pstricks-add redefines a lot of the pstricks macros. # # Do not load another PSTricks related package after pstricks-add!! # pstricks-add collects a lot of the code which was posted to the pstricks mailing list and has some more new features: - pstricks o random dots O braces o define and calculate colors on PS side o Gouraud shading o braces as node connection/linestyle o line style bar o lines, drawn "by hand" o arrows, arrows, arrows, ... - pst-plot o new syntax for \psplot and \psparametricplot o new macro psTangentLine o new macro psplotTangent o new macro psplotDiffEqn - pst-node o new option lineAngle for ncdiag o new macros for interpolation nodes and linear combination of two vectors o new macro ncbarr (line with 5 segments) : the prolog file for pstricks-add pstricks-add-doc.tex: the included doc file Save the files pstricks-add.sty|pro|tex in a directory, which is part of your local TeX tree. The pro file should go into $TEXMF/dvips/pstricks/ Then do not forget to run texhash to update this tree. For more information see the documentation of your LaTeX distribution on installing packages into your local TeX system. %% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms %% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives %% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.