Table of contents for issues of Algorithms ({Basel})

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Volume 1, Number 1, September, 2008
Volume 1, Number 2, December, 2008
Volume 2, Number 1, March, 2009
Volume 2, Number 2, June, 2009
Volume 2, Number 3, September, 2009
Volume 2, Number 4, December, 2009
Volume 3, Number 1, March, 2010
Volume 3, Number 2, June, 2010
Volume 3, Number 3, September, 2010
Volume 3, Number 4, December, 2010
Volume 4, Number 1, March, 2011
Volume 4, Number 2, June, 2011
Volume 4, Number 3, September, 2011
Volume 4, Number 4, December, 2011
Volume 5, Number 1, March, 2012
Volume 5, Number 2, June, 2012
Volume 5, Number 3, September, 2012
Volume 5, Number 4, December, 2012
Volume 6, Number 1, March, 2013
Volume 6, Number 2, June, 2013
Volume 6, Number 3, September, 2013
Volume 6, Number 4, December, 2013
Volume 7, Number 1, March, 2014
Volume 7, Number 2, June, 2014
Volume 7, Number 3, September, 2014
Volume 7, Number 4, December, 2014
Volume 8, Number 1, March, 2015
Volume 8, Number 2, June, 2015
Volume 8, Number 3, September, 2015
Volume 8, Number 4, December, 2015
Volume 9, Number 1, March, 2016
Volume 9, Number 2, June, 2016
Volume 9, Number 3, September, 2016
Volume 9, Number 4, December, 2016
Volume 10, Number 1, March, 2017
Volume 10, Number 2, June, 2017
Volume 10, Number 3, September, 2017
Volume 10, Number 4, December, 2017
Volume 11, Number 1, January, 2018
Volume 11, Number 2, February, 2018
Volume 11, Number 3, March, 2018
Volume 11, Number 4, April, 2018
Volume 11, Number 5, May, 2018
Volume 11, Number 6, June, 2018
Volume 11, Number 7, July, 2018
Volume 11, Number 8, August, 2018
Volume 11, Number 9, September, 2018
Volume 11, Number 10, October, 2018
Volume 11, Number 11, November, 2018
Volume 11, Number 12, December, 2018
Volume 12, Number 1, January, 2019
Volume 12, Number 2, February, 2019
Volume 12, Number 3, March, 2019
Volume 12, Number 4, April, 2019
Volume 12, Number 5, May, 2019
Volume 12, Number 6, June, 2019
Volume 12, Number 7, July, 2019
Volume 12, Number 8, August, 2019
Volume 12, Number 9, September, 2019
Volume 13, Number 1, January, 2020
Volume 13, Number 2, February, 2020
Volume 13, Number 3, March, 2020
Volume 13, Number 4, April, 2020
Volume 13, Number 5, May, 2020
Volume 13, Number 6, June, 2020
Volume 13, Number 7, July, 2020
Volume 13, Number 8, August, 2020
Volume 13, Number 9, September, 2020
Volume 13, Number 10, October, 2020
Volume 13, Number 11, November, 2020
Volume 13, Number 12, December, 2020
Volume 14, Number 1, January, 2021
Volume 14, Number 2, February, 2021
Volume 14, Number 3, March, 2021
Volume 14, Number 4, April, 2021
Volume 14, Number 5, May, 2021
Volume 14, Number 6, June, 2021
Volume 14, Number 7, July, 2021
Volume 14, Number 8, August, 2021
Volume 14, Number 9, September, 2021
Volume 14, Number 10, October, 2021
Volume 14, Number 11, November, 2021
Volume 14, Number 12, December, 2021
Volume 15, Number 1, January, 2022
Volume 15, Number 2, February, 2022
Volume 15, Number 3, March, 2022
Volume 15, Number 4, April, 2022
Volume 15, Number 5, May, 2022
Volume 15, Number 6, June, 2022
Volume 15, Number 7, July, 2022
Volume 15, Number 8, August, 2022
Volume 15, Number 9, September, 2022
Volume 15, Number 10, October, 2022
Volume 15, Number 11, November, 2022
Volume 15, Number 12, December, 2022
Volume 16, Number 1, January, 2023
Volume 16, Number 2, February, 2023
Volume 16, Number 3, March, 2023
Volume 16, Number 4, April, 2023
Volume 16, Number 5, May, 2023
Volume 16, Number 6, June, 2023
Volume 16, Number 7, July, 2023
Volume 16, Number 8, August, 2023
Volume 16, Number 9, September, 2023
Volume 16, Number 10, October, 2023
Volume 16, Number 11, November, 2023
Volume 16, Number 12, December, 2023
Volume 17, Number 1, January, 2024
Volume 17, Number 2, February, 2024
Volume 17, Number 3, March, 2024
Volume 17, Number 4, April, 2024
Volume 17, Number 5, May, 2024
Volume 17, Number 6, June, 2024
Volume 17, Number 7, 2024
Volume 17, Number 8, 2024
Volume 17, Number 9, September, 2024
Volume 17, Number 10, October, 2024
Volume 17, Number 11, November, 2024
Volume 17, Number 12, December, 2024
Volume 18, Number 1, January, 2025

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 1, Number 1, September, 2008

                    Kazuo Iwama   Editor's Foreword  . . . . . . . . . . . 1--1
              Andreas Wiese and   
             Evangelos Kranakis   Impact of Locality on Location Aware
                                  Unit Disk Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--29
              Wolfgang Bein and   
                Kazuo Iwama and   
                   Jun Kawahara   Randomized Competitive Analysis for Two
                                  Server Problems  . . . . . . . . . . . . 30--42

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 1, Number 2, December, 2008

             Shuai Cheng Li and   
                Yen Kaow Ng and   
                   Louxin Zhang   A PTAS For The $k$-Consensus Structures
                                  Problem Under Squared Euclidean Distance 43--51
               Gabriel B. Senay   Modeling Landscape Evapotranspiration by
                                  Integrating Land Surface Phenology and a
                                  Water Balance Algorithm  . . . . . . . . 52--68
            Danielle Moreau and   
              Ben Cazzolato and   
             Anthony Zander and   
              Cornelis Petersen   A Review of Virtual Sensing Algorithms
                                  for Active Noise Control . . . . . . . . 69--99
                Giuseppe Lancia   Mathematical Programming in
                                  Computational Biology: an Annotated
                                  Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100--129
              Weixiang Zhao and   
            Abhinav Bhushan and   
      Anthony D. Santamaria and   
           Melinda G. Simon and   
              Cristina E. Davis   Machine Learning: a Crucial Tool for
                                  Sensor Design  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130--152
                   Zhen Jia and   
          Arjuna Balasuriya and   
                 Subhash Challa   Autonomous Vehicles Navigation with
                                  Visual Target Tracking: Technical
                                  Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153--182
         Sergei V. Trepalin and   
            Alexander V. Yarkov   Hierarchical Clustering of Large
                                  Databases and Classification of
                                  Antibiotics at High Noise Levels . . . . 183--200

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 2, Number 1, March, 2009

            Stefano Mariani and   
            Roberto Martini and   
                     Aldo Ghisi   A Finite Element Flux-Corrected
                                  Transport Method for Wave Propagation in
                                  Heterogeneous Solids . . . . . . . . . . 1--18
            Yasuaki Noguchi and   
         Fujihiko Matsumoto and   
                Kazuo Maeda and   
               Takashi Nagasawa   Neural Network Analysis and Evaluation
                                  of the Fetal Heart Rate  . . . . . . . . 19--30
          Stefania Bonafoni and   
         Fabrizio Pelliccia and   
              Roberta Anniballe   Comparison of Different Neural Network
                                  Approaches for the Tropospheric
                                  Profiling over the Inter-tropical lands
                                  Using GPS Radio Occultation Data . . . . 31--45
           Alessandro Basso and   
        Francesco Bergadano and   
           Davide Cavagnino and   
            Victor Pomponiu and   
              Annamaria Vernone   A Novel Block-based Watermarking Scheme
                                  Using the SVD Transform  . . . . . . . . 46--75
             Pietro Di Lena and   
              Marco Vassura and   
            Luciano Margara and   
            Piero Fariselli and   
                   Rita Casadio   On the Reconstruction of
                                  Three-dimensional Protein Structures
                                  from Contact Maps  . . . . . . . . . . . 76--92
   Benjamin B. Spratling IV and   
                Daniele Mortari   A Survey on Star Identification
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93--107
        M. Leonor Contreras and   
      Eliseo Benítez and   
        José Alvarez and   
                  Roberto Rozas   Algorithm for Nanotubes Computer
                                  Generation with Different Configurations 108--120
        Sotiris Nikoletseas and   
               Paul G. Spirakis   Probabilistic Distributed Algorithms for
                                  Energy Efficient Routing and Tracking in
                                  Wireless Sensor Networks . . . . . . . . 121--157
                  Zhang Jin and   
               Yu Jian-Ping and   
               Zhou Si-Wang and   
                Lin Ya-Ping and   
                       Li Guang   A Survey on Position-Based Routing
                                  Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks   158--182
            Donald McGillis and   
          Reginald Brearley and   
          Khalil El Arroudi and   
                      Geza Joos   The Autonomous Stress Indicator for
                                  Remotely Monitoring Power System State
                                  and Watching for Potential Instability   183--199
           Joshua S. Martin and   
            Katrina Simmons and   
                Alain Laederach   Exhaustive Enumeration of Kinetic Model
                                  Topologies for the Analysis of
                                  Time-Resolved RNA Folding  . . . . . . . 200--214
         Jason R. Banfelder and   
          Joshua A. Speidel and   
                   Mihaly Mezei   Automatic Determination of Stepsize
                                  Parameters in Monte Carlo Simulation
                                  Tested on a Bromodomain-Binding
                                  Octapeptide  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215--226
         Alessandro Marzani and   
                   Ivan Bartoli   High Frequency Waves Propagating in
                                  Octagonal Bars: a Low Cost Computation
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227--246
            Eugene Burmakin and   
   Alexander A. Fingelkurts and   
          Andrew A. Fingelkurts   Self-organization of Dynamic Distributed
                                  Computational Systems Applying
                                  Principles of Integrative Activity of
                                  Brain Neuronal Assemblies  . . . . . . . 247--258
           Mercedes Carnero and   
José L. Hernández and   
        Mabel C. Sánchez   Design of Sensor Networks for Chemical
                                  Plants Based on Meta-Heuristics  . . . . 259--281
              Rodrigo Cilla and   
         Miguel A. Patricio and   
 Jesús García and   
           Antonio Berlanga and   
                 Jose M. Molina   Recognizing Human Activities from
                                  Sensors Using Hidden Markov Models
                                  Constructed by Feature Selection
                                  Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282--300
                  Federico Hahn   Actual Pathogen Detection: Sensors and
                                  Algorithms --- a Review  . . . . . . . . 301--338
                   Tom Burr and   
                 Michael Hamada   Radio-Isotope Identification Algorithms
                                  for NaI $ \gamma $ Spectra . . . . . . . 339--360
          Vladimir V. Arabadzhi   Algorithm for Active Suppression of
                                  Radiation and Acoustical Scattering
                                  Fields by Some Physical Bodies in
                                  Liquids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361--397
                Frank Hesse and   
              Georg Martius and   
                   Ralf Der and   
            J. Michael Herrmann   A Sensor-Based Learning Algorithm for
                                  the Self-Organization of Robot Behavior  398--409
         Nazìm Dugan and   
           \cSakir Erkoç   Genetic Algorithms in Application to the
                                  Geometry Optimization of Nanoparticles   410--428
               Florian Fink and   
             Stephan Ederer and   
               Wolfram Gronwald   Protein-Protein Interaction Analysis by
                                  Docking  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429--436
          Francisco Torrens and   
              Gloria Castellano   Resonance in Interacting Induced-Dipole
                                  Polarizing Force Fields: Application to
                                  Force-Field Derivatives  . . . . . . . . 437--447
     Eleanor J. J. Gardiner and   
      Christopher A. Hunter and   
                  Peter Willett   Structural Fingerprints of Transcription
                                  Factor Binding Site Regions  . . . . . . 448--469
           Anton A. Korosov and   
       Dmitry V. Pozdnyakov and   
              Are Folkestad and   
        Lasse H. Pettersson and   
        Kai Sòrensen and   
                Robert Shuchman   Semi-empirical Algorithm for the
                                  Retrieval of Ecology-Relevant Water
                                  Constituents in Various Aquatic
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470--497
        Stanislav Jakuschev and   
                Daniel Hoffmann   A Novel Algorithm for Macromolecular
                                  Epitope Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . 498--517
          Joseph El Youssef and   
             Jessica Castle and   
                W. Kenneth Ward   A Review of Closed-Loop Algorithms for
                                  Glycemic Control in the Treatment of
                                  Type 1 Diabetes  . . . . . . . . . . . . 518--532
                Lichuan Gui and   
                 John M. Seiner   An Image Pattern Tracking Algorithm for
                                  Time-resolved Measurement of Mini- and
                                  Micro-scale Motion of Complex Object . . 533--549
                   Sheng Li and   
                 MingXi Wan and   
                     SuPin Wang   Multi-Band Spectral Subtraction Method
                                  for Electrolarynx Speech Enhancement . . 550--564
             Alexey Sorokin and   
               Nikita Boyko and   
          Vladimir Boginski and   
               Stan Uryasev and   
              Panos M. Pardalos   Mathematical Programming Techniques for
                                  Sensor Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 565--581
             Tung T. Nguyen and   
         Ioannis P. Androulakis   Recent Advances in the Computational
                                  Discovery of Transcription Factor
                                  Binding Sites  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582--605
              Matteo Bruggi and   
                   Paolo Venini   Mixed Variational Formulations for
                                  Micro-cracked Continua in the Multifield
                                  Framework  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606--622

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 2, Number 2, June, 2009

               Wei-Chin Lin and   
                  Glen S. Block   Neural Network Modeling to Predict Shelf
                                  Life of Greenhouse Lettuce . . . . . . . 623--637
                    Wei Zou and   
          Vladimir V. Tolstikov   Pattern Recognition and Pathway Analysis
                                  with Genetic Algorithms in Mass
                                  Spectrometry Based Metabolomics  . . . . 638--666
                   Tian Liu and   
                    Rongling Wu   A Bayesian Algorithm for Functional
                                  Mapping of Dynamic Complex Traits  . . . 667--691
 Raphael André Bauer and   
            Kristian Rother and   
                 Peter Moor and   
               Knut Reinert and   
             Thomas Steinke and   
         Janusz M. Bujnicki and   
               Robert Preissner   Fast Structural Alignment of
                                  Biomolecules Using a Hash Table,
                                  $N$-Grams and String Descriptors . . . . 692--709
                 Paolo Vannucci   ALE-PSO: an Adaptive Swarm Algorithm to
                                  Solve Design Problems of Laminates . . . 710--734
                Lichuan Gui and   
                 John M. Seiner   Application of an Image Tracking
                                  Algorithm in Fire Ant Motion Experiment  735--749
                 Keqiang Hu and   
                    X. Frank Xu   Probabilistic Upscaling of Material
                                  Failure Using Random Field Models --- a
                                  Preliminary Investigation  . . . . . . . 750--763
               Sara Bonella and   
             Walter Rocchia and   
                Pietro Amat and   
     Riccardo Nifosí and   
              Valentina Tozzini   SDPhound, a Mutual Information-Based
                                  Method to Investigate
                                  Specificity-Determining Positions  . . . 764--789
               Michel Boyer and   
                 Ran Gelles and   
                        Tal Mor   Security of the Bennett--Brassard
                                  Quantum Key Distribution Protocol
                                  against Collective Attacks . . . . . . . 790--807
                Stefano Mariani   Failure Assessment of Layered Composites
                                  Subject to Impact Loadings: a Finite
                                  Element, Sigma-Point Kalman Filter
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808--827
                      Bin Zheng   Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Mammography
                                  Using Content-Based Image Retrieval
                                  Approaches: Current Status and Future
                                  Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828--849
                   Radu Mutihac   Bayesian Maximum Entropy Based Algorithm
                                  for Digital X-ray Mammogram Processing   850--878

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 2, Number 3, September, 2009

                  Marcus Hutter   Open Problems in Universal Induction &
                                  Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879--906
         Robert D. Redgwell and   
         Joseph M. Szewczak and   
               Gareth Jones and   
                 Stuart Parsons   Classification of Echolocation Calls
                                  from 14 Species of Bat by Support Vector
                                  Machines and Ensembles of Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907--924
           Hidetaka Arimura and   
               Taiki Magome and   
            Yasuo Yamashita and   
               Daisuke Yamamoto   Computer-Aided Diagnosis Systems for
                                  Brain Diseases in Magnetic Resonance
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925--952
           Shuichi Miyazaki and   
                 Kazuya Okamoto   Improving the Competitive Ratio of the
                                  Online OVSF Code Assignment Problem  . . 953--972
                    Yanbo Huang   Advances in Artificial Neural Networks
                                  --- Methodological Development and
                                  Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973--1007
             Mehdi Nikbakht and   
                 Garth N. Wells   Automated Modelling of Evolving
                                  Discontinuities  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1008--1030
         Alberto Apostolico and   
                 Guido Drovandi   Graph Compression by BFS . . . . . . . . 1031--1044
                 Weiying Lu and   
         Peter de B. Harrington   Radial Basis Function Cascade
                                  Correlation Networks . . . . . . . . . . 1045--1068
             Florian Berger and   
          Alexander Gilbers and   
          Ansgar Grüne and   
                     Rolf Klein   How Many Lions Are Needed to Clear a
                                  Grid?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069--1086
          Francisco Eugenio and   
                Javier Marcello   Featured-Based Algorithm for the
                                  Automated Registration of Multisensorial
                                  / Multitemporal Oceanographic Satellite
                                  Imagery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087--1104
    Luís M. S. Russo and   
            Gonzalo Navarro and   
        Arlindo L. Oliveira and   
                  Pedro Morales   Approximate String Matching with
                                  Compressed Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . 1105--1136
           Manuel Abellanas and   
        Antonio L. Bajuelos and   
               Inês Matos   Optimal $2$-Coverage of a Polygonal
                                  Region in a Sensor Network . . . . . . . 1137--1154
                 John Hixon and   
             Yana K. Reshetnyak   Algorithm for the Analysis of Tryptophan
                                  Fluorescence Spectra and Their
                                  Correlation with Protein Structural
                                  Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1155--1176
             Luca Salvatori and   
                 Niccol\`o Tosi   Stefan Problem through Extended Finite
                                  Elements: Review and Further
                                  Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1177--1220
               Do Nyeon Kim and   
                      K. R. Rao   Multiplication Symmetric Convolution
                                  Property for Discrete Trigonometric
                                  Transforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1221--1231
        Mike Van der Schaar and   
                Eric Delory and   
            Michel André   Classification of Sperm Whale Clicks
                                  (\bionamePhyseter Macrocephalus) with
                                  Gaussian-Kernel-Based Networks . . . . . 1232--1247
              Adriano Camps and   
José Miguel Tarongí   RFI Mitigation in Microwave Radiometry
                                  Using Wavelets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1248--1262

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 2, Number 4, December, 2009

                 Chong Zhao and   
                 Hanqiu Sun and   
                Huawei Wang and   
                    Kaihuai Qin   Compound Biorthogonal Wavelets on
                                  Quadrilaterals and Polar Structures  . . 1263--1280
           Jonathan S. Pitt and   
             Francesco Costanzo   An Adaptive $h$-Refinement Algorithm for
                                  Local Damage Models  . . . . . . . . . . 1281--1300
                    Shu-Kun Lin   Book Review: \booktitleEncyclopedia of
                                  Algorithms. Edited by Kao, Ming-Yang,
                                  Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2008; 1220 pages,
                                  183 figures, 38 tables; Hard Cover.
                                  Price: EUR 309.- / CHF 479.50.- ISBN
                                  978-0-387-30770-1  . . . . . . . . . . . 1301--1302
          Stephan Eidenbenz and   
         Gunes Ercal-Ozkaya and   
              Adam Meyerson and   
               Allon Percus and   
           Sarvesh Varatharajan   Incentive Compatible and Globally
                                  Efficient Position Based Routing for
                                  Selfish Reverse Multicast in Wireless
                                  Sensor Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1303--1326
               Tamal K. Dey and   
               Joshua A. Levine   Delaunay Meshing of Piecewise Smooth
                                  Complexes without Expensive Predicates   1327--1349
                   Jing Huo and   
             Kazunori Okada and   
                Hyun J. Kim and   
            Whitney B. Pope and   
         Jonathan G. Goldin and   
           Jeffrey R. Alger and   
               Matthew S. Brown   CADrx for GBM Brain Tumors: Predicting
                                  Treatment Response from Changes in
                                  Diffusion-Weighted MRI . . . . . . . . . 1350--1367
             Kuncup Iswandy and   
             Andreas König   Methodology, Algorithms, and Emerging
                                  Tool for Automated Design of Intelligent
                                  Integrated Multi-Sensor Systems  . . . . 1368--1409
                    Yao Ren and   
         Michael T. Johnson and   
         Patrick J. Clemins and   
              Michael Darre and   
      Sharon Stuart Glaeser and   
          Tomasz S. Osiejuk and   
            Ebenezer Out-Nyarko   A Framework for Bioacoustic Vocalization
                                  Analysis Using Hidden Markov Models  . . 1410--1428
           Ryosuke Nakamura and   
           Shunsuke Inenaga and   
               Hideo Bannai and   
           Takashi Funamoto and   
            Masayuki Takeda and   
                Ayumi Shinohara   Linear-Time Text Compression by
                                  Longest-First Substitution . . . . . . . 1429--1448
               Michael J. Short   Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for
                                  Thrift Cyclic Scheduling . . . . . . . . 1449--1472
            Dmitriy Zinovev and   
              Daniela Raicu and   
                Jacob Furst and   
           Samuel G. Armato III   Predicting Radiological Panel Opinions
                                  Using a Panel of Machine Learning
                                  Classifiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1473--1502
                  Dave Tahmoush   Image Similarity to Improve the
                                  Classification of Breast Cancer Images   1503--1525

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 3, Number 1, March, 2010

              Mariette Awad and   
               Yuichi Motai and   
           Janne Näppi and   
               Hiroyuki Yoshida   A Clinical Decision Support Framework
                                  for Incremental Polyps Classification in
                                  Virtual Colonoscopy  . . . . . . . . . . 1--20
              Greg Slabaugh and   
               Xiaoyun Yang and   
                 Xujiong Ye and   
              Richard Boyes and   
                  Gareth Beddoe   A Robust and Fast System for CTC
                                  Computer-Aided Detection of Colorectal
                                  Lesions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21--43
                   Yufeng Zheng   Breast Cancer Detection with Gabor
                                  Features from Digital Mammograms . . . . 44--62
              Bruno Carpentieri   Interactive Compression of Digital Data  63--75
J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide and   
  Antonio Pérez-Carrasco   InfoVis Interaction Techniques in
                                  Animation of Recursive Programs  . . . . 76--91
       Sihem Ben Abdelmelek and   
             Saloua Saidane and   
                Malika Trabelsi   Base Oils Biodegradability Prediction
                                  with Data Mining Techniques  . . . . . . 92--99

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 3, Number 2, June, 2010

                 Anne Berry and   
           Jean R. S. Blair and   
           Jean-Paul Bordat and   
            Genevi\`eve Simonet   Graph Extremities Defined by Search
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100--124
            Hotaka Takizawa and   
            Shinji Yamamoto and   
                Tsuyoshi Shiina   Recognition of Pulmonary Nodules in
                                  Thoracic CT Scans Using $3$-D Deformable
                                  Object Models of Different Classes . . . 125--144
             Donald Adjeroh and   
                        Fei Nan   Suffix-Sorting via Shannon--Fano--Elias
                                  Codes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145--167
       Guido Rößling   A Family of Tools for Supporting the
                                  Learning of Programming  . . . . . . . . 168--182
       Álvaro Santos and   
              Anabela Gomes and   
António José Mendes   Integrating New Technologies and
                                  Existing Tools to Promote Programming
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183--196
                 Anne Berry and   
         Romain Pogorelcnik and   
            Genevi\`eve Simonet   An Introduction to Clique Minimal
                                  Separator Decomposition  . . . . . . . . 197--215

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 3, Number 3, September, 2010

                   Henri Schurz   Algorithmic Solution of Stochastic
                                  Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . 216--223
            Sanjay Mehrotra and   
                     Zhifeng Li   Segment LLL Reduction of Lattice Bases
                                  Using Modular Arithmetic . . . . . . . . 224--243
                   Zhivko Nedev   An $ O(n) $-Round Strategy for the
                                  Magnus--Derek Game . . . . . . . . . . . 244--254
               Grace Solomonoff   Ray Solomonoff (1926--2009)  . . . . . . 255--259
             Paul M. B. Vitanyi   Ray Solomonoff, Founding Father of
                                  Algorithmic Information Theory . . . . . 260--264
                  Shay Kels and   
                   Nira Dyn and   
              Evgeny Lipovetsky   Computation of the Metric Average of
                                  $2$D Sets with Piecewise Linear
                                  Boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--275
                Qingwei Jin and   
             John E. Lavery and   
                Shu-Cherng Fang   Univariate Cubic $ L_1 $ Interpolating
                                  Splines: Analytical Results for
                                  Linearity, Convexity and Oscillation on
                                  5-Point Windows  . . . . . . . . . . . . 276--293
       Massimiliano Caramia and   
               Ciro D'Apice and   
          Benedetto Piccoli and   
             Antonino Sgalambro   Fluidsim: a Car Traffic Simulation
                                  Prototype Based on FluidDynamic  . . . . 294--310
                      Lu Yu and   
                Qingwei Jin and   
             John E. Lavery and   
                Shu-Cherng Fang   Univariate Cubic $ L_1 $ Interpolating
                                  Splines: Spline Functional, Window Size
                                  and Analysis-based Algorithm . . . . . . 311--328

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 3, Number 4, December, 2010

                  Marcus Hutter   A Complete Theory of Everything (Will Be
                                  Subjective)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329--350

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 4, Number 1, March, 2011

            Tatsuie Tsukiji and   
                 Takeo Hagiwara   Recognizing the Repeatable
                                  Configurations of Time-Reversible
                                  Generalized Langton's Ant Is PSPACE-Hard 1--15
           Edward Aboufadel and   
          Robert Castellano and   
                    Derek Olson   Quantification of the Variability of
                                  Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data . . . 16--27
                   Tom Burr and   
           Toshihiko Kawano and   
              Patrick Talou and   
                   Feng Pan and   
             Nicolas Hengartner   Defense of the Least Squares Solution to
                                  Peelle's Pertinent Puzzle  . . . . . . . 28--39
               Dana Shapira and   
                James A. Storer   Edit Distance with Block Deletions . . . 40--60
            Shmuel T. Klein and   
                   Dana Shapira   Compressed Matching in Dictionaries  . . 61--74

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 4, Number 2, June, 2011

               Viet Hung Nguyen   Approximating the Minimum Tour Cover of
                                  a Digraph  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75--86
                Jacques Touboul   Goodness-of-Fit Tests For Elliptical and
                                  Independent Copulas through Projection
                                  Pursuit  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87--114
                   Tom Burr and   
                Todd Graves and   
         Nicolas Hengartner and   
           Toshihiko Kawano and   
                   Feng Pan and   
                  Patrick Talou   Alternatives to the Least Squares
                                  Solution to Peelle's Pertinent Puzzle    115--130
             Olga C. Santos and   
             Jesus G. Boticario   Requirements for Semantic Educational
                                  Recommender Systems in Formal E-Learning
                                  Scenarios  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131--154

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 4, Number 3, September, 2011

              Adriano Camps and   
            Jerome Gourrion and   
        Jose Miguel Tarongi and   
     Mercedes Vall Llossera and   
          Antonio Gutierrez and   
               Jose Barbosa and   
                    Rita Castro   Radio-Frequency Interference Detection
                                  and Mitigation Algorithms for Synthetic
                                  Aperture Radiometers . . . . . . . . . . 155--182
             Sergio De Agostino   Lempel--Ziv Data Compression on Parallel
                                  and Distributed Systems  . . . . . . . . 183--199
             Hing-Fung Ting and   
                Lap-Kei Lee and   
              Ho-Leung Chan and   
                    Tak-Wah Lam   Approximating Frequent Items in
                                  Asynchronous Data Stream over a Sliding
                                  Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200--222

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 4, Number 4, December, 2011

             Frank Weinberg and   
                Markus E. Nebel   Applying Length-Dependent Stochastic
                                  Context-Free Grammars to RNA Secondary
                                  Structure Prediction . . . . . . . . . . 223--238
        Jose Miguel Tarongi and   
                  Adriano Camps   Radio Frequency Interference Detection
                                  and Mitigation Algorithms Based on
                                  Spectrogram Analysis . . . . . . . . . . 239--261
          Rafael Carrascosa and   
      François Coste and   
      Matthias Gallé and   
          Gabriel Infante-Lopez   The Smallest Grammar Problem as
                                  Constituents Choice and Minimal Grammar
                                  Parsing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262--284
           Tobias Marschall and   
                   Sven Rahmann   An Algorithm to Compute the Character
                                  Access Count Distribution for Pattern
                                  Matching Algorithms  . . . . . . . . . . 285--306
                   John Kieffer   A Catalog of Self-Affine Hierarchical
                                  Entropy Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . 307--333

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 5, Number 1, March, 2012

         Antonella Di Lillo and   
             Ajay Daptardar and   
               Kevin Thomas and   
            James A. Storer and   
                 Giovanni Motta   Compression-Based Tools for Navigation
                                  with an Image Database . . . . . . . . . 1--17
             Kazuyuki Amano and   
                Yuta Kojima and   
        Toshiya Kurabayashi and   
             Keita Kurihara and   
          Masahiro Nakamura and   
                  Ayaka Omi and   
           Toshiyuki Tanaka and   
                Koichi Yamazaki   How to Solve the Torus Puzzle  . . . . . 18--29
Miguel Hernández-Cabronero and   
                 Ian Blanes and   
       Michael W. Marcellin and   
          Joan Serra-Sagrist\`a   Standard and Specific Compression
                                  Techniques for DNA Microarray Images . . 30--49
                   Travis Gagie   A Note on Sequence Prediction over Large
                                  Alphabets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50--55
          Chung-Liang Chang and   
                   Ho-Nien Shou   Application of Genetic Control with
                                  Adaptive Scaling Scheme to Signal
                                  Acquisition in Global Navigation
                                  Satellite System Receiver  . . . . . . . 56--75
        Raffaele Pizzolante and   
              Bruno Carpentieri   Visualization, Band Ordering and
                                  Compression of Hyperspectral Images  . . 76--97
          Richard A. Olshen and   
                Bala Rajaratnam   Successive Standardization of
                                  Rectangular Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . 98--112
               Fang-Yie Leu and   
              Keng-Yen Chao and   
             Ming-Chang Lee and   
                   Jia-Chun Lin   A Semi-Preemptive Computational Service
                                  System with Limited Resources and
                                  Dynamic Resource Ranking . . . . . . . . 113--147
            Erik D. Demaine and   
          Martin L. Demaine and   
                  Ryuhei Uehara   Any Monotone Function Is Realized by
                                  Interlocked Polygons . . . . . . . . . . 148--157
                Fumika Kino and   
                      Yushi Uno   An Integer Programming Approach to
                                  Solving Tantrix on Fixed Boards  . . . . 158--175

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 5, Number 2, June, 2012

              Ryo Yoshinaka and   
             Toshiki Saitoh and   
               Jun Kawahara and   
               Koji Tsuruma and   
           Hiroaki Iwashita and   
               Shin-ichi Minato   Finding All Solutions and Instances of
                                  Numberlink and Slitherlink by ZDDs . . . 176--213
            Shirou Maruyama and   
           Hiroshi Sakamoto and   
                Masayuki Takeda   An Online Algorithm for Lightweight
                                  Grammar-Based Compression  . . . . . . . 214--235
                  Maohua Lu and   
      Cornel Constantinescu and   
               Prasenjit Sarkar   Content Sharing Graphs for
                                  Deduplication-Enabled Storage Systems    236--260
              Chuzo Iwamoto and   
               Kento Sasaki and   
                 Kenichi Morita   A Polynomial-Time Reduction from the
                                  3SAT Problem to the Generalized String
                                  Puzzle Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--272
                  Hideki Tsuiki   Imaginary Cubes and Their Puzzles  . . . 273--288
               Leila Ismail and   
                    Liren Zhang   Modeling and Performance Analysis to
                                  Predict the Behavior of a Divisible Load
                                  Application in a Cloud Computing
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289--303
                      Toly Chen   An Agent-Based Fuzzy Collaborative
                                  Intelligence Approach for Predicting the
                                  Price of a Dynamic Random Access Memory
                                  (DRAM) Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304--317

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 5, Number 3, September, 2012

              Michael Barnathan   Mammographic Segmentation Using
                                  WaveCluster  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318--329
           William N. Junek and   
           Linwood W. Jones and   
                  Mark T. Woods   Use of Logistic Regression for
                                  Forecasting Short-Term Volcanic Activity 330--363
             Joel Azzopardi and   
              Christopher Staff   Incremental Clustering of News Reports   364--378
          Yaakov Malinovsky and   
                    Jacob Kogan   Monitoring Threshold Functions over
                                  Distributed Data Streams with Node
                                  Dependent Constraints  . . . . . . . . . 379--397

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 5, Number 4, December, 2012

            Peter A. Rankel and   
             John M. Conroy and   
          Judith D. Schlesinger   Better Metrics to Automatically Predict
                                  the Quality of a Text Summary  . . . . . 398--420
                 John E. Lavery   Univariate $ L^p $ and $ \ell^p $
                                  Averaging, $ 0 < p < 1 $, in Polynomial
                                  Time by Utilization of Statistical
                                  Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421--432
                Jun-Lin Lin and   
             Yu-Hsiang Tsai and   
               Chun-Ying Yu and   
                  Meng-Shiou Li   Interaction Enhanced Imperialist
                                  Competitive Algorithms . . . . . . . . . 433--448
                      Toly Chen   Forecasting the Unit Cost of a Product
                                  with Some Linear Fuzzy Collaborative
                                  Forecasting Models . . . . . . . . . . . 449--468
            Amogh Mahapatra and   
        Nisheeth Srivastava and   
             Jaideep Srivastava   Contextual Anomaly Detection in Text
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469--489
         Denise R. Koessler and   
         Benjamin W. Martin and   
            Bruce E. Kiefer and   
               Michael W. Berry   The Effects of Tabular-Based Content
                                  Extraction on Patent Document Clustering 490--505
         German Sapozhnikov and   
               Alexander Ulanov   Extracting Hierarchies from Data
                                  Clusters for Better Classification . . . 506--520
             Ashraf M. Abdelbar   Alpha--Beta Pruning and Althöfer's
                                  Pathology-Free Negamax Algorithm . . . . 521--528
            Elena Benvenuti and   
             Giulio Ventura and   
                  Nicola Ponara   Finite Element Quadrature of Regularized
                                  Discontinuous and Singular Level Set
                                  Functions in $3$D Problems . . . . . . . 529--544
                Patrick Prosser   Exact Algorithms for Maximum Clique: a
                                  Computational Study  . . . . . . . . . . 545--587
           Felix Scholkmann and   
                  Jens Boss and   
                    Martin Wolf   An Efficient Algorithm for Automatic
                                  Peak Detection in Noisy Periodic and
                                  Quasi-Periodic Signals . . . . . . . . . 588--603
                 Joachim Wuttke   Laplace--Fourier Transform of the
                                  Stretched Exponential Function: Analytic
                                  Error Bounds, Double Exponential
                                  Transform, and Open-Source
                                  Implementation ``\tt libkww''  . . . . . 604--628
Villõ Csiszár and   
       Péter Hussami and   
 János Komlós and   
Tamás F. Móri and   
  Lídia Rejtõ and   
    Gábor Tusnády   Testing Goodness of Fit of Random Graph
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629--635
             Donatella Giuliani   Edge Detection from MRI and DTI Images
                                  with an Anisotropic Vector Field Flow
                                  Using a Divergence Map . . . . . . . . . 636--653
                  Takahisa Toda   Extracting Co-Occurrence Relations from
                                  ZDDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654--667

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 6, Number 1, March, 2013

            Paola Bonizzoni and   
             Riccardo Dondi and   
                    Yuri Pirola   Maximum Disjoint Paths on Edge-Colored
                                  Graphs: Approximability and Tractability 1--11
                    Ye Tian and   
                Qingwei Jin and   
             John E. Lavery and   
                Shu-Cherng Fang   $ \ell^1 $ Major Component Detection and
                                  Analysis ($ \ell^1 $ MCDA): Foundations
                                  in Two Dimensions  . . . . . . . . . . . 12--28
    Stefanos A. Nikolidakis and   
           Dionisis Kandris and   
      Dimitrios D. Vergados and   
            Christos Douligeris   Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless
                                  Sensor Networks Through Balanced
                                  Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29--42
             Marjan Marzban and   
                   Qian-Ping Gu   Computational Study on a PTAS for Planar
                                  Dominating Set Problem . . . . . . . . . 43--59
                  Ryuhei Uehara   Tractabilities and Intractabilities on
                                  Geometric Intersection Graphs  . . . . . 60--83
            Jason T. Isaacs and   
        João P. Hespanha   Dubins Traveling Salesman Problem with
                                  Neighborhoods: a Graph-Based Approach    84--99
             Frank W. Takes and   
              Walter A. Kosters   Computing the Eccentricity Distribution
                                  of Large Graphs  . . . . . . . . . . . . 100--118
             Tatsuya Akutsu and   
                Takeyuki Tamura   A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for
                                  Computing the Maximum Common Connected
                                  Edge Subgraph of Outerplanar Graphs of
                                  Bounded Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119--135
                         Jun Ma   Algorithms for Non-Negatively
                                  Constrained Maximum Penalized Likelihood
                                  Reconstruction in Tomographic Imaging    136--160
 Tamás Király and   
               Júlia Pap   Stable Multicommodity Flows  . . . . . . 161--168
            David H. Bailey and   
   Marcos López de Prado   An Open-Source Implementation of the
                                  Critical-Line Algorithm for Portfolio
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169--196

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 6, Number 2, June, 2013

              Simone Cirani and   
          Gianluigi Ferrari and   
                    Luca Veltri   Enforcing Security Mechanisms in the
                                  IP-Based Internet of Things: an
                                  Algorithmic Overview . . . . . . . . . . 197--226
              Ruey-Maw Chen and   
                Hsiao-Fang Shih   Solving University Course Timetabling
                                  Problems Using Constriction Particle
                                  Swarm Optimization with Local Search . . 227--244
             Wilfried Jakob and   
              Sylvia Strack and   
           Alexander Quinte and   
        Günther Bengel and   
            Karl-Uwe Stucky and   
        Wolfgang Süß   Fast Rescheduling of Multiple Workflows
                                  to Constrained Heterogeneous Resources
                                  Using Multi-Criteria Memetic Computing   245--277
           Ioannis P. Solos and   
     Ioannis X. Tassopoulos and   
       Grigorios N. Beligiannis   A Generic Two-Phase Stochastic Variable
                                  Neighborhood Approach for Effectively
                                  Solving the Nurse Rostering Problem  . . 278--308
              Tommaso Mazza and   
             Stefano Castellana   Multi-Sided Compression Performance
                                  Assessment of ABI SOLiD WES Data . . . . 309--318
      Andrés Abeliuk and   
     Rodrigo Cánovas and   
                Gonzalo Navarro   Practical Compressed Suffix Trees  . . . 319--351
               Matteo Comin and   
                Davide Verzotto   Filtering Degenerate Patterns with
                                  Application to Protein Sequence Analysis 352--370
             Takao Inoshita and   
           Robert W. Irving and   
                Kazuo Iwama and   
           Shuichi Miyazaki and   
                 Takashi Nagase   Improving Man-Optimal Stable Matchings
                                  by Minimum Change of Preference Lists    371--382

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 6, Number 3, September, 2013

         Christine T. Cheng and   
                  Eric McDermid   Maximum Locally Stable Matchings . . . . 383--395
 Soheil Jahangiri Tazehkand and   
        Seyed Naser Hashemi and   
             Hadi Poormohammadi   New Heuristics for Rooted Triplet
                                  Consistency  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396--406
          Bhusana Premanode and   
        Jumlong Vongprasert and   
            Christofer Toumazou   Noise Reduction for Nonlinear
                                  Nonstationary Time Series Data using
                                  Averaging Intrinsic Mode Function  . . . 407--429
             Niina Haiminen and   
               Filippo Utro and   
            Claude Lebreton and   
             Pascal Flament and   
              Zivan Karaman and   
                   Laxmi Parida   Efficient in silico Chromosomal
                                  Representation of Populations via
                                  Indexing Ancestral Genomes . . . . . . . 430--441
             Yasushi Kambayashi   A Review of Routing Protocols Based on
                                  Ant-Like Mobile Agents . . . . . . . . . 442--456
                 Jesper Jansson   Special Issue on Graph Algorithms  . . . 457--458
                     Li-Yen Hsu   Ubiquitous Integrity via Network
                                  Integration and Parallelism ---
                                  Sustaining Pedestrian/Bike Urbanism  . . 459--470
    Zoltán Király   Linear Time Local Approximation
                                  Algorithm for Maximum Stable Marriage    471--484
                  Daxin Zhu and   
                  Xiaodong Wang   A Simple Algorithm for Solving for the
                                  Generalized Longest Common Subsequence
                                  (LCS) Problem with a Substring Exclusion
                                  Constraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485--493
            Urbano Tancredi and   
           Domenico Accardo and   
         Giancarmine Fasano and   
              Alfredo Renga and   
           Giancarlo Rufino and   
               Giuseppe Maresca   An Algorithm for Managing Aircraft
                                  Movement on an Airport Surface . . . . . 494--511
                Fatma Taher and   
             Naoufel Werghi and   
           Hussain Al-Ahmad and   
               Christian Donner   Extraction and Segmentation of Sputum
                                  Cells for Lung Cancer Early Diagnosis    512--531
          Ágnes Cseh and   
           Jannik Matuschke and   
                Martin Skutella   Stable Flows over Time . . . . . . . . . 532--545
    Ahmadreza Ghaffarizadeh and   
            Mehdi Eftekhari and   
        Ali K. Esmailizadeh and   
              Nicholas S. Flann   Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping Problem:
                                  An Extinction-Based Multi-Objective
                                  Evolutionary Algorithm Approach  . . . . 546--564
      Mario G. C. A. Cimino and   
               Gigliola Vaglini   An Emergent Approach to Text Analysis
                                  Based on a Connectionist Model and the
                                  Web  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565--590

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 6, Number 4, December, 2013

               Mirco Gelain and   
          Maria Silvia Pini and   
            Francesca Rossi and   
           K. Brent Venable and   
                     Toby Walsh   Local Search Approaches in Stable
                                  Matching Problems  . . . . . . . . . . . 591--617
            Ciaran McCreesh and   
                Patrick Prosser   Multi-Threading a State-of-the-Art
                                  Maximum Clique Algorithm . . . . . . . . 618--635
                     Bin Fu and   
                  Yunhui Fu and   
                       Yuan Xue   Sublinear Time Motif Discovery from
                                  Multiple Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . 636--677
           Robert Bredereck and   
   André Nichterlein and   
               Rolf Niedermeier   Pattern-Guided $k$-Anonymity . . . . . . 678--701
              Jonathan Hogg and   
                 Jennifer Scott   New Parallel Sparse Direct Solvers for
                                  Multicore Architectures  . . . . . . . . 702--725
             Zhiqiang Zhang and   
                 Ansheng Ye and   
              Xiaoqing Zhou and   
                     Zehui Shao   An Efficient Local Search for the
                                  Feedback Vertex Set Problem  . . . . . . 726--746
             Nicolas Sicard and   
     Yogi Satrya Aryadinata and   
    Federico Del Razo Lopez and   
               Anne Laurent and   
Perfecto Malaquias Quintero Flores   Multi-Core Parallel Gradual Pattern
                                  Mining Based on Multi-Precision Fuzzy
                                  Orderings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747--761
             Shabnam Jabari and   
                      Yun Zhang   Very High Resolution Satellite Image
                                  Classification Using Fuzzy Rule-Based
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762--781
          Maria Silvia Pini and   
            Francesca Rossi and   
           K. Brent Venable and   
                     Toby Walsh   Stability, Optimality and Manipulation
                                  in Matching Problems with Weighted
                                  Preferences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 782--804
      Shibdas Bandyopadhyay and   
               Sartaj Sahni and   
        Sanguthevar Rajasekaran   PMS6MC: a Multicore Algorithm for Motif
                                  Discovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805--823
         Giorgos Georgiadis and   
        Marina Papatriantafilou   Overlays with Preferences: Distributed,
                                  Adaptive Approximation Algorithms for
                                  Matching with Preference Lists . . . . . 824--856
               Peter Benner and   
              Pablo Ezzatti and   
               Hermann Mena and   
Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí and   
           Alfredo Remón   Solving Matrix Equations on Multi-Core
                                  and Many-Core Architectures  . . . . . . 857--870
                     Jun He and   
               Ming-Wei Gao and   
                  Lei Zhang and   
                         Hao Wu   Sparse Signal Recovery from Fixed
                                  Low-Rank Subspace via Compressive
                                  Measurement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871--882

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 7, Number 1, March, 2014

           Tamás Fleiner   On Stable Matchings and Flows  . . . . . 1--14
              Min-Xia Zhang and   
                  Bei Zhang and   
                   Yu-Jun Zheng   Bio-Inspired Meta-Heuristics for
                                  Emergency Transportation Problems  . . . 15--31
            Tam\`as Fleiner and   
         Zsuzsanna Jankó   Choice Function-Based Two-Sided Markets:
                                  Stability, Lattice Property, Path
                                  Independence and Algorithms  . . . . . . 32--59
    Algorithms Editorial Office   Acknowledgement to Reviewers of
                                  Algorithms in 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . 60--61
           Robert Giegerich and   
    Héléne Touzet   Modeling Dynamic Programming Problems
                                  over Sequences and Trees with Inverse
                                  Coupled Rewrite Systems  . . . . . . . . 62--144
             Changyong Jung and   
                Suk Jin Lee and   
                    Vijay Bhuse   The Minimum Scheduling Time for
                                  Convergecast in Wireless Sensor Networks 145--165
             Wilfried Jakob and   
                Christian Blume   Pareto Optimization or Cascaded Weighted
                                  Sum: A Comparison of Concepts  . . . . . 166--185
              Veli Mäkinen   Editorial: Special Issue on Algorithms
                                  for Sequence Analysis and Storage  . . . 186--187

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 7, Number 2, June, 2014

                    Kazuo Iwama   Correction: \booktitlePareto
                                  Optimization or Cascaded Weighted Sum: a
                                  Comparison of Concepts. Algorithms 2014,
                                  \bf 7, 166--185  . . . . . . . . . . . . 188--188
               Katarzyna Paluch   Faster and Simpler Approximation of
                                  Stable Matchings . . . . . . . . . . . . 189--202
   Péter Biró and   
               David F. Manlove   Editorial: Special Issue on Matching
                                  under Preferences  . . . . . . . . . . . 203--205
            Howard Williams and   
                    Mark Bishop   Stochastic Diffusion Search: a
                                  Comparison of Swarm Intelligence
                                  Parameter Estimation Algorithms with
                                  RANSAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206--228
                  Shuhui Xu and   
                  Yong Wang and   
                    Aiqin Huang   Application of Imperialist Competitive
                                  Algorithm on Solving the Traveling
                                  Salesman Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . 229--242
             Niklas Zechner and   
                 Andrzej Lingas   Efficient Algorithms for Subgraph
                                  Listing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243--252
                    Jie Lin and   
             Donald Adjeroh and   
                      Yue Jiang   A Faster Quick Search Algorithm  . . . . 253--275

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 7, Number 3, September, 2014

             Brian L. Burns and   
             Neil E. Wilson and   
               M. Albert Thomas   Group Sparse Reconstruction of
                                  Multi-Dimensional Spectroscopic Imaging
                                  in Human Brain in vivo . . . . . . . . . 276--294
         Vasileios Kolonias and   
              George Goulas and   
             Christos Gogos and   
       Panayiotis Alefragis and   
               Efthymios Housos   Solving the Examination Timetabling
                                  Problem in GPUs  . . . . . . . . . . . . 295--327
                Aadil Latif and   
                 Peter Palensky   Economic Dispatch Using Modified Bat
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328--338
          Antonella Santone and   
               Gigliola Vaglini   Model Checking Properties on Reduced
                                  Trace Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339--362
                Huang Aiqin and   
                      Wang Yong   Pressure Model of Control Valve Based on
                                  LS-SVM with the Fruit Fly Algorithm  . . 363--375
              Antonio Costa and   
  Fulvio Antonio Cappadonna and   
                 Sergio Fichera   A Hybrid Metaheuristic Approach for
                                  Minimizing the Total Flow Time in A Flow
                                  Shop Sequence Dependent Group Scheduling
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376--396
                Wen-Qing Ma and   
                     Jing Zhang   Algorithm Based on Heuristic Strategy to
                                  Infer Lossy Links in Wireless Sensor
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397--404
                  Hong Wang and   
                Qingsong Xu and   
                    Lifeng Zhou   Seminal Quality Prediction Using
                                  Clustering-Based Decision Forests  . . . 405--417
              Shilian Zheng and   
                Zhijin Zhao and   
               Changlin Luo and   
                   Xiaoniu Yang   Target Channel Visiting Order Design
                                  Using Particle Swarm Optimization for
                                  Spectrum Handoff in Cognitive Radio
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418--428
                Zhibin Deng and   
             John E. Lavery and   
            Shu-Cherng Fang and   
                       Jian Luo   $ \ell_1 $ Major Component Detection and
                                  Analysis ($ \ell_1 $ MCDA) in Three and
                                  Higher Dimensional Spaces  . . . . . . . 429--443
           Yung-Tsang Chang and   
               Jen-Tse Wang and   
                 Wang-Hsai Yang   A Novel Contrast Enhancement Technique
                                  on Palm Bone Images  . . . . . . . . . . 444--455
               Chun-Yuan Yu and   
             Chen-Chung Liu and   
                   Shyr-Shen Yu   A Fovea Localization Scheme Using Vessel
                                  Origin-Based Parabolic Model . . . . . . 456--470
                  Kaiyu Wan and   
                  Yuji Dong and   
                 Qian Chang and   
                   Tengfei Qian   Applying a Dynamic Resource Supply Model
                                  in a Smart Grid  . . . . . . . . . . . . 471--491

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 7, Number 4, December, 2014

                 Xuebin Qin and   
                   Mei Wang and   
             Jzau-Sheng Lin and   
                     Xiaowei Li   Power Cable Fault Recognition Based on
                                  an Annealed Chaotic Competitive Learning
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492--509
                     Wei He and   
                      Ke Li and   
                 Qiang Zhou and   
                    Songnong Li   A CR Spectrum Allocation Algorithm in
                                  Smart Grid Wireless Sensor Network . . . 510--522
                  Qian Ding and   
             Zhenghong Peng and   
               Tianzhen Liu and   
                   Qiaohui Tong   Multi-Sensor Building Fire Alarm System
                                  with Information Fusion Technology Based
                                  on D-S Evidence Theory . . . . . . . . . 523--537
             Jeng-Fung Chen and   
              Ho-Nien Hsieh and   
                  Quang Hung Do   Predicting Student Academic Performance:
                                  a Comparison of Two Meta-Heuristic
                                  Algorithms Inspired by Cuckoo Birds for
                                  Training Neural Networks . . . . . . . . 538--553
              Pablo Rabanal and   
    Ismael Rodríguez and   
                 Fernando Rubio   Parallelizing Particle Swarm
                                  Optimization in a Functional Programming
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554--581
                  Yuan-Ko Huang   Processing $K$ NN Queries in Grid-Based
                                  Sensor Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 582--596
                Cheng-Yi Yu and   
               Chi-Yuan Lin and   
            Sheng-Chih Yang and   
                   Hsueh-Yi Lin   Eight-Scale Image Contrast Enhancement
                                  Based on Adaptive Inverse Hyperbolic
                                  Tangent Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 597--607
                Kai Beskers and   
               Johannes Fischer   High-Order Entropy Compressed Bit
                                  Vectors with Rank/Select . . . . . . . . 608--620
            Giulio Cecchini and   
      Gabriele Maria Lozito and   
            Maurizio Schmid and   
            Silvia Conforto and   
 Francesco Riganti Fulginei and   
                  Daniele Bibbo   Neural Networks for Muscle Forces
                                  Prediction in Cycling  . . . . . . . . . 621--634
              Chii-Jen Chen and   
               You-Wei Wang and   
              Wei-Chih Shen and   
               Chih-Yi Chen and   
                  Wen-Pinn Fang   The Lobe Fissure Tracking by the
                                  Modified Ant Colony Optimization
                                  Framework in CT Images . . . . . . . . . 635--649
                Wen-Hua Cui and   
             Jie-Sheng Wang and   
                   Chen-Xu Ning   Time Series Prediction Method of Bank
                                  Cash Flow and Simulation Comparison  . . 650--662
               Qingzheng Xu and   
                 Lemeng Guo and   
                    Na Wang and   
                    Yongjian He   COOBBO: a Novel Opposition-Based Soft
                                  Computing Algorithm for TSP Problems . . 663--684
               Wanchun Zhou and   
                   Ji Xiong and   
                 Fangmin Li and   
                   Na Jiang and   
                      Ning Zhao   Fusion of Multiple Pyroelectric
                                  Characteristics for Human Body
                                  Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685--702

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 8, Number 1, March, 2015

    Algorithms Editorial Office   Acknowledgement to Reviewers of
                                  Algorithms in 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . 1--2
              Zhong-Da Tian and   
               Shu-Jiang Li and   
              Yan-Hong Wang and   
                    Hong-Xia Yu   Networked Control System Time-Delay
                                  Compensation Based on Time-Delay
                                  Prediction and Improved Implicit GPC . . 3--18
                    Kong Lu and   
                    Li Ting and   
                Wang Keming and   
                Zhu Hanbing and   
              Takano Makoto and   
                         Yu Bin   An Improved Shuffled Frog-Leaping
                                  Algorithm for Flexible Job Shop
                                  Scheduling Problem . . . . . . . . . . . 19--31
              Dongdong Yang and   
                   Hui Yang and   
                       Rong Fei   An Efficient SAR Image Segmentation
                                  Framework Using Transformed Nonlocal
                                  Mean and Multi-Objective Clustering in
                                  Kernel Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32--45
            Colin McDiarmid and   
                   Nikola Yolov   Recognition of Unipolar and Generalised
                                  Split Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46--59
          Falk Hüffner and   
      Christian Komusiewicz and   
           Rolf Niedermeier and   
          Martin Rötzschke   The Parameterized Complexity of the
                                  Rainbow Subgraph Problem . . . . . . . . 60--81

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 8, Number 2, June, 2015

          Roberta Anniballe and   
              Stefania Bonafoni   A Stable Gaussian Fitting Procedure for
                                  the Parameterization of Remote Sensed
                                  Thermal Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82--91
                   Mihaly Mezei   Statistical Properties of
                                  Protein-Protein Interfaces . . . . . . . 92--99
             Jaw-Kuen Shiau and   
                Yu-Chen Wei and   
                   Bo-Chih Chen   A Study on the Fuzzy-Logic-Based Solar
                                  Power MPPT Algorithms Using Different
                                  Fuzzy Input Variables  . . . . . . . . . 100--127
                  Yuan Zhou and   
                Hong-fu Zuo and   
                      Jiao Feng   A Clustering Algorithm based on Feature
                                  Weighting Fuzzy Compactness and
                                  Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128--143
                 Yaming Ren and   
                     Shumin Fei   The Auxiliary Problem Principle with
                                  Self-Adaptive Penalty Parameter for
                                  Multi-Area Economic Dispatch Problem . . 144--156
                     Wei Li and   
                   Lei Wang and   
             Qiaoyong Jiang and   
                Xinhong Hei and   
                       Bin Wang   Multiobjective Cloud Particle
                                  Optimization Algorithm Based on
                                  Decomposition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157--176
                  Xiaoqi He and   
                Sheng Zhang and   
                  Yangguang Liu   An Adaptive Spectral Clustering
                                  Algorithm Based on the Importance of
                                  Shared Nearest Neighbors . . . . . . . . 177--189
                       Ting Kuo   From Enumerating to Generating: a Linear
                                  Time Algorithm for Generating $2$D
                                  Lattice Paths with a Given Number of
                                  Turns  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190--208
        Takanobu Yanagihara and   
                Hotaka Takizawa   Pulmonary Nodule Detection from X-ray CT
                                  Images Based on Region Shape Analysis
                                  and Appearance-based Clustering  . . . . 209--223
             Alicia Cordero and   
           Antonio Franques and   
             Juan R. Torregrosa   Numerical Solution of Turbulence
                                  Problems by Solving Burgers' Equation    224--233
                Gaihua Wang and   
                   Yang Liu and   
                  Caiquan Xiong   An Optimization Clustering Algorithm
                                  Based on Texture Feature Fusion for
                                  Color Image Segmentation . . . . . . . . 234--247
             Marius Nicolae and   
        Sanguthevar Rajasekaran   On String Matching with Mismatches . . . 248--270
     Francisco I. Chicharro and   
             Alicia Cordero and   
             Juan R. Torregrosa   Dynamics and Fractal Dimension of
                                  Steffensen-Type Methods  . . . . . . . . 271--279
                Dandan Meng and   
                      Feng Ding   Model Equivalence-Based Identification
                                  Algorithm for Equation-Error Systems
                                  with Colored Noise . . . . . . . . . . . 280--291
             Jeng-Fung Chen and   
              Quang Hung Do and   
                  Ho-Nien Hsieh   Training Artificial Neural Networks by a
                                  Hybrid PSO-CS Algorithm  . . . . . . . . 292--308
              Munish Kansal and   
               Vinay Kanwar and   
                 Saurabh Bhatia   An Optimal Eighth-Order Derivative-Free
                                  Family of Potra--Pták's Method  . . . . . 309--320
                      Xu Li and   
                  Tao Zhang and   
                  Yong Ou Zhang   Time Domain Simulation of Sound Waves
                                  Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
                                  Algorithm with Artificial Viscosity  . . 321--335
         Ahmed M. E. Khalil and   
      Seif-Eddeen K. Fateen and   
Adrián Bonilla-Petriciolet   MAKHA --- a New Hybrid Swarm
                                  Intelligence Global Optimization
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336--365

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 8, Number 3, September, 2015

             Ying-Ying Wang and   
            Xiang-Dong Wang and   
                 Dong-Qing Wang   Identification of Dual-Rate Sampled
                                  Hammerstein Systems with a
                                  Piecewise-Linear Nonlinearity Using the
                                  Key Variable Separation Technique  . . . 366--379
                  Yefeng Li and   
                  Jiajin Le and   
                       Mei Wang   Improving CLOPE's Profit Value and
                                  Stability with an Optimized
                                  Agglomerative Approach . . . . . . . . . 380--394
                Kazuo Maeda and   
            Yasuaki Noguchi and   
                Masaji Utsu and   
              Takashi Nagassawa   Algorithms for Computerized Fetal Heart
                                  Rate Diagnosis with Direct Reporting . . 395--406
               Longhui Wang and   
                  Yong Wang and   
                     Yudong Xie   Implementation of a Parallel Algorithm
                                  Based on a Spark Cloud Computing
                                  Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407--414
      Mohammad Ghorbanzadeh and   
            Fazlollah Soleymani   A Quartically Convergent Jarratt-Type
                                  Method for Nonlinear System of Equations 415--423
                    Yuan Ni and   
              Zongquan Deng and   
                  Junbao Li and   
                   Xiang Wu and   
                        Long Li   Multi-Objective Design Optimization of
                                  an Over-Constrained Flexure-Based
                                  Amplifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424--434
          Natarajan Meghanathan   A Benchmarking Algorithm to Determine
                                  Minimum Aggregation Delay for Data
                                  Gathering Trees and an Analysis of the
                                  Diameter-Aggregation Delay Tradeoff  . . 435--458
                   Ian Parberry   Solving the $ (n^2 - 1)$-Puzzle with $
                                  (8 / 3)p n^3$ Expected Moves . . . . . . 459--465
                   Tom Burr and   
               Alexei Skurikhin   Conditional Random Fields for Pattern
                                  Recognition Applied to Structured Data   466--483
                    Peng Li and   
                   Min Chen and   
               Li (Alex) Li and   
                      Jiao Feng   Multi-Feedback Interference Cancellation
                                  Algorithms for OFDM Systems over
                                  Doubly-Selective Channels  . . . . . . . 484--513
José Antonio Ezquerro and   
Miguel Ángel Hernández-Verón   On the Accessibility of Newton's Method
                                  under a Hölder Condition on the First
                                  Derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514--528
                   Zhen Shi and   
               Chang'an Wei and   
                    Ping Fu and   
                   Shouda Jiang   A Parallel Search Strategy Based on
                                  Sparse Representation for Infrared
                                  Target Tracking  . . . . . . . . . . . . 529--540
                  Zheng Cui and   
                Jingli Yang and   
               Shouda Jiang and   
                    Changan Wei   Target Detection Algorithm Based on Two
                                  Layers Human Visual System . . . . . . . 541--551
Diyashvir Kreetee Rajiv Babajee   Some Improvements to a Third Order
                                  Variant of Newton's Method from
                                  Simpson's Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552--561
               Longhui Wang and   
              Guoguang Zhao and   
                   Donghong Sun   Modeling Documents with Event Model  . . 562--572
                    Peng Li and   
                  Jiao Feng and   
           Rodrigo C. De Lamare   Robust Rank Reduction Algorithm with
                                  Iterative Parameter Optimization and
                                  Vector Perturbation  . . . . . . . . . . 573--589
                    Xu Wang and   
               Daniel Jeske and   
                Erchin Serpedin   An Overview of a Class of Clock
                                  Synchronization Algorithms for Wireless
                                  Sensor Networks: a Statistical Signal
                                  Processing Perspective . . . . . . . . . 590--620
                    Fei Gao and   
                   Lili Guo and   
                 Hongbin Li and   
                       Jun Fang   One-Bit Quantization and Distributed
                                  Detection with an Unknown Scale
                                  Parameter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621--631
                Zhibin Miao and   
                 Hongtian Zhang   Data Fusion Modeling for an RT3102 and
                                  Dewetron System Application in Hybrid
                                  Vehicle Stability Testing  . . . . . . . 632--644
         Ioannis K. Argyros and   
             Ramandeep Behl and   
                    S. S. Motsa   Local Convergence of an Optimal Eighth
                                  Order Method under Weak Conditions . . . 645--655
                 Juan Liang and   
                  Xiaowu Li and   
                  Zhinan Wu and   
            Mingsheng Zhang and   
                   Lin Wang and   
                       Feng Pan   Fifth-Order Iterative Method for Solving
                                  Multiple Roots of the Highest
                                  Multiplicity of Nonlinear Equation . . . 656--668
                Sergio Amat and   
             Sonia Busquier and   
Concepción Bermúdez and   
Ángel Alberto Magreñán   Expanding the Applicability of a Third
                                  Order Newton-Type Method Free of
                                  Bilinear Operators . . . . . . . . . . . 669--679
                 Suman Saha and   
                Satya P. Ghrera   Network Community Detection on Metric
                                  Space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680--696
               Puren Ouyang and   
                   Vangjel Pano   Comparative Study of DE, PSO and GA for
                                  Position Domain PID Controller Tuning    697--711
              Lincheng Zhou and   
                 Xiangli Li and   
                 Huigang Xu and   
                      Peiyi Zhu   Gradient-Based Iterative Identification
                                  for Wiener Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
                                  with Moving Average Noises . . . . . . . 712--722
      Iosif V. Katsaragakis and   
     Ioannis X. Tassopoulos and   
       Grigorios N. Beligiannis   A Comparative Study of Modern Heuristics
                                  on the School Timetabling Problem  . . . 723--742
                 Yanjun Liu and   
                    Taiyang Tao   A CS Recovery Algorithm for Model and
                                  Time Delay Identification of MISO--FIR
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743--753
Guillermo M. Mallén-Fullerton and   
    J. Emilio Quiroz-Ibarra and   
            Antonio Miranda and   
Guillermo Fernández-Anaya   Modified Classical Graph Algorithms for
                                  the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem  . . . 754--773
               Ioan Bistran and   
            Stefan Maruster and   
    Liviu Octavian Mafteiu-Scai   Parallel Variants of Broyden's Method    774--785
              Xiaofeng Wang and   
                 Yuping Qin and   
                 Weiyi Qian and   
                Sheng Zhang and   
                   Xiaodong Fan   A Family of Newton Type Iterative
                                  Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations  786--798

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 8, Number 4, December, 2015

             Tingping Zhang and   
                       Guan Gui   Reweighted Factor Selection for SLMS-RL1
                                  Algorithm under Gaussian Mixture Noise
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 799--809
           Guillaume Fertin and   
      Christian Komusiewicz and   
       Hafedh Mohamed-Babou and   
                     Irena Rusu   Finding Supported Paths in Heterogeneous
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810--831
      George A. Anastassiou and   
             Ioannis K. Argyros   Newton-Type Methods on Generalized
                                  Banach Spaces and Applications in
                                  Fractional Calculus  . . . . . . . . . . 832--849
              Rumen Andonov and   
             Hristo Djidjev and   
             Gunnar W. Klau and   
   Mathilde Le Boudic-Jamin and   
                  Inken Wohlers   Automatic Classification of Protein
                                  Structure Using the Maximum Contact Map
                                  Overlap Metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850--869
                   Aohan Li and   
                Ziheng Yang and   
                   Renji Qi and   
                  Feng Zhou and   
                   Guangjie Han   Code Synchronization Algorithm Based on
                                  Segment Correlation in Spread Spectrum
                                  Communication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870--894
Diyashvir Kreetee Rajiv Babajee and   
      Kalyanasundaram Madhu and   
            Jayakumar Jayaraman   On Some Improved Harmonic Mean
                                  Newton-Like Methods for Solving Systems
                                  of Nonlinear Equations . . . . . . . . . 895--909
                 Ahmed M. Khedr   Effective Data Acquisition Protocol for
                                  Multi-Hop Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor
                                  Networks Using Compressive Sensing . . . 910--928
                   Kai Yang and   
             Rencheng Zhang and   
              Shouhong Chen and   
              Fujiang Zhang and   
              Jianhong Yang and   
                  Xingbin Zhang   Series Arc Fault Detection Algorithm
                                  Based on Autoregressive Bispectrum
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 929--950
                Zhi-Yong Li and   
               Jiao-Hong Yi and   
                    Gai-Ge Wang   A New Swarm Intelligence Approach for
                                  Clustering Based on Krill Herd with
                                  Elitism Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . 951--964
              Chaozhu Zhang and   
                     Lin Li and   
                        Yu Wang   A Particle Filter Track-Before-Detect
                                  Algorithm Based on Hybrid Differential
                                  Evolution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965--981
         Farahnaz Soleimani and   
Predrag S. Stanimiroví\vc and   
            Fazlollah Soleymani   Some Matrix Iterations for Computing
                                  Generalized Inverses and Balancing
                                  Chemical Equations . . . . . . . . . . . 982--998
          Daniele Catanzaro and   
        Céline Engelbeen   An Integer Linear Programming
                                  Formulation for the Minimum Cardinality
                                  Segmentation Problem . . . . . . . . . . 999--1020
                   Lei Feng and   
                     Guoxian Yu   Semi-Supervised Classification Based on
                                  Mixture Graph  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021--1034
          Mohammed El-Kebir and   
               Jaap Heringa and   
                 Gunnar W. Klau   Natalie 2.0: Sparse Global Network
                                  Alignment as a Special Case of Quadratic
                                  Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035--1051
        Andreas Jaakko Metz and   
                Martin Wolf and   
            Peter Achermann and   
               Felix Scholkmann   A New Approach for Automatic Removal of
                                  Movement Artifacts in Near-Infrared
                                  Spectroscopy Time Series by Means of
                                  Acceleration Data  . . . . . . . . . . . 1052--1075
         Ioannis K. Argyros and   
             Ramandeep Behl and   
                    S. S. Motsa   Local Convergence of an Efficient High
                                  Convergence Order Method Using
                                  Hypothesis Only on the First Derivative  1076--1087
                Fatma Taher and   
             Naoufel Werghi and   
               Hussain Al-Ahmad   Computer Aided Diagnosis System for
                                  Early Lung Cancer Detection  . . . . . . 1088--1110
                 Quan Zheng and   
                   Xin Zhao and   
                     Yufeng Liu   An Optimal Biparametric Multipoint
                                  Family and Its Self-Acceleration with
                                  Memory for Solving Nonlinear Equations   1111--1120
M. A. Hernández-Verón and   
                      N. Romero   On the Local Convergence of a Third
                                  Order Family of Iterative Processes  . . 1121--1128
                 Yong Zhang and   
                     Fangmin Li   Efficiency Intra-Cluster
                                  Device-to-Device Relay Selection for
                                  Multicast Services Based on
                                  Combinatorial Auction  . . . . . . . . . 1129--1142
      Michael Charles Davis and   
                  Zhanyu Ma and   
                  Weiru Liu and   
                Paul Miller and   
                Ruth Hunter and   
                      Frank Kee   Generating Realistic Labelled, Weighted
                                  Random Graphs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1143--1174
                  Fan Jiang and   
                Carson K. Leung   A Data Analytic Algorithm for Managing,
                                  Querying, and Processing Uncertain Big
                                  Data in Cloud Environments . . . . . . . 1175--1194
                   Ajie Chu and   
               Shouqiang Du and   
                      Yixiao Su   A New Smoothing Conjugate Gradient
                                  Method for Solving Nonlinear Nonsmooth
                                  Complementarity Problems . . . . . . . . 1195--1209
José M. Gutiérrez   Numerical Properties of Different
                                  Root-Finding Algorithms Obtained for
                                  Approximating Continuous Newton's Method 1210--1218

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 9, Number 1, March, 2016

Diyashvir Kreetee Rajiv Babajee   On the Kung--Traub Conjecture for
                                  Iterative Methods for Solving Quadratic
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  José M. Ruiz-Oltra and   
Catalina Gómez-Quiles and   
Antonio Gómez-Expósito   Offset-Assisted Factored Solution of
                                  Nonlinear Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Jie-Sheng Wang and   
                  Jiang-Di Song   Function Optimization and Parameter
                                  Performance Analysis Based on
                                  Gravitation Search Algorithm . . . . . . 
                 Qifang Luo and   
                  Sen Zhang and   
                 Zhiming Li and   
                  Yongquan Zhou   A Novel Complex-Valued Encoding Grey
                                  Wolf Optimization Algorithm  . . . . . . 
               Fayyaz Ahmad and   
         S. Serra-Capizzano and   
           Malik Zaka Ullah and   
                 A. S. Al-Fhaid   A Family of Iterative Methods for
                                  Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations
                                  Having Unknown Multiplicity  . . . . . . 
           Damianos Gavalas and   
Charalampos Konstantopoulos and   
      Konstantinos Mastakas and   
          Grammati Pantziou and   
                Nikolaos Vathis   Efficient Metaheuristics for the Mixed
                                  Team Orienteering Problem with Time
                                  Windows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Alfredo Cuzzocrea and   
            Mirel Cosulschi and   
            Roberto De Virgilio   An Effective and Efficient MapReduce
                                  Algorithm for Computing BFS-Based
                                  Traversals of Large-Scale RDF Graphs . . 
          Natarajan Meghanathan   A Greedy Algorithm for Neighborhood
                                  Overlap-Based Community Detection  . . . 
               Zhiming Yang and   
                  Junbao Li and   
                    Yang Yu and   
                    Xiyuan Peng   NBTI-Aware Transient Fault Rate Analysis
                                  Method for Logic Circuit Based on
                                  Probability Voltage Transfer
                                  Characteristics  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Jai Prakash Jaiswal   An Optimal Order Method for Multiple
                                  Roots in Case of Unknown Multiplicity    
    Algorithms Editorial Office   Acknowledgement to Reviewers of
                                  Algorithms in 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Thomas Gatter and   
           Robert Giegerich and   
            Cédric Saule   Integrating Pareto Optimization into
                                  Dynamic Programming  . . . . . . . . . . 
              Alfredo Cuzzocrea   Algorithms for Managing, Querying and
                                  Processing Big Data in Cloud
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Xiaofeng Wang and   
                   Xiaodong Fan   Two Efficient Derivative-Free Iterative
                                  Methods for Solving Nonlinear Systems    
                  Xiaowu Li and   
                  Zhinan Wu and   
                  Linke Hou and   
                   Lin Wang and   
              Chunguang Yue and   
                       Qiao Xin   A Geometric Orthogonal Projection
                                  Strategy for Computing the Minimum
                                  Distance Between a Point and a Spatial
                                  Parametric Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Raffaele Pizzolante and   
              Bruno Carpentieri   Multiband and Lossless Compression of
                                  Hyperspectral Images . . . . . . . . . . 
            Laurent Bulteau and   
             Vincent Froese and   
               Sepp Hartung and   
               Rolf Niedermeier   Co-Clustering under the Maximum Norm . . 
                Uswah Qasim and   
               Zulifqar Ali and   
               Fayyaz Ahmad and   
    Stefano Serra-Capizzano and   
           Malik Zaka Ullah and   
                       Mir Asma   Constructing Frozen Jacobian Iterative
                                  Methods for Solving Systems of Nonlinear
                                  Equations, Associated with ODEs and PDEs
                                  Using the Homotopy Method  . . . . . . . 
María J. Gómez and   
   Cristina Castejón and   
    Juan C. García-Prada   Review of Recent Advances in the
                                  Application of the Wavelet Transform to
                                  Diagnose Cracked Rotors  . . . . . . . . 
             Ivan G. Ivanov and   
           Boryana C. Bogdanova   The Iterative Solution to Discrete-Time
                                  $ H_\infty $ Control Problems for
                                  Periodic Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Christian Komusiewicz   Multivariate Algorithmics for Finding
                                  Cohesive Subnetworks . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 9, Number 2, June, 2016

   Konstantinos G. Kakoulis and   
              Ioannis G. Tollis   Modifying Orthogonal Drawings for Label
                                  Placement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Yu-Feng Sun and   
             Jie-Sheng Wang and   
                  Jiang-Di Song   An Improved Fireworks Algorithm Based on
                                  Grouping Strategy of the Shuffled Frog
                                  Leaping Algorithm to Solve Function
                                  Optimization Problems  . . . . . . . . . 
                Cui-Hong Li and   
               Qiu-Wei Yang and   
                 Bing-Xiang Sun   Structural Damage Localization by the
                                  Principal Eigenvector of Modal
                                  Flexibility Change . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Fang Ye and   
                  Xun Zhang and   
                  Yibing Li and   
                      Hui Huang   Primary User Localization Algorithm
                                  Based on Compressive Sensing in
                                  Cognitive Radio Networks . . . . . . . . 
       Yoshimasa Takabatake and   
            Kenta Nakashima and   
           Tetsuji Kuboyama and   
                Yasuo Tabei and   
               Hiroshi Sakamoto   siEDM: an Efficient String Index and
                                  Search Algorithm for Edit Distance with
                                  Moves  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Abdullah Ayedh and   
              Guanzheng Tan and   
            Khaled Alwesabi and   
                    Hamdi Rajeh   The Effect of Preprocessing on Arabic
                                  Document Categorization  . . . . . . . . 
                Jiarong Shi and   
                Qingyan Yin and   
               Xiuyun Zheng and   
                       Wei Yang   Alternating Direction Method of
                                  Multipliers for Generalized Low-Rank
                                  Tensor Recovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Yibing Li and   
               Xueying Diao and   
                    Ge Dong and   
                        Fang Ye   An Improved Dynamic Joint Resource
                                  Allocation Algorithm Based on SFR  . . . 
                   Fayyaz Ahmad   Comment on: \booktitleOn the Kung--Traub
                                  Conjecture for Iterative Methods for
                                  Solving Quadratic Equations. Algorithms
                                  2016, \bf 9, 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Zhenqing Zhao and   
                    Dong Ye and   
                  Xin Zhang and   
                  Gang Chen and   
                      Bin Zhang   Improved Direct Linear Transformation
                                  for Parameter Decoupling in Camera
                                  Calibration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Henrik Björklund and   
            Martin Berglund and   
                 Petter Ericson   Uniform vs. Nonuniform Membership for
                                  Mildly Context-Sensitive Languages: a
                                  Brief Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Daniel R. Jeske and   
           Jeffrey Longmate and   
              Vani Katheria and   
                    Arti Hurria   Mining Branching Rules from Past Survey
                                  Data with an Illustration Using a
                                  Geriatric Assessment Survey for Older
                                  Adults with Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Jing Xu and   
              Zhongbin Wang and   
                   Chao Tan and   
                     Xinhua Liu   A State Recognition Approach for Complex
                                  Equipment Based on a Fuzzy Probabilistic
                                  Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Tianlin Pan and   
                     Bin Wu and   
             Yongsheng Chen and   
                     Guoshan Xu   Application of the Energy-Conserving
                                  Integration Method to Hybrid Simulation
                                  of a Full-Scale Steel Frame  . . . . . . 
              Xianglei Xing and   
                   Sidan Du and   
                     Kejun Wang   Robust Hessian Locally Linear Embedding
                                  Techniques for High-Dimensional Data . . 
               Wiyada Kumam and   
     Pongsakorn Sunthrayuth and   
        Phond Phunchongharn and   
  Khajonpong Akkarajitsakul and   
   Parinya Sa Ngiamsunthorn and   
                     Poom Kumam   A New Multi-Step Iterative Algorithm for
                                  Approximating Common Fixed Points of a
                                  Finite Family of Multi-Valued Bregman
                                  Relatively Nonexpansive Mappings . . . . 
             Daniel R. Page and   
              Roberto Solis-Oba   A $ 3 / 2$-Approximation Algorithm for
                                  the Graph Balancing Problem with Two
                                  Weights  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Kevin Tai and   
      Abdul-Rahman El-Sayed and   
      Mohammad Biglarbegian and   
        Claudia I. Gonzalez and   
             Oscar Castillo and   
                  Shohel Mahmud   Review of Recent Type-2 Fuzzy Controller
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Enrique Baeyens and   
           Alberto Herreros and   
    José R. Perán   A Direct Search Algorithm for Global
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Yuhai Yu and   
                Hongfei Lin and   
                 Jiana Meng and   
                   Zhehuan Zhao   Visual and Textual Sentiment Analysis of
                                  a Microblog Using Deep Convolutional
                                  Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Xinhua Wang and   
                    Jinlu Sheng   Joint Antenna Selection and Beamforming
                                  Algorithms for Physical Layer
                                  Multicasting with Massive Antennas . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 9, Number 3, September, 2016

                   Chibing Gong   Opposition-Based Adaptive Fireworks
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Till Tantau   A Gentle Introduction to Applications of
                                  Algorithmic Metatheorems for Space and
                                  Circuit Classes  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Zahra Hojjati Tavassoli and   
   Seyed Hossein Iranmanesh and   
        Ahmad Tavassoli Hojjati   Designing a Framework to Improve Time
                                  Series Data of Construction Projects:
                                  Application of a Simulation Model and
                                  Singular Spectrum Analysis . . . . . . . 
                 Yuan Jiang and   
               Yuliang Liao and   
                     Guoxian Yu   Affinity Propagation Clustering Using
                                  Path Based Similarity  . . . . . . . . . 
            Pei-Chann Chang and   
              Cheng-Hui Lin and   
                  Meng-Hui Chen   A Hybrid Course Recommendation System by
                                  Integrating Collaborative Filtering and
                                  Artificial Immune Systems  . . . . . . . 
                   Xuan Hou and   
               Guangjun Yao and   
                       Jun Wang   Semi-Supervised Classification Based on
                                  Low Rank Representation  . . . . . . . . 
                    Jiling Ding   Data Filtering Based Recursive and
                                  Iterative Least Squares Algorithms for
                                  Parameter Estimation of Multi-Input
                                  Output Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Ahmad Askarian and   
                   Rupei Xu and   
    András Faragó   Utilizing Network Structure to
                                  Accelerate Markov Chain Monte Carlo
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Cemre Cubukcuoglu and   
 Ioannis Chatzikonstantinou and   
    Mehmet Fatih Tasgetiren and   
        I. Sevil Sariyildiz and   
                    Quan-Ke Pan   A Multi-Objective Harmony Search
                                  Algorithm for Sustainable Design of
                                  Floating Settlements . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Weilin Luo and   
                  Hongchao Cong   Control for Ship Course-Keeping Using
                                  Optimized Support Vector Machines  . . . 
                Fabian Lipp and   
            Alexander Wolff and   
                  Johannes Zink   Faster Force-Directed Graph Drawing with
                                  the Well-Separated Pair Decomposition    
             Tingping Zhang and   
                       Guan Gui   Sign Function Based Sparse Adaptive
                                  Filtering Algorithms for Robust Channel
                                  Estimation under Non-Gaussian Noise
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Jonathan Bruce Shepherd and   
              Tomohito Wada and   
             David Rowlands and   
            Daniel Arthur James   A Novel AHRS Inertial Sensor-Based
                                  Algorithm for Wheelchair Propulsion
                                  Performance Analysis . . . . . . . . . . 
                Xiang Huang and   
                  Zhizhong Wang   Multiple Artificial Neural Networks with
                                  Interaction Noise for Estimation of
                                  Spatial Categorical Variables  . . . . . 
           Amanj Khorramian and   
             Akira Matsubayashi   Uniform Page Migration Problem in
                                  Euclidean Space  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Laura Kallmeyer and   
                 Wolfgang Maier   LR Parsing for LCFRS . . . . . . . . . . 
 Ibidun Christiana Obagbuwa and   
        Ademola Philips Abidoye   Binary Cockroach Swarm Optimization for
                                  Combinatorial Optimization Problem . . . 
   Rubén San-Segundo and   
            Juan M. Montero and   
José Moreno-Pimentel and   
           José M. Pardo   HMM Adaptation for Improving a Human
                                  Activity Recognition System  . . . . . . 
               Weidong Zhou and   
                   Jing Liu and   
              Pengxiang Zhu and   
                 Wenhe Gong and   
                     Jiaxin Hou   Noncircular Sources-Based Sparse
                                  Representation Algorithm for Direction
                                  of Arrival Estimation in MIMO Radar with
                                  Mutual Coupling  . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 9, Number 4, December, 2016

                Hong-Wei Ma and   
               Hong-Wei Fan and   
               Qing-Hua Mao and   
               Xu-Hui Zhang and   
                      Wang Xing   Noise Reduction of Steel Cord Conveyor
                                  Belt Defect Electromagnetic Signal by
                                  Combined Use of Improved Wavelet and EMD 
    Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen and   
             Yun-Chia Liang and   
             Jose David Padilla   A Practical and Robust Execution
                                  Time-Frame Procedure for the Multi-Mode
                                  Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling
                                  Problem with Minimal and Maximal Time
                                  Lags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Henning Fernau   \booktitleTheorietage der Gesellschaft
                                  für Informatik in Speyer 2015 --- Special
                                  Issue  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Ioannis K. Argyros and   
             Ramandeep Behl and   
               Sandile S. Motsa   Local Convergence Analysis of an Eighth
                                  Order Scheme Using Hypothesis Only on
                                  the First Derivative . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Mei Wang and   
                  Liang Zhu and   
                      Yanan Guo   Fault Sensing Using Fractal Dimension
                                  and Wavelet  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Oscar Rosario Belfiore and   
                Claudio Parente   Comparison of Different Algorithms to
                                  Orthorectify WorldView-2 Satellite
                                  Imagery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Xu Wang and   
                Erchin Serpedin   An Overview on the Applications of
                                  Matrix Theory in Wireless Communications
                                  and Signal Processing  . . . . . . . . . 
             Cinthia Peraza and   
             Fevrier Valdez and   
               Mario Garcia and   
             Patricia Melin and   
                 Oscar Castillo   A New Fuzzy Harmony Search Algorithm
                                  Using Fuzzy Logic for Dynamic Parameter
                                  Adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Yang Chen and   
              Dong-Jie Zhao and   
               Zi-Yang Wang and   
              Zhong-Yi Wang and   
              Guiliang Tang and   
                      Lan Huang   Plant Electrical Signal Classification
                                  Based on Waveform Similarity . . . . . . 
    Mehmet Fatih Tasgetiren and   
                Quan-Ke Pan and   
              Damla Kizilay and   
                    Kaizhou Gao   A Variable Block Insertion Heuristic for
                                  the Blocking Flowshop Scheduling Problem
                                  with Total Flowtime Criterion  . . . . . 
               Daniel Hoske and   
           Dimitar Lukarski and   
         Henning Meyerhenke and   
                 Michael Wegner   Engineering a Combinatorial Laplacian
                                  Solver: Lessons Learned  . . . . . . . . 
              Lingjian Yang and   
          Jonathan C. Silva and   
    Lazaros G. Papageorgiou and   
                   Sophia Tsoka   Community Structure Detection for
                                  Directed Networks through Modularity
                                  Optimisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Hanbing Liu and   
                     Xin He and   
             Xianqiang Wang and   
                  Yubo Jiao and   
                      Gang Song   An Optimization Algorithm for the Design
                                  of an Irregularly-Shaped Bridge Based on
                                  the Orthogonal Test and Analytic
                                  Hierarchy Process  . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Anantachai Padcharoen and   
                 Poom Kumam and   
                Yeol Je Cho and   
           Phatiphat Thounthong   A Modified Iterative Algorithm for Split
                                  Feasibility Problems of Right Bregman
                                  Strongly Quasi-Nonexpansive Mappings in
                                  Banach Spaces with Applications  . . . . 
      Patrícia Ramos and   
    José Manuel Oliveira   A Procedure for Identification of
                                  Appropriate State Space and ARIMA Models
                                  Based on Time-Series Cross-Validation    
              Carlos De Niz and   
              Raziur Rahman and   
             Xiangyuan Zhao and   
                    Ranadip Pal   Algorithms for Drug Sensitivity
                                  Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                         Wei Li   A Modified Cloud Particles Differential
                                  Evolution Algorithm for Real-Parameter
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Qingshan You and   
                Yongjie Luo and   
                        Qun Wan   A Two-Stage Method to Test the
                                  Robustness of the Generalized
                                  Approximate Message Passing Algorithm    
               Yuancheng Li and   
                 Panpan Guo and   
                       Xiang Li   Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on the
                                  Analysis of User Electricity Behavior    
               Puren Ouyang and   
                    Yuqi Hu and   
                 Wenhui Yue and   
                     Deshun Liu   Cross-Coupled Contouring Control of
                                  Multi-DOF Robotic Manipulator  . . . . . 
            Luis F. Pedraza and   
         Cesar A. Hernandez and   
             Ingrid P. Paez and   
             Jorge E. Ortiz and   
            E. Rodriguez-Colina   Linear Algorithms for Radioelectric
                                  Spectrum Forecast  . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Zhimin Liu and   
               Shouqiang Du and   
                   Ruiying Wang   Nonsmooth Levenberg--Marquardt Type
                                  Method for Solving a Class of Stochastic
                                  Linear Complementarity Problems with
                                  Finitely Many Elements . . . . . . . . . 
             Santoso Wibowo and   
                  Hepu Deng and   
                         Wei Xu   Evaluation of Cloud Services: a Fuzzy
                                  Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making
                                  Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Yuqin Xie and   
                 Mingchun Zheng   A Differentiated Anonymity Algorithm for
                                  Social Network Privacy Preservation  . . 
                Qinjiao Gao and   
                Shenggang Zhang   Moving Mesh Strategies of Adaptive
                                  Methods for Solving Nonlinear Partial
                                  Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . 
                     Yan Fu and   
                 Shengchun Wang   A No Reference Image Quality Assessment
                                  Metric Based on Visual Perception  . . . 
             Huanyang Zheng and   
                         Jie Wu   Which, When, and How: Hierarchical
                                  Clustering with Human--Machine
                                  Cooperation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 10, Number 1, March, 2017

                   Mihaly Mezei   Using Force-Field Grids for Sampling
                                  Translation/Rotation of Partially Rigid
                                  Macromolecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Lingjun Liu and   
               Zhonghua Xie and   
                   Jiuchao Feng   Backtracking-Based Iterative
                                  Regularization Method for Image
                                  Compressive Sensing Recovery . . . . . . 
          Emna Ben Abdallah and   
               Tony Ribeiro and   
              Morgan Magnin and   
               Olivier Roux and   
                  Katsumi Inoue   Modeling Delayed Dynamics in Biological
                                  Regulatory Networks from Time Series
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Ruxin Zhao and   
                 Qifang Luo and   
                  Yongquan Zhou   Elite Opposition-Based Social Spider
                                  Optimization Algorithm for Global
                                  Function Optimization  . . . . . . . . . 
          \cStefan M\uaru\cster   Estimating the Local Radius of
                                  Convergence for Picard Iteration . . . . 
    Algorithms Editorial Office   Acknowledgement to Reviewers of
                                  Algorithms in 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Wu Huang and   
                      Feng Ding   Coupled Least Squares Identification
                                  Algorithms for Multivariate Output-Error
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Paolo Mercorelli   A Fault Detection and Data
                                  Reconciliation Algorithm in Technical
                                  Processes with the Help of Haar Wavelets
                                  Packets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Yu Feng and   
             Jianzhong Zhou and   
                Muhammad Tayyab   Kernel Clustering with a Differential
                                  Harmony Search Algorithm for Scheme
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Olga C. Santos   Toward Personalized Vibrotactile Support
                                  When Learning Motor Skills . . . . . . . 
                Yi-Shan Lin and   
             Chun-Liang Lee and   
                 Yaw-Chung Chen   Length-Bounded Hybrid CPU/GPU Pattern
                                  Matching Algorithm for Deep Packet
                                  Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Fayyaz Ahmad and   
       Toseef Akhter Bhutta and   
                Umar Shoaib and   
           Malik Zaka Ullah and   
       Ali Saleh Alshomrani and   
             Shamshad Ahmad and   
                   Shahid Ahmad   A Preconditioned Iterative Method for
                                  Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations
                                  Having Unknown Multiplicity  . . . . . . 
                Emer Bernal and   
             Oscar Castillo and   
          José Soria and   
                 Fevrier Valdez   Imperialist Competitive Algorithm with
                                  Dynamic Parameter Adaptation Using Fuzzy
                                  Logic Applied to the Optimization of
                                  Mathematical Functions . . . . . . . . . 
                    Ru Wang and   
                   Chao Tan and   
                    Jing Xu and   
              Zhongbin Wang and   
                Jingfei Jin and   
                     Yiqiao Man   Pressure Control for a Hydraulic
                                  Cylinder Based on a Self-Tuning PID
                                  Controller Optimized by a Hybrid
                                  Optimization Algorithm . . . . . . . . . 
                 Anne Berry and   
            Genevi\`eve Simonet   Computing a Clique Tree with the
                                  Algorithm Maximal Label Search . . . . . 
         Sergio De Agostino and   
          Bruno Carpentieri and   
            Raffaele Pizzolante   Concurrent vs. Exclusive Reading in
                                  Parallel Decoding of LZ-Compressed Files 
            Marios Koniaris and   
    Ioannis Anagnostopoulos and   
               Yannis Vassiliou   Evaluation of Diversification Techniques
                                  for Legal Information Retrieval  . . . . 
                  James Lee and   
             David Rowlands and   
           Nicholas Jackson and   
         Raymond Leadbetter and   
              Tomohito Wada and   
                Daniel A. James   An Architectural Based Framework for the
                                  Distributed Collection, Analysis and
                                  Query from Inhomogeneous Time Series
                                  Data Sets and Wearables for Biofeedback
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Henning Fernau and   
                  Andreas Krebs   Problems on Finite Automata and the
                                  Exponential Time Hypothesis  . . . . . . 
            Tseng-Hsu Chien and   
                Yeong-Chin Chen   An On-Line Tracker for a Stochastic
                                  Chaotic System Using Observer/Kalman
                                  Filter Identification Combined with
                                  Digital Redesign Method  . . . . . . . . 
                Xi-Guang Li and   
               Shou-Fei Han and   
                Chang-Qing Gong   Analysis and Improvement of Fireworks
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Heng Zhang and   
              Chengyou Wang and   
                      Xiao Zhou   Fragile Watermarking for Image
                                  Authentication Using the Characteristic
                                  of SVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Vassiliki Gkantouna and   
                 Giannis Tzimas   Mining Domain-Specific Design Patterns:
                                  a Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Qingshan You and   
                        Qun Wan   Stable Analysis of Compressive Principal
                                  Component Pursuit  . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Petr Procházka and   
                      Jan Holub   Towards Efficient Positional Inverted
                                  Index  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Koichi Kobayashi and   
              Kunihiko Hiraishi   Optimization-Based Approaches to Control
                                  of Probabilistic Boolean Networks  . . . 
                 Feng-Gong Lang   A New Quintic Spline Method for Integro
                                  Interpolation and Its Error Analysis . . 
            Andreas Kanavos and   
         Nikolaos Nodarakis and   
             Spyros Sioutas and   
      Athanasios Tsakalidis and   
           Dimitrios Tsolis and   
                 Giannis Tzimas   Large Scale Implementations for Twitter
                                  Sentiment Classification . . . . . . . . 
       Vasileios Athanasiou and   
           Manolis Maragoudakis   A Novel, Gradient Boosting Framework for
                                  Sentiment Analysis in Languages where
                                  NLP Resources Are Not Plentiful: a Case
                                  Study for Modern Greek . . . . . . . . . 
           Evaggelos Spyrou and   
         Michalis Korakakis and   
    Vasileios Charalampidis and   
          Apostolos Psallas and   
                 Phivos Mylonas   A Geo-Clustering Approach for the
                                  Detection of Areas-of-Interest and Their
                                  Underlying Semantics . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 10, Number 2, June, 2017

