáceres and   
                Tom Misteli and   
          Gavin R. Screaton and   
           David L. Spector and   
              Adrian R. Krainer   Role of the Modular Domains of SR
                                  Proteins in Subnuclear Localization and
                                  Alternative Splicing Specificity . . . . 225
       Christian R. Eckmann and   
             Michael F. Jantsch   Xlrbpa, a Double-stranded RNA-binding
                                  Protein Associated with Ribosomes and
                                  Heterogeneous Nuclear RNPs . . . . . . . 239
             Leslie S. Kean and   
            Althea M. Grant and   
            Cesar Angeletti and   
        Yannick Mahé and   
               Karl Kuchler and   
           Robert S. Fuller and   
               J. Wylie Nichols   Plasma Membrane Translocation of
                                  Phosphatidylethanolamine Is Controlled
                                  by Transcription Regulators, PDR1 and
                                  PDR3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
               Jes Dietrich and   
             Jesper Kastrup and   
           Bodil L. Nielsen and   
          Niels Òdum and   
                Carsten Geisler   Regulation and Function of the CD3$
                                  \gamma $ DxxxLL Motif: a Binding Site
                                  for Adaptor Protein-1 and Adaptor
                                  Protein-2 in Vitro . . . . . . . . . . . 271
           Elva Díaz and   
    Frauke Schimmöller and   
             Suzanne R. Pfeffer   A Novel Rab9 Effector Required for
                                  Endosome--to--TGN Transport  . . . . . . 283
            Anne Müsch and   
                David Cohen and   
       Enrique Rodriguez-Boulan   Myosin II Is Involved in the Production
                                  of Constitutive Transport Vesicles from
                                  the TGN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
        Mirjam M. P. Zegers and   
                  Dick Hoekstra   Sphingolipid Transport to the Apical
                                  Plasma Membrane Domain in Human Hepatoma
                                  Cells Is Controlled by PKC and PKA
                                  Activity: a Correlation with Cell
                                  Polarity in HepG2 Cells  . . . . . . . . 307
        Harry F. G. Heijnen and   
             Viola Oorschot and   
               Jan J. Sixma and   
                Jan W. Slot and   
                 David E. James   Thrombin Stimulates Glucose Transport in
                                  Human Platelets via the Translocation of
                                  the Glucose Transporter GLUT-3 from $
                                  \alpha $-Granules to the Cell Surface    323
          Carol A. Charlton and   
          William A. Mohler and   
            Glenn L. Radice and   
           Richard O. Hynes and   
                  Helen M. Blau   Fusion Competence of Myoblasts Rendered
                                  Genetically Null for N--Cadherin in
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
             Achim Paululat and   
            Anette Goubeaud and   
             Christine Damm and   
               Stefan Knirr and   
           Susanne Burchard and   
          Renate Renkawitz-Pohl   The Mesodermal Expression of rolling
                                  stone (rost) Is Essential for Myoblast
                                  Fusion in \bionameDrosophila and Encodes
                                  a Potential Transmembrane Protein  . . . 337
        Jens Niewöhner and   
                 Igor Weber and   
              Markus Maniak and   
Annette Müller-Taubenberger and   
           Günther Gerisch   Talin-Null Cells of
                                  \bionameDictyostelium Are Strongly
                                  Defective in Adhesion to Particle and
                                  Substrate Surfaces and Slightly Impaired
                                  in Cytokinesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
           Sally H. Zigmond and   
              Michael Joyce and   
               Jane Borleis and   
             Gary M. Bokoch and   
             Peter N. Devreotes   Regulation of Actin Polymerization in
                                  Cell-free Systems by GTP$ \gamma $S and
                                  Cdc42  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
           Matthew D. Welch and   
           Angela H. DePace and   
                Suzie Verma and   
           Akihiro Iwamatsu and   
           Timothy J. Mitchison   The Human Arp2/3 Complex Is Composed of
                                  Evolutionarily Conserved Subunits and Is
                                  Localized to Cellular Regions of Dynamic
                                  Actin Filament Assembly  . . . . . . . . 375
          Sally P. Wheatley and   
      Edward H. Hinchcliffe and   
            Michael Glotzer and   
           Anthony A. Hyman and   
          Greenfield Sluder and   
                     Yu-li Wang   CDK1 Inactivation Regulates Anaphase
                                  Spindle Dynamics and Cytokinesis In Vivo 385
                Luke Alphey and   
              Louise Parker and   
           Gillian Hawcroft and   
                 Yiquan Guo and   
                 Kim Kaiser and   
                  Gareth Morgan   KLP38B: a Mitotic Kinesin-related
                                  Protein That Binds PP1 . . . . . . . . . 395
            Donna L. Senger and   
             Robert B. Campenot   Rapid Retrograde Tyrosine
                                  Phosphorylation of trkA and Other
                                  Proteins in Rat Sympathetic Neurons in
                                  Compartmented Cultures . . . . . . . . . 411
           Tiziana Crepaldi and   
            Alexis Gautreau and   
          Paolo M. Comoglio and   
             Daniel Louvard and   
                  Monique Arpin   Ezrin Is an Effector of Hepatocyte
                                  Growth Factor--mediated Migration and
                                  Morphogenesis in Epithelial Cells  . . . 423
          Thomas Sternsdorf and   
             Kirsten Jensen and   
          Dirk Züchner and   
                      Hans Will   Cellular Localization, Expression, and
                                  Structure of the Nuclear Dot Protein 52  435
         Mariangela Mancini and   
       Benjamin O. Anderson and   
         Elizabeth Caldwell and   
        Monireh Sedghinasab and   
             Philip B. Paty and   
            David M. Hockenbery   Mitochondrial Proliferation and
                                  Paradoxical Membrane Depolarization
                                  during Terminal Differentiation and
                                  Apoptosis in a Human Colon Carcinoma
                                  Cell Line  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
Martín I. García-Castro and   
            Robert Anderson and   
              Janet Heasman and   
              Christopher Wylie   Interactions between Germ Cells and
                                  Extracellular Matrix Glycoproteins
                                  during Migration and Gonad Assembly in
                                  the Mouse Embryo . . . . . . . . . . . . 471

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 138, Number 3, August, 1997

       Alexander A. Mironov and   
              Peggy Weidman and   
                  Alberto Luini   Variations on the Intracellular
                                  Transport Theme: Maturing Cisternae and
                                  Trafficking Tubules  . . . . . . . . . . 481
             Harold A. Fisk and   
               Michael P. Yaffe   Mutational Analysis of Mdm1p Function in
                                  Nuclear and Mitochondrial Inheritance    485
              Ye-Guang Chen and   
          Anirban Siddhanta and   
             Cary D. Austin and   
           Scott M. Hammond and   
           Tsung-Chang Sung and   
         Michael A. Frohman and   
           Andrew J. Morris and   
                 Dennis Shields   Phospholipase D Stimulates Release of
                                  Nascent Secretory Vesicles from the
                                  trans -Golgi Network . . . . . . . . . . 495
      Victor Faúndez and   
             Jim-Tong Horng and   
                 Regis B. Kelly   ADP Ribosylation Factor 1 Is Required
                                  for Synaptic Vesicle Budding in PC12
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
              Tamara Darsow and   
        Stephanie E. Rieder and   
                   Scott D. Emr   A Multispecificity Syntaxin Homologue,
                                  Vam3p, Essential for Autophagic and
                                  Biosynthetic Protein Transport to the
                                  Vacuole  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
            Robert C. Piper and   
              Nia J. Bryant and   
                 Tom H. Stevens   The Membrane Protein Alkaline
                                  Phosphatase Is Delivered to the Vacuole
                                  by a Route That Is Distinct from the
                                  VPS-dependent Pathway  . . . . . . . . . 531
             Mathilde Waser and   
             Nasrin Mesaeli and   
          Charlotte Spencer and   
                 Marek Michalak   Regulation of Calreticulin Gene
                                  Expression by Calcium  . . . . . . . . . 547
        Michel O. Steinmetz and   
          Kenneth N. Goldie and   
                      Ueli Aebi   A Correlative Analysis of Actin Filament
                                  Assembly, Structure, and Dynamics  . . . 559
            Dorothy J. Roof and   
             Annmarie Hayes and   
            Michael Adamian and   
           Athar H. Chishti and   
                     Tiansen Li   Molecular Characterization of abLIM, a
                                  Novel Actin-binding and Double Zinc
                                  Finger Protein . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
      Mary Ruth S. Erickson and   
          Brian J. Galletta and   
                Susan M. Abmayr   Drosophila myoblast city Encodes a
                                  Conserved Protein That Is Essential for
                                  Myoblast Fusion, Dorsal Closure, and
                                  Cytoskeletal Organization  . . . . . . . 589
        Richard I. Tuxworth and   
          Janet L. Cheetham and   
          Laura M. Machesky and   
      George B. Spiegelmann and   
               Gerald Weeks and   
               Robert H. Insall   \bionameDictyostelium RasG Is Required
                                  for Normal Motility and Cytokinesis, But
                                  Not Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
              Rebecca Heald and   
    Régis Tournebize and   
             Anja Habermann and   
              Eric Karsenti and   
                  Anthony Hyman   Spindle Assembly in \bionameXenopus Egg
                                  Extracts: Respective Roles of
                                  Centrosomes and Microtubule
                                  Self--Organization . . . . . . . . . . . 615
         Janet L. Carminati and   
                    Tim Stearns   Microtubules Orient the Mitotic Spindle
                                  in Yeast through Dynein-dependent
                                  Interactions with the Cell Cortex  . . . 629
            Ganesan Gopalan and   
        Clarence S. M. Chan and   
               Peter J. Donovan   A Novel Mammalian, Mitotic
                                  Spindle--associated Kinase Is Related to
                                  Yeast and Fly Chromosome Segregation
                                  Regulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
            Gerardo Morfini and   
           Santiago Quiroga and   
               Alberto Rosa and   
              Kenneth Kosik and   
         Alfredo Cáceres   Suppression of KIF2 in PC12 Cells Alters
                                  the Distribution of a Growth Cone
                                  Nonsynaptic Membrane Receptor and
                                  Inhibits Neurite Extension . . . . . . . 657
       Abraham S. C. Chyung and   
         Barry D. Greenberg and   
              David G. Cook and   
             Robert W. Doms and   
             Virginia M.-Y. Lee   Novel $ \beta $-Secretase Cleavage of $
                                  \beta $-Amyloid Precursor Protein in the
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum/Intermediate
                                  Compartment of NT2N Cells  . . . . . . . 671
             Babette Aicher and   
            Markus M. Lerch and   
         Thomas Müller and   
            James Schilling and   
                   Axel Ullrich   Cellular Redistribution of Protein
                                  Tyrosine Phosphatases LAR and PTP$
                                  \sigma $ by Inducible Proteolytic
                                  Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
              Paola Chiozzi and   
              Juana M. Sanz and   
             Davide Ferrari and   
          Simonetta Falzoni and   
             Arrigo Aleotti and   
              Gary N. Buell and   
              Ginetta Collo and   
          Francesco Di Virgilio   Spontaneous Cell Fusion in Macrophage
                                  Cultures Expressing High Levels of the
                                  P2Z/P2X$_7$ Receptor . . . . . . . . . . 697
            David W. Dawson and   
        S. Frieda A. Pearce and   
               Ruiqin Zhong and   
         Roy L. Silverstein and   
         William A. Frazier and   
             Noël P. Bouck   CD36 Mediates the In Vitro Inhibitory
                                  Effects of Thrombospondin-1 on
                                  Endothelial Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . 707
         Patricia Rousselle and   
           Douglas R. Keene and   
          Florence Ruggiero and   
    Marie-France Champliaud and   
        Michel van der Rest and   
             Robert E. Burgeson   Laminin 5 Binds the NC-1 Domain of Type
                                  VII Collagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 138, Number 4, August, 1997

                Wen-jie Luo and   
                      Amy Chang   Novel Genes Involved in Endosomal
                                  Traffic in Yeast Revealed by Suppression
                                  of a Targeting-defective Plasma Membrane
                                  ATPase Mutant  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
           Peter J. Dempsey and   
         Katherine S. Meise and   
          Yoshino Yoshitake and   
          Katsuzo Nishikawa and   
               Robert J. Coffey   Apical Enrichment of Human EGF Precursor
                                  in Madin--Darby Canine Kidney Cells
                                  Involves Preferential Basolateral
                                  Ectodomain Cleavage Sensitive to a
                                  Metalloprotease Inhibitor  . . . . . . . 747
           Timothy L. Cover and   
          Phyllis I. Hanson and   
                 John E. Heuser   Acid-induced Dissociation of VacA, the
                                  Helicobacter pylori Vacuolating
                                  Cytotoxin, Reveals Its Pattern of
                                  Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 759
                Amy McGough and   
                 Brian Pope and   
                   Wah Chiu and   
                     Alan Weeds   Cofilin Changes the Twist of F--Actin:
                                  Implications for Actin Filament Dynamics
                                  and Cellular Function  . . . . . . . . . 771
           Gregory M. Guild and   
       Patricia S. Connelly and   
            Michael K. Shaw and   
                Lewis G. Tilney   Actin Filament Cables in
                                  \bionameDrosophila Nurse Cells Are
                                  Composed of Modules That Slide Passively
                                  Past One Another during Dumping  . . . . 783
        Douglas N. Robinson and   
                    Lynn Cooley   Drosophila Kelch Is an Oligomeric Ring
                                  Canal Actin Organizer  . . . . . . . . . 799
               Hui-qiao Sun and   
              Keng-mean Lin and   
                   Helen L. Yin   Gelsolin Modulates Phospholipase C
                                  Activity In Vivo through Phospholipid
                                  Binding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811
               Guoling Tian and   
             Sally A. Lewis and   
           Becket Feierbach and   
            Timothy Stearns and   
           Heidi Rommelaere and   
            Christophe Ampe and   
              Nicholas J. Cowan   Tubulin Subunits Exist in an Activated
                                  Conformational State Generated and
                                  Maintained by Protein Cofactors  . . . . 821
             David J. Sharp and   
                 Wenqian Yu and   
               Lotfi Ferhat and   
             Ryoko Kuriyama and   
            David C. Rueger and   
                  Peter W. Baas   Identification of a
                                  Microtubule-associated Motor Protein
                                  Essential for Dendritic Differentiation  833
              Susan Spencer and   
            Donald Dowbenko and   
                 Jill Cheng and   
                   Wenlu Li and   
             Jennifer Brush and   
                Suzan Utzig and   
           Viesturs Simanis and   
              Laurence A. Lasky   PSTPIP: a Tyrosine Phosphorylated
                                  Cleavage Furrow--associated Protein that
                                  Is a Substrate for a PEST Tyrosine
                                  Phosphatase  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
          Robert W. Burgess and   
          David L. Deitcher and   
              Thomas L. Schwarz   The Synaptic Protein Syntaxin1 Is
                                  Required for Cellularization of
                                  \bionameDrosophila Embryos . . . . . . . 861
Bénédicte Dehouck and   
            Laurence Fenart and   
       Marie-Pierre Dehouck and   
              Annick Pierce and   
      Gérard Torpier and   
         Roméo Cecchelli   A New Function for the LDL Receptor:
                                  Transcytosis of LDL across the
                                  Blood--Brain Barrier . . . . . . . . . . 877
               Yan-hua Chen and   
           Christa Merzdorf and   
              David L. Paul and   
           Daniel A. Goodenough   COOH Terminus of Occludin Is Required
                                  for Tight Junction Barrier Function in
                                  Early \bionameXenopus Embryos  . . . . . 891
           Gaël McGill and   
            Akiko Shimamura and   
           Richard C. Bates and   
           Robert E. Savage and   
                David E. Fisher   Loss of Matrix Adhesion Triggers Rapid
                                  Transformation--Selective Apoptosis in
                                  Fibroblasts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901
          Laura M. Machesky and   
                      Alan Hall   Role of Actin Polymerization and
                                  Adhesion to Extracellular Matrix in Rac-
                                  and Rho-induced Cytoskeletal
                                  Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913
       Deborah J. G. Mackay and   
                  Fred Esch and   
            Heinz Furthmayr and   
                      Alan Hall   Rho- and Rac-dependent Assembly of Focal
                                  Adhesion Complexes and Actin Filaments
                                  in Permeabilized Fibroblasts: an
                                  Essential Role for Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin
                                  Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927
              Hiromi Sesaki and   
         Estella F. S. Wong and   
                   Chi-Hung Siu   The Cell Adhesion Molecule DdCAD-1 in
                                  \bionameDictyostelium Is Targeted to the
                                  Cell Surface by a Nonclassical Transport
                                  Pathway Involving Contractile Vacuoles   939

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 138, Number 5, September, 1997

             Andreas Merdes and   
               Don W. Cleveland   Pathways of Spindle Pole Formation:
                                  Different Mechanisms; Conserved
                                  Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 953
                    Tim Stearns   Motoring to the Finish: Kinesin and
                                  Dynein Work Together to Orient the Yeast
                                  Mitotic Spindle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 957
           Jennifer Philips and   
                 Ira Herskowitz   Osmotic Balance Regulates Cell Fusion
                                  during Mating in \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 961
José R. Castón and   
              Benes L. Trus and   
              Frank P. Booy and   
            Reed B. Wickner and   
             Joseph S. Wall and   
             Alasdair C. Steven   Structure of L--A Virus: a Specialized
                                  Compartment for the Transcription and
                                  Replication of Double-stranded RNA . . . 975
               Paul E. Ross and   
           George R. Ehring and   
             Michael D. Cahalan   Dynamics of ATP-induced Calcium
                                  Signaling in Single Mouse Thymocytes . . 987
               Guo-Qiang Bi and   
           Robert L. Morris and   
               Guochun Liao and   
          Janet M. Alderton and   
        Jonathan M. Scholey and   
          Richard A. Steinhardt   Kinesin- and Myosin-driven Steps of
                                  Vesicle Recruitment for
                                  Ca$^{2+}$-regulated Exocytosis . . . . . 999
           Robert L. Morris and   
            Jonathan M. Scholey   Heterotrimeric Kinesin--II Is Required
                                  for the Assembly of Motile 9+2 Ciliary
                                  Axonemes on Sea Urchin Embryos . . . . . 1009
            Todd M. DeZwaan and   
             Eric Ellingson and   
              David Pellman and   
                  David M. Roof   Kinesin-related KIP3 of
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae Is
                                  Required for a Distinct Step in Nuclear
                                  Migration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1023
        Frank R. Cottingham and   
                 M. Andrew Hoyt   Mitotic Spindle Positioning in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae Is
                                  Accomplished by Antagonistically Acting
                                  Microtubule Motor Proteins . . . . . . . 1041
               Tirso Gaglio and   
             Mary A. Dionne and   
               Duane A. Compton   Mitotic Spindle Poles are Organized by
                                  Structural and Motor Proteins in
                                  Addition to Centrosomes  . . . . . . . . 1055
             Harald Felgner and   
               Rainer Frank and   
              Jacek Biernat and   
        Eva-Maria Mandelkow and   
          Eckhard Mandelkow and   
                 Beat Ludin and   
               Andrew Matus and   
                Manfred Schliwa   Domains of Neuronal
                                  Microtubule-associated Proteins and
                                  Flexural Rigidity of Microtubules  . . . 1067
               Kevin Ainger and   
             Daniela Avossa and   
               Amy S. Diana and   
          Christopher Barry and   
            Elisa Barbarese and   
                 John H. Carson   Transport and Localization Elements in
                                  Myelin Basic Protein mRNA  . . . . . . . 1077
           Thomas R. Cimato and   
         Murray J. Ettinger and   
                Xianbo Zhou and   
                 John M. Aletta   Nerve Growth Factor--specific Regulation
                                  of Protein Methylation during Neuronal
                                  Differentiation of PC12 Cells  . . . . . 1089
          Hitoshi Nishijima and   
            Hideo Nishitani and   
               Takashi Seki and   
             Takeharu Nishimoto   A Dual-Specificity Phosphatase Cdc25B Is
                                  an Unstable Protein and Triggers
                                  p34$^{\rm cdc2}$ /Cyclin B Activation in
                                  Hamster BHK21 Cells Arrested with
                                  Hydroxyurea  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1105
            William C. Aird and   
            Jay M. Edelberg and   
    Hartmut Weiler-Guettler and   
         William W. Simmons and   
            Thomas W. Smith and   
            Robert D. Rosenberg   Vascular Bed--specific Expression of an
                                  Endothelial Cell Gene Is Programmed by
                                  the Tissue Microenvironment  . . . . . . 1117
             H. Makarenkova and   
               D. L. Becker and   
                  C. Tickle and   
                   A. E. Warner   Fibroblast Growth Factor 4 Directs Gap
                                  Junction Expression in the Mesenchyme of
                                  the Vertebrate Limb Bud  . . . . . . . . 1125
               David A. Nix and   
               Mary C. Beckerle   Nuclear--Cytoplasmic Shuttling of the
                                  Focal Contact Protein, Zyxin: a
                                  Potential Mechanism for Communication
                                  between Sites of Cell Adhesion and the
                                  Nucleus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139
             David D. Chang and   
                 Carol Wong and   
                Healy Smith and   
                      Jenny Liu   ICAP-1, a Novel $ \beta_1 $ Integrin
                                  Cytoplasmic Domain-associated Protein,
                                  Binds to a Conserved and Functionally
                                  Important NPXY Sequence Motif of $
                                  \beta_1 $ Integrin . . . . . . . . . . . 1149
              Lisbet Camper and   
       Dick Heinegård and   
    Evy Lundgren-Åkerlund   Integrin $ \alpha $2$ \beta $1 Is a
                                  Receptor for the Cartilage Matrix
                                  Protein Chondroadherin . . . . . . . . . 1159
                 Ronen Alon and   
                 Shuqi Chen and   
              Kamal D. Puri and   
             Erik B. Finger and   
            Timothy A. Springer   The Kinetics of L-selectin Tethers and
                                  the Mechanics of Selectin-mediated
                                  Rolling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1169

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 138, Number 6, September, 1997

            Mikiko C. Siomi and   
               Paul S. Eder and   
            Naoyuki Kataoka and   
                   Lili Wan and   
                   Qing Liu and   
                Gideon Dreyfuss   Transportin-mediated Nuclear Import of
                                  Heterogeneous Nuclear RNP Proteins . . . 1181
              Jan Ellenberg and   
             Eric D. Siggia and   
           Jorge E. Moreira and   
           Carolyn L. Smith and   
            John F. Presley and   
           Howard J. Worman and   
   Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz   Nuclear Membrane Dynamics and Reassembly
                                  in Living Cells: Targeting of an Inner
                                  Nuclear Membrane Protein in Interphase
                                  and Mitosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1193
      Hél\`ene Boeuf and   
            Charlotte Hauss and   
         Fabienne De Graeve and   
             Nathalie Baran and   
                Claude Kedinger   Leukemia Inhibitory Factor-dependent
                                  Transcriptional Activation in Embryonic
                                  Stem Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1207
                 Huiling He and   
                   Minh Lam and   
        Thomas S. McCormick and   
           Clark W. Distelhorst   Maintenance of Calcium Homeostasis in
                                  the Endoplasmic Reticulum by Bcl-2 . . . 1219
         Bjòrn Holst and   
        Christine Tachibana and   
               Jakob R. Winther   Active Site Mutations in Yeast Protein
                                  Disulfide Isomerase Cause Dithiothreitol
                                  Sensitivity and a Reduced Rate of
                                  Protein Folding in the Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1229
            Michele A. West and   
         Nicholas A. Bright and   
           Margaret S. Robinson   The Role of ADP-ribosylation Factor and
                                  Phospholipase D in Adaptor Recruitment   1239
             Roney O. Laine and   
              William Zeile and   
                   Fan Kang and   
           Daniel L. Purich and   
         Frederick S. Southwick   Vinculin Proteolysis Unmasks an ActA
                                  Homolog for Actin-based Shigella
                                  Motility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1255
  Suranganie Dharmawardhane and   
        Luraynne C. Sanders and   
           Stuart S. Martin and   
            R. Hugh Daniels and   
                 Gary M. Bokoch   Localization of p21-Activated Kinase 1
                                  (PAK1) to Pinocytic Vesicles and
                                  Cortical Actin Structures in Stimulated
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1265
                     Mei Lu and   
               Walter Witke and   
       David J. Kwiatkowski and   
               Kenneth S. Kosik   Delayed Retraction of Filopodia in
                                  Gelsolin Null Mice . . . . . . . . . . . 1279
            Daniel A. Starr and   
          Byron C. Williams and   
                  Zexiao Li and   
      Bijan Etemad-Moghadam and   
              R. Kelly Dawe and   
            Michael L. Goldberg   Conservation of the
                                  Centromere/Kinetochore Protein ZW10  . . 1289
           David J. Carroll and   
     Chodavarapu S. Ramarao and   
           Lisa M. Mehlmann and   
                Serge Roche and   
              Mark Terasaki and   
              Laurinda A. Jaffe   Calcium Release at Fertilization in
                                  Starfish Eggs Is Mediated by
                                  Phospholipase C$ \gamma $  . . . . . . . 1303
         Toshinobu Tokumoto and   
         Masakane Yamashita and   
              Mika Tokumoto and   
             Yoshinao Katsu and   
              Ryo Horiguchi and   
             Hiroko Kajiura and   
             Yoshitaka Nagahama   Initiation of Cyclin B Degradation by
                                  the 26S Proteasome upon Egg Activation   1313
               Ann Redfield and   
           Marvin T. Nieman and   
               Karen A. Knudsen   Cadherins Promote Skeletal Muscle
                                  Differentiation in Three-dimensional
                                  Cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1323
              Christof Zitt and   
       Alexander G. Obukhov and   
      Carsten Strübing and   
               Andrea Zobel and   
          Frank Kalkbrenner and   
      Andreas Lückhoff and   
            Günter Schultz   Expression of TRPC3 in Chinese Hamster
                                  Ovary Cells Results in Calcium-activated
                                  Cation Currents Not Related to Store
                                  Depletion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1333
             Pekka Kallunki and   
          Gerald M. Edelman and   
             Frederick S. Jones   Tissue-specific Expression of the L1
                                  Cell Adhesion Molecule Is Modulated by
                                  the Neural Restrictive Silencer Element  1343
                  Song Tang and   
             Ying Jing Shen and   
      Maria Elena DeBellard and   
        Gitali Mukhopadhyay and   
            James L. Salzer and   
            Paul R. Crocker and   
                Marie T. Filbin   Myelin-associated Glycoprotein Interacts
                                  with Neurons via a Sialic Acid Binding
                                  Site at ARG118 and a Distinct Neurite
                                  Inhibition Site  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1355
               Fen-Biao Gao and   
                    Martin Raff   Cell Size Control and a Cell-intrinsic
                                  Maturation Program in Proliferating
                                  Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells  . . . . 1367
       Carlos Caulín and   
            Guy S. Salvesen and   
               Robert G. Oshima   Caspase Cleavage of Keratin 18 and
                                  Reorganization of Intermediate Filaments
                                  during Epithelial Cell Apoptosis . . . . 1379
           Kelly M. McNagny and   
           Inger Pettersson and   
                Fabio Rossi and   
                Ingo Flamme and   
          Andrej Shevchenko and   
              Matthias Mann and   
                    Thomas Graf   Thrombomucin, a Novel Cell Surface
                                  Protein that Defines Thrombocytes and
                                  Multipotent Hematopoietic Progenitors    1395
           Juan M. Serrador and   
José L. Alonso-Lebrero and   
         Miguel A. del Pozo and   
            Heinz Furthmayr and   
   Reinhard Schwartz-Albiez and   
               Javier Calvo and   
           Francisco Lozano and   
Francisco Sánchez-Madrid   Moesin Interacts with the Cytoplasmic
                                  Region of Intercellular Adhesion
                                  Molecule-3 and Is Redistributed to the
                                  Uropod of T Lymphocytes during Cell
                                  Polarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1409
          Julie Famiglietti and   
                   Jing Sun and   
         Horace M. DeLisser and   
              Steven M. Albelda   Tyrosine Residue in Exon 14 of the
                                  Cytoplasmic Domain of Platelet
                                  Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule-1
                                  (PECAM-1/CD31) Regulates Ligand Binding
                                  Specificity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1425
           Joanna C. Porter and   
                     Nancy Hogg   Integrin Cross Talk: Activation of
                                  Lymphocyte Function-associated Antigen-1
                                  on Human T Cells Alters $ \alpha $4$
                                  \beta $1- and $ \alpha $5$ \beta
                                  $1-mediated Function . . . . . . . . . . 1437

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 139, Number 1, October, 1997

      Bahram Houchmandzadeh and   
              John F. Marko and   
            Didier Chatenay and   
               Albert Libchaber   Elasticity and Structure of Eukaryote
                                  Chromosomes Studied by Micromanipulation
                                  and Micropipette Aspiration  . . . . . . 1
                 Tin Tin Su and   
           Patrick H. O'Farrell   Chromosome Association of Minichromosome
                                  Maintenance Proteins in
                                  \bionameDrosophila Mitotic Cycles  . . . 13
          Jason H. Brickner and   
               Robert S. Fuller   SOI1 Encodes a Novel, Conserved Protein
                                  That Promotes TGN--Endosomal Cycling of
                                  Kex2p and Other Membrane Proteins by
                                  Modulating the Function of Two TGN
                                  Localization Signals . . . . . . . . . . 23
          Michelangelo Foti and   
           Aram Mangasarian and   
             Vincent Piguet and   
              Daniel P. Lew and   
          Karl-Heinz Krause and   
               Didier Trono and   
          Jean-Louis Carpentier   Nef-mediated Clathrin-coated Pit
                                  Formation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
        Harish Radhakrishna and   
             Julie G. Donaldson   ADP-Ribosylation Factor 6 Regulates a
                                  Novel Plasma Membrane Recycling Pathway  49
              Mark Terasaki and   
             Katsuya Miyake and   
                 Paul L. McNeil   Large Plasma Membrane Disruptions Are
                                  Rapidly Resealed by Ca$^{2+}$-dependent
                                  Vesicle--Vesicle Fusion Events . . . . . 63
        Douglas J. DeMarini and   
         Alison E. M. Adams and   
                Hanna Fares and   
        Claudio De Virgilio and   
              Giorgio Valle and   
             John S. Chuang and   
                John R. Pringle   A Septin-based Hierarchy of Proteins
                                  Required for Localized Deposition of
                                  Chitin in the \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae Cell Wall . . . . . . . . . . 75
              Stephanie Ruf and   
           Hans Kössel and   
                     Ralph Bock   Targeted Inactivation of a Tobacco
                                  Intron--containing Open Reading Frame
                                  Reveals a Novel Chloroplast-encoded
                                  Photosystem I--related Gene  . . . . . . 95
                Helena Webb and   
             Nicola Carnall and   
               Luc Vanhamme and   
               Sylvie Rolin and   
      Jakke Van Den Abbeele and   
                Sue Welburn and   
               Etienne Pays and   
                Mark Carrington   The GPI--Phospholipase C of Trypanosoma
                                  brucei Is Nonessential But Influences
                                  Parasitemia in Mice  . . . . . . . . . . 103
            Dietmar Zechner and   
          Donna J. Thuerauf and   
          Deanna S. Hanford and   
       Patrick M. McDonough and   
      Christopher C. Glembotski   A Role for the p38 Mitogen-activated
                                  Protein Kinase Pathway in Myocardial
                                  Cell Growth, Sarcomeric Organization,
                                  and Cardiac-specific Gene Expression . . 115
                 Zhenlin Li and   
          Mathias Mericskay and   
              Onnik Agbulut and   
      Gillian Butler-Browne and   
              Lena Carlsson and   
         Lars-Eric Thornell and   
            Charles Babinet and   
                  Denise Paulin   Desmin Is Essential for the Tensile
                                  Strength and Integrity of Myofibrils but
                                  Not for Myogenic Commitment,
                                  Differentiation, and Fusion of Skeletal
                                  Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
                Shao Jun Du and   
          Stephen H. Devoto and   
          Monte Westerfield and   
                Randall T. Moon   Positive and Negative Regulation of
                                  Muscle Cell Identity by Members of the
                                  hedgehog and TGF-$ \beta $ Gene Families 145
            Pascal Pomi\`es and   
           Heather A. Louis and   
               Mary C. Beckerle   CRP1, a LIM Domain Protein Implicated in
                                  Muscle Differentiation, Interacts with $
                                  \alpha $-Actinin . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
               David Reczek and   
              Mark Berryman and   
              Anthony Bretscher   Identification of EBP50: a
                                  PDZ-containing Phosphoprotein that
                                  Associates with Members of the
                                  Ezrin--Radixin--Moesin Family  . . . . . 169
             J. E. Sugiyama and   
                D. J. Glass and   
          G. D. Yancopoulos and   
                     Z. W. Hall   Laminin-induced Acetylcholine Receptor
                                  Clustering: an Alternative Pathway . . . 181
               Peter Mundel and   
               Hans W. Heid and   
           Thomas M. Mundel and   
          Meike Krüger and   
              Jochen Reiser and   
                   Wilhelm Kriz   Synaptopodin: an Actin-associated
                                  Protein in Telencephalic Dendrites and
                                  Renal Podocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
          Timothy M. Miller and   
          Krista L. Moulder and   
         C. Michael Knudson and   
         Douglas J. Creedon and   
          Mohanish Deshmukh and   
       Stanley J. Korsmeyer and   
              Eugene M. Johnson   Bax Deletion Further Orders the Cell
                                  Death Pathway in Cerebellar Granule
                                  Cells and Suggests a Caspase-independent
                                  Pathway to Cell Death  . . . . . . . . . 205
               Marek Litwin and   
            Katherine Clark and   
               Leanne Noack and   
                 Jill Furze and   
             Michael Berndt and   
             Steven Albelda and   
               Mathew Vadas and   
                Jennifer Gamble   Novel Cytokine-independent Induction of
                                  Endothelial Adhesion Molecules Regulated
                                  by Platelet/Endothelial Cell Adhesion
                                  Molecule (CD31)  . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
          Jeffrey R. Miller and   
                Randall T. Moon   Analysis of the Signaling Activities of
                                  Localization Mutants of $ \beta
                                  $-Catenin during Axis Specification in
                                  \bionameXenopus  . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
                J. J. Emeis and   
Y. van den Eijnden-Schrauwen and   
       C. M. van den Hoogen and   
             W. de Priester and   
             A. Westmuckett and   
                        F. Lupu   An Endothelial Storage Granule for
                                  Tissue--Type Plasminogen Activator . . . 245
             Nancy Boudreau and   
          Catherine Andrews and   
           Anabella Srebrow and   
               Ali Ravanpay and   
               David A. Cheresh   Induction of the Angiogenic Phenotype by
                                  Hox D3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
              Wilhelm Bloch and   
              Erik Forsberg and   
             Sylvia Lentini and   
            Cord Brakebusch and   
                Karl Martin and   
              Hans W. Krell and   
           Ulrich H. Weidle and   
              Klaus Addicks and   
          Reinhard Fässler   $ \beta $1 Integrin Is Essential for
                                  Teratoma Growth and Angiogenesis . . . . 265
          Peter Lloyd Jones and   
                Julie Crack and   
            Marlene Rabinovitch   Regulation of Tenascin-C, a Vascular
                                  Smooth Muscle Cell Survival Factor that
                                  Interacts with the $ \alpha_v \beta_3 $
                                  Integrin to Promote Epidermal Growth
                                  Factor Receptor Phosphorylation and
                                  Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
          Ri-ichiroh Manabe and   
                 Naoko Oh-e and   
            Toshinaga Maeda and   
            Tomohiko Fukuda and   
            Kiyotoshi Sekiguchi   Modulation of Cell-adhesive Activity of
                                  Fibronectin by the Alternatively Spliced
                                  EDA Segment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 139, Number 2, October, 1997

              Peter M. Lansdorp   Lessons from Mice without Telomerase . . 309
                Irene Boche and   
                  Ellen Fanning   Nucleocytoplasmic Recycling of the
                                  Nuclear Localization Signal Receptor $
                                  \alpha $ Subunit In Vivo Is Dependent on
                                  a Nuclear Export Signal, Energy, and
                                  RCC1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
          Florence W. H. Ng and   
                 Mai Nguyen and   
                  Tony Kwan and   
          Philip E. Branton and   
        Donald W. Nicholson and   
          James A. Cromlish and   
                Gordon C. Shore   p28 Bap31, a Bcl-2/Bcl--X$_L$- and
                                  Procaspase-8--associated Protein in the
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum  . . . . . . . . . 327
            Steven M. Jones and   
              Kathryn E. Howell   Phosphatidylinositol 3--Kinase Is
                                  Required for the Formation of
                                  Constitutive Transport Vesicles from the
                                  TGN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
          Scott C. Milligan and   
               James G. Alb and   
            Raya B. Elagina and   
         Vytas A. Bankaitis and   
                  David R. Hyde   The Phosphatidylinositol Transfer
                                  Protein Domain of \bionameDrosophila
                                  Retinal Degeneration B Protein Is
                                  Essential for Photoreceptor Cell
                                  Survival and Recovery from Light
                                  Stimulation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
                  Zhan Xiao and   
                 Ning Zhang and   
          Douglas B. Murphy and   
             Peter N. Devreotes   Dynamic Distribution of Chemoattractant
                                  Receptors in Living Cells During
                                  Chemotaxis and Persistent Stimulation    365
              Volker Straub and   
             Jill A. Rafael and   
     Jeffrey S. Chamberlain and   
              Kevin P. Campbell   Animal Models for Muscular Dystrophy
                                  Show Different Patterns of Sarcolemmal
                                  Disruption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
               Dorit Hanein and   
            Paul Matsudaira and   
              David J. DeRosier   Evidence for a Conformational Change in
                                  Actin Induced by Fimbrin (N375) Binding  387
        Tatyana M. Svitkina and   
    Alexander B. Verkhovsky and   
            Kyle M. McQuade and   
                 Gary G. Borisy   Analysis of the Actin--Myosin II System
                                  in Fish Epidermal Keratocytes: Mechanism
                                  of Cell Body Translocation . . . . . . . 397
   Clare M. Waterman-Storer and   
                   E. D. Salmon   Actomyosin-based Retrograde Flow of
                                  Microtubules in the Lamella of Migrating
                                  Epithelial Cells Influences Microtubule
                                  Dynamic Instability and Turnover and Is
                                  Associated with Microtubule Breakage and
                                  Treadmilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
                Xuebiao Yao and   
          Karen L. Anderson and   
               Don W. Cleveland   The Microtubule-dependent Motor
                                  Centromere--associated Protein E
                                  (CENP--E) Is an Integral Component of
                                  Kinetochore Corona Fibers That Link
                                  Centromeres to Spindle Microtubules  . . 435
                Yuka Nagata and   
              Yoshinao Muro and   
                 Kazuo Todokoro   Thrombopoietin-induced Polyploidization
                                  of Bone Marrow Megakaryocytes Is Due to
                                  a Unique Regulatory Mechanism in Late
                                  Mitosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
      Carol A. Bascom-Slack and   
                 Dean S. Dawson   The Yeast Motor Protein, Kar3p, Is
                                  Essential for Meiosis I  . . . . . . . . 459
         Janis K. Burkhardt and   
    Christophe J. Echeverri and   
              Tommy Nilsson and   
              Richard B. Vallee   Overexpression of the Dynamitin (p50)
                                  Subunit of the Dynactin Complex Disrupts
                                  Dynein-dependent Maintenance of Membrane
                                  Organelle Distribution . . . . . . . . . 469
              Susan Janicki and   
             Mervyn J. Monteiro   Increased Apoptosis Arising from
                                  Increased Expression of the Alzheimer's
                                  Disease--associated Presenilin-2
                                  Mutation (N141I) . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
 Niklas R. Jòrgensen and   
            Steven T. Geist and   
          Roberto Civitelli and   
            Thomas H. Steinberg   ATP- and Gap Junction-dependent
                                  Intercellular Calcium Signaling in
                                  Osteoblastic Cells . . . . . . . . . . . 497
                 Houhui Xia and   
            Sara T. Winokur and   
                Wen-Lin Kuo and   
         Michael R. Altherr and   
                 David S. Bredt   Actinin-associated LIM Protein:
                                  Identification of a Domain Interaction
                                  between PDZ and Spectrin-like Repeat
                                  Motifs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
               Kenji Mandai and   
         Hiroyuki Nakanishi and   
                Ayako Satoh and   
            Hiroshi Obaishi and   
                Manabu Wada and   
             Hideo Nishioka and   
              Masahiko Itoh and   
            Akira Mizoguchi and   
                 Takeo Aoki and   
           Toyoshi Fujimoto and   
             Yoichi Matsuda and   
          Shoichiro Tsukita and   
                  Yoshimi Takai   Afadin: a Novel Actin Filament--binding
                                  Protein with One PDZ Domain Localized at
                                  Cadherin-based Cell--to--Cell Adherens
                                  Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
            Wen-cheng Xiong and   
              J. Thomas Parsons   Induction of Apoptosis after Expression
                                  of PYK2, a Tyrosine Kinase Structurally
                                  Related to Focal Adhesion Kinase . . . . 529
                 Rosa Serra and   
             Mahlon Johnson and   
         Ellen H. Filvaroff and   
              James LaBorde and   
          Daniel M. Sheehan and   
                Rik Derynck and   
                Harold L. Moses   Expression of a Truncated,
                                  Kinase--Defective TGF-$ \beta $ Type II
                                  Receptor in Mouse Skeletal Tissue
                                  Promotes Terminal Chondrocyte
                                  Differentiation and Osteoarthritis . . . 541
              Lucia Schuger and   
          Amy P. N. Skubitz and   
                  Jun Zhang and   
              Lydia Sorokin and   
                          Li He   Laminin $ \alpha $1 Chain Synthesis in
                                  the Mouse Developing Lung: Requirement
                                  for Epithelial--Mesenchymal Contact and
                                  Possible Role in Bronchial Smooth muscle
                                  Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
           M. Abi Abitorabi and   
       Russell K. Pachynski and   
         Ronald E. Ferrando and   
              Mark Tidswell and   
                  David J. Erle   Presentation of Integrins on Leukocyte
                                  Microvilli: a Role for the Extracellular
                                  Domain in Determining Membrane
                                  Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 139, Number 3, November, 1997

      Martin Alexander Schwartz   Integrins, Oncogenes, and Anchorage
                                  Independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
        M. Cristina Cardoso and   
            Cuthbert Joseph and   
            Hans-Peter Rahn and   
              Regina Reusch and   
      Bernardo Nadal-Ginard and   
             Heinrich Leonhardt   Mapping and Use of a Sequence that
                                  Targets DNA Ligase I to Sites of DNA
                                  Replication In Vivo  . . . . . . . . . . 579
               Sankar Addya and   
Hindupur K. Anandatheerthavarada and   
                Gopa Biswas and   
         Shripad V. Bhagwat and   
             Jayati Mullick and   
            Narayan G. Avadhani   Targeting of NH$_2$-terminal-processed
                                  Microsomal Protein to Mitochondria: A
                                  Novel Pathway for the Biogenesis of
                                  Hepatic Mitochondrial P450MT2  . . . . . 589
              Mayte Montero and   
             Javier Alvarez and   
     Wilhelm J. J. Scheenen and   
            Rosario Rizzuto and   
           Jacopo Meldolesi and   
                  Tullio Pozzan   Ca$^{2+}$ Homeostasis in the Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum: Coexistence of High and Low
                                  [Ca$^{2+}$] Subcompartments in Intact
                                  HeLa Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
           Daniel N. Hebert and   
             Jian-Xin Zhang and   
                   Wei Chen and   
          Brigitte Foellmer and   
                   Ari Helenius   The Number and Location of Glycans on
                                  Influenza Hemagglutinin Determine
                                  Folding and Association with Calnexin
                                  and Calreticulin . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
             Laurent Muller and   
               Xiaorong Zhu and   
                  Iris Lindberg   Mechanism of the Facilitation of PC2
                                  Maturation by 7B2: Involvement in ProPC2
                                  Transport and Activation but Not Folding 625
       Monique J. Kleijmeer and   
        Stanislaw Morkowski and   
         Janice M. Griffith and   
      Alexander Y. Rudensky and   
                  Hans J. Geuze   Major Histocompatibility Complex Class
                                  II Compartments in Human and Mouse B
                                  Lymphoblasts Represent Conventional
                                  Endocytic Compartments . . . . . . . . . 639
           Natalie Signoret and   
            Joanne Oldridge and   
  Annegret Pelchen-Matthews and   
              Per J. Klasse and   
                 Thanh Tran and   
          Lawrence F. Brass and   
        Mette M. Rosenkilde and   
           Thue W. Schwartz and   
             William Holmes and   
                Walt Dallas and   
          Michael A. Luther and   
        Timothy N. C. Wells and   
             James A. Hoxie and   
                     Mark Marsh   Phorbol Esters and SDF-1 Induce Rapid
                                  Endocytosis and Down Modulation of the
                                  Chemokine Receptor CXCR4 . . . . . . . . 651
              Diane M. Ward and   
         Jonathan D. Leslie and   
                   Jerry Kaplan   Homotypic Lysosome Fusion in
                                  Macrophages: Analysis Using an In Vitro
                                  Assay  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665
              S. A. Burgess and   
               M. L. Walker and   
                H. D. White and   
                     J. Trinick   Flexibility within Myosin Heads Revealed
                                  by Negative Stain and Single--Particle
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675
            James D. Jontes and   
             Ronald A. Milligan   Brush Border Myosin--I Structure and
                                  ADP-dependent Conformational Changes
                                  Revealed by Cryoelectron Microscopy and
                                  Image Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
             Holger Schmitz and   
              Mary C. Reedy and   
           Michael K. Reedy and   
         Richard T. Tregear and   
              Kenneth A. Taylor   Tomographic Three-dimensional
                                  Reconstruction of Insect Flight Muscle
                                  Partially Relaxed by AMPPNP and Ethylene
                                  Glycol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
               G. D. Sterne and   
              G. R. Coulton and   
                R. A. Brown and   
                C. J. Green and   
                    G. Terenghi   Neurotrophin-$3$--enhanced Nerve
                                  Regeneration Selectively Improves
                                  Recovery of Muscle Fibers Expressing
                                  Myosin Heavy Chains 2b . . . . . . . . . 709
          Jens D. Beinhauer and   
              Iain M. Hagan and   
       Johannes H. Hegemann and   
                   Ursula Fleig   Mal3, the Fission Yeast Homologue of the
                                  Human APC-interacting Protein EB-1 Is
                                  Required for Microtubule Integrity and
                                  the Maintenance of Cell Form . . . . . . 717
                Frank Madeo and   
     Eleonore Fröhlich and   
          Kai-Uwe Fröhlich   A Yeast Mutant Showing Diagnostic
                                  Markers of Early and Late Apoptosis  . . 729
               Hideki Chiba and   
              John Clifford and   
             Daniel Metzger and   
                 Pierre Chambon   Specific and Redundant Functions of
                                  Retinoid X Receptor/Retinoic Acid
                                  Receptor Heterodimers in
                                  Differentiation, Proliferation, and
                                  Apoptosis of F9 Embryonal Carcinoma
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
             Takahisa Kondo and   
             Kosei Takeuchi and   
              Yoshinori Doi and   
         Shigenobu Yonemura and   
           Shigekazu Nagata and   
          Shoichiro Tsukita and   
                Sachiko Tsukita   ERM (Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin)-based
                                  Molecular Mechanism of Microvillar
                                  Breakdown at an Early Stage of Apoptosis 749
         Claudio Brancolini and   
             Dean Lazarevic and   
              Joe Rodriguez and   
              Claudio Schneider   Dismantling Cell--Cell Contacts during
                                  Apoptosis Is Coupled to a
                                  Caspase-dependent Proteolytic Cleavage
                                  of $ \beta $-Catenin . . . . . . . . . . 759
        Andrew P. Kowalczyk and   
      Elayne A. Bornslaeger and   
       Jeffrey E. Borgwardt and   
            Helena L. Palka and   
       Avninder S. Dhaliwal and   
         Connie M. Corcoran and   
        Mitchell F. Denning and   
              Kathleen J. Green   The Amino-terminal Domain of Desmoplakin
                                  Binds to Plakoglobin and Clusters
                                  Desmosomal Cadherin--Plakoglobin
                                  Complexes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773
          Takaharu Yamamoto and   
             Naozumi Harada and   
                 Kyoko Kano and   
           Shin-ichiro Taya and   
                Eli Canaani and   
         Yoshiharu Matsuura and   
            Akira Mizoguchi and   
                Chizuka Ide and   
                  Kozo Kaibuchi   The Ras Target AF-6 Interacts with ZO-1
                                  and Serves as a Peripheral Component of
                                  Tight Junctions in Epithelial Cells  . . 785
       Frank N. van Leeuwen and   
         Hendrie E. T. Kain and   
      Rob A. van der Kammen and   
             Frits Michiels and   
         Onno W. Kranenburg and   
                John G. Collard   The Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor
                                  Tiam1 Affects Neuronal Morphology;
                                  Opposing Roles for the Small GTPases Rac
                                  and Rho  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797
          Karen L. Philpott and   
         Mary Jane McCarthy and   
               Anke Klippel and   
                   Lee L. Rubin   Activated Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase
                                  and Akt Kinase Promote Survival of
                                  Superior Cervical Neurons  . . . . . . . 809
Michaela Wilsch-Bräuninger and   
              Heinz Schwarz and   
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard   A Sponge-like Structure Involved in the
                                  Association and Transport of Maternal
                                  Products during \bionameDrosophila
                                  Oogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 139, Number 4, November, 1997

