Table of contents for issues of Computers and Mathematics with Applications

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Volume 28, Number 4, August, 1994
Volume 36, Number 2, July, 1998
Volume 39, Number 1--2, January, 2000
Volume 39, Number 3--4, February, 2000
Volume 39, Number 5--6, March, 2000
Volume 39, Number 7--8, April, 2000
Volume 39, Number 9--10, May, 2000
Volume 39, Number 11, June, 2000
Volume 39, Number 12, June, 2000
Volume 40, Number 1, July, 2000
Volume 40, Number 2--3, July / August, 2000
Volume 40, Number 4--5, August / September, 2000
Volume 40, Number 6--7, September / October, 2000
Volume 40, Number 8--9, October / November, 2000
Volume 40, Number 10--11, November / December, 2000
Volume 40, Number 12, December, 2000
Volume 41, Number 1--2, January, 2001
Volume 41, Number 3--4, February, 2001
Volume 41, Number 5--6, March, 2001
Volume 41, Number 7--8, April, 2001
Volume 41, Number 9, May, 2001
Volume 41, Number 10--11, May / June, 2001
Volume 41, Number 12, June, 2001
Volume 42, Number 1--2, July, 2001
Volume 42, Number 3--5, August / September, 2001
Volume 42, Number 6--7, September / October, 2001
Volume 42, Number 8--9, October / November, 2001
Volume 42, Number 10--11, November / December, 2001
Volume 42, Number 12, December, 2001
Volume 43, Number 1--2, January, 2002
Volume 43, Number 3--5, February / March, 2002
Volume 43, Number 6--7, March / April, 2002
Volume 43, Number 8--9, April / May, 2002
Volume 43, Number 10--11, May / June, 2002
Volume 43, Number 12, June, 2002
Volume 44, Number 1--2, July, 2002
Volume 44, Number 3--4, August, 2002
Volume 44, Number 5--6, September, 2002
Volume 44, Number 7, October, 2002
Volume 44, Number 8--9, October / November, 2002
Volume 44, Number 10--11, November / December, 2002
Volume 44, Number 12, December, 2002
Volume 45, Number 1--3, January / February, 2003
Volume 45, Number 4--5, February / March, 2003
Volume 45, Number 6--9, March / May, 2003
Volume 45, Number 10--11, May / June, 2003
Volume 45, Number 12, June, 2003
Volume 46, Number 1, July, 2003
Volume 46, Number 2--3, July / August, 2003
Volume 46, Number 4, August, 2003
Volume 46, Number 5--6, September, 2003
Volume 46, Number 7, October, 2003
Volume 46, Number 8--9, October / November, 2003
Volume 46, Number 10--11, November / December, 2003
Volume 46, Number 12, December, 2003
Volume 47, Number 1, January, 2004
Volume 47, Number 2--3, January / February, 2004
Volume 47, Number 4--5, February / March, 2004
Volume 47, Number 6--7, March / April, 2004
Volume 47, Number 8--9, April / May, 2004
Volume 47, Number 10--11, May / June, 2004
Volume 47, Number 12, June, 2004
Volume 48, Number 1--2, July, 2004
Volume 48, Number 3--4, August, 2004
Volume 48, Number 5--6, September, 2004
Volume 48, Number 7--8, October, 2004
Volume 48, Number 9, November, 2004
Volume 48, Number 10--11, November / December, 2004
Volume 48, Number 12, December, 2004
Volume 49, Number 1, January, 2005
Volume 49, Number 2--3, January / February, 2005
Volume 49, Number 4, February, 2005
Volume 49, Number 5--6, April / May, 2005
Volume 49, Number 7--8, May / June, 2005
Volume 49, Number 9--10, May, 2005
Volume 49, Number 11--12, June, 2005
Volume 50, Number 1--2, July, 2005
Volume 50, Number 3--4, August, 2005
Volume 50, Number 5--6, September, 2005
Volume 50, Number 7, October, 2005
Volume 50, Number 8--9, October / November, 2005
Volume 50, Number 10--12, November / December, 2005
Volume 51, Number 1, January, 2006
Volume 51, Number 2, January, 2006
Volume 51, Number 3--4, February, 2006
Volume 51, Number 5, March, 2006
Volume 51, Number 6--7, March / April, 2006
Volume 51, Number 8, April, 2006
Volume 51, Number 9--10, May, 2006
Volume 51, Number 11, June, 2006
Volume 51, Number 12, June, 2006
Volume 52, Number 1--2, July, 2006
Volume 52, Number 3--4, August, 2006
Volume 52, Number 5, September, 2006
Volume 52, Number 6--7, September / October, 2006
Volume 52, Number 8--9, October / November, 2006
Volume 52, Number 10--11, November / December, 2006
Volume 52, Number 12, December, 2006
Volume 53, Number 1, January, 2007
Volume 53, Number 2, January, 2007
Volume 53, Number 3--4, February, 2007
Volume 53, Number 5, March, 2007
Volume 53, Number 6, March, 2007
Volume 53, Number 7, April, 2007
Volume 53, Number 8, April, 2007
Volume 53, Number 9, May, 2007
Volume 53, Number 10, May, 2007
Volume 53, Number 11, June, 2007
Volume 53, Number 12, June, 2007
Volume 54, Number 1, July, 2007
Volume 54, Number 2, July, 2007
Volume 54, Number 3, August, 2007
Volume 54, Number 4, August, 2007
Volume 54, Number 5, September, 2007
Volume 54, Number 6, September, 2007
Volume 54, Number 7--8, October, 2007
Volume 54, Number 9--10, November, 2007
Volume 54, Number 11--12, December, 2007
Volume 55, Number 1, January, 2008
Volume 55, Number 2, January, 2008
Volume 55, Number 3, February, 2008
Volume 55, Number 4, February, 2008
Volume 55, Number 5, March, 2008
Volume 55, Number 6, March, 2008
Volume 55, Number 7, April, 2008
Volume 55, Number 8, April, 2008
Volume 55, Number 9, May, 2008
Volume 55, Number 10, May, 2008
Volume 55, Number 11, June, 2008
Volume 55, Number 12, June, 2008
Volume 56, Number 1, July, 2008
Volume 56, Number 2, July, 2008
Volume 56, Number 3, August, 2008
Volume 56, Number 4, August, 2008
Volume 56, Number 5, September, 2008
Volume 56, Number 6, September, 2008
Volume 56, Number 7, October, 2008
Volume 56, Number 8, October, 2008
Volume 56, Number 9, November, 2008
Volume 56, Number 10, November, 2008
Volume 56, Number 11, December, 2008
Volume 56, Number 12, December, 2008
Volume 57, Number 1, January, 2009
Volume 57, Number 2, January, 2009
Volume 57, Number 3, February, 2009
Volume 57, Number 4, February, 2009
Volume 57, Number 5, March, 2009
Volume 57, Number 6, March, 2009
Volume 57, Number 7, April, 2009
Volume 57, Number 8, April, 2009
Volume 57, Number 9, May, 2009
Volume 57, Number 10, May, 2009
Volume 57, Number 11--12, June, 2009
Volume 58, Number 1, July, 2009
Volume 58, Number 2, July, 2009
Volume 58, Number 3, August, 2009
Volume 58, Number 4, August, 2009
Volume 58, Number 5, September, 2009
Volume 58, Number 6, September, 2009
Volume 58, Number 7, October, 2009
Volume 58, Number 8, October, 2009
Volume 58, Number 9, November, 2009
Volume 58, Number 10, November, 2009
Volume 58, Number 11--12, December, 2009
Volume 59, Number 1, January, 2010
Volume 59, Number 8, April, 2010
Volume 59, Number 10, May, 2010
Volume 61, Number 5, March, 2011
Volume 61, Number 6, March, 2011
Volume 61, Number 9, May, 2011
Volume 64, Number 9, November, 2012

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 28, Number 4, August, 1994

             P. A. Zadrozny and   
                     S. Mittnik   Kalman-filtering methods for computing
                                  information matrices for time-invariant,
                                  periodic, and generally time-varying
                                  VARMA models and samples . . . . . . . . 107--119

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 36, Number 2, July, 1998

              Zhong-Zhi Bai and   
              Jia-Chang Sun and   
                    D. B. Szyld   The spectral analysis of the matrix
                                  multisplitting method for the
                                  one-dimensional model problem  . . . . . 31--38

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 39, Number 1--2, January, 2000

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                B. G. Zhang and   
                      Yong Zhou   Oscillation and nonoscillation for
                                  second-order linear difference equations 1--7
                 Man-Chun Leung   Unbounded positive entire solutions of
                                  rotationally symmetric harmonic map
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--20
                  A. Cabada and   
           V. Otero-Espinar and   
                    R. L. Pouso   Existence and approximation of solutions
                                  for first-order discontinuous difference
                                  equations with nonlinear global
                                  conditions in the presence of lower and
                                  upper solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . 21--33
                   V. Ayala and   
         A. Hacibekiro\uglu and   
                       E. Kizil   Observability of general linear pairs    35--43
                    Qing He and   
               Hong-Xing Li and   
              C. L. P. Chen and   
                      E. S. Lee   Extension principles and fuzzy set
                                  categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45--53
                       S. Serra   The analysis of a Chebyshev problem via
                                  spectral matrix theory . . . . . . . . . 55--68
                  I. K. Argyros   Local convergence of inexact
                                  Newton-like-iterative methods and
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69--75
                R. Y. Zhang and   
                 Z. C. Wang and   
                    Y. Chen and   
                          J. Wu   Periodic solutions of a single species
                                  discrete population model with periodic
                                  harvest/stock  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77--90
                 Jingan Cui and   
                Lansun Chen and   
                     Wendi Wang   The effect of dispersal on population
                                  growth with stage-structure  . . . . . . 91--102
                N. C. Ghosh and   
                B. C. Ghosh and   
                     L. Debnath   The hydromagnetic flow of a dusty
                                  visco-elastic fluid between two infinite
                                  parallel plates  . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--116
            K. Balachandran and   
               R. Sakthivel and   
                    J. P. Dauer   Controllability of neutral functional
                                  integrodifferential systems in Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117--126
               J. A. Piotrowski   Building a model of a useful Turing
                                  machine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127--143
                      K. M. Liu   Dimensional reduction for the beam in
                                  elasticity on a bounded domain . . . . . 145--168
            L. Jódar and   
       J. A. Sánchez and   
                   M. V. Ferrer   The stable discrete numerical solution
                                  of strongly coupled mixed partial
                                  differential systems . . . . . . . . . . 169--182
                  K. K. Nambiar   Intuitive set theory . . . . . . . . . . 183--185
                    Ping-Qi Pan   A projective simplex algorithm using $ L
                                  U $ decomposition  . . . . . . . . . . . 187--208
                  B. Gleyse and   
                      M. Moflih   The exact computation of the number of
                                  zeros of a real polynomial in the open
                                  unit disk: an algebraic approach . . . . 209--214
                 H. Okamura and   
                    T. Dohi and   
                       S. Osaki   Optimal policies for a controlled
                                  queueing system with removable server
                                  under a random vacation circumstance . . 215--227
                 S. M. Choo and   
                S. K. Chung and   
                      K. I. Kim   Conservative nonlinear difference scheme
                                  for the Cahn--Hilliard equation --- II   229--243
                Hongxing Li and   
                  V. C. Yen and   
                      E. S. Lee   Factor space theory in fuzzy information
                                  processing --- composition of states of
                                  factors and multifactorial decision
                                  making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245--265

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 39, Number 3--4, February, 2000

                Haiyun Zhou and   
                Yeol Je Cho and   
                  Shin Min Kang   Characteristic conditions for
                                  convergence of generalized steepest
                                  descent approximation to multivalued
                                  accretive operator equations . . . . . . 1--11
                  Xie Ping Ding   Existence of solutions for
                                  quasi-equilibrium problems in noncompact
                                  topological spaces . . . . . . . . . . . 13--21
                  Xie Ping Ding   Constrained multiobjective games in
                                  general topological space  . . . . . . . 23--30
               P. Caballero-Gil   New upper bounds on the linear
                                  complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31--38
               D. Khusainov and   
              R. P. Agarwal and   
            N. Kosarevskaya and   
                   A. Kojametov   Spectrum control in linear stationary
                                  systems with delay . . . . . . . . . . . 39--55
           H. M. Srivastava and   
                   A. K. Mishra   Applications of fractional calculus to
                                  parabolic starlike and uniformly convex
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57--69
               M. M. Chawla and   
           M. A. Al-Zanaidi and   
                 M. G. Al-Aslab   Extended one-step time-integration
                                  schemes for convection--diffusion
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71--84
                 Yuan-Ming Wang   Accelerated monotone iterative methods
                                  for a boundary value problem of
                                  second-order discrete equations  . . . . 85--94
  M. A. O. Camargo Brunetto and   
              D. M. Claudio and   
                    V. Trevisan   An algebraic algorithm to isolate
                                  complex polynomial zeros using Sturm
                                  sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95--105
           Myoung-Nyoun Kim and   
                  Dongwoo Sheen   A mixed boundary value problem for
                                  TFT/LCD: Analysis and numerical methods  107--123
                         Z. Jia   Some recursions on Arnoldi's method and
                                  IOM for large non-Hermitian linear
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125--129
               E. L. Wachspress   Evaluating elliptic functions and their
                                  inverses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131--136
                   Zhenyu Huang   Iterative process with errors for fixed
                                  points of multivalued $ \Phi
                                  $-hemicontractive operators in uniformly
                                  smooth Banach spaces . . . . . . . . . . 137--145
               Wai Ki Ching and   
                    Xun Yu Zhou   Circulant approximation for
                                  preconditioning in stochastic automata
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147--160
                 M. Mati\'c and   
               J. Pecari\'c and   
                    N. Ujevi\'c   Improvement and further generalization
                                  of inequalities of Ostrowski-Grüss type   161--175
                Wan-Tong Li and   
              Xian-Ling Fan and   
                Cheng-Kui Zhong   Unbounded positive solutions of
                                  higher-order difference equations with
                                  singular nonlinear term  . . . . . . . . 177--184
              Cheon Seoung Ryoo   Numerical verification of solutions for
                                  obstacle problems using a Newton-like
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185--194
                M. T. Nakao and   
                  S. H. Lee and   
              Cheon Seoung Ryoo   Numerical verification of solutions for
                                  elasto-plastic torsion problems  . . . . 195--204
                   Guo-Jun Wang   Separable Boolean functions and
                                  generalized Fibonacci sequences  . . . . 205--216
                   H. Nabli and   
                    B. Sericola   Performability analysis for degradable
                                  computer systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 217--234
                   M. S. Korlie   $3$-D particle modeling of gas bubbles
                                  in a liquid  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235--246
                Xin-Yuan Wu and   
                   Jian-Lin Xia   The vector form of a sixth-order
                                  $A$-stable explicit one-step method for
                                  stiff problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247--257
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe future of the
                                  electronic marketplace: Edited by Derek
                                  Leebaert. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
                                  (1998). 383 pages. \$17.50}  . . . . . . 260--260
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleTransportation
                                  and traffic theory, proceedings of the
                                  14-th international symposium on
                                  transportation and traffic theory;
                                  Jerusalem, Israel, 20--23 July, 1999:
                                  Edited by Avishai Ceder. Pergamon,
                                  Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. (1999). 796
                                  pages. \$213.50, NLG 421.00, euro
                                  191.04}  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260--260
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleAdvances in
                                  automatic text summarization: Edited by
                                  Inderjeet Mani and Mark T. Maybury. MIT
                                  Press, Cambridge, MA. (1999). 434 pages.
                                  \$45.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--261
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleCambrian
                                  intelligence: the early history of the
                                  new AI: By Rodney A. Brooks. MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (1999). 199 pages.
                                  \$60.00 (cloth); \$25.00 (paper) . . . . 261--261
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleNetworking
                                  essentials: Flashcards for MCSE core
                                  exam 70-058: By Michael Moncur.
                                  O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA. (1999).
                                  \$29.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--261
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe sciences in
                                  enlightened Europe: Edited by William
                                  Clark, Jan Golinski and Simon Schaffer.
                                  The University of Chicago Press,
                                  Chicago. (1999). 566 pages. \$85.00,
                                  \pounds 59.50 (cloth); \$27.50, \pounds
                                  19.50 (paper)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--261
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleTCP/IP Windows NT
                                  4.0: Flashcards for MCSE elective exam
                                  70-059: By Michael Moncur. O'Reilly,
                                  Sebastopol, CA. (1999). \$29.95} . . . . 261--261
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleWindows NT server
                                  4.0 in the enterprise; flashcards: MCSE
                                  core exam 70-068: By Michael Moncur.
                                  O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA. (1999).
                                  \$29.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--261
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleDifferential
                                  equations with MATLAB\TM: By Kevin R.
                                  Coombes, Brian R. Hunt, Ronald L.
                                  Lipsman, John E. Osborn and Garrett J.
                                  Stuck. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
                                  (2000). 256 pages. \$19.99}  . . . . . . 262--262
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleAn exploration of
                                  chaos: an introduction for natural
                                  scientists and engineers: By John
                                  Argyris, Gunter Faust and Maria Haase.
                                  North-Holland, Amsterdam. (1994). 751
                                  pages. \$193.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . 262--262
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleNeural codes and
                                  distributed representations: Foundations
                                  of neural computation: Edited by
                                  Laurence Abbott and Terrence J.
                                  Sejnowski. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
                                  (1999). 345 pages. \$30.00}  . . . . . . 262--262
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleSupercomputing,
                                  collision processes, and applications:
                                  Edited by Kenneth L. Bell, Keith A.
                                  Berrington, Derrick S. F. Crothers, Alan
                                  Hibbert and Kenneth T. Taylor. Kluwer
                                  Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.
                                  (1999). 284 pages. \$125.00, GBP 81.25,
                                  NLG 255.00}  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262--262
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleArchitects of the
                                  information society: Thirty-five years
                                  of the laboratory for computer science
                                  at MIT: By Simson L. Garfinkel, edited
                                  by Hal Abelson. MIT Press, Cambridge,
                                  MA. (1999). 72 pages. \$20.00} . . . . . 263--263
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe cathedral and
                                  the bazaar: By Eric S. Raymond.
                                  O'Reilly, Sebastapol, CA. (1999). 268
                                  pages. \$19.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 263--263
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleComputational
                                  logic: Edited by Ulrich Berger and
                                  Helmut Schwichtenberg. Springer-Verlag,
                                  Berlin. (1999). 444 pages. \$119.00, DM
                                  179.00, {\"oS} 1307.00, sFr 162.00, GBP
                                  69.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263--263
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleJava enterprise
                                  in a nutshell: a desktop quick
                                  reference: By David Flanagan, Jim
                                  Farlye, William Crawford and Kris
                                  Magnusson. O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA.
                                  (1999). 604 pages. \$29.95}  . . . . . . 263--263
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleManaging
                                  Microsoft exchange server: By Paul
                                  Robichaux. O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA.
                                  (1999). 701 pages. \$34.95}  . . . . . . 263--263
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleRunning Linux,
                                  third edition: By Matt Welsh, Matthias
                                  Kalle Dalheimer and Lar Kaufman.
                                  O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA. (1999). 730
                                  pages. \$34.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 263--263
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleComputer
                                  arithmetic: Algorithms and hardware
                                  designs: By Behrooz Parhami. Oxford
                                  University Press, New York. (2000). 490
                                  pages. \$85.00}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 264--264
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleGeometry from
                                  Africa: Mathematical and educational
                                  explorations: By Paulus Gerdes. The
                                  Mathematical Association of America,
                                  Washington, DC. (1999). 210 pages.
                                  \$39.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264--264
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleMicrotransducer
                                  CAD: Physical and computational aspects:
                                  By Arokia Nathan and Henry Baltes.
                                  Springer-Verlag, Vienna. (1999). 427
                                  pages. \$189.00, {{\"o}S} 2086.00, DM
                                  298.00, sFr 269.00}  . . . . . . . . . . 264--264
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleProgramming
                                  Internet email: By David Wood. O'Reilly,
                                  Sebastopol, CA. (1999). 362 pages.
                                  \$34.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264--264
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe perl CD
                                  bookshelf: 6 bestselling books on
                                  CD-ROM: O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA.
                                  (1999). \$59.95. Includes bonus book,
                                  Perl in a Nutshell: a Desktop Quick
                                  Reference. By Ellen Siever, Stephen
                                  Spainhour and Nathan Patwardhan.
                                  O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA. (1999). 654
                                  pages} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264--264
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleRevolutions in
                                  differential equations: Exploring ODEs
                                  with modern technology: Edited by
                                  Michael J. Kallaher. The Mathematical
                                  Association of America, Washington, DC.
                                  (1999). 89 pages. \$18.75} . . . . . . . 264--264
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleExploring chaos:
                                  Theory and experiment: By Brian Davies.
                                  Perseus Books, reading, MA. (1999). 237
                                  pages. \$45.00}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleInverse problems:
                                  Activities for undergraduates: By C. W.
                                  Groetsch. The Mathematical Association
                                  of America, Washington, DC. (1999). 222
                                  pages. \$26.00}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleLearning Debian
                                  GNU/Linux: By Bill McCarty. O'Reilly,
                                  Sebastopol, CA. (1999). 343 pages.
                                  \$34.95 (CD-ROM included)} . . . . . . . 265--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleLearning Red Hat
                                  Linux: By Bill McCarty. O'Reilly,
                                  Sebastopol, CA. (1999). 378 pages.
                                  \$34.95 (CD-ROM included)} . . . . . . . 265--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleUser friendly: By
                                  J. D. ``Illiad'' Frazer. O'Reilly,
                                  Sebastapol, CA. (1999). 122 pages.
                                  \$12.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe unofficial
                                  guide to LEGO\reg MINDSTORMSTM robots:
                                  By Jonathan B. Knudsen. O'Reilly,
                                  Sebastopol, CA. (1999). 247 pages.
                                  \$24.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleUNIX in a
                                  nutshell: a desktop quick reference for
                                  System V release 4 and Solaris 7, third
                                  edition: By Arnold Robbins. O'Reilly,
                                  Sebastopol, CA. (1999). 598 pages.
                                  \$24.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleWindows 98 in a
                                  nutshell: a desktop quick reference: By
                                  Tim O'Reilly, Troy Mott and Walter
                                  Glenn. O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA. (1999).
                                  618 pages. \$24.95}  . . . . . . . . . . 265--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleForecasting
                                  non-stationary economic time series: By
                                  Michael P. Clements and David F. Hendry.
                                  MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (1999). 362
                                  pages. \$35.00}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 266--266
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleJavaScript
                                  application cookbook: By Jerry
                                  Bradenbaugh. O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA.
                                  (1999). 462 pages. \$34.95}  . . . . . . 266--266
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleLine form color:
                                  By Ellsworth Kelly. University of
                                  Chicago Press, Chicago. (1999). Includes
                                  ``An Intense Detachment: Ellsworth
                                  Kelly's Line Form Color'', an essay by
                                  Harry Cooper. \$25.00, \pounds 17.00}    266--266
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleQuantum dialogue:
                                  the making of a revolution: By Mara
                                  Beller. University of Chicago Press,
                                  Chicago. (1999). 365 pages. \$35.00,
                                  \pounds 24.50 (cloth)} . . . . . . . . . 266--266
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleREALbasic: the
                                  definitive guide: By Matt Neuburg.
                                  O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA. (1999).
                                  \$29.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266--266
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleSimply scheme:
                                  Introducing computer science, Second
                                  edition: By Brian Harvey and Matthew
                                  Wright. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
                                  (1999). 579 pages. \$60.00}  . . . . . . 266--266

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 39, Number 5--6, March, 2000

               Ping Fu Zhao and   
                  Meng Zhao Qin   Approximations for KdV equation as a
                                  Hamiltonian system . . . . . . . . . . . 1--11
                  Yimin Wei and   
                      Hebing Wu   Expression for the perturbation of the
                                  weighted Moore--Penrose inverse  . . . . 13--18
                      Qiru Wang   Oscillation theorems for first-order
                                  nonlinear neutral functional
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 19--28
                Woopyo Hong and   
                   Kwang-Sik Oh   New solitonic solutions to a $ (3 +
                                  1)$-dimensional Jimbo--Miwa equation . . 29--31
                 Xinyu Song and   
                    Lansun Chen   Harmless delays and global attractivity
                                  for nonautonomous predator--prey system
                                  with dispersion  . . . . . . . . . . . . 33--42
             L. F. Shampine and   
                    S. Thompson   Event location for ordinary differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43--54
             Shih-Sen Chang and   
            Jong Yeoul Park and   
                   Yu Qing Chen   Accretive equations in cones of Banach
                                  space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55--64
                 Chang-New Chen   Differential quadrature element analysis
                                  using extended differential quadrature   65--79
          C. A. Z. Barcelos and   
                        Y. Chen   Heat flows and related minimization
                                  problem in image restoration . . . . . . 81--97
                   J. Beran and   
                     G. Mazzola   Timing microstructure in Schumann's
                                  ``Träumerei'' as an expression of
                                  harmony, rhythm, and motivic structure
                                  in music performance . . . . . . . . . . 99--130
                Yunmei Chen and   
               B. C. Vemuri and   
                        Li Wang   Image denoising and segmentation via
                                  nonlinear diffusion  . . . . . . . . . . 131--149
              T. Platkowski and   
                     W. Walu\'s   An acceleration procedure for discrete
                                  velocity approximation of the Boltzmann
                                  collision operator . . . . . . . . . . . 151--163
                  Zi-Cai Li and   
                Hung-Tsai Huang   Blending curves for landing problems by
                                  numerical differential equations II.
                                  Numerical methods  . . . . . . . . . . . 165--187
                    P. Glaister   Conservative upwind difference schemes
                                  for the shallow water equations  . . . . 189--199
                  Jiann-Der Lee   A new scheme for planar shape
                                  recognition using wavelets . . . . . . . 201--216
               Mingshu Peng and   
                      Weigao Ge   Oscillation criteria for second-order
                                  nonlinear differential equations with
                                  impulses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217--225
                S. Talahmeh and   
                         P. Siy   Arithmetic division in RNS using Galois
                                  Field GF($p$)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227--238
            Chin-Chen Chang and   
                    Jau-Ji Shen   A multichannel storage arrangement
                                  scheme of pictorial databases for
                                  concurrent spatial match retrieval . . . 239--248
                Xin-Yuan Wu and   
                   Jian-Lin Xia   An explicit two-step method exact for
                                  the scalar test equation $ y' = \lambda
                                  y $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249--257
                      Anonymous   Corrigendum to ``Spectral analysis of
                                  the matrix multisplitting method for
                                  one-dimensional model problem''  . . . . 259--259

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 39, Number 7--8, April, 2000

                    O. Rojo and   
                    R. Soto and   
                        H. Rojo   Bounds for sums of eigenvalues and
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--15
                M. Boulbrachene   A fixed-point approximation method for
                                  some noncoercive variational problems    17--27
               L. Demkowicz and   
                    P. Monk and   
             L. Vardapetyan and   
                   W. Rachowicz   De Rham diagram for $ h p $ finite
                                  element spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29--38
                 M. K. Aouf and   
               H. M. Hossen and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Some families of multivalent functions   39--48
           P. A. Krutitskii and   
         N. Ch. Krutitskaya and   
               G. Yu. Malysheva   Scattering of $2$-D waves by several
                                  obstacles and screens in case of Neumann
                                  boundary condition . . . . . . . . . . . 49--57
                Baoding Liu and   
                     K. Iwamura   Topological optimization models for
                                  communication network with multiple
                                  reliability goals  . . . . . . . . . . . 59--69
                  Yong Zhou and   
                    B. G. Zhang   Oscillations of delay difference
                                  equations in a critical state  . . . . . 71--80
                  Zhong-Zhi Bai   A class of asynchronous parallel
                                  iterations for the systems of nonlinear
                                  algebraic equations  . . . . . . . . . . 81--94
           M. S. Petkovi\'c and   
                 D. V. Vrani\'c   The convergence of Euler-like method for
                                  the simultaneous inclusion of polynomial
                                  zeros  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95--105
               Zhidong Teng and   
                     Zhiming Li   Permanence and asymptotic behavior of
                                  the $N$-species nonautonomous
                                  Lotka--Volterra competitive systems  . . 107--116
                        Yong He   The optimal on-line parallel machine
                                  scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117--121
                E. J. Kansa and   
                      Y. C. Hon   Circumventing the ill-conditioning
                                  problem with multiquadric radial basis
                                  functions: Applications to elliptic
                                  partial differential equations . . . . . 123--137
             S. Serra Capizzano   Some theorems on linear positive
                                  operators and functionals and their
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139--167
                 X. H. Tang and   
                   J. S. Yu and   
                     D. H. Peng   Oscillation and nonoscillation of
                                  neutral difference equations with
                                  positive and negative coefficients . . . 169--181
                   O. Dementiev   Stability of a rotor motion in a chamber
                                  filled with viscous gas  . . . . . . . . 183--191
            R. A. Chowdhury and   
                 S. K. Nath and   
                    M. Kaykobad   The heap-mergesort . . . . . . . . . . . 193--197
                   G. Gupur and   
                 Xue-Zhi Li and   
                 Guang-Tian Zhu   Existence and uniqueness of nonnegative
                                  solution of M/G$^B$ /1 queueing model    199--209
                  S. Sundar and   
                 B. K. Bhagavan   Generalized eigenvalue problems: Lanczos
                                  algorithm with a recursive partitioning
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211--224
                 A. Hasanov and   
              J. L. Mueller and   
                    S. Cohn and   
                 J. Redepenning   Numerical solution of a nonlocal
                                  identification problem for nonlinear ion
                                  transport  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225--235
                 P. D. Kemp and   
                       Y. Yavin   Stabilization and control of the motion
                                  of a rolling disk by using two overhead
                                  rotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237--252
                 N. F. Benschop   Powersums representing residues mod $
                                  p^k $, from Fermat to Waring . . . . . . 253--261
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleAdvances in
                                  automatic text summarization: Edited by
                                  Inderjeet Mani and Mark T. Maybury. MIT
                                  Press, Cambridge, MA. (1999). 434 pages.
                                  \$45.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264--264
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe future of the
                                  electronic marketplace: Edited by Derek
                                  Leebaert. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
                                  (1998). 383 pages. \$17.50}  . . . . . . 264--264
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleGeometry from
                                  Africa: Mathematical and educational
                                  explorations: By Paulus Gerdes. The
                                  Mathematical Association of America,
                                  Washington, DC. (1999). 210 pages.
                                  \$39.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264--264
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleNetworking
                                  essentials: Flashcards for MCSE core
                                  exam 70-058: By Michael Moncur.
                                  O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA. \$29.95} . . . 264--264
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleTCP/IP Windows NT
                                  4.0: Flashcards for MCSE elective exam
                                  70-059: By Michael Moncur. O'Reilly,
                                  Sebastopol, CA. \$29.95} . . . . . . . . 264--264
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleWindows NT server
                                  4.0 in the enterprise; flashcards: MCSE
                                  core exam 70-068: By Michael Moncur.
                                  O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA. \$29.95} . . . 264--264
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleArchitects of the
                                  information society: Thirty-five years
                                  of the laboratory for computer science
                                  at MIT: By Simson L. Garfinkel, edited
                                  by Hal Abelson. MIT Press, Cambridge,
                                  MA. (1999). 72 pages. \$20.00} . . . . . 264--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleCambrian
                                  intelligence: the early history of the
                                  new Al: By Rodney A. Brooks. MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (1999). 199 pages.
                                  \$60.00 (cloth); \$25.00 . . . . . . . . 265--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleComputational
                                  logic: Edited by Ulrich Berger and
                                  Helmut Schwichtenberg. Springer-Verlag,
                                  Berlin. (1999). 444 pages. \$119.00, DM
                                  179.00, {{\"o}S} 1307.00, sFr 162.00,
                                  GBP 69.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleAn exploration of
                                  chaos: an introduction for natural
                                  scientists and engineers: By John
                                  Argyris, Gunter Faust and Maria Haase.
                                  North-Holland, Amsterdam. (1994). 751
                                  pages. \$193.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleManaging
                                  Microsoft exchange server: By Paul
                                  Robichaux. O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA.
                                  (1999). 701 pages. \$34.95}  . . . . . . 265--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe sciences in
                                  enlightened Europe: Edited by William
                                  Clark, Jan Golinski and Simon Schaffer.
                                  The University of Chicago Press,
                                  Chicago. (1999). 566 pages. \$85.00,
                                  \pounds 59.50 (cloth); \$27.50, \pounds
                                  19.50 (paper)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--265
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleRunning Linux,
                                  third edition: By Matt Welsh, Matthias
                                  Kalle Dalheimer and Lar Kaufman.
                                  O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA. (1999). 730
                                  pages. \$34.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--266
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleComputer
                                  arithmetic: Algorithms and hardware
                                  designs: By Behrooz Parhami. Oxford
                                  University Press, New York. (2000). 490
                                  pages. \$85.00}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 266--266
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleMicrotransducer
                                  CAD: Physical and computational aspects:
                                  By Arokia Nathan and Henry Baltes.
                                  Springer-Verlag, Vienna. (1999). 427
                                  pages. \$189.00, {{\"o}S} 2086.00, DM
                                  298.00, sFr 269.00}  . . . . . . . . . . 266--266
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleProgramming
                                  Internet email: By David Wood. O'Reilly,
                                  Sebastopol, CA. (1999). 362 pages.
                                  \$34.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266--266
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe Perl CD
                                  bookshelf: 6 Bestselling books on
                                  CD-ROM: O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA.
                                  (1999). \$59.95. Includes bonus book,
                                  Perl in a Nutshell: a Desktop Quick
                                  Reference. By Ellen Siever, Stephen
                                  Spainhour and Nathan Patwardhan.
                                  O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA. (1999). 654
                                  pages} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266--266

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 39, Number 9--10, May, 2000

                 Xiao-Ming Zeng   Rates of approximation of bounded
                                  variation functions by two generalized
                                  Meyer-König and Zeller type operators . . 1--13
                 A. L. Balandin   Tomographic analysis of sign-altering
                                  functions by maximum entropy method  . . 15--24
               G. Kvernadze and   
                T. Hagstrom and   
                     H. Shapiro   Detecting the singularities of a
                                  function of $ V_p $ class by its
                                  integrated Fourier series  . . . . . . . 25--43
                    G. Mora and   
              Y. Cherruault and   
                       A. Ziadi   Functional equations generating
                                  space-densifying curves  . . . . . . . . 45--55
                   Q. Sheng and   
                       H. Cheng   An adaptive grid method for degenerate
                                  semilinear quenching problems  . . . . . 57--71
                     M. A. Noor   Projection-splitting algorithms for
                                  monotone variational inequalities  . . . 73--79
                  E. Takeda and   
                       J. Satoh   A data envelopment analysis approach to
                                  multicriteria decision problems with
                                  incomplete information . . . . . . . . . 81--90
             S. S. Dragomir and   
               M. L. Scholz and   
                       J. Sunde   Some upper bounds for relative entropy
                                  and applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 91--100
                   R. Cavazzoni   Diffusive approximation of Fisher's
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101--114
             Xian-Zhong Guo and   
                     I. N. Katz   A parallel multi-p method  . . . . . . . 115--123
                  Xie Ping Ding   Existence of Pareto equilibria for
                                  constrained multiobjective games in
                                  $H$-space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125--134
                       L. Gosse   A well-balanced flux-vector splitting
                                  scheme designed for hyperbolic systems
                                  of conservation laws with source terms   135--159
             J. V. Manojlovi\'c   Oscillation criteria for second-order
                                  sublinear differential equation  . . . . 161--172
                    Yuchuan Wei   Dirichlet multiplication and
                                  easily-generated function analysis . . . 173--199
                      B. Nkonga   Implicit linearity preservation type
                                  schemes for moving meshes  . . . . . . . 201--220
                      Y. Ishida   Symbol system for symmetry of physical
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221--240
                      Anonymous   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--248

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 39, Number 11, June, 2000

                 Herbert Taylor   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiv
                    G. S. Bloom   Solomon Golomb --- Some personal
                                  reflections plus random biographical and
                                  bibliographical notes  . . . . . . . . . xv--xviii
                 Te-Won Lee and   
                M. Girolami and   
                 A. J. Bell and   
                T. J. Sejnowski   A unifying information-theoretic
                                  framework for independent component
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--21
                  H. S. Schloss   Accuracy of the Hebrew calendar  . . . . 23--24
                D. R. Estes and   
                        C. Waid   An algebraic analysis of bore hole
                                  samples  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25--30
                 Hong-Yeop Song   The existence of circular Florentine
                                  arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31--35
              G. S. Yovanof and   
                      H. Taylor   $ B_2 $-sequences and the distinct
                                  distance constant  . . . . . . . . . . . 37--42
                        B. Tang   Evaluation of some DNA cloning
                                  strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43--48
                      B. Gordon   Multiple tilings of Euclidean space by
                                  unit cubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49--53
                     M. Gardner   Dominono . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55--56
                   G. L. Mayhew   Clues to the hidden nature of de Bruijn
                                  sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57--65
               L. M. Butler and   
                    A. W. Hales   Generalized flags in $p$-groups  . . . . 67--76
                   E. Berlekamp   Unimodular arrays  . . . . . . . . . . . 77--88
                     I. S. Reed   A brief history of the development of
                                  error correcting codes . . . . . . . . . 89--93
                    M. Buck and   
                     N. Zierler   Decimations of linear recurring
                                  sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95--102
                     G. Solomon   Golay encoding/decoding via BCH--Hamming 103--108
                R. E. Peile and   
                      H. Taylor   Sets of points with pairwise distinct
                                  slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109--115
                 A. L. Whiteman   Some balanced incomplete block designs   117--119
                     W. J. Hurd   Maximum likelihood global positioning
                                  system receiver  . . . . . . . . . . . . 121--125
                   E. C. Posner   A code in the nose . . . . . . . . . . . 127--127
          Y. S. Abu-Mostafa and   
                 R. J. McEliece   Maximal codeword lengths in Huffman
                                  codes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129--134
                          T. Bu   Golombs \booktitleNorske forbindelser    135--138
                    M. J. Cohen   The difference between the product of
                                  $n$ consecutive integers and the $
                                  n^{\rm th}$ power of an integer  . . . . 139--157
                  N. Hamada and   
                   T. Helleseth   Arcs, blocking sets, and minihypers  . . 159--168
                      R. K. Guy   Problems sessions 92-05-29 and 92-05-31  169--171

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 39, Number 12, June, 2000

                      Anonymous   List of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--x
                      Anonymous   Author index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi--xii
                   Guo-Jun Wang   Theory of granular lattices and its
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--9
               M. Benchohra and   
                  S. K. Ntouyas   Existence of mild solutions on
                                  noncompact intervals to second-order
                                  initial value problems for a class of
                                  differential inclusions with nonlocal
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11--18
               G. Chartrand and   
                 C. Poisson and   
                       P. Zhang   Resolvability and the upper dimension of
                                  graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19--28
              F. S. Mistiri and   
                     A. P. Wang   Estimation problems in an
                                  input-and-output system  . . . . . . . . 29--42
                   M. S. Korlie   Three-dimensional computer simulation of
                                  liquid drop evaporation  . . . . . . . . 43--52
           Shyong-Jian Shyu and   
                   B. M. T. Lin   An application of parallel virtual
                                  machine framework to film production
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53--62
            L. Jódar and   
               J. L. Morera and   
                       G. Rubio   Computable explicit bounds for the
                                  discretization error of variable
                                  stepsize multistep methods . . . . . . . 63--77
                S. Kalpakam and   
                     S. Shanthi   A perishable system with modified base
                                  stock policy and random supply quantity  79--89
                Hongxing Li and   
                  V. C. Yen and   
                      E. S. Lee   Models of neurons based on factor space  91--100
               Tsu-Fen Chen and   
                   Haw-Dai Yang   Numerical construction of optimal
                                  adaptive grids in two spatial dimensions 101--120

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 40, Number 1, July, 2000

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
          George A. Anastassiou   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiii
              G. A. Anastassiou   Rate of convergence of some multivariate
                                  neural network operators to the unit . . 1--19
          G. A. Anastassiou and   
                    S. Cambanis   Nonorthogonal wavelet approximation with
                                  rates of deterministic signals . . . . . 21--35
                  I. K. Argyros   Newton methods on Banach spaces with a
                                  convergence structure and applications   37--48
               P. L. Butzer and   
                     S. Jansche   Mellin--Fourier series and the classical
                                  Mellin transform . . . . . . . . . . . . 49--62
                B. Chalmers and   
                  C. Cottin and   
                   B. Shekhtman   Minimal Boolean sum and blending-type
                                  projections and extensions . . . . . . . 63--70
             B. L. Chalmers and   
                   B. Shekhtman   Some estimates of action constants and
                                  related parameters . . . . . . . . . . . 71--79
                    M. Ganzburg   Moduli of smoothness and best
                                  approximation of functions with
                                  singularities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81--93
                   Tian-Xiao He   $ C^1 $ quadratic macroelements and $
                                  C^1 $ orthogonal multiresolution
                                  analyses in $2$D . . . . . . . . . . . . 95--106
                 U. Hettich and   
                    R. L. Stens   Approximating a bandlimited function in
                                  terms of its samples . . . . . . . . . . 107--116
                   Don Hong and   
                   Huan-Wen Liu   Some new formulations of smoothness
                                  conditions and conformality conditions
                                  for bivariate splines  . . . . . . . . . 117--125
                   Don Hong and   
                R. N. Mohapatra   Optimal-order approximation by mixed
                                  three-directional spline elements  . . . 127--135
                         Xin Li   Approximation by rational functions in
                                  hardy space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137--143
                     M. Maesumi   Joint spectral radius and Hölder
                                  regularity of wavelets . . . . . . . . . 145--155
            M. R. M. Razali and   
               M. Z. Nashed and   
                 A. H. M. Murid   Numerical conformal mapping via the
                                  Bergman kernel using the generalized
                                  minimum residual method  . . . . . . . . 157--164
                   Xingping Sun   Scattered cardinal Hermite interpolation
                                  by positive definite functions . . . . . 165--169

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 40, Number 2--3, July / August, 2000

                     M. A. Noor   An iterative method for general mixed
                                  variational inequalities . . . . . . . . 171--176
           M. D. Gunzburger and   
                    Jeehyun Lee   A domain decomposition method for
                                  optimization problems for partial
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 177--192
                       Ruyun Ma   Multiplicity of positive solutions for
                                  second-order three-point boundary value
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193--204
             Nan-Jing Huang and   
                 Min-Ru Bai and   
                Yeol Je Cho and   
                  Shin Min Kang   Generalized nonlinear mixed
                                  quasi-variational inequalities . . . . . 205--215
                Wan-Tong Li and   
                  R. P. Agarwal   Interval oscillation criteria for
                                  second-order nonlinear differential
                                  equations with damping . . . . . . . . . 217--230
            Chuan Jen Chyan and   
                   J. Henderson   Multiple solutions for $ 2 m^{\rm
                                  th}$-order Sturm--Liouville boundary
                                  value problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231--237
                R. B. Lenin and   
            P. R. Parthasarathy   A birth-death process suggested by a
                                  chain sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239--247
                   Daqing Jiang   Multiple positive solutions to singular
                                  boundary value problems for superlinear
                                  higher-order ODEs  . . . . . . . . . . . 249--259
                  Zhizhang Shen   The average diameter and its estimation
                                  in nonlinear structures  . . . . . . . . 261--276
                M. Frontini and   
                     L. Gotusso   The vibrating string and rod free to
                                  slide, at both end points, on a vertical
                                  guide  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277--290
                 B. Abdel-Hamid   Exact solutions of some nonlinear
                                  evolution equations using symbolic
                                  computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291--302
               Shih-Tong Tu and   
                Tsu-Chen Wu and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Commutativity of the Leibniz rules in
                                  fractional calculus  . . . . . . . . . . 303--312
                    A. A. Ungar   Hyperbolic trigonometry in the Einstein
                                  relativistic velocity model of
                                  hyperbolic geometry  . . . . . . . . . . 313--332
                     A. Marasco   Lindstedt--Poincaré method and
                                  Mathematica applied to the motion of a
                                  solid with a fixed point . . . . . . . . 333--343
                 I. H. Moon and   
                 R. P. Tewarson   Multi-nephron and multi-vasa recta
                                  models of the inner medullary renal
                                  concentrating mechanism  . . . . . . . . 345--357
                  S. J. Hsu and   
                    M. C. Yuang   A network reduction axion for efficient
                                  computation of terminal-pair reliability 359--372
              A. E. Köhler   Polygonal figures and their form spaces
                                  II. Angle permutations in equilateral
                                  polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373--403
                    J. Terceiro   Comments on ``Kalman-filtering methods
                                  for computing information matrices for
                                  time-invariant, periodic, and generally
                                  time-varying VARMA models and samples''  405--411
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleDesign by
                                  composition for rapid prototyping: By
                                  Michael Binnard. Kluwer Academic,
                                  Boston. (1999). 139 pages. \$105, NLG
                                  245, GBP 73} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414--414
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleFundamental
                                  problems of algorithmic algebra: By Chee
                                  Keng Yap. Oxford University Press, New
                                  York. (2000). 511 pages. \$72}p  . . . . 414--414
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleLogic
                                  programming: Proceedings of the 1999
                                  international conference on logic
                                  programming: Edited by Danny DeSchreye.
                                  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (1999).
                                  622 pages. \$85} . . . . . . . . . . . . 414--414
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleConvex and
                                  starlike mappings in several complex
                                  variables: By Sheng Gong. Science Press,
                                  Beijing; Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht.
                                  (1998). 199 pages. \$89, NLG 165, GBP
                                  56}  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415--415
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleDeterministic
                                  global optimization: Theory, methods and
                                  applications: By Christodoulos A.
                                  Floudas. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht.
                                  (2000). 739 pages. \$315, NLG 595, GBP
                                  196} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415--415
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleDependable
                                  network computing: Edited by Dimiter R.
                                  Avresky. Kluwer Academic, Boston.
                                  (2000). 462 pages. \$165, NLG 385, GBP
                                  114} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415--415
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleOptimizing
                                  windows for games, graphics, and
                                  multimedia: By David L. Farquhar.
                                  O'Reilly, Sebastapol, CA. (2000). 278
                                  pages. \$24.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 415--415
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleAdvanced database
                                  indexing: By Yannis Manolopoulos, Yannis
                                  Theodoridis and Vassilis J. Tsotras.
                                  Kluwer Academic, Boston. (2000). 286
                                  pages. \$132, NLG 310, GBP 91.25}  . . . 416--416
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleMathematics
                                  behind fuzzy logic: By Esko Turunen.
                                  Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg. (1999). 191
                                  pages. \$44, DM 78, {{\"o}S} 570, sFr
                                  71, GBP 30}  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416--416
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleTheory of
                                  language: By Steven E. Weisler and
                                  Slavko Milekic. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2000). 344 pages. \$35
                                  (CD-ROM \$35)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416--416
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleToward a science
                                  of consciousness III: the third Tucson
                                  discussions and debates: Edited by
                                  Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak
                                  and David J. Chalmers. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (1999). 504 pages. \$55}  416--416
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleComplexity and
                                  approximation: Combinatorial
                                  optimization problems and their
                                  approximability properties: By G.
                                  Ausiello, P. Crescenzi, G. Gambosi, V.
                                  Kann, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela and M.
                                  Protasi. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
                                  (1999). 524 pages. \$59.95}  . . . . . . 417--417
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleComplexity: Life
                                  at the edge of chaos: Second edition. By
                                  Roger Lewin. The University of Chicago
                                  Press, Chicago. (1999). 234 pages. \$28,
                                  \pounds 20 (cloth); \$14, \pounds 10
                                  (paper)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417--417
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleDatabase nation:
                                  the death of privacy in the 21-st
                                  century: By Simson Garfinkel. O'Reilly,
                                  Sebastopol, CA. (2000). 312 pages.
                                  \$24.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417--417
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleObject-oriented
                                  technology and computing systems
                                  re-engineering: Edited by H. Zedan and
                                  A. Cau. Horwood Publishing, Chichester.
                                  (2000). 197 pages. \$49.95}  . . . . . . 417--417
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitlePractical use of
                                  MathCAD\reg: Solving mathematical
                                  problems with a computer algebra system:
                                  By Hans Benker, translated by Anthony
                                  Rudd. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. (1999).
                                  505 pages. \$54} . . . . . . . . . . . . 417--417
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleState-space
                                  search: Algorithms, complexity,
                                  extensions, and applications: By
                                  Weixiong Zhang. Springer-Verlag, New
                                  York. (1999). 201 pages. \$49.95}  . . . 417--417
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe beginner's
                                  guide to Mathematica\reg version 4: By
                                  Jerry Glynn and Theodore Gray. Cambridge
                                  University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
                                  (2000). 434 pages. \$74.95 (hardback);
                                  \$29.95 (paperback)  . . . . . . . . . . 418--418
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleExperimentation
                                  in software engineering: an
                                  introduction: By Claes Wohlin, Per
                                  Runeson, Martin Höst, Magnus C. Ohlsson,
                                  Björn Regnell and Anders Wesslén. Kluwer
                                  Academic, Boston. (2000). 204 pages.
                                  \$120, NLG 280, GBP 83}  . . . . . . . . 418--418
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleKnowledge
                                  engineering and management: the
                                  commonKADS methodology: By Guus
                                  Schreiber, Hans Akkermans, Anjo
                                  Anjewierden, Robert de Hoog, Nigel
                                  Shadbolt, Walter Van de Velde, and Bob
                                  Wielinga. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
                                  (2000). 455 pages. \$50} . . . . . . . . 418--418
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleModels for
                                  repeated measurements: Second edition.
                                  By J. K. Lindsey. Oxford University
                                  Press, New York. (1999). 515 pages.
                                  \$75}  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418--418
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleOperating systems
                                  and services: Edited by R. Rajkumar.
                                  Kluwer Academic, Boston. (1999). 197
                                  pages. \$104.95, NLG 215, GBP 68.25} . . 418--418
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitlePython
                                  programming on Win32: By Mark Hammond
                                  and Andy Robinson. O'Reilly, Sebastopol,
                                  CA. (2000). 652 pages. \$34.95}  . . . . 418--418
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleComparing
                                  financial systems: By Franklin Allen and
                                  Douglas Gale. The MIT Press, Cambridge,
                                  MA. (2000). 507 pages. \$55} . . . . . . 419--419
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleEthernet: the
                                  definitive guide: By Charles E.
                                  Spurgeon. O'Reilly, Sebastapol, CA.
                                  (2000). 498 pages. \$44.95}  . . . . . . 419--419
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleInternet core
                                  protocols: the definitive guide: By Eric
                                  A. Hall. O'Reilly, Sebastapol, CA.
                                  (2000). 449 pages. \$39.95 (CD-ROM
                                  included)} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419--419
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleUsing MPI-2:
                                  Advanced features of the message-passing
                                  interface: By William Gropp, Ewing Lusk
                                  and Rajeev Thakur. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (1999). 382 pages. \$35
                                  (each); \$60 (set) . . . . . . . . . . . 419--419
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleUsing MPI:
                                  Portable parallel programming with the
                                  message-passing interface: Second
                                  edition. By William Gropp, Ewing Lusk
                                  and Anthony Skjellum. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (1999). 371 pages. \$35
                                  (each); \$60 (set) . . . . . . . . . . . 419--419
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleWhy do buses come
                                  in threes?: the hidden mathematics of
                                  everyday life: By Rob Eastaway and
                                  Jeremy Wyndham, Illustrations by Barbara
                                  Shore. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
                                  (1998). 156 pages. \$14.95}  . . . . . . 419--419
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleApplied operating
                                  system concepts: First edition. By Avi
                                  Silberschatz, Peter Galvin and Greg
                                  Gagne. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
                                  (2000). 840 pages. \$80.95}  . . . . . . 420--420
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleLEDA: a platform
                                  for combinatorial and geometric
                                  computing: By Kurt Mehlhorn and Stefan
                                  Näher. Cambridge University Press,
                                  Cambridge, U.K. (1999). 1018 pages.
                                  \$80.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420--420
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleMathematica\reg
                                  in action: Second Edition. By Stan
                                  Wagon. Springer-Verlag, New York.
                                  (2000). 592 pages. \$49.95, DM 98,
                                  {\"oS} 716, sFr 89.50, GBP 34 (CD-ROM
                                  included)} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420--420
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleMobile data
                                  management and applications: Edited by
                                  Jin Jing and Anupam Joshi. Kluwer
                                  Academic, Boston. (1999). 118 pages.
                                  \$110, NLG 255, GBP 76}  . . . . . . . . 420--420
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleProgramming the
                                  perl DBI: By Alligator Descartes and Tim
                                  Bunce. O'Reilly, Sebastapol, CA. (2000).
                                  346 pages. \$34.95}  . . . . . . . . . . 420--420
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitlePrinciples of
                                  applied mathematics: Transformation and
                                  approximation: Revised edition. By James
                                  P. Keener. Perseus Books, Cambridge, MA.
                                  (2000). 603 pages. \$60.00}  . . . . . . 420--420

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 40, Number 4--5, August / September, 2000

                      B. Gyires   Solutions of permanental equations
                                  regarding stochastic matrices  . . . . . 421--431
                J. J. Nieto and   
R. Rodríguez-López   Existence and approximation of solutions
                                  for nonlinear functional differential
                                  equations with periodic boundary value
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433--442
              H. Üster and   
                     R. F. Love   The convergence of the Weiszfeld
                                  algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443--451
           A. D. Richardson and   
              J. R. Dormand and   
            M. H. B. M. Shariff   Efficient variable stiffness methods for
                                  cooling of hot-rolled steel sections . . 453--470
            L. Jódar and   
      J. A. Sánchez Cano   Discrete numerical solution of strongly
                                  coupled mixed diffusion problems . . . . 471--489
                  R. Ashino and   
                  M. Nagase and   
                R. Vaillancourt   Behind and beyond the Matlab ODE suite   491--512
              Peiguang Wang and   
                 Jiuli Zhao and   
                      Weigao Ge   Oscillation criteria of nonlinear
                                  hyperbolic equations with functional
                                  arguments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513--521
             J. E. Castillo and   
                     J. S. Otto   Numerical techniques for the
                                  transformation to an orthogonal
                                  coordinate system aligned with a vector
                                  field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523--535
                  P. J. Y. Wong   Triple positive solutions of conjugate
                                  boundary value problems II . . . . . . . 537--557
              M. O. Osilike and   
                  D. I. Igbokwe   Weak and strong convergence theorems for
                                  fixed points of pseudocontractions and
                                  solutions of monotone type operator
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559--567
                     S. Das and   
                     L. Debnath   Study of a static cruciform crack
                                  problem in an orthotropic elastic plane  569--575
                     Rui Xu and   
                    Lansun Chen   Persistence and stability for a
                                  two-species ratio-dependent
                                  predator--prey system with time delay in
                                  a two-patch environment  . . . . . . . . 577--588
               L. Demkowicz and   
                    P. Monk and   
                 Ch. Schwab and   
                 L. Vardapetyan   Maxwell eigenvalues and discrete
                                  compactness in two dimensions  . . . . . 589--605
              Tetz C. Huang and   
              Ji-Cherng Lin and   
                 Hsueh-Jen Chen   A self-stabilizing algorithm which finds
                                  a $2$-center of a tree . . . . . . . . . 607--624
                     K. Bana\'s   Convergence to steady-state solutions
                                  for stabilized finite element
                                  simulations of compressible flows  . . . 625--643
                    V. Sirotkin   Two-level parallel Schwarz methods for
                                  singularly perturbed semilinear elliptic
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645--667
                   Y. Yavin and   
                     P. D. Kemp   The application of extended inverse
                                  dynamics control . . . . . . . . . . . . 669--677

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 40, Number 6--7, September / October, 2000

                   A.-M. Wazwaz   Approximate solutions to boundary value
                                  problems of higher order by the modified
                                  decomposition method . . . . . . . . . . 679--691
                  Jin Liang and   
                    Ti-Jun Xiao   The Cauchy problem for nonlinear
                                  abstract functional differential
                                  equations with infinite delay  . . . . . 693--703
                 Z. C. Wang and   
                    R. Y. Zhang   Nonexistence of eventually positive
                                  solutions of a difference inequality
                                  with multiple and variable delays and
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705--712
               Jianhua Shen and   
                     Zhiguo Luo   Some oscillation criteria for difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713--719
              Cheng-Feng Hu and   
                Shu-Cherng Fang   Solving a system of infinitely many
                                  fuzzy inequalities with piecewise linear
                                  membership functions . . . . . . . . . . 721--733
                      Jichun Li   Convergence analysis of finite element
                                  methods for singularly perturbed
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735--745
                   Peixuan Weng   Existence and global stability of
                                  positive periodic solution of periodic
                                  integrodifferential systems with
                                  feedback controls  . . . . . . . . . . . 747--759
                    Fu-Rong Lin   Notes on wavelet-like basis matrices . . 761--769
              Weinian Zhang and   
               Xiaorong Hou and   
                  Zhenbing Zeng   Weak centers and bifurcation of critical
                                  periods in reversible cubic systems  . . 771--782
            Chen-Huang Hong and   
              Cheh-Chih Yeh and   
              Chung-Fen Lee and   
                 Fu-Hsiang Wong   Existence of positive solutions for
                                  functional differential equations  . . . 783--792
              Jiann-Der Lee and   
                   Yu-Lin Hsiao   Extraction of tumor region in color
                                  images using wavelets  . . . . . . . . . 793--803
               D. Marinescu and   
                    A. Espesset   Tests of a simulation method for a
                                  system of Boltzmann equations  . . . . . 805--812
                 A. A. Dorfmann   Scattering of water waves by a submerged
                                  torus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813--833
                Hongxing Li and   
         C. L. Phillip Chen and   
             Vincent C. Yen and   
                      E. S. Lee   Factor spaces theory and its
                                  applications to fuzzy information
                                  processing: Two kinds of factor space
                                  canes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835--843
                Hongxing Li and   
          C. L. Philip Chen and   
                      E. S. Lee   Factor space theory and fuzzy
                                  information processing --- fuzzy
                                  decision making based on the concepts of
                                  feedback extension . . . . . . . . . . . 845--864
           A. Avudainayagam and   
                        C. Vani   A domain decomposition method for
                                  biharmonic equation  . . . . . . . . . . 865--876
             Hsiao-Fan Wang and   
                Ruey-Chyn Tsaur   Bicriteria variable selection in a fuzzy
                                  regression equation  . . . . . . . . . . 877--883
               Steen J. Hsu and   
                 Yu G. Chen and   
                 Maria C. Yuang   Terminal-pair reliability in ATM virtual
                                  path networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885--894

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 40, Number 8--9, October / November, 2000

              M. A. Kovacevi\'c   Construction of generalized Gauss--Turán
                                  quadrature rules for systems of
                                  arbitrary functions  . . . . . . . . . . 895--909
                 Y. K. Choi and   
                    K. S. Hwang   How big are the lag increments of a
                                  Gaussian process?  . . . . . . . . . . . 911--919
               Xiao-Liang Cheng   A discontinuous quadratic finite element
                                  method for one-dimensional diffusion
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 921--925
               Shengli Wang and   
                   Hai Yang and   
                   Bingsheng He   Solving a class of asymmetric
                                  variational inequalities by a new
                                  alternating direction method . . . . . . 927--937
                   C. Coles and   
                    D. A. Murio   Identification of parameters in the
                                  $2$-D IHCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 939--956
                      Qiao Wang   The shiftability of some wavelet bases   957--964
           V. D. Borisevich and   
             V. G. Potemkin and   
                     H. G. Wood   A new approach for finding all zeros for
                                  systems of nonlinear functions . . . . . 965--970
                  B. Llanas and   
    M. Fernandez de Sevilla and   
                       V. Feliu   An iterative algorithm for finding a
                                  nearest pair of points in two convex
                                  subsets of $ R^n $ . . . . . . . . . . . 971--983
              Chung-Fen Lee and   
             Wei-Cheng Lian and   
             Fu-Hsiang Wong and   
                  Cheh-Chih Yeh   Uniqueness of positive solutions for
                                  generalized Laplacian boundary value
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985--993
             J. Baasansuren and   
                     A. A. Khan   Regularized auxiliary problem principle
                                  for variational inequalities . . . . . . 995--1002
                     C. S. Ryoo   Numerical verification of solutions for
                                  a simplified Signorini problem . . . . . 1003--1013
           V. D. Borisevich and   
             V. G. Potemkin and   
             S. P. Strunkov and   
                     H. G. Wood   Global methods for solving systems of
                                  nonlinear algebraic equations  . . . . . 1015--1025
                       W. Gille   Analysis of the chord length
                                  distribution of the right circular cone
                                  for small chord lengths  . . . . . . . . 1027--1035
                 R. Barakat and   
                  B. H. Sandler   Filon trapezoidal schemes for Hankel
                                  transforms of orders zero and one  . . . 1037--1041
                  A. M. Hay and   
               J. A. Snyman and   
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Group (MDOG)   The determination of nonconvex
                                  workspaces of generally constrained
                                  planar Stewart platforms . . . . . . . . 1043--1060
                  M.-Y. Kim and   
                 E.-J. Park and   
                        J. Park   Mixed finite element domain
                                  decomposition for nonlinear parabolic
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1061--1070
                W. B. Muniz and   
                F. M. Ramos and   
          H. F. de Campos Velho   Entropy- and Tikhonov-based
                                  regularization techniques applied to the
                                  backwards heat equation  . . . . . . . . 1071--1084
                   J. A. Snyman   The LFOPC leap-frog algorithm for
                                  constrained optimization . . . . . . . . 1085--1096
                        Xian Wu   New existence theorems for maximal
                                  elements in noncompact $H$-spaces with
                                  applications to equilibrium of games . . 1097--1106
                Yi-Tian Gao and   
                        Bo Tian   Computer algebra, Painlevé analysis and
                                  the time-dependent-coefficient nonlinear
                                  Schrödinger equation  . . . . . . . . . . 1107--1108
                 Ervin Y. Rodin   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1109--1116

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 40, Number 10--11, November / December, 2000

             Y. Chalco-Cano and   
          M. A. Rojas-Medar and   
         H. Román-Flores   $M$-convex fuzzy mappings and fuzzy
                                  integral mean  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1117--1126
             Nan Jing Huang and   
                  Y. J. Cho and   
                  B. S. Lee and   
                     J. S. Jung   Convergence of iterative processes with
                                  errors for set-valued pseudocontractive
                                  and accretive type mappings in Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1127--1139
                   Meng Fan and   
                        Ke Wang   Global periodic solutions of a
                                  generalized $n$-species Gilpin--Ayala
                                  competition model  . . . . . . . . . . . 1141--1151
                   Don Hong and   
                       Ai-Di Wu   Orthogonal multiwavelets of multiplicity
                                  four . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1153--1169
                  Qingde Li and   
                J. G. Griffiths   Iterative closest geometric objects
                                  registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1171--1188
        E. I. Milovanovi\'c and   
            M. K. Stoj\vcev and   
          N. M. Novakovi\'c and   
      I. \vZ. Milovanovi\'c and   
                  T. I. Toki\'c   Matrix--vector multiplication on a
                                  fixed-size linear systolic array . . . . 1189--1203
                  H. J. Kim and   
                      Y. J. Ahn   Good degree reduction of Bézier curves
                                  using Jacobi polynomials . . . . . . . . 1205--1215
                    S. Carl and   
               S. Heikkilä   Extremality results for first-order
                                  discontinuous functional differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1217--1232
           B. Krishna Kumar and   
               D. Arivudainambi   Transient solution of an M/M/1 queue
                                  with catastrophes  . . . . . . . . . . . 1233--1240
                   Dong-Xiu Xie   Least-squares solution for inverse
                                  eigenpair problem of nonnegative
                                  definite matrices  . . . . . . . . . . . 1241--1251
               S. Engelberg and   
                      M. Wexler   The operation of the phase-lock loop . . 1253--1261
                       Y. Yavin   Control of a three-link manipulator with
                                  a constraint on the velocity of its
                                  end-effector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1263--1273
                   E. Bribiesca   A measure of compactness for $3$D shapes 1275--1284
            Ping-Teng Chang and   
                      E. S. Lee   A multisolution method for cell
                                  formation --- exploring practical
                                  alternatives in group technology
                                  manufacturing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1285--1296
           Chih-Hsiung Wang and   
                 Shey-Heui Sheu   Fast approach to the optimal
                                  production/PM policy . . . . . . . . . . 1297--1314
                 T. Kämpke   Optimal and near optimal quantization of
                                  integrable functions . . . . . . . . . . 1315--1347

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 40, Number 12, December, 2000

                      Anonymous   List of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . III--IX
                      Anonymous   Author index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X--XI
                      S. K. Dey   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiii
                      S. K. Dey   Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv--xv
              O. P. Bhutani and   
               L. Roy-Chowdhury   Applications of some recent techniques
                                  for the exact solutions of the small
                                  disturbance potential flow equation of
                                  nonequilibrium transonic gas dynamics    1349--1361
              A. S. Ilinski and   
             A. B. Samokhin and   
                 U. U. Kapustin   Mathematical modelling of $2$D
                                  electromagnetic scattering . . . . . . . 1363--1373
           S. R. K. Iyengar and   
               G. Jayaraman and   
             V. Balasubramanian   Variable mesh difference schemes for
                                  solving a nonlinear Schrödinger equation
                                  with a linear damping term . . . . . . . 1375--1385
           A. G. Sveshnikov and   
           A. N. Bogolyubov and   
             A. L. Delitsyn and   
         A. V. Krasilnikova and   
                   D. V. Minaev   Calculation of dielectric waveguide
                                  systems using finite-difference method   1387--1395
                D. Bhardwaj and   
                     R. Shankar   A computational method for regularized
                                  long wave equation . . . . . . . . . . . 1397--1404
                 A. V. Razgulin   Finite-dimensional dynamics of
                                  distributed optical systems with delayed
                                  feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1405--1418
             N. K. Mariamma and   
                    S. N. Majhi   Flow of a Newtonian fluid in a blood
                                  vessel with permeable wall --- a
                                  theoretical model  . . . . . . . . . . . 1419--1432
         P. V. S. N. Murthy and   
                       P. Singh   Thermal dispersion effects on non-Darcy
                                  convection over a cone . . . . . . . . . 1433--1444

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 41, Number 1--2, January, 2001

                    A. M. Niell   The simultaneous approximation of
                                  polynomial roots . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--14
               Shenghe Zhan and   
                   C. Coles and   
                    D. A. Murio   Automatic numerical solution of
                                  generalized $2$-D IHCP by discrete
                                  mollification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15--38
                Fuhua Cheng and   
                 Xuefu Wang and   
                   B. A. Barsky   Quadratic B-spline curve interpolation   39--50
              Chin-Sung Liu and   
               Ching-Huan Tseng   Space-decomposition multiplier method
                                  for constrained minimization problems    51--62
                   A. Ziadi and   
              Y. Cherruault and   
                        G. Mora   Global optimization: a new variant of
                                  the Alienor method . . . . . . . . . . . 63--71
                     Yu-Ru Syau   Differentiability and convexity of fuzzy
                                  mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73--81
                   L. Mieussens   Convergence of a discrete-velocity model
                                  for the Boltzmann--BGK equation  . . . . 83--96
              Tze-Jang Chen and   
             Jenn-Tsann Lin and   
                    C. H. Cooke   The range of the iterated matrix adjoint
                                  operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97--102
                     Min-Ru Bai   Perturbed iterative process for fixed
                                  points of multivalued $ \phi
                                  $-hemicontractive mappings in Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--109
                  R. Ashino and   
                    C. Heil and   
                  M. Nagase and   
                R. Vaillancourt   Microlocal filtering with multiwavelets  111--133
                    A. A. Ungar   Hyperbolic trigonometry and its
                                  application in the Poincaré ball model of
                                  hyperbolic geometry  . . . . . . . . . . 135--147
              B. B. Jaimini and   
             N. Shrivastava and   
               H. M. Srivastava   The integral analogue of the Leibniz
                                  rule for fractional calculus and its
                                  applications involving functions of
                                  several variables  . . . . . . . . . . . 149--155
               W. Castaings and   
                    I. M. Navon   Mesh refinement strategies for solving
                                  singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--176
        L. Rodríguez and   
                   H. Ogata and   
                        Y. Yano   A temporal versioned object-oriented
                                  data schema model  . . . . . . . . . . . 177--192
                E. Y. K. Ng and   
                W. L. Siauw and   
                     H. M. Tsai   Nonlinear solution adaptive structured
                                  grids via heat-conduction analogies  . . 193--213
                   Da-Wei Chang   The parallel multisplitting TOR (MTOR)
                                  method for linear systems  . . . . . . . 215--227
                      Zi-Cai Li   High convergence rates of digital image
                                  transformation by numerical integration
                                  using spline functions . . . . . . . . . 229--255
                S. Brassier and   
                     G. Gallice   A Roe scheme for the bi-temperature
                                  model of magnetohydrodynamics  . . . . . 257--267
                      Anonymous   Editorial board  . . . . . . . . . . . . FM3--FM5

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 41, Number 3--4, February, 2001

                    B. Chen and   
     R. Garcia Bolós and   
                L. Jódar   Frobenius--Chebyshev polynomial
                                  approximations with a priori error
                                  bounds for nonlinear initial value
                                  differential problems  . . . . . . . . . 269--280
              K. K. Nambiar and   
                     V. Kannoth   Generic dependencies and database design 281--288
                     Min Ho Lee   The stability of spiral flow between
                                  coaxial cylinders  . . . . . . . . . . . 289--300
                D. C. Zhang and   
                     B. Shi and   
                      M. J. Gai   A rational recursive sequence  . . . . . 301--306
               A. S. Deakin and   
                   H. Rasmussen   Nonreflecting boundary condition for the
                                  Helmholtz equation . . . . . . . . . . . 307--318
                  F. Raciti and   
                   E. Venturino   Eigenfrequency determination for
                                  arbitrary cross-section waveguides . . . 319--326
                    P. Kolm and   
                     V. Rokhlin   Numerical quadratures for singular and
                                  hypersingular integrals  . . . . . . . . 327--352
                    O. Rojo and   
                    R. Soto and   
                J. Egaña   A note on the construction of a positive
                                  oscillatory matrix with a prescribed
                                  spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353--361
                Ai-Guo Xiao and   
                     Yi-Fa Tang   Regularity properties of one-leg methods
                                  for delay differential equations . . . . 363--372
                      S. C. Jun   A note on fractional differences based
                                  on a linear combination between forward
                                  and backward differences . . . . . . . . 373--378
                      Zi-Cai Li   Superconvergence of coupling techniques
                                  in combined methods for elliptic
                                  equations with singularities . . . . . . 379--398
                J. M. Rappoport   Canonical vector polynomials for the
                                  computation of complex order Bessel
                                  functions with the tau method  . . . . . 399--406
                       W. Quapp   Searching minima of an $N$-dimensional
                                  surface: a robust valley following
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407--414
                Dongmei Zhu and   
                   Shaozhu Chen   Exponential growth and oscillation of
                                  nonlinear homogeneous difference
                                  equations with periodic coefficients . . 415--422
                     S. Lugojan   $ (\alpha, A) $-Manifolds  . . . . . . . 423--431
         M. A. Hernández   Chebyshev's approximation algorithms and
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433--445
            L. Jódar and   
            J. Pérez and   
               R. J. Villanueva   Analytic and numerical solution of
                                  coupled implicit semi-infinite diffusion
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447--459
                Hanlin Chen and   
               Qiuhui Sheng and   
                 Shaoliang Xiao   Accuracy conditions of multivariate
                                  refinable vector in frequency domain . . 461--481
                      Luoluo Li   Lower bounds for the smallest singular
                                  value  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483--487
                 Xinyuan Wu and   
                   Dongsheng Fu   New high-order convergence iteration
                                  methods without employing derivatives
                                  for solving nonlinear equations  . . . . 489--495
                  Ping Ding Xie   Abstract convexity and generalizations
                                  of Himmelberg type fixed-point theorems  497--504
                    R. U. Verma   A new class of iterative algorithms for
                                  approximation-solvability of nonlinear
                                  variational inequalities . . . . . . . . 505--512
                     A. Pal and   
                     R. K. Bera   Large amplitude free vibration of
                                  sandwich parabolic plates --- revisited  513--522
                       H. Hohjo   A competitive inventory model with the
                                  customer's general choice probability    523--530
                   J. Weisz and   
               R. Bodnár   A refined ``angle between normals''
                                  criterion for scattered data
                                  interpolation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531--534
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe impact of
                                  international trade on wages: Edited by
                                  Robert C. Feenstra. University of
                                  Chicago Press, Chicago. (2000). 406
                                  pages. \$62.00, \pounds 39.50} . . . . . 535--536
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleComputer
                                  architecture: Complexity and
                                  correctness: By Silvia M. Mueller and
                                  Wolfgang J. Paul. Springer, Berlin.
                                  (2000). 553 pages. \$54.95, DM 98.00,
                                  {{\"o}S} 716.00, sFr 89.50, GBP 34.00}   536--536
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleIssues in the
                                  economics of immigration: Edited by
                                  George J. Borjas. University of Chicago
                                  Press, Chicago. (2000). 399 pages.
                                  \$55.00, \pounds 38.50}  . . . . . . . . 536--536
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleMergers and
                                  productivity: Edited by Steven N.
                                  Kaplan. University of Chicago Press,
                                  Chicago. (2000). 337 pages. \$40.00,
                                  \pounds 28.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536--536
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleNatural language
                                  processing and knowledge representation:
                                  Language for knowledge and knowledge for
                                  language: Edited by Lucja M. Iwa\'nska
                                  and Stuart C. Shapiro. AAAI Press/The
                                  MIT Press, Menlo Park, CA. (2000). 459
                                  pages. \$40.00}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 536--537
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe first
                                  computers --- History and architectures:
                                  Edited by Raúl Rojas and Ulf Hashagen.
                                  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2000).
                                  457 pages. \$39.95}  . . . . . . . . . . 537--537
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleGeometry
                                  civilized: History, culture, and
                                  technique: By J. L. Heilbron. Clarendon
                                  Press, Oxford. (2000). 309 pages.
                                  \$35.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537--537
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleRobo sapiens:
                                  Evolution of a new species: By Peter
                                  Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio. The MIT
                                  Press, Cambridge, MA. (2000). 239 pages.
                                  \$29.95, \pounds 19.95}  . . . . . . . . 537--537
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleSymbolicC++: an
                                  introduction to computer algebra using
                                  object-oriented programming, 2nd
                                  extended and revised edition: By Tan
                                  Kiat Shi, Willi-Hans Steeb and Yorick
                                  Hardy. Springer, London. (2000). 671
                                  pages. \$62.00, DM 110.00, {{\"o}S}
                                  803.00, sFr 100.50, GBP 35.00} . . . . . 537--537
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleBuilding Linux
                                  clusters: By David Hm Spector. O'Reilly,
                                  Sebastopol, CA. (2000). 332 pages.
                                  \$44.95 (CD-ROM included)} . . . . . . . 538--538
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleCombinatorial
                                  optimization: Theory and algorithms: By
                                  Bernhard Korte and Jens Vygen. Springer,
                                  Berlin. (2000). 530 pages. \$45.00, DM
                                  79.00, {{\"o}S} 577.00, sFr 72.00, GBP
                                  27.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538--538
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleFrom Kant to
                                  Hilbert: a source book in the
                                  foundations of mathematics, Volumes I
                                  and II: By William Ewald. Clarendon
                                  Press, Oxford. (1999). 1340 pages (in 2
                                  volumes). \$85.00} . . . . . . . . . . . 538--538
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitlePerl for system
                                  administration: By David N.
                                  Blank-Edelman. O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA.
                                  (2000). 430 pages. \$34.95}  . . . . . . 538--538
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleSystems, experts,
                                  and computers: the systems approach in
                                  management and engineering, World War II
                                  and after: Edited by Agatha C. Hughes
                                  and Thomas P. Hughes. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2000). 513 pages.
                                  \$50.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538--538
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleAdvances in
                                  neural information processing systems
                                  12: Proceedings of the 1999 conference:
                                  Edited by Sara A. Solla, Todd K. Leen
                                  and Klaus-Robert Müller. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2000). 1080 pages.
                                  \$65.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539--541
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleDesigning and
                                  programming CICS applications: By John
                                  Horswill and Members of the CICS
                                  Development Team at IBM Hursley.
                                  O'Reilly, Sebastapol, CA. (2000). 398
                                  pages. \$44.95 (CD-ROM included)}  . . . 541--541
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleJava programming:
                                  From the beginning: By K. N. King. W. W.
                                  Norton, New York. (2000). 788 pages.
                                  \$52.50} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541--541
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleVisual basic
                                  shell programming: By J. P. Hamilton.
                                  O'Reilly, Sebastapol, CA. (2000). 373
                                  pages. \$29.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 541--541
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleComputer-aided
                                  reasoning: ACL2 case studies: Edited by
                                  Matt Kaufmann, Panagiotis Manolios and
                                  $J$ Strother Moore. Kluwer Academic,
                                  Boston. (2000). 337 pages. \$140.00, NLG
                                  355.00, GBP 98.00} . . . . . . . . . . . 541--542
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleAdvanced
                                  debugging methods: By Raimondas
                                  Lencevicius. Kluwer Academic, Boston.
                                  (2000). 183 pages. \$110.00, NLG 280.00,
                                  GBP 75.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542--542
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleCVS: Pocket
                                  reference: By Gregor N. Purdy. O'Reilly,
                                  Sebastapol, CA. (2000). 75 pages.
                                  \$9.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542--542
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleHeterogeneous
                                  agent systems: By V. S. Subrahmanian,
                                  Piero Bonatti, Jürgen Dix, Thomas Eiter,
                                  Sarit Kraus, Fatma Özcan, and Robert
                                  Ross. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
                                  (2000). 580 pages. \$60.00}  . . . . . . 542--542
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleReasoning about
                                  rational agents: By Michael Wooldridge.
                                  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2000).
                                  227 pages. \$35.00}  . . . . . . . . . . 542--542
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleScience &
                                  technology encyclopedia: the University
                                  of Chicago Press, Chicago. (1999). 572
                                  pages. \$22.50}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 542--542
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleWomen becoming
                                  mathematicians: Creating a professional
                                  identity in post-World War II America:
                                  By Margaret A. M. Murray. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2000). 277 pages.
                                  \$29.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542--542