                 Ziyan Chen and   
                   Yu Huang and   
              Yuexian Liang and   
                  Yang Wang and   
                  Xingyu Fu and   
                         Kun Fu   RGloVe: an Improved Approach of Global
                                  Vectors for Distributional Entity
                                  Relation Representation  . . . . . . . . 
                  Yuan Feng and   
                    Li Wang and   
                    Xinhong Liu   Reliable Portfolio Selection Problem in
                                  Fuzzy Environment: an $ m_\lambda $
                                  Measure Based Approach . . . . . . . . . 
              Danilo Pelusi and   
          Raffaele Mascella and   
                   Luca Tallini   Revised Gravitational Search Algorithms
                                  Based on Evolutionary-Fuzzy Systems  . . 
              Xiaofeng Wang and   
                        Yang Li   An Efficient Sixth-Order Newton-Type
                                  Method for Solving Nonlinear Systems . . 
                Chunhua Jia and   
                       Hong Zhu   An Improved Multiobjective Particle
                                  Swarm Optimization Based on Culture
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Darra Hofman and   
            Luciana Duranti and   
                     Elissa How   Trust in the Balance: Data Protection
                                  Laws as Tools for Privacy and Security
                                  in the Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Xi-Guang Li and   
               Shou-Fei Han and   
                 Liang Zhao and   
            Chang-Qing Gong and   
                  Xiao-Jing Liu   Adaptive Mutation Dynamic Search
                                  Fireworks Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . 
            Khaled Bouzenad and   
               Messaoud Ramdani   Multivariate Statistical Process Control
                                  Using Enhanced Bottleneck Neural Network 
            Shmuel T. Klein and   
                   Dana Shapira   Hierarchical Parallel Evaluation of a
                                  Hamming Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Raffaele Pizzolante and   
          Bruno Carpentieri and   
             Sergio De Agostino   Adaptive Vector Quantization for Lossy
                                  Compression of Image Sequences . . . . . 
              Geong Sen Poh and   
       Vishnu Monn Baskaran and   
               Ji-Jian Chin and   
    Moesfa Soeheila Mohamad and   
                Kay Win Lee and   
      Dharmadharshni Maniam and   
            Muhammad Reza Z'aba   Searchable Data Vault: Encrypted Queries
                                  in Secure Distributed Cloud Storage  . . 
                 Huiru Zhao and   
                 Yuwei Wang and   
               Mingrui Zhao and   
                  Chuyu Sun and   
                    Qingkun Tan   Application of Gradient Descent
                                  Continuous Actor-Critic Algorithm for
                                  Bilateral Spot Electricity Market
                                  Modeling Considering Renewable Power
                                  Penetration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Ioannis K. Argyros and   
           Janak Raj Sharma and   
                   Deepak Kumar   Extending the Applicability of the
                                  MMN--HSS Method for Solving Systems of
                                  Nonlinear Equations under Generalized
                                  Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Fayyaz Ahmad and   
       Toseef Akhter Bhutta and   
                Umar Shoaib and   
           Malik Zaka Ullah and   
       Ali Saleh Alshomrani and   
             Shamshad Ahmad and   
                   Shahid Ahmad   Erratum: Ahmad, F., et al. \booktitleA
                                  Preconditioned Iterative Method for
                                  Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations
                                  Having Unknown Multiplicity. Algorithms
                                  2017, \bf 10, 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                     Qin Li and   
                         Bo Liu   Clustering Using an Improved Krill Herd
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Jinglin Du and   
                  Yayun Liu and   
                   Yanan Yu and   
                     Weilan Yan   A Prediction of Precipitation Data Based
                                  on Support Vector Machine and Particle
                                  Swarm Optimization (PSO-SVM) Algorithms  
             Chun-Liang Lee and   
                   Tzu-Hao Yang   A Flexible Pattern-Matching Algorithm
                                  for Network Intrusion Detection Systems
                                  Using Multi-Core Processors  . . . . . . 
                  Luyang Li and   
                   Bing Qin and   
                       Ting Liu   Contradiction Detection with
                                  Contradiction-Specific Word Embedding    
                     Yan Fu and   
                 Shengchun Wang   Correction: \booktitleA No Reference
                                  Image Quality Assessment Metric Based on
                                  Visual Perception. Algorithms 2016, \bf
                                  9, 87  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Elisabetta Stefani and   
                  Carlo Ferrari   Design and Implementation of a
                                  Multi-Modal Biometric System for Company
                                  Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Hanbing Liu and   
               Mengsu Zhang and   
             Xianqiang Wang and   
                 Shuai Tian and   
                      Yubo Jiao   Influence Factors Analysis on the Modal
                                  Characteristics of Irregularly-Shaped
                                  Bridges Based on a Free-Interface Mode
                                  Synthesis Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . 
     Prima Dewi Purnamasari and   
     Anak Agung Putri Ratna and   
           Benyamin Kusumoputro   Development of Filtered Bispectrum for
                                  EEG Signal Feature Extraction in
                                  Automatic Emotion Recognition Using
                                  Artificial Neural Networks . . . . . . . 
                Sergio Amat and   
         Ioannis K. Argyros and   
Miguel A. Hernández-Verón and   
                 Natalia Romero   Expanding the Applicability of Some High
                                  Order Householder-Like Methods . . . . . 
                   Xin Tian and   
                        Song Li   Seismic Signal Compression Using
                                  Nonparametric Bayesian Dictionary
                                  Learning via Clustering  . . . . . . . . 
          Hamid Hassannejad and   
             Guido Matrella and   
           Paolo Ciampolini and   
           Ilaria De Munari and   
           Monica Mordonini and   
                Stefano Cagnoni   A New Approach to Image-Based Estimation
                                  of Food Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Yancai Xiao and   
                 Yujia Wang and   
                    Huan Mu and   
                        Na Kang   Research on Misalignment Fault Isolation
                                  of Wind Turbines Based on the
                                  Mixed-Domain Features  . . . . . . . . . 
           Radu-Emil Precup and   
          Radu-Codrut David and   
Alexandra-Iulia Szedlak-Stinean and   
             Emil M. Petriu and   
                  Florin Dragan   An Easily Understandable Grey Wolf
                                  Optimizer and Its Application to Fuzzy
                                  Controller Tuning  . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Anak Agung Putri Ratna and   
     Prima Dewi Purnamasari and   
      Boma Anantasatya Adhi and   
        F. Astha Ekadiyanto and   
            Muhammad Salman and   
          Mardiyah Mardiyah and   
         Darien Jonathan Winata   $^{Cross-}$ Language Plagiarism
                                  Detection System Using Latent Semantic
                                  Analysis and Learning Vector
                                  Quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Ying Mei and   
              Guanzheng Tan and   
                    Zhentao Liu   An Improved Brain-Inspired Emotional
                                  Learning Algorithm for Fast
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Qixuan Bi and   
                     Wenhao Gui   Bayesian and Classical Estimation of
                                  Stress-Strength Reliability for Inverse
                                  Weibull Lifetime Models  . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 10, Number 3, September, 2017

         Juan Carlos Guzman and   
             Patricia Melin and   
          German Prado-Arechiga   Design of an Optimized Fuzzy Classifier
                                  for the Diagnosis of Blood Pressure with
                                  a New Computational Method for Expert
                                  Rule Optimization  . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Yasser El Khamlichi and   
          Abderrahim Tahiri and   
               Anouar Abtoy and   
     Inmaculada Medina-Bulo and   
        Francisco Palomo-Lozano   A Hybrid Algorithm for Optimal Wireless
                                  Sensor Network Deployment with the
                                  Minimum Number of Sensor Nodes . . . . . 
               Xiaocong Wei and   
                Hongfei Lin and   
                   Yuhai Yu and   
                     Liang Yang   Low-Resource Cross-Domain Product Review
                                  Sentiment Classification Based on a CNN
                                  with an Auxiliary Large-Scale Corpus . . 
             Cinthia Peraza and   
             Fevrier Valdez and   
                 Patricia Melin   Optimization of Intelligent Controllers
                                  Using a Type-1 and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy
                                  Harmony Search Algorithm . . . . . . . . 
               Juan Barraza and   
             Patricia Melin and   
             Fevrier Valdez and   
            Claudia I. Gonzalez   Fuzzy Fireworks Algorithm Based on a
                                  Sparks Dispersion Measure  . . . . . . . 
                     Li Xie and   
                  Huizhong Yang   Auxiliary Model Based Multi-Innovation
                                  Stochastic Gradient Identification
                                  Algorithm for Periodically Non-Uniformly
                                  Sampled-Data Hammerstein Systems . . . . 
             Camilo Caraveo and   
             Fevrier Valdez and   
                 Oscar Castillo   A New Meta-Heuristics of Optimization
                                  with Dynamic Adaptation of Parameters
                                  Using Type-2 Fuzzy Logic for Trajectory
                                  Control of a Mobile Robot  . . . . . . . 
                  Wei Zheng and   
                 Yanyan Tan and   
               Xiaonan Fang and   
                    Shengtao Li   An Improved MOEA/D with Optimal DE
                                  Schemes for Many-Objective Optimization
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Mozhdeh Shahbazi and   
                 Gunho Sohn and   
Jérôme Théau   Evolutionary Optimization for Robust
                                  Epipolar-Geometry Estimation and Outlier
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Francesco Mezzadri and   
             Emanuele Galligani   On the Lagged Diffusivity Method for the
                                  Solution of Nonlinear Finite Difference
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
José Antonio Ezquerro and   
Miguel Ángel Hernández-Verón   On the Existence of Solutions of
                                  Nonlinear Fredholm Integral Equations
                                  from Kantorovich's Technique . . . . . . 
             Michael Hamann and   
            Eike Röhrs and   
                Dorothea Wagner   Local Community Detection Based on Small
                                  Cliques  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Chengyuan Chen and   
                     Qiang Shen   Transformation-Based Fuzzy Rule
                                  Interpolation Using Interval Type-2
                                  Fuzzy Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Lijin Xie and   
                        Qun Wan   Automatic Modulation Recognition Using
                                  Compressive Cyclic Features  . . . . . . 
            William H. Weir and   
               Scott Emmons and   
                Ryan Gibson and   
                Dane Taylor and   
                 Peter J. Mucha   Post-Processing Partitions to Identify
                                  Domains of Modularity Optimization . . . 
                   Peng Sun and   
               Zhiming Yang and   
                    Yang Yu and   
                  Junbao Li and   
                    Xiyuan Peng   NBTI and Power Reduction Using an Input
                                  Vector Control and Supply Voltage
                                  Assignment Method  . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Manyu Xiao and   
                  Quanyi Lv and   
                  Zhuo Xing and   
                 Yingchun Zhang   A Parallel Two-Stage Iteration Method
                                  for Solving Continuous Sylvester
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Xueying Diao and   
               Qianhui Dong and   
                Zijian Yang and   
                      Yibing Li   Double-Threshold Cooperative Spectrum
                                  Sensing Algorithm Based on Sevcik
                                  Fractal Dimension  . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Seifemichael B. Amsalu and   
          Abdollah Homaifar and   
            Albert C. Esterline   A Simplified Matrix Formulation for
                                  Sensitivity Analysis of Hidden Markov
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Fei Chen and   
                Xiaohong Bi and   
                 Ruimin Lyu and   
               Zhongwei Hua and   
                   Yuan Liu and   
                 Xiaoting Zhang   Adaptive Virtual RSU Scheduling for
                                  Scalable Coverage under Bidirectional
                                  Vehicle Traffic Flow . . . . . . . . . . 
        Mauricio A. Sanchez and   
             Juan R. Castro and   
Violeta Ocegueda-Miramontes and   
              Leticia Cervantes   Hybrid Learning for General Type-2 TSK
                                  Fuzzy Logic Systems  . . . . . . . . . . 
                     Tao Ye and   
               Ziqiang Yang and   
                    Siling Feng   Biogeography-Based Optimization of the
                                  Portfolio Optimization Problem with
                                  Second Order Stochastic Dominance
                                  Constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Frumen Olivas and   
      Leticia Amador-Angulo and   
             Jonathan Perez and   
             Camilo Caraveo and   
             Fevrier Valdez and   
                 Oscar Castillo   Comparative Study of Type-2 Fuzzy
                                  Particle Swarm, Bee Colony and Bat
                                  Algorithms in Optimization of Fuzzy
                                  Controllers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Eisha Nathan and   
           Anita Zakrzewska and   
                Jason Riedy and   
                 David A. Bader   Local Community Detection in Dynamic
                                  Graphs Using Personalized Centrality . . 
               Jingbo Zhang and   
                   Henan Yu and   
                  Shufang Zhang   An Enhanced Dynamic Spectrum Allocation
                                  Algorithm Based on Cournot Game in
                                  Maritime Cognitive Radio Communication
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Nan Zhao and   
                Menglin Fan and   
                  Chao Tian and   
                    Pengfei Fan   Contract-Based Incentive Mechanism for
                                  Mobile Crowdsourcing Networks  . . . . . 
Joonas Hämäläinen and   
         Susanne Jauhiainen and   
     Tommi Kärkkäinen   Comparison of Internal Clustering
                                  Validation Indices for Prototype-Based
                                  Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Krassimir T. Atanassov   Type-1 Fuzzy Sets and Intuitionistic
                                  Fuzzy Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Shifeng Chen and   
                  Rong Chen and   
                       Jian Gao   A Monarch Butterfly Optimization for the
                                  Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem  . . . . 
                 Deyun Wang and   
              Chenqiang Yue and   
                  Shuai Wei and   
                         Jun Lv   Performance Analysis of Four
                                  Decomposition-Ensemble Models for
                                  One-Day-Ahead Agricultural Commodity
                                  Futures Price Forecasting  . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 10, Number 4, December, 2017

                    Guanci Yang   Game Theory-Inspired Evolutionary
                                  Algorithm for Global Optimization  . . . 
               Daniel Edler and   
              Ludvig Bohlin and   
                 Martin Rosvall   Mapping Higher-Order Network Flows in
                                  Memory and Multilayer Networks with
                                  Infomap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Shahram Shahinpour and   
            Shirin Shirvani and   
               Zeynep Ertem and   
                 Sergiy Butenko   Scale Reduction Techniques for Computing
                                  Maximum Induced Bicliques  . . . . . . . 
            Hristos Tyralis and   
       Georgia Papacharalampous   Variable Selection in Time Series
                                  Forecasting Using Random Forests . . . . 
               Huanqing Cui and   
                   Jian Niu and   
               Chuanai Zhou and   
                    Minglei Shu   A Multi-Threading Algorithm to Detect
                                  and Remove Cycles in Vertex- and
                                  Arc-Weighted Digraph . . . . . . . . . . 
              Liangliang Li and   
                  Yujuan Si and   
                   Zhenhong Jia   Remote Sensing Image Enhancement Based
                                  on Non-Local Means Filter in NSCT Domain 
                 Babar Khan and   
                Zhijie Wang and   
                   Fang Han and   
                Ather Iqbal and   
              Rana Javed Masood   Fabric Weave Pattern and Yarn Color
                                  Recognition and Classification Using a
                                  Deep ELM Network . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Siyu Liu and   
                    Ling Xu and   
                      Feng Ding   Iterative Parameter Estimation
                                  Algorithms for Dual-Frequency Signal
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Zijian Cao and   
                       Lei Wang   An Optimization Algorithm Inspired by
                                  the Phase Transition Phenomenon for
                                  Global Optimization Problems with
                                  Continuous Variables . . . . . . . . . . 
    Abdulbaset El Hadi Saad and   
                Zuomin Dong and   
                  Meysam Karimi   A Comparative Study on
                                  Recently-Introduced Nature-Based Global
                                  Optimization Methods in Complex
                                  Mechanical System Design . . . . . . . . 
            Laxmi A. Bewoor and   
         V. Chandra Prakash and   
                Sagar U. Sapkal   Evolutionary Hybrid Particle Swarm
                                  Optimization Algorithm for Solving
                                  NP-Hard No-Wait Flow Shop Scheduling
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Sean Yaw and   
                  Brendan Mumey   Scheduling Non-Preemptible Jobs to
                                  Minimize Peak Demand . . . . . . . . . . 
              Adam Chehouri and   
               Rafic Younes and   
               Jihan Khoder and   
                Jean Perron and   
                  Adrian Ilinca   A Selection Process for Genetic
                                  Algorithm Using Clustering Analysis  . . 
              Yingying Wang and   
                   Yibin Li and   
                  Yong Song and   
                Xuewen Rong and   
               Shuaishuai Zhang   Improvement of ID3 Algorithm Based on
                                  Simplified Information Entropy and
                                  Coordination Degree  . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Jian Tang and   
                  Kejun Zhu and   
               Haixiang Guo and   
                   Can Liao and   
                   Shuwen Zhang   Simulation Optimization of Search and
                                  Rescue in Disaster Relief Based on
                                  Distributed Auction Mechanism  . . . . . 
            Amrapali Zaveri and   
           Gökhan Ertaylan   Linked Data for Life Sciences  . . . . . 
             Jianming Zhang and   
              Manting Huang and   
               Xiaokang Jin and   
                      Xudong Li   A Real-Time Chinese Traffic Sign
                                  Detection Algorithm Based on Modified
                                  YOLOv2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Feng Du and   
              Qiao-Yue Dong and   
                 Hong-Shuang Li   Truss Structure Optimization with Subset
                                  Simulation and Augmented Lagrangian
                                  Multiplier Method  . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Albert Podusenko and   
           Vsevolod Nikulin and   
                 Ivan Tanev and   
            Katsunori Shimohara   Comparative Analysis of Classifiers for
                                  Classification of Emergency Braking of
                                  Road Motor Vehicles  . . . . . . . . . . 
  Seyedeh Elham Eftekharian and   
          Mohammad Shojafar and   
       Shahaboddin Shamshirband   2-Phase NSGA II: an Optimized Reward and
                                  Risk Measurements Algorithm in Portfolio
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Su-Ting Chen and   
               Chuang Zhang and   
                    Peng Li and   
              Yan-Yan Zhang and   
                 Liang-Bao Jiao   An Indoor Collaborative
                                  Coefficient-Triangle APIT Localization
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Raffaele Pizzolante and   
              Bruno Carpentieri   Hyperspectral Data: Efficient and Secure
                                  Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                         Jun Ye   Neutrosophic Linear Equations and
                                  Application in Traffic Flow Problems . . 
                Shuai Zhang and   
                        Xiao Qi   Improved Integral Inequalities for
                                  Stability Analysis of Interval
                                  Time-Delay Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Sarah J. Berkemer and   
Christian Höner zu Siederdissen and   
               Peter F. Stadler   Algebraic Dynamic Programming on Trees   
                    Yi Yang and   
                        Chu Pan   Detecting Composite Functional Module in
                                  miRNA Regulation and mRNA Interaction
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Jorge J. Hernández-Gómez and   
Carlos Couder-Castañeda and   
Israel E. Herrera-Díaz and   
Norberto Flores-Guzmán and   
      Enrique Gómez-Cruz   Weakly Coupled Distributed Calculation
                                  of Lyapunov Exponents for Non-Linear
                                  Dynamical Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Shou Feng and   
                    Ping Fu and   
                   Wenbin Zheng   A Hierarchical Multi-Label
                                  Classification Algorithm for Gene
                                  Function Prediction  . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Wei Nai and   
                     Lu Liu and   
               Shaoyin Wang and   
                     Decun Dong   An EMD--SARIMA-Based Modeling Approach
                                  for Air Traffic Forecasting  . . . . . . 
             Ekaterina Auer and   
               Luise Senkel and   
                Stefan Kiel and   
                   Andreas Rauh   Control-Oriented Models for SO Fuel
                                  Cells from the Angle of V&V: Analysis,
                                  Simplification Possibilities,
                                  Performance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 11, Number 1, January, 2018

        Anton Kasprzhitskii and   
           Georgy Lazorenko and   
                   Victor Yavna   Iteration Scheme for Solving the System
                                  of Coupled Integro-Differential
                                  Equations for Excited and Ionized States
                                  of Molecular Systems . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Jie Wang and   
                 Xiyue Tang and   
                      Guiwu Wei   Models for Multiple Attribute
                                  Decision-Making with Dual Generalized
                                  Single-Valued Neutrosophic Bonferroni
                                  Mean Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Guillaume J. Filion   Analytic Combinatorics for Computing
                                  Seeding Probabilities  . . . . . . . . . 
                  Daoyu Lin and   
                  Yang Wang and   
               Guangluan Xu and   
                     Jun Li and   
                         Kun Fu   Transform a Simple Sketch to a Chinese
                                  Painting by a Multiscale Deep Neural
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Xiyue Tang and   
                Yuhan Huang and   
                      Guiwu Wei   Approaches to Multiple-Attribute
                                  Decision-Making Based on Pythagorean
                                  $2$-Tuple Linguistic Bonferroni Mean
                                  Operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Kaimeng Ding and   
               Shiping Chen and   
                       Fan Meng   A Novel Perceptual Hash Algorithm for
                                  Multispectral Image Authentication . . . 
             Lianchao Sheng and   
                         Wei Li   Optimization Design by Genetic Algorithm
                                  Controller for Trajectory Control of a
                                  3-RRR Parallel Robot . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Yossi Peretz   On Application of the Ray-Shooting
                                  Method for LQR via
                                  Static-Output-Feedback . . . . . . . . . 
                    Wei Cui and   
                    Qi Zhou and   
                 Zhendong Zheng   Application of a Hybrid Model Based on a
                                  Convolutional Auto-Encoder and
                                  Convolutional Neural Network in
                                  Object-Oriented Remote Sensing
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Pasin Manurangsi   Inapproximability of Maximum Biclique
                                  Problems, Minimum $k$-Cut and Densest
                                  At-Least-$k$-Subgraph from the Small Set
                                  Expansion Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . 
    Algorithms Editorial Office   Acknowledgement to Reviewers of
                                  Algorithms in 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 11, Number 2, February, 2018

                 Farong Kou and   
                 Jiafeng Du and   
                   Zhe Wang and   
                    Dong Li and   
                      Jianan Xu   Nonlinear Modeling and Coordinate
                                  Optimization of a Semi-Active Energy
                                  Regenerative Suspension with an
                                  Electro-Hydraulic Actuator . . . . . . . 
           Stefano Boldrini and   
             Luca De Nardis and   
              Giuseppe Caso and   
               Mai T. P. Le and   
            Jocelyn Fiorina and   
   Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto   muMAB: a Multi-Armed Bandit Model for
                                  Wireless Network Selection . . . . . . . 
               Guangyuan Wu and   
               Zhigang Chen and   
                    Lin Guo and   
                         Jia Wu   An Optimal Online Resource Allocation
                                  Algorithm for Energy Harvesting Body
                                  Area Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Wei Nai and   
                     Lu Liu and   
               Shaoyin Wang and   
                     Decun Dong   Modeling the Trend of Credit Card Usage
                                  Behavior for Different Age Groups Based
                                  on Singular Spectrum Analysis  . . . . . 
                 Liping Liu and   
                  Ning Wang and   
               Zhigang Chen and   
                        Lin Guo   A Novel Spectrum Scheduling Scheme with
                                  Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm  . . . 
                   Xinen Lv and   
               Huiling Chen and   
                 Qian Zhang and   
                   Xujie Li and   
                  Hui Huang and   
                      Gang Wang   An Improved Bacterial-Foraging
                                  Optimization-Based Machine Learning
                                  Framework for Predicting the Severity of
                                  Somatization Disorder  . . . . . . . . . 
            Hongliang Zhang and   
                Youcai Fang and   
                 Ruilin Pan and   
                   Chuanming Ge   A New Greedy Insertion Heuristic
                                  Algorithm with a Multi-Stage Filtering
                                  Mechanism for Energy-Efficient Single
                                  Machine Scheduling Problems  . . . . . . 
               Oliver Lemke and   
              Bettina G. Keller   Common Nearest Neighbor Clustering --- a
                                  Benchmark  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Amer E. Mouawad and   
            Naomi Nishimura and   
            Venkatesh Raman and   
             Sebastian Siebertz   Vertex Cover Reconfiguration and Beyond  
                Lijun Zhang and   
                      Junyu Tao   Research on Degeneration Model of Neural
                                  Network for Deep Groove Ball Bearing
                                  Based on Feature Fusion  . . . . . . . . 
                  Chen Zhou and   
                 Xinhui Liu and   
                    Feixiang Xu   Design Optimization of Steering
                                  Mechanisms for Articulated Off-Road
                                  Vehicles Based on Genetic Algorithms . . 
               Hou-Ping Dai and   
             Dong-Dong Chen and   
                Zhou-Shun Zheng   Effects of Random Values for Particle
                                  Swarm Optimization Algorithm . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 11, Number 3, March, 2018

                     Hua Yi and   
                Shi-You Xin and   
                   Jun-Feng Yin   A Class of Algorithms for Continuous
                                  Wavelet Transform Based on the Circulant
                                  Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Stefano Cagnoni and   
                 Mauro Castelli   Special Issue on Computational
                                  Intelligence and Nature-Inspired
                                  Algorithms for Real-World Data Analytics
                                  and Pattern Recognition  . . . . . . . . 
                  Shaobo Li and   
                   Wang Zou and   
                     Jianjun Hu   A Novel Evolutionary Algorithm for
                                  Designing Robust Analog Filters  . . . . 
                 Liping Liu and   
                  Ning Wang and   
               Zhigang Chen and   
                        Lin Guo   Spectrum Allocation Based on an Improved
                                  Gravitational Search Algorithm . . . . . 
                  Jing Yang and   
                    Guanci Yang   Modified Convolutional Neural Network
                                  Based on Dropout and the Stochastic
                                  Gradient Descent Optimizer . . . . . . . 
                 Lilian Shi and   
                         Jun Ye   Dombi Aggregation Operators of
                                  Neutrosophic Cubic Sets for Multiple
                                  Attribute Decision-Making  . . . . . . . 
                 Liping Liu and   
                 Xiaobo Liu and   
                  Ning Wang and   
                     Peijun Zou   Modified Cuckoo Search Algorithm with
                                  Variational Parameters and Logistic Map  
      A. K. M. Foysal Ahmed and   
                     Ji Ung Sun   Bilayer Local Search Enhanced Particle
                                  Swarm Optimization for the Capacitated
                                  Vehicle Routing Problem  . . . . . . . . 
 Temitope Gbolahan Jaiyeola and   
          Florentin Smarandache   Inverse Properties in Neutrosophic
                                  Triplet Loop and Their Application to
                                  Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Feiyan Qin and   
                  Weimin Li and   
                     Yue Hu and   
                     Guoqing Xu   An Online Energy Management Control for
                                  Hybrid Electric Vehicles Based on
                                  Neuro-Dynamic Programming  . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 11, Number 4, April, 2018

              Jianghong Zhu and   
                   Rui Wang and   
                      Yanlai Li   Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
                                  Considering Consensus and Preferences
                                  Interdependence  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Boris Kriheli and   
                  Eugene Levner   Entropy-Based Algorithm for Supply-Chain
                                  Complexity Assessment  . . . . . . . . . 
                    Yu Feng and   
             Jianzhong Zhou and   
                      Li Mo and   
                  Chao Wang and   
                   Zhe Yuan and   
                       Jiang Wu   A Gradient-Based Cuckoo Search Algorithm
                                  for a Reservoir-Generation Scheduling
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Waldemar Kaiser and   
              Johannes Popp and   
           Michael Rinderle and   
                  Tim Albes and   
              Alessio Gagliardi   Generalized Kinetic Monte Carlo
                                  Framework for Organic Electronics  . . . 
        Christos Papalitsas and   
      Panayiotis Karakostas and   
        Theodore Andronikos and   
             Spyros Sioutas and   
         Konstantinos Giannakis   Combinatorial GVNS (General Variable
                                  Neighborhood Search) Optimization for
                                  Dynamic Garbage Collection . . . . . . . 
      Maimaitiyiming Hasimu and   
                 Wushour Silamu   On Hierarchical Text
                                  Language-Identification Algorithms . . . 
                  Ruth Haas and   
              Gary MacGillivray   Connectivity and Hamiltonicity of
                                  Canonical Colouring Graphs of Bipartite
                                  and Complete Multipartite Graphs . . . . 
                 Zhenwen He and   
                    Xiaogang Ma   A Distributed Indexing Method for
                                  Timeline Similarity Query  . . . . . . . 
                  Muneki Yasuda   Learning Algorithm of Boltzmann Machine
                                  Based on Spatial Monte Carlo Integration
                                  Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  Helio Yochihiro Fuchigami and   
               Ruhul Sarker and   
                 Socorro Rangel   Near-Optimal Heuristics for Just-In-Time
                                  Jobs Maximization in Flow Shop
                                  Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Hong-Mei Zhang and   
               Ming-Long Li and   
                        Le Yang   Safe Path Planning of Mobile Robot Based
                                  on Improved $ A* $ Algorithm in Complex
                                  Terrains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Rolf Klein and   
       Christos Levcopoulos and   
                 Andrzej Lingas   Approximation Algorithms for the
                                  Geometric Firefighter and Budget Fence
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Mirella Rodriguez and   
                Daniel R. Jeske   Short-Run Contexts and Imperfect Testing
                                  for Continuous Sampling Plans  . . . . . 
               Yanzhen Xing and   
               Donghui Wang and   
                     Leiou Wang   A Novel Dynamic Generalized
                                  Opposition-Based Grey Wolf Optimization
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Xinxin Wang and   
              Xiaoqiang Yan and   
                 Donghai Li and   
                         Li Sun   An Approach for Setting Parameters for
                                  Two-Degree-of-Freedom PID Controllers    
                  Qing Tian and   
               Weihang Zhao and   
                    Yun Wei and   
                    Liping Pang   Thermal Environment Prediction for Metro
                                  Stations Based on an RVFL Neural Network 
       Alexander A. Lazarev and   
              Ivan Nekrasov and   
             Nikolay Pravdivets   Evaluating Typical Algorithms of
                                  Combinatorial Optimization to Solve
                                  Continuous-Time Based Scheduling Problem 
                  Xinxin Lv and   
                         Qi Zhu   A Crowd Cooperative Spectrum Sensing
                                  Algorithm Using a Non-Ideal Channel  . . 
                Naomi Nishimura   Introduction to Reconfiguration  . . . . 
    Luís M. S. Russo and   
     Andreia Sofia Teixeira and   
         Alexandre P. Francisco   Linking and Cutting Spanning Trees . . . 
               D. G. Mogale and   
                Geet Lahoti and   
         Shashi Bhushan Jha and   
              Manish Shukla and   
           Narasimha Kamath and   
             Manoj Kumar Tiwari   Dual Market Facility Network Design
                                  under Bounded Rationality  . . . . . . . 
               Omid Gholami and   
Johanna Törnquist Krasemann   A Heuristic Approach to Solving the
                                  Train Traffic Re-Scheduling Problem in
                                  Real Time  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 11, Number 5, May, 2018

             J. Senthilnath and   
            Sumanth Simha C and   
                  Nagaraj G and   
          Meenakumari Thapa and   
                    Indiramma M   BELMKN: Bayesian Extreme Learning
                                  Machines Kohonen Network . . . . . . . . 
              Boris Sokolov and   
           Alexandre Dolgui and   
                  Dmitry Ivanov   Optimal Control Algorithms and Their
                                  Analysis for Short-Term Scheduling in
                                  Manufacturing Systems  . . . . . . . . . 
                   Volker Turau   Computing Fault-Containment Times of
                                  Self-Stabilizing Algorithms Using Lumped
                                  Markov Chains  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Muhammad Akram and   
             Nabeela Ishfaq and   
                Sidra Sayed and   
          Florentin Smarandache   Decision-Making Approach Based on
                                  Neutrosophic Rough Information . . . . . 
                  Molin Sun and   
                  Zhongyi Zheng   Vessel Traffic Risk Assessment Based on
                                  Uncertainty Analysis in the Risk Matrix  
             Edward Talmage and   
              Jennifer L. Welch   Relaxed Data Types as Consistency
                                  Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Minghua Xie and   
               Decheng Wang and   
                       Lili Xie   A Feature-Weighted SVR Method Based on
                                  Kernel Space Feature . . . . . . . . . . 
               Minghui Shao and   
                   Yan Song and   
                    Biao Wu and   
                   Yanjie Chang   The Supplier Selection of the Marine
                                  Rescue Equipment Based on the Analytic
                                  Hierarchy Process (AHP)-Limited
                                  Diversity Factors Method . . . . . . . . 
                Ming Lan Fu and   
                   Hao Wang and   
                    Bao Fu Fang   Utility Distribution Strategy of the
                                  Task Agents in Coalition Skill Games . . 
              Pengzhan Chen and   
                Zhiqiang He and   
               Chuanxi Chen and   
                     Jiahong Xu   Control Strategy of Speed Servo Systems
                                  Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning . . 
            Yuri N. Sotskov and   
             Natalja G. Egorova   Single Machine Scheduling Problem with
                                  Interval Processing Times and Total
                                  Completion Time Objective  . . . . . . . 
               Lia M. Hocke and   
         Ibukunoluwa K. Oni and   
         Chris C. Duszynski and   
           Alex V. Corrigan and   
      Blaise DeB. Frederick and   
                   Jeff F. Dunn   Automated Processing of fNIRS Data --- a
                                  Visual Guide to the Pitfalls and
                                  Consequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Victor Hugo Yaurima-Basaldua and   
           Andrei Tchernykh and   
Francisco Villalobos-Rodríguez and   
         Ricardo Salomon-Torres   Hybrid Flow Shop with Unrelated
                                  Machines, Setup Time, and Work in
                                  Progress Buffers for Bi-Objective
                                  Optimization of Tortilla Manufacturing   
           Lucia Cassettari and   
          Melissa Demartini and   
              Roberto Mosca and   
           Roberto Revetria and   
                 Flavio Tonelli   A Multi-Stage Algorithm for a
                                  Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with
                                  Time Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Samuel Montero-Hernandez and   
     Felipe Orihuela-Espina and   
         Luis Enrique Sucar and   
                Paola Pinti and   
           Antonia Hamilton and   
               Paul Burgess and   
               Ilias Tachtsidis   Estimating Functional Connectivity
                                  Symmetry between Oxy- and
                                  Deoxy-Haemoglobin: Implications for
                                  fNIRS Connectivity Analysis  . . . . . . 
                     Hui Hu and   
               Zhaoquan Cai and   
                    Song Hu and   
                Yingxue Cai and   
                   Jia Chen and   
                     Sibo Huang   Improving Monarch Butterfly Optimization
                                  Algorithm with Self-Adaptive Population  
                 Yixuan Ren and   
                     Tao Ye and   
             Mengxing Huang and   
                    Siling Feng   Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithm for
                                  Multi-Constraints Second-Order
                                  Stochastic Dominance Portfolio
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Hendrik Santosa and   
               Xuetong Zhai and   
             Frank Fishburn and   
               Theodore Huppert   The NIRS Brain AnalyzIR Toolbox  . . . . 
                   Petr Stodola   Using Metaheuristics on the Multi-Depot
                                  Vehicle Routing Problem with Modified
                                  Optimization Criterion . . . . . . . . . 
                Guohui Wang and   
                     Yuanbo Chu   A New Oren--Nayar Shape-from-Shading
                                  Approach for $3$D Reconstruction Using
                                  High-Order Godunov-Based Scheme  . . . . 
      Alexander Yu. Drozdov and   
           Andrei Tchernykh and   
          Sergey V. Novikov and   
     Victor E. Vladislavlev and   
          Raul Rivera-Rodriguez   PHEFT: Pessimistic Image Processing
                                  Workflow Scheduling for DSP Clusters . . 
                     Wei Xu and   
                      Yi Li and   
              Jinghong Miao and   
              Jiaxiang Zhao and   
                        Xin Gao   A Novel Design of Sparse Prototype
                                  Filter for Nearly Perfect Reconstruction
                                  Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks  . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 11, Number 6, June, 2018

                   Bao Pang and   
                  Yong Song and   
             Chengjin Zhang and   
              Hongling Wang and   
                    Runtao Yang   A Modified Artificial Bee Colony
                                  Algorithm Based on the Self-Learning
                                  Mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Yongming Bian and   
                  Meng Yang and   
                 Xuying Fan and   
                     Yuchao Liu   A Fire Detection Algorithm Based on
                                  Tchebichef Moment Invariants and PSO-SVM 
                Nodari Vakhania   Scheduling a Single Machine with Primary
                                  and Secondary Objectives . . . . . . . . 
                   Yossi Peretz   A Randomized Algorithm for Optimal PID
                                  Controllers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                     Yi Wei and   
                     Yaokun Yue   Research on Fault Diagnosis of a Marine
                                  Fuel System Based on the SaDE-ELM
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 David Pang and   
               Tomohiko Igasaki   A Combined Syntactical and Statistical
                                  Approach for R Peak Detection in
                                  Real-Time Long-Term Heart Rate
                                  Variability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . 
          Alessandro Epasto and   
                      Eli Upfal   Efficient Approximation for Restricted
                                  Biclique Cover Problems  . . . . . . . . 
              Yong-Hong Lan and   
                    Zhe-Min Cui   ILC with Initial State Learning for
                                  Fractional Order Linear Distributed
                                  Parameter Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Christer Dalen and   
                David Di Ruscio   Performance Optimal PI controller Tuning
                                  Based on Integrating Plus Time Delay
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Frank Werner and   
            Larysa Burtseva and   
                Yuri N. Sotskov   Special Issue on Algorithms for
                                  Scheduling Problems  . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Qingge Ji and   
                  Wenjie He and   
                  Jie Huang and   
                     Yankui Sun   Efficient Deep Learning-Based Automated
                                  Pathology Identification in Retinal
                                  Optical Coherence Tomography Images  . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 11, Number 7, July, 2018

                    Qing Li and   
                Steven Y. Liang   Degradation Trend Prediction for
                                  Rotating Machinery Using Long-Range
                                  Dependence and Particle Filter Approach  
                    Kai Liu and   
              YangQuan Chen and   
       Pawe\l D. Doma\'nski and   
                       Xi Zhang   A Novel Method for Control Performance
                                  Assessment with Fractional Order Signal
                                  Processing and Its Application to
                                  Semiconductor Manufacturing  . . . . . . 
                Christian Himpe   emgr --- The Empirical Gramian Framework 
              Guoliang Yang and   
                  Haitao Yi and   
               Chunhua Chai and   
               Bingxu Huang and   
                 Yuna Zhang and   
                       Zhe Chen   Predictive Current Control of Boost
                                  Three-Level and T-Type Inverters
                                  Cascaded in Wind Power Generation
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Bhadrachalam Chitturi and   
        Srijith Balachander and   
           Sandeep Satheesh and   
            Krithic Puthiyoppil   Layered Graphs: Applications and
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Dongxu Wei and   
                Andong Wang and   
               Xiaoqin Feng and   
                  Boyu Wang and   
                        Bo Wang   Tensor Completion Based on Triple Tubal
                                  Nuclear Norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Cristina I. Muresan and   
               Cosmin Copot and   
               Isabela Birs and   
            Robin De Keyser and   
           Steve Vanlanduit and   
               Clara M. Ionescu   Experimental Validation of a Novel
                                  Auto-Tuning Method for a Fractional
                                  Order PI Controller on an UR10 Robot . . 
              Asma Al-Saleh and   
        Mohamed El Bachir Menai   Solving Multi-Document Summarization as
                                  an Orienteering Problem  . . . . . . . . 
                   Lin Tang and   
                    Lin Liu and   
                    Jianhou Gan   A Regional Topic Model Using Hybrid
                                  Stochastic Variational Gibbs Sampling
                                  for Real-Time Video Mining . . . . . . . 
              Li-Hsuan Chen and   
                Felix Reidl and   
           Peter Rossmanith and   
Fernando Sánchez Villaamil   Width, Depth, and Space: Tradeoffs
                                  between Branching and Dynamic
                                  Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Jiao Feng and   
              Xiaofei Zhang and   
                    Peng Li and   
                    Dongshun Hu   A Low Complexity Reactive Tabu Search
                                  Based Constellation Constraints in
                                  Signal Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Maxim A. Dulebenets and   
             Masoud Kavoosi and   
             Olumide Abioye and   
                  Junayed Pasha   A Self-Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm
                                  for the Berth Scheduling Problem:
                                  Towards Efficient Parameter Control  . . 
            Bachir Bourouba and   
                   Samir Ladaci   Robust Fuzzy Adaptive Sliding Mode
                                  Stabilization for Fractional-Order Chaos 
         Tin-Chih Toly Chen and   
               Cheng-Li Liu and   
                   Hong-Dar Lin   Advanced Artificial Neural Networks  . . 
               Jocelyn Sabatier   Solutions to the Sub-Optimality and
                                  Stability Issues of Recursive Pole and
                                  Zero Distribution Algorithms for the
                                  Approximation of Fractional Order Models 
              Igor Gribanov and   
               Rocky Taylor and   
               Robert Sarracino   The Gradient and the Hessian of the
                                  Distance between Point and Triangle in
                                  $3$D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Guillaume Damiand and   
      Aldo Gonzalez-Lorenzo and   
              Florence Zara and   
                 Florent Dupont   Distributed Combinatorial Maps for
                                  Parallel Mesh Processing . . . . . . . . 
   Gerardo Navarro-Guerrero and   
                        Yu Tang   Fractional-Order Closed-Loop Model
                                  Reference Adaptive Control for
                                  Anesthesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Rui Yang and   
                Shuliang Xu and   
                       Lin Feng   An Ensemble Extreme Learning Machine for
                                  Data Stream Classification . . . . . . . 
          Natalia Alekseeva and   
                 Ivan Tanev and   
            Katsunori Shimohara   Evolving the Controller of Automated
                                  Steering of a Car in Slippery Road
                                  Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 11, Number 8, August, 2018

                    Liu Liu and   
                  Kaile Liu and   
              Zhenghai Cong and   
                 Jiali Zhao and   
                   Yefei Ji and   
                         Jun He   Long Length Document Classification by
                                  Local Convolutional Feature Aggregation  
         David Völgyes and   
Anne Catrine Trægde Martinsen and   
        Arne Stray-Pedersen and   
                 Dag Waaler and   
                Marius Pedersen   Image De-Quantization Using Plate
                                  Bending Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         David Völgyes and   
Anne Catrine Trægde Martinsen and   
        Arne Stray-Pedersen and   
                 Dag Waaler and   
                Marius Pedersen   A Weighted Histogram-Based Tone Mapping
                                  Algorithm for CT Images  . . . . . . . . 
                 Ruhua Wang and   
                    Ling Li and   
                         Jun Li   A Novel Parallel Auto-Encoder Framework
                                  for Multi-Scale Data in Civil Structural
                                  Health Monitoring  . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Xiangfeng Su and   
             Huaiqing Zhang and   
                   Lin Chen and   
                   Ling Qin and   
                        Lili Yu   Improved Parameter Identification Method
                                  for Envelope Current Signals Based on
                                  Windowed Interpolation FFT and DE
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Mihaly Mezei   Revisiting Chameleon Sequences in the
                                  Protein Data Bank  . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Jing Wang and   
                Lidong Wang and   
               Xiaodong Liu and   
                    Yan Ren and   
                        Ye Yuan   Color-Based Image Retrieval Using
                                  Proximity Space Theory . . . . . . . . . 
                  Huamei Qi and   
                 Fengqi Liu and   
               Tailong Xiao and   
                       Jiang Su   A Robust and Energy-Efficient Weighted
                                  Clustering Algorithm on Mobile Ad Hoc
                                  Sensor Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Yanzhu Hu and   
                  Song Wang and   
                       Xinbo Ai   Research of the Vibration Source
                                  Tracking in Phase-Sensitive Optical
                                  Time-Domain Reflectometry Signals Based
                                  by Image Processing Method . . . . . . . 
             Andrej Brodnik and   
               Matev\vz Jekovec   Sliding Suffix Tree  . . . . . . . . . . 
                Yucheng Lin and   
               Zhigang Chen and   
                     Jia Wu and   
                    Leilei Wang   An Opportunistic Network Routing
                                  Algorithm Based on Cosine Similarity of
                                  Data Packets between Nodes . . . . . . . 
                 Wenying Wu and   
                    Ying Li and   
                  Zhiwei Ni and   
                 Feifei Jin and   
                      Xuhui Zhu   Probabilistic Interval-Valued Hesitant
                                  Fuzzy Information Aggregation Operators
                                  and Their Application to Multi-Attribute
                                  Decision Making  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Feilai Pan and   
                     Jun Li and   
                Bendong Tan and   
                Ciling Zeng and   
               Xinfan Jiang and   
                     Li Liu and   
                       Jun Yang   Stacked-GRU Based Power System Transient
                                  Stability Assessment Method  . . . . . . 
                Chi-Yi Tsai and   
              Kuang-Jui Hsu and   
                  Humaira Nisar   Efficient Model-Based Object Pose
                                  Estimation Based on Multi-Template
                                  Tracking and PnP Algorithms  . . . . . . 
          Yamur K. Al-Douri and   
              Hussan Hamodi and   
                   Jan Lundberg   Time Series Forecasting Using a
                                  Two-Level Multi-Objective Genetic
                                  Algorithm: a Case Study of Maintenance
                                  Cost Data for Tunnel Fans  . . . . . . . 
                  Yihong Li and   
              Fangzheng Liu and   
                  Zhenyu Du and   
                   Dubing Zhang   A Simhash-Based Integrative Features
                                  Extraction Algorithm for Malware
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Yeqing Yan and   
               Zhigang Chen and   
                     Jia Wu and   
                    Leilei Wang   An Effective Data Transmission Algorithm
                                  Based on Social Relationships in
                                  Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks . . 
                Zhiguo Song and   
                 Jifeng Sun and   
                  Jialin Yu and   
                  Shengqing Liu   Robust Visual Tracking via Patch
                                  Descriptor and Structural Local Sparse
                                  Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Mingbin Zeng and   
                    Xu Yang and   
              Mengxing Wang and   
                   Bangjiang Xu   Application of Angle Related Cost
                                  Function Optimization for Dynamic Path
                                  Planning Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Shuhei Denzumi and   
               Jun Kawahara and   
                 Koji Tsuda and   
             Hiroki Arimura and   
           Shin-ichi Minato and   
              Kunihiko Sadakane   DenseZDD: a Compact and Fast Index for
                                  Families of Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 11, Number 9, September, 2018

              Zhiyong Sheng and   
                  Dandan Qu and   
                 Yuan Zhang and   
                       Dan Yang   The Fast Detection and Identification
                                  Algorithm of Optical Fiber Intrusion
                                  Signals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Piotr Borkowski   Numerical Modeling of Wave Disturbances
                                  in the Process of Ship Movement Control  
           Jan Friso Groote and   
        Jao Rivera Verduzco and   
                Erik P. De Vink   An Efficient Algorithm to Determine
                                  Probabilistic Bisimulation . . . . . . . 
                 Jinglin Du and   
                  Yayun Liu and   
                     Zhijun Liu   Study of Precipitation Forecast Based on
                                  Deep Belief Networks . . . . . . . . . . 
               Xiuyun Zheng and   
                    Jiarong Shi   A Modified Sufficient Descent5
                                  Polak--Ribiére--Polyak Type Conjugate
                                  Gradient Method for Unconstrained
                                  Optimization Problems  . . . . . . . . . 
       Gabriele Russo Russo and   
            Matteo Nardelli and   
         Valeria Cardellini and   
            Francesco Lo Presti   Multi-Level Elasticity for Wide-Area
                                  Data Streaming Systems: a Reinforcement
                                  Learning Approach  . . . . . . . . . . . 
                     Jun Ye and   
                     Wenhua Cui   Multiple Attribute Decision-Making
                                  Method Using Linguistic Cubic Hesitant
                                  Variables  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Manuel A. Duarte-Mermoud and   
         Javier A. Gallegos and   
     Norelys Aguila-Camacho and   
          Rafael Castro-Linares   Mixed Order Fractional Observers for
                                  Minimal Realizations of Linear
                                  Time-Invariant Systems . . . . . . . . . 
                 Qingyao Ai and   
                Vahid Azizi and   
                    Xu Chen and   
                 Yongfeng Zhang   Learning Heterogeneous Knowledge Base
                                  Embeddings for Explainable
                                  Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Sanjiv R. Das and   
            Karthik Mokashi and   
                  Robbie Culkin   Are Markets Truly Efficient? Experiments
                                  Using Deep Learning Algorithms for
                                  Market Movement Prediction . . . . . . . 
        Ioannis E. Livieris and   
            Andreas Kanavos and   
          Vassilis Tampakas and   
            Panagiotis Pintelas   An Auto-Adjustable Semi-Supervised
                                  Self-Training Algorithm  . . . . . . . . 
                  Asahi Takaoka   Complexity of Hamiltonian Cycle
                                  Reconfiguration  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Miguel Pires and   
             Srivatsan Ravi and   
              Rodrigo Rodrigues   Generalized Paxos Made Byzantine (and
                                  Less Complex)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Wei Gao and   
                  Hengyi Lv and   
                Qiang Zhang and   
                      Dunbo Cai   Estimating the Volume of the Solution
                                  Space of SMT(LIA) Constraints by a Flat
                                  Histogram Method . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 11, Number 10, October, 2018

    Aggeliki Vlachostergiou and   
           George Caridakis and   
             Phivos Mylonas and   
           Andreas Stafylopatis   Learning Representations of Natural
                                  Language Texts with Generative
                                  Adversarial Networks at Document,
                                  Sentence, and Aspect Level . . . . . . . 
               Xinqiang Liu and   
                    Weiliang He   Airfoil Optimization Design Based on the
                                  Pivot Element Weighting Iterative Method 
               Haijing Tang and   
                   Guo Chen and   
                    Yu Kang and   
                        Xu Yang   Application of Data Science Technology
                                  on Research of Circulatory System
                                  Disease Prediction Based on a
                                  Prospective Cohort . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 R. Vignesh and   
                  J. Geetha and   
                K. Somasundaram   Total Coloring Conjecture for Certain
                                  Classes of Graphs  . . . . . . . . . . . 
  Sharifeh Fakhrolmobasheri and   
                Ehsan Ataie and   
                   Ali Movaghar   Modeling and Evaluation of Power-Aware
                                  Software Rejuvenation in Cloud Systems   
                 Yulin Zhao and   
               Donghui Wang and   
                 Leiou Wang and   
                       Peng Liu   A Faster Algorithm for Reducing the
                                  Computational Complexity of
                                  Convolutional Neural Networks  . . . . . 
       Sathya Madhusudhanan and   
          Suresh Jaganathan and   
                 Jayashree L. S   Incremental Learning for Classification
                                  of Unstructured Data Using Extreme
                                  Learning Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Alkiviadis Savvopoulos and   
            Andreas Kanavos and   
             Phivos Mylonas and   
                 Spyros Sioutas   LSTM Accelerator for Convolutional
                                  Object Identification  . . . . . . . . . 
                  Rong Zhou and   
                  Chun Chen and   
                  Liqun Sun and   
          Francis C. M. Lau and   
           Sheung-Hung Poon and   
                     Yong Zhang   Online Uniformly Inserting Points on the
                                  Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Jang-Hwan Choi and   
                    Sooyeul Lee   Real-Time Tumor Motion Tracking in $3$D
                                  Using Planning $4$D CT Images during
                                  Image-Guided Radiation Therapy . . . . . 
                  Lidan Pei and   
                     Feifei Jin   Two Hesitant Multiplicative
                                  Decision-Making Algorithms and Their
                                  Application to Fog-Haze Factor
                                  Assessment Problem . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Di Wang and   
            Frank McGroarty and   
                 Eng-Tuck Cheah   Chronotype, Risk and Time Preferences,
                                  and Financial Behaviour  . . . . . . . . 
                  Dongqi Ma and   
                        Hui Lin   Accelerated Iterative Learning Control
                                  of Speed Ripple Suppression for a Seeker
                                  Servo Motor  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Abdel-Rahman Hedar and   
     Abdel-Monem M. Ibrahim and   
        Alaa E. Abdel-Hakim and   
                 Adel A. Sewisy   $K$-Means Cloning: Adaptive Spherical
                                  $K$-Means Clustering . . . . . . . . . . 
            Mohammed Gharib and   
         Marzieh Malekimajd and   
                   Ali Movaghar   SLoPCloud: an Efficient Solution for
                                  Locality Problem in Peer-to-Peer Cloud
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Ioannis Lamprou and   
             Russell Martin and   
                  Paul Spirakis   Cover Time in Edge-Uniform
                                  Stochastically-Evolving Graphs . . . . . 
         Panagiotis Kofinas and   
           Anastasios I. Dounis   Fuzzy $Q$-Learning Agent for Online
                                  Tuning of PID Controller for DC Motor
                                  Speed Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Hong Yin and   
                 Ying Zhang and   
                          Xu He   WSN Nodes Placement Optimization Based
                                  on a Weighted Centroid Artificial Fish
                                  Swarm Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Abdoalnasir Almabrok and   
           Mihalis Psarakis and   
              Anastasios Dounis   Fast Tuning of the PID Controller in An
                                  HVAC System Using the Big Bang--Big
                                  Crunch Algorithm and FPGA Technology . . 
          Demetrio Lagan\`a and   
          Carlo Mastroianni and   
                Michela Meo and   
                  Daniela Renga   Reducing the Operational Cost of Cloud
                                  Data Centers through Renewable Energy    
                   Peng Liu and   
                  Ying Hong and   
                        Yan Liu   Multi-Branch Deep Residual Network for
                                  Single Image Super-Resolution  . . . . . 
      Furqan Hussain Essani and   
                  Sajjad Haider   An Algorithm for Mapping the Asymmetric
                                  Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem onto
                                  Colored Petri Nets . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 11, Number 11, November, 2018

                 Jinyong Ju and   
               Yongrui Zhao and   
              Chunrui Zhang and   
                      Yufei Liu   Vibration Suppression of a
                                  Flexible-Joint Robot Based on Parameter
                                  Identification and Fuzzy PID Control . . 
             Xiangyin Zhang and   
                 Yuying Xue and   
                Xingyang Lu and   
                    Songmin Jia   Differential-Evolution-Based Coevolution
                                  Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for
                                  Bayesian Network Structure Learning  . . 
           Faisal Abu-Khzam and   
             Henning Fernau and   
                  Ryuhei Uehara   Special Issue on Reconfiguration
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                     Tao Li and   
                   Yan Chen and   
                     Taoying Li   Pricing Strategies of Logistics
                                  Distribution Services for Perishable
                                  Commodities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                     Lin Ma and   
             Jean-Paul Delahaye   An Algorithmic Look at Financial
                                  Volatility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Qing Li and   
                Steven Y. Liang   Weak Fault Detection of Tapered Rolling
                                  Bearing Based on Penalty Regularization
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Chentong Bian and   
                Guodong Yin and   
                   Liwei Xu and   
                     Ning Zhang   Virtual Belt Algorithm for the
                                  Management of Isolated Autonomous
                                  Intersection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Hua Zhuang and   
               Yanzhao Tang and   
                     Meijuan Li   An Algorithm for Interval-Valued
                                  Intuitionistic Fuzzy Preference
                                  Relations in Group Decision Making Based
                                  on Acceptability Measurement and
                                  Priority Weight Determination  . . . . . 
Foteini Kollintza-Kyriakoulia and   
       Manolis Maragoudakis and   
             Anastasia Krithara   Measuring the Impact of Financial News
                                  and Social Media on Stock Market
                                  Modeling Using Time Series Mining
                                  Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Junyao You and   
                     Yanjun Liu   Iterative Identification for
                                  Multivariable Systems with Time-Delays
                                  Based on Basis Pursuit De-Noising and
                                  Auxiliary Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Peng Li and   
               Chenchen Shu and   
                      Jiao Feng   A Reciprocal-Selection-Based `Win--Win'
                                  Overlay Spectrum-Sharing Scheme for
                                  Device-to-Device-Enabled Cellular
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Zhaohua Hu and   
                     Xiaoyi Shi   Deep Directional Network for Object
                                  Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Xuedong Gao and   
                   Minghan Yang   Understanding and Enhancement of
                                  Internal Clustering Validation Indexes
                                  for Categorical Data . . . . . . . . . . 
 Paulo Alberto Melo Barbosa and   
Plácido Rogério Pinheiro and   
Francisca Raquel De Vasconcelos Silveira   Towards the Verbal Decision Analysis
                                  Paradigm for Implementable
                                  Prioritization of Software Requirements  
                Xuehai Wang and   
                  Feng Ding and   
              Qingsheng Liu and   
                  Chuntao Jiang   The Bias Compensation Based Parameter
                                  and State Estimation for Observability
                                  Canonical State-Space Models with
                                  Colored Noise  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Hongli Guo and   
                     Bin Li and   
                     Wei Li and   
              Fengjuan Qiao and   
                Xuewen Rong and   
                       Yibin Li   Local Coupled Extreme Learning Machine
                                  Based on Particle Swarm Optimization . . 
                Koichi Yamazaki   Inapproximability of Rank, Clique,
                                  Boolean, and Maximum Induced
                                  Matching-Widths under Small Set
                                  Expansion Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . 
               Hongxiao Fei and   
                    Fengyun Tan   Bidirectional Grid Long Short-Term
                                  Memory (BiGridLSTM): a Method to Address
                                  Context-Sensitivity and Vanishing
                                  Gradient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Amer Bakhach and   
Venkata L. Raju Chinthalapati and   
         Edward P. K. Tsang and   
          Abdul Rahman El Sayed   Intelligent Dynamic Backlash Agent: a
                                  Trading Strategy Based on the
                                  Directional Change Framework . . . . . . 
                   Zhixi Li and   
                    Vincent Tam   A Machine Learning View on Momentum and
                                  Reversal Trading . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Xuyang Lou and   
                     Xu Cai and   
                    Baotong Cui   Parameter Estimation of a Class of
                                  Neural Systems with Limit Cycles . . . . 
        Arturo Govea-Vargas and   
      Rafael Castro-Linares and   
   Manuel A. Duarte-Mermoud and   
     Norelys Aguila-Camacho and   
  Gustavo E. Ceballos-Benavides   Fractional Order Sliding Mode Control of
                                  a Class of Second Order Perturbed
                                  Nonlinear Systems: Application to the
                                  Trajectory Tracking of a Quadrotor . . . 
                   Jun Zhao and   
                  Xian Wang and   
                Guanbin Gao and   
                    Jing Na and   
               Hongping Liu and   
                     Fujin Luan   Online Adaptive Parameter Estimation for
                                  Quadrotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Peiyu Wang and   
              Chunrui Zhang and   
              Liangkuan Zhu and   
                Chengcheng Wang   High-Gain Observer-Based Sliding-Mode
                                  Dynamic Surface Control for
                                  Particleboard Glue Mixing and Dosing
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Lila Kari and   
     Stavros Konstantinidis and   
            Steffen Kopecki and   
                      Meng Yang   Efficient Algorithms for Computing the
                                  Inner Edit Distance of a Regular
                                  Language via Transducers . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 11, Number 12, December, 2018

              Zhijiang Kang and   
                    Ze Deng and   
                    Wei Han and   
                  Dongmei Zhang   Parallel Reservoir Simulation with
                                  OpenACC and Domain Decomposition . . . . 
          Lazarus K. Mramba and   
              Salvador A. Gezan   Evaluating Algorithm Efficiency for
                                  Optimizing Experimental Designs with
                                  Correlated Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Laura-Maria Dogariu and   
          Silviu Ciochin\ua and   
       Constantin Paleologu and   
                  Jacob Benesty   A Connection Between the Kalman Filter
                                  and an Optimized LMS Algorithm for
                                  Bilinear Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Hongliang Zhang and   
                Haijiang Ge and   
                 Ruilin Pan and   
                      Yujuan Wu   Multi-Objective Bi-Level Programming for
                                  the Energy-Aware Integration of Flexible
                                  Job Shop Scheduling and Multi-Row Layout 
             Mauro Pelucchi and   
            Giuseppe Psaila and   
                 Maurizio Toccu   Hadoop vs. Spark: Impact on Performance
                                  of the Hammer Query Engine for Open Data
                                  Corpora  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Quim Arnau and   
              Angel A. Juan and   
                   Isabel Serra   On the Use of Learnheuristics in Vehicle
                                  Routing Optimization Problems with
                                  Dynamic Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Elias Dritsas and   
               Maria Trigka and   
     Panagiotis Gerolymatos and   
                 Spyros Sioutas   Trajectory Clustering and $k$-NN for
                                  Robust Privacy Preserving Spatiotemporal
                                  Databases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Ivette Miramontes and   
         Juan Carlos Guzman and   
             Patricia Melin and   
          German Prado-Arechiga   Optimal Design of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy
                                  Heart Rate Level Classification Systems
                                  Using the Bird Swarm Algorithm . . . . . 
                  Chen Zhou and   
                 Xinhui Liu and   
                   Wei Chen and   
                Feixiang Xu and   
                    Bingwei Cao   Optimal Sliding Mode Control for an
                                  Active Suspension System Based on a
                                  Genetic Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 
           ManhCuong Nguyen and   
              Shufang Zhang and   
                    Xiaoye Wang   A Novel Method for Risk Assessment and
                                  Simulation of Collision Avoidance for
                                  Vessels based on AIS . . . . . . . . . . 
             Xiaozhong Tong and   
                  Yujun Guo and   
                        Wei Xie   Finite Difference Algorithm on
                                  Non-Uniform Meshes for Modeling $2$D
                                  Magnetotelluric Responses  . . . . . . . 
                   Jun Chen and   
             Edward P. K. Tsang   Classification of Normal and Abnormal
                                  Regimes in Financial Markets . . . . . . 
                Hancheng Yu and   
                 Haibao Qin and   
                   Maoting Peng   A Fast Approach to Texture-Less Object
                                  Detection Based on Orientation
                                  Compressing Map and Discriminative
                                  Regional Weight  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Danilo Ardagna and   
             Claudia Canali and   
           Riccardo Lancellotti   Special Issue on Algorithms for the
                                  Resource Management of Large Scale
                                  Infrastructures  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Ioannis E. Livieris and   
       Theodore Kotsilieris and   
         Ioannis Dimopoulos and   
            Panagiotis Pintelas   Decision Support Software for
                                  Forecasting Patient's Length of Stay . . 
                Hanbing Liu and   
                     Xin He and   
                      Yubo Jiao   Damage Identification Algorithm of
                                  Hinged Joints for Simply Supported Slab
                                  Bridges Based on Modified Hinge Plate
                                  Method and Artificial Bee Colony
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Shengfeng Li and   
                        Yi Dong   Parametric Estimation in the
                                  Vasicek-Type Model Driven by
                                  Sub-Fractional Brownian Motion . . . . . 
            Marios Koniaris and   
      George Papastefanatos and   
        Ioannis Anagnostopoulos   Solon: a Holistic Approach for
                                  Modelling, Managing and Mining Legal
                                  Sources  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Ask Neve Gamby and   
               Jyrki Katajainen   Convex-Hull Algorithms: Implementation,
                                  Testing, and Experimentation . . . . . . 
                Yaron Gonen and   
                 Ehud Gudes and   
                Kirill Kandalov   New and Efficient Algorithms for
                                  Producing Frequent Itemsets with the
                                  Map-Reduce Framework . . . . . . . . . . 
              Yuchuang Wang and   
                 Guoyou Shi and   
                   Xiaotong Sun   A Forecast Model of the Number of
                                  Containers for Containership Voyage  . . 
                Hongquan Qu and   
                Meihan Wang and   
            Changnian Zhang and   
                        Yun Wei   A Study on Faster R-CNN-Based Subway
                                  Pedestrian Detection with ACE
                                  Enhancement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Chen Li and   
              Annisa Annisa and   
                 Asif Zaman and   
             Mahboob Qaosar and   
                Saleh Ahmed and   
              Yasuhiko Morimoto   MapReduce Algorithm for Location
                                  Recommendation by Using Area Skyline
                                  Query  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Peter P. Nghiem   Best Trade-Off Point Method for
                                  Efficient Resource Provisioning in Spark 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 12, Number 1, January, 2019

       Vasilios Plakandaras and   
             Periklis Gogas and   
       Theophilos Papadimitriou   The Effects of Geopolitical Uncertainty
                                  in Forecasting Financial Markets: a
                                  Machine Learning Approach  . . . . . . . 
         Danilo Comminiello and   
         Michele Scarpiniti and   
     Luis A. Azpicueta-Ruiz and   
                 Aurelio Uncini   Steady-State Performance of an Adaptive
                                  Combined MISO Filter Using the
                                  Multichannel Affine Projection Algorithm 
                  Chunhe Hu and   
                     Yu Xia and   
                   Junguo Zhang   Adaptive Operator Quantum-Behaved
                                  Pigeon-Inspired Optimization Algorithm
                                  with Application to UAV Path Planning    
Marcele O. K. Mendonça and   
       Jonathas O. Ferreira and   
         Christos G. Tsinos and   
          Paulo S. R. Diniz and   
              Tadeu N. Ferreira   On Fast Converging Data-Selective
                                  Adaptive Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Matheus H. M. Pericini and   
          Lucas G. M. Leite and   
Francisco H. De Carvalho-Junior and   
           Javam C. Machado and   
               Cenez A. Rezende   MAPSkew: Metaheuristic Approaches for
                                  Partitioning Skew in MapReduce . . . . . 
            Chengcheng Wang and   
                  Yaqiu Liu and   
                     Peiyu Wang   Extraction and Detection of Surface
                                  Defects in Particleboards by Tracking
                                  Moving Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                     Di Guo and   
                Zhangren Tu and   
               Jiechao Wang and   
                   Min Xiao and   
                Xiaofeng Du and   
                      Xiaobo Qu   Salt and Pepper Noise Removal with
                                  Multi-Class Dictionary Learning and $
                                  L_0 $ Norm Regularizations . . . . . . . 
             Wancheng Zhang and   
                 Yanmin Luo and   
                   Zhi Chen and   
                Yongzhao Du and   
                  Daxin Zhu and   
                   Peizhong Liu   A Robust Visual Tracking Algorithm Based
                                  on Spatial-Temporal Context Hierarchical
                                  Response Fusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Oscar Castillo and   
             Fevrier Valdez and   
          José Soria and   
      Leticia Amador-Angulo and   
             Patricia Ochoa and   
                 Cinthia Peraza   Comparative Study in Fuzzy Controller
                                  Optimization Using Bee Colony,
                                  Differential Evolution, and Harmony
                                  Search Algorithms  . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Nizam Ghawadri and   
               Norazak Senu and   
           Firas Adel Fawzi and   
             Fudziah Ismail and   
            Zarina Bibi Ibrahim   Diagonally Implicit Runge--Kutta Type
                                  Method for Directly Solving Special
                                  Fourth-Order Ordinary Differential
                                  Equations with Ill-Posed Problem of a
                                  Beam on Elastic Foundation . . . . . . . 
                    Yang Lu and   
               Shigang Wang and   
                   Wenting Zhao   Facial Expression Recognition Based on
                                  Discrete Separable Shearlet Transform
                                  and Feature Selection  . . . . . . . . . 
               Guangluan Xu and   
                Xiaoke Wang and   
                  Yang Wang and   
                  Daoyu Lin and   
                   Xian Sun and   
                         Kun Fu   Edge-Nodes Representation Neural Machine
                                  for Link Prediction  . . . . . . . . . . 
              Shengbing Ren and   
              Wanying Zhang and   
        Hafiz Shahbaz Munir and   
                        Lei Xia   Dissimilarity Space Based Multi-Source
                                  Cross-Project Defect Prediction  . . . . 
              Imran Qureshi and   
                     Jun Ma and   
                 Kashif Shaheed   A Hybrid Proposed Fundus Image
                                  Enhancement Framework for Diabetic
                                  Retinopathy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Mayuko Sato and   
         Yoshikazu Fukuyama and   
             Tatsuya Iizaka and   
                 Tetsuro Matsui   Total Optimization of Energy Networks in
                                  a Smart City by Multi-Population
                                  Global-Best Modified Brain Storm
                                  Optimization with Migration  . . . . . . 
                  Yecai Guo and   
                     Fei Ye and   
                       Hao Gong   Learning an Efficient Convolution Neural
                                  Network for Pansharpening  . . . . . . . 
             Oscar Castillo and   
             Patricia Melin and   
             Fevrier Valdez and   
                 Jose Soria and   
   Emanuel Ontiveros-Robles and   
             Cinthia Peraza and   
                 Patricia Ochoa   Shadowed Type-2 Fuzzy Systems for
                                  Dynamic Parameter Adaptation in Harmony
                                  Search and Differential Evolution
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Xiaoxia Zhang and   
                   Xin Shen and   
                      Ziqiao Yu   A Novel Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization
                                  for a Multicast Routing Problem  . . . . 
             Indra Overland and   
                  Javlon Juraev   Algorithm for Producing Rankings Based
                                  on Expert Surveys  . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Yong-Hong Lan and   
                Jun-Jun Xia and   
                  Yue-Xiang Shi   Robust Guaranteed-Cost Preview
                                  Repetitive Control for Polytopic
                                  Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems  . . . . 
    Algorithms Editorial Office   Acknowledgement to Reviewers of
                                  Algorithms in 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Xingkui Xu and   
                Chunfeng Wu and   
                 Qingyu Hou and   
                    Zhigang Fan   Gyro Error Compensation in
                                  Optoelectronic Platform Based on a
                                  Hybrid ARIMA--Elman Model  . . . . . . . 
        Charles A. Phillips and   
                   Kai Wang and   
             Erich J. Baker and   
            Jason A. Bubier and   
          Elissa J. Chesler and   
            Michael A. Langston   On Finding and Enumerating Maximal and
                                  Maximum $k$-Partite Cliques in
                                  $k$-Partite Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Ling Zhu and   
                        Jie Lin   A Pricing Strategy of E-Commerce
                                  Advertising Cooperation in the
                                  Stackelberg Game Model with Different
                                  Market Power Structure . . . . . . . . . 
                    Su Zhao and   
                 Gang Huang and   
                         Qi Zhu   Power Allocation Algorithm for an
                                  Energy-Harvesting Wireless Transmission
                                  System Considering Energy Losses . . . . 
        Despoina Mouratidis and   
          Katia Lida Kermanidis   Ensemble and Deep Learning for
                                  Language-Independent Automatic Selection
                                  of Parallel Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Manolis Maragoudakis   Data Analysis, Simulation and
                                  Visualization for Environmentally Safe
                                  Maritime Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 12, Number 2, February, 2019

                    Wael Deabes   FPGA Implementation of ECT Digital
                                  System for Imaging Conductive Materials  
          Soufiane Maguerra and   
         Azedine Boulmakoul and   
                Lamia Karim and   
                   Hassan Badir   A Distributed Execution Pipeline for
                                  Clustering Trajectories Based on a Fuzzy
                                  Similarity Relation  . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Chong Sun and   
                      Qin Sheng   An Exploration of a Balanced Up-Downwind
                                  Scheme for Solving Heston Volatility
                                  Model Equations on Variable Grids  . . . 
                Jiangyi Liu and   
              Chunping Wang and   
                   Wei Wang and   
                       Zheng Li   Particle Probability Hypothesis Density
                                  Filter Based on Pairwise Markov Chains   
         Alessandro Scir\`e and   
          Fabrizio Tropeano and   
       Aris Anagnostopoulos and   
        Ioannis Chatzigiannakis   Fog-Computing-Based Heartbeat Detection
                                  and Arrhythmia Classification Using
                                  Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Yang Bi and   
                 Xi'an Feng and   
                  Yangmei Zhang   Optimized Sonar Broadband Focused
                                  Beamforming Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . 
            Stuart Hadfield and   
                Zhihui Wang and   
             Bryan O'Gorman and   
         Eleanor G. Rieffel and   
          Davide Venturelli and   
                   Rupak Biswas   From the Quantum Approximate
                                  Optimization Algorithm to a Quantum
                                  Alternating Operator Ansatz  . . . . . . 
                 Yujie Fang and   
                  Juan Chen and   
                  Zhengxuan Xue   Research on Quantitative Investment
                                  Strategies Based on Deep Learning  . . . 
              Yanfeng Zhang and   
               Yunbao Huang and   
                  Haiyan Li and   
                      Pu Li and   
                      Xi'an Fan   Conjugate Gradient Hard Thresholding
                                  Pursuit Algorithm for Sparse Signal
                                  Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Zhigang Hu and   
                   Hui Kang and   
                 Meiguang Zheng   Stream Data Load Prediction for Resource
                                  Scaling Using Online Support Vector
                                  Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Zhihong Yao and   
                Yibing Wang and   
                   Wei Xiao and   
                   Bin Zhao and   
                        Bo Peng   A Two-Level Rolling Optimization Model
                                  for Real-time Adaptive Signal Control    
                  Slim Belhaiza   A Hybrid Adaptive Large Neighborhood
                                  Heuristic for a Real-Life Dial-a-Ride
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Shunkai Sun and   
                Jianping Hu and   
                     Jie Li and   
                Ruidong Liu and   
                   Meng Shu and   
                      Yang Yang   An INS-UWB Based Collision Avoidance
                                  System for AGV . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Jie Chen and   
                  Gang Yang and   
                      Meng Yang   Computation of Compact Distributions of
                                  Discrete Elements  . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Wei Zeng and   
                    Tao Ren and   
                   Lijun Yu and   
                 Jingjing Huang   Design Optimization of a VX Gasket
                                  Structure for a Subsea Connector Based
                                  on the Kriging Surrogate Model-NSGA-II
                                  Algorithm Considering the Load
                                  Randomness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Leiwen Chen and   
              Yingming Wang and   
                       Geng Guo   An Improved Genetic Algorithm for
                                  Emergency Decision Making under Resource
                                  Constraints Based on Prospect Theory . . 
              Chentong Bian and   
                   Tong Zhu and   
                Guodong Yin and   
                       Liwei Xu   Integrated Speed Planning and Friction
                                  Coefficient Estimation Algorithm for
                                  Intelligent Electric Vehicles  . . . . . 
              Mengting Zhao and   
                       Yuwei Lu   A Heuristic Approach for a Real-World
                                  Electric Vehicle Routing Problem . . . . 
                     Hao He and   
              Jiaxiang Zhao and   
                    Guiling Sun   The Prediction of Intrinsically
                                  Disordered Proteins Based on Feature
                                  Selection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Hao-Xiang Chen and   
                   Ying Nan and   
                        Yi Yang   Real-time Conflict Resolution Algorithm
                                  for Multi-UAV Based on Model Predict
                                  Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Ming Zhao and   
                        Ke Zhou   Selective Offloading by Exploiting
                                  ARIMA--BP for Energy Optimization in
                                  Mobile Edge Computing Networks . . . . . 
                Qiuming Liu and   
                 Shumin Liu and   
              Chunshui Zeng and   
               Xiaohong Qiu and   
                        He Xiao   Secrecy Control of Wireless Networks
                                  with Finite Encoding Blocklength . . . . 
                 Mugang Lin and   
               Jianxin Wang and   
                Qilong Feng and   
                         Bin Fu   Randomized Parameterized Algorithms for
                                  the Kidney Exchange Problem  . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 12, Number 3, March, 2019

                  Qingge Ji and   
                  Jie Huang and   
                  Wenjie He and   
                     Yankui Sun   Optimized Deep Convolutional Neural
                                  Networks for Identification of Macular
                                  Diseases from Optical Coherence
                                  Tomography Images  . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Kengo Nakamura and   
              Kunihiko Sadakane   Space-Efficient Fully Dynamic DFS in
                                  Undirected Graphs  . . . . . . . . . . . 
David Fernández-Baca and   
                        Lei Liu   Tree Compatibility, Incomplete Directed
                                  Perfect Phylogeny, and Dynamic Graph
                                  Connectivity: An Experimental Study  . . 
   Juan Luis Templos-Santos and   
         Omar Aguilar-Mejia and   
      Edgar Peralta-Sanchez and   
               Raul Sosa-Cortez   Parameter Tuning of PI Control for Speed
                                  Regulation of a PMSM Using Bio-Inspired
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Bing-wei Cao and   
                Xin-hui Liu and   
                   Wei Chen and   
                 Yong Zhang and   
                      Ai-min Li   Depth Optimization Analysis of
                                  Articulated Steering Hinge Position
                                  Based on Genetic Algorithm . . . . . . . 
                         Wei Li   Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
                                  with Multi-Objective Optimization for
                                  Multimodal Optimization  . . . . . . . . 
            Van Giao Nguyen and   
                 Xuexun Guo and   
             Chengcai Zhang and   
                 Xuan Khoa Tran   Parameter Estimation, Robust Controller
                                  Design and Performance Analysis for an
                                  Electric Power Steering System . . . . . 
              Adrian Dumitrescu   A Selectable Sloppy Heap . . . . . . . . 
            Boris Almonacid and   
 Fabián Aspée and   
                Francisco Yimes   Autonomous Population Regulation Using a
                                  Multi-Agent System in a Prey--Predator
                                  Model That Integrates Cellular Automata
                                  and the African Buffalo Optimization
                                  Metaheuristic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              David Pfander and   
          Gregor Daiß and   
              Dirk Pflüger   Heterogeneous Distributed Big Data
                                  Clustering on Sparse Grids . . . . . . . 
              Yechuang Wang and   
                 Zhihua Cui and   
                      Wuchao Li   A Novel Coupling Algorithm Based on
                                  Glowworm Swarm Optimization and
                                  Bacterial Foraging Algorithm for Solving
                                  Multi-Objective Optimization Problems    
                Zhonglin Ye and   
               Haixing Zhao and   
                   Ke Zhang and   
                         Yu Zhu   Multi-View Network Representation
                                  Learning Algorithm Research  . . . . . . 
                 Xiaodan Xu and   
                Zhifeng Bai and   
                  Yuanyuan Shao   Synchronization Control Algorithm of
                                  Double-Cylinder Forging Hydraulic Press
                                  Based on Fuzzy Neural Network  . . . . . 
        Ioannis E. Livieris and   
            Andreas Kanavos and   
          Vassilis Tampakas and   
            Panagiotis Pintelas   A Weighted Voting Ensemble Self-Labeled
                                  Algorithm for the Detection of Lung
                                  Abnormalities from X-Rays  . . . . . . . 
                   Jiao Liu and   
                 Guoyou Shi and   
                      Kaige Zhu   High-Precision Combined Tidal
                                  Forecasting Model  . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Xiaohui Yang and   
             Xiaolong Zhang and   
                Shaoping Xu and   
                 Yihui Ding and   
                    Kun Zhu and   
             Peter Xiaoping Liu   An Approach to the Dynamics and Control
                                  of Uncertain Robot Manipulators  . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 12, Number 4, April, 2019

        Rommel Dias Saraiva and   
 Napoleão Nepomuceno and   
Plácido Rogério Pinheiro   A Two-Phase Approach for Single
                                  Container Loading with Weakly
                                  Heterogeneous Boxes  . . . . . . . . . . 
                        Shu Fan   A Cross-Layer Optimization QoS Scheme in
                                  Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks  . . 
   V. L. Raju Chinthalapati and   
                   Edward Tsang   Special Issue on Algorithms in
                                  Computational Finance  . . . . . . . . . 
               Jiarui Zhang and   
                  Gang Wang and   
                     Yafei Song   Task Assignment of the Improved Contract
                                  Net Protocol under a Multi-Agent System  
              Jinghua Zhang and   
                        Ze Dong   Parameter Combination Framework for the
                                  Differential Evolution Algorithm . . . . 
                Weijia Chen and   
                    Yancai Xiao   An Improved ABC Algorithm and Its
                                  Application in Bearing Fault Diagnosis
                                  with EEMD  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Diptarama Hendrian and   
                 Yohei Ueki and   
          Kazuyuki Narisawa and   
              Ryo Yoshinaka and   
                Ayumi Shinohara   Permuted Pattern Matching Algorithms on
                                  Multi-Track Strings  . . . . . . . . . . 
            Mattia D'Emidio and   
        Gabriele Di Stefano and   
                Alfredo Navarra   Bamboo Garden Trimming Problem: Priority
                                  Schedulings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Runing Xiao and   
                    Jinzhi Zhou   Pulmonary Fissure Detection in $3$D CT
                                  Images Using a Multiple Section Model    
             Matteo Baldoni and   
          Cristina Baroglio and   
          Roberto Micalizio and   
               Stefano Tedeschi   Programming Agents by Their Social
                                  Relationships: A Commitment-Based
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Tomas Vyskocil and   
                 Hristo Djidjev   Embedding Equality Constraints of
                                  Optimization Problems into a Quantum
                                  Annealer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Muhammed O\uguzhan Külekci and   
         Yasin Öztürk   Applications of Non-Uniquely Decodable
                                  Codes to Privacy-Preserving High-Entropy
                                  Data Representation  . . . . . . . . . . 
                Nader Hanna and   
               Deborah Richards   Speech Act Theory as an Evaluation Tool
                                  for Human--Agent Communication . . . . . 
               Yanjiao Wang and   
                     Tianlin Du   An Improved Squirrel Search Algorithm
                                  for Global Function Optimization . . . . 
        Fabian Gärtner and   
               Peter F. Stadler   Direct Superbubble Detection . . . . . . 
             Zhiqiang Zhang and   
                 Rong Huang and   
                   Fang Han and   
                    Zhijie Wang   Image Error Concealment Based on Deep
                                  Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Chunfeng Song and   
                   Mei Wang and   
                 Xuebin Qin and   
                   Pai Wang and   
                        Bao Liu   The Optimization Algorithm of the Forced
                                  Current Cathodic Protection Base on
                                  Simulated Annealing  . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Ting Liu and   
                   Chao Tan and   
              Zhongbin Wang and   
                    Jing Xu and   
                 Yiqiao Man and   
                       Tuo Wang   Horizontal Bending Angle Optimization
                                  Method for Scraper Conveyor Based on
                                  Improved Bat Algorithm . . . . . . . . . 
            Ioannis E. Livieris   Forecasting Economy-Related Data
                                  Utilizing Weight-Constrained Recurrent
                                  Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Hyeongjin Hwang and   
                 Jehwon Lee and   
               Sangjune Eum and   
                   Kanghyun Nam   Kalman-Filter-Based Tension Control
                                  Design for Industrial Roll-to-Roll
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Frank Gurski and   
         Dominique Komander and   
                   Carolin Rehs   Oriented Coloring on Recursively Defined
                                  Digraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 12, Number 5, May, 2019

             Talha Ali Khan and   
                    Sai Ho Ling   Review on Electrical Impedance
                                  Tomography: Artificial Intelligence
                                  Methods and its Applications . . . . . . 
         Georgios Souliotis and   
             Basil Papadopoulos   An Algorithm for Producing Fuzzy
                                  Negations via Conical Sections . . . . . 
          Marylu L. Lagunes and   
             Oscar Castillo and   
             Fevrier Valdez and   
                     Jose Soria   Multi-Metaheuristic Competitive Model
                                  for Optimization of Fuzzy Controllers    
            Giuseppe Lancia and   
              Marcello Dalpasso   FASTSET: a Fast Data Structure for the
                                  Representation of Sets of Integers . . . 
                  Song Wang and   
                    Zengfu Wang   Optical Flow Estimation with Occlusion
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                      Na Su and   
                         Qi Zhu   Power Control and Channel Allocation
                                  Algorithm for Energy Harvesting D2D
                                  Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Zongsheng Wu and   
                         Ru Xue   A Cyclical Non-Linear Inertia-Weighted
                                  Teaching--Learning-Based Optimization
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Yasutake Koishi and   
             Shuichi Ishida and   
              Tatsuo Tabaru and   
              Hiroyuki Miyamoto   A Source Domain Extension Method for
                                  Inductive Transfer Learning Based on
                                  Flipping Output  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Imad Eddine Ibrahim Bekkouch and   
            Youssef Youssry and   
             Rustam Gafarov and   
                  Adil Khan and   
            Asad Masood Khattak   Triplet Loss Network for Unsupervised
                                  Domain Adaptation  . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Song Zheng and   
                    Chao Bi and   
                     Yilin Song   A New Method of Applying Data Engine
                                  Technology to Realize Neural Network
                                  Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Xingyue Ren and   
              Fangjie Xiong and   
                      Ke Qu and   
                Norimi Mizutani   Free Surface Flow Simulation by a
                                  Viscous Numerical Cylindrical Tank . . . 
         Kleopatra Pirpinia and   
         Peter A. N. Bosman and   
            Jan-Jakob Sonke and   
            Marcel van Herk and   
             Tanja Alderliesten   Evolutionary Machine Learning for
                                  Multi-Objective Class Solutions in
                                  Medical Deformable Image Registration    
              Damla Kizilay and   
    Mehmet Fatih Tasgetiren and   
                Quan-Ke Pan and   
                      Liang Gao   A Variable Block Insertion Heuristic for
                                  Solving Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling
                                  Problem with Makespan Criterion  . . . . 
           Manuel Schimmack and   
               Paolo Mercorelli   An Adaptive Derivative Estimator for
                                  Fault-Detection Using a Dynamic System
                                  with a Suboptimal Parameter  . . . . . . 
                 Anca Maxim and   
         Riccardo Ferracuti and   
               Clara M. Ionescu   A Theoretical Framework to Determine RHP
                                  Zero Dynamics in Sequential Interacting
                                  Sub-Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Meng Wang and   
            Chuang-Bai Xiao and   
               Zhen-Hu Ning and   
                    Jing Yu and   
               Ya-Hao Zhang and   
                       Jin Pang   Improved Neural Networks Based on Mutual
                                  Information via Information Geometry . . 
             Wyatt Clements and   
               Costas Busch and   
                  Limeng Pu and   
               Daniel Smith and   
                  Hsiao-Chun Wu   Balanced Parallel Exploration of
                                  Orthogonal Regions . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Hsiung-Cheng Lin and   
                Chung-Hao Cheng   Achievement of Automatic Copper Wire
                                  Elongation System  . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Jeang-Kuo Chen and   
                    Wei-Zhe Lee   An Introduction of NoSQL Databases Based
                                  on Their Categories and Application
                                  Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Jiwei Qin and   
                 Liangli Ma and   
                       Qing Liu   Pruning Optimization over
                                  Threshold-Based Historical Continuous
                                  Query  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Georgios Paraskevopoulos and   
           Evaggelos Spyrou and   
     Dimitrios Sgouropoulos and   
   Theodoros Giannakopoulos and   
                 Phivos Mylonas   Real-Time Arm Gesture Recognition Using
                                  $3$D Skeleton Joint Data . . . . . . . . 
               Paola Favati and   
               Grazia Lotti and   
             Ornella Menchi and   
               Francesco Romani   An Adaptive Procedure for the Global
                                  Minimization of a Class of Polynomial
                                  Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
David García-Retuerta and   
Álvaro Bartolomé and   
              Pablo Chamoso and   
           Juan Manuel Corchado   Counter-Terrorism Video Analysis Using
                                  Hash-Based Algorithms  . . . . . . . . . 
Marco Antonio Juárez Pérez and   
Rodolfo Eleazar Pérez Loaiza and   
Perfecto Malaquias Quintero Flores and   
        Oscar Atriano Ponce and   
        Carolina Flores Peralta   A Heuristic Algorithm for the Routing
                                  and Scheduling Problem with Time
                                  Windows: a Case Study of the Automotive
                                  Industry in Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Yulin Zhao and   
               Donghui Wang and   
                     Leiou Wang   Convolution Accelerator Designs Using
                                  Fast Algorithms  . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 12, Number 6, June, 2019

          Razvan Stefanescu and   
                 Jason Hite and   
                 Jared Cook and   
             Ralph C. Smith and   
                 John Mattingly   Surrogate-Based Robust Design for a
                                  Non-Smooth Radiation Source Detection
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Aleksei F. Deon and   
              Yulian A. Menyaev   Poisson Twister Generator by Cumulative
                                  Frequency Technology . . . . . . . . . . 
                Tianming Yu and   
               Jianhua Yang and   
                         Wei Lu   Combining Background Subtraction and
                                  Convolutional Neural Network for Anomaly
                                  Detection in Pumping-Unit Surveillance   
                   Boris Ryabko   Time-Universal Data Compression  . . . . 
             Mohamed F. El-Amin   Iterative Numerical Scheme for
                                  Non-Isothermal Two-Phase Flow in
                                  Heterogeneous Porous Media . . . . . . . 
        Annisa Darmawahyuni and   
              Siti Nurmaini and   
                     Sukemi and   
          Wahyu Caesarendra and   
               Vicko Bhayyu and   
     M. Naufal Rachmatullah and   
                        Firdaus   Deep Learning with a Recurrent Network
                                  Structure in the Sequence Modeling of
                                  Imbalanced Data for ECG-Rhythm
                                  Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Hamidreza Hasheminasab and   
Sarfaraz Hashemkhani Zolfani and   
            Mahdi Bitarafan and   
       Prasenjit Chatterjee and   
         Alireza Abhaji Ezabadi   The Role of Façade Materials in
                                  Blast-Resistant Buildings: an Evaluation
                                  Based on Fuzzy Delphi and Fuzzy EDAS . . 
                  Tao Zhang and   
                   Yue Wang and   
                    Xin Jin and   
                        Shan Lu   Integration of Production Planning and
                                  Scheduling Based on RTN Representation
                                  under Uncertainties  . . . . . . . . . . 
        Mircea-Bogdan Radac and   
                   Timotei Lala   Learning Output Reference Model Tracking
                                  for Higher-Order Nonlinear Systems with
                                  Unknown Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Pei-Yin Chen and   
                 Jih-Jeng Huang   A Hybrid Autoencoder Network for
                                  Unsupervised Image Clustering  . . . . . 
          Angelo Ciaramella and   
               Antonino Staiano   On the Role of Clustering and
                                  Visualization Techniques in Gene
                                  Microarray Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Sukhpal Singh Ghuman and   
         Emanuele Giaquinta and   
                   Jorma Tarhio   Lyndon Factorization Algorithms for
                                  Small Alphabets and Run-Length Encoded
                                  Strings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Mayuko Sato and   
         Yoshikazu Fukuyama and   
             Tatsuya Iizaka and   
                 Tetsuro Matsui   Correction: Sato, M., et al.
                                  \booktitleTotal Optimization of Energy
                                  Networks in a Smart City by
                                  Multi-Population Global-Best Modified
                                  Brain Storm Optimization with Migration,
                                  Algorithms 2019, \bf 12, 15  . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 12, Number 7, July, 2019