                Hong-Guo Yu and   
            Evelyn N. Hiatt and   
               Annette Chan and   
               Mary Sweeney and   
                  R. Kelly Dawe   Neocentromere-mediated Chromosome
                                  Movement in Maize  . . . . . . . . . . . 831
                Shingo Kose and   
              Naoko Imamoto and   
             Taro Tachibana and   
           Takuya Shimamoto and   
               Yoshihiro Yoneda   Ran-unassisted Nuclear Migration of a
                                  97-kD Component of Nuclear
                                  Pore--targeting Complex  . . . . . . . . 841
                   Yu Liang and   
         Monika Häring and   
          Peter J. Roughley and   
   Renée K. Margolis and   
            Richard U. Margolis   Glypican and Biglycan in the Nuclei of
                                  Neurons and Glioma Cells: Presence of
                                  Functional Nuclear Localization Signals
                                  and Dynamic Changes in Glypican During
                                  the Cell Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 851
            Nathalie Dejucq and   
        Suzanne Chousterman and   
           Bernard Jégou   The Testicular Antiviral Defense System:
                                  Localization, Expression, and Regulation
                                  of 2'5' Oligoadenylate Synthetase,
                                  Double--Stranded RNA-activated Protein
                                  Kinase, and Mx Proteins in the Rat
                                  Seminiferous Tubule  . . . . . . . . . . 865
      Richard J. O. Barnard and   
                Alan Morgan and   
             Robert D. Burgoyne   Stimulation of NSF ATPase Activity by $
                                  \alpha $-SNAP Is Required for SNARE
                                  Complex Disassembly and Exocytosis . . . 875
                Corey Smith and   
                    Erwin Neher   Multiple Forms of Endocytosis In Bovine
                                  Adrenal Chromaffin Cells . . . . . . . . 885
         Jesus A. Gutierrez and   
                Jianming Yu and   
               Susan Rivera and   
      Marianne Wessling-Resnick   Functional Expression Cloning and
                                  Characterization of SFT, a Stimulator of
                                  Fe Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895
               Yongjian Liu and   
              Robert H. Edwards   Differential Localization of Vesicular
                                  Acetylcholine and Monoamine Transporters
                                  in PC12 Cells but Not CHO Cells  . . . . 907
               Anne E. West and   
            Rachael L. Neve and   
            Kathleen M. Buckley   Targeting of the Synaptic Vesicle
                                  Protein Synaptobrevin in the Axon of
                                  Cultured Hippocampal Neurons: Evidence
                                  for Two Distinct Sorting Steps . . . . . 917
             Charles Yeaman and   
          Annick H. Le Gall and   
            Anne N. Baldwin and   
           Laure Monlauzeur and   
             Andre Le Bivic and   
       Enrique Rodriguez-Boulan   The O-glycosylated Stalk Domain Is
                                  Required for Apical Sorting of
                                  Neurotrophin Receptors in Polarized MDCK
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 929
           Wouter van't Hof and   
                 Abha Malik and   
             S. Vijayakumar and   
                Jizeng Qiao and   
        Janet van Adelsberg and   
                 Qais Al-Awqati   The Effect of Apical and Basolateral
                                  Lipids on the Function of the Band 3
                                  Anion Exchange Protein . . . . . . . . . 941
         Hiroyuki Nakanishi and   
            Hiroshi Obaishi and   
                Ayako Satoh and   
                Manabu Wada and   
               Kenji Mandai and   
                Keiko Satoh and   
             Hideo Nishioka and   
         Yoshiharu Matsuura and   
            Akira Mizoguchi and   
                  Yoshimi Takai   Neurabin: a Novel Neural
                                  Tissue--specific Actin Filament--binding
                                  Protein Involved in Neurite Formation    951
               Hiroshi Sato and   
               Toshio Nagai and   
      Dhandapani Kuppuswamy and   
         Takahiro Narishige and   
              Masaaki Koide and   
           Donald R. Menick and   
                  George Cooper   Microtubule Stabilization in Pressure
                                  Overload Cardiac Hypertrophy . . . . . . 963
Sòren S. L. Andersen and   
                  Eric Karsenti   XMAP310: a \bionameXenopus
                                  Rescue-promoting Factor Localized to the
                                  Mitotic Spindle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 975
             Sidney L. Shaw and   
                 Elaine Yeh and   
                Paul Maddox and   
               E. D. Salmon and   
                    Kerry Bloom   Astral Microtubule Dynamics in Yeast: a
                                  Microtubule-based Searching Mechanism
                                  for Spindle Orientation and Nuclear
                                  Migration into the Bud . . . . . . . . . 985
             Manuela Vecchi and   
               Graham Carpenter   Constitutive Proteolysis of the ErbB-4
                                  Receptor Tyrosine Kinase by a Unique,
                                  Sequential Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . 995
           Fumiko Toyoshima and   
           Tetsuo Moriguchi and   
                 Eisuke Nishida   Fas Induces Cytoplasmic Apoptotic
                                  Responses and Activation of the
                                  MKK7-JNK/SAPK and MKK6-p38 Pathways
                                  Independent of CPP32-like Proteases  . . 1005
                Asim Khwaja and   
                Julian Downward   Lack of Correlation between Activation
                                  of Jun--NH$_2$-terminal Kinase and
                                  Induction of Apoptosis after Detachment
                                  of Epithelial Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 1017
            Glenn L. Radice and   
M. Celeste Ferreira-Cornwell and   
        Stephen D. Robinson and   
              Helen Rayburn and   
           Lewis A. Chodosh and   
         Masatoshi Takeichi and   
               Richard O. Hynes   Precocious Mammary Gland Development in
                                  P--Cadherin--deficient Mice  . . . . . . 1025
      Ravinder N. M. Sehgal and   
          Barry M. Gumbiner and   
             Louis F. Reichardt   Antagonism of Cell Adhesion by an $
                                  \alpha $-Catenin Mutant, and of the
                                  Wnt-signaling Pathway by $ \alpha
                                  $-Catenin in \bionameXenopus Embryos . . 1033
             Kenji Takaishi and   
              Takuya Sasaki and   
            Hirokazu Kotani and   
             Hideo Nishioka and   
                  Yoshimi Takai   Regulation of Cell--Cell Adhesion by Rac
                                  and Rho Small G Proteins in MDCK Cells   1047

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 139, Number 5, December, 1997

         Christopher T. Beh and   
            Valeria Brizzio and   
                   Mark D. Rose   KAR5 Encodes a Novel Pheromone-inducible
                                  Protein Required for Homotypic Nuclear
                                  Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1063
                    Li Yang and   
                Tinglu Guan and   
                   Larry Gerace   Lamin-binding Fragment of LAP2 Inhibits
                                  Increase in Nuclear Volume during the
                                  Cell Cycle and Progression into S Phase  1077
            Kazutoyo Terada and   
            Masaki Kanazawa and   
                Bernd Bukau and   
                  Masataka Mori   The Human DnaJ Homologue dj2 Facilitates
                                  Mitochondrial Protein Import and
                                  Luciferase Refolding . . . . . . . . . . 1089
                Charles Barlowe   Coupled ER to Golgi Transport
                                  Reconstituted with Purified Cytosolic
                                  Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1097
          Alexander Mironov and   
           Antonino Colanzi and   
  Maria Giuseppina Silletta and   
               Giusy Fiucci and   
               Silvio Flati and   
             Aurora Fusella and   
           Roman Polishchuk and   
          Alexander Mironov and   
         Giuseppe Di Tullio and   
            Roberto Weigert and   
             Vivek Malhotra and   
              Daniela Corda and   
Maria Antonietta De Matteis and   
                  Alberto Luini   Role of NAD$^+$ and ADP--Ribosylation in
                                  the Maintenance of the Golgi Structure   1109
                Manuel Rojo and   
           Rainer Pepperkok and   
              Gregory Emery and   
             Roland Kellner and   
                Espen Stang and   
           Robert G. Parton and   
                 Jean Gruenberg   Involvement of the Transmembrane Protein
                                  p23 in Biosynthetic Protein Transport    1119
                Noah Sciaky and   
               John Presley and   
              Carolyn Smith and   
        Kristien J. M. Zaal and   
                Nelson Cole and   
           Jorge E. Moreira and   
              Mark Terasaki and   
                Eric Siggia and   
   Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz   Golgi Tubule Traffic and the Effects of
                                  Brefeldin A Visualized in Living Cells   1137
                  Tao Zhang and   
             Siew Heng Wong and   
              Bor Luen Tang and   
                     Yue Xu and   
                Frank Peter and   
      V. Nathan Subramaniam and   
                    Wanjin Hong   The Mammalian Protein (rbet1) Homologous
                                  to Yeast Bet1p Is Primarily Associated
                                  with the Pre-Golgi Intermediate
                                  Compartment and Is Involved in Vesicular
                                  Transport from the Endoplasmic Reticulum
                                  to the Golgi Apparatus . . . . . . . . . 1157
               Karl R. Fath and   
            Gina M. Trimbur and   
               David R. Burgess   Molecular Motors and a Spectrin Matrix
                                  Associate with Golgi Membranes In Vitro  1169
                    Feng Gu and   
           Fernando Aniento and   
           Robert G. Parton and   
                 Jean Gruenberg   Functional Dissection of COP--I Subunits
                                  in the Biogenesis of Multivesicular
                                  Endosomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1183
          N. Doane Chilcoat and   
             Aaron P. Turkewitz   In Vivo Analysis of the Major
                                  Exocytosis-sensitive Phosphoprotein in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena  . . . . . . . . . . 1197
          Jennifer M. Green and   
          Alan D. Schreiber and   
                  Eric J. Brown   Role for a Glycan Phosphoinositol Anchor
                                  in Fc$ \gamma $ Receptor Synergy . . . . 1209
Leslie J. R. Acakpo-Satchivi and   
          Winfried Edelmann and   
            Carol Sartorius and   
                Brian D. Lu and   
             Philip A. Wahr and   
           Simon C. Watkins and   
          Joseph M. Metzger and   
            Leslie Leinwand and   
              Raju Kucherlapati   Growth and Muscle Defects in Mice
                                  Lacking Adult Myosin Heavy Chain Genes   1219
            Anja Baumeister and   
               Silvia Arber and   
                    Pico Caroni   Accumulation of Muscle Ankyrin Repeat
                                  Protein Transcript Reveals Local
                                  Activation of Primary Myotube
                                  Endcompartments during Muscle
                                  Morphogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1231
                 R. J. Eddy and   
                     J. Han and   
                J. S. Condeelis   Capping Protein Terminates but Does Not
                                  Initiate Chemoattractant-induced Actin
                                  Assembly in \bionameDictyostelium  . . . 1243
      Kersi N. Pestonjamasp and   
             Robert K. Pope and   
         Julia D. Wulfkuhle and   
              Elizabeth J. Luna   Supervillin (p205): a Novel
                                  Membrane-associated, F-Actin-binding
                                  Protein in the Villin/Gelsolin
                                  Superfamily  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1255
        Peijing Jeremy Wang and   
                Tim C. Huffaker   Stu2p: a Microtubule-Binding Protein
                                  that Is an Essential Component of the
                                  Yeast Spindle Pole Body  . . . . . . . . 1271
            Keith G. Wolter and   
                  Yi-Te Hsu and   
           Carolyn L. Smith and   
           Amotz Nechushtan and   
                Xu-Guang Xi and   
               Richard J. Youle   Movement of Bax from the Cytosol to
                                  Mitochondria during Apoptosis  . . . . . 1281
           Phyllis L. Faust and   
                 Mary E. Hatten   Targeted Deletion of the PEX2 Peroxisome
                                  Assembly Gene in Mice Provides a Model
                                  for Zellweger Syndrome, a Human Neuronal
                                  Migration Disorder . . . . . . . . . . . 1293
                  Bin Zhang and   
              Pang-hsien Tu and   
            Farhad Abtahian and   
        John Q. Trojanowski and   
             Virginia M.-Y. Lee   Neurofilaments and Orthograde Transport
                                  Are Reduced in Ventral Root Axons of
                                  Transgenic Mice that Express Human SOD1
                                  with a G93A Mutation . . . . . . . . . . 1307
                Yonghong Li and   
               Pamela Maher and   
                 David Schubert   Requirement for cGMP in Nerve Cell Death
                                  Caused by Glutathione Depletion  . . . . 1317
            Daniela Salomon and   
             Paula A. Sacco and   
            Sujata Guha Roy and   
               Inbal Simcha and   
           Keith R. Johnson and   
       Margaret J. Wheelock and   
                 Avri Ben-Ze'ev   Regulation of $ \beta $-Catenin Levels
                                  and Localization by Overexpression of
                                  Plakoglobin and Inhibition of the
                                  Ubiquitin--Proteasome System . . . . . . 1325
         Sergey V. Litvinov and   
             Maarten Balzar and   
            Manon J. Winter and   
        Hellen A. M. Bakker and   
  Inge H. Briaire-de Bruijn and   
                Frans Prins and   
           Gert Jan Fleuren and   
                Sven O. Warnaar   Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule
                                  (Ep--CAM) Modulates Cell--Cell
                                  Interactions Mediated by Classic
                                  Cadherins  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1337
            Ellen F. Foxman and   
          James J. Campbell and   
              Eugene C. Butcher   Multistep Navigation and the
                                  Combinatorial Control of Leukocyte
                                  Chemotaxis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 139, Number 6, December, 1997

              Isabel Molina and   
               Sigrid Baars and   
             Julie A. Brill and   
             Karen G. Hales and   
         Margaret T. Fuller and   
                   Pedro Ripoll   A Chromatin-associated Kinesin-related
                                  Protein Required for Normal Mitotic
                                  Chromosome Segregation in
                                  \bionameDrosophila . . . . . . . . . . . 1361
               B. T. Schaar and   
              G. K. T. Chan and   
                  P. Maddox and   
               E. D. Salmon and   
                      T. J. Yen   CENP-E Function at Kinetochores Is
                                  Essential for Chromosome Alignment . . . 1373
     Christopher W. Espelin and   
          Kenneth B. Kaplan and   
                Peter K. Sorger   Probing the Architecture of a Simple
                                  Kinetochore Using DNA--Protein
                                  Crosslinking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1383
             Wim G. Annaert and   
               Bernd Becker and   
                Ute Kistner and   
               Michael Reth and   
                  Reinhard Jahn   Export of Cellubrevin from the
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum Is Controlled by
                                  BAP31  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1397
            Michael Maceyka and   
            Carolyn E. Machamer   Ceramide Accumulation Uncovers a Cycling
                                  Pathway for the cis -Golgi Network
                                  Marker, Infectious Bronchitis Virus M
                                  Protein  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1411
           Hans R. Waterham and   
        Kimberly A. Russell and   
               Yne de Vries and   
                 James M. Cregg   Peroxisomal Targeting, Import, and
                                  Assembly of Alcohol Oxidase in Pichia
                                  pastoris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1419
            Giorgio Ferrari and   
           Andrew M. Knight and   
                Colin Watts and   
                   Jean Pieters   Distinct Intracellular Compartments
                                  Involved in Invariant Chain Degradation
                                  and Antigenic Peptide Loading of Major
                                  Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Class
                                  II Molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1433
         Thomas P. Stauffer and   
                   Tobias Meyer   Compartmentalized IgE Receptor--mediated
                                  Signal Transduction in Living Cells  . . 1447
      Lorraine D. Hernandez and   
           Reuben J. Peters and   
               Sue E. Delos and   
           John A. T. Young and   
             David A. Agard and   
                Judith M. White   Activation of a Retroviral Membrane
                                  Fusion Protein: Soluble Receptor-induced
                                  Liposome Binding of the ALSV Envelope
                                  Glycoprotein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1455
                Norio Sakai and   
               Keiko Sasaki and   
              Natsu Ikegaki and   
            Yasuhito Shirai and   
              Yoshitaka Ono and   
                   Naoaki Saito   Direct Visualization of the
                                  Translocation of the $ \gamma
                                  $-Subspecies of Protein Kinase C in
                                  Living Cells Using Fusion Proteins with
                                  Green Fluorescent Protein  . . . . . . . 1465
      D. C. Ghislaine Mayer and   
             Leslie A. Leinwand   Sarcomeric Gene Expression and
                                  Contractility in Myofibroblasts  . . . . 1477
          Martina H. Lauber and   
          Irene Waizenegger and   
           Thomas Steinmann and   
              Heinz Schwarz and   
               Ulrike Mayer and   
               Inwhan Hwang and   
          Wolfgang Lukowitz and   
              Gerd Jürgens   The Arabidopsis KNOLLE Protein Is a
                                  Cytokinesis-specific Syntaxin  . . . . . 1485
            Steven Einheber and   
             George Zanazzi and   
              William Ching and   
             Steven Scherer and   
           Teresa A. Milner and   
                Elior Peles and   
                James L. Salzer   The Axonal Membrane Protein Caspr, a
                                  Homologue of Neurexin IV, Is a Component
                                  of the Septate-like Paranodal Junctions
                                  That Assemble during Myelination . . . . 1495
            Bruce L. Patton and   
           Jeffrey H. Miner and   
             Arlene Y. Chiu and   
                Joshua R. Sanes   Distribution and Function of Laminins in
                                  the Neuromuscular System of Developing,
                                  Adult, and Mutant Mice . . . . . . . . . 1507
          Sòren Skov and   
                Pia Klausen and   
             Mogens H. Claesson   Ligation of Major Histocompatability
                                  Complex (MHC) Class I Molecules on Human
                                  T Cells Induces Cell Death through PI-3
                                  Kinase-induced c-Jun NH$_2$-terminal
                                  Kinase Activity: A Novel Apoptotic
                                  Pathway Distinct from Fas-induced
                                  Apoptosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1523
                    Yuan Su and   
                 Yufang Shi and   
          Melissa A. Stolow and   
                     Yun-Bo Shi   Thyroid Hormone Induces Apoptosis in
                                  Primary Cell Cultures of Tadpole
                                  Intestine: Cell Type Specificity and
                                  Effects of Extracellular Matrix  . . . . 1533
          D. Holstead Jones and   
            Tyler C. Davies and   
               Gerald M. Kidder   Embryonic Expression of the Putative $
                                  \gamma $ Subunit of the Sodium Pump Is
                                  Required for Acquisition of Fluid
                                  Transport Capacity during Mouse
                                  Blastocyst Development . . . . . . . . . 1545
            Olivier Lorentz and   
             Isabelle Duluc and   
      Ad\`ele De Arcangelis and   
     Patricia Simon-Assmann and   
         Mich\`ele Kedinger and   
          Jean-Noël Freund   Key Role of the Cdx2 Homeobox Gene in
                                  Extracellular Matrix--mediated
                                  Intestinal Cell Differentiation  . . . . 1553
Brunhilde Felding-Habermann and   
             Steve Silletti and   
                   Fang Mei and   
               Chi-Hung Siu and   
                Paul M. Yip and   
            Peter C. Brooks and   
           David A. Cheresh and   
         Timothy E. O'Toole and   
           Mark H. Ginsberg and   
       Anthony M. P. Montgomery   A Single Immunoglobulin-like Domain of
                                  the Human Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule
                                  L1 Supports Adhesion by Multiple
                                  Vascular and Platelet Integrins  . . . . 1567
           Alexey M. Belkin and   
         S. Francesco Retta and   
       Olga Y. Pletjushkina and   
            Fiorella Balzac and   
            Lorenzo Silengo and   
           Reinhard Fassler and   
      Victor E. Koteliansky and   
             Keith Burridge and   
                   Guido Tarone   Muscle $ \beta $1D Integrin Reinforces
                                  the Cytoskeleton--Matrix Link:
                                  Modulation of Integrin Adhesive Function
                                  by Alternative Splicing  . . . . . . . . 1583

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 139, Number 7, December, 1997

       João Ferreira and   
          Giovanni Paolella and   
               Carlos Ramos and   
                Angus I. Lamond   Spatial Organization of Large-Scale
                                  Chromatin Domains in the Nucleus: a
                                  Magnified View of Single Chromosome
                                  Territories  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1597
Renée LeMaire-Adkins and   
               Kristi Radke and   
               Patricia A. Hunt   Lack of Checkpoint Control at the
                                  Metaphase/Anaphase Transition: a
                                  Mechanism of Meiotic Nondisjunction in
                                  Mammalian Females  . . . . . . . . . . . 1611
          Thomas Sternsdorf and   
             Kirsten Jensen and   
                      Hans Will   Evidence for Covalent Modification of
                                  the Nuclear Dot-associated Proteins PML
                                  and Sp100 by PIC1/SUMO-1 . . . . . . . . 1621
             Davide Ferrari and   
       Sebastian Wesselborg and   
         Manuel K. A. Bauer and   
          Klaus Schulze-Osthoff   Extracellular ATP Activates
                                  Transcription Factor NF-$ \kappa $B
                                  through the P2Z Purinoreceptor by
                                  Selectively Targeting NF-$ \kappa $B p65
                                  (RelA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1635
          Lucy F. Pemberton and   
      Jonathan S. Rosenblum and   
             Günter Blobel   A Distinct and Parallel Pathway for the
                                  Nuclear Import of an mRNA-binding
                                  Protein  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1645
      Jonathan S. Rosenblum and   
          Lucy F. Pemberton and   
             Günter Blobel   A Nuclear Import Pathway for a Protein
                                  Involved in tRNA Maturation  . . . . . . 1655
            Oliver Kerscher and   
               Jason Holder and   
      Maithreyan Srinivasan and   
           Roxanne S. Leung and   
               Robert E. Jensen   The Tim54p--Tim22p Complex Mediates
                                  Insertion of Proteins into the
                                  Mitochondrial Inner Membrane . . . . . . 1663
            Andrei Kouranov and   
               Danny J. Schnell   Analysis of the Interactions of
                                  Preproteins with the Import Machinery
                                  over the Course of Protein Import into
                                  Chloroplasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1677
                Misuzu Baba and   
               Masako Osumi and   
            Sidney V. Scott and   
         Daniel J. Klionsky and   
               Yoshinori Ohsumi   Two Distinct Pathways for Targeting
                                  Proteins from the Cytoplasm to the
                                  Vacuole/Lysosome . . . . . . . . . . . . 1687
   Christopher V. Nicchitta and   
                   Tianli Zheng   Regulation of the Ribosome--Membrane
                                  Junction at Early Stages of Presecretory
                                  Protein Translocation in the Mammalian
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum  . . . . . . . . . 1697
            Helmut Plattner and   
        Antonio R. Artalejo and   
                    Erwin Neher   Ultrastructural Organization of Bovine
                                  Chromaffin Cell Cortex --- Analysis by
                                  Cryofixation and Morphometry of Aspects
                                  Pertinent to Exocytosis  . . . . . . . . 1709
                Gseping Liu and   
              Laurel Thomas and   
            Robin A. Warren and   
           Caroline A. Enns and   
        C. Casey Cunningham and   
            John H. Hartwig and   
                    Gary Thomas   Cytoskeletal Protein ABP-280 Directs the
                                  Intracellular Trafficking of Furin and
                                  Modulates Proprotein Processing in the
                                  Endocytic Pathway  . . . . . . . . . . . 1719
              Nathan Wolins and   
           Herbert Bosshart and   
         Helmut Küster and   
             Juan S. Bonifacino   Aggregation As a Determinant of Protein
                                  Fate in Post-Golgi Compartments: Role of
                                  the Luminal Domain of Furin in Lysosomal
                                  Targeting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1735
             Elizabeth Daro and   
                David Sheff and   
                Marie Gomez and   
               Thomas Kreis and   
                    Ira Mellman   Inhibition of Endosome Function in CHO
                                  Cells Bearing a Temperature-sensitive
                                  Defect in the Coatomer (COPI) Component
                                  $ \epsilon $-COP . . . . . . . . . . . . 1747
             J. David Stepp and   
              Kristen Huang and   
               Sandra K. Lemmon   The Yeast Adaptor Protein Complex, AP-3,
                                  Is Essential for the Efficient Delivery
                                  of Alkaline Phosphatase by the Alternate
                                  Pathway to the Vacuole . . . . . . . . . 1761
              Erik L. Snapp and   
              Scott M. Landfear   Cytoskeletal Association Is Important
                                  for Differential Targeting of Glucose
                                  Transporter Isoforms in Leishmania . . . 1775
               Xiaojun Guan and   
        Benjamin F. Cravatt and   
           George R. Ehring and   
              James E. Hall and   
              Dale L. Boger and   
          Richard A. Lerner and   
               Norton B. Gilula   The Sleep-inducing Lipid Oleamide
                                  Deconvolutes Gap Junction Communication
                                  and Calcium Wave Transmission in Glial
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1785
              Ralph Neujahr and   
           Christina Heizer and   
           Richard Albrecht and   
                 Maria Ecke and   
         Jean-Marc Schwartz and   
                 Igor Weber and   
           Günther Gerisch   Three-dimensional Patterns and
                                  Redistribution of Myosin II and Actin in
                                  Mitotic \bionameDictyostelium Cells  . . 1793
             Pascale Jordan and   
                   Roger Karess   Myosin Light Chain--activating
                                  Phosphorylation Sites Are Required for
                                  Oogenesis in \bionameDrosophila  . . . . 1805
            Gabriela Vaduva and   
            Nancy C. Martin and   
                Anita K. Hopper   Actin-binding Verprolin Is a Polarity
                                  Development Protein Required for the
                                  Morphogenesis and Function of the Yeast
                                  Actin Cytoskeleton . . . . . . . . . . . 1821
        Christiana Ruhrberg and   
   M. A. Nasser Hajibagheri and   
          David A. D. Parry and   
                  Fiona M. Watt   Periplakin, a Novel Component of
                                  Cornified Envelopes and Desmosomes That
                                  Belongs to the Plakin Family and Forms
                                  Complexes with Envoplakin  . . . . . . . 1835
                Peter Kueng and   
           Zariana Nikolova and   
            Valentin Djonov and   
            Andrew Hemphill and   
           Valeria Rohrbach and   
            Dominik Boehlen and   
            Gisela Zuercher and   
      Anne-Catherine Andres and   
               Andrew Ziemiecki   A Novel Family of Serine/Threonine
                                  Kinases Participating in Spermiogenesis  1851
       André Lochter and   
             Sybille Galosy and   
              John Muschler and   
              Neal Freedman and   
                  Zena Werb and   
                Mina J. Bissell   Matrix Metalloproteinase Stromelysin-1
                                  Triggers a Cascade of Molecular
                                  Alterations That Leads to Stable
                                  Epithelial--to--Mesenchymal Conversion
                                  and a Premalignant Phenotype in Mammary
                                  Epithelial Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 1861
           Isaac Rabinovitz and   
             Arthur M. Mercurio   The Integrin $ \alpha $6$ \beta $4
                                  Functions in Carcinoma Cell Migration on
                                  Laminin-1 by Mediating the Formation and
                                  Stabilization of Actin-containing
                                  Motility Structures  . . . . . . . . . . 1873

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 140, Number 1, January, 1998

             Nelson B. Cole and   
              Jan Ellenberg and   
                   Jia Song and   
             Diane DiEuliis and   
   Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz   Retrograde Transport of Golgi-localized
                                  Proteins to the ER . . . . . . . . . . . 1
        Reinhard Gabathuler and   
             Judie Alimonti and   
             Qian-Jin Zhang and   
        Gerassimos Kolaitis and   
                Gregor Reid and   
           Wilfred A. Jefferies   Surrogate Antigen Processing Mediated by
                                  TAP-dependent Antigenic Peptide
                                  Secretion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
                Aaron M. Neiman   Prospore Membrane Formation Defines a
                                  Developmentally Regulated Branch of the
                                  Secretory Pathway in Yeast . . . . . . . 29
                Xiaohui Zha and   
           Lynda M. Pierini and   
          Philip L. Leopold and   
              Paul J. Skiba and   
                  Ira Tabas and   
          Frederick R. Maxfield   Sphingomyelinase Treatment Induces
                                  ATP-independent Endocytosis  . . . . . . 39
              Bettina Huhse and   
              Peter Rehling and   
           Markus Albertini and   
                 Lars Blank and   
                Karl Meller and   
                  Wolf-H. Kunau   Pex17p of \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae Is a Novel Peroxin and
                                  Component of the Peroxisomal Protein
                                  Translocation Machinery  . . . . . . . . 49
        Christian Ungermann and   
        Benjamin J. Nichols and   
          Hugh R. B. Pelham and   
                William Wickner   A Vacuolar v--t--SNARE Complex, the
                                  Predominant Form In Vivo and on Isolated
                                  Vacuoles, Is Disassembled and Activated
                                  for Docking and Fusion . . . . . . . . . 61
          Richard J. Cherry and   
            Keith M. Wilson and   
         Kathy Triantafilou and   
              Peter O'Toole and   
         Ian E. G. Morrison and   
          Patricia R. Smith and   
        Nelson Fernández   Detection of Dimers of Dimers of Human
                                  Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)--DR on the
                                  Surface of Living Cells by
                                  Single--Particle Fluorescence Imaging    71
             Simon A. Rudge and   
           Andrew J. Morris and   
              JoAnne Engebrecht   Relocalization of Phospholipase D
                                  Activity Mediates Membrane Formation
                                  During Meiosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
          Malini Vashishtha and   
              Thomas Phalen and   
      Marianne T. Marquardt and   
                 Jae S. Ryu and   
                Alice C. Ng and   
               Margaret Kielian   A Single Point Mutation Controls the
                                  Cholesterol Dependence of Semliki Forest
                                  Virus Entry and Exit . . . . . . . . . . 91
             William Zerges and   
             Jean-David Rochaix   Low Density Membranes Are Associated
                                  with RNA-binding Proteins and Thylakoids
                                  in the Chloroplast of Chlamydomonas
                                  reinhardtii  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
           Catherine Lindon and   
           Didier Montarras and   
               Christian Pinset   Cell Cycle--regulated Expression of the
                                  Muscle Determination Factor Myf5 in
                                  Proliferating Myoblasts  . . . . . . . . 111
            Fumio Matsumura and   
              Shoichiro Ono and   
         Yoshihiko Yamakita and   
               Go Totsukawa and   
              Shigeko Yamashiro   Specific Localization of Serine 19
                                  Phosphorylated Myosin II during Cell
                                  Locomotion and Mitosis of Cultured Cells 119
     Helena Melander Gradin and   
             Niklas Larsson and   
            Ulrica Marklund and   
                Martin Gullberg   Regulation of Microtubule Dynamics by
                                  Extracellular Signals: cAMP-dependent
                                  Protein Kinase Switches Off the Activity
                                  of Oncoprotein 18 in Intact Cells  . . . 131
       Christopher M. Adams and   
        Michael G. Anderson and   
             David G. Motto and   
          Margaret P. Price and   
           Wayne A. Johnson and   
               Michael J. Welsh   Ripped Pocket and Pickpocket, Novel
                                  \bionameDrosophila DEG/ENaC Subunits
                                  Expressed in Early Development and in
                                  Mechanosensory Neurons . . . . . . . . . 143
            Yasuki Ishizaki and   
        Michael D. Jacobson and   
                 Martin C. Raff   A Role for Caspases in Lens Fiber
                                  Differentiation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
                Yohei Hirai and   
       André Lochter and   
             Sybille Galosy and   
              Shogo Koshida and   
            Shinichiro Niwa and   
                Mina J. Bissell   Epimorphin Functions as a Key
                                  Morphoregulator for Mammary Epithelial
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
          Yoshinori Aragane and   
               Dagmar Kulms and   
               Dieter Metze and   
            Gabriele Wilkes and   
     Birgit Pöppelmann and   
            Thomas A. Luger and   
                 Thomas Schwarz   Ultraviolet Light Induces Apoptosis via
                                  Direct Activation of CD95 (Fas/APO-1)
                                  Independently of Its Ligand CD95L  . . . 171
               Phoebe White and   
             Hermann Aberle and   
              Jean-Paul Vincent   Signaling and Adhesion Activities of
                                  Mammalian $ \beta $-Catenin and
                                  Plakoglobin in \bionameDrosophila  . . . 183
     Jonathan M. G. Higgins and   
       Didier A. Mandlebrot and   
              Sunil K. Shaw and   
            Gary J. Russell and   
        Elizabeth A. Murphy and   
               Yih-Tai Chen and   
            W. James Nelson and   
        Christina M. Parker and   
             Michael B. Brenner   Direct and Regulated Interaction of
                                  Integrin $ \alpha_E \beta_7 $ with
                                  E-Cadherin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
             Leslie A. Cary and   
               Dong Cho Han and   
            Thomas R. Polte and   
            Steven K. Hanks and   
                   Jun-Lin Guan   Identification of p130$^{\rm Cas}$ as a
                                  Mediator of Focal Adhesion
                                  Kinase-promoted Cell Migration . . . . . 211
                Noam E. Ziv and   
                 Micha E. Spira   Induction of Growth Cone Formation by
                                  Transient and Localized Increases of
                                  Intracellular Proteolytic Activity . . . 223
            Peter Carmeliet and   
                Lieve Moons and   
            Mieke Dewerchin and   
           Steven Rosenberg and   
          Jean-Marc Herbert and   
                Florea Lupu and   
    Désiré Collen   Receptor-independent Role of
                                  Urokinase--Type Plasminogen Activator in
                                  Pericellular Plasmin and Matrix
                                  Metalloproteinase Proteolysis during
                                  Vascular Wound Healing in Mice . . . . . 233

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 140, Number 2, January, 1998

               Yoshie Tange and   
              Tetsuya Horio and   
           Mizuki Shimanuki and   
               Da-Qiao Ding and   
            Yasushi Hiraoka and   
                     Osami Niwa   A Novel Fission Yeast Gene, tht1$^+$, Is
                                  Required for the Fusion of Nuclear
                                  Envelopes during Karyogamy . . . . . . . 247
              Rohit Mahajan and   
               Larry Gerace and   
                Frauke Melchior   Molecular Characterization of the SUMO-1
                                  Modification of RanGAP1 and Its Role in
                                  Nuclear Envelope Association . . . . . . 259
           Xuequn Helen Hua and   
                   John Newport   Identification of a Preinitiation Step
                                  in DNA Replication That Is Independent
                                  of Origin Recognition Complex and cdc6,
                                  but Dependent on cdk2  . . . . . . . . . 271
         Jean-Claude Lozano and   
            Philippe Schatt and   
  François Marqu\`es and   
  Gérard Peaucellier and   
              Philippe Fort and   
   Jean-Pierre Féral and   
     Anne-Marie Genevi\`ere and   
            André Picard   A Presumptive Developmental Role for a
                                  Sea Urchin Cyclin B Splice Variant . . . 283
            Elaine C. Davis and   
      Thomas J. Broekelmann and   
                 Yuji Ozawa and   
               Robert P. Mecham   Identification of Tropoelastin as a
                                  Ligand for the 65-kD FK506-binding
                                  Protein, FKBP65, in the Secretory
                                  Pathway  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
             Giulia Baldini and   
           Giovanna Baldini and   
               Guangyi Wang and   
               Mattew Weber and   
              Marina Zweyer and   
             Renato Bareggi and   
             Joan W. Witkin and   
            Alberto M. Martelli   Expression of Rab3D N135I Inhibits
                                  Regulated Secretion of ACTH in AtT-20
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Isabel Muñoz-Barroso and   
             Stewart Durell and   
         Kazuyasu Sakaguchi and   
             Ettore Appella and   
              Robert Blumenthal   Dilation of the Human Immunodeficiency
                                  Virus--1 Envelope Glycoprotein Fusion
                                  Pore Revealed by the Inhibitory Action
                                  of a Synthetic Peptide from gp41 . . . . 315
         Aldebaran M. Hofer and   
          Cristina Fasolato and   
                  Tullio Pozzan   Capacitative Ca$^{2+}$ Entry Is Closely
                                  Linked to the Filling State of Internal
                                  Ca$^{2+}$ Stores: a Study Using
                                  Simultaneous Measurements of I$_{\rm
                                  CRAC}$ and Intraluminal [Ca$^{2+}$]  . . 325
         Stefan Wünsch and   
         Cecilia P. Sanchez and   
              Michael Gekle and   
  Lars Große-Wortmann and   
             Jochen Wiesner and   
                 Michael Lanzer   Differential Stimulation of the Na$^+$
                                  /H$^+$ Exchanger Determines Chloroquine
                                  Uptake in \bionamePlasmodium falciparum  335
                Feizhou Liu and   
       Christopher C. Bauer and   
               Irving Ortiz and   
            Richard G. Cook and   
          Michael F. Schmid and   
               Henry F. Epstein   $ \beta $-Filagenin, a Newly Identified
                                  Protein Coassembling with Myosin and
                                  Paramyosin in \bionameCaenorhabditis
                                  elegans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
            John Lippincott and   
                        Rong Li   Sequential Assembly of Myosin II, an
                                  IQGAP-like Protein, and Filamentous
                                  Actin to a Ring Structure Involved in
                                  Budding Yeast Cytokinesis  . . . . . . . 355
          Thomas M. Roberts and   
               E. D. Salmon and   
                 Murray Stewart   Hydrostatic Pressure Shows That
                                  Lamellipodial Motility in Ascaris Sperm
                                  Requires Membrane-associated Major Sperm
                                  Protein Filament Nucleation and
                                  Elongation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
             Rita K. Miller and   
                   Mark D. Rose   Kar9p Is a Novel Cortical Protein
                                  Required for Cytoplasmic Microtubule
                                  Orientation in Yeast . . . . . . . . . . 377
           Fridoon J. Ahmad and   
    Christophe J. Echeverri and   
          Richard B. Vallee and   
                  Peter W. Baas   Cytoplasmic Dynein and Dynactin Are
                                  Required for the Transport of
                                  Microtubules into the Axon . . . . . . . 391
                Thomas Moll and   
          Elisabetta Dejana and   
              Dietmar Vestweber   In Vitro Degradation of Endothelial
                                  Catenins by a Neutrophil Protease  . . . 403
     Motomi Enomoto-Iwamoto and   
           Masahiro Iwamoto and   
            Yoshiki Mukudai and   
          Yasuhiko Kawakami and   
              Tsutomu Nohno and   
          Yoshinobu Higuchi and   
             Seiji Takemoto and   
              Hideyo Ohuchi and   
              Sumihare Noji and   
                  Kojiro Kurisu   Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling Is
                                  Required for Maintenance of
                                  Differentiated Phenotype, Control of
                                  Proliferation, and Hypertrophy in
                                  Chondrocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
       Themis R. Kyriakides and   
                Yu-Hong Zhu and   
             Lynne T. Smith and   
             Steven D. Bain and   
               Zhantao Yang and   
                Ming T. Lin and   
         Keith G. Danielson and   
            Renato V. Iozzo and   
               Mary LaMarca and   
          Cindy E. McKinney and   
            Edward I. Ginns and   
                 Paul Bornstein   Mice That Lack Thrombospondin 2 Display
                                  Connective Tissue Abnormalities That Are
                                  Associated with Disordered Collagen
                                  Fibrillogenesis, an Increased Vascular
                                  Density, and a Bleeding Diathesis  . . . 419
         Timothy P. Skelton and   
               Chunxun Zeng and   
                Aaron Nocks and   
               Ivan Stamenkovic   Glycosylation Provides Both Stimulatory
                                  and Inhibitory Effects on Cell Surface
                                  and Soluble CD44 Binding to Hyaluronan   431

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 140, Number 3, February, 1998

                 Tin Tin Su and   
           Patrick H. O'Farrell   Chromosome Association of Minichromosome
                                  Maintenance Proteins in
                                  \bionameDrosophila Endoreplication
                                  Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
               Scott Erdman and   
                     Li Lin and   
         Michael Malczynski and   
                 Michael Snyder   Pheromone-regulated Genes Required for
                                  Yeast Mating Differentiation . . . . . . 461
               Elena Oancea and   
             Mary N. Teruel and   
         Andrew F. G. Quest and   
                   Tobias Meyer   Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)-tagged
                                  Cysteine-rich Domains from Protein
                                  Kinase C as Fluorescent Indicators for
                                  Diacylglycerol Signaling in Living Cells 485
         Michael J. Matunis and   
                    Jian Wu and   
             Günter Blobel   SUMO-1 Modification and Its Role in
                                  Targeting the Ran GTPase-activating
                                  Protein, RanGAP1, to the Nuclear Pore
                                  Complex  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
                Scott Happe and   
                  Peggy Weidman   Cell-free Transport to Distinct Golgi
                                  Cisternae Is Compartment Specific and
                                  ARF Independent  . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
            Laurence Abrami and   
                 Marc Fivaz and   
     Pierre-Etienne Glauser and   
           Robert G. Parton and   
                F. van der Goot   A Pore-forming Toxin Interacts with a
                                  GPI-anchored Protein and Causes
                                  Vacuolation of the Endoplasmic Reticulum 525
             Harold D. Love and   
             Chung-Chih Lin and   
             Craig S. Short and   
              Joachim Ostermann   Isolation of Functional Golgi-derived
                                  Vesicles with a Possible Role in
                                  Retrograde Transport . . . . . . . . . . 541
            Alicia Llorente and   
              Andrzej Rapak and   
           Sandra L. Schmid and   
               Bo van Deurs and   
                Kirsten Sandvig   Expression of Mutant Dynamin Inhibits
                                  Toxicity and Transport of Endocytosed
                                  Ricin to the Golgi Apparatus . . . . . . 553
               Maria L. Wei and   
            Frank Bonzelius and   
          Rebecca M. Scully and   
             Regis B. Kelly and   
                 Gary A. Herman   GLUT4 and Transferrin Receptor Are
                                  Differentially Sorted Along the
                                  Endocytic Pathway in CHO Cells . . . . . 565
              Wolfgang Voos and   
                 Tom H. Stevens   Retrieval of Resident Late-Golgi
                                  Membrane Proteins from the Prevacuolar
                                  Compartment of \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae Is Dependent on the Function
                                  of Grd19p  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
         Barbara M. Mullock and   
         Nicholas A. Bright and   
            Clare W. Fearon and   
              Sally R. Gray and   
                       J. Luzio   Fusion of Lysosomes with Late Endosomes
                                  Produces a Hybrid Organelle of
                                  Intermediate Density and Is NSF
                                  Dependent  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
    Crislyn D'Souza-Schorey and   
         Elly van Donselaar and   
              Victor W. Hsu and   
               Chunzhi Yang and   
            Philip D. Stahl and   
                Peter J. Peters   ARF6 Targets Recycling Vesicles to the
                                  Plasma Membrane: Insights from an
                                  Ultrastructural Investigation  . . . . . 603
           Concetta Lipardi and   
               Rosalia Mora and   
           Veronica Colomer and   
            Simona Paladino and   
               Lucio Nitsch and   
   Enrique Rodriguez-Boulan and   
                 Chiara Zurzolo   Caveolin Transfection Results in
                                  Caveolae Formation but Not Apical
                                  Sorting of Glycosylphosphatidylinositol
                                  (GPI)-anchored Proteins in Epithelial
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
             Jason C. Mills and   
            Nicole L. Stone and   
             Joseph Erhardt and   
             Randall N. Pittman   Apoptotic Membrane Blebbing Is Regulated
                                  by Myosin Light Chain Phosphorylation    627
     Josée N. Lavoie and   
                  M. Nguyen and   
            R. C. Marcellus and   
              P. E. Branton and   
                    G. C. Shore   E4orf4, a Novel Adenovirus Death Factor
                                  That Induces p53-independent Apoptosis
                                  by a Pathway That Is Not Inhibited by
                                  zVAD-fmk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
             Takeshi Matsui and   
               Masato Maeda and   
              Yoshinori Doi and   
         Shigenobu Yonemura and   
              Mutsuki Amano and   
              Kozo Kaibuchi and   
            Sachiko Tsukita and   
              Shoichiro Tsukita   Rho-Kinase Phosphorylates COOH-terminal
                                  Threonines of Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin (ERM)
                                  Proteins and Regulates Their
                                  Head-to-Tail Association . . . . . . . . 647
               Takao Nakata and   
               Sumio Terada and   
              Nobutaka Hirokawa   Visualization of the Dynamics of
                                  Synaptic Vesicle and Plasma Membrane
                                  Proteins in Living Axons . . . . . . . . 659
                 S. J. Wood and   
                   C. R. Slater   $ \beta $-Spectrin Is Colocalized with
                                  Both Voltage-gated Sodium Channels and
                                  Ankyrin$_G$ at the Adult Rat
                                  Neuromuscular Junction . . . . . . . . . 675
           Chung-Jiuan Jeng and   
        Steven A. McCarroll and   
        Thomas F. J. Martin and   
                 Erik Floor and   
                James Adams and   
               David Krantz and   
                Stefan Butz and   
             Robert Edwards and   
             Erik S. Schweitzer   Thy-1 Is a Component Common to Multiple
                                  Populations of Synaptic Vesicles . . . . 685
           Mairi P. Stewart and   
            Alison McDowall and   
                     Nancy Hogg   LFA-$1$-mediated Adhesion Is Regulated
                                  by Cytoskeletal Restraint and by a
                                  Ca$^{2+}$-dependent Protease, Calpain    699
                  Jiahua Xu and   
             Mary M. Zutter and   
          Samuel A. Santoro and   
            Richard A. F. Clark   A Three-dimensional Collagen Lattice
                                  Activates NF-$ \kappa $B in Human
                                  Fibroblasts: Role in Integrin $ \alpha_2
                                  $ Gene Expression and Tissue Remodeling  709
           Rachael A. Clark and   
       Robert C. Fuhlbrigge and   
            Timothy A. Springer   L-Selectin Ligands That Are O
                                  -glycoprotease Resistant and Distinct
                                  from MECA-79 Antigen are Sufficient for
                                  Tethering and Rolling of Lymphocytes on
                                  Human High Endothelial Venules . . . . . 721

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 140, Number 4, February, 1998

            J. Michael Lord and   
               Lynne M. Roberts   Toxin Entry: Retrograde Transport
                                  through the Secretory Pathway  . . . . . 733
              Huan-You Wang and   
                    Wen Lin and   
         Jacqueline A. Dyck and   
          Joanne M. Yeakley and   
              Zhou Songyang and   
           Lewis C. Cantley and   
                  Xiang-Dong Fu   SRPK2: A Differentially Expressed SR
                                  Protein-specific Kinase Involved in
                                  Mediating the Interaction and
                                  Localization of Pre-mRNA Splicing
                                  Factors in Mammalian Cells . . . . . . . 737
           Michel Dominguez and   
              Kurt Dejgaard and   
     Joachim Füllekrug and   
               Sophie Dahan and   
                  Ali Fazel and   
        Jean-Pierre Paccaud and   
            David Y. Thomas and   
        John J. M. Bergeron and   
                  Tommy Nilsson   gp25L\slash emp24/p24 Protein Family
                                  Members of the cis- Golgi Network Bind
                                  Both COP I and II Coatomer . . . . . . . 751
              Lilach Gilboa and   
           Rebecca G. Wells and   
           Harvey F. Lodish and   
                  Yoav I. Henis   Oligomeric Structure of Type I and Type
                                  II Transforming Growth Factor $ \beta $
                                  Receptors: Homodimers Form in the ER and
                                  Persist at the Plasma Membrane . . . . . 767
                Yisang Yoon and   
             Kelly R. Pitts and   
               Sophie Dahan and   
                Mark A. McNiven   A Novel Dynamin-like Protein Associates
                                  with Cytoplasmic Vesicles and Tubules of
                                  the Endoplasmic Reticulum in Mammalian
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779
              P. Scheiffele and   
                 P. Verkade and   
                  A. M. Fra and   
                   H. Virta and   
                  K. Simons and   
                      E. Ikonen   Caveolin-1 and -2 in the Exocytic
                                  Pathway of MDCK Cells  . . . . . . . . . 795
               Ype Elgersma and   
   Minetta Elgersma-Hooisma and   
             Thibaut Wenzel and   
       J. Michael McCaffery and   
        Marilyn G. Farquhar and   
               Suresh Subramani   A Mobile PTS2 Receptor for Peroxisomal
                                  Protein Import in Pichia pastoris  . . . 807
           Arthur Partikian and   
        Bence Ölveczky and   
             R. Swaminathan and   
                   Yuxin Li and   
                  A. S. Verkman   Rapid Diffusion of Green Fluorescent
                                  Protein in the Mitochondrial Matrix  . . 821
          Feliciano Protasi and   
   Clara Franzini-Armstrong and   
                  Paul D. Allen   Role of Ryanodine Receptors in the
                                  Assembly of Calcium Release Units in
                                  Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 831
                R. A. Moore and   
                  H. Nguyen and   
                J. Galceran and   
               I. N. Pessah and   
                    P. D. Allen   A Transgenic Myogenic Cell Line Lacking
                                  Ryanodine Receptor Protein for
                                  Homologous Expression Studies:
                                  Reconstitution of Ry$_1$ R Protein and
                                  Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843
    Karoly Trombitás and   
             Marion Greaser and   
           Siegfried Labeit and   
              Jian-Ping Jin and   
  Miklós Kellermayer and   
             Michiel Helmes and   
                  Henk Granzier   Titin Extensibility In Situ: Entropic
                                  Elasticity of Permanently Folded and
                                  Permanently Unfolded Molecular Segments  853
          Bente Lowin-Kropf and   
     Virginia Smith Shapiro and   
                   Arthur Weiss   Cytoskeletal Polarization of T Cells Is
                                  Regulated by an Immunoreceptor
                                  Tyrosine-based Activation
                                  Motif-dependent Mechanism  . . . . . . . 861
               S. H. Lillie and   
                    S. S. Brown   Smy1p, a Kinesin-related Protein That
                                  Does Not Require Microtubules  . . . . . 873
         Shigenobu Yonemura and   
             Motohiro Hirao and   
              Yoshinori Doi and   
         Nobuyuki Takahashi and   
             Takahisa Kondo and   
            Sachiko Tsukita and   
              Shoichiro Tsukita   Ezrin\slash Radixin\slash Moesin (ERM)
                                  Proteins Bind to a Positively Charged
                                  Amino Acid Cluster in the
                                  Juxta--Membrane Cytoplasmic Domain of
                                  CD44, CD43, and ICAM-2 . . . . . . . . . 885
           Valerie A. Lantz and   
              Kathryn G. Miller   A Class VI Unconventional Myosin Is
                                  Associated with a Homologue of a
                                  Microtubule-binding Protein, Cytoplasmic
                                  Linker Protein--170, in Neurons and at
                                  the Posterior Pole of \bionameDrosophila
                                  Embryos  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 897
           Shernaz X. Bamji and   
               Marta Majdan and   
       Christine D. Pozniak and   
        Daniel J. Belliveau and   
               Raquel Aloyz and   
                  Judi Kohn and   
          Carrie G. Causing and   
                Freda D. Miller   The p75 Neurotrophin Receptor Mediates
                                  Neuronal Apoptosis and Is Essential for
                                  Naturally Occurring Sympathetic Neuron
                                  Death  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911
              Alexander Gow and   
        Cherie M. Southwood and   
            Robert A. Lazzarini   Disrupted Proteolipid Protein
                                  Trafficking Results in Oligodendrocyte
                                  Apoptosis in an Animal Model of
                                  Pelizaeus--Merzbacher Disease  . . . . . 925
       Gerald F. Späth and   
                  Mary C. Weiss   Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4 Provokes
                                  Expression of Epithelial Marker Genes,
                                  Acting As a Morphogen in
                                  Dedifferentiated Hepatoma Cells  . . . . 935
              Sybille Esser and   
              Karen Wolburg and   
            Hartwig Wolburg and   
               Georg Breier and   
        Teymuras Kurzchalia and   
                   Werner Risau   Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
                                  Induces Endothelial Fenestrations In
                                  Vitro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947
          Richard L. Klemke and   
                   Jie Leng and   
            Rachel Molander and   
            Peter C. Brooks and   
            Kristiina Vuori and   
               David A. Cheresh   CAS\slash Crk Coupling Serves as a
                                  ``Molecular Switch'' for Induction of
                                  Cell Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 961

