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Thu Apr 25 07:47:00 MDT 2024
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--6 Arnold Thackray First Anniversary . . . . . . . . . . . 7--10 L. S. Jacyna Science and Social Order in the Thought of A. J. Balfour . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--34 Douglas Sloan Science in New York City, 1867--1907 . . 35--76 Timothy Lenoir Kant, Blumenbach, and Vital Materialism in German Biology . . . . . . . . . . . 77--108 Richard S. Westfall Newton's Marvelous Years of Discovery and Their Aftermath: Myth versus Manuscript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109--121 David Kahn On the Origin of Polyalphabetic Substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122--127 Helen Lemay The Stars and Human Sexuality: Some Medieval Scientific Views . . . . . . . 127--137 A. Rupert Hall and Albert Van Helden International Huygens Symposium, Amsterdam, August 22--25, 1979 . . . . . 138--139 S. R. Mikulinsky New Soviet Journal Announced . . . . . . 139--139 David Bearman Book Review: \booktitleThe Eighth Day of Creation: The Markers of the Revolution in Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140--142 Bentley Glass Book Review: \booktitleThomas Hunt Morgan: The Man and His Science by Garland E. Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . 143--146 Steven Shapin Book Review: \booktitleMichael Foster and the Cambridge School of Physiology. The Scientific Enterprise in Late Victorian Society by Gerald L. Geison 146--149 William Coleman Book Review: \booktitleHistory of American Ecology by Frank N. Egerton . . 150--152 E. Scott Barr Book Review: \booktitleBiographical Dictionary of American Science: The Seventeenth through the Nineteenth Centuries by Clark A. Elliott . . . . . 153--154 Hannah S. Decker Book Review: \booktitleStudies in Intellectual Breakthrough: Freud, Simmel, Buber by Charles David Axelrod 154--154 Janet A. Kourany Book Review: \booktitleA Realist Theory of Science by Roy Bhaskar . . . . . . . 154--155 Sally Gregory Kohlstedt Book Review: \booktitleThe National Academy of Sciences: The First Hundred Years, 1863--1963 by Rexmond C. Cochrane 155--157 Peter Weingart Book Review: \booktitleDeutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik 1901--1976 by Rolf Winau . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--157 Lewis Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleThe Beginning of the Long Dash: A History of Timekeeping in Canada by Malcolm M. Thomson . . . . 157--158 James E. McClellan Book Review: \booktitleFrench Weights and Measures before the Revolution: A Dictionary of Provincial and Local Units by Ronald Edward Zupko . . . . . . . . . 158--159 William H. Brock Book Review: \booktitleEducation and Society in Modern Europe by Fritz K. Ringer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159--159 H. M. Collins Book Review: \booktitleInterests and the Growth of Knowledge by Barry Barnes . . 159--160 Herman H. Goldstine Book Review: \booktitleAnnals of the History of Computing by Bernard A. Galler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160--160 Olaf Pedersen Book Review: \booktitleGeared to the Stars: The Evolution of Planetariums, Orreries and Astronomical Clocks by Henry C. King; John R. Millburn . . . . 160--161 John Stachel Book Review: \booktitleQuantum Logic by Peter Mittelstaedt . . . . . . . . . . . 162--162 Ursula Lamb Book Review: \booktitleGeschichte der Navigation by Hans-Christian Freiesleben 162--163 Mary P. Winsor Book Review: \booktitleThe Spontaneous Generation Controversy from Descartes to Oparin by John Farley . . . . . . . . . 163--164 Toby A. Appel Book Review: \booktitleStudies in History of Biology. Volume 2 by William Coleman; Camille Limoges . . . . . . . . 164--165 Solomon Diamond Book Review: \booktitleBasic Writings in the History of Psychology by Robert I. Watson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165--165 Jack W. Cole Book Review: \booktitleForgive and Remember: Managing Medical Failure by Charles L. Bosk . . . . . . . . . . . . 165--166 John Farley Book Review: \booktitleDisease in African History: An Introductory Survey and Case Studies by Gerald W. Hartwig; K. David Patterson . . . . . . . . . . . 166--167 Arthur L. Norberg Book Review: \booktitleSaga of the Vacuum Tube by Gerald F. J. Tyne; \booktitleRevolution in Miniature: The History and Impact of Semiconductor Electronics by Ernest Braun . . . . . . 167--168 George Basalla Book Review: \booktitleThe American Railroad Passenger Car by John H. White 168--169 Edwin T. Layton, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleAutonomous Technology: Technics-out-of-Control as a Theme in Political Thought by Langdon Winner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169--169 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleAntike Heilkunst. Ausgewählte Texte aus dem medizinischen Schrifttum der Griechen und Römer by Jutta Kollesch; Diethard Nickel . . . . 169--170 Michael S. Mahoney Book Review: \booktitleArchimedes in the Middle Ages. Volume III: The Fate of the Medieval Archimedes, 1300 to 1565 by Marshall Clagett . . . . . . . . . . . . 170--171 Edith Sylla Book Review: \booktitleLexikon des Mittelalters. Erster Band/Erste Lieferung. Aachen-Agypten . . . . . . . 171--172 Emilie Savage-Smith Book Review: \booktitleIslamic Medicine by Manfred Ullmann . . . . . . . . . . . 172--173 Ludo Rocher Book Review: \booktitleThe Yavanajataka of Sphujidhvaja by David Pingree . . . . 173--174 J. Peter Zetterberg Book Review: \booktitleJohn Dee on Astronomy: Propaedeumata aphoristica (1558 and 1568), Latin and English by Wayne Shumaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175--175 William Shea Book Review: \booktitleGiambattista Della Porta mago e scienziato by Luisa Muraro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175--176 Jeffrey L. Sturchio Book Review: \booktitlePhilosophical Chemistry in the Scottish Enlightenment: The Doctrines and Discoveries of William Cullen and Joseph Black by Arthur L. Donovan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176--177 Stillman Drake Book Review: \booktitleLe opere dei discepoli di Galileo Galilei. Volume I: Carteggio 1642--1648 by Paolo Galluzzi; Maurizio Torrini . . . . . . . . . . . . 177--178 Henry W. Gould Book Review: \booktitleDie mathematischen Studien von G. W. Leibniz zur Kombinatorik by Eberhard Knobloch 178--178 E. J. Aiton Book Review: \booktitleLeibniz \`a Paris (1672--1676). Symposion de la G. W. Leibniz-Gesellschaft (Hannover) et du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Paris) \`a Chantilly (France) du 14 au 18 Novembre 1976 . . . 178--179 William B. Ashworth, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleDr. Woodward's Shield: History, Science, and Satire in Augustan England by Joseph M. Levine . . 179--180 Frederick Burkhardt Book Review: \booktitleThe Beagle Record: Selections from the Original Pictorial Records and Written Accounts of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle by Richard Darwin Keynes . . . . . . . . . 180--181 Michele L. Aldrich Book Review: \booktitleCharles Lyell on North American Geology by Hubert C. Skinner; \booktitleJules Marcou on the Taconic System of North America by Hubert C. Skinner . . . . . . . . . . . 181--181 Elizabeth Garber Book Review: \booktitleLord Kelvin: The Dynamic Victorian by Harold Issadore Sharlin; Tiby Sharlin . . . . . . . . . 182--183 Joe D. Burchfield Book Review: \booktitleJames Prescott Joule and the Concept of Energy by Henry John Steffens . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183--183 Richard P. Hallion Book Review: \booktitleThe Jet Makers: The Aerospace Industry from 1945 to 1972 by Charles D. Bright . . . . . . . . . . 183--184 Michael T. Ghiselin Book Review: \booktitleThe Kindly Fruits of the Earth: Recollections of an Embryo Ecologist by G. Evelyn Hutchinson . . . 184--185 Albert E. Moyer Book Review: \booktitleNOVA: Einstein by Patrick Griffin . . . . . . . . . . . . 185--185 Sybil Milton Book Review: \booktitleGuide to the Archival Materials of the German-Speaking Emigration to the United States after 1933 by John M. Spalek; Adrienne Ash; Sandra H. Hawrylchak . . . 186--186 Maurice Crosland Book Review: \booktitleScientists in Power by Spencer R. Weart . . . . . . . 186--187 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188--190
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191--195 Hugh Hawkins Transatlantic Discipleship: Two American Biologists and Their German Mentor . . . 196--210 Alan E. Shapiro The Evolving Structure of Newton's Theory of White Light and Color . . . . 211--235 Alexander Vucinich Soviet Physicists and Philosophers in the 1930s: Dynamics of a Conflict . . . 236--250 James R. Jacob and Margaret C. Jacob The Anglican Origins of Modern Science: The Metaphysical Foundations of the Whig Constitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251--267 Wesley M. Stevens The Figure of the Earth in Isidore's ``De natura rerum'' . . . . . . . . . . 268--277 Arthur Donovan and Sally Gregory Kohlstedt Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society, December 27--31, 1979 . . . . . 278--284 Steven Shapin and N. Sivin Conference Reports . . . . . . . . . . . 284--285 John T. Edsall Éloge: Marcel Florkin, August 15, 1900--May 3, 1979 . . . . . . . . . . . 286--288 Owen Hannaway Book Review: \booktitleNeptune's Gift: A History of Common Salt . . . . . . . . . 289--291 Charles E. Rosenberg Book Review: \booktitleNatural Order: Historical Studies of Scientific Culture 291--295 A. G. Molland Book Review: \booktitleScience in the Middle Ages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295--298 Trevor H. Levere Book Review: \booktitleGay-Lussac: Scientist and Bourgeois . . . . . . . . 298--300 Roger Hahn Book Review: \booktitleLe si\`ecle des lumi\`eres en province. Académies et académiciens provinciaux, 1680--1789 by Daniel Roche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301--302 Andrew Pickering Book Review: \booktitleThe Scientific Imagination: Case Studies by Gerald Holton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302--303 Albert Van Helden Book Review: \booktitleScience and History: Studies in Honor of Edward Rosen by Erna Hilfstein; Pawel Czartoryski; Frank D. Grande . . . . . . 303--304 Nathan M. Brooks Book Review: \booktitleRazvitie estestvoznaniia v Rossii (XVIII--nachalo XX veka) by S. R. Mikulinskii; A. P. Iushkevich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304--305 Frederick Gregory Book Review: \booktitleBerichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte by Fritz Krafft 305--306 Ruth Barton Book Review: \booktitleScience, Technology, and Society in Australia: A Bibliography by Ann Mozley Moyal; Elizabeth Newland; Irene Davey . . . . . 306--306 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitleEpistemologia e storia della scienza: Le svolte teoriche da Duhem a Bachelard by Pietro Redondi 306--307 James W. Felt Book Review: \booktitleWhitehead's Organic Philosophy of Science by Ann L. Plamondon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307--307 George Basalla Book Review: \booktitleScience and Its Critics by John Passmore . . . . . . . . 308--308 P. Thomas Carroll Book Review: \booktitleA Century of Doctorates: Data Analyses of Growth and Change: U. S. PhD's --- Their Numbers, Origins, Characteristics, and the Institutions from Which They Come by National Research Council; Lindsey R. Harmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308--309 John J. Beer Book Review: \booktitleThe Building of a Department: Chemistry at Southern Illinois University, 1927--1967 by James W. Neckers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309--309 Hans-Werner Schutt Book Review: \booktitleDie Chemie an der Universitat Marburg seit Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zu ihrer Entwicklung als Hochschulfach by Christoph Meinel . . . . . . . . . . . . 309--311 H. V. Nelles Book Review: \booktitleLa science et le pouvoir au Québec, 1920--1965 by Raymond Duchesne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311--312 Ruth Schwartz Cowan Book Review: \booktitleBeyond Her Sphere: Women and the Professions in American History by Barbara J. Harris 312--312 Michael A. Overington Book Review: \booktitleResearch in Sociology of Knowledge, Sciences and Art: An Annual Compilation of Research. Volume I, 1978 by Robert Alun Jones . . 312--313 H. W. Paul Book Review: \booktitleLes Scientifiques et la paix. La Communauté scientifique internationale au cours des années 20 by Brigitte Schroeder-Gudehus . . . . . . . 313--314 Donald MacKenzie Book Review: \booktitleThe Visible College: The Collective Biography of British Scientific Socialists in the 1930s by Gary Werskey . . . . . . . . . 314--315 Gary Bruce Deason Book Review: \booktitleThe Road of Science and the Ways to God by Stanley L. Jaki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315--316 Philip Kitcher Book Review: \booktitleNombre, mesure et continu: Epistémologie et histoire by Jean Dhombres . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316--317 Bruce R. Wheaton Book Review: \booktitleRutherford and Physics at the Turn of the Century by Mario Bunge; William R. Shea . . . . . . 317--318 E. J. Aiton Book Review: \booktitleGeschichte der Physik: Renaissance bis zum 18 Jahrhundert by Hans Kangro . . . . . . . 318--319 Jeffrey L. Sturchio Book Review: \booktitleClassics in Coordination Chemistry. Part III: Twentieth--Century Papers (1904--1935) by George B. Kauffman . . . . . . . . . 319--320 Arthur Donovan Book Review: \booktitleJames Hutton's Theory of the Earth: The Lost Drawings by G. Y. Craig; D. B. McIntyre; C. D. Waterston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320--321 Joe D. Burchfield Book Review: \booktitleIce Ages: Solving the Mystery by John Imbrie; Katherine Palmer Imbrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321--322 Thomas G. Manning Book Review: \booktitleMinerals, Lands, and Geology for the Common Defence and General Welfare. Volume I: Before 1879. United States Geological Survey. A History of Public Lands, Federal Science and Mapping Policy, and Development of Mineral Resources in the United States by Mary C. Rabbitt . . . . . . . . . . . 322--323 Paul A. Erickson Book Review: \booktitleThe White Man's Indian: Images of the American Indian from Columbus to the Present by Robert F. Berkhofer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323--324 Patricia Woolf Book Review: \booktitleThe Emergence of Professional Social Science: The American Social Science Association and the Nineteenth-Century Crisis of Authority by Thomas L. Haskell . . . . . 324--324 Mary O. Furner Book Review: \booktitleRobert E. Park: Biography of a Sociologist by Winifred Raushenbush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325--325 Robert J. Richards Book Review: \booktitleAn Intellectual History of Psychology by Daniel N. Robinson; \booktitleThe Mind Unfolded: Essays on Psychology's Historic Texts by Daniel N. Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . 325--326 Ian G. Langham Book Review: \booktitleW. H. R. Rivers by Richard Slobodin . . . . . . . . . . 327--327 Lester S. King Book Review: \booktitleA Short Title Catalogue of Eighteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine by John B. Blake . . . . . . . 327--328 Roger Smith Book Review: \booktitleMuseums of Madness: The Social Organization of Insanity in Nineteenth-Century England by Andrew T. Scull . . . . . . . . . . . 328--328 Donald M. McLean Book Review: \booktitleAn Introduction to the History of Virology by A. P. Waterson; Lise Wilkinson . . . . . . . . 328--329 N. Lampert Book Review: \booktitleTechnology and Society under Lenin and Stalin: Origins of the Soviet Technical Intelligentsia, 1917--1941 by Kendall E. Bailes . . . . 329--330 John B. Rae Book Review: \booktitleInterstate: Express Highway Politics, 1941--1956 by Mark H. Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330--331 Daniel J. Kevles Book Review: \booktitleA History of Technology. Volume VI: The Twentieth Century, c. 1900 to c. 1950, Part I by Trevor I. Williams; A History of Technology. Volume VII: The Twentieth Century, c. 1900 to c. 1950, Part II . . 331--331 D. P. Walker Book Review: \booktitleSymphorien Champier and the Reception of the Occultist Tradition in Renaissance France by Brian P. Copenhaver; Darrel Amundsen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331--332 Thomas H. Jobe Book Review: \booktitleMagia naturalis und die Enstehung der modernen Naturwissenschaften: Symposion der Leibniz-Gesellschaft Hannover, 14. und 15. November 1975 by Albert Heinekamp; Dieter Mettler . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333--333 Robert P. Multhauf Book Review: \booktitleAlchemy and the Occult: A Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts from the Collection of Paul and Mary Mellon Given to the Yale University Library by Laurence C. Witten; Richard Pachella . . . . . . . . 333--334 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleOn the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato by Phillip De Lacy; Galen of Pergamon . . . . . . . . 334--335 Kurt Vogel Book Review: \booktitleIntroduction arithmétique by Nichomachus of Gerasa; Janine Bertier . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336--336 Pietro Corsi Book Review: \booktitleCuore, sangue e cervello: Biologia e antropologia nel pensiero antico by Paola Manuli; Mario Vegetti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336--337 Phillip De Lacy Book Review: \booktitleThe Hippocratic Tradition by Wesley D. Smith . . . . . . 337--338 N. G. Wilson Book Review: \booktitleLe ``Petit commentaire'' de Théon d'Alexandrie aux tables faciles de Ptolémée by Theon of Alexandria; Anne Tihon . . . . . . . . . 339--340 Edward Grant Book Review: \booktitleReason and Society in the Middle Ages by Alexander Murray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340--341 Bernard R. Goldstein Book Review: \booktitleGeschichte des arabischen Schrifttums. Volume VI: Astronomie bis ca. 430 H by Fuat Sezgin 341--342 Anton Heinen Book Review: \booktitleAristoteles' Meteorologie in arabischer und lateinischer Uebersetzung. Textkritische Ausgabe des ersten Buches by Pieter Leendert Schoonheim . . . . . . . . . . 342--343 Ulrich Libbrecht Book Review: \booktitleThe Shorter Science and Civilization in China by Joseph Needham; Colin A. Ronan . . . . . 343--343 Ralph Croizier Book Review: \booktitleMedical Ethics in Imperial China: A Study in Historical Anthropology by Paul U. Unschuld . . . . 343--344 Erna Hilfstein Book Review: \booktitleMikolaj Kopernik w 'sweietle swej korespondencji by Jerzy Drewnowski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344--345 Bruce T. Morgan Book Review: \booktitleFrom Humanism to Science 1480--1700 by Robert Mandrou; Brian Pearce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345--346 George Kish Book Review: \booktitleNew American World: A Documentary History of North America to 1612 by David B. Quinn; Alison M. Quinn; Susan Hillier . . . . . 346--347 Stillman Drake Book Review: \booktitleStudies in Musical Science in the Late Renaissance by D. P. Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . 347--348 G. S. Rousseau Book Review: \booktitleProbability, Time, and Space in Eighteenth-Century Literature by Paula R. Backscheider . . 348--349 Clifford M. Foust Book Review: \booktitleBering's Voyages: Whither and Why by Raymond H. Fisher . . 349--350 Keir B. Sterling Book Review: \booktitleSpencer Fullerton Baird and the U. S. Fish Commission by Dean Conrad Allard; \booktitleErnest Thompson Seton: Man in Nature and the Progressive Era 1880--1915 by John Henry Wadland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350--351 David A. Hollinger Book Review: \booktitleSocial Darwinism: Science and Myth in Anglo--American Social Thought by Robert C. Bannister 351--352 Robert M. Mengel Book Review: \booktitleAudubon: A Biography by John Chancellor . . . . . . 352--353 Paul Howard Barrett Book Review: \booktitleCharles Darwin: A Companion by R. B. Freeman . . . . . . . 353--353 James Allen Rogers Book Review: \booktitleFolia Baeriana by Tovmas Ia. Sutt . . . . . . . . . . . . 353--354 Paul A. Hanle Book Review: \booktitleMy Life. Recollections of a Nobel Laureate, by Max Born . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354--355 Alan Beyerchen Book Review: \booktitleMemoirs of a Physicist in the Atomic Age by Walter M. Elsasser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355--356 Lewis Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleEinstein. A Centenary Exhibition by Paul Forman; Paul Hanle; \booktitleAlbert Einstein in Berlin 1913--1933 by Christa Kirsten; Hans-Jurgen Treder; \booktitleImages of Einstein: A Catalogue by Joan Warnow; \booktitleEinstein 1897--1979. Exhibition by Yehuda Elkana; Adi Ophir; \booktitleEinstein. A Centenary Volume by A. P. French; \booktitleAlbert Einstein. His Influence on Physics, Philosophy and Politics by P. C. Aichelburg; R. U. Sexl . . . . . . . . . 356--359 Joseph S. Fruton Book Review: \booktitleOtto Warburg: Zellphysiologer, Biochemiker, Mediziner, 1883--1970 by Hans Krebs . . . . . . . . 359--360 Lawrence Badash Book Review: \booktitleThe Uranium People by Leona Marshall Libby . . . . . 360--361 James E. Brittain Book Review: \booktitleThe Rise of Systems Theory: An Ideological Analysis by Robert Lilienfeld . . . . . . . . . . 361--362 John A. S. Pitts Book Review: \booktitlePsychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, and the New England Medical Scene 1894--1944 by George E. Gifford; \booktitleAmerican Psychoanalysis: Origins and Development by Jacques M. Quen; Eric T. Carlson . . 362--363 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364--368
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369--373 Hans-Werner Schütt Guest Editorial: History of Science in the Federal Republic of Germany . . . . 374--380 Margaret W. Rossiter ``Women's Work'' in Science, 1880--1910 381--398 Lewis Pyenson Einstein's Education: Mathematics and the Laws of Nature . . . . . . . . . . . 399--425 Daniel P. Jones American Chemists and the Geneva Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426--440 Daniel J. Kevles Genetics in the United States and Great Britain, 1890--1930: A Review with Speculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441--455 Lotte Mulligan Puritans and English Science: A Critique of Webster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456--469 Robert Alun Jones Book Review: \booktitleA History of Sociological Analysis . . . . . . . . . 470--473 Robert S. Westman Book Review: \booktitleThe Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in Early-Modern Europe 474--477 David A. Hollinger Book Review: \booktitleThe Organization of Knowledge in Modern America, 1860--1920 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478--480 Margaret C. Jacob Book Review: \booktitleThe Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie, 1775--1800 by Robert Darnton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481--482 Thomas L. Haskell Book Review: \booktitleJournal of the History of Sociology: An International Review by Glenn Jacobs . . . . . . . . . 482--483 George B. Kauffman Book Review: \booktitleA Sense of the Future: Essays in Natural Philosophy by J. Bronowski; Piero E. Ariotti; Rita Bronowski; \booktitleThe Visionary Eye: Essays in the Arts, Literature, and Science by Jakob Bronowski; Piero E. Ariotti; Rita Bronowski . . . . . . . . 483--484 Peter D. Asquith Book Review: \booktitlePhilosophical Papers by Imre Lakatos; John Worrall; Gregory Currie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484--486 David C. Gooding Book Review: \booktitleThe Concept of Matter in Modern Philosophy by Ernan McMullin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486--486 Alan Beyerchen Book Review: \booktitleErnst Krieck und die nationalsozialistische Wissenschaftsreform: Motive und Tendenzen einer Wissenschaftslehre und Hochschulreform im Dritten Reich by Gerhard Müller . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486--487 H. M. Collins Book Review: \booktitleThe Sociology of Science: Problems, Approaches, and Research by Jerry Gaston . . . . . . . . 487--488 Donna Haraway Book Review: \booktitleLaboratory Life: The Social Construction of Scientific Facts by Bruno Latour; Steve Woolgar . . 488--489 Nicholas Mullins Book Review: \booktitleScience and the Sociology of Knowledge by Michael Mulkay 489--490 G. S. Rousseau Book Review: \booktitleWriting about Science by Mary Elizabeth Bowen; J. A. Mazzeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490--490 Lois N. Magner Book Review: \booktitleScience as a Human Endeavor by George F. Kneller . . 490--491 Ronald L. Numbers Book Review: \booktitleThe Post-Darwinian Controversies: A Study of the Protestant Struggle to Come to Terms with Darwin in Great Britain and America, 1870--1900 by James R. Moore 491--492 Paul Lawrence Farber Book Review: \booktitleDiderot and Goethe: A Study in Science and Humanism by Gerhard M. Vasco . . . . . . . . . . 492--493 Albert C. Lewis Book Review: \booktitleGeorg Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite by Joseph Warren Dauben . . . . 493--494 Arthur Donovan Book Review: \booktitleThe Playfair Collection and the Teaching of Chemistry at the University of Edinburgh 1713--1858 by R. G. W. Anderson . . . . 494--494 John W. Servos Book Review: \booktitleThe Transcendental Part of Chemistry by David M. Knight . . . . . . . . . . . . 494--495 Jean-Claude Guédon Book Review: \booktitleChemistry Transformed: The Paradigmatic Shift from Phlogiston to Oxygen by H. Gilman McCann 495--497 Thomas F. Glick and Jonathan Olsson Book Review: \booktitleThe Nature of Change in Geographical Ideas by Brian J. L. Berry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497--498 Rachel Laudan Book Review: \booktitleImages of the Earth: Essays in the History of the Environmental Sciences by L. J. Jordanova; R. S. Porter . . . . . . . . 498--499 H. Howard Frisinger Book Review: \booktitleThe Thermal Theory of Cyclones: A History of Meteorological Thought in the Nineteenth Century by Gisela Kutzbach . . . . . . . 499--500 Peter J. Bowler Book Review: \booktitleA History of the Life Sciences by Lois N. Magner . . . . 500--501 John M. O'Donnell Book Review: \booktitleHuman Science and Social Order: Hugo Münsterberg and the Origins of Applied Psychology by Matthew Hale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501--501 D. K. van Keuren Book Review: \booktitleOrientalism by Edward W. Said . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502--502 Michael M. Sokal Book Review: \booktitleThe Shaping of a Behaviorist: Part Two of an Autobiography by B. F. Skinner . . . . . 502--503 Gweneth Whitteridge Book Review: \booktitleWilliam Harvey and His Age: The Professional and Social Context of the Discovery of the Circulation by Jerome J. Bylebyl . . . . 503--504 Jonathan Liebenau Book Review: \booktitleDie Anfänge der Basler chemischen Industrie im Lichte von Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltschutz by Markus Hämmerle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504--504 M. Jeanne Peterson Book Review: \booktitleCholera, Fever and English Medicine 1825--1865 by Margaret Pelling . . . . . . . . . . . . 504--505 Edwin T. Layton, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleThe History and Philosophy of Technology by George Bugliarello; Dean B. Doner . . . . . . . 505--505 Michael W. Ovenden Book Review: \booktitleMegalithic Remains in Britain and Brittany by A. Thom; A. S. Thom . . . . . . . . . . . . 506--506 Wilbur R. Knorr Book Review: \booktitleVon Eudoxos zu Aristoteles: Das Fortwirken der Eudoxischen Proportionentheorie in der Aristotelischen Lehre vom Kontinuum by Hans-Joachim Waschkies . . . . . . . . . 506--508 A. G. Molland Book Review: \booktitleFrom Memory to Written Record: England 1066--1307 by M. T. Clanchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508--508 Claudia Kren Book Review: \booktitleMachaut's World: Science and Art in the Fourteenth Century by Madeleine Pelner Cosman; Bruce Chandler . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508--509 N. Sivin Book Review: \booktitleCambridge Texts in the History of Chinese Science on Microfiche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509--511 J. Peter Zetterberg Book Review: \booktitleA Goodly Gallerye: William Fulke's Book of Meteors by Theodore Hornberger . . . . . 511--512 Brooke Hindle Book Review: \booktitleBenjamin Thompson, Count Rumford by Sanborn C. Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512--513 I. Bernard Cohen Book Review: \booktitleRoemer et la vitesse de la lumi\`ere: Paris 16 et 17 juin 1976 by Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique . . . . . . . . . 513--514 J. Bruce Brackenridge Book Review: \booktitleKepler: Astronome, astrologue by Gérard Simon . . 514--515 William H. Goetzmann Book Review: \booktitleBenjamin Silliman and His Circle: Studies on the Influence of Benjamin Silliman on Science in America by Leonard G. Wilson . . . . . . 515--517 Joel S. Schwartz Book Review: \booktitleDarwin and the Mysterious Mr. X: New Light on the Evolutionists by Loren Eiseley; Kenneth Heuer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517--517 Robert W. Seidel Book Review: \booktitleWhat Little I Remember by Otto R. Frisch . . . . . . . 517--518 Margaret Gowing Book Review: \booktitleThe Wizard War: British Scientific Intelligence 1939--1945 by R. V. Jones . . . . . . . 518--519 Myvanwy M. Dick Book Review: \booktitleOn Almost Any Wind: The Saga of the Oceanographic Research Vessel ``Atlantis'' by Susan Schlee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519--519 Sanford Gifford Book Review: \booktitleA History of Aggression in Freud by Paul E. Stepansky 519--520 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521--524
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525--529 John W. Servos The Industrial Relations of Science: Chemical Engineering at MIT, 1900--1939 530--549 R. H. Naylor Galileo's Theory of Projectile Motion 550--570 Dennis R. Dean Graham Island, Charles Lyell, and the Craters of Elevation Controversy . . . . 571--588 Frank M. Turner Public Science in Britain, 1880--1919 589--608 Jeffrey Barnouw Vico and the Continuity of Science: The Relation of His Epistemology to Bacon and Hobbes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609--620 D. S. Tarbell and Ann T. Tarbell and R. M. Joyce The Students of Ira Remsen and Roger Adams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620--626 Lillian Hoddeson and Nobuo Kawamiya and Martin Rudwick Conference Reports . . . . . . . . . . . 627--629 Peter Buck Teaching Programs . . . . . . . . . . . 629--631 Anonymous Appointments, Archives, Associations . . 631--632 Donald Fleming and Joseph Needham and Edward Grant and Jacques Roger Book Review: \booktitleThe Dictionary of Scientific Biography . . . . . . . . . . 633--652 Lindley Darden Book Review: \booktitleThe Sociobiology Debate: Readings on Ethical and Scientific Issues by Arthur L. Caplan; \booktitleSociobiology: Sense or Nonsense? by Michael Ruse . . . . . . . 653--654 Albert E. Moyer Book Review: \booktitleDirectory of Audio-Visual Sources: History of Science, Medicine, and Technology by Bruce S. Eastwood . . . . . . . . . . . 654--654 A. Van Helden Book Review: \booktitleTijdschrift voor de Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde, Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Techniek by G. T. Haneveld . . . . . . . 654--655 Thomas S. Hall Book Review: \booktitleChemistry and Physiology in Their Historical and Philosophical Relations by Eduard Glas 655--656 David L. Hull Book Review: \booktitleTeleology Revisited and Other Essays in the Philosophy and History of Science by Ernest Nagel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656--657 Nico Stehr Book Review: \booktitleEntfremdete Wissenschaft by Gernot Böhme; Michael von Engelhardt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657--658 Paul Dufour Book Review: \booktitleNational Research in Canada: The NRC, 1916--1966 by Wilfrid Eggleston; \booktitlePhysics at the National Research Council of Canada, 1929--1952 by W. E. K. Middleton . . . . 658--659 Robert Palter Book Review: \booktitleThe Reception of Unconventional Science by Seymour H. Mauskopf; \booktitleReliable Knowledge: An Exploration of the Grounds for Belief in Science by John Ziman . . . . . . . . 660--661 Daryl E. Chubin Book Review: \booktitleOn the Margins of Science: The Social Construction of Rejected Knowledge by Roy Wallis . . . . 661--662 Sandra Harding Book Review: \booktitleSigns: Journal of Women in Culture and Society by Catherine R. Stimpson; \booktitleWoman and Nature: The Roaring within Her by Susan Griffin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662--664 Sally Gregory Kohlstedt Book Review: \booktitleGraceanna Lewis: Scientist and Humanitarian by Deborah Jean Warner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664--665 Leo J. Klosterman Book Review: \booktitleThe Origin of Science and the Science of Its Origin by Stanley L. Jaki . . . . . . . . . . . . 665--665 Hugh G. J. Aitken Book Review: \booktitleThe Emerging Goddess: The Creative Process in Art, Science, and Other Fields by Albert Rothenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665--666 Carolyn Eisele Book Review: \booktitlePeirce's Philosophy of Science: Critical Studies in His Theory of Induction and Scientific Method by Nicholas Rescher 666--667 Erwin N. Hiebert Book Review: \booktitleRéflexions sur la puissance mortice du feu by Sadi Carnot; Robert Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667--667 John Hedley Brooke Book Review: \booktitleBerzelius och den kemiska atomteorin by Anders Lundgren 668--668 Stanley L. Jaki Book Review: \booktitleMan's View of the Universe, a Pictorial History: Evolving Concepts of the Universe from Ancient Times of Today's Space Probes by Gerald E. Tauber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668--668 Lisa Bud-Frierman Book Review: \booktitleAgricultural Records in Britain A.D. 220--1977 by J. M. Stratton; Jack Houghton Brown; Ralph Whitlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669--669 William Randall Albury Book Review: \booktitlePhysiology and Classification: Historical Relations by Joseph Schiller . . . . . . . . . . . . 669--670 Benjamin Kilborne Book Review: \booktitleAux origines de l'anthropologie française: Les mémoires de la Société des Observateurs de l'Homme en l'an VIII by Jean Copans; Jean Jamin . . 670--670 Solomon Diamond Book Review: \booktitlePioneers of Psychology: Studies of the Great Figures Who Paved the Way for the Contemporary Science of Behavior by Raymond E. Fancher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671--672 John C. Burnham Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Psychology in Historical Perspective: Addresses of the Presidents of the American Psychological Association, 1892--1977 by Ernest R. Hilgard . . . . 672--672 Stephen Jacyna Book Review: \booktitleEthics and Society in England: The Revolution in the Social Sciences 1870--1914 by Rena N. Soffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672--673 William F. Bynum Book Review: \booktitleConstantin von Economo (1876--1931): The Man and the Scientist by Ludo van Bogaert; Jean Théodorid\`es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673--674 Russell Maulitz Book Review: \booktitleOn the Normal and the Pathological by Georges Canguilhem; Carolyn R. Fawcett; Robert S. Cohen . . 674--674 Jane M. Oppenheimer Book Review: \booktitleThe Genesis of Cancer: A Study in the History of Ideas by L. J. Rather . . . . . . . . . . . . 675--675 David Rosner Book Review: \booktitleHealing and History: Essays for George Rosen by Charles Rosenberg . . . . . . . . . . . 675--676 Edwin T. Layton, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleRobert Maillart's Bridges: The Art of Engineering by David P. Billington . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677--677 Mark H. Rose Book Review: \booktitleTwentieth Century Limited: Industrial Design in America, 1925--1939 by Jeffrey L. Meikle . . . . 677--678 Emory Kemp Book Review: \booktitleThe Eads Bridge by Quinta Scott; Howard S. Miller . . . 678--678 Wilbur R. Knorr Book Review: \booktitleLes Éléments by Euclid; Georges J. Kayas . . . . . . . . 678--679 Edith D. Sylla Book Review: \booktitleJuan Luis Vives against the Pseudodialecticians. A Humanist Attack on Medieval Logic by Rita Guerlac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679--680 Sabetai Unguru Book Review: \booktitlePractical Geometry in the High Middle Ages: \booktitleArtis cuiuslibet consummatio and the \booktitlePratike de geometrie by Stephen K. Victor . . . . . . . . . . 680--681 William J. Courtenay Book Review: \booktitleLes écoles et l'enseignement dans l'Occident chrétien de la fin du Ve si\`ecle au milieu du XIe si\`ecle by Pierre Riché . . . . . . 681--682 Emilie Savage-Smith Book Review: \booktitleProceedings of the First International Symposium for the History of Arabic Science, April 5--12, 1976. Volume II: Papers in European Languages by Ahmad Y. al-Hassan; Ghada Karmi; Nizar Namnun . . 682--683 Tadashi Yoshida Book Review: \booktitleScience and Culture in Traditional Japan, A.D. 600--1854 by Masayoshi Sugimoto; David L. Swain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684--685 Nicholas H. Clulee Book Review: \booktitleRobert Fludd and His Philosophicall Key: Being a Transcription of the Manuscript at Trinity College, Cambridge by Robert Fludd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685--685 Albert Heinekamp Book Review: \booktitleDer junge Leibniz. Volume I: Die wissenschaftstheoretische Problemstellung seines ersten Systementwurfs. Der Anschluss an Erhard Weigels Scientia Generalis by Konrad Moll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686--686 William Shea Book Review: \booktitleGalileo's Early Notebooks: The Physical Questions. A Translation from the Latin, with Historical and Paleographical Commentary by William A. Wallace . . . . . . . . . 686--686 Bernard S. Finn Book Review: \booktitleFrom Spark to Satellite: A History of Radio Communication by Stanley Leinwoll . . . 687--687 Judith P. Swazey Book Review: \booktitleSherrington: His Life and Thought by John C. Eccles; William C. Gibson . . . . . . . . . . . 687--687 Sanford Gifford Book Review: \booktitleFreud's Early Psychology of the Neuroses: A Historical Perspective by Kenneth Levin . . . . . . 687--688 David Bloor Book Review: \booktitleThe Making of Mind: A Personal Account of Soviet Psychology by A. R. Luria; Michael Cole; Sheila Cole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688--689 Frederick Gregory Book Review: \booktitleWissenschaftliche Kommunikation: Die Korrespondenz Ernst Machs by Joachim Thiele . . . . . . . . 689--689 I. B. Holley Book Review: \booktitleChariots for Apollo: A History of Manned Lunar Spacecraft by Courtney G. Brooks; James M. Grimwood; Loyd S. Swenson, Jr. . . . 689--690 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691--694 Anonymous Volume Information . . . . . . . . . . . 695--710
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--4 John Neu One Hundred Fifth Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (to January 1980) 5--225+227--295 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296--296
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5 Arnold Thackray Editorial: Making History . . . . . . . 6--10 John Lankford Amateurs versus Professionals: The Controversy over Telescope Size in Late Victorian Science . . . . . . . . . . . 11--28 David H. DeVorkin Community and Spectral Classification in Astrophysics: The Acceptance of E. C. Pickering's System in 1910 . . . . . . . 29--49 Susan Sheets-Pyenson War and Peace in Natural History Publishing: The Naturalist's Library, 1833--1843 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50--72 N. M. Swerdlow and Nicholas Copernicus Translating Copernicus . . . . . . . . . 73--82 Roger Hahn More Light on Charles the Obscure . . . 83--86 J. A. Schufle Answer: Chinese Brass Water-Spouting Bowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86--88 Charles C. Gillispie To the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88--88 Anonymous News of Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89--89 A. Rupert Hall Éloge: Sir Herbert Butterfield, 7 October 1900--20 July 1979 . . . . . . . . . . . 90--91 Albert E. Moyer Elogue: Richard H. Schallenberg, 3 June 1943--18 April 1980 . . . . . . . . . . 91--92 Gerald L. Geison Book Review: \booktitleThe Role of Medicine: Dream, Mirage, or Nemesis? . . 93--95 Barbara Gutmann Rosenkrantz Book Review: \booktitleGenesis and Development of a Scientific Fact . . . . 96--99 Margaret W. Rossiter Book Review: \booktitleFair Science: Women in the Scientific Community . . . 99--103 Lois N. Magner Book Review: \booktitleWinner Take All: Case Study of the Double Helix by Fred Jevons; \booktitleA Worm in the Bud: Case Study of the Pesticide Controversy by David Wade Chambers; \booktitleOn the Social Analysis of Science by David Wade Chambers; \booktitleRed and Expert: A Case Study of Chinese Science in the Cultural Revolution by David Wade Chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104--104 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitleUnwritten Knowledge: Case Study of the Navigators of Micronesia by Lyndsay Farrall; \booktitlePuzzles and Revolutions: Case Study of the Copernican Revolution by F. R. Jevons; \booktitleOn the Philosophical Analysis of Science by Struan Jacobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104--105 Howard Bernstein Book Review: \booktitleArithmos-Arrythmos: Skizzen aus der Wissenschaftsgeschichte by Karin Figala; Ernst H. Berninger . . . . . . . 105--106 Martin V. Curd Book Review: \booktitleModels: Representation and the Scientific Understanding by Marx W. Wartofsky . . . 106--107 Nathan M. Brooks Book Review: \booktitleOsnovanie Peterburgskoi akademii nauk (The Formation of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences) by Iu. Kh. Kopelevich . . . . 107--108 K. E. Bailes Book Review: \booktitleScience and Industrialization in the USSR by Robert Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108--109 Bruce T. Moran Book Review: \booktitleRevolutionen in Naturwissenschaft und Gesellschaft by August Nitschke . . . . . . . . . . . . 109--109 Marianne Gosztonyi Ainley Book Review: \booktitleAmateurs: On the Margin between Work and Leisure by Robert A. Stebbins . . . . . . . . . . . 109--110 David A. Hounshell Book Review: \booktitleDynamos and Virgins Revisited: Women and Technological Change in History by Martha Moore Trescott . . . . . . . . . 110--110 A. Rupert Hall Book Review: \booktitleClocks and the Cosmos: Time in Western Life and Thought by Samuel L. Macey . . . . . . . . . . . 110--111 Hugh Ormsby-Lennon Book Review: \booktitleEnglish Magical and Scientific Poems to 1700: An Annotated Bibliography by Robert M. Schuler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111--112 Joann Morse Book Review: \booktitleLa géométrie: Premi\`ere géométrie algébrique en langue française (1484) by Nicolas Chuquet; Herve l'Huillier . . . . . . . . . . . . 112--113 Lipman Bers Book Review: \booktitleMatematika XIX veka: Matematicheskaia logika, algebra, teoriia chisel, teoriia veroiatnostei (Mathematics in the 19th Century.) by A. N. Kolmogorov; A. P. Iushkevich . . . . 113--113 I. Grattan-Guiness Book Review: \booktitleDie Entstehung der Verbandstheorie by Herbert Mehrtens 113--114 Michael S. Mahoney Book Review: \booktitleGeschichte der Elementarmathematik. 4th Edition. Volume I: Arithmetik und Algebra by Johannes Tropfke; Kurt Vogel; Karin Reich; Helmuth Gericke . . . . . . . . . . . . 115--116 Daniel Serwer Book Review: \booktitleRadioactivity in America: Growth and Decay of a Science by Lawrence Badash . . . . . . . . . . . 116--117 Yakov M. Rabkin Book Review: \booktitleOcherk obschei istorii khimii: Razvitie klassicheskoi khimii v XIX stoletti (An Essay on the General History of Chemistry: The Development of Classical Chemistry in the 19th Century) by Nikolai Alexandrovich Figurovskii . . . . . . . 117--117 G. J. Whitrow Book Review: \booktitlePlanets and Planetarians: A History of Theories of the Origins of Planetary Systems by Stanley L. Jaki . . . . . . . . . . . . 118--118 Alan J. Rocke Book Review: \booktitleHistorische chemische und physikalische Versuche: Eingebettet in den Hintergrund von drei Jahrhunderten by Otto Krätz . . . . . . . 119--119 Stephen G. Brush Book Review: \booktitleA Source Book in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1900--1975 by Kenneth R. Lang; Owen Gingerich . . . 119--120 Ilse Andrews Book Review: \booktitleCarl Ritter, Genius of Geography 1779--1979 by Hanno Beck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120--121 C. Stewart Gillmor Book Review: \booktitleLittle America: Town at the End of the World by Paul A. Carter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121--121 Richard W. Burkhardt, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleLe second r\`egne de la nature: Essai sur les questions de la végétalité au XVIIIe si\`ecle by François Delaporte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121--123 Phillip R. Sloan Book Review: \booktitleDas Ende der Naturgeschichte: Wandel kultureller Selbstverstandlichkeiten in den Wissenschaften des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts by Wolf Lepenies . . . . . 123--124 Michael M. Sokal Book Review: \booktitleCyril Burt, Psychologist by L. S. Hearnshaw . . . . 124--125 Robert C. Bannister Book Review: \booktitleFounding Theory of American Sociology, 1881--1915 by Roscoe C. Hinkle . . . . . . . . . . . . 125--126 Henrika Kuklick Book Review: \booktitleMan, Mind, and Science: A History of Anthropology by Murray J. Leaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126--127 Margaret Pelling Book Review: \booktitleThe People's Health 1830--1910 by Francis Barrymore Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127--128 John Harley Warner Book Review: \booktitleThe Therapeutic Revolution: Essays in the Social History of American Medicine by Morris J. Vogel; Charles E. Rosenberg . . . . . . . . . . 128--129 Peter C. English Book Review: \booktitleThe Rise of Surgery: From Empiric Craft to Scientific Discipline by Owen H. Wangensteen; Sarah D. Wangensteen . . . 129--130 Matthew Ramsey Book Review: \booktitleHealth, Medicine and Mortality in the Sixteenth Century by Charles Webster . . . . . . . . . . . 130--131 Jeffrey L. Meikle Book Review: \booktitleThe Port of New York: A History of the Rail and Terminal System from the Beginnings to Pennsylvania Station by Carl W. Condit 131--132 Cecil O. Smith, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleHistoire générale des techniques. Volume IV: Les techniques de la civilisation industrielle: Énergie et matériaux by Maurice Daumas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132--133 Charles C. Gillispie Book Review: \booktitleThe Origins and Early Development of the Heavy Chemical Industry in France by John Graham Smith 133--133 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleDe praecognitione. (On Prognosis.) by Galen; Vivian Nutton . . . . . . . . . . 134--134 Phillip De Lacy Book Review: \booktitleHippocratica: Actes du Colloque hippocratique de Paris (4--9 septembre 1978) by Mirko D. Grmek 134--135 Wilbur Knorr Book Review: \booktitleThe Beginnings of Greek Mathematics by Árpád Szabó; A. M. Ungar; \booktitleLes débuts des mathématiques grecques by Árpád Szabó; M. Federspiel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135--136 Nicholas H. Steneck Book Review: \booktitleKnowledge and Cosmos: Development and Decline of the Medieval Perspective by Robert K. DeKosky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136--137 David C. Lindberg Book Review: \booktitleAlbertus Magnus and the Sciences: Commemorative Essays 1980 by James A. Weisheipl . . . . . . . 137--138 George Saliba Book Review: \booktitleAl-Jamic Bain Al-cilm wal-camal Al-Nafic Fi Sinac at Al-Hiyal (A Compendium on the Theory and Practice of the Mechanical Arts.) by Ibn Al-Razzaz Al-Jazari; Ahmad Y. Hassan . . 138--139 Anton Heinen Book Review: \booktitleBuch über das Geheimnis der Schöpfung und die Darstellung der Natur (Buch der Ursachen) von Pseudo-Apollonios von Tyana by Ursula Weisser . . . . . . . . 140--140 David Pingree Book Review: \booktitleBeweisverfahren in der vedischen Sakralgeometrie: Ein Beitrag zur Entstehungsgeschichte von Wissenschaft by Axel Michaels . . . . . 140--141 William Shea Book Review: \booktitleIndex scolastico-cartésien by Étienne Gilson . . 141--141 James E. McClellan Book Review: \booktitleIdeas in Seventeenth-Century France: The Most Important Thinkers and the Climate of Ideas in Which They Worked by Edward John Kearns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--142 Willem D. Hackman Book Review: \booktitlePetrus van Musschenbroek (1692--1761), een Newtoniaans Naturonderzoeker by Cornelis de Pater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142--143 F. B. Smith Book Review: \booktitleVictorian Social Medicine: The Ideas and Methods of William Farr by John M. Eyler . . . . . 143--143 Paul Lawrence Farber Book Review: \booktitleL'ordre et le temps: L'anatomie comparée et l'histoire des vivants au XIXe si\`ecle by Bernard Balan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143--144 Edward Manier Book Review: \booktitleCharles Darwin and the Problem of Creation by Neal C. Gillespie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144--145 Mary Jo Nye Book Review: \booktitleThe Edge of Contingency: French Catholic Reaction to Scientific Change from Darwin to Duhem by Harry W. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . 145--146 Ruth Harris Book Review: \booktitlePaul Broca: Founder of French Anthropology, Explorer of the Brain by Francis Schiller . . . . 146--147 Albert E. Moyer Book Review: \booktitleAlbert Einstein, the Human Side: New Glimpses from His Archives by Helen Dukas; Banesh Hoffmann 147--148 Marc Rothenberg Book Review: \booktitlePlanets X and Pluto by William Graves Hoyt . . . . . . 148--148 Merriley Borell Book Review: \booktitleHoward Florey: The Making of a Great Scientist by Gwyn Macfarlane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148--149 Paul Forman Book Review: \booktitleGerman-Jewish Pioneers in Science 1900--1933: Highlights in Atomic Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry by David Nachmansohn 150--150 Thaddeus J. Trenn Book Review: \booktitleNuclear Physics in Retrospect: Proceedings of a Symposium on the 1930's by Roger H. Stuewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150--151 Philip Kitcher Book Review: \booktitleWittgenstein on the Foundations of Mathematics by Crispin Wright . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151--152 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153--156
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--161 James A. Secord Nature's Fancy: Charles Darwin and the Breeding of Pigeons . . . . . . . . . . 162--186 Steven Shapin Of Gods and Kings: Natural Philosophy and Politics in the Leibniz--Clarke Disputes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187--215 Andrew Pickering The Hunting of the Quark . . . . . . . . 216--236 Bernard R. Goldstein The Hebrew Astronomical Tradition: New Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237--251 Paul Erickson The Anthropology of Charles Caldwell, M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252--256 Phillip R. Sloan and Sally Gregory Kohlstedt Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society. 17--19 October 1980 . . . . . . 257--262 Pamela Gullard The Charles Babbage Institute for the History of Information Processing (CBI) 262--264 Anne Tihon Éloge: Joseph Mogenet, 26 February 1913--18 February 1980 . . . . . . . . . 265--266 Martin Rudwick and William Coleman and Edith Sylla and Lorraine Daston Critical Problems in the History of Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267--283 Stephen G. Brush Book Review: \booktitleA World on Paper: Studies on the Second Scientific Revolution by Mirella Giacconi; Enrico Bellone; Riccardo Giacconi; \booktitleThe Tragicomical History of Thermodynamics, 1822--1854 by Clifford A. Truesdell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284--286 Gert H. Brieger Book Review: \booktitleEncyclopedia of Bioethics by Warren T. Reich . . . . . . 286--287 Margaret J. Osler Book Review: \booktitleThe Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution by Carolyn Merchant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287--288 James R. Moore Book Review: \booktitlePhilip Henry Gosse: A Bibliography by R. B. Freeman; Douglas Wertheimer . . . . . . . . . . . 288--289 Henry Small Book Review: \booktitleA Bibliography of Quantitative Studies on Science and Its History by Roger Hahn . . . . . . . . . 289--289 Kathryn M. Olesko Book Review: \booktitleMax Planck. A Bibliography of His Non-Technical Writings by Henry Lowood; \booktitleWilliam Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg. A Bibliography of Their Non-Technical Writings by Henry Lowood; \booktitleErnest Rutherford. A Bibliography of His Non-Technical Writings by Henry Lowood . . . . . . . . 289--290 Mary Hesse Book Review: \booktitleTheory and Evidence by Clark Glymour . . . . . . . 290--291 Stephen Wykstra Book Review: \booktitleProgress and Rationality in Science by Gerard Radnitzky; Gunnar Andersson . . . . . . 291--292 Frances Anderson and Raymond Duchesne Book Review: \booktitleBiological Sciences at the National Research Council of Canada: The Early Years to 1952 by Norman T. Gridgeman . . . . . . 292--293 Erwin Hiebert Book Review: \booktitleDie Naturwissenschaften an der Philipps--Universität Marburg, 1527--1977 by Rudolf Schmitz . . . . . . . . . . . 293--294 Jane Maienschein Book Review: \booktitleA History of Microtechnique by Brian Bracegirdle . . 294--294 Silvio A. Bedin Book Review: \booktitleMathematical Instrument-Makers in the Grocers' Company 1688--1800 by Joyce Brown . . . 294--295 Deborah Jean Warner Book Review: \booktitleGreenwich Time and the Discovery of the Longitude by Derek Howse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295--295 G. L'E. Turner Book Review: \booktitleCatalog of the Scientific Apparatus at the College of Charleston, 1800--1940 by Barbara Hughes; Ralph Melnick . . . . . . . . . 295--296 Loyd S. Swenson, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleScientific Images and Their Social Uses: An Introduction to the Concept of Scientism by Iain Cameron; \booktitleDavid Edge; Limits of a Modern World: A Study of the ``Limits to Growth'' Debate by Robert McCutcheon; \booktitleThe Atomic Bomb by Margaret Gowing; Lorna Arnold; \booktitleAre Science and Technology Neural? by Joan Lipscombe; Bill Williams; \booktitleAssessment of Technological Decisions--Case Studies by Ernest Braun; David Collingridge; Kate Hinton . . . . 296--297 Steve Woolgar Book Review: \booktitleThe Reward System in British and American Science by Jerry Gaston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297--298 Karin Knorr Book Review: \booktitleThe Dynamics of Science and Technology: Social Values, Technical Norms and Scientific Criteria in the Development of Knowledge by Wolfgang Krohn; Edwin T. Layton,; Peter Weingart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298--299 Edmund Todd Book Review: \booktitleNaturwissenschaft, Technik und NS-Ideologie: Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte des Dritten Reiches by Herbert Mehrtens; Steffen Richter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299--300 Bentley Glass Book Review: \booktitleUnpopular Essays on Technological Progress by Nicholas Rescher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300--300 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitleTesti e contesti: Quadreni di scienze, storia e societ\`a by Angelo Baraca . . . . . . . . . . . . 300--301 Michael D. Resnik Book Review: \booktitlePhilosophical and Mathematical Correspondence by Gottlob Frege; Gottfried Gabriel; Hans Hermes; Friedrich Kambartel; Christian Thiel; Albert Veraart; Brian McGuinness; Hans Kaal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301--302 Philip Kitcher Book Review: \booktitleFrege and the Philosophy of Mathematics by Michael D. Resnik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302--303 Evan M. Melhado Book Review: \booktitleKleine Geschichte der Chemie by Gunther Simon . . . . . . 303--303 Kenneth L. Taylor Book Review: \booktitleFour Hitherto Unpublished Geological Lectures Given by Sir Humphry Davy in 1805 by Humphry Davy; \booktitleHumphry Davy on Geology: The 1805 Lectures for the General Audience by Humphry Davy; Robert Siegfried; Robert H. Dott . . . . . . . 303--304 Alexander M. Ospovat Book Review: \booktitleTwo Hundred Years of Geology in America by Cecil J. Schneer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304--305 Joseph Ewan Book Review: \booktitleThe Fossil Hunters: In Search of Ancient Plants by Henry N. Andrews . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--306 Joseph S. Fruton Book Review: \booktitleA History of Biochemistry. Part V. The Unravelling of Biosynthetic Pathways by Marcel Florkin 306--307 Shirley A. Roe Book Review: \booktitleHistory and Philosophy of the Life Sciences by M. D. Grmek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307--308 Henrika Kuklick Book Review: \booktitleThe French Encounter with Africans: White Response to Blacks, 1530--1880 by William B. Cohen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308--309 Ronald L. Numbers Book Review: \booktitleSex, Diet, and Debility in Jacksonian America: Sylvester Graham and Health Reform by Stephen Nissenbaum . . . . . . . . . . . 309--309 George W. Corner and Senior Book Review: \booktitleThe Education of American Physicians: Historical Essays by Ronald L. Numbers . . . . . . . . . . 309--310 Joel A. Tarr Book Review: \booktitleA Retrospective Technology Assessment: Submarine Telegraphy--The Transatlantic Cable of 1866 by Vary T. Coates; Bernard Finn . . 310--311 Edwin T. Layton, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleA History of Industrial Power in the United States, 1780--1930. Volume I: Waterpower in the Century of the Steam Engine by Louis C. Hunter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311--312 Leslie Hannah Book Review: \booktitleBeardmore: The History of a Scottish Industrial Giant by John R. Hume; Michael S. Moss . . . . 312--312 Edward W. Constant, II Book Review: \booktitleTekniska Museet Symposia: Technology and Its Impact on Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312--313 Eda Fowlks Kranakis Book Review: \booktitleLes mécaniciens grecs: La naissance de la technologie by Bertrand Gille . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313--314 Michael S. Mahoney Book Review: \booktitleUna fisica senza matematica: Democrito, Aristotele, Filopono by Giulio A. Lucchetta . . . . 314--314 David C. Lindberg Book Review: \booktitleCatalogus translationum et commentariorum: Medieval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries: Annotated Lists and Guides. Volume IV by F. Edward Cranz; Paul Oskar Kristeller . . . . . . 314--315 John M. Riddle Book Review: \booktitleThe Prose Salernitan Questions: An Anonymous Collection Dealing with Science and Medicine Written by an Englishman c. 1200, with an Appendix of Ten Related Collections by Brian Lawn . . . . . . . 315--316 Barbara Beigun Kaplan Book Review: \booktitleBartholomaeus Anglicus on the Properties of Soul and Body: ``\booktitleDe proprietatibus rerum libri III et IV'' by Bartholomaeus Anglicus; R. James Long . . . . . . . . 316--317 Anton Heinen Book Review: \booktitleLe livre de la méthode du médecin de cAli b. Ri\ddwan (998--1067). Volume I. Introduction --- Thérapeutique by Jacques Grand'henry . . 317--317 K. C. Chang Book Review: \booktitleK'aokuhsue yu Kechishih (Essays on Archaeology of Science and Technology in China) by Hsia Nai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317--318 Elling O. Eide Book Review: \booktitleNan-fang ts'ao-mu chuang: A Fourth Century Flora of Southeast Asia by Chi Han; Hui-Lin Li 318--318 G. S. Dunbar Book Review: \booktitleLa géographie de la Renaissance (1420--1620) by Numa Broc 319--319 Brian Copenhaver Book Review: \booktitleRenaissance Man and Creative Thinking: A History of Concepts of Harmony, 1400--1700 by Dorothy Koenigsberger . . . . . . . . . 319--320 Keith Michael Baker Book Review: \booktitleLa logique/Logic by Étienne de Condillac; W. R. Albury . . 320--321 Herbert Hovenkamp Book Review: \booktitleThe Works of Jonathan Edwards, Volume VI: Scientific and Philosophical Writings: The ``Spider'' Papers, ``Natural Philosophy,'' ``The Mind,'' Short Scientific and Philosophical Papers by Jonathan Edwards; Wallace E. Anderson 321--321 Winifred Lovell Wisan Book Review: \booktitleMomento: Studi galileiani by Paolo Gailuzzi . . . . . . 321--322 John McEvoy Book Review: \booktitleJoseph Priestley: Scientist, Theologian, and Metaphysician by Erwin N. Hiebert; Aaron J. Ihde; Robert E. Schofield; Lester Keift; Bennett R. Willeford . . . . . . . . . . 322--323 Frederick Gregory Book Review: \booktitleBriefwechsel zwischen Alexander von Humboldt und Heinrich Christian Schumacher by Kurt R. Biermann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323--324 Janet Browne Book Review: \booktitleA Delicate Arrangement: The Strange Case of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace by Arnold C. Brackman . . . . . . . . . . . 324--324 Toby A. Appel Book Review: \booktitleThe Letters of Georges Cuvier: A Summary Calendar of Manuscript and Printed Materials Preserved in Europe, the United States of America, and Australasia by Dorinda Outram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324--325 William Shea Book Review: \booktitleLes orbites des plan\`etes by G. W. F. Hegel; François De Gandt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325--325 Howard E. Gruber Book Review: \booktitleThe Darwinian Revolution by Michael Ruse . . . . . . . 325--327 Sally Gregory Kohlstedt Book Review: \booktitleMr. Peale's Museum: Charles Willson Peale and the First Popular Museum of Natural Science and Art by Charles Coleman Sellers . . . 327--328 Claude Dolman Book Review: \booktitleNoguchi and His Patrons by Isabel R. Plesset . . . . . . 328--329 Bruce R. Wheaton Book Review: \booktitleThe Early Years: The Niels Bohr Institute, 1921--1930 by Peter Robertson . . . . . . . . . . . . 329--330 Daniel J. Kevles Book Review: Alice Kimball Smith and Charles Weiner: \booktitleRobert Oppenheimer: Letters and Recollections 330--330 Stanley Goldberg Book Review: \booktitleGenesis of Relativity: Einstein in Context by Loyd S. Swenson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330--331 Steven J. Dick Book Review: \booktitleThe Search for Life on Mars: Evolution of an Idea by Henry S. F. Cooper . . . . . . . . . . . 331--331 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332--336