                   Bin Wang and   
                    Li Wang and   
                     Hao Yu and   
                   Fengming Xin   A New Regularized Reconstruction
                                  Algorithm Based on Compressed Sensing
                                  for the Sparse Underdetermined Problem
                                  and Applications of One-Dimensional and
                                  Two-Dimensional Signal Recovery  . . . . 
           Eugenio Angriman and   
  Alexander van der Grinten and   
            Moritz von Looz and   
         Henning Meyerhenke and   
     Martin Nöllenburg and   
              Maria Predari and   
               Charilaos Tzovas   Guidelines for Experimental
                                  Algorithmics: a Case Study in Network
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Tianming Yu and   
               Jianhua Yang and   
                         Wei Lu   Refinement of Background-Subtraction
                                  Methods Based on Convolutional Neural
                                  Network Features for Dynamic Background  
             Chunmiao Zhang and   
                Yanwei Zhao and   
                  Longlong Leng   A Hyper Heuristic Algorithm to Solve the
                                  Low-Carbon Location Routing Problem  . . 
           Dinh Trieu Duong and   
               Huy Phi Cong and   
                 Xiem Hoang Van   A Novel Consistent Quality Driven for
                                  JEM Based Distributed Video Coding . . . 
             Florin Stoican and   
                    Paul Irofti   Aiding Dictionary Learning Through
                                  Multi-Parametric Sparse Representation   
                 Cuiping Pu and   
                Yicheng Zhu and   
                      Jianbo Su   Drum Water Level Control Based on
                                  Improved ADRC  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Ilija Tanackov and   
        Olegas Prentkovskis and   
             Zarko Jevti\'c and   
            Gordan Stoji\'c and   
               Pamela Ercegovac   A New Method for Markovian Adaptation of
                                  the Non-Markovian Queueing System Using
                                  the Hidden Markov Model  . . . . . . . . 
               Yanjiao Wang and   
                  Xintian Jiang   An Enhanced Lightning Attachment
                                  Procedure Optimization Algorithm . . . . 
                  Sheng Cai and   
              Pei-Zhong Liu and   
                Yan-Min Luo and   
               Yong-Zhao Du and   
                  Jia-Neng Tang   Breast Microcalcification Detection
                                  Algorithm Based on Contourlet and ASVM   
                 Jesper Jansson   Editorial: Special Issue on Efficient
                                  Data Structures  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Periklis Gogas and   
   Theophilos Papadimitriou and   
             Emmanouil Sofianos   Money Neutrality, Monetary Aggregates
                                  and Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Zheng Ji and   
                     Xu Cai and   
                     Xuyang Lou   A Quantum-Behaved Neurodynamic Approach
                                  for Nonconvex Optimization with
                                  Constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Amir Karbassi Yazdi and   
               Thomas Hanne and   
               Yong J. Wang and   
                   Hui-Ming Wee   A Credit Rating Model in a Fuzzy
                                  Inference System Environment . . . . . . 
              Mateus Mendes and   
              Jorge Almeida and   
              Hajji Mohamed and   
                      Rudi Giot   Projected Augmented Reality Intelligent
                                  Model of a City Area with Path
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Cemre Cubukcuoglu and   
                 Berk Ekici and   
    Mehmet Fatih Tasgetiren and   
               Sevil Sariyildiz   OPTIMUS: Self-Adaptive Differential
                                  Evolution with Ensemble of Mutation
                                  Strategies for Grasshopper Algorithmic
                                  Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Qinghai Li and   
                    Chang Wu Yu   New Bipartite Graph Techniques for
                                  Irregular Data Redistribution Scheduling 
              Murshid Kamal and   
              Srikant Gupta and   
       Prasenjit Chatterjee and   
             Dragan Pamucar and   
                  Zeljko Stevic   Bi-Level Multi-Objective Production
                                  Planning Problem with Multi-Choice
                                  Parameters: a Fuzzy Goal Programming
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 Veeramani Bagyaveereswaran and   
     Subramaniam Umashankar and   
    Pachiyappan Arulmozhivarman   Simulation Tool for Tuning and
                                  Performance Analysis of Robust,
                                  Tracking, Disturbance Rejection and
                                  Aggressiveness Controller  . . . . . . . 
                Hongquan Qu and   
                 Zhanli Fan and   
                 Shuqin Cao and   
                Liping Pang and   
                   Hao Wang and   
                      Jie Zhang   A Study on Sensitive Bands of EEG Data
                                  under Different Mental Workloads . . . . 
    Razvan-Florentin Trifan and   
    Andrei-Alexandru Enescu and   
           Constantin Paleologu   Hybrid MU-MIMO Precoding Based on
                                  $K$-Means User Clustering  . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 12, Number 8, August, 2019

      Alexandru-George Rusu and   
            Silviu Ciochina and   
       Constantin Paleologu and   
                  Jacob Benesty   An Optimized Differential Step-Size LMS
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Dariusz Horla   Variational Calculus Approach to Optimal
                                  Interception Task of a Ballistic Missile
                                  in $1$D and $2$D Cases . . . . . . . . . 
               Thomas Faict and   
        Erik H. D'Hollander and   
                  Bart Goossens   Mapping a Guided Image Filter on the
                                  HARP Reconfigurable Architecture Using
                                  OpenCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Francesco Bergadano and   
             Fabio Carretto and   
                Fabio Cogno and   
                    Dario Ragno   Defacement Detection with Passive
                                  Adversaries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Meixiang Zhang and   
                 Satya Chan and   
                   Sooyoung Kim   Soft Iterative Decoding Algorithms for
                                  Rateless Codes in Satellite Systems  . . 
Syrine Roufaida Ait Haddadene and   
             Nacima Labadie and   
               Caroline Prodhon   Bicriteria Vehicle Routing Problem with
                                  Preferences and Timing Constraints in
                                  Home Health Care Services  . . . . . . . 
             Stephen Finbow and   
      Christopher M. van Bommel   $ \gamma $-Graphs of Trees . . . . . . . 
 Mário P. Véstias   A Survey of Convolutional Neural
                                  Networks on Edge with Reconfigurable
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Yuan Zhang and   
                     Liyi Zhang   A Rigid Motion Artifact Reduction Method
                                  for CT Based on Blind Deconvolution  . . 
              Francesca Pitolli   A Collocation Method for the Numerical
                                  Solution of Nonlinear Fractional
                                  Dynamical Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 
András Faragó and   
              Zohre R. Mojaveri   In Search of the Densest Subgraph  . . . 
 Napoleão Nepomuceno and   
     Ricardo Barboza Saboia and   
Plácido Rogério Pinheiro   A Fast Randomized Algorithm for the
                                  Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem
                                  with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery    
               Isamu Furuya and   
                    Takuya Kida   Compaction of Church Numerals  . . . . . 
            Mohammad Wedyan and   
          Alessandro Crippa and   
                Adel Al-Jumaily   A Novel Virtual Sample Generation Method
                                  to Overcome the Small Sample Size
                                  Problem in Computer Aided Medical
                                  Diagnosing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Ranjan Kumar Behera and   
         Santanu Kumar Rath and   
               Sanjay Misra and   
      Robertas Damasevicius and   
              Rytis Maskeliunas   Distributed Centrality Analysis of
                                  Social Network Data Using MapReduce  . . 
                Kevin Aydin and   
     MohammadHossein Bateni and   
                 Vahab Mirrokni   Distributed Balanced Partitioning via
                                  Linear Embedding . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Alicja Winnicka and   
                 Karolina Kesik   Idea of Using Blockchain Technique for
                                  Choosing the Best Configuration of
                                  Weights in Neural Networks . . . . . . . 
              Roger B. Eggleton   Equisum Partitions of Sets of Positive
                                  Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Kazuhiro Minami and   
                     Yutaka Abe   Algorithmic Matching Attacks on
                                  Optimally Suppressed Tabular Data  . . . 
   Md. Anisuzzaman Siddique and   
                   Hao Tian and   
             Mahboob Qaosar and   
              Yasuhiko Morimoto   MapReduce Algorithm for Variants of
                                  Skyline Queries: Skyband and Dominating
                                  Queries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Danica Rosinová and   
  Mária Hypiusová   LMI Pole Regions for a Robust
                                  Discrete-Time Pole Placement Controller
                                  Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Dean Crnkovi\'c and   
                Andrea Svob and   
            Vladimir D. Tonchev   Cyclotomic Trace Codes . . . . . . . . . 
                   Zhao Lei and   
                     Hu Lai and   
                  Zhang Hua and   
                       Chen Hua   Structural Analysis and Application of
                                  Non-Standard Components Based on Genetic
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Federico Clazzer and   
        Balázs Matuz and   
        Sachini Jayasooriya and   
   Mahyar Shirvanimoghaddam and   
               Sarah J. Johnson   Protograph LDPC Code Design for
                                  Asynchronous Random Access . . . . . . . 
       Fereshteh S. Bashiri and   
           Reihaneh Rostami and   
              Peggy Peissig and   
          Roshan M. D'Souza and   
                       Zeyun Yu   An Application of Manifold Learning in
                                  Global Shape Descriptors . . . . . . . . 
                Max Bannach and   
               Sebastian Berndt   Practical Access to Dynamic Programming
                                  on Tree Decompositions . . . . . . . . . 
                    Zhen Li and   
                   Tao Tang and   
                    Chunhai Gao   Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network
                                  Applied to Train Dynamic Model and Speed
                                  Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Yunshan Sun and   
                 Liyi Zhang and   
                  Yanqin Li and   
                      Juan Meng   A Novel Blind Restoration and
                                  Reconstruction Approach for CT Images
                                  Based on Sparse Representation and
                                  Hierarchical Bayesian-MAP  . . . . . . . 
      Konstantinos Georgiou and   
            Christos Makris and   
            Georgios Pispirigos   A Distributed Hybrid Community Detection
                                  Methodology for Social Networks  . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 12, Number 9, September, 2019

         Amirsalar Mansouri and   
            Sanjay P. Singh and   
                  Khalid Sayood   Online EEG Seizure Detection and
                                  Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Weksi Budiaji and   
               Friedrich Leisch   Simple $K$-Medoids Partitioning
                                  Algorithm for Mixed Variable Data  . . . 
          Bogdan Dumitrescu and   
       Ciprian Doru Giurcaneanu   Adaptive-Size Dictionary Learning Using
                                  Information Theoretic Criteria . . . . . 
                Zongyang Li and   
                 Yefei Wang and   
                        Le Wang   A Fast Particle-Locating Method for the
                                  Arbitrary Polyhedral Mesh  . . . . . . . 
                Romain Aza\"\is   Nearest Embedded and Embedding
                                  Self-Nested Trees  . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Zhongming Teng and   
                    Linzhang Lu   A FEAST Algorithm for the Linear
                                  Response Eigenvalue Problem  . . . . . . 
           Rania M. Ghoniem and   
              Nawal Alhelwa and   
                 Khaled Shaalan   A Novel Hybrid Genetic-Whale
                                  Optimization Model for Ontology Learning
                                  from Arabic Text . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Kexin Li and   
                   Jun Wang and   
                       Dawei Qi   An Intelligent Warning Method for
                                  Diagnosing Underwater Structural Damage  
              Yinsheng Chen and   
              Tinghao Zhang and   
                Wenjie Zhao and   
              Zhongming Luo and   
                        Kun Sun   Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearing Using
                                  Multiscale Amplitude-Aware Permutation
                                  Entropy and Random Forest  . . . . . . . 
                Yu-Juan Luo and   
              Cheng-Lin Liu and   
                   Guang-Ye Liu   Consensus Tracking by Iterative Learning
                                  Control for Linear Heterogeneous
                                  Multiagent Systems Based on
                                  Fractional-Power Error Signals . . . . . 
                Fayeem Aziz and   
           Aaron S. W. Wong and   
                 Stephan Chalup   Semi-Supervised Manifold Alignment Using
                                  Parallel Deep Autoencoders . . . . . . . 
          Hristo N. Djidjev and   
                 Georg Hahn and   
        Susan M. Mniszewski and   
      Christian F. A. Negre and   
         Anders M. N. Niklasson   Using Graph Partitioning for Scalable
                                  Distributed Quantum Molecular Dynamics   
             Ronald de Haan and   
                 Stefan Szeider   A Compendium of Parameterized Problems
                                  at Higher Levels of the Polynomial
                                  Hierarchy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Nadia Creignou and   
             Ra\"\ida Ktari and   
                 Arne Meier and   
 Julian-Steffen Müller and   
Frédéric Olive and   
               Heribert Vollmer   Parameterised Enumeration for
                                  Modification Problems  . . . . . . . . . 
           Jonas R. Dourado and   
Jordão Natal de Oliveira Júnior and   
               Carlos D. Maciel   Parallelism Strategies for Big Data
                                  Delayed Transfer Entropy Evaluation  . . 
            Bernhard Meindl and   
                 Matthias Templ   Feedback-Based Integration of the Whole
                                  Process of Data Anonymization in a
                                  Graphical Interface  . . . . . . . . . . 
        Syed Aizaz Ali Shah and   
           Maximilian Stark and   
                  Gerhard Bauch   Coarsely Quantized Decoding and
                                  Construction of Polar Codes Using the
                                  Information Bottleneck Method  . . . . . 
Joaquín Torres-Sospedra and   
                 Patricio Nebot   Combining Satellite Images and Cadastral
                                  Information for Outdoor Autonomous
                                  Mapping and Navigation: a
                                  Proof-of-Concept Study in Citric Groves  
                  Liu Shuai and   
               Liu Yuanning and   
               Zhu Xiaodong and   
                  Zhang Kuo and   
                  Ding Tong and   
                 Li Xinlong and   
                   Wang Chaoqun   Unsteady State Lightweight Iris
                                  Certification Based on Multi-Algorithm
                                  Parallel Integration . . . . . . . . . . 
               Shiping Zhao and   
                    Yong Ma and   
                   Dingxin Leng   An Intelligent Artificial Neural Network
                                  Modeling of a Magnetorheological
                                  Elastomer Isolator . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Lars Gottesbüren and   
             Michael Hamann and   
             Tim Niklas Uhl and   
                Dorothea Wagner   Faster and Better Nested Dissection
                                  Orders for Customizable Contraction
                                  Hierarchies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Sebastian Götschel and   
                  Martin Weiser   Compression Challenges in Large Scale
                                  Partial Differential Equation Solvers    
             Michael Hamann and   
                   Ben Strasser   Correspondence between Multilevel Graph
                                  Partitions and Tree Decompositions . . . 
          Yash Raj Shrestha and   
                   Yongjie Yang   Fairness in Algorithmic Decision-Making:
                                  Applications in Multi-Winner Voting,
                                  Machine Learning, and Recommender
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 13, Number 1, January, 2020

              Kyoum Sun Kim and   
                   Jae Heon Yun   Image Restoration Using a Fixed-Point
                                  Method for a TVL2 Regularization Problem 
            Mattia D'Emidio and   
                 Imran Khan and   
               Daniele Frigioni   Journey Planning Algorithms for Massive
                                  Delay-Prone Transit Networks . . . . . . 
        N. S. Narayanaswamy and   
            R. Vijayaragunathan   Parameterized Optimization in Uncertain
                                  Graphs --- a Survey and Some Results . . 
            Yuri N. Sotskov and   
     Natalja M. Matsveichuk and   
              Vadzim D. Hatsura   Two-Machine Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
                                  to Minimize the Makespan with Uncertain
                                  Job Durations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Víctor Pacheco-Valencia and   
José Alberto Hernández and   
José María Sigarreta and   
                Nodari Vakhania   Simple Constructive, Insertion, and
                                  Improvement Heuristics Based on the
                                  Girding Polygon for the Euclidean
                                  Traveling Salesman Problem . . . . . . . 
               Ilia Tarasov and   
              Alain Ha\"\it and   
                Olga Batta\"\ia   A Generalized MILP Formulation for the
                                  Period-Aggregated Resource Leveling
                                  Problem with Variable Job Duration . . . 
     Michael Mesfin Tadesse and   
                Hongfei Lin and   
                      Bo Xu and   
                     Liang Yang   Detection of Suicide Ideation in Social
                                  Media Forums Using Deep Learning . . . . 
       Angel Alejandro Juan and   
          Canan Gunes Corlu and   
    Rafael David Tordecilla and   
          Rocio de la Torre and   
                  Albert Ferrer   On the Use of Biased-Randomized
                                  Algorithms for Solving Non-Smooth
                                  Optimization Problems  . . . . . . . . . 
               Frank Werner and   
            Larysa Burtseva and   
                Yuri N. Sotskov   Special Issue on Exact and Heuristic
                                  Scheduling Algorithms  . . . . . . . . . 
               Yumna Shahid and   
                   Minxiang Wei   Comparative Analysis of Different
                                  Model-Based Controllers Using Active
                                  Vehicle Suspension System  . . . . . . . 
   Jesús F. Espinoza and   
Rosalía Hernández-Amador and   
Héctor A. Hernández-Hernández and   
     Beatriz Ramonetti-Valencia   A Numerical Approach for the Filtered
                                  Generalized Cech Complex . . . . . . . . 
    Jérémy Barbay   Optimal Prefix Free Codes with Partial
                                  Sorting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Alfredo Cuzzocrea and   
                Enzo Mumolo and   
           Giorgio Mario Grasso   An Effective and Efficient Genetic-Fuzzy
                                  Algorithm for Supporting Advanced
                                  Human-Machine Interfaces in Big Data
                                  Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Jianjian Ji and   
                      Gang Yang   Image Completion with Large or
                                  Edge-Missing Areas . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Xinxin Zhen and   
                 Shumin Fei and   
                Yinmin Wang and   
                         Wei Du   A Visual Object Tracking Algorithm Based
                                  on Improved TLD  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Olive Niyomubyeyi and   
       Tome Eduardo Sicuaio and   
José Ignacio Díaz González and   
        Petter Pilesjö and   
                 Ali Mansourian   A Comparative Study of Four
                                  Metaheuristic Algorithms, AMOSA, MOABC,
                                  MSPSO, and NSGA-II for Evacuation
                                  Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Emmanuel Pintelas and   
        Ioannis E. Livieris and   
            Panagiotis Pintelas   A Grey-Box Ensemble Model Exploiting
                                  Black-Box Accuracy and White-Box
                                  Intrinsic Interpretability . . . . . . . 
                  Zhen Wang and   
                 Fuzhen Sun and   
               Longbo Zhang and   
                   Lei Wang and   
                   Pingping Liu   Top Position Sensitive Ordinal Relation
                                  Preserving Bitwise Weight for Image
                                  Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Daniel Lütgehetmann and   
                 Dejan Govc and   
             Jason P. Smith and   
                       Ran Levi   Computing Persistent Homology of
                                  Directed Flag Complexes  . . . . . . . . 
                Dehai Zhang and   
                  Linan Liu and   
                  Cheng Xie and   
                  Bing Yang and   
                       Qing Liu   Citywide Cellular Traffic Prediction
                                  Based on a Hybrid Spatiotemporal Network 
                   Qiao Yan and   
               Xiaoqian Liu and   
              Xiaoping Deng and   
                   Wei Peng and   
                  Guiqing Zhang   Markov Chain Monte Carlo Based Energy
                                  Use Behaviors Prediction of Office
                                  Occupants  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Junfang Li and   
               Mingqian Liu and   
               Ningjie Tang and   
                   Bodong Shang   Non Data-Aided SNR Estimation for UAV
                                  OFDM Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Brendon Smeresky and   
                 Alex Rizzo and   
                  Timothy Sands   Optimal Learning and Self-Awareness
                                  Versus PDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Najmeh Keshtkar and   
            Klaus Röbenack   Unstructured Uncertainty Based Modeling
                                  and Robust Stability Analysis of
                                  Textile-Reinforced Composites with
                                  Embedded Shape Memory Alloys . . . . . . 
           Janak Raj Sharma and   
                Sunil Kumar and   
             Ioannis K. Argyros   Local Convergence of an Efficient
                                  Multipoint Iterative Method in Banach
                                  Space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Stamatis Karlos and   
       Georgios Kostopoulos and   
             Sotiris Kotsiantis   A Soft-Voting Ensemble Based Co-Training
                                  Scheme Using Static Selection for Binary
                                  Classification Problems  . . . . . . . . 
     Fabio D'Andreagiovanni and   
             Hicham Lakhlef and   
               Antonella Nardin   A Matheuristic for Joint Optimal Power
                                  and Scheduling Assignment in DVB-T2
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Philip Bille   Editorial: Special Issue on Data
                                  Compression Algorithms and Their
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Algorithms Editorial Office   Acknowledgement to Reviewers of
                                  \booktitleAlgorithms in 2019 . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 13, Number 2, February, 2020

           Frank Schoeneman and   
             Varun Chandola and   
                  Nils Napp and   
                  Olga Wodo and   
                  Jaroslaw Zola   Learning Manifolds from Dynamic Process
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Alessandro Aloisio and   
                Alfredo Navarra   Constrained Connectivity in Bounded
                                  $X$-Width Multi-Interface Networks . . . 
            Miriam Di Ianni and   
            Giovanna Varricchio   Latency-Bounded Target Set Selection in
                                  Signed Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Alessandro Paolo Daga and   
                Luigi Garibaldi   GA-Adaptive Template Matching for
                                  Offline Shape Motion Tracking Based on
                                  Edge Detection: IAS Estimation from the
                                  SURVISHNO 2019 Challenge Video for
                                  Machine Diagnostics Purposes . . . . . . 
                Mage Marmol and   
      Leandro do C. Martins and   
                Sara Hatami and   
              Angel A. Juan and   
               Vicenc Fernandez   Using Biased-Randomized Algorithms for
                                  the Multi-Period Product Display Problem
                                  with Dynamic Attractiveness  . . . . . . 
         Abdel-Rahman Hedar and   
         Shada N. Abdulaziz and   
             Adel A. Sewisy and   
              Gamal A. El-Sayed   Adaptive Scatter Search to Solve the
                                  Minimum Connected Dominating Set Problem
                                  for Efficient Management of Wireless
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Dennis Nii Ayeh Mensah and   
                    Hui Gao and   
                 Liang Wei Yang   Approximation Algorithm for Shortest
                                  Path in Large Social Networks  . . . . . 
              Amer Darweesh and   
             Marwan Alquran and   
                 Khawla Aghzawi   New Numerical Treatment for a Family of
                                  Two-Dimensional Fractional Fredholm
                                  Integro-Differential Equations . . . . . 
       Baris Baykant Alagoz and   
          Aleksei Tepljakov and   
           Eduard Petlenkov and   
             Celaleddin Yeroglu   Multi-Loop Model Reference Proportional
                                  Integral Derivative Controls: Design and
                                  Performance Evaluations  . . . . . . . . 
                 Dmitry Pavlyuk   Transfer Learning: Video Prediction and
                                  Spatiotemporal Urban Traffic Forecasting 
         Javier Gomez-Avila and   
   Carlos Villaseñor and   
   Jesus Hernandez-Barragan and   
         Nancy Arana-Daniel and   
             Alma Y. Alanis and   
            Carlos Lopez-Franco   Neural PD Controller for an Unmanned
                                  Aerial Vehicle Trained with Extended
                                  Kalman Filter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Oleg K. Karaduta and   
            Aleksei F. Deon and   
              Yulian A. Menyaev   Designing the Uniform Stochastic
                                  Photomatrix Therapeutic Systems  . . . . 
                Michael Schwarz   Lower and Upper Bounds for the Discrete
                                  Bi-Directional Preemptive Conversion
                                  Problem with a Constant Price Interval   
                 Qiuyue Sai and   
                     Jun Bi and   
                   Jinxian Chai   Optimal Model for Carsharing Station
                                  Location Based on Multi-Factor
                                  Constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Hongchan Li and   
                Haodong Zhu and   
                  Tianhua Jiang   Modified Migrating Birds Optimization
                                  for Energy-Aware Flexible Job Shop
                                  Scheduling Problem . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Fan Yang and   
                  ShouLian Tang   Adaptive Tolerance Dehazing Algorithm
                                  Based on Dark Channel Prior  . . . . . . 
                 Yufang Min and   
                   Yaonan Zhang   FADIT: Fast Document Image Thresholding  
                 Sarah Pilz and   
           Florian Porrmann and   
              Martin Kaiser and   
             Jens Hagemeyer and   
             James M. Hogan and   
            Ulrich Rückert   Accelerating Binary String Comparisons
                                  with a Scalable, Streaming-Based System
                                  Architecture Based on FPGAs  . . . . . . 
          Natalia Alekseeva and   
                 Ivan Tanev and   
            Katsunori Shimohara   PD Steering Controller Utilizing the
                                  Predicted Position on Track for
                                  Autonomous Vehicles Driven on Slippery
                                  Roads  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Ruobing Xue and   
               Xiangshen Ye and   
                     Weiping Wu   Optimization of Constrained Stochastic
                                  Linear-Quadratic Control on an Infinite
                                  Horizon: a Direct-Comparison Based
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 13, Number 3, March, 2020

Abraham Efraim Rodríguez-Mata and   
               Ricardo Luna and   
Jose Ricardo Pérez-Correa and   
Alejandro Gonzalez-Huitrón and   
      Rafael Castro-Linares and   
       Manuel A. Duarte-Mermoud   Fractional Sliding Mode Nonlinear
                                  Procedure for Robust Control of an
                                  Eutrophying Microalgae Photobioreactor   
        Dimitrios Loukrezis and   
              Herbert De Gersem   Approximation and Uncertainty
                                  Quantification of Systems with Arbitrary
                                  Parameter Distributions Using Weighted
                                  Leja Interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Mohamed Abdelaal and   
             Steffen Schön   Predictive Path Following and Collision
                                  Avoidance of Autonomous Connected
                                  Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Andreas Strand and   
         Ivar Eskerud Smith and   
         Tor Erling Unander and   
         Ingelin Steinsland and   
             Leif Rune Hellevik   Uncertainty Propagation through a Point
                                  Model for Steady-State Two-Phase Pipe
                                  Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Maria Stratigi and   
       Haridimos Kondylakis and   
              Kostas Stefanidis   Multidimensional Group Recommendations
                                  in the Health Domain . . . . . . . . . . 
         Natsumi Oyamaguchi and   
            Hiroyuki Tajima and   
                    Isamu Okada   Model of Multi-branch Trees for
                                  Efficient Resource Allocation  . . . . . 
                Yancai Xiao and   
                        Zhe Hua   Misalignment Fault Prediction of Wind
                                  Turbines Based on Combined Forecasting
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Taoying Li and   
                      Xu Wu and   
                    Junhe Zhang   Time Series Clustering Model based on
                                  DTW for Classifying Car Parks  . . . . . 
               Andreas Rauh and   
             Wiebke Frenkel and   
                  Julia Kersten   Kalman Filter-Based Online
                                  Identification of the Electric Power
                                  Characteristic of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
                                  Aiming at Maximum Power Point Tracking   
      Georgios Alexandridis and   
             Yorghos Voutos and   
             Phivos Mylonas and   
               George Caridakis   A Geolocation Analytics-Driven Ontology
                                  for Short-Term Leases: Inferring Current
                                  Sharing Economy Trends . . . . . . . . . 
                    Wen Liu and   
                 Yankui Sun and   
                      Qingge Ji   MDAN-UNet: Multi-Scale and Dual
                                  Attention Enhanced Nested U-Net
                                  Architecture for Segmentation of Optical
                                  Coherence Tomography Images  . . . . . . 
     Konstantinos Demertzis and   
                Lazaros Iliadis   GeoAI: a Model-Agnostic Meta-Ensemble
                                  Zero-Shot Learning Method for
                                  Hyperspectral Image Analysis and
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Manh-Kien Tran and   
                 Michael Fowler   A Review of Lithium-Ion Battery Fault
                                  Diagnostic Algorithms: Current Progress
                                  and Future Challenges  . . . . . . . . . 
           Krzysztof Ropiak and   
                Piotr Artiemjew   On a Hybridization of Deep Learning and
                                  Rough Set Based Granular Computing . . . 
            Austin D. Lewis and   
               Katrina M. Groth   A Dynamic Bayesian Network Structure for
                                  Joint Diagnostics and Prognostics of
                                  Complex Engineering Systems  . . . . . . 
       George A. Papakostas and   
              John W. Nolan and   
      Athanasios C. Mitropoulos   Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms
                                  for the $3$D Reconstruction of Porous
                                  Media  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Thomas Paradowski and   
               Sabine Lerch and   
          Michelle Damaszek and   
             Robert Dehnert and   
                   Bernd Tibken   Observability of Uncertain Nonlinear
                                  Systems Using Interval Analysis  . . . . 
            Nebojsa Bacanin and   
               Timea Bezdan and   
                   Eva Tuba and   
          Ivana Strumberger and   
                     Milan Tuba   Optimizing Convolutional Neural Network
                                  Hyperparameters by Enhanced Swarm
                                  Intelligence Metaheuristics  . . . . . . 
            Federico Cor\`o and   
       Gianlorenzo D'Angelo and   
            Cristina M. Pinotti   Adding Edges for Maximizing Weighted
                                  Reachability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                     Jin Xu and   
                Haixia Wang and   
                    Can Cui and   
               Baigang Zhao and   
                          Bo Li   Oil Spill Monitoring of Shipborne Radar
                                  Image Features Using SVM and Local
                                  Adaptive Threshold . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Kudakwashe Zvarevashe and   
               Oludayo Olugbara   Ensemble Learning of Hybrid Acoustic
                                  Features for Speech Emotion Recognition  
     Athanasios Alexopoulos and   
       Georgios Drakopoulos and   
            Andreas Kanavos and   
             Phivos Mylonas and   
           Gerasimos Vonitsanos   Two-Step Classification with SVD
                                  Preprocessing of Distributed Massive
                                  Datasets in Apache Spark . . . . . . . . 
             Christos Nakas and   
           Dionisis Kandris and   
             Georgios Visvardis   Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless
                                  Sensor Networks: a Comprehensive Survey  
          Nagwan M. Abdel Samee   Classical and Deep Learning Paradigms
                                  for Detection and Validation of Key
                                  Genes of Risky Outcomes of HCV . . . . . 
           Tamer F. Abdelmaguid   Bi-Objective Dynamic Multiprocessor Open
                                  Shop Scheduling: an Exact Algorithm  . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 13, Number 4, April, 2020

             Wiebke Frenkel and   
               Andreas Rauh and   
              Julia Kersten and   
               Harald Aschemann   Experiments-Based Comparison of
                                  Different Power Controllers for a Solid
                                  Oxide Fuel Cell Against Model
                                  Imperfections and Delay Phenomena  . . . 
     Giuseppe Maria Coclite and   
                Lorenzo di Ruvo   On Classical Solutions for a
                                  Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Ankush Aggarwal and   
                    Sanjay Pant   Beyond Newton: a New Root-Finding
                                  Fixed-Point Iteration for Nonlinear
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Piotr Artiemjew   About Granular Rough Computing-Overview
                                  of Decision System Approximation
                                  Techniques and Future Perspectives . . . 
                  Qingge Ji and   
                Haoqiang Yu and   
                        Xiao Wu   Hierarchical-Matching-Based Online and
                                  Real-Time Multi-Object Tracking with
                                  Deep Appearance Features . . . . . . . . 
Filippo Giammaria Pratic\`o and   
             Rosario Fedele and   
             Vitalii Naumov and   
                    Tomas Sauer   Detection and Monitoring of Bottom-Up
                                  Cracks in Road Pavement Using a
                                  Machine-Learning Approach  . . . . . . . 
                Huanyu Liao and   
  Pavan Kumar Vaitheeswaran and   
                   Tao Song and   
              Ganesh Subbarayan   Algebraic Point Projection for Immersed
                                  Boundary Analysis on Low Degree NURBS
                                  Curves and Surfaces  . . . . . . . . . . 
     Giannis Haralabopoulos and   
    Ioannis Anagnostopoulos and   
                  Derek McAuley   Ensemble Deep Learning for Multilabel
                                  Binary Classification of User-Generated
                                  Content  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Sen Zhang and   
                  Shaobo Li and   
                   Xiang Li and   
                       Yong Yao   Representation of Traffic Congestion
                                  Data for Urban Road Traffic Networks
                                  Based on Pooling Operations  . . . . . . 
         Liliya A. Demidova and   
            Artyom V. Gorchakov   Research and Study of the Hybrid
                                  Algorithms Based on the Collective
                                  Behavior of Fish Schools and Classical
                                  Optimization Methods . . . . . . . . . . 
          Vladimir Stanovov and   
         Shakhnaz Akhmedova and   
                Yukihiro Kamiya   Confidence-Based Voting for the Design
                                  of Interpretable Ensembles with Fuzzy
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      George Konstantinidis and   
            Adriane Chapman and   
               Mark J. Weal and   
            Ahmed Alzubaidi and   
            Lisa M. Ballard and   
             Anneke M. Lucassen   The Need for Machine-Processable
                                  Agreements in Health Data Management . . 
    Florin Ilarion Miertoiu and   
              Bogdan Dumitrescu   Feasibility Pump Algorithm for Sparse
                                  Representation under Gaussian Noise  . . 
         Shakhnaz Akhmedova and   
          Vladimir Stanovov and   
              Danil Erokhin and   
                 Olga Semenkina   Success History-Based Position
                                  Adaptation in Fuzzy-Controlled Ensemble
                                  of Biology-Inspired Algorithms . . . . . 
Kyriakos Dimitrios Kantarakias and   
               George Papadakis   Application of Generalized Polynomial
                                  Chaos for Quantification of
                                  Uncertainties of Time Averages and Their
                                  Sensitivities in Chaotic Systems . . . . 
              Chunming Tang and   
                   Yanni Li and   
               Xiaoxia Dong and   
                          Bo He   A Generalized Alternating Linearization
                                  Bundle Method for Structured Convex
                                  Optimization with Inexact First-Order
                                  Oracles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Artem Barger and   
                    Dan Feldman   Deterministic Coresets for $k$-Means of
                                  Big Sparse Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Yuanjin Li and   
                   Tao Chen and   
                       Defu Liu   Path Planning for Laser Cladding Robot
                                  on Artificial Joint Surface Based on
                                  Topology Reconstruction  . . . . . . . . 
        Edmundas Petrauskas and   
              Petras Rupsys and   
         Martynas Narmontas and   
         Marius Aleinikovas and   
            Lina Beniusiene and   
                Benas Silinskas   Stochastic Models to Qualify Stem Tapers 
    Johannes Stübinger and   
                Katharina Adler   How to Identify Varying Lead-Lag Effects
                                  in Time Series Data: Implementation,
                                  Validation, and Application of the
                                  Generalized Causality Algorithm  . . . . 
       Valeria Soto-Mendoza and   
Irma García-Calvillo and   
  Efraín Ruiz-y-Ruiz and   
    Jaime Pérez-Terrazas   A Hybrid Grasshopper Optimization
                                  Algorithm Applied to the Open Vehicle
                                  Routing Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Pawe\l D. Doma\'nski   Performance Assessment of Predictive
                                  Control --- a Survey . . . . . . . . . . 
 Joan Cecilia Averós and   
          Jaume Puy Llorens and   
           Ramiro Uribe-Kaffure   Numerical Simulation of Non-Linear
                                  Models of Reaction-Diffusion for a DGT
                                  Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Deloula Mansouri and   
               Xiaohui Yuan and   
            Abdeldjalil Saidani   A New Lossless DNA Compression Algorithm
                                  Based on A Single-Block Encoding Scheme  
               Luca Bergamaschi   A Survey of Low-Rank Updates of
                                  Preconditioners for Sequences of
                                  Symmetric Linear Systems . . . . . . . . 
              Marcin Lawnik and   
               Artur Pe\lka and   
            Adrian Kapczy\'nski   A New Way to Store Simple Text Files . . 
Fernando López-Martínez and   
Edward Rolando Núñez-Valdez and   
Vicente García-Díaz and   
                   Zoran Bursac   A Case Study for a Big Data and Machine
                                  Learning Platform to Improve Medical
                                  Decision Support in Population Health
                                  Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Isamu Furuya and   
              Takuya Takagi and   
             Yuto Nakashima and   
           Shunsuke Inenaga and   
               Hideo Bannai and   
                    Takuya Kida   Practical Grammar Compression Based on
                                  Maximal Repeats  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Ritter A. Guimapi and   
          Samira A. Mohamed and   
   Lisa Biber-Freudenberger and   
              Waweru Mwangi and   
               Sunday Ekesi and   
     Christian Borgemeister and   
            Henri E. Z. Tonnang   Decision Support System for Fitting and
                                  Mapping Nonlinear Functions with
                                  Application to Insect Pest Management in
                                  the Biological Control Context . . . . . 
                 Haiyang Ju and   
                Xinhua Wang and   
                    Yizhen Zhao   Variational Specific Mode Extraction: a
                                  Novel Method for Defect Signal Detection
                                  of Ferromagnetic Pipeline  . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 13, Number 5, May, 2020

      Eugenio Roanes-Lozano and   
         Eduardo A. Casella and   
    Fernando Sánchez and   
               Antonio Hernando   Diagnosis in Tennis Serving Technique    
            Otmane Azeroual and   
       W\lodzimierz Lewoniewski   How to Inspect and Measure Data Quality
                                  about Scientific Publications: Use Case
                                  of Wikipedia and CRIS Databases  . . . . 
             Alexey Vakhnin and   
                  Evgenii Sopov   Investigation of the iCC Framework
                                  Performance for Solving Constrained LSGO
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Marian B. Gorza\lczany and   
              Filip Rudzi\'nski   Evolution of SOMs' Structure and
                                  Learning Algorithm: From Visualization
                                  of High-Dimensional Data to Clustering
                                  of Complex Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Philippe Blondeel and   
            Pieterjan Robbe and   
 Cédric Van hoorickx and   
      Stijn François and   
             Geert Lombaert and   
              Stefan Vandewalle   $p$-Refined Multilevel Quasi-Monte Carlo
                                  for Galerkin Finite Element Methods with
                                  Applications in Civil Engineering  . . . 
                 Shaojun Wu and   
                       Ling Gao   Multi-Level Joint Feature Learning for
                                  Person Re-Identification . . . . . . . . 
          Christophe Sauvey and   
                 Nathalie Sauer   Two NEH Heuristic Improvements for
                                  Flowshop Scheduling Problem with
                                  Makespan Criterion . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Peter Meisrimel and   
                 Philipp Birken   Goal Oriented Time Adaptivity Using
                                  Local Error Estimates  . . . . . . . . . 
                   Fan Yang and   
                Deming Yang and   
                 Zhiming He and   
                 Yuanhua Fu and   
                      Kui Jiang   Automobile Fine-Grained Detection
                                  Algorithm Based on Multi-Improved YOLOv3
                                  in Smart Streetlights  . . . . . . . . . 
Mohammadjavad Arabpour Roghabadi and   
                  Osama Moselhi   A Fuzzy-Based Decision Support Model for
                                  Risk Maturity Evaluation of Construction
                                  Organizations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Alessandro Mazzoccoli and   
                 Maurizio Naldi   The Expected Utility Insurance Premium
                                  Principle with Fourth-Order Statistics:
                                  Does It Make a Difference? . . . . . . . 
              Doddy Prayogo and   
             Min-Yuan Cheng and   
                  Yu-Wei Wu and   
      A. A. N. Perwira Redi and   
              Vincent F. Yu and   
       Satria Fadil Persada and   
                Reny Nadlifatin   A Novel Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm
                                  for Optimization of Construction
                                  Management Site Layout Planning  . . . . 
      Björn Lindenberg and   
            Jonas Nordqvist and   
              Karl-Olof Lindahl   Distributional Reinforcement Learning
                                  with Ensembles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Mauro Castelli and   
               Ales Groznik and   
                   Ales Popovic   Forecasting Electricity Prices: a
                                  Machine Learning Approach  . . . . . . . 
                Omid Bazgir and   
                Eric Walden and   
               Brian Nutter and   
                  Sunanda Mitra   A Novel Data-Driven Magnetic Resonance
                                  Spectroscopy Signal Analysis Framework
                                  to Quantify Metabolite Concentration . . 
        Ioannis E. Livieris and   
          Emmanuel Pintelas and   
      Stavros Stavroyiannis and   
            Panagiotis Pintelas   Ensemble Deep Learning Models for
                                  Forecasting Cryptocurrency Time-Series   
                     Arne Meier   Incremental FPT Delay  . . . . . . . . . 
              Diego Santoro and   
               Andrea Tonon and   
                   Fabio Vandin   Mining Sequential Patterns with
                                  VC-Dimension and Rademacher Complexity   
               Jianshen Zhu and   
                Chenxi Wang and   
      Aleksandar Shurbevski and   
          Hiroshi Nagamochi and   
                 Tatsuya Akutsu   A Novel Method for Inference of Chemical
                                  Compounds of Cycle Index Two with
                                  Desired Properties Based on Artificial
                                  Neural Networks and Integer Programming  
Mário P. Véstias and   
       Rui Policarpo Duarte and   
    José T. de Sousa and   
         Horácio C. Neto   Moving Deep Learning to the Edge . . . . 
               Feiyang Chen and   
                 Ying Jiang and   
              Xiangrui Zeng and   
                 Jing Zhang and   
                    Xin Gao and   
                         Min Xu   PUB-SalNet: a Pre-Trained Unsupervised
                                  Self-Aware Backpropagation Network for
                                  Biomedical Salient Segmentation  . . . . 
               Hui-Hui Chen and   
            Bor-Jiunn Hwang and   
               Jung-Shyr Wu and   
                    Po-Ting Liu   The Effect of Different Deep Network
                                  Architectures upon CNN-Based Gaze
                                  Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Lijing Ma and   
                Georgy Sofronov   Change-Point Detection in Autoregressive
                                  Processes via the Cross-Entropy Method   
           Krzysztof Malczewski   Image Resolution Enhancement of Highly
                                  Compressively Sensed CT/PET Signals  . . 
              Carlo Cravero and   
         Davide De Domenico and   
               Andrea Ottonello   Uncertainty Quantification Approach on
                                  Numerical Simulation for Supersonic Jets
                                  Performance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 13, Number 6, June, 2020

          Ibraheem Al-Jadir and   
               Kok Wai Wong and   
              Chun Che Fung and   
                       Hong Xie   Unsupervised Text Feature Selection
                                  Using Memetic Dichotomous Differential
                                  Evolution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Lucky O. Daniel and   
             Caston Sigauke and   
              Colin Chibaya and   
                 Rendani Mbuvha   Short-Term Wind Speed Forecasting Using
                                  Statistical and Machine Learning Methods 
    Gábor Kertész   Metric Embedding Learning on
                                  Multi-Directional Projections  . . . . . 
                   Roman Gozdur   Study of Quasi-Static Magnetization with
                                  the Random-Field Ising Model . . . . . . 
     Camelia Elisei-Iliescu and   
        Laura-Maria Dogariu and   
       Constantin Paleologu and   
              Jacob Benesty and   
    Andrei-Alexandru Enescu and   
                Silviu Ciochina   A Recursive Least-Squares Algorithm for
                                  the Identification of Trilinear Forms    
                   Zhi Quan and   
                      Shuhua Lv   Improved Convergence Speed of a
                                  DCD-Based Algorithm for Sparse Solutions 
               Mattia Zanon and   
          Giuliano Zambonin and   
         Gian Antonio Susto and   
            Seán McLoone   Sparse Logistic Regression: Comparison
                                  of Regularization and Bayesian
                                  Implementations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Andreas Goerler and   
         Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz and   
               Stefan Voß   Late Acceptance Hill-Climbing
                                  Matheuristic for the General Lot Sizing
                                  and Scheduling Problem with Rich
                                  Constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Vincenzo Cutello and   
           Georgia Fargetta and   
               Mario Pavone and   
                Rocco A. Scollo   Optimization Algorithms for Detection of
                                  Social Interactions  . . . . . . . . . . 
        Panagiotis Pintelas and   
            Ioannis E. Livieris   Special Issue on Ensemble Learning and
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Tsuyoshi Gotoh and   
                Yuichi Sudo and   
           Fukuhito Ooshita and   
            Toshimitsu Masuzawa   Dynamic Ring Exploration with $ (H, S) $
                                  View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Piotr Jedrzejowicz and   
            Izabela Wierzbowska   Parallelized Swarm Intelligence Approach
                                  for Solving TSP and JSSP Problems  . . . 
               Piotr M. Marusak   Numerically Efficient Fuzzy MPC
                                  Algorithm with Advanced Generation of
                                  Prediction --- Application to a Chemical
                                  Reactor  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Christin Bobe and   
              Daan Hanssens and   
             Thomas Hermans and   
            Ellen Van De Vijver   Efficient Probabilistic Joint Inversion
                                  of Direct Current Resistivity and
                                  Small-Loop Electromagnetic Data  . . . . 
         Kristian Gundersen and   
            Guttorm Alendal and   
               Anna Oleynik and   
                   Nello Blaser   Binary Time Series Classification with
                                  Bayesian Convolutional Neural Networks
                                  When Monitoring for Marine Gas
                                  Discharges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Andreas Emil Feldmann and   
              Karthik C. S. and   
               Euiwoong Lee and   
               Pasin Manurangsi   A Survey on Approximation in
                                  Parameterized Complexity: Hardness and
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Samundra Regmi and   
         Ioannis K. Argyros and   
                Santhosh George   Local Comparison between Two Ninth
                                  Convergence Order Algorithms for
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Chutipong Dechanubeksa and   
           Saifon Chaturantabut   An Application of a Modified Gappy
                                  Proper Orthogonal Decomposition on
                                  Complexity Reduction of Allen--Cahn
                                  Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Denis Khryashchev and   
                    Jie Chu and   
   Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson and   
                        Ping Ji   A Distributed Approach to the Evasion
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Leo S. Carlsson and   
   Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson and   
            Gunnar Carlsson and   
       Pär G. Jönsson   Fibers of Failure: Classifying Errors in
                                  Predictive Processes . . . . . . . . . . 
              Bruno Carpentieri   Compression of Next-Generation
                                  Sequencing Data and of DNA Digital Files 
              Liangrui Tang and   
                      Zhilin Lu   DS Evidence Theory-Based Energy Balanced
                                  Routing Algorithm for Network Lifetime
                                  Enhancement in WSN-Assisted IOT  . . . . 
       Anugrah K. Pamosoaji and   
      Djoko Budiyanto Setyohadi   Novel Graph Model for Solving
                                  Collision-Free Multiple-Vehicle
                                  Traveling Salesman Problem Using Ant
                                  Colony Optimization  . . . . . . . . . . 
      Stylianos Giakoumakis and   
             Basil Papadopoulos   An Algorithm for Fuzzy Negations
                                  Based-Intuitionistic Fuzzy Copula
                                  Aggregation Operators in Multiple
                                  Attribute Decision Making  . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 13, Number 7, July, 2020

            Catherine Dezan and   
               Sara Zermani and   
                 Chabha Hireche   Embedded Bayesian Network Contribution
                                  for a Safe Mission Planning of
                                  Autonomous Vehicles  . . . . . . . . . . 
          Claudia Zoccarato and   
              Laura Gazzola and   
     Massimiliano Ferronato and   
                 Pietro Teatini   Generalized Polynomial Chaos Expansion
                                  for Fast and Accurate Uncertainty
                                  Quantification in Geomechanical
                                  Modelling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Peter Sturrock and   
               Felix Scholkmann   The RONO (Rank-Order-Normalization)
                                  Procedure for Power-Spectrum Analysis of
                                  Datasets with Non-Normal Distributions   
            Tran Dinh Khang and   
           Nguyen Duc Vuong and   
             Manh-Kien Tran and   
                 Michael Fowler   Fuzzy $C$-Means Clustering Algorithm
                                  with Multiple Fuzzification Coefficients 
          Shinichi Yamagiwa and   
            Eisaku Hayakawa and   
                  Koichi Marumo   Stream-Based Lossless Data Compression
                                  Applying Adaptive Entropy Coding for
                                  Hardware-Based Implementation  . . . . . 
            Christos Makris and   
        Georgios Pispirigos and   
          Michael Angelos Simos   Text Semantic Annotation: a Distributed
                                  Methodology Based on Community Coherence 
            Ghada Elkhawaga and   
          Mervat Abuelkheir and   
          Sherif I. Barakat and   
               Alaa M. Riad and   
               Manfred Reichert   CONDA-PM --- a Systematic Review and
                                  Framework for Concept Drift Analysis in
                                  Process Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Marion Gödel and   
             Rainer Fischer and   
              Gerta Köster   Sensitivity Analysis for Microscopic
                                  Crowd Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Seyed Hamed Fateminia and   
           Vuppuluri Sumati and   
          Aminah Robinson Fayek   An Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Risk Analysis
                                  Model (IT2FRAM) for Determining
                                  Construction Project Contingency Reserve 
          Wojciech Rafaj\lowicz   Nonparametric Estimation of Continuously
                                  Parametrized Families of Probability
                                  Density Functions --- Computational
                                  Aspects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Krishnamurthy V. Vemuru   Image Edge Detector with Gabor Type
                                  Filters Using a Spiking Neural Network
                                  of Biologically Inspired Neurons . . . . 
           Andreas Griewank and   
                 Andrea Walther   Polyhedral DC Decomposition and DCA
                                  Optimization of Piecewise Linear
                                  Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Dan Malowany and   
                  Hugo Guterman   Biologically Inspired Visual System
                                  Architecture for Object Recognition in
                                  Autonomous Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Lerina Aversano and   
          Martina Iammarino and   
            Mimmo Carapella and   
         Andrea Del Vecchio and   
                    Laura Nardi   On the Relationship between
                                  Self-Admitted Technical Debt Removals
                                  and Technical Debt Measures  . . . . . . 
                    Xiao Wu and   
                      Qingge Ji   TBRNet: Two-Stream BiLSTM Residual
                                  Network for Video Action Recognition . . 
     Giuseppe Maria Coclite and   
                Lorenzo di Ruvo   On the Well-Posedness of A High Order
                                  Convective Cahn--Hilliard Type Equations 
            Kohei Nishikawa and   
                  Takahisa Toda   Exact Method for Generating
                                  Strategy-Solvable Sudoku Clues . . . . . 
               Kevin P. Knudson   Approximate Triangulations of Grassmann
                                  Manifolds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Cong Li and   
               Yaonan Zhang and   
                     Xupeng Ren   Modeling Hourly Soil Temperature Using
                                  Deep BiLSTM Neural Network . . . . . . . 
          Dionisis Margaris and   
    Dimitris Spiliotopoulos and   
        Gregory Karagiorgos and   
              Costas Vassilakis   An Algorithm for Density Enrichment of
                                  Sparse Collaborative Filtering Datasets
                                  Using Robust Predictions as Derived
                                  Ratings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Eric Dietrich and   
                   Chris Fields   Equivalence of the Frame and Halting
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 13, Number 8, August, 2020

              Amin Beheshti and   
            Shahpar Yakhchi and   
          Salman Mousaeirad and   
      Seyed Mohssen Ghafari and   
   Srinivasa Reddy Goluguri and   
           Mohammad Amin Edrisi   Towards Cognitive Recommender Systems    
               Dror Epstein and   
                    Dan Feldman   Sphere Fitting with Applications to
                                  Machine Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Sebastian Plamowski and   
             Richard W. Kephart   The Model Order Reduction Method as an
                                  Effective Way to Implement GPC
                                  Controller for Multidimensional Objects  
             Mahdi Rezapour and   
                Khaled Ksaibati   Two-Component Bayesian Hierarchical
                                  Models for Cost-Benefit Analysis of
                                  Traffic Barrier Crash Count  . . . . . . 
                    Bing Qi and   
                 Shuyu Qian and   
                   Aaron Costin   A Predictive Analysis on Emerging
                                  Technology Utilization in Industrialized
                                  Construction in the United States and
                                  China  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Fernando Solano Donado   On the Optimal Calculation of the Rice
                                  Coding Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Elias Dritsas and   
            Andreas Kanavos and   
               Maria Trigka and   
       Gerasimos Vonitsanos and   
             Spyros Sioutas and   
          Athanasios Tsakalidis   Trajectory Clustering and $k$-NN for
                                  Robust Privacy Preserving $k$-NN Query
                                  Processing in GeoSpark . . . . . . . . . 
               Canh V. Pham and   
              Dung K. T. Ha and   
                Quang C. Vu and   
                  Anh N. Su and   
                  Huan X. Hoang   Influence Maximization with Priority in
                                  Online Social Networks . . . . . . . . . 
               Ravi Agarwal and   
          Snezhana Hristova and   
              Donal O'Regan and   
              Kremena Stefanova   Iterative Algorithm for Solving Scalar
                                  Fractional Differential Equations with
                                  Riemann--Liouville Derivative and
                                  Supremum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Nicolas Dupin and   
               El-Ghazali Talbi   Machine Learning-Guided Dual Heuristics
                                  and New Lower Bounds for the Refueling
                                  and Maintenance Planning Problem of
                                  Nuclear Power Plants . . . . . . . . . . 
           Md. Saiful Islam and   
               Emam Hossain and   
               Abdur Rahman and   
  Mohammad Shahadat Hossain and   
                 Karl Andersson   A Review on Recent Advancements in FOREX
                                  Currency Prediction  . . . . . . . . . . 
          Altino M. Sampaio and   
               Jorge G. Barbosa   Constructing Reliable Computing
                                  Environments on Top of Amazon EC2 Spot
                                  Instances  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Piotr A. Werner   Application of the Reed--Solomon
                                  Algorithm as a Remote Sensing Data
                                  Fusion Tool for Land Use Studies . . . . 
                Yijie Zhang and   
                     Mandan Liu   Node Placement Optimization of Wireless
                                  Sensor Networks Using Multi-Objective
                                  Adaptive Degressive Ary Number Encoded
                                  Genetic Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Marek J. \'Smieta\'nski   On a Nonsmooth Gauss--Newton Algorithms
                                  for Solving Nonlinear Complementarity
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Mattia D'Emidio   Faster Algorithms for Mining
                                  Shortest-Path Distances from Massive
                                  Time-Evolving Graphs . . . . . . . . . . 
               Karaj Khosla and   
          Indra Prakash Jha and   
                 Ajit Kumar and   
                   Vibhor Kumar   Local-Topology-Based Scaling for
                                  Distance Preserving Dimension Reduction
                                  Method to Improve Classification of
                                  Biomedical Data-Sets . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Shaojun Wu and   
                       Ling Gao   Cross-Camera Erased Feature Learning for
                                  Unsupervised Person Re-Identification    
          Patrizio Angelini and   
                Peter Eades and   
              Seok-Hee Hong and   
              Karsten Klein and   
           Stephen Kobourov and   
            Giuseppe Liotta and   
            Alfredo Navarra and   
             Alessandra Tappini   Graph Planarity by Replacing Cliques
                                  with Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Bradley J. Wheeler and   
               Hassan A. Karimi   Deep Learning-Enabled Semantic Inference
                                  of Individual Building Damage Magnitude
                                  from Satellite Images  . . . . . . . . . 
                 Luc Bonnet and   
             Jean-Luc Akian and   
          Éric Savin and   
                 T. J. Sullivan   Adaptive Reconstruction of Imperfectly
                                  Observed Monotone Functions, with
                                  Applications to Uncertainty
                                  Quantification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Faisal N. Abu-Khzam and   
                Karam Al Kontar   A Brief Survey of Fixed-Parameter
                                  Parallelism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Roland Lõuk and   
                 Andri Riid and   
         René Pihlak and   
              Aleksei Tepljakov   Pavement Defect Segmentation in
                                  Orthoframes with a Pipeline of Three
                                  Convolutional Neural Networks  . . . . . 
            Filippo Zanetti and   
               Luca Bergamaschi   Scalable Block Preconditioners for
                                  Linearized Navier--Stokes Equations at
                                  High Reynolds Number . . . . . . . . . . 
        Nicholas J. Cavanna and   
               Donald R. Sheehy   Adaptive Metrics for Adaptive Samples    
       Hossein Alimohammadi and   
       Baris Baykant Alagoz and   
          Aleksei Tepljakov and   
        Kristina Vassiljeva and   
               Eduard Petlenkov   A NARX Model Reference Adaptive Control
                                  Scheme: Improved Disturbance Rejection
                                  Fractional-Order PID Control of an
                                  Experimental Magnetic Levitation System  
                Abdul Karim and   
              Azhari Azhari and   
     Samir Brahim Belhaouri and   
           Ali Adil Qureshi and   
                  Maqsood Ahmad   Methodology for Analyzing the
                                  Traditional Algorithms Performance of
                                  User Reviews Using Machine Learning
                                  Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 13, Number 9, September, 2020

        Pierluigi Crescenzi and   
    Clémence Magnien and   
                  Andrea Marino   Finding Top-$k$ Nodes for Temporal
                                  Closeness in Large Temporal Graphs . . . 
              Titouan Vayer and   
            Laetitia Chapel and   
               Remi Flamary and   
            Romain Tavenard and   
                 Nicolas Courty   Fused Gromov--Wasserstein Distance for
                                  Structured Objects . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Chuanglu Chen and   
                Zhiqiang Li and   
                Yitao Zhang and   
             Shaolong Zhang and   
                  Jiena Hou and   
                  Haiying Zhang   Low-Power FPGA Implementation of
                                  Convolution Neural Network Accelerator
                                  for Pulse Waveform Classification  . . . 
              Mario Coutino and   
  Sundeep Prabhakar Chepuri and   
           Takanori Maehara and   
                     Geert Leus   Fast Spectral Approximation of
                                  Structured Graphs with Applications to
                                  Graph Filtering  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Amit Saxena and   
                Shreya Pare and   
       Mahendra Singh Meena and   
               Deepak Gupta and   
             Akshansh Gupta and   
               Imran Razzak and   
              Chin-Teng Lin and   
                  Mukesh Prasad   A Two-Phase Approach for Semi-Supervised
                                  Feature Selection  . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Matteo Ceccarello and   
       Andrea Pietracaprina and   
              Geppino Pucci and   
                      Eli Upfal   Distributed Graph Diameter Approximation 
       Haridimos Kondylakis and   
     Dimitrios Tsirigotakis and   
       Giorgos Fragkiadakis and   
         Emmanouela Panteri and   
       Alexandros Papadakis and   
       Alexandros Fragkakis and   
    Eleytherios Tzagkarakis and   
             Ioannis Rallis and   
        Zacharias Saridakis and   
          Apostolos Trampas and   
         Giorgos Pirounakis and   
             Nikolaos Papadakis   R2D2: a Dbpedia Chatbot Using
                                  Triple-Pattern Like Queries  . . . . . . 
      A. A. N. Perwira Redi and   
            Parida Jewpanya and   
      Adji Candra Kurniawan and   
       Satria Fadil Persada and   
            Reny Nadlifatin and   
          Oki Anita Candra Dewi   A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for
                                  Solving Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing
                                  Problem with Locker Facilities . . . . . 
           Margarita Razgon and   
                Alireza Mousavi   Relaxed Rule-Based Learning for
                                  Automated Predictive Maintenance: Proof
                                  of Concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Mona Abouhamad and   
                    Tarek Zayed   Fuzzy Preference Programming Framework
                                  for Functional assessment of Subway
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Emigdio Z-Flores and   
          Leonardo Trujillo and   
           Pierrick Legrand and   
Frédérique Fa\"\ita-A\"\inseba   EEG Feature Extraction Using Genetic
                                  Programming for the Classification of
                                  Mental States  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Eric S. Weber and   
          Steven N. Harding and   
                 Lee Przybylski   Detecting Traffic Incidents Using
                                  Persistence Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . 
      Iosif V. Katsaragakis and   
     Ioannis X. Tassopoulos and   
       Grigorios N. Beligiannis   Solving the Urban Transit Routing
                                  Problem Using a Cat Swarm
                                  Optimization-Based Algorithm . . . . . . 
               Paniz Abedin and   
    M. Oguzhan Külekci and   
            Shama V. Thankachan   A Survey on Shortest Unique Substring
                                  Queries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Brona Brejová and   
      Rastislav Královic   A Linear-Time Algorithm for the
                                  Isometric Reconciliation of Unrooted
                                  Trees  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Laura Antonelli and   
        Valentina De Simone and   
            Daniela di Serafino   Spatially Adaptive Regularization in
                                  Image Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Ling Du and   
                  Zehong He and   
                Yijing Wang and   
              Xiaochao Wang and   
               Anthony T. S. Ho   An Image Hashing Algorithm for
                                  Authentication with Multi-Attack
                                  Reference Generation and Adaptive
                                  Thresholding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Rasoul Shafipour and   
                 Gonzalo Mateos   Online Topology Inference from Streaming
                                  Stationary Graph Signals with Partial
                                  Connectivity Information . . . . . . . . 
             Zhongming Teng and   
                  Xiaowei Zhang   A Jacobi--Davidson Method for Large
                                  Scale Canonical Correlation Analysis . . 
            Majid Almarashi and   
                Wael Deabes and   
             Hesham H. Amin and   
             Abdel-Rahman Hedar   Simulated Annealing with Exploratory
                                  Sensing for Global Optimization  . . . . 
               Chengzhi Liu and   
                   Xuli Han and   
                    Juncheng Li   A Class of Spline Functions for Solving
                                  $2$-Order Linear Differential Equations
                                  with Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . 
            Parag C. Pendharkar   A Comparison of Ensemble and
                                  Dimensionality Reduction DEA Models
                                  Based on Entropy Criterion . . . . . . . 
                Fabio Cumbo and   
          Eleonora Cappelli and   
              Emanuel Weitschek   A Brain-Inspired Hyperdimensional
                                  Computing Approach for Classifying
                                  Massive DNA Methylation Data of Cancer   
               Hideo Bannai and   
               Travis Gagie and   
           Gary Hoppenworth and   
           Simon J. Puglisi and   
        Luís M. S. Russo   More Time-Space Tradeoffs for Finding a
                                  Shortest Unique Substring  . . . . . . . 
            Bruno Colonetti and   
     Erlon Cristian Finardi and   
          Welington de Oliveira   A Mixed-Integer and Asynchronous Level
                                  Decomposition with Application to the
                                  Stochastic Hydrothermal Unit-Commitment
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Neeldhara Misra and   
           Frances Rosamond and   
                  Meirav Zehavi   Special Issue ``New Frontiers in
                                  Parameterized Complexity and
                                  Algorithms'': Foreward by the Guest
                                  Editors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Leandro do C. Martins and   
        Christopher Bayliss and   
Pedro J. Copado-Méndez and   
            Javier Panadero and   
                  Angel A. Juan   A Simheuristic Algorithm for Solving the
                                  Stochastic Omnichannel Vehicle Routing
                                  Problem with Pick-up and Delivery  . . . 
                 Zhixing Li and   
    Paolo Vincenzo Genovese and   
                     Yafei Zhao   Study on Multi-Objective
                                  Optimization-Based Climate Responsive
                                  Design of Residential Building . . . . . 
                 Menglin Li and   
                Xueqiang Gu and   
               Chengyi Zeng and   
                      Yuan Feng   Feasibility Analysis and Application of
                                  Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based
                                  on Dynamic Parameter Adjustment  . . . . 
           Waseem Mandarawi and   
      Jürgen Rottmeier and   
          Milad Rezaeighale and   
                Hermann de Meer   Policy-Based Composition and Embedding
                                  of Extended Virtual Networks and SFCs
                                  for IIoT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 13, Number 10, October, 2020

           Sina F. Ardabili and   
                Amir Mosavi and   
             Pedram Ghamisi and   
            Filip Ferdinand and   
Annamaria R. Varkonyi-Koczy and   
                 Uwe Reuter and   
              Timon Rabczuk and   
              Peter M. Atkinson   COVID-19 Outbreak Prediction with
                                  Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Vittorio Bil\`o and   
           Michele Flammini and   
             Vasco Gallotti and   
                   Cosimo Vinci   On Multidimensional Congestion Games . . ??
                Anna Bryniarska   The Auto-Diagnosis of Granulation of
                                  Information Retrieval on the Web . . . . ??
                   Tom Burr and   
             Andrea Favalli and   
            Marcie Lombardi and   
                 Jacob Stinnett   Application of the Approximate Bayesian
                                  Computation Algorithm to Gamma-Ray
                                  Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Xiang Cao and   
                       Cheng Li   A Novel Global Key-Value Storage System
                                  Based on Kinetic Drives  . . . . . . . . ??
                   Xin Chen and   
                  Hong Zhao and   
                      Ping Zhou   Lung Lobe Segmentation Based on Lung
                                  Fissure Surface Classification Using a
                                  Point Cloud Region Growing Approach  . . ??
                    Wu Dong and   
                Hongxia Bie and   
                   Likun Lu and   
                        Yeli Li   Blind Quality Evaluation for Screen
                                  Content Images Based on Regionalized
                                  Structural Features  . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Rosario Fedele and   
                Massimo Merenda   An IoT System for Social Distancing and
                                  Emergency Management in Smart Cities
                                  Using Multi-Sensor Data  . . . . . . . . ??
                 Shang Feng and   
                 Haifeng Li and   
                     Lin Ma and   
                  Zhongliang Xu   An EEG Feature Extraction Method Based
                                  on Sparse Dictionary Self-Organizing Map
                                  for Event-Related Potential Recognition  ??
             Shashank Goyal and   
                  Diwakar Gupta   The Online Reservation Problem . . . . . ??
              Mustafa Hajij and   
                     Paul Rosen   An Efficient Data Retrieval Parallel
                                  Reeb Graph Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Dongkyun Kim and   
                  Yong-Hwan Kim   Dynamic Virtual Network Slicing and
                                  Orchestration for Selective MEC Services
                                  over Wide-Area SDN . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Grigorios D. Konstantakopoulos and   
        Sotiris P. Gayialis and   
     Evripidis P. Kechagias and   
   Georgios A. Papadopoulos and   
          Ilias P. Tatsiopoulos   A Multiobjective Large Neighborhood
                                  Search Metaheuristic for the Vehicle
                                  Routing Problem with Time Windows  . . . ??
                  Linmao Ma and   
                  Guangmin Wang   A Solving Algorithm for Nonlinear
                                  Bilevel Programing Problems Based on
                                  Human Evolutionary Model . . . . . . . . ??
    Mohammad Abouei Mehrizi and   
           Gianlorenzo D'Angelo   Multi-Winner Election Control via Social
                                  Influence: Hardness and Algorithms for
                                  Restricted Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Lorenzo Rapetti and   
       Yeshasvi Tirupachuri and   
            Kourosh Darvish and   
            Stefano Dafarra and   
              Gabriele Nava and   
            Claudia Latella and   
                  Daniele Pucci   Model-Based Real-Time Motion Tracking
                                  Using Dynamical Inverse Kinematics . . . ??
   Gujji Murali Mohan Reddy and   
         Alan B. Seitenfuss and   
Débora de Oliveira Medeiros and   
                Luca Meacci and   
Milton Assunção and   
               Michael Vynnycky   A Compact FEM Implementation for
                                  Parabolic Integro-Differential Equations
                                  in $2$D  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Aldo Serafino and   
               Benoit Obert and   
                 Paola Cinnella   Multi-Fidelity Gradient-Based Strategy
                                  for Robust Optimization in Computational
                                  Fluid Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Derek H. Smith and   
         Roberto Montemanni and   
              Stephanie Perkins   The Use of an Exact Algorithm within a
                                  Tabu Search Maximum Clique Algorithm . . ??
              Zeeshan Tariq and   
                Naveed Khan and   
             Darryl Charles and   
              Sally McClean and   
              Ian McChesney and   
                    Paul Taylor   Understanding Contrail Business
                                  Processes through Hierarchical
                                  Clustering: a Multi-Stage Framework  . . ??
        Dhananjay Thiruvady and   
                Asef Nazari and   
                  Aldeida Aleti   Multi-objective Beam-ACO for Maximising
                                  Reliability and Minimising Communication
                                  Overhead in the Component Deployment
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Dhananjay Thiruvady and   
             Christian Blum and   
               Andreas T. Ernst   Solution Merging in Matheuristics for
                                  Resource Constrained Job Scheduling  . . ??
              Xingxing Xiao and   
                  Haining Huang   A Clustering Routing Algorithm Based on
                                  Improved Ant Colony Optimization
                                  Algorithms for Underwater Wireless
                                  Sensor Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Gui-Rong You and   
             Yeou-Ren Shiue and   
              Wei-Chang Yeh and   
                 Xi-Li Chen and   
                 Chih-Ming Chen   A Weighted Ensemble Learning Algorithm
                                  Based on Diversity Using a Novel
                                  Particle Swarm Optimization Approach . . ??
     Fabio Massimo Zanzotto and   
              Giorgio Satta and   
              Giordano Cristini   CYK Parsing over Distributed
                                  Representations  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Kudakwashe Zvarevashe and   
            Oludayo O. Olugbara   Recognition of Cross-Language Acoustic
                                  Emotional Valence Using Stacked Ensemble
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 13, Number 11, November, 2020

           Kyle R. Bryenton and   
          Andrew R. Cameron and   
          Keegan L. A. Kirk and   
                Nasser Saad and   
          Patrick Strongman and   
                 Nikita Volodin   On the Solutions of Second-Order
                                  Differential Equations with Polynomial
                                  Coefficients: Theory, Algorithm,
                                  Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Zhengmao Chen and   
                Dongyue Guo and   
                         Yi Lin   A Deep Gaussian Process-Based Flight
                                  Trajectory Prediction Approach and Its
                                  Application on Conflict Detection  . . . ??
           Miguel del Alamo and   
                  Housen Li and   
                  Axel Munk and   
                   Frank Werner   Variational Multiscale Nonparametric
                                  Regression: Algorithms and
                                  Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Giuseppe Di Molfetta   Searching via Nonlinear Quantum Walk on
                                  the $2$D-Grid  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Tiffany Fan and   
            David I. Shuman and   
            Shashanka Ubaru and   
                    Yousef Saad   Spectrum-Adapted Polynomial
                                  Approximation for Matrix Functions with
                                  Applications in Graph Signal Processing  ??
           Frantisek Franek and   
                   Michael Liut   Computing Maximal Lyndon Substrings of a
                                  String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Zhenwen He and   
               Shirong Long and   
                Xiaogang Ma and   
                      Hong Zhao   A Boundary Distance-Based Symbolic
                                  Aggregate Approximation Method for Time
                                  Series Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Eslam A. Hussein and   
          Christopher Thron and   
         Mehrdad Ghaziasgar and   
             Antoine Bagula and   
                 Mattia Vaccari   Groundwater Prediction Using
                                  Machine-Learning Tools . . . . . . . . . ??
        Paul Samuel Ignacio and   
           Jay-Anne Bulauan and   
                  David Uminsky   Lumáwig: an Efficient Algorithm for
                                  Dimension Zero Bottleneck Distance
                                  Computation in Topological Data Analysis ??
             Napsu Karmitsa and   
                    Sona Taheri   Special Issue ``Nonsmooth Optimization
                                  in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Adil M.
                                  Bagirov'': Foreword by Guest Editors . . ??
            Giuseppe Lancia and   
              Marcello Dalpasso   Finding the Best $3$-OPT Move in
                                  Subcubic Time  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Min-Young Lee and   
                   Young Ik Kim   Development of a Family of Jarratt-Like
                                  Sixth-Order Iterative Methods for
                                  Solving Nonlinear Systems with Their
                                  Basins of Attraction . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Rhyd Lewis   Editorial for the Special Issue on
                                  ``Algorithms for Graphs and Networks''   ??
               Guocheng Liu and   
               Caixia Zhang and   
                Qingyang Xu and   
               Ruoshi Cheng and   
                  Yong Song and   
              Xianfeng Yuan and   
                        Jie Sun   I3D-Shufflenet Based Human Action
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Wenke Markgraf and   
          Jannis Lilienthal and   
            Philipp Feistel and   
           Christine Thiele and   
                  Hagen Malberg   Algorithm for Mapping Kidney Tissue
                                  Water Content during Normothermic
                                  Machine Perfusion Using Hyperspectral
                                  Imaging  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Carl Axel Benjamin Medbòen and   
        Magnus Bolstad Holm and   
        Mohamed Kais Msakni and   
           Kjetil Fagerholt and   
              Peter Schütz   Combining Optimization and Simulation
                                  for Designing a Robust Short-Sea Feeder
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Rosane Minghim and   
             Liz Huancapaza and   
               Erasmo Artur and   
        Guilherme P. Telles and   
              Ivar V. Belizario   Graphs from Features: Tree-Based Graph
                                  Layout for Feature Analysis  . . . . . . ??
                Luca Pasqualini   Pseudo Random Number Generation through
                                  Reinforcement Learning and Recurrent
                                  Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Naresh Patnana   Self-Learning Salp Swarm Optimization
                                  Based PID Design of Doha RO Plant  . . . ??
                 Marco Pegoraro   Efficient Time and Space Representation
                                  of Uncertain Event Data  . . . . . . . . ??
   Ignacio Pérez-Messina   Modalflow: Cross-Origin Flow Data
                                  Visualization for Urban Mobility . . . . ??
                 Mahdi Rezapour   Application of Bayesian Hierarchical
                                  Negative Binomial Finite Mixture Model
                                  for Cost--Benefit Analysis of Barriers
                                  Optimization, Accounting for Severe
                                  Heterogeneity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Jinfang Sheng   Identifying Influential Nodes of Complex
                                  Networks Based on Trust-Value  . . . . . ??
                  Fabio Sikansi   Similarity-Driven Edge Bundling:
                                  Data-Oriented Clutter Reduction in
                                  Graphs Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Maria Katarzyna Stachowiak   Cross-Entropy Method in Application to
                                  the SIRC Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Vladimir Stanovov   Differential Evolution with Linear Bias
                                  Reduction in Parameter Adaptation  . . . ??
       Chartwut Thanajiranthorn   Efficient Rule Generation for
                                  Associative Classification . . . . . . . ??
                 Sarah Tymochko   Using Zigzag Persistent Homology to
                                  Detect Hopf Bifurcations in Dynamical
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Sebastiaan J. van Zelst   Translating Workflow Nets to Process
                                  Trees: an Algorithmic Approach . . . . . ??
                    Hongjie Zou   A Novel Multi-Dimensional Composition
                                  Method Based on Time Series Similarity
                                  for Array Pulse Wave Signals Detecting   ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 13, Number 12, December, 2020

            Laith Abualigah and   
            Amir H. Gandomi and   
         Mohamed Abd Elaziz and   
       Abdelazim G. Hussien and   
         Ahmad M. Khasawneh and   
         Mohammad Alshinwan and   
              Essam H. Houssein   Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms
                                  for Text Document Clustering --- a
                                  Comprehensive Analysis . . . . . . . . . ??
       Jagadish Kumar Bokam and   
             Naresh Patnana and   
             Tarun Varshney and   
             Vinay Pratap Singh   Sine Cosine Algorithm Assisted FOPID
                                  Controller Design for Interval Systems
                                  Using Reduced-Order Modeling Ensuring
                                  Stability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Xin Chen and   
                        Ying Li   Deep Feature Learning with Manifold
                                  Embedding for Robust Image Retrieval . . ??
                Ivan De Boi and   
               Bart Ribbens and   
            Pieter Jorissen and   
                     Rudi Penne   Feasibility of Kd-Trees in Gaussian
                                  Process Regression to Partition Test
                                  Points in High Resolution Input Space    ??
       Raúl de Celis and   
               Pablo Solano and   
                   Luis Cadarso   Applying Neural Networks in Aerial
                                  Vehicle Guidance to Simplify Navigation
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Manuel De la Sen and   
                    Asier Ibeas   On a Controlled Se(Is)(Ih)(Iicu)AR
                                  Epidemic Model with Output
                                  Controllability Issues to Satisfy
                                  Hospital Constraints on Hospitalized
                                  Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Stephanie Alvarez Fernandez and   
        Marcelo M. Carvalho and   
                Daniel G. Silva   A Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for the
                                  Efficient Placement of UAVs  . . . . . . ??
          Odkhishig Ganbold and   
              Kaustav Kundu and   
                  Haobin Li and   
                      Wei Zhang   A Simulation-Based Optimization Method
                                  for Warehouse Worker Assignment  . . . . ??
            Joseph Gesnouin and   
            Steve Pechberti and   
          Guillaume Bresson and   
        Bogdan Stanciulescu and   
                Fabien Moutarde   Predicting Intentions of Pedestrians
                                  from $2$D Skeletal Pose Sequences with a
                                  Representation-Focused Multi-Branch Deep
                                  Learning Network . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Gianpaolo Ghiani and   
              Tommaso Adamo and   
            Pierpaolo Greco and   
             Emanuela Guerriero   Lifting the Performance of a Heuristic
                                  for the Time-Dependent Travelling
                                  Salesman Problem through Machine
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Ru Guo and   
               Xiaodong Qiu and   
                        Yiyi He   Evaluation of Agricultural Investment
                                  Climate in CEE Countries: The
                                  Application of Back Propagation Neural
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Takeo Hagiwara and   
                Tatsuie Tsukiji   Hardness of Approximation for Langton's
                                  Ant on a Twisted Torus . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Ting Huang and   
             Zhengping Weng and   
                   Gang Liu and   
                     Zhenwen He   HD-Tree: an Efficient High-Dimensional
                                  Virtual Index Structure Using a Half
                                  Decomposition Strategy . . . . . . . . . ??
              Guojing Huang and   
             Qingliang Chen and   
                  Congjian Deng   A New Click-Through Rates Prediction
                                  Model Based on Deep&Cross Network . . . . ??
             Mohamed Ismail and   
              Milica Orlandi\'c   Segment-Based Clustering of
                                  Hyperspectral Images Using Tree-Based
                                  Data Partitioning Structures . . . . . . ??
                    Hao Jia and   
                   Chen Guo and   
                  Lina Zhao and   
                        Zhao Xu   Improved Sliding Mode Finite-Time
                                  Synchronization of Chaotic Systems with
                                  Unknown Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Sai Prashanth Josyula and   
Johanna Törnquist Krasemann and   
                  Lars Lundberg   An Evaluation Framework and Algorithms
                                  for Train Rescheduling . . . . . . . . . ??
                Lida Kanari and   
        Adélie Garin and   
                   Kathryn Hess   From Trees to Barcodes and Back Again:
                                  Theoretical and Statistical Perspectives ??
           Elias Koukoutsis and   
    Constantin Papaodysseus and   
         George Tsavdaridis and   
      Nikolaos V. Karadimas and   
          Athanasios Ballis and   
             Eirini Mamatsi and   
     Athanasios Rafail Mamatsis   Design Limitations, Errors and Hazards
                                  in Creating Decision Support Platforms
                                  with Large- and Very Large-Scale Data
                                  and Program Cores  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Mathias Kühn and   
        Michael Völker and   
               Thorsten Schmidt   An Algorithm for Efficient Generation of
                                  Customized Priority Rules for Production
                                  Control in Project Manufacturing with
                                  Stochastic Job Processing Times  . . . . ??
        Gábor Kusper and   
              Csaba Biró   Convert a Strongly Connected Directed
                                  Graph to a Black-and-White $3$-SAT
                                  Problem by the Balatonboglár Model  . . . ??
                Jonathan Li and   
                Rohan Potru and   
               Farhad Shahrokhi   A Performance Study of Some
                                  Approximation Algorithms for Computing a
                                  Small Dominating Set in a Graph  . . . . ??
      Roxana-Elena Mihaescu and   
              Mihai Chindea and   
       Constantin Paleologu and   
              Serban Carata and   
                Marian Ghenescu   Person Re-Identification across Data
                                  Distributions Based on General Purpose
                                  DNN Object Detector  . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Emad Mohamed and   
             Parinaz Jafari and   
                Simaan AbouRizk   Fuzzy-Based Multivariate Analysis for
                                  Input Modeling of Risk Assessment in
                                  Wind Farm Projects . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Grzegorz Mzyk and   
          Zygmunt Hasiewicz and   
               Pawe\l Mielcarek   Kernel Identification of Non-Linear
                                  Systems with General Structure . . . . . ??
            Andrea Ruggieri and   
        Francesco Stranieri and   
               Fabio Stella and   
                  Marco Scutari   Hard and Soft EM in Bayesian Network
                                  Learning from Incomplete Data  . . . . . ??
Sándor Szénási and   
    Gábor Kertész   Special Issue on Bio-Inspired Algorithms
                                  for Image Processing . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Maria T. Vasileva   Some Notes on the Omega Distribution and
                                  the Pliant Probability Distribution
                                  Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Joshua Vendrow and   
              Jamie Haddock and   
             Deanna Needell and   
               Lorraine Johnson   Feature Selection from Lyme Disease
                                  Patient Survey Using Machine Learning    ??
                    Wang Xi and   
         Guillaume Devineau and   
            Fabien Moutarde and   
                       Jie Yang   Generative Model for Skeletal Human
                                  Movements Based on Conditional DC-GAN
                                  Applied to Pseudo-Images . . . . . . . . ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 14, Number 1, January, 2021

          Saleh A. Bawazeer and   
           Saleh S. Baakeem and   
         Abdulmajeed A. Mohamad   New Approach for Radial Basis Function
                                  Based on Partition of Unity of Taylor
                                  Series Expansion with Respect to Shape
                                  Parameter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Emanuel Chereji and   
        Mircea-Bogdan Radac and   
Alexandra-Iulia Szedlak-Stinean   Sliding Mode Control Algorithms for
                                  Anti-Lock Braking Systems with
                                  Performance Comparisons  . . . . . . . . 
            Pavel V. Gapeev and   
                    Libo Li and   
                     Zhuoshu Wu   Perpetual American Cancellable Standard
                                  Options in Models with Last Passage
                                  Times  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Ralf Borndörfer and   
            Fabian Danecker and   
                  Martin Weiser   A Discrete--Continuous Algorithm for
                                  Free Flight Planning . . . . . . . . . . 
         Dominik Köppl and   
                 Tomohiro I and   
               Isamu Furuya and   
       Yoshimasa Takabatake and   
              Kensuke Sakai and   
                   Keisuke Goto   Re-Pair in Small Space . . . . . . . . . 
Joonas Hämäläinen and   
 Tommi Kärkkäinen and   
                    Tuomo Rossi   Improving Scalable $K$-Means++ . . . . . 
                     Kui Ji and   
                    Jianxiao Ma   A Modified Network-Wide Road Capacity
                                  Reliability Analysis Model for Improving
                                  Transportation Sustainability  . . . . . 
              Davide Bil\`o and   
            Luciano Gual\`a and   
                 Guido Proietti   Hardness of an Asymmetric $2$-Player
                                  Stackelberg Network Pricing Game . . . . 
João Paulo Costalonga and   
           Robert J. Kingan and   
               Sandra R. Kingan   Constructing Minimally $3$-Connected
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Robert Nebeluk and   
            Maciej Lawry\'nczuk   Tuning of Multivariable Model Predictive
                                  Control for Industrial Tasks . . . . . . 
              Marta Galvani and   
            Chiara Bardelli and   
              Silvia Figini and   
                 Pietro Muliere   A Bayesian Nonparametric Learning
                                  Approach to Ensemble Models Using the
                                  Proper Bayesian Bootstrap  . . . . . . . 
        Abdelraouf Ishtaiwi and   
             Feda Alshahwan and   
                Naser Jamal and   
                  Wael Hadi and   
             Muhammad AbuArqoub   A Dynamic Clause Specific Initial Weight
                                  Assignment for Solving Satisfiability
                                  Problems Using Local Search  . . . . . . 
                Antonella Guzzo   Special Issue on Process Mining and
                                  Emerging Applications  . . . . . . . . . 
                  Nicola Prezza   Subpath Queries on Compressed Graphs: a
                                  Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Vittorio Bil\`o and   
           Michele Flammini and   
               Luca Moscardelli   On Nash Equilibria in Non-Cooperative
                                  All-Optical Networks . . . . . . . . . . 
            Jalal Al-Afandi and   
   András Horváth   Adaptive Gene Level Mutation . . . . . . 
                Rose Nakasi and   
             Ernest Mwebaze and   
                 Aminah Zawedde   Mobile-Aware Deep Learning Algorithms
                                  for Malaria Parasites and White Blood
                                  Cells Localization in Thick Blood Smears 
                 Michael Li and   
             Santoso Wibowo and   
                     Wei Li and   
                     Lily D. Li   Quantitative Spectral Data Analysis
                                  Using Extreme Learning Machines
                                  Algorithm Incorporated with PCA  . . . . 
Mario Andrés Muñoz and   
                 Michael Kirley   Sampling Effects on Algorithm Selection
                                  for Continuous Black-Box Optimization    
   Adrian Serrano-Hernandez and   
          Rocio de la Torre and   
               Luis Cadarso and   
                  Javier Faulin   Urban e-Grocery Distribution Design in
                                  Pamplona (Spain) Applying an Agent-Based
                                  Simulation Model with Horizontal
                                  Cooperation Scenarios  . . . . . . . . . 
       Christoph Hansknecht and   
              Imke Joormann and   
              Sebastian Stiller   Dynamic Shortest Paths Methods for the
                                  Time-Dependent TSP . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Chuan-Min Lee   Algorithmic Aspects of Some Variations
                                  of Clique Transversal and Clique
                                  Independent Sets on Graphs . . . . . . . 
                Markus Rabe and   
           Majsa Ammouriova and   
            Dominik Schmitt and   
                    Felix Dross   Simheuristics Approaches for Efficient
                                  Decision-Making Support in Materials
                                  Trading Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Diogo Remoaldo and   
                   Isabel Jesus   Analysis of a Traditional and a Fuzzy
                                  Logic Enhanced Perturb and Observe
                                  Algorithm for the MPPT of a Photovoltaic
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Piotr M. Marusak   Advanced Construction of the Dynamic
                                  Matrix in Numerically Efficient Fuzzy
                                  MPC Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Yiran Xue and   
                     Rui Wu and   
                Jiafeng Liu and   
                 Xianglong Tang   Crowd Evacuation Guidance Based on
                                  Combined Action Reinforcement Learning   
Bi Koua\"\i Bertin Kayé and   
            Moustapha Diaby and   
            Moussa Koivogui and   
           Souleymane Oumtanaga   A Memetic Algorithm for an External
                                  Depot Production Routing Problem . . . . 
        Damianos P. Melidis and   
                 Wolfgang Nejdl   Capturing Protein Domain Structure and
                                  Function Using Self-Supervision on
                                  Domain Architectures . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 14, Number 2, February, 2021

      Amr Mohamed AbdelAziz and   
              Louai Alarabi and   
            Saleh Basalamah and   
             Abdeltawab Hendawi   A Multi-Objective Optimization Method
                                  for Hospital Admission Problem ---- a
                                  Case Study on Covid-19 Patients  . . . . 
            Carlos Lassance and   
             Vincent Gripon and   
                 Antonio Ortega   Representing Deep Neural Networks Latent
                                  Space Geometries with Graphs . . . . . . 
           Katherine Mary Malan   A Survey of Advances in Landscape
                                  Analysis for Optimisation  . . . . . . . 
                Markus Rabe and   
       Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu and   
        Jorge Chicaiza-Vaca and   
           Rafael D. Tordecilla   Simulation-Optimization Approach for
                                  Multi-Period Facility Location Problems
                                  with Forecasted and Random Demands in a
                                  Last-Mile Logistics Application  . . . . 
             Marvin Kastner and   
              Nicole Nellen and   
            Anne Schwientek and   
                    Carlos Jahn   Integrated Simulation-Based Optimization
                                  of Operational Decisions at Container
                                  Terminals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Pedro Maristany de las Casas and   
       Ralf Borndörfer and   
             Luitgard Kraus and   
     Antonio Sedeño-Noda   An FPTAS for Dynamic Multiobjective
                                  Shortest Path Problems . . . . . . . . . 
             Dominik Köppl   Non-Overlapping LZ77 Factorization and
                                  LZ78 Substring Compression Queries with
                                  Suffix Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Rafael D. Tordecilla and   
Pedro J. Copado-Méndez and   
            Javier Panadero and   
  Carlos L. Quintero-Araujo and   
    Jairo R. Montoya-Torres and   
                  Angel A. Juan   Combining Heuristics with Simulation and
                                  Fuzzy Logic to Solve a Flexible-Size
                                  Location Routing Problem under
                                  Uncertainty  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Volodymyr Dzyura and   
            Pavlo Maruschak and   
            Olegas Prentkovskis   Determining Optimal Parameters of
                                  Regular Microrelief Formed on the End
                                  Surfaces of Rotary Bodies  . . . . . . . 
                Xiaoting Mo and   
                 Xinglu Liu and   
          Wai Kin (Victor) Chan   Modeling and Optimization in Resource
                                  Sharing Systems: Application to
                                  Bike-Sharing with Unequal Demands  . . . 
András Faragó and   
              Zohre R. Mojaveri   Safe Approximation --- an Efficient
                                  Solution for a Hard Routing Problem  . . 
             Alessia Sarica and   
       Maria Grazia Vaccaro and   
           Andrea Quattrone and   
                 Aldo Quattrone   A Novel Approach for Cognitive
                                  Clustering of Parkinsonisms through
                                  Affinity Propagation . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Li Wang and   
                    Xi Wang and   
                     Xilong Cai   The Common Warehouse Model and Profit
                                  Distribution of the Express Industry . . 
         Nalinda Kulathunga and   
   Nishath Rajiv Ranasinghe and   
           Daniel Vrinceanu and   
            Zackary Kinsman and   
                  Lei Huang and   
                   Yunjiao Wang   Effects of Nonlinearity and Network
                                  Architecture on the Performance of
                                  Supervised Neural Networks . . . . . . . 
                Zhichao Sun and   
                  Kang Zhou and   
              Xinzheng Yang and   
                  Xiao Peng and   
                       Rui Song   Optimization Method of Customized
                                  Shuttle Bus Lines under Random Condition 
                 Qibing Jin and   
                    Nan Lin and   
                   Yuming Zhang   $K$-Means Clustering Algorithm Based on
                                  Chaotic Adaptive Artificial Bee Colony   
                    Chen Fu and   
                   Jianhua Yang   Granular Classification for Imbalanced
                                  Datasets: a Minkowski Distance-Based
                                  Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Enrico Bianchi and   
                    Paolo Penna   Optimal Clustering in Stable Instances
                                  Using Combinations of Exact and Noisy
                                  Ordinal Queries  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Gokarna Sharma and   
  Ramachandran Vaidyanathan and   
                Jerry L. Trahan   Constant-Time Complete Visibility for
                                  Robots with Lights: The Asynchronous
                                  Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Ryan Feng and   
                     Yu Yao and   
                    Ella Atkins   Smart Black Box 2.0: Efficient
                                  High-Bandwidth Driving Data Collection
                                  Based on Video Anomalies . . . . . . . . 
             Alessio Ferone and   
                Antonio Maratea   Adaptive Quick Reduct for Feature Drift
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Roman Zoun and   
              Kay Schallert and   
             David Broneske and   
           Ivayla Trifonova and   
                  Xiao Chen and   
               Robert Heyer and   
              Dirk Benndorf and   
                   Gunter Saake   An Investigation of Alternatives to
                                  Transform Protein Sequence Databases to
                                  a Columnar Index Schema  . . . . . . . . 
            Shunichi Ohmori and   
               Kazuho Yoshimoto   A Primal-Dual Interior-Point Method for
                                  Facility Layout Problem with
                                  Relative-Positioning Constraints . . . . 
                   Kuan Liu and   
                Haiyuan Liu and   
                Dongyan Sun and   
                      Lei Zhang   Network Inference from Gene Expression
                                  Data with Distance Correlation and
                                  Network Topology Centrality  . . . . . . 
             Subhash Bhagat and   
                Bibhuti Das and   
        Abhinav Chakraborty and   
       Krishnendu Mukhopadhyaya   $k$-Circle Formation and $k$-epf by
                                  Asynchronous Robots  . . . . . . . . . . 
            Ronald D. Hagan and   
            Michael A. Langston   Molecular Subtyping and Outlier
                                  Detection in Human Disease Using the
                                  Paraclique Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 
               Roman Vavrek and   
         Jirí Becica and   
     Viera Papcunová and   
       Petra Gundová and   
   Jana Mitríková   Number of Financial Indicators as a
                                  Factor of Multi-Criteria Analysis via
                                  the TOPSIS Technique: a Municipal Case
                                  Study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Danny Hucke and   
               Carl Philipp Reh   Approximation Ratios of RePair,
                                  LongestMatch and Greedy on Unary Strings 
           Camille Champion and   
         Anne-Claire Brunet and   
       Rémy Burcelin and   
         Jean-Michel Loubes and   
                 Laurent Risser   Detection of Representative Variables in
                                  Complex Systems with Interpretable Rules
                                  Using Core-Clusters  . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Jin Nakabe and   
          Teruhiro Mizumoto and   
              Hirohiko Suwa and   
               Keiichi Yasumoto   Optimal Cooking Procedure Presentation
                                  System for Multiple Recipes and
                                  Investigating Its Effect . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 14, Number 3, March, 2021