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 140, Number 5, March, 1998

                    Gang Li and   
                Gail Sudlow and   
              Andrew S. Belmont   Interphase Cell Cycle Dynamics of a
                                  Late-Replicating, Heterochromatic
                                  Homogeneously Staining Region: Precise
                                  Choreography of
                                  Condensation/Decondensation and Nuclear
                                  Positioning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 975
         Alastair M. Mackay and   
     Alexandra M. Ainsztein and   
             D. Mark Eckley and   
            William C. Earnshaw   A Dominant Mutant of Inner Centromere
                                  Protein (INCENP), a Chromosomal Protein,
                                  Disrupts Prometaphase Congression and
                                  Cytokinesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 991
            Daniel P. Moore and   
             Andrea W. Page and   
        Tracy Tzu-Ling Tang and   
         Anne W. Kerrebrock and   
            Terry L. Orr-Weaver   The Cohesion Protein MEI--S332 Localizes
                                  to Condensed Meiotic and Mitotic
                                  Centromeres until Sister Chromatids
                                  Separate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1003
      Birte Sönnichsen and   
                Martin Lowe and   
                 Tim Levine and   
       Eija Jämsä and   
    Barbara Dirac-Svejstrup and   
                  Graham Warren   A Role for Giantin in Docking COPI
                                  Vesicles to Golgi Membranes  . . . . . . 1013
                Shu-Hui Liu and   
           Michael S. Marks and   
             Frances M. Brodsky   A Dominant-negative Clathrin Mutant
                                  Differentially Affects Trafficking of
                                  Molecules with Distinct Sorting Motifs
                                  in the Class II Major Histocompatibility
                                  Complex (MHC) Pathway  . . . . . . . . . 1023
               Paola Zacchi and   
            Harald Stenmark and   
           Robert G. Parton and   
              Donata Orioli and   
                  Filip Lim and   
             Angelika Giner and   
                Ira Mellman and   
              Marino Zerial and   
                   Carol Murphy   Rab17 Regulates Membrane Trafficking
                                  through Apical Recycling Endosomes in
                                  Polarized Epithelial Cells . . . . . . . 1039
         Alexandre Benmerah and   
          Christophe Lamaze and   
         Bernadette B\`egue and   
           Sandra L. Schmid and   
        Alice Dautry-Varsat and   
          Nadine Cerf-Bensussan   AP-2\slash Eps15 Interaction Is Required
                                  for Receptor-mediated Endocytosis  . . . 1055
               Yong-Xu Wang and   
         Natalie L. Catlett and   
                Lois S. Weisman   Vac8p, a Vacuolar Protein with Armadillo
                                  Repeats, Functions in both Vacuole
                                  Inheritance and Protein Targeting from
                                  the Cytoplasm to Vacuole . . . . . . . . 1063
                Barry Press and   
                   Yan Feng and   
            Bernard Hoflack and   
          Angela Wandinger-Ness   Mutant Rab7 Causes the Accumulation of
                                  Cathepsin D and Cation-independent
                                  Mannose 6--Phosphate Receptor in an
                                  Early Endocytic Compartment  . . . . . . 1075
        Andrey V. Kuznetsov and   
             Oleg Mayboroda and   
                Dagmar Kunz and   
            Kirstin Winkler and   
            Walter Schubert and   
                Wolfram S. Kunz   Functional Imaging of Mitochondria in
                                  Saponin-permeabilized Mice Muscle Fibers 1091
                 P. Rahkila and   
                 V. Luukela and   
 K. Väänänen and   
               K. Metsikkö   Differential Targeting of Vesicular
                                  Stomatitis Virus G Protein and Influenza
                                  Virus Hemagglutinin Appears During
                                  Myogenesis of L6 Muscle Cells  . . . . . 1101
             Atsushi Suzuki and   
              Yuki Sugiyama and   
             Yukiko Hayashi and   
                Nobuo Nyu-i and   
          Michihiko Yoshida and   
               Ikuya Nonaka and   
           Sho-ichi Ishiura and   
             Kiichi Arahata and   
                    Shigeo Ohno   MKBP, a Novel Member of the Small Heat
                                  Shock Protein Family, Binds and
                                  Activates the Myotonic Dystrophy Protein
                                  Kinase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1113
                      Le Ma and   
           Lewis C. Cantley and   
             Paul A. Janmey and   
              Marc W. Kirschner   Corequirement of Specific
                                  Phosphoinositides and Small GTP-binding
                                  Protein Cdc42 in Inducing Actin Assembly
                                  in \bionameXenopus Egg Extracts  . . . . 1125
          Alistair Harrison and   
       Patricia Olds-Clarke and   
                Stephen M. King   Identification of the t Complex--encoded
                                  Cytoplasmic Dynein Light Chain Tctex1 in
                                  Inner Arm I1 Supports the Involvement of
                                  Flagellar Dyneins in Meiotic Drive . . . 1137
              Stefan Geimer and   
               Judith Clees and   
          Michael Melkonian and   
       Karl-Ferdinand Lechtreck   A Novel 95-kD Protein Is Located in a
                                  Linker between Cytoplasmic Microtubules
                                  and Basal Bodies in a Green Flagellate
                                  and Forms Striated Filaments In Vitro    1149
              Cay M. Kielty and   
          Michael Raghunath and   
          Linda D. Siracusa and   
        Michael J. Sherratt and   
              Reiner Peters and   
     C. Adrian Shuttleworth and   
              Sergio A. Jimenez   The Tight Skin Mouse: Demonstration of
                                  Mutant Fibrillin-1 Production and
                                  Assembly into Abnormal Microfibrils  . . 1159
                Jiming Kong and   
          Vivian W.-Y. Tung and   
            John Aghajanian and   
                    Zuoshang Xu   Antagonistic Roles of Neurofilament
                                  Subunits NF--H and NF--M Against NF--L
                                  in Shaping Dendritic Arborization in
                                  Spinal Motor Neurons . . . . . . . . . . 1167
      Juan L. Brusés and   
                Urs Rutishauser   Regulation of Neural Cell Adhesion
                                  Molecule Polysialylation: Evidence for
                                  Nontranscriptional Control and
                                  Sensitivity to an Intracellular Pool of
                                  Calcium  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1177
           Cynthia I. Foote and   
                   Lan Zhou and   
                   Xing Zhu and   
             Bruce J. Nicholson   The Pattern of Disulfide Linkages in the
                                  Extracellular Loop Regions of Connexin
                                  32 Suggests a Model for the Docking
                                  Interface of Gap Junctions . . . . . . . 1187
            Friso R. Postma and   
            Trudi Hengeveld and   
          Jacqueline Alblas and   
         Ben N. G. Giepmans and   
        Gerben C. M. Zondag and   
                Kees Jalink and   
            Wouter H. Moolenaar   Acute loss of Cell--Cell Communication
                                  Caused by G Protein--coupled Receptors:
                                  a Critical Role for c--Src . . . . . . . 1199
            Sharon F. Clark and   
               Sally Martin and   
          Amanda J. Carozzi and   
           Michelle M. Hill and   
                 David E. James   Intracellular Localization of
                                  Phosphatidylinositide $3$-kinase and
                                  Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 in
                                  Adipocytes: Potential Involvement of a
                                  Membrane Skeleton  . . . . . . . . . . . 1211
               Yasushi Sako and   
            Akira Nagafuchi and   
          Shoichiro Tsukita and   
         Masatoshi Takeichi and   
                 Akihiro Kusumi   Cytoplasmic Regulation of the Movement
                                  of E--Cadherin on the Free Cell Surface
                                  as Studied by Optical Tweezers and
                                  Single Particle Tracking: Corralling and
                                  Tethering by the Membrane Skeleton . . . 1227
                   Ilka Ott and   
           Edgar G. Fischer and   
               Yohei Miyagi and   
         Barbara M. Mueller and   
                    Wolfram Ruf   A Role for Tissue Factor in Cell
                                  Adhesion and Migration Mediated by
                                  Interaction with Actin-binding Protein
                                  280  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1241
          Brian P. Eliceiri and   
             Richard Klemke and   
     Staffan Strömblad and   
               David A. Cheresh   Integrin $ \alpha $ v$ \beta $3
                                  Requirement for Sustained
                                  Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase
                                  Activity during Angiogenesis . . . . . . 1255
             Traci L. Jesse and   
            Rhonda LaChance and   
       Michael F. Iademarco and   
                Douglas C. Dean   Interferon Regulatory Factor-2 Is a
                                  Transcriptional Activator in Muscle
                                  Where It Regulates Expression of
                                  Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1  . . . 1265

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 140, Number 6, March, 1998

            George S. Bloom and   
       Lawrence S. B. Goldstein   Cruising along Microtubule Highways: How
                                  Membranes Move through the Secretory
                                  Pathway  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1277
                Steven M. Block   Leading the Procession: New Insights
                                  into Kinesin Motors  . . . . . . . . . . 1281
            Dean A. Jackson and   
                      Ana Pombo   Replicon Clusters Are Stable Units of
                                  Chromosome Structure: Evidence That
                                  Nuclear Organization Contributes to the
                                  Efficient Activation and Propagation of
                                  S Phase in Human Cells . . . . . . . . . 1285
            J. Suso Platero and   
               Amy K. Csink and   
         Adrian Quintanilla and   
                Steven Henikoff   Changes in Chromosomal Localization of
                                  Heterochromatin-binding Proteins during
                                  the Cell Cycle in \bionameDrosophila . . 1297
            Noriaki Shimizu and   
                 Nobuo Itoh and   
           Hiroyasu Utiyama and   
               Geoffrey M. Wahl   Selective Entrapment of
                                  Extrachromosomally Amplified DNA by
                                  Nuclear Budding and Micronucleation
                                  during S Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1307
           Deborah J. Frank and   
                   Mark B. Roth   ncl-1 Is Required for the Regulation of
                                  Cell Size and Ribosomal RNA Synthesis in
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans . . . . . 1321
        Andreas Krömer and   
         Michael M. Glombik and   
         Wieland B. Huttner and   
            Hans-Hermann Gerdes   Essential Role of the Disulfide-bonded
                                  Loop of Chromogranin B for Sorting to
                                  Secretory Granules Is Revealed by
                                  Expression of a Deletion Mutant in the
                                  Absence of Endogenous Granin Synthesis   1331
          Meng-Chieh Chiang and   
                Hui-Ling Chiang   Vid24p, a Novel Protein Localized to the
                                  Vesicles, Regulates Targeting of
                                  Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase from the
                                  Vesicles to the Vacuole for Degradation  1347
             Patrick Keller and   
                     Kai Simons   Cholesterol Is Required for Surface
                                  Transport of Influenza Virus
                                  Hemagglutinin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1357
     Leonid V. Chernomordik and   
            Vadim A. Frolov and   
            Eugenia Leikina and   
                Peter Bronk and   
              Joshua Zimmerberg   The Pathway of Membrane Fusion Catalyzed
                                  by Influenza Hemagglutinin: Restriction
                                  of Lipids, Hemifusion, and Lipidic
                                  Fusion Pore Formation  . . . . . . . . . 1369
             Kazufumi Honda and   
              Tesshi Yamada and   
               Ritsuko Endo and   
              Yoshinori Ino and   
             Masahiro Gotoh and   
              Hitoshi Tsuda and   
                Yozo Yamada and   
            Hiroshige Chiba and   
               Setsuo Hirohashi   Actinin-4, a Novel Actin-bundling
                                  Protein Associated with Cell Motility
                                  and Cancer Invasion  . . . . . . . . . . 1383
         William O. Hancock and   
                Jonathon Howard   Processivity of the Motor Protein
                                  Kinesin Requires Two Heads . . . . . . . 1395
              Laura Romberg and   
           Daniel W. Pierce and   
                 Ronald D. Vale   Role of the Kinesin Neck Region in
                                  Processive Microtubule-based Motility    1407
      Edward H. Hinchcliffe and   
         Grizzel O. Cassels and   
            Conly L. Rieder and   
              Greenfield Sluder   The Coordination of Centrosome
                                  Reproduction with Nuclear Events of the
                                  Cell Cycle in the Sea Urchin Zygote  . . 1417
        Fabienne Depoortere and   
    Alexandra Van Keymeulen and   
                 Jiri Lukas and   
         Sabine Costagliola and   
            Jirina Bartkova and   
          Jacques E. Dumont and   
                Jiri Bartek and   
            Pierre P. Roger and   
                  Sarah Dremier   A Requirement for Cyclin
                                  D3--Cyclin-dependent Kinase (cdk)-4
                                  Assembly in the Cyclic Adenosine
                                  Monophosphate-dependent Proliferation of
                                  Thyrocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1427
            Thomas M. Magin and   
         Rolf Schröder and   
             Sabine Leitgeb and   
       Frederique Wanninger and   
             Kurt Zatloukal and   
            Christine Grund and   
                David W. Melton   Lessons from Keratin 18 Knockout Mice:
                                  Formation of Novel Keratin Filaments,
                                  Secondary Loss of Keratin 7 and
                                  Accumulation of Liver-specific Keratin
                                  8-Positive Aggregates  . . . . . . . . . 1441
       Heinz-Dieter Gabriel and   
                  Dirk Jung and   
     Christoph Bützler and   
                Achim Temme and   
                 Otto Traub and   
           Elke Winterhager and   
                 Klaus Willecke   Transplacental Uptake of Glucose Is
                                  Decreased in Embryonic Lethal
                                  Connexin26-deficient Mice  . . . . . . . 1453
             Robert E. Ward and   
            Rebecca S. Lamb and   
               Richard G. Fehon   A Conserved Functional Domain of
                                  \bionameDrosophila Coracle Is Required
                                  for Localization at the Septate Junction
                                  and Has Membrane-organizing Activity . . 1463
              Pilar Navarro and   
                 Luigi Ruco and   
              Elisabetta Dejana   Differential Localization of VE- and
                                  N--Cadherins in Human Endothelial Cells:
                                  VE--Cadherin Competes with N--Cadherin
                                  for Junctional Localization  . . . . . . 1475
              Marie Mancini and   
        Donald W. Nicholson and   
                 Sophie Roy and   
        Nancy A. Thornberry and   
           Erin P. Peterson and   
    Livia A. Casciola-Rosen and   
                   Antony Rosen   The Caspase-3 Precursor Has a Cytosolic
                                  and Mitochondrial Distribution:
                                  Implications for Apoptotic Signaling . . 1485
              Ruth S. Slack and   
              Hiba El-Bizri and   
          Josée Wong and   
        Daniel J. Belliveau and   
                Freda D. Miller   A Critical Temporal Requirement for the
                                  Retinoblastoma Protein Family During
                                  Neuronal Determination . . . . . . . . . 1497
              Andrew Pierce and   
          Clare M. Heyworth and   
           Sian E. Nicholls and   
            Elaine Spooncer and   
          T. Michael Dexter and   
              Janet M. Lord and   
         P. Jane Owen-Lynch and   
                  Gwen Wark and   
             Anthony D. Whetton   An Activated Protein Kinase C $ \alpha $
                                  Gives a Differentiation Signal for
                                  Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells and
                                  Mimicks Macrophage Colony-stimulating
                                  Factor--stimulated Signaling Events  . . 1511
                 V. Cirulli and   
                   L. Crisa and   
              G. M. Beattie and   
                M. I. Mally and   
                A. D. Lopez and   
                  A. Fannon and   
                A. Ptasznik and   
               L. Inverardi and   
                 C. Ricordi and   
                T. Deerinck and   
                M. Ellisman and   
             R. A. Reisfeld and   
                       A. Hayek   KSA Antigen Ep--CAM Mediates Cell--Cell
                                  Adhesion of Pancreatic Epithelial Cells:
                                  Morphoregulatory Roles in Pancreatic
                                  Islet Development  . . . . . . . . . . . 1519
        Régis Masson and   
           Olivier Lefebvre and   
          Agn\`es Noël and   
         Mostapha El Fahime and   
       Marie-Pierre Chenard and   
           Corinne Wendling and   
            Florence Kebers and   
            Marianne LeMeur and   
      Andrée Dierich and   
        Jean-Michel Foidart and   
                Paul Basset and   
            Marie-Christine Rio   In Vivo Evidence That the Stromelysin-3
                                  Metalloproteinase Contributes in a
                                  Paracrine Manner to Epithelial Cell
                                  Malignancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1535

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 141, Number 1, April, 1998

        Steven R. Heidemann and   
              Robert E. Buxbaum   Cell Crawling: First the Motor, Now the
                                  Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
           Jennifer C. Fung and   
        Wallace F. Marshall and   
              Abby Dernburg and   
             David A. Agard and   
                  John W. Sedat   Homologous Chromosome Pairing in
                                  \bionameDrosophila melanogaster Proceeds
                                  through Multiple Independent Initiations 5
               Quan-wen Jin and   
      Edgar Trelles-Sticken and   
            Harry Scherthan and   
                    Josef Loidl   Yeast Nuclei Display Prominent
                                  Centromere Clustering That Is Reduced in
                                  Nondividing Cells and in Meiotic
                                  Prophase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
               Sundeep Shah and   
         Stuart Tugendreich and   
                Douglass Forbes   Major Binding Sites for the Nuclear
                                  Import Receptor Are the Internal
                                  Nucleoporin Nup153 and the Adjacent
                                  Nuclear Filament Protein Tpr . . . . . . 31
                  A. Harada and   
                   Y. Takei and   
                   Y. Kanai and   
                  Y. Tanaka and   
                  S. Nonaka and   
                    N. Hirokawa   Golgi Vesiculation and Lysosome
                                  Dispersion in Cells Lacking Cytoplasmic
                                  Dynein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
                Meir Aridor and   
           Jacques Weissman and   
             Sergei Bannykh and   
             Claude Nuoffer and   
               William E. Balch   Cargo Selection by the COPII Budding
                                  Machinery during Export from the ER  . . 61
           Beverly Wendland and   
                   Scott D. Emr   Pan1p, Yeast eps15, Functions as a
                                  Multivalent Adaptor That Coordinates
                                  Protein--Protein Interactions Essential
                                  for Endocytosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
             John R. Henley and   
       Eugene W. A. Krueger and   
          Barbara J. Oswald and   
                Mark A. McNiven   Dynamin-mediated Internalization of
                                  Caveolae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
                    Phil Oh and   
        Deirdre P. McIntosh and   
               Jan E. Schnitzer   Dynamin at the Neck of Caveolae Mediates
                                  Their Budding to Form Transport Vesicles
                                  by GTP-driven Fission from the Plasma
                                  Membrane of Endothelium  . . . . . . . . 101
               Gudrun Ihrke and   
             Greg V. Martin and   
          Michael R. Shanks and   
           Michael Schrader and   
           Trina A. Schroer and   
                 Ann L. Hubbard   Apical Plasma Membrane Proteins and
                                  Endolyn-78 Travel through a Subapical
                                  Compartment in Polarized WIF--B
                                  Hepatocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
         Miki Yamamoto-Hino and   
           Atsushi Miyawaki and   
             Akihisa Segawa and   
              Eijiro Adachi and   
           Shohei Yamashina and   
           Toyoshi Fujimoto and   
          Tomoyasu Sugiyama and   
           Teiichi Furuichi and   
            Mamoru Hasegawa and   
            Katsuhiko Mikoshiba   Apical Vesicles Bearing Inositol
                                  1,4,5-trisphosphate Receptors in the
                                  Ca$^{2+}$ Initiation Site of Ductal
                                  Epithelium of Submandibular Gland  . . . 135
          Loren D. Walensky and   
           Philippe Gascard and   
           Michael E. Field and   
             Seth Blackshaw and   
             John G. Conboy and   
             Narla Mohandas and   
              Solomon H. Snyder   The 13-kD FK506 Binding Protein, FKBP13,
                                  Interacts with a Novel Homologue of the
                                  Erythrocyte Membrane Cytoskeletal
                                  Protein 4.1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
            James D. Jontes and   
           E. Michael Ostap and   
          Thomas D. Pollard and   
             Ronald A. Milligan   Three-dimensional Structure of
                                  Acanthamoeba castellanii Myosin--IB
                                  (MIB) Determined by Cryoelectron
                                  Microscopy of Decorated Actin Filaments  155
        Jason B. Dictenberg and   
            Wendy Zimmerman and   
          Cynthia A. Sparks and   
                Aaron Young and   
             Charles Vidair and   
               Yixian Zheng and   
          Walter Carrington and   
             Fredric S. Fay and   
              Stephen J. Doxsey   Pericentrin and $ \gamma $-Tubulin Form
                                  a Protein Complex and Are Organized into
                                  a Novel Lattice at the Centrosome  . . . 163
            Tiffani A. Cook and   
          Takayuki Nagasaki and   
             Gregg G. Gundersen   Rho Guanosine Triphosphatase Mediates
                                  the Selective Stabilization of
                                  Microtubules Induced by Lysophosphatidic
                                  Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
         Catherine D. Nobes and   
            Inger Lauritzen and   
   Marie-Genevi\`eve Mattei and   
                Sonia Paris and   
                  Alan Hall and   
                 Pierre Chardin   A New Member of the Rho Family, Rnd1,
                                  Promotes Disassembly of Actin Filament
                                  Structures and Loss of Cell Adhesion . . 187
              Julie Haskins and   
                   Lijie Gu and   
          Erika S. Wittchen and   
           Jennifer Hibbard and   
             Bruce R. Stevenson   ZO-3, a Novel Member of the MAGUK
                                  Protein Family Found at the Tight
                                  Junction, Interacts with ZO-1 and
                                  Occludin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
  Günther A. Rezniczek and   
   José M. de Pereda and   
          Siegfried Reipert and   
                  Gerhard Wiche   Linking Integrin $ \alpha_6 \beta_4
                                  $-based Cell Adhesion to the
                                  Intermediate Filament Cytoskeleton:
                                  Direct Interaction between the $ \beta_4
                                  $ Subunit and Plectin at Multiple
                                  Molecular Sites  . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
            Daniel M. Suter and   
           Laura D. Errante and   
    Victoria Belotserkovsky and   
                  Paul Forscher   The Ig Superfamily Cell Adhesion
                                  Molecule, apCAM, Mediates Growth Cone
                                  Steering by Substrate--Cytoskeletal
                                  Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
          Denise C. Hocking and   
               Jane Sottile and   
         Paula J. McKeown-Longo   Activation of Distinct $ \alpha_5
                                  \beta_1$-mediated Signaling Pathways by
                                  Fibronectin's Cell Adhesion and Matrix
                                  Assembly Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
     Lawrence E. Goldfinger and   
            M. Sharon Stack and   
           Jonathan C. R. Jones   Processing of Laminin-5 and Its
                                  Functional Consequences: Role of Plasmin
                                  and Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator    255
            Christoph Claas and   
              Simone Seiter and   
              Andreas Claas and   
          Larissa Savelyeva and   
             Manfred Schwab and   
             Margot Zöller   Association Between the Rat Homologue of
                                  CO-029, a Metastasis-associated
                                  Tetraspanin Molecule and Consumption
                                  Coagulopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
   Albrecht Lepple-Wienhues and   
           Ildik\`o Szab\`o and   
               Tilmann Laun and   
         Nubia Kristen Kaba and   
              Erich Gulbins and   
                   Florian Lang   The Tyrosine Kinase p56 $^{\rm lck}$
                                  Mediates Activation of Swelling-induced
                                  Chloride Channels in Lymphocytes . . . . 281
     Susann M. Brady-Kalnay and   
              Tracy Mourton and   
            Joseph P. Nixon and   
           Gregory E. Pietz and   
              Michael Kinch and   
                Haiyan Chen and   
         Robert Brackenbury and   
              David L. Rimm and   
      Robert L. Del Vecchio and   
              Nicholas K. Tonks   Dynamic Interaction of PTP$ \mu $ with
                                  Multiple Cadherins In Vivo . . . . . . . 287
              Michael Costa and   
              William Raich and   
           Cristina Agbunag and   
                  Ben Leung and   
                Jeff Hardin and   
                James R. Priess   A Putative Catenin--Cadherin System
                                  Mediates Morphogenesis of the
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans Embryo    297

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 141, Number 2, April, 1998

           Damien F. Hudson and   
            Kerry J. Fowler and   
            Elizabeth Earle and   
            Richard Saffery and   
              Paul Kalitsis and   
              Helen Trowell and   
                Joanne Hill and   
           Nigel G. Wreford and   
        David M. de Kretser and   
        Michael R. Cancilla and   
               Emily Howman and   
                  Linda Hii and   
           Suzanne M. Cutts and   
         Danielle V. Irvine and   
                  K. H. A. Choo   Centromere Protein B Null Mice are
                                  Mitotically and Meiotically Normal but
                                  Have Lower Body and Testis Weights . . . 309
           Cristina Machado and   
          Claudio E. Sunkel and   
              Deborah J. Andrew   Human Autoantibodies Reveal Titin as a
                                  Chromosomal Protein  . . . . . . . . . . 321
               Ian de Belle and   
                 Shutao Cai and   
        Terumi Kohwi-Shigematsu   The Genomic Sequences Bound to Special
                                  AT-rich Sequence-binding Protein 1
                                  (SATB1) In Vivo in Jurkat T Cells Are
                                  Tightly Associated with the Nuclear
                                  Matrix at the Bases of the Chromatin
                                  Loops  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
                Linda Hicke and   
           Bettina Zanolari and   
                 Howard Riezman   Cytoplasmic Tail Phosphorylation of the
                                  $ \alpha $-Factor Receptor Is Required
                                  for Its Ubiquitination and
                                  Internalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
          Judith Klumperman and   
            Regina Kuliawat and   
         Janice M. Griffith and   
              Hans J. Geuze and   
                    Peter Arvan   Mannose 6--Phosphate Receptors Are
                                  Sorted from Immature Secretory Granules
                                  via Adaptor Protein AP-1, Clathrin, and
                                  Syntaxin $6$--positive Vesicles  . . . . 359
         Michael Passreiter and   
               Markus Anton and   
               Dorothee Lay and   
               Rainer Frank and   
             Cordula Harter and   
           Felix T. Wieland and   
               Karin Gorgas and   
                Wilhelm W. Just   Peroxisome Biogenesis: Involvement of
                                  ARF and Coatomer . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
               Laura M. Roy and   
                   Alice Barkan   A SecY Homologue Is Required for the
                                  Elaboration of the Chloroplast Thylakoid
                                  Membrane and for Normal Chloroplast Gene
                                  Expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
            Mitinori Saitou and   
           Kazushi Fujimoto and   
              Yoshinori Doi and   
              Masahiko Itoh and   
           Toyoshi Fujimoto and   
               Mikio Furuse and   
             Hiroshi Takano and   
                Tetsuo Noda and   
              Shoichiro Tsukita   Occludin-deficient Embryonic Stem Cells
                                  Can Differentiate into Polarized
                                  Epithelial Cells Bearing Tight Junctions 397
                Yuko Fukata and   
             Kazushi Kimura and   
              Noriko Oshiro and   
              Hideyuki Saya and   
         Yoshiharu Matsuura and   
                  Kozo Kaibuchi   Association of the Myosin-binding
                                  Subunit of Myosin Phosphatase and
                                  Moesin: Dual Regulation of Moesin
                                  Phosphorylation by Rho-associated Kinase
                                  and Myosin Phosphatase . . . . . . . . . 409
                 A. Hoenger and   
                    S. Sack and   
         M. Thormählen and   
                    A. Marx and   
             J. Müller and   
                   H. Gross and   
                   E. Mandelkow   Image Reconstructions of Microtubules
                                  Decorated with Monomeric and Dimeric
                                  Kinesins: Comparison with X--Ray
                                  Structure and Implications for Motility  419
          Yoshiaki Yonekawa and   
             Akihiro Harada and   
              Yasushi Okada and   
          Takeshi Funakoshi and   
           Yoshimitsu Kanai and   
               Yosuke Takei and   
               Sumio Terada and   
                Tetsuo Noda and   
              Nobutaka Hirokawa   Defect in Synaptic Vesicle Precursor
                                  Transport and Neuronal Cell Death in
                                  KIF1A Motor Protein--deficient Mice  . . 431
         Joseph G. Gindhart and   
             Chand J. Desai and   
            Sven Beushausen and   
                   Kai Zinn and   
       Lawrence S. B. Goldstein   Kinesin Light Chains Are Essential for
                                  Axonal Transport in \bionameDrosophila   443
                  Kaijun Li and   
            Eugene Yujun Xu and   
           Jeffrey K. Cecil and   
           F. Rudolf Turner and   
          Timothy L. Megraw and   
              Thomas C. Kaufman   Drosophila Centrosomin Protein is
                                  Required for Male Meiosis and Assembly
                                  of the Flagellar Axoneme . . . . . . . . 455
             Peter Buchenau and   
              Jacob Hodgson and   
               Helen Strutt and   
           Donna J. Arndt-Jovin   The Distribution of Polycomb--Group
                                  Proteins During Cell Division and
                                  Development in \bionameDrosophila
                                  Embryos: Impact on Models for Silencing  469
                Noel Gerald and   
                 Jianwu Dai and   
         H. Ping Ting-Beall and   
              Arturo De Lozanne   A Role for \bionameDictyostelium RacE in
                                  Cortical Tension and Cleavage Furrow
                                  Progression  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
     Marjorie Gondré and   
            Patrick Burrola and   
             David E. Weinstein   Accelerated Nerve Regeneration Mediated
                                  by Schwann Cells Expressing a Mutant
                                  Form of the POU Protein SCIP . . . . . . 493
           James Brugarolas and   
        Roderick T. Bronson and   
                    Tyler Jacks   p21 Is a Critical CDK2 Regulator
                                  Essential for Proliferation Control in
                                  Rb -deficient Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 503
          Anna Huttenlocher and   
          Margot Lakonishok and   
             Melissa Kinder and   
                 Stanley Wu and   
                 Tho Truong and   
           Karen A. Knudsen and   
                Alan F. Horwitz   Integrin and Cadherin Synergy Regulates
                                  Contact Inhibition of Migration and
                                  Motile Activity  . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
                Takao Sakai and   
             Qinghong Zhang and   
      Reinhard Fässler and   
                Deane F. Mosher   Modulation of $ \beta $1A Integrin
                                  Functions by Tyrosine Residues in the $
                                  \beta $1 Cytoplasmic Domain  . . . . . . 527
              Cuiling Zhong and   
Magdalena Chrzanowska-Wodnicka and   
                James Brown and   
                  Amy Shaub and   
           Alexey M. Belkin and   
                 Keith Burridge   Rho-mediated Contractility Exposes a
                                  Cryptic Site in Fibronectin and Induces
                                  Fibronectin Matrix Assembly  . . . . . . 539

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 141, Number 3, May, 1998

                Tae-Aug Kim and   
                 Jinkyu Lim and   
                 Setsuo Ota and   
               Sandhya Raja and   
                Rick Rogers and   
            Benjamin Rivnay and   
               Hava Avraham and   
                 Shalom Avraham   NRP\slash B, a Novel Nuclear Matrix
                                  Protein, Associates With p110$^{\rm RB}$
                                  and Is Involved in Neuronal
                                  Differentiation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
            Valeria Brizzio and   
           Alison E. Gammie and   
                   Mark D. Rose   Rvs161p Interacts with Fus2p to Promote
                                  Cell Fusion in \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
                  Xiaobo Du and   
           J. Daniel Stoops and   
             James R. Mertz and   
         C. Michael Stanley and   
                Joseph L. Dixon   Identification of Two Regions in
                                  Apolipoprotein B100 that are Exposed on
                                  the Cytosolic Side of the Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum Membrane . . . . . . . . . . . 585
               Chieko Mineo and   
               Yun-Shu Ying and   
         Christine Chapline and   
                Susan Jaken and   
         Richard G. W. Anderson   Targeting of Protein Kinase C$ \alpha $
                                  to Caveolae  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
               C. E. Futter and   
                  A. Gibson and   
              E. H. Allchin and   
                 S. Maxwell and   
              L. J. Ruddock and   
                G. Odorizzi and   
                 D. Domingo and   
           I. S. Trowbridge and   
                  C. R. Hopkins   In Polarized MDCK Cells Basolateral
                                  Vesicles Arise from Clathrin-$ \gamma
                                  $-adaptin-coated Domains on Endosomal
                                  Tubules  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
            Yasuyoshi Sakai and   
            Antonius Koller and   
           Linda K. Rangell and   
          Gilbert A. Keller and   
               Suresh Subramani   Peroxisome Degradation by Microautophagy
                                  in Pichia pastoris: Identification of
                                  Specific Steps and Morphological
                                  Intermediates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
                Joseph Bass and   
                 Gavin Chiu and   
                 Yair Argon and   
              Donald F. Steiner   Folding of Insulin Receptor Monomers Is
                                  Facilitated by the Molecular Chaperones
                                  Calnexin and Calreticulin and Impaired
                                  by Rapid Dimerization  . . . . . . . . . 637
            David A. Potter and   
       Jennifer S. Tirnauer and   
            Richard Janssen and   
          Dorothy E. Croall and   
        Christina N. Hughes and   
            Kerry A. Fiacco and   
              James W. Mier and   
             Masatoshi Maki and   
                  Ira M. Herman   Calpain Regulates Actin Remodeling
                                  during Cell Spreading  . . . . . . . . . 647
           Steven M. Murphy and   
              Lenore Urbani and   
                    Tim Stearns   The Mammalian $ \gamma $-Tubulin Complex
                                  Contains Homologues of the Yeast Spindle
                                  Pole Body Components Spc97p and Spc98p   663
              Ona C. Martin and   
    Ruwanthi N. Gunawardane and   
           Akihiro Iwamatsu and   
                   Yixian Zheng   Xgrip109: a $ \gamma $
                                  Tubulin--Associated Protein with an
                                  Essential Role in $ \gamma $ Tubulin
                                  Ring Complex ($ \gamma $TuRC) Assembly
                                  and Centrosome Function  . . . . . . . . 675
          Anne-Marie Tassin and   
              Claude Celati and   
           Mohammed Moudjou and   
                 Michel Bornens   Characterization of the Human Homologue
                                  of the Yeast Spc98p and Its Association
                                  with $ \gamma $-Tubulin  . . . . . . . . 689
               Arshad Desai and   
             Paul S. Maddox and   
       Timothy J. Mitchison and   
                   E. D. Salmon   Anaphase A Chromosome Movement and
                                  Poleward Spindle Microtubule Flux Occur
                                  At Similar Rates in \bionameXenopus
                                  Extract Spindles . . . . . . . . . . . . 703
               Thomas Meier and   
         Fabrizio Masciulli and   
                Chris Moore and   
        Fabrice Schoumacher and   
            Urs Eppenberger and   
            Alain J. Denzer and   
               Graham Jones and   
            Hans Rudolf Brenner   Agrin Can Mediate Acetylcholine Receptor
                                  Gene Expression in Muscle by Aggregation
                                  of Muscle-derived Neuregulins  . . . . . 715
           Gregory A. Elder and   
        Victor L. Friedrich and   
                Paolo Bosco and   
                Chulho Kang and   
              Andrei Gourov and   
              Pang-Hsien Tu and   
         Virginia M.-Y. Lee and   
            Robert A. Lazzarini   Absence of the Mid-sized Neurofilament
                                  Subunit Decreases Axonal Calibers,
                                  Levels of Light Neurofilament (NF--L),
                                  and Neurofilament Content  . . . . . . . 727
               Honami Naora and   
                Izumi Takai and   
            Masakazu Adachi and   
                   Hiroto Naora   Altered Cellular Responses by Varying
                                  Expression of a Ribosomal Protein Gene:
                                  Sequential Coordination of Enhancement
                                  and Suppression of Ribosomal Protein S3a
                                  Gene Expression Induces Apoptosis  . . . 741
         Elisabeth E. Weiss and   
           Martina Kroemker and   
   Angelika-H. Rüdiger and   
       Brigitte M. Jockusch and   
           Manfred Rüdiger   Vinculin Is Part of the
                                  Cadherin--Catenin Junctional Complex:
                                  Complex Formation between $ \alpha
                                  $-Catenin and Vinculin . . . . . . . . . 755
            Melissa H. Wong and   
           Bonnee Rubinfeld and   
              Jeffrey I. Gordon   Effects of Forced Expression of an
                                  NH$_2$-terminal Truncated $ \beta
                                  $-Catenin on Mouse Intestinal Epithelial
                                  Homeostasis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765
               Alpha S. Yap and   
          Carien M. Niessen and   
              Barry M. Gumbiner   The Juxtamembrane Region of the Cadherin
                                  Cytoplasmic Tail Supports Lateral
                                  Clustering, Adhesive Strengthening, and
                                  Interaction with p120$^{\rm ctn}$  . . . 779
María Yáñez-Mó and   
  Arántzazu Alfranca and   
      Carlos Cabañas and   
    Mónica Marazuela and   
              Reyes Tejedor and   
            M. Angeles Ursa and   
           Leonie K. Ashman and   
Manuel O. de Landázuri and   
Francisco Sánchez-Madrid   Regulation of Endothelial Cell Motility
                                  by Complexes of Tetraspan Molecules
                                  CD81/TAPA-1 and CD151/PETA-3 with $
                                  \alpha $3$ \beta $1 Integrin Localized
                                  at Endothelial Lateral Junctions . . . . 791
           Karen K. Hirschi and   
      Stephanie A. Rohovsky and   
            Patricia A. D'Amore   PDGF, TGF-$ \beta $, and Heterotypic
                                  Cell--Cell Interactions Mediate
                                  Endothelial Cell-induced Recruitment of
                                  10T1/2 Cells and Their Differentiation
                                  to a Smooth Muscle Fate  . . . . . . . . 805
        Anders Nykjær and   
        Erik I. Christensen and   
               Henrik Vorum and   
               Henrik Hager and   
          Claus M. Petersen and   
       Hans Ròigaard and   
                 Hye Y. Min and   
          Frederik Vilhardt and   
   Lisbeth B. Mòller and   
            Stuart Kornfeld and   
         Jòrgen Gliemann   Mannose 6-Phosphate/Insulin-like Growth
                                  Factor-II Receptor Targets the Urokinase
                                  Receptor to Lysosomes via a Novel
                                  Binding Interaction  . . . . . . . . . . 815
                 T. J. Wess and   
              P. P. Purslow and   
             M. J. Sherratt and   
                J. Ashworth and   
         C. A. Shuttleworth and   
                   C. M. Kielty   Calcium Determines the Supramolecular
                                  Organization of Fibrillin-rich
                                  Microfibrils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829
              Mikael Wendel and   
             Yngve Sommarin and   
           Dick Heinegård   Bone Matrix Proteins: Isolation and
                                  Characterization of a Novel Cell-binding
                                  Keratan Sulfate Proteoglycan
                                  (Osteoadherin) from Bovine Bone  . . . . 839

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 141, Number 4, May, 1998

             Denis Dujardin and   
            U. Irene Wacker and   
                Anne Moreau and   
           Trina A. Schroer and   
           Janet E. Rickard and   
                  Jan R. De Mey   Evidence for a Role of CLIP-170 in the
                                  Establishment of Metaphase Chromosome
                                  Alignment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 849
        Ralph H. Kehlenbach and   
            Achim Dickmanns and   
                   Larry Gerace   Nucleocytoplasmic Shuttling Factors
                                  Including Ran and CRM1 Mediate Nuclear
                                  Export of NFAT In Vitro  . . . . . . . . 863
                    Pei Jin and   
              Stephen Hardy and   
                David O. Morgan   Nuclear Localization of Cyclin B1
                                  Controls Mitotic Entry After DNA Damage  875
             Kai-Uwe Kalies and   
            Tom A. Rapoport and   
                  Enno Hartmann   The $ \beta $ Subunit of the Sec61
                                  Complex Facilitates Cotranslational
                                  Protein Transport and Interacts with the
                                  Signal Peptidase during Translocation    887
                   Timo May and   
               Jürgen Soll   Positive Charges Determine the Topology
                                  and Functionality of the Transmembrane
                                  Domain in the Chloroplastic Outer
                                  Envelope Protein Toc34 . . . . . . . . . 895
          Palmer A. Orlandi and   
               Peter H. Fishman   Filipin-dependent Inhibition of Cholera
                                  Toxin: Evidence for Toxin
                                  Internalization and Activation through
                                  Caveolae-like Domains  . . . . . . . . . 905
               Anne A. Wolf and   
         Michael G. Jobling and   
         Susan Wimer-Mackin and   
 Margaret Ferguson-Maltzman and   
            James L. Madara and   
          Randall K. Holmes and   
                Wayne I. Lencer   Ganglioside Structure Dictates Signal
                                  Transduction by Cholera Toxin and
                                  Association with Caveolae-like Membrane
                                  Domains in Polarized Epithelia . . . . . 917
              Thomas Harder and   
           Peter Scheiffele and   
               Paul Verkade and   
                     Kai Simons   Lipid Domain Structure of the Plasma
                                  Membrane Revealed by Patching of
                                  Membrane Components  . . . . . . . . . . 929
         Carol A. Sartorius and   
                Brian D. Lu and   
     Leslie Acakpo-Satchivi and   
          Renee P. Jacobsen and   
          William C. Byrnes and   
             Leslie A. Leinwand   Myosin Heavy Chains IIa and IId Are
                                  Functionally Distinct in the Mouse . . . 943
             David T. Shima and   
  Noemí Cabrera-Poch and   
           Rainer Pepperkok and   
                  Graham Warren   An Ordered Inheritance Strategy for the
                                  Golgi Apparatus: Visualization of
                                  Mitotic Disassembly Reveals a Role for
                                  the Mitotic Spindle  . . . . . . . . . . 955
            Philip A. Wigge and   
              Ole N. Jensen and   
               Simon Holmes and   
             Sylvie Sou\`es and   
              Matthias Mann and   
              John V. Kilmartin   Analysis of the \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  Spindle Pole by Matrix-assisted Laser
                                  Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) Mass
                                  Spectrometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967
          Gregory J. Pazour and   
        Curtis G. Wilkerson and   
               George B. Witman   A Dynein Light Chain Is Essential for
                                  the Retrograde Particle Movement of
                                  Intraflagellar Transport (IFT) . . . . . 979
            Douglas G. Cole and   
           Dennis R. Diener and   
           Amy L. Himelblau and   
             Peter L. Beech and   
            Jason C. Fuster and   
              Joel L. Rosenbaum   \bionameChlamydomonas
                                  Kinesin-II-dependent Intraflagellar
                                  Transport (IFT): IFT Particles Contain
                                  Proteins Required for Ciliary Assembly
                                  in \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans
                                  Sensory Neurons  . . . . . . . . . . . . 993
              Laura Torroja and   
Daniel Ortuño-Sahagún and   
      Alberto Ferrús and   
      Barbara Hämmerle and   
                Julio A. Barbas   scully, an Essential Gene of
                                  \bionameDrosophila, is Homologous to
                                  Mammalian Mitochondrial Type II
                                  Dehydrogenase/Amyloid-$ \beta $
                                  Peptide-binding Protein  . . . . . . . . 1009
         Michelle L. Matter and   
              Zhuohua Zhang and   
         Christer Nordstedt and   
                Erkki Ruoslahti   The $ \alpha $5$ \beta $1 Integrin
                                  Mediates Elimination of Amyloid-$ \beta
                                  $ Peptide and Protects Against Apoptosis 1019
       Daniel M. Skovronsky and   
             Robert W. Doms and   
             Virginia M.-Y. Lee   Detection of a Novel Intraneuronal Pool
                                  of Insoluble Amyloid $ \beta $ Protein
                                  that Accumulates with Time in Culture    1031
             Oliver Wessely and   
           Eva-Maria Deiner and   
               Kim Chew Lim and   
            Georg Mellitzer and   
            Peter Steinlein and   
                   Hartmut Beug   Mammalian Granulocyte--Macrophage
                                  Colony-stimulating Factor Receptor
                                  Expressed in Primary Avian Hematopoietic
                                  Progenitors: Lineage-specific Regulation
                                  of Proliferation and Differentiation . . 1041
          James J. Campbell and   
           Edward P. Bowman and   
            Kristine Murphy and   
        Kenneth R. Youngman and   
           Michael A. Siani and   
         Darren A. Thompson and   
                   Lijun Wu and   
             Albert Zlotnik and   
              Eugene C. Butcher   $6$-C-kine (SLC), a Lymphocyte
                                  Adhesion-triggering Chemokine Expressed
                                  by High Endothelium, Is an Agonist for
                                  the MIP-3$ \beta $ Receptor CCR7 . . . . 1053
            Maria Guttinger and   
            Francesca Sutti and   
         Maddalena Panigada and   
          Simona Porcellini and   
             Barbara Merati and   
         Margherita Mariani and   
             Tambet Teesalu and   
        G. Giacomo Consalez and   
                   Fabio Grassi   Epithelial V-like Antigen (EVA), a Novel
                                  Member of the Immunoglobulin
                                  Superfamily, Expressed in Embryonic
                                  Epithelia with a Potential Role as
                                  Homotypic Adhesion Molecule in Thymus
                                  Histogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1061
    Maria D. Martin-Bermudo and   
    Olga M. Dunin-Borkowski and   
              Nicholas H. Brown   Modulation of Integrin Activity is Vital
                                  for Morphogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . 1073
              Marta Scatena and   
            Manuela Almeida and   
       Michelle L. Chaisson and   
              Nelson Fausto and   
         Roberto F. Nicosia and   
           Cecilia M. Giachelli   NF-$ \kappa $B Mediates $ \alpha $ v$
                                  \beta $3 Integrin-induced Endothelial
                                  Cell Survival  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1083

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 141, Number 5, June, 1998

          Abigail S. Hackam and   
           Roshni Singaraja and   
       Cheryl L. Wellington and   
            Martina Metzler and   
          Krista McCutcheon and   
                Taiqi Zhang and   
           Michael Kalchman and   
              Michael R. Hayden   The Influence of Huntingtin Protein Size
                                  on Nuclear Localization and Cellular
                                  Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1097
        Susan M. VanRheenen and   
               Xiaochun Cao and   
       Vladimir V. Lupashin and   
            Charles Barlowe and   
               M. Gerard Waters   Sec35p, a Novel Peripheral Membrane
                                  Protein, Is Required for ER to Golgi
                                  Vesicle Docking  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107
            Wolfgang Faigle and   
        Graça Raposo and   
              Daniele Tenza and   
       Valérie Pinet and   
               Anne B. Vogt and   
          Harald Kropshofer and   
              Alain Fischer and   
Genevi\`eve de Saint-Basile and   
            Sebastian Amigorena   Deficient Peptide Loading and MHC Class
                                  II Endosomal Sorting in a Human Genetic
                                  Immunodeficiency Disease: the
                                  Chediak--Higashi Syndrome  . . . . . . . 1121
                Sudipto Roy and   
               K. VijayRaghavan   Patterning Muscles Using Organizers:
                                  Larval Muscle Templates and Adult
                                  Myoblasts Actively Interact to Pattern
                                  the Dorsal Longitudinal Flight Muscles
                                  of \bionameDrosophila  . . . . . . . . . 1135
           William E. Allen and   
               Daniel Zicha and   
             Anne J. Ridley and   
                Gareth E. Jones   A Role for Cdc42 in Macrophage
                                  Chemotaxis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1147
           Lisa R. Matthews and   
              Philip Carter and   
      Danielle Thierry-Mieg and   
                   Ken Kemphues   ZYG-9, A \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans
                                  Protein Required for Microtubule
                                  Organization and Function, Is a
                                  Component of Meiotic and Mitotic Spindle
                                  Poles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1159
         Xiaoyue Peter Chen and   
                Hongwei Yin and   
                Tim C. Huffaker   The Yeast Spindle Pole Body Component
                                  Spc72p Interacts with Stu2p and Is
                                  Required for Proper Microtubule Assembly 1169
         Jennifer C. Waters and   
              Rey-Huei Chen and   
           Andrew W. Murray and   
                   E. D. Salmon   Localization of Mad2 to Kinetochores
                                  Depends on Microtubule Attachment, Not
                                  Tension  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1181
            Gary J. Gorbsky and   
              Rey-Huei Chen and   
               Andrew W. Murray   Microinjection of Antibody to Mad2
                                  Protein into Mammalian Cells in Mitosis
                                  Induces Premature Anaphase . . . . . . . 1193
         Paul R. Andreassen and   
Françoise B. Lacroix and   
         Emma Villa-Moruzzi and   
             Robert L. Margolis   Differential Subcellular Localization of
                                  Protein Phosphatase-1 $ \alpha $, $
                                  \gamma $1, and $ \delta $ Isoforms
                                  during Both Interphase and Mitosis in
                                  Mammalian Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1207
             Janni Petersen and   
               Olaf Nielsen and   
               Richard Egel and   
                  Iain M. Hagan   FH3, A Domain Found in Formins, Targets
                                  the Fission Yeast Formin Fus1 to the
                                  Projection Tip During Conjugation  . . . 1217
         Elizabeth A. Smith and   
                   Elaine Fuchs   Defining the Interactions Between
                                  Intermediate Filaments and Desmosomes    1229
          Richard M. Siegel and   
            David A. Martin and   
                Lixin Zheng and   
               Samuel Y. Ng and   
                John Bertin and   
              Jeffrey Cohen and   
             Michael J. Lenardo   Death-effector Filaments: Novel
                                  Cytoplasmic Structures that Recruit
                                  Caspases and Trigger Apoptosis . . . . . 1243
               Denise Perez and   
                   Eileen White   E1B 19K Inhibits Fas-mediated Apoptosis
                                  through FADD-dependent Sequestration of
                                  FLICE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1255
               Marc Chanson and   
            Marjorie Fanjul and   
             Domenico Bosco and   
                Eric Nelles and   
              Susanne Suter and   
             Klaus Willecke and   
                     Paolo Meda   Enhanced Secretion of Amylase from
                                  Exocrine Pancreas of
                                  Connexin32-deficient Mice  . . . . . . . 1267
         Shukti Chakravarti and   
             Terry Magnuson and   
           Jonathan H. Lass and   
             Karl J. Jepsen and   
         Christian LaMantia and   
                  Heidi Carroll   Lumican Regulates Collagen Fibril
                                  Assembly: Skin Fragility and Corneal
                                  Opacity in the Absence of Lumican  . . . 1277

