Table of contents for issues of IEEE Transactions on Big Data

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Volume 1, Number 1, March, 2015
Volume 1, Number 2, June, 2015
Volume 1, Number 3, September, 2015
Volume 1, Number 4, December, 2015
Volume 2, Number 1, March, 2016
Volume 2, Number 2, June, 2016
Volume 2, Number 3, September, 2016
Volume 2, Number 4, December, 2016
Volume 3, Number 1, March, 2017
Volume 3, Number 2, June, 2017
Volume 3, Number 3, September, 2017
Volume 3, Number 4, December, 2017
Volume 4, Number 1, March, 2018
Volume 4, Number 2, June, 2018
Volume 4, Number 3, September, 2018
Volume 4, Number 4, December, 2018
Volume 5, Number 1, March, 2019
Volume 5, Number 2, June, 2019
Volume 5, Number 3, September, 2019
Volume 5, Number 4, December, 2019
Volume 6, Number 1, March, 2020
Volume 6, Number 2, June, 2020
Volume 6, Number 3, September, 2020
Volume 6, Number 4, December, 2020
Volume 7, Number 1, March, 2021
Volume 7, Number 2, June, 2021
Volume 7, Number 3, July, 2021
Volume 7, Number 4, April, 2021
Volume 7, Number 5, November, 2021
Volume 7, Number 6, December, 2021
Volume 8, Number 1, February, 2022
Volume 8, Number 2, February, 2022
Volume 8, Number 3, June, 2022
Volume 8, Number 4, August, 2022
Volume 8, Number 5, October, 2022
Volume 8, Number 6, December, 2022
Volume 9, Number 1, February, 2023
Volume 9, Number 2, April, 2023
Volume 9, Number 3, June, 2023
Volume 9, Number 4, August, 2023
Volume 9, Number 5, October, 2023
Volume 9, Number 6, December, 2023
Volume 10, February, 2024
Volume 10, Number 1, February, 2024
Volume 10, Number 2, April, 2024
Volume 10, Number 3, June, 2024
Volume 10, Number 4, August, 2024

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 1, Number 1, March, 2015

                  Stephen Crago   Welcome to the \booktitleIEEE
                                  Transactions on Big Data . . . . . . . . 1--1
                     Qiang Yang   Introduction to the \booktitleIEEE
                                  Transactions on Big Data . . . . . . . . 2--15
                       Yu Zheng   Methodologies for Cross-Domain Data
                                  Fusion: An Overview  . . . . . . . . . . 16--34
                       Huan Liu   Embracing Information Explosion without
                                  Choking: Clustering and Labeling in
                                  Microblogging  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35--46
                      Anonymous   \booktitleIEEE Transactions on Big Data  47--47
                      Anonymous   \booktitleIEEE Transactions on Big Data  48--48

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 1, Number 2, June, 2015

                    Yaoliang Yu   Petuum: A New Platform for Distributed
                                  Machine Learning on Big Data . . . . . . 49--67
                   Lionel M. Ni   SMC: A Practical Schema for
                                  Privacy-Preserved Data Sharing over
                                  Distributed Data Streams . . . . . . . . 68--81

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 1, Number 3, September, 2015

              Charu C. Aggarwal   Guest Editorial: Big Media Data:
                                  Understanding, Search, and Mining  . . . 82--83
                     Zhenan Sun   Code Consistent Hashing Based on
                                  Information-Theoretic Criterion  . . . . 84--94
                    Dacheng Tao   Exploration of Image Search Results
                                  Quality Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . 95--108
                 Yueting Zhuang   Weakly Semi-Supervised Deep Learning for
                                  Multi-Label Image Annotation . . . . . . 109--122

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 1, Number 4, December, 2015

                       Lina Yao   Guest Editorial: Big Data Analytics and
                                  the Web  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123--124
               Laurence T. Yang   LS-AMS: An Adaptive Indexing Structure
                                  for Realtime Search on Microblogs  . . . 125--137
                Spyros Kotoulas   Scale-Out Processing of Large RDF
                                  Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138--150
              Charu C. Aggarwal   Guest Editorial: Big Media Data:
                                  Understanding, Search, and Mining (Part
                                  2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151--151
                 Xian-Sheng Hua   Learning Visual Semantic Relationships
                                  for Efficient Visual Retrieval . . . . . 152--161
                     Xuelong Li   Robust Discrete Spectral Hashing for
                                  Large-Scale Image Semantic Indexing  . . 162--171

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 2, Number 1, March, 2016

               K. Selcuk Candan   Guest Editorial: Big Scholar Data
                                  Discovery and Collaboration  . . . . . . 1--2
                   C. Lee Giles   AlgorithmSeer: A System for Extracting
                                  and Searching for Algorithms in
                                  Scholarly Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . 3--17
               Nitesh V. Chawla   Can Scientific Impact Be Predicted?  . . 18--30
              Charu C. Aggarwal   Guest Editorial: Big Media Data:
                                  Understanding, Search, and Mining  . . . 31--31
                    Jiajun Wang   Partial Copy Detection in Videos: A
                                  Benchmark and an Evaluation of Popular
                                  Methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32--42
                         Yun Fu   Personalized Travel Sequence
                                  Recommendation on Multi-Source Big
                                  Social Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43--56
               Satoshi Matsuoka   GPU-Accelerated Large-Scale Distributed
                                  Sorting Coping with Device Memory
                                  Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57--69
                     Wilfred Ng   USTF: A Unified System of Team Formation 70--84
             Masaru Kitsuregawa   Visual Exploration of Changes in
                                  Passenger Flows and Tweets on Mega-City
                                  Metro Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85--99

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 2, Number 2, June, 2016

                 Y. -R. Lin and   
                    H. Tong and   
                    J. Tang and   
        K. Selçuk Candan   Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Big
                                  Scholar Data Discovery and Collaboration
                                  (Continued)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100--100
                   Feng Xia and   
                Haifeng Liu and   
                   Ivan Lee and   
                   Longbing Cao   Scientific Article Recommendation:
                                  Exploiting Common Author Relations and
                                  Historical Preferences . . . . . . . . . 101--112
              Jevin D. West and   
           Ian Wesley-Smith and   
              Carl T. Bergstrom   A Recommendation System Based on
                                  Hierarchical Clustering of an
                                  Article-Level Citation Network . . . . . 113--123
             Subhajit Datta and   
             Santonu Sarkar and   
                A. S. M. Sajeev   How Long Will This Live? Discovering the
                                  Lifespans of Software Engineering Ideas  124--137
                  Zheng Yan and   
                Wenxiu Ding and   
                   Xixun Yu and   
                  Haiqi Zhu and   
                 Robert H. Deng   Deduplication on Encrypted Big Data in
                                  Cloud  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138--150
          Dorit S. Hochbaum and   
                Philipp Baumann   Sparse Computation for Large-Scale Data
                                  Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151--174
                Farhan Khan and   
               Dariush Kari and   
       Ilyas Alper Karatepe and   
              Suleyman S. Kozat   Universal Nonlinear Regression on High
                                  Dimensional Data Using Adaptive
                                  Hierarchical Trees . . . . . . . . . . . 175--188

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 2, Number 3, September, 2016

                   M. Sheng and   
            A. V. Vasilakos and   
                      Q. Yu and   
                         L. You   Guest Editorial: Big Data Analytics and
                                  the Web  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189--189
                    W. Shao and   
                F. D. Salim and   
                    A. Song and   
                 A. Bouguettaya   Clustering Big Spatiotemporal-Interval
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190--203
                    Y. Zhao and   
                K. Yoshigoe and   
                    J. Bian and   
                     M. Xie and   
                     Z. Xue and   
                        Y. Feng   A Distributed Graph-Parallel Computing
                                  System with Lightweight Communication
                                  Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204--218
                    L. Wang and   
                S. Tasoulis and   
                    T. Roos and   
                 J. Kangasharju   Kvasir: Scalable Provision of
                                  Semantically Relevant Web Content on Big
                                  Data Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219--233
                    H. Chen and   
                  R. Kazman and   
                     S. Haziyev   Agile Big Data Analytics for Web-Based
                                  Systems: An Architecture-Centric
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234--248
                     E. Pan and   
                    D. Wang and   
                         Z. Han   Analyzing Big Smart Metering Data
                                  Towards Differentiated User Services: A
                                  Sublinear Approach . . . . . . . . . . . 249--261
                      L. Wu and   
                 K. John Wu and   
                     A. Sim and   
               M. Churchill and   
                 J. Y. Choi and   
            A. Stathopoulos and   
                   C. Chang and   
                      S. Klasky   Towards Real-Time Detection and Tracking
                                  of Spatio-Temporal Features:
                                  Blob-Filaments in Fusion Plasma  . . . . 262--275
                   Y. Zheng and   
                      W. Wu and   
                    Y. Chen and   
                      H. Qu and   
                       L. M. Ni   Visual Analytics in Urban Computing: An
                                  Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276--296

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 2, Number 4, December, 2016

                    L. Dong and   
                     Z. Lin and   
                   Y. Liang and   
                      L. He and   
                   N. Zhang and   
                    Q. Chen and   
                     X. Cao and   
                   E. Izquierdo   A Hierarchical Distributed Processing
                                  Framework for Big Image Data . . . . . . 297--309
             P. Basanta-Val and   
              N. C. Audsley and   
             A. J. Wellings and   
                    I. Gray and   
N. Fernández-García   Architecting Time-Critical Big-Data
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310--324
                     D. Kit and   
                    Y. Kong and   
                          Y. Fu   Efficient Image Geotagging Using Large
                                  Databases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325--338
                 N. Bharill and   
                  A. Tiwari and   
                     A. Malviya   Fuzzy Based Scalable Clustering
                                  Algorithms for Handling Big Data Using
                                  Apache Spark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339--352
                      T. Li and   
                    J. Tang and   
                          J. Xu   Performance Modeling and Predictive
                                  Scheduling for Distributed Stream Data
                                  Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353--364
                    M. Shao and   
                      X. Wu and   
                          Y. Fu   Scalable Nearest Neighbor Sparse Graph
                                  Approximation by Exploiting Graph
                                  Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365--380
          S. M. Nabavinejad and   
                M. Goudarzi and   
                   S. Mozaffari   The Memory Challenge in Reduce Phase of
                                  MapReduce Applications . . . . . . . . . 380--386

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 3, Number 1, March, 2017

                        Q. Yang   State of the Journal Editorial . . . . . 1--1
                     Y. Lin and   
                    H. Tong and   
                    J. Tang and   
                   K. S. Candan   Guest Editorial: Big Scholar Data
                                  Discovery and Collaboration  . . . . . . 2--2
                   S. Datta and   
           P. Basuchowdhuri and   
                 S. Acharya and   
                    S. Majumder   The Habits of Highly Effective
                                  Researchers: An Empirical Study  . . . . 3--17
                     F. Xia and   
                    W. Wang and   
               T. M. Bekele and   
                         H. Liu   Big Scholarly Data: A Survey . . . . . . 18--35
                    J. Wang and   
                      G. Qi and   
                    N. Sebe and   
                    C. Aggarwal   Guest Editorial: Big Media Data:
                                  Understanding, Search, and Mining  . . . 36--36
                    K. Chen and   
                       Z. Zhang   Learning to Classify Fine-Grained
                                  Categories with Privileged
                                  Visual-Semantic Misalignment . . . . . . 37--43
                    Z. Chen and   
                   W. Zhang and   
                      B. Hu and   
                     X. Cao and   
                     S. Liu and   
                        D. Meng   Retrieving Objects by Partitioning . . . 44--54
                      T. Hu and   
                 E. Bigelow and   
                     J. Luo and   
                       H. Kautz   Tales of Two Cities: Using Social Media
                                  to Understand Idiosyncratic Lifestyles
                                  in Distinctive Metropolitan Areas  . . . 55--66
                    G. Zhao and   
                    X. Qian and   
                        C. Kang   Service Rating Prediction by Exploring
                                  Social Mobile Users Geographical
                                  Locations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67--78
                   D. Singh and   
                     D. Roy and   
                    C. K. Mohan   DiP-SVM: Distribution Preserving Kernel
                                  Support Vector Machine for Big Data  . . 79--90
                    H. Shen and   
                     G. Liu and   
                    H. Wang and   
                    N. Vithlani   SocialQ&A: An Online Social Network Based
                                  Question and Answer System . . . . . . . 91--106
                    D. Zhao and   
                    K. Qiao and   
                    Z. Zhou and   
                      T. Li and   
                      Z. Lu and   
                          X. Xu   Toward Efficient and Flexible Metadata
                                  Indexing of Big Data Systems . . . . . . 107--117
                      Anonymous   2016 Reviewers List* . . . . . . . . . . 118--123
                      Anonymous   2016 Index \booktitleIEEE Transactions
                                  on Big Data Vol. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 1--6

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 3, Number 2, June, 2017

                   Y. Zheng and   
                 C. Mascolo and   
                    C. T. Silva   Guest Editorial: Urban Computing . . . . 124--125
                    Y. Ding and   
                      Y. Li and   
                    K. Deng and   
                     H. Tan and   
                    M. Yuan and   
                       L. M. Ni   Detecting and Analyzing Urban Regions
                                  with High Impact of Weather Change on
                                  Transport  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126--139
                    X. Tang and   
              E. Eftelioglu and   
                  D. Oliver and   
                     S. Shekhar   Significant Linear Hotspot Discovery . . 140--153
                    P. Goel and   
                   L. Kulik and   
               K. Ramamohanarao   Optimal Pick up Point Selection for
                                  Effective Ride Sharing . . . . . . . . . 154--168
                  H. Nguyen and   
                     W. Liu and   
                        F. Chen   Discovering Congestion Propagation
                                  Patterns in Spatio-Temporal Traffic Data 169--180
                  S. Sarkar and   
                  S. Chawla and   
                   S. Ahmad and   
              J. Srivastava and   
                 H. Hammady and   
                  F. Filali and   
                  W. Znaidi and   
            J. Borge-Holthoefer   Effective Urban Structure Inference from
                                  Traffic Flow Dynamics  . . . . . . . . . 181--193
                   T. V. Le and   
                R. Oentaryo and   
                     S. Liu and   
                      H. C. Lau   Local Gaussian Processes for Efficient
                                  Fine-Grained Traffic Speed Prediction    194--207
                   S. Jiang and   
                J. Ferreira and   
                 M. C. Gonzalez   Activity-Based Human Mobility Patterns
                                  Inferred from Mobile Phone Data: A Case
                                  Study of Singapore . . . . . . . . . . . 208--219
         E. Çelikten and   
               G. Le Falher and   
                M. Mathioudakis   Modeling Urban Behavior by Mining
                                  Geotagged Social Data  . . . . . . . . . 220--233
                      M. Lu and   
                     C. Lai and   
                      T. Ye and   
                   J. Liang and   
                        X. Yuan   Visual Analysis of Multiple Route
                                  Choices Based on General GPS
                                  Trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234--247

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 3, Number 3, September, 2017

                S. Sidhanta and   
                   W. Golab and   
            S. Mukhopadhyay and   
                        S. Basu   Adaptable SLA-Aware Consistency Tuning
                                  for Quorum-Replicated Datastores . . . . 248--261
                    Y. Chan and   
                A. Wellings and   
                    I. Gray and   
                     N. Audsley   A Distributed Stream Library for Java 8  262--275
                 P. Chopade and   
                        J. Zhan   A Framework for Community Detection in
                                  Large Networks Using Game-Theoretic
                                  Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276--288
                 S. Agreste and   
                  P. De Meo and   
                 G. Fiumara and   
                G. Piccione and   
                 S. Piccolo and   
                  D. Rosaci and   
      G. M. L. Sarné and   
                A. V. Vasilakos   An Empirical Comparison of Algorithms to
                                  Find Communities in Directed Graphs and
                                  Their Application in Web Data Analytics  289--306
                  J. Y. Zhu and   
                     C. Sun and   
                    V. O. K. Li   An Extended Spatio-Temporal Granger
                                  Causality Model for Air Quality
                                  Estimation with Heterogeneous Urban Big
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307--319
                    Y. Tian and   
              I. Alagiannis and   
                  E. Liarou and   
                A. Ailamaki and   
               P. Michiardi and   
                     M. Vukoli    DiNoDB: An Interactive-Speed Query
                                  Engine for Ad-Hoc Queries on Temporary
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320--333
                      B. Wu and   
                        H. Shen   Exploiting Efficient Densest Subgraph
                                  Discovering Methods for Big Data . . . . 334--348
                     M. Ota and   
                      H. Vo and   
                   C. Silva and   
                      J. Freire   STaRS: Simulating Taxi Ride Sharing at
                                  Scale  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349--361
                   D. Zhang and   
                      T. He and   
                     S. Lin and   
                   S. Munir and   
                J. A. Stankovic   Taxi-Passenger-Demand Modeling Based on
                                  Big Data from a Roving Sensor Network    362--374

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 3, Number 4, December, 2017

                     J. Zhu and   
                     A. Liu and   
                    M. Chen and   
                T. Tasdizen and   
                          H. Su   Special Issue on Biomedical Big Data:
                                  Understanding, Learning and Applications 375--377
                     F. Liu and   
             J. Rosenberger and   
                     Y. Lou and   
                R. Hosseini and   
                      J. Su and   
                        S. Wang   Graph Regularized EEG Source Imaging
                                  with In-Class Consistency and Out-Class
                                  Discrimination . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378--391
                M. Hosseini and   
                 D. Pompili and   
               K. Elisevich and   
             H. Soltanian-Zadeh   Optimized Deep Learning for EEG Big Data
                                  and Seizure Prediction BCI via Internet
                                  of Things  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392--404
                     X. Zhu and   
                     H. Suk and   
                   H. Huang and   
                        D. Shen   Low-Rank Graph-Regularized Structured
                                  Sparse Regression for Identifying
                                  Genetic Biomarkers . . . . . . . . . . . 405--414
              A. Phinyomark and   
E. Ibáñez-Marcelo and   
                       G. Petri   Resting-State fMRI Functional
                                  Connectivity: Big Data Preprocessing
                                  Pipelines and Topological Data Analysis  415--428
                      M. Li and   
                         Z. Yin   Debugging Object Tracking by a
                                  Recommender System with Correction
                                  Propagation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429--442
                     A. Liu and   
                      Y. Lu and   
                    M. Chen and   
                          Y. Su   Mitosis Detection in Phase Contrast
                                  Microscopy Image Sequences of Stem Cell
                                  Populations: A Critical Review . . . . . 443--457
                     W. Nie and   
                   H. Cheng and   
                          Y. Su   Modeling Temporal Information of Mitotic
                                  for Mitotic Event Detection  . . . . . . 458--469