           Vladimir Gurvich and   
                 Mikhail Vyalyi   On Computational Hardness of
                                  Multidimensional Subtraction Games . . . 
                 Luca Tonti and   
               Alessandro Patti   Fast Overlap Detection between Hard-Core
                                  Colloidal Cuboids and Spheres. The OCSI
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Dimitris Fotakis and   
            Loukas Kavouras and   
              Lydia Zakynthinou   Online Facility Location in Evolving
                                  Metrics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Fabrice Saffre and   
                 Hanno Hildmann   Adaptive Behaviour for a Self-Organising
                                  Video Surveillance System Using a
                                  Genetic Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Usman Mahmood and   
                  Zening Fu and   
           Vince D. Calhoun and   
                    Sergey Plis   A Deep Learning Model for Data-Driven
                                  Discovery of Functional Connectivity . . 
Estrella Lucena-Sánchez and   
            Guido Sciavicco and   
              Ionel Eduard Stan   Feature and Language Selection in
                                  Temporal Symbolic Regression for
                                  Interpretable Air Quality Modelling  . . 
           Afra A. Alabbadi and   
           Maysoon F. Abulkhair   Multi-Objective Task Scheduling
                                  Optimization in Spatial Crowdsourcing    
           Ryan Dieter Lang and   
     Andries Petrus Engelbrecht   An Exploratory Landscape Analysis-Based
                                  Benchmark Suite  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Salim Bouamama and   
                 Christian Blum   An Improved Greedy Heuristic for the
                                  Minimum Positive Influence Dominating
                                  Set Problem in Social Networks . . . . . 
                  Qiuqi Han and   
            Guangyuan Zheng and   
                        Chen Xu   D2D Assisted Cellular Networks in
                                  Licensed and Unlicensed Spectrum:
                                  Matching-Iteration-Based Joint User
                                  Access and Resource Allocation . . . . . 
         Johannes K. Fichte and   
              Markus Hecher and   
              Michael Morak and   
                 Stefan Woltran   DynASP2.5: Dynamic Programming on Tree
                                  Decompositions in Action . . . . . . . . 
                      Xu Li and   
                     Qiming Sun   Identifying and Ranking Influential
                                  Nodes in Complex Networks Based on
                                  Dynamic Node Strength  . . . . . . . . . 
                Shijin Yuan and   
                 Cheng Wang and   
                     Bin Mu and   
                Feifan Zhou and   
                    Wansuo Duan   Typhoon Intensity Forecasting Based on
                                  LSTM Using the Rolling Forecast Method   
             Mahdi Rezapour and   
                Khaled Ksaibati   Accounting for Attribute Non-Attendance
                                  and Common-Metric Aggregation in the
                                  Choice of Seat Belt Use, a Latent Class
                                  Model with Preference Heterogeneity  . . 
               Andreas Rauh and   
                  Julia Kersten   Transformation of Uncertain Linear
                                  Systems with Real Eigenvalues into
                                  Cooperative Form: The Case of Constant
                                  and Time-Varying Bounded Parameters  . . 
           Margarita Razgon and   
                Alireza Mousavi   Correction: Razgon, M., et al. Relaxed
                                  Rule-Based Learning for Automated
                                  Predictive Maintenance: Proof of
                                  Concept. Algorithms 2020, \bf 13, 219    
          Ulrich A\"\ivodji and   
      François Bidet and   
     Sébastien Gambs and   
       Rosin Claude Ngueveu and   
                     Alain Tapp   Local Data Debiasing for Fairness Based
                                  on Generative Adversarial Training . . . 
               Andreas Rauh and   
           Auguste Bourgois and   
                     Luc Jaulin   Union and Intersection Operators for
                                  Thick Ellipsoid State Enclosures:
                                  Application to Bounded-Error
                                  Discrete-Time State Observer Design  . . 
                Xinsheng Li and   
                   Xuedong Yuan   Fundamental Matrix Computing Based on 3D
                                  Metrical Distance  . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Ben Strasser and   
            Dorothea Wagner and   
                      Tim Zeitz   Space-Efficient, Fast and Exact Routing
                                  in Time-Dependent Road Networks  . . . . 
                Md Ali Azam and   
         Hans D. Mittelmann and   
             Shankarachary Ragi   UAV Formation Shape Control via
                                  Decentralized Markov Decision Processes  
              Nicholas Mamo and   
             Joel Azzopardi and   
                 Colin Layfield   An Automatic Participant Detection
                                  Framework for Event Tracking on Twitter  
               Minghui Wang and   
                    Bi Zeng and   
                    Qiujie Wang   Study of Motion Control and a Virtual
                                  Reality System for Autonomous Underwater
                                  Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Sharif Noor Zisad and   
  Mohammad Shahadat Hossain and   
    Mohammed Sazzad Hossain and   
                 Karl Andersson   An Integrated Neural Network and SEIR
                                  Model to Predict COVID-19  . . . . . . . 
Luiz Henrique dos Santos Fernandes and   
        Ana Carolina Lorena and   
               Kate Smith-Miles   Towards Understanding Clustering
                                  Problems and Algorithms: an Instance
                                  Space Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Max Bannach and   
                    Till Tantau   On the Descriptive Complexity of Color
                                  Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Antoine Genitrini and   
            Martin Pépin   Lexicographic Unranking of Combinations
                                  Revisited  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Huimu Wang and   
                   Zhen Liu and   
               Jianqiang Yi and   
                    Zhiqiang Pu   Multiagent Hierarchical Cognition
                                  Difference Policy for Multiagent
                                  Cooperation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Yang Zheng and   
                 Jieyu Zhao and   
                    Yu Chen and   
                  Chen Tang and   
                      Shushi Yu   3D Mesh Model Classification with a
                                  Capsule Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Werner Mostert and   
         Katherine M. Malan and   
         Andries P. Engelbrecht   A Feature Selection Algorithm
                                  Performance Metric for Comparative
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 14, Number 4, April, 2021

             Alicia Cordero and   
Marlon Moscoso-Martínez and   
             Juan R. Torregrosa   Chaos and Stability in a New Iterative
                                  Family for Solving Nonlinear Equations   
                  Lin Zhang and   
                Haiyuan Liu and   
                         Hao He   Prediction of Intrinsically Disordered
                                  Proteins Using Machine Learning
                                  Algorithms Based on Fuzzy Entropy
                                  Feature  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Eirini Georgoulaki and   
             Kostas Kollias and   
                     Tami Tamir   Equilibrium Inefficiency and Computation
                                  in Cost-Sharing Games in Real-Time
                                  Scheduling Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Eleftherios Tzagkarakis and   
       Haridimos Kondylakis and   
            George Vardakis and   
             Nikolaos Papadakis   Ontology Based Governance for Employee
                                  Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Serafino Cicerone   A Quasi-Hole Detection Algorithm for
                                  Recognizing $k$-Distance-Hereditary
                                  Graphs, with $ k < 2$ . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Petr Nemec and   
                   Petr Stodola   Optimization of the Multi-Facility
                                  Location Problem Using Widely Available
                                  Office Software  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Pengchang Xu and   
              Jiaxiang Zhao and   
                      Jie Zhang   Identification of Intrinsically
                                  Disordered Protein Regions Based on Deep
                                  Neural Network-VGG16 . . . . . . . . . . 
               Xinfeng Yang and   
                     Yicheng Qi   Research on Optimization of
                                  Multi-Objective Regional Public
                                  Transportation Scheduling  . . . . . . . 
              Subhrajit Dey and   
       Rajdeep Bhattacharya and   
        Friedhelm Schwenker and   
                     Ram Sarkar   Median Filter Aided CNN Based Image
                                  Denoising: An Ensemble Approach  . . . . 
             David Schaller and   
         Manuela Geiß and   
              Marc Hellmuth and   
               Peter F. Stadler   Arc-Completion of $2$-Colored Best Match
                                  Graphs to Binary-Explainable Best Match
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Altina S. Oliveira and   
         Carlos F. S. Gomes and   
        Camilla T. Clarkson and   
     Adriana M. Sanseverino and   
        Mara R. S. Barcelos and   
           Igor P. A. Costa and   
                  Marcos Santos   Multiple Criteria Decision Making and
                                  Prospective Scenarios Model for
                                  Selection of Companies to Be Incubated   
            Mehrdad Amirghasemi   An Effective Decomposition-Based
                                  Stochastic Algorithm for Solving the
                                  Permutation Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem 
   Stephan Daniel Schwoebel and   
              Thomas Mehner and   
                  Thomas Lampke   On a Robust and Efficient Numerical
                                  Scheme for the Simulation of Stationary
                                  $3$-Component Systems with Non-Negative
                                  Species-Concentration with an
                                  Application to the Cu Deposition from a
                                  Cu-($ \beta $-alanine)-Electrolyte . . . 
     Margrit Kasper-Eulaers and   
                  Nico Hahn and   
               Stian Berger and   
             Tom Sebulonsen and   
     Òystein Myrland and   
            Per Egil Kummervold   Short Communication: Detecting Heavy
                                  Goods Vehicles in Rest Areas in Winter
                                  Conditions Using YOLOv5  . . . . . . . . 
        Abdelraouf Ishtaiwi and   
             Qasem Abu Al-Haija   Dynamic Initial Weight Assignment for
                                  MaxSAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Shiori Mitsuya and   
             Yuto Nakashima and   
           Shunsuke Inenaga and   
               Hideo Bannai and   
                Masayuki Takeda   Compressed Communication Complexity of
                                  Hamming Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Hirokazu Madokoro and   
              Stephanie Nix and   
                  Kazuhito Sato   Automatic Calibration of Piezoelectric
                                  Bed-Leaving Sensor Signals Using Genetic
                                  Network Programming Algorithms . . . . . 
            Aleksei F. Deon and   
           Oleg K. Karaduta and   
              Yulian A. Menyaev   Phase Congruential White Noise Generator 
                  Qing Miao and   
                  Juhui Wei and   
               Jiongqi Wang and   
                     Yuyun Chen   Fault Diagnosis Algorithm Based on
                                  Adjustable Nonlinear PI State Observer
                                  and Its Application in UAV Fault
                                  Diagnosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Yanhong Lin and   
                  Jing Wang and   
                 Xiaolin Li and   
               Yuanzi Zhang and   
                   Shiguo Huang   An Improved Artificial Bee Colony for
                                  Feature Selection in QSAR  . . . . . . . 
                  Jan Stodt and   
        Daniel Schönle and   
            Christoph Reich and   
  Fatemeh Ghovanlooy Ghajar and   
              Dominik Welte and   
                    Axel Sikora   Security Audit of a Blockchain-Based
                                  Industrial Application Platform  . . . . 
             Fevrier Valdez and   
             Oscar Castillo and   
                 Patricia Melin   Bio-Inspired Algorithms and Its
                                  Applications for Optimization in Fuzzy
                                  Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Debdatta Sinha Roy and   
               Bruce Golden and   
               Xingyin Wang and   
                   Edward Wasil   Estimating the Tour Length for the Close
                                  Enough Traveling Salesman Problem  . . . 
                 La Zakaria and   
              Endah Yuliani and   
                Asmiati Asmiati   A Two-Dimensional mKdV Linear Map and
                                  Its Application in Digital Image
                                  Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Martin Geier and   
             Hussein Alihussein   Computation of Implicit Representation
                                  of Volumetric Shells with Predefined
                                  Thickness  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Elena A. Petrova and   
                 Arseny M. Shur   Branching Densities of Cube-Free and
                                  Square-Free Words  . . . . . . . . . . . 
              George Odongo and   
             Richard Musabe and   
           Damien Hanyurwimfura   A Multinomial DGA Classifier for
                                  Incipient Fault Detection in
                                  Oil-Impregnated Power Transformers . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 14, Number 5, May, 2021

          Vladimir Stanovov and   
         Shakhnaz Akhmedova and   
                Eugene Semenkin   Difference-Based Mutation Operation for
                                  Neuroevolution of Augmented Topologies   
                    Yuan Li and   
                   Ni Zhang and   
               Yuejiao Gong and   
                 Wentao Mao and   
                 Shiguang Zhang   Three-Dimensional Elastodynamic Analysis
                                  Employing Partially Discontinuous
                                  Boundary Elements  . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Lev Kazakovtsev and   
               Ivan Rozhnov and   
               Guzel Shkaberina   Self-Configuring $ (1 + 1)$-Evolutionary
                                  Algorithm for the Continuous $p$-Median
                                  Problem with Agglomerative Mutation  . . 
                  Martin Vu and   
                 Henning Fernau   Adding Matrix Control:
                                  Insertion--Deletion Systems with
                                  Substitutions III  . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Malik Yousef and   
                    Jens Allmer   Classification of Precursor MicroRNAs
                                  from Different Species Based on $K$-mer
                                  Distance Features  . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Daniel Gibney and   
           Sharma V. Thankachan   Text Indexing for Regular Expression
                                  Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Loai Abdallah and   
              Murad Badarna and   
             Waleed Khalifa and   
                   Malik Yousef   MultiKOC: Multi-One-Class Classifier
                                  Based $K$-Means Clustering . . . . . . . 
         Liliya A. Demidova and   
              Julia S. Sokolova   Analysis of Data Presented by Multisets
                                  Using a Linguistic Approach  . . . . . . 
                Aritra Bose and   
               Filippo Utro and   
            Daniel E. Platt and   
                   Laxmi Parida   Multiple Loci Selection with Multi-Way
                                  Epistasis in Coalescence with
                                  Recombination  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Zhou Lei and   
              Kangkang Yang and   
                  Kai Jiang and   
                   Shengbo Chen   KDAS-ReID: Architecture Search for
                                  Person Re-Identification via Distilled
                                  Knowledge with Dynamic Temperature . . . 
        Daniele Codetta-Raiteri   Editorial for the Special Issue on
                                  ``Bayesian Networks: Inference
                                  Algorithms, Applications, and Software
                                  Tools''  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Claudio Ciprian and   
            Kirill Masychev and   
               Maryam Ravan and   
          Akshaya Manimaran and   
            AnkitaAmol Deshmukh   Diagnosing Schizophrenia Using Effective
                                  Connectivity of Resting-State EEG Data   
Miguel Ângelo Lellis Moreira and   
Igor Pinheiro de Araújo Costa and   
       Maria Teresa Pereira and   
          Marcos dos Santos and   
Carlos Francisco Simões Gomes and   
       Fernando Martins Muradas   PROMETHEE-SAPEVO-M1: a Hybrid Approach
                                  Based on Ordinal and Cardinal Inputs:
                                  Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Helicopters
                                  to Support Brazilian Navy Operations . . 
        Francesco Di Caprio and   
          Roberto Scigliano and   
              Roberto Fauci and   
              Domenico Tescione   Design Optimization of Interfacing
                                  Attachments for the Deployable Wing of
                                  an Unmanned Re-Entry Vehicle . . . . . . 
      Morgan Louédec and   
                     Luc Jaulin   Interval Extended Kalman Filter ---
                                  Application to Underwater Localization
                                  and Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Alexis Thibault and   
    Léna\"\ic Chizat and   
             Charles Dossal and   
              Nicolas Papadakis   Overrelaxed Sinkhorn--Knopp Algorithm
                                  for Regularized Optimal Transport  . . . 
                Yuexing Han and   
                Xiaolong Li and   
                  Bing Wang and   
                        Lu Wang   Boundary Loss-Based 2.5D Fully
                                  Convolutional Neural Networks Approach
                                  for Segmentation: a Case Study of the
                                  Liver and Tumor on Computed Tomography   
                Mingming Xu and   
              Shuning Zhang and   
                  Guanlong Deng   No-Wait Job Shop Scheduling Using a
                                  Population-Based Iterated Greedy
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Aleksei Vakhnin and   
                  Evgenii Sopov   Investigation of Improved Cooperative
                                  Coevolution for Large-Scale Global
                                  Optimization Problems  . . . . . . . . . 
           Felix D. Beacher and   
  Lilianne R. Mujica-Parodi and   
             Shreyash Gupta and   
             Leonardo A. Ancora   Machine Learning Predicts Outcomes of
                                  Phase III Clinical Trials for Prostate
                                  Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Minhyuk Park and   
              Paul Zaharias and   
                   Tandy Warnow   Disjoint Tree Mergers for Large-Scale
                                  Maximum Likelihood Tree Estimation . . . 
         Petros Zervoudakis and   
       Haridimos Kondylakis and   
           Nicolas Spyratos and   
           Dimitris Plexousakis   Query Rewriting for Incremental
                                  Continuous Query Evaluation in HIFUN . . 
          Serafino Cicerone and   
            Gabriele Di Stefano   Special Issue on ``Graph Algorithms and
                                  Applications'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Michele Flammini and   
           Gianpiero Monaco and   
           Luca Moscardelli and   
           Mordechai Shalom and   
                    Shmuel Zaks   The Traffic Grooming Problem in Optical
                                  Networks with Respect to ADMs and OADMs:
                                  Complexity and Approximation . . . . . . 
               Nadia El-Mabrouk   Predicting the Evolution of Syntenies
                                  --- an Algorithmic Review  . . . . . . . 
                 John L. Pfaltz   A Set-Theoretic Approach to Modeling
                                  Network Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Marcus Walldén and   
                Masao Okita and   
               Fumihiko Ino and   
          Dimitris Drikakis and   
             Ioannis Kokkinakis   Accelerating In-Transit Co-Processing
                                  for Scientific Simulations Using
                                  Region-Based Data-Driven Analysis  . . . 
                Huifang Pan and   
                         Qi Zhu   Energy-Efficient Power Allocation in
                                  Non-Linear Energy Harvesting Multiple
                                  Relay Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Kamel Arafet and   
                Rafael Berlanga   Digital Twins in Solar Farms: an
                                  Approach through Time Series and Deep
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Rahmat Ullah and   
                 Tughrul Arslan   Parallel Delay Multiply and Sum
                                  Algorithm for Microwave Medical Imaging
                                  Using Spark Big Data Framework . . . . . 
 Soha Abd El-Moamen Mohamed and   
    Marghany Hassan Mohamed and   
          Mohammed F. Farghally   A New Cascade-Correlation Growing Deep
                                  Learning Neural Network Algorithm  . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 14, Number 6, June, 2021

                   Feng Sun and   
              Ajith Kumar V and   
                Guanci Yang and   
                 Ansi Zhang and   
                    Yiyun Zhang   Circle-U-Net: an Efficient Architecture
                                  for Semantic Segmentation  . . . . . . . 
                  Qiaoji Xu and   
               Lingling Jin and   
      James H. Leebens-Mack and   
                  David Sankoff   Validation of Automated Chromosome
                                  Recovery in the Reconstruction of
                                  Ancestral Gene Order . . . . . . . . . . 
             Dominik Köppl   Reversed Lempel--Ziv Factorization with
                                  Suffix Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Yajing Huang and   
                      Feng Chen   Community Structure and Systemic Risk of
                                  Bank Correlation Networks Based on the
                                  U.S. Financial Crisis in 2008  . . . . . 
                    Yaru Li and   
                Yulai Zhang and   
                   Yongping Cai   A New Hyper-Parameter Optimization
                                  Method for Power Load Forecast Based on
                                  Recurrent Neural Networks  . . . . . . . 
                Tobias Rupp and   
                   Stefan Funke   A Lower Bound for the Query Phase of
                                  Contraction Hierarchies and Hub Labels
                                  and a Provably Optimal Instance-Based
                                  Schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Shiyu Guo and   
                 Mengna Shi and   
                 Yanqi Zhou and   
                  Jiayin Yu and   
                      Erfu Wang   An Efficient Convolutional Blind Source
                                  Separation Algorithm for Speech Signals
                                  under Chaotic Masking  . . . . . . . . . 
         Amin Totounferoush and   
Frédéric Simonis and   
         Benjamin Uekermann and   
                 Miriam Schulte   Efficient and Scalable Initialization of
                                  Partitioned Coupled Simulations with
                                  preCICE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Agus Irawan and   
            Asmiati Asmiati and   
                 La Zakaria and   
                  Kurnia Muludi   The Locating-Chromatic Number of Origami
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Manon Ruffini and   
             Jelena Vucinic and   
             Simon de Givry and   
          George Katsirelos and   
               Sophie Barbe and   
                  Thomas Schiex   Guaranteed Diversity and Optimality in
                                  Cost Function Network Based
                                  Computational Protein Design Methods . . 
            Laurent Bulteau and   
           Guillaume Fertin and   
      Géraldine Jean and   
          Christian Komusiewicz   Sorting by Multi-Cut Rearrangements  . . 
               Samir Balbal and   
             Salim Bouamama and   
                 Christian Blum   A Greedy Heuristic for Maximizing the
                                  Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks
                                  Based on Disjoint Weighted Dominating
                                  Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Pavan Poudel and   
                 Gokarna Sharma   Adaptive Versioning in Transactional
                                  Memory Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Kotaro Matsuda and   
             Shuhei Denzumi and   
              Kunihiko Sadakane   Storing Set Families More Compactly with
                                  Top ZDDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Zhuo-Qiang Zhao and   
               Shi-Jian Liu and   
                Jeng-Shyang Pan   A PID Parameter Tuning Method Based on
                                  the Improved QUATRE Algorithm  . . . . . 
                   Wenxiao Zhao   An Introduction to Development of
                                  Centralized and Distributed Stochastic
                                  Approximation Algorithm with Expanding
                                  Truncations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Guilherme Henrique Santos Miranda and   
Alexsandro Oliveira Alexandrino and   
     Carla Negri Lintzmayer and   
                    Zanoni Dias   Approximation Algorithms for Sorting $
                                  \lambda $-Permutations by $ \lambda
                                  $-Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Wei Zhu and   
                  Xiaoyang Zeng   Decision Tree-Based Adaptive
                                  Reconfigurable Cache Scheme  . . . . . . 
           Edina Chandiwana and   
             Caston Sigauke and   
                  Alphonce Bere   Twenty-Four-Hour Ahead Probabilistic
                                  Global Horizontal Irradiance Forecasting
                                  Using Gaussian Process Regression  . . . 
       Lindokuhle J. Mpanza and   
          Jimoh Olarewaju Pedro   Optimised Tuning of a PID-Based Flight
                                  Controller for a Medium-Scale Rotorcraft 
               Chunxia Wang and   
                     Jun Bi and   
                 Qiuyue Sai and   
                       Zun Yuan   Analysis and Prediction of Carsharing
                                  Demand Based on Data Mining Methods  . . 
                     Lei Fu and   
                 Qizhi Tang and   
                   Peng Gao and   
               Jingzhou Xin and   
                  Jianting Zhou   Damage Identification of Long-Span
                                  Bridges Using the Hybrid of
                                  Convolutional Neural Network and Long
                                  Short-Term Memory Network  . . . . . . . 
           Dmitri Blueschke and   
Viktoria Blueschke-Nikolaeva and   
                  Reinhard Neck   Approximately Optimal Control of
                                  Nonlinear Dynamic Stochastic Problems
                                  with Learning: The OPTCON Algorithm  . . 
               Hiroshi Arai and   
               Harumi Haraguchi   A Study of Ising Formulations for
                                  Minimizing Setup Cost in the
                                  Two-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem    
                Abdulaziz Alorf   The Practicality of Deep Learning
                                  Algorithms in COVID-19 Detection:
                                  Application to Chest X-ray Images  . . . 
                    Xia Que and   
               Siyuan Jiang and   
               Jiaoyun Yang and   
                        Ning An   A Similarity Measurement with
                                  Entropy-Based Weighting for Clustering
                                  Mixed Numerical and Categorical Datasets 
              Nikos Mylonas and   
             Basil Papadopoulos   Unbiased Fuzzy Estimators in Fuzzy
                                  Hypothesis Testing . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Nicola Landro and   
              Ignazio Gallo and   
             Riccardo La Grassa   Combining Optimization Methods Using an
                                  Adaptive Meta Optimizer  . . . . . . . . 
              Aaron Barbosa and   
            Elijah Pelofske and   
                 Georg Hahn and   
              Hristo N. Djidjev   Using Machine Learning for Quantum
                                  Annealing Accuracy Prediction  . . . . . 
                     Dan Yu and   
                   Peng Liu and   
                 Dezhi Qiao and   
                 Xianglong Tang   A Safety Prediction System for Lunar
                                  Orbit Rendezvous and Docking Mission . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 14, Number 7, July, 2021

  Abdullahi Adinoyi Ibrahim and   
         Alessandro Lonardi and   
              Caterina De Bacco   Optimal Transport in Multilayer Networks
                                  for Traffic Flow Optimization  . . . . . 
                 Nour Jnoub and   
            Admir Brankovic and   
                  Wolfgang Klas   Fact-Checking Reasoning System for Fake
                                  Review Detection Using Answer Set
                                  Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Petr Nemec and   
               Petr Stodola and   
            Miroslav Pecina and   
       Jirí Neubauer and   
                   Martin Blaha   Optimization of the Weighted
                                  Multi-Facility Location Problem Using MS
                                  Excel  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Kewei Ouyang and   
                     Yi Hou and   
                Shilin Zhou and   
                       Ye Zhang   Convolutional Neural Network with an
                                  Elastic Matching Mechanism for Time
                                  Series Classification  . . . . . . . . . 
          Mohamed A. Shamseldin   Optimal Coronavirus Optimization
                                  Algorithm Based PID Controller for High
                                  Performance Brushless DC Motor . . . . . 
   Parfait Atchade-Adelomou and   
    Guillermo Alonso-Linaje and   
          Jordi Albo-Canals and   
            Daniel Casado-Fauli   qRobot: a Quantum Computing Approach in
                                  Mobile Robot Order Picking and Batching
                                  Problem Solver Optimization  . . . . . . 
                 Yundong Wu and   
                Jiajia Liao and   
                  Yujun Liu and   
               Kaiming Ding and   
                  Shimin Li and   
               Zhilin Zhang and   
                Guorong Cai and   
                       Jinhe Su   Knowledge-Driven Network for Object
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Yiting Kang and   
                   Biao Xue and   
                      Riya Zeng   Self-Adaptive Path Tracking Control for
                                  Mobile Robots under Slippage Conditions
                                  Based on an RBF Neural Network . . . . . 
                  Ali Seman and   
            Azizian Mohd Sapawi   An Optimal and Stable Algorithm for
                                  Clustering Numerical Data  . . . . . . . 
Mário P. Véstias and   
         Horácio C. Neto   Decimal Multiplication in FPGA with a
                                  Novel Decimal Adder/Subtractor . . . . . 
                Jiangyu Yan and   
                        Bing Qi   CARA: a Congestion-Aware Routing
                                  Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks   
             Suleiman Sa'ad and   
          Abdullah Muhammed and   
         Mohammed Abdullahi and   
            Azizol Abdullah and   
              Fahrul Hakim Ayob   An Enhanced Discrete Symbiotic Organism
                                  Search Algorithm for Optimal Task
                                  Scheduling in the Cloud  . . . . . . . . 
Charlyn Nayve Villavicencio and   
Julio Jerison Escudero Macrohon and   
    Xavier Alphonse Inbaraj and   
             Jyh-Horng Jeng and   
                Jer-Guang Hsieh   COVID-19 Prediction Applying Supervised
                                  Machine Learning Algorithms with
                                  Comparative Analysis Using WEKA  . . . . 
                Yanfeng Gao and   
                 Cicao Ping and   
                  Ling Wang and   
                    Binrui Wang   A Simplification Method for Point Cloud
                                  of T-Profile Steel Plate for
                                  Shipbuilding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Xiuqing Yang and   
                 Xinglu Liu and   
                Lijuan Feng and   
             Jianquan Zhang and   
                     Mingyao Qi   Non-Traditional Layout Design for
                                  Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System with
                                  Multiple Workstations  . . . . . . . . . 
                 Wenpeng Ma and   
                    Wu Yuan and   
                    Xiazhen Liu   A Comparative Study of Block Incomplete
                                  Sparse Approximate Inverses
                                  Preconditioning on Tesla K20 and V100
                                  GPUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Andreas Rauh and   
             Robert Dehnert and   
              Swantje Romig and   
               Sabine Lerch and   
                   Bernd Tibken   Iterative Solution of Linear Matrix
                                  Inequalities for the Combined Control
                                  and Observer Design of Systems with
                                  Polytopic Parameter Uncertainty and
                                  Stochastic Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Omar Salah and   
       Abdulrahim Shamayleh and   
            Shayok Mukhopadhyay   Energy Management of a Multi-Source
                                  Power System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Ioannis K. Argyros and   
             Debasis Sharma and   
     Christopher I. Argyros and   
        Sanjaya Kumar Parhi and   
      Shanta Kumari Sunanda and   
             Michael I. Argyros   Extended High Order Algorithms for
                                  Equations under the Same Set of
                                  Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Jinsong Zhang and   
               Yongtao Peng and   
                     Bo Ren and   
                     Taoying Li   PM2.5 Concentration Prediction Based on
                                  CNN-BiLSTM and Attention Mechanism . . . 
             Mingyang Huang and   
               Chenglin Liu and   
                     Liang Shan   Containment Control of First-Order
                                  Multi-Agent Systems under PI
                                  Coordination Protocol  . . . . . . . . . 
Eliana Maria Gonzalez-Neira and   
    Jairo R. Montoya-Torres and   
          Jose-Fernando Jimenez   A Multicriteria Simheuristic Approach
                                  for Solving a Stochastic Permutation
                                  Flow Shop Scheduling Problem . . . . . . 
             Alia Al Sadawi and   
       Abdulrahim Shamayleh and   
                  Malick Ndiaye   Efficient Dynamic Cost Scheduling
                                  Algorithm for Financial Data Supply
                                  Chain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Youssef Skandarani and   
         Pierre-Marc Jodoin and   
                  Alain Lalande   Deep Learning Based Cardiac MRI
                                  Segmentation: Do We Need Experts?  . . . 
          Sharif Noor Zisad and   
              Etu Chowdhury and   
  Mohammad Shahadat Hossain and   
            Raihan Ul Islam and   
                 Karl Andersson   An Integrated Deep Learning and Belief
                                  Rule-Based Expert System for Visual
                                  Sentiment Analysis under Uncertainty . . 
              Sara Ebrahimi and   
      Aminah Robinson Fayek and   
               Vuppuluri Sumati   Hybrid Artificial Intelligence
                                  HFS-RF-PSO Model for Construction Labor
                                  Productivity Prediction and Optimization 
               Faraz Bhatti and   
                 Thomas Greiner   Design of an FPGA Hardware Optimizing
                                  the Performance and Power Consumption of
                                  a Plenoptic Camera Depth Estimation
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Abdullah Y. Muaad and   
      Hanumanthappa Jayappa and   
       Mugahed A. Al-antari and   
                  Sungyoung Lee   ArCAR: a Novel Deep Learning
                                  Computer-Aided Recognition for
                                  Character-Level Arabic Text
                                  Representation and Recognition . . . . . 
 Heru Purboyo Hidayat Putro and   
            Pradono Pradono and   
            Titus Hari Setiawan   Development of Multi-Actor
                                  Multi-Criteria Analysis Based on the
                                  Weight of Stakeholder Involvement in the
                                  Assessment of Natural-Cultural Tourism
                                  Area Transportation Policies . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 14, Number 8, August, 2021

       João V. Roque and   
       João D. Lopes and   
Mário P. Véstias and   
        José T. de Sousa   IOb-Cache: a High-Performance
                                  Configurable Open-Source Cache . . . . . 
        Dhananjay Thiruvady and   
               Kerri Morgan and   
          Susan Bedingfield and   
                    Asef Nazari   Allocating Students to Industry
                                  Placements Using Integer Programming and
                                  Ant Colony Optimisation  . . . . . . . . 
        Spyros Kontogiannis and   
    Andreas Paraskevopoulos and   
            Christos Zaroliagis   Time-Dependent Alternative Route
                                  Planning: Theory and Practice  . . . . . 
                  Zhihui Du and   
  Oliver Alvarado Rodriguez and   
            Joseph Patchett and   
                 David A. Bader   Interactive Graph Stream Analytics in
                                  Arkouda  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Hailemariam Abebe Tekile and   
           Michele Fedrizzi and   
                Matteo Brunelli   Constrained Eigenvalue Minimization of
                                  Incomplete Pairwise Comparison Matrices
                                  by Nelder--Mead Algorithm  . . . . . . . 
              Kifayat Ullah and   
   Muhammad Safi Ullah Khan and   
               Manuel de la Sen   Fixed Point Results on Multi-Valued
                                  Generalized $ (\alpha,
                                  \beta)$-Nonexpansive Mappings in Banach
                                  Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Deepaa Selva and   
       Balakrishnan Nagaraj and   
               Danil Pelusi and   
        Rajendran Arunkumar and   
                      Ajay Nair   Intelligent Network Intrusion Prevention
                                  Feature Collection and Classification
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Masataka Yamada and   
               Akihiro Inokuchi   Similar Supergraph Search Based on Graph
                                  Edit Distance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Wenzel Pilar von Pilchau and   
              Anthony Stein and   
          Jörg Hähner   Synthetic Experiences for Accelerating
                                  DQN Performance in Discrete
                                  Non-Deterministic Environments . . . . . 
             Zabidin Salleh and   
            Ghaliah Alhamzi and   
            Ibitsam Masmali and   
                Ahmad Alhawarat   A Modified Liu and Storey Conjugate
                                  Gradient Method for Large Scale
                                  Unconstrained Optimization Problems  . . 
      Ezekiel Mensah Martey and   
                   Hang Lei and   
                  Xiaoyu Li and   
                    Obed Appiah   Image Representation Using Stacked
                                  Colour Histogram . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Fangyi Li and   
                  Yufei Yan and   
               Jianhua Rong and   
                     Houyao Zhu   An Efficient Time-Variant Reliability
                                  Analysis Method with Mixed Uncertainties 
    Willa Ariela Syafruddin and   
      Rio Mukhtarom Paweroi and   
              Mario Köppen   Behavior Selection Metaheuristic Search
                                  Algorithm for the Pollination
                                  Optimization: a Simulation Case of Cocoa
                                  Flowers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Samson Weiner and   
                Mukul S. Bansal   Improved Duplication-Transfer-Loss
                                  Reconciliation with Extinct and
                                  Unsampled Lineages . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Thomas Jatschka and   
      Günther R. Raidl and   
                Tobias Rodemann   A General Cooperative Optimization
                                  Approach for Distributing Service Points
                                  in Mobility Applications . . . . . . . . 
           Debora Di Caprio and   
Francisco Javier Santos Arteaga   Special Issue on Algorithms and Models
                                  for Dynamic Multiple Criteria Decision
                                  Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Bekir Sahin and   
               Devran Yazir and   
      Abdelsalam Adam Hamid and   
Noorul Shaiful Fitri Abdul Rahman   Maritime Supply Chain Optimization by
                                  Using Fuzzy Goal Programming . . . . . . 
            Giuseppe Lancia and   
                 Paolo Serafini   Computational Complexity and ILP Models
                                  for Pattern Problems in the Logical
                                  Analysis of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Haoran Xu and   
                   Xinya Li and   
                Kaiyi Zhang and   
                  Yanbai He and   
                 Haoran Fan and   
                Sijiang Liu and   
               Chuanyan Hao and   
                       Bo Jiang   SR-Inpaint: a General Deep Learning
                                  Framework for High Resolution Image
                                  Inpainting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                      Xu Li and   
                     Qiming Sun   Detect Overlapping Community Based on
                                  the Combination of Local Expansion and
                                  Label Propagation  . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Faissal Ouardi and   
                Zineb Lotfi and   
                Bilal Elghadyry   Efficient Construction of the Equation
                                  Automaton  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Zhenyu Song and   
                 Xuemei Yan and   
                Lvxing Zhao and   
                   Luyi Fan and   
                 Cheng Tang and   
                      Junkai Ji   Adaptive Self-Scaling Brain-Storm
                                  Optimization via a Chaotic Search
                                  Mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Zhandos Kegenbekov and   
                   Ilya Jackson   Adaptive Supply Chain: Demand-Supply
                                  Synchronization Using Deep Reinforcement
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Lan Huang and   
               Yuanwei Zhao and   
                    Bo Wang and   
               Dongxu Zhang and   
                  Rui Zhang and   
              Subhashis Das and   
               Simone Bocca and   
             Fausto Giunchiglia   Property-Based Semantic Similarity
                                  Criteria to Evaluate the Overlaps of
                                  Schemas  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Anestis Kousis and   
              Christos Tjortjis   Data Mining Algorithms for Smart Cities:
                                  a Bibliometric Analysis  . . . . . . . . 
               Shun-Chieh Hsieh   Tourism Demand Forecasting Based on an
                                  LSTM Network and Its Variants  . . . . . 
              Zhanhao Zhang and   
                    Qifan Huang   An Efficient Geometric Search Algorithm
                                  of Pandemic Boundary Detection . . . . . 
                 Aiiad Albeshri   SVSL: a Human Activity Recognition
                                  Method Using Soft-Voting and
                                  Self-Learning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Yuri N. Sotskov and   
           Evangelina I. Mihova   Scheduling Multiprocessor Tasks with
                                  Equal Processing Times as a Mixed Graph
                                  Coloring Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Chenyu Wang and   
                  Hong Qiao and   
                    Yi Wang and   
                    Xianting Du   Numerical Algorithm for Dynamic
                                  Impedance of Bridge Pile-Group
                                  Foundation and Its Validation  . . . . . 
              Mohamed Fnadi and   
 Julien Alexandre dit Sandretto   Experimental Validation of a Guaranteed
                                  Nonlinear Model Predictive Control . . . 
        Ezequiel de la Rosa and   
Désiré Sidibé and   
         Thomas Decourselle and   
          Thibault Leclercq and   
           Alexandre Cochet and   
                  Alain Lalande   Myocardial Infarction Quantification
                                  from Late Gadolinium Enhancement MRI
                                  Using Top-Hat Transforms and Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Ahmed Abdelmoamen Ahmed and   
                Gbenga Agunsoye   A Real-Time Network Traffic Classifier
                                  for Online Applications Using Machine
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Polash Dey and   
               Emam Hossain and   
      Md. Ishtiaque Hossain and   
Mohammed Armanuzzaman Chowdhury and   
          Md. Shariful Alam and   
  Mohammad Shahadat Hossain and   
                 Karl Andersson   Comparative Analysis of Recurrent Neural
                                  Networks in Stock Price Prediction for
                                  Different Frequency Domains  . . . . . . 
                 Weiping Wu and   
                   Lifen Wu and   
                Ruobing Xue and   
                      Shan Pang   Constrained Dynamic Mean-Variance
                                  Portfolio Selection in Continuous-Time   

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 14, Number 9, September, 2021

            Tapani Toivonen and   
               Markku Tukiainen   The Power of Human-Algorithm
                                  Collaboration in Solving Combinatorial
                                  Optimization Problems  . . . . . . . . . 
            Matin Kazerooni and   
              Phuong Nguyen and   
          Aminah Robinson Fayek   Prioritizing Construction Labor
                                  Productivity Improvement Strategies
                                  Using Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision
                                  Making and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps  . . . . 
              Daniel Gerbet and   
            Klaus Röbenack   An Algebraic Approach to Identifiability 
               Rang-Lin Fan and   
                    Pu Wang and   
                   Chen Han and   
                 Li-Jun Wei and   
                Zi-Jian Liu and   
                    Pei-Ju Yuan   Summarisation, Simulation and Comparison
                                  of Nine Control Algorithms for an Active
                                  Control Mount with an Oscillating Coil
                                  Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Yiming Xu and   
                  Kai Zhang and   
                        Li Wang   Metal Surface Defect Detection Using
                                  Modified YOLO  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Tran Dinh Khang and   
             Manh-Kien Tran and   
                 Michael Fowler   A Novel Semi-Supervised Fuzzy $C$-Means
                                  Clustering Algorithm Using Multiple
                                  Fuzzification Coefficients . . . . . . . 
             Marco Reinaldi and   
Anak Agung Ngurah Perwira Redi and   
         Dio Fawwaz Prakoso and   
     Arrie Wicaksono Widodo and   
   Mochammad Rizal Wibisono and   
           Agus Supranartha and   
        Rahmad Inca Liperda and   
            Reny Nadlifatin and   
          Yogi Tri Prasetyo and   
                    Sekar Sakti   Solving the Two Echelon Vehicle Routing
                                  Problem Using Simulated Annealing
                                  Algorithm Considering Drop Box
                                  Facilities and Emission Cost: a Case
                                  Study of Reverse Logistics Application
                                  in Indonesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Naomi Simumba and   
               Suguru Okami and   
               Akira Kodaka and   
                Naohiko Kohtake   Comparison of Profit-Based
                                  Multi-Objective Approaches for Feature
                                  Selection in Credit Scoring  . . . . . . 
                   Lin Dong and   
               Yuanning Liu and   
                   Xiaodong Zhu   PFSegIris: Precise and Fast Segmentation
                                  Algorithm for Multi-Source Heterogeneous
                                  Iris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Tianhua Zheng and   
                Jiabin Wang and   
                    Yuxiang Cai   Parallel Hybrid Particle Swarm Algorithm
                                  for Workshop Scheduling Based on Spark   
                 Shuli Wang and   
                  Xuewen Li and   
               Xiaomeng Kou and   
                  Jin Zhang and   
              Shaojie Zheng and   
               Jinlong Wang and   
                    Jibing Gong   Sequential Recommendation through Graph
                                  Neural Networks and Transformer Encoder
                                  with Degree Encoding . . . . . . . . . . 
                Junxia Yang and   
              Youpeng Zhang and   
                    Yuxiang Jin   Fully Automatic Operation Algorithm of
                                  Urban Rail Train Based on RBFNN Position
                                  Output Constrained Robust Adaptive
                                  Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Irya Wisnubhadra and   
       Safiza Kamal Baharin and   
             Nurul A. Emran and   
      Djoko Budiyanto Setyohadi   QB4MobOLAP: a Vocabulary Extension for
                                  Mobility OLAP on the Semantic Web  . . . 
                  Juan Chen and   
               Qinxuan Feng and   
                         Qi Guo   Multi-Class Freeway Congestion and
                                  Emission Based on Robust Dynamic
                                  Multi-Objective Optimization . . . . . . 
        Umberto Junior Mele and   
     Luca Maria Gambardella and   
             Roberto Montemanni   A New Constructive Heuristic Driven by
                                  Machine Learning for the Traveling
                                  Salesman Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Huoyou Li and   
               Jianshiun Hu and   
                 Jingwen Yu and   
                    Ning Yu and   
                   Qingqiang Wu   UFaceNet: Research on Multi-Task Face
                                  Recognition Algorithm Based on CNN . . . 
       Andrés Angulo and   
     Diego Rodríguez and   
       Wilmer Garzón and   
      Diego F. Gómez and   
          Ameena Al Sumaiti and   
                  Sergio Rivera   Algorithms for Bidding Strategies in
                                  Local Energy Markets: Exhaustive Search
                                  through Parallel Computing and
                                  Metaheuristic Optimization . . . . . . . 
                   Mihaly Mezei   Use of the Codon Table to Quantify the
                                  Evolutionary Role of Random Mutations    
                Hongjian Bo and   
                 Haifeng Li and   
                  Boying Wu and   
                 Hongwei Li and   
                         Lin Ma   Long-Term EEG Component Analysis Method
                                  Based on Lasso Regression  . . . . . . . 
             Arianna Pavone and   
                  Alessio Plebe   How Neurons in Deep Models Relate with
                                  Neurons in the Brain . . . . . . . . . . 
    José M. Villegas and   
             Camilo Caraveo and   
      David A. Mejía and   
José L. Rodríguez and   
               Yuridia Vega and   
          Leticia Cervantes and   
      Alejandro Medina-Santiago   Intelligent Search of Values for a
                                  Controller Using the Artificial Bee
                                  Colony Algorithm to Control the Velocity
                                  of Displacement of a Robot . . . . . . . 
                   Fan Wang and   
                Gaogao Dong and   
                     Lixin Tian   Dynamical Recovery of Complex Networks
                                  under a Localised Attack . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 14, Number 10, October, 2021

                  Ali Ahmid and   
               Thien-My Dao and   
                    Ngan Van Le   Enhanced Hyper-Cube Framework Ant Colony
                                  Optimization for Combinatorial
                                  Optimization Problems  . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Ali Aroudi and   
             Eghart Fischer and   
                Maja Serman and   
              Henning Puder and   
                    Simon Doclo   Closed-Loop Cognitive-Driven Gain
                                  Control of Competing Sounds Using
                                  Auditory Attention Decoding  . . . . . . ??
              Lucy Blondell and   
                Mark Z. Kos and   
              John Blangero and   
       Harald H. H. Göring   Genz and Mendell--Elston Estimation of
                                  the High-Dimensional Multivariate Normal
                                  Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
   Mohammad Sadegh Es-haghi and   
           Mohsen Abbaspour and   
  Hamidreza Abbasianjahromi and   
                Stefano Mariani   Machine Learning-Based Prediction of the
                                  Seismic Bearing Capacity of a Shallow
                                  Strip Footing over a Void in
                                  Heterogeneous Soils  . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Rebekah Herrman and   
             Lorna Treffert and   
            James Ostrowski and   
         Phillip C. Lotshaw and   
           Travis S. Humble and   
                 George Siopsis   Globally Optimizing QAOA Circuit Depth
                                  for Constrained Optimization Problems    ??
                      Juri Hinz   An Algorithm for Making Regime-Changing
                                  Markov Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Athanasios Kallipolitis and   
           Kyriakos Revelos and   
             Ilias Maglogiannis   Ensembling EfficientNets for the
                                  Classification and Interpretation of
                                  Histopathology Images  . . . . . . . . . ??
           Kalliopi Kravari and   
         Christina Antoniou and   
               Nick Bassiliades   SENSE: a Flow-Down Semantics-Based
                                  Requirements Engineering Framework . . . ??
                     Kai Ma and   
               Ming-Jun Nie and   
                    Sen Lin and   
               Jianlei Kong and   
             Cheng-Cai Yang and   
                     Jinhao Liu   Fine-Grained Pests Recognition Based on
                                  Truncated Probability Fusion Network via
                                  Internet of Things in Forestry and
                                  Agricultural Scenes  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Yong Mei and   
                   Hao Chen and   
                   Shuting Yang   Research on Building Target Detection
                                  Based on High-Resolution Optical Remote
                                  Sensing Imagery  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Mattia Neroni   Ant Colony Optimization with Warm-Up . . ??
               Shruti Patil and   
    Vijayakumar Varadarajan and   
             Devika Walimbe and   
         Siddharth Gulechha and   
             Sushant Shenoy and   
               Aditya Raina and   
                  Ketan Kotecha   Improving the Robustness of AI-Based
                                  Malware Detection Using Adversarial
                                  Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Courtney A. Peckens and   
            Andrea Alsgaard and   
               Camille Fogg and   
              Mary C. Ngoma and   
                  Clara Voskuil   Utilizing the Particle Swarm
                                  Optimization Algorithm for Determining
                                  Control Parameters for Civil Structures
                                  Subject to Seismic Excitation  . . . . . ??
         Rafael Peñaloza   A Brief Roadmap into Uncertain Knowledge
                                  Representation via Probabilistic
                                  Description Logics . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Efthimios Providas   A Unified Formulation of Analytical and
                                  Numerical Methods for Solving Linear
                                  Fredholm Integral Equations  . . . . . . ??
             Elkin D. Reyes and   
                  Sergio Rivera   Algorithms for Optimal Power Flow
                                  Extended to Controllable Renewable
                                  Systems and Loads  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Diego Rodriguez and   
                Diego Gomez and   
              David Alvarez and   
                  Sergio Rivera   A Review of Parallel Heterogeneous
                                  Computing Algorithms in Power Systems    ??
  Priyadarshni Suresh Sagar and   
        Eman Abdulah AlOmar and   
       Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer and   
                   Ali Ouni and   
            Christian D. Newman   Comparing Commit Messages and Source
                                  Code Metrics for the Prediction
                                  Refactoring Activities . . . . . . . . . ??
      Marcos M. Salvatierra and   
     Mario Salvatierra, Jr. and   
                Juan G. Colonna   Short Communication: Optimally Solving
                                  the Unit-Demand Envy-Free Pricing
                                  Problem with Metric Substitutability in
                                  Cubic Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Zhen Tian and   
                  Lamei Pan and   
                     Pu Yin and   
                       Rui Wang   Information Fusion-Based Deep Neural
                                  Attentive Matrix Factorization
                                  Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Xiao Wang and   
                     Xi Lin and   
                  Rong Wang and   
                 Kai-Qi Fan and   
                 Li-Jun Han and   
                 Zhao-Yuan Ding   XGB4mcPred: Identification of DNA
                                  N4-Methylcytosine Sites in Multiple
                                  Species Based on an eXtreme Gradient
                                  Boosting Algorithm and DNA Sequence
                                  Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Di Wu and   
              Wanying Zhang and   
                 Heming Jia and   
                       Xin Leng   Simultaneous Feature Selection and
                                  Support Vector Machine Optimization
                                  Using an Enhanced Chimp Optimization
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Jie Xu and   
                       Wei Ding   Rough Estimator Based Asynchronous
                                  Distributed Super Points Detection on
                                  High Speed Network Edge  . . . . . . . . ??
                Hao-Yi Yang and   
               Zhi-Rong Lin and   
                   Ko-Chih Wang   Efficient and Portable Distribution
                                  Modeling for Large-Scale Scientific Data
                                  Processing with Data-Parallel Primitives ??
             Chuanwei Zhang and   
                Shirui Chen and   
                    Lu Zhao and   
                 Xianghe Li and   
                     Xiaowen Ma   FPGA-Based Linear Detection Algorithm of
                                  an Underground Inspection Robot  . . . . ??
              Jianguo Zheng and   
                 Yilin Wang and   
                  Shihan Li and   
                   Hancong Chen   The Stock Index Prediction Based on SVR
                                  Model with Bat Optimization Algorithm    ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 14, Number 11, November, 2021

    Ahmed Abdelmoamen Ahmed and   
                   Sheikh Ahmed   A Real-Time Car Towing Management System
                                  Using ML-Powered Automatic Number Plate
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Rafael Akira Akisue and   
        Matheus Lopes Harth and   
Antonio Carlos Luperni Horta and   
            Ruy de Sousa Junior   Optimized Dissolved Oxygen Fuzzy Control
                                  for Recombinant \bionameEscherichia coli
                                  Cultivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Ibrahim Atli and   
               Metin Ozturk and   
       Gianluca C. Valastro and   
        Muhammad Zeeshan Asghar   Multi-Objective UAV Positioning
                                  Mechanism for Sustainable Wireless
                                  Connectivity in Environments with
                                  Forbidden Flying Zones . . . . . . . . . ??
Nikolay Viktorovich Baranovskiy and   
        Aleksey Podorovskiy and   
                Aleksey Malinin   Parallel Implementation of the Algorithm
                                  to Compute Forest Fire Impact on
                                  Infrastructure Facilities of JSC Russian
                                  Railways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Maria Letizia Bertotti   A Mathematical Model of Universal Basic
                                  Income and Its Numerical Simulations . . ??
           Aleksandr Cariow and   
            Janusz P. Paplinski   A Parallel Algorithm for Dividing
                                  Octonions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Yang Chen and   
            Masao Yamagishi and   
                    Isao Yamada   A Linearly Involved Generalized Moreau
                                  Enhancement of $ l_{2, 1} $ -Norm with
                                  Application to Weighted Group Sparse
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Nicolas Dupin and   
         Rémi Parize and   
               El-Ghazali Talbi   Matheuristics and Column Generation for
                                  a Basic Technician Routing Problem . . . ??
           Antonella Falini and   
            Maria Lucia Sampoli   Adaptive Refinement in
                                  Advection-Diffusion Problems by Anomaly
                                  Detection: a Numerical Study . . . . . . ??
    András Faragó   Decomposition of Random Sequences into
                                  Mixtures of Simpler Ones and Its
                                  Application in Network Analysis  . . . . ??
       Thao-Trang Huynh-Cam and   
            Long-Sheng Chen and   
                       Huynh Le   Using Decision Trees and Random Forest
                                  Algorithms to Predict and Determine
                                  Factors Contributing to First-Year
                                  University Students' Learning
                                  Performance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Winfred Ingabire and   
              Hadi Larijani and   
             Ryan M. Gibson and   
           Ayyaz-Ul-Haq Qureshi   Outdoor Node Localization Using Random
                                  Neural Networks for Large-Scale Urban
                                  IoT LoRa Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              BongJoo Jeong and   
                Jun-Hee Han and   
                    Ju-Yong Lee   Metaheuristics for a Flow Shop
                                  Scheduling Problem with Urgent Jobs and
                                  Limited Waiting Times  . . . . . . . . . ??
        Bonfim Amaro Junior and   
        Marcio Costa Santos and   
Guilherme Nepomuceno de Carvalho and   
Luiz Jonatã Pires de Araújo and   
       Placido Rogerio Pinheiro   Metaheuristics for the Minimum Time Cut
                                  Path Problem with Different Cutting and
                                  Sliding Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Alan Koschel and   
      Christoph Müller and   
             Alexander Reiterer   Selection of Key Frames for $3$D
                                  Reconstruction in Real Time  . . . . . . ??
     Christina Koutroumpina and   
             Spyros Sioutas and   
       Stelios Koutroubinas and   
                Kostas Tsichlas   Evaluation of Features Generated by a
                                  High-End Low-Cost Electrical Smart Meter ??
      Daphne Teck Ching Lai and   
                      Yuji Sato   An Empirical Study of Cluster-Based
                                  MOEA/D Bare Bones PSO for Data
                                  Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Nicola Landro and   
              Ignazio Gallo and   
             Riccardo La Grassa   Is One Teacher Model Enough to Transfer
                                  Knowledge to a Student Model?  . . . . . ??
                  Zhiwei Li and   
                     Jun Li and   
               Yousheng Xia and   
                Pingfa Feng and   
                      Feng Feng   Variation Trends of Fractal Dimension in
                                  Epileptic EEG Signals  . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Yan Liang and   
                 Qingdong Zhang   A Non-Dominated Genetic Algorithm Based
                                  on Decoding Rule of Heat Treatment
                                  Equipment Volume and Job Delivery Date   ??
                 Lanfen Liu and   
                   Xinfeng Yang   Travel Time Reliability-Based Rescue
                                  Resource Scheduling for Accidents
                                  Concerning Transport of Dangerous Goods
                                  by Rail  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Shaw-Hwa Lo and   
                     Yiqiao Yin   An Interaction-Based Convolutional
                                  Neural Network (ICNN) Toward a Better
                                  Understanding of COVID-19 X-ray Images   ??
                 Yaohang Lu and   
                 Zhongming Teng   Robust Bilinear Probabilistic Principal
                                  Component Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Alan McKendall and   
                 Artak Hakobyan   An Application of an Unequal-Area
                                  Facilities Layout Problem with
                                  Fixed-Shape Facilities . . . . . . . . . ??
         Umberto Michelucci and   
             Michela Sperti and   
                 Dario Piga and   
        Francesca Venturini and   
                 Marco A. Deriu   A Model-Agnostic Algorithm for Bayes
                                  Error Determination in Binary
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Cristian Rendon-Cardona and   
               Jorge Correa and   
            Diego A. Acosta and   
            Oscar Ruiz-Salguero   Analytic Form Fitting in Poor Triangular
                                  Meshes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 14, Number 12, December, 2021

            Issam Al-Azzoni and   
               Julian Blank and   
               Nenad Petrovi\'c   A Model-Driven Approach for Solving the
                                  Software Component Allocation Problem    ??
                  Slim Belhaiza   A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for
                                  Polymatrix Games $ \epsilon $-Proper
                                  Nash Equilibria Computation  . . . . . . ??
                 Anne Berry and   
            Genevi\`eve Simonet   Computing the Atom Graph of a Graph and
                                  the Union Join Graph of a Hypergraph . . ??
                  Guido Bologna   A Rule Extraction Technique Applied to
                                  Ensembles of Neural Networks, Random
                                  Forests, and Gradient-Boosted Trees  . . ??
       Clément Bonet and   
              Titouan Vayer and   
             Nicolas Courty and   
    François Septier and   
                  Lucas Drumetz   Subspace Detours Meet
                                  Gromov--Wasserstein  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Tom Burr and   
               Ian Schwerdt and   
                 Kari Sentz and   
            Luther McDonald and   
             Marianne Wilkerson   Overview of Algorithms for Using
                                  Particle Morphology in Pre-Detonation
                                  Nuclear Forensics  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Sonia Castelo and   
               Moacir Ponti and   
                 Rosane Minghim   A Visual Mining Approach to Improved
                                  Multiple-Instance Learning . . . . . . . ??
      Robertas Damasevicius and   
              Rytis Maskeliunas   Agent State Flipping Based Hybridization
                                  of Heuristic Optimization Algorithms: a
                                  Case of Bat Algorithm and Krill Herd
                                  Hybrid Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    András Faragó   A Meeting Point of Probability, Graphs,
                                  and Algorithms: The Lovász Local Lemma
                                  and Related Results --- a Survey . . . . ??
                 Zhenwen He and   
             Chunfeng Zhang and   
                Xiaogang Ma and   
                       Gang Liu   Hexadecimal Aggregate Approximation
                                  Representation and Classification of
                                  Time Series Data . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Kunihiko Hiraishi   A Pathfinding Problem for Fork-Join
                                  Directed Acyclic Graphs with Unknown
                                  Edge Length  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Wei Huang and   
                 Zhiren Han and   
                    Li Zhao and   
                  Hongbo Xu and   
               Zhongnian Li and   
                        Ze Wang   Resource Allocation for Intelligent
                                  Reflecting Surfaces Assisted Federated
                                  Learning System with Imperfect CSI . . . ??
           Dmitry Kosolobov and   
              Daniel Valenzuela   Lempel--Ziv Parsing for Sequences of
                                  Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Mikhail Lavrentiev and   
         Konstantin Lysakov and   
             Andrey Marchuk and   
       Konstantin Oblaukhov and   
                Mikhail Shadrin   Algorithmic Design of an FPGA-Based
                                  Calculator for Fast Evaluation of
                                  Tsunami Wave Danger  . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Douglas Lenseth and   
                 Boris Goldfarb   Merging Discrete Morse Vector Fields: a
                                  Case of Stubborn Geometric
                                  Parallelization  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Xutong Li and   
                 Taoying Li and   
                       Yan Wang   GW-DC: a Deep Clustering Model
                                  Leveraging Two-Dimensional Image
                                  Transformation and Enhancement . . . . . ??
      Wilson Tsakane Mongwe and   
             Rendani Mbuvha and   
              Tshilidzi Marwala   Locally Scaled and Stochastic Volatility
                                  Metropolis--Hastings Algorithms  . . . . ??
          Priyanka Mukhopadhyay   Faster Provable Sieving Algorithms for
                                  the Shortest Vector Problem and the
                                  Closest Vector Problem on Lattices in $
                                  l_p $ Norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Nicola Ognibene Pietri and   
              Xiaochen Chou and   
              Dominic Loske and   
            Matthias Klumpp and   
             Roberto Montemanni   The Buy-Online-Pick-Up-in-Store
                                  Retailing Model: Optimization Strategies
                                  for In-Store Picking and Packing . . . . ??
         Efthimios Providas and   
    Ioannis Nestorios Parasidis   A Procedure for Factoring and Solving
                                  Nonlocal Boundary Value Problems for a
                                  Type of Linear Integro-Differential
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Cristina Regueiro and   
          Iñaki Seco and   
Iván Gutiérrez-Agüero and   
              Borja Urquizu and   
                  Jason Mansell   A Blockchain-Based Audit Trail
                                  Mechanism: Design and Implementation . . ??
   Francisca Santana Robles and   
Eva Selene Hernández-Gress and   
Neil Hernández-Gress and   
         Rafael Granillo Macias   Metaheuristics in the Humanitarian
                                  Supply Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Szabolcs Szekér and   
   Ágnes Vathy-Fogarassy   Optimized Weighted Nearest Neighbours
                                  Matching Algorithm for Control Group
                                  Selection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Zahra Tayebi and   
                 Sarwan Ali and   
               Murray Patterson   Robust Representation and Efficient
                                  Feature Selection Allows for Effective
                                  Clustering of SARS-CoV-2 Variants  . . . ??
           Alessandro Varsi and   
              Simon Maskell and   
               Paul G. Spirakis   An $ O(\log_2 N) $ Fully-Balanced
                                  Resampling Algorithm for Particle
                                  Filters on Distributed Memory
                                  Architectures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Martin von Kurnatowski and   
              Jochen Schmid and   
               Patrick Link and   
              Rebekka Zache and   
               Lukas Morand and   
              Torsten Kraft and   
               Ingo Schmidt and   
             Jan Schwientek and   
                     Anke Stoll   Compensating Data Shortages in
                                  Manufacturing with Monotonicity
                                  Knowledge  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Frank Werner   Special Issue ``2021 Selected Papers
                                  from \booktitleAlgorithms' Editorial
                                  Board Members''  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Yajing Zhang and   
                   Kai Wang and   
                  Jinghui Zhang   Adaptive and Lightweight Abnormal Node
                                  Detection via Biological Immune Game in
                                  Mobile Multimedia Networks . . . . . . . ??
                    Ke Zhao and   
                  Lan Huang and   
                   Rui Song and   
                 Qiang Shen and   
                         Hao Xu   A Sequential Graph Neural Network for
                                  Short Text Classification  . . . . . . . ??
             Chengyan Zhong and   
                 Guanqiu Qi and   
                 Neal Mazur and   
           Sarbani Banerjee and   
          Devanshi Malaviya and   
                        Gang Hu   A Domain Adaptive Person
                                  Re-Identification Based on Dual
                                  Attention Mechanism and Camstyle
                                  Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 15, Number 1, January, 2022

               Carlos Pinto and   
                  Rui Pinto and   
           Gil Gonçalves   Towards Bio-Inspired Anomaly Detection
                                  Using the Cursory Dendritic Cell
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Luka Grubisi\'c and   
       Domagoj Lacmanovi\'c and   
                  Josip Tambaca   Preconditioning the Quad Dominant Mesh
                                  Generator for Ship Structural Analysis   
                      Yu Ge and   
                 Junjun Shi and   
                  Yaohui Li and   
                  Jingfang Shen   An Efficient Kriging Modeling Method
                                  Based on Multidimensional Scaling for
                                  High-Dimensional Problems  . . . . . . . 
           Taddeo Ssenyonga and   
       Òyvind Frette and   
         Bòrge Hamre and   
               Knut Stamnes and   
            Dennis Muyimbwa and   
       Nicolausi Ssebiyonga and   
               Jakob J. Stamnes   A New Algorithm for Simultaneous
                                  Retrieval of Aerosols and Marine
                                  Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Emad Arasteh and   
           Ailar Mahdizadeh and   
           Maryam S. Mirian and   
                 Soojin Lee and   
              Martin J. McKeown   Deep Transfer Learning for Parkinson's
                                  Disease Monitoring by Image-Based
                                  Representation of Resting-State EEG
                                  Using Directional Connectivity . . . . . 
       S. Indrapriyadarsini and   
          Shahrzad Mahboubi and   
           Hiroshi Ninomiya and   
              Takeshi Kamio and   
                    Hideki Asai   Accelerating Symmetric Rank-1
                                  Quasi-Newton Method with Nesterov's
                                  Gradient for Training Neural Networks    
           Piotr Górniak   Modeling of the 5G-Band Patch Antennas
                                  Using ANNs under the Uncertainty of the
                                  Geometrical Design Parameters Associated
                                  with the Manufacturing Process . . . . . 
                  Xiaofu Ji and   
                     Xuehua Liu   Finite-Time Control of Singular Linear
                                  Semi-Markov Jump Systems . . . . . . . . 
 Felipe Martins Müller and   
       Iaê Santos Bonilha   Hyper-Heuristic Based on ACO and Local
                                  Search for Dynamic Optimization Problems 
  Márcia R. Cappelle and   
              Les R. Foulds and   
              Humberto J. Longo   Searching Monotone Arrays: a Survey  . . 
       Fekhr Eddine Keddous and   
                     Amir Nakib   Optimal CNN-Hopfield Network for Pattern
                                  Recognition Based on a Genetic Algorithm 
     Sajjad Sayyar Roudsari and   
     Liviu Marian Ungureanu and   
          Soheil Soroushnia and   
           Taher Abu-Lebdeh and   
   Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu   Optimization of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer
                                  Bars for Reinforced Concrete Column
                                  Using Nonlinear Finite Element
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Mikhail Alexandrovich Padalko and   
Yuriy Andreevich Shevchenko and   
  Vitalii Yurievich Kapitan and   
Konstantin Valentinovich Nefedev   Parallel Computing of Edwards--Anderson
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Ismail Alperen Özlü and   
         Olzhas Baimakhanov and   
            Almaz Saukhimov and   
                 Oguzhan Ceylan   A Heuristic Methods-Based Power
                                  Distribution System Optimization Toolbox 
       Vasiliy V. Grigoriev and   
                 Oleg Iliev and   
          Petr N. Vabishchevich   On Parameter Identification for
                                  Reaction-Dominated Pore-Scale Reactive
                                  Transport Using Modified Bee Colony
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             George Tzougas and   
               Natalia Hong and   
                        Ryan Ho   Mixed Poisson Regression Models with
                                  Varying Dispersion Arising from
                                  Non-Conjugate Mixing Distributions . . . 
                  Liang Han and   
                   Feng Liu and   
                   Kaifeng Chen   Analog Circuit Fault Diagnosis Using a
                                  Novel Variant of a Convolutional Neural
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Farrukh Mukhamedov   Extremality of Disordered Phase of $
                                  \lambda $-Model on Cayley Trees  . . . . 
                 Qibing Jin and   
                   Yuming Zhang   Parameter Optimization of Active
                                  Disturbance Rejection Controller Using
                                  Adaptive Differential Ant-Lion Optimizer 
                 Yinan Chen and   
             Chuanpeng Wang and   
                        Dong Li   MINC-NRL: an Information-Based Approach
                                  for Community Detection  . . . . . . . . 
            Consolata Gakii and   
             Paul O. Mireji and   
                 Richard Rimiru   Graph Based Feature Selection for
                                  Reduction of Dimensionality in
                                  Next-Generation RNA Sequencing Datasets  
         Virginia Niculescu and   
        Robert Manuel Stefanica   Tries-Based Parallel Solutions for
                                  Generating Perfect Crosswords Grids  . . 
                 Yang Zhang and   
                Jiacheng Li and   
                         Lei Li   A Reward Population-Based Differential
                                  Genetic Harmony Search Algorithm . . . . 
               Rafet Durgut and   
          Mehmet Emin Aydin and   
                    Abdur Rakib   Transfer Learning for Operator
                                  Selection: a Reinforcement Learning
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                     Wen Li and   
                  Junfei Xu and   
                        Qi Chen   Knowledge Distillation-Based
                                  Multilingual Code Retrieval  . . . . . . 
            Nanami Taketomi and   
          Hirofumi Michimae and   
           Yuan-Tsung Chang and   
                  Takeshi Emura   \pkgmeta.shrinkage: an R Package for
                                  Meta-Analyses for Simultaneously
                                  Estimating Individual Means  . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 15, Number 2, February, 2022

        Maximilian Hoffmann and   
                 Ralph Bergmann   Using Graph Embedding Techniques in
                                  Process-Oriented Case-Based Reasoning    
               Nianqi Jiang and   
                 Fenhua Bai and   
                  Lin Huang and   
               Zhengyuan An and   
                       Tao Shen   Reputation-Driven Dynamic Node Consensus
                                  and Reliability Sharding Model in IoT
                                  Blockchain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Andrea Colagrossi and   
              Mich\`ele Lavagna   A Spacecraft Attitude Determination and
                                  Control Algorithm for Solar Arrays
                                  Pointing Leveraging Sun Angle and
                                  Angular Rates Measurements . . . . . . . 
                  Kelin Luo and   
           Frits C. R. Spieksma   Minimizing Travel Time and Latency in
                                  Multi-Capacity Ride-Sharing Problems . . 
           Shih-Chang Huang and   
                 Cong-Han Huang   Algorithms for Detecting and Refining
                                  the Area of Intangible Continuous
                                  Objects for Mobile Wireless Sensor
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Jiazhu Dai and   
                    Siwei Xiong   An Evasion Attack against Stacked
                                  Capsule Autoencoder  . . . . . . . . . . 
      Aleksey I. Pakhomchik and   
     Vladimir V. Voloshinov and   
         Valerii M. Vinokur and   
              Gordey B. Lesovik   Converting of Boolean Expression to
                                  Linear Equations, Inequalities and QUBO
                                  Penalties for Cryptanalysis  . . . . . . 
              Fancheng Zeng and   
                 Guanqiu Qi and   
                 Zhiqin Zhu and   
                   Jian Sun and   
                    Gang Hu and   
                  Matthew Haner   Convex Neural Networks Based
                                  Reinforcement Learning for Load
                                  Frequency Control under Denial of
                                  Service Attacks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Yidong Chen and   
                    Chen Li and   
                    Zhonghua Lu   An ADMM Based Parallel Approach for Fund
                                  of Fund Construction . . . . . . . . . . 
         Vladimir Kruchinin and   
              Yuriy Shablya and   
           Dmitry Kruchinin and   
               Victor Rulevskiy   Unranking Small Combinations of a Large
                                  Set in Co-Lexicographic Order  . . . . . 
Brayan Enrique Aguirre-Angulo and   
Lady Carolina Giraldo-Bello and   
       Oscar Danilo Montoya and   
           Francisco David Moya   Optimal Integration of Dispersed
                                  Generation in Medium-Voltage
                                  Distribution Networks for Voltage
                                  Stability Enhancement  . . . . . . . . . 
       Ferley Castro Aranda and   
Rodolfo García Sierra and   
Andrés Felipe Cerón Piamba and   
     Benjamin Mailhé and   
    Luis Miguel León Gil   An Algorithm for Estimation of SF$_6$
                                  Leakage on Power Substation Assets . . . 
                 Meng Zhang and   
                       Bin Yang   Swarm Robots Cooperative and Persistent
                                  Distribution Modeling and Optimization
                                  Based on the Smart Community Logistics
                                  Service Framework  . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Wolfgang Seiringer and   
          Juliana Castaneda and   
          Klaus Altendorfer and   
            Javier Panadero and   
                  Angel A. Juan   Applying Simheuristics to Minimize
                                  Overall Costs of an MRP Planned
                                  Production System  . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Pierre Leone and   
                   Nathan Cohen   Rendezvous on the Line with Different
                                  Speeds and Markers That Can Be Dropped
                                  at Chosen Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Max Bannach and   
               Sebastian Berndt   Recent Advances in Positive-Instance
                                  Driven Graph Searching . . . . . . . . . 
         Maciej Trzci\'nski and   
          Piotr A. Kowalski and   
                 Szymon Lukasik   Clustering with Nature-Inspired
                                  Algorithm Based on Territorial Behavior
                                  of Predatory Animals . . . . . . . . . . 
    Algorithms Editorial Office   Acknowledgment to Reviewers of
                                  \booktitleAlgorithms in 2021 . . . . . . 
         Kara Layne Johnson and   
         Nicole Bohme Carnegie~   Calibration of an Adaptive Genetic
                                  Algorithm for Modeling Opinion Diffusion 
              Yannis Werner and   
               Tim van Hout and   
Vijey Subramani Raja Gopalan and   
                  Thomas Vietor   Test and Validation of the
                                  Surrogate-Based, Multi-Objective GOMORS
                                  Algorithm against the NSGA-II Algorithm
                                  in Structural Shape Optimization . . . . 
   Sadeeb Simon Ottenburger and   
         Stella Möhrle and   
     Tim Oliver Müller and   
                Wolfgang Raskob   A Novel MCDA-Based Methodology Dealing
                                  with Dynamics and Ambiguities Resulting
                                  from Citizen Participation in the
                                  Context of the Energy Transition . . . . 
Javier Ibáñez and   
      José M. Alonso and   
  Pedro Alonso-Jordá and   
               Emilio Defez and   
                   Jorge Sastre   Two Taylor Algorithms for Computing the
                                  Action of the Matrix Exponential on a
                                  Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Femke M. Janssen and   
           Katja K. H. Aben and   
      Berdine L. Heesterman and   
     Quirinus J. M. Voorham and   
            Paul A. Seegers and   
          Arturo Moncada-Torres   Using Explainable Machine Learning to
                                  Explore the Impact of Synoptic Reporting
                                  on Prostate Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . 
Nikita Konstantinovich Chistousov and   
 Igor Anatolyevich Kalmykov and   
Daniil Vyacheslavovich Dukhovnyj and   
  Maksim Igorevich Kalmykov and   
  Aleksandr Anatolyevich Olenev   Adaptive Authentication Protocol Based
                                  on Zero-Knowledge Proof  . . . . . . . . 
                   Huy Pham and   
           Emile R. Shehada and   
          Shawna Stahlheber and   
            Kushagra Pandey and   
                 Wayne B. Hayes   No Cell Left behind: Automated,
                                  Stochastic, Physics-Based Tracking of
                                  Every Cell in a Dense, Growing Colony    
           Paolo Pellizzoni and   
       Andrea Pietracaprina and   
                  Geppino Pucci   $k$-Center Clustering with Outliers in
                                  Sliding Windows  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Yaoyao Ma and   
                  Xiaoyu Xu and   
                  Shuai Yan and   
                  Zhuoxiang Ren   A Preliminary Study on the Resolution of
                                  Electro-Thermal Multi-Physics Coupling
                                  Problem Using Physics-Informed Neural
                                  Network (PINN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Christoph Laroque and   
       Madlene Leißau and   
               Pedro Copado and   
        Christin Schumacher and   
            Javier Panadero and   
                  Angel A. Juan   A Biased-Randomized Discrete-Event
                                  Algorithm for the Hybrid Flow Shop
                                  Problem with Time Dependencies and
                                  Priority Constraints . . . . . . . . . . 
             Gayathri Soman and   
                M. V. Vivek and   
                 M. V. Judy and   
      Elpiniki Papageorgiou and   
        Vassilis C. Gerogiannis   Precision-Based Weighted Blending
                                  Distributed Ensemble Model for Emotion
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Lei Wang and   
             Chenguang Wang and   
                   Huabing Wang   Improved Scheduling Algorithm for
                                  Synchronous Data Flow Graphs on a
                                  Homogeneous Multi-Core Systems . . . . . 
               Indrit Hoxha and   
               Taoufik Meklachi   Data Fitting with Rational Functions:
                                  Scaled Null Space Method with
                                  Applications of Fitting Large Scale
                                  Shocks on Economic Variables and
                                  S-Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Reza Abbasi-Asl and   
           Aboozar Ghaffari and   
               Emad Fatemizadeh   Robust Registration of Medical Images in
                                  the Presence of Spatially-Varying Noise  
            Olga Kostyukova and   
             Tatiana Tchemisova   Regularization Algorithms for Linear
                                  Copositive Programming Problems: an
                                  Approach Based on the Concept of
                                  Immobile Indices . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Neil Jami and   
      Neele Leithäuser and   
           Christian Weiß   Allocating Small Transporters to Large
                                  Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 Fatemeh Keshavarz-Kohjerdi and   
                   Ruo-Wei Hung   Finding Hamiltonian and Longest $ (s,
                                  t)$-Paths of C-Shaped Supergrid Graphs
                                  in Linear Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Theodore Andronikos and   
           Michail Stefanidakis   A Two-Party Quantum Parliament . . . . . 
                  Jiarun Wu and   
                 Qingliang Chen   Pruning Adapters with Lottery Ticket . . 
             Shalini Sharma and   
                     Jerry Chou   Accelerate Incremental TSP Algorithms on
                                  Time Evolving Graphs with Partitioning
                                  Methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Marcus R. Garvie and   
                  John Burkardt   A New Algorithm Based on Colouring
                                  Arguments for Identifying Impossible
                                  Polyomino Tiling Problems  . . . . . . . 
           Joël Colloc and   
Relwendé Aristide Yameogo and   
              Peter Summons and   
              Lilian Loubet and   
      Jean-Bernard Cavelier and   
                   Paul Bridier   A Temporal Case-Based Reasoning Platform
                                  Relying on a Fuzzy Vector Spaces
                                  Object-Oriented Model and a Method to
                                  Design Knowledge Bases and Decision
                                  Support Systems in Multiple Domains  . . 
               Gabriel Valiente   Adjacency Maps and Efficient Graph
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Qiang Zhu and   
                 Zhong Wang and   
                Yunfeng Dou and   
                      Jian Zhou   Whispered Speech Conversion Based on the
                                  Inversion of Mel Frequency Cepstral
                                  Coefficient Features . . . . . . . . . . 
          Francesca Pitolli and   
          Chiara Sorgentone and   
                Enza Pellegrino   Approximation of the Riesz--Caputo
                                  Derivative by Cubic Splines  . . . . . . 
Dhanalakshmi Bettahalli Kengegowda and   
Srikantaiah Kamidoddi Chowdaiah and   
 Gururaj Harinahalli Lokesh and   
             Francesco Flammini   Classification and Merging Techniques to
                                  Reduce Brokerage Using Multi-Objective
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Hussein Abdel-Jaber and   
              Disha Devassy and   
             Azhar Al Salam and   
          Lamya Hidaytallah and   
                  Malak El-Amir   A Review of Deep Learning Algorithms and
                                  Their Applications in Healthcare . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 15, Number 3, March, 2022

           Iosif Viktoratos and   
            Athanasios Tsadiras   A Machine Learning Approach for Solving
                                  the Frozen User Cold-Start Problem in
                                  Personalized Mobile Advertising Systems  
             Mridul Agarwal and   
            Vaneet Aggarwal and   
                Arnob Ghosh and   
                   Nilay Tiwari   Reinforcement Learning for Mean-Field
                                  Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Marco Bindi and   
                Fabio Corti and   
             Igor Aizenberg and   
           Francesco Grasso and   
      Gabriele Maria Lozito and   
           Antonio Luchetta and   
  Maria Cristina Piccirilli and   
                 Alberto Reatti   Machine Learning-Based Monitoring of
                                  DC--DC Converters in Photovoltaic
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  Fraol Gelana Waldamichael and   
         Taye Girma Debelee and   
        Friedhelm Schwenker and   
  Yehualashet Megersa Ayano and   
         Samuel Rahimeto Kebede   Machine Learning in Cereal Crops Disease
                                  Detection: a Review  . . . . . . . . . . 
             Pamela Al Alam and   
          Joseph Constantin and   
        Ibtissam Constantin and   
                   Clelia Lopez   Partitioning of Transportation Networks
                                  by Efficient Evolutionary Clustering and
                                  Density Peaks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Serafeim Moustakidis and   
         Athanasios Siouras and   
        Konstantinos Vassis and   
            Ioannis Misiris and   
      Elpiniki Papageorgiou and   
           Dimitrios Tsaopoulos   Prediction of Injuries in CrossFit
                                  Training: a Machine Learning Perspective 
            Thomas Lartigue and   
          Stanley Durrleman and   
Stéphanie Allassonni\`ere   Deterministic Approximate EM Algorithm;
                                  Application to the Riemann Approximation
                                  EM and the Tempered EM . . . . . . . . . 
       Dang-Viet-Anh Nguyen and   
Jérôme Szewczyk and   
              Kanty Rabenorosoa   An Effective Algorithm for Finding
                                  Shortest Paths in Tubular Spaces . . . . 
                     Yi Liu and   
                Chengyu Yin and   
                 Jingwei Li and   
                  Fang Wang and   
                  Senzhang Wang   Predicting Dynamic User-Item Interaction
                                  with Meta-Path Guided Recursive RNN  . . 
              Simone Parisi and   
               Davide Tateo and   
          Maximilian Hensel and   
              Carlo D'Eramo and   
                 Jan Peters and   
                 Joni Pajarinen   Long-Term Visitation Value for Deep
                                  Exploration in Sparse-Reward
                                  Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . . . 
           Nellyzeth Flores and   
             Marco A. Reyna and   
          Roberto L. Avitia and   
 Jose Antonio Cardenas-Haro and   
        Conrado Garcia-Gonzalez   Non-Invasive Systems and Methods Patents
                                  Review Based on Electrocardiogram for
                                  Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Diseases . . 
                 Haijian Hu and   
                  Yicen Liu and   
                     Haina Rong   Detection of Insulators on Power
                                  Transmission Line Based on an Improved
                                  Faster Region-Convolutional Neural
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Yuqi Wang and   
                Lijun Zhang and   
                      Zhen Fang   Eye Fatigue Detection through Machine
                                  Learning Based on Single Channel
                                  Electrooculography . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Jyoti R. Munavalli and   
         Shyam Vasudeva Rao and   
         Aravind Srinivasan and   
               Frits Van Merode   Dynamic Layout Design Optimization to
                                  Improve Patient Flow in Outpatient
                                  Clinics Using Genetic Algorithms . . . . 
              Xingming Zeng and   
                Haiyuan Liu and   
                         Hao He   Prediction of Intrinsically Disordered
                                  Proteins Using Machine Learning Based on
                                  Low Complexity Methods . . . . . . . . . 
        Saravanan Sagadevan and   
Nurul Hashimah Ahamed Hassain Malim and   
              Mohd Heikal Husin   A Seed-Guided Latent Dirichlet
                                  Allocation Approach to Predict the
                                  Personality of Online Users Using the
                                  PEN Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Jialin Hou and   
              Jingtao Zhang and   
                 Wanying Wu and   
                Tianguo Jin and   
                       Kai Zhou   Research on Agricultural Machinery
                                  Rental Optimization Based on the Dynamic
                                  Artificial Bee-Ant Colony Algorithm  . . 
                   Feng Zhu and   
                 Jieyu Zhao and   
                    Zhengyi Cai   A Contrastive Learning Method for the
                                  Visual Representation of 3D Point Clouds 
      Thomas Le Mézo and   
                 Luc Jaulin and   
        Damien Massé and   
                    Benoit Zerr   Kleene Algebra to Compute Invariant Sets
                                  of Dynamical Systems . . . . . . . . . . 
           Ernesto Portugal and   
             Francisco Cruz and   
                Angel Ayala and   
                Bruno Fernandes   Analysis of Explainable Goal-Driven
                                  Reinforcement Learning in a Continuous
                                  Simulated Environment  . . . . . . . . . 
Mathias Hòjgaard Jensen and   
                  Stefan Sommer   Mean Estimation on the Diagonal of
                                  Product Manifolds  . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Mohammed Gollapalli   Ensemble Machine Learning Model to
                                  Predict the Waterborne Syndrome  . . . . 
                  Kang Wang and   
               Zhi-Jiang Xu and   
                    Yi Gong and   
                      Ke-Lin Du   Mechanical Fault Prognosis through
                                  Spectral Analysis of Vibration Signals   
              Tiago Boechel and   
      Lucas Micol Policarpo and   
  Gabriel de Oliveira Ramos and   
      Rodrigo da Rosa Righi and   
                Dhananjay Singh   Prediction of Harvest Time of Apple
                                  Trees: an RNN-Based Approach . . . . . . 
             Spyros Sioutas and   
            Efrosini Sourla and   
            Kostas Tsichlas and   
       Gerasimos Vonitsanos and   
            Christos Zaroliagis   A Dynamic Distributed Deterministic
                                  Load-Balancer for Decentralized
                                  Hierarchical Infrastructures . . . . . . 
                 Alessia Sarica   Editorial for the Special Issue on
                                  ``Machine Learning in Healthcare and
                                  Biomedical Application'' . . . . . . . . 
     Leonardo Lucio Custode and   
                  Hyunho Mo and   
              Andrea Ferigo and   
                 Giovanni Iacca   Evolutionary Optimization of Spiking
                                  Neural P Systems for Remaining Useful
                                  Life Prediction  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Jan Holoch and   
              Sven Lenhardt and   
                 Sven Revfi and   
                  Albert Albers   Design of Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
                                  Structures: Consideration of Different
                                  Material Properties in Multiple Surface
                                  Layers Resulting from the Manufacturing
                                  in a Topology Optimization . . . . . . . 
Santiago Tapia-Fernández and   
Daniel García-García and   
  Pablo García-Hernandez   Key Concepts, Weakness and Benchmark on
                                  Hash Table Data Structures . . . . . . . 
        Markus P. Rumpfkeil and   
                Dean Bryson and   
                     Phil Beran   Multi-Fidelity Sparse Polynomial Chaos
                                  and Kriging Surrogate Models Applied to
                                  Analytical Benchmark Problems  . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 15, Number 4, April, 2022

             Simon Verspeek and   
                Ivan De Boi and   
            Xavier Maldague and   
                 Rudi Penne and   
            Gunther Steenackers   Dynamic Line Scan Thermography Parameter
                                  Design via Gaussian Process Emulation    
             Juan J. Torres and   
                     Can Li and   
             Robert M. Apap and   
           Ignacio E. Grossmann   A Review on the Performance of Linear
                                  and Mixed Integer Two-Stage Stochastic
                                  Programming Software . . . . . . . . . . 
           Evgenia Novikova and   
            Elena Doynikova and   
                 Sergey Golubev   Federated Learning for Intrusion
                                  Detection in the Critical
                                  Infrastructures: Vertically Partitioned
                                  Data Use Case  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Camil Bancioiu and   
                     Remus Brad   Analyzing Markov Boundary Discovery
                                  Algorithms in Ideal Conditions Using the
                                  $d$-Separation Criterion . . . . . . . . 
Daniel Ricardo Sandoval Serrano and   
  Juan Carlos Rincón and   
Julián Mejía-Restrepo and   
Edward Rolando Núñez-Valdez and   
Vicente García-Díaz   Forecast of Medical Costs in Health
                                  Companies Using Models Based on Advanced
                                  Analytics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Deyou Tang and   
                Daqiang Tan and   
                Weihao Xiao and   
                 Jiabin Lin and   
                        Juan Fu   KMC3 and CHTKC: Best Scenarios,
                                  Deficiencies, and Challenges in
                                  High-Throughput Sequencing Data Analysis 
                   Yan Zeng and   
                  Jiyang Wu and   
                Jilin Zhang and   
               Yongjian Ren and   
                  Yunquan Zhang   Trinity: Neural Network Adaptive
                                  Distributed Parallel Training Method
                                  Based on Reinforcement Learning  . . . . 
                Wanyi Zhang and   
                Mattia Zeni and   
           Andrea Passerini and   
             Fausto Giunchiglia   Skeptical Learning --- an Algorithm and
                                  a Platform for Dealing with Mislabeling
                                  in Personal Context Recognition  . . . . 
          Oleg A. Druzhinin and   
                   Wu-Ting Tsai   Numerical Simulation of Micro-Bubbles
                                  Dispersion by Surface Waves  . . . . . . 
      Alexandru-George Rusu and   
       Constantin Paleologu and   
              Jacob Benesty and   
                Silviu Ciochina   A Variable Step Size Normalized
                                  Least-Mean-Square Algorithm Based on
                                  Data Reuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Raffaele Pizzolante   Editorial Paper for the Special Issue
                                  ``Algorithms in Hyperspectral Data
                                  Analysis'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Junjun He and   
                    Huahui Chen   An LSM-Tree Index for Spatial Data . . . 
             Inon Zuckerman and   
                Dor Mizrahi and   
                    Ilan Laufer   EEG Pattern Classification of Picking
                                  and Coordination Using Anonymous Random
                                  Walks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Elihu Sela and   
                 Shan Huang and   
                     David Horn   Deep Learning Study of an
                                  Electromagnetic Calorimeter  . . . . . . 
              Yucheng Huang and   
                   Rui Song and   
         Fausto Giunchiglia and   
                         Hao Xu   A Multitask Learning Framework for Abuse
                                  Detection and Emotion Classification . . 
                   Libero Nigro   Performance of Parallel $K$-Means
                                  Algorithms in Java . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Reihan Alinia Lat and   
          Sebelan Danishvar and   
               Hamed Heravi and   
                Morad Danishvar   Boosting Iris Recognition by
                                  Margin-Based Loss Functions  . . . . . . 
                   Yi Liang and   
                Turdi Tohti and   
                 Askar Hamdulla   False Information Detection via
                                  Multimodal Feature Fusion and
                                  Multi-Classifier Hybrid Prediction . . . 
                Shengyu Pei and   
                   Xiaoping Fan   Multi-Level Fusion Model for Person
                                  Re-Identification by Attribute Awareness 
              Clemens Zeile and   
               Tobias Weber and   
                Sebastian Sager   Combinatorial Integral Approximation
                                  Decompositions for Mixed-Integer Optimal
                                  Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Vladimir Stanovov and   
         Shakhnaz Akhmedova and   
                Eugene Semenkin   Neuroevolution for Parameter Adaptation
                                  in Differential Evolution  . . . . . . . 
         Peter Szabó and   
 Miroslava Ferencová and   
Vladimír Zelezník   Cloud Computing in Free Route Airspace
                                  Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Yan Zhang and   
                Wenhan Zhao and   
                     Bo Sun and   
                 Ying Zhang and   
                        Wen Wen   Point Cloud Upsampling Algorithm: a
                                  Systematic Review  . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Christian Truden and   
              Kerstin Maier and   
                Anna Jellen and   
      Philipp Hungerländer   Computational Approaches for Grocery
                                  Home Delivery Services . . . . . . . . . 
           Bernd Finkbeiner and   
        Martin Fränzle and   
               Florian Kohn and   
               Paul Kröger   A Truly Robust Signal Temporal Logic:
                                  Monitoring Safety Properties of
                                  Interacting Cyber-Physical Systems under
                                  Uncertain Observation  . . . . . . . . . 
           Atiq W. Siddiqui and   
               Syed Arshad Raza   A Statistical Approach to Discovering
                                  Process Regime Shifts and Their
                                  Determinants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Nawaf Alharbe and   
             Abeer Aljohani and   
           Mohamed Ali Rakrouki   A Fuzzy Grouping Genetic Algorithm for
                                  Solving a Real-World Virtual Machine
                                  Placement Problem in a Healthcare-Cloud  
               Nazmus Saqib and   
     Khandaker Foysal Haque and   
 Venkata Prasanth Yanambaka and   
               Ahmed Abdelgawad   Convolutional-Neural-Network-Based
                                  Handwritten Character Recognition: an
                                  Approach with Massive Multisource Data   
                 Hugo Silva and   
               Jorge Bernardino   Machine Learning Algorithms: an
                                  Experimental Evaluation for Decision
                                  Support Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Andrew S. Thelen and   
             Dean E. Bryson and   
           Bret K. Stanford and   
                Philip S. Beran   Multi-Fidelity Gradient-Based
                                  Optimization for High-Dimensional
                                  Aeroelastic Configurations . . . . . . . 
                     Hui Li and   
                  Yuan Fang and   
               Zhiguo Huang and   
              Mengyao Zhang and   
                       Qing Wei   Optimizing Finite-Difference Operator in
                                  Seismic Wave Numerical Modeling  . . . . 
                Shijun Zhao and   
                    Yulong Shan   Study of the Algorithm for Wind Shear
                                  Detection with Lidar Based on Shear
                                  Intensity Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Wenhao Wang and   
            Dingyuanhao Sun and   
                 Feng Jiang and   
               Xingguo Chen and   
                      Cheng Zhu   Research and Challenges of Reinforcement
                                  Learning in Cyber Defense
                                  Decision-Making for Intranet Security    