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 41, Number 5--6, March, 2001

               H. Matsunaga and   
                    T. Hara and   
                      S. Sakata   Global attractivity for a nonlinear
                                  difference equation with variable delay  543--551
                 Zhiguo Luo and   
                   Jianhua Shen   New results for oscillation of delay
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 553--561
                   Daqing Jiang   Upper and lower solutions for a
                                  superlinear singular boundary value
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563--569
                  Yong Zhou and   
                    B. G. Zhang   An estimate of numbers of terms of
                                  semicycles of delay difference equations 571--578
                 S. M. El-Sayed   Two iteration processes for computing
                                  positive definite solutions of the
                                  equation $ X - A^* X^{-n} A = Q $  . . . 579--588
                      Hui Zhang   Global existence and asymptotic
                                  behaviour of the solution of a
                                  generalized burger's equation with
                                  viscosity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589--596
                      Dajun Guo   Existence of solutions for $ n^{\rm
                                  th}$-order integro-differential
                                  equations in Banach spaces . . . . . . . 597--606
                  A. Cabada and   
               S. Heikkilä   Uniqueness, comparison, and existence
                                  results for third-order initial boundary
                                  value problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607--618
                  K. K. Nambiar   Visualization of intuitive set theory    619--626
            Chengming Huang and   
              Guangnan Chen and   
                  Shoufu Li and   
                    Hongyuan Fu   $D$-convergence of general linear
                                  methods for stiff delay differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627--639
                Yuchuan Wei and   
               Guangwen Yan and   
               Qishan Zhang and   
                        Kai Yao   Dirichlet inversion and lattice
                                  inversion problem  . . . . . . . . . . . 641--645
              Y.-S. Smyrlis and   
            A. Karageorghis and   
                    G. Georgiou   Some aspects of the one-dimensional
                                  version of the method of fundamental
                                  solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647--657
              Zhenguo Zhang and   
                        Bi Ping   Linear oscillation of second-order
                                  nonlinear difference equations with
                                  damped term  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659--667
                M. Kobeissi and   
                     M. Mollard   A counter-example to a lemma about
                                  embedding starlike trees into hypercube  669--670
       M. R. S. Kulenovi\'c and   
                   G. Ladas and   
                   N. R. Prokup   A rational difference equation . . . . . 671--678
                      R. Medina   Asymptotic behavior of Volterra
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 679--687
            L. Jódar and   
                J. Pérez   Exact solution of mixed problems for
                                  variable coefficient one-dimensional
                                  diffusion equation . . . . . . . . . . . 689--696
                 V. N. Dorovsky   One nonlinear differential equation and
                                  operation of hydraulic dissipative
                                  pendulum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697--702
                T. Namekata and   
              T. S. H. Driessen   Bargaining property of nucleolus and $
                                  \tau $-value in a class of TU-games  . . 703--721
                 Hua-Zhong Tang   Gas-kinetic schemes for compressible
                                  flow of real gases . . . . . . . . . . . 723--734
                 J. T. Oden and   
                   S. Prudhomme   Goal-oriented error estimation and
                                  adaptivity for the finite element method 735--756
                F. Balibrea and   
                 J. C. Valverde   Structural stability under conditions of
                                  nonhyperbolicity . . . . . . . . . . . . 757--768
                M. N. O. Ikhile   Coefficients for studying one-step
                                  rational schemes for IVPs in ODEs: $I$   769--781
                J. C. Misra and   
                    S. K. Ghosh   A mathematical model for the study of
                                  interstitial fluid movement vis-a-vis
                                  the non-Newtonian behaviour of blood in
                                  a constricted artery . . . . . . . . . . 783--811

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 41, Number 7--8, April, 2001

                  Zhongxiao Jia   Residuals of refined projection methods
                                  for large matrix eigenproblems . . . . . 813--820
                       S. Baran   A new consistent estimator for linear
                                  errors-in-variables models . . . . . . . 821--833
              W. Mydlarczyk and   
                W. Okrasi\'nski   Positive solutions to a nonlinear
                                  Abel-type integral equation on the whole
                                  line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835--842
                Lj. Dedi\'c and   
                 M. Mati\'c and   
                   J. Pecari\'c   Some inequalities of Euler--Grüss type    843--856
                      C. V. Pao   Numerical methods for nonlinear
                                  integro-parabolic equations of Fredholm
                                  type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857--877
                     M. I. Syam   The resultants method for approximating
                                  real fixed points of polynomials . . . . 879--891
                   S. N. Ha and   
                  S. W. Roh and   
                        J. Park   Numerical study of an optimal control
                                  problem for a catalytic converter
                                  function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893--902
                 Xinzhi Liu and   
                   G. Ballinger   Uniform asymptotic stability of
                                  impulsive delay differential equations   903--915
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                     D. O'Regan   Fixed-point theory for set valued
                                  mappings between topological vector
                                  spaces having sufficiently many linear
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917--928
                 A. Navarra and   
                P. L. Odell and   
                    D. M. Young   A representation of the general common
                                  solution to the matrix equations $ A_1 X
                                  B_1 = C_1 $ and $ A_2 X B_2 = C_2 $ with
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 929--935
                 Nan-Jing Huang   A new class of generalized set-valued
                                  implicit variational inclusions in
                                  Banach spaces with an application  . . . 937--943
                 Yu-Fu Chen and   
                  Xiao-Shan Gao   Involutive directions and new involutive
                                  divisions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 945--956
                G. Peterson and   
                    J. Reif and   
                       S. Azhar   Lower bounds for multiplayer
                                  noncooperative games of incomplete
                                  information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 957--992
            M. Boulbrachene and   
                      M. Haiour   The finite element approximation of
                                  Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman equations  . . 993--1007
   S. González-Pinto and   
S. Pérez-Rodríguez and   
                J. I. Montijano   Implementation of high-order implicit
                                  Runge--Kutta methods . . . . . . . . . . 1009--1024
                    R. U. Verma   Projection methods, algorithms, and a
                                  new system of nonlinear variational
                                  inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1025--1031
                   S. Kundu and   
                   V. A. Ubhaya   Fitting a least squares piecewise linear
                                  continuous curve in two dimensions . . . 1033--1041
                    R. L. Hardy   Hardy's multiquadric-biharmonic method
                                  for gravity field predictions II . . . . 1043--1048
                        R. Chen   Optimal location of a single facility
                                  with circular demand areas . . . . . . . 1049--1061
                     G. Jumarie   Randomization of transfer functions in
                                  control systems via computer vision with
                                  pixel noises of order $n$  . . . . . . . 1063--1076
                      Anonymous   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077--1084

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 41, Number 9, May, 2001

              Marilena Barnabei   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv--xiv
                   B. D. Taylor   Umbral presentations for polynomial
                                  sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1085--1098
                     L. Ferrari   An umbral calculus over infinite
                                  coefficient fields of positive
                                  characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1099--1108
                  D. Senato and   
                     A. Venezia   A set-theoretic interpretation of the
                                  umbral calculus  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1109--1124
                    M. Barnabei   Polynomial sequences of integral type
                                  and recursive matrices . . . . . . . . . 1125--1141
         D. Przeworska-Rolewicz   Postmodern logarithmo-technia  . . . . . 1143--1154
                H. Niederhausen   Generalized Sheffer sequences satisfying
                                  piecewise functional conditions  . . . . 1155--1171
             Ph. Feinsilver and   
                       U. Franz   The affine group and generalized
                                  Gegenbauer polynomials . . . . . . . . . 1173--1182
               S. Bacchelli and   
                     D. Lazzaro   Some practical applications of block
                                  recursive matrices . . . . . . . . . . . 1183--1198
         William Y. C. Chen and   
            H. W. Galbraith and   
                    J. D. Louck   Angular momentum theory, umbral
                                  calculus, and combinatorics  . . . . . . 1199--1214

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 41, Number 10--11, May / June, 2001

                Ti-Jun Xiao and   
                      Jin Liang   Multiplicative perturbations of
                                  $C$-regularized semigroups . . . . . . . 1215--1221
            K. Balachandran and   
             S. Marshal Anthoni   Controllability of second-order
                                  semilinear neutral functional
                                  differential systems in Banach spaces    1223--1235
                   A. M. Wazwaz   A reliable algorithm for obtaining
                                  positive solutions for nonlinear
                                  boundary value problems  . . . . . . . . 1237--1244
                 S. Walczak and   
               U. Ledzewicz and   
              H. Schättler   Stability of elliptic optimal control
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1245--1256
          F. Blanchet-Sadri and   
                      C. Morgan   Multiset and set decipherable codes  . . 1257--1262
                  A. Safjan and   
                      M. Newman   The Ill-conditioning of infinite element
                                  stiffness matrices . . . . . . . . . . . 1263--1291
                     J. P. Boyd   Rational Chebyshev spectral methods for
                                  unbounded solutions on an infinite
                                  interval using polynomial-growth special
                                  basis functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1293--1315
                 S. M. Karbassi   An algorithm for minimizing the norm of
                                  state feedback controllers in eigenvalue
                                  assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1317--1326
               Quanling Wei and   
                       Hong Yan   A method of transferring polyhedron
                                  between the intersection-form and the
                                  sum-form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1327--1342
                 N. Bellomo and   
              E. De Angelis and   
                L. Graziano and   
                      A. Romano   Solution of nonlinear problems in
                                  applied sciences by generalized
                                  collocation methods and mathematica  . . 1343--1363
                      R. Barrio   Stability of parallel algorithms to
                                  evaluate Chebyshev series  . . . . . . . 1365--1377
              Ming-Jong Yao and   
               S. E. Elmaghraby   The economic lot scheduling problem
                                  under power-of-two policy  . . . . . . . 1379--1393
                  M. K. Mak and   
                 H. W. Chan and   
                       T. Harko   Solutions generating technique for
                                  Abel-type nonlinear ordinary
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1395--1401
                 R. Baghaie and   
                    V. Dimitrov   Systolic implementation of real-valued
                                  discrete transforms via algebraic
                                  integer quantization . . . . . . . . . . 1403--1416
             M. T. Abuelma'atti   A new method for Fourier analysis of
                                  discontinuous and peaky periodic
                                  waveforms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1417--1423
                E.-S. Osman and   
                     S. Z. Rida   Multisoliton solution of a class of
                                  coupled soliton equations  . . . . . . . 1425--1430
                   S. Turek and   
                 Ch. Becker and   
                       A. Runge   The FEAST indices-realistic evaluation
                                  of modern software components and
                                  processor technologies . . . . . . . . . 1431--1464
               Hengshen Yao and   
                 Zhiping Li and   
              Jianjun Zhang and   
                   Hongjiang Ge   Application of random theory in
                                  determining the optimum producing well
                                  numbers for oil and gas reservoirs . . . 1465--1471

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 41, Number 12, June, 2001

                      Anonymous   List of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--x
                      Anonymous   Author index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi--xii
                  R. J. Chapman   Regarding ``Powersums representing
                                  residues mod $ p^k $, from Fermat to
                                  Waring'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1473--1474
                    N. Benschop   Reply to Dr. Robin Chapman's critique    1475--1476
    A. J. V. Brandão and   
          M. A. Rojas-Medar and   
                    G. N. Silva   Nonsmooth continuous-time optimization
                                  problems: necessary conditions . . . . . 1477--1486
              Zhenguo Zhang and   
              Jianfeng Chen and   
                  Caishun Zhang   Oscillation of solutions for
                                  second-order nonlinear difference
                                  equations with nonlinear neutral term    1487--1494
              Sung Kyu Choi and   
                Nam Jip Koo and   
                  Binggen Zhang   The oscillation of partial difference
                                  equations with continuous arguments  . . 1495--1503
                  Yongmin Zhang   Multilevel projection algorithm for
                                  solving obstacle problems  . . . . . . . 1505--1513
                   D. Greenspan   Electron attraction and the chemical
                                  bond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1515--1520
             J. V. Manojlovi\'c   Integral averages and oscillation of
                                  second-order nonlinear differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1521--1534
                 J. Bana\'s and   
                 K. Sadarangani   Solvability of Volterra--Stieltjes
                                  operator-integral equations and their
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1535--1544
                  M. Ganesh and   
                    D. J. Worth   A discrete Galerkin method for a
                                  catalytic combustion model . . . . . . . 1545--1557
                      V. Y. Pan   A new proximity test for polynomial
                                  zeros  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1559--1560
                 C. Frangos and   
                       Y. Yavin   Control of a three-link manipulator with
                                  inequality constraints on the
                                  trajectories of its joints . . . . . . . 1561--1574
              Yuh-Min Tseng and   
                    Jinn-Ke Jan   Cryptanalysis of Liaw's broadcasting
                                  Cryptosystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1575--1578
                 F. Cali\`o and   
                   E. Marchetti   An algorithm based on Q.I. modified
                                  splines for singular integral models . . 1579--1588
           Liang-Hsuan Chen and   
                     Hai-Wen Lu   An approximate approach for ranking
                                  fuzzy numbers based on left and right
                                  dominance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1589--1602

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 42, Number 1--2, July, 2001

                L. E. Garey and   
                     R. E. Shaw   A parallel method for linear equations
                                  with tridiagonal Toeplitz coefficient
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--11
                        Xian Wu   Equilibria of lower semicontinuous games 13--22
           J. P. N. Bishwal and   
                        A. Bose   Rates of convergence of approximate
                                  maximum likelihood estimators in the
                                  Ornstein--Uhlenbeck process  . . . . . . 23--38
                   Daoyi Xu and   
              Hongyong Zhao and   
                       Hong Zhu   Global dynamics of Hopfield neural
                                  networks involving variable delays . . . 39--45
          G. A. Anastassiou and   
                      S. G. Gal   Partial shape preserving approximations
                                  by bivariate Shepard operators . . . . . 47--56
          G. A. Anastassiou and   
                      S. G. Gal   Partial shape preserving approximation
                                  by bivariate Hermite--Fejér polynomials   57--64
                     A. A. Khan   A regularization approach for
                                  variational inequalities . . . . . . . . 65--74
                P. K. Palamides   Positive solutions for higher-order
                                  Lidstone boundary value problems. A new
                                  approach via Sperner's Lemma . . . . . . 75--89
                    N. P. Smart   A comparison of different finite fields
                                  for elliptic curve cryptosystems . . . . 91--100
                  You-Xian Tian   Generalized nonlinear implicit
                                  quasi-variational inclusions with fuzzy
                                  mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101--108
               Xiao-Liang Cheng   Improvement of some Ostrowski-Grüss type
                                  inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109--114
                Xin-Yuan Wu and   
               Jian-Lin Xia and   
                      Rong Shao   Quadratically convergent multiple roots
                                  finding method without derivatives . . . 115--119
              T. J. Abdulla and   
                 J. R. Cash and   
              M. T. Diamantakis   An MEBDF package for the numerical
                                  solution of large sparse systems of
                                  stiff initial value problems . . . . . . 121--129
                   C. Moore and   
                 B. V. C. Nnoli   Iterative solution of nonlinear
                                  equations involving set-valued uniformly
                                  accretive operators  . . . . . . . . . . 131--140
      A. Pérez-Palomares   Preservation properties by
                                  Bernstein-type operators. A
                                  probabilistic approach . . . . . . . . . 141--155
               M. M. Chawla and   
               M. A. Al-Zanaidi   An extended trapezoidal formula for the
                                  diffusion equation in two space
                                  dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--168
               J. A. Snyman and   
                      A. M. Hay   The spherical quadratic steepest descent
                                  (SQSD) method for unconstrained
                                  minimization with no explicit line
                                  searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169--178
              Ping-Feng Pai and   
                      E. S. Lee   Parts clustering by self-organizing map
                                  neural network in a fuzzy environment    179--188
                      M. Oh and   
                     Y. Lee and   
               S. V. Azarov and   
                     V. I. Shin   Suboptimal continuous-discrete filtering
                                  based on decomposition of observations   189--197
                  J. Casals and   
                      S. Sotoca   The exact likelihood for a state space
                                  model with stochastic inputs . . . . . . 199--209
              T. P. Artikis and   
             A. P. Voudouri and   
                  P. T. Artikis   Properties and applications in risk
                                  frequency reduction operations of an
                                  integral part model  . . . . . . . . . . 211--218
            M. Arató and   
                     G. Pap and   
           M. C. A. van Zuijlen   Asymptotic inference for spatial
                                  autoregression and orthogonality of
                                  Ornstein--Uhlenbeck sheets . . . . . . . 219--229
                 Won-Ho Lee and   
               Keon-Jik Lee and   
                  Kee-Young Yoo   Design of a linear systolic array for
                                  computing modular multiplication and
                                  squaring in $ {\bf GF}(2^m) $  . . . . . 231--240
               M. Bigerelle and   
                        A. Iost   A new method to calculate the fractal
                                  dimension of surfaces: application to
                                  human cell proliferation . . . . . . . . 241--253
                    Yi-Kuei Lin   Study on the multicommodity reliability
                                  of a capacitated-flow network  . . . . . 255--264
                 Ervin Y. Rodin   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--272

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 42, Number 3--5, August / September, 2001

             RaviP. Agarwal and   
                  Donal O'Regan   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv--xv
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                     D. O'Regan   Nonlinear Urysohn Discrete Equations on
                                  the infinite interval: a fixed-point
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273--281
                  Zhan Zhou and   
                 Jianshe Yu and   
                   Lihong Huang   Asymptotic behavior of delay difference
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283--290
                  Shunian Zhang   Stability of neutral delay difference
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291--299
           Nguyen Thieu Huy and   
                Nguyen Van Minh   Exponential dichotomy of difference
                                  equations and applications to evolution
                                  equations on the half-line . . . . . . . 301--311
                R. I. Avery and   
                 A. C. Peterson   Three positive fixed points of nonlinear
                                  operators on ordered Banach spaces . . . 313--322
                      Yong Zhou   Oscillations of higher-order linear
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 323--331
                D. Anderson and   
                    R. I. Avery   Multiple positive solutions to a
                                  third-order discrete focal boundary
                                  value problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333--340
                    Wan-Tong Li   Classification schemes for
                                  nonoscillatory solutions of
                                  two-dimensional nonlinear difference
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341--355
              E. Thandapani and   
              I. M. Arockiasamy   Fourt-order nonlinear oscillations of
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 357--368
                B. G. Zhang and   
                      Yong Zhou   Oscillation of a kind of two-variables
                                  functional equation  . . . . . . . . . . 369--378
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                    S. R. Grace   Oscillation of certain third-order
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 379--384
                    T. Nesemann   Invariants and Liapunov functions for
                                  nonautonomous systems  . . . . . . . . . 385--392
                       Daoyi Xu   Asymptotic behavior of nonlinear
                                  difference equations with delays . . . . 393--398
                      C. V. Pao   Finite difference solutions of reaction
                                  diffusion equations with continuous time
                                  delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399--412
                B. G. Zhang and   
                      Yong Zhou   Semicycles of solutions of nonlinear
                                  difference equations with several delays 413--418
             Bing Gen Zhang and   
                  Xing Hua Deng   The stability of certain partial
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 419--425
          E. N. Petropoulou and   
               P. D. Siafarikas   Bounded solutions and asymptotic
                                  stability of nonlinear difference
                                  equations in the complex plane II  . . . 427--452
          O. Do\vslý and   
                P. Rehák   Nonoscillation criteria for half-linear
                                  second-order difference equations  . . . 453--464
                    R. Hilscher   Discrete spectra criteria for certain
                                  classes of singular differential and
                                  difference operators . . . . . . . . . . 465--476
                  R. Koplatadze   Oscillation of linear difference
                                  equations with deviating arguments . . . 477--486
                 H. B. Thompson   Topological methods for some boundary
                                  value problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487--495
              P. J. Y. Wong and   
                  R. P. Agarwal   Further results on fixed-sign solutions
                                  for a system of higher-order difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497--514
               J. Diblík   Discrete retract principle for systems
                                  of discrete equations  . . . . . . . . . 515--528
                Shengli Xie and   
              Chuanjun Tian and   
                   Zhendong Xie   Oscillation of a class of partial
                                  difference equations with unbounded
                                  delay  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529--541
                       M. Pituk   The limits of the solutions of a
                                  nonautonomous linear delay difference
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543--550
                S. Castillo and   
                       M. Pinto   Asymptotic formulae for nonlinear
                                  functional difference equations  . . . . 551--559
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                 Yuan-Ming Wang   Some recent developments of Numerov's
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561--592
                      A. Cabada   Extremal solutions for the difference $
                                  \phi $-Laplacian problem with nonlinear
                                  functional boundary conditions . . . . . 593--601
                  A. Ramani and   
             B. Grammaticos and   
              T. Tamizhmani and   
               K. M. Tamizhmani   Special function solutions of the
                                  discrete Painlevé equations . . . . . . . 603--614
               E. Yu. Romanenko   Differential-difference equations
                                  reducible to difference and
                                  $q$-difference equations . . . . . . . . 615--626
                   R. Sahadevan   Nonlinear differential-difference and
                                  difference equations: integrability and
                                  exact solvability  . . . . . . . . . . . 627--637
                 P. W. Eloe and   
                 Y. Raffoul and   
                 D. T. Reid and   
                      K. C. Yin   Positive solutions of nonlinear
                                  functional difference equations  . . . . 639--646
                      U. Krause   The asymptotic behavior of monotone
                                  difference equations of higher order . . 647--654
                   Shaozhu Chen   A problem of Hartman and Wintner:
                                  approximation for discrete perturbations 655--669
                  C. Cuevas and   
                       M. Pinto   Asymptotic properties of solutions to
                                  nonautonomous Volterra difference
                                  systems with infinite delay  . . . . . . 671--685
              E. Thandapani and   
                    K. Ravi and   
                    J. R. Graef   Oscillation theorems for general
                                  quasilinear second-order difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687--694
                R. I. Avery and   
            Chuan Jen Chyan and   
                   J. Henderson   Twin solutions of boundary value
                                  problems for ordinary differential
                                  equations and finite difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695--704
                  M. Bohner and   
                 J. E. Castillo   Mimetic methods on measure chains  . . . 705--710
             G. Grzegorczyk and   
                   J. Werbowski   Oscillation of higher-order linear
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 711--717
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                  Weinian Zhang   Periodic solutions of difference
                                  equations with general periodicity . . . 719--727
               K. Janglajew and   
                      K. Valeev   The factorization of the difference
                                  operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729--733
                Guang-Da Hu and   
                      B. Cahlon   The numerical solution of discrete-delay
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735--741
                 B. Aulbach and   
                 J. Kalkbrenner   Exponential forward splitting for
                                  noninvertible difference equations . . . 743--754

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 42, Number 6--7, September / October, 2001

                       Ruyun Ma   Positive solutions of a nonlinear
                                  $m$-point boundary value problem . . . . 755--765
                P. Natalini and   
                    P. E. Ricci   Newton sum rules of polynomials defined
                                  by a three-term recurrence relation  . . 767--771
                     Wendi Wang   Global stability of discrete competition
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773--782
                       C. Dogbe   The radiative transfer equations:
                                  diffusion approximation under
                                  accretiveness and compactness
                                  assumptions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783--791
                  R. Piziak and   
                 J. J. Mitchell   Hamiltonian formalism and the state of a
                                  physical system  . . . . . . . . . . . . 793--805
                M. Pedersen and   
                     Zhigui Lin   Coupled diffusion systems with localized
                                  nonlinear reactions  . . . . . . . . . . 807--816
                      Z. Zlatev   Partitioning ODE systems with an
                                  application to air pollution models  . . 817--832
                    T. E. Simos   Bessel and Neumann fitted methods for
                                  the numerical solution of the Schrödinger
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833--847
                     R. L. Soto   A sufficient condition for the existence
                                  of an $M$-matrix with prescribed
                                  spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 849--859
                  E. A. Al-Said   The use of cubic splines in the
                                  numerical solution of a system of
                                  second-order boundary value problems . . 861--869
              S. Jankovi\'c and   
                 M. Jovanovi\'c   Perturbed stochastic hereditary
                                  differential equations with integral
                                  contractors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871--881
                 Xue-Zhi Li and   
                 Geni Gupur and   
                 Guang-Tian Zhu   Threshold and stability results for an
                                  age-structured SEIR epidemic model . . . 883--907
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                     D. O'Regan   Fixed-point theorems for countably
                                  condensing maps on Fréchet spaces . . . . 909--916
              Hung-Yih Chen and   
              Huei-Lin Hong and   
                  Cheh-Chih Yeh   A general comparison theorem for
                                  nonlinear equations  . . . . . . . . . . 917--925
                   Daqing Jiang   Upper and lower solutions method and a
                                  singular superlinear boundary value
                                  problem for the one-dimensional
                                  $p$-Laplacian  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927--940
                   F. Brini and   
                      S. Siboni   Estimates of correlation decay in
                                  auto/endomorphisms of the $n$-Torus  . . 941--951
              E. Thandapani and   
                    K. Ravi and   
                    J. R. Graef   Oscillation and comparison theorems for
                                  half-linear second-order difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 953--960
         P. Balasubramaniam and   
                S. Muralisankar   Existence and uniqueness of a fuzzy
                                  solution for the nonlinear fuzzy neutral
                                  functional differential equation . . . . 961--967
                  Yiju Wang and   
                 Naihua Xiu and   
                   Changyu Wang   A new version of extragradient method
                                  for variational inequality problems  . . 969--979
                  Z. W. Trzaska   Explicit solution of certain nonlinear
                                  difference equations by using power
                                  polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981--991
                  A. S. Belenky   An approach to planning an advertising
                                  campaign of goods and services . . . . . 993--1008
     Chung-Feng Jeffrey Kuo and   
                 Ching-Jenq Lee   Neural network control of a rotating
                                  elastic manipulator  . . . . . . . . . . 1009--1023

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 42, Number 8--9, October / November, 2001

         Barna Szabó and   
              Katalin Balla and   
Aurél Galántai and   
             György Szeidl   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiii
                       I. Arany   Numerical experiences of solving
                                  elasticity systems by PCG methods  . . . 1025--1033
                 A. E. Csallner   Lipschitz continuity and the termination
                                  of interval methods for global
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035--1042
           I. Faragó and   
             J. Karátson   The gradient-finite element method for
                                  elliptic problems  . . . . . . . . . . . 1043--1053
           I. Faragó and   
                   P. Tarvainen   Qualitative analysis of matrix splitting
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055--1067
                      G. Farkas   Unstable manifolds for RFDEs under
                                  discretization: the Euler method . . . . 1069--1081
                     J. A. Ford   Implicit updates in multistep
                                  quasi-Newton methods . . . . . . . . . . 1083--1091
             A. Galántai   A study of Auchmuty's error estimate . . 1093--1102
                    B. M. Garay   Estimates in discretizing normally
                                  hyperbolic compact invariant manifolds
                                  of ordinary differential equations . . . 1103--1122
                L. Gy\Horfi and   
              I. Joó and   
A. Sövegjártó   Spline techniques for solving
                                  first-order evolution equations in
                                  Banach spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1123--1133
              R. Horváth   Some integral properties of the heat
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1135--1141
                 X. Juvigny and   
                        J. Ryan   Preconditioners for domain decomposition
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1143--1155
             I. A. Moghrabi and   
                     J. A. Ford   A nonlinear model for function-value
                                  multistep methods  . . . . . . . . . . . 1157--1164
            G. Papageorgiou and   
                 I. Th. Famelis   Continuous Runge--Kutta--Nyström methods
                                  for initial value problems with periodic
                                  solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1165--1176
                 E. Pereira and   
              J. Vitória   Deflation for block eigenvalues of block
                                  partitioned matrices with an application
                                  to matrix polynomials of commuting
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1177--1188
                       D. Petcu   Experiments with an ODE solver on a
                                  multiprocessor system  . . . . . . . . . 1189--1199
               Y. H. Savula and   
                I. I. Dyyak and   
                    V. V. Krevs   Heterogeneous mathematical models in
                                  numerical analysis of structures . . . . 1201--1216
               J. Schöberl   Efficient contact solvers based on
                                  domain decomposition techniques  . . . . 1217--1228
           R. Serôdio and   
                 E. Pereira and   
              J. Vitória   Computing the zeros of quaternion
                                  polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1229--1237
             M. T. Vespucci and   
                  C. G. Broyden   Implementation of different
                                  computational variations of biconjugate
                                  residual methods . . . . . . . . . . . . 1239--1253

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 42, Number 10--11, November / December, 2001

                  Shunian Zhang   Boundedness of neutral delay difference
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1255--1265
            O. O. Ademoyero and   
    M. C. Bartholomew-Biggs and   
                   A. J. Davies   Computational linear algebra issues in
                                  the Galerkin boundary element method . . 1267--1283
                 Zhiguo Luo and   
                   Jianhua Shen   Oscillation for solutions of nonlinear
                                  neutral differential equations with
                                  impulses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1285--1292
                  J. I. Deutsch   The modular equations of norm $3$ for $
                                  Q(\sqrt {3})$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1293--1301
               M. Benchohra and   
               J. Henderson and   
                  S. K. Ntouyas   An existence result for first-order
                                  impulsive functional differential
                                  equations in Banach spaces . . . . . . . 1303--1310
                     Jun Ji and   
                       C. Kicey   An efficient methods for $ l^\infty $
                                  regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1311--1317
                 X. H. Tang and   
                    R. Y. Zhang   New Oscillation Criteria for Delay
                                  Difference Equations . . . . . . . . . . 1319--1330
               M. Kobayashi and   
                  G. Dupret and   
                    O. King and   
                    H. Samukawa   Estimation of singular values of very
                                  large matrices using random sampling . . 1331--1352
                     Jurang Yan   Oscillation of first-order impulsive
                                  differential equations with advanced
                                  argument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1353--1363
                  M. Sakawa and   
                    K. Kato and   
                      S. Ushiro   Operation planning of district heating
                                  and cooling plants through genetic
                                  algorithms for nonlinear $0$--$1$
                                  programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1365--1378
                    O. Rojo and   
                    R. Soto and   
                        H. Rojo   Fast construction of a symmetric
                                  nonnegative matrix with a prescribed
                                  spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1379--1391
               P.-F. F. Pai and   
                      E. S. Lee   Adaptive fuzzy systems in group
                                  technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1393--1400
                  M. Cecchi and   
            Z. Doslá and   
                      M. Marini   Positive decreasing solutions of
                                  quasi-linear difference equations  . . . 1401--1410
                     Sung N. Ha   A nonlinear shooting method for
                                  two-point boundary value problems  . . . 1411--1420
                  S. A. Gourley   Wave front solutions of a diffusive
                                  delay model for populations of
                                  \bionameDaphnia magna  . . . . . . . . . 1421--1430
                      B. Gyires   Contribution to van der Waerden's
                                  conjecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1431--1437
           M. K. Kadalbajoo and   
                  K. C. Patidar   Variable mesh spline approximation
                                  method for solving singularly perturbed
                                  turning point problems having boundary
                                  layer(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1439--1453
                Ping-Qi Pan and   
                    Yunpeng Pan   A phase-1 approach for the generalized
                                  simplex algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 1455--1464
                  Jiann-Der Lee   Three-view matching algorithm for
                                  multipolyhedron reconstruction using
                                  genetic algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 1465--1483
               M. S. Sahimi and   
            E. Sundararajan and   
             M. Subramaniam and   
                 N. A. A. Hamid   The D'Yakonov fully explicit variant of
                                  the iterative decomposition method . . . 1485--1496
                  ErvinY. Rodin   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1497--1504

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 42, Number 12, December, 2001

                      Anonymous   List of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . III--X
                      Anonymous   Author index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI--XII
                L. M. Laita and   
           E. Roanes-Lozano and   
                   V. Maojo and   
    E. Roanes-Macías and   
              L. de Ledesma and   
                       L. Laita   An expert system for managing medical
                                  appropriateness criteria based on
                                  computer algebra techniques  . . . . . . 1505--1522
                  K. K. Nambiar   Theory of search engines . . . . . . . . 1523--1526
                   J. Hyman and   
                M. Shashkov and   
                   S. Steinberg   The effect of inner products for
                                  discrete vector fields on the accuracy
                                  of mimetic finite difference methods . . 1527--1547
                   C. Coles and   
                    D. A. Murio   Simultaneous space diffusivity and
                                  source term reconstruction in $2$D IHCP  1549--1564
               Gang Eun Kim and   
                    Tae Hwa Kim   Mann and Ishikawa iterations with errors
                                  for non-lipschitzian mappings in Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1565--1570
               E. Bribiesca and   
                     C. Velarde   A formal language approach for a $3$D
                                  curve representation . . . . . . . . . . 1571--1584
           V. K. Srivastava and   
                       A. Fahim   A two-phase optimization procedure for
                                  integer programming problems . . . . . . 1585--1595
                        T. Koto   Periodic orbits in the Euler method for
                                  a class of delay differential equations  1597--1608

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 43, Number 1--2, January, 2002

               Jinting Wang and   
                 Jinhua Cao and   
                        Bin Liu   Unreliable production-inventory model
                                  with a two-phase Erlang demand arrival
                                  process  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--13
           B. Krishna Kumar and   
               D. Arivudainambi   The M/G/1 retrial queue with Bernoulli
                                  schedules and general retrial times  . . 15--30
                 Shuzi Zhou and   
               Jinping Zeng and   
                    Wuping Zhan   Monotonic iterative algorithms for an
                                  implicit two-sided obstacle problem  . . 31--40
                Li-Zhi Liao and   
                   Shengli Wang   A self-adaptive projection and
                                  contraction method for monotone
                                  symmetric linear variational
                                  inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41--48
               Juh-Yin Chen and   
            Ngai-Ching Wong and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   Algorithm for generalized
                                  co-complementarity problems in Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49--54
                Won Kyu Kim and   
           George Xian-Zhi Yuan   New existence of equilibria in
                                  generalized SSC  . . . . . . . . . . . . 55--63
                 Guiyou Mao and   
                  L. R. Petzold   Efficient integration over
                                  discontinuities for
                                  differential-algebraic systems . . . . . 65--79
                Jian-Guo Si and   
                  Xin-Ping Wang   Analytic solutions of a second-order
                                  iterative functional differential
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81--90
                  M. K. Mak and   
                       T. Harko   New method for generating general
                                  solution of Abel differential equation   91--94
                C. J. Zhang and   
                     X. X. Liao   Stability of BDF methods for nonlinear
                                  Volterra integral equations with delay   95--102
              Tetz C. Huang and   
                  Ji-Cherng Lin   A self-stabilizing algorithm for the
                                  shortest path problem in a distributed
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--109
               Ta-Chung Chu and   
                Chung-Tsen Tsao   Ranking fuzzy numbers with an area
                                  between the centroid point and original
                                  point  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111--117
               Tzon-Tzer Lu and   
                Sheng-Hua Shiou   Inverses of 2 $ \times $ 2 block
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119--129
               R. C. Mittal and   
                    A. Al-Kurdi   $ L U $-decomposition and numerical
                                  structure for solving large sparse
                                  nonsymmetric linear systems  . . . . . . 131--155
            L. Jódar and   
            J. Pérez and   
               R. J. Villanueva   Explicit solution of time dependent
                                  diffusion problems in a semi-infinite
                                  medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--167
               C. Chiarella and   
                F. Szidarovszky   The asymptotic behavior of dynamic
                                  rent-seeking games . . . . . . . . . . . 169--178
                G. Peterson and   
                    J. Reif and   
                       S. Azhar   Decision algorithms for multiplayer
                                  noncooperative games of incomplete
                                  information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179--206
              W. C. Hassenpflug   Error analysis in the series evaluation
                                  of the exponential type integral $ e^z
                                  E_1 (z) $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207--266
                 Ervin Y. Rodin   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267--274
                      Anonymous   Editorial board  . . . . . . . . . . . . FM3--FM5

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 43, Number 3--5, February / March, 2002

            Edward J. Kansa and   
                  Yiu-Chung Hon   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiii
                     G. Allasia   Approximating potential integrals by
                                  cardinal basis interpolants on
                                  multivariate scattered data  . . . . . . 275--287
            K. Balakrishnan and   
             R. Sureshkumar and   
             P. A. Ramachandran   An operator splitting-radial basis
                                  function method for the solution of
                                  transient nonlinear Poisson problems . . 289--304
                B. J. C. Baxter   Preconditioned conjugate gradients,
                                  radial basis functions, and Toeplitz
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--318
                 J. Behrens and   
                        A. Iske   Grid-free adaptive semi-Lagrangian
                                  advection using radial basis functions   319--327
              T. Belytschko and   
                  Shaoping Xiao   Stability analysis of particle methods
                                  with corrected derivatives . . . . . . . 329--350
                 C. Y. Chan and   
                          L. Ke   Numerical computations for singular
                                  semilinear elliptic boundary value
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351--358
                 C. S. Chen and   
                  M. Ganesh and   
              M. A. Golberg and   
                 A. H.-D. Cheng   Multilevel compact radial functions
                                  based computational schemes for some
                                  elliptic problems  . . . . . . . . . . . 359--378
                    W. Chen and   
                      M. Tanaka   A meshless, integration-free, and
                                  boundary-only RBF technique  . . . . . . 379--391
                    F. Dodu and   
                       C. Rabut   Vectorial interpolation using
                                  radial-basis-like functions  . . . . . . 393--411
             T. A. Driscoll and   
                    B. Fornberg   Interpolation in the limit of
                                  increasingly flat radial basis functions 413--422
                G. E. Fasshauer   Newton iteration with multiquadrics for
                                  the solution of nonlinear PDEs . . . . . 423--438
            A. I. Fedoseyev and   
             M. J. Friedman and   
                    E. J. Kansa   Improved multiquadric method for
                                  elliptic partial differential equations
                                  via PDE collocation on the boundary  . . 439--455
               W. F. Florez and   
                       H. Power   DRM multidomain mass conservative
                                  interpolation approach for the BEM
                                  solution of the two-dimensional
                                  Navier--Stokes equations . . . . . . . . 457--472
                B. Fornberg and   
             T. A. Driscoll and   
                  G. Wright and   
                     R. Charles   Observations on the behavior of radial
                                  basis function approximations near
                                  boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473--490
             E. A. Galperin and   
                    E. J. Kansa   Application of global optimization and
                                  radial basis functions to numerical
                                  solutions of weakly singular Volterra
                                  integral equations . . . . . . . . . . . 491--499
                    E. J. Kansa   Local, point-wise rotational
                                  transformations of the conservation
                                  equations into stream-wise coordinates   501--511
                      Y. C. Hon   A quasi-radial basis functions method
                                  for American options pricing . . . . . . 513--524
                Xu-Guang Hu and   
                 Tak-San Ho and   
                  H. Rabitz and   
                       A. Askar   Multivariate radial basis interpolation
                                  for solving quantum fluid dynamical
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525--537
                D. E. Myers and   
                 S. De Iaco and   
                    D. Posa and   
                   L. De Cesare   Space-time radial basis functions  . . . 539--549
                   H. Power and   
                     V. Barraco   A comparison analysis between
                                  unsymmetric and symmetric radial basis
                                  function collocation methods for the
                                  numerical solution of partial
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 551--583
                 S. M. Wong and   
                  Y. C. Hon and   
                       T. S. Li   A meshless multilayer model for a
                                  coastal system by radial basis functions 585--605
                D. L. Young and   
                 C. C. Tsai and   
                T. I. Eldho and   
                 A. H.-D. Cheng   Solution of Stokes flow using an
                                  iterative DRBEM based on
                                  compactly-supported, positive-definite
                                  radial basis function  . . . . . . . . . 607--619

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 43, Number 6--7, March / April, 2002

                 K. Sakurai and   
                    T. Aoki and   
                  W.-H. Lee and   
                        K. Kato   Poisson equation solver with
                                  fourth-order accuracy by using
                                  interpolated differential operator
                                  scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621--630
               Guozheng Yan and   
                  Huijiang Zhao   The far field operator for a
                                  multilayered scatterer . . . . . . . . . 631--639
                     R. L. Soto   The inverse spectrum problem for
                                  positive generalized stochastic matrices 641--656
                   Xiaoqun Wang   A new measure of irregularity of
                                  distribution and quasi-Monte Carlo
                                  methods for global optimization  . . . . 657--669
                     En-Gui Fan   Traveling wave solutions for nonlinear
                                  equations using symbolic computation . . 671--680
                      S. Stanek   Positive solutions of singular Dirichlet
                                  and periodic boundary value problems . . 681--692
                  P. Eklund and   
         M. A. Galán and   
                  J. Medina and   
            M. Ojeda-Aciego and   
                    A. Valverde   Set functors, $L$-fuzzy set categories,
                                  and generalized terms  . . . . . . . . . 693--705
            M. Arató and   
                     G. Pap and   
                       K. Varga   Estimation of the mean of multivariate
                                  AR processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707--719
         J. L. López and   
                   J. Soler and   
                     G. Toscani   Time rescaling and asymptotic behavior
                                  of some fourth-order degenerate
                                  diffusion equations  . . . . . . . . . . 721--736
               R. Baltensperger   Some results on linear rational
                                  trigonometric interpolation  . . . . . . 737--746
                    Guiyuan Lei   Adaptive random search in Quasi-Monte
                                  Carlo methods for global optimization    747--754
                Cheng-Dong Zhao   Existence of trajectories joining
                                  critical points for a symbiotic system
                                  via the Conley index . . . . . . . . . . 755--766
         A. Gómez-Corral   Analysis of a single-server retrial
                                  queue with quasi-random input and
                                  nonpreemptive priority . . . . . . . . . 767--782
                 Y. C. Jiao and   
                Y. Yamamoto and   
                    C. Dang and   
                         Y. Hao   An after-treatment technique for
                                  improving the accuracy of Adomian's
                                  decomposition method . . . . . . . . . . 783--798
               F. Costabile and   
             S. Serra Capizzano   Komleva-type expansions and asymptotics
                                  for linear operators . . . . . . . . . . 799--820
                Jianna J. Zhang   Introducing IVSA: a new concept learning
                                  algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821--832
                 M. G. Iskander   Comparison of fuzzy numbers using
                                  possibility programming: Comments and
                                  new concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833--840
                 Chiang Kao and   
                    Wen-Kai Hsu   A single-period inventory model with
                                  fuzzy demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841--848
                   D. Clark and   
           M. R. S. Kulenovi\'c   A coupled system of rational difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 849--867
              Jin-Mun Jeong and   
              Weon-Kee Kang and   
                  Dong-Gun Park   Regular problem for solutions of a
                                  retarded semilinear differential
                                  nonlocal equation  . . . . . . . . . . . 869--876
               Hung-Min Sun and   
                 Bor-Liang Chen   Weighted decomposition construction for
                                  perfect secret sharing schemes . . . . . 877--887
                  Houde Han and   
                  Zhongyi Huang   A class of artificial boundary
                                  conditions for heat equation in
                                  unbounded domains  . . . . . . . . . . . 889--900
            Cheng-Huei Yang and   
             Pau-Choo Chung and   
              Li-Yeh Chuang and   
                Cheng-Hong Yang   Communication aid system for users with
                                  physical impairments . . . . . . . . . . 901--910
            R. A. Chowdhury and   
               M. Z. Rahman and   
                    M. Kaykobad   The bounds of min-max pair heap
                                  construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911--916

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 43, Number 8--9, April / May, 2002

                  R. Medina and   
                  Sui Sun Cheng   The asymptotic behavior of the solutions
                                  of a discrete reaction-diffusion
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917--925
                    M. Tadi and   
             M. V. Klibanov and   
                        Wei Cai   An inversion method for parabolic
                                  equations based on quasireversibility    927--941
                  Ch. Tsitouras   Explicit two-step methods for
                                  second-order linear IVPs . . . . . . . . 943--949
               Shu Tang Liu and   
                 Bing Gen Zhang   Oscillatory behavior of delay partial
                                  difference equations with positive and
                                  negative coefficients  . . . . . . . . . 951--964
               Quanling Wei and   
                       Hong Yan   An algebra-based approach for linearly
                                  constrained concave minimization . . . . 965--974
                      Daowu Pei   Notes on the theory of granular lattices 975--980
                  A. Safjan and   
                      M. Newman   Three-dimensional infinite elements
                                  utilizing basis functions with compact
                                  support  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981--1002
                  D. M. Bedivan   Error estimates for least squares finite
                                  element methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1003--1020
               D. P. Mishev and   
               W. T. Patula and   
                   H. D. Voulov   A reciprocal difference equation with
                                  maximum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021--1026
                      G. Farkas   Conjugacy in the discretized fold
                                  bifurcation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1027--1033
                K.-H Indlekofer   Number theory-probabilistic, heuristic,
                                  and computational approaches . . . . . . 1035--1061
              Kab Seok Kang and   
                  Do Young Kwak   Covolume method for new nonconforming
                                  rectangle element for the Stokes problem 1063--1078
                 A. Chalabi and   
                      D. Seghir   Convergence of relaxation schemes for
                                  initial boundary value problems for
                                  conservation laws  . . . . . . . . . . . 1079--1093
               Jing-Bo Chen and   
              Meng-Zhao Qin and   
                     Yi-Fa Tang   Symplectic and multi-symplectic methods
                                  for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation    1095--1106
                   Ya. I. Alber   Proximal projection methods for
                                  variational inequalities and Cesáro
                                  averaged approximations  . . . . . . . . 1107--1124
                  Chu-Li Fu and   
                Chun-Yu Qiu and   
                    You-Bin Zhu   A note on ``sideways heat equation and
                                  wavelets'' and constant $e$  . . . . . . 1125--1134
                  A. M. Hay and   
                   J. A. Snyman   The chord method for the determination
                                  of nonconvex workspaces of planar
                                  parallel manipulators  . . . . . . . . . 1135--1151
              Hui-Chin Tang and   
                     Chiang Kao   Lower bounds in spectral tests for
                                  vectors of nonsuccessive values produced
                                  by multiple recursive generator with
                                  some zero multipliers  . . . . . . . . . 1153--1159
                 L. J. De Chant   Impulsive displacement of a quasi-linear
                                  viscoelastic material through accurate
                                  numerical inversion of the Laplace
                                  transform  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1161--1170
                 Yi-Fa Tang and   
                Ai-Guo Xiao and   
                   Jing-Bo Chen   Is the formal energy of the mid-point
                                  rule convergent? . . . . . . . . . . . . 1171--1181
                J. C. Misra and   
                   S. K. Pandey   Peristaltic transport of blood in small
                                  vessels: study of a mathematical model   1183--1193
                      Anonymous   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1195--1202

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 43, Number 10--11, May / June, 2002

                J. Angelova and   
                A. Dishliev and   
                       S. Nenov   $I$-optimal curve for impulsive
                                  Lotka--Volterra predator--prey model . . 1203--1218
               Shu Tang Liu and   
              Yong Qing Liu and   
                    Fei Qi Deng   Oscillation for nonlinear delay partial
                                  difference equations with positive and
                                  negative coefficients  . . . . . . . . . 1219--1230
              Jin-Mun Jeong and   
            Young-Chel Kwun and   
                Jong-Yeoul Park   Regularity for solutions of nonlinear
                                  evolution equations with nonlinear
                                  perturbations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1231--1237
               J. Henderson and   
                 H. B. Thompson   Existence of multiple solutions for
                                  second-order discrete boundary value
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1239--1248
                  Xie Ping Ding   Generalized L-KKM type theorems in
                                  $L$-convex spaces with applications  . . 1249--1256
                        G. Oros   Integral operator and starlike functions 1257--1260
                 J. Giné   Conditions for the existence of a center
                                  for the Kukles homogeneous systems . . . 1261--1269
                Yuying Zhou and   
                  Yisheng Huang   Positive solutions for a class of
                                  elliptic equations . . . . . . . . . . . 1271--1276
                 Jianhua Wu and   
                 Guangsheng Wei   Coexistence states for cooperative model
                                  with diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1277--1290
                 Chiang Kao and   
                    Wen-Kai Hsu   Lot size-reorder point inventory model
                                  with fuzzy demands . . . . . . . . . . . 1291--1302
                          Da Xu   Uniform $ L^1 $ error bounds for the
                                  semidiscrete solution of a Volterra
                                  equation with completely monotonic
                                  convolution kernel . . . . . . . . . . . 1303--1318
              N. S. Barnett and   
             S. S. Dragomir and   
                  R. P. Agarwal   Some inequalities for probability,
                                  expectation, and variance of random
                                  variables defined over a finite interval 1319--1357
             N. M. Dragomir and   
             S. S. Dragomir and   
                     P. Farrell   Approximating the finite Hilbert
                                  transform via trapezoid type
                                  inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1359--1369
                 C. S. Ryoo and   
                    M. T. Nakao   Numerical verification of solutions for
                                  variational inequalities of the second
                                  kind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1371--1380
             Nan-Jing Huang and   
              Cheng-Jia Gao and   
                Xiao-Ping Huang   New iteration procedures with errors for
                                  multivalued $ \phi $-strongly
                                  pseudocontractive and $ \phi $-strongly
                                  accretive mappings . . . . . . . . . . . 1381--1390
  Á. B. Novák and   
                       Zs. Tuza   Reconstruction graphs and testing their
                                  properties in a relational spatial
                                  database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1391--1406
               Xiaorong Hou and   
                    Rui Yan and   
                  Weinian Zhang   Bifurcations of a polynomial
                                  differential system of degree $n$ in
                                  biochemical reactions  . . . . . . . . . 1407--1423
                   C. Necco and   
               M. Silvestri and   
                     L. Quintas   Uniqueness and efficiency of Nash
                                  equilibrium in a family of randomly
                                  generated repeated games . . . . . . . . 1425--1440
         M. A. M. Ali Mousa and   
                   Z. F. Jaheen   Statistical inference for the Burr model
                                  based on progressively censored data . . 1441--1449
             L. J. De Chant and   
                   J. A. Seidel   Multiple stream superposition of a
                                  two-stream combined analytical numerical
                                  initial value problem solver for
                                  aerodynamic mixing . . . . . . . . . . . 1451--1468
                  ErvinY. Rodin   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1469--1476

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 43, Number 12, June, 2002

                      Anonymous   List of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . III--IX
                      Anonymous   Author index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X--XI
                     M. Dehghan   A new ADI technique for two-dimensional
                                  parabolic equation with an integral
                                  condition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1477--1488
                   G. J. Zalmai   Efficiency conditions and duality models
                                  for multiobjective fractional subset
                                  programming problems with generalized $
                                  (\digamma, \alpha, \rho,
                                  \theta)$-$V$-convex functions  . . . . . 1489--1520
                  Zhiyi Tan and   
                        Yong He   Ordinal algorithms for parallel machine
                                  scheduling with nonsimultaneous machine
                                  available times  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1521--1528
                  Deren Han and   
                     Hong K. Lo   Two new self-adaptive projection methods
                                  for variational inequality problems  . . 1529--1537
              Shui-Hung Hou and   
                   Wan-Kai Pang   Inversion of confluent Vandermonde
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1539--1547
                    Jiaowan Luo   Oscillation criteria for second-order
                                  quasi-linear neutral difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1549--1557
                 F. Bosseur and   
                   F. Flori and   
                      P. Orenga   Identification of boundary conditions in
                                  a nonlinear shallow water flow . . . . . 1559--1573
                 Gy. Terdik and   
              Z. Gál and   
            E. Iglói and   
               S. Molnár   Bispectral analysis of traffic in
                                  high-speed networks  . . . . . . . . . . 1575--1583
                       C. Moore   A double-sequence iteration process for
                                  fixed points of continuous
                                  pseudocontractions . . . . . . . . . . . 1585--1589
                  L. Little and   
                      Z. Li and   
                 H. G. Choi and   
                        Y. Saad   Particle partitioning strategies for the
                                  parallel computation of solid--liquid
                                  flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1591--1616
             A. Chakrabarti and   
                     R. K. Bera   Nonlinear vibration and stability of a
                                  shallow unsymmetrical orthotropic
                                  sandwich shell of double curvature with
                                  orthotropic core . . . . . . . . . . . . 1617--1630
         P. Balasubramaniam and   
                S. Muralisankar   Erratum to ``Existence and uniqueness of
                                  a fuzzy solution for the nonlinear fuzzy
                                  neutral functional differential
                                  equation'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1631--1632

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 44, Number 1--2, July, 2002

                     M. A. Noor   Stability of the modified projected
                                  dynamical systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5
                      Zhong Wan   Further investigation on feasibility of
                                  mathematical programs with equilibrium
                                  constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--11
                      D. Lesnic   Convergence of Adomian's decomposition
                                  method: periodic temperatures  . . . . . 13--24
        M. V. Papalexandris and   
                 A. Leonard and   
                P. E. Dimotakis   Unsplit algorithms for multidimensional
                                  systems of hyperbolic conservation laws
                                  with source terms  . . . . . . . . . . . 25--49
                 Zhengyi Lu and   
                       Yong Luo   Two limit cycles in three-dimensional
                                  Lotka--Volterra systems  . . . . . . . . 51--66
                     Geni Gupur   Resolvent set of the M/M$^B$ /1 operator 67--82
            Z. Bartoszewski and   
                  Z. Jackiewicz   Stability analysis of two-step
                                  Runge--Kutta methods for delay
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 83--93
              Xie Ping Ding and   
                     J. Y. Park   Continuous selection theorem,
                                  coincidence theorem, and generalized
                                  equilibrium in $L$-convex spaces . . . . 95--103
                       H. B. Ji   Numerical methods for static and
                                  periodic bifurcation problems  . . . . . 105--110
                  A. Cabada and   
           J. Á. Cid and   
                    R. L. Pouso   Existence results and approximation
                                  methods for functional ordinary
                                  differential equations with singular
                                  diffusion-type differential operators    111--124
                Jianwen Cao and   
                  Choi-Hong Lai   Numerical experiments of some Krylov
                                  subspace methods for black oil model . . 125--141
                 N. H. Cong and   
                  N. T. H. Minh   Parallel-iterated pseudo two-step
                                  Runge--Kutta--Nyström methods for
                                  nonstiff second-order IVPs . . . . . . . 143--155
             J. C. Campbell and   
                J. M. Hyman and   
                 M. J. Shashkov   Mimetic finite difference operators for
                                  second-order tensors on unstructured
                                  grids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--173
                P. C. Leong and   
                  E. C. Tan and   
                      P. C. Tan   An iterative modular multiplication
                                  algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175--180
              H. Üster and   
                     R. F. Love   A generalization of the rectangular
                                  bounding method for continuous location
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181--191
                  R. Kannan and   
                    S. K. Chung   Finite difference approximate solutions
                                  for the two-dimensional Burgers' system  193--200
                       Bing Liu   Positive solutions of a nonlinear
                                  three-point boundary value problem . . . 201--211
                      Xingde Ye   The Fourier collocation method for the
                                  Cahn--Hilliard equation  . . . . . . . . 213--229
                      Jichun Li   Uniform convergence of discontinuous
                                  finite element methods for singularly
                                  perturbed reaction-diffusion problems    231--240
              N. S. Barnett and   
                  P. Cerone and   
             S. S. Dragomir and   
                     A. M. Fink   Comparing two integral means for
                                  absolutely continuous mappings whose
                                  derivatives are in $ L_\infty [a, b] $
                                  and applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--251
              E. Berriochoa and   
                  A. Cachafeiro   Strong asymptotics inside the unit disk
                                  for Sobolev orthogonal polynomials . . . 253--261
                Jinxing Xie and   
                   Jiefang Dong   Heuristic genetic algorithms for general
                                  capacitated lot-sizing problems  . . . . 263--276
                      Anonymous   Editorial board  . . . . . . . . . . . . FM3--FM5

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 44, Number 3--4, August, 2002

     M. A. Hernández and   
                    M. J. Rubio   Semilocal convergence of the secant
                                  method under mild convergence conditions
                                  of differentiability . . . . . . . . . . 277--285
              A. C. Moretti and   
          M. A. Rojas-Medar and   
           M. Drina Rojas-Medar   The equations of a viscous
                                  incompressible chemically active fluid:
                                  existence and uniqueness of strong
                                  solutions in an unbounded domain . . . . 287--299
                     X. H. Tang   Asymptotic behavior of solutions for
                                  neutral difference equations . . . . . . 301--315
              Yiu-Chung Hon and   
                 Jian Zhang and   
                        Xu Zhou   Threshold of global existence for $3$-D
                                  attractive nonlinear Schrödinger
                                  equations under confined potentials  . . 317--322
                   Daqing Jiang   Upper and lower solutions method and a
                                  superlinear singular boundary value
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323--337
                  H. Zegeye and   
                     E. Prempeh   Strong convergence of approximants to
                                  fixed points of Lipschitzian
                                  pseudocontractive maps . . . . . . . . . 339--346
                  Weichung Wang   The convergence of an interior-point
                                  method using modified search directions
                                  in final iterations  . . . . . . . . . . 347--356
                         Yan Xu   The $ \alpha $-normal functions  . . . . 357--363
                 Zengkun Xu and   
                      Dapeng Xu   A general form of Alzer's inequality . . 365--373
             Hsiao-Fan Wang and   
                     Yu-Pin Wen   Time-constrained Chinese postman
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375--387
                        C. Gout   $ C^k $ surface approximation from
                                  surface patches  . . . . . . . . . . . . 389--406
                   Jiu Ding and   
                      Yimin Wei   Relative errors versus residuals of
                                  approximate solutions of weighted least
                                  squares problems in Hilbert space  . . . 407--411
                   Z. C. Li and   
                       T. T. Lu   Global superconvergence of finite
                                  element methods for biharmonic equations
                                  and blending surfaces  . . . . . . . . . 413--437
                   Guozheng Yan   Inverse scattering for transmission
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439--444
                N. G. Lloyd and   
              J. M. Pearson and   
             E. Saéz and   
        I. Szántó   A cubic Kolmogorov system with six limit
                                  cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445--455
                   S. Karaa and   
                      Jun Zhang   Convergence and performance of iterative
                                  methods for solving variable coefficient
                                  convection--diffusion equation with a
                                  fourth-order compact difference scheme   457--479
                Lingju Kong and   
               Qingkai Kong and   
                  Binggen Zhang   Positive solutions of boundary value
                                  problems for third-order functional
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 481--489
                   Jin Zhen and   
                       Zhien Ma   Periodic solutions for delay
                                  differential equations model of plankton
                                  allelopathy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491--500
            A. A. Samarskii and   
                P. P. Matus and   
             V. I. Mazhukin and   
               I. E. Mozolevski   Monotone difference schemes for
                                  equations with mixed derivatives . . . . 501--510
                   Qiang Du and   
                   Tak-Win Wong   Numerical studies of MacQueen's
                                  $k$-means algorithm for computing the
                                  centroidal Voronoi tessellations . . . . 511--523
                    Bo Tian and   
                Yi-Tian Gao and   
                    Woopyo Hong   The solitonic features of a
                                  nonintegrable $ (3 + 1)$-dimensional
                                  Jimbo--Miwa equation . . . . . . . . . . 525--528
                 B. Ayanlar and   
                     A. Tiryaki   Oscillation theorems for nonlinear
                                  second-order differential equations  . . 529--538
             Guochuan Zhang and   
                       Deshi Ye   A note on on-line scheduling with
                                  partial information  . . . . . . . . . . 539--543
                M. N. O. Ikhile   Coefficients for studying one-step
                                  rational schemes for IVPs in ODEs: II    545--557

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 44, Number 5--6, September, 2002

              N. S. Barnett and   
                    C. Buse and   
                  P. Cerone and   
                 S. S. Dragomir   Ostrowski's inequality for vector-valued
                                  functions and applications . . . . . . . 559--572
                   Mingxin Wang   Blow-up rate for a semilinear reaction
                                  diffusion system . . . . . . . . . . . . 573--585
               Z. F. Jaheen and   
               B. N. Al-Matrafi   Bayesian prediction bounds from the
                                  scaled Burr type $X$ model . . . . . . . 587--594
              N. S. Barnett and   
                 S. S. Dragomir   Bounds in terms of the fourth derivative
                                  for the remainder in the corrected
                                  trapezoid formula  . . . . . . . . . . . 595--605
               Cai-Yun Fang and   
                Ming-Liang Fang   Uniqueness of meromorphic functions and
                                  differential polynomials . . . . . . . . 607--617
               A. Palomares and   
                 M. Pasadas and   
          V. Ramírez and   
           M. Ruiz Galán   Schauder bases in Banach spaces:
                                  application to numerical solutions of
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 619--622
                S. H. Saker and   
                     S. Agarwal   Oscillation and global attractivity in a
                                  nonlinear delay periodic model of
                                  respiratory dynamics . . . . . . . . . . 623--632
                  Bican Xia and   
                   Xiaorong Hou   A complete algorithm for counting real
                                  solutions of polynomial systems of
                                  equations and inequalities . . . . . . . 633--642
               Qingkai Kong and   
                  Yijun Sun and   
                  Binggen Zhang   Nonoscillation of a class of neutral
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 643--654
                  Houde Han and   
                  Zhongyi Huang   Exact and approximating boundary
                                  conditions for the parabolic problems on
                                  unbounded domains  . . . . . . . . . . . 655--666
                C. H. Cooke and   
                       J. Kroll   The existence of periodic solutions to
                                  certain impulsive differential equations 667--676
            M. Arató and   
                 S. Fegyverneki   New statistical investigations of the
                                  Ornstein--Uhlenbeck process  . . . . . . 677--692
              S. Valarmathi and   
                   N. Ramanujam   An asymptotic numerical method for
                                  singularly perturbed third-order
                                  ordinary differential equations of
                                  convection--diffusion type . . . . . . . 693--710
                Fu-Ding Xie and   
                    Ming Li and   
                     Yong Zhang   Exact solutions of some systems of
                                  nonlinear partial differential equations
                                  using symbolic computation . . . . . . . 711--716
            Chengming Huang and   
                 Qianshun Chang   Stability analysis of numerical methods
                                  for systems of functional-differential
                                  and functional equations . . . . . . . . 717--729
                Jiaowan Luo and   
                     L. Debnath   Oscillation criteria for second-order
                                  quasilinear functional differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731--739
                   Mingshu Peng   Oscillation theorems of second-order
                                  nonlinear neutral delay difference
                                  equations with impulses  . . . . . . . . 741--748
                 L. F. Shampine   Variable order Adams codes . . . . . . . 749--761
                S. Castillo and   
                       M. Pinto   An asymptotic theory for nonlinear
                                  functional differential equations  . . . 763--775
              R. P. Agarwal and   
               Fan Wei Meng and   
                    Wei Nian Li   Oscillation of solutions of systems of
                                  neutral type partial functional
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 777--786
          Cheon Seoung Ryoo and   
                 Howan Song and   
                  Sang Dong Kim   Numerical verification of solutions for
                                  some unilateral boundary value problems  787--797
               Hong-Xing Li and   
              Zhi-Hong Miao and   
                      E. S. Lee   Variable universe stable adaptive fuzzy
                                  control of a nonlinear system  . . . . . 799--815
                B. G. Zhang and   
                      Yong Zhou   Oscillations of difference equations
                                  with several delays  . . . . . . . . . . 817--821
                Ming-Liang Fang   Uniqueness and value-sharing of entire
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823--831
                Jian-Guo Si and   
                  Xin-Ping Wang   Erratum to ``Analytic Solutions of a
                                  Second-Order Iterative Functional
                                  Differential Equation''  . . . . . . . . 833--833

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 44, Number 7, October, 2002

               Efim A. Galperin   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiv
              A. A. Chikrii and   
                 S. D. Eidelman   Game problems for fractional quasilinear
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835--851
                 E. A. Galperin   Global optimization in problems with
                                  uncertainties: the gamma algorithm . . . 853--862
                    P. Ya. Ekel   Fuzzy sets and models of decision making 863--875
               I. M. Sobol' and   
              E. E. Myshetskaya   Convergence estimates for crude
                                  approximations of a Pareto set . . . . . 877--886
           A. Balbás and   
   P. Jiménez Guerra and   
       M. J. Muñoz-Bouzo   The balance space approach in
                                  optimization with Riesz spaces valued
                                  objectives. An application to financial
                                  markets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887--897
                 M. Ehrgott and   
                 E. A. Galperin   Min-max formulation of the balance
                                  number in multiobjective global
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899--907
                     M. Ehrgott   The balance space approach to
                                  multicriteria decision making-involving
                                  the decision maker . . . . . . . . . . . 909--923
                 B. Schandl and   
                K. Klamroth and   
                   M. M. Wiecek   Norm-based approximation in
                                  multicriteria programming  . . . . . . . 925--942
                 J. Clausen and   
                   A. Zilinskas   Subdivision, sampling, and
                                  initialization strategies for simplical
                                  branch and bound in global optimization  943--955
               A. Zilinskas and   
                   J. Zilinskas   Global optimization based on a
                                  statistical model and simplicial
                                  partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 957--967
                 E. A. Galperin   Optimization of implicitly defined
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 969--977
            A. Kryazhimskii and   
                C. Watanabe and   
                         Y. Tou   Dynamic model of market of patents and
                                  equilibria in technology stocks  . . . . 979--995

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 44, Number 8--9, October / November, 2002

                 Yirong Liu and   
                     Haibo Chen   Stability and bifurcations of limit
                                  cycles of the equator in a class of
                                  cubic polynomial systems . . . . . . . . 997--1005
              K. Åhlander   Einstein summation for multidimensional
                                  arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007--1017
                  Pei-Xuan Weng   Global attractivity of periodic solution
                                  in a model of hematopoiesis  . . . . . . 1019--1030
              J. C. Aguilar and   
                        Y. Chen   High-order corrected trapezoidal
                                  quadrature rules for functions with a
                                  logarithmic singularity in $2$-D . . . . 1031--1039
                       G. Gupur   Well-posedness of M/G/1 queueing model
                                  with single vacations  . . . . . . . . . 1041--1056
             S. M. Karbassi and   
                  H. A. Tehrani   Parameterizations of the state feedback
                                  controllers for linear multivariable
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057--1065
                     M. I. Syam   Interpolation predictors over implicitly
                                  defined curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067--1076
                 P. K. Maji and   
                  A. R. Roy and   
                      R. Biswas   An application of soft sets in a
                                  decision making problem  . . . . . . . . 1077--1083
                     Jingan Cui   The effect of dispersal on permanence in
                                  a predator--prey population growth model 1085--1097
                     A. Moudafi   Mixed equilibrium problems: Sensitivity
                                  analysis and algorithmic aspect  . . . . 1099--1108
                 Xinyuan Wu and   
                  Rong Shao and   
                      Yiran Zhu   New iterative improvement of a solution
                                  for an Ill-conditioned system of linear
                                  equations based on a linear dynamic
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1109--1116
              Zhongxiao Jia and   
                     Yong Zhang   A refined shift-and-invert Arnoldi
                                  algorithm for large unsymmetric
                                  generalized eigenproblems  . . . . . . . 1117--1127
                  M. Lo Schiavo   Population kinetic models for social
                                  dynamics: Dependence on structural
                                  parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1129--1146
                     X. H. Tang   Bounded oscillation of second-order
                                  delay difference equations of unstable
                                  type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1147--1156
                 Siqing Gan and   
                   Geng Sun and   
                   Weimin Zheng   Errors of linear multistep methods and
                                  Runge--Kutta methods for singular
                                  perturbation problems with delays  . . . 1157--1173
                     M. A. Noor   Sensitivity analysis framework for
                                  general quasi-variational inclusions . . 1175--1181
             C. A. Cabrelli and   
             M. C. Falsetti and   
                   U. M. Molter   Fractal block-coding: a functional
                                  approach for image and signal processing 1183--1200
             L. M. de Socio and   
                      L. Marino   Reference frame influence on transport
                                  phenomena in gases. A direct simulations
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1201--1206
               Ying-Fei Sun and   
                Mei-Ke Zhou and   
                      Yan-Da Li   The initial boundary value problem for
                                  thin-plate flow of incompressible
                                  non-Newtonian viscous fluids . . . . . . 1207--1217
                  W. K. Kim and   
                      K. H. Lee   The existence of Nash equilibrium in
                                  $n$-person games with $C$-concavity  . . 1219--1228
                Tzu-Chu Lin and   
            Y. Warnapala-Yehiya   The numerical solution of the exterior
                                  Dirichlet problem for Helmholtz's
                                  equation via modified Green's functions
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1229--1248
                      Song Wang   Solving convection-dominated anisotropic
                                  diffusion equations by an exponentially
                                  fitted finite volume method  . . . . . . 1249--1265
               Yongrui Duan and   
                   Wei Feng and   
                     Jurang Yan   Linearized oscillation of nonlinear
                                  impulsive delay differential equations   1267--1274

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 44, Number 10--11, November / December, 2002

                  Shunian Zhang   A new technique in stability of infinite
                                  delay differential equations . . . . . . 1275--1287
                    K.-D. Phung   Null controllability of the heat
                                  equation as singular limit of the exact
                                  controllability of dissipative wave
                                  equation under the Bardos--Lebeau--Rauch
                                  geometric control condition  . . . . . . 1289--1296
        P. R. Parthasarathy and   
               N. Selvaraju and   
                   G. Manimaran   Exact transient analysis of a circulant
                                  queuing network  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1297--1306
                     R. Bru and   
                 D. Genstar and   
                   J. Marin and   
            G. Verdú and   
                     J. Mas and   
                  T. Manteuffel   Iterative schemes for the neutron
                                  diffusion equation . . . . . . . . . . . 1307--1323
                  K. K. Nambiar   White hole, black whole, and The Book    1325--1327
                Ai-Guo Xiao and   
                     Yi-Fa Tang   Symplectic Properties of multistep
                                  Runge--Kutta methods . . . . . . . . . . 1329--1338
                      Dajun Guo   A class of $ n^{\rm th}$-order impulsive
                                  integrodifferential equations in Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1339--1356
                Jieqing Tan and   
                Baorui Song and   
                    Gongqin Zhu   Vector valued rational interpolants over
                                  triangular grids . . . . . . . . . . . . 1357--1367
                Lai-Jiu Lin and   
                Cheng Shih Feng   Nash-type equilibrium theorems and
                                  competitive Nash-type equilibrium
                                  theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1369--1378
                  Zhizhang Shen   The calculation of average distance in
                                  mesh structures  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1379--1402
              Liusheng Liao and   
                 Jianshe Yu and   
                       Lin Wang   Global attractivity in a logistic
                                  difference model with a feedback control 1403--1411
                     Yinnian He   Coupling boundary integral and finite
                                  element methods for the Oseen coupled
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413--1429
              Jung Lyu, Jr. and   
                  Hsing Luh and   
                 Ming-Chang Lee   Performance analysis of a parallel
                                  Dantzig--Wolfe decomposition algorithm
                                  for linear programming . . . . . . . . . 1431--1437
                Zhen-Ya Yan and   
                Hong-Qing Zhang   Constructing families of soliton-like
                                  solutions to a $ (2 + 1)$-dimensional
                                  breaking soliton equation using symbolic
                                  computation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1439--1444
             Xiao-Ming Zeng and   
                       V. Gupta   Rate of convergence of Baskakov--Bézier
                                  type operators for locally bounded
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1445--1453
                 L.-H. Chen and   
                       H.-W. Lu   The preference order of fuzzy numbers    1455--1465
                Fanwei Meng and   
                   Yuangong Sun   Oscillation of linear Hamiltonian
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1467--1477
                      Anonymous   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1479--1492

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 44, Number 12, December, 2002

                      Anonymous   List of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . III--X
                      Anonymous   Author index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI--XII
                       C. Coles   Parameter estimation in the $1$-D
                                  transport equation with advection  . . . 1493--1502
              Chi-Bin Cheng and   
                C.-J. Cheng and   
                      E. S. Lee   Neuro-fuzzy and genetic algorithm in
                                  multiple response optimization . . . . . 1503--1514
             A. Gangadharan and   
            T. N. Shanmugam and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Generalized hypergeometric functions
                                  associated with $k$- uniformly convex
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1515--1526
                Yanzhao Cao and   
                    D. Stanescu   Shape optimization for noise radiation
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1527--1537
         Whei-Ching C. Chan and   
               Kung-Yu Chen and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Certain classes of generating functions
                                  for the Jacobi and related
                                  hypergeometric polynomials . . . . . . . 1539--1556
                Shy-Der Lin and   
               Shih-Tong Tu and   
           H. M. Srivastava and   
                    Pin-Yu Wang   Certain operators of fractional calculus
                                  and their applications to differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1557--1565
                 Shiji Song and   
                Chunbo Feng and   
                      E. S. Lee   Triple $I$ method of fuzzy reasoning . . 1567--1579
               E. Al-Radadi and   
                         P. Siy   Four-moduli set $ (2, 2^n - 1, 2^n +
                                  2^{n - 1} 1, 2^{ n + 1} + 2^n - 1) $
                                  simplifies the residue to binary
                                  converters based on CRT II . . . . . . . 1581--1587
               J. A. Snyman and   
                      A. M. Hay   The Dynamic-$Q$ optimization method: an
                                  alternative to SQP?  . . . . . . . . . . 1589--1598
                   S. N. Ha and   
                      C. R. Lee   Numerical study for two-point boundary
                                  value problems using Green's functions   1599--1608

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 45, Number 1--3, January / February, 2003