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 4, Number 1, March, 2018

                        Q. Yang   State of the Journal Editorial . . . . . 1--1
                     Z. Wan and   
                      H. He and   
                        B. Tang   A Generative Model for Sparse
                                  Hyperparameter Determination . . . . . . 2--10
                  T. Y. Win and   
               H. Tianfield and   
                        Q. Mair   Big Data Based Security Analytics for
                                  Protecting Virtualized Infrastructures
                                  in Cloud Computing . . . . . . . . . . . 11--25
                 S. Salinas and   
                     C. Luo and   
                    X. Chen and   
                    W. Liao and   
                          P. Li   Efficient Secure Outsourcing of
                                  Large-Scale Sparse Linear Systems of
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26--39
                 S. Antaris and   
                  D. Rafailidis   In-Memory Stream Indexing of Massive and
                                  Fast Incoming Multimedia Content . . . . 40--54
                     L. Chu and   
                     R. Qiu and   
                      X. He and   
                    Z. Ling and   
                         Y. Liu   Massive Streaming PMU Data Modelling and
                                  Analytics in Smart Grid State Evaluation
                                  based on Multiple High-Dimensional
                                  Covariance Test  . . . . . . . . . . . . 55--64
                   A. Iscen and   
                   T. Furon and   
                  V. Gripon and   
                  M. Rabbat and   
                H. Jégou   Memory Vectors for Similarity Search in
                                  High-Dimensional Spaces  . . . . . . . . 65--77
                    Y. Cong and   
                     J. Liu and   
                     B. Fan and   
                    P. Zeng and   
                      H. Yu and   
                         J. Luo   Online Similarity Learning for Big Data
                                  with Overfitting . . . . . . . . . . . . 78--89
                   H. Shuai and   
                    D. Yang and   
                    C. Shen and   
                   P. S. Yu and   
                        M. Chen   QMSampler: Joint Sampling of Multiple
                                  Networks with Quality Guarantee  . . . . 90--104
                    Z. Shao and   
                     J. Cai and   
                        Z. Wang   Smart Monitoring Cameras Driven
                                  Intelligent Processing to Big
                                  Surveillance Video Data  . . . . . . . . 105--116
                     P. Lee and   
                 J. D. West and   
                        B. Howe   Viziometrics: Analyzing Visual
                                  Information in the Scientific Literature 117--129
                   Y. Jiang and   
                   Z. Huang and   
                 D. H. K. Tsang   Towards Max-Min Fair Resource Allocation
                                  for Stream Big Data Analytics in Shared
                                  Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130--137
                      Anonymous   TBD 2017 Reviewers . . . . . . . . . . . 138--140
                      Anonymous   2017 Index \booktitleIEEE Transactions
                                  on Big Data Vol. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . 1--7

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 4, Number 2, June, 2018

                    J. Chen and   
                        H. Wang   Guest Editorial: Big Data Infrastructure
                                  I  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148--149
                      D. Wu and   
                     L. Zhu and   
                      Q. Lu and   
                        S. Sakr   HDM: A Composable Framework for Big Data
                                  Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150--163
                    L. Zhao and   
                    Z. Chen and   
                      Y. Hu and   
                     G. Min and   
                       Z. Jiang   Distributed Feature Selection for
                                  Efficient Economic Big Data Analysis . . 164--176
                     H. Liu and   
                     B. Liu and   
                 L. T. Yang and   
                     M. Lin and   
                    Y. Deng and   
                   K. Bilal and   
                     S. U. Khan   Thermal-Aware and DVFS-Enabled Big Data
                                  Task Scheduling for Data Centers . . . . 177--190
                    Z. Chen and   
                      J. Xu and   
                    J. Tang and   
                K. A. Kwiat and   
              C. A. Kamhoua and   
                        C. Wang   GPU-Accelerated High-Throughput Online
                                  Stream Data Processing . . . . . . . . . 191--202
                     P. Sun and   
                     Y. Wen and   
                D. N. B. Ta and   
                         H. Xie   MetaFlow: A Scalable Metadata Lookup
                                  Service for Distributed File Systems in
                                  Data Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203--216
                 R. Sellami and   
                      B. Defude   Complex Queries Optimization and
                                  Evaluation over Relational and NoSQL
                                  Data Stores in Cloud Environments  . . . 217--230
                    J. Wang and   
                   X. Zhang and   
                     J. Yin and   
                    R. Wang and   
                      H. Wu and   
                         D. Han   Speed Up Big Data Analytics by Unveiling
                                  the Storage Distribution of Sub-Datasets 231--244
                      Z. Xu and   
                     X. Luo and   
                     Y. Liu and   
                 K. R. Choo and   
               V. Sugumaran and   
                     N. Yen and   
                     L. Mei and   
                          C. Hu   From Latency, Through Outbreak, to
                                  Decline: Detecting Different States of
                                  Emergency Events Using Web Resources . . 245--257
                     Z. Niu and   
                      B. He and   
                         F. Liu   JouleMR: Towards Cost-Effective and
                                  Green-Aware Data Processing Frameworks   258--272
                     Y. Liu and   
                         X. Sun   CaL: Extending Data Locality to Consider
                                  Concurrency for Performance Optimization 273--288
                    H. Fang and   
                       Z. Zhang   An Enhanced Visualization Method to Aid
                                  Behavioral Trajectory Pattern
                                  Recognition Infrastructure for Big
                                  Longitudinal Data  . . . . . . . . . . . 289--298

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 4, Number 3, September, 2018

                    J. Chen and   
                        H. Wang   Guest Editorial: Big Data Infrastructure
                                  II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299--300
                      L. Qi and   
                      X. Xu and   
                   X. Zhang and   
                     W. Dou and   
                      C. Hu and   
                    Y. Zhou and   
                          J. Yu   Structural Balance Theory-Based
                                  E-Commerce Recommendation over Big
                                  Rating Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301--312
                     W. Dai and   
                     L. Qiu and   
                      A. Wu and   
                         M. Qiu   Cloud Infrastructure Resource Allocation
                                  for Big Data Applications  . . . . . . . 313--324
                    X. Wang and   
                 L. T. Yang and   
                     H. Liu and   
                     M. J. Deen   A Big Data-as-a-Service Framework:
                                  State-of-the-Art and Perspectives  . . . 325--340
                      C. Hu and   
                      W. Li and   
                   X. Cheng and   
                      J. Yu and   
                    S. Wang and   
                         R. Bie   A Secure and Verifiable Access Control
                                  Scheme for Big Data Storage in Clouds    341--355
                     Y. Cui and   
                    J. Song and   
                      M. Li and   
                     Q. Ren and   
                   Y. Zhang and   
                         X. Cai   SDN-Based Big Data Caching in ISP
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356--367
                   P. Zhang and   
                      K. Yu and   
                   J. J. Yu and   
                     S. U. Khan   QuantCloud: Big Data Infrastructure for
                                  Quantitative Finance on the Cloud  . . . 368--380
                   X. Huang and   
                       C. Huang   NGD: Filtering Graphs for Visual
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381--395
                    B. Wang and   
                   J. Jiang and   
                      Y. Wu and   
                    G. Yang and   
                          K. Li   Accelerating MapReduce on Commodity
                                  Clusters: An SSD-Empowered Approach  . . 396--407
                      J. Wu and   
                     K. Ota and   
                    M. Dong and   
                      J. Li and   
                        H. Wang   Big Data Analysis-Based Security
                                  Situational Awareness for Smart Grid . . 408--417
                    Y. Wang and   
                    Y. Shen and   
                    H. Wang and   
                     J. Cao and   
                       X. Jiang   MtMR: Ensuring MapReduce Computation
                                  Integrity with Merkle Tree-Based
                                  Verifications  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418--431

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 4, Number 4, December, 2018

                      Z. Li and   
                H. Chandler and   
                        H. Shen   Analysis of Knowledge Sharing Activities
                                  on a Social Network Incorporated
                                  Discussion Forum: A Case Study of
                                  DISboards  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432--446
                  M. Cheung and   
                     J. She and   
                        N. Wang   Characterizing User Connections in
                                  Social Media through User-Shared Images  447--458
                    D. Dong and   
                     J. Herbert   Content-Aware Partial Compression for
                                  Textual Big Data Analysis in Hadoop  . . 459--472
                     W. Shi and   
                     Y. Zhu and   
                   P. S. Yu and   
                   J. Zhang and   
                   T. Huang and   
                    C. Wang and   
                        Y. Chen   Effective Prediction of Missing Data on
                                  Apache Spark over Multivariable Time
                                  Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473--486
                   K. Kuang and   
                   M. Jiang and   
                     P. Cui and   
                     H. Luo and   
                        S. Yang   Effective Promotional Strategies
                                  Selection in Social Media: A Data-Driven
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487--501
                      J. Wu and   
                   W. Zheng and   
                     J. Lai and   
                     C. Y. Suen   Euler Clustering on Large-Scale Dataset  502--515
               K. Kralevska and   
              D. Gligoroski and   
               R. E. Jensen and   
               H. Òverby   HashTag Erasure Codes: From Theory to
                                  Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516--529
                     Y. Yao and   
                     Y. Liu and   
                     Z. Liu and   
                        H. Chen   Human Activity Recognition with Posture
                                  Tendency Descriptors on Action Snippets  530--541
                     X. Liu and   
                        X. Wang   LS-Decomposition for Robust Recovery of
                                  Sensory Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 542--555
                      Y. Li and   
                     J. Bao and   
                      Y. Li and   
                      Y. Wu and   
                    Z. Gong and   
                       Y. Zheng   Mining the Most Influential $k$-Location
                                  Set from Massive Trajectories  . . . . . 556--570
                  J. Y. Zhu and   
                   C. Zhang and   
                   H. Zhang and   
                     S. Zhi and   
                V. O. K. Li and   
                     J. Han and   
                       Y. Zheng   pg-Causality: Identifying Spatiotemporal
                                  Causal Pathways for Air Pollutants with
                                  Urban Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571--585
                     W. Xue and   
                      H. Li and   
                    Y. Peng and   
                     J. Cui and   
                         Y. Shi   Secure $k$ Nearest Neighbors Query for
                                  High-Dimensional Vectors in Outsourced
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586--599
                     Y. Lin and   
                        H. Shen   SmartQ: A Question and Answer System for
                                  Supplying High-Quality and Trustworthy
                                  Answers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600--613
            P. D. Francesco and   
              F. Malandrino and   
                  L. A. DaSilva   Assembling and Using a Cellular Dataset
                                  for Mobile Network Analysis and Planning 614--620

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 5, Number 1, March, 2019

                        Q. Yang   State of the Journal . . . . . . . . . . 1--1
                      B. He and   
                    Y. Chen and   
                        J. Zhou   Guest Editors Introduction: Special
                                  Issue on Big Data Systems on Emerging
                                  Architectures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--3
                     Q. Cai and   
                   H. Zhang and   
                     W. Guo and   
                    G. Chen and   
                  B. C. Ooi and   
                     K. Tan and   
                        W. Wong   MemepiC: Towards a Unified In-Memory Big
                                  Data Management System . . . . . . . . . 4--17
                    M. Goudarzi   Heterogeneous Architectures for Big Data
                                  Batch Processing in MapReduce Paradigm   18--33
                    K. Wang and   
                      C. Xu and   
                   Y. Zhang and   
                     S. Guo and   
                   A. Y. Zomaya   Robust Big Data Analytics for
                                  Electricity Price Forecasting in the
                                  Smart Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34--45
                     X. Liu and   
                       R. Buyya   Performance-Oriented Deployment of
                                  Streaming Applications on Cloud  . . . . 46--59
                   S. Dolev and   
                P. Florissi and   
                   E. Gudes and   
                  S. Sharma and   
                      I. Singer   A Survey on Geographically Distributed
                                  Big-Data Processing Using MapReduce  . . 60--80
                     Z. Jia and   
                     W. Gao and   
                     Y. Shi and   
                S. A. McKee and   
                      Z. Ji and   
                    J. Zhan and   
                    L. Wang and   
                       L. Zhang   Understanding Processors Design
                                  Decisions for Data Analytics in
                                  Homogeneous Data Centers . . . . . . . . 81--94
                 J. Edstrom and   
                    D. Chen and   
                    Y. Gong and   
                    J. Wang and   
                        N. Gong   Data-Pattern Enabled Self-Recovery
                                  Low-Power Storage System for Big Video
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95--105
                      Anonymous   2018 Reviewers List  . . . . . . . . . . 106--118
                      Anonymous   2018 Index \booktitleIEEE Transactions
                                  on Big Data Vol. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . 1--9

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 5, Number 2, June, 2019

                  M. Makkie and   
                      X. Li and   
                   S. Quinn and   
                     B. Lin and   
                      J. Ye and   
                     G. Mon and   
                         T. Liu   A Distributed Computing Platform for
                                  fMRI Big Data Analytics  . . . . . . . . 109--119
                   S. Jiang and   
                    Y. Kong and   
                          Y. Fu   Deep Geo-Constrained Auto-Encoder for
                                  Non-Landmark GPS Estimation  . . . . . . 120--133
                  M. Hajeer and   
                    D. Dasgupta   Handling Big Data Using a Data-Aware
                                  HDFS and Evolutionary Clustering
                                  Technique  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134--147
                   Z. Zhang and   
                     L. Jia and   
                    M. Zhao and   
                     G. Liu and   
                    M. Wang and   
                         S. Yan   Kernel-Induced Label Propagation by
                                  Mapping for Semi-Supervised
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148--165
                   S. Bruce and   
                      Z. Li and   
                    H. Yang and   
                S. Mukhopadhyay   Nonparametric Distributed Learning
                                  Architecture for Big Data: Algorithm and
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166--179
                    H. Wang and   
                     H. Yao and   
                   D. Kifer and   
                   C. Graif and   
                          Z. Li   Non-Stationary Model for Crime Rate
                                  Inference Using Modern Urban Data  . . . 180--194
                   D. Zhang and   
                    D. Wang and   
                   N. Vance and   
                   Y. Zhang and   
                        S. Mike   On Scalable and Robust Truth Discovery
                                  in Big Data Social Media Sensing
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195--208
                     B. Lyu and   
                      Y. Li and   
                      J. Fu and   
                A. C. Trapp and   
                     H. Xie and   
                        Y. Liao   Scalable User-Substation Assignment with
                                  Big Data from Power Grids  . . . . . . . 209--222
                      W. Li and   
                     Q. Bai and   
                       M. Zhang   SIMiner: A Stigmergy-Based Model for
                                  Mining Influential Nodes in Dynamic
                                  Social Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 223--237
                     C. Qiu and   
                    H. Shen and   
                        L. Chen   Towards Green Cloud Computing: Demand
                                  Allocation and Pricing Policies for
                                  Cloud Service Brokerage  . . . . . . . . 238--251
                M. Malensek and   
                 W. Budgaga and   
                   R. Stern and   
              S. Pallickara and   
               S. L. Pallickara   Trident: Distributed Storage, Analysis,
                                  and Exploration of Multidimensional
                                  Phenomena  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252--265
                   M. Zhang and   
                      H. Fu and   
                      Y. Li and   
                        S. Chen   Understanding Urban Dynamics From
                                  Massive Mobile Traffic Data  . . . . . . 266--278

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 5, Number 3, September, 2019

                 K. R. Choo and   
                   M. Conti and   
                A. Dehghantanha   Special Issue on Big Data Applications
                                  in Cyber Security and Threat
                                  Intelligence: Part 1 . . . . . . . . . . 279--281
              J. H. Abawajy and   
                     A. Kelarev   Iterative Classifier Fusion System for
                                  the Detection of Android Malware . . . . 282--292
               A. AlMahmoud and   
                 E. Damiani and   
                   H. Otrok and   
                  Y. Al-Hammadi   Spamdoop: a Privacy-Preserving Big Data
                                  Platform for Collaborative Spam
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293--304
                  W. Haider and   
                      J. Hu and   
                     Y. Xie and   
                      X. Yu and   
                          Q. Wu   Detecting Anomalous Behavior in Cloud
                                  Servers by Nested-Arc Hidden Semi-Markov
                                  Model with State Summarization . . . . . 305--316
                    M. Tang and   
                  M. Alazab and   
                         Y. Luo   Big Data for Cybersecurity:
                                  Vulnerability Disclosure Trends and
                                  Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317--329
                     H. Cui and   
                 R. H. Deng and   
                      Y. Li and   
                          G. Wu   Attribute-Based Storage Supporting
                                  Secure Deduplication of Encrypted Data
                                  in Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330--342
                    X. Ding and   
                    L. Wang and   
                    Z. Shao and   
                         H. Jin   Efficient Recommendation of
                                  De-Identification Policies Using
                                  MapReduce  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343--354
                    J. Feng and   
                 L. T. Yang and   
                     G. Dai and   
                    W. Wang and   
                         D. Zou   A Secure High-Order Lanczos-Based
                                  Orthogonal Tensor SVD for Big Data
                                  Reduction in Cloud Environment . . . . . 355--367
                    W. Liao and   
                     C. Luo and   
                 S. Salinas and   
                          P. Li   Efficient Secure Outsourcing of
                                  Large-Scale Convex Separable Programming
                                  for Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368--378
                  D. Puthal and   
                      X. Wu and   
                   N. Surya and   
                  R. Ranjan and   
                        J. Chen   SEEN: A Selective Encryption Method to
                                  Ensure Confidentiality for Big Sensing
                                  Data Streams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379--392
                     Z. Yan and   
                   L. Zhang and   
                    W. DING and   
                       Q. Zheng   Heterogeneous Data Storage Management
                                  with Deduplication in Cloud Computing    393--407
           A. Soltani Panah and   
                  A. Yavari and   
            R. van Schyndel and   
          D. Georgakopoulos and   
                          X. Yi   Context-Driven Granular Disclosure
                                  Control for Internet of Things
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408--422

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 5, Number 4, December, 2019

     Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo and   
                Mauro Conti and   
               Ali Dehghantanha   Special Issue on Big Data Applications
                                  in Cyber Security and Threat
                                  Intelligence Part 2  . . . . . . . . . . 423--424
        Aniello Castiglione and   
          Giuseppe Cattaneo and   
          Giancarlo De Maio and   
          Alfredo De Santis and   
              Gianluca Roscigno   A Novel Methodology to Acquire Live Big
                                  Data Evidence from the Cloud . . . . . . 425--438
             Elias Bou-Harb and   
        Martin Husák and   
             Mourad Debbabi and   
                     Chadi Assi   Big Data Sanitization and Cyber
                                  Situational Awareness: a Network
                                  Telescope Perspective  . . . . . . . . . 439--453
               Binfeng Wang and   
                  Jun Zhang and   
                 Zili Zhang and   
                    Lei Pan and   
                 Yang Xiang and   
                      Dawen Xia   Noise-Resistant Statistical Traffic
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454--466
      Félix Iglesias and   
                    Tanja Zseby   Pattern Discovery in Internet Background
                                  Radiation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467--480
              Nour Moustafa and   
                  Jill Slay and   
                  Gideon Creech   Novel Geometric Area Analysis Technique
                                  for Anomaly Detection Using Trapezoidal
                                  Area Estimation on Large-Scale Networks  481--494
                    Bin Cao and   
               Jianwei Zhao and   
                  Zhihan Lv and   
                        Xin Liu   $3$D Terrain Multiobjective Deployment
                                  Optimization of Heterogeneous
                                  Directional Sensor Networks in Security
                                  Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495--505
                  Weiren Yu and   
                 Jianxin Li and   
    Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan and   
              Richong Zhang and   
                   Jinpeng Huai   Ring: Real-Time Emerging Anomaly
                                  Monitoring System Over Text Streams  . . 506--519
              Zhiyong Zhang and   
                 Ranran Sun and   
               Xiaoxue Wang and   
                  Changwei Zhao   A Situational Analytic Method for User
                                  Behavior Pattern in Multimedia Social
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520--528
                   Zheng Xu and   
                    Lin Mei and   
                  Zhihan Lv and   
               Chuanping Hu and   
              Xiangfeng Luo and   
                  Hui Zhang and   
                    Yunhuai Liu   Multi-Modal Description of Public Safety
                                  Events Using Surveillance and Social
                                  Media  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529--539
               Zhiqiang Wan and   
                       Haibo He   AnswerNet: Learning to Answer Questions  540--549
                Yichen Ding and   
                  Yanhua Li and   
                   Xun Zhou and   
              Zhuojie Huang and   
                  Simin You and   
                        Jun Luo   Sampling Big Trajectory Data for
                                  Traversal Trajectory Aggregate Query . . 550--563
                 Peng Zhang and   
                  Xiang Shi and   
                  Samee U. Khan   QuantCloud: Enabling Big Data Complex
                                  Event Processing for Quantitative
                                  Finance Through a Data-Driven Execution  564--575
                  Yanhua Li and   
              Guanxiong Liu and   
               Zhi-Li Zhang and   
                    Jun Luo and   
                      Fan Zhang   CityLines: Designing Hybrid
                                  Hub-and-Spoke Transit System with Urban
                                  Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576--587
               Shengkang Yu and   
                      Xi Li and   
                 Xueyi Zhao and   
             Zhongfei Zhang and   
                     Fei Wu and   
              Jingdong Wang and   
             Yueting Zhuang and   
                     Xuelong Li   A Bilinear Ranking SVM for Knowledge
                                  Based Relation Prediction and
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588--600