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 141, Number 6, June, 1998

          Keith K. H. Leung and   
                Ling Jim Ng and   
               Ken K. Y. Ho and   
          Patrick P. L. Tam and   
            Kathryn S. E. Cheah   Different cis -Regulatory DNA Elements
                                  Mediate Developmental Stage- and
                                  Tissue-specific Expression of the Human
                                  COL2A1 Gene in Transgenic Mice . . . . . 1291
            Ciro Abbondanza and   
            Valentina Rossi and   
          Annarita Roscigno and   
                Luigi Gallo and   
             Angela Belsito and   
              Giulio Piluso and   
              Nicola Medici and   
             Vincenzo Nigro and   
        Anna Maria Molinari and   
          Bruno Moncharmont and   
               Giovanni A. Puca   Interaction of Vault Particles with
                                  Estrogen Receptor in the MCF-7 Breast
                                  Cancer Cell  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1301
           Guillemette Huet and   
    Sylviane Hennebicq-Reig and   
            Carmen de Bolos and   
               Fausto Ulloa and   
   Thécla Lesuffleur and   
               Alain Barbat and   
Véronique Carri\`ere and   
               Isabelle Kim and   
          Francisco X. Real and   
          Philippe Delannoy and   
                 Alain Zweibaum   GalNAc-$ \alpha $-O-benzyl Inhibits
                                  NeuAc$ \alpha $2-3 Glycosylation and
                                  Blocks the Intracellular Transport of
                                  Apical Glycoproteins and Mucus in
                                  Differentiated HT-29 Cells . . . . . . . 1311
             Verena Karsten and   
                  Huilin Qi and   
          Con J. M. Beckers and   
                Anita Reddy and   
    Jean-Francois Dubremetz and   
               Paul Webster and   
                Keith A. Joiner   The Protozoan Parasite Toxoplasma gondii
                                  Targets Proteins to Dense Granules and
                                  the Vacuolar Space Using Both Conserved
                                  and Unusual Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . 1323
                   Hui Qiao and   
        Sandra L. Pelletier and   
              Lucas Hoffman and   
                Jill Hacker and   
          R. Todd Armstrong and   
                Judith M. White   Specific Single or Double Proline
                                  Substitutions in the ``Spring-loaded''
                                  Coiled--Coil Region of the Influenza
                                  Hemagglutinin Impair or Abolish Membrane
                                  Fusion Activity  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1335
         Michael B. Ferrari and   
          Katharina Ribbeck and   
           Donald J. Hagler and   
            Nicholas C. Spitzer   A Calcium Signaling Cascade Essential
                                  for Myosin Thick Filament Assembly in
                                  \bionameXenopus Myocytes . . . . . . . . 1349
          Blake L. Anderson and   
             Istvan Boldogh and   
          Marie Evangelista and   
              Charles Boone and   
            Lloyd A. Greene and   
                    Liza A. Pon   The Src Homology Domain 3 (SH3) of a
                                  Yeast Type I Myosin, Myo5p, Binds to
                                  Verprolin and Is Required for Targeting
                                  to Sites of Actin Polarization . . . . . 1357
             Istvan Boldogh and   
              Nikola Vojtov and   
              Sharon Karmon and   
                    Liza A. Pon   Interaction between Mitochondria and the
                                  Actin Cytoskeleton in Budding Yeast
                                  Requires Two Integral Mitochondrial
                                  Outer Membrane Proteins, Mmm1p and
                                  Mdm10p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1371
   Brigitte de Saint Phalle and   
               William Sullivan   Spindle Assembly and Mitosis without
                                  Centrosomes in Parthenogenetic Sciara
                                  Embryos  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1383
               Marko Kallio and   
        Jasminder Weinstein and   
               John R. Daum and   
            Daniel J. Burke and   
                Gary J. Gorbsky   Mammalian p55CDC Mediates Association of
                                  the Spindle Checkpoint Protein Mad2 with
                                  the Cyclosome/Anaphase-promoting
                                  Complex, and is Involved in Regulating
                                  Anaphase Onset and Late Mitotic Events   1393
Alfonso Dueñas Gonzalez and   
             Mitsunori Kaya and   
                    Wen Shi and   
                Howard Song and   
            Joseph R. Testa and   
              Linda Z. Penn and   
                   Jorge Filmus   OCI-5\slash GPC3, a Glypican Encoded by
                                  a Gene That Is Mutated in the
                                  Simpson--Golabi--Behmel Overgrowth
                                  Syndrome, Induces Apoptosis in a Cell
                                  Line--specific Manner  . . . . . . . . . 1407
          Hans-Peter Hauser and   
           Michael Bardroff and   
         George Pyrowolakis and   
                 Stefan Jentsch   A Giant Ubiquitin-conjugating Enzyme
                                  Related to IAP Apoptosis Inhibitors  . . 1415
                Shirlee Tan and   
              Yutaka Sagara and   
                Yuanbin Liu and   
               Pamela Maher and   
                 David Schubert   The Regulation of Reactive Oxygen
                                  Species Production during Programmed
                                  Cell Death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1423
               Inbal Simcha and   
           Michael Shtutman and   
            Daniela Salomon and   
            Jacob Zhurinsky and   
                Einat Sadot and   
            Benjamin Geiger and   
                 Avri Ben-Ze'ev   Differential Nuclear Translocation and
                                  Transactivation Potential of $ \beta
                                  $-Catenin and Plakoglobin  . . . . . . . 1433
              Enzo Calautti and   
                Sara Cabodi and   
              Paul L. Stein and   
         Mechthild Hatzfeld and   
             Nancy Kedersha and   
                 G. Paolo Dotto   Tyrosine Phosphorylation and Src Family
                                  Kinases Control Keratinocyte Cell--Cell
                                  Adhesion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1449
         Gabriel Mbalaviele and   
             Riko Nishimura and   
                 Akira Myoi and   
             Maria Niewolna and   
          Sakamuri V. Reddy and   
                    Di Chen and   
                  Jian Feng and   
              David Roodman and   
           Gregory R. Mundy and   
               Toshiyuki Yoneda   Cadherin-6 Mediates the Heterotypic
                                  Interactions between the Hemopoietic
                                  Osteoclast Cell Lineage and Stromal
                                  Cells in a Murine Model of Osteoclast
                                  Differentiation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1467

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 141, Number 7, June, 1998

                  Kuo-I Lin and   
         Joseph A. DiDonato and   
         Alexander Hoffmann and   
          J. Marie Hardwick and   
                 Rajiv R. Ratan   Suppression of Steady-state, but not
                                  Stimulus-induced NF-$ \kappa $B Activity
                                  Inhibits Alphavirus-induced Apoptosis    1479
               Jesse C. Hay and   
          Judith Klumperman and   
             Viola Oorschot and   
          Martin Steegmaier and   
            Christin S. Kuo and   
            Richard H. Scheller   Localization, Dynamics, and Protein
                                  Interactions Reveal Distinct Roles for
                                  ER and Golgi SNAREs  . . . . . . . . . . 1489
               Seng Hui Low and   
           Steven J. Chapin and   
           Christian Wimmer and   
       Sidney W. Whiteheart and   
László G. Kömüves and   
            Keith E. Mostov and   
                  Thomas Weimbs   The SNARE Machinery Is Involved in
                                  Apical Plasma Membrane Trafficking in
                                  MDCK Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1503
                   Ping Lin and   
         Helen Le-Niculescu and   
          Robert Hofmeister and   
       J. Michael McCaffery and   
                Mingjie Jin and   
            Hanjo Hennemann and   
           Tammie McQuistan and   
               Luc De Vries and   
          Marilyn Gist Farquhar   The Mammalian Calcium-binding Protein,
                                  Nucleobindin (CALNUC), Is a Golgi
                                  Resident Protein . . . . . . . . . . . . 1515
           Barbara Peracino and   
               Jane Borleis and   
                   Tian Jin and   
            Monika Westphal and   
         Jean-Marc Schwartz and   
                   Lijun Wu and   
              Enrico Bracco and   
       Günther Gerisch and   
            Peter Devreotes and   
              Salvatore Bozzaro   G Protein $ \beta $ Subunit--null
                                  Mutants Are Impaired in Phagocytosis and
                                  Chemotaxis Due to Inappropriate
                                  Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton . . 1529
               Mikio Furuse and   
               Kohji Fujita and   
            Takashi Hiiragi and   
           Kazushi Fujimoto and   
              Shoichiro Tsukita   Claudin-1 and -2: Novel Integral
                                  Membrane Proteins Localizing at Tight
                                  Junctions with No Sequence Similarity to
                                  Occludin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1539
               Shmuel Tuvia and   
               Shlomo Levin and   
              Arkady Bitler and   
                Rafi Korenstein   Mechanical Fluctuations of the
                                  Membrane--Skeleton Are Dependent on
                                  F--Actin ATPase in Human Erythrocytes    1551
              Andrew M. Fry and   
             Thibault Mayor and   
            Patrick Meraldi and   
       York-Dieter Stierhof and   
              Kayoko Tanaka and   
                  Erich A. Nigg   C-Nap1, a Novel Centrosomal Coiled--Coil
                                  Protein and Candidate Substrate of the
                                  Cell Cycle--regulated Protein Kinase
                                  Nek2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1563
                      L. Wu and   
               S. A. Osmani and   
                 P. M. Mirabito   A Role for NIMA in the Nuclear
                                  Localization of Cyclin B in Aspergillus
                                  nidulans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1575
       Dennis R. LaJeunesse and   
        Brooke M. McCartney and   
               Richard G. Fehon   Structural Analysis of
                                  \bionameDrosophila Merlin Reveals
                                  Functional Domains Important for Growth
                                  Control and Subcellular Localization . . 1589
          Ilham A. Muslimov and   
                Gary Banker and   
        Jürgen Brosius and   
                   Henri Tiedge   Activity-dependent Regulation of
                                  Dendritic BC1 RNA in Hippocampal Neurons
                                  in Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1601
              Zhengshan Dai and   
               H. Benjamin Peng   A Role of Tyrosine Phosphatase in
                                  Acetylcholine Receptor Cluster Dispersal
                                  and Formation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1613
              Masaya Hirose and   
         Toshimasa Ishizaki and   
             Naoki Watanabe and   
           Masayoshi Uehata and   
            Onno Kranenburg and   
        Wouter H. Moolenaar and   
            Fumio Matsumura and   
             Midori Maekawa and   
              Haruhiko Bito and   
                  Shuh Narumiya   Molecular Dissection of the
                                  Rho-associated Protein Kinase
                                  (p160ROCK)-regulated Neurite Remodeling
                                  in Neuroblastoma N1E-115 Cells . . . . . 1625
       Michel Pucéat and   
                Serge Roche and   
                    Guy Vassort   Src Family Tyrosine Kinase Regulates
                                  Intracellular pH in Cardiomyocytes . . . 1637
        Theresa M. LaVallee and   
          Igor A. Prudovsky and   
         Grainne A. McMahon and   
                 Xiaoguo Hu and   
                  Thomas Maciag   Activation of the MAP Kinase Pathway by
                                  FGF-1 Correlates with Cell Proliferation
                                  Induction While Activation of the Src
                                  Pathway Correlates with Migration  . . . 1647
          Graziano Seghezzi and   
              Sundeep Patel and   
           Christine J. Ren and   
            Anna Gualandris and   
          Giuseppe Pintucci and   
           Edith S. Robbins and   
         Richard L. Shapiro and   
         Aubrey C. Galloway and   
           Daniel B. Rifkin and   
                 Paolo Mignatti   Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2)
                                  Induces Vascular Endothelial Growth
                                  Factor (VEGF) Expression in the
                                  Endothelial Cells of Forming
                                  Capillaries: an Autocrine Mechanism
                                  Contributing to Angiogenesis . . . . . . 1659
            Pauline O'Grady and   
              Tran Cam Thai and   
                    Haruo Saito   The Laminin--Nidogen Complex is a Ligand
                                  for a Specific Splice Isoform of the
                                  Transmembrane Protein Tyrosine
                                  Phosphatase LAR  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1675
               Takaaki Hato and   
              Nisar Pampori and   
             Sanford J. Shattil   Complementary Roles for Receptor
                                  Clustering and Conformational Change in
                                  the Adhesive and Signaling Functions of
                                  Integrin $ \alpha_{IIb} $ $ \beta_3 $    1685

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 142, Number 1, July, 1998

          Stephen S. Taylor and   
                  Edward Ha and   
                   Frank McKeon   The Human Homologue of Bub3 Is Required
                                  for Kinetochore Localization of Bub1 and
                                  a Mad3/Bub1-related Protein Kinase . . . 1
  Christine Moulton Clemson and   
           Jennifer C. Chow and   
           Carolyn J. Brown and   
        Jeanne Bentley Lawrence   Stabilization and Localization of Xist
                                  RNA are Controlled by Separate
                                  Mechanisms and are Not Sufficient for X
                                  Inactivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
             Jan Willem Kok and   
               Teresa Babia and   
       Catalin M. Filipeanu and   
           Adriaan Nelemans and   
               Gustavo Egea and   
                  Dick Hoekstra   PDMP Blocks Brefeldin A--induced
                                  Retrograde Membrane Transport from Golgi
                                  to ER: Evidence for Involvement of
                                  Calcium Homeostasis and Dissociation
                                  from Sphingolipid Metabolism . . . . . . 25
           Laurie A. Graham and   
            Kathryn J. Hill and   
                 Tom H. Stevens   Assembly of the Yeast Vacuolar
                                  H$^+$-ATPase Occurs in the Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum and Requires a Vma12p/Vma22p
                                  Assembly Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
                   Sasa Lin and   
            Hussein Y. Naim and   
        A. Chapin Rodriguez and   
                Michael G. Roth   Mutations in the Middle of the
                                  Transmembrane Domain Reverse the
                                  Polarity of Transport of the Influenza
                                  Virus Hemagglutinin in MDCK Epithelial
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
          Richard G. Kibbey and   
                 Josep Rizo and   
           Lila M. Gierasch and   
         Richard G. W. Anderson   The LDL Receptor Clustering Motif
                                  Interacts with the Clathrin Terminal
                                  Domain in a Reverse Turn Conformation    59
            A. K. Kenworthy and   
                      M. Edidin   Distribution of a
                                  protein at the apical surface of MDCK
                                  cells examined at a resolution of $< 100$Å
                                  using imaging fluorescence resonance
                                  energy transfer  . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
              Tzuu-Shuh Jou and   
                W. James Nelson   Effects of Regulated Expression of
                                  Mutant RhoA and Rac1 Small GTPases on
                                  the Development of Epithelial (MDCK)
                                  Cell Polarity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
              Tzuu-Shuh Jou and   
    Eveline E. Schneeberger and   
                W. James Nelson   Structural and Functional Regulation of
                                  Tight Junctions by RhoA and Rac1 Small
                                  GTPases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Inés Mart\`\in-Padura and   
            Susan Lostaglio and   
          Markus Schneemann and   
              Lisa Williams and   
               Maria Romano and   
            Paolo Fruscella and   
              Carla Panzeri and   
     Antonella Stoppacciaro and   
                 Luigi Ruco and   
            Antonello Villa and   
              David Simmons and   
              Elisabetta Dejana   Junctional Adhesion Molecule, a Novel
                                  Member of the Immunoglobulin Superfamily
                                  That Distributes at Intercellular
                                  Junctions and Modulates Monocyte
                                  Transmigration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
         Alexandra R. Cohen and   
             Daniel F. Wood and   
         Shirin M. Marfatia and   
              Zenta Walther and   
           Athar H. Chishti and   
          James Melvin Anderson   Human CASK/LIN-2 Binds Syndecan-2 and
                                  Protein 4.1 and Localizes to the
                                  Basolateral Membrane of Epithelial Cells 129
              Yi-Ping Hsueh and   
               Fu-Chia Yang and   
            Viktor Kharazia and   
             Scott Naisbitt and   
         Alexandra R. Cohen and   
        Richard J. Weinberg and   
                   Morgan Sheng   Direct Interaction of CASK/LIN-2 and
                                  Syndecan Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan
                                  and Their Overlapping Distribution in
                                  Neuronal Synapses  . . . . . . . . . . . 139
               C. Poüs and   
                  K. Chabin and   
                 A. Drechou and   
                  L. Barbot and   
            T. Phung-Koskas and   
              C. Settegrana and   
   M. L. Bourguet-Kondracki and   
                 M. Maurice and   
                  D. Cassio and   
                   M. Guyot and   
                      G. Durand   Functional Specialization of Stable and
                                  Dynamic Microtubules in Protein Traffic
                                  in WIF--B Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
           Laurent Guillaud and   
            Christophe Bosc and   
       Anne Fourest-Lieuvin and   
              Eric Denarier and   
          Fabienne Pirollet and   
     Laurence Lafanech\`ere and   
                     Didier Job   STOP Proteins are Responsible for the
                                  High Degree of Microtubule Stabilization
                                  Observed in Neuronal Cells . . . . . . . 167
             Irina Kaverina and   
            Klemens Rottner and   
                J. Victor Small   Targeting, Capture, and Stabilization of
                                  Microtubules at Early Focal Adhesions    181
                 A. Shibata and   
               M. V. Wright and   
                   S. David and   
             L. McKerracher and   
                P. E. Braun and   
                    S. B. Kater   Unique Responses of Differentiating
                                  Neuronal Growth Cones to Inhibitory Cues
                                  Presented by Oligodendrocytes  . . . . . 191
              Nobuaki Maeda and   
                  Masaharu Noda   Involvement of Receptor-like Protein
                                  Tyrosine Phosphatase $ \zeta $ /RPTP$
                                  \beta $ and Its Ligand
                                  Growth-associated Molecule (HB-GAM) in
                                  Neuronal Migration . . . . . . . . . . . 203
                      Di Lu and   
                  Hong Yang and   
            Robert H. Lenox and   
               Mohan K. Raizada   Regulation of Angiotensin II--induced
                                  Neuromodulation by MARCKS in Brain
                                  Neurons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
      James R. Van Brocklyn and   
               Menq-Jer Lee and   
            Ramil Menzeleev and   
                Ana Olivera and   
                Lisa Edsall and   
          Olivier Cuvillier and   
           Dianne M. Thomas and   
        Peter J. P. Coopman and   
            Shobha Thangada and   
           Catherine H. Liu and   
                Timothy Hla and   
                  Sarah Spiegel   Dual Actions of Sphingosine-1-Phosphate:
                                  Extracellular through the G$_i$-coupled
                                  Receptor Edg-1 and Intracellular to
                                  Regulate Proliferation and Survival  . . 229
            Arthur J. Kudla and   
            Nathan C. Jones and   
         R. Scott Rosenthal and   
             Kirstin Arthur and   
              Kari L. Clase and   
               Bradley B. Olwin   The FGF Receptor--1 Tyrosine Kinase
                                  Domain Regulates Myogenesis but Is Not
                                  Sufficient to Stimulate Proliferation    241
            Michael Hortsch and   
              Diahann Homer and   
        Jyoti Dhar Malhotra and   
               Sherry Chang and   
              Jason Frankel and   
            Gregory Jefford and   
             Ronald R. Dubreuil   Structural Requirements for Outside--In
                                  and Inside--Out Signaling by
                                  \bionameDrosophila Neuroglian, a Member
                                  of the L1 Family of Cell Adhesion
                                  Molecules  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
             Karen R. Snapp and   
                  Ron Craig and   
             Michael Herron and   
           Robert D. Nelson and   
          Lloyd M. Stoolman and   
             Geoffrey S. Kansas   Dimerization of P--Selectin Glycoprotein
                                  Ligand-1 (PSGL-1) Required for Optimal
                                  Recognition of P--Selectin . . . . . . . 263
      Roel Q. J. Schaapveld and   
             Luca Borradori and   
                Dirk Geerts and   
      Manuel R. van Leusden and   
             Ingrid Kuikman and   
          Mirjam G. Nievers and   
          Carien M. Niessen and   
   Renske D. M. Steenbergen and   
       Peter J. F. Snijders and   
              Arnoud Sonnenberg   Hemidesmosome Formation Is Initiated by
                                  the $ \beta $4 Integrin Subunit,
                                  Requires Complex Formation of $ \beta $4
                                  and HD1/Plectin, and Involves a Direct
                                  Interaction between $ \beta $4 and the
                                  Bullous Pemphigoid Antigen 180 . . . . . 271
                Rupert Hagg and   
             Peter Bruckner and   
                    Erik Hedbom   Cartilage Fibrils of Mammals are
                                  Biochemically Heterogeneous:
                                  Differential Distribution of Decorin and
                                  Collagen IX  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
                    D. Chen and   
                      X. Ji and   
               M. A. Harris and   
                 J. Q. Feng and   
                G. Karsenty and   
              A. J. Celeste and   
                   V. Rosen and   
                G. R. Mundy and   
                   S. E. Harris   Differential Roles for Bone
                                  Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) Receptor
                                  Type IB and IA in Differentiation and
                                  Specification of Mesenchymal Precursor
                                  Cells to Osteoblast and Adipocyte
                                  Lineages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 142, Number 2, July, 1998

               Da Wei Huang and   
                Laura Fanti and   
           Daniel T. S. Pak and   
         Michael R. Botchan and   
          Sergio Pimpinelli and   
                 Rebecca Kellum   Distinct Cytoplasmic and Nuclear
                                  Fractions of \bionameDrosophila
                                  Heterochromatin Protein 1: Their
                                  Phosphorylation Levels and Associations
                                  with Origin Recognition Complex Proteins 307
              Cynthia Isaac and   
               Yunfeng Yang and   
                U. Thomas Meier   Nopp140 Functions as a Molecular Link
                                  Between the Nucleolus and the Coiled
                                  Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
                    Li Yuan and   
          Jeanette Pelttari and   
               Eva Brundell and   
    Birgitta Björkroth and   
                  Jian Zhao and   
               Jian-Guo Liu and   
            Hjalmar Brismar and   
            Bertil Daneholt and   
        Christer Höög   The Synaptonemal Complex Protein SCP3
                                  Can Form Multistranded, Cross-striated
                                  Fibers In Vivo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
             Stephen C. Ogg and   
           Wolfgang P. Barz and   
                   Peter Walter   A Functional GTPase Domain, but not its
                                  Transmembrane Domain, is Required for
                                  Function of the SRP Receptor $ \beta
                                  $-subunit  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
             Walther Mothes and   
           Berit Jungnickel and   
              Josef Brunner and   
                Tom A. Rapoport   Signal Sequence Recognition in
                                  Cotranslational Translocation by Protein
                                  Components of the Endoplasmic Reticulum
                                  Membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
        Domenico Tortorella and   
             Craig M. Story and   
          Johannes B. Huppa and   
   Emmanuel J. H. J. Wiertz and   
            Thomas R. Jones and   
                Hidde L. Ploegh   Dislocation of Type I Membrane Proteins
                                  from the ER to the Cytosol Is Sensitive
                                  to Changes in Redox Potential  . . . . . 365
      Florence Vollenweider and   
             Felix Kappeler and   
             Christian Itin and   
               Hans-Peter Hauri   Mistargeting of the Lectin ERGIC-53 to
                                  the Endoplasmic Reticulum of HeLa Cells
                                  Impairs the Secretion of a Lysosomal
                                  Enzyme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
              Chean Eng Ooi and   
   Esteban C. Dell'Angelica and   
             Juan S. Bonifacino   ADP-Ribosylation Factor 1 (ARF1)
                                  Regulates Recruitment of the AP-3
                                  Adaptor Complex to Membranes . . . . . . 391
      Vladimir I. Titorenko and   
          Jennifer J. Smith and   
          Rachel K. Szilard and   
         Richard A. Rachubinski   Pex20p of the Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica
                                  Is Required for the Oligomerization of
                                  Thiolase in the Cytosol and for Its
                                  Targeting to the Peroxisome  . . . . . . 403
           Ewald H. Hettema and   
     Caroline C. M. Ruigrok and   
      Marian Groot Koerkamp and   
       Marlene van den Berg and   
              Henk F. Tabak and   
                 Ben Distel and   
                 Ineke Braakman   The Cytosolic DnaJ-like Protein Djp1p Is
                                  Involved Specifically in Peroxisomal
                                  Protein Import . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
        Christopher B. Yohn and   
              Amybeth Cohen and   
              Cristen Rosch and   
          Michael R. Kuchka and   
            Stephen P. Mayfield   Translation of the Chloroplast psbA mRNA
                                  Requires the Nuclear-encoded
                                  Poly(A)-binding Protein, RB47  . . . . . 435
           Mahasin A. Osman and   
             Richard A. Cerione   Iqg1p, a Yeast Homologue of the
                                  Mammalian IQGAPs, Mediates Cdc42p
                                  Effects on the Actin Cytoskeleton  . . . 443
           Kenneth E. Sawin and   
                     Paul Nurse   Regulation of Cell Polarity by
                                  Microtubules in Fission Yeast  . . . . . 457
           Burkhard Wiesner and   
             Jocelyn Weiner and   
           Ralf Middendorff and   
               Volker Hagen and   
          U. Benjamin Kaupp and   
                    Ingo Weyand   Cyclic Nucleotide-gated Channels on the
                                  Flagellum Control Ca$^{2+}$ Entry into
                                  Sperm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
          Yoichiro Matsuoka and   
                 Xiaolin Li and   
                   Vann Bennett   Adducin Is an In Vivo Substrate for
                                  Protein Kinase C: Phosphorylation in the
                                  MARCKS-related Domain Inhibits Activity
                                  in Promoting Spectrin--Actin Complexes
                                  and Occurs in Many Cells, Including
                                  Dendritic Spines of Neurons  . . . . . . 485
           Susannetom Dieck and   
 Lydia Sanmartí-Vila and   
         Kristina Langnaese and   
              Karin Richter and   
             Stefan Kindler and   
                Antje Soyke and   
                  Heike Wex and   
          Karl-Heinz Smalla and   
             Udo Kämpf and   
Jürgen-Theodor Fränzer and   
               Markus Stumm and   
            Craig C. Garner and   
         Eckart D. Gundelfinger   Bassoon, a Novel Zinc-finger
                                  CAG/Glutamine-repeat Protein Selectively
                                  Localized at the Active Zone of
                                  Presynaptic Nerve Terminals  . . . . . . 499
              Jiacheng Yang and   
           Judith A. Drazba and   
         Donald G. Ferguson and   
                  Meredith Bond   A-kinase Anchoring Protein 100 (AKAP100)
                                  is Localized in Multiple Subcellular
                                  Compartments in the Adult Rat Heart  . . 511
               Angela Clerk and   
             Ashour Michael and   
                Peter H. Sugden   Stimulation of the p38 Mitogen-activated
                                  Protein Kinase Pathway in Neonatal Rat
                                  Ventricular Myocytes by the G
                                  Protein--coupled Receptor Agonists,
                                  Endothelin-1 and Phenylephrine: a Role
                                  in Cardiac Myocyte Hypertrophy?  . . . . 523
          Janice A. Dominov and   
           Jonathan J. Dunn and   
           Jeffrey Boone Miller   Bcl-2 Expression Identifies an Early
                                  Stage of Myogenesis and Promotes Clonal
                                  Expansion of Muscle Cells  . . . . . . . 537
        Xian-Zhong Shawn Xu and   
            Atish Choudhury and   
                Xiaoling Li and   
                  Craig Montell   Coordination of an Array of Signaling
                                  Proteins through Homo- and Heteromeric
                                  Interactions Between PDZ Domains and
                                  Target Proteins  . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
             Brad St. Croix and   
           Capucine Sheehan and   
              Janusz W. Rak and   
   Vivi Ann Flòrenes and   
       Joyce M. Slingerland and   
               Robert S. Kerbel   E-Cadherin-dependent Growth Suppression
                                  is Mediated by the Cyclin-dependent
                                  Kinase Inhibitor p27$^{\rm KIP1}$  . . . 557
             Edwin A. Clark and   
             Warren G. King and   
             Joan S. Brugge and   
                Marc Symons and   
               Richard O. Hynes   Integrin-mediated Signals Regulated by
                                  Members of the Rho Family of GTPases . . 573
                Ambra Pozzi and   
            Kishore K. Wary and   
       Filippo G. Giancotti and   
            Humphrey A. Gardner   Integrin $ \alpha $1$ \beta $1 Mediates
                                  a Unique Collagen-dependent
                                  Proliferation Pathway In Vivo  . . . . . 587
       Dheepika Weerasinghe and   
            Kevin P. McHugh and   
          Frederick P. Ross and   
              Eric J. Brown and   
           Roland H. Gisler and   
                  Beat A. Imhof   A Role for the $ \alpha $ v$ \beta $3
                                  Integrin in the Transmigration of
                                  Monocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 142, Number 3, August, 1998

             Fern P. Finger and   
                   Peter Novick   Spatial Regulation of Exocytosis:
                                  Lessons from Yeast . . . . . . . . . . . 609
               Koji Okamoto and   
          Philip S. Perlman and   
                Ronald A. Butow   The Sorting of Mitochondrial DNA and
                                  Mitochondrial Proteins in Zygotes:
                                  Preferential Transmission of
                                  Mitochondrial DNA to the Medial Bud  . . 613
         Philippe Lenormand and   
        Jean-Marc Brondello and   
                Anne Brunet and   
      Jacques Pouysségur   Growth Factor--induced p42/p44 MAPK
                                  Nuclear Translocation and Retention
                                  Requires Both MAPK Activation and
                                  Neosynthesis of Nuclear Anchoring
                                  Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
                    Amy Tam and   
         Franklin J. Nouvet and   
     Konomi Fujimura-Kamada and   
                Hilda Slunt and   
         Sangram S. Sisodia and   
                Susan Michaelis   Dual Roles for Ste24p in Yeast a--Factor
                                  Maturation: NH$_2$-terminal Proteolysis
                                  and COOH-terminal CAAX Processing  . . . 635
              Nia J. Bryant and   
            Robert C. Piper and   
            Lois S. Weisman and   
                 Tom H. Stevens   Retrograde Traffic Out of the Yeast
                                  Vacuole to the TGN Occurs via the
                                  Prevacuolar/Endosomal Compartment  . . . 651
       Matthew N. J. Seaman and   
       J. Michael McCaffery and   
                   Scott D. Emr   A Membrane Coat Complex Essential for
                                  Endosome-to-Golgi Retrograde Transport
                                  in Yeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665
  Sven C. D. van IJzendoorn and   
                  Dick Hoekstra   (Glyco)sphingolipids Are Sorted in
                                  Sub--Apical Compartments in HepG2 Cells:
                                  a Role for Non--Golgi-Related
                                  Intracellular Sites in the Polarized
                                  Distribution of (Glyco)sphingolipids . . 683
        Alan D. Marmorstein and   
               Yunbo C. Gan and   
            Vera L. Bonilha and   
        Silvia C. Finnemann and   
              Karl G. Csaky and   
       Enrique Rodriguez-Boulan   Apical Polarity of N-CAM and EMMPRIN in
                                  Retinal Pigment Epithelium Resulting
                                  from Suppression of Basolateral Signal
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697
         Richard C. Stevens and   
                Trisha N. Davis   Mlc1p Is a Light Chain for the
                                  Unconventional Myosin Myo2p in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 711
             Bruce L. Goode and   
            David G. Drubin and   
              Pekka Lappalainen   Regulation of the Cortical Actin
                                  Cytoskeleton in Budding Yeast by
                                  Twinfilin, a Ubiquitous Actin
                                  Monomer-sequestering Protein . . . . . . 723
           Francisco Rivero and   
                 Adam Kuspa and   
             Regine Brokamp and   
             Monika Matzner and   
             Angelika A. Noegel   Interaptin, an Actin-binding Protein of
                                  the $ \alpha $-Actinin Superfamily in
                                  \bionameDictyostelium discoideum, Is
                                  Developmentally and cAMP-regulated and
                                  Associates with Intracellular Membrane
                                  Compartments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
          Silvia Bonaccorsi and   
     Maria Grazia Giansanti and   
                 Maurizio Gatti   Spindle Self-organization and
                                  Cytokinesis During Male Meiosis in
                                  asterless Mutants of \bionameDrosophila
                                  melanogaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751
            Daniel A. Starr and   
          Byron C. Williams and   
             Thomas S. Hays and   
            Michael L. Goldberg   ZW10 Helps Recruit Dynactin and Dynein
                                  to the Kinetochore . . . . . . . . . . . 763
            Michelle Moritz and   
               Yixian Zheng and   
           Bruce M. Alberts and   
                   Karen Oegema   Recruitment of the $ \gamma $-Tubulin
                                  Ring Complex to \bionameDrosophila
                                  Salt-stripped Centrosome Scaffolds . . . 775
                 Todd Maney and   
           Andrew W. Hunter and   
             Mike Wagenbach and   
                 Linda Wordeman   Mitotic Centromere--associated Kinesin
                                  Is Important for Anaphase Chromosome
                                  Segregation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787
             Amy R. Reilein and   
              Irina S. Tint and   
         Natalia I. Peunova and   
      Grigori N. Enikolopov and   
            Vladimir I. Gelfand   Regulation of Organelle Movement in
                                  Melanophores by Protein Kinase A (PKA),
                                  Protein Kinase C (PKC), and Protein
                                  Phosphatase 2A (PP2A)  . . . . . . . . . 803
        Chiara Albertinazzi and   
         Daniela Gilardelli and   
               Simona Paris and   
              Renato Longhi and   
                 Ivan de Curtis   Overexpression of a Neural-specific Rho
                                  Family GTPase, cRac1B, Selectively
                                  Induces Enhanced Neuritogenesis and
                                  Neurite Branching in Primary Neurons . . 815
          Corine Bertolotto and   
              Patricia Abbe and   
        Timothy J. Hemesath and   
               Karine Bille and   
            David E. Fisher and   
          Jean-Paul Ortonne and   
                Robert Ballotti   Microphthalmia Gene Product as a Signal
                                  Transducer in cAMP--Induced
                                  Differentiation of Melanocytes . . . . . 827
         Nikolai A. Chitaev and   
          Sergey M. Troyanovsky   Adhesive But Not Lateral E-cadherin
                                  Complexes Require Calcium and Catenins
                                  for Their Formation  . . . . . . . . . . 837
      Mitsuko Watabe-Uchida and   
            Naoshige Uchida and   
               Yuzo Imamura and   
            Akira Nagafuchi and   
           Kazushi Fujimoto and   
             Tadashi Uemura and   
           Stefan Vermeulen and   
              Frans van Roy and   
          Eileen D. Adamson and   
             Masatoshi Takeichi   $ \alpha $-Catenin-Vinculin Interaction
                                  Functions to Organize the Apical
                                  Junctional Complex in Epithelial Cells   847
             Hendra Setiadi and   
           Gerald Sedgewick and   
       Stanley L. Erlandsen and   
               Rodger P. McEver   Interactions of the Cytoplasmic Domain
                                  of P--Selectin with Clathrin-coated Pits
                                  Enhance Leukocyte Adhesion under Flow    859
               Guido Serini and   
Marie-Luce Bochaton-Piallat and   
            Patricia Ropraz and   
             Antoine Geinoz and   
                Laura Borsi and   
              Luciano Zardi and   
                Giulio Gabbiani   The Fibronectin Domain ED--A Is Crucial
                                  for Myofibroblastic Phenotype Induction
                                  by Transforming Growth Factor-$ \beta $1 873

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 142, Number 4, August, 1998

           Andrew J. Saurin and   
               Carol Shiels and   
            Jill Williamson and   
         David P. E. Satijn and   
               Arie P. Otte and   
               Denise Sheer and   
               Paul S. Freemont   The Human Polycomb Group Complex
                                  Associates with Pericentromeric
                                  Heterochromatin to Form a Novel Nuclear
                                  Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887
      Fátima Almeida and   
            Rainer Saffrich and   
            Wilhelm Ansorge and   
            Maria Carmo-Fonseca   Microinjection of Anti-coilin Antibodies
                                  Affects the Structure of Coiled Bodies   899
              Tamara Darsow and   
        Christopher G. Burd and   
                   Scott D. Emr   Acidic Di-leucine Motif Essential for
                                  AP-3-dependent Sorting and Restriction
                                  of the Functional Specificity of the
                                  Vam3p Vacuolar t-SNARE . . . . . . . . . 913
            Richik N. Ghosh and   
          William G. Mallet and   
                Thwe T. Soe and   
          Timothy E. McGraw and   
          Frederick R. Maxfield   An Endocytosed TGN38 Chimeric Protein Is
                                  Delivered to the TGN after Trafficking
                                  through the Endocytic Recycling
                                  Compartment in CHO Cells . . . . . . . . 923
               Adeela Kamal and   
               Yun-shu Ying and   
         Richard G. W. Anderson   Annexin VI-mediated Loss of Spectrin
                                  during Coated Pit Budding Is Coupled to
                                  Delivery of LDL to Lysosomes . . . . . . 937
                Amy F. Roth and   
         Daniel M. Sullivan and   
              Nicholas G. Davis   A Large PEST-like Sequence Directs the
                                  Ubiquitination, Endocytosis, and
                                  Vacuolar Degradation of the Yeast
                                  a--Factor Receptor . . . . . . . . . . . 949
               Linu M. John and   
        James D. Lechleiter and   
               Patricia Camacho   Differential Modulation of SERCA2
                                  Isoforms by Calreticulin . . . . . . . . 963
          Michael R. Duchen and   
              Anne Leyssens and   
                Martin Crompton   Transient Mitochondrial Depolarizations
                                  Reflect Focal Sarcoplasmic Reticular
                                  Calcium Release in Single Rat
                                  Cardiomyocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 975
           Michio Tomishige and   
               Yasushi Sako and   
                 Akihiro Kusumi   Regulation Mechanism of the Lateral
                                  Diffusion of Band 3 in Erythrocyte
                                  Membranes by the Membrane Skeleton . . . 989
           Sally H. Zigmond and   
              Michael Joyce and   
             Changsong Yang and   
                Kevin Brown and   
              Minzhou Huang and   
                   Martin Pring   Mechanism of Cdc42-induced Actin
                                  Polymerization in Neutrophil Extracts    1001
            Conly L. Rieder and   
                Richard W. Cole   Entry into Mitosis in Vertebrate Somatic
                                  Cells Is Guarded by a Chromosome Damage
                                  Checkpoint That Reverses the Cell Cycle
                                  When Triggered during Early but Not Late
                                  Prophase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1013
                 Sher Karki and   
         Bernadette LaMonte and   
           Erika L. F. Holzbaur   Characterization of the p22 Subunit of
                                  Dynactin Reveals the Localization of
                                  Cytoplasmic Dynein and Dynactin to the
                                  Midbody of Dividing Cells  . . . . . . . 1023
        Rudolph D. Paladini and   
             Pierre A. Coulombe   Directed Expression of Keratin 16 to the
                                  Progenitor Basal Cells of Transgenic
                                  Mouse Skin Delays Skin Maturation  . . . 1035
            Shinichiro Taya and   
          Takaharu Yamamoto and   
                 Kyoko Kano and   
                Yoji Kawano and   
           Akihiro Iwamatsu and   
            Tomoko Tsuchiya and   
               Keiji Tanaka and   
         Masami Kanai-Azuma and   
            Stephen A. Wood and   
            John S. Mattick and   
                  Kozo Kaibuchi   The Ras Target AF-6 is a Substrate of
                                  the Fam Deubiquitinating Enzyme  . . . . 1053
              Claudio Sette and   
          Arturo Bevilacqua and   
           Raffaele Geremia and   
               Pellegrino Rossi   Involvement of Phospholipase C$ \gamma
                                  $1 in Mouse Egg Activation Induced by a
                                  Truncated Form of the C-kit Tyrosine
                                  Kinase Present in Spermatozoa  . . . . . 1063
                  Zhican Qu and   
       Lawrence A. Wolfraim and   
                John Svaren and   
      Markus U. Ehrengruber and   
            Norman Davidson and   
              Jeffrey Milbrandt   The Transcriptional Corepressor NAB2
                                  Inhibits NGF-induced Differentiation of
                                  PC12 Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
    Hansjürgen Volkmer and   
              Ute Zacharias and   
       Ursel Nörenberg and   
               Fritz G. Rathjen   Dissection of Complex Molecular
                                  Interactions of Neurofascin with
                                  Axonin-1, F11, and Tenascin--R, Which
                                  Promote Attachment and Neurite Formation
                                  of Tectal Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1083
      Rita J. Balice-Gordon and   
              Linda J. Bone and   
              Steven S. Scherer   Functional Gap Junctions in the Schwann
                                  Cell Myelin Sheath . . . . . . . . . . . 1095
           Cynthia L. Adams and   
               Yih-Tai Chen and   
           Stephen J. Smith and   
                W. James Nelson   Mechanisms of Epithelial Cell--Cell
                                  Adhesion and Cell Compaction Revealed by
                                  High-resolution Tracking of
                                  E-Cadherin/Green Fluorescent Protein . . 1105
              Helen Priddle and   
             Lance Hemmings and   
              Susan Monkley and   
               Alison Woods and   
                Bipin Patel and   
             Deborah Sutton and   
             Graham A. Dunn and   
               Daniel Zicha and   
             David R. Critchley   Disruption of the Talin Gene Compromises
                                  Focal Adhesion Assembly in
                                  Undifferentiated but Not Differentiated
                                  Embryonic Stem Cells . . . . . . . . . . 1121
          Maria Nurminskaya and   
              Cordula Magee and   
           Dmitry Nurminsky and   
          Thomas F. Linsenmayer   Plasma Transglutaminase in Hypertrophic
                                  Chondrocytes: Expression and
                                  Cell-specific Intracellular Activation
                                  Produce Cell Death and Externalization   1135
            Livio Trusolino and   
               Guido Serini and   
           Germana Cecchini and   
            Cristina Besati and   
Francesco Saverio Ambesi-Impiombato and   
       Pier Carlo Marchisio and   
             Rosaria De Filippi   Growth Factor-dependent Activation of $
                                  \alpha v \beta 3 $ Integrin in Normal
                                  Epithelial Cells: Implications for Tumor
                                  Invasion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1145

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 142, Number 5, September, 1998

         Jean-Marc Lemaitre and   
Gérard Géraud and   
          Marcel Méchali   Dynamics of the Genome during Early
                                  \bionameXenopus laevis Development:
                                  Karyomeres As Independent Units of
                                  Replication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1159
    Céline Verheggen and   
            Sophie Le Panse and   
       Genevi\`eve Almouzni and   
     Dani\`ele Hernandez-Verdun   Presence of Pre-rRNAs before Activation
                                  of Polymerase I Transcription in the
                                  Building Process of Nucleoli during
                                  Early Development of \bionameXenopus
                                  laevis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1167
                    Xin Sun and   
 Alla T. Alzhanova-Ericsson and   
                  Neus Visa and   
           Youssef Aissouni and   
                  Jian Zhao and   
                Bertil Daneholt   The hrp23 Protein in the Balbiani Ring
                                  Pre-mRNP Particles Is Released Just
                                  before or at the Binding of the
                                  Particles to the Nuclear Pore Complex    1181
           Silvia Gigliotti and   
          Giuliano Callaini and   
              Silvia Andone and   
  Maria Giovanna Riparbelli and   
      Roberto Pernas-Alonso and   
             Gyula Hoffmann and   
            Franco Graziani and   
                    Carla Malva   Nup154, a New \bionameDrosophila Gene
                                  Essential for Male and Female
                                  Gametogenesis Is Related to the Nup155
                                  Vertebrate Nucleoporin Gene  . . . . . . 1195
          Jacqueline Powers and   
                Charles Barlowe   Transport of Axl2p Depends on Erv14p, an
                                  ER--Vesicle Protein Related to the
                                  \bionameDrosophila cornichon Gene
                                  Product  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1209
            Claude A. Jakob and   
             Patricie Burda and   
           Jürgen Roth and   
                    Markus Aebi   Degradation of Misfolded Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum Glycoproteins in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae Is
                                  Determined by a Specific Oligosaccharide
                                  Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1223
           Barbara Landolfi and   
              Silvana Curci and   
        Lucantonio Debellis and   
              Tullio Pozzan and   
             Aldebaran M. Hofer   Ca$^{2+}$ Homeostasis in the
                                  Agonist-sensitive Internal Store:
                                  Functional Interactions Between
                                  Mitochondria and the ER Measured In Situ
                                  in Intact Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1235
             Jen-Zen Chuang and   
                 Ching-Hwa Sung   The Cytoplasmic Tail of Rhodopsin Acts
                                  as a Novel Apical Sorting Signal in
                                  Polarized MDCK Cells . . . . . . . . . . 1245
                 Zhuqing Qu and   
              Levent Balkir and   
  Judith C. T. van Deutekom and   
            Paul D. Robbins and   
              Ryan Pruchnic and   
                   Johnny Huard   Development of Approaches to Improve
                                  Cell Survival in Myoblast Transfer
                                  Therapy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1257
          Matthew F. Peters and   
Hél\`ene M. Sadoulet-Puccio and   
              R. Mark Grady and   
           Neal R. Kramarcy and   
            Louis M. Kunkel and   
            Joshua R. Sanes and   
             Robert Sealock and   
            Stanley C. Froehner   Differential Membrane Localization and
                                  Intermolecular Associations of $ \alpha
                                  $-Dystrobrevin Isoforms in Skeletal
                                  Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1269
             Andrew A. Hack and   
              Chantal T. Ly and   
                 Fang Jiang and   
       Cynthia J. Clendenin and   
         Kirsten S. Sigrist and   
         Robert L. Wollmann and   
           Elizabeth M. McNally   $ \gamma $-Sarcoglycan Deficiency Leads
                                  to Muscle Membrane Defects and Apoptosis
                                  Independent of Dystrophin  . . . . . . . 1279
            Lisa D. Belmont and   
                David G. Drubin   The Yeast V159N Actin Mutant Reveals
                                  Roles for Actin Dynamics In Vivo . . . . 1289
                   Erfei Bi and   
                Paul Maddox and   
              Daniel J. Lew and   
               E. D. Salmon and   
           John N. McMillan and   
                 Elaine Yeh and   
                John R. Pringle   Involvement of an Actomyosin Contractile
                                  Ring in \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae
                                  Cytokinesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1301
          James L. Franklin and   
              Eugene M. Johnson   Control of Neuronal Size Homeostasis by
                                  Trophic Factor--mediated Coupling of
                                  Protein Degradation to Protein Synthesis 1313
              James E. Bear and   
              John F. Rawls and   
                Charles L. Saxe   SCAR, a WASP-related Protein, Isolated
                                  as a Suppressor of Receptor Defects in
                                  Late \bionameDictyostelium Development   1325
              Ming-Jer Tang and   
                Dane Worley and   
           Michele Sanicola and   
            Gregory R. Dressler   The RET--Glial Cell-derived Neurotrophic
                                  Factor (GDNF) Pathway Stimulates
                                  Migration and Chemoattraction of
                                  Epithelial Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 1337
      Olugbenga A. Adebanjo and   
           Baljit S. Moonga and   
               Tomoo Yamate and   
                     Li Sun and   
              Cedric Minkin and   
                 Etsuko Abe and   
                     Mone Zaidi   Mode of Action of Interleukin-6 on
                                  Mature Osteoclasts. Novel Interactions
                                  with Extracellular Ca$^{2+}$ Sensing in
                                  the Regulation of Osteoclastic Bone
                                  Resorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1347
 Kairbaan M. Hodivala-Dilke and   
        C. Michael DiPersio and   
        Jordan A. Kreidberg and   
               Richard O. Hynes   Novel Roles for $ \alpha $3$ \beta $1
                                  Integrin as a Regulator of Cytoskeletal
                                  Assembly and as a Trans-dominant
                                  Inhibitor of Integrin Receptor Function
                                  in Mouse Keratinocytes . . . . . . . . . 1357
            Ron D. M. Soede and   
         Yvonne M. Wijnands and   
 Ioana Van Kouteren-Cobzaru and   
                        Ed Roos   ZAP-70 Tyrosine Kinase Is Required for
                                  LFA-1-dependent T Cell Migration . . . . 1371
                P. Lorenzon and   
                  E. Vecile and   
                  E. Nardon and   
                 E. Ferrero and   
               J. M. Harlan and   
                 F. Tedesco and   
                     A. Dobrina   Endothelial Cell E- and P--Selectin and
                                  Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1
                                  Function as Signaling Receptors  . . . . 1381

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 142, Number 6, September, 1998