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                T. E. Simos and   
             George Avdelas and   
       Jesús Vigo-Aguiar   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv--xv
                     Ji-Huan He   Linearized perturbation technique and
                                  its applications to strongly nonlinear
                                  oscillators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--8
                  J. R. Winkler   A statistical analysis of the numerical
                                  condition of multiple roots of
                                  polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--24
             J. Vigo-Aguiar and   
               D. L. Richardson   Modification of the Richardson--Panovsky
                                  methods for precise integration of
                                  satellite orbits . . . . . . . . . . . . 25--36
                   Ch Tsitouras   Explicit Numerov type methods with
                                  reduced number of stages . . . . . . . . 37--42
                      Jun Zhang   Numerical simulation of $2$D square
                                  driven cavity using fourth-order compact
                                  finite difference schemes  . . . . . . . 43--52
                 A. Gerisch and   
                      R. Weiner   The positivity of low-order explicit
                                  Runge--Kutta schemes applied in
                                  splitting methods  . . . . . . . . . . . 53--67
           M. A. El-Gebeily and   
                   B. S. Attili   An iterative shooting method for a
                                  certain class of singular two-point
                                  boundary value problems  . . . . . . . . 69--76
          Laurence Tianruo Yang   Accuracy of preconditioned CG-type
                                  methods for least squares problems . . . 77--96
                  F. X. Giraldo   Strong and weak Lagrange--Galerkin
                                  spectral element methods for the shallow
                                  water equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 97--121
                  R. Tirani and   
                   C. Paracelli   An algorithm for starting multistep
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123--129
                  T. Basebi and   
                   R. M. Thomas   A study of moving mesh methods applied
                                  to a thin flame propagating in a
                                  detonator delay element  . . . . . . . . 131--163
                  W. Rivera and   
               Jianping Zhu and   
                  D. Huddleston   An efficient parallel algorithm with
                                  application to computational fluid
                                  dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165--188
              E. J. Weniger and   
                     B. Kirtman   Extrapolation methods for improving the
                                  convergence of oligomer calculations to
                                  the infinite chain limit of
                                  quasi-one-dimensional stereoregular
                                  polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189--215
               A. C. J. Luo and   
                C. D. Mote, Jr.   Asymmetric responses of rotating, thin
                                  disks experiencing large deflections . . 217--228
               N. Karcanias and   
                    M. Mitrouli   Normal factorisation of polynomials and
                                  computational issues . . . . . . . . . . 229--245
                 R. Henrion and   
                 A. Möller   Optimization of a continuous
                                  distillation process under random inflow
                                  rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247--262
                G. A. Gravvanis   Explicit preconditioned domain
                                  decomposition schemes for solving
                                  nonlinear boundary value problems  . . . 263--272
             Riccardo Fazio and   
             Randall J. LeVeque   Moving-mesh methods for one-dimensional
                                  hyperbolic problems using CLAWPACK . . . 273--298
                     M. Rossini   Detecting objects hidden in the subsoil
                                  by a mathematical method . . . . . . . . 299--307
                 M. Bozzini and   
                     M. Rossini   Numerical differentiation of $2$D
                                  functions from noisy data  . . . . . . . 309--327
                   M. Kraft and   
                      W. Wagner   Numerical study of a stochastic particle
                                  method for homogeneous gas-phase
                                  reactions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329--349
C. M. García-López   Piecewise-linearized and linearized $
                                  \theta $-methods for ordinary and
                                  partial differential equations . . . . . 351--381
                    B. Neta and   
                   T. Fukushima   Obrechkoff versus super-implicit methods
                                  for the solution of first- and
                                  second-order initial value problems  . . 383--390
               P. A. Krutitskii   Hypersingular integral equations not
                                  needed in the impedance problem in
                                  scattering theory  . . . . . . . . . . . 391--399
                   M. Calvo and   
              M. P. Laburta and   
                J. I. Montijano   Starting algorithms for Gauss
                                  Runge--Kutta methods for Hamiltonian
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401--410
   S. González-Pinto and   
            J. I. Montijano and   
S. Pérez-Rodríguez   Stabilized starting algorithms for
                                  collocation Runge--Kutta methods . . . . 411--428
                  R. E. Mickens   A nonstandard finite difference scheme
                                  for a Fisher PDE having nonlinear
                                  diffusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429--436
              E. Francomano and   
               A. Tortorici and   
                   V. Calderone   Regularization of optical flow with
                                  $M$-band wavelet transform . . . . . . . 437--452
                  C. Bellos and   
                 V. Hrissanthou   Numerical simulation of morphological
                                  changes in rivers and reservoirs . . . . 453--467
                 S. Natesan and   
             J. Vigo-Aguiar and   
                   N. Ramanujam   A numerical algorithm for singular
                                  perturbation problems exhibiting weak
                                  boundary layers  . . . . . . . . . . . . 469--479
                  V. Antohe and   
                    I. Gladwell   Performance of Gauss implicit
                                  Runge--Kutta methods on separable
                                  Hamiltonian systems  . . . . . . . . . . 481--501
                G. M. Muslu and   
                    H. A. Erbay   A split-step Fourier method for the
                                  complex modified Korteweg--de Vries
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503--514
            R. V. N. Melnik and   
                 A. Uhlherr and   
                 J. Hodgkin and   
                     F. de Hoog   Distance geometry algorithms in
                                  molecular modelling of polymer and
                                  composite systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 515--534
                   M. Calvo and   
               J. M. Franco and   
               L. Rández   Minimum storage Runge--Kutta schemes for
                                  computational acoustics  . . . . . . . . 535--545
              A. Konguetsof and   
                    T. E. Simos   An exponentially-fitted and
                                  trigonometrically-fitted method for the
                                  numerical solution of periodic
                                  initial-value problems . . . . . . . . . 547--554

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 45, Number 4--5, February / March, 2003

                 P. K. Maji and   
                  R. Biswas and   
                      A. R. Roy   Soft set theory  . . . . . . . . . . . . 555--562
                   S. Baran and   
                     G. Pap and   
           M. C. A. van Zuijlen   Estimation of the mean of stationary and
                                  nonstationary Ornstein--Uhlenbeck
                                  processes and sheets . . . . . . . . . . 563--579
                A. A. Halim and   
          S. P. Kshevetskii and   
                    S. B. Leble   Numerical integration of a coupled
                                  Korteweg--de Vries system  . . . . . . . 581--591
               Guoliang Shi and   
                   Shaozhu Chen   Positive solutions of even higher-order
                                  singular superlinear boundary value
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593--603
               Guang Chong Yang   Positive solutions of some second-order
                                  nonlinear singular differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605--614
               Yongrui Duan and   
                  Peng Tian and   
              Weiping Zhang and   
                       Wei Feng   Generic oscillations of delay
                                  differential system with impulses  . . . 615--622
                 Zeqing Liu and   
                     S. M. Kang   Iterative solutions of nonlinear
                                  equations with $ \phi $-strongly
                                  accretive operators in uniformly smooth
                                  Banach spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623--634
                   V. Ayala and   
                    W. Kliemann   A decomposition theorem for singular
                                  control systems on lie groups  . . . . . 635--646
              Byung-Soo Lee and   
             Shih-Sen Chang and   
              Jong Soo Jung and   
                    Suk-Jin Lee   Generalized vector version of Minty's
                                  lemma and applications . . . . . . . . . 647--653
                    L. Tadj and   
                        C. Tadj   The departure process of a quorum
                                  queueing system  . . . . . . . . . . . . 655--664
               K. Gopalsamy and   
                   Peixuan Weng   Global attractivity in a competition
                                  system with feedback controls  . . . . . 665--676
                   M. Hadizadeh   Posteriori error estimates for the
                                  nonlinear Volterra--Fredholm integral
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677--687
               Sung-Jin Cho and   
               Un-Sook Choi and   
                    Han-Doo Kim   Analysis of complemented CA derived from
                                  a linear TPMACA  . . . . . . . . . . . . 689--698
                Soowhan Han and   
               Seungju Jang and   
              Youngwoon Woo and   
                    Jungsik Lee   Third-order moment spectrum and weighted
                                  fuzzy classifier for robust $2$-D object
                                  recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699--707
                     H.-C. Tang   Inconsistent property of Lee and Li
                                  fuzzy ranking method . . . . . . . . . . 709--713
                   D. Greenspan   Particle modelling of the cavity problem
                                  for liquids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715--722
                Xiaowo Tang and   
              Zongfang Zhou and   
                       Yong Shi   The variable weighted functions of
                                  combined forecasting . . . . . . . . . . 723--730
                    Bo Tian and   
                    Yi-Tian Gao   Symbolic computation and observable
                                  effect for the $ (2 + 1)$-dimensional
                                  symmetric regularized-long-wave equation
                                  from strongly magnetized cold-electron
                                  plasmas  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731--735
                          A. An   Learning classification rules from data  737--748
              H. A. El-Morshedy   The global attractivity of difference
                                  equations of nonincreasing
                                  nonlinearities with applications . . . . 749--758
                 Yuan-Ming Wang   Numerov's method for strongly nonlinear
                                  two-point boundary value problems  . . . 759--763
                Xiaoming He and   
                      Weigao Ge   Existence of three solutions for a
                                  quasilinear two-point boundary value
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765--769
                    Yan-Xia Ren   The structure of nonlinear elliptic
                                  equations on unbounded domains in
                                  dimensions 1 and $2$- A probabilistic
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771--782
                   Mingshu Peng   A note correcting the proof of a lemma
                                  in a recent paper  . . . . . . . . . . . 783--784
                   M. Vurro and   
                  L. Castellano   Numerical treatments of the interface
                                  discontinuity in solid-water mass
                                  transfer problems  . . . . . . . . . . . 785--788
              K. Åhlander   Supporting tensor symmetries in EinSum   789--803
                    A. A. Ungar   Seeing the Möbius disc-transformation
                                  group like never before  . . . . . . . . 805--822
              Cheon Seoung Ryoo   Solving obstacle problems with
                                  guaranteed accuracy  . . . . . . . . . . 823--834
                  Zeng Jing and   
                  Binggen Zhang   The positive solutions of difference
                                  equations relevant to an economic
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835--842
                 M. J. Atia and   
                   J. Alaya and   
                    A. Ronveaux   Some generalized Jacobi polynomials  . . 843--850
                      Anonymous   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 851--860

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 45, Number 6--9, March / May, 2003

                      Anonymous   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv--xv
                 D. R. Anderson   Discrete third-order three-point
                                  right-focal boundary value problems  . . 861--871
                J. R. Graef and   
                   J. Henderson   Double solutions of boundary value
                                  problems for $ 2 m^{\rm th}$-order
                                  differential equations and difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873--885
                 Yuan-Ming Wang   Parallel monotone iterative relaxation
                                  methods for a class of two-dimensional
                                  discrete boundary value problems . . . . 887--903
          E. N. Petropoulou and   
               P. D. Siafarikas   Solutions of nonlinear delay and
                                  advanced partial difference equations in
                                  the space $ l_{N \times N}^1 $ . . . . . 905--934
                  Zhan Zhou and   
                    Jianhong Wu   Stable periodic orbits in nonlinear
                                  discrete-time neural networks with
                                  delayed feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . 935--942
                Yuming Chen and   
                      Zhan Zhou   Global attractivity and oscillation in a
                                  nonlinear periodic delay difference
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 943--950
                  N. S. Bay and   
                   Vu Ngoc Phat   Stability analysis of nonlinear retarded
                                  difference equations in Banach spaces    951--960
            O. Doslý and   
                    R. Hilscher   A class of Sturm--Liouville difference
                                  equations: (Non)oscillation constants
                                  and property BD  . . . . . . . . . . . . 961--981
                M. Boulbrachene   $ L^\infty $-error estimate for a system
                                  of elliptic quasi-variational
                                  inequalities with noncoercive operators  983--989
                  Yong Zhou and   
                    B. G. Zhang   Existence of nonoscillatory solutions of
                                  higher-order neutral delay difference
                                  equations with variable coefficients . . 991--1000
                  A. Ramani and   
             B. Grammaticos and   
              T. Tamizhmani and   
               K. M. Tamizhmani   The road to the discrete analogue of the
                                  Painlevé property: Nevanlinna meets
                                  singularity confinement  . . . . . . . . 1001--1012
                   S. Clark and   
                      D. Hinton   Disconjugacy criteria for matrix
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 1013--1020
             L. Díaz and   
                      R. Naulin   Bounded solutions of nonlinear
                                  difference equations with advanced
                                  arguments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021--1032
                 P. W. Eloe and   
                M. N. Islam and   
                  Y. N. Raffoul   Uniform asymptotic stability in
                                  nonlinear Volterra discrete systems  . . 1033--1039
               J. Diblík   Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of
                                  systems of discrete equations via
                                  Liapunov type technique  . . . . . . . . 1041--1057
                    S. Siegmund   Normal forms for nonautonomous
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 1059--1073
             D. R. Anderson and   
                R. I. Avery and   
                    J. M. Davis   Existence and uniqueness of solutions to
                                  discrete diffusion equations . . . . . . 1075--1085
       M. R. S. Kulenovi\'c and   
                   G. Ladas and   
              L. F. Martins and   
                I. W. Rodrigues   The dynamics of $ \chi_n + 1 = \alpha +
                                  \beta \chi_n A + B \chi_n + C x_{n - 1}
                                  $ facts and conjectures  . . . . . . . . 1087--1099
               J. Henderson and   
                   W. K. C. Yin   Existence of solutions for third-order
                                  boundary value problems on a time scale  1101--1111
                  M. Cecchi and   
            Z. Doslá and   
                      M. Marini   Unbounded solutions of quasi-linear
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 1113--1123
                  A. Cabada and   
               V. Otero-Espinar   Fixed sign solutions of second-order
                                  difference equations with Neumann
                                  boundary conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 1125--1136
                G. Freiling and   
                    A. Hochhaus   Properties of the solutions of rational
                                  matrix difference equations  . . . . . . 1137--1154
                      Zhan Zhou   Periodic orbits on discrete dynamical
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1155--1161
                J. Bastinec and   
               J. Diblík   Asymptotic formulae for a particular
                                  solution of linear nonhomogeneous
                                  discrete equations . . . . . . . . . . . 1163--1169
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                S. R. Grace and   
                     D. O'Regan   Discrete semipositone higher-order
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1171--1179
            N. A. Chernyavskaya   Stability and absolute stability of a
                                  three-point difference scheme  . . . . . 1181--1194
                       M. Pituk   Global asymptotic stability in a
                                  perturbed higher-order linear difference
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1195--1202
                Wan-Tong Li and   
                  R. P. Agarwal   Positive solutions of higher-order
                                  nonlinear delay difference equations . . 1203--1211
              Weinian Zhang and   
                  R. P. Agarwal   Construction of mappings with attracting
                                  cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213--1219
               Hai-Feng Huo and   
                    Wan-Tong Li   Oscillation of certain two-dimensional
                                  nonlinear difference systems . . . . . . 1221--1226
              Binggen Zhang and   
                   Xinghua Deng   The stability of partial difference
                                  systems with retarded arguments  . . . . 1227--1233
         C. González and   
       A. Jiménez-Melado   Set-contractive mappings and difference
                                  equations in Banach spaces . . . . . . . 1235--1243
              Shunian Zhang and   
                    Wan-Tong Li   Periodic solutions of neutral difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1245--1251
                B. G. Zhang and   
                  R. P. Agarwal   The oscillation and stability of delay
                                  partial difference equations . . . . . . 1253--1295
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                S. R. Grace and   
                     D. O'Regan   Nonoscillatory solutions for discrete
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1297--1302
               Daqing Jiang and   
                  R. P. Agarwal   Existence of positive periodic solutions
                                  for a class of difference equations with
                                  several deviating arguments  . . . . . . 1303--1309
                       Daoyi Xu   Invariant and attracting sets of
                                  Volterra difference equations with
                                  delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1311--1317
             B. A. Lawrence and   
                     D. T. Reid   Comparison of eigenvalues for
                                  Sturm--Liouville boundary value problems
                                  on a measure chain . . . . . . . . . . . 1319--1326
              Sung Kyu Choi and   
                Nam Jip Koo and   
                  Hyun Sook Ryu   Asymptotic equivalence between two
                                  difference systems . . . . . . . . . . . 1327--1337
                   J. Hoffacker   Green's functions and eigenvalue
                                  comparisons for a focal problem on time
                                  scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1339--1368
                R. Hilscher and   
                      V. Zeidan   Nonnegativity of a discrete quadratic
                                  functional in terms of the
                                  (strengthened) Legendre and Jacobi
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1369--1383
                 B. Aulbach and   
               C. Pötzsche   Invariant manifolds with asymptotic
                                  phase for nonautonomous difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1385--1398
            G. Sh. Guseinov and   
          B. Kaymakçalan   Lyapunov inequalities for discrete
                                  linear Hamiltonian systems . . . . . . . 1399--1416
                F. M. Atici and   
                      A. Cabada   Existence and uniqueness results for
                                  discrete second-order periodic boundary
                                  value problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1417--1427
              R. P. Agarwal and   
             H. B. Thompson and   
                  C. C. Tisdell   Three-point boundary value problems for
                                  second-order discrete equations  . . . . 1429--1435
              R. P. Agarwal and   
             H. B. Thompson and   
                  C. C. Tisdell   Difference equations in Banach spaces    1437--1444
        Patricia J. Y. Wong and   
                      Lihua Xie   Three symmetric solutions of Lidstone
                                  boundary value problems for difference
                                  and partial difference equations . . . . 1445--1460
              E. Thandapani and   
               S. L. Marian and   
                    J. R. Graef   Asymptotic behavior of nonoscillatory
                                  solutions of neutral difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1461--1468

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 45, Number 10--11, May / June, 2003

             Ju-Liang Zhang and   
                Xiang-Sun Zhang   A nonmonotone adaptive trust region
                                  method and its convergence . . . . . . . 1469--1477
                   A. Pasko and   
                  O. Okunev and   
                   V. Savchenko   Minkowski sums of point sets defined by
                                  inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1479--1487
                         Yan Xu   Meromorphic functions sharing one finite
                                  set  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1489--1495
                     H. Kuk and   
                      T. Tanino   Optimality and duality in nonsmooth
                                  multiobjective optimization involving
                                  generalized type $I$ functions . . . . . 1497--1506
                   G. J. Zalmai   Parameter-free sufficient optimality
                                  conditions and duality models for minmax
                                  fractional subset programming problems
                                  with generalized $ (F \rho, \theta)
                                  $-convex functions . . . . . . . . . . . 1507--1535
             E. A. Galperin and   
       Alexandre Guinzbourg and   
                Anna Guinzbourg   Pseudorandom lattices for global
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1537--1549
                  R. Ashino and   
           S. J. Desjardins and   
                    C. Heil and   
                  M. Nagase and   
                R. Vaillancourt   Smooth tight frame wavelets and image
                                  microanalyis in the Fourier domain . . . 1551--1579
               Fu-Zhao Zhou and   
                  Lei Zhang and   
                      Xi-Yan Hu   Least-square solutions for inverse
                                  problems of centrosymmetric matrices . . 1581--1589
                     Yuming Shi   Oscillation of self-adjoint second-order
                                  vector difference equations to the
                                  parameter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1591--1600
                    Ch.-Ch Chou   The canonical representation of
                                  multiplication operation on triangular
                                  fuzzy numbers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1601--1610
                Shijun Yang and   
                   Xinghua Wang   New quadrature formulas based on the
                                  zeros of the Chebyshev polynomials of
                                  the second kind  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1611--1618
            L. C. De Barros and   
       M. B. Ferreira Leite and   
                R. C. Bassanezi   The SI epidemiological models with a
                                  fuzzy transmission parameter . . . . . . 1619--1628
                    Xian Wu and   
                B. Thompson and   
           George Xian-Zhi Yuan   Quasiequilibrium problem in $H$-spaces   1629--1636
                     Wen Li and   
                 Qianshun Chang   Inclusion intervals of singular values
                                  and applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 1637--1646
                    B. Chen and   
R. García-Bolós and   
            L. Jódar and   
           M. D. Roselló   The truncation error of the two-variable
                                  Chebyshev series expansions  . . . . . . 1647--1653
                    O. Rojo and   
                        H. Rojo   Constructing symmetric nonnegative
                                  matrices via the Fast Fourier Transform  1655--1672
                    P. Glaister   Conservative upwind difference schemes
                                  for the Euler equations  . . . . . . . . 1673--1682
               Hong-Xing Li and   
                      E. S. Lee   Interpolation representations of fuzzy
                                  logic systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1683--1693
              Bao-Lin Zhang and   
                   Zheng-Su Wan   New techniques in designing
                                  finite-difference domain decomposition
                                  algorithm for the heat equation  . . . . 1695--1705
                     Jiye Zhang   Global stability analysis in delayed
                                  cellular neural networks . . . . . . . . 1707--1720
             Ting-Zhu Huang and   
                  Cheng-Xian Xu   Generalized $ \alpha $-diagonal
                                  dominance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1721--1727
                  Bingji Xu and   
                 Xinzhi Liu and   
                   Xiaoxin Liao   Global asymptotic stability of
                                  high-order Hopfield type neural networks
                                  with time delays . . . . . . . . . . . . 1729--1737
             Ting-Zhu Huang and   
                      Fu-Ti Liu   An error bound for the MAOR method . . . 1739--1748
                  E.-B. Lin and   
                    R. U. Verma   Role of twice fréchet-differentiable
                                  mappings in general auxiliary problem
                                  principle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1749--1756
               R. C. Mittal and   
                 A. H. Al-Kurdi   An efficient method for constructing an
                                  ILU preconditioner for solving large
                                  sparse nonsymmetric linear systems by
                                  the GMRES method . . . . . . . . . . . . 1757--1772
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleDesigning
                                  sociable robots: By Cynthia L. Breazeal.
                                  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002).
                                  263 pages. \$49.95}  . . . . . . . . . . 1774--1774
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleLeonardo's
                                  laptop: Human needs and the new
                                  computing technologies: By Ben
                                  Schneiderman. The MIT Press, Cambridge,
                                  MA. (2002) 269 pages. \$24.95} . . . . . 1774--1774
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitlePatents,
                                  citations & innovations: a window on the
                                  knowledge economy: By Adam B. Jaffe and
                                  Manuel Trajtenberg. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2002). 478 pages. \$50}  1774--1774
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe iconic logic
                                  of Peirce's graphs: By Sun-Joo Shin.The
                                  MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002). 208
                                  pages. \$34.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1774--1775
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitlePerceptual
                                  learning: Edited by Manfred Fahle and
                                  Tomaso Poggio. The MIT Press, Cambridge,
                                  MA. (2002). 455 pages. \$65} . . . . . . 1775--1775
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleStatistical
                                  computing: an introduction to data
                                  analysis using S-Plus: by Michael J.
                                  Crawley. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
                                  (2002). 761 pages. \$85} . . . . . . . . 1775--1775
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleFundamentals of
                                  matrix computations: Second Edition. By
                                  David S. Watkins. Wiley--Interscience,
                                  New York. (2002). 618 pages. \$89.95}    1775--1776
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleComputationalism
                                  new directions: Edited by Matthias
                                  Scheutz. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
                                  (2002). 209 pages. \$35} . . . . . . . . 1776--1776
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleFractals,
                                  graphics. & mathematics education: Edited
                                  by Michael L. Fame & Benoit B.
                                  Mandelbrot. The Mathematical Association
                                  of America, Washington, D.C. (2002). 206
                                  pages. \$39.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1776--1776
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleQuantum calculus:
                                  By Victor Kac and Pokman Cheung.
                                  Springer, New York. (2002). 112 pages.
                                  \$29.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1776--1776
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleSPSS in practice:
                                  an illustrated guide: By Basant K. Puri.
                                  Arnold, London. (2002). 175 pages.
                                  \$29.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1776--1776
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitlePricing the
                                  priceless: a health care conundrum: By
                                  Joseph P. Newhouse. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2002). 258 pages. \$35}  1776--1777
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleCalendrical
                                  tabulations: By Edward M. Reingold and
                                  Nachum Dershowitz. Cambridge University
                                  Press, New York. (2002). 606 pages
                                  \$120} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1777--1777
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleMathematical
                                  principles of signal processing: Fourier
                                  and Wavelet analysis: By Pierre Breé
                                  Maud. Springer, New York. (2002). 269
                                  pages. \$79.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1777--1777
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitlePopulation
                                  viability analysis: Edited by Steven R.
                                  Beissinger and Dale R. McCullouch. The
                                  University of Chicago Press Chicago
                                  (2002) 577 pages \$35} . . . . . . . . . 1777--1777
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleAlgorithms on
                                  trees and graphs: By Gabriel Valiente.
                                  Springer, New York. (2002). 490 pages.
                                  \$49.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1778--1778
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleInformation and
                                  randomness: an algorithmic perspective:
                                  Second Edition, Revised and Extended. By
                                  Cristian S. Calude. Springer, New York.
                                  (2002). 467 pages. \$54.95}  . . . . . . 1778--1778
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe Rio book of
                                  concepts: By Greeorv L. Murphy The MIT
                                  Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002). 555 pages.
                                  \$45}  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1778--1778
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleEconomic policy
                                  reforms and the Indian economy: Edited
                                  by Anne O. Krueger. The University of
                                  Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. (2002). 377
                                  pages. \$75} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1778--1779
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleCellular automata
                                  and complexity: Collected papers: By
                                  Stephen Wolfram.Westview Press, Boulder,
                                  CO. (1994). 596 pages. \$35} . . . . . . 1779--1779
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleCombinatorial
                                  algorithms: Enlarged Second Edition. By
                                  T. C. Hu and M. T. Shing. Dover
                                  Publications, Mineola, NY. (2002). 354
                                  pages \$16.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1779--1779
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe Neural
                                  simulation language: a system for brain
                                  modeling: By Alfredo Weitzenfeld,
                                  Michael A. Arbib, and Amanda Alexander.
                                  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002).
                                  439 pages. \$55, 137.95} . . . . . . . . 1779--1781
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleConversations
                                  with a mathematician: Math. art. science
                                  and the limits of reason: By Gregory J.
                                  Chaitin. Springer, London. (2002). 158
                                  pages. \$29.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1781--1781
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleDuelling idiots
                                  and other probability puzzlers: By Paul
                                  J. Nahin. Princeton University Press,
                                  Princeton. (2000). 269 pages. \$18.95}   1781--1781
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleGene regulation
                                  and metabolism: Postaenomic
                                  computational approaches: Edited by
                                  Julio Collado-Vides and Ralf Hofestädt.
                                  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002).
                                  310 pages. \$45} . . . . . . . . . . . . 1781--1781
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleFeynman and
                                  computation: Exploring the limits of
                                  computers: Edited by Anthony J. G. Hey.
                                  Westview Press, Cambridge MA. (2002).
                                  xxiii + 438 pages  . . . . . . . . . . . 1781--1782
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleFeynman lectures
                                  on gravitation: By Richard P. Feynman,
                                  Fernando B. Moringo, and William G.
                                  Wagner. Edited by Brian Hatfield.
                                  Westview Press, Boulder, CO. (2003). 232
                                  pages. \$35} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1782--1782
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe virtual album
                                  of fluid motion: By Susanne Kilian and
                                  Stefan Turek. Springer Electronic Media,
                                  Dortmund, Germany. (2002). CD Rom.
                                  \$79.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1782--1782
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleGeometric
                                  numerical integration:
                                  Structure-preserving algorithms for
                                  ordinary differential equations: By E.
                                  Hairer, C. Lubich, and G. Wanner.
                                  Springer, Berlin. (2002). 515 pages.
                                  \$84.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1782--1784

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 45, Number 12, June, 2003

                      Anonymous   List of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . III--XIV
                 D. H. Peng and   
                  M. A. Han and   
                     H. Y. Wang   Linearized oscillations of first-order
                                  nonlinear neutral delay difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1785--1796
              Chuan-Zhi Bai and   
                  Jin-Xuan Fang   Existence of multiple positive solutions
                                  for functional differential equations    1797--1806
                    Yu-Fei Yang   Globally and superlinearly convergent
                                  algorithms for the solution of
                                  box-constrained optimization . . . . . . 1807--1821
                   T. Jankowski   Monotone and numerical--analytic methods
                                  for differential equations . . . . . . . 1823--1828
               S. Wandzurat and   
                        H. Xiao   Symmetric quadrature rules on a triangle 1829--1840
                 Zhiguo Luo and   
                   Jianhua Shen   New results on oscillation for delay
                                  differential equations with piecewise
                                  constant argument  . . . . . . . . . . . 1841--1848
                 Hsien-Chung Wu   Linear regression analysis for fuzzy
                                  input and output data using the
                                  extension principle  . . . . . . . . . . 1849--1859
                Shy-Der Lin and   
               Shih-Tong Tu and   
               H. M. Srivastava   A unified presentation of certain
                                  families of non-Fuchsian differential
                                  equations via fractional calculus
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1861--1870
               Ying-Fen Lin and   
                Ngai-Ching Wong   Constructing space-filling curves of
                                  compact connected manifolds  . . . . . . 1871--1881
                 Wenjian Yu and   
                      Zeyi Wang   A fast quasi-multiple medium method for
                                  $3$-D BEM calculation of parasitic
                                  capacitance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1883--1894
                       V. Gupta   Rate of approximation by a new sequence
                                  of linear positive operators . . . . . . 1895--1904
                 C. Frangos and   
                       Y. Yavin   Maneuvering control of a rolling
                                  four-links robot . . . . . . . . . . . . 1905--1926

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 46, Number 1, July, 2003

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                 Manil Suri and   
                 Zohar Yosibash   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiii
                 Manil Suri and   
                 Zohar Yosibash   Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv--xvi
                R. L. Actis and   
                    B. A. Szabo   Analysis of bonded and fastened repairs
                                  by the $p$-version of the finite-element
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--14
                 P. K. Basu and   
                A. B. Jorge and   
                   S. Badri and   
                         J. Lin   Higher-order modeling of continua by
                                  finite-element, boundary-element,
                                  meshless, and wavelet methods  . . . . . 15--33
            F. Ben Belgacem and   
              L. K. Chilton and   
                   P. Seshaiyer   The $ h p$-mortar finite-element method
                                  for the mixed elasticity and Stokes
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35--55
           G. Bognár and   
                T. Szabó   Solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems by
                                  using $p$-version of FEM . . . . . . . . 57--68
                     T. Cao and   
                    D. W. Kelly   Pointwise and local error estimates for
                                  the quantities of interest in
                                  two-dimensional elasticity . . . . . . . 69--79
            S. P. Engelstad and   
                    R. L. Actis   Development of $p$-version handbook
                                  solutions for analysis of composite
                                  bonded joints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81--94
                     Ben-Yu Guo   Jacobi spectral method for differential
                                  equations with Rough asymptotic
                                  behaviors at infinity  . . . . . . . . . 95--104
                A. K. Patra and   
               A. Laszloffy and   
                        J. Long   Data structures and load balancing for
                                  parallel adaptive $ h p $ finite-element
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105--123
        S. A. Prost-Domasky and   
               C. L. Brooks and   
                K. T. Honeycutt   The application of $p$-version
                                  finite-element methods to
                                  fracture-dominated problems encountered
                                  in engineering practice  . . . . . . . . 125--139
               B. Rivi\`ere and   
                  M. F. Wheeler   A Posteriori error estimates for a
                                  discontinuous Galerkin method applied to
                                  elliptic problems. Log number: R74 . . . 141--163
                   P. Seshaiyer   Stability and convergence of
                                  nonconforming $ h p $ finite-element
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165--182
               T. P. Wihler and   
            P. Frauenfelder and   
                      C. Schwab   Exponential convergence of the $ h p $
                                  -DGFEM for diffusion problems  . . . . . 183--205

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 46, Number 2--3, July / August, 2003

               Her-Tyan Yeh and   
               Hung-Min Sun and   
                 Tzonelih Hwang   Improved authenticated multiple-key
                                  agreement protocol . . . . . . . . . . . 207--211
                  J. S. McGarry   The exact discrete time representation
                                  of a system of fourth-order differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213--230
                 Zhengyi Lu and   
                       Yong Luo   Three limit cycles for a
                                  three-dimensional Lotka--Volterra
                                  competitive system with a heteroclinic
                                  cycle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231--238
              M. Petkovi\'c and   
              L. Petkovi\'c and   
                      S. Ili\'c   The guaranteed convergence of
                                  Laguerre-like method . . . . . . . . . . 239--251
                   S. C. Fu and   
                     L. Y. Tsai   Oscillation theorems for fourth-order
                                  partial difference equations . . . . . . 253--262
                      A. Karoui   Wavelets: Properties and approximate
                                  solution of a second kind integral
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263--277
                    Jiaowan Luo   Second-order quasilinear oscillation
                                  with impulses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279--291
              A. I. Zreikat and   
                   G. Bolch and   
                      J. Sztrik   Performance modelling of nonhomogeneous
                                  unreliable multiserver systems using
                                  MOSEL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293--312
              W. C. Hassenpflug   Torsion of uniform bars with polygon
                                  cross-section  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313--392
                  V. Keselj and   
                     N. Cercone   A graph unification machine for NL
                                  parsing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393--419
                    N. Ujevi\'c   New bounds for the first inequality of
                                  Ostrowski-Grüss type and applications . . 421--427
                V. B. Kreng and   
                 Chia-Hua Chang   Bayesian network based multiagent
                                  system-application in e-marketplace  . . 429--444
                  P. Cerone and   
                 S. S. Dragomir   Differences between means with bounds
                                  from a Riemann--Stieltjes integral . . . 445--453
                 R. Cancelliere   Data processing and feature screening in
                                  function approximation: an application
                                  to neural networks . . . . . . . . . . . 455--461
                 V. Shanthi and   
                   N. Ramanujam   Asymptotic numerical methods for
                                  singularly perturbed fourth-order
                                  ordinary differential equations of
                                  reaction-diffusion type  . . . . . . . . 463--478
                Cheng-Hong Yang   An interactive Morse code emulation
                                  management system  . . . . . . . . . . . 479--492
                      V. Y. Pan   Matrix structure and loss-resilient
                                  encoding/decoding  . . . . . . . . . . . 493--499
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe art of the
                                  infinite: the pleasures of mathematics:
                                  By Robert Kaplan and Ellen Kaplan.
                                  Oxford University Press, New York.
                                  (2003). 324 pages. \$26} . . . . . . . . 502--502
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleComputational
                                  physics: FORTRAN version: By Steven E.
                                  Koonin and Dawn C. Meredith. Westview
                                  Press, Boulder, CO. (1990). 639 pages.
                                  \$65}  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502--502
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleNumber theory for
                                  computing: Second Edition. By Song Y.
                                  Yan. Springer, New York.(2002). 435
                                  pages \$49.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502--503
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleTabular
                                  application development for information
                                  systems: an object-oriented methodology:
                                  By Talib Damij. Springer, New York.
                                  (2001). 190 pages. \$54.95. (CD-ROM
                                  included)} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503--503
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleComputational
                                  methods for fluid dynamics: Third
                                  Edition. By J. H. Ferziger. and M.
                                  Peri\'c. Springer, New York. (2002). 423
                                  pages. \$54.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 503--504
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleGaussian
                                  self-affinity and fractals: By B. B.
                                  Mandelbrot. Springer, New York. (2002).
                                  654 pages. \$54.95}  . . . . . . . . . . 505--505
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleNeurotechnology
                                  for biomimetic robots: Edited by Joseph
                                  Ayers, Joel L. Davis, and Alan Rudolph.
                                  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002).
                                  636 pages. \$65} . . . . . . . . . . . . 505--505
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleMicroarrays for
                                  an integrative genomics: By Isaac S.
                                  Kohane, Alvin T. Kho, and Atul J. Butte.
                                  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002).
                                  306 pages. \$40} . . . . . . . . . . . . 505--506
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleAdvanced solid
                                  state physics: By Philip Phillips.
                                  Westview Press, Boulder, CO. (2002). 386
                                  pages. \$55} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506--507
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleEssential
                                  Mavle\reg 7: an introduction for
                                  scientific programmers: By Robert M.
                                  Corless. Springer, New York. (2002). 282
                                  pages. \$44.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 507--507
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleEconometrics
                                  volume 3: Economic growth in the
                                  information Age: By Dale W. Jorgenson.
                                  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002).
                                  462 pages. \$55} . . . . . . . . . . . . 507--507
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleOcean yearbook
                                  15: Edited by Elisabeth Mann Borgese,
                                  Aldo Chircop, and Moira McConnell. The
                                  University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
                                  (2002). 1018 pages. \$130} . . . . . . . 507--508
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleFrontiers in
                                  health policy research. Volume 5: Edited
                                  by Alan M. Garber. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2002). 166 pages. \$25}  508--508
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe MIT guide to
                                  science and engineering communication:
                                  Second Edition. By James G. Paradis and
                                  Muriel L. Zimmerman. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2002). 324 pages.
                                  \$29.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508--508
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleWords without
                                  meaning: By Christopher Gauker. The MIT
                                  Press, Cambridge, MA. (2003). 299 pages.
                                  \$25}  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508--508
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe cognitive
                                  animal: Empirical and theoretical
                                  perspectives on animal cognition: Edited
                                  by Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen and Gordon
                                  M. Burghardt.The MIT Press, Cambridge,
                                  MA. (2002). 482 pages. \$38} . . . . . . 508--509
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleIntroduction to
                                  numerical analysis, Texts in Applied
                                  Mathematics 12: Third Edition. By J.
                                  Stoer and R. Bulirsch. Translated by R.
                                  Bartels, W. Gautschi, and C. Witzgall.
                                  Springer, New York. (2002). 744 pages.
                                  \$69.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509--510
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleHigh-energy
                                  particle diffraction: By V. Barone and
                                  E. Predazzi. Springer, New York. (2002).
                                  407 pages. \$79.95}  . . . . . . . . . . 510--511
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleCognitive
                                  modeling: Edited by Thad A. Polk and
                                  Colleen M. Seifert. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2002). 1270 pages. \$55} 511--512
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe Mathematical
                                  theory of finite element methods: Second
                                  Edition. By Susanne C. Brenner and L.
                                  Ridgway Scott. Springer, New York.
                                  (2002). 361 pages. \$49.95}  . . . . . . 512--513
                      Anonymous   Book Review:
                                  \booktitleSchwarz--Christoffel mapping:
                                  By Tobin A. Driscoll and Lloyd N.
                                  Trefethen. Cambridge University Press,
                                  Cambridge. (2002). 132 pages. \$40}  . . 513--513
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleSolar neutrinos:
                                  the first thirty years: Edited by John
                                  N. Bahcall, Raymond Davis, Jr., Peter
                                  Parker, Alexei Smirnov, and Roger
                                  Ulrich. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.
                                  (2002). 462 pages. \$50} . . . . . . . . 513--514
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe dynamic
                                  neuron: By John Smythies. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2002). 150 pages. \$35}  515--515
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleScientific
                                  computing with ordinary differential
                                  equations: By Peter Deuflhard and
                                  Folkmar Bornemann. Translated by Werner
                                  C. Rheinboldt. Springer, New York.
                                  (2002). 485 pages. \$59.95. (CD-ROM
                                  included)} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515--515
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleFinite elements
                                  using Maple: a symbolic programming
                                  approach: By A. Portela and A. Charafi.
                                  Springer, New York. (2002). 325 pages.
                                  \$49.95. (CD-ROM included)}  . . . . . . 515--516
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleAcoustic
                                  communication in insects and anurans:
                                  Common problems and diverse solutions:
                                  By H. Carl Gerhardt and Franz Huber. The
                                  University of Chicago Press, Chicago,
                                  IL. (2002): 531 pages. \$35} . . . . . . 516--516
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleCustomer-based IP
                                  service monitoring with mobile software
                                  agents: By Manuel Gunter. Birkhäuser,
                                  Basel. 160 pages. \$39.95, sFr. 42, EUR
                                  27.10} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516--517
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleCombinatorics for
                                  computer science: By S. Gill Williamson.
                                  Dover, Mineola, NY. (2002). 479 pages.
                                  \$22.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517--517
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleJava precisely:
                                  By Peter Sestoft. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2002). 118 pages.
                                  \$14.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517--518
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleFrom animals to
                                  animals 7: Edited by Bridget Hallam,
                                  Dario Floreano, John Hallam,l Gillian
                                  Hayes, and Jean-Arcady Meyer. The MIT
                                  Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002). 420 pages.
                                  \$70}  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518--519
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleRigid body
                                  dynamics of mechanisms 1. Theoretical
                                  basis: By Hubert Hahn. Springer, New
                                  York. (2002). 336 pages. \$98} . . . . . 519--520
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleSelf-regularity:
                                  a new paradigm for primal-dual
                                  interior-point algorithms: By Jiming
                                  Peng, Cornelias Roos, and Tanigs
                                  Terlaky. Princeton University Press,
                                  Princeton, NJ. (2002). 185 pages.
                                  \$65.00 (cloth); \$29.95 (paper) . . . . 520--520

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 46, Number 4, August, 2003

           Carlo Cercignani and   
                   Ugo Piomelli   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiv
                  A. Abb\`a and   
           A. C. Cercignani and   
                  L. Valdettaro   Analysis of subgrid scale models . . . . 521--535
                  P. Constantin   Filtered viscous fluid equations . . . . 537--546
          S. M. deBruynKops and   
                    J. J. Riley   Large-eddy simulation of a reacting
                                  scalar mixing layer with Arrhenius
                                  chemistry  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547--569
                A. A. Dimas and   
                B. M. Mowli and   
                    U. Piomelli   Large-eddy simulation of subcritical
                                  transition in an attachment-line
                                  boundary layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571--589
                 J. H. Ferziger   Simulation of environmental flows:
                                  Similarities and differences from
                                  technological flows  . . . . . . . . . . 591--602
                     T. S. Lund   The use of explicit filters in large
                                  eddy simulation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 603--616
                   R. Benzi and   
             C. M. Casciola and   
               P. Gualtieri and   
                        R. Piva   Numerical evidence of a new similarity
                                  law in shear dominated flows . . . . . . 617--631
              R. Rubinstein and   
                        Ye Zhou   Schiestel's derivation of the epsilon
                                  equation and two-equation modelling of
                                  rotating turbulence  . . . . . . . . . . 633--638
                      S. Sarkar   The effect of stable stratification on
                                  turbulence anisotropy in uniformly
                                  sheared flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639--646
               B. A. Singer and   
              D. P. Lockard and   
                   G. M. Lilley   Hybrid acoustic predictions  . . . . . . 647--669
               T. G. Thomas and   
                  Y. F. Yao and   
                  N. D. Sandham   Structure and energetics of a turbulent
                                  trailing edge flow . . . . . . . . . . . 671--680

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 46, Number 5--6, September, 2003

                 Yong-Hong Long   A multiunit generalization of a first
                                  price auction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681--684
               E. Franchini and   
                      M. Maioli   Feynman integrals with point
                                  interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685--694
           G. M. Amiraliyev and   
                        H. Duru   A uniformly convergent difference method
                                  for the periodical boundary value
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695--703
                   Peng Shi and   
              Sing Kiong Nguang   $ H_\infty $ output feedback control of
                                  fuzzy system models under sampled
                                  measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705--717
                 Y. Stiriba and   
                       R. Donat   A numerical study of postshock
                                  oscillations in slowly moving shock
                                  waves  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719--739
                    S. Choi and   
                 M. D. Marcozzi   The valuation of foreign currency
                                  options under stochastic interest rates  741--749
           M. K. Kadalbajoo and   
                  K. C. Patidar   Exponentially fitted spline in
                                  compression for the numerical solution
                                  of singular perturbation problems  . . . 751--767
                  R. Barrio and   
                     P. Yalamov   Stability of parallel algorithms for
                                  polynomial evaluation  . . . . . . . . . 769--781
                   M. Sinha and   
                     R. K. Bera   Eigenvalue approach to study the effect
                                  of rotation and relaxation time in
                                  generalised thermoelasticity . . . . . . 783--792
                Lizhi Cheng and   
               Hongxia Wang and   
                  Zenghui Zhang   The solution of ill-conditioned
                                  symmetric Toeplitz systems via two-grid
                                  and wavelet methods  . . . . . . . . . . 793--804
           S. M. Hedetniemi and   
           S. T. Hedetniemi and   
               D. P. Jacobs and   
                  P. K. Srimani   Self-stabilizing algorithms for minimal
                                  dominating sets and maximal independent
                                  sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805--811
              F. Blanchet-sadri   A periodicity result of partial words
                                  with one hole  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813--820
                Chun-Yu Qiu and   
                  Chu-Li Fu and   
                    You-Bin Zhu   Wavelets and regularization of the
                                  sideways heat equation . . . . . . . . . 821--829
                Yi-Chung Hu and   
             Ruey-Shun Chen and   
          Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng and   
                   Yu-Jing Chiu   Acquisition of compound skills and
                                  learning costs for expanding competence
                                  sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831--848
                   T. Harko and   
                      M. K. Mak   Relativistic dissipative cosmological
                                  models and Abel differential equation    849--853
               Shaozhu Chen and   
                  Zhaowen Zheng   Oscillation criteria of Yan type for
                                  linear Hamiltonian systems . . . . . . . 855--862
                F. Mendivil and   
                      J. Silver   Chaos games for wavelet analysis and
                                  wavelet synthesis  . . . . . . . . . . . 863--873
               Hong-Xing Li and   
                  Yan-Da Li and   
              Zhi-Hong Miao and   
                      E. S. Lee   Control functions of fuzzy controllers   875--890
                 E. Larsson and   
                    B. Fornberg   A numerical study of some radial basis
                                  function based solution methods for
                                  elliptic PDEs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 891--902
                 Qigui Yang and   
                 Lijun Yang and   
                     Siming Zhu   Interval criteria for oscillation of
                                  second-order nonlinear neutral
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 903--918
                   M. Imdad and   
                       S. Kumar   Rhoades-type fixed-point theorems for a
                                  pair of nonself mappings . . . . . . . . 919--927
                    Qing He and   
               Hong-Xing Li and   
              Zhong-Zhi Shi and   
                      E. S. Lee   Fuzzy clustering method based on
                                  perturbation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 929--946
                J. C. Misra and   
                    S. K. Ghosh   Pulsatile flow of a viscous fluid
                                  through a porous elastic vessel of
                                  variable cross-section --- a
                                  mathematical model for haemodynamic
                                  flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947--957
                N. H. S. Haidar   An amplitude spectral tonometer  . . . . 959--969
                B. D'Acunto and   
                  M. De Angelis   Evolution of the interface for an
                                  extended melting model . . . . . . . . . 971--976
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleDecisions
                                  uncertainty. and the brain: the science
                                  of neuroeconomics: By Paul W. Glimcher.
                                  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2003).
                                  375 pages. \$37.95}  . . . . . . . . . . 978--978
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe economics of
                                  marine resources and conservation
                                  policy: the Pacific halibut case study
                                  with commentary: Edited by James A.
                                  Crutchfield and Arnold Zellner. The
                                  University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
                                  (2003). 226 pages. \$60.00, \pounds
                                  42.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978--978
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleFront tracking
                                  for hyperbolic conservation laws: By
                                  Helge Holden and Nils Henrik Risebro.
                                  Springer-Verlag, New York. (2002). 363
                                  pages. \$64.95, EUR 64.95, SFR 108.00,
                                  GBP 45.50} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978--978
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe hybrid
                                  multiscale simulation technology: An
                                  introduction with application to
                                  astrophysical and laboratory plasmas: By
                                  Alexander S. Lipatov. Springer-Verlag,
                                  Berlin. (2002). 403 pages. \$79.95, EUR
                                  73.95, SFR 123.00, GBP 52.00}  . . . . . 978--978
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitlePartial
                                  differential equations: Methods and
                                  applications: Second Edition. By Robert
                                  C. McOwen. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
                                  River, NJ. (2003). 452 pages. \$95.00}   978--978
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleA singular
                                  introduction to commutative algebra: By
                                  Gert-Martin Greuel and Gerhard Pfister,
                                  with contributions by Olaf Bachmann,
                                  Christoph Lossen and Hans Schönemann.
                                  Springer-Verlag, Berlin. (2002). 588
                                  pages. \$44.95, EUR 39.95 (CD-ROM
                                  included)} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978--978
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleDollarization:
                                  Edited by Eduardo Levy Yeyati and
                                  Federico Sturzenegger. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2003). 341 pages.
                                  \$45.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979--979
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleLectures on the
                                  theory of games: By Harold W.
                                  Kuhn.Princeton University Press,
                                  Princeton, NJ. (2003). 107 pages.
                                  \$24.95, \pounds 17.95 (paper); \$49.50,
                                  \pounds 35.00 (cloth)  . . . . . . . . . 979--979
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleOval track and
                                  other permutation puzzles: And just
                                  enough group theory to solve them: By
                                  John O. Kiltinen. Mathematical
                                  Association of America, Washington, DC.
                                  (2003). 305 pages. \$42.50 (CD-ROM
                                  included)} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979--979
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleShane
                                  interrogation for computer aided design
                                  and manufacturing: By Nicholas M.
                                  Patrikalakis and Takashi Maekawa.
                                  Springer-Verlag, Berlin. (2002). 408
                                  pages. \$44.95, EUR 39.95, SFR 66.50,
                                  GBP 28.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979--979
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleUncanny networks:
                                  Dialogues with the virtual
                                  intelligentsia: By Geert Lovink. The MIT
                                  Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002). 374 pages.
                                  \$27.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979--979
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleBrain-wise:
                                  Studies in neurophilosophy: By Patricia
                                  Smith Churchland.The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2002). 471 pages.
                                  \$25.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980--980
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleExploratory data
                                  mining and data cleaning: By Tamraparni
                                  Dasu and Theodore Johnson. John Wiley &
                                  Sons, Hoboken, NJ. 203 pages. \$69.95}   980--980
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe enterprise of
                                  science in Islam: New perspectives:
                                  Edited by Jan P. Hogendijk and
                                  Abdelhamid I. Sabra. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2003). 386 pages.
                                  \$45.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980--980
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleSpinning the
                                  semantic web: Bringing the World Wide
                                  Web to its full potential: Edited by
                                  Dieter Fensel, James Hendler, Henry
                                  Lieberman and Wolfgang Wahlster. The MIT
                                  Press, Cambridge, MA. (2003). 479 pages.
                                  \$40.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980--980
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe asymmetrical
                                  brain: Edited by Kenneth Hugdahl and
                                  Richard J. Davidson. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2003). 796 pages.
                                  \$90.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980--981
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleLearning and
                                  generalisation: With applications to
                                  neural networks: By M. Vidyasagar.
                                  Springer-Verlag, London. (2003). 488
                                  pages. \$119.00, EUR 99.95, SFR 166.00,
                                  GBP 60.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981--981
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleHandbook of data
                                  mining and knowledge discovery: Edited
                                  by Willi Klösgen and Jan M. Zytkow.
                                  Oxford University Press, New York.
                                  (2002). 1026 pages. \$250.00}  . . . . . 981--982
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleCost proxy models
                                  and telecommunications policy: a new
                                  empirical approach to regulation: By
                                  Farid Gasmi, D. Mark Kennet,
                                  Jean-Jacques Laffont and William W.
                                  Sharkey. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
                                  (2002). 257 pages. \$45.00 (CD-ROM
                                  included)} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982--982
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleApplied
                                  computational economics and finance: By
                                  Mario J. Miranda and Paul L. Fackler.
                                  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002).
                                  510 pages. \$70.00}  . . . . . . . . . . 983--983
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleStructural
                                  bioinformatics: Edited by Philip E.
                                  Bourne and Helge Weissig. John Wiley &
                                  Sons, Hoboken, NJ. (2003). 649 pages.
                                  \$149.95 (cloth); \$69.95 (paper)  . . . 983--983
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleLevel set methods
                                  and dynamic implicit surfaces: By Stanly
                                  Osher and Ronald Fedkiw. Springer, New
                                  York. (2003). 273 pages. \$79.95}  . . . 983--984
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleArtificial life
                                  VIII: Edited by Russell K. Standish,
                                  Mark A. Bedau, and Hussein A. Abbass.
                                  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2003).
                                  434 pages. \$75} . . . . . . . . . . . . 984--985
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleNeural
                                  engineering: Computation,
                                  representation, and dynamics in
                                  neurobiological systems: By Chris
                                  Eliasmith and Charles H. Anderson. The
                                  MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2003). 356
                                  pages. \$49.95, \pounds 35.50} . . . . . 985--986
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleAlgorithms for
                                  hard problems: Introduction to
                                  combinatorial optimization,
                                  randomization, approximation,
                                  heuristics: Second Edition. By Juraj
                                  Hromkovic. Springer, New York. (2003).
                                  544 pages. \$54.95}  . . . . . . . . . . 986--986

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 46, Number 7, October, 2003

                   Shunji Osaki   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiii
                M. Abdel-Hameed   Optimal maintenance of systems subject
                                  to deterioration of the renewal type . . 987--992
               E. Çinlar   Conditional lévy processes  . . . . . . . 993--997
                    T. Dohi and   
                    N. Kaio and   
                       S. Osaki   A new graphical method to estimate the
                                  optimal repair-time limit with
                                  incomplete repair and discounting  . . . 999--1007
                V. Girardin and   
               M. Rachdi Labsad   Spectral density estimation from random
                                  sampling for multiplicative stationary
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009--1021
     K. Goseva-Popstojanova and   
                  K. S. Trivedi   Architecture-based approaches to
                                  software reliability prediction  . . . . 1023--1036
                   S. L. Ho and   
                     M. Xie and   
                      T. N. Goh   A study of the connectionist models for
                                  software reliability prediction  . . . . 1037--1045
                M. Imaizumi and   
                   K. Yasui and   
                    T. Nakagawa   Optimal reset number of a microprocessor
                                  system with network processing . . . . . 1047--1054
                   H. Kawai and   
                      H. Sandoh   An efficient backup warning policy for a
                                  hard disk  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055--1063
                   M. Kawai and   
                      M. Tamaki   Choosing either the best or the second
                                  best when the number of applicants is
                                  random . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065--1071
             V. S. Korolyuk and   
                     N. Limnios   Increment processes and its stochastic
                                  exponential with Markov switching in
                                  Poisson approximation scheme . . . . . . 1073--1079
                J. Koyanagi and   
                       H. Kawai   An optimal policy for joining a queue in
                                  processing two kinds of jobs . . . . . . 1081--1087
                S. Nakagawa and   
                S. Fukumoto and   
                       N. Ishii   Optimal checkpointing intervals for a
                                  double modular redundancy with
                                  signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1089--1094
                S. Nakamura and   
                    C. Qian and   
                 I. Hayashi and   
                    T. Nakagawa   An optimal maintenance time of automatic
                                  monitoring system of ATM with two kinds
                                  of breakdowns  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1095--1101
                 H. Okamura and   
                    T. Dohi and   
                       S. Osaki   A structural approximation method to
                                  generate the optimal auto-sleep schedule
                                  for computer systems . . . . . . . . . . 1103--1110
                    C. Qian and   
                S. Nakamura and   
                    T. Nakagawa   Replacement and minimal repair policies
                                  for a cumulative damage model with
                                  maintenance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1111--1118
                  H. Sandoh and   
                       N. Igaki   Optimal inspection policies for a scale  1119--1127
                   T. Satow and   
                       S. Osaki   Optimal replacement policies for a
                                  two-unit system with shock damage
                                  interaction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1129--1138
                      K. Sawaki   Optimal policies in continuous time
                                  inventory control models with limited
                                  supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139--1145
                 Y. Teraoka and   
                   S. Osumi and   
                       H. Hohjo   Some Stackelberg type location game  . . 1147--1154
                  K. Tokuno and   
                      S. Yamada   Relationship between software
                                  availability measurement and the number
                                  of restorations with imperfect debugging 1155--1163
                 Y. Yoshida and   
                  M. Yasuda and   
                J. Nakagami and   
                      M. Kurano   A multiobjective fuzzy stopping in a
                                  stochastic and fuzzy environment . . . . 1165--1172

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 46, Number 8--9, October / November, 2003

                  Hui-Chin Tang   Simulated division with approximate
                                  factoring for the multiple recursive
                                  generator with both unrestricted
                                  multiplier and non-Mersenne prime
                                  modulus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1173--1181
                 J. Camacho and   
                   E. Defez and   
            L. Jódar and   
                   J. V. Romero   Discrete numerical solution of coupled
                                  mixed hyperbolic problems  . . . . . . . 1183--1193
                Xin-Yuan Wu and   
                    Jianlin Xia   Error analysis of a new transformation
                                  for multiple zeros finding free from
                                  derivative evaluations . . . . . . . . . 1195--1200
                 V. Drakopoulos   Are there any Julia sets for the
                                  Laguerre iteration function? . . . . . . 1201--1210
                     Weizhu Bao   Approximation and comparison for motion
                                  by mean curvature with intersection
                                  points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1211--1228
             Lianglong Wang and   
                  Zhicheng Wang   Monotone iterative techniques for
                                  parameterized BVPs of abstract
                                  semilinear evolution equations . . . . . 1229--1243
     H. Román-Flores and   
             Y. Chalco-Cano and   
                 M. Rojas-Medar   Convolution of fuzzy sets and
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1245--1251
                 Qi-Ru Wang and   
               Xiao-Ming Wu and   
                    Si-Ming Zhu   Oscillation criteria for second-order
                                  nonlinear damped differential equations  1253--1262
              E. Berriochoa and   
                  A. Cachafeiro   Extension inside the disk of asymptotics
                                  for Sobolev orthogonal polynomials . . . 1263--1272
                 S. S. Dragomir   An inequality for logarithmic mapping
                                  and applications for the Shannon entropy 1273--1279
               Shaozhu Chen and   
                Jiangang Qi and   
                  Mingzhong Jin   Pulse phenomena of second-order
                                  impulsive differential equations with
                                  variable moments . . . . . . . . . . . . 1281--1287
                  A. Romkes and   
               S. Prudhomme and   
                     J. T. Oden   A Priori error analyses of a stabilized
                                  discontinuous Galerkin method  . . . . . 1289--1311
            K. Balachandran and   
                 D. G. Park and   
             S. Marshal Anthoni   Existence of solutions of abstract
                                  nonlinear second-order neutral
                                  functional integrodifferential equations 1313--1324
                     M. Mati\'c   Improvement of some inequalities of
                                  Euler-Grüss type  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1325--1336
               Zhaohui Yuan and   
                   Lihong Huang   Convergence and periodicity in a
                                  discrete-time network of two neurons
                                  with self-connections  . . . . . . . . . 1337--1345
                  Xiaojing Yang   Nonoscillatory solutions of nonlinear
                                  differential systems . . . . . . . . . . 1347--1362
                     Zhenya Yan   Generalized transformations and abundant
                                  new families of exact solutions for $ (2
                                  + 1)$-dimensional dispersive long wave
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1363--1372
                 C. Frangos and   
                       Y. Yavin   Point-to-point control for nonlinear
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1373--1385
                Xingyuan Wu and   
                  Rong Shao and   
                      Yiran Zhu   Jacobi-free and complex-free method for
                                  finding simultaneously all zeros of
                                  polynomials having only real zeros . . . 1387--1395
               Hongqing Cao and   
                Lishan Kang and   
                Yuping Chen and   
                        Tao Guo   The dynamic evolutionary modeling of
                                  HODEs for time series prediction . . . . 1397--1411
                   S. Elhay and   
                G. H. Golub and   
                      Y. M. Ram   The spectrum of a modified linear pencil 1413--1426
                   Junan Lu and   
              Jinhu Lü and   
                    Jin Xie and   
                  Guanrong Chen   Reconstruction of the Lorenz and Chen
                                  systems with noisy observations  . . . . 1427--1434
                  M. S. El-Azab   An effective linear scheme to solve
                                  nonlinear degenerate parabolic
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1435--1442
                 R. Revelli and   
                     L. Ridolfi   Sinc collocation-interpolation method
                                  for the simulation of nonlinear waves    1443--1453
                      Anonymous   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1455--1460

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 46, Number 10--11, November / December, 2003

                  N. Hirano and   
                   Zhenyu Huang   Convergence theorems for multivalued $
                                  \Phi $-hemicontractive operators and $
                                  \Phi $-strongly accretive operators  . . 1461--1471
                   Yumei Yu and   
                 Wendi Wang and   
                     Yong Zhang   An innovation diffusion model for three
                                  competitive products . . . . . . . . . . 1473--1481
            Tsai-Ming Hsieh and   
                Shy-der Lin and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Some relationships between certain
                                  families of ordinary and fractional
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1483--1492
                S. Sirakaya and   
                  N. M. Alemdar   Genetic neural networks to approximate
                                  feedback Nash equilibria in dynamic
                                  games  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1493--1509
                J. M. Hyman and   
                Shengtai Li and   
                  L. R. Petzold   An adaptive moving mesh method with
                                  static rezoning for partial differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1511--1524
                  Fu-Cai Li and   
                  Chun-Hong Xie   Global and blow-up solutions to a
                                  $p$-Laplacian equation with nonlocal
                                  source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1525--1533
                      C. V. Pao   Accelerated monotone iterations for
                                  numerical solutions of nonlinear
                                  elliptic boundary value problems . . . . 1535--1544
                  S. Suresh and   
                    V. Mani and   
                    S. N. Omkar   The effect of start-up delays in
                                  scheduling divisible loads on bus
                                  networks: an alternate approach  . . . . 1545--1557
               E. Al-Radadi and   
                         P. Siy   RNS: sign detector based on Chinese
                                  Remainder Theorem II (CRT II)  . . . . . 1559--1570
                   Jimin Yu and   
                 Chunlai Mu and   
                  Xiaowu Mu and   
                    Shuwei Chen   Output regulation of nonlinear
                                  singularly perturbed systems . . . . . . 1571--1579
            M. Abdul Mannan and   
                    M. Kaykobad   Block Huffman coding . . . . . . . . . . 1581--1587
              Xie Ping Ding and   
            Jong Yeoul Park and   
                    Il Hyo Jung   Pareto equilibria for constrained
                                  multiobjective games in locally
                                  $L$-convex spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . 1589--1599
               P. A. Krutitskii   The impedance problem for the
                                  propagative Helmholtz equation in
                                  interior multiply connected domain . . . 1601--1610
                  H. J. Kim and   
                        V. Mani   Divisible load scheduling in
                                  single-level tree networks: Optimal
                                  sequencing and arrangement in the
                                  nonblocking mode of communication  . . . 1611--1623
                  Yutae Lee and   
              Young Hwa Kim and   
                    Jae Doo Huh   Discrete-time Geo$^X$ /G/1 queue with
                                  non-preemptive priority  . . . . . . . . 1625--1632
                   J. Patel and   
                       P. Sahoo   Properties of a class of multivalent
                                  analytic functions . . . . . . . . . . . 1633--1644
            Yong-Chang Jiao and   
             Chuangyin Dang and   
                        Yue Hao   The solution of the one-dimensional
                                  nonlinear Poisson's equations by the
                                  decomposition method . . . . . . . . . . 1645--1656
                 M. Jakszto and   
                     A. Skowron   Existence of optimal controls via
                                  continuous dependence on parameters  . . 1657--1669
                    Yong He and   
                  Zhiyi Tan and   
                   Jing Zhu and   
                       Enyu Yao   $ \kappa $-Partitioning problems for
                                  maximizing the minimum load  . . . . . . 1671--1681
                  A. Arnold and   
                 A. Unterreiter   Entropy decay of discretized
                                  Fokker--Planck equations. I --- Temporal
                                  semidiscretization . . . . . . . . . . . 1683--1690
                    J. Qian and   
                    W. W. Symes   A paraxial formulation for the viscosity
                                  solution of quasi-$P$ eikonal equations  1691--1701
                    R. U. Verma   Nonlinear implicit variational
                                  inequalities involving partially relaxed
                                  pseudomonotone mappings  . . . . . . . . 1703--1709
               Changdon Kee and   
                 Doohee Yun and   
                   Haeyoung Jun   Precise calibration method of pseudolite
                                  positions in indoor navigation systems   1711--1724
                Ruey-Chyn Tsaur   Extrapolating Internet users in Taiwan
                                  by risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . 1725--1734
                D. C. Zhang and   
                     B. Shi and   
                    C. Kent and   
                     X. Y. Zeng   Counterexamples to the article
                                  ``Stability properties of nonlinear
                                  difference equations and conditions for
                                  boundedness''  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1735--1739
                M. G. El Sheikh   The estimation of the error resulting
                                  due to the truncation applied to
                                  homogeneous integral equations with
                                  Cauchy's Kernel  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1741--1748

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 46, Number 12, December, 2003

                      Anonymous   List of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . III--XI
                      Anonymous   Author index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XII--XIV
               H. M. Srivastava   Remarks on some series expansions
                                  associated with certain products of the
                                  incomplete Gamma functions . . . . . . . 1749--1759
                Chunhai Kou and   
              Shunian Zhang and   
                   Yongrui Duan   Variational Lyapunov method and
                                  stability analysis for impulsive delay
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1761--1777
                    B. C. Dhage   Remarks on two fixed-point theorems
                                  involving the sum and the product of two
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1779--1785
                Wen-Shenq Juang   A practical anonymous payment scheme for
                                  electronic commerce  . . . . . . . . . . 1787--1798
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                 D. O'Regan and   
       I. Rachunková and   
                      S. Stanek   Two-point higher-order BVPs with
                                  singularities in phase variables . . . . 1799--1826
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                      S. Stanek   Nonnegative solutions of singular
                                  boundary value problems with sign
                                  changing nonlinearities  . . . . . . . . 1827--1837
        J. I. Peláez and   
                   M. T. Lamata   A new measure of consistency for
                                  positive reciprocal matrices . . . . . . 1839--1845
             F. Al-Musallam and   
                     V. K. Tuan   A finite and an infinite Whittaker
                                  integral transform . . . . . . . . . . . 1847--1859
               Hong-Xing Li and   
                      E. S. Lee   Interpolation functions of feedforward
                                  neural networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1861--1874
                      Anonymous   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1875--1880

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 47, Number 1, January, 2004

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
              J. C. Aguilar and   
                        Yu Chen   A high-order, fast algorithm for
                                  scattering calculation in two dimensions 1--11
                 Lishan Liu and   
                 Congxin Wu and   
                        Fei Guo   Existence theorems of global solutions
                                  of initial value problems for nonlinear
                                  integrodifferential equations of mixed
                                  type in Banach spaces and applications   13--22
              N. S. Barnett and   
                 S. S. Dragomir   Some further inequalities for univariate
                                  moments and some new ones for the
                                  covariance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23--36
                B. Fornberg and   
                  G. Wright and   
                     E. Larsson   Some observations regarding interpolants
                                  in the limit of flat radial basis
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37--55
                 Z. K. Wang and   
            G. S. Djambazov and   
                  C.-H. Lai and   
               K. A. Pericleous   An acoustic correction method for
                                  extracting sound signals . . . . . . . . 57--69
              F. Blanchet-Sadri   Periodicity on partial words . . . . . . 71--82
                 M. Dehghan and   
                 A. Saadatmandi   Bounds for solutions of a six-point
                                  partial-difference scheme  . . . . . . . 83--89
                     C.-N. Chen   Extended GDQ and related discrete
                                  element analysis methods for transient
                                  analyses of continuum mechanics problems 91--99
               Xue-Hai Yuan and   
                      E. S. Lee   The definition of convex fuzzy subset    101--113
               A. Marlewski and   
                    P. Zarzycki   Infinitely many positive solutions of
                                  the Diophantine equation $ x^2 - k x y +
                                  y^2 + x = 0 $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115--121
                    J. Elyseeva   A transformation for symplectic systems
                                  and the definition of a focal point  . . 123--134
               A. S. Ackleh and   
                    K. Deng and   
                 J. Derouen and   
                         Wei Li   A numerical method for a nonlocal
                                  hyperbolic model arising from a
                                  reliability system . . . . . . . . . . . 135--147
                 A. Tiryaki and   
                     B. Ayanlar   Oscillation theorems for certain
                                  nonlinear differential equations of
                                  second order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149--159

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 47, Number 2--3, January / February, 2004

                    Dong Won Yu   The generalized Euler process for
                                  exponentially dominant systems . . . . . 161--181
                     Jiye Zhang   Absolute stability analysis in cellular
                                  neural networks with variable delays and
                                  unbounded delay  . . . . . . . . . . . . 183--194
                      K. Q. Lan   New fixed-point theorems for two maps
                                  and applications to problems on sets
                                  with convex sections and minimax
                                  inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195--205
             Gou-Sheng Yang and   
              Dah-Yan Hwang and   
                 Kuei-Lin Tseng   Some inequalities for differentiable
                                  convex and concave mappings  . . . . . . 207--216
                Lap-Piu Lee and   
                   Kwok-Wo Wong   A random number generator based on
                                  elliptic curve operations  . . . . . . . 217--226
                       V. Gupta   The Bézier variant of Kantorovitch
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227--232
                 E. Ponsoda and   
            L. Jódar and   
                   S. Jerez and   
                    A. E. Posso   Numerical solution with a priori error
                                  bounds of coupled time dependent
                                  hyperbolic systems . . . . . . . . . . . 233--246
                  Zhengda Huang   The convergence ball of Newton's method
                                  and the uniqueness ball of equations
                                  under Hölder-type continuous derivatives  247--251
                     Jurang Yan   Oscillation properties of a second-order
                                  impulsive delay differential equation    253--258
                Shusen Ding and   
                  Gejun Bao and   
                    Yuming Xing   Sobolev--Poincaré embeddings for
                                  operators on harmonic forms on manifolds 259--270
                 J. Bana\'s and   
                    A. Martinon   Monotonic solutions of a quadratic
                                  integral equation of Volterra type . . . 271--279
                    H. Gauchman   Integral inequalities in $q$-calculus    281--300
                O. E. Livne and   
                      A. Brandt   Local mode analysis of multicolor and
                                  composite relaxation schemes . . . . . . 301--317
            G. Sh. Guseinov and   
                   I. Y. Karaca   Instability intervals of a Hill's
                                  equation with piecewise constant and
                                  alternating coefficient  . . . . . . . . 319--326
             Chuanmiao Chen and   
                     Ziqing Xie   Search extension method for multiple
                                  solutions of a nonlinear problem . . . . 327--343
              Chuanjun Tian and   
                   Jihong Zhang   Exponential asymptotic stability of
                                  delay partial difference equations . . . 345--352
                  Hui Zhang and   
                  Xiaohong Wang   Large-time behavior of smooth solutions
                                  to a nonuniformly parabolic equation . . 353--363
                 D. M. Chan and   
                   J. E. Franke   Probabilities of extinction, weak
                                  extinction permanence, and mutual
                                  exclusion in discrete, competitive,
                                  Lotka--Volterra systems  . . . . . . . . 365--379
                 R. Company and   
                   E. Defez and   
                L. Jódar   Exact and analytic numerical solution of
                                  coupled parabolic mixed problems in a
                                  semi-infinite medium . . . . . . . . . . 381--390
              F. O. Ilicasu and   
                  D. H. Schultz   High-order finite-difference techniques
                                  for linear singular perturbation
                                  boundary value problems  . . . . . . . . 391--417
                  Bingji Xu and   
                 Xinzhi Liu and   
                   Xiaoxin Liao   Absolute stability of Lurie systems with
                                  impulsive effects  . . . . . . . . . . . 419--425
              A. M. Blokhin and   
                S. V. Dorovskii   Shock waves stability in layered
                                  structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427--440
              N. Kyurkchiev and   
                       A. Iliev   Failure of convergence of the
                                  Newton--Weierstrass iterative method for
                                  simultaneous root finding of generalized
                                  polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441--446
                 D. A. Bini and   
               L. Gemignani and   
                      V. Y. Pan   Inverse power and Durand--Kerner
                                  iterations for univariate polynomial
                                  root-finding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447--459
              Sung Kyu Choi and   
                    Nam Jip Koo   Asymptotic equivalence between two
                                  linear Volterra difference systems . . . 461--471
                 T. Benouaz and   
                  F. Bendahmane   Least-square approximation of a
                                  nonlinear O.D.E. with excitation . . . . 473--489

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 47, Number 4--5, February / March, 2004

                 X. Y. Zeng and   
                     B. Shi and   
                      M. J. Gai   A discrete periodic Lotka--Volterra
                                  system with delays . . . . . . . . . . . 491--500
                 I. Boglaev and   
                       V. Duoba   Iterative domain decomposition
                                  algorithms for a convection--diffusion
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501--518
               R. Sakthivel and   
                     Q. H. Choi   A study on controllability of semilinear
                                  integrodiferential systems in Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519--527
                  V. I. Hasanov   An iterative method for solving the
                                  spectral problem of complex symmetric
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529--540
                Jihua Liang and   
                        Hui Kou   Convex power domain and Vietoris space   541--548
     J. R. Fernández and   
                     M. Sofonea   Numerical analysis of a frictionless
                                  viscoelastic contact problem with normal
                                  damped response  . . . . . . . . . . . . 549--568
                Ai-Guo Xiao and   
                     Yi-Fa Tang   Order properties of symplectic
                                  Runge--Kutta--Nyström methods . . . . . . 569--582
                    A.-M Wazwaz   Variants of the generalized KdV equation
                                  with compact and noncompact structures   583--591
                Tzu-Chu Lin and   
            Y. Warnapala-Yehiya   The numerical solution of exterior
                                  Neumann problem for Helmholtz's equation
                                  via modified Green's functions approach  593--609
                Wan-Tong Li and   
                  Jian-Ping Sun   Positive solutions of BVPs for
                                  third-order nonlinear difference systems 611--620
               Shu Tang Liu and   
                  Guanrong Chen   Oscillations of two-dimensional
                                  nonlinear partial difference systems . . 621--629
                Xuehai Yuan and   
                      E. S. Lee   Fuzzy group based on fuzzy binary
                                  operation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631--641
       R. D. Jiménez and   
               L. C. Santos and   
                 N. M. Kuhl and   
         J. C. Egaña and   
                     R. L. Soto   An inverse eigenvalue procedure for
                                  damage detection in rods . . . . . . . . 643--657
               F. Costabile and   
                      A. Napoli   Stability of Chebyshev collocation
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659--666
               Daqing Jiang and   
                     Xiaojie Xu   Multiple positive solutions to a class
                                  of singular boundary value problems for
                                  the one-dimensional $p$-Laplacian  . . . 667--681
               Yansheng Liu and   
                       Aiqin Qi   Positive solutions of nonlinear singular
                                  boundary value problem in abstract space 683--688
                       Ruyun Ma   Positive solutions for nonhomogeneous
                                  $m$-point boundary value problems  . . . 689--698
             Zhengqiu Zhang and   
                     Jun Wu and   
                  Zhicheng Wang   Periodic solutions of nonautonomous
                                  stage-structured cooperative system  . . 699--706
                Yeol Je Cho and   
                Haiyun Zhou and   
                      Ginti Guo   Weak and strong convergence theorems for
                                  three-step iterations with errors for
                                  asymptotically nonexpansive mappings . . 707--717
                P. Natalini and   
                    P. E. Ricci   An extension of the bell polynomials . . 719--725
             Nan-Ding Huang and   
                   Ya-Ping Fang   Iterative processes with errors for
                                  nonlinear set-valued variational
                                  inclusions involving accretive type
                                  mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727--738
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                 D. O'Regan and   
          V. Lakshmikantham and   
                       S. Leela   A generalized upper and lower solution
                                  method for singular initial value
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739--750
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                    Wan-Tong Li   Interval oscillation criteria for
                                  second-order nonlinear perturbed
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 751--765
                 Zeqing Liu and   
              Shin Min Kang and   
                    Yeol Je Cho   Convergence and almost stability of
                                  Ishikawa iterative scheme with errors
                                  for $m$-accretive operators  . . . . . . 767--778
                  Feng Wang and   
                       Zhien Ma   Persistence and periodic orbits for an
                                  SIS model in a polluted environment  . . 779--792
              Guangwei Yuan and   
                   Longjun Shen   Stability and convergence of the
                                  explicit-implicit conservative domain
                                  decomposition procedure for parabolic
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793--801
              J. L. Mueller and   
                   T. S. Shores   A new sinc-Galerkin method for
                                  convection--diffusion equations with
                                  mixed boundary conditions  . . . . . . . 803--822

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 47, Number 6--7, March / April, 2004

