input prologues:=0; beginfig(1) %begin a matlab data plot draw begingrf(5in,4in); % read in column 1 of data file "sample_data" % and store it as the 0th "data vector" in our repository rdata("sample_data", 1); % read in column 2 of data file "sample_data" % and store it as the 1st "data vector" in our repository rdata("sample_data", 2); % plot out data, using vector 0 as X values, and vector 1 as Y values % well, we have to make sure that the two vectors have the same % lengths mtplot("0 1"); ylabel("sample Y label $\alpha$"); xlabel("sample X label {\bf Bold} and {\it italic} "); % do the post-processing finishgrf; legend(3, 3, "\bf column 1 and 2 of sample\_file"); endfig; end