           Jacopo Meldolesi and   
                  Tullio Pozzan   The Heterogeneity of ER Ca$^{2+}$ Stores
                                  Has a Key Role in Nonmuscle Cell
                                  Signaling and Function . . . . . . . . . 1395
             Sean S. Molloy and   
              Laurel Thomas and   
          Craig Kamibayashi and   
              Marc C. Mumby and   
                    Gary Thomas   Regulation of Endosome Sorting by a
                                  Specific PP2A Isoform  . . . . . . . . . 1399
               Frank Lafont and   
               Sandra Lecat and   
               Paul Verkade and   
                     Kai Simons   Annexin XIIIb Associates with Lipid
                                  Microdomains to Function in Apical
                                  Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413
              Thorkil Ploug and   
               Bo van Deurs and   
                     Hua Ai and   
          Samuel W. Cushman and   
                 Evelyn Ralston   Analysis of GLUT4 Distribution in Whole
                                  Skeletal Muscle Fibers: Identification
                                  of Distinct Storage Compartments That
                                  Are Recruited by Insulin and Muscle
                                  Contractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1429
            Magali Kitzmann and   
              Gilles Carnac and   
            Marie Vandromme and   
             Michael Primig and   
             Ned J. C. Lamb and   
                 Anne Fernandez   The Muscle Regulatory Factors MyoD and
                                  Myf-5 Undergo Distinct Cell
                                  Cycle--specific Expression in Muscle
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1447
              Franck Duclos and   
              Volker Straub and   
            Steven A. Moore and   
            David P. Venzke and   
              Ron F. Hrstka and   
        Rachelle H. Crosbie and   
          Madeleine Durbeej and   
         Connie S. Lebakken and   
         Audrey J. Ettinger and   
        Jack van der Meulen and   
           Kathleen H. Holt and   
              Leland E. Lim and   
            Joshua R. Sanes and   
        Beverly L. Davidson and   
           John A. Faulkner and   
           Roger Williamson and   
              Kevin P. Campbell   Progressive Muscular Dystrophy in $
                                  \alpha $-Sarcoglycan--deficient Mice . . 1461
                  Lisa Elia and   
                 Lorraine Marsh   A Role for a Protease in Morphogenic
                                  Responses during Yeast Cell Fusion . . . 1473
           John N. McMillan and   
              Rey A. L. Sia and   
                  Daniel J. Lew   A Morphogenesis Checkpoint Monitors the
                                  Actin Cytoskeleton in Yeast  . . . . . . 1487
         Tatiana S. Karpova and   
           James G. McNally and   
            Samuel L. Moltz and   
                 John A. Cooper   Assembly and Function of the Actin
                                  Cytoskeleton of Yeast: Relationships
                                  between Cables and Patches . . . . . . . 1501
             Yasmina Saoudi and   
               Rati Fotedar and   
              Ariane Abrieu and   
        Marcel Dorée and   
        Jürgen Wehland and   
         Robert L. Margolis and   
                     Didier Job   Stepwise Reconstitution of Interphase
                                  Microtubule Dynamics in Permeabilized
                                  Cells and Comparison to Dynamic
                                  Mechanisms in Intact Cells . . . . . . . 1519
            Paul S. Shapiro and   
            Eugeni Vaisberg and   
               Alan J. Hunt and   
      Nicholas S. Tolwinski and   
             Anne M. Whalen and   
        J. Richard McIntosh and   
                 Natalie G. Ahn   Activation of the MKK/ERK Pathway during
                                  Somatic Cell Mitosis: Direct
                                  Interactions of Active ERK with
                                  Kinetochores and Regulation of the
                                  Mitotic 3F3/2 Phosphoantigen . . . . . . 1533
               Maja Zecevic and   
          Andrew D. Catling and   
             Scott T. Eblen and   
              Luigina Renzi and   
            James C. Hittle and   
                 Tim J. Yen and   
            Gary J. Gorbsky and   
               Michael J. Weber   Active MAP Kinase in Mitosis:
                                  Localization at Kinetochores and
                                  Association with the Motor Protein
                                  CENP--E  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1547
              Akiko Kumagai and   
                 Zijian Guo and   
          Katayoon H. Emami and   
             Sophie X. Wang and   
              William G. Dunphy   The \bionameXenopus Chk1 Protein Kinase
                                  Mediates a Caffeine-sensitive Pathway of
                                  Checkpoint Control in Cell-free Extracts 1559
                   Xu Zhang and   
                   Vann Bennett   Restriction of 480/270-kD Ankyrin$_G$ to
                                  Axon Proximal Segments Requires Multiple
                                  Ankyrin$_G$-specific Domains . . . . . . 1571
           Stephen J. Neame and   
               Lee L. Rubin and   
              Karen L. Philpott   Blocking Cytochrome c Activity within
                                  Intact Neurons Inhibits Apoptosis  . . . 1583
            Thomas E. Melby and   
      Charles N. Ciampaglio and   
               Gina Briscoe and   
             Harold P. Erickson   The Symmetrical Structure of Structural
                                  Maintenance of Chromosomes (SMC) and
                                  MukB Proteins: Long, Antiparallel Coiled
                                  Coils, Folded at a Flexible Hinge  . . . 1595
             Masayuki Ozawa and   
                    Rolf Kemler   The Membrane-proximal Region of the
                                  E--Cadherin Cytoplasmic Domain Prevents
                                  Dimerization and Negatively Regulates
                                  Adhesion Activity  . . . . . . . . . . . 1605

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 143, Number 1, October, 1998

          Nobutaka Hirokawa and   
                     Sen Takeda   Gene Targeting Studies Begin to Reveal
                                  the Function of Neurofilament Proteins   1
             Rita Abranches and   
            Alison F. Beven and   
 Luis Aragón-Alcaide and   
                  Peter J. Shaw   Transcription Sites Are Not Correlated
                                  with Chromosome Territories in Wheat
                                  Nuclei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
               Amy K. Csink and   
                Steven Henikoff   Large-scale Chromosomal Movements During
                                  Interphase Progression in
                                  \bionameDrosophila . . . . . . . . . . . 13
                   M. Oakes and   
                 J. P. Aris and   
        J. S. Brockenbrough and   
                     H. Wai and   
                      L. Vu and   
                      M. Nomura   Mutational Analysis of the Structure and
                                  Localization of the Nucleolus in the
                                  Yeast \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae   23
                  Sui Huang and   
         Thomas J. Deerinck and   
           Mark H. Ellisman and   
               David L. Spector   The Perinucleolar Compartment and
                                  Transcription  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
              G. K. T. Chan and   
               B. T. Schaar and   
                      T. J. Yen   Characterization of the Kinetochore
                                  Binding Domain of CENP--E Reveals
                                  Interactions with the Kinetochore
                                  Proteins CENP--F and hBUBR1  . . . . . . 49
           Jonathan D. Gary and   
          Andrew E. Wurmser and   
     Cecilia J. Bonangelino and   
            Lois S. Weisman and   
                   Scott D. Emr   Fab1p Is Essential for PtdIns(3)P
                                  5-Kinase Activity and the Maintenance of
                                  Vacuolar Size and Membrane Homeostasis   65
                  A. Gibson and   
               C. E. Futter and   
                 S. Maxwell and   
              E. H. Allchin and   
                 M. Shipman and   
          J.-P. Kraehenbuhl and   
                 D. Domingo and   
                G. Odorizzi and   
           I. S. Trowbridge and   
                  C. R. Hopkins   Sorting Mechanisms Regulating Membrane
                                  Protein Traffic in the Apical
                                  Transcytotic Pathway of Polarized MDCK
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
              Yasushi Izumi and   
            Tomonori Hirose and   
                 Yoko Tamai and   
             Syu-ichi Hirai and   
             Yoji Nagashima and   
           Toyoshi Fujimoto and   
                  Yo Tabuse and   
        Kenneth J. Kemphues and   
                    Shigeo Ohno   An Atypical PKC Directly Associates and
                                  Colocalizes at the Epithelial Tight
                                  Junction with ASIP, a Mammalian
                                  Homologue of \bionameCaenorhabditis
                                  elegans Polarity Protein PAR-3 . . . . . 95
           James R. Bartles and   
                 Lili Zheng and   
                    Anli Li and   
             Allison Wierda and   
                       Bin Chen   Small Espin: a Third Actin-bundling
                                  Protein and Potential Forked Protein
                                  Ortholog in Brush Border Microvilli  . . 107
            Lewis G. Tilney and   
       Patricia S. Connelly and   
           Kelly A. Vranich and   
            Michael K. Shaw and   
               Gregory M. Guild   Why Are Two Different Cross-linkers
                                  Necessary for Actin Bundle Formation In
                                  Vivo and What Does Each Cross-link
                                  Contribute?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
               Marisa Segal and   
           Duncan J. Clarke and   
                 Steven I. Reed   Clb5-associated Kinase Activity is
                                  Required Early in the Spindle Pathway
                                  for Correct Preanaphase Nuclear
                                  Positioning in \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
                  Miri Yoon and   
             Robert D. Moir and   
              Veena Prahlad and   
              Robert D. Goldman   Motile Properties of Vimentin
                                  Intermediate Filament Networks in Living
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
              Veena Prahlad and   
                  Miri Yoon and   
             Robert D. Moir and   
             Ronald D. Vale and   
              Robert D. Goldman   Rapid Movements of Vimentin on
                                  Microtubule Tracks: Kinesin-dependent
                                  Assembly of Intermediate Filament
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
                Mala V. Rao and   
        Megan K. Houseweart and   
         Toni L. Williamson and   
         Thomas O. Crawford and   
               Janet Folmer and   
               Don W. Cleveland   Neurofilament-dependent Radial Growth of
                                  Motor Axons and Axonal Organization of
                                  Neurofilaments Does Not Require the
                                  Neurofilament Heavy Subunit (NF--H) or
                                  Its Phosphorylation  . . . . . . . . . . 171
               Qinzhang Zhu and   
         Michael Lindenbaum and   
Françoise Levavasseur and   
     Hél\`ene Jacomy and   
             Jean-Pierre Julien   Disruption of the NF--H Gene Increases
                                  Axonal Microtubule Content and Velocity
                                  of Neurofilament Transport: Relief of
                                  Axonopathy Resulting from the Toxin $
                                  \beta $,$ \beta $'-Iminodipropionitrile  183
           Gregory A. Elder and   
        Victor L. Friedrich and   
                Chulho Kang and   
                Paolo Bosco and   
              Andrei Gourov and   
              Pang-Hsien Tu and   
                  Bin Zhang and   
         Virginia M.-Y. Lee and   
            Robert A. Lazzarini   Requirement of Heavy Neurofilament
                                  Subunit in the Development of Axons with
                                  Large Calibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
            Ing Swie Goping and   
                 Atan Gross and   
     Josée N. Lavoie and   
                 Mai Nguyen and   
           Ronald Jemmerson and   
                 Kevin Roth and   
       Stanley J. Korsmeyer and   
                Gordon C. Shore   Regulated Targeting of BAX to
                                  Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
               Robert Eskes and   
            Bruno Antonsson and   
           Astrid Osen-Sand and   
          Sylvie Montessuit and   
          Christoph Richter and   
         Rémy Sadoul and   
             Gonzalo Mazzei and   
            Anthony Nichols and   
           Jean-Claude Martinou   Bax-induced Cytochrome C Release from
                                  Mitochondria Is Independent of the
                                  Permeability Transition Pore but Highly
                                  Dependent on Mg$^{2+}$ Ions  . . . . . . 217
            Kumiko Samejima and   
      Shigenobu Toné and   
          Timothy J. Kottke and   
               Masato Enari and   
            Hideki Sakahira and   
             Carol A. Cooke and   
   Françoise Durrieu and   
            Luis M. Martins and   
           Shigekazu Nagata and   
          Scott H. Kaufmann and   
            William C. Earnshaw   Transition from Caspase-dependent to
                                  Caspase-independent Mechanisms at the
                                  Onset of Apoptotic Execution . . . . . . 225
                     Xin Wu and   
             Jon E. Mogford and   
           Steven H. Platts and   
            George E. Davis and   
        Gerald A. Meininger and   
               Michael J. Davis   Modulation of Calcium Current in
                                  Arteriolar Smooth Muscle by $ \alpha_v
                                  \beta_3 $ and $ \alpha_5 \beta_1 $
                                  Integrin Ligands . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
            Clotilde Gimond and   
          Christian Baudoin and   
        Ronald van der Neut and   
                Duco Kramer and   
               Jero Calafat and   
              Arnoud Sonnenberg   Cre- loxP --mediated Inactivation of the
                                  $ \alpha $6A Integrin Splice Variant In
                                  Vivo: Evidence for a Specific Functional
                                  Role of $ \alpha $6A in Lymphocyte
                                  Migration but Not in Heart Development   253
       Sandrine Bourdoulous and   
             Gertraud Orend and   
         Deidre A. MacKenna and   
          Renata Pasqualini and   
                Erkki Ruoslahti   Fibronectin Matrix Regulates Activation
                                  of RHO and CDC42 GTPases and Cell Cycle
                                  Progression  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 143, Number 2, October, 1998

                 Thoru Pederson   Growth Factors in the Nucleolus? . . . . 279
              Rey-Huei Chen and   
          Andrej Shevchenko and   
              Matthias Mann and   
               Andrew W. Murray   Spindle Checkpoint Protein Xmad1
                                  Recruits Xmad2 to Unattached
                                  Kinetochores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
                Tom Misteli and   
   Javier F. Cáceres and   
            Jade Q. Clement and   
          Adrian R. Krainer and   
         Miles F. Wilkinson and   
               David L. Spector   Serine Phosphorylation of SR Proteins Is
                                  Required for Their Recruitment to Sites
                                  of Transcription In Vivo . . . . . . . . 297
              Andrea Herold and   
                 Ray Truant and   
            Heather Wiegand and   
                Bryan R. Cullen   Determination of the Functional Domain
                                  Organization of the Importin $ \alpha $
                                  Nuclear Import Factor  . . . . . . . . . 309
            David S. Nelson and   
            Cecilia Alvarez and   
               Ya-sheng Gao and   
  Rafael García-Mata and   
       Elizabeth Fialkowski and   
                Elizabeth Sztul   The Membrane Transport Factor TAP/p115
                                  Cycles between the Golgi and Earlier
                                  Secretory Compartments and Contains
                                  Distinct Domains Required for Its
                                  Localization and Function  . . . . . . . 319
           Denichiro Otsuga and   
            Brian R. Keegan and   
               Ellen Brisch and   
           John W. Thatcher and   
            Greg J. Hermann and   
           William Bleazard and   
                  Janet M. Shaw   The Dynamin-related GTPase, Dnm1p,
                                  Controls Mitochondrial Morphology in
                                  Yeast  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
             Elena Smirnova and   
         Dixie-Lee Shurland and   
       Sergey N. Ryazantsev and   
     Alexander M. van der Bliek   A Human Dynamin-related Protein Controls
                                  the Distribution of Mitochondria . . . . 351
            Greg J. Hermann and   
           John W. Thatcher and   
              John P. Mills and   
             Karen G. Hales and   
         Margaret T. Fuller and   
               Jodi Nunnari and   
                  Janet M. Shaw   Mitochondrial Fusion in Yeast Requires
                                  the Transmembrane GTPase Fzo1p . . . . . 359
           Jennifer Philips and   
                 Ira Herskowitz   Identification of Kel1p, a Kelch
                                  Domain-containing Protein Involved in
                                  Cell Fusion and Morphology in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 375
               Mikio Furuse and   
            Hiroyuki Sasaki and   
           Kazushi Fujimoto and   
              Shoichiro Tsukita   A Single Gene Product, Claudin-1 or -2,
                                  Reconstitutes Tight Junction Strands and
                                  Recruits Occludin in Fibroblasts . . . . 391
              Jong-Sun Kang and   
          Philip J. Mulieri and   
                Cary Miller and   
           David A. Sassoon and   
               Robert S. Krauss   CDO, A Robo-related Cell Surface Protein
                                  that Mediates Myogenic Differentiation   403
              Janos Demeter and   
                  Shelley Sazer   imp2, a New Component of the Actin Ring
                                  in the Fission Yeast
                                  \bionameSchizosaccharomyces pombe  . . . 415
           Mark L. Borowsky and   
               Richard O. Hynes   Layilin, A Novel Talin-binding
                                  Transmembrane Protein Homologous with
                                  C-type Lectins, is Localized in Membrane
                                  Ruffles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
           Gabriela Paglini and   
             Patricia Kunda and   
           Santiago Quiroga and   
              Kenneth Kosik and   
         Alfredo Cáceres   Suppression of Radixin and Moesin Alters
                                  Growth Cone Morphology, Motility, and
                                  Process Formation In Primary Cultured
                                  Neurons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
              David S. Park and   
            Erick J. Morris and   
           Jaya Padmanabhan and   
       Michael L. Shelanski and   
          Herbert M. Geller and   
                Lloyd A. Greene   Cyclin-dependent Kinases Participate in
                                  Death of Neurons Evoked by DNA-damaging
                                  Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
           Kevin M. McGowan and   
             Pierre A. Coulombe   Onset of Keratin 17 Expression Coincides
                                  with the Definition of Major Epithelial
                                  Lineages during Skin Development . . . . 469
           Elizabeth Hutton and   
        Rudolph D. Paladini and   
               Qian-Chun Yu and   
                    Mei Yen and   
         Pierre A. Coulombe and   
                   Elaine Fuchs   Functional Differences between Keratins
                                  of Stratified and Simple Epithelia . . . 487
 Péter Várnai and   
             Tamás Balla   Visualization of Phosphoinositides That
                                  Bind Pleckstrin Homology Domains:
                                  Calcium- and Agonist-induced Dynamic
                                  Changes and Relationship to Myo-[$^3$
                                  H]inositol-labeled Phosphoinositide
                                  Pools  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
            Yasuhito Shirai and   
            Kaori Kashiwagi and   
                 Keiko Yagi and   
                Norio Sakai and   
                   Naoaki Saito   Distinct Effects of Fatty Acids on
                                  Translocation of $ \gamma $- and $
                                  \epsilon $-Subspecies of Protein Kinase
                                  C  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
              Janne Balsamo and   
             Carlos Arregui and   
             TinChung Leung and   
                    Jack Lilien   The Nonreceptor Protein Tyrosine
                                  Phosphatase PTP1B Binds to the
                                  Cytoplasmic Domain of N--Cadherin and
                                  Regulates the Cadherin--Actin Linkage    523
           Catherin Niemann and   
           Volker Brinkmann and   
                Eva Spitzer and   
             Guido Hartmann and   
               Martin Sachs and   
             Helga Naundorf and   
              Walter Birchmeier   Reconstitution of Mammary Gland
                                  Development In Vitro: Requirement of
                                  c-met and c-erbB2 Signaling for
                                  Branching and Alveolar Morphogenesis . . 533
             Du\vsko Ili\'c and   
      Eduardo A. C. Almeida and   
        David D. Schlaepfer and   
                 Paul Dazin and   
            Shinichi Aizawa and   
             Caroline H. Damsky   Extracellular Matrix Survival Signals
                                  Transduced by Focal Adhesion Kinase
                                  Suppress p53-mediated Apoptosis  . . . . 547

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 143, Number 3, November, 1998

         Emmanuelle Martini and   
      Dani\`ele M. J. Roche and   
         Kathrin Marheineke and   
            Alain Verreault and   
           Genevi\`eve Almouzni   Recruitment of Phosphorylated Chromatin
                                  Assembly Factor 1 to Chromatin after UV
                                  Irradiation of Human Cells . . . . . . . 563
          Birthe Fahrenkrog and   
             Eduard C. Hurt and   
                  Ueli Aebi and   
             Nelly Panté   Molecular Architecture of the Yeast
                                  Nuclear Pore Complex: Localization of
                                  Nsp1p Subcomplexes . . . . . . . . . . . 577
                 Anne Spang and   
                 Randy Schekman   Reconstitution of Retrograde Transport
                                  from the Golgi to the ER In Vitro  . . . 589
               Irina Majoul and   
                   Kai Sohn and   
      Felix Theodor Wieland and   
           Rainer Pepperkok and   
          Mariagrazia Pizza and   
        Jörg Hillemann and   
        Hans-Dieter Söling   KDEL Receptor (Erd2p)-mediated
                                  Retrograde Transport of the Cholera
                                  Toxin A Subunit from the Golgi Involves
                                  COPI, p23, and the COOH Terminus of
                                  Erd2p  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
     Joanne Sloan-Lancaster and   
               John Presley and   
              Jan Ellenberg and   
            Tetsuo Yamazaki and   
Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz and   
           Lawrence E. Samelson   ZAP-70 Association with T Cell Receptor
                                  $ \zeta $ (TCR$ \zeta $): Fluorescence
                                  Imaging of Dynamic Changes upon Cellular
                                  Stimulation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
          Sandra Fanchiotti and   
   Fabiana Fernández and   
          Cecilia D'Alessio and   
              Armando J. Parodi   The UDP--Glc: Glycoprotein
                                  Glucosyltransferase Is Essential for
                                  \bionameSchizosaccharomyces pombe
                                  Viability under Conditions of Extreme
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress . . . . . . 625
          Thomas M. Stulnig and   
              Markus Berger and   
             Thomas Sigmund and   
        Daniel Raederstorff and   
          Hannes Stockinger and   
          Werner Waldhäusl   Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Inhibit T
                                  Cell Signal Transduction by Modification
                                  of Detergent-insoluble Membrane Domains  637
               Qinshi Jiang and   
                 Daniel Mak and   
          Sreenivas Devidas and   
         Erik M. Schwiebert and   
              Alvina Bragin and   
               Yulong Zhang and   
           William R. Skach and   
         William B. Guggino and   
           J. Kevin Foskett and   
             John F. Engelhardt   Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane
                                  Conductance Regulator--associated ATP
                                  Release Is Controlled by a Chloride
                                  Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
                Mar Carmena and   
  Maria Giovanna Riparbelli and   
        Gianluca Minestrini and   
   Álvaro M. Tavares and   
              Richard Adams and   
          Giuliano Callaini and   
                David M. Glover   Drosophila Polo Kinase Is Required for
                                  Cytokinesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
           Torsten Wittmann and   
           Haralabia Boleti and   
              Claude Antony and   
              Eric Karsenti and   
                Isabelle Vernos   Localization of the Kinesin-like Protein
                                  Xklp2 to Spindle Poles Requires a
                                  Leucine Zipper, a Microtubule-associated
                                  Protein, and Dynein  . . . . . . . . . . 673
          Aaron F. Straight and   
              John W. Sedat and   
               Andrew W. Murray   Time-Lapse Microscopy Reveals Unique
                                  Roles for Kinesins during Anaphase in
                                  Budding Yeast  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687
          Martin Tögel and   
              Gerhard Wiche and   
               Friedrich Propst   Novel Features of the Light Chain of
                                  Microtubule-associated Protein MAP1B:
                                  Microtubule Stabilization, Self
                                  Interaction, Actin Filament Binding, and
                                  Regulation by the Heavy Chain  . . . . . 695
     Christopher W. Carroll and   
               Roger Altman and   
             David Schieltz and   
              John R. Yates and   
                Douglas Kellogg   The Septins Are Required for the
                                  Mitosis-specific Activation of the Gin4
                                  Kinase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
           Mark S. Longtine and   
                Hanna Fares and   
                John R. Pringle   Role of the Yeast Gin4p Protein Kinase
                                  in Septin Assembly and the Relationship
                                  between Septin Assembly and Septin
                                  Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
        Jennifer A. Frazier and   
               Mei Lie Wong and   
           Mark S. Longtine and   
            John R. Pringle and   
              Matthias Mann and   
       Timothy J. Mitchison and   
                Christine Field   Polymerization of Purified Yeast
                                  Septins: Evidence That Organized
                                  Filament Arrays May Not Be Required for
                                  Septin Function  . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
         Donald S. Sullivan and   
                Sue Biggins and   
                   Mark D. Rose   The Yeast Centrin, Cdc31p, and the
                                  Interacting Protein Kinase, Kic1p, Are
                                  Required for Cell Integrity  . . . . . . 751
              Luis A. Pardo and   
     Andrea Brüggemann and   
             Javier Camacho and   
            Walter Stühmer   Cell Cycle--related Changes in the
                                  Conducting Properties of r-eag K$^+$
                                  Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767
                  A. Ebneth and   
                R. Godemann and   
                  K. Stamer and   
             S. Illenberger and   
                B. Trinczek and   
            E.-M. Mandelkow and   
                   E. Mandelkow   Overexpression of Tau Protein Inhibits
                                  Kinesin-dependent Trafficking of
                                  Vesicles, Mitochondria, and Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum: Implications for Alzheimer's
                                  Disease  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
          Christian Kutzleb and   
           Gabriele Sanders and   
             Raina Yamamoto and   
                Xiaolu Wang and   
               Beate Lichte and   
  Elisabeth Petrasch-Parwez and   
            Manfred W. Kilimann   Paralemmin, a
                                  Phosphoprotein Abundant in Neurons and
                                  Implicated in Plasma Membrane Dynamics
                                  and Cell Process Formation . . . . . . . 795
            Thomas W. White and   
       Daniel A. Goodenough and   
                  David L. Paul   Targeted Ablation of Connexin50 in Mice
                                  Results in Microphthalmia and Zonular
                                  Pulverulent Cataracts  . . . . . . . . . 815
         Francisco Miralles and   
            Tadej Battelino and   
            Paul Czernichow and   
             Raphael Scharfmann   TGF-$ \beta $ Plays a Key Role in
                                  Morphogenesis of the Pancreatic Islets
                                  of Langerhans by Controlling the
                                  Activity of the Matrix Metalloproteinase
                                  MMP-2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
          Hyacinth Sterling and   
          Charles Saginario and   
                Agn\`es Vignery   CD44 Occupancy Prevents Macrophage
                                  Multinucleation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 837
            Daniela Taverna and   
      Marie-Helene Disatnik and   
              Helen Rayburn and   
        Roderick T. Bronson and   
                   Joy Yang and   
            Thomas A. Rando and   
               Richard O. Hynes   Dystrophic Muscle in Mice Chimeric for
                                  Expression of $ \alpha $5 Integrin . . . 849
          Carlos O. Arregui and   
              Janne Balsamo and   
                    Jack Lilien   Impaired Integrin-mediated Adhesion and
                                  Signaling in Fibroblasts Expressing a
                                  Dominant-negative Mutant PTP1B . . . . . 861

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 143, Number 4, November, 1998

             Yonchu Jenkins and   
            Michele McEntee and   
               Karsten Weis and   
               Warner C. Greene   Characterization of HIV-1 Vpr Nuclear
                                  Import: Analysis of Signals and Pathways 875
      Jonathan S. Rosenblum and   
          Lucy F. Pemberton and   
             Neris Bonifaci and   
             Günter Blobel   Nuclear Import and the Evolution of a
                                  Multifunctional RNA-binding Protein  . . 887
    Wolfgang M. J. Obermann and   
          Holger Sondermann and   
            Alicia A. Russo and   
        Nikola P. Pavletich and   
                F. Ulrich Hartl   In Vivo Function of Hsp90 Is Dependent
                                  on ATP Binding and ATP Hydrolysis  . . . 901
       Catharine E. Johnson and   
                Paul T. Englund   Changes in Organization of Crithidia
                                  fasciculata Kinetoplast DNA Replication
                                  Proteins during the Cell Cycle . . . . . 911
         Susana Silberstein and   
        Gabriel Schlenstedt and   
              Pam A. Silver and   
                   Reid Gilmore   A Role for the DnaJ Homologue Scj1p in
                                  Protein Folding in the Yeast Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 921
           Todd B. Reynolds and   
           B. Diane Hopkins and   
           Matthew R. Lyons and   
                 Todd R. Graham   The High Osmolarity Glycerol Response
                                  (HOG) MAP Kinase Pathway Controls
                                  Localization of a Yeast Golgi
                                  Glycosyltransferase  . . . . . . . . . . 935
                 Gongyi Shi and   
      Victor Faúndez and   
                  Jack Roos and   
   Esteban C. Dell'Angelica and   
                 Regis B. Kelly   Neuroendocrine Synaptic Vesicles Are
                                  Formed In Vitro by Both
                                  Clathrin-dependent and
                                  Clathrin-independent Pathways  . . . . . 947
             Rytis Prekeris and   
          Judith Klumperman and   
                 Yu A. Chen and   
            Richard H. Scheller   Syntaxin 13 Mediates Cycling of Plasma
                                  Membrane Proteins via Tubulovesicular
                                  Recycling Endosomes  . . . . . . . . . . 957
Frédéric Mallard and   
              Claude Antony and   
            Dani\`ele Tenza and   
              Jean Salamero and   
                 Bruno Goud and   
                Ludger Johannes   Direct Pathway from Early/Recycling
                                  Endosomes to the Golgi Apparatus
                                  Revealed through the Study of Shiga
                                  Toxin B-fragment Transport . . . . . . . 973
            Andrei Kouranov and   
                Xuejun Chen and   
                 Bruno Fuks and   
               Danny J. Schnell   Tic20 and Tic22 Are New Components of
                                  the Protein Import Apparatus at the
                                  Chloroplast Inner Envelope Membrane  . . 991
          G. Duménil and   
                J. C. Olivo and   
              S. Pellegrini and   
                 M. Fellous and   
           P. J. Sansonetti and   
              G. Tran Van Nhieu   Interferon $ \alpha $ Inhibits a
                                  Src-mediated Pathway Necessary for
                                  Shigella -induced Cytoskeletal
                                  Rearrangements in Epithelial Cells . . . 1003
          Carol C. Gregorio and   
    Karoly Trombitás and   
             Thomas Centner and   
          Bernhard Kolmerer and   
               Gunter Stier and   
             Kathleen Kunke and   
              Koichi Suzuki and   
             Franz Obermayr and   
          Bernhard Herrmann and   
              Henk Granzier and   
         Hiroyuki Sorimachi and   
               Siegfried Labeit   The NH$_2$ Terminus of Titin Spans the
                                  Z--Disc: Its Interaction with a Novel
                                  19-kD Ligand (T-cap) Is Required for
                                  Sarcomeric Integrity . . . . . . . . . . 1013
          Christian Hofmann and   
          Iain M. Cheeseman and   
             Bruce L. Goode and   
           Kent L. McDonald and   
            Georjana Barnes and   
                David G. Drubin   Saccharomyces cerevisiae Duo1p and
                                  Dam1p, Novel Proteins Involved in
                                  Mitotic Spindle Function . . . . . . . . 1029
          Masafumi Nakamura and   
            Hirohisa Masuda and   
                Johji Horii and   
              Kei-ichi Kuma and   
          Nobuhiko Yokoyama and   
              Tomoyuki Ohba and   
            Hideo Nishitani and   
             Takashi Miyata and   
               Masao Tanaka and   
             Takeharu Nishimoto   When Overexpressed, a Novel Centrosomal
                                  Protein, RanBPM, Causes Ectopic
                                  Microtubule Nucleation Similar to $
                                  \gamma $-Tubulin . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041
          Kristen J. Verhey and   
           Donna L. Lizotte and   
           Tatiana Abramson and   
            Linda Barenboim and   
           Bruce J. Schnapp and   
                Tom A. Rapoport   Light Chain-dependent Regulation of
                                  Kinesin's Interaction with Microtubules  1053
             Dean J. Burkin and   
                 Maojian Gu and   
          Bradley L. Hodges and   
        James T. Campanelli and   
             Stephen J. Kaufman   A Functional Role for Specific Spliced
                                  Variants of the $ \alpha $7$ \beta $1
                                  Integrin in Acetylcholine Receptor
                                  Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067
       Stanislav Zakharenko and   
                   Sergey Popov   Dynamics of Axonal Microtubules Regulate
                                  the Topology of New Membrane Insertion
                                  into the Growing Neurites  . . . . . . . 1077
           Angeliki Malliri and   
                Marc Symons and   
         Robert F. Hennigan and   
       Adam F. L. Hurlstone and   
            Richard F. Lamb and   
             Tricia Wheeler and   
             Bradford W. Ozanne   The Transcription Factor AP-1 Is
                                  Required for EGF-induced Activation of
                                  Rho-like GTPases, Cytoskeletal
                                  Rearrangements, Motility, and In Vitro
                                  Invasion of A431 Cells . . . . . . . . . 1087
      Francesca M. Spagnoli and   
              Laura Amicone and   
              Marco Tripodi and   
                  Mary C. Weiss   Identification of a Bipotential
                                  Precursor Cell in Hepatic Cell Lines
                                  Derived from Transgenic Mice Expressing
                                  Cyto--Met in the Liver . . . . . . . . . 1101
                Shinji Imai and   
             Marko Kaksonen and   
                Erkki Raulo and   
             Tarja Kinnunen and   
               Carole Fages and   
              Xiaojuan Meng and   
                Merja Lakso and   
                 Heikki Rauvala   Osteoblast Recruitment and Bone
                                  Formation Enhanced by Cell
                                  Matrix--associated Heparin-binding
                                  Growth-associated Molecule (HB--GAM) . . 1113
         Daqing W. Hartwell and   
           Tanya N. Mayadas and   
         Gaëtan Berger and   
           Paul S. Frenette and   
              Helen Rayburn and   
           Richard O. Hynes and   
               Denisa D. Wagner   Role of P--Selectin Cytoplasmic Domain
                                  in Granular Targeting In Vivo and in
                                  Early Inflammatory Responses . . . . . . 1129

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 143, Number 5, November, 1998

          Richard K. Bruick and   
            Stephen P. Mayfield   Processing of the psbA 5' Untranslated
                                  Region in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
                                  Depends upon Factors Mediating Ribosome
                                  Association  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1145
            Ingrid Markovic and   
            Helena Pulyaeva and   
         Alexander Sokoloff and   
         Leonid V. Chernomordik   Membrane Fusion Mediated by Baculovirus
                                  gp64 Involves Assembly of Stable gp64
                                  Trimers into Multiprotein Aggregates . . 1155
                Doris David and   
        Sumathy Sundarababu and   
               Jeffrey E. Gerst   Involvement of Long Chain Fatty Acid
                                  Elongation in the Trafficking of
                                  Secretory Vesicles in Yeast  . . . . . . 1167
                Liwen Jiang and   
                 John C. Rogers   Integral Membrane Protein Sorting to
                                  Vacuoles in Plant Cells: Evidence for
                                  Two Pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1183
            Kristen McArdle and   
          Taylor StC. Allen and   
            Elizabeth A. Bucher   Ca$^{2+}$-dependent Muscle Dysfunction
                                  Caused by Mutation of the
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans Troponin
                                  T-1 Gene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1201
      José M. Barral and   
       Christopher C. Bauer and   
               Irving Ortiz and   
               Henry F. Epstein   Unc-45 Mutations in
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans Implicate
                                  a CRO1/She4p-like Domain in Myosin
                                  Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1215
          Toshihisa Ohtsuka and   
         Hiroyuki Nakanishi and   
               Wataru Ikeda and   
                Ayako Satoh and   
              Yumiko Momose and   
             Hideo Nishioka and   
                  Yoshimi Takai   Nexilin: a Novel Actin Filament-binding
                                  Protein Localized at Cell--Matrix
                                  Adherens Junction  . . . . . . . . . . . 1227
          Susan M. Beckwith and   
         Christian H. Roghi and   
                     Bo Liu and   
               N. Ronald Morris   The ``8-kD'' Cytoplasmic Dynein Light
                                  Chain Is Required for Nuclear Migration
                                  and for Dynein Heavy Chain Localization
                                  in Aspergillus nidulans  . . . . . . . . 1239
            Yoshihiro Yasui and   
              Mutsuki Amano and   
            Koh-ichi Nagata and   
            Naoyuki Inagaki and   
             Hideo Nakamura and   
              Hideyuki Saya and   
              Kozo Kaibuchi and   
                 Masaki Inagaki   Roles of Rho-associated Kinase in
                                  Cytokinesis; Mutations in Rho-associated
                                  Kinase Phosphorylation Sites Impair
                                  Cytokinetic Segregation of Glial
                                  Filaments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1249
                Dan Strumpf and   
                    Talila Volk   Kakapo, a Novel Cytoskeletal-associated
                                  Protein Is Essential for the Restricted
                                  Localization of the Neuregulin-like
                                  Factor, Vein, at the Muscle--Tendon
                                  Junction Site  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1259
         Stephen L. Gregory and   
              Nicholas H. Brown   kakapo, a Gene Required for Adhesion
                                  Between and Within Cell Layers in
                                  \bionameDrosophila, Encodes a Large
                                  Cytoskeletal Linker Protein Related to
                                  Plectin and Dystrophin . . . . . . . . . 1271
             Andreas Prokop and   
                  Jay Uhler and   
                 John Roote and   
                   Michael Bate   The kakapo Mutation Affects Terminal
                                  Arborization and Central Dendritic
                                  Sprouting of \bionameDrosophila
                                  Motorneurons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1283
               Daixing Zhou and   
            Stephen Lambert and   
             Peter L. Malen and   
            Scott Carpenter and   
            Linda M. Boland and   
                   Vann Bennett   Ankyrin$_G$ Is Required for Clustering
                                  of Voltage-gated Na Channels at Axon
                                  Initial Segments and for Normal Action
                                  Potential Firing . . . . . . . . . . . . 1295
             Paula Scotland and   
               Daixing Zhou and   
          Helene Benveniste and   
                   Vann Bennett   Nervous System Defects of Ankyrin$_B$
                                  (-/-) Mice Suggest Functional Overlap
                                  between the Cell Adhesion Molecule L1
                                  and 440-kD Ankyrin$_B$ in Premyelinated
                                  Axons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1305
            H. Steven Wiley and   
          Margaret F. Woolf and   
             Lee K. Opresko and   
           Patrick M. Burke and   
                Birgit Will and   
          Jeffrey R. Morgan and   
       Douglas A. Lauffenburger   Removal of the Membrane-anchoring Domain
                                  of Epidermal Growth Factor Leads to
                                  Intracrine Signaling and Disruption of
                                  Mammary Epithelial Cell Organization . . 1317
    Irmgard Irminger-Finger and   
           Jesus V. Soriano and   
         Genevi\`eve Vaudan and   
          Roberto Montesano and   
    André-Pascal Sappino   In Vitro Repression of Brca1-associated
                                  RING Domain Gene, Bard1, Induces
                                  Phenotypic Changes in Mammary Epithelial
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1329
               Thomas Korff and   
            Hellmut G. Augustin   Integration of Endothelial Cells in
                                  Multicellular Spheroids Prevents
                                  Apoptosis and Induces Differentiation    1341
             Atsuo Kawahara and   
           Yoshiyuki Ohsawa and   
         Hirotaka Matsumura and   
             Yasuo Uchiyama and   
               Shigekazu Nagata   Caspase-independent Cell Killing by
                                  Fas-associated Protein with Death Domain 1353
               Jacques Huot and   
      François Houle and   
             Simon Rousseau and   
  Réna G. Deschesnes and   
             Girish M. Shah and   
                 Jacques Landry   SAPK2\slash p38-dependent F--Actin
                                  Reorganization Regulates Early Membrane
                                  Blebbing during Stress-induced Apoptosis 1361
                 Jianguo Gu and   
            Masahito Tamura and   
              Kenneth M. Yamada   Tumor Suppressor PTEN Inhibits Integrin-
                                  and Growth Factor--mediated
                                  Mitogen-activated Protein (MAP) Kinase
                                  Signaling Pathways . . . . . . . . . . . 1375
              Eva E. Sander and   
            Sanne van Delft and   
       Jean P. ten Klooster and   
                   Tim Reid and   
      Rob A. van der Kammen and   
             Frits Michiels and   
                John G. Collard   Matrix-dependent Tiam1/Rac Signaling in
                                  Epithelial Cells Promotes Either
                                  Cell--Cell Adhesion or Cell Migration
                                  and Is Regulated by Phosphatidylinositol
                                  3-Kinase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1385
       Attila Aszódi and   
                 Danny Chan and   
             Ernst Hunziker and   
            John F. Bateman and   
          Reinhard Fässler   Collagen II Is Essential for the Removal
                                  of the Notochord and the Formation of
                                  Intervertebral Discs . . . . . . . . . . 1399

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 143, Number 6, December, 1998

                    Hong Ma and   
         Jagath Samarabandu and   
         Rekandu S. Devdhar and   
                Raj Acharya and   
            Ping-chin Cheng and   
              Chunling Meng and   
                Ronald Berezney   Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of DNA
                                  Replication Sites in Mammalian Cells . . 1415
                Robert Hock and   
              Ulrich Scheer and   
                 Michael Bustin   Chromosomal Proteins HMG-14 and HMG-17
                                  Are Released from Mitotic Chromosomes
                                  and Imported into the Nucleus by Active
                                  Transport  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1427
          Fabien Cubizolles and   
          Vincent Legagneux and   
     René Le Guellec and   
         Isabelle Chartrain and   
             Rustem Uzbekov and   
                 Chris Ford and   
           Katherine Le Guellec   pEg7, a New \bionameXenopus Protein
                                  Required for Mitotic Chromosome
                                  Condensation in Egg Extracts . . . . . . 1437
           Markus Albertini and   
          Lucy F. Pemberton and   
      Jonathan S. Rosenblum and   
             Günter Blobel   A Novel Nuclear Import Pathway for the
                                  Transcription Factor TFIIS . . . . . . . 1447
           Matthew K. Perez and   
           Henry L. Paulson and   
            Sagun J. Pendse and   
            Sarah J. Saionz and   
            Nancy M. Bonini and   
             Randall N. Pittman   Recruitment and the Role of Nuclear
                                  Localization in Polyglutamine-mediated
                                  Aggregation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1457
            Laxman Gangwani and   
             Monique Mikrut and   
      Zoya Galcheva-Gargova and   
                 Roger J. Davis   Interaction of ZPR1 with Translation
                                  Elongation Factor-1$ \alpha $ in
                                  Proliferating Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 1471
           Koret Hirschberg and   
             Chad M. Miller and   
              Jan Ellenberg and   
            John F. Presley and   
             Eric D. Siggia and   
            Robert D. Phair and   
   Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz   Kinetic Analysis of Secretory Protein
                                  Traffic and Characterization of Golgi to
                                  Plasma Membrane Transport Intermediates
                                  in Living Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1485
              Brian Storrie and   
                Jamie White and   
        Sabine Röttger and   
        Ernst H. K. Stelzer and   
            Tatsuo Suganuma and   
                  Tommy Nilsson   Recycling of Golgi-resident
                                  Glycosyltransferases through the ER
                                  Reveals a Novel Pathway and Provides an
                                  Explanation for Nocodazole-induced Golgi
                                  Scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1505
                     Rui Li and   
              Philippe Rieu and   
          Diana L. Griffith and   
                David Scott and   
                M. Amin Arnaout   Two Functional States of the CD11b
                                  A--Domain: Correlations with Key
                                  Features of Two Mn$^{2+}$-complexed
                                  Crystal Structures . . . . . . . . . . . 1523
                 Folma Buss and   
        John Kendrick-Jones and   
             Corinne Lionne and   
             Alex E. Knight and   
Graham P. Côté and   
                  J. Paul Luzio   The Localization of Myosin VI at the
                                  Golgi Complex and Leading Edge of
                                  Fibroblasts and Its Phosphorylation and
                                  Recruitment into Membrane Ruffles of
                                  A431 Cells after Growth Factor
                                  Stimulation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1535
           M. Carolina Tuma and   
                Andrew Zill and   
            Nathalie Le Bot and   
            Isabelle Vernos and   
               Vladimir Gelfand   Heterotrimeric Kinesin II Is the
                                  Microtubule Motor Protein Responsible
                                  for Pigment Dispersion in
                                  \bionameXenopus Melanophores . . . . . . 1547
            Nathalie Le Bot and   
              Claude Antony and   
                Jamie White and   
              Eric Karsenti and   
                Isabelle Vernos   Role of Xklp3, a Subunit of the Xenopus
                                  Kinesin II Heterotrimeric Complex, in
                                  Membrane Transport between the
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi
                                  Apparatus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1559
                Y. Bobinnec and   
               A. Khodjakov and   
                  L. M. Mir and   
               C. L. Rieder and   
             B. Eddé and   
                     M. Bornens   Centriole Disassembly In Vivo and Its
                                  Effect on Centrosome Structure and
                                  Function in Vertebrate Cells . . . . . . 1575
             Gianni Piperno and   
               Edward Siuda and   
            Scott Henderson and   
           Margarethe Segil and   
            Heikki Vaananen and   
              Massimo Sassaroli   Distinct Mutants of Retrograde
                                  Intraflagellar Transport (IFT) Share
                                  Similar Morphological and Molecular
                                  Defects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1591
      Jürg Bähler and   
       Alexander B. Steever and   
             Sally Wheatley and   
                 Yu-li Wang and   
            John R. Pringle and   
          Kathleen L. Gould and   
                Dannel McCollum   Role of Polo Kinase and Mid1p in
                                  Determining the Site of Cell Division in
                                  Fission Yeast  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1603
      Javier Jiménez and   
       Víctor J. Cid and   
               Rosa Cenamor and   
         María Yuste and   
              Gloria Molero and   
       César Nombela and   
          Miguel Sánchez   Morphogenesis beyond Cytokinetic Arrest
                                  in \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae  . . 1617
         Jill M. Schumacher and   
                Andy Golden and   
               Peter J. Donovan   AIR-2: an Aurora/Ipl1-related Protein
                                  Kinase Associated with Chromosomes and
                                  Midbody Microtubules Is Required for
                                  Polar Body Extrusion and Cytokinesis in
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans Embryos   1635
              Uma Siddhanta and   
              James McIlroy and   
                Amishi Shah and   
                Yitao Zhang and   
             Jonathan M. Backer   Distinct Roles for the p110$ \alpha $
                                  and hVPS34 Phosphatidylinositol
                                  3'-Kinases in Vesicular Trafficking,
                                  Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton,
                                  and Mitogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1647
                Christy Job and   
                   Leon Lagnado   Calcium and Protein Kinase C Regulate
                                  the Actin Cytoskeleton in the Synaptic
                                  Terminal of Retinal Bipolar Cells  . . . 1661
                Stefan Kunz and   
            Marianne Spirig and   
           Claudia Ginsburg and   
         Andrea Buchstaller and   
             Philipp Berger and   
                Rainer Lanz and   
            Christoph Rader and   
                Lorenz Vogt and   
                  Beat Kunz and   
              Peter Sonderegger   Neurite Fasciculation Mediated by
                                  Complexes of Axonin-1 and Ng Cell
                                  Adhesion Molecule  . . . . . . . . . . . 1673
            Raquel S. Aloyz and   
           Shernaz X. Bamji and   
       Christine D. Pozniak and   
               Jean G. Toma and   
            Jasvinder Atwal and   
            David R. Kaplan and   
                Freda D. Miller   P53 Is Essential for Developmental
                                  Neuron Death as Regulated by the TrkA
                                  and p75 Neurotrophin Receptors . . . . . 1691
        Eija I. Korpelainen and   
       Marika J. Karkkainen and   
              Auri Tenhunen and   
                Merja Lakso and   
             Heikki Rauvala and   
              Matti Vierula and   
            Martti Parvinen and   
                   Kari Alitalo   Overexpression of VEGF in Testis and
                                  Epididymis Causes Infertility in
                                  Transgenic Mice: Evidence for
                                  Nonendothelial Targets for VEGF  . . . . 1705
           Jeffrey H. Miner and   
        Jeanette Cunningham and   
                Joshua R. Sanes   Roles for Laminin in Embryogenesis:
                                  Exencephaly, Syndactyly, and
                                  Placentopathy in Mice Lacking the
                                  Laminin $ \alpha $5 Chain  . . . . . . . 1713
                G. Y. Huang and   
               E. S. Cooper and   
                   K. Waldo and   
                M. L. Kirby and   
               N. B. Gilula and   
                       C. W. Lo   Gap Junction--mediated Cell--Cell
                                  Communication Modulates Mouse Neural
                                  Crest Migration  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1725
              Paul D. Lampe and   
             Beth P. Nguyen and   
                 Susana Gil and   
                Marcia Usui and   
                John Olerud and   
           Yoshikazu Takada and   
              William G. Carter   Cellular Interaction of Integrin $
                                  \alpha $3$ \beta $1 with Laminin 5
                                  Promotes Gap Junctional Communication    1735
       Kathleen L. O'Connor and   
             Leslie M. Shaw and   
             Arthur M. Mercurio   Release of cAMP Gating by the $ \alpha
                                  $6$ \beta $4 Integrin Stimulates
                                  Lamellae Formation and the Chemotactic
                                  Migration of Invasive Carcinoma Cells    1749

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 143, Number 7, December, 1998

