Table of contents for issues of HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science

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Volume 1, Number 1, Spring, 2011
Volume 1, Number 2, Fall, 2011
Volume 2, Number 1, Spring, 2012
Volume 2, Number 2, Fall, 2012
Volume 3, Number 1, Spring, 2013
Volume 3, Number 2, Fall, 2013
Volume 4, Number 1, Spring, 2014
Volume 4, Number 2, Fall, 2014
Volume 5, Number 1, Spring, 2015
Volume 5, Number 2, Fall, 2015
Volume 6, Number 1, Spring, 2016
Volume 6, Number 2, Fall, 2016
Volume 7, Number 1, Spring, 2017
Volume 7, Number 2, Fall, 2017
Volume 8, Number 1, Spring, 2018
Volume 8, Number 2, Fall, 2018
Volume 9, Number 1, Spring, 2019
Volume 9, Number 2, Fall, 2019
Volume 10, Number 1, Spring, 2020
Volume 10, Number 2, Fall, 2020
Volume 11, Number 1, Spring, 2021
Volume 11, Number 2, Fall, 2021
Volume 12, Number 1, Spring, 2022
Volume 12, Number 2, Fall, 2022
Volume 13, Number 1, 2023
Volume 13, Number 2, 2024
Volume 14, Number 1, Spring, 2024
Volume 14, Number 2, Fall, 2024

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 1, Number 1, Spring, 2011

                      Anonymous   Ernan McMullin, 1924--2011 . . . . . . . iv--iv
                      Anonymous   From the Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--2
                 Ernan McMullin   Kepler: Moving the Earth . . . . . . . . 3--22
                James G. Lennox   Aristotle on Norms of Inquiry  . . . . . 23--46
                   Thomas Uebel   Beyond the Formalist Criterion of
                                  Cognitive Significance: Philipp Frank's
                                  Later Antimetaphysics  . . . . . . . . . 47--72
                 Warren Schmaus   Science and the Social Contract in
                                  Renouvier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73--100
                Eric Schliesser   Newton's Challenge to Philosophy: A
                                  Programmatic Essay . . . . . . . . . . . 101--128
                 David J. Stump   Book Review: Michael Heidelberger and
                                  Gregor Schiemann, eds., \booktitleThe
                                  Significance of the Hypothetical in the
                                  Natural Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . 129--132
           Christopher V. Mirus   Book Review: Timothy McGrew, Marc
                                  Alspector-Kelly, and Fritz Allhoff,
                                  eds., \booktitlePhilosophy of Science:
                                  An Historical Anthology  . . . . . . . . 132--135
                 Stephen Turner   Book Review: Uljana Feest, ed.,
                                  \booktitleHistorical Perspectives on
                                  Erklären and Verstehen  . . . . . . . . . 135--139
                    Jean Leroux   Book Review: Teresa Castelão,
                                  \booktitleGaston Bachelard et les études
                                  critiques de la science  . . . . . . . . 139--142
                  Brian Hepburn   Book Review: Alisa Bokulich,
                                  \booktitleReexamining the
                                  Quantum-Classical Relation . . . . . . . 142--146
                   James Lattis   Book Review: David Aubin, Charlotte
                                  Bigg, and H. Otto Sibum, eds.,
                                  \booktitleThe Heavens on Earth:
                                  Observatories and Astronomy in
                                  Nineteenth-Century Science and Culture   146--149
       Peter C. Kjærgaard   Book Review: Robert J. Richards,
                                  \booktitleThe Tragic Sense of Life:
                                  Ernst Haeckel and the Struggle over
                                  Evolutionary Thought . . . . . . . . . . 149--152
             Justin E. H. Smith   Book Review: Daniel Garber,
                                  \booktitleLeibniz: Body, Substance,
                                  Monad  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153--157
               Maarten Van Dyck   Book Review: Helen Hattab,
                                  \booktitleDescartes on Forms and
                                  Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--161
                    Mary Domski   Book Review: Peter Machamer and J. E.
                                  McGuire, \booktitleDescartes's Changing
                                  Mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162--165
                  Edward Slowik   Book Review: Tad M. Schmaltz,
                                  \booktitleDescartes on Causation . . . . 165--169
              Benjamin Goldberg   Book Review: Lisa T. Sarasohn,
                                  \booktitleThe Natural Philosophy of
                                  Margaret Cavendish: Reason and Fancy
                                  during the Scientific Revolution . . . . 169--172
                William R. Shea   Book Review: Galileo Galilei and
                                  Christoph Scheiner, \booktitleOn
                                  Sunspots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173--175
                Sean W. Anthony   Book Review: Ruth Glasner,
                                  \booktitleAverroes' Physics: A Turning
                                  Point in Medieval Natural Philosophy . . 175--178
                 Vittoria Feola   Book Review: Maria Toscano,
                                  \booktitleGli archivi del mondo:
                                  Antiquaria, storia naturale e
                                  collezionismo nel secondo Settecento . . 178--181

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 1, Number 2, Fall, 2011

                Joshua Stuchlik   Felicitology: Neurath's Naturalization
                                  of Ethics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183--208
                   Lydia Patton   Reconsidering Experiments  . . . . . . . 209--226
                 Anya Plutynski   Four Problems of Abduction: A Brief
                                  History  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227--248
                  Edward Slowik   Newton, the Parts of Space, and the
                                  Holism of Spatial Ontology . . . . . . . 249--272
                 David J. Stump   Arthur Pap's Functional Theory of the
                                  \em A Priori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273--290
              Greg Frost-Arnold   Quine's Evolution from `Carnap's
                                  Disciple' to the Author of ``Two
                                  Dogmas'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291--316
             Douglas M. Jesseph   Book Reviews: Stephen Gaukroger,
                                  \booktitleThe Emergence of a Scientific
                                  Culture: Science and the Shaping of
                                  Modernity, 1210--1685, Stephen
                                  Gaukroger, \booktitleThe Collapse of
                                  Mechanism and the Rise of Sensibility:
                                  Science and the Shaping of Modernity,
                                  1680--1760 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317--328
    Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent   Book Review: Alan Rocke, \booktitleImage
                                  and Reality: Kekulé, Kopp, and the
                                  Scientific Imagination . . . . . . . . . 329--330
                  Richard Gawne   Book Review: Richard DeWitt, ed.,
                                  \booktitleWorldviews: An Introduction to
                                  the History and Philosophy of Science    331--333
                 Jonathan Simon   Book Review: Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent
                                  and William R. Newman, eds.,
                                  \booktitleThe Artificial and the
                                  Natural: An Evolving Polarity  . . . . . 333--337
                John W. Snapper   Book Review: W. D. Hart, \booktitleThe
                                  Evolution of Logic . . . . . . . . . . . 337--340
                    Simon Duffy   Book Review: Peter Gaffney, ed.,
                                  \booktitleThe Force of the Virtual:
                                  Deleuze, Science, and Philosophy . . . . 340--343
                Flavia Padovani   Book Review: Hans Reichenbach, ed.,
                                  \booktitleThe Concept of Probability in
                                  the Mathematical Representation of
                                  Reality  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344--347
                 Daria Drozdova   Book Review: Cristina Chimisso,
                                  \booktitleWriting the History of the
                                  Mind: Philosophy and Science in France,
                                  1900 to 1960s  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348--351
               Keith M. Parsons   Book Review: Friedel Weinert,
                                  \booktitleCopernicus, Darwin, and Freud:
                                  Revolutions in the History and
                                  Philosophy of Science  . . . . . . . . . 351--355
                   Kathryn Tabb   Book Review: Jonathan Hodge and Gregory
                                  Radick, eds., \booktitleThe Cambridge
                                  Companion to Darwin  . . . . . . . . . . 355--359
               Katherine Dunlop   Book Review: Niccol\`o Guicciardini,
                                  \booktitleIsaac Newton on Mathematical
                                  Certainty and Method . . . . . . . . . . 359--364
                    Marius Stan   Book Review: Michela Massimi, ed.,
                                  \booktitleKant and Philosophy of Science
                                  Today  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364--367
                Brandon C. Look   Book Review: Tom Sorell, G. A. J.
                                  Rogers, and Jill Kaye, eds.,
                                  \booktitleScientia in Early Modern
                                  Philosophy: Seventeenth-Century Thinkers
                                  on Demonstrative Knowledge from First
                                  Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367--371
                Geoffrey Gorham   Book Review: Walter Ott,
                                  \booktitleCausation & Laws in Early
                                  Modern Philosophy  . . . . . . . . . . . 371--375
                Marcus P. Adams   Book Review: William Poole,
                                  \booktitleJohn Aubrey and the
                                  Advancement of Learning  . . . . . . . . 375--377

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 2, Number 1, Spring, 2012

                Alan Richardson   Occasions for an Empirical History of
                                  Philosophy of Science: American
                                  Philosophers of Science at Work in the
                                  1950s and 1960s  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--20
                  Aaron D. Cobb   Inductivism in Practice: Experiment in
                                  John Herschel's Philosophy of Science    21--54
                   Sarah Irving   Rethinking Instrumentality: Natural
                                  Philosophy and Christian Charity in the
                                  Early Modern Atlantic World  . . . . . . 55--76
                 Sebastian Lutz   On a Straw Man in the Philosophy of
                                  Science: A Defense of the Received View  77--120
              Robert J. Deltete   Planck, Ostwald, and the Second Law of
                                  Thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121--146
               Elisabeth Nemeth   Book Reviews: Jean Leroux, \booktitleAux
                                  sources du Cercle de Vienne. Jean
                                  Leroux, \booktitleL'empirisme logique en
                                  débat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147--154
                Henry M. Cowles   Book Review: Steven Gimbel, ed.,
                                  \booktitleExploring the Scientific
                                  Method: Cases and Questions  . . . . . . 154--157
                 Thierry Hoquet   Book Review: Hans-Jörg Rheinberger,
                                  \booktitleAn Epistemology of the
                                  Concrete: Twentieth-Century Histories of
                                  Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--161
                Alexander Klein   Book Review: Francesca Bordogna,
                                  \booktitleWilliam James at the
                                  Boundaries: Philosophy, Science, and the
                                  Geography of Knowledge . . . . . . . . . 161--166
       Brett A. Fulkerson-Smith   Book Review: Angus Nicholls and Martin
                                  Liebscher, eds., \booktitleThinking the
                                  Unconscious: Nineteenth-Century German
                                  Thought  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166--169
                Katherine Arens   Book Review: Jocelyn Holland,
                                  \booktitleKey Texts of Johann Wilhelm
                                  Ritter (1776--1810) on the Science and
                                  Art of Nature  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169--172
                  Gary Hatfield   Book Review: Michael Friedman and Alfred
                                  Nordmann, eds., \booktitleThe Kantian
                                  Legacy in Nineteenth-Century Science . . 172--177
           Charles T. Wolfe and   
              Benjamin Goldberg   Book Review: Luuc Kooijmans,
                                  \booktitleDeath Defied: The Anatomy
                                  Lessons of Frederik Ruysch . . . . . . . 177--182
 Teresa Castelão-Lawless   Book Review: Anastasios Brenner,
                                  \booktitleRaison scientifique et valeurs
                                  humaines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182--185
     François Duchesneau   Book Review: Justin E. H. Smith,
                                  \booktitleDivine Machines: Leibniz and
                                  the Science of Life  . . . . . . . . . . 186--189
                  Regine Kather   Book Review: Marco Böhlandt,
                                  \booktitleVerborgene Zahl-Verborgener
                                  Gott: Mathematik und Naturwissen im
                                  Denken des Nicolaus Cusanus (1401--1464) 189--192
                     Jack Zupko   Book Review: Michiel Streijger, Paul J.
                                  J. M. Bakker, and Johannes M. M. H.
                                  Thijssen, eds., \booktitleJohn Buridan,
                                  Quaestiones super libros \booktitleDe
                                  generatione et corruption Aristotelis: A
                                  Critical Edition with an Introduction    192--195
                    Alan Salter   Book Review: Lorraine Daston and
                                  Elizabeth Lunbeck, eds.,
                                  \booktitleHistories of Scientific
                                  Observation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196--200
                  Andreas Blank   Book Review: Catherine Wilson,
                                  \booktitleEpicureanism at the Origins of
                                  Modernity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200--203