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337--341 Thomas Harmon Jobe The Devil in Restoration Science: The Glanvill--Webster Witchcraft Debate . . 342--356 Peter Marshall Nicole Oresme on the Nature, Reflection, and Speed of Light . . . . . . . . . . . 357--374 Geoffrey Sutton Electric Medicine and Mesmerism . . . . 375--392 Jerome Ravetz and Richard S. Westfall Marxism and the History of Science . . . 393--405 G. S. Rousseau Literature and Medicine: The State of the Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406--424 Gerald L. Geison and Louis Pasteur Pasteur on Vital versus Chemical Ferments: A Previously Unpublished Paper on the Inversion of Sugar . . . . . . . 425--445 L. M. Pritykin The Role of Concepts of Structure in the Development of the Physical Chemistry of Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446--456 Xi Zezong Chinese Studies in the History of Astronomy, 1949--1979 . . . . . . . . . 456--470 Spencer R. Weart and David H. DeVorkin Interviews as Sources for History of Modern Astrophysics . . . . . . . . . . 471--477 Kathryn M. Olesko Employment Trends in History of Science 477--479 I. Bernard Cohen Book Review: \booktitleAepinus's Essay on the Theory of Electricity and Magnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480--489 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitleParadigms and Revolutions: Appraisals and Applications of Thomas Kuhn's Philosophy of Science by Gary Gutting . . . . . . . . . . . . 490--491 Morris Zaslow Book Review: \booktitleScience, Technology, and Canadian History: The First Conference on the Study of the History of Canadian Science and Technology, Kingston, Ontario, 1978 by Richard A. Jarrell; Norman R. Ball . . . 491--491 Edward T. Morman Book Review: \booktitleCitation Indexing: Its Theory and Application in Science, Technology, and Humanities by Eugene Garfield . . . . . . . . . . . . 491--492 William A. S. Sarjeant Book Review: \booktitleIsis Cumulative Bibliography 1966--1975. A Bibliography of the History of Science, Formed from Isis Critical Bibliographies 91--100 Indexing Literature Published from 1965 to 1974. Volume I: Personalities and Institutions by John Neu . . . . . . . . 492--493 Michael Ruse Book Review: \booktitleThe Possibility of Naturalism: A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences by Roy Bhaskar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493--495 Jean-Claude Guedon Book Review: \booktitleScience et dialectique chez Hegel et Marx by Michel Vadée . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495--495 Susan Sheets-Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleScience and Colonial Expansion: The Role of the British Royal Botanic Gardens by Lucile H. Brockway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495--496 Edwin T. Layton, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleA Centennial History of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1880--1980 by Bruce Sinclair; James P. Hull . . . . . 497--497 Harold Orlans Book Review: \booktitleThe Making of a Science Policy: A Historical Study of the Institutional and Conceptual Background to Dutch Science Policy in a West-European Perspective by Frits Henry Brookman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497--498 Carroll W. Pursell, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleScience Advice to the President by William T. Golden . . . 498--499 Loyd S. Swenson, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleToward the Endless Frontier: History of the Committee on Science and Technology, 1959--79 by Ken Hechler . . . . . . . . 499--500 Elizabeth Hodes Book Review: \booktitleJohn von Neumann and Norbert Wiener: From Mathematics to the Technologies of Life and Death by Steve J. Heims . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500--501 Alexander Vucinich Book Review: \booktitleIdeology of/in the Natural Sciences by Hilary Rose; Steven Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501--502 Daniel M. Siegel Book Review: \booktitleFrom X-Rays to Quarks: Modern Physicists and Their Discoveries by Emilio Segr\`e . . . . . 502--502 Elizabeth Garber Book Review: \booktitleThe Self-Splitting Atom: The History of the Rutherford-Soddy Collaboration by Thaddeus J. Trenn . . . . . . . . . . . 503--503 Bruce Stansfield Eastwood Book Review: \booktitleGeschichte der Impetustheorie: Untersuchungen zum Ursprung der klassischen Mechanik by Michael Wolff . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503--504 Henry Faul Book Review: \booktitleThe Abyss of Time: Changing Conceptions of the Earth's Antiquity after the Sixteenth Century by Claude C. Albritton . . . . . 504--505 Alexander M. Ospovat Book Review: \booktitleBiographien bedeutender Geowissenschaften der Sowjetunion: 19 biographische Darstellungen zu bedeutenden Gelehrten der russischen und sowjetischen Geologiegeschichte by Martin Guntau . . 505--505 Martin Guntau Book Review: \booktitleAlfred Wegener und die Drift der Kontinente by Martin Schwarzbach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505--506 Clark A. Elliott Book Review: \booktitleArchival Sources for the History of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: A Reference Guide and Report by David Bearman; John T. Edsall; Margaret Miller; Matthew Konopka . . . . 506--507 Rollin D. Hotchkiss Book Review: \booktitleOrigins of Molecular Biology: A Tribute to Jacques Monod by Andre Lwoff; Agnes Ullmann . . 507--508 Steven Shapin Book Review: \booktitleThe Machinery Question and the Making of Political Economy, 1815--1848 by Maxine Berg . . . 508--509 David Bakan Book Review: \booktitleHistoriography of Modern Psychology: Aims, Resources and Approaches by Josef Bro\vzek; Ludwig J. Pongratz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509--509 Charles K. Hyde Book Review: \booktitleAlexander Holley and the Makers of Steel by Jeanne McHugh 509--511 Darwin H. Stapleton Book Review: \booktitleTransport Technology and Social Change by Per Sörbom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511--511 William Eamon Book Review: \booktitleAlchemy: The Philosopher's Stone by Allison Coudert 511--512 B. J. T. Dobbs Book Review: \booktitleAlchemy: A Bibliography of English-Language Writings by Alan Pritchard . . . . . . . 512--512 Edith Sylla Book Review: \booktitleStudies in Medieval Physics and Mathematics by Marshall Clagett . . . . . . . . . . . . 512--513 Karen Reeds Book Review: \booktitleHerbarium Apulei, 1481; Herbolario volgare, 1522 . . . . . 513--513 Olaf Pedersen Book Review: \booktitleLes instruments de la théorie des plan\`etes selon Ptolémée: Equatoires et horlogerie planétaire du XIIIe au XVIe si\`ecle by Emmanuel Poulle . . . . . . . . . . . . 513--514 Bernard R. Goldstein Book Review: \booktitleIslamic Geomancy and a Thirteenth-Century Divinatory Device by Emilie Savage-Smith; Marion B. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514--515 Laurence A. Schneider Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Science and Modern China, 1876--1936 by Peter Buck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515--516 Manfred Porkert Book Review: \booktitleMedizin in China: Eine Ideengeschichte by Paul U. Unschuld 516--517 Jeffrey L. Sturchio Book Review: \booktitleLa introducción de la nueva nomenclatura química y el rechazo de la teoría de la acidez de Lavoisier en España: Edición facsímil de las Reflexiones sobre la nueva nomenclatura química (Madrid, 1788) de Juan Manuel de Aréjula by Ramon Gago; Juan L. Carrillo . . . . . . . . . . . . 517--517 David E. Vassberg Book Review: \booktitleCiencia y técnica en la sociedad española de los siglos XVI y XVII by José María López Piñero . . . . . 517--518 Michael Burke Book Review: \booktitleClásicos españoles de la anatomía patológica anteriores a Cajal by José María López Piñero; Francesc Biyosa; Mariá-Luz Terrada . . . . . . . . 518--518 W. R. Albury Book Review: \booktitleA Critical Study of Condillac's Traité des syst\`emes by Ellen McNiven Hine . . . . . . . . . . . 519--519 Alice Stroup Book Review: \booktitleL'institution de la science et l'expérience du vivant: Méthode et expérience \`a l'Académie Royale des Sciences, 1666--1793 by C. Salomon-Bayet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519--520 Roy Porter Book Review: \booktitleThe Temperature of History: Phases of Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century by Stephen Brush . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520--521 Dietrich von Engelhardt Book Review: \booktitleRomantische Naturphilosophie und Arzneimittelehre 1800--1840 by Dieter Oldenburg . . . . . 521--522 Hilary Rose Book Review: \booktitleSage: A Life of J. D. Bernal by Maurice Goldsmith . . . 522--523 Roy Wagner Book Review: \booktitleGregory Bateson: The Legacy of a Scientist by David Lipset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523--524 Lewis Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleWolfgang Pauli: Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel mit Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg, u.a. Vol. I: 1919--1929 by Wolfgang Pauli; A. Hermann; K. V. Meyenn; V. F. Weisskopf 524--525 Jagdish Mehra Book Review: \booktitleWolfgang Pauli: Die Jahre 1918--1930. Skizzen zu einer wissenschaftlichen Biographie by Steffen Richter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525--526 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527--530
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531--535 Gert H. Brieger Guest Editorial: The History of Medicine and the History of Science . . . . . . . 536--540 James E. McClellan, III The Académie Royale des Sciences, 1699--1793: A Statistical Portrait . . . 541--567 A. Mark Smith Getting the Big Picture in Perspectivist Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568--589 Ronald L. Numbers and William J. Orr, Jr. William Beaumont's Reception at Home and Abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590--612 Bronislaw 'Sredniawa The Anthropologist as a Young Physicist: Bronis\law Malinowski's Apprenticeship 613--620 Richard D. Mohr The Number Theory in Plato's Republic VII and Philebus . . . . . . . . . . . . 620--627 Marie Boas Hall Public Science in Britain: The Role of the Royal Society . . . . . . . . . . . 627--629 Edward Rosen and Erna Hilfstein and N. M. Swerdlow ``Translating Copernicus'' . . . . . . . 629--631 David C. Lindberg and Ronald L. Numbers News of Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632--634 Frederic L. Holmes Éloge: Dov Ospovat, 14 June 1947--28 September 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635--636 John T. Blackmore Éloge: Joachim Thiele, 13 September 1931--19 July 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . 636--637 Hannah S. Decker Book Review: \booktitleFreud, Biologist of the Mind: Beyond the Psychoanalytic Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638--642 Bentley Glass Book Review: \booktitleThe Evolutionary Synthesis: Perspectives on the Unification of Biology . . . . . . . . . 642--647 Silvio A. Bedini Book Review: \booktitleAlbum of Science: From Leonardo to Lavoisier, 1450--1800 by I. Bernard Cohen . . . . . . . . . . 648--649 A. Hunter Dupree Book Review: \booktitleScience, Technology, and National Policy by Thomas J. Kuehn; Alan L. Porter . . . . 649--650 B. J. T. Dobbs Book Review: \booktitleThe Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age by Frances A. Yates . . . . . . . . . . . . 650--650 Frank N. Egerton, III Book Review: \booktitleBritish Natural History Books, 1495--1900: A Handlist by Richard B. Freeman . . . . . . . . . . . 651--651 Cecil J. Schneer Book Review: \booktitleGeologists and the History of Geology: An International Bibliography from the Origins to 1978 by William Sarjeant . . . . . . . . . . . . 651--652 Robert P. Multhauf Book Review: \booktitleDie Schemnitzer Gedenkbibliothek by Laszlo Zsamboki . . 652--652 John Beatty Book Review: \booktitleApplications of Inductive Logic: Proceedings of a Conference at the Queen's College, Oxford, 21--24 August 1978 by L. Jonathan Cohen; Mary Hesse . . . . . . . 653--654 Timothy Lenoir Book Review: \booktitlePhilosophie des Lebendigen: Der Begriff des Organischen bei Kant, sein Grund und seine Aktualität by Reinhard Löw . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654--655 Ronald N. Giere Book Review: \booktitleScientific Discovery, Logic, and Rationality by Thomas Nickles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655--656 David C. Cassidy Book Review: \booktitleState, Society, and University in Germany, 1700--1914 by Charles E. McClelland . . . . . . . . . 656--657 Robert Fox Book Review: \booktitleScience and Immortality: The Éloges of the Paris Academy of Sciences (1699--1791) by Charles B. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . 657--658 Pierce C. Mullen Book Review: \booktitleLorenz Oken (1779--1851), Erster Rektor der Universität Zürich: Festvortrag zur Feier seines 200. Geburtstages by Emil Kuhn-Schnyder . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658--658 Susan Sheets-Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleSavoir scientifique et pouvoir social: L'École polytechnique 1794--1914 by Terry Shinn 658--659 Robert Bud Book Review: \booktitleThe Cancer Mission: Social Contexts of Biomedical Research by Kenneth E. Studer; Daryl E. Chubin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659--660 Gad Freudenthal Book Review: \booktitleLe petit savant illustré by Pierre Thuillier . . . . . . 660--660 Hans Freudenthal Book Review: \booktitleAbrégé d'histoire des mathématiques, 1700--1900 by Jean Dieudonné . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660--661 Morris Kline Book Review: \booktitleFrom the Calculus to Set Theory, 1630--1910: An Introductory History by I. Grattan-Guinness . . . . . . . . . . . . 661--662 Lillian Hoddeson Book Review: \booktitleAdvances in Electronics and Electron Physics. Volume L by L. Marton; C. Marton . . . . . . . 662--663 Olaf Pedersen Book Review: \booktitleThe Sky Explored: Celestial Cartography, 1500--1800 by Deborah J. Warner . . . . . . . . . . . 663--663 Mott Greene Book Review: \booktitleHistory of Concepts in Precambrian Geology by W. O. Kupsch; W. A. S. Sarjeant . . . . . . . 663--664 Roy Porter Book Review: \booktitleLa Macchina della terra: Teorie geologiche dal seicento all'ottocento by Nicoletta Morello . . . 664--665 R. H. Dott, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleGrove Karl Gilbert: A Great Engine of Research by Stephen J. Pyne . . . . . . . . . . . . 665--666 William Woodward Book Review: \booktitleAn Education in Psychology: James McKeen Cattell's Journal and Letters from Germany and England, 1880--1888 by James McKeen Cattell; Michael M. Sokal . . . . . . . 666--667 Robert Jones Book Review: \booktitleLiberalism and Sociology: L. T. Hobhouse and Political Argument in England, 1880--1914 by Stefan Collini . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667--668 James G. Blight Book Review: \booktitleLanguage and the Origins of Psychoanalysis by John Forrester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668--668 P. M. Rattansi Book Review: \booktitleEnglish Almanacs, 1500--1800: Astrology and the Popular Press by Bernard Capp . . . . . . . . . 668--669 Seymour H. Mauskopf Book Review: \booktitleScience, Pseudo-Science, and Society by Marsha P. Hanen; Margaret J. Osler; Robert G. Weyant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669--670 H. M. Collins Book Review: \booktitleThe Elusive Science: Origins of Experimental Psychical Research by Seymour H. Mauskopf; Michael R. McVaugh . . . . . . 670--671 G. J. Toomer Book Review: \booktitleL'Astronomie dans l'antiquité classique: Actes du colloque tenu \`a l'Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, 21--23 Octobre 1977 . . . . . . 671--672 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleDer griechische Arzt im Zeitalter des Hellenismus: Seine Stellung in Staat und Gesellschaft by Fridolf Kudlien . . . . . . . . . . . . 672--673 A. Wasserstein Book Review: \booktitleMagic, Reason, and Experience: Studies in the Origin and Development of Greek Science by G. E. R. Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673--674 J. L. Berggren Book Review: \booktitleArchimedes: Ingenieur, Naturwissenschaftler und Mathematiker by Ivo Schneider . . . . . 674--675 David J. Furley Book Review: \booktitleLa naissance de la physique dans le texte de Lucr\`ece: Fleuves et turbulences by Michel Serres; Critique: Revue général des publications françaises et étrang\`eres. Vol. 35, No. 380, January 1979: Michel Serres: Interférences et turbulences . . . . . . 675--676 Vern L. Bullough Book Review: \booktitleDoctor Bernard de Gordon: Professor and Practitioner by Luke E. Demaitre . . . . . . . . . . . . 677--677 Jane Jervis Book Review: \booktitleRegiomontanus-Studien by Günther Hamann . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677--678 Kent Kraft Book Review: \booktitleSphaera lucis: Studien zur Intelligibilität des Seienden im Kontext der mittelalterlichen Lichtspekulation by Klaus Hedwig . . . . 678--679 Emilie Savage-Smith Book Review: \booktitleAristoteles Semitico-Latinus. The Arabic Version of Aristotle's Parts of Animals: Books XI-XIV of the Kitab al-\dHayawan by Remke Kruk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679--680 Thomas F. Glick Book Review: \booktitleLes qanats: Une technique d'aquisition de l'eau by Henri Goblot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680--681 William Shea Book Review: \booktitleLettere a Giovan Stefano Conti by Ruggiero Giuseppe Boscovich; Gino Arrighi . . . . . . . . 681--682 I. Grattan-Guinness Book Review: \booktitleColloque international et interdisciplinaire Jean-Henri Lambert, Mulhouse, 26--30 septembre 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682--682 Stillman Drake Book Review: \booktitleGalileo and the Art of Reasoning: Rhetorical Foundations of Logic and Scientific Method by Maurice A. Finocchiaro . . . . . . . . . 682--683 James R. Jacob Book Review: \booktitlePhilosophers at War: The Quarrel between Newton and Leibniz by A. Rupert Hall . . . . . . . 683--684 Mordechai Feingold Book Review: \booktitleEnglish Scientific Virtuosi in the 16th and 17th Centuries by Barbara Shapiro; Robert G. Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684--685 J. R. R. Christie Book Review: \booktitleWorks and Correspondence by Adam Smith; D. D. Raphael; A. S. Skinner; \booktitleWorks and Correspondence. Volume III: Essays on Philosophical Subjects by W. P. D. Wightman; J. C. Bryce; Dugald Stewart; I. S. Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685--686 Stephen Pyne Book Review: \booktitleJoseph Nicollet and His Map by Martha Coleman Bray . . . 686--687 Paul J. McCartney Book Review: \booktitleRichard Griffith, 1784--1878: Papers Presented at the Centenary Symposium Organised by the Royal Dublin Society, 21 and 22 September 1978 by G. L. Herries Davies; R. Charles Mollan . . . . . . . . . . . 687--687 Ilse Andrews Book Review: \booktitleAlexander von Humboldt: His Portraits and Their Artists; A Documentary Iconography by Halina Nelken . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687--688 Stephen J. Heims Book Review: \booktitleReminiscences of Los Alamos, 1943--1945 by Lawrence Badash; Joseph O. Hirschfelder; Herbert P. Broida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688--688 G. S. Dunbar Book Review: \booktitleThe Life and Thought of Isaiah Bowman by Geoffrey J. Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688--689 Robert Seidel Book Review: \booktitleQuantum Physics in America, 1920--1935 by Katherine Russell Sopka . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689--689 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690--693 Anonymous Volume Information . . . . . . . . . . . 694--706
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--20 John Neu One Hundred Sixth Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (to January 1981) 5--19+21--248 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--3 Anonymous Cumulative Index . . . . . . . . . . . . 4--167 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168--168
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5 Arnold Thackray Editorial: On American Science . . . . . 6--10 Wolf Lepenies Linnaeus's Nemesis divina and the Concept of Divine Retaliation . . . . . 11--27 Peter Buck People Who Counted: Political Arithmetic in the Eighteenth Century . . . . . . . 28--45 David Gooding Empiricism in Practice: Teleology, Economy, and Observation in Faraday's Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46--67 Spyros Sakellariadis Descartes's Use of Empirical Data to Test Hypotheses . . . . . . . . . . . . 68--76 Clark A. Elliott Models of the American Scientist: A Look at Collective Biography . . . . . . . . 77--93 Barbara L. Welther ``Pickering's Harem'' . . . . . . . . . 94--94 Magda Whitrow \booktitleIsis Cumulative Bibliography 95--95 Richard F. Hirsh Proseminar on Space History, 22 May 1981 96--97 Anonymous News of Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97--97 G. S. Rousseau Eloge: Marjorie Hope Nicolson, 18 February 1894--9 March 1981 . . . . . . 98--99 D. T. Whiteside Book Review: \booktitleNever at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton . . . . . . . 100--107 Silvan S. Schweber Book Review: \booktitleSir William Rowan Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107--109 Arthur Donovan Book Review: \booktitleBulletin of Science, Technology and Society by Rustum Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110--110 Michael Hoskin Book Review: \booktitleThe Catalogues of Archives of Scientists, Compiled by the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre. 1973--1978, and Continuation by Jeannine Alston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111--111 Carl Mitcham Book Review: \booktitleTechnology and Values in American Civilization: A Guide to Information Sources by Stephen H. Cutcliffe; Judith A. Mistichelli; Christine M. Roysdon . . . . . . . . . . 111--112 Nathan Reingold Book Review: \booktitleNew Directions in American Intellectual History by John Higham; P. K. Conkin . . . . . . . . . . 112--112 James Lennox Book Review: \booktitleOn Scientific Discovery: The Erice Lectures, 1977 by Mirko Drazen Grmek; Robert S. Cohen; Guido Cimino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112--113 Edward Manier Book Review: \booktitleRevolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science by Mary Hesse . . . . . . . . . 113--114 Richard A. Healey Book Review: \booktitleStudies in the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by Patrick Suppes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114--115 Lester S. King Book Review: \booktitleDie inneren Verbindungen zwischen Philosophie und Medizin im 20. Jahrhundert by Dietrich von Engelhardt; Heinrich Schipperges . . 115--116 W. E. K. Middleton Book Review: \booktitleThe Construction and Use of a Thermometer, by James Six, F.R.S., Prefaced by an Account of His Life and Works and the Use of His Thermometer over Two Hundred Years by Jill Austin; Anita McConnell . . . . . . 116--116 Robert P. Multhauf Book Review: \booktitleGeomagnetic Instruments before 1900: An Illustrated Account of Their Construction and Use by Anita McConnell . . . . . . . . . . . . 116--117 Elizabeth Fee Book Review: \booktitleSocial Darwinism and English Thought: The Interaction between Biological and Social Theory by Greta Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117--117 Brigitte Schroeder-Gudehus Book Review: \booktitleColloques et sociétés: La régulation sociale by Claude Tapia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117--118 Joan L. Richards Book Review: \booktitlePeano: Life and Works of Giuseppe Peano by Hubert C. Kennedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118--119 Henry W. Gould Book Review: \booktitleDer Beginn der Determinantentheorie: Leibnizens nachgelassene Studien zum Determinantenkalkul. Textband by Eberhard Knobloch . . . . . . . . . . . 119--119 David Turnbull Book Review: \booktitleThe Beginnings of Solid State Physics by Nevill Mott . . . 120--120 Lanfranco Belloni Book Review: \booktitleLa radioattivit\`a da Becquerel a Rutherford by Giuseppe Bruzzaniti . . . 120--121 Aaron J. Ihde Book Review: \booktitleH. Staudinger, H. Mark und K. H. Meyer: Thesen zur Grosse und Struktur der Makromolekule: Ursachen und Hintergrunde eines akademischen Disputes by Claus Priesner . . . . . . . 121--122 Armando Carbonell Book Review: \booktitleGeography Yesterday and Tomorrow by E. H. Brown 122--122 Claude Albritton Book Review: \booktitleNortheastern Geology. Special Issue, Volume 3, Number 1 (Spring 1981): History of Geology in the Northeast: A Symposium by William M. Jordan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123--123 Richard W. Burkhardt, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleThe Origins and Rise of Ethology: The Science of the Natural Behavior of Animals by W. H. Thorpe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123--124 Shirley A. Roe Book Review: \booktitleThe Iris in Eighteenth-Century Physiology by Renato G. Mazzolini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124--125 Jeffrey R. Powell Book Review: \booktitleThe Roving Naturalist: Travel Letters of Theodosius Dobzhansky by Bentley Glass . . . . . . 125--125 Robert J. Richards Book Review: \booktitleA History of Psychology: Main Currents in Psychological Thought by Thomas H. Leahey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125--127 Michael M. Sokal Book Review: \booktitleThe Architects of Adjustment: The History of the Psychological Profession in the United States by Donald S. Napoli . . . . . . . 127--128 Donald MacKenzie Book Review: \booktitleThe Meritocratic Intellect: Studies in the History of Educational Research by James V. Smith; David Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128--128 Russell C. Maulitz Book Review: \booktitleProfessionalizing Modern Medicine: Paris Surgeons and Medical Science and Institutions in the 18th Century by Toby Gelfand . . . . . . 128--129 Guenter B. Risse Book Review: \booktitleThe Concept of Heart Failure from Avicenna to Albertini by Saul Jarcho . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129--130 Tom D. Crouch Book Review: \booktitleThe Origins of the Turbojet Revolution by Edward W. Constant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130--131 William F. Trimble Book Review: \booktitleA Dream of Wings: Americans and the Airplane, 1875--1905 by Tom D. Crouch . . . . . . . . . . . . 131--132 William Aspray Book Review: \booktitleEarly British Computers: The Story of Vintage Computers and the People Who Built Them by Simon Lavington; \booktitleProject Whirlwind: The History of a Pioneer Computer by Kent C. Redmond; Thomas M. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132--133 Ivo Schneider Book Review: \booktitleDie Pythagoreer: Religiose Bruderschaft und Schule der Wissenschaft by B. L. van der Waerden 133--135 N. Sivin Book Review: \booktitleChung-kuo shihyu kung-yeh fa-chan shih. Volume I: Ku-tai te shih-yu yu t'ien-jan-ch'i. (A History of the Development of the Chinese Petroleum Industry. Volume I: Petroleum and Natural Gas in Ancient Times.) by Shen Li-sheng . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135--135 Stephen C. McCluskey Book Review: \booktitleSkywatchers of Ancient Mexico by Anthony F. Aveni . . . 135--136 William R. Shea Book Review: \booktitleLes fondements de l'optique moderne: Paralipomenes a Vitellion (1604) by Johann Kepler; Catherine Chevalley . . . . . . . . . . 136--136 George Kish Book Review: \booktitleDe la terre plate au globe terrestre: Une mutation epistemologique rapide (1480--1520) by W. G. L. Randles . . . . . . . . . . . . 136--137 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitleStudies on Christiaan Huygens by H. J. M. Bos; M. J. S. Rudwick; H. A. M. Snelders; R. P. W. Visser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137--138 Walter D. Wetzels Book Review: \booktitleThe Quest for the New Science: Language and Thought in Eighteenth-Century Science by Karl J. Fink; James W. Marchand . . . . . . . . 138--139 Karl Hufbauer Book Review: \booktitleTobias Mayer (1723--62): Pioneer of Enlightened Science in Germany by Eric G. Forbes . . 139--140 William L. Hine Book Review: \booktitleCorrespondance du P. Marin Mersenne, religieux minime. Volume XIV: 1646 by Marin Mersenne; Cornelis de Waard; Armand Beaulieu . . . 140--140 Roy Porter Book Review: \booktitleI segni del tempo: Storia della terra e storia delle nazioni da Hooke a Vico by Paolo Rossi 140--141 Marie Boas Hall Book Review: \booktitleSelected Philosophical Papers of Robert Boyle by M. A. Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--141 Curtis Wilson Book Review: \booktitleLe proc\`es des étoiles by Florence Trystram . . . . . . 141--142 Frederic L. Holmes Book Review: \booktitleNotes pour le rapport sur les progres de la physiologie by Claude Bernard; M. D. Grmek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142--143 Joseph W. Dauben Book Review: \booktitleStudies in the Scientific and Mathematical Philosophy of Charles S. Peirce: Essays by Carolyn Eisele by Carolyn Eisele; R. M. Martin 143--144 Mary Jo Nye Book Review: \booktitleThe Organization of Science and Technology in France 1808--1914 by Robert Fox; George Weisz 144--145 Keith Hutchison Book Review: \booktitleL'accueil des idées de Sadi Carnot et la technologie française de 1820 \`a 1860: De la légende \`a l'histoire by Pietro Redondi . . . . 145--146 Paul Dufour Book Review: \booktitleThe Atom Bomb Spies by Harford Montgomery Hyde . . . . 146--147 Jonathan Liebenau Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Antibiotics: A Symposium by John Parascandola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148--148 Edward Yoxen Book Review: \booktitleThe Origins of Modern Biochemistry: A Retrospect on Proteins by P. R. Srinivasan; Joseph S. Fruton; John T. Edsall . . . . . . . . . 148--149 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150--154
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155--159 Nicholas H. Steneck Greatrakes the Stroker: The Interpretations of Historians . . . . . 160--177 Barbara Beigun Kaplan Greatrakes the Stroker: The Interpretations of His Contemporaries 178--185 Martin J. S. Rudwick Charles Darwin in London: The Integration of Public and Private Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186--206 John W. Servos A Disciplinary Program That Failed: Wilder D. Bancroft and the \booktitleJournal of Physical Chemistry, 1896--1933 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207--232 Keith Hutchison What Happened to Occult Qualities in the Scientific Revolution? . . . . . . . . . 233--253 Trent D. Stephens The Wolffian Ridge: History of a Misconception . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254--259 Dennis Rawlins Eratosthenes' Geodesy Unraveled: Was There a High-Accuracy Hellenistic Astronomy? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259--265 Frederic L. Holmes Award of the Sarton Medal for 1981 . . . 266--268 Aaron J. Ihde Dexter Award: Silver Anniversary . . . . 268--270 J. D. North Book Review: \booktitleArchimedes in the Middle Ages, by Marshall Clagett. Volume IV: A Supplement on the Medieval Latin Traditions of Conic Sections (1150--1566) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271--274 Thomas L. Hankins Book Review: \booktitleThe Ferment of Knowledge: Studies in the Historiography of Eighteenth-Century Science . . . . . 274--279 David Joravsky Book Review: \booktitleLimits of Scientific Inquiry by Gerald Holton; Robert S. Morison . . . . . . . . . . . 280--281 Kenneth L. Caneva Book Review: \booktitleMaterialistische Wissenschaftsgeschichte: Naturtheorie und Entwicklungsdenken . . . . . . . . . 281--281 Alberto Cambrosio Book Review: \booktitleStoria d'Italia. Volume III: Scienza e tecnica nella cultura e nella societ\`a dal Rinascimento ad oggi by Gianni Micheli 281--282 David Philip Miller Book Review: \booktitleThe Royal Society Catalogue of Portraits by Norman Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282--282 Robert P. Multhauf Book Review: \booktitleBibliotheca de re metallica: The Herbert Clark Hoover Collection of Mining and Metallurgy by David Kuhner; Tania Rizzo . . . . . . . 283--283 Clark A. Elliott Book Review: \booktitleProminent Scientists: An Index to Collective Biographies by Paul A. Pelletier . . . . 283--284 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitleItalian Studies in the Philosophy of Science by Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara; Carolyn R. Fawcett 284--285 William A. Wallace Book Review: \booktitleTheory Change, Ancient Axiomatics, and Galileo's Methodology. Proceedings of the 1978 Pisa Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science, Volume I. by Jaakko Hintikka; David Gruender; Evandro Agazzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285--286 Stephen G. Brush Book Review: \booktitleProbabilistic Thinking, Thermodynamics, and the Interaction of the History and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the 1978 Pisa Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science, Volume II by Jaakko Hintikka; David Gruender; Evandro Agazzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286--287 Richard M. Burian Book Review: \booktitleScientific Discovery: Case Studies by Thomas Nickles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287--288 Bruce T. Moran Book Review: \booktitleThe Clockwork Universe: German Clocks and Automata, 1550--1650 by Klaus Maurice; Otto Mayr 288--289 W. E. Knowles Middleton Book Review: \booktitleEssays on the History of the Microscope by Gerard L'E. Turner; \booktitleAntique Scientific Instruments by Gerard L'E. Turner . . . 289--290 Linda Loeb Clark Book Review: \booktitleThe Making of Frenchmen: Current Directions in the History of Education in France, 1679--1979 by Donald N. Baker; Patrick J. Harrigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290--291 James E. McClellan Book Review: \booktitleLa société néerlandaise et ses gradués, 1575--1814 by Wilhelmus T. M. Frijhoff . . . . . . . . 291--291 Melvin Kranzberg Book Review: \booktitleWhither Technology? by Lyndsay Farrall; \booktitleLiberation and Control: The Uses of Knowledge and Power by David Wade Chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291--292 James R. Moore Book Review: \booktitleMarx et Darwin: Le grand affrontement by Yves Christen 292--293 Frank R. Pfetsch Book Review: \booktitleThe Atom Besieged: Extraparliamentary Dissent in France and Germany by Dorothy Nelkin; Michael Pollak . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293--294 Alexander Vucinich Book Review: \booktitleScience, Technology and the Future: Soviet Scientists' Analysis of the Problems of and Prospects for the Development of Science and Technology and Their Role in Society by E. P. Velikhov; J. M. Gvishiani; S. B. Mikulinsky . . . . . . 294--295 Thomas R. Dunlap Book Review: \booktitleThe Politics of Mistrust: Estimating American Oil and Gas Resources by Aaron Wildavsky; Ellen Tenenbaum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295--295 Jeffrey L. Meikle Book Review: \booktitleThe Myths of Information: Technology and Post-Industrial Culture by Kathleen Woodward; \booktitleThe Technological Imagination: Theories and Fictions by Teresa de Lauretis; Andreas Huyssen; Kathleen Woodward . . . . . . . . . . . 295--296 Sal Restivo Book Review: \booktitleCode of the Quipu: A Study in Media, Mathematics, and Culture by Marcia Ascher; Robert Ascher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296--297 I. Grattan-Guinness Book Review: \booktitleA History of the Calculus of Variations: From the 17th through the 19th Century by Herman H. Goldstine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297--297 H. E. Le Grand Book Review: \booktitleRevue de l'essai de statique chimique: Edition critique d'un projet de seconde edition de L'essai de statique chimique by Claude-Louis Berthollet; Michelle Sadoun-Goupil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298--298 Evan M. Melhado Book Review: \booktitleGay-Lussac: La carriére et l'oeuvre d'un chimiste français durant la premiere moitié du XIXe si\`ecle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298--299 Owen Gingerich Book Review: \booktitle600 Jahre Astronomie in Nurnberg by Kurt Pilz . . 299--299 David H. DeVorkin Book Review: \booktitleOort and the Universe: A Sketch of Oort's Research and Person by Hugo van Woerden; Willem N. Brouw; Henk C. van de Hulst . . . . . 300--300 James Whorton Book Review: \booktitleFrom Arsenic to DDT: A History of Entomology in Western Canada by Paul W. Riegert . . . . . . . 300--301 Stanley L. Becker Book Review: \booktitleA List of References for the History of Agricultural Science in America by Margaret W. Rossiter . . . . . . . . . . 301--301 George W. Stocking, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleSavages and Scientists: The Smithsonian Institution and the Development of American Anthropology, 1846--1910 by Curtis M. Hinsley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301--302 Kurt Danziger Book Review: \booktitlePsychology: Theoretical-Historical Perspectives by R. W. Rieber; Kurt Salzinger . . . . . . 302--303 Saul Benison Book Review: \booktitleCentenary of Index Medicus, 1879--1979 by John B. Blake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303--304 Charles E. Rosenberg Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Medicine in Transition, 1840--1910 by John S. Haller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304--304 Barbara Gutmann Rosenkrantz Book Review: \booktitleTimes, Places, and Persons: Aspects of the History of Epidemiology by Abraham M. Lilienfeld 304--305 Cyril Stanley Smith Book Review: \booktitlePersian Metal Technology, 790 to 1300 A.D. by James W. Allan; \booktitleAspects of Ancient Indian Technology: A Research Based on Scientific Methods by H. C. Bhardwaj . . 305--306 Daniel Calhoun Book Review: \booktitleThe Engineering Drawings of Benjamin Henry Latrobe by Darwin H. Stapleton . . . . . . . . . . 306--307 Edmund N. Todd Book Review: \booktitleTechnik-Geschichte: Historische Beitrage und neuere Ansatze by Ulrich Troitzsch; Gabriele Wohlauf 307--308 G. E. R. Lloyd Book Review: \booktitleScience and the Sciences in Plato by John P. Anton . . . 308--309 Brian P. Copenhaver Book Review: \booktitleRecherches sur une technique divinatoire: La geomancie dans l'occident medieval by Therese Charmasson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309--309 Edward J. Kealey Book Review: \booktitleMedieval Woman's Guide to Health: The First English Gynecological Handbook by Beryl Rowland 310--310 Bernard R. Goldstein Book Review: \booktitleGeschichte des arabischen Schrifttums. Volume VII: Astrologie-Meteorologie und Verwandtes, bis ca. 430 H by Fuat Sezgin . . . . . . 310--311 Ludo Rocher Book Review: \booktitleCensus of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit. Series A, Volume IV by David Pingree . . . . . . . 311--312 William Eamon Book Review: \booktitleHumanismus und Naturwissenschaften by Rudolf Schmitz; Fritz Krafft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312--312 Nancy G. Siraisi Book Review: \booktitleMetodo e sistema delle scienze nel pensiero di Ulisse Aldrovandi by Sandra Tugnoli Pattaro . . 313--313 Kenneth L. Taylor Book Review: \booktitleThe Earth Generated and Anatomized: An Early Eighteenth Century Theory of the Earth by William Hobbs; Roy Porter . . . . . . 313--314 Steven Shapin Book Review: \booktitleScience and Society in Restoration England by Michael Hunter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314--315 Marianne Winder Book Review: \booktitleAlle de Brieven van Antoni van Leeuwenhoek: The Collected Letters of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek; L. C. Palm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315--315 Jane Oppenheimer Book Review: \booktitleMatter, Life, and Generation: Eighteenth-Century Embryology and the Haller-Wolff Debate by Shirley A. Roe . . . . . . . . . . . 315--316 Willem D. Hackmann Book Review: \booktitleHet Gezelschap der Hollandsche Scheikundigen: Amsterdamse Chemici uit het Einde van de achttiende Eeuw by H. A. M. Snelders . . 316--317 Thomas M. Adams Book Review: \booktitleCabanis: Enlightenment and Medical Philosophy in the French Revolution by Martin S. Staum 317--318 Shirley A. Roe Book Review: \booktitleVenus Physique, suivi de Lettre sur le progres des sciences by Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis; \booktitleL'ordre et les monstres: Le debat sur l'origine des deviations anatomiques au XVIIIe si\`ecle by Patrick Tort . . . . . . . . 318--319 Lewis Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleEpistemological and Social Problems of the Sciences in the Early Nineteenth Century by Hans Jahnke; Michael Otte . . . . . . . . . . 319--320 Edward C. Carter, II Book Review: \booktitleThe Papers of Joseph Henry. Volume III: January 1836--December 1837: The Princeton Years by Nathan Reingold . . . . . . . . . . . 320--321 Lindsay Granshaw Book Review: \booktitleReckoning with the Beast: Animals, Pain, and Humanity in the Victorian Mind by James Turner 321--322 Karl Hufbauer Book Review: \booktitleHans Bethe: Prophet of Energy by Jeremy Bernstein 322--322 Peter Buck Book Review: \booktitleAn American Transplant: The Rockefeller Foundation and Peking Union Medical College by Mary Brown Bullock . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322--323 Albert E. Moyer Book Review: \booktitleThe Impact of Modern Scientific Ideas on Society: In Commemoration of Einstein by Colette M. Kinnon; A. N. Kholodilin; J. G. Richardson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323--324 Yves Gingras Book Review: \booktitleRadar Development in Canada: The Radio Branch of the National Research Council of Canada, 1939--1946 by W. E. Knowles Middleton 324--324 Pamela E. Mack Book Review: \booktitleBeyond the Atmosphere: Early Years of Space Science by Homer E. Newell . . . . . . . . . . . 324--325 Lanfranco Belloni Book Review: \booktitleVklad Akademika A. F. Ioffe v stanovlenie iadernoi fiziki v SSSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326--326 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327--330
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331--335 R. W. Home Guest Editorial: History of Science in Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336--342 Robert Marc Friedman Constituting the Polar Front, 1919--1920 343--362 Georg Meyer-Thurow The Industrialization of Invention: A Case Study from the German Chemical Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363--381 Karl H. Dannenfeldt Ambergris: The Search for Its Origin . . 382--397 Carolyn Merchant \booktitleIsis' Consciousness Raised . . 398--409 I. Bernard Cohen Newton's Copy of Leibniz's \booktitleTheodicee: With Some Remarks on the Turned-Down Pages of Books in Newton's Library . . . . . . . . . . . . 410--414 Ronald L. Numbers and David C. Lindberg and Sally Gregory Kohlstedt Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society 27--30 December 1981 . . . . . . 415--421 Thomas F. Glick Symposium on Methodology and Problems in the History of Science and Technology, Mexico City, 26--28 October 1981 . . . . 421--421 Melvin Kranzberg Eloge: John W. Abrams, 15 December 1913--11 July 1981 . . . . . . . . . . . 422--424 Margaret Jacob and Edward Gosselin Eloge: Dame Frances Amelia Yates, 28 November 1899--29 September 1981 . . . . 424--426 George Steiner Book Review: \booktitleNight Thoughts of a Classical Physicist . . . . . . . . . 427--429 Michael Ruse Book Review: \booktitleThe Mismeasure of Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430--431 Charles B. Schmitt Book Review: \booktitleHarvey and the Oxford Physiologists: A Study of Scientific Ideas and Social Interaction 432--433 Maurice Crosland Book Review: \booktitleThe Analytic Spirit: Essays on the History of Science in Honor of Henry Guerlac by Harry Woolf 434--435 Richard J. Blackwell Book Review: \booktitleLa science dans la philosophie: Les recherches epistemologiques d'Alexandre Koyre by Gerard Jorland . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435--435 A. Rupert Hall Book Review: \booktitleFrom Art to Science: Seventy-Two Objects Illustrating the Nature of Discovery by Cyril Stanley Smith; A Search for Structure: Selected Essays on Science, Art, and History by Cyril Stanley Smith 435--437 Jean-Claude Guedon Book Review: \booktitleDevelopment of Science Publishing in Europe by A. J. Meadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437--438 Arnold Thackray Book Review: \booktitleNatural History Manuscript Resources in the British Isles by Gavin D. R. Bridson; Valerie C. Phillips; Anthony P. Harvey . . . . . . 438--439 Bernard R. Goldstein Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Science: A Collection of Manuscripts from the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary . . . . . . . . . . 439--440 Brooke Hindle Book Review: \booktitleTechnical Americana: A Checklist of Technical Publications Printed before 1831 by Evald Rink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440--441 Robert Cummins Book Review: \booktitleMind in Science: A History of Explanations in Psychology and Physics by Richard L. Gregory . . . 441--441 Robert B. Brandom Book Review: \booktitleAnalytical Philosophy of Technology by Friedrich Rapp; Stanley R. Carpenter; Theodor Langenbruch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441--442 Ronald L. Numbers Book Review: \booktitleDarwin to Einstein: Historical Studies on Science and Belief by Colin Chant; John Fauvel; \booktitleDarwin to Einstein: Primary Sources on Science and Belief by Noel G. Coley; Vance M. D. Hall . . . . . . . . 442--443 David Oldroyd Book Review: \booktitleScience, Ideology, and World View: Essays in the History of Evolutionary Ideas by John C. Greene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443--444 Robert L. Metcalf Book Review: \booktitleDDT: Scientists, Citizens, and Public Policy by Thomas R. Dunlap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444--445 Cheryl Sandra Cohen Book Review: \booktitleReflections on Science and the Media by June Goodfield 445--446 Jerome R. Ravetz Book Review: \booktitleScience, Technology and the Labour Process by Les Levidow; Bob Young . . . . . . . . . . . 446--446 Mary Jo Nye Book Review: \booktitleActes du colloque: Enseignement de l'histoire des sciences aux scientifiques by J. Dhombres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446--447 Frank M. Turner Book Review: \booktitleCambridge before Darwin: The Ideal of a Liberal Education, 1800--60 by Martha McMackin Garland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447--448 Judith V. Grabiner Book Review: \booktitleSophie Germain: An Essay in the History of the Theory of Elasticity by Louis L. Bucciarelli; Nancy Dworsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448--449 I. Grattan-Guinness Book Review: \booktitleIl calcolo sublime: Storia dell' analisi matematica da Euler a Weierstrass by Umberto Bottazzini; The Origins of Cauchy's Rigorous Calculus by Judith V. Grabiner 449--450 Sal Restivo Book Review: \booktitleMathematics as a Cultural System by Raymond L. Wilder . . 450--451 L. Pearce Williams Book Review: \booktitleConceptions of Ether: Studies in the History of Ether Theories, 1740--1900 by G. N. Cantor; M. J. S. Hodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451--452 Sheldon J. Kopperl Book Review: \booktitleElectrochemistry: History and Theory by Wilhelm Ostwald 452--453 J. A. Cawood Book Review: \booktitleTo the Farthest Ends of the Earth: The History of the Royal Geographical Society 1830--1980 by Ian Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453--453 Robert M. Hazen Book Review: \booktitleThe New Madrid Earthquakes by James L. Penick . . . . . 454--454 Torben Wolff Book Review: \booktitleOceanography: The Past by Mary Sears; Daniel Merriman . . 454--455 Joseph S. Fruton Book Review: \booktitleFoundation Stones of Biochemistry: Classical Papers on Enzymes and pH by T. R. Caine Boyde . . 455--455 Jane Maienschein Book Review: \booktitleA History of the Study of Human Growth by J. M. Tanner 455--456 Frank N. Egerton Book Review: \booktitleThe Shaping of Cambridge Botany: A Short History of Whole-Plant Botany in Cambridge from the Time of Ray into the Present Century by S. M. Walters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456--457 Wolfgang G. Bringmann and Gustav A. Ungerer Book Review: \booktitleGli studi di psicologia in Italia: Aspetti teorici scientifici e ideologici by Guido Cimino; Nino Dazzi . . . . . . . . . . . 457--457 Paul Erickson Book Review: \booktitleAdventures and Discoveries: The Autobiography of Carleton S. Coon, Anthropologist and Explorer by Carleton S. Coon . . . . . . 457--458 C. M. Hinsley, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleFour Anthropologists: An American Science in Its Early Years by Joan Mark . . . . . . 458--459 Timothy Lenoir Book Review: \booktitleDie naturhistorische Schule 1825--1845: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der klinischen Medizin in Deutschland by Johanna Bleker 459--459 Margaret Lock Book Review: \booktitleWhen the Twain Meet: The Rise of Western Medicine in Japan by John Z. Bowers . . . . . . . . 459--460 Jan Goldstein Book Review: \booktitleLes debuts de la psychanalyse en France, 1895--1926 by Jean--Pierre Mordier . . . . . . . . . . 460--460 Judith Walzer Leavitt Book Review: \booktitleTrial by Medicine: Insanity and Responsibility in Victorian Trials by Roger Smith . . . . 460--461 Thomas K. McCraw Book Review: \booktitleThe British Electrical Industry 1875--1914: The Economic Returns of a New Technology by I. C. R. Byatt; \booktitleElectricity before Nationalisation: A Study of the Development of the Electricity Supply Industry in Britain to 1948 by Leslie Hannah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461--462 Lewis Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleThe Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century by Daniel R. Headrick . . . . . . . . . . . 462--463 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleLa maladie de l'ame: Etude sur la relation de l'ame et du corps dans la tradition medico-philosophique antique by Jackie Pigeaud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463--464 Linda Ehrsam Voigts Book Review: \booktitleMedieval Medicus: A Social History of Anglo-Norman Medicine by Edward J. Kealey . . . . . . 464--465 Bert Hansen Book Review: \booktitleHistoire litteraire de la France. Volume 41: Suite du quatorzi\`eme si\`ecle by Charles Samaran . . . . . . . . . . . . 465--466 Warren Van Egmond Book Review: \booktitleDie erste deutsche Algebra aus dem Jahre 1481: Nach einer Handschrift aus C 80 Dresdensis by Kurt Vogel . . . . . . . . 466--466 Kristian Peder Moesgaard Book Review: \booktitleStarowolski's Biographies of Copernicus by Erna Hilfstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466--467 Ursula Lamb Book Review: \booktitleChristophe Colomb by Jacques Heers . . . . . . . . . . . . 467--468 Owen Gingerich Book Review: \booktitleMaterialien zu den Ephemeriden von Johannes Kepler by Volker Bialas; Elli Papadimitriou . . . 468--469 William Coleman Book Review: \booktitleLinnaeus: Progress and Prospects in Linnaean Research by Gunnar Broberg . . . . . . . 469--470 B. J. T. Dobbs Book Review: \booktitleThe Expanding Force in Newton's Cosmos, as Shown in His Unpublished Papers by David Castillejo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470--470 Michael Neve Book Review: \booktitleJames Hutton's Medical Dissertation by Arthur Donovan; Joseph Prentiss . . . . . . . . . . . . 470--471 Winifred Lovell Wisan Book Review: \booktitleGalileo's Notes on Motion: Arranged in Probable Order of Composition and Presented in Reduced Facsimile by Stillman Drake . . . . . . 471--472 John E. Lesch Book Review: \booktitleFelice Fontana 1730--1805: An Annotated Bibliography by Peter K. Knoefel . . . . . . . . . . . . 472--472 Robert P. Multhauf Book Review: \booktitleL'arte vetraria: 1612 by Antonio Neri; Rosa Barovier Mentasi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472--473 Margaret Jacob Book Review: \booktitleThe French Prophets: The History of a Millenarian Group in Eighteenth-Century England by Hillel Schwartz . . . . . . . . . . . . 473--474 James F. Bell Book Review: \booktitleOscillations et stabilité selon Foucault: Critique historique et experimentale by Paul Acloque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474--474 Robert J. Richards Book Review: \booktitleDie Umweltlehre Jakob von Uexkulls in ihrer Bedeutung fur die Entwicklung der vergleichenden Verhaltenesforschung by Jutta Schmidt 474--475 D. E. Allen Book Review: \booktitleThe Heyday of Natural History, 1820--1870 by Lynn Barber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475--476 Ernst Mayr Book Review: \booktitleConcordance to Darwin's Origin of Species, First Edition by Paul H. Barrett; Donald J. Weinshank; Timothy T. Gottleber . . . . 476--477 Ralph Colp, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleCharles Darwin: A Man of Enlarged Curiosity by Peter Brent 477--478 William H. Goetzmann Book Review: \booktitleA Scientist in American Life: The Essays and Lectures of Joseph Henry by Joseph Henry; Arthur P. Molella; Nathan Reingold; Marc Rothenberg; Joan F. Steiner; Kathleen Waldenfels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478--479 Elizabeth Garber Book Review: \booktitleThe Papers of Joseph Henry. Volume IV: January 1838--December 1840: The Princeton Years by Nathan Reingold . . . . . . . . . . . 479--480 Crosbie Smith Book Review: \booktitleJames Clerk Maxwell: A Biography by Ivan Tolstoy . . 480--480 Daniel N. Robinson Book Review: \booktitleIQ and Mental Testing: An Unnatural Science and Its Social History by Brian Evans; Bernard Waites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480--481 Pnina Abir-Am Book Review: \booktitleAn Imagined World: A Story of Scientific Discovery by June Goodfield . . . . . . . . . . . 481--482 James E. Brittain Book Review: \booktitleFerdinand Braun: A Life of the Nobel Prizewinner and Inventor of the Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope by Friedrich Kurylo; Charles Susskind 482--483 Horst Melcher Book Review: Arthur I. Miller: \booktitleAlbert Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity: Emergence (1905) and Early Interpretation (1905--11) . . 483--484 John T. Edsall Book Review: \booktitleThe Nobel Duel: Two Scientists' 21-year Race to Win the World's Most Coveted Research Prize by Nicholas Wade . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484--485 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486--490