     Alexandra M. Ainsztein and   
  Stefanie E. Kandels-Lewis and   
         Alastair M. Mackay and   
            William C. Earnshaw   INCENP Centromere and Spindle Targeting:
                                  Identification of Essential Conserved
                                  Motifs and Involvement of
                                  Heterochromatin Protein HP1  . . . . . . 1763
             Pascal Bernard and   
             Kevin Hardwick and   
             Jean-Paul Javerzat   Fission Yeast Bub1 Is a Mitotic
                                  Centromere Protein Essential for the
                                  Spindle Checkpoint and the Preservation
                                  of Correct Ploidy through Mitosis  . . . 1775
             Heidi J. Chial and   
            Michael P. Rout and   
         Thomas H. Giddings and   
                     Mark Winey   Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ndc1p Is a
                                  Shared Component of Nuclear Pore
                                  Complexes and Spindle Pole Bodies  . . . 1789
                Peter Bangs and   
                Brian Burke and   
           Christine Powers and   
                Roger Craig and   
              Aruna Purohit and   
                 Stephen Doxsey   Functional Analysis of Tpr:
                                  Identification of Nuclear Pore Complex
                                  Association and Nuclear Localization
                                  Domains and a Role in mRNA Export  . . . 1801
           Marcello Marelli and   
          John D. Aitchison and   
             Richard W. Wozniak   Specific Binding of the Karyopherin
                                  Kap121p to a Subunit of the Nuclear Pore
                                  Complex Containing Nup53p, Nup59p, and
                                  Nup170p  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1813
         Sylvie Urbé and   
             Lesley J. Page and   
                Sharon A. Tooze   Homotypic Fusion of Immature Secretory
                                  Granules during Maturation in a
                                  Cell-free Assay  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1831
           Jens R. Coorssen and   
              Paul S. Blank and   
            Masahiro Tahara and   
              Joshua Zimmerberg   Biochemical and Functional Studies of
                                  Cortical Vesicle Fusion: The SNARE
                                  Complex and Ca$^{2+}$ Sensitivity  . . . 1845
           P. Edward Purdue and   
                Xudong Yang and   
                Paul B. Lazarow   Pex18p and Pex21p, a Novel Pair of
                                  Related Peroxins Essential for
                                  Peroxisomal Targeting by the PTS2
                                  Pathway  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1859
           Yoram Altschuler and   
            Shana M. Barbas and   
          Laura J. Terlecky and   
                 Kitty Tang and   
              Stephen Hardy and   
            Keith E. Mostov and   
               Sandra L. Schmid   Redundant and Distinct Functions for
                                  Dynamin-1 and Dynamin-2 Isoforms . . . . 1871
       Jennifer A. Johnston and   
           Cristina L. Ward and   
                  Ron R. Kopito   Aggresomes: a Cellular Response to
                                  Misfolded Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . 1883
                  Xufeng Wu and   
               Blair Bowers and   
                   Kang Rao and   
                    Qin Wei and   
                 John A. Hammer   Visualization of Melanosome Dynamics
                                  within Wild--Type and Dilute Melanocytes
                                  Suggests a Paradigm for Myosin V
                                  Function In Vivo . . . . . . . . . . . . 1899
         Dorothy A. Schafer and   
           Matthew D. Welch and   
          Laura M. Machesky and   
           Paul C. Bridgman and   
           Shelley M. Meyer and   
                 John A. Cooper   Visualization and Molecular Analysis of
                                  Actin Assembly in Living Cells . . . . . 1919
            David W. Pruyne and   
           Daniel H. Schott and   
              Anthony Bretscher   Tropomyosin-containing Actin Cables
                                  Direct the Myo2p-dependent Polarized
                                  Delivery of Secretory Vesicles in
                                  Budding Yeast  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1931
            John Lippincott and   
                        Rong Li   Dual Function of Cyk2, a cdc15/PSTPIP
                                  Family Protein, in Regulating Actomyosin
                                  Ring Dynamics and Septin Distribution    1947
            Naoto Kobayashi and   
              Jochen Reiser and   
               Wilhelm Kriz and   
             Ryoko Kuriyama and   
                   Peter Mundel   Nonuniform Microtubular Polarity
                                  Established by CHO1/MKLP1 Motor Protein
                                  Is Necessary for Process Formation of
                                  Podocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1961
          Venkatesh Kurvari and   
            Nick V. Grishin and   
               William J. Snell   A Gamete-specific, Sex-limited
                                  Homeodomain Protein in Chlamydomonas . . 1971
               J. C. Norman and   
                   D. Jones and   
                S. T. Barry and   
                 M. R. Holt and   
               S. Cockcroft and   
                D. R. Critchley   ARF1 Mediates Paxillin Recruitment to
                                  Focal Adhesions and Potentiates
                                  Rho-stimulated Stress Fiber Formation in
                                  Intact and Permeabilized Swiss 3T3
                                  Fibroblasts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1981
                 Ji-He Zhao and   
               Heinz Reiske and   
                   Jun-Lin Guan   Regulation of the Cell Cycle by Focal
                                  Adhesion Kinase  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1997
           G. Ian Gallicano and   
              Panos Kouklis and   
            Christoph Bauer and   
                    Mei Yin and   
          Valeri Vasioukhin and   
           Linda Degenstein and   
                   Elaine Fuchs   Desmoplakin Is Required Early in
                                  Development for Assembly of Desmosomes
                                  and Cytoskeletal Linkage . . . . . . . . 2009
                  Nam-On Ku and   
             Sara A. Michie and   
            Roy M. Soetikno and   
     Evelyn Z. Resurreccion and   
         Rosemary L. Broome and   
                 M. Bishr Omary   Mutation of a Major Keratin
                                  Phosphorylation Site Predisposes to
                                  Hepatotoxic Injury in Transgenic Mice    2023
                Yiu-mo Chan and   
  Carsten G. Bönnemann and   
           Hart G. W. Lidov and   
                Louis M. Kunkel   Molecular Organization of Sarcoglycan
                                  Complex in Mouse Myotubes in Culture . . 2033
                E. Kolossov and   
          B. K. Fleischmann and   
                     Q. Liu and   
                   W. Bloch and   
    S. Viatchenko-Karpinski and   
                  O. Manzke and   
                   G. J. Ji and   
                  H. Bohlen and   
                 K. Addicks and   
                   J. Hescheler   Functional Characteristics of ES
                                  Cell--derived Cardiac Precursor Cells
                                  Identified by Tissue-specific Expression
                                  of the Green Fluorescent Protein . . . . 2045
               Els Decoster and   
            Sigrid Cornelis and   
        Bart Vanhaesebroeck and   
                   Walter Fiers   Autocrine Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)
                                  and Lymphotoxin (LT) $ \alpha $
                                  Differentially Modulate Cellular
                                  Sensitivity to TNF/LT-$ \alpha $
                                  Cytotoxicity in L929 Cells . . . . . . . 2057
               Hanna Debiec and   
Erik Ilsò Christensen and   
             Pierre Marie Ronco   The Cell Adhesion Molecule L1 Is
                                  Developmentally Regulated in the Renal
                                  Epithelium and Is Involved in Kidney
                                  Branching Morphogenesis  . . . . . . . . 2067
          Tatiana V. Byzova and   
                 Edward F. Plow   Activation of $ \alpha_V $ $ \beta_3 $
                                  on Vascular Cells Controls Recognition
                                  of Prothrombin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2081

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 144, Number 1, January, 1999

             Miwa Shiratori and   
             Sakae Sakamoto and   
            Noriyuki Suzuki and   
           Yoshiki Tokutake and   
              Yoichi Kawabe and   
             Takemi Enomoto and   
          Masanobu Sugimoto and   
                Makoto Goto and   
         Takehisa Matsumoto and   
              Yasuhiro Furuichi   Detection by Epitope-defined Monoclonal
                                  Antibodies of Werner DNA Helicases in
                                  the Nucleoplasm and Their Upregulation
                                  by Cell Transformation and
                                  Immortalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                Thomas Haaf and   
           Elke Raderschall and   
           Gurucharan Reddy and   
              David C. Ward and   
         Charles M. Radding and   
                  Efim I. Golub   Sequestration of Mammalian
                                  Rad51-Recombination Protein into
                                  Micronuclei  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
             Rachel Hellman and   
               Marc Vanhove and   
          Annabelle Lejeune and   
            Fred J. Stevens and   
            Linda M. Hendershot   The In Vivo Association of BiP with
                                  Newly Synthesized Proteins Is Dependent
                                  on the Rate and Stability of Folding and
                                  Not Simply on the Presence of Sequences
                                  That Can Bind to BiP . . . . . . . . . . 21
            Ross G. Vickery and   
               Mark von Zastrow   Distinct Dynamin-dependent and
                                  -independent Mechanisms Target
                                  Structurally Homologous Dopamine
                                  Receptors to Different Endocytic
                                  Membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
              Oliver Hobert and   
          Donald G. Moerman and   
          Kathleen A. Clark and   
           Mary C. Beckerle and   
                    Gary Ruvkun   A Conserved LIM Protein That Affects
                                  Muscular Adherens Junction Integrity and
                                  Mechanosensory Function in
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans . . . . . 45
             Noriyuki Kioka and   
              Shohei Sakata and   
           Takeshi Kawauchi and   
               Teruo Amachi and   
          Steven K. Akiyama and   
              Kenji Okazaki and   
           Christopher Yaen and   
          Kenneth M. Yamada and   
                 Shin-ichi Aota   Vinexin: a Novel Vinculin-binding
                                  Protein with Multiple SH3 Domains
                                  Enhances Actin Cytoskeletal Organization 59
              Guisheng Zeng and   
                    Mingjie Cai   Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton
                                  Organization in Yeast by a Novel
                                  Serine/Threonine Kinase Prk1p  . . . . . 71
             Bruce L. Goode and   
           Jonathan J. Wong and   
       Anne-Christine Butty and   
             Matthias Peter and   
        Ashley L. McCormack and   
              John R. Yates and   
            David G. Drubin and   
                Georjana Barnes   Coronin Promotes the Rapid Assembly and
                                  Cross-linking of Actin Filaments and May
                                  Link the Actin and Microtubule
                                  Cytoskeletons in Yeast . . . . . . . . . 83
 Georgios S. Diamantopoulos and   
               Franck Perez and   
           Holly V. Goodson and   
     Gérard Batelier and   
               Ronald Melki and   
            Thomas E. Kreis and   
               Janet E. Rickard   Dynamic Localization of CLIP-170 to
                                  Microtubule Plus Ends Is Coupled to
                                  Microtubule Assembly . . . . . . . . . . 99
           Becket Feierbach and   
                Eva Nogales and   
         Kenneth H. Downing and   
                    Tim Stearns   Alf1p, a CLIP-170 Domain-containing
                                  Protein, Is Functionally and Physically
                                  Associated with $ \alpha $-Tubulin . . . 113
             David J. Sharp and   
           Kent L. McDonald and   
           Heather M. Brown and   
       Heinrich J. Matthies and   
             Claire Walczak and   
                Ron D. Vale and   
       Timothy J. Mitchison and   
            Jonathan M. Scholey   The Bipolar Kinesin, KLP61F, Cross-links
                                  Microtubules within Interpolar
                                  Microtubule Bundles of
                                  \bionameDrosophila Embryonic Mitotic
                                  Spindles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
          Daniel B. Constam and   
         Elizabeth J. Robertson   Regulation of Bone Morphogenetic Protein
                                  Activity by Pro Domains and Proprotein
                                  Convertases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
                 Neil Smyth and   
         H. Seda Vatansever and   
            Patricia Murray and   
              Michael Meyer and   
             Christian Frie and   
              Mats Paulsson and   
                    David Edgar   Absence of Basement Membranes after
                                  Targeting the LAMC1 Gene Results in
                                  Embryonic Lethality Due to Failure of
                                  Endoderm Differentiation . . . . . . . . 151
           Noriyuki Tsumaki and   
            Kazuhiro Tanaka and   
       Eri Arikawa-Hirasawa and   
            Takanobu Nakase and   
            Tomoatsu Kimura and   
           J. Terrig Thomas and   
              Takahiro Ochi and   
            Frank P. Luyten and   
               Yoshihiko Yamada   Role of CDMP-1 in Skeletal
                                  Morphogenesis: Promotion of Mesenchymal
                                  Cell Recruitment and Chondrocyte
                                  Differentiation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
             Ravinder Pabla and   
          Andrew S. Weyrich and   
               Dan A. Dixon and   
               Paul F. Bray and   
         Thomas M. McIntyre and   
        Stephen M. Prescott and   
               Guy A. Zimmerman   Integrin-dependent Control of
                                  Translation: Engagement of Integrin $
                                  \alpha_{IIb} $ $ \beta_3 $ Regulates
                                  Synthesis of Proteins in Activated Human
                                  Platelets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
                 Shuqi Chen and   
            Timothy A. Springer   An Automatic Braking System That
                                  Stabilizes Leukocyte Rolling by an
                                  Increase in Selectin Bond Number with
                                  Shear  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 144, Number 2, January, 1999

             Stefan Kircher and   
              Frank Wellmer and   
                 Peter Nick and   
      Alexander Rügner and   
      Eberhard Schäfer and   
                   Klaus Harter   Nuclear Import of the Parsley bZIP
                                  Transcription Factor CPRF2 Is Regulated
                                  by Phytochrome Photoreceptors  . . . . . 201
          Jonathan D. Moore and   
                  Jing Yang and   
                 Ray Truant and   
                Sally Kornbluth   Nuclear Import of Cdk/Cyclin Complexes:
                                  Identification of Distinct Mechanisms
                                  for Import of Cdk2/Cyclin E and
                                  Cdc2/Cyclin B1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
            Sheona Drummond and   
              Paul Ferrigno and   
                 Carol Lyon and   
              Jackie Murphy and   
            Martin Goldberg and   
                Terry Allen and   
                Carl Smythe and   
       Christopher J. Hutchison   Temporal Differences in the Appearance
                                  of NEP--B78 and an LBR-like Protein
                                  during \bionameXenopus Nuclear Envelope
                                  Reassembly Reflect the Ordered
                                  Recruitment of Functionally Discrete
                                  Vesicle Types  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
        Maria Teresa Alonso and   
  Maria José Barrero and   
            Pedro Michelena and   
           Estela Carnicero and   
        Inmaculada Cuchillo and   
   Antonio G. García and   
Javier García-Sancho and   
              Mayte Montero and   
                 Javier Alvarez   Ca$^{2+}$-induced Ca$^{2+}$ Release in
                                  Chromaffin Cells Seen from inside the ER
                                  with Targeted Aequorin . . . . . . . . . 241
             Sarah T. South and   
               Stephen J. Gould   Peroxisome Synthesis in the Absence of
                                  Preexisting Peroxisomes  . . . . . . . . 255
    Jacomine Krijnse Locker and   
               Gareth Griffiths   An Unconventional Role for Cytoplasmic
                                  Disulfide Bonds in Vaccinia Virus
                                  Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
          Elizabeth A. Slee and   
              Mary T. Harte and   
              Ruth M. Kluck and   
               Beni B. Wolf and   
          Carlos A. Casiano and   
         Donald D. Newmeyer and   
             Hong-Gang Wang and   
               John C. Reed and   
        Donald W. Nicholson and   
            Emad S. Alnemri and   
           Douglas R. Green and   
               Seamus J. Martin   Ordering the Cytochrome c-initiated
                                  Caspase Cascade: Hierarchical Activation
                                  of Caspases-2, -3, -6, -7, -8, and -10
                                  in a Caspase-9-dependent Manner  . . . . 281
          David R. Mitchell and   
               Winfield S. Sale   Characterization of a Chlamydomonas
                                  Insertional Mutant that Disrupts
                                  Flagellar Central Pair
                                  Microtubule-associated Structures  . . . 293
   Christopher B. O'Connell and   
          Sally P. Wheatley and   
               Sohail Ahmed and   
                     Yu-li Wang   The Small GTP-binding Protein Rho
                                  Regulates Cortical Activities in
                                  Cultured Cells during Division . . . . . 305
         Yoshihiko Yamakita and   
               Go Totsukawa and   
          Shigeko Yamashiro and   
                  David Fry and   
                Xiaoe Zhang and   
            Steven K. Hanks and   
                Fumio Matsumura   Dissociation of FAK/p130$^{\rm CAS}$
                                  /c--Src Complex during Mitosis: Role of
                                  Mitosis-specific Serine Phosphorylation
                                  of FAK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
                Farzad Esni and   
    Inge-Bert Täljedal and   
           Anne-Karina Perl and   
              Harold Cremer and   
        Gerhard Christofori and   
                    Henrik Semb   Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (N-CAM) Is
                                  Required for Cell Type Segregation and
                                  Normal Ultrastructure in Pancreatic
                                  Islets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
       Christian A. Leppert and   
             Heike Diekmann and   
               Claudia Paul and   
               Ute Laessing and   
                Monika Marx and   
           Martin Bastmeyer and   
         Claudia A. O. Stuermer   Neurolin Ig Domain 2 Participates in
                                  Retinal Axon Guidance and Ig Domains 1
                                  and 3 in Fasciculation . . . . . . . . . 339
                  Yun Zhong and   
         William M. Brieher and   
              Barry M. Gumbiner   Analysis of C-cadherin Regulation during
                                  Tissue Morphogenesis with an Activating
                                  Antibody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
            Michael Buchert and   
           Stefan Schneider and   
        Virginia Meskenaite and   
              Mark T. Adams and   
                Eli Canaani and   
              Thomas Baechi and   
             Karin Moelling and   
          Christopher M. Hovens   The Junction-associated Protein AF-6
                                  Interacts and Clusters with Specific Eph
                                  Receptor Tyrosine Kinases at Specialized
                                  Sites of Cell--Cell Contact in the Brain 361
      Ann T. J. Beliën and   
         Paolo A. Paganetti and   
               Martin E. Schwab   Membrane-type 1 Matrix Metalloprotease
                                  (MT1-MMP) Enables Invasive Migration of
                                  Glioma Cells in Central Nervous System
                                  White Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 144, Number 3, February, 1999

          Joel L. Rosenbaum and   
            Douglas G. Cole and   
               Dennis R. Diener   Intraflagellar Transport: The Eyes Have
                                  It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
                    Ed Hurt and   
              Stefan Hannus and   
            Birgit Schmelzl and   
                 Denise Lau and   
            David Tollervey and   
                   George Simos   A Novel In Vivo Assay Reveals Inhibition
                                  of Ribosomal Nuclear Export in
                                  Ran--Cycle and Nucleoporin Mutants . . . 389
           Shun'ichi Kuroda and   
          Noritaka Nakagawa and   
           Chiharu Tokunaga and   
            Kenji Tatematsu and   
             Katsuyuki Tanizawa   Mammalian Homologue of the
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans UNC-76
                                  Protein Involved in Axonal Outgrowth Is
                                  a Protein Kinase C $ \zeta
                                  $--interacting Protein . . . . . . . . . 403
       Florian Überall and   
            Karina Hellbert and   
              Sonja Kampfer and   
                  Karl Maly and   
          Andreas Villunger and   
            Martin Spitaler and   
             James Mwanjewe and   
  Gabriele Baier-Bitterlich and   
            Gottfried Baier and   
               Hans H. Grunicke   Evidence That Atypical Protein Kinase
                                  C-$ \lambda $ and Atypical Protein
                                  Kinase C-$ \zeta $ Participate in
                                  Ras-mediated Reorganization of the
                                  F-actin Cytoskeleton . . . . . . . . . . 413
               Tomomi Gotoh and   
                  Masataka Mori   Arginase II Downregulates Nitric Oxide
                                  (NO) Production and Prevents NO-mediated
                                  Apoptosis in Murine Macrophage-derived
                                  RAW 264.7 Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
            Conrad L. Leung and   
               Dongming Sun and   
              Ronald K. H. Liem   The Intermediate Filament Protein
                                  Peripherin Is the Specific Interaction
                                  Partner of Mouse BPAG1-n (Dystonin) in
                                  Neurons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
          Thomas J. Koehnle and   
                  Anthony Brown   Slow Axonal Transport of Neurofilament
                                  Protein in Cultured Neurons  . . . . . . 447
     Giuseppe D. Ciccotosto and   
         Martin R. Schiller and   
            Betty A. Eipper and   
               Richard E. Mains   Induction of Integral Membrane PAM
                                  Expression in AtT-20 Cells Alters the
                                  Storage and Trafficking of POMC and PC1  459
          Gregory J. Pazour and   
         Bethany L. Dickert and   
               George B. Witman   The DHC1b (DHC2) Isoform of Cytoplasmic
                                  Dynein Is Required for Flagellar
                                  Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
         J. A. Feijó and   
                 J. Sainhas and   
              G. R. Hackett and   
               J. G. Kunkel and   
                   P. K. Hepler   Growing Pollen Tubes Possess a
                                  Constitutive Alkaline Band in the Clear
                                  Zone and a Growth-dependent Acidic Tip   483
             Drazen Raucher and   
              Michael P. Sheetz   Membrane Expansion Increases Endocytosis
                                  Rate during Mitosis  . . . . . . . . . . 497
       Stanislav Zakharenko and   
              Sunghoe Chang and   
         Michael O'Donoghue and   
                Sergey V. Popov   Neurotransmitter Secretion along Growing
                                  Nerve Processes: Comparison with
                                  Synaptic Vesicle Exocytosis  . . . . . . 507
                     Qun Lu and   
           Mercedes Paredes and   
              Miguel Medina and   
               Jianhua Zhou and   
             Robert Cavallo and   
                Mark Peifer and   
              Lisa Orecchio and   
               Kenneth S. Kosik   $ \delta $-catenin, an Adhesive
                                  Junction--associated Protein Which
                                  Promotes Cell Scattering . . . . . . . . 519
       Paulina Niewiadomska and   
              Dorothea Godt and   
                  Ulrich Tepass   D E--Cadherin Is Required for
                                  Intercellular Motility during
                                  \bionameDrosophila Oogenesis . . . . . . 533
                 M. S. Chen and   
           E. A. C. Almeida and   
           A.-P. J. Huovila and   
               Y. Takahashi and   
                 L. M. Shaw and   
             A. M. Mercurio and   
                    J. M. White   Evidence that Distinct States of the
                                  Integrin $ \alpha $6$ \beta $1 Interact
                                  with Laminin and an ADAM . . . . . . . . 549
     Myl\`ene Vivinus-Nebot and   
           Michel Ticchioni and   
              Florence Mary and   
                Paul Hofman and   
              Vito Quaranta and   
         Patricia Rousselle and   
                  Alain Bernard   Laminin 5 in the Human Thymus: Control
                                  of T Cell Proliferation via $ \alpha_6
                                  \beta_4 $ Integrins  . . . . . . . . . . 563
            Iryna M. Ethell and   
                   Yu Yamaguchi   Cell Surface Heparan Sulfate
                                  Proteoglycan Syndecan-2 Induces the
                                  Maturation of Dendritic Spines in Rat
                                  Hippocampal Neurons  . . . . . . . . . . 575

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 144, Number 4, February, 1999

           M. Prakash Hande and   
             Enrique Samper and   
             Peter Lansdorp and   
         María A. Blasco   Telomere Length Dynamics and Chromosomal
                                  Instability in Cells Derived from
                                  Telomerase Null Mice . . . . . . . . . . 589
       Christian R. Eckmann and   
             Michael F. Jantsch   The RNA-editing Enzyme ADAR1 Is
                                  Localized to the Nascent
                                  Ribonucleoprotein Matrix on
                                  \bionameXenopus Lampbrush Chromosomes
                                  but Specifically Associates with an
                                  Atypical Loop  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
             Kelly P. Smith and   
            Phillip T. Moen and   
            Karen L. Wydner and   
            John R. Coleman and   
             Jeanne B. Lawrence   Processing of Endogenous Pre-mRNAs in
                                  Association with SC-35 Domains Is Gene
                                  Specific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
            Luc A. Sabourin and   
       Adele Girgis-Gabardo and   
              Patrick Seale and   
            Atsushi Asakura and   
            Michael A. Rudnicki   Reduced Differentiation Potential of
                                  Primary MyoD -/- Myogenic Cells Derived
                                  from Adult Skeletal Muscle . . . . . . . 631
                 Miki Hieda and   
             Taro Tachibana and   
            Fumihiko Yokoya and   
                Shingo Kose and   
              Naoko Imamoto and   
               Yoshihiro Yoneda   A Monoclonal Antibody to the
                                  COOH-terminal Acidic Portion of Ran
                                  Inhibits Both the Recycling of Ran and
                                  Nuclear Protein Import in Living Cells   645
         Maarit Suomalainen and   
           Michel Y. Nakano and   
             Stephan Keller and   
               Karin Boucke and   
         Robert P. Stidwill and   
                  Urs F. Greber   Microtubule-dependent Plus- and Minus
                                  End--directed Motilities Are Competing
                                  Processes for Nuclear Targeting of
                                  Adenovirus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
         Masayoshi Fukasawa and   
         Masahiro Nishijima and   
                 Kentaro Hanada   Genetic Evidence for ATP-dependent
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum-to-Golgi Apparatus
                                  Trafficking of Ceramide for
                                  Sphingomyelin Synthesis in Chinese
                                  Hamster Ovary Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 673
               Yih-Tai Chen and   
          Daniel B. Stewart and   
                W. James Nelson   Coupling Assembly of the E-Cadherin/$
                                  \beta $--Catenin Complex to Efficient
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum Exit and
                                  Basal-lateral Membrane Targeting of
                                  E-Cadherin in Polarized MDCK Cells . . . 687
             Johnson Varkey and   
                    Po Chen and   
           Ronald Jemmerson and   
                 John M. Abrams   Altered Cytochrome c Display Precedes
                                  Apoptotic Cell Death in
                                  \bionameDrosophila . . . . . . . . . . . 701
           Kelly A. Shepard and   
               Michael P. Yaffe   The Yeast Dynamin-like Protein, Mgm1p,
                                  Functions on the Mitochondrial Outer
                                  Membrane to Mediate Mitochondrial
                                  Inheritance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711
               Karen Oegema and   
           Christiane Wiese and   
              Ona C. Martin and   
         Ronald A. Milligan and   
           Akihiro Iwamatsu and   
       Timothy J. Mitchison and   
                   Yixian Zheng   Characterization of Two Related
                                  \bionameDrosophila $ \gamma $-tubulin
                                  Complexes that Differ in Their Ability
                                  to Nucleate Microtubules . . . . . . . . 721
               Go Totsukawa and   
         Yoshihiko Yamakita and   
          Shigeko Yamashiro and   
             Hiroshi Hosoya and   
        David J. Hartshorne and   
                Fumio Matsumura   Activation of Myosin Phosphatase
                                  Targeting Subunit by Mitosis-specific
                                  Phosphorylation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
              Birgit Klages and   
              Ursula Brandt and   
            Melvin I. Simon and   
        Günter Schultz and   
              Stefan Offermanns   Activation of G$_{12}$ /G$_{13}$ Results
                                  in Shape Change and
                                  Rho/Rho-Kinase-mediated Myosin Light
                                  Chain Phosphorylation in Mouse Platelets 745
José M. Rodríguez-Frade and   
       Antonio J. Vila-Coro and   
          Ana Martín and   
                Marta Nieto and   
Francisco Sánchez-Madrid and   
     Amanda E. I. Proudfoot and   
        Timothy N. C. Wells and   
   Carlos Martínez-A and   
                  Mario Mellado   Similarities and Differences in RANTES-
                                  and (AOP)-RANTES--triggered Signals:
                                  Implications for Chemotaxis  . . . . . . 755
                 P. Hermann and   
                  M. Armant and   
                   E. Brown and   
                   M. Rubio and   
                H. Ishihara and   
                  D. Ulrich and   
              R. G. Caspary and   
             F. P. Lindberg and   
                R. Armitage and   
             C. Maliszewski and   
              G. Delespesse and   
                     M. Sarfati   The Vitronectin Receptor and its
                                  Associated CD47 Molecule Mediates
                                  Proinflammatory Cytokine Synthesis in
                                  Human Monocytes by Interaction with
                                  Soluble CD23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767
          Dwayne G. Stupack and   
                 Erguang Li and   
          Steve A. Silletti and   
       Jacqueline A. Kehler and   
          Robert L. Geahlen and   
                 Klaus Hahn and   
            Glen R. Nemerow and   
               David A. Cheresh   Matrix Valency Regulates
                                  Integrin-mediated Lymphoid Adhesion via
                                  Syk Kinase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
            Suneale Banerji and   
                    Jian Ni and   
               Shu-Xia Wang and   
             Steven Clasper and   
                 Jeffrey Su and   
                Raija Tammi and   
             Margaret Jones and   
               David G. Jackson   LYVE-1, a New Homologue of the CD44
                                  Glycoprotein, Is a Lymph-specific
                                  Receptor for Hyaluronan  . . . . . . . . 789

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 144, Number 5, March, 1999

Richard A. Heil-Chapdelaine and   
             Neil R. Adames and   
                 John A. Cooper   Formin' the Connection between
                                  Microtubules and the Cell Cortex . . . . 809
         Erik M. M. Manders and   
             Hiroshi Kimura and   
                  Peter R. Cook   Direct Imaging of DNA in Living Cells
                                  Reveals the Dynamics of Chromosome
                                  Formation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813
          Francesca Sanvito and   
           Simonetta Piatti and   
            Antonello Villa and   
                Mario Bossi and   
          Giovanna Lucchini and   
       Pier Carlo Marchisio and   
                  Stefano Biffo   The $ \beta $4 Integrin Interactor
                                  p27$^{\rm BBP}$ /eIF6 Is an Essential
                                  Nuclear Matrix Protein Involved in 60S
                                  Ribosomal Subunit Assembly . . . . . . . 823
Caterina Strambio-de-Castillia and   
         Günter Blobel and   
                Michael P. Rout   Proteins Connecting the Nuclear Pore
                                  Complex with the Nuclear Interior  . . . 839
             Nasrin Mesaeli and   
         Kimitoshi Nakamura and   
             Elena Zvaritch and   
               Peter Dickie and   
                  Ewa Dziak and   
          Karl-Heinz Krause and   
                Michal Opas and   
         David H. MacLennan and   
                 Marek Michalak   Calreticulin Is Essential for Cardiac
                                  Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857
             Daniel S. Chao and   
               Jesse C. Hay and   
              Shawn Winnick and   
             Rytis Prekeris and   
          Judith Klumperman and   
            Richard H. Scheller   SNARE Membrane Trafficking Dynamics In
                                  Vivo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
          Isabelle Martinou and   
           Solange Desagher and   
               Robert Eskes and   
            Bruno Antonsson and   
     Elisabeth André and   
            Stanislav Fakan and   
           Jean-Claude Martinou   The Release of Cytochrome c from
                                  Mitochondria during Apoptosis of
                                  NGF-deprived Sympathetic Neurons Is a
                                  Reversible Event . . . . . . . . . . . . 883
           Solange Desagher and   
           Astrid Osen-Sand and   
            Anthony Nichols and   
               Robert Eskes and   
          Sylvie Montessuit and   
              Sandra Lauper and   
           Kinsey Maundrell and   
            Bruno Antonsson and   
           Jean-Claude Martinou   Bid-induced Conformational Change of Bax
                                  Is Responsible for Mitochondrial
                                  Cytochrome c Release during Apoptosis    891
        Gareth J. Griffiths and   
            Laurence Dubrez and   
            Clive P. Morgan and   
              Neil A. Jones and   
           Jenna Whitehouse and   
           Bernard M. Corfe and   
              Caroline Dive and   
                John A. Hickman   Cell Damage-induced Conformational
                                  Changes of the Pro--Apoptotic Protein
                                  Bak In Vivo Precede the Onset of
                                  Apoptosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903
            Joseph F. Krebs and   
        Robert C. Armstrong and   
             Anu Srinivasan and   
                 Teresa Aja and   
             Angela M. Wong and   
                Aileen Aboy and   
                 Rob Sayers and   
                 Bryan Pham and   
                     Tam Vu and   
                  Kim Hoang and   
       Donald S. Karanewsky and   
            Christian Leist and   
             Albert Schmitz and   
                  Joe C. Wu and   
         Kevin J. Tomaselli and   
              Lawrence C. Fritz   Activation of Membrane-associated
                                  Procaspase-3 Is Regulated by Bcl-2 . . . 915
         Pierre Gönczy and   
            Heinke Schnabel and   
              Titus Kaletta and   
           Ana Duran Amores and   
                 Tony Hyman and   
                  Ralf Schnabel   Dissection of Cell Division Processes in
                                  the One Cell Stage
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans Embryo by
                                  Mutational Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . 927
                Laifong Lee and   
             Saskia K. Klee and   
          Marie Evangelista and   
              Charles Boone and   
                  David Pellman   Control of Mitotic Spindle Position by
                                  the \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae
                                  Formin Bni1p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947
             Rita K. Miller and   
               Dina Matheos and   
                   Mark D. Rose   The Cortical Localization of the
                                  Microtubule Orientation Protein, Kar9p,
                                  Is Dependent upon Actin and Proteins
                                  Required for Polarization  . . . . . . . 963
                Paul Maddox and   
                    E. Chin and   
             A. Mallavarapu and   
                     E. Yeh and   
               E. D. Salmon and   
                       K. Bloom   Microtubule Dynamics from Mating through
                                  the First Zygotic Division in the
                                  Budding Yeast \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 977
         William A. Kronert and   
               Angel Acebes and   
      Alberto Ferrús and   
           Sanford I. Bernstein   Specific Myosin Heavy Chain Mutations
                                  Suppress Troponin I Defects in
                                  \bionameDrosophila Muscles . . . . . . . 989
               Kenji Mandai and   
         Hiroyuki Nakanishi and   
                Ayako Satoh and   
          Kenichi Takahashi and   
                Keiko Satoh and   
             Hideo Nishioka and   
            Akira Mizoguchi and   
                  Yoshimi Takai   Ponsin/SH3P12: An l-Afadin- and
                                  Vinculin-binding Protein Localized at
                                  Cell--Cell and Cell--Matrix Adherens
                                  Junctions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1001
   Alexandre Angers-Loustau and   
Jean-François Côté and   
              Alain Charest and   
            Donald Dowbenko and   
              Susan Spencer and   
          Laurence A. Lasky and   
             Michel L. Tremblay   Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase--PEST
                                  Regulates Focal Adhesion Disassembly,
                                  Migration, and Cytokinesis in
                                  Fibroblasts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1019
                   Lan Zhou and   
         Eileen M. Kasperek and   
             Bruce J. Nicholson   Dissection of the Molecular Basis of
                                  pp60$^{v - src}$ Induced Gating of
                                  Connexin 43 Gap Junction Channels  . . . 1033
              John D. Loike and   
                   Long Cao and   
                Sadna Budhu and   
      Eugene E. Marcantonio and   
           Joseph El Khoury and   
            Stanley Hoffman and   
             Ted A. Yednock and   
          Samuel C. Silverstein   Differential Regulation of $ \beta_1 $
                                  Integrins by Chemoattractants Regulates
                                  Neutrophil Migration through Fibrin  . . 1047
             S. Vijayakumar and   
                Jiro Takito and   
             Chinami Hikita and   
                 Qais Al-Awqati   Hensin Remodels the Apical Cytoskeleton
                                  and Induces Columnarization of
                                  Intercalated Epithelial Cells: Processes
                                  that Resemble Terminal Differentiation   1057
                   Yong Zhu and   
            Anush Oganesian and   
           Douglas R. Keene and   
               Linda J. Sandell   Type IIA Procollagen Containing the
                                  Cysteine-rich Amino Propeptide Is
                                  Deposited in the Extracellular Matrix of
                                  Prechondrogenic Tissue and Binds to
                                  TGF-$ \beta $1 and BMP-2 . . . . . . . . 1069

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 144, Number 6, March, 1999

        Tracey Michele Gant and   
         Crafford A. Harris and   
            Katherine L. Wilson   Roles of LAP2 Proteins in Nuclear
                                  Assembly and DNA Replication: Truncated
                                  LAP2$ \beta $ Proteins Alter Lamina
                                  Assembly, Envelope Formation, Nuclear
                                  Size, and DNA Replication Efficiency in
                                  \bionameXenopus laevis Extracts  . . . . 1083
     Beatriz M. A. Fontoura and   
         Günter Blobel and   
             Michael J. Matunis   A Conserved Biogenesis Pathway for
                                  Nucleoporins: Proteolytic Processing of
                                  a 186-Kilodalton Precursor Generates
                                  Nup98 and the Novel Nucleoporin, Nup96   1097
      Jonathan R. Beauchamp and   
         Jennifer E. Morgan and   
           Charles N. Pagel and   
           Terence A. Partridge   Dynamics of Myoblast Transplantation
                                  Reveal a Discrete Minority of Precursors
                                  with Stem Cell-like Properties as the
                                  Myogenic Source  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1113
             Ennio Giordano and   
               Ivana Peluso and   
            Stefania Senger and   
                    Maria Furia   minifly, A \bionameDrosophila Gene
                                  Required for Ribosome Biogenesis . . . . 1123
           Mark S. Ladinsky and   
       David N. Mastronarde and   
        J. Richard McIntosh and   
          Kathryn E. Howell and   
            L. Andrew Staehelin   Golgi Structure in Three Dimensions:
                                  Functional Insights from the Normal Rat
                                  Kidney Cell  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1135
         Wolfgang Girzalsky and   
              Peter Rehling and   
            Katharina Stein and   
               Julia Kipper and   
                 Lars Blank and   
          Wolf-Hubert Kunau and   
                   Ralf Erdmann   Involvement of Pex13p in Pex14p
                                  Localization and Peroxisomal Targeting
                                  Signal $2$-dependent Protein Import into
                                  Peroxisomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1151
         Christine Herrmann and   
         Elaheh Golkaramnay and   
            Elisabeth Inman and   
               Leonard Rome and   
               Walter Volknandt   Recombinant Major Vault Protein Is
                                  Targeted to Neuritic Tips of PC12 Cells  1163
           Satoshi Katayama and   
                 Dai Hirata and   
            Manuel Arellano and   
         Pilar Pérez and   
                   Takashi Toda   Fission Yeast $ \alpha $-Glucan Synthase
                                  Mok1 Requires the Actin Cytoskeleton to
                                  Localize the Sites of Growth and Plays
                                  an Essential Role in Cell Morphogenesis
                                  Downstream of Protein Kinase C Function  1173
              Aljoscha Nern and   
             Robert A. Arkowitz   A Cdc24p--Far1p--G$ \beta \gamma $
                                  Protein Complex Required for Yeast
                                  Orientation during Mating  . . . . . . . 1187
        M. Jamie T. V. Cope and   
               Shirley Yang and   
                Ching Shang and   
                David G. Drubin   Novel Protein Kinases Ark1p and Prk1p
                                  Associate with and Regulate the Cortical
                                  Actin Cytoskeleton in Budding Yeast  . . 1203
         Brendan D. Manning and   
        Jennifer G. Barrett and   
           Julie A. Wallace and   
              Howard Granok and   
                 Michael Snyder   Differential Regulation of the Kar3p
                                  Kinesin-related Protein by Two
                                  Associated Proteins, Cik1p and Vik1p . . 1219
         Catherine D. Nobes and   
                      Alan Hall   Rho GTPases Control Polarity,
                                  Protrusion, and Adhesion during Cell
                                  Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1235
     Valérie Laurent and   
           Thomas P. Loisel and   
             Birgit Harbeck and   
                 Ann Wehman and   
          Lothar Gröbe and   
       Brigitte M. Jockusch and   
        Jürgen Wehland and   
           Frank B. Gertler and   
           Marie-France Carlier   Role of Proteins of the Ena/VASP Family
                                  in Actin-based Motility of
                                  \bioname\bionameListeria monocytogenes   1245
          McRae W. Williams and   
                Robert J. Bloch   Extensive but Coordinated Reorganization
                                  of the Membrane Skeleton in Myofibers of
                                  Dystrophic (mdx) Mice  . . . . . . . . . 1259
         Sushmita Mukherjee and   
              Thwe Thwe Soe and   
          Frederick R. Maxfield   Endocytic Sorting of Lipid Analogues
                                  Differing Solely in the Chemistry of
                                  Their Hydrophobic Tails  . . . . . . . . 1271
                   Ying Wei and   
                Xiuwei Yang and   
                 Qiumei Liu and   
            John A. Wilkins and   
              Harold A. Chapman   A Role for Caveolin and the Urokinase
                                  Receptor in Integrin-mediated Adhesion
                                  and Signaling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1285
           Sarita K. Sastry and   
          Margot Lakonishok and   
                 Stanley Wu and   
              Tho Q. Truong and   
          Anna Huttenlocher and   
      Christopher E. Turner and   
                Alan F. Horwitz   Quantitative Changes in Integrin and
                                  Focal Adhesion Signaling Regulate
                                  Myoblast Cell Cycle Withdrawal . . . . . 1295
               Yuzo Imamura and   
              Masahiko Itoh and   
              Yoshito Maeno and   
          Shoichiro Tsukita and   
                Akira Nagafuchi   Functional Domains of $ \alpha $-Catenin
                                  Required for the Strong State of
                                  Cadherin-based Cell Adhesion . . . . . . 1311
     Susan M. Burden-Gulley and   
         Susann M. Brady-Kalnay   PTP$ \mu $ Regulates
                                  N--Cadherin-dependent Neurite Outgrowth  1323
             Nadia Farrelly and   
                  Yi-Ju Lee and   
              Janine Oliver and   
              Caroline Dive and   
             Charles H. Streuli   Extracellular Matrix Regulates Apoptosis
                                  in Mammary Epithelium through a Control
                                  on Insulin Signaling . . . . . . . . . . 1337
               Guoping Feng and   
                Eric Krejci and   
                Jordi Molgo and   
     Jeanette M. Cunningham and   
      Jean Massoulié and   
                Joshua R. Sanes   Genetic Analysis of Collagen Q: Roles in
                                  Acetylcholinesterase and
                                  Butyrylcholinesterase Assembly and in
                                  Synaptic Structure and Function  . . . . 1349

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 145, Number 1, April, 1999

           David C. Allison and   
               Andrea L. Nestor   Evidence for a Relatively Random Array
                                  of Human Chromosomes on the Mitotic Ring 1
        Katherine M. Hyland and   
          Jeffrey Kingsbury and   
              Doug Koshland and   
                  Philip Hieter   Ctf19p: a Novel Kinetochore Protein in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae and a
                                  Potential Link between the Kinetochore
                                  and Mitotic Spindle  . . . . . . . . . . 15
Subhendra N. Mattagajasingh and   
            Shu-Ching Huang and   
       Julia S. Hartenstein and   
             Michael Snyder and   
        Vincent T. Marchesi and   
                 Edward J. Benz   A Nonerythroid Isoform of Protein 4.1R
                                  Interacts with the Nuclear Mitotic
                                  Apparatus (NuMA) Protein . . . . . . . . 29
               Michael Kann and   
               Beate Sodeik and   
           Angelika Vlachou and   
         Wolfram H. Gerlich and   
                   Ari Helenius   Phosphorylation-dependent Binding of
                                  Hepatitis B Virus Core Particles to the
                                  Nuclear Pore Complex . . . . . . . . . . 45
       Arielle R. Rosenberg and   
     Lélia Delamarre and   
             Claudine Pique and   
          Isabelle Le Blanc and   
         Graziella Griffith and   
Marie-Christine Dokhélar   Early Assembly Step of a Retroviral
                                  Envelope Glycoprotein: Analysis Using a
                                  Dominant Negative Assay  . . . . . . . . 57
        Olivia W. Rossanese and   
              Jon Soderholm and   
            Brooke J. Bevis and   
             Irina B. Sears and   
             James O'Connor and   
       Edward K. Williamson and   
              Benjamin S. Glick   Golgi Structure Correlates with
                                  Transitional Endoplasmic Reticulum
                                  Organization in Pichia pastoris and
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 69
             Carlos Infante and   
    Francisco Ramos-Morales and   
 Concepción Fedriani and   
             Michel Bornens and   
                   Rosa M. Rios   GMAP-210, a cis-Golgi network-associated
                                  protein, is a minus end
                                  microtubule-binding protein  . . . . . . 83
               Jiandi Zhang and   
              Mary C. Reedy and   
            Yusuf A. Hannun and   
                  Lina M. Obeid   Inhibition of Caspases Inhibits the
                                  Release of Apoptotic Bodies: Bcl-2
                                  Inhibits the Initiation of Formation of
                                  Apoptotic Bodies in Chemotherapeutic
                                  Agent-induced Apoptosis  . . . . . . . . 99
        Steven R. Heidemann and   
             Stefanie Kaech and   
          Robert E. Buxbaum and   
                   Andrew Matus   Direct Observations of the Mechanical
                                  Behaviors of the Cytoskeleton in Living
                                  Fibroblasts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
             David R. Sheff and   
          Elizabeth A. Daro and   
               Michael Hull and   
                    Ira Mellman   The Receptor Recycling Pathway Contains
                                  Two Distinct Populations of Early
                                  Endosomes with Different Sorting
                                  Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
           Rosa Puertollano and   
Fernando Martín-Belmonte and   
        Jaime Millán and   
María del Carmen de Marco and   
              Juan P. Albar and   
              Leonor Kremer and   
               Miguel A. Alonso   The MAL Proteolipid Is Necessary for
                                  Normal Apical Transport and Accurate
                                  Sorting of the Influenza Virus
                                  Hemagglutinin in Madin--Darby Canine
                                  Kidney Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
        Rachelle H. Crosbie and   
         Connie S. Lebakken and   
           Kathleen H. Holt and   
            David P. Venzke and   
              Volker Straub and   
                Jane C. Lee and   
              R. Mark Grady and   
     Jeffery S. Chamberlain and   
            Joshua R. Sanes and   
              Kevin P. Campbell   Membrane Targeting and Stabilization of
                                  Sarcospan Is Mediated by the Sarcoglycan
                                  Subcomplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
     Iakowos Karakesisoglou and   
        Klaus-Peter Janssen and   
           Ludwig Eichinger and   
         Angelika A. Noegel and   
             Michael Schleicher   Identification of a Suppressor of the
                                  Dictyostelium Profilin-minus Phenotype
                                  as a CD36/LIMP--II Homologue . . . . . . 167
      S. J. Millward-Sadler and   
               M. O. Wright and   
                  H.-S. Lee and   
                 K. Nishida and   
                H. Caldwell and   
                    G. Nuki and   
                   D. M. Salter   Integrin-regulated Secretion of
                                  Interleukin 4: a Novel Pathway of
                                  Mechanotransduction in Human Articular
                                  Chondrocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
               Doris Martin and   
               Susan Zusman and   
                  Xitong Li and   
           Erin L. Williams and   
              Narmada Khare and   
                Sol DaRocha and   
     Ruth Chiquet-Ehrismann and   
             Stefan Baumgartner   wing blister, A New \bionameDrosophila
                                  Laminin $ \alpha $ Chain Required for
                                  Cell Adhesion and Migration during
                                  Embryonic and Imaginal Development . . . 191

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 145, Number 2, April, 1999

       Christopher D. Smith and   
         Elizabeth H. Blackburn   Uncapping and Deregulation of Telomeres
                                  Lead to Detrimental Cellular
                                  Consequences in Yeast  . . . . . . . . . 203
      Bahram Houchmandzadeh and   
                Stefan Dimitrov   Elasticity Measurements Show the
                                  Existence of Thin Rigid Cores Inside
                                  Mitotic Chromosomes  . . . . . . . . . . 215
      Debra M. Sauvé and   
         Hilary J. Anderson and   
                Jill M. Ray and   
           William M. James and   
                 Michel Roberge   Phosphorylation-induced Rearrangement of
                                  the Histone H3 NH$_2$-terminal Domain
                                  during Mitotic Chromosome Condensation   225
      Colin E. J. Pritchard and   
           Maarten Fornerod and   
           Lawryn H. Kasper and   
          Jan M. A. van Deursen   RAE1 Is a Shuttling mRNA Export Factor
                                  That Binds to a GLEBS-like NUP98 Motif
                                  at the Nuclear Pore Complex through
                                  Multiple Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
         Efrosyni Paraskeva and   
           Elisa Izaurralde and   
           F. Ralf Bischoff and   
               Jochen Huber and   
               Ulrike Kutay and   
              Enno Hartmann and   
     Reinhard Lührmann and   
              Dirk Görlich   CRM1-mediated Recycling of Snurportin 1
                                  to the Cytoplasm . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
          William J. Hansen and   
          Nicholas J. Cowan and   
               William J. Welch   Prefoldin--Nascent Chain Complexes in
                                  the Folding of Cytoskeletal Proteins . . 265
                   Ping Lin and   
                   Yong Yao and   
          Robert Hofmeister and   
             Roger Y. Tsien and   
          Marilyn Gist Farquhar   Overexpression of CALNUC (Nucleobindin)
                                  Increases Agonist and Thapsigargin
                                  Releasable Ca$^{2+}$ Storage in the
                                  Golgi  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
             Shelly Meeusen and   
               Quinton Tieu and   
                 Edith Wong and   
                 Eric Weiss and   
             David Schieltz and   
              John R. Yates and   
                   Jodi Nunnari   Mgm101p Is a Novel Component of the
                                  Mitochondrial Nucleoid That Binds DNA
                                  and Is Required for the Repair of
                                  Oxidatively Damaged Mitochondrial DNA    291
           Fridoon J. Ahmad and   
                 Wenqian Yu and   
         Francis J. McNally and   
                  Peter W. Baas   An Essential Role for Katanin in
                                  Severing Microtubules in the Neuron  . . 305
              Benedikt Kost and   
          Emmanuel Lemichez and   
            Pius Spielhofer and   
                   Yan Hong and   
            Kimberly Tolias and   
      Christopher Carpenter and   
                   Nam-Hai Chua   Rac Homologues and Compartmentalized
                                  Phosphatidylinositol 4, 5-Bisphosphate
                                  Act in a Common Pathway to Regulate
                                  Polar Pollen Tube Growth . . . . . . . . 317
              Maryse Bailly and   
             Frank Macaluso and   
             Michael Cammer and   
                Amanda Chan and   
          Jeffrey E. Segall and   
              John S. Condeelis   Relationship between Arp2/3 Complex and
                                  the Barbed Ends of Actin Filaments at
                                  the Leading Edge of Carcinoma Cells
                                  after Epidermal Growth Factor
                                  Stimulation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
                Yuko Fukata and   
              Noriko Oshiro and   
         Nagatoki Kinoshita and   
                Yoji Kawano and   
          Yoichiro Matsuoka and   
               Vann Bennett and   
         Yoshiharu Matsuura and   
                  Kozo Kaibuchi   Phosphorylation of Adducin by
                                  Rho--Kinase Plays a Crucial Role in Cell
                                  Motility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
            Patrick G. Bray and   
                Omar Janneh and   
          Kaylene J. Raynes and   
          Mathirut Mungthin and   
             Hagai Ginsburg and   
                Stephen A. Ward   Cellular Uptake of Chloroquine Is
                                  Dependent on Binding to
                                  Ferriprotoporphyrin IX and Is
                                  Independent of NHE Activity in
                                  Plasmodium falciparum  . . . . . . . . . 363
            Woutervan't Hof and   
                Marilyn D. Resh   Dual Fatty Acylation of p59 $^{\rm Fyn}$
                                  Is Required for Association with the T
                                  Cell Receptor $ \zeta $ Chain through
                                  Phosphotyrosine--Src Homology Domain-2
                                  Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
           Amy M. Kachinsky and   
        Stanley C. Froehner and   
              Sharon L. Milgram   A PDZ-containing Scaffold Related to the
                                  Dystrophin Complex at the Basolateral
                                  Membrane of Epithelial Cells . . . . . . 391
      Anuska V. Andjelkovic and   
          Dennis D. Spencer and   
                Joel S. Pachter   Visualization of Chemokine Binding Sites
                                  on Human Brain Microvessels  . . . . . . 403
            Yasuyuki Taooka and   
                  John Chen and   
                Ted Yednock and   
                  Dean Sheppard   The Integrin $ \alpha $9$ \beta $1
                                  Mediates Adhesion to Activated
                                  Endothelial Cells and Transendothelial
                                  Neutrophil Migration through Interaction
                                  with Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1   413