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 2, Number 2, Fall, 2012

                  Donata Romizi   The Vienna Circle's ``Scientific
                                  World--Conception'': Philosophy of
                                  Science in the Political Arena . . . . . 205--242
             William H. Krieger   Theory, Locality, and Methodology in
                                  Archaeology: Just Add Water? . . . . . . 243--257
               Matthew J. Brown   John Dewey's Logic of Science  . . . . . 258--306
             Peter M. Ainsworth   The Third Path to Structural Realism . . 307--320
                 Paul L. Franco   Are Kant's Concepts and Methodology
                                  Inconsistent with Scientific Change?
                                  Constitutivity and the Synthetic Method
                                  in Kant  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321--353
                      Jordi Cat   Book Review: Thomas Uebel,
                                  \booktitleEmpiricism at the Crossroads:
                                  The Vienna Circle's Protocol-Sentence
                                  Debate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354--360
                    Marie Hicks   Book Review: Peter Harrison, Ronald L.
                                  Numbers, and Michael H. Shank, eds.,
                                  \booktitleWrestling with Nature: From
                                  Omens to Science . . . . . . . . . . . . 361--364
                 Thomas Nickles   Book Review: Matthew Lund, \booktitleN.
                                  R. Hanson: Observation, Discovery, and
                                  Scientific Change  . . . . . . . . . . . 364--368
           Stefania Ruzsits Jha   Book Review: Mary Jo Nye,
                                  \booktitleMichael Polanyi and His
                                  Generation: Origins of the Social
                                  Construction of Science  . . . . . . . . 368--372
                  Brandon Fogel   Book Review: Jeroen van Dongen,
                                  \booktitleEinstein's Unification . . . . 372--376
                 Paul Magdalino   Book Review: Efthymios Nicolaidis,
                                  \booktitleScience and Eastern Orthodoxy:
                                  From the Greek Fathers to the Age of
                                  Globalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376--380
                Ronald N. Giere   Book Review: Dirk R. Johnson,
                                  \booktitleNietzsche's Anti-Darwinism . . 380--382
                  Benjamin Hill   Book Review: Peter R. Anstey,
                                  \booktitleJohn Locke and Natural
                                  Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382--387
            Anthony J. DeSantis   Book Review: Frédérique A\"\it-Touati,
                                  \booktitleFictions of the Cosmos:
                                  Science and Literature in the
                                  Seventeenth Century  . . . . . . . . . . 387--390
          Madeline Muntersbjorn   Book Review: Alexander Marr,
                                  \booktitleBetween Raphael and Galileo:
                                  Mutio Oddi and the Mathematical Culture
                                  of Late Renaissance Italy  . . . . . . . 391--394
            Delphine Bellis and   
                 Gideon Manning   Book Review: Craig Martin,
                                  \booktitleRenaissance Meteorology:
                                  Pomponazzi to Descartes  . . . . . . . . 394--398

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 3, Number 1, Spring, 2013

                 Milena Ivanova   Did Perrin's Experiments Convert Poincaré
                                  to Scientific Realism? . . . . . . . . . 1--19
                 Stephen Dilley   The Evolution of Methodological
                                  Naturalism in the Origin of Species  . . 20--58
                     Jan Radler   Neurath's Congestions, Depth of
                                  Intention, and Precization: Arne Naess
                                  and His Viennese Heritage  . . . . . . . 59--90
        Henry Michael Southgate   Kant's Critique of Leibniz's Rejection
                                  of Real Opposition . . . . . . . . . . . 91--134
              Rose-Mary Sargent   Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135--136
                 Hanne Andersen   Women in the History of Philosophy of
                                  Science: What We Do and Do Not Know  . . 136--139
                Noretta Koertge   Feyerabend, Feminism, and Philosophy . . 139--141
             Elisabeth A. Lloyd   Constitutional Failures of Meritocracy
                                  and Their Consequences . . . . . . . . . 142--144
               Helen E. Longino   Data, Please . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144--146
                      Amy Wuest   Yes, There Is a Problem: What Is to Be
                                  Done about the Climate for Women in
                                  Philosophy?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146--150
                Alan Richardson   Book Review: Thomas S. Kuhn, ed.,
                                  \booktitleThe Structure of Scientific
                                  Revolutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151--154
         James Robert Brown and   
              Michael T. Stuart   Book Review: Katerina Ierodiakonou and
                                  Sophie Roux, eds., \booktitleThought
                                  Experiments in Methodological and
                                  Historical Contexts  . . . . . . . . . . 154--157
          Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen   Book Review: Alfred I. Tauber,
                                  \booktitleScience and the Quest for
                                  Meaning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--160
               Ze'ev Rosenkranz   Book Review: Steven Gimbel,
                                  \booktitleEinstein's Jewish Science:
                                  Physics at the Intersection of Politics
                                  and Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160--164
                 Thomas Ryckman   Book Review: Norman Sieroka,
                                  \booktitleUmgebungen: Symbolischer
                                  Konstruktivismus im Anschluss an Hermann
                                  Weyl und Fritz Medicus . . . . . . . . . 164--168
               Charles H. Pence   Book Review: Staffan Müller-Wille and
                                  Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, \booktitleA
                                  Cultural History of Heredity . . . . . . 168--172
                Eric Schliesser   Book Review: Paul Russell, \booktitleThe
                                  Riddle of Hume's Treatise: Skepticism,
                                  Naturalism, and Irreligion . . . . . . . 172--175
               James R. Hofmann   Book Review: Denis R. Alexander and
                                  Ronald L. Numbers, eds.,
                                  \booktitleBiology and Ideology from
                                  Descartes to Dawkins . . . . . . . . . . 175--179
                   Boris Hennig   Book Review: Stephan Schmid,
                                  \booktitleFinalursachen in der frühen
                                  Neuzeit: Eine Untersuchung der
                                  Transformation teleologischer Erklärungen 179--182
                 Sean Greenberg   Book Review: Noa Naaman-Zauderer,
                                  \booktitleDescartes' Deontological Turn:
                                  Reason, Will, and Virtue in the Later
                                  Writings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182--186
               Marleen Rozemond   Book Review: Roger Ariew,
                                  \booktitleDescartes among the
                                  Scholastics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186--190

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 3, Number 2, Fall, 2013

                   Enrico Viola   The Specificity of Logical Empiricism in
                                  the Twentieth-Century History of
                                  Scientific Philosophy  . . . . . . . . . 191--209
               Hylarie Kochiras   Causal Language and the Structure of
                                  Force in Newton's System of the World    210--235
             Thomas Mormann and   
                   Mikhail Katz   Infinitesimals as an Issue of
                                  Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Science  . . . 236--280
               Iulian D. Toader   Concept Formation and Scientific
                                  Objectivity: Weyl's Turn against Husserl 281--305
                   Adam Timmins   Why Was Kuhn's Structure More Successful
                                  than Polanyi's Personal Knowledge? . . . 306--317
                    Mary Domski   Essay Review: Putting the Pieces Back
                                  Together Again: Reading Newton's
                                  \booktitlePrincipia through Newton's
                                  Method: Steffen Ducheyne,
                                  \booktitle``The main Business of natural
                                  Philosophy'': Isaac Newton's
                                  Natural-Philosophical Methodology.
                                  William L. Harper. \booktitleIsaac
                                  Newton's Scientific Method: Turning Data
                                  into Evidence about Gravity and
                                  Cosmology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318--333
                 S. G. Sterrett   Book Review: Daniela Bailer-Jones,
                                  \booktitleScientific Models in
                                  Philosophy of Science  . . . . . . . . . 334--337
               Leila Haaparanta   Book Review: Juha Manninen and Friedrich
                                  Stadler, eds., \booktitleThe Vienna
                                  Circle in the Nordic Countries: Networks
                                  and Transformations of Logical
                                  Empiricism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337--341
        Mélanie Frappier   Book Review: Isabelle Stengers,
                                  \booktitleCosmopolitics  . . . . . . . . 341--344
                 Sandra Pravica   Book Review: Hans-Jörg Rheinberger,
                                  \booktitleOn Historicizing Epistemology:
                                  An Essay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345--348
            Guido Bacciagaluppi   Book Review: Jeffrey A. Barrett and
                                  Peter Byrne, eds., \booktitleThe Everett
                                  Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics:
                                  Collected Works 1955--1980 with
                                  Commentary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348--352
                      Jim Bogen   Book Review: Aristides Baltas,
                                  \booktitlePeeling Potatoes or Grinding
                                  Lenses: Spinoza and Young Wittgenstein
                                  Converse on Immanence and Its Logic  . . 352--356
                Eugene Earnshaw   Book Review: Mark Borrello,
                                  \booktitleEvolutionary Restraints: The
                                  Contentious History of Group Selection   356--360
                James Griesemer   Book Review: David Sepkoski,
                                  \booktitleRereading the Fossil Record:
                                  The Growth of Paleobiology as an
                                  Evolutionary Discipline  . . . . . . . . 360--364
                Delphine Bellis   Book Review: Carlo Borghero,
                                  \booktitleLes Cartésiens face \`a Newton  364--367
                   Karin Ekholm   Book Review: Hiro Hirai,
                                  \booktitleMedical Humanism and Natural
                                  Philosophy: Renaissance Debates on
                                  Matter, Life and the Soul  . . . . . . . 367--371
                 Jan-Erik Jones   Book Review: Sorana Corneanu,
                                  \booktitleRegimens of the Mind: Boyle,
                                  Locke and the Early Modern Cultura Animi
                                  Tradition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371--374
                    Jim Bennett   Book Review: Jeremiah Horrocks,
                                  \booktitleVenus Seen on the Sun: The
                                  First Observation of a Transit of Venus
                                  by Jeremiah Horrocks . . . . . . . . . . 375--376
                 Pauliina Remes   Book Review: Lloyd P. Gerson, ed.,
                                  \booktitleThe Cambridge History of
                                  Philosophy in Late Antiquity . . . . . . 376--380
                 Michael Elazar   Book Review: Annibale Fantoli,
                                  \booktitleThe Case of Galileo: A Closed
                                  Question?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380--384
                Sean W. Anthony   Book Review: Godefroid de Callataÿ and
                                  Bruno Halflants, eds.,
                                  \booktitleEpistles of the Brethren of
                                  Purity: On Magic I . . . . . . . . . . . 384--387
                 Michael Boylan   Book Review: Allan Gotthelf,
                                  \booktitleTeleology, First Principles,
                                  and Scientific Method in Aristotle's
                                  Biology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387--390

