This file contains a quick bullet list of changes and improvements to the gatech-thesis pacakge. For more detail, see the CHANGES file, or for the super neurotic, the extremely detailed ChangeLog file. ______________ version 1.8 ________________ NEW FEATURES: * The abstract environment now produces a page that meets the UMI requirements. It should be placed at the very end of the main .tex file. Delete the page (or comment out the environment and recompile) when preparing the PDF for submission as an ETD. CHANGES: * Minor changes to Table of Contents format. * Bugfix for hyperref and overpic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ version 1.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ______________ version 1.7 ________________ NEW FEATURES: * Now supports using the word Dissertation on the title page in place of Thesis as well as listing the major instead of the department in the "[degree] in [major]" portion of the title page. CHANGES: * Minor changes to Table of Contents format, title page formatting, and chapter title formating. Significant changes to approval page. New command \approveddate{} for the date that should show on the approval page as well as two optional arguments to all the commands for committee members, allowing the affiliation to be specified. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ version 1.7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ______________ version 1.6 ________________ NEW FEATURES: * Now supports downloadable patchsets. Rather than updating then entire distro every time there's a minor bugfix, you can simply download a small patchfile and copy it into your localtexmf tree. CHANGES: * Fix nits with TOC format, Table and Figure caption format, oneandahalfspaced linespacing, and Vita format. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ version 1.6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ______________ version 1.5 ________________ NEW FEATURES: * NEW FILE: gatech-thesis-losa.sty (supports making a list of symbols). * NEW FILE: COMPLIANCE document is a blow-by-blow commentary on the OGS Style Manual and how it is implemented by the gatech-thesis class. CHANGES: * gatech-thesis-gloss.sty: Now used to generate a Glossary, as distinguished from the List of Symbols. * caption labels -- the 'Figure X:' part is now bold, san serif. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ version 1.5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ______________ version 1.4 ________________ NEW FEATURES: * NEW FILE: gatech-thesis-index.sty (supports making an index). Read the comments at the top of the file for HOWTO info. * NEW FILE: (used with above) * NEW FILE: gatech-thesis-gloss.sty (supports making a glossary -- or "list of symbols and abbreviations" in OGS parlance.) Read the comments at the top of the file for HOWTO info. * NEW FILE: gatech-thesis.bst (style for bibliographies). Based on ieeetr.bst, but sorted and smallcapifies author names. Do \bibliographystyle{gatech-thesis} instead of {plain} to use. * Multivolume Thesis support. CHANGES: * Changed the style of the section, subsection, and subsubsection headings * Signature page now has two columns if more than 4 signatories (per new OGS Guidelines). Also, signature page should not be numbered. * Obey new OGS pagenumbering guidelines that require bottom-center. * Dedication page: text is automatically centered, per OGS requirements. * Table of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables: new OGS guidelines say "single space entries, double space between entries." We obey. * Reorganized the examples BUGFIX: * Fixed a bug with \include'ing the final section of the document * Technical bugfix with gtthesis pagestyle and sectionless chapters. Fortunately, nobody uses that pagestyle for official copies. * gatech-thesis.cls now depends on the base package 'calc' * Incorporates with permission code from David Carlisle (\@removefromreset) * Minor fixups for two-sided printing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ version 1.4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ______________ version 1.3 ________________ baseline.