Administrative notes for CTAN upload: - The distribution contains 7 .bbl files, which are there to enable users to build documentation or examples. - The distribution contains many files with duplicate basenames, e.g., noidx.nw, noindex.nw, noroots.nw, and so on. These different files have identical basenames because they provide identical functionality on different platforms, or because they provide documentation of that functionality. For example, src/awk/noindex.nw Index building on Unix using Awk src/icon/noindex.nw Index building on Unix using Icon contrib/rsc/rc/noindex.nw Index building using the Plan 9 shell RC xdoc/noindex.nw Man page for index building None of these files is ever exposed to kpathsea or to TeX, so name clashes should not be a problem. - The distribution includes TeX source for two papers about Noweb: a 1991 technical report and a 1993 submission to IEEE Software. Both .tex files refer to information that is no longer current, including the obsolete FTP server Because the intent of the distribution is to provide interested readers with access to these documents as they were published, these references will not be changed.