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 4, Number 1, Spring, 2014

          Wenceslao J. Gonzalez   The Evolution of Lakatos's Repercussion
                                  on the Methodology of Economics  . . . . 1--25
                     Roy Wagner   Wronski's Infinities . . . . . . . . . . 26--61
         Christian Damböck   Caught in the Middle: Philosophy of
                                  Science between the Historical Turn and
                                  Formal Philosophy as Illustrated by the
                                  Program of ``Kuhn Sneedified'' . . . . . 62--82
             Francesca Biagioli   Hermann Cohen and Alois Riehl on
                                  Geometrical Empiricism . . . . . . . . . 83--105
               Cornelius Hunter   Darwin's Principle: The Use of
                                  Contrastive Reasoning in the
                                  Confirmation of Evolution  . . . . . . . 106--149
               George A. Reisch   Book Review: Andrew Jewett,
                                  \booktitleScience, Democracy, and the
                                  American University: From the Civil War
                                  to the Cold War  . . . . . . . . . . . . 150--153
             Gary L. Hardcastle   Book Review: Joel Isaac,
                                  \booktitleWorking Knowledge: Making the
                                  Human Sciences from Parsons to Kuhn  . . 154--157
                  Eric Oberheim   Book Review: Vasso Kindi and Theodore
                                  Arabatzis, eds. \booktitleKuhn's
                                  ``\booktitleThe Structure of Scientific
                                  Revolutions'' Revisited  . . . . . . . . 157--161
                    Elay Schech   Book Review: Chunglin Kwa,
                                  \booktitleStyles of Knowing: A New
                                  History of Science from Ancient Times to
                                  the Present  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161--165
             Robert Rynasiewicz   Book Review: Adrian Bardon, \booktitleA
                                  Brief History of the Philosophy of Time  165--168
                      Gal Kober   Book Review: Richard A. Richards,
                                  \booktitleThe Species Problem: A
                                  Philosophical Analysis . . . . . . . . . 169--172
                  Trevor Pearce   Book Review: Cheryl Misak, \booktitleThe
                                  American Pragmatists . . . . . . . . . . 172--176
             Anastasios Brenner   Book Review: Auguste Comte, Michel
                                  Bourdeau, Laurent Clauzade, and Frédéric
                                  Dupin, eds., \booktitleOeuvres: Cours de
                                  philosophie positive, leçons 46-51  . . . 176--178
                 Irina Podgorny   Book Review: Alex Levine and Adriana
                                  Novoa, \booktitle`!Darwinistas! The
                                  Construction of Evolutionary Thought in
                                  Nineteenth Century Argentina . . . . . . 179--182
            Patrick J. McDonald   Book Review: Michel Meulders and
                                  Laurence Garey, eds.,
                                  \booktitleHelmholtz: From Enlightenment
                                  to Neuroscience  . . . . . . . . . . . . 182--186
                  Michael Futch   Book Review: Philip Ball,
                                  \booktitleCuriosity: How Science Became
                                  Interested in Everything . . . . . . . . 186--189
               Steffen Ducheyne   Book Review: Eric Jorink and Ad Maas,
                                  eds., \booktitleNewton and the
                                  Netherlands: How Isaac Newton Was
                                  Fashioned in the Dutch Republic  . . . . 189--192
           Richard T. W. Arthur   Book Review: Klaas van Berkel,
                                  \booktitleIsaac Beeckman on Matter and
                                  Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192--196
            Anthony J. DeSantis   Book Review: Christoph Lüthy,
                                  \booktitleDavid Gorlaeus (1591--1612):
                                  An Enigmatic Figure in the History of
                                  Philosophy and Science . . . . . . . . . 196--199
                    Adam Mosley   Book Review: André Goddu,
                                  \booktitleCopernicus and the
                                  Aristotelian Tradition: Education,
                                  Reading, and Philosophy in Copernicus's
                                  Path to Heliocentrism  . . . . . . . . . 199--203
        Anastasia Guidi Itokazu   Book Review: Patrick J. Boner,
                                  \booktitleKepler's Cosmological
                                  Synthesis: Astrology, Mechanism and the
                                  Soul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203--206
               Henrik Lagerlund   Book Review: Calvin B. Kendall and Faith
                                  Wallis, \booktitleBede: ``On the Nature
                                  of Things'' and ``On Times'' . . . . . . 206--208
                  Mohamed Mehdi   Book Review: Richard Bett, ed.,
                                  \booktitleThe Cambridge Companion to
                                  Ancient Scepticism . . . . . . . . . . . 208--212
               Joseph G. Miller   Book Review: Daniel Graham,
                                  \booktitleScience before Socrates:
                                  Parmenides, Anaxagoras, and the New
                                  Astronomy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212--215

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 4, Number 2, Fall, 2014

                  Joshua Rayman   Crossing the Epistemological Divide:
                                  Foucault, Barthes, and Neo-Kantianism    217--240
                    Jeremy Heis   Ernst Cassirer's
                                  \booktitleSubstanzbegriff und
                                  Funktionsbegriff . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--270
                   Tiberiu Popa   Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271--271
                James G. Lennox   Aristotle on the Emergence of Material
                                  Complexity: Meteorology IV and
                                  Aristotle's Biology  . . . . . . . . . . 272--305
                   Tiberiu Popa   Scientific Method in Meteorology IV  . . 306--334
               Mary Louise Gill   The Limits of Teleology in Aristotle's
                                  Meteorology IV.12  . . . . . . . . . . . 335--350
                   Doug Jesseph   Essay Review: The Rise of the
                                  ``Mechanical Philosophy'': Current
                                  Scholarship on Seventeenth-Century
                                  Science: Daniel Garber and Sophie Roux,
                                  \booktitleThe Mechanization of Natural
                                  Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351--357
                  George Reisch   Book Review: Paul Erickson, Judy L.
                                  Klein, Lorraine Daston, Rebecca Lemov,
                                  Thomas Sturm, and Michael D. Gordin,
                                  \booktitleHow Reason Almost Lost Its
                                  Mind: The Strange Career of Cold War
                                  Rationality  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358--361
               Katherine Dunlop   Book Review: Peter Achinstein,
                                  \booktitleEvidence and Method  . . . . . 361--365
                 Laura M. Seger   Book Review: William H. Krieger, ed.,
                                  \booktitleScience at the Frontiers:
                                  Perspectives on the History and
                                  Philosophy of Science  . . . . . . . . . 365--367
        Christian Wüthrich   Book Review: Tian Yu Cao, \booktitleFrom
                                  Current Algebra to Quantum
                                  Chromodynamics: A Case for Structural
                                  Realism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368--371
                Vincent Guillin   Book Review: Michel Bourdeau,
                                  \booktitleAuguste Comte: Science et
                                  société  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371--375
               Alexandra Newton   Book Review: Wayne Waxman,
                                  \booktitleKant's Anatomy of the
                                  Intelligent Mind . . . . . . . . . . . . 375--378
           Christoph Lüthy   Book Review: Ofer Gal and Raz
                                  Chen-Morris, \booktitleBaroque Science   379--382
                   Chris Smeenk   Book Review: Jed Z. Buchwald and
                                  Mordechai Feingold, \booktitleNewton and
                                  the Origin of Civilization . . . . . . . 383--387
                   James Lattis   Book Review: Emma Gee, \booktitleAratus
                                  and the Astronomical Tradition . . . . . 387--390
               Joseph G. Miller   Book Review: Phillip Sidney Horky,
                                  \booktitlePlato and Pythagoreanism . . . 391--393

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 5, Number 1, Spring, 2015

                Peter R. Anstey   Francis Bacon and the Laws of Ramus  . . 1--23
                   Karim Bschir   Feyerabend and Popper on Theory
                                  Proliferation and Anomaly Import: On the
                                  Compatibility of Theoretical Pluralism
                                  and Critical Rationalism . . . . . . . . 24--55
                M. Ashraf Adeel   Evolution of Quine's Thinking on the
                                  Thesis of Underdetermination and Scott
                                  Soames's Accusation of Paradoxicality    56--69
                 David J. Stump   Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70--71
                Alexander Klein   Science, Religion, and ``The Will to
                                  Believe''  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72--117
                   Cheryl Misak   Klein on James on the Will to Believe    118--128
                  Gary Hatfield   Radical Empiricism, Critical Realism,
                                  and American Functionalism: James and
                                  Sellars  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129--153
                Alexander Klein   Hatfield on American Critical Realism    154--166
                    Eric Palmer   Essay Review: How to Succeed in Science
                                  While Really, Really Trying: The Central
                                  European Savant of the Mid-Eighteenth
                                  Century: André Holenstein, Hubert
                                  Steinke, and Martin Stuber, eds.
                                  \booktitleScholars in Action: The
                                  Practice of Knowledge and the Figure of
                                  the Savant in the 18th Century. 2 vols.
                                  Leiden: Brill, 2013. Pp. xxx + 932.
                                  \$318.00 (cloth)}  . . . . . . . . . . . 167--173
                Alan Richardson   Book Review: Nikolay Milkov and Volker
                                  Peckhaus, eds., \booktitleThe Berlin
                                  Group and the Philosophy of Logical
                                  Empiricism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174--177
                 Alisa Bokulich   Book Review: A. Douglas Stone,
                                  \booktitleEinstein and the Quantum: The
                                  Quest of the Valiant Swabian . . . . . . 177--179
                  Justin Garson   Book Review: Carl F. Craver and Lindley
                                  Darden, \booktitleIn Search of
                                  Mechanisms: Discoveries across the Life
                                  Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180--183
               Marij van Strien   Book Review: María de Paz and Robert
                                  DiSalle, eds., \booktitlePoincaré,
                                  Philosopher of Science . . . . . . . . . 183--187
                Karen Detlefsen   Book Review: Eric Watkins, ed.,
                                  \booktitleThe Divine Order, the Human
                                  Order, and the Order of Nature:
                                  Historical Perspectives  . . . . . . . . 187--190
                  Thomas Teufel   Book Review: Jennifer Mensch,
                                  \booktitleKant's Organicism: Epigenesis
                                  and the Development of Critical
                                  Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190--194
        Robert Callergård   Book Review: Zvi Biener and Eric
                                  Schliesser, eds., \booktitleNewton and
                                  Empiricism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194--197
                Carolyn Purnell   Book Review: Henry Martyn Lloyd, ed.,
                                  \booktitleThe Discourse of Sensibility:
                                  The Knowing Body in the Enlightenment    198--201
                    Ethan Mills   Book Review: Christopher I. Beckwith,
                                  \booktitleWarriors of the Cloisters: The
                                  Central Asian Origins of Science in the
                                  Medieval World . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201--204
               John P. McCaskey   Book Review: Marco Sgarbi, \booktitleThe
                                  Aristotelian Tradition and the Rise of
                                  British Empiricism: Logic and
                                  Epistemology in the British Isles,
                                  1570--1689 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204--207

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 5, Number 2, Fall, 2015

                 Gideon Manning   Descartes's Metaphysical Biology . . . . 209--239
            Patrick R. Frierson   Maria Montessori's Philosophy of
                                  Experimental Psychology  . . . . . . . . 240--268
                   P. D. Magnus   John Stuart Mill on Taxonomy and Natural
                                  Kinds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269--280
            Kenneth R. Westphal   Causal Realism and the Limits of
                                  Empiricism: Some Unexpected Insights
                                  from Hegel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281--317
               M. Anthony Mills   Explicating Meyerson: The Critique of
                                  Positivism and Historical Épistémologie    318--347
           Darrell P. Rowbottom   Book Review: Mélanie Frappier, Letitia
                                  Meynell, and James R. Brown, eds.,
                                  \booktitleThought Experiments in
                                  Science, Philosophy, and the Arts  . . . 348--352
          Sarah Jozina Reynolds   Book Review: Lydia Patton, ed.,
                                  \booktitlePhilosophy, Science, and
                                  History: A Guide and Reader  . . . . . . 352--356
                Antonia Lolordo   Book Review: Tad M. Schmaltz, ed.,
                                  \booktitleEfficient Causation: A History 356--360
                   Brian Rogers   Book Review: Penelope Maddy,
                                  \booktitleThe Logical Must: Wittgenstein
                                  on Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360--364
              Andrea Gambarotto   Book Review: Hein van den Berg,
                                  \booktitleKant on Proper Science:
                                  Biology in the Critical Philosophy and
                                  the Opus postumum  . . . . . . . . . . . 364--367
                Jennifer Mensch   Book Review: Ina Goy and Eric Watkins,
                                  eds., \booktitleKant's Theory of Biology 367--370
                Joseph Anderson   Book Review: José R. Maia Neto,
                                  \booktitleAcademic Skepticism in
                                  Seventeenth-Century French Philosophy:
                                  The Charronian Legacy, 1601--1662  . . . 371--374
                  Daniel Garber   Book Review: Mihnea Dobre and Tammy
                                  Nyden, eds., \booktitleCartesian
                                  Empiricisms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374--377
                 Sean Greenberg   Book Review: Carlos Fraenkel, Dario
                                  Perinetti, and Justin E. H. Smith, eds.,
                                  \booktitleThe Rationalists: Between
                                  Tradition and Innovation . . . . . . . . 378--381
                   Helen Hattab   Book Review: Craig Martin,
                                  \booktitleSubverting Aristotle:
                                  Religion, History and Philosophy in
                                  Early Modern Science . . . . . . . . . . 381--385
            Matthew Daniel Eddy   Book Review: John C. Powers,
                                  \booktitleInventing Chemistry: Herman
                                  Boerhaave and the Reform of the Chemical
                                  Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385--387
                  Clare Monagle   Book Review: David Bloch, \booktitleJohn
                                  of Salisbury on Aristotelian Science . . 387--389