                 Quanlin Li and   
              Guanghui Wang and   
                      Yuan Zhou   Symmetric PH and EP distributions and
                                  their applications to the probability
                                  Hough transform  . . . . . . . . . . . . 823--844
            Jung-Chan Chang and   
              Hsinjung Chen and   
              Shih-Min Shyu and   
                 Wei-Cheng Lian   Fixed-point theorems in fuzzy real line  845--851
                  A. Cabada and   
               J. Á. Cid   A note on fixed-points theorems for
                                  $T$-monotone operators . . . . . . . . . 853--857
                 Changming Ding   The limit sets of uniformly
                                  asymptotically Zhukovskij stable orbits  859--862
                  Jin Liang and   
                    Ti-Jun Xiao   Semilinear integrodifferential equations
                                  with nonlocal initial conditions . . . . 863--875
             F. Sales-Mayor and   
                    R. E. Wyatt   A two-stage filter for smoothing
                                  multivariate noisy data on unstructured
                                  grids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 877--891
                 Hsien-Chung Wu   Evaluate fuzzy optimization problems
                                  based on biobjective programming
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893--902
              S. Jankovi\'c and   
                      D. Ili\'c   An analytic approximation of solutions
                                  of stochastic differential equations . . 903--912
                 Naihua Xiu and   
                  Yiju Wang and   
                 Xiangsun Zhang   Modified fixed-point equations and
                                  related iterative methods for
                                  variational inequalities . . . . . . . . 913--920
                      C. S. Jog   The accurate inversion of Vandermonde
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 921--929
              Chengji Xiong and   
                   Huaihui Chen   Bloch functions and Bloch constants  . . 931--946
                   Z. F. Jaheen   Empirical Bayes analysis of record
                                  statistics based on linex and quadratic
                                  loss functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947--954
              Shidong Jiang and   
                   L. Greengard   Fast evaluation of nonreflecting
                                  boundary conditions for the Schrödinger
                                  equation in one dimension  . . . . . . . 955--966
              Jingnian Chen and   
                     Yuming Shi   The limit circle and limit point
                                  criteria for second-order linear
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 967--976
                Zhiwen Duan and   
               Weibing Deng and   
                   Chunhong Xie   Uniform blow-up profile for a degenerate
                                  parabolic system with nonlocal source    977--995
                  Xianyi Li and   
                     Deming Zhu   Some new results for bounded and
                                  monotone properties of solutions of
                                  second-order quasi-linear forced
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 997--1009
                M. A. Hajji and   
               S. Melkonian and   
                R. Vaillancourt   Representation of differential operators
                                  in wavelet basis . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011--1033
                   Shi-Hai Dong   Realization of the dynamical group for
                                  the generalized Laguerre functions . . . 1035--1039
                   Dong Yue and   
                      James Lam   Suboptimal robust mixed $ H_2 H_\infty $
                                  controller design for uncertain
                                  descriptor systems with distributed
                                  delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041--1055
                   Chong Li and   
             Wen-Hong Zhang and   
                  Xiao-Qing Jin   Convergence and uniqueness properties of
                                  Gauss--Newton's method . . . . . . . . . 1057--1067
               M. Benchohra and   
               J. Henderson and   
              S. K. Ntouyas and   
                      A. Ouahab   Upper and lower solutions method for
                                  first-order impulsive differential
                                  inclusions with nonlinear boundary
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069--1078
                L. Malaguti and   
            P. Rehák and   
                      V. Taddei   Bounded solutions and wavefronts for
                                  discrete dynamics  . . . . . . . . . . . 1079--1094
                   T. Jankowski   Existence of solutions of differential
                                  equations with nonlinear multipoint
                                  boundary conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 1095--1103
                Chengjian Zhang   NGP($ \alpha $)-stability of general
                                  linear methods for NDDEs . . . . . . . . 1105--1113
         P. Balasubramaniam and   
                S. Muralisankar   Existence and uniqueness of fuzzy
                                  solution for semilinear fuzzy
                                  integrodifferential equations with
                                  nonlocal conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 1115--1122
           R. J. Villanueva and   
                L. Jódar   Discrete vector Sturm--Liouville
                                  problems with non-self-adjoint boundary
                                  conditions: Eigenstructure,
                                  orthogonality, and eigenfunctions
                                  expansion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1123--1133
                 S. M. Choo and   
                    S. K. Chung   Numerical solutions for the damped
                                  Boussinesq equation by
                                  FD--FFT-Perturbation method  . . . . . . 1135--1140
                   S. Engelberg   Errata to ``The operation of the
                                  phase-lock loop''  . . . . . . . . . . . 1141--1142
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe parallel
                                  brain: the cognitive neuroscience of the
                                  corpus callosum: Edited by Eran Zaidel
                                  and Marco Iacoboni. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2003). 551 pages. \$95,
                                  \pounds 63.50} . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1144--1145
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleParallel
                                  computing on heterogeneous networks: By
                                  Alexey Lastovetsky. Wiley--Interscience,
                                  Hoboken, NJ. (2003). 423 pages. \$89.95} 1145--1145
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleMonetary theory
                                  and policy: Second edition. By Carl E.
                                  Walsh. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
                                  (2003) 612 pages. \$70}  . . . . . . . . 1145--1146
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleOperations
                                  research: an introduction: Seventh
                                  edition. By Hamdy A. Taha. Prentice
                                  Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. (2003).
                                  830 pages. \$115}  . . . . . . . . . . . 1146--1146
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleAnalysis of panel
                                  data: Second edition. By Cheng Hsiao.
                                  Cambridge University Press, New York.
                                  (2003). 366 pages. \$85 (hardback), \$30
                                  (paperback)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1147--1148
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleDiscrete choice
                                  methods with simulation: By Kenneth E.
                                  Train. Cambridge University Press, New
                                  York, NY. (2003). 334 pages. \$85
                                  (hardback), \$30 (paperback) . . . . . . 1148--1148
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleMe++: the cyborg
                                  self and the networked city: By William
                                  J. Mitchell. The MIT Press, Cambridge,
                                  MA. (2003). 259 pages. \$27.95, \pounds
                                  18.50} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1148--1148
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleEvolutionary
                                  dynamics and extensive form games: By
                                  Ross Cressman. The MIT Press, Cambridge,
                                  MA. (2003). 316 pages. \$45} . . . . . . 1148--1149
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleIntroduction to
                                  Maple: Third Edition. By André Heck.
                                  Springer, New York, NY. (2003). 828
                                  pages. \$49.95, EUR49.95, SFR 86.00, GBP
                                  38.50} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1149--1150
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleAnalog VLSI:
                                  Circuits and principles: By Shih-Chii
                                  Liu, Jörg Kramer, Giacomo Indiveri,
                                  Tobias Delbrück, and Rodney Douglas. The
                                  MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002). 434
                                  pages. \$60} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1150--1150
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleProgramming with
                                  objects: a comparative presentation of
                                  object-oriented programming with C++ and
                                  Java: By Avinash C. Kak.
                                  Wiley--Interscience, Hoboken, NJ.
                                  (2003). 1115 pages. \$83.95, \pounds
                                  63.50} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1150--1150
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleVirtual art: From
                                  illusion to immersion: By Oliver Grau.
                                  Translated by Gloria Custance. The MIT
                                  Press, Cambridge, MA. (2003). 416 pages.
                                  \$45}  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1150--1150
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleMethods and
                                  applications of linear models.
                                  Regression and the analysis of variance,
                                  Second edition: By R. R. Hocking.
                                  Wiley--Interscience, Hoboken, NJ.
                                  (2003). 741 pages. \$105.00} . . . . . . 1150--1152
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleSymmetry and
                                  integration methods for differential
                                  equations: $S$ By George W. Bluman and
                                  Stephen C. Anco. Springer. (2003). 419
                                  pages. \$69.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1152--1153
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleRandom
                                  perturbation methods with applications
                                  in Science and Engineering: By Anatoli
                                  V. Skorokhod, Frank C. Hoppensteadt and
                                  Haib Salehi. Springer, New York. (2002).
                                  488 pages. \$79.95}  . . . . . . . . . . 1153--1154

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 47, Number 8--9, April / May, 2004

                   Zhang Yi and   
                     Yan Fu and   
                   Hua Jin Tang   Neural networks based approach for
                                  computing eigenvectors and eigenvalues
                                  of symmetric matrix  . . . . . . . . . . 1155--1164
             B. Paternoster and   
                    L. Shaikhet   Application of the general method of
                                  Lyapunov functionals construction for
                                  difference Volterra equations  . . . . . 1165--1176
                   Yuji Liu and   
                      Weigao Ge   The positive solutions of nonautonomous
                                  hyperlogistic delay difference equations 1177--1193
                    Qingliu Yao   Existence and iteration of $n$ symmetric
                                  positive solutions for a singular
                                  two-point boundary value problem . . . . 1195--1200
                  Qing-Long Han   Robust stability for a class of linear
                                  systems with time-varying delay and
                                  nonlinear perturbations  . . . . . . . . 1201--1209
                   Yuji Liu and   
                      Weigao Ge   Global asymptotic behavior of solutions
                                  of a forced delay difference equation    1211--1224
               Chunhua Feng and   
                  Peiguang Wang   The existence of almost periodic
                                  solutions of some delay differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1225--1231
                  Xiaojing Yang   Existence of positive solutions for
                                  quasi-linear differential equations  . . 1233--1239
                   Jae Ug Jeong   Generalized set-valued variational
                                  inclusions and resolvent equations in
                                  Banach spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1241--1247
             Shangjiang Guo and   
               Lihong Huang and   
                       Lin Wang   Exponential stability of discrete-time
                                  Hopfield neural networks . . . . . . . . 1249--1256
                  Aying Wan and   
               Daqing Jiang and   
                     Xiaojie Xu   A new existence theory for positive
                                  periodic solutions to functional
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1257--1262
               Yuanshi Wang and   
                        Hong Wu   Dynamics of competitive Lotka--Volterra
                                  systems that can be projected to a line  1263--1271
                 I. Atencia and   
                      P. Moreno   Discrete-time Geo$^{[X]}$ /G$_H$ /1
                                  retrial queue with Bernoulli feedback    1273--1294
             Yung-Chien Lin and   
            Kao-Shing Hwang and   
                Feng-Sheng Wang   A mixed-coding scheme of evolutionary
                                  algorithms to solve mixed-integer
                                  nonlinear programming problems . . . . . 1295--1307
                  Hui-Chin Tang   Effective and efficient restriction on
                                  producing the multipliers for the
                                  multiple recursive random number
                                  generator  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1309--1315
             E. R. Kaufmann and   
                    N. Kosmatov   A second-order singular boundary value
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1317--1326
              Zhengce Zhang and   
                      Kaitai Li   Radial oscillatory solutions of some
                                  quasi-linear elliptic equations  . . . . 1327--1334
                Guizhi Chen and   
                 Zhong Xiao Jia   Theoretical and numerical comparisons of
                                  GMRES and WZ--GMRES  . . . . . . . . . . 1335--1350
                       Bing Liu   Positive solutions of second-order
                                  three-point boundary value problems with
                                  change of sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1351--1361
            Hyoung Seok Kim and   
                Hong Oh Kim and   
                 Sung Yong Shin   Collision detection algorithm of a
                                  continuous type using spherical extreme
                                  vertex diagrams  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1363--1378
              A. M. Blokhin and   
            S. V. Dorovskii and   
                 E. V. Ovechkin   Stability of shock waves in layered
                                  structures (part 2)  . . . . . . . . . . 1379--1387
                   Zhengyan Lin   The law of the iterated logarithm for
                                  the rescaled RS statistics without the
                                  second moment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1389--1396
                Bao-Zhu Guo and   
                         Yu Xie   Basis property and stabilization of a
                                  translating tensioned beam through a
                                  pointwise control force  . . . . . . . . 1397--1409
             Y. Chalco-Cano and   
          M. A. Rojas-Medar and   
          R. Osuna-Gómez   $s$-Convex fuzzy processes . . . . . . . 1411--1418
                   T. Jankowski   Ordinary differential equations with
                                  nonlinear boundary conditions of
                                  antiperiodic type  . . . . . . . . . . . 1419--1428
              Xiao-Qing Jin and   
               Siu-Long Lei and   
                     Yi-Min Wei   Circulant preconditioners for solving
                                  differential equations with multidelays  1429--1436
                Qiang Zhang and   
             Mengping Zhang and   
                Guodong Jin and   
                  Dayou Liu and   
                   Chi-Wang Shu   Modeling, numerical methods, and
                                  simulation for particle-fluid two-phase
                                  flow problems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1437--1462
                M. N. O. Ikhile   Coefficients for studying one-step
                                  rational schemes for IVPs in ODEs: III.
                                  Extrapolation methods  . . . . . . . . . 1463--1475
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleSymmetry and
                                  integration methods for differential
                                  equations: Second Edition. By George W.
                                  Bluman and Stephen C. Anco. Springer,
                                  Berlin. (2002). 421 pages, \$69.95, EUR
                                  74.95, SFR 124.50, GBP 52.50}  . . . . . 1478--1478
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleRandom
                                  perturbation methods with applications
                                  in science and engineering: By Anatoli
                                  V. Skorokhod, Frank C. Hoppensteadt, and
                                  Habib Salehi. Springer, Berlin. (2002)
                                  489 Pages \$79.95, EUR 84.95, SFR
                                  141.00, GPB 59.50} . . . . . . . . . . . 1478--1479
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe
                                  macroeconomics of imperfect competition
                                  and nonclearing markets:, A dynamic
                                  general equilibrium approach: By
                                  Jean-Pascal Benassy. The MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2002) 272 Pages.
                                  \$35.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1479--1480
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleMuPAD pro
                                  computing essentials: By Miroslaw
                                  Majewski. Springer, Berlin. (2002). 456
                                  pages. \$49.95, EYR 39.95, SFR 68.50 GBP
                                  28.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1480--1481
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleImage analysis,
                                  random fields and Markov Chain Monte
                                  Carlo methods: a mathematical
                                  introduction: Second edition with 75
                                  figures. By Gerhard Winkler. Springer,
                                  Berlin. (2003). 388 pages. \$79.95, EUR
                                  69.95, SFR 116.50, GBP 49.00}  . . . . . 1481--1481
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleLanguage modeling
                                  for information retrieval: Edited by W.
                                  Bruce Croft and John Lafferty. Kluwer
                                  Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
                                  (2003). 245 pages. \$97.00, EUR 99.00,
                                  GBP 62.00} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1482--1482
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleThe wired
                                  homestead: an MIT press sourcebook on
                                  the Internet and the family: Edited by
                                  Joseph Turow and Andrea L. Kavanaugh.
                                  The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2003). 502
                                  pages. \$39.95}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1482--1482
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleProbability and
                                  statistics for computer science: By
                                  James L. Johnson. Wiley--Interscience,
                                  Hoboken, NJ. 760 pages. \$98.00} . . . . 1482--1483
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleOpen-domain
                                  question answering from large text
                                  collections: By Marius Pasca. CSLI
                                  Publications. Stanford, CA. (2003). 149
                                  pages. \$70.00}  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1483--1483
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleNumerical
                                  analysis in modern scientific computing:
                                  an introduction: Second edition with 65
                                  illustrations. By Peter Deuflhard and
                                  Andreas Hohmann. Springer, Berlin.
                                  (2003). 360 pages. \$49.95, EUR 59.95,
                                  SFR 99.50, GBP 42.00}  . . . . . . . . . 1483--1484
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleWord sense
                                  disambiguation: the case for
                                  combinations of knowledge sources: By
                                  Mark Stevenson. CLSI Publications,
                                  Stanford, CA. (2003). 175 pages.
                                  \$67.50} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1484--1484
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleComputational
                                  partial differential equations numerical
                                  methods and diffpack programming: Second
                                  edition. Edited by Hans Petter
                                  Langtangen. Springer. Heidelberg.
                                  Germany. (2003). 855 pages. \$69.95} . . 1484--1486
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleSelected papers
                                  on discrete mathematics: Edited by
                                  Donald E. Knuth. CSLI Publications.
                                  Chicago, IL. (2003). 812 pages. \$32.00} 1486--1486
                      Anonymous   Book Review: \booktitleTuring (a novel
                                  about computation): Edited by Christos
                                  H. Papadimitriou. The MIT Press.
                                  Cambridge, MA. (2003) 284 pages.
                                  \$24.95} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1486--1486

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 47, Number 10--11, May / June, 2004

                  Xianyi Li and   
                     Deming Zhu   Two rational recursive sequences . . . . 1487--1494
                 A. Tiryaki and   
               D. Çakmak   Integral averages and oscillation
                                  criteria of second-order nonlinear
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1495--1506
                     Ju H. Park   Delay-dependent guaranteed cost
                                  stabilization criterion for neutral
                                  delay-differential systems: matrix
                                  inequality approach  . . . . . . . . . . 1507--1515
                      Z. Yi and   
                    D. A. Murio   Identification of source terms in $2$-D
                                  IHCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1517--1533
               Shaoyong Lai and   
                    Xu Yang and   
                   Yong Hong Wu   The asymptotic theory of global
                                  solutions for semilinear wave equations
                                  in three space dimensions  . . . . . . . 1535--1543
                  Yong Wang and   
                     Wu Congxin   Global Poincaré inequalities for Green's
                                  operator applied to the solutions of the
                                  nonhomogeneous $A$-harmonic equation . . 1545--1554
              Ch. G. Philos and   
                 I. K. Purnaras   The behavior of solutions of linear
                                  Volterra difference equations with
                                  infinite delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1555--1563
                J. M. Hyman and   
                   S. Steinberg   The convergence of mimetic
                                  discretization for rough grids . . . . . 1565--1610
                    Shusen Ding   $ L^\phi (\mu) $-averaging domains and
                                  the quasi-hyperbolic metric  . . . . . . 1611--1618
                   T. Jankowski   Quadratic approximation of solutions for
                                  differential equations with nonlinear
                                  boundary conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 1619--1626
                   Y. Yavin and   
                     C. Frangos   Control of a three-link manipulator:
                                  collision avoidance of a moving obstacle 1627--1639
                 Wan Zhuang and   
                  Yubo Chen and   
                       Jie Chen   Remarks on the periodic boundary value
                                  problems for integrodifferential
                                  equations of Volterra type . . . . . . . 1641--1646
                Wenrui Shan and   
                      Ge Weigao   Oscillation of neutral difference
                                  equations with positive and negative
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1647--1657
               M. Benchohra and   
               J. Henderson and   
              S. K. Ntouyas and   
                      A. Ouahab   Impulsive functional differential
                                  equations with variable times  . . . . . 1659--1665
                O. Altintas and   
         Ö. Özkan and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Neighborhoods of a certain family of
                                  multivalent functions with negative
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1667--1672
                 V. Shanthi and   
                   N. Ramanujam   A boundary value technique for boundary
                                  value problems for singularly perturbed
                                  fourth-order ordinary differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1673--1688
                     S. Owa and   
                  H. Saitoh and   
           H. M. Srivastava and   
                    R. Yamakawa   Geometric properties of solutions of a
                                  class of differential equations  . . . . 1689--1696
                  Liya Wang and   
                     Yu-Ru Syau   Fuzzy $ \Phi $-convexity and fuzzy
                                  decision making  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1697--1705
                   V. A. Ubhaya   An algorithm for discrete approximation
                                  by quasi-convex functions on $ R^m $ . . 1707--1712
                   Jinting Wang   An M/G/1 queue with second optional
                                  service and server breakdowns  . . . . . 1713--1723
               M. Benchohra and   
                J. R. Graef and   
                     A. Ouahabi   Nonresonance impulsive functional
                                  differential inclusions with variable
                                  times  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1725--1737
                  Sheng-Gang Li   Characterizations of minimal $ T_{3 1 /
                                  2} L $-topological spaces  . . . . . . . 1739--1743
                    G. Isac and   
                       Jinlu Li   The convergence property of Ishikawa
                                  iteration schemes in noncompact subsets
                                  of Hilbert spaces and its applications
                                  to complementarity theory  . . . . . . . 1745--1751
          A. G. Paraskevopoulos   A recursive approach to the solution of
                                  abstract linear equations and the tau
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1753--1774
              J. F. Eastham and   
                 J. S. Peterson   The finite element method in anisotropic
                                  Sobolev spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1775--1786
                      Anonymous   Book report  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1787--1808

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 47, Number 12, June, 2004

                      Anonymous   Some previous special issues of interest
                                  to readers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii--viii
            P. K. Palamides and   
                  G. N. Galanis   Periodic value problems of differential
                                  systems on infinite-dimensional spaces
                                  and applications to differential
                                  geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1809--1815
                  Derek Han and   
                      Wenyu Sun   A new modified Goldstein-Levitin--Polyak
                                  projection method for variational
                                  inequality problems  . . . . . . . . . . 1817--1825
                  I. Shevchenko   Minimizing the distance to one evader
                                  while chasing another  . . . . . . . . . 1827--1855
                Jinxing Xie and   
                Wenxun Xing and   
                 Zhixin Liu and   
                   Jiefang Dong   Minimum deviation algorithm for
                                  two-stage no-wait flowshops with
                                  parallel machines  . . . . . . . . . . . 1857--1863
              Yingtao Jiang and   
                  Yuke Wang and   
                Xiaoyu Song and   
                     Y. Savaria   Computation of signal output probability
                                  for Boolean functions represented by
                                  OBDD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1865--1874
              Jianchu Jiang and   
                Xiaoping Li and   
                   Xianhua Tang   New oscillation criteria for first-order
                                  delay difference equations . . . . . . . 1875--1884
                H. Maaranen and   
               K. Miettinen and   
         M. M. Mäkelä   Quasi-random initial population for
                                  genetic algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . 1885--1895
               Nahmwoo Hahm and   
                    Bum Il Hong   An approximation by neural networks with
                                  a fixed weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1897--1903
              Chuanjun Tian and   
                    Shengli Xie   Further oscillation criteria for delay
                                  partial difference equations . . . . . . 1905--1914
               N. Shawagfeh and   
                        D. Kaya   Series solution to the Pochhammer--Chree
                                  equation and comparison with exact
                                  solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1915--1920
                     Zh. Yi and   
                    D. A. Murio   Source term identification in $1$-D IHCP 1921--1933
                  Peiguang Wang   Oscillation criteria for second-order
                                  neutral equations with distributed
                                  deviating arguments  . . . . . . . . . . 1935--1946
                 J. Bana\'s and   
         M. Paslawska-Poludniak   Monotonic solutions of Urysohn integral
                                  equation on unbounded interval . . . . . 1947--1954

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 48, Number 1--2, July, 2004

                      Anonymous   Some previous special issues of interest
                                  to readers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii--viii
                       H. Nabli   Performability: asymptotic distribution
                                  and moment computation . . . . . . . . . 1--8
                    Jie Lou and   
                   Zhien Ma and   
                Yiming Shao and   
                      Litao Han   Modelling the interaction of T-cells,
                                  antigen presenting cells, and HIV-1 in
                                  vivo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--33
                Fengde Chen and   
                     Jinlin Shi   Periodicity in a logistic type system
                                  with several delays  . . . . . . . . . . 35--44
                 Toshiyuki Koto   Method of lines approximations of delay
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 45--59
                 Hong-Wu Wu and   
                 Qi-Ru Wang and   
                   Yuan-Tong Xu   Oscillation and asymptotics for
                                  nonlinear second-order differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61--72
                  Zhimin He and   
                    Xiaoming He   Monotone iterative technique for
                                  impulsive integro-differential equations
                                  with periodic boundary conditions  . . . 73--84
                 Huiyan Zhu and   
                   Lihong Huang   Dynamics of a class of nonlinear
                                  discrete-time neural networks  . . . . . 85--94
              Hsu-Shih Shih and   
                Ue-Pyng Wen and   
                     S. Lee and   
              Kuen-Ming Lan and   
                 Han-Chyi Hsiao   A neural network approach to
                                  multiobjective and multilevel
                                  programming problems . . . . . . . . . . 95--108
                Heyuan Wang and   
                      Kaitai Li   Numerical simulation of spherical
                                  Couette flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109--116
                 Yu-Ru Syau and   
                  E. S. Lee and   
                     Lixing Jia   Convexity and upper semicontinuity of
                                  fuzzy sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117--129
           A. Balbás and   
                E. Galperin and   
       P. Jiménez Guerra   Nonsmooth nonconvex global optimization
                                  in a Banach space with a basis . . . . . 131--144
                    N. Ujevi\'c   Sharp inequalities of Simpson type and
                                  Ostrowski type . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145--151
                   Yongxiang Li   Positive solutions of higher-order
                                  periodic boundary value problems . . . . 153--161
             Young Hee Geum and   
                   Young Ik Kim   Accurate computation of component
                                  centers in the degree- $n$ bifurcation
                                  set  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163--175
                  R. Piziak and   
                    P. L. Odell   Affine projections . . . . . . . . . . . 177--190
            Z. Doslá and   
                       A. Kobza   Global asymptotic properties of
                                  third-order difference equations . . . . 191--200
                 L. J. De Chant   An analytical solution for unconfined,
                                  unsteady, inviscid jets; with
                                  applications to penetration problem
                                  debris cloud formation . . . . . . . . . 201--213
                I. Higueras and   
                   R. März   Differential algebraic equations with
                                  properly stated leading terms  . . . . . 215--235
                      L. O. Jay   Preserving Poisson structure and
                                  orthogonality in numerical integration
                                  of differential equations  . . . . . . . 237--255
                       P. Kumar   Inequalities involving moments of a
                                  continuous random variable defined over
                                  a finite interval  . . . . . . . . . . . 257--273
         N. M. Stojanovi\'c and   
        E. I. Milovanovi\'c and   
           I. Stojmenovi\'c and   
           T. Milovanovi\'c and   
                  T. I. Toki\'c   Mapping matrix multiplication algorithm
                                  onto fault-tolerant systolic array . . . 275--289
                B. G. Zhang and   
                     C. J. Tian   Oscillation criteria of a class of
                                  partial difference equations with delays 291--303
                      Anonymous   Book report  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--334
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . CO1, iii--v

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 48, Number 3--4, August, 2004

               Sheng Li Xie and   
                 Chuan Jun Tian   Frequent oscillatory criteria for
                                  partial difference equations with
                                  several delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335--345
                    Guoliang Xu   Convergence of discrete
                                  Laplace--Beltrami operators over
                                  surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347--360
                   Youpeng Chen   Blow-up for a system of heat equations
                                  with nonlocal sources and absorptions    361--372
               Chenliang Li and   
               Jinping Zeng and   
                     Shuzi Zhou   Convergence analysis of generalized
                                  Schwarz algorithms for solving obstacle
                                  problems with $T$-monotone operator  . . 373--386
               Guoping Zeng and   
                I. Chlamtac and   
                          Yi Su   Nonlinear observers for two classes of
                                  perturbed systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 387--398
            O. O. Ademoyero and   
    M. C. Bartholomew-Biggs and   
               A. J. Davies and   
                S. C. Parkhurst   Conjugate gradient algorithms and the
                                  Galerkin boundary element method . . . . 399--410
                   Guozheng Yan   Uniqueness of the inverse scattering
                                  problem of a locally perturbed
                                  half-plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411--418
                  R. Kalaba and   
                   H. Natsuyama   Dynamic programming and minimal norm
                                  solutions of least squares problems  . . 419--427
              Cheon Seoung Ryoo   A numerical verification of solutionsof
                                  free boundary problems . . . . . . . . . 429--435
                 C. Frangos and   
                       Y. Yavin   Control of the motion of a small-scale
                                  car with four steerable wheels . . . . . 437--453
           M. S. Petkovi\'c and   
                  S. Ili\'c and   
                    L. Ranci\'c   The convergence of a family of parallel
                                  zero-finding methods . . . . . . . . . . 455--467
                    P. Glaister   Conservative upwind difference schemes
                                  for compressible flows of a real gas . . 469--480
             N. M. Dragomir and   
             S. S. Dragomir and   
                  Y. J. Cho and   
                   G. W. Baxter   Approximations for the fiber refractive
                                  index profile  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481--495
                   D. Byatt and   
            M. L. Dalrymple and   
                   R. M. Turner   Searching for primes in the digits of $
                                  \pi $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497--504
                       C. Coles   Parameter identification using
                                  mollification for predator--prey models
                                  in spatially heterogeneous environments  505--515
                       N. Aykut   Existence of positive solutions for
                                  boundary value problems of second-order
                                  functional difference equations  . . . . 517--527
                    Z. Chen and   
                         V. Pan   An efficient solution for
                                  Cauchy-likesystems of linear equations   529--537
                 F. Limayem and   
                      B. Yannou   Generalization of the RCGM and LSLR
                                  pairwise comparison methods  . . . . . . 539--548
            H. P. J. Bolton and   
            A. A. Groenwold and   
                   J. A. Snyman   The application of a unified Bayesian
                                  stopping criterion in competing parallel
                                  algorithms for global optimization . . . 549--560
               R. B. Platte and   
                 T. A. Driscoll   Computing eigenmodes of elliptic
                                  operators using radial basis functions   561--576
               Wentao Huang and   
                     Yirong Liu   A polynomial differential system with
                                  nine limit cycles at infinity  . . . . . 577--588
                L. S. Heath and   
              C. J. Ribbens and   
                S. V. Pemmaraju   Processor-efficient sparse
                                  matrix--vector multiplication  . . . . . 589--608
                  O. Chadli and   
               I. V. Konnov and   
                      J. C. Yao   Descent methods for equilibrium problems
                                  in a Banach space  . . . . . . . . . . . 609--616
                 Zhigui Lin and   
                    M. Pedersen   Coexistence of a general elliptic system
                                  in population dynamics . . . . . . . . . 617--628
         P. P. Valkó and   
                       J. Abate   Comparison of sequence accelerators for
                                  the Gaver method of numerical Laplace
                                  transform inversion  . . . . . . . . . . 629--636
                S. Gulsan Topal   Second-order periodic boundary value
                                  problems on time scales  . . . . . . . . 637--648
                      Anonymous   Book report: Professor Ervin Y. Rodin,
                                  Campus Box 1040, Washington University
                                  in St. Louis, One Brookings Drive, St
                                  Louis, MO 63130, U.S.A.  . . . . . . . . 649--664

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 48, Number 5--6, September, 2004

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
          W. C. Hassenpflug and   
                   G. D. Thiart   Convolution number evaluation of
                                  wave-making velocity . . . . . . . . . . 665--689
              Wen-Xiu Zhang and   
                    Ju-Sheng Mi   Incomplete information system and its
                                  optimal selections . . . . . . . . . . . 691--698
               Zhanbing Bai and   
                      Weigao Ge   Existence of three positive solutions
                                  for some second-order boundary value
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699--707
                   J. R. Sharma   A family of methods for solving
                                  nonlinear equations using quadratic
                                  interpolation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709--714
                     K. Ch. Das   The Laplacian spectrum of a graph  . . . 715--724
                      K. Q. Lan   An intersection theorem for multivalued
                                  maps and applications  . . . . . . . . . 725--729
          A. A. Aljinovi\'c and   
                   J. Pecari\'c   Discrete weighted Montgomery identity
                                  and discrete Ostrowski type inequalities 731--745
                A. H. Manob and   
                T. M. Islam and   
               M. T. Parvez and   
                    M. Kaykobad   Search trees and Stirling numbers  . . . 747--754
                 D. A. Bini and   
                  P. Favati and   
                      O. Menchi   A family of modified regularizing
                                  circulant preconditioners for two-levels
                                  Toeplitz systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 755--768
                  Shih-Pin Chen   An alternating variable method with
                                  varying replications for simulation
                                  response optimization  . . . . . . . . . 769--778
                     C. Kee and   
                     J. Kim and   
                      H. So and   
                     H. Jun and   
               B. Parkinson and   
                   W. W. Hansen   Effect of the error in lineof sight unit
                                  vector on the accuracy of GPS and
                                  pseudolite navigation system . . . . . . 779--787
                   E. Defez and   
            L. Jódar and   
                         A. Law   Jacobi matrix differential equation,
                                  polynomial solutions, and their
                                  properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 789--803
                    Yi-Kuei Lin   An algorithm to evaluate the system
                                  reliability for multicommodity case
                                  under cost constraint  . . . . . . . . . 805--812
               S. Nadarajah and   
                    A. K. Gupta   Convolutions of $ K / (1 + \chi^n) $ . . 813--822
                      P. Malits   Dual and triple Fourier--Bessel series
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823--831
                  G. Bretti and   
                C. Cesarano and   
                    P. E. Ricci   Laguerre-type exponentials and
                                  generalized Appell polynomials . . . . . 833--839
                       Bing Liu   Existence and uniqueness of solutions
                                  for nonlocal boundary vector value
                                  problems of ordinary differential
                                  systems with higher order  . . . . . . . 841--851
                B. Fornberg and   
                      G. Wright   Stable computation of multiquadric
                                  interpolants for all values of the shape
                                  parameter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853--867
                 Yilei Tang and   
                  Weinian Zhang   Bogdanov--Takens bifurcation of a
                                  polynomialdifferential system in
                                  biochemical reaction . . . . . . . . . . 869--883
      L. Batista dos Santos and   
      R. Osuna-Gómez and   
          M. A. Rojas-Medar and   
        A. Rufián-Lizana   Preinvex functions and weak efficient
                                  solutions for some vectorial
                                  optimization problem in Banach spaces    885--895
                    Leevan Ling   A univariate quasi-multiquadric
                                  interpolation with better smoothness . . 897--912
                       Bing Liu   Positive solutions of singular
                                  three-point boundary value problems for
                                  the One-dimensional $p$-Laplacian  . . . 913--925
                Leevan Ling and   
             M. R. Trümmer   Multiquadric collocation method with
                                  integral formulation for boundary layer
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927--941
                  Jing Wang and   
                        Ke Wang   Optimal harvesting policy for single
                                  population with stage structure  . . . . 943--950
         E. N. Mathioudakis and   
         E. P. Papadopoulou and   
                Y. G. Saridakis   Iterative solution of elliptic
                                  collocation systems on a cognitive
                                  parallel computer  . . . . . . . . . . . 951--970
                 Ervin Y. Rodin   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 971--994

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 48, Number 7--8, October, 2004

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                  Chris Cox and   
                Vince Ervin and   
                 Max Gunzburger   Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiii
                M. Maischak and   
                  E. P. Stephan   A least squares coupling method with
                                  finite elements and boundary elements
                                  for transmission problems  . . . . . . . 995--1016
                  G. J. Fix and   
                     J. P. Roof   Least squares finite-element solution of
                                  a fractional order two-point boundary
                                  value problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017--1033
                  P. Bochev and   
               M. D. Gunzburger   Least-squares finite-element methods for
                                  optimization and control problems for
                                  the Stokes equations . . . . . . . . . . 1035--1057
                   Tsu-Fen Chen   Weighted least-squares approximationsto
                                  nonlinear hyperbolic equations . . . . . 1059--1076
               Xian-Xin Cai and   
                Bonan Jiang and   
                    Guojun Liao   Adaptive grid generation based onthe
                                  least-squares finite-element method  . . 1077--1085
                  Zhangxin Chen   Characteristic-nonconforming
                                  finite-element methods for
                                  advection-dominated diffusion problems   1087--1100
                    J. Peterson   Using the Cayley transform and finite
                                  elements to solve linear time dependent
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1101--1109
                  R. Nicolaides   A method for complex geometries in
                                  finite-difference solutions of Maxwell's
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1111--1119
                P. Grinfeld and   
                      G. Strang   The Laplacian eigenvalues of a polygon   1121--1133
                    V. John and   
                       N. Sahin   Derivation and analysis of near wall
                                  models for channel and recirculating
                                  flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1135--1151
                      A. Liakos   Discretization of the Navier--Stokes
                                  equations with slip boundary condition
                                  II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1153--1166
              V. Van Joolen and   
                    B. Neta and   
                      D. Givoli   A stratified dispersive wave model with
                                  high-order nonreflecting boundary
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1167--1180
                 M. Charina and   
                 A. J. Meir and   
                  P. G. Schmidt   Mixed velocity, stress, current, and
                                  potential boundary conditions for
                                  stationary MHD flow  . . . . . . . . . . 1181--1190
               L. K. Waters and   
                  G. J. Fix and   
                      C. L. Cox   The method of Glowinski and Pironneaufor
                                  the unsteady Stokes problem  . . . . . . 1191--1211
                  Hyesuk K. Lee   Analysis of a defect correction method
                                  for viscoelastic fluid flow  . . . . . . 1213--1229
              J. C. Turner, Jr.   Modelling control of crystal growth
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1231--1243

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 48, Number 9, November, 2004

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
          George A. Anastassiou   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiii
              G. A. Anastassiou   High-order approximation by multivariate
                                  shift-invariant convolution type
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1245--1261
              G. A. Anastassiou   Univariate fuzzy-random neural network
                                  approximation operators  . . . . . . . . 1263--1283
                M. El-Gamel and   
                    A. I. Zayed   Sinc--Galerkin method for solving
                                  nonlinear boundary-value problems  . . . 1285--1298
                   B. Shekhtman   Polynomial interpolation in $ R_3 $  . . 1299--1304
                   Hongqiu Chen   Periodic initial-value problem for
                                  BBM-equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1305--1318
                   Tian-Xiao He   Biorthogonal spline type wavelets  . . . 1319--1334
                     T. Kilgore   Rational approximation on infinite
                                  intervals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1335--1343
               K. Balázs   Weighted simultaneous approximation by
                                  Lagrange interpolation on the real line  1345--1349
                   Yuncheng You   Spectral barriers and inertial manifolds
                                  for time- discretized dissipative
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1351--1368
              G. A. Anastassiou   Fuzzy approximation by fuzzy convolution
                                  type operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1369--1386
              G. A. Anastassiou   High-order fuzzy approximation by
                                  fuzzy-wavelet type and neural network
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1387--1401

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 48, Number 10--11, November / December, 2004

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
            K. Balachandran and   
                   G. Shija and   
                      J. H. Kim   Existence of solutions of nonlinear
                                  abstract neutral integrodifferential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1403--1414
                 Jinwoo Lee and   
                  Dongwoo Sheen   An accurate numerical inversion of
                                  Laplace transforms based on the location
                                  of their poles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1415--1423
               Sheon-Young Kang   Volterra type integral equation method
                                  for the radial Schrödinger equation:
                                  Single channel case  . . . . . . . . . . 1425--1440
                S. S. Chang and   
                  J. K. Kim and   
                      Y. M. Nam   Multivalued quasi-variational inclusions
                                  and multivalued accretive equations  . . 1441--1452
                 Yongkun Li and   
                  Lifei Zhu and   
                       Ping Liu   Positive periodic solutions of nonlinear
                                  functional difference equations
                                  depending on a parameter . . . . . . . . 1453--1459
                    B. C. Dhage   Multivalued operators and fixed-point
                                  theorems in Banach algebras II . . . . . 1461--1476
                 Huiyan Zhu and   
               Lihong Huang and   
                   Xinyuan Liao   Convergence and periodicity of solutions
                                  for a class of delay difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1477--1484
                      L. Adamec   A note on the matrix solution of the
                                  problem $ X^\Delta = A X $, $ X(t_0) = I
                                  $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1485--1489
                  Jinde Cao and   
                   Guangming He   Periodic solutions for higher-order
                                  neutral differential equations with
                                  several delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1491--1503
                Yanjun Wang and   
                Kecun Zhang and   
                     Yuelin Gao   Global optimization of generalized
                                  geometric programming  . . . . . . . . . 1505--1516
                 L. Vrankar and   
                    G. Turk and   
                      F. Runovc   Combining the radial basis function
                                  Eulerian and Lagrangian schemes with
                                  geostatistics for modeling of
                                  radionuclide migration through the
                                  geosphere  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1517--1529
                    N. Ujevi\'c   Error inequalities for a quadrature
                                  formula and applications . . . . . . . . 1531--1540
                    T. Imam and   
                    M. Kaykobad   Symbolic substitution-based canonical
                                  recoding algorithms  . . . . . . . . . . 1541--1548
                   Yu Zhang and   
                      Jitao Sun   Practical stability of impulsive
                                  functional differential equations in
                                  terms of two measurements  . . . . . . . 1549--1556
                U. C. Gupta and   
              S. K. Samanta and   
                   R. K. Sharma   Computing queue length and waiting-time
                                  distributions in finite-buffer
                                  discrete-time multiserver queues with
                                  late and early arrivals  . . . . . . . . 1557--1573
          J. I. Díaz and   
             Á. M. Ramos   Numerical experimentsregarding the
                                  distributed control of semilinear
                                  parabolic problems . . . . . . . . . . . 1575--1586
             Ting-Zhu Huang and   
              Jin-Song Leng and   
           E. L. Wachspress and   
                  Yuan Yan Tang   Characterization of $H$-matrices . . . . 1587--1601
                 M. G. Iskander   A possibility programming approach for
                                  stochastic fuzzy multiobjective linear
                                  fractional programs  . . . . . . . . . . 1603--1609
                 G. Dattoli and   
                 B. Germano and   
                    P. E. Ricci   Matrix evolution equations and special
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1611--1617
                  Chi-Bin Cheng   Group opinion aggregation based on a
                                  grading process: a method for
                                  constructing triangular fuzzy numbers    1619--1632
              S. Abbasbandy and   
             T. A. Viranloo and   
Ó. López-Pouso and   
                    J. J. Nieto   Numerical methods for fuzzy differential
                                  inclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1633--1641
             Cheng-I. Huang and   
                Yue-Li Wang and   
             Sheng-Shiung Chung   The incidence coloring numbers of meshes 1643--1649
                   Lian Xue and   
               Xiao-Liang Cheng   An algorithm for solving the obstacle
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1651--1657
                        D. Kaya   An application of the decomposition
                                  method for the two-dimensional
                                  KdV--Burgers equation  . . . . . . . . . 1659--1665
              Tetz C. Huang and   
              Ji-Cherng Lin and   
                     Nathan Mou   A self-stabilizing algorithm for the
                                  center-finding problem assuming
                                  read/write separate atomicity  . . . . . 1667--1676
                     T. Iliescu   Genuinely nonlinear models for
                                  convection-dominated problems  . . . . . 1677--1692
              Yuan Gong Sun and   
                   C. H. Ou and   
                  J. S. W. Wong   Interval oscillation theorems for a
                                  second-order linear differential
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1693--1699
              G. A. Anastassiou   Opial type inequalities involving
                                  fractional derivatives of two functions
                                  and applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 1701--1731
                   S. Dutta and   
                   J. Glimm and   
                J. W. Grove and   
                D. H. Sharp and   
                  Yongmin Zhang   Error comparison in tracked and
                                  untracked spherical simulations  . . . . 1733--1747
                 J. R. Cash and   
                    D. R. Moore   High-order interpolants for solutions of
                                  two-point boundary value problems using
                                  MIRK methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1749--1763
             Hsiao-Fan Wang and   
                   Ching-Yi Kuo   Factor analysis in data mining . . . . . 1765--1778
              J. W. Hilgers and   
                  B. S. Bertram   Comparing different types of
                                  approximators for choosing the
                                  parameters in the regularization of
                                  ill-posed problems . . . . . . . . . . . 1779--1790

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 48, Number 12, December, 2004

                      Anonymous   List of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . III--XV
                Guang Zhang and   
                      R. Medina   Three-point boundary value problems for
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 1791--1799
                   Guozheng Yan   Inverse scattering by a multilayered
                                  obstacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1801--1810
                  Bican Xia and   
                        Lu Yang   A new result on the $p$-irreducibility
                                  of binding polynomials . . . . . . . . . 1811--1817
                Xionghua Wu and   
                        Ye Shen   Differential quadrature domain
                                  decomposition method for a class of
                                  parabolic equations  . . . . . . . . . . 1819--1832
                   Hai-Feng Huo   Existence of positive periodic solutions
                                  of a neutral delay Lotka--Volterra
                                  system with impulses . . . . . . . . . . 1833--1846
              Quanfang Wang and   
                Dexing Feng and   
                  Daizhan Cheng   Parameter identification for a class of
                                  abstract nonlinear parabolic distributed
                                  parameter systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 1847--1861
                  D. J. Blacker   A robust a posteriori error estimate for
                                  the Fortin--Soulie finite-element method 1863--1876
            Z. Bartoszewski and   
                     M. Kwapisz   Delay dependent estimates for waveform
                                  relaxation methods for neutral
                                  differential-functional systems  . . . . 1877--1892
                  S. De Leo and   
                   G. C. Ducati   Real linear quaternionic differential
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1893--1903
                Yuming Xing and   
               Baoling Wang and   
                    Shusen Ding   Global estimates for compositions of
                                  operators applied to differential forms  1905--1913
                   D. Greenspan   The extraction of laminar flow from
                                  certain Brownian motions . . . . . . . . 1915--1928
                K. R. Kazmi and   
                     M. I. Bhat   Iterative algorithm for a system of
                                  nonlinear variational-like inclusions    1929--1935
               Qingzhi Yang and   
                        Yu Hong   Discretization method for semi-definite
                                  programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1937--1945
           K.-H. Indlekofer and   
                S. Wehmeier and   
                    L. G. Lucht   Mean behaviour and distribution
                                  properties of multiplicative functions   1947--1947

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 49, Number 1, January, 2005

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                Xiaojie Lin and   
                  Zengji Du and   
                      Weigao Ge   Solvability of multipoint boundary value
                                  problems at resonance for higher-order
                                  ordinary differential equations  . . . . 1--11
                    S. Amat and   
                    S. Busquier   Convergence and numerical analysis of a
                                  family of two-step Steffensen's methods  13--22
                  A. Zdunek and   
               W. Rachowicz and   
                   N. Sehlstedt   Toward $ h p $-adaptive solution of $3$D
                                  electromagnetic scattering from cavities 23--38
            Tsung-Min Hwang and   
                  Weichung Wang   Energy states of vertically aligned
                                  quantum dot array with nonparabolic
                                  effective mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39--51
                  A. S. Belenky   Competitive strategies of U.S.
                                  Presidential candidates in election
                                  campaigns  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53--71
              Jian-Ping Sun and   
                   Ya-Hong Zhao   Multiplicity of positive solutions of a
                                  class of nonlinear fractional
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 73--80
             Changming Ding and   
                  J. M. Soriano   Uniformly asymptotically Zhukovskij
                                  stable orbits  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81--84
                C. O. Alves and   
   F. J. S. A. Corrêa and   
                       T. F. Ma   Positive solutions for a quasilinear
                                  elliptic equation of Kirchhoff type  . . 85--93
    P. Kárász and   
                      G. Farkas   Exact solution for a two-type customers
                                  retrial system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95--102
                 E. Larsson and   
                    B. Fornberg   Theoretical and computational aspects of
                                  multivariate interpolation with
                                  increasingly flat radial basis functions 103--130
                   Hong-Rui Sun   Existence of positive solutions to
                                  second-order time scale systems  . . . . 131--145
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                Haiyun Zhou and   
                Yeol Je Cho and   
                  Shin Min Kang   Zeros and mapping theorems for
                                  perturbations of $m$-accretive operators
                                  in Banach spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . 147--155

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 49, Number 2--3, January / February, 2005

              Zhong-Zhi Bai and   
              Michael K. Ng and   
                    Jian-Yu Pan   Alternating splitting waveform
                                  relaxation method and its successive
                                  overrelaxation acceleration  . . . . . . 157--170
                    C. M. Murea   The BFGS algorithm for a nonlinear least
                                  squares problem arising from blood flow
                                  in arteries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171--186
                    A. A. Ungar   Einstein's special relativity:
                                  Unleashing the power of its hyperbolic
                                  geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187--221
               Jin-Bao Jian and   
                 Chun-Ming Tang   An SQP feasible descent algorithm for
                                  nonlinear inequality constrained
                                  optimization without strict
                                  complementarity  . . . . . . . . . . . . 223--238
                    Hang Ma and   
                   Qing-Hua Qin   A second-order scheme for integration of
                                  one-dimensional dynamic analysis . . . . 239--252
                 Zhiguo Luo and   
               Jianhua Shen and   
                    J. J. Nieto   Antiperiodic boundary value problem for
                                  first-order impulsive ordinary
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 253--261
             Jung-Yuan Kung and   
               Tzung-Nan Chuang   The shortest path problem with discrete
                                  fuzzy arc lengths  . . . . . . . . . . . 263--270
              P. J. Y. Wong and   
                      Y. C. Soh   Constant-sign solutions for a system of
                                  integral equations on time scales  . . . 271--280
                      A. Liakos   Finite-element approximation of
                                  viscoelastic fluid flow with slip
                                  boundary condition . . . . . . . . . . . 281--294
                   A.-M. Wazwaz   Variants of the two-dimensional
                                  Boussinesq equation with compactons,
                                  solitons, and periodic solutions . . . . 295--301
               W. Marszalek and   
              T. Amdeberhan and   
                       R. Riaza   Singularity crossing phenomena in DAEs:
                                  a two-phase fluid flow application case
                                  study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303--319
              Su-Rong Jiang and   
                   Guo-Jin Wang   Conversion and evaluation for two types
                                  of parametric surfaces constructed by
                                  NTP bases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321--329
                 Heng Liang and   
                Qinghua Liu and   
                   Fengshan Bai   A Note on a Pseudo-Random Number
                                  Generator for Personal Computers . . . . 331--333
           Tariel Kiguradze and   
                Taka\vsi Kusano   Bounded and periodic in a strip
                                  solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic
                                  systems with two independent variables   335--364
               Ya-Ping Fang and   
             Nan-Jing Huang and   
                 H. B. Thompson   A new system of variational inclusions
                                  with $ (H, \eta) $-monotone operators in
                                  Hilbert spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365--374
              S. R.-J. Jang and   
                     J. Baglama   Nutrient-plankton models with nutrient
                                  recycling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375--387
                      M. Merkle   Gurland's ratio for the gamma function   389--406
                   Hai-Feng Huo   Permanence and global attractivity of
                                  delay diffusive prey--predator systems
                                  with the Michaelis--Menten functional
                                  response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407--416
             Shaoqiang Feng and   
                  Zhongxiao Jia   A refined Jacobi--Davidson method and
                                  its correction equation  . . . . . . . . 417--427
              R. P. Agarwal and   
              N. S. Barnett and   
                  P. Cerone and   
                 S. S. Dragomir   A survey on some inequalities for
                                  expectation and variance . . . . . . . . 429--480

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 49, Number 4, February, 2005

                  Yong Wang and   
            Shu-Cherng Fang and   
               J. E. Lavery and   
                      Hao Cheng   A geometric programming approach for
                                  bivariate cubic $ L_1 $ splines  . . . . 481--514
            Chih-Peng Huang and   
            Yau-Tarng Juang and   
                   Hui-Ling Lin   A complex projection scheme and
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515--524
                      D. Lesnic   The decomposition method for Cauchy
                                  advection-diffusion problems . . . . . . 525--537
            Ruey-Chyn Tsaur and   
            Jia-Chi O. Yang and   
                 Hsiao-Fan Wang   Fuzzy relation analysis in fuzzy time
                                  series model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539--548
              L. Berezansky and   
               E. Braverman and   
                       L. Idels   Delay differential equations with Hill's
                                  type growth rate and linear harvesting   549--563
                   A.-M. Wazwaz   Nonlinear variants of the improved
                                  Boussinesq equation with compact and
                                  noncompact structures  . . . . . . . . . 565--574
                   P. Kumar and   
                      S. Chhina   A symmetric information divergence
                                  measure of the Csiszár's $f$-divergence
                                  class and its bounds . . . . . . . . . . 575--588
                Shijie Dong and   
                      Weigao Ge   Positive solutions of an $m$-point
                                  boundary value problem with sign
                                  changing nonlinearities  . . . . . . . . 589--598
                B. G. Zhang and   
                  Zhu Shanliang   Oscillation of second-order nonlinear
                                  delay dynamic equations on time scales   599--609
       M. C. Casabán and   
            L. Jódar and   
          G. A. Ossandón   A discrete Fourier method for numerical
                                  solution of strongly coupled mixed
                                  parabolic systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 611--624
              J. C. Aguilar and   
                        Yu Chen   High-order corrected trapezoidal
                                  quadrature rules for the Coulomb
                                  potential in three dimensions  . . . . . 625--631
                 Ervin Y. Rodin   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633--640

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 49, Number 5--6, April / May, 2005

                  Qing-Wen Wang   Bisymmetric and centrosymmetric
                                  solutions to systems of real quaternion
                                  matrix equations . . . . . . . . . . . . 641--650
                  Jin Liang and   
                Ti-Jun Xiao and   
                   Zhao-Cai Hao   Positive solutions of singular
                                  differential equations on measure chains 651--663
                  Qing-Wen Wang   The general solution to a system of real
                                  quaternion matrix equations  . . . . . . 665--675
                    Y. Chen and   
                       L. Huang   Existence and global attractivity of a
                                  positive periodic solution of a delayed
                                  periodic respiration model . . . . . . . 677--687
               Juntang Ding and   
                    Shengjia Li   Blow-up solutions and global solutions
                                  for a class of quasilinear parabolic
                                  equations with robin boundary conditions 689--701
              Ting-Yi Chang and   
              Wei-Pang Yang and   
               Min-Shiang Hwang   Simple authenticated key agreement and
                                  protected password change protocol . . . 703--714
               S. Nadarajah and   
                      D. K. Dey   Convolutions of the $T$ distribution . . 715--721
                  Xianyi Li and   
                     Deming Zhu   The rule of semicycle and global
                                  asymptotic stability for a fourth-order
                                  rational difference equation . . . . . . 723--730
                Yuchuan Wei and   
                    Ge Wang and   
                    Jiang Hsieh   An intuitive discussion on the ideal
                                  ramp filter in computed tomography (I)   731--740
                    J. N. Sheen   Fuzzy evaluation of cogeneration
                                  alternatives in a petrochemical industry 741--755
                Degang Chen and   
             E. C. C. Tsang and   
            Daniel S. Yeung and   
                    Xizhao Wang   The parameterization reduction of soft
                                  sets and its applications  . . . . . . . 757--763
                Jiangang Qi and   
                  Songping Zhou   Limit-point criterion for singular
                                  linear Dirac differential systems  . . . 765--775
                    Peng Fu and   
                  Chu-Li Fu and   
           Xiang-Tuan Xiong and   
                   Hong-Fang Li   Two regularization methods and the order
                                  optimal error estimates for a sideways
                                  parabolic equation . . . . . . . . . . . 777--788
                Hou-Biao Li and   
                 Ting-Zhu Huang   An improvement of Ky Fan theorem for
                                  matrix eigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . 789--803
            N. K. Mahapatra and   
                       M. Maiti   Decision process for multiobjective,
                                  multi-item production-inventory system
                                  via interactive fuzzy satisficing
                                  technique  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805--821
                   R. S. Pathak   Wavelets in a generalized Sobolev space  823--839
                  C. Cuevas and   
                   L. Del Campo   An asymptotic theory for retarded
                                  functional difference equations  . . . . 841--855
              Xie Ping Ding and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   Existence and algorithm of solutions for
                                  mixed quasi-variational-like inclusions
                                  in Banach spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . 857--869
                    L. Erbe and   
                A. Peterson and   
                       M. Simon   Square integrability of Gaussian bells
                                  on time scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871--883
                  C.-H. Lai and   
              A. K. Parrott and   
                    S. Rout and   
                   M. E. Honnor   A distributed algorithm for European
                                  options with nonlinear volatility  . . . 885--894
                   W. Zheng and   
                       J. Zhang   Global exponential stability of a class
                                  of neural networks with variable delays  895--902
                   Yong Shi and   
                    Jing He and   
                   Lei Wang and   
                        Wei Fan   Computer-based algorithms for multiple
                                  criteria and multiple constraint level
                                  integer linear programming . . . . . . . 903--921
                 G.-J. Wang and   
                          Li Fu   Unified forms of Triple $I$ method . . . 923--932
                    Y. Long and   
                      J. Yu and   
                        Zh. Guo   Disconjugacy and $C$-disfocality of
                                  second-order self-adjoint difference
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933--942
                 J. Bana\'s and   
               J. Caballero and   
                   J. Rocha and   
                 K. Sadarangani   Monotonic solutions of a class of
                                  quadratic integral equations of Volterra
                                  type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 943--952
                      Anonymous   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 953--962

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 49, Number 7--8, May / June, 2005

            Chuan Jen Chyan and   
            Patricia J. Y. Wong   Triple solutions of focal boundary value
                                  problems on time scale . . . . . . . . . 963--979
                  E. Akalin and   
                   M. U. Akhmet   The principles of $B$-smooth
                                  discontinuous flows  . . . . . . . . . . 981--995
             Tian-Xiao Pang and   
                  Zheng-Yan Lin   Precise rates in the law of logarithm
                                  for i.i.d. random variables  . . . . . . 997--1010
              Shunsheng Guo and   
                  Qiulan Qi and   
                      Lixia Liu   Pointwise approximation by Baskakov
                                  quasi-interpolants . . . . . . . . . . . 1011--1020
              Weiping Zhang and   
                   Wei Feng and   
                  Juran Yan and   
                  Jinsheng Song   Existence of nonoscillatory solutions of
                                  first-order linear neutral delay
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1021--1027
                   S. Nadarajah   Exponentiated beta distributions . . . . 1029--1035
                   Meili Li and   
               Yongrui Duan and   
              Weiping Zhang and   
                   Miansen Wang   The existence of positive periodic
                                  solutions of a class of Lotka--Volterra
                                  type impulsive systems with infinitely
                                  distributed delay  . . . . . . . . . . . 1037--1044
                  F. Toutounian   Determination of a good value of the
                                  time step and preconditioned Krylov
                                  subspace methods for the Navier--Stokes
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1045--1057
              Chunpeng Wang and   
                Jingxue Yin and   
                     Zejia Wang   Similar entropy solutions of a singular
                                  diffusion equation . . . . . . . . . . . 1059--1068
                  Ming Fang and   
              R. P. Gilbert and   
                     Xuming Xie   Deriving the effective ultrasound
                                  equations for soft tissue interrogation  1069--1080
                I. Higueras and   
               T. Roldán   Starting algorithms for a class of RK
                                  methods for index-2 DAEs . . . . . . . . 1081--1099
                   A.-M. Wazwaz   The tanh and the sine-cosine methods for
                                  the complex modified $K$ dV and the
                                  generalized $K$ dV equations . . . . . . 1101--1112
                 K. Kunisch and   
                         L. Xie   POD-based feedback control of the
                                  Burgers equation by solving the
                                  evolutionary HJB equation  . . . . . . . 1113--1126
                Michael M. Tung   FORM matters: Fast symbolic computation
                                  under UNIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1127--1137
             B. P. Allahverdiev   Dissipative discrete Hamiltonian systems 1139--1155
                  Hsu-Shih Shih   Fuzzy approach to multilevel knapsack
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1157--1176
              V. Sundarapandian   Nonlinear observer design for a general
                                  class of discrete-time nonlinear systems
                                  with real parametric uncertainty . . . . 1177--1194
              V. Sundarapandian   Nonlinear observer design for a general
                                  class of nonlinear systems with real
                                  parametric uncertainty . . . . . . . . . 1195--1211
               Shi-Jay Chen and   
                 Shyi-Ming Chen   Fuzzy information retrieval based on
                                  geometric-mean averaging operators . . . 1213--1231
             Shey-Huei Sheu and   
                 Shiueh-Ling Yu   Warranty strategy accounts for bathtub
                                  failure rate and random minimal repair
                                  cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1233--1242
           Yeong-Cheng Liou and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   Bilevel decision via variational
                                  inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1243--1253
        J. C. Cortés and   
           P. Sevilla-Peris and   
                L. Jódar   Analytic-numerical approximating
                                  processes of diffusion equation with
                                  data uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . 1255--1266
                 Shiji Song and   
                   Cheng Wu and   
                      E. S. Lee   Asymptotic equilibrium and stability of
                                  fuzzy differential equations . . . . . . 1267--1277
                 Kuiyuan Li and   
                    J. Uvah and   
                 Shengbian Zhao   A fully parallel method for the singular
                                  eigenvalue problem . . . . . . . . . . . 1279--1284
          J. Gopalakrishnan and   
L. E. García-Castillo and   
                L. F. Demkowicz   Nédélec spaces in affine coordinates . . . 1285--1294

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 49, Number 9--10, May, 2005

                 M. H. Song and   
                 Z. W. Yang and   
                      M. Z. Liu   Stability of $ \theta $-methods for
                                  advanced differential equations with
                                  piecewise continuous arguments . . . . . 1295--1301
                       C. Dogbe   Approximation of a diffusion induced on
                                  a kinetic equation by a dynamical system 1303--1325
               J. Hoffacker and   
                  C. C. Tisdell   Stability and instability for dynamic
                                  equations on time scales . . . . . . . . 1327--1334
            Xiaosheng Zhang and   
                     Jurang Yan   Global asymptotic behavior of nonlinear
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 1335--1345
               M. Benchohra and   
                J. R. Graef and   
                      A. Ouahab   Oscillatory and nonoscillatory solutions
                                  of multivalued differential inclusions   1347--1354
                   Qiang Du and   
                   Desheng Wang   The optimal centroidal Voronoi
                                  tessellations and the Gersho's
                                  conjecture in the three-dimensional
                                  space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1355--1373
                  Shujin Wu and   
                   Yongrui Duan   Oscillation, stability, and boundedness
                                  of second-order differential systems
                                  with random impulses . . . . . . . . . . 1375--1386
                Yahong Peng and   
                  Ya-Guang Wang   Large solution of a semilinear elliptic
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1387--1395
                  Manjun Ma and   
                     Jianshe Yu   Global Attractivity of $ x_{n + 1} = (1
                                  - \alpha) x_n + \beta e^{- \gamma x_{n -
                                  k}} $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1397--1402
                    S. Zhou and   
                      H. Xu and   
                        W. Xiao   A unified formulation of Kautz network
                                  and generalized hypercube  . . . . . . . 1403--1411
                  S. Suresh and   
                    V. Mani and   
                S. N. Omkar and   
                      H. J. Kim   An equivalent network for divisible load
                                  scheduling in nonblocking mode of
                                  communication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413--1431
              Guanrong Chen and   
                  Zuohuan Zheng   An equivalent relationship in discrete
                                  dynamical systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 1433--1437
            Shigeki Akiyama and   
              J. M. Thuswaldner   The topological structure of fractal
                                  tilings generated by quadratic number
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1439--1485
                Shy-Der Lin and   
             Wei-Chich Ling and   
        Katsuyuki Nishimoto and   
               H. M. Srivastava   A simple fractional-calculus approach to
                                  the solutions of the Bessel differential
                                  equation of general order and some of
                                  its applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 1487--1498
                  S. K. Sen and   
                     H. Agarwal   Mean value theorem for boundary value
                                  problems with given upper and lower
                                  solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1499--1514
                      V. Y. Pan   The amended DSeSC power method for
                                  polynomial root-finding  . . . . . . . . 1515--1524
             B. M. Siddikov and   
                 B. A. Wade and   
                  D. H. Schultz   Numerical simulation of the active
                                  magnetic regenerator . . . . . . . . . . 1525--1538
                  Jinwu Gao and   
                    Baoding Liu   Fuzzy multilevel programming with a
                                  hybrid intelligent algorithm . . . . . . 1539--1548
                  Y. Y. Fan and   
               R. E. Kalaba and   
                 J. E. Moore II   Shortest paths in stochastic networks
                                  with correlated link costs . . . . . . . 1549--1564
                 J. Bana\'s and   
              J. Caballero Mena   Some properties of nonlinear
                                  Volterra--Stieltjes integral operators   1565--1573
             P. A. Ramachandran   Boundary integral method for
                                  multispecies $1$-D
                                  convection--diffusion-reaction problems  1575--1583
                      Anonymous   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1585--1622

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 49, Number 11--12, June, 2005

                      Anonymous   List of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . III--XIII
            K. Balachandran and   
                 D. G. Park and   
                 P. Manimegalai   Controllability of second-order
                                  integrodifferential evolution systems in
                                  Banach spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1623--1642
                    C. H. Cooke   Bounds on element order in rings $ Z_m $
                                  with divisors of zero  . . . . . . . . . 1643--1645
           D. Çakmak and   
                     A. Tiryaki   Oscillation criteria for certain forced
                                  second-order nonlinear differential
                                  equations with delayed argument  . . . . 1647--1653
                  Ying Dong and   
                 Jiafu Tang and   
                 Baodong Xu and   
                   Dingwei Wang   An application of swarm optimization to
                                  nonlinear programming  . . . . . . . . . 1655--1668
             Guanghui Xiang and   
                  Maoan Han and   
                  Tonghua Zhang   The number of limit cycles for a family
                                  of polynomial systems  . . . . . . . . . 1669--1678
               M. K. Kinyon and   
                 J. D. Phillips   Rectangular quasigroups and rectangular
                                  loops  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1679--1685
                V. J. Ervin and   
                 J. J. Shepherd   Numerical approximation of the Newtonian
                                  film blowing problem . . . . . . . . . . 1687--1707
                Cheng Zhang and   
               Xue-hai Yuan and   
                 E. Stanley Lee   Duality theory in fuzzy mathematical
                                  programming problems with fuzzy
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1709--1730
               Xin-Wang Liu and   
                   Shi-Lian Han   Ranking fuzzy numbers with preference
                                  weighting function expectations  . . . . 1731--1753
              E. Bertolazzi and   
                     G. Manzini   A unified treatment of boundary
                                  conditions in least-square based
                                  finite-volume methods  . . . . . . . . . 1755--1765
                   H. G. Khajah   Tau method treatment of a delayed
                                  negative feedback equation . . . . . . . 1767--1772
                    P. Glaister   A comparison of conservative upwind
                                  difference schemes for the shallow water
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1773--1786
                Chun-Yi Gao and   
              Shao-Mou Yuan and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Some functional inequalities and
                                  inclusion relationships associated with
                                  certain families of integral operators   1787--1795
            Ping-Teng Chang and   
                  Kuo-Chen Hung   Applying the fuzzy-weighted-average
                                  approach to evaluate network security
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1797--1814
          R. Jiménez and   
                  L. Santos and   
                    N. Kuhl and   
                J. Egaña   The reconstruction of a specially
                                  structured Jacobi matrix with an
                                  application to damage detection in rods  1815--1823
                   R. Ahmad and   
               Q. H. Ansari and   
                    S. S. Irfan   Generalized variational inclusions and
                                  generalized resolvent equations in
                                  Banach spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1825--1835
                    A. H. Bilge   Towards the classification of scalar
                                  nonpolynomial evolution equations:
                                  Quasilinearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1837--1848
                   Ming-Chia Li   Stability of a saddle node bifurcation
                                  under numerical approximations . . . . . 1849--1852
               Huan-Wen Liu and   
                   Don Hong and   
                   Dun-Qian Cao   Bivariate $ C^1 $ cubic spline space
                                  over a nonuniform type-2 triangulation
                                  and its subspaces with boundary
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1853--1865
                       Y. Koren   Drawing graphs by eigenvectors: theory
                                  and practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1867--1888
                J. A. Burns and   
                     T. Lin and   
                  L. G. Stanley   A Petrov Galerkin finite-element method
                                  for interface problems arising in
                                  sensitivity computations . . . . . . . . 1889--1903
                  You-Xian Tian   Convergence of an Ishikawa type
                                  iterative scheme for asymptotically
                                  quasi-nonexpansive mappings  . . . . . . 1905--1912
                      Y. Muroya   Global stability for separable nonlinear
                                  delay differential equations . . . . . . 1913--1927
                       P. Kumar   The Ostrowski type moment integral
                                  inequalities and moment-bounds for
                                  continuous random variables  . . . . . . 1929--1940
               J. Henderson and   
                    Haiyan Wang   Nonlinear eigenvalue problems for
                                  quasilinear systems  . . . . . . . . . . 1941--1949
                      Anonymous   Errata to ``Fuzzy group based on fuzzy
                                  binary operation'' . . . . . . . . . . . 1951--1952
                Xuehai Yuan and   
                      E. S. Lee   The category FGrp of fuzzy groups is not
                                  equivalent to the category Grp of
                                  classical groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 1953--1956

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 50, Number 1--2, July, 2005

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                   S. K. Mishra   Complex minimax programming under
                                  generalized Type-I functions . . . . . . 1--11
             R. M. Palhares and   
               C. D. Campos and   
                P. Ya. Ekel and   
             M. C. R. Leles and   
           M. F. S. V. D'Angelo   Delay-dependent robust $ H_\infty $
                                  control of uncertain linear systems with
                                  time-varying delays  . . . . . . . . . . 13--32
                   Suyan He and   
                  Xingsi Li and   
                    Shaohua Pan   A self-adjusting interior point
                                  algorithm for linear complementarity
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33--40
                   J. W. Li and   
                     Z. C. Wang   Existence and global attractivity of
                                  positive periodic solutions of a
                                  survival model of red blood cells  . . . 41--47
               Xiaochun Cai and   
                 Jianshe Yu and   
                    Zhiming Guo   Existence of periodic solutions for
                                  fourth-order difference equations  . . . 49--55
                    P. Glaister   Conservative upwind difference schemes
                                  for open channel flows-theory and
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57--72
                       L. Marin   A meshless method for solving the Cauchy
                                  problem in three-dimensional
                                  elastostatics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73--92
                  R. Barrio and   
                   F. Blesa and   
                        M. Lara   VSVO formulation of the Taylor method
                                  for the numerical solution of ODEs . . . 93--111
                 T. Petrila and   
                      S. Maksay   A new numerical approach of a sliding
                                  boundary layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113--121
                Cai-Yun Jin and   
                 Cao-Zong Cheng   S-G-L-KKM theorems in $L$-convex space
                                  and their applications to minimax
                                  inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123--131
               Yansheng Liu and   
                      Huimin Yu   Existence and uniqueness of positive
                                  solution for singular boundary value
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133--143
               Zigen Ouyang and   
              Shengfan Zhou and   
                       Fuqi Yin   Oscillation for a class of neutral
                                  parabolic differential equations . . . . 145--155
               J. M. Calvin and   
                   A. Silinskas   One-Dimensional global optimization for
                                  observations with noise  . . . . . . . . 157--169
               A. Caboussat and   
                   R. Glowinski   A two-grids/projection algorithm for
                                  obstacle problems  . . . . . . . . . . . 171--178
            P. G. Massouros and   
                    G. M. Genin   Algebraic inversion of the Laplace
                                  transform  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179--185
                        M. Jain   Finite capacity M/M/r queueing system
                                  with queue-dependent servers . . . . . . 187--199
                  E. Bertolazzi   A combination formula of
                                  Michaelis--Menten--Monod type  . . . . . 201--215
                   C. Z. Wu and   
                  K. L. Teo and   
                    Yi Zhao and   
                      W. Y. Yan   Solving an identification problem as an
                                  impulsive optimal parameter selection
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217--229
                   Sung-Ik Sohn   A new TVD--MUSCL scheme for hyperbolic
                                  conservation laws  . . . . . . . . . . . 231--248
                 T. Poranen and   
                E. Mäkinen   Remarks on the thickness and
                                  outerthickness of a graph  . . . . . . . 249--254
                S. De Lillo and   
                    G. Sanchini   The Eckhaus soliton propagation in a
                                  random medium  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255--261
                      V. Y. Pan   Coefficient-free adaptations of
                                  polynomial root-finders  . . . . . . . . 263--269
           Tsang-Hwai Hwang and   
              Horng-Jaan Li and   
                  Cheh-Chih Yeh   Asymptotic behavior of nonoscillatory
                                  solutions of second-order differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271--280
              Ming-Chao Cai and   
                  Xiao-Qing Jin   BCCB preconditioners for solving linear
                                  systems from delay differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281--288
                Hsin-Yun Hu and   
                  Zi-Cai Li and   
          Alexander H.-D. Cheng   Radial basis collocation methods for
                                  elliptic boundary value problems . . . . 289--320
                   S. J. Wu and   
                         D. Han   Exponential stability of functional
                                  differential systems with impulsive
                                  effect on random moments . . . . . . . . 321--328

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 50, Number 3--4, August, 2005

              Lu-Chuan Zeng and   
                Sy-Ming Guu and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   Characterization of $H$-monotone
                                  operators with applications to
                                  variational inclusions . . . . . . . . . 329--337
               S. Nadarajah and   
                      D. K. Dey   Convolutions of the Pearson Type VII
                                  distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339--346
                       Y. Yavin   Stabilization of the motion of a disk
                                  rolling on a horizontal plane by using a
                                  translational moving rod along its axis  347--357
                     W. Cao and   
                   L. Demkowicz   Optimal error estimate of a projection
                                  based interpolation for the $p$-version
                                  approximation in three dimensions  . . . 359--366
                  D. Mishra and   
                   P. Panigrahi   Graceful lobsters obtained by
                                  partitioning and component moving of
                                  branches of diameter four trees  . . . . 367--380
              E. Berriochoa and   
              A. Cachafeiro and   
                 J. Garcia-Amor   Asymptotics on the support for Sobolev
                                  orthogonal polynomials on a bounded
                                  interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381--391
                 M. El-Taha and   
                    J. R. Heath   Queueing network models of credit-based
                                  flow control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393--398
              T. Ratnarajah and   
                R. Vaillancourt   Complex singular Wishart matrices and
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399--411
               C. Chiarella and   
                F. Szidarovszky   Cournot oligopolies with product
                                  differentiation under uncertainty  . . . 413--424
          Z. R. Bogdanowicz and   
                  R. Ramamurthy   Properties of optimal survivable paths
                                  in a graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425--432
                    Qingliu Yao   Successive iteration and positive
                                  solution for nonlinear second-order
                                  three-point boundary value problems  . . 433--444
               Zhengdong Du and   
                  Weinian Zhang   Melnikov method for homoclinic
                                  bifurcation in nonlinear impact
                                  oscillators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445--458
                  M. Abtahi and   
                         P. Siy   Core function of an RNS number with no
                                  ambiguity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459--470
                  Wang Lian and   
            David W. Cheung and   
                      S. M. Yiu   An efficient algorithm for finding dense
                                  regions for mining quantitative
                                  association rules  . . . . . . . . . . . 471--490
                   Wei Ding and   
                  Maoan Han and   
                     Junrong Mi   Periodic boundary value problem for the
                                  second-order impulsive functional
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 491--507
               Ying Wai Fan and   
                K. S. Berenhaut   A bound for linear recurrence relations
                                  with unbounded order . . . . . . . . . . 509--518
                Jialin Hong and   
                 Hongyu Liu and   
                       Geng Sun   Spurious behavior of a symplectic
                                  integrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519--528
          G. Kalogeropoulos and   
                   P. Psarrakos   The polar decomposition of block
                                  companion matrices . . . . . . . . . . . 529--537
               An-Ping Liao and   
                       Yuan Lei   Least-squares solution with the
                                  minimum-norm for the matrix equation (
                                  AXB, GXH ) = ( C, $D$ )  . . . . . . . . 539--549
                     T. Antczak   $ \gamma $-preinvexity and $ \gamma
                                  $-invexity in mathematical programming   551--566
           E. G. Ladopoulos and   
                G. Tsamasphyros   Approximations of singular integral
                                  equations on Lyapunov contours in Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567--573
               Hong-Wei Lin and   
                 Hu-Jun Bao and   
                   Guo-Jin Wang   Totally positive bases and progressive
                                  iteration approximation  . . . . . . . . 575--586
                   Jie Yang and   
                  A. S. Vatsala   Numerical investigation of generalized
                                  quasilinearization method for reaction
                                  diffusion systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 587--598
                  P. Cerone and   
                 S. S. Dragomir   Bounds for the Gini mean difference via
                                  the Sonin identity . . . . . . . . . . . 599--609
               Meiqing Wang and   
                  Choi-Hong Lai   A hybrid fractal video compression
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611--621
               Hong-Xing Li and   
              Zhi-Hong Miao and   
              Song-Chol Han and   
                   Jia-Yin Wang   A new kind of fuzzy relation equations
                                  based on inner transformation  . . . . . 623--636
                Xiaoyan Liu and   
                Peizhu Ding and   
                Jialin Hong and   
                     Lijin Wang   Optimization of explicit symplectic
                                  schemes for time-dependent schrödinger
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637--644
                  Xiaojing Yang   Existence of periodic solutions of
                                  planar systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645--652
                      Anonymous   Errata to ``Maneuvering control of a
                                  rolling four-links robot'' . . . . . . . 653--653

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 50, Number 5--6, September, 2005

        E. Hernández and   
                 M. A. McKibben   Some comments on: Existence of solutions
                                  of abstract nonlinear second-order
                                  neutral functional integrodifferential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655--669
                  Tetz C. Huang   A self-stabilizing algorithm for the
                                  shortest path problem assuming the
                                  distributed demon  . . . . . . . . . . . 671--681
                    Xiaoyan Lin   Oscillation for higher-order neutral
                                  superlinear delay difference equations
                                  with unstable type . . . . . . . . . . . 683--691
                   E. Defez and   
                   L. Soler and   
           A. Hervás and   
           C. Santamaría   Numerical solution of matrix
                                  differential models using cubic matrix
                                  splines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693--699
                        B. Neta   $P$-stable symmetric super-implicit
                                  methods for periodic initial value
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701--705
                 T. Iwaniec and   
                    Shusen Ding   RETRACTED: Global estimates for the
                                  Jacobians of orientation preserving
                                  mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707--718
                Yuanguo Zhu and   
                    Baoding Liu   Some inequalities of random fuzzy
                                  variables with application to moment
                                  convergence  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719--727
                De-Xiang Ma and   
                 Zeng-Ji Du and   
                     Wei-Gao Ge   Existence and iteration of monotone
                                  positive solutions for multipoint
                                  boundary value problem with
                                  $p$-Laplacian operator . . . . . . . . . 729--739
           P. G. Martinsson and   
                 V. Rokhlin and   
                      M. Tygert   A fast algorithm for the inversion of
                                  general Toeplitz matrices  . . . . . . . 741--752
                   T. Jankowski   Waveform relaxation and comparison
                                  methods for multipoint boundary value
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753--768
               P. A. Krutitskii   The mixed harmonic problem in an
                                  exterior cracked domain with Dirichlet
                                  condition on cracks  . . . . . . . . . . 769--782
                  A. S. Belenky   Calculating the minimal fraction of the
                                  popular vote to win the U.S. Presidency
                                  in the Electoral College . . . . . . . . 783--802
               Zhenmin Chen and   
                      Chi Zhang   A new measurement for network sharing
                                  fairness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803--808
         P. Balasubramaniam and   
                   D. Vinayagam   Existence of solutions of nonlinear
                                  stochastic integrodifferential
                                  inclusions in a Hilbert space  . . . . . 809--821
                   S. Azhar and   
                A. McLennan and   
                     J. H. Reif   Computation of equilibria in
                                  noncooperative games . . . . . . . . . . 823--854
                       Y. Yavin   Control of the motion of a disk rollin
                                  on a curve in $R$  . . . . . . . . . . . 855--868
              Jian Wen Peng and   
                  Xian Jun Long   Sensitivity analysis for parametric
                                  completely generalized strongly
                                  nonlinear implicit quasi-variational
                                  inclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869--880
             Hon-Wing Cheng and   
              Stephen S.-T. Yau   Parallel computations for Yau filters    881--893
               Zhi-Wen Duan and   
              Chun-Hong Xie and   
                        Li Zhou   Blow-up solution for the degenerate
                                  quasilinear parabolic system with
                                  nonlinear boundary condition . . . . . . 895--917
                  J. Moreno and   
       M. C. Casabán and   
M. J. Rodríguez-Álvarez   An algorithm to initialize the search of
                                  solutions of polynomial systems  . . . . 919--933
              Lu-Chuan Zeng and   
                Sy-Ming Guu and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   Iterative algorithm for completely
                                  generalized set-valued strongly
                                  nonlinear mixed variational-like
                                  inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935--945
                   S. J. Li and   
                  K. L. Teo and   
                     X. Q. Yang   Second-order directional derivatives of
                                  spectral functions . . . . . . . . . . . 947--955
                    M. Ashordia   Lyapunov stability of systems of linear
                                  generalized ordinary differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 957--982

