LaTeX-Template for Inline Images ================================ If you want your document to be self contained, you might want to decare inline images in base64 encoding. Just use: \usepackage{inline-images} … \inlineimg{}{} This creates a file `.base64` containning a copy of the raw image data, then a sytsem shell is executed to convert the raw data to the binary image and a file `` is created, which is then include in your document. **Note:** The LaTeX compiler must be able to execute system commands, so option `--shell-escape` is required. **Note:** It is desiged for Unix systems and it requires the command line tool `base64` installed. Compilation calls `base64 -d .img.base64 > .img`. Example ======= This [example code]: ```latex \documentclass[a5]{article} \usepackage[paperwidth=6cm,paperheight=4cm]{geometry} \usepackage{inline-images} \newcommand{\img}{iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAMgAAADIC … BQ8f/JOcTkviE7+QAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==} \begin{document} \inlineimg{example.png}{\img} © 2018 Marc Wäckerlin \end{document} ``` After compilation: xelatex --shell-escape -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode example.tex Results in this [example document]: ![example screenshot](screenshots/example.jpg) Need More ========= If you are missing a feature or a configuration option, consult the [project] page. Just open a [ticket] and the [author] will care about it. Or extend it, it's [lgpl]. [example code]: screenshots/screenshot.tex "screenshot of the example document" [example document]: examples/example.pdf "full example document" [ticket]: "open issues and tickets for my LaTeX-templates project" [author]: https://marc.wä "Marc Wäckerlin" [project]: "the main project page" [lgpl]: "Library GNU Public License"