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 6, Number 1, March, 2020

                     Qiang Yang   Message From the Outgoing
                                  Editor-in-Chief  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--1
                       Jie Tang   Message from the Incoming
                                  Editor-in-Chief  . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--2
               Daokun Zhang and   
                    Jie Yin and   
               Xingquan Zhu and   
                  Chengqi Zhang   Network Representation Learning: a
                                  Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--28
                  Guyue Han and   
                   Harish Sethu   Closed Walk Sampler: an Efficient Method
                                  for Estimating Eigenvalues of Large
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29--42
       Francesco Malandrino and   
  Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini and   
             Giuseppe Avino and   
           Marco Malinverno and   
              Scott Kirkpatrick   From Megabits to CPU Ticks: Enriching a
                                  Demand Trace in the Age of MEC . . . . . 43--50
             Mohsen Joneidi and   
         Alireza Zaeemzadeh and   
           Behzad Shahrasbi and   
                 Guo-Jun Qi and   
              Nazanin Rahnavard   E-Optimal Sensor Selection for
                                  Compressive Sensing-Based Purposes . . . 51--65
                 Ruiyuan Li and   
                 Sijie Ruan and   
                    Jie Bao and   
                  Yanhua Li and   
                 Yingcai Wu and   
                 Liang Hong and   
                       Yu Zheng   Efficient Path Query Processing Over
                                  Massive Trajectories on the Cloud  . . . 66--79
           Alexandre Perrot and   
                    David Auber   Cornac: Tackling Huge Graph
                                  Visualization with Big Data
                                  Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80--92
            Pengcheng Zhang and   
               Yangyang Jia and   
                  Jerry Gao and   
                   Wei Song and   
                  Hareton Leung   Short-Term Rainfall Forecasting Using
                                  Multi-Layer Perceptron . . . . . . . . . 93--106
           Arpan Man Sainju and   
          Danial Aghajarian and   
                  Zhe Jiang and   
                  Sushil Prasad   Parallel Grid-Based Colocation Mining
                                  Algorithms on GPUs for Big Spatial Event
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107--118
                 Jicong Fan and   
                Mingbo Zhao and   
               Tommy W. S. Chow   Matrix Completion via Sparse
                                  Factorization Solved by Accelerated
                                  Proximal Alternating Linearized
                                  Minimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119--130
               Huangke Chen and   
                Jinming Wen and   
             Witold Pedrycz and   
                      Guohua Wu   Big Data Processing Workflows Oriented
                                  Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm using
                                  Task-Duplication in Geo-Distributed
                                  Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131--144
                   Xun Zhou and   
                Huigui Rong and   
                 Chang Yang and   
                  Qun Zhang and   
    Amin Vahedian Khezerlou and   
                  Hui Zheng and   
              Zubair Shafiq and   
                    Alex X. Liu   Optimizing Taxi Driver Profit
                                  Efficiency: a Spatial Network-Based
                                  Markov Decision Process Approach . . . . 145--158
            Brandon Lwowski and   
                   Paul Rad and   
         Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo   Geospatial Event Detection by Grouping
                                  Emotion Contagion in Social Media  . . . 159--170
                     Ran Xu and   
                    Yong Li and   
                     Sheng Chen   On the Opportunistic Topology of Taxi
                                  Networks in Urban Mobility Environment   171--188
               Jiujun Cheng and   
                Minjun Chen and   
               MengChu Zhou and   
                Shangce Gao and   
                Chunmei Liu and   
                       Cong Liu   Overlapping Community Change-Point
                                  Detection in an Evolving Network . . . . 189--200
                Szu-Yu Chou and   
       Jyh-Shing Roger Jang and   
                  Yi-Hsuan Yang   Fast Tensor Factorization for
                                  Large-Scale Context-Aware Recommendation
                                  from Implicit Feedback . . . . . . . . . 201--208
                      Anonymous   2019 Index \booktitleIEEE Transactions
                                  on Big Data Vol. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . 1--9

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 6, Number 2, June, 2020

                  Yang Yang and   
                     Jie Li and   
           Cheng-Xiang Wang and   
             Olav Tirkkonen and   
                  Ming-Tuo Zhou   Special Issue on Wireless Big Data . . . 209--210
                  Jie Huang and   
           Cheng-Xiang Wang and   
                     Lu Bai and   
                   Jian Sun and   
                  Yang Yang and   
                     Jie Li and   
             Olav Tirkkonen and   
                  Ming-Tuo Zhou   A Big Data Enabled Channel Model for 5G
                                  Wireless Communication Systems . . . . . 211--222
                  Yupeng Li and   
              Jianhua Zhang and   
                  Zhanyu Ma and   
                       Yu Zhang   Clustering Analysis in the Wireless
                                  Propagation Channel with a Variational
                                  Gaussian Mixture Model . . . . . . . . . 223--232
                 Ruidong Li and   
                 Hitoshi Asaeda   MWBS: an Efficient Many-to-Many Wireless
                                  Big Data Delivery Scheme . . . . . . . . 233--247
             Qingchen Zhang and   
           Laurence T. Yang and   
                Zhikui Chen and   
                        Peng Li   Incremental Deep Computation Model for
                                  Wireless Big Data Feature Learning . . . 248--257
                      Yu Gu and   
                Yifan Zhang and   
                     Jie Li and   
                 Yusheng Ji and   
                     Xin An and   
                       Fuji Ren   Sleepy: Wireless Channel Data Driven
                                  Sleep Monitoring via Commodity WiFi
                                  Devices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258--268
                 Weijia Jia and   
              Hongjian Peng and   
                    Na Ruan and   
               Zhiqing Tang and   
                       Wei Zhao   WiFind: Driver Fatigue Detection with
                                  Fine-Grained Wi-Fi Signal Features . . . 269--282
                    Miao Du and   
                   Kun Wang and   
                Zhuoqun Xia and   
                      Yan Zhang   Differential Privacy Preserving of
                                  Training Model in Wireless Big Data with
                                  Edge Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283--295
                Shuang Wang and   
                Luca Bonomi and   
                 Wenrui Dai and   
                  Feng Chen and   
             Cynthia Cheung and   
          Cinnamon S. Bloss and   
               Samuel Cheng and   
                 Xiaoqian Jiang   Big Data Privacy in Biomedical Research  296--308
                 Yaliang Li and   
               Chaochun Liu and   
                     Nan Du and   
                    Wei Fan and   
                      Qi Li and   
                   Jing Gao and   
              Chenwei Zhang and   
                         Hao Wu   Extracting Medical Knowledge from
                                  Crowdsourced Question Answering Website  309--321
                Wenlu Zhang and   
                Rongjian Li and   
                   Tao Zeng and   
                   Qian Sun and   
               Sudhir Kumar and   
                 Jieping Ye and   
                    Shuiwang Ji   Deep Model Based Transfer and Multi-Task
                                  Learning for Biological Image Analysis   322--333
               Jianqiang Li and   
                     Lu Liu and   
               Jingchao Sun and   
                  Haowen Mo and   
              Ji-Jiang Yang and   
                   Shi Chen and   
                Huiting Liu and   
                  Qing Wang and   
                        Hui Pan   Comparison of Different Machine Learning
                                  Approaches to Predict Small for
                                  Gestational Age Infants  . . . . . . . . 334--346
        Abdelmounaam Rezgui and   
             Nickolas Davis and   
                 Zaki Malik and   
            Brahim Medjahed and   
               Hamdy S. Soliman   CloudFinder: a System for Processing Big
                                  Data Workloads on Volunteered Federated
                                  Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347--358
            Debopriya Ghosh and   
             Javier Cabrera and   
              Tarek N. Adam and   
            Petros Levounis and   
                  Nabil R. Adam   Comorbidity Patterns and Its Impact on
                                  Health Outcomes: Two-Way Clustering
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359--368
                 Zhao Zhang and   
               Kyle Barbary and   
       Frank Austin Nothaft and   
             Evan R. Sparks and   
                Oliver Zahn and   
        Michael J. Franklin and   
         David A. Patterson and   
                Saul Perlmutter   Kira: Processing Astronomy Imagery Using
                                  Big Data Technology  . . . . . . . . . . 369--381
          Vasilis Efthymiou and   
          Kostas Stefanidis and   
         Vassilis Christophides   Benchmarking Blocking Algorithms for Web
                                  Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382--395
            Kai Hildebrandt and   
               Fabian Panse and   
              Niklas Wilcke and   
                 Norbert Ritter   Large-Scale Data Pollution with Apache
                                  Spark  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396--411
               Yuxuan Jiang and   
                  Zhe Huang and   
              Danny H. K. Tsang   On Power-Peak-Aware Scheduling for
                                  Large-Scale Shared Clusters  . . . . . . 412--426

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 6, Number 3, September, 2020

                Mihai Datcu and   
       Jacqueline Le Moigne and   
           Sveinung Loekken and   
              Pierre Soille and   
                   Gui-Song Xia   Special Issue on Big Data From Space . . 427--429
            Giulio Coluccia and   
              Cinzia Lastri and   
            Donatella Guzzi and   
               Enrico Magli and   
              Vanni Nardino and   
            Lorenzo Palombi and   
                 Ivan Pippi and   
         Valentina Raimondi and   
             Chiara Ravazzi and   
               Florin Garoi and   
             Daniela Coltuc and   
           Raffaele Vitulli and   
      Alessandro Zuccaro Marchi   Optical Compressive Imaging Technologies
                                  for Space Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . 430--442
 Clémentine Barreyre and   
    Béatrice Laurent and   
         Jean-Michel Loubes and   
              Loic Boussouf and   
                 Bertrand Cabon   Multiple Testing for Outlier Detection
                                  in Space Telemetries . . . . . . . . . . 443--451
                R. De March and   
                  C. Leuzzi and   
                M. Deffacis and   
                 F. Caronte and   
               A. F. Mulone and   
                    R. Messineo   Innovative Approach for PMM Data
                                  Processing and Analytics . . . . . . . . 452--459
    Radamanthys Stivaktakis and   
      Grigorios Tsagkatakis and   
               Bruno Moraes and   
             Filipe Abdalla and   
            Jean-Luc Starck and   
          Panagiotis Tsakalides   Convolutional Neural Networks for
                                  Spectroscopic Redshift Estimation on
                                  Euclid Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460--476
              Mariem Brahem and   
            Karine Zeitouni and   
                    Laurent Yeh   ASTROIDE: a Unified Astronomical Big
                                  Data Processing Engine over Spark  . . . 477--491
                 Yonghao Xu and   
                      Bo Du and   
                 Liangpei Zhang   Beyond the Patchwise Classification:
                                  Spectral-Spatial Fully Convolutional
                                  Networks for Hyperspectral Image
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492--506
                Xin-Yi Tong and   
               Gui-Song Xia and   
                     Fan Hu and   
               Yanfei Zhong and   
                Mihai Datcu and   
                 Liangpei Zhang   Exploiting Deep Features for Remote
                                  Sensing Image Retrieval: a Systematic
                                  Investigation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507--521
                     Fan Hu and   
               Gui-Song Xia and   
                   Wen Yang and   
                 Liangpei Zhang   Mining Deep Semantic Representations for
                                  Scene Classification of High-Resolution
                                  Remote Sensing Imagery . . . . . . . . . 522--536
 João Paulo Da Silva and   
             Jurandir Zullo and   
    Luciana Alvim Santos Romani   A Time Series Mining Approach for
                                  Agricultural Area Detection  . . . . . . 537--546
           Vasileios Syrris and   
          Christina Corbane and   
           Martino Pesaresi and   
                  Pierre Soille   Mosaicking Copernicus Sentinel-1 Data at
                                  Global Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547--557
                   I. Zinno and   
                  M. Bonano and   
                S. Buonanno and   
                    F. Casu and   
                 C. De Luca and   
                 M. Manunta and   
                   M. Manzo and   
                      R. Lanari   National Scale Surface Deformation Time
                                  Series Generation through Advanced
                                  DInSAR Processing of Sentinel-1 Data
                                  within a Cloud Computing Environment . . 558--571
           Andrii Shelestov and   
           Mykola Lavreniuk and   
          Vladimir Vasiliev and   
             Leonid Shumilo and   
             Andrii Kolotii and   
            Bohdan Yailymov and   
            Nataliia Kussul and   
                Hanna Yailymova   Cloud Approach to Automated Crop
                                  Classification Using Sentinel-1 Imagery  572--582
          Raul Zurita-Milla and   
           Romulo Goncalves and   
  Emma Izquierdo-Verdiguier and   
             Frank O. Ostermann   Exploring Spring Onset at Continental
                                  Scales: Mapping Phenoregions and
                                  Correlating Temperature and
                                  Satellite-Based Phenometrics . . . . . . 583--593
                  Zhanyu Ma and   
                 Jiyang Xie and   
                 Hailong Li and   
                    Qie Sun and   
             Fredrik Wallin and   
                Zhongwei Si and   
                        Jun Guo   Deep Neural Network-Based Impacts
                                  Analysis of Multimodal Factors on Heat
                                  Demand Prediction  . . . . . . . . . . . 594--605

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 6, Number 4, December, 2020

                  Shiyan Hu and   
                     Xin Li and   
                   Haibo He and   
               Shuguang Cui and   
                Manish Parashar   Big Data for Cyber-Physical Systems  . . 606--608
            Mohamed Ibrahim and   
     Krishnendu Chakrabarty and   
                       Jun Zeng   BioCyBig: a Cyberphysical System for
                                  Integrative Microfluidics-Driven
                                  Analysis of Genomic Association Studies  609--623
                Zubair Shah and   
                Adnan Anwar and   
        Abdun Naser Mahmood and   
                 Zahir Tari and   
               Albert Y. Zomaya   A Spatiotemporal Data Summarization
                                  Approach for Real-Time Operation of
                                  Smart Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624--637
                 R. Lily Hu and   
             Ryan Skorupski and   
            Robert Entriken and   
                       Yinyu Ye   A Mathematical Programming Formulation
                                  for Optimal Load Shifting of Electricity
                                  Demand for the Smart Grid  . . . . . . . 638--651
    Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan and   
                     Jie Wu and   
              Gary M. Weiss and   
            Thaier Hayajneh and   
                  Tian Wang and   
                    Guojun Wang   Event Detection Through Differential
                                  Pattern Mining in Cyber-Physical Systems 652--665
              Xiaokang Wang and   
           Laurence T. Yang and   
                Xingyu Chen and   
                 Lizhe Wang and   
               Rajiv Ranjan and   
               Xiaodao Chen and   
                  M. Jamal Deen   A Multi-Order Distributed HOSVD with Its
                                  Incremental Computing for Big Services
                                  in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems . . . . 666--678
                 Chao Huang and   
                  Dong Wang and   
                    Jun Tao and   
                     Brian Mann   On Physical-Social-Aware Localness
                                  Inference by Exploring Big Data from
                                  Location-Based Services  . . . . . . . . 679--690
              Kazunori Sakurama   Control of Large-Scale Cyber-Physical
                                  Systems with Agents Having Various
                                  Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691--701
                 Chao Huang and   
                  Dong Wang and   
               Nitesh V. Chawla   Scalable Uncertainty-Aware Truth
                                  Discovery in Big Data Social Sensing
                                  Applications for Cyber-Physical Systems  702--713
       Dániel Kondor and   
          Behrooz Hashemian and   
 Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye and   
                    Carlo Ratti   Towards Matching User Mobility Traces in
                                  Large-Scale Datasets . . . . . . . . . . 714--726
           Antonia Gogoglou and   
            Yannis Manolopoulos   A Data-Driven Unified Framework for
                                  Predicting Citation Dynamics . . . . . . 727--740
               Guifeng Wang and   
                     Qi Liu and   
                Hongke Zhao and   
               Chuanren Liu and   
                    Tong Xu and   
                    Enhong Chen   Product Supply Optimization for
                                  Crowdfunding Campaigns . . . . . . . . . 741--756
              Xiaoping Zhou and   
                  Xun Liang and   
                       Zhi Tang   Scalable Triangle Discovery Algorithm
                                  for Large Scale-Free Network with
                                  Limited Internal Memory  . . . . . . . . 757--769
                    Wei Dai and   
                 Qing Zhang and   
                  Weike Pan and   
                     Zhong Ming   Transfer to Rank for Top-$N$
                                  Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770--779
                      Ke Gu and   
                     Xin Xu and   
                Junfei Qiao and   
              Qiuping Jiang and   
                  Weisi Lin and   
                Daniel Thalmann   Learning a Unified Blind Image Quality
                                  Metric via On-Line and Off-Line Big
                                  Training Instances . . . . . . . . . . . 780--791
                     Die Hu and   
                   Dan Feng and   
                  Yulai Xie and   
                Gongming Xu and   
                  Xinrui Gu and   
                   Darrell Long   Efficient Provenance Management via
                                  Clustering and Hybrid Storage in Big
                                  Data Environments  . . . . . . . . . . . 792--803
              Ehab Zaghloul and   
                   Kai Zhou and   
                       Jian Ren   P-MOD: Secure Privilege-Based Multilevel
                                  Organizational Data-Sharing in Cloud
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804--815
                   Peng Sun and   
               Yonggang Wen and   
       Ta Nguyen Binh Duong and   
                   Xiaokui Xiao   GraphMP: I/O-Efficient Big Graph
                                  Analytics on a Single Commodity Machine  816--829

