NOTE: Much of this information and code is now obselete, since robust EPSF postscript can be obtained from many Mac applications (such as canvas and photoshop.) With system 7, Postscript can often be routed to a file using a dialog box option rather than cmd-F/K. ===================================================================== ===================================================================== Tips on redirecting Mac postscript (when there is no "Save as...EPSF") 1) How to capture a figure and the LaserPrep prolog into a disk file: Many different methods exist to appempt to do this, some of which As of this writing, it is possible to convince MacDraw to place a Postscript description of a figure in a file rather than sending it directly to a LaserWriter by hitting clover-F immediately after clicking `OK' on the print dialog box. The file is always called `PostScript' and is left in the folder MacDraw was started in. Use a communications program to move the file over to the host on which TeX is running. MacDraw creates a output file in the form of `QuickDraw' calls, which are interpreted as a set of PostScript procedures. These procedures are defined in what we call the Macintosh LaserPrep prolog, which must be downloaded before Macintosh figures are sent to the printer. By using clover-K rather than clover-F in the key sequence above both the prolog and figure will be captured in the PostScript file. The prolog can be extracted by hand-editing out the portion of the clover-K file not also present in the clover-F file. You need to always make sure that you keep a version of the prolog that was resident in the Mac when the figures was generated, since the prolog is usually not backward compatible. E.g. figures which rely on laseprep version 68 will not print using laserprep verion 70. (Thanks Apple!) 2) Make the postscript suitible for including as an encapsulated postscript figure. Unfortunately, the postscript produced by most versions of the LaserWriter driver is not well suited to be included directly as a psfig figure. Most versions of the LaserPrep do not include an accurate bounding box comment in the PostScript files they produce; figures created by these systems will have to have their bounding box added by hand. "" is often useful for determining the bounding box of a figure. The "cleanfig" shell script adds a default bounding box, removes nasty "%%EOF" lines, converts CF-LF (useful for files that have been moved across appletalk), and strips away downloaded fonts. NOTE: fonts are stripped by the cleanfig program because I found that my documents were crashing on figures that were downloading fonts that were already printer-resident. Cleanfig will remove all fonts, so if you are using non-resident fonts in your figures you will have to modify cleanfig to not stip out the downloading of those fonts. 3) Make sure the Laserprep prolog is loaded in the printer before printing your document. Other Macintoshes will often automatically download the Laserprep code into the printer whenever access the printer and find it does not have the code already downloaded. The laserprep prolog can be manually sent down by either by prepending it using /bin/cat: cat | lpr or with the dvips special header command at the top of your latex file: \special{header=lprep70.procs} The only difference between the ".pro" and ".procs" version is what structuring comments are included. The ".procs" version works well as the argument to a \special{header=..} within dvips (e.g. it will preview correctly under NeWS). 4) Good luck! (you may need it.) "macdemo.tex" containts a test document that including four version 68 mac figures. ======================================================================