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 15, Number 5, May, 2022

Jean-François Determe and   
           Sophia Azzagnuni and   
     François Horlin and   
            Philippe De Doncker   MAC Address Anonymization for Crowd
                                  Counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Pengyu Li and   
            Christine Tseng and   
               Yaxuan Zheng and   
              Joyce A. Chew and   
              Longxiu Huang and   
            Benjamin Jarman and   
                 Deanna Needell   Guided Semi-Supervised Non-Negative
                                  Matrix Factorization . . . . . . . . . . 
                Qianqian Gu and   
                   Lei Hang and   
                   Shaorong Sun   Behavioral Game Theory Model in
                                  Pollution Control with Additional
                                  Supervision  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Junxia Yang and   
                  Youpeng Zhang   Adaptive Cooperative Control of Multiple
                                  Urban Rail Trains with Position Output
                                  Constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Fen Liu and   
                      Quan Qian   Cost-Sensitive Variational Autoencoding
                                  Classifier for Imbalanced Data
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Adrian Barradas and   
           Acela Tejeda-Gil and   
Rosa-María Cantón-Croda   Real-Time Big Data Architecture for
                                  Processing Cryptocurrency and Social
                                  Media Data: a Clustering Approach Based
                                  on $k$-Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Hayel N. Saleh and   
             Mohammad Imdad and   
            Salvatore Sessa and   
          Ferdinando Di Martino   Proving Fixed-Point Theorems Employing
                                  Fuzzy $ (\sigma, Z) $-Contractive-Type
                                  Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Giovanni Gatti Pinheiro and   
      Michael Defoin-Platel and   
             Jean-Charles Regin   Outsmarting Human Design in Airline
                                  Revenue Management . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Rohan Kumar Yadav and   
      Dragos Constantin Nicolae   Enhancing Attention's Explanation Using
                                  Interpretable Tsetlin Machine  . . . . . 
                Kazuki Koga and   
              Kazuhiro Takemoto   Simple Black-Box Universal Adversarial
                                  Attacks on Deep Neural Networks for
                                  Medical Image Classification . . . . . . 
J. Apolinar Muñoz Rodríguez   Micro-Scale Spherical and Cylindrical
                                  Surface Modeling via Metaheuristic
                                  Algorithms and Micro Laser Line
                                  Projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Daniel Yang and   
                Arya Goutam and   
                   Kevin Ji and   
                        TJ Tsai   Large-Scale Multimodal Piano Music
                                  Identification Using Marketplace
                                  Fingerprinting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Yuqing Hu and   
     Stéphane Pateux and   
                 Vincent Gripon   Squeezing Backbone Feature Distributions
                                  to the Max for Efficient Few-Shot
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Alessio Martino and   
               Luca Baldini and   
                Antonello Rizzi   On Information Granulation via Data
                                  Clustering for Granular Computing-Based
                                  Pattern Recognition: a Graph Embedding
                                  Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Yao Zou and   
                  Changchun Gao   Extreme Learning Machine Enhanced
                                  Gradient Boosting for Credit Scoring . . 
        Janith Kodithuwakku and   
   Dilki Dandeniya Arachchi and   
                 Jay Rajasekera   An Emotion and Attention Recognition
                                  System to Classify the Level of
                                  Engagement to a Video Conversation by
                                  Participants in Real Time Using Machine
                                  Learning Models and Utilizing a Neural
                                  Accelerator Chip . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Efthimios Providas   Closed-Form Solution of the Bending
                                  Two-Phase Integral Model of
                                  Euler--Bernoulli Nanobeams . . . . . . . 
              Ricky Sanjaya and   
                   Jun Wang and   
                   Yaodong Yang   Measuring the Non-Transitivity in Chess  
             Gopi Battineni and   
        Nalini Chintalapudi and   
            Gregory Zacharewicz   Process Mining in Clinical Practice:
                                  Model Evaluations in the Central Venous
                                  Catheter Installation Training . . . . . 
          Vladimir Stanovov and   
         Shakhnaz Akhmedova and   
            Aleksei Vakhnin and   
              Evgenii Sopov and   
            Eugene Semenkin and   
            Michael Affenzeller   Improving the Quantum Multi-Swarm
                                  Optimization with Adaptive Differential
                                  Evolution for Dynamic Environments . . . 
           Zaynab Almutairi and   
                Hebah Elgibreen   A Review of Modern Audio Deepfake
                                  Detection Methods: Challenges and Future
                                  Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Dorin Moldovan   Binary Horse Optimization Algorithm for
                                  Feature Selection  . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Andrei V. Panteleev and   
                Anna A. Kolessa   Optimal Open-Loop Control of Discrete
                                  Deterministic Systems by Application of
                                  the Perch School Metaheuristic
                                  Optimization Algorithm . . . . . . . . . 
                 Fengrui Xu and   
              Mengqiao Chen and   
               Xuelin Liang and   
                   Wensheng Liu   PSO Optimized Active Disturbance
                                  Rejection Control for Aircraft Anti-Skid
                                  Braking System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Jinsong Zhang and   
                    Bao Jin and   
                  Junyi Sha and   
                   Yan Chen and   
                    Yijin Zhang   SentenceLDA- and ConNetClus-Based
                                  Heterogeneous Academic Network Analysis
                                  for Publication Ranking  . . . . . . . . 
                    Xing Wu and   
                  Yifan Jin and   
               Jianjia Wang and   
                  Quan Qian and   
                       Yike Guo   MKD: Mixup-Based Knowledge Distillation
                                  for Mandarin End-to-End Speech
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Jackson Horlick Teng and   
             Thian Song Ong and   
                 Tee Connie and   
Kalaiarasi Sonai Muthu Anbananthen and   
                      Pa Pa Min   Optimized Score Level Fusion for
                                  Multi-Instance Finger Vein Recognition   
               Andreas Rauh and   
             Yohann Gourret and   
             Katell Lagattu and   
            Bernardo Hummes and   
                 Luc Jaulin and   
            Johannes Reuter and   
          Stefan Wirtensohn and   
                  Patrick Hoher   Experimental Validation of Ellipsoidal
                                  Techniques for State Estimation in
                                  Marine Applications  . . . . . . . . . . 
             Dominik Köppl   Linking Off-Road Points to Routing
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Marcus R. Garvie and   
                  John Burkardt   A Parallelizable Integer Linear
                                  Programming Approach for Tiling Finite
                                  Regions of the Plane with Polyominoes    
            Misgana Negassi and   
               Diane Wagner and   
             Alexander Reiterer   Smart(Sampling)Augment: Optimal and
                                  Efficient Data Augmentation for Semantic
                                  Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Mousumi Bala and   
         Mohammad Hanif Ali and   
         Md. Shahriare Satu and   
       Khondokar Fida Hasan and   
              Mohammad Ali Moni   Efficient Machine Learning Models for
                                  Early Stage Detection of Autism Spectrum
                                  Disorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Peixia Sun and   
             Shengxiong Lao and   
                Dongyang Du and   
               Jiqiang Peng and   
                        Xu Yang   Construction of Life-Cycle Simulation
                                  Framework of Chronic Diseases and Their
                                  Comorbidities Based on Population Cohort 
                  Alain Nogaret   Approaches to Parameter Estimation from
                                  Model Neurons and Biological Neurons . . 
                Yushan Wang and   
             Jonathan Brand and   
                     Wentai Liu   Stimulation Montage Achieves Balanced
                                  Focality and Intensity . . . . . . . . . 
                Chunchun Li and   
        Manuel Günther and   
         Akshay Raj Dhamija and   
                 Steve Cruz and   
          Mohsen Jafarzadeh and   
              Touqeer Ahmad and   
              Terrance E. Boult   Agglomerative Clustering with Threshold
                                  Optimization via Extreme Value Theory    
                 Xinning Li and   
                     Qun He and   
                   Qin Yang and   
                  Neng Wang and   
                      Hu Wu and   
                   Xianhai Yang   Research on an Optimal Path Planning
                                  Method Based on A* Algorithm for
                                  Multi-View Recognition . . . . . . . . . 
                 Rongqin Lu and   
               Xiaomei Zhao and   
                    Yingqi Wang   A Tailored Pricing Strategy for
                                  Different Types of Users in Hybrid
                                  Carsharing Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Khandakar M. Rashid and   
                   Joseph Louis   Integrating Process Mining with
                                  Discrete-Event Simulation for Dynamic
                                  Productivity Estimation in Heavy Civil
                                  Construction Operations  . . . . . . . . 
               Lingkai Yang and   
              Sally McClean and   
              Mark Donnelly and   
                Kevin Burke and   
                    Kashaf Khan   Detecting and Responding to Concept
                                  Drift in Business Processes  . . . . . . 
             Indranil Ghosh and   
   Muhammad Mahbubur Rashid and   
             Shukranul Mawa and   
                  Rupal Roy and   
          Md Manjurul Ahsan and   
       Muhammad Ramiz Uddin and   
         Kishor Datta Gupta and   
                  Pallabi Ghosh   A Modified Iterative Algorithm for
                                  Numerical Investigation of HIV Infection
                                  Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 15, Number 6, June, 2022

                Yanfen Kong and   
                Caiyue Zhou and   
            Chuanyong Zhang and   
                    Lin Sun and   
                   Chongbo Zhou   Multi-Color Channels Based Group Sparse
                                  Model for Image Restoration  . . . . . . 
           Dmitriy Rodionov and   
              Darya Kryzhko and   
             Timur Tenishev and   
             Victor Uimanov and   
           Alsu Abdulmanova and   
             Ani Kvikviniia and   
              Pavel Aksenov and   
              Mark Solovyov and   
          Fedor Kolomenskii and   
               Evgenii Konnikov   Methodology for Assessing the Digital
                                  Image of an Enterprise with Its Industry
                                  Specifics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Kerelous Waghen and   
            Mohamed-Salah Ouali   A Data-Driven Fault Tree for a Time
                                  Causality Analysis in an Aging System    
          Carine Jauberthie and   
            Nathalie Verdi\`ere   Bounded-Error Parameter Estimation Using
                                  Integro-Differential Equations for
                                  Hindmarsh--Rose Model  . . . . . . . . . 
       Najah Mary El-Gharib and   
                   Daniel Amyot   Data Preprocessing Method and API for
                                  Mining Processes from Cloud-Based
                                  Application Event Logs . . . . . . . . . 
  José Emilio Traver and   
    Cristina Nuevo-Gallardo and   
    Paloma Rodríguez and   
         Inés Tejado and   
                Blas M. Vinagre   Modeling and Control of IPMC-Based
                                  Artificial Eukaryotic Flagellum Swimming
                                  Robot: Distributed Actuation . . . . . . 
                 Lanfen Liu and   
                   Xinfeng Yang   A Multi-Objective Model and Algorithms
                                  of Aggregate Production Planning of
                                  Multi-Product with Early and Late
                                  Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Souhail Meftah and   
               Shuhao Zhang and   
       Bharadwaj Veeravalli and   
                Khin Mi Mi Aung   Revisiting the Design of Parallel Stream
                                  Joins on Trusted Execution Environments  
        Mohammad W. Alomari and   
            Christophe Chesneau   Bounding the Zeros of Polynomials Using
                                  the Frobenius Companion Matrix
                                  Partitioned by the Cartesian
                                  Decomposition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Dezheng Zhang and   
                    Peng Li and   
                 Aziguli Wulamu   An Improved Multi-Label Learning Method
                                  with ELM-RBF and a Synergistic Adaptive
                                  Genetic Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Usharani Bhimavarapu and   
        Nalini Chintalapudi and   
                 Gopi Battineni   A Fair and Safe Usage Drug
                                  Recommendation System in Medical
                                  Emergencies by a Stacked ANN . . . . . . 
                 Suhwan Lee and   
              Marco Comuzzi and   
                    Nahyun Kwon   Exploring the Suitability of Rule-Based
                                  Classification to Provide
                                  Interpretability in Outcome-Based
                                  Process Predictive Monitoring  . . . . . 
            Volker Hoffmann and   
Bendik Nybakk Torsæter and   
    Gjert Hovland Rosenlund and   
       Christian Andre Andresen   Lessons for Data-Driven Modelling from
                                  Harmonics in the Norwegian Grid  . . . . 
                 Quan Zhang and   
                   Shiyu Du and   
               Yiming Zhang and   
                Hongzhuo Wu and   
                   Kai Duan and   
                      Yanru Lin   A Novel Chimp Optimization Algorithm
                                  with Refraction Learning and Its
                                  Engineering Applications . . . . . . . . 
         Siriwan Intawichai and   
           Saifon Chaturantabut   A Missing Data Reconstruction Method
                                  Using an Accelerated Least-Squares
                                  Approximation with Randomized SVD  . . . 
           Guzel Shkaberina and   
             Leonid Verenev and   
               Elena Tovbis and   
             Natalia Rezova and   
                Lev Kazakovtsev   Clustering Algorithm with a Greedy
                                  Agglomerative Heuristic and Special
                                  Distance Measures  . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Dhidhi Pambudi and   
                Masaki Kawamura   Constructing the Neighborhood Structure
                                  of VNS Based on Binomial Distribution
                                  for Solving QUBO Problems  . . . . . . . 
               Robert Antwi and   
          James Dzisi Gadze and   
            Eric Tutu Tchao and   
                Axel Sikora and   
         Henry Nunoo-Mensah and   
     Andrew Selasi Agbemenu and   
Kwame Opunie-Boachie Obour Agyekum and   
     Justice Owusu Agyemang and   
              Dominik Welte and   
                  Eliel Keelson   A Survey on Network Optimization
                                  Techniques for Blockchain Systems  . . . 
     Ugochukwu Ejike Akpudo and   
                  Jang-Wook Hur   Exploring the Efficiencies of Spectral
                                  Isolation for Intelligent Wear
                                  Monitoring of Micro Drill Bit Automatic
                                  Regrinding In-Line Systems . . . . . . . 
          Igor D. Rodrigues and   
     Emerson A. de Carvalho and   
            Caio P. Santana and   
            Guilherme S. Bastos   Machine Learning and rs-fMRI to Identify
                                  Potential Brain Regions Associated with
                                  Autism Severity  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Adele H. Marshall and   
           Aleksandar Novakovic   Process Mining the Performance of a
                                  Real-Time Healthcare 4.0 Systems Using
                                  Conditional Survival Models  . . . . . . 
            Martin Gjoreski and   
       Vladimir Kuzmanovski and   
                  Marko Bohanec   BAG-DSM: a Method for Generating
                                  Alternatives for Hierarchical
                                  Multi-Attribute Decision Models Using
                                  Bayesian Optimization  . . . . . . . . . 
                   Yuan Luo and   
                  Jiakai Lu and   
                  Qiong Qin and   
                      Yanyu Liu   Improved JPS Path Optimization for
                                  Mobile Robots Based on Angle-Propagation
                                  Theta* Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Ghada El-khawaga and   
         Mervat Abu-Elkheir and   
               Manfred Reichert   XAI in the Context of Predictive Process
                                  Monitoring: an Empirical Analysis
                                  Framework  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Christian Mata and   
              Josep Munuera and   
              Alain Lalande and   
        Gilberto Ochoa-Ruiz and   
                   Raul Benitez   MedicalSeg: a Medical GUI Application
                                  for Image Segmentation Management  . . . 
             Jorge Fandinno and   
               David Pearce and   
    Concepción Vidal and   
                 Stefan Woltran   Comparing the Reasoning Capabilities of
                                  Equilibrium Theories and Answer Set
                                  Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Franz Georg Fuchs and   
           Kjetil Olsen Lye and   
  Halvor Mòll Nilsen and   
  Alexander Johannes Stasik and   
                 Giorgio Sartor   Constraint Preserving Mixers for the
                                  Quantum Approximate Optimization
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Efthimios Providas   An Algorithm for the Closed-Form
                                  Solution of Certain Classes of
                                  Volterra--Fredholm Integral Equations of
                                  Convolution Type . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Gabriele Papadia and   
            Massimo Pacella and   
             Vincenzo Giliberti   Topic Modeling for Automatic Analysis of
                                  Natural Language: a Case Study in an
                                  Italian Customer Support Center  . . . . 
                 Xinyi Yang and   
                  Ziyi Wang and   
               Hengxi Zhang and   
                     Nan Ma and   
                  Ning Yang and   
                 Hualin Liu and   
              Haifeng Zhang and   
                       Lei Yang   A Review: Machine Learning for
                                  Combinatorial Optimization Problems in
                                  Energy Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Guillaume J. Filion   Correction: Filion, G. J. Analytic
                                  Combinatorics for Computing Seeding
                                  Probabilities. Algorithms 2018, \bf 11,
                                  3  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Fadi Dornaika and   
            Abdelmalik Moujahid   Multi-View Graph Fusion for
                                  Semi-Supervised Learning: Application to
                                  Image-Based Face Beauty Prediction . . . 
             Regina Lionnie and   
              Catur Apriono and   
                 Dadang Gunawan   Eyes versus Eyebrows: a Comprehensive
                                  Evaluation Using the Multiscale Analysis
                                  and Curvature-Based Combination Methods
                                  in Partial Face Recognition  . . . . . . 
             Diego Granziol and   
                  Binxin Ru and   
               Xiaowen Dong and   
              Stefan Zohren and   
            Michael Osborne and   
                Stephen Roberts   Maximum Entropy Approach to Massive
                                  Graph Spectrum Learning with
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Eugenio Muscinelli and   
    Swapnil Sadashiv Shinde and   
                 Daniele Tarchi   Overview of Distributed Machine Learning
                                  Techniques for 6G Networks . . . . . . . 
      Alessandro Mazzoccoli and   
                 Maurizio Naldi   Optimizing Cybersecurity Investments
                                  over Time  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Chibuzo Nwabufo Okwuosa and   
     Ugochukwu Ejike Akpudo and   
                  Jang-Wook Hur   A Cost-Efficient MCSA-Based Fault
                                  Diagnostic Framework for SCIM at
                                  Low-Load Conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 
               Kaimeng Ding and   
               Shiping Chen and   
                  Jiming Yu and   
                  Yanan Liu and   
                        Jie Zhu   A New Subject-Sensitive Hashing
                                  Algorithm Based on MultiRes-RCF for
                                  Blockchains of HRRS Images . . . . . . . 
        Nor Azlina Ab. Aziz and   
          Kamarulzaman Ab. Aziz   Pendulum Search Algorithm: an
                                  Optimization Algorithm Based on Simple
                                  Harmonic Motion and Its Application for
                                  a Vaccine Distribution Problem . . . . . 
                Jigang Wang and   
                 Liang Chen and   
                       Rui Wang   Domain Generalization Model of Deep
                                  Convolutional Networks Based on
                                  SAND-Mask  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Martin Stumpf   Pulsed Electromagnetic Field
                                  Transmission through a Small Rectangular
                                  Aperture: a Solution Based on the
                                  Cagniard--DeHoop Method of Moments . . . 
       Lorena Reyes-Rubiano and   
                 Jana Voegl and   
                 Patrick Hirsch   An Online Algorithm for Routing an
                                  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Road Network
                                  Exploration Operations after Disasters
                                  under Different Refueling Strategies . . 
  Fatini Nadhirah Mohd Nain and   
Nurul Hashimah Ahamed Hassain Malim and   
             Rosni Abdullah and   
  Muhamad Farid Abdul Rahim and   
Mohd Azinuddin Ahmad Mokhtar and   
    Nurul Syafika Mohamad Fauzi   A Review of an Artificial Intelligence
                                  Framework for Identifying the Most
                                  Effective Palm Oil Prediction  . . . . . 
   Carlos Ansótegui~ and   
          Maria Luisa Bonet and   
                     Jordi Levy   Scale-Free Random SAT Instances  . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 15, Number 7, July, 2022

          Franz Aurenhammer and   
         Christoph Ladurner and   
            Michael Steinkogler   Incremental Construction of Motorcycle
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  Mohammad Hossein Haghighi and   
           Seyed Meysam Mousavi   A Mathematical Model and Two Fuzzy
                                  Approaches Based on Credibility and
                                  Expected Interval for Project
                                  Cost-Quality-Risk Trade-Off Problem in
                                  Time-Constrained Conditions  . . . . . . 
                Yimeng Wang and   
             Mridul Agarwal and   
                   Tian Lan and   
                Vaneet Aggarwal   Learning-Based Online QoE Optimization
                                  in Multi-Agent Video Streaming . . . . . 
           Abdalaziz Sawwan and   
                         Jie Wu   On Edge Pruning of Communication
                                  Networks under an Age-of-Information
                                  Framework  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Shinji Ono and   
                 Jun Takata and   
           Masaharu Kataoka and   
                 Tomohiro I and   
                 Kilho Shin and   
               Hiroshi Sakamoto   Privacy-Preserving Feature Selection
                                  with Fully Homomorphic Encryption  . . . 
 Jacques Phillipe Fleischer and   
       Gregor von Laszewski and   
              Carlos Theran and   
      Yohn Jairo Parra Bautista   Time Series Analysis of Cryptocurrency
                                  Prices Using Long Short-Term Memory  . . 
              Zouhair Haddi and   
             Bouchra Ananou and   
             Miquel Alfaras and   
         Mustapha Ouladsine and   
         Jean-Claude Deharo and   
     Narcís Avellana and   
       Stéphane Delliaux   Automatic Atrial Fibrillation Arrhythmia
                                  Detection Using Univariate and
                                  Multivariate Data  . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Aleksei Triastcyn and   
                   Boi Faltings   Generating Higher-Fidelity Synthetic
                                  Datasets with Privacy Guarantees . . . . 
                   Cong Xie and   
          Oluwasanmi Koyejo and   
                 Indranil Gupta   ZenoPS: a Distributed Learning System
                                  Integrating Communication Efficiency and
                                  Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Jonathan Decker and   
             Piotr Kasprzak and   
           Julian Martin Kunkel   Performance Evaluation of Open-Source
                                  Serverless Platforms for Kubernetes  . . 
             Andres Gallego and   
            Francisco Roman and   
                   Edwin Pineda   Vector Fitting-Cauchy Method for the
                                  Extraction of Complex Natural Resonances
                                  in Ground Penetrating Radar Operations   
        Vítor Filipe and   
             Pedro Teixeira and   
                   Ana Teixeira   Automatic Classification of Foot
                                  Thermograms Using Machine Learning
                                  Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Chun-Liang Lee and   
                Guan-Yu Lin and   
                 Yaw-Chung Chen   An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for
                                  Detecting Packet Filter Conflicts  . . . 
                  Xiaoyu Du and   
                Cheng Cheng and   
                Yujing Wang and   
                     Zhijie Han   Research on Network Attack Traffic
                                  Detection HybridAlgorithm Based on
                                  UMAP-RF  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Sergii Lysenko and   
          Kira Bobrovnikova and   
      Vyacheslav Kharchenko and   
                   Oleg Savenko   IoT Multi-Vector Cyberattack Detection
                                  Based on Machine Learning Algorithms:
                                  Traffic Features Analysis, Experiments,
                                  and Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Lu Yang and   
                Chishe Wang and   
                      Zhibin Li   Tunnel Traffic Evolution during Capacity
                                  Drop Based on High-Resolution Vehicle
                                  Trajectory Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Martin Eigel and   
               Marvin Haase and   
               Johannes Neumann   Topology Optimisation under
                                  Uncertainties with Neural Networks . . . 
               Taylor Petty and   
                 Jan Hannig and   
            Tunde I. Huszar and   
                      Hari Iyer   A New String Edit Distance and
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Matteo Cellamare and   
         Anna J. van Gestel and   
              Hasan Alradhi and   
               Frank Martin and   
          Arturo Moncada-Torres   A Federated Generalized Linear Model for
                                  Privacy-Preserving Analysis  . . . . . . 
                    Jin Cao and   
                      Bo Li and   
                 Mengni Fan and   
                      Huiyu Liu   Inference Acceleration with Adaptive
                                  Distributed DNN Partition over Dynamic
                                  Video Stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Tao Song and   
                Huanyu Liao and   
              Ganesh Subbarayan   Efficient Local Refinement near
                                  Parametric Boundaries Using $ k d$-Tree
                                  Data Structure and Algebraic Level Sets  
             Danial Rooyani and   
              Fantahun Defersha   A Two-Stage Multi-Objective Genetic
                                  Algorithm for a Flexible Job Shop
                                  Scheduling Problem with Lot Streaming    
          Elena Fedorchenko and   
           Evgenia Novikova and   
                 Anton Shulepov   Comparative Review of the Intrusion
                                  Detection Systems Based on Federated
                                  Learning: Advantages and Open Challenges 
                 Bochong Li and   
                    Ryo Oka and   
                  Ping Xuan and   
         Yuichiro Yoshimura and   
              Toshiya Nakaguchi   Semi-Automatic Multiparametric MR
                                  Imaging Classification Using Novel Image
                                  Input Sequences and 3D Convolutional
                                  Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Fred Petry and   
                   Ronald Yager   Intuitionistic and Interval-Valued Fuzzy
                                  Set Representations for Data Mining  . . 
           Sihmehmet Yildiz and   
     Hayriye Pehlivan Solak and   
                  Melike Nikbay   Multi-Fidelity Low-Rank Approximations
                                  for Uncertainty Quantification of a
                                  Supersonic Aircraft Design . . . . . . . 
       Sultan Ahmed Almalki and   
          Ahmed Abdel-Rahim and   
           Frederick T. Sheldon   Adaptive IDS for Cooperative Intelligent
                                  Transportation Systems Using Deep Belief
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Yufan Qian and   
                 Limei Tian and   
               Baichen Zhai and   
               Shufan Zhang and   
                         Rui Wu   Informer-WGAN: High Missing Rate Time
                                  Series Imputation Based on Adversarial
                                  Training and a Self-Attention Mechanism  
    Ralf Reiner Müller and   
Bernhard Martin Wilhelm Gäde and   
                    Ali Bereyhi   Linear Computation Coding: a Framework
                                  for Joint Quantization and Computing . . 
            Joseph Pedersen and   
Rafael Muñoz-Gómez and   
             Jiangnan Huang and   
                 Haozhe Sun and   
                 Wei-Wei Tu and   
                 Isabelle Guyon   LTU Attacker for Membership Inference    

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 15, Number 8, August, 2022

             Anna L. Trella and   
             Kelly W. Zhang and   
          Inbal Nahum-Shani and   
               Vivek Shetty and   
         Finale Doshi-Velez and   
                Susan A. Murphy   Designing Reinforcement Learning
                                  Algorithms for Digital Interventions:
                                  Pre-Implementation Guidelines  . . . . . 
         Srilakshmi Koganti and   
     Krishna Jyothi Koganti and   
         Surender Reddy Salkuti   Design of Multi-Objective-Based
                                  Artificial Intelligence Controller for
                                  Wind/Battery-Connected Shunt Active
                                  Power Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Zeeshan Tariq and   
             Darryl Charles and   
              Sally McClean and   
              Ian McChesney and   
                    Paul Taylor   Anomaly Detection for Service-Oriented
                                  Business Processes Using Conformance
                                  Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Jovana Mijalkovic and   
               Angelo Spognardi   Reducing the False Negative Rate in Deep
                                  Learning Based Network Intrusion
                                  Detection Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Enrico De Santis and   
              Parisa Naraei and   
            Alessio Martino and   
          Alireza Sadeghian and   
                Antonello Rizzi   Multifractal Characterization and
                                  Modeling of Blood Pressure Signals . . . 
           Jean-Marc Le Caillec   Hypothesis Testing Fusion for
                                  Nonlinearity Detection in Hedge Fund
                                  Price Returns  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Manuele Bertoluzzo and   
             Paolo Di Barba and   
             Michele Forzan and   
    Maria Evelina Mognaschi and   
               Elisabetta Sieni   Optimization of Compensation Network for
                                  a Wireless Power Transfer System in
                                  Dynamic Conditions: a Circuit Analysis
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Vesa Kuikka and   
               Henrik Aalto and   
           Matias Ijäs and   
                 Kimmo K. Kaski   Efficiency of Algorithms for Computing
                                  Influence and Information Spreading on
                                  Social Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Matheus Alencar da Silva and   
        Bonfim Amaro Junior and   
Ramon Rudá Brito Medeiros and   
Plácido Rogério Pinheiro   A Neuroevolutionary Model to Estimate
                                  the Tensile Strength of Manufactured
                                  Parts Made by 3D Printing  . . . . . . . 
                        Leon Li   Intensity and Direction of Volatility
                                  Spillover Effect in Carbon-Energy
                                  Markets: a Regime-Switching Approach . . 
            Parinaz Rostami and   
    Soroush Avakh Darestani and   
               Mitra Movassaghi   Modelling Cross-Docking in a Three-Level
                                  Supply Chain with Stochastic Service and
                                  Queuing System: MOWFA Algorithm  . . . . 
     Yarema A. Prykarpatsky and   
             Ilona Urbaniak and   
         Rados\law A. Kycia and   
       Anatolij K. Prykarpatski   Dark Type Dynamical Systems: The
                                  Integrability Algorithm and Applications 
             Vrushang Patel and   
             Sheela Ramanna and   
              Ketan Kotecha and   
                  Rahee Walambe   Short Text Classification with
                                  Tolerance-Based Soft Computing Method    
      Mateus F. T. Carvalho and   
       Sergio A. Silva, Jr. and   
 Carla Cristina O. Bernardo and   
Franklin César Flores and   
Juliana Vanessa C. M. Perles and   
  Jacqueline Nelisis Zanoni and   
             Yandre M. G. Costa   Cancer Identification in Walker 256
                                  Tumor Model Exploring Texture Properties
                                  Taken from Microphotograph of Rats Liver 
                    Yan Han and   
                  Liang Shu and   
                   Ziran Wu and   
                  Xuan Chen and   
               Gaoyan Zhang and   
                       Zili Cai   Research of Flexible Assembly of
                                  Miniature Circuit Breakers Based on
                                  Robot Trajectory Optimization  . . . . . 
           Elizabeth Hunter and   
               John D. Kelleher   Validating and Testing an Agent-Based
                                  Model for the Spread of COVID-19 in
                                  Ireland  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Adel Younis and   
              Fadi AlKhatib and   
                    Zuomin Dong   Optimal Motorcycle Engine Mount Design
                                  Parameter Identification Using Robust
                                  Optimization Algorithms  . . . . . . . . 
     Nathalie Campos Macias and   
      Wilhelm Düggelin and   
                  Yesim Ruf and   
                   Thomas Hanne   Building a Technology Recommender System
                                  Using Web Crawling and Natural Language
                                  Processing Technology  . . . . . . . . . 
                Afsana Khan and   
            Marijn ten Thij and   
                    Anna Wilbik   Communication-Efficient Vertical
                                  Federated Learning . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Giorgia Giacomini and   
          Caterina Graziani and   
             Veronica Lachi and   
             Pietro Bongini and   
          Niccol\`o Pancino and   
           Monica Bianchini and   
            Davide Chiarugi and   
          Angelo Valleriani and   
                 Paolo Andreini   A Neural Network Approach for the
                                  Analysis of Reproducible Ribo-Seq
                                  Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Petr Fedoseev and   
           Dmitriy Pesterev and   
              Artur Karimov and   
                  Denis Butusov   New Step Size Control Algorithm for
                                  Semi-Implicit Composition ODE Solvers    
               Andreas Rauh and   
                 Luc Jaulin and   
 Julien Alexandre dit Sandretto   Algorithms for Reliable Estimation,
                                  Identification and Control . . . . . . . 
       Oscar Danilo Montoya and   
 Walter Gil-González and   
Luis Fernando Grisales-Noreña   Solar Photovoltaic Integration in
                                  Monopolar DC Networks via the GNDO
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Guillermo Hauke and   
                Jorge Lanzarote   Simulation of Low-Speed Buoyant Flows
                                  with a Stabilized
                                  Compressible/Incompressible Formulation:
                                  The Full Navier--Stokes Approach versus
                                  the Boussinesq Model . . . . . . . . . . 
                Adel Younis and   
                    Zuomin Dong   High-Fidelity Surrogate Based
                                  Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm   
              Lars Lundberg and   
              Håkan Grahn   Research Trends, Enabling Technologies
                                  and Application Areas for Big Data . . . 
             Esraa Elhariri and   
          Nashwa El-Bendary and   
                Shereen A. Taie   Automated Pixel-Level Deep Crack
                                  Segmentation on Historical Surfaces
                                  Using U-Net Models . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Yunlong Lu and   
                      Wenxin Li   Techniques and Paradigms in Modern Game
                                  AI Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Weimin Zhao and   
             Sanaa Alwidian and   
               Qusay H. Mahmoud   Adversarial Training Methods for Deep
                                  Learning: a Systematic Review  . . . . . 
                Satyam Paul and   
               Rob Turnbull and   
            Davood Khodadad and   
          Magnus Löfstrand   A Vibration Based Automatic Fault
                                  Detection Scheme for Drilling Process
                                  Using Type-2 Fuzzy Logic . . . . . . . . 
             Chun-Liang Lee and   
                Guan-Yu Lin and   
                 Yaw-Chung Chen   Fast Conflict Detection for
                                  Multi-Dimensional Packet Filters . . . . 
              Maria Mannone and   
                Takashi Yoshino   Temari Balls, Spheres, SphereHarmonic:
                                  From Japanese Folkcraft to Music . . . . 
          Md. Monirul Islam and   
          Md. Belal Hossain and   
           Md. Nasim Akhtar and   
          Mohammad Ali Moni and   
           Khondokar Fida Hasan   CNN Based on Transfer Learning Models
                                  Using Data Augmentation and
                                  Transformation for Detection of Concrete
                                  Crack  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Jianlou Xu and   
                 Yuying Guo and   
                    Yan Hao and   
                    Leigang Huo   A Coupled Variational System for Image
                                  Decomposition along with Edges Detection 
          Juliana Castaneda and   
              Mattia Neroni and   
           Majsa Ammouriova and   
            Javier Panadero and   
                  Angel A. Juan   Biased-Randomized Discrete-Event
                                  Heuristics for Dynamic Optimization with
                                  Time Dependencies and Synchronization    
Mathias Hòjgaard Jensen and   
               Sarang Joshi and   
                  Stefan Sommer   Discrete-Time Observations of Brownian
                                  Motion on Lie Groups and Homogeneous
                                  Spaces: Sampling and Metric Estimation   
           Harshkumar Mehta and   
                 Kalpdrum Passi   Social Media Hate Speech Detection Using
                                  Explainable Artificial Intelligence
                                  (XAI)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Alexander V. Khoperskov and   
              Maxim V. Polyakov   Improving the Efficiency of Oncological
                                  Diagnosis of the Breast Based on the
                                  Combined Use of Simulation Modeling and
                                  Artificial Intelligence Algorithms . . . 
               Zesheng Chen and   
               Li-Chi Chang and   
                  Chao Chen and   
               Guoping Wang and   
                     Zhuming Bi   Defending against FakeBob Adversarial
                                  Attacks in Speaker Verification Systems
                                  with Noise-Adding  . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Genevi\`eve Simonet and   
                     Anne Berry   Properties and Recognition of Atom
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Ioannis G. Tsoulos   QFC: a Parallel Software Tool for
                                  Feature Construction, Based on
                                  Grammatical Evolution  . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 15, Number 9, September, 2022

              Caterina Fenu and   
             Lothar Reichel and   
             Giuseppe Rodriguez   \pkgSoftNet: a Package for the Analysis
                                  of Complex Networks  . . . . . . . . . . 
               Renata Sechi and   
       Konstantin Fackeldey and   
             Surahit Chewle and   
                   Marcus Weber   SepFree NMF: a Toolbox for Analyzing the
                                  Kinetics of Sequential Spectroscopic
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Van-Vinh Nguyen and   
           Nhat-Tung Nguyen and   
         Quang-Thuan Nguyen and   
                Van-Hai Bui and   
                     Wencong Su   Optimal Design Parameters for Hybrid DC
                                  Circuit Breakers Using a Multi-Objective
                                  Genetic Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Mudassir M. Rashid and   
       Mohammad Reza Askari and   
                 Canyu Chen and   
              Yueqing Liang and   
                    Kai Shu and   
                      Ali Cinar   Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for
                                  Treatment of Diabetes  . . . . . . . . . 
                 Jozsef Pap and   
                 Csaba Mako and   
             Miklos Illessy and   
                  Zef Dedaj and   
              Sina Ardabili and   
               Bernat Torok and   
                    Amir Mosavi   Correlation Analysis of Factors
                                  Affecting Firm Performance and Employees
                                  Wellbeing: Application of Advanced
                                  Machine Learning Analysis  . . . . . . . 
        Andrei V. Panteleev and   
                Anna A. Kolessa   Application of the Tomtit Flock
                                  Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm to
                                  the Optimal Discrete Time Deterministic
                                  Dynamical Control Problem  . . . . . . . 
           Tasniem Al-Yahya and   
Mohamed El Bachir Abdelkrim Menai and   
                Hassan Mathkour   Boosting the Performance of CDCL-Based
                                  SAT Solvers by Exploiting Backbones and
                                  Backdoors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Juliana Castaneda and   
             Assumpta Jover and   
               Laura Calvet and   
                Sergi Yanes and   
              Angel A. Juan and   
                 Milagros Sainz   Dealing with Gender Bias Issues in
                                  Data-Algorithmic Processes: a
                                  Social-Statistical Perspective . . . . . 
      Alexander Köhler and   
            Michael Breuß   Computational Analysis of PDE-Based
                                  Shape Analysis Models by Exploring the
                                  Damped Wave Equation . . . . . . . . . . 
         Zenonas Theodosiou and   
               Marios Thoma and   
        Harris Partaourides and   
                Andreas Lanitis   A Systematic Approach for Developing a
                                  Robust Artwork Recognition Framework
                                  Using Smartphone Cameras . . . . . . . . 
                Hongbing Li and   
                   Qunfei Zhang   MIMO Radar Imaging Method with
                                  Non-Orthogonal Waveforms Based on Deep
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Wenyun Tang and   
                Jiahui Chen and   
                   Chao Sun and   
               Hanbing Wang and   
                         Gen Li   Traffic Demand Estimations Considering
                                  Route Trajectory Reconstruction in
                                  Congested Networks . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Chaity Mondol and   
 F. M. Javed Mehedi Shamrat and   
           Md. Robiul Hasan and   
                Saidul Alam and   
               Pronab Ghosh and   
              Zarrin Tasnim and   
               Kawsar Ahmed and   
             Francis M. Bui and   
               Sobhy M. Ibrahim   Early Prediction of Chronic Kidney
                                  Disease: a Comprehensive Performance
                                  Analysis of Deep Learning Models . . . . 
          Aswani Devi Aguru and   
        Erukala Suresh Babu and   
        Soumya Ranjan Nayak and   
              Abhisek Sethy and   
                     Amit Verma   Integrated Industrial Reference
                                  Architecture for Smart Healthcare in
                                  Internet of Things: a Systematic
                                  Investigation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Jens Lang and   
            Bernhard A. Schmitt   Implicit $A$-Stable Peer Triplets for
                                  ODE Constrained Optimal Control Problems 
          Fatima Antarou Ba and   
              Michael Quellmalz   Accelerating the Sinkhorn Algorithm for
                                  Sparse Multi-Marginal Optimal Transport
                                  via Fast Fourier Transforms  . . . . . . 
            Sergey V. Belim and   
             Svetlana Yu. Belim   Images Segmentation Based on Cutting the
                                  Graph into Communities . . . . . . . . . 
            Lucia Maddalena and   
            Laura Antonelli and   
             Alexandra Albu and   
                  Aroj Hada and   
       Mario Rosario Guarracino   Artificial Intelligence for Cell
                                  Segmentation, Event Detection, and
                                  Tracking for Label-Free Microscopy
                                  Imaging  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Octavian Grigorescu and   
               Andreea Nica and   
              Mihai Dascalu and   
                Razvan Rughinis   CVE2ATT&CK: BERT-Based Mapping of CVEs to
                                  MITRE ATT&CK Techniques . . . . . . . . . 
                   Moshe Sipper   High Per Parameter: a Large-Scale Study
                                  of Hyperparameter Tuning for Machine
                                  Learning Algorithms  . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Avi Shaked and   
                  Oded Margalit   Sustainable Risk Identification Using
                                  Formal Ontologies  . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Yunyang Zhang and   
                   Shiyu Du and   
                     Quan Zhang   Improved Slime Mold Algorithm with
                                  Dynamic Quantum Rotation Gate and
                                  Opposition-Based Learning for Global
                                  Optimization and Engineering Design
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Paul Christoph Gembarski   Joining Constraint Satisfaction Problems
                                  and Configurable CAD Product Models: a
                                  Step-by-Step Implementation Guide  . . . 
              Qianqian Tong and   
              Guannan Liang and   
                Jiahao Ding and   
                    Tan Zhu and   
                   Miao Pan and   
                       Jinbo Bi   Federated Optimization of $ l_0$-norm
                                  Regularized Sparse Learning  . . . . . . 
                Omar Khalil and   
           Hany El-Sharkawy and   
               Maha Youssef and   
                   Gerd Baumann   Adaptive Piecewise Poly-Sinc Methods for
                                  Ordinary Differential Equations  . . . . 
              Chan Hee Park and   
                   Young Dae Ko   A Practical Staff Scheduling Strategy
                                  Considering Various Types of Employment
                                  in the Construction Industry . . . . . . 
           Masaaki Nagahara and   
                    Yu Iwai and   
                    Noboru Sebe   Projection onto the Set of
                                  Rank-Constrained Structured Matrices for
                                  Reduced-Order Controller Design  . . . . 
Stéphanie Allassonni\`ere   Special Issue: Stochastic Algorithms and
                                  Their Applications . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Dmitry Lukyanenko and   
         Valentin Shinkarev and   
                 Anatoly Yagola   Accounting for Round-Off Errors When
                                  Using Gradient Minimization Methods  . . 
             Christian Moya and   
                      Guang Lin   Fed-DeepONet: Stochastic Gradient-Based
                                  Federated Training of Deep Operator
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             P. Karthikeyan and   
               Wei-Lun Chen and   
                 Pao-Ann Hsiung   Autonomous Intersection Management by
                                  Using Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . 
                    Zhen Ye and   
                Xiaoming Ou and   
                Juhua Huang and   
                   Yingpin Chen   Infrared Image Deblurring Based on
                                  Lp-Pseudo-Norm and High-Order
                                  Overlapping Group Sparsity
                                  Regularization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Thilo Reich and   
              David Hulbert and   
                   Marcin Budka   A Model Architecture for Public
                                  Transport Networks Using a Combination
                                  of a Recurrent Neural Network Encoder
                                  Library and a Attention Mechanism  . . . 
         Liliya A. Demidova and   
            Artyom V. Gorchakov   Classification of Program Texts
                                  Represented as Markov Chains with
                                  Biology-Inspired Algorithms --- Enhanced
                                  Extreme Learning Machines  . . . . . . . 
               Mattia Conte and   
       Andrea M. Chiariello and   
               Alex Abraham and   
              Simona Bianco and   
            Andrea Esposito and   
             Mario Nicodemi and   
          Tommaso Matteuzzi and   
           Francesca Vercellone   Polymer Models of Chromatin Imaging Data
                                  in Single Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Shaohui Su and   
               Jiadong Wang and   
                 Dongyang Zhang   Irregular Workpiece Template-Matching
                                  Algorithm Using Contour Phase  . . . . . 
    Maya Hilda Lestari Louk and   
                 Bayu Adhi Tama   Tree-Based Classifier Ensembles for PE
                                  Malware Analysis: a Performance Revisit  
               Jestine Paul and   
     Benjamin Hong Meng Tan and   
       Bharadwaj Veeravalli and   
                Khin Mi Mi Aung   Non-Interactive Decision Trees and
                                  Applications with Multi-Bit TFHE . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 15, Number 10, October, 2022

   Abidemi Emmanuel Adeniyi and   
               Sanjay Misra and   
              Eniola Daniel and   
            Anthony Bokolo, Jr.   Computational Complexity of Modified
                                  Blowfish Cryptographic Algorithm on
                                  Video Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Shakhnaz Akhmedova and   
          Vladimir Stanovov and   
                Yukihiro Kamiya   A Hybrid Clustering Approach Based on
                                  Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Computation
                                  for Anomaly Detection  . . . . . . . . . ??
             Jamil Al-Azzeh and   
         Abdelwadood Mesleh and   
            Maksym Zaliskyi and   
           Roman Odarchenko and   
                Valeriyi Kuzmin   A Method of Accuracy Increment Using
                                  Segmented Regression . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Daniela Ambrosino and   
            Carmine Cerrone and   
                Anna Sciomachen   A Constructive Heuristics and an
                                  Iterated Neighborhood Search Procedure
                                  to Solve the Cost-Balanced Path Problem  ??
               Choirul Anam and   
               Ariij Naufal and   
               Heri Sutanto and   
                Kusworo Adi and   
                Geoff Dougherty   Impact of Iterative Bilateral Filtering
                                  on the Noise Power Spectrum of Computed
                                  Tomography Images  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Mohammad Asadzadeh and   
                 Larisa Beilina   Stability and Convergence Analysis of a
                                  Domain Decomposition FE/FD Method for
                                  Maxwell's Equations in the Time Domain   ??
       Mohammad Reza Askari and   
        Mahmoud Abdel-Latif and   
            Mudassir Rashid and   
                 Mert Sevil and   
                      Ali Cinar   Detection and Classification of
                                  Unannounced Physical Activities and
                                  Acute Psychological Stress Events for
                                  Interventions in Diabetes Treatment  . . ??
              Amit Banerjee and   
              Issam Abu-Mahfouz   A Novel Adaptive FCM with Cooperative
                                  Multi-Population Differential Evolution
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Malak Baslyman and   
               Daniel Amyot and   
                John Mylopoulos   Reasoning about Confidence in Goal
                                  Satisfaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Laxman Bhukya and   
      Narender Reddy Kedika and   
         Surender Reddy Salkuti   Enhanced Maximum Power Point Techniques
                                  for Solar Photovoltaic System under
                                  Uniform Insolation and Partial Shading
                                  Conditions: a Review . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Terrance E. Boult and   
      Nicolas M. Windesheim and   
                Steven Zhou and   
        Christopher Pereyda and   
             Lawrence B. Holder   Weibull-Open-World (WOW) Multi-Type
                                  Novelty Detection in CartPole3D  . . . . ??
           Patcharin Buayen and   
              Jeeraporn Werapun   Efficient $ 0 / 1$-Multiple-Knapsack
                                  Problem Solving by Hybrid DP
                                  Transformation and Robust Unbiased
                                  Filtering  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Emiro Antonio Campo and   
        Jose Alejandro Cano and   
Rodrigo Gómez-Montoya and   
Elkin Rodríguez-Velásquez and   
            Pablo Cortés   Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem
                                  with Fuzzy Times and Due-Windows:
                                  Minimizing Weighted Tardiness and
                                  Earliness Using Genetic Algorithms . . . ??
               Chin-Yi Chen and   
                 Jih-Jeng Huang   Defuzzify Imprecise Numbers Using the
                                  Mellin Transform and the Trade-Off
                                  between the Mean and Spread  . . . . . . ??
             Alicia Cordero and   
Miguel A. Leonardo Sepúlveda and   
             Juan R. Torregrosa   Dynamics and Stability on a Family of
                                  Optimal Fourth-Order Iterative Methods   ??
Stéphane Crépey and   
         Noureddine Lehdili and   
             Nisrine Madhar and   
                    Maud Thomas   Anomaly Detection in Financial Time
                                  Series by Principal Component Analysis
                                  and Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Atabak Elmi and   
     Dhananjay R. Thiruvady and   
               Andreas T. Ernst   Blocking Cyclic Job-Shop Scheduling
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Antonella Falini   RSB: Robust Successive Binarization for
                                  Change Detection in Bitemporal
                                  Hyperspectral Images . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Stefano Fiorini and   
           Michele Ciavotta and   
                 Andrea Maurino   Listening to the City, Attentively: a
                                  Spatio-Temporal Attention-Boosted
                                  Autoencoder for the Short-Term Flow
                                  Prediction Problem . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Giorgia Franchini and   
           Micaela Verucchi and   
              Ambra Catozzi and   
             Federica Porta and   
                    Marco Prato   Biomedical Image Classification via
                                  Dynamically Early Stopped Artificial
                                  Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Jonatan Gomez and   
                  Andres Rivera   Non-Stationary Stochastic Global
                                  Optimization Algorithms  . . . . . . . . ??
                 Zhihao Guo and   
             Shengyuan Chen and   
                 Xiao Huang and   
              Zhiqiang Qian and   
                Chunsing Yu and   
                     Yan Xu and   
                      Fang Ding   Fair Benchmark for Unsupervised Node
                                  Representation Learning  . . . . . . . . ??
            Christof Hammer and   
          Sebastian Sporrer and   
            Johannes Warmer and   
                 Peter Kaul and   
             Ronald Thoelen and   
                   Norbert Jung   Algorithms for Automatic Data Validation
                                  and Performance Assessment of MOX Gas
                                  Sensor Data Using Time Series Analysis   ??
                 K. Haritha and   
                 M. V. Judy and   
  Konstantinos Papageorgiou and   
    Vassilis C. Georgiannis and   
          Elpiniki Papageorgiou   Distributed Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for
                                  Feature Selection in Big Data
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Anuj Jain and   
                   Sartaj Sahni   Foremost Walks and Paths in Interval
                                  Temporal Graphs  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Tatiana Karaseva and   
                Eugene Semenkin   Evolutionary Approaches to the
                                  Identification of Dynamic Processes in
                                  the Form of Differential Equations and
                                  Their Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Pooyan Kazemi and   
                 Aldo Ghisi and   
                Stefano Mariani   Classification of the Structural
                                  Behavior of Tall Buildings with a
                                  Diagrid Structure: a Machine
                                  Learning-Based Approach  . . . . . . . . ??
             Hannes Leipold and   
     Federico M. Spedalieri and   
                Eleanor Rieffel   Tailored Quantum Alternating Operator
                                  Ansätzes for Circuit Fault Diagnostics    ??
                 Xinning Li and   
                   Qin Yang and   
                      Hu Wu and   
                  Shuai Tan and   
                     Qun He and   
                  Neng Wang and   
                   Xianhai Yang   Joints Trajectory Planning of Robot
                                  Based on Slime Mould Whale Optimization
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Baihan Lin   Topological Data Analysis in Time
                                  Series: Temporal Filtration and
                                  Application to Single-Cell Genomics  . . ??
               Anant Mathur and   
                 Sarat Moka and   
                  Zdravko Botev   Coordinate Descent for
                                  Variance-Component Models  . . . . . . . ??
Javier Andrés Mora-Burbano and   
Cristian David Fonseca-Díaz and   
           Oscar Danilo Montoya   Application of the SSA for Optimal
                                  Reactive Power Compensation in Radial
                                  and Meshed Distribution Using D-STATCOMs ??
              Hunter Morera and   
              Roshan Warman and   
             Azubuogu Anudu and   
          Chukwudumebi Uche and   
        Ivana Radosavljevic and   
               Nikhil Reddy and   
              Ahan Kayastha and   
       Niharika Baviriseaty and   
              Rahul Mhaskar and   
        Andrew A. Borkowski and   
              Patrick Brady and   
               Satish Singh and   
              Gerard Mullin and   
                Jose Lezama and   
           Lawrence O. Hall and   
             Dmitry Goldgof and   
            Gitanjali Vidyarthi   Reduction of Video Capsule Endoscopy
                                  Reading Times Using Deep Learning with
                                  Small Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Viacheslav Moskalenko and   
      Vyacheslav Kharchenko and   
           Alona Moskalenko and   
                  Sergey Petrov   Model and Training Method of the
                                  Resilient Image Classifier Considering
                                  Faults, Concept Drift, and Adversarial
                                  Attacks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Mahbubun Nahar and   
             A. H. M. Kamal and   
           Md Rafiul Hassan and   
              Mohammad Ali Moni   Novel Algorithm for Multi-Time Data
                                  Implantation in a Special
                                  Cyber-Manufacturing Architecture . . . . ??
          Dan Claudiu Neagu and   
          Andrei Bogdan Rus and   
                 Mihai Grec and   
    Mihai Augustin Boroianu and   
             Nicolae Bogdan and   
                     Attila Gal   Towards Sentiment Analysis for Romanian
                                  Twitter Content  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Bo Peng and   
                    Ying Bi and   
                   Bing Xue and   
              Mengjie Zhang and   
                    Shuting Wan   A Survey on Fault Diagnosis of Rolling
                                  Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Eugenio Roanes-Lozano   A Computational Approach to Overtaking
                                  Station Track Layout Design Using
                                  Graphs: an Extension That Supports
                                  Special Turnouts --- an Improved
                                  Alternative Track Layout Proposal  . . . ??
Rosa María Rodriguez-Sánchez and   
          Jorge Chamorro-Padial   Corner Centrality of Nodes in Multilayer
                                  Networks: a Case Study in the Network
                                  Analysis of Keywords . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Arun Saco and   
        P. Shanmuga Sundari and   
              Karthikeyan J and   
                     Anand Paul   An Optimized Data Analysis on a
                                  Real-Time Application of PEM Fuel Cell
                                  Design by Using Machine Learning
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Milos Seda   The Assignment Problem and Its Relation
                                  to Logistics Problems  . . . . . . . . . ??
Simón Sepúlveda-García and   
       Oscar Danilo Montoya and   
        Alejandro Garcés   Power Flow Solution in Bipolar DC
                                  Networks Considering a Neutral Wire and
                                  Unbalanced Loads: a Hyperbolic
                                  Approximation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Alexey Setukha and   
              Rufina Tretiakova   Computational Modeling of Lymph
                                  Filtration and Absorption in the Lymph
                                  Node by Boundary Integral Equations  . . ??
         Kholmat Shadimetov and   
            Abdullo Hayotov and   
              Botir Abdikayimov   On an Optimal Quadrature Formula in a
                                  Hilbert Space of Periodic Functions  . . ??
              George Sisias and   
       Myrto Konstantinidou and   
          Sotirios Kontogiannis   Deep Learning Process and Application
                                  for the Detection of Dangerous Goods
                                  Passing through Motorway Tunnels . . . . ??
          Pavel Sorokovikov and   
               Alexander Gornov   Modifications of Flower Pollination,
                                  Teacher-Learner and Firefly Algorithms
                                  for Solving Multiextremal Optimization
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Athanasios C. Spanos and   
        Sotiris P. Gayialis and   
     Evripidis P. Kechagias and   
       Georgios A. Papadopoulos   An Application of a Decision Support
                                  System Enabled by a Hybrid Algorithmic
                                  Framework for Production Scheduling in
                                  an SME Manufacturer  . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Vukasin Stanojevi\'c and   
            Lev Kazakovtsev and   
  Predrag S. Stanimirovi\'c and   
             Natalya Rezova and   
               Guzel Shkaberina   Calculating the Moore--Penrose
                                  Generalized Inverse on Massively
                                  Parallel Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Miles Stötzner and   
             Steffen Becker and   
     Uwe Breitenbücher and   
Kálmán Képes and   
                  Frank Leymann   Modeling Different Deployment Variants
                                  of a Composite Application in a Single
                                  Declarative Deployment Model . . . . . . ??
              Yue Ting Tang and   
            Roman Romero-Ortuno   Using Explainable AI (XAI) for the
                                  Prediction of Falls in the Older
                                  Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Kaya ter Burg and   
                    Heysem Kaya   Comparing Approaches for Explaining
                                  DNN-Based Facial Expression
                                  Classifications  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Wan Teng Tey and   
                 Tee Connie and   
              Kan Yeep Choo and   
            Michael Kah Ong Goh   Cicada Species Recognition Based on
                                  Acoustic Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Aihua Wu and   
                Yinjia Ding and   
               Jingfeng Mao and   
                   Xudong Zhang   A Fast Point Clouds Registration
                                  Algorithm Based on ISS-USC Feature for
                                  the 3D Laser Scanner . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Hui Yao and   
                  Thomas Taimre   Estimating Tail Probabilities of Random
                                  Sums of Phase-Type Scale Mixture Random
                                  Variables  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Chaoran Zheng and   
           Mohsen Eskandari and   
                    Ming Li and   
                      Zeyue Sun   GA-Reinforced Deep Neural Network for
                                  Net Electric Load Forecasting in
                                  Microgrids with Renewable Energy
                                  Resources for Scheduling Battery Energy
                                  Storage Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Xudong Zhou and   
             Nobuo Funabiki and   
                  Hein Htet and   
            Ariel Kamoyedji and   
         Irin Tri Anggraini and   
                Yuanzhi Huo and   
        Yan Watequlis Syaifudin   A Static Assignment Algorithm of Uniform
                                  Jobs to Workers in a User-PC Computing
                                  System Using Simultaneous Linear
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 15, Number 11, November, 2022

  Christoffer Åleskog and   
          Håkan Grahn and   
                     Anton Borg   Recent Developments in Low-Power AI
                                  Accelerators: a Survey . . . . . . . . . ??
           Stephen A. Adubi and   
      Olufunke O. Oladipupo and   
            Oludayo O. Olugbara   Evolutionary Algorithm-Based Iterated
                                  Local Search Hyper-Heuristic for
                                  Combinatorial Optimization Problems  . . ??
        Ahmed Abdelmoamen Ahmed   An Actor-Based Formal Model and Runtime
                                  Environment for Resource-Bounded IoT
                                  Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Rasoul Amirzadeh and   
                Asef Nazari and   
            Dhananjay Thiruvady   Applying Artificial Intelligence in
                                  Cryptocurrency Markets: a Survey . . . . ??
             Batuhan Arasli and   
                  Sennur Ulukus   Dynamic SAFFRON: Disease Control Over
                                  Time via Group Testing . . . . . . . . . ??
           Ali Habeeb Askar and   
                  Issa Omle and   
        Endre Kovács and   
      János Majár   Testing Some Different Implementations
                                  of Heat Convection and Radiation in the
                                  Leapfrog-Hopscotch Algorithm . . . . . . ??
  Farah Nur Arina Baharudin and   
        Nor Azlina Ab. Aziz and   
 Mohamad Razwan Abdul Malek and   
  Anith Khairunnisa Ghazali and   
               Zuwairie Ibrahim   Indoor Comfort and Energy Consumption
                                  Optimization Using an Inertia Weight
                                  Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm  . . . . ??
             Jong-Shin Chen and   
               Ruo-Wei Hung and   
 Fatemeh Keshavarz-Kohjerdi and   
                  Yung-Fa Huang   Domination and Independent Domination in
                                  Extended Supergrid Graphs  . . . . . . . ??
    Roberto Rosario Corsini and   
              Antonio Costa and   
             Sergio Fichera and   
            Vincenzo Parrinello   Hybrid Harmony Search for Stochastic
                                  Scheduling of Chemotherapy Outpatient
                                  Appointments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Igor Pinheiro de Araújo Costa and   
    Adilson Vilarinho Terra and   
Miguel Ângelo Lellis Moreira and   
       Maria Teresa Pereira and   
Luiz Paulo Lopes Fávero and   
          Marcos dos Santos and   
Carlos Francisco Simões Gomes   A Systematic Approach to the Management
                                  of Military Human Resources through the
                                  ELECTRE-MOr Multicriteria Method . . . . ??
             Mircea Crasmareanu   Higher-Order Curvatures of Plane and
                                  Space Parametrized Curves  . . . . . . . ??
                  Sami Diaf and   
                Ulrich Fritsche   Topic Scaling: a Joint Document
                                  Scaling-Topic Model Approach to Learn
                                  Time-Specific Topics . . . . . . . . . . ??
             L. G. Divyanth and   
                 D. S. Guru and   
               Peeyush Soni and   
        Rajendra Machavaram and   
            Mohammad Nadimi and   
               Jitendra Paliwal   Image-to-Image Translation-Based Data
                                  Augmentation for Improving Crop/Weed
                                  Classification Models for Precision
                                  Agriculture Applications . . . . . . . . ??
                 Henning Fernau   Special Issue ``Selected Algorithmic
                                  Papers From CSR 2020'' . . . . . . . . . ??
   Nikolaos-Ioannis Galanis and   
        Panagiotis Vafiadis and   
     Kostas-Gkouram Mirzaev and   
           George A. Papakostas   Convolutional Neural Networks: a Roundup
                                  and Benchmark of Their Pooling Layer
                                  Variants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Lalit Garg and   
              Sally McClean and   
               Brian Meenan and   
               Maria Barton and   
              Ken Fullerton and   
        Sandra C. Buttigieg and   
             Alexander Micallef   Phase-Type Survival Trees to Model a
                                  Delayed Discharge and Its Effect in a
                                  Stroke Care Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Flavia Grignaffini and   
          Francesco Barbuto and   
             Lorenzo Piazzo and   
           Maurizio Troiano and   
           Patrizio Simeoni and   
              Fabio Mangini and   
         Giovanni Pellacani and   
           Carmen Cantisani and   
                Fabrizio Frezza   Machine Learning Approaches for Skin
                                  Cancer Classification from Dermoscopic
                                  Images: a Systematic Review  . . . . . . ??
                Rafik Hamza and   
                 Hilmil Pradana   A Survey of Intellectual Property Rights
                                  Protection in Big Data Applications  . . ??
Jérôme Houdayer and   
                  Patrice Koehl   Stable Evaluation of 3D Zernike Moments
                                  for Surface Meshes . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Leila Karimi and   
       Chowdhury Nawrin Ferdous   Branch and Price Algorithm for
                                  Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing with a
                                  Variable Number of Wagons and Time
                                  Windows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Tuan-Vinh La and   
               Minh-Son Dao and   
                Duy-Dong Le and   
             Kim-Phung Thai and   
           Quoc-Hung Nguyen and   
             Thuy-Kieu Phan-Thi   Leverage Boosting and Transformer on
                                  Text-Image Matching for Cheap Fakes
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      André Lanrezac and   
            Benoist Laurent and   
              Hubert Santuz and   
       Nicolas Férey and   
                    Marc Baaden   Fast and Interactive Positioning of
                                  Proteins within Membranes  . . . . . . . ??
                  Raz Lapid and   
             Zvika Haramaty and   
                   Moshe Sipper   An Evolutionary, Gradient-Free,
                                  Query-Efficient, Black-Box Algorithm for
                                  Generating Adversarial Instances in Deep
                                  Convolutional Neural Networks  . . . . . ??
                Salman Lari and   
              Sang Wook Han and   
                Jong Uk Kim and   
                  Hyock Ju Kwon   Design of HIFU Treatment Plans Using
                                  Thermodynamic Equilibrium Algorithm  . . ??
                Duy-Dong Le and   
              Anh-Khoa Tran and   
               Minh-Son Dao and   
       Kieu-Chinh Nguyen-Ly and   
               Hoang-Son Le and   
        Xuan-Dao Nguyen-Thi and   
             Thanh-Qui Pham and   
           Van-Luong Nguyen and   
            Bach-Yen Nguyen-Thi   Insights into Multi-Model Federated
                                  Learning: an Advanced Approach for Air
                                  Quality Index Forecasting  . . . . . . . ??
                   Jiamu Li and   
                   Ji Zhang and   
         Mohamed Jaward Bah and   
                  Jian Wang and   
                 Youwen Zhu and   
               Gaoming Yang and   
                Lingling Li and   
                    Kexin Zhang   An Auto-Encoder with Genetic Algorithm
                                  for High Dimensional Data: Towards
                                  Accurate and Interpretable Outlier
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Zhenglong Li and   
                    Vincent Tam   A Hybrid Optimization Framework with
                                  Dynamic Transition Scheme for
                                  Large-Scale Portfolio Management . . . . ??
             Piero Mazzetti and   
                   Anna Carbone   Periodic and Non-Periodic Brainwaves
                                  Emerging via Stochastic Synchronization
                                  of Closed Loops of Firing Neurons  . . . ??
             Matin Mortaheb and   
            Cemil Vahapoglu and   
                  Sennur Ulukus   Personalized Federated Multi-Task
                                  Learning over Wireless Fading Channels   ??
          Federico Mosquera and   
                Pieter Smet and   
            Greet Vanden Berghe   An Algorithm for Generating a Diverse
                                  Set of Multi-Modal Journeys  . . . . . . ??
                  Sandile Motsa   Overlapping Grid-Based Optimized
                                  Single-Step Hybrid Block Method for
                                  Solving First-Order Initial Value
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Ádám Nagy and   
  János Majár and   
            Endre Kovács   Consistency and Convergence Properties
                                  of 20 Recent and Old Numerical Schemes
                                  for the Diffusion Equation . . . . . . . ??
            Alireza Namdari and   
         Maryam Asad Samani and   
               Tariq S. Durrani   Lithium-Ion Battery Prognostics through
                                  Reinforcement Learning Based on Entropy
                                  Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Frank Nielsen   Generalizing the Alpha-Divergences and
                                  the Oriented Kullback--Leibler
                                  Divergences with Quasi-Arithmetic Means  ??
Roseline Oluwaseun Ogundokun and   
          Rytis Maskeliunas and   
               Sanjay Misra and   
          Robertas Damasevicius   Hybrid InceptionV3-SVM-Based Approach
                                  for Human Posture Detection in Health
                                  Monitoring Systems . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Alexandru-Liviu Olteanu and   
                Marc Sevaux and   
                   Mohsen Ziaee   Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling
                                  with Job and Machine Acceptance and
                                  Renewable Resource Allocation  . . . . . ??
Yenny Alexandra Paredes-Astudillo and   
    Jairo R. Montoya-Torres and   
  Valérie Botta-Genoulaz   Taxonomy of Scheduling Problems with
                                  Learning and Deterioration Effects . . . ??
            Giulia Pugliese and   
              Xiaochen Chou and   
              Dominic Loske and   
            Matthias Klumpp and   
             Roberto Montemanni   AMR-Assisted Order Picking: Models for
                                  Picker-to-Parts Systems in a Two-Blocks
                                  Warehouse  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Dadmehr Rahbari   Analyzing Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for
                                  Task Scheduling in a Fog-Based IoT
                                  Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Sergio R. Rivera   Special Issue on Algorithms in Planning
                                  and Operation of Power Systems . . . . . ??
               Jean Ruppert and   
     Marharyta Aleksandrova and   
                   Thomas Engel   $k$-Pareto Optimality-Based Sorting with
                                  Maximization of Choice and Its
                                  Application to Genetic Optimization  . . ??
        Arun Kumar Sangaiah and   
              Samira Rezaei and   
             Amir Javadpour and   
           Farimasadat Miri and   
               Weizhe Zhang and   
                   Desheng Wang   Automatic Fault Detection and Diagnosis
                                  in Cellular Networks and Beyond 5G:
                                  Intelligent Network Management . . . . . ??
José Victor Sá Santos and   
     Napoleão Nepomuceno   Computational Performance Evaluation of
                                  Column Generation and Generate-and-Solve
                                  Techniques for the One-Dimensional
                                  Cutting Stock Problem  . . . . . . . . . ??
             Daniel Sarabia and   
    María Cruz Ortiz and   
           Luis Antonio Sarabia   Integrated Design of a Supermarket
                                  Refrigeration System by Means of
                                  Experimental Design Adapted to
                                  Computational Problems . . . . . . . . . ??
         Sergey A. Soldatov and   
           Danil M. Pashkov and   
             Sergey A. Guda and   
      Nikolay S. Karnaukhov and   
          Alexander A. Guda and   
          Alexander V. Soldatov   Deep Learning Classification of
                                  Colorectal Lesions Based on Whole Slide
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Debabrata Swain and   
          Santosh Satapathy and   
        Biswaranjan Acharya and   
               Madhu Shukla and   
    Vassilis C. Gerogiannis and   
            Andreas Kanavos and   
              Dimitris Giakovis   Deep Learning Models for Yoga Pose
                                  Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Lev Utkin and   
            Andrei Konstantinov   Ensembles of Random SHAPs  . . . . . . . ??
                   Frank Werner   Special Issue ``1st Online Conference on
                                  Algorithms (IOCA2021)''  . . . . . . . . ??
                      Na Ye and   
                    Cai Dai and   
                     Xingsi Xue   A Two-Archive Many-Objective
                                  Optimization Algorithm Based on
                                  D-Domination and Decomposition . . . . . ??
        Gianpaolo Zammarchi and   
         Claudio Conversano and   
                 Claudia Pisanu   Investigating Shared Genetic Bases
                                  between Psychiatric Disorders,
                                  Cardiometabolic and Sleep Traits Using
                                  $K$-Means Clustering and Local Genetic
                                  Correlation Analysis . . . . . . . . . . ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 15, Number 12, December, 2022

                 Azam Ahadi and   
            Zahra Eidinejad and   
               Reza Saadati and   
                  Donal O'Regan   Modular Stability Analysis of a
                                  Nonlinear Stochastic Fractional Volterra
                                  IDE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
 Dimitris J. Apostolopoulos and   
  Ioannis D. Apostolopoulos and   
  Nikolaos D. Papathanasiou and   
        Trifon Spyridonidis and   
         George S. Panayiotakis   Detection and Localisation of Abnormal
                                  Parathyroid Glands: an Explainable Deep
                                  Learning Approach  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Massimiliano Caramia   ``Algorithms in Multi-Objective
                                  Optimization'': Foreword by the Guest
                                  Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Ivan Chavdarov and   
              Bozhidar Naydenov   Algorithm for Determining the Types of
                                  Inverse Kinematics Solutions for
                                  Sequential Planar Robots and Their
                                  Representation in the Configuration
                                  Space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Tee Connie and   
     Timilehin B. Aderinola and   
             Thian Song Ong and   
        Michael Kah Ong Goh and   
              Bayu Erfianto and   
                   Bedy Purnama   Pose-Based Gait Analysis for Diagnosis
                                  of Parkinson's Disease . . . . . . . . . ??
               Yinhuan Dong and   
                 Duanxu Shi and   
             Tughrul Arslan and   
                    Yunjie Yang   Error Investigation on Wi-Fi RTT in
                                  Commercial Consumer Devices  . . . . . . ??
                  Shlomo Dubnov   Predictive Quantization and Symbolic
                                  Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Claudio Ferretti and   
                Martina Saletta   Do Neural Transformers Learn
                                  Human-Defined Concepts? An Extensive
                                  Study in Source Code Processing Domain   ??
            Matko Glunci\'c and   
            Ines Vlahovi\'c and   
                Leo Mrsi\'c and   
                  Vladimir Paar   Global Repeat Map (GRM) Application:
                                  Finding All DNA Tandem Repeat Units  . . ??
              Maxime Gobert and   
                   Jan Gmys and   
Jean-François Toubeau and   
            Nouredine Melab and   
            Daniel Tuyttens and   
  François Vallée   Batch Acquisition for Parallel Bayesian
                                  Optimization-Application to Hydro-Energy
                                  Storage Systems Scheduling . . . . . . . ??
          David Góez and   
                 Paola Soto and   
        Steven Latré and   
            Natalia Gaviria and   
                  Miguel Camelo   A Methodology to Design Quantized Deep
                                  Neural Networks for Automatic Modulation
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Yu Jiang and   
               Changyu Qian and   
                     Jie Yu and   
                 Luyao Zhou and   
                 Zheng Wang and   
                  Qian Chen and   
                  Yang Wang and   
                      Xiaole Ma   Evolutionary Game Analysis of Power
                                  Generation Groups Considering Energy
                                  Price Fluctuation  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Salik Ram Khanal and   
             Dennis Paulino and   
              Jaime Sampaio and   
               Joao Barroso and   
        Arsénio Reis and   
                   Vitor Filipe   A Review on Computer Vision Technology
                                  for Physical Exercise Monitoring . . . . ??
          Miros\law Kowaluk and   
                 Andrzej Lingas   A Multi-Dimensional Matrix Product --- a
                                  Natural Tool for Parameterized Graph
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Nikolay Kyurkchiev and   
                    Anton Iliev   On a Hypothetical Model with Second Kind
                                  Chebyshev's Polynomial-Correction: Type
                                  of Limit Cycles, Simulations, and
                                  Possible Applications  . . . . . . . . . ??
                Dapeng Lang and   
                 Deyun Chen and   
               Jinjie Huang and   
                      Sizhao Li   A Momentum-Based Local Face Adversarial
                                  Example Generation Algorithm . . . . . . ??
            Maciej Lawry\'nczuk   Special Issue ``Model Predictive
                                  Control: Algorithms and Applications'':
                                  Foreword by the Guest Editor . . . . . . ??
                Jialiang Lu and   
                  Xiaoyu Du and   
                 Huiping Li and   
                     Zhijie Han   BCCC Disjoint Path Construction
                                  Algorithm and Fault-Tolerant Routing
                                  Algorithm under Restricted Connectivity  ??
                Jialiang Lu and   
                   Wei Zhao and   
                         Jie Li   The $ t / k$-Diagnosability and a $ t /
                                  k$ Diagnosis Algorithm of the Data
                                  Center Network BCCC under the MM* Model  ??
               Kaveh Madani and   
              Faraz Farhidi and   
                Sona Gholizadeh   Bargaining Power in Cooperative Resource
                                  Allocations Games  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
  Mihai Alexandru Niculescu and   
              Stefan Ruseti and   
                  Mihai Dascalu   RoSummary: Control Tokens for Romanian
                                  News Summarization . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Damilola A. Okuboyejo and   
            Oludayo O. Olugbara   Classification of Skin Lesions Using
                                  Weighted Majority Voting Ensemble Deep
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Sean Pascoe   A Simplified Algorithm for Dealing with
                                  Inconsistencies Using the Analytic
                                  Hierarchy Process  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Krishna Patel and   
              Chintan Bhatt and   
              Pier Luigi Mazzeo   Improved Ship Detection Algorithm from
                                  Satellite Images Using YOLOv7 and Graph
                                  Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Dmitriy Pesterev and   
              Olga Druzhina and   
      Alexander Pchelintsev and   
       Erivelton Nepomuceno and   
                  Denis Butusov   Numerical Integration Schemes Based on
                                  Composition of Adjoint Multistep Methods ??
        Mariano Pierantozzi and   
      Sebastiano Tomassetti and   
             Giovanni Di Nicola   Thermal Conductivity of Low-GWP
                                  Refrigerants Modeling with Multi-Object
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Alberto Policriti and   
                  Nicola Prezza   Special Issue on Algorithms and
                                  Data-Structures for Compressed
                                  Computation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Ayush Pratap and   
               Neha Sardana and   
                Sapdo Utomo and   
              John Ayeelyan and   
             P. Karthikeyan and   
                 Pao-Ann Hsiung   A Synergic Approach of Deep Learning
                                  towards Digital Additive Manufacturing:
                                  a Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Chenrui Shi and   
             Nobuo Funabiki and   
                Yuanzhi Huo and   
            Mustika Mentari and   
                 Kohei Suga and   
                Takashi Toshida   A Proposal of Printed Table Digitization
                                  Algorithm with Image Processing  . . . . ??
                Georgy Sofronov   Special Issue on Algorithms for
                                  Sequential Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Tomohiro Sonobe   An Experimental Survey of Extended
                                  Resolution Effects for SAT Solvers on
                                  the Pigeonhole Principle . . . . . . . . ??
                Jan Strappa and   
       Paola Caymes-Scutari and   
        Germán Bianchini   Evolutionary Statistical System Based on
                                  Novelty Search: a Parallel Metaheuristic
                                  for Uncertainty Reduction Applied to
                                  Wildfire Spread Prediction . . . . . . . ??
            Shazia Sulemane and   
João P. Matos-Carvalho and   
         Dário Pedro and   
            Filipe Moutinho and   
       Sérgio D. Correia   Vineyard Gap Detection by Convolutional
                                  Neural Networks Fed by Multi-Spectral
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Szabolcs Kocsis Szürke and   
   Gerg\Ho Sütheö and   
               Antal Apagyi and   
      István Lakatos and   
               Szabolcs Fischer   Cell Fault Identification and
                                  Localization Procedure for Lithium-Ion
                                  Battery System of Electric Vehicles
                                  Based on Real Measurement Data . . . . . ??
               Viktor Uglev and   
                    Oleg Sychev   Evaluation, Comparison and Monitoring of
                                  Multiparameter Systems by Unified
                                  Graphic Visualization of Activity Method
                                  on the Example of Learning Process . . . ??
             Muhammad Usama and   
                     Rui Ma and   
                 Jason Hart and   
                 Mikaela Wojcik   Physics-Informed Neural Networks
                                  (PINNs)-Based Traffic State Estimation:
                                  an Application to Traffic Network  . . . ??
            Aleksei Vakhnin and   
                  Evgenii Sopov   A Novel Self-Adaptive Cooperative
                                  Coevolution Algorithm for Solving
                                  Continuous Large-Scale Global
                                  Optimization Problems  . . . . . . . . . ??
          Christos Valouxis and   
             Christos Gogos and   
           Angelos Dimitsas and   
             Petros Potikas and   
              Anastasios Vittas   A Hybrid Exact-Local Search Approach for
                                  One-Machine Scheduling with
                                  Time-Dependent Capacity  . . . . . . . . ??
         Calin Vâlsan and   
               Elena Druica and   
                 Eric Eisenstat   On Deep-Fake Stock Prices and Why
                                  Investor Behavior Might Not Matter . . . ??
                 Weizhen Xu and   
               Chenyi Zhang and   
              Fangzhen Zhao and   
                   Liangda Fang   A Mask-Based Adversarial Defense Scheme  ??
                   Bin Yang and   
     Muhammad Haseeb Arshad and   
                      Qing Zhao   Packet-Level and Flow-Level Network
                                  Intrusion Detection Based on
                                  Reinforcement Learning and Adversarial
                                  Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Ruriko Yoshida and   
               Lillian Paul and   
                  Peter Nesbitt   Stochastic Safety Radius on UPGMA  . . . ??
               Hongpo Zhang and   
              Hongzhuang Gu and   
                  Junli Gao and   
                    Peng Lu and   
                Guanhe Chen and   
                   Zongmin Wang   An Effective Atrial Fibrillation
                                  Detection from Short Single-Lead
                                  Electrocardiogram Recordings Using
                                  MCNN-BLSTM Network . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Yi Zhang and   
                Yunchuan Hu and   
                  Jiakai Lu and   
                   Zhiqiang Shi   Research on Path Planning of Mobile
                                  Robot Based on Improved Theta* Algorithm ??
            Nikita Zvonarev and   
                Nina Golyandina   Mixed Alternating Projections with
                                  Application to Hankel Low-Rank
                                  Approximation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 16, Number 1, January, 2023

          Michela Chimienti and   
                 Ivan Danzi and   
            Donato Impedovo and   
             Giuseppe Pirlo and   
        Gianfranco Semeraro and   
                  Davide Veneto   MIRROR: Methodological Innovation to
                                  Remodel the Electric Loads to Reduce
                                  Economic OR Environmental Impact of User 
         Ioannis K. Argyros and   
             Stepan Shakhno and   
             Samundra Regmi and   
                 Halyna Yarmola   On the Semi-Local Convergence of Two
                                  Competing Sixth Order Methods for
                                  Equations in Banach Space  . . . . . . . 
          Denis D. Chesalin and   
         Andrei P. Razjivin and   
         Alexey S. Dorokhov and   
         Roman Y. Pishchalnikov   Monte Carlo Simulation Affects
                                  Convergence of Differential Evolution: a
                                  Case of Optical Response Modeling  . . . 
             Bithin Alangot and   
         Pawel Szalachowski and   
         Tien Tuan Anh Dinh and   
             Souhail Meftah and   
           Jeff Ivanos Gana and   
            Khin Mi Mi Aung and   
                    Zengpeng Li   Decentralized Identity Authentication
                                  with Auditability and Privacy  . . . . . 
           Guzel Shkaberina and   
             Natalia Rezova and   
               Elena Tovbis and   
                Lev Kazakovtsev   Visual Assessment of Cluster Tendency
                                  with Variations of Distance Measures . . 
             Ahyssa R. Cruz and   
               Walter C. Ermler   Algorithmic Design of Geometric Data for
                                  Molecular Potential Energy Surfaces  . . 
                 Taihao Han and   
         Sai Akshay Ponduru and   
               Arianit Reka and   
                  Jie Huang and   
                Gaurav Sant and   
                   Aditya Kumar   Predicting Dissolution Kinetics of
                                  Tricalcium Silicate Using Deep Learning
                                  and Analytical Models  . . . . . . . . . 
              Seunguook Lim and   
                      Jihie Kim   SAPBERT: Speaker-Aware Pretrained BERT
                                  for Emotion Recognition in Conversation  
                  Ruosen Qi and   
                  Jie Zhang and   
                   Katy Spencer   A Review on Data-Driven Condition
                                  Monitoring of Industrial Equipment . . . 
            Ahmed El-Mesady and   
       Aleksandr Y. Romanov and   
    Aleksandr A. Amerikanov and   
         Alexander D. Ivannikov   On Bipartite Circulant Graph
                                  Decompositions Based on Cartesian and
                                  Tensor Products with Novel Topologies
                                  and Deadlock-Free Routing  . . . . . . . 
            Goldendeep Kaur and   
                Kiran Jyoti and   
               Nitin Mittal and   
               Vikas Mittal and   
                 Rohit Salgotra   Optimized Approach for Localization of
                                  Sensor Nodes in 2D Wireless Sensor
                                  Networks Using Modified Learning
                                  Enthusiasm-Based Teaching-Learning-Based
                                  Optimization Algorithm . . . . . . . . . 
                   Xinxi Lu and   
                Lijuan Yuan and   
                 Ruifeng Li and   
               Zhihuan Xing and   
                   Ning Yao and   
                      Yichun Yu   An Improved Bi-LSTM-Based Missing Value
                                  Imputation Approach for Pregnancy
                                  Examination Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Anastasia Fedotova and   
          Aleksandr Romanov and   
             Anna Kurtukova and   
           Alexander Shelupanov   Digital Authorship Attribution in
                                  Russian-Language Fanfiction and
                                  Classical Literature . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Shumin Lai and   
              Longjun Huang and   
                    Ping Li and   
               Zhenzhen Luo and   
             Jianzhong Wang and   
                       Yugen Yi   RMFRASL: Robust Matrix Factorization
                                  with Robust Adaptive Structure Learning
                                  for Feature Selection  . . . . . . . . . 
              Pavel V. Matrenin   Improvement of Ant Colony Algorithm
                                  Performance for the Job-Shop Scheduling
                                  Problem Using Evolutionary Adaptation
                                  and Software Realization Heuristics  . . 
                 Ravi Goyal and   
             Victor De Gruttola   A General Computational Approach for
                                  Counting Labeled Graphs  . . . . . . . . 
                Daniel S. Soper   Hyperparameter Optimization Using
                                  Successive Halving with Greedy Cross
                                  Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Georgia Eirini Trouli and   
          Alexandros Pappas and   
         Georgia Troullinou and   
          Lefteris Koumakis and   
            Nikos Papadakis and   
           Haridimos Kondylakis   SumMER: Structural Summarization for
                                  RDF/S KGs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Lev Utkin and   
               Andrey Ageev and   
        Andrei Konstantinov and   
              Vladimir Muliukha   Improved Anomaly Detection by Using the
                                  Attention-Based Isolation Forest . . . . 
              Pavlos Nikolaidis   Variational Bayes to Accelerate the
                                  Lagrange Multipliers towards the Dual
                                  Optimization of Reliability and Cost in
                                  Renewable Energy Systems . . . . . . . . 
              Christina Boucher   Special Issue: Algorithms in
                                  Bioinformatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Hadi Papei and   
                        Yang Li   Stochastic Local Community Detection in
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Minh Tran and   
                Duc Pham-Hi and   
                       Marc Bui   Optimizing Automated Trading Systems
                                  with Deep Reinforcement Learning . . . . 
          Abouzar Choubineh and   
                   Jie Chen and   
              David A. Wood and   
               Frans Coenen and   
                         Fei Ma   Fourier Neural Operator for Fluid Flow
                                  in Small-Shape 2D Simulated Porous Media
                                  Dataset  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Batuhan Arasli and   
                  Sennur Ulukus   Dynamic Infection Spread Model Based
                                  Group Testing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          George D. Manolis and   
           Georgios I. Dadoulis   On the Numerical Treatment of the
                                  Temporal Discontinuity Arising from a
                                  Time-Varying Point Mass Attachment on a
                                  Waveguide  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Marek J. \'Smieta\'nski   Some Inexact Version of the Iterative
                                  Exponential Method for Solving Nonsmooth
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Deepesh Chugh and   
            Himanshu Mittal and   
                Amit Saxena and   
               Ritu Chauhan and   
                  Eiad Yafi and   
                  Mukesh Prasad   Augmentation of Densest Subgraph Finding
                                  Unsupervised Feature Selection Using
                                  Shared Nearest Neighbor Clustering . . . 
Laura Patricia García-Pineda and   
           Oscar Danilo Montoya   Optimal Reactive Power Compensation via
                                  D-STATCOMs in Electrical Distribution
                                  Systems by Applying the Generalized
                                  Normal Distribution Optimizer  . . . . . 
          Phuc-Thinh Nguyen and   
               Minh-Son Dao and   
         Michael A. Riegler and   
            Rage Uday Kiran and   
            Thai-Thinh Dang and   
                Duy-Dong Le and   
       Kieu-Chinh Nguyen-Ly and   
             Thanh-Qui Pham and   
               Van-Luong Nguyen   Training Performance Indications for
                                  Amateur Athletes Based on Nutrition and
                                  Activity Lifelogs  . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Wenxin Yang and   
                 Xiaoli Zhi and   
                    Weiqin Tong   Optimization of Linear Quantization for
                                  General and Effective Low Bit-Width
                                  Network Compression  . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Li Zhe Poh and   
                 Tee Connie and   
             Thian Song Ong and   
            Michael Kah Ong Goh   Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based
                                  Dynamic Pricing for Parking Solutions    
     Bashar Talib Al-Nuaimi and   
           H. K. Al-Mahdawi and   
     Zainalabideen Albadran and   
           Hussein Alkattan and   
           Mostafa Abotaleb and   
          El-Sayed M. El-kenawy   Solving of the Inverse Boundary Value
                                  Problem for the Heat Conduction Equation
                                  in Two Intervals of Time . . . . . . . . 
               Moritz Platt and   
                 Peter McBurney   Sybil in the Haystack: a Comprehensive
                                  Review of Blockchain Consensus
                                  Mechanisms in Search of Strong Sybil
                                  Attack Resistance  . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Ramiro S. Barbosa and   
                Isabel S. Jesus   Special Issue on Algorithms for PID
                                  Controllers 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Efthimios Providas and   
    Ioannis Nestorios Parasidis   A Symbolic Method for Solving a Class of
                                  Integro-Differential Equations under
                                  Nonlocal Boundary Conditions . . . . . . 
Sílvia de Castro Pereira and   
  Eduardo J. Solteiro Pires and   
     Paulo B. de Moura Oliveira   Ant-Balanced Multiple Traveling
                                  Salesmen: ACO-BmTSP  . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Rui Morais and   
               Paul Crocker and   
              Valderi Leithardt   Nero: a Deterministic Leaderless
                                  Consensus Algorithm for DAG-Based
                                  Cryptocurrencies . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Alexey F. Rogachev and   
          Alexey B. Simonov and   
           Natalia V. Ketko and   
              Natalia N. Skiter   Fuzzy Algorithmic Modeling of Economics
                                  and Innovation Process Dynamics Based on
                                  Preliminary Component Allocation by
                                  Singular Spectrum Analysis Method  . . . 
         Roberto Montemanni and   
               Mauro Dell'Amico   Solving the Parallel Drone Scheduling
                                  Traveling Salesman Problem via
                                  Constraint Programming . . . . . . . . . 
                Hee Jun Ryu and   
                   Ye Na Jo and   
                Won Jun Lee and   
              Ji Won Cheong and   
              Boo Yong Moon and   
                   Young Dae Ko   An Effective Staff Scheduling for Shift
                                  Workers in Social Welfare Facilities for
                                  the Disabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Pradeep S. Naulia and   
                Arunava Roy and   
               Junzo Watada and   
            Izzatdin B. A. Aziz   A Pixel-Wise $k$-Immediate
                                  Neighbour-Based Image Analysis Approach
                                  for Identifying Rock Pores and Fractures
                                  from Grayscale Image Samples . . . . . . 
           Jöran Rixen and   
          Steffen Leonhardt and   
                Jochen Moll and   
             Duy Hai Nguyen and   
                     Chuong Ngo   The D-Bar Algorithm Fusing Electrical
                                  Impedance Tomography with A Priori Radar
                                  Data: a Hands-On Analysis  . . . . . . . 
          Christophe Cariou and   
        Laure Moiroux-Arvis and   
      François Pinet and   
             Jean-Pierre Chanet   Evolutionary Algorithm with Geometrical
                                  Heuristics for Solving the Close Enough
                                  Traveling Salesman Problem: Application
                                  to the Trajectory Planning of an
                                  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle  . . . . . . . . 
                Yuanzhi Huo and   
     Pradini Puspitaningayu and   
             Nobuo Funabiki and   
           Kazushi Hamazaki and   
         Minoru Kuribayashi and   
                 Yihan Zhao and   
                Kazuyuki Kojima   Three Diverse Applications of
                                  General-Purpose Parameter Optimization
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Renato Bruni and   
          Gianpiero Bianchi and   
                  Pasquale Papa   Hyperparameter Black-Box Optimization to
                                  Improve the Automatic Classification of
                                  Support Tickets  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Antonino Vitetta   The Importance of Modeling Path Choice
                                  Behavior in the Vehicle Routing Problem  
           Vladimir Mili\'c and   
              Josip Kasa\'c and   
                    Marin Lukas   An Algorithm for Solving Zero-Sum
                                  Differential Game Related to the
                                  Nonlinear $ H_\infty $ Control Problem   
        Panagiotis Pintelas and   
            Ioannis E. Livieris   Special Issue on Ensemble Learning
                                  and/or Explainability  . . . . . . . . . 
           Souhail Maazioui and   
               Imad Kissami and   
        Fayssal Benkhaldoun and   
                   Driss Ouazar   Numerical Study of Viscoplastic Flows
                                  Using a Multigrid Initialization
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Kai-Fu Yang and   
                  Yi-Ru Lin and   
                Long-Sheng Chen   Discovering Critical Factors in the
                                  Content of Crowdfunding Projects . . . . 
            Gaurav Narkhede and   
                Anil Hiwale and   
               Bharat Tidke and   
                  Chetan Khadse   Novel MIA-LSTM Deep Learning Hybrid
                                  Model with Data Preprocessing for
                                  Forecasting of PM$_{2.5}$  . . . . . . . 
               Tahira Niazi and   
                Teerath Das and   
              Ghufran Ahmed and   
        Syed Muhammad Waqas and   
                 Sumra Khan and   
               Suleman Khan and   
  Ahmed Abdelaziz Abdelatif and   
                   Shaukat Wasi   Investigating Novice Developers' Code
                                  Commenting Trends Using Machine Learning
                                  Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Ezra Wari and   
                Weihang Zhu and   
                       Gino Lim   A Discrete Partially Observable Markov
                                  Decision Process Model for the
                                  Maintenance Optimization of Oil and Gas
                                  Pipelines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Klaus Röbenack and   
                   Stefan Palis   Set-Point Control of a Spatially
                                  Distributed Buck Converter . . . . . . . 
         Olivier Pantalé   Development and Implementation of an ANN
                                  Based Flow Law for Numerical Simulations
                                  of Thermo-Mechanical Processes at High
                                  Temperatures in FEM Software . . . . . . 
      Liubov O. Elkhovskaya and   
       Alexander D. Kshenin and   
    Marina A. Balakhontceva and   
           Mikhail V. Ionov and   
            Sergey V. Kovalchuk   Extending Process Discovery with Model
                                  Complexity Optimization and Cyclic
                                  States Identification: Application to
                                  Healthcare Processes . . . . . . . . . . 
         Leyla Gamidullaeva and   
            Alexey Finogeev and   
             Mikhail Kataev and   
               Larisa Bulysheva   A Design Concept for a Tourism
                                  Recommender System for Regional
                                  Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Huidong Tang and   
               Sayaka Kamei and   
              Yasuhiko Morimoto   Data Augmentation Methods for Enhancing
                                  Robustness in Text Classification Tasks  
             Takeshi Kojima and   
              Tetsuya Yoshinaga   Iterative Image Reconstruction Algorithm
                                  with Parameter Estimation by Neural
                                  Network for Computed Tomography  . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 16, Number 2, February, 2023