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 7, Number 1, March, 2021

                Yuxiao Dong and   
                 Marinka Zitnik   Guest Editorial: AI for COVID-19 . . . . 1--2
                 Yifan Peng and   
                Yuxing Tang and   
                Sungwon Lee and   
               Yingying Zhu and   
          Ronald M. Summers and   
                     Zhiyong Lu   COVID-19-CT-CXR: a Freely Accessible and
                                  Weakly Labeled Chest X-Ray and CT Image
                                  Collection on COVID-19 From Biomedical
                                  Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--12
                Qingsen Yan and   
                    Bo Wang and   
                  Dong Gong and   
                  Chuan Luo and   
                   Wei Zhao and   
                Jianhu Shen and   
                Jingyang Ai and   
                Qinfeng Shi and   
              Yanning Zhang and   
                   Shuo Jin and   
                Liang Zhang and   
                      Zheng You   COVID-19 Chest CT Image Segmentation
                                  Network by Multi-Scale Fusion and
                                  Enhancement Operations . . . . . . . . . 13--24
              Jeremy Zucker and   
             Kaushal Paneri and   
       Sara Mohammad-Taheri and   
             Somya Bhargava and   
          Pallavi Kolambkar and   
               Craig Bakker and   
              Jeremy Teuton and   
        Charles Tapley Hoyt and   
             Kristie Oxford and   
                Robert Ness and   
                     Olga Vitek   Leveraging Structured Biological
                                  Knowledge for Counterfactual Inference:
                                  a Case Study of Viral Pathogenesis . . . 25--37
              Tingyi Wanyan and   
                 Akhil Vaid and   
      Jessica K. De Freitas and   
            Sulaiman Somani and   
            Riccardo Miotto and   
         Girish N. Nadkarni and   
                Ariful Azad and   
                  Ying Ding and   
         Benjamin S. Glicksberg   Relational Learning Improves Prediction
                                  of Mortality in COVID-19 in the
                                  Intensive Care Unit  . . . . . . . . . . 38--44
           Valerio La Gatta and   
           Vincenzo Moscato and   
          Marco Postiglione and   
        Giancarlo Sperlí   An Epidemiological Neural Network
                                  Exploiting Dynamic Graph Structured Data
                                  Applied to the COVID-19 Outbreak . . . . 45--55
            Rodrigo Minetto and   
Maurício Pamplona Segundo and   
             Gilbert Rotich and   
                  Sudeep Sarkar   Measuring Human and Economic Activity
                                  From Satellite Imagery to Support
                                  City-Scale Decision-Making During
                                  COVID-19 Pandemic  . . . . . . . . . . . 56--68
                   Yan Leng and   
                 Yujia Zhai and   
               Shaojing Sun and   
                   Yifei Wu and   
              Jordan Selzer and   
             Sharon Strover and   
               Hezhao Zhang and   
                 Anfan Chen and   
                      Ying Ding   Misinformation During the COVID-19
                                  Outbreak in China: Cultural, Social and
                                  Political Entanglements  . . . . . . . . 69--80
                Huimin Chen and   
                   Zeyu Zhu and   
                 Fanchao Qi and   
                  Yining Ye and   
                Zhiyuan Liu and   
                Maosong Sun and   
                    Jianbin Jin   Country Image in COVID-19 Pandemic: a
                                  Case Study of China  . . . . . . . . . . 81--92
                 Junhong Xu and   
               Shangyue Zhu and   
                Hanqing Guo and   
                      Shaoen Wu   Automated Labeling for Robotic
                                  Autonomous Navigation Through
                                  Multi-Sensory Semi-Supervised Learning
                                  on Big Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93--101
Joelson Antônio dos Santos and   
           Talat Iqbal Syed and   
            Murilo C. Naldi and   
  Ricardo J. G. B. Campello and   
                   Joerg Sander   Hierarchical Density-Based Clustering
                                  Using MapReduce  . . . . . . . . . . . . 102--114
          Subhajit Sidhanta and   
             Wojciech Golab and   
          Supratik Mukhopadhyay   Deadline-Aware Cost Optimization for
                                  Spark  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115--127
                  Nguyen Ho and   
                     Huy Vo and   
                     Mai Vu and   
           Torben Bach Pedersen   AMIC: an Adaptive Information Theoretic
                                  Method to Identify Multi-Scale Temporal
                                  Correlations in Big Time Series Data . . 128--146
                Donghui Yan and   
               Yingjie Wang and   
                   Jin Wang and   
              Honggang Wang and   
                    Zhenpeng Li   $K$-Nearest Neighbor Search by Random
                                  Projection Forests . . . . . . . . . . . 147--157
                Donghui Yan and   
               Yingjie Wang and   
                   Jin Wang and   
                 Guodong Wu and   
                  Honggang Wang   Fast Communication-Efficient Spectral
                                  Clustering over Distributed Data . . . . 158--168
             Martin Koehler and   
                Edward Abel and   
                Alex Bogatu and   
            Cristina Civili and   
         Lacramioara Mazilu and   
      Nikolaos Konstantinou and   
     Alvaro A. A. Fernandes and   
                 John Keane and   
              Leonid Libkin and   
                Norman W. Paton   Incorporating Data Context to
                                  Cost-Effectively Automate End-to-End
                                  Data Wrangling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169--186
                 Yixin Chen and   
               Dongsheng Li and   
                     Yu Hua and   
                       Wenbo He   Effective and Efficient Content
                                  Redundancy Detection of Web Videos . . . 187--198
                   Xiao Xue and   
              Shuai Huangfu and   
                Lejun Zhang and   
                   Shufang Wang   Research on Escaping the Big-Data Traps
                                  in O2O Service Recommendation Strategy   199--213
              Yao-Tung Tsou and   
               Hung-Li Chen and   
                  Jia-Yang Chen   RoD: Evaluating the Risk of Data
                                  Disclosure Using Noise Estimation for
                                  Differential Privacy . . . . . . . . . . 214--226
                    Xin Luo and   
               Mengchu Zhou and   
                   Shuai Li and   
                      Di Wu and   
                Zhigang Liu and   
                Mingsheng Shang   Algorithms of Unconstrained Non-Negative
                                  Latent Factor Analysis for Recommender
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227--240
                      Anonymous   2020 Index \booktitleIEEE Transactions
                                  on Big Data Vol. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . 1--13

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 7, Number 2, June, 2021

        Christian Böhm and   
           Martin Perdacher and   
                  Claudia Plant   A Novel Hilbert Curve for Cache-Locality
                                  Preserving Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--254
               Heqing Huang and   
                 Cong Zheng and   
               Junyuan Zeng and   
                    Wu Zhou and   
                 Sencun Zhu and   
                   Peng Liu and   
                 Ian Molloy and   
               Suresh Chari and   
                   Ce Zhang and   
                  Quanlong Guan   A Large-Scale Study of Android Malware
                                  Development Phenomenon on Public Malware
                                  Submission and Scanning Platform . . . . 255--270
          Mohammed Aledhari and   
         Marianne Di Pierro and   
            Mohamed Hefeida and   
                    Fahad Saeed   A Deep Learning-Based Data Minimization
                                  Algorithm for Fast and Secure Transfer
                                  of Big Genomic Datasets  . . . . . . . . 271--284
           Ruslan Mavlyutov and   
         Philippe Cudre-Mauroux   Managing Big Interval Data with CINTIA:
                                  The Checkpoint INTerval Array  . . . . . 285--298
          Vincenzo Gulisano and   
     Yiannis Nikolakopoulos and   
    Marina Papatriantafilou and   
               Philippas Tsigas   ScaleJoin: A Deterministic,
                                  Disjoint-Parallel and Skew-Resilient
                                  Stream Join  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299--312
              Ruobing Jiang and   
                Zhenni Feng and   
              Desheng Zhang and   
                 Shuai Wang and   
                 Yanmin Zhu and   
                  Fan Zhang and   
                        Tian He   Data-Driven Digital Advertising with
                                  Uncertain Demand Model in Metro Networks 313--326
             Wei Emma Zhang and   
              Ali Shemshadi and   
              Quan Z. Sheng and   
                Yongrui Qin and   
                 Xiujuan Xu and   
                      Jian Yang   A User-Oriented Taxi Ridesharing System
                                  with Large-Scale Urban GPS Sensor Data   327--340
               Huazhong Liu and   
           Laurence T. Yang and   
                   Yimu Guo and   
                    Xia Xie and   
                     Jianhua Ma   An Incremental Tensor-Train
                                  Decomposition for Cyber-Physical-Social
                                  Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341--354
                Chaoqun Yue and   
                Shweta Ware and   
           Reynaldo Morillo and   
                     Jin Lu and   
                 Chao Shang and   
                   Jinbo Bi and   
              Jayesh Kamath and   
          Alexander Russell and   
           Athanasios Bamis and   
                      Bing Wang   Fusing Location Data for Depression
                                  Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355--370
              Shunsuke Aoki and   
               Kaoru Sezaki and   
         Nicholas Jing Yuan and   
                       Xing Xie   BusBeat: Early Event Detection with
                                  Real-Time Bus GPS Trajectories . . . . . 371--382
              Sudip Vhaduri and   
          Christian Poellabauer   Opportunistic Discovery of Personal
                                  Places Using Multi-Source Sensor Data    383--396
            Ghassan F. Bati and   
                 Vivek K. Singh   Altrumetrics: Inferring Altruism
                                  Propensity Based on Mobile Phone Use
                                  Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397--406
                  Ning Wang and   
                         Jie Wu   Cost-Efficient Heterogeneous Worker
                                  Recruitment under Coverage Requirement
                                  in Spatial Crowdsourcing . . . . . . . . 407--420
                   Fei Chen and   
              Donghong Wang and   
                Qiuzhen Lin and   
              Jianyong Chen and   
                 Zhong Ming and   
                     Wei Yu and   
                       Jing Qin   Towards Dynamic Verifiable Pattern
                                  Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421--435
           Salima Benbernou and   
                  Xin Huang and   
                  Mourad Ouziri   Semantic-Based and Entity-Resolution
                                  Fusion to Enhance Quality of Big RDF
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436--450
                Junhua Ding and   
                 Xin-Hua Hu and   
                Venkat Gudivada   A Machine Learning Based Framework for
                                  Verification and Validation of Massive
                                  Scale Image Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 451--467
               Besma Khalfi and   
              Cyril de Runz and   
                  Sami Faiz and   
                   Herman Akdag   A New Methodology for Storing Consistent
                                  Fuzzy Geospatial Data in Big Data
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468--482

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 7, Number 3, July, 2021

            Bruno Schneider and   
        Dominik Jäckle and   
            Florian Stoffel and   
            Alexandra Diehl and   
             Johannes Fuchs and   
                    Daniel Keim   Integrating Data and Model Space in
                                  Ensemble Learning by Visual Analytics    483--496
           Daniel Seebacher and   
Johannes Häußler and   
              Michael Hundt and   
               Manuel Stein and   
         Hannes Müller and   
             Ulrich Engelke and   
                 Daniel A. Keim   Visual Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Event
                                  Predictions: Investigating the Spread
                                  Dynamics of Invasive Species . . . . . . 497--509
              Mohammad Raji and   
                John Duggan and   
             Blaise DeCotes and   
                 Jian Huang and   
          Bradley Vander Zanden   Modeling and Visualizing Student Flow    510--523
                  Yan Zheng and   
                      Yi Ou and   
              Alexander Lex and   
               Jeff M. Phillips   Visualization of Big Spatial Data Using
                                  Coresets for Kernel Density Estimates    524--534
               Jeff Johnson and   
             Matthijs Douze and   
      Hervé Jégou   Billion-Scale Similarity Search with
                                  GPUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535--547
                 Zenan Ling and   
              Robert C. Qiu and   
                    Xing He and   
                        Lei Chu   A New Approach of Exploiting
                                  Self-Adjoint Matrix Polynomials of Large
                                  Random Matrices for Anomaly Detection
                                  and Fault Location . . . . . . . . . . . 548--558
                 Zhili Zhou and   
          Q. M. Jonathan Wu and   
                   Xingming Sun   Multiple Distance-Based Coding: Toward
                                  Scalable Feature Matching for
                                  Large-Scale Web Image Search . . . . . . 559--573
              Liangtian Wan and   
                Yuyuan Yuan and   
                   Feng Xia and   
                       Huan Liu   To Your Surprise: Identifying
                                  Serendipitous Collaborators  . . . . . . 574--589
                 Long Zheng and   
               Xianliang Li and   
                      Xi Ge and   
               Xiaofei Liao and   
               Zhiyuan Shao and   
                    Hai Jin and   
                Qiang-Sheng Hua   Efficient Graph Processing with Invalid
                                  Update Filtration  . . . . . . . . . . . 590--602
                    Fei Wen and   
                    Lei Chu and   
               Rendong Ying and   
                     Peilin Liu   Fast and Positive Definite Estimation of
                                  Large Covariance Matrix for
                                  High-Dimensional Data Analysis . . . . . 603--609

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 7, Number 4, April, 2021

               Yucheng Dong and   
              Zhaogang Ding and   
         Francisco Chiclana and   
         Enrique Herrera-Viedma   Dynamics of Public Opinions in an Online
                                  and Offline Social Network . . . . . . . 610--618
               Xiongwei Fei and   
                   Kenli Li and   
              Wangdong Yang and   
                       Keqin Li   Velocity-Aware Parallel Encryption
                                  Algorithm with Low Energy Consumption
                                  for Streams  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619--631
                    Zhou Su and   
                      Qichao Xu   Security-Aware Resource Allocation for
                                  Mobile Social Big Data: A
                                  Matching-Coalitional Game Solution . . . 632--642
                Xiaotong Wu and   
                  Taotao Wu and   
               Maqbool Khan and   
                   Qiang Ni and   
                    Wanchun Dou   Game Theory Based Correlated Privacy
                                  Preserving Analysis in Big Data  . . . . 643--656
                   Kun Wang and   
                  Jiahui Yu and   
                Xiulong Liu and   
                       Song Guo   A Pre-Authentication Approach to Proxy
                                  Re-Encryption in Big Data Context  . . . 657--667
                  Jian Shen and   
                Dengzhi Liu and   
                     Qi Liu and   
               Xingming Sun and   
                      Yan Zhang   Secure Authentication in Cloud Big Data
                                  with Hierarchical Attribute
                                  Authorization Structure  . . . . . . . . 668--677
                   Keke Gai and   
                Meikang Qiu and   
                       Hui Zhao   Privacy-Preserving Data Encryption
                                  Strategy for Big Data in Mobile Cloud
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678--688
                   Ke Cheng and   
              Liangmin Wang and   
                Yulong Shen and   
                   Hua Wang and   
               Yongzhi Wang and   
             Xiaohong Jiang and   
                     Hong Zhong   Secure $k$-NN Query on Encrypted Cloud
                                  Data with Multiple Keys  . . . . . . . . 689--702
           Tran Phuong Thao and   
   Mohammad Shahriar Rahman and   
    Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan and   
               Ayumu Kubota and   
          Shinsaku Kiyomoto and   
                 Kazumasa Omote   Optimizing Share Size in Efficient and
                                  Robust Secret Sharing Scheme for Big
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703--716
                Yushu Zhang and   
               Jiantao Zhou and   
                 Yong Xiang and   
               Leo Yu Zhang and   
                   Fei Chen and   
              Shaoning Pang and   
                  Xiaofeng Liao   Computation Outsourcing Meets Lossy
                                  Channel: Secure Sparse Robustness
                                  Decoding Service in Multi-Clouds . . . . 717--728
                 Xinyu Yang and   
                  Teng Wang and   
                 Xuebin Ren and   
                         Wei Yu   Survey on Improving Data Utility in
                                  Differentially Private Sequential Data
                                  Publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729--749
                   Min Chen and   
                 Xiaobo Shi and   
                  Yin Zhang and   
                      Di Wu and   
                 Mohsen Guizani   Deep Feature Learning for Medical Image
                                  Analysis with Convolutional Autoencoder
                                  Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750--758
                   Wei Zhou and   
                 Jiankun Hu and   
                      Song Wang   Enhanced Locality-Sensitive Hashing for
                                  Fingerprint Forensics Over Large
                                  Multi-Sensor Databases . . . . . . . . . 759--769
                     Lei Xu and   
             Chunxiao Jiang and   
                    Yi Qian and   
                 Jianhua Li and   
               Youjian Zhao and   
                       Yong Ren   Privacy-Accuracy Trade-Off in
                                  Differentially-Private Distributed
                                  Classification: a Game Theoretical
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770--783
               Jianwei Chen and   
                 Huadong Ma and   
                  Dong Zhao and   
                      Liang Liu   Correlated Differential Privacy
                                  Protection for Mobile Crowdsensing . . . 784--795
              Changqing Luo and   
               Kaijin Zhang and   
             Sergio Salinas and   
                         Pan Li   SecFact: Secure Large-scale $ Q R $ and
                                  $ L U $ Factorizations . . . . . . . . . 796--807
                   Jun Feng and   
           Laurence T. Yang and   
                 Guohui Dai and   
                Jinjun Chen and   
                      Zheng Yan   An Improved Secure High-Order-Lanczos
                                  Based Orthogonal Tensor SVD for
                                  Outsourced Cyber-Physical-Social Big
                                  Data Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808--818

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 7, Number 5, November, 2021

                   Cao Xiao and   
                Shouyi Wang and   
             Leon Iasemidis and   
               Stephen Wong and   
  Wanpracha Art Chaovalitwongse   An Adaptive Pattern Learning Framework
                                  to Personalize Online Seizure Prediction 819--831
     Chandresh Kumar Maurya and   
            Durga Toshniwal and   
   Gopalan Vijendran Venkoparao   Distributed Sparse Class-Imbalance
                                  Learning and Its Applications  . . . . . 832--844
                Zengpeng Li and   
               Chunguang Ma and   
                      Ding Wang   Leakage Resilient Leveled \sc FHE on
                                  Multiple Bits Message  . . . . . . . . . 845--858
               Daniel Zhang and   
                 Yang Zhang and   
                      Qi Li and   
                      Dong Wang   Sparse User Check-in Venue Prediction By
                                  Exploring Latent Decision Contexts From
                                  Location-Based Social Networks . . . . . 859--872
               Jiaqiang Liu and   
                   Huan Yan and   
                    Yong Li and   
           Dmytro Karamshuk and   
            Nishanth Sastry and   
                      Di Wu and   
                     Depeng Jin   Discovering and Understanding
                                  Geographical Video Viewing Patterns in
                                  Urban Neighborhoods  . . . . . . . . . . 873--884
                 Paolo Soda and   
               Rosa Sicilia and   
            Ludovica Acciai and   
                Giulio Iannello   Grasping Inter-Attribute and Temporal
                                  Variability in Multivariate Time Series  885--892
                 Farhad Farokhi   Privacy-Preserving Public Release of
                                  Datasets for Support Vector Machine
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893--899

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 7, Number 6, December, 2021