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 6, Number 1, Spring, 2016

                      Anonymous   Masthead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   K. Brad Wray   The Influence of James B. Conant on
                                  Kuhn's \booktitleStructure of Scientific
                                  Revolutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--23
                     Peter Olen   From Formalism to Psychology:
                                  Metaphilosophical Shifts in Wilfrid
                                  Sellars's Early Works  . . . . . . . . . 24--63
        Michael Bennett McNulty   Chemistry in Kant's \booktitleOpus
                                  Postumum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64--95
                 Nikolay Milkov   Walter Dubislav's Philosophy of Science
                                  and Mathematics  . . . . . . . . . . . . 96--116
           Tiziana Bascelli and   
           Piotr B\laszczyk and   
           Vladimir Kanovei and   
              Karin U. Katz and   
            Mikhail G. Katz and   
            David M. Schaps and   
                   David Sherry   Leibniz versus Ishiguro: Closing a
                                  Quarter Century of Syncategoremania  . . 117--147
               Elisabeth Nemeth   Embedding Logical Empiricism into the
                                  History of Epistemology: Eino Kaila on
                                  Human Knowledge  . . . . . . . . . . . . 148--157
                Kent Staley and   
        Heráclio Tavares   Book Review: Allan Franklin,
                                  \booktitleShifting Standards:
                                  Experiments in Particle Physics in the
                                  Twentieth Century  . . . . . . . . . . . 158--162
            Brigitte Falkenburg   Book Review: John Losee,
                                  \booktitleComplementarity, Causality,
                                  and Explanation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 162--164
             Francesca Biagioli   Book Review: J. Tyler Friedman and
                                  Sebastian Luft, eds., \booktitleThe
                                  Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: a Novel
                                  Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164--167
                  Omar W. Nasim   Book Review: Alan G. Gross and Joseph E.
                                  Harmon, \booktitleScience from Sight to
                                  Insight: How Scientists Illustrate
                                  Meaning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168--171
               Patrick J. Boner   Book Review: David Marshall Miller,
                                  \booktitleRepresenting Space in the
                                  Scientific Revolution  . . . . . . . . . 172--173
              Benjamin Goldberg   Book Review: Marco Solinas,
                                  \booktitleFrom Aristotle's Teleology to
                                  Darwin's Genealogy: The Stamp of
                                  Inutility  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174--177
                Laurence Carlin   Book Review: Martin Lenz and Anik
                                  Waldow, eds., \booktitleContemporary
                                  Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy:
                                  Nature and Norms in Thought  . . . . . . 178--180
          Martin Pickavé   Book Review: Neil Lewis and Rega Wood,
                                  eds., \booktitleIn Aristotelis De
                                  generatione et corruptione . . . . . . . 181--184

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 6, Number 2, Fall, 2016

                      Anonymous   Masthead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Steven Tester   Nature, Knowledge, and Scientific
                                  Theories in G. C. Lichtenberg's
                                  \booktitleReflections on Physics . . . . 185--211
            Raphaël Sandoz   Beyond Quantities and Qualities: Frege
                                  and Jevons on Measurement  . . . . . . . 212--238
                 Sahotra Sarkar   Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239--241
                   John Stachel   Poincaré and the Origins of Special
                                  Relativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242--256
             Yemima Ben-Menahem   Poincaré's Impact on Twentieth-Century
                                  Philosophy of Science  . . . . . . . . . 257--273
               Katherine Dunlop   Poincaré on the Foundations of Arithmetic
                                  and Geometry. Part 1: Against
                                  ``Dependence-Hierarchy'' Interpretations 274--308
                 David J. Stump   A Life in Science, Philosophy, and the
                                  Public Domain: Three Biographies of
                                  Poincaré  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309--318
               Katherina Kinzel   Book Review: Léna Soler, Emiliano Trizio,
                                  and Andrew Pickering, eds.,
                                  \booktitleScience as It Could Have Been:
                                  Discussing the Contingency/Inevitability
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319--323
                   Thomas Uebel   Book Review: Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau
                                  and Friedrich Stadler, \booktitleDer
                                  Wiener Kreis: Texte und Bilder zum
                                  Logischen Empirismus . . . . . . . . . . 323--325
            María de Paz   Book Review: Anastasios Brenner, ed.,
                                  \booktitleLes textes fondateurs de
                                  l'épistémologie française . . . . . . . . . 325--329
                Gregory Landini   Book Review: Erik C. Banks,
                                  \booktitleThe Realistic Empiricism of
                                  Mach, James and Russell  . . . . . . . . 329--333
          Madeline Muntersbjorn   Book Review: Snezana Lawrence and Mark
                                  McCartney, eds.,
                                  \booktitleMathematicians and Their Gods:
                                  Interactions between Mathematics and
                                  Religious Beliefs  . . . . . . . . . . . 333--336
                   Alan C. Love   Book Review: Susannah Gibson,
                                  \booktitleAnimal, Vegetable, Mineral?
                                  How Eighteenth-Century Science Disrupted
                                  the Natural Order  . . . . . . . . . . . 337--340
                   Emily Carson   Book Review: Thomas C. Vinci,
                                  \booktitleSpace, Geometry, and Kant's
                                  Transcendental Deduction of the
                                  Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341--344
                Karen Detlefsen   Book Review: Roger Ariew, Dennis Des
                                  Chene, Douglas M. Jesseph, Tad M.
                                  Schmaltz, and Theo Verbeek,
                                  \booktitleHistorical Dictionary of
                                  Descartes and Cartesian Philosophy . . . 345--348
                 Guido Giglioni   Book Review: Ohad Nachtomy and Justin E.
                                  H. Smith, eds., \booktitleThe Life
                                  Sciences in Early Modern Philosophy  . . 348--352
                  Richard Cross   Book Review: John Duns Scotus,
                                  \booktitleDuns Scotus on Time and
                                  Existence: The Questions on Aristotle's
                                  ``De interpretatione'' . . . . . . . . . 352--353
                   Tiberiu Popa   Book Review: David Ebrey, ed.,
                                  \booktitleTheory and Practice in
                                  Aristotle's Natural Science  . . . . . . 354--357

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 7, Number 1, Spring, 2017

                   Thomas Uebel   Philosophy of History and History of
                                  Philosophy of Science  . . . . . . . . . 1--30
               Mehmet Elgin and   
                  Elliott Sober   Popper's Shifting Appraisal of
                                  Evolutionary Theory  . . . . . . . . . . 31--55
                 Thomas Mormann   Philipp Frank's Austro--American Logical
                                  Empiricism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56--87
               Katherine Dunlop   Poincaré on the Foundations of Arithmetic
                                  and Geometry. Part 2: Intuition and
                                  Unity in Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 88--107
          Katherine Brading and   
                    Elise Crull   Epistemic Structural Realism and
                                  Poincaré's Philosophy of Science  . . . . 108--129
                Daniel Schwartz   Crucial Instances and Francis Bacon's
                                  Quest for Certainty  . . . . . . . . . . 130--150
                 Milena Ivanova   Book Review: David Stump,
                                  \booktitleConceptual Change and the
                                  Philosophy of Science: Alternative
                                  Interpretations of the A Priori  . . . . 151--153
         Christian Damböck   Book Review: Robert J. Richards and
                                  Lorraine Daston, eds., \booktitleKuhn's
                                  Structure of Scientific Revolutions at
                                  Fifty: Reflections on a Science Classic  154--156
                 Sahotra Sarkar   Book Review: Hans-Joachim Niemann,
                                  \booktitleKarl Popper and the Two New
                                  Secrets of Life  . . . . . . . . . . . . 156--160
                Philip Mirowski   Book Review: Paul Erickson,
                                  \booktitleThe World the Game Theorists
                                  Made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160--163
                   Tilman Sauer   Book Review: Jimena Canales,
                                  \booktitleThe Physicist and the
                                  Philosopher: Einstein, Bergson, and the
                                  Debate That Changed Our Understanding of
                                  Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163--167
              Rose-Mary Sargent   Book Review: Richard Yeo,
                                  \booktitleNotebooks, English Virtuosi,
                                  and Early Modern Science . . . . . . . . 167--169
                  Aviva Rothman   Book Review: Miguel Á. Granada, Patrick
                                  J. Boner, and Dario Tessicini, eds.,
                                  \booktitleUnifying Heaven and Earth:
                                  Essays in the History of Early Modern
                                  Cosmology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169--173
                    Owen Goldin   Book Review: David Bronstein,
                                  \booktitleAristotle on Knowledge and
                                  Learning: The Posterior Analytics  . . . 173--176
                 Richard DeWitt   Book Review: Jean De Groot,
                                  \booktitleAristotle's Empiricism:
                                  Experience and Mechanics in the Fourth
                                  Century BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176--179
                      Anonymous   Masthead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 7, Number 2, Fall, 2017

                 Warren Schmaus   Henri Poincaré and Charles Renouvier on
                                  Conventions; or, How Science Is Like
                                  Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182--198
                    Fons Dewulf   Rudolf Carnap's Incorporation of the \em
                                  Geisteswissenschaften in the \em Aufbau  199--225
                   Marco Sgarbi   What Does a Renaissance Aristotelian
                                  Look Like? From Petrarch to Galilei  . . 226--245
             Paula Gottlieb and   
                  Elliott Sober   Aristotle on ``Nature Does Nothing in
                                  Vain'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246--271
               Steffen Ducheyne   Curing \em Pansophia through \em
                                  Eruditum Nescire: Bernard Nieuwentijt's
                                  (1654--1718) Epistemology of Modesty . . 272--301
          Finnur Dellsén   Certainty and Explanation in Descartes's
                                  Philosophy of Science  . . . . . . . . . 302--327
               Marco Giovanelli   Traditions in Collision: The Emergence
                                  of Logical Empiricism between the
                                  Riemannian and Helmholtzian Traditions   328--380
                   Lisa Downing   Book Review: Gideon Manning, ed.,
                                  \booktitleMatter and Form in Early
                                  Modern Science and Philosophy  . . . . . 381--383
      Douglas Bertrand Marshall   Book Review: Geoffrey Gorham, Benjamin
                                  Hill, Edward Slowik, and C. Kenneth
                                  Waters, eds., \booktitleThe Language of
                                  Nature: Reassessing the Mathematization
                                  of Natural Philosophy in the Seventeenth
                                  Century  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383--386
                    Noga Arikha   Book Review: Charles T. Wolfe,
                                  \booktitleMaterialism: a
                                  Historico-Philosophical Introduction . . 386--391
        Domenico Bertoloni Meli   Book Review: Delphine Antoine-Mahut and
                                  Stephen Gaukroger, eds.,
                                  \booktitleDescartes' ``Treatise on Man''
                                  and Its Reception  . . . . . . . . . . . 391--395
                  Andrea Falcon   Book Review: Chelsea C. Harry,
                                  \booktitleChronos in Aristotle's
                                  Physics: On the Nature of Time . . . . . 395--397
               Charles H. Pence   Book Review: Robert J. Richards and
                                  Michael Ruse, \booktitleDebating Darwin  397--400
                      Anonymous   Masthead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Lydia Patton   Editor's Note  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 8, Number 1, Spring, 2018