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491--495 Joan Mark Francis La Flesche: The American Indian as Anthropologist . . . . . . . . . . . 496--510 B. J. T. Dobbs Newton's Alchemy and His Theory of Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511--528 Jonathan Porter The Scientific Community in Early Modern China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529--544 C. E. Perrin A Lost Identity: Philippe Frédéric, Baron de Dietrich (1748--1793) . . . . . . . . 545--551 Nathan Reingold To the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551--551 Eric G. Forbes The International Organization of the History of Science: A Personal View . . 552--557 Mary Jo Nye News of Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557--560 Tore Frangsmyr Eloge: Sten Lindroth, 28 December 1914--1 September 1980 . . . . . . . . . 561--562 Frank M. Turner Book Review: \booktitleThe Parliament of Science: The British Association for the Advancement of Science 1831--1981 . . . 563--566 Roy MacLeod Book Review: \booktitleA Guide to the Culture of Science, Technology, and Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567--571 J. M. Ziman Book Review: \booktitleT. S. Kuhn and Social Science by Barry Barnes . . . . . 572--572 George Saliba Book Review: \booktitleThe Coming of the Age of Iron by Theodore A. Wertime; James D. Muhly . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572--573 Derek deSolla Price Book Review: \booktitlePhysics Citation Index, 1920--1929 . . . . . . . . . . . 573--574 Karen Reeds Book Review: \booktitleGuide to the Botanical Records and Papers in the Archives of the Hunt Institute. Part I by Michael T. Stieber; Anita L. Karg; Donna M. Connelly; Karen K. Britz . . . 574--574 Robert Rynasiewicz Book Review: \booktitleThe Rationality of Science by W. H. Newton-Smith . . . . 574--575 Bert Hansen Book Review: \booktitleEarly Scientific Instruments by Nigel Hawkes; \booktitleMarine Navigation Instruments by Jean Randier; John E. Powell; \booktitleA Catalogue of European Scientific Instruments in the Department of Medieval and Later Antiquities of the British Museum by F. A. B. Ward . . . . 575--576 Frederick B. Churchill Book Review: \booktitleThe Descent of Darwin: The Popularization of Darwinism in Germany, 1860--1914 by Alfred Kelly 576--578 James Paradis Book Review: \booktitlePoetry Realized in Nature: Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Early Nineteenth-Century Science by Trevor H. Levere . . . . . . . . . . . . 578--578 Michael Ruse Book Review: \booktitleMorality as a Biological Phenomenon: The Presuppositions of Sociobiological Research by Gunther S. Stent . . . . . . 579--579 Leon Gortler Book Review: \booktitleStereochemistry by O. Bertrand Ramsay . . . . . . . . . 579--580 Bruce T. Moran Book Review: \booktitleWandel des Weltbildes: Astronomie, Physik und Messtechnik in der Kulturgeschichte by Jurgen Teichmann . . . . . . . . . . . . 580--581 G. S. Dunbar Book Review: \booktitleCarl Ritter: Zur europaisch-amerikanischen Geographie an der Wende vom 18. zum 19. Jahrhundert by Manfred Buttner . . . . . . . . . . . . 581--582 Ernst Mayr Book Review: \booktitleGeologen der Goethezeit by H. Prescher; D. Beeger . . 582--582 Rachel Laudan Book Review: \booktitleDisziplingeschichte als wissenschaftliche Selbstreflexion der historischen Wissenschaftsforschung: Eine Darstellung unter Heranziehung von Fallstudien der Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Geophysik by Wilfried Schroder . . . 582--583 Margaret W. Rossiter Book Review: \booktitleIntroduction to the History of Plant Pathology by G. C. Ainsworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583--584 Peter J. Bowler Book Review: \booktitleEvolution: Genesis and Revelations by C. Leon Harris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584--584 Frank N. Egerton Book Review: \booktitleSaving the Prairies: The Life Cycle of the Founding School of American Plant Ecology, 1895--1955 by Ronald C. Tobey . . . . . 584--586 Michael T. Ghiselin Book Review: \booktitleHistory in the Service of Systematics: Papers from the Conference to Celebrate the Centenary of the British Museum (Natural History) 13--16 April, 1981 by Alwyne Wheeler; James H. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586--586 Ellen Smith Book Review: \booktitleJenner's Smallpox Vaccine: The Riddle of Vaccinia Virus and Its Origin by Derrick Baxby . . . . 586--586 Margo Horn Book Review: \booktitleThe Germ of Laziness: Rockefeller Philanthropy and Public Health in the New South by John Ettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587--587 David J. Lang Book Review: \booktitleKuru: Early Letters and Field-Notes from the Collection of D. Carleton Gajdusek by Judith Farquhar; D. Carleton Gajdusek 587--588 Dora B. Weiner Book Review: \booktitleGenese de la psychiatrie: Les premiers ecrits de Philippe Pinel by Jacques Postel . . . . 588--589 Bruce Sinclair Book Review: \booktitleEmulation and Invention by Brooke Hindle . . . . . . . 589--590 John A. Heitmann Book Review: \booktitleThe Rise of the American Electrochemicals Industry, 1880--1910: Studies in the American Technological Environment by Martha Moore Trescott . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590--591 Ian Mueller Book Review: \booktitleOn the Movement and Progression of Animals by Aristotle; Michael of Ephesus; Anthony Preus . . . 591--592 Paul A. Bogaard Book Review: \booktitleL'avenement de la science physique: Essai sur la Physique d'Aristote by Lambros Couloubaritsis . . 592--593 Phillip De Lacy Book Review: \booktitleThe Hippocratic Treatises ``On Generation,'' ``On the Nature of the Child,'' ``Diseases IV'': A Commentary by Iain M. Lonie . . . . . 593--594 James Longrigg Book Review: \booktitleTheories of Weight in the Ancient World: Four Essays on Democritus, Plato and Aristotle. Volume I: Democritus, Weight and Size: An Exercise in the Reconstruction of Early Greek Philosophy by D. O'Brien . . 594--595 Marshall Clagett Book Review: \booktitleStudies in Medieval Science and Natural Philosophy by Edward Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . 595--596 Edward Grant Book Review: \booktitleLes sources astronomiques (Textes, Tables, Instruments) by Emmanuel Poulle . . . . 596--597 Katharine Park Book Review: \booktitleTaddeo Alderotti and His Pupils: Two Generations of Italian Medical Learning by Nancy G. Siraisi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597--598 G. E. Hutchinson Book Review: \booktitleBirds in Medieval Manuscripts by Brunsdon Yapp . . . . . . 598--598 N. Sivin Book Review: \booktitleCelestial Lancets: A History and Rationale of Acupuncture and Moxa by Lu Gwei-Djen; Joseph Needham . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598--599 David Pingree Book Review: \booktitleSusruta Samhita: A Scientific Synopsis by Priyadaranjan Ray; Hirendranath Gupta; Mira Roy . . . 600--600 William Newman Book Review: \booktitleKreatur und Kosmos: Internationale Beitrage zur Paracelsusforschung by Rosemarie Dilg-Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600--601 Silvio A. Bedini Book Review: \booktitleLeonardo da Vinci: The Marvellous Works of Nature and Man by Martin Kemp . . . . . . . . . 601--601 William A. Wallace Book Review: \booktitleStudies in Renaissance Philosophy and Science by Charles B. Schmitt . . . . . . . . . . . 601--602 Charlotte M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleThe Life and Travels of John Bartram: From Lake Ontario to the River St. John by Edmund Berkeley; Dorothy Smith Berkeley . . . . 602--602 Robert Palter Book Review: \booktitleWitch-Hunting, Magic and the New Philosophy: An Introduction to Debates of the Scientific Revolution, 1450--1750 by Brian Easlea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602--603 W. A. Smeaton Book Review: \booktitleNewton on the Continent by Henry Guerlac . . . . . . . 603--604 Silvan S. Schweber Book Review: \booktitleNatural Knowledge in Social Context: The Journals of Thomas Archer Hirst, FRS by William H. Brock; Roy M. MacLeod . . . . . . . . . 604--605 William Stanton Book Review: \booktitleJohn M. Brooke: Naval Scientist and Educator by George M. Brooke, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605--606 Judith R. Goodstein Book Review: \booktitleScience and the Sons of Genius: Studies on Humphry Davy by Sophie Forgan . . . . . . . . . . . . 606--607 Robert M. Young Book Review: \booktitleDarwinian Impacts: An Introduction to the Darwinian Revolution by David R. Oldroyd 607--608 Susan Schultz Book Review: \booktitleThomas Alva Edison: An American Myth by Wyn Wachhorst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608--609 Edward W. Constant Book Review: \booktitleThe High-Speed Frontier: Case Histories of Four NACA Programs, 1920--1950 by John V. Becker 609--610 Steven J. Dick Book Review: \booktitleStages to Saturn: A Technological History of the Apollo/Saturn Launch Vehicles by Roger E. Bilstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610--611 Roger H. Stuewer Book Review: \booktitleIm Schatten der Sensation: Leben und Wirken von Fritz Strassmann by Fritz Krafft . . . . . . . 611--611 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612--615 Anonymous Volume Information . . . . . . . . . . . 616--626
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--18 John Neu One Hundred Seventh Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (to January 1982) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5--17+19--198 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5 George Wise Ionists in Industry: Physical Chemistry at General Electric, 1900--1915 . . . . 6--21 Gad Freudenthal Theory of Matter and Cosmology in William Gilbert's De magnete . . . . . . 22--37 James G. Lennox Robert Boyle's Defense of Teleological Inference in Experimental Science . . . 38--52 Wilbur Knorr The Geometry of Burning-Mirrors in Antiquity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53--73 Henry Guerlac Can We Date Newton's Early Optical Experiments? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74--80 Magda Whitrow Interrelationships in the History of Science: Bibliography as a Guide to Subjects for Research . . . . . . . . . 81--85 I. Bernard Cohen Eloges: Willy Hartner, 22 January 1905--16 May 1981 . . . . . . . . . . . 86--87 J. B. Morrell Susan Faye Cannon (Walter Faw Cannon) 15 October 1925--6 November 1981 . . . . . 88--88 Roger Hahn Book Review: \booktitleScience and Polity in France at the End of the Old Regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89--91 Thomas F. Glick Book Review: \booktitleThe Origins of Academic Geography in the United States 92--97 A. V. Postnikov Book Review: \booktitleTooley's Dictionary of Mapmakers . . . . . . . . 97--101 David E. Leary Book Review: \booktitleHuman Nature in American Thought: A History by Merle Curti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102--103 Robert E. Kohler Book Review: \booktitleScience in America: A Documentary History, 1900--1939 by Nathan Reingold; Ida H. Reingold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--104 R. P. Multhauf Book Review: \booktitleCatalog of the Sidney M. Edelstein Collection of the History of Chemistry, Dyeing, and Technology by Moshe Ron . . . . . . . . 104--105 John C. Burnham Book Review: \booktitleA Guide to Manuscript Collections in the History of Psychology and Related Areas by Michael Sokal; Patrice Rafail . . . . . . . . . 105--105 B. J. T. Dobbs Book Review: \booktitleThe Reenchantment of the World by Morris Berman . . . . . 105--106 David L. Hull Book Review: \booktitleDarwinism Defended: A Guide to the Evolution Controversies by Michael Ruse . . . . . 106--107 Edward T. Morman Book Review: \booktitleAhead of Its Time: The Engineering Societies Library, 1913--80 by Ellis Mount . . . . . . . . 107--107 Erika Hickel Book Review: \booktitleAus der Fruhzeit der chemischen Konstitutionsforschung: Die Tropanalkaloide Atropin und Cocain in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft by Brigitte Hoppe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107--108 James L. Larson Book Review: \booktitle``En Fond Som Aldrig Kan Aldras'': Stiftelsen Lars Hiertas Minne. En alterblick 1878--1978 by Wilhelm Odelberg . . . . . . . . . . 108--109 J. J. Gray Book Review: \booktitleMathematical Perspectives: Essays on Mathematics and Its Historical Development by Joseph W. Dauben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109--110 Helena Pycior Book Review: \booktitleHistory of Binary and Other Nondecimal Numeration by Anton Glaser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110--110 Kathryn Olesko Book Review: \booktitleSocial History of Nineteenth-Century Mathematics by Herbert Mehrtens; Henk Bos; Ivo Schneider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110--111 D. Stanley Tarbell Book Review: \booktitleCarolina Chemists: Sketches from Chapel Hill by Maurice M. Bursey . . . . . . . . . . . 111--112 Sheldon J. Kopperl Book Review: \booktitleInorganic Coordination Compounds by George B. Kauffman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112--113 Thaddeus J. Trenn Book Review: \booktitleDie Geschichte der Radioaktivitat: Unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Transurane by Cornelius Keller . . . . . . . . . . . . 113--114 John Hedley Brooke Book Review: \booktitleJacob Berzelius: The Emergence of His Chemical System by Evan M. Melhado . . . . . . . . . . . . 114--114 Norriss S. Hetherington Book Review: \booktitleAstronomy for the Enquiring Mind by Eric M. Rogers . . . . 114--115 Thomas G. Manning Book Review: \booktitleThe Geological Sciences in the Antebellum South by James X. Corgan . . . . . . . . . . . . 115--115 Michele L. Aldrich Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Geological Literature, 1669 to 1850 by Robert M. Hazen; Margaret Hindle Hazen 115--116 Donald J. McGraw Book Review: \booktitleThe Fungus Fighters: Two Women Scientists and Their Discovery by Richard S. Baldwin . . . . 116--117 Frederick B. Churchill Book Review: \booktitleDie Illustrationen Ernst Haeckels zur Abstammungs- und Entwicklunsgeschichte: Diskussion im Wissenschaftlichen und Nichtwissenschaftlichen Schrifttum by Reinhard Gursch . . . . . . . . . . . . 117--117 Malcom Kottler Book Review: \booktitleDobzhansky's Genetics of Natural Populations I-XLIII by R. C. Lewontin; John A. Moore; William B. Provine; Bruce Wallace . . . 117--118 Barbara A. Kimmelman Book Review: \booktitleThe Maine Agricultural Experiment Station by David C. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118--118 George W. Stocking Book Review: \booktitleCulture in Comparative and Evolutionary Perspective: E. B. Tylor and the Making of ``Primitive Culture'' by Joan Leopold 119--120 Joan Mark Book Review: \booktitleBeyond Separate Spheres: Intellectual Roots of Modern Feminism by Rosalind Rosenberg . . . . . 120--120 Joel A. Tarr Book Review: \booktitleFrom Streetcar to Superhighway: American City Planners and Urban Transportation, 1900--1940. (Technology and Urban Growth) by Mark S. Foster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120--121 J. Vernon Jensen Book Review: \booktitleEthics in an Age of Pervasive Technology by Melvin Kranzberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121--122 Donald Cardwell Book Review: \booktitleThe Selected Papers of Boulton and Watt. Volume I: The Engine Partnership, 1775--1825 by Jennifer Tann . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122--123 Terry Shinn Book Review: \booktitleThe Making of Technological Man: The Social Origins of French Engineering Education by John Hubbel Weiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123--124 Brian P. Copenhaver Book Review: \booktitleLes alchimistes grecs. Volume I, Papyrus de Leyde, papyrus de Stockholm, fragments de recettes by Robert Halleux . . . . . . . 124--124 Erwin Neuenschwander Book Review: \booktitlePhilosophy of Mathematics and Deductive Structure in Euclid's Elements by Ian Mueller . . . . 124--126 James Longrigg Book Review: \booktitleEmpedocles: The Extant Fragments by M. R. Wright . . . . 126--126 J. L. Berggren Book Review: \booktitleMaxime Planude: Le grand calcun selon les Indiens by Andre Allard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126--127 Nancy G. Siraisi Book Review: \booktitleArnaldi de Villanova opera medica omnia. Vol. XVI: Translatio libri Galieni de rigore et tremore et iectigatione et spasmo by Arnald of Villanova; Michael McVaugh . . 127--128 Edith D. Sylla Book Review: \booktitleDe numeris datis by Jordanus de Nemore; Barnabas Bernard Hughes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128--129 Ron B. Thomson Book Review: \booktitleInfinity and Continuity in Ancient and Medieval Thought by Norman Kretzmann . . . . . . 129--130 Edward Grant Book Review: \booktitleOn the Threshold of Exact Science: Selected Writings of Anneliese Maier on Late Medieval Natural Philosophy by Anneliese Maier; Steven D. Sargent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130--131 Anonymous Corrigendum: Histoire litteraire de la France. Volume 41: Suite du quatorzi\`eme si\`ecle . . . . . . . . . 131--131 W. R. Albury Book Review: \booktitleLes monades by Etienne Bonnot de Condillac; Laurence L. Bongie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131--132 Simon Schaffer Book Review: \booktitleUniversal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens by Immanuel Kant; Stanley L. Jaki . . . . . 132--133 William R. Shea Book Review: \booktitleOtto von Guericke by Fritz Krafft . . . . . . . . . . . . 133--133 Toby A. Appel Book Review: \booktitleFrom Natural History to the History of Nature: Readings from Buffon and His Critics by John Lyon; Phillip Sloan . . . . . . . . 133--134 Joseph H. Kiefer Book Review: \booktitleThe Letters and Papers of Sir John Hill (1714--1775) by G. S. Rousseau . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134--135 Joseph Ewan Book Review: \booktitleThe Poison Tree: Selected Writings of Rumphius on the Natural History of the Indies by Georg Eberhard Rumpf; E. M. Beekman . . . . . 135--135 David Wade Chambers Book Review: \booktitleOctavio F. Mossotti: En la amanecer de la ciencia argentina by Maximo Baron . . . . . . . 135--136 Michael E. Burke Book Review: \booktitleEl cientifico español ante su historia: La ciencia en España entre 1750--1850 by Santiago Garma 136--137 Timothy Lenoir Book Review: \booktitleSchelling: Seine Bedeutung für eine Philosophie der Natur und der Geschichte by Ludwig Hasler . . 137--138 Phillip R. Sloan Book Review: \booktitleThe Red Notebook of Charles Darwin by Sandra Herbert . . 138--139 G. S. Dunbar Book Review: \booktitleCarl Ritter--Geltung und Deutung by Karl Lenz; Carl Ritter . . . . . . . . . . . 139--140 W. E. Knowles Middleton Book Review: \booktitleNew Eye for the Navy: The Origin of Radar at the Naval Research Laboratory by David Kite Allison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140--140 Keir B. Sterling Book Review: \booktitleThe Zest for Life, or Waldo Had a Pretty Good Run: The Life of Waldo LaSalle Schmitt by Richard E. Blackwelder . . . . . . . . . 140--141 Lewis Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleEmmy Noether, 1882--1935 by Auguste Dick; Heidi I. Blocher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--141 Mark Kuchment Book Review: \booktitleLandau: A Great Physicist and Teacher by Anna Livanova; J. B. Sykes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--143 Nathan Reingold Book Review: \booktitleThe Rise of Robert Millikan: Portrait of a Life in American Science by Robert H. Kargon . . 143--144 Yakov M. Rabkin Book Review: \booktitlePolywater by Felix Franks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144--146 Peter Weingart Book Review: \booktitlePolicymaking in a Nuclear Program: The Case of the West German Breeder Reactor by Otto Keck . . 146--147 Lawrence Badash Book Review: \booktitleKennedy, Khrushchev, and the Test Ban by Glenn T. Seaborg; Benjamin S. Loeb . . . . . . . 147--148 Nancy Stern Book Review: \booktitleHistory of Programming Languages by Richard L. Wexelblat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148--148 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149--152
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153--157 Shirley A. Roe John Turberville Needham and the Generation of Living Organisms . . . . . 158--184 Stuart Jenks Astrometeorology in the Middle Ages . . 185--210 Helena M. Pycior Augustus De Morgan's Algebraic Work: The Three Stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211--226 Raymond E. Fancher Biographical Origins of Francis Galton's Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227--233 Catherine Osborne Archimedes on the Dimensions of the Cosmos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234--242 Owen Hannaway and Robert Kargon and Audrey B. Davis Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society 28--31 October 1982 . . . . . . 243--248 Steven Shapin Symposium on History of Science Today: Tradition and Change Uppsala, Sweden, 18--19 November 1982 . . . . . . . . . . 248--249 David Edge Book Review: \booktitleThe Social Basis of Scientific Discoveries . . . . . . . 250--256 R. P. Multhauf Book Review: \booktitleReference Books for the Historian of Science: A Handlist by S. A. Jayawardene . . . . . . . . . . 257--257 William Montgomery Book Review: \booktitleConcise Dictionary of Scientific Biography by James F. Maurer; \booktitleA Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists by John Daintith; Sarah Mitchell; Elizabeth Tootil . . . . . . . . . . . . 257--258 Roy Bhaskar Book Review: \booktitleScientific Progress: A Study concerning the Nature of the Relation between Successive Scientific Theories by Craig Dilworth; Scientific Revolutions by Ian Hacking 258--259 Richard M. Burian Book Review: \booktitleAbusing Science: The Case against Creationism by Philip Kitcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259--260 Davis Baird Book Review: \booktitleWhat? Where? When? Why?: Essays on Induction, Space and Time, Explanation by Robert McLaughlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260--261 Toby E. Huff Book Review: \booktitleKarl Popper by Anthony O'Hear . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--262 Brigitte Schroeder-Gudehus Book Review: \booktitleKnowledge and Power in a Global Society by William M. Evan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262--262 Alexander Vucinich Book Review: \booktitleGeschichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften der UdSSR by G. D. Komkov; B. V. Levsin; L. K. Semenov; Gerhard Basler; Conrad Grau; Dieter Muhle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262--263 Timothy Lenoir Book Review: \booktitleOn the Roads to Modernity: Conscience, Science, and Civilizations by Benjamin Nelson; Toby E. Huff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263--264 James Whorton Book Review: \booktitleFire in America: A Cultural History of Wildland and Rural Fire by Stephen J. Pyne . . . . . . . . 264--264 David Rosner Book Review: \booktitleMadhouses, Mad-Doctors, and Madmen: The Social History of Psychiatry in the Victorian Era by Andrew Scull . . . . . . . . . . 264--265 H. W. Paul Book Review: \booktitleDarwin & Co. by Pierre Thuillier . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--266 Ruth Schwartz Cowan Book Review: \booktitleBiology, Medicine, and Society, 1840--1940 by Charles Webster . . . . . . . . . . . . 266--267 Sarah Hutton Book Review: \booktitleFrancis Godwins ``The Man in the Moone'': Die Entdeckung des Romans als Medium der Auseinandersetzung mit Zeitproblemen by Anke Janssen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267--267 Paul Theerman Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Literature and the Universe of Force by Ronald E. Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . 267--268 Michael J. Crowe Book Review: \booktitlePlurality of Worlds: The Origins of Extraterrestrial Life Debate from Democritus to Kant by Steven J. Dick . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268--270 E. Scholz Book Review: \booktitleE. B. Christoffel: The Influence of His Work on Mathematics and the Physical Sciences by P. L. Butzer; F. Feher . . . . . . . 270--271 Curtis A. Wilson Book Review: \booktitleStellar Astronomy: Historical Studies by Michael Hoskin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271--272 Simon Schaffer Book Review: \booktitleUranus and the Outer Planets by Garry Hunt . . . . . . 272--272 Joan Bromberg Book Review: \booktitleTransmutation: Natural and Artificial by T. J. Trenn 272--273 George Kish Book Review: \booktitleEarly Thematic Mapping in the History of Cartography by Arthur H. Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . 273--273 John W. Servos Book Review: \booktitleFrom Medical Chemistry to Biochemistry: The Making of a Biomedical Discipline by Robert E. Kohler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273--275 Paul Lawrence Farber Book Review: \booktitleLamarck et son temps--Lamarck et notre temps: Colloque international dans le cadre du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches interdisciplines de Chantilly . . . . . 275--275 Karen Reeds Book Review: \booktitleHistory of Botanical Science: An Account of the Development of Botany from Ancient Times to the Present Day by A. G. Morton; \booktitleThe Garden of Eden: The Botanic Garden and the Re-Creation of Paradise by John Prest . . . . . . . . . 275--277 Harry Liebersohn Book Review: \booktitleGeschichte der Soziologie: Studien zur kognitiven, sozialen, und historischen Identitat einer Disziplin by Wolf Lepenies . . . . 277--278 Morris J. Vogel Book Review: \booktitleMedicine in Colonial Massachusetts, 1620--1820: A Conference Held 25 and 26 May 1978 by the Colonial Society of Massachusetts by Philip Cash; Eric H. Christianson; J. Worth Estes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278--279 James Larson Book Review: \booktitleArs Chirurgica: Kirurgi och medicinsk teori vid Lunds Universitet under 1700-talet by Jan Larsson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279--279 Hannah S. Decker Book Review: \booktitleA Mobius Strip: Fin-de-Si\`ecle Neuropsychiatry and Paul Mobius by Francis Schiller . . . . . . . 279--280 John Parascandola Book Review: \booktitleThe Enchanted Ring: The Untold Story of Penicillin by John C. Sheehan . . . . . . . . . . . . 280--281 Carroll Pursell Book Review: \booktitleThe Teaching of History of Technology in USA --- a Critical Survey in 1978 by Svante Lindqvist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281--281 Russell I. Fries Book Review: \booktitleYankee Enterprise: The Rise of the American System of Manufactures by Otto Mayr; Robert C. Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281--283 Bernard S. Finn Book Review: \booktitleTechnology in America: A History of Individuals and Ideas by Carroll W. Pursell . . . . . . 283--283 Sabetai Unguru Book Review: \booktitleBibliographia Euclideana: Die Geisteslinien der Tradition in den Editionen der ``Elemente'' ($ \Sigma T O I X E I A $ des Euklid) (um 365-300). Handschriften--Inkunabeln--Fruhdrucke (16. Jahrhundert). Textkritische Editionen des 17.-20. Jahrhunderts. Editionen der Opera minora (16.-20. Jahrhundert) by Max Steck. Edited by Menso Folkerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283--284 David Pingree Book Review: \booktitleSisyadhivrddhida Tantra of Lalla, with the Commentary of Mallikarjuna Suri by Bina Chatterjee . . 284--285 S. A. Jayawardene Book Review: \booktitlePractical Mathematics in the Italian Renaissance: A Catalog of Italian Abbacus Manuscripts and Printed Books to 1600 by Warren Van Egmond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285--286 Steven Shapin Book Review: \booktitleThe Origins and Nature of the Scottish Enlightenment by R. H. Campbell; Andrew S. Skinner . . . 286--286 Martin S. Staum Book Review: \booktitleLa Physiologie des lumi\`eres: Empirisme, modeles et theories by Francois Duchesneau . . . . 287--288 Albert Van Helden Book Review: \booktitleHuygens et la France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288--288 Jan V. Golinski Book Review: \booktitleMemoir on Heat; Read to the Royal Academy of Sciences June 28, 1783, by Messrs. Lavoisier & De La Place of the Same Academy by Antoine Laurent Lavoisier; Pierre Simon; Marquis de Laplace; Henry Guerlac . . . . . . . 288--289 Keir B. Sterling Book Review: \booktitleElliott Coues: Naturalist and Frontier Historian by Paul Russell Cutright; Michael J. Brodhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290--291 Malcolm Jay Kottler Book Review: \booktitleAlfred Russel Wallace by Martin Fichman . . . . . . . 291--291 Charlotte M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleRafinesque: A Sketch of His Life with Bibliography by Thomas Jefferson Fitzpatrick; Charles Boewe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291--292 Joan L. Richards Book Review: Anthony Hyman: \booktitleCharles Babbage: Pioneer of the Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292--292 Michael Ruse Book Review: \booktitleThe Development of Darwin's Theory: Natural History, Natural Theology, and Natural Selection, 1838--1859 by Dov Ospovat . . . . . . . 292--293 Bruce Kuklick Book Review: \booktitleWritings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition. Volume I: 1857--1866 by Charles S. Peirce; Max H. Fisch . . . . . . . . 293--294 Elof Axel Carlson Book Review: \booktitleThe Material Basis of Evolution by Richard Goldschmidt; \booktitleRichard Goldschmidt: Controversial Geneticist and Creative Biologist by Leonie K. Piternick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294--296 Edward W. Constant Book Review: \booktitleBringing Aerodynamics to America by Paul A. Hanle 296--296 Frederic L. Holmes Book Review: \booktitleReminiscences and Reflections by Hans Krebs . . . . . . . 296--297 Claus Priesner Book Review: \booktitleThe Chain Straighteners: Fruitful Innovation: The Discovery of Linear and Stereoregular Synthetic Polymers by Frank G. McMillan; \booktitlePolymer Science Overview: A Tribute to Herman F. Mark by G. Allan Stahl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297--298 Karl von Meyenn Book Review: \booktitleLes conceptions quantiques de 1911 a 1937 by Girolamo Ramunni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298--300 Robert Friedel Book Review: \booktitleThe Great Television Race: A History of the American Television Industry 1925--1941 by Joseph H. Udelson . . . . . . . . . . 300--300 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301--304
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--309 L. S. Jacyna Immanence or Transcendence: Theories of Life and Organization in Britain, 1790--1835 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310--329 Bernard R. Goldstein and Alan C. Bowen A New View of Early Greek Astronomy . . 330--340 Bruce J. Hunt ``Practice vs. Theory'': The British Electrical Debate, 1888--1891 . . . . . 341--355 Charles Rosenberg Science in American Society: A Generation of Historical Debate . . . . 356--367 Gary A. Abraham Misunderstanding the Merton Thesis: A Boundary Dispute between History and Sociology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368--387 George Saliba An Observational Notebook of a Thirteenth-Century Astronomer . . . . . 388--401 Anonymous News of Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402--403 Masao Watanabe Eloge: Bun-Ichi Tamamushi, 18 October 1898--26 July 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . 403--404 Jacques Roger and Michael T. Ghiselin Book Review: \booktitleThe Growth of Biological Thought: Diversity, Evolution, and Inheritance . . . . . . . 405--413 Garland E. Allen Book Review: \booktitleGenes, Radiation, and Society: The Life and Work of H, by Elof Axel Carlson. J. Muller . . . . . . 413--416 George Ovitt, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleDawn of Modern Science: From the Arabs to Leonardo da Vinci by Thomas Goldstein . . . . . . . 417--418 Michael Hoskin Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Modern Astronomy and Astrophysics: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography by David H. DeVorkin . . . . . . . . . . . 418--418 Thaddeus J. Trenn Book Review: \booktitleLiterature on the History of Physics in the 20th Century by J. L. Heilbron; Bruce R. Wheaton; J. G. May; Robin Rider; David Robinson . . 418--419 Clark A. Elliott Book Review: \booktitlePure and Applied Science Books, 1876--1980 . . . . . . . 419--420 Charlotte M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleBiographical Dictionary of Rocky Mountain Naturalists: A Guide to the Writings and Collections of Botanists, Zoologists, Geologists, Artists, and Photographers, 1682--1932 by Joseph Ewan; Nesta Dunn Ewan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420--420 John T. Edsall Book Review: \booktitleA Bio-Bibliography for the History of the Biochemical Sciences since 1800 by Joseph S. Fruton . . . . . . . . . . . . 421--421 Timo Airaksinen Book Review: \booktitleProgress and Its Discontents by Gabriel Almond; Marvin Chodorow; Roy H. Pearce . . . . . . . . 421--422 Robert J. Richards Book Review: \booktitleIs Science Sexist? And Other Problems in the Biomedical Sciences by Michael Ruse . . 422--423 Robert Rynasiewicz Book Review: \booktitleIdeas of Matter: From Ancient Times to Bohr and Einstein by Mendel Sachs . . . . . . . . . . . . 423--424 David Layton Book Review: \booktitleFrom Armstrong to Nuffield: Studies in Twentieth--Century Science Education in England and Wales by E. W. Jenkins . . . . . . . . . . . . 424--425 M. J. S. Hodge Book Review: \booktitleVictorian Science and Victorian Values: Literary Perspectives by James Paradis; Thomas Postlewait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425--427 Lorraine J. Daston Book Review: \booktitlePenser les mathematiques: Seminaire de philosophie et mathematiques de l'École normale superieure by Francois Guenard; Gilbert Lelievre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427--428 Helena Pycior Book Review: \booktitleThe Boole-De Morgan Correspondence, 1842--1864 by G. C. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428--429 William R. Shea Book Review: \booktitleLa Relativita da Faraday a Einstein by Enrico Bellone . . 429--429 Willem D. Hackmann Book Review: \booktitleElements of Early Modern Physics by J. L. Heilbron . . . . 429--430 James Mulholland Book Review: \booktitleA History of Platinum and Its Allied Metals by Donald McDonald; Leslie B. Hunt . . . . . . . . 430--431 Curtis A. Wilson Book Review: \booktitleThe 1769 Transit of Venus: The Baja California Observations of Jean-Baptiste Chappe d'Auteroche, Vicente de Doz, and Joaquin Velazquez Cardenas de Leon by Doyce B. Nunis; James Donahue; Maynard J. Geiger; Iris Wilson Engstrand . . . . . . . . . 431--432 Michael T. Ryan Book Review: \booktitleThe Great Map of Mankind: Perceptions of New Worlds in the Age of Enlightenment by P. J. Marshall; Glyndwr Williams . . . . . . . 432--433 Gert H. Brieger Book Review: \booktitleBad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment by James H. Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433--434 Joel Howell Book Review: \booktitleMedical Thinking: A Historical Preface by Lester S. King 434--434 George M. Torrance Book Review: \booktitleMedicine in Canadian Society: Historical Perspectives by S. E. D. Shortt . . . . 435--435 Eda Fowlks Kranakis Book Review: \booktitleA History of Theory of Structures in the Nineteenth Century by T. M. Charlton . . . . . . . 435--436 Charles W. Cheape Book Review: \booktitleThe Port of New York: A History of the Rail and Terminal System from the Grand Central Electrification to the Present by Carl W. Condit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436--437 Thomas P. Hughes Book Review: \booktitleBottled Energy: Electrical Engineering and the Evolution of Chemical Energy Storage by Richard H. Schallenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437--438 A. Rupert Hall Book Review: \booktitleThe Social Context of Innovation: Bureaucrats, Families, and Heroes in the Early Industrial Revolution, as Foreseen in Bacon's ``New Atlantis.'' by Anthony F. C. Wallace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438--438 Seymour H. Mauskopf Book Review: \booktitleScience and the Paranormal: Probing the Existence of the Supernatural by George O. Abell; Barry Singer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438--439 Trevor Pinch Book Review: \booktitlePsychical Research: A Guide to Its History, Principles, and Practices by I. Grattan-Guinness . . . . . . . . . . . . 439--439 James G. Lennox Book Review: \booktitleAristotle on the Generation of Animals: A Philosophical Study by Johannes Morsink . . . . . . . 440--441 J. L. Berggren Book Review: \booktitleEnseignment et recherche mathematiques dans le Maghreb des XIIIe-XIVe si\`ecles (Etude partielle) by A. Djebbar . . . . . . . . 441--441 Emilie Savage-Smith Book Review: \booktitleThe Elements of Vision: The Micro-Cosmology of Galenic Visual Theory according to Hunayn ibn Ishaq by Bruce Stansfield Eastwood . . . 441--442 Stephen C. McCluskey Book Review: \booktitleThe Paris Codex: Decoding an Astronomical Ephemeris by Gregory M. Severin . . . . . . . . . . . 442--443 David C. Lindberg Book Review: \booktitleThe Philosophy of Robert Grosseteste by James McEvoy . . . 443--443 Steven J. Livesay Book Review: \booktitleUne vision du monde a la fin du XIIIe si\`ecle: Commentaire du Dialogue de Placides et Timeo by Claude Thomasset . . . . . . . 444--444 Harold J. Cook Book Review: \booktitleObstetrics and Gynaecology in Tudor and Stuart England by Audrey Eccles . . . . . . . . . . . . 444--445 Erwin H. Ackerknecht Book Review: \booktitleOn Monsters and Marvels by Ambroise Pare; Janis L. Pallister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445--445 Stephen Gaukroger Book Review: \booktitleDescartes' Philosophy of Science by Desmond M. Clarke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445--446 Margaret J. Osler Book Review: \booktitleThe Newtonian Revolution: With Illustrations of the Transformation of Scientific Ideas by I. Bernard Cohen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446--447 James Larson Book Review: \booktitleNemesis divina by Carl von Linne; Wolf Lepenies; Lars Gustafsson; Ruprecht Volz . . . . . . . 447--448 Bruce T. Moran Book Review: \booktitleWissenschaftsgeschichte um Wilhelm Schickard: Vorträge bei dem Symposion der Universitat Tübingen im 500 Jahr ihres Bestehens am 24. und 25. Juni 1977 by Friedrich Seck . . . . . . . . . 448--449 William H. Goetzmann Book Review: \booktitleJames Graham Cooper: Pioneer Western Naturalist by Eugene Coan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449--450 Timothy Lenoir Book Review: \booktitleTwo Great Scientists of the Nineteenth Century: Correspondence of Emil Du Bois-reymond and Carl Ludwig by Paul F. Cranefield; Sabie Lichter Ayed . . . . . . . . . . . 450--451 Mott T. Greene Book Review: \booktitleAlfred Wegener by Hans-Gunther Korber . . . . . . . . . . 451--451 Evan M. Melhado Book Review: \booktitleElectrons and Valence: Development of the Theory, 1900--1925 by Anthony N. Stranges . . . 451--452 Mark Kuchment Book Review: \booktitleRefusenik: Trapped in the Soviet Union by Mark Ya. Azbel; Grace Pierce Forbes . . . . . . . 452--454 George Wise Book Review: \booktitleFusion: Science, Politics, and the Invention of a New Energy Source by Joan Lisa Bromberg . . 454--455 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456--458
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459--463 Tore Frangsmyr Guest Editorial: History of Science in Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464--468 Mara Beller Matrix Theory before Schrödinger: Philosophy, Problems, Consequences . . . 469--491 L. Pearce Williams What Were Ampere's Earliest Discoveries in Electrodynamics? . . . . . . . . . . 492--508 David C. Lindberg Science and the Early Christian Church 509--530 David A. King The Astronomy of the Mamluks . . . . . . 531--555 David H. Fowler and Dennis Rawlins Eratosthenes' Ratio for the Obliquity of the Ecliptic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556--562 Mordechai Feingold ``Novita Celesti e Crisi del Sapere'' International Conference of Galilean Studies, Pisa, Padua, Venice, Florence, 18--26 March 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . 563--564 Albert Van Helden Eloge: Salomon Bochner, 20 August 1899--2 May 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . . 565--565 Fritz K. Ringer Book Review: \booktitleThe Emergence of Modern Universities in France, 1863--1914 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566--568 Robert A. Nye Book Review: \booktitleDistorting Mirrors: Visions of the Crowd in Late Nineteenth-Century France . . . . . . . 568--573 Toby Gelfand Book Review: \booktitleDeath Is a Social Disease: Public Health and Political Economy in Early Industrial France . . . 573--576 Diane B. Paul Book Review: \booktitleNature, Human Nature, and Society: Marx, Darwin, Biology, and the Human Sciences by Paul Heyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577--577 Ernan McMullin Book Review: \booktitleScience, Revolution, and Discontinuity by John Krige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577--579 Alice Stroup Book Review: \booktitleMedicine and Its Technology: An Introduction to the History of Medical Instrumentation by Audrey B. Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . 579--580 R. Steven Turner Book Review: \booktitleBildungspolitik in Preussen zur Zeit des Kaiserreichs by Peter Baumgart . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580--581 W. E. Knowles Middleton Book Review: \booktitleMacchine, scuola, industria: Dal mestiere alla professionalita operaia by Comune di Bologna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581--581 Thomas G. Manning Book Review: \booktitleThe Geological Society of America: Life History of a Learned Society by Edwin B. Eckel . . . 581--582 Kurt J. Irgolic Book Review: \booktitleTechnik, Ingenieure und Gesellschaft: Geschichte des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure 1856--1981 by Karl-Heinz Ludwig; Wolfgang Konig . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582--583 Roger G. Krohn Book Review: \booktitleThe Cognitive Paradigm: Cognitive Science, a Newly Explored Approach to the Study of Cognition Applied to an Analysis of Science and Scientific Knowledge by Marc De Mey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583--584 Reinhard Low Book Review: \booktitleThe Formation of the German Chemical Community (1720--1795) by Karl Hufbauer . . . . . 584--585 Thomas F. Gieryn Book Review: \booktitleQuality in Science by Marcel C. La Follette . . . . 585--586 Peter J. Bowler Book Review: \booktitleStatistics in Britain, 1865--1930: The Social Construction of Scientific Knowledge by Donald A. MacKenzie . . . . . . . . . . 586--588 David Philip Miller Book Review: \booktitleThe Transformation of Intellectual Life in Victorian England by T. W. Heyck . . . . 588--589 Kathryn Olesko Book Review: \booktitleDie Natur als arbeitende Maschine: Zur Entstehung des Energiebegriffs in der Physik, 1840--1850 by Herbert Breger . . . . . . 589--589 Karl Hufbauer Book Review: \booktitleCosmic Discovery: The Search, Scope, and Heritage of Astronomy by Martin Harwit . . . . . . . 589--590 P. M. Harman Book Review: \booktitleDas Selbstverstandnis der Physik im Wandel der Zeit: Vorlesungen zum Historischen Erfahrungsraum physikalischen Erkennens by Fritz Krafft . . . . . . . . . . . . 590--590 Brooke Hindle Book Review: \booktitleA Calculating People: The Spread of Numeracy in Early America by Patricia Cline Cohen . . . . 590--591 Dale M. Johnson Book Review: \booktitleGeschichte des Mannigfaltigkeitsbegriffs von Riemann bis Poincaré by Erhard Scholz . . . . . . 591--592 Christopher Hamlin Book Review: \booktitleThe Road to Jaramillo: Critical Years of the Revolution in Earth Science by William Glen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592--593 G. L. Herries Davies Book Review: \booktitleGeology in the Nineteenth Century: Changing Views of a Changing World by Mott T. Greene . . . . 593--594 Susan B. Schlee Book Review: \booktitleNo Sea Too Deep: The History of Oceanographic Instruments by Anita McConnell; \booktitle150 Years of Service on the Seas: A Pictorial History of the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office from 1830 to 1980. Volume I: 1830--1946 by Marc I. Pinsel . . . . . . 594--595 Charles H. Davis Book Review: \booktitleAn Adventure in Applied Science: A History of the International Rice Research Institute by Robert F. Chandler . . . . . . . . . . . 595--596 Ernst Mayr Book Review: \booktitleAllgemeine Betrachtungen über die Triebe der Thiere hauptsachlich über ihre Kunsttriebe by Hermann Samuel Reimarus; Jurgen von Kempski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596--597 Alexander Vucinich Book Review: \booktitleRussian Physicians in the Era of Reform and Revolution, 1856--1905 by Nancy Mandelker Frieden . . . . . . . . . . . 597--598 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleGreen Pharmacy: A History of Herbal Medicine by Barbara Griggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598--599 Guenter B. Risse Book Review: \booktitleAndreas Roschlaub und die Romantische Medizin: Die philosophischen Grundlagen der modernen Medizin by Nelly Tsouyopoulos . . . . . 599--600 Bruce Parrott Book Review: \booktitleIndustrial Innovation in the Soviet Union by Ronald Amann; Julian Cooper . . . . . . . . . . 600--601 Rosalind Williams Book Review: \booktitleEnergy and Transport: Historical Perspective on Policy Issues by George H. Daniels; Mark H. Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601--601 James E. Brittain Book Review: \booktitleEngineers, Managers, and Politicians: The First Fifteen Years of Nationalised Electricity Supply in Britain by Leslie Hannah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601--602 Roger Smith Book Review: \booktitleThe Secularization of the Soul: Psychical Research in Modern Britain by John J. Cerullo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602--603 Robert S. Leventhal Book Review: \booktitleFrom Locke to Saussure: Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History by Hans Aarsleff . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603--604 Ron B. Thomson Book Review: \booktitleMedieval Mensuration: ``Quadrans vetus'' and ``Geometrie due sunt partes principales\ldots.'' by Nan L. Hahn . . 604--605 Sharon Gibbs Thibodeau Book Review: \booktitleTraite de l'astrolabe by Jean Philopon; A. P. Segonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605--606 Michael McVaugh Book Review: \booktitleEl formulario de los hospitales de Ibn Abi l-Bayan by Jose Luis Valverde; Carmen Pena Munoz 606--606 Stephen C. McCluskey Book Review: \booktitleWhen Stars Came Down to Earth: Cosmology of the Skidi Pawnee Indians of North America by Von Del Chamberlain . . . . . . . . . . . . 606--607 Von Del Chamberlain Book Review: \booktitleArchaeoastronomy in the Americas by Ray A. Williamson . . 607--608 George Kish Book Review: \booktitleLazarus Secretarius: The First Hungarian Mapmaker by Lajos Stegena . . . . . . . 608--609 B. J. T. Dobbs Book Review: \booktitleContemporary Newtonian Research by Zev Bechler . . . 609--610 James E. McClellan, III Book Review: \booktitleBetween Orthodoxy and the Enlightenment: Jean-Robert Chouet and the Introduction of Cartesian Science in the Academy of Geneva by Michael Heyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610--611 Allen G. Debus Book Review: \booktitleJoan Baptista van Helmont: Reformer of Science and Medicine by Walter Pagel . . . . . . . . 611--613 James Larson Book Review: \booktitleCharles Bonnet and the Order of the Known by Lorin Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613--614 Kenneth L. Taylor Book Review: \booktitleVoltaire's Attitude toward Geology by Marguerite Carozzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614--614 Joseph A. Schufle Book Review: \booktitleCarl Wilhelm Scheele by Heinz Cassebaum . . . . . . . 614--615 Janis Langins Book Review: \booktitleCalendar of the Correspondence of Pierre Simon Laplace by Roger Hahn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615--616 Richard W. Burkhardt, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleThe Letters of Erasmus Darwin by Desmond King-Hele . . 616--617 Paul Lawrence Farber Book Review: \booktitleLamarck the Mythical Precursor: A Study of the Relations between Science and Ideology by Madeleine Barthelemy-Madaule; M. H. Shrank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617--617 Charles Boewe Book Review: \booktitleLucy Audubon: A Biography by Carolyn E. Delatte . . . . 617--618 William Stanton Book Review: \booktitleLooking Far North: The Harriman Expedition to Alaska, 1899 by William H. Goetzmann; Kay Sloan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618--619 William Montgomery Book Review: \booktitleCharles Darwin, 1809--1882; Anton Dohrn, 1840--1909: Correspondence by Christine Groeben . . 619--619 Stephen J. Pyne Book Review: \booktitleJoseph LeConte: Gentle Prophet of Evolution by Lester Stephens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619--620 Ronald L. Numbers Book Review: \booktitleCrusaders for Fitness: The History of American Health Reformers by James C. Whorton . . . . . 620--621 John Blackmore Book Review: \booktitleVom Positivismus zur ``wissenschaftlichen Weltauffassung''--Am Beispiel der Wirkungsgeschichte von Ernst Mach in Osterreich von 1895 bis 1934 by Friedrich Stadler . . . . . . . . . . . 621--622 Lawrence Badash Book Review: \booktitleThe Cult of the Atom: The Secret Papers of the Atomic Energy Commission by Daniel Ford . . . . 622--623 Loyd S. Swenson, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleJPL and the American Space Program: A History of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory by Clayton R. Koppes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623--624 Dorothy Nelkin Book Review: \booktitleGenetic Alchemy: The Social History of the Recombinant DNA Controversy by Sheldon Krimsky . . . 624--625 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626--629 Anonymous Volume Information . . . . . . . . . . . 630--640
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--4 John Neu One Hundred Eighth Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences . . . . . . . . . . 5--215 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216--216
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5 Arnold Thackray Editorial: Sarton, Science, and History 6--9 John T. Edsall Lawrence J. Henderson and George Sarton 10--13 I. Bernard Cohen A Harvard Education . . . . . . . . . . 13--21 A Rupert Hall Beginnings in Cambridge . . . . . . . . 22--25 A. C. Crombie Beginnings at Oxford . . . . . . . . . . 25--28 Thomas S. Kuhn Professionalization Recollected in Tranquility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29--32 Irenee van der Ghinst and Hosam Elkhadem and George Sarton Sarton and Irenee van der Ghinst . . . . 33--38 Marc De Mey and George Sarton Sarton's Earliest Ambitions at the University of Ghent . . . . . . . . . . 39--45 Bern Dibner and George Sarton Sarton Letters at the Burndy Library . . 45--49 Tore Frangsmyr and Johan Nordström and George Sarton Sarton and Nordström . . . . . . . . . . 49--55 S. R. Mikulinsky and George Sarton and Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky Sarton and Vernadsky . . . . . . . . . . 56--62 Victor L. Hilts History of Science at the University of Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63--94 Margaret W. Rossiter The History and Philosophy of Science Program at the National Science Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95--104 G. Nigel Gilbert and Michael Mulkay Experiments Are the Key: Participants' Histories and Historians' Histories of Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105--125 Steven Shapin Talking History: Reflections on Discourse Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 125--130 Frederic L. Holmes Lavoisier and Krebs: The Individual Scientist in the Near and Deeper Past 131--142 Solomon Diamond Buckle, Wundt, and Psychology's Use of History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143--152 Bruce R. Wheaton Inventory of Sources for History of Twentieth--Century Physics (ISHTCP) . . 153--157 Clark A. Elliott Joint Committee on Archives of Science and Technology (JCAST): Summary from the Final Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158--162 William Aspray Literature and Institutions in the History of Computing . . . . . . . . . . 162--170 Lynn White, Jr. and Jonathan D. Spence Book Review: \booktitleScience and Civilisation in China . . . . . . . . . 171--189 Barbara Sicherman and John Lankford and Daniel J. Kevles Book Review: \booktitleWomen Scientists in America: Struggles and Strategies to 1940 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189--203 A. George Molland Book Review: \booktitleScience Deified & Science Defied: The Historical Significance of Science in Western Culture from the Bronze Age to the Beginnings of the Modern Era ca. 3500 B.C. to ca. A.D. 1640 by Richard Olson 204--204 R. P. Multhauf Book Review: \booktitleDictionary of the History of Science by W. F. Bynum; E. J. Browne; Roy Porter . . . . . . . . . . . 204--205 A. Rupert Hall Book Review: \booktitleEditing Texts in the History of Science and Medicine by Trevor H. Levere . . . . . . . . . . . . 205--206 H. W. Paul Book Review: \booktitleNature et methode de l'histoire des sciences by Francois Russo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206--207 Warren Van Egmond Book Review: \booktitleA Bibliography of Early Modern Algebra, 1500--1800. by Robin E. Rider . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207--208 Clark A. Elliott Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Science and Technology in the United States: A Critical and Selective Bibliography by Marc Rothenberg . . . . 208--209 Jack Morrell Book Review: \booktitleThe Manuscript Papers of British Scientists, 1600--1940 by The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209--210 Gad Freudenthal Book Review: \booktitleDer Wissenschaftler und das Irrationale by Hans Peter Duerr; \booktitleDie Logik der Weltbilder: Sinnstrukturen im Wandel der Geschichte by Gunter Dux . . . . . . 210--211 Thomas R. Dunlap Book Review: \booktitleScience in a Free Society by Paul Feyerabend . . . . . . . 211--212 A. Hunter Dupree Book Review: \booktitleA Patron for Pure Science. Volume I: The National Science Foundation's Formative Years, 1945--1957 by J. Merton England . . . . . . . . . . 212--213 Robert Kargon Book Review: \booktitleScience for Industry: A Short History of the Imperial College of Science and Technology and Its Antecedents by A. Rupert Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213--213 Robert A. Hatch Book Review: \booktitleThe Royal Society and Its Fellows, 1660--1700: The Morphology of an Early Scientific Institution by Michael Hunter . . . . . 213--215 Patricia Woolf Book Review: \booktitleBetrayers of the Truth: Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science by William Broad; Nicholas Wade 215--215 Robert M. Galatzer-Levy Book Review: \booktitleJewish Origins of the Psychoanalytic Movement by Dennis B. Klein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216--216 Joseph W. Slade Book Review: \booktitleBucknell Review by Harry Garvin; \booktitleVolume 27, Number 2: Science and Literature by James M. Heath . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216--217 Thatcher E. Deane Book Review: \booktitleZhongguo da baike quanshu: Tianwenxue (The Greater Encyclopedia of China: Astronomy.) by Zhang Yuzhe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217--217 R. H. Dott, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleEarth Science History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society by Gerald M. Freeman; Kennard B. Bork . . . . . . . . 217--218 G. S. Dunbar Book Review: \booktitleGrosse Geographen: Pioniere--Aussenseiter--Gelehrte by Hanno Beck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218--219 Richard W. Burkhardt, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleEthology: Its Nature and Relations with Other Sciences by Robert A. Hinde . . . . . . . . . . . 219--220 Ian Langham Book Review: \booktitleMissing Links: The Hunt for Earliest Man by John Reader 220--221 Fred Matthews Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Sociological Theory: A Critical History by Robert Bierstedt . . . . . . . . . . 221--222 Richard Handler Book Review: \booktitleFreud and Anthropology: A History and Reappraisal by Edwin R. Wallace . . . . . . . . . . 222--223 Karen Reeds Book Review: \booktitleThe Discovery of Insulin by Michael Bliss . . . . . . . . 223--224 Rosemary Stevens Book Review: \booktitleThe Healthiest City: Milwaukee and the Politics of Health Reform by Judith Walzer Leavitt 224--224 Gert H. Brieger Book Review: \booktitleA Celebration of Medical History: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine and the Welch Medical Library by Lloyd G. Stevenson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224--225 Thomas P. Hughes Book Review: \booktitleThe Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and Society since A.D. 1000 by William H. McNeill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225--227 Carroll W. Pursell, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleA Short History of Twentieth-Century Technology, c. 1900--c. 1950 by Trevor I. Williams . . 227--228 Edward Grant Book Review: \booktitleAristotle and the Renaissance by Charles B. Schmitt . . . 228--229 William F. Edwards Book Review: \booktitlePrelude to Galileo: Essays on Medieval and Sixteenth-Century Sources of Galileo's Thought by William Wallace . . . . . . . 229--230 Roger L. Emerson Book Review: \booktitleThe Radical Enlightenment: Pantheists, Freemasons, and Republicans by Margaret Jacob . . . 230--231 Stephen Gaukroger Book Review: \booktitleL'orientation de la science cartésienne by Geraud Tournadre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231--231 Peter J. Bowler Book Review: \booktitleArchetypes and Ancestors: Palaeontology in Victorian London, 1850--1875 by Adrian Desmond . . 232--233 Kathryn Olesko Book Review: \booktitleThe Mathematical Manuscripts of Karl Marx by Karl Marx; C. Aronson; M. Meo . . . . . . . . . . . 233--234 Roger H. Stuewer Book Review: Niels Bohr; L. Rosenfeld; J. Rud Nielson; Ulrich Hoyer: \booktitleCollected Works, Volumes 1--4 234--235 G. E. Erikson Book Review: \booktitleThe Seven Ages of a Medical Scientist: An Autobiography by George W. Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . 235--236 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237--240