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 145, Number 3, May, 1999

           Margit Keresztes and   
              Johannes Boonstra   Import(ance) of Growth Factors in(to)
                                  the Nucleus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
                Hong-Guo Yu and   
       Michael G. Muszynski and   
                  R. Kelly Dawe   The Maize Homologue of the Cell Cycle
                                  Checkpoint Protein MAD2 Reveals
                                  Kinetochore Substructure and Contrasting
                                  Mitotic and Meiotic Localization
                                  Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
             Rumi Yamaguchi and   
          Masanobu Nakamura and   
        Nobuyoshi Mochizuki and   
               Steve A. Kay and   
                 Akira Nagatani   Light-dependent Translocation of a
                                  Phytochrome B--GFP Fusion Protein to the
                                  Nucleus in Transgenic Arabidopsis  . . . 437
          Joanne M. Yeakley and   
Hél\`ene Tronch\`ere and   
               James Olesen and   
         Jacqueline A. Dyck and   
              Huan-You Wang and   
                  Xiang-Dong Fu   Phosphorylation Regulates In Vivo
                                  Interaction and Molecular Targeting of
                                  Serine/Arginine-rich Pre-mRNA Splicing
                                  Factors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Marie-José J. E. Bijlmakers and   
                     Mark Marsh   Trafficking of an Acylated Cytosolic
                                  Protein: Newly Synthesized p56 $^{\rm
                                  lck}$ Travels to the Plasma Membrane via
                                  the Exocytic Pathway . . . . . . . . . . 457
        Joseph R. Marszalek and   
           Joshua A. Weiner and   
           Samuel J. Farlow and   
                Jerold Chun and   
       Lawrence S. B. Goldstein   Novel Dendritic Kinesin Sorting
                                  Identified by Different Process
                                  Targeting of Two Related Kinesins:
                                  KIF21A and KIF21B  . . . . . . . . . . . 469
        W. Christian Wigley and   
        Rosalind P. Fabunmi and   
                Min Goo Lee and   
      Christopher R. Marino and   
             Shmuel Muallem and   
        George N. DeMartino and   
               Philip J. Thomas   Dynamic Association of Proteasomal
                                  Machinery with the Centrosome  . . . . . 481
              Shoichiro Ono and   
           David L. Baillie and   
                  Guy M. Benian   UNC-60B, an ADF/Cofilin Family Protein,
                                  Is Required for Proper Assembly of Actin
                                  into Myofibrils in
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans Body Wall
                                  Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
                Milos Pekny and   
          Clas B. Johansson and   
           Camilla Eliasson and   
         Josefina Stakeberg and   
    Åsa Wallén and   
            Thomas Perlmann and   
              Urban Lendahl and   
         Christer Betsholtz and   
      Claes-Henric Berthold and   
            Jonas Frisén   Abnormal Reaction to Central Nervous
                                  System Injury in Mice Lacking Glial
                                  Fibrillary Acidic Protein and Vimentin   503
   Elisa M. Miguélez and   
           Carlos Hardisson and   
             Manuel B. Manzanal   Hyphal Death during Colony Development
                                  in \bionameStreptomyces antibioticus:
                                  Morphological Evidence for the Existence
                                  of a Process of Cell Deletion in a
                                  Multicellular Prokaryote . . . . . . . . 515
          Teresa L. Burgess and   
                Yi-xin Qian and   
            Stephen Kaufman and   
              Brian D. Ring and   
                Gwyneth Van and   
         Charles Capparelli and   
             Michael Kelley and   
                Hailing Hsu and   
           William J. Boyle and   
           Colin R. Dunstan and   
                  Sylvia Hu and   
                 David L. Lacey   The Ligand for Osteoprotegerin (OPGL)
                                  Directly Activates Mature Osteoclasts    527
          Kenichi Takahashi and   
         Hiroyuki Nakanishi and   
            Masako Miyahara and   
               Kenji Mandai and   
                Keiko Satoh and   
                Ayako Satoh and   
             Hideo Nishioka and   
                Junken Aoki and   
                Akio Nomoto and   
            Akira Mizoguchi and   
                  Yoshimi Takai   Nectin/PRR: an Immunoglobulin-like Cell
                                  Adhesion Molecule Recruited to
                                  Cadherin-based Adherens Junctions
                                  through Interaction with Afadin, a PDZ
                                  Domain--containing Protein . . . . . . . 539
                Shinya Aono and   
          Shinichi Nakagawa and   
         Albert B. Reynolds and   
             Masatoshi Takeichi   p120$^{\rm ctn}$ Acts as an Inhibitory
                                  Regulator of Cadherin Function in Colon
                                  Carcinoma Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
          Toshitaka Oohashi and   
             Xiao-Hong Zhou and   
                  Kang Feng and   
           Brigitta Richter and   
     Matthias Mörgelin and   
        Maria Thereza Perez and   
                Wei-Dong Su and   
     Ruth Chiquet-Ehrismann and   
                  Uwe Rauch and   
          Reinhard Fässler   Mouse Ten-m/Odz Is a New Family of
                                  Dimeric Type II Transmembrane Proteins
                                  Expressed in Many Tissues  . . . . . . . 563
            Kazumasa Morita and   
            Hiroyuki Sasaki and   
           Kazushi Fujimoto and   
               Mikio Furuse and   
              Shoichiro Tsukita   Claudin-11\slash OSP-based Tight
                                  Junctions of Myelin Sheaths in Brain and
                                  Sertoli Cells in Testis  . . . . . . . . 579
                 Tim Oliver and   
                Micah Dembo and   
                   Ken Jacobson   Separation of Propulsive and Adhesive
                                  Traction Stresses in Locomoting
                                  Keratocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
                Manuel Koch and   
            Pamela F. Olson and   
                 Anne Albus and   
                William Jin and   
             Dale D. Hunter and   
         William J. Brunken and   
         Robert E. Burgeson and   
        Marie-France Champliaud   Characterization and Expression of the
                                  Laminin $ \gamma $3 Chain: A Novel,
                                  Non-Basement Membrane-associated,
                                  Laminin Chain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
            Holly Colognato and   
       Donald A. Winkelmann and   
             Peter D. Yurchenco   Laminin Polymerization Induces a
                                  Receptor--Cytoskeleton Network . . . . . 619
            Simon M. Hughes and   
           Maggie M.-Y. Chi and   
            Oliver H. Lowry and   
             Kristian Gundersen   Myogenin Induces a Shift of Enzyme
                                  Activity from Glycolytic to Oxidative
                                  Metabolism in Muscles of Transgenic Mice 633

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 145, Number 4, May, 1999

        Ralph H. Kehlenbach and   
            Achim Dickmanns and   
        Angelika Kehlenbach and   
                Tinglu Guan and   
                   Larry Gerace   A Role for RanBP1 in the Release of CRM1
                                  from the Nuclear Pore Complex in a
                                  Terminal Step of Nuclear Export  . . . . 645
            Kevin J. Roberg and   
          Michelle Crotwell and   
           Peter Espenshade and   
                Ruth Gimeno and   
                Chris A. Kaiser   LST1 Is a SEC24 Homologue Used for
                                  Selective Export of the Plasma Membrane
                                  ATPase from the Endoplasmic Reticulum    659
           Michel Dominguez and   
                  Ali Fazel and   
               Sophie Dahan and   
              Jacque Lovell and   
                Louis Hermo and   
           Alejandro Claude and   
       Paul Melançon and   
              J. J. M. Bergeron   Fusogenic Domains of Golgi Membranes Are
                                  Sequestered into Specialized Regions of
                                  the Stack that Can Be Released by
                                  Mechanical Fragmentation . . . . . . . . 673
            Wandy L. Beatty and   
Stéphane Méresse and   
              Pierre Gounon and   
               Jean Davoust and   
        Joëlle Mounier and   
     Philippe J. Sansonetti and   
             Jean-Pierre Gorvel   Trafficking of Shigella
                                  Lipopolysaccharide in Polarized
                                  Intestinal Epithelial Cells  . . . . . . 689
           Nicole R. Murray and   
         Laurie A. Davidson and   
          Robert S. Chapkin and   
          W. Clay Gustafson and   
      Diane G. Schattenberg and   
                 Alan P. Fields   Overexpression of Protein Kinase C $
                                  \beta_{II} $ Induces Colonic
                                  Hyperproliferation and Increased
                                  Sensitivity to Colon Carcinogenesis  . . 699
               Ruth Zeidman and   
        Bjarne Löfgren and   
         Sven Påhlman and   
               Christer Larsson   PKC$ \epsilon $, Via its Regulatory
                                  Domain and Independently of its
                                  Catalytic Domain, Induces Neurite-like
                                  Processes in Neuroblastoma Cells . . . . 713
         Ken'ichiro Hayashi and   
         Masanori Takahashi and   
            Kazuhiro Kimura and   
             Wataru Nishida and   
               Hiroshi Saga and   
                    Kenji Sobue   Changes in the Balance of
                                  Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase/Protein Kinase
                                  B (Akt) and the Mitogen-activated
                                  Protein Kinases (ERK/p38MAPK) Determine
                                  a Phenotype of Visceral and Vascular
                                  Smooth Muscle Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 727
    François Fagotto and   
               Eek-hoon Jho and   
                    Li Zeng and   
               Thomas Kurth and   
                Thomas Joos and   
         Christine Kaufmann and   
               Frank Costantini   Domains of Axin Involved in
                                  Protein--Protein Interactions, Wnt
                                  Pathway Inhibition, and Intracellular
                                  Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741
                Frank Madeo and   
     Eleonore Fröhlich and   
                Martin Ligr and   
                Martin Grey and   
         Stephan J. Sigrist and   
             Dieter H. Wolf and   
          Kai-Uwe Fröhlich   Oxygen Stress: a Regulator of Apoptosis
                                  in Yeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 757
       Graziella Pellegrini and   
           Osvaldo Golisano and   
           Patrizia Paterna and   
        Alessandro Lambiase and   
             Stefano Bonini and   
                 Paolo Rama and   
                Michele De Luca   Location and Clonal Analysis of Stem
                                  Cells and Their Differentiated Progeny
                                  in the Human Ocular Surface  . . . . . . 769
                 Rosa Serra and   
            Andrew Karaplis and   
                    Philip Sohn   Parathyroid Hormone--related Peptide
                                  (PTHrP)-dependent and -independent
                                  Effects of Transforming Growth Factor $
                                  \beta $ (TGF-$ \beta $) on Endochondral
                                  Bone Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783
               Eric Boitier and   
                   Ruth Rea and   
              Michael R. Duchen   Mitochondria Exert a Negative Feedback
                                  on the Propagation of Intracellular
                                  Ca$^{2+}$ Waves in Rat Cortical
                                  Astrocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795
               Ian R. Adams and   
              John V. Kilmartin   Localization of Core Spindle Pole Body
                                  (SPB) Components during SPB Duplication
                                  in \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae  . . 809
                 Sen Takeda and   
          Yoshiaki Yonekawa and   
              Yosuke Tanaka and   
              Yasushi Okada and   
           Shigenori Nonaka and   
              Nobutaka Hirokawa   Left-Right Asymmetry and Kinesin
                                  Superfamily Protein KIF3A: New Insights
                                  in Determination of Laterality and
                                  Mesoderm Induction by kif3A$^- / - $
                                  Mice Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825
             Mary Ann Sells and   
           Jonathan T. Boyd and   
              Jonathan Chernoff   p21-Activated Kinase 1 (Pak1) Regulates
                                  Cell Motility in Mammalian Fibroblasts   837
      Christopher E. Turner and   
           Michael C. Brown and   
         Joseph A. Perrotta and   
                M. C. Riedy and   
    Sotiris N. Nikolopoulos and   
           A. Rosa McDonald and   
            Shubha Bagrodia and   
              Sheila Thomas and   
           Phillip S. Leventhal   Paxillin LD4 Motif Binds PAK and PIX
                                  through a Novel 95-kD Ankyrin Repeat,
                                  ARF--GAP Protein: a Role in Cytoskeletal
                                  Remodeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 851
               Andreas Marg and   
                Pinar Sirim and   
            Frank Spaltmann and   
            Antonius Plagge and   
         Gunther Kauselmann and   
             Friedrich Buck and   
           Fritz G. Rathjen and   
        Thomas Brümmendorf   Neurotractin, A Novel Neurite
                                  Outgrowth-promoting Ig-like Protein that
                                  Interacts with CEPU-1 and LAMP . . . . . 865
             Erin D. Sheets and   
              David Holowka and   
                  Barbara Baird   Critical Role for Cholesterol in
                                  Lyn-mediated Tyrosine Phosphorylation of
                                  Fc$ \epsilon $RI and Their Association
                                  with Detergent-resistant Membranes . . . 877
          Scott D. Blystone and   
          Suzanne E. Slater and   
        Matthew P. Williams and   
            Michael T. Crow and   
                  Eric J. Brown   A Molecular Mechanism of Integrin
                                  Crosstalk: $ \alpha_v \beta_3 $
                                  Suppression of
                                  Calcium/Calmodulin-dependent Protein
                                  Kinase II Regulates $ \alpha_5 \beta_1 $
                                  Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 889
            Annette Bistrup and   
               Sunil Bhakta and   
                Jin Kyu Lee and   
          Yevgeniy Y. Belov and   
           Michael Dee Gunn and   
              Feng-Rong Zuo and   
          Chiao-Chain Huang and   
              Reiji Kannagi and   
            Steven D. Rosen and   
               Stefan Hemmerich   Sulfotransferases of Two Specificities
                                  Function in the Reconstitution of High
                                  Endothelial Cell Ligands for L-selectin  899
           H. Benjamin Peng and   
                 Hongbo Xie and   
           Susanna G. Rossi and   
             Richard L. Rotundo   Acetylcholinesterase Clustering at the
                                  Neuromuscular Junction Involves Perlecan
                                  and Dystroglycan . . . . . . . . . . . . 911

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 145, Number 5, May, 1999

         Juan S. Bonifacino and   
       Esteban C. Dell'Angelica   Molecular Bases for the Recognition of
                                  Tyrosine-based Sorting Signals . . . . . 923
              Randy A. Hall and   
         Richard T. Premont and   
            Robert J. Lefkowitz   Heptahelical Receptor Signaling: Beyond
                                  the G Protein Paradigm . . . . . . . . . 927
            Iain D. Russell and   
           Adam S. Grancell and   
                Peter K. Sorger   The Unstable F-box Protein p58-Ctf13
                                  Forms the Structural Core of the CBF3
                                  Kinetochore Complex  . . . . . . . . . . 933
        Lily Jun-shen Huang and   
                   Lin Wang and   
                 Yuliang Ma and   
                Kyle Durick and   
                Guy Perkins and   
         Thomas J. Deerinck and   
           Mark H. Ellisman and   
                Susan S. Taylor   NH$_2$ -Terminal Targeting Motifs Direct
                                  Dual Specificity A--Kinase--anchoring
                                  Protein 1 (D--AKAP1) to Either
                                  Mitochondria or Endoplasmic Reticulum    951
             Alessio Merlin and   
              Wolfgang Voos and   
             Ammy C. Maarse and   
             Michiel Meijer and   
           Nikolaus Pfanner and   
                 Joachim Rassow   The J-related Segment of Tim44 Is
                                  Essential for Cell Viability: a Mutant
                                  Tim44 Remains in the Mitochondrial
                                  Import Site, but Inefficiently Recruits
                                  mtHsp70 and Impairs Protein
                                  Translocation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 961
            Enrico Schleiff and   
            John R. Silvius and   
                Gordon C. Shore   Direct Membrane Insertion of
                                  Voltage-dependent Anion-selective
                                  Channel Protein Catalyzed by
                                  Mitochondrial Tom20  . . . . . . . . . . 973
          Roberta Fraschini and   
             Elisa Formenti and   
          Giovanna Lucchini and   
               Simonetta Piatti   Budding Yeast Bub2 Is Localized at
                                  Spindle Pole Bodies and Activates the
                                  Mitotic Checkpoint via a Different
                                  Pathway from Mad2  . . . . . . . . . . . 979
       Jennifer S. Tirnauer and   
             Eileen O'Toole and   
           Lisbeth Berrueta and   
          Barbara E. Bierer and   
                  David Pellman   Yeast Bim1p Promotes the G1-specific
                                  Dynamics of Microtubules . . . . . . . . 993
        Tatyana M. Svitkina and   
                 Gary G. Borisy   Arp2/3 Complex and Actin Depolymerizing
                                  Factor/Cofilin in Dendritic Organization
                                  and Treadmilling of Actin Filament Array
                                  in \bionameLamellipodia  . . . . . . . . 1009
       Antonella Tripiciano and   
           Carmelina Peluso and   
           Anna Rita Morena and   
           Fioretta Palombi and   
            Mario Stefanini and   
                Elio Ziparo and   
         Masashi Yanagisawa and   
              Antonio Filippini   Cyclic Expression of
                                  Endothelin-converting Enzyme-1 Mediates
                                  the Functional Regulation of
                                  Seminiferous Tubule Contraction  . . . . 1027
               Sumio Terada and   
        Tetsuhiro Tsujimoto and   
               Yosuke Takei and   
         Tomoyuki Takahashi and   
              Nobutaka Hirokawa   Impairment of Inhibitory Synaptic
                                  Transmission in Mice Lacking Synapsin I  1039
               Robert Eferl and   
              Maria Sibilia and   
              Frank Hilberg and   
        Andrea Fuchsbichler and   
             Iris Kufferath and   
             Barbara Guertl and   
                Rainer Zenz and   
            Erwin F. Wagner and   
                 Kurt Zatloukal   Functions of c--Jun in Liver and Heart
                                  Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1049
          F. Frémion and   
                  M. Astier and   
                 S. Zaffran and   
               A. Guill\`en and   
               V. Homburger and   
      M. Sémériva   The Heterotrimeric Protein G$_o$ Is
                                  Required for the Formation of Heart
                                  Epithelium in \bionameDrosophila . . . . 1063
          Patricia J. Keely and   
             Elena V. Rusyn and   
            Adrienne D. Cox and   
               Leslie V. Parise   R-Ras Signals through Specific Integrin
                                  $ \alpha $ Cytoplasmic Domains to
                                  Promote Migration and Invasion of Breast
                                  Epithelial Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077
             Pamela L. Tuma and   
      Catherine M. Finnegan and   
                 Ji-Hyun Yi and   
                 Ann L. Hubbard   Evidence for Apical Endocytosis in
                                  Polarized Hepatic Cells:
                                  Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Inhibitors
                                  Lead to the Lysosomal Accumulation of
                                  Resident Apical Plasma Membrane Proteins 1089
               M. M. French and   
                S. E. Smith and   
                  K. Akanbi and   
                 T. Sanford and   
                   J. Hecht and   
        M. C. Farach-Carson and   
                   D. D. Carson   Expression of the Heparan Sulfate
                                  Proteoglycan, Perlecan, during Mouse
                                  Embryogenesis and Perlecan Chondrogenic
                                  Activity In Vitro  . . . . . . . . . . . 1103

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 145, Number 6, June, 1999

             Jenny A. Croft and   
          Joanna M. Bridger and   
              Shelagh Boyle and   
                 Paul Perry and   
               Peter Teague and   
              Wendy A. Bickmore   Differences in the Localization and
                                  Morphology of Chromosomes in the Human
                                  Nucleus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1119
             Caroline Jolly and   
             Claire Vourc'h and   
       Michel Robert-Nicoud and   
            Richard I. Morimoto   Intron-independent Association of
                                  Splicing Factors with Active Genes . . . 1133
            Naoyuki Kataoka and   
       Jennifer L. Bachorik and   
                Gideon Dreyfuss   Transportin-SR, a Nuclear Import
                                  Receptor for SR Proteins . . . . . . . . 1145
             Jose A. Trilla and   
         Angel Durán and   
                  Cesar Roncero   Chs7p, a New Protein Involved in the
                                  Control of Protein Export from the
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum that Is
                                  Specifically Engaged in the Regulation
                                  of Chitin Synthesis in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 1153
                Chenhui Wen and   
                  Iva Greenwald   p24 Proteins and Quality Control of
                                  LIN-12 and GLP-1 Trafficking in
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans . . . . . 1165
          Sylvia L. Sanders and   
           Martina Gentzsch and   
              Widmar Tanner and   
                 Ira Herskowitz   O-Glycosylation of Axl2/Bud10p by Pmt4p
                                  Is Required for Its Stability,
                                  Localization, and Function in Daughter
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1177
           Radu-Virgil Stan and   
            Lucian Ghitescu and   
          Bruce S. Jacobson and   
               George E. Palade   Isolation, Cloning, and Localization of
                                  Rat PV-1, a Novel Endothelial Caveolar
                                  Protein  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1189
             Harold A. Fisk and   
               Michael P. Yaffe   A Role for Ubiquitination in
                                  Mitochondrial Inheritance in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces cerevisiae . . . . 1199
         Donna J. Osterhout and   
                 Amy Wolven and   
            Rebecca M. Wolf and   
            Marilyn D. Resh and   
                  Moses V. Chao   Morphological Differentiation of
                                  Oligodendrocytes Requires Activation of
                                  Fyn Tyrosine Kinase  . . . . . . . . . . 1209
     Miguel A. Gijón and   
           Diane M. Spencer and   
             Alan L. Kaiser and   
            Christina C. Leslie   Role of Phosphorylation Sites and the C2
                                  Domain in Regulation of Cytosolic
                                  Phospholipase A$_2$  . . . . . . . . . . 1219
             Ayumu Yamamoto and   
             Robert R. West and   
        J. Richard McIntosh and   
                Yasushi Hiraoka   A Cytoplasmic Dynein Heavy Chain Is
                                  Required for Oscillatory Nuclear
                                  Movement of Meiotic Prophase and
                                  Efficient Meiotic Recombination in
                                  Fission Yeast  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1233
            Avital A. Rodal and   
      Jonathan W. Tetreault and   
          Pekka Lappalainen and   
            David G. Drubin and   
                David C. Amberg   Aip1p Interacts with Cofilin to
                                  Disassemble Actin Filaments  . . . . . . 1251
               Pak-ming Lau and   
           Robert S. Zucker and   
                  David Bentley   Induction of Filopodia by Direct Local
                                  Elevation of Intracellular Calcium Ion
                                  Concentration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1265
           Stacy M. Stabler and   
          Lisa L. Ostrowski and   
           Susan M. Janicki and   
             Mervyn J. Monteiro   A Myristoylated Calcium-binding Protein
                                  that Preferentially Interacts with the
                                  Alzheimer's Disease Presenilin 2 Protein 1277
Beata Wójciak-Stothard and   
              Lynn Williams and   
                 Anne J. Ridley   Monocyte Adhesion and Spreading on Human
                                  Endothelial Cells Is Dependent on
                                  Rho-regulated Receptor Clustering  . . . 1293
            Maureen C. Ryan and   
                Keesook Lee and   
             Yuko Miyashita and   
              William G. Carter   Targeted Disruption of the LAMA3 Gene in
                                  Mice Reveals Abnormalities in Survival
                                  and Late Stage Differentiation of
                                  Epithelial Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 1309
         Federica Montanaro and   
         Michael Lindenbaum and   
           Salvatore Carbonetto   $ \alpha $-Dystroglycan Is a Laminin
                                  Receptor Involved in Extracellular
                                  Matrix Assembly on Myotubes and Muscle
                                  Cell Viability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1325

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 145, Number 7, June, 1999

            Tudorita Tumbar and   
                Gail Sudlow and   
              Andrew S. Belmont   Large-Scale Chromatin Unfolding and
                                  Remodeling Induced by VP16 Acidic
                                  Activation Domain  . . . . . . . . . . . 1341
         Angela Krämer and   
         Patric Grüter and   
       Karsten Gröning and   
               Berthold Kastner   Combined Biochemical and Electron
                                  Microscopic Analyses Reveal the
                                  Architecture of the Mammalian U2 snRNP   1355
     Anne-Marie Dechampesme and   
              Olga Koroleva and   
   Isabelle Leger-Silvestre and   
                 Nicole Gas and   
                  Sylvie Camier   Assembly of 5S Ribosomal RNA Is Required
                                  at a Specific Step of the Pre-rRNA
                                  Processing Pathway . . . . . . . . . . . 1369
               Jae-hyun Kim and   
             Jung-seog Kang and   
            Clarence S. M. Chan   Sli15 Associates with the Ipl1 Protein
                                  Kinase to Promote Proper Chromosome
                                  Segregation in \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1381
             Linda M. Woods and   
            Craig A. Hodges and   
               Esther Baart and   
              Sean M. Baker and   
             Michael Liskay and   
               Patricia A. Hunt   Chromosomal Influence on Meiotic Spindle
                                  Assembly: Abnormal Meiosis I in Female
                                  Mlh1 Mutant Mice . . . . . . . . . . . . 1395
          Lucy F. Pemberton and   
      Jonathan S. Rosenblum and   
             Günter Blobel   Nuclear Import of the TATA-binding
                                  Protein: Mediation by the Karyopherin
                                  Kap114p and a Possible Mechanism for
                                  Intranuclear Targeting . . . . . . . . . 1407
Anastasiya D. Blagoveshchenskaya and   
             Eric W. Hewitt and   
               Daniel F. Cutler   A Complex Web of Signal-dependent
                                  Trafficking Underlies the Triorganellar
                                  Distribution of P--Selectin in
                                  Neuroendocrine PC12 Cells  . . . . . . . 1419
        Christian Ungermann and   
Gabriele Fischer von Mollard and   
              Ole N. Jensen and   
            Nathan Margolis and   
             Tom H. Stevens and   
                William Wickner   Three v--SNAREs and Two t--SNAREs,
                                  Present in a Pentameric cis--SNARE
                                  Complex on Isolated Vacuoles, Are
                                  Essential for Homotypic Fusion . . . . . 1435
        Robert Luetterforst and   
                Espen Stang and   
              Natasha Zorzi and   
             Amanda Carozzi and   
                Michael Way and   
               Robert G. Parton   Molecular Characterization of Caveolin
                                  Association with the Golgi Complex:
                                  Identification of a cis-Golgi Targeting
                                  Domain in the Caveolin Molecule  . . . . 1443
                 Maja Oktay and   
            Kishore K. Wary and   
               Michael Dans and   
           Raymond B. Birge and   
           Filippo G. Giancotti   Integrin-mediated Activation of Focal
                                  Adhesion Kinase Is Required for
                                  Signaling to Jun NH$_2$-terminal Kinase
                                  and Progression through the G1 Phase of
                                  the Cell Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1461
             Karen Heyninck and   
              Dirk De Valck and   
          Wim Vanden Berghe and   
          Wim Van Criekinge and   
           Roland Contreras and   
               Walter Fiers and   
               Guy Haegeman and   
                   Rudi Beyaert   The Zinc Finger Protein A20 Inhibits
                                  TNF-induced NF-$ \kappa $B-dependent
                                  Gene Expression by Interfering with an
                                  RIP- or TRAF2-mediated Transactivation
                                  Signal and Directly Binds to a Novel
                                  NF-$ \kappa $B-inhibiting Protein ABIN   1471
          Daniel E. Michele and   
           Faris P. Albayya and   
              Joseph M. Metzger   Thin Filament Protein Dynamics in Fully
                                  Differentiated Adult Cardiac Myocytes:
                                  Toward A Model of Sarcomere Maintenance  1483
         Shigenobu Yonemura and   
            Sachiko Tsukita and   
              Shoichiro Tsukita   Direct Involvement of
                                  Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin (ERM)-binding
                                  Membrane Proteins in the Organization of
                                  Microvilli in Collaboration with
                                  Activated ERM Proteins . . . . . . . . . 1497
          Emmanuelle Astoul and   
              Sandra Watton and   
                Doreen Cantrell   The Dynamics of Protein Kinase B
                                  Regulation during B Cell Antigen
                                  Receptor Engagement  . . . . . . . . . . 1511

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 146, Number 1, July, 1999

                   Alan W. Dove   In Brief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
     Stéphane Brunet and   
Angélica Santa Maria and   
          Philippe Guillaud and   
             Denis Dujardin and   
            Jacek Z. Kubiak and   
                   Bernard Maro   Kinetochore Fibers Are Not Involved in
                                  the Formation of the First Meiotic
                                  Spindle in Mouse Oocytes, but Control
                                  the Exit from the First Meiotic M Phase  1
               Joydeep Basu and   
             Hassan Bousbaa and   
             Elsa Logarinho and   
                  ZeXiao Li and   
          Byron C. Williams and   
                Carla Lopes and   
          Claudio E. Sunkel and   
            Michael L. Goldberg   Mutations in the Essential Spindle
                                  Checkpoint Gene bub1 Cause Chromosome
                                  Missegregation and Fail to Block
                                  Apoptosis in \bionameDrosophila  . . . . 13
           Melissa M. Rolls and   
            Pascal A. Stein and   
          Stephen S. Taylor and   
                  Edward Ha and   
               Frank McKeon and   
                Tom A. Rapoport   A Visual Screen of a Gfp-Fusion Library
                                  Identifies a New Type of Nuclear
                                  Envelope Membrane Protein  . . . . . . . 29
                Hiroki Mori and   
        Elizabeth J. Summer and   
                 Xianyue Ma and   
                  Kenneth Cline   Component Specificity for the
                                  Thylakoidal Sec and Delta Ph-Dependent
                                  Protein Transport Pathways . . . . . . . 45
              James Shorter and   
                  Graham Warren   A Role for the Vesicle Tethering
                                  Protein, P115, in the Post-Mitotic
                                  Stacking of Reassembling Golgi Cisternae
                                  in a Cell-Free System  . . . . . . . . . 57
           Alejandro Claude and   
              Bao-Ping Zhao and   
         Craig E. Kuziemsky and   
               Sophie Dahan and   
            Scott J. Berger and   
              Jian-Ping Yan and   
           Adrian D. Armold and   
           Eric M. Sullivan and   
           Paul Melançon   Gbf1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
                Thomas Vida and   
                Brenda Gerhardt   A Cell-Free Assay Allows Reconstitution
                                  of Vps33p-Dependent Transport to the
                                  Yeast Vacuole/Lysosome . . . . . . . . . 85
            Antonius Koller and   
          William B. Snyder and   
           Klaas Nico Faber and   
          Thibaut J. Wenzel and   
              Linda Rangell and   
          Gilbert A. Keller and   
               Suresh Subramani   Pex22p of \bionamePichia pastoris,
                                  Essential for Peroxisomal Matrix Protein
                                  Import, Anchors the
                                  Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme, Pex4p, on
                                  the Peroxisomal Membrane . . . . . . . . 99
       Luis C. Antón and   
            Ulrich Schubert and   
          Igor Bacík and   
      Michael F. Princiotta and   
          Pamela A. Wearsch and   
                James Gibbs and   
            Patricia M. Day and   
            Claudio Realini and   
      Martin C. Rechsteiner and   
            Jack R. Bennink and   
            Jonathan W. Yewdell   Intracellular Localization of
                                  Proteasomal Degradation of a Viral
                                  Antigen  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
               Kevin Lehman and   
           Guendalina Rossi and   
              Joan E. Adamo and   
              Patrick Brennwald   Yeast Homologues of Tomosyn and lethal
                                  giant larvae Function in Exocytosis and
                                  Are Associated with the Plasma Membrane
                                  Snare, Sec9  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
                 Ofer Cohen and   
                 Boaz Inbal and   
           Joseph L. Kissil and   
                  Tal Raveh and   
              Hanna Berissi and   
      Taly Spivak-Kroizaman and   
            Elena Feinstein and   
                     Adi Kimchi   Dap-Kinase Participates in TNF-$ \alpha
                                  $-And FAS--Induced Apoptosis and Its
                                  Function Requires the Death Domain . . . 141
          Diem H. D. Nguyen and   
          Andrew D. Catling and   
              Donna J. Webb and   
          Mauricio Sankovic and   
             Lori A. Walker and   
            Avril V. Somlyo and   
           Michael J. Weber and   
               Steven L. Gonias   Myosin Light Chain Kinase Functions
                                  Downstream of Ras/ERK to Promote
                                  Migration of Urokinase-Type Plasminogen
                                  Activator-Stimulated Cells in an
                                  Integrin--Selective Manner . . . . . . . 149
            Aaron B. Bowman and   
       Ramila S. Patel-King and   
        Sharon E. Benashski and   
       J. Michael McCaffery and   
   Lawrence S. B. Goldstein and   
                Stephen M. King   Drosophila roadblock and Chlamydomonas
                                  Lc7  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
           Gregory A. Elder and   
        Victor L. Friedrich and   
               Alla Margita and   
            Robert A. Lazzarini   Age-Related Atrophy of Motor Axons in
                                  Mice Deficient in the Mid--Sized
                                  Neurofilament Subunit  . . . . . . . . . 181
              Hiromi Terami and   
       Benjamin D. Williams and   
         Shin-ichi Kitamura and   
              Yasuji Sakube and   
           Shinji Matsumoto and   
                  Shima Doi and   
            Takashi Obinata and   
                 Hiroaki Kagawa   Genomic Organization, Expression, and
                                  Analysis of the Troponin C Gene pat-10
                                  of \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans  . . . 193
            Sergey Rakhilin and   
         Renaldo C. Drisdel and   
              Daphna Sagher and   
          Daniel S. McGehee and   
            Yolanda Vallejo and   
               William N. Green   $ \alpha $-Bungarotoxin Receptors
                                  Contain $ \alpha $7 Subunits in Two
                                  Different Disulfide--Bonded
                                  Conformations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
                Tam Luan Le and   
               Alpha S. Yap and   
               Jennifer L. Stow   Recycling of E--Cadherin . . . . . . . . 219
              Hua-Quan Miao and   
                 Shay Soker and   
             Leonard Feiner and   
    José Luis Alonso and   
          Jonathan A. Raper and   
              Michael Klagsbrun   Neuropilin-1 Mediates
                                  Collapsin-1/Semaphorin III Inhibition of
                                  Endothelial Cell Motility  . . . . . . . 233
           Hidenori Shiraha and   
             Angela Glading and   
                Kiran Gupta and   
                     Alan Wells   Ip-10 Inhibits Epidermal Growth
                                  Factor--Induced Motility by Decreasing
                                  Epidermal Growth Factor
                                  Receptor--Mediated Calpain Activity  . . 243
     Danielle F. Cano-Gauci and   
             Howard H. Song and   
               Huiling Yang and   
             Colin McKerlie and   
               Barbara Choo and   
                    Wen Shi and   
               Rose Pullano and   
           Tino D. Piscione and   
             Silviu Grisaru and   
                 Shawn Soon and   
          Larisa Sedlackova and   
          A. Keith Tanswell and   
                 Tak W. Mak and   
               Herman Yeger and   
           Gina A. Lockwood and   
        Norman D. Rosenblum and   
                   Jorge Filmus   Glypican-$3$--Deficient Mice Exhibit
                                  Developmental Overgrowth and Some of the
                                  Abnormalities Typical of
                                  Simpson--Golabi--Behmel Syndrome . . . . 255

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 146, Number 2, July, 1999

          Laura M. Machesky and   
               Robert H. Insall   Signaling to Actin Dynamics  . . . . . . 267
               Frank Becker and   
          Laura Block-Alper and   
            Gerald Nakamura and   
           Josephine Harada and   
            K. Dane Wittrup and   
                 David I. Meyer   Expression of the 180-kD Ribosome
                                  Receptor Induces Membrane Proliferation
                                  and Increased Secretory Activity in
                                  Yeast  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
                  C. Lavoie and   
                J. Paiement and   
               M. Dominguez and   
                     L. Roy and   
                   S. Dahan and   
               J. N. Gushue and   
              J. J. M. Bergeron   Roles for $ \alpha_2 $ p24 and COPI in
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum Cargo Exit Site
                                  Formation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
               Lior Soussan and   
              Darya Burakov and   
          Mathew P. Daniels and   
       Mira Toister-Achituv and   
                 Amir Porat and   
              Yossef Yarden and   
                  Zvulun Elazar   Erg30, a Vap-33--Related Protein,
                                  Functions in Protein Transport Mediated
                                  by Copi Vesicles . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
     Jürgen H. Benting and   
          Anton G. Rietveld and   
                     Kai Simons   N-Glycans Mediate the Apical Sorting of
                                  a Gpi--Anchored, Raft--Associated
                                  Protein in Madin--Darby Canine Kidney
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
             Doron Rapaport and   
                 Walter Neupert   Biogenesis of Tom40, Core Component of
                                  the Tom Complex of Mitochondria  . . . . 321
            Chavela M. Carr and   
                 Eric Grote and   
                Mary Munson and   
       Frederick M. Hughson and   
                Peter J. Novick   Sec1p Binds to SNARE Complexes and
                                  Concentrates at Sites of Secretion . . . 333
          William G. Mallet and   
          Frederick R. Maxfield   Chimeric Forms of Furin and Tgn38 Are
                                  Transported from the Plasma Membrane to
                                  the Trans-Golgi Network via Distinct
                                  Endosomal Pathways . . . . . . . . . . . 345
          Kazunobu Sawamoto and   
                  Per Winge and   
              Shinya Koyama and   
                Yuki Hirota and   
             Chiharu Yamada and   
              Sachiyo Miyao and   
           Shingo Yoshikawa and   
               Ming-hao Jin and   
              Akira Kikuchi and   
                 Hideyuki Okano   The \bionameDrosophila Ral GTPase
                                  Regulates Developmental Cell Shape
                                  Changes through the Jun NH$_2$-terminal
                                  Kinase Pathway . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
       Jana Drgonová and   
         Tomás Drgon and   
              Dong-Hyun Roh and   
                   Enrico Cabib   The GTP-binding Protein Rho1p Is
                                  Required for Cell Cycle Progression and
                                  Polarization of the Yeast Cell . . . . . 373
                 Jianguo Gu and   
            Masahito Tamura and   
              Roumen Pankov and   
           Erik H. J. Danen and   
            Takahisa Takino and   
            Kazue Matsumoto and   
              Kenneth M. Yamada   Shc and Fak Differentially Regulate Cell
                                  Motility and Directionality Modulated by
                                  Pten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
                 Koichi Ito and   
          Yasushi Miyashita and   
                    Haruo Kasai   Kinetic Control of Multiple Forms of
                                  Ca$^{2+}$ Spikes by Inositol
                                  Trisphosphate in Pancreatic Acinar Cells 405
                Xuemei Zeng and   
            Jason A. Kahana and   
           Pamela A. Silver and   
            Mary K. Morphew and   
        J. Richard McIntosh and   
               Ian T. Fitch and   
                John Carbon and   
            William S. Saunders   Slk19p Is a Centromere Protein That
                                  Functions to Stabilize Mitotic Spindles  415
          Jeffrey R. Miller and   
           Brian A. Rowning and   
        Carolyn A. Larabell and   
       Julia A. Yang-Snyder and   
           Rebecca L. Bates and   
                Randall T. Moon   Establishment of the Dorsal--Ventral
                                  Axis in \bionameXenopus Embryos
                                  Coincides with the Dorsal Enrichment of
                                  Dishevelled That Is Dependent on
                                  Cortical Rotation  . . . . . . . . . . . 427
     Christopher A. Shelton and   
          J. Clayton Carter and   
           Gregory C. Ellis and   
                 Bruce Bowerman   The Nonmuscle Myosin Regulatory Light
                                  Chain Gene mlc-4 Is Required for
                                  Cytokinesis, Anterior--Posterior
                                  Polarity, and Body Morphology during
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans
                                  Embryogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
            Angelika Konzok and   
                 Igor Weber and   
             Evelyn Simmeth and   
              Ulrike Hacker and   
              Markus Maniak and   
Annette Müller-Taubenberger   Daip1, a \bionameDictyostelium Homologue
                                  of the Yeast Actin--Interacting Protein
                                  1, Is Involved in Endocytosis,
                                  Cytokinesis, and Motility  . . . . . . . 453
          Georgine Faulkner and   
        Alberto Pallavicini and   
            Elide Formentin and   
               Anna Comelli and   
           Chiara Ievolella and   
            Silvia Trevisan and   
          Gladis Bortoletto and   
          Paolo Scannapieco and   
            Michela Salamon and   
              Vincent Mouly and   
              Giorgio Valle and   
            Gerolamo Lanfranchi   ZASP: a New Z-band Alternatively Spliced
                                  PDZ-motif Protein  . . . . . . . . . . . 465
        Fedor Berditchevski and   
                Elena Odintsova   Characterization of
                                  Integrin--Tetraspanin Adhesion Complexes 477
    Montserrat Samsó and   
             Ramon Trujillo and   
        Georgina B. Gurrola and   
         Hector H. Valdivia and   
            Terence Wagenknecht   Three-Dimensional Location of the
                                  Imperatoxin a Binding Site on the
                                  Ryanodine Receptor . . . . . . . . . . . 493
              Sylvie Dufour and   
     Alice Beauvais-Jouneau and   
      Annie Delouvée and   
               Jean Paul Thiery   Differential Function of N--Cadherin and
                                  Cadherin-7 in the Control of Embryonic
                                  Cell Motility  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
             Claire Legrand and   
           Christine Gilles and   
            Jean-Marie Zahm and   
             Myriam Polette and   
 Anne-Cécile Buisson and   
        Hervé Kaplan and   
         Philippe Birembaut and   
            Jean-Marie Tournier   Airway Epithelial Cell Migration
                                  Dynamics: MMP-9 Role in
                                  Cell--Extracellular Matrix Remodeling    517

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 146, Number 3, August, 1999

                    Hong Ma and   
             Alan J. Siegel and   
                Ronald Berezney   Association of Chromosome Territories
                                  with the Nuclear Matrix  . . . . . . . . 531
               Xiangyun Wei and   
    Suryanarayan Somanathan and   
         Jagath Samarabandu and   
                Ronald Berezney   Three-Dimensional Visualization of
                                  Transcription Sites and Their
                                  Association with Splicing Factor--Rich
                                  Nuclear Speckles . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
              Nayef Jarrous and   
         Joseph S. Wolenski and   
           Donna Wesolowski and   
            Christopher Lee and   
                  Sidney Altman   Localization in the Nucleolus and Coiled
                                  Bodies of Protein Subunits of the
                                  Ribonucleoprotein Ribonuclease P . . . . 559
         Christina Karlsson and   
           Stephanie Katich and   
               Anja Hagting and   
            Ingrid Hoffmann and   
                 Jonathon Pines   Cdc25b and Cdc25c Differ Markedly in
                                  Their Properties as Initiators of
                                  Mitosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
           Alexey Khodjakov and   
                Conly L. Rieder   The Sudden Recruitment of $ \gamma
                                  $-Tubulin to the Centrosome at the Onset
                                  of Mitosis and Its Dynamic Exchange
                                  Throughout the Cell Cycle, Do Not
                                  Require Microtubules . . . . . . . . . . 585
           John T. Robinson and   
           Edward J. Wojcik and   
            Mark A. Sanders and   
              Maura McGrail and   
                 Thomas S. Hays   Cytoplasmic Dynein Is Required for the
                                  Nuclear Attachment and Migration of
                                  Centrosomes during Mitosis in
                                  \bionameDrosophila . . . . . . . . . . . 597
          Jonathan S. Bogan and   
               Harvey F. Lodish   Two Compartments for Insulin--Stimulated
                                  Exocytosis in 3t3-L1 Adipocytes Defined
                                  by Endogenous Acrp30 and Glut4 . . . . . 609
        Bernhard E. Flucher and   
              Antonio Conti and   
          Hiroshi Takeshima and   
            Vincenzo Sorrentino   Type 3 and Type 1 Ryanodine Receptors
                                  Are Localized in Triads of the Same
                                  Mammalian Skeletal Muscle Fibers . . . . 621
          Wolfgang A. Linke and   
              Diane E. Rudy and   
             Thomas Centner and   
             Mathias Gautel and   
             Christian Witt and   
           Siegfried Labeit and   
              Carol C. Gregorio   I-Band Titin in Cardiac Muscle Is a
                                  Three--Element Molecular Spring and Is
                                  Critical for Maintaining Thin Filament
                                  Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
              Pedro J. I. Salas   Insoluble $ \gamma
                                  $--Tubulin--Containing Structures Are
                                  Anchored to the Apical Network of
                                  Intermediate Filaments in Polarized
                                  Caco-2 Epithelial Cells  . . . . . . . . 645
      Michelle Coutu Hresko and   
      Lawrence A. Schriefer and   
          Paresh Shrimankar and   
            Robert H. Waterston   Myotactin, a Novel Hypodermal Protein
                                  Involved in Muscle--Cell Adhesion in
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans . . . . . 659
          Jennifer M. Green and   
       Alexander Zheleznyak and   
                  Jun Chung and   
       Frederik P. Lindberg and   
             Marika Sarfati and   
         William A. Frazier and   
                  Eric J. Brown   Role of Cholesterol in Formation and
                                  Function of a Signaling Complex
                                  Involving $ \alpha $ v$ \beta $3,
                                  Integrin--Associated Protein (Cd47), and
                                  Heterotrimeric G Proteins  . . . . . . . 673
             Laura L. Mitic and   
    Eveline E. Schneeberger and   
            Alan S. Fanning and   
          James Melvin Anderson   Connexin-Occludin Chimeras Containing
                                  the Zo--Binding Domain of Occludin
                                  Localize at Mdck Tight Junctions and Nrk
                                  Cell Contacts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 146, Number 4, August, 1999

               Graham Carpenter   Employment of the Epidermal Growth
                                  Factor Receptor in Growth
                                  Factor--Independent Signaling Pathways   697
             Jason C. Mills and   
            Nicole L. Stone and   
             Randall N. Pittman   Extranuclear Apoptosis . . . . . . . . . 703
       Daniela S. Dimitrova and   
            Ivan T. Todorov and   
             Thomas Melendy and   
               David M. Gilbert   Mcm2, but Not Rpa, Is a Component of the
                                  Mammalian Early G1-Phase Prereplication
                                  Complex  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
              Gerald Bacher and   
                Martin Pool and   
           Bernhard Dobberstein   The Ribosome Regulates the Gtpase of the
                                  $ \beta $-Subunit of the Signal
                                  Recognition Particle Receptor  . . . . . 723
              Karen Purcell and   
      Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas   The Developmental Role of warthog, the
                                  Notch Modifier Encoding Drab6  . . . . . 731
            Roger Schneiter and   
        Britta Brügger and   
             Roger Sandhoff and   
       Günther Zellnig and   
               Andrea Leber and   
              Manfred Lampl and   
          Karin Athenstaedt and   
           Claudia Hrastnik and   
                Sandra Eder and   
          Günther Daum and   
              Fritz Paltauf and   
           Felix T. Wieland and   
               Sepp D. Kohlwein   Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass
                                  Spectrometry (Esi--Ms/Ms) Analysis of
                                  the Lipid Molecular Species Composition
                                  of Yeast Subcellular Membranes Reveals
                                  Acyl Chain--Based Sorting/Remodeling of
                                  Distinct Molecular Species En Route to
                                  the Plasma Membrane  . . . . . . . . . . 741
           Ibragim Gaidarov and   
                  James H. Keen   Phosphoinositide--Ap-2 Interactions
                                  Required for Targeting to Plasma
                                  Membrane Clathrin-Coated Pits  . . . . . 755
              Raj J. Advani and   
                   Bin Yang and   
             Rytis Prekeris and   
               Kelly C. Lee and   
          Judith Klumperman and   
            Richard H. Scheller   Vamp-7 Mediates Vesicular Transport from
                                  Endosomes to Lysosomes . . . . . . . . . 765
          Cynthia A. Sparks and   
               Mary Morphew and   
                Dannel McCollum   Sid2p, a Spindle Pole Body Kinase That
                                  Regulates the Onset of Cytokinesis . . . 777
               Shuji Kotani and   
            Hirofumi Tanaka and   
              Hideyo Yasuda and   
                 Kazuo Todokoro   Regulation of APC Activity by
                                  Phosphorylation and Regulatory Factors   791
           Steven H. Myster and   
             Julie A. Knott and   
         Katrina M. Wysocki and   
             Eileen O'Toole and   
                 Mary E. Porter   Domains in the 1$ \alpha $ Dynein Heavy
                                  Chain Required for Inner Arm Assembly
                                  and Flagellar Motility in Chlamydomonas  801
            Evelyne Ferrary and   
     Michel Cohen-Tannoudji and   
Gérard Pehau-Arnaudet and   
       Alexandre Lapillonne and   
              Rafika Athman and   
                Tereza Ruiz and   
             Lilia Boulouha and   
           Fatima El Marjou and   
                  Anne Doye and   
      Jean-Jacques Fontaine and   
              Claude Antony and   
            Charles Babinet and   
             Daniel Louvard and   
Frédéric Jaisser and   
                  Sylvie Robine   In Vivo, Villin Is Required for
                                  Ca$^{2+}$ -Dependent F--Actin Disruption
                                  in Intestinal Brush Borders  . . . . . . 819
               Ivan Correia and   
                 Donald Chu and   
              Ying-Hao Chou and   
          Robert D. Goldman and   
                Paul Matsudaira   Integrating the Actin and Vimentin
                                  Cytoskeletons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831
        Snezhana Oliferenko and   
                Karin Paiha and   
              Thomas Harder and   
               Volker Gerke and   
  Christoph Schwärzler and   
              Heinz Schwarz and   
               Hartmut Beug and   
       Ursula Günthert and   
                 Lukas A. Huber   Analysis of Cd44-Containing Lipid Rafts  843
               Keith Orford and   
         Caroline C. Orford and   
               Stephen W. Byers   Exogenous Expression of $ \beta
                                  $-Catenin Regulates Contact Inhibition,
                                  Anchorage--Independent Growth, Anoikis,
                                  and Radiation--Induced Cell Cycle Arrest 855
              Helen Gillham and   
   Matthew C. H. M. Golding and   
           Rainer Pepperkok and   
             William J. Gullick   Intracellular Movement of Green
                                  Fluorescent Protein--Tagged
                                  Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase in
                                  Response to Growth Factor Receptor
                                  Signaling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
            David C. Martin and   
            John L. Fowlkes and   
               Bojana Babic and   
                    Rama Khokha   Insulin-like Growth Factor II Signaling
                                  in Neoplastic Proliferation Is Blocked
                                  by Transgenic Expression of the
                                  Metalloproteinase Inhibitor Timp-1 . . . 881
             Isao Tachibana and   
               Martin E. Hemler   Role of Transmembrane 4 Superfamily
                                  (Tm4sf) Proteins Cd9 and Cd81 in Muscle
                                  Cell Fusion and Myotube Maintenance  . . 893

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 146, Number 5, September, 1999