                      Anonymous   Masthead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Lydia Patton   In Memoriam  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Marco Buzzoni   Pierre Duhem and Ernst Mach on Thought
                                  Experiments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--27
                  Trevor Pearce   ``Protoplasm Feels'': The Role of
                                  Physiology in Charles Sanders Peirce's
                                  Evolutionary Metaphysics . . . . . . . . 28--61
            Ahmad Ighbariah and   
                     Roy Wagner   Ibn al-Haytham's Revision of the
                                  Euclidean Foundations of Mathematics . . 62--86
                Jutta Schickore   Larry Laudan's Typology for Historical
                                  Methodology and the Historical and
                                  Experimental Turns in Philosophy of
                                  Science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87--107
               Charles H. Pence   Sir John F. W. Herschel and Charles
                                  Darwin: Nineteenth-Century Science and
                                  Its Methodology  . . . . . . . . . . . . 108--140
                  Corey Dethier   William Whewell's Semantic Account of
                                  Induction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--156
                 Paul L. Franco   Ordinary Language Criticisms of Logical
                                  Positivism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--190
                Alison Peterman   Essay Review: Canonizing Cavendish . . . 191--197
Ádám Tamás Tuboly   Essay Review: Logical Empiricism in
                                  International Context  . . . . . . . . . 198--204
         Niccol\`o Guicciardini   Book Review: Elizabethanne Boran and
                                  Mordechai Feingold, eds.,
                                  \booktitleReading Newton in Early Modern
                                  Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205--209
             Mogens Lærke   Book Review: Dmitri Levitin,
                                  \booktitleAncient Wisdom in the Age of
                                  the New Science: Histories of Philosophy
                                  in England, c. 1640--1700  . . . . . . . 209--213
               Christophe Eckes   Book Review: Karine Chemla, Renaud
                                  Chorlay, and David Rabouin, eds.,
                                  \booktitleThe Oxford Handbook of
                                  Generality in Mathematics and the
                                  Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214--217
                 Max Dresow and   
                   Alan C. Love   Book Review: Catherine Kendig, ed.,
                                  \booktitleNatural Kinds and
                                  Classification in Scientific Practice    217--222
                 Anssi Korhonen   Book Review: Aaron Preston, ed.,
                                  \booktitleAnalytic Philosophy: an
                                  Interpretive History . . . . . . . . . . 222--226
             Anastasios Brenner   Book Review: Annie Petit, \booktitleLe
                                  syst\`eme d'Auguste Comte: De la science
                                  \`a la religion par la philosophie . . . 226--229
                    Aaron Spink   Book Review: Tad M. Schmaltz,
                                  \booktitleEarly Modern Cartesianisms:
                                  Dutch and French Constructions . . . . . 229--232
                    Vasso Kindi   Book Review: James A. Marcum,
                                  \booktitleThomas Kuhn's Revolutions: a
                                  Historical and an Evolutionary
                                  Philosophy of Science? . . . . . . . . . 233--236
               Lois Marie Rendl   Book Review: Rudolf Carnap,
                                  \booktitleL'espace: Une contribution \`a
                                  la théorie de la science  . . . . . . . . 236--240

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 8, Number 2, Fall, 2018

                    Ansten Klev   A Road Map of Dedekind's Theorem 66  . . 241--277
            Phillip Honenberger   Darwin among the Philosophers: Hull and
                                  Ruse on Darwin, Herschel, and Whewell    278--309
              Saniye Vatansever   Kant's Response to Hume in the Second
                                  Analogy: a Critique of Gerd Buchdahl's
                                  and Michael Friedman's Accounts  . . . . 310--346
               Katherina Kinzel   Inner Experience and Articulation:
                                  Wilhelm Dilthey's Foundational Project
                                  and the Charge of Psychologism . . . . . 347--375
               Daniel Lindquist   Hegel's ``Idea of Life'' and Internal
                                  Purposiveness  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376--408
                Matthias Neuber   Helmholtz, Kaila, and the
                                  Representational Theory of Measurement   409--431
                    Daniel Kuby   Carnap, Feyerabend, and the Pragmatic
                                  Theory of Observation  . . . . . . . . . 432--470
                   Thomas Uebel   Book Review: Karl Sigmund,
                                  \booktitleExact Thinking in Demented
                                  Times: The Vienna Circle and Its Epic
                                  Quest for the Foundations of Science . . 471--475
               Catherine Kendig   Book Review: Scott Lidgard and Lynn K.
                                  Nyhart, eds., \booktitleBiological
                                  Individuality: Integrating Scientific,
                                  Philosophical, and Historical
                                  Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475--480
                   Uljana Feest   Book Review: Christian Damböck,
                                  \booktitle$<$Deutscher Empirismus$>$:
                                  Studien zur Philosophie im
                                  deutschsprachigen Raum 1830--1930  . . . 480--485
                  Andrea Falcon   Book Review: André Laks, \booktitleThe
                                  Concept of Presocratic Philosophy: Its
                                  Origin, Development, and Significance    486--489
     Mariana Imaz Sheinbaum and   
                   Paul A. Roth   Book Review: Jörn Rüsen,
                                  \booktitleEvidence and Meaning: a Theory
                                  of Historical Studies  . . . . . . . . . 489--492
                   James Strick   Book Review: Daryn Lehoux,
                                  \booktitleCreatures Born of Mud and
                                  Slime: The Wonder and Complexity of
                                  Spontaneous Generation . . . . . . . . . 492--494
                Alfred Nordmann   Book Review: Michael Heidelberger,
                                  Helmut Pulte, and Gregor Schiemann,
                                  eds., \booktitleHermann von Helmholtz:
                                  Philosophische und
                                  Populärwissenschaftliche Schriften  . . . 495--497
                John H. Zammito   Book Review: Andrea Gambarotto,
                                  \booktitleVital Forces, Teleology, and
                                  Organization: Philosophy of Nature and
                                  the Rise of Biology in Germany . . . . . 497--500
             David Montminy and   
         François Papale   Book Review: Kevin C. Elliott,
                                  \booktitleA Tapestry of Values: an
                                  Introduction to Values in Science.
                                  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
                                  Pp. 224. \$105.00 (cloth); \$35.00
                                  (paper)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500--504
                      Anonymous   Masthead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 9, Number 1, Spring, 2019

              Adrian Currie and   
                  Kirsten Walsh   Frameworks for Historians and
                                  Philosophers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--34
              Catherine Herfeld   Imagination Rather Than Observation in
                                  Econometrics: Ragnar Frisch's
                                  Hypothetical Experiments as Thought
                                  Experiments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35--74
                   K. Brad Wray   Kuhn, the History of Chemistry, and the
                                  Philosophy of Science  . . . . . . . . . 75--92
            Stathis Psillos and   
              Eirini Goudarouli   Principles of Motion and the Absence of
                                  Laws of Nature in Hobbes's Natural
                                  Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93--119
             Laurynas Adomaitis   Cause and Effect in Leibniz's \em Brevis
                                  demonstratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120--134
        Ünsal Çimen   On Saving the Astronomical Phenomena:
                                  Physical Realism in Struggle with
                                  Mathematical Realism in Francis Bacon,
                                  al-Bitruji, and Averroës  . . . . . . . . 135--151
                  Pablo Melogno   The Discovery-Justification Distinction
                                  and the New Historiography of Science:
                                  On Thomas Kuhn's Thalheimer Lectures . . 152--178
                 Federica Russo   Book Review: Kevin C. Elliott and Ted
                                  Richards, eds., \booktitleExploring
                                  Inductive Risk: Case Studies of Values
                                  in Science. New York: Oxford University
                                  Press, 2017. Pp. xiv + 277. \$99.00
                                  (cloth); \$40.00 (paper) . . . . . . . . 179--182
            Johannes Steizinger   Book Review: Amos Morris-Reich and Dirk
                                  Rupnow, eds., \booktitleIdeas of `Race'
                                  in the History of the Humanities. Cham:
                                  Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. Pp. xiii +
                                  337. \$109.00 (cloth); \$85.00 (e-book)  182--185
                  Magali Roques   Book Review: Henrik Lagerlund and
                                  Benjamin Hill, eds., \booktitleThe
                                  Routledge Companion to Sixteenth Century
                                  Philosophy. New York: Routledge, 2017.
                                  Pp. 660. \$250.00 (cloth); \$58.00
                                  (e-book) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186--189
                   Karim Bschir   Book Review: Menachem Fisch,
                                  \booktitleCreatively Undecided: Toward a
                                  History and Philosophy of Scientific
                                  Agency. Chicago: University of Chicago
                                  Press, 2017. Pp. 304. \$27.92 (paper)}   189--192
                  James Pearson   Book Review: James McElvenny,
                                  \booktitleLanguage and Meaning in the
                                  Age of Modernism: C. K. Ogden and His
                                  Contemporaries. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
                                  University Press, 2018. Pp. 200.
                                  \$110.00 (cloth)}  . . . . . . . . . . . 193--198
                     Basak Aray   Book Review: Angélique Groß, \booktitleDie
                                  Bildpädagogik Otto Neuraths: Methodische
                                  Prinzipien der Darstellung von Wissen.
                                  Cham: Springer, 2015. Pp. xii + 288. EUR
                                  89.99 (cloth)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198--201
                Robert Sinclair   Book Review: Peter Olen and Carl Sachs,
                                  eds., \booktitlePragmatism in
                                  Transition: Contemporary Perspectives on
                                  C. I. Lewis. Basingstoke: Palgrave
                                  Macmillan, 2017. Pp. viii + 222.
                                  \$109.99 (cloth); \$84.99 (e-book) . . . 201--205
               Joan Steigerwald   Book Review: John H. Zammito,
                                  \booktitleThe Gestation of German
                                  Biology: Philosophy and Physiology from
                                  Stahl to Schelling: Chicago: University
                                  of Chicago Press, 2017. Pp. 523. \$45.00
                                  (cloth)} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205--208
              Robert J. Deltete   Book Review: Christa Jungnickel and
                                  Russell McCormmach, \booktitleThe Second
                                  Physicist: On the History of Theoretical
                                  Physics in Germany. Cham: Springer,
                                  2017. Pp. xxxi + 460. \$180.00 (cloth);
                                  \$140.00 (e-book)  . . . . . . . . . . . 209--211
          James A. T. Lancaster   Book Review: Daniel McKaughan and Holly
                                  VandeWall, eds., \booktitleThe History
                                  and Philosophy of Science: a Reader.
                                  London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. Pp.
                                  xxiii + 1073. \$49.95 (paper)} . . . . . 211--214
                      Anonymous   Masthead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 9, Number 2, Fall, 2019

       Christophe Malaterre and   
Jean-François Chartier and   
              Davide Pulizzotto   What Is This Thing Called \em Philosophy
                                  of Science? A Computational
                                  Topic-Modeling Perspective, 1934--2015   215--249
                   Martin Kusch   From \em Völkerpsychologie to the
                                  Sociology of Knowledge . . . . . . . . . 250--274
                  Andreea Esanu   Auguste Comte and J. S. Mill on Physical
                                  Causes: The Case of Joseph Fourier's
                                  Analytical Theory of Heat  . . . . . . . 275--295
       Ignacio De Ribera-Martin   Movement (\em Kinêsis) as Efficient Cause
                                  in Aristotle's \booktitleGeneration of
                                  Animals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296--326
           Christopher P. Noble   Leibniz on the Divine Preformation of
                                  Souls and Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . 327--342
                 Reto Gubelmann   From Shared Stimuli to Preestablished
                                  Harmony: The Development of Quine's
                                  Thinking on Intersubjectivity and
                                  Objective Validity . . . . . . . . . . . 343--370
                   Adam Timmins   Between History and Philosophy of
                                  Science: The Relationship between Kuhn's
                                  \em Black-Body Theory and \em Structure  371--387
                   Janet Folina   Science, Hypothesis, and Hierarchy . . . 388--406
               A. Raghuramaraju   Book Review: Jobin M. Kanjirakkat,
                                  Gordon McOuat, and Sundar Sarukkai,
                                  eds., \booktitleScience and Narratives
                                  of Nature: East and West. London:
                                  Routledge, 2015. Pp. xi + 337. \$175.00
                                  (cloth); \$51.95 (paper). ISBN
                                  978-1-138-90089-9 (cloth); ISBN:
                                  978-0-815-37349-0 (paper)  . . . . . . . 407--410
                Laura Georgescu   Book Review: Jutta Schickore,
                                  \booktitleAbout Method: Experimenters,
                                  Snake Venom, and the History of Writing
                                  Scientifically. Chicago: University of
                                  Chicago Press, 2017. Pp. 316. \$50.00
                                  (cloth). ISBN 978-0-226-44998-2} . . . . 410--415
       Tamás Demeter and   
          Krisztián Pete   Book Review: David Landy,
                                  \booktitleHume's Science of Human
                                  Nature: Scientific Realism, Reason, and
                                  Substantial Explanation. London:
                                  Routledge, 2018. Pp. xi + 266. \pounds
                                  120.00 (cloth). ISBN 978-1-138-50313-7   415--419
                  Trevor Pearce   Book Review: Michel Bourdeau, Mary
                                  Pickering, and Warren Schmaus, eds.,
                                  \booktitleLove, Order, and Progress: The
                                  Science, Philosophy, and Politics of
                                  Auguste Comte. Pittsburgh: University of
                                  Pittsburgh Press, 2018. Pp. xiv + 402.
                                  \$49.95 (cloth). ISBN 0-8229-4522-3} . . 419--423
           Fabrizio Baldassarri   Book Review: Lucas John Mix,
                                  \booktitleLife Concepts from Aristotle
                                  to Darwin: On Vegetable Souls. Cham:
                                  Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. Pp. 272.
                                  \$85.00 (cloth); \$65.00 (e-book). ISBN
                                  978-3-319-96046-3 (cloth); ISBN
                                  978-3-319-96047-0 (e-book) . . . . . . . 423--426
                      Anonymous   Masthead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 10, Number 1, Spring, 2020