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--247 Richard Gillespie Ballooning in France and Britain, 1783--1786: Aerostation and Adventurism 248--268 Winifred Lovell Wisan Galileo and the Process of Scientific Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269--286 Katharine Park and Lorraine J. Daston and Peter L. Galison Bacon, Galileo, and Descartes on Imagination and Analogy . . . . . . . . 287--289 Katharine Park Bacon's ``Enchanted Glass'' . . . . . . 290--302 Lorraine J. Daston Galilean Analogies: Imagination at the Bounds of Sense . . . . . . . . . . . . 302--310 Peter Galison Descartes's Comparisons: From the Invisible to the Visible . . . . . . . . 311--326 Girolamo Ruscelli and William Eamon and Francoise Paheau The Accademia Segreta of Girolamo Ruscelli: A Sixteenth-Century Italian Scientific Society . . . . . . . . . . . 327--342 C. E. Perrin Did Lavoisier Report to the Academy of Sciences on His Own Book? . . . . . . . 343--348 Ivor Bulmer-Thomas Guldin's Theorem --- Or Pappus's? . . . 348--352 Frederick Gregory and Robert A. Hatch Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society, 27--30 October 1983 . . . . . . 353--360 Nathan Reingold and Ann Hibner Koblitz International Symposia . . . . . . . . . 360--363 Audrey B. Davis Eloge: Walter Pagel, 14 November 1898--1 April 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363--365 Michael S. Mahoney Book Review: \booktitleThe Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton, by Isaac Newton; D. T. Whiteside. Volume VIII: 1697--1722 366--372 Ernan McMullin Book Review: \booktitleScience and Hypothesis: Historical Essays on Scientific Methodology . . . . . . . . . 372--377 Martin J. Klein Book Review: Abraham Pais: \booktitle``Subtle Is the Lord \ldots'': The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377--379 Leslie Hannah Book Review: \booktitleNetworks of Power: Electrification in Western Society, 1880--1930 . . . . . . . . . . 379--382 Nicholas H. Steneck Book Review: \booktitleMuch Ado about Nothing: Theories of Space and Vacuum from the Middle Ages to the Scientific Revolution by Edward Grant . . . . . . . 383--384 L. Pearce Williams Book Review: \booktitleGeschichte der Naturwissenschaften by Hans Wussing . . 384--385 Marc Rothenberg Book Review: \booktitleThe Papers of Nathaniel Bowditch in the Boston Public Library: Guide to the Microfilm Edition by James W. Montgomery, Jr.; Laura V. Monti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385--385 Cecil J. Schneer Book Review: \booktitleThe Earth Sciences: An Annotated Bibliography by Roy Porter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385--386 Arthur Fine Book Review: \booktitleHow the Laws of Physics Lie by Nancy Cartwright . . . . 386--387 Daniel M. Siegel Book Review: \booktitleMetaphysics and Natural Philosophy: The Problem of Substance in Classical Physics by P. M. Harman; \booktitleEnergy, Force, and Matter: The Conceptual Development of Nineteenth-Century Physics by P. M. Harman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387--389 Ian Hacking Book Review: \booktitleScientific Explanation: Papers Based on Herbert Spencer Lectures Given in the Oxford University by A. F. Heath . . . . . . . 389--390 David C. Cassidy Book Review: \booktitleScientific Explanation and Atomic Physics by Edward M. MacKinnon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390--391 Peter Barker Book Review: \booktitlePhilosophy and the New Physics by Jonathan Powers . . . 391--392 G. S. Dunbar Book Review: \booktitleLa formation de l'école française de géographie (1870--1914) by Vincent Berdoulay . . . 392--393 James E. McClellan, III Book Review: \booktitleThe Papers of the Dublin Philosophical Society, 1683--1708 by K. Theodore Hoppen . . . . . . . . . 393--393 Susan Sheets-Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleWiley: One Hundred and Seventy Five Years of Publishing by John Hammond Moore; A. Wayne Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393--394 Owen Hannaway Book Review: \booktitlePraelectiones Physicae: Historisch-kritische Edition by Joachim Jungius; Christopher Meinel 394--395 Alan J. Rocke Book Review: \booktitleLiebigs Experimentalvorlesung: Vorlesungsbuch und Kekules Mitschrift by Otto Paul Kratz; Claus Priesner . . . . . . . . . 395--396 Silvio A. Bedini Book Review: \booktitleLos relojes y automatas de Juanelo Turriano by Jose A. Garcia-Diego . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396--397 Jerry Gaston Book Review: \booktitleScience and Society: Studies in the Sociology of Science by Joseph Agassi . . . . . . . . 397--397 Bruce Eastwood Book Review: \booktitleThe Art of Describing: Dutch Art in the Seventeenth Century by Svetlana Alpers . . . . . . . 398--398 Albert Van Helden Book Review: \booktitleThe Mathematical Science of Christopher Wren by J. A. Bennett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398--399 Diana Long Hall Book Review: \booktitleA Comparison of Selected Poetic and Scientific Works of Albrecht von Haller by Dorothy Roller Wiswall; Otto G. Graf . . . . . . . . . 399--400 Harold G. Diamond Book Review: \booktitleCollected Papers of J. E. Littlewood by J. E. Littlewood; London Mathematical Society . . . . . . 400--401 Garrett Birkhoff and William Aspray Book Review: \booktitleZermelo's Axiom of Choice: Its Origins, Development, and Influence by Gregory H. Moore . . . . . 401--402 Steve J. Heims Book Review: \booktitleNeyman: From Life by Constance Reid . . . . . . . . . . . 402--403 Jed Z. Buchwald Book Review: \booktitleLa polarisation rotatoire naturelle: De la structure de la lumi\`ere \`a celle des molécules by Jean Rosmorduc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403--403 Susan Schultz Book Review: \booktitleFrontiers of Geological Exploration of Western North America: A Symposium by Alan E. Leviton; Peter U. Rodda; Ellis L. Yochelson; Michele L. Aldrich . . . . . . . . . . . 403--404 John Farley Book Review: \booktitleThe Eclipse of Darwinism: Anti-Darwinian Evolution Theories in the Decades around 1900 by Peter J. Bowler . . . . . . . . . . . . 404--405 Frank N. Egerton Book Review: \booktitleThe Secular Ark: Studies in the History of Biogeography by Janet Browne . . . . . . . . . . . . 405--406 James A. Casada Book Review: \booktitleBotanical Exploration of Southern Africa: An Illustrated History of Early Botanical Literature on the Cape Flora [with] Biographical Accounts of the Leading Plant Collectors and Their Activities in Southern Africa from the Days of the East India Company until Modern Times by Mary Gunn; L. E. Codd . . . . . . . . . 406--407 Greta Jones Book Review: \booktitleThe Idea of Race in Science: Great Britain, 1800--1960 by Nancy Stepan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407--408 Jeffrey L. Meikle Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Design Ethic: A History of Industrial Design by Arthur J. Pulos . . . . . . . . . . . . 408--408 Janis Langins Book Review: \booktitleStronger Than a Hundred Men: A History of the Vertical Water Wheel by Terry S. Reynolds . . . . 408--409 Russell I. Fries Book Review: \booktitleCharles Blacker Vignoles: Romantic Engineer by K. H. Vignoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409--410 Virginia Yans-McLaughlin Book Review: \booktitleMargaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth by Derek Freeman 410--411 Richard Handler Book Review: \booktitleRuth Benedict: Patterns of a Life by Judith Schachter Modell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411--412 Curtis M. Hinsley Book Review: \booktitleThe Fall of Natural Man: The American Indian and the Origins of Comparative Ethnology by Anthony Pagden . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412--413 G. J. Toomer Book Review: \booktitleScience and Speculation: Studies in Hellenistic Theory and Practice by Jonathan Barnes; Jacques Brunschwig; Myles Burnyeat; Malcolm Schofield . . . . . . . . . . . 413--415 Ian Mueller Book Review: \booktitleL'architecture du divin: Mathematique et philosophie chez Plotin et Proclus by Annick Charles-Saget . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415--415 Sabetai Unguru Book Review: \booktitleThe Medieval Latin Translation of the Data of Euclid by Shuntaro Ito . . . . . . . . . . . . 415--416 Richard C. Dales Book Review: \booktitleRoger Bacon's Philosophy of Nature: A Critical Edition, with English Translation, Introduction, and Notes, of ``De multiplicatione specierum'' and ``De speculis comburentibus'' by David C. Lindberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416--417 Nancy G. Siraisi Book Review: \booktitleGirolamo Cardano, 1501--1576: Physician, Natural Philosopher, Mathematician, Astrologer, and Interpreter of Dreams by Markus Fierz; Helga Niman . . . . . . . . . . . 417--417 Jane M. Oppenheimer Book Review: \booktitleCarteggio (1768--1798) by Leopoldo M. A. Caldani; Lazzaro Spallanzani; Giuseppe Ongaro . . 417--418 Margaret J. Osler Book Review: \booktitlePrinciples of Philosophy by Rene Descartes; Valentine Rodger Miller; Reese P. Miller . . . . . 418--419 William R. Shea Book Review: \booktitleAmici e corrispondenti di Galileo by Antonio Favoro; Paulo Galluzi . . . . . . . . . 419--419 Maurice Daumas Book Review: \booktitleThe Montgolfier Brothers and the Invention of Aviation, 1783--1784: With a Word on the Importance of Ballooning for the Science of Heat and the Art of Building Railroads by Charles Coulston Gillispie 419--421 Steven Shapin Book Review: \booktitleHenry Stubbe, Radical Protestantism and the Early Enlightenment by James R. Jacob . . . . 421--422 Eric G. Forbes Book Review: \booktitleBriefwechsel zwischen Alexander von Humboldt und Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet by Kurt-R. Bierman . . . . . . . . . . . . 422--423 Martin Curd Book Review: \booktitleLudwig Boltzmann: Man--Physicist--Phylosopher by Engelbert Broda; Larry Gay . . . . . . . . . . . . 423--423 Howard Bernstein Book Review: \booktitlePhilosophie als Analysis: Studien zur Entwicklung philosophischer Analysiskonzeptionen unter dem Einfluss mathematischer Methodenmodelle im 17. und fruhen 18. Jahrhundert by Hans-Jurgen Engfer . . . 423--424 Muriel L. Blaisdell Book Review: \booktitleEvolution without Evidence: Charles Darwin and the Origin of Species by Barry G. Gale . . . . . . 424--425 Barbara J. Reeves Book Review: \booktitlePio IX e le macchine ottiche, con reproduzione anastatica del Saggio fisico-matematico proposto da Giovan Maria Mastai Ferretti a conclusione dei suoi studi presso le Scuole Pie di Volterra il 7 settembre 1809 by Pier Luigi Pizzamiglio; Giorgio Tabarroni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425--426 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitleScienza e filosofia nella cultura positivistica by Antonio Santucci . . . . . . . . . . . . 426--427 Martin Rudwick Book Review: \booktitleAdam Sedgwick: Geologist and Dalesman, 1785--1873: A Biography in Twelve Themes by Colin Speakman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427--427 Margaret W. Rossiter Book Review: \booktitleGeorge Washington Carver: Scientist and Symbol by Linda O. McMurry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427--428 Thomas F. Glick Book Review: Societat Catalana de Ci\`encies Físiques, Químiques i Matemátiques: \booktitleCentenari de la naixença d'Albert Einstein (Catalan) [Centenary of the Birth of Albert Einstein] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428--429 Stanley Goldberg Book Review: Harry Woolf: \booktitleSome Strangeness in the Proportion: A Centennial Symposium to Celebrate the Achievements of Albert Einstein; Gerald Holton and Yehuda Elkana: \booktitleAlbert Einstein: Historical and Cultural Perspectives . . . . . . . 429--430 Steven L. Del Sesto Book Review: \booktitleRationality and Ritual: The Windscale Inquiry and Nuclear Decisions in Britain by Bryan Wynne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430--431 John B. Blake Book Review: \booktitleDisease and Its Control: The Shaping of Modern Thought by Robert P. Hudson . . . . . . . . . . 432--432 Simon Baatz Book Review: \booktitleA Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Archives of the Library of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia by Rudolf Hirsch . . . . . 432--433 John Harley Warner Book Review: \booktitleSources in the History of American Pharmacology by John Parascandola; Elizabeth Keeney . . . . . 433--434 James Whorton Book Review: \booktitleHistory of Clinical Chemistry by J. Buttner . . . . 434--434 Allan M. Brandt Book Review: \booktitleCompulsory Health Insurance: The Continuing Debate by Ronald L. Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . 434--435 Ronald A. Carson Book Review: \booktitleHealth/Medicine and the Faith Traditions: An Inquiry into Religion and Medicine by Martin E. Marty; Kenneth L. Vaux . . . . . . . . . 435--435 Tzvi Absuch Book Review: \booktitleDie babylonisch-assyrische Medizin in Texten und Untersuchungen. Volumes V + VI: Keilschrifttexte aus Ninive by Franz Kocher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436--437 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleGalen's Commentary on the Hippocratic Treatise ``Airs, Waters, Places'' in the Hebrew Translation of Solomon ha-Me ati by Galen; Abraham Wasserstein . . . . . . . 437--437 Luke Demaitre Book Review: \booktitleMedizin im mittelalterlichen Abendland by Gerhard Baader; Gundolf Keil . . . . . . . . . . 437--438 Emilie Savage-Smith Book Review: \booktitleVorlesungen über die Medizin im Islam by Felix Klein-Franke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438--440 Elling O. Eide Book Review: \booktitleAn Enumeration of Chinese Materia Medica by Shiu-ying Hu; Y. C. Kong; Paul P. H. But . . . . . . . 440--441 Toby Gelfand Book Review: \booktitleWilliam Hunter, 1718--1783: A Memoir by Samuel Fort Simmons; John Hunter; C. H. Brock . . . 441--441 Russell C. Maulitz Book Review: \booktitleLaennec: Catalogue des manuscrits scientifiques by Lydie Boulle; Mirko D. Grmek; Catherine Lupovici; Janine Samion-Contet 442--442 Keith R. Benson Book Review: \booktitleThe Etiology, Concept, and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever by Ignaz Semmelweis; K. Codell Carter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442--443 Terry M. Parssinen Book Review: \booktitleEndangered Lives: Public Health in Victorian Britain by Anthony S. Wohl . . . . . . . . . . . . 443--443 Pauline M. H. Mazumdar Book Review: \booktitleCholera: The American Scientific Experience, 1947--1980 by W. E. van Heyningen; John R. Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444--444 Harry M. Marks Book Review: \booktitlePure Politics and Impure Science: The Swine Flu Affair by Arthur M. Silverstein . . . . . . . . . 444--445 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451--455 Jane Maienschein What Determines Sex? A Study of Converging Approaches, 1880--1916 . . . 456--480 Bruce Stansfield Eastwood Descartes on Refraction: Scientific versus Rhetorical Method . . . . . . . . 481--502 Elisabeth Crawford Arrhenius, the Atomic Hypothesis, and the 1908 Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503--522 Steven Turner and Edward Kerwin and David Woolwine Careers and Creativity in Nineteenth-Century Physiology: Zloczower Redux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523--529 Jixing Pan Charles Darwin's Chinese Sources . . . . 530--534 Peggy Aldrich Kidwell Women Astronomers in Britain, 1780--1930 534--546 Paul McReynolds and Klaus Ludwig Christian Thomasius and the Origin of Psychological Rating Scales . . . . . . 546--553 Ronald L. Numbers Science and Religion in the American Society of Church History . . . . . . . 554--554 Frederick Gregory Book Review: \booktitleThe Strategy of Life: Teleology and Mechanics in Nineteenth-Century German Biology . . . 555--558 Susan Reverby Book Review: \booktitleThe Social Transformation of American Medicine . . 559--562 Alexander Vucinich Book Review: \booktitleThe Revolution in Science 1500--1750 by A. Rupert Hall . . 563--563 Jeffrey L. Meikle Book Review: \booktitleThe Show of Science by Robin E. Rider . . . . . . . 564--564 Michael Shank Book Review: \booktitleScience: Its History and Development among the World's Cultures by Colin Ronan . . . . 564--565 Alexander Dean McLeod Book Review: \booktitleNew Perspective on the History of Science by Seiki Shia; Frederick Y. Coe . . . . . . . . . . . . 565--566 Dudley Shapere Book Review: \booktitleA Bibliography of the Philosophy of Science, 1945--1981 by Richard J. Blackwell . . . . . . . . . . 566--567 Susan Crawford Book Review: \booktitleSociology of Sciences: An Annotated Bibliography on Invisible Colleges, 1972--1981 by Daryl E. Chubin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567--567 Arnold Thackray Book Review: \booktitleInformation Sources in the History of Science and Medicine by Pietro Corsi; Paul Weindling 567--569 Janet Browne Book Review: \booktitleBibliography of the Rhinoceros: An Analysis of the Literature on the Recent Rhinoceroses in Culture, History, and Biology by L. C. Rookmaaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569--569 Michael R. McVaugh Book Review: \booktitleDiccionario historico de la ciencia moderna en España by Jose M. Lopez Pinero; Thomas F. Glick; Victor Navarro Brotons; Eugenio Portela Marcos . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569--570 David Rhees Book Review: \booktitleA Biographical Dictionary of Scientists by Trevor I. Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570--571 Peter Weingart Book Review: \booktitleBetween Science and Values by Loren R. Graham . . . . . 571--572 A. Rupert Hall Book Review: \booktitleNature Mathematized: Historical and Philosophical Case Studies in Classical Modern Natural Philosophy. Volume I by William Shea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572--573 Arthur Donovan Book Review: \booktitleEducation and Opportunity in Victorian Scotland: Schools and Universities by R. D. Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573--573 Eric H. Christianson Book Review: \booktitleA Lamp in the Forest: Natural Philosophy in Transylvania University, 1799--1859 by Ash Gobar; J. Hill Hamon . . . . . . . . 573--575 James G. O'Hara Book Review: \booktitleA History of Mathematics Education in England by Geoffrey Howson . . . . . . . . . . . . 575--575 George Weisz Book Review: \booktitleThe Transformations of Higher Learning 1860--1930: Expansion, Diversification, Social Opening, and Professionalization in England, Germany, Russia, and the United States by Konrad H. Jarausch . . 575--577 Richard Gillespie Book Review: \booktitlePartial Progress: The Politics of Science and Technology by David Albury; Joseph Schwartz . . . . 577--577 Ian Inkster Book Review: \booktitleSociology of Scientific Knowledge: A Source Book by H. M. Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577--578 Julia L. Epstein Book Review: \booktitleWomen in Science: Portraits from a World in Transition by Vivian Gornick . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578--579 Susan E. Cozzens Book Review: \booktitleThe Social Construction of Science: A Comparative Study of Goal Direction, Research Evolution, and Legitimation by Tom Jagtenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579--580 George E. Webb Book Review: \booktitleCreationism, Science, and the Law by Marcel C. La Follette; \booktitleThe Creation Controversy by Dorothy Nelkin . . . . . 580--581 Daniel J. Kevles Book Review: \booktitleBirth Control and the Population Question in England, 1877--1930 by Richard Allen Soloway . . 581--582 Ed Larson Book Review: \booktitleScience and Law: An Essential Alliance by William A. Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582--583 Wyn Wachhorst Book Review: \booktitleThe Culture of Time and Space, 1880--1918 by Stephen Kern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583--584 Margaret C. Jacob Book Review: \booktitleThe Changing of the Gods by Frank E. Manuel . . . . . . 584--585 T. D. Bozeman Book Review: \booktitleThe Princeton Theology: Scripture, Science and Theological Method from Archibald Alexander to Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield by Mark A. Noll . . . . . . . . 585--586 Greta Jones Book Review: \booktitleThe Wider Domain of Evolutionary Thought by David Oldroyd; Ian Langham . . . . . . . . . . 586--587 Paul Theerman Book Review: \booktitleRelations of Literature and Science, 1980--1981 by Walter Schatzberg . . . . . . . . . . . 587--588 Robin Attfield Book Review: \booktitleMan and the Natural World: A History of the Modern Sensibility by Keith Thomas . . . . . . 588--589 Silvio A. Bedini Book Review: \booktitleIl circolo mathematico di Palermo by Aldo Brigaglia; Guido Masotto . . . . . . . . 589--590 Philip C. Enros Book Review: \booktitleThe Great Mental Calculators: The Psychology, Methods, and Lives of Calculating Prodigies, Past and Present by Steven B. Smith . . . . . 590--591 Laurie M. Brown Book Review: \booktitleStoria della fisica: Un contributo per l'insegnamento della fisica by Fabio Bevilacqua . . . . 591--591 L. Pearce Williams Book Review: \booktitleAmpere et la creation de l'electrodynamique (1820--1827) by Christine Blondel . . . 591--592 Roger H. Stuewer Book Review: \booktitleStatistical Physics and the Atomic Theory of Matter from Boyle and Newton to Landau and Onsager by Stephen G. Brush . . . . . . 592--593 Robert W. Smith Book Review: \booktitleFrame of the Universe: A History of Physical Cosmology by Frank Durham; Robert D. Purrington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593--593 W. D. Hackmann Book Review: \booktitleThe Effluvial Theory of Electricity by Roderick Weir Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593--595 Martin J. Buerger Book Review: \booktitleCrystallography in North America by Dan McLachlan,; Jenny P. Glusker . . . . . . . . . . . . 595--595 E. Robert Paul Book Review: \booktitleThe Expanding Universe: Astronomy's ``Great Debate,'' 1900--1930 by Robert W. Smith . . . . . 595--596 P. Thomas Carroll Book Review: \booktitleRoger Adams: Scientist and Statesman by D. Stanley Tarbell; Ann Tracy Tarbell . . . . . . . 596--598 Philip F. Rehbock Book Review: \booktitleThe Discovery of Fossil Fishes in Scotland up to 1845, with Checklists of Agassiz's Figured Specimens by S. M. Andrews . . . . . . . 598--598 B. Norton Book Review: \booktitleEvolution from Molecules to Men by D. S. Bendall . . . 598--599 Stephen J. Pyne Book Review: \booktitleThis Land, This South: An Environmental History by Albert E. Cowdrey . . . . . . . . . . . 599--600 Frank N. Egerton Book Review: \booktitleSacred Sands: The Struggle for Community in the Indiana Dunes by J. Ronald Engel . . . . . . . . 600--600 Bentley Glass Book Review: \booktitleA Feeling for the Organism: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock by Evelyn Fox Keller . . . . 600--601 Ernst Mayr Book Review: \booktitleDear Lord Rothschild: Birds, Butterflies, and History by Miriam Rothschild . . . . . . 601--603 James G. Lennox Book Review: \booktitleNature Animated: Historical and Philosophical Case Studies in Greek Medicine, Nineteenth-Century and Recent Biology, Psychiatry, and Psychoanalysis by Michael Ruse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603--604 Charles E. Rosenberg Book Review: \booktitleThe D.O.'s: Osteopathic Medicine in America by Norman Gevitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604--605 Ellen Dwyer Book Review: \booktitleMental Illness and American Society, 1875--1940 by Gerald Grob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605--606 Gerald N. Grob Book Review: \booktitleSecret Passions, Secret Remedies: Narcotic Drugs in British Society, 1820--1930 by Terry M. Parssinen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606--607 John C. Burnham Book Review: \booktitleThe Occult in America: New Historical Perspectives by Howard Kerr; Charles L. Crow . . . . . . 607--607 Anthony Preus Book Review: \booktitleZenon d'Elée: Prolégom\`enes aux doctrines du continue: Étude historique et critique des fragments et témoinages by Maurice Caveing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607--608 William Eamon Book Review: \booktitleFachprosa-Studien: Beitrage zur mittelalterlichen Wissenschafts- und Geistesgeschichte by Gundolf Keil . . . 608--609 Emilie Savage-Smith Book Review: \booktitleKitab al-Manazir: Books I-II-III (On Direct Vision) by Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham; Abdelhamid I. Sabra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609--611 E. S. Kennedy Book Review: \booktitleA Bibliography of the Works of Abu'l-Rayhan al-Biruni by Ahmad Saeed Khan . . . . . . . . . . . . 611--611 J. L. Berggren Book Review: \booktitleGeschichte der Zahlentheorie im Orient: im Mittelalter und zu Beginn der Neuzeit unter besonder Berucksichtigung persischer Mathematiker by Alireza Djafari Naini . . . . . . . . 611--612 Ludo Rocher Book Review: \booktitleThe Indian Response to European Technology and Culture (A.D. 1498--1707) by Ahsan Jan Qaisar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612--613 Bruce T. Moran Book Review: \booktitleLay Culture, Learned Culture: Books and Social Change in Strasbourg, 1480--1599 by Miriam Usher Chrisman . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613--614 Winifred Lovell Wisan Book Review: \booktitleCause, Experiment, and Science: A Galilean Dialogue Incorporating a New English Translation of Galileo's ``Bodies That Stay Atop Water, or Move in It.'' by Stillman Drake . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614--614 Luis Garcia Ballester Book Review: \booktitleSpanish Scientists in the New World: The Eighteenth-Century Expeditions by Iris H. W. Engstrand . . . . . . . . . . . . 614--616 Robert Palter Book Review: \booktitleDescartes: Philosophy, Mathematics and Physics by Stephen Gaukroger . . . . . . . . . . . 616--617 James Larson Book Review: \booktitleSvensk lardomshistoria: Gustavianska tiden by Sten Lindroth; Gunnar Eriksson . . . . . 617--618 Ronald S. Calinger Book Review: \booktitleDer junge Leibniz II: Der Ubergang vom Atomismus zu einem mechanistischen Aristotelismus; Der revidierte Anschluss an Pierre Gassendi by Konrad Moll . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618--619 Simon Baatz Book Review: \booktitleCharles Willson Peale and His World by Edgar P. Richardson; Brooke Hindle; Lillian Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619--620 Carl Perrin Book Review: \booktitleJoseph Black, 1728--1799: A Commemorative Symposium by A. D. C. Simpson . . . . . . . . . . . . 620--621 Don A. Howard Book Review: \booktitleGesamtausgabe. Volume VIII: Ludwig Boltzmann: Internationale Tagung anlasslich des 75. Jahrestages seines Todes, 1981: Ausgewahlte Abhandlungen by Ludwig Boltzmann; Roman U. Sexl; John Blackmore 621--621 Daniel W. Bjork Book Review: \booktitleWilliam James on Exceptional Mental States: The 1896 Lowell Lectures by Eugene Taylor . . . . 621--623 Steven L. Del Sesto Book Review: \booktitleCrisis Contained: The Department of Energy at Three Mile Island by Philip L. Cantelon; Robert C. Williams; Global Fission: The Battle over Nuclear Power by Jim Falk . . . . . 623--625 William Aspray Book Review: \booktitleAlan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges . . . . . . . . 625--626 Alex Roland Book Review: \booktitleThe First 25 Years in Space: A Symposium by Allan A. Needell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626--627 Albert E. Moyer Book Review: \booktitleProject Y: The Los Alamos Story by David S. Hawkins; Edith Truslow; Ralph Carlisle Smith . . 627--628 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629--634
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635--641 Anthony N. Stranges Friedrich Bergius and the Rise of the German Synthetic Fuel Industry . . . . . 642--667 Geoffrey Cantor Berkeley's The Analyst Revisited . . . . 668--683 Douglas R. Weiner Community Ecology in Stalin's Russia: ``Socialist'' and ``Bourgeois'' Science 684--696 Mary Jo Nye Scientific Decline: Is Quantitative Evaluation Enough? . . . . . . . . . . . 697--708 M. T. d'Alverny Eloge: Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli, 11 November 1917--18 December 1981 . . . . 709--711 Henrika Kuklick Book Review: \booktitlePerson and Myth: Maurice Leenhardt in the Melanesian World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712--717 Lorraine J. Daston Book Review: \booktitleThe Nature of Mathematical Knowledge . . . . . . . . . 717--721 Bruce Eastwood Book Review: \booktitleThe Soul of Science: An Audiovisual History of Science from Anaximander to Einstein by Bill Stonebarger; Michael Stonebarger 722--723 D. Stanley Tarbell Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Chemical Technology: An Annotated Bibliography by Robert Multhauf . . . . 723--723 Jarrett Leplin Book Review: \booktitleTesting Scientific Theories by John Earman . . . 723--724 Timothy Lenoir Book Review: \booktitleLudwik Fleck: Erfahrung und Tatsache: Gesammelte Aufsatze mit einer Einleitung by Lothar Shafer; Thomas Schnelle . . . . . . . . 724--725 Richard C. Dales Book Review: \booktitleTime, Creation and the Continuum: Theories in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages by Richard Sorabji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725--726 Edmund N. Todd Book Review: \booktitleWissenschaft, Staat, Mazene: Anfange moderner Wissenschaftspolitik in Grossbritannien 1850--1920 by Peter Alter . . . . . . . 726--727 Robert W. Seidel Book Review: \booktitleScience, Technology, and Society in the Time of Alfred Nobel by Carl Gustaf Bernhard; Elisabeth Crawford; Per Sorbom . . . . . 727--728 Jane Morley Book Review: \booktitleBooks and Society in History by Kenneth E. Carpenter . . . 728--729 Nathan Reingold Book Review: \booktitleProfessions and Professional Ideology in America by Gerald L. Geison . . . . . . . . . . . . 729--729 Robert E. Schofield Book Review: \booktitleMetropolis and Province: Science in British Culture, 1780--1850 by Ian Inkster; Jack Morrell 729--730 Daniel Segal Book Review: \booktitleThe Social Relations of Physics, Mysticism, and Mathematics: Studies in Social Structure, Interests and Ideas by Sal Restivo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730--732 Jacques N. Catudal Book Review: \booktitleValues and Scientists by John A. White . . . . . . 732--732 R. Dean Ware Book Review: \booktitleGregorian Reform of the Calendar: Proceedings of the Vatican Conference to Commemorate Its 400th Anniversary, 1582--1982 by G. V. Coyne; M. A. Hoskin; O. Pedersen . . . . 732--733 Norriss S. Hetherington Book Review: \booktitleGlimpsing an Invisible Universe: The Emergence of X-Ray Astronomy by Richard F. Hirsh . . 733--734 Loyd S. Swenson, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Physics in Transition: A History of Conceptual Change in the Late Nineteenth Century by Albert E. Moyer . . . . . . . . . . . . 734--735 George Saliba Book Review: \booktitleAstronomy and History: Selected Essays by O. Neugebauer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735--736 N. M. Swerdlow Book Review: \booktitleNarratio prima by Georg Joachim Rheticus; Henri Hugonnard-Roche; Jean--Pierre Verdet; Michel-Pierre Lerner; Alain Segonds . . 736--737 Patsy Gerstner Book Review: \booktitleIt Began with a Stone: A History of Geology from the Stone Age to the Age of Plate Tectonics by Henry Faul; Carol Faul . . . . . . . 738--738 G. S. Dunbar Book Review: \booktitleSheets of Many Colours: The Mapping of Ireland's Rocks, 1750--1890 by Gordon L. Herries Davies 738--739 W. O. Kupsch Book Review: \booktitleAntarctica Observed: Who Discovered the Antarctic Continent? by A. G. E. Jones; \booktitleRoss in the Antarctic: The Voyages of James Clark Ross in Her Majesty's Ships ``\booktitleErebus'' and ``\booktitleTerror,'' 1839--1843 by M. J. Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739--739 Jan Sapp Book Review: \booktitleHistoire de la genetique et de l'evolutionisme en France by Denis Buican . . . . . . . . . 739--741 William Montgomery Book Review: \booktitleGametes & Spores: Ideas about Sexual Reproduction, 1750--1914 by John Farley . . . . . . . 741--742 A. G. Morton Book Review: \booktitleLandmarks of Botanical History by Edward Lee Greene; Frank N. Egerton; Robert P. McIntosh; Rogers McVaugh . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742--743 Dorinda Outram Book Review: \booktitleDarwin in Italia: Impresa scientifica e frontiere culturali by Giuliano Pancaldi . . . . . 743--744 Barbara G. Beddall Book Review: \booktitleDarwin: La aventura de un espiritu by Desiderio Papp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 744--745 Kurt Danzinger Book Review: \booktitleKurt Koffka: An Unwitting Self-Portrait by Molly Harrower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745--745 Linda Colley Book Review: \booktitleRacial Myth in English History: Trojans, Teutons, and Anglo-Saxons by Hugh A. MacDougall . . . 745--746 George E. Marcus Book Review: \booktitleObservers Observed: Essays on Ethnographic Fieldwork by George W. Stocking . . . . 746--746 Emil F. Frey Book Review: \booktitleThe Physicians of Pharaonic Egypt by Paul Ghalioungui . . 746--747 Thomas F. Glick Book Review: \booktitleMedicina e farmacia nella caricature politiche italiane, 1848--1914 by William H. Helfand; Sergio Rocchietta . . . . . . . 747--747 Elizabeth Fee Book Review: \booktitlePrinces and Peasants: Smallpox in History by Donald R. Hopkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747--748 W. Bruce Fye Book Review: \booktitleThe Chief: Doctor William Osler by R. Palmer Howard . . . 748--749 Toby Gelfand Book Review: \booktitleLes maladies et la medicine en Pays basque nord a la fin de l'Ancien Regime (1690--1789) by Pierre L. Thillaud . . . . . . . . . . . 749--749 Helen S. Lang Book Review: \booktitleEssays in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Volume II by John P. Anton; Anthony Preus . . . . . . . . . . 750--750 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleScience, Folklore and Ideology: Studies in the Life Sciences in Ancient Greece by G. E. R. Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750--752 Robert Wardy Book Review: \booktitleNature, Change and Agency in Aristotle's ``Physics'': A Philosophical Study by Sarah Waterlow 752--753 Nancy G. Siraisi Book Review: \booktitleThe Black Death: Natural and Human Disaster in Medieval Europe by Robert S. Gottfried . . . . . 753--754 William R. Shea Book Review: \booktitleVom Einfluss der Gestirne auf die Gesundheit und den Charakter des Menschen by Gundolf Keil; Freidrich Lenhardt; Christoph Weisser 754--755 Katherine H. Tachau Book Review: \booktitleWilliam of Auvergne and Robert Grosseteste: New Ideas of Truth in the Early Thirteenth Century by Steven P. Marrone . . . . . . 755--756 Edward Peters Book Review: \booktitleLes debuts de l'imagerie alchimique (XIVe-XVe si\`ecles) by Barbara Obrist . . . . . . 756--757 Vern L. Bullough Book Review: \booktitleCorps et chirurgie \`a l'apogée du Moyen Âge: Savoir et imaginaire du corps chez Henri de Mondeville, chirurgien de Philippe le Bel by Marie-Christine Pouchelle . . . . 757--758 Owen Gingerich Book Review: \booktitleStudies in the Islamic Exact Sciences by E. S. Kennedy; David King; Mary Helen Kennedy . . . . . 758--758 Gregg De Young Book Review: \booktitleAgricultural Innovation in the Early Islamic World: The Diffusion of Crops and Farming Techniques, 700--1100 by Andrew M. Watson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758--759 Wayne Shumaker Book Review: \booktitleAstrology in the Renaissance: The Zodiac of Life by Eugenio Garin; Carolyn Jackson; June Allen; Clare Robertson . . . . . . . . . 759--759 John Henry Book Review: \booktitleThomas Harriot: A Biography by John W. Shirley . . . . . . 759--760 Karen Reeds Book Review: \booktitleLa biblioth\`eque et le laboratoire de Guy de la Brosse au Jardin des Plantes a Paris by Rio Howard 760--761 Ernan McMullin Book Review: \booktitleCertain Philosophical Questions: Newton's Trinity Notebook by J. E. McGuire; Martin Tamny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761--762 G. S. Rousseau Book Review: \booktitleUniversal Languages and Scientific Taxonomy in the Seventeenth Century by M. M. Slaughter 762--763 Richard S. Westfall Book Review: \booktitleFrom Paracelsus to Newton: Magic and the Making of Modern Science by Charles Webster . . . 763--763 Josef Smolka Book Review: \booktitleZivot a dilo Vaclava Prokopa Divise. (The Life and Work of V. P. Divis.) by Josef Haubelt 763--764 W. R. Albury Book Review: \booktitleLinnaeus: The Man and His Work by Tore Frangsmyr; Michael Srigley; Bernard Vowles . . . . . . . . 764--765 F. W. P. Dougherty Book Review: \booktitleThe Correspondence between Albrecht von Haller and Charles Bonnet by Otto Sonntag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765--766 Charles C. Gillispie Book Review: \booktitlePatrick Matthew and Natural Selection: Nineteenth Century Gentleman-Farmer, Naturalist and Writer by W. J. Dempster . . . . . . . . 766--767 A. J. Rocke Book Review: \booktitleAmedeo Avogadro: A Scientific Biography by Mario Morselli 767--768 George Webb Book Review: \booktitleRealm of the Long Eyes: A Brief History of Kitt Peak National Observatory by James E. Kloeppel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768--769 C. Stewart Gillmor Book Review: \booktitleOrigins of Magnetospheric Physics by James A. Van Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769--769 Sharon Kingsland Book Review: \booktitleThe Ecological Century: A Personal Appraisal by E. Barton Worthington . . . . . . . . . . . 769--770 Donald deB. Beaver Book Review: \booktitleTuring's Man: Western Culture in the Computer Age by David J. Bolter . . . . . . . . . . . . 770--771 Carroll Pursell Book Review: \booktitleThe Culture of Technology by Arnold Pacey . . . . . . . 771--772 W. Bernard Carlson Book Review: \booktitleExplaining Technical Change: A Case Study in the Philosophy of Science by Jon Elster . . 772--773 Don Ihde Book Review: \booktitleThe Nature of Technological Change: Are Models of Scientific Change Relevant? by Rachel Laudan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773--774 Cecil O. Smith, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleResearch in Philosophy and Technology. Volume 5, 1982 by Paul Durbin . . . . . . . . . . 774--775 Judith A. McGaw Book Review: \booktitleMore Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technology from the Open Hearth to the Microwave by Ruth Schwartz Cowan . . . . 775--777 Linda L. Lubrano Book Review: \booktitlePolitics and Technology in the Soviet Union by Bruce Parrott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777--778 Edward W. Constant, II Book Review: \booktitleInside the Black Box: Technology and Economics by Nathan Rosenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778--779 Alison Ravetz Book Review: \booktitleMachina ex Dea: Feminist Perspectives on Technology by Joan Rothschild . . . . . . . . . . . . 779--780 Eda Kranakis Book Review: \booktitleDictionnaire des ingénieurs militaires, 1691--1791 by Anne Blanchard; \booktitleLe Corps des Ponts et Chaussées by A. Brunot; R. Coquand . . 780--781 Larry D. Lankton Book Review: \booktitleThe Introduction of the Use of Mild Steel into the Shipbuilding and Marine Engine Industries by J. F. Clarke; F. Storr . . 781--782 George Basalla Book Review: \booktitleMetropolitan Corridor: Railroads and the American Scene by John R. Stilgoe . . . . . . . . 782--783 Alex Roland Book Review: \booktitleThe Winged Gospel: America's Romance with Aviation, 1900--1950 by Joseph Corn; \booktitleWinged Wonders: The Story of the Flying Wings by E. T. Wooldridge . . 783--784 William F. Trimble Book Review: \booktitleThe Eagle Aloft: Two Centuries of the Balloon in America by Tom D. Crouch . . . . . . . . . . . . 784--785 Terry S. Reynolds Book Review: \booktitleWater Power in Scotland, 1550--1870 by John Shaw . . . 785--786 Ron B. Thomson Book Review: \booktitleLes temps de l'eau: La cite, l'eau et les techniques, nord de la France, fin IIIe-debut XIXe si\`ecle by Andre Guillerme . . . . . . 786--786 Edward J. Pershey Book Review: \booktitleMaterial Culture of the Wooden Age by Brooke Hindle . . . 787--787 A. Rupert Hall Book Review: \booktitleRevolution in Time: Clocks and the Making of the Modern World by David S. Landes . . . . 787--788 J. G. Landels Book Review: \booktitleThe Earliest Wheeled Transport: From the Atlantic Coast to the Caspian Sea by Stuart Piggott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788--789 Eberhard Knobloch Book Review: \booktitleCorpus der italienischen Zeichnungen, 1300--1450. Volume I: Addenda zu Sudund Mittelitalien. Part 4: Katalog 717--719: Mariano Taccola by Bernhard Degenhardt; Annegrit Schmitt; Hans-Joachim Eberhardt 789--790 Bruce T. Moran Book Review: \booktitleThe Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe by Elizabeth Eisenstein . . . . . . . . . . 790--791 W. David Lewis Book Review: \booktitleBoss Kettering: Wizard of General Motors by Stuart W. Leslie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791--792 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793--797 Anonymous Volume Information . . . . . . . . . . . 798--810
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--4 John Neu One Hundred Ninth Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences . . . . . . . . . . 5--206 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5 Yehuda Elkana and Michael Segre Guest Editorial: History of Science in Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--10 Richard S. Westfall Science and Patronage: Galileo and the Telescope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--30 Susan Eyrich Lederer Hideyo Noguchi's Luetin Experiment and the Antivivisectionists . . . . . . . . 31--48 William Coleman The Cognitive Basis of the Discipline: Claude Bernard on Physiology . . . . . . 49--70 A. Rahman Science and Technology in Indian Culture 71--72 Charles C. Gillispie Eloge: Maurice Daumas, 1910--1984 . . . 72--74 A. Rupert Hall Book Review: \booktitleCorrespondance du P, by Marin Mersenne; Cornelis de Waard; Armand Beaulieu. Marin Mersenne, religieux minime . . . . . . . . . . . . 75--80 John Lankford Book Review: \booktitleCecilia Payne-Gaposchkin: An Autobiography and Other Recollections . . . . . . . . . . 80--83 Thomas F. Gieryn Book Review: \booktitleFunctions and Uses of Disciplinary History by Loren Graham; Wolf Lepenies; Peter Weingart 84--85 Mary Jo Nye Book Review: \booktitleSciences et techniques en perspective by Jean Dhombres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85--85 A. Beaulieu Book Review: \booktitleThe Collection Boulliau (BN, FF. 13019--13059): An Inventory by Ismael Boulliau; Robert A. Hatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85--86 Sally Gregory Kohlstedt Book Review: \booktitleGuide to the Smithsonian Archives . . . . . . . . . . 86--87 Linda L. Lubrano Book Review: \booktitleEmpire of Knowledge: The Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1917--1970) by Alexander Vucinich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87--88 A. J. Engel Book Review: \booktitleHow the Ph.D. Came to Britain: A Century of Struggle for Post-graduate Education by Renate Simpson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88--89 A. M. Duncan Book Review: \booktitleScience and the English Enlightenment by Simon Schaffer 89--90 Richard J. Blackwell Book Review: \booktitleCulture and Cultural Entities: Toward a New Unity of Science by Joseph Margolis . . . . . . . 90--91 M. Norton Wise Book Review: \booktitleSprings of Scientific Creativity: Essays on Founders of Modern Science by Rutherford Aris; H. Ted Davis; Roger H. Stuewer . . 91--92 John P. Losee Book Review: \booktitleGreat Scientific Experiments: Twenty Experiments That Changed Our View of the World by Rom Harre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92--93 Greta Jones Book Review: \booktitleDarwin's Plots: Evolutionary Narrative in Darwin, George Eliot and Nineteenth-Century Fiction by Gillian Beer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93--94 William Eamon Book Review: \booktitlePseudo-Aristotle: The Secret of Secrets--Sources and Influences by W. F. Ryan; Charles B. Schmitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94--95 Bernard Barber Book Review: \booktitleOpening Pandora's Box: A Sociological Analysis of Scientists' Discourse by G. Nigel Gilbert; Michael Mulkay . . . . . . . . 95--97 David Philip Miller Book Review: \booktitleScience Observed: Perspectives on the Social Study of Science by Karin Knorr-Cetina; Michael Mulkay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97--98 H. W. Paul Book Review: \booktitlePour une prospective de la science: Recherche et technologie: Les enjeux de l'avenir by Pierre Papon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98--99 Judith V. Grabiner Book Review: \booktitleClassics of Mathematics by Ronald S. Calinger . . . 99--100 Daniel M. Siegel Book Review: \booktitleMaxwell on Saturn's Rings by Stephen G. Brush; C. W. F. Everitt; Elizabeth Garber . . . . 100--100 Steven J. Dick Book Review: \booktitlePlanetary, Lunar, and Solar Positions: New and Full Moons, A.D. 1650--1805 by Owen Gingerich; Barbara Welther . . . . . . . . . . . . 101--101 S. S. Schweber Book Review: \booktitleThe Birth of Particle Physics by Laurie M. Brown; Lillian Hoddeson . . . . . . . . . . . . 101--102 Laurie M. Brown and Robert Michaelson Book Review: \booktitleThe Infancy of Atomic Physics: Hercules in His Cradle by Alex Keller; \booktitleThe Question of the Atom from the Karlsruhe Congress to the First Solvay Conference, 1860--1911 by Mary Jo Nye . . . . . . . 102--104 Roger H. Stuewer Book Review: \booktitleThe Tiger and the Shark: Empirical Roots of Wave-Particle Dualism by Bruce R. Wheaton . . . . . . 104--105 George Kish Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Geography: Translations of Some French and German Essays by Gary S. Dunbar . . 105--106 Carol Faul Book Review: \booktitleMemoirs of an Unrepentant Field Geologist: A Candid Profile of Some Geologists and Their Science, 1921--1981 by F. J. Pettijohn 106--106 Kenneth L. Taylor Book Review: \booktitleThe Great Chain of History: William Buckland and the English School of Geology (1814--1849) by Nicolas A. Rupke . . . . . . . . . . 106--108 John Lyon Book Review: \booktitleThe Ethics of Environmental Concern by Robin Attfield 108--108 Lyndall Landauer Book Review: \booktitleMarshes of the Ocean Shore: Development of an Ecological Ethic by Joseph V. Siry . . . 108--109 Franz Samelson Book Review: \booktitleThe Assault on Truth: Freud's Suppression of the Seduction Theory by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109--110 Bonnie E. Blustein Book Review: \booktitleRevue Internationale d'Histoire de la Psychiatrie by J. Arveiller . . . . . . 110--110 Peter W. Castle Book Review: \booktitleIn Freud's Shadow: Adler in Context by Paul E. Stepansky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110--111 Audrey Davis Book Review: \booktitleHospital with a Heart: Women Doctors and the Paradox of Separatism at the New England Hospital, 1862--1969 by Virginia G. Drachman . . . 111--112 Daniel P. Jones Book Review: \booktitleWomen and Health in America by Judith Walzer Leavitt . . 112--113 Gert H. Brieger Book Review: \booktitleThe Structure of American Medical Practice, 1875--1944 by George Rosen; Charles E. Rosenberg . . . 113--113 J. David Bolter Book Review: \booktitleThe Computer Comes of Age: The People, the Hardware, and the Software by Rene Moreau; J. Howlett; \booktitleEngines of the Mind: A History of the Computer by Joel Shurkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113--115 Paul E. Ceruzzi Book Review: \booktitleMemories That Shaped an Industry: Decisions Leading to IBM System/360 by Emerson W. Pugh . . . 115--115 Richard McKim Book Review: \booktitleLucretius and Epicurus by Diskin Clay . . . . . . . . 115--116 Jody Rubin Book Review: \booktitleLes maladies \`a l'aube de la civilisation occidentale: Researches sur la realité pathologique dans le monde grec préhistorique, archaique et classique by Mirko D. Grmek 116--117 Bernard R. Goldstein Book Review: \booktitlePtolemy's Almagest by Ptolemy; G. J. Toomer . . . 117--118 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleDie Schrift des Rufus von Ephesos über die Gelbsucht in arabischer und lateinischer Ubersetzung by Manfred Ullmann . . . . . . . . . . . 118--118 H. A. Waldron Book Review: \booktitleLead and Lead Poisoning in Antiquity by Jerome O. Nriagu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118--120 Bruce Eastwood Book Review: \booktitleHexaemeron by Robert Grosseteste; Richard C. Dales; Servus Gieben . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120--121 W. R. Laird Book Review: \booktitleTempo e spazio nel Medioevo by Massimo Parodi . . . . . 121--121 Steven J. Livesey Book Review: \booktitleThe Seven Liberal Arts in the Middle Ages by David L. Wagner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121--123 Edward J. Kealey Book Review: \booktitleA Latin Technical Phlebotomy and Its Middle English Translation by Linda E. Voights; Michael R. McVaugh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123--123 F. Jamil Ragep Book Review: \booktitleThe Book of the Reasons behind Astronomical Tables (Kitab fi ilal al-zijat): A Facsimile Reproduction of the Unique Arabic Text Contained in the Bodleian MS Arch. Seld. A.11 by Ali ibn Sulayman al-Hashimi; Fuad I. Haddad; E. S. Kennedy . . . . . 123--124 Emilie Savage-Smith Book Review: \booktitleIslamic Cosmology: A Study of as-Suyuti's al-Hay a as-saniya fi l-hay a as-sunniya with Critical Edition, Translation, and Commentary by Anton M. Heinen . . . . . 124--125 Thatcher E. Deane Book Review: \booktitleLes premi\`eres théories planétaires chinoises by Michel Teboul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126--126 Anita Guerrini Book Review: \booktitleMedicina e filosofia tra '500 e '600 by Giancarlo Zanier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127--127 G. S. Rousseau Book Review: \booktitleBoerhaave's Orations by Hermann Boerhaave; E. Kegel-Brinkgreve; A. M. Luyendijk-Elshout . . . . . . . . . . . 127--128 Margaret C. Jacob Book Review: \booktitleThe Apocalyptic Politics of Richard Price and Joseph Priestley: A Study in Late Eighteenth-Century English Republican Millennialism by Jack Fruchtman, Jr. . . 128--128 Deborah Jean Warner Book Review: \booktitleAt the Sign of the Compass and Quadrant: The Life and Times of Anthony Lamb by Silvio A. Bedini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128--129 Frank M. Turner Book Review: \booktitleScience, God, and Nature in Victorian Canada by Carl Berger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129--129 David Knight Book Review: \booktitleChemical Atomism in the Nineteenth Century by Alan J. Rocke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129--130 Peter J. Bowler Book Review: \booktitleHugh Miller: Outrage and Order --- a Biography and Selected Writings by George Rosie . . . 130--131 Michael M. Sokal Book Review: \booktitleA Matter of Consequences: Part Three of an Autobiography by B. F. Skinner . . . . . 131--132 Thaddeus J. Trenn Book Review: \booktitleRutherford: Simple Genius by David Wilson . . . . . 132--133 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134--138
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139--143 Peter Dear Totius in Verba: Rhetoric and Authority in the Early Royal Society . . . . . . . 144--161 Robert E. Kohler Innovation in Normal Science: Bacterial Physiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162--181 Larry Owens Pure and Sound Government: Laboratories, Playing Fields, and Gymnasia in the Nineteenth-Century Search for Order . . 182--194 Evan M. Melhado Chemistry, Physics, and the Chemical Revolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195--211 David B. Kitts and Mary Jo Nye and Audrey B. Davis and Edith Sylla Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society 27--30 December 1984 . . . . . . 212--217 Anonymous Doctoral Dissertations, 1982--1984 . . . 218--219 Anonymous Donors to and Supporters of the Fund Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219--221 John C. Burnham Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Science in the Age of Jefferson . . . . . . . . 222--224 A. George Molland Book Review: \booktitleThe Discoverers: A History of Man's Search to Know His World and Himself . . . . . . . . . . . 224--227 Alexander Vucinich Book Review: \booktitlePovijest egzaktnih znanosti u Hrvata [History of Exact Sciences in Croatia] by Zarko Dadic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228--229 Seymour H. Mauskopf Book Review: \booktitleScience under Scrutiny: The Place of History and Philosophy of Science by R. W. Home . . 229--230 Susan Sheets-Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleCritical Issues in the History of Canadian Science, Technology, and Medicine by Richard A. Jarrell; Arnold E. Roos . . . . . . . . 230--230 David Knight Book Review: \booktitleNineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue. Series I. Phase I: 1801--1815 by Gwen Averley . . 230--231 N. M. Swerdlow Book Review: \booktitleScientific Writings and Astronomical Tables in Cracow: A Census of Manuscript Sources (XIVth-XVIth Centuries) by Grazyna Rosi\'nska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231--231 J. R. Milton Book Review: \booktitleHegel and the Sciences by Robert S. Cohen; Marx W. Wartofsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232--233 Alfred Nordmann Book Review: \booktitleEdgar Zilsel und die Einheit der Erkenntnis by Johann Dvorak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233--233 Michael Heyd Book Review: \booktitleAtom und Individuum im Zeitalter Newtons: Zur Genese der mechanistischen Natur-und Sozialphilosophie by Gideon Freudenthal 233--234 Joanne H. Phillips Book Review: \booktitleMedizinische Instrumente aus Sepulkralfunden der romischen Kaiserzeit by Ernst Kunzl; Franz Josef Hassel; Susanna Kunzl . . . 234--235 Bert Hansen Book Review: \booktitleLes Instruments astronomiques du Moyen Age by Emmanuel Poulle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235--236 John L. McKnight Book Review: \booktitleNineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments by Gerard L'E. Turner . . . 236--237 David Philip Miller Book Review: \booktitleFrom Clergyman to Don: The Rise of the Academic Profession in Nineteenth-Century Oxford by A. J. Engel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237--238 Barry Pegg Book Review: \booktitleThe Mathematicians' Apprenticeship: Science, Universities, and Society in England, 1561--1640 by Mordechai Feingold . . . . 238--239 Erwin H. Ackerknecht Book Review: \booktitleDas Medizinisch-Chirurgische Institut in Zurich, 1782--1833: Vorlaufer der Medizinischen Fakultat der Universitat Zurich by Moritz Leisibach . . . . . . . 239--240 Mary Jo Nye Book Review: \booktitleProfessions and the French State, 1700--1900 by Gerald Geison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240--241 Bruno Latour Book Review: \booktitleRationality and Relativism by Martin Hollis; Steven Lukes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--242 Larry Schweikart Book Review: \booktitleScience in Government by J. Ronayne . . . . . . . . 242--243 Samuel H. Greenblatt Book Review: \booktitleThe Culture of Biomedicine by D. Heyward Brock . . . . 243--243 Barbara Shapiro Book Review: \booktitleProbability and Literary Form: Philosophic Theory and Literary Practice in the Augustan Age by Douglas Lane Patey . . . . . . . . . . . 243--244 Nina Auerbach Book Review: \booktitleGeorge Eliot and Nineteenth-Century Science: The Make-Believe of a Beginning by Sally Shuttleworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244--245 Orestes N. Stavroudis Book Review: \booktitleOptics after Newton: Theories of Light in Britain and Ireland, 1704--1840 by G. N. Cantor . . 245--246 Arthur L. Norberg Book Review: \booktitleMercury's Perihelion from Le Verrier to Einstein by N. T. Roseveare . . . . . . . . . . . 246--247 David H. DeVorkin Book Review: \booktitleThe Early Years of Radio Astronomy: Reflections Fifty Years After Jansky's Discovery by W. T. Sullivan III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247--249 I. Grattan-Guinness Book Review: \booktitleErdgestalt, Kosmologie und Weltanschauung: Die Geschichte der Geodasie als Teil der Kulturgeschichte der Menschheit by Volker Bialas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249--249 Susan Schultz Book Review: \booktitleRevolution in the Earth Sciences: Advances in the Past Half-Century by Shelby J. Boardman . . . 249--250 Gordon L. Herries Davies Book Review: \booktitleKrakatau 1883: The Volcanic Eruption and Its Effects by Tom Simkin; Richard S. Fiske; Sarah Melcher; Elizabeth Nielson . . . . . . . 250--251 Seymour S. Cohen Book Review: \booktitleL'esprit des proteines: Histoire et philosophie biochimiques by Claude Debru . . . . . . 251--252 Mary P. Winsor Book Review: \booktitleThe Philosophical Naturalists: Themes in Early Nineteenth-Century British Biology by Philip R. Rehbock . . . . . . . . . . . 252--253 Carleton Mabee and Susan Mabee Newhouse Book Review: \booktitleWith a Daughter's Eye: A Memoir of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson by Mary Catherine Bateson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253--255 Kurt Danziger Book Review: \booktitleExplorations in the History of Psychology in the United States by Josef Bro\vzek . . . . . . . . 255--256 George W. Stocking, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleEssays in the History of Linguistic Anthropology by Dell H. Hymes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256--257 Gale Avrith Book Review: \booktitleDavid Boyle: From Artisan to Archaeologist by Gerald Killan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257--258 Alexander M. Ospovat Book Review: \booktitleThose Who Came Before: Southwestern Archeology in the National Park System by Robert H. Lister; Florence C. Lister . . . . . . . 258--258 James Clifford Book Review: \booktitleHistoires de l'anthropologie: XVIe-XIXe si\`ecles by Britta Rupp-Eisenreich . . . . . . . . . 258--259 Matthew Ramsey Book Review: \booktitleLe chaudron et la lancette: Croyances populaires et medecine preventive, 1798--1830 by Yves-Marie Berce . . . . . . . . . . . . 259--259 Ann F. La Berge Book Review: \booktitleDr. Richard Bright, 1789--1858 by Pamela Bright . . 259--260 David van Keuren Book Review: \booktitleAfrican Fever: A Study of British Science, Technology, and Politics in West Africa, 1787--1864 by Dennis G. Carlson . . . . . . . . . . 260--261 Andrew Lugg Book Review: \booktitlePhilosophy and Technology by Paul T. Durbin; Friedrich Rapp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--261 Richard A. Jarrell Book Review: \booktitleMechanical Engineering at the National Research Council of Canada, 1929--1951 by W. E. Knowles Middleton . . . . . . . . . . . 261--262 A. Michal McMahon Book Review: \booktitleGreat Waters: A History of Boston's Water Supply by Fern L. Nesson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262--262 Peter McCleary Book Review: \booktitleArchitecture and the Crisis of Modern Science by Alberto Perez-Gomez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262--263 Thomas F. Glick Book Review: \booktitleProblemi d'acque a Bologna in eta moderna . . . . . . . . 263--264 Lisa Mae Robinson Book Review: \booktitleLammot du Pont and the American Explosives Industry, 1850--1884 by Norman B. Wilkinson . . . 264--265 Philip De Lacy Book Review: \booktitleGalen on Respiration and the Arteries: An Edition with English Translation and Commentary of ``De usu respirationis,'' ``An in arteriis natura sanguis contineatur,'' ``De usu pulsuum,'' and ``De causis respirationis.'' by Galen; David J. Furley; J. S. Wilkie . . . . . . . . . . 265--266 Anthony Preus Book Review: \booktitleLe triangle hippocratique dans le monde greco-romain: Le malade, sa maladie et son medecin by Danielle Gourevitch . . . 266--266 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleA Commentary on the Prognosticon of Hippocrates by Stephanus the Philosopher; John M. Duffy 266--267 Marshall Clagett Book Review: \booktitleThe First Translation of Euclid's Elements, Commonly Ascribed to Adelard of Bath. Books I--VIII and Books X.36--XV.2 by Euclid; H. L. L. Busard . . . . . . . . 267--268 James A. Weisheipl Book Review: \booktitleStudies in the History of Medieval Optics by David C. Lindberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268--270 George Ovitt, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleApproaches to Nature in the Middle Ages by Lawrence D. Roberts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270--271 Andrew Cunningham Book Review: \booktitleFracastoro's Syphilis by Girolamo Fracastoro; Geoffrey Eatough . . . . . . . . . . . . 271--271 Ursula Lamb Book Review: \booktitleSir Francis Drake and the Famous Voyage, 1577--1580: Essays Commemorating the Quadricentennial of Drake's Circumnavigation of the Earth by Norman J. W. Thrower . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271--272 T. J. Murray Book Review: \booktitleThe Neuroanatomy of Leonardo da Vinci by Edwin M. Todd 272--273 W. D. Hackmann Book Review: \booktitleIsaac Beeckman (1588--1637) en de Mechanisering van het Wereldbeeld by Klaas van Berkel . . . . 273--274 Steven Shapin Book Review: \booktitleThe Uses of Science in the Age of Newton by John G. Burke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274--275 Carolyn Merchant Book Review: \booktitleThe Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy by Anne Conway; Peter Loptson . . . . . 275--276 Brendan Dooley Book Review: \booktitleScienza, natura, religione: Mondo newtoniano e cultura italiana nel primo settecento by Vincenzo Ferrone . . . . . . . . . . . . 276--277 J. V. Field Book Review: \booktitleThe Secret of the Universe: Mysterium cosmographicum by Johannes Kepler; A. M. Duncan . . . . . 277--278 J. G. O'Hara Book Review: \booktitleDie newtonsche Kraft: Metamorphose eines wissenschaftlichen Begriffs by Werner Kutschmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278--279 Phillip Harth Book Review: \booktitleProbability and Certainty in Seventeenth-Century England: A Study of the Relationships between Natural Science, Religion, History, Law, and Literature by Barbara J. Shapiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279--280 Greta Jones Book Review: \booktitleBenjamin Kidd: Portrait of a Social Darwinist by D. P. Crook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280--281 David Gooding Book Review: \booktitleThe Demon in the Aether: The Story of James Clerk Maxwell by Martin Goldman . . . . . . . . . . . 281--281 Richard Lynn Kremer Book Review: \booktitleÜber die Erhaltung der Kraft by Hermann von Helmholtz; Christa Kirsten . . . . . . . . . . . . 281--282 Alan I. Marcus Book Review: \booktitleBoussingault: Chemist and Agriculturist by F. W. J. McCosh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282--283 Robert Weinstock Book Review: \booktitleInner Exile: Recollections of a Life with Werner Heisenberg by Elisabeth Heisenberg; S. Cappellari; C. Morris . . . . . . . . . 283--283 John Ziman Book Review: \booktitleCambridge Physics in the Thirties by John Hendry; \booktitleThe National Physical Laboratory: A History by Edward Pyatt 283--284 Donald J. McGraw Book Review: \booktitleAlexander Fleming: The Man and the Myth by Gwyn Macfarlane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284--285 Kenneth M. Ludmerer Book Review: \booktitleBlack Apollo of Science: The Life of Ernest Everett Just by Kenneth R. Manning . . . . . . . . . 285--286 Peter Wyden Book Review: \booktitleThe Day the Sun Rose Twice: The Story of the Trinity Site Nuclear Explosion, July 16, 1945 by Ferenc Morton Szasz; \booktitleThe American Atom: A Documentary History of Nuclear Policies from the Discovery of Fission to the Present, 1939--1984 by Robert C. Williams; Philip L. Cantelon 286--288 Aaron J. Ihde Book Review: \booktitleA Time to Remember: The Autobiography of a Chemist by Alexander Todd . . . . . . . . . . . 288--288 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289--292