           Umberto Albertin and   
            Giuseppe Pedone and   
             Matilde Brossa and   
         Giovanni Squillero and   
             Marcello Chiaberge   A Real-Time Novelty Recognition
                                  Framework Based on Machine Learning for
                                  Fault Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Kyle Erwin and   
            Andries Engelbrecht   Multi-Guide Set-Based Particle Swarm
                                  Optimization for Multi-Objective
                                  Portfolio Optimization . . . . . . . . . 
    Algorithms Editorial Office   Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of
                                  \booktitleAlgorithms in 2022 . . . . . . 
  Predrag S. Stanimirovi\'c and   
           Bilall I. Shaini and   
              Jamilu Sabi'u and   
              Abdullah Shah and   
       Milena J. Petrovi\'c and   
           Branislav Ivanov and   
                 Xinwei Cao and   
              Alena Stupina and   
                       Shuai Li   Improved Gradient Descent Iterations for
                                  Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations   
             George Ioannou and   
      Georgios Alexandridis and   
           Andreas Stafylopatis   Online Batch Selection for Enhanced
                                  Generalization in Imbalanced Datasets    
         Juan Carlos Atenco and   
         Juan Carlos Moreno and   
            Juan Manuel Ramirez   Audiovisual Biometric Network with Deep
                                  Feature Fusion for Identification and
                                  Text Prompted Verification . . . . . . . 
                 Jinming Lu and   
                Ewald A. Werner   Cathode Shape Design for Steady-State
                                  Electrochemical Machining  . . . . . . . 
           Jaime Ruiz-Serra and   
        Michael S. Harré   Inverse Reinforcement Learning as the
                                  Algorithmic Basis for Theory of Mind:
                                  Current Methods and Open Problems  . . . 
                Piyush Vyas and   
                Gitika Vyas and   
                  Gaurav Dhiman   RUemo --- The Classification Framework
                                  for Russia--Ukraine War-Related Societal
                                  Emotions on Twitter through Machine
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Leeseok Kim and   
      José Luis Palacios   On the Moments of the Number of Hires in
                                  the Assistant Hiring Algorithm . . . . . 
         Ioannis G. Tsoulos and   
           Vasileios Charilogis   Locating the Parameters of RBF Networks
                                  Using a Hybrid Particle Swarm
                                  Optimization Method  . . . . . . . . . . 
               Ren-Raw Chen and   
          Cameron D. Miller and   
                 Puay Khoon Toh   Modeling Firm Search and Innovation
                                  Trajectory Using Swarm Intelligence  . . 
            Higuatzi Moreno and   
               Alexander Schaum   Low-Order Electrochemical State
                                  Estimation for Li-Ion Batteries  . . . . 
          Amir Zarringhalam and   
        Saeed Shiry Ghidary and   
                Ali Mohades and   
         Seyed-Ali Sadegh-Zadeh   CUDA and OpenMp Implementation of
                                  Boolean Matrix Product with Applications
                                  in Visual SLAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Mohamed ElKashlan and   
                 Heba Aslan and   
       Mahmoud Said Elsayed and   
             Anca D. Jurcut and   
               Marianne A. Azer   Intrusion Detection for Electric Vehicle
                                  Charging Systems (EVCS)  . . . . . . . . 
         Massimiliano Greco and   
      Pier Francesco Caruso and   
                Sofia Spano and   
         Gianluigi Citterio and   
              Antonio Desai and   
            Alberto Molteni and   
               Romina Aceto and   
           Elena Costantini and   
               Antonio Voza and   
               Maurizio Cecconi   Machine Learning for Early Outcome
                                  Prediction in Septic Patients in the
                                  Emergency Department . . . . . . . . . . 
              Olena Pavliuk and   
          Myroslav Mishchuk and   
              Christine Strauss   Transfer Learning Approach for Human
                                  Activity Recognition Based on Continuous
                                  Wavelet Transform  . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Inês Carvalho and   
           Filipe Sá and   
               Jorge Bernardino   Performance Evaluation of NoSQL Document
                                  Databases: Couchbase, CouchDB, and
                                  MongoDB  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Tommaso Guidi and   
             Lorenzo Python and   
           Matteo Forasassi and   
             Costanza Cucci and   
        Massimiliano Franci and   
           Fabrizio Argenti and   
                 Andrea Barucci   Egyptian Hieroglyphs Segmentation with
                                  Convolutional Neural Networks  . . . . . 
           Dominic Windisch and   
           Christian Kaever and   
            Guido Juckeland and   
          André Bieberle   Parallel Algorithm for
                                  Connected-Component Analysis Using CUDA  
              Alberto Lopez and   
                   Jose Aguilar   A Data Analysis Smart System for the
                                  Optimal Deployment of Nanosensors in the
                                  Context of an eHealth Application  . . . 
                   Zhi Chen and   
                Shuai Zhang and   
              Sally McClean and   
             Fionnuala Hart and   
           Michael Milliken and   
               Brahim Allan and   
                      Ian Kegel   Process Mining IPTV Customer Eye Gaze
                                  Movement Using Discrete-Time Markov
                                  Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Vladimir Pervadchuk and   
          Daria Vladimirova and   
              Anna Derevyankina   Mathematical Modeling of Capillary
                                  Drawing Stability for Hollow Optical
                                  Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Warren Hare and   
           Gabriel Jarry-Bolduc   About the Performance of a
                                  Calculus-Based Approach to Building
                                  Model Functions in a Derivative-Free
                                  Trust-Region Algorithm . . . . . . . . . 
            Olga Tushkanova and   
              Diana Levshun and   
       Alexander Branitskiy and   
          Elena Fedorchenko and   
           Evgenia Novikova and   
                   Igor Kotenko   Detection of Cyberattacks and Anomalies
                                  in Cyber-Physical Systems: Approaches,
                                  Data Sources, Evaluation . . . . . . . . 
                  Saw Thiha and   
                 Jay Rajasekera   Efficient Online Engagement Analytics
                                  Algorithm Toolkit That Can Run on Edge   
               Ivan Matveev and   
                   Ilia Safonov   From Iris Image to Embedded Code: System
                                  of Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Chintan M. Bhatt and   
                Parth Patel and   
              Tarang Ghetia and   
              Pier Luigi Mazzeo   Effective Heart Disease Prediction Using
                                  Machine Learning Techniques  . . . . . . 
                 Okan Bulut and   
               Guher Gorgun and   
         Tarid Wongvorachan and   
                        Bin Tan   Rapid Guessing in Low-Stakes
                                  Assessments: Finding the Optimal
                                  Response Time Threshold with Random
                                  Search and Genetic Algorithm . . . . . . 
              Nikita Andriyanov   The Use of Correlation Features in the
                                  Problem of Speech Recognition  . . . . . 
                    Tilo Strutz   Redesigning the Wheel for Systematic
                                  Travelling Salesmen  . . . . . . . . . . 
              Zhongda Huang and   
                Andy Ogilvy and   
              Steve Collins and   
                Warren Hare and   
             Michelle Hilts and   
                 Andrew Jirasek   A Hybrid Direct Search and Model-Based
                                  Derivative-Free Optimization Method with
                                  Dynamic Decision Processing and
                                  Application in Solid-Tank Design . . . . 
               Xuanyu Zhang and   
                   Hao Zhou and   
                      Ke Yu and   
                 Xiaofei Wu and   
                    Anis Yazidi   Tsetlin Machine for Sentiment Analysis
                                  and Spam Review Detection in Chinese . . 
           Gabriele Papadia and   
            Massimo Pacella and   
       Massimiliano Perrone and   
             Vincenzo Giliberti   A Comparison of Different Topic Modeling
                                  Methods through a Real Case Study of
                                  Italian Customer Care  . . . . . . . . . 
      Alireza Saberironaghi and   
                   Jing Ren and   
              Moustafa El-Gindy   Defect Detection Methods for Industrial
                                  Products Using Deep Learning Techniques:
                                  a Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Yue Wang and   
                  John J. Healy   Image Quality Assessment for Gibbs
                                  Ringing Reduction  . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Aryan Yousefi and   
                 Kalpdrum Passi   Nemesis: Neural Mean Teacher
                                  Learning-Based Emotion-Centric Speaker   
               Zhiguo Liang and   
                Lijun Zhang and   
                     Xizhe Wang   A Novel Intelligent Method for Fault
                                  Diagnosis of Steam Turbines Based on
                                  T-SNE and XGBoost  . . . . . . . . . . . 
             George Tzougas and   
             Konstantin Kutzkov   Enhancing Logistic Regression Using
                                  Neural Networks for Classification in
                                  Actuarial Learning . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Yuri N. Sotskov   Assembly and Production Line Designing,
                                  Balancing and Scheduling with Inaccurate
                                  Data: a Survey and Perspectives  . . . . 
            Timur Agliullin and   
      Vladimir Anfinogentov and   
               Oleg Morozov and   
        Airat Sakhabutdinov and   
               Bulat Valeev and   
          Ayna Niyazgulyeva and   
             Yagmyrguly Garovov   Comparative Analysis of the Methods for
                                  Fiber Bragg Structures Spectrum Modeling 
                   Yuhe Sun and   
                Zuohua Ding and   
              Hongyun Huang and   
                 Senhao Zou and   
                  Mingyue Jiang   Metamorphic Testing of Relation
                                  Extraction Models  . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Tsonyo M. Pavkov and   
      Valentin G. Kabadzhov and   
             Ivan K. Ivanov and   
                Stoil I. Ivanov   Local Convergence Analysis of a One
                                  Parameter Family of Simultaneous Methods
                                  with Applications to Real-World Problems 
        Cristian Minoccheri and   
                Olivia Alge and   
             Jonathan Gryak and   
            Kayvan Najarian and   
                   Harm Derksen   Quadratic Multilinear Discriminant
                                  Analysis for Tensorial Data
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Sanaa Alwidian and   
               Daniel Amyot and   
                     Yngve Lamo   Union Models for Model Families:
                                  Efficient Reasoning over Space and Time  
              Giovanni Amendola   Special Issue on Logic-Based Artificial
                                  Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Carlos Oliveira and   
       José Baptista and   
              Adelaide Cerveira   Self-Sustainability Assessment for a
                                  High Building Based on Linear
                                  Programming and Computational Fluid
                                  Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                     Fahim Sufi   Algorithms in Low-Code-No-Code for
                                  Research Applications: a Practical
                                  Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Anna Wilbik and   
        Irene Vanderfeesten and   
            Dennis Bergmans and   
               Serge Heines and   
             Oktay Turetken and   
               Walther van Mook   Towards a Flexible Assessment of
                                  Compliance with Clinical Protocols Using
                                  Fuzzy Aggregation Techniques . . . . . . 
                Jinnan Wang and   
                Weiqin Tong and   
                     Xiaoli Zhi   Model Parallelism Optimization for CNN
                                  FPGA Accelerator . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Ferenc Izsák and   
            Taki Eddine Djebbar   Learning Data for Neural-Network-Based
                                  Numerical Solution of PDEs: Application
                                  to Dirichlet-to-Neumann Problems . . . . 
        Vita Santa Barletta and   
             Danilo Caivano and   
        Mirko De Vincentiis and   
             Azzurra Ragone and   
            Michele Scalera and   
Manuel Ángel Serrano Martín   V-SOC4AS: a Vehicle-SOC for Improving
                                  Automotive Security  . . . . . . . . . . 
         Razieh Pourdarbani and   
                Sajad Sabzi and   
          Mohsen Dehghankar and   
         Mohammad H. Rohban and   
                Juan I. Arribas   Examination of Lemon Bruising Using
                                  Different CNN-Based Classifiers and
                                  Local Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral
                                  Imaging  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Bingyu Song and   
                Yingwu Chen and   
                  Qing Yang and   
                  Yahui Zuo and   
                 Shilong Xu and   
                    Yuning Chen   On-Board Decentralized Observation
                                  Planning for LEO Satellite
                                  Constellations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Sara Tabaghchi Milan and   
             Mehdi Darbandi and   
     Nima Jafari Navimipour and   
                   Senay Yalcin   An Energy-Aware Load Balancing Method
                                  for IoT-Based Smart Recycling Machines
                                  Using an Artificial Chemical Reaction
                                  Optimization Algorithm . . . . . . . . . 
               Michal Brzus and   
         Kevin Knoernschild and   
          Jessica C. Sieren and   
                Hans J. Johnson   PigSNIPE: Scalable Neuroimaging
                                  Processing Engine for Minipig MRI  . . . 
                 Yihao Fang and   
                     Mu Niu and   
              Pokman Cheung and   
                     Lizhen Lin   Extrinsic Bayesian Optimization on
                                  Manifolds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Qing Liu and   
                Jianjun Hao and   
                      Yijun Guo   EEG Data Augmentation for Emotion
                                  Recognition with a Task-Driven GAN . . . 
            Alan F. Smeaton and   
                      Feiyan Hu   Periodicity Intensity Reveals Insights
                                  into Time Series Data: Three Use Cases   
            Alexander Mitov and   
              Tsonyo Slavov and   
                  Jordan Kralev   Rapid Prototyping of $ H_\infty $
                                  Algorithm for Real-Time Displacement
                                  Volume Control of Axial Piston Pumps . . 
                 Jinhong Wu and   
   Konstantinos Plataniotis and   
                   Lucy Liu and   
             Ehsan Amjadian and   
                 Yuri Lawryshyn   Interpretation for Variational
                                  Autoencoder Used to Generate Financial
                                  Synthetic Tabular Data . . . . . . . . . 
                Yang-Rui Li and   
             Chih-Chia Chen and   
                Chao-Chung Peng   Integral Backstepping Control Algorithm
                                  for a Quadrotor Positioning Flight Task:
                                  a Design Issue Discussion  . . . . . . . 
 João Pedro Vitorino and   
   José Simão and   
                 Nuno Datia and   
                   Matilde Pato   IRONEDGE: Stream Processing Architecture
                                  for Edge Applications  . . . . . . . . . 
                Steven Guan and   
               Ko-Tsung Hsu and   
               Parag V. Chitnis   Fourier Neural Operator Network for Fast
                                  Photoacoustic Wave Simulations . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 16, Number 3, March, 2023

           Irina Nizovtseva and   
            Vladimir Palmin and   
                Ivan Simkin and   
            Ilya Starodumov and   
             Pavel Mikushin and   
            Alexander Nozik and   
              Timur Hamitov and   
              Sergey Ivanov and   
            Sergey Vikharev and   
             Alexei Zinovev and   
          Vladislav Svitich and   
             Matvey Mogilev and   
        Margarita Nikishina and   
                Simon Kraev and   
        Stanislav Yurchenko and   
          Timofey Mityashin and   
        Dmitrii Chernushkin and   
           Anna Kalyuzhnaya and   
                Felix Blyakhman   Assessing the Mass Transfer Coefficient
                                  in Jet Bioreactors with Classical
                                  Computer Vision Methods and Neural
                                  Networks Algorithms  . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Jianhe Li and   
                     Suohai Fan   GRNN: Graph-Retraining Neural Network
                                  for Semi-Supervised Node Classification  
            Guilherme Perin and   
                  Lichao Wu and   
                  Stjepan Picek   The Need for Speed: a Fast Guessing
                                  Entropy Calculation for Deep
                                  Learning-Based SCA . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Barbara Cardone and   
          Ferdinando Di Martino   A Novel Classification Algorithm Based
                                  on Multidimensional $ F^1 $ Fuzzy
                                  Transform and PCA Feature Extraction . . 
              Carlo Santini and   
              Fabio Mangini and   
                Fabrizio Frezza   Apollonian Packing of Circles within
                                  Ellipses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Nor Azlina Ab. Aziz and   
                  Tawsif K. and   
Sharifah Noor Masidayu Sayed Ismail and   
       Muhammad Anas Hasnul and   
      Kamarulzaman Ab. Aziz and   
        Siti Zainab Ibrahim and   
            Azlan Abd. Aziz and   
                J. Emerson Raja   Asian Affective and Emotional State
                                  (A2ES) Dataset of ECG and PPG for
                                  Affective Computing Research . . . . . . 
              Patrice Koehl and   
               Marc Delarue and   
                   Henri Orland   Computing the Gromov--Wasserstein
                                  Distance between Two Surface Meshes
                                  Using Optimal Transport  . . . . . . . . 
             Jong-Shin Chen and   
              Chun-Ming Kuo and   
                   Ruo-Wei Hung   An Efficient GNSS Coordinate Recognition
                                  Algorithm for Epidemic Management  . . . 
          Vladimir Stanovov and   
            Lev Kazakovtsev and   
                Eugene Semenkin   Crossover Rate Sorting in Adaptive
                                  Differential Evolution . . . . . . . . . 
                 Dorin Moldovan   Plum Tree Algorithm and Weighted
                                  Aggregated Ensembles for Energy
                                  Efficiency Estimation  . . . . . . . . . 
               Fariba Lotfi and   
              Amin Beheshti and   
              Helia Farhood and   
          Matineh Pooshideh and   
             Mansour Jamzad and   
                    Hamid Beigy   Storytelling with Image Data: a
                                  Systematic Review and Comparative
                                  Analysis of Methods and Tools  . . . . . 
            Norbert Fischer and   
          Alexander Hartelt and   
                    Frank Puppe   Line-Level Layout Recognition of
                                  Historical Documents with Background
                                  Knowledge  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Eran Shachar and   
               Israel Cohen and   
                 Baruch Berdugo   Acoustic Echo Cancellation with the
                                  Normalized Sign-Error Least Mean Squares
                                  Algorithm and Deep Residual Echo
                                  Suppression  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
German Francisco Barreto-Parra and   
Brandon Cortés-Caicedo and   
           Oscar Danilo Montoya   Optimal Integration of D-STATCOMs in
                                  Radial and Meshed Distribution Networks
                                  Using a MATLAB--GAMS Interface . . . . . 
           Alessandra Rosso and   
                 Ezio Venturino   A Dynamic Programming Approach to
                                  Ecosystem Management . . . . . . . . . . 
          Nikolaos Stasinos and   
             Anestis Kousis and   
            Vangelis Sarlis and   
      Aristeidis Mystakidis and   
          Dimitris Rousidis and   
        Paraskevas Koukaras and   
       Ioannis Kotsiopoulos and   
              Christos Tjortjis   A Tri-Model Prediction Approach for
                                  COVID-19 ICU Bed Occupancy: a Case Study 
  Maria Inês Frutuoso and   
     Horácio C. Neto and   
Mário P. Véstias and   
           Rui Policarpo Duarte   Energy-Efficient and Real-Time Wearable
                                  for Wellbeing-Monitoring IoT System
                                  Based on SoC-FPGA  . . . . . . . . . . . 
Luis-Gil Moreno-Jiménez and   
  Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno and   
          Roseli Suzi. Wedemann   Automatic Generation of Literary
                                  Sentences in French  . . . . . . . . . . 
             Lorenzo Arsini and   
             Barbara Caccia and   
          Andrea Ciardiello and   
              Stefano Giagu and   
      Carlo Mancini Terracciano   Nearest Neighbours Graph Variational
                                  AutoEncoder  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Ashwin Jacob and   
        Diptapriyo Majumdar and   
                Venkatesh Raman   Expansion Lemma-Variations and
                                  Applications to Polynomial-Time
                                  Preprocessing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Laura Antonelli and   
       Mario Rosario Guarracino   Special Issue on Supervised and
                                  Unsupervised Classification Algorithms
                                  --- Foreword from Guest Editors  . . . . 
                 Kara Combs and   
                Hongjing Lu and   
                 Trevor J. Bihl   Transfer Learning and Analogical
                                  Inference: a Critical Comparison of
                                  Algorithms, Methods, and Applications    
          Farheen Chincholi and   
                Harald Koestler   Detectron2 for Lesion Detection in
                                  Diabetic Retinopathy . . . . . . . . . . 
          Vladimir Krutikov and   
               Elena Tovbis and   
              Anatoly Bykov and   
       Predrag Stanimirovic and   
         Ekaterina Chernova and   
                Lev Kazakovtsev   Properties of the Quadratic
                                  Transformation of Dual Variables . . . . 
              Pablo Sarabia and   
              Alvaro Araujo and   
       Luis Antonio Sarabia and   
  María de la Cruz Ortiz   Electromyography Gesture Model
                                  Classifier for Fault-Tolerant-Embedded
                                  Devices by Means of Partial Least Square
                                  Class Modelling Error Correcting Output
                                  Codes (PLS-ECOC) . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Hristo Tonchev and   
                    Petar Danev   A Machine Learning Study of High
                                  Robustness Quantum Walk Search Algorithm
                                  with Qudit Householder Coins . . . . . . 
Konstantinos C. Giotopoulos and   
    Dimitrios Michalopoulos and   
          Aristeidis Karras and   
            Christos Karras and   
                 Spyros Sioutas   Modelling and Analysis of Neuro Fuzzy
                                  Employee Ranking System in the Public
                                  Sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Abrar Alamr and   
              Abdelmonim Artoli   Unsupervised Transformer-Based Anomaly
                                  Detection in ECG Signals . . . . . . . . 
           Liangliang Cheng and   
                Yunfeng Dou and   
                  Jian Zhou and   
                Huabin Wang and   
                      Liang Tao   Speaker-Independent Spectral Enhancement
                                  for Bone-Conducted Speech  . . . . . . . 
          Vivian W. H. Wong and   
                  Kincho H. Law   Fusion of CCTV Video and Spatial
                                  Information for Automated Crowd
                                  Congestion Monitoring in Public Urban
                                  Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Fariborz Sobhanmanesh and   
              Amin Beheshti and   
             Nicholas Nouri and   
     Natalia Monje Chapparo and   
                 Sandya Raj and   
              Richard A. George   A Cognitive Model for Technology
                                  Adoption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Vinay Kanwar and   
             Alicia Cordero and   
         Juan R. Torregrosa and   
              Mithil Rajput and   
                 Ramandeep Behl   A New Third-Order Family of Multiple
                                  Root-Findings Based on Exponential
                                  Fitted Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Stanislav Marochok and   
                    Pavol Zajac   Algorithm for Generating S-Boxes with
                                  Prescribed Differential Properties . . . 
                Shuang Wang and   
              Amin Beheshti and   
                 Yufei Wang and   
                Jianchao Lu and   
              Quan Z. Sheng and   
            Stephen Elbourn and   
           Hamid Alinejad-Rokny   Learning Distributed Representations and
                                  Deep Embedded Clustering of Texts  . . . 
         Francesco Calimeri and   
               Nicola Leone and   
         Giovanni Melissari and   
          Francesco Pacenza and   
               Simona Perri and   
             Kristian Reale and   
            Francesco Ricca and   
                Jessica Zangari   ASP-Based Declarative Reasoning in
                                  Data-Intensive Enterprise and IoT
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Min-Jen Tsai and   
                 Ya-Chu Lee and   
                   Te-Ming Chen   Implementing Deep Convolutional Neural
                                  Networks for QR Code-Based Printed
                                  Source Identification  . . . . . . . . . 
              Steve de Rose and   
             Philippe Meyer and   
Frédéric Bertrand   Human Body Shapes Anomaly Detection and
                                  Classification Using Persistent Homology 
    Juarez Machado da Silva and   
  Gabriel de Oliveira Ramos and   
Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa   Multi-Objective Decision-Making Meets
                                  Dynamic Shortest Path: Challenges and
                                  Prospects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Alicia Cordero and   
     Javier G. Maimó and   
Antmel Rodríguez-Cabral and   
             Juan R. Torregrosa   Convergence and Stability of a New
                                  Parametric Class of Iterative Processes
                                  for Nonlinear Systems  . . . . . . . . . 
         Ana Cudina Ivancev and   
                  Maja Ahac and   
                  Sasa Ahac and   
              Vesna Dragcevi\'c   Comparison of Single-Lane Roundabout
                                  Entry Degree of Saturation Estimations
                                  from Analytical and Regression Models    
      Viacheslav Moskalenko and   
      Vyacheslav Kharchenko and   
           Alona Moskalenko and   
                  Borys Kuzikov   Resilience and Resilient Systems of
                                  Artificial Intelligence: Taxonomy,
                                  Models and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Daniela Galatro and   
        Rosario Trigo-Ferre and   
   Allana Nakashook-Zettler and   
  Vincenzo Costanzo-Alvarez and   
            Melanie Jeffrey and   
               Maria Jacome and   
              Jason Bazylak and   
               Cristina H. Amon   Framework for Evaluating Potential
                                  Causes of Health Risk Factors Using
                                  Average Treatment Effect and Uplift
                                  Modelling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Jayashree Piri and   
       Puspanjali Mohapatra and   
              Raghunath Dey and   
        Biswaranjan Acharya and   
    Vassilis C. Gerogiannis and   
                Andreas Kanavos   Literature Review on Hybrid Evolutionary
                                  Approaches for Feature Selection . . . . 
         Dmitry Grebennikov and   
         Rostislav Savinkov and   
         Ekaterina Zelenova and   
              Gennady Lobov and   
               Gennady Bocharov   Network Modeling of Murine Lymphatic
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Marcello Balduccini and   
           Michael Barborak and   
                 David Ferrucci   Pushing the Limits of Clingo's
                                  Incremental Grounding and Solving
                                  Capabilities in Practical Applications   
             Mikita Akulich and   
               Iztok Savnik and   
                Matjaz Krnc and   
               Riste Skrekovski   Multiset-Trie Data Structure . . . . . . 
             Lingfeng Huang and   
                 Jieyu Zhao and   
                        Yu Chen   MixFormer: a Self-Attentive
                                  Convolutional Network for 3D Mesh Object
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Kasper Gaj Nielsen and   
               Inkyung Sung and   
         Mohamed El Yafrani and   
   Deniz Kenan Kiliç and   
                  Peter Nielsen   A Scheduling Solution for Robotic
                                  Arm-Based Batching Systems with Multiple
                                  Conveyor Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Elie Azeraf and   
          Emmanuel Monfrini and   
            Wojciech Pieczynski   Equivalence between LC-CRF and HMM, and
                                  Discriminative Computing of HMM-Based
                                  MPM and MAP  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Fanny Jourdan and   
     Titon Tshiongo Kaninku and   
             Nicholas Asher and   
         Jean-Michel Loubes and   
                 Laurent Risser   How Optimal Transport Can Tackle Gender
                                  Biases in Multi-Class Neural Network
                                  Classifiers for Job Recommendations  . . 
               Kaziwa Saleh and   
Sándor Szénási and   
   Zoltán Vámossy   Generative Adversarial Network for
                                  Overcoming Occlusion in Images: a Survey 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 16, Number 4, April, 2023

          Md Ishtyaq Mahmud and   
             Muntasir Mamun and   
               Ahmed Abdelgawad   A Deep Analysis of Brain Tumor Detection
                                  from MR Images Using Deep Learning
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Denis E. Baskan and   
               Daniel Meyer and   
            Sebastian Mieck and   
            Leonhard Faubel and   
      Benjamin Klöpper and   
                 Nika Strem and   
         Johannes A. Wagner and   
              Jan J. Koltermann   A Scenario-Based Model Comparison for
                                  Short-Term Day-Ahead Electricity Prices
                                  in Times of Economic and Political
                                  Tension  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Gregory Provan   Toward Explainable AutoEncoder-Based
                                  Diagnosis of Dynamical Systems . . . . . 
          Christian Haubelt and   
          Luise Müller and   
               Kai Neubauer and   
             Torsten Schaub and   
                  Philipp Wanko   Evolutionary System Design with Answer
                                  Set Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Eric M. Takyi and   
            Rana D. Parshad and   
      Ranjit Kumar Upadhyay and   
                      Vikas Rai   Blow-Up Dynamics and Synchronization in
                                  Tri-Trophic Food Chain Models  . . . . . 
            Bradley Walters and   
    Sandra Ortega-Martorell and   
                 Ivan Olier and   
             Paulo J. G. Lisboa   How to Open a Black Box Classifier for
                                  Tabular Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Antiopi Panteli and   
              Basilis Boutsinas   Addressing the Cold-Start Problem in
                                  Recommender Systems Based on Frequent
                                  Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Vivian Schiller and   
               Sandra Klaus and   
                  Ali Bilen and   
                   Gisela Lanza   In-Process Monitoring of Hobbing Process
                                  Using an Acoustic Emission Sensor and
                                  Supervised Machine Learning  . . . . . . 
              Mahmoud Saleh and   
        Endre Kovács and   
              Imre Ferenc Barna   Analytical and Numerical Results for the
                                  Transient Diffusion Equation with
                                  Diffusion Coefficient Depending on Both
                                  Space and Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Pedro Cabalar and   
             Jorge Fandinno and   
             Torsten Schaub and   
                  Philipp Wanko   On the Semantics of Hybrid ASP Systems
                                  Based on Clingo  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Andreas Pester and   
           Yevgeniya Sulema and   
                Ivan Dychka and   
                    Olga Sulema   Temporal Multimodal Data-Processing
                                  Algorithms Based on Algebraic System of
                                  Aggregates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Michael R. Lindstrom and   
                Xiaofu Ding and   
                   Feng Liu and   
           Anand Somayajula and   
                 Deanna Needell   Continuous Semi-Supervised Nonnegative
                                  Matrix Factorization . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Jesper Jansson   Editorial: Surveys in Algorithm Analysis
                                  and Complexity Theory (Special Issue)    
          Aleksandr Kulikov and   
             Pavel Ilyushin and   
             Anton Loskutov and   
                Sergey Filippov   Application of Search Algorithms in
                                  Determining Fault Location on Overhead
                                  Power Lines According to the Emergency
                                  Mode Parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Ji Zhang and   
                Xiangze Jia and   
                  Zhen Wang and   
               Yonglong Luo and   
                Fulong Chen and   
               Gaoming Yang and   
                     Lihui Zhao   JointContrast: Skeleton-Based
                                  Interaction Recognition with New
                                  Representation and Contrastive Learning  
        Riccardo Pellegrini and   
                  Andrea Serani   Overview on the Special Issue on
                                  ``Simulation-Based Optimization: Methods
                                  and Applications in Engineering Design'' 
               Shenghan Wei and   
                   Xiang Li and   
                   Yong Yao and   
                   Suixian Yang   A Novel Short-Memory Sequence-Based
                                  Model for Variable-Length Reading
                                  Recognition of Multi-Type Digital
                                  Instruments in Industrial Scenarios  . . 
        Eric Dolores-Cuenca and   
José Antonio Arciniega-Nevárez and   
                 Anh Nguyen and   
          Amanda Yitong Zou and   
          Luke Van Popering and   
               Nathan Crock and   
          Gordon Erlebacher and   
         Jose L. Mendoza-Cortes   Polychrony as Chinampas  . . . . . . . . 
                Binghang Lu and   
             Christian Moya and   
                      Guang Lin   NSGA-PINN: a Multi-Objective
                                  Optimization Method for Physics-Informed
                                  Neural Network Training  . . . . . . . . 
                   Luca Scrucca   Entropy-Based Anomaly Detection for
                                  Gaussian Mixture Modeling  . . . . . . . 
      Jorge Chamorro-Padial and   
Rosa Rodríguez-Sánchez   Attention-Survival Score: a Metric to
                                  Choose Better Keywords and Improve
                                  Visibility of Information  . . . . . . . 
                   Lei Chen and   
                Zhihao Wang and   
                     Ru Huo and   
                      Tao Huang   An Adversarial DBN-LSTM Method for
                                  Detecting and Defending against DDoS
                                  Attacks in SDN Environments  . . . . . . 
            Liliya Demidova and   
              Dmitry Zhukov and   
           Elena Andrianova and   
               Vladimir Kalinin   Model of Lexico-Semantic Bonds between
                                  Texts for Creating Their Similarity
                                  Metrics and Developing Statistical
                                  Clustering Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 
       Raoul R. Nigmatullin and   
               Jocelyn Sabatier   Can Self-Similarity Processes Be
                                  Reflected by the Power-Law Dependencies? 
          Adnan Alhaj Hasan and   
       Aleksey A. Kvasnikov and   
         Dmitriy V. Klyukin and   
            Anton A. Ivanov and   
       Alexander V. Demakov and   
         Dmitry M. Mochalov and   
             Sergei P. Kuksenko   On Modeling Antennas Using MoM-Based
                                  Algorithms: Wire-Grid versus Surface
                                  Triangulation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Dimitrios Matthes and   
          Vasileios Drakopoulos   Line Clipping in 3D: Overview,
                                  Techniques and Algorithms  . . . . . . . 
      Sotirios Kontogiannis and   
          Theodosios Gkamas and   
              Christos Pikridas   Deep Learning Stranded Neural Network
                                  Model for the Detection of Sensory
                                  Triggered Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Reiner Jedermann   Feasibility of Low Latency,
                                  Single-Sample Delay Resampling: a New
                                  Kriging Based Method . . . . . . . . . . 
             Maxim Saveliev and   
              Maksym Pantin and   
                Igor Skiter and   
            Thomas B. Scott and   
                Peter G. Martin   Implementation of Novel Evolutional
                                  Algorithm for 3-Dimensional Radiation
                                  Mapping and Gamma-Field Reconstruction
                                  within the Chornobyl Sarcophagus . . . . 
          Dominik Stallmann and   
                 Barbara Hammer   Unsupervised Cyclic Siamese Networks
                                  Automating Cell Imagery Analysis . . . . 
      Anastasios Kaltsounis and   
        Evangelos Spiliotis and   
       Vassilios Assimakopoulos   Conditional Temporal Aggregation for
                                  Time Series Forecasting Using
                                  Feature-Based Meta-Learning  . . . . . . 
             Shenquan Huang and   
               Ya-Chih Tsai and   
                   Fuh-Der Chou   A Trajectory-Based Immigration Strategy
                                  Genetic Algorithm to Solve a
                                  Single-Machine Scheduling Problem with
                                  Job Release Times and Flexible
                                  Preventive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . 
        Alkmini Michaloglou and   
            Nikolaos L. Tsitsas   A Brain Storm and Chaotic Accelerated
                                  Particle Swarm Optimization
                                  Hybridization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Sebastian Bickel and   
               Stefan Goetz and   
                Sandro Wartzack   Detection of Plausibility and Error
                                  Reasons in Finite Element Simulations
                                  with Deep Learning Networks  . . . . . . 
            Alexander Robitzsch   Model-Robust Estimation of
                                  Multiple-Group Structural Equation
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Zahra Nazari and   
                   Petr Musilek   Impact of Digital Transformation on the
                                  Energy Sector: a Review  . . . . . . . . 
               Anne Fischer and   
Alexandre Beiderwellen Bedrikow and   
          Iris D. Tommelein and   
          Konrad Nübel and   
               Johannes Fottner   From Activity Recognition to Simulation:
                                  The Impact of Granularity on Production
                                  Models in Heavy Civil Engineering  . . . 
             Franco Bagnoli and   
                   Michele Baia   Synchronization, Control and Data
                                  Assimilation of the Lorenz System  . . . 
           Masahito Kumagai and   
           Kazuhiko Komatsu and   
              Masayuki Sato and   
              Hiroaki Kobayashi   Ising-Based Kernel Clustering  . . . . . 
      Georgios Chalkiadakis and   
             Ioannis Ziogas and   
         Michail Koutsmanis and   
       Errikos Streviniotis and   
        Costas Panagiotakis and   
               Harris Papadakis   A Novel Hybrid Recommender System for
                                  the Tourism Domain . . . . . . . . . . . 
           David Rajaratnam and   
             Torsten Schaub and   
              Philipp Wanko and   
                   Kai Chen and   
                  Sirui Liu and   
                   Tran Cao Son   Solving an Industrial-Scale Warehouse
                                  Delivery Problem with Answer Set
                                  Programming Modulo Difference
                                  Constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 16, Number 5, May, 2023

             Artem T. Turov and   
       Yuri A. Konstantinov and   
            Fedor L. Barkov and   
          Dmitry A. Korobko and   
        Igor O. Zolotovskii and   
     Cesar A. Lopez-Mercado and   
              Andrei A. Fotiadi   Enhancing the Distributed Acoustic
                                  Sensors' (DAS) Performance by the Simple
                                  Noise Reduction Algorithms Sequential
                                  Application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Nassim Belmecheri and   
           Noureddine Aribi and   
              Nadjib Lazaar and   
               Yahia Lebbah and   
                   Samir Loudni   Boosting the Learning for Ranking
                                  Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Aleksandr Alekseev and   
         Leonid Kozhemyakin and   
          Vladislav Nikitin and   
               Julia Bolshakova   Data Preprocessing and Neural Network
                                  Architecture Selection Algorithms in
                                  Cases of Limited Training Sets-On an
                                  Example of Diagnosing Alzheimer's
                                  Disease  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Xiao Yang and   
                     Qilong Han   Improved DQN for Dynamic Obstacle
                                  Avoidance and Ship Path Planning . . . . 
              Barbara Brzic and   
              Ivica Boticki and   
             Marina Bagic Babac   Detecting Deception Using Natural
                                  Language Processing and Machine Learning
                                  in Datasets on COVID-19 and Climate
                                  Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Stefan Dobrev and   
            Paola Flocchini and   
          Giuseppe Prencipe and   
                 Nicola Santoro   Asynchronous Gathering in a Dangerous
                                  Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Amir Barghi and   
                   Daryl DeFord   Stirling Numbers of Uniform Trees and
                                  Related Computational Experiments  . . . 
                  Lei Zhang and   
                        Zhi Pei   A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for the
                                  Online Scheduling of Valet Drivers . . . 
   Nicolas Santamaria-Henao and   
       Oscar Danilo Montoya and   
César Leonardo Trujillo-Rodríguez   Optimal Siting and Sizing of FACTS in
                                  Distribution Networks Using the Black
                                  Widow Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Andrei Konstantinov and   
      Stanislav Kirpichenko and   
                      Lev Utkin   Heterogeneous Treatment Effect with
                                  Trained Kernels of the Nadaraya--Watson
                                  Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Hy Nguyen and   
           Srikanth Thudumu and   
                    Hung Du and   
               Kon Mouzakis and   
                    Rajesh Vasa   UAV Dynamic Object Tracking with
                                  Lightweight Deep Vision Reinforcement
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Chenhong Luo and   
                  Yong Wang and   
                      Bo Li and   
                Hanyang Liu and   
                Pengyu Wang and   
                   Leo Yu Zhang   An Efficient Approach to Manage Natural
                                  Noises in Recommender Systems  . . . . . 
         Jairo Olguin-Roque and   
             Sergio Salazar and   
Iván González-Hernandez and   
                 Rogelio Lozano   A Robust Fixed-Time Sliding Mode Control
                                  for Quadrotor UAV  . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Lia Maria Hocke and   
                Yunjie Tong and   
    Blaise deBonneval Frederick   An Automatic Motion-Based Artifact
                                  Reduction Algorithm for fNIRS in
                                  Concurrent Functional Magnetic Resonance
                                  Imaging Studies (AMARA-fMRI) . . . . . . 
      Diego Sanchez Narvaez and   
   Carlos Villaseñor and   
        Carlos Lopez-Franco and   
             Nancy Arana-Daniel   Order-Based Schedule of Dynamic Topology
                                  for Recurrent Neural Network . . . . . . 
     Cesar Davila Hernandez and   
                Jungseok Ho and   
               Dongchul Kim and   
             Abdoul Oubeidillah   Machine-Learning-Based Model for
                                  Hurricane Storm Surge Forecasting in the
                                  Lower Laguna Madre . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Pedro Santana and   
              José Moura   A Bayesian Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithm
                                  for Dynamic End-to-End Routing in
                                  SDN-Based Networks with
                                  Piecewise-Stationary Rewards . . . . . . 
               Yinghui Wang and   
                Wenjun Wang and   
               Minglai Shao and   
                    Yueheng Sun   Deep Cross-Network Alignment with Anchor
                                  Node Pair Diverse Local Structure  . . . 
                 Yunlong Lu and   
                  Wenxin Li and   
                     Wenlong Li   Official International Mahjong: a New
                                  Playground for AI Research . . . . . . . 
 Ashokkumar Palanivinayagam and   
       Claude Ziad El-Bayeh and   
          Robertas Damasevicius   Twenty Years of Machine-Learning-Based
                                  Text Classification: a Systematic Review 
         Fadi Nessir Zghoul and   
             Haneen Alteehi and   
                 Ahmad Abuelrub   A Mayfly-Based Approach for CMOS
                                  Inverter Design with Symmetrical
                                  Switching  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Sergey M. Agayan and   
          Dmitriy A. Kamaev and   
      Shamil R. Bogoutdinov and   
       Andron O. Aleksanyan and   
              Boris V. Dzeranov   Time Series Analysis by Fuzzy Logic
                                  Methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Qingji Guan and   
                Qinrun Chen and   
                   Yaping Huang   An Improved Heteroscedastic Modeling
                                  Method for Chest X-ray Image
                                  Classification with Noisy Labels . . . . 
         Harshit Srivastava and   
                    Ravi Sankar   Cooperative Attention-Based Learning
                                  between Diverse Data Sources . . . . . . 
             Youssef Moawad and   
         Wim Vanderbauwhede and   
             René Steijl   Quantum Circuit-Width Reduction through
                                  Parameterisation and Specialisation  . . 
              Dmitry Lukyanenko   Parallel Algorithm for Solving
                                  Overdetermined Systems of Linear
                                  Equations, Taking into Account Round-Off
                                  Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Liyun Gong and   
                    Miao Yu and   
               Stefanos Kollias   Optimizing Crop Yield and Reducing
                                  Energy Consumption in Greenhouse Control
                                  Using PSO-MPC Algorithm  . . . . . . . . 
                Yi-Wei Wang and   
                     Ja-Ling Wu   A Privacy-Preserving Symptoms Retrieval
                                  System with the Aid of Homomorphic
                                  Encryption and Private Set Intersection
                                  Schemes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Christos Karras and   
          Aristeidis Karras and   
Konstantinos C. Giotopoulos and   
           Markos Avlonitis and   
                 Spyros Sioutas   Consensus Big Data Clustering for
                                  Bayesian Mixture Models  . . . . . . . . 
                Igor Masich and   
             Natalya Rezova and   
           Guzel Shkaberina and   
             Sergei Mironov and   
             Mariya Bartosh and   
                Lev Kazakovtsev   Subgroup Discovery in Machine Learning
                                  Problems with Formal Concepts Analysis
                                  and Test Theory Algorithms . . . . . . . 
             Kevin Herrmann and   
            Stefan Plappert and   
   Paul Christoph Gembarski and   
               Roland Lachmayer   Process Chain-Oriented Design Evaluation
                                  of Multi-Material Components by
                                  Knowledge-Based Engineering  . . . . . . 
               Vadim Kramar and   
               Vasiliy Alchakov   Time-Series Forecasting of Seasonal Data
                                  Using Machine Learning Methods . . . . . 
               Yulia Orlova and   
        Alexander Gorobtsov and   
                Oleg Sychev and   
          Vladimir Rozaliev and   
           Alexander Zubkov and   
            Anastasia Donsckaia   Method for Determining the Dominant Type
                                  of Human Breathing Using Motion Capture
                                  and Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . 
        Shadab Anwar Shaikh and   
           Harish Cherukuri and   
                 Taufiquar Khan   Recovering the Forcing Function in
                                  Systems with One Degree of Freedom Using
                                  ANN and Physics Information  . . . . . . 
           Nikola Ivkovi\'c and   
           Robert Kudeli\'c and   
                    Marin Golub   Adjustable Pheromone Reinforcement
                                  Strategies for Problems with Efficient
                                  Heuristic Information  . . . . . . . . . 
               Zhiqiang Niu and   
                Shengnan Wu and   
           Xuesong (Simon) Zhou   Efficient Mathematical Lower Bounds for
                                  City Logistics Distribution Network with
                                  Intra-Echelon Connection of Facilities:
                                  Bridging the Gap from Theoretical Model
                                  Formulations to Practical Solutions  . . 
         Leslie R. Pendrill and   
             Jeanette Melin and   
              Anne Stavelin and   
                  Gunnar Nordin   Modernising Receiver Operating
                                  Characteristic (ROC) Curves  . . . . . . 
            Domagoj Matijevi\'c   Well-Separated Pair Decompositions for
                                  High-Dimensional Datasets  . . . . . . . 
            Andrei Velichko and   
             Maksim Belyaev and   
               Yuriy Izotov and   
      Murugappan Murugappan and   
                  Hanif Heidari   Neural Network Entropy (NNetEn):
                                  Entropy-Based EEG Signal and Chaotic
                                  Time Series Classification, Python
                                  Package for NNetEn Calculation . . . . . 
              Ibrahim Shaer and   
                 Abdallah Shami   Hierarchical Modelling for CO$_2$
                                  Variation Prediction for HVAC System
                                  Operation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Dragan Gatari\'c and   
             Nenad Ruski\'c and   
           Branko Aleksi\'c and   
            Tihomir Duri\'c and   
                  Lato Pezo and   
             Biljana Loncar and   
                    Milada Pezo   Predicting Road Traffic
                                  Accidents-Artificial Neural Network
                                  Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Abu Shad Ahammed and   
   Aniebiet Micheal Ezekiel and   
              Roman Obermaisser   Time-Efficient Identification Procedure
                                  for Neurological Complications of Rescue
                                  Patients in an Emergency Scenario Using
                                  Hardware-Accelerated Artificial
                                  Intelligence Models  . . . . . . . . . . 
                Lukas Busch and   
          Ruben van Heusden and   
                   Maarten Marx   Using Deep-Learned Vector
                                  Representations for Page Stream
                                  Segmentation by Agglomerative Clustering 
    Nikita R. Poddubrovskii and   
             Ivan A. Lobach and   
             Sergey I. Kablukov   Signal Processing in Optical Frequency
                                  Domain Reflectometry Systems Based on
                                  Self-Sweeping Fiber Laser with
                                  Continuous-Wave Intensity Dynamics . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 16, Number 6, June, 2023

            Saidur R. Pavel and   
                 Yimin D. Zhang   Optimization of the Compressive
                                  Measurement Matrix in a Massive MIMO
                                  System Exploiting LSTM Networks  . . . . 
           Masoud Mohammadi and   
                Poria Fajri and   
             Reza Sabzehgar and   
               Farshad Harirchi   Autonomous Electric Vehicle Route
                                  Optimization Considering Regenerative
                                  Braking Dynamic Low-Speed Boundary . . . 
                   Mu Zhang and   
              Fengqiang Wan and   
                    Taigang Liu   DrugFinder: Druggable Protein
                                  Identification Model Based on
                                  Pre-Trained Models and Evolutionary
                                  Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Serena Crisci and   
        Valentina De Simone and   
                    Marco Viola   On the Adaptive Penalty Parameter
                                  Selection in ADMM  . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Toufik Mzili and   
               Ilyass Mzili and   
      Mohammed Essaid Riffi and   
                  Gaurav Dhiman   Hybrid Genetic and Spotted Hyena
                                  Optimizer for Flow Shop Scheduling
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Yuriy Shablya   Combinatorial Generation Algorithms for
                                  Some Lattice Paths Using the Method
                                  Based on AND/OR Trees  . . . . . . . . . 
          Vittorio Maniezzo and   
                  Tingting Zhou   Learning Individualized Hyperparameter
                                  Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Frank Werner   Special Issue ``Scheduling: Algorithms
                                  and Applications'' . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Taiki Arakane and   
                 Takeshi Saitoh   Efficient DNN Model for Word Lip-Reading 
     Elena Loli Piccolomini and   
                Marco Prato and   
        Margherita Scipione and   
              Andrea Sebastiani   CTprintNet: an Accurate and Stable Deep
                                  Unfolding Approach for Few-View CT
                                  Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Hamed Taherdoost   Enhancing Social Media Platforms with
                                  Machine Learning Algorithms and Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Angel Golev and   
          Snezhana Hristova and   
                    Asen Rahnev   Algorithm for Approximate Solving of a
                                  Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem for
                                  Generalized Proportional Caputo
                                  Fractional Differential Equations  . . . 
               Fethi Candan and   
             Omer Faruk Dik and   
             Tufan Kumbasar and   
              Mahdi Mahfouf and   
             Lyudmila Mihaylova   Real-Time Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Control
                                  of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with
                                  Flexible Cable-Connected Payload . . . . 
Antonio Lopez-Martinez-Carrasco and   
             Jose M. Juarez and   
              Manuel Campos and   
        Bernardo Canovas-Segura   VLSD --- an Efficient Subgroup Discovery
                                  Algorithm Based on Equivalence Classes
                                  and Optimistic Estimate  . . . . . . . . 
                     Fei Yu and   
                 Bang Liang and   
                    Bo Tang and   
                     Hongrun Wu   An Interactive Differential Evolution
                                  Algorithm Based on Backtracking Strategy
                                  Applied in Interior Layout Design  . . . 
              Chadi Ghafari and   
             Khalil Houissa and   
                    Jo Dens and   
          Claudiu Ungureanu and   
              Peter Kayaert and   
             Cyril Constant and   
        Stéphane Carlier   Clinical Validation of a New Enhanced
                                  Stent Imaging Method . . . . . . . . . . 
          Gianmarco Baldini and   
            Fausto Bonavitacola   Nakagami-$m$ Fading Channel
                                  Identification Using Adaptive Continuous
                                  Wavelet Transform and Convolutional
                                  Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Zhehu Yuan and   
                  Yinqi Sun and   
                  Dennis Shasha   Forgetful Forests: Data Structures for
                                  Machine Learning on Streaming Data under
                                  Concept Drift  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Patricia Ochoa and   
             Cinthia Peraza and   
             Oscar Castillo and   
                  Zong Woo Geem   A Shadowed Type-2 Fuzzy Approach for
                                  Crossover Parameter Adaptation in
                                  Differential Evolution . . . . . . . . . 
       Szabolcs Deák and   
                Paul Levine and   
            Joseph Pearlman and   
                        Bo Yang   Reinforcement Learning in a New
                                  Keynesian Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Nattawut Phetmak and   
          Jittat Fakcharoenphol   Folding Every Point on a Polygon
                                  Boundary to a Point  . . . . . . . . . . 
      Raphael C. Engelhardt and   
              Marc Oedingen and   
               Moritz Lange and   
            Laurenz Wiskott and   
                 Wolfgang Konen   Iterative Oblique Decision Trees Deliver
                                  Explainable RL Models  . . . . . . . . . 
       Christiaan Scheepers and   
            Andries Engelbrecht   The Porcupine Measure for Comparing the
                                  Performance of Multi-Objective
                                  Optimization Algorithms  . . . . . . . . 
Fernando Díaz-del-Río and   
       Pablo Sanchez-Cuevas and   
María José Moron-Fernández and   
   Daniel Cascado-Caballero and   
        Helena Molina-Abril and   
                     Pedro Real   Fully Parallel Homological Region
                                  Adjacency Graph via Frontier Recognition 
        Domagoj Jakobovi\'c and   
          Marko Durasevi\'c and   
              Karla Brki\'c and   
                Juraj Fosin and   
              Tonci Cari\'c and   
          and Davor Davidovi\'c   Evolving Dispatching Rules for Dynamic
                                  Vehicle Routing with Genetic Programming 
              Yang-Kuei Lin and   
              Chien-Fu Chen and   
                  Tien-Yin Chou   Developing Prediction Model of Travel
                                  Times of the Logistics Fleets of Large
                                  Convenience Store Chains Using Machine
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Jiannong Fang   A Fast Hybrid Pressure-Correction
                                  Algorithm for Simulating Incompressible
                                  Flows by Projection Methods  . . . . . . 
                 Xue Jun Li and   
                   Maode Ma and   
                      Yihan Sun   An Adaptive Deep Learning Neural Network
                                  Model to Enhance Machine-Learning-Based
                                  Classifiers for Intrusion Detection in
                                  Smart Grids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Anna Mpanti and   
    Stavros D. Nikolopoulos and   
            and Leonidas Palios   Adding a Tail in Classes of Perfect
                                  Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Sebastiano Fichera and   
        Gregorio Mariggi\`o and   
              Mauro Corrado and   
                 Giulio Ventura   Integration of Polynomials Times Double
                                  Step Function in Quadrilateral Domains
                                  for XFEM Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Ioannis X. Tassopoulos and   
    Christina A. Iliopoulou and   
      Iosif V. Katsaragakis and   
       Grigorios N. Beligiannis   An Effective Local Particle Swarm
                                  Optimization-Based Algorithm for Solving
                                  the School Timetabling Problem . . . . . 
       Damilola Akingbesote and   
                  Ying Zhan and   
          Rytis Maskeliunas and   
          Robertas Damasevicius   Improving Accuracy of Face Recognition
                                  in the Era of Mask-Wearing: an
                                  Evaluation of a Pareto-Optimized FaceNet
                                  Model with Data Preprocessing Techniques 
José-Luis Solorio-Ramírez and   
Raúl Jiménez-Cruz and   
       Yenny Villuendas-Rey and   
and Cornelio Yáñez-Márquez   Random forest Algorithm for the
                                  Classification of Spectral Data of
                                  Astronomical Objects . . . . . . . . . . 
            Anton A. Ivanov and   
       Aleksey A. Kvasnikov and   
       Alexander V. Demakov and   
         Maxim E. Komnatnov and   
         Sergei P. Kuksenko and   
              Talgat R. Gazizov   Generalized Algorithm Based on
                                  Equivalent Circuits for Evaluating
                                  Shielding Effectiveness of Electronic
                                  Equipment Enclosures . . . . . . . . . . 
        Ashish T. S. Ireddy and   
            Sergey V. Kovalchuk   An Experimental Outlook on Quality
                                  Metrics for Process Modelling: a
                                  Systematic Review and Meta Analysis  . . 
                Miaomiao Yu and   
              Hongyong Yuan and   
                 Kaiyuan Li and   
               and Lizheng Deng   Noise Cancellation Method Based on
                                  TVF-EMD with Bayesian Parameter
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Vesselin Kyurkchiev and   
                Anton Iliev and   
                Asen Rahnev and   
             Nikolay Kyurkchiev   On a Class of Orthogonal Polynomials as
                                  Corrections in Lienard Differential
                                  System: Applications . . . . . . . . . . 
                Yiming Zhao and   
              Jing Dong-O'Brien   Prediction of Freeway Traffic Breakdown
                                  Using Artificial Neural Networks . . . . 
               George Manis and   
          Dimitrios Bakalis and   
                  Roberto Sassi   A Multithreaded Algorithm for the
                                  Computation of Sample Entropy  . . . . . 
        Evangelos D. Spyrou and   
       Chrysostomos Stylios and   
            and Ioannis Tsoulos   Classification of CO Environmental
                                  Parameter for Air Pollution Monitoring
                                  with Grammatical Evolution . . . . . . . 
            Elliot Pachniak and   
               Yongzhen Fan and   
                     Wei Li and   
               and Knut Stamnes   Quantifying Uncertainties in OC-SMART
                                  Ocean Color Retrievals: a Bayesian
                                  Inversion Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . 
Manuel Antonio Ureña-Cámara and   
Antonio Tomás Mozas-Calvache   Identification of Highlighted Cells in
                                  Low-Variance Raster Data Application to
                                  Digital Elevation Models . . . . . . . . 
                  Per Lindh and   
               Polina Lemenkova   Optimized Workflow Framework in
                                  Construction Projects to Control the
                                  Environmental Properties of Soil . . . . 
                Lijun Zhang and   
              Yuejian Zhang and   
                   Guangfeng Li   Fault-Diagnosis Method for Rotating
                                  Machinery Based on SVMD Entropy and
                                  Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Xuan Di and   
                 Rongye Shi and   
                 Zhaobin Mo and   
                     Yongjie Fu   Physics-Informed Deep Learning for
                                  Traffic State Estimation: a Survey and
                                  the Outlook  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Federico Maria Reato and   
              Claudio Ricci and   
               Jan Misfatto and   
          Matteo Calzaferri and   
              Simone Cinquemani   An Alternative Multi-Physics-Based
                                  Methodology for Strongly Coupled
                                  Electro-Magneto-Mechanical Problems  . . 
                    Petr Kadlec   Multi-Objective PSO with Variable Number
                                  of Dimensions for Space Robot Path
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Daniyal Asif and   
                Mairaj Bibi and   
       Muhammad Shoaib Arif and   
                Aiman Mukheimer   Enhancing Heart Disease Prediction
                                  through Ensemble Learning Techniques
                                  with Hyperparameter Optimization . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 16, Number 7, July, 2023

                 Yisha Wang and   
                  Gang Yang and   
                         Hao Lu   A Domain-Adaptive Tree-Crown Detection
                                  and Counting Method Based on Cascade
                                  Region Proposal Networks . . . . . . . . 
             Zach D. Merino and   
               Jenny Farmer and   
               Donald J. Jacobs   Probability Density Estimation through
                                  Nonparametric Adaptive Partitioning and
                                  Stitching  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Andrei A. Efremov and   
            Yuri N. Sotskov and   
            Yulia S. Belotzkaya   Optimization of Selection and Use of a
                                  Machine and Tractor Fleet in
                                  Agricultural Enterprises: a Case Study   
        Gulshat Amirkhanova and   
           Madina Mansurova and   
           Gennadii Ososkov and   
        Nasurlla Burtebayev and   
              Adai Shomanov and   
           and Murat Kunelbayev   Algorithm for Enhancing Event
                                  Reconstruction Efficiency by Addressing
                                  False Track Filtering Issues in the SPD
                                  NICA Experiment  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Timothy Ganesan and   
           Irraivan Elamvazuthi   Entanglement Distillation Optimization
                                  Using Fuzzy Relations for Quantum State
                                  Tomography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Yizheng Zhang and   
                Liuhong Luo and   
                     Hongjun Li   The Extraction of Maximal-Sum Principal
                                  Submatrix and Its Applications . . . . . 
                  Wentao Lv and   
                     Fan Li and   
                 Shijie Luo and   
                      Jie Xiang   A Multi-Site Anti-Interference Neural
                                  Network for ASD Classification . . . . . 
           Markus Schwegler and   
      Christoph Müller and   
         and Alexander Reiterer   Integrated Gradients for Feature
                                  Assessment in Point Cloud-Based Data
                                  Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Jiachen Zhang and   
                 Guoqing Tu and   
                  Shubo Liu and   
                and Zhaohui Cai   Audio Anti-Spoofing Based on Audio
                                  Feature Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Naglaa Abdelhady and   
        Ibrahim E. Elsemman and   
      Mohammed F. Farghally and   
       Taysir Hassan A. Soliman   Developing Analytical Tools for Arabic
                                  Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 Data  . . 
               Gauri Vaidya and   
         Meghana Kshirsagar and   
                     Conor Ryan   Grammatical Evolution-Driven Algorithm
                                  for Efficient and Automatic
                                  Hyperparameter Optimisation of Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Ahmed El-Mesady and   
            Tasneem Farahat and   
       Ramadan El-Shanawany and   
           Aleksandr Y. Romanov   On Orthogonal Double Covers and
                                  Decompositions of Complete Bipartite
                                  Graphs by Caterpillar Graphs . . . . . . 
              Tommaso Adamo and   
           Gianpaolo Ghiani and   
         Emanuela Guerriero and   
                  Deborah Pareo   A Surprisal-Based Greedy Heuristic for
                                  the Set Covering Problem . . . . . . . . 
           Andreas G. Savva and   
    Theocharis Theocharides and   
    and Chrysostomos Nicopoulos   Robustness of Artificial Neural Networks
                                  Based on Weight Alterations Used for
                                  Prediction Purposes  . . . . . . . . . . 
              Pedro Almeida and   
             Vitor Carvalho and   
          Alberto Simões   Reinforcement Learning Applied to AI
                                  Bots in First-Person Shooters: a
                                  Systematic Review  . . . . . . . . . . . 
 Mohammad (Behdad) Jamshidi and   
             Salah I. Yahya and   
              Saeed Roshani and   
   Muhammad Akmal Chaudhary and   
         Yazeed Yasin Ghadi and   
                 Sobhan Roshani   A Fast Surrogate Model-Based Algorithm
                                  Using Multilayer Perceptron Neural
                                  Networks for Microwave Circuit Design    
      Thibaut Théate and   
                   Damien Ernst   Risk-Sensitive Policy with
                                  Distributional Reinforcement Learning    
João V. R. de Andrade and   
      Bruno J. T. Fernandes and   
André R. L. C. Izídio and   
   Nilson M. da Silva Filho and   
                 Francisco Cruz   Vessel Velocity Estimation and Docking
                                  Analysis: a Computer Vision Approach . . 
        Francesco Bergadano and   
               Giorgio Giacinto   Special Issue ``AI for Cybersecurity:
                                  Robust Models for Authentication, Threat
                                  and Anomaly Detection''  . . . . . . . . 
 Rafael Díaz Fuentes and   
    Stefano Serra-Capizzano and   
           Rosita Luisa Sormani   $ \omega $-Circulant Matrices: a
                                  Selection of Modern Applications from
                                  Preconditioning of Approximated PDEs to
                                  Subdivision Schemes  . . . . . . . . . . 
  Francisco-David Hernandez and   
             Domingo Cortes and   
Marco Antonio Ramirez-Salinas and   
      Luis Alfonso Villa-Vargas   A Tool for Control Research Using
                                  Evolutionary Algorithm That Generates
                                  Controllers with a Pre-Specified
                                  Morphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Vincent Schilling and   
            Peter Beyerlein and   
                   Jeremy Chien   A Bioinformatics Analysis of Ovarian
                                  Cancer Data Using Machine Learning . . . 
      Victoria A. Starikova and   
              Yuri A. Konin and   
    Alexandra Yu. Petukhova and   
      Svetlana S. Aleshkina and   
           Andrey A. Petrov and   
           Anatolii V. Perminov   Mathematical Model of Fuse Effect
                                  Initiation in Fiber Core . . . . . . . . 
             Phillip Kerger and   
      David E. Bernal Neira and   
     Zoe Gonzalez Izquierdo and   
             Eleanor G. Rieffel   Mind the $ \cal O \tilde{} $:
                                  Asymptotically Better, but Still
                                  Impractical, Quantum Distributed
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Simone Ciccolella and   
      Gianluca Della Vedova and   
       Vladimir Filipovi\'c and   
            Mauricio Soto Gomez   Three Metaheuristic Approaches for Tumor
                                  Phylogeny Inference: an Experimental
                                  Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Quanjiang Yu and   
                Ola Carlson and   
                  Serik Sagitov   Optimal Maintenance Schedule for a Wind
                                  Power Turbine with Aging Components  . . 
             Dalibor Biolek and   
      Viera Biolková and   
               Zdenek Kolka and   
                  Zdenek Biolek   Basis Functions for a Transient Analysis
                                  of Linear Commensurate Fractional-Order
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
János Hollósi and   
        Áron Ballagi and   
         and Claudiu Radu Pozna   Simplified Routing Mechanism for Capsule
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Ilya Galaktionov and   
           Julia Sheldakova and   
          Alexander Nikitin and   
        Vladimir Toporovsky and   
              Alexis Kudryashov   A Hybrid Model for Analysis of Laser
                                  Beam Distortions Using Monte Carlo and
                                  Shack--Hartmann Techniques: Numerical
                                  Study and Experimental Results . . . . . 
               Rajiv Paudel and   
        Arika Ligmann-Zielinska   A Largely Unsupervised
                                  Domain-Independent Qualitative Data
                                  Extraction Approach for Empirical
                                  Agent-Based Model Development  . . . . . 
             Vasilis Bouras and   
    Dimitris Spiliotopoulos and   
          Dionisis Margaris and   
          Costas Vassilakis and   
         Konstantinos Kotis and   
          Angeliki Antoniou and   
            George Lepouras and   
            Manolis Wallace and   
           Vassilis Poulopoulos   Chatbots for Cultural Venues: a
                                  Topic-Based Approach . . . . . . . . . . 
             Khaled Almiani and   
            Mutaz Abu Alrub and   
            Young Choon Lee and   
            Taha H. Rashidi and   
            Amirmohammad Pasdar   A Blockchain-Based Auction Framework for
                                  Location-Aware Services  . . . . . . . . 
    Péter L. Erd\Hos and   
Tamás Róbert Mezei   Minimizing Interference-to-Signal Ratios
                                  in Multi-Cell Telecommunication Networks 
                Junwei Lang and   
               Zhenjia Zeng and   
                 Tengfei Ma and   
                 and Sailing He   Leaking Gas Source Tracking for Multiple
                                  Chemical Parks within An Urban City  . . 
             Marios Mamalis and   
       Evangelos Kalampokis and   
               Ilias Kalfas and   
         Konstantinos Tarabanis   Deep Learning for Detecting Verticillium
                                  Fungus in Olive Trees: Using YOLO in UAV
                                  Imagery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Artemiy Belousov and   
                 Ivan Kisel and   
                Robin Lakos and   
              and Akhil Mithran   Neural-Network-Based Quark--Gluon Plasma
                                  Trigger for the CBM Experiment at FAIR   
                  Ezra Wari and   
                Weihang Zhu and   
                       Gino Lim   A Corrosion Maintenance Model Using
                                  Continuous State Partially Observable
                                  Markov Decision Process for Oil and Gas
                                  Pipelines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Patrice Koehl and   
                   Henri Orland   A Physicist's View on Partial 3D Shape
                                  Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Zhenwen He and   
                  Chi Zhang and   
                   Yunhui Cheng   Similarity Measurement and
                                  Classification of Temporal Data Based on
                                  Double Mean Representation . . . . . . . 
                Haifeng Jin and   
                Paul M. Goodrum   Integrated Decision Support Framework of
                                  Optimal Scaffolding System for
                                  Construction Projects  . . . . . . . . . 
               Libero Nigro and   
               Pasi Fränti   Two Medoid-Based Algorithms for
                                  Clustering Sets  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Jiajia Fan and   
               Wentao Huang and   
             Qingchao Jiang and   
                 and Qinqin Fan   A Zoning Search-Based Multimodal
                                  Multi-Objective Brain Storm Optimization
                                  Algorithm for Multimodal Multi-Objective
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Giovanni Ceccarelli and   
             Guido Cantelmo and   
            Marialisa Nigro and   
          Constantinos Antoniou   Learning from Imbalanced Datasets: The
                                  Bike-Sharing Inventory Problem Using
                                  Sparse Information . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Rolf Hoffmann   Generating Loop Patterns with a Genetic
                                  Algorithm and a Probabilistic Cellular
                                  Automata Rule  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Nina Golyandina and   
               Pavel Dudnik and   
                   Alex Shlemov   Intelligent Identification of Trend
                                  Components in Singular Spectrum Analysis 
                     Nan Ma and   
                  Ziyi Wang and   
                    Zeyu Ba and   
                  Xinran Li and   
                  Ning Yang and   
                 Xinyi Yang and   
                  Haifeng Zhang   Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for
                                  Crude Oil Supply Chain Scheduling  . . . 
       Mustafa Can Gursesli and   
          Mehmet Emin Selek and   
        Mustafa Oktay Samur and   
             Mirko Duradoni and   
              Kyoungju Park and   
            Andrea Guazzini and   
               Antonio Lanat\`a   Design of Cloud-Based Real-Time
                                  Eye-Tracking Monitoring and Storage
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 16, Number 8, August, 2023

               Enrique Castillo   A State of the Art Review of Systems of
                                  Linear Inequalities and Related
                                  Observability Problems . . . . . . . . . 
             Stela Stoykova and   
                  Nikola Shakev   Artificial Intelligence for Management
                                  Information Systems: Opportunities,
                                  Challenges, and Future Directions  . . . 
        Andrei Konstantinov and   
                  Lev Utkin and   
              Vladimir Muliukha   Multiple Instance Learning with
                                  Trainable Soft Decision Tree Ensembles   
            Nikolay Nefedov and   
          Bogdan Tishchenko and   
              Natalia Levashova   An Algorithm for Construction of the
                                  Asymptotic Approximation of a Stable
                                  Stationary Solution to a Diffusion
                                  Equation System with a Discontinuous
                                  Source Function  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Szymon Cyperski and   
       Pawe\l D. Doma\'nski and   
          and Micha\l Okulewicz   Hybrid Approach to the Cost Estimation
                                  of External-Fleet Full Truckload
                                  Contracts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Ahmed Eid and   
            Friedhelm Schwenker   Visual Static Hand Gesture Recognition
                                  Using Convolutional Neural Network . . . 
          Claudia Di Napoli and   
        Giovanni Paragliola and   
            Patrizia Ribino and   
                    Luca Serino   Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based
                                  Planner for City Tours for Cruise
                                  Passengers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Tasha Austin and   
                Bharat S. Rawal   Model Retraining: Predicting the
                                  Likelihood of Financial Inclusion in
                                  Kiva's Peer-to-Peer Lending to Promote
                                  Social Impact  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         André Klein and   
              Guy Mélard   An Algorithm for the Fisher Information
                                  Matrix of a VARMAX Process . . . . . . . 
             Michael Tetteh and   
              Allan de Lima and   
               Jack McEllin and   
               Aidan Murphy and   
          Douglas Mota Dias and   
                     Conor Ryan   Evolving Multi-Output Digital Circuits
                                  Using Multi-Genome Grammatical Evolution 
                 Kunj Joshi and   
              Chintan Bhatt and   
               Kaushal Shah and   
             Dwireph Parmar and   
           Juan M. Corchado and   
           Alessandro Bruno and   
              Pier Luigi Mazzeo   Machine-Learning Techniques for
                                  Predicting Phishing Attacks in
                                  Blockchain Networks: a Comparative Study 
         Elias Ntawuzumunsi and   
             Santhi Kumaran and   
             Louis Sibomana and   
                Kambombo Mtonga   Design and Development of Energy
                                  Efficient Algorithm for Smart Beekeeping
                                  Device to Device Communication Based on
                                  Data Aggregation Techniques  . . . . . . 
            Muhammad Adnan Khan   Special Issue ``Algorithms for Feature
                                  Selection''  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Hayat Ullah and   
                   Arslan Munir   Human Action Representation Learning
                                  Using an Attention-Driven Residual 3DCNN
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Andres Gallego and   
                Francisco Roman   Hardware Suitability of Complex Natural
                                  Resonances Extraction Algorithms in
                                  Backscattered Radar Signals  . . . . . . 
                Ishaq Hafez and   
                Rached Dhaouadi   Identification of Mechanical Parameters
                                  in Flexible Drive Systems Using Hybrid
                                  Particle Swarm Optimization Based on the
                                  Quasi-Newton Method  . . . . . . . . . . 
        Chrysanthi Aroniadi and   
       Grigorios N. Beligiannis   Applying Particle Swarm Optimization
                                  Variations to Solve the Transportation
                                  Problem Effectively  . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Raj Bridgelall   Data-Driven Deployment of Cargo Drones:
                                  a U.S. Case Study Identifying Key
                                  Markets and Routes . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Ruijuan Du and   
                    Taiyang Tao   A Greedy Pursuit Hierarchical Iteration
                                  Algorithm for Multi-Input Systems with
                                  Colored Noise and Unknown Time-Delays    
                Elisa Crabu and   
               Federica Pes and   
         Giuseppe Rodriguez and   
                 Giuseppa Tanda   Ascertaining the Ideality of Photometric
                                  Stereo Datasets under Unknown Lighting   
          Timmidi Nagadurga and   
         Ramesh Devarapalli and   
         and Lukasz Knypi\'nski   Comparison of Meta-Heuristic
                                  Optimization Algorithms for Global
                                  Maximum Power Point Tracking of
                                  Partially Shaded Solar Photovoltaic
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Pratham Grover and   
           Kunal Chaturvedi and   
                    Xing Zi and   
                Amit Saxena and   
               Shiv Prakash and   
                   Tony Jan and   
              and Mukesh Prasad   Ensemble Transfer Learning for
                                  Distinguishing Cognitively Normal and
                                  Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients Using
                                  MRI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Vasiliki Demertzi and   
          Stavros Demertzis and   
     and Konstantinos Demertzis   An Overview of Privacy Dimensions on the
                                  Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) . . 
        Panagiotis Farmakis and   
      Athanasios Chassiakos and   
         and Stylianos Karatzas   A Multi-Objective Tri-Level Algorithm
                                  for Hub-and-Spoke Network in Short Sea
                                  Shipping Transportation  . . . . . . . . 
              Navid Nourian and   
           Mamdouh El-Badry and   
                Maziar Jamshidi   Design Optimization of Truss Structures
                                  Using a Graph Neural Network-Based
                                  Surrogate Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Arun Kumar Sangaiah and   
             Amir Javadpour and   
            Chung-Chian Hsu and   
       Anandakumar Haldorai and   
                Ahmad Zeynivand   Investigating Routing in the VANET
                                  Network: Review and Classification of
                                  Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Pablo Moscato and   
      Mohammad Nazmul Haque and   
                Kevin Huang and   
                Julia Sloan and   
  Jonathon Corrales de Oliveira   Learning to Extrapolate Using Continued
                                  Fractions: Predicting the Critical
                                  Temperature of Superconductor Materials  
           Artemiy Belousov and   
                 Ivan Kisel and   
                    Robin Lakos   A Neural-Network-Based Competition
                                  between Short-Lived Particle Candidates
                                  in the CBM Experiment at FAIR  . . . . . 
              Robert Clarke and   
              Liam Fletcher and   
             Sebastian East and   
          and Thomas Richardson   Reinforcement Learning Derived
                                  High-Alpha Aerobatic Manoeuvres for
                                  Fixed Wing Operation in Confined Spaces  
    Vitor Probst Curtarelli and   
                   Israel Cohen   Constant-Beamwidth LCMV Beamformer with
                                  Rectangular Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Patricio Sáez and   
             Carlos Herrera and   
                  Victor Parada   Reducing Nervousness in Master
                                  Production Planning: A Systematic
                                  Approach Incorporating Product-Driven
                                  Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Cihan Ates and   
                Dogan Bicat and   
            Radoslav Yankov and   
              Joel Arweiler and   
                Rainer Koch and   
           Hans-Jörg Bauer   Model Predictive Evolutionary
                                  Temperature Control via
                                  Neural-Network-Based Digital Twins . . . 
             Irina Makarova and   
              Polina Buyvol and   
        Larisa Gabsalikhova and   
             Eduard Belyaev and   
           Eduard Mukhametdinov   Decision Making under Conditions of
                                  Uncertainty and Risk in the Formation of
                                  Warehouse Stock of an Automotive Service
                                  Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Rick Voßwinkel and   
            Klaus Röbenack   Systematic Analysis and Design of
                                  Control Systems Based on Lyapunov's
                                  Direct Method  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  András Bóta and   
                 Lauren Gardner   A Generalized Framework for the
                                  Estimation of Edge Infection
                                  Probabilities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Matteo Castiello and   
               Dajana Conte and   
                  Samira Iscaro   Using Epidemiological Models to Predict
                                  the Spread of Information on Twitter . . 
                  Lance Wallace   Testing a New `Decrypted' Algorithm for
                                  Plantower Sensors Measuring PM$_{2.5}$:
                                  Comparison with an Alternative Algorithm 
             Juan F. Guerra and   
     Ramon Garcia-Hernandez and   
            Miguel A. Llama and   
       Victor Santibañez   A Comparative Study of Swarm
                                  Intelligence Metaheuristics in UKF-Based
                                  Neural Training Applied to the
                                  Identification and Control of Robotic
                                  Manipulator  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Manlio Gaudioso and   
                Sona Taheri and   
            Adil M. Bagirov and   
                 Napsu Karmitsa   Bundle Enrichment Method for Nonsmooth
                                  Difference of Convex Programming
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Claudio Szwarcfiter and   
              Yale T. Herer and   
                  Avraham Shtub   Balancing Project Schedule, Cost, and
                                  Value under Uncertainty: a Reinforcement
                                  Learning Approach  . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 16, Number 9, September, 2023

Henrique José Wilbert and   
Aurélio Faustino Hoppe and   
            Andreza Sartori and   
    Stefano Frizzo Stefenon and   
      Luís Augusto Silva   Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value,
                                  Clustering, and Internal and External
                                  Indices for Customer Segmentation from
                                  Retail Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Nesrine Touafek and   
  Fatima Benbouzid-Si Tayeb and   
                      Asma Ladj   A Reinforcing-Learning-Driven Artificial
                                  Bee Colony Algorithm for Scheduling Jobs
                                  and Flexible Maintenance under Learning
                                  and Deteriorating Effects  . . . . . . . 
          Leila Ben Letaifa and   
                 Jean-Luc Rouas   Variable Scale Pruning for Transformer
                                  Model Compression in End-to-End Speech
                                  Recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Niousha Ghannad and   
                 Kalpdrum Passi   Detecting Image Forgery over Social
                                  Media Using U-NET with Grasshopper
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Lwando Nkuzo and   
              Malusi Sibiya and   
            Elisha Didam Markus   A Comprehensive Analysis of Real-Time
                                  Car Safety Belt Detection Using the
                                  YOLOv7 Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Turki Turki and   
        Sanjiban Sekhar Roy and   
                  Y.-H. Taguchi   Optimized Tensor Decomposition and
                                  Principal Component Analysis
                                  Outperforming State-of-the-Art Methods
                                  When Analyzing Histone Modification
                                  Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Profiles   
               Yusef Ahsini and   
     Pablo Díaz-Masa and   
 Belén Inglés and   
                  Ana Rubio and   
       Alba Martínez and   
              Aina Magraner and   
            J. Alberto Conejero   The Electric Vehicle Traveling Salesman
                                  Problem on Digital Elevation Models for
                                  Traffic-Aware Urban Logistics  . . . . . 
               Pascal Harth and   
         Orlando Jähde and   
           Sophia Schneider and   
                  Nils Horn and   
        Rüdiger Buchkremer   From Data to Human-Readable
                                  Requirements: Advancing Requirements
                                  Elicitation through
                                  Opportunity Mining . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Fengyuan Yin and   
              Xiaoming Yuan and   
                   Zhiao Ma and   
                       Xinyu Xu   Vector Control of PMSM Using TD3
                                  Reinforcement Learning Algorithm . . . . 
       Svetlana A. Krasnova and   
           Julia G. Kokunko and   
        Sergey A. Kochetkov and   
                Victor A. Utkin   Generation of Achievable
                                  Three-Dimensional Trajectories for
                                  Autonomous Wheeled Vehicles via Tracking
                                  Differentiators  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Levente Fazekas and   
Boldizsár Tüü-Szabó and   
László T. Kóczy and   
Olivér Hornyák and   
     Károly Nehéz   A Hybrid Discrete Memetic Algorithm for
                                  Solving Flow-Shop Scheduling Problems    
               Leyla Nazari and   
                Vida Ghotbi and   
            Mohammad Nadimi and   
               Jitendra Paliwal   A Novel Machine-Learning Approach to
                                  Predict Stress-Responsive Genes in
                                  Arabidopsis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Jonas F. Leon and   
                    Yuda Li and   
           Xabier A. Martin and   
               Laura Calvet and   
            Javier Panadero and   
                  Angel A. Juan   A Hybrid Simulation and Reinforcement
                                  Learning Algorithm for Enhancing
                                  Efficiency in Warehouse Operations . . . 
              Jan Oellerich and   
     Keno Jann Büscher and   
              Jan Philipp Degel   RooTri: a Simple and Robust Function to
                                  Approximate the Intersection Points of a
                                  3D Scalar Field with an Arbitrarily
                                  Oriented Plane in MATLAB . . . . . . . . 
        Ferenc Izsák and   
            Rudolf Izsák   Neural-Network-Assisted Finite
                                  Difference Discretization for Numerical
                                  Solution of Partial Differential
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Inês A. Ribeiro and   
              Tiago Ribeiro and   
                  Gil Lopes and   
            A. Fernando Ribeiro   End-to-End Approach for Autonomous
                                  Driving: a Supervised Learning Method
                                  Using Computer Vision Algorithms for
                                  Dataset Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Reinis Cimurs and   
             Vilnis Turkovs and   
              Martins Banis and   
           Aleksandrs Korsunovs   You Are Not Alone: Towards Cleaning
                                  Robot Navigation in Shared Environments
                                  through Deep Reinforcement Learning  . . 
              Marko Guli\'c and   
                 Martina Zuskin   Enhancing Metaheuristic Optimization: a
                                  Novel Nature-Inspired Hybrid Approach
                                  Incorporating Selected Pseudorandom
                                  Number Generators  . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Paolo Massimo Buscema and   
             Giulia Massini and   
    Giovanbattista Raimondi and   
          Giuseppe Caporaso and   
                Marco Breda and   
             Riccardo Petritoli   A Pattern Recognition Analysis of Vessel
                                  Trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Naoki Nishimura and   
         Noriyoshi Sukegawa and   
              Yuichi Takano and   
                   Jiro Iwanaga   Predicting Online Item-Choice Behavior:
                                  a Shape-Restricted Regression Approach   
      Vyacheslav I. Yukalov and   
          Elizaveta P. Yukalova   Discrete versus Continuous Algorithms in
                                  Dynamics of Affective Decision Making    
             Ivan G. Ivanov and   
             Yordan Kumchev and   
           Vincent James Hooper   An Optimization Precise Model of Stroke
                                  Data to Improve Stroke Prediction  . . . 
            Iqbal M. Batiha and   
          Ahmad A. Abubaker and   
            Iqbal H. Jebril and   
          Suha B. Al-Shaikh and   
            Khaled Matarneh and   
                 Manal Almuzini   A Mathematical Study on a
                                  Fractional-Order SEIR Mpox Model:
                                  Analysis and Vaccination Influence . . . 
            Philipp Satlawa and   
               Robert B. Fisher   Using Deep Learning to Detect the Need
                                  for Forest Thinning: Application to the
                                  Lungau Region, Austria . . . . . . . . . 
 Walter Gil-González and   
       Oscar Danilo Montoya and   
César Leonardo Trujillo-Rodríguez   Optimal Integration of Flexible
                                  Alternating Current Transmission Systems
                                  in Electrical Distribution Grids Using a
                                  Mixed-Integer Convex Model . . . . . . . 
                   Weiwei Jiang   Special Issue ``Neural Network for
                                  Traffic Forecasting''  . . . . . . . . . 
                    Cong Li and   
                 Xupeng Ren and   
                    Guohui Zhao   Machine-Learning-Based Imputation Method
                                  for Filling Missing Values in Ground
                                  Meteorological Observation Data  . . . . 
            Juan D. Borrero and   
                 Jesus Mariscal   Elevating Univariate Time Series
                                  Forecasting: Innovative SVR-Empowered
                                  Nonlinear Autoregressive Neural Networks 
                Jan Sawicki and   
               Maria Ganzha and   
           Marcin Paprzycki and   
                Yutaka Watanobe   Reddit CrosspostNet --- Studying Reddit
                                  Communities with Large-Scale Crosspost
                                  Graph Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Massimiliano Caramia   ``Multi-Objective and Multi-Level
                                  Optimization: Algorithms and
                                  Applications'': Foreword by the Guest
                                  Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Qian Xie and   
                    Tae J. Kwon   A Framework for Determining Collision
                                  Likelihood Using Continuous Friction
                                  Values in a Connected Vehicle
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Arturo J. Fernández   Optimal Confidence Regions for Weibull
                                  Parameters and Quantiles under
                                  Progressive Censoring  . . . . . . . . . 
               Brett Bowman and   
                  Chad Oian and   
                 Jason Kurz and   
             Taufiquar Khan and   
                  Eddie Gil and   
                     Nick Gamez   Physics-Informed Neural Networks for the
                                  Heat Equation with Source Term under
                                  Various Boundary Conditions  . . . . . . 
            Egor I. Chetkin and   
         Sergei L. Shishkin and   
            Bogdan L. Kozyrskiy   Bayesian Opportunities for
                                  Brain-Computer Interfaces: Enhancement
                                  of the Existing Classification
                                  Algorithms and Out-of-Domain Detection   
          Ranjini Surendran and   
                 Ines Chihi and   
                  J. Anitha and   
                D. Jude Hemanth   Indoor Scene Recognition: an
                                  Attention-Based Approach Using Feature
                                  Selection-Based Transfer Learning and
                                  Deep Liquid State Machine  . . . . . . . 
             Esmaeil Zahedi and   
             Mohamad Saraee and   
      Fatemeh Sadat Masoumi and   
              Mohsen Yazdinejad   Regularized Contrastive Masked
                                  Autoencoder Model for Machinery Anomaly
                                  Detection Using Diffusion-Based Data
                                  Augmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Guo Lin and   
                 Yongfeng Zhang   Sparks of Artificial General Recommender
                                  (AGR): Experiments with ChatGPT  . . . . 
          Suraj Kumar Nayak and   
             Bikash Pradhan and   
        Biswaranjan Mohanty and   
        Jayaraman Sivaraman and   
        Sirsendu Sekhar Ray and   
         Jolanta Wawrzyniak and   
           Maciej Jarzebski and   
                      Kunal Pal   A Review of Methods and Applications for
                                  a Heart Rate Variability Analysis  . . . 
Javier Ibáñez and   
      José M. Alonso and   
               Emilio Defez and   
  Pedro Alonso-Jordá and   
                   Jorge Sastre   Computing the Matrix Logarithm with the
                                  Romberg Integration Method . . . . . . . 
 Dimitris J. Apostolopoulos and   
  Ioannis D. Apostolopoulos and   
  Nikolaos D. Papathanasiou and   
        Trifon Spyridonidis and   
         George S. Panayiotakis   Explainable Artificial Intelligence
                                  Method (ParaNet+) Localises Abnormal
                                  Parathyroid Glands in Scintigraphic
                                  Scans of Patients with Primary
                                  Hyperparathyroidism  . . . . . . . . . . 
              Ola N. Halawi and   
        Faisal N. Abu-Khzam and   
                  Sergio Thoumi   A Multi-Objective Degree-Based Network
                                  Anonymization Method . . . . . . . . . . 
       Muhammad Amir Fawwaz and   
              Kishore Bingi and   
          Rosdiazli Ibrahim and   
        P. Arun Mozhi Devan and   
          B. Rajanarayan Prusty   Design of PIDD$^\alpha $ Controller for
                                  Robust Performance of Process Plants . . 
                    Yu Wang and   
            Alister Machado and   
                Alexandru Telea   Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison
                                  of Decision-Map Techniques for
                                  Explaining Classification Models . . . . 
Ángel Antonio Rodríguez-Sevillano and   
        Rafael Bardera-Mora and   
Alejandra López-Cuervo-Alcaraz and   
Daniel Anguita-Mazón and   
Juan Carlos Matías-García and   
    Estela Barroso-Barderas and   
Jaime Fernández-Antón   Automation of Winglet Wings Geometry
                                  Generation for Its Application in
                                  TORNADO  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Artem T. Turov and   
            Fedor L. Barkov and   
       Yuri A. Konstantinov and   
          Dmitry A. Korobko and   
     Cesar A. Lopez-Mercado and   
              Andrei A. Fotiadi   Activation Function Dynamic Averaging as
                                  a Technique for Nonlinear 2D Data
                                  Denoising in Distributed Acoustic
                                  Sensors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Claudia Canali and   
          Caterina Gazzotti and   
       Riccardo Lancellotti and   
                  Felice Schena   Placement of IoT Microservices in Fog
                                  Computing Systems: a Comparison of
                                  Heuristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Huan Wang and   
                    Shi Qiu and   
                  Huping Ye and   
                   Xiaohan Liao   A Plant Disease Classification Algorithm
                                  Based on Attention MobileNet V2  . . . . 
       Gérard Favier and   
                 Alain Kibangou   Tensor-Based Approaches for Nonlinear
                                  and Multilinear Systems Modeling and
                                  Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Napsu Karmitsa and   
                Sona Taheri and   
                 Kaisa Joki and   
        Pauliina Paasivirta and   
            Adil M. Bagirov and   
      Marko M. Mäkelä   Nonsmooth Optimization-Based
                                  Hyperparameter-Free Neural Networks for
                                  Large-Scale Regression . . . . . . . . . 
          Thomas P. Oghalai and   
                  Ryan Long and   
                  Wihan Kim and   
         Brian E. Applegate and   
                John S. Oghalai   Automated Segmentation of Optical
                                  Coherence Tomography Images of the Human
                                  Tympanic Membrane Using Deep Learning    
            Alexander Robitzsch   Implementation Aspects in Regularized
                                  Structural Equation Models . . . . . . . 
                 Jiaqi Wang and   
               Bruce Golden and   
                Carmine Cerrone   Carousel Greedy Algorithms for Feature
                                  Selection in Linear Regression . . . . . 
              Mikhail Zotov and   
          Dmitry Anzhiganov and   
      Aleksandr Kryazhenkov and   
             Dario Barghini and   
            Matteo Battisti and   
            Alexander Belov and   
             Mario Bertaina and   
           Marta Bianciotto and   
         Francesca Bisconti and   
              Carl Blaksley and   
                Sylvie Blin and   
           Giorgio Cambi\`e and   
            Francesca Capel and   
             Marco Casolino and   
        Toshikazu Ebisuzaki and   
              Johannes Eser and   
             Francesco Fenu and   
 Massimo Alberto Franceschi and   
             Alessio Golzio and   
        Philippe Gorodetzky and   
           Fumiyoshi Kajino and   
             Hiroshi Kasuga and   
               Pavel Klimov and   
       Massimiliano Manfrin and   
             Laura Marcelli and   
            Hiroko Miyamoto and   
            Alexey Murashov and   
         Tommaso Napolitano and   
             Hiroshi Ohmori and   
              Angela Olinto and   
            Etienne Parizot and   
        Piergiorgio Picozza and   
     Lech Wiktor Piotrowski and   
         Zbigniew Plebaniak and   
Guillaume Prévôt and   
                 Enzo Reali and   
                Marco Ricci and   
              Giulia Romoli and   
               Naoto Sakaki and   
            Kenji Shinozaki and   
    Christophe De La Taille and   
         Yoshiyuki Takizawa and   
       Michal Vrábel and   
               Lawrence Wiencke   Neural Network Based Approach to
                                  Recognition of Meteor Tracks in the
                                  Mini-EUSO Telescope Data . . . . . . . . 
  E. Anyuli Alvarez Salcido and   
     Daniel Centeno-Barreda and   
              Yukio Rosales and   
Ricardo Lopéz-Gutiérrez and   
             Sergio Salazar and   
                 Rogelio Lozano   Design of a Lower Limb Exoskeleton:
                                  Robust Control, Simulation and
                                  Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . 
                Mohit Kumar and   
          Bernhard A. Moser and   
              Lukas Fischer and   
         Bernhard Freudenthaler   An Information Theoretic Approach to
                                  Privacy-Preserving Interpretable and
                                  Transferable Learning  . . . . . . . . . 
   Alexandru-Razvan Manescu and   
              Bogdan Dumitrescu   HyperDE: an Adaptive Hyper-Heuristic for
                                  Global Optimization  . . . . . . . . . . 
           Abdullah As Sami and   
              Saadman Sakib and   
                Kaushik Deb and   
                Iqbal H. Sarker   Improved YOLOv5-Based Real-Time Road
                                  Pavement Damage Detection in Road
                                  Infrastructure Management  . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 16, Number 10, October, 2023