                      Anonymous   Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Jessica J. Williams   ``The Shape of a Four-Footed Animal in
                                  General'': Kant on Empirical Schemata
                                  and the System of Nature . . . . . . . . 1--23
               Jean-Paul Cauvin   From Phenomenology to the Philosophy of
                                  the Concept: Jean Cavaill\`es as a
                                  Reader of Edmund Husserl . . . . . . . . 24--47
                  Gary Hatfield   Wundt and ``Higher Cognition'':
                                  Elements, Association, Apperception, and
                                  Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48--75
                Matthias Neuber   Two Forms of American Critical Realism:
                                  Perception and Reality in
                                  Santayana/Strong and Sellars . . . . . . 76--105
                Sander Verhaegh   The American Reception of Logical
                                  Positivism: First Encounters, 1929--1932 106--142
                   Klodian Coko   Jean Perrin and the Philosophers'
                                  Stories: The Role of Multiple
                                  Determination in Determining Avogadro's
                                  Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143--193
                  Robert Hudson   What Was Perrin Really Doing in His
                                  Proof of the Reality of Atoms? . . . . . 194--218
                 Milena Ivanova   Reflections on the Reception of Jean
                                  Perrin's Experiments by His
                                  Contemporaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219--224
                   Lydia Patton   Editor's Note  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Christian Damböck and   
               Uljana Feest and   
                   Martin Kusch   Descriptive Psychology and \em
                                  Völkerpsychologie --- in the Contexts of
                                  Historicism, Relativism, and Naturalism  226--233
                 Stefan Reiners   ``Our Science Must Establish Itself'':
                                  On the Scientific Status of Lazarus and
                                  Steinthal's \em Völkerpsychologie . . . . 234--253
                    Scott Edgar   \em Völkerpsychologie and the Origins of
                                  Hermann Cohen's Antipsychologism . . . . 254--273
         Christian Damböck   What Is Descriptive Psychology?
                                  Ebbinghaus's 1896 Criticism of Dilthey
                                  Revisited  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274--289
     Guillaume Fréchette   Descriptive Psychology: Brentano and
                                  Dilthey  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290--307
            Johannes Steizinger   From \em Völkerpsychologie to Cultural
                                  Anthropology: Erich Rothacker's
                                  Philosophy of Culture  . . . . . . . . . 308--328
                   Helen Hattab   Book Review: Stefano di Bella and Tad M.
                                  Schmaltz, eds., \booktitleThe Problem of
                                  Universals in Early Modern Philosophy.
                                  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
                                  Pp. 352. \$105.00 (cloth). ISBN
                                  978-0-19-060804-0} . . . . . . . . . . . 329--332
                 Emily Grosholz   Book Review: Roi Wagner,
                                  \booktitleMaking and Breaking
                                  Mathematical Sense: Histories and
                                  Philosophies of Mathematical Practice.
                                  Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
                                  Press, 2017. Pp. 256. \$45.00 (cloth).
                                  ISBN 978-0-691-17171-5}  . . . . . . . . 332--337
                 Richard Creath   Book Review: Gary Ebbs,
                                  \booktitleCarnap, Quine, and Putnam on
                                  Methods of Inquiry. Cambridge: Cambridge
                                  University Press, 2017. Pp. xi + 278.
                                  \$105.00 (cloth). ISBN
                                  978-1-107-17815-1} . . . . . . . . . . . 337--340
                Sander Verhaegh   Book Review: Sean Morris,
                                  \booktitleQuine, New Foundations, and
                                  the Philosophy of Set Theory. Cambridge
                                  University Press, 2018. Pp. x + 209.
                                  \$105.00 (cloth). ISBN
                                  978-1-107-15250-2} . . . . . . . . . . . 340--343
                    Luis Campos   Book Review: Hans-Jörg Rheinberger and
                                  Staffan Müller--Wille, \booktitleThe
                                  Gene: From Genetics to Postgenomics.
                                  Trans. Adam Bostanci. Chicago:
                                  University of Chicago Press, 2017. Pp.
                                  147. \$25.00 (paper); \$75.00 (cloth).
                                  ISBN 978-0-226-47478-6.  . . . . . . . . 344--347
             Pedro M. P. Raposo   Book Review: Omar W. Nasim,
                                  \booktitleObserving by Hand: Sketching
                                  the Nebulae in the Nineteenth Century.
                                  Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
                                  2013. Pp. 296. \$48.00 (cloth). ISBN
                                  978-0-226-08437-4} . . . . . . . . . . . 347--349
            Jochen Büttner   Book Review: Renée Raphael,
                                  \booktitleReading Galileo: Scribal
                                  Technologies and the ``Two New
                                  Sciences''. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
                                  University Press, 2017. Pp. 280. \$54.95
                                  (cloth). ISBN 978-1-4214-2178-0} . . . . 350--353
                     John Capps   Book Review: Jordi Cat and Adam Tamas
                                  Tuboly, eds., \booktitleNeurath
                                  Reconsidered: New Sources and
                                  Perspectives. Boston Studies in the
                                  Philosophy and History of Science 336.
                                  Cham: Springer Nature, 2019. Pp. xii +
                                  706. \$149.00 (cloth). ISBN
                                  978-3-030-02128-3} . . . . . . . . . . . 353--357
                 Gregory Lavers   Book Review: Frederique Janssen-Lauret
                                  and Gary Kemp, eds., \booktitleQuine and
                                  His Place in History. New York: Palgrave
                                  Macmillan, 2016. Pp. xii + 224. \$110.00
                                  (cloth); \$85.00 (e-book). ISBN
                                  978-1-137-47250-2  . . . . . . . . . . . 357--361
                 Andrew Gregory   Book Review: Gijsbert Jonkers,
                                  \booktitleThe Textual Tradition of
                                  Plato's ``Timaeus'' and ``Critias''.
                                  Leiden: Brill, 2017. Pp. xviii + 548.
                                  \$202.00 (cloth). ISBN
                                  978-90-04-32591-3} . . . . . . . . . . . 361--364

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 10, Number 2, Fall, 2020

                      Anonymous   Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Andrea Sangiacomo and   
                     Daan Beers   \em Divide et Impera: Modeling the
                                  Relationship between Canonical and
                                  Noncanonical Authors in the Early Modern
                                  Natural Philosophy Network . . . . . . . 365--413
                   Mihnea Dobre   Jacques Rohault's Mathematical Physics   414--439
                    Scott Edgar   Hermann Cohen's \booktitlePrinciple of
                                  the Infinitesimal Method: A Defense  . . 440--470
                  M. Chirimuuta   Cassirer and Goldstein on Abstraction
                                  and the Autonomy of Biology  . . . . . . 471--503
   Valérie Lynn Therrien   The Axiom of Choice and the Road Paved
                                  by Sierpi\'nski  . . . . . . . . . . . . 504--523
                     Jamie Shaw   The Problem of the Empirical Basis in
                                  the Popperian Tradition: Popper,
                                  Bartley, and Feyerabend  . . . . . . . . 524--561
               Andreas Vrahimis   Scientism, Social Praxis, and Overcoming
                                  Metaphysics: a Debate between Logical
                                  Empiricism and the Frankfurt School  . . 562--597
                    Kate Dorsch   Book Review: Emily Herring, Kevin
                                  Matthew Jones, Konstantin S. Kiprijanov,
                                  and Laura M. Sellers, eds.,
                                  \booktitleThe Past, Present, and Future
                                  of Integrated History and Philosophy of
                                  Science. London: Routledge, 2019. Pp.
                                  xii + 255. \$155.00 (cloth). ISBN
                                  978-0-815-37985-0} . . . . . . . . . . . 598--601
          David Marshall Miller   Book Review: Michael J. Sauter,
                                  \booktitleThe Spatial Reformation:
                                  Euclid between Man, Cosmos, and God.
                                  Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
                                  Press, 2019. Pp. 327. \$89.95 (cloth).
                                  ISBN 978-0-812-25066-4}  . . . . . . . . 601--605
              Adam Tamas Tuboly   Book Review: George A. Reisch,
                                  \booktitleThe Politics of Paradigms:
                                  Thomas S. Kuhn, James B. Conant, and the
                                  Cold War ``Struggle for Men's Minds''.
                                  Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2019. Pp. xlv +
                                  456. \$95.00 (cloth). ISBN
                                  978-14-38-47367-3} . . . . . . . . . . . 605--608
                   Mihnea Dobre   Book Review: Andrea Strazzoni,
                                  \booktitleDutch Cartesianism and the
                                  Birth of Philosophy of Science: From
                                  Regius to 's Gravesande. Boston: de
                                  Gruyter, 2019. Pp. ix + 245. EUR 99.95
                                  (cloth). ISBN 978-3-110-56782-3  . . . . 609--612

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 11, Number 1, Spring, 2021

                      Anonymous   Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Thomas Uebel   Rejecting the Given: Neurath and Carnap
                                  on Methodological Solipsism  . . . . . . 1--26
              Adam Tamas Tuboly   To the Icy Slopes in the Melting Pot:
                                  Forging Logical Empiricisms in the
                                  Context of American Pragmatisms  . . . . 27--71
                   K. Brad Wray   Kuhn and the Contemporary
                                  Realism/Antirealism Debates  . . . . . . 72--92
          Claudia Cristalli and   
         Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen   Abstraction and Generalization in the
                                  Logic of Science: Cases from
                                  Nineteenth-Century Scientific Practice   93--121
               Iulian D. Toader   Why Did Weyl Think That Emmy Noether
                                  Made Algebra the Eldorado of Axiomatics? 122--142
                    Mark Textor   Mach's Neutral Monism  . . . . . . . . . 143--165
            Balázs Gimes   The Materialism of Roy Wood Sellars  . . 166--182
                   Krist Vaesen   French Neopositivism and the Logic,
                                  Psychology, and Sociology of Scientific
                                  Discovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183--200
            Brigitte Falkenburg   Essay Review: Grete Hermann's Philosophy
                                  of Quantum Mechanics: a Late Appraisal   201--210
                   Lydia Patton   Editor's Note  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Michael T. Stuart and   
                 Yiftach Fehige   Motivating the History of the Philosophy
                                  of Thought Experiments . . . . . . . . . 212--221
                 Yiftach Fehige   The \em Annus Mirabilis of 1986: Thought
                                  Experiments and Scientific Pluralism . . 222--240
                  Char Brecevic   The Role of Imagination in Ernst Mach's
                                  Philosophy of Science: a
                                  Biologico-economical View  . . . . . . . 241--261
              Michael T. Stuart   Telling Stories in Science: Feyerabend
                                  and Thought Experiments  . . . . . . . . 262--281
                  Marco Buzzoni   A Neglected Chapter in the History of
                                  Philosophy of Mathematical Thought
                                  Experiments: Insights from Jean Piaget's
                                  Reception of Edmond Goblot . . . . . . . 282--304
               Catherine Greene   Historical Counterfactuals, Transition
                                  Periods, and the Constraints on
                                  Imagination  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--323
                   Thomas Uebel   Book Review: Matt LaVine,
                                  \booktitleRace, Gender and the History
                                  of Early Analytic Philosophy . . . . . . 324--327
   Oscar Moro Abadía and   
          Michael T. Stuart and   
             Yiftach Fehige and   
               Lydia Patton and   
                   K. Brad Wray   Book Review: Cristina Chimisso,
                                  \booktitleHél\`ene Metzger, Historian and
                                  Historiographer of the Sciences  . . . . 327--330