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293--298 Robert Kargon and Elizabeth Hodes Karl Compton, Isaiah Bowman, and the Politics of Science in the Great Depression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300--318 John M. Riddle Ancient and Medieval Chemotherapy for Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319--330 Elizabeth A. Williams Anthropological Institutions in Nineteenth-Century France . . . . . . . 331--348 J. E. McGuire and Martin Tamny and Newton Newton's Astronomical Apprenticeship: Notes of 1664/5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 349--365 Li Peishan History of Modern Science and Technology in the People's Republic of China . . . 366--370 Donald deB. Beaver Eloge: Derek John deSolla Price (22 January 1922--3 September 1983) . . . . 371--374 Ronald L. Numbers Book Review: \booktitleDid the Devil Make Darwin Do It? Modern Perspectives on the Creation-Evolution Controversy 375--377 David Edge Book Review: \booktitleMetaphoric Process: The Creation of Scientific and Religious Understanding by Mary Gerhart; Allan Melvin Russell . . . . . . . . . . 377--378 Bruce Eastwood Book Review: \booktitleIn Defense of the Earth's Centrality and Immobility: Scholastic Reaction to Copernicanism in the Seventeenth Century by Edward Grant 378--379 William A. Wallace Book Review: \booktitleGalileo eretico by Pietro Redondi . . . . . . . . . . . 379--380 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitleI documenti del processo di Galileo Galilei by Sergio M. Pagano; Antonio G. Luciani . . . . . . . 380--381 James R. Moore Book Review: \booktitleVictorian Science and Religion: A Bibliography with Emphasis on Evolution, Belief, and Unbelief, Comprised of Works Published from ca. 1900 to 1975 by Sydney Eisen; Bernard V. Lightman . . . . . . . . . . 381--381 Kentwood D. Wells Book Review: \booktitleThe Establishment of Human Antiquity by Donald K. Grayson 382--382 Frank M. Turner Book Review: \booktitleScience and Religion in the Nineteenth Century by Tess Cosslett . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382--383 Barbara Beigun Kaplan Book Review: \booktitleFrom Aristotle to Darwin and Back Again: A Journey in Final Causality, Species, and Evolution by Etienne Gilson; John Lyon . . . . . . 383--383 John Beatty Book Review: \booktitleEvolution: The History of an Idea by Peter J. Bowler 383--384 David S. Landes Book Review: \booktitleFrom the American System to Mass Production, 1800--1932: The Development of Manufacturing Technology in the United States . . . . 385--388 J. L. Heilbron Book Review: \booktitleThe Historical Development of Quantum Theory . . . . . 388--393 William Eamon Book Review: \booktitleOccult and Scientific Mentalities in the Renaissance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393--396 David C. Lindberg Book Review: \booktitleAlbum of Science: Antiquity and the Middle Ages by John E. Murdoch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397--398 Thomas F. Glick Book Review: \booktitleThe New History: The 1980's and Beyond by Theodore K. Rabb; Robert I. Rotberg . . . . . . . . 398--399 Jose M. Sanchez-Ron Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Modern Physics: An International Bibliography by Stephen G. Brush; Lanfranco Belloni; \booktitleAn Inventory of Published Letters to and from Physicists, 1900--1950 by Bruce R. Wheaton; J. L. Heilbron . . . . . . . . 399--400 Helmut Rechenberg Book Review: \booktitleWerner Heisenberg: A Bibliography of His Writings by David Cassidy; Martha Baker 400--401 Elizabeth Fee Book Review: \booktitleIllustrated Catalogue of the Slide Archive of Historical Medical Photographs at Stony Brook by Center for Photographic Images of Medicine and Health Care; Rima D. Apple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401--401 Michael J. Moravcsik Book Review: \booktitleEssays of an Information Scientist by Eugene Garfield 401--402 Helena Pycior Book Review: \booktitleCarl Friedrich Gauss: A Bibliography by Uta C. Merzbach 402--402 Robert P. Beckinsale Book Review: \booktitleGeology Emerging: A Catalog Illustrating the History of Geology (1500--1850) from a Collection in the Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Dederick C. Ward; Albert V. Carozzi . . . . . . . 402--403 Andrew Lugg Book Review: \booktitleScience and Values: The Aims of Science and Their Role in Scientific Debate by Larry Laudan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403--404 Edward S. Reed Book Review: \booktitleReason and the Search for Knowledge: Investigations in the Philosophy of Science by Dudley Shapere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404--405 Sally Gregory Kohlstedt Book Review: \booktitleAmerica's Castle: The Evolution of the Smithsonian Building and Its Institution, 1840--1878 by Kenneth Hafertepe . . . . . . . . . . 405--406 Mordechai Feingold Book Review: \booktitleThe Aristotelian Tradition and Renaissance Universities by Charles B. Schmitt . . . . . . . . . 406--407 David R. Oldroyd Book Review: \booktitleSocial Darwinism in France by Linda L. Clark . . . . . . 407--409 Jerome R. Ravetz Book Review: \booktitlePolish Contributions to the Science of Science by Bohdan Walentynowicz . . . . . . . . 409--409 Thomas P. Hughes Book Review: \booktitleIndustriekultur: Peter Behrens and the AEG, 1907--1914 by Tilmann Buddensieg; Henning Rogge; Gabriele Heidecker; Karin Wilhelm; Sabine Bohle; Fritz Neumeyer; Iain Boyd Whyte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409--411 Michael J. Crowe Book Review: \booktitleThe View from Planet Earth: Man Looks at the Cosmos by Vincent Cronin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411--411 G. S. Rousseau Book Review: \booktitlePoems of Science by John Heath-Stubbs; Phillips Salman 411--412 Joseph W. Slade Book Review: \booktitleThe Vital Science: Biology and the Literary Imagination, 1860--1900 by Peter Morton 412--413 Hans Sluga Book Review: \booktitleFrege: Logical Excavations by G. P. Baker; P. M. S. Hacker; \booktitleFrege's Conception of Numbers as Objects by Crispin Wright . . 413--415 Charles V. Jones Book Review: \booktitleMathematics: People, Problems, Results by Douglas M. Campbell; John C. Higgins . . . . . . . 415--415 Sabetai Unguru Book Review: \booktitleRechenstein, Experiment, Sprache: Historische Fallstudien zur Entstehung der exakten Wissenschaften by Peter Damerow; Wolfgang Lefevre . . . . . . . . . . . . 415--416 Peter Swinbank Book Review: \booktitleThe Story of Astronomy in Edinburgh from Its Beginnings until 1975 by Hermann A. Bruck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416--417 Norriss S. Hetherington Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Astronomy from Herschel to Hertzsprung by Dieter B. Herrmann; Kevin Krisciunas 417--418 Stephen G. Brush Book Review: \booktitleCosmology and Astrophysics: Essays in Honor of Thomas Gold by Yervant Terzian; Elizabeth Bilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418--418 Alexander Ospovat Book Review: \booktitleDie Genesis der Geologie als Wissenschaft: Studie zu den kognitiven Prozessen und gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen bei der Herausbildung der Geologie als naturwissenschaftliche Disziplin an der Wende des 18. und 19. Jahrhundert by Martin Guntau . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418--419 George Kish Book Review: \booktitleUnited States Coastal Charts, 1783--1861 by Peter J. Guthorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419--419 William Montgomery Book Review: \booktitleCharles Darwin, 1809--1882: A Centennial Commemorative by Roger G. Chapman; Cleveland T. Duval 420--421 Keir B. Sterling Book Review: \booktitleThe Emergence of Ornithology as a Scientific Discipline: 1760--1850 by Paul L. Farber . . . . . . 421--422 Frank N. Egerton Book Review: \booktitleZoological Philosophy: An Exposition with Regard to the Natural History of Animals by J. B. Lamarck; Hugh Elliot . . . . . . . . . . 422--423 Ronald C. Tobey Book Review: \booktitleDiscoverers of the Lost World: An Account of Some of Those Who Brought Back to Life South American Mammals Long Buried in the Abyss of Time by George Gaylord Simpson 423--424 Richard A. Overfield Book Review: \booktitleContributions to the History of North American Natural History by Alwyne Wheeler . . . . . . . 424--425 Stephanie Blackden Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Medicine in Ireland by John F. Fleetwood 425--425 Guenter B. Risse Book Review: \booktitleHistorical Origins of the Concept of Neurosis by Jose M. Lopez Pinero; Doris Ines Berrios 425--426 Clara Sue Kidwell Book Review: \booktitleThe Admirable Secrets of Physick and Chyrurgery by Thomas Palmer; Thomas Rogers Forbes . . 426--427 Terry S. Reynolds Book Review: \booktitleThe Microwave Debate by Nicholas H. Steneck . . . . . 427--428 Robert W. Smith Book Review: \booktitleBeyond Velikovsky: The History of a Public Controversy by Henry H. Bauer . . . . . 428--429 David K. Glidden Book Review: \booktitleEpicurus' Scientific Method by Elizabeth Asmis . . 429--430 Jody Rubin Pinault Book Review: \booktitleCinq cents ans de bibliographie hippocratique, 1473--1982 by G. Maloney; R. Savoie . . . . . . . . 430--430 Ron B. Thomson Book Review: \booktitleArchimedes in the Middle Ages. Volume V: Quasi-Archimedean Geometry in the Thirteenth Century by Marshall Clagett . . . . . . . . . . . . 430--431 G. J. Toomer Book Review: \booktitleLes Tables Alphonsines avec les canons de Jean de Saxe by Emmanuel Poulle . . . . . . . . 431--433 David Pingree Book Review: \booktitleNicephore Gregoras: Calcul de l'eclipse de soleil due 16 juillet 1330 by Nicephorus Gregoras; J. Mogenet; A. Tihon; R. Royez; A. Berg . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433--433 Timothy S. Miller Book Review: \booktitleGesundheitswesen und Wohltatigkeit im Spiegel der byzantinischen Klostertypika by Robert Volk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433--434 Michael W. Dols Book Review: \booktitleLe Livre de la methode du medicin de Ali b. Ridwan (998--1067) by Ali ibn Ridwan; Jacques Grand'Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434--435 David A. King Book Review: \booktitleGlossar der arabischen Fachausdrucke in der mittelalterlichen europaischen Astrolabliteratur by Paul Kunitzsch . . 435--435 Helen E. Sheehan Book Review: \booktitleWestern Medicine in India: Epidemics and Other Diseases by O. P. Jaggi; Western Medicine in India: Medical Education and Research; Western Medicine in India: Public Health and Its Administration; Western Medicine in India: Social Impact . . . . . . . . 435--437 Benjamin Elman Book Review: \booktitleThe Development and Decline of Chinese Cosmology by John Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437--438 Jixing Pan Book Review: \booktitleChina and Charles Darwin by James Reeve Pusey . . . . . . 438--439 Robert Maddin Book Review: \booktitleKodo Zuroku: Illustrated Book on the Smelting of Copper by Masuda Tsuna; Cyril Stanley Smith; Zenryu Shirakawa . . . . . . . . 439--440 Bruce T. Moran Book Review: \booktitleCopernicus and the Scientific Revolution by Edward Rosen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440--441 T. J. Murray Book Review: \booktitleA History of Neurophysiology in the 17th and 18th Centuries: From Concept to Experiment by Mary A. B. Brazier . . . . . . . . . . . 441--441 Andreas Kleinert Book Review: \booktitleThéories électriques du XVIIIe si\`ecle: Correspondance entre l'Abbé Nollet (1700--1770) et le physicien gén\`evois Jean Jallabert (1712--1768) by Isaac Benguigui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442--442 Betty Jo Teeter Dobbs Book Review: \booktitleIn the Presence of the Creator: Isaac Newton and His Times by Gale E. Christianson . . . . . 443--444 Albert Cohen Book Review: \booktitleQuantifying Music: The Science of Music at the First Stage of the Scientific Revolution, 1580--1650 by H. Floris Cohen . . . . . 444--445 Janet Browne Book Review: \booktitleAugerius Clutius and His ``De Hemerobio'': An Early Work on Ephemeroptera by Frans P. M. Francissen; Ad W. M. Mol . . . . . . . . 445--446 Margaret J. Osler Book Review: \booktitleJohn Locke and Medicine by Patrick Romanell . . . . . . 446--447 Michael J. Crowe Book Review: \booktitleWilliam Rowan Hamilton: Portrait of a Prodigy by Sean O'Donnell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447--448 Peter J. Bowler Book Review: \booktitleT. H. Huxley's Place in Natural Science by Mario A. di Gregorio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448--449 Lewis Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleScienza e colonialismo nel Canada ottocentesco by Clelia Pighetti . . . . . . . . . . . . 449--450 Peggy Aldrich Kidwell Book Review: \booktitleMaclear and Herschel: Letters and Diaries at the Cape of Good Hope, 1834--1838 by Brian Warner; Nancy Warner . . . . . . . . . . 450--450 G. C. McVittie Book Review: \booktitleEddington: The Most Distinguished Astrophysicist of His Time by S. Chandrasekhar . . . . . . . . 451--451 Laurie M. Brown Book Review: \booktitleGesammelte Werke; Collected Works by Werner Heisenberg; W. Blum; H.-P. Durr; H. Rechenberg . . . . 451--452 Alejandro Garciadiego Book Review: \booktitleLa España posible de la Segunda Republica: La oferta a Einstein de una Catedra extraordinaria en la Universidad Central (Madrid, 1933) by Jose M. Sanchez-Ron; Thomas F. Glick 452--453 Virginia G. Drachman Book Review: \booktitleAlice Hamilton: A Life in Letters by Barbara Sicherman . . 453--453 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454--458
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459--465 Arnold Thackray An End and a Beginning . . . . . . . . . 466--469 Robert K. Merton George Sarton: Episodic Recollections by an Unruly Apprentice . . . . . . . . . . 470--486 Thomas F. Glick George Sarton and the Spanish Arabists 487--499 Jeffrey A. Johnson Academic Chemistry in Imperial Germany 500--524 Robert W. Rydell The Fan Dance of Science: American World's Fairs in the Great Depression 525--542 A. Mark Smith Galileo's Proof for the Earth's Motion from the Movement of Sunspots . . . . . 543--551 Paul R. Josephson Soviet Historians and the Structure of Scientific Revolutions . . . . . . . . . 551--559 Christine Blondel and L. Pearce Williams Ampere and the Programming of Research 559--561 Evan M. Melhado and Gad Freudenthal and Zafer Toprak and Selcuk Tozeren and Selim Deringil and Yakov Rabkin and Ivo Schneider International Symposia . . . . . . . . . 562--566 William A. Wallace Eloge: James Athanasius Weisheipl, O.P. 3 July 1923--30 December 1984 . . . . . 566--567 Eduardo L. Ortiz and Lewis Pyenson Eloge: Jose Babini, 11 May 1897--18 May 1984 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567--569 James R. Moore Book Review: \booktitleA Calendar of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, 1821--1882 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570--580 Nathan Reingold Book Review: \booktitleTransformation and Tradition in the Sciences: Essays in Honor of I, by Everett Mendelsohn. Bernard Cohen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580--584 Cyril Stanley Smith Book Review: \booktitleThe Scientific Reinterpretation of Form . . . . . . . . 584--587 William Coleman Book Review: \booktitleCrime, Madness, and Politics in Modern France: The Medical Concept of National Decline . . 587--590 James E. McClellan Book Review: \booktitleThe Classics of Science: A Study of Twelve Enduring Scientific Works by Derek Gjertsen . . . 591--591 Michael Gregory Book Review: \booktitleThe Atom by Bill Stonebarger; Michael Stonebarger . . . . 591--593 Robert M. Galatzer-Levy Book Review: \booktitleGenius, Creativity and Leadership: Historiometric Inquiries by Dean K. Simonton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593--594 Michael S. Mahoney Book Review: \booktitleAn Annotated Bibliography on the History of Data Processing by James W. Cortada . . . . . 594--595 Craig G. Fraser Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Mathematics from Antiquity to the Present: A Selective Bibliography by Joseph W. Dauben . . . . . . . . . . . . 595--596 George Ovitt, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleMiddle English Prose: A Critical Guide to Major Authors and Genres by A. S. G. Edwards . . . . . 596--596 P. M. Harman Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Classical Physics: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography by R. W. Home; Mark J. Gittins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596--597 Kurt Danziger Book Review: \booktitleA Century of Serial Publications in Psychology, 1850--1950: An International Bibliography by Donald V. Osier; Robert H. Wozniak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597--597 Ellen B. Wells Book Review: \booktitleWie finde ich Literatur zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und Technik? by Burghard Weiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597--598 Ronald L. Numbers Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Medicine Comes of Age 1840--1920: Essays to Commemorate the Founding of the Journal of The American Medical Association, July 14, 1883 by Lester S. King . . . . 598--598 David Philip Miller Book Review: \booktitleScience and Technology in Manchester: Two Hundred Years of the Lit. and Phil. by Chris E. Makepeace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598--599 Barbara J. Reeves Book Review: \booktitleI Congressi degli Scienziati Italiani nell'eta del positivismo by Giuliano Pancaldi . . . . 599--600 Mordechai Feingold Book Review: \booktitleThe John Tradescants: Gardeners to the Rose and Lily Queen by Prudence Leith-Ross; \booktitleTradescant's Rarities: Essays on the Foundation of the Ashmolean Museum, 1683; with a Catalogue of the Surviving Early Collections by Arthur MacGregor; \booktitleElias Ashmole, 1617--1692: A Tercentenary Exhibition by Michael Hunter; \booktitleThe Ashmolean Museum and Oxford Science, 1683--1983 by A. V. Simcock . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600--602 David W. Noble Book Review: \booktitleA Strategic Analysis of Science and Technology Policy by Harvey A. Averch . . . . . . . 602--603 Bernard Barber Book Review: \booktitleScientific Rationality: The Sociological Turn by James Robert Brown . . . . . . . . . . . 603--604 Paul K. Hoch Book Review: \booktitleRefugee Scholars in America: Their Impact and Their Experiences by Lewis Coser . . . . . . . 604--605 Judith R. Goodstein Book Review: \booktitleUnderstanding Relativity: Origin and Impact of a Scientific Revolution by Stanley Goldberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605--606 Alex Roland Book Review: \booktitleTechnological Utopianism in American Culture by Howard P. Segal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606--607 Kathryn Olesko Book Review: \booktitleZur Entstehung des modernen Systems wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen: Physik in Deutschland, 1740--1890 by Rudolf Stichweh . . . . . 607--608 Karen Reeds Book Review: \booktitleDrawn from Nature: The Botanical Art of Joseph Prestele and His Sons by Charles van Ravenswaay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608--609 Jerome J. Bylebyl Book Review: \booktitleThe Paradox of Rembrandt's Anatomy of Dr. Tulp. by William Schupbach . . . . . . . . . . . 609--610 David Gooding Book Review: \booktitleCockroft and the Atom by Guy Hartcup; T. E. Allibone . . 610--611 Andy Pickering Book Review: \booktitleThe Quest for Quarks by Brian McCusker . . . . . . . . 611--612 Richard W. Unger Book Review: \booktitleDie Theorie des Segelns in ihrer Entwicklung: Geschichte eines Problems der nautischen Mechanik by Ludwig Rank . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612--612 Laurie M. Brown Book Review: \booktitleOtto Hahn and the Rise of Nuclear Physics by William R. Shea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612--613 Geoffrey Cantor Book Review: \booktitleBrewster and Wheatstone on Vision by Nicholas J. Wade 613--614 Gordon L. Herries Davies Book Review: \booktitleContributions to the History of Geological Mapping by E. Dudich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614--615 Allan Janik Book Review: \booktitleTheorie der Geowissenschaft by Wolf von Engelhardt; Jorg Zimmermann . . . . . . . . . . . . 615--616 Mott T. Greene Book Review: \booktitleDie Einfuhrung des Naturselbstdruckes und der Photographie in die erdwissenschaftliche Dokumentation by Franz Kirchheimer . . . 616--617 Margaret W. Rossiter Book Review: \booktitleScience, Agriculture, and the Politics of Research by Lawrence Busch; William B. Lacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617--618 C. Ritchie Bell Book Review: \booktitleFrank N. Meyer: Plant Hunter in Asia by Isabel Shipley Cunningham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618--619 Martin Albrow Book Review: \booktitleMax Weber and the Methodology of the Social Sciences by Toby E. Huff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619--619 J. D. Y. Peel Book Review: \booktitleFunctionalism Historicized: Essays on British Social Anthropology by George W. Stocking . . . 619--620 Gert H. Brieger Book Review: \booktitleMedicine and the Management of Living: Taming the Last Great Beast by William Ray Arney; Bernard J. Bergen . . . . . . . . . . . 620--621 Charles Rosenberg Book Review: \booktitleJelliffe: American Psychoanalyst and Physician, and His Correspondence with Sigmund Freud and C. G. Jung by John C. Burnham; William McGuire . . . . . . . . . . . . 621--622 Caroline Hannaway Book Review: \booktitleScience and Medicine in France: The Emergence of Experimental Physiology, 1790--1855 by John E. Lesch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622--623 Toby Gelfand Book Review: \booktitleThe Clinical Consultations of Giambattista Morgagni: The Edition of Enrico Benassi (1935) by Giambattista Morgagni; Saul Jarcho . . . 623--624 Jane Morley Book Review: \booktitlePublishers and Librarians: A Foundation for Dialogue by Mary Biggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624--625 W. David Lewis Book Review: \booktitlePioneer Plastic: The Making and Selling of Celluloid by Robert Friedel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625--626 Eda Fowlks Kranakis Book Review: \booktitleBridge to the Future: A Centennial Celebration of the Brooklyn Bridge by Margaret Latimer; Brooke Hindle; Melvin Kranzberg . . . . 626--627 J. L. Berggren Book Review: \booktitleMathematik in Antike und Orient by Helmuth Gericke . . 627--628 Marshall Clagett Book Review: \booktitleLes pretres-ouab de Sekhmet et les conjurateurs de Serket by Frederique von Kanel . . . . . . . . 628--629 J. G. Landels Book Review: \booktitleGreek and Roman Mechanical Water-Lifting Devices: The History of a Technology by John Peter Oleson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629--630 Bert Hansen Book Review: \booktitleLe ``Quaestiones de sensu'' attribuite a Oresme e Alberto de Sassonia by Jole Agrimi . . . . . . . 630--631 Emilie Patton deLuca Book Review: \booktitle``Livre des simples medecines,'' Codex Bruxellensis IV 1024: A 15th-century French Herbal by Enid Roberts; William T. Stearn; Carmelia Opsomer . . . . . . . . . . . . 631--632 Daniel Martin Varisco Book Review: \booktitleÜber eine anwa -Tradition mit bisher unbekannten Sternnamen by Paul Kunitzsch . . . . . . 632--632 John M. Riddle Book Review: \booktitleThe Arabic Materia Medica of Dioscorides by Mahmoud M. Sadek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633--634 John S. Major Book Review: \booktitleScience and Civilisation in China. Volume VI: Biology and Biological Technology. Part 2: Agriculture by Joseph Needham; Francesca Bray . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634--635 Sabetai Unguru Book Review: \booktitleLeonardo da Vinci's Elements of the Science of Man by Kenneth D. Keele . . . . . . . . . . 635--636 Robert A. Hatch Book Review: \booktitleLibro del nuevo cometa; Littera ad Bartholomaeum Reisacherum; Summa del prognostico del cometa by Jeronimo Munoz; Victor Navarro Brotons; Elizabeth Ladd . . . . . . . . 636--637 Richard Palmer Book Review: \booktitleProfessori e promotori di medicina nello Studio di Padova dal 1405 al 1509: Repertorio bio-bibliografico by Tiziana Pesenti . . 637--637 Hugh Ormsby-Lennon Book Review: \booktitleJohn Case and Aristotelianism in Renaissance England by Charles B. Schmitt . . . . . . . . . 637--638 Lynn S. Joy Book Review: \booktitleWilliam Whiston: Honest Newtonian by James E. Force . . . 639--640 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitleNovita celesti e crisi del sapere: Atti del Convegno internazionale di Studi galileiani by Paolo Galluzzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640--640 Owen Gingerich Book Review: \booktitleGesammelte Werke. Volume XI, Part 1: Ephemerides novae motuum coelestium by Johannes Kepler; Volker Bialas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640--641 A. V. Simcock Book Review: \booktitleThomas Beddoes, M.D., 1760--1808: Chemist, Physician, Democrat by Dorothy A. Stansfield . . . 641--642 Winifred Lovell Wisan Book Review: \booktitleGalileo and His Sources: The Heritage of the Collegio Romano in Galileo's Science by William A. Wallace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642--643 A. J. Rocke Book Review: \booktitleScience versus Practice: Chemistry in Victorian Britain by Robert F. Bud; Gerrylynn K. Roberts 643--644 Victor L. Hilts Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Medicine and Statistical Thinking, 1800--1860 by James H. Cassedy . . . . . . . . . . . . 644--645 Judith V. Grabiner Book Review: \booktitleA Convergence of Lives: Sofia Kovalevskaia, Scientist, Writer, Revolutionary by Ann Hibner Koblitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645--646 Stephen G. Brush Book Review: \booktitleJames E. Keeler, Pioneer American Astrophysicist, and the Early Development of American Astrophysics by Donald E. Osterbrock . . 646--647 Richard F. Hirsh Book Review: \booktitleOn Mars: Exploration of the Red Planet 1958--1978 by Edward Clinton Ezell; Linda Neuman Ezell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 648--648 Richard H. K. Vietor Book Review: \booktitleControlling the Atom: The Beginnings of Nuclear Regulation, 1946--1962 by George Mazuzan; J. Samuel Walker . . . . . . . 648--649 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650--672 Anonymous Volume Information . . . . . . . . . . . 655--667
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--4 John Neu One Hundred Tenth Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences . . . . . . . . . . 5--240 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--6 Ralph Colp, Jr. ``Confessing a Murder'': Darwin's First Revelations about Transmutation . . . . 8--32 Sheila Faith Weiss Wilhelm Schallmayer and the Logic of German Eugenics . . . . . . . . . . . . 33--46 Larry Stewart Public Lectures and Private Patronage in Newtonian England . . . . . . . . . . . 47--58 John L. Greenberg Mathematical Physics in Eighteenth-Century France . . . . . . . 59--78 Josette Alexandre La comete de Halley a travers les ouvrages et manuscrits de l'Observatoire de Paris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79--84 Ernan McMullin Giordano Bruno at Oxford . . . . . . . . 85--94 Lewis Elton Einstein, General Relativity, and the German Press, 1919--1920 . . . . . . . . 95--103 B. L. van der Waerden Aristarchos's Observation of the Summer Solstice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--104 Edward Grant Eloge: Edward Rosen, 12 December 1906--28 March 1985 . . . . . . . . . . 105--106 Mara Beller Book Review: Wie es eigentlich gewesen? [How was it actually?] \booktitleThe Creation of Quantum Mechanics and the Bohr--Pauli Dialogue . . . . . . . . . . 107--109 Richard S. Westfall Book Review: \booktitleRevolution in Science by I. Bernard Cohen . . . . . . 109--110 Edward MacKinnon Book Review: \booktitlePhysical Sciences and History of Physics by R. S. Cohen; M. W. Wartofsky . . . . . . . . . . . . 110--111 Ian Hacking Book Review: \booktitleScience and Reality: Recent Work in the Philosophy of Science by James T. Cushing; C. F. Delaney; Gary M. Gutting . . . . . . . . 111--112 Robert N. McCauley Book Review: \booktitleScience as Cognitive Process: Toward an Empirical Philosophy of Science by Robert A. Rubinstein; Charles D. Laughlin,; John McManus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112--113 Robert Rynasiewicz Book Review: \booktitleHow Things Are: Studies in Predication and the History of Philosophy and Science by James Bogen; James E. McGuire . . . . . . . . 113--114 Patricia Kitcher Book Review: \booktitleKant and the Double Government Methodology: Supersensibility and Method in Kant's Philosophy of Science by Robert E. Butts 114--115 Arnold Koslow Book Review: \booktitleThinking Matter: Materialism in Eighteenth-Century Britain by John W. Yolton . . . . . . . 115--116 Neil M. Ribe Book Review: \booktitleThe Transcendent Science: Kant's Conception of Biological Methodology by Clark Zumbach . . . . . . 116--116 Edward MacKinnon Book Review: \booktitleImages of Science: Essays on Realism and Empiricism by Paul M. Churchland; Clifford A. Hooker; Bas C. van Fraassen 116--117 Don Howard Book Review: \booktitleThe Philosophy of Niels Bohr: The Framework of Complementarity by Henry J. Folse . . . 117--118 Peter Galison Book Review: \booktitleRepresenting and Intervening: Introductory Topics in the Philosophy of Natural Science by Ian Hacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118--120 Martin Curd Book Review: \booktitleScientific Realism by Jarrett Leplin . . . . . . . 120--121 John A. Schumacher Book Review: \booktitleThe Limits of Science by Nicholas Rescher . . . . . . 121--123 Mary Hesse Book Review: \booktitleScientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World by Wesley C. Salmon . . . . . 123--124 John M. Nicholas Book Review: \booktitleScience and Scepticism by John Watkins . . . . . . . 124--125 Gary Hatfield Book Review: \booktitleA Theory of Method by Husain Sarkar . . . . . . . . 125--125 William R. Shea Book Review: \booktitleImagery in Scientific Thought: Creating Twentieth--Century Physics by Arthur I. Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125--126 Don Ihde Book Review: \booktitleData, Instruments, and Theory: A Dialectical Approach to Understanding Science by Robert John Ackermann . . . . . . . . . 126--127 Warren Schmaus Book Review: \booktitleModern Science and Human Values by William W. Lowrance 127--128 David L. Hull Book Review: \booktitleEvolution at a Crossroads: The New Biology and the New Philosophy of Science by David J. Depew; Bruce H. Weber . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128--129 David Philip Miller Book Review: \booktitleAll Scientists Now: The Royal Society in the Nineteenth Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130--133 J. D. North Book Review: \booktitleAstrophysics and Twentieth--Century Astronomy to 1950 . . 133--136 N. M. Swerdlow Book Review: \booktitleThe Optical Papers of Isaac Newton, by Isaac Newton; Alan E. Shapiro. Volume 1: The Optical Lectures, 1670--1672 . . . . . . . . . . 136--140 John Lyon Book Review: \booktitleUneasy Genius: The Life and Work of Pierre Duhem by Stanley L. Jaki . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--142 A. Rupert Hall Book Review: \booktitleOn the Shoulders of Giants: A Shandean Postscript by Robert K. Merton . . . . . . . . . . . . 142--143 John Pickles Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Modern Geography: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works by Gary S. Dunbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143--144 Ronald L. Numbers Book Review: \booktitleThe History of the Health Care Sciences and Health Care, 1700--1980: A Selective Annotated Bibliography by Jonathon Erlen . . . . . 144--145 Nathan Reingold Book Review: \booktitleThe Beginnings of the Nobel Institution: The Science Prizes, 1901--1915 by Elisabeth Crawford; \booktitleThe Nobel Prize by Peter Wilhelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145--146 Robert Rosenberg Book Review: \booktitleA Century of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, 1882--1982 by Karl L. Wildes; Nilo A. Lindgren . . . . . . . . 146--147 Arnold Thackray Book Review: \booktitleThe Lamp of Learning: Taylor & Francis and the Development of Science Publishing by W. M. Brock; A. J. Meadows . . . . . . . . 147--148 Roy MacLeod Book Review: \booktitleScientists, Society, and State: The Social Relations of Science Movement in Great Britain, 1931--1947 by William McGucken . . . . . 148--150 Philip J. Pauly Book Review: \booktitleExpository Science: Forms and Functions of Popularization by Terry Shinn; Richard Whitley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150--151 Michael S. Mahoney Book Review: \booktitleLa correspondance de Blaise Pascal et de Pierre de Fermat: La géometrie du hasard ou le début du calcul des probabilités by Pierre-Jose About; Michel Boy . . . . . . . . . . . 151--152 Robin E. Rider Book Review: \booktitleThe Analytic Art: Nine Studies in Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry from the Opus restitutae mathematicae analyseos, seu Algebra nova by Francois Viete; T. Richard Witmer . . 152--153 Ronald Calinger Book Review: \booktitleNumber Theory: An Approach through History, from Hammurapi to Legendre by Andre Weil . . . . . . . 153--154 Paul Ceruzzi Book Review: \booktitlePunched Card Methods in Scientific Computation by Wallace J. Eckert; \booktitleCalculating Machines: Recent and Prospective Developments and Their Impact on Mathematical Physics and Calculating Instruments and Machines by Douglas R. Hartree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154--156 M. R. Williams Book Review: \booktitleMr. Babbage's Secret: The Tale of a Cypher --- and APL by Ole Immanuel Franksen . . . . . . . . 156--156 Bernard O. Williams Book Review: \booktitleThe Preparation of Programs for an Electronic Digital Computer, with Special Reference to the ``EDSAC'' and the Use of a Library of Subroutines by Maurice V. Wilkes; David J. Wheeler; Stanley Gill . . . . . . . . 157--157 A. Mark Smith Book Review: \booktitleL'ottica dalle origini all'inizio del '700 by Fabio Bevilacqua; Maria Grazia Ianniello . . . 158--158 John Lankford Book Review: \booktitleRings: Discoveries from Galileo to Voyager by James Elliot; Richard Kerr . . . . . . . 158--159 Evan M. Melhado Book Review: \booktitleThe Central Science: Essays on the Uses of Chemistry by George B. Kauffman; H. Harry Szmant; \booktitleChemistry and Modern Society by John Parascandola; James C. Whorton 159--161 Clayton Gearhart Book Review: \booktitleComet Halley: Once in a Lifetime by Mark Littmann; Donald K. Yeomans . . . . . . . . . . . 161--161 Alexander Vucinich Book Review: \booktitlePetersburgskaia astronomicheskaia shkola XVIII v. by N. I. Nevskaia; \booktitleLe développement de l'astronomie en U.R.S.S., 1917--1935 by E. Nicolaidis . . . . . . . . . . . . 161--162 H. W. Paul Book Review: \booktitlePhysique et physiciens en France, 1918--1940 by Dominique Pestre . . . . . . . . . . . . 162--163 A. J. Rocke Book Review: \booktitleRecent Developments in the History of Chemistry by C. A. Russell . . . . . . . . . . . . 163--164 John J. Beer Book Review: \booktitleThe Tincal Trail: A History of Borax by N. J. Travis; E. J. Cocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164--165 Owen Gingerich Book Review: \booktitleMeasuring the Universe: Cosmic Dimensions from Aristarchus to Halley by Albert Van Helden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165--166 James G. Traynham Book Review: \booktitleA History of the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry by Pieter Eduard Verkade . . . . . . . . . 166--167 Garland E. Allen Book Review: \booktitleNatural Selection, Heredity, and Eugenics; Including Selected Correspondence of R. A. Fisher with Leonard Darwin and Others by J. H. Bennett . . . . . . . . . . . . 168--169 Karen Reeds Book Review: \booktitleBotanical Drugs of the Americas in the Old and New Worlds: Invitational Symposium at the Washington Congress, 1983. Amerikanische pflanzliche Arzneien in der Alten und Neuen Welt: Einladungs Symposium anlasslich des Kongresses in Washington, 1983 by Wolfgang-Hagen Hein; K. Dietrich 169--169 Sharon Kingsland Book Review: \booktitleThe Background of Ecology: Concept and Theory by Robert P. McIntosh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169--170 Philip M. Teigen Book Review: \booktitleThe English Plant Names in ``The Grete Herball'' (1526): A Contribution to the Historical Study of English Plant-Name Usage by Mats Ryden 171--171 Franz Samelson Book Review: \booktitleFrom Darwinism to Behaviourism: Psychology and the Minds of Animals by Robert Boakes . . . . . . 171--172 Neal C. Gillespie Book Review: \booktitleThe Taming of Evolution: The Persistence of Nonevolutionary Views in the Study of Humans by Davydd J. Greenwood . . . . . 172--173 William J. Callahan Book Review: \booktitleM. Seoane y la introduccion en España del sistema sanitario liberal, 1791--1870 by J. M. Lopez Pinero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173--174 Martha L. Hildreth Book Review: \booktitleMedical Heritage by Sharon Romm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174--175 Judith W. Leavitt Book Review: \booktitleSympathy and Science: Women Physicians in American Medicine by Regina Markell Morantz-Sanchez . . . . . . . . . . . . 175--176 John Harley Warner Book Review: \booktitleA Calculus of Suffering: Pain, Professionalism, and Anesthesia in Nineteenth-Century America by Martin S. Pernick . . . . . . . . . . 176--177 Margaret S. Thomson Book Review: \booktitleA Generous Confidence: Thomas Story Kirkbride and the Art of Asylum Keeping, 1840--1883 by Nancy Tomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177--178 Roy Porter Book Review: \booktitlePoison in the Pot: The Legacy of Lead by Richard P. Wedeen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178--179 Ronald R. Kline Book Review: \booktitleThe Continuous Wave: Technology and American Radio, 1900--1932 by Hugh G. J. Aitken . . . . 179--180 Loyd S. Swenson, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleLiving and Working in Space: A History of Skylab by W. David Compton; Charles D. Benson . . 180--181 David W. Noble Book Review: \booktitleIndustrial Evolution: Organization, Structure, and Growth of the Pennsylvania Iron Industry, 1750--1860 by Paul F. Paskoff 181--182 Bruce Eastwood Book Review: \booktitlePseudo-Bede: De mundi celestis terrestrisque constitutione --A Treatise on the Universe and the Soul by Charles Burnett 182--183 Gad Freudenthal Book Review: \booktitleGraceful Reason: Essays in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy by Lloyd P. Gerson . . . . . 183--184 George Saliba Book Review: \booktitleOriens-Occidens: Ausgewahlte Schriften zur Wissenschafts- und Kulturgeschichte. Volume II by Willy Hartner; Y. Maeyama . . . . . . . . . . 184--185 Michael H. Shank Book Review: \booktitleNicolaus Cusanus und die Entstehung der exakten Wissenschaften by Fritz Nagel . . . . . 185--186 Edward Grant Book Review: \booktitleNicole Oresme and the Marvels of Nature: A Study of His De causis mirabilium with Critical Edition, Translation, and Commentary by Nicole Oresme; Bert Hansen . . . . . . . . . . 186--187 Luke Demaitre Book Review: \booktitleScholastic Medicine and Philosophy: A Study of Commentaries on Galen's Tegni (ca. 1300--1450) by Per-Gunnar Ottosson . . . 187--188 H. J. M. Bos Book Review: \booktitleAlbertus (Magnus)' Commentaar op Euclides' Elementen der Geometrie by P. M. J. E. Tummers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188--188 Thomas F. Glick Book Review: \booktitleLos moriscos y la medicina: Un capitulo de la medicina y la ciencia marginadas en la España del siglo XVI by Luis Garcia Ballester . . . 189--189 Allen G. Debus Book Review: \booktitleLos impresos cientificos españoles de los siglos XV y XVI: Inventario, bibliometria, y thesaurus by Jose M. Lopez Pinero; Francesc Bujosa Homar; Victor Navarro Brotons; Eugenio Portela Marco; Maria Luz Lopez Terrada; Jose Pardo Tomas . . 189--190 William A. Wallace Book Review: \booktitleThe Louvain Lectures (Lectiones lovanienses) of Bellarmine and the Autograph Copy of His 1616 Declaration to Galileo by Robert Bellarmine; Ugo Baldini; George V. Coyne; Francois de Aguilon, S.J. (1576--1617); Scientist and Architect by August Ziggelaar . . . . . . . . . . . . 190--192 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitleThe Galileo Affair: A Meeting of Faith and Science by G. V. Coyne; M. Heller; J. Zycinski 192--192 Wilbur Applebaum Book Review: \booktitleThe Birth of History and Philosophy of Science: Kepler's A Defence of Tycho against Ursus with Essays on Its Provenance and Significance by N. Jardine . . . . . . . 192--194 Gary B. Deason Book Review: \booktitleFrancis Bacon's Natural Philosophy: A New Source. A Transcription of Manuscript Hardwick 72A with Translation and Commentary by Francis Bacon; Graham Rees; Christopher Upton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194--195 Hugh Ormsby-Lennon Book Review: \booktitleThe Works of Thomas Vaughan by Thomas Vaughan; Alan Rudrum; Jennifer Drake-Brockman . . . . 195--196 Maurice Crosland Book Review: \booktitleCauchy: Un mathematicien legitimiste au XIXe si\`ecle by Bruno Belhoste . . . . . . . 196--197 Frederick Gregory Book Review: \booktitleUtopie und Wissenschaft im fruhen Deutschen Sozialismus. Theoriebildung und Wissenschaftsbegriff bei Wilhelm Weitling by Lothar Knatz . . . . . . . . 197--198 Barbara J. Reeves Book Review: \booktitleTecnica e cultura della crisi (1914--1939) by Michela Nacci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198--198 Richard F. Hirsh Book Review: \booktitleThe X-Ray Universe by Wallace Tucker; Riccardo Giacconi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198--199 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200--204
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205--211 Ferdinando Abbri and Paolo Rossi Guest Editorial: History of Science in Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212--218 J. G. Morawski Organizing Knowledge and Behavior at Yale's Institute of Human Relations . . 219--242 Robert S. Leventhal The Emergence of Philological Discourse in the German States, 1770--1810 . . . . 243--260 Nancy Leys Stepan Race and Gender: The Role of Analogy in Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--277 Milton Kerker and Svedberg and Per Stenius The Svedberg and Molecular Reality: An Autobiographical Postscript . . . . . . 278--282 David K. Hill Galileo's Work on 116v: A New Analysis 283--291 George E. Webb Solar Physics and the Origins of Dendrochronology . . . . . . . . . . . . 291--301 Albert Van Helden and Audrey B. Davis Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society, 31 October--3 November 1985 . . 302--305 Anonymous Sarton Medals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--307 Anonymous Donors to and Supporters of the Fund Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308--309 Anonymous Dedication and Symposium at the Edelstein Center Jerusalem, June 1985 309--310 Robert Olby and R. C. Lewontin and Daniel J. Kevles Book Review: \booktitleIn the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity by Daniel J. Kevles . . . . . . 311--319 Simon Schaffer Book Review: \booktitleThe Dark Abyss of Time: The History of the Earth and the History of Nations from Hooke to Vico 320--323 David Lowenthal Book Review: \booktitleVoyage into Substance: Art, Science, and the Illustrated Travel Account, 1760--1840 324--327 Barbara M. Stafford Book Review: \booktitleThe Art of Captain Cook's Voyages by Rudiger Joppien; Bernard Smith; \booktitleEuropean Vision and the South Pacific by Bernard Smith . . . . . . . . 328--328 Simon Baatz Book Review: \booktitleLatrobe's Views of America, 1795--1820: Selections from the Watercolors and Sketches by Edward C. Carter; John C. Van Horne; Charles E. Brownell; Tina H. Sheller; Stephen F. Lintner; J. Frederick Fausz; Geraldine C. Vickers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328--329 George B. Kauffman Book Review: \booktitleThe Periodic Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330--332 Lawrence Badash Book Review: \booktitleBird of Passage: Recollections of a Physicist by Rudolf Peierls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332--333 Robert H. Kargon Book Review: \booktitleThe Education of a College President: A Memoir by James R. Killian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333--334 Peter Messeri Book Review: \booktitleThe Intellectual and Social Organization of the Sciences by Richard Whitley . . . . . . . . . . . 335--336 Claudia Kren Book Review: \booktitleMapping the Cosmos by Jane Chance; R. O. Wells . . . 336--336 R. P. Multhauf Book Review: \booktitleThe Barchas Collection: The Making of Modern Science by Henry E. Lowood . . . . . . . . . . . 336--337 Nathan Sivin Book Review: \booktitleA Historical Catalogue of Scientists and Scientific Books: From the Earliest Times to the Close of the Nineteenth Century by Robert Mortimer Gascoigne . . . . . . . 337--337 William Eamon Book Review: \booktitleMedieval Science and Technology: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography by Claudia Kren . . . . . . 337--338 Charlotte M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleNatural History in America, 1609--1860: Printed Works in the Collections of the American Philosophical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and the Library Company of Philadelphia by Andrea J. Tucher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338--339 Raymond E. Fancher Book Review: \booktitleHommes superieurs, hommes inferieurs? La controverse sur l'heredite de l'intelligence by Gerard Lemaine; Benjamin Matalon; Clemencon Mireille; Gomis Alain; Ramunni Girolamo; \booktitleAbility, Merit, and Measurement: Mental Testing and English Education, 1880--1940 by Gillian Sutherland; Stephen Sharp . . . . . . . 339--341 Bruce V. Lewenstein Book Review: \booktitleScientists and Journalists: Reporting Science as News by Sharon M. Friedman; Sharon Dunwoody; Carol L. Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . 341--342 Paul Theerman Book Review: \booktitleScience and Social Change in Britain and Europe, 1700--1900 by Colin Russell . . . . . . 342--343 John T. Schlebecker Book Review: \booktitle``Venerate the Plough'': A History of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, 1785--1985 by Simon Baatz . . . . . . . 343--344 Dorinda Outram Book Review: \booktitleScience Reorganized: Scientific Societies in the Eighteenth Century by James E. McClellan 344--344 David E. Rowe Book Review: \booktitleDer Briefwechsel David Hilbert-Felix Klein (1886--1918) by Gunther Frei . . . . . . . . . . . . 345--345 Thaddeus J. Trenn Book Review: \booktitleFrom Protyle to Proton: William Prout and the Nature of Matter, 1785--1985 by W. H. Brock . . . 345--346 Albert E. Moyer Book Review: \booktitleThe Young Einstein: The Advent of Relativity by Lewis Pyenson . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346--347 Roger Ariew and Peter Barker Book Review: \booktitleChronology of Eclipses and Comets, A.D. 1--1000 by D. Justin Schove; Alan Fletcher . . . . . . 347--348 George Wise Book Review: \booktitleChemistry in America, 1876--1976: Historical Indicators by Arnold Thackray; Jeffrey L. Sturchio; P. Thomas Carroll; Robert Bud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348--349 William Glen Book Review: \booktitleHistory of Geophysics. Volume I by C. Stewart Gillmor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349--351 Evan M. Melhado Book Review: \booktitleDie Entdeckung des Isomorphismus: Eine Fallstudie zur Geschichte der Mineralogie und der Chemie by Hans-Werner Schutt . . . . . . 351--352 Paul Thompson Book Review: \booktitleJust before the Origin: Alfred Russel Wallace's Theory of Evolution by John Langdon Brooks . . 352--353 Edward Manier Book Review: \booktitleDimensions of Darwinism: Themes and Counterthemes in Twentieth--Century Evolutionary Theory by Marjorie Grene . . . . . . . . . . . 353--355 Frank N. Egerton Book Review: \booktitleModeling Nature: Episodes in the History of Population Ecology by Sharon E. Kingsland . . . . . 355--355 David L. Hull Book Review: \booktitleVaulting Ambition: Sociobiology and the Quest for Human Nature by Philip Kitcher . . . . . 356--357 Margaret W. Rossiter Book Review: \booktitleAgricultural Science and the Quest for Legitimacy: Farmers, Agricultural Colleges, and Experiment Stations, 1870--1890 by Alan I. Marcus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357--358 Ernst Mayr Book Review: \booktitleEvolutionary Theory: The Unfinished Synthesis by Robert G. B. Reid . . . . . . . . . . . 358--359 Tim DeJager-Seerveld Book Review: \booktitleThe Structure of Biological Science by Alexander Rosenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359--360 Geoffrey Cocks Book Review: \booktitlePsychologie im Nationalsozialismus by Carl Friedrich Graumann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360--360 George W. Stocking, Jr. Book Review: \booktitle``So Much That Is New'': Baldwin Spencer, 1860--1929: A Biography by D. J. Mulvaney; J. H. Calaby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360--361 Kurt Danziger Book Review: \booktitlePsychiatry in an Anthropological and Biomedical Context: Philosophical Presuppositions and Implications of German Psychiatry, 1820--1870 by Gerlof Verwey . . . . . . 361--362 James H. Jones Book Review: \booktitleNo Magic Bullet: A Social History of Venereal Disease in the United States since 1880 by Allan M. Brandt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362--363 Gerald N. Grob Book Review: \booktitleThe Anatomy of Madness: Essays in the History of Psychiatry by W. F. Bynum; Roy Porter; Michael Shepherd . . . . . . . . . . . . 363--364 K. David Patterson Book Review: \booktitleThe Caribbean Slave: A Biological History by Kenneth D. Kiple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364--365 J. L. Berggren Book Review: \booktitleIbn al-Haytham's Completion of the Conics by J. P. Hogendijk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365--367 Sabetai Unguru Book Review: \booktitleGli ``inizi'' della matematica greca: Le congetture kantiano-popperiane di Arpad Szabo by Silvestro Marcucci . . . . . . . . . . . 367--367 Nancy G. Siraisi Book Review: \booktitleArnaldi de Villanova opera medica omnia. Volume XV: Commentum supra tractatum Galieni De malicia complexionis diverse by Arnald of Villanova; Luis Garcia Ballester; Eustaquio Sanchez Salor; \booktitleDoctrina Galieni De Interioribus by Richard J. Durling . . . 367--368 Richard C. Dales Book Review: \booktitleOpera omnia. Volume IV: Schriften zur Naturwissenschaften: Briefe by Dietrich von Freiberg; Maria-Rita Pagnoni-Sturlese; Rudolf Rehn; Loris Sturlese; William A. Wallace . . . . . . 368--369 George Saliba Book Review: \booktitleTheory and Observation in Ancient and Medieval Astronomy by Bernard R. Goldstein . . . 369--370 Faye Marie Getz Book Review: \booktitleHippocrates Latinus: Repertorium of Hippocratic Writings in the Latin Middle Ages by Pearl Kibre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370--370 Michael McVaugh Book Review: \booktitleStudies in Medieval Science: Alchemy, Astrology, Mathematics and Medicine by Pearl Kibre 370--371 E. S. Kennedy Book Review: \booktitleThe Astronomy of Levi ben Gerson (1288--1344): A Critical Edition of Chapters 1--20 with Translation and Commentary by Levi ben Gerson; Bernard R. Goldstein . . . . . . 371--372 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleThe Birth of the Hospital in the Byzantine Empire by Timothy S. Miller . . . . . . . . . . . 372--373 Luke E. Demaitre Book Review: \booktitleDoctors and Medicine in Early Renaissance Florence by Katharine Park . . . . . . . . . . . 373--374 Allen G. Debus Book Review: \booktitleThe Medical Renaissance of the Sixteenth Century by A. Wear; R. K. French; I. M. Lonie . . . 374--375 James R. Jacob Book Review: \booktitleThe Art of Memory: A Treatise Useful for Such as Are to Speak in Publick by Marius D'Assigny; \booktitleThe Immortality of the Human Soul, Demonstrated by the Light of Nature by Walter Charleton; \booktitleA Free and Impartial Censure of the Platonick Philosophie: Being a Letter Written to His Much Honoured Friend, M.N.B. by Samuel Parker . . . . 375--376 William R. Shea Book Review: \booktitleCarteggio, 1649--1656 by Paolo Galluzzi; Maurizio Torrini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376--377 William H. Donahue Book Review: \booktitleLe secret du monde by Jean Kepler; Alain Segonds; Louis-Paul Cousin . . . . . . . . . . . 377--378 Roy Porter Book Review: \booktitleUnder Newton's Shadow: Astronomical Practices in the Seventeenth Century by Lesley Murdin . . 378--379 Michael Barfoot Book Review: \booktitleChurch and University in the Scottish Enlightenment: The Moderate Literati of Edinburgh by Richard B. Sher . . . . . . 379--379 Thomas F. Glick Book Review: \booktitleHistoria de la ciencia en Mexico: Estudios y textos. Volume II: Siglo XVII by Elias Trabulse 380--380 A. J. Rocke Book Review: \booktitleJustus von Liebig und August Wilhelm Hofmann in ihren Briefen (1841--1873) by William Hodson Brock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380--381 Theodore M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleThe Cultural Meaning of Popular Science: Phrenology and the Organization of Consent in Nineteenth-Century Britain by Roger Cooter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381--383 Toby A. Appel Book Review: \booktitleGeorges Cuvier: Vocation, Science and Authority in Post-Revolutionary France by Dorinda Outram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383--384 Joseph W. Dauben Book Review: \booktitleWritings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition. Volume II:1867--1871 by Charles S. Peirce; Edward C. Moore; Max H. Fisch; Christian J. W. Kloesel; Don D. Roberts; Lynn A. Zeigler . . . . . . . . 384--386 Sally Gregory Kohlstedt Book Review: \booktitleAll the World's a Fair: Visions of Empire at American International Expositions, 1876--1916 by Robert W. Rydell . . . . . . . . . . . . 386--387 H. Rechenberg Book Review: \booktitleScientific Correspondence with Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg and Others. Volume II: 1930--1939 by Wolfgang Pauli; Karl von Meyenn; Armin Hermann; Victor F. Weisskopf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387--388 Steve J. Heims Book Review: \booktitleNiels Bohr: A Centenary Volume by A. P. French; P. J. Kennedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388--389 Lewis Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleEl secreto atomico de Huemul: Cronica del origen de la energia atomica en la Argentina by Mario Mariscotti . . . . . . . . . . . . 389--391 Robert H. Terry Book Review: \booktitleThe Geography of Peace and War by David Pepper; Alan Jenkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391--391 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392--398