                  Mario Alviano   Hashcash Tree, a Data Structure to
                                  Mitigate Denial-of-Service Attacks . . . ??
              Ahmed Al Amin and   
                 Junho Hong and   
                Van-Hai Bui and   
                     Wencong Su   Emerging 6G/B6G Wireless Communication
                                  for the Power Infrastructure in Smart
                                  Cities: Innovations, Challenges, and
                                  Future Perspectives  . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Mattia G. Bergomi and   
                  Massimo Ferri   Exploring Graph and Digraph Persistence  ??
              Luca Cagliero and   
             Lorenzo Canale and   
                Laura Farinetti   Data-Driven Analysis of Student
                                  Engagement in Time-Limited Computer
                                  Laboratories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Jose Antonio Carballo and   
             Javier Bonilla and   
Jesús Fernández-Reche and   
                Bijan Nouri and   
        Antonio Avila-Marin and   
                 Yann Fabel and   
Diego-César Alarcón-Padilla   Cloud Detection and Tracking Based on
                                  Object Detection with Convolutional
                                  Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Xiaochen Chou and   
                   Enza Messina   Problem-Driven Scenario Generation for
                                  Stochastic Programming Problems: a
                                  Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Manli Dai and   
                  Zhongyi Jiang   Multiprocessor Fair Scheduling Based on
                                  an Improved Slime Mold Algorithm . . . . ??
         Christie I. Ezeife and   
              Hemni Karlapalepu   A Survey of Sequential Pattern Based
                                  E-Commerce Recommendation Systems  . . . ??
     Chowdhury Abrar Faiyaz and   
             Pabel Shahrear and   
        Rakibul Alam Shamim and   
              Thilo Strauss and   
                 Taufiquar Khan   Comparison of Different Radial Basis
                                  Function Networks for the Electrical
                                  Impedance Tomography (EIT) Inverse
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Francisco Miguel García-Olmedo and   
Jesús García-Miranda and   
  Pedro González-Rodelas   Mathematical Foundation of a Functional
                                  Implementation of the CNF Algorithm  . . ??
            Fatemeh Gholami and   
              Zahed Rahmati and   
             Alireza Mofidi and   
             Mostafa Abbaszadeh   On Enhancement of Text Classification
                                  and Analysis of Text Emotions Using
                                  Graph Machine Learning and Ensemble
                                  Learning Methods on Non-English Datasets ??
         Flavia Grignaffini and   
           Maurizio Troiano and   
          Francesco Barbuto and   
           Patrizio Simeoni and   
              Fabio Mangini and   
          Gabriele D'Andrea and   
             Lorenzo Piazzo and   
           Carmen Cantisani and   
               Noah Musolff and   
        Costantino Ricciuti and   
                Fabrizio Frezza   Anomaly Detection for Skin Lesion Images
                                  Using Convolutional Neural Network and
                                  Injection of Handcrafted Features: a
                                  Method That Bypasses the Preprocessing
                                  of Dermoscopic Images  . . . . . . . . . ??
     Seyed Mohammad Hashemi and   
     Ruxandra Mihaela Botez and   
                  Georges Ghazi   Blockchain PoS and PoW Consensus
                                  Algorithms for Airspace Management
                                  Application to the UAS-S4 Ehécatl . . . . ??
               Xinxiang Hou and   
                 Andong Qiu and   
                    Lu Yang and   
                  Zhouwang Yang   Shelved-Retrieved Method for Weakly
                                  Balanced Constrained Clustering Problems ??
             Katayoon Kiany and   
          Abolfazl Baghbani and   
          Hossam Abuel-Naga and   
             Hasan Baghbani and   
             Mahyar Arabani and   
       Mohammad Mahdi Shalchian   Enhancing Ultimate Bearing Capacity
                                  Prediction of Cohesionless Soils Beneath
                                  Shallow Foundations with Grey Box and
                                  Hybrid AI Models . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Kenneth Lange   Computation of the Hausdorff Distance
                                  between Two Compact Convex Sets  . . . . ??
                Yun-Wei Lin and   
               Yuh-Hwan Liu and   
                Yi-Bing Lin and   
                Jian-Chang Hong   FenceTalk: Exploring False Negatives in
                                  Moving Object Detection  . . . . . . . . ??
               René Lozi   Survey of Recent Applications of the
                                  Chaotic Lozi Map . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Shiyu Lu and   
                Huamin Yang and   
                      Cheng Han   TransPCGC: Point Cloud Geometry
                                  Compression Based on Transformers  . . . ??
                Ye-Jiao Mao and   
          Andy Yiu-Chau Tam and   
    Queenie Tsung-Kwan Shea and   
            Yong-Ping Zheng and   
         James Chung-Wai Cheung   eNightTrack: Restraint-Free
                                  Depth-Camera-Based Surveillance and
                                  Alarm System for Fall Prevention Using
                                  Deep Learning Tracking . . . . . . . . . ??
           William Margerit and   
        Antoine Charpentier and   
     Cathy Maugis-Rabusseau and   
Johann Christian Schön and   
            Nathalie Tarrat and   
             Juan Cortés   IGLOO: an Iterative Global Exploration
                                  and Local Optimization Algorithm to Find
                                  Diverse Low-Energy Conformations of
                                  Flexible Molecules . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Shubham Mathesul and   
            Debabrata Swain and   
    Santosh Kumar Satapathy and   
              Ayush Rambhad and   
        Biswaranjan Acharya and   
    Vassilis C. Gerogiannis and   
                Andreas Kanavos   COVID-19 Detection from Chest X-ray
                                  Images Based on Deep Learning Techniques ??
            Valeria Mercuri and   
            Martina Saletta and   
               Claudio Ferretti   Evolutionary Approaches for Adversarial
                                  Attacks on Neural Source Code
                                  Classifiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Gonzalo Mosquera-Rojas and   
               Cylia Ouadah and   
              Azadeh Hadadi and   
              Alain Lalande and   
                  Sarah Leclerc   Automatic Myocardium Segmentation in
                                  Delayed-Enhancement MRI with
                                  Pathology-Specific Data Augmentation and
                                  Deep Learning Architectures  . . . . . . ??
Andrés F. Ochoa-Muñoz and   
      Javier E. Contreras-Reyes   Multiple Factor Analysis Based on NIPALS
                                  Algorithm to Solve Missing Data Problems ??
               Vyas O'Neill and   
                        Ben Soh   An Aspect-Oriented Approach to
                                  Time-Constrained Strategies in Smart
                                  City IoT Applications  . . . . . . . . . ??
            Elliot Pachniak and   
                     Wei Li and   
          Tomonori Tanikawa and   
             Charles Gatebe and   
                   Knut Stamnes   Remote Sensing of Snow Parameters: a
                                  Sensitivity Study of Retrieval
                                  Performance Based on Hyperspectral
                                  versus Multispectral Data  . . . . . . . ??
        Mauro Passacantando and   
                   Fabio Raciti   Lipschitz Continuity Results for a Class
                                  of Parametric Variational Inequalities
                                  and Applications to Network Games  . . . ??
                Tulsi Patel and   
              Mark W. Jones and   
                 Thomas Redfern   Manifold Explorer: Satellite Image
                                  Labelling and Clustering Tool with Using
                                  Deep Convolutional Autoencoders  . . . . ??
            Mariia Pokushko and   
              Alena Stupina and   
     Inmaculada Medina-Bulo and   
      Svetlana Ezhemanskaya and   
              Roman Kuzmich and   
                 Roman Pokushko   Algorithm for Application of a Basic
                                  Model for the Data Envelopment Analysis
                                  Method in Technical Systems  . . . . . . ??
             Edmund Robbins and   
             Thu Thu Hlaing and   
              Jonathan Webb and   
         Nezamoddin N. Kachouie   Supervised Methods for Modeling
                                  Spatiotemporal Glacier Variations by
                                  Quantification of the Area and Terminus
                                  of Mountain Glaciers Using Remote
                                  Sensing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Miu Sakaida and   
          Takaaki Yoshimura and   
               Minghui Tang and   
             Shota Ichikawa and   
              Hiroyuki Sugimori   Development of a Mammography
                                  Calcification Detection Algorithm Using
                                  Deep Learning with Resolution-Preserved
                                  Image Patch Division . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Muhammad Talha Siddique and   
        Paraskevas Koukaras and   
      Dimosthenis Ioannidis and   
              Christos Tjortjis   SmartBuild RecSys: a Recommendation
                                  System Based on the Smart Readiness
                                  Indicator for Energy Efficiency in
                                  Buildings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Daniel S. Soper   Using an Opportunity Matrix to Select
                                  Centers for RBF Neural Networks  . . . . ??
                 Lili Tanti and   
             Syahril Efendi and   
           Maya Silvi Lydia and   
              Herman Mawengkang   A Decision-Making Model to Determine
                                  Dynamic Facility Locations for a
                                  Disaster Logistic Planning Problem Using
                                  Deep Learning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Uchechi Ukaegbu and   
            Lagouge Tartibu and   
                      C. W. Lim   Multi-Objective Optimization of a
                                  Solar-Assisted Combined Cooling, Heating
                                  and Power Generation System Using the
                                  Greywolf Optimizer . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Siyuan Xing and   
                  Jian-Qiao Sun   Separable Gaussian Neural Networks:
                                  Structure, Analysis, and Function
                                  Approximations . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Wei Xu and   
                Xunhong Zhu and   
               Liping Zhang and   
                        Jun Gao   The Iterative Exclusion of Compatible
                                  Samples Workflow for Multi-SNP Analysis
                                  in Complex Diseases  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Qing Yang and   
                Bingyu Song and   
               Yingguo Chen and   
                     Lei He and   
                       Pei Wang   A Distributed Autonomous Mission
                                  Planning Method for the Low-Orbit
                                  Imaging Constellation  . . . . . . . . . ??
              Mahsa Yousefi and   
 Ángeles Martínez   Deep Neural Networks Training by
                                  Stochastic Quasi-Newton Trust-Region
                                  Methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Yifan Zhang and   
                    Quanmin Zhu   Neural Network-Enhanced Fault Diagnosis
                                  of Robot Joints  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Hairuilong Zhang and   
                Yangsong Gu and   
                     Lee D. Han   Representing and Inferring Massive
                                  Network Traffic Condition: a Case Study
                                  in Nashville, Tennessee  . . . . . . . . ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 16, Number 11, November, 2023

    Adekunle Rotimi Adekoya and   
            Mardé Helbig   Decision-Maker's Preference-Driven
                                  Dynamic Multi-Objective Optimization . . ??
                Tameem Adel and   
                    Mark Levene   A General Model for Side Information in
                                  Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Fawaz Khaled Alarfaj and   
               Jawad Abbas Khan   Deep Dive into Fake News Detection:
                                  Feature-Centric Classification with
                                  Ensemble and Deep Learning Methods . . . ??
           Mohamad Abou Ali and   
              Fadi Dornaika and   
       Ignacio Arganda-Carreras   White Blood Cell Classification:
                                  Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and
                                  Vision Transformer (ViT) under Medical
                                  Microscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Sai Bharadwaj Appakaya and   
           Ruchira Pratihar and   
                    Ravi Sankar   Parkinson's Disease Classification
                                  Framework Using Vocal Dynamics in
                                  Connected Speech . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Roberto Avilés and   
       Diego Brito de Souza and   
    José Pino-Ortega and   
               Julen Castellano   Agreement, Accuracy, and Reliability of
                                  a New Algorithm for the Detection of
                                  Change of Direction Angle Based on
                                  Integrating Inertial Data from Inertial
                                  Sensors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Holger Boche and   
        Yannik N. Böck and   
     Ullrich J. Mönich and   
             Frank H. P. Fitzek   Trustworthy Digital Representations of
                                  Analog Information --- an
                                  Application-Guided Analysis of a
                                  Fundamental Theoretical Problem in
                                  Digital Twinning . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Silvia Carpitella and   
              Bruno Brentan and   
            Antonella Certa and   
       Joaquín Izquierdo   A Recommendation System Supporting the
                                  Implementation of Sustainable Risk
                                  Management Measures in Airport
                                  Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Sirui Chen and   
                Yuming Tian and   
                    Lingling An   Multi-Objective Order Scheduling via
                                  Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . . . ??
               Ren-Raw Chen and   
          Cameron D. Miller and   
                 Puay Khoon Toh   Search on an NK Landscape with Swarm
                                  Intelligence: Limitations and Future
                                  Research Opportunities . . . . . . . . . ??
                Ketan Dalal and   
                Luc Devroye and   
                Ebrahim Malalla   Two-Way Linear Probing Revisited . . . . ??
          Pietro Dell'Oglio and   
       Alessandro Bondielli and   
           Francesco Marcelloni   A System to Support Readers in
                                  Automatically Acquiring Complete
                                  Summarized Information on an Event from
                                  Different Sources  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Xinbo Huang and   
                Zhiwei Song and   
                    Chao Ji and   
                   Ye Zhang and   
                      Luya Yang   Research on a Classification Method for
                                  Strip Steel Surface Defects Based on
                                  Knowledge Distillation and a
                                  Self-Adaptive Residual Shrinkage Network ??
               Joseph B. Kadane   Two Kadane Algorithms for the Maximum
                                  Sum Subarray Problem . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Vladimir Korkhov and   
             Ivan Gankevich and   
             Anton Gavrikov and   
            Maria Mingazova and   
             Ivan Petriakov and   
       Dmitrii Tereshchenko and   
             Artem Shatalin and   
              Vitaly Slobodskoy   Finding Bottlenecks in Message Passing
                                  Interface Programs by Scalable Critical
                                  Path Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Emmanouil Koutoulakis and   
               Louis Marage and   
  Emmanouil Markodimitrakis and   
             Leone Aubignac and   
            Catherine Jenny and   
             Igor Bessieres and   
                  Alain Lalande   Automatic Multiorgan Segmentation in
                                  Pelvic Region with Convolutional Neural
                                  Networks on 0.35 T MR-Linac Images . . . ??
               Alexey Kozin and   
            Anton Gerasimov and   
               Maxim Bakaev and   
              Anton Pashkov and   
               Olga Razumnikova   Automating Stimulation Frequency
                                  Selection for SSVEP-Based
                                  Brain--Computer Interfaces . . . . . . . ??
                Ehsan Latif and   
           Ramviyas Parasuraman   On the Intersection of Computational
                                  Geometry Algorithms with Mobile Robot
                                  Path Planning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Jia-Bao Liu and   
     Muhammad Faisal Nadeem and   
                    Yilun Shang   Overview of the Special Issue on `Deep
                                  Neural Networks and Optimization
                                  Algorithms'  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Amirreza Nickkar and   
                  Young-Jae Lee   Dynamic Demand-Responsive Feeder Bus
                                  Network Design for a Short Headway Trunk
                                  Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Amirreza Nickkar and   
                  Young-Jae Lee   Optimal Integrated Single-Framework
                                  Algorithm for the Multi-Level School Bus
                                  Network Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Nika Nizharadze and   
        Arash Farokhi Soofi and   
                 Saeed Manshadi   Predicting the Gap in the Day-Ahead and
                                  Real-Time Market Prices Leveraging
                                  Exogenous Weather Data . . . . . . . . . ??
Edward Rolando Núñez-Valdez   Special Issue on Algorithms in Decision
                                  Support Systems Vol. 2 . . . . . . . . . ??
            Massimo Pacella and   
             Matteo Mangini and   
               Gabriele Papadia   Utilizing Mixture Regression Models for
                                  Clustering Time-Series Energy
                                  Consumption of a Plastic Injection
                                  Molding Process  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Md. Ashikur Rahman and   
     Lway Faisal Abdulrazak and   
              Md. Mamun Ali and   
               Imran Mahmud and   
               Kawsar Ahmed and   
                 Francis M. Bui   Machine Learning-Based Approach for
                                  Predicting Diabetes Employing
                                  Socio-Demographic Characteristics  . . . ??
             Laurent Risser and   
      Agustin Martin Picard and   
              Lucas Hervier and   
             Jean-Michel Loubes   Detecting and Processing Unsuspected
                                  Sensitive Variables for Robust Machine
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Jöran Rixen and   
                 Nico Blass and   
                 Simon Lyra and   
              Steffen Leonhardt   Comparison of Machine Learning
                                  Classifiers for the Detection of Breast
                                  Cancer in an Electrical Impedance
                                  Tomography Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Luigi Rovito and   
          Andrea De Lorenzo and   
                   Luca Manzoni   Discovering Non-Linear Boolean Functions
                                  by Evolving Walsh Transforms with
                                  Genetic Programming  . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Carmelo Scribano and   
               Danilo Pezzi and   
          Giorgia Franchini and   
                    Marco Prato   Denoising Diffusion Models on
                                  Model-Based Latent Space . . . . . . . . ??
        Dharahas Tallapally and   
                  John Wang and   
            Katerina Potika and   
             Magdalini Eirinaki   Using Graph Neural Networks for Social
                                  Recommendations  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Theodoros Tzelepis and   
              George Matlis and   
              Nikos Dimokas and   
            Petros Karvelis and   
          Paraskevi Malliou and   
               Anastasia Beneka   An Intelligent Injury Rehabilitation
                                  Guidance System for Recreational Runners
                                  Using Data Mining Algorithms . . . . . . ??
Sahibzada Muhammad Ahmad Umair and   
                 Tughrul Arslan   A Narrow-Down Approach Based on Machine
                                  Learning for Indoor Localization . . . . ??
          Marin Vidakovi\'c and   
              Kruno Milicevi\'c   Performance and Applicability of
                                  Post-Quantum Digital Signature
                                  Algorithms in Resource-Constrained
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Li-Na Wang and   
             Guoqiang Zhong and   
                  Yaxin Shi and   
                Mohamed Cheriet   Relational Fisher Analysis:
                                  Dimensionality Reduction in Relational
                                  Data with Global Convergence . . . . . . ??
                   Daoyu Ye and   
                Shengxiang Deng   Period Cycle Optimization of Integrated
                                  Energy Systems with Long-Term Scheduling
                                  Consideration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Linhua Zhang and   
                 Ning Xiong and   
                Xinghao Pan and   
               Xiaodong Yue and   
                    Peng Wu and   
                    Caiping Guo   Improved Object Detection Method
                                  Utilizing YOLOv7-Tiny for Unmanned
                                  Aerial Vehicle Photographic Imagery  . . ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 16, Number 12, December, 2023

             Abiodun Abiola and   
   Francisca Segura Manzano and   
José Manuel Andújar   A Novel Deep Reinforcement Learning
                                  (DRL) Algorithm to Apply Artificial
                                  Intelligence-Based Maintenance in
                                  Electrolysers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Mohamad Abou Ali and   
              Fadi Dornaika and   
       Ignacio Arganda-Carreras   Blood Cell Revolution: Unveiling 11
                                  Distinct Types with `Naturalize'
                                  Augmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Bahram Alidaee and   
                 Haibo Wang and   
                   Lutfu S. Sua   An Efficient Closed-Form Formula for
                                  Evaluating $r$-Flip Moves in Quadratic
                                  Unconstrained Binary Optimization  . . . ??
       A. Khuzaim Alzahrani and   
         Ahmed A. Alsheikhy and   
             Tawfeeq Shawly and   
            Ahmed Azzahrani and   
                     Yahia Said   A Novel Deep Learning Segmentation and
                                  Classification Framework for Leukemia
                                  Diagnosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Farhad Amiri and   
           Mohsen Eskandari and   
         Mohammad Hassan Moradi   Improved Load Frequency Control in Power
                                  Systems Hosting Wind Turbines by an
                                  Augmented Fractional Order PID
                                  Controller Optimized by the Powerful Owl
                                  Search Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Laura Antonelli and   
                Lucia Maddalena   Special Issue on `Algorithms for
                                  Biomedical Image Analysis and
                                  Processing'  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Nasir Ayub and   
                    Tayyaba and   
             Saddam Hussain and   
           Syed Sajid Ullah and   
                   Jawaid Iqbal   An Efficient Optimized DenseNet Model
                                  for Aspect-Based Multi-Label
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Loris Belcastro and   
           Domenico Carbone and   
         Cristian Cosentino and   
           Fabrizio Marozzo and   
                  Paolo Trunfio   Enhancing Cryptocurrency Price
                                  Forecasting by Integrating Machine
                                  Learning with Social Media and Market
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Lamia Bendebane and   
            Zakaria Laboudi and   
                Asma Saighi and   
         Hassan Al-Tarawneh and   
               Adel Ouannas and   
                Giuseppe Grassi   A Multi-Class Deep Learning Approach for
                                  Early Detection of Depressive and
                                  Anxiety Disorders Using Twitter Data . . ??
           Usman Javed Butt and   
              Osama Hussien and   
             Krison Hasanaj and   
             Khaled Shaalan and   
               Bilal Hassan and   
              Haider al-Khateeb   Predicting the Impact of Data Poisoning
                                  Attacks in Blockchain-Enabled Supply
                                  Chain Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Mohammed Chekroun and   
           Youssef Mourchid and   
           Igor Bessi\`eres and   
                  Alain Lalande   Deep Learning Based on EfficientNet for
                                  Multiorgan Segmentation of Thoracic
                                  Structures on a 0.35 T MR-Linac
                                  Radiation Therapy System . . . . . . . . ??
              Juan Cisneros and   
              Alain Lalande and   
              Binnaz Yalcin and   
         Fabrice Meriaudeau and   
                Stephan Collins   Automatic Segmentation of Histological
                                  Images of Mouse Brains . . . . . . . . . ??
          Athina Daniilidou and   
         Avrilia Konguetsof and   
         Georgios Souliotis and   
             Basil Papadopoulos   Generator of Fuzzy Implications  . . . . ??
             Joaquim Espada and   
     Alexandre P. Francisco and   
             Tatiana Rocher and   
    Luís M. S. Russo and   
               Cátia Vaz   On Finding Optimal (Dynamic)
                                  Arborescences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Miao Feng and   
                   Jean Meunier   A Lightweight Graph Neural Network
                                  Algorithm for Action Recognition Based
                                  on Self-Distillation . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Clara Freijo and   
         Joaquin L. Herraiz and   
     Fernando Arias-Valcayo and   
 Paula Ibáñez and   
            Gabriela Moreno and   
        Amaia Villa-Abaunza and   
José Manuel Udías   Robustness of Single- and Dual-Energy
                                  Deep-Learning-Based Scatter Correction
                                  Models on Simulated and Real Chest
                                  X-rays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Juan F. Gomez and   
          Antonio R. Uguina and   
            Javier Panadero and   
                  Angel A. Juan   A Learnheuristic Algorithm for the
                                  Capacitated Dispersion Problem under
                                  Dynamic Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Xiaoyu Han and   
                  Chenyu Li and   
                 Zifan Wang and   
                     Guohua Liu   NDARTS: A Differentiable Architecture
                                  Search Based on the Neumann Series . . . ??
             Jacques Hermes and   
          Marcus Rosenblatt and   
     Christian Tönsing and   
                    Jens Timmer   Non-Parametric Model-Based Estimation of
                                  the Effective Reproduction Number for
                                  SARS-CoV-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Angel A. Juan and   
                Markus Rabe and   
           Majsa Ammouriova and   
            Javier Panadero and   
               David Peidro and   
                   Daniel Riera   Solving NP-Hard Challenges in Logistics
                                  and Transportation under General
                                  Uncertainty Scenarios Using Fuzzy
                                  Simheuristics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Zacharoula Kalogiratou and   
          Theodoros Monovasilis   Construction of Two-Derivative
                                  Runge--Kutta Methods of Order Six  . . . ??
           Sarwar Shah Khan and   
              Muzammil Khan and   
                 Yasser Alharbi   Fast Local Laplacian Filter Based on
                                  Modified Laplacian through Bilateral
                                  Filter for Coronary Angiography Medical
                                  Imaging Enhancement  . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Md. Al-Masrur Khan and   
             Seong-Hoon Kee and   
              Abdullah-Al Nahid   Vision-Based Concrete-Crack Detection on
                                  Railway Sleepers Using Dense $U$-Net
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Liming Lao and   
                 Dangkui Du and   
                  Pengzhan Chen   Predicting Pedestrian Trajectories with
                                  Deep Adversarial Networks Considering
                                  Motion and Spatial Information . . . . . ??
 Annwesha Banerjee Majumder and   
            Somsubhra Gupta and   
             Dharmpal Singh and   
        Biswaranjan Acharya and   
    Vassilis C. Gerogiannis and   
            Andreas Kanavos and   
            Panagiotis Pintelas   Heart Disease Prediction Using
                                  Concatenated Hybrid Ensemble Classifiers ??
  Navaneethakrishna Makaram and   
             Sarvagya Gupta and   
              Matthew Pesce and   
             Jeffrey Bolton and   
              Scellig Stone and   
               Daniel Haehn and   
               Marc Pomplun and   
         Christos Papadelis and   
              Phillip Pearl and   
        Alexander Rotenberg and   
       Patricia Ellen Grant and   
               Eleonora Tamilia   Deep Learning-Based Visual Complexity
                                  Analysis of Electroencephalography
                                  Time-Frequency Images: Can It Localize
                                  the Epileptogenic Zone in the Brain? . . ??
    Michalis Mavrovouniotis and   
      Maria N. Anastasiadou and   
          Diofantos Hadjimitsis   Measuring the Performance of Ant Colony
                                  Optimization Algorithms for the Dynamic
                                  Traveling Salesman Problem . . . . . . . ??
               Libero Nigro and   
               Franco Cicirelli   Improving Clustering Accuracy of
                                  $K$-Means and Random Swap by an
                                  Evolutionary Technique Based on Careful
                                  Seeding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Panos Nikitas and   
                Efthymia Nikita   Assessing Algorithms Used for
                                  Constructing Confidence Ellipses in
                                  Multidimensional Scaling Solutions . . . ??
     Ebenezer O. Oluwasakin and   
             Abdul Q. M. Khaliq   Optimizing Physics-Informed Neural
                                  Network in Dynamic System Simulation and
                                  Learning of Parameters . . . . . . . . . ??
         Olivier Pantalé   Comparing Activation Functions in
                                  Machine Learning for Finite Element
                                  Simulations in Thermomechanical Forming  ??
  José Manuel Porras and   
          Juan Alfonso Lara and   
    Cristóbal Romero and   
       Sebastián Ventura   A Case-Study Comparison of Machine
                                  Learning Approaches for Predicting
                                  Student's Dropout from Multiple Online
                                  Educational Entities . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Isnaini Rosyida and   
        Christiana Rini Indrati   An Algorithm for Coloring of Picture
                                  Fuzzy Graphs Based on Strong and Weak
                                  Adjacencies, and Its Application . . . . ??
                   Luca Scrucca   On the Influence of Data Imbalance on
                                  Supervised Gaussian Mixture Models . . . ??
         Dmitry O. Sinitsyn and   
    Alexandra G. Poydasheva and   
            Ilya S. Bakulin and   
         Alfiia H. Zabirova and   
          Dmitry Yu. Lagoda and   
        Natalia A. Suponeva and   
             Michael A. Piradov   Estimating the Frequencies of Maximal
                                  Theta-Gamma Coupling in EEG during the
                                  $N$-Back Task: Sensitivity to
                                  Methodology and Temporal Instability . . ??
                Cindy Trinh and   
              Silvia Lasala and   
           Olivier Herbinet and   
          Dimitrios Meimaroglou   On the Development of Descriptor-Based
                                  Machine Learning Models for
                                  Thermodynamic Properties: Part 2 ---
                                  Applicability Domain and Outliers  . . . ??
Sara Lledó Villaescusa and   
            Rafael Lahoz-Beltra   Evolutionary Algorithms in a Bacterial
                                  Consortium of Synthetic Bacteria . . . . ??
                Matej Vrtal and   
              Radek Fujdiak and   
               Jan Benedikt and   
                Pavel Praks and   
                 Radim Bris and   
              Michal Ptacek and   
                     Petr Toman   Time-Dependent Unavailability
                                  Exploration of Interconnected Urban
                                  Power Grid and Communication Network . . ??
                 Li-Na Wang and   
                 Hongxu Wei and   
               Yuchen Zheng and   
                 Junyu Dong and   
                 Guoqiang Zhong   Deep Error-Correcting Output Codes . . . ??
                    Yi Wang and   
                  Yating Xu and   
                Tianjian Li and   
                  Tao Zhang and   
                       Jian Zou   Image Deblurring Based on Convex
                                  Non-Convex Sparse Regularization and
                                  Plug-and-Play Algorithm  . . . . . . . . ??
                Langyu Wang and   
                  Yan Zhang and   
                 Yahong Lin and   
                  Shuai Yan and   
                Yuanyuan Xu and   
                         Bo Sun   Ship Detection Algorithm Based on YOLOv5
                                  Network Improved with Lightweight
                                  Convolution and Attention Mechanism  . . ??
               Xiaobo Zhang and   
                 Huashun Li and   
                Jingzhao Li and   
                    Xuehai Zhou   OrthoDETR: A Streamlined
                                  Transformer-Based Approach for Precision
                                  Detection of Orthopedic Medical Devices  ??
                 Shuo Zhang and   
              Emma Robinson and   
                  Malabika Basu   Wind Turbine Predictive Fault
                                  Diagnostics Based on a Novel Long
                                  Short-Term Memory Model  . . . . . . . . ??
                 Kexin Zhao and   
                  Rui Jiang and   
                         Jun He   Stereo 3D Object Detection Using a
                                  Feature Attention Module . . . . . . . . ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 17, Number 1, January, 2024

             Jih-Jeng Huang and   
                   Chin-Yi Chen   Using Markov Random Field and Analytic
                                  Hierarchy Process to Account for
                                  Interdependent Criteria  . . . . . . . . 
          Antonio Angrisano and   
          Giovanni Cappello and   
         Salvatore Gaglione and   
                     Ciro Gioia   Velocity Estimation Using
                                  Time-Differenced Carrier Phase and
                                  Doppler Shift with Different Grades of
                                  Devices: From Smartphones to
                                  Professional Receivers . . . . . . . . . 
         Dena Kadhim Muhsen and   
             Ahmed T. Sadiq and   
       Firas Abdulrazzaq Raheem   A Survey on Swarm Robotics for Area
                                  Coverage Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Kai Gutenschwager and   
                Markus Rabe and   
            Jorge Chicaiza-Vaca   Comparing Direct Deliveries and
                                  Automated Parcel Locker Systems with
                                  Respect to Overall CO$_2$ Emissions for
                                  the Last Mile  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Ioannis G. Tsoulos   Special Issue ``Algorithms in Data
                                  Classification'' . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Nosa Aikodon and   
    Sandra Ortega-Martorell and   
                     Ivan Olier   Predicting Decompensation Risk in
                                  Intensive Care Unit Patients Using
                                  Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Konstantin Gaipov and   
             Daniil Tausnev and   
           Sergey Khodenkov and   
            Natalya Shepeta and   
            Dmitry Malyshev and   
              Aleksey Popov and   
                Lev Kazakovtsev   Heuristic Greedy-Gradient Route Search
                                  Method for Finding an Optimal Traffic
                                  Distribution in Telecommunication
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Fabi Prezja and   
               Leevi Annala and   
           Sampsa Kiiskinen and   
                     Timo Ojala   Exploring the Efficacy of Base Data
                                  Augmentation Methods in Deep
                                  Learning-Based Radiograph Classification
                                  of Knee Joint Osteoarthritis . . . . . . 
                Fu-Shiung Hsieh   A Self-Adaptive Meta-Heuristic Algorithm
                                  Based on Success Rate and Differential
                                  Evolution for Improving the Performance
                                  of Ridesharing Systems with a Discount
                                  Guarantee  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    François Legrand and   
             Richard Macwan and   
              Alain Lalande and   
       Lisa Métairie and   
             Thomas Decourselle   Effect of Data Augmentation on
                                  Deep-Learning-Based Segmentation of
                                  Long-Axis Cine-MRI . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Vincenzo Manca   The Archimedean Origin of Modern
                                  Positional Number Systems  . . . . . . . 
           Mauro Dell'Amico and   
                Jafar Jamal and   
             Roberto Montemanni   Compact Models to Solve the
                                  Precedence-Constrained Minimum-Cost
                                  Arborescence Problem with Waiting Times  
             Firas Alghanim and   
          Ibrahim Al-Hurani and   
              Hazem Qattous and   
          Abdullah Al-Refai and   
              Osamah Batiha and   
      Abedalrhman Alkhateeb and   
                    Salama Ikki   Machine Learning Model for Multiomics
                                  Biomarkers Identification for Menopause
                                  Status in Breast Cancer  . . . . . . . . 
                 Depeng Gao and   
                 Shuai Wang and   
                 Yuwei Yang and   
               Haifei Zhang and   
                   Hao Chen and   
             Xiangxiang Mei and   
                 Shuxi Chen and   
                    Jianlin Qiu   An Intelligent Control Method for Servo
                                  Motor Based on Reinforcement Learning    
António Pedro Branco and   
           Cátia Vaz and   
         Alexandre P. Francisco   Computing RF Tree Distance over Succinct
                                  Representations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Yuto Kamiwaki and   
                  Shinji Fukuda   Effect of the Light Environment on
                                  Image-Based SPAD Value Prediction of
                                  Radish Leaves  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          David S. Pellicer and   
          Emilio Larrodé   Analysis of the Effectiveness of a
                                  Freight Transport Vehicle at High Speed
                                  in a Vacuum Tube (Hyperloop Transport
                                  System)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Alireza Rezvanian and   
        S. Mehdi Vahidipour and   
           Ali Mohammad Saghiri   CaAIS: Cellular Automata-Based
                                  Artificial Immune System for Dynamic
                                  Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Ana Corceiro and   
               Nuno Pereira and   
         Khadijeh Alibabaei and   
                Pedro D. Gaspar   Leveraging Machine Learning for Weed
                                  Management and Crop Enhancement:
                                  Vineyard Flora Classification  . . . . . 
           Jocelyn Sabatier and   
              Christophe Farges   Algorithms for Fractional Dynamical
                                  Behaviors Modelling Using Non-Singular
                                  Rational Kernels . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Stefan Ionescu and   
             Camelia Delcea and   
               Nora Chirita and   
                     Ionut Nica   Exploring the Use of Artificial
                                  Intelligence in Agent-Based Modeling
                                  Applications: a Bibliometric Study . . . 
                 Danilo Pau and   
              Andrea Pisani and   
             Antonio Candelieri   Towards Full Forward On-Tiny-Device
                                  Learning: a Guided Search for a Randomly
                                  Initialized Neural Network . . . . . . . 
 Dthenifer Cordeiro Santana and   
  Gustavo de Faria Theodoro and   
               Ricardo Gava and   
João Lucas Gouveia de Oliveira and   
Larissa Pereira Ribeiro Teodoro and   
Izabela Cristina de Oliveira and   
Fábio Henrique Rojo Baio and   
Carlos Antonio da Silva Junior and   
   Job Teixeira de Oliveira and   
          Paulo Eduardo Teodoro   A New Approach to Identifying Sorghum
                                  Hybrids Using UAV Imagery Using
                                  Multispectral Signature and Machine
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Marco Scutari   Entropy and the Kullback--Leibler
                                  Divergence for Bayesian Networks:
                                  Computational Complexity and Efficient
                                  Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Costas Panagiotakis   Particle Swarm Optimization-Based
                                  Unconstrained Polygonal Fitting of 2D
                                  Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Amr A. Abd El-Mageed and   
            Ayoub Al-Hamadi and   
               Samy Bakheet and   
         Asmaa H. Abd El-Rahiem   Hybrid Sparrow Search-Exponential
                                  Distribution Optimization with
                                  Differential Evolution for Parameter
                                  Prediction of Solar Photovoltaic Models  
     Virgilijus Sakalauskas and   
            Dalia Kriksciuniene   Personalized Advertising in E-Commerce:
                                  Using Clickstream Data to Target
                                  High-Value Customers . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Yiming Fan and   
                      Meng Wang   Specification Mining Based on the
                                  Ordering Points to Identify the
                                  Clustering Structure Clustering
                                  Algorithm and Model Checking . . . . . . 
            Pornrawee Tatit and   
           Kiki Adhinugraha and   
                   David Taniar   Navigating the Maps: Euclidean vs. Road
                                  Network Distances in Spatial Queries . . 
               Ivan S. Maksymov   Quantum-Inspired Neural Network Model of
                                  Optical Illusions  . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Sardar Anisul Haque and   
     Mohammad Tanvir Parvez and   
               Shahadat Hossain   GPU Algorithms for Structured Sparse
                                  Matrix Multiplication with Diagonal
                                  Storage Schemes  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Mahbuba Begum and   
       Sumaita Binte Shorif and   
      Mohammad Shorif Uddin and   
           Jannatul Ferdush and   
                   Tony Jan and   
            Alistair Barros and   
                Md Whaiduzzaman   Image Watermarking Using Discrete
                                  Wavelet Transform and Singular Value
                                  Decomposition for Enhanced
                                  Imperceptibility and Robustness  . . . . 
            Azal Ahmad Khan and   
             Salman Hussain and   
               Rohitash Chandra   A Quantum-Inspired Predator-Prey
                                  Algorithm for Real-Parameter
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Mohammad Shokouhifar and   
          Mohamad Hasanvand and   
        Elaheh Moharamkhani and   
                   Frank Werner   Ensemble Heuristic-Metaheuristic Feature
                                  Fusion Learning for Heart Disease
                                  Diagnosis Using Tabular Data . . . . . . 
          Alessio Cellupica and   
              Marco Cirelli and   
            Giovanni Saggio and   
         Emanuele Gruppioni and   
           Pier Paolo Valentini   An Interactive Digital-Twin Model for
                                  Virtual Reality Environments to Train in
                                  the Use of a Sensorized Upper-Limb
                                  Prosthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Zheng Li and   
                Xinkai Chen and   
                 Jiaqing Fu and   
                   Ning Xie and   
                  Tingting Zhao   Reducing $Q$-Value Estimation Bias via
                                  Mutual Estimation and Softmax Operation
                                  in MADRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Jiaming Li and   
                   Ning Xie and   
                  Tingting Zhao   Optimizing Reinforcement Learning Using
                                  a Generative Action-Translator
                                  Transformer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Romain Amyot and   
            Noriyuki Kodera and   
                Holger Flechsig   Atom Filtering Algorithm and
                                  GPU-Accelerated Calculation of
                                  Simulation Atomic Force Microscopy
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Jiao Su and   
                      Yi An and   
                  Jialin Wu and   
                      Kai Zhang   Pedestrian Detection Based on Feature
                                  Enhancement in Complex Scenes  . . . . . 
      Stanislav Kirpichenko and   
                  Lev Utkin and   
        Andrei Konstantinov and   
              Vladimir Muliukha   BENK: The Beran Estimator with Neural
                                  Kernels for Estimating the Heterogeneous
                                  Treatment Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Ken Jom Ho and   
           Ender Özcan and   
              Peer-Olaf Siebers   Efficient Multi-Objective Simulation
                                  Metamodeling for Researchers . . . . . . 
               Deyuan Zhong and   
               Liangda Fang and   
                  Quanlong Guan   Dictionary Encoding Based on Tagged
                                  Sentential Decision Diagrams . . . . . . 
  Károly Héberger   Frequent Errors in Modeling by Machine
                                  Learning: a Prototype Case of Predicting
                                  the Timely Evolution of COVID-19
                                  Pandemic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Ioannis G. Tsoulos and   
                  V. N. Stavrou   Numerical Algorithms in III--V
                                  Semiconductor Heterostructures . . . . . 
                Yuzhu Zhang and   
                         Hao Xu   Distributed Data-Driven Learning-Based
                                  Optimal Dynamic Resource Allocation for
                                  Multi-RIS-Assisted Multi-User Ad-Hoc
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Mattia Neroni and   
          Massimo Bertolini and   
                  Angel A. Juan   A Biased-Randomized Discrete Event
                                  Algorithm to Improve the Productivity of
                                  Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems
                                  in the Steel Industry  . . . . . . . . . 
           Wenny Hojas-Mazo and   
Francisco Maciá-Pérez and   
José Vicente Berná Martínez and   
       Mailyn Moreno-Espino and   
       Iren Lorenzo Fonseca and   
              Juan Pavón   Framework Based on Simulation of
                                  Real-World Message Streams to Evaluate
                                  Classification Solutions . . . . . . . . 
             Tushar Ganguli and   
              Edwin K. P. Chong   Activation-Based Pruning of Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Mojtaba Nayyeri and   
           Modjtaba Rouhani and   
         Hadi Sadoghi Yazdi and   
  Marko M. Mäkelä and   
            Alaleh Maskooki and   
                   Yury Nikulin   Correntropy-Based Constructive One
                                  Hidden Layer Neural Network  . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 17, Number 2, February, 2024

              Konstantin Volkov   Vectorized Numerical Algorithms to Solve
                                  Internal Problems of Computational Fluid
                                  Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Luis M. de Campos and   
Juan M. Fernández-Luna and   
              Juan F. Huete and   
  Francisco J. Ribadas-Pena and   
   Néstor Bolaños   Information Retrieval and Machine
                                  Learning Methods for Academic Expert
                                  Finding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Pin-Hung Juan and   
                     Ja-Ling Wu   Enhancing Communication Efficiency and
                                  Training Time Uniformity in Federated
                                  Learning through Multi-Branch Networks
                                  and the Oort Algorithm . . . . . . . . . 
      Abdullahi T. Sulaiman and   
         Habeeb Bello-Salau and   
         Adeiza J. Onumanyi and   
         Muhammed B. Mu'azu and   
       Emmanuel A. Adedokun and   
        Ahmed T. Salawudeen and   
          Abdulfatai D. Adekale   A Particle Swarm and Smell Agent-Based
                                  Hybrid Algorithm for Enhanced
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Yunkang Du and   
                    Zuoliang Xu   Simultaneous Calibration of European
                                  Option Volatility and Fractional Order
                                  under the Time Fractional Vasicek Model  
            Péter Hajnal   Binary Numeration System with
                                  Alternating Signed Digits and Its Graph
                                  Theoretical Relationship . . . . . . . . 
João Paulo Oliveira Marum and   
       H. Conrad Cunningham and   
              J. Adam Jones and   
                         Yi Liu   Following the Writer's Path to the
                                  Dynamically Coalescing Reactive Chains
                                  Design Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Nattakan Supajaidee and   
      Nawinda Chutsagulprom and   
                Sompop Moonchai   An Adaptive Moving Window Kriging Based
                                  on $K$-Means Clustering for Spatial
                                  Interpolation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Wei-Lung Mao and   
              Sung-Hua Chen and   
                    Chun-Yu Kao   Fractional-Order Fuzzy PID Controller
                                  with Evolutionary Computation for an
                                  Effective Synchronized Gantry System . . 
Mahammad Khalid Shaik Vadla and   
       Mahima Agumbe Suresh and   
           Vimal K. Viswanathan   Enhancing Product Design through
                                  AI-Driven Sentiment Analysis of Amazon
                                  Reviews Using BERT . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Ziyi Wang and   
                  Xinran Li and   
                Luoyang Sun and   
              Haifeng Zhang and   
                 Hualin Liu and   
                       Jun Wang   Learning State-Specific Action Masks for
                                  Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . . . 
           Dimitris Fotakis and   
    Panagiotis Patsilinakos and   
           Eleni Psaroudaki and   
              Michalis Xefteris   Efficient Time-Series Clustering through
                                  Sparse Gaussian Modeling . . . . . . . . 
            Baskhad Idrisov and   
                   Tim Schlippe   Program Code Generation with Generative
                                  AIs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Claudia Cavallaro and   
            Carolina Crespi and   
           Vincenzo Cutello and   
               Mario Pavone and   
                 Francesco Zito   Group Dynamics in Memory-Enhanced Ant
                                  Colonies: The Influence of Colony
                                  Division on a Maze Navigation Problem    
                Shweta More and   
               Moad Idrissi and   
            Haitham Mahmoud and   
              A. Taufiq Asyhari   Enhanced Intrusion Detection Systems
                                  Performance with UNSW-NB15 Data Analysis 
                   Frank Werner   Special Issue: ``2022 and 2023 Selected
                                  Papers from \booktitleAlgorithms'
                                  Editorial Board Members''  . . . . . . . 
José Antonio López Ortí and   
Francisco José Marco Castillo and   
María José Martínez Usó   A Geometrical Study about the
                                  Biparametric Family of Anomalies in the
                                  Elliptic Two-Body Problem with
                                  Extensions to Other Families . . . . . . 
          Marko Durasevi\'c and   
        Domagoj Jakobovi\'c and   
              Stjepan Picek and   
                    Luca Mariot   Assessing the Ability of Genetic
                                  Programming for Feature Selection in
                                  Constructing Dispatching Rules for
                                  Unrelated Machine Environments . . . . . 
                  Kefei Zhu and   
                    Xu Yang and   
                Yanbo Zhang and   
              Mengkun Liang and   
                         Jun Wu   A Heterogeneity-Aware Car-Following
                                  Model: Based on the XGBoost Method . . . 
                  Wenjun Li and   
               Xueying Yang and   
                    Chao Xu and   
                   Yongjie Yang   An FPT Algorithm for Directed Co-Graph
                                  Edge Deletion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Andra Sandu and   
               Ioana Ioanas and   
             Camelia Delcea and   
   Margareta-Stela Florescu and   
            Liviu-Adrian Cotfas   Numbers Do Not Lie: a Bibliometric
                                  Examination of Machine Learning
                                  Techniques in Fake News Research . . . . 
      Styliani Tassiopoulou and   
            Georgia Koukiou and   
       Vassilis Anastassopoulos   Algorithms in Tomography and Related
                                  Inverse Problems --- a Review  . . . . . 
       Giorgio Lazzarinetti and   
             Riccardo Dondi and   
               Sara Manzoni and   
                   Italo Zoppis   An Attention-Based Method for the
                                  Minimum Vertex Cover Problem on Complex
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Amalia Moutsopoulou and   
            Markos Petousis and   
   Georgios E. Stavroulakis and   
       Anastasios Pouliezos and   
              Nectarios Vidakis   $ \mu $-Analysis and $ \mu $-Synthesis
                                  Control Methods in Smart Structure
                                  Disturbance Suppression with Reduced
                                  Order Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Matija Milanic and   
                       Rok Hren   GPU Adding-Doubling Algorithm for
                                  Analysis of Optical Spectral Images  . . 
          Stefano Alderighi and   
                Paolo Landa and   
            Elena T\`anfani and   
                   Angela Testi   Assessing the Impact of Patient
                                  Characteristics on Genetic Clinical
                                  Pathways: a Regression Approach  . . . . 
Angel E. Muñoz-Zavala and   
Jorge E. Macías-Díaz and   
 Daniel Alba-Cuéllar and   
José A. Guerrero-Díaz-de-León   A Literature Review on Some Trends in
                                  Artificial Neural Networks for Modeling
                                  and Simulation with Time Series  . . . . 
         Jacek G. Puchalski and   
          Janusz D. Fidelus and   
                Pawe\l Fotowicz   Algorithms Utilized for Creep Analysis
                                  in Torque Transducers for Wind Turbines  
   Marwah Abdulrazzaq Naser and   
           Aso Ahmed Majeed and   
          Muntadher Alsabah and   
      Taha Raad Al-Shaikhli and   
                   Kawa M. Kaky   A Review of Machine Learning's Role in
                                  Cardiovascular Disease Prediction:
                                  Recent Advances and Future Challenges    
                Haojie Wang and   
               Pingqing Fan and   
                   Xipei Ma and   
                   Yansong Wang   Research on Gangue Detection Algorithm
                                  Based on Cross-Scale Feature Fusion and
                                  Dynamic Pruning  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Antonella Nardin and   
         Fabio D'Andreagiovanni   A Quantum-Inspired Ant Colony
                                  Optimization Algorithm for Parking Lot
                                  Rental to Shared E-Scooter Services  . . 
                    Marian Wnuk   Adaptive Antenna Array Control Algorithm
                                  in Radiocommunication Systems  . . . . . 
             Mingyoung Jeng and   
                Alvir Nobel and   
                Vinayak Jha and   
                 David Levy and   
              Dylan Kneidel and   
             Manu Chaudhary and   
               Ishraq Islam and   
           Evan Baumgartner and   
            Eade Vanderhoof and   
               Audrey Facer and   
               Manish Singh and   
               Abina Arshad and   
                  Esam El-Araby   Optimizing Multidimensional Pooling for
                                  Variational Quantum Algorithms . . . . . 
     Keno Jann Büscher and   
          Jan Philipp Degel and   
                  Jan Oellerich   A Comprehensive Survey of Isocontouring
                                  Methods: Applications, Limitations and
                                  Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Nyo Me Htun and   
             Toshiaki Owari and   
            Satoshi Tsuyuki and   
               Takuya Hiroshima   Mapping the Distribution of High-Value
                                  Broadleaf Tree Crowns through Unmanned
                                  Aerial Vehicle Image Analysis Using Deep
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Mfowabo Maphosa and   
            Wesley Doorsamy and   
                      Babu Paul   Improving Academic Advising in
                                  Engineering Education with Machine
                                  Learning Using a Real-World Dataset  . . 
                 Fiza Zafar and   
             Alicia Cordero and   
               Husna Maryam and   
             Juan R. Torregrosa   A Novel Higher-Order Numerical Scheme
                                  for System of Nonlinear Load Flow
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 Gleice Kelly Barbosa Souza and   
Samara Oliveira Silva Santos and   
André Luiz Carvalho Ottoni and   
     Marcos Santos Oliveira and   
Daniela Carine Ramires Oliveira and   
   Erivelton Geraldo Nepomuceno   Transfer Reinforcement Learning for
                                  Combinatorial Optimization Problems  . . 
                    Lin Guo and   
    Anand Balu Nellippallil and   
            Warren F. Smith and   
             Janet K. Allen and   
                Farrokh Mistree   An Adaptive Linear Programming Algorithm
                                  with Parameter Learning  . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 17, Number 3, March, 2024

                    Sean Pascoe   On the Use of Data Envelopment Analysis
                                  for Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis . . 
            Suryakant Tyagi and   
Sándor Szénási   Optimizing Speech Emotion Recognition
                                  with Deep Learning and Grey Wolf
                                  Optimization: a Multi-Dataset Approach   
                   Jie Wang and   
                   Jie Yang and   
                  Jiafan He and   
                 Dongliang Peng   Multi-Augmentation-Based Contrastive
                                  Learning for Semi-Supervised Learning    
                   Hexin Lu and   
               Xiaodong Zhu and   
                Jingwei Cui and   
                  Haifeng Jiang   An Iris Image Super-Resolution Model
                                  Based on Swin Transformer and Generative
                                  Adversarial Network  . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Philip Dawid   What Is a Causal Graph?  . . . . . . . . 
           Mukhtar Fatihu Hamza   Improved Decentralized Fractional-Order
                                  Control of Higher-Order Systems Using
                                  Modified Flower Pollination Optimization 
                  Kenneth Lange   Closest Farthest Widest  . . . . . . . . 
             Monika Rybczak and   
           Krystian Kozakiewicz   Deep Machine Learning of MobileNet,
                                  Efficient, and Inception Models  . . . . 
             Anibal Pedraza and   
             Lucia Gonzalez and   
                Oscar Deniz and   
                   Gloria Bueno   Deep Neural Networks for HER2 Grading of
                                  Whole Slide Images with Subclasses
                                  Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Panagiotis D. Paraschos and   
       Georgios K. Koulinas and   
      Dimitrios E. Koulouriotis   Reinforcement Learning-Based
                                  Optimization for Sustainable and Lean
                                  Production within the Context of
                                  Industry 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Saikat Das and   
     Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman and   
       Frederick T. Sheldon and   
                   Sajjan Shiva   Ensembling Supervised and Unsupervised
                                  Machine Learning Algorithms for
                                  Detecting Distributed Denial of Service
                                  Attacks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Andrea Adriani and   
    Stefano Serra-Capizzano and   
        Cristina Tablino-Possio   Clustering/Distribution Analysis and
                                  Preconditioned Krylov Solvers for the
                                  Approximated Helmholtz Equation and
                                  Fractional Laplacian in the Case of
                                  Complex-Valued, Unbounded Variable
                                  Coefficient Wave Number $ \mu $  . . . . 
          Mukhtar Zhassuzak and   
               Marat Akhmet and   
      Yedilkhan Amirgaliyev and   
              Zholdas Buribayev   Application of Genetic Algorithms for
                                  Periodicity Recognition and Finite
                                  Sequences Sorting  . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Fengwei Jing and   
                  Fenghe Li and   
                  Yong Song and   
                     Jie Li and   
              Zhanbiao Feng and   
                       Jin Guo~   Root Cause Tracing Using Equipment
                                  Process Accuracy Evaluation for Looper
                                  in Hot Rolling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Noor Ul Ain Tahir and   
               Zuping Zhang and   
              Muhammad Asim and   
               Junhong Chen and   
             Mohammed ELAffendi   Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles
                                  under Adverse Weather: a Review of
                                  Traditional and Deep Learning Approaches 
         Varsha S. Lalapura and   
Veerender Reddy Bhimavarapu and   
                  J. Amudha and   
  Hariram Selvamurugan Satheesh   A Systematic Evaluation of Recurrent
                                  Neural Network Models for Edge
                                  Intelligence and Human Activity
                                  Recognition Applications . . . . . . . . 
         Dmytro Chumachenko and   
                Sergiy Yakovlev   Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for
                                  Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Somayeh Shahrabadi and   
          Telmo Adão and   
              Emanuel Peres and   
                Raul Morais and   
Luís G. Magalhães and   
                   Victor Alves   Automatic Optimization of Deep Learning
                                  Training through Feature-Aware-Based
                                  Dataset Splitting  . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Anton Kolosnitsyn and   
              Oleg Khamisov and   
            Eugene Semenkin and   
                Vladimir Nelyub   Application of the Parabola Method in
                                  Nonconvex Optimization . . . . . . . . . 
            Pablo Caballero and   
        Luis Gonzalez-Abril and   
             Juan A. Ortega and   
        Áurea Simon-Soro   Data Mining Techniques for Endometriosis
                                  Detection in a Data-Scarce Medical
                                  Dataset  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Yuhuan Wu and   
                    Yonghong Wu   Application of Split Coordinate Channel
                                  Attention Embedding U2Net in Salient
                                  Object Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Shuang Che and   
                   Yan Chen and   
                Longda Wang and   
                   Chuanfang Xu   Electric Vehicle Ordered Charging
                                  Planning Based on Improved
                                  Dual-Population Genetic Moth-Flame
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Parag C. Pendharkar   A Markov Chain Genetic Algorithm
                                  Approach for Non-Parametric Posterior
                                  Distribution Sampling of Regression
                                  Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        András Hubai and   
 Sándor Szabó and   
  Bogdán Zaválnij   Exploratory Data Analysis and Searching
                                  Cliques in Graphs  . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Anni Zhao and   
            Arash Toudeshki and   
                Reza Ehsani and   
            Joshua H. Viers and   
                  Jian-Qiao Sun   Evaluation of Neural Network
                                  Effectiveness on Sliding Mode Control of
                                  Delta Robot for Trajectory Tracking  . . 
    MohammadHossein Reshadi and   
                     Wen Li and   
                  Wenjie Xu and   
           Precious Omashor and   
                Albert Dinh and   
                 Scott Dick and   
                Yuntong She and   
                Michael Lipsett   Deep-Shallow Metaclassifier with
                                  Synthetic Minority Oversampling for
                                  Anomaly Detection in a Time Series . . . 
             Sharoon Saleem and   
              Fawad Hussain and   
             Naveed Khan Baloch   IWO--IGA --- a Hybrid Whale Optimization
                                  Algorithm Featuring Improved Genetic
                                  Characteristics for Mapping Real-Time
                                  Applications onto 2D Network on Chip . . 
Marcos E. González Laffitte and   
               Peter F. Stadler   Progressive Multiple Alignment of Graphs 
                     Bo Cui and   
               Lingyun Wang and   
                 Guangxi Li and   
                       Xian Ren   Field Programmable Gate Array-Based
                                  Acceleration Algorithm Design for
                                  Dynamic Star Map Parallel Computing  . . 
                Thomas Parr and   
               Karl Friston and   
                  Peter Zeidman   Active Data Selection and Information
                                  Seeking  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Yanjun Li and   
          Takaaki Yoshimura and   
                Yuto Horima and   
              Hiroyuki Sugimori   A Preprocessing Method for Coronary
                                  Artery Stenosis Detection Based on Deep
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Minh-Quan Vo and   
                 Thu Nguyen and   
         Michael A. Riegler and   
                 Hugo L. Hammer   Efficient Estimation of Generative
                                  Models Using Tukey Depth . . . . . . . . 
         Nikolay Kyurkchiev and   
          Tsvetelin Zaevski and   
                Anton Iliev and   
        Vesselin Kyurkchiev and   
                    Asen Rahnev   Modeling of Some Classes of Extended
                                  Oscillators: Simulations, Algorithms,
                                  Generating Chaos, and Open Problems  . . 
                 Xiaonan Si and   
                   Lei Wang and   
                Wenchang Xu and   
                  Biao Wang and   
                    Wenbo Cheng   Highly Imbalanced Classification of Gout
                                  Using Data Resampling and Ensemble
                                  Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Noori Y. Abdul-Hassan and   
            Zainab J. Kadum and   
                  Ali Hasan Ali   An Efficient Third-Order Scheme Based on
                                  Runge--Kutta and Taylor Series Expansion
                                  for Solving Initial Value Problems . . . 
          Rachid Belaroussi and   
                  Elie Issa and   
            Leonardo Cameli and   
           Claudio Lantieri and   
             Sonia Adelé   Exploring Virtual Environments to Assess
                                  the Quality of Public Spaces . . . . . . 
               Xuanyuan Xie and   
                     Jieyu Zhao   GDUI: Guided Diffusion Model for
                                  Unlabeled Images . . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Gerasim V. Krivovichev and   
         Valentina Yu. Sergeeva   Analysis of a Two-Step Gradient Method
                                  with Two Momentum Parameters for
                                  Strongly Convex Unconstrained
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Eugene Levner and   
              Vladimir Kats and   
                 Pengyu Yan and   
                        Ada Che   Fast Algorithm for High-Throughput
                                  Screening Scheduling Based on the
                                  PERT/CPM Project Management Technique    
             Karly S. Franz and   
            Grace Reszetnik and   
                       Tom Chau   On the Need for Accurate Brushstroke
                                  Segmentation of Tablet-Acquired
                                  Kinematic and Pressure Data: The Case of
                                  Unconstrained Tracing  . . . . . . . . . 
                   Xin Tian and   
                      Yuan Meng   PDEC: a Framework for Improving
                                  Knowledge Graph Reasoning Performance
                                  through Predicate Decomposition  . . . . 
       Navid Khalili Dizaji and   
                  Mustafa Dogan   A Comprehensive Brain MRI Image
                                  Segmentation System Based on Contourlet
                                  Transform and Deep Neural Networks . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 17, Number 4, April, 2024

      Ionut Dragos Moldovan and   
         Abdalla Almukashfi and   
   António Gomes Correia   A Computational Platform for Automatic
                                  Signal Processing for Bender Element
                                  Sensors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Torrey Wagner and   
                Dennis Guhl and   
                 Brent Langhals   The Impact of Data Preparation and Model
                                  Complexity on the Natural Language
                                  Classification of Chinese News Headlines 
Julio-Alejandro Romero-González and   
Diana-Margarita Córdova-Esparza and   
                Juan Terven and   
Ana-Marcela Herrera-Navarro and   
Hugo Jiménez-Hernández   Background Subtraction for Dynamic
                                  Scenes Using Gabor Filter Bank and
                                  Statistical Moments  . . . . . . . . . . 
         Ana Teresa Gabriel and   
    Cláudia Quaresma and   
                   Pedro Vieira   An Innovative Mathematical Model of the
                                  Spine: Predicting Cobb and
                                  Intervertebral Angles Using the 3D
                                  Position of the Spinous Processes
                                  Measured by Vertebral Metrics  . . . . . 
            Mansoor Davoodi and   
            Justin M. Calabrese   Test Center Location Problem: a
                                  Bi-Objective Model and Algorithms  . . . 
                 Kara Combs and   
                 Adam Moyer and   
                 Trevor J. Bihl   Uncertainty in Visual Generative AI  . . 
               Nenad Markus and   
              Mirko Suznjevi\'c   Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of a
                                  Fast Algorithm for Extracting Polygons
                                  from Signed Distance Bounds  . . . . . . 
           Maria Ganopoulou and   
     Efstratios Kontopoulos and   
      Konstantinos Fokianos and   
         Dimitris Koparanis and   
           Lefteris Angelis and   
        Ioannis Kotsianidis and   
            Theodoros Moysiadis   Delving into Causal Discovery in
                                  Health-Related Quality of Life
                                  Questionnaires . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Alvin Lee and   
             Suet-Peng Yong and   
             Witold Pedrycz and   
                   Junzo Watada   Testing a Vision-Based Autonomous Drone
                                  Navigation Model in a Forest Environment 
         Hussein Zolfaghari and   
             Hossein Karimi and   
              Amin Ramezani and   
           Mohammadreza Davoodi   Minimizing Voltage Ripple of a DC
                                  Microgrid via a
                                  Particle-Swarm-Optimization-Based Fuzzy
                                  Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Armin Soltan and   
               Peter Washington   Challenges in Reducing Bias Using
                                  Post-Processing Fairness for Breast
                                  Cancer Stage Classification with Deep
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Shubhendu Kshitij Fuladi and   
                  Chang-Soo Kim   Dynamic Events in the Flexible Job-Shop
                                  Scheduling Problem: Rescheduling with a
                                  Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm . . . . . 
              Frank Klawonn and   
                 Georg Hoffmann   An Objective Function-Based Clustering
                                  Algorithm with a Closed-Form Solution
                                  and Application to Reference Interval
                                  Estimation in Laboratory Medicine  . . . 
                 Hugo Silva and   
         Vítor Duque and   
        Mário Macedo and   
                  Mateus Mendes   Aiding ICD-10 Encoding of Clinical
                                  Health Records Using Improved Text
                                  Cosine Similarity and PLM-ICD  . . . . . 
                    Sen Xue and   
                 Chengyu Wu and   
                   Jing Han and   
                        Ao Zhan   PDASTSGAT: an STSGAT-Based Multipath
                                  Data Scheduling Algorithm  . . . . . . . 
                Vedat Dogan and   
               Steven Prestwich   Multi-Objective BiLevel Optimization by
                                  Bayesian Optimization  . . . . . . . . . 
  Santiago Moreno-Carbonell and   
Eugenio F. Sánchez-Úbeda   A Piecewise Linear Regression Model
                                  Ensemble for Large-Scale Curve Fitting   
               Sanaz Gheibi and   
             Tania Banerjee and   
               Sanjay Ranka and   
                   Sartaj Sahni   Path Algorithms for Contact Sequence
                                  Temporal Graphs  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Jorge Juarez-Lucero and   
        Maria Guevara-Villa and   
     Anabel Sanchez-Sanchez and   
      Raquel Diaz-Hernandez and   
     Leopoldo Altamirano-Robles   A New Algorithm for Detecting GPN
                                  Protein Expression and Overexpression of
                                  IDC and ILC Her2+ Subtypes on
                                  Polyacrylamide Gels Associated with
                                  Breast Cancer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Pavel V. Matrenin and   
         Valeriy V. Gamaley and   
    Alexandra I. Khalyasmaa and   
             Alina I. Stepanova   Solar Irradiance Forecasting with
                                  Natural Language Processing of Cloud
                                  Observations and Interpretation of
                                  Results with Modified Shapley Additive
                                  Explanations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Ruoyang Li and   
              Shuping Xiong and   
                Yinchao Che and   
                    Lei Shi and   
                 Xinming Ma and   
                         Lei Xi   Research on Efficient Feature Generation
                                  and Spatial Aggregation for Remote
                                  Sensing Semantic Segmentation  . . . . . 
             Jih-Jeng Huang and   
                   Chin-Yi Chen   Resource Allocation of Cooperative
                                  Alternatives Using the Analytic
                                  Hierarchy Process and Analytic Network
                                  Process with Shapley Values  . . . . . . 
            Alexander Robitzsch   Smooth Information Criterion for
                                  Regularized Estimation of Item Response
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Ioannis K. Argyros and   
            Santhosh George and   
             Samundra Regmi and   
         Christopher I. Argyros   Hybrid Newton-like Inverse Free
                                  Algorithms for Solving Nonlinear
                                  Equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Shahad Alahmed and   
             Qutaiba Alasad and   
           Jiann-Shiun Yuan and   
                Mohammed Alawad   Impacting Robustness in Deep
                                  Learning-Based NIDS through Poisoning
                                  Attacks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Kyle McMillan and   
              Rosa Qiyue So and   
          Camilo Libedinsky and   
               Kai Keng Ang and   
                Brian Premchand   Spike-Weighted Spiking Neural Network
                                  with Spiking Long Short-Term Memory: a
                                  Biomimetic Approach to Decoding Brain
                                  Signals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Mircea Ghidarcea and   
                Decebal Popescu   Prime Number Sieving --- a Systematic
                                  Review with Performance Analysis . . . . 
                Jiachen Guo and   
                     Wenjie Luo   Point-Sim: a Lightweight Network for 3D
                                  Point Cloud Classification . . . . . . . 
               Carla Piazza and   
               Sabina Rossi and   
                  Daria Smuseva   Efficient Algorithm for Proportional
                                  Lumpability and Its Application to
                                  Selfish Mining in Public Blockchains . . 
     Mohammed Azmi Al-Betar and   
          Ammar Kamal Abasi and   
Zaid Abdi Alkareem Alyasseri and   
              Salam Fraihat and   
          Raghad Falih Mohammed   A Communication-Efficient Federated
                                  Learning Framework for Sustainable
                                  Development Using Lemurs Optimizer . . . 
                 Wiem Safta and   
                  Ahmed Shaffie   Advancing Pulmonary Nodule Diagnosis by
                                  Integrating Engineered and Deep Features
                                  Extracted from CT Scans  . . . . . . . . 
               Roman Garaev and   
              Bader Rasheed and   
              Adil Mehmood Khan   Not So Robust after All: Evaluating the
                                  Robustness of Deep Neural Networks to
                                  Unseen Adversarial Attacks . . . . . . . 
                  Yuan Chen and   
                   Abdul Khaliq   Quantum Recurrent Neural Networks:
                                  Predicting the Dynamics of Oscillatory
                                  and Chaotic Systems  . . . . . . . . . . 
                    Ye Bian and   
               Chengyong Si and   
                       Lei Wang   Diabetic Retinopathy Lesion Segmentation
                                  Method Based on Multi-Scale Attention
                                  and Lesion Perception  . . . . . . . . . 
              Chenglong Yin and   
                  Fei Zhang and   
                    Bin Hao and   
                  Zijian Fu and   
                    Xiaoyu Pang   Research on a Fast Image-Matching
                                  Algorithm Based on Nonlinear Filtering   
J. Fernando Sánchez-Rada and   
Raquel Vila-Rodríguez and   
        Jesús Montes and   
               Pedro J. Zufiria   Predicting the Aggregate Mobility of a
                                  Vehicle Fleet within a City Graph  . . . 
            Nick Torenvliet and   
                     John Zelek   Evaluating Diffusion Models for the
                                  Automation of Ultrasonic Nondestructive
                                  Evaluation Data Analysis . . . . . . . . 
                 Jialu Chen and   
                    Baohua Yuan   CCFNet: Collaborative Cross-Fusion
                                  Network for Medical Image Segmentation   
            Michalis Pingos and   
   Panayiotis Christodoulou and   
             Andreas S. Andreou   Security and Ownership in User-Defined
                                  Data Meshes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      María Guijarro and   
                 Juan Bayon and   
Daniel Martín-Carabias and   
           Joaquín Recas   A Multi-Stage Method for Logo Detection
                                  in Scanned Official Documents Based on
                                  Image Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Niels Wessel and   
          Mariana Sprincean and   
          Ludmila Sidorenko and   
              Ninel Revenco and   
                Svetlana Hadjiu   Pediatric Ischemic Stroke: Clinical and
                                  Paraclinical Manifestations ---
                                  Algorithms for Diagnosis and Treatment   

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 17, Number 5, May, 2024

                Yanchi Zhao and   
              Jianhua Cheng and   
                       Jing Cai   Improved Brain Storm Optimization
                                  Algorithm Based on Flock Decision
                                  Mutation Strategy  . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Bo Jiang and   
                 Guofu Ding and   
                 Jianlin Fu and   
                 Jian Zhang and   
                     Yong Zhang   An Overview of Demand Analysis and
                                  Forecasting Algorithms for the Flow of
                                  Checked Baggage among Departing
                                  Passengers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Qianqian Zhen and   
                   Liang Wu and   
                    Guoying Liu   An Oracle Bone Inscriptions Detection
                                  Algorithm Based on Improved YOLOv8 . . . 
              Khadija Javed and   
              Ren Shengbing and   
              Muhammad Asim and   
             Mudasir Ahmad Wani   Cross-Project Defect Prediction Based on
                                  Domain Adaptation and LSTM Optimization  
              Shufeng Xiong and   
                Wenjie Tian and   
                 Haiping Si and   
               Guipei Zhang and   
                        Lei Shi   A Survey of the Applications of Text
                                  Mining for the Food Domain . . . . . . . 
                  Xiao Chen and   
                      Yu Wu and   
                     Shuting Xu   Mission Planning of UAVs and UGV for
                                  Building Inspection in Rural Area  . . . 
Konstantina-Vasiliki Tompra and   
        George Papageorgiou and   
              Christos Tjortjis   Strategic Machine Learning Optimization
                                  for Cardiovascular Disease Prediction
                                  and High-Risk Patient Identification . . 
             Charles Warner and   
                  Fanyou Wu and   
                  Rado Gazo and   
              Bedrich Benes and   
                Nicole Kong and   
                    Songlin Fei   CentralBark Image Dataset and Tree
                                  Species Classification Using Deep
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Tshewang Phuntsho and   
                  Tad Gonsalves   Maximizing Net Present Value for
                                  Resource Constraint Project Scheduling
                                  Problems with Payments at Event
                                  Occurrences Using Approximate Dynamic
                                  Programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Vasileios Vasileiadis and   
        Christos Kyriklidis and   
           Vayos Karayannis and   
      Constantinos Tsanaktsidis   Application of Evolutionary Computation
                                  to the Optimization of Biodiesel
                                  Mixtures Using a Nature-Inspired
                                  Adaptive Genetic Algorithm . . . . . . . 
          Kazi Aminul Islam and   
                  Hongyi Wu and   
              Chunsheng Xin and   
                   Rui Ning and   
                 Liuwan Zhu and   
                       Jiang Li   Sub-Band Backdoor Attack in Remote
                                  Sensing Imagery  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Borut Buchmeister and   
           Natasa Vujica Herzog   Advancements in Data Analysis for the
                                  Work-Sampling Method . . . . . . . . . . 
       Jorge L. Perez-Ramos and   
     Selene Ramirez-Rosales and   
     Daniel Canton-Enriquez and   
       Luis A. Diaz-Jimenez and   
Gabriela Xicotencatl-Ramirez and   
     Ana M. Herrera-Navarro and   
         Hugo Jimenez-Hernandez   Algorithm Based on Morphological
                                  Operators for Shortness Path Planning    
                Haijing Sun and   
                   Wen Zhou and   
               Yichuan Shao and   
                  Jiaqi Cui and   
                   Lei Xing and   
                  Qian Zhao and   
                       Le Zhang   A Linear Interpolation and
                                  Curvature-Controlled Gradient
                                  Optimization Strategy Based on Adam  . . 
      Mattéo Delabre and   
               Nadia El-Mabrouk   Synesth: Comprehensive Syntenic
                                  Reconciliation with Unsampled Lineages   
          Valentina Markova and   
              Todor Ganchev and   
             Silvia Filkova and   
                Miroslav Markov   MMD-MSD: a Multimodal Multisensory
                                  Dataset in Support of Research and
                                  Technology Development for
                                  Musculoskeletal Disorders  . . . . . . . 
Jaciel David Hernandez-Resendiz and   
           Edgar Tello-Leal and   
        Marcos Sepúlveda   A Data-Driven Approach to Discovering
                                  Process Choreography . . . . . . . . . . 
    Sarfaraz Ahmed Mohammed and   
                Anca L. Ralescu   Insights into Image Understanding:
                                  Segmentation Methods for Object
                                  Recognition and Scene Classification . . 
             Changfan Zhang and   
                  Shuo Zhou and   
                    Jing He and   
                        Lin Jia   Deep Q-Network Algorithm-Based Cyclic
                                  Air Braking Strategy for Heavy-Haul
                                  Trains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
  Nikolaos P. Theodorakatos and   
                 Rohit Babu and   
    Christos A. Theodoridis and   
          Angelos P. Moschoudis   Mathematical Models for the
                                  Single-Channel and Multi-Channel PMU
                                  Allocation Problem and Their Solution
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Victor Alves and   
   Florentino Fdez-Riverola and   
              Jorge Ribeiro and   
          José Neves and   
               Henrique Vicente   Encouraging Eco-Innovative Urban
                                  Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Alistair Forbes   The Algorithm of Gu and Eisenstat and
                                  $D$-Optimal Design of Experiments  . . . 
                  Andreas Galka   The Weighted Least-Squares Approach to
                                  State Estimation in Linear State Space
                                  Models: The Case of Correlated Noise
                                  Terms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Shiva Kumar Kannan and   
                 Urmila Diwekar   An Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization
                                  (PSO) Algorithm Employing Quasi-Random
                                  Numbers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Peng Tang and   
             Chuangxin Zhao and   
               Shizhe Liang and   
                    Yuehong Dai   Performance-Constraint Fault Tolerant
                                  Control to Aircraft in Presence of
                                  Actuator Deviation . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Wen Ying and   
               Zhaohui Wang and   
                     Hui Li and   
                   Sheng Du and   
                       Man Zhao   Intelligent Ship Scheduling and Path
                                  Planning Method for Maritime Emergency
                                  Rescue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Peter Adamko   Three Cube Packing for All Dimensions    
                    Xin Liu and   
             Mingjiang Pang and   
                   Qiang Li and   
                Jiehan Zhou and   
                Haiwen Wang and   
                     Dawei Yang   MVACLNet: a Multimodal Virtual
                                  Augmentation Contrastive Learning
                                  Network for Rumor Detection  . . . . . . 
            Mohammad Peyman and   
           Xabier A. Martin and   
            Javier Panadero and   
                  Angel A. Juan   A Sim-Learnheuristic for the Team
                                  Orienteering Problem: Applications to
                                  Unmanned Aerial Vehicles . . . . . . . . 
          Christos Cholevas and   
            Eftychia Angeli and   
          Zacharoula Sereti and   
         Emmanouil Mavrikos and   
            George E. Tsekouras   Anomaly Detection in Blockchain Networks
                                  Using Unsupervised Learning: a Survey    
               Maged Shoman and   
                Tarek Ghoul and   
            Gabriel Lanzaro and   
              Tala Alsharif and   
            Suliman Gargoum and   
                    Tarek Sayed   Enforcing Traffic Safety: a Deep
                                  Learning Approach for Detecting
                                  Motorcyclists' Helmet Violations Using
                                  YOLOv8 and Deep Convolutional Generative
                                  Adversarial Network-Generated Images . . 
             Huanlong Zhang and   
                   Bin Zhou and   
              Yangyang Tian and   
                         Zhe Li   Segmentation and Tracking Based on
                                  Equalized Memory Matching Network and
                                  Its Application in Electric Substation
                                  Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Tarik Zarrouk and   
            Mohammed Nouari and   
         Jamal-Eddine Salhi and   
            Mohammed Abbadi and   
                   Ahmed Abbadi   Three-Dimensional Finite Element
                                  Modeling of Ultrasonic
                                  Vibration-Assisted Milling of the Nomex
                                  Honeycomb Structure  . . . . . . . . . . 
        Mahbubeh Askari Rad and   
           Alibek Kruglikov and   
                      Xuhua Xia   Three-Way Alignment Improves Multiple
                                  Sequence Alignment of Highly Diverged
                                  Sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Adarsh Kesireddy and   
             F. Antonio Medrano   Elite Multi-Criteria Decision
                                  Making-Pareto Front Optimization in
                                  Multi-Objective Optimization . . . . . . 
               Esraa H. Ali and   
               Sawsan Sadek and   
    Georges Zakka El Nashef and   
                  Zaid F. Makki   Advanced Integration of Machine Learning
                                  Techniques for Accurate Segmentation and
                                  Detection of Alzheimer's Disease . . . . 
               Eva Holasova and   
              Radek Fujdiak and   
                   Jiri Misurec   Comparative Analysis of Classification
                                  Methods and Suitable Datasets for
                                  Protocol Recognition in Operational
                                  Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    David M. Munciño and   
Emily A. Damian-Ramírez and   
Mayra Cruz-Fernández and   
 Luis A. Montoya-Santiyanes and   
Juvenal Rodríguez-Reséndiz   Metaheuristic and Heuristic
                                  Algorithms-Based Identification
                                  Parameters of a Direct Current Motor . . 
                   Yang Liu and   
               Huadong Wang and   
                         Yan Ma   Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Model
                                  Abstraction and Explanation Generation
                                  for a Recurrent Neural Network . . . . . 
             Chein-Shan Liu and   
              Chung-Lun Kuo and   
                 Chih-Wen Chang   Solving Least-Squares Problems via a
                                  Double-Optimal Algorithm and a Variant
                                  of the Karush--Kuhn--Tucker Equation for
                                  Over-Determined Systems  . . . . . . . . 
              Patrice Koehl and   
                   Henri Orland   A General Statistical Physics Framework
                                  for Assignment Problems  . . . . . . . . 
                  Eric Chuu and   
                   Yabo Niu and   
       Anirban Bhattacharya and   
                   Debdeep Pati   EPSOM-Hyb: a General Purpose Estimator
                                  of Log-Marginal Likelihoods with
                                  Applications in Probabilistic Graphical
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Charles Woodrum and   
              Torrey Wagner and   
                    David Weeks   Improving 2-5 Qubit Quantum Phase
                                  Estimation Circuits Using Machine
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Lei Zhang and   
                Xiaoke Wang and   
             Michael Rawson and   
                 Radu Balan and   
       Edward H. Herskovits and   
            Elias R. Melhem and   
                Linda Chang and   
                    Ze Wang and   
                   Thomas Ernst   Motion Correction for Brain MRI Using
                                  Deep Learning and a Novel Hybrid Loss
                                  Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
João Pedro Costa Violante and   
      Marcela A. G. Machado and   
   Amanda dos Santos Mendes and   
        Túlio S. Almeida   An Interface to Monitor Process
                                  Variability Using the Binomial ATTRIVAR
                                  SS Control Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Sheng Wu and   
                    Jihong Guan   Fault Location Method Based on Dynamic
                                  Operation and Maintenance Map and Common
                                  Alarm Points Analysis  . . . . . . . . . 
                   Ryan Kim and   
                Paul M. Torrens   Boundary SPH for Robust Particle-Mesh
                                  Interaction in Three Dimensions  . . . . 
          Abraham P. Punnen and   
                 Jasdeep Dhahan   The Knapsack Problem with Conflict Pair
                                  Constraints on Bipartite Graphs and
                                  Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Yiqun Zhang and   
                 Honglei Xu and   
                    Yang Li and   
                   Gang Lin and   
               Liyuan Zhang and   
               Chaoyang Tao and   
                    Yonghong Wu   An Integer-Fractional Gradient Algorithm
                                  for Back Propagation Neural Networks . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 17, Number 6, June, 2024

          Mehmet Emin Aydin and   
               Rafet Durgut and   
                    Abdur Rakib   Why Reinforcement Learning?  . . . . . . 
              Rustam Azimov and   
             Efthimios Providas   A Comparative Study of Machine Learning
                                  Methods and Text Features for Text
                                  Authorship Recognition in the Example of
                                  Azerbaijani Language Texts . . . . . . . 
               Zhongwei Bai and   
                    Peng Yu and   
                    Yan Liu and   
                        Jin Guo   Linear System Identification-Oriented
                                  Optimal Tampering Attack Strategy and
                                  Implementation Based on Information
                                  Entropy with Multiple Binary
                                  Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Alessandro Barba and   
              Luca Bertazzi and   
                Bruce L. Golden   Competitive Analysis of Algorithms for
                                  an Online Distribution Problem . . . . . 
            Ofelia Begovich and   
Adrián Lizárraga and   
Antonio Ramírez-Treviño   Sensor Fusion Architecture for Fault
                                  Diagnosis with a Predefined-Time
                                  Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Martin Berglund and   
      Henrik Björklund and   
         Johanna Björklund   Parsing Unranked Tree Languages, Folded
                                  Once . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Gianpiero Cabodi and   
      Paolo Enrico Camurati and   
               Marco Palena and   
                   Paolo Pasini   Hardware Model Checking Algorithms and
                                  Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Victor Chang and   
                  Karl Hall and   
           Qianwen Ariel Xu and   
      Folakemi Ololade Amao and   
      Meghana Ashok Ganatra and   
                Vladlena Benson   Prediction of Customer Churn Behavior in
                                  the Telecommunication Industry Using
                                  Machine Learning Models  . . . . . . . . 
               Shijuan Chen and   
                 Zongmei Li and   
                Xiaofeng Du and   
                        Qin Nie   EAND-LPRM: Enhanced Attention Network
                                  and Decoding for Efficient License Plate
                                  Recognition under Complex Conditions . . 
             Chengming Chen and   
                 Xuejun Ren and   
                  Guoqing Cheng   Research on Distributed Fault Diagnosis
                                  Model of Elevator Based on PCA-LSTM  . . 
             Rei-Heng Cheng and   
                Chang-Wu Yu and   
                   Zuo-Li Zhang   Optimizing Charging Pad Deployment by
                                  Applying a Quad-Tree Scheme  . . . . . . 
     Jaher Hassan Chowdhury and   
                   Qian Liu and   
                 Sheela Ramanna   Simple Histogram Equalization Technique
                                  Improves Performance of VGG Models on
                                  Facial Emotion Recognition Datasets  . . 
    José Craveirinha and   
 João Clímaco and   
    Rita Girão-Silva and   
                  Marta Pascoal   Multiobjective Path Problems and
                                  Algorithms in Telecommunication Network
                                  Design-Overview and Trends . . . . . . . 
                 Jose Dixon and   
      Oluwatunmise Akinniyi and   
           Abeer Abdelhamid and   
             Gehad A. Saleh and   
         Md Mahmudur Rahman and   
                  Fahmi Khalifa   A Hybrid Learning-Architecture for
                                  Improved Brain Tumor Recognition . . . . 
        Andries Engelbrecht and   
                Robert Gouldie~   Fitness Landscape Analysis of Product
                                  Unit Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . 
              William Evans and   
              David Kirkpatrick   Minimizing Query Frequency to Bound
                                  Congestion Potential for Moving Entities
                                  at a Fixed Target Time . . . . . . . . . 
                 Gavino Faa and   
         Massimo Castagnola and   
                Luca Didaci and   
             Fernando Coghe and   
            Mario Scartozzi and   
                  Luca Saba and   
               Matteo Fraschini   The Quest for the Application of
                                  Artificial Intelligence to Whole Slide
                                  Imaging: Unique Prospective from New
                                  Advanced Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Nuno Fachada and   
                     Nuno David   Artificial Intelligence in Modeling and
                                  Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Sayeda Muntaha Ferdous and   
Shafayat Bin Shabbir Mugdha and   
                  Iman Dehzangi   New Multi-View Feature Learning Method
                                  for Accurate Antifungal Peptide
                                  Detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Arman Ferdowsi and   
         Maryam Dehghan Chenary   Gain and Pain in Graph Partitioning:
                                  Finding Accurate Communities in Complex
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Armando Gaytan and   
    Ofelia Begovich-Mendoza and   
             Nancy Arana-Daniel   Training of Convolutional Neural
                                  Networks for Image Classification with
                                  Fully Decoupled Extended Kalman Filter   
           Alireza Ghanbari and   
      Gholam Hassan Shirdel and   
                  Farhad Maleki   Semi-Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation:
                                  Developing Deep Learning Models with
                                  Limited Annotated Data for Wheat Head
                                  Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Johannes Gussenbauer and   
             Matthias Templ and   
             Siro Fritzmann and   
              Alexander Kowarik   Simulation of Calibrated Complex
                                  Synthetic Population Data with XGBoost   
              Hassan Hachem and   
                   Candy Abboud   Bayesian Estimation of Simultaneous
                                  Regression Quantiles Using Hamiltonian
                                  Monte Carlo  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Mohamed Limam El hairach and   
                 Amal Tmiri and   
                Insaf Bellamine   Univariate Outlier Detection:
                                  Precision-Driven Algorithm for
                                  Single-Cluster Scenarios . . . . . . . . 
Francisco Javier Iñiguez-Lomeli and   
  Edgar Eliseo Franco-Ortiz and   
Ana Maria Silvia Gonzalez-Acosta and   
Andres Amador Garcia-Granada and   
        Horacio Rostro-Gonzalez   A Comprehensive Exploration of
                                  Unsupervised Classification in Spike
                                  Sorting: a Case Study on Macaque Monkey
                                  and Human Pancreatic Signals . . . . . . 
         Ernesto Parra Inza and   
            Nodari Vakhania and   
José María Sigarreta Almira and   
José Alberto Hernández-Aguilar   Approximating a Minimum Dominating Set
                                  by Purification  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Albina V. Lebedeva and   
     Margarita I. Samburova and   
        Vyacheslav V. Razin and   
          Nikolay V. Gromov and   
     Svetlana A. Gerasimova and   
        Tatiana A. Levanova and   
             Lev A. Smirnov and   
         Alexander N. Pisarchik   Prediction of Hippocampal Signals in
                                  Mice Using a Deep Learning Approach for
                                  Neurohybrid Technology Applications  . . 
                   Saiya Li and   
                   Jinhe Su and   
              Guoqing Jiang and   
                 Ziyu Huang and   
                 Xiaorong Zhang   3D Reconstruction Based on Iterative
                                  Optimization of Moving Least-Squares
                                  Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Chein-Shan Liu and   
            Chih-Wen Chang~ and   
                 Chung-Lun Kuo~   Re-Orthogonalized/Affine GMRES and
                                  Orthogonalized Maximal Projection
                                  Algorithm for Solving Linear Systems . . 
            Rodrigo Martins and   
    Fátima Rodrigues and   
               Susana Costa and   
                   Nelson Costa   Inertial Sensors-Based Assessment of
                                  Human Breathing Pattern: a Systematic
                                  Literature Review  . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Yann Méhat and   
              Sylvain Sagot and   
               Egon Ostrosi and   
                Dominique Deuff   A Multi-Process System for Investigating
                                  Inclusive Design in User Interfaces for
                                  Low-Income Countries . . . . . . . . . . 
               Vikas Mittal and   
        Kanta Prasad Sharma and   
        Narmadha Thangarasu and   
            Udandarao Sarat and   
           Ahmad O. Hourani and   
                 Rohit Salgotra   Synthesis of Circular Antenna Arrays for
                                  Achieving Lower Side Lobe Level and
                                  Higher Directivity Using Hybrid
                                  Optimization Algorithm . . . . . . . . . 
       Maadh Rajaa Mohammed and   
              Ali Makki Sagheer   Employing a Convolutional Neural Network
                                  to Classify Sleep Stages from EEG
                                  Signals Using Feature Reduction
                                  Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Osval A. Montesinos-López and   
          Arvinth Sivakumar and   
 Gloria Isabel Huerta Prado and   
      Josafhat Salinas-Ruiz and   
             Afolabi Agbona and   
Axel Efraín Ortiz Reyes and   
           Khalid Alnowibet and   
             Rodomiro Ortiz and   
Abelardo Montesinos-López and   
             José Crossa   Exploring Data Augmentation Algorithm to
                                  Improve Genomic Prediction of
                                  Top-Ranking Cultivars  . . . . . . . . . 
          Dimitrios Morakis and   
               Adam Adamopoulos   Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms to
                                  Evaluate Prostate Cancer . . . . . . . . 
            Bogdan Morosanu and   
               Marian Negru and   
           Constantin Paleologu   Automated Personalized Loudness Control
                                  for Multi-Track Recordings . . . . . . . 
           Khwansiri Ninpan and   
             Shuzhang Huang and   
          Francesco Vitillo and   
         Mohamad Ali Assaad and   
      Lies Benmiloud Bechet and   
                   Robert Plana   Mitigating Co-Activity Conflicts and
                                  Resource Overallocation in Construction
                                  Projects: a Modular Heuristic Scheduling
                                  Approach with Primavera P6 EPPM
                                  Integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Edward Rolando Núñez-Valdez and   
Vicente García-Díaz   Guest Editorial for the Special Issue
                                  ``New Trends in Algorithms for
                                  Intelligent Recommendation Systems'' . . 
          John Owoicho Odeh and   
              Xiaolong Yang and   
    Cosmas Ifeanyi Nwakanma and   
                Sahraoui Dhelim   Context Privacy Preservation for User
                                  Validation by Wireless Sensors in the
                                  Industrial Metaverse Access System . . . 
                Tingzhe Pan and   
                    Jue Hou and   
                    Xin Jin and   
                 Zhenfan Yu and   
                   Wei Zhou and   
                    Zhijun Wang   Distributed Control of Hydrogen-Based
                                  Microgrids for the Demand Side: a
                                  Multiagent Self-Triggered MPC-Based
                                  Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Sean Pascoe and   
               Anna Farmery and   
             Rachel Nichols and   
              Sarah Lothian and   
                     Kamal Azmi   A Modified Analytic Hierarchy Process
                                  Suitable for Online Survey Preference
                                  Elicitation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Md. Shahidur Rahman and   
           Sowrav Chowdhury and   
        Mirza Rasheduzzaman and   
          A. B. M. S. U. Doulah   Artificial Intelligence-Based Algorithms
                                  and Healthcare Applications of
                                  Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography:
                                  a Systematic Review  . . . . . . . . . . 
            Jirayu Samkunta and   
           Patinya Ketthong and   
              Nghia Thi Mai and   
       Md Abdus Samad Kamal and   
           Iwanori Murakami and   
                     Kou Yamada   Feature Extraction Based on Sparse
                                  Coding Approach for Hand Grasp Type
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   João A. M. Santos and   
       Miguel S. E. Martins and   
               Rui M. Pinto and   
               Susana M. Vieira   Towards Sustainable Inventory
                                  Management: a Many-Objective Approach to
                                  Stock Optimization in Multi-Storage
                                  Supply Chains  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Mohamed A. Sharaf and   
                 Heba Helal and   
                 Nazar Zaki and   
              Wadha Alketbi and   
             Latifa Alkaabi and   
              Sara Alshamsi and   
               Fatmah Alhefeiti   Automated Recommendation of Aggregate
                                  Visualizations for Crowdfunding Data . . 
        Neeraj Anand Sharma and   
      Rishal Ravikesh Chand and   
                 Zain Buksh and   
       A. B. M. Shawkat Ali and   
              Ambreen Hanif and   
                  Amin Beheshti   Explainable AI Frameworks: Navigating
                                  the Present Challenges and Unveiling
                                  Innovative Applications  . . . . . . . . 
                    Yue Sun and   
             Zhaohong Huang and   
                Guorong Cai and   
                   Jinhe Su and   
                     Zheng Gong   NSBR-Net: a Novel Noise Suppression and
                                  Boundary Refinement Network for Breast
                                  Tumor Segmentation in Ultrasound Images  
            Guangqiang Tian and   
                   Fuzhong Wang   Data-Driven Load Frequency Control for
                                  Multi-Area Power System Based on
                                  Switching Method under Cyber Attacks . . 
                Ihar Volkau and   
          Sergei Krasovskii and   
               Abdul Mujeeb and   
                 Helen Balinsky   A Non-Gradient and Non-Iterative Method
                                  for Mapping 3D Mesh Objects Based on a
                                  Summation of Dependent Random Values . . 
      Hossein Zolfagharinia and   
               Mehdi Najafi and   
               Shamir Rizvi and   
                  Aida Haghighi   Unleashing the Power of Tweets and News
                                  in Stock-Price Prediction Using
                                  Machine-Learning Techniques  . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 17, Number 7, 2024

