Installation instructions for text2bib PHP script ================================================= Note ---- This software is supplied without any warranty whatsoever. In particular, it is not guaranteed to be free of security holes. If you make the software available to third parties via a webserver, you are liable for any damage to the server caused by those third parties. Files ----- README INSTALL (this file) COPYING (GPL license) (defines bibtex object and conversion class, containing the method convertToBibtex, which does the main work, and formBibtex, which creates the bibtex file (and several auxiliary methods)) How to install -------------- Put the files in a directory. Create a PHP file containing the following text: -----------------%<--------------------- include(""); // Following lines are examples. See for all possibilities. $labelStyle = 'short'; $overrideLabels = true; $lineEndings = 'w'; $verbose = 1; $debug = 0; $itemSeparator = 'cr'; $percentComment = 1; $convert = new Convert($labelStyle, $overrideLabels, $lineEndings, $verbose, $debug, $itemSeparator, $percentComment); $items = $convert->convertToBibtex($filename); $outputstring = $convert->formBibtex($items); -----------------%<--------------------- Finally, display $outputstring in some way, or write it to a file. Martin J. Osborne 2007-12-21