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 50, Number 7, October, 2005

         Barna Szabó and   
              Katalin Balla and   
Aurél Galántai and   
             György Szeidl   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiii
Aurél Galántai and   
             György Szeidl   Dedication Katalin Balla 1947-2005 . . . xv--xv
           G. Bognár and   
                M. Rontó   Numerical--analytic investigation of the
                                  radially symmetric solutions for some
                                  nonlinear PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 983--991
             R. Bürger and   
              K. H. Karlsen and   
                  N. H. Risebro   A relaxation scheme for continuous
                                  sedimentation in ideal
                                  clarifier--thickener units . . . . . . . 993--1009
                   C. Costa and   
T.-P. Azevedo Perdicoúlis and   
               R. Serôdio   A study on quaternion
                                  blockquasi-tridiagonal systems . . . . . 1011--1016
           P. Csomós and   
           I. Faragó and   
               Á. Havasi   Weighted sequential splittings and their
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017--1031
                  A. Farkas and   
               P. Lancaster and   
                P. Rózsa   Approximation of positive matrices by
                                  transitive matrices  . . . . . . . . . . 1033--1039
                 J. A. Ford and   
                 I. A. Moghrabi   The use of alternation and recurrences
                                  in two-step quasi-Newton methods . . . . 1041--1050
                 J. A. Ford and   
                  S. Tharmlikit   Three-step fixed-point quasi-Newton
                                  methods for unconstrained optimisation   1051--1060
             A. Galántai   Perturbation bounds for triangular and
                                  full rank factorizations . . . . . . . . 1061--1068
                  L. Giraud and   
                  J. Langou and   
                   M. Rozloznik   The loss of orthogonality in the
                                  Gram--Schmidt orthogonalization process  1069--1075
         J. Karátson and   
               I. Faragó   Preconditioning operators and Sobolev
                                  gradients for nonlinear elliptic
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077--1092
         J. Karátson and   
                L. Lóczi   Sobolev gradient preconditioning for the
                                  electrostatic potential equation . . . . 1093--1104
                 S. Korotov and   
              M. K. ríek   Global and local refinement techniques
                                  yielding nonobtuse tetrahedral
                                  partitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1105--1113
               M. Kovács   The maximum-norm of the restricted
                                  denominator approximations . . . . . . . 1115--1123
                      R. Lamour   Index determination and calculation of
                                  consistent initial values for DAEs . . . 1125--1140
                   R. März   Characterizing differential algebraic
                                  equations without the use of derivative
                                  arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1141--1156
      C. Mészáros   The Cholesky factorization in interior
                                  point methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1157--1166
                E. Miletics and   
             G. Molnárka   Implicit extension of Taylor series
                                  method with numerical derivatives for
                                  initial value problems . . . . . . . . . 1167--1177
                       D. Petcu   The performance of parallel iterative
                                  solvers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1179--1189

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 50, Number 8--9, October / November, 2005

                     C. Cattani   Harmonic wavelets towards the solution
                                  of nonlinear PDE . . . . . . . . . . . . 1191--1210
              A. Del Medico and   
                   Qingkai Kong   New Kamenev-type oscillation criteria
                                  for second-order differential equations
                                  on a measure chain . . . . . . . . . . . 1211--1230
                M. O. Rayes and   
                V. Trevisan and   
                     P. S. Wang   Factorization properties of Chebyshev
                                  polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1231--1240
                Xionghua Wu and   
                    Wenbin Kong   A highly accurate linearized method for
                                  free boundary problems . . . . . . . . . 1241--1250
             V. I. Klimenok and   
         S. R. Chakravarthy and   
                    A. N. Dudin   Algorithmic analysis of a multiserver
                                  Markovian queue with primary and
                                  secondary services . . . . . . . . . . . 1251--1270
                   Jing Hui and   
                     Deming Zhu   Global stability and periodicity on SIS
                                  epidemic models with backward
                                  bifurcation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1271--1290
        E. Hernández and   
                  M. Pierri and   
               P. Táboas   A comment on the papers ``A study on
                                  controllability of semilinear
                                  integrodifferential systems in Banach
                                  spaces'' and ``Controllability of
                                  neutral functional integrodifferential
                                  systems in Banach spaces'' . . . . . . . 1291--1292
                  Qian Zhou and   
                  Rui Huang and   
                Yuanyuan Ke and   
                      Yifu Wang   Existence of the nontrivial nonnegative
                                  periodic solutions for the quasilinear
                                  parabolic equation with nonlocal terms   1293--1302
                    T. Imam and   
                    M. Kaykobad   A new symbolic substitution based
                                  addition algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . 1303--1310
             A. K. Alekseev and   
                    I. M. Navon   Adjoint correction and bounding of error
                                  using Lagrange form of truncation term   1311--1332
              N. Gordeziani and   
                P. Natalini and   
                    P. E. Ricci   Finite-difference methods for solution
                                  of nonlocal boundary value problems  . . 1333--1344
                  Houde Han and   
                Jicheng Jin and   
                     Xiaonan Wu   A finite-difference method for the
                                  one-dimensional time-dependent
                                  schrödinger equation on unbounded domain  1345--1362
                   Guozheng Yan   Uniqueness of a scattering problem with
                                  $ L^2 $ boundary values  . . . . . . . . 1363--1370
                 R. K. Bawa and   
                     S. Natesan   A computational method for self-adjoint
                                  singular perturbation problems using
                                  quintic spline . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1371--1382
               A. A. Farrag and   
                         S. Lou   Applying fault-tolerant solutions of
                                  circulant graphs to multidimensional
                                  meshes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1383--1394
             M. Paszy\'nski and   
               L. Demkowicz and   
                       D. Pardo   Verification of goal-oriented
                                  HP-adaptivity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1395--1404
                M. R. Arias and   
          R. Benítez and   
             V. J. Bolós   Nonconvolution nonlinear integral
                                  Volterra equations with monotone
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1405--1414
                 S. M. Karbassi   Time-optimal control of
                                  disturbance-rejection tracking systems
                                  for discrete-time time-delayed systems
                                  by state feedback  . . . . . . . . . . . 1415--1424
                     X. Liu and   
                  G. R. Liu and   
                     K. Tai and   
                      K. Y. Lam   Radial point interpolation collocation
                                  method (RPICM) for partial differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1425--1442
              A. Ashyralyev and   
                     Y. Ozdemir   Stability of difference schemes for
                                  hyperbolic-parabolic equations . . . . . 1443--1476
               Xiaofan Yang and   
               G. M. Megson and   
               Yuanyan Tang and   
                    D. J. Evans   Diameter of parallelogramic honeycomb
                                  torus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1477--1486
                 A. Tiryaki and   
                 Y. Ba\vsci and   
           I. Güleç   Interval criteria for oscillation of
                                  second-order functional differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1487--1498
                  Houde Han and   
                        Xin Wen   The global artificial boundary
                                  conditions for numerical simulations of
                                  the flow around a submerged body . . . . 1499--1512

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 50, Number 10--12, November / December, 2005

                       Ling Zhu   A modified Newton method in parallel
                                  circular iteration of single-step and
                                  double-step  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1513--1524
                       Y. Yavin   Point-to-point and collision avoidance
                                  control of the motion of an autonomous
                                  bicycle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1525--1542
              Hsu-Shih Shih and   
           Liang-Chih Huang and   
                 Huan-Jyh Shyur   Recruitment and selection processes
                                  through an effective GDSS  . . . . . . . 1543--1558
                  Changbum Chun   Iterative methods improving Newton's
                                  method by the decomposition method . . . 1559--1568
                      Ke Li and   
                  Jin Liang and   
                    Ti-Jun Xiao   Positive fixed points for nonlinear
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1569--1578
                   Gengping Wei   The persistence of nonoscillatory
                                  solutions of difference equations under
                                  impulsive perturbations  . . . . . . . . 1579--1586
                 Yong Zhang and   
             Ting-Zhu Huang and   
                  Xing-Ping Liu   Modified iterative methods for
                                  nonnegative matrices and $M$-matrices
                                  linear systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1587--1602
                 K. L. Boey and   
            Patricia J. Y. Wong   Existence of triple positive solutions
                                  of two-point right focal boundary value
                                  problems on time scales  . . . . . . . . 1603--1620
                  Jiang Zhu and   
                Yeol Je Cho and   
                  Shin Min Kang   Equivalent contractive conditions in
                                  symmetric spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . 1621--1628
                Jinxing Xie and   
                     Xijun Wang   Complexity and algorithms for two-stage
                                  flexible flowshop scheduling with
                                  availability constraints . . . . . . . . 1629--1638
                     H. Manouzi   A mixed variational formulation for the
                                  Navier--Stokes problem with
                                  hyper-dissipation  . . . . . . . . . . . 1639--1646
                Chin-Tzong Pang   Simultaneously controllable fuzzy
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1647--1658
                       Y. Yavin   Directional control of the motion of a
                                  rolling disk by using a rotor fixed in
                                  the disk's plane . . . . . . . . . . . . 1659--1668
                   T. Hayat and   
                      S. Mumtaz   Resonant oscillations of a plate in an
                                  electrically conducting rotating
                                  Johnson--Segalman fluid  . . . . . . . . 1669--1676
             Ting-Zhu Huang and   
                  Xing-Ping Liu   Estimations for certain determinants . . 1677--1684
                   A. M. Wazwaz   Exact solutions to the double
                                  sinh-Gordon equation by the tanh method
                                  and a variable separated ODE method  . . 1685--1696
              A. Bernardini and   
                P. Natalini and   
                    P. E. Ricci   Multidimensional bell polynomials of
                                  higher order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1697--1708
                  R. J. Kuo and   
                 H. S. Wang and   
                Tung-Lai Hu and   
                     S. H. Chou   Application of ant $K$-means on
                                  clustering analysis  . . . . . . . . . . 1709--1724
              R. P. Agarwal and   
                 D. O'Regan and   
            Patricia J. Y. Wong   Constant-sign periodic and almost
                                  periodic solutions of a system of
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 1725--1754
              G. A. Anastassiou   Global smoothness and uniform
                                  convergence of smooth Picard singular
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1755--1766
               G. C. Mahata and   
                 A. Goswami and   
                    D. K. Gupta   A joint economic-lot-size model for
                                  purchaser and vendor in fuzzy sense  . . 1767--1790
                      J. G. Dix   Asymptotic behavior of solutions to a
                                  first-order differential equation with
                                  variable delays  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1791--1800
                      Anonymous   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1801--1824

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 51, Number 1, January, 2006

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
              L. Berezansky and   
                   E. Braverman   Mackey-glass equation with variable
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--16
             Xiaoying Zhang and   
               Daqing Jiang and   
                 Xiaoyue Li and   
                        Ke Wang   A new existence theory for single and
                                  multiple positive periodic solutions to
                                  Volterra integro-differential equations
                                  with impulse effects . . . . . . . . . . 17--32
             R. Grzymkowski and   
                       D. Slota   One-phase inverse Stefan problem solved
                                  by Adomian decomposition method  . . . . 33--40
            S. I. Spartalis and   
                  C. Mamaloukas   Hyperstructures associated with binary
                                  relations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41--50
                K. Diethelm and   
                    A. D. Freed   An efficient algorithm for the
                                  evaluation of convolution integrals  . . 51--72
                    Yi-Kuel Lin   Unreliability evaluation for a
                                  limited-flow network with failed nodes
                                  subject to the budget constraint . . . . 73--82
              Jia-Yen Huang and   
                  Ming-Jong Yao   A new algorithm for optimally
                                  determining lot-sizing policies for a
                                  deteriorating item in an integrated
                                  production-inventory system  . . . . . . 83--104
                Pin-Yu Wang and   
                Shy-Der Lin and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Remarks on a simple fractional-calculus
                                  approach to the solutions of the Bessel
                                  differential equation of general order
                                  and some of its applications . . . . . . 105--114
                   Z. C. Li and   
                 Y. L. Chan and   
             G. C. Georgiou and   
                 C. Xenophontos   Special boundary approximation methods
                                  for Laplace equation problems with
                                  boundary singularities --- Applications
                                  to the motz problem  . . . . . . . . . . 115--142
                Cheng Zhang and   
               Xue-Hai Yuan and   
                 E. Stanley Lee   Convex fuzzy mapping and operations of
                                  convex fuzzy mappings  . . . . . . . . . 143--152
               I. S. Levitskaya   Stability domain of a linear
                                  differential equation with two delays    153--159

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 51, Number 2, January, 2006

               Tadashi Dohi and   
           Nikolaos Limnios and   
                   Shunji Osaki   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiii
               Shinji Inoue and   
                 Shigeru Yamada   Discrete software reliability assessment
                                  with discretized NHPP models . . . . . . 161--170
          Tsuyoshi Katayama and   
                Kaori Kobayashi   A pseudoconservation law for a
                                  time-limited service polling system with
                                  structured batch Poisson arrivals  . . . 171--178
           Koichiro Rinsaka and   
                 Hiroaki Sandoh   A stochastic model on an additional
                                  warranty service contract  . . . . . . . 179--188
                     Toru Nakai   Properties of a job search problem on a
                                  partially observable Markov chain in a
                                  dynamic economy  . . . . . . . . . . . . 189--198
              Fumiaki Machihara   A fractal Poisson process and its input
                                  queue  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199--208
             Ken'ichi Kawanishi   Waiting time distribution of a queueing
                                  system with postservice activity . . . . 209--218
             Kanji Yoneyama and   
          Tatsuya Matsukawa and   
                  Hiroaki Ishii   Performance evaluation of product form
                                  cellular mobile communications networks  219--228
                   A. B. Dragut   Monotonic robust optimal control
                                  policies for the time-quality trade-offs
                                  in concurrent new product development
                                  (NPD)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229--238
                      A. Platis   A generalized formulation for the
                                  performability indicator . . . . . . . . 239--246
              Masayuki Arai and   
           Satoshi Fukumoto and   
               Kazuhiko Iwasaki   Extension of coefficients for $ (n, k,
                                  m) $ convolutional-code-based packet
                                  loss recovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247--256
              Takashi Satow and   
                   Hajime Kawai   Hit and target models for DNA damage
                                  with indirect action . . . . . . . . . . 257--268
               M. L. Feddag and   
                      M. Mesbah   Approximate estimation in generalized
                                  linear mixed models with applications to
                                  the Rasch model  . . . . . . . . . . . . 269--278
           Yoshinobu Kadota and   
              Masami Kurano and   
                  Masami Yasuda   Discounted Markov decision processes
                                  with utility constraints . . . . . . . . 279--284
              D. C. Ionescu and   
              A. P. Ulmeanu and   
       A. C. Constantinescu and   
                      I. Rotaru   Reliability modelling of medium voltage
                                  distribution systems of nuclear power
                                  plants using generalized stochastic
                                  petri nets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285--290
                F. Ferreira and   
                     A. Pacheco   Analysis of GI/M/s/c queues using
                                  uniformisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291--304
             M. Kwiatkowska and   
                  G. Norman and   
                     A. Pacheco   Model checking expected time and
                                  expected reward formulae with random
                                  time bounds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--316
         M. S. Abdel-Hameed and   
                    Y. A. Nakhi   Optimal control of a finite dam with
                                  diffusion input and state dependent
                                  release rates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317--324
              Cl. Lef\`evre and   
                     Ph. Picard   A nonhomogeneous risk model for
                                  insurance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325--334
             Kazuki Iwamoto and   
               Tadashi Dohi and   
           Hiroyuki Okamura and   
                     Naoto Kaio   Discrete-time cost analysis for a
                                  telecommunication billing application
                                  with rejuvenation  . . . . . . . . . . . 335--344
               Tadashi Dohi and   
              Akira Ashioka and   
                 Naoto Kaio and   
                   Shunji Osaki   Statistical estimation algorithms for
                                  repairs-time limit replacement
                                  scheduling under earning rate criteria   345--356
         Mitsuhiro Imaizumi and   
           Mitsutaka Kimura and   
                   Kazumi Yasui   Reliability analysis of a data
                                  transmission model for multicast . . . . 357--362
           Satoshi Mizutani and   
            Toshio Nakagawa and   
                   Kodo Ito and   
                 Hiroaki Sandoh   Optimal periodic testing policy for
                                  circuit with self-testing  . . . . . . . 363--370
           Kenichiro Naruse and   
            Shizuka Umemura and   
                Sayori Nakagawa   Optimal checkpointing interval for
                                  two-level recovery schemes . . . . . . . 371--376
           Mitsutaka Kimura and   
               Kazumi Yasui and   
            Toshio Nakagawa and   
                  Naohiro Ishii   Reliability consideration of a mobile
                                  communication system with network
                                  congestion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377--386

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 51, Number 3--4, February, 2006

             J. Gáll and   
                     G. Pap and   
           M. C. A. van Zuijlen   Forward interest rate curves in discrete
                                  time settings driven by random fields    387--396
             A. K. Alekseev and   
                    I. M. Navon   A posteriori error estimation by
                                  postprocessor independent of method of
                                  flowfield calculation  . . . . . . . . . 397--404
                 Yu-Ru Syau and   
                 E. Stanley Lee   Preinvexity and $ \Phi_1 $-convexity of
                                  fuzzy mappings through a linear ordering 405--418
                  L. Darius and   
    P. González-Vera and   
         M. Jiménez Paiz   Quadrature formulas associated with
                                  rational modifications of the Chebyshev
                                  weight functions . . . . . . . . . . . . 419--430
                    S. E. Haupt   A quadratic empirical model formulation
                                  for dynamical systems using a genetic
                                  algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431--440
               Tian-Xiao He and   
             Leetsch C. Hsu and   
              Peter J.-S. Shiue   Convergence of the summation formulas
                                  constructed by using a symbolic operator
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441--450
             Roberto Barrio and   
                 Sergio Serrano   Modifications of the method of variation
                                  of parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451--466
               Dingong Yang and   
                 Shigeyoshi Owa   Sufficient conditions for Carathéodory
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467--474
                 Z. J. Zhao and   
                 Q. K. Song and   
                    J. Y. Zhang   Exponential periodicity and stability of
                                  neural networks with reaction-diffusion
                                  terms and both variable and unbounded
                                  delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475--486
                     Y. Y. Zhou   Some results about perturbed maximal
                                  monotone mappings  . . . . . . . . . . . 487--496
             S. S. Dragomir and   
                        A. Sofo   An inequality for monotonic functions
                                  generalizing Ostrowski and related
                                  results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497--506
               Lin Xiaoning and   
                 Li Xiaoyue and   
                   Jiang Daqing   Positive solutions to superlinear
                                  semipositone periodic boundary value
                                  problems with repulsive weak singular
                                  forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507--514
                    Min Liu and   
                Degang Chen and   
                   Cheng Wu and   
                    Hongxing Li   Approximation theorem of the fuzzy
                                  transform in fuzzy reasoning and its
                                  application to the scheduling problem    515--526
                B. Mourrain and   
             N. G. Pavlidis and   
             D. K. Tasoulis and   
                 M. N. Vrahatis   Determining the number of real roots of
                                  polynomials through neural networks  . . 527--536
                      M. Muslim   Approximation of solutions to
                                  history-valued neutral functional
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 537--550
                  Z. S. Nikolic   A simple model for $3$-D visualization
                                  of model topology due to rearrangement
                                  in liquid phase sintering  . . . . . . . 551--558
                   C. Bruni and   
              D. Iacoviello and   
                    G. Koch and   
                   M. Lucchetti   Filtering image sequences from a moving
                                  object and the edge detection problem    559--578
              Chi-Bin Cheng and   
            Ching-Lung Chen and   
                   Chung-Jen Fu   Financial distress prediction by a
                                  radial basis function network with logit
                                  analysis learning  . . . . . . . . . . . 579--588
                    B. C. Dhage   Fixed-point theorems for discontinuous
                                  multivalued operators on ordered spaces
                                  with applications  . . . . . . . . . . . 589--604
              Chang-Dau Yan and   
                 Wei-Hua Chieng   Method for finding multiple roots of
                                  polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605--620
                J. C. Misra and   
                      B. Dravid   A mathematical model in the study of
                                  genes for identifying transcription
                                  factor binding sites . . . . . . . . . . 621--630
               Qiu-Ming Luo and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Some relationships between the
                                  Apostol--Bernoulli and Apostol--Euler
                                  polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631--642
                   X. Jiang and   
                    H. Zhao and   
                         L. Cao   Numerical simulations of the flow and
                                  sound fields of a heated axisymmetric
                                  pulsating jet  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643--660
              V. Sundarapandian   A necessary condition for local
                                  asymptotic stability of discrete-time
                                  nonlinear systems with exogenous
                                  disturbance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661--666
              V. Sundarapandian   A necessary condition for local
                                  asymptotic stability of nonlinear
                                  systems with exogenous disturbance . . . 667--672
                G. R. Elkahlout   Bayes estimators for the extreme-value
                                  reliability function . . . . . . . . . . 673--679

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 51, Number 5, March, 2006

             Max Gunzburger and   
               Kwang Ik Kim and   
              Sang Dong Kim and   
                 Hyung-Chun Lee   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i--i
                  F. Brezzi and   
               L. D. Marini and   
              S. Micheletti and   
                  P. Pietra and   
                       R. Sacco   Stability and error analysis of mixed
                                  finite-volume methods for advection
                                  dominated problems . . . . . . . . . . . 681--696
             Yeon-Woo Chang and   
              Hyea Hyun Kim and   
                  Chang-Ock Lee   Preconditioners for the dual-primal FETI
                                  methods on nonmatching grids: Numerical
                                  study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697--712
               Chung-Ki Cho and   
                 Sunbu Kang and   
               Taekkeun Kim and   
                  Yonghoon Kwon   Parameter estimation approach to the
                                  free boundary for the pricing of an
                                  American call option . . . . . . . . . . 713--720
              M. Gunzburger and   
                  L. S. Hou and   
                          L. Ju   A numerical method for exact boundary
                                  controllability problems for the wave
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721--750
                 Ben-Yu Guo and   
                  Tian-Jun Wang   Mixed Legendre--Hermite spectral method
                                  for heat transfer in an infinite plate   751--768
                  Tong Kang and   
                   Kwang Ik Kim   $ A - \theta $ approaches of an eddy
                                  current problem based on solving certain
                                  potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769--782
                     B. Kellogg   Some simple boundary value problems with
                                  corner singularities and boundary layers 783--792
                 Dongho Kim and   
                   Eun-Jae Park   Primal mixed finite-element
                                  approximation of elliptic equations with
                                  gradient nonlinearities  . . . . . . . . 793--804
              Sang Dong Kim and   
               Yong Hun Lee and   
               Byeong Chun Shin   Newton's method for the Navier--Stokes
                                  equations with finite-element initial
                                  guess of Stokes equations  . . . . . . . 805--816
                  Ohin Kwon and   
               Hyunchan Pyo and   
               Jin Keun Seo and   
                    Eung Je Woo   Mathematical framework for $ B_z $-based
                                  MREIT model in electrical impedance
                                  imaging  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817--828
             Hyung-Chun Lee and   
                   Youngmi Choi   Analysis and approximation of linear
                                  feedback control problems for the
                                  Boussinesq equations . . . . . . . . . . 829--848
                      M. Padula   The role of free work identity in
                                  viscous compressible flows . . . . . . . 849--856
                  M. Stynes and   
                     N. Kopteva   Numerical analysis of singularly
                                  perturbed nonlinear reaction-diffusion
                                  problems with multiple solutions . . . . 857--864

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 51, Number 6--7, March / April, 2006

                       Y. Yavin   The derivation of a kinematic model from
                                  the dynamic model of the motion of a
                                  riderless bicycle  . . . . . . . . . . . 865--878
                    P. Glaister   A comparison of conservative upwind
                                  difference schemes for the Euler
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879--888
               Ö. Ugur and   
                   M. U. Akhmet   The Sturm--Liouville operator on the
                                  space of functions with discontinuity
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 889--896
 D. S. Cvetkovi\'c-Iliíc   The reflexive solutions of the matrix
                                  equation $ A X B = C $ . . . . . . . . . 897--902
                     Wei Li and   
  P. Guerrero-García and   
               A. Santos-Palomo   A basis-deficiency-allowing primal
                                  phase-I algorithm using the
                                  most-obtuse-angle column rule  . . . . . 903--914
             R. Vulanovi\'c and   
                G. Hovhannisyan   A posteriori error estimates for
                                  one-dimensional convection-diffussion
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 915--926
              Fengqin Zhang and   
                   Meili Li and   
                     Jurang Yan   Nonhomogeneous boundary value problem
                                  for first-order impulsive differential
                                  equations with delay . . . . . . . . . . 927--936
                         D. Han   A new class of projection and
                                  contraction methods for solving
                                  variational inequality problems  . . . . 937--950
             Seong-Hwan Kim and   
               T. G. Robertazzi   Modeling mobile agent behavior . . . . . 951--966
                  G. Stoyan and   
                Á. Baran   Crouzeix--Velte decompositions for
                                  higher-order finite elements . . . . . . 967--986
                Quan-Lin Li and   
                     Chuang Lin   The M/G/1 processor-sharing queue with
                                  disasters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987--998
           M. S. Petkovi\'c and   
                 L. Z. Ranci\'c   A family of root-finding methods with
                                  accelerated convergence  . . . . . . . . 999--1010
               Yixiang Chen and   
                Guo-Qiang Zhang   Maximality and totality of stable
                                  functions in the category of stable
                                  bifinite domains . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011--1020
                  S. K. Sen and   
                 H. Agarwal and   
                     T. Samanta   Interpolation for nonlinear BVP in
                                  circular membrane with known upper and
                                  lower solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021--1046
                    Shijun Yang   A unified approach to some inequalities
                                  of Ostrowski-Grüss type . . . . . . . . . 1047--1056
                C. P. Katti and   
                      R. Kumari   A new parallel algorithm for Lagrange
                                  interpolation on a hypercube . . . . . . 1057--1064
             W. G. El-Sayed and   
                      B. Rzepka   Nondecreasing solutions of a quadratic
                                  integral equation of Urysohn type  . . . 1065--1074
                Chad-Ton Su and   
            Chien-Hsin Yang and   
             Kuang-Hung Hsu and   
                    Wen-Ko Chiu   Data mining for the diagnosis of type II
                                  diabetes from three-dimensional body
                                  surface anthropometrical scanning data   1075--1092
               S. Plubtieng and   
                  R. Wangkeeree   Strong convergence theorems for
                                  three-step iterations with errors for
                                  non-Lipschitzian nonself-mappings in
                                  Banach spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093--1102
             Jun-Cheol Jeon and   
                Kee-Won Kim and   
                  Kee-Young Yoo   A novel approach for bit-serial $ A B^2
                                  $ multiplication in finite fields $ {\rm
                                  GF}(2^m) $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1103--1112
                     Fei He and   
                Xiaoyu Song and   
                    Ming Gu and   
               Lerong Cheng and   
                 Guowu Yang and   
                Zhiwei Tang and   
                   Jiaguang Sun   A combinatorial congestion estimation
                                  approach with generalized detours  . . . 1113--1126
                  Yong Deng and   
                 Zhu Zhenfu and   
                         Liu Qi   Ranking fuzzy numbers with an area
                                  method using radius of gyration  . . . . 1127--1136
                  Jia Huang and   
                    Jun-Ming Xu   The bondage numbers of extended de
                                  Bruijn and Kautz digraphs  . . . . . . . 1137--1147
                      Anonymous   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1149--1162

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 51, Number 8, April, 2006

                 Greg Fasshauer   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xv
                B. J. C. Baxter   Scaling radial basis functions via
                                  Euclidean distance matrices  . . . . . . 1163--1170
                  M. D. Buhmann   Half-plane approximation with radial
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1171--1184
                G. Casciola and   
                 D. Lazzaro and   
           L. B. Montefusco and   
                      S. Morigi   Shape preserving surface reconstruction
                                  using locally anisotropic radial basis
                                  function interpolants  . . . . . . . . . 1185--1198
                       N. Flyer   Exact polynomial reproduction for
                                  oscillatory radial basis functions on
                                  infinite lattices  . . . . . . . . . . . 1199--1208
                B. Fornberg and   
                 E. Larsson and   
                      G. Wright   A new class of oscillatory radial basis
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1209--1222
             Z. Komargodski and   
                       D. Levin   Hermite type moving-least-squares
                                  approximations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1223--1232
            V. A. Menegatto and   
             C. P. Oliveira and   
                    A. P. Peron   Strictly positive definite kernels on
                                  subsets of the complex plane . . . . . . 1233--1250
               R. B. Platte and   
                 T. A. Driscoll   Eigenvalue stability of radial basis
                                  function discretizations for
                                  time-dependent problems  . . . . . . . . 1251--1268
                  B. Sarler and   
                     R. Vertnik   Meshfree explicit local radial basis
                                  function collocation method for
                                  diffusion problems . . . . . . . . . . . 1269--1282
                    S. A. Sarra   Integrated multiquadric radial basis
                                  function approximation methods . . . . . 1283--1296
                     C. Shu and   
                    H. Ding and   
                        N. Zhao   Numerical comparison of least
                                  square-based finite-difference (LSFD)
                                  and radial basis function-based
                                  finite-difference (RBFFD) methods  . . . 1297--1310
                C. M. Tiago and   
         V. M. A. Leitão   Application of radial basis functions to
                                  linear and nonlinear structural analysis
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1311--1334
                   J. Wertz and   
                E. J. Kansa and   
                        L. Ling   The role of the multiquadric shape
                                  parameters in solving elliptic partial
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1335--1348
           Young-Cheol Yoon and   
                Sang-Ho Lee and   
                  T. Belytschko   Enriched meshfree collocation method
                                  with diffuse derivatives for elastic
                                  fracture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349--1366

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 51, Number 9--10, May, 2006

                     G. Jumarie   Modified Riemann--Liouville derivative
                                  and fractional Taylor series of
                                  nondifferentiable functions further
                                  results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1367--1376
               Guo-Dong Liu and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Explicit formulas for the Nörlund
                                  polynomials $ B_n^{(\chi)} $ and $
                                  b_n^{(\chi)} $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1377--1384
                  S. Nobakhtian   Infine functions and nonsmooth
                                  multiobjective optimization problems . . 1385--1394
       A. F. Güvenilir and   
                       A. Zafer   Second-order oscillation of forced
                                  functional differential equations with
                                  oscillatory potentials . . . . . . . . . 1395--1404
              G. A. Anastassiou   Applications of geometric moment theory
                                  related to optimal portfolio management  1405--1430
               Taixiang Sun and   
                    Hongjian Xi   The periodic character of positive
                                  solutions of the difference equation $
                                  \chi_{n + 1} = (\chi_n, \chi_{n - k}) $  1431--1436
                  Wei-Der Chang   Coefficient estimation of IIR filter by
                                  a multiple crossover genetic algorithm   1437--1444
               Zhiyong Wang and   
                Chengjian Zhang   An analysis of stability of Milstein
                                  method for stochastic differential
                                  equations with delay . . . . . . . . . . 1445--1452
             J. Giné and   
                      J. Llibre   Integrability, degenerate centers, and
                                  limit cycles for a class of polynomial
                                  differential systems . . . . . . . . . . 1453--1462
                     G. C. Yang   Positive solutions of singular Dirichlet
                                  boundary value problems with
                                  sign-changing nonlinearities . . . . . . 1463--1470
                   Tao Qian and   
                    Qiuhui Chen   Characterization of analytic phase
                                  signals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1471--1482
                 Shiji Song and   
                   Cheng Wu and   
                   Xiaoping Xue   Existence and uniqueness of Cauchy
                                  problem for fuzzy differential equations
                                  under dissipative conditions . . . . . . 1483--1492
             J. C. Benjumea and   
              F. J. Echarte and   
     J. Núñez and   
                  A. F. Tenorio   A method to obtain the lie group
                                  associated with a nilpotent lie algebra  1493--1506
                    Min Liu and   
                Degang Chen and   
                   Cheng Wu and   
                    Hongxing Li   Fuzzy reasoning based on a new fuzzy
                                  rough set and its application to
                                  scheduling problems  . . . . . . . . . . 1507--1518
                   C. Coles and   
                       D. Murio   Parameter estimation for a drying system
                                  in a porous medium . . . . . . . . . . . 1519--1528
               Heng-You Lan and   
                Yeol Je Cho and   
                    R. U. Verma   Nonlinear relaxed cocoercive variational
                                  inclusions involving $ (A, \eta)
                                  $-accretive mappings in Banach spaces    1529--1538
                    D. A. Murio   On the stable numerical evaluation of
                                  Caputo fractional derivatives  . . . . . 1539--1550
             O. Karakashian and   
                 Th. Katsaounis   Numerical simulation of incompressible
                                  fluid flow using locally solenoidal
                                  elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1551--1570
                    Min Liu and   
                Degang Chen and   
                   Cheng Wu and   
                    Hongxing Li   Reduction method based on a new fuzzy
                                  rough set in fuzzy information system
                                  and its applications to scheduling
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1571--1584
             Xiao-Ming Zeng and   
                     X. J. Chen   Approximation for bounded functions and
                                  absolutely continuous functions by beta
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1585--1592
                 Kaifa Wang and   
                 Wendi Wang and   
                   Xianning Liu   Global stability in a viral infection
                                  model with lytic and nonlytic immune
                                  responses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1593--1610
         S. K. Roychoudhuri and   
               N. Bandyopadhyay   Thermo-elastic interactions in an
                                  infinite elastic solid due to
                                  distributed time-dependent heat sources
                                  in generalized thermo-elasticity III . . 1611--1624

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 51, Number 11, June, 2006

                  C.-H. Lai and   
                   A. J. Davies   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiii
                 Yijie Wang and   
                       Sijun Li   Research and performance evaluation of
                                  data replication technology in
                                  distributed storage systems  . . . . . . 1625--1632
              C. C. Douglas and   
                    Y. Efendiev   A dynamic data-driven application
                                  simulation framework for contaminant
                                  transport problems . . . . . . . . . . . 1633--1646
                   Haiwu He and   
                 G. Bergere and   
                     S. Petiton   A hybrid GMRES/LS-Arnoldi method to
                                  accelerate the parallel solution of
                                  linear systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1647--1662
              Jin-Song Leng and   
           Zheng-Xing Cheng and   
             Ting-Zhu Huang and   
                  Choi-Hong Lai   Construction and properties of
                                  multiwavelet packets with arbitrary
                                  scale and the related algorithms of
                                  decomposition and reconstruction . . . . 1663--1676
              M. S. Lasater and   
               C. T. Kelley and   
             A. G. Salinger and   
              D. L. Woolard and   
                        P. Zhao   Parallel parameter study of the
                                  Wigner--Poisson equations for RTDs . . . 1677--1688
                    Deng Li and   
              C. C. Douglas and   
               Takashi Kako and   
            Suzuki Masabumi and   
                Hagiwara Ichiro   A novel perturbation expansion method
                                  for coupled system of acoustics and
                                  structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1689--1704
              Ghim Hwee Ong and   
                       Kai Yang   A binary partitioning approach to image
                                  compression using weighted finite
                                  automata for large images  . . . . . . . 1705--1714
               Meiqing Wang and   
                   Rong Liu and   
                  Choi-Hong Lai   Adaptive partition and hybrid method in
                                  fractal video compression  . . . . . . . 1715--1726
                 Yang Zheng and   
               Guanrong Liu and   
                   Xiaoxiao Niu   An improved fractal image compression
                                  approach by using iterated function
                                  system and genetic algorithm . . . . . . 1727--1740

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 51, Number 12, June, 2006

                      Anonymous   List of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . III--XII
                      Anonymous   Author index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XIII--XV
                 Yu-Ru Syau and   
                 E. Stanley Lee   Fuzzy Weirstrass theorem and convex
                                  fuzzy mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1741--1750
              Shu-Qian Shen and   
                 Ting-Zhu Huang   Convergence and comparison theorems for
                                  double splittings of matrices  . . . . . 1751--1760
                 Xiaoyue Li and   
             Xiaoying Zhang and   
                   Daqing Jiang   A new existence theory for positive
                                  periodic solutions to functional
                                  differential equations with impulse
                                  effects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1761--1772
                   F. Perri and   
                    L. Pandolfi   Input identification to a class of
                                  nonlinear input-output causal systems    1773--1788
              D. Gordeziani and   
             G. Avalishvili and   
                 M. Avalishvili   Hierarchical models of elastic shells in
                                  curvilinear coordinates  . . . . . . . . 1789--1808
                  Yu-E. Bao and   
                    Cong-Xin Wu   Convexity and semicontinuity of fuzzy
                                  mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1809--1816
               N. Karcanias and   
                S. Fatouros and   
                M. Mitrouli and   
                 G. H. Halikias   Approximate greatest common divisor of
                                  many polynomials, generalised
                                  resultants, and strength of
                                  approximation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1817--1830
                Hsin-Yun Hu and   
                      Zi-Cai Li   Combinations of collocation and
                                  finite-element methods for Poisson's
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1831--1853

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 52, Number 1--2, July, 2006

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
               Efim A. Galperin   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xv
               R. Statnikov and   
               A. Bordetsky and   
               A. Statnikov and   
                I. Yanushkevich   Multicriteria analysis tools in
                                  real-life problems . . . . . . . . . . . 1--32
          M. Delgado Pineda and   
                 E. A. Galperin   Global optimization over general compact
                                  sets by the beta algorithm: a MAPLE code 33--54
               Hongquan Cui and   
             Changchun Wang and   
                     Quan Zheng   Optimality conditions and algorithms for
                                  integral global minimization . . . . . . 55--64
                 Boshun Han and   
                 Yirong Yao and   
                     Quan Zheng   Existence and optimality of accessible
                                  and approximatable minimizers of quasi
                                  upper robust functions . . . . . . . . . 65--80
               T. R. Gulati and   
                     D. Agarwal   Sufficiency and duality in nonsmooth
                                  multiobjective optimization involving
                                  generalized $ (F, \alpha, \pi, d)
                                  $--Type I functions  . . . . . . . . . . 81--94
             E. A. Galperin and   
                    I. Galperin   Small sample uniformity in random number
                                  generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95--108
   P. Jiménez Guerra and   
             M. A. Melguizo and   
              M. J. Munoz-Bouzo   Sensitivity analysis in multiobjective
                                  differential programming . . . . . . . . 109--120
                  A. Balbas and   
                     S. Mayoral   Nonconvex optimization for pricing and
                                  hedging in imperfect markets . . . . . . 121--136
           M. Esteban-Bravo and   
               J. M. Vidal-Sanz   Valuation of boundary-linked assets by
                                  stochastic boundary value problems
                                  solved with a wavelet-collocation
                                  algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137--160
             A. Amirdjanova and   
                    S. Chivoret   New Method for optimal nonlinear
                                  filtering of noisy observations by
                                  multiple stochastic fractional integral
                                  expansions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161--178
                P. Ya. Ekel and   
                M. R. Silva and   
          F. Schuffner Neto and   
                 R. M. Palhares   Fuzzy preference modeling and its
                                  application to multiobjective decision
                                  making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179--196
                P. Ya. Ekel and   
        C. A. P. S. Martins and   
         J. G. Pereira, Jr. and   
             R. M. Palhares and   
                    L. N. Canha   Fuzzy set based multiobjective
                                  allocation of resources and its
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197--210
               A. Zilinskas and   
                   J. Zilinskas   Parallel hybrid algorithm for global
                                  optimization of problems occurring in
                                  MDS-based visualization  . . . . . . . . 211--224
                  D. Baatar and   
                   M. M. Wiecek   Advancing equitability in multiobjective
                                  programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225--234
                 E. A. Galperin   Reflections on optimality and dynamic
                                  programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235--257

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 52, Number 3--4, August, 2006

              A. Ashyralyev and   
                H. A. Yurtsever   The stability of difference schemes of
                                  second-order of accuracy for
                                  hyperbolic-parabolic equations . . . . . 259--268
                   T. Hayat and   
                 M. Hussain and   
                        M. Khan   Hall effect on flows of an Oldroyd-B
                                  fluid through porous medium for
                                  cylindrical geometries . . . . . . . . . 269--282
                  M. R. Ohm and   
                  H. Y. Lee and   
                     J. Y. Shin   Error estimates of finite-element
                                  approximations for a fourth-order
                                  differential equation  . . . . . . . . . 283--288
                       P. Kumar   Probability distributions conditioned by
                                  the available information: Gamma
                                  distribution and moments . . . . . . . . 289--304
              Yu-Zhuo Zhang and   
                   Hong-Xing Li   Variable weighted synthesis inference
                                  method for fuzzy reasoning and fuzzy
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305--322
                Nak Eun Cho and   
                      Ji A. Kim   Inclusion properties of certain
                                  subclasses of analytic functions defined
                                  by a multiplier transformation . . . . . 323--330
                        A. Bibi   Evolutionary transfer functions of
                                  bilinear processes with time-varying
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331--338
                 Yuan-Ming Wang   Asymptotic behavior of solutions for a
                                  cooperation-diffusion model with a
                                  saturating interaction . . . . . . . . . 339--350
                 Yu-Ru Syau and   
                 E. Stanley Lee   Fuzzy convexity and multiobjective
                                  convex optimization problems . . . . . . 351--362
              L. A. Cherkas and   
               V. G. Romanovski   The center conditions for a Liénard
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363--374
               Xiaoning Lin and   
               Daqing Jiang and   
                     Xiaoyue Li   Existence and uniqueness of solutions
                                  for singular $ (k, n - k) $ conjugate
                                  boundary value problems  . . . . . . . . 375--382
                      A. Csenki   Enigma 1225: Prolog-assisted solution of
                                  a puzzle using discrete mathematics  . . 383--400
                Guirong Liu and   
                     Jurang Yan   Positive periodic solutions for a
                                  neutral differential system with
                                  feedback control . . . . . . . . . . . . 401--410
        E. Hernández and   
                  M. Pierri and   
                   G. Goncalves   Existence results for an impulsive
                                  abstract partial differential equation
                                  with state-dependent delay . . . . . . . 411--420
                     Yanbin Luo   Resolution of fuzzy relation equations
                                  (I) based on Boolean-type implications   421--428
                Bingwen Liu and   
                   Lihong Huang   Periodic solutions for a two-neuron
                                  network with delays  . . . . . . . . . . 429--438
                    Xiaoyan Lin   Oscillation of solutions of neutral
                                  difference equations with a nonlinear
                                  neutral term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439--448
                     Siqing Gan   Dissipativity of linear $ \theta
                                  $-methods for integro-differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449--458
                  S. Momani and   
                    R. Qaralleh   An efficient method for solving systems
                                  of fractional integro-differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459--470
                J. J. Nieto and   
R. Rodríguez-López   Monotone method for first-order
                                  functional differential equations  . . . 471--484
              Yong-Kab Choi and   
             Kyo-Shin Hwang and   
                   Hee-Tin Moon   Limit results on finite-dimensional
                                  Gaussian random fields . . . . . . . . . 485--496
          Yongwimon Lenbury and   
              C. Rattanakul and   
                      Dening Li   Stability of solution of
                                  Vries system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497--508
               M. Asadzadeh and   
                       A. Kadem   Chebyshev spectral- $S$ $_N$ method for
                                  the neutron transport equation . . . . . 509--524
                J. C. Misra and   
                       A. Mitra   Instabilities in single-species and
                                  host-parasite systems: Period-doubling
                                  bifurcations and chaos . . . . . . . . . 525--538
                Huaqing Sun and   
                     Yuming Shi   Limit-point and limit-circle criteria
                                  for singular second-order linear
                                  difference equations with complex
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539--554
                 K. L. Boey and   
            Patricia J. Y. Wong   Positive Solutions of Two-point right
                                  focal boundary value problems on time
                                  scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555--576
           K.-H. Indlekofer and   
                    S. Wehmeier   Mean behaviour of multiplicative
                                  functions on additive arithmetical
                                  semigroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577--592

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 52, Number 5, September, 2006

                      Anonymous   Editorial board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
            William Rundell and   
             Xiaoling Xiang and   
                  Hong-Ming Yin   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xiv
              W. Allegretto and   
                     G. Cao and   
                      G. Li and   
                         Y. Lin   Numerical Analysis of Tumor Model in
                                  Steady State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593--606
                  Hong Wang and   
               Weidong Zhao and   
                R. E. Ewing and   
              M. Al-Lawatia and   
              M. S. Espedal and   
             A. S. Telyakovskiy   An Eulerian--Lagrangian Solution
                                  Technique for Single-Phase Compositional
                                  Flow in Three-Dimensional Porous Media   607--624
                 Yanqun Liu and   
                A. Eberhard and   
                    Kok Lay Teo   A Numerical Method for a Class of Mixed
                                  Switching and Impulsive Optimal Control
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625--636
                  Shuyu Sun and   
                  M. F. Wheeler   Analysis of Discontinuous Galerkin
                                  Methods for Multicomponent Reactive
                                  Transport Problems . . . . . . . . . . . 637--650
                   P. Dutta and   
           Keisuke Horiuchi and   
                  Hong-Ming Yin   Thermal Characteristics of Mixed
                                  Electroosmotic and Pressure-Driven
                                  Microflows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651--670
              Tatsunari Iga and   
                 Takashi Suzuki   Clustering Applied to the Acoustic
                                  Source Localization  . . . . . . . . . . 671--676
             S. Migórski   Evolution Hemivariational Inequality for
                                  a Class of Dynamic Viscoelastic
                                  Nonmonotone Frictional Contact Problems  677--698
                    R. Hiptmair   Operator Preconditioning . . . . . . . . 699--706
                   Mingxin Wang   Stationary Patterns Caused by
                                  Cross-Diffusion for a Three-Species
                                  Prey--Predator Model . . . . . . . . . . 707--720
                      X. Ai and   
                     Y. Shu and   
                       B. Q. Li   Discontinuous Finite-Element Phase-Field
                                  Modeling of Polycrystalline Grain Growth
                                  with Convection  . . . . . . . . . . . . 721--734
                   X. Xiang and   
                    Wei Wei and   
                     Hongbo Liu   Relaxed Trajectories of
                                  Integrodifferential Equations and
                                  Optimal Control on Banach Space  . . . . 735--748
               R. H. Dillon and   
                L. J. Fauci and   
                  Xingzhou Yang   Sperm Motility and Multiciliary Beating:
                                  an Integrative Mechanical Model  . . . . 749--758
                    Y. Peng and   
                   X- Xiang and   
                         W. Wei   Optimal Feedback Control for a Class of
                                  Strongly Nonlinear Impulsive Evolution
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 759--768
                      A. Rashid   Convergence Analysis of Three-Level
                                  Fourier Pseudospectral Method for
                                  Korteweg--de Vries Burgers Equation  . . 769--778
            Pairote Sattayatham   Relaxed Control for a Class of Strongly
                                  Nonlinear Impulsive Evolution Equations  779--790
                  Zhuhong Zhang   Constrained Multiobjective Optimization
                                  Immune Algorithm: Convergence and
                                  Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791--808

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 52, Number 6--7, September / October, 2006

                      Anonymous   Editorial board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
           A. Thavaneswaran and   
                  S. S. Appadoo   Properties of a New Family of Volatility
                                  Sign Models  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 809--818
              L. P. Gimenes and   
                    M. Federson   Oscillation by impulses for a
                                  second-order delay differential equation 819--828
                Yonghui Xia and   
                      Jinde Cao   Global attractivity of a periodic
                                  ecological model with $m$-predators and
                                  $n$-preys by ``Pure-delay type'' system  829--852
                  Bican Xia and   
                     Ting Zhang   Real solution isolation using interval
                                  arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853--860
                   Yong Hui Liu   Ranks of Solutions of the Linear Matrix
                                  Equation $ A X + Y B = C $ . . . . . . . 861--872
                  Jingna Li and   
              Xiaofeng Wang and   
                   Zheng-An Yao   A Landau--Lifshitz-type equation in
                                  studying thin film micromagnetics  . . . 873--882
                     Pu-Yan Nie   A New Penalty Method for Nonlinear
                                  Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883--896
                Xu-Yang Lou and   
                   Bao-Tong Cui   Asymptotic synchronization of a class of
                                  neural networks with reaction-diffusion
                                  terms and time-varying delays  . . . . . 897--904
             M. Doostparast and   
                      J. Ahmadi   Statistical Analysis for Geometric
                                  Distribution Based on Records  . . . . . 905--916
            J. H. Dshalalow and   
                        A. Liew   Level Crossings of an Oscillating Marked
                                  Random Walk  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917--932
                 M. Dehghan and   
                 A. Saadatmandi   A Tau Method for the One-Dimensional
                                  Parabolic Inverse Problem Subject to
                                  Temperature Overspecification  . . . . . 933--940
                       Aimin Xu   A Note to Inequalities of Euler--Grüss
                                  Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941--952
             Xiaoying Zhang and   
                 Xiaoyue Li and   
               Daqing Jiang and   
                        Ke Wang   Multiplicity Positive Solutions to
                                  Periodic Problems for First-Order
                                  Impulsive Differential Equations . . . . 953--966
                   O. Duman and   
                       E. Erkus   Approximation of Continuous Periodic
                                  Functions Via Statistical Convergence    967--974
                    Qi Duan and   
             Huanling Zhang and   
              Yunfeng Zhang and   
                  E. H. Twizell   Bounded Property and Point Control of a
                                  Bivariate Rational Interpolating Surface 975--984
           A. M. K. Tarabia and   
                   A. H. El-Baz   Exact Transient Solutions of Nonempty
                                  Markovian Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . 985--996
                 Po-Hsian Huang   The Extenics Theory for a Matching
                                  Evaluation System  . . . . . . . . . . . 997--1010
                   Y. Altin and   
                      M. Et and   
                R. Çolak   Lacunary Statistical and Lacunary
                                  Strongly Convergence of Generalized
                                  Difference Sequences of Fuzzy Numbers    1011--1020
                 A. Shidfar and   
               R. Pourgholi and   
                    M. Ebrahimi   A Numerical Method for Solving of a
                                  Nonlinear Inverse Diffusion Problem  . . 1021--1030
                 Yuhong Zhu and   
                 Hexin Chen and   
                   Shigang Wang   Multiple Positive Solutions to
                                  Superlinear Repulsive Singular Impulsive
                                  Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . 1031--1044
                  Daizhan Cheng   Some Applications of Semitensor Product
                                  of Matrices in Algebra . . . . . . . . . 1045--1066
               Chunguang Li and   
              Hongbin Zhang and   
                  Xiaofeng Liao   Passivity and Passification of Fuzzy
                                  Systems with Time Delays . . . . . . . . 1067--1078
                 Youyu Wang and   
                      Weigao Ge   Periodic Solutions for Duffing Equations
                                  with a $p$-Laplacian-Like Operator . . . 1079--1088
                   J. Sampo and   
           J.-K. Kamarainen and   
             M. Heiliö and   
        H. Kälviäinen   Measuring Translation Shiftability of
                                  Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1089--1098
                Youbin Wang and   
                     Jurang Yan   Oscillation of a Differential Equation
                                  with Fractional Delay and Piecewise
                                  Constant Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . 1099--1106
           Sornsak Thianwan and   
                 Suthep Suantai   Convergence Criteria of a New Three-Step
                                  Iteration with Errors for Nonexpansive
                                  Nonself-Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107--1118
                    S. A. Sarra   Digital Total Variation Filtering as
                                  Postprocessing for Radial Basis Function
                                  Approximation Methods  . . . . . . . . . 1119--1130
                 C. Bridges and   
                K. R. Rajagopal   Pulsatile Flow of a Chemically-Reacting
                                  Nonlinear Fluid  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1131--1144
                   C. Bruni and   
                 C. Ferrone and   
                   M. Lucchetti   Global Optimization for Possibly
                                  Time-Dependent Cost Functions by a
                                  Population Set-Based Algorithm with
                                  Births Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1145--1164
                       Yuji Liu   Solvability of Periodic Boundary Value
                                  Problems for $ n^{\rm th}$-Order
                                  Ordinary Differential Equations  . . . . 1165--1182
                   R. Ahmad and   
                    S. S. Irfan   Completely Generalized Multivalued
                                  Nonlinear Co-Quasi-Variational-Like
                                  Inclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1183--1191

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 52, Number 8--9, October / November, 2006

                      Anonymous   Editorial board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                        B. Neta   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii--xv
                      Anonymous   null . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii--xxi
              R. N. Hoffman and   
            J. M. Henderson and   
              S. M. Leidner and   
               C. Grassotti and   
                    T. Nehrkorn   Using 4d-VAR to Move a Simulated
                                  Tropical Cyclone in a Mesoscale Model    1193--1204
                 A. K. Alekseev   An Adjoint-Based A Posteriori Estimation
                                  of Iterative Convergence Error . . . . . 1205--1212
                P. W. Power and   
                 C. C. Pain and   
              M. D. Piggott and   
                    F. Fang and   
               G. J. Gorman and   
              A. P. Umpleby and   
           A. J. H. Goddard and   
                    I. M. Navon   Adjoint A Posteriori Error Measures for
                                  Anisotropic Mesh Optimisation  . . . . . 1213--1242
             I. Yu. Gejadze and   
              G. J. M. Copeland   Open Boundary Control Problem for
                                  Navier--Stokes Equations Including a
                                  Free Surface: Adjoint Sensitivity
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1243--1268
             I. Yu. Gejadze and   
          G. J. M. Copeland and   
                    I. M. Navon   Open Boundary Control Problem for
                                  Navier--Stokes Equations Including a
                                  Free Surface: Data Assimilation  . . . . 1269--1288
               Ryosuke Suga and   
               Mutsuto Kawahara   Estimation of Tidal Current using Kalman
                                  Filter Finite-Element Method . . . . . . 1289--1298
               K. Sakthivel and   
            K. Balachandran and   
                S. S. Sritharan   Controllability and Observability Theory
                                  of Certain Parabolic Integrodifferential
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1299--1316
               Minoru Osabe and   
               Mutsuto Kawahara   An Optimal Control of Water Level
                                  Considering Time-Delay System  . . . . . 1317--1324
                  F. X. Giraldo   Hybrid Eulerian--Lagrangian
                                  Semi-Implicit Time-Integrators . . . . . 1325--1342
                  Jichun Li and   
                Yitung Chen and   
                    Guoqing Liu   High-Order Compact ADI Methods for
                                  Parabolic Equations  . . . . . . . . . . 1343--1356
                   J. Steppeler   HLI, A Direct Method Suitable for
                                  Partial and Fully Implicit Time
                                  Integration of Primitive Equation
                                  Meteorological Models  . . . . . . . . . 1357--1372
                 Yanhua Cao and   
                  Jiang Zhu and   
               Zhendong Luo and   
                    I. M. Navon   Reduced-Order Modeling of the Upper
                                  Tropical Pacific Ocean Model using
                                  Proper Orthogonal Decomposition  . . . . 1373--1386

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 52, Number 10--11, November / December, 2006

                      Anonymous   Editorial board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
               Sining Zheng and   
                    Lidong Wang   Blow-Up Rate and Profile for a
                                  Degenerate Parabolic System Coupled via
                                  Nonlocal Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . 1387--1402
                   Heng-you Lan   Common Fixed-Point Iterative Processes
                                  with Errors for Generalized
                                  Asymptotically Quasi-Nonexpansive
                                  Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1403--1412
                       T. Hayat   Exact Solutions to Rotating Flows of a
                                  Burgers' Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413--1424
              Jian Cheng Lv and   
                       Zhang Yi   Global Convergence of a PCA Learning
                                  Algorithm with a Constant Learning Rate  1425--1438
             Bruno de Malafosse   An Application of the Infinite Matrix
                                  Theory to Mathieu Equation . . . . . . . 1439--1452
                Xlaoling Hu and   
                Guirong Liu and   
                     Jurang Yan   Existence of Multiple Positive Periodic
                                  Solutions of Delayed Predator--Prey
                                  Models with Functional Responses . . . . 1453--1462
                  I. Yuksel and   
                       N. Ispir   Weighted Approximation by a Certain
                                  Family of Summation Integral-Type
                                  Operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1463--1470
             Cong-Jun Zhang and   
                   Jinlu Li and   
                        Min Sun   Existence of Solutions for Abstract
                                  Economic Equilibrium Problems and
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1471--1482
                Quan-Lin Li and   
                     Chuang Lin   Continuous-Time QBD Processes with
                                  Continuous Phase Variable  . . . . . . . 1483--1510
               Chung-Ki Cho and   
              Sungkwon Kang and   
                  YongHoon Kwon   Numerical Estimation of Diffusivity in a
                                  Nonhysteretic Infiltration Problem . . . 1511--1528
                M. A. Moges and   
               T. G. Robertazzi   Divisible Load Scheduling and Markov
                                  Chain Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1529--1542
                     Min Li and   
                     Minghua Xu   Comparison of Two Proximal Point
                                  Algorithms for Monotone Variational
                                  Inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1543--1554
                  P. Cerone and   
                 S. S. Dragomir   Bounds for the Gini Mean Difference of
                                  Continuous Distributions Defined on
                                  Finite Intervals (II)  . . . . . . . . . 1555--1562
              Chun-Bao Chen and   
                     Li-Ya Wang   Rough Set-Based Clustering with
                                  Refinement Using Shannon's Entropy
                                  Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1563--1576
                  Hong Zang and   
                  Maoan Han and   
              Tonghua Zhang and   
              M. O. Tadé   The Number and Distributions of Limit
                                  Cycles for a Class of Quintic
                                  Near-Hamiltonian Systems . . . . . . . . 1577--1594
                  Xiaoping Wang   Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions for
                                  Neutral Difference Equations . . . . . . 1595--1602
                  V. Y. Pan and   
                   M. Kunin and   
                  B. Murphy and   
              R. E. Rosholt and   
                    Y. Tang and   
                     X. Yan and   
                         W. Cao   Linking the TPR1, DPR1 and Arrow-Head
                                  Matrix Structures  . . . . . . . . . . . 1603--1608
                Hua-Wen Liu and   
                   Guo-Jun Wang   A Note on the Unified Forms of Triple
                                  $I$ Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1609--1613
                 Ervin Y. Rodin   BOOK REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1615--1622

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 52, Number 12, December, 2006

                      Anonymous   Volume Contents and Author Index . . . . I--XIII
                      Anonymous   Editorial board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
            F. Szidarovszky and   
                        J. Zhao   Dynamic oligopolies with intertemporal
                                  demand interaction . . . . . . . . . . . 1623--1626
                        Yan Tao   Newton-type method for a class of
                                  mathematical programs with
                                  complementarity constraints  . . . . . . 1627--1638
               Xiaochun Cai and   
                 Jianshe Yu and   
                    Zhiming Guo   Periodic solutions of a class of
                                  nonlinear difference equations via
                                  critical point method  . . . . . . . . . 1639--1647
                     D. Lai and   
                        G. Chen   Distribution of Controlled Lyapunov
                                  Exponents via the Lai--Chen Algorithm    1649--1656
                     Z. Gui and   
                     X.-S. Yang   Stability and Existence of Periodic
                                  Solutions of Periodic Cellular Neural
                                  Networks with Time-Vary Delays . . . . . 1657--1670
       L. E. Sánchez and   
                D. K. Nagar and   
                    A. K. Gupta   Properties of Noncentral Dirichlet
                                  Distributions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1671--1682
                  Shujin Wu and   
                Xiaolin Guo and   
                      Yong Zhou   $p$-Moment stability of functional
                                  differential equations with random
                                  impulses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1683--1694
                P. G. Warne and   
      D. A. Polignone Warne and   
             J. S. Sochacki and   
               G. E. Parker and   
                D. C. Carothers   Explicit a-priori error bounds and
                                  adaptive error control for approximation
                                  of nonlinear initial value differential
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1695--1710
                  A. S. Belenky   Two Rules of a Sealed Ceiling Bid and
                                  Their Analysis by Mathematical
                                  Programming Techniques . . . . . . . . . 1711--1732

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 53, Number 1, January, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
     F. F. Hernández and   
             J. E. Castillo and   
        G. A. Larrazábal   Large sparse linear systems arising from
                                  mimetic discretization . . . . . . . . . 1--11
             Yong-Kui Chang and   
                    Wan-Tong Li   Existence results for dynamic inclusions
                                  on time scales with nonlocal initial
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--20
              Xiaojin Zheng and   
                 Zengkun Xu and   
                       Cheng Li   Constraint qualification in a general
                                  class of nondifferentiable mathematical
                                  programming problems . . . . . . . . . . 21--27
               Zhen-Jun Shi and   
                       Jie Shen   Memory gradient method with Goldstein
                                  line search  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28--40
                Yiguang Liu and   
               Zhisheng You and   
                     Liping Cao   A recurrent neural network computing the
                                  largest imaginary or real part of
                                  eigenvalues of real matrices . . . . . . 41--53
               Sung-Jin Cho and   
               Un-Sook Choi and   
                Han-Doo Kim and   
                 Yoon-Hee Hwang   Analysis of complemented CA derived from
                                  linear hybrid group CA . . . . . . . . . 54--63
                 Nenad Ujevi\'c   New error bounds for the Simpson's
                                  quadrature rule and applications . . . . 64--72
                      Zheng Liu   Some Ostrowski-Grüss type inequalities
                                  and applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 73--79
                 G.-Y. Tang and   
                      C. Li and   
                         L. Sun   Optimal tracking control for large-scale
                                  interconnected systems with time-delays  80--88
          Sophia R.-J. Jang and   
              Sandra L. Diamond   A host-parasitoid interaction with Allee
                                  effects on the host  . . . . . . . . . . 89--103
                  Shanhe Wu and   
               Lokenath Debnath   Generalization of the Wolstenholme
                                  cyclic inequality and its application    104--114
               Jinting Wang and   
                      Qing Zhao   A discrete-time Geo/G/1 retrial queue
                                  with starting failures and second
                                  optional service . . . . . . . . . . . . 115--127
              O. D. Makinde and   
                    P. Y. Mhone   Temporal stability of small disturbances
                                  in MHD Jeffery--Hamel flows  . . . . . . 128--136
                Todd A. Ell and   
            Stephen J. Sangwine   Quaternion involutions and
                                  anti-involutions . . . . . . . . . . . . 137--143
                 Youyu Wang and   
                      Weigao Ge   Existence of solutions for a third order
                                  differential equation with integral
                                  boundary conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 144--154

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 53, Number 2, January, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
            K. R. Rajagopal and   
                       J. Malek   Mechanics: the well-spring of
                                  mathematics (volume 1) . . . . . . . . . 155--155
               Mehrdad Massoudi   Boundary conditions in mixture theory
                                  and in CFD applications of higher order
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156--167
                   Alan Wineman   Nonlinear viscoelastic membranes . . . . 168--181
            Ivan Samohýl   Application of Truesdell's model of
                                  mixtures to an ionic liquid mixture  . . 182--197
                E. Momoniat and   
                    D. P. Mason   Spreading of a thin film with suction or
                                  blowing including surface tension
                                  effects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198--208
          Francesco Mollica and   
            Maurizio Ventre and   
         Fernando Sarracino and   
             Luigi Ambrosio and   
                 Luigi Nicolais   Implicit constitutive equations in the
                                  modeling of bimodular materials: an
                                  application to biomaterials  . . . . . . 209--218
                    M. B. Rubin   A simplified implicit Newmark
                                  integration scheme for finite rotations  219--231
                   Le Zhang and   
                Andras Z. Szeri   Transportation of neutral solute in
                                  deformable, anisotropic, soft tissue . . 232--243
                Huaning Zhu and   
       Morteza M. Mehrabadi and   
               Mehrdad Massoudi   The frictional flow of a dense granular
                                  material based on the dilatant double
                                  shearing model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244--259
     Shankar C. Subramanian and   
                K. R. Rajagopal   A note on the flow through porous solids
                                  at high pressures  . . . . . . . . . . . 260--275
               Ray W. Ogden and   
        Giuseppe Saccomandi and   
                   Ivonne Sgura   Computational aspects of Worm-Like-Chain
                                  interpolation formulas . . . . . . . . . 276--286
             David J. Steigmann   Asymptotic finite-strain thin-plate
                                  theory for elastic solids  . . . . . . . 287--295
  Gopala Krishna Srinivasan and   
               V. D. Sharma and   
                   B. S. Desale   An integrable system of ODE reductions
                                  of the stratified Boussinesq equations   296--304
        Rafael Cortell Bataller   Effects of heat source/sink, radiation
                                  and work done by deformation on flow and
                                  heat transfer of a viscoelastic fluid
                                  over a stretching sheet  . . . . . . . . 305--316
                  Eveline Baesu   A class of exact solutions for a $3$D
                                  filamentary continuous medium  . . . . . 317--323
                      K. Kannan   A note on aging of a viscoelastic
                                  cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324--328
        Prabhu Ramachandran and   
             M. Ramakrishna and   
                    S. C. Rajan   Efficient random walks in the presence
                                  of complex two-dimensional geometries    329--344

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 53, Number 3--4, February, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
            K. R. Rajagopal and   
                       J. Malek   Mechanics: the well-spring of
                                  mathematics (volume 2) . . . . . . . . . 345--345
                 V. Girault and   
                    M. Saadouni   On a time-dependent grade-two fluid
                                  model in two dimensions  . . . . . . . . 347--360
    François Bouchut and   
           Haythem Ounaissa and   
             Beno\^\it Perthame   Upwinding of the source term at
                                  interfaces for Euler equations with high
                                  friction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361--375
                 Rahul Jain and   
                  B. R. Nagaraj   $ C^{(1, 1 / 3)} $-regularity in the
                                  Dirichlet problem for $ \Delta_\infty $  377--394
             Antonio Fasano and   
                Alberto Mancini   A mathematical model for a class of
                                  frying processes . . . . . . . . . . . . 395--412
          Victor N. Starovoitov   Solvability of the problem of the
                                  self-propelled motion of several rigid
                                  bodies in a viscous incompressible fluid 413--435
          A. Novotný and   
              M. Pokorný   Stabilization to equilibria of
                                  compressible Navier--Stokes equations
                                  with infinite mass . . . . . . . . . . . 437--451
          Dalibor Prazák   A remark on characterization of entropy
                                  solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453--460
                Eduard Feireisl   Mathematical theory of compressible,
                                  viscous, and heat conducting fluids  . . 461--490
            Roumen Anguelov and   
      Elemér E. Rosinger   Solving large classes of nonlinear
                                  systems of PDEs  . . . . . . . . . . . . 491--507
                   M. Fuchs and   
                     G. Seregin   A global nonlinear evolution problem for
                                  generalized Newtonian fluids: Local
                                  initial regularity of the strong
                                  solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509--520
                     Niko Sauer   Extended Helmholtz--Weyl decompositions  521--529
              Piotr Gwiazda and   
         Josef Málek and   
       Agnieszka \'Swierczewska   On flows of an incompressible fluid with
                                  a discontinuous power-law-like rheology  531--546
               Lionel Nadau and   
         Adélia Sequeira   Numerical simulations of shear dependent
                                  viscoelastic flows with a combined
                                  finite element-finite volume method  . . 547--568
             Miroslav Posta and   
   Tomás Roubícek   Optimal control of Navier--Stokes
                                  equations by Oseen approximation . . . . 569--581
               Lorenzo Fusi and   
                 Angiolo Farina   Modelling of Bingham-like fluids with
                                  deformable core  . . . . . . . . . . . . 583--594
                 F. Ettwein and   
                     M. Ruzicka   Existence of local strong solutions for
                                  motions of electrorheological fluids in
                                  three dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . 595--604
          Yoshihiro Shibata and   
                  Koumei Tanaka   Rate of convergence of non-stationary
                                  flow to the steady flow of compressible
                                  viscous fluid  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605--623
                Nadir Arada and   
              Marilia Pires and   
         Adélia Sequeira   Viscosity effects on flows of
                                  generalized Newtonian fluids through
                                  curved pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625--646
             Nicola Bellomo and   
      Abdelghani Bellouquid and   
              Miguel A. Herrero   From microscopic to macroscopic
                                  description of multicellular systems and
                                  biological growing tissues . . . . . . . 647--663
               Ronen Peretz and   
                   Reuven Segev   Bounds on the trace mapping of $ L D
                                  $-fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665--684
             Shigeharu Itoh and   
               Naoto Tanaka and   
                     Atusi Tani   Steady Navier--Stokes equations in a
                                  domain with piecewise smooth boundary    685--691

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 53, Number 5, March, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
              Jian Wen Peng and   
                     Dao Li Zhu   Existence of solutions and convergence
                                  of iterative algorithms for a system of
                                  generalized nonlinear mixed
                                  quasi-variational inclusions . . . . . . 693--705
                Chunyan Xue and   
                      Weigao Ge   New fixed point theorems and
                                  applications to boundary value problems
                                  with $p$-Laplacian . . . . . . . . . . . 706--716
              Shuo-Yan Chou and   
             Chun-Ying Shen and   
               Shih-Wei Lin and   
                  Yi-Kuang Chen   FALSCAL: a fuzzy multidimensional
                                  scaling algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 717--728
                 S. K. Peer and   
               Dinesh K. Sharma   Finding the shortest path in stochastic
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729--740
                    Qingliu Yao   Successive iteration of positive
                                  solution for a discontinuous third-order
                                  boundary value problem . . . . . . . . . 741--749
            M. Turkyilmazo\uglu   An asymptotic investigation into the
                                  stabilization effect of suction in the
                                  rotating-disk boundary layer flow  . . . 750--759
               Zhichun Yang and   
                       Daoyi Xu   Robust stability of uncertain impulsive
                                  control systems with time-varying delay  760--769
                     Rui Xu and   
          M. A. J. Chaplain and   
                 F. A. Davidson   Global convergence of a
                                  reaction-diffusion predator--prey model
                                  with stage structure and nonlocal delays 770--788
                  G. Iovane and   
                 A. V. Nasedkin   Some theorems about spectrum and finite
                                  element approach for eigenvalue problems
                                  for elastic bodies with voids  . . . . . 789--802
                    B. C. Dhage   Hybrid fixed point theory for strictly
                                  monotone increasing multi-valued
                                  mappings with applications . . . . . . . 803--824
               Yinggao Zhou and   
                   Xianhua Tang   Periodic solutions for a kind of
                                  Rayleigh equation with a deviating
                                  argument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825--830
             K. Thiagarajah and   
              S. S. Appadoo and   
               A. Thavaneswaran   Option valuation model with adaptive
                                  fuzzy numbers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831--841
              Cheon Seoung Ryoo   An approach to the numerical
                                  verification of solutions for obstacle
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842--850

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 53, Number 6, March, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                 J. T. Chen and   
                   C. S. Wu and   
                  Y. T. Lee and   
                     K. H. Chen   On the equivalence of the Trefftz method
                                  and method of fundamental solutions for
                                  Laplace and biharmonic equations . . . . 851--879
        Péter Burcsi and   
           Attila Kovács   On the importance of cache tuning in a
                                  cache-aware algorithm: a case study  . . 880--885
             Guangqing Long and   
           Gnaneshwar Nelakanti   Iteration methods for Fredholm integral
                                  equations of the second kind . . . . . . 886--894
                   Jordi Blasco   An anisotropic pressure-stabilized
                                  finite element method for incompressible
                                  flow problems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895--909
                 Min-Ru Bai and   
                Shu-Zi Zhou and   
                      Gu-Yan Ni   On the generalized monotonicity of
                                  variational inequalities . . . . . . . . 910--917
                   Hui Yang and   
                   Xiaofan Yang   A fast diagnosis algorithm for locally
                                  twisted cube multiprocessor systems
                                  under the MM $^*$ model  . . . . . . . . 918--926
          Tobin A. Driscoll and   
           Alfa R. H. Heryudono   Adaptive residual subsampling methods
                                  for radial basis function interpolation
                                  and collocation problems . . . . . . . . 927--939
                 A. L. Marhoune   A three-point boundary value problem
                                  with an integral two-space-variables
                                  condition for parabolic equations  . . . 940--947
                  G. M. Cho and   
                  M. K. Kim and   
                      Y. H. Lee   Complexity of large-update interior
                                  point algorithm for $ P_\star (\kappa) $
                                  linear complementarity problems  . . . . 948--960
               H. K. Pathak and   
                 M. S. Khan and   
                  Rakesh Tiwari   A common fixed point theorem and its
                                  application to nonlinear integral
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 961--971
                  Changbum Chun   A geometric construction of iterative
                                  functions of order three to solve
                                  nonlinear equations  . . . . . . . . . . 972--976
            Ivan Ganchev Ivanov   Iterations for solving a rational
                                  Riccati equation arising in stochastic
                                  control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 977--988
               Hasan Furkan and   
 Hüseyin Bilgiç and   
              Bilâl Altay   On the fine spectrum of the operator $
                                  B(r, s, t) $ over $ C_0 $ and $C$  . . . 989--998

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 53, Number 7, April, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
         Christina Spradlin and   
                  Greg Spradlin   Lanchester's equations in three
                                  dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999--1011
                       Lin Wang   Explicit iteration method for common
                                  fixed points of a finite family of
                                  nonself asymptotically nonexpansive
                                  mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1012--1019
               Zhihong Zhao and   
                     Yongjin Li   Reverse triple $I$ method of fuzzy
                                  reasoning for the implication operator $
                                  R_L $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1020--1028
                    Yu Tian and   
                  Weigao Ge and   
                    Wenrui Shan   Positive solutions for three-point
                                  boundary value problem on the half-line  1029--1039
             Sun-Yuan Hsieh and   
                    Che-Nan Kuo   Hamiltonian-connectivity and strongly
                                  Hamiltonian-laceability of folded
                                  hypercubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1040--1044
                  Ekrem Sava\vs   Factors for $ |A|_k $ summability of
                                  infinite series  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1045--1049
                    Bin Zou and   
                     Luoqing Li   The performance bounds of learning
                                  machines based on exponentially strongly
                                  mixing sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . 1050--1058
                Yoshiaki Muroya   Global attractivity for discrete models
                                  of nonautonomous logistic equations  . . 1059--1073
                   T. Hayat and   
              Ambreen Afsar and   
                    M. Khan and   
                      S. Asghar   Peristaltic transport of a third order
                                  fluid under the effect of a magnetic
                                  field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1074--1087
                    M. Khan and   
                   T. Hayat and   
                        M. Ayub   Numerical study of partial slip on the
                                  MHD flow of an Oldroyd $8$-constant
                                  fluid  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1088--1097
        J. C. Cortés and   
            L. Jódar and   
                 L. Villafuerte   Mean square numerical solution of random
                                  differential equations: Facts and
                                  possibilities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1098--1106
                  Lihe Wang and   
                      Fahuai Yi   Schauder theory for a parabolic equation
                                  in a wedge-shaped domain . . . . . . . . 1107--1118
              Anvar Hasanov and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Decomposition formulas associated with
                                  the Lauricella multivariable
                                  hypergeometric functions . . . . . . . . 1119--1128
        Zuzana Doslá and   
 Sárka Pechancová   Conjugacy and phases for second order
                                  linear difference equation . . . . . . . 1129--1139
        Ondrej Doslý and   
                   Daniel Marek   Even-order linear dynamic equations with
                                  mixed derivatives  . . . . . . . . . . . 1140--1152
                Tuba Keskin and   
                    Kemal Aydin   Iterative decreasing dimension algorithm 1153--1158

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 53, Number 8, April, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
          Per Lötstedt and   
              Jonas Persson and   
             Lina von Sydow and   
                     Johan Tysk   Space-time adaptive finite difference
                                  method for European multi-asset options  1159--1180
                Dianchen Lu and   
               Baojian Hong and   
                     Lixin Tian   New explicit exact solutions for the
                                  generalized coupled Hirota--Satsuma KdV
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1181--1190
     Subhas S. Bhoosnurmath and   
         Renukadevi S. Dyavanal   Uniqueness and value-sharing of
                                  meromorphic functions  . . . . . . . . . 1191--1205
                  Jia Huang and   
                    Jun-Ming Xu   The total domination and total bondage
                                  numbers of extended de Bruijn and Kautz
                                  digraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1206--1213
                Fengde Chen and   
                  Liping Wu and   
                       Zhong Li   Permanence and global attractivity of
                                  the discrete Gilpin--Ayala type
                                  population model . . . . . . . . . . . . 1214--1227
               Abraham A. Ungar   Einstein's velocity addition law and its
                                  hyperbolic geometry  . . . . . . . . . . 1228--1250
           G. M. Amiraliyev and   
                     F. Erdogan   Uniform numerical method for singularly
                                  perturbed delay differential equations   1251--1259
             Daniela Iacoviello   Analysis of pupil fluctuations after a
                                  light stimulus by image processing and
                                  neural network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1260--1270
             Maurice Hasson and   
             James M. Hyman and   
               Juan M. Restrepo   A strategy for detecting extreme
                                  eigenvalues bounding gaps in the
                                  discrete spectrum of self-adjoint
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1271--1283
                Jinhai Chen and   
                  Donal O'Regan   The periodic boundary value problem for
                                  semilinear elastic beam equations: the
                                  resonance case . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1284--1292
                     S. Koikari   An error analysis of the modified
                                  scaling and squaring method  . . . . . . 1293--1305
               Ya-Ping Fang and   
                        Rong Hu   Parametric well-posedness for
                                  variational inequalities defined by
                                  bifunctions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1306--1316

