INSTALL for LuaTeX Snapshots ========================================================= The snapshot code is NOT stable, it may not even compile properly! Features that are present today may be gone in tomorrow. There ARE bugs. You should NOT use this program for ANYTHING except testing! ========================================================= This distribution is essentially a stripped-down version of the TeXlive distribution with some additional libraries. All source code is in the directory source; the scripts will generate and populate a directory build. The actual code of luaTeX is in source/texk/web2c/luatexdir and its subdirectories. * builds a native luatex on your system * --ppc crosscompiles for osx-ppx from osx-intel * --mingw crosscompiles luatex for mingw32 on i686-linux LuaTeX does not need a run-time pool file, and it locates texmf.cnf based on its relative position in the TeX tree. Post-compilation installation should be a simple matter of copying the executable to a normal place for web2c binaries and generating the desired formats. You may want to install the executable under the names 'texlua' and 'texluac' as well (create a copy or symlink) =========================================================