                  Yanwei Yu and   
              Xianfeng Tang and   
                 Huaxiu Yao and   
                  Xiuwen Yi and   
                     Zhenhui Li   Citywide Traffic Volume Inference with
                                  Surveillance Camera Records  . . . . . . 900--912
                  Tao Shang and   
                 Feng Zhang and   
               Xingyue Chen and   
                Jianwei Liu and   
                       Xinxi Lu   Identity-Based Dynamic Data Auditing for
                                  Big Data Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . 913--921
        Batsergelen Myagmar and   
                     Jie Li and   
               Shigetomo Kimura   Heterogeneous Daily Living Activity
                                  Learning Through Domain Invariant
                                  Feature Subspace . . . . . . . . . . . . 922--929
                Manu Shukla and   
              Dinesh Dharme and   
          Pallavi Ramnarain and   
             Ray Dos Santos and   
                  Chang-Tien Lu   DIGDUG: Scalable Separable Dense Graph
                                  Pruning and Join Operations in MapReduce 930--951
                 Hanjia Lyu and   
                  Long Chen and   
                    Yu Wang and   
                      Jiebo Luo   Sense and Sensibility: Characterizing
                                  Social Media Users Regarding the Use of
                                  Controversial Terms for COVID-19 . . . . 952--960
       Sakineh Yazdanparast and   
      Mohsen Jamalabdollahi and   
              Timothy C. Havens   Linear Time Community Detection by a
                                  Novel Modularity Gain Acceleration in
                                  Label Propagation  . . . . . . . . . . . 961--966
                    Xiao Hu and   
                  Hui Zhang and   
              ChunMing Yang and   
                XuJian Zhao and   
                          Bo Li   Regularized Spectral Clustering With
                                  Entropy Perturbation . . . . . . . . . . 967--972
               Zhengjun Cao and   
             Olivier Markowitch   Comment on Efficient Secure Outsourcing
                                  of Large-Scale Sparse Linear Systems of
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973--974
                   Xiong Li and   
               Shanpeng Liu and   
                Rongxing Lu and   
                 Xiaosong Zhang   On Security of an Identity-Based Dynamic
                                  Data Auditing Protocol for Big Data
                                  Storage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 975--977

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 8, Number 1, February, 2022

                   Hu Xiong and   
     Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo and   
        Athanasios V. Vasilakos   Revocable Identity-Based Access Control
                                  for Big Data with Verifiable Outsourced
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--13
                   Anmin Fu and   
                    Shui Yu and   
               Yuqing Zhang and   
                Huaqun Wang and   
                 Chanying Huang   NPP: a New Privacy-Aware Public Auditing
                                  Scheme for Cloud Data Sharing with Group
                                  Users  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14--24
             Qingchen Zhang and   
           Laurence T. Yang and   
                Zhikui Chen and   
                        Peng Li   PPHOPCM: Privacy-Preserving High-Order
                                  Possibilistic $c$-Means Algorithm for
                                  Big Data Clustering with Cloud Computing 25--34
                    Ziyi Su and   
Frédérique Biennier and   
                  Zhihan Lv and   
                  Yong Peng and   
               Houbing Song and   
                   Jingwei Miao   Toward Architectural and Protocol-Level
                                  Foundation for End-to-End
                                  Trustworthiness in Cloud/Fog Computing   35--47
                  Jian Shen and   
                  Chen Wang and   
        Aniello Castiglione and   
                Dengzhi Liu and   
             Christian Esposito   Trustworthiness Evaluation-Based Routing
                                  Protocol for Incompletely Predictable
                                  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks  . . . . . . . 48--59
           Chengqiang Huang and   
                 Geyong Min and   
                   Yulei Wu and   
                Yiming Ying and   
                     Ke Pei and   
                 Zuochang Xiang   Time Series Anomaly Detection for
                                  Trustworthy Services in Cloud Computing
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60--72
                   Xue Yang and   
                Rongxing Lu and   
     Kim Kwang Raymond Choo and   
                    Fan Yin and   
                    Xiaohu Tang   Achieving Efficient and
                                  Privacy-Preserving Cross-Domain Big Data
                                  Deduplication in Cloud . . . . . . . . . 73--84
                  Bing Tang and   
                   Gilles Fedak   WukaStore: Scalable, Configurable and
                                  Reliable Data Storage on Hybrid
                                  Volunteered Cloud and Desktop Systems    85--98
                  Jiahui Yu and   
                   Kun Wang and   
                    Peng Li and   
                    Rui Xia and   
                   Song Guo and   
                      Minyi Guo   Efficient Trustworthiness Management for
                                  Malicious User Detection in Big Data
                                  Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99--112
                  Qichao Xu and   
                    Zhou Su and   
                    Shui Yu and   
                      Ying Wang   Trust Based Incentive Scheme to Allocate
                                  Big Data Tasks with Mobile Social Cloud  113--124
                Xuyun Zhang and   
                Lianyong Qi and   
                Wanchun Dou and   
                   Qiang He and   
         Christopher Leckie and   
     Ramamohanarao Kotagiri and   
                   Zoran Salcic   MRMondrian: Scalable Multidimensional
                                  Anonymisation for Big Data Privacy
                                  Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125--139
                  Tian Wang and   
                    Yang Li and   
                Weiwei Fang and   
                Wenzheng Xu and   
               Junbin Liang and   
                Yewang Chen and   
                      Xuxun Liu   A Comprehensive Trustworthy Data
                                  Collection Approach in Sensor-Cloud
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140--151
        Hourieh Khalajzadeh and   
         Mohamed Abdelrazek and   
                John Grundy and   
               John Hosking and   
                       Qiang He   Survey and Analysis of Current End-User
                                  Data Analytics Tool Support  . . . . . . 152--165
               Chuishi Meng and   
                     Yu Cui and   
                    Qing He and   
                      Lu Su and   
                       Jing Gao   Towards the Inference of Travel Purpose
                                  with Heterogeneous Urban Data  . . . . . 166--177
                 Conor Fahy and   
                Shengxiang Yang   Finding and Tracking Multi-Density
                                  Clusters in Online Dynamic Data Streams  178--192
                    Ting Li and   
               Yiming Zhang and   
                    Hao Liu and   
               Guangtao Xue and   
                       Ling Liu   Fast Compressive Spectral Clustering for
                                  Large-Scale Sparse Graph . . . . . . . . 193--202
            Hanieh Poostchi and   
               Massimo Piccardi   BiLSTM-SSVM: Training the BiLSTM with a
                                  Structured Hinge Loss for Named-Entity
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203--212
              Daniel Rammer and   
           Thilina Buddhika and   
           Matthew Malensek and   
        Shrideep Pallickara and   
          Sangmi Lee Pallickara   Enabling Fast Exploratory Analyses Over
                                  Voluminous Spatiotemporal Data Using
                                  Analytical Engines . . . . . . . . . . . 213--228
                Long Nguyen and   
                  Zhou Yang and   
                     Jia Li and   
                 Zhenhe Pan and   
                Guofeng Cao and   
                       Fang Jin   Forecasting People's Needs in Hurricane
                                  Events from Social Network . . . . . . . 229--240
                Haipeng Yao and   
                  Chong Liu and   
              Peiying Zhang and   
                   Sheng Wu and   
             Chunxiao Jiang and   
                        Shui Yu   Identification of Encrypted Traffic
                                  Through Attention Mechanism Based Long
                                  Short Term Memory  . . . . . . . . . . . 241--252
                   Sijie Wu and   
                Hanhua Chen and   
                    Hai Jin and   
                  Shadi Ibrahim   Shadow: Exploiting the Power of Choice
                                  for Efficient Shuffling in MapReduce . . 253--267
       Sethuraman Jayaraman and   
    Manikandan Ramachandran and   
               Rizwan Patan and   
         Mahmoud Daneshmand and   
                Amir H. Gandomi   Fuzzy Deep Neural Learning Based on
                                  Goodman and Kruskal's Gamma for Search
                                  Engine Optimization  . . . . . . . . . . 268--277
                      Qi Li and   
               Mingyu Cheng and   
               Junfeng Wang and   
                      Bowen Sun   LSTM Based Phishing Detection for Big
                                  Email Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278--288
                      Anonymous   2021 Index \booktitleIEEE Transactions
                                  on Big Data Vol. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . 1--16

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 8, Number 2, February, 2022

               Xiaofei Liao and   
                 Zhan Zhang and   
                 Haikun Liu and   
                        Hai Jin   Improving Bank-Level Parallelism for
                                  In-Memory Checkpointing in Hybrid Memory
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289--301
          Sriram Srinivasan and   
          Samuel D. Pollard and   
              Boyana Norris and   
               Sajal K. Das and   
              Sanjukta Bhowmick   A Shared-Memory Algorithm for Updating
                                  Tree-Based Properties of Large Dynamic
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302--317
                Zhifei Pang and   
                     Sai Wu and   
                  Gang Chen and   
                 Lidan Shou and   
                    Ke Chen and   
                   Bingsheng He   A Stack-Centric Processing Model for
                                  Iterative Processing . . . . . . . . . . 318--331
               Zhengyu Yang and   
               Manu Awasthi and   
              Mrinmoy Ghosh and   
              Janki Bhimani and   
                    Ningfang Mi   I/O Workload Management for All-Flash
                                  Datacenter Storage Systems Based on
                                  Total Cost of Ownership  . . . . . . . . 332--345
              Changqing Luo and   
                 Jinlong Ji and   
                 Xuhui Chen and   
                    Ming Li and   
           Laurence T. Yang and   
                         Pan Li   Parallel Secure Outsourcing of
                                  Large-Scale Nonlinearly Constrained
                                  Nonlinear Programming Problems . . . . . 346--355
              Anis Alazzawe and   
             Amitangshu Pal and   
                   Krishna Kant   Efficient Big-Data Access: Taxonomy and
                                  a Comprehensive Survey . . . . . . . . . 356--376
                   Yang Shi and   
                  Yuyin Liu and   
              Hanghang Tong and   
                 Jingrui He and   
                   Gang Yan and   
                        Nan Cao   Visual Analytics of Anomalous User
                                  Behaviors: a Survey  . . . . . . . . . . 377--396
                  Xuan Song and   
               Haoran Zhang and   
           Rajendra Akerkar and   
               Huawei Huang and   
                   Song Guo and   
                  Lei Zhong and   
                 Yusheng Ji and   
          Andreas L. Opdahl and   
             Hemant Purohit and   
        André Skupin and   
           Akshay Pottathil and   
                   Aron Culotta   Big Data and Emergency Management:
                                  Concepts, Methodologies, and
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397--419
                 Xiaoyu Shi and   
                   Qiang He and   
                    Xin Luo and   
                  Yanan Bai and   
                Mingsheng Shang   Large-Scale and Scalable Latent Factor
                                  Analysis via Distributed Alternative
                                  Stochastic Gradient Descent for
                                  Recommender Systems  . . . . . . . . . . 420--431
          Panagiotis Liakos and   
         Alexandros Ntoulas and   
                     Alex Delis   Uncovering Local Hierarchical
                                  Overlapping Communities at Scale . . . . 432--445
                   Dan Teng and   
              Xiaowei Zhang and   
                   Li Cheng and   
                      Delin Chu   Least Squares Approximation via Sparse
                                  Subsampled Randomized Hadamard Transform 446--457
                Yuxing Chen and   
              Peter Goetsch and   
          Mohammad A. Hoque and   
                 Jiaheng Lu and   
                   Sasu Tarkoma   $d$-Simplexed: Adaptive Delaunay
                                  Triangulation for Performance Modeling
                                  and Prediction on Big Data Analytics . . 458--469
          Roohollah Etemadi and   
                     Jianguo Lu   PES: Priority Edge Sampling in Streaming
                                  Triangle Estimation  . . . . . . . . . . 470--481
              Shengnan Wang and   
                   Chunguang Li   Discrete Double-Bit Hashing  . . . . . . 482--494
                   Peng Sun and   
               Yonggang Wen and   
                Ruobing Han and   
                Wansen Feng and   
                    Shengen Yan   GradientFlow: Optimizing Network
                                  Performance for Large-Scale Distributed
                                  DNN Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495--507
                Zubair Shah and   
                   Adam G. Dunn   Event Detection on Twitter by Mapping
                                  Unexpected Changes in Streaming Data
                                  into a Spatiotemporal Lattice  . . . . . 508--522
                     Lun Hu and   
              Shicheng Yang and   
                    Xin Luo and   
                   MengChu Zhou   An Algorithm of Inductively Identifying
                                  Clusters From Attributed Graphs  . . . . 523--534
                 Guangyi Lv and   
                  Kun Zhang and   
                      Le Wu and   
                Enhong Chen and   
                    Tong Xu and   
                     Qi Liu and   
                     Weidong He   Understanding the Users and Videos by
                                  Mining a Novel Danmu Dataset . . . . . . 535--551
                 Xuanwu Liu and   
                 Guoxian Yu and   
        Carlotta Domeniconi and   
                   Jun Wang and   
              Guoqiang Xiao and   
                      Maozu Guo   Weakly Supervised Cross-Modal Hashing    552--563
                     Ye Liu and   
               Yuxuan Liang and   
                 Kun Ouyang and   
                Shuming Liu and   
         David S. Rosenblum and   
                       Yu Zheng   Predicting Urban Water Quality With
                                  Ubiquitous Data --- a Data-Driven
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564--578

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 8, Number 3, June, 2022

                  Weijie Fu and   
                  Meng Wang and   
                 Shijie Hao and   
                    Tingting Mu   FLAG: Faster Learning on Anchor Graph
                                  with Label Predictor Optimization  . . . 579--591
            Mayank Kejriwal and   
                  Pedro Szekely   Knowledge Graphs for Social Good: an
                                  Entity-Centric Search Engine for the
                                  Human Trafficking Domain . . . . . . . . 592--606
                   Liang He and   
                   Bin Shao and   
               Yanghua Xiao and   
                   Yatao Li and   
                Tie-Yan Liu and   
                Enhong Chen and   
                   Huanhuan Xia   Neurally-Guided Semantic Navigation in
                                  Knowledge Graph  . . . . . . . . . . . . 607--615
                Yuyan Zheng and   
                  Chuan Shi and   
               Xiaohuan Cao and   
                  Xiaoli Li and   
                         Bin Wu   A Meta Path Based Method for Entity Set
                                  Expansion in Knowledge Graph . . . . . . 616--629
                 Manling Li and   
              Yuanzhuo Wang and   
              Denghui Zhang and   
                 Yantao Jia and   
                    Xueqi Cheng   Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs: a
                                  Hierarchy-Constrained Approach . . . . . 630--643
               Zongpu Zhang and   
                   Tao Song and   
                  Liwei Lin and   
                   Yang Hua and   
                  Xufeng He and   
                Zhengui Xue and   
                   Ruhui Ma and   
                   Haibing Guan   Towards Ubiquitous Intelligent
                                  Computing: Heterogeneous Distributed
                                  Deep Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . 644--657
                    Meng Ma and   
                      Ping Wang   Efficient Event Inference and
                                  Context-Awareness in Internet of Things
                                  Edge Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658--670
               Hongchao Qin and   
                Rong-Hua Li and   
                Guoren Wang and   
                  Xin Huang and   
                    Ye Yuan and   
                  Jeffrey Xu Yu   Mining Stable Communities in Temporal
                                  Networks by Density-Based Clustering . . 671--684
                Lianyong Qi and   
                   Qiang He and   
                Feifei Chen and   
                Xuyun Zhang and   
                Wanchun Dou and   
                       Qiang Ni   Data-Driven Web APIs Recommendation for
                                  Building Web Applications  . . . . . . . 685--698
              Chandan Misra and   
    Sourangshu Bhattacharya and   
                Soumya K. Ghosh   Stark: Fast and Scalable Strassen's
                                  Matrix Multiplication Using Apache Spark 699--710
                 Yangwen Yu and   
            Victor O. K. Li and   
           Jacqueline C. K. Lam   Missing Air Pollution Data Recovery
                                  Based on Long-Short Term Context Encoder 711--722
             Nishaal Parmar and   
             Hazem H. Refai and   
             Thordur Runolfsson   A Survey on the Methods and Results of
                                  Data-Driven Koopman Analysis in the
                                  Visualization of Dynamical Systems . . . 723--738
                    Gao Liu and   
               Huidong Dong and   
                  Zheng Yan and   
              Xiaokang Zhou and   
                 Shohei Shimizu   B4SDC: a Blockchain System for Security
                                  Data Collection in MANETs  . . . . . . . 739--752
                   Rui Wang and   
                Xiao-Jun Wu and   
              Kai-Xuan Chen and   
                  Josef Kittler   Multiple Riemannian Manifold-Valued
                                  Descriptors Based Image Set
                                  Classification With Multi-Kernel Metric
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753--769
                   Jia Wang and   
               Jiannong Cao and   
              Senzhang Wang and   
                Zhongyu Yao and   
                      Wengen Li   IRDA: Incremental Reinforcement Learning
                                  for Dynamic Resource Allocation  . . . . 770--783
                    Ye Yuan and   
                   Qiang He and   
                    Xin Luo and   
                Mingsheng Shang   A Multilayered-and-Randomized Latent
                                  Factor Model for High-Dimensional and
                                  Sparse Matrices  . . . . . . . . . . . . 784--794
               Zhiqing Tang and   
                 Weijia Jia and   
               Xiaojie Zhou and   
               Wenmian Yang and   
                   Yongjian You   Representation and Reinforcement
                                  Learning for Task Scheduling in Edge
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795--808
             Mingyang Zhang and   
                    Tong Li and   
                     Yue Yu and   
                    Yong Li and   
                    Pan Hui and   
                       Yu Zheng   Urban Anomaly Analytics: Description,
                                  Detection, and Prediction  . . . . . . . 809--826
                  Chao Chen and   
                   Sen Yang and   
                 Yasha Wang and   
                    Bin Guo and   
                   Daqing Zhang   CrowdExpress: a Probabilistic Framework
                                  for On-Time Crowdsourced Package
                                  Deliveries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827--842
                   Yang Liu and   
               Yingting Liu and   
                 Zhijie Liu and   
               Yuxuan Liang and   
               Chuishi Meng and   
                Junbo Zhang and   
                       Yu Zheng   Federated Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . 843--854
                Xiaofei Niu and   
               Guangchi Liu and   
                      Qing Yang   OpinionRank: Trustworthy Website
                                  Detection Using Three Valued Subjective
                                  Logic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855--866