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399--403 John F. Cornell Newton of the Grassblade? Darwin and the Problem of Organic Teleology . . . . . . 404--421 David E. Rowe ``Jewish Mathematics'' at Göttingen in the Era of Felix Klein . . . . . . . . . 422--449 Lily E. Kay W. M. Stanley's Crystallization of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus, 1930--1940 . . . . 450--472 Winifred Lovell Wisan Galileo and God's Creation . . . . . . . 473--486 Zhang Yunming Ancient Chinese Sulfur Manufacturing Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487--497 G. A. Kertesz Notes on Isis von Oken, 1817--1848 . . . 497--503 Marie Boas Hall Eloge: Henry Guerlac, 10 June 1910--29 May 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504--506 Robert P. Multhauf Eloge: Wilson L. Scott, 5 August 1909--10 November 1983 . . . . . . . . . 507--507 Frank M. Turner Book Review: \booktitleThe Great Devonian Controversy: The Shaping of Scientific Knowledge among Gentlemanly Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508--511 Evan M. Melhado Book Review: \booktitleLavoisier and the Chemistry of Life: An Exploration of Scientific Creativity . . . . . . . . . 511--514 Thomas F. Glick Book Review: \booktitleDynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandum . . . . . . . . . 514--517 Frank J. Papatheofanis Book Review: \booktitleAbout Science by Barry Barnes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518--519 Richard L. Kremer Book Review: \booktitleHistory and Philosophy of Science: Selected Papers by Joseph W. Dauben; Virginia Staudt Sexton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519--519 Helena M. Pycior Book Review: \booktitleSome People and Places in Irish Science and Technology by Charles Mollan; William Davis; Brendan Finucane . . . . . . . . . . . . 519--520 A. Rupert Hall Book Review: \booktitleReligion, Science, and World-view: Essays in Honor of Richard S. Westfall by Margaret J. Osler; Paul Lawrence Farber . . . . . . 520--521 David Gooding Book Review: \booktitleFaraday to Einstein: Constructing Meaning in Scientific Theories by Nancy J. Nersessian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521--523 Don Ihde Book Review: \booktitlePhilosophy and Sociology of Science: An Introduction by Stewart Richards . . . . . . . . . . . . 523--523 John Harley Warner Book Review: \booktitleLearning to Heal: The Development of American Medical Education by Kenneth M. Ludmerer . . . . 523--524 Monica H. Green Book Review: \booktitleScienza e filosofia all Universita di Padova nel Quattrocento by Antonino Poppi . . . . . 524--525 Bruce R. Wheaton Book Review: \booktitleConstructing Quarks: A Sociological History of Particle Physics by Andrew Pickering . . 525--527 Dorothy S. Zinberg Book Review: \booktitleAmerica's Golden Bough: The Science Advisory Intertwist by Thaddeus J. Trenn . . . . . . . . . . 527--527 Laurie M. Brown Book Review: \booktitleGesammelte Werke --- Collected Works. Series A/Part 1: Wissenschaftliche Originalarbeiten --- Original Scientific Papers by Werner Heisenberg; W. Blum; H.-P. Durr; H. Rechenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527--528 R. Steven Turner Book Review: \booktitlePhysics History from AAPT Journals by Melba Newell Phillips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528--529 Richard T. von Mayrhauser Book Review: \booktitleThe Intelligence Men: Makers of the IQ Controversy by Raymond E. Fancher . . . . . . . . . . . 529--530 Edward S. Reed Book Review: \booktitleThe Mind's New Science: A History of the Cognitive Revolution by Howard Gardner . . . . . . 530--532 John C. Burnham Book Review: \booktitleThe Origins of Behaviorism: American Psychology, 1870--1920 by John M. O'Donnell . . . . 532--533 George W. Stocking, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleA Century of Controversy: Ethnological Issues from 1860 to 1960 by Elman R. Service . . . . 533--533 Arnold Thackray Book Review: \booktitleBehavioral and Social Science: Fifty Years of Discovery by Neil M. Smelser; Dean R. Gerstein . . 534--534 Robert Nye Book Review: \booktitleMadness, Morality, and Medicine: A Study of the York Retreat, 1796--1914 by Anne Digby 534--536 R. S. Porter Book Review: \booktitleSurgeons at the Bailey: English Forensic Medicine to 1878 by Thomas Rogers Forbes . . . . . . 536--537 Guenter B. Risse Book Review: \booktitleThe Royal Protomedicato: The Regulation of the Medical Profession in the Spanish Empire by John Tate Lanning; John Jay TePaske 537--538 William H. McNeill Book Review: \booktitleThe Impact of the Plague in Tudor and Stuart England by Paul Slack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538--539 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleBibliografia Hipocratica by Blas Bruni Celli . . . . 539--539 James Barham Book Review: \booktitleA History of Ancient Psychiatry by Giuseppe Roccatagliata . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539--540 David Furley Book Review: \booktitleVestigia Democritea: Die Rezeption der Lehre von den Atomen in der antiken Naturwissenschaft und Medizin by Alfred Stuckelberger; Bernhard Wyss; Denis van Berchem; Olof Gigon . . . . . . . . . . 540--541 Helen S. Lang Book Review: \booktitleTruth and Scientific Knowledge in the Thought of Henry of Ghent by Steven P. Marrone . . 541--542 Bruce T. Moran Book Review: \booktitle``Wo zwei zusammenkommen in rechter Ehr\ldots'': Sozio- und psychogenetische Studien über Eheschliessungsvorgange vom 12. bis 15. Jahrhundert by Michael Schroter . . . . 542--543 Owen Gingerich Book Review: \booktitleGesamtausgabe. Volume II: De revolutionibus: Kritischer Text by Nicolaus Copernicus; Heribert M. Nobis; Bernhard Sticker . . . . . . . . 543--544 Margaret J. Osler Book Review: \booktitleScience, Faith, and Politics: Francis Bacon and the Utopian Roots of the Modern Age --- a Commentary on Bacon's Advancement of Learning by Jerry Weinberger . . . . . . 544--544 Calvin Jongsma Book Review: \booktitleGeorge Boole: His Life and Work by Desmond MacHale . . . . 544--545 Mary Jo Nye Book Review: \booktitleFrom Knowledge to Power: The Rise of the Science Empire in France, 1860--1939 by Harry W. Paul . . 545--546 Charlotte M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleThe Expeditions of John Charles Fremont. Volume III: Travels from 1848 to 1854 by Mary Lee Spence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546--547 Alexander Vucinich Book Review: \booktitleKapitza, Rutherford, and the Kremlin by Lawrence Badash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547--548 Geoffrey Cocks Book Review: \booktitleGeschichte der deutschen Psychologie im 20. Jahrhundert: Ein Uberblick by Mitchell G. Ash; Ulfried Geuter . . . . . . . . . 548--549 Hannah S. Decker Book Review: \booktitlePsychotherapy in the Third Reich: The Goring Institute by Geoffrey Cocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549--550 Lewis Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleLa ciencia periferica: Ciencia y sociedad en Venezuela by Elena Diaz; Yolanda Texera; Hebe Vessuri; \booktitleCiencia academica en la Venezuela moderna: Historia reciente y perspectivas de las disciplinas cientificas by Hebe M. Vessuri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550--551 Paul T. Durbin Book Review: \booktitleTechnology's Storytellers: Reweaving the Human Fabric by John M. Staudenmaier . . . . . . . . 551--552 Carl Mitchum Book Review: \booktitleA Theory of Technology: Continuity and Change in Human Development by Thomas R. DeGregori; \booktitleInternational Technology Transfer: Concepts, Measures, and Comparisons by Nathan Rosenberg; Claudio Frischtak . . . . . . . . . . . 552--554 Stuart W. Leslie Book Review: \booktitleThe Making of a Profession: A Century of Electrical Engineering in America by A. Michal McMahon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554--556 David C. Mowery Book Review: \booktitleThe Telephone Enterprise: The Evolution of the Bell System's Horizontal Structure, 1876--1909 by Robert W. Garnet; \booktitleThe Anatomy of a Business Strategy: Bell, Western Electric, and the Origins of the American Telephone Industry by George David Smith; \booktitleFrom Invention to Innovation: The Case of Long-Distance Telephone Transmission at the Turn of the Century by Neil H. Wasserman . . . . . . . . . . 556--557 John K. Smith Book Review: \booktitleRohm and Haas: History of a Chemical Company by Sheldon Hochheiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557--558 Edwin T. Layton, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleThe Making of American Industrial Research: Science and Business at GE and Bell, 1876--1926 by Leonard S. Reich; \booktitleWillis R. Whitney, General Electric, and the Origins of U.S. Industrial Research by George Wise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558--560 Steven J. Dick Book Review: \booktitleThe Jodrell Bank Telescopes by Bernard Lovell . . . . . . 560--561 Robert Friedel Book Review: \booktitleOrigins of Materials and Processes by John Delmonte 561--561 Peter J. T. Morris Book Review: \booktitleSynthetic Rubber: The Project That Had to Succeed by Vernon Herbert; Attilio Bisio . . . . . 561--562 Alex Roland Book Review: \booktitleTo Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design by Henry Petroski . . . . . . . . 562--563 W. Bernard Carlson Book Review: \booktitleTechnology on Trial: The Introduction of Steam Power into Sweden, 1715--1736 by Svante Lindqvist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564--565 Terry S. Reynolds Book Review: \booktitleA History of Industrial Power in the United States, 1780--1930. Volume II: Steam Power by Louis C. Hunter . . . . . . . . . . . . 565--566 John M. Staudenmaier Book Review: \booktitleMilitary Enterprise and Technological Change: Perspectives on the American Experience by Merritt Roe Smith . . . . . . . . . . 566--567 Cyril Stanley Smith Book Review: \booktitleIslamic Metalwork in the Freer Gallery of Art by Esin Atil; W. T. Chase; Paul Jett . . . . . . 567--568 J. E. Varey Book Review: \booktitleThe Twenty-One Books of Devices and of Machines by Pseudo-Juanelo Turriano; Jose A. Garcia-Diego . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568--570 Silvio A. Bedini Book Review: \booktitleThe Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Henry Latrobe. Volume I: 1784--1804 by John C. Van Horne; Lee W. Formwalt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570--570 Judith A. McGaw Book Review: \booktitleMechanical Metamorphosis: Technological Change in Revolutionary America by Neil Longley York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571--572 John Hendry Book Review: \booktitleMemoirs of a Computer Pioneer by Maurice Wilkes . . . 572--573 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574--578
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579--583 Owen Hannaway Laboratory Design and the Aim of Science: Andreas Libavius versus Tycho Brahe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584--610 John W. Servos Mathematics and the Physical Sciences in America, 1880--1930 . . . . . . . . . . 611--629 Naomi Aronson The Discovery of Resistance Historical Accounts and Scientific Careers . . . . 630--646 C. E. Perrin and Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Lavoisier's Thoughts on Calcination and Combustion, 1772--1773 . . . . . . . . . 647--666 Michael S. Mahoney and Ivo Schneider Eloge: Kurt Vogel, 30 September 1888--27 October 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667--669 John Forrester Book Review: \booktitleThe Foundations of Psychoanalysis: A Philosophical Critique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670--674 Ruth Schwartz Cowan Book Review: \booktitleReflections on Gender and Science . . . . . . . . . . . 674--676 William R. Woodward Book Review: \booktitleNatur und Erfahrung: Von der mittelalterlichen zur neuzeitlichen Naturwissenschaft by Michael Heidelberger; Sigrun Thiessen 677--678 Michael J. Crowe Book Review: \booktitleBreakthroughs: A Chronology of Great Achievements in Science and Mathematics, 1200--1930 by Claire L. Parkinson . . . . . . . . . . 678--679 David DeVorkin Book Review: \booktitleAstronomy and Astronautics: An Enthusiast's Guide to Books and Periodicals by Andy Lusis . . 679--680 David E. Stannard Book Review: \booktitleHistoriography and Causation in Psychoanalysis: An Essay on Psychoanalytic and Historical Epistemology by Edwin R. Wallace . . . . 680--681 I. Bernard Cohen Book Review: \booktitleMind from Matter? An Essay on Evolutionary Epistemology by Max Delbruck; Gunther S. Stent; Ernst Peter Fischer; Solomon W. Golomb; David Presti; Hansjakob Seiler . . . . . . . . 681--683 Richard J. Blackwell Book Review: \booktitleScientific Knowledge and Philosophic Thought by Harold Himsworth . . . . . . . . . . . . 683--683 Bruce Kuklick Book Review: \booktitleWritings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition Volume III:1872--1878 by Charles S. Peirce; Christian J. W. Kloesel . . . 683--683 John T. Stock Book Review: \booktitleNineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments and Their Makers by P. R. de Clercq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684--685 Albert Van Helden Book Review: \booktitleThe Cosmic Inquirers: Modern Telescopes and Their Makers by Wallace Tucker; Karen Tucker 685--686 Theodore M. Brown Book Review: \booktitleA System of Scientific Medicine: Philanthropic Foundations in the Flexner Era by Howard S. Berliner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686--687 James Harvey Young Book Review: \booktitleFair Play in the Marketplace: The First Battle for Pure Food and Drugs by Mitchell Okun . . . . 687--688 Karen Reeds Book Review: \booktitleMedieval Medical Miniatures by Peter Murray Jones; \booktitleArs Medica: Art, Medicine, and the Human Condition by Diane R. Karp . . 688--690 L. R. Lind Book Review: \booktitleArt and Anatomy in Renaissance Italy by Bernard Schulz 690--690 William Eamon Book Review: \booktitleNicolas Chuquet, Renaissance Mathematician: A Study with Extensive Translation of Chuquet's Mathematical Manuscript Completed in 1484 by Graham Flegg; Cynthia Hay; Barbara Moss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690--691 Joseph W. Dauben Book Review: \booktitleCollected Works Volume I:Publications, 1929--1936 by Kurt Godel; Solomon Feferman; John W. Dawson; Stephen C. Kleene; Gregory H. Moore; Robert M. Solovay; Jean van Heijenoort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691--692 Ian Hacking Book Review: \booktitleObservation, Experiment, and Hypothesis in Modern Physical Science by Peter Achinstein; Owen Hannaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692--693 Curtis Wilson Book Review: \booktitleCometary Theory in Fifteenth-Century Europe by Jane L. Jervis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693--694 Roger H. Stuewer Book Review: \booktitleFrederick Soddy (1877--1956): Early Pioneer in Radiochemistry by George B. Kauffman . . 694--695 Bruce R. Wheaton Book Review: \booktitleHistory of Physics by Spencer R. Weart; Melba Phillips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695--696 Sally Newcomb Book Review: \booktitleGeologists and Ideas: A History of North American Geology by E. T. Drake; William Jordan 696--697 Martin S. Kenzer Book Review: \booktitleOn Geography: And Its History by D. R. Stoddart . . . . . 697--698 Camille Limoges Book Review: \booktitleDe Darwin au darwinisme: Science et ideologie by Yvette Conry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698--700 Donna Haraway Book Review: \booktitleThe Social Meaning of Modern Biology: From Social Darwinism to Sociobiology by Howard L. Kaye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700--701 Paul C. L. Tang Book Review: \booktitleEvolution as a Religion: Strange Hopes and Stranger Fears by Mary Midgley . . . . . . . . . 701--702 Mitchell G. Ash Book Review: \booktitleDie Professionalisierung der deutschen Psychologie im Nationalsozialismus by Ulfried Geuter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702--704 Richard Handler Book Review: \booktitleAnthropology as Cultural Critique: An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences by George E. Marcus; Michael M. J. Fischer . . . . 704--705 Elie Feuerwerker Book Review: \booktitleOn the Causes of Fevers (1839) by William Budd; Dale C. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705--705 David Bearman Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Scurvy and Vitamin C. by Kenneth J. Carpenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705--706 Donald Fleming Book Review: \booktitlePenicillin: Meeting the Challenge by Gladys L. Hobby 706--707 Julia L. Epstein Book Review: \booktitleThe Captured Womb: A History of the Medical Care of Pregnant Women by Ann Oakley . . . . . . 707--708 Russell Maulitz Book Review: \booktitleHematology, the Blossoming of a Science: A Story of Inspiration and Effort by Maxwell M. Wintrobe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708--709 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleArcana mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds: A Collection of Ancient Texts by Georg Luck . . . . . . . . . . 709--710 Edith D. Sylla Book Review: \booktitleOn Maxima and Minima: Chapter 5 of Rules for Solving Sophismata, with an Anonymous Fourteenth-Century Discussion by William Heytesbury; John Longeway . . . . . . . 710--711 David A. King Book Review: \booktitlePlanispheric Astrolabes from the National Museum of American History by Sharon Gibbs; George Saliba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711--713 Michael S. Mahoney Book Review: \booktitleL'oeuvre algebrique d'al-Khayyam by Al-Khayyam; Roshdi Rashed; Ahmad Djebbar . . . . . . 713--713 G. J. Tee Book Review: \booktitleThe Algebra Geometrica of Paolo Bonasoni, ca. 1575: Being the Only Known Work of This Nearly Forgotten Renaissance Mathematician by Paolo Bonasoni; Robert Schmidt . . . . . 713--714 E. J. Aiton Book Review: \booktitleComplete Works. Volume III: Minor Works by Nicholas Copernicus; Pawel Czartoryski; Edward Rosen; Erna Hilfstein . . . . . . . . . 714--715 Margaret J. Osler Book Review: \booktitleIdeas, Qualities, and Corpuscles: Locke and Boyle on the External World by Peter Alexander . . . 715--716 Thomas L. Hankins Book Review: \booktitleOpera omnia. Series IV A: Commercium epistolicum. Volume VI: Correspondance de Leonhard Euler avec P.-L. M. de Maupertuis et Frederic II by Leonhard Euler; Pierre Costabel; Eduard Winter; Asot T. Grigorijan; Adolph P. Juskevic; Emil A. Fellmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716--717 B. J. T. Dobbs Book Review: \booktitlePhysics at the Royal Society during Newton's Presidency by J. L. Heilbron . . . . . . . . . . . 717--718 Andrew Fix Book Review: \booktitleReligious Origins of Modern Science: Belief in Creation in Seventeenth-Century Thought by Eugene M. Klaaren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718--719 Margaret C. Jacob Book Review: \booktitleLeviathan and the Air Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life by Steven Shapin; Simon Schaffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719--720 Barbara G. Beddall Book Review: \booktitleSir Francis Galton, padre de la eugenesia by Raquel Alvarez Pelaez . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720--721 David Philip Miller Book Review: \booktitleFaraday Rediscovered: Essays on the Life and Work of Michael Faraday, 1791--1867 by David Gooding; Frank A. J. L. James . . 721--722 L. Pearce Williams Book Review: \booktitleWranglers and Physicists: Studies on Cambridge Mathematical Physics in the Nineteenth Century by P. M. Harman . . . . . . . . 722--723 Frederick Gregory Book Review: \booktitleSamuel Thomas Soemmering und die Gelehrten der Goethezeit: Beitrage eines Symposiums in Mainz vom 19. bis 21. Mai 1983 by Gunter Mann; Franz Dumont . . . . . . . . . . . 723--724 Andrew D. Wilson Book Review: \booktitleFreud's Discovery of Psychoanalysis: The Politics of Hysteria by William J. McGrath . . . . . 724--725 Paul D. Sherman Book Review: \booktitle``Martyr of Science'': Sir David Brewster, 1781--1868 by A. D. Morrison-Low; J. R. R. Christie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725--726 Charlotte M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleThe Fort Tejon Letters, 1857--1859 by John Xantus; Ann Zwinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726--727 Frank M. Turner Book Review: \booktitleDarwin's Metaphor: Nature's Place in Victorian Culture by Robert M. Young . . . . . . . 727--728 Barbara A. Kimmelman Book Review: \booktitleA Gardener Touched with Genius: The Life of Luther Burbank by Peter Dreyer . . . . . . . . 728--729 Thaddeus J. Trenn Book Review: \booktitlePresidential Management of Science and Technology: The Johnson Presidency by W. Henry Lambright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729--730 Martin Harwit Book Review: \booktitleEarly History of Cosmic Ray Studies: Personal Reminiscences with Old Photographs by Yataro Sekido; Harry Elliot . . . . . . 730--731 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732--750 Anonymous Volume Information . . . . . . . . . . . 736--749
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--4 John Neu One Hundred Eleventh Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences . . . . . . 5--265 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266--266
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5 Joan L. Richards Augustus De Morgan, the History of Mathematics, and the Foundations of Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6--30 Yakov M. Rabkin Technological Innovation in Science: The Adoption of Infrared Spectroscopy by Chemists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31--54 Ernan McMullin Bruno and Copernicus . . . . . . . . . . 55--74 Arthur Donovan and George W. Stocking, Jr. and David Leary Symposia and Study Programs . . . . . . 75--79 Charles Webster Eloge: Charles Bernard Schmitt (1933--1986) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80--81 Owen Hannaway Book Review: \booktitleBetween the Library and the Laboratory: The Language of Chemistry in Eighteenth-Century France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82--85 Karen Reeds Book Review: \booktitleDioscorides on Pharmacy and Medicine . . . . . . . . . 85--88 Nicholas Steneck Book Review: \booktitleThe Light of Nature: Essays in the History and Philosophy of Science Presented to A. C. Crombie by J. D. North; J. J. Roche . . 89--89 Vernard Foley Book Review: \booktitleBronze Age, Greek and Roman Technology: A Select, Annotated Bibliography by John Peter Oleson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89--90 Stephen Cutcliffe Book Review: \booktitleAccounts of European Science, Technology, and Medicine Written by American Travelers Abroad, 1735--1860, in the Collections of the American Philosophical Society by Darwin Stapleton . . . . . . . . . . . . 90--91 Edward T. Morman Book Review: \booktitleThe Truman G. Blocker, Jr., History of Medicine Collections: Books and Manuscripts by Larry J. Wygant . . . . . . . . . . . . 92--92 Theodore M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleWho's Who in Economics: A Biographical Dictionary of Major Economists, 1700--1986 by Mark Blaug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92--93 John H. Brooke Book Review: \booktitleThe Politics and Rhetoric of Scientific Method: Historical Studies by John A. Schuster; Richard R. Yeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93--94 Robert A. Divine Book Review: \booktitleBan the Bomb: A History of SANE, the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy; 1957--1985 by Milton Katz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94--95 Joseph N. Tatarewicz Book Review: \booktitleThe University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory: Its Founding and Early Years by Ewen A. Whitaker . . . . . . . . . . 95--96 Jane A. Miller Book Review: \booktitleHypatia's Heritage: A History of Women in Science from Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century by Margaret Alic . . . . . . . . . . . . 96--97 Samuel C. Florman Book Review: \booktitleSocial Responses to Technological Change by Augustine Brannigan; Sheldon Goldenberg . . . . . 97--98 Philip L. Cantelon Book Review: \booktitleInsuring against Disaster: The Nuclear Industry on Trial by John W. Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . 98--99 Bruce Lewenstein Book Review: \booktitleThe Nemesis Affair: A Story of the Death of Dinosaurs and the Ways of Science by David M. Raup . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99--100 Stephen J. Weininger Book Review: \booktitleLanguages of Nature: Critical Essays on Science and Literature by Ludmilla Jordanova . . . . 100--101 Robert W. Smith Book Review: \booktitleCosmological Constants: Papers in Modern Cosmology by Jeremy Bernstein; Gerald Feinberg . . . 101--101 Erna Hilfstein Book Review: \booktitleLas quimeras de los cielos: Aspectos epistemologicos de la revolucion copernicana by Alberto Elena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101--102 Yasu Furukawa Book Review: \booktitleHistory of Polyolefins: The World's Most Widely Used Polymers by Raymond B. Seymour; Tai Cheng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102--103 G. S. Dunbar Book Review: \booktitleA Short History of Geomorphology by Keith J. Tinkler . . 103--103 Mott T. Greene Book Review: \booktitleThe Dark Side of the Earth by Robert Muir Wood . . . . . 103--105 Calvin Martin Book Review: \booktitleEcological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900--1900 by Alfred W. Crosby 105--106 William J. Hagan, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleMicrocosmos: Four Billion Years of Microbial Evolution by Lynn Margulis; Dorion Sagan; \booktitleOrigins: A Skeptic's Guide to the Creation of Life on Earth by Robert Shapiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106--107 William R. Woodward Book Review: \booktitleUrmanuskript ``Über das Gedachtniss'' 1880 by Hermann Ebbinghaus; \booktitleExperimental-psychologische Apparate und Methoden: Die Austellung bei dem 1. Kongress für experimentelle Psychologie 1904 by Robert Sommer; \booktitleGeschichte für die Gegenwart: Vortrage und Aufsatze zur Psychologiegeschichte by Werner Traxel 108--108 Thomas F. Gieryn Book Review: \booktitleJournal of Social Issues, Volume 42, Number 1. Fifty Years of Psychology and Social Issues by Benjamin Harris; Rhoda K. Unger; Ross Stagner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109--110 Joan Mark Book Review: \booktitleHistory, Evolution, and the Concept of Culture: Selected Papers by Alexander Lesser; Sidney W. Mintz . . . . . . . . . . . . 110--111 Ronald L. Numbers Book Review: \booktitleMasters of Madness: Social Origins of the American Psychiatric Profession by Constance M. McGovern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111--112 Jonathan Barry Book Review: \booktitleMedicine and Industrial Society: A History of Hospital Development in Manchester and Its Region, 1752--1946 by John V. Pickstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112--113 J. V. Pickstone Book Review: \booktitleHospital Life in Enlightenment Scotland: Care and Teaching at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh by Guenter B. Risse . . . . . 113--113 Roy Porter Book Review: \booktitleThe Age of Agony: The Art of Healing, c. 1700--1800 by Guy Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113--114 Michael S. Mahoney Book Review: \booktitleIBM's Early Computers by Charles J. Bashe; Lyle R. Johnson; John H. Palmer; Emerson W. Pugh 114--115 George Wise Book Review: \booktitleImagining Tomorrow: History, Technology, and the American Future by Joseph J. Corn . . . 115--117 Paul B. Israel Book Review: \booktitleThe History of N. V. Philips' Gloelampenfabrieken. Volume I: The Origin of the Dutch Incandescent Lamp Industry by A. Heerding; Derek S. Jordan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117--118 Carl W. Condit Book Review: \booktitleThe Railway Station: A Social History by Jeffrey Richards; John M. MacKenzie . . . . . . 118--119 Ruth Schwartz Cowan Book Review: \booktitleThe Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology by Langdon Winner . . 119--120 Alexander Jones Book Review: \booktitleLe ``Grand commentaire'' de Theon d'Alexandrie aux Tables faciles de Ptolemee, Livre I: Histoire du texte, edition critique, traduction by Theon of Alexandria; Joseph Mogenet; Anne Tihon . . . . . . . 120--121 Katherine H. Tachau Book Review: \booktitleThe Physics of William of Ockham by Andre Goddu . . . . 121--122 Bert S. Hall Book Review: \booktitleScience and Technology in Medieval Society by Pamela O. Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122--124 Jerome Taylor Book Review: \booktitleThe Intellectual Revolution in Twelfth-Century Europe by Tina Stiefel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124--126 Inci A. Bowman Book Review: \booktitleSymposium on Byzantine Medicine by John Scarborough 126--126 Thomas F. Glick Book Review: \booktitleWestern Science in the Arab World: The Impact of Darwinism, 1860--1930 by Adel A. Ziadat 126--127 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleReligious Healing in the Veda by Kenneth G. Zysk . . . . . 127--128 Daniel Garber Book Review: \booktitleDiscours de la methode pour bien conduire sa raison et chercher la verite dans les sciences, plus la Dioptrique, les Meteores, et la Geometrie qui son des essais de cete methode by Rene Descartes; Jean-Robert Armogathe; Vincent Carraud . . . . . . . 128--129 Lisa Jardine Book Review: \booktitleFrancis Bacon: Terminologia e fortuna nel XVII secolo by Marta Fattori . . . . . . . . . . . . 129--130 James R. Jacob Book Review: \booktitleGuilford Review, Spring 1986, Volume 23, Number 1. Perspectives on the Seventeenth-Century World of Viscountess Anne Conway by Carol Stoneburner; O. Theodor Benfey; Robert Kraus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130--131 Margaret J. Osler Book Review: \booktitleCausa e spiegazione: La fisica de Pierre Gassendi by Marco Messeri . . . . . . . 131--131 Anders Lundgren Book Review: \booktitleTorbern Bergman: A Man Before His Time by J. A. Schufle 131--132 Frederick Gregory Book Review: \booktitleThe Other Mind of Europe: Goethe as a Scientist by J. P. S. Uberoi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132--132 Barbara Melosh Book Review: \booktitleFlorence Nightingale: Saint, Reformer or Rebel? by Raymond G. Hebert . . . . . . . . . . 132--133 Richard L. Kremer Book Review: \booktitleThe Papers of Joseph Henry. Volume V: The Princeton Years: January 1841--December 1843 by Joseph Henry; Nathan Reingold; Marc Rothenberg; Kathleen W. Dorman; Paul H. Theerman; Arthur P. Molella; Joan F. Steiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133--134 Pat Munday Book Review: \booktitleThe Letters from Gerrit Jan Mulder to Justus Liebig (1838--1846) by Gerrit Jan Mulder; H. A. M. Snelders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135--135 James Hoopes Book Review: \booktitleWilliam James: His Life and Thought by Gerald E. Myers 135--137 John S. Rigden Book Review: \booktitleReflections of a Physicist by Anatole Abragam . . . . . . 137--137 John P. Swann Book Review: \booktitleThe Life of Ernst Chain: Penicillin and Beyond by Ronald W. Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137--138 David K. Allison Book Review: \booktitleSeek and Strike: Sonar, Anti-Submarine Warfare and the Royal Navy, 1914--1954 by Willem Hackmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138--139 Sally Smith Hughes Book Review: \booktitleRadiant Science, Dark Politics: A Memoir of the Nuclear Age by Martin D. Kamen . . . . . . . . . 139--140 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--144
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145--151 Edward Grant Celestial Orbs in the Latin Middle Ages 152--173 Londa Schiebinger Maria Winkelmann at the Berlin Academy: A Turning Point for Women in Science . . 174--200 Annie Petit Claude Bernard and the History of Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201--219 Frederic L. Holmes Scientific Writing and Scientific Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220--235 Lorraine J. Daston and Michael S. Mahoney and Edith D. Sylla and Frederick Gregory Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society 23--26 October 1986 . . . . . . 236--239 William Coleman 1986 Sarton Medal Citation . . . . . . . 239--241 Anonymous Donors to and Supporters of the Fund Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--243 Jed Z. Buchwald Book Review: \booktitleIntellectual Mastery of Nature: Theoretical Physics from Ohm to Einstein . . . . . . . . . . 244--249 William Montgomery Book Review: \booktitleThe Darwinian Heritage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249--252 David K. Allison Book Review: \booktitlePublic History: An Introduction by Barbara J. Howe; Emory L. Kemp . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253--253 David Bearman Book Review: \booktitleEssays of an Information Scientist. Volume VIII: 1985: Ghostwriting and Other Essays by Eugene Garfield . . . . . . . . . . . . 253--254 Otto Theodor Benfey Book Review: \booktitleDiamond Dealers and Feather Merchants: Tales from the Sciences by Irving M. Klotz . . . . . . 254--255 Sal Restivo Book Review: \booktitleDialogues with Scientists and Sages: The Search for Unity by Renee Weber . . . . . . . . . . 255--256 G. Terry Sharrer Book Review: \booktitleBibliography of Publications by the Faculty, Staff, and Students of the University of California, 1876--1980, on Grapes, Wines, and Related Subjects by Maynard A. Amerine; Herman Phaff . . . . . . . . 256--256 Clayton R. Koppes Book Review: \booktitleThe Frank J. Malina Collection at the California Institute of Technology: Guide to a Microfiche Edition by Judith R. Goodstein; Carol H. Buge . . . . . . . . 256--257 Alice Stroup Book Review: \booktitleHerbals and Closely Related Medico-Botanical Works, 1472--1753 by Sally Haines Hocker . . . 257--257 Steven J. Dick Book Review: \booktitleThe Extraterrestrial Life Debate, 1750--1900: The Idea of a Plurality of Worlds from Kant to Lowell by Michael Crowe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257--259 John Lyon Book Review: \booktitleThe Identification of Progress in Learning by Torsten Hagerstrand . . . . . . . . . 259--259 Lynn S. Joy Book Review: \booktitleDescartes's Gambit by Peter J. Markie . . . . . . . 259--260 Ernan McMullin Book Review: \booktitleIs Science Progressive? by Ilkka Niiniluoto . . . . 260--261 David Philip Miller Book Review: \booktitleThe Botanists: A History of the Botanical Society of the British Isles through a Hundred and Fifty Years by David Elliston Allen . . 261--263 Robert E. Kohler Book Review: \booktitleInventing the NIH: Federal Biomedical Research Policy, 1887--1937 by Victoria A. Harden . . . . 263--264 Jane Lewis Book Review: \booktitleHealth Policies, Health Politics: The British and American Experience, 1911--1965 by Daniel M. Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264--265 Henrika Kuklick Book Review: \booktitleProfessional Powers: A Study of the Institutionalization of Formal Knowledge by Eliot Freidson . . . . . . . . . . . 265--266 Knut H. Sorensen Book Review: \booktitleRadical Science Essays by Les Levidow . . . . . . . . . 266--267 John R. Durant Book Review: \booktitleThe Evolution of Darwin's Religious Views by Frank Burch Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267--268 Stanley Goldberg Book Review: \booktitleEinstein as Myth and Muse by Alan J. Friedman; Carol C. Donley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268--269 Frank M. Turner Book Review: \booktitleGod and Nature: Historical Essays on the Encounter between Christianity and Science by David C. Lindberg; Ronald L. Numbers . . 269--270 James R. Moore Book Review: \booktitleEvolution and Creation by Ernan McMullin . . . . . . . 270--271 Erna Hilfstein Book Review: \booktitleMathemata: Festschrift für Helmuth Gericke by Menso Folkerts; Uta Lindgren . . . . . . . . . 271--272 Lorraine Daston Book Review: \booktitleThe Rise of Statistical Thinking, 1820--1900 by Theodore M. Porter . . . . . . . . . . . 272--274 Nancy Cartwright Book Review: \booktitleThe Shaky Game: Einstein, Reality, and the Quantum Theory by Arthur Fine . . . . . . . . . 274--275 Deborah Jean Warner Book Review: \booktitleShort Guide to Modern Star Names and Their Derivations by Paul Kunitzsch; Tim Smart . . . . . . 275--275 Robert Friedel Book Review: \booktitlePolymer Pioneers: A Popular History of the Science and Technology of Large Molecules by Peter J. T. Morris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275--276 David Cahan Book Review: \booktitlePhysics for a New Century: Papers Presented at the 1904 St. Louis Congress by Katherine R. Sopka 276--277 R. P. Multhauf Book Review: \booktitleFuller's Earth: A History of Calcium Montmorillonite by Robert H. S. Robertson . . . . . . . . . 277--278 Karen Reeds Book Review: \booktitlePrintmaking in the Service of Botany: Catalogue of an Exhibition by Gavin D. R. Bridson; Donald E. Wendel; James M. White . . . . 278--278 Marcia Pointon Book Review: \booktitleCatalogue of the Natural History Drawings Commissioned by Joseph Banks on the Endeavour Voyage, 1768--1771, Held in the British Museum (Natural History). Part 3: Zoology by Alwyne Wheeler . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278--280 Gisela Kutzbach Book Review: \booktitleNamias Symposium by John O. Roads . . . . . . . . . . . . 280--281 William H. Goetzmann Book Review: \booktitleMagnificent Voyagers: The U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1838--1842 by Herman J. Viola; Carolyn Margolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281--282 Rodney G. Triplet Book Review: \booktitleOne Hundred Years of Psychological Research in America: G. Stanley Hall and the Johns Hopkins Tradition by Stewart H. Hulse; Bert F. Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282--283 Elizabeth Lomax Book Review: \booktitleHistory and Research in Child Development by Alice Boardman Smuts; John W. Hagen . . . . . 283--283 Alan Sica Book Review: \booktitleRobert K. Merton: An Intellectual Portrait by Piotr Sztompka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283--285 Mary E. Fissell Book Review: \booktitleNo Magic Bullet: A Social History of Venereal Disease in the United States since 1800, with a New Chapter on AIDS by Allan M. Brandt . . . 285--285 W. F. Bynum Book Review: \booktitleThe Decline of the Old Medical Regime in Stuart London by Harold J. Cook . . . . . . . . . . . 285--286 Martha H. Verbrugge Book Review: \booktitle``Hydropathic Highway to Health'': Women and Water-Cure in Antebellum America by Jane B. Donegan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286--288 Elizabeth Fee Book Review: \booktitleIn the Patient's Best Interest: Women and the Politics of Medical Decisions by Sue Fisher . . . . 288--288 Margaret W. Andrews Book Review: \booktitlePrivate Practice, Public Payment: Canadian Medicine and the Politics of Health Insurance, 1911--1966 by C. David Naylor . . . . . 288--289 David Rosner Book Review: \booktitleThe Effects of Arts, Trades, and Professions on Health and Longevity by Charles Turner Thackrah 289--290 Jane B. Donegan Book Review: \booktitleMidwives in History and Society by Jean Towler; Joan Bramall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290--291 Edmund N. Todd Book Review: \booktitleMonopoly's Moment: The Organization and Regulation of Canadian Utilities, 1830--1930 by Christopher Armstrong; H. V. Nelles . . 291--292 W. David Lewis Book Review: \booktitleThe Golden Age of the Great Passenger Airships: Graf Zeppelin and Hindenburg by Harold G. Dick; Douglas H. Robinson . . . . . . . 292--293 John H. Morrow, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleThe Official History of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Volume II: The Creation of a National Air Force by W. A. B. Douglas . . . . . 293--294 Joseph W. Slade Book Review: \booktitleThe Social History of the Machine Gun by John Ellis 294--295 A. Rupert Hall Book Review: \booktitleFirearms and Fortifications: Military Architecture and Siege Warfare in Sixteenth-Century Siena by Simon Pepper; Nicholas Adams 295--296 Ruth Schwartz Cowan Book Review: \booktitleThe Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology by Langdon Winner . . 296--297 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleStudi su papiri greci di logica e medicina by W. Cavini; M. C. Donnini Maccio; M. S. Funghi; D. Manetti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297--298 Vernard Foley Book Review: \booktitleProduction and Exchange of Stone Tools: Prehistoric Obsidian in the Aegean by Robin Torrence 298--299 Edward Peters Book Review: \booktitleMedieval Cosmology: Theories of Infinity, Place, Time, Void, and the Plurality of Worlds by Pierre Duhem; Roger Ariew . . . . . . 299--300 John L. Gueriguian Book Review: \booktitleBark' Galianosi: The Greek-Armenian Dictionary to Galen by John A. C. Greppin . . . . . . . . . 300--301 Edith Sylla Book Review: \booktitlePseudo-Aristoteles Latinus: A Guide to Latin Works Falsely Attributed to Aristotle before 1500 by Charles B. Schmitt; Dilwyn Knox . . . . . . . . . . 301--301 Brian Vickers Book Review: \booktitlePic de la Mirandole: Contribution a la connaissance de l'humanisme philosophique renaissant by Jacques Queron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301--302 Michael S. Mahoney Book Review: \booktitleThe Pendulum Clock, or Geometrical Demonstration concerning the Motion of Pendula as Applied to Clocks by Christiaan Huygens; Richard J. Blackwell . . . . . . . . . . 302--303 William R. Shea Book Review: \booktitleCorrespondance du P. Marin Mersenne, religieux minime. Volume XVI: 1648 by P. Marin Mersenne; Cornelis de Waard; Armand Beaulieu . . . 303--304 Margaret J. Osler Book Review: \booktitleThe Natural Philosophy of Leibniz by Kathleen Okruhlik; James Robert Brown . . . . . . 304--305 J. H. Elliott Book Review: \booktitleSix Galleons for the King of Spain: Imperial Defense in the Early Seventeenth Century by Carla Rahn Phillips . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--306 Timothy Lenoir Book Review: \booktitleDokumente einer Freundschaft: Briefwechsel zwischen Hermann von Helmholtz und Emil du Bois-Reymond, 1846--1894 by Hermann von Helmholtz; Emil du Bois-Reymond; Christa Kirsten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306--307 Martin V. Melosi Book Review: \booktitleThe Politics of Energy Research and Development by John Byrne; Daniel Rich . . . . . . . . . . . 307--308 Henry Lowood Book Review: \booktitlePortraits of Success: Impressions of Silicon Valley Pioneers by Carolyn Caddes . . . . . . . 308--309 William J. Hagan, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleOrigins of Life by Freeman Dyson . . . . . . . . . . . . 309--310 Daniel P. Jones Book Review: \booktitleThe Poisonous Cloud: Chemical Warfare in the First World War by L. F. Haber . . . . . . . . 310--311 Ruth R. Harris Book Review: \booktitleGathering Rare Ores: The Diplomacy of Uranium Acquisition, 1943--1954 by Jonathan E. Helmreich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311--312 David F. Channell Book Review: \booktitleOne Hundred Years of Science and Technology in Texas: A Sigma Xi Centennial Volume by Leo J. Klosterman; Loyd S. Swenson,; Sylvia Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312--313 Daniel J. Kevles Book Review: \booktitleThe Militarization of Space: U.S. Policy, 1945--1984 by Paul B. Stares . . . . . . 313--314 Ann Hibner Koblitz Book Review: \booktitleWomen Scientists from Antiquity to the Present: An Index by Caroline L. Herzenberg; \booktitleWomen in Science, Antiquity through the Nineteenth Century: A Biographical Dictionary with Annotated Bibliography by Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie 315--316 Bruce R. Wheaton Book Review: \booktitleThe Bragg Family in Adelaide: A Pictorial Celebration by John Jenkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316--316 Joan L. Richards Book Review: \booktitleAlfred North Whitehead: The Man and His Work. Volume I: 1861--1910 by Victor Lowe . . . . . . 317--317 Lillian Hoddeson Book Review: \booktitleA Life in Science by Nevill Mott . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317--319 Garry J. Tee Book Review: \booktitleAda: A Life and a Legacy by Dorothy Stein . . . . . . . . 319--320 Joseph Ewan Book Review: \booktitleMartha Maxwell: Rocky Mountain Naturalist by Maxine Benson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320--321 Charlotte M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleA Yankee Botanist in the Carolinas: The Reverend Moses Ashley Curtis, D.D. (1808--1872) by Edmund Berkeley; Dorothy Smith Berkeley 321--321 Janet Browne Book Review: \booktitleCambridge and Clare by Harry Godwin . . . . . . . . . 322--322 Mott T. Greene Book Review: \booktitleThe Ocean of Truth: A Personal History of Global Tectonics by H. W. Menard . . . . . . . 322--324 Ursula B. Marvin Book Review: \booktitleAlfred Wegener: The Father of Continental Drift by Martin Schwarzbach; Carla Love . . . . . 324--325 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326--330
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331--335 Frederick B. Churchill From Heredity Theory to Vererbung: The Transmission Problem, 1850--1915 . . . . 336--364 Lynn Nyhart The Disciplinary Breakdown of German Morphology, 1870--1900 . . . . . . . . . 365--389 Jonathan Harwood National Styles in Science: Genetics in Germany and the United States between the World Wars . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390--414 Joseph Ewan Eloge: Frans Verdoorn, 24 July 1906--18 May 1984 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415--416 Steven Shapin Book Review: \booktitleThe Correspondence of Henry Oldenburg . . . 417--424 Andy Pickering Book Review: \booktitleThe Second Creation: Makers of the Revolution in Twentieth--Century Physics . . . . . . . 425--428 Eric H. Robinson Book Review: \booktitleEngines of Change: The American Industrial Revolution, 1790--1860 . . . . . . . . . 429--431 Deborah Fitzgerald Book Review: \booktitleThe Day the Universe Changed by James Burke . . . . 432--433 Marie Boas Hall Book Review: \booktitleLe edizioni dei testi filosofici e scientifici del '500 e del '600: Problemi di metodo e prospettive di ricerca by Guido Canziani; Gianni Paganini . . . . . . . 433--434 Joan Mark Book Review: \booktitle``The Proper Study of Mankind'': An Annotated Bibliography of Manuscript Sources on Anthropology and Archaeology in the Library of the American Philosophical Society by David K. van Keuren . . . . . 434--435 Paul Tiffany Book Review: \booktitleA Guide to Iron and Steel: Pictures in the Hagley Museum and Library by Jon M. Williams . . . . . 435--436 Edward Manier Book Review: \booktitleNeurophilosophy: Toward a Unified Science of the Mind-Brain by Patricia Smith Churchland 436--437 Andrew Lugg Book Review: \booktitleThe Arch of Knowledge: An Introductory Study of the History of the Philosophy and Methodology of Science by David Oldroyd 437--438 Brian Wynne Book Review: \booktitleThe Concept of Physical Law by Norman Swartz . . . . . 438--439 R. G. W. Anderson Book Review: \booktitleThe History and Preservation of Chemical Instrumentation by John T. Stock; Mary Virginia Orna . . 439--440 Sophie Forgan Book Review: \booktitleThe Royal Institution: An Informal History by Gwendy Caroe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440--441 Donald E. Osterbrock Book Review: \booktitleBig and Bright: A History of the McDonald Observatory by David S. Evans; J. Derral Mulholland . . 441--442 Philip J. Pauly Book Review: \booktitleDefining Biology: Lectures from the 1890s by Jane Maienschein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442--443 George Weisz Book Review: \booktitleL'histoire de l'enseignement, XIXe-XXe si\`ecles: Guide du chercheur by Jean--Pierre Briand; Penelope Caspard-Karydis; Jean-Michel Chapoulie; Therese Charmasson; Serge Chassagne; Alain Choppin; Martine Sonnet . . . . . . . . 443--444 Edith Sylla Book Review: \booktitleLogicae artis compendium by Robert Sanderson; E. J. Ashworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444--444 Jane Lewis Book Review: \booktitleMedical Care, Medical Costs: The Search for a Health Insurance Policy by Rashi Fein . . . . . 444--445 Barbara Melosh Book Review: \booktitleUnequal Colleagues: The Entrance of Women into the Professions, 1890--1940 by Penina Migdal Glazer; Miriam Slater . . . . . . 446--447 Gregg Mitman Book Review: \booktitleScience as Politics by Les Levidow . . . . . . . . 447--448 Robert Cuff Book Review: \booktitleTVA and the Tellico Dam, 1936--1979: A Bureaucratic Crisis in Post-Industrial America by William Bruce Wheeler; Michael J. McDonald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448--449 Clark A. Elliott Book Review: \booktitleFrancis Calley Gray and Art Collecting for America by Marjorie B. Cohn . . . . . . . . . . . . 449--450 Jeffrey L. Meikle Book Review: \booktitleThe Mechanic Muse by Hugh Kenner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450--450 Edward Lurie Book Review: \booktitleThe Rights of Memory: Essays on History, Science, and American Culture by Taylor Littleton . . 450--451 Jon H. Roberts Book Review: \booktitleWithout God, Without Creed: The Origins of Unbelief in America by James Turner . . . . . . . 451--452 Paul Forman Book Review: \booktitleBasic Bethe: Seminal Articles on Nuclear Physics, 1936--1937 by Hans A. Bethe; Robert F. Bacher; M. Stanley Livingston . . . . . 453--453 Robert E. Kohler Book Review: \booktitleEssays on the History of Organic Chemistry in the United States, 1875--1955 by Dean Stanley Tarbell; Ann Tracy Tarbell . . . 453--454 Gregory A. Good Book Review: \booktitleHistory of Geophysics. Volume II by C. Stewart Gillmor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454--455 William Glen Book Review: \booktitlePerspectives on a Dynamic Earth by T. R. Paton; J. Clarke 455--455 Richard Gillespie Book Review: \booktitleThe Ice: A Journey to Antarctica by Stephen J. Pyne 456--457 James R. Fleming Book Review: \booktitleMinerals, Lands, and Geology for the Common Defence and General Welfare. Volume III: 1904--1939 by Mary C. Rabbitt . . . . . . . . . . . 457--458 G. S. Dunbar Book Review: \booktitleDictionary of Quotations in Geography by James O. Wheeler; Francis M. Sibley . . . . . . . 458--459 Peter J. Bowler Book Review: \booktitleThe Piltdown Inquest by Charles Blinderman . . . . . 459--459 David K. van Keuren Book Review: \booktitleTheories of Human Evolution: A Century of Debate, 1844--1944 by Peter J. Bowler . . . . . 459--461 Howard L. Kaye Book Review: \booktitleEvolution and Social Life by Tim Ingold . . . . . . . 461--462 Joshua Lederberg Book Review: \booktitleApprentice to Genius: The Making of a Scientific Dynasty by Robert Kanigel . . . . . . . 462--463 William Montgomery Book Review: \booktitleThe Eye of Reason: Charles Darwin in Australasia by John Laurent; Margaret Campbell . . . . 463--463 Eugene Cittadino Book Review: \booktitleThe Ecologists: From Merry Naturalists to Saviours of the Nation by Thomas Soderqvist . . . . 463--464 Margaret Schabas Book Review: \booktitleLives of the Laureates: Seven Nobel Economists by William Breit; Roger W. Spencer . . . . 464--465 William Buxton Book Review: \booktitleThe Nationalization of the Social Sciences by Samuel Z. Klausner; Victor M. Lidz 465--466 Fred Matthews Book Review: \booktitleEvaluating Chicago Sociology: A Guide to the Literature, with an Annotated Bibliography by Lester R. Kurtz . . . . 466--467 Ernest R. Hilgard Book Review: \booktitleBehaviorism and Logical Positivism: A Reassessment of the Alliance by Laurence D. Smith . . . 467--468 Maris Vinovskis Book Review: \booktitleMedicine and American Growth, 1800--1860 by James H. Cassedy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468--469 Rima D. Apple Book Review: \booktitleBreasts, Bottles, and Babies: A History of Infant Feeding by Valerie A. Fildes . . . . . . . . . . 469--470 Timothy Lenoir Book Review: \booktitleDer Aufstieg der Arzte im 19. Jahrhundert: Vom gelehrten Stand zum professionellen Experten: Das Beispiel Preussens by Claudia Huerkamp 470--472 Robert S. Gottfried Book Review: \booktitleEpidemics and Mortality in Early Modern Japan by Ann Bowman Jannetta . . . . . . . . . . . . 472--473 Jane B. Donegan Book Review: \booktitleBrought to Bed: Childbearing in America, 1750--1950 by Judith Walzer Leavitt . . . . . . . . . 473--475 Seymour Melman Book Review: \booktitleMilitary Spending and Industrial Decline: A Study of the American Machine Tool Industry by Anthony DiFilippo . . . . . . . . . . . 475--476 Kristine Bruland Book Review: \booktitleTechnology, Innovation and Change by Brian Elliott 476--477 Robert Mark Book Review: \booktitleBuilding Construction before Mechanization by John Fitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477--478 Andre Millard Book Review: \booktitleElectrical Engineering: The Second Century Begins by Harlow Freitag . . . . . . . . . . . 478--479 Robert Maddin Book Review: \booktitleOut of the Fiery Furnace: The Impact of Metals on the History of Mankind by Robert Raymond . . 479--480 J. L. Pimlott Book Review: \booktitleFrom Waterloo to Balaclava: Tactics, Technology, and the British Army, 1815--1854 by Hew Strachan 480--481 Tom D. Crouch Book Review: \booktitleThe Wright Flyer: An Engineering Perspective by Howard S. Wolko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481--481 Robert C. Fuller Book Review: \booktitleEssays in Psychical Research by William James; Fredson Bowers; Ignas K. Skrupskelis . . 481--482 Bruce T. Moran Book Review: \booktitleDie Alchemie in der europaischen Kultur- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte by Christoph Meinel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482--483 Ron Westrum Book Review: \booktitleThe UFO Verdict: Examining the Evidence by Robert Sheaffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484--484 J. T. Vallance Book Review: \booktitleAristotle on Nature and Living Things: Philosophical and Historical Studies Presented to David M. Balme on His Seventieth Birthday by Allan Gotthelf . . . . . . . 484--485 Steven J. Livesey Book Review: \booktitlePseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages: The Theology and Other Texts by Jill Kraye; W. F. Ryan; C. B. Schmitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485--486 George Ovitt, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleHorses, Oxen, and Technological Innovation: The Use of Draught Animals in English Farming from 1066 to 1500 by John Langdon . . . . . . 486--487 Clara Sue Kidwell Book Review: \booktitleNative American Mathematics by Michael P. Closs . . . . 487--488 Arthur Donovan Book Review: \booktitleA Hotbed of Genius: The Scottish Enlightenment, 1730--1790 by David Daiches; Peter Jones; Jean Jones . . . . . . . . . . . 488--490 Alan E. Shapiro Book Review: \booktitleThe Newton Handbook by Derek Gjertsen . . . . . . . 490--490 Dena Goodman Book Review: \booktitleRousseau, Nature, and History by Asher Horowitz . . . . . 490--491 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitleLa rana ambigua: La controversia sull'elettricita animale tra Galvani e Volta by Marcello Pera . . 491--492 Eric Mendoza Book Review: \booktitleReflexions on the Motive Power of Fire: A Critical Edition with the Surviving Manuscripts by Sadi Carnot; Robert Fox . . . . . . . . . . . 492--493 Elting E. Morison Book Review: \booktitleThe Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Henry Latrobe Volume II:1805--1810 by Benjamin Henry Latrobe; John C. Van Horne; Lee W. Formwalt; Darwin Stapleton; Jeffrey A. Cohen . . . 493--494 Christopher Hamlin Book Review: \booktitlePollution and Control: A Social History of the Thames in the Nineteenth Century by Bill Luckin 494--495 Robert Bud Book Review: \booktitleLancastrian Chemist: The Early Years of Sir Edward Frankland by Colin A. Russell . . . . . 495--496 Steven J. Dick Book Review: \booktitleThe Tucson Meteorites: Their History from Frontier Arizona to the Smithsonian by Richard R. Willey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496--497 Fraser J. Harbutt Book Review: \booktitleBritain's Nuclear Arms Control Policy in the Context of Anglo--American Relations, 1957--68 by J. P. G. Freeman . . . . . . . . . . . . 497--498 Henry Lowood Book Review: \booktitleThe Big Score: The Billion Dollar Story of Silicon Valley by Michael S. Malone . . . . . . 498--498 Hans-Joachim Braun Book Review: \booktitleDiesel: Technology and Society in Industrial Germany by Donald E. Thomas . . . . . . 498--499 Donald J. McGraw Book Review: \booktitleHoward Florey: Penicillin and After by Trevor I. Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499--500 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501--506