            Emmy P. Rogakou and   
                  Chye Boon and   
           Christophe Redon and   
              William M. Bonner   Megabase Chromatin Domains Involved in
                                  DNA Double--Strand Breaks in Vivo  . . . 905
      Valerie A. Kickhoefer and   
              Amara C. Siva and   
          Nancy L. Kedersha and   
         Elisabeth M. Inman and   
            Cristina Ruland and   
             Michel Streuli and   
                Leonard H. Rome   The 193-Kd Vault Protein, Vparp, Is a
                                  Novel Poly(Adp--Ribose) Polymerase . . . 917
            Jean Schneikert and   
        Susanne Hübner and   
                Elke Martin and   
              Andrew C. B. Cato   A Nuclear Action of the Eukaryotic
                                  Cochaperone Rap46 in Downregulation of
                                  Glucocorticoid Receptor Activity . . . . 929
              G. K. T. Chan and   
            S. A. Jablonski and   
                 V. Sudakin and   
               J. C. Hittle and   
                      T. J. Yen   Human Bubr1 Is a Mitotic Checkpoint
                                  Kinase That Monitors Cenp-E Functions at
                                  Kinetochores and Binds the Cyclosome/APC 941
             A. R. Vaillant and   
                 I. Mazzoni and   
                   C. Tudan and   
                M. Boudreau and   
               D. R. Kaplan and   
                   F. D. Miller   Depolarization and Neurotrophins
                                  Converge on the Phosphatidylinositol
                                  3--Kinase--Akt Pathway to
                                  Synergistically Regulate Neuronal
                                  Survival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955
        Jesús Espada and   
  Mirna Pérez-Moreno and   
          Vania M. M. Braga and   
    Pablo Rodriguez-Viciana and   
                    Amparo Cano   H-Ras Activation Promotes Cytoplasmic
                                  Accumulation and Phosphoinositide 3-Oh
                                  Kinase Association of $ \beta $-Catenin
                                  in Epidermal Keratinocytes . . . . . . . 967
         Charles B. Shuster and   
               David R. Burgess   Parameters That Specify the Timing of
                                  Cytokinesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981
             Lesley J. Page and   
        Penelope J. Sowerby and   
           Winnie W. Y. Lui and   
           Margaret S. Robinson   $ \gamma $-Synergin  . . . . . . . . . . 993
            C. Fiona Cullen and   
          Peter Deák and   
            David M. Glover and   
                Hiroyuki Ohkura   mini spindles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005
       Chandra L. Theesfeld and   
         Javier E. Irazoqui and   
                Kerry Bloom and   
                  Daniel J. Lew   The Role of Actin in Spindle Orientation
                                  Changes during the \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae Cell Cycle  . . . . . . . . . 1019
             Irina Kaverina and   
           Olga Krylyshkina and   
                J. Victor Small   Microtubule Targeting of Substrate
                                  Contacts Promotes Their Relaxation and
                                  Dissociation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1033
                 P. C. Bridgman   Myosin VA Movements in Normal and
                                  Dilute--Lethal Axons Provide Support for
                                  a Dual Filament Motor Complex  . . . . . 1045
                Min-gang Li and   
              Madeline Serr and   
              Kevin Edwards and   
              Susan Ludmann and   
           Daisuke Yamamoto and   
            Lewis G. Tilney and   
         Christine M. Field and   
                 Thomas S. Hays   Filamin Is Required for Ring Canal
                                  Assembly and Actin Organization during
                                  \bionameDrosophila Oogenesis . . . . . . 1061
        Daniela C. Zarnescu and   
               Graham H. Thomas   Apical Spectrin Is Essential for
                                  Epithelial Morphogenesis but Not
                                  Apicobasal Polarity in
                                  \bionameDrosophila . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
         Joseph E. Italiano and   
             Murray Stewart and   
              Thomas M. Roberts   Localized Depolymerization of the Major
                                  Sperm Protein Cytoskeleton Correlates
                                  with the Forward Movement of the Cell
                                  Body in the Amoeboid Movement of
                                  Nematode Sperm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087
          Aneil Mallavarapu and   
                  Tim Mitchison   Regulated Actin Cytoskeleton Assembly at
                                  Filopodium Tips Controls Their Extension
                                  and Retraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1097
           David A. Cheresh and   
                   Jie Leng and   
              Richard L. Klemke   Regulation of Cell Contraction and
                                  Membrane Ruffling by Distinct Signals in
                                  Migratory Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107
               Wataru Ikeda and   
         Hiroyuki Nakanishi and   
                Jun Miyoshi and   
               Kenji Mandai and   
         Hiroyoshi Ishizaki and   
                Miki Tanaka and   
              Atushi Togawa and   
          Kenichi Takahashi and   
             Hideo Nishioka and   
           Hisahiro Yoshida and   
            Akira Mizoguchi and   
        Shin-ichi Nishikawa and   
                  Yoshimi Takai   Afadin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1117
               Heather Zhou and   
             David J. Glass and   
      George D. Yancopoulos and   
                Joshua R. Sanes   Distinct Domains of Musk Mediate Its
                                  Abilities to Induce and to Associate
                                  with Postsynaptic Specializations  . . . 1133
           Isaac Rabinovitz and   
                 Alex Toker and   
             Arthur M. Mercurio   Protein Kinase C--Dependent Mobilization
                                  of the $ \alpha $6$ \beta $4 Integrin
                                  from Hemidesmosomes and Its Association
                                  with Actin--Rich Cell Protrusions Drive
                                  the Chemotactic Migration of Carcinoma
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1147
                     Li Sun and   
      Olugbenga A. Adebanjo and   
           Baljit S. Moonga and   
           Susanne Corisdeo and   
Hindupur K. Anandatheerthavarada and   
                Gopa Biswas and   
            Toshiya Arakawa and   
           Yoshiyuki Hakeda and   
              Antoliy Koval and   
                 Bali Sodam and   
          Peter J. R. Bevis and   
             A. James Moser and   
             F. Anthony Lai and   
            Solomon Epstein and   
             Bruce R. Troen and   
         Masayoshi Kumegawa and   
                     Mone Zaidi   Cd38\slash Adp-Ribosyl Cyclase . . . . . 1161
                C. A. Haney and   
                  Z. Sahenk and   
                      C. Li and   
               V. P. Lemmon and   
                   J. Roder and   
                    B. D. Trapp   Heterophilic Binding of L1 on
                                  Unmyelinated Sensory Axons Mediates
                                  Schwann Cell Adhesion and Is Required
                                  for Axonal Survival  . . . . . . . . . . 1173
        Rudolph D. Paladini and   
             Pierre A. Coulombe   The Functional Diversity of Epidermal
                                  Keratins Revealed by the Partial Rescue
                                  of the Keratin 14 Null Phenotype by
                                  Keratin 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 146, Number 6, September, 1999

            Jason A. Kahana and   
               Don W. Cleveland   Beyond Nuclear Transport . . . . . . . . 1205
             Nicolas Sadoni and   
              Sabine Langer and   
            Christine Fauth and   
           Giorgio Bernardi and   
              Thomas Cremer and   
            Bryan M. Turner and   
                   Daniele Zink   Nuclear Organization of Mammalian
                                  Genomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1211
                Thomas Beck and   
               Anja Schmidt and   
                Michael N. Hall   Starvation Induces Vacuolar Targeting
                                  and Degradation of the Tryptophan
                                  Permease in Yeast  . . . . . . . . . . . 1227
  Rafael García-Mata and   
          Zsuzsa Bebök and   
           Eric J. Sorscher and   
             Elizabeth S. Sztul   Characterization and Dynamics of
                                  Aggresome Formation by a Cytosolic
                                  Gfp--Chimera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1239
       Maria Elena Bottazzi and   
                Xiaoyun Zhu and   
       Ralph M. Böhmer and   
             Richard K. Assoian   Regulation of P21$^{\rm cip1}$
                                  Expression by Growth Factors and the
                                  Extracellular Matrix Reveals a Role for
                                  Transient ERK Activity in G1 Phase . . . 1255
          Stephen L. Rogers and   
            Ryan L. Karcher and   
           Joseph T. Roland and   
         Alexander A. Minin and   
             Walter Steffen and   
            Vladimir I. Gelfand   Regulation of Melanosome Movement in the
                                  Cell Cycle by Reversible Association
                                  with Myosin V  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1265
               Amena Rahman and   
               Adeela Kamal and   
       Elizabeth A. Roberts and   
       Lawrence S. B. Goldstein   Defective Kinesin Heavy Chain Behavior
                                  in Mouse Kinesin Light Chain Mutants . . 1277
             Niklas Larsson and   
                Bo Segerman and   
              Bonnie Howell and   
              Kajsa Fridell and   
           Lynne Cassimeris and   
                Martin Gullberg   Op18\slash Stathmin Mediates Multiple
                                  Region--Specific Tubulin and
                                  Microtubule--Regulating Activities . . . 1289
        Brooke M. McCartney and   
          Herman A. Dierick and   
      Catherine Kirkpatrick and   
          Melissa M. Moline and   
               Annette Baas and   
                Mark Peifer and   
                   Amy Bejsovec   Drosophila Apc2 Is a
                                  Cytoskeletally--Associated Protein That
                                  Regulates Wingless Signaling in the
                                  Embryonic Epidermis  . . . . . . . . . . 1303
             Coumaran Egile and   
           Thomas P. Loisel and   
     Valérie Laurent and   
                    Rong Li and   
        Dominique Pantaloni and   
     Philippe J. Sansonetti and   
           Marie-France Carlier   Activation of the Cdc42 Effector N-Wasp
                                  by the \bionameShigella flexneri Icsa
                                  Protein Promotes Actin Nucleation by
                                  Arp2/3 Complex and Bacterial Actin-Based
                                  Motility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1319
        Jennifer R. Robbins and   
            Angela I. Barth and   
    Hél\`ene Marquis and   
       Eugenio L. de Hostos and   
            W. James Nelson and   
               Julie A. Theriot   \bionameListeria monocytogenes Exploits
                                  Normal Host Cell Processes to Spread
                                  from Cell to Cell  . . . . . . . . . . . 1333
                  Yihong Ye and   
                Mark E. Fortini   Apoptotic Activities of Wild-Type and
                                  Alzheimer's Disease-Related Mutant
                                  Presenilins in \bionameDrosophila
                                  melanogaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1351
                    H. Ueda and   
               J. M. Levine and   
               R. H. Miller and   
                    B. D. Trapp   Rat Optic Nerve Oligodendrocytes Develop
                                  in the Absence of Viable Retinal
                                  Ganglion Cell Axons  . . . . . . . . . . 1365
           Tsuyoshi Sugiura and   
            Fedor Berditchevski   Function of $ \alpha $3$ \beta
                                  $1--Tetraspanin Protein Complexes in
                                  Tumor Cell Invasion. Evidence for the
                                  Role of the Complexes in Production of
                                  Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 (Mmp-2) . . . 1375

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 147, Number 1, October, 1999

        Jane C. Stinchcombe and   
           Gillian M. Griffiths   Regulated Secretion from Hemopoietic
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
              Y. Altschuler and   
                  S.-H. Liu and   
                    L. Katz and   
                    K. Tang and   
                   S. Hardy and   
                 F. Brodsky and   
                 G. Apodaca and   
                      K. Mostov   Adp-Ribosylation Factor 6 and
                                  Endocytosis at the Apical Surface of
                                  Madin--Darby Canine Kidney Cells . . . . 7
      Pernette J. Verschure and   
        Ineke van der Kraan and   
         Erik M. M. Manders and   
                 Roel van Driel   Spatial Relationship between
                                  Transcription Sites and Chromosome
                                  Territories  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
        M. Cristina Cardoso and   
             Heinrich Leonhardt   DNA Methyltransferase Is Actively
                                  Retained in the Cytoplasm during Early
                                  Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
             Stefan Richter and   
                Gayle K. Lamppa   Stromal Processing Peptidase Binds
                                  Transit Peptides and Initiates Their
                                  ATP-Dependent Turnover in Chloroplasts   33
          Caroline E. Shamu and   
             Craig M. Story and   
            Tom A. Rapoport and   
                Hidde L. Ploegh   The Pathway of Us11-Dependent
                                  Degradation of Mhc Class I Heavy Chains
                                  Involves a Ubiquitin--Conjugated
                                  Intermediate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
                H. L. Zhang and   
               R. H. Singer and   
                  G. J. Bassell   Neurotrophin Regulation of $ \beta
                                  $-Actin mRNA and Protein Localization
                                  within Growth Cones  . . . . . . . . . . 59
                Hongran Fan and   
                Paul A. Khavari   Sonic Hedgehog Opposes Epithelial Cell
                                  Cycle Arrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
             Frank E. Jones and   
               Thomas Welte and   
                Xin-Yuan Fu and   
                 David F. Stern   Erbb4 Signaling in the Mammary Gland Is
                                  Required for Lobuloalveolar Development
                                  and Stat5 Activation during Lactation    77
     Julio A. Aguirre Ghiso and   
         Katherine Kovalski and   
               Liliana Ossowski   Tumor Dormancy Induced by Downregulation
                                  of Urokinase Receptor in Human Carcinoma
                                  Involves Integrin and MAPK Signaling . . 89
           Hidemitsu Harada and   
        Päivi Kettunen and   
              Han-Sung Jung and   
             Tuija Mustonen and   
               Y. Alan Wang and   
                  Irma Thesleff   Localization of Putative Stem Cells in
                                  Dental Epithelium and Their Association
                                  with Notch and Fgf Signaling . . . . . . 105
                 I. Imafuku and   
                  T. Masaki and   
                 M. Waragai and   
                S. Takeuchi and   
                M. Kawabata and   
                S.-i. Hirai and   
                    S. Ohno and   
                  L. E. Nee and   
                C. F. Lippa and   
                I. Kanazawa and   
                 M. Imagawa and   
                     H. Okazawa   Presenilin 1 Suppresses the Function of
                                  C-Jun Homodimers via Interaction with
                                  Qm/Jif-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
         Pierre Gönczy and   
              Silke Pichler and   
            Matthew Kirkham and   
               Anthony A. Hyman   Cytoplasmic Dynein Is Required for
                                  Distinct Aspects of Mtoc Positioning,
                                  Including Centrosome Separation, in the
                                  One Cell Stage \bionameCaenorhabditis
                                  elegans Embryo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
                Xiaolu Wang and   
             Mark Kibschull and   
            Michael M. Laue and   
               Beate Lichte and   
  Elisabeth Petrasch-Parwez and   
            Manfred W. Kilimann   Aczonin, a 550-Kd Putative Scaffolding
                                  Protein of Presynaptic Active Zones,
                                  Shares Homology Regions with Rim and
                                  Bassoon and Binds Profilin . . . . . . . 151
        Pierre-Alain Delley and   
                Michael N. Hall   Cell Wall Stress Depolarizes Cell Growth
                                  via Hyperactivation of Rho1  . . . . . . 163
            Laurence Abrami and   
          F. Gisou van der Goot   Plasma Membrane Microdomains Act as
                                  Concentration Platforms to Facilitate
                                  Intoxication by Aerolysin  . . . . . . . 175
            Kazumasa Morita and   
            Hiroyuki Sasaki and   
               Mikio Furuse and   
              Shoichiro Tsukita   Endothelial Claudin  . . . . . . . . . . 185
            Noriyuki Sonoda and   
               Mikio Furuse and   
            Hiroyuki Sasaki and   
         Shigenobu Yonemura and   
               Jun Katahira and   
         Yasuhiko Horiguchi and   
              Shoichiro Tsukita   Clostridium perfringens Enterotoxin
                                  Fragment Removes Specific Claudins from
                                  Tight Junction Strands . . . . . . . . . 195

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 147, Number 2, October, 1999

         Madalena Tarsounas and   
             Takashi Morita and   
         Ronald E. Pearlman and   
                 Peter B. Moens   Rad51 and Dmc1 Form Mixed Complexes
                                  Associated with Mouse Meiotic Chromosome
                                  Cores and Synaptonemal Complexes . . . . 207
         Alexander M. Ishov and   
         Alexey G. Sotnikov and   
             Dmitri Negorev and   
        Olga V. Vladimirova and   
                 Norma Neff and   
             Tetsu Kamitani and   
           Edward T. H. Yeh and   
          Jerome F. Strauss and   
                   Gerd G. Maul   Pml Is Critical for Nd10 Formation and
                                  Recruits the Pml--Interacting Protein
                                  Daxx to This Nuclear Structure When
                                  Modified by Sumo-1 . . . . . . . . . . . 221
             Anton A. Titov and   
             Günter Blobel   The Karyopherin Kap122p/Pdr6p Imports
                                  Both Subunits of the Transcription
                                  Factor IIA into the Nucleus  . . . . . . 235
               Sunjong Kwon and   
            Elisa Barbarese and   
                 John H. Carson   The Cis--Acting RNA Trafficking Signal
                                  from Myelin Basic Protein mRNA and Its
                                  Cognate Trans--Acting Ligand Hnrnp A2
                                  Enhance CaP--Dependent Translation . . . 247
                 Veit Goder and   
            Christoph Bieri and   
                  Martin Spiess   Glycosylation Can Influence Topogenesis
                                  of Membrane Proteins and Reveals Dynamic
                                  Reorientation of Nascent Polypeptides
                                  within the Translocon  . . . . . . . . . 257
            Macie B. Walker and   
               Laura M. Roy and   
               Eric Coleman and   
             Rodger Voelker and   
                   Alice Barkan   The Maize tha4 Gene Functions in
                                  Sec--Independent Protein Transport in
                                  Chloroplasts and Is Related to hcf106,
                                  tatA, and tatB . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
             Wim G. Annaert and   
              Lyne Levesque and   
       Kathleen Craessaerts and   
              Inge Dierinck and   
            Greet Snellings and   
             David Westaway and   
    Peter St. George-Hyslop and   
            Barbara Cordell and   
                Paul Fraser and   
               Bart De Strooper   Presenilin 1 Controls $ \gamma
                                  $-Secretase Processing of Amyloid
                                  Precursor Protein in Pre-Golgi
                                  Compartments of Hippocampal Neurons  . . 277
             Nobuaki Furuno and   
           Nicole den Elzen and   
                 Jonathon Pines   Human Cyclin a Is Required for Mitosis
                                  until Mid Prophase . . . . . . . . . . . 295
             D. Mark Eckley and   
             Steven R. Gill and   
         Karin A. Melkonian and   
           James B. Bingham and   
           Holly V. Goodson and   
             John E. Heuser and   
               Trina A. Schroer   Analysis of Dynactin Subcomplexes
                                  Reveals a Novel Actin--Related Protein
                                  Associated with the Arp1 Minifilament
                                  Pointed End  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
             N. J. Quintyne and   
                 S. R. Gill and   
               D. M. Eckley and   
                C. L. Crego and   
              D. A. Compton and   
                  T. A. Schroer   Dynactin Is Required for Microtubule
                                  Anchoring at Centrosomes . . . . . . . . 321
        Frank R. Cottingham and   
              Larisa Gheber and   
             Dana L. Miller and   
                 M. Andrew Hoyt   Novel Roles for \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae Mitotic Spindle Motors  . . . 335
             Vicki Mountain and   
             Calvin Simerly and   
              Louisa Howard and   
                 Asako Ando and   
            Gerald Schatten and   
               Duane A. Compton   The Kinesin--Related Protein, Hset,
                                  Opposes the Activity of Eg5 and
                                  Cross--Links Microtubules in the
                                  Mammalian Mitotic Spindle  . . . . . . . 351
          Richard W. Nelson and   
              Barry M. Gumbiner   A Cell--Free Assay System for $ \beta
                                  $-Catenin Signaling That Recapitulates
                                  Direct Inductive Events in the Early
                                  \bionameXenopus laevis Embryo  . . . . . 367
          Matthias M. Ledig and   
                  Fawaz Haj and   
              John L. Bixby and   
           Andrew W. Stoker and   
            Bernhard K. Mueller   The Receptor Tyrosine Phosphatase Cryp$
                                  \alpha $ Promotes Intraretinal Axon
                                  Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
              Xue-Qing Wang and   
       Frederik P. Lindberg and   
             William A. Frazier   Integrin-Associated Protein Stimulates $
                                  \alpha $2$ \beta $1-Dependent Chemotaxis
                                  via GI--Mediated Inhibition of Adenylate
                                  Cyclase and Extracellular--Regulated
                                  Kinases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
             Johanna Ivaska and   
            Hilkka Reunanen and   
          Jukka Westermarck and   
             Leeni Koivisto and   
Veli-Matti Kähäri and   
                    Jyrki Heino   Integrin $ \alpha $2$ \beta $1 Mediates
                                  Isoform--Specific Activation of p38 and
                                  Upregulation of Collagen Gene
                                  Transcription by a Mechanism Involving
                                  the $ \alpha $2 Cytoplasmic Tail . . . . 401
                Dirk Geerts and   
              Lionel Fontao and   
          Mirjam G. Nievers and   
      Roel Q. J. Schaapveld and   
         Patricia E. Purkis and   
           Grant N. Wheeler and   
           E. Birgitte Lane and   
             Irene M. Leigh and   
              Arnoud Sonnenberg   Binding of Integrin $ \alpha $6$ \beta
                                  $4 to Plectin Prevents Plectin
                                  Association with F--Actin but Does Not
                                  Interfere with Intermediate Filament
                                  Binding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
         Takayoshi Kirisako and   
                Misuzu Baba and   
           Naotada Ishihara and   
           Kouichi Miyazawa and   
              Mariko Ohsumi and   
          Tamotsu Yoshimori and   
               Takeshi Noda and   
               Yoshinori Ohsumi   Formation Process of Autophagosome Is
                                  Traced with Apg8/Aut7p in Yeast  . . . . 435
             Peter W. Janes and   
              Steven C. Ley and   
               Anthony I. Magee   Aggregation of Lipid Rafts Accompanies
                                  Signaling via the T Cell Antigen
                                  Receptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 147, Number 3, November, 1999

                Douglas G. Cole   Kinesin-Ii, Coming and Going . . . . . . 463
              Minoru Fukuda and   
          Nobuyoshi Hiraoka and   
                Jiunn-Chern Yeh   C-Type Lectins and Sialyl Lewis X
                                  Oligosaccharides . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
            Landon L. Moore and   
              Mike Morrison and   
                   Mark B. Roth   Hcp-1, a Protein Involved in Chromosome
                                  Segregation, Is Localized to the
                                  Centromere of Mitotic Chromosomes in
                                  \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans . . . . . 471
              Aruna Purohit and   
            Sharon H. Tynan and   
             Richard Vallee and   
              Stephen J. Doxsey   Direct Interaction of Pericentrin with
                                  Cytoplasmic Dynein Light Intermediate
                                  Chain Contributes to Mitotic Spindle
                                  Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
               Nira Pollock and   
       Eugenio L. de Hostos and   
         Christoph W. Turck and   
                 Ronald D. Vale   Reconstitution of Membrane Transport
                                  Powered by a Novel Dimeric Kinesin Motor
                                  of the Unc104/Kif1a Family Purified from
                                  \bionameDictyostelium  . . . . . . . . . 493
               Krishanu Ray and   
            Sharon E. Perez and   
              Zhaohuai Yang and   
                   Jenny Xu and   
         Bruce W. Ritchings and   
            Hermann Steller and   
       Lawrence S. B. Goldstein   Kinesin-II Is Required for Axonal
                                  Transport of Choline Acetyltransferase
                                  in \bionameDrosophila  . . . . . . . . . 507
                Dawn Signor and   
           Karen P. Wedaman and   
             Jose T. Orozco and   
            Noelle D. Dwyer and   
       Cornelia I. Bargmann and   
            Lesilee S. Rose and   
            Jonathan M. Scholey   Role of a Class Dhc1b Dynein in
                                  Retrograde Transport of Ift Motors and
                                  Ift Raft Particles along Cilia, but Not
                                  Dendrites, in Chemosensory Neurons of
                                  Living \bionameCaenorhabditis elegans    519
       Jean-Martin Beaulieu and   
           Minh Dang Nguyen and   
             Jean-Pierre Julien   Late Onset Death of Motor Neurons in
                                  Mice Overexpressing Wild--Type
                                  Peripherin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
                Ana Olivera and   
            Takafumi Kohama and   
                Lisa Edsall and   
                Victor Nava and   
          Olivier Cuvillier and   
           Samantha Poulton and   
                  Sarah Spiegel   Sphingosine Kinase Expression Increases
                                  Intracellular Sphingosine-1-Phosphate
                                  and Promotes Cell Growth and Survival    545
             Chang Y. Chung and   
              Richard A. Firtel   Paka, a Putative Pak Family Member, Is
                                  Required for Cytokinesis and the
                                  Regulation of the Cytoskeleton in
                                  \bionameDictyostelium discoideum Cells
                                  during Chemotaxis  . . . . . . . . . . . 559
            Ellen F. Foxman and   
             Eric J. Kunkel and   
              Eugene C. Butcher   Integrating Conflicting Chemotactic
                                  Signals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
            R. Bryan Sutton and   
             James A. Ernst and   
                Axel T. Brunger   Crystal Structure of the Cytosolic
                                  C2a--C2b Domains of Synaptotagmin III    589
      Clotilde Théry and   
           Armelle Regnault and   
  Jérôme Garin and   
             Joseph Wolfers and   
          Laurence Zitvogel and   
 Paola Ricciardi-Castagnoli and   
        Graça Raposo and   
            Sebastian Amigorena   Molecular Characterization of Dendritic
                                  Cell--Derived Exosomes . . . . . . . . . 599
            Mark W. Renshaw and   
               Leo S. Price and   
      Martin Alexander Schwartz   Focal Adhesion Kinase Mediates the
                                  Integrin Signaling Requirement for
                                  Growth Factor Activation of Map Kinase   611
          Neil O. Carragher and   
                Bodo Levkau and   
               Russell Ross and   
               Elaine W. Raines   Degraded Collagen Fragments Promote
                                  Rapid Disassembly of Smooth Muscle Focal
                                  Adhesions That Correlates with Cleavage
                                  of Pp125$^{\rm FAK}$, Paxillin, and
                                  Talin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
           Marvin T. Nieman and   
            Ryan S. Prudoff and   
           Keith R. Johnson and   
           Margaret J. Wheelock   N-Cadherin Promotes Motility in Human
                                  Breast Cancer Cells Regardless of Their
                                  E--Cadherin Expression . . . . . . . . . 631
             Derek J. Blake and   
             Richard Hawkes and   
          Matthew A. Benson and   
             Phillip W. Beesley   Different Dystrophin-like Complexes Are
                                  Expressed in Neurons and Glia  . . . . . 645
             K. Haug-Collet and   
                 B. Pearson and   
                   R. Webel and   
           R. T. Szerencsei and   
             R. J. Winkfein and   
        P. P. M. Schnetkamp and   
                   N. J. Colley   Cloning and Characterization of a
                                  Potassium-Dependent Sodium/Calcium
                                  Exchanger in \bionameDrosophila  . . . . 659
           Minna M. Poranen and   
   Rimantas Daugelavi\vcius and   
        Päivi M. Ojala and   
            Michael W. Hess and   
              Dennis H. Bamford   A Novel Virus--Host Cell Membrane
                                  Interaction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
              Ariel Blocker and   
              Pierre Gounon and   
               Eric Larquet and   
            Kirsten Niebuhr and   
   Véronique Cabiaux and   
              Claude Parsot and   
            Philippe Sansonetti   The Tripartite Type III Secreton of
                                  Shigella flexneri Inserts Ipab and Ipac
                                  into Host Membranes  . . . . . . . . . . 683

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 147, Number 4, November, 1999

              Charles P. Ordahl   Myogenic Shape--Shifters . . . . . . . . 695
              Hiromi Sesaki and   
               Robert E. Jensen   Division versus Fusion: Dnm1p and Fzo1p
                                  Antagonistically Regulate Mitochondrial
                                  Shape  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699
                    Li Zeng and   
          Luca D'Alessandri and   
         Markus B. Kalousek and   
              Lloyd Vaughan and   
            Catherine J. Pallen   Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase $ \alpha $
                                  (Ptp$ \alpha $) and Contactin Form a
                                  Novel Neuronal Receptor Complex Linked
                                  to the Intracellular Tyrosine Kinase Fyn 707
            Teresa Carvalho and   
      Fátima Almeida and   
          Alexandre Calapez and   
             Miguel Lafarga and   
          Maria T. Berciano and   
            Maria Carmo-Fonseca   The Spinal Muscular Atrophy Disease Gene
                                  Product, Smn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
        Susan M. VanRheenen and   
               Xiaochun Cao and   
   Stephanie K. Sapperstein and   
           Elbert C. Chiang and   
       Vladimir V. Lupashin and   
            Charles Barlowe and   
               M. Gerard Waters   Sec34p, a Protein Required for Vesicle
                                  Tethering to the Yeast Golgi Apparatus,
                                  Is in a Complex with Sec35p  . . . . . . 729
                Jamie White and   
            Ludger Johannes and   
Frédéric Mallard and   
              Andreas Girod and   
              Stephan Grill and   
             Sigrid Reinsch and   
             Patrick Keller and   
        Barbara Tzschaschel and   
              Arnaud Echard and   
                 Bruno Goud and   
            Ernst H. K. Stelzer   Rab6 Coordinates a Novel Golgi to ER
                                  Retrograde Transport Pathway in Live
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743
             Chia-Che Chang and   
           Daniel S. Warren and   
    Katherine A. Sacksteder and   
               Stephen J. Gould   Pex12 Interacts with Pex5 and Pex10 and
                                  Acts Downstream of Receptor Docking in
                                  Peroxisomal Matrix Protein Import  . . . 761
         Christoph Driessen and   
       Rebecca A. R. Bryant and   
Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil and   
 José A. Villadangos and   
          Paula Wolf Bryant and   
               Guo-Ping Shi and   
          Harold A. Chapman and   
                Hidde L. Ploegh   Cathepsin S Controls the Trafficking and
                                  Maturation of Mhc Class II Molecules in
                                  Dendritic Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 775
              Daniel Schott and   
                 Jackson Ho and   
               David Pruyne and   
              Anthony Bretscher   The Cooh--Terminal Domain of Myo2p, a
                                  Yeast Myosin V, Has a Direct Role in
                                  Secretory Vesicle Targeting  . . . . . . 791
              Ruth M. Kluck and   
        Mauro Degli Esposti and   
                Guy Perkins and   
           Christian Renken and   
              Tomomi Kuwana and   
          Ella Bossy-Wetzel and   
            Martin Goldberg and   
                Terry Allen and   
          Michael J. Barber and   
           Douglas R. Green and   
             Donald D. Newmeyer   The Pro--Apoptotic Proteins, Bid and
                                  Bax, Cause a Limited Permeabilization of
                                  the Mitochondrial Outer Membrane That Is
                                  Enhanced by Cytosol  . . . . . . . . . . 809
                    Li Fang and   
                 Sam W. Lee and   
             Stuart A. Aaronson   Comparative Analysis of P73 and P53
                                  Regulation and Effector Functions  . . . 823
         William B. Kiosses and   
            R. Hugh Daniels and   
                 Carol Otey and   
             Gary M. Bokoch and   
      Martin Alexander Schwartz   A Role for P21-Activated Kinase in
                                  Endothelial Cell Migration . . . . . . . 831
           Stephen P. Holly and   
              Kendall J. Blumer   Pak-Family Kinases Regulate Cell and
                                  Actin Polarization Throughout the Cell
                                  Cycle of \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  cerevisiae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
              Fabienne Fava and   
   Brigitte Raynaud-Messina and   
          Jeanne Leung-Tack and   
          Laurent Mazzolini and   
                     Min Li and   
      Jean Claude Guillemot and   
              Didier Cachot and   
              Yvette Tollon and   
            Pascual Ferrara and   
                  Michel Wright   Human 76p  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857
         Luciana De Angelis and   
           Libera Berghella and   
           Marcello Coletta and   
             Laura Lattanzi and   
             Malvina Zanchi and   
               M. Gabriella and   
            Carola Ponzetto and   
                   Giulio Cossu   Skeletal Myogenic Progenitors
                                  Originating from Embryonic Dorsal Aorta
                                  Coexpress Endothelial and Myogenic
                                  Markers and Contribute to Postnatal
                                  Muscle Growth and Regeneration . . . . . 869
            Peter J. Mohler and   
            Silvia M. Kreda and   
         Richard C. Boucher and   
               Marius Sudol and   
          M. Jackson Stutts and   
              Sharon L. Milgram   Yes-Associated Protein 65 Localizes
                                  P62$^{c - - Yes}$ to the Apical
                                  Compartment of Airway Epithelia by
                                  Association with Ebp50 . . . . . . . . . 879
               Mikio Furuse and   
            Hiroyuki Sasaki and   
              Shoichiro Tsukita   Manner of Interaction of Heterogeneous
                                  Claudin Species within and between Tight
                                  Junction Strands . . . . . . . . . . . . 891

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 147, Number 5, November, 1999

               Sanford M. Simon   An Award for Cell Biology  . . . . . . . 1
          Adriana Verschoor and   
                 Trevor Lithgow   A First Glimpse at the Structure of the
                                  Tom Translocase from the Mitochondrial
                                  Outer Membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905
                 Bjorn R. Olsen   Life without Perlecan Has Its Problems   909
            Teresa Sullivan and   
    Diana Escalante-Alcalde and   
             Harshida Bhatt and   
               Miriam Anver and   
               Narayan Bhat and   
            Kunio Nagashima and   
           Colin L. Stewart and   
                    Brian Burke   Loss of a--Type Lamin Expression
                                  Compromises Nuclear Envelope Integrity
                                  Leading to Muscular Dystrophy  . . . . . 913
          Takashi Tatsumoto and   
               Xiaozhen Xie and   
           Rayah Blumenthal and   
              Isamu Okamoto and   
                      Toru Miki   Human Ect2 Is an Exchange Factor for Rho
                                  GTPases, Phosphorylated in G2/M Phases,
                                  and Involved in Cytokinesis  . . . . . . 921
            Charles C. Fink and   
           Boris Slepchenko and   
              Ion I. Moraru and   
               James Schaff and   
               James Watras and   
                 Leslie M. Loew   Morphological Control of
                                  Inositol--1,4,5--Trisphosphate--Dependent Signals  929
               Stefan Kappe and   
            Thomas Bruderer and   
                Soren Gantt and   
            Hisashi Fujioka and   
         Victor Nussenzweig and   
           Robert Ménard   Conservation of a Gliding Motility and
                                  Cell Invasion Machinery in Apicomplexan
                                  Parasites  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937
          Paloma Más and   
                Roger N. Beachy   Replication of Tobacco Mosaic Virus on
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum and Role of the
                                  Cytoskeleton and Virus Movement Protein
                                  in Intracellular Distribution of Viral
                                  RNA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 945
                 Uwe Ahting and   
               Clemens Thun and   
              Reiner Hegerl and   
               Dieter Typke and   
           Frank E. Nargang and   
             Walter Neupert and   
             Stephan Nussberger   The Tom Core Complex . . . . . . . . . . 959
               Akiharu Kubo and   
            Hiroyuki Sasaki and   
            Akiko Yuba-Kubo and   
          Shoichiro Tsukita and   
                Nobuyuki Shiina   Centriolar Satellites  . . . . . . . . . 969
           Erica S. Johnson and   
             Günter Blobel   Cell Cycle--Regulated Attachment of the
                                  Ubiquitin--Related Protein Sumo to the
                                  Yeast Septins  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981
               Shmuel Tuvia and   
                Mona Buhusi and   
                Lydia Davis and   
                 Mary Reedy and   
                   Vann Bennett   Ankyrin-B Is Required for Intracellular
                                  Sorting of Structurally Diverse
                                  Ca$^{2+}$ Homeostasis Proteins . . . . . 995
              Eva E. Sander and   
       Jean P. ten Klooster and   
            Sanne van Delft and   
      Rob A. van der Kammen and   
                John G. Collard   Rac Downregulates Rho Activity . . . . . 1009
                Yoji Kawano and   
                Yuko Fukata and   
              Noriko Oshiro and   
              Mutsuki Amano and   
         Toshikazu Nakamura and   
                Masaaki Ito and   
            Fumio Matsumura and   
             Masaki Inagaki and   
                  Kozo Kaibuchi   Phosphorylation of Myosin--Binding
                                  Subunit (Mbs) of Myosin Phosphatase by
                                  Rho--Kinase in Vivo  . . . . . . . . . . 1023
             Wenchuan Liang and   
            Hans M. Warrick and   
               James A. Spudich   A Structural Model for Phosphorylation
                                  Control of \bionameDictyostelium Myosin
                                  II Thick Filament Assembly . . . . . . . 1039
        Cédric Raoul and   
   Christopher E. Henderson and   
              Brigitte Pettmann   Programmed Cell Death of Embryonic
                                  Motoneurons Triggered through the FAS
                                  Death Receptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1049
         Robin E. Bachelder and   
             Mark J. Ribick and   
       Alessandra Marchetti and   
              Rita Falcioni and   
               Silvia Soddu and   
           Kathryn R. Davis and   
             Arthur M. Mercurio   P53 Inhibits $ \alpha 6 \beta 4 $
                                  Integrin Survival Signaling by Promoting
                                  the Caspase 3-Dependent Cleavage of
                                  Akt/PKB  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1063
              Shaoqing Tang and   
                Yunling Gao and   
                J. Anthony Ware   Enhancement of Endothelial Cell
                                  Migration and in Vitro Tube Formation by
                                  Tap20, a Novel $ \beta $5
                                  Integrin--Modulating, Pkc$ \theta
                                  $-Dependent Protein  . . . . . . . . . . 1073
                   Minyi Gu and   
                Xiaodong Xi and   
          Graham D. Englund and   
          Michael C. Berndt and   
                    Xiaoping Du   Analysis of the Roles of 14-3-3 in the
                                  Platelet Glycoprotein Ib--IX--Mediated
                                  Activation of Integrin $ \alpha_{IIb} $
                                  $ \beta_3 $ Using a Reconstituted
                                  Mammalian Cell Expression Model  . . . . 1085
           Kimitoshi Yagami and   
               Jo-Young Suh and   
     Motomi Enomoto-Iwamoto and   
                Eiki Koyama and   
          William R. Abrams and   
          Irving M. Shapiro and   
          Maurizio Pacifici and   
               Masahiro Iwamoto   Matrix Gla Protein Is a Developmental
                                  Regulator of Chondrocyte Mineralization
                                  And, When Constitutively Expressed,
                                  Blocks Endochondral and Intramembranous
                                  Ossification in the Limb . . . . . . . . 1097
           Mercedes Costell and   
           Erika Gustafsson and   
       Attila Aszódi and   
     Matthias Mörgelin and   
              Wilhelm Bloch and   
             Ernst Hunziker and   
              Klaus Addicks and   
               Rupert Timpl and   
          Reinhard Fässler   Perlecan Maintains the Integrity of
                                  Cartilage and Some Basement Membranes    1109

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 147, Number 6, December, 1999

              Ben A. Barres and   
                 Martin C. Raff   Axonal Control of Oligodendrocyte
                                  Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1123
     Carmen Blanco-Aparicio and   
              Josema Torres and   
                  Rafael Pulido   A Novel Regulatory Mechanism of Map
                                  Kinases Activation and Nuclear
                                  Translocation Mediated by Pka and the
                                  Ptp--Sl Tyrosine Phosphatase . . . . . . 1129
    Heinrich J. G. Matthies and   
            Lisa G. Messina and   
                Ruria Namba and   
          Kimberly J. Greer and   
               M. Y. Walker and   
                R. Scott Hawley   Mutations in the $ \alpha $-Tubulin 67C
                                  Gene Specifically Impair Achiasmate
                                  Segregation in \bionameDrosophila
                                  melanogaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1137
          Jeffrey L. Dupree and   
       Jean-Antoine Girault and   
                    Brian Popko   Axo-Glial Interactions Regulate the
                                  Localization of Axonal Paranodal
                                  Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1145
              Angela Taddei and   
            Dani\`ele Roche and   
     Jean-Baptiste Sibarita and   
            Bryan M. Turner and   
           Genevi\`eve Almouzni   Duplication and Maintenance of
                                  Heterochromatin Domains  . . . . . . . . 1153
            Philippe Collas and   
       Katherine Le Guellec and   
           Kjetil Taskén   The a--Kinase--Anchoring Protein Akap95
                                  Is a Multivalent Protein with a Key Role
                                  in Chromatin Condensation at Mitosis . . 1167
           Bernard Charroux and   
           Livio Pellizzoni and   
        Robert A. Perkinson and   
          Andrej Shevchenko and   
              Matthias Mann and   
                Gideon Dreyfuss   Gemin3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1181
          Atsushi Yamaguchi and   
                 Osamu Hori and   
             David M. Stern and   
              Enno Hartmann and   
              Satoshi Ogawa and   
                 Masaya Tohyama   Stress-Associated Endoplasmic Reticulum
                                  Protein 1 (Serp1)/Ribosome-Associated
                                  Membrane Protein 4 (Ramp4) Stabilizes
                                  Membrane Proteins during Stress and
                                  Facilitates Subsequent Glycosylation . . 1195
            Cecilia Alvarez and   
             Hideaki Fujita and   
                Ann Hubbard and   
                Elizabeth Sztul   ER to Golgi Transport  . . . . . . . . . 1205
             Chih-Ying Chen and   
          Michael F. Ingram and   
             Peter H. Rosal and   
                 Todd R. Graham   Role for Drs2p, a P--Type Atpase and
                                  Potential Aminophospholipid Translocase,
                                  in Yeast Late Golgi Function . . . . . . 1223
        Tracy L. Adair-Kirk and   
            Kathleen H. Cox and   
                    John V. Cox   Intracellular Trafficking of Variant
                                  Chicken Kidney Ae1 Anion Exchangers  . . 1237
            Elaine A. Neale and   
            Linda M. Bowers and   
                    Min Jia and   
           Karen E. Bateman and   
             Lura C. Williamson   Botulinum Neurotoxin a Blocks Synaptic
                                  Vesicle Exocytosis but Not Endocytosis
                                  at the Nerve Terminal  . . . . . . . . . 1249
                    Shuo Ma and   
 Leda Triviños-Lagos and   
            Ralph Gräf and   
                Rex L. Chisholm   Dynein Intermediate Chain Mediated
                                  Dynein--Dynactin Interaction Is Required
                                  for Interphase Microtubule Organization
                                  and Centrosome Replication and
                                  Separation in \bionameDictyostelium  . . 1261
            Conrad L. Leung and   
               Dongming Sun and   
                  Min Zheng and   
           David R. Knowles and   
              Ronald K. H. Liem   Microtubule Actin Cross--Linking Factor
                                  (Macf) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1275
            Marilyn C. Hart and   
                 John A. Cooper   Vertebrate Isoforms of Actin Capping
                                  Protein $ \beta $ Have Distinct
                                  Functions in Vivo  . . . . . . . . . . . 1287
         Joseph E. Italiano and   
             Patrick Lecine and   
       Ramesh A. Shivdasani and   
                John H. Hartwig   Blood Platelets Are Assembled
                                  Principally at the Ends of Proplatelet
                                  Processes Produced by Differentiated
                                  Megakaryocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1299
     Catherine G. Galbraith and   
              Michael P. Sheetz   Keratocytes Pull with Similar Forces on
                                  Their Dorsal and Ventral Surfaces  . . . 1313
            Clotilde Gimond and   
        Arjan van der Flier and   
            Sanne van Delft and   
            Cord Brakebusch and   
             Ingrid Kuikman and   
            John G. Collard and   
      Reinhard Fässler and   
              Arnoud Sonnenberg   Induction of Cell Scattering by
                                  Expression of $ \beta $1 Integrins in $
                                  \beta $1-Deficient Epithelial Cells
                                  Requires Activation of Members of the
                                  Rho Family of Gtpases and Downregulation
                                  of Cadherin and Catenin Function . . . . 1325
              Nand K. Relan and   
                   Yan Yang and   
              Safedin Beqaj and   
           Jeffrey H. Miner and   
                  Lucia Schuger   Cell Elongation Induces Laminin $ \alpha
                                  $2 Chain Expression in Mouse Embryonic
                                  Mesenchymal Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . 1341
              Masahiko Itoh and   
               Mikio Furuse and   
            Kazumasa Morita and   
                Koji Kubota and   
            Mitinori Saitou and   
              Shoichiro Tsukita   Direct Binding of Three Tight
                                  Junction--Associated Maguks, Zo-1, Zo-2,
                                  and Zo-3, with the Cooh Termini of
                                  Claudins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1351

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 147, Number 7, December, 1999

          Jan P. Tuckermann and   
        Holger M. Reichardt and   
               Rosa Arribas and   
         K. Hartmut Richter and   
   Günther Schütz and   
                    Peter Angel   The DNA Binding--Independent Function of
                                  the Glucocorticoid Receptor Mediates
                                  Repression of Ap-1--Dependent Genes in
                                  Skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1365
          Smruti J. Vidwans and   
               Mei Lie Wong and   
           Patrick H. O'Farrell   Mitotic Regulators Govern Progress
                                  through Steps in the Centrosome
                                  Duplication Cycle  . . . . . . . . . . . 1371
           Margherita Doria and   
    Anna Elisabetta Salcini and   
           Emanuela Colombo and   
        Tristram G. Parslow and   
      Pier Giuseppe Pelicci and   
            Pier Paolo Di Fiore   The Eps15 Homology (Eh) Domain--Based
                                  Interaction between Eps15 and Hrb
                                  Connects the Molecular Machinery of
                                  Endocytosis to That of Nucleocytosolic
                                  Transport  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1379
               Thomas Wendt and   
              Dianne Taylor and   
              Terri Messier and   
         Kathleen M. Trybus and   
              Kenneth A. Taylor   Visualization of Head--Head Interactions
                                  in the Inhibited State of Smooth Muscle
                                  Myosin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1385
                      Ji Li and   
              Richard Mayne and   
                    Chuanyue Wu   A Novel Muscle--Specific $ \beta $1
                                  Integrin Binding Protein (Mibp) That
                                  Modulates Myogenic Differentiation . . . 1391
      Jacqueline E. Mermoud and   
              Carl Costanzi and   
            John R. Pehrson and   
                Neil Brockdorff   Histone Macroh2a1.2 Relocates to the
                                  Inactive X Chromosome after Initiation
                                  and Propagation of X--Inactivation . . . 1399
       Klara Weipoltshammer and   
     Christian Schöfer and   
            Marlene Almeder and   
      Vlada V. Philimonenko and   
               Klemens Frei and   
             Franz Wachtler and   
             Pavel Hozák   Intranuclear Anchoring of Repetitive DNA
                                  Sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1409
          Masamichi Shiraga and   
               Alec Ritchie and   
           Sallouha Aidoudi and   
            Veronique Baron and   
               David Wilcox and   
              Gilbert White and   
            Belen Ybarrondo and   
              George Murphy and   
             Andrew Leavitt and   
                Sanford Shattil   Primary Megakaryocytes Reveal a Role for
                                  Transcription Factor Nf--E2 in Integrin
                                  $ \alpha $ iib$ \beta $3 Signaling . . . 1419
          Nancy L. Kedersha and   
                 Mita Gupta and   
                     Wei Li and   
                 Ira Miller and   
                  Paul Anderson   RNA-Binding Proteins Tia-1 and Tiar Link
                                  the Phosphorylation of Eif-2$ \alpha $
                                  to the Assembly of Mammalian Stress
                                  Granules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1431
            Pauline Gillece and   
     José Manuel Luz and   
         William J. Lennarz and   
Francisco Javier de la Cruz and   
             Karin Römisch   Export of a Cysteine--Free Misfolded
                                  Secretory Protein from the Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum for Degradation Requires
                                  Interaction with Protein Disulfide
                                  Isomerase  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1443
             Chung-Chih Lin and   
             Harold D. Love and   
         Jennifer N. Gushue and   
        John J. M. Bergeron and   
              Joachim Ostermann   ER\slash Golgi Intermediates Acquire
                                  Golgi Enzymes by Brefeldin a--Sensitive
                                  Retrograde Transport in Vitro  . . . . . 1457
               Miyuki Nishi and   
            Shinji Komazaki and   
         Nagomi Kurebayashi and   
                Yasuo Ogawa and   
                Tetsuo Noda and   
             Masamitsu Iino and   
              Hiroshi Takeshima   Abnormal Features in Skeletal Muscle
                                  from Mice Lacking Mitsugumin29 . . . . . 1473
           Kevin W. Trotter and   
          Iain D. C. Fraser and   
           Gregory K. Scott and   
          M. Jackson Stutts and   
              John D. Scott and   
              Sharon L. Milgram   Alternative Splicing Regulates the
                                  Subcellular Localization of a--Kinase
                                  Anchoring Protein 18 Isoforms  . . . . . 1481
         Manuel K. A. Bauer and   
            Alexis Schubert and   
               Oliver Rocks and   
                   Stefan Grimm   Adenine Nucleotide Translocase-1, a
                                  Component of the Permeability Transition
                                  Pore, Can Dominantly Induce Apoptosis    1493
Åsa E. Y. Engqvist-Goldstein and   
         Michael M. Kessels and   
        Vikramjit S. Chopra and   
          Michael R. Hayden and   
                David G. Drubin   An Actin-Binding Protein of the
                                  Sla2/Huntingtin Interacting Protein 1
                                  Family Is a Novel Component of
                                  Clathrin-Coated Pits and Vesicles  . . . 1503
              Tomoyuki Sumi and   
            Kunio Matsumoto and   
              Yoshimi Takai and   
             Toshikazu Nakamura   Cofilin Phosphorylation and Actin
                                  Cytoskeletal Dynamics Regulated by Rho-
                                  and Cdc42-Activated Lim--Kinase 2  . . . 1519
  Vera Lúcia Bonilha and   
        Silvia C. Finnemann and   
       Enrique Rodriguez-Boulan   Ezrin Promotes Morphogenesis of Apical
                                  Microvilli and Basal Infoldings in
                                  Retinal Pigment Epithelium . . . . . . . 1533
              Beth E. Drees and   
            Katy M. Andrews and   
               Mary C. Beckerle   Molecular Dissection of Zyxin Function
                                  Reveals Its Involvement in Cell Motility 1549
            Lila R. Collins and   
        William A. Ricketts and   
                  Linda Yeh and   
                  David Cheresh   Bifurcation of Cell Migratory and
                                  Proliferative Signaling by the Adaptor
                                  Protein Shc  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1561
    Michelangelo Cordenonsi and   
               Fabio D'Atri and   
                 Eva Hammar and   
          David A. D. Parry and   
        John Kendrick-Jones and   
                David Shore and   
                    Sandra Citi   Cingulin Contains Globular and
                                  Coiled--Coil Domains and Interacts with
                                  Zo-1, Zo-2, Zo-3, and Myosin . . . . . . 1569