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 8, Number 4, August, 2022

                     Di Jin and   
                Wenjun Wang and   
                Guojie Song and   
               Philip S. Yu and   
                     Jiawei Han   Guest Editorial: Special Issue on
                                  Network Structural Modeling and Learning
                                  in Big Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867--868
                Dongxiao He and   
                   Yanli Wu and   
                Youyou Wang and   
                  Zhizhi Yu and   
               Zhiyong Feng and   
               Xiaobao Wang and   
                   Yuxiao Huang   Identification of Communities With
                                  Multi-Semantics via Bayesian Generative
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869--881
                Xiaowei Gao and   
                  Xiaoke Ma and   
             Wensheng Zhang and   
              Jianbin Huang and   
                      He Li and   
                   Yanni Li and   
                   Jiangtao Cui   Multi-View Clustering With
                                  Self-Representation and Structural
                                  Constraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 882--893
                   Dong Liu and   
              Guoliang Yang and   
                Yanwei Wang and   
                     Hu Jin and   
                    Enhong Chen   How to Protect Ourselves From
                                  Overlapping Community Detection in
                                  Social Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 894--904
                  Nan Jiang and   
                Fuxian Duan and   
              Honglong Chen and   
                  Wei Huang and   
                     Ximeng Liu   MAFI: GNN-Based Multiple Aggregators and
                                  Feature Interactions Network for Fraud
                                  Detection Over Heterogeneous Graph . . . 905--919
                     Yu Xie and   
                 Shengze Lv and   
                 Yuhua Qian and   
                   Chao Wen and   
                     Jiye Liang   Active and Semi-Supervised Graph Neural
                                  Networks for Graph Classification  . . . 920--932
               Pengfei Jiao and   
                   Xuan Guo and   
                   Ting Pan and   
                 Wang Zhang and   
                 Yulong Pei and   
                        Lin Pan   A Survey on Role-Oriented Network
                                  Embedding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933--952
                Guojie Song and   
                  Chuan Shi and   
                 Yizhou Sun and   
                    Zhiyuan Liu   Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Social
                                  Media Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . 953--954
                Ruobing Xie and   
                     Qi Liu and   
                 Shukai Liu and   
                Ziwei Zhang and   
                   Peng Cui and   
                   Bo Zhang and   
                       Leyu Lin   Improving Accuracy and Diversity in
                                  Matching of Recommendation With
                                  Diversified Preference Network . . . . . 955--967
                  Chaobo He and   
               Yulong Zheng and   
                  Xiang Fei and   
                 Hanchao Li and   
                    Zeng Hu and   
                      Yong Tang   Boosting Nonnegative Matrix
                                  Factorization Based Community Detection
                                  With Graph Attention Auto-Encoder  . . . 968--981
                    Hai Jin and   
               Zhaobo Zhang and   
                  Pingpeng Yuan   Improving Chinese Word Representation
                                  Using Four Corners Features  . . . . . . 982--993
                Dongxiao He and   
                 Huixin Liu and   
               Zhiyong Feng and   
               Xiaobao Wang and   
                     Di Jin and   
                 Wenze Song and   
                   Yuxiao Huang   A Joint Community Detection Model:
                                  Integrating Directed and Undirected
                                  Probabilistic Graphical Models via
                                  Factor Graph With Attention Mechanism    994--1006
                 Jianian Li and   
                   Peng Bao and   
                Huawei Shen and   
                      Xuanya Li   MiSTR: a Multiview Structural-Temporal
                                  Learning Framework for Rumor Detection   1007--1019
             Prajwol Sangat and   
               David Taniar and   
             Christopher Messom   ATrie Group Join: a Parallel Star Group
                                  Join and Aggregation for In-Memory
                                  Column-Stores  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1020--1033
                   Yang Han and   
       Jacqueline C. K. Lam and   
            Victor O. K. Li and   
                       Qi Zhang   A Domain-Specific Bayesian Deep-Learning
                                  Approach for Air Pollution Forecast  . . 1034--1046
               Dongdong Hou and   
                  Yang Cong and   
                    Gan Sun and   
                Jiahua Dong and   
                     Jun Li and   
                         Kai Li   Fast Multi-View Outlier Detection via
                                  Deep Encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1047--1058
                  Feng Zhao and   
                Xiangyu Gui and   
                Yafan Huang and   
                    Hai Jin and   
               Laurence T. Yang   Dynamic Entity-Based Named Entity
                                  Recognition Under Unconstrained Tagging
                                  Schemes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1059--1072
                    Li Wang and   
                    Ren-Cang Li   A Scalable Algorithm for Large-Scale
                                  Unsupervised Multi-View Partial Least
                                  Squares  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1073--1083
              Yingxue Zhang and   
                  Yanhua Li and   
                   Xun Zhou and   
              Xiangnan Kong and   
                        Jun Luo   Off-Deployment Traffic Estimation: a
                                  Traffic Generative Adversarial Networks
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1084--1095
               Yurong Zhong and   
                   Long Jin and   
            Mingsheng Shang and   
                        Xin Luo   Momentum-Incorporated Symmetric
                                  Non-Negative Latent Factor Models  . . . 1096--1106
                Jiahao Ding and   
       Sai Mounika Errapotu and   
              Yuanxiong Guo and   
               Haixia Zhang and   
              Dongfeng Yuan and   
                       Miao Pan   Private Empirical Risk Minimization With
                                  Analytic Gaussian Mechanism for
                                  Healthcare System  . . . . . . . . . . . 1107--1117
                 Xiangxi Xu and   
                 Zhihui Lai and   
                    Yudong Chen   Relaxed Locality Preserving Supervised
                                  Discrete Hashing . . . . . . . . . . . . 1118--1128
               Aiping Huang and   
                   Tiesong Zhao   Weak Supervision Learning for Object
                                  Co-Segmentation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1129--1140
                  Lei Zhang and   
                 Xinpeng Wu and   
                Hongke Zhao and   
                  Fan Cheng and   
                         Qi Liu   Personalized Recommendation in P2P
                                  Lending Based on Risk-Return Management:
                                  a Multi-Objective Perspective  . . . . . 1141--1154

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 8, Number 5, October, 2022

                  Jin Huang and   
                      Ming Xiao   Mobile Network Traffic Prediction Based
                                  on Seasonal Adjacent Windows Sampling
                                  and Conditional Probability Estimation   1155--1168
                    Min Shi and   
                 Yufei Tang and   
               Xingquan Zhu and   
                    Jianxun Liu   Multi-Label Graph Convolutional Network
                                  Representation Learning  . . . . . . . . 1169--1181
                  Beibei Si and   
               Yuxuan Liang and   
                   Jin Zhao and   
                   Yu Zhang and   
               Xiaofei Liao and   
                    Hai Jin and   
                 Haikun Liu and   
                         Lin Gu   GGraph: an Efficient Structure-Aware
                                  Approach for Iterative Graph Processing  1182--1194
                Guojie Song and   
              Qingqing Long and   
                     Yi Luo and   
                Yiming Wang and   
                      Yilun Jin   Deep Convolutional Neural Network Based
                                  Medical Concept Normalization  . . . . . 1195--1208
                  Mengyu Ma and   
                   Luo Chen and   
                 Xue Ouyang and   
                Xiaoran Liu and   
                     Jun Li and   
                      Ning Jing   Efficient Interactive Global Cellular
                                  Signal Strength Visualization  . . . . . 1209--1219
                Guojie Song and   
               Yizhou Zhang and   
                 Lingjun Xu and   
                     Haibing Lu   Domain Adaptive Network Embedding  . . . 1220--1232
                   Wei Wang and   
                   Tao Tang and   
                   Feng Xia and   
                Zhiguo Gong and   
                Zhikui Chen and   
                       Huan Liu   Collaborative Filtering With Network
                                  Representation Learning for Citation
                                  Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1233--1246
                  Fan Zhang and   
                 Long Zheng and   
               Xiaofei Liao and   
                 Xinqiao Lv and   
                    Hai Jin and   
                     Jiang Xiao   An Effective 2-Dimension Graph
                                  Partitioning for Work Stealing Assisted
                                  Graph Processing on Multi-FPGAs  . . . . 1247--1258
               Xinying Wang and   
                    Cong Xu and   
                    Ke Wang and   
                   Feng Yan and   
                  Dongfang Zhao   Memory Scaling of Cloud-Based Big Data
                                  Systems: a Hybrid Approach . . . . . . . 1259--1272
               Sujit Biswas and   
              Kashif Sharif and   
                     Fan Li and   
                 Iqbal Alam and   
              Saraju P. Mohanty   DAAC: Digital Asset Access Control in a
                                  Unified Blockchain Based E-Health System 1273--1287
                  Xin Zhang and   
                  Yanhua Li and   
                   Xun Zhou and   
                        Jun Luo   cGAIL: Conditional Generative
                                  Adversarial Imitation Learning An
                                  Application in Taxi Drivers Strategy
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1288--1300
                Menghai Pan and   
                  Yanhua Li and   
               Zhi-Li Zhang and   
                        Jun Luo   SCCS: Smart Cloud Commuting System With
                                  Shared Autonomous Vehicles . . . . . . . 1301--1311
                   Zann Koh and   
                 Yuren Zhou and   
          Billy Pik Lik Lau and   
                  Chau Yuen and   
         Bige Tunçer and   
                 Keng Hua Chong   Multiple-Perspective Clustering of
                                  Passive Wi-Fi Sensing Trajectory Data    1312--1325
                  Xiuwen Yi and   
                Zhewen Duan and   
                 Ruiyuan Li and   
                Junbo Zhang and   
                 Tianrui Li and   
                       Yu Zheng   Predicting Fine-Grained Air Quality
                                  Based on Deep Neural Networks  . . . . . 1326--1339
                  Ahmad Slo and   
            Sukanya Bhowmik and   
                 Kurt Rothermel   State-Aware Load Shedding From Input
                                  Event Streams in Complex Event
                                  Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1340--1357
                 Nima Ebadi and   
              Mohsen Jozani and   
     Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo and   
                       Paul Rad   A Memory Network Information Retrieval
                                  Model for Identification of News
                                  Misinformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1358--1370
                Weiyi Huang and   
                    Peng Li and   
                      Bo Li and   
                      Tao Zhang   DMP: Content Delivery With Dynamic
                                  Movement Pattern in Vehicular Networks   1371--1386
                  Ying Shen and   
                Yilin Zhang and   
                 Kaiqi Yuan and   
                  Dagang Li and   
                   Haitao Zheng   A Knowledge-Enhanced Multi-View
                                  Framework for Drug-Target Interaction
                                  Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1387--1398
             Philip Derbeko and   
               Shlomi Dolev and   
                 Ehud Gudes and   
              Jeffrey D. Ullman   Efficient and Privacy Preserving
                                  Approximation of Distributed Statistical
                                  Queries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1399--1413
               Yaying Zhang and   
                    Xinyuan Sui   RCIVMM: a Route Choice-Based Interactive
                                  Voting Map Matching Approach for Complex
                                  Urban Road Networks  . . . . . . . . . . 1414--1427
                  Angtai Li and   
                    Yu Chen and   
                  Zheng Yan and   
              Xiaokang Zhou and   
                 Shohei Shimizu   A Survey on Integrity Auditing for Data
                                  Storage in the Cloud: From Single Copy
                                  to Multiple Replicas . . . . . . . . . . 1428--1442

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 8, Number 6, December, 2022

               Ali Jazayeri and   
            Christopher C. Yang   Frequent Subgraph Mining Algorithms in
                                  Static and Temporal Graph-Transaction
                                  Settings: a Survey . . . . . . . . . . . 1443--1462
                    Zhe Fei and   
             Yevgen Ryeznik and   
         Oleksandr Sverdlov and   
               Chee Wei Tan and   
                  Weng Kee Wong   An Overview of Healthcare Data Analytics
                                  With Applications to the COVID-19
                                  Pandemic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1463--1480
                 Xiexin Zou and   
               Shiyao Zhang and   
              Chenhan Zhang and   
             James J. Q. Yu and   
                   Edward Chung   Long-Term Origin-Destination Demand
                                  Prediction With Graph Deep Learning  . . 1481--1495
               Wan-Lei Zhao and   
                   Hui Wang and   
             Peng-Cheng Lin and   
                  Chong-Wah Ngo   On the Merge of $k$-NN Graph . . . . . . 1496--1510
              Yanghua Zhang and   
                  Jice Wang and   
              Hexiang Huang and   
               Yuqing Zhang and   
                       Peng Liu   Understanding and Conquering the
                                  Difficulties in Identifying Third-Party
                                  Libraries From Millions of Android Apps  1511--1523
                   Jia Chen and   
                    Xin Luo and   
                   MengChu Zhou   Hierarchical Particle Swarm
                                  Optimization-incorporated Latent Factor
                                  Analysis for Large-Scale Incomplete
                                  Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1524--1536
               Longlong Lin and   
              Pingpeng Yuan and   
                Rong-Hua Li and   
                        Hai Jin   Mining Diversified Top-$r$ Lasting
                                  Cohesive Subgraphs on Temporal Networks  1537--1549
                  Chao Chen and   
                  Qiang Liu and   
              Xingchen Wang and   
               Chengwu Liao and   
                   Daqing Zhang   semi-Traj2Graph Identifying Fine-Grained
                                  Driving Style With GPS Trajectory Data
                                  via Multi-Task Learning  . . . . . . . . 1550--1565
                 Guodao Sun and   
                  Sujia Zhu and   
                   Qi Jiang and   
                   Wang Xia and   
                  Ronghua Liang   EvoSets: Tracking the Sensitivity of
                                  Dimensionality Reduction Results Across
                                  Subspaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1566--1579
                      He Li and   
              Jianbin Huang and   
                  Hang Yuan and   
               Jiangtao Cui and   
                  Xiaoke Ma and   
               Shaojie Qiao and   
                     Xindong Wu   A Two-Phase Method to Balance the Result
                                  of Distributed Graph Repartitioning  . . 1580--1591
                 Shuai Yang and   
                   Hao Wang and   
                     Kui Yu and   
                 Fuyuan Cao and   
                     Xindong Wu   Towards Efficient Local Causal Structure
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1592--1609
          Krishnan Raghavan and   
    Sarangapani Jagannathan and   
             V. A. Samaranayake   A Game Theoretic Approach for Addressing
                                  Domain-Shift in Big-Data . . . . . . . . 1610--1621
         Prince Hamandawana and   
                 Awais Khan and   
                 Jongik Kim and   
                  Tae-Sun Chung   Accelerating ML/DL Applications With
                                  Hierarchical Caching on Deduplication
                                  Storage Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . 1622--1636
                 Yang Zhang and   
                  Hanqi Guo and   
                Lanyu Shang and   
                  Dong Wang and   
                    Tom Peterka   A Multi-Branch Decoder Network Approach
                                  to Adaptive Temporal Data Selection and
                                  Reconstruction for Big Scientific
                                  Simulation Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1637--1649
              Shih Yu Chang and   
                  Hsiao-Chun Wu   Multi-Relational Data Characterization
                                  by Tensors: Tensor Inversion . . . . . . 1650--1663
             Hok Shing Wong and   
                    Li Wang and   
               Raymond Chan and   
                   Tieyong Zeng   Deep Tensor CCA for Multi-View Learning  1664--1677
                  Ram Mohan and   
          Santanu Chaudhury and   
                   Brejesh Lall   Temporal Causal Modelling on Large
                                  Volume Enterprise Data . . . . . . . . . 1678--1689
               Yiding Zhang and   
                  Xiao Wang and   
                  Chuan Shi and   
             Xunqiang Jiang and   
                     Yanfang Ye   Hyperbolic Graph Attention Network . . . 1690--1701
             Songnian Zhang and   
                 Suprio Ray and   
                    Rongxing Lu   SOREL: Efficient and Secure ORE-Based
                                  Range Query Over Outsourced Data . . . . 1702--1715
                Harry Cheng and   
                  Lizi Liao and   
                  Linmei Hu and   
                    Liqiang Nie   Multi-Relation Extraction via A
                                  Global-Local Graph Convolutional Network 1716--1728

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 9, Number 1, February, 2023

             Amitangshu Pal and   
                 Junbo Wang and   
                  Yilang Wu and   
               Krishna Kant and   
                    Zhi Liu and   
                     Kento Sato   Social Media Driven Big Data Analysis
                                  for Disaster Situation Awareness: a
                                  Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--21
                   Tong Liu and   
               Jinzhen Wang and   
                   Qing Liu and   
            Shakeel Alibhai and   
                     Tao Lu and   
                       Xubin He   High-Ratio Lossy Compression: Exploring
                                  the Autoencoder to Compress Scientific
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22--36
              Lianpeng Qiao and   
                Rong-Hua Li and   
               Zhiwei Zhang and   
                    Ye Yuan and   
                Guoren Wang and   
                   Hongchao Qin   Maximal Quasi-Cliques Mining in
                                  Uncertain Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . 37--50
                 Farhad Farokhi   Noiseless Privacy: Definition,
                                  Guarantees, and Applications . . . . . . 51--62
                    Gan Sun and   
                  Yang Cong and   
                Changjun Gu and   
                    Xu Tang and   
             Zhengming Ding and   
                      Haibin Yu   Hierarchical Lifelong Machine Learning
                                  With ``Watchdog''  . . . . . . . . . . . 63--74
                Ziheng Chen and   
                Tianyang Xu and   
                Xiao-Jun Wu and   
                   Rui Wang and   
                  Josef Kittler   Hybrid Riemannian Graph-Embedding Metric
                                  Learning for Image Set Classification    75--92
                 Yangwen Yu and   
            Victor O. K. Li and   
           Jacqueline C. K. Lam   Hierarchical Recovery of Missing Air
                                  Pollution Data via Improved Long-Short
                                  Term Context Encoder Network . . . . . . 93--105
               Wenqiang Cui and   
            Girts Strazdins and   
                       Hao Wang   Visual Analysis of Multidimensional Big
                                  Data: a Scalable Lightweight Bundling
                                  Method for Parallel Coordinates  . . . . 106--117
                Yupei Zhang and   
                     Rui An and   
                 Shuhui Liu and   
                  Jiaqi Cui and   
                   Xuequn Shang   Predicting and Understanding Student
                                  Learning Performance Using Multi-Source
                                  Sparse Attention Convolutional Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118--132
                   Ziyi Kou and   
               Daniel Zhang and   
                Lanyu Shang and   
                      Dong Wang   What and Why? Towards Duo Explainable
                                  Fauxtography Detection Under Constrained
                                  Supervision  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133--146
              Hameeza Ahmed and   
            Muhammad Ali Ismail   A Structured Approach Towards Big Data
                                  Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147--159
                   Hao Zhou and   
                  Geng Yang and   
                 Yang Xiang and   
                  Yunlu Bai and   
                     Weiya Wang   A Lightweight Matrix Factorization for
                                  Recommendation With Local Differential
                                  Privacy in Big Data  . . . . . . . . . . 160--173
                  Chao Wang and   
                  Shuo Wang and   
              Xiaoman Cheng and   
                  Yunhua He and   
                    Ke Xiao and   
                     Shujia Fan   A Privacy and Efficiency-Oriented Data
                                  Sharing Mechanism for IoTs . . . . . . . 174--185
                 Ziyue Qiao and   
                  Yanjie Fu and   
              Pengyang Wang and   
                  Meng Xiao and   
               Zhiyuan Ning and   
              Denghui Zhang and   
                      Yi Du and   
                  Yuanchun Zhou   RPT: Toward Transferable Model on
                                  Heterogeneous Researcher Data via
                                  Pre-Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186--199
                    Ye Yuan and   
                 Yong Zhang and   
                 Boyue Wang and   
                  Yuan Peng and   
                  Yongli Hu and   
                     Baocai Yin   STGAN: Spatio-Temporal Generative
                                  Adversarial Network for Traffic Data
                                  Imputation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200--211
                   Zhu Wang and   
                Zilong Wang and   
                  Xiaona Li and   
                  Zhiwen Yu and   
                    Bin Guo and   
                Liming Chen and   
                   Xingshe Zhou   Exploring Multi-Dimension User-Item
                                  Interactions With Attentional Knowledge
                                  Graph Neural Networks for Recommendation 212--226
                 Wenjing Li and   
               Haoran Zhang and   
                 Jinyu Chen and   
                  Peiran Li and   
                  Yuhao Yao and   
                Xiaodan Shi and   
           Mariko Shibasaki and   
      Hill Hiroki Kobayashi and   
                  Xuan Song and   
              Ryosuke Shibasaki   Metagraph-Based Life Pattern Clustering
                                  With Big Human Mobility Data . . . . . . 227--240
                   Qi Zheng and   
                   Yaying Zhang   DSTAGCN: Dynamic Spatial-Temporal
                                  Adjacent Graph Convolutional Network for
                                  Traffic Forecasting  . . . . . . . . . . 241--253
               Shunxin Xiao and   
               Shiping Wang and   
                   Wenzhong Guo   SGAE: Stacked Graph Autoencoder for Deep
                                  Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254--266
                Fabian Groh and   
              Lukas Ruppert and   
        Patrick Wieschollek and   
           Hendrik P. A. Lensch   GGNN: Graph-Based GPU Nearest Neighbor
                                  Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267--279
                  Zijun Yao and   
               Deguang Kong and   
                    Miao Lu and   
                   Xiao Bai and   
                  Jian Yang and   
                      Hui Xiong   Multi-View Multi-Task Campaign Embedding
                                  for Cold-Start Conversion Rate
                                  Forecasting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280--293
                  Chen Yang and   
                  Zhihui Du and   
              Xiaofeng Meng and   
               Xukang Zhang and   
                  Xinli Hao and   
                 David A. Bader   Anomaly Detection in Catalog Streams . . 294--311
                Xiushan Nie and   
                 Xingbo Liu and   
                    Jie Guo and   
                Letian Wang and   
                     Yilong Yin   Supervised Discrete Multiple-Length
                                  Hashing for Image Retrieval  . . . . . . 312--327
                Dexian Wang and   
                 Tianrui Li and   
                  Ping Deng and   
                    Jia Liu and   
                  Wei Huang and   
                      Fan Zhang   A Generalized Deep Learning Algorithm
                                  Based on NMF for Multi-View Clustering   328--340
                  Peipei Li and   
               Yingying Liu and   
                    Yang Hu and   
               Yuhong Zhang and   
                 Xuegang Hu and   
                         Kui Yu   A Drift-Sensitive Distributed LSTM
                                  Method for Short Text Stream
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341--357
                  Peng Fang and   
                  Fang Wang and   
                   Zhan Shi and   
                 Hong Jiang and   
                   Dan Feng and   
                Xianghao Xu and   
                        Wei Yin   How to Realize Efficient and Scalable
                                  Graph Embeddings via an Entropy-Driven
                                  Mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358--371
           Mykola Servetnyk and   
                Carrson C. Fung   Distributed Dual Averaging Based Data
                                  Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372--379
                 Heng Chang and   
                    Jun Guo and   
                      Wenwu Zhu   Rethinking Embedded Unsupervised Feature
                                  Selection: a Simple Joint Approach . . . 380--387