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507--513 Charles Rosenberg Editorial: Isis at Seventy-Five . . . . 514--517 David C. Lindberg Science as Handmaiden: Roger Bacon and the Patristic Tradition . . . . . . . . 518--536 Daniel P. Todes Darwin's Malthusian Metaphor and Russian Evolutionary Thought, 1859--1917 . . . . 537--551 J. L. Heilbron Applied History of Science . . . . . . . 552--563 William Newman and Issac Newton Newton's Clavis as Starkey's Key . . . . 564--574 Gad Freudenthal The Historian of Science's Guide to France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575--575 Ellis W. Hawley and Robert E. Kohler and Nathan Reingold Book Review: \booktitleScience in the Federal Government: A History of Policies and Activities . . . . . . . . 576--589 Bernard Barber Book Review: \booktitleLittle Science, Big Science, by Derek J. de Solla Price\ldots and Beyond . . . . . . . . . 589--591 Simon Baatz Book Review: \booktitleScience and Society in Early America: Essays in Honor of Whitfield J. Bell, Jr. by Randolph S. Klein . . . . . . . . . . . 592--593 Richard W. Burkhardt, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleA Concordance to Darwin's The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals by Paul Barrett; Donald J. Weinshank; Paul Ruhlen; Stephen J. Ozminski; Barbara N. Berghage 593--594 Edward T. Morman Book Review: \booktitleManuscripts of the Dibner Collection in the Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology of the Smithsonian Institution Libraries . . . . . . . . . 594--595 Svante Lindqvist Book Review: \booktitleThe Machine in the University: Sample Course Syllabi for the History of Technology and Technology Studies by Terry S. Reynolds 595--596 Marc Rothenberg Book Review: \booktitleA Guide to Documentary Editing by Mary-Jo Kline . . 596--597 Jay David Bolter Book Review: \booktitleMachines and Intelligence: A Critique of Arguments against the Possibility of Artificial Intelligence by Stuart Goldkind . . . . 597--597 Peter Dear Book Review: \booktitleDer cartesische Materialismus, Maschine, Gesetz und Simulation: Eine Studie der intensionalen Ontologie der Naturwissenschaft by Gisela Loeck . . . 597--598 Theodore M. Brown Book Review: \booktitleDisease and Discovery: A History of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, 1916--1939 by Elizabeth Fee . . 598--600 Stuart W. Leslie Book Review: \booktitleVolume I: The Founding Years: The New Frontier by Weldon B. Gibson; SRI. Volume II: The Take-Off Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600--602 Joseph W. Dauben Book Review: \booktitleAbrege d'histoire des mathematiques, 1700--1900 by Jean Dieudonne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602--602 David K. Allison Book Review: \booktitlePapers of John von Neumann on Computing and Computer Theory by John von Neumann; William Aspray; Arthur Burks . . . . . . . . . . 603--603 Joseph N. Tatarewicz Book Review: \booktitleThe Analysis of Starlight: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Astronomical Spectroscopy by J. B. Hearnshaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603--604 Allan A. Needell Book Review: \booktitleBlack-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity, 1894--1912 by Thomas S. Kuhn . . . . . . 604--605 Roger H. Stuewer Book Review: \booktitleThe Particle Hunters by Yuval Ne'eman; Yoram Kirsh 605--605 Yasu Furukawa Book Review: \booktitleHigh Performance Polymers: Their Origin and Development by Raymond B. Seymour; Gerald S. Kirshenbaum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605--606 Don Howard Book Review: \booktitleMach I, Mach II, Einstein und die Relativitatstheorie: Eine Falschung und ihre Folgen by Gereon Wolters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606--607 Ron Westrum Book Review: \booktitleCosmic Debris: Meteorites in History by John G. Burke 607--608 Kenneth L. Taylor Book Review: \booktitleTime's Arrow, Time's Cycle: Myth and Metaphor in the Discovery of Geological Time by Stephen Jay Gould . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608--609 Charles C. Gillispie Book Review: \booktitleCartography in France, 1660--1848: Science, Engineering, and Statecraft by Josef Konvitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609--611 Anita McConnell Book Review: \booktitleA Brief History of Geomagnetism and a Catalog of the Collection of the National Museum of American History by Robert P. Multhauf; Gregory Good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611--612 John Farley Book Review: \booktitleAux sources de la biologie. Volume II: Les théories de la génération apr\`es la renaissance: La cytologie et la génétique by Rejane Bernier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612--612 David E. Allen Book Review: \booktitleA History of Shell Collecting by S. Peter Dance . . . 612--613 Edward Yoxen Book Review: \booktitleBiotechnology: The University-Industrial Complex by Martin Kenney . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613--614 Allan Larson Book Review: \booktitleThe Dialectical Biologist by Richard Levins; Richard Lewontin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614--615 Linda Bryder Book Review: \booktitleThe White Plague: Tuberculosis, Man, and Society by Rene Dubos; Jean Dubos . . . . . . . . . . . 615--616 Jacques M. Quen Book Review: \booktitleMelancholia and Depression: From Hippocratic Times to Modern Times by Stanley W. Jackson . . . 617--618 Samuel B. Thielman Book Review: \booktitleChanging Faces of Madness: Early American Attitudes and Treatment of the Insane by Mary Ann Jimenez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618--619 Jacalyn M. Duffin Book Review: \booktitleHistoire des medecins et pharmaciens de Marine et des Colonies by Pierre Pluchon . . . . . . . 619--620 Deborah C. Brunton Book Review: \booktitleThe Eighteenth-Century Campaign to Avoid Disease by James C. Riley . . . . . . . 620--621 Kenneth M. Ludmerer Book Review: \booktitleThe Therapeutic Perspective: Medical Practice, Knowledge, and Identity in America, 1820--1885 by John Harley Warner . . . . 621--622 Martin Collins Book Review: \booktitleHistory of Rocketry and Astronautics: Proceedings of the Third through the Sixth History Symposia of the International Academy of Astronautics by R. Cargill Hall . . . . 622--623 F. E. C. Culick Book Review: \booktitleAnother Icarus: Percy Pilcher and the Quest for Flight by Philip Jarrett . . . . . . . . . . . 623--624 Richard S. Rosenbloom Book Review: \booktitleFast Forward: Hollywood, the Japanese, and the Onslaught of the VCR by James Lardner 624--625 Larry Owens Book Review: \booktitleA History of Computing Technology by Michael R. Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625--626 Reynold M. Wik Book Review: \booktitleFordson, Farmall, and Poppin' Johnny: A History of the Farm Tractor and Its Impact on America by Robert C. Williams . . . . . . . . . 626--626 Emory L. Kemp Book Review: \booktitleBuilding Bridges: History, Technology, Construction by Hans Wittfoht; Edward Kluttz . . . . . . 627--628 Marjorie N. Boyer Book Review: \booktitleHarvesting the Air: Windmill Pioneers in Twelfth-Century England by Edward J. Kealey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628--629 Joan Cadden Book Review: \booktitleThe Ages of Man: Medieval Interpretations of the Life Cycle by Elizabeth Sears . . . . . . . . 629--630 A. George Molland Book Review: \booktitleRobert Grosseteste: The Growth of an English Mind in Medieval Europe by R. W. Southern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630--631 Charles Webster Book Review: \booktitleReligion and Neoplatonism in Renaissance Medicine by Walter Pagel; Marianne Winder; \booktitleFrom Paracelsus to Van Helmont: Studies in Renaissance Medicine and Science by Walter Pagel; Marianne Winder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631--632 Christopher Hill Book Review: \booktitleHobbes by Tom Sorell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632--634 William R. Shea Book Review: \booktitleLa vita e le opere di Giovan Battista Hodierna by Mario Pavone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634--634 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitleGalileo Galilei: Toward a Resolution of 350 Years of Debate--1633--1983 by Paul Cardinal Poupard; Pope John Paul; Ian Campbell 634--635 James E. McClellan, III Book Review: \booktitleMadame du Chatelet: Scientist, Philosopher, and Feminist of the Enlightenment by Esther Ehrman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635--636 Roger Hahn Book Review: \booktitleScience and the Enlightenment by Thomas L. Hankins . . . 636--637 J. A. Bennett Book Review: \booktitleBenjamin Martin: Author, Instrument-Maker and ``Country Showman'': Supplement by John R. Millburn; Retailer of the Sciences: Benjamin Martin's Scientific Instrument Catalogues, 1756--1782 by John R. Millburn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637--638 Frederick Gregory Book Review: \booktitleGoethe and the Sciences: A Reappraisal by Frederick Amrine; Francis J. Zucker; Harvey Wheeler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638--639 Frederick B. Churchill Book Review: \booktitleAutobiography of Dr. Karl Ernst von Baer by Karl Ernst von Baer; Jane M. Oppenheimer . . . . . 639--640 William R. Woodward Book Review: \booktitleDas Spiel der Gegensatze: Friedrich Engels' Philosophie und die Wissenschaften des 19. Jahrhunderts by Sven-Eric Liedman; Michael Tabukasch . . . . . . . . . . . 640--641 Roy Porter Book Review: \booktitleGentlemen of Science: Early Correspondence of the British Association for the Advancement of Science by Jack Morrell; Arnold Thackray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641--642 Bonnie Ellen Blustein Book Review: \booktitleThe Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted. Volume IV: Defending the Union: The Civil War and the U.S. Sanitary Commission, 1861--1863 by Frederick Law Olmsted; Jane Turner Censer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642--643 Andy Pickering Book Review: \booktitleThe Life It Brings: One Physicist's Beginnings by Jeremy Bernstein . . . . . . . . . . . . 643--644 Alex Soojung-Kim Pang Book Review: \booktitleClipped Wings: The American SST Conflict by Mel Horwitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644--645 John M. Logsdon Book Review: \booktitleThe Space Station: A Personal Journey by Hans Mark 645--646 Steve J. Heims Book Review: \booktitleCollected Works with Commentaries. Volume IV: Cybernetics, Science, and Society; Ethics, Aesthetics, and Literary Criticism; Book Reviews and Obituaries by Norbert Wiener; P. Masani . . . . . . 646--647 David A. Hollinger Book Review: \booktitleBeyond the Laboratory: Scientists as Political Activists in 1930s America by Peter J. Kuznick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647--648 S. Holly Stocking Book Review: \booktitleThe Science Critic: A Critical Analysis of the Popular Presentation of Science by Maurice Goldsmith . . . . . . . . . . . 648--649 Patricia Woolf Book Review: \booktitleA Difficult Balance: Editorial Peer Review in Medicine by Stephen Lock . . . . . . . . 649--650 Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette Book Review: \booktitleSelling Science: How the Press Covers Science and Technology by Dorothy Nelkin . . . . . . 650--652 Thomas L. Drucker Book Review: \booktitleWomen of Mathematics: A Biobibliographic Sourcebook by Louise S. Grinstein; Paul J. Campbell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652--653 Mary E. Fissell Book Review: \booktitle``To Toil the Livelong Day'': America's Women at Work, 1798--1980 by Carol Groneman; Mary Beth Norton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653--653 Marilyn Ogilvie Book Review: \booktitleWomen of Science, Technology, and Medicine: A Bibliography by Else Hoyrup . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654--654 Judith Walzer Leavitt Book Review: \booktitleWomen Doctors in Gilded-Age Washington: Race, Gender, and Professionalization by Gloria Moldow . . 654--656 David Rosner Book Review: \booktitleThe Hawk's Nest Incident: America's Worst Industrial Disaster by Martin Cherniack . . . . . . 656--657 Christopher Lawrence Book Review: \booktitleNervous Juyces and the Feeling Heart: The Growth of Sensibility in the Novels of Tobias Smollett by Susan Bourgeois . . . . . . 657--658 Ralph Dumain Book Review: \booktitleSongs from Unsung Worlds: Science in Poetry by Bonnie Bilyeu Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658--659 G. S. Rousseau Book Review: \booktitleErasmus Darwin and the Romantic Poets by Desmond King-Hele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659--660 John Lyon Book Review: \booktitleChesterton, a Seer of Science by Stanley L. Jaki . . . 660--661 Susan J. Douglas Book Review: \booktitleShifting Gears: Technology, Literature, Culture in Modernist America by Cecelia Tichi . . . 661--662 Edward J. Larson Book Review: \booktitleThe Wisdom of Science: Its Relevance to Culture and Religion by Hanbury Brown . . . . . . . 662--663 Muriel L. Blaisdell Book Review: \booktitleDarwinism and Divinity: Essays on Evolution and Religious Belief by John Durant . . . . 663--664 Francis Oakley Book Review: \booktitleTheology and the Scientific Imagination from the Middle Ages to the Seventeenth Century by Amos Funkenstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664--665 Cesar Cuello Book Review: \booktitleTechnology: Philosophical and Social Aspects by Joseph Agassi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665--666 Stephen H. Cutcliffe Book Review: \booktitleTechnological Change and the Transformation of America by Steven E. Goldberg; Charles R. Strain 666--667 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668--690 Anonymous Volume Information . . . . . . . . . . . 673--685
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--4 John Neu One Hundred Twelfth Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences . . . . . . 5--274 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5 Gerald L. Geison and James A. Secord Pasteur and the Process of Discovery: The Case of Optical Isomerism . . . . . 6--36 Russell McCormmach Henry Cavendish on the Theory of Heat 37--67 Christoph Meinel Early Seventeenth-Century Atomism: Theory, Epistemology, and the Insufficiency of Experiment . . . . . . 68--103 Peter J. Bowler Book Review: \booktitleVictorian Anthropology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104--107 Alan Sica Book Review: \booktitleNew School: A History of the New School for Social Research by Peter M. Rutkoff; William B. Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108--109 Theodore M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleThe Search for a Methodology of Social Science: Durkheim, Weber, and the Nineteenth-Century Problem of Cause, Probability, and Action by Stephen P. Turner . . . . . . 109--110 John A. Popplestone Book Review: \booktitleThe Shaping of Modern Psychology: An Historical Introduction by L. S. Hearnshaw . . . . 110--111 James H. Capshew Book Review: \booktitlePsychology in America: A Historical Survey by Ernest R. Hilgard; \booktitleA History of Psychology: Main Currents in Psychological Thought by Thomas Hardy Leahey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111--112 Marc De Mey Book Review: \booktitlePiaget's Theory of Knowledge: Genetic Epistemology and Scientific Reason by Richard F. Kitchener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112--114 Rosalind Rosenberg Book Review: \booktitleUntold Lives: The First Generation of American Women Psychologists by Elizabeth Scarborough; Laurel Furumoto . . . . . . . . . . . . 114--115 Howard Brick Book Review: \booktitleTalcott Parsons and the Capitalist Nation-State: Political Sociology as a Strategic Vocation by William Buxton . . . . . . . 115--116 Carsten Klingemann Book Review: \booktitleDeutsche Soziologie, 1933--1945: Die Normalität einer Anpassung by Otthein Rammstedt . . 116--117 David van Keuren Book Review: \booktitleObjects and Others: Essays on Museums and Material Culture by George W. Stocking; \booktitleMalinowski, Rivers, Benedict, and Others: Essays on Culture and Personality by George W. Stocking . . . 117--118 Barbara Gutmann Rosenkrantz Book Review: \booktitleYellow Fever in the North: The Methods of Early Epidemiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119--122 Lewis Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleThe Dilemmas of an Upright Man: Max Planck as Spokesman for German Science . . . . . . . . . . . 122--126 Steven Shapin Book Review: \booktitleThe Figural and the Literal: Problems of Language in the History of Science and Philosophy, 1630--1800 by Andrew E. Benjamin; Geoffrey N. Cantor; John R. R. Christie 127--128 David DeVorkin Book Review: \booktitleTruth and Beauty: Aesthetics and Motivations in Science by S. Chandrasekhar . . . . . . . . . . . . 128--129 Brian Wynne Book Review: \booktitleAn Introduction to Science Studies: The Philosophical and Social Aspects of Science and Technology by John Ziman . . . . . . . . 129--129 Henry Lowood Book Review: \booktitleThe Tradition of Science: Landmarks of Western Science in the Collections of the Library of Congress by Leonard C. Bruno . . . . . . 130--130 Giorgia Foder\`a Serio Book Review: \booktitleCatalogo della corrispondenza degli Astronomi di Brera, 1726--1799 by Agnese Mandrino; Guido Tagliaferri; Pasquale Tucci . . . . . . 130--131 Sheldon Hochheiser Book Review: \booktitleA Guide to Archives and Manuscript Collections in the History of Chemistry and Chemical Technology by George D. Tselos; Colleen Wickey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131--132 Willem D. Hackmann Book Review: \booktitleDutch Pioneers of Science by Leo Beek . . . . . . . . . . 132--134 Edward T. Morman Book Review: \booktitleThe Man behind the Syndrome by Peter Beighton; Greta Beighton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134--134 Oliver Strimpel Book Review: \booktitlePortraits in Silicon by Robert Slater . . . . . . . . 134--135 Bruno Latour Book Review: \booktitleThe Construction of Reality by Michael A. Arbib; Mary B. Hesse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135--137 James Scanlan Book Review: \booktitleReason and Being by B. G. Kuznetsov; Carolyn R. Fawcett; Robert Cohen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137--138 David Oldroyd Book Review: \booktitlePhilosophy of Science and Historical Enquiry by John Losee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138--139 John G. McEvoy Book Review: \booktitleThe Process of Science: Contemporary Philosophical Approaches to Understanding Scientific Practice by Nancy J. Nersessian . . . . 139--140 Shigeru Nakayama Book Review: \booktitleThe Hall of Heavenly Records: Korean Astronomical Instruments and Clocks, 1380--1780 by Joseph Needham; Lu Gwei-Djen; John H. Combridge; John S. Major . . . . . . . . 140--141 David S. Landes Book Review: \booktitleThe Time Museum: Catalogue of the Collection by Bruce Chandler; \booktitleThe Time Museum: Catalogue of the Collection. Volume I: Time Measuring Instruments. Part 1: Astrolabes and Related Instruments; The Time Museum: Catalogue of the Collection. Volume I: Time Measuring Instruments. Part 3: Water-Clocks, Sand-Glasses, and Fire-Clocks by A. J. Turner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--143 Anna Guagnini Book Review: \booktitleEducation for the Industrial World: The Écoles d'Arts et Métiers and the Rise of French Industrial Engineering by C. R. Day . . . . . . . . 143--144 Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent and Thér\`ese Charmasson Book Review: \booktitleHistoire de l'École Polytechnique by Ambroise Fourcy; \booktitleLa République avait besoin de savants: Les débuts de l'École Polytechnique: L'École centrale des travaux publics et les cours révolutionnaires de l'An III by Janis Langins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144--145 Ron Westrum Book Review: \booktitleThe Enigma of Loch Ness: Making Sense of a Mystery by Henry H. Bauer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145--146 Robert A. Nye Book Review: \booktitleThe Foul and the Fragrant: Odor and the French Social Imagination by Alain Corbin; Miriam Kochan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146--147 Yaron Ezrahi Book Review: \booktitleGoverning Science and Technology in a Democracy by Malcolm L. Goggin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147--148 H. M. Collins Book Review: \booktitleLaboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts by Bruno Latour; Steve Woolgar . . . . . . 148--149 Frederick Gregory Book Review: \booktitleEvolutionismus und Christentum by Robert Spaemann; Reinhard Löw; Peter Koslowski . . . . . . 149--150 Deborah Jean Warner Book Review: \booktitleArt and Cartography: Six Historical Essays by David Woodward . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150--151 David E. Rowe Book Review: \booktitleLinear Differential Equations and Group Theory from Riemann to Poincaré by Jeremy Gray 151--152 George Wise Book Review: \booktitleSilicon and Silicones: About Stone-Age Tools, Antique Pottery, Modern Ceramics, Computers, Space Materials and How They All Got That Way by Eugene G. Rochow . . 152--153 Albert B. Costa Book Review: \booktitleEssays on the History of Organic Chemistry by James G. Traynham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153--154 Steven J. Dick Book Review: \booktitleCoon Mountain Controversies: Meteor Crater and the Development of Impact Theory by William Graves Hoyt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154--155 Roy Porter Book Review: \booktitleFrom Mineralogy to Geology: The Foundations of a Science, 1650--1830 by Rachel Laudan . . 155--156 Frank N. Egerton Book Review: \booktitleContemporary Classics in Plant, Animal, and Environmental Sciences by James T. Barrett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156--157 Mark B. Adams Book Review: \booktitleLysenkoism in China: Proceedings of the 1956 Qingdao Genetics Symposium by Laurence Schneider; Qin Shizhen . . . . . . . . . 157--158 Charlotte M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleCharles Wright on the Boundary, 1849--1852, or Plantae Wrightianae Revisited by Elizabeth A. Shaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158--158 Russell C. Maulitz Book Review: \booktitleDoctor Dock: Teaching and Learning Medicine at the Turn of the Century by Horace W. Davenport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159--160 Stuart W. Leslie Book Review: \booktitleRCA and the VideoDisc: The Business of Research by Margaret B. W. Graham . . . . . . . . . 160--161 John R. Stilgoe Book Review: \booktitleRailroads and the Character of America, 1820--1887 by James A. Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162--162 Michael Fulford Book Review: \booktitleThe Roman Port and Fishery of Cosa: A Center of Ancient Trade by Anna Marguerite McCann; Joanne Bourgeois; Elaine K. Gazda; John Peter Oleson; Elizabeth Lyding Will . . . . . 162--163 Edward Peters Book Review: \booktitlePhiloponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science by Richard Sorabji . . . . . . . . . . . . 163--164 Robert P. Multhauf Book Review: \booktitleScience and Civilisation in China. Volume V: Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Part I: Paper and Printing by Joseph Needham; Tsien Tsuen-Hsuin . . . . . . . . . . . 164--165 Jan Golinski Book Review: \booktitleChemistry, Alchemy and the New Philosophy, 1550--1700 by Allen G. Debus . . . . . . 165--166 A. Rupert Hall Book Review: \booktitleSpinoza and the Sciences by Marjorie Grene; Debra Nails 166--166 Allen G. Debus Book Review: \booktitleWilliam Cooper's \booktitleA Catalogue of Chymical Books, 1673--88: A Verified Edition by Stanton J. Linden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167--167 Carolyn Eisele Book Review: \booktitlePeirce, Semeiotic, and Pragmatism by Max H. Fisch; Kenneth Laine Ketner; Christian J. W. Kloesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167--169 Drew Gilpin Faust Book Review: \booktitleHenry William Ravenel, 1814--1887: South Carolina Scientist in the Civil War Era by Tamara Miner Haygood . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169--170 Joseph Ewan Book Review: \booktitleAndré and François André Michaux by Henry Savage,; Elizabeth J. Savage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170--171 Joseph A. Pratt Book Review: \booktitleEnergy and the Federal Government: Fossil Fuel Policies, 1900--1946 by John G. Clark 171--172 David J. Rhees Book Review: \booktitleThe Problem Solvers: A History of Arthur D. Little, Inc. by E. J. Kahn . . . . . . . . . . . 172--173 Anthony N. Stranges Book Review: \booktitleThe Griffin: The Greatest Untold Espionage Story of World War II by Arnold Kramish . . . . . . . . 173--174 Allan A. Needell Book Review: \booktitleRabi: Scientist and Citizen by John S. Rigden . . . . . 174--175 William F. Trimble Book Review: \booktitleModel Research: The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1915--1958 by Alex Roland 175--176 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177--180
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181--187 A. Mark Smith The Psychology of Visual Perception in Ptolemy's Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . 188--207 Ann Hibner Koblitz Science, Women, and the Russian Intelligentsia: The Generation of the 1860s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208--226 Li Peishan Genetics in China: The Qingdao Symposium of 1956 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227--236 Michael M. Sokal and John W. Servos and Edith Sylla and Frederick Gregory Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society 29 October--1 November 1987 . . 237--242 Edward Grant 1987 Sarton Medal Citation . . . . . . . 243--244 Anonymous Donors to and Supporters of the Fund Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244--245 Emilie Savage-Smith Gleanings from an Arabist's Workshop: Current Trends in the Study of Medieval Islamic Science and Medicine . . . . . . 246--266 George Saliba Book Review: \booktitleLes arithmétiques by Diophante; Roshdi Rashed; \booktitleBooks IV to VII of Diophantus' Arithmetica in the Arabic Translation Attributed to Qusta ibn Luqa by Diophantus; Jacques Sesiano . . . . . . 266--270 William Newman Book Review: \booktitleJabir ibn \dHayyan: Contribution \`a l'histoire des idées scientifiques dans l'Islam: Jabir et la science grecque by Paul Kraus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270--271 Régis Morelon Book Review: \booktitleDer Sternkatalog des Almagest: Die arabischmittelalterliche Tradition. Volume I: Die arabischen Ubersetzungen by Claudius Ptolemaüs; Paul Kunitzsch . . 271--272 Stephen Jay Gould Book Review: \booktitleSewall Wright and Evolutionary Biology . . . . . . . . . . 273--281 Mark B. Adams Book Review: \booktitleFactors of Evolution: The Theory of Stabilizing Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281--284 Michael Ruse Book Review: \booktitleUnderstanding Science through Evolution: A Humanist Approach by Arnold M. Clark; \booktitleEvolution and the Humanities by David Holbrook . . . . . . . . . . . 284--285 Donald Worster Book Review: \booktitleThe Background of Ecology: Concept and Theory by Robert P. McIntosh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285--286 Michael Bradie Book Review: \booktitleTaking Darwin Seriously: A Naturalistic Approach to Philosophy by Michael Ruse . . . . . . . 286--287 William A. Deiss Book Review: \booktitleA Catalogue of Natural Science Collections in North-East England, with Biographical Notes on the Collectors by Peter Davis; Christopher Brewer . . . . . . . . . . . 287--288 Karen Reeds Book Review: \booktitleHerbals, Their Origin and Evolution: A Chapter in the History of Botany, 1470--1670 by Agnes Arber; William T. Stearn . . . . . . . . 288--289 James Larson Book Review: \booktitleBook of Birds: A Facsimile of the Original Watercolors of Olof Rudbeck the Younger in the Leufsta Collection in Uppsala University Library by Olof Rudbeck; Björn Löwendahl . . . . . 289--289 F. W. P. Dougherty Book Review: \booktitleScience against the Unbelievers: The Correspondence of Bonnet and Needham, 1760--1780 by Renato G. Mazzolini; Shirley A. Roe . . . . . . 289--290 Camille Limoges Book Review: \booktitleLe voyage de d'Entrecasteaux \`a la recherche de Lapérouse by Hél\`ene Richard . . . . . . 290--291 Dorinda Outram Book Review: \booktitleThe Cuvier-Geoffroy Debate: French Biology in the Decades before Darwin by Toby A. Appel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291--292 David Philip Miller Book Review: \booktitleJupiter Botanicus: Robert Brown of the British Museum by D. J. Mabberley . . . . . . . 292--293 Silvio A. Bedini Book Review: \booktitleThe Eagle's Nest: Natural History and American Ideas, 1812--1842 by Charlotte M. Porter . . . 293--294 Ronald L. Stuckey Book Review: \booktitlePrécis ou abrégé des voyages, travaux, et recherches de C. S. Rafinesque (1833); The Original Version of A Life of Travels (1836) by C. S. Rafinesque; Charles Boewe; Georges Reynaud; Beverly Seaton . . . . . . . . 294--295 Ronald Rainger Book Review: \booktitleSimple Curiosity: Letters from George Gaylord Simpson to His Family, 1921--1970 by Léo F. Laporte 295--296 Owen Gingerich and Robert S. Westman Book Review: \booktitleThree Imperial Mathematicians: Kepler Trapped between Tycho Brahe and Ursus . . . . . . . . . 297--299 Gary Kulik Book Review: \booktitleMost Wonderful Machine: Mechanization and Social Change in Berkshire Paper Making, 1801--1885 299--301 Lynn K. Nyhart Book Review: \booktitleThe Search for Solutions by Horace Freeland Judson . . 302--303 Thomas F. Gieryn Book Review: \booktitlePhilosophy and Sociology of Science: An Introduction by Stewart Richards . . . . . . . . . . . . 303--303 Edward T. Morman Book Review: \booktitleCatalogue of the Transylvania University Medical Library 304--304 Colleen Wickey Book Review: \booktitleA New Guide to the Collections in the Library of the American Philosophical Society by J. Stephen Catlett . . . . . . . . . . . . 304--305 D. T. Whiteside Book Review: \booktitleBiobibliography of British Mathematics and Its Applications. Part II: 1701--1760 by R. V. Wallis; P. J. Wallis . . . . . . . . 305--307 H. W. Paul Book Review: \booktitlePremices philosophiques by Pierre Duhem; Stanley L. Jaki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307--307 Elisabeth A. Lloyd Book Review: \booktitleThe Science Question in Feminism by Sandra Harding 308--309 Jarrett Leplin Book Review: \booktitleVarieties of Realism: A Rationale for the Natural Sciences by Rom Harré . . . . . . . . . . 309--310 Alfred Nordmann Book Review: \booktitleDecisions and Revisions: Philosophical Essays on Knowledge and Value by Isaac Levi; \booktitleHard Choices: Decision Making under Unresolved Conflict by Isaac Levi 310--312 John Schumacher Book Review: \booktitleNew Ways of Knowing: The Sciences, Society, and Reconstructive Knowledge by Marcus G. Raskin; Herbert J. Bernstein; Susan Buck-Morss; Noam Chomsky; Michael Goldhaber; Edward S. Herman; Joseph Turner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312--313 Stephen Turner Book Review: \booktitleUnderstanding Social Science: A Philosophical Introduction to the Social Sciences by Roger Trigg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313--313 Lewis Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleTechnological Development in China, India and Japan: Cross-Cultural Perspectives by Erik Baark; Andrew Jamison . . . . . . . . . 314--314 Trevor Pinch Book Review: \booktitleHow Institutions Think by Mary Douglas . . . . . . . . . 314--315 Susan Sheets-Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleScience in the Provinces: Scientific Communities and Provincial Leadership in France, 1860--1930 by Mary Jo Nye . . . . . . . 315--317 Michael Worboys Book Review: \booktitleScientific Colonialism: A Cross-Cultural Comparison by Nathan Reingold; Marc Rothenberg . . 317--318 J. V. Pickstone Book Review: \booktitlePhysic and Philanthropy: A History of the Wellcome Trust, 1936--1986 by A. Rupert Hall; B. A. Bembridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318--319 Brian J. Nichelson Book Review: \booktitleEngineer in Charge: A History of the Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, 1917--1958 by James R. Hansen . . . . . . . . . . . . 319--320 David R. Starbuck Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Archaeology Past and Future: A Celebration of the Society for American Archaeology 1935--1985 by David J. Meltzer; Donald D. Fowler; Jeremy A. Sabloff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320--321 James E. McClellan, III Book Review: \booktitleRoyal Funding of the Parisian Académie des Sciences during the 1690s by Alice Stroup . . . . . . . 321--322 G. S. Rousseau Book Review: \booktitleThe Cosmic Web: Scientific Field Models and Literary Strategies in the Twentieth Century by N. Katherine Hayles . . . . . . . . . . 322--323 David Cassidy Book Review: \booktitleEinstein and the Humanities by Dennis P. Ryan . . . . . . 323--324 David E. Rowe Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Mathematics: A Reader by John Fauvel; Jeremy Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324--325 Karen Hunger Parshall Book Review: \booktitleFigures de l'infini: Les mathématiques au miroir des cultures by Tony Lévy . . . . . . . . . . 325--326 Theodore M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Statistics: The Measurement of Uncertainty before 1900 by Stephen M. Stigler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326--327 Marc Rothenberg Book Review: \booktitleNew Lands, New Men: America and the Second Great Age of Discovery by William H. Goetzmann . . . 327--329 Kenneth L. Taylor Book Review: \booktitleHistoire de la géologie by Gabriel Gohau . . . . . . . . 329--330 Peter J. Bowler Book Review: \booktitleRacial Theories by Michael Banton . . . . . . . . . . . 330--331 David van Keuren Book Review: \booktitleBones of Contention: Controversies in the Search for Human Origins by Roger Lewin . . . . 331--332 W. R. Albury Book Review: \booktitleWilliam Hunter and the Eighteenth-Century Medical World by W. F. Bynum; Roy Porter . . . . . . . 332--333 Jane B. Donegan Book Review: \booktitleWash and Be Healed: The Water-Cure Movement and Women's Health by Susan E. Cayleff . . . 333--334 Russell C. Maulitz Book Review: \booktitleJohannes Müller and the Nineteenth-Century Origins of Tumor Cell Theory by L. J. Rather; Patricia Rather; John R. Frerichs . . . 334--335 Richard F. Hirsh Book Review: \booktitleConcorde and Dissent: Explaining High Technology Failures in Britain and France by Elliot J. Feldman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336--336 Edward W. Constant Book Review: \booktitleWhittle: The True Story by John Golley; Bill Gunston; Frank Whittle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337--337 Germaine M. Reed Book Review: \booktitleThe Modernization of the Louisiana Sugar Industry, 1830--1910 by John Alfred Heitmann . . . 337--339 Cynthia A. Freeland Book Review: \booktitleThe Origins of Civilization in Greek and Roman Thought by Sue Blundell; \booktitleAristotle's Classification of Animals: Biology and the Conceptual Unity of the Aristotelian Corpus by Pierre Pellegrin; Anthony Preus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339--340 R. J. Hankinson Book Review: \booktitleScience in the Early Roman Empire: Pliny the Elder, His Sources and Influence by Roger French; Frank Greenaway . . . . . . . . . . . . 340--341 Robert M. Berchman Book Review: \booktitleMiddle Platonism and Neoplatonism: The Latin Tradition by Stephen Gersh . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341--343 Steven D. Sargent Book Review: \booktitleMathematics and Its Applications to Science and Natural Philosophy in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honor of Marshall Clagett by Edward Grant; John E. Murdoch . . . . . . . . . 343--344 Ian Inkster Book Review: \booktitleThe Rice Economies: Technology and Development in Asian Societies by Francesca Bray . . . 344--345 Nathan Sivin Book Review: \booktitleThe Essential Book of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Liu Yanchi; Fang Tingyu; Chen Laidi . . 345--346 Peter Dear Book Review: \booktitleFrench Higher Education in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: A Cultural History by L. W. B. Brockliss . . . . . . . . . 346--347 Edward B. Davis Book Review: \booktitleThe Newtonian Revolution by I. Bernard Cohen . . . . . 347--347 Thomas Christensen Book Review: \booktitleRoger North's Cursory Notes of Musicke (c. 1698--1703): A Physical, Psychological and Critical Theory by Roger North; Mary Chan; Jamie C. Kassler; \booktitleRoger North's Writings on Music to c. 1703: A Set of Analytic Indexes by Roger North; Janet D. Hine; Mary Chan; Jamie C. Kassler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347--348 William R. Shea Book Review: \booktitleGalileo: Heretic by Pietro Redondi; Raymond Rosenthal . . 348--350 Ruth Barton Book Review: \booktitleChemistry and Theology in Mid-Victorian London: The Diary of Herbert McLeod, 1860--1870 by Herbert McLeod; Frank A. J. L. James . . 350--351 Finn Aaserud Book Review: Niels Bohr: \booktitleThe Philosophical Writings of Niels Bohr . . 351--352 Nathan Reingold Book Review: \booktitleBy the Bomb's Early Light: American Thought and Culture at the Dawn of the Atomic Age by Paul Boyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352--354 Sylvia Doughty Fries Book Review: \booktitleThe Johnson Years. Volume II: Vietnam, the Environment, and Science by Robert A. Divine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354--355 Helge Kragh Book Review: \booktitleSchrödinger: Centenary Celebration of a Polymath by C. W. Kilmister . . . . . . . . . . . . 355--356 S. S. Schweber Book Review: Behram N. Kur\csuno\uglu and Eugene P. Wigner: \booktitleReminiscences about a Great Physicist: Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac . . 356--357 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358--362
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363--367 Jeffrey L. Sturchio Editorial: Artifact and Experiment . . . 368--372 Steven Shapin The House of Experiment in Seventeenth-Century England . . . . . . 373--404 Sally Gregory Kohlstedt Curiosities and Cabinets: Natural History Museums and Education on the Antebellum Campus . . . . . . . . . . . 405--426 Ian Hacking Telepathy: Origins of Randomization in Experimental Design . . . . . . . . . . 427--451 Lorraine J. Daston Book Review: \booktitleThe Origins of Museums: The Cabinet of Curiosities in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452--467 Peter Galison Book Review: \booktitleThe Neglect of Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467--470 Ronald Edward Zupko Book Review: \booktitleNesting Weights, Einsatzgewichte, and Piles \`a Godet: A Catalog of Nested Cup Weights in the Edward Clark Streeter Collection of Weights and Measures by Ellen Zak Danforth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471--471 Andy Pickering Book Review: \booktitleHow Experiments End by Peter Galison . . . . . . . . . . 472--473 Christopher Lawrence Book Review: \booktitleArt and Artefact in Laboratory Science: A Study of Shop Work and Shop Talk in a Research Laboratory by Michael Lynch . . . . . . 473--473 John S. Rigden Book Review: \booktitleModels of Scientific Development and the Case of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance by Henk Zandvoort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473--474 Gerald Holton and S. S. Schweber Eloge: Bern Dibner, 1878--1988 . . . . . 475--477 Bert S. Hall Eloge: Lynn White, Jr., 29 April 1907--30 March 1987 . . . . . . . . . . 478--481 Arthur L. Norberg Book Review: \booktitleThomas A. Edison, by Thomas E. Jeffrey; \booktitleThomas A. Edison Papers: Motion Picture Catalogs by American Producers and Distributors, 1894--1908: A Microfilm Edition by Charles Musser; \booktitleEdison's Electric Light: Biography of an Invention by Robert Friedel; Paul Israel; Bernard S. Finn. \booktitleEdison Papers: A Selective Microfilm Edition . . . . . . . . . . . 482--486 Jan Golinski Book Review: \booktitleLa méthode philosophique en histoire des sciences: Textes 1914--1939 by Hél\`ene Metzger; Gad Freudenthal . . . . . . . . . . . . 487--488 Barry Barnes Book Review: \booktitleKnowledge and Power: Toward a Political Philosophy of Science by Joseph Rouse . . . . . . . . 488--489 Philip J. Pauly Book Review: \booktitleHistorical Writing on American Science: Perspectives and Prospects by Sally Gregory Kohlstedt; Margaret W. Rossiter 489--491 David Knight Book Review: \booktitleThe Origin and Development of Scholarly Historical Periodicals by Margaret F. Steig . . . . 491--491 Anita Guerrini Book Review: \booktitleThe Prism of Science. The Israel Colloquium: Studies in History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science. Volume II by Edna Ullmann-Margalit . . . . . . . . . . . . 492--492 Warren Schmaus Book Review: \booktitleFact and Method: Explanation, Confirmation, and Reality in the Natural and Social Sciences by Richard W. Miller . . . . . . . . . . . 492--493 Hayden White Book Review: \booktitleThe Growth of Minds and Cultures: A Unified Theory of the Structures of Human Experience by Willem H. Vanderburg . . . . . . . . . . 493--494 Burghard Weiss Book Review: \booktitleWissenschaftsgeschichte auf den Versammlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und ärzte, 1822--1972: Bibliographie der Vorträge und allgemeine Übersicht by Dietrich von Engelhardt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494--495 Charles E. McClelland Book Review: \booktitleThe Academic Profession: National, Disciplinary, and Institutional Settings by Burton R. Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496--497 Paul R. Jones Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Doctors and German Universities: A Chapter in International Intellectual Relations, 1870--1914 by Thomas Neville Bonner . . 497--498 Henrika Kuklick Book Review: \booktitleSocial Science Research and the Government: Comparative Essays on Britain and the United States by Martin Bulmer . . . . . . . . . . . . 498--499 Mary E. Fissell Book Review: \booktitleThe Making of the Modern Body: Sexuality and Society in the Nineteenth Century by Catherine Gallagher; Thomas Laqueur . . . . . . . 499--500 Anja Hiddinga Book Review: \booktitleFalse Prophets: Fraud and Error in Science and Medicine by Alexander Kohn . . . . . . . . . . . 500--503 David E. Rowe Book Review: \booktitleDie Universität Göttingen unter dem Nationalsozialismus: Das verdrängte Kapitel ihrer 250jährigen Geschichte by Heinrich Becker; Hans-Joachim Dahms; Cornelia Wegeler . . 503--505 Peter Morris Book Review: \booktitleDie unheilige Allianz der I. G. Farben: Eine Interessengemeinschaft im Dritten Reich by Joseph Borkin; Industry and Ideology: I.G. Farben in the Nazi Era by Peter Hayes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505--507 Raymond Stokes Book Review: \booktitleThe Paperclip Conspiracy: The Hunt for the Nazi Scientists by Tom Bower . . . . . . . . 507--508 Peter Hayes Book Review: \booktitleReactionary Modernism: Technology, Culture and Politics in Weimar and the Third Reich by Jeffrey Herf . . . . . . . . . . . . 508--509 Stephen J. Weininger Book Review: \booktitleOne Culture: Essays in Science and Literature by George Levine; Alan Rauch . . . . . . . 509--510 James R. Moore Book Review: \booktitleThe Origins of Agnosticism: Victorian Unbelief and the Limits of Knowledge by Bernard Lightman 510--511 Jon H. Roberts Book Review: \booktitleThe Sciences and Theology in the Twentieth Century by A. R. Peacocke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511--512 Judith V. Grabiner Book Review: \booktitleMathematical People: Profiles and Interviews by Donald J. Albers; G. L. Alexanderson . . 513--514 Ruth Barton Book Review: \booktitleNotes towards a History of Teaching Statistics by John Bibby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514--514 Joseph S. Fruton Book Review: \booktitleDie Konstitutionserforschung der Alkaloide: Die Pyridin-Piperidin-Gruppe by Jürgen Müller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514--515 Christine Blondel Book Review: \booktitleFrom Falling Bodies to Radio Waves: Classical Physicists and Their Discoveries by Emilio Segré . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515--515 Bruce J. Hunt Book Review: \booktitleA History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity by Edmund Whittaker . . . . . . . . . . . . 515--516 Ronald Rainger Book Review: \booktitleA Short History of Vertebrate Palaeontology by Eric Buffetaut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516--517 William Montgomery Book Review: \booktitleDas System der Medusen: Textband und Atlasband by Ernst Haeckel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517--518 Diane B. Paul Book Review: \booktitleBeyond the Gene: Cytoplasmic Inheritance and the Struggle for Authority in Genetics by Jan Sapp 518--519 Arleen Tuchman Book Review: \booktitleMedizin und Krieg: Vom Dilemma der Heilberufe 1865 bis 1985 by Johanna Bleker; Heinz-Peter Schmiedebach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519--520 Thomas Parisi Book Review: \booktitleA Godless Jew: Freud, Atheism, and the Making of Psychoanalysis by Peter Gay . . . . . . 520--521 John P. Swann Book Review: \booktitleMedical Science and Medical Industry: The Formation of the American Pharmaceutical Industry by Jonathan Liebenau . . . . . . . . . . . 521--523 Ronald Kline Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Television, 1880 to 1941 by Albert Abramson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523--524 Bruce E. Seely Book Review: \booktitleLos Angeles and the Automobile: The Making of the Modern City by Scott L. Bottles . . . . . . . . 524--525 Mark Wilde Book Review: \booktitleThree Farms: Making Milk, Meat, and Money from the American Soil by Mark Kramer . . . . . . 525--526 James J. Flink Book Review: \booktitleBuilding the American Highway System: Engineers as Policy Makers by Bruce E. Seely . . . . 526--527 Thomas J. Misa Book Review: \booktitleSheffield Steel and America: A Century of Commercial and Technological Interdependence, 1830--1930 by Geoffrey Tweedale . . . . 527--528 Edmund N. Todd Book Review: \booktitleUnternehmensstrategien und technischer Fortschritt: Die deutsche und die britische Stahlindustrie 1865--1895 by Ulrich Wengenroth . . . . 528--529 Linda M. Strauss Book Review: \booktitleHistoire de l'informatique. (Histoire des Sciences.) by Philippe Breton . . . . . . . . . . . 529--530 Bryan Pfaffenberger Book Review: \booktitleHigh-Tech Society: The Story of the Information Technology Revolution by Tom Forester 530--531 Michael S. Mahoney Book Review: \booktitleBeyond the Gutenberg Galaxy: Microcomputers and the Emergence of Post-Typographic Culture by Eugene F. Provenzo . . . . . . . . . . . 531--532 Bruce T. Moran Book Review: \booktitleAstrology, Science and Society: Historical Essays by Patrick Curry . . . . . . . . . . . . 532--534 Seymour H. Mauskopf Book Review: \booktitlePseudo-Science and Society in Nineteenth-Century America by Arthur Wrobel . . . . . . . . 534--535 John Scarborough Book Review: \booktitleGalen on Bloodletting: A Study of the Origins, Development and Validity of His Opinions, with a Translation of the Three Works by Peter Brain . . . . . . . 535--536 Catherine Osborne Book Review: \booktitleThe Greek Cosmologists. Volume I: The Formation of the Atomic Theory and Its Earliest Critics by David Furley . . . . . . . . 536--537 Malcolm Schofield Book Review: \booktitleRethinking Early Greek Philosophy: Hippolytus of Rome and the Presocratics by Catherine Osborne 537--538 David Herlihy Book Review: \booktitleThe Restoration of Perfection: Labor and Technology in Medieval Culture by George Ovitt . . . . 538--539 Curtis Wilson Book Review: \booktitleKepler's Geometrical Cosmology by J. V. Field . . 539--540 Alexander Vucinich Book Review: \booktitleMikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov: His Life and Work by G. E. Pavlova; A. S. Federov; Arthur Aksenov; Richard Hainsworth . . . . . . 540--541 Graham Rees Book Review: \booktitleFrancis Bacon's Philosophy of Science: An Account and Reappraisal by Peter Urbach . . . . . . 541--542 Mordechai Feingold Book Review: \booktitleEnglish Science, Bacon to Newton by Brian Vickers . . . . 542--543 William R. Shea Book Review: \booktitleReinterpreting Galileo by William A. Wallace . . . . . 543--544 Philip C. Enros Book Review: \booktitleMemoir of the Life and Labours of the Late Charles Babbage Esq. F.R.S., by H. W. Buxton, Anthony Hyman . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544--544 Jane A. Miller Book Review: \booktitleHenry Shaw: His Life and Legacies by William Barnaby Faherty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544--545 Edward Lurie Book Review: \booktitleNathaniel Southgate Shaler and the Culture of American Science by David N. Livingstone 545--546 Joseph W. Dauben Book Review: \booktitleHistorical Perspectives on Peirce's Logic of Science: A History of Science by Charles S. Peirce; Carolyn Eisele . . . . . . . 546--548 Thomas D. Cornell Book Review: \booktitleAlvarez: Adventures of a Physicist by Luis W. Alvarez; \booktitleDiscovering Alvarez: Selected Works of Luis W. Alvarez, with Commentary by His Students and Colleagues by W. Peter Trower . . . . . 548--549 Jonathan Coopersmith Book Review: \booktitleKrzhizhanovsky by Vladimir Kartsev; Oleg Glebov . . . . . 550--550 Bruce R. Wheaton Book Review: \booktitleErinnerungen eines deutschen Naturforschers by Johannes Stark; Andreas Kleinert . . . . 550--551 Robert D. Cuff Book Review: \booktitleThe Fall of the Bell System: A Study in Prices and Politics by Peter Temin; Louis Galambos 551--552 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553--558
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559--563 Charles E. Rosenberg Editorial: Woods or Trees? Ideas and Actors in the History of Science . . . . 564--570 I. Bernard Cohen The Publication of Science, Technology and Society: Circumstances and Consequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571--582 Thomas F. Gieryn Distancing Science from Religion in Seventeenth-Century England . . . . . . 582--593 Steven Shapin Understanding the Merton Thesis . . . . 594--605 Robert K. Merton The Matthew Effect in Science, II: Cumulative Advantage and the Symbolism of Intellectual Property . . . . . . . . 606--623 Ronald L. Numbers George Frederick Wright: From Christian Darwinist to Fundamentalist . . . . . . 624--645 David K. Hill Dissecting Trajectories: Galileo's Early Experiments on Projectile Motion and the Law of Fall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646--668 F. Lox and F. Vandamme Award of the Sarton Chair to Robert K. Merton, at the University of Ghent . . . 669--670 Josef W. Konvitz Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Cartography, by J. B. Harley; David Woodward. Volume I: Cartography in Prehistoric, Ancient, and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean . . . . . . 671--675 Richard R. John, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleThe Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information Society . . . 675--679 James Reed Book Review: \booktitlePaths into American Culture: Psychology, Medicine, and Morals by John C. Burnham . . . . . 680--681 Lewis Pyenson Book Review: \booktitleAn Introduction to the Historiography of Science by Helge Kragh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681--682 Alexander Vucinich Book Review: \booktitleNauka: Istoriia i istoriografiia XIX-XX vv (Science: History and Historiography in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries) by L. A. Markova . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682--683 Karen Reeds Book Review: \booktitleFlora Portrayed: Classics of Botanical Art from the Hunt Institute Collections by John V. Brindle; James J. White . . . . . . . . 683--684 Mary Jo Nye Book Review: \booktitleThe Nobel Population, 1901--1937: A Census of the Nominators and Nominees for the Prizes in Physics and Chemistry by Elisabeth Crawford; J. L. Heilbron; Rebecca Ullrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684--684 S. A. Jayawardene Book Review: \booktitleA Chronology of the History of Science, 1450--1900 by Robert Mortimer Gascoigne . . . . . . . 685--685 Clark A. Elliott Book Review: \booktitleHandbook for Research in American History: A Guide to Bibliographies and Other Reference Works by Francis Paul Prucha . . . . . . . . . 685--686 John C. Thackray Book Review: \booktitleGeologists and the History of Geology: An International Bibliography from the Origins to 1978: Supplement 1979--1984 and Additions by William A. S. Sarjeant . . . . . . . . . 686--687 William A. Deiss Book Review: \booktitleCatalogue of Portraits of Naturalists, Mostly Botanists, in the Collections of the Hunt Institute, the Linnean Society of London, and the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Genéve by Michael T. Stieber; Anita L. Karg; Margot Walker; Gavin D. R. Bridson; Hervé M. Burdet; Marie M. Chautemps; Tina Moruzzi-Bayo; \booktitleGuide to the Botanical Records and Papers in the Archives of the Hunt Institute, Part 2 by Michael T. Stieber; Anita L. Karg; \booktitleCatalogue of the Botanical Art Collection at the Hunt Institute by James J. White; Elizabeth R. Smith . . . 687--689 Richard Burian Book Review: \booktitleExplaining Science: A Cognitive Approach by Ronald N. Giere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689--691 Jarrett Leplin Book Review: \booktitleConstruction and Constraint: The Shaping of Scientific Reality by Ernan McMullin . . . . . . . 691--692 James R. Hansen Book Review: \booktitleEngineering the New South: Georgia Tech, 1885--1985 by Robert C. McMath,; Ronald H. Bayor; James E. Brittain; Lawrence Foster; August W. Giebelhaus; Germaine M. Reed 692--693 Howard Plotkin Book Review: \booktitleJames Lick's Monument: The Saga of Captain Richard Floyd and the Building of the Lick Observatory by Helen Wright . . . . . . 693--694 Xavier Polanco Book Review: \booktitleThe Knowledge Society: The Growing Impact of Scientific Knowledge on Social Relations by Gernot Böhme; Nico Stehr . . . . . . . 694--695 Samuel Haber Book Review: \booktitleThe Professions in American History by Nathan O. Hatch 695--696 Peggy Kidwell Book Review: \booktitleThe Sound of Our Own Voices: Women's Study Clubs, 1860--1910 by Theodora Penny Martin . . 696--697 Stuart Blume Book Review: \booktitlePolitique de la science et technologie: Evolution de la politique de recherche: France, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne Federale, Japon, Etats-Unis by V. Thévenin . . . . . . . . 697--698 Geoffrey Cantor Book Review: \booktitleThe Rhetoric of the Human Sciences: Language and Argument in Scholarship and Public Affairs by John S. Nelson; Allan Megill; Donald N. McCloskey . . . . . . . . . . 698--699 James C. Livingston Book Review: \booktitleHopkins in the Age of Darwin by Tom Zaniello . . . . . 699--700 Joseph W. Dauben Book Review: \booktitleGeorg Cantor, 1845--1918 by Walter Purkert; Hans Joachim Ilgauds . . . . . . . . . . . . 700--702 William Aspray Book Review: \booktitleScience, Computers, and People: From the Tree of Mathematics by Stanislaw Ulam; Mark C. Reynolds; Gian-Carlo Rota . . . . . . . 702--703 Steven J. Dick Book Review: \booktitleDarkness at Night: A Riddle of the Universe by Edward Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . 703--704 Michael J. Crowe Book Review: \booktitleScience and Objectivity: Episodes in the History of Astronomy by Norriss S. Hetherington . . 704--705 Asger Aaboe Book Review: \booktitleEarly Astronomy: From Babylonia to Copernicus by W. M. O'Neil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705--706 Roger H. Stuewer Book Review: \booktitleLa découverte du neutron. (1920--1936) by Jules Six . . . 706--707 Hugh R. Slotten Book Review: \booktitleChemical Warfare by Edward M. Spiers . . . . . . . . . . 707--708 Edwin Clarke Book Review: \booktitleA History of Neurophysiology in the Nineteenth Century by Mary A. B. Brazier . . . . . 708--709 Bonnie Ellen Blustein Book Review: \booktitleNineteenth-Century Origins of Neuroscientific Concepts by Edwin Clarke; L. S. Jacyna . . . . . . . . . . 709--710 Thomas Parisi Book Review: \booktitleMedicine, Mind, and the Double Brain: A Study in Nineteenth-Century Thought by Anne Harrington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710--712 James Larson Book Review: \booktitleHendrik Adriaan van Reede tot Drakenstein (1636--1691) and Hortus Malabaricus: A Contribution to the History of Dutch Colonial Botany by J. Heniger . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712--713 Henrika Kuklick Book Review: \booktitleSociology and Scientism: The American Quest for Objectivity, 1880--1940 by Robert C. Bannister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713--714 Margaret Schabas Book Review: \booktitleEconomic History and the History of Economics by Mark Blaug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714--715 Martin Campbell-Kelly Book Review: \booktitleThe First Electronic Computer: The Atanasoff Story by Alice R. Burks; Arthur W. Burks . . . 715--716 Bruce E. Seely Book Review: \booktitleThe Automobile Age by James J. Flink . . . . . . . . . 716--717 John M. Staudenmaier Book Review: \booktitleThe Civilized Engineer by Samuel C. Florman . . . . . 717--718 Paul Israel Book Review: \booktitleThe American Telegrapher: A Social History, 1860--1900 by Edwin Gabler . . . . . . . 718--720 Deborah Jean Warner Book Review: \booktitleMothers of Invention: From the Bra to the Bomb, Forgotten Women and Their Unforgettable Ideas by Ethlie Ann Vare; Greg Ptacek 720--720 Steven J. Livesey Book Review: \booktitleSchools and Scholars in Fourteenth-Century England by William J. Courtenay . . . . . . . . 720--721 Mary Louise Gill Book Review: \booktitlePhilosophical Issues in Aristotle's Biology by Allan Gotthelf; James G. Lennox . . . . . . . 721--722 John M. Riddle Book Review: \booktitleDer Liber servitoris des Abulkasis (936--1013): Übersetzung, Kommentar und Nachdruck der Textfassung von 1471 by Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi; Marianne Engeser . . . . . . 722--723 George Saliba Book Review: \booktitleIslamic Technology: An Illustrated History by Ahmad Y. al-Hassan; Donald R. Hill . . . 723--724 Robert W. Kiger Book Review: \booktitleScience and Civilisation in China. Volume VI: Biology and Biological Technology. Part I: Botany by Joseph Needham; Lu Gwei-Djen; Huang Hsing-Tsung . . . . . . 724--725 Jixing Pan Book Review: \booktitleScience and Civilisation in China. Volume V: Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Part VII: Military Technology: The Gunpowder Epic by Joseph Needham . . . . . . . . . 725--727 André Goddu Book Review: \booktitleThe Genesis of the Copernican World by Hans Blumenberg; Robert M. Wallace . . . . . . . . . . . 727--728 Carla Rahn Phillips Book Review: \booktitlePower and Penury: Government, Technology, and Science in Philip II's Spain by David C. Goodman 728--729 Thomas F. Glick Book Review: \booktitleVida y técnica en el renacimiento: Manuscrito que escribió, en el siglo XVI, Francisco Lobato vecino de Medina del Campo by Francisco Lobato; Nicolás García Tapia; José A. García--Diego 729--730 Marcos Cueto Book Review: \booktitleAlvaro Alonso Barba (1569--1662): Investigaciones sobre su vida y obra by Josep M. Barnadas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730--731 Chikara Sasaki Book Review: \booktitleExercises pour les éléments des solides: Progymnasmata de solidorum elementis: Essai en complement d'Euclide by René Descartes; Pierre Costabel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731--732 Brendan Dooley Book Review: \booktitleIntroduzione al pensiero di Giovanni Battista Hodierna: Filosofo matematico e astronomo dei primi Gattopardi by Mario Pavone . . . . 732--733 George W. Stocking, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleIsaac L Peyr\`ere (1596--1676): His Life, Work, and Influence by Richard H. Popkin . . . . . 733--734 Reinhard Brandt Book Review: \booktitleRiforma della metafisica e sapere scientifico: Saggio su J. H. Lambert (1728--1777) by Fabio Todesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734--734 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitleThe Idea of Unification in Galileo's Epistemology by Józef M. 'Zyci\'nski . . . . . . . . . . 734--735 Bruce J. Hunt Book Review: \booktitleJames Clerk Maxwell and the Theory of the Electromagnetic Field by John Hendry . . 735--736 David Knight Book Review: \booktitleA Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy by John F. W. Herschel . . . 736--737 Henry Lowood Book Review: \booktitleIl laboratorio borghese: Scienza e politica nella Germania dell' Ottocento by Pierangelo Schiera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737--738 Daniel Nelson Book Review: \booktitleJoseph Wharton: Quaker Industrial Pioneer by W. Ross Yates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738--739 Alex Soojung-Kim Pang Book Review: \booktitleRadar Days by E. G. Bowen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739--740 Dominique Pestre Book Review: \booktitleLouis de Broglie: Un itinéraire scientifique by Louis de Broglie; Georges Lochak . . . . . . . . 740--741 Martyn J. Bowden Book Review: \booktitleCarl O. Sauer: A Tribute by Martin S. Kenzer . . . . . . 741--743 Gabrielle Hecht Book Review: \booktitleMaking and Marketing Arms: The French Experience and Its Implications for the International System by Edward A. Kolodziej . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743--744 Alex Roland Book Review: \booktitleWild Blue Yonder: Money, Politics, and the B-1 Bomber by Nick Kotz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 744--745 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746--768 Anonymous Volume Information . . . . . . . . . . . 750--762
