guesslang Attempts to set the @language of given root chunks. Note: Currently only inspects '#!' lines, not filename. inheritlang Propagates @language to non-root chunks. enscript-html Uses enscript(1) to pretty-print chunks in HTML according to @language. Most useful enscript flags include --color and --style=... Note: Should ultimately work with all languages supported by enscript, but needs extra info about how to mangle @use clauses. If it complains "Don't know how to mangle @use" for your language, you can edit mangle_use() and demangle_use() to turn the @use clause into a meaningfull language clause, and then convert back in @use form. Note: Supports all highlighting styles of enscript 1.6.4, but the regexp in demangle_use() may need to be adapted in the future. Typical use lokks like: noweave -html \ -filter "guesslang ${NOWEBOUTSRC} | inheritlang | enscript-html" \ -x Be sure to specify -x or possibly other filters *after* the -filter, since the pretty-printer does not preserve the position of remaining directives (esp. @xref) within code chunks. Sample output is viewable at