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 9, Number 2, April, 2023

                 Naila Azam and   
               Lito Michala and   
               Shuja Ansari and   
             Nguyen Binh Truong   Data Privacy Threat Modelling for
                                  Autonomous Systems: a Survey From the
                                  GDPR's Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . 388--414
                  Xiao Wang and   
                    Deyu Bo and   
                  Chuan Shi and   
                Shaohua Fan and   
                 Yanfang Ye and   
                   Philip S. Yu   A Survey on Heterogeneous Graph
                                  Embedding: Methods, Techniques,
                                  Applications and Sources . . . . . . . . 415--436
              Zhifeng Jiang and   
                   Wei Wang and   
                      Bo Li and   
                     Qiang Yang   Towards Efficient Synchronous Federated
                                  Training: a Survey on System
                                  Optimization Strategies  . . . . . . . . 437--454
                    Xin Sun and   
               Zenghui Song and   
                  Yongbo Yu and   
                 Junyu Dong and   
              Claudia Plant and   
            Christian Böhm   Network Embedding via Deep Prediction
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455--470
              Pengfei Zhang and   
                Xiang Cheng and   
                     Sen Su and   
                    Binyuan Zhu   PrivTDSI: a Local Differentially Private
                                  Approach for Truth Discovery via
                                  Sampling and Inference . . . . . . . . . 471--484
                  Xin Liang and   
                   Kai Zhao and   
                   Sheng Di and   
                  Sihuan Li and   
           Robert Underwood and   
                 Ali M. Gok and   
               Jiannan Tian and   
               Junjing Deng and   
             Jon C. Calhoun and   
                Dingwen Tao and   
               Zizhong Chen and   
                Franck Cappello   SZ3: a Modular Framework for Composing
                                  Prediction-Based Error-Bounded Lossy
                                  Compressors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485--498
                   Xue Chen and   
                 Cheng Wang and   
                 Jipeng Cui and   
                  Qing Yang and   
                    Teng Hu and   
                 Changjun Jiang   Incorporating Prior Knowledge in Local
                                  Differentially Private Data Collection
                                  for Frequency Estimation . . . . . . . . 499--511
              Chunkai Zhang and   
               Quanjian Dai and   
                   Zilin Du and   
               Wensheng Gan and   
                  Jian Weng and   
                   Philip S. Yu   TUSQ: Targeted High-Utility Sequence
                                  Querying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512--527
                 Yong Zhang and   
                 Xiulan Wei and   
                Xinyu Zhang and   
                  Yongli Hu and   
                     Baocai Yin   Self-Attention Graph Convolution
                                  Residual Network for Traffic Data
                                  Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528--541
                   Kejie Xu and   
               Peifang Deng and   
                     Hong Huang   Mining Hierarchical Information of CNNs
                                  for Scene Classification of VHR Remote
                                  Sensing Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542--554
              Zhaolong Ling and   
                      Bo Li and   
                Yiwen Zhang and   
               Qingren Wang and   
                     Kui Yu and   
                     Xindong Wu   Causal Feature Selection With Efficient
                                  Spouses Discovery  . . . . . . . . . . . 555--568
                    Kun Guo and   
              Zhanhong Chen and   
                     Xu Lin and   
                    Ling Wu and   
               Zhi-Hui Zhan and   
               Yuzhong Chen and   
                   Wenzhong Guo   Community Detection Based on
                                  Multiobjective Particle Swarm
                                  Optimization and Graph Attention
                                  Variational Autoencoder  . . . . . . . . 569--583
                Yuanyi Chen and   
                    Peng Yu and   
               Wenwang Chen and   
              Zengwei Zheng and   
                      Minyi Guo   Meta-Learning Based Classification for
                                  Moving Object Trajectories in Mobile IoT 584--596
                 Guowei Yue and   
                   Rui Xiao and   
             Zhongying Zhao and   
                        Chao Li   AF-GCN: Attribute-Fusing Graph
                                  Convolution Network for Recommendation   597--607
              Vinayak Gupta and   
              Srikanta Bedathur   Modeling Spatial Trajectories Using
                                  Coarse-Grained Smartphone Logs . . . . . 608--620
                 Yujing Sun and   
                  Hao Xiong and   
               Siu Ming Yiu and   
                   Kwok Yan Lam   BitAnalysis: a Visualization System for
                                  Bitcoin Wallet Investigation . . . . . . 621--636
                  Unho Choi and   
                  Kyungyong Lee   Dense or Sparse : Elastic SPMM
                                  Implementation for Optimal Big-Data
                                  Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637--652
              Jianxiong Guo and   
                 Yapu Zhang and   
                       Weili Wu   An Overall Evaluation on Benefits of
                                  Competitive Influence Diffusion  . . . . 653--664
                Ningchao Ge and   
                  Zheng Qin and   
                  Peng Peng and   
                 Mingdao Li and   
                    Lei Zou and   
                       Keqin Li   A Cost-Driven Top-$K$ Queries
                                  Optimization Approach on Federated RDF
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665--676
               Zhigao Zheng and   
                Xuanhua Shi and   
                        Hai Jin   Parallel Overlapping Community Detection
                                  Algorithm on GPU . . . . . . . . . . . . 677--687
                   Xiuli Bi and   
                   Jinwu Hu and   
                   Bin Xiao and   
                Weisheng Li and   
                      Xinbo Gao   IEMask R-CNN: Information-Enhanced Mask
                                  R-CNN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688--700
              Tarique Anwar and   
                Surya Nepal and   
               Cecile Paris and   
                  Jian Yang and   
                     Jia Wu and   
                  Quan Z. Sheng   Tracking the Evolution of Clusters in
                                  Social Media Streams . . . . . . . . . . 701--715
                Haobing Liu and   
                 Yanmin Zhu and   
              Chunyang Wang and   
                Jianyu Ding and   
                   Jiadi Yu and   
                   Feilong Tang   Incorporating Heterogeneous User
                                  Behaviors and Social Influences for
                                  Predictive Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . 716--732
             Songnian Zhang and   
                 Suprio Ray and   
                Rongxing Lu and   
                  Yandong Zheng   Efficient Learned Spatial Index With
                                  Interpolation Function Based Learned
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733--745
                 Shiqi Wang and   
              Chongming Gao and   
                    Min Gao and   
                Junliang Yu and   
               Zongwei Wang and   
                    Hongzhi Yin   Who are the Best Adopters? User
                                  Selection Model for Free Trial Item
                                  Promotion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746--757
                 Cheng Wang and   
                 Hangyu Zhu and   
                  Ruixin Hu and   
                     Rui Li and   
                 Changjun Jiang   LongArms: Fraud Prediction in Online
                                  Lending Services Using Sparse Knowledge
                                  Graph  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758--772

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 9, Number 3, June, 2023

         Damian A. Tamburri and   
      Vincent R. van Mierlo and   
      Willem-Jan van den Heuvel   Big Data for the Social Good: The
                                  Drought Early-Warning Experience Report  773--791
                  Wei Huang and   
                    Jia Liu and   
                 Tianrui Li and   
               Shenggong Ji and   
                Dexian Wang and   
                Tianqiang Huang   FedCKE: Cross-Domain Knowledge Graph
                                  Embedding in Federated Learning  . . . . 792--804
                   Chang Xu and   
               Ruijuan Wang and   
               Liehuang Zhu and   
                Chuan Zhang and   
                Rongxing Lu and   
                  Kashif Sharif   Efficient Strong Privacy-Preserving
                                  Conjunctive Keyword Search Over
                                  Encrypted Cloud Data . . . . . . . . . . 805--817
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati and   
          Dario Facchinetti and   
               Sara Foresti and   
           Giovanni Livraga and   
            Gianluca Oldani and   
         Stefano Paraboschi and   
              Matthew Rossi and   
            Pierangela Samarati   Scalable Distributed Data Anonymization
                                  for Large Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . 818--831
               Dongjie Wang and   
                Kunpeng Liu and   
                  Hui Xiong and   
                      Yanjie Fu   Online POI Recommendation: Learning
                                  Dynamic Geo-Human Interactions in
                                  Streams  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832--844
                  Weihua Xu and   
                Yanzhou Pan and   
                Xiuwei Chen and   
               Weiping Ding and   
                     Yuhua Qian   A Novel Dynamic Fusion Approach Using
                                  Information Entropy for Interval-Valued
                                  Ordered Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . 845--859
              Pengfei Zhang and   
                Xiang Cheng and   
                     Sen Su and   
                      Ning Wang   Task Allocation Under
                                  Geo-Indistinguishability via Group-Based
                                  Noise Addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860--877
                  Shuai Gao and   
             Zhongbao Zhang and   
                         Sen Su   DAWN: Domain Generalization Based
                                  Network Alignment  . . . . . . . . . . . 878--888
                Minzhi Chen and   
                 Chunlin He and   
                        Xin Luo   MNL: a Highly-Efficient Model for
                                  Large-scale Dynamic Weighted Directed
                                  Network Representation . . . . . . . . . 889--903
                Yu-Xuan Qiu and   
                   Dong Wen and   
                Rong-Hua Li and   
                     Lu Qin and   
                 Michael Yu and   
                     Xuemin Lin   Computing Significant Cliques in Large
                                  Labeled Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . 904--917
                 Mingdao Li and   
                  Peng Peng and   
                  Zhen Tian and   
                  Zheng Qin and   
                Zheng Huang and   
                         Yi Liu   Optimizing Keyword Search Over Federated
                                  RDF Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918--935
                Yushu Zhang and   
                  Zhibin Fu and   
                  Shuren Qi and   
                 Mingfu Xue and   
               Zhongyun Hua and   
                     Yong Xiang   Localization of Inpainting Forgery With
                                  Feature Enhancement Network  . . . . . . 936--948
               Huizhang Luo and   
                 Junqi Wang and   
                 Zhenlu Qin and   
                  Dan Huang and   
                   Qing Liu and   
               Mengchu Zhou and   
                     Hong Jiang   A Data-driven Approach to Harvesting
                                  Latent Reduced Models to Precondition
                                  Lossy Compression for Scientific Data    949--963
                Wenbo Jiang and   
                 Hongwei Li and   
                  Guowen Xu and   
              Tianwei Zhang and   
                    Rongxing Lu   Physical Black-Box Adversarial Attacks
                                  Through Transformations  . . . . . . . . 964--974
     Ioannis Mavroudopoulos and   
            Anastasios Gounaris   SIESTA: a Scalable Infrastructure of
                                  Sequential Pattern Analysis  . . . . . . 975--990
               Furong Zheng and   
              Juanjuan Zhao and   
                  Jiexia Ye and   
                 Xitong Gao and   
                 Kejiang Ye and   
                  Chengzhong Xu   Metro OD Matrix Prediction Based on
                                  Multi-View Passenger Flow Evolution
                                  Trend Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 991--1003
              Jia-Quan Yang and   
                 Qi-Te Yang and   
                 Ke-Jing Du and   
              Chun-Hua Chen and   
                   Hua Wang and   
             Sang-Woon Jeon and   
                  Jun Zhang and   
                   Zhi-Hui Zhan   Bi-Directional Feature Fixation-Based
                                  Particle Swarm Optimization for
                                  Large-Scale Feature Selection  . . . . . 1004--1017

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 9, Number 4, August, 2023

                 Guodao Sun and   
                  Zihao Zhu and   
                Gefei Zhang and   
                Chaoqing Xu and   
               Yunchao Wang and   
                  Sujia Zhu and   
              Baofeng Chang and   
                  Ronghua Liang   Application of Mathematical Optimization
                                  in Data Visualization and Visual
                                  Analytics: a Survey  . . . . . . . . . . 1018--1037
             Mengxiao Zhang and   
    Fernando Beltrán and   
                     Jiamou Liu   A Survey of Data Pricing for Data
                                  Marketplaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1038--1056
                 Yujie Feng and   
              Jiangtao Wang and   
                 Yasha Wang and   
                         Xu Chu   Spatial-Attention and
                                  Demographic-Augmented Generative
                                  Adversarial Imputation Network for
                                  Population Health Data Reconstruction    1057--1070
      Thomas Weripuo Gyeera and   
       Anthony J. H. Simons and   
                  Mike Stannett   Regression Analysis of Predictions and
                                  Forecasts of Cloud Data Center KPIs
                                  Using the Boosted Decision Tree
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071--1085
                Hongjian Li and   
               Jianglin Xia and   
                    Wei Luo and   
                       Hai Fang   Cost-Efficient Scheduling of Streaming
                                  Applications in Apache Flink on Cloud    1086--1101
                  Xing Tian and   
              Wing W. Y. Ng and   
                      Huihui Xu   Deep Incremental Hashing for Semantic
                                  Image Retrieval With Concept Drift . . . 1102--1115
                  Pengbo Li and   
                    Hang Yu and   
              Xiangfeng Luo and   
                         Jia Wu   LGM-GNN: a Local and Global Aware
                                  Memory-Based Graph Neural Network for
                                  Fraud Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1116--1127
                  Yimin Liu and   
              Xiangyang Luo and   
                Zhiyuan Tao and   
                 Meng Zhang and   
                    Shaoyong Du   UGCC: Social Media User Geolocation via
                                  Cyclic Coupling  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1128--1141
     Mohammad Sultan Mahmud and   
        Joshua Zhexue Huang and   
              Rukhsana Ruby and   
    Alladoumbaye Ngueilbaye and   
                     Kaishun Wu   Approximate Clustering Ensemble Method
                                  for Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1142--1155
                 Chenchu Xu and   
                  Yuan Yang and   
               Zhiqiang Xia and   
                 Boyan Wang and   
                 Dong Zhang and   
              Yanping Zhang and   
                       Shu Zhao   Dual Uncertainty-Guided Mixing
                                  Consistency for Semi-Supervised 3D
                                  Medical Image Segmentation . . . . . . . 1156--1170
                    Kun Hao and   
               Junchang Xin and   
              Zhiqiong Wang and   
              Zhongming Yao and   
                    Guoren Wang   Efficient and Secure Data Sharing Scheme
                                  on Interoperable Blockchain Database . . 1171--1185
                 Yanbei Liu and   
              Shichuan Zhao and   
                  Xiao Wang and   
                   Lei Geng and   
                Zhitao Xiao and   
             Jerry Chun-Wei Lin   Self-Consistent Graph Neural Networks
                                  for Semi-Supervised Node Classification  1186--1197
               Jiachen Zhao and   
                  Fang Deng and   
                  Jiaqi Zhu and   
                       Jie Chen   Searching Density-Increasing Path to
                                  Local Density Peaks for Unsupervised
                                  Anomaly Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . 1198--1209
                 Mengran Li and   
                 Yong Zhang and   
                  Wei Zhang and   
                     Yi Chu and   
                  Yongli Hu and   
                     Baocai Yin   Self-Supervised Nodes-Hyperedges
                                  Embedding for Heterogeneous Information
                                  Network Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . 1210--1224
                Zhenya Wang and   
                Xiang Cheng and   
                     Sen Su and   
               Jintao Liang and   
                  Haocheng Yang   ATLAS: GAN-Based Differentially Private
                                  Multi-Party Data Sharing . . . . . . . . 1225--1237
                Zhigang Kan and   
                Linhui Feng and   
               Zhangyue Yin and   
                 Linbo Qiao and   
                 Xipeng Qiu and   
                   Dongsheng Li   A Composable Generative Framework Based
                                  on Prompt Learning for Various
                                  Information Extraction Tasks . . . . . . 1238--1251
                   Hao Chen and   
                      Yu Ye and   
                  Ming Xiao and   
                Mikael Skoglund   Asynchronous Parallel Incremental
                                  Block-Coordinate Descent for
                                  Decentralized Machine Learning . . . . . 1252--1259

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 9, Number 5, October, 2023

            Anna Schmedding and   
         Riccardo Pinciroli and   
                Lishan Yang and   
                 Evgenia Smirni   Epidemic Spread Modeling for COVID-19
                                  Using Cross-Fertilization of Mobility
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1260--1275
                 Fulan Qian and   
                   Bei Yuan and   
                   Hai Chen and   
                   Jie Chen and   
                  Defu Lian and   
                       Shu Zhao   Enhancing the Transferability of
                                  Adversarial Examples Based on Nesterov
                                  Momentum for Recommendation Systems  . . 1276--1287
                     Yao Li and   
                    Duo Qiu and   
                 Xiongjun Zhang   Robust Low Transformed Multi-Rank Tensor
                                  Completion With Deep Prior
                                  Regularization for Multi-Dimensional
                                  Image Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1288--1301
                Huanyu Chen and   
                Weisheng Li and   
                  Xinbo Gao and   
                       Bin Xiao   Novel Multi-Feature Fusion Facial
                                  Aesthetic Analysis Framework . . . . . . 1302--1320
                 Shuai Wang and   
                  Shijie Hu and   
                Baoshen Guo and   
                     Guang Wang   Cross-Region Courier Displacement for
                                  On-Demand Delivery With Multi-Agent
                                  Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . . . 1321--1333
                Qiming Yang and   
                     Qi Zhu and   
              Mingming Wang and   
                   Wei Shao and   
                Zheng Zhang and   
                 Daoqiang Zhang   Self-Supervised Federated Adaptation for
                                  Multi-Site Brain Disease Diagnosis . . . 1334--1346
                 Yangwen Yu and   
            Victor O. K. Li and   
       Jacqueline C. K. Lam and   
                    Kelvin Chan   GCN-ST-MDIR: Graph Convolutional
                                  Network-Based Spatial-Temporal Missing
                                  Air Pollution Data Pattern
                                  Identification and Recovery  . . . . . . 1347--1364
                 Zijian Liu and   
                   Yang Luo and   
                  Xitong Pu and   
                 Geyong Min and   
                     Chunbo Luo   A Multi-Modal Hypergraph Neural Network
                                  via Parametric Filtering and Feature
                                  Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1365--1379
             Zongshun Zhang and   
               Andrea Pinto and   
             Valeria Turina and   
            Flavio Esposito and   
                  Ibrahim Matta   Privacy and Efficiency of Communications
                                  in Federated Split Learning  . . . . . . 1380--1391
              Weichao Liang and   
                    Jie Cao and   
                   Lei Chen and   
               Youquan Wang and   
                     Jia Wu and   
              Amin Beheshti and   
                  Jiangnan Tang   Crime Prediction With Missing Data Via
                                  Spatiotemporal Regularized Tensor
                                  Decomposition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1392--1407
                Zhuzhu Wang and   
                     Cui Hu and   
                   Bin Xiao and   
                   Yang Liu and   
                    Teng Li and   
                    Zhuo Ma and   
                    Jianfeng Ma   Outsourced Privacy-Preserving Data
                                  Alignment on Vertically Partitioned
                                  Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1408--1419
                   Zhen Liu and   
                  Wenbo Zuo and   
             Dongning Zhang and   
                  Xiaodong Feng   RGSE: Robust Graph Structure Embedding
                                  for Anomalous Link Detection . . . . . . 1420--1429
  Balázs Pejó and   
          Gergely Biczók   Quality Inference in Federated Learning
                                  With Secure Aggregation  . . . . . . . . 1430--1437