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 53, Number 9, May, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
              Issara Inchan and   
               Somyot Plubtieng   Approximating solutions for the systems
                                  of strongly accretive operator equations 1317--1324
               Fuxing Zhang and   
                Bingwen Liu and   
                   Lihong Huang   Existence and exponential stability of
                                  periodic solutions for a class of
                                  Cohen--Grossberg neural networks with
                                  bounded and unbounded delays . . . . . . 1325--1338
              Hans Van de Vyver   An explicit Numerov-type method for
                                  second-order differential equations with
                                  oscillating solutions  . . . . . . . . . 1339--1348
        Hafiz Fukhar-ud-din and   
               Abdul Rahim Khan   Approximating common fixed points of
                                  asymptotically nonexpansive maps in
                                  uniformly convex Banach spaces . . . . . 1349--1360
               Dingyong Bai and   
                    Yuantong Xu   Periodic solutions of first order
                                  functional differential equations with
                                  periodic deviations  . . . . . . . . . . 1361--1366
             Shiueh-Ling Yu and   
             Fu-Hsiang Wong and   
              Cheh-Chih Yeh and   
                  Shang-Wen Lin   Existence of positive solutions for $ n
                                  + 2 $ order $p$-Laplacian BVP  . . . . . 1367--1379
               Yonghong Yao and   
               Jen-Chih Yao and   
                    Haiyun Zhou   Approximation methods for common fixed
                                  points of infinite countable family of
                                  nonexpansive mappings  . . . . . . . . . 1380--1389
                    Min Liu and   
               Mingwen Shao and   
               Wenxiu Zhang and   
                       Cheng Wu   Reduction method for concept lattices
                                  based on rough set theory and its
                                  application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1390--1410
             Abdukerim Haji and   
                     Agnes Radl   Asymptotic stability of the solution of
                                  the $ M / M^B / 1 $ queueing model . . . 1411--1420
                J. Van Deun and   
                A. Bultheel and   
        P. González Vera   Computing orthogonal rational functions
                                  with poles near the boundary . . . . . . 1421--1428
                Bingmei Liu and   
                 Lishan Liu and   
                    Yonghong Wu   Positive solutions for singular systems
                                  of three-point boundary value problems   1429--1438
          H. Ghasabi-Oskoei and   
                   A. Malek and   
                      A. Ahmadi   Novel artificial neural network with
                                  simulation aspects for solving linear
                                  and quadratic programming problems . . . 1439--1454
                  M. Abtahi and   
                         P. Siy   The Factor-2 Sign Detection Algorithm
                                  using a core function for RNS numbers    1455--1463
                 P. Carlone and   
              G. S. Palazzo and   
                    R. Pasquino   Pultrusion manufacturing process
                                  development: Cure optimization by hybrid
                                  computational methods  . . . . . . . . . 1464--1471

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 53, Number 10, May, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                 Haibo Chen and   
                Haihua Wang and   
                   Qi Zhang and   
                    Tiejun Zhou   Double positive solutions of boundary
                                  value problems for $p$-Laplacian
                                  impulsive functional dynamic equations
                                  on time scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1473--1480
       Vijaya K. Srivastava and   
                     Atef Fahim   An optimization method for solving mixed
                                  discrete-continuous programming problems 1481--1491
                 Diego A. Murio   Stable numerical solution of a
                                  fractional-diffusion inverse heat
                                  conduction problem . . . . . . . . . . . 1492--1501
               Pankaj Dutta and   
        Debjani Chakraborty and   
                      A. R. Roy   An inventory model for single-period
                                  products with reordering opportunities
                                  under fuzzy demand . . . . . . . . . . . 1502--1517
                   Qi Zhang and   
                     Yirong Liu   A quintic polynomial differential system
                                  with eleven limit cycles at the infinity 1518--1526
                    E. E. Ammar   On the optimality of nonlinear
                                  fractional disjunctive programming
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1527--1537
        Francesco Tornabene and   
                   Erasmo Viola   Vibration analysis of spherical
                                  structural elements using the GDQ method 1538--1560
                   Yu Zhang and   
               Xiaofan Yang and   
             David J. Evans and   
                         Ce Zhu   On the nonlinear difference equation
                                  system $ x_{n + 1} = A + y_{n - m} / x_n
                                  $, $ y_{n + 1} = A + x_{n - m} / y_n $   1561--1566
               Zhenyu Huang and   
            Muhammad Aslam Noor   Equivalency of convergence between
                                  one-step iteration algorithm and
                                  two-step iteration algorithm of
                                  variational inclusions for $H$-monotone
                                  mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1567--1571
              Lu-Chuan Zeng and   
                Sy-Ming Guu and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   Three-step iterative algorithms for
                                  solving the system of generalized mixed
                                  quasi-variational-like inclusions  . . . 1572--1581
            Cheng-Kang Chen and   
                Ta-Wei Hung and   
                  Tzu-Chun Weng   Optimal replenishment policies with
                                  allowable shortages for a product life
                                  cycle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1582--1594
                  Deren Han and   
                 Hong K. Lo and   
                    Zhiwei Wang   A simple self-adaptive alternating
                                  direction method for linear variational
                                  inequality problems  . . . . . . . . . . 1595--1604
        Shahryar Rahnamayan and   
          Hamid R. Tizhoosh and   
             Magdy M. A. Salama   A novel population initialization method
                                  for accelerating evolutionary algorithms 1605--1614
                B. D'Acunto and   
                 F. Parente and   
                    G. Urciuoli   Numerical models for $2$D free boundary
                                  analysis of groundwater in slopes
                                  stabilized by drain trenches . . . . . . 1615--1626
                       S. J. Li   On the $ \epsilon $-variational
                                  principle for set-valued mappings  . . . 1627--1632

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 53, Number 11, June, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                     Min Xu and   
                 Xujin Chen and   
                    Xiaodong Hu   On the restricted forwarding index
                                  problem in communication networks  . . . 1633--1643
               Zhengyan Lin and   
             Kyo-Shin Hwang and   
                 Tian Xiao Pang   Functional limit theorems for the
                                  infinite series of OU processes in Hölder
                                  norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1644--1657
               Wen-Hung Kuo and   
                    Dar-Li Yang   Single-machine scheduling problems with
                                  start-time dependent processing time . . 1658--1664
                Y. S. Huang and   
                     Y. Y. Zhou   Penalty approximation method for a class
                                  of elliptic variational inequality
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1665--1671
               Youngmi Choi and   
             Hyung-Chun Lee and   
               Byeong-Chun Shin   A least-squares/penalty method for
                                  distributed optimal control problems for
                                  Stokes equations . . . . . . . . . . . . 1672--1685
                  E. Mainar and   
              J. M. Peña   A general class of Bernstein-like bases  1686--1703
                 Yilei Tang and   
                       Weigu Li   Global dynamics of an epidemic model
                                  with an unspecified degree . . . . . . . 1704--1717
             Xing-Yuan Wang and   
                  Yuan-Yuan Sun   The general quaternionic $M$--$J$ sets
                                  on the mapping $ z \leftarrow z^\alpha +
                                  c $, $ (\alpha \in \mathbb {N})$ . . . . 1718--1732
               Wen-Hung Kuo and   
                    Dar-Li Yang   Single-machine scheduling problems with
                                  the time-dependent learning effect . . . 1733--1739
               Xiuxiang Liu and   
                     Zhiting Xu   Oscillation of a forced super-linear
                                  second order differential equation with
                                  impulses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1740--1749
               Abhijit Banerjee   Weighted sharing of a small function by
                                  a meromorphic function and its
                                  derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1750--1761
                Yu-Jie Wang and   
                 Hsuan-Shih Lee   Generalizing TOPSIS for fuzzy
                                  multiple-criteria group decision-making  1762--1772
                    R. Aloy and   
       M. C. Casabán and   
                L. Jódar   Constructing unconditionally time-stable
                                  numerical solutions for mixed parabolic
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1773--1783

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 53, Number 12, June, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                    Yi-Kuei Lin   An algorithm to generate all upper
                                  boundary points for $ (d, B) $ in terms
                                  of minimal cuts  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1785--1791
                        Feng Gu   Approximate fixed point sequence for a
                                  finite family of asymptotically
                                  pseudocontractive mappings . . . . . . . 1792--1799
               Won-Sin Hong and   
               Shi-Jay Chen and   
                Li-Hui Wang and   
                 Shyi-Ming Chen   A new approach for fuzzy information
                                  retrieval based on weighted power-mean
                                  averaging operators  . . . . . . . . . . 1800--1819
                  Haihua Wu and   
                      Zhan Zhou   Stability for first order delay dynamic
                                  equations on time scales . . . . . . . . 1820--1831
               Zhanbing Bai and   
            Xiangqian Liang and   
                      Zengji Du   Triple positive solutions for some
                                  second-order boundary value problem on a
                                  measure chain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1832--1839
                Xiaonan Luo and   
                Wenbang Hou and   
                      Yi Li and   
                     Zhong Wang   A fuzzy neural network model for
                                  predicting clothing thermal comfort  . . 1840--1846
                 Y. X. Tian and   
                S. S. Chang and   
                    J. L. Huang   On the approximation problem of common
                                  fixed points for a finite family of
                                  non-self asymptotically
                                  quasi-nonexpansive-type mappings in
                                  Banach spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1847--1853
                    Ai-Guo Xiao   Error analysis of variable stepsize
                                  Runge--Kutta methods for a class of
                                  multiply-stiff singular perturbation
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1854--1866
              Jianguo Huang and   
                   Ling Guo and   
                    Zhongci Shi   A finite element method for
                                  investigating general elastic
                                  multi-structures . . . . . . . . . . . . 1867--1895
                   Min Fang and   
                 Nan-jing Huang   Generalized L-KKM type theorems in
                                  topological spaces with an application   1896--1903
               Sheng-Tun Li and   
                 Yi-Chung Cheng   Deterministic fuzzy time series model
                                  for forecasting enrollments  . . . . . . 1904--1920
                    P. Glaister   An analysis and comparison of
                                  conservative upwind difference schemes
                                  for ideal and non-ideal gases  . . . . . 1921--1932
               Mehdi Tatari and   
                  Mehdi Dehghan   Identifying a control function in
                                  parabolic partial differential equations
                                  from overspecified boundary data . . . . 1933--1942

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 54, Number 1, July, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                   Yansheng Liu   Multiple solutions of periodic boundary
                                  value problems for first order
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1--8
          George A. Anastassiou   Taylor--Widder representation formulae
                                  and Ostrowski, Grüss, integral means and
                                  Csiszar type inequalities  . . . . . . . 9--23
                Fu-Quan Xia and   
                 Nan-Jing Huang   Variational inclusions with a general
                                  $H$-monotone operator in Banach spaces   24--30
                   Aimin Xu and   
                      Dezao Cui   Some integral inequalities for functions
                                  with ( $n$-1)st derivatives of bounded
                                  variation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31--37
            Chien-Yuan Chen and   
              Cheng-Yuan Ku and   
                   David C. Yen   Cryptographic relational algebra for
                                  databases using the field authenticator  38--44
              Martin Bohner and   
            Gusein Sh. Guseinov   Double integral calculus of variations
                                  on time scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45--57
            Ravi P. Agarwal and   
              Donal O'Regan and   
     Christopher C. Tisdell and   
            Patricia J. Y. Wong   Constant-sign solutions of a system of
                                  Volterra integral equations  . . . . . . 58--75
                  C. Pisarn and   
               T. Theeramunkong   An HMM-based method for Thai spelling
                                  speech recognition . . . . . . . . . . . 76--95
              A. Bouna\"\im and   
                    S. Holm and   
                   Wen Chen and   
  Å. Òdegård   Detectability of breast lesions with
                                  CARI ultrasonography using a bioacoustic
                                  computational approach . . . . . . . . . 96--106
             Pengjian Shang and   
                   Meng Wan and   
                     Santi Kama   Fractal nature of highway traffic data   107--116
                      Beny Neta   P-stable high-order super-implicit and
                                  Obrechkoff methods for periodic initial
                                  value problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117--126
              A. D. Gadjiev and   
                        A. Aral   The estimates of approximation by using
                                  a new type of weighted modulus of
                                  continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127--135
              Mehdi Dehghan and   
                     Ali Shokri   A numerical method for two-dimensional
                                  Schrödinger equation using collocation
                                  and radial basis functions . . . . . . . 136--146
                   Liang Li and   
             Ting-Zhu Huang and   
                  Xing-Ping Liu   Asymmetric Hermitian and skew-Hermitian
                                  splitting methods for positive definite
                                  linear systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147--159

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 54, Number 2, July, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
           Benjamin Melamed and   
                   Shuo Pan and   
                    Yorai Wardi   Simulation of IPA gradients in hybrid
                                  network systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . 161--182
                  P. Cerone and   
               W. S. Cheung and   
                 S. S. Dragomir   On Ostrowski type inequalities for
                                  Stieltjes integrals with absolutely
                                  continuous integrands and integrators of
                                  bounded variation  . . . . . . . . . . . 183--191
              Guan Jun Wang and   
                 Yuan Lin Zhang   An optimal replacement policy for a
                                  two-component series system assuming
                                  geometric process repair . . . . . . . . 192--202
                 V. Goswami and   
                  S. K. Samanta   Performance analysis of a GI$^{[X]}$
                                  /Geo/m/N queue with partial- and
                                  total-batch rejection  . . . . . . . . . 203--219
                    Zhilin Yang   Existence and uniqueness of positive
                                  solutions for a higher order boundary
                                  value problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220--228
                    Ying Ji and   
               Ke-Cun Zhang and   
               Shao-Jian Qu and   
                      Ying Zhou   A trust-region method by active-set
                                  strategy for general nonlinear
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229--241
                J. C. Misra and   
                    M. K. Patra   A study of solitary waves in a tapered
                                  aorta by using the theory of solitons    242--254
            Ravi P. Agarwal and   
              Donal O'Regan and   
               Svatoslav Stanek   Positive and dead core solutions of
                                  singular Dirichlet boundary value
                                  problems with $ \phi $-Laplacian . . . . 255--266
María José Pardo and   
             David de la Fuente   Optimizing a priority-discipline
                                  queueing model using fuzzy set theory    267--281
              Ming-Jong Yao and   
                  Weng-Ming Chu   A new approximation algorithm for
                                  obtaining the probability distribution
                                  function for project completion time . . 282--295
                    P. Glaister   Prediction of shallow water flows over
                                  dry beds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296--309
                Chin-Tzong Pang   On the asymptotic period of powers of a
                                  fuzzy matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310--318

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 54, Number 3, August, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
               Li-Ping Pang and   
                   Jie Shen and   
                   He-Shan Song   A modified predictor--corrector
                                  algorithm for solving nonconvex
                                  generalized variational inequality . . . 319--325
                   W. J. Lv and   
                 Z. W. Yang and   
                      M. Z. Liu   Stability of Runge--Kutta methods for
                                  the alternately advanced and retarded
                                  differential equations with piecewise
                                  continuous arguments . . . . . . . . . . 326--335
                   John P. Boyd   Computing the zeros of a Fourier series
                                  or a Chebyshev series or general
                                  orthogonal polynomial series with parity
                                  symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336--349
              Tetz C. Huang and   
              Ji-Cherng Lin and   
             Chih-Yuan Chen and   
                 Cheng-Pin Wang   A self-stabilizing algorithm for finding
                                  a minimal $2$-dominating set assuming
                                  the distributed demon model  . . . . . . 350--356
              Tadeusz Jankowski   Existence of solutions of boundary value
                                  problems for differential equations in
                                  which deviated arguments depend on the
                                  unknown solution . . . . . . . . . . . . 357--363
               Chen-Feng Wu and   
              Liang-Teh Lee and   
                     Der-Fu Tao   An HMM prediction and throttling-based
                                  call admission control scheme for
                                  wireless multimedia networks . . . . . . 364--378
             Bengt Fornberg and   
                     Julia Zuev   The Runge phenomenon and spatially
                                  variable shape parameters in RBF
                                  interpolation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379--398
                 Ke-qing Wu and   
                 Nan-jing Huang   Properties of the generalized
                                  $f$-projection operator and its
                                  applications in Banach spaces  . . . . . 399--406
                   T. Hayat and   
               Naveed Ahmed and   
                   M. Sajid and   
                      S. Asghar   On the MHD flow of a second grade fluid
                                  in a porous channel  . . . . . . . . . . 407--414
              Ren-Hong Wang and   
                 Feng-Gong Lang   Multivariate spline space over cross-cut
                                  partition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415--426
                    Angel Plaza   The eight-tetrahedra longest-edge
                                  partition and Kuhn triangulations  . . . 427--433
          George A. Anastassiou   Multivariate fractional Ostrowski type
                                  inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434--447
                    R. Aloy and   
       M. C. Casabán and   
        L. A. Caudillo-Mata and   
                L. Jódar   Computing the variable coefficient
                                  telegraph equation using a discrete
                                  eigenfunctions method  . . . . . . . . . 448--458

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 54, Number 4, August, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
               S. H. Behiry and   
                 H. Hashish and   
             I. L. El-Kalla and   
                      A. Elsaid   A new algorithm for the decomposition
                                  solution of nonlinear differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459--466
              Meiqiang Feng and   
               Xuemei Zhang and   
                      Weigao Ge   Positive solutions for a class of
                                  boundary value problems on time scales   467--475
              Lu-Chuan Zeng and   
                Sy-Ming Guu and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   An iterative method for generalized
                                  nonlinear set-valued mixed
                                  quasi-variational inequalities with
                                  $H$-monotone mappings  . . . . . . . . . 476--483
                Taekyun Kim and   
                  Seog-Hoon Rim   New Changhee $q$-Euler numbers and
                                  polynomials associated with $p$-adic
                                  $q$-integrals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484--489
             Peng-Sheng You and   
                  Ta Cheng Chen   Dynamic pricing of seasonal goods with
                                  spot and forward purchase demands  . . . 490--498
                 Marek Capinski   A model of credit risk based on cash
                                  flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499--506
               Jin-Bao Jian and   
              You-Fang Zeng and   
                 Chun-Ming Tang   A generalized super-memory gradient
                                  projection method of strongly
                                  sub-feasible directions with strong
                                  convergence for nonlinear inequality
                                  constrained optimization . . . . . . . . 507--524
                  Shanhe Wu and   
               Lokenath Debnath   Inequalities for convex sequences and
                                  their applications . . . . . . . . . . . 525--534
                       Ruyun Ma   Bifurcation from infinity and multiple
                                  solutions for some discrete
                                  Sturm--Liouville problems  . . . . . . . 535--543
  Gradimir V. Milovanovi\'c and   
      Aleksandar S. Cvetkovi\'c   Gauss--Hermite interval quadrature rule  544--555
              E. Thandapani and   
                 P. Mohan Kumar   Oscillation of difference systems of the
                                  neutral type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556--566
              Chunming Yang and   
                   Peixuan Weng   Green functions and positive solutions
                                  for boundary value problems of
                                  third-order difference equations . . . . 567--578
                   Mao-Ming Jin   Iterative algorithms for a new system of
                                  nonlinear variational inclusions with $
                                  (A, \eta) $-accretive mappings in Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579--588
                 Xuyang Lou and   
                    Baotong Cui   Boundedness and exponential stability
                                  for nonautonomous RCNNs with distributed
                                  delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589--598

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 54, Number 5, September, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                   J. Patel and   
               A. K. Mishra and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Classes of multivalent analytic
                                  functions involving the
                                  Dziok--Srivastava operator . . . . . . . 599--616
                Weihua Deng and   
                 Yujiang Wu and   
                    Changpin Li   Attractors for one kind of lattice
                                  dynamical system . . . . . . . . . . . . 617--626
                  Zhongwei Tang   On the least energy solutions of
                                  nonlinear Schrödinger equations with
                                  electromagnetic fields . . . . . . . . . 627--637
                 Mark S. Korlie   $3$D simulation of cracks and fractures
                                  in a molecular solid under stress and
                                  compression  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638--650
             Kyo-Shin Hwang and   
                   Sungchul Lee   Functional limit theorems for the
                                  increments of $d$-dimensional Gaussian
                                  processes in a Hölder type norm . . . . . 651--663
               Tian-Xiao He and   
             Leetsch C. Hsu and   
              Peter J.-S. Shiue   Symbolization of generating functions;
                                  an application of the Mullin--Rota
                                  theory of binomial enumeration . . . . . 664--678
                 Fengwei Li and   
                    Xueliang Li   The neighbour-scattering number can be
                                  computed in polynomial time for interval
                                  graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679--686
                  Ke-Ang Fu and   
                   Li-Xin Zhang   Precise rates in the law of the
                                  logarithm for negatively associated
                                  random variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 687--698
            Hubert Pickmann and   
            Ricardo L. Soto and   
            J. Egaña and   
                    Mario Salas   An inverse eigenvalue problem for
                                  symmetrical tridiagonal matrices . . . . 699--708
                    Ji-Ming Guo   The Laplacian spectral radius of a graph
                                  under perturbation . . . . . . . . . . . 709--720
                  Victor Y. Pan   New homotopic/factorization and
                                  symmetrization techniques for Newton's
                                  and Newton/structured iteration  . . . . 721--729
                   Lin Wang and   
                       Xilin Fu   A new comparison principle for impulsive
                                  differential systems with variable
                                  impulsive perturbations and stability
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730--736

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 54, Number 6, September, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                  Ling Zhou and   
                    Stephen Yau   Efficient association rule mining among
                                  both frequent and infrequent items . . . 737--749
                 Jianguo Si and   
                     Tongbo Liu   Local analytic solutions of a functional
                                  differential equation with a deviating
                                  argument depending on the state
                                  derivative near resonance  . . . . . . . 750--762
             Zeyad Al Zhour and   
           Adem Kiliçman   Some new connections between matrix
                                  products for partitioned and
                                  non-partitioned matrices . . . . . . . . 763--784
           A. Özbekler and   
                       A. Zafer   Forced oscillation of super-half-linear
                                  impulsive differential equations . . . . 785--792
                 Youyu Wang and   
                      Weigao Ge   Existence of triple positive solutions
                                  for multi-point boundary value problems
                                  with a one dimensional $p$-Laplacian . . 793--807
              Jianchu Jiang and   
                   Xianhua Tang   Oscillation criteria for two-dimensional
                                  difference systems of first order linear
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 808--818
                    Xinmao Wang   Effect of small rank modification on the
                                  condition number of a matrix . . . . . . 819--825
                 Fengli Ren and   
                      Jinde Cao   Periodic solutions for a class of
                                  higher-order Cohen--Grossberg type
                                  neural networks with delays  . . . . . . 826--839
                 Xin-Min Wu and   
                Jing-Wen Li and   
                  Hou-Qing Zhou   A necessary and sufficient condition for
                                  the existence of positive periodic
                                  solutions of a model of hematopoiesis    840--849
                 A. A. Khan and   
                  B. D. Rouhani   Iterative regularization for elliptic
                                  inverse problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 850--860
              Jian-Ping Sun and   
                    Wan-Tong Li   Existence and multiplicity of positive
                                  solutions to nonlinear first-order PBVPs
                                  on time scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861--871
                Bancha Panyanak   Mann and Ishikawa iterative processes
                                  for multivalued mappings in Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 872--877

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 54, Number 7--8, October, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                 Ji-Huan He and   
         Abdul-Majid Wazwaz and   
                         Lan Xu   The variational iteration method:
                                  Reliable, efficient, and promising . . . 879--880
                 Ji-Huan He and   
                     Xu-Hong Wu   Variational iteration method: New
                                  development and applications . . . . . . 881--894
             Abdul-Majid Wazwaz   The variational iteration method for
                                  solving linear and nonlinear systems of
                                  PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895--902
                  B. Batiha and   
           M. S. M. Noorani and   
                      I. Hashim   Variational iteration method for solving
                                  multispecies Lotka--Volterra equations   903--909
              Shaher Momani and   
                    Zaid Odibat   Comparison between the homotopy
                                  perturbation method and the variational
                                  iteration method for linear fractional
                                  partial differential equations . . . . . 910--919
                P. Donald Ariel   The three-dimensional flow past a
                                  stretching sheet and the homotopy
                                  perturbation method  . . . . . . . . . . 920--925
             Abdul-Majid Wazwaz   The variational iteration method: a
                                  reliable analytic tool for solving
                                  linear and nonlinear wave equations  . . 926--932
             Abdul-Majid Wazwaz   The variational iteration method: a
                                  powerful scheme for handling linear and
                                  nonlinear diffusion equations  . . . . . 933--939
            Tamer A. Abassy and   
          Magdy A. El-Tawil and   
                  H. El-Zoheiry   Exact solutions of some nonlinear
                                  partial differential equations using the
                                  variational iteration method linked with
                                  Laplace transforms and the Padé technique 940--954
            Tamer A. Abassy and   
          Magdy A. El-Tawil and   
                  H. El-Zoheiry   Modified variational iteration method
                                  for Boussinesq equation  . . . . . . . . 955--965
          Xu-Hong (Benn) Wu and   
                     Ji-Huan He   Solitary solutions, periodic solutions
                                  and compacton-like solutions using the
                                  Exp-function method  . . . . . . . . . . 966--986
                A. Golbabai and   
                      M. Javidi   A variational iteration method for
                                  solving parabolic partial differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987--992
              N. H. Sweilam and   
                   R. F. Al-Bar   Variational iteration method for coupled
                                  nonlinear Schrödinger equations . . . . . 993--999
                   Xin-Wei Zhou   Variational theory for physiological
                                  flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000--1002
                  M. Javidi and   
                    A. Golbabai   Construction of a solitary wave solution
                                  for the generalized Zakharov equation by
                                  a variational iteration method . . . . . 1003--1009
                D. D. Ganji and   
              G. A. Afrouzi and   
              R. A. Talarposhti   Application of He's variational
                                  iteration method for solving the
                                  reaction-diffusion equation with
                                  ecological parameters  . . . . . . . . . 1010--1017
                D. D. Ganji and   
                 Hafez Tari and   
            M. Bakhshi Jooybari   Variational iteration method and
                                  homotopy perturbation method for
                                  nonlinear evolution equations  . . . . . 1018--1027
                    Sheng Zhang   A generalized auxiliary equation method
                                  and its application to $ (2 +
                                  1)$-dimensional Korteweg--de Vries
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1028--1038
           Turgut Özis and   
                 Ahmet Yildirim   Application of He's semi-inverse method
                                  to the nonlinear Schrödinger equation . . 1039--1042
                     Juan Zhang   Variational approach to solitary wave
                                  solution of the generalized Zakharov
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1043--1046
                  J. Biazar and   
                    H. Ghazvini   He's variational iteration method for
                                  fourth-order parabolic equations . . . . 1047--1054
             M. T. Darvishi and   
                   F. Khani and   
                  A. A. Soliman   The numerical simulation for stiff
                                  systems of ordinary differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055--1063
                Li-Na Zhang and   
                     Ji-Huan He   Resonance in Sirospun yarn spinning
                                  using a variational iteration method . . 1064--1066
                         Lan Xu   He's homotopy perturbation method for a
                                  boundary layer equation in unbounded
                                  domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067--1070
                         Lan Xu   Variational iteration method for solving
                                  integral equations . . . . . . . . . . . 1071--1078
                   M. Rafei and   
                     H. Daniali   Application of the variational iteration
                                  method to the Whitham--Broer--Kaup
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1079--1085
                  N. H. Sweilam   Fourth order integro-differential
                                  equations using variational iteration
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1086--1091
                 Shu-Li Mei and   
                  Sen-Wen Zhang   Coupling technique of variational
                                  iteration and homotopy perturbation
                                  methods for nonlinear matrix
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1092--1100
        Muhammad Aslam Noor and   
        Syed Tauseef Mohyud-Din   An efficient method for fourth-order
                                  boundary value problems  . . . . . . . . 1101--1111
                 A. Sadighi and   
                    D. D. Ganji   Exact solutions of nonlinear diffusion
                                  equations by variational iteration
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1112--1121
                D. D. Ganji and   
              M. Nourollahi and   
                     E. Mohseni   Application of He's methods to nonlinear
                                  chemistry problems . . . . . . . . . . . 1122--1132
                     Junfeng Lu   Variational iteration method for solving
                                  a nonlinear system of second-order
                                  boundary value problems  . . . . . . . . 1133--1138
                   Damian Slota   Direct and inverse one-phase Stefan
                                  problem solved by the variational
                                  iteration method . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139--1146
          Elcin Yusufo\uglu and   
                    Ahmet Bekir   Numerical simulation of equal-width wave
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1147--1153
          Elcin Yusufo\uglu and   
                    Ahmet Bekir   Application of the variational iteration
                                  method to the regularized long wave
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1154--1161
        M. Tavassoli Kajani and   
                 M. Ghasemi and   
                    E. Babolian   Comparison between the homotopy
                                  perturbation method and the sine-cosine
                                  wavelet method for solving linear
                                  integro-differential equations . . . . . 1162--1168
                P. Donald Ariel   Axisymmetric flow due to a stretching
                                  sheet with partial slip  . . . . . . . . 1169--1183
           Turgut Özis and   
                 Ahmet Yildirim   Determination of the frequency-amplitude
                                  relation for a Duffing-harmonic
                                  oscillator by the energy balance method  1184--1187
             Vasile Marinca and   
               Nicolae Herisanu   Periodic solutions for some strongly
                                  nonlinear oscillations by He's
                                  variational iteration method . . . . . . 1188--1196
            Fatemeh Shakeri and   
                  Mehdi Dehghan   Numerical solution of a biological
                                  population model using He's variational
                                  iteration method . . . . . . . . . . . . 1197--1209
                 Xu-Chu Cai and   
                     Meng-Su Li   Periodic solution of Jacobi elliptic
                                  equations by He's perturbation method    1210--1212

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 54, Number 9--10, November, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
           Andrew D. Jones, Jr.   Analysis of the chemical vapor
                                  infiltration process computational
                                  experiments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213--1227
               Guoqiang Liu and   
              Zongfang Zhou and   
                       Yong Shi   A multi-dimensional forward selection
                                  method for firms' credit sale  . . . . . 1228--1233
                 Terry McDonald   Splines with boundary conditions . . . . 1234--1239
              Jianchu Jiang and   
                   Xianhua Tang   Oscillation and asymptotic behavior of
                                  two-dimensional difference systems . . . 1240--1249
       Kenneth S. Berenhaut and   
         Benjamin G. Gibson and   
         Jonathan H. Newman and   
              Jacob F. Anderson   Bounds for fourth-order [0, 1]
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 1250--1259
                 Lin-Xia Hu and   
                Wan-Tong Li and   
                     Hong-Wu Xu   Global asymptotical stability of a
                                  second order rational difference
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1260--1266
                Huihui Pang and   
               Hairong Lian and   
                      Weigao Ge   Multiple positive solutions for
                                  second-order four-point boundary value
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1267--1275
                     Jiqin Deng   Existence for unbounded positive
                                  solutions of Schrödinger equations in
                                  two-dimensional exterior domains . . . . 1276--1284
                Junping Shi and   
                  Shin-Hwa Wang   Exact multiplicity of boundary blow-up
                                  solutions for a bistable problem . . . . 1285--1292
               Zenggui Wang and   
                 Lishan Liu and   
                    Yonghong Wu   The unique solution of boundary value
                                  problems for nonlinear second-order
                                  integral-differential equations of mixed
                                  type in Banach spaces  . . . . . . . . . 1293--1301

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 54, Number 11--12, December, 2007

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                  R. J. Kuo and   
                     C. W. Shih   Association rule mining through the ant
                                  colony system for National Health
                                  Insurance Research Database in Taiwan    1303--1318
                       Y. Yavin   Modelling and control of the motion of a
                                  riderless bicycle rolling on a moving
                                  plane  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1319--1328
                       Y. Yavin   Control of the motion of a disk rolling
                                  on a plane curve . . . . . . . . . . . . 1329--1340
         S. K. Roychoudhuri and   
            Nupur Bandyopadhyay   Interactions due to body forces in
                                  generalized thermo-elasticity III  . . . 1341--1352
                Judong Shen and   
                 Yu-Ru Syau and   
                      E. S. Lee   Support vector fuzzy adaptive network in
                                  regression analysis  . . . . . . . . . . 1353--1366
                 M. Kadakal and   
               O. Sh. Mukhtarov   Sturm--Liouville problems with
                                  discontinuities at two points  . . . . . 1367--1379
                  Ekrem Sava\vs   A summability factor theorem involving
                                  an almost increasing sequence for
                                  generalized absolute summability . . . . 1380--1386
              Shunsheng Guo and   
             Hongbiao Jiang and   
                      Qiulan Qi   Approximation by Bézier type of
                                  Meyer-König and Zeller operators  . . . . 1387--1394
              G. Naadimuthu and   
                  D. M. Liu and   
                      E. S. Lee   Application of an adaptive neural fuzzy
                                  inference system to thermal comfort and
                                  group technology problems  . . . . . . . 1395--1402
                  Guolin Yu and   
                    Sanyang Liu   Some vector optimization problems in
                                  Banach spaces with generalized convexity 1403--1410
         Özkan Öcalan   Oscillation of forced neutral
                                  differential equations with positive and
                                  negative coefficients  . . . . . . . . . 1411--1421
             Xingping Sheng and   
                  Guoliang Chen   Full-rank representation of generalized
                                  inverse $ A_{T, S}^{(2)} $ and its
                                  application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1422--1430

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 55, Number 1, January, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
              J. S. H. Tsai and   
                  J. H. Lin and   
                L. S. Shieh and   
                  C. R. Liu and   
                      S. M. Guo   Decentralized observer-based tracker for
                                  analog systems with saturating actuator
                                  and state constraints  . . . . . . . . . 1--22
   Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti and   
            Hender López   Adaptive kernel estimation and SPH
                                  tensile instability  . . . . . . . . . . 23--50
                  S. Siboni and   
                 C. Della Volpe   Some mathematical aspects of the Kelvin
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51--65
                      Yong Duan   A note on the meshless method using
                                  radial basis functions . . . . . . . . . 66--75
                 Jinxian Li and   
                     Jurang Yan   Partial permanence and extinction in an
                                  $N$-species nonautonomous
                                  Lotka--Volterra competitive system . . . 76--88
               Ya-Ping Fang and   
                    Rong Hu and   
                 Nan-Jing Huang   Well-posedness for equilibrium problems
                                  and for optimization problems with
                                  equilibrium constraints  . . . . . . . . 89--100
                      Deren Han   A hybrid entropic proximal decomposition
                                  method with self-adaptive strategy for
                                  solving variational inequality problems  101--115
               Gonglin Yuan and   
                       Xiwen Lu   A new backtracking inexact BFGS method
                                  for symmetric nonlinear equations  . . . 116--129

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 55, Number 2, January, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
          Gianfranco Capriz and   
           Pasquale Giovine and   
            Paolo Maria Mariano   Modeling granularity . . . . . . . . . . 131--131
                    L. Oger and   
                    M. Ammi and   
                 A. Valance and   
                   D. Beladjine   Study of the collision of one rapid
                                  sphere on $3$D packings: Experimental
                                  and numerical results  . . . . . . . . . 132--148
                  A. Fasano and   
                     A. Mancini   Modelling the frying of a non-deformable
                                  specimen by immersion in edible oil  . . 149--161
                    M. Bisi and   
                       G. Spiga   Kinetic approach to granular matter in a
                                  medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162--174
                 Gregg Lois and   
     Anaël Lema\^\itre and   
                Jean M. Carlson   Momentum transport in granular flows . . 175--183
               F. Mollaioli and   
                       S. Bruno   Influence of site effects on inelastic
                                  displacement ratios for SDOF and MDOF
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184--207
                 C. Silvani and   
                 S. Bonelli and   
                P. Philippe and   
                     T. Desoyer   Buoyancy and local friction effects on
                                  rockfill settlements: a discrete
                                  modelling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208--217
        Francesco Paparella and   
               Giuseppe Passoni   Absence of inelastic collapse for a $1$D
                                  gas of grains with an internal degree of
                                  freedom  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218--229
           Nicolas Taberlet and   
            Patrick Richard and   
                Renaud Delannay   The effect of sidewall friction on dense
                                  granular flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230--234
       Filippo G. Pratic\`o and   
                  Antonino Moro   Flow of water in rigid solids:
                                  Development and experimental validation
                                  of models for tests on asphalts  . . . . 235--244
                 I. Agnolin and   
                    N. P. Kruyt   On the elastic moduli of two-dimensional
                                  assemblies of disks: Relevance and
                                  modeling of fluctuations in particle
                                  displacements and rotations  . . . . . . 245--256
               Y. Hollander and   
                      D. Durban   Bifurcation of elastoplastic
                                  pressure-sensitive spheres . . . . . . . 257--267
  Malika Bongué-Boma and   
               Maurizio Brocato   Liquids with vapour bubbles  . . . . . . 268--284
                 F. Oliveri and   
                 M. P. Speciale   Wave hierarchies in continua with scalar
                                  microstructure in the plane and
                                  spherical symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . 285--298
             Gaetano Napoli and   
                  Stefano Turzi   On the determination of nontrivial
                                  equilibrium configurations close to a
                                  bifurcation point  . . . . . . . . . . . 299--306
                 P. Giovine and   
              L. Margheriti and   
                 M. P. Speciale   On wave propagation in porous media with
                                  strain gradient effects  . . . . . . . . 307--318

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 55, Number 3, February, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
           Sanchita Chauhan and   
               V. K. Srivastava   Modeling exhaust gas pollution
                                  abatement: Part $I$- single hydrocarbon
                                  propylene  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319--330
             Osman Altintas and   
         Hüseyin Irmak and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Neighborhoods for certain subclasses of
                                  multivalently analytic functions defined
                                  by using a differential operator . . . . 331--338
                   Bin Chen and   
                   Mingxin Wang   Qualitative analysis for a diffusive
                                  predator--prey model . . . . . . . . . . 339--355
                 Zeqing Liu and   
           Lokenath Debnath and   
                  Shin Min Kang   Existence of monotone positive solutions
                                  to a third order two-point generalized
                                  right focal boundary value problem . . . 356--367
           Carlos D. Acosta and   
         Carlos E. Mejía   Stabilization of explicit methods for
                                  convection diffusion equations by
                                  discrete mollification . . . . . . . . . 368--380
               Vasile Postolica   Choquet boundaries and efficiency  . . . 381--391
       Allaberen Ashyralyev and   
                      Ali Sirma   Nonlocal boundary value problems for the
                                  Schrödinger equation  . . . . . . . . . . 392--407
            Shirley Abelman and   
                 Herven Abelman   Approximations of nonlinear phenomena
                                  arising in angular deviations of light
                                  rays that emerge from prisms . . . . . . 408--422
               R. S. Pathak and   
             Gireesh Pandey and   
                 Ryuichi Ashino   Multiwavelets in the generalized Sobolev
                                  space $ H_W^\omega (\mathbb {R}^n) $ . . 423--440
                 Z.-K. Wang and   
            G. S. Djambazov and   
                  C.-H. Lai and   
               K. A. Pericleous   Numerical investigation of a source
                                  extraction technique based on an
                                  acoustic correction method . . . . . . . 441--458
                  Hongru Xu and   
                   Jinping Zeng   A multisplitting method for symmetrical
                                  affine second-order cone complementarity
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459--469
                    Wei Liu and   
                    Yirang Yuan   Finite difference schemes for
                                  two-dimensional miscible displacement
                                  flow in porous media on composite
                                  triangular grids . . . . . . . . . . . . 470--484
                Ugur S. Kirmaci   Improvement and further generalization
                                  of inequalities for differentiable
                                  mappings and applications  . . . . . . . 485--493
                     M. K. Aouf   Certain subclasses of meromorphically
                                  multivalent functions associated with
                                  generalized hypergeometric function  . . 494--509
                      T. Candan   Oscillation of first-order neutral
                                  differential equations with distributed
                                  deviating arguments  . . . . . . . . . . 510--515
            Patricia J. Y. Wong   Multiple fixed-sign solutions for a
                                  system of higher order three-point
                                  boundary-value problems with deviating
                                  arguments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516--534
                 M. K. Aouf and   
               H. Silverman and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Some families of linear operators
                                  associated with certain subclasses of
                                  multivalent functions  . . . . . . . . . 535--549
        P. R. Parthasarathy and   
                     R. Sudhesh   Transient solution of a multiserver
                                  Poisson queue with $N$-policy  . . . . . 550--562
                   Heng-you Lan   An approach for solving fuzzy implicit
                                  variational inequalities with linear
                                  membership functions . . . . . . . . . . 563--572
      George A. Anastassiou and   
                    Oktay Duman   Statistical fuzzy approximation by fuzzy
                                  positive linear operators  . . . . . . . 573--580
                    Rong An and   
                      Kaitai Li   Variational inequality for the rotating
                                  Navier--Stokes equations with
                                  subdifferential boundary conditions  . . 581--587

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 55, Number 4, February, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                  Nasir Ali and   
                  Tasawar Hayat   Peristaltic flow of a micropolar fluid
                                  in an asymmetric channel . . . . . . . . 589--608
        Rüdiger Weiner and   
             Katja Biermann and   
        Bernhard A. Schmitt and   
               Helmut Podhaisky   Explicit two-step peer methods . . . . . 609--619
                Hui-Hui Dai and   
                         Yi Huo   Solitary waves in a slender tube
                                  composed of an incompressible nonlinear
                                  elastic material . . . . . . . . . . . . 620--635
               Guoying Yang and   
                   Mingxin Wang   Existence of multiple positive solutions
                                  for a $p$-Laplacian system with
                                  sign-changing weight functions . . . . . 636--653
                    Ping Li and   
                    Guizhen Liu   Hamilton cycles in circuit graphs of
                                  matroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654--659
               Arash Hariri and   
                Keivan Navi and   
                  Reza Rastegar   A new high dynamic range moduli set with
                                  efficient reverse converter  . . . . . . 660--668
              Xie Ping Ding and   
               Jen-Chih Yao and   
                  Lu-Chuan Zeng   Existence and algorithm of solutions for
                                  generalized strongly nonlinear mixed
                                  variational-like inequalities in Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669--679
                  Chia-Hung Lin   Frequency-domain features for ECG beat
                                  discrimination using grey relational
                                  analysis-based classifier  . . . . . . . 680--690
            Ilkay Yaslan Karaca   Nonlinear triple-point problems with
                                  change of sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691--703
                 Meilin Wen and   
                 Kakuzo Iwamura   Facility location-allocation problem in
                                  random fuzzy environment: Using $
                                  (\alpha, \beta)$-cost minimization model
                                  under the Hurewicz criterion . . . . . . 704--713
       Josep Domingo-Ferrer and   
       Francesc Sebé and   
                 Agusti Solanas   A polynomial-time approximation to
                                  optimal multivariate microaggregation    714--732
            Shirley Abelman and   
             Kailash C. Patidar   Comparison of some recent numerical
                                  methods for initial-value problems for
                                  stiff ordinary differential equations    733--744
            Bartosz Reichel and   
                   Sergey Leble   On convergence and stability of a
                                  numerical scheme of Coupled Nonlinear
                                  Schrödinger Equations . . . . . . . . . . 745--759
            Yong-Chang Jiao and   
             Chuangyin Dang and   
            Yoshitsugu Yamamoto   An extension of the decomposition method
                                  for solving nonlinear equations and its
                                  convergence  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760--775
                 H. A. El-Saify   Optimality conditions for differential
                                  system of Petrowsky type with infinite
                                  number of variables and boundary control 776--787
                 Lijing Lin and   
               Tzon-Tzer Lu and   
                      Yimin Wei   On level-2 condition number for the
                                  weighted Moore--Penrose inverse  . . . . 788--800
             Ting-Zhu Huang and   
                       Liang Li   Relaxed forms of BBK algorithm and FBP
                                  algorithm for symmetric indefinite
                                  linear systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801--807
                Xiuping Han and   
                  Jun-an Lu and   
                  Guanrong Chen   Nonlinear integral synchronization of
                                  ring networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808--818
                 Xihong Yan and   
                  Deren Han and   
                      Wenyu Sun   A self-adaptive projection method with
                                  improved step-size for solving
                                  variational inequalities . . . . . . . . 819--832
              Shaher Momani and   
         Vedat Suat Ertürk   Solutions of non-linear oscillators by
                                  the modified differential transform
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833--842
                  Qing Wang and   
                  James Lam and   
                  Yimin Wei and   
                   Tongwen Chen   Iterative solutions of coupled discrete
                                  Markovian jump Lyapunov equations  . . . 843--850
                 M. K. Aouf and   
                  A. O. Mostafa   On a subclass of $n$--$p$-valent
                                  prestarlike functions  . . . . . . . . . 851--861

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 55, Number 5, March, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
              Roberto Tadei and   
                 Nicola Bellomo   Special issue on modeling and
                                  computational methods in genomic
                                  sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863--866
              Elena Baralis and   
            Silvia Chiusano and   
                 Riccardo Dutto   Applying sequential rules to protein
                                  localization prediction  . . . . . . . . 867--878
              A. M. Bersani and   
                 E. Bersani and   
                   L. Mastroeni   Deterministic and stochastic models of
                                  enzymatic networks-applications to
                                  pharmaceutical research  . . . . . . . . 879--888
              P. Bertolazzi and   
                  G. Felici and   
                   P. Festa and   
                      G. Lancia   Logic classification and feature
                                  selection for biomedical data  . . . . . 889--899
           Paola Bertolazzi and   
            Alessandra Godi and   
       Martine Labbé and   
              Leonardo Tininini   Solving haplotyping inference parsimony
                                  problem using a new basic polynomial
                                  formulation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900--911
                   Renato Bruni   Solving peptide sequencing as
                                  satisfiability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 912--923
                Isabel K. Darcy   Modeling protein--DNA complexes with
                                  tangles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 924--937
              Elisa Ficarra and   
        Giovanni De Micheli and   
               Sungroh Yoon and   
                Luca Benini and   
                   Enrico Macii   Joint co-clustering: Co-clustering of
                                  genomic and clinical bioimaging data . . 938--949
             Vito Fragnelli and   
                Stefano Moretti   A game theoretical approach to the
                                  classification problem in gene
                                  expression data analysis . . . . . . . . 950--959
                Giuseppe Lancia   The phasing of heterozygous traits:
                                  Algorithms and complexity  . . . . . . . 960--969
            Stefano Lanzeni and   
               Enza Messina and   
             Francesco Archetti   Graph models and mathematical
                                  programming in biochemical network
                                  analysis and metabolic engineering
                                  design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970--983
            Christian J. Michel   A 2006 review of circular codes in genes 984--988
        Christian J. Michel and   
           Giuseppe Pirillo and   
               Mario A. Pirillo   Varieties of comma-free codes  . . . . . 989--996
           Alfonso Montuori and   
          Giovanni Raimondo and   
                    Eros Pasero   An information theoretic approach for
                                  improving data driven prediction of
                                  protein model quality  . . . . . . . . . 997--1006
        Dan V. Nicolau, Jr. and   
                  Kevin Burrage   Stochastic simulation of chemical
                                  reactions in spatially complex media . . 1007--1018
           Idowu O. Oduntan and   
            Michel Toulouse and   
        Richard Baumgartner and   
         Christopher Bowman and   
               Ray Somorjai and   
              Teodor G. Crainic   A multilevel tabu search algorithm for
                                  the feature selection problem in
                                  biomedical data  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1019--1033
                  Angela Re and   
             Ivan Molineris and   
                Michele Caselle   Graph theory analysis of genomics
                                  problems: Community analysis of fragile
                                  sites correlations and of pseudogenes
                                  alignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1034--1043
             Renzo L. Ricca and   
             Francesca Maggioni   Multiple folding and packing in DNA
                                  modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1044--1053
               Nicola Yanev and   
              Rumen Andonov and   
             Philippe Veber and   
                   Stefan Balev   Lagrangian approaches for a class of
                                  matching problems in computational
                                  biology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1054--1067
               Sara Zanivan and   
              Davide Cor\`a and   
            Michele Caselle and   
             Federico Bussolino   VRG: a database of vascular dysfunctions
                                  related genes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068--1073

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 55, Number 6, March, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                 Ting-Zhu Huang   Estimation of $ ||A^{-1}||_\infty $ and
                                  the smallest singular value  . . . . . . 1075--1080
                    Dan Liu and   
                Guoliang Xu and   
                      Qin Zhang   A discrete scheme of Laplace--Beltrami
                                  operator and its convergence over
                                  quadrilateral meshes . . . . . . . . . . 1081--1093
              Zhaohui Huang and   
                   Chi Wang and   
                  Youqiu Hu and   
                  Xiaocheng Guo   Parallel implementation of $3$D global
                                  MHD simulations for Earth's
                                  magnetosphere  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1094--1101
                  Xiaoxia Huang   Risk curve and fuzzy portfolio selection 1102--1112
             E. Yusufo\uglu and   
                       A. Bekir   Symbolic computation and new families of
                                  exact travelling solutions for the
                                  Kawahara and modified Kawahara equations 1113--1121
        Aleksey S. Telyakovskiy   Regarding polynomial approximation for
                                  ordinary differential equations  . . . . 1122--1128
                     Yan Wu and   
               P. N. Shivakumar   Eigenvalues of the Laplacian on an
                                  elliptic domain  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1129--1136
                     Rongbao Gu   On ergodicity of systems with the
                                  asymptotic average shadowing property    1137--1141
                Yao-tang Li and   
                    Wen-jing Wu   Symmetric and skew-antisymmetric
                                  solutions to systems of real quaternion
                                  matrix equations . . . . . . . . . . . . 1142--1147
                    Anqi He and   
                   Jianzhou Liu   A new non-parameter criterion for
                                  $H$-matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1148--1153
                Yanjun Wang and   
                       Ying Lan   Global optimization for special reverse
                                  convex programming . . . . . . . . . . . 1154--1163
              Byung-Soo Lee and   
            M. Firdosh Khan and   
                     Salahuddin   Generalized vector variational-type
                                  inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1164--1169
               John H. Reif and   
                Simon Kasif and   
               Deepak Sherlekar   Formula dissection: a parallel algorithm
                                  for constraint satisfaction  . . . . . . 1170--1177
              Octavian Agratini   On the iterates of a class of
                                  summation-type linear positive operators 1178--1180
                 Yu-Ru Syau and   
                 Lixing Jia and   
                 E. Stanley Lee   $ \Phi_1 $-concavity and fuzzy multiple
                                  objective decision making  . . . . . . . 1181--1188
                D. L. Young and   
                 C. C. Tsai and   
                 C. W. Chen and   
                      C. M. Fan   The method of fundamental solutions and
                                  condition number analysis for inverse
                                  problems of Laplace equation . . . . . . 1189--1200
                    Ting Wu and   
                    Linping Sun   A new quasi-Newton pattern search method
                                  based on symmetric rank-one update for
                                  unconstrained optimization . . . . . . . 1201--1214
                   Feng Xue and   
              Wansheng Tang and   
                   Ruiqing Zhao   The expected value of a function of a
                                  fuzzy variable with a continuous
                                  membership function  . . . . . . . . . . 1215--1224
                  S. M. Guo and   
                  K. T. Liu and   
              J. S. H. Tsai and   
                    L. S. Shieh   An observer-based tracker for hybrid
                                  interval chaotic systems with saturating
                                  inputs: the
                                  chaos-evolutionary-programming approach  1225--1249
        Hussein Al-Bahadili and   
              Shakir M. Hussain   An adaptive character wordlength
                                  algorithm for data compression . . . . . 1250--1256
                   M. Balaj and   
                    Lai-Jiu Lin   Selecting families and their
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1257--1261
                 L. C. Ceng and   
                  T. C. Lai and   
                      J. C. Yao   Approximate proximal algorithms for
                                  generalized variational inequalities
                                  with paramonotonicity and
                                  pseudomonotonicity . . . . . . . . . . . 1262--1269
                   Yong Hui Liu   Ranks of least squares solutions of the
                                  matrix equation $ A X B = C $  . . . . . 1270--1278
                 X. H. Tang and   
                    Xiaoyan Lin   Necessary and sufficient conditions for
                                  oscillation of first-order nonlinear
                                  neutral difference equations . . . . . . 1279--1292
                  Ekrem Sava\cs   $ (A_\sigma) $-double sequence spaces
                                  defined by Orlicz function and double
                                  statistical convergence  . . . . . . . . 1293--1301
     E. S. Lakshminarayanan and   
                 M. Pitchaimani   Existence of a critical Gompertz
                                  parameter and its asymptotic expression  1302--1309
                   Bara Kim and   
                      Inkyu Lee   Tests for nonergodicity of denumerable
                                  continuous time Markov processes . . . . 1310--1321
               Weiping Wang and   
                Cangzhi Jia and   
                  Tianming Wang   Some results on the Apostol--Bernoulli
                                  and Apostol--Euler polynomials . . . . . 1322--1332
                 E. A. Galperin   The Isaacs equation for differential
                                  games, totally optimal fields of
                                  trajectories and related problems  . . . 1333--1362

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 55, Number 7, April, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                 Li-Shi Luo and   
           Manfred Krafczyk and   
                       Yang Liu   Mesoscopic methods in engineering and
                                  science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1363--1364
             Ahmad Al-Zoubi and   
                Gunther Brenner   Simulating fluid flow over sinusoidal
                                  surfaces using the lattice Boltzmann
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1365--1376
                  S. Arnout and   
               F. Verhaeghe and   
                B. Blanpain and   
                    P. Wollants   Lattice Boltzmann model for
                                  diffusion-controlled indirect
                                  dissolution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1377--1391
                 Pietro Asinari   Asymptotic analysis of
                                  multiple-relaxation-time lattice
                                  Boltzmann schemes for mixture modeling   1392--1407
               J. Bernsdorf and   
             S. E. Harrison and   
                S. M. Smith and   
              P. V. Lawford and   
                     D. R. Hose   Applying the lattice Boltzmann technique
                                  to biofluids: a novel approach to
                                  simulate blood coagulation . . . . . . . 1408--1414
            Alfonso Caiazzo and   
                   Michael Junk   Boundary forces in lattice Boltzmann:
                                  Analysis of Momentum Exchange algorithm  1415--1423
                 Sheng Chen and   
                Zhaohui Liu and   
                Zhiwei Tian and   
               Baochang Shi and   
                 Chuguang Zheng   A simple lattice Boltzmann scheme for
                                  combustion simulation  . . . . . . . . . 1424--1432
                     Rui Du and   
                   Baochang Shi   The lattice Boltzmann method for the
                                  thermocapillary flow in a cavity under
                                  microgravity condition . . . . . . . . . 1433--1440
         François Dubois   Equivalent partial differential
                                  equations of a lattice Boltzmann scheme  1441--1449
          Hidemitsu Hayashi and   
                   Shuichi Kubo   Computer simulation study on filtration
                                  of soot particles in diesel particulate
                                  filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1450--1460
            Klaus Iglberger and   
           Nils Thürey and   
               Ulrich Rüde   Simulation of moving particles in $3$D
                                  with the Lattice Boltzmann method  . . . 1461--1468
             Yasuhiro Inoue and   
                 Shu Takagi and   
             Yoichiro Matsumoto   A simulation model for amphiphilic
                                  molecules in a mesoscale solvent . . . . 1469--1480
               Michael Junk and   
                   Zhaoxia Yang   Convergence of lattice Boltzmann methods
                                  for Stokes flows in periodic and bounded
                                  domains  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1481--1491
                A. Kawasaki and   
                  J. Onishi and   
                    Y. Chen and   
                      H. Ohashi   A lattice Boltzmann model for
                                  contact-line motions . . . . . . . . . . 1492--1502
                 Jingsen Ma and   
                         Wei Ge   Is standard symmetric formulation always
                                  better for smoothed particle
                                  hydrodynamics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1503--1513
              Keijo Mattila and   
        Jari Hyväluoma and   
              Jussi Timonen and   
                    Tuomo Rossi   Comparison of implementations of the
                                  lattice-Boltzmann method . . . . . . . . 1514--1524
             V. K. Michalis and   
            A. N. Kalarakis and   
              E. D. Skouras and   
                 V. N. Burganos   Mesoscopic modeling of flow and
                                  dispersion phenomena in fractured solids 1525--1540
                  J. Onishi and   
                A. Kawasaki and   
                    Y. Chen and   
                      H. Ohashi   Lattice Boltzmann simulation of
                                  capillary interactions among colloidal
                                  particles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1541--1553
                  Tiezheng Qian   Monolayer spreading in confined
                                  immiscible fluids: a molecular dynamics
                                  simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1554--1559
              Xiaoying Rong and   
                   Dewei Qi and   
                  Guowei He and   
                JunYong Zhu and   
                      Tim Scott   Single curved fiber sedimentation under
                                  gravity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1560--1567
               Baochang Shi and   
                   Bin Deng and   
                     Rui Du and   
                  Xingwang Chen   A new scheme for source term in LBGK
                                  model for convection--diffusion equation 1568--1575
              Maik Stiebler and   
           Jonas Tölke and   
               Manfred Krafczyk   Advection-diffusion lattice Boltzmann
                                  scheme for hierarchical grids  . . . . . 1576--1584
            Kevin Stratford and   
          Ignacio Pagonabarraga   Parallel simulation of particle
                                  suspensions with the lattice Boltzmann
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1585--1593
               Chenghai Sun and   
                  Lance L. Munn   Lattice-Boltzmann simulation of blood
                                  flow in digitized vessel networks  . . . 1594--1600
                 Dinan Wang and   
        Jonathan L. Summers and   
              Philip H. Gaskell   Modelling of electrokinetically driven
                                  mixing flow in microchannels with
                                  patterned blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . 1601--1610
                  Huidan Yu and   
            Sharath S. Girimaji   Study of axis-switching and stability of
                                  laminar rectangular jets using lattice
                                  Boltzmann method . . . . . . . . . . . . 1611--1619
              Ming-Fang Zhu and   
                   Ting Dai and   
              Sung-Yoon Lee and   
                  Chun-Pyo Hong   Modeling of solutal dendritic growth
                                  with melt convection . . . . . . . . . . 1620--1628

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 55, Number 8, April, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                 Yuan Lin Zhang   A geometrical process repair model for a
                                  repairable system with delayed repair    1629--1643
                   D. Vieru and   
                   M. Nazar and   
             Corina Fetecau and   
                     C. Fetecau   New exact solutions corresponding to the
                                  first problem of Stokes for Oldroyd-B
                                  fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1644--1652
           Eugene L. Wachspress   Trail to a Lyapunov equation solver  . . 1653--1659
    K. Pásztor Varga and   
     M. Várterész   Languages of logic and their
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1660--1669
               Shi-Jay Chen and   
                 Shyi-Ming Chen   Fuzzy risk analysis based on measures of
                                  similarity between interval-valued fuzzy
                                  numbers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1670--1685
     E. S. Lakshminarayanan and   
                 M. Pitchaimani   Existence and estimation of critical
                                  negative Gompertz parameter  . . . . . . 1686--1692
              Peiguang Wang and   
                  Haixia Wu and   
                    Yonghong Wu   Higher even-order convergence and
                                  coupled solutions for second-order
                                  boundary value problems on time scales   1693--1705
                  Dieter Lasser   Triangular subpatches of rectangular
                                  Bézier surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1706--1719
        Marko D. Petkovi\'c and   
  Predrag S. Stanimirovi\'c and   
               Milan B. Tasi\'c   Effective partitioning method for
                                  computing weighted Moore--Penrose
                                  inverse  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1720--1734
         Lalita Narupiyakul and   
               Vlado Keselj and   
               Nick Cercone and   
       Booncharoen Sirinaovakul   Focus to emphasize tone analysis for
                                  prosodic generation  . . . . . . . . . . 1735--1753
                 Yuhua Qian and   
                 Jiye Liang and   
                 Chuangyin Dang   Converse approximation and rule
                                  extraction from decision tables in rough
                                  set theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1754--1765
           Anna Amirdjanova and   
                   Matthew Linn   Stochastic evolution equations for
                                  nonlinear filtering of random fields in
                                  the presence of fractional Brownian
                                  sheet observation noise  . . . . . . . . 1766--1784
             Kuei-Lin Tseng and   
             Shiow Ru Hwang and   
                 S. S. Dragomir   Generalizations of weighted Ostrowski
                                  type inequalities for mappings of
                                  bounded variation and their applications 1785--1793
                   K. Maity and   
                       M. Maiti   A numerical approach to a
                                  multi-objective optimal inventory
                                  control problem for deteriorating
                                  multi-items under fuzzy inflation and
                                  discounting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1794--1807
Lucelina Batista dos Santos and   
 Gabriel Ruiz-Garzón and   
       Marko A. Rojas-Medar and   
   Antonio Rufián-Lizana   Some relations between variational-like
                                  inequality problems and vectorial
                                  optimization problems in Banach spaces   1808--1814
                 G. Moscariello   Qualitative analysis and simulation of a
                                  10 degrees of freedom model of an
                                  electrically operated vehicle  . . . . . 1815--1831
                   Jian Lou and   
                Xin-Feng He and   
                        Zhen He   Iterative methods for solving a system
                                  of variational inclusions involving $ H
                                  - \eta $-monotone operators in Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1832--1841
                J. C. Misra and   
                       A. Mitra   Synchronization among tumour-like cell
                                  aggregations coupled by quorum sensing:
                                  a theoretical study  . . . . . . . . . . 1842--1853
             Hengsheng Tang and   
                    Wei Luo and   
                      Xu Li and   
                      Manjun Ma   Nontrivial solutions of discrete
                                  elliptic boundary value problems . . . . 1854--1860
                  Ismail Yaslan   Multiple positive solutions for
                                  nonlinear three-point boundary value
                                  problems on time scales  . . . . . . . . 1861--1869
              Victor Y. Pan and   
            Dmitriy Ivolgin and   
               Brian Murphy and   
          Rhys Eric Rosholt and   
            Islam Taj-Eddin and   
                Yuqing Tang and   
                   Xiaodong Yan   Additive preconditioning and aggregation
                                  in matrix computations . . . . . . . . . 1870--1886
               Lijuan Zhang and   
                      Ligeng Si   Existence and global attractivity of
                                  almost periodic solution for DCNNs with
                                  time-varying coefficients  . . . . . . . 1887--1894
                  Xinmin Wu and   
                 Jingwen Li and   
                  Zhicheng Wang   Existence of positive periodic solutions
                                  for a generalized prey--predator model
                                  with harvesting term . . . . . . . . . . 1895--1905

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 55, Number 9, May, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
Valeriano Antunes de Oliveira and   
      Marko Antonio Rojas-Medar   Multi-objective infinite programming . . 1907--1922
               Teoman Özer   An application of symmetry groups to
                                  nonlocal continuum mechanics . . . . . . 1923--1942
                Da-Bin Wang and   
                       Wen Guan   Three positive solutions of boundary
                                  value problems for $p$-Laplacian
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 1943--1949
                A. La Rocca and   
                       H. Power   A double boundary collocation Hermitian
                                  approach for the solution of steady
                                  state convection--diffusion problems . . 1950--1960
                  Yu-mei Li and   
                  Xue-ping Wang   Necessary and sufficient conditions for
                                  existence of maximal solutions for inf-$
                                  \alpha $ composite fuzzy relational
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1961--1973
               Guo-Jun Wang and   
              Xiao-Jing Hui and   
                  Jian-She Song   The $ R_0 $-type fuzzy logic metric
                                  space and an algorithm for solving fuzzy
                                  modus ponens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1974--1987
                G. Dasgupta and   
                  E. Wachspress   The adjoint for an algebraic finite
                                  element  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988--1997
                       J. L. Wu   Distribution and estimation for
                                  eigenvalues of real quaternion matrices  1998--2004
               Sung-Jin Cho and   
               Un-Sook Choi and   
             Yoon-Hee Hwang and   
                    Han-Doo Kim   Design of new XOR-based hash functions
                                  for cache memories . . . . . . . . . . . 2005--2011
                    B. Neta and   
             Anthony N. Johnson   High-order nonlinear solver for multiple
                                  roots  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2012--2017
                 P. Carlone and   
              G. S. Palazzo and   
                    R. Pasquino   Inverse analysis of the laser forming
                                  process by computational modelling and
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2018--2032
                Yu-Jie Wang and   
                 Hsuan-Shih Lee   The revised method of ranking fuzzy
                                  numbers with an area between the
                                  centroid and original points . . . . . . 2033--2042
             Sannay Mohamad and   
                   K. Gopalsamy   A unified treatment for stability
                                  preservation in computer simulations of
                                  impulsive BAM networks . . . . . . . . . 2043--2063
                   Yuhai Wu and   
                      Maoan Han   New configurations of 24 limit cycles in
                                  a quintic system . . . . . . . . . . . . 2064--2075
               Ta-Cheng Mai and   
             Jeng-Jung Wang and   
                  Lih-Hsing Hsu   Hyper-Hamiltonian generalized Petersen
                                  graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2076--2085
                Jiancheng Zhang   Some properties of the roots of theories
                                  in propositional logic systems . . . . . 2086--2093
                 Zhiguo Luo and   
                    Zhujun Jing   Periodic boundary value problem for
                                  first-order impulsive functional
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 2094--2107
                    Bingwen Liu   Existence and uniqueness of periodic
                                  solutions for a kind of Rayleigh
                                  equation with two deviating arguments    2108--2117
    Rosangela F. Sviercoski and   
            Bryan J. Travis and   
                 James M. Hyman   Analytical effective coefficient and a
                                  first-order approximation for linear
                                  flow through block permeability
                                  inclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2118--2133
                 Pu-yan Nie and   
              Ming-yong Lai and   
                Shu-jin Zhu and   
                   Pei-ai Zhang   A line search filter approach for the
                                  system of nonlinear equations  . . . . . 2134--2141
              Tian-Shyr Dai and   
                 Li-Min Liu and   
                  Yuh-Dauh Lyuu   Linear-time option pricing algorithms by
                                  combinatorics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2142--2157
                Neng-zhu Gu and   
                   Jiang-tao Mo   Incorporating nonmonotone strategies
                                  into the trust region method for
                                  unconstrained optimization . . . . . . . 2158--2172
                Yeol Je Cho and   
                   Heng-you Lan   Generalized nonlinear random $ (A, \eta)
                                  $-accretive equations with random
                                  relaxed cocoercive mappings in Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2173--2182

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 55, Number 10, May, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
István Faragó and   
        Ágnes Havasi and   
                  Zahari Zlatev   Special issue on advanced numerical
                                  algorithms for large-scale computations:
                                  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2183--2184
                   I. Antal and   
             J. Karátson   A mesh independent superlinear algorithm
                                  for some nonlinear nonsymmetric elliptic
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2185--2196
                  P. Arbenz and   
                S. Margenov and   
                       Y. Vutov   Parallel MIC(0) preconditioning of $3$D
                                  elliptic problems discretized by
                                  Rannacher--Turek finite elements . . . . 2197--2211
              Boris Baeumer and   
Mihály Kovács and   
            Mark M. Meerschaert   Numerical solutions for fractional
                                  reaction-diffusion equations . . . . . . 2212--2226
                Jan Brandts and   
             Sergey Korotov and   
           Michal Krízek   On the equivalence of regularity
                                  criteria for triangular and tetrahedral
                                  finite element partitions  . . . . . . . 2227--2233
        Petra Csomós and   
                  Gregor Nickel   Operator splitting for delay equations   2234--2246
                    G. Dimitriu   A numerical comparative study on data
                                  assimilation using Kalman filters  . . . 2247--2265
István Faragó and   
     Boglárka Gnandt and   
            Ágnes Havasi   Additive and iterative operator
                                  splitting methods and their numerical
                                  investigation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2266--2279
                I. Georgiev and   
                   J. Kraus and   
                    S. Margenov   Multilevel preconditioning of rotated
                                  bilinear non-conforming FEM problems . . 2280--2294
            Ágnes Havasi   Wave analysis for different splittings
                                  of the shallow water equations on the $
                                  \beta $-plane  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2295--2305
   Róbert Horváth   Sufficient conditions of the discrete
                                  maximum-minimum principle for parabolic
                                  problems on rectangular meshes . . . . . 2306--2317
            Tamás Kurics   On the superlinear convergence of PCG
                                  algorithms: Numerical experiments for
                                  convection--diffusion equations  . . . . 2318--2328
              Vivien Mallet and   
                Bruno Sportisse   Air quality modeling: From deterministic
                                  to stochastic approaches . . . . . . . . 2329--2337
       Miklós Mincsovics   Qualitative analysis of one-step
                                  iterative methods and consistent matrix
                                  splittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2338--2345
              O. V. Nechaev and   
              E. P. Shurina and   
                  M. A. Botchev   Multilevel iterative solvers for the
                                  edge finite element solution of the $3$D
                                  Maxwell equation . . . . . . . . . . . . 2346--2362
             Silvia Petrova and   
            Hristina Kirova and   
            Dimiter Syrakov and   
                Maria Prodanova   Some fast variants of TRAP scheme for
                                  solving advection equation ---
                                  comparison with other schemes  . . . . . 2363--2380
          Per Grove Thomsen and   
                  Zahari Zlatev   Development of a data assimilation
                                  algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2381--2393

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 55, Number 11, June, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
              Marian Mrozek and   
            Pawel Pilarczyk and   
                Natalia Zelazna   Homology algorithm based on acyclic
                                  subspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2395--2412
                  Deng Ding and   
                Ying Ying Zhang   A splitting-step algorithm for reflected
                                  stochastic differential equations in $
                                  \mathbb {R}_+^1 $  . . . . . . . . . . . 2413--2425
                 Shifeng Wu and   
                     Siqing Gan   Analytical and numerical stability of
                                  neutral delay integro-differential
                                  equations and neutral delay partial
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 2426--2443
                 Steven G. From   Distance between vertical asymptotes of
                                  solutions of certain nonlinear
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 2444--2451
          F. Talay Akyildiz and   
               K. Vajravelu and   
                      H. Ozekes   Fourier--Galerkin domain truncation
                                  method for Stokes' first problem with
                                  Oldroyd four-constant liquid . . . . . . 2452--2457
               Xiaohui Yuan and   
            Yongchuan Zhang and   
                 Liang Wang and   
                    Yanbin Yuan   An enhanced differential evolution
                                  algorithm for daily optimal hydro
                                  generation scheduling  . . . . . . . . . 2458--2468
              M. Ghahramani and   
               A. Thavaneswaran   A note on GARCH model identification . . 2469--2475
                   S. Cuomo and   
                     A. Marasco   A numerical approach to nonlinear
                                  two-point boundary value problems for
                                  ODEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2476--2489
              Marco Caliari and   
          Stefano De Marchi and   
                 Marco Vianello   Hyperinterpolation in the cube . . . . . 2490--2497
                       Ling Zhu   A general refinement of Jordan-type
                                  inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2498--2505
          Maged George Iskander   A computational comparison between two
                                  evaluation criteria in fuzzy
                                  multiobjective linear programs using
                                  possibility programming  . . . . . . . . 2506--2511
                S. L. Singh and   
                Bhagwati Prasad   Some coincidence theorems and stability
                                  of iterative procedures  . . . . . . . . 2512--2520
               Shifang Yuan and   
                Anping Liao and   
                       Yuan Lei   Inverse eigenvalue problems of
                                  tridiagonal symmetric matrices and
                                  tridiagonal bisymmetric matrices . . . . 2521--2532
         Ljubomir \'Ciri\'c and   
                  A. Razani and   
         Stojan Radenovi\'c and   
                      J. S. Ume   Common fixed point theorems for families
                                  of weakly compatible maps  . . . . . . . 2533--2543
        Safeer Hussain Khan and   
                  Nawab Hussain   Convergence theorems for nonself
                                  asymptotically nonexpansive mappings . . 2544--2553
                Lingju Kong and   
                   Qingkai Kong   Right-indefinite half-linear
                                  Sturm--Liouville problems  . . . . . . . 2554--2564
               Changfeng Li and   
                    Yirang Yuan   Explicit/implicit domain decomposition
                                  method with modified upwind differences
                                  for convection--diffusion equations  . . 2565--2573
                Tzu-Chu Lin and   
           David H. Schultz and   
                   Weiqun Zhang   Numerical solutions of linear and
                                  nonlinear singular perturbation problems 2574--2592
                   S. Abbas and   
                    D. Bahuguna   Almost periodic solutions of neutral
                                  functional differential equations  . . . 2593--2601
                  Zi-Cai Li and   
           Heng-Shuing Tsai and   
                  Song Wang and   
              John J. H. Miller   Accurate and approximate analytic
                                  solutions of singularly perturbed
                                  differential equations with
                                  two-dimensional boundary layers  . . . . 2602--2622
               Hsuan-Ku Liu and   
                  Berlin Wu and   
                  Ming Long Liu   Investors' preference order of fuzzy
                                  numbers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2623--2630
           Mehmet Ünal and   
       Devrim Çakmak and   
                  Aydin Tiryaki   A discrete analogue of Lyapunov-type
                                  inequalities for nonlinear systems . . . 2631--2642
                     Zhu Li and   
                    Huanhe Dong   Two integrable couplings of the Tu
                                  hierarchy and their Hamiltonian
                                  structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2643--2652
                      Zengji Du   Solvability of functional differential
                                  equations with multi-point boundary
                                  value problems at resonance  . . . . . . 2653--2661
                Eddie Cheng and   
László Lipták and   
                   Nart Shawash   Orienting Cayley graphs generated by
                                  transposition trees  . . . . . . . . . . 2662--2672
                   Ram U. Verma   The over-relaxed proximal point
                                  algorithm based on $H$-maximal
                                  monotonicity design and applications . . 2673--2679
                Hua-Wen Liu and   
                   Guo-Jun Wang   Triple $I$ method based on pointwise
                                  sustaining degrees . . . . . . . . . . . 2680--2688
                Tiejun Zhou and   
                 Yuehua Liu and   
                Xiaoping Li and   
                     Yirong Liu   Global exponential periodicity for BAM
                                  neural network with periodic
                                  coefficients and continuously
                                  distributed delays . . . . . . . . . . . 2689--2698