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 11, Number 2, Fall, 2021

                      Anonymous   Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Cristina Chimisso and   
               Nicholas Jardine   Hél\`ene Metzger on Precursors: a
                                  Historian and Philosopher of Science
                                  Confronts Her Evil Demon . . . . . . . . 331--353
        Sébastien Gandon   Infinity and the Self: Royce on Dedekind 354--382
                    Pietro Gori   Ernst Mach's Contribution to the
                                  Philosophy of Science in Light of Mary
                                  B. Hesse's Postempiricism  . . . . . . . 383--411
                  Andrea Sereni   Book Review: Erich H. Reck and Georg
                                  Schiemer, eds., \booktitleThe Prehistory
                                  of Mathematical Structuralism  . . . . . 412--415
                  William Eaton   Book Review: Marina Paola
                                  Banchetti-Robino, \booktitleThe Chemical
                                  Philosophy of Robert Boyle: Mechanism,
                                  Chymical Atoms, and Emergence  . . . . . 415--419
                   Lydia Patton   Editor's Note  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Warren Schmaus and   
                    Olivier Rey   Special Issue Introduction . . . . . . . 421--427
             Anastasios Brenner   How Did Philosophy of Science Come
                                  About?: From Comte's Positive Philosophy
                                  to Abel Rey's Absolute Positivism  . . . 428--445
            María de Paz   Poincaré, Le Roy, and the \em Nouveau
                                  positivisme  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446--460
                Fons Dewulf and   
            Massimiliano Simons   Positivism in Action: The Case of Louis
                                  Rougier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461--487
                 Warren Schmaus   Book Review: Stefano Bordoni,
                                  \booktitleWhen Historiography Met
                                  Epistemology: Sophisticated Histories
                                  and Philosophies of Science in
                                  French-Speaking Countries in the Second
                                  Half of the Nineteenth Century . . . . . 488--492
                   Lydia Patton   Editor's Note  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Boris Demarest and   
            Jonathan Regier and   
                  Charles Wolfe   Special Issue Introduction . . . . . . . 494--501
      Francesco Paolo de Ceglia   Matter Is Not Enough: Georg Ernst Stahl,
                                  Friedrich Hoffmann, and the Issue of
                                  Animism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502--527
            Doina-Cristina Rusu   Anne Conway's Exceptional Vitalism:
                                  Material Spirits and Active Matter . . . 528--546
                Jonathan Regier   A Hot Mess: Girolamo Cardano, the
                                  Inquisition, and the Soul  . . . . . . . 547--563
                 Boris Demarest   Soul, Archeus, and Nature in van
                                  Helmont's Medical Naturalism . . . . . . 564--584
           Pietro Daniel Omodeo   Heavenly Animation as the Foundation for
                                  Fracastoro's Homocentrism:
                                  Aristotelian--Platonic Eclecticism
                                  beyond the School of Padua . . . . . . . 585--603
               H. Darrel Rutkin   A Cosmological Controversy in the
                                  Renaissance: Marsilio Ficino's and
                                  Giovanni Pico della Mirandola's
                                  Contrasting Views on the Animation of
                                  the Heavens  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604--620
            Jonathan L. Shaheen   The Life of the Thrice Sensitive,
                                  Rational and Wise Animate Matter:
                                  Cavendish's Animism  . . . . . . . . . . 621--641
             Ludovica Marinucci   Christiaan Huygens's Natural Theology in
                                  His \booktitleCosmotheoros and Other
                                  Late Writings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642--659
                   Paolo Pecere   ``Stahl Was Often Closer to the Truth'':
                                  Kant's Second Thoughts on Animism,
                                  Monadology, and Hylozoism  . . . . . . . 660--678
                Roger Smith and   
             Boris Demarest and   
            Jonathan Regier and   
              Charles Wolfe and   
             Warren Schmaus and   
                Olivier Rey and   
             Anastasios Brenner   The Senses of Touch and Movement and the
                                  Argument for Active Powers . . . . . . . 679--699

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 12, Number 1, Spring, 2022

                      Anonymous   Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             David Atkinson and   
             Jeanne Peijnenburg   How Certain is Heisenberg's Uncertainty
                                  Principle? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--21
                Bruno Nobre and   
João Carlos Onofre Pinto   The Quest for the Dynamic Structure of
                                  Reality: Xavier Zubiri, Phenomenology,
                                  and Quantum Mechanics  . . . . . . . . . 22--42
                    Javier Anta   A Philosopher against the Bandwagon:
                                  Carnap and the Informationalization of
                                  Thermal Physics  . . . . . . . . . . . . 43--67
                 Veli Virmajoki   In Defense of Causal Presentism  . . . . 68--96
                  Paolo Rossini   The Networked Origins of Cartesian
                                  Philosophy and Science . . . . . . . . . 97--120
                      Anonymous   Editor's Note  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Silvia De Bianchi and   
              Federico Viglione   Special Section Introduction . . . . . . 122--128
                    Helge Kragh   Philosophical Contexts of the
                                  Steady-State Universe  . . . . . . . . . 129--145
                   Craig Fraser   Vesto Slipher, Nebular Spectroscopy, and
                                  the Birth of Modern Cosmology, 1912--22  146--169
      Siska De Baerdemaeker and   
              Mike D. Schneider   Better Appreciating the Scale of It:
                                  Lema\^\itre and de Sitter at the BAAS
                                  Centenary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170--188
                    C. D. McCoy   The Constitution of Weyl's Pure
                                  Infinitesimal World Geometry . . . . . . 189--208
              Silvia De Bianchi   Kant's Functional Cosmology: Teleology,
                                  Measurement, and Symbolic Representation
                                  in the \em Critique of Judgment  . . . . 209--224
                 Stephen Howard   From the Boundary of the World to the
                                  Boundary of Reason: The First Antinomy
                                  and the Development of Kant's Critical
                                  Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225--241
                  Laura Follesa   Cosmology, Astronomy, and Philosophy
                                  around 1800: Schelling, Hegel, Herder    242--260
                 Cinzia Ferrini   A ``Physiogony'' of the Heavens: Kant's
                                  Early View of Universal Natural History  261--285
                 Claus Beisbart   What Is the Spatiotemporal Extension of
                                  the Universe? Underdetermination
                                  according to Kant's First Antinomy and
                                  in Present-Day Cosmology . . . . . . . . 286--307
                      Rory Kent   Book Review: Karim Bschir and Jamie
                                  Shaw, eds., \booktitleInterpreting
                                  Feyerabend: Critical Essays  . . . . . . 308--311
                  Howard Sankey   Book Review: K. Brad Wray, ed.,
                                  \booktitleInterpreting Kuhn: Critical
                                  Essays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311--314
                Robert Sinclair   Book Review: Quentin Kammer,
                                  Jean-Philippe Narboux, and Henri Wagner,
                                  eds., \booktitleC. I. Lewis: The A
                                  Priori and the Given . . . . . . . . . . 315--319
            Chiara Russo Krauss   Book Review: John Preston, ed.,
                                  \booktitleInterpreting Mach: Critical
                                  Essays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319--322
            Geoffrey Gorham and   
          Silvia De Bianchi and   
          Federico Viglione and   
                Helge Kragh and   
      Siska De Baerdemaeker and   
              Mike D. Schneider   Book Review: Andrew Janiak, ed.,
                                  \booktitleSpace: a History . . . . . . . 322--325

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 12, Number 2, Fall, 2022

                      Anonymous   Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Joel Katzav and   
                   Krist Vaesen   The Rise of Logical Empiricist
                                  Philosophy of Science and the Fate of
                                  Speculative Philosophy of Science  . . . 327--358
               Marij van Strien   The Vienna Circle against Quantum
                                  Speculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359--394
                  Tarek R. Dika   Descartes's Deduction of the Law of
                                  Refraction and the Shape of the
                                  Anaclastic Lens in Rule 8  . . . . . . . 395--446
                 Stephen Harrop   Essence, Experiment, and
                                  Underdetermination in the Spinoza--Boyle
                                  Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447--484
        Michael Bennett McNulty   Kant on the Mathematical Deficiency of
                                  Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485--509
                Ori Belkind and   
                Joel Katzav and   
               Krist Vaesen and   
           Marij van Strien and   
                    Ori Belkind   Book Review: Mary Domski,
                                  \booktitleNewton's Third Rule and the
                                  Experimental Argument for Universal
                                  Gravity, New York: Routledge, 2022. Pp.
                                  xi + 116. \$47.96 (cloth). ISBN
                                  978-1-032-02036-5} . . . . . . . . . . . 510--515

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 13, Number 1, 2023

                      Anonymous   Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Jen Nguyen   Contextualizing Newton and Clarke's
                                  ``Argument from Quantity'' . . . . . . . 1--23
                    Aaron Wells   Science and the Principle of Sufficient
                                  Reason: Du Châtelet contra Wolff  . . . . 24--53
               Patrick M. Duerr   Popper: Critical Rationalist,
                                  Conventionalist, and Virtue
                                  Epistemologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54--90
                Jan Potters and   
            Massimiliano Simons   We Have Never Been ``New
                                  Experimentalists'': On the Rise and Fall
                                  of the Turn to Experimentation in the
                                  1980s  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91--119
            Céline Henne   John Dewey: Was the Inventor of
                                  Instrumentalism Himself an
                                  Instrumentalist? . . . . . . . . . . . . 120--150
               Justin P. Holder   Poincaré's Radical Ontology . . . . . . . 151--179
              Marina Marren and   
                   Kevin Marren   Philosophical Method of Dioscorides's
                                  \booktitleDe Materia Medica  . . . . . . 180--198
                   Brandon Long   Book Review: E. Claire Cage,
                                  \booktitleThe Science of Proof: Forensic
                                  Medicine in Modern France  . . . . . . . 199--202
            Massimo Ferrari and   
               Mehmet Elgin and   
              Elliott Sober and   
               Thomas Uebel and   
                  Donata Romizi   Book Review: Donata Romizi,
                                  \booktitleDem wissenschaftlichen
                                  Determinismus auf der Spur: Von der
                                  klassischen Mechanik zur Entstehung der
                                  Quantenphysik  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202--208