                Haijing Sun and   
                     Hao Yu and   
               Yichuan Shao and   
               Jiantao Wang and   
                   Lei Xing and   
                   Le Zhang and   
                      Qian Zhao   An Improved Adam's Algorithm for Stomach
                                  Image Classification . . . . . . . . . . 
             Jan Sadolewski and   
                 Bartosz Trybus   Verification of Control System Runtime
                                  Using an Executable Semantic Model . . . 
               Namitha Pais and   
         Nalini Ravishanker and   
        Sanguthevar Rajasekaran   Supervised Dynamic Correlated Topic
                                  Model for Classifying Categorical Time
                                  Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
       Guilherme Zanlorenzi and   
       Anderson Luis Szejka and   
      Osiris Canciglieri Junior   Multi-Criteria Decision Support System
                                  for Automatically Selecting Photovoltaic
                                  Sets to Maximise Micro Solar Generation  
                Shijie Wang and   
                Zekun Zhang and   
              Qingqing Chao and   
                        Teng Yu   AFE-YOLOv8: a Novel Object Detection
                                  Model for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Scenes
                                  with Adaptive Feature Enhancement  . . . 
                 Wangdo Kim and   
              Duarte Araujo and   
              MooYoung Choi and   
               Albert Vette and   
                   Eunice Ortiz   Algorithmic Implementation of Visually
                                  Guided Interceptive Actions: Harmonic
                                  Ratios and Stimulation Invariants  . . . 
                 Tianjin Mo and   
                  Qiao Xiao and   
               Hongyi Zhang and   
                     Ren Li and   
                     Yunsong Wu   Domain-Specific Few-Shot Table Prompt
                                  Question Answering via Contrastive
                                  Exemplar Selection . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Kazuo Yonekura   A Short Note on Physics-Guided GAN to
                                  Learn Physical Models without Gradients  
            Raghad Aldamani and   
        Diaa Addeen Abuhani and   
                Tamer Shanableh   LungVision: X-ray Imagery Classification
                                  for On-Edge Diagnosis Applications . . . 
            Patrick Carbone and   
                Celina Alba and   
             Alexis Bennett and   
           Kseniia Kriukova and   
               Dominique Duncan   Optimizing Automated Brain Extraction
                                  for Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain
                                  Injury Patients: The Role of Intensity
                                  Normalization and Bias-Field Correction  
Miguel Angel Ramos-Valdovinos and   
Prisciluis Caheri Salas-Navarrete and   
          Gerardo R. Amores and   
Ana Lilia Hernández-Orihuela and   
Agustino Martínez-Antonio   Qualitative Perturbation Analysis and
                                  Machine Learning: Elucidating Bacterial
                                  Optimization of Tryptophan Production    
              Vladimir Kats and   
                  Eugene Levner   Maximizing the Average Environmental
                                  Benefit of a Fleet of Drones under a
                                  Periodic Schedule of Tasks . . . . . . . 
              Shadi Jaradat and   
                Richi Nayak and   
              Alexander Paz and   
              Mohammed Elhenawy   Ensemble Learning with Pre-Trained
                                  Transformers for Crash Severity
                                  Classification: a Deep NLP Approach  . . 
           Mohamed H. Habeb and   
                 May Salama and   
             Lamiaa A. Elrefaei   Enhancing Video Anomaly Detection Using
                                  a Transformer Spatiotemporal Attention
                                  Unsupervised Framework for Large
                                  Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Mavlonbek Khomidov and   
                    Jong-Ha Lee   The Novel EfficientNet
                                  Architecture-Based System and Algorithm
                                  to Predict Complex Human Emotions  . . . 
                   Ning Tao and   
         Anthony Ventresque and   
               Vivek Nallur and   
               Takfarinas Saber   Enhancing Program Synthesis with Large
                                  Language Models Using Many-Objective
                                  Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming . . . 
            Olga Shiryayeva and   
        Batyrbek Suleimenov and   
                Yelena Kulakova   Optimal Design of I-PD and PI-D
                                  Industrial Controllers Based on
                                  Artificial Intelligence Algorithm  . . . 
              Georgy Urumov and   
        Panagiotis Chountas and   
             Thierry Chaussalet   Fuzzy Fractional Brownian Motion: Review
                                  and Extension  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Abrar Alkhamisi and   
                 Iyad Katib and   
                Seyed M. Buhari   Federated Learning-Based Security Attack
                                  Detection for Multi-Controller
                                  Software-Defined Networks  . . . . . . . 
           Mircea Ghidarcea and   
                Decebal Popescu   Prime Time Tactics Sieve Tweaks and
                                  Boosters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Hawraz A. Ahmad and   
                Tarik A. Rashid   Central Kurdish Text-to-Speech Synthesis
                                  with Novel End-to-End Transformer
                                  Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Jianzhang Chen and   
                  Shuo Zhou and   
                    Jie Qiu and   
                   Yixin Xu and   
                 Bozhe Zeng and   
              Wanchuan Fang and   
             Xiangying Chen and   
               Yipeng Huang and   
               Zhengquan Xu and   
                    Youqin Chen   A Histogram Publishing Method under
                                  Differential Privacy That Involves
                                  Balancing Small-Bin Availability First   
          Hasanein D. Rjeib and   
               Gabor Kecskemeti   VMP-ER: an Efficient Virtual Machine
                                  Placement Algorithm for Energy and
                                  Resources Optimization in Cloud Data
                                  Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Carlos-Antonio Mosqueda-Arvizu and   
Julio-Alejandro Romero-González and   
Diana-Margarita Córdova-Esparza and   
                Juan Terven and   
Ricardo Chaparro-Sánchez and   
Juvenal Rodríguez-Reséndiz   Logical Execution Time and Time-Division
                                  Multiple Access in Multicore Embedded
                                  Systems: a Case Study  . . . . . . . . . 
                  Roberto Bruno   Hardness and Approximability of
                                  Dimension Reduction on the Probability
                                  Simplex  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Ram Ishwar Vais and   
              Kuldeep Sahay and   
  Tirumalasetty Chiranjeevi and   
         Ramesh Devarapalli and   
                ukasz Knypi ski   Crystal Symmetry-Inspired Algorithm for
                                  Optimal Design of Contemporary Mono
                                  Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell Solar
                                  Photovoltaic Modules . . . . . . . . . . 
               Shuling Wang and   
               Fengze Jiang and   
                   Xiaojin Gong   A Sparsity-Invariant Model via Unifying
                                  Depth Prediction and Completion  . . . . 
       Evangelina I. Mihova and   
                Yuri N. Sotskov   Mixed Graph Colouring as Scheduling a
                                  Partially Ordered Set of Interruptible
                                  Multi-Processor Tasks with Integer Due
                                  Dates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Ivane Delos Santos Chen and   
            Chieh-Ming Yang and   
               Shang-Shu Wu and   
             Chih-Kang Yang and   
              Mei-Juan Chen and   
              Chia-Hung Yeh and   
                  Yuan-Hong Lin   Continuous Recognition of Teachers' Hand
                                  Signals for Students with Attention
                                  Deficits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Steven Lyons and   
                Raju Rangaswami   To Cache or Not to Cache . . . . . . . . 
      Sunil Kumar Prabhakar and   
                    Dong-Ok Won   SCMs: Systematic Conglomerated Models
                                  for Audio Cough Signal Classification    
                    Yong Li and   
                  Qidan Zhu and   
                    Ahsan Elahi   Sequential Convex Programming for
                                  Nonlinear Optimal Control in UAV
                                  Trajectory Planning  . . . . . . . . . . 
     Sajad Fathi Hafshejani and   
                  Daya Gaur and   
                Robert Benkoczi   On Implementing a Two-Step Interior
                                  Point Method for Solving Linear Programs 
            Sara Arezoumand and   
                     Omar Smadi   Equity in Transportation Asset
                                  Management: a Proposed Framework . . . . 
 Raúl Pazmiño and   
               Wilson Pavon and   
          Matthew Armstrong and   
                  Silvio Simani   Performance Evaluation of Fractional
                                  Controllers Tuned by Heuristic
                                  Algorithms for Nonlinear Interconnected
                                  Tanks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Hans Schaa and   
             Nicolas A. Barriga   Evaluating the Expressive Range of Super
                                  Mario Bros Level Generators  . . . . . . 
                   Yan Chen and   
                   Gang Liu and   
                Longda Wang and   
                       Bing Xia   Automatic Vertical Parking Reference
                                  Trajectory Based on Improved Immune
                                  Shark Smell Optimization . . . . . . . . 
Jesus Eduardo Alcaraz-Chavez and   
Adriana del Carmen Téllez-Anguiano and   
 Juan Carlos Olivares-Rojas and   
Ricardo Martínez-Parrales   Real-Time Tracking and Detection of
                                  Cervical Cancer Precursor Cells:
                                  Leveraging SIFT Descriptors in Mobile
                                  Video Sequences for Enhanced Early
                                  Diagnosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Aria Adibi and   
       Hovhannes A. Harutyunyan   Messy Broadcasting in Grid . . . . . . . 
         Stefka Bouyuklieva and   
           Iliya Bouyukliev and   
            Valentin Bakoev and   
       Maria Pashinska-Gadzheva   Generating $m$-Ary Gray Codes and
                                  Related Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Zijie Jia and   
               Zhijian Fang and   
                 Huaxiong Zhang   Normalization of Web of Science
                                  Institution Names Based on Deep Learning 
              Bishwajit Dey and   
             Gulshan Sharma and   
              Pitshou N. Bokoro   A Novel Hybrid Crow Search Arithmetic
                                  Optimization Algorithm for Solving
                                  Weighted Combined Economic Emission
                                  Dispatch with Load-Shifting Practice . . 
           Hitoshi Yoshioka and   
             Hirotada Hashimoto   A Reliability Quantification Method for
                                  Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based
                                  Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Ekaterina V. Orlova   Artificial Intelligence-Based System for
                                  Retinal Disease Diagnosis  . . . . . . . 
           Itzel M. Abundez and   
              Roberto Alejo and   
  Francisco Primero Primero and   
Everardo E. Granda-Gutiérrez and   
Otniel Portillo-Rodríguez and   
Juan Alberto Antonio Velázquez   Threshold Active Learning Approach for
                                  Physical Violence Detection on Images
                                  Obtained from Video (Frame-Level) Using
                                  Pre-Trained Deep Learning Neural Network
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Mario Ponce-Silva and   
Óscar Sánchez-Vargas and   
Claudia Cortés-García and   
Jesús Aguayo-Alquicira and   
Susana Estefany De León-Aldaco   Algorithm for Assessment of the
                                  Switching Angles in the Unipolar SPWM
                                  Technique for Single-Phase Inverters . . 
                Hugo Bodory and   
           Federica Mascolo and   
                Michael Lechner   Enabling Decision Making with the
                                  Modified Causal Forest: Policy Trees for
                                  Treatment Assignment . . . . . . . . . . 
 Andrés Tobón and   
Carlos Andrés Ramos-Paja and   
Martha Lucía Orozco-Gutíerrez and   
Andrés Julián Saavedra-Montes and   
Sergio Ignacio Serna-Garcés   Adaptive Sliding-Mode Controller for a
                                  Zeta Converter to Provide High-Frequency
                                  Transients in Battery Applications . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 17, Number 8, 2024

           Mauro Femminella and   
                 Gianluca Reali   Comparison of Reinforcement Learning
                                  Algorithms for Edge Computing
                                  Applications Deployed by Serverless
                                  Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Zhaofeng Liu and   
             Xiaoqing Zheng and   
                   Anke Xue and   
                    Ming Ge and   
                   Aipeng Jiang   Multi-Head Self-Attention-Based Fully
                                  Convolutional Network for RUL Prediction
                                  of Turbofan Engines  . . . . . . . . . . 
José-Alberto Solís-Villarreal and   
       Valeria Soto-Mendoza and   
Jesús Alejandro Navarro-Acosta and   
      Efraín Ruiz-y-Ruiz   Energy Consumption Outlier Detection
                                  with AI Models in Modern Cities: a Case
                                  Study from North-Eastern Mexico  . . . . 
 Christian B. H. Thorjussen and   
      Kristian Hovde Liland and   
          Ingrid Måge and   
              Lars Erik Solberg   Computational Test for Conditional
                                  Independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Jianping Wang and   
               Youchao Wang and   
                 Boyan Chen and   
                Xiaoyue Jia and   
                        Dexi Pu   Trajectory Classification and
                                  Recognition of Planar Mechanisms Based
                                  on ResNet18 Network  . . . . . . . . . . 
Sethu Vinayagam Udhayasekar and   
      Karthik K. Srinivasan and   
              Pramesh Kumar and   
        Bhargava Rama Chilukuri   Label-Setting Algorithm for
                                  Multi-Destination $k$ Simple Shortest
                                  Paths Problem and Application  . . . . . 
              Edgar Scavino and   
  Mohd Amiruddin Abd Rahman and   
                Zahid Farid and   
              Sadique Ahmad and   
                  Muhammad Asim   Enhancing Indoor Positioning Accuracy
                                  with WLAN and WSN: a QPSO Hybrid
                                  Algorithm with Surface Tessellation  . . 
          Beimbet Daribayev and   
         Aksultan Mukhanbet and   
        Nurtugan Azatbekuly and   
                Timur Imankulov   A Quantum Approach for Exploring the
                                  Numerical Results of the Heat Equation   
                Tamer Rabie and   
           Mohammed Baziyad and   
                  Ibrahim Kamel   High-Fidelity Steganography: a Covert
                                  Parity Bit Model-Based Approach  . . . . 
             Marta Narigina and   
           Andrejs Romanovs and   
                 Yuri Merkuryev   Convolutional Neural Network-Based
                                  Digital Diagnostic Tool for the
                                  Identification of Psychosomatic
                                  Illnesses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                     Ruben Tous   Lester: Rotoscope Animation through
                                  Video Object Segmentation and Tracking   
        Abeer I. Alhujaylan and   
                 Manar I. Hosny   A Swarm Intelligence Solution for the
                                  Multi-Vehicle Profitable Pickup and
                                  Delivery Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Mehak Usmani and   
         Zulfiqar Ali Memon and   
              Adil Zulfiqar and   
                 Rizwan Qureshi   Preptimize: Automation of Time Series
                                  Data Preprocessing and Forecasting . . . 
             Amruta Awasthi and   
            Lenka Krpalkova and   
                   Joseph Walsh   Deep Learning-Based Boolean, Time
                                  Series, Error Detection, and Predictive
                                  Analysis in Container Crane Operations   
                Lijun Zhang and   
                    Han Zou and   
                    Yungang Zhu   An Efficient Optimization of the Monte
                                  Carlo Tree Search Algorithm for Amazons  
             Patrycja Kwiek and   
          Ma gorzata Jakubowska   Color Standardization of Chemical
                                  Solution Images Using Template-Based
                                  Histogram Matching in Deep Learning
                                  Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Mónica Fabiola Briones-Báez and   
Luciano Aguilera-Vázquez and   
       Nelson Rangel-Valdez and   
      Cristal Zuñiga and   
Ana Lidia Martínez-Salazar and   
        Claudia Gomez-Santillan   Pitfalls in Metaheuristics Solving
                                  Stoichiometric-Based Optimization Models
                                  for Metabolic Networks . . . . . . . . . 
                 Wim Bakker and   
       Frank van Ruitenbeek and   
       Harald van der Werff and   
           Christoph Hecker and   
             Arjan Dijkstra and   
             Freek van der Meer   Hyperspectral Python: HypPy  . . . . . . 
          Arjuna Madanayake and   
         Keththura Lawrance and   
   Bopage Umesha Kumarasiri and   
       Sivakumar Sivasankar and   
         Thushara Gunaratne and   
  Chamira U. S. Edussooriya and   
               Renato J. Cintra   Design of Multichannel Spectrum
                                  Intelligence Systems Using Approximate
                                  Discrete Fourier Transform Algorithm for
                                  Antenna Array-Based Spectrum Perception
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Antonio Al Serhali and   
                Joachim Niehren   Complete Subhedge Projection for
                                  Stepwise Hedge Automata  . . . . . . . . 
                     Yu Lin and   
                 Yanhua Qiu and   
                   Hao Chen and   
                   Jun Zhou and   
                   Jiayi He and   
                 Penghua Du and   
                      Dafan Liu   Hierarchical Optimization Framework for
                                  Layout Design of Star--Tree
                                  Gas-Gathering Pipeline Network in
                                  Discrete Spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Qiang Li and   
                  Xiao Liao and   
                    Wei Cui and   
                  Ying Wang and   
                    Hui Cao and   
                   Qingshu Guan   Fast Minimum Error Entropy for Linear
                                  Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Mona G. Gafar and   
             Amr A. Abohany and   
          Ahmed E. Elkhouli and   
           Amr A. Abd El-Mageed   Optimization of Gene Selection for
                                  Cancer Classification in
                                  High-Dimensional Data Using an Improved
                                  African Vultures Algorithm . . . . . . . 
            Vladimir Modrak and   
Ranjitharamasamy Sudhakarapandian and   
      Arunmozhi Balamurugan and   
               Zuzana Soltysova   A Review on Reinforcement Learning in
                                  Production Scheduling: an Inferential
                                  Perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                 Kai Zhuang and   
                Daniel Trad and   
                    Amr Ibrahim   Inversion-Based Deblending in Common
                                  Midpoint Domain Using Time Domain
                                  High-Resolution Radon  . . . . . . . . . 
           Leonardo Lizcano and   
             Eduardo Angulo and   
     José Márquez   Precedence Table Construction Algorithm
                                  for CFGs Regardless of Being OPGs  . . . 
     Mohammed Azmi Al-Betar and   
Zaid Abdi Alkareem Alyasseri and   
       Noor Kamal Al-Qazzaz and   
     Sharif Naser Makhadmeh and   
           Nabeel Salih Ali and   
                Christoph Guger   EEG Channel Selection for Stroke Patient
                                  Rehabilitation Using BAT Optimizer . . . 
                 Yufei Shen and   
                   Wenxing Zhou   Classification and Regression of Pinhole
                                  Corrosions on Pipelines Based on
                                  Magnetic Flux Leakage Signals Using
                                  Convolutional Neural Networks  . . . . . 
       Luis Tarazona-Torres and   
                 Ciro Amaya and   
            Alvaro Paipilla and   
               Camilo Gomez and   
         David Alvarez-Martinez   The Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem
                                  with Different Speeds and Release Times
                                  in the Ore Hauling Operation . . . . . . 
               Sorin-Mihai Grad   Editorial for the Special Issue on
                                  Recent Advances in Nonsmooth
                                  Optimization and Analysis  . . . . . . . 
              Mattia Piazza and   
          Enrico Bertolazzi and   
                    Marco Frego   A Non-Smooth Numerical Optimization
                                  Approach to the Three-Point Dubins
                                  Problem (3PDP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Vasiliki Lazari and   
      Athanasios Chassiakos and   
             Stylianos Karatzas   Multi-Objective Resource-Constrained
                                  Scheduling in Large and Repetitive
                                  Construction Projects  . . . . . . . . . 
              Moncef Boujou and   
          Rabah Iguernaissi and   
               Lionel Nicod and   
               Djamal Merad and   
      Séverine Dubuisson   In-Depth Analysis of GAF-Net:
                                  Comparative Fusion Approaches in
                                  Video-Based Person Re-Identification . . 
                Seham Gamil and   
                  Feng Zeng and   
             Moath Alrifaey and   
              Muhammad Asim and   
                   Naveed Ahmad   An Efficient AdaBoost Algorithm for
                                  Enhancing Skin Cancer Detection and
                                  Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Bazargul Matkerim and   
         Aksultan Mukhanbet and   
         Nurislam Kassymbek and   
          Beimbet Daribayev and   
            Maksat Mustafin and   
                Timur Imankulov   Machine Learning Analysis Using the
                                  Black Oil Model and Parallel Algorithms
                                  in Oil Recovery Forecasting  . . . . . . 
Abbas Fadhil Jasim Al-Gburi and   
    Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri and   
    Mohd Ridzwan Bin Yaakub and   
   Zaid Abdi Alkareem Alyasseri   Multi-Objective Unsupervised Feature
                                  Selection and Cluster Based on Symbiotic
                                  Organism Search  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                   Stefan Bosse   A Virtual Machine Platform Providing
                                  Machine Learning as a Programmable and
                                  Distributed Service for IoT and Edge
                                  On-Device Computing: Architecture,
                                  Transformation, and Evaluation of
                                  Integer Discretization . . . . . . . . . 
             Vahid Hajipour and   
              Sajjad Jalali and   
Francisco Javier Santos-Arteaga and   
   Samira Vazifeh Noshafagh and   
               Debora Di Caprio   A System Design Perspective for Business
                                  Growth in a Crowdsourced Data Labeling
                                  Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Yingjuan Zhang and   
                 Jochen Einbeck   Directed Clustering of Multivariate Data
                                  Based on Linear or Quadratic Latent
                                  Variable Models  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Chuan-Min Lee   Exploring Clique Transversal Variants on
                                  Distance-Hereditary Graphs:
                                  Computational Insights and Algorithmic
                                  Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Matthias Noitz and   
       Christoph Mörtl and   
             Carl Böck and   
        Christoph Mahringer and   
          Ulrich Bodenhofer and   
      Martin W. Dünser and   
                     Jens Meier   Detection of Subtle ECG Changes Despite
                                  Superimposed Artifacts by Different
                                  Machine Learning Algorithms  . . . . . . 
             Igor Aizenberg and   
                Alexander Vasko   Frequency-Domain and Spatial-Domain
                                  MLMVN-Based Convolutional Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Musa Jaiteh and   
              Edith Phalane and   
       Yegnanew A. Shiferaw and   
           Karen Alida Voet and   
  Refilwe Nancy Phaswana-Mafuya   Utilization of Machine Learning
                                  Algorithms for the Strengthening of HIV
                                  Testing: a Systematic Review . . . . . . 
               Danilo Greco and   
            Majid Fasihiany and   
       Ali Varasteh Ranjbar and   
          Francesco Masulli and   
            Stefano Rovetta and   
                  Alberto Cabri   Computer Vision Algorithms on a
                                  Raspberry Pi 4 for Automated
                                  Depalletizing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Syed Atif Moqurrab and   
             Hari Mohan Rai and   
                       Joon Yoo   HRIDM: Hybrid Residual/Inception-Based
                                  Deeper Model for Arrhythmia Detection
                                  from Large Sets of 12-Lead ECG
                                  Recordings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Yuri Konstantinov and   
           Anton Krivosheev and   
                   Fedor Barkov   An Image Processing-Based Correlation
                                  Method for Improving the Characteristics
                                  of Brillouin Frequency Shift Extraction
                                  in Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors . . . 
           Alexander Khanov and   
      Anastasija Shulzhenko and   
      Anzhelika Voroshilova and   
          Alexander Zubarev and   
              Timur Karimov and   
                  Shakeeb Fahmi   Determining Thresholds for Optimal
                                  Adaptive Discrete Cosine Transformation  
                 Kelin Ding and   
                  Jiayi Luo and   
              Haohang Huang and   
               John M. Hart and   
         Issam I. A. Qamhia and   
                 Erol Tutumluer   Augmented Dataset for Vision-Based
                                  Analysis of Railroad Ballast via
                                  Multi-Dimensional Data Synthesis . . . . 
  Abdulrazaq Nafiu Abubakar and   
      Mustapha Kamel Khaldi and   
       Mujahed Aldhaifallah and   
           Rohit Patwardhan and   
                Hussain Salloum   Identification of Crude Distillation
                                  Unit: a Comparison between Neural
                                  Network and Koopman Operator . . . . . . 
             Teresa Alsinet and   
             Josep Argelich and   
  Ramón Béjar and   
          Santi Martínez   On the Complexity of the Bipartite
                                  Polarization Problem: From Neutral to
                                  Highly Polarized Discussions . . . . . . 
                  Zhenli He and   
                  Liheng Li and   
                   Ziqi Lin and   
                Yunyun Dong and   
              Jianglong Qin and   
                       Keqin Li   Joint Optimization of Service Migration
                                  and Resource Allocation in Mobile
                                  Edge--Cloud Computing  . . . . . . . . . 
           Tamer F. Abdelmaguid   Bi-Objective, Dynamic, Multiprocessor
                                  Open-Shop Scheduling: a Hybrid Scatter
                                  Search--Tabu Search Approach . . . . . . 
        Saeed Mohammadzadeh and   
          Hamidreza Heydari and   
               Mahdi Karimi and   
                 Araliya Mosleh   Correlation Analysis of Railway Track
                                  Alignment and Ballast Stiffness:
                                  Comparing Frequency-Based and Machine
                                  Learning Algorithms  . . . . . . . . . . 
               Victor Kowalenko   Algorithms for Various Trigonometric
                                  Power Sums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Ching-Shoei Chiang   Extended General Malfatti's Problem  . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 17, Number 9, September, 2024

       Hemin Sardar Abdulla and   
              Azad A. Ameen and   
       Sarwar Ibrahim Saeed and   
      Ismail Asaad Mohammed and   
                Tarik A. Rashid   MRSO: Balancing Exploration and
                                  Exploitation through Modified Rat Swarm
                                  Optimization for Global Optimization . . 
     Ahlam Hanoon Al-sudani and   
        Basheera M. Mahmmod and   
             Firas A. Sabir and   
      Sadiq H. Abdulhussain and   
          Muntadher Alsabah and   
          Wameedh Nazar Flayyih   Multithreading-Based Algorithm for
                                  High-Performance Tchebichef Polynomials
                                  with Higher Orders . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Qusay Alhamd and   
              Mohsen Saniei and   
Seyyed Ghodratollah Seifossadat and   
                Elaheh Mashhour   Advanced Fault Detection in Power
                                  Transformers Using Improved Wavelet
                                  Analysis and LSTM Networks Considering
                                  Current Transformer Saturation and
                                  Uncertainties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Sayed Mehedi Azim and   
    Aravind Balasubramanyam and   
        Sheikh Rabiul Islam and   
                 Jinglin Fu and   
                  Iman Dehzangi   Explainable Machine Learning Model to
                                  Accurately Predict Protein-Binding
                                  Peptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Stefano Berrone and   
                 Moreno Pintore   Meshfree Variational-Physics-Informed
                                  Neural Networks (MF-VPINN): an Adaptive
                                  Training Strategy  . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Muhammad Binsawad and   
                     Bilal Khan   Advanced Detection of Abnormal ECG
                                  Patterns Using an Optimized LADTree
                                  Model with Enhanced Predictive Feature:
                                  Potential Application in CKD . . . . . . 
                  Xueyi Cai and   
                    Youhua Qian   Detection and Reconstruction of Bursting
                                  Oscillations in Complex Systems Using
                                  the HAVOK Analysis Framework . . . . . . 
            Manuel I. Capel and   
   Alberto Salguero-Hidalgo and   
        Juan A. Holgado-Terriza   Parallel PSO for Efficient Neural
                                  Network Training Using GPGPU and Apache
                                  Spark in Edge Computing Sets . . . . . . 
       Massimiliano Caramia and   
                Giuseppe Stecca   An Improved Negotiation-Based Approach
                                  for Collecting and Sorting Operations in
                                  Waste Management and Recycling . . . . . 
               Mia Carapina and   
          Ognjen Stanici\'c and   
                Ivica Dodig and   
                   Davor Cafuta   A Comparative Study of Maze Generation
                                  Algorithms in a Game-Based Mobile
                                  Learning Application for Learning Basic
                                  Programming Concepts . . . . . . . . . . 
       Vasileios Charilogis and   
         Ioannis G. Tsoulos and   
              Anna Maria Gianni   Combining Parallel Stochastic Methods
                                  and Mixed Termination Rules in
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Jong-Chen Chen and   
                  Yin-Zhen Chen   Integrating Eye Movement, Finger
                                  Pressure, and Foot Pressure Information
                                  to Build an Intelligent Driving Fatigue
                                  Detection System . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Juan Chen and   
                      Rui Huang   Multi-Source Data-Driven Local-Global
                                  Dynamic Multi-Graph Convolutional
                                  Network for Bike-Sharing Demands
                                  Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Faranak Dayyani and   
            Charlene H. Chu and   
                  Ali Abedi and   
                Shehroz S. Khan   Correlations between Social Isolation
                                  and Functional Decline in Older Adults
                                  after Lower Limb Fractures Using
                                  Multimodal Sensors: a Pilot Study  . . . 
             Camelia Delcea and   
                 Ionut Nica and   
             Stefan Ionescu and   
                Bianca Cibu and   
                 Horatiu Tibrea   Mapping the Frontier: a Bibliometric
                                  Analysis of Artificial Intelligence
                                  Applications in Local and Regional
                                  Studies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Hussam N. Fakhouri and   
    Ahmad Sami Al-Shamayleh and   
        Abdelraouf Ishtaiwi and   
     Sharif Naser Makhadmeh and   
          Sandi N. Fakhouri and   
                    Faten Hamad   Hybrid Four Vector Intelligent
                                  Metaheuristic with Differential
                                  Evolution for Structural
                                  Single-Objective Engineering
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Evgeny R. Gafarov and   
                   Frank Werner   Connected and Autonomous Vehicle
                                  Scheduling Problems: Some Models and
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Daya Gaur and   
           Shahadat Hossain and   
             Rishi Ranjan Singh   Star Bicolouring of Bipartite Graphs . . 
            Nina Golyandina and   
                Nikita Zvonarev   Information Criteria for Signal
                                  Extraction Using Singular Spectrum
                                  Analysis: White and Red Noise  . . . . . 
László Gyarmati and   
Csaba Mihálykó and   
Éva Orbán-Mihálykó   Algorithm for Option Number Selection in
                                  Stochastic Paired Comparison Models  . . 
      Kristina I. Haljasmaa and   
            Andrey M. Bramm and   
          Pavel V. Matrenin and   
         Stanislav A. Eroshenko   Weather Condition Clustering for
                                  Improvement of Photovoltaic Power Plant
                                  Generation Forecasting Accuracy  . . . . 
                   Yuxin He and   
                 Ping Huang and   
               Weihang Hong and   
                    Qin Luo and   
                 Lishuai Li and   
                Kwok-Leung Tsui   In-Depth Insights into the Application
                                  of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in
                                  Traffic Prediction: a Comprehensive
                                  Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
           Sofia Iliopoulou and   
       Panagiotis Tsinganos and   
        Dimitris Ampeliotis and   
            Athanassios Skodras   Synthetic Face Discrimination via
                                  Learned Image Compression  . . . . . . . 
                 Igor Kabashkin   Algorithms of Cross-Domain Redundancy
                                  Management for Resilient of
                                  Dual-Priority Critical Communication
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Juri D. Kandilarov and   
                Lubin G. Vulkov   Numerical Algorithms for Identification
                                  of Convection Coefficient and Source in
                                  a Magnetohydrodynamics Flow  . . . . . . 
                 Peyman Kor and   
         Reidar B. Bratvold and   
                     Aojie Hong   Is Reinforcement Learning Good at
                                  American Option Valuation? . . . . . . . 
 Arockia David Roy Kulandai and   
                 Thomas Schwarz   Performance of Linear and Spiral Hashing
                                  Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Gilles Labonté   An Algorithm to Find the Shortest Path
                                  through Obstacles of Arbitrary Shapes
                                  and Positions in 2D  . . . . . . . . . . 
           Francesco Maione and   
                 Paolo Lino and   
               Guido Maione and   
              Giuseppe Giannino   A Machine Learning Framework for
                                  Condition-Based Maintenance of Marine
                                  Diesel Engines: a Case Study . . . . . . 
     Dulyawat Manawongsakul and   
                Karn Patanukhom   A Segmentation-Based Automated Corneal
                                  Ulcer Grading System for Ocular Staining
                                  Images Using Deep Learning and Hough
                                  Circle Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Miguel A. Naranjo and   
              Luis A. Fletscher   Review Quantum Circuit Synthesis for
                                  Grover's Algorithm Oracle  . . . . . . . 
             Soufiyan Ouali and   
               Said El Garouani   Efficient and Robust Arabic Automotive
                                  Speech Command Recognition System  . . . 
     Vasso E. Papadimitriou and   
      Georgios N. Aretoulis and   
            Jason Papathanasiou   Radial Basis Function (RBF) and
                                  Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) Comparative
                                  Analysis on Building Renovation Cost
                                  Estimation: The Case of Greece . . . . . 
     Juliana Quintana-Rojas and   
  Rafael Amaya-Gómez and   
              Nicolas Ratkovich   Compatibility Model between Encapsulant
                                  Compounds and Antioxidants by the
                                  Implementation of Machine Learning . . . 
              M. N. Radhika and   
           Mahendra Mallick and   
                  Xiaoqing Tian   IMM Filtering Algorithms for a Highly
                                  Maneuvering Fighter Aircraft: an
                                  Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Noor A. Rashed and   
              Yossra H. Ali and   
                Tarik A. Rashid   Advancements in Optimization: Critical
                                  Analysis of Evolutionary, Swarm, and
                                  Behavior-Based Algorithms  . . . . . . . 
    MohammadHossein Reshadi and   
                     Wen Li and   
                  Wenjie Xu and   
           Precious Omashor and   
                Albert Dinh and   
                   Jun Xiao and   
                 Scott Dick and   
                Yuntong She and   
                Michael Lipsett   Correction: Reshadi et al. Deep-Shallow
                                  Metaclassifier with Synthetic Minority
                                  Oversampling for Anomaly Detection in a
                                  Time Series. Algorithms 2024, 17, 114    
            Christian Reyes and   
Julio C. Ramos-Fernández and   
        Eduardo S. Espinoza and   
                 Rogelio Lozano   Fuzzy Modelling Algorithms and Parallel
                                  Distributed Compensation for Coupled
                                  Electromechanical Systems  . . . . . . . 
        Virginia Sandulescu and   
        Marilena Ianculescu and   
           Liudmila Valeanu and   
              Adriana Alexandru   Integrating IoMT and AI for Proactive
                                  Healthcare: Predictive Models and
                                  Emotion Detection in Neurodegenerative
                                  Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Sandip Shingade and   
             Rajdeep Niyogi and   
                 Mayuri Pichare   Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization-Jaya
                                  Algorithm for Team Formation . . . . . . 
                 Owen Tamin and   
     Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim   Cubic $q$-Bézier Triangular Patch for
                                  Scattered Data Interpolation and Its
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Nariman Torkzaban and   
           Anousheh Gholami and   
              John S. Baras and   
                Bruce L. Golden   AASA: a Priori Adaptive Splitting
                                  Algorithm for the Split Delivery Vehicle
                                  Routing Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Yu-Ting Tsai and   
              Jin-Shyan Lee and   
                 Chien-Yu Huang   Research on Applying Deep Learning to
                                  Visual-Motor Integration Assessment
                                  Systems in Pediatric Rehabilitation
                                  Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Andres Viveros and   
               Pablo Adasme and   
    Ali Dehghan Firoozabadi and   
               Enrique San Juan   Minimizing the Density of
                                  Switch-Controller Latencies over Total
                                  Latency for Software-Defined Networks    
           Quinty Walschots and   
              Milan Zarchev and   
              Maurits Unkel and   
               Astrid Kamperman   Using Wearable Technology to Detect,
                                  Monitor, and Predict Major Depressive
                                  Disorder --- a Scoping Review and
                                  Introductory Text for Clinical
                                  Professionals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Dongming Wang and   
                    Xing Xu and   
                 Xuewen Xia and   
                     Heming Jia   Interactive 3D Vase Design Based on
                                  Gradient Boosting Decision Trees . . . . 
                  Tongyu Wu and   
                  Minjie Li and   
                 Shuangjiao Lin   Vulnerability Analysis of a Multilayer
                                  Logistics Network against Cascading
                                  Failure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Chunfu Zhang and   
                   Jing Bai and   
              Yanchun Liang and   
            Adriano Tavares and   
                Lidong Wang and   
                Tiago Gomes and   
                   Sandro Pinto   An Improved Multi-Chaotic Public Key
                                  Algorithm Based on Chebyshev Polynomials 
              Kuansheng Zou and   
                   Yue Wang and   
                 Baowei Liu and   
                  Zhaojun Zhang   Load Frequency Optimal Active
                                  Disturbance Rejection Control of Hybrid
                                  Power System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 17, Number 10, October, 2024

               Behzad Amiri and   
Ashkan Jahanbani Ghahfarokhi and   
                 Vera Rocca and   
          Cuthbert Shang Wui Ng   Optimization of Offshore Saline Aquifer
                                  CO$_2$ Storage in Smeaheia Using
                                  Surrogate Reservoir Models . . . . . . . ??
       Muhammad Shoaib Arif and   
            Ateeq Ur Rehman and   
                   Daniyal Asif   Explainable Machine Learning Model for
                                  Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction  . . . ??
                Pegah Azami and   
                 Kalpdrum Passi   Detecting Fake Accounts on Instagram
                                  Using Machine Learning and Hybrid
                                  Optimization Algorithms  . . . . . . . . ??
José Antonio Cárdenas-Haro and   
              Mohamed Salem and   
Abraham N. Aldaco-Gastélum and   
Roberto López-Avitia and   
                 Maurice Dawson   Enhancing Security in Social Networks
                                  through Machine Learning: Detecting and
                                  Mitigating Sybil Attacks with
                                  SybilSocNet  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Liyuan Chen and   
                Avanka Lowe and   
                      Jing Wang   Early Detection of Residual/Recurrent
                                  Lung Malignancies on Post-Radiation FDG
                                  PET/CT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Xining Cui and   
               Kaidong Yang and   
              Xiaoqing Wang and   
                      Peng Duan   An Improved Iterated Greedy Algorithm
                                  for Solving Collaborative Helicopter
                                  Rescue Routing Problem with Time Window
                                  and Limited Survival Time  . . . . . . . ??
          Deepali Goyal Dev and   
               Vishal Bhatnagar   Hybrid RFSVM: Hybridization of SVM and
                                  Random Forest Models for Detection of
                                  Fake News  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Hanane Dihmani and   
      Abdelmajid Bousselham and   
                 Omar Bouattane   A New Computer-Aided Diagnosis System
                                  for Breast Cancer Detection from
                                  Thermograms Using Metaheuristic
                                  Algorithms and Explainable AI  . . . . . ??
Sebastián Dormido-Canto and   
     Joaquín Rohland and   
 Matías López and   
             Gonzalo Garcia and   
           Ernesto Fabregas and   
                 Gonzalo Farias   Enhancing Photovoltaic Power Predictions
                                  with Deep Physical Chain Model . . . . . ??
           Markus Eisenbach and   
           Andreas Gebhardt and   
             Dustin Aganian and   
            Horst-Michael Gross   Improving Re-Identification by
                                  Estimating and Utilizing Diverse
                                  Uncertainty Types for Embeddings . . . . ??
        Dinis Falcão and   
             Francisco Reis and   
        José Farinha and   
                Nuno Lavado and   
                  Mateus Mendes   Fault Detection in Industrial Equipment
                                  through Analysis of Time Series
                                  Stationarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Yumin He and   
           Alexandre Dolgui and   
                   Milton Smith   An Algorithm for Part Input Sequencing
                                  of Flexible Manufacturing Systems with
                                  Machine Disruption . . . . . . . . . . . ??
   Jesus Hernandez-Barragan and   
     Josue Plascencia-Lopez and   
        Michel Lopez-Franco and   
         Nancy Arana-Daniel and   
            Carlos Lopez-Franco   Inverse Kinematics of Robotic
                                  Manipulators Based on Hybrid
                                  Differential Evolution and Jacobian
                                  Pseudoinverse Approach . . . . . . . . . ??
              Jianyun Huang and   
                Qiuwei Yang and   
                Hongfei Cao and   
                       Jiwei Ma   Structural Reliability Analysis Using
                                  Stochastic Finite Element Method Based
                                  on Krylov Subspace . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Harry Hoa Huynh and   
                 Cheol-Hong Min   Rotating Machinery Fault Detection Using
                                  Support Vector Machine via Feature
                                  Ranking  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Muhammad Nauman Irshad and   
            Imran Ali Khoso and   
     Muhammad Muzamil Aslam and   
          Rardchawadee Silapunt   Optimized Accelerated Over-Relaxation
                                  Method for Robust Signal Detection: a
                                  Metaheuristic Approach . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Anuj Jain and   
                   Sartaj Sahni   Polynomial Time Algorithm for Shortest
                                  Paths in Interval Temporal Graphs  . . . ??
            Rim Ben Jelloun and   
              Khalid Jebari and   
          Abdelaziz El Moujahid   Open Competency Optimization: a
                                  Human-Inspired Optimizer for the Dynamic
                                  Vehicle-Routing Problem  . . . . . . . . ??
                 Yanli Jiao and   
                Xiaoyue Zhu and   
                  Xinkai Ji and   
                 Long Zhang and   
                      Zhibin Li   Empirical Studies on Merging
                                  Characteristics in Temporary Highway
                                  Work Zones with Different Traffic States
                                  and Layouts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Shreya Kshirasagar and   
              Andre Guntoro and   
                 Christian Mayr   Impact of Sliding Window Variation and
                                  Neuronal Time Constants on Acoustic
                                  Anomaly Detection Using Recurrent
                                  Spiking Neural Networks in Automotive
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Andrea Lastrucci and   
            Antonia Pirrera and   
             Graziano Lepri and   
              Daniele Giansanti   Algorethics in Healthcare: Balancing
                                  Innovation and Integrity in AI
                                  Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Nasir Mahmood and   
       Sohail Masood Bhatti and   
             Hussain Dawood and   
       Manas Ranjan Pradhan and   
                   Haseeb Ahmad   Measuring Student Engagement through
                                  Behavioral and Emotional Features Using
                                  Deep-Learning Models . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Svetozar Margenov and   
               Dimitar Slavchev   Performance Analysis and Parallel
                                  Scalability of Numerical Methods for
                                  Fractional-in-Space Diffusion Problems
                                  with Adaptive Time Stepping  . . . . . . ??
             Gheorghe Maria and   
               Daniela Gheorghe   In Silico Optimization of a Fed-Batch
                                  Bioreactor for Tryptophan Production
                                  Using a Structured Hybrid Model and
                                  Several Algorithms Including a
                                  Pareto-Optimal Front . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Yves Matanga and   
               Pius Owolawi and   
                Chunling Du and   
                Etienne van Wyk   Niching Global Optimisation: Systematic
                                  Literature Review  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Chiva Mayouf and   
                Ahmed Salhi and   
              Fanta Haidara and   
         Fatima Zahra Aroua and   
        Ragab A. El-Sehiemy and   
               Djemai Naimi and   
                Chouaib Aya and   
       Cheikh Sidi Ethmane Kane   Solving Optimal Power Flow Using New
                                  Efficient Hybrid Jellyfish Search and
                                  Moth Flame Optimization Algorithms . . . ??
                  Miklos Molnar   Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning
                                  Hierarchies in Graphs  . . . . . . . . . ??
              Pablo Moscato and   
                  Andrew Ciezak   A New Approximation for the Perimeter of
                                  an Ellipse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Xiaoying Nie and   
              Chunqing Zhou and   
                  Zhaoxi Yu and   
                      Gang Yang   Realistic Simulation of Dissolution
                                  Process on Rock Surface  . . . . . . . . ??
                Ugonna Oleh and   
          Roman Obermaisser and   
               Abu Shad Ahammed   A Review of Recent Techniques for Human
                                  Activity Recognition: Multimodality,
                                  Reinforcement Learning, and Language
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          David S. Pellicer and   
          Emilio Larrodé   Theoretical Study of the Wear of a
                                  Reduced-Diameter Wheel for Freight
                                  Wagons, Based on Its Diameter  . . . . . ??
              Tan-Hanh Pham and   
             Godwyll Aikins and   
                 Tri Truong and   
               Kim-Doang Nguyen   Adaptive Compensation for Robotic Joint
                                  Failures Using Partially Observable
                                  Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . . . ??
              Changming Qin and   
                Zhiwen Wang and   
              Linghui Zhang and   
               Qichang Peng and   
                Guixing Lin and   
                     Guanlin Lu   Pedestrian Re-Identification Based on
                                  Weakly Supervised Multi-Feature Fusion   ??
                Robert Renz and   
                  Albert Albers   Multi-Material Topology Optimization on
                                  Separate Tetrahedral Meshes with
                                  Explicit Design Resolution by Means of
                                  Remeshing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
   Reza Khoshkbary Rezayiye and   
  Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo and   
                Xavier Maldague   Methods for Corrosion Detection in Pipes
                                  Using Thermography: a Case Study on
                                  Synthetic Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Marwa Saad and   
              Wesam Almasri and   
               Tanvirul Hye and   
              Monzurul Roni and   
            Changiz Mohiyeddini   Analysis of ChatGPT-3.5's Potential in
                                  Generating NBME-Standard Pharmacology
                                  Questions: What Can Be Improved? . . . . ??
             Rohit Salgotra and   
           Harmanjeet Singh and   
              Gurpreet Kaur and   
              Supreet Singh and   
               Pratap Singh and   
                 Szymon Lukasik   A Novel Approach to Predict the Asian
                                  Exchange Stock Market Index Using
                                  Artificial Intelligence  . . . . . . . . ??
                   Vitor Santos   Analytical Solution for the Problem of
                                  Point Location in Arbitrary Planar
                                  Domains  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
 Juan Carlos Seck-Tuoh-Mora and   
   Ulises Hernandez-Hurtado and   
Joselito Medina-Marín and   
Norberto Hernández-Romero and   
Liliana Lizárraga-Mendiola   Multi-Objective Majority-Minority
                                  Cellular Automata Algorithm for Global
                                  and Engineering Design Optimization  . . ??
          Yamama A. Shafeek and   
                   Hazem I. Ali   Application of Particle Swarm
                                  Optimization to a Hybrid $ H_\infty
                                  $/Sliding Mode Controller Design for the
                                  Triple Inverted Pendulum System  . . . . ??
         Alina I. Stepanova and   
    Alexandra I. Khalyasmaa and   
          Pavel V. Matrenin and   
         Stanislav A. Eroshenko   Application of SHAP and Multi-Agent
                                  Approach for Short-Term Forecast of
                                  Power Consumption of Gas Industry
                                  Enterprises  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Ioannis G. Tsoulos and   
       Vasileios Charilogis and   
       Dimitrios Tsalikakis and   
             Alexandros Tzallas   Improving the Generalization Abilities
                                  of Constructed Neural Networks with the
                                  Addition of Local Optimization
                                  Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Ioannis G. Tsoulos and   
       Vasileios Charilogis and   
           Dimitrios Tsalikakis   Local Crossover: a New Genetic Operator
                                  for Grammatical Evolution  . . . . . . . ??
            Isla Usvakangas and   
             Ronja Tuovinen and   
        Pekka Neittaanmäki   The Current State and Future of the
                                  Urban Cold Chain: a Review of Algorithms
                                  for Environmental Optimization . . . . . ??
          Olga A. Zagubnaya and   
         Yaroslav R. Nartsissov   An Algorithm for Creating a Synaptic
                                  Cleft Digital Phantom Suitable for
                                  Further Numerical Modeling . . . . . . . ??
                  Duo Zheng and   
                   Keren Li and   
                       Jie Yang   Response-Aided Score-Matching
                                  Representative Approaches for Big Data
                                  Analysis and Model Selection under
                                  Generalized Linear Models  . . . . . . . ??
               Jianmin Zhou and   
                 Jian Huang and   
                 Jikang Liu and   
                     Jingbo Liu   Improved U2Net-Based Surface Defect
                                  Detection Method for Blister Tablets . . ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 17, Number 11, November, 2024

             Hani Almaqtari and   
                  Feng Zeng and   
                 Ammar Mohammed   Enhancing Arabic Sentiment Analysis of
                                  Consumer Reviews: Machine Learning and
                                  Deep Learning Methods Based on NLP . . . ??
         Moch. Fandi Ansori and   
      Kuntjoro Adji Sidarto and   
           Novriana Sumarti and   
                    Iman Gunadi   On the Estimation of Logistic Models
                                  with Banking Data Using Particle Swarm
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Jalal Jabbar Bairooz and   
                Farhad Mardukhi   An Innovative Enhanced JAYA Algorithm
                                  for the Optimization of Continuous and
                                  Discrete Problems  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Miguel Beltrán-Escobar and   
   Teresa E. Alarcón and   
     Jesse Y. Rumbo-Morales and   
         Sonia López and   
       Gerardo Ortiz-Torres and   
Felipe D. J. Sorcia-Vázquez   A Review on Resource-Constrained
                                  Embedded Vision Systems-Based Tiny
                                  Machine Learning for Robotic
                                  Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Shi Bo and   
                   Minheng Xiao   Root Cause Attribution of Delivery Risks
                                  via Causal Discovery with Reinforcement
                                  Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Gabriel Farias Cacao and   
                Dongping Du and   
                   Nandini Nair   Unsupervised Image Segmentation on 2D
                                  Echocardiogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Subir. K. Chakrabarti and   
                Jianan Chen and   
                         Qin Hu   Stationary Markov Equilibrium Strategies
                                  in Asynchronous Stochastic Games:
                                  Existence and Computation  . . . . . . . ??
                   Kun Chen and   
                   Gang Liu and   
               Genshen Chen and   
             Zhengping Weng and   
                      Qiyu Chen   GLMI: an Efficient Spatiotemporal Index
                                  Leveraging Geohash and Piecewise Linear
                                  Models for Optimized Query Performance   ??
José Pedro Gomes da Cruz and   
        Matthias Winkenbach and   
Hugo Tsugunobu Yoshida Yoshizaki   Local Search Heuristic for the
                                  Two-Echelon Capacitated Vehicle Routing
                                  Problem in Educational Decision Support
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Xin Du and   
                     Jun Qi and   
                  Jiyi Kang and   
                Zezhong Sun and   
               Chunxin Wang and   
                        Jun Xie   Partial Discharge Data Augmentation and
                                  Pattern Recognition Method Based on
                                  DAE-GAN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Alexander Dudin and   
               Sergei Dudin and   
             Agassi Melikov and   
                    Olga Dudina   Framework for Analysis of Queueing
                                  Systems with Correlated Arrival
                                  Processes and Simultaneous Service of a
                                  Restricted Number of Customers in
                                  Scenarios with an Infinite Buffer and
                                  Retrials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Mehmet Erdogan and   
                  Mustafa Dogan   Enhanced Curvature-Based Fabric Defect
                                  Detection: a Experimental Study with
                                  Gabor Transform and Deep Learning  . . . ??
   Luiz Paulo Fávero and   
        Helder Prado Santos and   
   Patrícia Belfiore and   
           Alexandre Duarte and   
Igor Pinheiro de Araújo Costa and   
    Adilson Vilarinho Terra and   
Miguel Ângelo Lellis Moreira and   
     Wilson Tarantin Junior and   
              Marcos dos Santos   A Proposal for a New Python Library
                                  Implementing Stepwise Procedure  . . . . ??
   Aurél Galántai   The Nelder--Mead Simplex Algorithm Is
                                  Sixty Years Old: New Convergence Results
                                  and Open Questions . . . . . . . . . . . 1--21
         Eduardo A. Gerlein and   
  Francisco Calderón and   
 Martha Zequera-Díaz and   
                  Roozbeh Naemi   Can the Plantar Pressure and Temperature
                                  Data Trend Show the Presence of
                                  Diabetes? A Comparative Study of a
                                  Variety of Machine Learning Techniques   ??
              Pierre Gouton and   
      Kacoutchy Jean Ayikpa and   
                 Diarra Mamadou   Estimating the Spectral Response of
                                  Eight-Band MSFA One-Shot Cameras Using
                                  Deep Learning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Juliette Grosset and   
              Ouzna Oukacha and   
Alain-Jérôme Foug\`eres and   
       Mo\"\ise Djoko-Kouam and   
              Jean-Marie Bonnin   Fuzzy Multi-Agent Simulation for
                                  Collective Energy Management of
                                  Autonomous Industrial Vehicle Fleets . . ??
                 Mengjie He and   
                Yujie Zhang and   
                     Yi Liu and   
                  Yang Shen and   
                        Chao Mi   Automated Evaluation Method for Risk
                                  Behaviors of Quay Crane Operators at
                                  Ports Using Virtual Reality  . . . . . . ??
                   Peng Hui and   
             Jiamuyang Zhao and   
                Changxin Li and   
                   Qingzhen Zhu   Quotient Network --- a Network Similar
                                  to ResNet but Learning Quotients . . . . ??
        Eloghosa Ikponmwoba and   
               Opeoluwa Owoyele   Deephive: a Reinforcement Learning
                                  Approach for Automated Discovery of
                                  Swarm-Based Optimization Policies  . . . ??
                 Igor Kabashkin   NFT-Based Framework for Digital Twin
                                  Management in Aviation Component
                                  Lifecycle Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Aruzhan Kadyrzhan and   
              Akhat Bakirov and   
            Dina Shaltykova and   
             Ibragim Suleimenov   Application of the Algebraic Extension
                                  Method to the Construction of Orthogonal
                                  Bases for Partial Digital Convolutions   ??
              Stiliyan Kalitzin   Topological Reinforcement Adaptive
                                  Algorithm (TOREADA) Application to the
                                  Alerting of Convulsive Seizures and
                                  Validation with Monte Carlo Numerical
                                  Simulations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Ioannis Karampinis and   
         Georgios Souliotis and   
         Basil Papadopoulos and   
           Athanasios Karabinis   An Algorithm for Producing Fuzzy
                                  Implications via Conical Sections  . . . ??
               Rayan Khalil and   
   Guilherme Vieira Hollweg and   
             Akhtar Hussain and   
                 Wencong Su and   
                    Van-Hai Bui   Assessment of Solar Energy Generation
                                  Toward Net-Zero Energy Buildings . . . . ??
         Lukasz Knypi\'nski and   
         Ramesh Devarapalli and   
              Marcin Kami\'nski   Metaheuristic Algorithms in Optimal
                                  Design of Engineering Problems . . . . . ??
             Takeshi Kojima and   
           Yusaku Yamaguchi and   
        Omar M. Abou Al-Ola and   
              Tetsuya Yoshinaga   Optimizing Parameters for Enhanced
                                  Iterative Image Reconstruction Using
                                  Extended Power Divergence  . . . . . . . ??
     Bhargavi Krishnamurthy and   
                Sajjan G. Shiva   Indetermsoft-Set-Based $ D* $ Extra Lite
                                  Framework for Resource Provisioning in
                                  Cloud Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Eugene Levner and   
             Dmitry Tsadikovich   Fast Algorithm for Cyber-Attack
                                  Estimation and Attack Path Extraction
                                  Using Attack Graphs with AND/OR Nodes    ??
             Regina Lionnie and   
              Julpri Andika and   
                Mudrik Alaydrus   A New Approach to Recognize Faces Amidst
                                  Challenges: Fusion Between the Opposite
                                  Frequencies of the Multi-Resolution
                                  Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Jiaqi Liu and   
                Ziyang Wang and   
               HaiYing Wang and   
             Nalini Ravishanker   Subsampling Algorithms for Irregularly
                                  Spaced Autoregressive Models . . . . . . ??
                   Aiguo Lu and   
                  Pandi Liu and   
                   Jie Yang and   
                     Zhe Li and   
                        Ke Wang   Tailhook Recognition for Carrier-Based
                                  Aircraft Based on YOLO with Bi-Level
                                  Routing Attention  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Simone A. Ludwig and   
             Jamil Al-Sawwa and   
       Aaron Mackenzie Misquith   Parallelization of the Bison Algorithm
                                  Applied to Data Classification . . . . . ??
               Rhea Machado and   
   Reshen Soorinarain Dodhy and   
             Atharve Sehgal and   
              Kate Rattigan and   
             Aparna Lalwani and   
                David Waynforth   A Machine Learning Approach to
                                  Identifying Risk Factors for Long
                                  COVID-19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Justina Mandravickaite and   
              Egle Rimkiene and   
    Danguole Kotryna Kapkan and   
     Danguole Kalinauskaite and   
              Tomas Krilavicius   Automatic Simplification of Lithuanian
                                  Administrative Texts . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Eulalia Martínez and   
                 Arleen Ledesma   Local Convergence Study for an Iterative
                                  Scheme with a High Order of Convergence  ??
               Gerardo Meza and   
               Deepak Ganta and   
         Sergio Gonzalez Torres   Deep Learning Approach for Arm Fracture
                                  Detection Based on an Improved YOLOv8
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Amalia Moutsopoulou and   
            Markos Petousis and   
   Georgios E. Stavroulakis and   
       Anastasios Pouliezos and   
              Nectarios Vidakis   Novelty in Intelligent Controlled
                                  Oscillations in Smart Structures . . . . ??
                Pablo Neirz and   
             Hector Allende and   
              Carolina Saavedra   Attribute Relevance Score: a Novel
                                  Measure for Identifying Attribute
                                  Importance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Oludolapo Akanni Olanrewaju and   
 Fabio Luiz Peres Krykhtine and   
              Felix Mora-Camino   Minimum-Energy Scheduling of Flexible
                                  Job-Shop Through Optimization and
                                  Comprehensive Heuristic  . . . . . . . . ??
               Manjog Padhy and   
      Umar Muhammad Modibbo and   
            Rasmita Rautray and   
 Subhranshu Sekhar Tripathy and   
                 Sujit Bebortta   Application of Machine Learning
                                  Techniques to Classify Twitter
                                  Sentiments Using Vectorization
                                  Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Gianfranco Parlangeli   Data-Driven Formation Control for
                                  Multi-Vehicle Systems Induced by Leader
                                  Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
János D. Pintér and   
           Ignacio Castillo and   
                Frank J. Kampas   Nonlinear Optimization and Adaptive
                                  Heuristics for Solving Irregular Object
                                  Packing Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Arnak Poghosyan and   
           Lusine Poghosyan and   
           Rafayel Barkhudaryan   On an Exact Convergence of
                                  Quasi-Periodic Interpolations for the
                                  Polyharmonic-Neumann Eigenfunctions  . . ??
      Moises Ramos-Martinez and   
Felipe D. J. Sorcia-Vázquez and   
       Gerardo Ortiz-Torres and   
Mario Martínez García and   
     Mayra G. Mena-Enriquez and   
    Estela Sarmiento-Bustos and   
Juan Carlos Mixteco-Sánchez and   
Erasmo Misael Rentería-Vargas and   
Jesús E. Valdez-Resendiz and   
        Jesse Yoe Rumbo-Morales   Sleep Apnea Classification Using the
                                  Mean Euler--Poincaré Characteristic and
                                  AI Techniques  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Diego Renza and   
         Ernesto Moya-Albor and   
                Adrian Chavarro   Adversarial Validation in Image
                                  Classification Datasets by Means of
                                  Cumulative Spectral Gradient . . . . . . ??
      Prabhath Samarathunga and   
             Hossein Rezaei and   
      Maheshi Lokumarambage and   
         Thushan Sivalingam and   
          Nandana Rajatheva and   
                  Anil Fernando   An Autoencoder-Based Task-Oriented
                                  Semantic Communication System for M2M
                                  Communication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Alejandro Sanz-Sanchez and   
 Francisco B. García and   
        Pablo Mesas-Lafarga and   
         Joan Prats-Climent and   
María José Rodríguez-Álvarez   PIPET: a Pipeline to Generate PET
                                  Phantom Datasets for Reconstruction
                                  Based on Convolutional Neural Network
                                  Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Mohamed Shili and   
               Osama Sohaib and   
                  Salah Hammedi   You Only Look Once Version 5 and Deep
                                  Simple Online and Real-Time Tracking
                                  Algorithms for Real-Time Customer
                                  Behavior Tracking and Retail
                                  Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Zoran Sverko and   
            Sasa Vlahini\'c and   
                   Peter Rogelj   A Framework for Evaluating Dynamic
                                  Directed Brain Connectivity Estimation
                                  Methods Using Synthetic EEG Signal
                                  Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Matthew Kit Khinn Teng and   
                Haibo Zhang and   
                 Takeshi Saitoh   LGNMNet-RF: Micro-Expression Detection
                                  Using Motion History Images  . . . . . . ??
            Ming-Chang Tsai and   
               Scott Thomas and   
                  Marc Klimstra   Exponential Functions Permit Estimation
                                  of Anaerobic Work Capacity and Critical
                                  Power from Less than 2 Min All-Out Test  ??
  Balendu Bhooshan Upadhyay and   
        Shubham Kumar Singh and   
      I. M. Stancu-Minasian and   
   Andreea Madalina Rusu-Stancu   Robust Optimality and Duality for
                                  Nonsmooth Multiobjective Programming
                                  Problems with Vanishing Constraints
                                  Under Data Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . ??
              Tahereh Vasei and   
             Harshil Gediya and   
               Maryam Ravan and   
     Anand Santhanakrishnan and   
                David Mayor and   
                  Tony Steffert   Investigating Brain Responses to
                                  Transcutaneous Electroacupuncture
                                  Stimulation: a Deep Learning Approach    ??
                 Qingbo Wei and   
              Nanfeng Zhang and   
                   Yuan Gao and   
                 Cheng Chen and   
                    Li Wang and   
                  Jingfeng Yang   Bus Network Adjustment Pre-Evaluation
                                  Based on Biometric Recognition and
                                  Travel Spatio-Temporal Deduction . . . . ??
              Liangcheng Wu and   
                    Kai Lin and   
                 Xiaoyu Lin and   
                       Juan Lin   List-Based Threshold Accepting Algorithm
                                  with Improved Neighbor Operator for
                                  $0$--$1$ Knapsack Problem  . . . . . . . ??
               Minheng Xiao and   
                         Shi Bo   Electroencephalogram Emotion Recognition
                                  via AUC Maximization . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Cong Xu and   
                    Ravi Sankar   A Comprehensive Review of Autonomous
                                  Driving Algorithms: Tackling Adverse
                                  Weather Conditions, Unpredictable
                                  Traffic Violations, Blind Spot
                                  Monitoring, and Emergency Maneuvers  . . ??
                  Wentao Xu and   
                   Jin Qian and   
                 Yueyang Wu and   
                Shaowei Yan and   
                Yongting Ni and   
                  Guangjin Yang   A VIKOR-Based Sequential Three-Way
                                  Classification Ranking Method  . . . . . ??
       Rajamanickam Yuvaraj and   
              Shivam Chadha and   
           A. Amalin Prince and   
              M. Murugappan and   
        Md. Sakib Bin Islam and   
  Md. Shaheenur Islam Sumon and   
       Muhammad E. H. Chowdhury   A Machine Learning Framework for
                                  Classroom EEG Recording Classification:
                                  Unveiling Learning-Style Patterns  . . . ??
        Farah Anishah Zaini and   
       Mohamad Fani Sulaima and   
Intan Azmira Wan Abdul Razak and   
      Mohammad Lutfi Othman and   
                 Hazlie Mokhlis   Improved Bacterial Foraging Optimization
                                  Algorithm with Machine Learning-Driven
                                  Short-Term Electricity Load Forecasting:
                                  a Case Study in Peninsular Malaysia  . . ??
              Shengpei Zhou and   
              Nanfeng Zhang and   
                   Qin Duan and   
               Jinchao Xiao and   
                  Jingfeng Yang   Automatic Scheduling Method for Customs
                                  Inspection Vehicle Relocation Based on
                                  Automotive Electronic Identification and
                                  Biometric Recognition  . . . . . . . . . ??
             Sukana Zulfqar and   
              Zenab Elgamal and   
          Muhammad Azam Zia and   
               Abdul Razzaq and   
                 Sami Ullah and   
                 Hussain Dawood   ACT-FRCNN: Progress Towards
                                  Transformer-Based Object Detection . . . ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 17, Number 12, December, 2024

          H. Abarzúa and   
                    C. Melo and   
             S. E. Restrepo and   
                 S. Vergara and   
                D. Sbarbaro and   
            G. Cañas and   
                    G. Lima and   
                G. Saavedra and   
               J. Cariñe   Adaptive-Step Perturb-and-Observe
                                  Algorithm for Multidimensional Phase
                                  Noise Stabilization in Fiber-Based
                                  Multi-Arm Mach--Zehnder Interferometers  ??
        Alaa E. Abdel-Hakim and   
     Abdel-Monem M. Ibrahim and   
       Kheir Eddine Bouazza and   
                Wael Deabes and   
             Abdel-Rahman Hedar   Ellipsoidal $K$-Means: an Automatic
                                  Clustering Approach for Non-Uniform Data
                                  Distributions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Muhammad Waqas Ahmed and   
             Muhammad Adnan and   
             Muhammad Ahmed and   
              Davy Janssens and   
                 Geert Wets and   
                Afzal Ahmed and   
                     Wim Ectors   From Stationary to Nonstationary UAVs:
                                  Deep-Learning-Based Method for Vehicle
                                  Speed Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Alma Y. Alanis and   
        Gustavo Munoz-Gomez and   
           Nancy F. Ramirez and   
           Oscar D. Sanchez and   
               Jesus G. Alvarez   A Complex Network Epidemiological
                                  Approach for Infectious Disease Spread
                                  Control with Time-Varying Connections    ??
      Ali Mohammed Alsaffar and   
        Mostafa Nouri-Baygi and   
                 Hamed Zolbanin   Enhancing Intrusion Detection Systems
                                  with Dimensionality Reduction and
                                  Multi-Stacking Ensemble Techniques . . . ??
                 Vitor Anes and   
           António Abreu   A Hybrid FMEA-ROC-CoCoSo Approach for
                                  Improved Risk Assessment and Reduced
                                  Complexity in Failure Mode
                                  Prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Marco A. Arteaga and   
Evert J. Guajardo-Benavides and   
Pablo Sánchez-Sánchez   Stability Analysis and Experimental
                                  Validation of Standard
                                  Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control
                                  in Bilateral Teleoperators with
                                  Time-Varying Delays  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Talal Bonny and   
            Wafaa Al Nassan and   
            Khaled Obaideen and   
                Tamer Rabie and   
    Maryam Nooman AlMallahi and   
                    Swati Gupta   Primary Methods and Algorithms in
                                  Artificial-Intelligence-Based Dental
                                  Image Analysis: a Systematic Review  . . ??
Duby Castellanos-Cárdenas and   
            Norha L. Posada and   
 Andrés Orozco-Duque and   
Lina M. Sepúlveda-Cano and   
    Fabio Castrillón and   
           Oscar E. Camacho and   
       Rafael E. Vásquez   A Review on Data-Driven Model-Free
                                  Sliding Mode Control . . . . . . . . . . ??
   Sebastian-Josue Castillo and   
            Ferenc Izsák   Efficient Discretization of the
                                  Laplacian: Application to Moving
                                  Boundary Problems  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Zhuangzhuang Dai and   
       Vincent Gbouna Zakka and   
              Luis J. Manso and   
            Martin Rudorfer and   
          Ulysses Bernardet and   
              Johanna Zumer and   
         Manolya Kavakli-Thorne   Sensors, Techniques, and Future Trends
                                  of Human-Engagement-Enabled
                                  Applications: a Review . . . . . . . . . ??
Izabela Cristina de Oliveira and   
               Ricardo Gava and   
 Dthenifer Cordeiro Santana and   
Ana Carina da Silva Cândido Seron and   
Larissa Pereira Ribeiro Teodoro and   
       Mayara Favero Cotrim and   
  Regimar Garcia dos Santos and   
Rita de Cássia Félix Alvarez and   
Carlos Antonio da Silva Junior and   
Fábio Henrique Rojo Baio and   
          Paulo Eduardo Teodoro   Detection of Irrigated and Non-Irrigated
                                  Soybeans Using Hyperspectral Data in
                                  Machine-Learning Models  . . . . . . . . ??
              Chenyang Dong and   
                   Shiyu Xi and   
                Yinchao Che and   
              Shufeng Xiong and   
                 Xinming Ma and   
                     Lei Xi and   
                  Shuping Xiong   Single-Stage Entity-Relation Joint
                                  Extraction of Pesticide Registration
                                  Information Based on HT-BES
                                  Multi-Dimensional Labeling Strategy  . . ??
                   Sheng Du and   
                Zixin Huang and   
                     Li Jin and   
                    Xiongbo Wan   Recent Progress in Data-Driven
                                  Intelligent Modeling and Optimization
                                  Algorithms for Industrial Processes  . . ??
Francisco Espiga-Fernández and   
Álvaro García-Sánchez and   
Joaquín Ordieres-Meré   A Systematic Approach to Portfolio
                                  Optimization: a Comparative Study of
                                  Reinforcement Learning Agents, Market
                                  Signals, and Investment Horizons . . . . ??
         Hussam N. Fakhouri and   
    Mohannad S. Alkhalaileh and   
                Faten Hamad and   
            Najem N. Sirhan and   
              Sandi N. Fakhouri   Hybrid Arctic Puffin Algorithm for
                                  Solving Design Optimization Problems . . ??
            Giovanni Fasano and   
       Christian Piermarini and   
                   Massimo Roma   Issues on a 2-Dimensional Quadratic
                                  Sub-Problem and Its Applications in
                                  Nonlinear Programming: Trust-Region
                                  Methods (TRMs) and Linesearch Based
                                  Methods (LBMs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Salam Fraihat and   
             Qusai Shambour and   
     Mohammed Azmi Al-Betar and   
         Sharif Naser Makhadmeh   Variational Autoencoders-Based Algorithm
                                  for Multi-Criteria Recommendation
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Gianpaolo Ghiani and   
           Gianluca Solazzo and   
                  Gianluca Elia   Integrating Large Language Models and
                                  Optimization in Semi- Structured
                                  Decision Making: Methodology and a Case
                                  Study  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Tao Han and   
                Tingting Li and   
               Quanzeng Liu and   
               Yourui Huang and   
                  Hongping Song   A Multi-Strategy Improved Honey Badger
                                  Algorithm for Engineering Design
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Chih-Chiang Hong   Advanced Dynamic Vibration Control
                                  Algorithms of Materials Terfenol-D
                                  Si$_3$N$_4$ and SUS304
                                  Plates/Cylindrical Shells with Velocity
                                  Feedback Control Law . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Md Helal Hossen and   
              Daniel Gibney and   
           Sharma V. Thankachan   Text Indexing for Faster Gapped Pattern
                                  Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Akichy Adon Jean Rodrigue Kanda and   
     Amanvon Ferdinand Atta and   
Zacrada Françoise Odile Trey and   
               Michel Babri and   
              Ahmed Dooguy Kora   Anchor-Based Method for Inter-Domain
                                  Mobility Management in Software-Defined
                                  Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Ioannis Kavouras and   
             Ioannis Rallis and   
              Dimitra Zouli and   
            Emmanuel Sardis and   
   Eftychios Protopapadakis and   
        Anastasios Doulamis and   
              Nikolaos Doulamis   A Dilemma-Based Learning-to-Rank
                                  Approach for Generative Design in Urban
                                  Architectural Regeneration . . . . . . . ??
                Yuta Kawano and   
           Koichi Kobayashi and   
                  Yuh Yamashita   Linear Matrix Inequality-Based Design of
                                  Structured Sparse Feedback Controllers
                                  for Sensor and Actuator Networks . . . . ??
        Farshad Khodamoradi and   
            Javad Rezazadeh and   
                    John Ayoade   Accurate Indoor Localization with IoT
                                  Devices and Advanced Fingerprinting
                                  Methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Yong Han Kim and   
                     Wei Ye and   
               Ritbik Kumar and   
                  Finn Bail and   
               Julia Dvorak and   
                Yanchao Tan and   
            Marvin Carl May and   
                 Qing Chang and   
         Ragu Athinarayanan and   
               Gisela Lanza and   
         John W. Sutherland and   
                  Xingyu Li and   
                   Chandra Nath   Unlocking the Potential of
                                  Remanufacturing Through Machine Learning
                                  and Data-Driven Models --- a Survey  . . ??
              Kalina Kitova and   
                Ivan Ivanov and   
                 Vincent Hooper   Stroke Dataset Modeling: Comparative
                                  Study of Machine Learning Classification
                                  Methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
   Despoina Konstantopoulou and   
         Paraskevi Zacharia and   
      Michail Papoutsidakis and   
           Helen C. Leligou and   
         Charalampos Patrikakis   GAGAN: Enhancing Image Generation
                                  Through Hybrid Optimization of Genetic
                                  Algorithms and Deep Convolutional
                                  Generative Adversarial Networks  . . . . ??
               Elia Kouzari and   
               Ioannis Stamelos   A Tertiary Study for Process Mining  . . ??
         Gerasim V. Krivovichev   Stability Optimization of Explicit
                                  Runge--Kutta Methods with Higher-Order
                                  Derivatives  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Mehmet Küçükmehmetoglu and   
               Yasin Fahjan and   
       Muhammed Ziya Paköz   Handling Exponentially Growing
                                  Strategies in Spatial Cooperative Games:
                                  The Case of the European Union . . . . . ??
           Filippo Lagan\`a and   
       Salvatore A. Pullano and   
          Giovanni Angiulli and   
                  Mario Versaci   Optimized Analytical-Numerical Procedure
                                  for Ultrasonic Sludge Treatment for
                                  Agricultural Use . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Fei Lai and   
                  Chaoqun Huang   Balancing Safety and Comfort: a Novel
                                  Automatic Braking Control Method Using
                                  Seventh-Degree Polynomials . . . . . . . ??
        Carla Lázaro and   
                 Cecilio Angulo   Iterative Application of UMAP-Based
                                  Algorithms for Fully Synthetic
                                  Healthcare Tabular Data Generation . . . ??
                Yao-San Lin and   
               Hung-Yu Chen and   
             Mei-Ling Huang and   
                 Tsung-Yu Hsieh   Data Augmentation for Voiceprint
                                  Recognition Using Generative Adversarial
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Kevin Mann and   
                 Henning Fernau   Perfect Roman Domination: Aspects of
                                  Enumeration and Parameterization . . . . ??
             Alan McKendall and   
                 Yugesh Dhungel   A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the
                                  Generalized Quadratic Assignment Problem ??
         Balázs Nagy and   
        Ahmad Nader Fasseeh and   
       Jonathan D. Campbell and   
  Zoltán Kaló and   
       Kareem Ahmed El-Fass and   
                   Rok Hren and   
         Bertalan Németh   Tradeoffs When Building and Running
                                  Cohort and Patient-Level Markov
                                  Simulation Models  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Naveed Naimipour and   
             Shahin Khobahi and   
        Mojtaba Soltanalian and   
               Haleh Safavi and   
                  Harry C. Shaw   Unfolded Algorithms for Deep Phase
                                  Retrieval  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Inzamam Mashood Nasir and   
                Sara Tehsin and   
      Robertas Damasevicius and   
              Rytis Maskeliunas   Integrating Explanations into CNNs by
                                  Adopting Spiking Attention Block for
                                  Skin Cancer Detection  . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Rym Nassih and   
              Abdelaziz Berrado   A Random PRIM Based Algorithm for
                                  Interpretable Classification and
                                  Advanced Subgroup Discovery  . . . . . . ??
                   Libero Nigro   Verifying Mutual Exclusion Algorithms
                                  with Non-Atomic Registers  . . . . . . . ??
                  Yuxin Pan and   
              Yinsheng Chen and   
                 Xihong Fei and   
                  Kang Wang and   
                  Tian Fang and   
                      Jing Wang   Intelligent Fault Diagnosis for Rotating
                                  Mechanical Systems: an Improved
                                  Multiscale Fuzzy Entropy and Support
                                  Vector Machine Algorithm . . . . . . . . ??
           Harris Papadakis and   
      Paraskevi Fragopoulou and   
            Costas Panagiotakis   Applying Recommender Systems to Predict
                                  Personalized Film Age Ratings for
                                  Parents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Antonios Parasyris and   
        Vassiliki Metheniti and   
        George Alexandrakis and   
      Georgios V. Kozyrakis and   
           Nikolaos A. Kampanis   Data Assimilated Atmospheric Forecasts
                                  for Digital Twin of the Ocean
                                  Applications: a Case Study in the South
                                  Aegean, Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         George Raftopoulos and   
           Gregory Davrazos and   
             Sotiris Kotsiantis   Fair and Transparent Student Admission
                                  Prediction Using Machine Learning Models ??
        Md. Mahfuzur Rahman and   
           Sunzida Siddique and   
               Marufa Kamal and   
        Rakib Hossain Rifat and   
             Kishor Datta Gupta   UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle): Diverse
                                  Applications of UAV Datasets in
                                  Segmentation, Classification, Detection,
                                  and Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Saeed Ur Rehman and   
                  Anwar Ali and   
          Adil Mehmood Khan and   
                 Cynthia Okpala   Human Activity Recognition: a
                                  Comparative Study of Validation Methods
                                  and Impact of Feature Extraction in
                                  Wearable Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
 Diego Saldaña-Ulloa and   
      Guillermo De Ita Luna and   
     J. Raymundo Marcial-Romero   A Temporal Graph Network Algorithm for
                                  Detecting Fraudulent Transactions on
                                  Online Payment Platforms . . . . . . . . ??
             Mudassir Shams and   
              Bruno Carpentieri   Computational Analysis of Parallel
                                  Techniques for Nonlinear Biomedical
                                  Engineering Problems . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Lei Sheng and   
               Honghui Chen and   
                   Xiliang Chen   A Multi-Agent Centralized Strategy
                                  Gradient Reinforcement Learning
                                  Algorithm Based on State Transition  . . ??
  Pablo Solano-López and   
             Jorge Saavedra and   
             Raúl Molina   Exploratory Study of a Green Function
                                  Based Solver for Nonlinear Partial
                                  Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . ??
     Miguel Solarte-Sanchez and   
      David Marquez-Viloria and   
Andrés E. Castro-Ospina and   
           Erick Reyes-Vera and   
     Neil Guerrero-Gonzalez and   
           Juan Botero-Valencia   $m$-QAM Receiver Based on Data Stream
                                  Spectral Clustering for Optical Channels
                                  Dominated by Nonlinear Phase Noise . . . ??
          Oleksandr Syzonov and   
        Stefania Tomasiello and   
                 Nicola Capuano   New Insights into Fuzzy Genetic
                                  Algorithms for Optimization Problems . . ??
                Haitao Tian and   
                  Pierre Payeur   Unsupervised Temporal Adaptation in
                                  Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition  ??
                    Li Wang and   
                  Feng Chen and   
                   Yujia Hu and   
               Zhiyao Zheng and   
                    Kexin Zhang   Disassembly of Distribution Transformers
                                  Based on Multimodal Data Recognition and
                                  Collaborative Processing . . . . . . . . ??
                  Chun Xiao and   
                  Qiong Cao and   
                   Yulu Ren and   
                   Xiaoqing Han   Optimization of Distribution Network
                                  Current Protection for Inverter-Based
                                  Distributed Power Access . . . . . . . . ??
            Jianqiang Zhang and   
                Renyao Chen and   
                Shengwen Li and   
                 Tailong Li and   
                       Hong Yao   MGKGR: Multimodal Semantic Fusion for
                                  Geographic Knowledge Graph
                                  Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Shengpei Zhou and   
              Nanfeng Zhang and   
                   Qin Duan and   
               Xiaosong Liu and   
               Jinchao Xiao and   
                    Li Wang and   
                  Jingfeng Yang   Monitoring and Analyzing Driver
                                  Physiological States Based on Automotive
                                  Electronic Identification and Multimodal
                                  Biometric Recognition Methods  . . . . . ??
               Ruihong Zhou and   
              Baokang Xiang and   
                    Long Wu and   
                   Yanli Hu and   
                 Litong Dou and   
                  Kaifeng Huang   Research on Intelligent Identification
                                  Method for Pantograph Positioning and
                                  Skateboard Structural Anomalies Based on
                                  Improved YOLO v8 Algorithm . . . . . . . ??
                 Hugo Zupan and   
             Niko Herakovic and   
                 Janez Zerovnik   A Robust Heuristics for the Online Job
                                  Shop Scheduling Problem  . . . . . . . . ??

Algorithms ({Basel})
Volume 18, Number 1, January, 2025

Waleed Mohamed Abd-Elhameed and   
              Ramy M. Hafez and   
                Anna Napoli and   
               Ahmed Gamal Atta   A New Generalized Chebyshev Matrix
                                  Algorithm for Solving Second-Order and
                                  Telegraph Partial Differential Equations 
Abiel Aguilar-González and   
      Alejandro Medina Santiago   Ego-Motion Estimation for Autonomous
                                  Vehicles Based on Genetic Algorithms and
                                  CUDA Parallel Processing . . . . . . . . 
               Salar Babaei and   
              Mehran Khalaj and   
          Mehdi Keramatpour and   
                  Ramin Enayati   Multi-Objective Optimization for Green
                                  BTS Site Selection in Telecommunication
                                  Networks Using NSGA-II and MOPSO . . . . 
             Paolo Di Barba and   
        Arash Ghafoorinejad and   
    Maria Evelina Mognaschi and   
          Fabrizio Dughiero and   
             Michele Forzan and   
               Elisabetta Sieni   Optimal Multi-Physics Synthesis of a
                                  Dual-Frequency Power Inductor Using Deep
                                  Neural Networks and Gaussian Process
                                  Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Guillermo Barragan and   
       Sebastian Atarihuana and   
                Edgar Cando and   
                 Victor Hidalgo   Enhancing Hydraulic Efficiency of Pelton
                                  Turbines Through Computational Fluid
                                  Dynamics and Metaheuristic Optimization  
                  Nabil Belacel   A Closest Resemblance Classifier with
                                  Feature Interval Learning and Outranking
                                  Measures for Improved Performance  . . . 
        Georgios Bouchouras and   
             Konstantinos Kotis   Integrating Artificial Intelligence,
                                  Internet of Things, and Sensor-Based
                                  Technologies: a Systematic Review of
                                  Methodologies in Autism Spectrum
                                  Disorder Detection . . . . . . . . . . . 
         Ana Calzada-Garcia and   
           Juan G. Victores and   
Francisco J. Naranjo-Campos and   
                Carlos Balaguer   A Review on Inverse Kinematics, Control
                                  and Planning for Robotic Manipulators
                                  With and Without Obstacles via Deep
                                  Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Jesica de Armas and   
José A. Moreno-Pérez   A Survey on Variable Neighborhood Search
                                  for Sustainable Logistics  . . . . . . . 
  Mateus Martinez de Lucena and   
       Josafat Leal Ribeiro and   
             Matheus Wagner and   
Antônio Augusto Fröhlich   Multi-Component Temporal-Correlation
                                  Seismic Data Compression Algorithm Based
                                  on the PCA and DWT . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Jian Ding and   
                     Yun Yi and   
               Tinghua Wang and   
                       Tao Tian   Fire Video Recognition Based on Local
                                  and Global Adaptive Enhancement  . . . . 
                  Dong Ding and   
             Zhengrong Deng and   
                       Rui Yang   YOLO-TC: an Optimized Detection Model
                                  for Monitoring Safety-Critical Small
                                  Objects in Tower Crane Operations  . . . 
           Alexandre Dolgui and   
              David Lemoine and   
   María I. Restrepo and   
                   Frank Werner   Special Issue on Scheduling Theory and
                                  Algorithms for Sustainable Manufacturing 
     Efthyvoulos Drousiotis and   
           Alessandro Varsi and   
      Alexander M. Phillips and   
              Simon Maskell and   
               Paul G. Spirakis   A Massively Parallel SMC Sampler for
                                  Decision Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Eduardo Esquivel-Cruz and   
 Francisco Beltran-Carbajal and   
         Ivan Rivas-Cambero and   
José Humberto Arroyo-Núñez and   
         Ruben Tapia-Olvera and   
                 Daniel Guillen   Hybrid Empirical and Variational Mode
                                  Decomposition of Vibratory Signals . . . 
               Zhijian Fang and   
                  Xiang Gao and   
             Huaxiong Zhang and   
              Jingpeng Tang and   
                      Qiang Gao   Application Layer Protocol
                                  Identification Method Based on ResNet    
                  Wang Feng and   
                 Sihai Tang and   
               Shengze Wang and   
                    Ying He and   
                Donger Chen and   
                  Qing Yang and   
                        Song Fu   Characterizing Perception Deep Learning
                                  Algorithms and Applications for
                                  Vehicular Edge Computing . . . . . . . . 
              Jochen Garcke and   
            Steffen Ruttscheidt   Finite Differences on Sparse Grids for
                                  Continuous-Time Heterogeneous Agent
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Mohammad Kazem Ghorbani and   
      Nasser Talebbeydokhti and   
          Hossein Hamidifar and   
            Mehrshad Samadi and   
              Michael Nones and   
       Fatemeh Rezaeitavabe and   
             Shabnam Heidarifar   Application of Multi-Criteria
                                  Decision-Making Models for Assessment of
                                  Education Quality in Water Resources
                                  Engineering  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Antonio Grieco and   
         Pierpaolo Caricato and   
                Paolo Margiotta   Algorithmic Advances for 1.5-Dimensional
                                  Two-Stage Cutting Stock Problem  . . . . 
                  Qiang Guo and   
                  Fenghe Li and   
                Hengwen Liu and   
                        Jin Guo   Anomaly Detection and Root Cause
                                  Analysis for Energy Consumption of
                                  Medium and Heavy Plate: a Novel Method
                                  Based on Bayesian Neural Network with
                                  Adam Variational Inference . . . . . . . 
                 Alaa Hamed and   
                Arabi Keshk and   
                   Anas Youssef   A Lexicon-Based Framework for Mining and
                                  Analysis of Arabic Comparative Sentences 
   Ulises Hernandez-Venegas and   
   Jesus Hernandez-Barragan and   
        Irene Gomez Jimenez and   
   Gabriel Martinez-Soltero and   
                 Alma Y. Alanis   Vertex-Weighted Consensus-Based
                                  Formation Control with Area Constraints
                                  and Collision Avoidance  . . . . . . . . 
                Gazi Husain and   
               Daniel Nasef and   
                Rejath Jose and   
             Jonathan Mayer and   
          Molly Bekbolatova and   
             Timothy Devine and   
                     Milan Toma   SMOTE vs. SMOTEENN: a Study on the
                                  Performance of Resampling Algorithms for
                                  Addressing Class Imbalance in Regression
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
             Pavel Ilyushin and   
               Boris Papkov and   
          Aleksandr Kulikov and   
              Konstantin Suslov   Algorithm and Methods for Analyzing
                                  Power Consumption Behavior of Industrial
                                  Enterprises Considering Process
                                  Characteristics  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
     Manolya Kavakli-Thorne and   
               Zhuangzhuang Dai   AI Algorithms for Positive Change in
                                  Digital Futures  . . . . . . . . . . . . 
            Muhammad Adnan Khan   Special Issue ``Algorithms for Feature
                                  Selection (2nd Edition)''  . . . . . . . 
               Hyundong Kim and   
                Soobin Kwak and   
            Moumni Mohammed and   
             Seungyoon Kang and   
                Seokjun Ham and   
                    Junseok Kim   An Efficient and Accurate Adaptive
                                  Time-Stepping Method for the
                                  Landau--Lifshitz Equation  . . . . . . . 
       Ajay D. Kshemkalyani and   
                 Anshuman Misra   Impossibility Results for
                                  Byzantine-Tolerant State Observation,
                                  Synchronization, and Graph Computation
                                  Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
               Hugo M. Leal and   
          Ramiro S. Barbosa and   
                Isabel S. Jesus   Control of a Mobile Line-Following Robot
                                  Using Neural Networks  . . . . . . . . . 
                  Hongyu Li and   
                   Lei Chen and   
                 Jian Zhang and   
                        Muxi Li   A Multi-Surrogate Assisted Multi-Tasking
                                  Optimization Algorithm for
                                  High-Dimensional Expensive Problems  . . 
                Binglin Liu and   
                Weijia Zeng and   
               Weijiang Liu and   
                    Yi Peng and   
                       Nini Yao   AI-Enhanced Design and Application of
                                  High School Geography Field Studies in
                                  China: a Case Study of the Yellow
                                  (Bohai) Sea Migratory Bird Habitat
                                  Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                  Botao Liu and   
                Changqi Shi and   
                      Ming Zhao   MSEANet: Multi-Scale Selective Edge
                                  Aware Network for Polyp Segmentation . . 
               Tzu-Hsin Liu and   
                 He-Yao Hsu and   
                   Fu-Min Chang   Multi-Server Two-Way Communication
                                  Retrial Queue Subject to Disaster and
                                  Synchronous Working Vacation . . . . . . 
                Binglin Liu and   
                    Qian Li and   
               Zhihua Zheng and   
               Yanjia Huang and   
              Shuguang Deng and   
             Qiongxiu Huang and   
                   Weijiang Liu   A Review of Multi-Source Data Fusion and
                                  Analysis Algorithms in Smart City
                                  Construction: Facilitating Real Estate
                                  Management and Urban Optimization  . . . 
               Dongfang Mao and   
                 Haojie Lin and   
                     Xuyang Lou   Fingerprinting Indoor Positioning Based
                                  on Improved Sequential Deep Learning . . 
             Davide Martinenghi   Parallelizing the Computation of Grid
                                  Resistance to Measure the Strength of
                                  Skyline Tuples . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
      Nidia Mendoza-Andrade and   
         Efrain Ruiz-y-Ruiz and   
           Suemi Rodriguez-Romo   Solution Algorithms for the Capacitated
                                  Location Tree Problem with
                                  Interconnections . . . . . . . . . . . . 
          Mithila Akter Mim and   
               M. R. Khatun and   
    Muhammad Minoar Hossain and   
             Wahidur Rahman and   
                   Arslan Munir   Exploring Early Learning Challenges in
                                  Children Utilizing Statistical and
                                  Explainable Machine Learning . . . . . . 
                    Dong Mo and   
                  Qiuwen Li and   
                    Yan Sun and   
                 Yixin Zhuo and   
                  Fangming Deng   Design of a New Energy Microgrid
                                  Optimization Scheduling Algorithm Based
                                  on Improved Grey Relational Theory . . . 
                    Dong Mo and   
                  Qiuwen Li and   
                    Yan Sun and   
                 Yixin Zhuo and   
                  Fangming Deng   Multi-Objective Optimization Scheduling
                                  of a Wind-Solar Energy Storage Microgrid
                                  Based on an Improved OGGWO Algorithm . . 
          Iftikhar Muhammad and   
                Marco Rospocher   On Assessing the Performance of LLMs for
                                  Target-Level Sentiment Analysis in
                                  Financial News Headlines . . . . . . . . 
            Massimo Pacella and   
               Antonio Papa and   
           Gabriele Papadia and   
                Emiliano Fedeli   A Scalable Framework for Sensor Data
                                  Ingestion and Real-Time Processing in
                                  Cloud Manufacturing  . . . . . . . . . . 
                Tingzhe Pan and   
                    Jue Hou and   
                    Xin Jin and   
                    Chao Li and   
                 Xinlei Cai and   
                  Xiaodong Zhou   Differentially Private Clustered
                                  Federated Load Prediction Based on the
                                  Louvain Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . 
                Yulong Qiao and   
                  Zixing Wu and   
                 Qian Zhang and   
                     Qin Xu and   
                         Ge Jin   Optimal Design of One-Sided Exponential
                                  Adaptive EWMA Scheme Based on Median Run
                                  Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
              Mohamed Shili and   
              Salah Hammedi and   
                Mahmoud Elkhodr   Spatial Intelligence in E-Commerce:
                                  Integrating Mobile Agents with GISs for
                                  a Dynamic Recommendation System  . . . . 
                 Weixian Su and   
                   Donglin Jing   DDL R-CNN: Dynamic Direction Learning
                                  R-CNN for Rotated Object Detection . . . 
               Zhaohui Wang and   
                 Meng Zhang and   
             Shanqing Liang and   
                  Shuang Yu and   
            Chengchun Zhang and   
                       Sheng Du   A Multi-Objective Path-Planning Approach
                                  for Multi-Scenario Urban Mobility Needs  
               Xinhong Zeng and   
                 Yongxiang Wang   Analysis and Simulation of Polishing
                                  Robot Operation Trajectory Planning  . . 
                   Xu Zhang and   
               Xiaojun Kang and   
                   Hong Yao and   
                     Lijun Dong   Measuring the Inferential Values of
                                  Relations in Knowledge Graphs  . . . . . 
                 Jing Zhang and   
                Xiaokai Zhu and   
                    Te Chen and   
                     Guowei Dou   Optimal Dynamics Control in Trajectory
                                  Tracking of Industrial Robots Based on
                                  Adaptive Gaussian Pseudo-Spectral
                                  Algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
                     Ke Zhu and   
                Donghui Luo and   
              Zhengzheng Fu and   
                Zhihang Xue and   
                   Xianghang Bu   Grounding Grid Electrical Impedance
                                  Imaging Method Based on an Improved
                                  Conditional Generative Adversarial
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
        Ntandoyenkosi Zungu and   
             Peter Olukanmi and   
                 Pitshou Bokoro   SynthSecureNet: an Improved Deep
                                  Learning Architecture with Application
                                  to Intelligent Violence Detection  . . .