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--4 John Neu One Hundred Thirteenth Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences . . . . . . 5--273 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274--274
John Neu Current Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences, 1989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--256 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?? Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i--xvi
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5 Ronald L. Numbers Editorial: Farewells and Introductions 6--10 J. V. Golinski A Noble Spectacle: Phosphorus and the Public Cultures of Science in the Early Royal Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--39 Hughes Evans European Malaria Policy in the 1920s and 1930s: The Epidemiology of Minutiae . . 40--59 Margaret Schabas Alfred Marshall, W. Stanley Jevons, and the Mathematization of Economics . . . . 60--73 Richard C. Dales The Computistical Works Ascribed to Robert Grosseteste . . . . . . . . . . . 74--79 Nathan Sivin Fifth International Conference on the History of Science in China . . . . . . 80--81 William R. Woodward International Summer Institute in the German Democratic Republic . . . . . . . 81--82 A. J. Meadows Eloge: Eric Gray Forbes, (1933--1984) 82--83 Allan M. Brandt Book Review: \booktitleMobilizing against AIDS: The Unfinished Story of a Virus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84--86 Joan Jacobs Brumberg Book Review: \booktitleHypochondria: Woeful Imaginings by Susan Baur . . . . 87--88 Nydia M. King Book Review: \booktitleHistoria general de la farmacia: El medicamento a través del tiempo. Volume I by Guillermo Folch Jou; José María Suñé Arbussá; José Luis Valverde López . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88--89 Martin S. Pernick Book Review: \booktitleNo Laughing Matter: Historical Aspects of Anaesthesia by Christopher Lawrence; Ghislaine Lawrence; Huw Geddes; Lorraine Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89--90 Ann La Berge Book Review: \booktitleIllness and Self in Society by Claudine Herzlich; Janine Pierret; Elborg Forster . . . . . . . . 90--91 Thomas Broman Book Review: \booktitleMedizin in Berlin by Rolf Winau . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91--92 Theodore M. Brown Book Review: \booktitle``For the Welfare of Mankind'': The Commonwealth Fund and American Medicine by A. McGehee Harvey; Susan L. Abrams . . . . . . . . . . . . 92--93 Joel D. Howell Book Review: \booktitleMaking Medical Doctors: Science and Medicine at Vanderbilt since Flexner by Timothy C. Jacobson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93--94 Nancy Tomes Book Review: \booktitleHomes for the Mad: Life inside Two Nineteenth-Century Asylums by Ellen Dwyer . . . . . . . . . 94--95 Deborah Brunton Book Review: \booktitleLeicestershire's Lunatics: The Institutional Care of Leicestershire's Lunatics during the Nineteenth Century by Henry Gilbert Orme; William H. Brock . . . . . . . . . 95--95 Alexander G. Bearn and Gordon C. F. Bearn Book Review: \booktitleUse and Abuse of Literary Concepts in Medicine by Joanne Trautmann Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . 95--96 G. S. Rousseau Book Review: \booktitleShelley's Venomed Melody by Nora Crook; Derek Guiton . . . 96--97 John Forrester Book Review: \booktitlePsychiatry and the Cinema by Krin Gabbard; Glen O. Gabbard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97--99 Harold J. Cook Book Review: \booktitleSufferers and Healers: The Experience of Illness in Seventeenth-Century England by Lucinda McCray Beier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99--101 Dora B. Weiner Book Review: \booktitleOn Insanity and Its Classification by Vincenzo Chiarugi; George Mora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101--102 Margaret Higonnet and Patrice Higonnet Book Review: \booktitleSuicide in Victorian and Edwardian England by Olive Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102--103 George D. Sussman Book Review: \booktitleDisease and Civilization: The Cholera in Paris, 1832 by François Delaporte; Arthur Goldhammer 103--104 Joanne Abel Goldman Book Review: \booktitleNewark: The Nation's Unhealthiest City, 1832--1895 by Stuart Galishoff . . . . . . . . . . 104--105 Christopher Lawrence Book Review: \booktitleMedicine and Society in Wakefield and Huddersfield, 1780--1870 by Hilary Marland . . . . . . 105--106 Jacalyn Duffin Book Review: \booktitleMorbid Appearances: The Anatomy of Pathology in the Early Nineteenth Century by Russell C. Maulitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106--107 Mary E. Fissell Book Review: \booktitleDeath, Dissection, and the Destitute by Ruth Richardson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107--108 Barbara Melosh Book Review: \booktitleAble-Bodied Womanhood: Personal Health and Social Change in Nineteenth-Century Boston by Martha H. Verbrugge . . . . . . . . . . 108--109 Janet Golden Book Review: \booktitleMothers and Medicine: A Social History of Infant Feeding, 1890--1950 by Rima D. Apple . . 109--110 Gerald Markowitz Book Review: \booktitleA History of Neglect: Health Care for Blacks and Mill Workers in the Twentieth--Century South by Edward H. Beardsley . . . . . . . . . 111--112 Barbara Bates Book Review: \booktitleThe Last Crusade: The War on Consumption, 1862--1954 by Mark Caldwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112--113 Hamilton Cravens Book Review: \booktitleThe Inner World of American Psychiatry, 1890--1940: Selected Correspondence by Gerald N. Grob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113--114 Sheila Faith Weiss Book Review: \booktitleRacial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis by Robert N. Proctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114--115 Donald MacKenzie Book Review: \booktitleThe Probabilistic Revolution, by Lorenz Kruger; Lorraine J. Daston; Michael Heidelberger; \booktitleThe Probabilistic Revolution. Volume II: Ideas in Science by Lorenz Kruger; Gerd Gigerenzer; Mary S. Morgan; \booktitleClassical Probability in the Enlightenment by Lorraine J. Daston. Volume I: Ideas in History . . . . . . . 116--124 William Stanton Book Review: \booktitleThe Launching of Modern American Science, 1846--1876 . . 124--128 Lewis Pyenson Book Review: Just the Facts: \booktitleThe Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, by Albert Einstein; John Stachel; David C. Cassidy; Robert Schulmann; Jürgen Renn; Olga Griminger; Gary Smith; Robert Summerfield; \booktitleThe Collected Papers of Albert Einstein. Volume I: The Early Years, 1879--1902. English Translation by Albert Einstein; Anna Beck; Peter Havas. \booktitleVolume I: The Early Years, 1879--1902 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129--135 David A. Hollinger Book Review: \booktitleThe New History and the Old: Critical Essays and Reappraisals by Gertrude Himmelfarb . . 136--136 Martin Harwit Book Review: \booktitleScientific Discovery: Computational Explorations of the Creative Process by Pat Langley; Herbert A. Simon; Gary L. Bradshaw; Jan M. Zytkow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136--137 Theodore S. Feldman Book Review: \booktitleLa Su\`ede intellectuelle et savante by J. F. Battail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137--138 Stanley Goldberg Book Review: \booktitleEinstein's Legacy: The Unity of Space and Time by Julian Schwinger . . . . . . . . . . . . 138--139 Stephen J. Pyne Book Review: \booktitleAntarctic Science by D. W. H. Walton . . . . . . . . . . . 139--141 W. Bernard Carlson Book Review: \booktitleInventors at Work by Kenneth A. Brown . . . . . . . . . . 141--142 Gordon L. Herries Davies Book Review: \booktitleNostri plena laboris: An Author Index to the RDS Scientific Journals, 1800--1985 by R. Charles Mollan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142--143 Philip J. Weimerskirch Book Review: \booktitleMilestones in Science and Technology: The Ready Reference Guide to Discoveries, Inventions, and Facts by Ellis Mount; Barbara A. List . . . . . . . . . . . . 143--143 Paul M. Churchland Book Review: \booktitleObservation and Objectivity by Harold I. Brown . . . . . 143--144 Maurice A. Finocchiaro Book Review: \booktitlePatterns, Thinking, and Cognition: A Theory of Judgment by Howard Margolis . . . . . . 144--145 Noretta Koertge Book Review: \booktitleFrom Knowledge to Wisdom: A Revolution in the Aims and Methods of Science by Nicholas Maxwell 146--147 Michael L. Smith Book Review: \booktitleSpace Colonization: Technology and the Liberal Arts by Charles H. Holbrow; Allan M. Russell; Gorden F. Sutton . . . . . . . 147--148 Susan E. Cozzens Book Review: \booktitleScientific Excellence: Origins and Assessment by Douglas N. Jackson; J. Philippe Rushton 148--149 Leonard S. Reich Book Review: \booktitleThe Essential Alfred Chandler: Essays toward a Historical Theory of Big Business by Alfred Chandler; Thomas K. McCraw . . . 149--150 Jeffrey K. Stine Book Review: \booktitleThe New Politics of Science by David Dickson . . . . . . 150--151 J. A. Secord Book Review: \booktitleMaking It Whole: A Victorian Circle and the Shape of Their World by Diana Postlethwaite . . . 151--152 Paul Privateer Book Review: \booktitleScience and the Imagination. (Annals of Scholarship: Metastudies of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 4, Number 1, Fall 1986) by George S. Rousseau . . . . . . . . . 153--154 I. Grattan-Guinness Book Review: \booktitleHistory and Philosophy of Modern Mathematics by William Aspray; Philip Kitcher . . . . . 154--155 Karen Hunger Parshall Book Review: \booktitleDiscrete Thoughts: Essays on Mathematics, Science, and Philosophy by Mark Kac; Gian-Carlo Rota; Jacob T. Schwartz; Harry Newman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155--156 David E. Rowe Book Review: \booktitleA Concise History of Mathematics by Dirk J. Struik . . . . 156--157 Allen Stairs Book Review: \booktitleSpeakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics by J. S. Bell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--158 Kenneth L. Caneva Book Review: \booktitleHistory of Physics: Selected Reprints by Stephen G. Brush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158--159 Theodor Benfey Book Review: \booktitleInsight in Chemistry by William J. Danaher . . . . 159--159 Erwin Hiebert Book Review: \booktitleThe Principles of the Theory of Heat, Historically and Critically Elucidated by Ernst Mach; Brian McGuinness . . . . . . . . . . . . 159--161 Alfred W. Crosby Book Review: \booktitleWestern Civilization in Biological Perspective: Patterns in Biohistory by Stephen Boyden 161--162 William J. Hagan, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleThe Emergence of Life: Darwinian Evolution from the Inside by Sidney Fox . . . . . . . . . . 162--163 Lois N. Magner Book Review: \booktitleEvolution and Human Equality by Stephen Jay Gould . . 163--164 Sharon Kingsland Book Review: \booktitleThe American Development of Biology by Ronald Rainger; Keith R. Benson; Jane Maienschein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164--165 Sandra Herbert Book Review: \booktitleDarwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior by Robert J. Richards 165--167 Robert Alun Jones Book Review: \booktitleEnlightenment and Despair: A History of Sociology by Geoffrey Hawthorn . . . . . . . . . . . 167--169 Paul Ceruzzi Book Review: \booktitleCreating the Computer: Government, Industry, and High Technology by Kenneth Flamm . . . . . . 169--170 Susan Smulyan Book Review: \booktitleWhen Old Technologies Were New: Thinking about Communications in the Late Nineteenth Century by Carolyn Marvin . . . . . . . 170--171 Leo Marx Book Review: \booktitleNew Perspectives on Technology and American Culture by Bruce Sinclair . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171--172 Virginia P. Dawson Book Review: \booktitleThe Tender Ship: Government Management of Technological Change by Arthur M. Squires . . . . . . 172--173 J. R. Harris Book Review: \booktitleThe Transfer of Early Industrial Technologies to America by Darwin H. Stapleton . . . . . . . . . 173--174 Thomas J. Misa Book Review: \booktitleThe Decline of American Steel: How Management, Labor, and Government Went Wrong by Paul A. Tiffany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174--175 David E. Hahm Book Review: \booktitleIntroduction \`a la méthode d'Aristote by Jean-Paul Dumont 175--176 Thomas L. Drucker Book Review: \booktitleThe Mathematics of Plato's Academy: A New Reconstruction by D. H. Fowler . . . . . . . . . . . . 176--177 Heinrich von Staden Book Review: \booktitleCivilization of the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece and Rome by Michael Grant; Rachel Kitzinger 177--178 Monica Green Book Review: \booktitleA History of Women Philosophers. Volume I: Ancient Women Philosophers, 600 B.C.--500 A.D. by Mary Ellen Waith . . . . . . . . . . 178--179 Joan Cadden Book Review: \booktitleMan and the Beasts: De animalibus (Books 22--26) by Albertus Magnus; James J. Scanlan . . . 179--181 William Eamon Book Review: \booktitleSpanien und der Basler Buchdruck bis 1600: Ein Querschnitt durch die spanische Geistesgeschichte aus der Sicht einer europäischen Buchdruckerstadt by Carlos Gilly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181--182 Howard Jones Book Review: \booktitlePierre Gassendi: From Aristotelianism to a New Natural Philosophy by Barry Brundell . . . . . . 182--183 John Henry Book Review: \booktitleThe Cultural Meaning of the Scientific Revolution by Margaret C. Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . 183--184 Charles C. Gillispie Book Review: \booktitleDe la richesse territoriale du Royaume de France by Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier; Jean-Claude Perrot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184--185 Peter Dear Book Review: \booktitleLingua universalis: Kryptologie und Theorie der Universal-sprachen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert by Gerhard F. Strasser . . . 185--186 Bruce J. Hunt Book Review: \booktitleHeinrich Hertz: The Beginning of Microwaves by John H. Bryant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186--186 A. J. Rocke Book Review: \booktitleJustus von Liebig und August Wilhelm Hofmann in ihren Briefen: Nachtrage, 1845--1869 by Emil Heuser; Regine Zott; \booktitleJustus von Liebig und Emil Erlenmeyer in ihren Briefen von 1861--1872 by Emil Heuser 186--187 James E. Brittain Book Review: \booktitleHertz and the Maxwellians: A Study and Documentation of the Disvoery of Electromagnetic Wave Radiation, 1873--1894 by J. G. O'Hara; W. Pricha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187--188 Frederick Gregory Book Review: \booktitleHegel und die Naturwissenschaften by Michael John Petry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188--189 Peter J. T. Morris Book Review: \booktitleBrazil and the Struggle for Rubber: A Study in Environmental History by Warren Dean . . 189--190 Hannah S. Decker Book Review: \booktitleFreud: A Life for Our Time by Peter Gay . . . . . . . . . 190--191 Susan R. Schrepfer Book Review: \booktitleBeauty, Health, and Permanence: Environmental Politics in the United States, 1955--1985 by Samuel P. Hays; Barbara D. Hays . . . . 191--193 Pamela Mack Book Review: \booktitleHistory of British Space Science by Harrie Massey; M. O. Robins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193--193 Bruce Hevly Book Review: \booktitleThe Business of Science: Winning and Losing in the High-Tech Age by Simon Ramo . . . . . . 193--194 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195--200
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201--205 Michael Segre Viviani's Life of Galileo . . . . . . . 206--231 William E. Eagan The Debate over the Canadian Shield, 1880--1905 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232--253 John M. Logsdon Missing Halley's Comet: The Politics of Big Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254--280 Richard A. Schwartz Einstein and the War Department . . . . 281--284 Anonymous Eloge: Paul H. Barrett, 7 November 1917--6 November 1987 . . . . . . . . . 285--285 Heinrich von Staden Book Review: \booktitleThe Revolutions of Wisdom: Studies in the Claims and Practice of Ancient Greek Science . . . 286--288 Steve Sturdy Book Review: \booktitleHistory of the American Physiological Society: The First Century, 1887--1987 . . . . . . . 289--294 Robert P. Multhauf Book Review: \booktitleFrederick E. Brasch and the History of Science by Henry Lowood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295--295 Christoph Meinel Book Review: \booktitleDer Ursprung der modernen Wissenschaften: Studien zur Entstehung wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen by Martin Guntau; Hubert Laitko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295--296 Theodore M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleThe American Census: A Social History by Margo J. Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296--298 Sabetai Unguru Book Review: \booktitleA Mathematical History of Division in Extreme and Mean Ratio by Roger Herz-Fischler . . . . . . 298--299 Silvio A. Bedini Book Review: \booktitleThe Divided Circle: A History of Instruments for Astronomy, Navigation, and Surveying by J. A. Bennett . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299--300 Deborah Fitzgerald Book Review: \booktitleFirst the Seed: The Political Economy of Plant Biotechnology, 1492--2000 by Jack Ralph Kloppenburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300--301 Marianne Gosztonyi Ainley Book Review: \booktitleHistoire des sciences au Québec by Luc Chartrand; Raymond Duchesne; Yves Gingras . . . . . 301--302 Diana Barkan Book Review: \booktitleChemiker über Chemiker: Wahlvorschläge zur Aufnahme von Chemikern in die Berliner Akademie 1822--1925, von Eilhard Mitscherlich bis Max Bodenstein by Anneliese Greiner; Fritz Welsh; Wolfgang Girnus . . . . . . 302--303 Regis Cabral Book Review: \booktitleLa psiquiatría Argentina by Antonio Alberto Guerrino 303--304 Russell C. Maulitz Book Review: \booktitleFestschrift für Jean Starobinski by Karl Haffter . . . . 304--305 G. J. Toomer Book Review: \booktitleArchimedes by E. J. Dijksterhuis; C. Dikshoorn; Wilbur R. Knorr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--306 R. J. Hankinson Book Review: \booktitleAristotle: The Desire to Understand by Jonathan Lear 306--307 J. T. Vallance Book Review: \booktitleThe Physical World of the Greeks by S. Sambursky; Merton Dagut; \booktitleThe Physical World of Late Antiquity by S. Sambursky; The Physics of the Stoics by S. Sambursky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307--308 Raman Srinivasan Book Review: \booktitleFounders of Sciences in Ancient India by Svami Satya Prakash Sarasvati . . . . . . . . . . . 308--309 Bruce S. Eastwood Book Review: \booktitleA History of Twelfth-Century Western Philosophy by Peter Dronke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309--310 David Pingree Book Review: \booktitleIslamic Mathematical Astronomy by David A. King 310--311 James A. Secord Book Review: \booktitleLike Engend'ring like: Heredity and Animal Breeding in Early Modern England by Nicholas Russell 311--312 Marcos Cueto Book Review: \booktitleMedicine in the New World: New Spain, New France, and New England by Ronald L. Numbers . . . . 312--312 Wilbur Applebaum Book Review: \booktitleNewton's Principia and Its Legacy by D. G. King-Hele; A. R. Hall . . . . . . . . . 313--313 Ronald Calinger Book Review: \booktitleBeiträge zur Wirkungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz by Albert Heinekamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313--315 Maurice Crosland Book Review: \booktitleFizikalna rasprava o postanku, naravi i koristi umjetnog zraka by Josip Franjo Domin; Drago Grdeni\'c; Snjezana Pausek-Bazdar 315--315 G. L'E. Turner Book Review: \booktitleJosef Anton Nagel: Ein Direktor des physikalischen Kabinettes by Johanna Schönburg--Hartenstein . . . . . . . . . 315--317 Sally Gregory Kohlstedt Book Review: \booktitleThe Selected Papers of Charles Willson Peale and His Family by Charles Willson Peale; Lillian B. Miller; Sidney Hart . . . . . . . . . 317--318 John K. Walton Book Review: \booktitleMind-Forg'd Manacles; A History of Madness in England from the Restoration to the Regency by Roy Porter . . . . . . . . . 318--319 L. Pearce Williams Book Review: \booktitleThe Age of Science: The Scientific World-View in the Nineteenth Century by David Knight 319--320 David Philip Miller Book Review: \booktitleThe Amateur and the Professional: Antiquarians, Historians and Archaeologists in Victorian England, 1838--1886 by Philippa Levine . . . . . . . . . . . . 320--321 Pat Munday Book Review: \booktitleDeutschsprachige Chemielehrbücher (1775--1850) by Bettina Haupt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321--322 Robert Rosenberg Book Review: \booktitleOliver Heaviside, Sage in Solitude: The Life, Work, and Times of an Electrical Genius of the Victorian Age by Paul J. Nahin . . . . . 322--324 Martin Rudwick Book Review: \booktitleThe Iceland Journal of Henry Holland, 1810 by Henry Holland; Andrew Wawn . . . . . . . . . . 324--324 Pietro Corsi Book Review: \booktitleCharles Darwin's Notebooks, 1836--1844: Geology, Transmutation of Species, Metaphysical Enquiries by Charles Darwin; Paul H. Barrett; Peter J. Gautrey; Sandra Herbert; David Kohn; Sydney Smith . . . 324--325 Judith A. McGaw Book Review: \booktitleTo Their Own Soil: Agriculture in the Antebellum North by Jeremy Atack; Fred Bateman . . 325--327 Nicholas Rupke Book Review: \booktitleThe Animal Estate: The English and Other Creatures in the Victorian Age by Harriet Ritvo 327--328 Thomas F. Glick Book Review: \booktitleLas ciencias médicas básicas en la Valencia del siglo XIX by José M. López Piñero; María José Báguena Cervellera; José Luis Barona Vilar; José Luis Fresquet Febrer; María Luz López Terrada; José Pardo Tomás; Vicente L. Salavert Fabiani . . . . . . 328--329 Allan M. Brandt Book Review: \booktitleThe Cholera Years: The United States in 1832, 1849, and 1866 by Charles E. Rosenberg . . . . 329--330 Eda Kranakis Book Review: \booktitleTransitions in Engineering: Guillaume Henri Dufour and the Early Nineteenth-Century Cable Suspension Bridge by Tom F. Peters . . . 330--331 James Paradis Book Review: \booktitleScience and Literature in the Nineteenth Century by J. A. V. Chapple . . . . . . . . . . . . 331--332 Jill Morawski Book Review: \booktitleClark University, 1887--1987: A Narrative History by William A. Koelsch . . . . . . . . . . . 332--332 W. Henry Lambright Book Review: \booktitleScience and Technology Advice to the President, Congress, and Judiciary by William T. Golden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333--334 Arie Rip Book Review: \booktitleAcid Rain and Friendly Neighbors: The Policy Dispute between Canada and the United States by Jurgen Schmandt; Hilliard Roderick . . . 334--334 Raymond G. Stokes Book Review: \booktitlePax Atomica: The Nuclear Defense Debate in West Germany during the Adenauer Era by Mark Cioc . . 334--335 Daniel Serwer Book Review: \booktitleThe Dragon's Tail: Radiation Safety in the Manhattan Project, 1942--1946 by Barton C. Hacker 335--336 Bruce R. Wheaton Book Review: \booktitleHistory of CERN. Volume I: Launching the European Organization for Nuclear Research by Armin Hermann; John Krige; Ulrike Mersits; Dominique Pestre; L. Belloni 336--338 Mary Jo Nye Book Review: \booktitleLangevin: Science et vigilance by Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . . 338--339 Mara Beller Book Review: \booktitleThe Ghost in the Atom: A Discussion of the Mysteries of Quantum Physics by P. C. W. Davies; J. R. Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339--340 J. Eric Elliott Book Review: \booktitleVorgeschichte und Gründung des Kaiser-Wilhelm-Instituts für Kohlenforschung in Mülheim a. d. Ruhr by Manfred Rasch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340--341 Marc Rothenberg Book Review: \booktitleA Man Who Loved the Stars: The Autobiography of John A. Brashear by John A. Brashear . . . . . . 341--341 Philip J. Pauly Book Review: \booktitleThe National Geographic Society: One Hundred Years of Adventure and Discovery by C. D. B. Bryan; \booktitleNational Geographic: Behind America's Lens on the World by Howard S. Abramson . . . . . . . . . . . 341--343 Margaret B. Deacon Book Review: \booktitleThe Mediterranean Was a Desert: A Voyage of the Glomar Challenger by Kenneth J. Hsü . . . . . . 343--343 Pnina G. Abir-Am Book Review: \booktitleContemporary Classics in the Life Sciences by James T. Barrett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344--345 Barton C. Hacker Book Review: \booktitleClouds of Secrecy: The Army's Germ Warfare Tests over Populated Areas by Leonard A. Cole 345--346 Frederick B. Churchill Book Review: \booktitleThe Heritage of Experimental Embryology: Hans Spemann and the Organizer by Viktor Hamburger 346--347 Deborah Thom Book Review: \booktitlePsychological Testing and American Society 1890--1930 by Michael M. Sokal . . . . . . . . . . 347--348 Barbara Bates Book Review: \booktitleThe Tuberculosis Movement: A Public Health Campaign in the Progressive Era by Michael E. Teller 349--350 John M. Staudenmaier Book Review: \booktitleMechanization and Maize: Agriculture and the Politics of Technology Transfer in East Africa by Constance G. Anthony . . . . . . . . . . 350--351 Robert L. Frost Book Review: \booktitleLes ingénieurs de la crise: Titre et profession entre les deux guerres by André Grelon . . . . . . 351--352 Samuel C. Florman Book Review: \booktitleHoover Dam: An American Adventure by Joseph E. Stevens 352--353 Jean-Jacques Ducret Book Review: \booktitleConstructive Evolution: Origins and Development of Piaget's Thought by Michael Chapman . . 353--354 Paul Hoyningen-Huene Book Review: \booktitleConstructive Philosophy by Paul Lorenzen; Karl Richard Pavlovic . . . . . . . . . . . . 354--355 I. Grattan-Guinness Book Review: \booktitleWittgenstein: A Life. Volume I: Young Ludwig, 1889--1921 by Brian McGuinness . . . . . . . . . . 355--355 Warren Schmaus Book Review: \booktitleTheories of Explanation by Joseph C. Pitt . . . . . 356--356 Steve Woolgar Book Review: \booktitleMundane Reason: Reality in Everyday and Sociological Discourse by Melvin Pollner . . . . . . 356--358 Joan E. Lynaugh Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Nursing: A Biographical Dictionary by Vern L. Bullough; Olga Maranjian Church; Alice P. Stein; \booktitleDictionary of American Nursing Biography by Martin Kaufman; Joellen Watson Hawkins; Loretta P. Higgins; Alice Howell Friedman . . . 358--359 Charlotte M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleNatural History and the New World, 1524--1770: An Annotated Bibliography of Printed Materials in the Library of the American Philosophical Society by Anita Guerrini 359--360 Gad Freudenthal Book Review: \booktitleDictionnaire des philosophes by Denis Huisman . . . . . . 360--361 G. S. Rousseau Book Review: \booktitleThe Relations of Literature and Science: An Annotated Bibliography of Scholarship, 1880--1980 by Walter Schatzberg; Ronald A. Waite; Jonathan K. Johnson . . . . . . . . . . 361--363 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364--368
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369--373 Rima D. Apple Patenting University Research: Harry Steenbock and the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation . . . . . . . . . . 374--394 Robert W. Smith The Cambridge Network in Action: The Discovery of Neptune . . . . . . . . . . 395--422 William Newman Technology and Alchemical Debate in the Late Middle Ages . . . . . . . . . . . . 423--445 Raymond E. Fancher Galton on Examinations: An Unpublished Step in the Invention of Correlation . . 446--455 Eric Meyer Galileo's Cosmogonical Calculations . . 456--468 Joan L. Richards and Shirley A. Roe and Michael M. Sokal and Albert Moyer and William A. Wallace Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society, 27--30 December 1988 . . . . . 469--478 Anonymous Contributors to the History of Science Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478--480 Owen Hannaway Eloge: William Coleman (2 July 1934--29 April 1988) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480--484 P. Masani and Steve J. Heims and Joel S. Schwartz and Owen Gingerich and Robert Westman Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . 485--487 Michael H. Shank Editorial: Old Wine in New Wineskins . . 488--490 Glenn T. Seaborg Book Review: \booktitleChina Builds the Bomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491--493 John A. Schuster Book Review: \booktitleChanging Order: Replication and Induction in Scientific Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493--496 Barry Barnes Book Review: \booktitleScience as Power: Discourse and Ideology in Modern Society by Stanley Aronowitz . . . . . . . . . . 497--498 Thomas M. Barrett Book Review: \booktitleFoucault, Marxism, and History: Mode of Production versus Mode of Information by Mark Poster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498--499 Henry Steffens Book Review: \booktitleScience and Culture in the Western Tradition: Sources and Interpretations by John G. Burke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499--499 Steve Eardley Book Review: \booktitleSignatura rerum: Segni, magia e conoscenza de Paracelso a Leibniz by Massimo Luigi Bianchi . . . . 500--500 Alan E. Shapiro Book Review: \booktitleGreat Scientists of Old as Heretics in ``The Scientific Method'' by C. Truesdell . . . . . . . . 500--501 Marcel C. Lafollette Book Review: \booktitleHow Superstition Won and Science Lost: Popularizing Science and Health in the United States by John C. Burnham . . . . . . . . . . . 501--502 Xavier Polanco Book Review: \booktitleHistoire des sciences et des savants depuis deux si\`ecles, d'apr\`es l'opinion des principales académies ou sociétés scientifiques by Alphonse de Candolle 502--503 Michael A. Osborne Book Review: \booktitleMeasures and Men by Witold Kula; Richard Szreter . . . . 504--505 Raman Srinivasan Book Review: \booktitleOrganizing for Science: The Making of an Industrial Research Laboratory by Shiv Visvanathan 505--506 Dietrich von Engelhardt Book Review: \booktitleWissenschaftsgeschichte heute: Ansprachen und wissenschaftliche Vorträge zum 25-jährigen Bestehen des Instituts für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Technik der Universität Hamburg by Christian Hünemörder . . . . . 506--506 Reinhard Löw Book Review: \booktitleBeobachtung, Experiment und Theorie in der Naturwissenschaft und Medizin by Reimar Lüst; Eberhard Buchborn; Klaus Dransfeld; Hans Musso; Rudolf K. Thauer; Jan Tesing; Heinz Gibian . . . . . . . . . . 506--507 Imre Toth Book Review: \booktitleL'aventure des parall\`eles: Préhistoire de la géométrie non euclidienne: Précurseurs et attardés by Jean-Claude Pont . . . . . . . . . . 507--510 Albert V. Carozzi Book Review: \booktitleHistoire de la géologie. Volume I: Des Anciens \`a la premi\`ere moitié du XVIIe si\`ecle by François Ellenberger . . . . . . . . . . 510--511 Jean Dorst Book Review: \booktitleAn International History of Mammalogy. Volume I: Eastern Europe and Fennoscandia, I by Keir B. Sterling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511--512 Henrika Kuklick Book Review: \booktitleBetween Literature and Science: The Rise of Sociology by Wolf Lepenies . . . . . . . 512--513 Peter King Book Review: \booktitleDer Begriff der praktischen Vernunft nach Johannes Buridanus by Gerhardt Krieger . . . . . 513--515 George Saliba Book Review: \booktitleOeuvres mathématiques: Alg\`ebre et géométrie au XIIe si\`ecle by Sharaf al-Din al-\dTusi; Roshdi Rashed . . . . . . . . 515--517 Lorraine Daston Book Review: \booktitleCapitalism and Arithmetic: The New Math of the Fifteenth Century by Frank J. Swetz . . 517--518 Erna Hilfstein Book Review: \booktitleOptyka w XV wieku: Mi\kedzy nauk\ka 'sredniowieczn\ka a nowozytn\ka (Fifteenth-Century Optics: Between Medieval and Modern Science) by Grazyna Rosi\'nska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518--519 Allan Ellenius Book Review: \booktitleDie Kunst und das Studium der Natur vom 14. zum 16. Jahrhundert by Wolfram Prinz; Andreas Beyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519--520 Andrew Wear Book Review: \booktitleAvicenna in Renaissance Italy: The Canon and Medical Teaching in Italian Universities after 1500 by Nancy G. Siraisi . . . . . . . . 520--521 Faye Marie Getz Book Review: \booktitleRezeption und Rolle der Heilkunde in landessprachigen handschriftlichen Kompendien des Spatmittelalters by Volker Zimmermann 521--522 Harold Dorn Book Review: \booktitleLeonardo da Vinci: Engineer and Architect by Paolo Galluzzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522--524 Anita Guerrini Book Review: \booktitleTime, the Greatest Innovator: Timekeeping and Time Consciousness in Early Modern Europe by Rachel Doggett; Susan Jaskot; Robert Rand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524--525 C. S. F. Burnett Book Review: \booktitlePeter Apian und Azophi: Arabische Sternbilder in Ingolstadt im fruhen 16. Jahrhundert by Paul Kunitzsch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525--526 Moshe Ron Book Review: \booktitleJews in the Origins of Modern Science and Bacon's Scientific Utopia: The Life and Work of Joachim Gaunse, Mining Technologist and First Recorded Jew in English-Speaking North America by Lewis S. Feuer . . . . 526--526 Wilbur Applebaum Book Review: \booktitleLa structure poétique du monde: Copernic, Kepler by Fernand Hallyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526--528 Dirk Struik Book Review: \booktitleTot Heil van't Menschdom: Culturele genootschappen in Nederland, 1750--1815 by W. W. Mijnhardt 528--529 Ronald Calinger Book Review: \booktitleImmanuel Kant: His Life and Thought by Arsenij Gulyga; Marijan Despalatovi\'c . . . . . . . . . 529--531 Alan Charles Kors Book Review: \booktitleQeuvres philosophiques by Julien Offray de La Mettrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531--531 Robert N. Proctor Book Review: \booktitleWeber, Irrationality, and Social Order by Alan Sica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532--533 Theodore M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleL'économiste, la science, et la pouvoir: Le cas Walras by Hervé Dumez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533--534 Jeffrey A. Johnson Book Review: \booktitleTechnische Bildung zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis: Die Technische Hochschule Braunschweig 1862--1914 by Helmuth Albrecht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534--535 Ivo Schneider Book Review: \booktitleMaxwell on Molecules and Gases by Elizabeth Garber; Stephen G. Brush; C. W. F. Everitt . . . 535--536 Ann Hibner Koblitz Book Review: \booktitleAleksandr Porfir' evich Borodin: A Chemist's Biography by Nikolai A. Figurovskii; Yurii I. Solov'ev; Charlene Steinberg; George B. Kauffman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536--537 Gregory A. Good Book Review: \booktitleU.S. Coast Survey vs. Naval Hydrographic Office: A Nineteenth-Century Rivalry in Science and Politics by Thomas G. Manning . . . 537--538 Janet Browne Book Review: \booktitleThe Southern Ark: Zoological Discovery in New Zealand, 1769--1900 by J. R. H. Andrews . . . . . 538--539 Pamela M. Henson Book Review: \booktitleAsa Fitch and the Emergence of American Entomology: With an Entomological Bibliography and a Catalog of Taxonomic Names and Type Specimens by Jeffrey K. Barnes . . . . . 539--540 Katherine Arens Book Review: \booktitleJ. E. Purkyne and Psychology: With a Focus on Unpublished Manuscripts by Josef Bro\vzek; Jirí Hoskovec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541--542 Donald J. McGraw Book Review: \booktitleEssays of Robert Koch by Robert Koch; K. Codell Carter 542--543 Erika Hickel Book Review: \booktitleDie Pharmazie im Spannungsfeld der Neuorientierung: Philipp Lorenz Geiger (1785--1836), Leben, Werk und Wirken: Eine Biographie by Ulrike Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 543--543 Lawrence Badash Book Review: \booktitleMarch to Armageddon: The United States and the Nuclear Arms Race, 1939 to the Present by Ronald E. Powaski . . . . . . . . . . 543--544 Richard F. Hirsh Book Review: \booktitleThe Realities of Nuclear Power: International Economic and Regulatory Experience by S. D. Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544--545 Aleksey E. Levin Book Review: \booktitleScience between the Superpowers by Yakov M. Rabkin . . . 545--546 Gregory D. Crowe Book Review: \booktitleThe Status of Soviet Civil Science by Craig Sinclair 546--546 Christopher Lawrence Book Review: \booktitleHorace Darwin's Shop: A History of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, 1878--1968 by M. J. G. Cattermole; A. F. Wolfe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546--547 Roger H. Stuewer Book Review: \booktitleFifty Years of Neutron Diffraction: The Advent of Neutron Scattering by G. E. Bacon . . . 547--547 Martin R. Jones Book Review: \booktitleQuantum Concepts in Space and Time by R. Penrose; C. J. Isham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547--549 Paul Josephson Book Review: \booktitleRazvitie fundamental'nykh printsipov statisticheskoi fisiki v pervoi polovine XX veka. (The Development of Fundamental Principles of Statistic Physics in the First Half of the Twentieth Century) by N. V. Vdovichenko; \booktitleEdinye teorii poliia v pervoi treti XX veka. (Unified Field Theories in the First Third of the Twentieth Century) by V. P. Vizgin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549--550 Nils Roll-Hansen Book Review: \booktitleRace Hygiene and National Efficiency: The Eugenics of Wilhelm Schallmayer by Sheila Faith Weiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550--551 Barbara Bates Book Review: \booktitleBelow the Magic Mountain: A Social History of Tuberculosis in Twentieth--Century Britain by Linda Bryder . . . . . . . . 551--552 Joel D. Howell Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Pediatrics: The Social Dynamics of Professionalism, 1880--1980 by Sydney A. Halpern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552--553 Robert J. Paradowski Book Review: \booktitleThe Roots of Molecular Medicine: A Tribute to Linus Pauling by Richard P. Huemer . . . . . . 553--554 Charles G. Roland Book Review: \booktitleThe Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide by Robert Jay Lifton . . . . . 555--556 Alex Soojung-Kim Pang Book Review: \booktitleRadar in World War II by Henry E. Guerlac . . . . . . . 556--557 William M. Leary Book Review: \booktitleThe Airway to Everywhere: A History of All American Aviation, 1937--1953 by W. David Lewis; William F. Trimble . . . . . . . . . . . 557--558 Hans-Joachim Braun Book Review: \booktitleIngenieure und Naturwissenschaftler in der industriellen Forschung und Entwicklung: Berufliche Situation und Perspektiven by Hugo Kossbiel; Arno Bammé; Bernd Martens 558--559 Ronald L. Numbers Book Review: \booktitleAmerican Medical Schools and the Practice of Medicine: A History by William G. Rothstein . . . . 559--560 Regina Morantz-Sanchez Book Review: \booktitleDisease and Representation: Images of Illness from Madness to AIDS by Sander L. Gilman . . 560--561 Louise E. Hoffman Book Review: \booktitleThe Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, 1887--1904 by Sigmund Freud; Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson . . . . . . . 561--562 Jack D. Pressman Book Review: \booktitleSplit Minds, Split Brains: Historical and Current Perspectives by Jacques M. Quen . . . . 562--563 Melvin Kranzberg Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Techniques by Bertrand Gille . . . . . . 563--564 Larry Lankton Book Review: \booktitleInnovation and the Rise of the Tunnelling Industry by Graham West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564--565 Charles K. Hyde Book Review: \booktitleMining America: The Industry and the Environment, 1800--1980 by Duane A. Smith . . . . . . 565--566 Glenn Bugos Book Review: \booktitleTechnology, the Economy, and Society: The American Experience by Joel Colton; Stuart Bruchey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566--567 Mark Johnson Book Review: \booktitleMetaphor by David E. Cooper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567--568 Jane Maienschein Book Review: \booktitleToward a New Philosophy of Biology: Observations of an Evolutionist by Ernst Mayr . . . . . 568--569 Fay Horton Sawyier Book Review: \booktitleForbidden Knowledge, and Other Essays in the Philosophy of Cognition by Nicholas Rescher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569--570 Michael Fores Book Review: \booktitleTheories of Industrial Society by Richard J. Badham 570--571 Anja Hiddinga Book Review: \booktitleThe Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction by Emily Martin . . . . . . 571--572 L. Pearce Williams Book Review: \booktitleThe History of Modern Science: A Guide to the Second Scientific Revolution, 1800--1950 by Stephen G. Brush . . . . . . . . . . . . 572--573 Trevor H. Levere Book Review: \booktitleScience and Technology in Canadian History: A Bibliography of Primary Sources to 1914 by R. A. Richardson; B. H. MacDonald . . 573--573 Anonymous Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574--578 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579--584
Anonymous Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585--591 Janet Browne Botany for Gentlemen: Erasmus Darwin and ``\booktitleThe Loves of the Plants'' 592--621 David J. Krause Testing a Tradition: Douglass Houghton and the Native Copper of Lake Superior 622--639 Marcos Cueto Andean Biology in Peru: Scientific Styles on the Periphery . . . . . . . . 640--658 Gad Freudenthal and J. L. Heilbron Eloge: Joseph Ben-David, 19 August 1920--12 January 1986 . . . . . . . . . 659--663 Eugene G. Rochow and George Wise Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . 664--664 Thomas Nickles Book Review: \booktitleScrutinizing Science: Empirical Studies of Scientific Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665--669 Joan L. Richards Book Review: \booktitleNew Directions in the Philosophy of Mathematics: An Anthology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669--672 Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent Book Review: \booktitleD'Archim\`ede \`a Einstein: Les faces cachées de l'invention scientifique by Pierre Thuillier; \booktitleLes passions du savoir: Essais sur les dimensions culturelles de la science by Pierre Thuillier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673--674 David Edge Book Review: \booktitleScientific Controversies: Case Studies in the Resolution and Closure of Disputes in Science and Technology by H. Tristram Engelhardt,; Arthur L. Caplan . . . . . 675--676 Frank Greenaway Book Review: \booktitleMuseums of Influence by Kenneth Hudson . . . . . . 676--676 Jan Golinski Book Review: \booktitleShaping Written Knowledge: The Genre and Activity of the Experimental Article in Science by Charles Bazerman . . . . . . . . . . . . 676--678 B. J. T. Dobbs Book Review: \booktitleNewton and the New Direction in Science by G. V. Coyne, S.J.; M. Heller; J. Zyci\'nski . . . . . 678--679 Christopher Lawrence Book Review: \booktitleEssays on the Rise and Decline of Bedside Medicine by Mark D. Altschule . . . . . . . . . . . 679--679 Regina Morantz-Sanchez Book Review: \booktitleFasting Girls: The Emergence of Anorexia Nervosa as a Modern Disease by Joan Jacobs Brumberg 679--680 Barbara Melosh Book Review: \booktitlePhotographing Medicine: Images and Power in Britain and America since 1840 by Daniel M. Fox; Christopher Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . 681--682 Deborah C. Brunton Book Review: \booktitleDisease, Medicine, and Society in England, 1550--1860 by Roy Porter . . . . . . . . 682--682 Wyn Wachhorst Book Review: \booktitleSeeking Many Inventions: The Idea of Community in America by Philip Abbott . . . . . . . . 682--683 R. G. W. Anderson Book Review: \booktitleThe Past Is a Foreign Country by David Lowenthal . . . 683--684 J. L. Berggren Book Review: \booktitleMathematics and Measurement by O. A. W. Dilke . . . . . 684--685 Gary B. Ferngren Book Review: \booktitleFrom Democedes to Harvey: Studies in the History of Medicine by Vivian Nutton . . . . . . . 685--686 William D. Phillips, Jr. Book Review: \booktitleGeography, Technology, and War: Studies in the Maritime History of the Mediterranean, 649--1571 by John H. Pryor . . . . . . . 686--687 Steven J. Livesey Book Review: \booktitleThe Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration of Scholasticism, 1100--1600 by Norman Kretzman; Anthony Kenny; Jan Pinborg . . . . . . . . . . . 687--688 George Saliba Book Review: \booktitleQeuvres d'astronomie by Thabit ibn Qurra; Régis Morelon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688--690 E. S. Kennedy Book Review: \booktitleIn den Gärten der Wissenschaft by Al-Biruni; Gotthard Strohmaier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690--691 John D. North Book Review: \booktitleInnovationen im Quadrivium des 10. und 11. Jahrhunderts: Studien zur Einführung von Astrolab und Abakus im lateinischen Mittelalter by Werner Bergmann . . . . . . . . . . . . 691--691 André Goddu Book Review: \booktitleTractatus de indivisibilibus by Adam de Wodeham; Rega Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691--693 George Ovitt, Jr. Book Review: \booktitle``Unless You Believe, You Shall Not Understand'': Logic, University, and Society in Late Medieval Vienna by Michael H. Shank . . 693--694 Roser Puig Book Review: \booktitleEl ``Lunari'' de Bernat de Granollachs: Alguns aspectes de la hist\`oria de l'astronomia a la Catalunya del quatre-cents by Josep Chab\`as; Antoni Roca . . . . . . . . . 694--694 Owen Hannaway Book Review: \booktitleVom Bergkwerck XII Bücher by Georg Agricola . . . . . . 694--696 Keith Hutchison Book Review: \booktitleHermeticism and the Renaissance: Intellectual History and the Occult in Early Modern Europe by Ingrid Merkel; Allen G. Debus . . . . . 696--697 Aleksey E. Levin Book Review: \booktitleNauchnaya revolutsia XVII veka by V. S. Kirsanov 697--698 Lenore Feigenbaum Book Review: \booktitleDer Briefwechsel von Johann I Bernoulli. Volume II: Der Briefwechsel mit Pierre Varignon, Erster Teil: 1692--1702 by Johann I Bernoulli; Pierre Costabel; Jeanne Peiffer . . . . 698--699 Joella Yoder Book Review: \booktitlePascal's Arithmetical Triangle by A. W. F. Edwards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699--700 Richard S. Westfall Book Review: \booktitleMathematische Grundlagen der Naturphilosophie by Isaac Newton; Ed Dellian . . . . . . . . . . . 700--701 John Henry Book Review: \booktitleMillenarianism and Messianism in English Literature and Thought, 1650--1800 by Richard H. Popkin 701--702 Karen I. Vaughn Book Review: \booktitleBefore Adam Smith: The Emergence of Political Economy, 1662--1776 by Terence Hutchison 702--703 Alexander Vucinich Book Review: \booktitleRud\dbarer Boskovi\'c by Zarko Dadi\'c . . . . . . 703--704 Maurice Crosland Book Review: \booktitleScience, Medicine, and Dissent: Joseph Priestley (1733--1804) by R. G. W. Anderson; Christopher Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . 705--706 Heinrich von Staden Book Review: \booktitleLas epidemias de Hippócrates: Con observaciones prácticas de los antiquos y modernos by Andrés Piquer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706--707 P. B. Wood Book Review: \booktitleDavid Hume: Philosopher of Moral Science by Antony Flew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707--708 Ronald Calinger Book Review: \booktitleKant's Philosophy of Physical Science: Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft, 1786--1986 by Robert E. Butts . . . . . 708--709 Alan Aubrey Atchley Book Review: \booktitlePlantas y luces en México: La Real Expedición Científica a Nueva España (1787--1803) by Xavier Lozoya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709--710 Frederick Burwick Book Review: \booktitleGoethe contra Newton: Polemics and the Project for a New Science of Color by Dennis L. Sepper 710--711 David H. DeVorkin Book Review: \booktitleElites in Conflict: The Antebellum Clash over the Dudley Observatory by Mary Ann James . . 711--712 Bruce J. Hunt Book Review: \booktitleOliver Heaviside, the Man by G. F. C. Searle; Ivor Catt 712--712 M. Norton Wise Book Review: \booktitleKelvin and Stokes: A Comparative Study in Victorian Physics by David B. Wilson . . . . . . . 712--713 Robert Olby Book Review: \booktitleA Century since Mendel by M. Campbell . . . . . . . . . 713--714 Gillian Beer Book Review: \booktitleDarwin and the Novelists: Patterns of Science in Victorian Fiction by George Levine . . . 714--715 Jon H. Roberts Book Review: \booktitleDarwin's Forgotten Defenders: The Encounter between Evangelical Theology and Evolutionary Thought by David N. Livingstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715--717 Mary O. Furner Book Review: \booktitleBreaking the Academic Mould: Economists and American Higher Learning in the Nineteenth Century by William J. Barber . . . . . . 717--718 Ann F. La Berge Book Review: \booktitleDeath in Hamburg: Society and Politics in the Cholera Years, 1830--1910 by Richard J. Evans 718--719 Hans Radder Book Review: \booktitleH. A. Kramers: Between Tradition and Revolution by M. Dresden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719--720 Paul K. Hoch Book Review: \booktitleThe Making of Physicists by Rajkumari Williamson . . . 720--721 Stephen J. Weininger Book Review: \booktitleMolecules in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Volume I: General Introduction to Molecular Sciences by Jean Maruani . . . . . . . . 722--722 Michael H. Kater Book Review: \booktitleMurderous Science: Elimination by Scientific Selection of Jews, Gypsies, and Others, Germany 1933--1945 by Benno Muller-Hill; George Fraser . . . . . . . . . . . . . 722--723 Martin Kenney Book Review: \booktitleBiotechnology: Strategies for Life by Elizabeth Antébi; David Fishlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723--724 Glenn E. Bugos Book Review: \booktitleThe Biotechnology Revolution: An International Perspective by Alan M. Russell . . . . . . . . . . . 724--725 Ellen B. Koch Book Review: \booktitleWorse than the Disease: Pitfalls of Medical Progress by Diana B. Dutton; Thomas A. Preston; Nancy E. Pfund . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725--726 Naomi Rogers Book Review: \booktitleGreat and Desperate Cures: The Rise and Decline of Psychosurgery and Other Radical Treatments for Mental Illness by Elliot S. Valenstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726--728 James Reed Book Review: \booktitleBirth Control in Germany, 1871--1933 by James Woycke . . 728--728 David E. Wright Book Review: \booktitleFarming for Fuel: The Political Economy of Energy Sources in the United States by Folke Dovring 728--729 William C. Wohlforth Book Review: \booktitleInnovation and the Arms Race: How the United States and the Soviet Union Develop New Military Technologies by Matthew Evangelista . . 729--730 Walter A. McDougall Book Review: \booktitleHarnessing the Genie: Science and Technology Forecasting for the Air Force, 1944--1986 by Michael H. Gorn . . . . . 730--731 Peter L. Jakab Book Review: \booktitleTest Pilots: The Frontiersmen of Flight by Richard P. Hallion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731--732 Robert Bud and W. J. Reader Book Review: \booktitleScience and Corporate Strategy: Du Pont R & D, 1902--1980 by David A. Hounshell; John Kenly Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732--734 Henry Lowood Book Review: \booktitleScience Parks and the Growth of High Technology Firms by C. S. P. Monck; R. B. Porter; P. R. Quintas; D. J. Storey; P. Wynarczyk . . 734--735 H. H. Rosenbrock Book Review: \booktitleForces of Production: A Social History of Industrial Automation by David F. Noble 735--735 P. R. Masani Book Review: \booktitleThe Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society by Norbert Wiener . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735--737 Skuli Sigurdsson Book Review: \booktitleThe Fourth Dimension and Non--Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art by Linda Dalrymple Henderson 737--738 Joseph Caron Book Review: \booktitleFondements de l'histoire naturelle: Pour une anthropologie de la science by Scott Atran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738--739 Stephen Turner Book Review: \booktitleMethodology and Epistemology for Social Science: Selected Papers by Donald T. Campbell; E. Samuel Overman . . . . . . . . . . . 739--740 Joan Rothschild Book Review: \booktitleTechnology and Responsibility by Paul T. Durbin . . . . 740--741 Paul K. Moser Book Review: \booktitleSpace-Perception and the Philosophy of Science by Patrick A. Heelan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741--742 Paul Weindling Book Review: \booktitleRassenmythos und Sozialwissenschaften in Deutschland: Ein verdrängtes Kapitel sozialwissenschaftlicher Wirkungsgeschichte by Carsten Klingemann 742--744 Theodore M. Porter Book Review: \booktitleGovernment and Expertise: Specialists, Administrators, and Professionals by Roy MacLeod . . . . 744--745 Larry Laudan Book Review: \booktitleScientific Realism: A Critical Reappraisal by Nicholas Rescher . . . . . . . . . . . . 745--746 Clark A. Elliott Book Review: \booktitleThe Reader's Adviser: A Layman's Guide to Literature. Volume V: The Best in the Literature of Science, Technology, and Medicine by Paul T. Durbin; \booktitleThe Reader's Adviser: A Layman's Guide to Literature. Volume VI: Indexes by Barbara A. Chernow; George A. Vallasi . . . . . . . 746--747 Eric Ellioti Book Review: \booktitleArchiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft by Ulrike Emrich; Michael Globig . . . . 747--747 Anonymous Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747--758 Anonymous Back Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 759--786 Anonymous Volume Information . . . . . . . . . . . 770--785