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 55, Number 12, June, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
               Yuh-Yuan Guh and   
                Rung-Wei Po and   
                 E. Stanley Lee   The fuzzy weighted average within a
                                  generalized means function . . . . . . . 2699--2706
                 Zhao Kewen and   
              Hong-Jian Lai and   
                        Ju Zhou   Hamiltonian-connected graphs . . . . . . 2707--2714
              Juan J. Nieto and   
Rosana Rodríguez-López   Boundary value problems for a class of
                                  impulsive functional equations . . . . . 2715--2731
                        Wei Zhu   Invariant and attracting sets of
                                  impulsive delay difference equations
                                  with continuous variables  . . . . . . . 2732--2739
                  Ismat Beg and   
                  Mujahid Abbas   Convergence of multivalued mappings via
                                  approximable measurable selectors  . . . 2740--2745
                Gaoxia Wang and   
                    Yi Shen and   
                    Ming Ouyang   A vector partitioning approach to
                                  detecting community structure in complex
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2746--2752
              Zhi-Qiang Zhu and   
                  Sui Sun Cheng   Stability analysis for multistep
                                  computational schemes  . . . . . . . . . 2753--2761
               Pablo Amster and   
     Pablo De Nápoli and   
             Juan Pablo Pinasco   On Nirenberg-type conditions for
                                  higher-order systems on time scales  . . 2762--2766
               Mehdi Ghatee and   
           S. Mehdi Hashemi and   
             Behnam Hashemi and   
                  Mehdi Dehghan   The solution and duality of imprecise
                                  network problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 2767--2790
              Markus Berndt and   
           J. David Moulton and   
                    Glen Hansen   Efficient nonlinear solvers for
                                  Laplace--Beltrami smoothing of
                                  three-dimensional unstructured grids . . 2791--2806
                 Hsien-Chung Wu   Optimality conditions for linear
                                  programming problems with fuzzy
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2807--2822
                  Yibing Lv and   
                 Tiesong Hu and   
              Guangmin Wang and   
                  Zhongping Wan   A neural network approach for solving
                                  nonlinear bilevel programming problem    2823--2829
                Chengming Huang   Stability of linear multistep methods
                                  for delay integro-differential equations 2830--2838
          Péter Elek and   
  András Zempléni   Tail behaviour and extremes of two-state
                                  Markov-switching autoregressive models   2839--2855
                     Oscar Rojo   A new algebra of Toeplitz-plus-Hankel
                                  matrices and applications  . . . . . . . 2856--2869
              Chan-Gyun Kim and   
                  Yong-Hoon Lee   Existence and multiplicity results for
                                  nonlinear boundary value problems  . . . 2870--2886
           Magdi S. Mahmoud and   
     El-Kébir Boukas and   
                 Abdulla Ismail   Robust adaptive control of uncertain
                                  discrete-time state-delay systems  . . . 2887--2902
               S. Saravanan and   
         A. K. Abdul Hakeem and   
              P. Kandaswamy and   
                         J. Lee   Buoyancy convection in a cavity with
                                  mutually orthogonal heated plates  . . . 2903--2912
           A. Sami Bataineh and   
           M. S. M. Noorani and   
                      I. Hashim   Approximate analytical solutions of
                                  systems of PDEs by homotopy analysis
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2913--2923
              Yao-Lin Jiang and   
                      Hui Zhang   Schwarz waveform relaxation methods for
                                  parabolic equations in space-frequency
                                  domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2924--2939
           Sma\"\il Djebali and   
                 Karima Mebarki   Multiple positive solutions for singular
                                  BVPs on the positive half-line . . . . . 2940--2952
        Muhammad Aslam Noor and   
        Syed Tauseef Mohyud-Din   Homotopy perturbation method for solving
                                  sixth-order boundary value problems  . . 2953--2972
              Alice Gorguis and   
             Wai Kit Benny Chan   Heat equation and its comparative
                                  solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2973--2980
              Tongdui Zhang and   
                 Weiran Lü   Uniqueness theorems on meromorphic
                                  functions sharing one value  . . . . . . 2981--2992
                   Jie Shen and   
                   Li-Ping Pang   A bundle-type auxiliary problem method
                                  for solving generalized variational-like
                                  inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2993--2998
               Yisheng Song and   
                   Hongjun Wang   Erratum to ``Mann and Ishikawa iterative
                                  processes for multivalued mappings in
                                  Banach spaces'' [Comput. Math. Appl. \bf
                                  54 (2007) 872--877]  . . . . . . . . . . 2999--3002

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 56, Number 1, July, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                     Avram Sidi   Vector extrapolation methods with
                                  applications to solution of large
                                  systems of equations and to PageRank
                                  computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--24
                    Ekrem Savas   On absolute summability factors of
                                  infinite series  . . . . . . . . . . . . 25--29
      Emedin Montaño and   
                Mario Salas and   
                Ricardo L. Soto   Nonnegative matrices with prescribed
                                  extremal singular values . . . . . . . . 30--42
                     Jun Wu and   
                  Zhicheng Wang   Positive periodic solutions of
                                  second-order nonlinear differential
                                  systems with two parameters  . . . . . . 43--54
              Chao-Qing Dai and   
                     Xu Cen and   
                 Sheng-Sheng Wu   Exact solutions of discrete complex
                                  cubic Ginzburg--Landau equation via
                                  extended tanh-function approach  . . . . 55--62
                 Honglei Xu and   
                    Kok Lay Teo   Robust stabilization of uncertain
                                  impulsive switched systems with delayed
                                  control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63--70
                Fuzheng Gao and   
                    Yirang Yuan   The characteristic finite volume element
                                  method for the nonlinear
                                  convection-dominated diffusion problem   71--81
        María Alonso and   
Luis Rodríguez-Marín   Optimality conditions for a nonconvex
                                  set-valued optimization problem  . . . . 82--89
          M. Delgado Pineda and   
                 E. A. Galperin   Maple code of gamma algorithm for global
                                  optimization of uncertain functions over
                                  compact robust sets  . . . . . . . . . . 90--103
                   Zengqin Zhao   Solutions and Green's functions for some
                                  linear second-order three-point boundary
                                  value problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104--113
           T. T. M. Onyango and   
               D. B. Ingham and   
                      D. Lesnic   Reconstruction of heat transfer
                                  coefficients using the boundary element
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114--126
                Huihui Pang and   
                  Weigao Ge and   
                       Min Tian   Solvability of nonlocal boundary value
                                  problems for ordinary differential
                                  equation of higher order with a
                                  $p$-Laplacian  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127--142
            Hussein Al-Bahadili   A novel lossless data compression scheme
                                  based on the error correcting Hamming
                                  codes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143--150
              Xiaopan Zhang and   
               Xiaohui Yuan and   
                    Yanbin Yuan   Improved hybrid simulated annealing
                                  algorithm for navigation scheduling for
                                  the two dams of the Three Gorges Project 151--159
                 Guowu Yang and   
                Xiaoyu Song and   
         Marek A. Perkowski and   
         William N. N. Hung and   
                  Chang-Jun Seo   Minimal universal library for $ n \times
                                  n $ reversible circuits  . . . . . . . . 160--165
                  V. Y. Pan and   
                  B. Murphy and   
              R. E. Rosholt and   
                    Y. Tang and   
                    X. Wang and   
                       A. Zheng   Eigen-solving via reduction to DPR1
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166--171
             Xinguang Zhang and   
                     Lishan Liu   Eigenvalue of fourth-order $m$-point
                                  boundary value problem with derivatives  172--185
          M. Jaberi Douraki and   
              Mehdi Dehghan and   
                Javad Mashreghi   Dynamics of the difference equation $
                                  x_{n + 1} = {x_n + p x_{n - k}} \over
                                  {x_n + q} $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186--198
           Mehrdad Massoudi and   
                  Tran X. Phuoc   Pulsatile flow of blood using a modified
                                  second-grade fluid model . . . . . . . . 199--211
     M. Grau-Sánchez and   
                 M. Noguera and   
  J. L. Díaz-Barrero and   
              V. D. Chamizo and   
                     T. Rodrigo   An application of an associative
                                  learning model to a Morris pool with a
                                  single landmark  . . . . . . . . . . . . 212--217
                    Hao Liu and   
                         Qin Ni   Incomplete Jacobian Newton method for
                                  nonlinear equations  . . . . . . . . . . 218--227
                Hee Sik Kim and   
                     J. Neggers   Fibonacci mean and golden section mean   228--232
               Jianghua Fan and   
                    Wenhong Wei   Nonzero solutions for a class of
                                  set-valued variational inequalities in
                                  reflexive Banach spaces  . . . . . . . . 233--241
                 Xiaonan Wu and   
                    Jiwei Zhang   Artificial boundary method for
                                  two-dimensional Burgers' equation  . . . 242--256
                Chinyao Low and   
              Chou-Jung Hsu and   
                 Chwen-Tzeng Su   Minimizing the makespan with an
                                  availability constraint on a single
                                  machine under simple linear
                                  deterioration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257--265
                   Xia Wang and   
                     Xinyu Song   Mathematical models for the control of a
                                  pest population by infected pest . . . . 266--278
           Eric C. C. Tsang and   
                Chen Degang and   
                Daniel S. Yeung   Approximations and reducts with covering
                                  generalized rough sets . . . . . . . . . 279--289
                   Heng-you Lan   Stability of iterative processes with
                                  errors for a system of nonlinear $ (A,
                                  \eta) $-accretive variational inclusions
                                  in Banach spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . 290--303

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 56, Number 2, July, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                Maoxin Liao and   
                  Xianyi Li and   
                   Xianhua Tang   Global asymptotic behavior and
                                  boundedness of positive solutions to an
                                  odd-order rational difference equation   305--310
                  Xiao Gang and   
                    Sanyang Liu   On Minty vector variational-like
                                  inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311--323
              Kuen-Fang Jea and   
                Jen-Ya Wang and   
                 Shih-Ying Chen   A linearly convergent method for
                                  broadcast data allocation  . . . . . . . 324--338
               Shaoyong Lai and   
                YongHong Wu and   
                      Yuan Zhou   Some physical structures for the $ (2 +
                                  1)$-dimensional Boussinesq water
                                  equation with positive and negative
                                  exponents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339--345
       Jafar Saberi-Nadjafi and   
           Mohamadreza Tamamgar   The variational iteration method: a
                                  highly promising method for solving the
                                  system of integro-differential equations 346--351
           Kyoung-Sook Moon and   
               Won-Jung Kim and   
                  Hongjoong Kim   Adaptive lattice methods for multi-asset
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352--366
                 Yao Ouyang and   
                   Jinxuan Fang   Sugeno integral of monotone functions
                                  based on Lebesgue measure  . . . . . . . 367--374
                   C. Bruni and   
                 C. Ferrone and   
                    G. Koch and   
                   M. Lucchetti   Motion identification from image
                                  sequences: Information theory and pixel
                                  selection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375--386
                 Chengfu Ye and   
                  Jianfeng Wang   Trees with $m$-matchings and the fourth
                                  and fifth minimal Hosoya index . . . . . 387--399
        Tchavdar T. Marinov and   
            Aghalaya S. Vatsala   Inverse problem for coefficient
                                  identification in the Euler--Bernoulli
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400--410
                M. N. O. Ikhile   The Root and Bell's disk iteration
                                  methods are of the same error
                                  propagation characteristics in the
                                  simultaneous determination of the zeros
                                  of a polynomial, Part I: Correction
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411--430
                 B. Jadamba and   
                 A. A. Khan and   
                      F. Raciti   On the inverse problem of identifying
                                  Lamé coefficients in linear elasticity    431--443
                 Luoshan Xu and   
                      Xuxin Mao   Formal topological characterizations of
                                  various continuous domains . . . . . . . 444--452
                  J. Biazar and   
                    H. Ghazvini   Homotopy perturbation method for solving
                                  hyperbolic partial differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453--458
            Gautam Dasgupta and   
           Eugene L. Wachspress   Basis functions for concave polygons . . 459--468
                  S. K. Sen and   
                Ravi P. Agarwal   Golden ratio in science, as random
                                  sequence source, its computation and
                                  beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469--498
             Yuan-Ming Wang and   
              Hai-Yun Jiang and   
                Ravi P. Agarwal   A fourth-order compact finite difference
                                  method for higher-order Lidstone
                                  boundary value problems  . . . . . . . . 499--521
                   Ling Zhu and   
                      Jinju Sun   Six new Redheffer-type inequalities for
                                  circular and hyperbolic functions  . . . 522--529
                     Li Wei and   
                Ravi P. Agarwal   Existence of solutions to nonlinear
                                  Neumann boundary value problems with
                                  generalized $p$-Laplacian operator . . . 530--541
                 Aimin Zhao and   
                Yanmei Wang and   
                     Jurang Yan   Oscillation criteria for second-order
                                  nonlinear differential equations with
                                  nonlinear damping  . . . . . . . . . . . 542--555
        Josef Diblík and   
             Zdenek Svoboda and   
                  Zdenek Smarda   Explicit criteria for the existence of
                                  positive solutions for a scalar
                                  differential equation with variable
                                  delay in the critical case . . . . . . . 556--564
               Renhong Wang and   
                  Xiaolei Zhang   Interval iterative algorithm for
                                  computing the piecewise algebraic
                                  variety  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565--571
               Yuh-Yuan Guh and   
             Miin-Shen Yang and   
                Rung-Wei Po and   
                 E. Stanley Lee   Establishing performance evaluation
                                  structures by fuzzy relation-based
                                  cluster analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 572--582
                      Anonymous   Book reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583--589
               Basak Karpuz and   
         Özkan Öcalan   Erratum to: ``Oscillation of forced
                                  neutral differential equations with
                                  positive and negative coefficients''
                                  [Comput. Math. Appl. \bf 54 (2007)
                                  1411--1421]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590--591

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 56, Number 3, August, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
         Lucas Jódar and   
                 Luis Acedo and   
           Rafael J. Villanueva   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593--593
              Mostafa Adimy and   
               Oscar Angulo and   
             Fabien Crauste and   
    Juan C. López-Marcos   Numerical integration of a mathematical
                                  model of hematopoietic stem cell
                                  dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594--606
           Natalia Irishina and   
                Oliver Dorn and   
                 Miguel Moscoso   A level set evolution strategy in
                                  microwave imaging for early breast
                                  cancer detection . . . . . . . . . . . . 607--618
Belén García-Mora and   
 Cristina Santamaría and   
             Gregorio Rubio and   
      José Luis Pontones   Modeling the recurrence-progression
                                  process in bladder carcinoma . . . . . . 619--630
             Carlos A. Braumann   Growth and extinction of populations in
                                  randomly varying environments  . . . . . 631--644
 Benito M. Chen-Charpentier and   
           Hristo V. Kojouharov   Mathematical modeling of bioremediation
                                  of trichloroethylene in aquifers . . . . 645--656
        Wilson A. Contreras and   
     Damián Ginestar and   
 Lourival C. Paraíba and   
                     Rafael Bru   Modelling the pesticide concentration in
                                  a rice field by a level IV fugacity
                                  model coupled with a
                                  dispersion-advection equation  . . . . . 657--669
          Abraham J. Arenas and   
José Antonio Moraño and   
      Juan Carlos Cortés   Non-standard numerical method for a
                                  mathematical model of RSV
                                  epidemiological transmission . . . . . . 670--678
         Lucas Jódar and   
      Francisco J. Santonja and   
 Gilberto González-Parra   Modeling dynamics of infant obesity in
                                  the region of Valencia, Spain  . . . . . 679--689
            Diego F. Aranda and   
       Rafael J. Villanueva and   
          Abraham J. Arenas and   
Gilberto C. González-Parra   Mathematical modeling of Toxoplasmosis
                                  disease in varying size populations  . . 690--696
          Rossmary Villegas and   
                Oliver Dorn and   
             Miguel Moscoso and   
                Manuel Kindelan   Reservoir characterization using
                                  stochastic initializations and the level
                                  set method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697--708
             Sergio Baselga and   
      Luis García-Asenjo   Global robust estimation and its
                                  application to GPS positioning . . . . . 709--714
               Cibeles Mora and   
María José Rodríguez-Álvarez and   
     José Vicente Romero   New pixellation scheme for CT algebraic
                                  reconstruction to exploit matrix
                                  symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715--726
 Begoña Cantó and   
                Carmen Coll and   
           Elena Sánchez   Discrete mathematical models in the
                                  analysis of splitting iterative methods
                                  for linear systems . . . . . . . . . . . 727--732
           Eduardo Parrilla and   
     Damián Ginestar and   
     José Luis Hueso and   
                Jaime Riera and   
   Juan Ramón Torregrosa   Handling occlusion in optical flow
                                  algorithms for object tracking . . . . . 733--742
                 Elia Reyes and   
 Francisco Rodríguez and   
José Antonio Martín   Analytic-numerical solutions of
                                  diffusion mathematical models with
                                  delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743--753
            Enrique Ponsoda and   
               Emilio Defez and   
María Dolores Roselló and   
     José Vicente Romero   A stable numerical method for solving
                                  variable coefficient advection-diffusion
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754--768
              Idel Montalvo and   
   Joaquín Izquierdo and   
        Rafael Pérez and   
                Michael M. Tung   Particle Swarm Optimization applied to
                                  the design of water supply systems . . . 769--776
   Joaquín Izquierdo and   
              Idel Montalvo and   
        Rafael Pérez and   
             Vicente S. Fuertes   Design optimization of wastewater
                                  collection networks by PSO . . . . . . . 777--784
                 Gema Calbo and   
  Juan Carlos Cortés and   
             Lucas Jódar   Random analytic solution of coupled
                                  differential models with uncertain
                                  initial condition and source term  . . . 785--798
           Julia Ankudinova and   
              Matthias Ehrhardt   On the numerical solution of nonlinear
                                  Black--Scholes equations . . . . . . . . 799--812
             Rafael Company and   
            Enrique Navarro and   
José Ramón Pintos and   
                Enrique Ponsoda   Numerical solution of linear and
                                  nonlinear Black--Scholes option pricing
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813--821
         Cristina Ballester and   
             Rafael Company and   
             Lucas Jódar   An efficient method for option pricing
                                  with discrete dividend payment . . . . . 822--835
      Francisco J. Santonja and   
            Ana C. Tarazona and   
           Rafael J. Villanueva   A mathematical model of the pressure of
                                  an extreme ideology on a society . . . . 836--846

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 56, Number 4, August, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
               Dezhong Peng and   
                   Zhang Yi and   
              Jian Cheng Lv and   
                     Yong Xiang   A stable MCA learning algorithm  . . . . 847--860
             Xinguang Zhang and   
                     Lishan Liu   Nontrivial solutions for higher order
                                  multi-point boundary value problems  . . 861--873
               R. Aboulaich and   
                 D. Meskine and   
                     A. Souissi   New diffusion models in image processing 874--882
                   J. Feuer and   
                K. T. McDonnell   On the eventual periodicity of $ x_{n +
                                  1} = \max \{ 1 / x_n, A_n / x_{n - 1} \}
                                  $ with a period-five parameter . . . . . 883--890
           S. A. MirHassani and   
             M. Ghorbanalizadeh   The multi-product pipeline scheduling
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 891--897
                Hacer Ozden and   
                  Yilmaz Simsek   Interpolation function of the $ (h,
                                  q)$-extension of twisted Euler numbers   898--908
                   Shengbiao Hu   Sharp bounds on the eigenvalues of trees 909--917
     Joseph Ngatchou-Wandji and   
          Nâamane La\"\ib   Local power of a Cramér-von Mises type
                                  test for parametric autoregressive
                                  models of order one  . . . . . . . . . . 918--929
                Adel Mohsen and   
               Mohamed El-Gamel   On the Galerkin and collocation methods
                                  for two-point boundary value problems
                                  using sinc bases . . . . . . . . . . . . 930--941
              Lu-Chuan Ceng and   
                Sy-Ming Guu and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   Iterative algorithm for finding
                                  approximate solutions of mixed
                                  quasi-variational-like inclusions  . . . 942--952
                 F. H. Wong and   
                 T. G. Chen and   
                     S. P. Wang   Existence of positive solutions for
                                  various boundary value problems  . . . . 953--958
           Pasquale Candito and   
             Nicola Giovannelli   Multiple solutions for a discrete
                                  boundary value problem involving the
                                  $p$-Laplacian  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 959--964
              Kuo-Nan Huang and   
                  Jui-Jung Liao   A simple method to locate the optimal
                                  solution for exponentially deteriorating
                                  items under trade credit financing . . . 965--977
              Lu-Chuan Ceng and   
                Sy-Ming Guu and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   Iterative approximation of solutions for
                                  a class of completely generalized
                                  set-valued quasi-variational inclusions  978--987
             A. Díaz and   
 M. I. García-Planas and   
                   S. Tarragona   Local perturbations of generalized
                                  systems under feedback and derivative
                                  feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 988--1000
                Yunhai Xiao and   
                Zengxin Wei and   
                    Zhiguo Wang   A limited memory BFGS-type method for
                                  large-scale unconstrained optimization   1001--1009
                    Daan He and   
               Nick Cercone and   
                     Zhenmei Gu   Applying the extended mass-constraint EM
                                  algorithm to image retrieval . . . . . . 1010--1024
                Xiaoming He and   
                    Wenming Zou   Multiple solutions for the
                                  Brezis--Nirenberg problem with a Hardy
                                  potential and singular coefficients  . . 1025--1031
            Asghar Ghorbani and   
           Jafar Saberi-Nadjafi   Exact solutions for nonlinear integral
                                  equations by a modified homotopy
                                  perturbation method  . . . . . . . . . . 1032--1039
                 Linsen Xie and   
                    Tingfan Xie   The approximation of localized Bernstein
                                  polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1040--1044
                 Jiajin Wen and   
                   Wan-lan Wang   Inequalities involving generalized
                                  interpolation polynomials  . . . . . . . 1045--1058
               Qiumei Zhang and   
                   Daqing Jiang   Upper and lower solutions method and a
                                  second order three-point singular
                                  boundary value problem . . . . . . . . . 1059--1070
               M. U. Akhmet and   
        M. A. Tleubergenova and   
                      O. Yilmaz   Asymptotic behavior of linear impulsive
                                  integro-differential equations . . . . . 1071--1081
               S. S. Mishra and   
                   P. P. Mishra   Price determination for an EOQ model for
                                  deteriorating items under perfect
                                  competition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1082--1101
          George A. Anastassiou   Poincaré and Sobolev type inequalities
                                  for vector-valued functions  . . . . . . 1102--1113
                  Stef Graillat   Accurate simple zeros of polynomials in
                                  floating point arithmetic  . . . . . . . 1114--1120
                   Sorin G. Gal   Approximation and geometric properties
                                  of complex Favard--Szász--Mirakjan
                                  operators in compact disks . . . . . . . 1121--1127
                   D. Vieru and   
                I. Siddique and   
                  M. Kamran and   
                     C. Fetecau   Energetic balance for the flow of a
                                  second-grade fluid due to a plate
                                  subject to a shear stress  . . . . . . . 1128--1137
                 Diego A. Murio   Implicit finite difference approximation
                                  for time fractional diffusion equations  1138--1145
            Mingchuan Zhang and   
                 Yanmin Yin and   
                    Zhongli Wei   Existence of positive solution for
                                  singular semi-positone $ (k, n - k) $
                                  conjugate $m$-point boundary value
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1146--1154
                      Zhan Zhou   Remarks on ``Stability for first order
                                  delay dynamic equations on time scales''
                                  [Comput. Math. Appl. \bf 53 (2007)
                                  1820--1831]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1155--1156
               Basak Karpuz and   
         Özkan Öcalan   Erratum to: ``Stability for first-order
                                  delay dynamic equations on time scales''
                                  [Comput. Math. Appl. \bf 53 (2007)
                                  1820--1831]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1157--1158

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 56, Number 5, September, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                 Stevo Stevi\'c   On the difference equation $ x_{n + 1} =
                                  \alpha + x_{n - 1} / x_n $ . . . . . . . 1159--1171
               R. Abu-Saris and   
            C. Çinar and   
           I. Yalçinkaya   On the asymptotic stability of $ x_{n +
                                  1} = (a + x_n x_{n - k}) / (x_n + x_{n -
                                  k}) $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1172--1175
             Gin-Shuh Liang and   
              Ling-Yuan Lin and   
                  Chin-Feng Liu   The optimum output quantity of a duopoly
                                  market under a fuzzy decision
                                  environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1176--1187
         Ö. G. Atlihan and   
                       C. Orhan   Summation process of positive linear
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1188--1195
                      Shanhe Wu   Some improvements of Aczél's inequality
                                  and Popoviciu's inequality . . . . . . . 1196--1205
Eduardo Hernández M. and   
        Sueli M. Tanaka Aki and   
 Hernán Henríquez   Global solutions for impulsive abstract
                                  partial differential equations . . . . . 1206--1215
           Turgut Özis and   
                 Ahmet Yildirim   Comparison between Adomian's method and
                                  He's homotopy perturbation method  . . . 1216--1224
                     Zhiting Xu   Oscillation criteria for second order
                                  forced elliptic differential equations
                                  with mixed nonlinearities  . . . . . . . 1225--1235
                   M. Sajid and   
                 R. Mahmood and   
                       T. Hayat   Finite element solution for flow of a
                                  third grade fluid past a horizontal
                                  porous plate with partial slip . . . . . 1236--1244
                Chao-Jung Cheng   Robust control of a class of neural
                                  networks with bounded uncertainties and
                                  time-varying delays  . . . . . . . . . . 1245--1254
                 D. Noutsos and   
                    P. Vassalos   Superlinear convergence for PCG using
                                  band plus algebra preconditioners for
                                  Toeplitz systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 1255--1270
                 E. A. Galperin   Information transmittal and time
                                  uncertainty, measuring the speed of
                                  light and time of reflection,
                                  representations of Newton's second law
                                  and related problems . . . . . . . . . . 1271--1290
                      W. Bo and   
                     H. Jin and   
                     D. Kim and   
                     X. Liu and   
                     H. Lee and   
                N. Pestieau and   
                      Y. Yu and   
                   J. Glimm and   
                    J. W. Grove   Comparison and validation of multi phase
                                  closure models . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1291--1302
              Jia-Yen Huang and   
                  Ming-Jong Yao   On the coordination of maintenance
                                  scheduling for transportation fleets of
                                  many branches of a logistic service
                                  provider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1303--1313
                K. R. Kazmi and   
                     F. A. Khan   Existence and iterative approximation of
                                  solutions of generalized mixed
                                  equilibrium problems . . . . . . . . . . 1314--1321
                  D. M. Liu and   
              G. Naadimuthu and   
                      E. S. Lee   Trajectory tracking in aircraft landing
                                  operations management using the adaptive
                                  neural fuzzy inference system  . . . . . 1322--1327
               Weiping Wang and   
                  Tianming Wang   Alternate Sylvester sums on the
                                  Frobenius set  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1328--1334
                   Wei Ding and   
                      Maoan Han   Dynamic of a non-autonomous
                                  predator--prey system with infinite
                                  delay and diffusion  . . . . . . . . . . 1335--1350
                   I. Ahmad and   
                   M. Sajid and   
                   T. Hayat and   
                        M. Ayub   Unsteady axisymmetric flow of a
                                  second-grade fluid over a radially
                                  stretching sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . 1351--1357
                 Minghan Hu and   
                 Xiquan Shi and   
               Tianjun Wang and   
                   Fengshan Liu   A note on cubic polynomial interpolation 1358--1363
                   Chuanzhi Bai   Triple positive solutions of three-point
                                  boundary value problems for fourth-order
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1364--1371
                 Wenjuan Li and   
                 Guangxing Song   Nonlinear boundary value problem for
                                  second order impulsive
                                  integro-differential equations of mixed
                                  type in Banach space . . . . . . . . . . 1372--1381
              Debdas Mishra and   
              Pratima Panigrahi   Some graceful lobsters with all three
                                  types of branches incident on the
                                  vertices of the central path . . . . . . 1382--1394
              Sun-Kang Chen and   
                   Huan-Wen Liu   A bivariate $ C^1 $ cubic super spline
                                  space on Powell--Sabin triangulation . . 1395--1401
             M. H. Khalifeh and   
           H. Yousefi-Azari and   
                  A. R. Ashrafi   The hyper-Wiener index of graph
                                  operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1402--1407
                  Young Bae Jun   Soft BCK/BCI-algebras  . . . . . . . . . 1408--1413
              Byung-Soo Lee and   
            M. Firdosh Khan and   
                     Salahuddin   Generalized nonlinear quasi-variational
                                  inclusions in Banach spaces  . . . . . . 1414--1422
              Linying Xiang and   
             Zengqiang Chen and   
               Zhongxin Liu and   
                   Fei Chen and   
                    Zhuzhi Yuan   Pinning control of complex dynamical
                                  networks with heterogeneous delays . . . 1423--1433
               Hongmin Xiao and   
                   Zehui Li and   
                     Weiwei Liu   The limit behavior of a risk model based
                                  on entrance processes  . . . . . . . . . 1434--1440
               Yadong Shang and   
                 Yong Huang and   
                    Wenjun Yuan   New exact traveling wave solutions for
                                  the Klein--Gordon--Zakharov equations    1441--1450
                  Ahmet Boz and   
                    Ahmet Bekir   Application of Exp-function method for $
                                  (3 + 1) $-dimensional nonlinear
                                  evolution equations  . . . . . . . . . . 1451--1456
               Li-Ping Pang and   
            Ming-Zheng Wang and   
                   Zun-Quan Xia   First-order optimality conditions for
                                  two classes of generalized nonsmooth
                                  semi-infinite optimization . . . . . . . 1457--1464

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 56, Number 6, September, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
               A. H. Khater and   
                   R. S. Temsah   Numerical solutions of the generalized
                                  Kuramoto--Sivashinsky equation by
                                  Chebyshev spectral collocation methods   1465--1472
                   Yisheng Song   New strong convergence theorems for
                                  nonexpansive nonself-mappings without
                                  boundary conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 1473--1478
                   Jie Ding and   
                      Feng Ding   The residual based extended least
                                  squares identification method for
                                  dual-rate systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 1479--1487
                 L. P. Lara and   
                     M. Gadella   An approximation to solutions of linear
                                  ODE by cubic interpolation . . . . . . . 1488--1495
                    Da-Bin Wang   Positive solutions for nonlinear
                                  first-order periodic boundary value
                                  problems of impulsive dynamic equations
                                  on time scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1496--1504
                Tadeusz Antczak   Generalized fractional minimax
                                  programming with $B$--$ (p, r)$-invexity 1505--1525
              E. Berriochoa and   
              A. Cachafeiro and   
          J. García-Amor   About a system of anti-periodic
                                  trigonometric functions  . . . . . . . . 1526--1537
                  Wei Cheng and   
              Lianggui Feng and   
                         Sen Yu   Simultaneous real diagonalization of
                                  rectangular quaternionic matrix pairs
                                  and its algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 1538--1544
                 Fa-Chao Li and   
                   Chen-Xia Jin   Study on fuzzy optimization methods
                                  based on principal operation and
                                  inequity degree  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1545--1555
                    Duo Liu and   
             Dongping Huang and   
                   Ping Luo and   
                       Yiqi Dai   New schemes for sharing points on an
                                  elliptic curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1556--1561
             Xiaoliang Zhou and   
                        Rong Yu   Oscillatory behavior of higher order
                                  nonlinear neutral forced differential
                                  equations with oscillating coefficients  1562--1568
             Deng-Shan Wang and   
                 Zhenya Yan and   
                      Hongbo Li   Some special types of solutions of a
                                  class of the $ (N + 1) $-dimensional
                                  nonlinear wave equations . . . . . . . . 1569--1579
               M. Mursaleen and   
               S. A. Mohiuddine   Regularly $ \sigma $-conservative and $
                                  \sigma $-coercive four dimensional
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1580--1586
                    Yisheng Lai   Counting positive solutions for
                                  polynomial systems with real
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1587--1596
                   Ren Chen and   
                Xiaonan Luo and   
                         Hao Xu   Geometric compression of a quadrilateral
                                  mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1597--1603
              Jianming Zhan and   
                        Yang Xu   Some types of generalized fuzzy filters
                                  of BL-algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1604--1616
    Baris Sürücü   A power comparison and simulation study
                                  of goodness-of-fit tests . . . . . . . . 1617--1625
                Cuilian You and   
                     Meilin Wen   The entropy of fuzzy vectors . . . . . . 1626--1633
             Xiao-Rong Yang and   
               Wei-Dong Liu and   
                   Li-Xin Zhang   Precise asymptotics in the law of
                                  logarithm under dependence assumptions   1634--1642
               Yongxin Yuan and   
                        Hua Dai   Generalized reflexive solutions of the
                                  matrix equation $ A X B = D $ and an
                                  associated optimal approximation problem 1643--1649
                Qiuhui Chen and   
                 Yanbo Wang and   
                        Yi Wang   A sampling theorem for non-bandlimited
                                  signals using generalized Sinc functions 1650--1661
                    Haidong Liu   Comment on the paper: ``Interval
                                  criteria for oscillation of second-order
                                  nonlinear neutral differential
                                  equations'' [Comput. Math. Appl. \bf 46
                                  (5--6) (2003) 903--918]  . . . . . . . . 1662--1663

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 56, Number 7, October, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                Wen-Tao Zhu and   
                   Chuan-Kun Wu   Security of the redefined Liaw's
                                  broadcasting cryptosystem  . . . . . . . 1665--1667
               Jau-Chuan Ke and   
               Ssu-Lang Lee and   
               Ying-Lin Hsu and   
                    Yu-Tzu Chen   On a repairable system with an
                                  unreliable service station--Bayesian
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1668--1683
             Hong-Yong Wang and   
              Shou-Zhi Yang and   
                    Xiu-Juan Li   Error analysis for bivariate fractal
                                  interpolation functions generated by
                                  $3$-D perturbed iterated function
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1684--1692
                     Bo Gao and   
                  Weinian Zhang   A weaker criterion of asymptotic
                                  stability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1693--1698
     Puntip Pattaraintakorn and   
                   Nick Cercone   A foundation of rough sets theoretical
                                  and computational hybrid intelligent
                                  system for survival analysis . . . . . . 1699--1708
                Liguo Zhang and   
                    Ying Lu and   
              Yangzhou Chen and   
            Nikos E. Mastorakis   Robust uniformly ultimate boundedness
                                  control for uncertain switched linear
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1709--1714
                     Hua Su and   
               Binxiang Dai and   
                Yuming Chen and   
                     Kaiwang Li   Dynamic complexities of a predator--prey
                                  model with generalized Holling type III
                                  functional response and impulsive
                                  effects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1715--1725
             Alaa. E. Hamza and   
                R. Khalaf-Allah   On the recursive sequence $ x_{n + 1} =
                                  {A \prod_{i = l}^k x_{n - 2 i - 1}}
                                  \over {B + C \prod_{i = l}^{k - 1} x_{n
                                  - 2 i}} $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1726--1731
              Jianming Zhan and   
               Bijan Davvaz and   
                     K. P. Shum   Generalized fuzzy hyperideals of
                                  hyperrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1732--1740
           Metrose Metsidik and   
                    Elkin Vumar   Edge vulnerability parameters of bisplit
                                  graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1741--1747
                   Li Huang and   
                 Yong Huang and   
                   Xian-Fang Li   Approximate solution of Abel integral
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1748--1757
                 Hongjiong Tian   Asymptotic stability of numerical
                                  methods for linear delay parabolic
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1758--1765
                     Wenjun Liu   Several error inequalities for a
                                  quadrature formula with a parameter and
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1766--1772
            Chuangxia Huang and   
                  Yigang He and   
                     Hainu Wang   Mean square exponential stability of
                                  stochastic recurrent neural networks
                                  with time-varying delays . . . . . . . . 1773--1778
                 Yuexu Zhao and   
                   Jingxuan Tao   Precise asymptotics in complete moment
                                  convergence for self-normalized sums . . 1779--1786
                    P. Glaister   Conservative upwind difference schemes
                                  for compressible flows in a duct . . . . 1787--1796
                 L. Debnath and   
                    J. C. Jiang   Bounded oscillation criteria for
                                  second-order nonlinear delay difference
                                  equations of unstable type . . . . . . . 1797--1807
                 John Paul Roop   Numerical approximation of a
                                  one-dimensional space fractional
                                  advection-dispersion equation with
                                  boundary layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1808--1819
           Svatoslav Stanek and   
            Gernot Pulverer and   
         Ewa B. Weinmüller   Analysis and numerical simulation of
                                  positive and dead-core solutions of
                                  singular two-point boundary value
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1820--1837
                     Chunxia Ou   Anti-periodic solutions for high-order
                                  Hopfield neural networks . . . . . . . . 1838--1844
                  Changzhen Xie   Construction of biorthogonal
                                  two-direction refinable function and
                                  two-direction wavelet with dilation
                                  factor $m$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1845--1851
                 Haibo Chen and   
                     Peiluan Li   Three-point boundary value problems for
                                  second-order ordinary differential
                                  equations in Banach spaces . . . . . . . 1852--1860
                   Rom U. Verma   Generalized Eckstein--Bertsekas proximal
                                  point algorithm based on $A$-maximal
                                  monotonicity design  . . . . . . . . . . 1861--1875
              Xiao-Yu Zhang and   
               Jun-Fan Chen and   
                  Wei-Chuan Lin   Entire or meromorphic functions sharing
                                  one value  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1876--1883
                C. Dogbé   On the numerical solutions of second
                                  order macroscopic models of pedestrian
                                  flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1884--1898
                  Cheng-Fu Yang   A note on ``Soft Set Theory'' [Comput.
                                  Math. Appl. \bf 45 (4--5) (2003)
                                  555--562]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1899--1900
               Tarkan Erdik and   
                      Zekai Sen   Comment on: ``Application of an adaptive
                                  neural fuzzy inference system to thermal
                                  comfort and group technology problems''
                                  [Comput. Math. Appl. \bf 54 (2007)
                                  1395--1402]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1901--1902
              G. Naadimuthu and   
                  D. M. Liu and   
                      E. S. Lee   Comment on `Comment on: ``Application of
                                  an adaptive neural fuzzy inference
                                  system to thermal comfort and group
                                  technology problems'' [Comput. Math.
                                  Appl. \bf 54 (2007) 1395--1402] by
                                  Tarkan Erdik and Zekal Sen'  . . . . . . 1903--1904

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 56, Number 8, October, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                 Surong You and   
                  Jiajin Le and   
                  Xiaodong Ding   Pricing a contingent claim with random
                                  interval or fuzzy random payoff in
                                  one-period setting . . . . . . . . . . . 1905--1917
            Adel K. Ibrahim and   
                Medhat A. Rakha   Contiguous relations and their
                                  computations for $_2 F_1$ hypergeometric
                                  series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1918--1926
                Zhaoping Hu and   
       Valery G. Romanovski and   
              Douglas S. Shafer   $ 1 \colon - 3 $ resonant centers on $
                                  \mathbb {C}^2 $ with homogeneous cubic
                                  nonlinearities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1927--1940
                     Ji-Bo Wang   Single-machine scheduling with general
                                  learning functions . . . . . . . . . . . 1941--1947
                   A. A. Hemeda   Variational iteration method for solving
                                  wave equation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1948--1953
               Xue-Hai Yuan and   
               Hong-Xing Li and   
                    Cheng Zhang   The set-valued mapping based on ample
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1954--1965
                Ziyad AlSharawi   Periodic orbits in periodic discrete
                                  dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1966--1974
                David Benko and   
            Daniel C. Biles and   
           Mark P. Robinson and   
                John S. Spraker   Nyström methods and singular second-order
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1975--1980
                 Huaiqin Wu and   
                     Yingwei Li   Existence and stability of periodic
                                  solution for BAM neural networks with
                                  discontinuous neuron activations . . . . 1981--1993
                 Yuhua Qian and   
                 Jiye Liang and   
                 Chuangyin Dang   Interval ordered information systems . . 1994--2009
                Zongyi Wang and   
                   Peixuan Weng   Existence of solutions for first order
                                  PBVPs with impulses on time scales . . . 2010--2018
                   M. Sajid and   
                   M. Awais and   
                  S. Nadeem and   
                       T. Hayat   The influence of slip condition on thin
                                  film flow of a fourth grade fluid by the
                                  homotopy analysis method . . . . . . . . 2019--2026
       Davod Khojasteh Salkuyeh   Convergence of the variational iteration
                                  method for solving linear systems of
                                  ODEs with constant coefficients  . . . . 2027--2033
               M. U. Akhmet and   
        C. Büyükadali   On periodic solutions of differential
                                  equations with piecewise constant
                                  argument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2034--2042
               Zhongxue Lü   On sharp inequalities of Simpson type
                                  and Ostrowski type in two independent
                                  variables  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2043--2047
               Qingbing Liu and   
              Guoliang Chen and   
                       Jing Cai   Convergence analysis of the
                                  preconditioned Gauss--Seidel method for
                                  $H$-matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2048--2053
                Zhi-Jian Yu and   
                  Jun-De Wu and   
                  Min-Hyung Cho   Operation continuity of effect algebras  2054--2057
                Yeol Je Cho and   
              Shin Min Kang and   
                   Xiaolong Qin   Approximation of common fixed points of
                                  an infinite family of nonexpansive
                                  mappings in Banach spaces  . . . . . . . 2058--2064
               Weibing Wang and   
               Jianhua Shen and   
                     Zhiguo Luo   Multi-point boundary value problems for
                                  second-order functional differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2065--2072
               Yongzhu Chen and   
                  Weiyi Zhu and   
                    Weifan Wang   Improper choosability of graphs of
                                  nonnegative characteristic . . . . . . . 2073--2078
                Hua-Wen Liu and   
                   Guo-Jun Wang   Continuity of triple $I$ methods based
                                  on several implications  . . . . . . . . 2079--2087
                       Kelin Li   Delay-dependent stability analysis for
                                  impulsive BAM neural networks with
                                  time-varying delays  . . . . . . . . . . 2088--2099
                 Bolian Liu and   
                 Fengying Huang   A conjecture about lower multiexponent
                                  of primitive matrices  . . . . . . . . . 2100--2106
                 Jiuping Xu and   
                     Lihui Zhao   A class of fuzzy rough expected value
                                  multi-objective decision making model
                                  and its application to inventory
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2107--2119
                Daniel Synowiec   Jump-diffusion models with constant
                                  parameters for financial log-return
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2120--2127
                    J. Hron and   
                 C. Le Roux and   
            J. Málek and   
                K. R. Rajagopal   Flows of Incompressible Fluids subject
                                  to Navier's slip on the boundary . . . . 2128--2143

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 56, Number 9, November, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
               N. Kumaresan and   
             P. Balasubramaniam   Optimal control for stochastic nonlinear
                                  singular system using neural networks    2145--2154
                 Hui-Li Hsu and   
                      Berlin Wu   Evaluating forecasting performance for
                                  interval data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2155--2163
                 S. K. Peer and   
               Dinesh K. Sharma   Human-computer interaction design with
                                  multi-goal facilities layout model . . . 2164--2174
            Fatemeh Shakeri and   
                  Mehdi Dehghan   The method of lines for solution of the
                                  one-dimensional wave equation subject to
                                  an integral conservation condition . . . 2175--2188
                     Yongkun Li   Positive periodic solutions of a
                                  periodic neutral delay logistic equation
                                  with impulses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2189--2196
                 P. Darania and   
                        K. Ivaz   Numerical solution of nonlinear
                                  Volterra--Fredholm integro-differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2197--2209
                Xiao-Min Li and   
                    Hong-Xun Yi   Some results on the regular solutions of
                                  a linear differential equation . . . . . 2210--2221
              Alper Korkmaz and   
                      Idris Dag   A differential quadrature algorithm for
                                  simulations of nonlinear Schrödinger
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2222--2234
              Eder Kikianty and   
             S. S. Dragomir and   
                      P. Cerone   Sharp inequalities of Ostrowski type for
                                  convex functions defined on linear
                                  spaces and application . . . . . . . . . 2235--2246
               Xingyuan Liu and   
                       Yuji Liu   On positive periodic solutions of
                                  functional difference equations with
                                  forcing term and applications  . . . . . 2247--2255
                Yao-tang Li and   
                      Jiyu Wang   An analysis on the global exponential
                                  stability and the existence of periodic
                                  solutions for non-autonomous hybrid BAM
                                  neural networks with distributed delays
                                  and impulses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2256--2267
              Sever S. Dragomir   Approximating real functions which
                                  possess $n$-th derivatives of bounded
                                  variation and applications . . . . . . . 2268--2278
  J. L. Díaz-Barrero and   
              J. J. Egozcue and   
    J. Gibergans-Báguena   On the Ky Fan inequality and some of its
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2279--2284
              Matthew X. He and   
                 Paolo E. Ricci   On Taylor's formula for the resolvent of
                                  a complex matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . 2285--2288
                     L. Zou and   
                    Z. Zong and   
                     G. H. Dong   Generalizing homotopy analysis method to
                                  solve Lotka--Volterra equation . . . . . 2289--2293
               Jinhuan Wang and   
               Linghua Kong and   
                   Sining Zheng   Asymptotic analysis for a localized
                                  nonlinear diffusion equation . . . . . . 2294--2304
                   Mao-Ming Jin   Convergence and stability of iterative
                                  algorithm for a new system of $ (A,
                                  \eta) $-accretive mapping inclusions in
                                  Banach spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2305--2311
              Lu-Chuan Ceng and   
            Ngai-Ching Wong and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   Fixed point solutions of variational
                                  inequalities for a finite family of
                                  asymptotically nonexpansive mappings
                                  without common fixed point assumption    2312--2322
               Terence R. Blows   Small amplitude limit cycles of
                                  symmetric cubic systems  . . . . . . . . 2323--2328
      Santwana Mukhopadhyay and   
                  Roushan Kumar   A study of generalized thermoelastic
                                  interactions in an unbounded medium with
                                  a spherical cavity . . . . . . . . . . . 2329--2339
               Chi-Chi Chen and   
                  Hui-Chin Tang   Ranking nonnormal $p$-norm trapezoidal
                                  fuzzy numbers with integral value  . . . 2340--2346
               Xiaoyan Deng and   
                Bangju Wang and   
                 Guangqing Long   The Picard contraction mapping method
                                  for the parameter inversion of
                                  reaction-diffusion systems . . . . . . . 2347--2355
  J. L. Díaz-Barrero and   
     M. Grau-Sánchez and   
                  P. G. Popescu   Refinements of Aczél, Popoviciu and
                                  Bellman's inequalities . . . . . . . . . 2356--2359
                 R. Revelli and   
                     L. Ridolfi   Generalized collocation method for
                                  two-dimensional reaction-diffusion
                                  problems with homogeneous Neumann
                                  boundary conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 2360--2370
                 Diego A. Murio   Time fractional IHCP with Caputo
                                  fractional derivatives . . . . . . . . . 2371--2381
               N. Cavallini and   
                 V. Caleffi and   
                      V. Coscia   Finite volume and WENO scheme in
                                  one-dimensional vascular system
                                  modelling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2382--2397
              Mawardi Bahri and   
       Eckhard S. M. Hitzer and   
            Akihisa Hayashi and   
                 Ryuichi Ashino   An uncertainty principle for quaternion
                                  Fourier transform  . . . . . . . . . . . 2398--2410
           Aytac Ariko\uglu and   
                  Ibrahim Ozkol   Solutions of integral and
                                  integro-differential equation systems by
                                  using differential transform method  . . 2411--2417
                 I. Bonzani and   
            L. M. Gramani Cumin   Modelling and simulations of multilane
                                  traffic flow by kinetic theory methods   2418--2428
        Douglas R. Anderson and   
            Ilkay Yaslan Karaca   Higher-order three-point boundary value
                                  problem on time scales . . . . . . . . . 2429--2443

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 56, Number 10, November, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
               De-Gang Wang and   
              Yan-Ping Meng and   
                   Hong-Xing Li   A fuzzy similarity inference method for
                                  fuzzy reasoning  . . . . . . . . . . . . 2445--2454
              Lu-Chuan Zeng and   
        Qamrul Hasan Ansari and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   General iterative algorithms for solving
                                  mixed quasi-variational-like inclusions  2455--2467
          S. R. Viswamurthy and   
                     R. Ganguli   Performance sensitivity of helicopter
                                  global and local optimal harmonic
                                  vibration controller . . . . . . . . . . 2468--2480
      Oskar Maria Baksalary and   
           Julio Benítez   On linear combinations of two commuting
                                  hypergeneralized projectors  . . . . . . 2481--2489
      Sladjana Marinkovi\'c and   
         Predrag Rajkovi\'c and   
             Miomir Stankovi\'c   The inequalities for some types of
                                  $q$-integrals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2490--2498
                   Hanyuan Deng   The largest Hosoya index of $ (n, n + 1)
                                  $-graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2499--2506
                   Yuqiang Feng   Existence and uniqueness results for a
                                  third-order implicit differential
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2507--2514
              Chuanjun Tian and   
              Guanrong Chen and   
                    Shengli Xie   Stability and chaos in a class of
                                  finite-dimensional discrete
                                  spatiotemporal systems . . . . . . . . . 2515--2527
              Changbum Chun and   
                      Beny Neta   Some modification of Newton's method by
                                  the method of undetermined coefficients  2528--2538
               Xuehai Huang and   
              Jianguo Huang and   
                        Yu Chen   Error analysis of a parameter expansion
                                  method for corrosion detection in a pipe 2539--2549
              Guangmin Wang and   
              Zhongping Wan and   
               Xianjia Wang and   
                      Yibing Lv   Genetic algorithm based on simplex
                                  method for solving linear-quadratic
                                  bilevel programming problem  . . . . . . 2550--2555
                 Yongkun Li and   
               Xuanlong Fan and   
                      Lili Zhao   Positive periodic solutions of
                                  functional differential equations with
                                  impulses and a parameter . . . . . . . . 2556--2560
                 M. M. Tung and   
                   E. Defez and   
                      J. Sastre   Numerical solutions of second-order
                                  matrix models using cubic-matrix splines 2561--2571
              S. Dhompongsa and   
                    B. Panyanak   On $ \bigtriangleup $-convergence
                                  theorems in CAT(0) spaces  . . . . . . . 2572--2579
                 F. H. Wong and   
                 S. P. Wang and   
                     T. G. Chen   Existence of positive solutions for
                                  second order functional differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2580--2587
                  Jichang Kuang   The norm inequalities for the weighted
                                  Cesaro mean operators  . . . . . . . . . 2588--2595
            Moghtada Mobedi and   
                 Hakan F. Oztop   Visualization of heat transport using
                                  dimensionless heatfunction for natural
                                  convection and conduction in an
                                  enclosure with thick solid ceiling . . . 2596--2608
               Chaoxiong Du and   
                 Yirong Liu and   
                     Heilong Mi   A class of ninth degree system with four
                                  isochronous centers  . . . . . . . . . . 2609--2620
                  Feng Feng and   
              Young Bae Jun and   
                 Xianzhong Zhao   Soft semirings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2621--2628
               Wen-Xiang Gu and   
                        Bing Li   Effective method for constrained minimum
                                  --- reverse bridge theorem . . . . . . . 2629--2637
              M. Aslam Chaudhry   Extension of the Titchmarsh
                                  representation of the Mertens function $
                                  M(x) $, and numerical support of the
                                  Riemann hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . 2638--2642
               Xiaofan Yang and   
              Yuan Yan Tang and   
                    Jianqiu Cao   Global asymptotic stability of a family
                                  of difference equations  . . . . . . . . 2643--2649
                    Yi-Kuei Lin   Project management for arbitrary random
                                  durations and cost attributes by
                                  applying network approaches  . . . . . . 2650--2655
           Prasanta K. Jana and   
                  Koushik Sinha   Permutation algorithms on optical
                                  multi-trees  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2656--2665
                Yu-Jie Wang and   
                  Chao-Shun Kao   An application of a fuzzy knowledge
                                  system for air cargo overbooking under
                                  uncertain capacity . . . . . . . . . . . 2666--2675
             Ick-Soon Chang and   
               Sheon-Young Kang   Fredholm integral equation method for
                                  the integro-differential Schrödinger
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2676--2685
                    Rajan Arora   Non-planar shock waves in a magnetic
                                  field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2686--2691
                         Yan Xu   Uniqueness of meromorphic functions
                                  sharing one value  . . . . . . . . . . . 2692--2699
                  Yajuan Li and   
                 Chuang Lin and   
                    Quan-Lin Li   A simplified framework for stochastic
                                  workflow networks  . . . . . . . . . . . 2700--2715
               Zengtai Gong and   
                     Yabin Shao   Global existence and uniqueness of
                                  solutions for fuzzy differential
                                  equations under dissipative-type
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2716--2723
              Ameen Alawneh and   
                Kamel Al-Khaled   Numerical treatment of stochastic models
                                  used in statistical systems and
                                  financial markets  . . . . . . . . . . . 2724--2732
            Mamoru Nunokawa and   
             Shigeyoshi Owa and   
          Junichi Nishiwaki and   
               Kazuo Kuroki and   
                  Toshio Hayami   Differential subordination and
                                  argumental property  . . . . . . . . . . 2733--2736
                  Deren Han and   
                 Hong K. Lo and   
                       Hai Yang   On the price of anarchy for non-atomic
                                  congestion games under asymmetric cost
                                  maps and elastic demands . . . . . . . . 2737--2743
                 Baoguo Jia and   
                  Lynn Erbe and   
                 Allan Peterson   New comparison and oscillation theorems
                                  for second-order half-linear dynamic
                                  equations on time scales . . . . . . . . 2744--2756
    Alejandro Balbás and   
      Beatriz Balbás and   
              Inna Galperin and   
                  Efim Galperin   Deterministic regression model and
                                  visual basic code for optimal
                                  forecasting of financial time series . . 2757--2771
        Terence Tai-Leung Chong   The empirical quest for $ \pi $  . . . . 2772--2778
                 T. Iwaniec and   
                   Shushen Ding   Retraction notice to ``Global estimates
                                  for the Jacobians of orientation
                                  preserving mappings'' [Comput. Math.
                                  Appl. \bf 50 (2005) 707--718]  . . . . . 2779--2779

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 56, Number 11, December, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                   Kai Ting Wen   A new KKM theorem in $L$-convex spaces
                                  and some applications  . . . . . . . . . 2781--2785
                  Vites Longani   A formula for the number of labelled
                                  trees  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2786--2788
                   Xulin Xu and   
             Zengqiang Chen and   
                 Guangya Si and   
                Xiaofeng Hu and   
                         Pi Luo   A novel definition of generalized
                                  synchronization on networks and a
                                  numerical simulation example . . . . . . 2789--2794
                  N. C. Das and   
                  A. Lahiri and   
                  S. Sarkar and   
                        S. Basu   Reflection of generalized thermoelastic
                                  waves from isothermal and insulated
                                  boundaries of a half space . . . . . . . 2795--2805
                 Yongbin Yu and   
               Fengli Zhang and   
               Qishui Zhong and   
              Xiaofeng Liao and   
                     Juebang Yu   Impulsive control of Lurie systems . . . 2806--2813
                     Mihai Cipu   A computer-aided proof of a conjecture
                                  in Euclidean geometry  . . . . . . . . . 2814--2818
               Hong-Dar Lin and   
       Yuan-Shyi Peter Chiu and   
                 Chia-Kuan Ting   A note on optimal replenishment policy
                                  for imperfect quality EMQ model with
                                  rework and backlogging . . . . . . . . . 2819--2824
              Zhaowen Zheng and   
                Jiangang Qi and   
                   Shaozhu Chen   Eigenvalues below the lower bound of
                                  minimal operators of singular
                                  Hamiltonian expressions  . . . . . . . . 2825--2833
             Zhonghua Zhang and   
                Yaohong Suo and   
                Jigeng Peng and   
                     Juan Zhang   Analysis of a periodic bacteria-immunity
                                  model with delayed quorum sensing  . . . 2834--2847
             Yuan-Kang Shih and   
                Yi-Chien Wu and   
              Shin-Shin Kao and   
                Jimmy J. M. Tan   Vertex-bipancyclicity of the generalized
                                  honeycomb tori . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2848--2860
                  K. Sikdar and   
                    U. C. Gupta   On the batch arrival batch service queue
                                  with finite buffer under server's
                                  vacation: $ M^X / G^Y / 1 / N $ queue    2861--2873
                  Yuqin Yao and   
                     Jie Ji and   
              Dengyuan Chen and   
                     Yunbo Zeng   The quadratic-form identity for
                                  constructing the Hamiltonian structures
                                  of the discrete integrable systems . . . 2874--2882
L. Hernández Encinas and   
J. Muñoz Masqué and   
               A. Queiruga Dios   Safer parameters for the Chor--Rivest
                                  cryptosystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2883--2886
               A. Aminataei and   
                  M. M. Mazarei   Numerical solution of Poisson's equation
                                  using radial basis function networks on
                                  the polar coordinate . . . . . . . . . . 2887--2895
                   Qiang Wu and   
                 Ding-Xuan Zhou   Learning with sample dependent
                                  hypothesis spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . 2896--2907
            Mamoru Nunokawa and   
                Nak Eun Cho and   
               Oh Sang Kwon and   
             Shigeyoshi Owa and   
                 Hitoshi Saitoh   Differential inequalities for certain
                                  analytic functions . . . . . . . . . . . 2908--2914
  Gradimir V. Milovanovi\'c and   
  Aleksandar S. Cvetkovi\'c and   
             Marija P. Stani\'c   Trigonometric orthogonal systems and
                                  quadrature formulae  . . . . . . . . . . 2915--2931
                   Jun Chen and   
                  Wenyu Sun and   
      Raimundo J. B. de Sampaio   Numerical research on the sensitivity of
                                  nonmonotone trust region algorithms to
                                  their parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . 2932--2940
      Mohammad Masjed-Jamei and   
                  Mehdi Dehghan   A generalization of Fourier
                                  trigonometric series . . . . . . . . . . 2941--2947
                 Lihong Cui and   
                    Ruixue Cong   Construction for a class of
                                  interpolation multiscaling functions
                                  with dilation factor $ a \geq 3 $  . . . 2948--2956
               Chaoxiong Du and   
                     Yirong Liu   General center conditions and
                                  bifurcation of limit cycles for a
                                  quasi-symmetric seventh degree system    2957--2969
             Debdulal Panda and   
               Samarjit Kar and   
               Manoranjan Maiti   Multi-item EOQ model with hybrid cost
                                  parameters under fuzzy/fuzzy-stochastic
                                  resource constraints: a geometric
                                  programming approach . . . . . . . . . . 2970--2985

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 56, Number 12, December, 2008

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                Huizeng Qin and   
                 Nina Shang and   
                      Youmin Lu   A note on oscillation criteria of second
                                  order nonlinear neutral delay
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 2987--2992
             Zhizheng Zhang and   
                   Hanqing Yang   Several identities for the generalized
                                  Apostol--Bernoulli polynomials . . . . . 2993--2999
               Jun-Fan Chen and   
              Xiao-Yu Zhang and   
              Wei-Chuan Lin and   
               Sheng-Jiang Chen   Uniqueness of entire functions that
                                  share one value  . . . . . . . . . . . . 3000--3014
                  Daowei Hu and   
                 Zhengqiu Zhang   Four positive periodic solutions of a
                                  discrete time delayed predator--prey
                                  system with nonmonotonic functional
                                  response and harvesting  . . . . . . . . 3015--3022
             Xiao-Ming Zeng and   
                   Bo-Yong Lian   An estimate on the convergence of
                                  MKZ-Bézier operators  . . . . . . . . . . 3023--3028
                   Zhi Kong and   
                  Liqun Gao and   
                  Lifu Wang and   
                      Steven Li   The normal parameter reduction of soft
                                  sets and its algorithm . . . . . . . . . 3029--3037
               Yavuz Ugurlu and   
                     Dogan Kaya   Solutions of the Cahn--Hilliard equation 3038--3045
                      Yiqin Lin   A class of iterative methods for solving
                                  nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equations
                                  arising in transport theory  . . . . . . 3046--3051
               Sheng-Tun Li and   
             Yi-Chung Cheng and   
                      Su-Yu Lin   A FCM-based deterministic forecasting
                                  model for fuzzy time series  . . . . . . 3052--3063
                 Jinming Wu and   
                   Renhong Wang   Approximate implicitization of
                                  parametric surfaces by using compactly
                                  supported radial basis functions . . . . 3064--3069
                   Bin Zhou and   
                  James Lam and   
                 Guang-Ren Duan   Convergence of gradient-based iterative
                                  solution of coupled Markovian jump
                                  Lyapunov equations . . . . . . . . . . . 3070--3078
                   Jilong Zhang   Uniqueness theorems for entire functions
                                  concerning fixed points  . . . . . . . . 3079--3087
               Tiegang Fang and   
                  Wei Liang and   
                Chia-fon F. Lee   A new solution branch for the Blasius
                                  equation --- a shrinking sheet problem   3088--3095
                 C. Fetecau and   
                 A. Mahmood and   
             Corina Fetecau and   
                       D. Vieru   Some exact solutions for the helical
                                  flow of a generalized Oldroyd-B fluid in
                                  a circular cylinder  . . . . . . . . . . 3096--3108
 Ali Fuat Yeniçerio\uglu   Stability properties of second order
                                  delay integro-differential equations . . 3109--3117
                    Zhipeng Qiu   Dynamical behavior of a vector-host
                                  epidemic model with demographic
                                  structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3118--3129
              Haixian Zhang and   
                   Zhang Yi and   
                      Lei Zhang   Continuous attractors of a class of
                                  recurrent neural networks  . . . . . . . 3130--3137
           S. H. Hosseinnia and   
                 A. Ranjbar and   
                      S. Momani   Using an enhanced homotopy perturbation
                                  method in fractional differential
                                  equations via deforming the linear part  3138--3149
              Cheng-Bo Zhai and   
                  Chen Yang and   
                   Chun-Mei Guo   Positive solutions of operator equations
                                  on ordered Banach spaces and
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3150--3156
              Dongqing Wang and   
                      Feng Ding   Extended stochastic gradient
                                  identification algorithms for
                                  Hammerstein--Wiener ARMAX systems  . . . 3157--3164
                 Ahmet Koca and   
             Hakan F. Oztop and   
                    Yasin Varol   Numerical analysis of natural convection
                                  in shed roofs with eave of buildings for
                                  cold climates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3165--3174
                 Ahmet Yildirim   Solution of BVPs for fourth-order
                                  integro-differential equations by using
                                  homotopy perturbation method . . . . . . 3175--3180
              Dongdong Wang and   
                     Hongbo Hua   Minimality considerations for graph
                                  energy over a class of graphs  . . . . . 3181--3187
                Anuar Ishak and   
             Roslinda Nazar and   
                       Ioan Pop   Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of a
                                  micropolar fluid towards a stagnation
                                  point on a vertical surface  . . . . . . 3188--3194
                  Yujun Cui and   
                      Yumei Zou   Existence of positive solutions for $ 2
                                  n $ th-order singular superlinear
                                  boundary value problems  . . . . . . . . 3195--3203
                Hsin-Yi Lai and   
             Jung-Chang Hsu and   
               Cha'o-Kuang Chen   An innovative eigenvalue problem solver
                                  for free vibration of Euler--Bernoulli
                                  beam by using the Adomian decomposition
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3204--3220
               P. A. Krutitskii   The Dirichlet problem for the Laplacian
                                  with discontinuous boundary data in a
                                  $2$D multiply connected exterior domain  3221--3235
                      Lipei Liu   Uniqueness of meromorphic functions and
                                  differential polynomials . . . . . . . . 3236--3245
              Mehdi Dehghan and   
                Masoud Hajarian   An iterative algorithm for solving a
                                  pair of matrix equations $ A Y B = E $,
                                  $ C Y D = F $ over generalized
                                  centro-symmetric matrices  . . . . . . . 3246--3260
                  Chi-Bin Cheng   Solving a sealed-bid reverse auction
                                  problem by multiple-criterion
                                  decision-making methods  . . . . . . . . 3261--3274

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 57, Number 1, January, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                  Xiumei He and   
                        Xian Wu   Existence and multiplicity of solutions
                                  for nonlinear second order difference
                                  boundary value problems  . . . . . . . . 1--8
                 Ji-Bo Wang and   
                   Dan Wang and   
                Li-Yan Wang and   
                    Lin Lin and   
                     Na Yin and   
                   Wei-Wei Wang   Single machine scheduling with
                                  exponential time-dependent learning
                                  effect and past-sequence-dependent setup
                                  times  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--16
             Keumseong Bang and   
                  H. S. Kim and   
                     J. Neggers   Representation functions and the
                                  Neggers--Stanley condition for
                                  weight-shaped-posets . . . . . . . . . . 17--20
              Yong Han Kang and   
                 Mi Jin Lee and   
                    Il Hyo Jung   Sharp energy decay estimates for the
                                  wave equation with a local degenerate
                                  dissipation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21--27
                   Lilan Tu and   
                      Jun-an Lu   Delay-dependent synchronization in
                                  general complex delayed dynamical
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28--36
               Hadi Khatibzadeh   An oscillation criterion for a delay
                                  difference equation  . . . . . . . . . . 37--41
                    Y. Peng and   
                   X. Xiang and   
                         W. Wei   Second-order nonlinear impulsive
                                  integro-differential equations of mixed
                                  type with time-varying generating
                                  operators and optimal controls on Banach
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42--53
                 Liguang Xu and   
                       Daoyi Xu   $P$-attracting and $p$-invariant sets
                                  for a class of impulsive stochastic
                                  functional differential equations  . . . 54--61
                  Mustafa Polat   Global attractor for a modified
                                  Swift--Hohenberg equation  . . . . . . . 62--66
                 Fa-Chao Li and   
                 Li-Min Liu and   
                   Chen-Xia Jin   Study on fuzzy optimization methods
                                  based on quasi-linear fuzzy number and
                                  genetic algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 67--78
               Magdi S. Mahmoud   Switched discrete-time systems with
                                  time-varying delays: a generalized $ H_2
                                  $ approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79--95
                 Akbar Azam and   
                Muhammad Arshad   Fixed points of a sequence of locally
                                  contractive multivalued maps . . . . . . 96--100
        Muhammad Aslam Noor and   
                Muhammad Waseem   Some iterative methods for solving a
                                  system of nonlinear equations  . . . . . 101--106
                 Dongsheng Kang   Quasilinear elliptic problems involving
                                  multiple critical Hardy--Sobolev
                                  exponents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107--116
                 Yunfei Yin and   
             Guanghong Gong and   
                      Liang Han   Control approach to rough set reduction  117--126
        T. K. Pogány and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Some Mathieu-type series associated with
                                  the Fox--Wright function . . . . . . . . 127--140
                  B. Davvaz and   
                 P. Corsini and   
              V. Leoreanu-Fotea   Fuzzy $n$-ary subpolygroups  . . . . . . 141--152
           T. T. M. Onyango and   
               D. B. Ingham and   
                      D. Lesnic   Reconstruction of boundary condition
                                  laws in heat conduction using the
                                  boundary element method  . . . . . . . . 153--168

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 57, Number 2, January, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
               Jamshaid Ali and   
                 Jiancheng Fang   Realization of an autonomous integrated
                                  suite of strapdown astro-inertial
                                  navigation systems using unscented
                                  particle filtering . . . . . . . . . . . 169--183
              Ji-Cherng Lin and   
              Tetz C. Huang and   
             Cheng-Zen Yang and   
                     Nathan Mou   Quasi-self-stabilization of a
                                  distributed system assuming read/write
                                  atomicity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184--194
              N. S. Barnett and   
               W.-S. Cheung and   
             S. S. Dragomir and   
                        A. Sofo   Ostrowski and trapezoid type
                                  inequalities for the Stieltjes integral
                                  with Lipschitzian integrands or
                                  integrators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195--201
                     Dan Hu and   
                Hongxing Li and   
                   Xianchuan Yu   The information content of fuzzy
                                  relations and fuzzy rules  . . . . . . . 202--216
             J. R. Artalejo and   
                         V. Pla   On the impact of customer balking,
                                  impatience and retrials in
                                  telecommunication systems  . . . . . . . 217--229
        Abdellah Bnouhachem and   
                   M. H. Xu and   
               Xiao-Ling Fu and   
                  Sheng Zhaohan   Modified extragradient methods for
                                  solving variational inequalities . . . . 230--239
                      Ke Su and   
                   Zhensheng Yu   A modified SQP method with nonmonotone
                                  technique and its global convergence . . 240--247
                 Mengxin He and   
                    Fengde Chen   Dynamic behaviors of the impulsive
                                  periodic multi-species predator--prey
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248--265
               Huan-Nan Shi and   
            Yong-Ming Jiang and   
                 Wei-Dong Jiang   Schur-convexity and Schur-geometrically
                                  concavity of Gini means  . . . . . . . . 266--274
                    Wei Nian Li   Some Pachpatte type inequalities on time
                                  scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275--282
              Qingjie Zhang and   
                    Wenqia Wang   A four-order alternating segment
                                  Crank--Nicolson scheme for the
                                  dispersive equation  . . . . . . . . . . 283--289
               Junfeng Ding and   
              Stephen S. T. Yau   TCOM, an innovative data structure for
                                  mining association rules among
                                  infrequent items . . . . . . . . . . . . 290--301
               Krzysztof Piejko   Generalized convolutions and classes of
                                  functions defined by subordination . . . 302--307
 Ruymán Cruz-Barroso and   
 Pablo González-Vera and   
          F. Perdomo-Pío   Quadrature formulas associated with
                                  Rogers--Szeg\Ho polynomials  . . . . . . 308--323
                 Jingli Ren and   
                    Zhibo Cheng   On high-order delay differential
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324--331
         Mirjana Pavlovi\'c and   
              Nenad Caki\'c and   
           Miloje Rajovi\'c and   
             Stojan Radenovi\'c   A generalization of Jensen's inequality
                                  for polynomials having concentration at
                                  low degrees  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332--337

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 57, Number 3, February, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                  Chi-Ye Wu and   
                 Ting-Zhu Huang   Stability of block LU factorization for
                                  block tridiagonal matrices . . . . . . . 339--347
                Gaoshang Li and   
                 Xiping Liu and   
                        Mei Jia   Positive solutions to a type of
                                  nonlinear three-point boundary value
                                  problem with sign changing
                                  nonlinearities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348--355
                 M. K. Aouf and   
                  H. E. Darwish   Subclasses of analytic functions
                                  associated with the generalized
                                  hypergeometric function  . . . . . . . . 356--366
              Young Bae Jun and   
              Kyoung Ja Lee and   
                 Chul Hwan Park   Soft set theory applied to ideals in
                                  $d$-algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367--378
              Lih-Ing W. Roeger   General nonstandard finite-difference
                                  schemes for differential equations with
                                  three fixed-points . . . . . . . . . . . 379--383
                  Xiang Lai and   
                    Yirang Yuan   Galerkin alternating-direction method
                                  for a kind of three-dimensional
                                  nonlinear hyperbolic problems  . . . . . 384--403
       Tarek M. A. El-Mistikawy   Comment on: ``The three-dimensional flow
                                  past a stretching sheet and the homotopy
                                  perturbation method'', by P. D. Ariel,
                                  Computers and Mathematics with
                                  Applications \bf 54 (2007) 920--925  . . 404--406
                P. Donald Ariel   Reply to the comment on ``The
                                  three-dimensional flow past a stretching
                                  sheet and the homotopy perturbation
                                  method'' by P. D. Ariel, Computers and
                                  Mathematics with Applications \bf 54
                                  (2007) 920--925 by El-Mistikawy  . . . . 407--409
                     Ji-Huan He   An elementary introduction to the
                                  homotopy perturbation method . . . . . . 410--412
              S. Abbasbandy and   
                     T. Hajjari   A new approach for ranking of
                                  trapezoidal fuzzy numbers  . . . . . . . 413--419
      Boanerges Aleman-Meza and   
                   Yihai Yu and   
 Heinz-Bernd Schüttler and   
            Jonathan Arnold and   
                  Thiab R. Taha   KINSOLVER: a simulator for computing
                                  large ensembles of biochemical and gene
                                  regulatory networks  . . . . . . . . . . 420--435
      Umut Mutlu Özkan and   
          Hüseyin Yildirim   Grüss type inequalities for double
                                  integrals on time scales . . . . . . . . 436--444
               Ta-Chung Chu and   
                     Yichen Lin   An extension to fuzzy MCDM . . . . . . . 445--454
            Giuseppe Marino and   
             Vittorio Colao and   
               Xiaolong Qin and   
                  Shin Min Kang   Strong convergence of the modified Mann
                                  iterative method for strict
                                  pseudo-contractions  . . . . . . . . . . 455--465
         Violeta Leoreanu Fotea   Fuzzy hypermodules . . . . . . . . . . . 466--475
              Xingyuan Wang and   
                     Canghai Yu   Cryptanalysis and improvement on a
                                  cryptosystem based on a chaotic map  . . 476--482
                         S. Das   Analytical solution of a fractional
                                  diffusion equation by variational
                                  iteration method . . . . . . . . . . . . 483--487
             E. M. Elabbasy and   
                H. N. Agiza and   
                 A. A. Elsadany   Analysis of nonlinear triopoly game with
                                  heterogeneous players  . . . . . . . . . 488--499
              T. Pirbodaghi and   
              S. H. Hoseini and   
             M. T. Ahmadian and   
                  G. H. Farrahi   Duffing equations with cubic and quintic
                                  nonlinearities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500--506
                  Tayyab Kamran   Mizoguchi--Takahashi's type fixed point
                                  theorem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507--511

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 57, Number 4, February, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
               Shao-Jian Qu and   
                Su-Da Jiang and   
                       Ying Zhu   A conic trust-region method and its
                                  convergence properties . . . . . . . . . 513--528
                     Wei An and   
             Fang-Ming Shao and   
                    Huajun Meng   The coverage-control optimization in
                                  sensor network subject to sensing area   529--539
                 Bing Zheng and   
                  Lijuan Ye and   
      Dragana S. Cvetkovic-Ilic   The *congruence class of the solutions
                                  of some matrix equations . . . . . . . . 540--549
             Ting-Zhu Huang and   
                   Li-Tao Zhang   GRPM-style methods and comparisons of
                                  convergent and divergent rates . . . . . 550--559
                  V. Y. Pan and   
                  B. Murphy and   
                    G. Qian and   
                  R. E. Rosholt   A new error-free floating-point
                                  summation algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . 560--564
              Xiaolei Zhang and   
                   Renhong Wang   Isolating the real roots of the
                                  piecewise algebraic variety  . . . . . . 565--570
              Zhi-Gang Wang and   
             Yue-Ping Jiang and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Some subclasses of meromorphically
                                  multivalent functions associated with
                                  the generalized hypergeometric function  571--586
                 Zeqing Liu and   
                 Yuguang Xu and   
                  Shin Min Kang   Global solvability for a second order
                                  nonlinear neutral delay difference
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587--595
             Corina Fetecau and   
                   M. Athar and   
                     C. Fetecau   Unsteady flow of a generalized Maxwell
                                  fluid with fractional derivative due to
                                  a constantly accelerating plate  . . . . 596--603
           Miloje Rajovi\'c and   
        Rade Stojiljkovi\'c and   
             Dragan Dimitrovski   Transformation of linear non-homogeneous
                                  differential equations of the second
                                  order to homogeneous . . . . . . . . . . 604--611
                 Ahmet Yildirim   Application of He's homotopy
                                  perturbation method for solving the
                                  Cauchy reaction-diffusion problem  . . . 612--618
               Gur Mosheiov and   
                    Assaf Sarig   Scheduling a maintenance activity to
                                  minimize total weighted completion-time  619--623
                   Heng-you Lan   Approximation solvability of nonlinear
                                  random $ (A, \eta) $-resolvent operator
                                  equations with random relaxed cocoercive
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624--632
                   Basak Karpuz   Some oscillation and nonoscillation
                                  criteria for neutral delay difference
                                  equations with positive and negative
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633--642
                    Yaqiong Cui   Multiple solutions to fourth-order
                                  boundary value problems  . . . . . . . . 643--649
           M. K. Kadalbajoo and   
                   Puneet Arora   B-spline collocation method for the
                                  singular-perturbation problem using
                                  artificial viscosity . . . . . . . . . . 650--663
           Rajesh K. Pandey and   
                Om P. Singh and   
                Vineet K. Singh   Efficient algorithms to solve singular
                                  integral equations of Abel type  . . . . 664--676
               Ali Atabaigi and   
            Nemat Nyamoradi and   
           Hamid R. Z. Zangeneh   The number of limit cycles of a quintic
                                  polynomial system  . . . . . . . . . . . 677--684

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 57, Number 5, March, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                    Hao Liu and   
                   Yongxin Yuan   New model updating method for damped
                                  structural systems . . . . . . . . . . . 685--690
               Xue-hai Yuan and   
                Hongxing Li and   
                 E. Stanley Lee   Three new cut sets of fuzzy sets and new
                                  theories of fuzzy sets . . . . . . . . . 691--701
                H. Sevl\.\i and   
                    L. Leindler   On the absolute summability factors of
                                  infinite series involving
                                  quasi-power-increasing sequences . . . . 702--709
               G. Ajmone Marsan   On the modelling and simulation of the
                                  competition for a secession under media
                                  influence by active particles methods
                                  and functional subsystems decomposition  710--728
              Wen-Long Wang and   
                      Gen-Qi Xu   The well-posedness of an M/G/1 queue
                                  with second optional service and server
                                  breakdown  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729--739
              Ronald E. Mickens   Reanalysis of a Castor model limit cycle
                                  calculation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740--743
                 N. Bellomo and   
                  A. Bellouquid   On the derivation of macroscopic
                                  hyperbolic equations for binary
                                  multicellular growing mixtures . . . . . 744--756
               Nazan Caglar and   
                  Hikmet Caglar   B-spline method for solving linear
                                  system of second-order boundary value
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 757--762
               Vít Prusa   On the influence of boundary condition
                                  on stability of Hagen--Poiseuille flow   763--771
              G. Chiandussi and   
                M. Codegone and   
                     S. Ferrero   Topology optimization with optimality
                                  criteria and transmissible loads . . . . 772--788
              Pedro Almenar and   
             Lucas Jódar   Explicit bounds for the solutions of
                                  second order linear differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 789--798
          Temur Jangveladze and   
            Zurab Kiguradze and   
                      Beny Neta   Large time behavior of solutions and
                                  finite difference scheme to a nonlinear
                                  integro-differential equation  . . . . . 799--811
          Bader F. AlBdaiwi and   
          Boris Goldengorin and   
                Gerard Sierksma   Equivalent instances of the simple plant
                                  location problem . . . . . . . . . . . . 812--820
      George A. Anastassiou and   
                    Al\.\i Aral   Generalized Picard singular integrals    821--830
               Carlo Bianca and   
       Francesco Pappalardo and   
                    Santo Motta   The MWF method for kinetic equations
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831--840
               Yuh-Yuan Guh and   
             Miin-Shen Yang and   
                Rung-Wei Po and   
                 E. Stanley Lee   Interval-valued fuzzy relation-based
                                  clustering with its application to
                                  performance evaluation . . . . . . . . . 841--849
María José Pardo and   
             David de la Fuente   A new technique to optimize the
                                  functions of fuzzy profit of queuing
                                  models: Application to a queuing model
                                  with publicity and renouncement  . . . . 850--864