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 9, Number 6, December, 2023

            Akila Siriweera and   
               Incheon Paik and   
                   Huawei Huang   Constraint-Driven Complexity-Aware Data
                                  Science Workflow for AutoBDA . . . . . . 1438--1457
               Dongpan Chen and   
                 Dehui Kong and   
                 Jinghua Li and   
               Shaofan Wang and   
                     Baocai Yin   A Survey of Visual Affordance
                                  Recognition Based on Deep Learning . . . 1458--1476
                   Rui Song and   
                   Bin Xiao and   
                  Yubo Song and   
                Songtao Guo and   
                  Yuanyuan Yang   A Survey of Blockchain-Based Schemes for
                                  Data Sharing and Exchange  . . . . . . . 1477--1495
                   Jun Yang and   
                  Yaoru Sun and   
                  Maoyu Mao and   
                  Lizhi Bai and   
                 Siyu Zhang and   
                      Fang Wang   Model-Agnostic Method: Exposing Deepfake
                                  Using Pixel-Wise Spatial and Temporal
                                  Fingerprints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1496--1509
                   Jie Song and   
              Xingchen Zhao and   
               Chaopeng Guo and   
                      Yu Gu and   
                          Ge Yu   Towards an Energy Complexity Model for
                                  Distributed Data Processing Algorithms   1510--1524
               Jianli Huang and   
                Xianjie Guo and   
                     Kui Yu and   
                 Fuyuan Cao and   
                     Jiye Liang   Towards Privacy-Aware Causal Structure
                                  Learning in Federated Setting  . . . . . 1525--1535
                Qinpei Zhao and   
               Guangda Yang and   
                   Kai Zhao and   
                Jiaming Yin and   
               Weixiong Rao and   
                       Lei Chen   Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting
                                  Model: Predictability Analysis and
                                  Empirical Study  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1536--1548
                    Qian Li and   
                    Shu Guo and   
                     Jia Wu and   
                 Jianxin Li and   
               Jiawei Sheng and   
                   Hao Peng and   
                    Lihong Wang   Event Extraction by Associating Event
                                  Types and Argument Roles . . . . . . . . 1549--1560
               Ha Xuan Tran and   
                Thuc Duy Le and   
                 Jiuyong Li and   
                    Lin Liu and   
                  Jixue Liu and   
              Yanchang Zhao and   
                    Tony Waters   Personalized Interventions to Increase
                                  the Employment Success of People With
                                  Disability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1561--1574
                     Qi Zhu and   
                Qiming Yang and   
              Mingming Wang and   
                 Xiangyu Xu and   
                    Yuwu Lu and   
                   Wei Shao and   
                 Daoqiang Zhang   Multi-Discriminator Active Adversarial
                                  Network for Multi-Center Brain Disease
                                  Diagnosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1575--1585
                   Shu Zhao and   
                 Wenyu Wang and   
                   Ziwei Du and   
                   Jie Chen and   
                      Zhen Duan   A Black-Box Adversarial Attack Method
                                  via Nesterov Accelerated Gradient and
                                  Rewiring Towards Attacking Graph Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1586--1597
                    Zhuang Yang   Adaptive Powerball Stochastic Conjugate
                                  Gradient for Large-Scale Learning  . . . 1598--1606
                Chenxu Wang and   
                  Fuli Feng and   
                 Yang Zhang and   
                 Qifan Wang and   
                  Xunhan Hu and   
                    Xiangnan He   Rethinking Missing Data: Aleatoric
                                  Uncertainty-Aware Recommendation . . . . 1607--1619
                   Feng Han and   
              Chengcai Leng and   
                    Bing Li and   
                  Anup Basu and   
                   Licheng Jiao   Cosine Multilinear Principal Component
                                  Analysis for Recognition . . . . . . . . 1620--1630
                  Yixiu Qin and   
                Yizhao Wang and   
                  Jiawei Li and   
                   Shun Mao and   
                    He Wang and   
                 Yuncheng Jiang   Improved Box Embeddings for Fine-Grained
                                  Entity Typing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1631--1642
              Xiaosai Huang and   
                    Jing Li and   
                     Jia Wu and   
                  Jun Chang and   
                    Donghua Liu   Transfer Learning With Document-Level
                                  Data Augmentation for Aspect-Level
                                  Sentiment Classification . . . . . . . . 1643--1657
                 Wenjing Li and   
                Xiaodan Shi and   
                  Dou Huang and   
                Xudong Shen and   
                 Jinyu Chen and   
      Hill Hiroki Kobayashi and   
               Haoran Zhang and   
                  Xuan Song and   
              Ryosuke Shibasaki   PredLife: Predicting Fine-Grained Future
                                  Activity Patterns  . . . . . . . . . . . 1658--1669
            Chien-Tse Cheng and   
                Yu-Hsun Lin and   
                Chung-Shou Liao   Seq2CASE: Weakly Supervised Sequence to
                                  Commentary Aspect Score Estimation for
                                  Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1670--1682
                   Si-Yu Yi and   
              Zhengyang Mao and   
                     Wei Ju and   
              Yong-Dao Zhou and   
                 Luchen Liu and   
                   Xiao Luo and   
                     Ming Zhang   Towards Long-Tailed Recognition for
                                  Graph Classification via Collaborative
                                  Experts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1683--1696
                 Junfu Wang and   
               Yuanfang Guo and   
                 Liang Yang and   
                   Yunhong Wang   Enabling Homogeneous GNNs to Handle
                                  Heterogeneous Graphs via Relation
                                  Embedding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1697--1710
                   Xovee Xu and   
               Zhiyuan Wang and   
                  Qiang Gao and   
                 Ting Zhong and   
                    Bei Hui and   
                   Fan Zhou and   
                Goce Trajcevski   Spatial-Temporal Contrasting for
                                  Fine-Grained Urban Flow Inference  . . . 1711--1725
                Zhifei Ding and   
                 Jiahao Han and   
               Rongtao Qian and   
                Liming Shen and   
                  Siru Chen and   
                 Lingxin Yu and   
                     Yu Zhu and   
                     Richen Liu   eBoF: Interactive Temporal Correlation
                                  Analysis for Ensemble Data Based on
                                  Bag-of-Features  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1726--1737

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 10, February, 2024

                 Xingyu Cao and   
             Xiangtao Zhang and   
                     Ce Zhu and   
                  Jiani Liu and   
                     Yipeng Liu   TS-RTPM-Net: Data-Driven Tensor
                                  Sketching for Efficient CP Decomposition 1--11

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 10, Number 1, February, 2024

                  Meng Wang and   
                Yanhao Yang and   
               David Bindel and   
                         Kun He   Streaming Local Community Detection
                                  Through Approximate Conductance  . . . . 12--22
                 Zihao Wang and   
                 Ming Jiang and   
                     Junli Wang   PHAED: a Speaker-Aware Parallel
                                  Hierarchical Attentive Encoder-Decoder
                                  Model for Multi-Turn Dialogue Generation 23--34
                     Han Wu and   
                 Guanqi Zhu and   
                     Qi Liu and   
                Hengshu Zhu and   
                   Hao Wang and   
                Hongke Zhao and   
               Chuanren Liu and   
                Enhong Chen and   
                      Hui Xiong   A Multi-Aspect Neural Tensor
                                  Factorization Framework for Patent
                                  Litigation Prediction  . . . . . . . . . 35--54
               Naiyao Liang and   
                Zuyuan Yang and   
               Junhang Chen and   
                  Zhenni Li and   
                    Shengli Xie   Label-Weighted Graph-Based Learning for
                                  Semi-Supervised Classification Under
                                  Label Noise  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55--65
              Qingtian Zeng and   
                  Shuai Guo and   
                    Rui Cao and   
                  Ziqi Zhao and   
                       Hua Duan   Legal Transition Sequence Recognition of
                                  a Bounded Petri Net Using a Gate
                                  Recurrent Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66--76
               Jinghuan Lao and   
                 Dong Huang and   
            Chang-Dong Wang and   
                 Jian-Huang Lai   Towards Scalable Multi-View Clustering
                                  via Joint Learning of Many Bipartite
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77--91
                    Wen Qin and   
                    Xin Luo and   
                   MengChu Zhou   Adaptively-Accelerated Parallel
                                  Stochastic Gradient Descent for
                                  High-Dimensional and Incomplete Data
                                  Representation Learning  . . . . . . . . 92--107

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 10, Number 2, April, 2024

               Changyong Yu and   
                Tianmei Ren and   
                   Wenyu Li and   
                 Huimin Liu and   
                  Haitao Ma and   
                     Yuhai Zhao   BL: an Efficient Index for Reachability
                                  Queries on Large Graphs  . . . . . . . . 108--121
                  Wenrui Li and   
                Xiaoyu Wang and   
                Yuetian Sun and   
          Snezana Milanovic and   
                   Mark Kon and   
Julio Enrique Castrillón-Candás   Multilevel Stochastic Optimization for
                                  Imputation in Massive Medical Data
                                  Records  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122--131
                      Li Li and   
                Chuanqi Tao and   
               Hongjing Guo and   
             Jingxuan Zhang and   
                   Xiaobing Sun   FATS: Feature Distribution
                                  Analysis-Based Test Selection for Deep
                                  Learning Enhancement . . . . . . . . . . 132--145
                Yunguo Guan and   
                Rongxing Lu and   
             Songnian Zhang and   
              Yandong Zheng and   
                   Jun Shao and   
                      Guiyi Wei   Efficient and Privacy-Preserving
                                  Aggregate Query Over Public Property
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146--157
               Yongli Cheng and   
                     Yan Ma and   
                 Hong Jiang and   
              Lingfang Zeng and   
                  Fang Wang and   
                Xianghao Xu and   
                      Yuhang Wu   TgStore: an Efficient Storage System for
                                  Large Time-Evolving Graphs . . . . . . . 158--173
           Huanghuang Liang and   
                Zheng Zhang and   
                  Chuang Hu and   
                  Yili Gong and   
                   Dazhao Cheng   A Survey on Spatio-Temporal Big Data
                                  Analytics Ecosystem: Resource
                                  Management, Processing Platform, and
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174--193
              Ehsan Hallaji and   
         Roozbeh Razavi-Far and   
               Mehrdad Saif and   
                  Boyu Wang and   
                     Qiang Yang   Decentralized Federated Learning: a
                                  Survey on Security and Privacy . . . . . 194--213

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 10, Number 3, June, 2024

            Youcef Djenouri and   
      Ahmed Nabil Belbachir and   
            Tomasz Michalak and   
              Gautam Srivastava   A Federated Convolution Transformer for
                                  Fake News Detection  . . . . . . . . . . 214--225
                Chaoyu Gong and   
                 Jim Demmel and   
                       Yang You   Scalable Evidential $K$-Nearest Neighbor
                                  Classification on Big Data . . . . . . . 226--237
                Seungeun Oh and   
                 Hyelin Nam and   
                Jihong Park and   
         Praneeth Vepakomma and   
              Ramesh Raskar and   
               Mehdi Bennis and   
                 Seong-Lyun Kim   Mix2SFL: Two-Way Mixup for Scalable,
                                  Accurate, and Communication-Efficient
                                  Split Federated Learning . . . . . . . . 238--248
                     Yu Shi and   
                   Xi Zhang and   
               Yuming Shang and   
                        Ning Yu   Don't Be Misled by Emotion! Disentangle
                                  Emotions and Semantics for
                                  Cross-Language and Cross-Domain Rumor
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249--259
                   Rui Chen and   
             Yongqiang Tang and   
               Xiangrui Cai and   
               Xiaojie Yuan and   
               Wenlong Feng and   
                 Wensheng Zhang   Graph Structure Aware Contrastive
                                  Multi-View Clustering  . . . . . . . . . 260--274
                 Yaojin Lin and   
                   Yulin Li and   
                Chenxi Wang and   
                    Lei Guo and   
                    Jinkun Chen   Label Distribution Learning Based on
                                  Horizontal and Vertical Mining of Label
                                  Correlations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275--287
                Xiaodong Li and   
                Pangjing Wu and   
                Chenxin Zou and   
                        Qing Li   Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning
                                  for VWAP Strategy Optimization . . . . . 288--300
                 Yanhui Zhu and   
                    Fang Hu and   
               Lei Hsin Kuo and   
                        Jia Liu   SCOREH+: a High-Order Node Proximity
                                  Spectral Clustering on
                                  Ratios-of-Eigenvectors Algorithm for
                                  Community Detection  . . . . . . . . . . 301--312
                Meiting Xue and   
                  Zian Zhou and   
               Pengfei Jiao and   
                    Huijun Tang   Fine-Tuned Personality Federated
                                  Learning for Graph Data  . . . . . . . . 313--319

IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Volume 10, Number 4, August, 2024

                   Lei Wang and   
                  Leon Wong and   
               Zhu-Hong You and   
                De-Shuang Huang   AMDECDA: Attention Mechanism Combined
                                  With Data Ensemble Strategy for
                                  Predicting CircRNA-Disease Association   320--329
                     Lu Guo and   
                 Limin Wang and   
                  Qilong Li and   
                         Kuo Li   Learning Balanced Bayesian Classifiers
                                  From Labeled and Unlabeled Data  . . . . 330--342
             Ghulam Mujtaba and   
         Sunder Ali Khowaja and   
      Muhammad Aslam Jarwar and   
               Jaehyuk Choi and   
                   Eun-Seok Ryu   FRC-GIF: Frame Ranking-Based
                                  Personalized Artistic Media Generation
                                  Method for Resource Constrained Devices  343--355
                    Xin Liu and   
                 Jiuluan Lv and   
                  Feng Chen and   
                Qingjie Wei and   
                Hangxuan He and   
                      Ying Qian   Multi-Party Federated Recommendation
                                  Based on Semi-Supervised Learning  . . . 356--370
                 Yibing Bai and   
                Zhenqiu Shu and   
                     Jun Yu and   
                Zhengtao Yu and   
                    Xiao-Jun Wu   Proxy-Based Graph Convolutional Hashing
                                  for Cross-Modal Retrieval  . . . . . . . 371--385
               Zhi-Long Han and   
             Ting-Zhu Huang and   
                 Xi-Le Zhao and   
                  Hao Zhang and   
                   Yun-Yang Liu   Multi-Dimensional Data Recovery via
                                  Feature-Based Fully-Connected Tensor
                                  Network Decomposition  . . . . . . . . . 386--399
                Jianghe Cai and   
                 Yuhui Deng and   
                    Yi Zhou and   
               Jiande Huang and   
                     Geyong Min   FIG: Feature-Weighted Information
                                  Granules With High Consistency Rate  . . 400--414
                 Xiao Zhang and   
                Zhaoqian He and   
                  Jinhai Li and   
               Changlin Mei and   
                    Yanyan Yang   Bi-Selection of Instances and Features
                                  Based on Neighborhood Importance Degree  415--428
                 Yifei Yang and   
                      Xiaoke Ma   Graph Contrastive Learning for
                                  Clustering of Multi-Layer Networks . . . 429--441
               Shujing Yang and   
                 Fuyuan Cao and   
                     Kui Yu and   
                     Jiye Liang   Learning Causal Chain Graph Structure
                                  via Alternate Learning and Double
                                  Pruning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442--456
                  Wenjun Ma and   
                Yibing Zhao and   
                    Xiaomao Fan   Cascaded Knowledge-Level Fusion Network
                                  for Online Course Recommendation System  457--469
                  Peng Zhou and   
               Yunyun Zhang and   
              Zhaolong Ling and   
               Yuanting Yan and   
                   Shu Zhao and   
                     Xindong Wu   Online Heterogeneous Streaming Feature
                                  Selection Without Feature Type
                                  Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470--485
                  Yuling Su and   
                  Hong Zhao and   
               Yifeng Zheng and   
                        Yu Wang   Few-Shot Learning With Multi-Granularity
                                  Knowledge Fusion and Decision-Making . . 486--497
              Guoxiang Tong and   
                Quanquan Li and   
                       Yan Song   Enhanced Multi-Scale Features Mutual
                                  Mapping Fusion Based on Reverse
                                  Knowledge Distillation for Industrial
                                  Anomaly Detection and Localization . . . 498--513
                 Xingbo Liu and   
                  Jiamin Li and   
                Xiushan Nie and   
              Xuening Zhang and   
               Shaohua Wang and   
                     Yilong Yin   Scalable Unsupervised Hashing via
                                  Exploiting Robust Cross-Modal
                                  Consistency  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514--527
                  Xinxin Hu and   
               Haotian Chen and   
               Junjie Zhang and   
             Hongchang Chen and   
                 Shuxin Liu and   
                    Xing Li and   
                 Yahui Wang and   
                  Xiangyang Xue   GAT-COBO: Cost-Sensitive Graph Neural
                                  Network for Telecom Fraud Detection  . . 528--542
                  Dawei Dai and   
                 Yingge Liu and   
                  Yutang Li and   
                   Shiyu Fu and   
                 Shuyin Xia and   
                    Guoyin Wang   LGRL: Local-Global Representation
                                  Learning for On-the-Fly FG-SBIR  . . . . 543--555
                  Shun Wang and   
                 Yong Zhang and   
                 Xuanqi Lin and   
                  Yongli Hu and   
             Qingming Huang and   
                     Baocai Yin   Dynamic Hypergraph Structure Learning
                                  for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting 556--567
              Charline Bour and   
                Abir Elbeji and   
          Luigi De Giovanni and   
                Adrian Ahne and   
                 Guy Fagherazzi   ALTRUIST: a Python Package to Emulate a
                                  Virtual Digital Cohort Study Using
                                  Social Media Data  . . . . . . . . . . . 568--575