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 13, Number 2, 2024

                      Anonymous   Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Maja Sidzi\'nska   \em Cogito, Ergo Sumus? The Pregnancy
                                  Problem in Descartes's Philosophy  . . . 209--240
           Claudio Ternullo and   
           Isabella Fascitiello   Peano's Conception of a Single Infinite
                                  Cardinality  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--260
               Marco Giovanelli   Relativity Theory as a Theory of
                                  Principles: A Reading of Cassirer's
                                  \booktitleZur Einstein'schen
                                  Relativitätstheorie . . . . . . . . . . . 261--296
          Katarina Mihaljevi\'c   Breaking into British Academic Life in
                                  Second World War Britain: The Story of
                                  Rose Rand  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297--316
              Günther Eder   The Bernays--Müller Debate  . . . . . . . 317--361
                   Zina B. Ward   William Whewell, Cluster Theorist of
                                  Kinds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362--386
                Jutta Schickore   ``Dare Explanations'' (Wagerklärungen):
                                  Hypothetical Thinking in Late
                                  Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century
                                  German Philosophy of Science . . . . . . 387--412
                    Avraham Rot   Between the Quest for Certainty and
                                  Intolerance of Uncertainty: Hugo
                                  Dingler's Way to the Forefront of the
                                  Deutsche Physik Movement, 1900--1937 . . 413--452
                   Lydia Patton   Editor's Note  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Pierre-Olivier Méthot and   
                Florence Vienne   Special Section Introduction . . . . . . 454--462
                Daniele Cozzoli   \booktitleThe Logic of Life, the
                                  Creation of the European Molecular
                                  Biology Laboratory, and the Relation
                                  between Molecular Biology and Physics    463--482
     Hans-Jörg Rheinberger   Remarks on François Jacob's Concept of
                                  Integron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483--491
   Pierre-Olivier Méthot   Jacob versus Monod on the Natural
                                  Selection of Ideas . . . . . . . . . . . 492--510
                   Nick Hopwood   A Sexless Universe: How Microbial
                                  Genetics Shaped the First History of
                                  Reproduction, François Jacob's
                                  \booktitleThe Logic of Life  . . . . . . 511--534
    Arantza Etxeberria Agiriano   Jacob's Understanding of Reproduction:
                                  Challenges from an Organismic
                                  Collaborative Framework  . . . . . . . . 535--553
                  Jeremy Dunham   Book Review: Charles Bonnet,
                                  \booktitleAnalytical Essay on the
                                  Faculties of the Soul. Translated and
                                  introduced by Stephen Gaukroger. Oxford:
                                  Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. xxxiv
                                  + 234. \$85.00 (cloth). ISBN
                                  978-0-19-284677-8} . . . . . . . . . . . 554--557
                 Catherine Legg   Book Review: Trevor Pearce,
                                  \booktitlePragmatism's Evolution:
                                  Organism and Environment in American
                                  Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557--560
                Javier Anta and   
               Mehmet Elgin and   
              Elliott Sober and   
               Thomas Uebel and   
            Daniel Schwartz and   
Pierre-Olivier Méthot and   
            Daniele Cozzoli and   
     Hans-Jörg Rheinberger   Book Review: Sebastian Lutz and Adam
                                  Tamas Tuboly, eds., \booktitleLogical
                                  Empiricism and the Physical Sciences:
                                  From Philosophy of Nature to Philosophy
                                  of Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560--563

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 14, Number 1, Spring, 2024

                      Anonymous   Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Matteo De Benedetto   What Conceptual Engineering Can Learn
                                  from the History of Philosophy of
                                  Science: Healthy Externalism and
                                  Metasemantic Plasticity  . . . . . . . . 1--24
         Ivan Ferreira da Cunha   Otto Neurath's Modernist Utopianism:
                                  Linking the Vienna Circle and H. G.
                                  Wells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25--51
                    Lucie Fabry   Cross-Perspectives on the Construction
                                  of Scientific Facts: Latour and Woolgar
                                  as Readers of Bachelard  . . . . . . . . 52--77
                 Takaaki Matsui   Sellars, Analyticity, and a Dynamic
                                  Picture of Language  . . . . . . . . . . 78--102
               Domenica Romagni   ``To Measure by a Known Measure``:
                                  Kepler's Geometrical Epistemology in the
                                  \booktitleHarmonices Mundi Libri V . . . 103--133
              Lukas M. Verburgt   Scientific Method, Induction, and
                                  Probability: The Whewell--De Morgan
                                  Debate on Baconianism, 1830s--1850s  . . 134--163
                  Gabriele Gava   Conceptual Analysis and the Analytic
                                  Method in Kant's \booktitlePrize Essay   164--184
           Pierluigi D'Agostino   Johann Nikolaus Tetens (1736--1807) and
                                  the Idea of Phoneme: a Chapter in the
                                  History of Linguistic Thought  . . . . . 185--209
               Emerson P. Doyle   Book Review: A. W. Carus, Michael
                                  Friedman, Wolfgang Kienzler, Alan
                                  Richardson, and Sven Schlotter, eds.,
                                  \booktitleThe Collected Works of Rudolf
                                  Carnap. Vol. 1, Rudolf Carnap: Early
                                  Writings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210--215
            Teresa Kouri Kissel   Book Review: Jeanne Peijnenburg and
                                  Sander Verhaegh, eds., \booktitleWomen
                                  in the History of Analytic Philosophy:
                                  Selected Papers of the Tilburg-Groningen
                                  Conference, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . 215--219
         Richard Kenneth Atkins   Book Review: Stetson J. Robinson, ed.,
                                  \booktitleThe Correspondence of Charles
                                  S. Peirce and the Open Court Publishing
                                  Company, 1890--1913  . . . . . . . . . . 219--222
             Francesca di Poppa   Tad M. Schmaltz, \em The Metaphysics of
                                  the Material World: Suárez, Descartes,
                                  Spinoza  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222--225
                    Jeff Kasser   Book Review: Robert Talisse, Paniel
                                  Reyes Cárdenas, and Daniel Herbert, eds.,
                                  \booktitlePragmatic Reason: Christopher
                                  Hookway and the American Philosophical
                                  Tradition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225--229
Mariano Rodríguez González   Book Review: Mattia Riccardi,
                                  \booktitleNietzsche's Philosophical
                                  Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229--232
                Zoe McConaughey   Book Review: Lukas M. Verburgt and
                                  Matteo Cosci, eds.,
                                  \booktitleAristotle's Syllogism and the
                                  Creation of Modern Logic: Between
                                  Tradition and Innovation, 1820s--1930s   232--236
              Pauline Koetschet   Peter Adamson, \em Al-Razi . . . . . . . 236--239
                  Colin Webster   Galen, \booktitleWritings on Health:
                                  Thrasybulus and Health (De sanitate
                                  tuenda)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239--243
                  Edward Slowik   Book Review: Richard T. W. Arthur,
                                  \booktitleLeibniz on Time, Space, and
                                  Relativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243--246
                     John Henry   Book Review: Eric Schliesser,
                                  \booktitleNewton's Metaphysics: Essays   246--250
                John H. Zammito   Book Review: Catherine Wilson,
                                  \booktitleKant and the Naturalistic Turn
                                  of 18th Century Philosophy . . . . . . . 250--253
                  Richard Lauer   Book Review: Adam Tamas Tuboly, ed.,
                                  \booktitleThe History of Understanding
                                  in Analytic Philosophy: Around Logical
                                  Empiricism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253--256
                  Simone Bresci   Book Review: Delphine Bellis, Daniel
                                  Garber, and Carla Rita Palmerino, eds.,
                                  \booktitlePierre Gassendi: Humanism,
                                  Science, and the Birth of Modern
                                  Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256--259
             James Andrew Smith   Book Review: Sean Morris, ed.,
                                  \booktitleThe Philosophical Project of
                                  Carnap and Quine . . . . . . . . . . . . 260--263
         Francesco Omar Zamboni   Book Review: Riccardo Strobino,
                                  \booktitleAvicenna's Theory of Science:
                                  Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology . . . . 263--267
                    Myrna Gabbe   Book Review: Marguerite Deslauriers,
                                  \booktitleAristotle on Sexual
                                  Difference: Metaphysics, Biology,
                                  Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267--270
          Daniel R. Huebner and   
               Mehmet Elgin and   
              Elliott Sober and   
               Thomas Uebel and   
                Daniel Schwartz   Book Review: José Itzigsohn and Karida L.
                                  Brown, \booktitleThe Sociology of W. E.
                                  B. Du Bois: Racialized Modernity and the
                                  Global Color Line  . . . . . . . . . . . 270--274

HOPOS: Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Volume 14, Number 2, Fall, 2024

                      Anonymous   Front Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Mahmoud Jalloh   Metaphysics and Convention in
                                  Dimensional Analysis, 1914--1917 . . . . 275--322
                  Donata Romizi   Edgar Zilsel's Politically Engaged
                                  Philosophy of Science (1916--1932) . . . 323--360
             Benjamin Marschall   Herbert G. Bohnert: The Last Carnapian   361--396
               Jean-Paul Cauvin   Ptolemaic Revolutions: Mathematical
                                  Objectivity in Jean Cavaill\`es and
                                  Gilles-Gaston Granger  . . . . . . . . . 397--434
                 John Dougherty   Wilfrid Sellars and Constructive
                                  Empiricism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435--478
                   Paul Redding   Hegel's (Anticipated) Answer to Peirce's
                                  Stalled Critique of Cantor's Analytic
                                  Continuum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479--507
                    Rudolf Meer   Ilse Schneider (and Alois Riehl) on the
                                  Space--Time Problem in Kant and
                                  Einstein: New Perspectives on
                                  Neo-Kantianism and Positivism  . . . . . 508--526
                     Peter West   Philosophy Is Not a Science: Margaret
                                  Macdonald on the Nature of Philosophical
                                  Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527--553
                  Claire Murphy   The Apostle of ``Common Sense'': The
                                  Historical Roots of Duhem's Distinction
                                  between Physics and Metaphysics  . . . . 554--571
                 Dmytro Sepetyi   Rationalism Critical and Pancritical:
                                  What Did Popper and Bartley Disagree
                                  About? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572--602
                   Alex Garnick   Book Review: Tarek R. Dika,
                                  \booktitleDescartes's Method: The
                                  Formation of the Subject of Science  . . 603--606
                    Bruno Rates   Book Review: Tano S. Posteraro,
                                  \booktitleBergson's Philosophy of
                                  Biology: Virtuality, Tendency, and Time  606--610
            Patrick J. Connolly   Book Review: Stewart Duncan,
                                  \booktitleMaterialism from Hobbes to
                                  Locke  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610--613
                 Thomas Mormann   Book Review: Christian Damböck, Günther
                                  Sandner, and Meike G. Werner, eds.,
                                  \booktitleLogischer Empirismus,
                                  Lebensreform und die deutsche
                                  Jugendbewegung: Logical Empiricism, Life
                                  Reform, and the German Youth Movement    613--616
                 Sophia Connell   Book Review: Marc Gasser-Wingate,
                                  \booktitleAristotle's Empiricism . . . . 617--620
                  Philip Beeley   Book Review: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
                                  \booktitleDissertation on Combinatorial
                                  Art, trans. Massimo Mugnai, Han van
                                  Ruler, and Martin Wilson . . . . . . . . 620--623
                   Nabeel Hamid   Book Review: Jeffrey K. McDonough,
                                  \booktitleA Miracle Creed: The Principle
                                  of Optimality in Leibniz's Physics and
                                  Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624--627
                  Nick Turnbull   Book Review: Kyung-Man Kim,
                                  \booktitleBourdieu's Philosophy and
                                  Sociology of Science: a Critical
                                  Appraisal  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627--630
                       Hao Dong   Book Review: Richard T. W. Arthur, ed.,
                                  \booktitleLeibniz: Journal Articles on
                                  Natural Philosophy, trans. Jeffrey K.
                                  McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel
                                  Levey, Richard T. W. Arthur, Richard
                                  Francks (with Roger Woolhouse), and
                                  Tzuchien Tho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631--634
               Daniel S. Brooks   Book Review: Christopher Donohue and
                                  Charles T. Wolfe, eds.,
                                  \booktitleVitalism and Its Legacy in
                                  Twentieth Century Life Sciences and
                                  Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634--637
          Alexander Theo Giesen   Book Review: Gemma Anderson and John
                                  Dupré, eds., \booktitleDrawing Processes
                                  of Life: Molecules, Cells, Organisms . . 637--640
                 Sebastian Lutz   Book Review: Thomas Uebel and Christoph
                                  Limbeck-Lilienau, eds., \booktitleThe
                                  Routledge Handbook of Logical Empiricism 641--644
                   Tullio Viola   Book Review: Richard Kenneth Atkins,
                                  \booktitlePeirce on Inference: Validity,
                                  Strength, and the Community of Inquirers 644--648
                    A. W. Carus   Book Review: Rudolf Carnap,
                                  \booktitleTagebücher, Vol. 1, 1908--1919,
                                  edited by Christian Damböck; Rudolf
                                  Carnap, \booktitleTagebücher, Vol. 2,
                                  1920--1935, edited by Christian Damböck   648--654
        Doina-Cristina Rusu and   
               Mehmet Elgin and   
              Elliott Sober and   
               Thomas Uebel and   
                Daniel Schwartz   Book Review: Gideon Manning, ed.,
                                  \booktitleTestimonies: States of Mind
                                  and States of Body in the Early Modern
                                  Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654--657