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 57, Number 6, March, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                    Jian Yu and   
              Shuigeng Zhou and   
                  Lipo Wang and   
                  Jingsheng Lei   Advances in fuzzy sets and knowledge
                                  discovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865--866
                Yan-Kui Liu and   
                      Miao Tian   Convergence of optimal solutions about
                                  approximation scheme for fuzzy
                                  programming with minimum-risk criteria   867--884
                    Long Yu and   
                      Jian Xiao   Trade-off between accuracy and
                                  interpretability: Experience-oriented
                                  fuzzy modeling via reduced-set vectors   885--895
             Miin-Shen Yang and   
                   Der-Chen Lin   On similarity and inclusion measures
                                  between type-2 fuzzy sets with an
                                  application to clustering  . . . . . . . 896--907
          Joseph P. Herbert and   
                    JingTao Yao   Criteria for choosing a rough set model  908--918
              Lingxiao Zhao and   
                  Zhenyue Zhang   Supervised locally linear embedding with
                                  probability-based distance for
                                  classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 919--926
                 Xuejun Liu and   
                Jihong Guan and   
                        Ping Hu   Mining frequent closed itemsets from a
                                  landmark window over online data streams 927--936
            Tiancheng Zhang and   
                  Dejun Yue and   
                      Yu Gu and   
                    Yi Wang and   
                          Ge Yu   Adaptive correlation analysis in stream
                                  time series with sliding windows . . . . 937--948
                 Qing E. Wu and   
                   Tuo Wang and   
            Yong Xuan Huang and   
                    Ji Sheng Li   State fusion of fuzzy automata with
                                  application on target tracking . . . . . 949--960
                    Ming Li and   
                     Yan Wu and   
                    Qiang Zhang   SAR image segmentation based on mixture
                                  context and wavelet hidden-class-label
                                  Markov random field  . . . . . . . . . . 961--969
             Jong Hyun Park and   
              Guee Sang Lee and   
                Soon Young Park   Color image segmentation using adaptive
                                  mean shift and statistical model-based
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970--980
              Sung Hyun Kim and   
              Chang Hee Lee and   
                  PooGyeon Park   $ H_\infty $ state-feedback control for
                                  fuzzy systems with input saturation via
                                  fuzzy weighting-dependent Lyapunov
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981--990
                Taolue Chen and   
               Tingting Han and   
                        Jian Lu   On metrics for probabilistic systems:
                                  Definitions and algorithms . . . . . . . 991--999
                Qingyong Li and   
                  Siwei Luo and   
                   Zhongzhi Shi   Fuzzy aesthetic semantics description
                                  and extraction for art image retrieval   1000--1009
                   F. F. Xu and   
                 D. Q. Miao and   
                         L. Wei   Fuzzy-rough attribute reduction via
                                  mutual information with an application
                                  to cancer classification . . . . . . . . 1010--1017
                   L. Shang and   
                   S. Y. Yu and   
                  X. Y. Jia and   
                       Y. S. Ji   Selection and optimization of cut-points
                                  for numeric attribute values . . . . . . 1018--1023
                    Wen Liu and   
                      Lipo Wang   Minimizing interference in satellite
                                  communications using transiently chaotic
                                  neural networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1024--1029
                    Ping Gu and   
              QingSheng Zhu and   
                    Cheng Zhang   A multi-view approach to semi-supervised
                                  document classification with incremental
                                  Naive Bayes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1030--1036
                     Xin Lu and   
                    Jihong Guan   A new approach to building histogram for
                                  selectivity estimation in query
                                  processing optimization  . . . . . . . . 1037--1047
                  Xuan Tian and   
                Xiaoyong Du and   
                      He Hu and   
                      Haihua Li   Modeling individual cognitive structure
                                  in contextual information retrieval  . . 1048--1056
                Zhumin Chen and   
                     Jun Ma and   
              Jingsheng Lei and   
                    Bo Yuan and   
                    Li Lian and   
                      Ling Song   A cross-language focused crawling
                                  algorithm based on multiple relevance
                                  prediction strategies  . . . . . . . . . 1057--1072

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 57, Number 7, April, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
             Qun-Jiao Zhang and   
                      Jun-An Lu   Impulsively control complex networks
                                  with different dynamical nodes to its
                                  trivial equilibrium  . . . . . . . . . . 1073--1079
                 Chuhua Jin and   
                    Jiaowan Luo   Stability of an integro-differential
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1080--1088
                  V. Mallet and   
                D. E. Keyes and   
                  F. E. Fendell   Modeling wildland fire propagation with
                                  level set methods  . . . . . . . . . . . 1089--1101
            R. M. El-Ashwah and   
                     M. K. Aouf   Hadamard product of certain meromorphic
                                  starlike and convex functions  . . . . . 1102--1106
                Xuelin Yong and   
                   Xin Zeng and   
              Zhiyong Zhang and   
                      Yufu Chen   Symbolic computation of Jacobi elliptic
                                  function solutions to nonlinear
                                  differential-difference equations  . . . 1107--1114
           A. R. El Amrouss and   
                  F. Moradi and   
                   M. Moussaoui   Existence of multiple nontrivial
                                  solutions for semilinear elliptic
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1115--1126
                     Qiuying Lu   Codimension 2 bifurcation of twisted
                                  double homoclinic loops  . . . . . . . . 1127--1141
                 Ming-Sheng Liu   Landau's theorem for planar harmonic
                                  mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1142--1146
        Mohan K. Kadalbajoo and   
                 Devendra Kumar   Initial value technique for singularly
                                  perturbed two point boundary value
                                  problems using an exponentially fitted
                                  finite difference scheme . . . . . . . . 1147--1156
          Sebastian Mosbach and   
               Amanda G. Turner   A quantitative probabilistic
                                  investigation into the accumulation of
                                  rounding errors in numerical ODE
                                  solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1157--1167
              Wenxing Zhang and   
                      Deren Han   A new alternating direction method for
                                  co-coercive variational inequality
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1168--1178
                       Meng Jin   Properties of regular systems and
                                  algorithmic improvements for regular
                                  decomposition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1179--1186
                Zhiqiang Xu and   
                    Guoliang Xu   Discrete schemes for Gaussian curvature
                                  and their convergence  . . . . . . . . . 1187--1195
                   Zhe Chen and   
              Haiqiao Huang and   
                    Kequan Zhao   Approximate generalized proximal-type
                                  method for convex vector optimization
                                  problem in Banach spaces . . . . . . . . 1196--1203
                Liang Zhang and   
                 Hong-Xu Li and   
                Xiao-Bing Zhang   Periodic solutions of competition
                                  Lotka--Volterra dynamic system on time
                                  scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1204--1211
             M. R. Eslahchi and   
                  Mehdi Dehghan   Quadrature rules using an arbitrary
                                  fixed order of derivatives . . . . . . . 1212--1225
              Changbum Chun and   
             Hossein Jafari and   
                    Yong-Il Kim   Numerical method for the wave and
                                  nonlinear diffusion equations with the
                                  homotopy perturbation method . . . . . . 1226--1231
               Shuming Wang and   
                Yan-Kui Liu and   
                   Junzo Watada   Fuzzy random renewal process with
                                  queueing applications  . . . . . . . . . 1232--1248

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 57, Number 8, April, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                Hyam Abboud and   
                     Toni Sayah   Upwind discretization of a
                                  time-dependent two-dimensional grade-two
                                  fluid model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1249--1264
                 Zhen Zhang and   
                 Siliang Ma and   
                    Hui Liu and   
                    Yuexin Gong   An edge detection approach based on
                                  directional wavelet transform  . . . . . 1265--1271
               Muhammad El-Taha   Departure process in a mixed fork-join
                                  synchronization network  . . . . . . . . 1272--1279
             R. O. Al-Seedy and   
          A. A. El-Sherbiny and   
           S. A. El-Shehawy and   
                    S. I. Ammar   Transient solution of the M/M/c queue
                                  with balking and reneging  . . . . . . . 1280--1285
    Elvira Hernández and   
Luis Rodríguez-Marín and   
                    Miguel Sama   Scalar multiplier rules in set-valued
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1286--1293
                Yongge Tian and   
                  Yoshio Takane   The inverse of any two-by-two
                                  nonsingular partitioned matrix and three
                                  matrix inverse completion problems . . . 1294--1304
             Pablo Tarazaga and   
                  Diego Cuellar   Preconditioners generated by minimizing
                                  norms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1305--1312
              Maddu Shankar and   
                      S. Sundar   Asymptotic analysis of extrapolation
                                  boundary conditions for LBM  . . . . . . 1313--1323
           Alvise Sommariva and   
                 Marco Vianello   Computing approximate Fekete points by $
                                  Q R $ factorizations of Vandermonde
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1324--1336
      Pabitra Pal Choudhury and   
             Sudhakar Sahoo and   
         Mithun Chakraborty and   
       Subir Kumar Bhandari and   
                      Amita Pal   Investigation of the global dynamics of
                                  cellular automata using Boolean
                                  derivatives  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1337--1351
                    Yong Yu and   
               Chunxiang Xu and   
             Xiaosong Zhang and   
                  Yongjian Liao   Designated verifier proxy signature
                                  scheme without random oracles  . . . . . 1352--1364
                 Jinquan Li and   
                Kaibiao Sun and   
                    Hongxing Li   A note on ``Resolution of fuzzy relation
                                  equations (I) based on Boolean-type
                                  implications'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1365--1368
                 Yueqiang Shang   A distributed memory parallel
                                  Gauss--Seidel algorithm for linear
                                  algebraic systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 1369--1376
                 V. Goswami and   
                     G. B. Mund   Multiserver bulk service discrete-time
                                  queue with finite buffer and renewal
                                  input  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1377--1388
                 C. R. Chen and   
                   S. J. Li and   
                      K. L. Teo   Higher order weak epiderivatives and
                                  applications to duality and optimality
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1389--1399
               Gui-Quan Sun and   
                Guang Zhang and   
                       Zhen Jin   Dynamic behavior of a discrete modified
                                  Ricker & Beverton--Holt model . . . . . . 1400--1412
                  B. Davvaz and   
              V. Leoreanu-Fotea   Applications of interval valued fuzzy
                                  $n$-ary polygroups with respect to
                                  $t$-norms ($t$-conorms)  . . . . . . . . 1413--1424

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 57, Number 9, May, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                    Hang Xu and   
                   Shi-Jun Liao   Laminar flow and heat transfer in the
                                  boundary-layer of non-Newtonian fluids
                                  over a stretching flat sheet . . . . . . 1425--1431
                    P. Glaister   Conservative upwind difference schemes
                                  for the Euler equations for real gas
                                  flows in a duct  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1432--1437
                   Lili Han and   
                      Feng Ding   Identification for multirate multi-input
                                  systems using the multi-innovation
                                  identification theory  . . . . . . . . . 1438--1449
              Chungou Zhang and   
                     Zhihui Zhu   Preservation properties of the
                                  Baskakov--Kantorovich operators  . . . . 1450--1455
              Yisheng Huang and   
                    Yuying Zhou   Existence of solutions for a class of
                                  hemivariational inequality problems  . . 1456--1462
          S. Benzoni-Gavage and   
                   M. D. Rosini   Weakly nonlinear surface waves and
                                  subsonic phase boundaries  . . . . . . . 1463--1484
                D. Bahuguna and   
                 A. Ujlayan and   
                   D. N. Pandey   A comparative study of numerical methods
                                  for solving an integro-differential
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1485--1493
               Te-Jen Chang and   
               Chia-Long Wu and   
             Der-Chyuan Lou and   
                 Ching-Yin Chen   A low-complexity $ L U T $-based
                                  squaring algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . 1494--1501
              M. O. Osilike and   
                       Y. Shehu   Explicit averaging cyclic algorithm for
                                  common fixed points of a finite family
                                  of asymptotically strictly
                                  pseudocontractive maps in Banach spaces  1502--1510
                     Lequn Peng   RETRACTED: Asymptotic behavior of
                                  solutions to a differential equation
                                  with state-dependent delay . . . . . . . 1511--1514
               Qianqiao Guo and   
                  Pengcheng Niu   Some theorems on existence and
                                  uniqueness of fixed points for
                                  decreasing operators . . . . . . . . . . 1515--1521
               Xiaobing Nie and   
                      Jinde Cao   Stability analysis for the generalized
                                  Cohen--Grossberg neural networks with
                                  inverse Lipschitz neuron activations . . 1522--1536
Charnyote Pluempitiwiriyawej and   
               Nick Cercone and   
                   Xiangdong An   Lexical acquisition and clustering of
                                  word senses to conceptual lexicon
                                  construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1537--1546
               M. Irfan Ali and   
                  Feng Feng and   
                Xiaoyan Liu and   
               Won Keun Min and   
                      M. Shabir   On some new operations in soft set
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1547--1553
                 E. A. Galperin   Information transmittal, time
                                  uncertainty and special relativity . . . 1554--1573
              Changbum Chun and   
                 Hwa ju Bae and   
                      Beny Neta   New families of nonlinear third-order
                                  solvers for finding multiple roots . . . 1574--1582
               Yan-Fei Jing and   
                 Ting-Zhu Huang   Restarted weighted full
                                  orthogonalization method for shifted
                                  linear systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1583--1591
             E. J. Janowski and   
           M. R. S. Kulenovi\'c   Attractivity and global stability for
                                  linearizable difference equations  . . . 1592--1607

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 57, Number 10, May, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
    Ibrahim Abouelfarag Ibrahim   On the existence of solutions of
                                  functional integral equation of Urysohn
                                  type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1609--1614
                     Baoguo Jia   Maximum density for the Sierpinski
                                  carpet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1615--1621
              Xian-lin Yang and   
                   Jia-shi Tang   Explicit exact solutions for the
                                  generalized Zakharov equations with
                                  nonlinear terms of any order . . . . . . 1622--1629
                 Yong Zhang and   
              Gong-You Tang and   
                    Nai-Ping Hu   Non-fragile control for nonlinear
                                  networked control systems with long
                                  time-delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1630--1637
              Jianfeng Wang and   
           Qiongxiang Huang and   
                Yongzhi Liu and   
                 Ruying Liu and   
                     Chengfu Ye   The cospectral equivalence classes of
                                  graphs having an isolated vertex . . . . 1638--1644
              Zhiping Xiong and   
                     Bing Zheng   On the eigenvalues of a specially
                                  rank-$r$ updated complex matrix  . . . . 1645--1650
                A. Golbabai and   
                M. Mammadov and   
                  S. Seifollahi   Solving a system of nonlinear integral
                                  equations by an RBF network  . . . . . . 1651--1658
                   L. Garza and   
            F. Marcellán   Szeg\Ho transformations and Nth order
                                  associated polynomials on the unit
                                  circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1659--1671
                Changpin Li and   
                    Yihong Wang   Numerical algorithm based on Adomian
                                  decomposition for fractional
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1672--1681
              Lu-Chuan Ceng and   
                Sy-Ming Guu and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   On generalized implicit vector
                                  equilibrium problems in Banach spaces    1682--1691
Gilberto C. González-Parra and   
          Abraham J. Arenas and   
            Diego F. Aranda and   
       Rafael J. Villanueva and   
             Lucas Jódar   Dynamics of a model of Toxoplasmosis
                                  disease in human and cat populations . . 1692--1700
         Stojan Radenovi\'c and   
                  B. E. Rhoades   Fixed point theorem for two non-self
                                  mappings in cone metric spaces . . . . . 1701--1707
              Pedro Almenar and   
             Lucas Jódar   Improving explicit bounds for the
                                  solutions of second order linear
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1708--1721

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 57, Number 11--12, June, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
               Linqiang Pan and   
                  Guangzhao Cui   Preface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1723--1723
                Yidong Chen and   
               Xiaodong Shi and   
               Changle Zhou and   
                  Qingyang Hong   A word alignment model based on
                                  multiobjective evolutionary algorithms   1724--1729
   Yasser Baleghi Damavandi and   
                Karim Mohammadi   Fault tolerance in co-evolutionary
                                  communication of EHW modules . . . . . . 1730--1735
                Shukai Duan and   
                     Lidan Wang   A novel delayed chaotic neural model and
                                  its circuitry implementation . . . . . . 1736--1742
                Jinchao Guo and   
               Xinhan Huang and   
                         Yu Cui   Design and analysis of robust fault
                                  detection filter using LMI tools . . . . 1743--1747
                     Yi Han and   
                 Jiafu Tang and   
                   Iko Kaku and   
                      Lifeng Mu   Solving uncapacitated multilevel
                                  lot-sizing problems using a particle
                                  swarm optimization with flexible
                                  inertial weight  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1748--1755
                    Jie Jia and   
                  Jian Chen and   
               Guiran Chang and   
                    Zhenhua Tan   Energy efficient coverage control in
                                  wireless sensor networks based on
                                  multi-objective genetic algorithm  . . . 1756--1766
                    Jie Jia and   
                  Jian Chen and   
               Guiran Chang and   
                Yingyou Wen and   
                  Jingping Song   Multi-objective optimization for
                                  coverage control in wireless sensor
                                  network with adjustable sensing radius   1767--1775
                 Xiaoli Kou and   
                Sanyang Liu and   
               Jianke Zhang and   
                      Wei Zheng   Co-evolutionary particle swarm
                                  optimization to solve constrained
                                  optimization problems  . . . . . . . . . 1776--1784
                 Anqiang Li and   
                Liping Wang and   
                  Jiqing Li and   
                   Changming Ji   Application of immune algorithm-based
                                  particle swarm optimization for
                                  optimized load distribution among
                                  cascade hydropower stations  . . . . . . 1785--1791
                  Cunbin Li and   
                   Kecheng Wang   The risk element transmission theory
                                  research of multi-objective
                                  risk-time-cost trade-off . . . . . . . . 1792--1799
                  Jinhua Li and   
               Wensheng Bao and   
                   Yun Zhao and   
                 Zhibing Ma and   
                 Huangzhen Dong   Evolutionary generation of unique
                                  input/output sequences for class
                                  behavioral testing . . . . . . . . . . . 1800--1807
                 De-Kai Liu and   
           Chaiporn Jaikaeo and   
           Chien-Chung Shen and   
                 Ren-Hung Hwang   Discovering timely information in MANETs 1808--1821
                    Mei Liu and   
                  Haihao Li and   
                    Yi Shen and   
               Jianfeng Fan and   
               Shuangning Huang   Elastic neural network method for
                                  multi-target tracking task allocation in
                                  wireless sensor network  . . . . . . . . 1822--1828
                   Zhen Liu and   
                   Liang Lu and   
                   Sengyan Tsai   The research on mechanism of color
                                  management system based on iCAM color
                                  appearance model . . . . . . . . . . . . 1829--1834
                    Ying Li and   
                  Yijia Cao and   
                Zhaoyan Liu and   
                     Yi Liu and   
                 Quanyuan Jiang   Dynamic optimal reactive power dispatch
                                  based on parallel particle swarm
                                  optimization algorithm . . . . . . . . . 1835--1842
                 Zhiyong Li and   
        Günter Rudolph and   
                       Kenli Li   Convergence performance comparison of
                                  quantum-inspired multi-objective
                                  evolutionary algorithms  . . . . . . . . 1843--1854
                 Hengyun Lu and   
                     Genke Yang   Extremal Optimization for protein
                                  folding simulations on the lattice . . . 1855--1861
                     Lin Ma and   
              Kuanquan Wang and   
                    David Zhang   A universal texture segmentation and
                                  representation scheme based on ant
                                  colony optimization for iris image
                                  processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1862--1868
                 Runnian Ma and   
                     Yu Xie and   
             Shengrui Zhang and   
                     Wenbin Liu   Convergence of discrete delayed Hopfield
                                  neural networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1869--1876
                 Yuanbin Mo and   
                 Hetong Liu and   
                       Qin Wang   Conjugate direction particle swarm
                                  optimization solving systems of
                                  nonlinear equations  . . . . . . . . . . 1877--1882
               Dongxiao Niu and   
                 Jinchao Li and   
                 Jinying Li and   
                         Da Liu   Middle-long power load forecasting based
                                  on particle swarm optimization . . . . . 1883--1889
                      Bo Qu and   
                     Kerui Weng   Path relinking approach for multiple
                                  allocation hub maximal covering problem  1890--1894
                 Benlin Shi and   
                  Yang Song and   
              Changchen Liu and   
                    Yunfeng Luo   Competition and evolution of linear and
                                  two-part tariff  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1895--1900
                   Wei Song and   
                Soon Cheol Park   Genetic algorithm for text clustering
                                  based on latent semantic indexing  . . . 1901--1907
                  Anna Wang and   
               Wenjing Yuan and   
                Junfang Liu and   
                  Zhiguo Yu and   
                         Hua Li   A novel pattern recognition algorithm:
                                  Combining ART network with SVM to
                                  reconstruct a multi-class classifier . . 1908--1914
                  Jian Wang and   
              Changyong Niu and   
                    Ruimin Shen   Priority-based target coverage in
                                  directional sensor networks using a
                                  genetic algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 1915--1922
                 Zhiwu Wang and   
                  Zhengguo Wang   A novel two-phase heuristic method for
                                  vehicle routing problem with backhauls   1923--1928
                    Wei Wei and   
               Yixiong Feng and   
               Jianrong Tan and   
                    Zhongkai Li   Product platform two-stage quality
                                  optimization design based on
                                  multiobjective genetic algorithm . . . . 1929--1937
               Xiaopeng Wei and   
             Dongsheng Zhou and   
                    Qiang Zhang   On asymptotic stability of discrete-time
                                  non-autonomous delayed Hopfield neural
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1938--1942
                    Zhe Wei and   
               Yixiong Feng and   
               Jianrong Tan and   
                  Junhao Wu and   
                Dandan Yang and   
                   Jinlong Wang   Research on quality performance
                                  conceptual design based on SPEA2+  . . . 1943--1948
               Jianhua Xiao and   
                     Jin Xu and   
                Zhihua Chen and   
                  Kai Zhang and   
                   Linqiang Pan   A hybrid quantum chaotic swarm
                                  evolutionary algorithm for DNA encoding  1949--1958
                  Bingji Xu and   
                  Xiang Liu and   
                    Kok Lay Teo   Global exponential stability of
                                  impulsive high-order Hopfield type
                                  neural networks with delays  . . . . . . 1959--1967
                  Bingji Xu and   
                  Xiang Liu and   
                    Kok Lay Teo   Asymptotic stability of impulsive
                                  high-order Hopfield type neural networks 1968--1977
                Degang Yang and   
                     Chunyan Hu   Novel delay-dependent global asymptotic
                                  stability condition of Hopfield neural
                                  networks with delays . . . . . . . . . . 1978--1984
                   Jun Yang and   
                  Min Zhang and   
                      Bo He and   
                      Chao Yang   Bi-level programming model and hybrid
                                  genetic algorithm for flow interception
                                  problem with customer choice . . . . . . 1985--1994
                Junjie Yang and   
             Jianzhong Zhou and   
                     Li Liu and   
                     Yinghai Li   A novel strategy of Pareto-optimal
                                  solution searching in multi-objective
                                  particle swarm optimization (MOPSO)  . . 1995--2000
               Xuncai Zhang and   
               Yanfeng Wang and   
              Guangzhao Cui and   
                   Ying Niu and   
                         Jin Xu   Application of a novel IWO to the design
                                  of encoding sequences for DNA computing  2001--2008
             Shuanfeng Zhao and   
                Guanghua Xu and   
                Tangfei Tao and   
                      Lin Liang   Real-coded chaotic quantum-inspired
                                  genetic algorithm for training of fuzzy
                                  neural networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 2009--2015
                 Xiang Zhao and   
                   Yuan Yao and   
                     Liping Yan   Learning algorithm for multimodal
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2016--2021
                 Yuxin Zhao and   
                     Wei Zu and   
                    Haitao Zeng   A modified particle swarm optimization
                                  via particle visual modeling analysis    2022--2029
             Xiangwei Zheng and   
                       Hong Liu   A hybrid vertical mutation and
                                  self-adaptation based MOPSO  . . . . . . 2030--2038

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 58, Number 1, July, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                  T. K. Siu and   
                W. K. Ching and   
                    E. Fung and   
                      M. Ng and   
                          X. Li   A high-order Markov-switching model for
                                  risk measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--10
               Feng Lü and   
                 Hongxun Yi and   
                     Junfeng Xu   Some further results on weighted sharing
                                  three values and Brosch's theorem  . . . 11--24
               Mingyong Lai and   
              Xiaojiao Tong and   
              Hongming Yang and   
                  Pingping Bing   Dynamic bidding analysis in power market
                                  based on the supply function . . . . . . 25--38
                    V. Mani and   
            Pei Chann Chang and   
                 Shih Hsin Chen   Bi-criteria single machine scheduling
                                  problem with a learning effect:
                                  Aneja--Nair method to obtain the set of
                                  optimal sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . 39--47
         P. Balasubramaniam and   
                M. Syed Ali and   
                      J. H. Kim   Faedo--Galerkin approximate solutions
                                  for stochastic semilinear
                                  integrodifferential equations  . . . . . 48--57
               Hairong Lian and   
                      Weigao Ge   Calculus of variations for a boundary
                                  value problem of differential system on
                                  the half line  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58--64
        Bikash Kanti Sarkar and   
               Shib Sankar Sana   A hybrid approach to design efficient
                                  learning classifiers . . . . . . . . . . 65--73
                   R. Radha and   
                 S. Sivananthan   Local reconstruction method and voice
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74--79
                   Mingjin Wang   Generalizations of Milne's $ U(n + 1) q
                                  $-binomial theorems  . . . . . . . . . . 80--87
          Russell L. Carden and   
                 Pablo Tarazaga   Sequential iterations for two diagonal
                                  preconditioners  . . . . . . . . . . . . 88--94
                     Ji-Bo Wang   Single machine scheduling with
                                  decreasing linear deterioration under
                                  precedence constraints . . . . . . . . . 95--103
               Weiping Wang and   
                  Tianming Wang   General identities on Bell polynomials   104--118
               Shouzhi Yang and   
                     Yanmei Xue   Two-direction poly-scale refinability    119--127
                    Yihong Song   Positive almost periodic solutions of
                                  nonlinear discrete systems with finite
                                  delay  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128--134
               Yongzhen Pei and   
               Shaoying Liu and   
                Shujing Gao and   
                 Shuping Li and   
                    Changguo Li   A delayed SEIQR epidemic model with
                                  pulse vaccination and the quarantine
                                  measure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135--145
                 Deng-Shan Wang   A systematic method to construct
                                  Hirota's transformations of continuous
                                  soliton equations and its applications   146--153
               F. Saadatjoo and   
               Vali Derhami and   
                 S. M. Karbassi   Simultaneous control of linear systems
                                  by state feedback  . . . . . . . . . . . 154--160
                     Li Sun and   
                 Guoping He and   
                Yongli Wang and   
                     Liang Fang   An active set quasi-Newton method with
                                  projected search for bound constrained
                                  minimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161--170
        Slobodan K. Simi\'c and   
                 Zoran Stani\'c   On some forests determined by their
                                  Laplacian or signless Laplacian spectrum 171--178
           P. Caballero-Gil and   
       A. Fúster-Sabater   A simple attack on some clock-controlled
                                  generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179--188
               Yan-Hong She and   
                   Guo-Jun Wang   An axiomatic approach of fuzzy rough
                                  sets based on residuated lattices  . . . 189--201

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 58, Number 2, July, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
               Xuemei Zhang and   
                      Weigao Ge   Positive solutions for a class of
                                  boundary-value problems with integral
                                  boundary conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 203--215
                Yanbin Sang and   
                     Hua Su and   
                        Fuyi Xu   Positive solutions of nonlinear
                                  $m$-point BVP for an increasing
                                  homeomorphism and homomorphism with sign
                                  changing nonlinearity on time scales . . 216--226
           V. P. Srivastava and   
              Rashmi Srivastava   Particulate suspension blood flow
                                  through a narrow catheterized artery . . 227--238
                E. Babolian and   
                 Z. Masouri and   
        S. Hatamzadeh-Varmazyar   Numerical solution of nonlinear
                                  Volterra--Fredholm integro-differential
                                  equations via direct method using
                                  triangular functions . . . . . . . . . . 239--247
                 Xueling Ma and   
              Jianming Zhan and   
              Wies\law A. Dudek   Some kinds of $ (\overline {\in },
                                  \overline {\in } \vee \overline q)
                                  $-fuzzy filters of BL-algebras . . . . . 248--256
                Samir Karaa and   
                 Mohamed Othman   Two-level compact implicit schemes for
                                  three-dimensional parabolic problems . . 257--263
               Murat Adivar and   
             Youssef N. Raffoul   Stability and periodicity in dynamic
                                  delay equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 264--272
                Yuming Xing and   
                    Shusen Ding   Inequalities for Green's operator with
                                  Lipschitz and BMO norms  . . . . . . . . 273--280
        Douglas R. Anderson and   
            Patricia J. Y. Wong   Positive solutions for second-order
                                  semipositone problems on time scales . . 281--291
           Bojan Crnkovi\'c and   
      Nelida Crnjari\'c-Zic and   
              Lado Kranjcevi\'c   Improvements of semi-implicit schemes
                                  for hyperbolic balance laws applied on
                                  open channel flow equations  . . . . . . 292--309
                W. A. Dudek and   
                  M. Shabir and   
                   M. Irfan Ali   $ (\alpha, \beta)$-fuzzy ideals of
                                  hemirings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310--321
                D. Altintan and   
                   Ö. Ugur   Variational iteration method for
                                  Sturm--Liouville differential equations  322--328
                       Bin Zhao   Dynamics of two classes of recursive
                                  sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329--333
      Szabolcs Baják and   
             Zsolt Páles   Computer aided solution of the
                                  invariance equation for two-variable
                                  Gini means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334--340
                    Shuhua Gong   Anti-periodic solutions for a class of
                                  Cohen--Grossberg neural networks . . . . 341--347
                 Ram Naresh and   
             Agraj Tripathi and   
            J. M. Tchuenche and   
                  Dileep Sharma   Stability analysis of a time delayed SIR
                                  epidemic model with nonlinear incidence
                                  rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348--359
             M. T. Darvishi and   
                       F. Khani   A series solution of the foam drainage
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360--368
                   T. Hayat and   
                   M. Nawaz and   
                   M. Sajid and   
                      S. Asghar   The effect of thermal radiation on the
                                  flow of a second grade fluid . . . . . . 369--379
              Zhigang Zhang and   
                     Xinzhi Liu   Robust stability of uncertain discrete
                                  impulsive switching systems  . . . . . . 380--389
             Mario De Salvo and   
               Dario Fasino and   
             Domenico Freni and   
               Giovanni Lo Faro   Isomorphism classes of the hypergroups
                                  of type $U$ on the right of size five    390--402

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 58, Number 3, August, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                   N. Imani and   
            H. Sarbazi-Azad and   
                  S. G. Akl and   
                   P. Moinzadeh   Chromatic sets of power graphs and their
                                  application to resource placement in
                                  multicomputer networks . . . . . . . . . 403--413
               Donald Greenspan   Computer studies of molecular air flow
                                  around a circular cylinder . . . . . . . 414--421
         Mohammad M. Rahman and   
                 David R. Fearn   A spectral solution of nonlinear mean
                                  field dynamo equations: With inertia . . 422--435
                 Linfei Nie and   
               Zhidong Teng and   
                     Lin Hu and   
                     Jigen Peng   Permanence and stability in
                                  non-autonomous predator--prey
                                  Lotka--Volterra systems with feedback
                                  controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436--448
                 M. K. Aouf and   
                   M. F. Yassen   On certain classes of meromorphically
                                  multivalent functions associated with
                                  the generalized hypergeometric function  449--463
             Feng-Gong Lang and   
                  Ren-Hong Wang   Bivariate $ C^1 $ cubic spline spaces
                                  with homogeneous boundary conditions
                                  over FVS triangulation . . . . . . . . . 464--473
                 Fuyuan Cao and   
                 Jiye Liang and   
                    Guang Jiang   An initialization method for the
                                  $K$-Means algorithm using neighborhood
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474--483
            Kuo-Liang Chung and   
              Ping-Zen Chen and   
                   Ying-Lin Pan   Speed up of the edge-based inverse
                                  halftoning algorithm using a finite
                                  state machine model approach . . . . . . 484--497
             Fu-Hsiang Wong and   
            Sheng-Ping Wang and   
             Shiueh-Ling Yu and   
                 Wei-Cheng Lian   Existence of positive solutions for an $
                                  (n + 2)$-order nonlinear BVP . . . . . . 498--507
              Tingwen Huang and   
               Chuandong Li and   
                   Zhigang Zeng   A domain attraction criterion for
                                  interval fuzzy neural networks . . . . . 508--513
         Alvaro H. Salas S. and   
          Cesar A. Gomez S. and   
Jairo Ernesto Castillo Herna\'ndez   New abundant solutions for the Burgers
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514--520
                 Xibei Yang and   
             Tsau Young Lin and   
                Jingyu Yang and   
                     Yan Li and   
                     Dongjun Yu   Combination of interval-valued fuzzy set
                                  and soft set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521--527
                  Xingqiu Zhang   Successive iteration and positive
                                  solutions for a second-order multi-point
                                  boundary value problem on a half-line    528--535
                 E. A. Galperin   Special relativity for motions with
                                  variable speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536--547
   Abdel-Karim Aboul-Hassan and   
            Sherif I. Rabia and   
               Fowzia A. Taboly   Performance evaluation of a
                                  discrete-time Geo$^{[X]}$ /G/1 retrial
                                  queue with general retrial times . . . . 548--557
              E. De Angelis and   
                 R. Revelli and   
                     L. Ridolfi   Transport-diffusion models with
                                  nonlinear boundary conditions and
                                  solution by generalized collocation
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558--565
               Marjan Uddin and   
                Sirajul Haq and   
                 Siraj-ul-Islam   Numerical solution of complex modified
                                  Korteweg--de Vries equation by mesh-free
                                  collocation method . . . . . . . . . . . 566--578
               Carlo Bianca and   
                    Santo Motta   The MWF method: a convergence theorem
                                  for homogeneous one-dimensional case . . 579--588
                 Marek Niezgoda   A new inequality of Ostrowski-Grüss type
                                  and applications to some numerical
                                  quadrature rules . . . . . . . . . . . . 589--596
                 Yuan-Ming Wang   Asymptotic behavior of solutions for a
                                  Lotka--Volterra mutualism
                                  reaction-diffusion system with time
                                  delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597--604
              Lu-Chuan Ceng and   
                Sy-Ming Guu and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   Hybrid viscosity-like approximation
                                  methods for nonexpansive mappings in
                                  Hilbert spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605--617

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 58, Number 4, August, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
       Alexander A. Lazarev and   
                   Frank Werner   A graphical realization of the dynamic
                                  programming method for solving NP-hard
                                  combinatorial problems . . . . . . . . . 619--631
                 Zhong Chen and   
                  YongFang Zhou   An efficient algorithm for solving
                                  Hilbert type singular integral equations
                                  of the second kind . . . . . . . . . . . 632--640
                Tian-Fu Lee and   
              Jenn-Long Liu and   
              Mei-Jiun Sung and   
          Shiueng-Bien Yang and   
                  Chia-Mei Chen   Communication-efficient three-party
                                  protocols for authentication and key
                                  agreement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641--648
            Mats Gyllenberg and   
                       Ping Yan   Four limit cycles for a
                                  three-dimensional competitive
                                  Lotka--Volterra system with a
                                  heteroclinic cycle . . . . . . . . . . . 649--669
              Kaizhong Guan and   
                   Jianhua Shen   Oscillation criteria for a first-order
                                  impulsive neutral differential equation
                                  of Euler form  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670--677
                  R. J. Kuo and   
                    C. C. Huang   Application of particle swarm
                                  optimization algorithm for solving
                                  bi-level linear programming problem  . . 678--685
                 H. El-Metwally   Qualitative properties of some higher
                                  order difference equations . . . . . . . 686--692
              Xiao-Guang Lv and   
             Ting-Zhu Huang and   
                   Zhi-Gang Ren   A modified T. Chan's preconditioner for
                                  Toeplitz systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 693--699
     Victoria Otero-Espinar and   
              Dolores R. Vivero   Uniqueness and existence results for
                                  initial value problems on time scales
                                  through a reciprocal problem and
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700--710
                 Yu-Ru Syau and   
                 Lixing Jia and   
                 E. Stanley Lee   Generalizations of $E$-convex and
                                  $B$-vex functions  . . . . . . . . . . . 711--716
             Özer Talo and   
                    Feyzi Basar   Determination of the duals of classical
                                  sets of sequences of fuzzy numbers and
                                  related matrix transformations . . . . . 717--733
      George A. Anastassiou and   
                   Sorin G. Gal   Approximation by complex
                                  Bernstein--Schurer and
                                  Kantorovich--Schurer polynomials in
                                  compact disks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734--743
             Claudio Cuevas and   
   Eduardo Hernández and   
                  Marcos Rabelo   The existence of solutions for impulsive
                                  neutral functional differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 744--757
              Zhixiang Chen and   
                    Feilong Cao   The approximation operators with
                                  sigmoidal functions  . . . . . . . . . . 758--765
          Leonid Berezansky and   
            Elena Braverman and   
                 Sandra Pinelas   On nonoscillation of mixed
                                  advanced-delay differential equations
                                  with positive and negative coefficients  766--775
              Ming-Hong Liu and   
               Vasant A. Ubhaya   An $ O(n) $ algorithm for weighted least
                                  squares regression by integer
                                  quasi-convex and unimodal or umbrella
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776--783
                  Jiu-Gang Dong   Oscillation of solutions for first order
                                  neutral differential equations with
                                  distributed deviating arguments  . . . . 784--790
                  Hans Babovsky   A numerical model for the Boltzmann
                                  equation with applications to micro
                                  flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791--804
              Tadeusz Jankowski   Existence of positive solutions to
                                  second order four-point impulsive
                                  differential problems with deviating
                                  arguments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805--817

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 58, Number 5, September, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
           Manfred Krafczyk and   
                     Li-Shi Luo   Mesoscopic methods in engineering and
                                  science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819--820
     Dominique d'Humi\`eres and   
           Manfred Krafczyk and   
                 Li-Shi Luo and   
              Robert Rubinstein   Dedication to Pierre Lallemand on the
                                  occasion of his retirement . . . . . . . 821--822
     Dominique d'Humi\`eres and   
                 Irina Ginzburg   Viscosity independent numerical errors
                                  for Lattice Boltzmann models: From
                                  recurrence equations to ``magic''
                                  collision numbers  . . . . . . . . . . . 823--840
             Pietro Asinari and   
                    Taku Ohwada   Connection between kinetic methods for
                                  fluid-dynamic equations and macroscopic
                                  finite-difference schemes  . . . . . . . 841--861
                    Wen-An Yong   An Onsager-like relation for the lattice
                                  Boltzmann method . . . . . . . . . . . . 862--866
         Pieter Van Leemput and   
    Martin Rheinländer and   
                   Michael Junk   Smooth initialization of lattice
                                  Boltzmann schemes  . . . . . . . . . . . 867--882
            Alfonso Caiazzo and   
               Michael Junk and   
        Martin Rheinländer   Comparison of analysis techniques for
                                  the lattice Boltzmann method . . . . . . 883--897
              J. Tölke and   
                    M. Krafczyk   Second order interpolation of the flow
                                  field in the lattice Boltzmann method    898--902
              M. M. Tekitek and   
                 M. Bouzidi and   
                  F. Dubois and   
                   P. Lallemand   Towards perfectly matching layers for
                                  lattice Boltzmann equation . . . . . . . 903--913
         Salvador Izquierdo and   
 Paula Martínez-Lera and   
                 Norberto Fueyo   Analysis of open boundary effects in
                                  unsteady lattice Boltzmann simulations   914--921
               Michael Junk and   
                   Zhaoxia Yang   Pressure boundary condition for the
                                  lattice Boltzmann method . . . . . . . . 922--929
            Alfonso Caiazzo and   
                  Shankar Maddu   Lattice Boltzmann boundary conditions
                                  via singular forces: Irregular expansion
                                  analysis and numerical investigations    930--939
                Cheng Chang and   
               Chih-Hao Liu and   
                    Chao-An Lin   Boundary conditions for lattice
                                  Boltzmann simulations with complex
                                  geometry flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940--949
         Jürgen Becker and   
               Michael Junk and   
              Dirk Kehrwald and   
         Guido Thömmes and   
                   Zhaoxia Yang   A combined lattice BGK/level set method
                                  for immiscible two-phase flows . . . . . 950--964
          A. L. Kupershtokh and   
             D. A. Medvedev and   
                   D. I. Karpov   On equations of state in a lattice
                                  Boltzmann method . . . . . . . . . . . . 965--974
           Prashant K. Jain and   
             Adrian Tentner and   
                   Rizwan-uddin   A lattice Boltzmann framework to
                                  simulate boiling water reactor core
                                  hydrodynamics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 975--986
                     Taehun Lee   Effects of incompressibility on the
                                  elimination of parasitic currents in the
                                  lattice Boltzmann equation method for
                                  binary fluids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987--994
               Martin Hecht and   
                   Jens Harting   Computational steering of cluster
                                  formation in Brownian suspensions  . . . 995--1002
              Nishith Verma and   
                   Dieter Mewes   Lattice Boltzmann methods for simulation
                                  of micro and macrotransport in a packed
                                  bed of porous adsorbents under
                                  non-isothermal condition . . . . . . . . 1003--1014
               Shadab Anwar and   
               Michael C. Sukop   Regional scale transient groundwater
                                  flow modeling using Lattice Boltzmann
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015--1023
               J. Bernsdorf and   
                        D. Wang   Non-Newtonian blood flow simulation in
                                  cerebral aneurysms . . . . . . . . . . . 1024--1029
                 Dinan Wang and   
            Jörg Bernsdorf   Lattice Boltzmann simulation of steady
                                  non-Newtonian blood flow in a $3$D
                                  generic stenosis case  . . . . . . . . . 1030--1034
                A. Sequeira and   
               A. M. Artoli and   
        A. S. Silva-Herdade and   
                    C. Saldanha   Leukocytes dynamics in microcirculation
                                  under shear-thinning blood flow  . . . . 1035--1044
       Mahmud Ashrafizaadeh and   
                 Hani Bakhshaei   A comparison of non-Newtonian models for
                                  lattice Boltzmann blood flow simulations 1045--1054
        Waleed Abdel Kareem and   
            Seiichiro Izawa and   
               Ao-Kui Xiong and   
                   Yu Fukunishi   Lattice Boltzmann simulations of
                                  homogeneous isotropic turbulence . . . . 1055--1061
        Markus Stürmer and   
              Jan Götz and   
             Gregor Richter and   
          Arnd Dörfler and   
               Ulrich Rüde   Fluid flow simulation on the Cell
                                  Broadband Engine using the lattice
                                  Boltzmann method . . . . . . . . . . . . 1062--1070
          Vincent Heuveline and   
          Mathias J. Krause and   
                     Jonas Latt   Towards a hybrid parallelization of
                                  lattice Boltzmann methods  . . . . . . . 1071--1080

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 58, Number 6, September, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                M. A. Moges and   
                      D. Yu and   
               T. G. Robertazzi   Grid scheduling divisible loads from two
                                  sources  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081--1092
                  Yiqin Lin and   
                  Liang Bao and   
                      Yimin Wei   Order reduction of bilinear MIMO
                                  dynamical systems using new block Krylov
                                  subspaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093--1102
               Junfang Zhao and   
                      Weigao Ge   Positive solutions for a higher-order
                                  four-point boundary value problem with a
                                  $p$-Laplacian  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1103--1112
                  M. Z. Liu and   
                  J. F. Gao and   
                     Z. W. Yang   Preservation of oscillations of the
                                  Runge--Kutta method for equation $ x'(t)
                                  + a x(t) + a_1 x([t - 1]) = 0 $  . . . . 1113--1125
          Gabriela Jeronimo and   
            Daniel Perrucci and   
                     Juan Sabia   A parametric representation of totally
                                  mixed Nash equilibria  . . . . . . . . . 1126--1141
                 Jinxian Li and   
                 Jurang Yan and   
                    Xinchun Jia   Dynamical analysis of Cohen--Grossberg
                                  neural networks with time-delays and
                                  impulses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1142--1151
                Eun-Joo Lee and   
                      Jun Zhang   A two-phase preconditioning strategy of
                                  sparse approximate inverse for
                                  indefinite matrices  . . . . . . . . . . 1152--1159
 R. Caballero-Águila and   
          A. Hermoso-Carazo and   
J. D. Jiménez-López and   
    J. Linares-Pérez and   
                    S. Nakamori   Recursive estimation of discrete-time
                                  signals from nonlinear randomly delayed
                                  observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1160--1168
                    Neng Xu and   
                     M. K. Aouf   Properties of certain analytic
                                  multivalent functions defined by a
                                  linear operator  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1169--1179
                       Ling Zhu   Some new inequalities of the Huygens
                                  type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1180--1182
              A. O. Mostafa and   
                     M. K. Aouf   Neighborhoods of certain $p$-valent
                                  analytic functions with complex order    1183--1189
              Yongsong Xiao and   
                 Yong Zhang and   
                   Jie Ding and   
                     Jiyang Dai   The residual based interactive least
                                  squares algorithms and simulation
                                  studies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1190--1197
              Xiaoqing Deng and   
                 Gong Cheng and   
                    Haiping Shi   Subharmonic solutions and homoclinic
                                  orbits of second order discrete
                                  Hamiltonian systems with potential
                                  changing sign  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1198--1206
                 Wenjun Liu and   
      Quô'c-Anh Ngô   An Ostrowski-Grüss type inequality on
                                  time scales  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1207--1210
                 Qi-Ru Wang and   
               Yuan-Tong Xu and   
              Ronald M. Mathsen   Riccati techniques and oscillation for
                                  self-adjoint matrix Hamiltonian systems  1211--1222
               Zengqin Zhao and   
                 Xiangping Chen   Fixed points of decreasing operators in
                                  ordered Banach spaces and applications
                                  to nonlinear second order elliptic
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1223--1229
                 Ying Zhang and   
                    Ying-Tao Xu   A one-parameter filled function method
                                  applied to nonsmooth constrained global
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1230--1238
   P. Jiménez Guerra and   
             M. A. Melguizo and   
       M. J. Muñoz-Bouzo   Sensitivity analysis in convex
                                  programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1239--1246
                  P. Cerone and   
                 S. S. Dragomir   Bounding the Cebysev functional for the
                                  Riemann--Stieltjes integral via a
                                  Beesack inequality and applications  . . 1247--1252
               J.-M. Belley and   
                  P. Belley and   
                   F. Colin and   
                        R. Egli   Non-smooth kernels for meshfree methods
                                  in fluid dynamics  . . . . . . . . . . . 1253--1272
             Stojan Radenovi\'c   Common fixed points under contractive
                                  conditions in cone metric spaces . . . . 1273--1278
Abdülkadir Aygüno\uglu and   
               Halis Aygün   Introduction to fuzzy soft groups  . . . 1279--1286

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 58, Number 7, October, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
              Jian-Wen Peng and   
                   Jen-Chih Yao   Two extragradient methods for
                                  generalized mixed equilibrium problems,
                                  nonexpansive mappings and monotone
                                  mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1287--1301
                S. G. Ahmed and   
                  S. A. Meshrif   A new numerical algorithm for $2$D
                                  moving boundary problems using a
                                  boundary element method  . . . . . . . . 1302--1308
              Xiao-Qing Jin and   
                    Fu-Rong Lin   Block preconditioners with circulant
                                  blocks for general linear systems  . . . 1309--1319
               Zhengyu Wang and   
                     Xinyuan Wu   A semi-local convergence theorem for a
                                  robust revised Newton's method . . . . . 1320--1327
               Md. A. Ikbal and   
             S. Chakravarty and   
                   P. K. Mandal   Two-layered micropolar fluid flow
                                  through stenosed artery: Effect of
                                  peripheral layer thickness . . . . . . . 1328--1339
               Tian-Xiao He and   
             Leetsch C. Hsu and   
                  Dongsheng Yin   A pair of operator summation formulas
                                  and their applications . . . . . . . . . 1340--1348
               Xiao-shen Li and   
               Xue-hai Yuan and   
                 E. Stanley Lee   The three-dimensional fuzzy sets and
                                  their cut sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349--1359
 Pablo Gómez-Mourelo and   
                 Marta Ginovart   The differential equation counterpart of
                                  an individual-based model for yeast
                                  population growth  . . . . . . . . . . . 1360--1369
              E. Berriochoa and   
              A. Cachafeiro and   
          J. García Amor   Characterizing the measures on the unit
                                  circle with exact quadrature formulas in
                                  the space of polynomials . . . . . . . . 1370--1382
                  Young Bae Jun   Generalizations of $ (\epsilon, \epsilon
                                  \vee q) $-fuzzy subalgebras in
                                  BCK/BCI-algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . 1383--1390
                Xin-feng He and   
                Junmin Chen and   
                        Zhen He   Generalized projection method for a
                                  variational inequality system with
                                  different mapping in Banach spaces . . . 1391--1396
                  Issara Inchan   Strong convergence theorems for a new
                                  iterative method of $k$-strictly
                                  pseudo-contractive mappings in Hilbert
                                  spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1397--1407
              Zhi-Gang Wang and   
                   Yong Sun and   
                  Zhi-Hua Zhang   Certain classes of meromorphic
                                  multivalent functions  . . . . . . . . . 1408--1417
              N. H. Sweilam and   
                 A. M. Nagy and   
                   M. H. Alnasr   An efficient dynamical systems method
                                  for solving singularly perturbed
                                  integral equations with noise  . . . . . 1418--1424
                 Debin Kong and   
                 Lishan Liu and   
                    Yonghong Wu   Triple positive solutions of a boundary
                                  value problem for nonlinear singular
                                  second-order differential equations of
                                  mixed type with $p$-Laplacian  . . . . . 1425--1432
Juan Alberto Rodríguez-Velázquez and   
           Aida Kamisali\'c and   
           Josep Domingo-Ferrer   On reliability indices of communication
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1433--1440
                     Li Xie and   
                   Jie Ding and   
                      Feng Ding   Gradient based iterative solutions for
                                  general linear matrix equations  . . . . 1441--1448
                  Yujun Cui and   
                      Yumei Zou   Existence and uniqueness theorems for
                                  fourth-order singular boundary value
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1449--1456
               Ting-Bin Cao and   
                Hong-Xun Yi and   
                    Hong-Yan Xu   On the multiple values and uniqueness of
                                  meromorphic functions on annuli  . . . . 1457--1465
               O. Kazanc\i  and   
                  B. Davvaz and   
                       S. Yamak   Fuzzy $n$-ary polygroups related to
                                  fuzzy points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1466--1474
      Rubén López   Stability results for polyhedral
                                  complementarity problems . . . . . . . . 1475--1486

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 58, Number 8, October, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
          Hadrien Cambazard and   
           Barry O'Sullivan and   
               Barbara M. Smith   A constraint-based approach to Enigma
                                  1225 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1487--1497
   Pantelis N. Karamolegkos and   
  Charalampos Z. Patrikakis and   
       Nikolaos D. Doulamis and   
     Panagiotis T. Vlacheas and   
      Ioannis G. Nikolakopoulos   An evaluation study of clustering
                                  algorithms in the scope of user
                                  communities assessment . . . . . . . . . 1498--1519
               Jin-bao Jian and   
                   Ran Quan and   
                  Wei-xin Cheng   A feasible QP-free algorithm combining
                                  the interior-point method with active
                                  set for constrained optimization . . . . 1520--1533
         Prakasith Kayasith and   
         Thanaruk Theeramunkong   Speech confusion index $ \phi $: a
                                  confusion-based speech quality indicator
                                  and recognition rate prediction for
                                  dysarthria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1534--1549
                  Xiao Gang and   
                    Sanyang Liu   Existence of solutions for generalized
                                  vector quasi-variational-like
                                  inequalities without monotonicity  . . . 1550--1557
               A. M. Zahran and   
          M. Azab Abd-Allah and   
             Kamal El-Saady and   
                     A. Ghareeb   The category of double fuzzy
                                  preproximity spaces  . . . . . . . . . . 1558--1572
                Changpin Li and   
                   Chunxing Tao   On the fractional Adams method . . . . . 1573--1588
                 Arif Rafiq and   
             Muhammad Rafiullah   Some multi-step iterative methods for
                                  solving nonlinear equations  . . . . . . 1589--1597
                    Hua-Wen Liu   Erratum to: ``Notes on Triple $I$ method
                                  of fuzzy reasoning'' [Comput. Math.
                                  Appl. 44 (2002) 1567--1579]  . . . . . . 1598--1603
               Xue-hai Yuan and   
                 E. Stanley Lee   Comments on ``Notes on triple $I$ method
                                  of fuzzy reasoning'' . . . . . . . . . . 1604--1607
           Lü Zhongxue and   
                      Liu Zuhan   Sharp thresholds of two-components
                                  Bose--Einstein condensates . . . . . . . 1608--1614
                D. Bahuguna and   
                 A. Ujlayan and   
            Dwijendra N. Pandey   Method of Kronecker product to advanced
                                  type Riccati differential systems with
                                  strongly coupled quadratic terms . . . . 1615--1622
               Weibing Wang and   
               Xiangling Fu and   
                     Xuxin Yang   Positive solutions of periodic boundary
                                  value problems for impulsive
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1623--1630
                   Ram U. Verma   A new relaxed proximal point procedure
                                  and applications to nonlinear
                                  variational inclusions . . . . . . . . . 1631--1635
               Huan-Wen Liu and   
                      Le-Le Fan   Lagrange interpolations using bivariate
                                  $ C^2 $ quintic supersplines on double
                                  Clough---Tocher refinements  . . . . . . 1636--1644
               Wenjuan Chen and   
                  Shunhua Zhang   Intuitionistic fuzzy Lie
                                  sub-superalgebras and intuitionistic
                                  fuzzy ideals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1645--1661
              John R. Graef and   
               Toufik Moussaoui   A class of $n$ th-order BVPs with
                                  nonlocal conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 1662--1671
                   Ruyun Ma and   
                        Bao Zhu   Existence of positive solutions for a
                                  semipositone boundary value problem on
                                  the half-line  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1672--1686

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 58, Number 9, November, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
              J. S. H. Tsai and   
                   F.-C. Lu and   
             R. S. Provence and   
                L. S. Shieh and   
                         Z. Han   A new approach for adaptive blind
                                  equalization of chaotic communication:
                                  the optimal linearization technique  . . 1687--1698
              Rui-Sheng Ran and   
                 Ting-Zhu Huang   An inversion algorithm for a banded
                                  matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1699--1710
                Lai-Jiu Lin and   
                   Sung-Yu Wang   Simultaneous variational relation
                                  problems and related applications  . . . 1711--1721
             Yuan-Kang Shih and   
             Cheng-Kuan Lin and   
            Jimmy J. M. Tan and   
                  Lih-Hsing Hsu   The bipanpositionable bipancyclic
                                  property of the hypercube  . . . . . . . 1722--1724
                E. A. Saied and   
      Reda G. Abd El-Rahman and   
               Marwa I. Ghonamy   A generalized Weierstrass elliptic
                                  function expansion method for solving
                                  some nonlinear partial differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1725--1735
                   Hong-Rui Sun   Triple positive solutions for
                                  $p$-Laplacian $m$-point boundary value
                                  problem on time scales . . . . . . . . . 1736--1741
            Jong Yeoul Park and   
              Yong Han Kang and   
                   Sun Hye Park   Adaptive stabilization of a von Kármán
                                  plate equation with a boundary output
                                  feedback control . . . . . . . . . . . . 1742--1754
              Jianhua Huang and   
                  Jinliang Shen   Hybrid Noor iteration method for
                                  nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces  1755--1761
             Chung-Meng Lee and   
           Yuan-Hsiang Teng and   
            Jimmy J. M. Tan and   
                  Lih-Hsing Hsu   Embedding Hamiltonian paths in augmented
                                  cubes with a required vertex in a fixed
                                  position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1762--1768
             Ying-Ming Wang and   
                       Ying Luo   Area ranking of fuzzy numbers based on
                                  positive and negative ideal points . . . 1769--1779
                 Yulin Zhao and   
                     Haibo Chen   Triple positive solutions for nonlinear
                                  boundary value problems in Banach space  1780--1787
                Wenjun Yuan and   
                  Bing Xiao and   
                  Jianjun Zhang   The general result of Gol'dberg's
                                  theorem concerning the growth of
                                  meromorphic solutions of algebraic
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 1788--1791
                Zaiming Liu and   
                 Jinbiao Wu and   
                      Gang Yang   An M/G/1 retrial $G$-queue with
                                  preemptive resume and feedback under
                                  $N$-policy subject to the server
                                  breakdowns and repairs . . . . . . . . . 1792--1807
                  Hongyu Li and   
                   Jingxian Sun   Positive solutions of sublinear
                                  Sturm--Liouville problems with changing
                                  sign nonlinearity  . . . . . . . . . . . 1808--1815
              Koushik Sinha and   
               Bhabani P. Sinha   On the distribution of runs of ones in
                                  binary strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1816--1829
                 Ruyun Chen and   
             Shuhuang Xiang and   
                 Yongxiong Zhou   A parameter method for computing highly
                                  oscillatory integrals  . . . . . . . . . 1830--1837
               Bashir Ahmad and   
                  Juan J. Nieto   Existence results for a coupled system
                                  of nonlinear fractional differential
                                  equations with three-point boundary
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1838--1843
              Cheng-Feng Hu and   
                   Fung-Bao Liu   Solving mathematical programs with fuzzy
                                  equilibrium constraints  . . . . . . . . 1844--1851
                Zhigang Jia and   
               Xuehan Cheng and   
                  Meixiang Zhao   A new method for roots of monic
                                  quaternionic quadratic polynomial  . . . 1852--1858
                    Xie-Hua Sun   Some remarks on sequences of binomial
                                  type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1859--1868
            Mea Bombardelli and   
              Sanja Varo\vsanec   Properties of $h$-convex functions
                                  related to the Hermite--Hadamard--Fejér
                                  inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1869--1877
                  M. A. Atallah   Erratum to: ``Probability distributions
                                  conditioned by the available
                                  information: Gamma Distribution and
                                  Moments'' [Comput. Math. Appl. \bf 52
                                  (2006) 289--304] . . . . . . . . . . . . 1878--1886

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 58, Number 10, November, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
             Yuanping Zhang and   
               Xiaogang Liu and   
                   Xuerong Yong   Which wheel graphs are determined by
                                  their Laplacian spectra? . . . . . . . . 1887--1890
                  Ai-Guo Wu and   
                Junqiang Hu and   
                 Guang-Ren Duan   Solutions to the matrix equation $ A X -
                                  E X F = B Y $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1891--1900
                     Yang Zhang   A discontinuous finite difference
                                  streamline diffusion method for
                                  time-dependent hyperbolic problems . . . 1901--1910
                    Zhijun Zeng   Existence and multiplicity of positive
                                  periodic solutions for a class of
                                  higher-dimension functional differential
                                  equations with impulses  . . . . . . . . 1911--1920
           Chih-Hsiung Wang and   
                  Fan-Chin Meng   Optimal lot size and offline inspection
                                  policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1921--1929
            Danny W. Turner and   
            James D. Stamey and   
                  Dean M. Young   Classic group testing with cost for
                                  grouping and testing . . . . . . . . . . 1930--1935
                   Juhe Sun and   
                    Liwei Zhang   A globally convergent method based on
                                  Fischer--Burmeister operators for
                                  solving second-order cone constrained
                                  variational inequality problems  . . . . 1936--1946
                 Y. A. Amer and   
               H. S. Bauomy and   
                       M. Sayed   Vibration suppression in a twin-tail
                                  system to parametric and external
                                  excitations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1947--1964
        Zbigniew R. Bogdanowicz   A new efficient algorithm for optimal
                                  assignment of smart weapons to targets   1965--1969
               Haijian Yang and   
                     Qingguo Li   A multiplicative multisplitting method
                                  for solving the linear complementarity
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1970--1978
               Zhouchao Wei and   
                     Qigui Yang   Controlling the diffusionless Lorenz
                                  equations with periodic parametric
                                  perturbation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1979--1987
          Hassan A. El-Morshedy   New oscillation criteria for second
                                  order linear difference equations with
                                  positive and negative coefficients . . . 1988--1997
                       Ling Zhu   A source of inequalities for circular
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1998--2004
                    Zhiwen Duan   The asymptotic self-similar behavior for
                                  the quasilinear heat equation with
                                  nonlinear boundary condition . . . . . . 2005--2021
                 A. Panchuk and   
                         T. Puu   Stability in a non-autonomous iterative
                                  system: an application to oligopoly  . . 2022--2034
                    Y. Peng and   
                   X. Xiang and   
                    Y. Gong and   
                         G. Liu   Necessary conditions of optimality for a
                                  class of optimal control problems on
                                  time scales  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2035--2045
                   Hong Gao and   
                   Huiping Long   Dynamic behavior for a system of neutral
                                  functional differential equations  . . . 2046--2050
                    Ting Wu and   
               Yingsha Yang and   
                Linping Sun and   
                        Hu Shao   A heuristic iterated-subspace
                                  minimization method with pattern search
                                  for unconstrained optimization . . . . . 2051--2059
              Young Bae Jun and   
              Kyoung Ja Lee and   
                  Jianming Zhan   Soft $p$-ideals of soft BCI-algebras . . 2060--2068
                   Yusen Wu and   
                     Peiluan Li   Pseudo-isochronicity in a class of
                                  septic differential systems  . . . . . . 2069--2080

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 58, Number 11--12, December, 2009

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . iii--v
                   J.-H. He and   
                   E. W. M. Lee   New analytical methods for cleaning up
                                  the solution of nonlinear equations  . . 2081--2083
               Jafar Biazar and   
              Hossein Aminikhah   A new technique for solving nonlinear
                                  integral-differential equations  . . . . 2084--2090
                  M. Safari and   
                D. D. Ganji and   
                     M. Moslemi   Application of He's variational
                                  iteration method and Adomian's
                                  decomposition method to the fractional
                                  KdV--Burgers--Kuramoto equation  . . . . 2091--2097
                Fazhan Geng and   
                   Yingzhen Lin   Application of the variational iteration
                                  method to inverse heat source problems   2098--2102
                  J. Biazar and   
                       Z. Ayati   Extension of the Exp-function method for
                                  systems of two-dimensional Burgers
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2103--2106
                Z. Z. Ganji and   
                D. D. Ganji and   
                 M. Esmaeilpour   Study on nonlinear Jeffery--Hamel flow
                                  by He's semi-analytical methods and
                                  comparison with numerical results  . . . 2107--2116
         A. Beléndez and   
                  E. Gimeno and   
              M. L. Alvarez and   
            D. I. Méndez   Nonlinear oscillator with discontinuity
                                  by generalized harmonic balance method   2117--2123
                Z. Z. Ganji and   
                D. D. Ganji and   
                      A. Asgari   Finding general and explicit solutions
                                  of high nonlinear equations by the
                                  Exp-function method  . . . . . . . . . . 2124--2130
               Yue-Yun Shen and   
                     Lu-Feng Mo   The max-min approach to a relativistic
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2131--2133
              N. H. Sweilam and   
                   M. M. Khader   Exact solutions of some coupled
                                  nonlinear partial differential equations
                                  using the homotopy perturbation method   2134--2141
       Canan Köro\uglu and   
               Turgut Özis   A novel traveling wave solution for
                                  Ostrovsky equation using Exp-function
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2142--2146
           Byeong-Chun Shin and   
             M. T. Darvishi and   
                      A. Barati   Some exact and new solutions of the
                                  Nizhnik--Novikov--Vesselov equation
                                  using the Exp-function method  . . . . . 2147--2151
                   Ali Konuralp   The steady temperature distributions
                                  with different types of nonlinearities   2152--2159
               Mehdi Tatari and   
                  Mehdi Dehghan   Improvement of He's variational
                                  iteration method for solving systems of
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 2160--2166
                 R. Saadati and   
                 M. Dehghan and   
             S. M. Vaezpour and   
                      M. Saravi   The convergence of He's variational
                                  iteration method for solving integral
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2167--2171
              S. A. Yousefi and   
                   A. Lotfi and   
                  Mehdi Dehghan   He's variational iteration method for
                                  solving nonlinear mixed
                                  Volterra--Fredholm integral equations    2172--2176
                     Xiuying Li   Variational iteration method for
                                  nonlinear age-structured population
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2177--2181
        Muhammad Aslam Noor and   
        Syed Tauseef Mohyud-Din   Variational iteration method for
                                  unsteady flow of gas through a porous
                                  medium using He's polynomials and Pade
                                  approximants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2182--2189
          Abbas Saadatmandi and   
                  Mehdi Dehghan   Variational iteration method for solving
                                  a generalized pantograph equation  . . . 2190--2196
                   Hui-Li Zhang   Application of He's amplitude-frequency
                                  formulation to a nonlinear oscillator
                                  with discontinuity . . . . . . . . . . . 2197--2198
                Zaid Odibat and   
                  Shaher Momani   The variational iteration method: an
                                  efficient scheme for handling fractional
                                  partial differential equations in fluid
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2199--2208
              Shaher Momani and   
               G. H. Erjaee and   
                   M. H. Alnasr   The modified homotopy perturbation
                                  method for solving strongly nonlinear
                                  oscillators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2209--2220
               Jafar Biazar and   
              Hossein Aminikhah   Study of convergence of homotopy
                                  perturbation method for systems of
                                  partial differential equations . . . . . 2221--2230
       Elçin Yusufo\uglu   An improvement to homotopy perturbation
                                  method for solving system of linear
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2231--2235
             M. A. El-Tawil and   
              Amna S. Al-Johani   Approximate solution of a mixed
                                  nonlinear stochastic oscillator  . . . . 2236--2259
        Safa Bozkurt Coskun and   
              Mehmet Tarik Atay   Determination of critical buckling load
                                  for elastic columns of constant and
                                  variable cross-sections using
                                  variational iteration method . . . . . . 2260--2266
        Augusto Beléndez   Homotopy perturbation method for a
                                  conservative $ x^{1 / 3} $ force
                                  nonlinear oscillator . . . . . . . . . . 2267--2273
             A. M. Siddiqui and   
                  T. Haroon and   
                        S. Irum   Torsional flow of third grade fluid
                                  using modified homotopy perturbation
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2274--2285
                Ahmet Bekir and   
                      Ahmet Boz   Application of He's Exp-function method
                                  for nonlinear evolution equations  . . . 2286--2293
                Sheng Zhang and   
              Jing-Lin Tong and   
                       Wei Wang   Exp-function method for a nonlinear
                                  ordinary differential equation and new
                                  exact solutions of the dispersive long
                                  wave equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2294--2299
              Yue-Peng Wang and   
                    Da-Feng Xia   Generalized solitary wave solutions for
                                  the Klein--Gordon--Schrödinger equations  2300--2306
                     Fei Xu and   
                    Wei Yan and   
                Yu-Lin Chen and   
                Chuan-Qi Li and   
                   Ya-Nan Zhang   Evaluation of two-dimensional ZK--MEW
                                  equation using the Exp-function method   2307--2312
                     Junfeng Lu   An analytical approach to the
                                  sine-Gordon equation using the modified
                                  homotopy perturbation method . . . . . . 2313--2319
             Vasile Marinca and   
               Nicolae Herisanu   An analytical approach to the dynamic
                                  analysis of a rotating electric machine  2320--2324
                   F. Khani and   
               S. Hamedi-Nezhad   Some new exact solutions of the $ (2 +
                                  1) $-dimensional variable coefficient
                                  Broer--Kaup system using the
                                  Exp-function method  . . . . . . . . . . 2325--2329
         Oluwole Daniel Makinde   Hermite--Padé approach to thermal
                                  radiation effect on inherent
                                  irreversibility in a variable viscosity
                                  channel flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2330--2338
                 Kaining Wu and   
                    Chun Lu and   
                   Xiaohua Ding   The numerical simulation of periodic
                                  solutions for a neural network . . . . . 2339--2346
                     Juan Zhang   The numerical solution of fifth-order
                                  boundary value problems by the
                                  variational iteration method . . . . . . 2347--2350
               Guo-cheng Wu and   
                  Tie-cheng Xia   Uniformly constructing exact discrete
                                  soliton solutions and periodic solutions
                                  to differential-difference equations . . 2351--2354
                   Guo-cheng Wu   Uniformly constructing soliton solutions
                                  and periodic solutions to
                                  Burgers--Fisher equation . . . . . . . . 2355--2357
                 Xu-Chu Cai and   
                    Wen-Ying Wu   He's frequency formulation for the
                                  relativistic harmonic oscillator . . . . 2358--2359
        A. S. V. Ravi Kanth and   
                       K. Aruna   Variational iteration method for
                                  twelfth-order boundary-value problems    2360--2364
                   Bin Wang and   
              Hai-Cheng Guo and   
                  Dai-Ning Fang   A protocol for characterizing the
                                  performance of light-weight truss-core
                                  actuators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2365--2372
                  Weiguo Li and   
                   Fan Yang and   
                   Daining Fang   Thermal shock modeling of Ultra-High
                                  Temperature Ceramics under active
                                  cooling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2373--2378
       Jafar Saberi-Nadjafi and   
                Asghar Ghorbani   He's homotopy perturbation method: an
                                  effective tool for solving nonlinear
                                  integral and integro-differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2379--2390
                  J. Biazar and   
                F. Badpeima and   
                       F. Azimi   Application of the homotopy perturbation
                                  method to Zakharov--Kuznetsov equations  2391--2394
                  Zhao-Ling Tao   Solving the breaking soliton equation by
                                  He's variational method  . . . . . . . . 2395--2397
              Shun-dong Zhu and   
                Yu-ming Chu and   
                 Song-liang Qiu   The homotopy perturbation method for
                                  discontinued problems arising in
                                  nanotechnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2398--2401
                P. Donald Ariel   Extended homotopy perturbation method
                                  and computation of flow past a
                                  stretching sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . 2402--2409
                    Zheng-Yi Ma   Approximate soliton solutions for a $ (2
                                  + 1)$-dimensional Broer--Kaup system by
                                  He's methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2410--2415
                    Da-Hua Shou   Variational approach for nonlinear
                                  oscillators with discontinuities . . . . 2416--2419
                 Yan-Hai Ye and   
                     Lu-Feng Mo   He's variational method for the
                                  Benjamin--Bona--Mahony equation and the
                                  Kawahara equation  . . . . . . . . . . . 2420--2422
                   Jun-Fang Liu   He's variational approach for nonlinear
                                  oscillators with high nonlinearity . . . 2423--2426
                     Ji-Huan He   Application of He Chengtian's
                                  interpolation to Bethe equation  . . . . 2427--2430
                 Ji-Huan He and   
                         Fei Xu   Nonlinearity as a sensitive informative
                                  marker in the ENSO model . . . . . . . . 2431--2443
             Tong-ming Wang and   
                    Jia-min Zhu   New explicit solutions of the
                                  Klein--Gordon equation using the
                                  variational iteration method combined
                                  with the Exp-function method . . . . . . 2444--2448
               Ya-Nan Zhang and   
                     Fei Xu and   
                 Ling-ling Deng   Exact solution for nonlinear Schrödinger
                                  equation by He's frequency formulation   2449--2451
                 Shu-Qiang Wang   A variational approach to nonlinear
                                  two-point boundary value problems  . . . 2452--2455
                    Da-Hua Shou   The homotopy perturbation method for
                                  nonlinear oscillators  . . . . . . . . . 2456--2459
                     Lan Xu and   
                      Nan Zhang   A variational approach to analyzing
                                  catalytic reactions in short monoliths   2460--2463
                 Yi-Xin Wen and   
                   Xin-Wei Zhou   Exact solutions for the generalized
                                  nonlinear heat conduction equations
                                  using the Exp-function method  . . . . . 2464--2467
              Wei-bing Feng and   
                  Cong Feng and   
                    Han-li Tian   Growth of thrombus core in
                                  supersaturated blood . . . . . . . . . . 2468--2472
                        Jie Fan   He's frequency-amplitude formulation for
                                  the Duffing harmonic oscillator  . . . . 2473--2476
                      Ling Zhao   He's frequency-amplitude formulation for
                                  nonlinear oscillators with an irrational
                                  force  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2477--2479
                   Hui-Li Zhang   Periodic solutions for some strongly
                                  nonlinear oscillations by He's energy
                                  balance method . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2480--2485
               Rui-Hua Yang and   
                 Shan-Yuan Wang   Resonance in a rotor-spun composite yarn
                                  spinning process obtained using the
                                  variational iteration method . . . . . . 2486--2488
               Damian Slota and   
                  Adam Zielonka   A new application of He's variational
                                  iteration method for the solution of the
                                  one-phase Stefan problem . . . . . . . . 2489--2494
                   Damian Slota   Exact solution of the heat equation with
                                  boundary condition of the fourth kind by
                                  He's variational iteration method  . . . 2495--2503
                P. Donald Ariel   The homotopy perturbation method and
                                  analytical solution of the problem of
                                  flow past a rotating disk  . . . . . . . 2504--2513
                   Zhao-Chun Wu   Approximate analytical solutions of
                                  fifth-order boundary value problems by
                                  the variational iteration method . . . . 2514--2517
                Fazhan Geng and   
               Yingzhen Lin and   
                    Minggen Cui   A piecewise variational iteration method
                                  for Riccati differential equations . . . 2518--2522
                Hong-Cai Ma and   
                Yao-Dong Yu and   
                    Dong-Jie Ge   The auxiliary equation method for
                                  solving the Zakharov--Kuznetsov (ZK)
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2523--2527
          Mehmet Tarik Atay and   
            Safa Bozkurt Coskun   Elastic stability of Euler columns with
                                  a continuous elastic restraint using
                                  variational iteration method . . . . . . 2528--2534

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 59, Number 1, January, 2010

         Kan Itsariyawanich and   
             Natasha Dejdumrong   Erratum to: ``Conversion and evaluation
                                  for two types of parametric surface
                                  constructed by NTP bases'' [Comput.
                                  Math. Appl. \bf 49(2) (2005) 321--329]   595--601

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 59, Number 8, April, 2010

                  Young Bae Jun   Note on ``$ (\alpha, \beta)$-fuzzy
                                  ideals of hemirings''  . . . . . . . . . 2582--2586

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 59, Number 10, May, 2010

               Murat Adivar and   
             Youssef N. Raffoul   A note on ``Stability and periodicity in
                                  dynamic delay equations'' [Comput. Math.
                                  Appl. \bf 58 (2009) 264--272]  . . . . . 3351--3354

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 61, Number 5, March, 2011

              Young Bae Jun and   
                     Xibei Yang   A note on the paper ``Combination of
                                  interval-valued fuzzy set and soft set''
                                  [Comput. Math. Appl. \bf 58 (2009)
                                  521--527]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1468--1470

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 61, Number 6, March, 2011

                   Ismail Aslan   Comment on: ``Application of
                                  Exp-function method for $ (3 +
                                  1)$-dimensional nonlinear evolution
                                  equations'' [Comput. Math. Appl. 56
                                  (2008) 1451--1456] . . . . . . . . . . . 1700--1703
               Jafar Biazar and   
                Behzad Ghanbari   Notes on ``An improvement to homotopy
                                  perturbation method for solving system
                                  of linear equations''  . . . . . . . . . 1704--1704

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 61, Number 9, May, 2011

              Heng-fei Ding and   
                   Yu-xin Zhang   Notes on ``Implicit finite difference
                                  approximation for time fractional
                                  diffusion equations'' [Comput. Math.
                                  Appl. \bf 56 (2008) 1138--1145]  . . . . 2924--2928
                     Na Yin and   
                      Xue Huang   A note on ``Single-machine scheduling
                                  with general learning functions''  . . . 2929--2930

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Volume 64, Number 9, November, 2012

                   Ram U. Verma   Corrigendum to ``The over-relaxed
                                  proximal point algorithm based on
                                  $H$-maximal monotonicity design and
                                  applications'' [Comput. Math. Appl. 55
                                  (2008) 2673--2679] . . . . . . . . . . . 2961--2963